#wow been a few years since that tag saw use
veliseraptor · 1 year
I have a suggestion/compromise? You mentioned not having the heart to finish those abandoned marvel drafts but if you were willing to share some of the already written bits that you do like, why not just post them as excerpts? You needn't finish them and we get to read your lovely work and stop harassing you for more ❤️
I've been tossing this idea around in my head for the last couple of days and I still don't know where I'm coming down in terms of "actually posting unfinished works to AO3" but I did go back and reread some of these fics I moved into my "MCU Fic Salvage Folder" (aka the wips I feel like would be most worth finishing someday, hypothetically) and once again went "huh you know these are still decent" and it does seem a pity that they're just sitting around languishing unread when people might hypothetically appreciate them, and I'm always in constant need of external validation.
so you know what, since you asked, anon, here, have a 2.3k chunk of an avengers: infinity war canon divergence that I'm fond of notionally but very unlikely to ever finish.
you who turn the wheel and look to windward
Loki watched himself die.
It was necessary, so that he could ensure all the reactions were perfect, the simulacrum as believable as possible, as precisely real as possible. Making a copy of himself was easy - child’s play. Had been for centuries. Making one that was solid to the touch and real enough to fool Thanos--
He’d never done it before, and he could feel the strain of it in his chest, but he was strong enough for this. He had to be. 
That didn’t make it any easier to watch his own throat crushed in Thanos’s hand. He could feel himself shaking, his heart beating like it was going to explode, terror squeezing his airways as tightly as Thanos was squeezing his double’s--
Loki knew the pop-crack wasn’t real and he still flinched. The simulacrum went limp, and a muffled sound reminded him of the other reason he’d kept his eyes so determinedly fixed on his own death. 
I’m sorry, he thought frantically. Thor, I’m sorry, I couldn’t think of another way--
Thanos dropped the body - his body, and he had the disorienting, horrifying experience of staring at his own dead eyes - in front of Thor. He was saying something, but Loki couldn’t hear it over the roaring in his ears. 
Leave, he willed Thanos. Leave, damn you, you have what you want, now go--
Thor was sobbing. He could hear that, all too clearly, and oh if he’d ever wanted proof of what Thor had said (I mourned you) he had it now, and it was bitter in the having. 
Thanos turned his back and Loki held perfectly still, quivering like a dog straining at the leash, waiting, waiting. All he needed was a moment, a clean moment where he could get Thor away and run, it didn’t matter where, somewhere, anywhere. He hadn’t managed to save Asgard. Or Frigga, or Heimdall. But he would do this, he had to do this, there was no other choice.
Walk away, he thought. Walk away, there’s nothing here for you, we’re already dead.
Thor was holding his corpse. Clinging to it, and Loki hated himself but he hated Thanos more and he would apologize when they were safe, would let Thor beat him into the ground if it just meant they made it through this.
Let us make it through this. 
Loki felt the flash of power roll through him. Of Power. Felt the remnants of the ship groan as they started to tear apart. 
No, Loki thought. No, no-
He gauged the distance between him and Thor and Thor and Thanos and it didn’t matter, he couldn’t wait any longer. 
He’d already waited too long.
The ship ripped apart as Loki lunged for Thor, mouth open to shout his name before the vacuum of space tore his voice away, tore him away.
Then there was nothing, for a long time.
“You’re d’asting shitting me.”
Loki’s mind stirred sluggishly. His thoughts were fragmented, slow to cohere. There was something about that voice and its rough edge that made Loki’s stomach clench anxiously, but he couldn’t put a name to it, or to where he was, or to what-
No, he knew what had happened. The ship had been torn apart. And somehow...he’d survived. 
“I should just throw you back out there,” said the vaguely familiar voice. “This is a waste of time.”
Loki fought his way free like a river in spring thaw. Everything was still jumbled, confused, but one thing remained squarely at the forefront of his mind. 
“Thor,” he said weakly. 
Thor, clinging to his body as the ship was ripped apart, and he hadn’t been fast enough to reach him.
He jerked the rest of the way back to life and lunged to his feet, whirling around with a knife in hand, and froze, staring at Thanos’s daughter. She stared back at him, her jaw set. “You,” he snarled, and lunged for her, hopelessly uncoordinated, still weak. She batted his thrust aside easily. 
“Cut it out,” she said. “I’m not here for him.” 
Loki flashed his teeth. “I am supposed to believe that?” 
“Believe it or don’t,” she said. “But don’t try to stab me again after I just dragged you and the other one onto my ship against my better judgment.”
Loki’s heart leapt into his throat, something like hope almost blooming in his chest. “The other one?” 
“Yeah,” she said, jerking her thumb over her shoulder. “She’s over there.” She turned her back and started back toward the cockpit, stride jerky and ever so slightly uneven. “Don’t make me regret this.”
His heart dropped just as quickly. She. But he looked reluctantly over where Thanos’s daughter - he remembered her, if not her name - had indicated. Even one living Asgardian, even one, he told himself, no matter if it was not Thor…
I promise you, brother, the sun will shine on us again.
He walked unsteadily over to the other body lying on the ship’s deck. He recognized the style of the vessel - one of Thanos’s, which suggested that either Thanos’s daughter had stolen it, or she was lying. 
Not just any Asgardian, Loki thought, kneeling down unsteadily next to her. The Valkyrie. She was a survivor. Like him. 
Even as he started to reach out toward her, she gasped in a breath and her eyes snapped open, her knife flashing toward his throat. She stopped it just before it sliced through skin, staring at him, wide-eyed.
“Fuck,” she said. “Loki?”
Loki choked on a hysterical laugh. “The one and only,” he said. 
“The fuck...the fuck happened?” Valkyrie’s voice rasped painfully. Loki wondered if there was water. He should have asked, but he still felt dull, muddled. Thor must have survived. He had to have. But where…
He slumped back away from her. “Thanos,” he said. 
“I knew that,” Valkyrie hissed, already on her feet. There was an ugly rent in her armor, bleeding sluggishly. “But we’re not dead, so obviously-”
She cut off. Loki saw the moment when she put it together. 
“There’s no one else, is there,” she said. 
Loki didn’t want to say it. Couldn’t make himself say it. “I don’t know.” 
Valkyrie let loose with a string of expletives that Loki couldn’t parse. He waited for her to finish shouting. 
“Hulk?” She said, finally. 
“Heimdall sent him to Midgard. To warn them.” And was murdered for it. He didn’t speak that part, but he could tell that Valkyrie heard it nonetheless. 
“And Thor?” She asked, but he could tell by the look on her face that she already knew the answer. She just wanted him to say it. Why? So she could blame him, that he was still here and Thor might be-
He’s not dead. I won’t believe it. He turned his back on her and walked over to the cockpit to stare at the back of Thanos’s daughter’s head. She’d been a Luphomoid, once. He wasn’t sure what to call her now. “What’s your game,” he asked, harshly. 
“Getting to Thanos. Killing Thanos.” 
Loki jerked. “Last I saw you-”
“Last I saw you,” she snapped, “you were dancing on Thanos’s strings. It’s been a while.” 
“You know this person?” Valkyrie said, coming up behind him.
“Yes,” Loki said flatly. “Not fondly. There were a lot of sophisticated instruments of torture involved.” 
He felt Valkyrie stiffen, and somewhere distant where he was still feeling things was touched. 
“Don’t make me regret pulling you out of vacuum,” she said, her voice, if possible, even harsher than he remembered. “I only did it because-”
She stopped. Her hands twitched on the controls. Loki could see something, suddenly, in her single-minded intensity, the taut coil of her entire body, straining toward a destination she was afraid she wouldn’t reach. 
“Because why,” he said. She clamped her mouth shut and didn’t answer. 
“Would someone explain to me who you are and what’s going on,” Valkyrie said tightly, her voice almost vibrating, and it occurred to Loki that she’d been the sole survivor of her sisterhood, and was now one of a handful of survivors at most, almost immediately after returning to Asgard. Loki stumbled back and sat down on one of the unoccupied seats, his head suddenly spinning again. 
“She’s a daughter of Thanos,” he said. “Not of his flesh - I don’t know that he has any of those. I certainly hope not.” 
“I am not that,” she said, her voice grating. “My name is Nebula. I almost killed Thanos once. This time, I’m going to do it right.” 
“You’ve changed your tune,” Loki said. To Valkyrie, he added, “it seems we both managed to survive being blasted into space when Thanos disintegrated the ship. Which is, I imagine, where she found us.” 
“But not Thor,” she said. 
“There were no other signs of life in the vicinity,” Nebula said, after a brief pause. Loki felt like he’d been punched in the chest. He slumped back into the seat, staring blankly forward. 
It should have been you, whispered a nasty voice in his mind. Not him. Never him.
Valkyrie swore under her breath. “Fuck,” she said. “Shit.” 
Nebula, to his gratitude, said nothing. He was quite certain she knew the name. She’d heard him scream it enough. 
“Fuck!” Valkyrie roared, slamming her foot into the hull of the ship. Loki bowed his head and tried to summon the words: nor shall we mourn, but he couldn’t. Couldn’t. He felt like something had been ripped out of his core. 
“Where are we going,” he said finally, numbly. 
“I told you-”
“Yes, I know. I meant more specifically than that.” 
“Vormir,” Nebula said. Loki frowned. 
“What’s on Vormir?” 
“The Soul Stone.” 
Loki’s heart skipped a beat. “What?” He said, voice a little hoarse. He’d had some slim hope that the thing was lost. That no one knew where to find it, Thanos included, and thus he would not be able to complete his quest. 
Stupid. He should know better by now than to trust to hope. 
Nebula’s jaw tightened. “I don’t know if Thanos is still there. But it’s the last location I know he was heading.” 
“How did he know where to go,” Loki said, his throat closing like he was the double Thanos had strangled. “I thought it was lost-”
“Not lost enough,” Nebula said. She was wound so tight she was almost vibrating. Racing against time. She was afraid. Loki had not thought she was capable. 
That was all the Stones accounted for. Two on Midgard. Two Thanos already possessed (one thanks to you, sentiment, and what was it worth in the end, you still lost). One on Knowhere in the Collector’s care - he was strong enough that he might be able to match Thanos on his own, but with two Infinity Stones already in his possession? Perhaps not. 
And the Soul Stone, on Vormir. 
“How do we kill him,” Valkyrie said, her voice harsh. “This - Thanos. How do we kill him?” 
“Quickly,” Nebula said. “Cutting his throat should do it. I intend to take his whole head just to be sure.” 
“Not if I get to it first,” Loki said. Nebula gave him a sharp, ugly look that Loki ignored. He was very cold, and trying very hard not to think of Thor. Not to think, with childlike desperation, he was alive when you saw him last, Thor is strong, he might have survived. He couldn’t afford to believe that. And it wouldn’t matter if Thanos got what he wanted. 
“How far are we from this Vormir,” Valkyrie said.
“Another few hours.” Nebula’s voice was curt, but not exactly hostile.
“And are there weapons on this ship?” 
She gestured toward the back, and Valkyrie turned on her heel and stalked in that direction. Loki looked down at his hands. He had his knives, of course. Always. 
He kept going over those last few moments on The Statesman. What he could have done differently. What he should have done differently that might have gotten both him and Thor out alive - or at least Thor. 
It should have been a relief that he couldn’t think of anything. It wasn’t. 
“What changed,” he said.
“Are you talking to me,” Nebula said. Her voice was as harsh as he remembered. Thanos must have done something to damage her vocal cords, at some point. Hearing it sent a shiver of revulsion at remembered pain down his spine. 
“Yes,” he said. “I am talking to you. What made you finally turn your back on your father?” 
“None of your business.” 
“I’d like to know why I should believe you aren’t just taking us to Thanos as prisoners.” 
“If I was taking you to Thanos I would have just killed you,” Nebula said. “If I’d known it was you I was pulling onboard I would have.”
“Hey,” Valkyrie said, hefting a sizeable gun in one hand. “Watch it.”
Nebula made a disgusted noise and turned away from them both. Loki glanced at Valkyrie, eyebrows furrowing, and when she looked back at him he read determination and rage and a sort of desperation in her eyes. Like she expected something from him.
Don’t, Loki wanted to scream. I’ll only fail you. As I failed Thor.
“She’s not going to now,” Loki said. “And if you try...you’ll find me much harder to subdue than when I was your father’s captive.” It was largely bravado. He was weak after the fight on the Statesman, after dueling Proxima and Corvus, after crafting a double of himself. Drained by the memory of Thor on his knees, screaming, running toward his brother as the ship disintegrated around them and Thor just lay there sobbing over his seeming corpse, making no move to save himself. 
A knife slid in under Loki’s ribs and slit him open. He staggered, and Valkyrie caught him.
“Lackey,” she said lowly.
“I’m fine,” he said, but she ignored him, depositing him on a seat and standing next to him, glaring at the back of Nebula’s head as she ignored them both.
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lythea-creation · 25 days
Worst Prank Ever - Platonic Fred and George Weasley x fem reader
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summary: During the summer holidays between their first and second year, Fred, George and (f/n) pull a prank they swear to never repeat again.
warnings: none, i think
word count: 729
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Requested? Yes
Hogwarts was a place full of magic and new experiences. As a first year I was excited to leave my old muggle school behind to learn how to cast spells, fly on a broom and tame exotic beasts.
But I had not considered that despite all the magic, Hogwarts was still a school.
