#mcu fic amnesty
veliseraptor · 1 year
I have a suggestion/compromise? You mentioned not having the heart to finish those abandoned marvel drafts but if you were willing to share some of the already written bits that you do like, why not just post them as excerpts? You needn't finish them and we get to read your lovely work and stop harassing you for more ❤️
I've been tossing this idea around in my head for the last couple of days and I still don't know where I'm coming down in terms of "actually posting unfinished works to AO3" but I did go back and reread some of these fics I moved into my "MCU Fic Salvage Folder" (aka the wips I feel like would be most worth finishing someday, hypothetically) and once again went "huh you know these are still decent" and it does seem a pity that they're just sitting around languishing unread when people might hypothetically appreciate them, and I'm always in constant need of external validation.
so you know what, since you asked, anon, here, have a 2.3k chunk of an avengers: infinity war canon divergence that I'm fond of notionally but very unlikely to ever finish.
you who turn the wheel and look to windward
Loki watched himself die.
It was necessary, so that he could ensure all the reactions were perfect, the simulacrum as believable as possible, as precisely real as possible. Making a copy of himself was easy - child’s play. Had been for centuries. Making one that was solid to the touch and real enough to fool Thanos--
He’d never done it before, and he could feel the strain of it in his chest, but he was strong enough for this. He had to be. 
That didn’t make it any easier to watch his own throat crushed in Thanos’s hand. He could feel himself shaking, his heart beating like it was going to explode, terror squeezing his airways as tightly as Thanos was squeezing his double’s--
Loki knew the pop-crack wasn’t real and he still flinched. The simulacrum went limp, and a muffled sound reminded him of the other reason he’d kept his eyes so determinedly fixed on his own death. 
I’m sorry, he thought frantically. Thor, I’m sorry, I couldn’t think of another way--
Thanos dropped the body - his body, and he had the disorienting, horrifying experience of staring at his own dead eyes - in front of Thor. He was saying something, but Loki couldn’t hear it over the roaring in his ears. 
Leave, he willed Thanos. Leave, damn you, you have what you want, now go--
Thor was sobbing. He could hear that, all too clearly, and oh if he’d ever wanted proof of what Thor had said (I mourned you) he had it now, and it was bitter in the having. 
Thanos turned his back and Loki held perfectly still, quivering like a dog straining at the leash, waiting, waiting. All he needed was a moment, a clean moment where he could get Thor away and run, it didn’t matter where, somewhere, anywhere. He hadn’t managed to save Asgard. Or Frigga, or Heimdall. But he would do this, he had to do this, there was no other choice.
Walk away, he thought. Walk away, there’s nothing here for you, we’re already dead.
Thor was holding his corpse. Clinging to it, and Loki hated himself but he hated Thanos more and he would apologize when they were safe, would let Thor beat him into the ground if it just meant they made it through this.
Let us make it through this. 
Loki felt the flash of power roll through him. Of Power. Felt the remnants of the ship groan as they started to tear apart. 
No, Loki thought. No, no-
He gauged the distance between him and Thor and Thor and Thanos and it didn’t matter, he couldn’t wait any longer. 
He’d already waited too long.
The ship ripped apart as Loki lunged for Thor, mouth open to shout his name before the vacuum of space tore his voice away, tore him away.
Then there was nothing, for a long time.
“You’re d’asting shitting me.”
Loki’s mind stirred sluggishly. His thoughts were fragmented, slow to cohere. There was something about that voice and its rough edge that made Loki’s stomach clench anxiously, but he couldn’t put a name to it, or to where he was, or to what-
No, he knew what had happened. The ship had been torn apart. And somehow...he’d survived. 
“I should just throw you back out there,” said the vaguely familiar voice. “This is a waste of time.”
Loki fought his way free like a river in spring thaw. Everything was still jumbled, confused, but one thing remained squarely at the forefront of his mind. 
“Thor,” he said weakly. 
Thor, clinging to his body as the ship was ripped apart, and he hadn’t been fast enough to reach him.
He jerked the rest of the way back to life and lunged to his feet, whirling around with a knife in hand, and froze, staring at Thanos’s daughter. She stared back at him, her jaw set. “You,” he snarled, and lunged for her, hopelessly uncoordinated, still weak. She batted his thrust aside easily. 
“Cut it out,” she said. “I’m not here for him.” 
Loki flashed his teeth. “I am supposed to believe that?” 
“Believe it or don’t,” she said. “But don’t try to stab me again after I just dragged you and the other one onto my ship against my better judgment.”
Loki’s heart leapt into his throat, something like hope almost blooming in his chest. “The other one?” 
“Yeah,” she said, jerking her thumb over her shoulder. “She’s over there.” She turned her back and started back toward the cockpit, stride jerky and ever so slightly uneven. “Don’t make me regret this.”
His heart dropped just as quickly. She. But he looked reluctantly over where Thanos’s daughter - he remembered her, if not her name - had indicated. Even one living Asgardian, even one, he told himself, no matter if it was not Thor…
I promise you, brother, the sun will shine on us again.
He walked unsteadily over to the other body lying on the ship’s deck. He recognized the style of the vessel - one of Thanos’s, which suggested that either Thanos’s daughter had stolen it, or she was lying. 
Not just any Asgardian, Loki thought, kneeling down unsteadily next to her. The Valkyrie. She was a survivor. Like him. 
Even as he started to reach out toward her, she gasped in a breath and her eyes snapped open, her knife flashing toward his throat. She stopped it just before it sliced through skin, staring at him, wide-eyed.
“Fuck,” she said. “Loki?”
Loki choked on a hysterical laugh. “The one and only,” he said. 
