#would it remind her of her own strained relationship with her siblings?
sarafangirlart · 2 months
kinda curious what do you think about rhea
I think she’s a pretty interesting character, I’m really fascinated by her relationship with Hera since there aren’t really any sources directly stating what their relationship is like but we do get enough to speculate.
When Zeus tried to seduce/trick Hera as a cuckoo, she says she can’t sleep with him bc of their mother (to which he says that he’ll marry her) now what did she mean by this? Did she mention their mother bc she’s shy about having sex? Bc she’s scared that Zeus won’t respect her consent so she brings up their mother? Or is it bc Rhea doesn’t approve of them together? There is a lot arguments for and against all of these and it’s fun to speculate.
There’s also the fact that Hera mentions Tethys a lot, constantly praising her foster mother while never really talking about Rhea much. There is also the fact that some sources state that Rhea raised Dionysus and that she was there to comfort Leto while giving birth. Which I’m 100% sure Hera is upset about, does she feel that her mother prefers Zeus over her?
Complex mother-daughter relationships are my shit.
I kinda don’t like when Rhea is portrayed as only trying to save Zeus, I feel like she would try to rescue all of her children ever since Hestia was eaten. After all, there are several stories about Hera and Poseidon not getting eaten.
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Please write some hsc for tmnt bayverse (all of them) when during an argument a child tells them that he hates/doesn't love them
Thanks you
They Have An Argument With Your Child
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
A/N: Time to bring Romeo, Joan, Gali and Sunny back! And with that, say hello to some of their siblings; Marcello, Dorothy and Luis💙❤️💜🧡
Warnings: Family fights.
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Leonardo would be shaken to say the least. One thing was arguing with his own brothers, finding it hard to understand how or why they wouldn’t follow his orders, but fighting with his own children was different, and absolutely horrible.
Marcello, you and Leo’s second oldest, a teenager with a fiery spirit that mirrored his father's, had clashed with Leo over what seemed like an age-old disagreement – the issue of independence and the perceived favoritism toward his older brother, Romeo. Romeo, who was just shy of reaching his adulthood, had finally been allowed to go to the surface, without any kind of supervision. Marcello had not taken too kindly to that, believing that his father had started to favor his older brother.
An argument followed soon after, where Marcello's frustration boiled over. Harsh words were exchanged, and in a moment of anger. But all of that came to a climax, when Marcello shouted at his father, as loud as he possibly could.
"I hate you!", he yelled before storming off, leaving Leo alone in the middle of the lair.
Leo stood there, the weight of Marcello's words sinking deep into his heart. Parenting had never been easy, and juggling the safety of his family with the desire for independence his children inevitably felt was a delicate balance. The sharp sting of his son's declaration left him feeling vulnerable, questioning his decisions and even his capabilities as a father.
Unable to shake the hurt from Marcello's outburst, Leonardo retreated, seeking solace in the comforting presence of the person he felt the safest with - you.
Without a word, you sensed the turmoil in Leo's eyes and opened your arms, welcoming him into an embrace. The silence spoke volumes, and Leo, allowing himself a rare vulnerability, leaned into the warmth of your embrace, his worries momentarily eased by the love and understanding that emanated from you.
As Leonardo rested his head against your shoulder, he began to recount the events leading up to the argument with Marcello. You listened with unwavering patience, offering a sympathetic ear to his concerns. The complexities of parenting in a world filled with danger and uncertainties were not lost on you, and you knew that misunderstandings were an inevitable part of the process. Your gentle words of reassurance became a lifeline for Leo, reminding him that parenting was an ongoing journey filled with challenges. Together, you explored ways to bridge the gap between father and son, recognizing that communication and compromise were the foundations of any healthy relationship.
The next day, as Romeo headed out once more, Leo took intentional steps to mend the strained relationship with Marcello. It was time for Leo to communicate and spend time with his son, in ways that went beyond training in the dojo.
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Raphael would get mad. He would feel anger towards his child, but in reality, it was all about him. He would get angry at himself, blaming the whole argument on how he handled it, and how he failed to calm his child down.
Your daughter Joan, now 18, had recently taken a significant step into adulthood by entering into a relationship with a human guy. But the news didn’t settle well with Raph. He found it hard to reconcile with the fact that his little girl was growing up and venturing into the complexities of human relationships. So the evening when Joan told you and your husband about her new boyfriend, the two of them quickly found themselves locked in a heated argument.
Raph, with a furrowed brow and a heart weighed down by the realization that he was losing his grip on his little girl, confronted Joan about her newfound connection with a human. His protective instincts flared, clouding his ability to see Joan as an independent and capable adult. Joan, however, had grown tired of being treated like a child, and in the heat of the argument, she raised her voice, declaring that Raph was stifling her growth and that her boyfriend, who saw her as an equal, understood her better than her own father. The words hung heavily in the air, leaving a bitter taste of regret and sorrow.
Raph's anger was palpable, his eyes narrowing as he struggled to comprehend the fact that his own daughter felt unloved by him. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut, and the weight of his own shortcomings as a father bore down on his broad shoulders.
Fuming and hurt, Raph stormed away from the confrontation, retreating to a secluded part of the lair. It was there that you found him, grappling with the storm of emotions that threatened to consume him. Your presence served as a balm to his wounded heart, and in the quiet sanctuary you shared, he laid bare his fears and frustrations. Your gentle words, woven with understanding and love, reminded Raph that parenthood was a constant journey of letting go. You encouraged him to see Joan not as a child who needed protection, but as a young woman capable of making her own choices and learning from her own mistakes.
In the days that followed, you played the role of mediator, facilitating a conversation between Raph and Joan. As emotions cooled, they began to see each other's perspectives more clearly. Raph, in a rare display of vulnerability, admitted his fears of losing his little girl, while Joan, in turn, acknowledged her father's love and concern.
The healing process was gradual, marked by moments of shared laughter and understanding. Raph began to see the strength and resilience that defined his daughter, while Joan appreciated the depth of her father's love, even if it was expressed in a way that clashed with her newfound independence.
Not long after that, Joan brought her boyfriend down to the lair, in order for him and Raph to meet each other. And much to both you and Joan’s relief, the two men got along great. Talking and a few times joking with each other, as they slowly got used to each other’s presence. But as Joan and her boyfriend left for his home, Raph started tearing up. His little girl was an adult now.
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The lair was unusually tense as the echoes of a recent argument lingered in the air. Donatello found himself feeling stressed and frustrated, caught in a storm of emotions after an altercation with his pre-teen son, Gali.
The source of the tension was a disciplinary moment involving Gali and his younger sister, Dorothy. Gali, in a fit of teasing, had pushed Dorothy to the point of tears. Donnie, in his role as both father and protector, had grounded Gali as a consequence for his actions, while you took care of Dorothy, comforting her in the other room. But little did Donnie anticipate the storm that would follow.
As the lair's tunnels settled into an uneasy quiet, Gali, his face contorted with a mixture of anger and frustration, confronted his father. The exchange escalated quickly, with harsh words exchanged and Gali, in a moment of youthful defiance, started shouting.
"I hate you, Dad!", he yelled, before storming off to the room Donnie had told him to go to - his room.
Donatello stood there, the weight of his son's words sinking deep into his heart. The shock of hearing such words from his own child resonated, leaving him momentarily paralyzed. However, his love and commitment to being a good father quickly kicked in, prompting him to follow his son into his room.
Upon entering Gali's space, Donnie saw his son, red-eyed and visibly upset, sitting on the bed and staring at the floor. Taking a deep breath, Donnie approached Gali with a mix of determination and concern.
"Gali", he began, his voice steady. "We need to talk".
Gali, still seething with frustration, avoided eye contact but nodded begrudgingly, letting Donnie take a seat next to him. As they sat in the dimly lit room, Donnie began talking once more.
"I know you're upset, and so am I. I care about you and Dorothy deeply, and it hurts me to see you two at odds".
Gali, feeling a mix of guilt and stubbornness, finally spoke. "I just don't get it, Dad. Why do I get grounded when she's the one crying all the time? It's not fair!"
Donnie sighed, acknowledging the complexity of parenting. "Life isn't always fair, Gali. But my job is to teach you right from wrong and help you grow into a good person. Teasing your sister to the point of tears isn't okay. It's about learning to treat each other with respect".
Gali's frustration softened, replaced by a glimmer of understanding as he reached for his knees, hugging them against his chest. "But it feels like you don't trust me", he mumbled.
Donnie, realizing the importance of addressing Gali's feelings, and how this was about much more than just the episode with Dortothy, wrapped an arm around his son, holding him close before he spoke. "It's not about trust, Gali. It's about helping you make better choices. I believe in you, and I know you can learn from this. We're a team, and I want us to work together."
A thoughtful silence filled the room as Gali absorbed his father's words, his eyes still not looking at his father..
Donnie continued. "I'm here for you, even when it seems like I'm being strict. Let's find a way to bridge the gap between us, okay?"
Gali finally looked up at his father with a small smile. “Okay”, he said before he wrapped his arms around Donnie in a hug. “Thank you, dad”.
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Given the nature of Michelangelo, he would get sad. But with his strong empathy, he would quickly realize what was going on, working to fix the problem in the best way possible.
