#wow i tagged this before on autopilot
kedreeva · 2 years
Giving each other piercings or stick and pokes/queer bonding eddie & robin
(my inbox is open for ST prompts!)(Previous prompts)
"You gotta stop squirming," Eddie says for the umpteenth time, pausing with his hand hovering. "Make all the noise you want, but you gotta hold still."
Robin settles with a small whine, but she doesn't move when Eddie takes the needle back to her skin. She takes his offer, making a small noise every time he pokes, and he smiles as he tries not to laugh, which would be just as upsetting to his job as her squirming.
"I thought it would be a lot quicker than this," Robin tells him after another minute, voice strained.
"Faster isn't always better," says Eddie, glancing up long enough to give her a little wink.
"Ew," she says, with too much amusement to be serious. "I don't need to hear about that from you any more than Steve."
Eddie snorts and unconsciously sticks his tongue out the corner of his mouth while he works, poking and dipping wiping at the underside of her wrist intermittently. He's nearly done, and actually- "You're doing really well. Steve was much worse about it."
"Ha! I knew it!" she crows, and Eddie has to stop as her arm jerks like she's going to fist pump. He gives her a withering look and she deflates. "Oh, shit, sorry."
"It's not my skin," Eddie says as he takes her wrist back. "But I am almost, almost done. Try counting to 100 and I should be finished."
She sit through the rest of it admirably, stock still, staring straight ahead. He can practically hear her counting. He works to fill the last of the lines as quick as he can without rushing, now that he has a still canvas, and when she finally slouches a little, he pulls away triumphantly. He releases her wrist for her to inspect it, and grabs her other hand before she can touch it.
"NO touching," he says, strictly, and her spine bolts straight at the order. He grabs the stuff to clean it one last time. "You wash your hands before you touch it, and you only touch it to clean it when you replace the bandage, at least for a bit. It'll be art later- for now, treat it like it's an open wound."
"Right," she tells him, and he's glad he wrote down the instruction because he's pretty sure she wasn't listening.
Eddie cleans up the area and then tells her to wait a minute as he pulls off his gloves and reaches for the Polaroid camera Steve had gotten him. He'd thought it was a weird gift, all things considered, but the dozens of photos of Eddie and his friends plastered all over his walls has taught him differently. Similar ones, he knows, adorn Steve's room, now, sitting in between all the weird plaid lines.
"Hold it up, still don't touch," he says, leaning in toward her with the camera facing them. She grins big and flashes a peace sign with her newly-tattooed wrist facing out, and they both make faces as he snaps the shot. He passes it to her free hand while he bandages her wrist for her.
"Thanks," Robin says quietly, when he's finished. She glances up, hand over the bandage, and Eddie thinks yeah, she's not gonna leave that alone. "It looked nice, I think. I mean, it will once it heals."
Eddie nods, and they sit together as the photo develops. She passes it over when the contents are visible, and he inspects the little anchor on her wrist. He'd done one for Steve not long ago, on his other wrist, so that they could put the matching tattoos together while side by side.
"You should get one, too," Robin suggests.
He passes the photo back to her, so she can have one of those to match Steve's, too. "I never worked at Scoops."
"Yeah, but... you're his anchor, too, y'know?" she says. Then she shrugs, and clambers to her feet. "Or get something else, I dunno. You two should have a matching one, too. Bats!"
Eddie laughs, and gestures to his belly, to where he already bears scars that match Steve's. "The bats already took care of giving us matching marks."
Robin gives him a once over so full of something Eddie can't take that he turns to start collecting his gear up just to escape it. Doesn't help. He can still feel her watching him when she speaks.
"You didn't choose those," she says quietly. "Steve and I have... we have matching scars, too. Not on our skin, but we have them. We went through something awful together. So did you. And after it was over, you got to make the same choice we did, and you chose each other. You can choose a different mark to remember that by."
"Geeze, Buckley," he says, chest tight. "Going for the throat, huh?"
"It's what friends are for!" she says brightly. "C'mon! We're gonna be late for dinner. You already took forever!"
Eddie rolls his eyes. "Oh! And whose fault is that?" he says, but he finishes cleaning up and washing his hands as quick as possible, eager to get to dinner and see Steve again... and maybe a little to ask him about Robin's idea now, too.
(and if Steve immediately suggests a flashlight when Eddie tells him, if Steve blushes over admitting he's already thought about it, if Steve tells him I'd have my anchor on one hand and my guiding light on the other, well, that's a story for another time)
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zhongrin · 2 years
“no, i’m not jealous.”
— he is, most definitely, jealous.
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli (ft. platonic!childe), al haitham, ayato, cyno
◇ tags ◇ fluff, crack, (character) is so totally not jealous, okay? okay.
◇ a/n ◇ i wrote this at like 2am don’t @/ me-
bad summary of content utc: 1) rip childe. 2) legends say you can foretell your future by the shape of al haitham's pecs. 3) ayato vs taroumarou; who wins? the result might surprise you. 4) cyno just wants some cuddles someone save him.
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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zhongli, jealous? ridiculous.
zhongli is unyielding and self-assured. he was a revered archon, for celestia’s sake; he knows he’s wanted, and even now as a mortal he’s not foreign to the longing looks, stuttered words, and the blushes that rise to his fellow mortals’ cheeks whenever he speaks to them.
and you - you want him just as much, if not more; yet you’re different than the others in the way that you’ve successfully managed to carve a perfect little home in his heart and chose to stay there, much to his delight.
you’ve promised him your heart and the entirety of your life. he’s promised you happiness and his eternal love. you’ve been bound by the most sacred contract of all, the proofs of your vows to each other clearly wrapped onto your ring fingers.
so really, what would such petty, shallow emotion like jealousy serve?
“wow, you’re really good with your hands!”
“i’m not sure if being able to use chopsticks is a good measurement of one’s proficiency with their hands, but... thanks?”
“isn’t it harder to-” childe pauses to speak when you offer him a bite of sweet-and-sour pork and rice, gratefully takes the food, and hums in appreciation before continuing his words, “-feed others with a chops-”
“chew and swallow first; you’ll choke.”
the harbinger obediently obeys, but not before chirping a playful “okay mom/dad!” with his mouth full. you sigh and turn towards your abnormally silent lover, finding him barely picking at his own food.
“li? why aren’t you eating?”
“hm? i was just… thinking.”
“thinking,” you repeat with a fond roll of your eyes and a teasing grin on your lips, “when are you not? well, i’m sure you haven’t forgotten how to use chopsticks, so i don’t need to feed you, right?”
your husband’s lips part, as if he wanted to say something, but right at the same moment, you notice childe trying to pick up his rice, failing miserably with his horrible chopsticks control. as if on autopilot, you used your utensils to pick up the grains from his bowl into his mouth.
zhongli’s words fizzle on his tongue. the way you fuss over the brunette fuels the rumbling growls of the slumbering dragon which has been sleeping for eons, slowly baring its fangs inside his chest. gloved fingers wrap around his teacup a tad too tight, but alas, you fail to notice your brooding husband's silent fury.
he knows it’s just your instinct, to care for others and to cater to other people’s happiness. it’s one of the traits he adores from you. if anything, it looks more like a parent-child(e) relationship rather than that of lovers - besides, no personage living in liyue would think of you as the snezhnayan's significant other. that, he is confident of.
but do you really have to hand-feed a grown-up man - a fatui harbinger who almost leveled your whole nation onto the seabed at that - who was most definitely capable of feeding himself, and with your chopsticks nonetheless- wait.
before you can bring the two sticks anywhere near the plates containing childe’s food, your husband's hand gently pushes your chopsticks away. upon the questioning arch of your eyebrows, he opts for a patient and calm-sounding tone, “darling, please. eat. you haven’t touched your food for far too long.”
he then replaced your set of utensils with his own; the movement so smooth and natural you didn’t even notice, before turning to childe and scooping the extra spicy vegetable stir fry towards the brunette.
childe’s blue eyes widen in half shock and half embarrassment, and you nearly choke on your food at the comical sight.
“a-ah, miss xiangling, can i have a spoo-”
no, he most definitely isn’t jealous.
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“-who’s my prettiest boy? yes you are!”
“… what in teyvat are you doing?”
you blink innocently at your boyfriend, who had just woken up judging from the way his coat is still missing from his person, and momentarily your eyes flit downwards to appreciate the way his muscles look in his tight black bodysuit.
hmmm. ah, yes. you can see it from the way his abs look today. it is going to be a good day.
“hey,” a condescending snap of his fingers right in front of your face, and you glare at the smug expression on al haitham's face, “eyes up here.”
“i wasn’t looking at your pecs.”
“i never said anything like that.”
“not your manboobs either.”
“for the hundredth time, i do not have manboobs. and for the second time, i never said nor implied anything even remotely close to that.”
“well, i would like to inform you that i was not.”
al haitham gives you a knowing smirk and you huff in embarrassment, choosing to ignore him by looking away and refocusing on the tiny sprout (the actual plant, not that little adorable sprout on the top of his head), smiling and going back to the higher, loving pitch you used previously.
“i’m sorry baby, ignore mr. narcissist over there. now. you’re growing up so well! i can’t wait to see you grow taller and see the beautiful blooms you make! i just know my little pogchamp will-”
“what in lord kusanali’s name are you doing?”
“shut your damn mo- ahem!” you sigh and throw a pointed look at the scribe, “i am conducting a research, mind you. kindly fu- i mean- kindly ignore me and go prepare for your day.”
“enlighten me, then. what kind of research involves baby-talking to a plant?”
you roll your eyes and turn to address him properly, “ugh, fine, if you’re soooo curious, i’ll tell you. so, i read a research journal that testified something along the line of ‘speaking positive words, such as encouragements and praises to a plant, will aid its growth and make them bloom faster’. i’m trying to test that theory. now - this is veveh. i am going to tell him he’s a good, beautiful boy every day and praise him and sing for him. that one,” you point towards the plant at the far opposite side of the room near the windows, “is hawky. i’m going to tell him he’s a bast- the opposite of what veveh is. and we have [nickname] in our bathroom, which will be the control group. i’m going to give them all an equal amount of sunlight and water, and i have a journal and a kamera to regularly record the state of the plants. i plan to monitor them at least three times a day, and-”
“and who named these stupid plants?”
you gasp, scandalized, and swiftly move to cover veveh as if you’re covering a child’s ears from harmful words. which, in this case, the image isn’t far from the truth in your eyes.
“hey!! what did i say?! watch your words!! and it was kaveh’s idea!”
“of course it was,” the scholar sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “are you not my significant other? surely you’re smart enough to notice the implications behind the names and the assignments of the roles. why would you agree to make the plant named after me the specific sample that would have to suffer from derogatory words?”
“…… wait, haitham, are you jealous?”
al haitham blinks and looks at you as if you’ve told him that you’ve replaced him as the akademiya’s scribe and he’s been exiled from the akademiya because his performance is unsatisfactory.
“i never said anything like that.”
“awww, would you like me to tell you you’re a good boy too? want me to tell you how pretty and lovely you are? how you’re doing suuuuch a good job at work? oh, sweetums-”
“i will be leaving now, you’re creeping me out.”
you giggle uncontrollably and lean closer to the tiny plant, snickering and lowering your voice into a whisper as you watch your beloved running away in embarrassment finally leaving you to your own devices, “hey, veveh. your dad is adorable, isn’t he?”
. . . ⚘ ⚘ ⚘
veveh ends up flourishing and its first flower bloomed way ahead of the two, therefore concluding your research on a high note. however, the morning after you submit your first draft of your thesis, you find the plant missing.
instead, in its place is hawky. you also find your boyfriend sitting right beside it, reading his advanced quantum theories book outloud.
yes, your boyfriend is truly very adorable indeed.
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ayato loves dogs, he really does.
he also does not condone animal abuse, and that principle is currently the only thread that’s preventing him from pushing the animal away from your lap. your lap, which should have been his pillow. his much-needed, much-deserved, comfiest pillow on teyvat that could make him fall asleep in minutes and is the only reason he would skip work.
“oh, darling, i thought you were busy?” you ask in surprise upon seeing his form standing by the door.
“i needed a break, i was getting a little stressed,” he says, walking towards your side to sit on the cushion, hoping you’ll catch on to what he’s implying with both his words and actions.
your eyes are shining as you regard him, and his heart jumps-
“good job, i’m happy you’re not overworking yourself, love.”
“... why, thank you.”
you nod and glance down as taroumaru twitches and whines in his sleep, crooning softly at the adorable sight of the animal’s twitching legs.
“i wonder what he’s dreaming about,” you giggle softly.
ayato doesn’t understand how you can make him feel as if he’s falling in love with you all over again, yet at the same time, you make him want to punch the nearest wall in frustration.
with a tired sigh, he flops his head onto your shoulder it should have been your lap darn it and he nuzzles into the fabric of your kimono like a cat that’s seeking attention. the sweet soft laugh escapes your lips once more and he waits.
.... your hands are still petting the dog.
this is ridiculous, he thinks. the mutt is asleep; surely you would turn your attention to your poor fiancé, right? surely you wouldn’t be so heartless as to ignore him when he’s seeking you out like this? surely you would pity his overworked self and grant him some comfort even just a little-
“you really don’t have any meetings?”
“…. no, i don’t,” he hums casually and adds an exaggerated yawn.
“i think you need a nap, ayato.”
one of your hands finally rests upon his cheek and caresses his skin lovingly. a content little smile stretches his lips, but it disappears when your touch retreats all too soon for his liking.
maybe he should consider having a ‘no pets allowed in kamisato estate’ rule.
the door suddenly slides open to reveal thoma, who took one good look at the two of you and being the ever so polite man that he is, immediately splutters an apology for interrupting what seemed to be an intimate, relaxing moment between lovers.
the yashiro commissioner seizes the chance.
“it's fine, thoma. you’re here to take taroumaru on a walk, yes?”
at the keyword, the canine’s ears flick and his beady eyes open.
“huh? no, i just-”
“wonderful! why don’t you take him on a long walk, i’d say he’s just itching for some exercise after napping for so long.”
“eh? um-” thoma freezes at the cold smile on the young master’s face and forces a laugh at your inquiring gaze, “-y-yeah! waka is completely right! c’mon boy, it’s time for your walk!”
with a happy bark, the dog leaps out from your lap and bounds towards the housekeeper, who gave the two of you a sheepish nod before sliding the door shut.
ayato hums in satisfaction and reclaims his throne. without him even needing to ask, your fingers settle onto his blue locks, blunt nails scratching his scalp. you bend down to place a loving peck on his forehead, your scent envelopes his senses, and he melts.
ah, the taste of victory is always sweet.
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“just one more game!”
“but love-”
“just one more game, please please please please!”
cyno sighs, “you said the same thing three rounds ago.”
i’m tired, i want to cuddle you now, the general mahamatra tries to telepathically communicate right into your brain by staring at you with his soft and downturned vermillion eyes. alas, you are too focused on refining your tcg deck and testing it against the man and the legend himself.
“i swear this time it’ll really be the last!!”
being a rather new player that you are, you’re still clumsy in your actions and strategies, but he can sense you improving with every match you lost. the way you’re so passionate and fully throw yourself into the things you’re interested in never fails to bring a sense of pride into his heart, but seriously - even the most serious of men needs a cuddle every now and then. plus, you fit so well into his arms! can you blame him for being a little needy after a whole three hours of being denied any sort of affection despite the fact that you’re seated right across this stupid table??
you can’t and you shouldn't.
“you promise this will be the last round?”
“for today, yes!”
your boyfriend sighs and nods. yes, his need to cradle you in his arms is overwhelming. but when you look at him with eyes that shine brighter than the stars in the desert at night, how can he refuse? he’d give you a whole oasis if you asked for it. he can last just one more round of tcg.
... right?
cyno swears it has to be the longest match of his life.
you’re so cute when you’re thinking over your actions; eyes gazing upon your cards and his in contemplation as you mumble strategies under your breath. you’re so cute when you do a little cheer as the dice gods graced you with luck on your dice rolls. you’re so cute when you gasp in awe as he pulls a rather tricky maneuver that ruined your plans to attack his deck in this round.
archon kusanali give him strength, for you’re so cute and he wants a cuddle so badly.
“nooooooo,” you cry out in despair as he downs the last two of your characters at the same time with a well-timed elemental reaction, your body slumping against the table.
cyno can’t help but smile, although he does feel a bit bad from beating you yet again, so he decides to give you a little tip to hopefully cheer you up, “almost got me there. why don’t you try using a freeze team next time? you have the cards for it, and i think it'll suit your playstyle.”
at once, your head snaps up and you meet his gaze with determined eyes.
oh, he just dug a grave for himself didn’t he.
“you’re right. let me- let me rebuild my deck, wait-”
“you promised-”
“i know, i know! just- fifteen minutes! give me fifteen minutes!!”
cyno wishes he could bang his head against the table, rattle his stupid brain and zip big mouth shut.
he just wants a cuddle.
why is it so hard to get a cuddle?
what’s a man gotta do these days for a cuddle??
cyno sees you staring at your character cards with your hand on your chin, clearly in deep thought. your boyfriend then opts to glare at his character cards, as if they were the ones who had stolen his cuddles, but a few seconds into that and he scoffs, looking away to the side as warmth rapidly bloomed across his cheeks.
seriously, what kind of man gets jealous of a card game?
but cuddles...