“The fuck...the fuck happened?” Valkyrie’s voice rasped painfully. Loki wondered if there was water. He should have asked, but he still felt dull, muddled. Thor must have survived. He had to have. But where…
He slumped back away from her. “Thanos,” he said. 
“I knew that,” Valkyrie hissed, already on her feet. There was an ugly rent in her armor, bleeding sluggishly. “But we’re not dead, so obviously-”
She cut off. Loki saw the moment when she put it together. 
“There’s no one else, is there,” she said. 
Loki didn’t want to say it. Couldn’t make himself say it. “I don’t know.” 
Valkyrie let loose with a string of expletives that Loki couldn’t parse. He waited for her to finish shouting. 
“Hulk?” She said, finally. 
“Heimdall sent him to Midgard. To warn them.” And was murdered for it. He didn’t speak that part, but he could tell that Valkyrie heard it nonetheless. 
“And Thor?” She asked, but he could tell by the look on her face that she already knew the answer. She just wanted him to say it. Why? So she could blame him, that he was still here and Thor might be-
He’s not dead. I won’t believe it. He turned his back on her and walked over to the cockpit to stare at the back of Thanos’s daughter’s head. She’d been a Luphomoid, once. He wasn’t sure what to call her now. “What’s your game,” he asked, harshly. 
“Getting to Thanos. Killing Thanos.” 
Loki jerked. “Last I saw you-”
“Last I saw you,” she snapped, “you were dancing on Thanos’s strings. It’s been a while.” 
“You know this person?” Valkyrie said, coming up behind him.
“Yes,” Loki said flatly. “Not fondly. There were a lot of sophisticated instruments of torture involved.” 
He felt Valkyrie stiffen, and somewhere distant where he was still feeling things was touched. 
“Don’t make me regret pulling you out of vacuum,” she said, her voice, if possible, even harsher than he remembered. “I only did it because-”
She stopped. Her hands twitched on the controls. Loki could see something, suddenly, in her single-minded intensity, the taut coil of her entire body, straining toward a destination she was afraid she wouldn’t reach. 
“Because why,” he said. She clamped her mouth shut and didn’t answer. 
“Would someone explain to me who you are and what’s going on,” Valkyrie said tightly, her voice almost vibrating, and it occurred to Loki that she’d been the sole survivor of her sisterhood, and was now one of a handful of survivors at most, almost immediately after returning to Asgard. Loki stumbled back and sat down on one of the unoccupied seats, his head suddenly spinning again. 
“She’s a daughter of Thanos,” he said. “Not of his flesh - I don’t know that he has any of those. I certainly hope not.” 
“I am not that,” she said, her voice grating. “My name is Nebula. I almost killed Thanos once. This time, I’m going to do it right.” 
“You’ve changed your tune,” Loki said. To Valkyrie, he added, “it seems we both managed to survive being blasted into space when Thanos disintegrated the ship. Which is, I imagine, where she found us.” 
“But not Thor,” she said. 
“There were no other signs of life in the vicinity,” Nebula said, after a brief pause. Loki felt like he’d been punched in the chest. He slumped back into the seat, staring blankly forward. 
It should have been you, whispered a nasty voice in his mind. Not him. Never him.
Valkyrie swore under her breath. “Fuck,” she said. “Shit.” 
Nebula, to his gratitude, said nothing. He was quite certain she knew the name. She’d heard him scream it enough. 
“Fuck!” Valkyrie roared, slamming her foot into the hull of the ship. Loki bowed his head and tried to summon the words: nor shall we mourn, but he couldn’t. Couldn’t. He felt like something had been ripped out of his core. 
“Where are we going,” he said finally, numbly. 
“I told you-”
“Yes, I know. I meant more specifically than that.” 
“Vormir,” Nebula said. Loki frowned. 
“What’s on Vormir?” 
“The Soul Stone.” 
Loki’s heart skipped a beat. “What?” He said, voice a little hoarse. He’d had some slim hope that the thing was lost. That no one knew where to find it, Thanos included, and thus he would not be able to complete his quest. 
Stupid. He should know better by now than to trust to hope. 
Nebula’s jaw tightened. “I don’t know if Thanos is still there. But it’s the last location I know he was heading.” 
“How did he know where to go,” Loki said, his throat closing like he was the double Thanos had strangled. “I thought it was lost-”
“Not lost enough,” Nebula said. She was wound so tight she was almost vibrating. Racing against time. She was afraid. Loki had not thought she was capable. 
That was all the Stones accounted for. Two on Midgard. Two Thanos already possessed (one thanks to you, sentiment, and what was it worth in the end, you still lost). One on Knowhere in the Collector’s care - he was strong enough that he might be able to match Thanos on his own, but with two Infinity Stones already in his possession? Perhaps not. 
And the Soul Stone, on Vormir. 
“How do we kill him,” Valkyrie said, her voice harsh. “This - Thanos. How do we kill him?” 
“Quickly,” Nebula said. “Cutting his throat should do it. I intend to take his whole head just to be sure.” 
“Not if I get to it first,” Loki said. Nebula gave him a sharp, ugly look that Loki ignored. He was very cold, and trying very hard not to think of Thor. Not to think, with childlike desperation, he was alive when you saw him last, Thor is strong, he might have survived. He couldn’t afford to believe that. And it wouldn’t matter if Thanos got what he wanted. 
“How far are we from this Vormir,” Valkyrie said.
“Another few hours.” Nebula’s voice was curt, but not exactly hostile.
“And are there weapons on this ship?” 
She gestured toward the back, and Valkyrie turned on her heel and stalked in that direction. Loki looked down at his hands. He had his knives, of course. Always. 
He kept going over those last few moments on The Statesman. What he could have done differently. What he should have done differently that might have gotten both him and Thor out alive - or at least Thor. 
