#woulda drawn him too
semisolidmind · 9 months
Merry Christmas, Semi!!! For this festive time of year, I was wondering if you could please make a drawing based off of the Nutcracker Ballet? Maybe an enchanted nutcracker or other toy falls for the young lady who’s kept him since childhood? Or perhaps the dreaded Mouse King, even! Whatever strikes your fancy…As always, I LOVE your art and stories. You are very creative and talented! Have a good day/night!
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what if the mouse king won
(not pictured: the toy soldier half in shards on the floor. poor clara (though i guess her name is marie in the book?) is on her own, dealing with the mouse kings attention. she’s gonna have to find her own way away from him for now)
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sketchy-tour · 9 months
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Yea remember when I originally was a sun and moon artist for two seconds? Legit popped into the fandom and then disappeared. Lmao
Anyway drew this on a magma with pals! Was kinda relaxing to doodle this dork again! Oh man I...really need to actually watch Help Wanted 2! Hadn't gotten a chance to!
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Flash man please?
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What is Wrong with him (affectionate)
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sundial-girl · 1 year
Do you have any hcs for Heron???
how did you catch me thinking abt him... spooky
i'm like super bad at listing hcs out in an organized manner (*_ _)人 but here's some:
goes for long walks at night to clear his mind when he can't sleep. yeah walking around the dark alone at like 2 in the morning probably isn't the safest thing but he prefers the solitude at that time of day. occasionally he'll also find something like a cool rock or shell or whatever on these walks to bring back and gift to one of his friends (or just keep for himself)
occasionally tries to hide his emotions so those close to him won't worry about him, but he's not actually very good at that (sometimes) and it just makes them worry more :'0. also, very prone to mood swings, which he also tries to hide as to not ruin the mood [pun was not intended i swear]
please don't let him wear roller skates/heelys - he says he'll be fine and knows how to use them but he crashes into everything and nearly breaks his bones 😭
he and oliver don't actually talk all that much but there is a silent mutual understanding (bird instincts 🤝)
used to have a higher cold tolerance prior to losing his hand (& eye), but can't risk being out in the cold as much anymore due to the mechanical parts possibly getting damaged (& the metal gets freezing which is. uncomfortable) so :( rip
scared of the dentist but only a little bit. not completely terrified but doesn't like going there
i know the mauling len to death thing is a joke sorta but i wonder if there is smthn deeper to it. like len reminds heron of himself in a way (even in spite of several differences), and something about that makes him so envious and full of rage and he's not sure why (he does, but wouldn't admit to it)—what's even more frustrating is len just keeps being... len. is he willfully ignorant and is this mockery or is he really that forgiving? and how could you forgive someone after all they've done to you? maybe len represents a lot of things heron is not and that's what really sets him off to attack him, personally. but maybe not thats just a theory a heron theory
very neutral on goldfish crackers
bumps into doorframes a lot b/c. tol
there was a trend years ago iirc? of people just randomly climbing up to really high places and just sorta sitting there. i feel like maybe he'd do that sometimes just cause? like w/ the first point he might just need places to vibe alone sometimes
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antiquarianfics · 1 year
Reader wonders how their life might have looked different in 1944, but they know they still would have loved Bucky Barnes.
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Author's Note: I have not written fanfiction in years, merely lurking and reading. However, "Timeless" (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault) just screams Bucky x Reader to me. I had to come back. So, enjoy. :) Genre: Fluff Pairing: Bucky Barnes x G!N Reader WC: 725 words
"What was it like?" You spoke hesitantly, choosing your words carefully as you break the comfortable silence where you and Bucky had been quietly looking at the antiques and knickknacks around the small store.
"What was what like?" Bucky looks down at you, eyebrow raised.
You nudge him with your shoulder.
"Hush, I was getting there," you laugh. "What was it like in the '40s?"
Bucky had told you plenty about his life both pre and post Winter Soldier; however, you still felt like asking again.
Bucky smiled softly, looking up and around the room. "It was hectic. We had just entered the war and everyone was panicking. I remember Ma and Becca were practically begging me not to enlist." He pauses, gathering his thoughts. His mother and sister were hard for him to talk about sometimes, so you grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
"It was funny, though. After enlisting, I felt like I was on top of the world. I was proud to join, y'know? Think Ma and Becca were proud of me, too. Just scared."
"Understandable," you agree. You bite your lip, thinking. "Did enlisting get you a girlfriend?"
Bucky blows out air in a stifled laugh. "No, but it didn't hurt my game," he teases.
You roll your eyes before settling on an old photograph in a catch-all sort of box labeled "Photographs: 25¢ each." The photo was lying neatly on top of the others, practically calling you toward it like a siren to a sailor. You begin moving towards it, letting Bucky's hand fall out of your grasp as you go to pick it up.
"Why do you ask?" Bucky questions, coming up to stand behind you at the photo box. He gently slides his arms around your body, hugging you from behind, gazing at the photograph over your shoulder.
You hum. "I don't know; I guess all this old stuff just got me thinking."
Bucky stays silent, letting you pull your thoughts together.
"You think this would've been us?" You ask.
The photo you were drawn to was of a '30s couple smiling and laughing on the porch of their first home. You didn't know who these people were, obviously, but you recognized them as you and Bucky. It was a strange feeling, and you hoped Bucky would understand it, too.
"Oh, for sure. I woulda been crazy about you back then," Bucky smiles, imagining you in his time. "You in victory rolls, the long skirts, out dancing? God, you know I would've been talking you up."
You giggle, feeling flustered. "I would've married you, bought you a house, given you kids, whatever you wanted," he continues. "I would've had the prettiest person in all of space and time sending me off to war."
You frown slightly. "You know, for people who fight bad guys and aliens on a regular basis, I really don't like the idea of sending you off to war. It's too dangerous. You might fall off a train, or something."
Bucky laughs, poking you in the side. "Come on, now."
"No, seriously. I hate it. I pray every night that you'll come back unscathed when you go on missions with Sam, and... I just can't imagine having to rely on letters or not being able to just go with you," you take a breath, grounding yourself. You realize you're working yourself up.
"I would have, though."
"Would've what?"
"Relied on the letters. I would've read them every night, and write you just as much. Telling you not to be stupid and not die. I would've sat by the mailbox everyday just to get your letters and know you're alright."
Bucky grins. "I would've come back. For you."
"If you could've just gone back, don't you think you would have?"
"Nah," Bucky dismisses the thought. "If I hadn't fallen off that train, I'd be ancient or dead right now and I wouldn't have gotten to love you."
You set the photo back down in the box before turning around in Bucky's arms. You slide your arms around his neck and he lets his fall to your waist.
"I'm serious," he says when the two of you make eye contact. "What we got, Doll? It's timeless. I was gonna end up in your arms one way or another."
You lean up and kiss him.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 9 months
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I'm very ill about them
Also design gushing under the cut vv
My personal hc is that the reddish outfit is Bad's battle outfit, so it's very heavy material and a lot of leather and metal, nothing too beautiful like my other fit for him but he stays slaying >< u know I had to put him in the corset, also the gold chest plate is something based off like... Old Egyptian pharoh outfits, I feel like he'd have and wear one of those very consistently, id probably put a bit more of a design in it but I didn't feel like it tonight LMAO also that's our bell, yes it's skull shaped and yes I'm cliche
I wanted to give bad a pair of goggles, but I have a lore HC that post-Hunger Games he stopped having those because he passed them down to cellbit before they split up. If I were to draw him in battle mode before hunger games I would give him the goggles.
For Brunim I've never drawn him before but I mostly just looked at his skin, I took liberties with the pocket watch and the way I drew his hair and also his tie. I'm not sure what it's called but I'm so cliche I always have to give my vampire characters one of those. If it was my choice he woulda been in darker pants but the light colored pants are growing on me... Also saw someone draw him with bat wings so I decided to include them as well hehe
Originally the poses weren't as extreme, but I felt like I could do more with them and make them more interesting if I pushed it :3
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bitumz · 3 months
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Title: Lay that rifle down
Pairing: Cooper Howard / Lucy MacLean Word count: 4.5k+
Rated: E [explicit sexual content, gun play, dom/sub undertones, cannibalistic tendencies]
gif credit: @kaorym ❤️
“Ten caps says you can’t teach me something about a rifle that I don’t already know.” Lucy sent over her raised arm.
And Cooper took it as the bait it was. 
“Aight Annie Oakley, target practice ain’t got shit on the real thing.” He sneered with a tip of his head. “You ever have to pull a repeater on a rabid herd of radroaches crawlin’ at your feet down there in that squeaky-clean sealed-up vault of yours?” Cooper asked, and Lucy only looked over at him as if the thought was foul. “Or how bout a pack a’ radhounds foamin’ at the maw for a mouthful of that hot blooded complacency all over your fuckin’ face... Didn’t think so.” He bit. “And keep that goddamned elbow up ‘fore it gets knocked from its socket.” He reminded again through his teeth, and she couldn't be sure if he meant from the kick of the stock or his hands-on training approach.
Three empty cans of Cram hung from twine on a tree branch twenty yards out and Lucy squinted at them down the barrel of Cooper’s sawed off. Their light ammo was running low, as was their luck, a bandit encampment separating them from their most recent diversion, a bounty that would earn them enough caps to not have to worry about bullets or supplies for the next few months if lady luck got her shit together. 
“No, no radroaches down there, thank goodness.” Lucy answered. “But there was those few raiders that one time. And the bandits back in Nipton... The deathclaw that nearly knocked your head off.” She preened. “They all moved pretty quick. I think Annie would be proud.”