The lair was filled with an unusual stillness, interrupted only by the soft coos of the newest addition to the family, Luis. The arrival of the baby boy had brought joy and excitement to the lair, but it also introduced a wave of change that affected every member, especially the energetic and ever-cheerful Michelangelo.
You and Mikey's sunny disposition had dimmed slightly as he navigated the challenges of balancing your time between caring for the newborn and ensuring that your oldest, 5 year old Sunny, felt just as cherished. Sunny, despite her name, found herself grappling with the stormy emotions of feeling overshadowed by her baby brother. She missed the days where she was all you and Mikey looked for, craving the attention she once held so easily.
One afternoon, while you were out on a rare girls night out, Mikey sat on the floor, playing peek-a-boo with baby Luis, he sensed a pair of angry little bright blue eyes fixed on him. Sunny stood at the entrance of the nursery, her small hands clenched into tiny fists. Her cherubic face contorted with a mix of frustration and sadness, she declared out loud; "You always play with Luis, and you don't play with me anymore, daddy!"
Mikey's expressive eyes widened, a pang of guilt hitting him square in the heart. He gently set Luis down in his crib, making his way over to Sunny, his voice laced with concern.
"Aw, Sunny, baby, I didn't mean to make you feel left out”, he said. “You're my sunshine, you know that, right?"
But Sunny, in her 5 year old wisdom, shook her head defiantly. "No, daddy, you don't love me anymore!", she exclaimed, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air.
Mikey, feeling a mix of hurt and determination, crouched down to her level. "Hey, little star, that's not true. I love you and Luis with all my heart”, he said, reaching out for her small hands. “How about we play together? You, me, and Luis - the ultimate superhero team!"
Sunny, her anger slowly giving way to curiosity, looked at her father with wide eyes. "Really?"
Mikey beamed, his signature grin returning. "Absolutely! You're my first little hero, and Luis is the newest member of our awesome team. What do you say we play together and show Luis the ropes?"
Sunny's face lit up with a bright smile, her grievances momentarily forgotten. "Okay, daddy!", she exclaimed, rushing forward to join the trio on the floor, while Mikey went to get little Luis from the crib.
And so, the nursery became a battleground for imaginary adventures and laughter. Mikey juggled the role of a playful father and referee between his two little ones, ensuring that both Sunny and Luis received equal attention and affection. Sunny, in turn, discovered the joy of being a big sister and basked in the warmth of her father's love.
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andreal831 · 6 months
Do youn think Esther loved all of her children equally and how her relation with Elijah was?
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I think Esther is a lot more of a complex character than people want her to be. It's easier if she can just be painted as an awful mother. But it is clear Esther did love her kids, all of them. Just differently. I don't think you can truly measure love in quantity, but she definitely had favorites and least favorites.
Esther loved Freya so much that losing Freya fundamentally changed who she was. She wanted to be a mother so badly that she was willing to do anything to make it happen. People often blame her more for trading Freya for the ability to have children, but don't blame Dahlia for making her own sister trade away her first child. Esther was young when she made that deal and didn't fully know what it meant. She also probably naively believed her sister wouldn't steal her child. But she loved Freya dearly.
Esther also loved Finn a great deal however their relationship grew twisted and toxic because of the loss they both shared. She essentially trauma bonded with her four year old child. Finn's trauma is rarely discussed but it is clear that his mother became his safety after losing Freya. He would do anything for her and Esther exploited this at times and even used him for emotional support. She did love Finn, but the trauma colored that love.
Elijah is her least favorite child. She basically admits it when she tells Klaus that he brought joy to their lives and made them a family again after losing Freya. She was heavily pregnant with Elijah when she lost Freya meaning Elijah's birth and multiple years of life did not bring their family joy or make them feel like a family. Although it's important to remember that while pregnant, she lost her child and moved across the ocean to a new land where she was alone with a volatile husband as this was also the period where Mikael starts becoming a bad/potentially abusive husband. I can't imagine she didn't experience some level of post-partum depression after having him. To top it off, Elijah favors Dahlia more than either of his parents. He likely reminded her of her sister and everything she had lost.
She views Elijah as more of a second parent. She expects him to always behave and keep his siblings in line. When the others step out of line, she has more sympathy for them. She offers Finn, Kol, Klaus, and Rebekah second chances in witch bodies but tortures Elijah, mocking him for what he is and that he is no longer her "noble son." We never see any exchanges between Elijah and Esther that have any type of warmth. This doesn't mean she didn't love him, but hey have a very strained/neglectful relationship.
Klaus is her favorite child. He was the only child she had with the man she truly loved. Even though Klaus seemed to get the brunt of Mikael's anger, he also gets the most protection from Esther. To the point that Finn is jealous of this attention. Klaus arguably did the absolute most vile deeds that should disgust Esther but she still showed love and compassion to him. He was the problematic child that could do no wrong.
Kol is pretty low on the ranks but still above Elijah simply because he had magic. Esther would have wanted to pass on her magic somewhere even is she wasn't truly practicing. She would have loved it but also feared it. Kol would have also driven her crazy because he was always so independent and often getting in trouble.
Rebekah has a special place in her mother's heart as the only daughter she had after losing Freya. It would have been painful at first as she looked so much like the child Esther lost, but she would have viewed it as a second chance. Rebekah always had a soft spot for Esther and losing her mother devastated her.
Henrik is pretty high at the top simply because he is the youngest. Henrik seemed to have a happy spirit from the few brief moments we see him. The baby of the family is always special. His death sent Esther into such a spiral that she created vampirism.
None of this means I think Esther is an awful mother. There are definitely terrible things she does, but at the end of it, she truly loved her children. Was she the best mother in the word, no. But we have to remember she was a young woman who was also a victim.
Thanks for the ask!
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Succession Preference: Being Their Kid
Requested: Hi!!! Could u do a roy siblings + conner (love the way u write him) with a reader who is their kid? So like a POV in an AU where reader is their kid and each of them how they'd be as parents. (Succession preference or headcanons) - anon
A/N: Thank you for requesting my love!!! Hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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Connor loves being a father. He thought his greatest life purpose was being a big brother, but really it was to be a dad to you. He loves you more than anything. Despite being oblivious sometimes, Connor is a very attentive and present dad. He goes to every school event, every game, every play, every activity. He's the parent who goes on school field trips and volunteers for every classroom activity. Raising you is the biggest blessing of his life. He spoils you rotten. He wants you to have everything. Absolutely everything. Connor tells you about your Pop-Pop and your aunt and uncles, about how they used to be a lot closer, trapped in a years-long battle. He even tells you a bit about his mother, wanting you to be as connected to her as you are your other grandparents. He doesn't know what he'll do when you leave, when you move out. He loves being your dad. You're smart and funny and you love him no matter what, no matter how awkward or clueless or loving he is. It's all he ever wanted, he knows that now, to be a dad.
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Kendall isn't very attentive. You have your younger (half?) siblings, Sophie and Iverson, and Rava is like a mother to you, but your relationship with your dad is strained. It's hard. Your mother does the best she can, and she's been trying to save you from him for as long as you can remember, but you know better. Your father didn't go to rehab until a few years ago. Before then, you mostly saw him on holidays if you were lucky and vacations. He sorta moved on, started a whole new family with Rava, and that hurts. As you grow up, you really realize that he was just a kid raising kids. He still has a lot of growing up to. You're not mad at him, you can't be. Look at the life he's lead, the people around him. No wonder he's a stifled kid. Still, you feel wronged. No matter what, he's your father. He should have stepped up to the plate. He should have taken his duties seriously. The older you get the more you understand him, his upbringing, but you're still connected to those frustrated feelings of childhood. You want him to be more present, and you hope he will be, but right now he can't be. He's fighting for a legacy he'll never have.
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Shiv is a complicated mother to have. She loves you, of course she does, but she's trapped by circumstances. She never wanted to be with your father, she never wanted to turn into her mother, but she is and she did and now you're the product. She has big hopes for you. She knows that you're smart, you're witty, you remind her a lot of herself. She never wants you fight to be heard the way she was. Never. She spent her whole life fighting and still ended up the wife of the CEO instead of CEO herself. She listens to you always. If something is unfair or unjust, if you think you deserve something or want to do something or become someone, she is always there to listen. She 100% supports you in everything you do. She doesn't want you to end up like her. She does everything she can to support you and give you all that you want so that you never feel like she did. Raising you just makes her more upset with Logan. Regardless of your gender she knows you're a capable, whole human being. Why couldn't he do the same? Why couldn't any of them?
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Roman is definitely not your biological father. You're adopted by him or he's your step-dad, something like that, but there's just no way he would biologically father a child. He likes you, you're cool. It's a learning experience for the both of you. It makes him realize just how messed up his own childhood was. He feels no want or need to hit you, to abuse you, to send you away like he'd been. He definitely doesn't talk about his childhood in front of you, scared that it might affect you, even just the words enough to mess you up. You know better than to ask. He's not very affectionate, but he's working on it slowly. Very slowly. He's there for you when you need him, when you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen. He's trying his best not to be so defensive, so sarcastic. He wants to legitimize your feelings the way his never were. The more he's with you, fathering you, the less he understands Logan. The less he understands his entire upbringing. When you're visibly upset, nothing in him wants to react with anger. He only sees empathy and sensitivity and heartbreak, nothing he feels the need to punish. Fatherhood wasn't ever on his list of life goals, but he's glad that he has you.