It should have been a relief that he couldn’t think of anything. It wasn’t. 
“What changed,” he said.
“Are you talking to me,” Nebula said. Her voice was as harsh as he remembered. Thanos must have done something to damage her vocal cords, at some point. Hearing it sent a shiver of revulsion at remembered pain down his spine. 
“Yes,” he said. “I am talking to you. What made you finally turn your back on your father?” 
“None of your business.” 
“I’d like to know why I should believe you aren’t just taking us to Thanos as prisoners.” 
“If I was taking you to Thanos I would have just killed you,” Nebula said. “If I’d known it was you I was pulling onboard I would have.”
“Hey,” Valkyrie said, hefting a sizeable gun in one hand. “Watch it.”
Nebula made a disgusted noise and turned away from them both. Loki glanced at Valkyrie, eyebrows furrowing, and when she looked back at him he read determination and rage and a sort of desperation in her eyes. Like she expected something from him.
Don’t, Loki wanted to scream. I’ll only fail you. As I failed Thor.
“She’s not going to now,” Loki said. “And if you try...you’ll find me much harder to subdue than when I was your father’s captive.” It was largely bravado. He was weak after the fight on the Statesman, after dueling Proxima and Corvus, after crafting a double of himself. Drained by the memory of Thor on his knees, screaming, running toward his brother as the ship disintegrated around them and Thor just lay there sobbing over his seeming corpse, making no move to save himself. 
A knife slid in under Loki’s ribs and slit him open. He staggered, and Valkyrie caught him.
“Lackey,” she said lowly.
“I’m fine,” he said, but she ignored him, depositing him on a seat and standing next to him, glaring at the back of Nebula’s head as she ignored them both.
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preromantics · 5 months
Hello there, here's another one!
Twenty Nine Days Peter/Tony, 5.4k, E, Archive Warnings Apply
Twenty nine days until the end of the world.
When Tony sleeps, Peter commits the lines of him to memory. He watches the rise and fall of his chest, the way his fists open and close fitfully.
Tony Stark saved the entire universe once. Peter isn’t sure if it terrifies him more to think of Tony having to do it twice, or the fact that Tony seems resigned that it can’t be done again. 
This one is not as light as my usual porny fare. Hurt/comfort, angst, apocalypse countdown style getting together. I really enjoyed this one. If you're hesitant/need spoilers to read, feel free to skip to the end notes to decide!
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kitsune024 · 9 months
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Puss in Boots
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Is Yourself by FriendlyFrat_Boy I Chapters: 11/? I Ghost King Danny Fenton, Dark Danny Fenton, The Ultimate Enemy..kind of Echoes by @phantomtwitch I Chapters 23/30 I No One Knows AU, hazmat au, Overpowered Danny Fenton, Eldritch Danny Fenton Mini-Bang: Crawling In My Skin by @skarlettskwrl I Chapters: 1/1 I One shot BAMF Danny Fenton, Eldritch Danny, No One Knows AU, Hurt No Comfort, Dark Harvest by @wastefulreverie I Chapters: 2/2 I Completed 👻 Halloween fic, Ghost Hunger Days of Future Past by Acidwing I Chapters: 12/12 I Completed Dan Fic, Danny & Dan, Canon Divergence, Dark, The Ultimate Enemy The Consequences of Amnesty Forest by princessFanona I Chapters 2/2 I Completed Eldritch Danny, Ghost Hunger Terrarium by @ventisettestars I Chapters 5/5 I Completed Undergrowth, Plant Danny Watching the Horizon by SQ_Scrawls I Chapters 6/6 I Completed Danny dies for real this time, Grief, Angst, Full Ghost Danny, Space Obsession Danny, one sided Danny Fenton/Sam Manson Deranged Senses by @scarletsaphire I Chapters 5/5 I Completed POV Multiple, Loss of Control, Descent into Madness Cannibalism Gore Identity Reveal Feral Danny Fenton
Bookmark Series
Something’s Wrong With Danny Fenton by @ghostly-cabbage I Part 1 - 2 I No One Knows AU, Horror Danny, Creepy Danny Everything Was White by @lexosaurus I Part 1 - 2 I GIW, Identity Reveal, Torture, Aftermath Torture, Hurt Danny The Gravity Of Time by @punchspeedchunk I Part 1- 3 I Ghost King Danny Fenton, Identity Reveal, Badass Danny Fenton Rites of Kingship by @maskedemerald I Part 1 - 2 I Ghost Portal!Danny AU The Ultimate Saga by Firefury_Amahira I Part 1 - 5 I Completed Dan Fic, Dan/Valerie, The Ultimate Enemy, hate!ship ------ Series by @haikujitsu FFN Part 1. Phantom of Truth I Chapters 22/22 I Hurt/Comfort & Suspense, Danny, Maddie. Part 2. Shadow of a Doubt I Chapters 65/65 I Drama & Family, Danny, Maddie, Valerie, OC -------
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liminal-zone · 4 months
fanfic round up 2023
(2021, 2022)
Crave (LOTR | haladriel | tentacles and rings of power | rated E)
somewhere in the haze (LOTR | Celeborn/Sauron | mutual stockholm syndrome | rated M)
taking me with your song (The Little Mermaid (2023) | Ariel/Eric, Ariel/Ursula | tentacles and possession and mindfuckery | rated E)
can't escape the ghost of you (The 100 | clexa, clarke/the judge | being fucked by the divine wearing the face of your dead lover is better than therapy | rated M)
Eating fire (SPN | Claire Novak | the girl who was castiel grieves for her fathers | rated T)
Bound (SPN | megstiel | a demon and her angel | rated NR)
uncharted territory (Supergirl | supercorp | the dangers of being hated by a luthor | rated M) (technically, just chapter 4 counts for 2023)
nothing can go wrong when you're in love (Nimona (2023) | Nimona/Gloreth | when your boss’ boyfriend looks like your ex, ugh! | rated Gen)
through a father’s eyes (Narnia | King Lune | dads gotta dad | rated Gen)
atomic blonde (Narnia, LOTR | Susan/Eowyn | it’s not the first time a power beyond understanding ripped Susan away from her home to fight in another world’s war | rated M)
Beware how you give your heart (LOTR | haladriel | a fourth age haunting | rated M) (a wip!!)
a little touch in the night (LOTR | haladriel | a love letter in tiny bites | rated T)
+three yuletide offerings to be revealed in January!