Cooper snorted at that, ambling down range to run his gloved hand lazily across the cans, sending them swaying side to side. Stepped safely out of the way.
“Raiders…” he still pondered the first of her list. The one that still stung the most when she thought on it too long. “Moldaver’s golden fuckin’ ticket huh... What was his name again?” Cooper asked, eyes thinning in a derisive show of thought. Like he’d actually forgotten, though the tightly drawn bow of his shoulders said otherwise, pent up exertion waiting to be freed in one way or another. Lucy shifted on her toes in the sand. “Monty, right?” He sent her a withering grin from beneath the shadow of his hat. “Imagine how much more effective buckshot woulda been.”
Lucy glared back, took aim, and fired, the hollowed rounds free of shrapnel, (waste not, want not Cooper would say) but striking the trio of moving cans in repeat, near-perfect precision all the same. A sense of pride swelled in her chest as they spun wild from their twine, right alongside the burning memories of being betrayed and choked and stabbed in the gut… She looked over to find Cooper again, closer now, watching near her side. 
“I slashed his throat, you know.” Lucy reminded him with a smile of her own, and as always it flashed something bright and hot in his usually carefully disinterested hazel eyes.
“Oh I know.” Cooper nodded. “But your first mistake was lettin’ him close enough to have to.”
With the warning he attempted to reset the stage, gloved hands reaching out to grasp for anything vital, another repeated lesson in reading between the lines of people's bullshit. And they had earned her a few bruises here and there as she’d grown stronger and quicker and improved till he’d deemed it unnecessary to pull his punches, just as she’d begun drawing a bit of blood of her own.
But Lucy had always been a fast learner long before the wasteland. Now, with the push of her heel against the dirt she dodged back and spun whole-bodily to put the barrel of his rifle between them, pointing it an inch away from the hastily sewn button over the center of his chest. 
“He was a liar.” Lucy said simply. “Fucked me and wanted a quick out... Like most men, come to think of it.”
And Cooper chucked low, gloved palms up in a short lived impasse. Raised his stormy expression toward the sky. “Most men, like the poor souls weren’t trapped in there with you.” He finished the roll of his eyes and met hers again. Smirked a fiery thing. “Or related to ya.”
Lucy took the jabs in stride.
“This again? Really? Right now?” She asked, adjusting the butt of the shotgun more securely into the divot of her shoulder. “Not like I had many options down there. Still don’t sadly…”
“And yet?” Cooper bid with the lift of his browline, hat shifting the slightest bit higher on his forehead and letting the sun play brighter along the deep hollows of his face. And he took the final, daring step that put him flush against the jagged metal of the muzzle. Sent her a warning look across it that burned deep in her belly as if it were his own finger on the trigger. Stared at her as if he awaited something even more gutting in her answer. 
And she knew him well enough now that she could give him that.
“Well if this is you actually asking, I’ve dealt with my fair share of assholes, sure. Down there and up here... But with Monty,” she breathed out, sugar sweet and disgustingly indulgent. “I’ve never cum so hard in my life.” 
Then she reached out over the barrel of the rifle, flicked the brim of his hat up another inch higher across his brow just to be a bitch. And at her teasing smile he growled.
Cooper snatched the gun from her hold single handedly, slinging it down in the dirt beside them so hard it kicked up dust. Grabbed her by the knot of the vaultsuit at her waist and yanked her in close, looming that few inches over her that sped her heart in her chest and weakened her knees every single time without fail.
“You sure you really wanna tug on that thread right now girl?” Cooper hissed, chemical-laced breath washing hot across her face in a smell she was coming to relate to painful, invigorating pleasure if she played her cards just right. Because the hands she was dealt could change at a single slip of the tongue, but she was getting more and more secure in her ability to read the table. “Cause it’s been a rough few weeks,” he drawled, “and them prissy vault assholes ain't got shit on me.” 
As if she needed reminding of just how full of it he actually was. He was heavy handed and a downright son of a bitch when the occasion called, but the only lasting marks he left on her skin these days were asked for in gasped breaths and pleading little cries. He'd done nothing during their ample downtime but raise her up to the harsh standards of the wasteland, training her muscles and sharpening her mind and she'd felt more alive in the last few months than she’d ever had in her entire life.
“Technically he wasn't a vault dweller.” She corrected with a small shrug. Squared her shoulders. “But ya, I’m sure.” Lucy nodded in challenge.
And Cooper stared her down just long enough to raise the small hairs at the back of her neck…
Then his rough hands were everywhere all at once, ripping her suit the rest of the way down her hips with one to let it pool at her feet. He bit the middle fingertip of his glove over the other to free it from his scarred skin. And as always his right trigger finger shined paler up at her, nearly completely healed now in a line near his knuckle where two became one. It skimmed up her stomach alongside his others, under her dirtied tank top, gripping the sensitive flesh there and squeezing as she steadied herself against his shoulders to kick her fallen suit to the side.
And Cooper watched the small act with something like veneration in his eyes. 
It emboldened her enough to reach into his own cover, small hands slipping beneath the lapels of his ragged duster to try and push it down from his shoulders. But her wrists were caught in his ensnaring hold before she could make any real progress. 
“Leave it alone,” he snarled, shoving her back and away from him with such a force that she tumbled down onto her ass in the sand, grains scratching against the strips of bare skin that her underwear didn’t cover, but the new angle did something even rawer to her insides as she looked back up at him, standing tall above, chest heaving in an inevitable anger that she found she wanted to siphon out of him like blood, in the very same way he’d done her all those months ago in the hazy heat of the desert. Kicking and screaming and fighting until all the trauma he’d piled on and on atop the already shaky foundation was free of her skin and torn right back into his. And it was a damn enticing thought.
“There she is.” He said unmoving, in that way that pushed her further, as if he knew her better than she knew herself. And that could only be true if she allowed it. 
So she pressed her weight up onto her elbows. Carefully schooled her expression. Sharpened the words in her mind just as Cooper would his bowie.
“You know, I vaguely remember Monty saying something similar to me as I rode him into the mattress.” Lucy said, looking past him to the safety of the tree line. “The first time.” She added pointedly. 
And Cooper’s laugh slithered in the humid air above.
“You sure are a funny little thing, I’ll give ya that.” He said down at her, the lilt of his accent at odds with the glare. “All talk and no substance.” He goaded, tongue darting out to swipe at his chapped bottom lip. Then a sudden thought burned quick and troubling in his eyes. “Unless you care to prove it?”
For a while neither moved, Lucy only returning his malice back up to him as he thought something over in his mind. It thinned in his eyes like her patience.
Then all at once it clicked, Cooper bending forward to retrieve his rifle from the dirt. He shoved it barrel-first into the loose sand between her legs, so sudden and so close to the apex of her thighs that she nearly flinched back to protect her own anatomy…
“Let’s see it then cowgirl.” He taunted, taking a step back and watching her as if she were a puzzle he was bound to solve, whether the pieces fit in place or not. A game to be mastered to completion. One she’d started playing first this time around.
And she would never again back down from a challenge out of fear. Not ever one from him.
“Okey dokey.” Lucy said, paired with the sweet curve of her lips that she knew, together, bit him right in the ass. 
Her hands only shook the faintest bit as she wrapped them around the barrel, using it as an anchor to draw herself the small distance forward it took to have it flush against the gusset of her underwear. The metal itself was warm to the touch, near burning under the tips of her fingers from such recent use, but it sat just right against the heat already building between her legs at the way his shell shocked eyes ate up her every move. 
She held them with her own as she drew into mind the memory of those show girls she’d seen on an old holotape beneath Chet’s mattress. Dressed in clinging silk and dolled up beautifully as they danced around and clung onto tall metal polls like they were lovers. Lucy tried to mimic, making an experimental roll with her hips against the cylinder, firm pressure pushing against all the right places as it parted her folds and met her clit through the thin material of her panties. But the real pleasure came from the look it left on Cooper’s face. 
Lucy moaned a low sound and his boots shifted in the sand before her.
“That’s all it takes huh?” He drawled, his gritty, flustered voice brewing even more pressure deep in her gut than the contact itself. “Fuckin’ get it then.”
She rolled her hips again, arching her lower back and drawing the stock closer to her chest in the dancelike chase of her own pleasure, rocking her cunt against the hard barrel more like a cowboy would his saddle in those old westerns than the painted ladies she’d set out to mirror originally… And then she looked right up into Cooper’s gaping eyes.
“Like this?” Lucy asked him in a breathless gasp, straight teeth flashing harsh in the sun as she drew in a breath through them.
“Just like that.” He growled back, bared hand tugging slow at his remaining glove before both fell to the pair of buckles at his waist. 
And the methodical way he undid the clasp of his holster while still watching on had Lucy’s thighs tightening shut around metal in anticipation, sliding slicker against the friction. She’d been lying when she told him Monty was the best lay she’d ever had but she found that it was almost always in her own best interest to give Cooper new and ever changing goals to focus on. He was an excellent student when given the proper time and motivation to study the material, just as she herself had been during all those pivotal pubescent years in the company of only a Radiation King television set and her own two hands. 
But she was very much a woman now, her body screaming it at her so as her movements grew quicker and sloppy, her hands drawing the rifle against herself in pulses as she rolled her hips forward faster in chase, the pressure building and building low in her groin, throbbing but empty and wanting. 
“Cooper please.” Lucy begged in a shaky breath, though she couldn't pin down exactly what for. She sought out his eyes for the answers. 
“Nu uh.” Cooper denied in a breathy exhale, flicking his pistol barrel up at her a pair of times in vague acknowledgement. “You started it. Fuckin’ finish it.” He bit and the frustration it lit in her chest rekindled her efforts.