Therefore I was rejoiced to befriend the Weasley twins, Fred and George. With them by my side boredom was not even in my vocabulary anymore.
Honestly I had never been one for pranks, but since they introduced me to them, I had turned into an obsessive fan. I was always the first one to know what they were planning, eager to participate despite the consequences.
We were a feared trio when it came to the teachers we did not quite get along with.
My parents did not mind the complaints that were sent their way as they were too busy working to care at all. So why should I care?
In the summer break it all continued.
Since my parents were on a business trip and hence could not take care of me, the Weasley's had allowed me to stay over at their home.
In the beginning I had been a bit timid and shy, but that had quickly changed when everyone had been so kind and welcoming. Having Fred and George around may have played a crucial part in that as well.
“Hey, (f/n)! Let's go outside”, Fred suggested.
I did not hesitate to tag along.
A few minutes later we were deep inside the forest around the Burrow.
“Where are we going?”, I wondered.
I had never been inside a forest without an adult by my side. My parents did not allow me to go out on my own.
“There's a place we wanna show you”, George enlightened me.
After about thirty more minutes of walking through branches and roots, we finally arrived at … nothing. Why had they dragged me out here?
“Look up”, George instructed me.
Then I saw it. A giant tree house, hidden between the leaves of the tree.
“What are you waiting for? Let's get up there”, Fred encouraged us, climbing the tree first.
“Wow”, I uttered when I entered the tree house.
It was huge, filled with various things Fred and George must have brought over.
“It's our secret hideout”, George enlightened me.
“We found it when we got lost inside the forest. Nobody else knows about it. So don't be a snitch, okay?”, Fred remarked.
“Of course not”, I promised, outraged that they could even consider me to do it.
“What do you think? Wanna pull another prank and stay here for a few days? We brought food and water”, Fred suggested.
That was what the backpacks were for.
“You mean stay up here and even spend the night?”, I questioned.
“Exactly”, George confirmed.
“That's awesome”, I exclaimed. “I'm in!”
“It's settled then”, Fred noted with a huge grin.
We actually had a lot of fun in the tree house.
Fred and George had brought various magical games we could play. And we used our time to plan pranks for the new school year. At night we could go outside and spot some starts between the tree branches, but only if we climbed up even higher.
It was the best vacation ever.
Until we returned the next afternoon and Mrs. Weasley started yelling at us: “How could you act so irresponsible? We were worried sick! And (f/n), I promised your parents to look out for you. How could you just disappear? You all didn't even say a word. You're all grounded, forever! Now go to your room! I don't want to see you right now.”
Tears were flowing down my cheeks on the way upstairs. This was the first scolding I had gotten by someone else but a teacher and I was feeling agonizingly guilty.
Mrs. Weasley was right. I should have been more considerate.
“That definitely was a buzz”, George declared.
“The worst prank we ever pulled”, Fred agreed.
“Let's never stay away without telling mom again”, George decided.
“Agreed”, Fred and I replied simultaneously.
We stayed true to our word. Even as adults we were always telling Mrs. Weasley where we were going when we visited her.
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softxsuki · 1 year
So I saw that you had I tag I follow and immediately rushed over! So first and foremost...How are you? Are you drinking water daily? And I also wish you a good rest of days.
I was wondering since I rarely see this for Akatsuki no Yona. Like a Chubby reader. That's all. Like didn't they exist back then too?...
So basically Reader was Yona's personal maid, one of her most trusted friends like Hak and Soowon. So now they are apart of the group and basically feel out of place. She has a crush on Jae-ha but knowing he only goes for "attractive" women she doesn't act upon her feelings.
What happens next? 👀
Insecure Chubby!Reader Who Has A Crush On Jae-Ha
Pairing: Jae-ha x Chubby!Fem!Reader
Warnings: uh talking down about yourself, insecurities, lowkey suggestive at one point? but nothing crazy
Genre: comfort, fluff
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: In which you confess to Yona that you have a crush on Jae-ha, but he'd never like you back because you're chubby and he only goes for thin women. Little do you know that someone is listening in on all this o.o
[A/N: OMg hi...I KNOW I KNOW. It's been way over a year since you requested it. If you're still around, you're probably wondering what the heck this is as it's been long forgotten. I'm sorry it took me so long to write, I had it half written in my drafts all this time because I started second guessing myself and I really loved this request and didn't think I could do it justice. SO here's my completed version of this. I hope it's decent, and hopefully you're still interesting in reading it :'). Sorry if it's disappointing NFEKJFKAEF <;3]
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It was night now. Months had passed since Yona ran out of her castle after her father's murder. Hak had saved the both of you from Soowoon’s revenge on her father as you would not back down and go to their side either. Yona loved and respected you, so you owed her everything, and that still hadn’t changed. You still refer to her as Princess, just like Hak, but the two of you were closer than ever–going beyond the friendship a personal maid and a Princess should probably ever have. 
Owls hooted in the background and the sound of crickets surrounded you. You had all stopped for the night to set up camp, and were currently in your shared tent with Yona and Yoon. The young boy was fast asleep in the far corner of the tent, exhausted from running around all day, but you and Yona were wide awake from the excitement of the day–too pumped to even think about sleeping just yet. Giggles escaped your mouth at the girl-talk that was being exchanged between you both, then Yona began to blush as you asked her about her feelings for Hak. You had noticed the change in the atmosphere between them for a while now.
“He’s just…different from how I used to see him? Instead of just seeing him as that annoying kid back then, he’s more of a man in my eyes now… He said some uh, lovely things to me the other night and it just made me realize my feelings even more,” She hides her head in her hands, thinking back on the deep conversation she had with the raven haired man a few nights ago, but clears her throat and turns the attention away from herself, “What about you, Y/N? Seen anyone in any villages that have caught your eye? Or perhaps even someone among us, hmm?”
You could hear the slight tease in her voice at her question, she fully knew who you liked, but wanted to hear you say it yourself. After all, what fun is girl-talk if she was the only one dropping juicy information.
“Well…there is someone I like, but he’d never go for a girl like me…” you trail off, looking down at your hands.
“Jae-ha would love you, Y/N. You’re gorgeous, kind, and you have a heart of gold, I see the way he looks at you whenever your back is turned.”
“W-what? How did you know it was Jae-ha?” You ask bewildered.
Yona laughs, placing a hand on your shoulder, “So it really is him? I was just making a lucky guess, wow.”
You huff. Perhaps it was a little obvious since you always got nervous around him and ONLY him. The slight disappointment that graced your features whenever he spoke of a beautiful woman he ran into in town. The tiny sparks of desire to have him speak to you with those lovely words, but it would never happen.
“He was probably just wondering why I can’t be so open with him like I am with everyone else,” You sigh. “I know I don’t belong here. You’re gorgeous and way above my social status. The other guys in our group are all very attractive as well, I’m the only one who sticks out like a sore thumb, but I guess I just have to deal with it!”
You fake a smile, regretting a little that you opened up too much. 
“Y/N, is that really how you’ve been feeling this whole time?” Yona asks, her voice now softer at your confession.
“It’s alright, really. I’m used to it by now, I don’t know why I suddenly decided to say that all right now. Everything’s okay!”
“No, everything’s not okay. Y/N, you are the most beautiful person I know. I don’t care if you think your extra weight makes you ugly compared to the rest of us, that doesn’t make a difference in my eyes and Jae-ha would be a fool to have that be a difference to him as well! Tell him how you feel! He would treat you like royalty.” Yona explains, a little enraged that you’ve been feeling this way all this time without her realizing it, “And I know we come from different backgrounds, but out here, we’re all the same. You and I are on the same level. You’re my best friend, and that won’t ever change! You are one of us, part of the happy hungry bunch! It wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“Thank you, Princess Yona. You’ve been a great blessing to me and I’m so very grateful to be your friend,” You smile slightly, but it falls again when you think of Jae-ha. “It seems that Jae-ha only goes for thin, beautiful women though. I can’t imagine him directing those compliments to me when I’m the complete opposite of all those women…I- I guess I just wish he could see me as a beautiful woman despite my weight. Even if it was only for a second.”
Yona once again assures you that you are indeed beautiful and that nothing is wrong with you. She was a little lost for words on what else she could say to help you feel better, she just wished you could see yourself the way that she saw you–a beautiful woman, inside and out. 
“If I’m so beautiful, then why won’t he look at me the way I want him to?” You shout in frustration, a little too loudly.
Your conversation is cut short though as the sound of shuffling is heard from outside the tent, along with the distant murmuring of the rest of the boys who were still awake, engaged in small talk.
“Will you both shut your mouths? I’m trying to sleep here. Y/N stop being a wimp and just confess to him already. You’ll never know until you at least try!” Yoon groans out with a huff, before light snores escape his mouth once again. 
“He’s right,” Yona whispers now, not wanting to awaken the tempered boy again, “But I guess this can all wait for another day. Let’s sleep, it’s getting pretty late.”
You both yawn at the same time and laugh lightly to yourselves. Perhaps it could wait…
Sleep consumes Yona pretty quickly, but your mind is plagued with a million thoughts that keep you up all night. It would be a tough day tomorrow.
The next day, your journey together continues as you finish packing up the last of your camp and continue forward. 
Yona and Hak had run up ahead of everyone else in the early morning to get in some more arrow shooting practice while the rest of you moved to catch up at a decent pace. You lagged behind a bit, lost in thought of everything you spoke about last night.
“Careful, wouldn’t want to run into a tree and ruin your beautiful face, now would we?” The sudden voice of the man you were thinking of, startles you back to reality along with the gentle touch of his arms around your shoulder, guiding you around a tree that you were seconds from walking straight into.
But all you could think about now was the presence of his warmth on your shoulder along with a word you had always longed to hear addressed to you–beautiful.
“Huh?” You ask a little frazzled, trying to control your breathing from his still present arms around you.
“You almost ran into the tree back there,” He smiles, now removing his arms from around your shoulders and awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
You both were now lagging behind the group who had finally joined back up with Yona and Hak. Yona sends you a quick thumbs up from afar, mouthing a ‘good luck,’ with a wink.
“Thank you,” you mumble to Jae-ha, ignoring Yona’s cheekiness, and continuing to walk to the rest of the group with your eyes glued to the ground. You couldn’t do it, you couldn’t tell him.
You hear the man sigh behind you before firm arms pick you up bridal-style, and jump into the air as you let out a yelp, instinctively wrapping your arms around his neck and hiding your face into his chest from being so high up. You were surprised that he was even able to lift you, but I guess all the dragons were fairly strong.
Your heart was hammering in your chest–both from the sudden action of being in the air, but also from being in close proximity to your crush. You could hear his own heart hammering in his chest, probably from having the fatigue of jumping while carrying something heavy (at least that’s what you think, his heart is definitely pounding for other reasons).
You can hear the distant joyful hollering of Yona and Zeno from afar, praising the green-headed man for his bold actions, to which Jae-ha chuckles at. It isn’t long until you’re safe on the ground again, far enough from the group now to have some privacy together. Jae-ha sets you down as you timidly scoot away from him and sit on the grass, trying to calm yourself down.
“What’d you do that for?” You ask hesitantly.
“A little bird told me that you’ve been talking down on yourself, is that true?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you avoid his eyes. You physically couldn’t look him in the eyes, you were far too embarrassed. Where had he heard that from?
He takes a seat beside you, gently reaching for a strand of your hair and admiring it as he twists it between his fingers. You’re frozen in shock. What was going on? 
His hand abandons your hair and gently grabs your chin to face him as his other hand wraps around your waist.
“And I’d love to know where you heard that I wasn’t completely infatuated by your beauty,” he teases.
Your eyes widen in shock.
“In fact, I love every inch of you, from the plumpness of your thighs to the softness of your stomach, your magnificent chest, and your puffy cheeks. You’re absolutely enchanting– a diamond among stones,” he continues.
“Your eyes, they outshine the beauty of any other woman in this land, you know why? Because they belong to you. I don’t care how big you think you are, but never talk like that about yourself again.” There was a certain sternness behind his voice now, as if he was really serious and hurt that you would think so badly of yourself.
“How did you-”
“I heard everything last night, Y/N. You have no idea how much self-control it took for me to not just burst into that tent and tell you everything right then and there. But I’m here now, and I can’t move forward until you know how much I love you. You’re beautiful and I won’t have you think otherwise.”
You were beyond baffled.
“All this out of nowhere? You’re always off fawning over all the beauties in town, but never at me. You’re just saying this to make me feel better, right? Well, it’s okay. I do like you, Jae-ha, but I don’t need your pity. You don’t need to like me back, I’ll be o-”
You’re cut off by the feeling of Jae-ha’s lips on yours. You can feel the emotion behind them as he was almost desperate to show you how real his feelings for you were. You lean into him, wrapping your own arms around him now, fully into the steamy kiss.
He pulls aways with a pant, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he laughs. “I hope you believe me now.”
“And to answer your question, I didn’t want to scare you off. I know how bold I can be, and a part of me loved watching you from afar, loving, admiring you in secret. It was exhilarating trying not to get caught,” he confesses. 
Yona’s words from that night echo in your head of how she had seen him watching you a few times. He really did like you…
“I’m surprised you never caught my wandering eyes. We need to work on you being more aware of your surroundings, darling. What if it was some other man gawking at you, and not me? Not that I’d let that happen…but still.” There he goes again with his teasing.