MCU: the king and queen of Asgard wrt Valkyrie/Carol Danvers
MCU: the final conclusion of my winterbaron sugar daddy fic
LOTR: Doriath trash party wrt Melian/Galadriel
LOTR: “Sauron becomes a tree”
LOTR: dark Galadriel/Samwise and their garden of the world
LOTR: healing generational trauma with fourth age Arwen and her peepaw
The Matrix: Trinity and Smith as mirrors
Good Omens: Crowley haunted by his angel
Star Wars: A really scandalous dinluke sex pollen
Total number of completed works/fandoms written in: fifteen completed works in 2023 for a total of just over 32k words; six LOTR, two SPN, two Narnia, the rest sundry & various.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: ::taps the top of this car:: you can put so much monsterfucking in this bad boy, jfc.
PERSONAL FAVORITE: Getting unblocked by the most unlikeliest of sources and FINISHING MY SUPERCORP HATESEX. uncharted territory finished FIVE YEARS LATER. This has been a weight on my shoulders for years; I always knew it ended with a sadistic Lex Luthor torturing Kara (oop), but it was time passing and The Flash (2023) that got me where I needed to be to get that banged out. I’m really really pleased how that ended, and that I actually can finish a WIP.
MOST UNDERAPPRECIATED: Bound is really exceptional. It was part of my WIP amnesty week, and a revisitation and remix of a meg masters fic I wrote in 2013 after I had a terrible life-altering accident. My favorite 2023 additions are how she can only speak in the language of Sodom at the end. It’s not a GREAT fic, but I really love Meg and I love Meg & Castiel.
MOST POPULAR: Definitely Nimona (nothing can go wrong when you're in love) with 1,200+ kudos. Y’all, the teen/gen fic in younger fandoms hits hard. OOPS. re: my deeply funny stats for the little mermaid tentacles fic with over 3k hits and 86 kudos. AHAHHAHAH. welp.
STORY WITH THE SEXIEST MOMENT: OKAY, so this is sexy specific to me: in Crave, Galadriel taunts Sauron about how he has to fuck Ar-Pharazôn (a mini love letter to my beloved 5ummit!) and this, to me, is everything: “And you’ll never enjoy Ar-Pharazôn’s little prick again,” she says, drinking in the horror of his recent memories, a soured scheme. “Your play at feigned pleasure in service to a base creature will be ash in your mouth now. You will only think of the taste of my cunt with his cock shoved in your whore mouth.” The crass words burn on her lips but she can sense how he trembles, even in this form. “You’ll hunger for the taste of me. And when he’s dead, when you’ve sucked the miserable mortal life out of him, you’ll never take a lover again for the rest of your unnatural life,” she says. “You know where your dick should be sheathed. In me and no where else.”
MOST FUN STORY TO WRITE: Okay, I traveled for work a LOT this year and one night I was feeling down and angry about the world and asked on twitter that for every like, I’d write a soft haladriel headcanon and by the end of the night, i had the bulk of a little touch in the night and I was such a happy delighted lil soul. Such a highlight of the year.
HARDEST: A tie between Crave, which was writing on hard mode since I’m violently anti dominant Sauron (oop), and uncharted territory since I had been blocked for years.
BIGGEST SURPRISE: The delicious lush connection of Celeborn/Sauron in somewhere in the haze that STARTED AS A JOKE and now I’m full rarepair conspiracy theory into it.
DID YOU TAKE ANY RISKS IN WRITING THIS YEAR? Posting SPN in 2023, lol what was that. And neither of them explicitly destiel. Girl. Both tanked but I love those two fics.
MOST UNINTENTIONALLY TELLING STORY: Okay, one of my yuletides this year is really too close to something I’m working through in therapy. Oop.
FAVORITE LINES/SCENES: Okay literally everything in atomic blonde, that fic is nonstop bangers imho. I love this especially:
“Ah, there it is,” he replies. Stops, and turns to look into her eyes. To drink in her fury. “This isn’t your world, Daughter of Eve. Take your cursed horn and your beautiful face and take the little shieldmaiden too for all I care and leave Middle Earth to me. Grow old and find joy in women’s work.” He blinks, nonsense words emerging out of him: “In Christian Dior dresses and Chanel lipstick, in Italian leather handbags and silk nylons, in handsome British officers and those American boys who offer more than kisses, in the rumble of a Jaguar and the cries of healthy babies who do not fear war. Live and die on an island far, far away.” He blinks again. “I do not want you here.”
MY FAVE PART OF FANDOM IN 2023: Repeatedly saying “you hear me, baby? hold together” at the haladriel fandom like Han Solo does to the Millennium Falcon and we did! We made it another year!!! Let’s go, 2024!!!! (YOU HEAR ME, BABY. HOLD TOGETHER.)
2024 WRITING AMBITIONS: same as last year’s: Write more steadily and consistently. Get back into the drabble mode. Make time, take time, just do it. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, it just has to be creating something. The joy of creation is like nothing else. Chase that high.