If he wanted her to finish then she fucking would. 
Lucy reached down to pull her panties aside, soft curls lacing around her fingers as she unceremoniously dipped a mismatched pair between her folds and into the slick of her arousal, earning a low, satisfying rumble from Cooper’s chest that had her walls clenching tighter around them. She rolled her wrist in the familiar pattern that’d earned her many a decent night sleep. Looked down as she fucked herself on her fingers, gun still standing tall from the dirt between her legs like some last little bit of modesty between her and the eyes that looked on as if they were trying to swallow her whole. She tried to imagine his mostly-own, thicker digits pushing into her. His own thumb circling rough over her clit. And under his careful study, she’d never been more turned on in her life.
“That how Monty touched ya?” Cooper slithered down to her like a curse, breaking the spell and stirring her up further all at once. He stepped aside to fall languorously into a crouch near her knee to better see the show. “All soft and sweet-like. A proper little lady.” He growled.
And Lucy gasped a laugh up at the blue sky, falling to her back as her muscles tensed to a near excruciating tautness at his goading, the attempt only exposing another of his weaknesses and twisting tighter the coil low in her own gut. “He didn’t touch me at all actually.” She confessed, fingers squelching obscenely as she quickened her pace at the reminder. “Made me do all the work myself. Just like this.” She accused up at him with the bend of her neck. “Had more fun fighting him honestly...”
A quick breath huffed from Cooper's nasal cavity. 
“Mm,” he nodded. “Figures.” He drawled, eyes trailing down her body with a dangerous edge thinning his lips. Then he aimed his pistol passively at the dampening sand between her legs, a crazed glint sparking in his eyes that she’d only ever seen in ghouls gone rabid. “Well I got another gun here if ya need it.” He offered.
And the rush of adrenaline at the implication alone was what finally sent her falling over the edge, back arching over the ground, thighs quivering and clenching closed so hard around her own hand that the rifle between them toppled sideways right into Cooper’s waiting hold. 
“That’s it, darlin’,” he praised, steadying himself over her against it like a crutch, honey gold eyes raking over every inch of her exposed, trembling skin. The peaks of her breasts teasing through her thin tank top. Her slowing fingers between her legs as she brought herself back down. “Monty ain’t got shit on those greedy little hands huh?”
And she knew he was talking but the words wouldn’t register right in her pleasure deafened ears. Overstimulated and still unsatisfied in equal measure for the taste of oblivion she could never quite reach on her own anymore. 
“Cooper…” Lucy breathed, strained and gasping in the throes of her waning orgasm. “Cooper please - please…”
He grew tense near her side, that practiced mask of indifference slipping a bit at her honest to god begging. 
“Cooper what?” He asked, almost sweet, in itself an unnerving thing. 
And Lucy let her legs spread back open wide. Slowly traced her pleasure drenched fingers up to the bare midriff of her pale stomach. Dipped them beneath the fraying hem of her panties.
“Please don’t make me do this alone again...” 
Then her underwear joined in the pile of her vaultsuit, Cooper ripping them off her himself as he gave in with a deep throated snarl. He shoved the rifle out of the way in the process, in the rush of kneeling between her legs. Dropped his pistol to the dirt at her side.
“Always so fuckin’ needy,” he bit out in a pant, parting her folds with a single bared hand and pressing his face down between them without so much as preamble. He licked a hot stripe up the damp seam of her, watching her face as it screwed up in pleasure toward the sky, hips pressing harder against his mouth on instinct alone. He held them down against the earth. “This what you wanted sweetheart? A monster like me to do it for ya?” He drew back just enough to ask, pressing the first two fingers of his right hand deep inside her so quick and rough that instead of denying the moniker aloud, she could only moan the breath from her mouth. "Let me fuckin' hear it." Cooper growled, then dragged out more of that answering sound with the seal of his coarse lips around her clit.
Lucy basked in the burning stretch, her walls deliciously taut as he curled his fingers forward inside her, deep against a spot that had the coil low in her belly already flaming burning hot again with a practiced expertise that continued to put the few experiences she had before him to shame. His mouth trailed away from her center, leaving sharp toothed bites across the hinge of her leg, down deeper into the muscled meat of her thigh, every bit one of the foaming-mouthed radhounds he'd often warned her about. Taking her apart and consuming the ruin piece by tender piece.
Lucy hissed air from between her teeth as his jaw set tighter and tighter each time. She reached a hand down, attempting to gently guide him back in the right direction instead of his distracted path to somewhere beneath her skin. The rough curve of his cheekbone was hot beneath her touch for only a second before he tore himself away.
“Hands off,” Cooper ordered, looking up at her through his lashes, lips damp and swollen and so very touchable. “Or I'll stop.”
“That's not fair.” Lucy said, drawing back against the dirt and squirming against the slowing pulse of his fingers because she wasn't sure she could handle it if he followed through with that particular threat. “You touch me all the time.”
“Life ain't fair.” Cooper promised with a dark flair of his eyes. “You'll see.” 
Then he hooked a forearm around her thigh to drag her closer to him across the ground and began to eat her proper, wet, obscene sounds filling the air as his tongue laved in quick swipes over her swelling clit and his fingers scissored in upward strokes to meet them in tandem. And though the mid day sun burned hot against her sweat-slicked skin, Lucy saw fucking stars above, dancing and flashing before her eyes in bright bursts of gold and royal blue.
“Fuck,” Lucy swore in a throaty groan and Cooper's tongue faltered once mid motion. “Just like that.” She gasped, hands falling palms up against the ground on either side of her head as he worked her higher and higher into the throes of something like madness, spine already tingling and muscles twitching from the over sensitivity still lingering on from her first small taste of pleasure…
This second orgasm crested slow, swelling over her in heavy waves as Cooper carried her unceasingly through it, continuing his relentless worship of her cunt with a single minded focus that she’d only elsewhere seen him use on those down the barrel of his gun.
“Does that make you Buffalo Bill?” Lucy asked breathless, a lifetime later, as her spine finally began to flatten and she remembered how to inhale.
His fingers slowed reluctantly to a stop, still inside her, and back during the first few times she used to wonder why. The job was done, the end goal reached, but he always kept touching her skin like he wanted to, exploring her inside and out even still, with the slight pet of his fingertips and hot, opened-mouthed kisses across the swell of her hips.
“Pardon?” Cooper asked absently from somewhere in between, voice muffled near the raised scar on her belly.
And Lucy laughed at the absurdity of it all. 
“You called me Annie Oakley earlier.” She reminded, looking down the length of her heaving chest to find his eyes. “Come to think of it, it may have been the first real compliment you've ever given me... She was a badass sharpshooter. Way ahead of her generation.” Lucy propped herself back up on her elbows and raised a quizzical brow at him. “And regardless of which version of her story you read, she out-shoots Bill every time. So-” and she gestured toward him.
But the indisputable facts only left an odd look on Cooper's face, teeth flashing back at her in a predatory smile from just above her skin. Like he was the only one of them on the inside of some incomprehensible joke. Then he actually laughed.
“That's why I bring the legacy of Buffalo Bill to mind in this scenario ‘a yours?” Cooper asked, exasperated. "The gunslingin'?" He nipped hard enough at her hip bone to make her hiss. Left pointed divots behind in the thin skin there. “Had me worried for a minute there, precious.” Then he slowly slid a pale fingertip up the middle of her stomach to the rise of her sternum.
And Lucy was left confused and underwhelmed at the newest pet name and his uncharacteristic lack of offense. 
“I'm saying I'm a better shot than you.” She clarified briskly. 
Then she watched the claim set across his features as if she herself were the punchline all along, burning a bit more life into his tightening eyes.
“Care to lose another wager then?” Cooper asked in lieu of taking the bait this time, shoulders lax and rounded as he shifted up over her, hands coming down to restrain hers on either side of her head. “Cause ya owe me ten caps already.”
“Try me.” Lucy said without faltering, because she actually was very good at riflery and reading (books, and lies, and straight through his bullshit, at this point) and fighting and fucking and a great deal of other survival skills… And she was so incredibly tired of feeling the need to dumb herself down to fit in some box that no longer existed. Especially not now on the ground between Cooper’s arms. Not when he looked down at her like that. Like not even he had control anymore.
“Tell ya what,” he started, raising a hand to lift his hat from his head, dropping it to the ground just above her own. “If you're able to aim for shit by the time I'm done with ya, we'll call it even, right? Double or nothin’.” He nodded, lowering himself down close into her space, the torn tendrils of his duster tickling where they dragged along the bare skin inside her knees, rugged lips slowing inches over hers and Lucy’s tongue darted out across her own chapped skin in preparation. Because right from the very beginning of it all, Cooper had been nothing if not terribly honest and true to his word. 
“Deal.” Lucy accepted easily, victorious either way.
Then with a quick dip of his hand between them and the promising cling of his belt buckle, she could feel the hot, thick pressure of him pressing insistent against her entrance, still slick and ready and desperately waiting. 
Even so, he gave her a moment to adjust, eyes like searing supernovas where they watched her expression from above as he pressed in slow, deeper and deeper until he was buried fully beneath her skin and she'd claimed another piece of him as her own.
Then Lucy exhaled her relief. Pushed the sweetness of his consideration far from the front of her mind. Looked up at him with all the pain she could gather beneath her fingers with the curl of her dull nails into the backs of his hands. Drew her plush bottom lip between her teeth and smiled in that endearing way she knew pissed him off…
“Go on then cowboy.” She bid, pressing him in closer with her heels against the backs of his sturdy thighs. “Or are you all talk and no substance?” She added when he didn't move right away, sealing her own sentence beneath the tightening of his hold.