You playfully hit him on the shoulder, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, “Shut up,” you mumble, very embarrassed by all his words. You still couldn’t believe it, it was like all your dreams became a reality over-night.
Was this a dream? Because if it was, you never wanted to wake up. You cuddle further into him, hiding the heat that was quickly rushing to your face. You were overwhelmed, but in a good way. His own arms slither around you in a tight embrace.
“This is real right? You’re not just saying all this?”
“Of course this is all real, darling. And I’ll keep saying it all until you believe it. You’re under my care now,” He whispers that last part and leaves a peck to the top of your head. 
“I’ll take good care of you,” he confirms again, making sure you know it.
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Posted: 1/24/2023
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blneobin · 4 months
10 BL boys I want carnally <3
Much much love to @ayansbff for tagging me!! I hope you know what you’re in for cause tagging me in a post to simp?? ok! I have a reason to SCREAM about these men who made me question my asexuality.
Mantrisanu - Jeng (Step by Step)
nobody but my acemate (@mooniyuta) knows just how obsessed I was with Mantrisanu during the Step by Step era. When I tell ya I forgot I was ace as soon as I saw his giant 1.90m ass on screen.. I forgot I was even a person. I am a squirrel needing to climb a tree. WOW! just WOW!! Step by Step? No! Step On Me.
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Jam Rachata - Tinn/Jiu (Laws Of Attaction/To Sir With Love)
just Jam Rachata in general. He’s just a few years older than me but I will call him Daddy. When I saw him in Laws of Attraction I was intrigued then I stayed for the plot then I got hooked with their chemistry. Lucky for me I’ve never watched To Sir With Love before, so I did… and I can hear the wedding bells ringing as soon as I saw how his hunky meaty goodness handle that rusted half scissors turned murder weapon.
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First Kanaphan - Alan/Sand (Moonlight Chicken/Only Friends)
I’ve been salivating for this man since Not Me. I suffered through The Shipper for this man. It’s not just his beautiful handsome gorgeous self that does it for me, its also his charm. Like he’s so charming and has this aura about him that’s just warm and homey. His smile is like the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. His eyes are just so sparkly and beautiful, if I ever meet him irl I’d probably trip over myself getting lost in them. I understand Khaotung not wanting to share him with anyone because I would do the same.
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Bright - Yai (I Feel You Linger In The Air)
He’s so handsome I can cry. This man is like Jam x2. Like he has such a perfect face for male lead in romance genre. Where has he been all my life?? Maybe its Yai the character that feeds my deluluism, but when General Yai popped up in ifylita with a freakin porn stache and I wasn’t immidiately appalled, I knew I was a goner.
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Neo - Boston (Only Friends)
Neo has always been cute to me. Catches my eye in every series he’s in but then Only Friends happened AND I WAS FLOORED!!! It was like ya know when you enter your teen years and that cute person you’ve grown up with had a growth spurt and you’re like daaaang when did you get hot 👀 Yeah that’s me with Neo.
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Ohm Pawat - Pat (Bad Buddy)
specifically Ohm as Pat cause he was chunky and meaty and oof his arms were distracting as fuck. Anytime he showed up with that damn tank top I was like pls may I bite. He’s just so *feral animalistic growling* I personally love a man whos chunky meaty mucles and looks like they can lift me. AND HIS SMILE??? HIS TWINKLING EYED SMILE?!?!?!?! I’m gone. what a baaaabe!!!
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Try imagining? alrighty if you say so 😚
Keita Machida - Kurosawa (Cherry Magic)
I remember watching cherry magic for the first time in 2020 and I was in awe. He is so dreamy and handsome. I hate to say it again guys but.. his smile!! Like I’m obsessed with him!! Both me and bestie screamed when we saw him in Alice In Borderland (overgrown blondie with roots showing and he is messy and he smokes and I was barely breathing) and then scream cried when his head EXPLODED!?!?!?!) Anyway, I’d marry this guy. like legit.
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Earth Pirapat - Jim (Moonlight Chicken)
I am not done with the young dilfs. I have no other words other than !! HIM !! like I would need to make a seperate Earth appreciation post to start talking about him. This post is getting too long anyway so I’m gonna not say much here but.. just know I would drop everything for him.
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Papang - Gumpa (Not Me)
my need for Papang to suffocate me in his tiddies arms is like my human need to eat to keep myself sustained. He just looks like the best recharging station. That doesn’t make sense but it makes sense.
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Even going through the gif list to choose a Papang gif gave my tummy flips
Bosston Suphadach - Pruk (Between Us)
THERE’S A NEWBIE ON MY LIST WOO!!! I feel like because he hasnt been here long and has only played sub-minor parts, people forgot about him .. BUT I. DID. NOT. <3 Did you see him in between us alongside Sammy?? Yes. I too would be purposefully tripping in front of him so that he can hold me in his big strong arms. Also him and the doctor in Be My Favourite?? SIIIIICKKK!!!! Let’s just say I’m excited to watch their spinoff next year ���
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I’ve got a few more but these men are mainly the ones that I need to have. In conclusion, Big Guy, Big Arms, Big Smiles. Love them, Love Him.
thank you lovely gif makers @zhivchik @mushiemadarame @rayandgay @wanderlust-in-my-soul @kiyosuku @warmday @sunsetandthemoon @bunnakit @daikunart and lovely moots @dramalets @drama-nonsense @mooniyuta @mooninagust @these-emo-thoughts @sparklyeyedhimbo @khaotungsfirst @blue-grama @absolutebl @troubled-mind who enable this obsession.
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unabashegirl · 1 year
Enticing (14)
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Author's note: I've officially written 10 CHAPTERS of both series in less than a month! I can't wait for you to read the rest of the chapters and the direction that the story is taking.
Again, please let me know if you want to be tagged because the list was updated and lots of people don't know, but chapter 13 has already been posted!
Enticing had been posted until CHAPTER 17 on my PATREON. Go check out the different tiers. For $5 you can get access to not only Enticing but to Different (only available there).
Lastly, have a great New Year's Eve! I wish lots of happiness, fewer problems, more laughter and more love next year. If you are going through a hard time then I want to remind to breath and that things will get better. I send every single one of you a big kiss and a hug.
Word count: 2070
TAGS: @0oolookitsme, @happycupcakeenthusiast, @kennedywxlsh, @hsfics, @stylesbrock, @cuddlingwithharry, @sucker4angstt, @bluemoonedwings, @afterglowstyles, @cherriesrae, @vornilla, @mellamolayla, @harryscurls21, @happieroad, @girlboss01
The concept of flying private was something that Y/N always thought would be impossible for her. Therefore, she was surprised when the car pulled up right in front of Harry’s private jet. The jet was completely white, yet it had written Harry’s initials on its tail.
Harry got out of the car first and stretched his hand out for her to take.
“Wow” Harry chuckled at her gasp, he carried her purse out and shut the door behind her. Meanwhile, the airplane crew welcomed them both and began taking their bags out of the trunk and loading them into the plane.
“Mr. Styles” The long-time pilot, greeted Harry as he walked down the steps. “It’s so nice to see you!” Harry did not know about jets and flying when he decided to buy the aircraft. Hence, he turned to Richard for advice, and ever since he has been the pilot of the jet. Harry trusted no one else.
“Richard! How’ve you been?” Harry shook his hand when he got down.
“Very well sir!” He smiled, the pilot noticed Y/N and instantly turned to her. “You must be Ms. Y/L/N! Welcome!” Richard had been astonished to read her name on the guest chart. He had only had the pleasure of meeting two of Harry’s ex. He only wished this one was nicer than the others.
“Thank you! It’s so nice to meet you” Y/N shyly said, not used to greeting people. She was nervous because this trip implicated meeting new people, and she wasn’t as an extrovert as Harry.
He could talk to the wall and not feel like a fool.
“Is everything ready?” He asked, gently guiding Y/N up the steps and into the plane.
“Yes sir. Even the guests are here” Y/N heard him reply as she paid attention to all the details of the inside of the jet. Richard referred to Alessandro, Michael, and William. They had arrived earlier than the couple, which was always unexpected to them. Harry was never late. He would usually scowl and lecture at the rest of the men for leaving him waiting.
She had made them late. Y/N had struggled with leaving Oliver behind. She held him and cried for a few minutes. Harry had to intervene and separate them. It had made his heart ache, yet he forced himself to drive them apart.
The seats of the plane were beige and the carpet a darker tone. It was very elegant.
“Finally! I thought you weren’t coming for a moment!” Alessandro cried as soon as he saw Y/N. He got up from his seat and greeted her with a hug and kiss on each cheek. “I can’t wait for you to see where we are staying!”.
Alessandro had been planning the entire trip since the night they had dinner at Harry’s. If there is something that excited Alessandro was showing the loveliness of his country to foreigners. He had planned every single minute and second in Italy.
Alessandro was even more excited that it was Y/N who was accompanying them. From what he had heard, she was genuinely interested in his close friend. Harry also seemed like he was infatuated with her.
“I didn’t get the memo we had to come in uniform” Alessandro frowned, pointing out that the couple had dressed very similarly. They wore a set of gray sweatpants. The only difference was that Harry wore his black coat over it.
“I like to be comfortable” Harry shrugged, “sue me”
William sat on the first seat with three books stacked on his table. He still hadn’t started reading any of them, but he had already asked for a glass of wine. He has been answering emails since he arrived. Lately, the office was driving him crazy.
“Hi” Y/N waved at him. William stood up and hugged her tightly. “It’s good to see you” she added, gently caressing his back as they pulled apart.
“I am happy you are here” he whispered to her, knowing that if he hadn’t spoken to Harry, earlier that day, she might not have shown up. “Have you thought of the job?”. Y/N nodded with a smile.
“I’ll let you know after the trip” William gave her a small smile and sat back down.
“Hi!” Michael hugged her tightly right after William released her. “I’ve missed you! Are you excited?”
“Why is everyone acting like we haven’t seen each other in years?” Harry asked loudly enough to capture everyone’s attention.
“Because you never text, call, or visit. You only do when it involves business” William mumbled, taking the first book from his pile. “It’s quite annoying”.
“Because you are all busy all the time!”
“Bullshit. I know that you silence yourself whenever we talk, so you can continue bossing people around and working” Michael pointed out, “Yet you always ask for our full attention when you call”.
“Why are we whining? I want to hear less about business and more about having fun in Italy!” Alessandro interrupted as he walked down the hallway with a freshly opened bottle of wine. He started pouring everyone a glass.
Harry and Y/N settled on the seats beside William. Michael and Alessandro sat together behind William.
“Where are we staying?” Harry asked, getting himself out of his trench coat and hoodie. The door still hadn’t been closed, yet there were too many people on the airplane. He also wanted to get comfy and settle down. He took his laptop out and turned it on. He had tried his best to finish the majority of the work, but he still had a few things to do. Plus, he knew that Y/N was probably falling asleep after they served dinner.
“It’s a surprise, but we are first staying in Rome” Alessandro revealed, “Then we are staying somewhere else. Plus, Y/N has to go sightseeing before we can leave the capital”
The nanny smiled at Alessandro, she always felt welcomed by him. He made her feel part of the group.
Y/N took her shoes off and pulled her knees to her chest. She had chosen a book from Harry’s extensive library. She slipped on her glasses and submerged herself in the literary book.
The flight attendants shut the door just as Michael and Alessandro argued about Italian summers versus French summers. The plane was off the ground before they realized it.
The plane had taken off just before sunset. Therefore, the passengers had a peak at the gorgeous setting of the sun. The plane got washed with orange warm tones that made Y/N feel like she was in a dream. The sky turned dark after the small spectacle. And then it was very quiet for about two hours. Everyone was too indulged in their activities to speak.
“That was so fucking good,” Michael said after finishing his plate. They had served risotto and lemon chicken, accompanied by a nice glass of wine a few hours into the flight. “I swear the food makes flying private worth every dime” He pulled on his shirt, stretching it over his slight tummy.
“I feel like I am going to explode” Her sweats were too tight, and she urgently wanted to get into comfortable clothes. “I thought I was ready for all the eating we are going, but I guess I am not” she puffed leaning back on her seat.
“Oh, no honey! This is just an appetizer compared to all the food we are eating”.
“This is why I always come back to New York with way bigger pants” Michael always bought more pants. He believed in clothes should fit you and not the other way around. Plus, he enjoyed pasta and pizza way too much to sacrifice it. He also hated going to the gym. He wasn’t like Harry, who religiously attended.
Harry still hadn’t finished eating, but he leaned over and kissed Y/N's cheeks after seeing her pouting at her bloated tummy. He found it sweet and cute. Just like he found it cute that she always ate her food with a spoon, or how she watched Disney movies on her own and in her free time.
“It’s time for a nap” William yawned as he unbuckled himself. “I am too tired” He added as he walked towards the back of the plane where there was a pull-out bed.
Michael started watching a movie, and Alessandro laid back on his seat and tried to get some sleep after the flight attendant pick up the plates.
“Who is your celebrity crush?” Y/N randomly asked as she watched Harry eating.
“That’s a bit random” He laughed, cutting up the last piece of salmon.
“Just answer the question!” Y/N insisted on, wanting to get to know all his quirks and likes and dislikes more profoundly.
“Jennifer Aniston”
“Interesting” Y/N nodded as she assimilated the information.
“Wha’s there a correct question?”