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krikeymate · 11 months
I had a thought! What if we put Sam in Wednesday as Wednesday's big sister... Wednesday is still very much Wednesday, but Sam (we can rename her, but I have no ideas right now :P) and Wednesday have a different bond. I imagine it could be similar to how Wednesday reacts to Uncle Fester, she just genuinely adores him and can't hide it, and it's the same with Sam. So, Sam's the odd one in the family. She loves them, but they're just too weird for her, and she just wants to be normal. So once she's 18, she leaves. She keeps in touch, though. Leaving behind her siblings and especially Wednesday doesn't feel good, but she can't stay either because she's not happy about their parents' parenting style. She knows they mean well, but she's incredibly over-protective, and watching her parents poison the food or celebrate the kids for almost killing each other is too much for her. She leaves before the relationship between her and her parents can get even more strained because it gets harder and harder for her to watch it happen.
Since she's keeping in touch, she knows that things grow difficult between Wednesday and the parents, too. Wednesday is getting in too much trouble, and her parents don't seem to have it handled at all. So Sam returns, but Wednesday has already been sent to Nevermore. Sam visits her there. Maybe she even takes a job as a teacher later on, to be closer to her sister. God, imagine how much fun it would be to watch Sam absolutely lose it because she's trying to keep Wednesday safe and out of trouble, but Wednesday is an absolute nightmare to keep safe. Like, she understands that Wednesday wants to solve crimes and stuff and that her sister is weirdly fascinated by it, BUT Wednesday's way of solving crimes is literally walking into traps and seeing what happens next... Sam would have a horrible time as Wednesday's big sister :P
Also, Sam getting her hands on Tyler after the season 1 showdown... she always thought that Wednesday was the violent one in the family. Turns out she has a pretty violent side, too, and she even enjoys it :D And Wednesday watching Sam do her thing with Tyler... she adores her big sister even more after it.
Ok so like the idea of Morticia and Gomez just having a relatively normal child as their firstborn is so funny to me. Imagine how relieved they are when they finally have Wednesday and she's their normal. They were doubting themselves for a few years there, as their firstborn was nothing like any Addams that came before. It feels like all the Addams' weirdness was saved for their middle child, because even Pugsly doesn't come out quite so strange.
They love all their children and they do their best to raise their firstborn in a way that fits their needs. Despite their differences, Samantha (her name is supposed to be Satana, but the nurse at the hospital misheard her when writing the birth certificate. They call her Satana anyway, until Sam puts her foot down and demands to be called Sam), adores her weird little sister. And Wednesday adores her back, in her own little way. Wednesday is even gentle with her big sister, she didn't even need to be told that her big sister is... special, that she has special needs, Wednesday just knew. Her intelligence and observation skills become apparent so young.
Sam chafes under her unusual family, always feeling like an outsider. Wednesday listens to none but her big sister, will accept advice from no one else. She's on a school trip when Nero gets killed. She comes back to a crushed little sister, quiet and withdrawn. Wednesday pulls away after that, shies away from her touch. Sam lives for the moments she slips her hand into hers anyway. The little moments that remind her that her little sister is still there.
School is a nightmare. Wednesday gets bullied. Sam does her best to scare the bullies away, but it's fruitless, she isn't there to protect her. She learns Wednesday can protect herself. At 18, she gets an opportunity to go to college abroad, to study Psychology. Her family are so so proud, even after they realise it won't involve dissecting brains or lobotomies. Sam's hesitant to go, with all the problems at school Wednesday's been having. Her sister tells her, in her own stoic way, that she is foolish if she were to consider passing up the opportunity (that she'll miss her, that she understands, that Sam needs to find out where she belongs). On the day Sam leaves, Wednesday lets her hug her and kiss her on the cheek. Their father and Pugsley are sobbing and begging her not to leave. Their mother lets out a few tears of her own, her baby is going out in the big wide world alone, going where they can't reach her if she needs her. And so fragile. They try to send Thing with her. Sam reminds them that Wednesday and Pugsley will need Thing more. That she'll be okay. That the world isn't as scary as they fear it is.
Sam gets frequent letters from her parents and Pugsley, tales of Wednesday's schemes and heartfelt I miss you's. She gets one a quarter from Wednesday, all matter-of-fact and a succinct summary of the past months. Then the letters stop for a while, and Sam hears nothing. It worries her. She books the first flight home for Winter break. She learns her little sister almost died. Did die. The way Wednesday brushes it off infuriates her.
She registers for a position in Nevermore. Her mother's wry smile as she passes by her that evening looks suspiciously knowledgeable.
Wednesday goes back to school, exasperated, with her big sister in tow.
Enid LOVES Wednesday's big sister. She's like how the fuck are you two related. She gets major hero worship for Sam. Wednesday gets SO WEIRD about it. She feels possessive over Sam. She feels possessive over Enid. Sam's the one who realises Wednesday is jealous, and that's she's jealous because she has a crush. She is so excited to finally get to tease her sister about something so normal. She'll cherish Wednesday's blushing face for the rest of her days.
When Tyler comes back, Sam realises she really is an Addams after all. Wednesday has always reiterated that Sam is an Addams, no matter how abnormal she may be, but she's never felt it until the moment she blinks and finds herself over a bleeding body, her awestruck little sister smiling up at her from the floor. The bruises on her cheek, around her neck, they fill her with an all-encompassing rage that she grinds her teeth to hold back. She steps away and picks her sister up - too enamoured to care that her reputation is being ruined. Sam finally gave into the darkness, and she did it for her. This is the best day of Wednesday's life.
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eslanes · 6 months
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𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕥 𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪
So I got this story stuck in my head, a little spinoff about Faelern going home to Chestnut Ridge for the first time in 20 years due to his father being sick. It would follow his homecoming and explore relationships within his family and get into why he was away for so long. I don't know if I'll ever get time to flesh this out in game but I got inspired and made his whole family.
I had fun doing the family reunion challenge a while back so I did another one. Check out under the cut if you're interested in who's who and a little more about our ever-gloomy Faelern.
Faelern Adan 'the prodigal son' - Leaving home at a young age due to strained familial relationships, Faelern spent most of his adulthood immersed in his studies, obtaining a doctorate in Anthropology and becoming the youngest tenured professor in his department at the University of Britechester. As touched a tiny bit in A Devil Between Us, Faelern spent several years happily married to Laelia, who was tragically murdered during a home invasion 12 years prior. Evidently this devastated Faelern and he hasn't been the same since. This also may be a contributing factor to his intense and chaotic relationship with walking disaster Ms. Aida Fairbairn several years later. Faelern is the third of his father's children.
Sicheii Holt 'the patriarch' - While much calmer in his old age, the eldest member of the Holt family was once a notorious womanizer, creating an extremely tense relationship with his now-deceased wife and mother of Faelern's siblings. This only increased when it was discovered that one of his affairs resulted in a child (uh oh). Exponentially so when said illegitimate child was sent to live with Sicheii and his family after the sudden death of his mother at the age of five. While Sicheii was a generally a good father, his transgressions definitely impacted the family, creating complicated relationships all around (hurrah). At the beginning of the spinoff, he would be severely ill, resulting in Faelern's homecoming.
Atsa Holt 'the golden child' - Atsa, the eldest of Sicheii's children, adored his father from the time he was born. And Sicheii adored his son, spending most of their time hunting and fishing together. Everything changed when Atsa was eight, when younger half-brother Faelern came to live with the family and ruined his idyllic childhood. Atsa blamed his brother for his parents' fighting and shattering the vision he had of his father. Instead of focusing his anger on Sicheii, Atsa turned his resentment towards his half-brother, letting him know he was an enemy and would never belong. As a result, the boys were never close and fought frequently. As an adult, Atsa continues to carry a major chip on his shoulder and does not acknowledge his brother as kin. He is furious that Faelern had the audacity to show his face in Chestnut Ridge. 
Emmaline Holt 'the gossip queen' - Emmaline is Atsa's wife. Much more outgoing and cheerful than her husband, she's often the organizer of family gatherings and parties (she's always knows all the good gossip). Having never met her newly-returned brother-in-law, Em cannot believe that Atsa would treat him so poorly after being away for so long. Between me and you, Atsa will be sleeping on the sofa for a while. 
Jacy Holt 'the wild child' - Atsa's and Emmaline's 9-yo daughter. Twin sister to Mato and the loud one of the two. You'll usually find her annoying her father or on the playground with her friends. 
Mato Holt 'the bookworm' - The quiet, bookish twin and Atsa's constant reminder of his half-brother. The kid is exactly like his uncle Faelern in his interests and demeanor, much to his father's dismay. Mato would much rather be reading in his room than socializing. 