He answered with the dip of his head in fevered disagreement, the frenzied press of his mouth searing down against her own. Then he was moving, hips rolling forward in punishing strokes that dug deep enough into the core of her body to drive out any other thoughts but him, and yes, and please, and it was the last she spoke apart from his name for a good long while. 
Twenty caps, she reminded herself later that evening, carefully Radawayed and still sprawled shapeless against Cooper’s chest across the cooling sand. She couldn't let herself forget.
Because she knew damn well that he wouldn't.
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OK I JUST THOUGHT OF THIS AND OF COURSE IT STARTED WITH MURIEL BHJFDFV but long story short i thought of murie with mc writing a book together, about all the stuff theyre good at collectively at this point, plants, animals, magic connected with them and its uses,
then i come across this and god yes perfect this is the book this is what theyd write lmao
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so yeah i think you may have written a writer-mc one already but what if!!!! mc + m6 trying to write a book together!!!!! whats it about!!!1! how would it go!!! whos taking notes whos infodumping for 4 hours about the thing theyre passionate about!!!!! pasha woulda probably had a whole story world & characters complete living in her head already since she was like 11 and just never had time or skill or courage to write it all down, ilyushka could fill 3 tomes of medical textbooks, with mixed in personal anecdotes about how he learned it all, lucio just goes for a biography and then remembers mc was gonna be part of it too so its half his pov and half theirs, chapters intermingling, nadia could literally do anything and everything and possibly already has so idk hjbfbjsdjgh and muriel is SO SMART AND KNOWS SO MUCH ABOUT CHICKENS AND EVERYTHING ELSE OK, MF CAN TALK TO ANIMALS HE COULD WRITE A WHOLE SERIES OF RESEARCH ABOUT THAT IF HE WANTED, HED WRITE SCIENTIFIC PAPERS ABOUT THEM EXCEPT ITS WRITTEN LIKE and then they go in there [messy drawn diagram of a couple of badgers running into a den] and they start making noises like grlrlrlrlrrARF to keep the fox from coming in after them in their house, and then they feed their daughter 2 snails and tell her not to follow the fox or he could scratch her and then
asra would do a crime novel. i dont know where i got that from but sure hbjdfbjdfv no idk bout them either
@tetsuooooooooooo I live for your essays and random delightful headcanons xD
But YES you're so right!!
Portia doing an entire fantasy series with the protagonists closely modeled after you and her
Nadia doing the "correct" version of Machiavelli's The Prince
Julian writing "plague doctoring for dummies"
Muriel just churning out encyclopedia after encyclopedia on local flora and fauna
Asra doing a crime novel except it's modeled after true crime podcasts where there's no clear resolution to the mystery (the readers think it's to leave the end to their imagination, it's really because Asra came up with multiple endings and couldn't be bothered to stick with just one the conventional way)
Lucio ends up hiring a transcriber so he can just talk while they do the boring part (writing) for him
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dreamsandcherrypie · 1 month
Maria’s Sketchbook Masterlist
We’ve reached a pivotal element of the story which involves someone sneaking a peak at our main character’s journal 😏
Now chapters that don’t already have artwork will be illustrated through Maria’s Sketchbook! Hope you like :D
(As always click the image for that good quality)
PS I’ll illustrate your fanfic too!! Bonus if it’s Dean but not required :)
Chapter 1: Prologue
The little girl from our power duo’s first case
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. . . Until an entirely different kind of job appeared at the foot of my bed. A creepy as shit ghost of a girl in bows and dusty nightgown. But even so, you could tell she was a beautiful little girl in life . . .
Chapter 2: In da Club
Our main suspect
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“Oh! An’ she had glasses! Ol’ timer ones with the thick squares,” the pretty southern woman drawled out in her honeyed accent from her hospital bed.
I quickly begin sketching some glasses on my drawing of our suspect.
“Mrs. Bennet, did you notice anything unique about her teeth?” I ask, super casually.
“Like wha?”
“I don’t know, maybe they were… pointy?”
“No miss... I woulda reckoned somethin’ like that.”
Chapter 3: Meet Me at the Crime Scene
Ava’s puppy eyes
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“Please? I really think we could use their help and I really like Sam.”
“Can’t you boink Sam without us having to work with his stupid brother?”
She clasps prayer hands under her chin, tilts her head even further, and juts out her lower lip. I hold out for all of a few seconds.
“Ugh! Fine!” I throw up my hands in defeat.
“Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
It’s hard to be mad at her. Dean on the other hand…
Ava takes me by my hand back to where the boys stand. Those two dorks literally give each other a thumbs up.
Meanwhile Dean and I stand apart with crossed arms.
“Did you get hit with the puppy eyes too?”
“Actually… Yea.”
Chapter 4: What’s the Steaks? Focused Dean
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“Oh yes,” says Rose, now holding hands with Ava, “Tell me more.”
I catch Rose up on the bet and Ava up on that whole barstool thing.
“Do you think he fancies you?” asks Rose, on the edge of her nonexistent seat.
“Not a chance in hell! You should hear the way he talks to me!”
“I don’t know hun, it sounded awfully sexually charged,” says Rose.
“It kind of felt more like a threat?”
“Hot,” says Ava.
“Dude! Might I remind you the whole reason we are here is to compare notes on this case?! Sam said he’d bring his computer and there is no computer!”
“I might have only said we were studying to get you over here.”
With a huff I leave the bathroom, the girls giggling wildly just behind me. I take that beer Sam got us before and chug.
“Let’s play darts!”
Chapter 5: A Whole Night
Chapter 6: Morning, Sunshine Green Soap 💚
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Once most of the pool water is off my body, I steal a little of the boys’ green bar soap. I come out of the shower smelling like a straight dad, but I like it. Taking the liberty of using the guys’ cleanest looking towel, I dry off and wrap myself up.   I can’t believe I have to do this.  My hands gently crack open the bathroom door causing steam to escape. “Dean?”
Chapter 7: This Plan Sounds Dumb
TBD (To Be Drawn) Chapter 8: Out of the Woods "Listen..."
Chapter 9: "Field of Blue"
Chapter 10: Fresh Tattoos, Loud Music, & Fast Cars
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timotey · 9 months
Ficlet: Of Secrets and Lies
Pit Babe. Charlie/Babe. A future AU missing scene (is that even a thing? 🤔). Unbeta'd.
Charlie wouldn’t lie to him about something like this. Would he?
(Yes, I wrote an mpreg. Go me! My first since 2014. Wow. Who woulda thought? A mesh-up of book and drama. Just... hand-wave your way through.)
A month after Charlie’s death at the racetrack, almost to the day, actually, Babe starts feeling sick.
He doesn’t pay much attention to it at first. He’s been feeling under the weather for days now, listless and drained, his mind stuck in the moment he felt his powers return to him, his heart stuck inside the emergency room where, as his newly expanded hearing revealed to him, his lover just flatlined. He can’t sleep, he can’t eat, he can’t… he just can’t. So when he gets sick, it doesn’t really come as a surprise to him.
But his sickness doesn't go away, the thing is. And one morning, as he’s bent over the toilet once again, throwing up where there’s nothing to throw up in the first place… he pauses. Because a crazy, absolutely impossible idea crosses his mind.
No way. No. Definitely not.
And yet.
No. Because Charlie wouldn’t lie to him about something like this. Charlie who… lied to him about everything else at first before finally coming clean. Maybe he just didn’t get the chance to tell him the truth about this. But he wouldn't. Charlie wouldn’t, not about this. Not when he knew Babe’s situation, first hand, the danger Tony presented.
And yet.
A simple pregnancy test would tell him the truth. But Babe wouldn’t be able to stomach it, such an impersonal confirmation of Charlie’s betrayal. It would… it would destroy him. He knows that.
So he chooses the next best option: he goes to Jeff.
“We need to talk!” Babe tells Jeff when he finds him in the garage and without waiting for Jeff's answer, he walks out again, out the back where the little smoking area offers some privacy.
Frowning, Jeff follows him out. “What is it?” he asks uncertainly. They haven’t seen each other in days and Babe looks… well, he looks terrible. Drawn and pale and wired tight.
Babe whips around and snaps out harshly, “Tell me that Charlie wasn’t an Enigma!” It’s not a question, it’s an order. “Tell me he did not lie about this too!”
Jeff blinks rapidly, confused, because whatever he expected, this apparently wasn’t it. “What? Why would you…” His voice trails off as his eyes widen. And before Babe can react, Jeff reaches out and touches him, letting his powers sink into Babe.
Babe pulls away but Jeff must've gotten what he needed. Because he breathes in sharply and stares at Babe, shocked by what he saw.
“What–” Babe starts saying but Jeff cuts him off.
“He was,” Jeff says, still staring at Babe, shaken. “Looks like Charlie was an Enigma.”
Babe swallows hard, his heart, already beating hard, picks up the pace even further. He’s feeling cold all over, his hands are freezing. “So… he lied about this too.”
But Jeff shakes his head vehemently. “No. He didn’t. He really didn’t know about this. I swear. He thought he was a regular Alpha, nothing more.”
Laughing harshly, Babe says, “How could he have not known? All it takes is a simple test, all Alphas take it when they reach puberty. Hell, I took it! He must’ve–”
“But Charlie didn’t, that’s the thing!” Jeff interrupts him. “Remember, Tony thought him useless. That’s why he let Charlie go when he ran away. Tony had no incentive to put Charlie through the test because Charlie was no good to him, not even as a test subject.”