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @diebischesther | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam | @ansy-tea
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h-c-u · 1 year
Painfully healing
Summary: After you got assaulted, your dad's best friend takes care of you when your parents have to leave for a weekend.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
W/C: 5.1k
Rating: +18 (there is no sex in this one, but I still feel like it needs to be categorized as such), age gap
TWs: Depression, Very Detailed Self-Harm, Blood, Cutting, Scars, Unnamed ED. Talks about: rape.
A/N: Guys. This one is dark. Seriously. If you don't feel comfortable with any of the topics mentioned in TWs, please skip it. You are responsible for the media you consume.
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- Oh, wow! You look awesome, Y/n! – those were the first words you heard from Aaron’s mouth when you opened the door for him. You wanted to run to him, to hide under his jacket, to break down with his strong arms around you, but none of it was showing on your face.
- Thanks! I was kind of on the fence with this one... But a lot of my friends shaved their heads recently, so I guess I'm just basic for following a trend. - you played it down, but there was something in his eyes that you couldn't decipher. You smiled gently, making sure that your cheeks rose up and made the smile lines in the corners of your eyes, so it would look more genuine.
- The dinner is ready! Come on in, before it gets cold! - your mother's head peeked out from the kitchen. - Hi Aaron, good to see you again. - she gave the man a warm smile, before going back to the kitchen.
When you were walking down the hallway, you felt a soft touch on your lower back. You were far past caring about how you looked or what you were wearing, but you couldn't help but notice the contrast in between you and Aaron. He was still in his suit, and even after a whole day of work, there wasn't even one wrinkle on his jacket and shirt, while you were in your galaxy-patterned sweatpants that hung loosely around your hips, held only by a piece of string, and a ratty old t-shirt with a logo of a band that was once your favorite. It was a step up from all the blacks and greys you were wearing for the past month. At least that's what you wanted your parents to think, because the thought of you getting better was making them happy, and you didn't want them to worry even more than they already did.
You thought you saw your father freeze for a second when he realized how close you allowed his best friend to get to you, while for the last month, you had trouble getting a carton of milk from his hand, but he didn't say anything, hoping it was a sign of progress.
- The dinner looks lovely, Peggy... - Aaron complimented your mother’s cooking skills when all of you were seated at the table. Nobody commented on the fact that you were sitting with your feet on your chair and with your chin resting on your knee, even though you knew your mother definitely would bite your head off if you did that just a few months ago. But everything was different now.
- Thank you, but don't just look at it! Let's eat! - you faked a light chuckle at your mother's words and reached for the mashed potatoes because they were the closest to you. The portion you put on your plate was small, but you spread it out to make it look bigger. You didn't plan on eating because you weren't sure if you could even keep anything down. You knew you could get away with it if you made it look like you ate something. And if by the end of the meal, the food was covering less of a plate than at the beginning - your parents would leave you be.
Everyone kept the conversation light for your sake, but if you had to be honest - you were so detached from everything, that you could have talked about anything on autopilot and not even realize what exactly you were saying.
Aaron kept his hand on the back of your chair, letting his thumb brush over your shoulder blades from time to time, and it was the only thing you were able to focus on.
After dinner, you helped your dad with the dirty dishes, while your mum and Aaron were talking in the dining room. You were lost in your own thoughts, and that meant you weren't paying enough attention to what was happening around you. So when your dad accidentally got too close and your shoulders touched, you immediately jumped away and dropped the pot you were holding in your hands.
For a moment there was nothing, but pure panic and fear painted on your face, and you did your best to contain it as quickly as possible, but your dad noticed, even though you didn't want him to, because he did nothing wrong.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... - you said in a calm voice, bending down to get the pot, but before you did, your dad intercepted.
- It's ok, it's all right I can finish up here. - you rarely saw your father this broken, and it hurt to know that you were a cause of his pain.
- I will get better... - you added, trying to give him some hope before you left the kitchen.
- I know, honey... I know. - out of instinct he wanted to hug you, but he stopped himself mid-gesture and let his arms fall down, giving you an apologetic look. In response, you gave him a weak smile and left the room. You knew it would be proper to go back to the dining table, but you just couldn't...
So, you went upstairs and curled into a ball right outside of anyone's view. You couldn't bring yourself to go to your room yet, so you stayed where you were. You knew that your parents’ suitcases were already in the car so they wouldn't have to get them from their bedroom, and you would be left alone, at least for a while.
- Thank you for doing this again, Aaron... - you heard your father's muffled voice.
- It's honestly no problem. I didn't have any plans and she's not ready to be alone yet, so I'm more than happy to help.
- She is getting better though... - you smiled at your mother's words, glad that your deception was working. There was a short moment of silence, and she eventually continued. - You know where everything is, I've prepared fresh towels for you in the guest bathroom. We will be back tomorrow around noon unless the funeral will run longer or we'll be needed around the house, but in that case - I'll let you know.
- I can stay till Monday morning, so it's honestly fine. Take as long as you need, Peggy... She was your sister, and you need to process that properly. - there was another moment of silence. - And don't worry, I'll take good care of Y/n, I promise. - you could hear them getting up from the table and moving to the hallway, closer to you, but still out of sight.
- I know... If anything happens, no matter how small... - you heard the shuffling of the clothes, and a pair of heels moving against the floor.
- I'll call. - Aaron assured. - Have a safe drive.
- Thank you again. - the door opened, closed, and then there was silence, but for the first time in a while it wasn't aggressively clawing at your ears. - I know you're here. Come to the kitchen. - he said in a soft, yet commanding tone, and you didn't have a choice but follow. You didn't put any weight on your heels, so your steps were not audible, and yet he still was able to tell even with his back turned to you, that you were there.
You heard your parent's car leaving the garage, just as Aaron wrapped his big hands around your hips and plopped you on the kitchen counter. He was the only person you still felt safe around, and it made you feel guilty because your parents did nothing wrong and you didn't blame them for anything. And yet you still couldn't be with them in the same room for longer periods of time.
- You're not eating again. - it wasn't a question, and you knew there was no sense in lying to him. Even when you were a teenager, he was able to notice things that eluded your parents. - You were supposed to call me if that happened. - his tone of voice was stern, while he took strawberries out of the fridge and started de-stemming them.
- It's been only two... three days... - you mumbled under your nose, trying to minimalize the issue. - And I'm drinking this time... - he didn't make any comments, just reached for a peach from a fruit bowl and started peeling it. Technically he didn't have to, but he knew you didn't like the fuzzy skin. He eventually cut everything into bite-size pieces.
- And the hair...? - he asked. You only sighed and looked down, while he was putting the board and knife in the sink. He came closer to you, so now he was standing in between your thighs, and gently ran his fingers down your arms until he stopped at your wrists, which he turned up, fully expecting to see fresh marks on at least one of your chopping board tattoos, but there were no new additions. You had them done after your scars from high school finally healed. It took some time, but now he understood why you chose to emphasize the signs of the trauma on your body instead of putting it behind you, and now he was even able to find the joke amusing. He brought both of your wrists to his mouth and placed a small kiss on each of them. - The hair. - he repeated himself and you finally looked up.
- I couldn't stand them touching my neck, my cheeks, getting in my eyes... Every time they did, I could feel one of them tightening their grip on them and yanking my head. So I shaved it. - you eventually explained, trying to avert your gaze, but his hand was right under your chin, stopping you from turning away.
- Did it help? - he simply asked. He wasn't judging, didn't make any comments, just looked at you, studying your face intensely and putting his years as a profiler to good use. You nodded, and he gently run his thumb over your lips. - Open up. - you instantly followed his instructions, fully expecting him to put his finger there for you to suck on, but instead, with his other hand he put a strawberry on your extended tongue. - You need sustenance. - he simply said, and you couldn't even be mad that he tricked you like that, so you slowly started chewing on a piece of strawberry and the taste of it viciously attacked your taste buds. After a few days of nothing but water, even the sweet and mild taste of one of your favorite fruits was intense. Under his stern gaze, you finally swallowed, and he hummed, glad to see that you weren't fighting him on this one. - Again... - you obediently opened your mouth again and he placed another piece of fruit there, this time peach, but before he had the chance to take his hand away, you moved your head forward, closing your lips around two of his fingers licking and sucking them clean without breaking eye contact. He gently smiled and pulled his hand out of your mouth with a loud pop, allowing you to chew again. And as soon as you swallowed, he was there with another piece, feeding you by hand until the small bowl was empty. It wasn't much, but it was just enough not to upset your stomach, and your brain didn't even register it as eating, because of the way the food ended up in your mouth.
You gently grabbed the front of his white shirt and pulled him closer, so you could smush your face against his chest and wrap your arms around his body, snaking your hands under his jacket.
Before the rape, you were a very physical person. Always sitting on someone's lap, hugging people left and right, holding hands with your friends, and laying your head on their thighs... And that need to touch, to be held was still there. But it was overwhelmed by fear, even when it came to family and friends; that broken trust, unfortunately, traveled to them by proximity, but Aaron was an exception...
He was the one whom you called right after, who stayed on the line even when you couldn't say a single word, who asked his co-worker to trace your phone, who got to you in record time, and who kicked the door to the room you were locked in, fully prepared to kill anyone who dared to stand in between the two of you.
He saved you...
He put his jacket over your shoulders and pulled you so close, that you couldn't focus on anything else but him. He was the one who reported the incident, he was the one who held your hand while you were answering questions to the police and who punched the campus cop who dared to suggest that you wanted it. He was the one who rode in the ambulance with you, and he almost bit the nurse’s head off when she suggested that you might want to be alone for the rape kit. You didn't... And your fingernails digging into his writs were saying such. You needed someone familiar in the room because, without him, your mind would break beyond repair. So, when the young policewoman took pictures of your naked, abused body, and the flash blinded you for a split second so you couldn't see Aaron’s warm, chocolate eyes, you instantly went to the floor, but somehow, he managed to catch you before you fell over completely.
And when he tried to pass you to your mother when she finally arrived at the hospital, you clung to him for dear life, and you didn't let go until you passed out from exhaustion hours later. Your parents didn't ask any questions, explaining your behavior to themselves with the fact that it was because Aaron was almost always in your life, and he could actually do something to protect you because of his job... That's why you felt safe with him, and not with them. It hurt them, but in the end, they were glad you had at least someone around whom you could lower your guard, and that it was someone as trustworthy as your father's best friend.
Even now, almost three months after the rape, he was still the only person who could freely touch you, hug you, run his hands over your back, and you welcomed it with such desperation, that it almost scared you. You needed touch, his touch, to ground you in reality, and you hated being so dependent on him, even though your body and mind were already his.
- It's ok... - he whispered against your temple and placed a soft kiss there. - Do you want to go to bed? - he asked and when you nodded, he lifted you from the counter and carried you upstairs to your room. He gently put you on the permanently unmade bed, but you didn't let go of him. - I want to change into something more comfortable, Darling... I'm gonna go get my bag and I will be right back. - he said, but you still didn’t move.
- Please don't go... I have your t-shirt under the pillow, that should be enough... - you said quietly in an almost broken voice, and he just sighed.
- Sure, why the hell not... - he caved in and quickly undressed, folded his clothes, placed them on your dresser, and put on the shirt you must have stolen from him some time ago because he didn’t remember giving you this specific one.
He got in the bed behind you and pulled you even closer, so you were able to soak in the touch you so desperately needed. He buried his face in your neck, smushing his nose against your skin. One of his arms snaked in between your forearm and your torso, and his big hand rested on your abdomen, covering it almost completely; his other arm found its way under your head, and when you rested it on his bicep, he bent it in the elbow, so he could run his fingers over you fresh buzzcut. He intertwined his bare legs with yours, and when you pulled them closer to your chest - he followed, not breaking contact even for a second.
It was so easy to fall asleep with him completely wrapped around your body, but you still resisted it a little, wanting to soak in his closeness.
When you woke up in the middle of the night, something felt... wrong. You knew what all too well, but with Aaron so close, doing anything about it would be too risky. You could omit some facts, and not tell him everything, but if he asked specifically - you would be a goner. What you could do, was go take a shower and try to scrub that sensation off your skin, even though experience told you that it would be pointless. But damn if you weren't willing to try...
So you slithered out of Aaron’s embrace, trying your best not to wake him up, but he still did...
- Y/n...? Everything ok...? - he asked, his mind still fogged by Morpheus's sand.
- Everything's fine... I'm just gonna take a shower... - you whispered and forced the corners of your lips to move up, but that only made him realize that not everything was fine, and that alone immediately jolted him awake.
- I'm going with you... - he simply stated, and the look on your face must have been more revealing than you thought it was because he didn't see fear... You weren't afraid that he would do something, you were embarrassed. And when you realized that he knew more, the muscles in your thighs tensed involuntarily. Anyone else would have missed it, but not him. Not when his subconsciousness was trained to analyze and profile anything and anyone around him.
He shifted his head to the side as if he wanted to say, "Oh no, you did not...", and you instantly crossed your arms on your chest, bit your lip, and looked up, trying to stop the tears that were dangerously close from entering your eyes. Your body was telling the story you wanted to keep hidden, but when Aaron got closer to you and kneeled in front of you, you couldn't keep even the crumbs of composure that you had left. You didn't protest when he pulled on the string of your sweatpants, but when he hooked his thumbs around the waistband, you were no longer able to hold back tears.
He pulled the pants down, and when he saw the state of your thighs, his jaw clenched. He didn't make any comments, but for once his face was saying more than any words ever could. He was angry, but not at you... At himself. Because he didn't see it earlier. He was so absorbed by your wrists because that's what you were familiar with, that he didn't even think about other ways. He rested his forehead on your abdomen, put his hands on your waist, and pulled you closer. You could tell that he was trying to compose himself, trying to hold back the tears, to fight this wretched feeling of helplessness...
He eventually sat on his heels and started tracing every line you've made over the last two months with gentle kisses... Some of them were already long healed, but few were fresh, still scabbed even, but none of the cuts was deep enough to cause any serious damage; you had enough experience to avoid that. And for you, it was never about hating or killing yourself... It was about regaining control over your body and how it reacted, just to feel like yourself again, but you weren't sure which was worse.
- You were supposed to call me... - he whispered against your skin, still hiding his face from you. - Day or night, doesn't matter... I would have answered, I would have... - he choked on his words and wrapped his arms around your thighs. He couldn't say that he would have come, that he could have helped you, calm you down, because logically he knew he could have been on a case on the other side of the country...
- There is nothing you could have done... - you whispered, gently running your fingers through his hair. - Because it's not about you... It's about me. - he looked up at you and you could see wetness around his eyes glistening in the faint light of the moon. - The pain... It's freeing. It puts me back in my body because I'm the one doing things to it. I'm the cause of it, I'm the one making myself bleed, I'm the one in control... - you explained and ran your fingers through his hair again. You could see him processing the new information, but it didn't help with the helplessness of not being able to help you.
- Show me. - it wasn't a request. You needed a moment to register what he just said, but after a moment of silence and a few too-quick blink, you eventually moved to your desk where you kept your special box. You wanted to say no, to plead with him, but... That feeling that initially woke you up was still there, bubbling under your skin, and it was stronger than shame.
You sat on your bed and opened the box. Because it was never about serious harm, you were always prepared and as safe as possible. You pulled out a thin disposable surgical towel and put it on your sheet. Then you disinfected your hands, and the steel hand of a scalpel and put in on the towel, while Aaron watched diligently what you were doing. He half expected you to pull out a razor from your wallet, so to say he was surprised would have been an understatement, but he didn't make any comments. You also got a fresh gauze and drenched it in disinfectant, only to run it over the skin on your right thigh. Next, you took out a fresh blade and attached it to the metal handle, and you could finally get started.
You gently pressed the sharp blade to the previously unmarked patch of skin and without hesitation, you cut yourself. You knew at what angle this specific blade had to be, how much pressure to put, and how quickly to move the scalpel for the cut to be just the right depth to heal by itself and not need stitches. And as soon as the blade pierced your skin, you exhaled loudly and a massive amount of pressure left your body like a weight lifted from your shoulders, and the relief of it made you close your eyes and tilt your head back; the feeling was almost biblical...
When you opened your eyes again, you saw Aaron's eyes drilling into you, but by now, you were used to him reading you, so you just looked down again and chose another patch of skin, far away from the first cut, because you knew that they would heal quicker if they were further apart. You made another cut and once again, the almost orgasmic relief took over your body, forcing a very quiet whine from between your lips...
You wanted to make another cut, but Aaron wrapped his fingers around your wrist and straightened his leg, so it was parallel to yours.
- Do me. - another non-request
- Aaron, no... You don't need it. And it will actually hurt you... - this time you had to plead because it would be pointless for either of you.
- Nothing could hurt me more than seeing you hurt yourself... Now, I can either do it myself and fuck it up, because I don't know what I'm doing, or you can do it for me. It's your choice. - you froze. You honestly didn't know what was worse - actually inflicting pain on the most important person in your life, or watching him potentially injuring himself...