Tallulah Holt 'the dutiful daughter' - Tallulah is the eldest sister, a no-nonsense, tough as nails matriarch with one son of her own. While not particularly close to her half-brother as children, she feels a deep sense of duty to her family and is angered that Faelern would turn his back on them for so long. She has her hands full at the moment, trying to parent the rebellious and surly teenaged Kai as a single parent all while managing her 17 mlm businesses. 
Kai Holt 'the rebellious teen' - Kai is going through a major rebellious phase. The 16 year old has discovered hair bleach, Nirvana and his mother Tallulah at her wits end with him. 
Tahoma Holt 'the jokester' - The running joke in the family is that youngest brother was named after his father's beloved pickup truck (true). Tay is loud, boisterous and the family goofball. A contractor by day, he spends his nights at open mics across the region workshopping his comedy routines, with big dreams of becoming a comedy writer. Unlike the elder siblings, Tay doesn't remember life without his half-brother, and is actually happy to see him again.
Doli Holt 'the baby sister' - Doli is the youngest Holt child by many years. Currently working as a receptionist, Doli has dreams of going to university in the city, just like her older brother, whom she hasn't seen since she was a kid. Having been born after Faelern arrived in the family, Doli only has good memories of her brother. 
Auntie Deborah and Uncle Des Holt 'the elders' - Auntie Deborah and Uncle Des are known as well-respected healers in the community and stable and a positive influence on all the kids. That said, now that they're all adults Des won't stop trying to push his homegrown weed on his nieces and nephews. Tahoma says it tastes like burning hair. 
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1800naveen · 10 days
Long rant so be warned
I remember starting The Cruel Prince after seeing a Tik Tok compilation on YouTube. I thought it would be a nice series to get into as I was entering my junior year of highschool. I left the series absolutely loving it and relating so much to Jude.
I made a post about the mischaracterization of Jude Duarte and how it annoys me because when you see a character you can relate to, wouldn't you be annoyed that people reduce them to a single trait or quality?
Out of her older siblings, Jude is the youngest (Taryn is the older twin). I too am the youngest of my siblings so it's nice to read a book about a fellow younger sister. You see, I never had my parents killed by my mom's former husband and then taken to land filled with faeries and proceeded to get bullied when I got older but yeah, I still relate to Jude and the thing that I relate to her is that she's human and her relationship with her adoptive father, Madoc.
In this series, we're shown that being a human is both a strength and a weakness. Many faeries hate humans and will find ways to use them if a human is in Elfhame. They can be servants, nurses, lovers, entertainment, etc. From a young age, Jude knew that she would never be like the Folk and how she'll always be a human. But her mortality doesn't stop her from changing the game.
"Of course I want to be like them. They're beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever."
"You are nothing. You barely exist at all. Your only purpose is to create more of your kind before you die." Said by Valerian. "He's wrong about me. I am going to make my mayfly life count for something. I won't be afraid of him or of Prince Dain's censure. If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse."
Her ability to lie is a great asset for navigating Elfhame as faeries themselves cannot lie. She enters the system of politics after her attempt to be a knight went wrong. To survive in Elfhame, she needed to become "worse" than the Folk but as a human, she technically already did. In their eyes, humans are beneath them. Their lives are short and the supposed purpose they have is to create more before dying. Humans are disgusting, low-life, and in a way, worse than the Folk.
But do faeries of Elfhame know what humans have accomplished in their short lives? Through mortal hands, empires and kingdoms rose and through mortal hands have they fallen. Humans commit heinous acts towards each other and some of these acts could even make the Folk disgusted. All humans are capable of being bad but when you have a life like Jude's, it's only a matter of time before you have to dig that out of you and wield it like a weapon or wear it like an armor.
Through Jude's mortal hands, she became the first mortal High Queen of Elfhame and in the end, the land accepted her as their queen. Even though she is queen, she doesn't let herself be too vulnerable (said to us by Oak in The Prisoner's Throne).
Her relationship with Madoc reminds me of my own relationship with my dad. Jude acts similar to Madoc and I've been told that I act just like my dad and that I even look like him. When Jude was still a kid, Madoc acted like a somewhat normal dad as he would give her hugs and kisses on the forehead. My dad would do the same and give me piggyback rides around the house. But as Jude got older, their relationship got strained. My relationship with my dad got strained as well but it wasn't too bad, just that we could get on each other's nerves a lot.
Now, my dad and I have a good relationship as I'm getting older and he's getting older too. In the end, Jude will always love Madoc even though a part of her hates herself for that.
"Good-bye, Father, I whisper as he is led away. I say it softly, and I do not think he hears me."
Jude and Taryn's relationship reminds me of me and my sister. My sister hasn't betrayed me but she has told me rude, vile things and made fun of things that I have struggled with before in the past. Like when she gets mad, she'll sometimes take it out on me and I'm thinking what the fuck did I do? We can go from sharing some laughs to hating each other. Taryn has betrayed Jude twice and left her heart broken but in the end, they forgave each other. See if I was Jude, it would be a while before I forgave Taryn. I would rather have Taryn as a sister than my own, she sucks.
Shout out to the people who got a shitty relationship with their sister🫶🏾.
Jude will always be a special character to me because she's human and stays human. When I realized that I could relate to her character, I felt a sense of pride in myself. She always tries to be strong even when she's in a moment of weakness and honestly, that inspires the fuck out of me. If I'm ever in a really tough situation, I think "What would Jude Duarte do?". To anyone who also relates to Jude, you're awesome and the best and stay amazing! Keep that head and that crown held up high 👑💜.
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If you get a chance could you do DA2 companion reactions to receiving baked goods from Hawke please? I loved that post about Inquisition so much. Thank you for your time!
Varric is surprised at first, though he's quick to not to let it show. Hawke actually baked him something? Hawke who slayed an ogre, who kills people for a living, bakes? Any normal person would probably fall in love. "If I ever write a book about you, I'm definitely including this."
"Oh. Thank you, Hawke." Aveline is a little awkward. She has work to do, reports to file and patrols to oversee. She doesn't have time to stop and gawk at the plate of... baked goods? Ah. It won't do to just leave them there, uneaten. Perhaps she can snack while she writes those reports.
Anders isn't sure what he's done to deserve the biscuits in front of him, but he won't say no to them either. It's hard to find joy these days, but today he has found it in a plate of baked goods. Anders allows himself to smile. "Hawke, I really, really appreciate this." To make his point, he tucks right in.
Bethany accepts the plate of pasties with a small smile. Carver's favourite. For a moment, her joy is mingled with stabbing grief, a feeling she's all too familiar with now. But pasties are pasties, and they smell really, really good. Bethany gives her sibling a quick hug and wraps one up in a cloth for their mother. "Hawke... thank you." One day she'll be able to eat these without being reminded of the day her home fell apart.
Carver raises a brow at the pasties. They're just like the ones their father used to make. A peace offering, perhaps? It'll take a lot more than pasties to soothe his strained relationship with Hawke... but he appreciates them nonetheless. Carver takes the plate and says a simple, "Thank you," but a thousand more words are said in the look he gives. You remembered how to make our father's pasties. You even remembered how I like the filling. You care. I'm sorry. Thank you.
"Oh, Hawke, you shouldn't have!" Merrill is besides herself with happiness. She grins from ear to ear as she accepts the plate of baked bread rolls. She takes a moment to admire all the little details, like the leaf patterns cut into the dough, before tucking in. After all, it's not everyday she's presented with baked goods. Now all Merrill needs is a few table mats, some new plates and it'll be perfect.
"Now, isn't that just adorable!" Isabela is utterly endeared by the plate of cinnamon rolls in front of her. It's funny - she wouldn't think someone like Hawke, who's probably killed more people than those in Kirkwall combined, would take the time to bake something for her. She just needs a mug of ale and her evening will be complete.
Sebastian takes the Starkhaven fish pie and holds it up to the light. It's actually real. And made just the way he likes it! He offers a piece to Hawke and insists they eat with him. They should get to try their own handiwork, after all. "Maker, Hawke, you'll have to teach me how to make this as well as you." It tastes like home, and Sebastian retires for the night with thoughts of comfort and pie.
Fenris isn't sure he's heard Hawke correctly. They made baked goods... for him? He's never had anything gifted to him without the other person expecting nothing in return. "That's... very kind, Hawke. Thank you." He spends more time thinking about the fact that they just gifted him something. Perhaps this is what it means to have a friend.