“Don’t be an idiot” She giggled. Harry wiped the corners of his mouth and washed down the last bite with the last of the wine. “I was just curious” Y/N shrugged.
“What’s yours?”
“John Krasinski” she blurted. Y/N had always been a fan of his character in The Office. Sure, he had gotten cuter and hotter with age, but she liked him even when he was just Jim.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah” she nodded, “why?”
“I thought yeh had a better taste in man”
“Oh! You dick!” She pushed him as they both laughed. “And you are very basic. Jennifer Aniston? Really?”
“Basic? Nu’uh. Look at your boyfriend!”
“I swear that damn ego of yours is going to be our doom”
“You act like you don’t like it!” He was right. Y/N loved the confidence that Harry radiated. It was incredibly attractive. She just rolled her eyes at him and shook her head at him. That was until she yawned. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed” He guided her to the bedroom in the back.
“This jet is huge!” She exclaimed, as Harry started taking everything out of his pockets, then proceeded to strip. He got down to his boxers, then threw his tired body on the bed.
Y/N still stood by the feet of the bed, still very dressed. Harry had forgotten to pack an extra set of pajamas for them to wear on the plane.
“Don’t look at me like that!” Y/N felt his intimidated gaze on her, slowly stripping her naked. She felt too exposed, and she hadn’t even taken a sock off.
“M’ not! I don’t know what yeh are talking bout, pup” His English accent got raspier and more pronounced, and his hooded eyes only called out for her. He craved her — badly. “Just take off your clothes, so we can get some rest”.
“Then look the other way!” She argued feeling self-conscious about her body. “You are making me nervous!” Y/N admitted.
“Why? I’ve seen you naked befo” He put his arms behind his head whilst his smirk grew by the minute. “You are acting like I haven’t had my face buried between those legs already”
“HARRY!” She yelled, trying to stop him. He only laughed and enjoyed how her cheeks turned red. “Fine!” She resigned, realizing that Harry wasn’t going to bulge. She took off her hoodie first, then her pants and finally shirt. Before he could say anything, she ran to the bed and got under the sheets.
“You are no fun” he pouted and got under the sheets with her. His hands sneakily found her waist and pulled her warm body against his after shutting the light off.
It was quiet for a few minutes. They could only hear each other's breaths and feel each other’s skin.
“Are you happy?” He asked her, placing a soft kiss on top of her head.
“Very and you?”
“Extremely” They both smiled in the darkness, comfortable with one another and exited for what the next few days would bring them. “But if you keep touching my thighs with those bloody cold feet — I am out” Harry added.
Chapter 15
love you all!
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beautifulchris · 11 months
of darkness and rainbows — teaser
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pairing: demigod!lee felix x fem demigod!reader
summary: a demigod au in which you enter the camp after losing your mom, and you swear to yourself you'll avenge her or alternatiely felix saves your life and you would do everything for each other
genres: demigod!au, action, fantasy, adventure, greek mythology, romance, mild fluff, angst, slowburn
tw: monsters, death of a mother and brother, parental abandonment, blood, physical injuries, murder, use of weapons (swords, knives, bow and arrow), violence, nightmares, grief and loss depiction, battle scenes, monster slaying, mild language, fainting, magic, ghost
teaser tw: weapons (swords, bow and arrow, javelin), grief, magic, ghost, mention of guilt, mention of the death of a mother
rating: +16
estimated wc: around 12k (du jamais vu fr)
teaser wc: 0,8k (basically the second chapter)
notes: hello, this is moon. i'm starting this new blog with a piece i cherish and that haven't seen the light yet! also wow. this is my longest work ever, i really hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did writing it! it's coming soon <3
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @whipped-kpop-creators
permanent tag list: @badwithten send an ask/dm/comment to be added!
Felix shouldn’t have laughed.
The whole scene was just so ridiculously funny, he had to.
You were training at the climbing wall like every other day, except today, someone had the good idea to change the mode from normal to full lava-and-earthquake while you were on it. Needless to say it took you by surprise. You fell to the bottom, earning smoking holes in your t-shirt and singed arms' hair.
Felix helped you get out of the lava floor, miserably trying to suppress his giggles. “Are you okay?”
“Who turned the climbing wall into a frenzy? I just wanna talk!”
Your eyes showed you were being serious, although a little smile appeared after looking at your best friend’s face.
Turns out it was a Hermes kid, obviously.
To get back at him, you created a hole under his feet. He screamed as he sank up to his ankles. He lost balance and fell on his butt. A few kids that fell off the climbing wall with you clapped their hands and laughed.
Oh yeah, my bad. I forgot to tell you you could do that, among other things.
Being at Camp Half-Blood year round was actually a great thing. Undeniably, between that and being with your mom, the choice was clear, but since she was gone… All you could do was train to be able to protect mortals like you should’ve protected your mom and avenge her as well.
I know what some may think. It wasn’t your fault (and it wasn’t. really.) but you couldn’t make peace with it just yet. Guilt still ate you up at night.
After understanding what it meant to be a kid of Hades, you tried to find and talk to your mom. A ghost appeared instead of her. It looked like a staff member, with greek armor and a formal look. He told you your mom was in Elysium, that ‘she wanted you to follow your own path’ and that ‘she didn’t want to see you until you were old and had a full life’. It felt so unfair. You tried to argue but the ghost didn’t stay to hear your complaints, leaving you in your grief.
You ended up entering the armory. Even if you were against violence, you came to terms with the fact that you couldn’t protect others by solely making holes on the ground. Felix showed you all the best pieces of celestial bronze weapons. He made you try on several, making you swing swords, throw knives, shoot arrows… It was unsure what would suit you best.
At last, your eyes caught sight of a dusty black metal in a corner, behind javelins. Dusting off the sword a bit, you felt like it belonged in your hand. It wasn’t too heavy, nor too light. It just felt right.
“It’s stygian iron,” Felix explained, “Hades’ own sword is made of it.”
Did you resent him? Probably… yeah. If he had been there, two years ago, he could’ve saved your mom. But you never saw him, ever. You often wondered if you were even worthy of his presence.
Your head shot up, “yeah?”
“You looked out of it. Are you okay? We can stop looking for weapons if you want.”
“No, I’m good. I’ll take this one.” It hasn’t left your side ever since.
Felix proposed to train together. It was fun, both of you ending up at the infirmary more often than not. Jisung was always there to treat your wounds while cracking jokes.
Dawon, the Hades’ cabin’s head counselor that scared you on your first night, was actually really cool. He showed you around the cabin, welcomed you like a true sibling. You enjoyed eating with your siblings at the dining pavilion, talking strategies and kicking ass during capture-the-flag and chariot races, chatting before bed and getting ready together in the mornings.
Other than that, you didn’t spend a lot of time with them. No, Felix was practically attached to your hip at this point. He has been a huge pillar to your recovery. If it wasn’t for him and his bright aura, you would’ve been morose and sad. He probably knew that too.
When you passed by the arts & crafts building, you often saw the pretty boy. The sun would often reflect on his face, making his skin glow. His stance was elegant, his features soft and flawless. He had sunlight in his shoulder-length black hair and his long fingers seemed to be working effortlessly against the canvas. In a way, watching him paint for a while was relaxing. Curiosity always got the best of you as you wanted to see his next art piece.
All you knew about him was that he was a child of Aphrodite and an amazing painter.
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know! <3
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mouse-fantoms · 1 year
Inspired by my tags in this post
Alex was slumped in the couch of the garage. He opened his tired eyes and looked over to the chair beside him and saw Reggie still sound asleep. Sure, falling every night on a couch in a garage wasn’t idle to the average person but considering Alex wasn’t the average person anymore it wasn’t a half bad circumstance.
Ray always offered to spiff up the garage to accommodate for their sleeping arrangements which was nice to know that if they ever wanted a change Ray would easily be on board. Ever since he found out about them, he welcomed the boys with open arms. It was reliving to have this supportive parental figure, at least for the time being.
Alex had had that supportive parental figure in his own parents for the longest time until they knew about his… “lifestyle”. Then it all changed. They only saw his “lifestyle” not him. Why would Ray be different? At least for the time being it was nice to have that again.
Alex excepted to see Luke on the opposite end of the couch but was surprised to see he wasn’t there. He never was an early riser before but of course now with Julie in their afterlives she changed that. He was probably bugging visiting Julie at school if he wasn’t in the garage.
Speaking of, the blond noticed a pink envelope sitting in the coffee table in front of him. In Julie’s neat writing was his name.
He opened the envelope and saw a handmade card for him (another one of Julie’s creations) and signed from her, Ray and Carlos.
It brought a soft smile to his face. That was a nice.
All of the sudden, he heard Luke poof in.
“Alex!” Luke seemed urgent.
He responded by putting his index finger to his lips and then pointing to the chair with the sleeping Reggie.
“Alex.” Luke dropped his voice seeing the still sound asleep bassist. “I need to show you something.”
“Wow not even a good morning?”
He rolled his eyes. “Good morning now would you- Oh, you got Julie’s card.” His tune immediately changed.
“…Did you tell her?”
He shrugged. “Reggie and I might have said something. It was only fair since you two told her about mine.”
He nodded understanding the reason. “Thank you.”
Luke lightly nodded smiling with him. “…Can you show now?”
“I guess?” His answer came as a question considering it was early in the morning. Where could Luke have been so early that made him want to bring him along?
“Where did-” Alex started to ask Luke where they were going. He looked around and noticed they were in a house. The living room looked oddly familiar.
He looked and saw Luke sitting on the kitchen’s counter. The kitchen that also looked… …like it hadn’t changed in 25 years.
“Look.” Luke pointed to the dining table.
Emily Patterson was sat at the table, using a knife to smooth a cake’s white frosting. She looked looked calm and content as she smoothed. The cake was a double layer one, with red frosting spirals that went around the cake’s top.
“It’s red velvet.” He heard Luke say behind him.
Alex turned his attention when he heard footsteps.
“There we go.” He saw Mitch Patterson put an already opened pack of single stick candles on the table as he took a seat.
“Did you get the matches?” Emily asked, setting the knife on the table happy with her smoothing job.
“Right here.” Mitch opened his hand to show her.
“Perfect.” She bought the pack of candles to her.
She at first went to grab the light pink candle that was in the pack but then switched and grabbed the rainbow spiral colored one instead. She placed the candle in the cake and looked to her husband to light the match. It took a few attempts to get the flame on the match but once it was, he lit the wick of the candle and shook out the match. They grabbed each other’s hand once the candle was lit.
“…Happy birthday Alex.” Emily said out loud with hesitation considering who it was for.
They had… made his favorite cake. They had decorated his favorite cake. They had put a rainbow candle in his favorite cake. They had done all of it for him on his day. All for… him. They made his favorite cake… that Emily chose to put a rainbow candle in? They were… supportive? Supportive parental figures? Had they done this same thing for him all his past birthdays for the past 25 years just as they had for Luke?
Alex approached from behind them, closed his eyes for a moment and then blew out the candle.
“Happy birthday by the way.” Luke spoke up.
“…Thank you.” He swallowed trying to keep the water in his eyes. “…Really thank you.”
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avaantares · 1 year
(yet another) rant: Please stop with the frivolous Trigger Warnings
(Note: If you want to skip the recipe blog intro and get to the actual important stuff, scroll down to the header that says, "Which Warning to Use on Your Post")
Sooo I made a text post that had a few words in capital letters mixed in for effect (the rest of the text was in standard formatting). Someone reblogged it with the tags "tw: all caps" and "tw: capital letters."
The existence of these tags, specifically in the form of a trigger warning, struck me as weird. I mean, I can see why someone might be uncomfortable with an all-caps text block, if they've dealt with abusive/angry capslocked emails or something, and I can see how large blocks of capitalized text could be difficult to read, and some users might prefer to avoid them. But...
Limited capitalization as emphasis (e.g. dropping OH WAIT in the middle of otherwise lower-case text to indicate a shift in tone) does not present the same issues as a solid block of capslocked text;
I have not encountered this tag in the plethora of posts that employ the meme/joke format of subverting standard case usage or alternating case (yes, the SpongeBob meme is a thing with an actual academic definition, and it also predates the existence of SpongeBob by some decades); and
Most importantly, while formatting definitely affects user experience and can be worth tagging for that reason, I wouldn't have escalated it to the level of a trigger, which is a term with a pretty specific definition:
The concept of ‘triggering’ describes the re-experiencing of unpleasant PTSD symptoms such as intrusive thoughts being evoked by exposure to materials which spark traumatic memories. Hence, content warnings have a long presence in psychiatric literature. [source: Typology of content warnings and trigger warnings: Systematic review]
(Full disclosure for anyone who hasn't already learned from reading my rants: I have a background in behavior science, so I'm all about scientific definitions and correct application of same.)
But I thought that maybe I was misinterpreting what was being tagged, and I like learning what I should tag in future posts, so I thought I'd look deeper into those tags and see if I was missing something.
Welp. It sure was educational.
Turns out there are established "trigger warnings" on Tumblr for all of the following (not a comprehensive list; these are just the ones I also saw when scrolling through the caps tags, since many of those posts had more than one thing tagged):
any text with two or more capital letters in sequence
any text in italics
any text underlined
any text in boldface
any text in a font other than the default
any text in a color other than the default (as well as tags for each individual color)
images in black and white
images in color (how dare color exist)
images with... subjectively brighter? colors
images without ALT text
posts containing emoji
and my favorite entry, which for obvious reasons I can't describe by the content it's supposedly protecting us from:
"tw just in case"
So... where to even begin.