2024 FICS ON THE IMMEDIATE HORIZON: Jan 1 - htp trash fic exchange Feb 3 - rffa exchange March - haladriel exchange!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 9 months
Hi there, gorgeous! ❤ Your WIP game post was one of the first things I saw after I had to wake up before the ass crack of dawn for my job (it's currently 4:22 am, actually), and I couldn't resist asking about TOG - POTC. docx and MCU - Bishlova MTH. docx because that big HELP is like a flashing red alarm light for my thirsty af beta reading self. :3
YIKES @ having to wake up that early! I hope it's not a daily thing for you!!
TOG - POTC.docx
This was actually the first TOG fanwork I started, the day that I saw the movie back in 2020 -- it's (obviously) a TOG/Pirates of the Caribbean crossover where Pirate King Elizabeth Swann's ship finds Quynh's coffin, and they spend ten years minus a day in love before Elizabeth goes to meet Will and Quynh starts her journey back to Andy. It's very much in the style of my old-school THG fics, where it's not really drabbles but it's very much in small, poetryish-but-not numbered chunks. I do like it, but I lost steam on it pretty quickly. It's only not a WIP Amnesty because honestly so little has HAPPENED in it that it's not worth Amnesty posting yet.
002. She barely has time to register the new terror before her iron prison flips, swept up in a tentacle as long and thick as a building. Westerners' maps mark the unknowns of the ocean with a warning that <i>here there be monsters</i>, but Quynh and— Quynh used to laugh at the idea: neither of them had ever seen one in all of their thousands of years, thousands of lives. Animals, even the biggest and most bloodthirsty, were not monsters (humans were monsters, humans bolted Quynh in this torture chamber, humans burned and lashed and stabbed and suffocated and beat and bound and slit and hanged and disemboweled and warred). This arm belongs to a monster the likes of which Quynh could not fathom. Its mouth seethes with endless rows of teeth and even after it swallows her, Quynh cannot die and she cannot escape the iron maiden and the days it takes to see the outside of the monster again… Quynh has moments to note that she is relieved to be back in the blue crush of water, and that's something she never expected to be. 003. Wherever the monster left her cage, the sunlight slants differently across the top of the water. It haunts her, the idea that the world is still turning above her and there is sunlight to warm skin and air to breathe and she can't—she can't— She dies. The taunt of sunlight blinds her newborn eyes when she comes to with a gasp that is only more water (she was found once in the gobi, and she had died then praying for water; she's been betrayed even by her own last hope).
MCU - Bishlova MTH.docx
This is literally just a placeholder document to remind me that I have a 15k Bishlova fic due for Marvel Trumps Hate, and I have NO IDEAS. NONE. NADA. ZIP. The auction winner requested a QPR/platonic relationship and gave no other real requests, and the only idea that I've had and liked, I had to scrap because it doesn't work with the canon timeline. >:(
I WANTED to write Kate and Yelena having met at a like, '90s Girl Power summer camp just before the opening of Black Widow -- they learn archery, obviously, and gymnastics/tumbling and ballet and self-defense -- and then they find each other again a la canon in Hawkeye, after Yelena has had her childhood destroyed by the Red Room and Kate's mother has gone to the dark side. BUT IT DOESN'T WORK, because Yelena Blipped and Kate didn't, so unless I make Kate way older for the Battle of New York when her dad dies, and rewrite her as also having been born in '89 instead of '00, it just doesn't work. And I don't WIKE to mess with canon just to make plots work unless I'm going to do something INTERESTING with the messing-with-canon. ::grumble::
Have any ideas? The only other idea I have at all is vaguely following them on a road trip to Natasha's grave, but mehhhh.
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youhideastar · 2 years
Hi! A couple of folks have been like, "Why am I getting 50 million AO3 notification emails about new fics from you this week?" Great question!
I finished my new longfic (woohoo! coming soon to an AO3 near you) and the first chapter is with my beta readers now, so I'm kind of in a holding pattern where I can't work on said longfic but I don't want to start any new projects... so I'm taking this opportunity to clear out my drafts folder, mostly via WIP Amnesty but also there are a few small fics in there that are pretty much ready to post and just needed a little cleanup. This state of affairs will likely persist for at least the next week or so.
You can catch all the new stuff here! Mostly hockeyRPF but also a little Old Guard and MCU. I hope you enjoy it!
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t-eyla · 3 years
First Lines Meme
I was tagged by @elenothar! Thank you for the tag <3
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
Note: I am leaving out the collab that's among my last 20 stories because I did not write the first sentence of it.