- I'll do it. - you eventually whispered. You still needed a moment to allow your brain to catch up to your words, but you ended up moving the surgical towel so it was closer to his thigh so you could see better what you would be doing.
- The exact same places as you did on your leg. - your eyes shot back to his, but he was serious, and you started to worry. There were more safe areas, especially the one closer to the inside of the thigh, but it wasn't a request. He wanted to show you something and make sure you understood it.
- Flex your muscles... - you requested and as soon as he did, you gently run your fingers over the areas you just cut on your own leg. You determined the exact placement of his veins and an artery. You of course didn't plan on going anywhere below fascia, but you still wanted to be as cautious as possible. - Relax... - he did as you told, and you gently pinched his skin, roughly determining how thick it was in those places, and how deeply you could go without any risks. By now you knew his body well, but not on that level; this was completely new for both of you.
You detached the blade you used to cut yourself from the handle and dropped it into a small metal tin with all the other ones. And then you repeated the preparation process, disinfecting everything that needed to be disinfected and attaching a fresh blade to the scalpel. For a short moment, you were toying with the idea of asking him to shave his thigh, because the healing process could be worse for him if he didn’t, but you got the feeling that it wasn't something he would say yes to right now.
Before you put the blade to his skin, you looked him in the eyes again, hoping that he would stop you, but there was nothing but determination there. So, you looked back down, with your finger traced the path you were about to follow with the scalpel, and made a quick cut. It was long, but a bit shallower than yours, because you weren't used to cutting thicker skin.
He stayed still, not even flinching at the pain he must have felt but seeing the droplets of fresh blood gathering on the edges of the cut ripped something from your chest and crushed it right in front of you. You wanted to apologize, to beg for forgiveness, but his stern look told you it wouldn't be wise.
- Again. - he said quietly, his voice much softer than you expected it to be in a moment like this. And you did... You moved your hand closer to his inner thigh and made another swift cut, this time curving it a little, following the shape of the muscle.
You didn't even realize that you started crying; only when you saw your tear falling down dangerously close to the fresh cut, you moved your head away. You quickly wiped the rest of the tears with the back of your left hand, taking a fresh gauze in your right and drying the drop before it had the chance to contaminate the cut.
- Do you understand now...? - he asked quietly, and you nodded, trying to hold back tears. - Good. Because every time I will find a fresh one on your body, you will be recreating it on mine. And from now on I will be checking regularly. Are we clear...? - you nodded again, trying your best to calm yourself down. He hated making you cry, but he also knew you well enough to realize that it was the fastest and most efficient way to stop you from harming yourself. You needed to realize what it was like to be on the other end of it, no matter how good and cathartic it felt in the moment. He also knew that now, every time you would even think about self-harming, the image of two fresh cuts on his thigh would immediately pop up in your head.
Still with tears in your eyes and without saying a word you cleaned all four cuts you made, and you even gently wrapped them with a fresh bandage, which wasn't something you usually did, but you didn't want any risks tonight... When you were done with the wounds, you put everything away in the box, and the box back in the desk And even though the possibility of you taking it out again was next to none, the knowledge that it was there, just in case, was still comforting.
And then you were back in bed, under the covers, basking in Aaron's body heat.
- I'm sorry I forced you to do this... - he whispered, when you grabbed the material of his shirt with both hands, and he wrapped himself around you, allowing you to hide in the cocoon made from him. - I don't regret it, and I would have done it again, but I am truly sorry that I forced you to experience that feeling. - he could never lie to you... Not even about something like this.
You were quietly sobbing into his chest. Was it healthy? No. Would a therapist hearing about this situation told you to run far away from him? Definitely. But did it work...? In its own twisted way, it did.
- I love you, Aaron... - you said quietly, clenching your fists even more. He run one of his hands over your buzzcut and you leaned into the touch almost like a cat.
- I love you too... - he pulled you closer and let you cry into the material of his shirt until you fell asleep in his arms... But he didn't join you, he couldn't. The guilt and anger he felt were so overwhelming that he didn't know what to do with them. And even though you were safe in his arms right now, the knowledge that the monsters who did this to you were still alive was eating him from the inside. Sure, they were in prison, he made sure of that, but he was seriously considering abusing his power and influence to make them meet their maker. The worst thing was it wasn't the first time he thought about it... He had come up with four possible ways to kill them, and all of them left his hands squeaky clean, that's why it was so tempting.
But if he ever did the things, he thought about doing, he would no longer be a good man.
And you deserved a good man.
A/N 2: Please don’t feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be appreciated though :) Love, G.
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0x1lovebot · 2 years
𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧; shall we get started?
0.6k words. [657]
[not proofread!!]
warnings; none.
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y/n walked down the sidewalk quickly, her legs in autopilot mode as her mind swam with all the things that could go wrong when she met jake.
‘what if we get off on the wrong foot?’ she thought.
‘what if i’m so awkward that he doesn’t want to help me anymore?’
‘what if he thinks i’m stupid?’
‘what if he’s secretly some kind of creep?’
y/n shook her head at that last thought. no way jake was a creep. riki would never be friends with a creep (or at least she hoped he wouldn’t). but y/n was still so nervous. it wasn’t like she hadn’t interacted with him before but it had been so long since y/n had spoken to jake that she didn’t know what to make of everything. sure she had seen him around campus a few times, but something about facing him now was different.
something about jake made her nervous, apprehensive and y/n just couldn’t figure out why, and sadly she no longer had time to. she was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn’t even realized that she’d arrived right outside of the school library.
y/n took in one more deep breath and gave her backpack strap a final squeeze before pushing open the glass doors of the library.
the cool air of the library washed over y/n’s skin as she walked into the building. she greeted the librarian with a small smile before making her way towards the back of the library. she walked slowly through the tall bookcases hoping that it would somehow stall time, but of course it didn’t work.
when y/n made it to the back area of the library, her eyes scanned over every table until they landed on a boy with a vaguely familiar mess of brown hair at the very last table, his face buried in the physics textbook in front of him.
‘wow his hair hasn’t changed at all.’
y/n walked over the boy at the table and tapped on his shoulder.
“jake?” she whispered.
the boy’s head shot up in surprise. “y/n…. hi.” jake said in an awed tone.
y/n was here, in front of him, speaking to him. was he just imagining this? was any of this real? jake couldn’t tell. and he didn’t care either. all he could think about was y/n’s pretty eyes meeting his and her bright smile shining like the noonday sun that hung in the sky. he sees her all the time but up close she was just so mesmerizing.
“um is it ok if i sit here?” y/n asked.
jake blinked a few times before registering what she had said.
“yeah yeah of course! sorry about that!” he said as he frantically moved his papers and textbooks closer to his side of the desk.
y/n sat down next to jake and reached into her bag, taking out her physics textbook and notes. “no it’s fine. i bet all those physics classes really keep you busy.”
jake scoffed lightly. “yeah being a physics major can be pretty hard sometimes.”
“well considering the fact that you tutor people in the subject, i think you must be pretty good at it.”
jake’s face grew so warm that he felt that he would pass out.
“oh- um thank you.” he said bashfully, looking down to hide the pink tint that had taken over his face.
y/n almost wanted to coo at jake’s sheepish behavior. it was just too cute. she was starting to realize that she didn’t need to be nervous. jake was just as kind as she remembered him. this would be fine. everything would be fine.
jake cleared his throat, cutting through the silence that had formed between them.
“so um shall we get started?”
y/n flashed jake a warm smile and opened up her text book. “we shall.”
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© 2023 copyright. all rights reserved. @0x1lovebot.
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Several Sentence Sunday 6-2-24
HELLO, I'm getting a jump on this today. I'm still working on and yapping about my Cruel Intentions AU, which is already so much longer than I meant for it to be. Fingers crossed I am posting the completed fic here next Sunday. Until then, have a snippet.
“We taste really good together.” Five words and Alex literally fell to his knees right there beside the bed. His eyes moving over the mess covering the blond and then up to Henry’s fingers, and finally his face; eyes nearly pleading. For a moment they were in sync, as the blond dragged his fingers through the stickiness again, carefully and specifically. This time though he sat up on the elbow of his free hand before reaching his two coated fingers over to the brunette. Immediately Alex was sucking those fingers clean, giving a low moan against them as he felt Henry’s fingers play with his tongue. He felt like every single nerve in his body had to be on fire, butterflies in his stomach, skin prickling, heart in his throat. “I think I love you,” Alex spoke in a pant as soon as those fingers were out of his mouth. He didn’t think, he wasn’t thinking about anything, running on autopilot, one of his worst habits. What may have been worse, he absolutely meant it. For a moment their eyes stayed locked on each other’s, Henry’s were almost desperate, as if begging that not to be a lie. Alex had no idea what his face looked like, but he felt like it had to be similar. “I think you’re just horny,” the blond spoke finally, a soft smile on his lips. He hesitated, just watching as Alex shook his head no. “Then show me,” a brief pause, “Make me feel it.”
This snippet was really long wow wow wow, but I'm obsessed with it, so you needed the full thing. No Pressure Tags for people who people I think have WIPs going on?: @doublecheekedkinard @taste-thewaste @captainjunglegym @eusuntgratie @softboynick and of course open tags to anyone who feels froggy. (I luv being tagged in stuff!)
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I've decided to be nice and give a bit of what i have of Glimpse of Us, the second part of She used to be mine
to those anon's asking for the second part, here's something
‘Hi everybody’ you began, getting a hello in response from the crowd ‘Wow, thank you for the warm welcome and thank you Harvey for that unrealistic introduction’ you chuckled with the crowd, turning to Harvey who waved you off.
‘Now, taking something off of Harvey’s speech, I am made by no god or am one. Nor am I a siren from the Greek mythology. It did take some persuading to get me to do this and hopefully I don’t regret it.’ You laughed sheepishly.
‘I don’t normally sing on stage or in public really unless its karaoke with friends, which by the way is how I got tricked into doing this, so pardon me if I seem a bit nervous’ you smile shyly. Glancing back at Harvey, with a smile on his face, he nodded, pushing you to continue. Pulling out the rest of the confidence you still had stored, you turned back beaming at the crowd.
‘Now to not keep you waiting any longer, Paul if you will’ you gestured to the man on the piano and he nods before gliding his fingers along the keys, playing the start of the song. Letting out a breath, you closed your eyes, feeling the rhythm of the piano before singing the lyrics. Grabbing hold of the mic, you opened your eyes and began.
He'd take the world off my shoulders
If it was ever hard to move
He'd turn the rain to a rainbow
When I was living in the blue
You let your eyes flutter to a close as you gripped the mic firmly. Swaying your body occasionally to melody.
Why then if he is so perfect
Do I still wish that it was you?
Perfect don't mean that it's working
So what can I do? Ooh
Opening your eyes, you scanned the crowd, completely surprised by how the much you can see of the crowd seemed entranced.
When you’re out of sight
You saw you’re your friends in a booth over in the corner, the people entering the establishment.
In my mind
Then the bar where you found him, staring at you. You locked eyes with those beautiful ocean blue orbs that you love loved so much. Stumbling over your words, you nearly forgot about the song but once the piano keys hit the right note, your lips continued in autopilot.
Cause sometimes I look… in his eyes
And that's where I find
A glimpse of us
hopefully this wont be much of a disappointment to those who like SUTBM so much
now again i am a rubbish writer but how so many love She used to be mine is an enigma to me. Thank you all for the kind words and i'll keep working on the rubbish i manage to make
im tagging those who asked to be but please do tell if you want to be taken off😊
@evelynrosestuff @strangesweetheart @doodle-cat16 @nabiilahadid @evansmusk @noodle81937 @circe143 @yuu-chan-is-still-a-student12 @vesta-ro sorry if i missed anybody
and if you want to be tagged, just give me the say so
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tommybaholland · 3 years
Hello! I just wanted to say I really love your Sk8 headcanons and fics (I always get excited when the Sk8 x reader tag updates with your work ^o^) Could I possibly request headcanons of the Sk8 boys first kiss with their S/O like who initiates the kiss, how long they've been dating, where it happens etc. Its my first time sending a request, I've been wanting to for a while now. I hope you have a nice day or night when you read this and stay safe ^o^
sk8 boys + their first kiss with their s/o
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wow, thank you so much! it’s an honor that you’ve chosen me to write your first request. i had a lot of fun writing this one and hope you all enjoy it<33
you probably wouldn’t kiss for a long time due to your own internal conflicts about each others’ feelings
he’s mostly stressing if he’s doing everything right with you or not
after your third date, which just so happened to be when he took you to S, now sitting on top of a ramp at the skatepark, he decides to just suddenly kiss you
when he pulls away to see the shocked look on your face, he immediately regrets it but little does he know…
“so is S always that crazy and high stakes?” you asked.
he chuckled. “actually, i felt like tonight was pretty tame,” he replied as he hopped up onto the ramp before holding out his hand to help you up. 
“really? well, i can see why people are into it.” you say as you settle down next to him on the edge of the ramp.
he nods, looking over to you. “did you have fun tonight?” 
you look back at him. “yeah! i had a good time, thanks for taking me.” 
it was quiet for a moment and you turned back to look up at the clear sky. “the sky looks so pretty tonight.”
he only continued to look at you, his brain on autopilot. “yeah, it does.” 
he moved closer to you before getting your attention once more. 
“hey,” he said in a soft voice. you turned to look at him only to find him leaning in, his eyes closing. the kiss was gentle but long, his hand coming up to caress your cheek as he continued to press his lips to yours. 
he pulls away after what feels like an eternity to see an unreadable expression on your face. 
“um, i’m sorry. i, i don’t know why i did that,” he explains. “but i really, really like you and would like to spend more time with you.”
he felt like the more he said, the worse he made  the situation. “b-but i mean, if you don’t want to, that’s okay, especially after i just did THAT, you know?”
he wasn’t making sense, making you shake your head. 
“whoa, whoa, reki. what are you talking about?” you asked incredulously. “i liked kissing you.”
“you did?” he validates.
“mm-hmm,” you nod in confirmation. “yes. and for the record, i also want to spend more time with you, you spaz.” 
“hey! i am not a spaz,” he defends. “okay, maybe a little. but that would mean the world to me.”
“i’m glad,” you reply. “but maybe just warn me next time you want to kiss me.”
he nods with a nervous chuckle. “i can do that. may i kiss you again right now...maybe?”
you nod, leaning in first this time. you reach for his hand as your lips meet in the middle again. this one was more passionate than the last, sealing your affections for one another.
you would probably be the one to initiate a kiss with him only because he’s dense about how these things go
he most likely wouldn’t realize that you’ve been going on dates and just thought that you were ‘hanging out more’ but it’s not like he minded it
it was your third or fourth ‘hang out’ and you were walking back to your house after eating a whole bunch at that cheap restaurant that you both just can’t get enough of
you decided to test the waters by holding his hand on the way home to which he did not let go and when you finally had reached your destination…
you held his hand as you walked through the neighborhood, the only light provided by the street lamps and the moon. you could tell that he was getting sleepy after having eaten so much. you really didn’t know where he put it all. soon you arrived outside your house and you continued to hold his hand as you turned to face him. 
“well, here we are,” you remarked. “thanks for dinner tonight. i am so full.”
“yeah, me too,” he grins. “we could go again tomorrow.”
“i’d like that but that’s a little too much to eat out for me. maybe we could go to the beach or something?” you offer. 
“that would be nice. i love the beach,” he replies.
you giggle softly. “i know you do. well, i’ll talk to you soon,” you say as you move closer to him.
“‘kay,” he responds. 
“goodnight,” you say softly before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. his eyes widen as he realizes the sudden warmth on his mouth that leaves just as quickly. 
“did you...just kiss me?” he asks. 
“um, yeah,” you reply coyly, feeling your face grow warm. “i’m, i’m sorry. it was too sudden and i know you’re tired.”
he grabs your hand to keep you from turning away to leave. 
“do you think...we could do it again?” he asks. 
“you want to?”
“mm-hmm,” he nods. 
“okay,” you confirm softly before leaning in with him to connect your lips once again. it was a little longer than the last but nothing too much. a soft smack was heard once you separated, leaving him grinning with half-lidded eyes. 
“i liked that,” he commented. 
“you did? me too,” you agreed. 
“we should definitely do that again tomorrow,” he offers. 
you laugh lightly. “yeah. i think we can make that happen.”
he seems like he’d be the type of guy to kiss on the first date but regardless, you’ve been flirting here and there for a while and mans just can’t wait
it’s likely that you’ve kissed once before in the past but hid your true feelings about it
but this time would be for real and a little more personal by cooking your favorite meal at his restaurant
it happened sooner than he would have liked, planning to try to get you to stay over with him after but couldn’t find a reason to complain about anything that transpired between you…
“okay, bon appetit!” he announces as he places your dish in front of you.  
“wow, kojo,” you reacted, looking up from the extravagant meal. “did you really make this?”
“are you really going to keep calling me that?” he says, answering your question with a question. 
“oh, don’t worry, i have plenty of other names for you where that came from,” you throw back as you place you napkin in your lap and begin to eat. 
“are any of them ‘super handsome best chef and skater in the world?’ he asks playfully. 
“if that translates to ‘obnoxious, stupid tan and muscular with one brain cell’ then yes.” 