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pessimistkale · 3 months
ppl don’t talk enough about the crazy potential for drama when it comes to rhal and lady bish
like bish is very clearly a villain who (for selfish reasons) is doing everything in her power to make sure asch carries out his duty of dying to restore magic to daemos
rhal, on the other hand, isnt portrayed as a villain at all. he doesnt have any malicious intentions (if you dont count the bloodthirst) and he’s even made to be sympathetic when he’s being threatened by his father. he’s pretty much set up to be a good guy, esp with the implication of him developing a relationship with ava while the others are looking for her
and this is so interesting because he! is! in love with lady bish!! like WAY more than she is with him (although i personally like to think the feeling is mutual lol) and theres no fucking way hes just gonna break it off with her the moment he finds out shes doing villain stuff.
i think theres a lot of things that definitely would lead to him taking her side, too. its implied that rhal and asch at least have a strained relationship: rhal gets mad when hes reminded of him, talking about how annoying he is and how hes gonna kill him etc. asch is just dismissive when rhal is brought up, and he doesn’t want to be compared to him. i do think that all of this could just be regular sibling stuff, but i also think that jess cant resist a complicated angsty brother dynamic so im inclined to believe their relationship is a lot more complex lmao
in addition, rhal seems to be pretty apathetic to the whole ‘letting his brother die for the good of the kingdom’ thing? i mean its pretty obvious that rhal has a one track mind and only really cares about battle, but as far as we see he doesnt have many objections to the inevitable sacrifice
i do think that rhal does have a lot of feelings about the sacrifice thing though. he may not show it, but i think it’d be pretty hard to not care about your own brother getting murdered by your dad. as much as he is a himbo, he does have a thought or two sometimes
which is why i think theres a lot of potential for him to have a huge internal conflict about choosing between his wife, who he loves, and his brother, who is. his brother. theres a lot of different possible outcomes to this and i have soso many thoughts about it so like, ask me if u wanna hear me ramble about any specific thing lmao
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hchollym · 2 years
With the Percy "Third Parent" Weasley hc, I wonder how the relationships change after canon because now everyone's an adult so Percy doesn't have to be the parent anymore. I wonder if they ever get close to building a sibling bond or if its more like an adult-child and their parent adjustment. On a sadder note: how much worse Fred's death is for Percy? Because now its not just his brother, but his child that's dead. Everyone has the headcanon of Percy helping George after the books but I imagine it just wrecks Percy hard.
Anon is referring to this post.
That's a good question! I definitely think Fred's death broke Percy for several reasons, and that is one of them; even though he would never allow himself to verbalize it or think about it in such terms (i.e. that Fred was like his child), the emotions would still be there. 
I do think he helped George though (or tried to, anyway). He was 100% a wreck, but he still had other siblings (kids) that needed him, so he pulled himself together for them (particularly George), but it likely took the form of him neglecting his own wellbeing to care for George's instead.
I'm torn on how I think George reacted to this. On the one hand, I think he was happy to have Percy back and might have leaned on him for support; on the other hand, I always pictured Fred as being closer to Percy than George (and there is some minor evidence of that in canon, particularly how Fred calls him 'Perce' the most), so George could have also felt bitter and resentful. 
I like the idea of Percy being able to develop a sibling bond with everyone as an adult, but unfortunately, I don't think that happened. There's a lot of regret, guilt, and resentment on all sides, along with trauma and grief, and I've said before that I don't think everyone got therapy, so that's not going to end well.
I think that - realistically - Percy developed a better bond with Ginny, Charlie, and possibly George, but his relationship with Ron & Bill was always strained (I talked about Bill here and here, and I think Ron’s loyalty to Harry would always create a divide between him & Percy). 
In regards to Ginny, Percy still probably only spent time with her occasionally, because he was never going to fit in with the rest of that "group" (Harry, Ron, & Hermione). Even with Charlie, I don't think they had an amazing bond, but I do think they wrote each other more often and made a point to hang out when Charlie did visit (which wasn't often). 
Unfortunately, I think the Weasley family is always going to be fractured and unwilling to work too much on their relationships with each other, instead choosing to focus on their new, chosen families (spouses, kids, friends, etc.). They all get together occasionally, but it's more out of obligation than an actual desire to do so.
Obviously, some of them spend more time together than others (i.e. Harry/Ginny & Ron/Hermione), but it's not one big, happy family. It reminds of the saying, "Thanksgiving is a great time to get together with family so you can remember why you don't like to get together with family."
I know that seems cynical, but the epilogue really left a bad taste in mouth, because virtually nothing changed in the Wizarding World (and given Harry's thoughts about Percy, not much changed with the Weasley family dynamic either). It's disheartening, but I like to think that Percy found happiness in his new family (whoever you think that is) & his friends.
On a side note (since I mentioned Percy’s new family), I only consider things written in the actual books as canon (and obviously there's a lot of wiggle room there, because a lot was ambiguous). I don't consider anything after that as canon (including the Weasley Family Tree, Hogwarts Mystery, Cursed Child, etc.), but that's just a preference thing, because I hate all of them. 🤣
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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starcrossedjedis · 7 months
HI! Please tell me everything about Sun/Mira, including her fave food, does she ever get sea sick, if she has a hobby and does she see any of the crew as family and if so in what roles? (like adopted brother, son, daughter, sister, etc).
I had every intention to do this for both Mira and Sun, but the brainrot is real and Mira's part got sliiiightly out of hand and I had to stop myself at right around the time that her father dies (22 years prior to the show) which means there's probably a lot more to say, but this got LONG... 😅
so here is a whole lot on our favourite Mary Sue and her flaunting herself at Shanks and Buggy 😈💜
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Gol D. Mira - "Beyond the Horizon"
A baby girl
actual pirate princess and the apple of the whole crew's eye
Her favourite food is kimchi ramen and things that you miss first on long sea journeys like fresh fruit (her favourite is mango). She also has a sweet tooth and loves chocolate and cakes. Same ballpark - light weight as she is, she can drink with the best of them, very probably because of her Devil Fruit that comes with a side of extra endurance
Mira doesn’t get sea sick, she's been born to be at sea - which makes it extra sad when she learns that she can't go in the water anymore because she ate a devil fruit
since she grows up on her father's ship, the crew is pretty much made up of all uncles - except for two special boys
Her mother was expecting when Roger found infants Shanks and Buggy at God Valley (a few years earlier than they did in canon, simply because I want them to be older for obvious Nora Roberts Tribute Act reasons). He thought it would be great to have other children around once his "little mate" arrived.
He also didn't think this constellation would grow to come with complications when it turned out his little mate was a girl, but oh well ^^
For the most part of their childhoods Mira, Shanks and Buggy grew up like siblings probably would in a living situation like that.
But there were plenty of things that always served as reminders that they were not, in fact, siblings / the same. While they would share a lot of the chores on the ship, there were certain things (🤢 like scrubbing the toilets 🤢) that were simply not asked of the captain's daughter (she would still be a trooper and at the very least keep her boys company though) and she also had her own cabin on the ship whereas Buggy and Shanks slept with the crew. Naturally everyone was extremely protective of the captain's daughter in a way that the boys didn’t know and that suffocated her to a point that had her look to break away and ultimately lead to her kidnapping.
Things between the three start to change when Mira comes back after her long abduction. When she was taken all of them had been slap in the middle of their awkward teenage years - Mira was all comically long, skinny legs and a changing body she tried to hide in baggy clothes, the boys' voices sounded absolutely hilarious, Shanks was all extremities and knobby knees and it seemed that no matter what, Buggy wouldn't stop sweating. But now they're all grown up. Mira is devastatingly beautiful - curtesy of good genes, but also of that Mythical Zoan she had forced on her in captivity - Shanks is all tall and dreamy and poor Buggy doesn’t sweat as much anymore, but is pretty damn aware that he has mostly grown into the third wheel in this new explosive mix.
They are also not as tight knit anymore after Mira's return. The boys had to spent a long time without her and it turned out that she used to be the glue of their little group, which results in the boys' relationship being a lot more strained when she comes back. And no one really knows what happened to Mira when she was gone - not even herself, except for some flashes and nightmares - so a lot of effort is made to find out more about her Devil Fruit and its powers and to help her deal with whatever changes this brings. And she doesn’t want her boys to know about what she is now or what she can / might be able to do with it, so this puts a distance between them that wasn't there before.
and then "tragedy strikes" for the whole sibling dynamic - Mira and Shanks fall in love. And adventurous, happy go lucky Shanks for once is too terrified to do anything about it. Being in love with your Captain's pride and joy is scary enough as it is, but what would this do to their little found family of three? What if it doesn’t work out? What if it does? Mira on the other hand feels increasingly alienated from herself ever since her change and her feelings for Shanks are a lifeline in this, because they tie her to the Mira she was before and so when she realises that he has no intention to shoot his shot, her pride and stubborness get the better of her and she begins to come up with increasingly more infuriating ways to try and make him break first.
Eventually ofc they do end up together and are very much, very sweet and very... appealingly 😏 in love.
After some initial "how do we break this to Buggy?" drama the dust settles and to their dismay and mild annoyance, Buggy developes a devilish joy in trying to get the two of them caught.
He might or might not have "accidentally" started a fire during night watch in the hope that people would catch Shanks sneaking out of Mira's cabin when the alarm went off xD
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schmergo · 1 year
I can't help but wonder, if the "Magic Kingdom" in Disney World is positioned as a real kingdom in which the royals come out for occasional parades and meet and greet/ photo ops, how the heck are they related to each other? Who are siblings, who are cousins, and WHAT is the line of succession? What is the proper etiquette for how to treat these different characters?
I'd say that based on the general vibes I get from the Magic Kingdom, Mickey is actually like the Prime Minister of the Magic Kingdom. He isn't royalty but seems to be the person really in charge (I guess Minnie's like the First Lady or whatever), whereas the real royal family are figureheads. Clearly they bring a lot of tourism, the main industry of the Magic Kingdom.