I guess I'll get the promised rant out of the way (for those of you who prefer to stay positive, skip ahead two paragraphs): It's no wonder that much of society mocks the very concept of trigger warnings, when they're used this... I have to come right out and say frivolously. Heck, even I'm having trouble taking the greater Tumblr community seriously right in this moment, and I've been part of it for *mumble* years and practically live here. Who in the academic/corporate/entertainment/quote-unquote real world is going to honor a request for content warnings when they see that the """kids these days""" consider italicized text a psychological trigger they need to be protected from? And you can just imagine some dudebro saying, "Wow, these special snowflakes are so fragile they're even traumatized by seeing color, lulz. We should see what really freaks them out!" ...and that won't end well.
The obvious rebuttal to that point is to argue that these tags aren't intended for use by the outside world, most of which already thinks Tumblr died years ago. Not that this has ever stopped Twitter and Reddit and Facebook users from screenshotting Tumblr posts to claim ownership of mock before, but honestly the extra-Tumblr world is the less important concern here, so I won't labor that point. The more immediate issue is how this affects Tumblr users, the Tumblr community, and the experience we're all so proud of being able to curate for ourselves.
The critical point is this: Tags exist for Tumblr users to find things of interest and avoid things they don't want to see. Warnings exist for Tumblr users to protect themselves. Conflating the two can cause not only confusion, but the opposite of the desired effect of being able to curate your experience.
Please note that it is not wrong to tag any of the things listed above. By all means, tag everything in your post! Tag away! Tag your text formatting and images and colors! Use that whole tag space so people can find/not find your content as desired! But none of these things should be categorized as trigger warnings. Trigger warnings, content warnings, and tags are all separate things, and should be used appropriately so people know what to look for/avoid in a post.
Now, you may well ask: Why do the semantics matter? If something's tagged, why does it matter how it's tagged? Isn't it better to warn people about anything and everything that they might possibly not like?
For those affected by PTSD, trauma, phobias, anxiety, psychosis, optically-sensitive medical conditions, etc., being able to trust tags -- and the community's overall reliability where they are concerned -- can be critical to their health and well-being. When the community's tags become imprecise, sloppy, or unspecified -- for example, when people start throwing tags like "tw just in case" on their posts instead of actually describing what is in the post -- it becomes unpleasant or even dangerous for those people to exist in that community. And although doubtless well-intentioned, the kind of overzealous helicopter tagging that labels things like text formatting or the presence of emoji as a trigger does two things: First, it can confuse filters and sandbag search results (for search purposes, tags are treated like a word bank, rather than individual line items). Second, it fosters a general lack of regard for real, life-threatening triggers. If Tumblr users get used to seeing every tiny little thing called out as a "trigger" -- trigger warning, there's a picture of a bird in this post! trigger warning, I can't spell so there's probably a word misspelled in this post! trigger warning, someone used a heart emoji in this post! trigger warning, here's a photo with the color orange in it! trigger warning, there's a banana in this post! Self image trigger warning, I'm having the worst hair day, lol! j/k! -- then subconsciously, "trigger warning" becomes synonymous with "lots of things random people find mildly annoying, so tag stuff if you happen to think of it" instead of "a few important things we should be diligent about tagging because someone's life might quite literally depend on it."
I know categorizing tags can be confusing, and in recent years there hasn't been much consistency in usage on Tumblr, so here's a cheat sheet to help you decide what warnings to use (and to be clear, I didn't make these up; these are sourced from academic literature and teaching guides, and were -- back in the Olden Days -- also more widely used on Tumblr.)
For a more thorough description of the most common types of content to post warnings about, see this PDF.
Which Warning to Use on Your Post:
Trigger warning (TW): Used to denote content that may trigger a PTSD episode, a severe psychological reaction, or a physiological reaction due to a medical condition (e.g. epilepsy). Broadly speaking, this warning is intended to mitigate risks that may exist because of a viewer's personal experience and/or medical status. Examples of things that should be tagged TW: sexual violence; child abuse; flashing gifs
Content warning (CW): Used to denote sensitive material that may make viewers uncomfortable or upset, or that some viewers may prefer not to see, but not necessarily invoke a traumatic personal experience. Broadly speaking, this warning is concerned with a viewer's comfort level. This can include general concepts (e.g. discussion of homophobia) as well as specific instances (e.g. use of homophobic language). Examples of things that should be tagged CW: racism; nudity; death
Descriptive tags (not warnings): Used to describe the content of a post, without value judgment, so that it is searchable and/or avoidable. (And also to write rambling comma-free essays, because Tumblr is just Like That. But that's a whole separate thing.) Examples of things that can be (generally) tagged: the themes or topics being discussed; black and white images; capitalized text; insects; the color green; memes; rainbows; digital art; literally anything else that appears in your post
Can people still dislike/be upset by things that aren't on a broadly-accepted TW/CW list? Absolutely. But that's not quite the same as a trigger, and that's why we also have general tags.
Here's an example of the difference between disliking or being triggered by content (source: "The right way to use a Trigger Warning," emphasis mine):
Trigger Warnings are here to prevent people who have experienced traumatic experiences to be exposed to something that might trigger a physical and/or mental reaction. Trigger is the key word here. “Trigger*” is used to talk about PTSD and mental illness. “Triggered” and “offended/upset” are not the same concept. I can be upset if I see a picture of a beautiful cake because I cannot bake, but it won’t trigger a post-traumatic reaction. 
You aren't going to be able to anticipate every single person's likes and dislikes, phobias, emotional associations, and so on. There's a temptation to try to cover every base imaginable, but that's actually... less than helpful. Actively unhelpful, in some cases. In addition to the reasons I cited earlier, here's an example of how "I'll tag it just in case someone doesn't like a thing" warnings can be confusing:
Let's say I have two followers: WingHater96 has a deep phobia of butterflies, while ButterSuperFly78 adores butterflies. Tagging a post "butterflies" helps them both navigate my feed more efficiently: WingHater96 can block the entire "butterfly" tag, while ButterSuperFly78 can search for it.
However, let's say I tagged that post in the form of a warning like "tw: butterflies" and hid it below a Read More just in case someone following me didn't like butterflies. WingHater96 would still have that post blocked, because it contains the word "butterfly" in the tag. It would also still appear in ButterSuperFly78's search results for the same reason -- the presence of the warning doesn't affect search results at all. But when ButterSuperFly78 sees the warning tag, they might now be confused about whether the post is full of pretty butterfly photography (which they would like to see), or if maybe the reason I put a warning on it is because it's about butterflies being harmed, because why else would you warn someone about butterflies when they're the best things ever? But wait, does OP know that they're the best things ever? Is the warning there because OP secretly hates butterflies?? Do they need to unfollow OP now because they're a butterfly-hater??? and ButterSuperFly78 would not know whether to view the post or scroll past until they psychoanalyze me to determine my personal feelings on butterflies.
Adding the warning provided zero additional benefit for the person who already had the tagged thing blocked, but it caused additional problems for the person actively seeking out that thing.
Obviously this is a bit exaggerated (...though, speaking from experience, only a bit), but it's a lot more efficient to just list the things that are in a post in the tags without framing them as warnings. That way, people with different likes and dislikes can curate their own experience more easily, and know to take trigger and content warnings more seriously when they DO appear.
TL;DR Trigger warnings exist to help people avoid PTSD or adverse psychological/physiological reactions. Casually throwing the word "trigger" in front of things that are not triggers makes people stop taking the need for warnings seriously, and can confuse people trying to curate their Tumblr experience. Reserve TW and CW for actual triggers/sensitive content and use standard tags for other things.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
13 - Rebellious Teenage Years
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Part 14
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams
A few weeks later
“Now be easy on your mamma. You hear me, Evelyn.” Georgie warned her since she was the one pushing my wheelchair through the hospital lobby. I was finally getting released from the hospital but we couldn’t go back to Texas yet. Since our baby boy had to be delivered a couple weeks earlier they needed to monitor our vitals closely.
Aurora was carrying my overnight bag so that their daddy could be in charge of carrying his son out to the truck. She opened the door and saw that some duct tape fell on the ground by her feet so she picked it up. “Daddy, why is this in the truck?”
“That’s because I couldn’t get the stupid car seat in the backseat again. Seriously you would think they would make it easier than we had issues with Aurora.” He huffed handing little Montana to his older sister.
Wrapping my arms around his neck he picked me up bridal style gently sitting me down on the front passenger seat. Grabbing the seatbelt strap I clicked it on me, smiling up at him. “Hey, we’ve done good with two. The third one should be no trouble at all.”
He moved around to the driver's seat of the truck getting inside. Evelyn and Aurora were squeezed up against each since the car seat was taking up the remaining room. The drive home was good and we let the girls head inside the apartment. Carrying little Montana in my arms I laid him down in the crib flopping down on the bed. “How you doing, darlin?” Georgie came into the bedroom sitting down at the side of the bed.
"Completely exhausted…sore…hungry.. everything." I grumbled trying to get comfortable but this pregnancy had taken a lot of stress on me.
He moved, taking off his boots and his jeans climbing into the bed beside me. He wrapped his arms around my waist where I snuggled into him. "Get some rest baby. I'll check on the baby in a few." He whispered and I was out when I placed my head in the crook of his neck. It was unknown to the young parents that their two daughters were sneaking out to their fathers truck. Aurora sat down in the driver's seat having long enough legs to reach the pedals. Evelyn was in the passenger seat where they were going to see their uncle Sheldon at his workplace.
It was two hours almost by the time I woke up. Climbing out of the bed I went into the kitchen halting in my tracks seeing a note on the table. “Georgie! You’ve got to be kidding me. Georgie, Georgie wake up now!”
“What’s going on…” He asked when I bolted into our bedroom pushing him harshly awake throwing the note in his face. “What is…don’t be mad mommy and daddy but Rora and I borrowed the truck to go see uncle Sheldon at work.”
Running my fingers through my hair I started to panic seeing my husband stumbling out of the bed searching for his boots on the floor. “What are we going to do, Georgie. God they are acting like Missy did!”
"Calm down. Aurora's been learning to drive on that little tractor we got her for Christmas a few years back. She'll be fine-" I slapped him on the shoulder harshly.
"It is different from driving in the small town of Texas. We are literally in the big city!" Throwing my hands up I grabbed my phone dialing someone who was the closest to us. "Penny, this is Y/n. I'm sorry to ask this but could you come pick me and Georgie up. Our daughters have stolen our truck for some joy ride."
Everyone was furious and concerned since Missy had taken her dad's truck in the middle of the night. George and Mary had been sleeping in different houses since Evelyn had been born. “I can’t believe that girl. Did she even think how worried we would be?”
“Wow. You have become a dad fast.” Connie pointed out, sending Georgie a smile.
He shrugged his shoulders where I glanced at him sitting down at the kitchen table. “It just happened.” He sat down on the other end while I was holding baby Evelyn in my arms. Aurora was watching tv at Connie’s house. Neither of us wanted her to be worried or hear the parents fighting over whose fault it would be.
“I can’t believe the last thing we did was yell at her.” Mary sighed with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Now don’t go blaming yourself-“ George got cut off by her.
“I was blaming both of us.” She responded back.
He shrugged his shoulders in annoyance, glaring at her. “So we weren’t supposed to punish her. Kids do stupid stuff, parents yell at them.”
“Yeah ya’ll did it to me. I’m gonna do it to my kids.” Georgie responded looking in my direction. “But I feel like Y/n will be more stern than me. So we will knock them in the butt.”
Evelyn made some noises tugging on my hair where I winced a little. I knew they were blaming themselves for what happened. But I will make sure to treat all my kids the same. That way they won’t do crazy things like steal trucks in the middle of the night. “Okay I figured it out. Based on pictures she’s ripped out of magazines. She’s a big fan of actor Luke Perry.” Sheldon came back into the kitchen after going through his twin’s room.
“Who is that?” Meemaw asks her grandson.
Georgie got up to his feet leaning against the countertop moving his head in my direction. “He plays Dylan on Beverly Hills 90210. Your classic bad boy.”
“Your classic bad boy?” His father asked with a raised brow.
He nodded, smirking at me. “Yeah like me. Right mama?”
Getting to my feet I handed him Eve so I could wrap my arms around him. “Awe sweetie Texan. You can pretend you’re a bad boy but you are the opposite. You’re sweet on me.”
“Yeah maybe. But I won’t be nice if our girls ever do something like this.” He mumbled where I nodded in agreement.
“The show not only takes place but is filmed in Los Angeles California. That’s obviously where they are going.” Sheldon declared thinking he had figured out what they were doing. Until the phone rang and we learned that her and her friend Paige were heading to Florida.
Slamming the passenger shut I was in the front of the car with Penny driving. The city streets were going crazy since most people were either heading to lunch or it was just the regular normal life. “I can’t believe she stole the truck. I mean why would they do this. I mean it wouldn’t be as bad if we were back in Texas but no they have to do this in the freaking city. I mean, are they nuts!”
“Back in my town of Nebraska I did stuff like this all the time and I turned out alright.” Penny shrugged her shoulders focusing on the road in front of her.