“ouch,” he reacts, feigning dramatics as he places a hand over his chest. “well, i just wanted to say that you look absolutely beautiful tonight.”
“thanks, i have a date after this,” you joke. 
he smiles. “very funny. but i have to admit that i was happy to hear that you finally broke up with that other jerk.”
“were you?”
he nods in confirmation. “i’ve been looking forward to it for a while now. it’s just been so long since we’ve...hung out.”
it was your turn to make a confession. “i was actually surprised when you asked me out.”
“were you?” he asks, mimicking your words from earlier. “why is that?”
“i don’t know. i just thought that maybe you weren’t interested in doing anything like that with me,” you admitted. 
“why would you think that? i’ve always liked you,” he confesses. 
you look at him incredulously. “shut up.”
“you are such a smooth talker.”
he chuckles. “maybe so, but it’s the truth.”
you let him talk for a few minutes while you enjoy your food. 
“and so i told them, ‘why would you not put garlic in the pasta?’ you know? it’s, like, a staple spice-- oh, hang out. you’ve got something…”
he leans over to wipe some stray sauce off of your cheek and catches your eyes. you gaze at each other for a few moments, the tension pulling you in towards each other until your lips meet in a passionate kiss. it builds up and becomes heated pretty quickly, seemingly that both of you have been waiting for this for a long time. 
at some point, you find the strength to pull away from him, giggling as he immediately pulls you back in for a few more quick kisses. 
“wow, you were, uh, you were pretty eager, huh?” you remark. 
“what, me? what about you? you were all over me,” he retorts with a smirk. 
“well, i really enjoyed it,” he admits, placing his hand over yours on the table. 
“yeah?” you smile. 
he nods, returning the smile. “and it would make me really happy to do it again with you, permanently.”
“are you sure you can handle that?” you verify, somewhat shocked at his commitment.
“no, but i’m a fast learner,” he replies. 
“sounds good to me.”
you lean in for one more kiss, gentle and quick. 
“also, you’ve still had sauce on your face this whole time--”
he laughs. “i’m so sorry. here, come here.”
he wipes the sauce off with the cloth napkin, actually removing it this time. “you still look beautiful, you know.”
“oh, save it. you probably planned that whole thing.” 
“nope, that was just all luck, baby. if you didn’t know, i’m a pretty lucky guy.” 
if there was one thing he knew he could do right, it’s make your face get warm and flustered. 
being the sophisticated gentleman that he prides himself to be, he waits exactly 3-5 dates until presenting the idea of moving physical intimacy forward with a kiss
he’d probably take you to some exclusive cultural event like an art show or some sort of exhibition and he would pay for everything, of course
the first few dates of somewhat of a test for him, not only to see if you’re interested in him but also to see if you would be a good fit for him as far too many have seemed to take advantage of him or some would get jealous of Carla, stuff like that
you know it’s coming because he’s been more affectionate with you by holding your hand, placing an arm around you, just subtle little touches so it’s no surprise when he asks…
“may i have the honor of kissing you, my dear?”
you had wined and dined all night at an exclusive restaurant that also held dinner shows where he has been nothing less than the perfect company. he pays for everything and declines whenever you offer to help yet he never expects anything from you. no other guy that you had dated could beat him. 
he was a true romantic. 
“yes, please.”
he gives you a small smile before leaning in, one hand caressing the side of your face as his lips met yours, placing a few small kisses on them. 
once he pulled away, you had a confession to make. 
“this doesn’t feel real.”
“what ever are you talking about, darling?”
“it’s not a bad thing but i must admit that i never thought i’d be here and get to see all this and eat this kind of food less alone meeting you,” you explained. 
he allows a small chuckle to escape past his lips. “i’d have to say i feel the same about you. and that is why you deserve nothing but the best, my love.” 
you felt like crying. no matter how many times you were told to believe it, it all still felt so surreal. fortunately, you were lucky enough that it wasn’t. 
“thank you, my little sakura.”
“you could stop using that nickname,” he remarked. 
“c’mon. you know you like it,” you replied as you nudged him playfully. 
“whatever you say, you little weirdo.”
“what happened to ‘you deserve nothing but the best?’
“i’m about to redact that statement,” he replies, half-joking. “but seriously, no need to thank me. it’s all my pleasure.” 
all he needed was your love and he felt like he was set for life. 
you had kissed secretly at one time and it was hard to tell who initiated it due to the thick tension between you
afterward, it only made it worse between the two of you to try to ignore it despite his loyalty to his work life
he considered that you might destroy him but it might disturb him more to not have you in his arms and his lips on yours again
he asks if you can meet in private again and once you try to go in for the kiss, he stops you…
“listen,” he says, holding you back by your upper arms. “i don’t think i can do this.”
you shake your head. “wh-what do you mean, tadashi? do you not...want me?”
“please, let me explain,” he replies. “what’s happened between us….was a mistake and i am fully to blame for it. i don’t know what came over me and i apologize for putting you in any sort of unwanted situation.”
this was not sounding good to you as you hung your head in shame. 
“however,” he continues, “even though it was a mistake, i cannot get you or that moment out of my mind.”
you lifted your head up to look at him, seeing a small grin on his face. 
“you’re the only one that i want. i don’t want to hide what we have and make you feel like i’m ashamed of it. so if you’re willing, i’d like to see you regularly and openly.”
it was a strange way of putting that he wanted to be in an exclusive relationship with you but that was just tadashi for you. 
“yes,” you nodded, smiling. “i’d like that.”
“great,” he replied. “i know a wonderful place where we can go and have some late night tea and desserts and get to know each other better after i’m done with mr. ainosuke for the night. that is, if you’d like.”
“that sounds perfect.”
“i’ll pick you up,” he confirms. “and until then,” 
he leans in to give you a chaste kiss on the cheek before fully letting you go. he walks to the door of the tiny office turning back and giving you one last grin. 
“i can’t wait.”
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it’s a wonderful night for wild cards! let’s see, what could be next...
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bratkook · 4 years
rough hands. (m) jjk
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pairing : tattooed!jungkook x tattooed!reader (slight fuckboy!jk)
word count : 12k, (i hate myself why cant i ever write anything shorter than 10k goodbye)
genre : (fr)enemies to lovers, smut, this is for @mygukandonly​ ty for the idea and for sharing my thirst for jungkook lmao also ps. if you read this/enjoy it pls reblog bc tumblrs tags are dead af tysm
warnings : overstimulation, dirty talk (its kinda sweet tho?), playful banter during sex, unprotected sex
summary : how is he meant to confess that he’d tear off his left arm for you if you asked when he can see the way you look at him in disgust when his nervous rambling leads to retelling the raunchy stories of girl’s past
The muffled sound of your roommate and his best friend laughing in the kitchen can be heard through your bedroom wall, a smile spreading across your face when you hear Hoseok’s telltale joyous laugh, no doubt in the middle of telling a story. 
You rake your fingers through your hair once more, fluffing it up and stepping back from the mirror to give yourself a once over, your hands tugging down on the tight dress you had on. The black shiny latex hugging your curves in all the right spots and you smirk as excitement fills you when you think of the dumb shit you and your best friend Rina were going to get into tonight.
In the kitchen Hoseok pours another shot for himself and Jungkook, the two of them energized at going out tonight as well, the video game demo they had been working on at work had gotten approved, being given the green light to move further into it so they would be celebrating tonight. The rest of his friends were set to arrive at your shared apartment for some pregame drinks before they left to their designated bar of choice.
“Y/N! Take a shot.” Hoseok shouts out when you step out of the hallway, his head peeking out by the breakfast bar to see you. He’s wearing a simple white tshirt, his colorful tattooed arms on full display as he holds out a shot glass for you to take. As you step closer to grasp it Jungkook’s eyes bulge out at what you’re wearing, he chooses to throw back his shot, letting the burn of tequila take his mind off how hot you looked. Jungkook has had it bad for you for so long, you and Jungkook have ran in the same circle since high school, not exactly friends but there was always a mutual friend linking you two together.
Jeon Jungkook has always been shameless, even at the young age of 16, when his hair was all bangs and the only thing on his mind was bands, shows, and girls. His debauchery only worsened in college when his muscles bulked up and he started experimenting with tattoos, there is nothing horny college girls love more than a man with long black hair and inked sleeves so of course he embraced it. 
The social circle you two shared slowly dwindled away after the first year of college as people dropped out, moved out of state or started a career while you finished your schooling. Because of that, you hadn’t really seen or heard much about Jungkook during your last year of college, not sure if he ever finished, dropped out or took a year off. It wasn’t until fate had you responding to a room mate needed ad that lead you to Jung Hoseok and in turn leading you right back to Jeon Jungkook, full circle.
And in that reunion it was made clear that he had stayed exactly the same, the same 16 year old mentality trapped inside a bulked out tattooed man, his new found goal being getting under your skin because he loved seeing you upset.
Your eyes meet Jungkook’s as you grab the shot glass, standing right beside Hoseok as he pours himself yet another shot. He just smirks at you, noticing your added height with the platform shoes you have on, “If you wear those shoes you can get on all the rides at Disney.”
He hides his smile behind the glass, seeing you roll your eyes as you throw back the shot, glaring at him once you swallow it, “Oh shut up, I’m normal sized, it’s not my fault you’re a fucking Titan.”
Hoseok laughs loudly at your comeback, his shoulders nudging Jungkook and seeing him fighting back a smile at your reaction, “Touché.”
The contents of the tequila bottle start to dry out so Hoseok pushes it away, opting for grabbing a cup to start making drinks to pace himself until his friends show up. You have the beginnings of a buzz warming you up, sliding out your phone to see that Rina texted you to come over, wanting to pregame as well before you went out together.
As you start texting her back your ears tune in to the story Jungkook had decided to start telling, reminiscing on the last time they had all gone out to that dive bar. His hands are animated as he tells Hoseok about the drunk girl he had his eyes on, the both of them ending up in the gross bathroom while she gave him a sloppy blowjob, stopping halfway through to puke all over the floor and how it had absolutely wounded his ego. Him and Hoseok are bent over in hysterics as you lock your phone and roll your eyes, like clockwork Jungkook had to start talking about his sexual escapades, “And that’s my cue to fuck off.”
You shove your phone into your tiny side bag as you start to walk away and Jungkook presses his lips together as he realizes once again he said something he shouldn’t have. Hoseok turns to look at you, “You sure you don’t wanna come out with us? It’ll be more fun than that fetish club you’re into.”
You laugh at him, acting as if he didn’t frequent that club as well, “Is Iseul joining you?”
He frowns at the mention of his girlfriend, getting a little sad that she would in fact not be joining him, “No, she’s got an early shift tomorrow so she cant.”
“Sorry but if she’s not there I’m not interested.” You tease with a shrug, throwing your arm up in a wave before leaving your apartment, the door slamming behind you.
Jungkook instantly sulks once you’re gone, mentally slapping himself for always managing to say stupid shit around you. He couldn’t help himself, the small crush he had spawned in high school when you were still the timid girl that wore band tees two sizes too big, and now that you had matured into this, all leather and stockings and tattoos that rivaled his, that crush had bloomed and with it came plenty of wet dreams and fantasies. 
He knew he stuck his foot in his mouth every time you two ended up in the same vicinity but his usual confident and cocky self became a nervous fucking wreck around you. His brain chose to either rile you up with mean jokes or let his mouth run on autopilot. Unfortunately the only two topics programmed in consisted of shit regarding his job as an audio engineer for video games or his raunchy one night stands. More often than not it was the latter, talking about vulgar things made you walk away, if he talked about technical shit that you didn’t know about, it left room for questions from you and more of a chance for him to embarrass himself.
He uncaps the tequila bottle again and tips it back, taking a swig from the bottle and accepting that he’d have to live with annoying you from afar.
Its not until you come home that night, absolutely hammered, while hes there that he gets the first glimpse that maybe his dreams aren’t so far fetched. He’s stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living room, the buzz of the night having left him a while ago, a bowl of cheerios in his hand that he’s currently shoveling into his mouth when you stumble in, tripping over the doors threshold as you giggle and attempt to shut it quietly as to not wake up Hoseok.
Jungkook smirks with a mouthful of cereal as you press your forehead against the door and double over in hushed laughter, no doubt remembering something stupid that happened earlier. “You okay?” He finally speaks up, scaring you, you whip around in shock and slam your back against the door, a small whimper of pain leaving you as you slide down until your butt meets the floor.
“Oh shit.” He sets his bowl down and goes over to make sure you’re okay, your body is slumped on the floor with your legs sprawled out and he forces himself to just stare at your face, a small frown on it now that you realize how drunk you are. But thanks to that, the usual dont touch me attitude you normally have is missing, letting Jungkook scoop you up by the arms. He swallows as his fingers go down to tug the hem of your dress since it had rode up from you sliding down, his fingers lingering slightly on your thigh.
Your head lolls over now that he’s holding you up and away from the wall, a small smile on your face as you stare at him, your finger coming up to gently prod at the bar he has in the center of his lip, seeing them curl up as well because fuck are you drunk.
Your eyes are having trouble focusing on him with the dim light and the two shots you took just as you left the bar finally settling into your system but you make him out just fine, the weird orange glow coming from the kitchen illuminating him enough for you to see him. “You’re really cute in this lighting.” You slur out.
Jungkook just blushes, not knowing how to respond to you because you complimenting him was not the norm. When your brain decides that your head is far too heavy to hold up it drops back, showing him the expanse of your neck and the beautiful peony you have at the side of it, just under your ear, leading up to the spot where your neck meets your collarbone and Jungkook can’t stop himself from thinking of sucking hickeys into the skin there, the purple splotches coloring the blackwork tattoo.
“Wow, you’re sloshed.” He hauls you up, the muscles on his body clearly not being for show as he carries you to your room. He flicks the light on and gently places you on your mattress, hearing you groan in protest but otherwise not moving. His hands start to unbuckle the straps to your shoes, cute leopard print platform heels with the words doll face adorning the toe strap and it was very much you.
They land on your hardwood floor with a loud thud but you don’t register it, your eyes staying shut as you shove your face into your sheets. He opts for leaving you in your dress, shoes were fine but clothing was uncharted territory so he just unfolds the fluffy throw blanket at the edge of your bed and drapes it over you. His hands turn you over until you’re on your side, a stack of pillows at your back so he knows you won’t run the risk of choking on your puke if the situation arises. When he knows you’re no longer at risk of dying he starts to get up, your hands coming to grasp his and it startles him to see your drunk eyes blinking at him softly.
Your lips are moving but he can’t make out what you’re saying so he inches closer, “Huh?”
When hes about a foot away your hands cup his cheeks and bring him in for a quick kiss, the scent of vodka filling his nose as he feels the softness of your lips, “Thank you Jungkookie.” The phrase slurs together in an almost incomprehensible sentence but he hears it as he pulls back, your eyes shutting and your hands dropping and laying limp beside you as you knock out.
Jungkook just stands at the edge of your bed, watching you sleep for a moment before he scurries out to the living room, forgetting about his cereal and collapsing onto the couch to crash, his hands rubbing his eyes almost as if he’s trying to wake himself up from the dream he swears hes in.
His night had been restless, he couldn’t even blame it on sleeping on a couch, he usually did that when he and Hoseok went out and he had to carry his best friend home. No his dreams had consisted of you and that damned latex dress, the small innocent kiss you gave him spurring him on, so he was thankful when he woke up and no longer had to be scared of you walking in on him saying some shit in his sleep.
Hes currently sprawled out on the couch, shirtless with his grey sweats on, one hand tucked behind his head as the other fiddled with his phone, scrolling through instagram and shamelessly rewatching your story for the millionth time. He just couldn’t stop replaying a video of you speaking into the camera, very drunk with a massive smile as you tried to get your friend who was in the background to face the camera, erupting into a laugh that made him smile along.
His finger presses down on his screen, pausing the video as his ears pick up the sound of a bedroom door opening, either Hoseok was up or you were. He wasn’t sure who he was hoping for but when he sees his friend walk out of his room with bedhead he wishes it was you.
Hoseok smacks his lips together a few times, his squinty eyes looking at Jungkook as he smiles, “How’d those jäger shots treat you?”
Jungkook laughs as he recalls Hoseok egging everyone on to take more of them, sitting up and ruffling his wavy hair, “I can still bounce back as quick as I did when I was 16.”
Hoseok just groans, his palm rubbing his forehead, “Wait until you hit 26.” He waddled into the kitchen and begins rummaging around, the sound of pills shaking in a container being a telltale sign that Hoseok desperately needed advil.
“Hungry?” He calls out and Jungkook hums in response, he was very hungry, he hadn’t wanted to get up and make himself food since last time he did he had mistakenly used up the last of your oat milk and you had been furious, tossing the empty carton at his head when you had tried to make yourself a bowl of cereal. “You cool with pancakes?”
“Dude you could give me a still frozen eggo waffle and I’d be grateful.”
Hoseok laughs loudly at his statement, pots and pans clanking together as he sets up and Jungkook winces, your bedroom shared a wall with the kitchen so it was only a matter of time until the noise woke you up.