1. Wu Xie only came here because they promised him money. [Change of Circumstance, DMBJ, Iron Triangle OT3]
2. It was meant to be a simple, fun trip. [Space to Live, DMBJ, Iron Triangle OT3]
3. When Wu Xie calls, Xiaoge is deep inside a mountain. [The Persistence of Memory, DMBJ, Iron Triangle OT3]
4. Wu Xie is on the side of the mountain, and then he’s in his bed in Warehouse 11. [Second Verse Same as The First, DMBJ, Iron Triangle OT3]
5. It's the middle of the night, and the village lies silent and dark. [When The Sea Runs Dry, DMBJ, Iron Triangle OT3]
6. “Can we meet their demands?” [Kite With A Broken String, Guardian, Weilan]
7. “It ain’t that bad, Rick! It ain’t even that fucking bad.” [A Weird Kind of Horny, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Cliff/Rick]
8. “He’s dead! Xiao Shu is dead!” [Foundations, Nirvana in Fire, Mei Changsu/Jingyan]
9. Tianzhen, for all his smooth-talking, is pretty fucking bad at saying what he needs. [As You Were, DMBJ, Pangzi/Wu Xie]
10. The Guardian Lantern feels hot to the touch. [Fear Strikes No Balance, Guardian, Weilan]
11. Walking isn’t as easy as it should be. [Things You Never Asked For, Dirk Gently, Dirk/Todd]
12. There is something about snow that silences the world. [Fireside Confessions, The Adventure Zone: Amnesty, Gen]
13. You didn’t think you’d hear from me again, did you? [This is a Love Story (Epilogue), Fleabag, Fleabag/Priest]
14. The days right after they defeat the Hunger are maybe the weirdest Taako’s lived through in his eventful life. [Taako and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Emotional Crisis, The Adventure Zone: Balance, Taako/Kravitz]
15. “Emily!” [Folding Paper Cranes in The Bath, King Falls AM, Sammy/Ben]
16. “Space is really awesome, isn’t it?” [Rematch, MCU, Gen]
17. Being drunk is fucking great. [Stranger in The Woods, King Falls AM, Gen]
18. Big cities never get dark. [Big Cities Never Get Dark, King Falls AM, Sammy/Ben]
19. “And we are still here, King Falls, like the proverbial rock in a literal storm, and we are taking your calls. You can reach us at—” [Things Stay The Same, King Falls AM, Sammy/Ben]
20. Rustin Cohle doesn’t sleep. [Boy Salmon Fish Get It On All the Fucking Time, True Detective Season 1, Rust/Marty]
There is definitely a pattern, which is unsurprising, because I have two ways of opening fic that I employ with purpose: either a line of dialog, or a single, short sentence that either sets the scene, or conveys something crucial about the themes, or both. I've been using these for a good while now, and they work quite well!
For a favorite, I'll have to pick "big cities never get dark", simply because it ended up being the title of the fic. Fun fact, the reason it's the title is that it's what my Word file ended up being named, since I just hit ctrl+s without bothering to rename. When I got my fic back from my beta and whined about not having a title, they were like "what do you mean, your title is great! don't you dare change it!" and so the fic ended up being called "Big Cities Never Get Dark".
I don't have ten people to tag, but if you feel like doing this, please go ahead! Would love to see more of these, they're fun.
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agere-fandom-time · 4 years
Hello loves!
I've decided to make my own fandom agere blog! You can send in requests for icons, moodboards, and fics for any of the fandoms below.
Mod Kat’s Fandoms:
(Open fics, headcanons, moodboards, and icons)
Ace Attorney
Criminal Minds
Fairy Tail
Good Omens
Hazbin Hotel
Mario Bros
Sally Face
The Arcana
Mod Stella’s Fandoms: 
(open for headcanons, moodboards, icons, and art!) 
Achievement Hunter
The Adventure Zone (Balance/Amnesty) 
Calvin and Hobbes 
Critical Role (I’m only on episode 79 though!) 
Good Omens 
Gravity Falls
The Magnus Archives (seasons 1-4) 
Les Miserables 
Night In The Woods
Star Trek (TOS) 
Steven Universe
Mod Crayon's Fandoms:
(Open for fics and headcanons)
Hazbin Hotel
The Adventure Zone (Balance and Amnesty)
Night in the Woods
Steven Universe
Animal Crossing
Have Fun!
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cap-ironman · 4 years
Cap-IM Tiny Reverse Bang Round-up 6: Timely | Shellhead
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Thank you to everyone who participated in Round 6 of Cap-IM TRB 2020! Below you can find all the amazing fics written for last week’s wonderful artworks.
Art for Round 6
Timely — Art by starksnack
And knows no other joy (Fic, MCU, G) by Fluffypanda Be Good (Fic, MCU, T) by HeLovedYou (kissmyassteroids) Cat Nap (Fic, MCU, G) by jellybeanforest
Shellhead — Art by wingheads
Appreciation (Fic, MCU, G) by HeLovedYou (kissmyassteroids) Be My Forever (Fic, , G) by DepressingGreenie Early Bird Gets the Worm (Fic, MCU, E) by jellybeanforest errand day (Fic, 616, T) by smalltonystark
Please send a message to capim_tinybang​ or [email protected] if we’ve missed you so we can include you in the roundup!
Participants in Round 6 — claim your badge! Please email the mods at [email protected] with the subject “TRB Badge [Fanwork Codename]” with your creator username and/or link to your fill.
Want to join in? You can write a fill for any of the TRB artworks posted so far until the end of Amnesty Week — just follow the TRB guidelines listed here!
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capim-tinybang · 4 years
Cap-IM Tiny Reverse Bang Round-up 4: Extremis | Armour
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Thank you to everyone who participated in Round 4 of Cap-IM TRB 2020! Below you can find all the amazing fics written for last week’s wonderful artworks.
Art for Round 4
Extremis — Art by Marumo
A Bone to Pick With You (Fic, AA, T) by jellybeanforest Fall Backwards; I’ll Catch You. (Fic, AA, G) by HeLovedYou (kissmyassteroids) I’m Sorry (Forgive Me) (Fic, AA, G) by DepressingGreenie You Can Get up in my Space (Fic, AA, G) by BurningCold
Armour — Art by DarthBloodOrange
Impractical and Probably Illegal (Fic, MCU, M) by jellybeanforest Under The Sea (Fic, AA, T) by DepressingGreenie Where the People Are (Fic, Marvel, G) by HeLovedYou (kissmyassteroids)
Please send a message to capim_tinybang​ or [email protected] if we’ve missed you so we can include you in the roundup!
Participants in Round 4 — claim your badge! Please email the mods at [email protected] with the subject “TRB Badge [Fanwork Codename]” with your creator username and/or link to your fill.