“So, you’re telling me that Charlie - what? He simply assumed he was a regular Alpha?” Babe demands in disbelief.
Jeff shuffles his feet uncomfortably. “Well… yeah. Enigmas are rare. The odds of actually being one are, well, impossible.”
“Obviously not impossible enough,” Babe mumbles and closes his eyes.
Because he feels faint. He hasn’t truly eaten in days, being unable to keep anything down anyway, and Charlie is dead - Charlie is dead! - and he’s… he’s pregnant, it seems. And it’s too much. It’s all just too much. There’s white noise in his ears and he can feel a tingling sensation seeping up his arms and legs and…
“Fuck.” He staggers.
“Hey,” Jeff yelps and grabs Babe by the arms, leading him to sit down on the edge of a concrete planter with a some dried out plant struggling vainly. “Sit before you fall. There. You okay?” 
No, Babe's not okay. Of course he’s not okay, damn it. And fuck you, Charlie. Fuck you for doing this to me. Fuck you for… for dying on me!
Babe breathes in and out slowly, again and again, until the faint feeling passes. Only then does he open his eyes and looks at Jeff who’s now crouching in front of him, looking up at him in concern. 
“What… what will you do?” Jeff asks in an uncertain whisper.
“About?” Babe asks back.
“Well…” Jeff’s voice trails off and he waves his hand at Babe, at– 
Odd. Ever since that morning, ever since that possibility occurred to him, his head and his heart have been in turmoil - but not once, not once did the idea of an abortion even cross his mind. Babe realizes that’s saying something.
“I will keep it,” Babe says, quietly but firmly. “Of course I will keep it. It’s Charlie’s kid, Jeff. Charlie’s!” He has to fight with himself not to lay his hands on his abdomen protectively. Because there’s no danger to his child here. Not here.
“But other than that? I have no idea what to do,” Babe admits, clenching his hands into fists. “When Tony finds out - and he will, a kid isn’t a hangnail, you can’t just… hide it! - when he finds out, he’s going to raze X-Hunter to the ground and everyone with it to get to it.”
Jeff looks down, thinking hard. It takes a minute but when he looks up again, it’s apparent that he came to some decision. He doesn’t like it - at all, if Babe can tell - but he's determined to see it through. He nods to himself. Then he gets up and says, “So, we’ll just have to take Tony out before it comes to that.”
Babe laughs at him. “Take Tony out? That bastard is untouchable!” He should know.
Jeff waves a hand dismissively. “We already have a plan all set up and ready to go. We’ll just have to... speed up the timetable, is all.”
Babe narrows his eyes at him. “Who is ‘we’?” he asks suspiciously.
An uncomfortable look passes across Jeff’s face. He clears his throat awkwardly, takes a deep breath and says, “Well, the thing is…”
And then he proceeds to tell Babe the truth.
“He. Did. What?!” Babe roars and he would jump to his feet if his head weren’t spinning. He’s furious, absolutely livid. And elated. But mostly livid, at least for the moment. “I’m going to kill him,” he spits out. “I swear, this time, I’m going to personally beat him to death, the fucker!”
And when Babe next sees Charlie, when Jeff brings him to where Charlie's been hiding this whole time, ever since his faked death, Babe punches him, hard, laying into him with everything he has. Because how dare he? How dare he do this to him? How…
And then he kisses Charlie, just as hard, and he hugs him fiercely and he cries because… because Charlie's alive. Charlie is alive and nothing else matters.
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sutibunbani · 2 months
So, I wanted to draw a Nathan Kitty (Like a Cat that looks like Nathan)... And then my Boyfriend suggested Brennan being a DOG, So I got this idea and had to draw it! They're just so adorable! Hahaha
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I had fun with this personally! Biggest struggles was trying to stay true to the characters, but I am a SUCKER for fun redesigning!
BRENNAN STRUGGLE: Sucks Brennan doesn't have a Ref sheet, woulda made all this a WHOLE LOT easier, Instead I had to pull from various frames of him that didn't have any tinted lighting or shading! One thing I also struggled with would be his HANDS, I wanted PAWS, But I ALSO wanted good ol grippers! So I had to give him thick fingers like paws, but NOT too much like paws to avoid anything looking weird! His body shape also had me in shambles, but I think I did alright overall! I decided Brennan would be a Poodle because the way the species looked just kinda suited him, between his hair, and his personality even! I know you can argue with me that Poodles are more depicted with the upclass, rich people personality. However I PERSONALLY still always adored the idea of a shy, nervous, Poodle! The way the dog looks just works for it somehow!
SQUARE HEAD NATHAN: As for Nathan, My BIGGEST problem was dealing with his face... His original Design just was NOT built for this kinda tinkering, which made my ACCURATE ASS struggle PLENTY while altering his design to fit an animalistic head! However, I found out a way to give him the muzzle in the end, so were all good! I decided for him, based on the OTHER art style he's drawn in (Typically his very defined curly hair), I thought it would be nice to make him a CURLY haired Cat. So I looked up a Curly haired Cat and got a few good options! The one I settled on for him though, THE ONE THAT CAUGHT MY EYE, Was the LaPerm Cat! It's super Curly but to a point it almost looks mangy and tattered, Unclean if you will! And I thought this was PURRFECT for Nathan!
CHARACTERS CREDIT: "Who are these characters?" you may ask, if you've read all the way through and have NO IDEA what your looking at! Well, I've been a TAD BIT interested in this (Supposedly) Canceled comic ABOMINATHAN! It has a full Volume 1, And Volume 2 hasn't finished its production since 2019! Id personally go check it out, despite it not being touched in so long, and having discovered it long after its been left alone (2023)! I took a personal liking to the comic! And It sucks we didn't get more, I definitely would've enjoyed to see more build up with the students!
CREATORS SOCIALS: The creator of ABOMINATHAN: @possessedpasm Old Acc: @possessed-opossum Twitter: https://x.com/SwampSkull READ THE COMIC HERE @abominathan-comic I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! Love this comic and her art! no matter what! Also wish Bri good luck with her future endeavors! ^^
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pwnyta · 4 months
Now that im done with my GI dailies...
ROUND 2 of the BNHA award show starts!
Damn she was a bad bitch....
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Ok they can preform open heart surgery? Sure...
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Award for BIGGEST ASSPULL goes to...
AND!!! ERI!!!
Damn this was dumb as hell....
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...off-screen.... girl... Mirio I love you so much theres no way you should be this lame...
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Kurogiri you were so intriguing before Hori made you a zombie of Aizawas friend he just randomly added...
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...??? HER!!!!
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Mutant bigotry!!!
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I mean obviously.... You know letting him actually have some smooth character development woulda been too hard for Hori...
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...Yall can get mad at me for this one... You know I aint wrong...
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Seriously Im in tears... how did this happen...
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??? Seriously you got pissed about killing villains so you started killing heroes even a teenage boy? Thats so fucking stupid girl....fuckin WHAT?
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Hawks gave Twice plenty of chances to stop fucking killing people so he could be taken in alive! WHY DO I HAVE TO DEFEND THIS BLACKHOLE OF WASTED FUCKIN TIME HORI WTF....???
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All Mights CANT STOP TWINKLING attack!
The way I cried a little... my little tchotchke.... Him changing his attacks from states to his students was already so good but damn... :') Aoyama deserved this.
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I mean we knew from the jump but.... DAMN Toshi.
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Award for MOST HATED GOOD SHIP goes to...
Seriously FUCK those KRBK fans! Im so glad you got bested by the BKDKs you rancid fucks.... This ship was always superior!!!
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Award for LOVING SHOTO THE MOST goes to....
Certainly not his fucking family....
So this is love... mmm mmm mmm mmm~ So this is... love?
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Award for SICKEST VILLAIN DESIGN goes to...
Kunieda(I guess?)
Seriously this guy is so fucking cool looking. Clears literally every single villain design. Its not even close.
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The award for MOST HORNGRY goes too....
Seriously AFO... if you werent so obsessed with Toshi you probably woulda won its literally so fucking funny.... Elevated the nosebleed trope to literally spurting blood from the forehead veins from how aggressively horknee you are. LMAO. AND YET somehow this is not the weirdest boner you have for another man.
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ALL MIGHT. Obviously.
IDK if Hori loves you or hates you by how he writes you Toshi but damn you wear this consistency so fuckin well not even Hori could fuck you up!
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.... LMAO... Damn. Stress so intense it made you turn into a distinctly designed character.. The magic of facial hair and eyebags...
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The only blemish on the otherwise sickest side battle in this whole arc TBH..
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Thats the end of part 2 of BNHA AWARDS!!! Some serious upsets this round! Damn!
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#21 — 07/28/2022 9:40 AM
My evaluation of Daffy's attachment to Bugs in The Looney Tunes Show
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Oooh my interpretation of it is cuz Bugs’s natural charm also has an effect on him. Daffy is subconsciously drawn to Bugs, and Bugs is very drawn to him — both wouldn’t say that casually to each other tho. They just know after long years, that they were best friends.
Also it’s never confirmed if Bugs was Daffy’s first best friend, but if he is — that could also contribute to Daffy’s excessive attachment. Or if Porky came first, then Bugs would be like the first “unconditional” best friend Daffy woulda gotten.
Daffy, before he remembered his highschool trauma, prolly woulda seen being Porky’s best friend as a favour on his part. Theoretically, Daffy woulda seen Bugs as some guy he was trying to mooch off of, but who also happened to be an actually really cool guy. So he stuck around, Bugs tolerated his presence long enough — and did likely deal with Daffy’s shit as they got to know each other. And yet, they still maintained contact.