It takes roughly 15 minutes of Hoseok chatting and the noise of the mixer to stir you from your sleep. Your mouth is dry and your eyes are pulsing from your headache when you fully awake, pushing yourself up from your bed you’re confused as to how you even got into it. The black dress you wore dug into your skin, the straps leaving deep imprints in your shoulders from the way you slept.
“What the hell.” You moan out, rolling your neck and staring down at the mountain of pillows that were laid out in a specific shape. Had Hoseok hauled your ass to bed last night?
The muffled sounds of chatter start back up, the smell of pancakes slipping under the crack in your door and you grin, hoping Hoseok had added chocolate chips into the mix.
Pancakes were a necessity right now, your stomach felt hollow and from past experiences if you waited too long to eat after drinking all night your hangover would last way longer, so you stand up, your sore feet aching as you shuffle to your drawers and pull out comfortable clothes.
When your door creaks open Jungkook stops talking, his fork staying impaled in the pancakes as the sound of your feet padding on the hardwood floor gets closer. Hes sat on the tall barstool facing the breakfast bar, Hoseok stood on the other side of it, both of them in the middle of eating when you finally show yourself.
Your eyes zero in on Jungkook and you frown, hes sitting shirtless, half of his back and side facing you, letting you see the swirls of black ink that cover the majority of his body. Your eyes follow the dragon that starts on his shoulder, tracing the head all the way down as its body curves and twists until the tail peaks away under the hem of his sweats, but you can’t drool over him, no matter how delicious he looked so you opt for being a brat.
“Don’t you have a home?”
Hoseok chokes on his laughter, seeing Jungkooks cheeks redden as he stares back at his plate. Did you not remember planting one on him last night? You were very drunk but c’mon, could the universe throw him a bone for once.
“Here, your stacks are over there, chocolate chips and all.” Hoseok flicks behind him, your gaze following and seeing the plate of pancakes with your name written all over it. The smile you have contrasts deeply with the look you had just given Jungkook, you were a sucker for chocolate chip pancakes.
You walk into the kitchen space and fix yourself up a plate, scooping out some of the leftover eggs in the pan and choosing to stand next to Hobi instead of sitting beside Jungkook. You’re both crammed on the small counter space beside the sink, the two of you had never gotten around to buying a dining table and always suffered the consequences so you always managed. 
You lift up the plate to your nose and inhale, sighing in appreciation, “Hoseok, Iseul is one lucky lady. Why hasn’t she put a ring on it yet?” You tease, setting the plate down and grabbing the syrup bottle to drown your pancakes in the sticky goodness.
Jungkook is blatantly staring at your plate in disgust, his eyes looking between his plate and your own, your pancakes covered in the thick syrup, the excess dripping off and pooling into your eggs.
“Jesus what.” You snap, setting the bottle down rather aggressively, sending him daggers as his face scrunches up at your food.
“Thats fucking disgusting.”
“You like your pancakes bone dry, I don’t fucking judge you so don’t judge me. We’ll see who’s laughing when you’re choking on your dry ass food.”
Hoseok just stands there as he eats his eggs, a stupid smirk on his face as you banter like children. It’s always entertaining for him, he wishes he could record every interaction because you and Jungkook were the same person, the same sick sense of humor and quick drags made for some interesting comebacks.
He can see Jungkook getting increasingly flustered as you both continue shooting insults at each other about breakfast food, the dreaded oat milk fiasco being brought up and when you point your fork at Jungkook threateningly thats when Hoseok steps in as referee. “Alright, alright children enough!”
He raises his arms up, silencing you both and forcing you to drop your makeshift weapon, “Jungkook, you know the oat milk scandal is a sensitive subject so minus 10 points for bringing it up.” Jungkook glares when you poke your tongue out at him, “And Y/N, Jungkooks right, you drowning your shit in syrup is disgusting so minus 15 points for that.” And now Jungkook is grinning at you mockingly, enjoying the shock on your face as you look at Hoseok, calling him a traitor and picking up your plate to go eat in your room since no one fucking appreciates me in this stupid house!
When your door slams shut Jungkook chuckles, his tongue prodding at his cheek as he shakes his head and resumes eating his breakfast. Hoseok holds his coffee cup next to his lip as he stares at his friend, “You two fight like a married couple.”
Jungkook’s reaction is immediate, scoffing and rolling his eyes, “She’s just annoying.”
Hoseok hums, nodding along like he believes Jungkook, “Ah, so are we both still pretending you don’t have it bad for her?”
That gets a real reaction from the younger boy, his eyes darting to the wall that you share with the kitchen before glaring back at his friend, “Dude!” He whines, his shoulders sagging, “Do you want her to hear you?” Hoseok just cackles, grabbing his dishes and placing them in the sink to start washing them. Jungkook just continues grumbling to himself, his fork clanking against the plate as he stabs his pancakes aggressively.
“Give yourself some credit Kook, she doesn’t hate you like you think she does.” Jungkook found that hard to believe, your morning greeting of accusing him of being homeless due to him always being at your place showed him how you really felt, but last night was the first time he had felt like maybe deep down you thought he was cute enough to kiss.
“Last night,” he starts off, setting his fork down, “she came home at like 4am totally wasted, I don’t even know how she managed to climb the stairs up to the front door. I carried her to bed and she uh, she kissed me.” He whispers the last part, his eyes glancing at the shared wall again, praying you were listening to music and not hearing this conversation.
Hoseok shuts off the faucet, whipping around with wide eyes, “Huh? Like coherently kissed you with tongue down your throat or like drunk peck kissed you?”
“The second one.”
The expression on Hoseoks face doesn’t comfort Jungkook, he’s pouting in sympathy, “I mean, she kisses Iseul with tongue and everything-”
“Okay but-wait what?” Jungkook stops himself from interrupting further, his interested piqued in hearing about you and Hoseok’s girlfriend making out. It was a regular occurrence, if you both got drunk enough the compliments began and before Hoseok knew it you and his girlfriend were swapping spit and then acting like nothing happened as you entered the dance floor.
His friend rolls his eyes at the look Jungkook throws at him, “Yeah, I think Iseul loves her more than me.”
“Okay well tell her to get in fucking line.” Jungkook jokes, “But no, she kissed me last night and considering she doesn’t like me within her bubble it has to mean something right?”
Hoseok pats his hands dry as he approaches the breakfast bar again, Jungkook looks unsure, his teeth nibbling on his lip piercing as he stares at him. The conversation had switched over drastically from Jungkook pretending he wouldn’t lay his body across a puddle of water for you to cross, now he looked like a nervous teenager that didn’t want to get rejected by his crush.
“I don’t know dude, you’re gonna have to say something to find out.”
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Hoseok knew more than he would ever tell Jungkook, you had openly confessed to wanting to climb him like a tree only if he wore a muzzle a few months back so Hoseok knew Jungkook had a chance at least. The only issue was he wasn’t sure just sleeping with you would be enough for his friend, the crush he had been harboring was too strong for a one night stand and he wasn’t convinced you’d want the same so Hoseok kept his mouth shut, letting you two figure it out.
He tried his best to make it so you two would be around each other, always inviting Jungkook over or inviting you out with them but Jungkook never did himself any favors, he needed you guys to hang out in a different environment that didn’t require loud music and other girls so when his girlfriend suggests taking a weekend trip to her family’s lake cabin he doesn’t think twice before inviting you to join.
The weather lately had been miserable, the highs skyrocketing into the 100s so you didn’t hesitate to say yes, on the condition that you could bring your best friend with you just in case the rest of Hoseoks friends were just as immature as Jungkook was.
When the day comes you and your friend have to leave a few hours after the rest of the group does, having to wait for Rina to get off her short morning shift before you embark on the 2 hour drive. So walking into the cabin you’re met with some unfamiliar faces staring back at you from their place on the couch. You give a wave, spotting Iseul on a lounger, she smiles widely and hops up, bounding over to you and wrapping you in a hug.
“Yay, you made it!” She pulls back and greets Rina, standing beside you both and gesturing to the full room. “Guys this is Y/N and Rina.” They all wave back as she starts to introduce them in order, Jimin had red hair and a nose ring, Yoongi had grey hair and a rose tattoo on his hand, The last one to be introduced is Taehyung, brown hair and a wide smile, giving you and your friend a wave. Jungkook and Hoseok give you a wave as well, no introductions needed for them.
Due to your late arrival all the rooms have already been decided on, Jimin and Yoongi lucking out with securing the master suite but you and Rina had no complaints, grateful to have even been invited.
Now that introductions were out of the way and everyone was here Hoseok announces that hes gonna start up the grill outside to make some food. Everyone gets up to start assisting but you and Rina head back out to haul your bags in along with the alcohol and groceries you bought.
The weather is humid and gross, your skin tacky with sweat so you’re wearing the least amount of clothing you can. Already in a stringy gray bikini, a loose cut up tank top and the shortest shorts Jungkook has ever seen on you. Your tattoos on full display, the florals that cover your entire left arm, reaching your shoulder, he follows them up and over his eyes glued to the bold lines on your back that peek out when your shirt moves.
When you bend over to set down the box of drinks he stares at your ass, trailing down the soft skin of your thighs that were bare compared to the rest of your body. Tae elbows him harshly, “So thats Y/N I’m assuming?”
Jungkook grunts in response, swallowing when he sees you pull your hair up, exposing your neck and that tattoo he desperately wants to mark up, “You ever gonna make a move?”
“I don’t have the balls.”
Tae hums, “Great, well I do so see ya.” He slaps his arm and Jungkook thinks hes joking until Taehyung actually makes his way over to you, offering to help carry your bag to your room upstairs. The grateful smile you give him makes Jungkooks face twitch, you only ever smiled at him like that when you were wasted
Taehyung wasn’t actually going to hit on you, he wasn’t a cruel friend. He was just going to flirt harmlessly, give Jungkook a reason to fucking make a move. Rina is all giggles as she watches you follow Tae up the stairs, pointing towards the room you had been assigned.
As he walks in front of you, making friendly conversation you take the time to stare at him. It seems all of Jung Hoseoks friends were fucking god sent, Tae’s fluffy brown hair and kind eyes were easy to warm up to, his style more toned down than Jungkooks, only a few minimal tattoos scattered on his arms.
He sets your bag down on the bed and turns to you with his hands on his hips, “Thank you.” You mutter out, walking over to the window and shutting the blinds slightly to stop the sun from beating into the room and warming it up further.
“Yeah no problem, have you ever been here before?” He asks, making himself comfy on your bed.
“No, never. Super glad to finally have a friend who can say they have a lake house though.”
He agrees whole heartedly, the both of you making your way back out of the room and into the dining room to try to see what you could help out with.
It only takes less than a hour for everyone to gather around the table, munching on their hamburgers and hotdogs as you listen to Hoseok, Yoongi and Iseul talking about the summers they used to spend here during high school, all of them having grown up together.
“You two went to high school together also right?” Iseul speaks up when the laughter dies down, her fingers pointing between you and Jungkook. She smirks to herself when she sees the look on Jungkook’s face, swatting Hoseoks hand away from her side as he tries to pinch her for putting the two of you on the spot, he knows what shes up to.
“Oh, yeah we did.” You sigh, shaking your head as you think back to high school and all the cringeworthy things that happened. “Had a lot of mutual friends but uh, we didn’t have lake house summer hangouts like you guys did. The closest we got was backyard house shows during the summer that reeked of B.O.”
Jungkook lets out a laugh, nodding along as he remembers the shows your group would end up at. The group you had was a pretty huge on, all of the kids in your grade that liked the same music tended to bunch together and do things as a herd so even though you technically went to shows together it wasn’t one on one.
“Wait, do you remember that show the summer after high school where I dove off the stage–“
“Your dumbass always did that.”
He waves you off, determined to tell the story he sort of remembered, “I know, but this time all I remember was jumping off and then waking up with everyone huddled around me trying to call an ambulance.”
Your eyes widen as you recall the exact day he was talking about, it was a typical backyard show with too many underaged kids getting drunk off beer. Everything was set up like it normally was, a makeshift stage and amps against the brick wall with a small crowd huddled around it. The only difference was this house had a pool, an empty one, and although everyone had been cautioned to stay away, once people got hammered nothing mattered.
The crowd surrounding the stage was teetering close to the edge of the pool so you and your friend at the time chose to watch from the sidelines, and thats when a very drunk 17 year old Jungkook hopped onto the stage, wobbling onto the top of the drum kit and catapulting himself into the crowd. They had managed to catch him and started crowd surfing him back, right into the empty pool. Jungkook had been tossed into the deep end, head first and you had seen it all happen.
“There was so much fucking blood.” You shiver as you recall the group of you running into the pool to make sure he was alive. He had managed to bust his head open and as you saw him with blood dripping down his head you realized then that you really didn’t dislike him as much as you claimed you did because you really didn’t want him to die.
Jungkook throws his head back and laughs loudly, morbidly recalling how his friends had told him to go to the hospital in fear that he had a concussion or needed stitches and even though he said he was fine he was lowkey scared to sleep that night and not wake up the morning after.
Everyone laughs along, enjoying the way Jungkook turns a traumatic story into casual conversation. When Jimin asks what he did after he gained consciousness Jungkook just smirks as he drinks the last of his beer before shrugging, “I drank some more and got back into the crowd.”
You just cover your face in second hand embarrassment at the memory, a few laughs slipping out because yeah it had been slightly traumatic but also kinda funny.
“Have you changed much since high school?” You lift your head and see Taehyung had addressed his question to you and Jungkook chuckles under his breath, remembering your quiet demeanor.
It wasn’t until college that you came out of your shell, gaining confidence and experimenting with your fashion and hair colors, the tattoos covering your body increasing quickly. But Jungkook could say your personality has stayed the same, sure you were no longer timid, quick to bite back now but the personality he had found himself latching onto had stayed the same. Even when you two distanced yourselves he always thought of you, he liked to think it was fate that had you and him both knowing Hoseok.
“Definitely, for the better though.” Jungkook eyes his friend like a hawk, the small smirk on his face as he stares at you from across the table, making eye contact for a second before looking back at you. Jungkook sees the way you lean on the table, your cheeks tinting when you see the way he stares at you.
“I’d love to see photos, ya know, to compare.” The laugh you let out has Jungkook sulking. Taehyung was charming, all the girls flocking to him and usually Jungkook was the same but he turned into a jackass around you.
Hoseok sees his sulking friend and claps his hands to get everyones attention, “Alright I’m sure we’re all still sober enough to not fucking drown, lets go swim. I’m melting.”
Rina heads to the room to change since she was still in her work uniform so you wait for her on the back deck, resting on the porch rail and watching as they haul over fold out chairs and floaties to the water.
If you thought Hoseoks friends were hot fully clothed seeing them all taking their shirts off left you speechless, you stand with a wine cooler in your hand as one by one they start undressing. The only ones missing were Tae and Jungkook, both of them having been put on clean up duty.
“I wish this was a brazzers video and I was getting railed by all of them.” Your friend sighs as she pops up beside you and you just nod along, the two of you wiggling your eyebrows at each other.
“You coming?” Taehyung speaks up behind you, smiling to himself from having heard your friends statement and you two jump, your friend scattering away and saving herself from further embarrassment, she had her eyes set on Yoongi so thats who she was currently warming up to.
“Yeah,” you breathe out, taking in his shirtless body, his toned chest out in the sun like the golden god he was and then out comes Jungkook, his long black hair pushed off his face, fully shirtless in black swim trunks. As he stands next to Taehyung your mouth waters at the sight of both of them, Taehyung’s shoulders were wider than Jungkooks but the black and grey art work spanned across both of his arms and chest, leading to his back is definitely your type.
He catches you staring and smiles to himself, making a show of stretching his arm out to wrap around Taehyungs shoulders, shaking up his body, “Race you in?”
When he looks at you too you gulp down the last bit of your drink, setting down the bottle and slipping out of your clothes, not giving them a second glance as you scream out “Go!” and take off.
The dirt you run on slightly burns your feet and when you hear Jungkook and Taehyung catching up you scream, urging your legs to pick up the pace.
“Loser has to skinny dip!” Taehyung adds on to the rules, enjoying the annoyed look Jungkook sends his way, he knew what Taehyung was doing so he lurches forward until he’s right behind you.
You scream again when large tattooed arms wrap around you and haul you up and over their shoulder in a flash. You register that it’s Jungkook when you peak up and see Taehyung struggling to keep up, how Jungkook was able to carry you while also beating him had him baffled.
Jungkook would be damned if you had to strip in front of his friend so he feels no remorse, a smile stretching across his face when he hears you laughing, his hands are wrapped around your thighs just below your butt and he’s tempted to smack it but the cold water of the lake splashing onto his legs snaps him out of it.
“Fuck!” You screech as Jungkook enters the lake, the freezing water shocking you and he laughs again, sliding you off his shoulder to stand up on the lake bed.
“I didn’t expect it to be that cold.” He shivers next to you, dunking his head into the water before popping back up, his labret piercing glimmering in the sun.
Taehyung makes a show of splashing his way in, the water spraying everywhere and it has you shielding your face with a laugh, “Fucking cheater, is this your plan to see me naked Jungkookie?”
Jungkook smacks the water, the droplets spraying across Taehyungs face but he embraces it, laying back to float on the water with a smile, “No one said anything about getting naked until you spoke up, just say you wanna show off your monster cock and go.” He jokes, hearing Taehyung explode into laughter, choking slightly on the water as his head slips under from laughing.