Georgie shifted in the backseat leaning forward placing a hand on my shoulder to get me to calm down. I slumped my shoulders until he spoke up. “Yeah I mean darlin’ don’t you remember when we egged Dale’s store and he let us keep our jobs. Or the time we snuck out to go to a college parry. Or the time we-“
“Georgie just stop. I love you but you’re not helping…gosh I am a horrible mother. I mean I thought I raised them to not be so rebellious.” Running my hands through my hair I threw my head back until my phone went off. “Hello, who is this?”
The person on the other end responded. “I am calling to speak with a Mrs. Cooper. Dr. Howard reported that he saw your children coming in from the parking lot. They are here at the university asking to visit their Uncle Sheldon.”
“Oh my gosh. Thank you. We’re on our way.” Hanging the phone up I glanced at Penny. “They are the place the guys work at.” She quickly turned the car in the direction of where they worked while Georgie intertwined my hand with his smiling with little Montana was passed out asleep in his car seat.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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jlf23tumble · 7 months
Hiii hope you won’t mind this ask! I just found your blog and i’ve gone over it a bit and I saw you talking about h and l not being together and it made me curious about your larry thoughts!! You can answer in the tags if you don’t want to start discourse but I hope you do answer:((!
I don’t know if you think they’ve been together in the past/never together or just don’t care about it cause scrolling through Tumblr is a nightmare and I can’t see all your posts obviously ahaha but personally I thought they were together and I think they might have broken up in the last year or so. I got a strong sixth sense in general if you could call it that and lately I can sense something is different and I can see some people feel the same but don’t really discuss it openly so I wanted to hear your opinion.
The last thing that made me ‘sure’ they were still a thing while looking at the previous 12 years was harryween with hopelessly devoted to you and then Louis quoting it at his grease fav. After that I can’t really see something that makes me think “at that point they must have been together cause otherwise it wouldn’t make sense”. And paired it up with louis in particular being a bit strange in the last few months and with what you pointed out as well namely Harry doing everything he can to not be even thought to be on tour with L… As I said I don’t know when you started talking about a break up, but do you think that halloween’s occurance was still them being together or teasing each other from a distance or maybe just keeping larries at bay? And would you mind telling me then when you think their situation changed and what you think now? Sorry it’s so longggg and thank you if you take time to answer me <3
Helllllllo, I never mind any kind of ask! Granted, sometimes I might not answer but only because I'm overwhelmed, or it's the same ask in a row, or I'm not loving a sentence, or I just don't feel like it, or I think a bathroom shot is more appropriate, lmao, but this one? I got all the time in the world for you…so much so that I'll put it under the cut, since the ask is long enough itself, as shall the answer be!
Welcome to this mess, and wow, I'm so bowled over you even tried to scroll, I know trying to search tumblr.biz is a loser's lover's game, even for the loser lover who wrote it, so I won't even bother, but we can start fresh!
So my thoughts: Hell yeah, I think these two were together back in the day, probably almost immediately (see: the entire x-factor scandale with the blinds about all the fucking, the stairs interviews, ALL OF IT, screammmm). I don't know how long or even IF they were strictly monogamous, they were in a pressure cooker situation of near-constant contact with each other for five years, but I do think it eventually morphed into something open and/or then into a messy on again/off again situationship. That’s my current stance today, in fact—c'est messy!!!!
I’ll do the usual caveat that none of us actually KNOWS them, though, or what went down, we're only looking at what we see (and hear) and making a wild guess, and yet! Plenty of people see (and hear) the same thing and opt for a crazy reach with their whole chest, all to justify something happening between teenagers 13 years ago as if NOTHING would or could have changed since then. And some of those reaches make literally no sense, or they wash away anything that gets too close to that third rail of cognitive dissonance, the proverbial fingers in ears, lalalalala. I saw it recently on a post I made about clingy Harry with a stranger on the drunk WeHo trolley, with someone in the tags going, wait, I’ve never seen this! Of course you haven’t, that’s what an echo chamber does, bb!
Personally, I don't get that mindset—what’s so wrong about learning life is tough and things change for two literal strangers? Sure, we all love love and want the best for them, but shit happens in real life, too. Maybe it's easier to latch onto made-up receipts or straight up call a blue a green, but I think a big aspect of it is also the need to be right, to show you aren’t crazy, it’s real, and that gets frequently mixed in as being “supportive,” like you're some kind of homophobe if these two break up, as if two men fucking two other men somehow isn't worthy of your “support." But I’m here to say those two things actually can exist, something can be true in the past and not be true today, and it doesn’t negate the past bit, shocking, right?
Anyway, I digress. I feel like your sixth sense is on the money, and I'd love to hear more about it, either message me here or dm me about what tips you into that direction (hey!) because I feel like there is SO MUCH THAT DOES, yet few people really get into it. To me, it’s just a lot of content, so much content, the bare minimum being lyrics in multiple songs across a shit ton of albums, both solo and the very last 1D one. At this point, to me, Larry “proofs” sound insane (he wore green pants, they're MARRIED!!!!!), and part of me is like, kudos to you, Mr. Tomlinson, jesus loves you more than you will know, etc. Even that Harryween outfit of which you speak feels like a reach of a reach, a callback of a reach, mostly because it’s also not that deep, Grease isn't some tiny film nobody's seen, it's actually a remarkably easy group costume, AND it references things that could be nostalgic to two sets of people (larries and larry). I actually feel like these two at this point are either a) signaling to each other in some kinda way, like that monitor edgeplay shit they used to do (which works if you're together or apart, I might add), or b) cashing in some of that green blue green, if you feel me. And again, both of those could be true at once, they don't cancel each other out. I have two hands, I can hold a lotta thoughts!
It’s at this point where I start bangin’ the drum for garries because gaylors have it dead easy—you can be a gaylor and think that kaylor was a thing, but it doesn’t mean it’s STILL a thing to you, so whither garries!? I just don’t think a lot of today’s larries do themselves any favors by doubling down and driving out anyone who has questions. For the big ones, there’s no room for even whispering, hey, yeah, they were together, but they might have broken up, maybe??? It’s, like, NO!!! They’re mawwwwwwied, #husbands, they’ve only fucked one person, each other, let’s jump through a hoop that says Louis wearing green sweats is so LOUD (I’m not listening to lyrics, though, lalalalalala)!! It’s tragic and frankly dumb, but if you want to wallow in the persecution complex of it all, “everybody hates us ☹ (including Louis),” I guess the option is there, the whole us vs. them of it all that I’m just personally not into.
But I do feel like there’s some hope, it’s nice to see people coming around to the idea that, yeah, they WERE together and maybe they aren’t anymore, but it’s okay, it’s not the end of the world! It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, maybe they’ll reunite someday, or maybe it’s a goddamned hot mess, but you know what? Not my circus, not my monkeys! Granted, that part is harder for people who are mutuals with those who will not tolerate doubts even for a second—I just hope they venture off and find the other chill people, u know, the ones a lot of larries wish they saw on their dashes instead of hand-wringers, uh oh, oops, reaping = sowing.
I’m sorry, I’m ramblin’ here, let’s get back to your questions at the end of your ask! Do I think Harryween was them together or teasing each other or keeping larries at bay? Hmmmm, maybe a secret fourth thing: easy costume, easy global reference, and it’s not gonna keep larries at bay, lmao. Idk, man, for all we know (which, again, is literally nothing, nobody’s getting 24/7 content for 5 years straight anymore, such a bitter pill to swallow), maybe Grease is a fave movie of someone who’s in the new band, maybe Harry’s got a close personal friend who’s into it, too, maybe Louis's not the only guy in the world Harry’s dated who’s obsessed with Danny Zuko.
As for when do I think their situation changed, I think Eleanor was a big clue, breakup no. 1 was probably around their own breakup no. 1, she was an amazing proxy in so many ways, but I’m sure there were rifts and spats along the way (it even seeped into interviews that get written off as cute funsies or else are outright ignored because nobody watches beyond the gif format). I follow at least one person who talks about the '15 promo tour as giving very recent breakup energy, yet still has some fwb vibes, which means it's AWKWARD in spots, and I can see that. It would also explain why they were suddenly able to "sit together,” lol. Anyway, yes, that breakup (both times) was a big sign, I think no more peace ring was a HUGE sign, I think the writeups by Rob Sheffield (both of them, actually), especially the last paragraph of the Fine Line cover story was a NEON sign, and I think the last four albums by both of them spell it out, underline it, bold it, AND italicize it super clearly, but those are just the easy pickings (see also: Harry biking around daily to prove he’s not in Poland, Greece, etc., and the response is always, “We don’t know what day this was,” lmao).
What I think now is up above! I think it’s messy! Complicated! They aren’t #married! Now is that a forever thing? Who’s to say, and more importantly, who’s to really care on a “does this impacts my daily life in some kind of financial or spiritual way,” see further: circus, monkeys. I get that it’s easy to say, I interact with a lot of other people who don’t care and won't ostracize me for being a doubting Susan with my ~controversial thoughts and UOs. But there are those with faith in the future, so maybe it is as it was…hehe, oh me. I amuse myself, at least. Sorry this is an epic reply, and that it’s days late, I hope it gives you what you wanted to know! Anyone sending me garbage will get a bathroom response, peace and love.
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gachagon · 1 year
Oh wow! It's cool that you're doing drabbles. Good luck! As for my request: could I ask for an Isagi/Bachira fanfic with one of them proposing to the other after winning the World Cup? I think it would be really cute
This idea at first seemed really hard for me since I've never written proposal fics before, but the more I thought about it the more ideas I had. And soon I had way more words then planned on the document lol. This was very fun to write, and I had a lot of back and forth over who I thought would propose first. I originally was going to have Bachira propose because I thought it would be cute, but I realistically think Isagi would ask the question first now. Now the only question I have is who's last name would they pick?
anyways pls enjoy this fic! 2k words just for you lol
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Words: 2k
Pairing: BachiSagi
Isagi Yoichi has won the World Cup on japanese soil, though the one thing on his mind during the after party is to see other half and talk with him. He scans the bar for Bachira, until he gets a short message from him, saying he has a surprise for him. Unbeknownst to Bachira, Isagi has his own present to give, one that he has been hiding for many years since they've known each other.
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Isagi’s blood was on fire. He couldn’t quite get a grasp on what he just did, though he was vaguely aware that he had scored at least. The game felt so long, and yet so short at the same time. Before he knew it, he was being lifted up high on the shoulders of his teammates. They were congratulating him, ruffling his hair, practically throwing him around in their excitement. Yet now that he was so high up off the ground, his eyes scanned the crowd of people in the stadium. They roved in search of one specific person until he saw a familiar gold gaze locked onto him, an ecstatic expression on Bachira’s face. 
It was then that everything came into clarity, all at once the roaring of the stadium, the announcer’s booming voices over the intercom, his teammates' praises of him. And with the noise came the sudden realization of what had actually just happened. 
Holy shit, we won…A grin spread across his face then and he joined in on the shouting. Isagi had played countless games before, had spent years in the Blue Lock program, and when he finally graduated and was picked to play in the Japanese National Team like he always dreamed, he had set his sights on witnessing this moment first hand. And at the age of 21, he had finally managed to do it. He had won the World Cup for Japan. And on Japanese soil, no doubt. 
Drink’s practically crowded the table at the bar, in fact Isagi was certain that nobody had even ordered food. His team was so excited to start celebrating that they had carried him all the way there, or dragged him along by his arm to start the party.  
“Isagi, get over here, you gotta try this!” Raichi and a few of the others had seemingly ordered a large cacophony of drinks that Isagi couldn’t even begin to name. 
He shook his head, “No, no…Thanks, but I think I’ll stick to regular sake instead…” It was the only thing he was really used to and he didn’t want to be totally wasted on the night of his big win. 
“You guys are pigs, you know that…Just cause he won doesn’t mean you can trash the place…” Chigiri’s annoyed tone spoke from behind. He had a disgusted look on his face as he eyed the crowded tables full of forgotten drinks. 
“Ah, let ‘em be. This is a big day for everyone, they’re gonna drink themselves to sleep tonight.” Kunigami said with a lazy smile. 
“Don’t encourage them, Rensuke…” Chigiri sighed. 
“If they make too much of a mess, I’ll clean it up. I just hope the staff don’t get sick of us…” Kunigami eyed the poor bar attendants who had been busy making drinks for just about everyone in the team and their friends who had tagged along. It would be a busy night for all of them, certainly. 
Isagi also looked around, as he noticed that there was someone who had yet to show up to the party. 
“Hey…where’s Bachira?” Isagi asked. In truth, he had been looking for Bachira all night since they had corralled him into this bar, but he hadn’t seen him anywhere. For some reason, he was suspiciously absent from the party. Isagi felt a small pit form in his stomach, a sense of disappointment he wasn’t used to when it came to Bachira. 
“I texted him a while ago, but I don’t know if he ever responded.” Chigiri said.  
Isagi’s phone buzzed in his pocket, and he immediately took it out. 
Monster: Hey! Come outside! On the balcony! 
Monster: I have a present! 
Isagi’s head shot up and he looked to where the bar’s balcony was. Outside, Bachira waved at him from the window with a smile on his face. “I’m going to the balcony. See you guys later! Oh, and please don’t put any more on my tab…I don’t think my wallet can take it anymore…” He quickly left the others to party without him, and slipped outside into the cool night air. 
Bachira grabbed Isagi’s arm and dragged him out of sight of the big balcony window. “Ah, hey Bachira, where are we going?” Isagi asked. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to say hi to him, or hug him. 