Want to join in? Round 5 is happening right now ! You can write a fill for any of the TRB artworks posted so far until the end of Amnesty Week — just follow the TRB guidelines listed here!
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agerefandom · 4 years
Inbox is Open for Headcanon Requests!
Hello everyone!!
I’m taking a wee break from fic writing; I still have three requests in my inbox, most of which are for continuations of stories I’ve already published!
In the meantime I’m opening up headcanon requests for any of the fandoms listed below! Feel free to be as specific as you’d like, or as general as you’d like! I’m happy to do reader-inserts, regressor headcanons, caregiver headcanons, or anything in between!
I hope you’re all having a wonderful evening (or day, depending on your timezone!) and I’m excited to share some of my own headcanons (or hear some of yours if you’d like to share!).
Fandoms you can request for are below the cut! Feel free to check in about others if you’re curious!
-Be More Chill (the musical) -Beetlejuice (the musical) -Calvin and Hobbes -Dan and Phil -Doctor Who (9-13 are all fair game but I know some companions better than others!) -Gravity Falls -Good Omens -Hamilton -Hannibal -Harry Potter -Hazbin Hotel -Heathers -Homestuck -The Magnus Archives -Les Miserables -Night In The Woods -Rick and Morty -Rusty Quill Gaming -Sanders Sides -Sherlock (BBC and RDJ) -Skulduggery Pleasant -Star Trek (Original Series/2009 reboot) -Steven Universe -Supernatural -Twenty One Pilots -Twilight -Undertale -Welcome To Night Vale -The X-Files -X-Men (movies)
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mthofferings2019 · 5 years
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Nanase Kei
See Nanase Kei’s existing works here Preferred contact methods: Discord - elcorhamletlive#2468 Preferred organizations: - Amnesty International - Life After Hate - Innocence Project (See the list of approved organizations here) Will create works that contain: Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Compliant, Pining, Fluff, Humor, Fantasy AUs, High School AUs, pre-serum Steve, Friendship, Character Study, Pets, post-CW, Angst, Smut, BDSM, non-con, cross dressing Will not create works that contain: Mafia AUs, Villain Steve, pro-Accords discourse, character bashing, identity porn, superfamily, iron dad  
-- Fic or other writing --
Auction ID: 205 Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU, Ults Steve Rogers & Any - MCU Wanda Maximoff & Tony Stark - MCU GOTG fandom gen - MCU Black Panther fandom gen - MCU Work Description: I'm offering a fic with at least 5k words. Knowing myself, there's a good chance it will end up a little higher than that, so I'll have that as a minimum. I generally work fast, but right now I'll be focused on my fills for Happy Steve Bingo, so I'll probably only start working on this fic in December. I prefer to receive specific prompts, and am willing to talk about any idea you have beforehand, if you're not sure it's something I'd be willing to write. I'm also willing to include any background pairings you want in the fic (except WinterIron). You can find my works at: https://archiveofourown.org/users/nanasekei/works or at https://elcorhamletlive.tumblr.com/tagged/my-fics. Ratings: G, Teen, Mature, Explicit CLICK HERE TO BID ON THIS WORK The auction runs from October 19 (11:59 PM ET) to October 26 (11:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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kaydeefalls · 4 years
wip ask meme
I’ve seen this bopping around, most recently (I think?) via @andrea-lyn​, and GUESS WHAT it’s Procrastination O’Clock so we’re doing this.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues/interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!  
(In the interest of true WIP amnesty, I’m including anything in my gdocs that has a “last modified” date within the past two years, which means there’s still vague potential for them to be written.)
quynh swap au
Poe/Finn soulmark AU
tinker tailor
take me where i cannot stand
Sam/Bucky fic? Maybe?
Vietnam War AU
...yeah, I have extremely non-descriptive file names, don’t I. This list includes three Old Guard fics, two MCU, and one each for X-Men, Star Wars, Inception, and 007 (gee, I wonder which).
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ilosttrackofthings · 4 years
This is a WIP AMNESTY so please don’t click that link if you’re not prepared to read a fic that is not and never will be finished.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Agents of SHIELD, MCU Rating: K+ Characters: Jemma Simmons, Skye, the Avengers Tags: season 2, remember when we all thought the Avengers were gonna live in Stark Tower forever? I wrote this back then
Jemma and Skye are in trouble. A great deal of trouble. Truly cosmic levels of trouble. And Jemma can’t even blame it on Skye’s bad girl shenanigans because it was all her idea.
“Who are you?” the Black Widow asks. The Black Widow. Natasha Romanoff herself.
“Um,” Skye says.
“Well,” Jemma says.
They don’t really have a cover story for if they get caught.
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ladyfl4me · 5 years
ur mcu/taz amnesty idea has me Shook, tin. clint just bums around town eating pizza at the pizza hut and watching duck fail miserably at lying. either he gets a cool intro to monsterhunting where he shoots a bombom real cool or like hes sleeping in a tree and then the pine guard runs past yelling after some bombom and he falls out of it. dumb shenanigans. dramatic stuff. clint lying is ass off in all the reports. (1/2 hopefully)
'so what have you found, agent barton?' asks hill on a mandatory report back into hq. 'oh, you know, forests. trees. some park rangers. nothing weird,' clint responds and ducks out of the tree he's sitting in to shoot another paintball at barclay, whos running around in bigfoot form during the 1st annual amnesty paintball games started by clint himself. 'its, like, boringly normal here,' clint lies through his teeth and ducks as jake coolice chucks a waterballoon full of paint at his head (2/2)
taz amnesty/mcu anon: LIsten. its just Very good. you have the braincell, tin. im so sorry for like 30000000 words but i was Inspired
the part of me that was a fan of 2012-era avengers crossover AU fic is quaking right now, this is such a goofy but great concept!! i love it
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sassysnowperson · 5 years
Tagged by the wonderful @pidgeonkatie, many thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble! 