You roll your eyes at the topic of dicks, “I don’t have a monster cock, unless you’re into that.” Taehyung teases you, trying to get further under Jungkook’s skin
“I could be.” You play along, it was now Jungkooks turn to roll his eyes, sinking further into the water until only his eyes were visible, could he drown himself here? He’s pretty sure you wouldn’t even notice if he didn’t come back up for air considering your eyes were glued to his friend. Jungkook was going to fucking strangle Hoseok for inviting him.
His eyes drift over to the right, seeing Hoseok, Iseul, Yoongi & Rina taking turns jumping off of it while Jimin floats on a flamingo floatie a few feet away. He starts to paddle his way over, not hearing any protest from you or his friend just reassures him that he made the right choice.
When Taehyung deems Jungkook is far enough he calls you closer, “Wanna know a secret?” That piques your interest, inching towards him with a curious face, “What if I told you I know someone who has a massive heart on for you.”
“Heart on?”
He laughs again, raking his hair off his face and nodding at you, “Yeah heart on, like a boner but for your heart.”
Note to self, yes all of Jung Hoseoks friends were just as immature as Jungkook was.
“I would tell you that I hope the person you say isn’t secretly married with kids.”
He floats onto his back again, his arms lazily paddling him to circle around you, “Oh no, our Jungkookie is definitely single.” He brings one hand up to cover his mouth, pretending to have slipped up.
“So what you’re saying is you don’t wanna fuck me?”
Your response is not one he expects but the way he bursts into laughter makes you smile, you had caught on to Taehyung’s antics, noting how he was friendly when you two were alone and only amped his flirting when Jungkook was present. You weren’t sure why he was using you to irritate Jungkook but if what he said was true it surprised you.
His loud laugh draws everyones attention and he rights himself up as to not choke on water again, “Like a brazzers video was it?” He teases, “He told me about your little smooch a few weeks ago.”
“Im sorry our little what?”
He wipes the water off his face, “Yeah, you came home drunk as fuck and he took you to bed and your predator ass planted one on him, with no consent. Shame on you.”
You splash water onto him, Jungkook sees it from his spot on the pier, a scowl on his face at seeing you acting playful with his friend, blissfully unaware that he was the topic of your discussion.
“Can you please grow a pair and tell her you love her.” Iseul moans out when she sees the look on the youngests face.
“Wait what?” Your friend asks and Jungkook turns around to give Iseul and Hoseok an exasperated look, “Seriously?”
Iseul just shrugs from her spot sat on the wood, not giving a damn about outing his crush in front of your friend and Hoseok just smiles, his foot planting on the center of Iseuls back and giving her a shove until she screams as she gets pushed into the water, beer bottle and all. He gives Jungkook a highfive until Iseul pops back up, her eyes full of rage as she holds up her ruined drink, “Jung Hoseok what the fuck!”
“Sorry babe, you kinda deserved it.”
Rina nudges Jungkook with her knee, her face making it very clear that Jungkook needs to fess up before she very loudly called you over. He sighs and hauls himself up until he’s standing and even though he’s towering over her Rinas face doesn’t soften, “Stop staring at me like that.” He grunts, “I just have a crush on her, its not like I confessed to something despicable.”
She crosses her hands over her chest as she stares at you and Taehyung still talking in the water and she can tell you’re not into him, you were both playful but she knew you very well, your flirting tactics not coming out to play with Taehyung but Jungkook doesn’t seem to notice this. She also knew that you’d secretly bend over for Jungkook if he ever asked but he didn’t have to know that right now, “Well you better say something cause it looks like your buddys making more progress in one day than you have the entire time you’ve known her.”
He groans in annoyance again, flicking water droplets at her face and deciding he was over this conversation, walking back to the cabin, not caring that he was dripping water everywhere.
You see him stalking away looking pissed off and Taehyung smirks, after coming to terms with the fact that you had in fact kissed Jeon Jungkook it only took a few more minutes of talking for you to also start confessing to not exactly being opposed to sleeping with him as well. Taehyung nudges your shoulder, “I swear to god if you don’t follow him I will be offended. No ones telling you to bang him, just talk because he swears you hate him.”
When you turn to glare at him he spits water at you until you’re relenting, “Fine, but if this is some sick prank I’ll shove my foot up your ass.”
“Ooh kinky.” He winks at you, laughing and beginning to paddle away when you turn and start wading out of the water. The sun beats on your back as you step out of the cold water, and you’re tempted to just go back and act like your conversation with Taehyung never happened but you’re curious now.
When you reach the back porch you hose yourself down, getting rid of any of the mud you trudged over before patting yourself dry with the towel you laid over the porch railing.
From the pier Iseul is pulling herself back up, announcing that she was about to go inside but Hoseok grabs her, all of them noticing you following Jungkook, “Fuck no, Y/N and Jungkook are the only ones in the house.”
She lets Hoseok keep his arms wrapped around her and smiles, crediting herself for being the one to push you two together and Hoseok groans, attempting to push her back into the water but she latches onto him, making them both tumble in with a splash.
You shut out their screams when you step into the house and close the sliding door, entering the kitchen and spotting Jungkook stood against the island, one of your wine coolers held against his lips. When he sees you staring at it he pulls it away quickly, “Shit, I’m sorry. I should’ve asked before grabbing one.” The last thing he needed was another oat milk fiasco.
You just shrug as you approach the island, resting your body against the granite across from him, “Nah, help yourself. Whats got your panties in a bunch?”
He sets the bottle down softly as he watches you, your hands clasped together, stretched out in front of you as you bent over the counter innocently. His teeth tug at the bar in the center of his lip, his inky strands covering his eyes but you can see his gaze peeking through, “Did I ever do anything to you for you to dislike me this much?”
You straighten up at his question, a frown tugging at your lips, you didn’t dislike him, you found him immature and he liked to push your buttons on purpose but you knew he was harmless. Obviously Jungkook didn’t know this considering Taehyung had just told you he thinks you hate him. “What, Jungkook I don’t dislike you?”
He scoffs, taking a swig of his drink with his brows raised, not believing you in the slightest, “Then why are you so mean to me when ever I’m around you.”
“Because you’re mean to me! You always say shit to get under my skin.”
Jungkook laughs at that, pushing his hair back and tossing the empty bottle into the paper bag set up on the counter, “Yeah because you’re easy to annoy.”
Your arms stretch out at his statement, “And so are you, you don’t see me moping like a baby. Besides I didn’t do anything to you out there so don’t try to pin your bad attitude on me today.”
He opens the fridge again, pulling out a water bottle instead before turning back around and staring at you, “Really, you didn’t do anything?”
You glare right back at him, walking around to meet him and snatch the water bottle out of his hands, call it even for him taking one of your wine coolers. “Please enlighten me on how I managed to ruin your day by not saying a word to you.”
Between you two running into the lake until he paddled away the only exchange you had was a curse word & Jungkook acknowledging the freezing water, where could you have possibly pissed him off.
He chooses on foregoing grabbing another water, his hands crossing over his chest, the muscles bulging out at the action but you force yourself to look away, “You objectifying my friend and talking about his monster cock isn’t you doing anything?”
You freeze from drinking the water, your cheeks ballooning out as you keep it in your mouth because what the fuck. Objectifying? You swallow the liquid, full on laughing now, theres no way he’s being serious. “You were the one that brought up his dick, are you dense?”
Okay, you had him there but he wasn’t going to admit defeat that easy, “Sure and you kept it going.”
You laugh louder at that, twisting the cap back onto the water bottle and tossing it at his chest lightly, smirking when you see him scramble to catch it, “The amount of times I’ve had to hear unwarranted stories about your dick in or around someone is fine but me joking with Taehyung is crossing a line?”
Jungkook presses his lips together, his mind repeating what everyone has been telling him all day. Tell her you jackass. “Yes because it fucking sucks hearing that shit from you.” He bites his tongue, stopping himself from blurting out the most important part, but his statement is enough to get you to believe what Taehyung had said earlier. Did Jungkook actually have a heart on for you?
“Why, are you jealous?”
“Yes.” He admits almost immediately, his response catching you both off guard, but the smirk on your face only gets bigger. Jungkook is wary of your reaction, not exactly fond of the way you look like you just caught your prey. When you reach out, your fingers gently touching his shoulders his wariness only deepens.
“Why would you be jealous about me wanting to fuck your friend?” Jungkook says nothing, your fingers continuing to trail up and down his shoulders softly and he likes the feeling of you touching him, wanting to lean into your touch but he’s not sure if you’re fucking with him or not. “Who knew all it would take was one kiss for Jeon Jungkook to get possessive.”
He blanches at your sentence, “Wait you remember?”
“Of course I do,” you lie, not wanting to tell him that Taehyung had been the one to remind you. You wanted to see how far you could push him until he admitted to something. The typical Jungkook you were used to was the one who went to bars and clubs and managed to score a handful of girls numbers before taking one home, the countless stories you’ve heard being proof of that. The Jungkook stood in front of you did not live up to the reputation you had seen.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I mean you were wasted so I just didn’t think you’d remember...” he trails off, unconsciously stepping back until hes pressed against the fridge.
“You wanna refresh my memory?” You’re half teasing him, half serious, enjoying seeing Jungkook looking like he’s about to explode.
He doesn’t get a chance to respond, the sound of the sliding door making you take a big step back before looking over. Jimin had his head peeking through the opening, a small grimace on his face as he realizes he interrupted something, “Sorry, we’re gonna go tubing if you guys wanna join.”
Jungkook hopes you say no because he can’t find the balls to speak up but you nod instead, turning to face Jungkook again, “Maybe later then.” Is all you say before turning around and following Jimin back out to the lake.
He watches you leave, bending over the island and groaning into the granite, where had that come from and why was he kinda into the way you spoke to him? Jungkook stands back up, taking a gulp of his water and following after you and Jimin.
Even when you’re all gathered on the boat, Rina being dragged in a giant circle tube beside Yoongi the both of them screaming, he can’t get your conversation out of him mind. His eyes focused in on seeing you laughing hysterically as you record your friend, a smile spreading across his face because your laugh is contagious.
When you hop onto the tube next, dragging Taehyung with you to further egg Jungkook on, Jimin slides over beside Jungkook and sighs, “Sorry about barging in earlier.” Jungkook just shakes his head, telling him not to worry about it, he didn’t mind it. Your words had spurred him on and all he wanted to do now was rip off that lifejacket you wore and take you in front of his friends but he knew no one would appreciate it.
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Later in the night everyone gathers inside and does their own thing, a few people playing board games while you retreat into your room, feeling sluggish from the water and sun so you sleep through the dinner everyone eats.
When you finally emerge from the room, your hair damp from your shower you find the living room dimly lit and empty, the clock above the stove letting you know it was 9 at night. There was two plates left out on the counter, wrapped in foil and you knew it was meant for you. As you near it you see the scrap of paper next to it, Iseul’s handwriting standing out.
Left on a hike to go stargazing, text us when its clear to come back.
You frown at the message, what did she mean by that?
Regardless you peel back the foil and smile at the food she had left for you, popping it into the microwave and picking yourself up to hop onto the counter as you wait.
When you slip your phone out and start to scroll through your socials the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs scares you, your eyes flicking up and seeing Jungkook trudging down, a baggy crew neck on him and his face looking flushed from the sun hitting it.
“You didn’t go on the hike?” You ask as he approaches you slowly, his face looks sleepy and you can tell he also took a nap from the way his eyes blink at you lazily.
“Hike?” He rasps out, his hand ruffling up his already messy hair, a small frown on his face from the foggy feeling he still had from just waking up.
“Yeah,” you hum, pulling out your plate and starting to eat it on the counter, “they left on a hike or something. Theres a plate there if you haven’t already eaten.”
He looks at where you’re pointing and he smiles when he sees it, his eyes also spotting the note left and skimming it. His friends were such instigators.
He lingers behind you, torn between eating or doing something to you. You’re hunched over the counter, your legs rocking you against it as you happily much on some of the roasted potatoes. His eyes lingered on your legs, your skin still exposed in a loose pair of cotton shorts, a baggy tshirt hanging off your shoulder and letting him see the tattoo of a bee hovering over a sunflower.
You can feel him stood behind you and you freeze, looking over your shoulder at him with your brows raised, “Why are you standing like that?”
He shakes his head, relaxing the stiff way he stood and leaning against the counter instead, flicking his hair out of his face as you keep staring at him. “Just thinking about what you said earlier.”
You pop a piece of chicken in your mouth as you hum, “What did I say?” pretending to act confused, a smirk curling up on your lip when you see the deadpan look he give you as he pushes off the counter.
The nervous Jungkook from earlier is gone, the shock from you egging him on earlier had passed and it just solidified that he wanted to have you. “About me refreshing your memory of our little rendezvous.”
You laugh at his term, setting your fork down to fully turn to him, “Do you want me to kiss you again?”
He smirks at you, now standing a foot away from you, your back pressed against the counter as you craned your head up to stare at him, “Among other things.”
“Other things?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, his hand reaching out to cup under your chin gently, “I’d like to bend you over this counter and fuck you until you’re crying. If you’re into that.” He smiles at the small gasp you let out, your eyes gleaming with desire at his words. You had thought you had the one up on him earlier but his change was a welcomed one, you wanted to experience the Jungkook you had heard about, rough and cocky.
You rest back onto your elbows as you stare at him, letting his thumb rub under your lip, “Oh really? Are you all talk?”
Jungkook scoffs, dropping his hands to cage you between him and the counter, his head dropping down a bit until your noses nudged together. “No, I always deliver.”
You don’t get a chance to respond, his head tilting slightly until your lips are together, the cold bar of his piercing pressing against you. Jungkook feels you relax into the kiss, glad that you weren’t pushing him away like he always swore you would. When he tests the water, gently licking his way into your mouth you groan, your hands coming up to clutch onto his sweater to tug him closer until his leg is between yours.
Kissing Jungkook felt natural, maybe it was the pent of sexual frustration you two had apparently had with one another but you just wanted to get to it. You drop one hand to trail down his thigh, palming his growing erection through his sweats.
He groans, pulling back from the kiss to rest his forehead against your, his soft breaths hitting your face as you continue to stroke him. “Feel that?” He hums softly, “Just wanna fuck you.”
You laugh gently, kissing his neck and feeling him roll his hips into your grasp, “How are you supposed to make me cry when you’re this needy?” Your teeth nip his skin, his hips stuttering when you do.
Jungkook just chuckles, the sound continuing when he trails his own hand down until hes dipping into waistband of your shorts, his fingers coming into contact with the wet spot on your underwear, “Keep it up.” He warns, “I’ll remember that in a bit.”
Your hands tighten their hold on him when he pushes your underwear aside to touch you directly, his fingers teasing your skin softly until he’s rolling your clit in a tantalizing manner. When you drop your head back and glare at him he just smiles, “Who’s needy now?”
“Still not crying.” You bite back.
Jungkook looks at you with his brows raised, new set determination on his face as he nods, stepping back from you and hooking his fingers into the waistband of your shorts and underwear, tugging them down your legs in a flash.
The cool air inside hits your wet folds and you gasp, kicking your discarded clothing aside on the floor and letting him drop to his knees in front of you. His long hair falls in front of his eyes, his hands grasping the top of your thighs to slide your legs apart with a grin.
He can see you wanting to speak up so he beats you to the punch, his nose nudging into your clit as he teasingly dips his tongue in between your folds to lick a broad stripe up. You let out a shuddered laugh, your hands reaching down to tangle in his head when he spreads you open with his fingers and starts to eat you out like a man starved.
Your eyes shut, your head falling back at a particular hard suck he gives your clit, his tongue going back to circle around your entrance to lap up your wetness. He groans at the taste of you, your hands tugging at his hair when he falls into a rhythm that has you quivering.
He slips two fingers into you, the feeling of your walls clamping down on him making him moan in anticipation of how you would feel around his cock.
Just like Jungkook is in every aspect of his life, he’s shameless in the way he pleasures you, the sounds of him slurping against you in combination with his fingers thrusting into you has you hurdling towards the edge faster than you’d like to admit.
You rest your weight on your elbow behind you, feeling your legs start to tremble and Jungkook notices, his arm wrapping around your thigh to help stabilize you. He can’t even get himself to gloat at having you fall apart this quickly, instead he enjoys you rolling your hips into his face, tugging his hair hard, your inner walls spasming as you reach your climax.
“Oh fuck.” You moan out, squeezing your eyes shut as your whole body is lit up, Jungkooks tongue continuing to flick your clit as you cum, his fingers slowing down slightly as you come down.
He can hear you breathing harshly, your fingers gently raking through his hair while he gives your pussy one last kiss before hes standing back up. His mouth and chin are covered in your arousal, his hand tugs up his shirt to wipe at his face, peeling it off his body and tossing it carelessly onto the floor.
“You’re not crying but its a start.” He mumbles out, his eyes trailing over your face as you stare at him fucked out. His talk was true, the small tidbits you’ve heard of him being able to make girls cum in record time hadn’t been a lie to boost his ego.