The central castle in the Magic Kingdom is the Cinderella Castle (as opposed to the Sleeping Beauty one from Disneyland), so I'm guessing Prince Charming (and by extension, Cindy) is first in line to the throne. Let's assume the weird old king from Cinderella is still technically on the throne but has some health problems and Charming serves as regent
.The Beast's castle also appears in the Fantasyland area of the theme park, and I just think it would be generally funny if he was Prince Charming's little brother and when he got cursed, the King and Queen were like, "Yeah, our son got killed by a witch and now we've permanently abandoned our summer castle because it reminds us of him, so if you hear any beast noises in that abandoned castle, don't go there!" Also they're both French tales. I imagine his relationship with his family is.... strained.
Some of the other characters have the names of their kingdoms mentioned in their movies. Jasmine and Aladdin are from Agrabah, Naveen is from Maldonia, Rapunzel's kingdom is apparently called Corona (awkward!), Merida's from DunBroch, and Anna and Elsa are from Arendelle. (Also they're loosely implied to be Rapunzel's cousins because of Rapunzel's cameo appearance in Frozen.) I'm guessing these are all visiting royals in the kingdom who may also in some cases be distant relatives.
We don't know the name of Snow White's kingdom, and here's where things get weird in terms of the family tree. Snow White's dad was the King of his own kingdom. But the handsome prince (who I think is officially named Florian?) is from a DIFFERENT kingdom. So Snow is implied to be heir to her own throne, but it never says Florian is heir to his. Snow White's kingdom looks German in nature (maybe she's distantly related to Rapunzel?), but again, we don't know about Florian. Therefore, I posit that Florian is yet ANOTHER baby sibling to Prince Charming and the Beast. Snow White is the youngest of the main princesses, so I'd imagine her prince is the youngest prince, too. But when he marries her, he's actually marrying UP because they're going to end up ruling HER kingdom now that the queen got smushed by a rock or whatever.
 As for Sleeping Beauty, Aurora is the daughter of a king and queen, but Prince Philip is also the son of a king and queen, and their kingdoms have an alliance. We meet both kings in this movie, so their parents aren't a mystery like some of the other ones. (Sidebar: this is possibly the most powerful Disney power couple for this reason; the two of them stand to inherit and jointly rule two kingdoms.) 
We also know the Sleeping Beauty castle is over in Disneyland, so presumably that is her kingdom and she's not part of the royal family of the Magic Kingdom. But what about Philip? I argue that his dad looks exactly like Prince Charming's Dad, so maybe the two elderly kings are brothers. That would make Prince Philip a first cousin of Prince Charming, the Beast, and Florian. 
We also don't know the name of Prince Eric's kingdom. It appears to be coastal-- but not so fast. What if it's the coast of a bigger kingdom and he has his own personal beachside palace? After all, there's no mention of a king or anything-- or any real political duties for Eric. In the stage musical, it's indicated that Eric's dad has died and Eric will ascend the throne when he's 21, but if I remember correctly, there's nothing like this in the original movie. So what if he is Prince Philip's younger brother? After all, Sleeping Beauty's Prince Philip was named after the real-life Queen's husband, Prince Philip, and he was from the royal families of Denmark and Greece, and Eric is implied to be Danish, too. 
Now you might tell me, "These movies are all set in different time periods?" Yes, but clearly this is not true in the theme parks themselves because those characters all interact with each other in the parks.
So to make a long story short, I'm ASSUMING that the royals that need to be treated with the most deference in the Magic Kingdom as the local royal family are as follows: Cinderella and her prince, Belle and the Beast (weird black sheep younger brother), and Snow White and her prince (who nonetheless have their own kingdom), with Aurora and Philip and Ariel and Eric being cousins who also have their own kingdom in Disneyland. Everyone else is visiting royalty from other kingdoms.
Simba, of course, is not related to anybody.
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silriven · 1 year
A bit of complaining about how Wrathion is written in the 10.1 PTR
So let's start at the beginning.   I hear that's a great place to start.
Wrathion from the MMORPG World of Warcraft is a rogue (/rōɡ/): 
Free from the constraints of a conscience, these mercenaries rely on brutal and efficient tactics. Lethal assassins and masters of stealth...Rogues often initiate combat with a surprise attack from the shadow. (...) Rogues must take special care when selecting targets...and they must be conscious of when to hide or flee if a battle turns against them.
- Official class guide for Rogue on the World of Warcraft website
Here are some examples of other characters from World of Warcraft who fall under the category of "rogue":
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Mathias Shaw: Stormwind’s Spymaster and leader of the intelligence service, S1:7.
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Vanessa VanCleef: Successor to her father, Edwin VanCleef, as head of the Defias Brotherhood and member of the Uncrowned.
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Valeera Sanguinar: Advisor and bodyguard to the House of Wrynn, Shadow of the Uncrowned.
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Lilian Voss: A Champion of the Uncrowned and member of the Forsaken’s Desolate Council.  She is perhaps best known for assassinating prominent members of the Scarlet Crusade, including her own father.
You might recognize these characters as ruthless tacticians who employ subterfuge to accomplish their goals, noble or otherwise, and to protect the things that matter to them.
Wrathion himself has done this, many times in the past, to varying degrees of success.  He even has his own network of loyal spies and bodyguards who he will often send into areas of interest to collect information that helps him formulate his strategies and schemes.   So how does Wrathion, a character who has spent just about his entire life working the long game from the shadows, decide to approach dangerous situations in Dragonflight.
(Text screenshots are taken from Portergauge’s two-part walkthrough of the 10.1 PTR campaign, which you can read here and here.  His follow up thread on the campaign is here.)
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Sabellian says: Whelp!  Stop your showboating!  Fall in line and listen to my strategy!
Wrathion says: Your endless whining about a strategy will not win you the throne!
"Strategies are slowing us down.  I especially don't need to have one in order to pursue this contested position as leader to a flight of wary dragons during this fragile period of growth in our tumultuous history."
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Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: Do not underestimate the Incarnates.  Fair skies and strong winds to you all.
Ebyssian says: I must recruit Emberthal to our quest.  Wait for me at the entrance.
Wrathion says: Why?  Surely we four are more than enough.
"Why bother recruiting a useful ally.  Its not like that's ever helped me in the past.  Three dragons and a mortal should be '''more than enough''' to take on another Primal Incarnate when I know from first-hand experience that I alone was catastrophically outmatched against the first one."
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Sabellian: I will not tolerate Ebyssian’s dawdling any longer.  These incarnates grow stronger every second, as does my impatience.  Wrathion and I are in agreement.  You may choose to waste your time in wait for our slow-winged sibling, but we would much rather you join us.
"I will proceed with this mission without the older brother that I actually trust and am fond of in favor of the one I have a strained and tenuous relationship with and whose approach to strategy I often find ridiculous."
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Sabellian says: Keep low.  We have not been spotted--
Wrathion says: I usually prefer the stealthy approach as well, but now is the time to let dragons be dragons!  Remind these weaklings who they are dealing with!”
"I usually prefer the stealthy approach as well...BUT...." 
 It's honestly worse that they even bring this up because it means someone, somewhere, remembered that it's out of character for Wrathion to act this way and they went ahead with it anyways, for little reason.
Also, where is all of this bravado about the innate strength of dragons coming from.  Wrathion will fall back on that as an intimidation tactic now and then ("You do realize I am a dragon, yes?  That I can breathe fire?  Just making sure.") but he isn't one to flippantly overestimate his strengths and ignore his weaknesses when assessing danger.  His existence as a dragon has always been fragile.  That's why he has bodyguards.  That's why he works closely with mortals.  That's why he'll seek council from characters like Medivh.  That's why he didn't try to fight the Burning Legion with just himself and maybe three other guys. That's why he didn't charge headfirst into Ny'alotha on his own and spent the entire patch training the Horde and the Alliance on how to battle the Void.
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Sabellian says: Father!--Wait...Father.  Yes.  I knew that relic back there looked familiar.
Wrathion says: Are you walking away from me?  Two can play at that game!  If you need me, <player>, seek me over there.
"You're not walking away from me.  I'M walking away from YOU!"   
What even is this dialogue.  One of the reasons why the Sabellian vs Wrathion thing is so grating is that it's not even clever banter that they're exchanging.
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Wrathion says: Before we start...I know my relationship with Sabellian is certainly strained, but our behavior back there was out of line.  I think it is this place.  Something out there is testing my mental defenses.  Worming its way through my mind and keeping my teeth on edge.  I will speak to Sabellian about the outburst in my own time.  Things are never simple with him.  You both have my apologies.
So something that Portergauge covered in his recap thread about this patch that I agree with is that WoW, the game, does not do subtlety well.  Putting aside whether or not Wrathion can be influenced by the old gods' whispers, this concept is never conveyed well.
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WoW has tried a couple of times lately to use magical reasoning to explain or excuse a character's behavior and the way its handled is so unsatisfying because it's often muddled with other emotional reasons why a character might be acting that way.
So is Wrathion behaving brashly because he's being influenced by the old gods' whispers or is is it because he's under a lot of pressure and Sabellian has thrown him off balance and it's making him get sloppy?  Or is it both, because it’s not like he acts any smarter or kinder when he’s in an area where the whispers aren’t so strong.