“No time for questions, just keep moving! It’ll be totally worth it, I promise!” Bachira said as he continued to pull Isagi along. He followed close behind, smiling. 
Soon, Isagi found himself in a pretty familiar place. The lampposts and signs were a dead giveaway, but once they stood in front of the fenced in soccer field Isagi was certain of where they were. 
“Is this…Ichinan’s old field?” It looked a bit different after all those years, but the more he looked around, the more he was certain of it. 
“Yeah, but that’s not the surprise.” Bachira said. He turned Isagi around fully, and then pointed up. “That is.” 
Isagi was left speechless. Normally, the Ichinan field would sit directly behind his old school and he remembered how he would always have to rush to practice from one side of the building, to the other. Yet what greeted him now on the side of the building was a mural that was not there before, one that showed him in his jersey and a ball beneath his feet in the middle of play. It covered the entire side of the building, and was unmistakably a portrait of Isagi playing on the field. 
“I…This is…” He didn’t know what to really say. “This wasn’t done…today? Was it?” It couldn’t have been, such work would take a month at least. Bachira scoffed.
“Of course not. We started working on it a while back when you were in France.” Bachira answered. “We had to work quickly too! We wanted it to be done in time for the World Cup, you know, as a present for when you won.” 
Isagi choked out a laugh, as he felt tears brim his eyelashes. “And what if I had lost, huh?” 
“Eh, we’d come up with some reason. And making it to the World Cup is still a huge deal!” Bachira nudged him. 
“Who’s this ‘we’ you keep mentioning…?” Isagi couldn’t imagine Bachira painting it all by himself, though it wouldn’t have surprised him if Bachira tried anyways. He’s amazing like that…Isagi thought as he glanced at Bachira. 
“Me and Mom, obviously. She was really happy to do this, when I brought it up to her. This is her biggest mural yet, you know.” Bachira sighed. “I’m not that good at art, but I learn quick. See, I did the grass there beneath your feet!” 
“Oh really? What else did you paint…” Isagi and Bachira walked up to the mural, and the two spent a while as they went over all the small details. Bachira and Yu, his mother, had split most of the work pretty evenly. Bachira got to paint the grass, and the ball, and his mother spent time painting Isagi’s jersey and his cleats. 
Bachira was really proud to have done Isagi’s face. “Wow, it looks just like me.” Isagi said in a wondrous tone. 
“My mom kept having trouble with it, because she kind of hasn’t seen you in a while…” Bachira chuckled. “Great thing I’ve got such an amazing memory, huh? I couldn’t forget your face if I tried.” 
Isagi laughed alongside him, as he stared up at the mural. His gaze landed on Bachira’s again and they looked into each other's eyes for a moment. “This is incredible, Meguru.” Isagi said with a soft smile. “You’re incredible.” 
Bachira looked away just then, as he blushed in that familiar way that Isagi loved. “Geez, this is supposed to be a gift for you, you know…” Bachira said. 
Isagi laughed, “Yeah I know. Thank you…” Isagi felt an indescribable warmth fill his heart the more he continued to look into Bachira’s amber eyes, and soon he leaned towards Bachira and pressed his lips against his. They had shared many kisses before, in secret mostly so that there could be no scandal involving rivals on different teams. Though this kiss was sweeter somehow, and was different from the casual affection they had grown to show one another over the course of their relationship. 
Isagi placed his forehead against Bachira’s with a content smile on his face. “I love you.” Isagi had also said this many times before, but it also sounded sweeter than normally. 
Bachira threw his arms around Isagi’s neck in a tight hug, “I love you, too! I’m glad you liked your present, at least…for some reason I felt really nervous when we were planning it, but eventually I got the hang of it as you can see!” 
“And let me tell you, learning to paint in like a month is no easy task, even for me. My mom had quite the work cut out for her when she handed me those brushes, but it all turned out perfectly in the end!” Bachira rambled on. 
“Meguru…” Isagi said again with a chuckle. He always does this when he’s happy…
“I’m thinking maybe I could even paint more murals in the future, of course when I’m on break. I can’t give up my soccer career to be an artist that’d just be ridiculous-” 
“Will you marry me, Bachira Meguru?” Isagi could perfectly see the moment when Bachira’s brain caught up to what he heard. His eyes widened as he looked at Isagi, who had that same content smile on his face. 
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If you’ll have me, anyways.” Isagi shrugged as if it was the most normal response to anything. As if he hadn’t asked Bachira something absolutely insane. 
Bachira seemed to short circuit for a moment, before he began to speak again. “I…But we’ve only been dating for 3 years now!” He exclaimed. Isagi’s head tilted to the side, “Oh? Really? It seemed so much longer to me.” he said. “Besides, I’ve loved you for more than 3 years. You know that, right?” Isagi could recall exactly the moment he had fallen in love with Bachira Meguru. It hadn’t happened 3 paltry years ago, or even 5. He hadn’t even noticed he’d fallen for Bachira until he was ripped away from him during the Second Selection, all those years ago when they were all so new to Blue Lock. 
Bachira searched Isagi’s eyes, “But what about soccer! You’re going to give up playing or what? We can’t married so soon-” 
“That’s fine. I can wait.” Isagi said. “I’ll wait for as long as I have to. Even if it means waiting for you to win your own World Cup!” He laughed at Bachira’s shocked face. Bachira babbled as if trying to find some other excuse for why this couldn’t possibly happen. “We’ve spent so long trying to catch up to each other…I guess waiting isn’t normal for us, huh?” Isagi commented, and this finally made Bachira break out of his haze. 
“You would wait for me…? Really?” Bachira’s voice was so small then, tinged with a vulnerability that Isagi hadn’t heard before. 
“As long as it takes.” He answered. 
Bachira smiled, as tears beaded along his eyes. “Then yes, Yoichi. I will marry you! Maybe not…right now, though. In a year or two, perhaps. Or when I win my own World Cup…” 
Isagi smiled wider and kissed Bachira again, though he couldn’t fight off the pure joy that radiated throughout him in that moment. It was a fire that was hotter than the one he felt when he had one earlier that afternoon. Did I really win the World Cup just a few hours ago…? It felt like it had already happened a lifetime ago. 
The longer he pressed his lips to Bachira’s, the more he couldn’t believe today happened. In his eyes, he had achieved the impossible twice in an evening. 
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kkaatzchen · 2 months
Wow my first real post! Cool :) hope you enjoy!
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CoD Soap x Scare Actor Reader
Cw: smut/nsfw, reader’s point of view, gn!reader (only pronoun used is “you”), slightly public, oral (m receiving), reader has a long tongue, hand job (m receiving), Very American(tm) description of fall festivities, slightly self indulgent, badly written Scottish accent, no real plot, can you tell I’m used to ao3 tags? me too
/// nsfw under cut
While on a week of no missions or work, the 141 decided to go on a little trip! And, seeing as it was fall, there was a little festive event going on in a nearby town. There were games of corn hole, darts, etcetera… and a haunted house. The haunted house held extra appeal to Soap. He was curious, mostly. The rest of the team had no interest though. Not because they were scared or anything, just that other activities held their interest more. So, Soap just went on his own.
It had been a few years since he had visited one, so he was a bit jumpy upon entry. Not to mention that this attraction was scarily well done. The decor looked actually real at some points, and it had Soap doing double takes. The actors were dressed accordingly as well. His heart was pounding and only continued to pound harder as he ventured along.
Eventually you saw a physically anxious (but also excited) man walking down the hall. When he was only a few feet away, you shoved the curtains aside from you and jutted out from behind them while screaming bloody murder. He stumbled and clutched a hand to his chest, a short, shocked yell sounding from him. As adrenaline raced through his veins the yell quickly mellowed out into a drawn out whiney groan. You couldn’t help but shudder with suppressed laughter.
He stayed still long enough for you to give him a quick once-over. Well built, good looking, you couldn’t deny, and… half hard? He didn’t seem to realize it either.
“Your adrenaline‘s high?” You teased, putting on a voice that matched your character. Soap was confused for a moment before realizing what you meant. He took a subtle glance downwards, looking quickly back up with a flustered expression.
“I don’ think yer helping,” he replied. He wasn’t sure whether he meant that in a ‘you’re scary’ way or a ‘you’re attractive’ way.
“It’d be embarrassing to walk out with that, yeah?” You grinned at him, your colored contacts bright and piercing in the dim glowy lighting of the hall. “I’d offer you some help if you’d like,” you offered.
Soap eyed you curiously with your offer and a now extended hand. What would be the worst that could happen? Glancing around, he agreed. No one would see the two of you, especially not behind your curtain. After a quick nod of his head and a quiet verbal agreement, you pulled him through the curtains and up onto a stage platform.
There was a small booth near the back that was intended for a rest area when there was no one passing through the haunted house. You guided the man over and motioned for him to sit down. As he settled down, the print on his pants was much more prominent. You knelt down between his legs and pushed his knees aside slightly.
“Still alright.?” You asked, just in case. Soap nodded in reply.
So your hands found his belt. You deftly unlatched it and undid his button and zipper, glancing up at him every so often to gauge a reaction. He shifted his hips for you to tug down his waistband, promptly taking his boxers with it and dropping them around his ankles. Soap let out a soft exhale. His face was flushed and the same could be said for the head of his cock.
It was now that Soap realized just how well done your costume was. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you; your impressive makeup, glowing contacts, and… surprisingly long tongue. He let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding as he felt your tongue slide up the tip of his length.
He didn’t have much time to linger on that though. Your lips wrapped delicately around his length and immediately began taking his length halfway. You weren’t going fast, but you certainly didn’t keep a slow pace for long. After all, you weren’t sure how much time you’d have until another person walked through awaiting a jump scare. Soap was being shameless with his noises of pleasure, but he wasn’t being too loud, so you didn’t mind too much.
“Holy hell,” you heard the man mutter. Glancing up, the sight of him was… certainly something. His face was flushed, eyes trained on your movements and holding maybe something more than just lust. Part of that might have been fear, but who knew. Whatever it was, neither of you would linger on that for now. You could feel his cock twitch against your tongue and took him deeper.
Soap replied to the sensation with a strained moan that he wasn’t sure he’d ever heard from himself before. You continued, and he lost himself in the pleasure, only speaking coherently again to warn you that he was nearing his climax. You pulled your mouth off of him and replaced the stimulation with your hand, stroking the length of his arousal while licking and prodding at the tip with your tongue.
“Go ahead,” you assured him, and you didn’t need to tell him twice. You wrapped your lips around the head of his length again simply to avoid having to clean up a mess, and let his release spill onto your tongue. You continued stroking him through his climax, albeit a bit slower, and pulled away when he was spent. You stepped slightly to the side to grab an empty water bottle that you had finished around an hour ago at this point. Not too keen on swallowing, you spit out the man’s essence and promptly tossed the bottle into a bin in the far corner of your platform.
“That’s a first on my job,” you commented mostly to yourself, though elicited a small chuckle from Soap.
“Wouldn’t hav’ expected it ‘t be a second or third,” he replied with a laugh, doing up his pants. “Thank you, by th’ way. I didn’ expect that.”
“D’you want my number?” He asked with a sly grin.
/// fin. <3
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ficbrish · 1 year
10 Random Lines Tag
Thank you @tealenko for the thought/tag! I love doing these tag games.
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
I will have to treat chapters of multi-chaptered fics as different fics. I think I have like seven different fics, but I have more than ten chapters currently posted.
Please mind the ratings/warnings if you click on the links to the fics!
1. Weekend, Chapter 1 - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
“I’m not—Did you get my letter?” [Kaidan]
He was struggling to pick a lane. Oh God, she was right there. Just like the last time, he was losing control.
“I did,” Shepard admitted, disarmed.
“You didn’t answer it.”
“I couldn’t.”
*     *     *     *      *    
2. Breaking Regs - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
A few steps later, he kissed her when no one was looking. It felt like hell to tear himself away from her and continue walking. They walked and talked in a shared daydream, detached from the reality around them, and a need broiled between them that was left unspoken.
They’d almost forgotten the purpose of their stroll, and suddenly it hit Kaidan.
*     *     *     *      *    
3. Hanar Hats for the Birthday at the End of the World - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
“Uh oh,” Wrex shouted playfully from the other side of the table. “Here she comes!”
He gestured to Shepard, who was doing something with her hips and hands. The way she moved about had absolutely nothing to do with the beat of the currently-playing song.
“It’s not a birthday party without some grooves,” she danced, inviting everyone else to do the same.
*     *     *     *      *    
4. Weekend, Chapter 2 - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
“May I join you?” [Kaidan] asked, dangling [Shepard] so effortlessly she felt weightless.
He felt her hair brush between his thighs in response.
“Are you nodding your head?” he asked, trying to see past her bottom.
*     *     *     *      *    
5. Weekend, Chapter 3 - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
“So,” [Kaidan] said, “How are you going to save the world this time?”
“If I told you the details, you’d never let me leave this room.”
“That’s not true, I’d let you use the bathroom.”
*     *     *     *      *    
6. Weekend, Chapter 4 - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
She took his hand, bit her lip, and looked into his adoring eyes.
“I kind of want to show you though,” she said, pulse racing.
The tenderness in Kaidan’s eyes sharpened into want.
“Are you sure, Shepard?”
*     *     *     *      *    
7. Weekend, Chapter 5 - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
“Uuuhhh? I don’t know. It’s been two years for you and only a few months for me.” [Shepard]
“Sleeping Beauty,” [Kaidan] agreed, grinning and moving some hair out of her face.