You look between you both, seeing his cock tenting in his sweats and you smile as you reach your hand into them, wrapping around his heavy length. He sees how your eyes widen at his size, you can tell he’s big and you haven’t even properly seen it yet.
When you tug them off you marvel at his size, big dicks would forever be your weakness and of course he’d have one. “I really wanna suck your dick,” you start, a small smile creeping up on your face as you give his cock a small pump, “but I’m not trying to barf my dinner up on the floor. Can’t have two girls puking over your dick in your lifetime right?” You knew his dick would make you choke and if you hadn’t just eaten you wouldn’t care, but barfing was definitely not a kink of yours.
Jungkook rolls his eyes, a laugh escaping his lips, “You’re the worst.” He shuts his eyes as you both start to chuckle. Jungkook doesn’t care, he was trying to make you cry, he didn’t need to have his dick sucked to do that.
“Its not just my height thats Titan size huh.” He jokes, laughing harder when you release his dick and groan, your faux annoyance being shown when you let him slide your shirt off of you, his hands coming up to cup your exposed breasts.
“No, I am not calling your dick Titan sized.”
“Oh no?” He asks, stepping closer until his length is pressed between your folds, a slow thrust starting that has you groaning, “This Titan dick can make you feel real good though.” He can barely utter out the sentence until he’s laughing again, burying his head into your neck at how stupid he sounded.
“You’re insufferable, I swear if you have an attack on titan fantasy I am walking away.” He lets out a playful whine, his mouth latching onto that tattoo he always wanted to kiss, his tongue softly licking at the skin as he sucks it, pulling back and humming when he sees the purple splotch in between the petals of the peony.
“I’m not that big of a weeb, can still make you feel good tho.” He mutters giving your lips another kiss, feeling you smile against him, your hands pushing him back by the chest.
You turn around, bending over the counter and shaking your hips slightly, “Show me.”
He bites his lip, his eyes staring at the slick coating your pussy, trailing down your thighs and he feels his dick twitch, not needing to be told twice. Jungkook presses his length against you, rutting between your folds, the both of you sighing as he coats his dick in your wetness.
“Remember, I wanna see you crying.” Is all he says before he’s pushing into you, the tip of him slipping in and he marvels at the way you spread around his girth as he thrusts further into you, a small moan leaving you when he bottoms out.
You wanna tell him that you won’t be crying tonight but the way he fills you up has you seeing stars, his dick nudging all the right spots inside of you so all you can do is tighten your walls around him and gasp for him to move.
Jungkook grasps your hips, his thumb tracing the outline of your back tattoo as he pulls back and starts a slow pace, determined to find the rhythm that has you falling apart.
When your hands grip the counter in front of you, helplessly trying to find purchase, your fingers knock into your dinner plate and swipe it into the sink beside you but you don’t register the noise and Jungkook grins when he hears the loud moan coming from you when he dick hits the back wall of your cervix.
You’re still sensitive from your last orgasm, so the feel of his thick cock stretching you open has you keening, your hips rutting back to meet his thrusts that have grown in speed, “Who’s needy now huh?” He grunts out, loving the sound of your skin slapping together, “Trying to fuck yourself on my cock, maybe you should do all the work then.”
When his hips still you whimper, twisting your head around to see him giving you an evil smirk, “Go on.” He urges, guiding your hips with his hands to get your started.
A heavy sigh fills the air as your hands press firmly onto the counter to ground yourself as you start to rock back onto him, a slow start until your need to cum again takes over and you speed up your movements.
“Good girl.” He praises, his hand reaching forward to push your hair over your shoulder, his hand trailing down your spine until it reaches your ass, his hand palming your flesh as he groans when he locks into the view of his dick, seeing the way you’re creaming on it.
The sweetest moans reach his ears, he can feel the way your velvety walls tighten around him further, “Fuck Jungkook.” You moan out, you can feel the sweat building up on your skin from exertion and he takes sympathy on you, knowing you want to cum again.
He leans over a presses a kiss against your shoulder before he takes over again, resuming the brutal pace he was pounding you with earlier and you sigh in relief, fully slumping forward and letting him have his way with you.
“You feel so good Jungkookie.” You breathe out and he smiles as he lets his hand slip around to your front, his fingers finding your clit again and the contact has you moaning again. His rough hands helping you reach your peek again, “Oh my god, don’t stop.”
He doesn’t plan on it, loving the way you’re clamping down on him and mumbling nonsense into the cool granite, “Don’t worry, I got you.”
With a few more thrusts you’re falling apart, pressing your forehead against the counter and moaning his name out louder than you thought was possible. Your friends made a good call vacating the house because there was no way you’d be able to keep quiet.
“Thats it.” He coos, pulling his hand away from your clit without slowing down his pace. Your legs felt like jello, glad you had a place to rest on while he continued to jackhammer into you. The first signs of overstimulation started to prick into you, small whines leaving your lips and Jungkook takes notice.
He pulls out of you slowly, his hands grasping your hips to turn you around. Your body is pliable in his hands, letting him move you and haul you up onto the counter, your feet dangling off the edge and a hazy smile on your face.
He presses another kiss against you, letting your tongues tangle together as he grabs your arms and wraps them around his neck, coming back down to hook under your thighs as he slides back into you.
The way you groan into his mouth makes his cock throb, your soaking entrance letting him glide right into you, “Hurts.” You whine out softly when he starts to thrust, not sure if you’d be able to handle another orgasm but Jungkook shushes you softly with another kiss.
“You can do one more for me right baby?” He asks, sucking on your lower lip as he rocks into you slowly. His eyes are half lidded and you can feel how hard he is in you, your body still trembling slightly from your last orgasm but you nod anyways, letting him kiss his way down your face until he reaches your neck again, soft praises leaving his lips.
Your fingers tangle into his hair again as you slump against him, letting him hold you up. You trail along his tattoos, tracing the giant death moth spanned across his collarbone, the tip of the wing reaching the bottom of his neck.
He’s grunting softly against you, getting lost in the feeling of you, the added touches and kisses you plant on his skin igniting the fire inside him. His arms scoop you closer, his hands spreading against your lower back as he speeds up his thrusts, your legs still wrapped around his arms.
The way his dick curves inside you has you moaning again, the pleasure creeping back up and your head falls back as you feel the pressure building again. You’re not sure you could handle coming again but Jungkook seems determined to get you there, rolling into you, the feeling of his pelvis rubbing your clit is too much. Your hands cling onto his back, your fingers digging into the flames and dragon that occupied the space.
“Fuck I can feel you squeezing me.” He gasps out, “You can cum again sweetheart its okay.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, hearing him grunting into your ear, his voice dropping into a gravel as he nears his edge as well. You’re clinging onto him for your life, gasping loudly when you reach your third orgasm of the night, the force of it making your mind go blank.
You don’t tune into to the small shriek of his name, the growl he lets out when you tighten around him tighter than before, his hips rearing into yours in a sloppier way until he’s cumming, hips surging forward to bury himself deeper into you as his cock twitches.
You come back when he moans your name out, the feeling of his cum filling you up making you mewl against him. He thrusts shallowly a few more times before pulling out with a sigh, letting your legs fall limp over the edge.
His cum drips out of you, slipping through your folds and down your ass until it pools onto the counter beneath you and he smirks, his eyes coming up to look at you and his expression gets bigger when he sees the tear streaks on your cheeks. His hand cups them, his thumb sliding across your face and wiping them with a laugh, “I told you I’d make you cry.”
You don’t have it in you to be the usual brat you are with him, not after cumming this hard three times in a row so you just pout at him and lean forward to kiss him again, this time being more gentle and slow paced than the last.
“How was that?” He mumbles against your lips, letting you pull him in to you, wrapping your arms around his tiny waist as you nuzzle into his chest.
Jungkook feels you laughing against his skin, “How was that?” You mock as you give him a squeeze, “Let’s just say I’ll cry over your Titan cock any day.”
The both of you burst into laughter, Jungkook pressing a kiss onto the top of your head as you two just stay there. Jungkook and you had officially crossed the line from being bratty friends to sleeping with each other. Neither of you knew what it meant but it seemed like a conversation for tomorrow morning, right now you were content with just holding him.
So when your phone vibrates beside you you’re reluctant to pull away, so Jungkook compromises by reaching it for you and handing it over.
You see its a message from Iseul and you unlock it, your face heating up as you groan and show the message to Jungkook, his face turning just as red as he sees what she sent.
Iseul 10:15pm : Thank you for the show, I hope you two realize we have security cameras in the kitchen and living room you horn dogs.
The two of you peek over at the corner of the room giving a wave and smiling shyly at the blinking security camera staring back at you. Maybe she could send you the footage for keepsake.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
hey angel (m)
♡  sub!felix + reader 
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↳ The JYP Halloween party is ditched on short notice. That means: You have a down-to-celebrate boyfriend in full angel costume on your hands.
words. 5k 
tags. domestic au, finger sucking, hickeys, latex, corruption kink, fingering, vaginal sex, footjob, harnesses, cunnilingus, kitten antics, edging, aftercare 
★⎡CARO’S NOTE⎦› here goes the cutie on duty 👼
genre. domestic + smut/crack
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„So sorry mate,“ Bang Chan’s voice resounds through the speaker. „I thought it could work but… We can’t celebrate tonight. Really sorry, Felix. Changbin and I already got dressed up too, but, you know things got shut down. JYP won’t let us with the Corona rules and stuff.“
„Oh no…“
„Yeah, man. Looks like we’ll have to do it next year.“
„You even prepared the food already, right?“
„We’re handing it out to staff and eat it at home. I know, it sucks. I spent half the morning in the kitchen. I can like keep the pumpkin cookies so you can eat them tomorrow after practice or so.“
„I feel so sorry Chan… and thank you.“
„I’ll be calling Hyunjin and Han now as well. Really sorry we’re cancelling short notice. I hope you’re still having a nice evening bro. Maybe we can make it happen for Christmas.“
„Okay. Cheers mate.“
„Yeah, cheers.“
Felix puts his phone down looking more than deflated in his angel costume, puffs out a big sigh. You can tell he really looked forward to this. Just an hour before, you bothered to sew the wings in place rather than rely on the wobbly back-pack like construction that came with it. 
They’re firmly attached to his white top now, and all for nothing. He glued them together by himself with a pack of synthetic feathers ordered on Etsy for a ridiculous shipping cost, along with a little halo that he clipped into his hair. Which, because maybe it really does sense his mood, dangles low and even a bit lopsided over his head.
„It’s the party of the year,“ Felix flops down on the living room couch. “I can’t believe this.“
You sit down opposite to him, starting to clean off the table where masses of cosmetic products and leftover feathers have piles up.
„Next time, Lixie. We can keep the costume. Poor Chan, he organized the living shit out of everything.“
„I’ll just go and shower, get this off, and stuff,“ he points at his face. Felix applied his own makeup with a little help from you here and there, including some golden sparkles. Just yesterday, he bleached his hair. It’s sculpted down to every strand with hair spray now. Felix unties his sneakers with the little gold stars on. Just before he starts plucking off his halo, you get an idea, pick up your phone from the table.
„Wait— Let’s at least make some pictures with your phone, you put so much effort in this. You look so cute. The fans might want to see it as well.“
„Oh! You’re right,“ Felix stops right in his tracks. „For Instagram.“
After tightening his sneakers again and you making sure the halo sights right, Felix walks around your flat in search for a nice backdrop. You follow, quickly flipping through some filters to try, and adjusting the flash on the camera.
After posing at the fridge — strange idea — and in the bathroom turns out a little awkward as well, you decide that such an elaborate costume needs a themed background, and only the bedroom offers just that. You recently changed the duvet to sky blue sheets with clouds on them. The overall interior is mostly clean white as well, with some thrifted vintage furniture. Fairy lights, heavy curtains, a wooden ceiling. Perfect.
„We’ll caption it as… post your own stay-at-home costume, something like that,“ Felix plops down on the bed, acting as if he just took a seat on the cloud in the very middle.
„Sounds pretty good,“ you press release, and the first picture pops up on your screen. „Can you turn a little towards the light? That the sparkles are showing.“
„Yay, I love the sparkles!“
„Just like this, just like this. Don’t move. The sparkles!“
A five-picture series of more snapshots ensues, with you adjusting Felix’s face a few times by hand, even, turning his chin by sheer millimeters to find the perfect angle. He’s stunning.
„I have another idea.“
„I remember what I wore for Halloween three years ago. The costume must be somewhere. I think it fits together with yours.“
„What, oh wow?“
„What was it again, wait…“
You already begin to sort through your wardrobe, checking each hanger, each drawer, end up where you store your socks, and finally pull out a larger plastic zip bag from the very depths of all that chaos. There it is. Nice.
„Lix, if you’d turn around for me, please.“
He immediately does. Blushing.
„Thank you, angel.“
You pull off your sweat pants, your grey shirt, socks, your bra. Time to dress up. Only your simple black panties stay on. On goes a pair of scarlet stockings, snug and high. Then, a dark red latex skirt that goes in big circles and flounces, down to the mid-thigh. 
Added: A tight sleeveless peplum top that admittedly… and deliberately squeezes your boobs a little. Not too much. More important is that your nipples are showing right through, and the cleavage is sweeping, every demon would be salivating at your feet. If an angel does: Remains to be tested.
Around your waist and chest and over your shoulder goes a black harness, pulling everything together. Some very pointed, glossy pumps with thin heels complete the costume. They’re not crafted to be walked on in the very least, their balance is terrible. You’re planning something else with them. Cherry on top: Devil horn headband. Really curved and pointy, too. Can’t go wrong. You click your tongue and take a spin. The skirt flares out perfectly. Ready to go.
„Felix, time to turn around.“
He does. You can tell he didn’t cheat.
„You’re, you’re so hot in this,“ Felix buries his face right in the comfort of his sweater paws, hoping they would not give away his embarrassed little face. But — his voice does, effortlessly so.
„Come on, have a look at me. Real closely, angel, come. You’re allowed to.“
Felix gazes through his fingers with what sounds like a little meep! in a much more high-pitched tone than his usual speaking range. He’s cute.
„Hey pum’kin. Miss Lucifer speaking. Where’s the barbecue?“
Felix and you recently agreed that hell must be one big and extremely hot cave where everyone’s grilling and having a good time. Australia, essentially.
„Damn right. Infiltrating God’s realm one cloud at a time. Any last words?“
„It’s so intimidating!“
Felix digs himself into a mountain of pillows on the bed, with only his eyes and nose peeking out. You shrug, adjust your horns.
„Hm. Time for my first satanic act I guess.“
„Oh no!“
„Wait just one minute, be a sweet and patient boy.“
You leave Yongbok confused given that you’re quick to hurry to the kitchen. However, what you return with puts a giggle on his lips right away.
„Boom. It is served.“
„Yes, yes, please!“
Poufy black cocoa cupcakes. The ones with the cute little ghost frosting on it, and the melted chocolate inside. Felix finds them irresistable since the last Halloween party, to the point where you bake them mid-July. The current set of cupcakes was meant to be a contribution to Bang Chan’s eerie and delectable buffet. As for now, they’re in deep need of someone hungry since you made a lot of them, assuming a post-workout Changbin would devour at least five or more.
„Good move,“ he admits, a little shaky, and you proceed to tray the cupcakes on the bed — stuffing Felix for a solid ten minutes until there’s chocolate all over his face. What you’ll be quick to confess is that you’ve been deliberately messy feeding him, with all the crumbs in particular.
„Spoiled honey bun,“ you plant a kiss on top of his head.
„These taste so good, I swear.“
Next up is Felix who has to carefully maneuver the sweet treats into your mouth without spoiling your outfit.
„If you get crumbs into my cleavage, I can’t put your face in there later you know.“
Fierce nodding.
„That’s the spirit.“
Under your eagle eyes, he proves to be an obedient little cherub doing his job pretty well. The cakes are delicious in how spongy they are, and the liquid chocolate warms up so well on the tongue, it melts even more. You’re more than pleased and have Felix store away the remaining four pieces only after quite a while.
„I’ll have them for Brekkie, woo!“ is what he’s fast to proclaim, and you agree he’ll need them the next morning. Once you’re done with him, that’s gonna count as a hangover even Chan’s wildest party couldn’t give him.
„We’re talking dinner first, Felix.“
At this point, all the sugar is kicking in. Or it’s the chocolate being some kind of aphrodisiac. Whatever, could be either, you’re feeling like you’re up there at the ceiling, and you’re not the only one. Felix coming back to the bedroom so bouncy and cutieful just gets you even more in the mood.
You sit at the edge of the bed, slanting backward just a little. „You look like you need some more corruption, I won’t lie,“ you pat your lap, beckoning. He can ditch wifi because this is his favorite hot spot waiting for him. Felix sits down looking tiny as ever, eyes full of anticipation and his pants full of… big fat late night erection.
„I don’t mind at all, Miss. I don’t, oh my god…“ he mumbles into his nonexistent Aussie trucker beard, and you’re clear that whatever the skirt did to him, his brain must be doing kangaroo somersaults right now. In the meantime, something very eager is poking right at your lower belly. Captain Boomerang already came fully armed tonight and the Suicide Squad isn’t even anywhere near to be seen.