And where is this all going, what is the plan here?  Is this just how Wrathion is going to be written from now on?  Is he starting down a dark road that will lead to his own demise or is he going to make a come back?  Following through on in-game plot threads is also something that WoW, the game, has a track record of leaving hanging at the end of a patch or an expansion (the night elves' narrative in BfA comes to mind, Sylvanas' loyalist campaign is another) so it's hard for me to be optimistic that this is leading somewhere or will have a satisfying conclusion for him.
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And I have to mention that the LAST time WoW tried doing something subtle where specifically old god corruption caused someone to act out of character, that wasn't the audience's takeaway.  It was: "Hell yeah, Anduin's manning up!  He is Varian's son after all!" 
 This time it'll be: "Wrathion's an idiot and an inconsiderate asshole."
There isn't enough of Wrathion acting as his cunning, competent self in this patch to counterbalance all of the times when he's acting thoughtlessly, rude, stubborn, and self-centered.  They take the time to find this balance with Sabellian. They do not with Wrathion.
I've been trying to keep my expectations reasonable (i.e. low), but when I first heard about the 10.0 storyline to pick an Aspect of the black dragonflight, I really did not expect it to turn into this extended exercise in not only why Wrathion would be a terrible Aspect but also why he's actually kind of a terrible and annoying individual, too.  It's not enjoyable seeing him reduced to being just this foil for why Sabellian and Ebyssian would make better leaders.
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Wrathion says: He defeated us as if we were nothing.
Sabellian says: He is surprisingly stealthy.  I am sure we can devise an effective strategy if we are not distracted by...
Ebyssian says: The whispers...
Sabellian says: Yes.  They distracted us at key moments.  They are quieter when I use my visage.
And for all the talk of old god whispers, it's never brought up that this subject is Wrathion's bread and butter.  He spent Legion researching how to suppress them, to the success of devising methods that would shield Ebyssian and the Horde/Alliance champions from them.
Ebyssian himself doesn't think to bring this up.  He never once goes: "Hey, Sabellian, have you tried this neat potion of Wrathion's that will quiet those whispers?  It's the only reason why I can even leave the protection of Highmountain in the first place."
Or: "Hmm, Wrathion, your potion doesn't seem to be working as well down here.  Maybe that means something."   As a bonus, this would also offer Wrathion an opportunity to show concern for Ebyssian's well-being and/or Sabellian’s or something.  I don’t know.  There's any number of ways this could've been brought up.
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Ebyssian: Our assault will not be successful without the stealth and cunning of Wrathion and his Blacktalon agents.  We must convince him to help us.  Thankfully, I know in his heart he will not deny someone in need--especially if they flatter him.
This is just kind of horrible coming from Ebyssian, of ALL CHAR-- 
Besides when has anyone in the history of Warcraft *flattered* Wrathion for his help.  He is almost universally loathed and has always taken action for the good of Azeroth IN SPITE OF THIS. (Please post here if you can remember a time.  I would genuinely love to know.)
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Wrathion and Sabellian are still arguing about who deserves to become the aspect and continue their father’s legacy.  Ebyssian scolds them for acting like whelps over a legacy of fear, control, and lies rather than starting a new legacy, one that benefits the dragons in their flight rather than empowers themselves.  Ebyssian and Emberthal then walk away, leaving Wrathion and Sabellian confused and thinking.
I get that this is placeholder text but in the midst of all of this, this in particular is just...disappointing. Wrathion's entire shtick, the core of his character, is supposed to be about forging a new legacy for his dragonflight outside the shadow cast by Deathwing.
Of course legacy is something that Sabellian and Ebyssian have to contend with too but that it's coming at the expense of Wrathion's character arc, in this way, as something he needs to learn...again...is a big let down.
I don't know how to wrap this up.  I guess sorry I got a bit sarcastic in places and that this was very ranty and not very constructive. I had a lot of thoughts about the 10.1 PTR and I just wanted to get them all out in one place and off my chest.
In conclusion:  Wrathion is a divisive character in the fanbase and I was kind of looking forward to seeing him shine in Dragonflight.  So far he's doing the opposite.  If this is just temporary then I don’t see a light at the end of this tunnel, either, this might be the only big patch where the black dragonflight gets center focus.  I’d still say that I enjoyed the short story but I don't really see what I originally liked about this character in the game itself.
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blccdywclkers · 4 months
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PARK SOOYUN is here. Turns out the 32 year-old used to be a sculptor, but now they contribute as a COOK. Better watch it — they’re known to be both protective and temperamental. They’ve been around for 2 weeks, but we’ll keep an eye on them just in case. They remind me of a torrential rainstorm whipping through a dark neighborhood, the fire flickering before rising for a stronger flame, and the crashing of waves hitting against jagged rocks anyway. — jung hoyeon / she/her / woman
𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒. NICKNAME: susu, susie, yoonie, yoons, soup
AGE + DOB: 32 + december 26th
GENDER + PRONOUNS: woman + she/her
FACECLAIM: jung hoyeon 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘. POSITIVE TRAITS. resilient, protective, loyal, resourceful, creative, adaptable
NEGATIVE TRAITS. guarded, stubborn, opinionated ( depends ), a little explosive
LIKES. art, sculptures, independence, korean dramas, reading, cooking, nature
DISLIKES. feeling left behind, lack of understanding, betrayal, manipulation
FEARS. being humiliated in public, abandonment, rejection, loss of independence, helplessness, injustice, eye + ear trauma, spiders, snakes, bees 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊. trigger warnings: potential implied homophobia, religion mentions, cheating / deceit in relationship mentions
Sooyun, born and raised in Phoenix, experienced a challenging family dynamic with her parents and older brother, Hyunwoo. Despite being a religious family that attended church, their familial relationships were far from perfect. Sooyun discovered her passion for cooking and baking in her early years but later found a profound love for the arts, specifically sculpting with air-dry clay. This artistic shadow didn't align with her parents' expectations, who hoped she would pursue a career in medicine or law. Sooyun continued to pursue her passion for art, defying her parents' wishes.
The family dynamics took a significant hit when her older brother moved away at the age of nine, leaving Sooyun feeling abandoned. Despite numerous attempts to reach out, she decided to cease contact when she turned twenty-three. Sooyun endured intense arguments between her brother and parents, leading to strained relationships that left them feeling more like strangers than siblings.
After her parents followed her brother to South Korea, Sooyun attended Seoul's Art university. Despite gaining scholarships for various colleges, she chose one with a focus on the arts, carving her own path in the creative world. Her brother's successful acting career brought a level of fame to the family, with Sooyun making a name for herself in the art scene, particularly with her unique sculptures.
Tensions escalated when Sooyun came out to her parents at the age of twenty-five, leading to her being `disowned`. This prompted her return to Phoenix, Arizona, seeking refuge from the toxic family environment. Despite the challenges, Sooyun continued to thrive in her artistic pursuits.
As she approached the age of twenty-eight, Sooyun faced another setback when she discovered her partner's deceit in their four year relationship. Exposing the truth among their friends, she called off the impending marriage, determined to overcome the betrayal and start anew.
𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊. - working on this to add in after discussions on plots / potential connections!
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Meet My OC - Evdoxia (Eva) Mendoza
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Dr. Eva Mendoza
You'll be meeting her very soon in my Tobias & Casey world, so you deserve a proper introduction.
Book: Open Heart
Face claim: Maria Luiza Mendez
Full Name: Evdoxia Maria Mendoza
Nicknames: Eva (pretty much everyone); Koukla (her mom & mom's family); Mija (her dad)
Age/DOB: May 30th/ (She is 31 at time of introduction, Ethan is 39)
Born & Raised: Teaneck, NJ
Heritage: Cuban and Greek.
LI: Ethan Ramsey - Eva will be a potential LI for Ethan in the Tobias/Casey world.
Parents: Alejandro (Alex) Mendoza, 57, and Erini Papanikolaou, 55. Her father is a businessman, he owns several restaurants and a small grocery store in New Jeresy. Her mother was a homemaker most of Eva's life, but she also worked in the family business and did some work as a seamstress/tailor. With Eva's encouragement, she went back to school in her forties and became a paralegal. Eva is close with both parents, but especially her father. While she grew up in two families that took very traditional approaches toward gender roles (and those were thrust upon Eva) her father was always her champion who told her she could do and be whatever she wanted.
Siblings: Brother, Vassilis (Basil) is a year and a half younger than Eva, sister, Elisabet (Lisa) is five years younger. Basil was always her partner in crime. He enjoyed privileges his sisters didn't get, and he used them to help Eva and get her in trouble at times. Basil is gay, and Eva was the only one in the family who knew until very recently. They're very close. Lisa was the baby and doted on, she got away with a lot. She resented Eva, who was an overachiever, because she felt she couldn't live up to her and she had family who reminded her daily. Basil went to community college, but decided to work with his father in the family businesses. Lisa dropped out of college after getting engaged. Part of her family applauded this, others were appalled. When we meet Eva, Lisa is 26, she was married three years ago and has a two year old daughter, Sophia. She's mostly a stay-at-home-mom, but she also works at her familiy's businesses on occasion. She and Eva love each other, but their relationship is strained.