“Yeah," she laughed, "Pretty much.”
*     *     *     *      *    
8. Weekend, Chapter 6 - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
“Wow,” [Shepard] said, water dripping down her face.
“I know,” [Kaidan] responded confidently.
“That’s new.”
“I’ve improved since I last saw you, Shepard.”
*     *     *     *      *    
9. Weekend, Chapter 7 - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
Garrus, the largest of them, was curled up and leaning against Tali, who was the smallest and in the middle. Liara was snug in the bench's corner up against the wall, taking up more space than the other two with her legs spread out.
Shepard patted Kasumi on the shoulder, “Mind if I go join them?”
“Of course! I’ll be good up here alone.” She looked up at Shepard and winked, “I’m sure you’re exhausted.”
*     *     *     *      *    
10. Weekend, Chapter 8 - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
Kaidan clutched his datapad, holding it in front of him. Shepard put her fingers on her keyboard.
Maybe it was just a message away.
They each took a deep sigh. The same few seconds in the universe passed.
*     *     *     *      *    
Tagging: @acciokaidanalenko @nowandthane @halesshepardn7 @ljandersen @elfishtales @gabrielrexiel @crescentbunny @lauraceaaee @ghostxofxartemis @mrsd-writes
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givereadersahug · 1 year
ten books to get to know me
Thanks for the tag @danpuff-ao3
tagging - @yletylyf @liladiurne @aquaflora17 @maraudersaffair @[email protected] if you been tagged/done this before. I lost track on who have done this. 😂 And as a bookworm, I must know your picks. *sips tea* And anyone who is reading this! I want to know! My TBR pile is never too long!
Harry Potter
I mean, this has to be first on the list, right? Even before I got into the fandom back in 2018, this book series was my life. And, no, not because of JKR. I don’t associate the book series with her. I associate this book series with my step-father. He just randomly saw the first book at the airport gift shop, bought it, and read it to me on the flight home. The proceeding years as each book got released, we would dress up and attend the book launch parties. He let kid!me indulge in my passion and let me rave about my favorite characters and potential outcomes on how Harry might defeat Lord Voldemort. (Fun Fact! I knew since book three that Severus Snape was more than he let on and I knew in my heart that he would help Harry defeat the Dark Lord. Idk why my seven-years old self thought that, but I held on! And I was vindicated! lol)  He passed away a few years after the last book came out and I couldn’t bring myself to read the series for a long while. I’m glad I made my way back to Harry Potter, though. I finally got the courage to step into the fandom space (which was so intimidating to me back when I was a kid) and I met so many great, loving, wholesome people here who also love the books and the characters as much as I do. 
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Phantom Tollbooth 
This is a fucking classic. The wordplay, the adventure, the illustrations. Did I mention the wordplay? 
“Just because you have a choice, it doesn’t mean that any of them has to be right.”
Not a book, but a manga series. It is ethereal and thought provoking and simplistic and imaginative. In a society where things go lightning fast, this story asks you to slow down, take a look around, and appreciate what you have. It’s melancholy and not every story has a happy ending. The pull and push of us living alongside nature and us manipulating it and nature having the last laugh. Our relationship with our friends and our families and with others. It’s just *chef’s kiss* a great manga series to absorb yourself into. Don’t forget to check out the anime! 
This Franny Billingsley book came onto my radar cause of a mix-up with another book for some award. (They had to ask the other author to voluntarily pull her book, because the rules didn’t allow the committee to do it themselves. Which sucks for both authors involved, imo.) It’s basically a story of the aftermath of the wicked step-mother’s evil doings. And, wow. The narrative structure of this book, the twists and turns, the exploration of themes, the undercurrent of feminist progressive charge, and the ending! I re-read this book each year. I love it to bits. 
“If you say a word, it leaps out and becomes the truth. I love you. I believe it. I believe I am loveable. How can something as fragile as a word build a whole world?"
The Lie Tree
FRANCES HARDINGE! She’s my inspiration. Have you read her books???? They are dark and twisted and unexpected and go to places you don’t expect them to go. I don’t even know why her books are classified as children's literature. It is so much more than children lit. They elevated the genre. The books are surreal, and expansive and strange and wholly, unequivocally original. The Lie Tree is the first book I read from her, and I wasn’t even sure why I picked it up. But I am so glad I did. 
“Large people tend to have large heads. Men are no cleverer than we are, Miss Sunderly. Just taller.”
Okay, I don’t need to explain who David Mitchell is, right? Writer of Cloud Atlas? The Bone Clocks? The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet? I remember picking up Ghostwritten when I was way too young to be reading Ghostwritten and way too young to understand the nuances. But! His writing style! It was unlike anything I read at the time. (And still is.) He’s not afraid to step out of the box – narratively and structurally - and I can only dream of writing something as complex and unique and weird like his stories. 
“I added 'writers' to my list of people not to trust. They make everything up.”
The Tightrope Walkers 
I have no words. Just go read it. I just know that when I first read it, I could not read a single thing for months afterwards. This book *stayed* with me. It was raw and beautiful and heartbreaking. 
An Invisible Sign of My Own
I’m a sucker for magical realism and this book hit all the right spots. Aimee Bender’s use of language – the fluidity, the simplicity, the sharpness – it drew me in. The story is like a fairy tale for adults, if I have to describe the vibe of it. The film adaptation did not do the book justice. Give it a try. 
“It is all about numbers. It is all about sequence. It's the mathematical logic of being alive. If everything kept to its normal progression, we would live with the sadness--cry and then walk--but what really breaks us cleanest are the losses that happen out of order.”
Saffy’s Angel
This is the first book of Hilary McKay’s Casson Family series. The whole series is a comfort read. One I re-read often as a child. The family is so eccentric and loving and chaotic. And Hilary explored dark themes in this children series – bullying, infidelity, disability. But it is also hilarious and fun and compelling. I wish I owned all the books, but sadly they are out of print at the moment. 
What Did You Eat Yesterday? 
Another manga series! This is about two middle-aged Japanese gay men living in Tokyo. That’s it. It’s a slice of life series and *actually* explores how queer couples live in Japan. Don’t go into this expecting all the BL tropes. Other than them being gay, it’s just them being them and how they navigate being a couple heading into their senior years and worrying about taking care of their aging parents, about saving money, about keeping up with their friends. It’s just wholesome and real.
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kiliinstinct · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me! @celestialtitania
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
56 and uhh.. wow. I guess if we include my Genshin account that would be 58? Wait! My Psued also has some so the total is actually - 74! Damn, that's more than I was expecting actually.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
This is also going to take some calculating...
okay, the total from my mainaccount and it's pseud and my genshin account: 388,886. Kinda blew my mind to see that total lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Fairy Tail, but I've dabbled in Yu Yu Hakusho, Yuri On Ice, Naruto, Legend of Zelda and have begun to write for Genshin Impact!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Imma count this down- first being the lowest to the highest.
Soft Caress with 234 Kudos
Wake Up Call  with 474
Have You Missed Me?  390
Flame's Desire 702
Mistletoe Claim  with a total of 1284 Kudos. (and i still don't understand WHY!?)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It's 50/50. I like to reply when I can, but sometimes I'm in a rush or busy (or half asleep) when I see the comment and then completely forget about it until later. By then I feel awkward replying. ^^;;
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhh, I haven't.. ended.. the angstiest fics yet. But, since you're looking for an ending, I guess Sun in the Rain  ? Since it's dealing with grief and loss of parents?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
How is this even harder for me to think of? Uhm, maybe I'll go with Fire Sprite No. 5 ? But there's a few others up there, I think.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'll be honest, hate is very rare on my fics. (And I'm very grateful for it.) Usually I just have people pressuring me to update and guilt tripping me rather than outright hating on a fic. And some of the hate I received years ago is just funny to me. The worst one I ever got I just ignore because it was hardly worth my time.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes and.. the smut kind? (I do not understand the question o.o)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Only one! And for some reason I never posted it to A03 .. that's weird, I could have sworn I had. Anyway! The Forgotten Temple was a NatsuxLevy fic crossed over into the world of Breath of the Wild that I wrote for a friend. It's the only crossover I've ever done.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once that I'm aware of! The Matching Scale had one person come to me to let me know someone had stolen it, but the fic was deleted days later. There's one other multi-chapter out there that's based off of it, but that writer got my permission to use the plot before they posted it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've been asked 3 different times if someone could translate, but never saw the end result of that. I'm totally down for people to translate my work if they ever wanted to though. Just so long as it's credited and linked to the original.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes.... and no... and.. yes? Okay, there's a few of them but they're not finished so I was never able to post them... Ahem...
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
... Favorite? I'm supposed to have one all-time favorite? Seriously? No. Can't be. There's no way. I've got too many to pick one above all else.
My current Hyper Fixation is TravelerxXiao from Genshin Impact. (Though I'm partial to AetherxXiao rather than Aether's twin sister version of that ship.) Nalu is the one that gave me the most inspiration in Fairy Tail, but I also have a few crack ships that I adore in FT as well, Like CobraxLevy (Or FreedxLevy.. or.. there's a lot of Levy ships don't judge me.) and GrayxLoke. Then there's Sesskag in the Inuyasha fandom... Zelink in Zelda... Zutara in ATLA... and let's not get me started on characters I ship in books or I'll be here all day/night.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
As far as I'm concerned, every single published wip that I have not listed as discontinued WILL BE FINISHED. I'm determined to ensure they are. As for the unpublished ones though.. there's two that I don't think are going to make it outside of the planning and partial writing stage.. which is kinda sad to think about, but I simple can't add more to my plate than I already have.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm told I'm good at keeping characters ic even in au settings, so I guess I can see that's a strength, but covering the emotions and inner workings of a characters mind is probably where my biggest strength is. If there are any others.. well.. you tell me?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description- especially if I'm mixing it in dialogue- or trying to remember when I need to at least give the reader some idea of how a character looks. I get so worried about over describing that I end up not describing enough at all! It's a problem.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Eh, if it's like.. for the setting, where some characters use a different language and don't know the main one, I think it works if done well. Especially if you're trying to show someone who's bilingual. If it works for world building and has been done well, then I'm not going to complain. Asides from that, I usually avoid it and get thrown out of the story when I see it .
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha... on an old old old account that you will never, and I mean NEVER, find.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Uhhh... there's that word again. How can I just pick one child over the other? (Flame's Desire.) I can't just pick favorites like that when I have children running around all wanting attention from me - (Flame's Desire.) It would simply be unfair to pick one above the others when they're all so near and dear to my heart - (Flame's Desire.)
Anyway, I'll go with Flame's Desire, as well as the current Genshin Fic I recently wrote and am still editing so it's not posted yet. lol
Tagging, but you don't have to do it.
@pencilofawesomeness @thehylianidiot @genavere @classysassy9791 @phoneboxfairy @grayseyebrowscar @cobrakiin @sandwitchstories @teleiapotami + anyone who wants to steal this
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faithinlouisfuture · 7 months
hiiii! it’s me - the new louie who first discovered louis when he was being all sexy from the austin show. hahaha, i really should make up a name or at least find a way to shorten that intro. so anyways, i’m a little bummed. i watched the afhf london and got a few more youtube recommendation of louis videos. i saw one about two of us. i already felt teary after first hearing it in the afhf london, but then finding out the backstory of his mom then his sister... i ugly cried so hard. (that line about tattooed on my heart are the the words of your favorite song). it made me think of my dad who passed a few years ago and my mom who was hospitalized all last year. that song has too many feelings. it’s not a bad thing but i feel ripped inside.
i did find a little cheer. i watched another rec - mr. bright side. like wow… so fun and a panty dropper. sorry not sorry, lol. as long as you don’t get tired hearing from me, i’ll come back when i’ve recovered. thank you for listening 🙏 💝
hiiiiii I hereby christen you baptized by Austin Louis louie (on account of that being your first Louis watching experience and also on account of all the sweat 🥵) at least that’s how I’m gonna tag your asks from now onwards hehe :p
i know I always have long ass rambles to your asks and today is no different, okay so before Louis’ first world tour (ltwt) when I used to listen to Walls (the album) more often than not I would skip two of us because I just had to be in the right head space to listen to it, couldn’t just up and randomly hit play and be normal about it… but then he started singing it at every single ltwt show and I feel like the reason he did it also was that it could help (both him and the fans) lessen the intensity of the extreme heaviness that was attached to the track and I have to say it worked to an extent… the same way I feel like he’s letting go of some of the very heavy emotion attached to saved by a stranger, by singing it over and over again during this tour
I want to share something with you related to two of us that will maybe make you cry (cuz I just did watching it again) but also give you joy and help you associate positive and happy feeling with the song (specifically as it relates to Louis)
so very sorry to hear about your dad, I can’t even imagine how close to home the song must hit for you <3 hoping your mom is well and fully recovered now! sending so many positive thoughts your way
ahhhhh not the mr. brightside cover!!! the way that louies have been literally begging for him to do that again, but it was just a one time thing! the killers fans online were so horrid about him and that cover at the time… but that kind of sound is what he was made for, it suits him so well and like you said; instant panty dropper fr - very valid emotions, never any need to apologize! unpopular opinion but I think he would do it so much more justice if he sang it now, because his vocal ability and confidence in himself and his live vocal performance has improved SO much since 2019
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