Author Name:
SassySnowperson on Ao3! Consistency in branding :) Well, I do have the one fic that I published under the pseud of K-2SO, because the idea of actually having that for the author name of a wildlife documentary with the conceit of K-2SO narrating it made me really happy. It still makes me happy. 
Fandoms You Write For:
I'd say like 95 percent of my stuff is Star Wars. Actually, you know what? Let's math this sucker. 
I have 107 works, and nine of them are NOT tagged with some sort of Star Wars tag. So that's…
About 92 percent Star Wars. I was close! For those of you that are curious, the non-Star Wars properties I've written are: Sailor Moon, Good Omens, MCU, Marvel, Captain Marvel, Russian Doll, Mummy/Wonder Woman (one fic, a crossover), and Leverage.
Where You Post:
Ao3 forever and always, sometimes I do ficlets on tumblr. 
Most Popular One-Shot:
By far and away, my most popular fic period is a one-shot, with nearly 5000 hits and 903 kudos, is my Captain Marvel Fic, Galactic Response Time. It's basically a missing-scene-style telling of all the ways Carol Danvers JUST missed the various major conflicts in the Avengers universe. Lots of Carol & Nick feels, with a hint of Carol/Maria, if you tilt your head right. 
Popular is an interesting thing, though. I wrote this fic...weeks after the movie came out? And I think I was one of the first to try to "Fill in the gaps" of that one. So it got enough early love that it's pretty high in the "rankings" of overall Captain Marvel fic - if you sort by kudos, it's in the middle of the second page. So, while it is a story I love and am proud of, it's also been a really interesting case study in what makes something big - right fandom, right time, and no small bit of luck. :)   
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
And my most popular chaptered story, with 245 kudos, is Stone and Sand - my Bodhi/Luke everyone lives!AU, where Bodhi takes Luke back to Jedha, and they build something there. 
So, again, let's talk about popular. I went with kudos as the counter here, but this one may be more popular than my Captain Marvel fic in other ways - if I remember right, it's the first fic of mine that spawned fanart! I have SUCH good discussions in the comments! I picked up several readers who went back and read my other stuff! 
Favorite Story You Wrote:
Oh man, this is HARD. I love them all for different reasons. But I think I'm going to go with Better. It's a fic that really took a serious look at mental health recovery, but also how funny and tenacious and engaging people with Bad Brains can be. It's about how to support a friend even if you're kinda terrible at it, and how to find joy in not being perfect, but being better. 
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
Oh, Better for sure. I was VERY stressed I'd get it "wrong". More recently, my Good Omens fic, Life's Little Pleasures, was a scary post for me, because I really wanted to write a fic centered around two different character's experiences of asexuality, but also bring home the point that some ace folks still really enjoy sex. With the amount of ace exclusionists in fandom spaces, and the fact that I was posting in a popular space, I sort of figured that I'd get some backlash. 
Instead, I got so many REALLY lovely comments from sex-favorable ace folks that really felt seen, and from allo folks who felt it was true to the characters. The comments section on that fic is a joy to me, and I'm so grateful for everyone who reached out and told me that. :)  
How Do You Pick Your Titles:
I'm...pretty finicky about titles. 
Here's how my process goes: 
Is there a standout line in the fic that can be turned into a title? ("Better" is a line pulled directly from the fic)
What are the major themes running through the fics, can I make a reference to one of those? ("Stone and Sand" picks up on the fact that I am writing about two desert boys, in a desert place)
If there are more than one theme, can I find a title that references both? ("Arrivals, Departures, Connections" both hits the theme of AIRLINE STUFF and the fact that the fic is all about the people who enter your life, those that leave it, and all the different ways we connect with each other)
Can I find a title in line with the "feeling" of the fic? ("The Glorious Ascension of Emperor Solo" hits you with the unexpected twist of Solo, and sets up the comedy of the fic) 
And then if nothing obvious emerges after I look at those, I find my cheerleading buddy and ramble at their chat box until the fic title surfaces. Huge thanks to anyone who has ever patiently served that role.
Do You Outline:
At least in my head. If a story hits the point that I actually start WRITING it -  I generally know the start, and most of the major beats I want to hit, and the end. 
It's also what I do when I get stuck on a scene - outline it in more detail. 
How Many of Your Stories are complete:
Posted stories, all but one! The one I'm currently posting, specifically. Now, COULD I write more stories? Yes, absolutely, but the bits posted are complete stories on their own.
I have a few more outlines and incomplete stories sitting on my drive. Whether or not I write those…? We will see. 
Arrivals, Departures, Connections, updating roughly weekly. 
Coming Soon:
More ADC, but as far as new fic goes…
THE STAR WARS RARE PAIR EXCHANGE IS COMING SOON ( @swrarepairson tumblr). So last year I spent most of October and November in a writing fugue state, and produced like...eleven fics for the exchange? I'm expecting something similar this year - but we shall see! 
Do You Accept Prompts:
Yes! But I'm very bad at filling all of them! So I've felt guilty about doing more prompt posts! 
I'm thinking of declaring askbox amnesty, though, and reopening up some prompt-style activities. Time to let the guilt go, let new creativity sneak in. 
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For:
I'm excited for the development of Arrivals, Departures, Connections - I've got like...at least 60k written, and only 11k posted. I've nervecited (that's when you're feeling both nervous, and excited) to see how people enjoy the plot development of this fic. 
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions:
@anamelesstraveler, @rain-sleet-snow, @cakesandfail, @brynnmclean, @bright-elen, I’d be delighted to know your answers to these, if you were so inclined as to do them.
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