College: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ B.S. Biology. She wanted to go away to college, but it was frowned on by most of her family. Her father encouraged her to go, but her mother was fearful of the idea and, influenced by her family, fought that decision. Eva's parents were fighting so much that she told them she decided to go to FDU (right in her hometown), even though that wasn't her true choice. She started as a nursing major (her family saw that as appropriate for a girl), but she changed her major to Biology with a pre-med minor sophomore year, telling only Basil and later her father.
Med School: Boston University, Boston, Graduated top in her class Her grades and resume were impeccable, but since her undergrad was not at a top tier school, it put a lot of the very best med schools out of her reach. But she got an excellent offer from Boston University, and she was not staying close to home, so that made her decision.
Basic Background (there will be more if her character 'sticks'): Eva always felt confined by her extended families. They were loving, perhaps too involved, both her maternal and paternal grandparents lived less than 5-blocks away most of her life. They were not bad people, but they were just locked in old ways and too stuborn to change; but this put a lot of demands on Eva. Her Greek side was even more traditional, they would have rather she married a nice Greek doctor than become one herself. Her Cuban family supported her education, but still felt she should stay close to home and that her career should be secondary to having a family.
Eva knew that life wasn't for her from a young age and worked very hard in school, seeing education as her way out. She was rebellious, but usually quietly so her parents didn't know. Her brother, though younger, had more freedom than she did, and he utilized that to sneak her out of the house. The two of them would sometimes get in trouble together. They were/are very, very close. He covered for Eva, and Eva covered for him; especially when he told her he was gay. Eva was very supportive, but kept his secret until he was ready. SHe covered for him all the time, including pretend one of his boyfriends was hers so they could spend more time together. As stated above, she wasn't as close with her sister, Lisa. Lisa wanted to be liked by everyone, so she didn't rock the boat. She also couldn't compete with Eva academically, and all Basil had to do was be a boy, so she was the "good girl" following whatever the family wanted her to. She got married young and had children soon-after, quitting college to do so. While both of Eva's parents were not happy with this decision, her grandparents and other extended family applauded it.
Eva loves her family very much, but harbors resentment. She never wants to live near them again, except for her Dad and Brother who she adores. She loves her mother very much too, but their relationship only gets better when her maternal grandmother passes.
Her family (except her Dad and Basil) are horrified that she's 31 and unmarried. What they don't know is, she never wants to get married. She dates, she has relationships, but she's very happy with her career and (though she doesn't see it) she's still rebelling against the life her family had planed for her. As a result, marriage and children are not on her bucket list.
She did her residency at Boston Medical Center, and she is now at Fellow in Women's Health, with a concentration in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
Other past relationships: (I will develop this later.)
Traits: She is brilliant, but she works at it, it's not a natural gift. She is determined and will do what she sets out to do. While she's very serious at work, she has a funny side and is a known practical joker. She's also very flirtatioius outside of work, and dates frequently. She's had long term relationships, but they're honestly not her preference. She is still trying to figure out how to balance the fact that she loves her family so much, yet she resents them. She speaks five languages: English, Spanish, Greek, Italian and Portuguese. Hobbys & activities? That's a problem. She's always been all work and no play, and she's tried to make changes, but she's still trying to find what she loves.
Physical: She is 5'8" and has blue eyes. Her natural hair color is brown, but she likes to change it up, so it may be various shades of brown, blonde, or red at times. She's always been a little on the plus size, and she struggled with self-esteem issues for years. But she's gotten past that and now encourages body positivity for women. Beauty is not a number, and she finally knows she's beautiful.
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romanoffstarkovs · 11 months
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Brianna Stark: The Wild Rose
Brianna Stark was born amidst the chill of Winterfell, the youngest daughter of Rickard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and the loving younger sister of the famous Stark siblings - Brandon, Eddard, Lyanna, and Benjen. From a tender age, it was evident that she possessed the fiery spirit that ran in her bloodline, inheriting the wildness of her sister Lyanna, the she-wolf of Winterfell.
Growing up, Brianna's nature contrasted sharply with the traditional expectations for a lady of her station. She defied the norms and societal expectations that tried to confine her spirit within the walls of the castle. Instead, she sought adventure in the vast woods surrounding Winterfell and the snow-capped mountains that loomed in the distance. Brianna was a fearless and agile rider, often galloping through the countryside, her long, bronzed hair trailing behind her like a banner of rebellion.
Yet, amidst her untamed spirit, Brianna held a love for the beauty of the realm. She would spend hours hidden away in the corners of Winterfell's library, devouring tales of chivalry, romance, and courtly intrigues. This passion for stories of distant lands and gallant knights fueled her imagination, making her yearn for the world beyond the North.
Brianna's love for dressing up set her apart from her siblings. While Lyanna favored practicality, donning leathers and furs that suited her adventurous nature, Brianna found joy in adorning herself with elegant gowns and intricate jewelry. She saw these ornate dresses as an extension of her identity - a juxtaposition of her wild spirit and the refined lady within.
Though some dismissed her love for fashion as mere vanity, it was, in truth, a way for her to express herself creatively and embrace her femininity on her own terms. Beneath the gowns and jewelry, she remained a Stark through and through - strong-willed, loyal, and fiercely protective of her family.
As the years passed, Brianna's unique blend of wildness and grace caught the attention of many suitors who sought her hand in marriage. However, she was not easily swayed by societal expectations and refused to be married off solely for political alliances. Brianna dreamt of a love that would match the grandeur of the stories she cherished.
Brianna Stark's journey to King's Landing marked a significant shift in her life. Leaving behind the familiar walls of Winterfell, she ventured into the bustling capital, a place filled with intrigue, power struggles, and the complexities of courtly life. As the youngest daughter of Rickard Stark, she carried the legacy of her noble house, known for its honor, strength, and fierce loyalty.
As Brianna took up her role as a lady-in-waiting to Princess Elia Martell, she quickly earned the trust and affection of her lady. Despite the differences in their upbringings and cultures, the two women found common ground and a deep connection. Brianna's wild nature and love for dressing up added a vibrant and enigmatic charm to her personality, which Princess Elia appreciated in her closest confidant.
Their friendship became a haven for both, a sanctuary amidst the intricate and sometimes treacherous web of King's Landing's politics. Brianna's honesty and candid advice were valued by Princess Elia, who found solace in confiding her worries and hopes to someone who genuinely cared for her wellbeing.
Beyond her duties, Brianna remained true to her Stark identity, even in the bustling streets of the capital. She often visited the godswood within the Red Keep, finding comfort in the presence of the heart tree and its carved face. The godswood provided a reminder of her Northern roots, and she would offer prayers for her family's safety and well-being.
As the events of Robert's Rebellion loomed, tensions escalated, and the realm was on the brink of war. The relationship between Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia faced increasing strain. Through this difficult time, Brianna stood as a steadfast companion, supporting Princess Elia through her uncertainties and fears.
In King's Landing, as Brianna Stark served as a lady-in-waiting for Princess Elia Martell, fate would introduce her to a man who would forever change the course of her life - Ser Arthur Dayne, the renowned Sword of the Morning.
Brianna first encountered Ser Arthur during a courtly event at the Red Keep. As the festivities unfolded, she couldn't help but be drawn to the legendary knight, whose skill with a blade was only rivaled by his chivalry and quiet charisma. Ser Arthur, in turn, was captivated by Brianna's fiery spirit and the way she carried herself with a blend of strength and grace, which reminded him of the legendary Lyanna Stark.
As the days passed, Brianna found herself more frequently in Ser Arthur's presence. He was often at Princess Elia's side, offering his counsel and protection. Their conversations began with formalities, but it didn't take long for genuine camaraderie to grow between them. Brianna appreciated the Knight of the Morning's wisdom and guidance, and Arthur was drawn to her genuine and unpretentious nature.
Amidst the turbulence of courtly life, Brianna and Arthur found solace in each other's company. They would often steal moments away from the grand events, retreating to the gardens or hidden corners of the Red Keep where they could talk freely without the constraints of their titles and responsibilities.
As they shared their dreams, hopes, and fears, a deep connection developed between them. Brianna admired Arthur's sense of duty and honor, while Arthur was captivated by her adventurous spirit and unwavering loyalty to Princess Elia. In each other, they found the strength to face the challenges that surrounded them.
In time, their friendship blossomed into something more profound. Their hearts recognized a shared yearning for a love that defied expectations and transcended the barriers of duty and station. They couldn't ignore the growing affection they felt for one another, but they knew the consequences of acting on their emotions could be dire, given the political intricacies of the realm.
Their love remained a secret, hidden from the prying eyes of court, and they cherished the stolen moments they spent together. But as the situation in the realm grew more perilous with the brewing rebellion, they were confronted with the stark reality that their paths might diverge.
When Robert's Rebellion erupted and the Targaryen dynasty faced its downfall, Brianna and Arthur found themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. Brianna's loyalty remained with Princess Elia and her family, while Arthur fought fiercely to protect his liege, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.
As the war raged on, their love was put to the ultimate test. Despite their differences, the bond they shared never wavered, and they clung to the hope that once the dust settled, they might find a way back to each other.
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