So after 12 years of (maybe) friendship between two unlikely personalities, Daffy for some unexplored reason, moves in with Bugs — and became basically his freeloader roommate for 5 (and plus) years. Probably up till that point in episode 1, Daffy was already so damn attached, but was still an asshole, so he never actually thought of Bugs as anything more than one of many people he’d mooch off of. Cuz he has a skewed understanding of a healthy relationship/friendship.
It wasn’t until that gameshow and Speedy’s confrontation with him, that Daffy developed in his perception of Bugs. Like a teensy bit.
After that, the show goes on to (mostly) show that Daffy is quite attached to Bugs in the sense that he’s his go-to friend for everything Daffy might wanna do (that doesn’t require manipulation because most of the time Bugs shuts down that shit fast). They do almost everything together. Daffy also just has a limited friend group, where out of all of them, Bugs is not “lame” or impatient of him — so there’s that.
Present day thoughts:
Basically I still stand by this interpretation. Tlts Daffy is far too messed up by his upbringing and trauma that Bugs' acts of service nature is super effective with winning Daffy's attachment. If Bugs wasn't a closeted bisexual with unresolved queerphobia, I could see tlts Daffy pursuing a real relationship with this Bugs.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
@taznovembercelebration - Wood /Gold
Carey was, quite literally, hanging off Magnus's every word. Or rather, she was perched up on Magnus's shoulder as he talked like he was a big boulder and she was a lizard soaking in the sun. His shoulder was starting to hurt, but he wasn't about to tell her to get off, because she had just gotten engaged and this was important. He had a sketch pad out in front of him as they discussed ring ideas. He had carved the ones they had used for the engagement, after all. But these had to be better.
"I was thinkin' more like..." Carey held her hand out and made an angle with her fingers. Magnus, honestly, couldn't tell what she was measuring. "Stabby? More stabby? Can you do that?"
"Like, uh, inward stabbing or-"
"No, no," Carey said. "Like, outward stabby, like a cool sword ring. Is that anything?"
"We can try," Magnus said, starting to draw a sword down. Carey shuffled, her feet catching on the back of his shirt slightly. He leaned a little to the right so she'd have more room. Carey made an approving noise at his sword sketch and they fell into a small silence, only filled by the crackling on the fire and the scratch of Magnus's pencil across the page.
After a few minutes, Carey cleared her throat.
"So I was, uhh, I was thinkin'," she said. "I don't know if it's in your skillset or anything-"
"Yes," Magnus said.
"You don't even know what I'm gonna ask!"
"I'm ninety percent sure in my skill set," Magnus said.
"Shut up," Carey laughed, whapping his shoulder. Magnus snickered. "For real, though. I was thinking like, getting these cast in gold? Does that seem silly? Gold looks really good on Killian and she's trusting me with this design so I wanna make it look good, y'know? Is that something you can do or should I find someone else?"
"Hm," Magnus said. He paused his sketch, drawn into his thoughts instead. He must have been quiet for too long, because Carey leaned back a little and asked,
"Magnus? Is that a no, or?"
"No, no," Magnus said, shaking his head. "I mean, yes! Yes, we can do that. We'd have to, uhm. We'd make the wooden ones first, probably, and then make a mold out of those? That'd be easiest."
"I'm down for that," Carey said. "Would you be doing the casting, or?"
"Nah, I'm awful at that," Magnus said with a little laugh. "Julia would have been able to do it. I just- sorry, I was thinking of anyone else who could have that I know and that's- I mean, that was her thing. It's- we can find someone else, I'm sure."
"Hey," Carey said, nudging him with a bone shoulder. "She woulda made the best damn rings in this entire planar system."
"In all of them," Magnus said, smiling. He set his pencil down and fished his wedding ring out from where it was hanging under his shirt. It had worn down over the years, but it still had the intricate they had designed together. Magnus, of course, had down the originals, but they had been destroyed with the rest of Raven's Roost.
He had spent a lot of time thinking about Julia lately. The culmination of Carey and Killian getting engaged and Magnus remembering a hundred years of his life was causing him to reminisce quite a bit. Grief all the way down, sure, but
"Wowza," Carey said, leaning in to look at it. "She did that?"
"Yeah," Magnus said, holding it up to the light. "It's real nice."
"Sure as hell is," Carey said. He tucked it back under his shirt and cleared his throat. Carey patted the shoulder she wasn't laying against. When he picked up his pencil, she continued with, "while we're on the topic I, uh, I had something I wanted to ask you, Mags."
"Go for it," Magnus said, adding unnecessary shading to the sword.
"Me and Kills talked it over and we wanted to ask, if it's okay with you, that we, uhm, we could leave a seat open. For Julia, I mean." Carey paused. "Aw, you're gonna get our sketches all wet with your tears, man."
"Sorry," Magnus said, wiping his eyes. Once more, he put the pencil down. He pushed his chair back a bit and Carey wobbled for a second before he scooped her up into his arms for a big hug. She wheezed a little.
"Is that a yes?" Carey managed. Magnus pulled back and she kicked her feet for a second before he set her back on the ground.
"Yeah," he said. Gods, he needed to keep tissues in here. "It's a yes. I- thank you. You guys didn't have to-"
"But we wanted to," Carey said seriously. "Your family is my family, Mags. Got that?"
"Are we including Merle in this?"
"Unfortunately," Carey said, grinning. She looked a little teary, too. "I love you, man."
"I love you too."
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mable-stitchpunk · 7 months
Going Home in a Box: Chapter 81 (Teaser)
That’s why this night out was so important because he needed to let off some steam. Thankfully, Freddy was more than happy to welcome him.
“Foxy! Hello!” he called through the vent the moment Foxy came into sight.
“Ahoy, Freddy!” Foxy called back. He hurried through the rest of the vent and climbed out. “Ya seem to be in a chipper mood.”
“Of course! I am always in a good mood when my best friend comes on down for a visit.”
There was something so sincere in the way Freddy said that. So utterly corny and shmoozy, but completely sincere.
“Now don’t go gettin’ soft on me,” Foxy said with a warm chuckle.
“What, me? Never! I am made of too much metal to be soft,” Freddy joked back. He beckoned him with a hand. “Come with me to my green room and we can get this night started!” he chirped.
He began to eagerly lead the way down the hall. A little too eager to get going, which Foxy picked up on right away. Though instead of asking directly, he decided to test the waters.
“How’s Gregory?”
“He is doing great! Although he will be staying with Sunny and Jake tonight. Which is good! They are finally starting to get along.”
“Sounds like that whole joint custody thing’s workin’ out.”
Freddy chuckled happily. Foxy found his silence somehow telling.
It occurred to him then that Freddy was up to something, and it likely involved his bandmates since Gregory was out of the picture.
Which meant that the following walk to Freddy’s green room was especially tense. Foxy did his best not to show it- the moment Freddy asked about work he went right into a spiel about the business, about the new pizza, about a kid who managed to almost reach his Sit ‘n Survive high score, and virtually anything else that came to mind. It sounded like his usual friendly bragging but if he could’ve, he would’ve been sweating bullets right now.
He barely gave Freddy room to speak but Freddy wasn’t bothered. He saw Foxy’s chattiness as a sign that he was in a good mood, and thus his own second-thoughts were quickly dashed.
They soon arrived at Rockstar Row. The curtains to Freddy’s green room were drawn as they usually were, but Foxy found himself eyeing them carefully as he followed the bear up to his door. Freddy stopped just out of range so that the door wouldn’t automatically open and turned to look at Foxy.
“Would you like to go in first?” Freddy offered. His eyes nearly glowing with excitement.
That’s when it became a little too hard to ignore.
“Freddy,” Foxy flatly.
“Yes, Foxy?”
“Is yer band sittin’ in there?”
Freddy seemed startled at the question. His eyes darted between the pirate and the door. After a long pause his ears drooped, and he drooped, and he gave a defeated, “Yes.”
Foxy made a motion like taking a deep breath and after a long second of considering, he spun on his heel. But instead of bolting off- which was his natural reflex- he instead yanked his hoodie up and over his head and tossed it onto the red velour rope. He checked himself over with hand and hook before turning back to Freddy.
“How do I look?”
Freddy perked up instantly. “Excellent! Very cool!”
“Ya should’a warned me, Freddo. I woulda brought me good coat.”
Freddy’s eyes down casted apologetically. “I know, I was just… afraid that you would not come.”
“Do they at least know I’m comin’?”
“Of course! I wanted to make sure in advance that it would be a completely safe situation. I would never arrange a meeting between you and my bandmates unless I was absolutely certain that nobody would tell on you. They will not, they just want to meet you.”
“Chica included?”
“Chica especially! Now that she knows you and I are not… well… together.”
“We ain’t?! Freddy, I be shocked!” Foxy gasped.
“What?!” Freddy gasped.
“Freddy,” Foxy said flatly.
“Oh! Oh, hmm-hmm, my apologies,” Freddy warmly chuckled. He turned towards the door. “Now then, are you ready to meet the Glamrocks?”
“I believe in you! Let us head in!”
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itsladykit · 1 year
Life Cycles, Ch. 30 - No more secrets
Summary: Edge needs to know how bad it can get.
CW: Disordered eating, vulgar humor, discussion of consent and heat, references/implication of child sexual abuse*, implication of manipulation*, Fell-verse and Tale-verse culture clash, poor self-esteem/poor self-image. *Neither the implied child abuse nor manipulation actually occur. They're mistaken assumptions, but understandable ones. See the end note for more detail, with spoilers. This is a rather quick conversation, and it's explicitly stated that nothing actually happened, but it does touch on some uncomfortable topics, particularly since there are some real-world parallels that can be drawn on very easily. Stay safe.
They ate in uncomfortable silence. Rather, Rus ate, but when he checked Edge’s plate, he seemed to be deconstructing his sandwich, rather than eating it—pulling the meat and lettuce free, tearing the bread into smaller and smaller pieces. Rus’ soul felt frozen. His throat was tight, and his sockets stung. He cleared his throat, forcing himself to look away. Staring wouldn’t help.
By the time Rus was finished, Edge wasn’t even halfway done. Swallowing, he bumped his shoulder into Edge’s and asked, “remember when we first met?”
Edge snorted, tearing a piece of crust in half. “Do I remember calling you an inferior copy and storming out of the room? Yes, Rus, I remember that.” He sounded tired, even past the sarcasm.
Rus smirked, leaning into him. His throat was still tight and tense, but his soul eased a fraction at the contact. “to be fair, i spent most of the afternoon taking cheap shots at you first.”
Edge sighed, glancing at him. “That you did.” He eyed the piece of crust and actually ate it this time. Rus ran his hand over Edge’s spine, resting his forehead on his scapula. His soul hummed, pleased by the scent and proximity of his mate, even though the circumstances were less than ideal. “That was such a disaster,” Edge muttered, “How in the world did we ever get past that?” It was technically a question, but his tone made it obvious he didn’t expect an answer.
Rus kissed his scapula, thumb stroking over his lumbar vertebrae. “you don’t know?”
Edge turned his head, looking back at him. He opened his mouth, then shut it. His gaze grew distant. “…No,” he said after a few moments, “I really don’t. One day you were needling me about my LV, and it seemed like you were trying to get into my pants the next.”
Rus grinned. “and you let me.”
Edge snorted. “I thought maybe you’d leave me alone if I satisfied your curiosity.”
Chuckling, Rus nuzzled at his neck. “satisfied? stars, precious, that just left me wanting more.” He shook his head, reminding himself of Edge’s current state; now was not the time to start winding himself up. “but you know what changed, don’t you?”
“I haven’t the faintest idea.”
“it was the cat.”
“…Excuse me?”
“you know the annoying cat? from my ‘verse? you and red were over—for a potluck or something, i think. and that cat was getting into everything. it—”
“He,” Edge corrected absently. Rus grinned.
“he kept knocking the silverware off the table, jumping on the counters, getting into the food. i thought blue was going to blow a fuse.”
Edge snorted. “If I recall, you and Sans were taking bets on it.”
He laughed. “yeah, and i woulda won too, but…then you swooped in and said you’d handle it. i, uh, i wasn’t sure what you meant at the time.” He ducked his head, ashamed of the assumptions he’d made. He cleared his throat. “so i followed you when you took him out of the house. and i saw you sit down with him and give him treats. saw how you had him purring in minutes. that’s when i knew there was more to you than your lv.”
Edge was quiet for a moment. Then he said, “Only you would re-evaluate your Judgement based on the way someone handled a pussy.”
Rus choked on his laughter, wrapping his arms around Edge’s waist. “stars, i love you.”
Edge looked at him from over his shoulder. “That was for you and you only. If I hear you tell anyone that I made such a vulgar joke….”
“who’d believe me, anyway?”
They kissed, the contact soft and sweet, devoid of heat—despite the thrumming warmth in Rus’ mana lines. He wanted, but more than that, he needed to know Edge was okay. He broke the kiss, pressing their foreheads together instead. He clutched at Edge’s ribcage, clinging so hard he could feel Edge’s mana pulsing through the marrow. And Edge…Edge welcomed him beautifully. His posture was loose and relaxed, his body willing and warm. But his soul—
Stars, Rus’ soul ached, yearning to make that final connection. He could sense Edge’s soul behind his ribcage, still unmanifested. Part of him couldn’t help but read that as a rejection of him and all he had to offer. He knew that wasn’t true—Edge’s physical reception was evidence enough of that—but he clung tighter regardless, some part of him terrified that Edge’s warm reception would cool, and he’d turn away completely.
He made a soft sound at the back of his throat in response. A wordless inquiry.
Edge ran his thumb over his temple. “Can you tell me how it feels?”
“how it…?”
“Being in heat.”
“oh.” He considered that, pulling back from the embrace. “it depends on your partner, really.” Edge’s skull tilted and his brow-bone lifted. “remember how i went through all the things i would need from you?” He nodded. “well, i’d be in pretty bad shape right about now if you weren’t willing to do any of that for me.”
He picked at a piece of bread. “What’s it like, when it’s bad?”
Rus paused. “i…why don’t i tell you what it’s like when it’s good?”
“No. I mean—” He grimaced. “I want to know that too, but I need to know what the worst case scenario is.”
Rus studied him, not sure that this was a good idea. He eyed his plate. “finish eating first.” He expected Edge to argue with him about that, but he just gave a short nod and actually began eating, not just picking at, his food. While he did, Rus tried to figure out what to say and how to say it. He didn’t want to spook Edge any further, but if he held anything back, he might do something stupid—like try to go it alone.
So, when Edge finished, Rus pushed him into the nest, pulling the blankets and pillows into place. Edge watched him, eyelights following his hands as he rearranged the nest around him. “What are you thinking right now?”
Rus paused, eyeing him. “what do you mean?”
“It’s unusual for you to fuss like this. I want to know what you’re thinking about while you do it.”
“i…” Rus hadn’t really realized he was doing anything out of character. More slowly, he tugged at the blankets. “i’m thinking that i want you to be comfortable,” he said carefully.
Edge studied him. “What else?”
Rus blinked. “okay, i’m not sure what you’re getting at here.”
Pulling a hand free of the blankets, Edge cupped his cheekbone, thumb smoothing over his mandible. Rus’ sockets slipped closed, and he leaned into the contact. “I need to know what you’re thinking.” ‘Need’, not ‘want’ Rus noticed. “How much of this is you and how much is….”
Rus’ sockets popped opened. “it’s all me.” Edge shook his head. He didn’t say anything, just leaned back against the pillows, arms folded. “it is,” Rus said. He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. “alright—it’s like this, okay? i’m still me. i’m not doing anything i don’t want to do. i’m just….” He huffed. “it’s like…karaoke night, right? maybe i don’t sing anything at the start of the night, but after i have a few shots, i’m up there singing ‘don’t stop believing’. the alcohol might make it easier to get up there, and it makes it more fun, but that’s all me on stage. it’s something i wanted to do and i’m having fun doing it. i just needed a little help to get there, you know?”
“It’s not just you, though,” Edge said, “If it was just you, you wouldn’t need the alcohol.” He swallowed as some of the mana drained from his cheekbones. “And I won’t fuck you when you’re impaired. You know that.”
shit. That definitely wasn’t what he’d meant to imply. “okay, never mind. bad example. just let me—” He rubbed at his sockets. “stars, edge, do we have to do this right now? i’m—” He took a deep breath. “you want to know what i’m thinking? this is what I’m thinking; i feel warm and comfortable and safe. i want to curl up in my nest with the man that i love, and i want him to feel warm and comfortable and safe too. that’s what i want, and that is all me—heat or no heat. i’m not impaired. i’m just…maybe i’m more willing to show it than i normally am, that’s all. okay?”
Edge’s posture relaxed a little. “I…I’m sorry.” He opened his arms and Rus took that as invitation. He draped himself over Edge, skull pressed to his chest so he could feel the hum of mana through his mana lines and smell the familiar scent of soap and bones. He curled closer, sighing as the tension drained out of his body. Tentatively, Edge rested a hand on the back of his neck, then ran it down his spine—petting him in much the same way he’d soothed the annoying cat more than a year ago now. “I can wait,” Edge said, “if you don’t want to talk about it while you’re…indisposed.”
Rus snorted. “i don’t mind talking about it, but i need you to understand that i want this.” He squeezed his ribs, just enough to show what he meant. “i’d want this—want you—even if i wasn’t in heat.”
Edge’s hand rested loosely on the back of his skull. “And if I were someone else…?”
Rus sighed, lifting himself up on his elbows, just enough to look Edge in the eyelight. “it depends. i’ve spent my heat with—”
“I do not need specifics,” Edge said in a rush, spots of color appearing high on his cheekbones.
“—people i’ve been attracted to, and we had a good time, if you know what i mean. i’ve also spent it with people i was just friendly with and didn’t find attractive. that was fine, but we didn’t fuck and….” He stopped.
“it’s not as good, that’s all. but it wasn’t bad.” Stars, he did not need Edge forcing himself out of his comfort zone to try to make this good for him.
But another concern had Edge’s attention now. “Have you had a bad experience?”
Rus winced and looked away. “i….”
Edge sat up, his grip on him suddenly fierce. He was projecting subtly, and Rus tried to shake it off, but his soul basked in the waves of / safety / security / PROTECTION / rolling off him. “it’s not as bad as you’re thinking,” he murmured, settling into Edge’s lap with his skull on Edge’s shoulder and their sternums pressed together. “first time sucked. that’s all. i didn’t have a partner and i didn’t even really know what i wanted. blue was still a kid, so he didn’t understand why i didn’t want him around.” He sighed, nuzzling into Edge’s throat as the projections poured over him. A soft purr started in his chest. “i spent the first day holed up in my room. hurt like hell—felt like my bones were melting. and my soul….” He shuddered. Silently, he vowed that it would never be like that for Edge.
“What did you do?”
“blue eventually got so freaked out he called Tori.”
Edge blinked, then pulled back to stare at him. “You would have been little better than a child yourself! She—”
“no, no. no. it wasn’t like that. she just…sat with me. taught me how to make a nest. made tea. held my hand and scratched my skull. she helped me when i needed it. it was nice. she was nice.”
Edge was silent for several beats, then his grip tightened, and he pulled Rus close. “And when you were old enough, she asked you to be her Judge.”
His purring ceased. “no. i mean—yes, but…it wasn’t like that. she asked because of my kr. because i was the only monster underground who couldn’t gain lv—who had an advantage against monsters with lv. and she helped me because i was a scared kid, and she wasn’t just going to let me suffer. look, i know your king wasn’t a good guy—” Edge snorted at the understatement. “—but tori’s not like that. she did what she did because it was the right thing to do, not because she wanted to put me in her debt or something.”
Edge didn’t contradict him, but his grip didn’t loosen and his projections only grew stronger. Reluctantly, Rus pulled back so he could catch his eyelight. His features were tight and tense, his jawbone set. “edge….” He cupped his cheekbone, running his thumb over it. “we’re on the surface now. this isn’t underfell. you don’t need to be so suspicious. tori isn’t like that. most people aren’t like that. not here. not now.” Edge shook his head, pulling away to lean back against the pillows. His hands settled on the bottoms of Rus’ ribcage, holding him in place. His gaze was distant, and he absently ran his thumbs up and down Rus’ ribs. “edge?”
He shook his head again, gaze still distant. After a while, he said, “I don’t think you know how fragile this all seems to me.”
“what do you mean?”
Edge looked up at him, hands firm on his ribs. “You don’t ever feel like this could all just…crumble? That the humans could decide to send us back Underground? Or that the Fell monsters could decide to start living by Kill or Be Killed again? Or that you might wake up one day and all of this was-was just a dream and you’re still…?” He squeezed Rus’ ribs, as if to reassure himself of his solidity. “Doesn’t any of that frighten you?”
“sometimes,” Rus said. “i have dreams like that. but then i wake up and you’re there beside me and…i’m okay again. they’re just nightmares.” He’d had worse, Underground. Since coming to the Surface, his nightmares had grown less frequent and less dire.
But Edge shook his head. “I’m not taking about nightmares.” He set his jaw, seeming to come to a decision. “Do you know, on my runs, I always check the graffiti, to see if any of the Fell-verse gangs are operating again.” Rus blinked. “Or to see if the humans are becoming more hostile. And when we go out, I always watch the crowds to see if anyone is too interested in us, if they seem like they might….”
Gaze distant, as if he hadn’t heard, Edge continued, “If I think about it too much, I get upset when you’re out on your own, because I know you don’t do those things. You don’t even seem to worry about your social media presence, the information you give away, the way people could use that information to hurt you.”
Rus’ sockets widened. He really didn’t know what to say to that. “i…i could post less, if you…?”
Edge caught his socket, meeting his gaze. “That’s not…. No. You may not worry over these things, but you aren’t unsafe, either. If you were, I’d talk to you about it.” He shook his head, gaze inward. “No, you’re not the problem here. I know that.”
Rus looked down at him, stunned. The scar that split his socket seemed suddenly like an open wound, and the little cracks that littered his bones—old wounds Edge insisted didn’t hurt any longer—seemed so numerous. “you never said anything.”
He shrugged, looking unbearably young for a moment. “This is supposed to be your happy ending. You made it to the Surface. You shouldn’t have to deal with my Fell-verse bullshit.”
Rus held his face in his hands, cupping his cheekbones. “it’s not an ending,” he said, “it’s a beginning—our beginning. not just mine.” He took a breath, forcing back tears. “stars, precious, if this is what you’re thinking about all the time, it’s no wonder that the idea of going into heat freaks you out.” He leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead, then pulled him into a hug.
Slowly, as if unsure, Edge’s arms folded around him, returning the embrace. “it’s okay, you know,” Rus murmured, “to feel like this. everything up here is totally new and different. all the rules have changed.” He grinned, pulling back just enough to catch his eyelight. “it’s been an adjustment for me too—i had to learn to keep the door locked!” Edge snorted and buried his face in Rus’ chest, likely remembering their first real argument after moving in together. Rus allowed himself a smile, then kissed him on the temple. “we’re in this together now. your problems are my problems too. so, don’t hide these things from me anymore.”
Edge took a shuddering breath, face still buried in his chest. He nodded, and Rus felt his soul unclench. “Okay. No more secrets.”
“good.” Rus rolled into the nest, taking Edge with him. They settled on their sides, facing each other. Rus ran his hand over Edge’s ribcage, fingers lingering on some of the more prominent cracks.
“Is that all?” Edge asked after a moment, “It just hurts?”
It took Rus a moment to understand what Edge meant, and when he did, he hesitated. no more secrets. Finally, he said, “at first, yeah. your bones ache and your soul cramps real bad. you feel hot and uncomfortable. but, uh, it starts to get worse over time. when you’re alone….” He swallowed, curling closer to Edge until their thighs touched and their floating ribs brushed against each other. “your mind starts playing tricks on you,” he said, “you feel…disgusting. vile. you can feel your sins crawling on your back, and you know that that’s why you’re alone. because no one could possibly want someone as disgusting as you. you feel so sure of it, so sure that your soul starts to ache, like it might split in half at any moment. and you just want to curl up and die.” He finished in a whisper, his arms tight around Edge.
Edge folded over him, holding him close to remind him that he wasn’t alone. And someone did want him, very much. Again, he felt his soul reaching out for Edge’s, aching just a little when it didn’t manifest in response. Rus squeezed him tight, wanting more and knowing that now was not the time. This was enough. It had to be.
“Is it like that for everyone?”
“i don’t know. that’s what it was like for me, that first time. until tori got there, at least.”
“And after?”
He sighed, nuzzling into Edge’s ribs. “the pain faded first,” he said, “it was almost immediate. soon as she touched me, my bones stopped aching. it took longer for my soul to stop hurting, though, and even longer to stop feeling like she was just taking pity on me, that i didn’t deserve her kindness.” He cleared his throat, tucking his face against Edge’s cervical vertebrae. “can i tell you what it’s like when it’s good now?”
“Is that the worst it can get?”
“that’s the worst i’ve had.”
“I need to know how bad it can get, Rus. Please.”
Rus sighed but didn’t pull away. “i don’t know. i guess i’ve heard of monsters having to be hospitalized for untreated heat. usually they’ve got something wrong with their soul, though, something that keeps it from releasing magic.” Edge went still beside him, and Rus propped himself on one elbow to get a better look at him. “edge?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. It’s…it’s fine.”
Rus’ soul ached. He cupped Edge’s cheekbone, thumb brushing the bottom of his scar. “breaking your promise already, precious?” His words struck true; Edge flinched. Still, he said nothing, and he wouldn’t meet Rus’ eyelights when he tried to catch his gaze. “c’mon, edgelord. you can tell me. we’re tackling this thing together, remember? i need to know what we’re working with.”
Edge’s hand clenched closed, but he gave an abbreviated nod. “I….” He cleared his throat. “My soul. The LV.” He finally caught Rus’ eyelight, allowing him to see the fear in his sockets. “It could….” He seemed unable to verbalize his fears, but Rus understood.
He stroked a hand over Edge’s cheekbone, his temple. “okay. that’s our worst case scenario then. so, let’s figure out how to deal with it.”
Slowly, Edge nodded. “Yes. Alright. That’s—” He cleared his throat again. “That’s a good place to start.”
“we could set up a doctor’s appointment for you. if they take a look at your soul, they might be able to say what kind of complications the lv could cause.”
Edge held himself stiff and still. “I don’t want anyone else looking at my soul.”
“i know.” He took Edge’s hand in his, still propped up on the opposite elbow. “but it would be better to know, wouldn’t it? instead of waiting to see if it’s going to be a problem.”
Edge sighed, sockets shut as his bones relaxed. He didn’t look relieved, though, just resigned. “I know.”
Rus kissed his cheekbone, moving in to throw an arm over his ribcage and to draw his fingers down the back of Edge’s neck. “so that’s step one. once my heat’s over, we get you an appointment with a doctor.” Edge nodded, obviously unhappy but unwilling to fight when he knew Rus was right. Rus kissed him again, murmuring, “i’m proud of you, you know.”
He snorted. “For what? Having a panic attack when I’m supposed to be—”
Rus silenced him with another kiss. “no,” he said firmly, “for talking to me about this. for letting me help you.”
Edge’s chest hitched again. “If Hook hadn’t texted you….”
The words hung between them like a condemnation. Rus sighed. “still, i’m proud of you. you could have walked out the door—”
“I wouldn’t have left you while you were in heat!”
Rus grinned; he sounded so affronted. “i know. but you could have. or you could have doubled down and kept up the lie.” He rested his hand on one spinous process, fingering the protrusion of bone. “there’s a lot of things you could have done, but you decided to talk to me about it instead. that’s not an easy thing to do, so…i’m proud of you.”
Edge shook his head and rolled onto his other side, turning away from him. “It’s getting late,” he said, “and I’m tired. Can we finish this tomorrow?”
Throat tight, Rus pressed against his back, looping his arm over his ribcage. “sure,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady, “whenever you’re ready.”
Edge folded his hand around Rus’, drawing it up to his mouth to plant a kiss at the center of his palm. “Sooner than that,” he said, lacing their fingers together. “But thank you. For being patient with me.”
He kissed the back of his neck, settling more comfortably into the nest as his soul unclenched, reassured by the contact. “always.”
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