„Oh hey hey, cupcake. Getting really big there,“ you wipe at the curled little corners of his mouth. Some crumbs come off. His lips already twitch the way you know they want to do naughty things on you. He doesn’t seem to notice. Autopilot Felix has already taken over.
„Don’t hurry with it,“ he stares, mouth half-open, but his little grinds prove him a dirty — in an entirely direct sense — fucking liar. Like he’s literally rubbing himself against your stomach.
„Boy oh boy. You’re not even trying.“
„I’m fucked!“ is what Felix soon realizes with the daggers you’re shooting at him through your hopefully very satanic-looking eyes right now. Alongside catching up with his darn hips doing their own thing.
„You are.“
„I’m sorry for grinding, God help me!“
„He won’t. Cuz I’m here on your cloud. Cue stage number two of my demonic plan. Safeword?“
„It’s chocolate!“
„Mh. Good pick.“
The rest as usual. Tapping the thigh, yellow for pause, towels plus water ready, and always double-checking the lube in case of Jisung putting a glass of vegemite under your bed as his latest practical joke. Yes, it happened. It’s a whole new level of demonic. On the other hand: perhaps Felix’ ass could’ve actually handled it, Made in Australia it is. 
„Let’s go honey angel,“ you curl at his hair with a little finger just to tease him a little more. The answer is a little meow, at this point Felix’ communication skills have simplified to kitten vocabulary which always happens when he is nervous and looking forward to something.
Next thing poor Felix knows, his face has entered the scorching satanic abyss that is your cleavage. Literally, you’re burning up. It’s fucking October and Felix has you breaking a sweat from all your horniness (literally, your horns are just that chic) already. Twice the reason to punish the shit out of him. If that can be considered anything near a punishment.
A shower of various „Mh— nh!“ and mewling noises comes to rain down on you while Felix face takes a trip down mammary lane, and that, too, is literal. He’s salivating. So much about rain. Actually, great lubrication. Felix always does things best by instinct.
„Yes, good boy. Great job.“
Now that his mouth is wet already, you’re unceremonious about shoving your fingers right down his throat after he resurfaces. Blushed, hard, and ready to choke himself since he’s already running short on breath. It doesn’t take long until he’s gagging himself stupid and the sparkles under his eyes start running.
„Pretty, pretty,“ you lean down a little, kissing his nose. „Give me all you got.“
The answer is as slobbery and unintelligible as can be. To a normal human, at least. You’re a demonic top. That automatically means having an Ivy League major in gag noise translation.
„Oh yes, I know,“ you stroke his hair, using your free hand that usually rests at the back of his neck. „Talk to me about it. Exactly what I was thinking. Do go on.“
And he does, louder than ever. If there’s one satisfying sound, it’s this, that heavenly deep voice doing all kinds of nasty acrobatics is making you go crazy. That Felix is absolutely close to cumming in his angel pants is very much clear to you given how the veins and muscles on his neck are having a chaotic Halloween party on their own.
Which includes his tongue taking turns on your two fingers as well. And a wide-eyed Felix struggling, swallowing, holding on to your shoulders with his little feet twitching in their sneakers. Like mad… and you love it. But also — hopelessly sucking and moaning and slurping and squealing until his neck has way too much saliva on it for you not to make it your next target. Felix is so good at this. Way too good.
„Looks delicious,“ you lean in, your hair tickles his ears. And now, you’re busy nibbling, biting a little… and most importantly, giving Felix a wet hickey that will send his makeup artist — my God, you really torture the unsuspecting man almost weekly — into a meltdown. Rowdy and unholy is the look you’re going for.
In the meantime, Felix is still wrapped up trying to hit your fingers at the back of his throat. If his cute bouncy run and rude boner moment didn’t turn you on already, now you would be. The way he’s just sucking in his own spit makes you realize that you won’t ever need a fire brigade for your flat.
You emerge from his neck and raise your brows. Felix is just hard-wired to impress. „Just how much saliva can you produce!“
„Ch… Mnh— Nh…“
Hitting some more complex syntax and consonants there, is he.
„Oh, I get it now. You stayed hydrated during the day. Thanks for explaining, mate. That’s the secret.“
Whether that’s perfectly scientifically correct down to the enzyme theory and shit neither of you can google right now. At least you know that you’re both drenched on either end so that’s that.
Once Felix is so horny from deepthroating your damn hand that he has pull off and yellow-word, you’re already prepared for introducing a new position which you can prepare while he’s gathering himself and wiping off his chin. You hand him a second towel for his neck, and present him a little hand mirror to see how the hickey turned out.
„It’s shaped like, hm,“ he pants, words still slurring a little. „I dunno! It’s really cute!“
„Let me see… No doubt that’s a rice cake hickey. That’s the shape.“
„You’re right!“
And off he goes snapping a selfie with it while you get comfortable on your back, cleaning your own fingers.
„Just don’t upload that one to Insta instead of the cloud shots, we’re not gonna survive another Manager call at 1:15 AM.“
„Can I use your phone for it? That’s where it’s supposed to be on, anyway.“
Felix giggles a little. That cute brat. Always knowing how it’s done.
„Sure babe!“
And voilà, Felix is already occupied setting a good view of his new rice cake-shaped friend as your phone background. Good thing, helps his erection cool down a little, he was about to blow up his poor white pants. The acceptable unfair feat being that he’s just riling you up even more like that on the other hand.
„If you come to mommy now,“ you wriggle one foot in the air, the other splayed on the duvet, knee slightly bent. „Rubbing her pussy and doing your thing, you know how it goes.“
„Angel duties calling! What am I doing!“
At the speed of sound, Felix stores your phone back on the bedside table and crawls over in an instant. He props his chin on your abdomen and blinks.
„Sorry Ma’am. At your service. Never wanna keep you waiting.“
A big smile rouses his cheeks, and you boop them from either side. His peach fuzz is so soft and his eyes are so beautifully dark. You don’t waste any time keeping your skirt down for any longer. Another blink and Felix is already pawing — well, kneading and caressing technically — between your legs. He’s visibly understanding just how wet the whole finger sucking circus has left you now.
„What if I used my heels on your cock, boo. Still no cumming. Just my heels and my lil’ prince.“
Satanic plan stage number three. Felix has gotten to savor it last Christmas and for his birthday, and some time around the holidays in summer.
„I love it yay!“ Felix claps his hands. Baby, baby.
„C’mere then. Just keep on rubbing.“
His arms are fairly long enough. While you’re dragging the slender heels of either shoe right across the outlines on his crotch, Felix, eyes loosely closed, maintains a steady rhythm on your clit with three fingers lined up on the fabric of your panties.
„Oh fucking hell, Felix, shit—“
Whenever you masturbate, that alone would never do. You’d get frustrated after a while. Need more stimulation. But when Felix is on angel duty to keep your pussy soaked, it doesn’t need much to make your clit throb, even with your underwear still on. Guess that God’s little helpers know how to work their magic to make your head spin.
He’s hitting the right spot, with the right moves, and his other hand doesn’t miss out on a single opportunity to stroke at both the in- and outside of your thighs. The touch is so subtle, you twitch. Felix strokes on, delirious himself. His eyelids flutter.
Despite the little pause from earlier taking out most of his tension, your heels leave Felix with pants that are even more bulged out. That’s making it easy to direct your feet to jerk up and down at either side. You’d never know either of you would be so into this. Foot fetish and all.
Once he’s edged you to the point of moans, last thing you properly remember is calling it quits with the panties and telling him to line himself up. The heels kicked off, the skirt still on, you decide that unpacking your Halloween treat has been long overdue. You slide his pants down, roll down a pink condom, and grab his cock at the base to glide it all over your wet lips.
„Lix, come fuck me. You got me all horny. Satan is recruiting.“
„With me it’s not sinning,“ he smiles, brighter than the sun and you do right along. It’d be hard not to. Felix truly has the innocence of a virgin, the subtle confidence of an intermediate, the caution of a pro, and the kindness of a real veteran.
„You’re right about that Felix,“ you say, prop your entrance at the very tip, let the wetness do its job. „Come kiss your honey girl.“
And he does. Entering you with care for the right angle, letting your hip do the rest. What’s been circling and sucking your fingers so deliciously is now doing a hot job teasing and pleasing your tongue all over. His lips are amazingly soft and plump, they open so gently and feel electric on yours. A gentle squeeze around your left breast sparks a moan into the kiss from you. It’s Felix massaging your breasts while deepening his penetration, and you can tell the vegemite can stay under the bed today. You can tell Felix is getting more than flustered knowing it was all him who made you this dripping wet.
Even his dick seems to blush in sync. It’s fucking pink and red. Oh wait, that’s the condom. But knowing him and from your viewpoint, it’s still more flushed than before, no kidding. Faithfully pumping in and out of you at its full length now. You wrap your legs around his waist, the thrusts become deeper, shorter, parting you open much more, and filling you out so properly.
„So good. Right there, angel. Just right there. I’m loving that.“
Felix has a great dick. Best handy size, the girth’s comfortable, all nice and bendy, virtually no curve, you can always gyrate on it in any way and even take a complete 180 if you go from cowgirl to reverse (which you’d be doing right now but he’d crush his wings if he were on his back like that so no). Cherry on top, compact but soft balls that don’t steal the show but still do the trick during doggy. They’re whipping up the best cum in the world, so.
The slow kissing goes on and on and Felix tries to walk the tightrope of neither letting your pussy lips suck the orgasm out of him, nor making you cream his cock with shaky legs from all that gorgeous sloppy friction, and the kissing, and his sweet cherry shampoo scent that has your brain in absolute limbo.
With everything hanging by a thread like that, every kiss becomes special and full of a suspense that makes your lips tremble — either set, and Felix can hardly bear it himself.
His little halo is dangling back and forth, and you can tell by his face that all that thrusting has him in serious trouble. And you? Are fucking leaking and groaning, and that little shallow series of first contractions before your orgasm is already preparing you.
The sugar high from the cupcakes is fading, but your adrenaline is sure to replace it. You just want Felix to fuck you more and rock against him, and hold his head, and kiss him. God, his mouth is so warm and inviting, tastes so good like cocoa.
The pace joins yours without any effort, it adapts when your rhythm changes, and it stabilizes everything when you’re currently riding the high of his cock really filling you out so you can clench your muscles around him, feel him and tell him just you wait, I’ll milk you. He’s such a good kisser. You can feel all of your wetness running down your ass like it’s Christmas.
„Felix, I’m overflowing.“
„I’m so sorry,“ he whines into the kiss. „I’ll be washing the sheets.“
„Listen, baby,“ you break the tongue-on-tongue, „you doing laundry is really sexy. But the overflow is the best part. Just look what you’re doing to my body.“
You could ravage him on the spot. He’d probably lose it and cum in two seconds. Holding yourself before the edge is so tough right now.
„Shit… yellow again. Need a moment.“
Felix has to resort to a bit of cockwarming, and you use the little break to rid yourself off the harness. It’s not perfectly comfortable when you’re lying down. You’re about to fling it off the bed that Felix asks to wear it. Oh. Very well. It actually goes as a nice contrast on his white top, and the straps make it easy to adjust to him. And he wants it to sit on him really tightly. Oh again.
You realize—
On you, it’s only a fashion piece. Something random that came with the costume.
On him: It’s kinky.
„Hey hey. You look sexy, pum’kin,“ you pat at his chest. „Look at your waist, wow.“
Your sweet boy. It’s like it’s made for him. So cinched and the exact opposite of his costume. He’s a corrupted, dirty angel now, it’s perfect. With his pink neck and all sweaty face, and his little puppy gaze that will haunt you in your sex dreams because it literally just gets into your pants so much. Oh god, you just wanna cum. You have to distract yourself with chaste images of Felix washing the dishes or writing grocery lists with little hearts and emojis on them but that just makes it five times worse.
The way he puts the harness on with his dick inside you is so mouthwatering and cumworthy, you can’t wait to resume and switch your own brains off on that angel cock. Once Felix is ready to exit phase yellow and resume the session, your hands magically gravitate towards the straps of the harness at this waist.
„Can I?“
You have the time of your life grabbing and guiding him by the harness, controlling every thrust. Felix clenches up his teeth from how lavishly his cock is squeezing into your pussy.
„Oh babe,“ you groan out. „Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Come on, angel.“
He’s not going to take it much longer. Felix is tensing all over, neck to the knees, it’s a huge shock wave in the making. That climax is going to be like a fucking punch into outer space.
„I’m really at my limit, I’m, I’m…!“
„Cum for me, angel,“ you reach to his neck to bring his lips down again. Your mouths going into shaky contact brings a big soaring moan with it.
You lock lips, his face scrunches up, and you can tell that cum worth of three orgasms is currently pooling into the condom. You don’t belong to the mile high club, but going by how far up this feels, you might as well be. Those sweet shivers. And the little whines. It’s all too much for him, this one got him bad. Felix cumming is like the angels really are singing. With bells and harps and all that shit at once.
After pulling out, the ruined condom goes off lightning fast. Felix’ cock gets some much-needed cooling, but his face is on heavy duty. How he does it after almost getting his lights turned off, it’s a mystery, it must have been six whole loads he shot into you. You’d already be collapsing in his shoes. Felix still being able to put his mouth to work is an act of divine intervention. Honestly though, it doesn’t even take half a minute. Sloppy head from Felix is cryptonite, your stamina comes tumbling down. His tongue just knocks you out with an overwhelming rush of pleasure.
“Oh— yes...”
What is gravity? You don’t know what north and south mean anymore. He laps and sucks you through your high and your legs give up their soldier service. All you see it fluffy blonde strands of hair peeking from below your skirt, a glimpse of the harness, the rest is heavy growling and swearing from all of the contractions and Felix getting raw and dirty Down Under with no fears, literally none, to bury his face and move it around and let his tongue loose. Time and again Felix shows you he’s a swallower. Satanic agenda: success.
For tonight, your pussy will be nothing but glitter, cum, and spit. Swollen like crazy, properly fucked, and tipped to the absolute limit. Felix keeps on slicking up his face completely, and then brings you into the afterglow with his fingers. One at a time, barely adding stimulation. Just fetching you where you are and climbing down. Looks like you’ll share the cupcakes, this is a couple hangover in the making. In Felix’ case in particular. It’s like he signed up for testing a mad scientist’s latest designer drug.
„Wow wow… So you served me choco cupcakes and God’s menu,“ is the last thing he can say in his delirium before falling over. He’s so fucked out and went so wild on eating you, a part of the harness came off. Thank god his nose is so small, all that swiping could’ve broken the bridge and whatnot. And his lips, they’re twice as plump. You really have to compliment in on what his mouth has done today because that was some champ shit.
You’re both buffering on the sheets for a solid five minutes until you roll to the side. Towel… water… forehead kisses. Yes, forehead kisses most importantly. After gathering yourself a little, you pamper Felix into a heart rate around 90 rather than 120. And with the onset of exhaustion for the two of you, that’s not too hard after some minutes passing. Whispering sweet nothings and praise is all you do up until 2 AM and after. Felix is somewhere between worlds, one foot in the door of the dreamland, the other soaking up the care and the intoxicating, thick scent of the room that has a lot of cherry shampoo in it.
At some point. You loosen the harness, pull off his shirt with the wings attached. The halo you unsuccessfully try to spot in his hair. Turns out: It flew off. Felix really must’ve made Satan proud if it fell down just like that. Good job. Felix has earned a title of being a dirty angel now, and by the way he’s chugging water now, a wet one on top of that.
Five tons of spit, six, seven, who knows how many he’s afforded for today. A head pat is not enough, it has to be several, and Felix passes out onto the pillows. As good as you can, you wipe him down, bin the condom, get off his shoes and his half-pulled down trousers. After staggering to the bathroom, your skirt and peplum shirt follows, the stockings stay on, they’re cozy as hell. Last but not least, you remove your devil horns. It feels like they granted you the most unknown demonic powers.
Next time Felix is on his way to making you cum again, you’ll be wearing them, and you’ll last the way you did tonight. Meanwhile, Bang Chan is blowing up your phone because Felix pressed send by accident earlier, but you don’t notice. It just keeps on vibrating on the bedstand and Chris will have to riddle over the rice cake selfie for the rest of November.
Felix dozes with an angelic little smile on his lips and puffs his cheeks in his sleep, his makeup wiped and his hair truly messy. Instagram can wait. Maybe you’ll get to brush your teeth a little later, it usually takes some time until you wake up again and topple to the sink. You huddle together, tuck your sweet baby pum’kin into his second favorite spot at your chest. Ah, the glory of Felix little spooning.
As the last signature, you nibble at his ear, call him your cutie pie, and switch the lights off. You have to listen closely but if you do, it’s like Felix is purring in his sleep. Whatever your own dreamland is planning to launch on you tonight, you’re looking forward to it.
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© 2017-2020 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. reposts, modifications and translations are prohibited. character depictions are fictional & for entertainment purposes only.
PS — oh, my good ole fellas, a last cursed disclaimer. i must insist on the following for obvious reasons. vegemite makes for some terrible strap lube okay 😂🇦🇺
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juletheghoul · 3 years
Mysticus Chapter 2
Ezra x F!Reader Soulmates AU
Pairing: Ezra x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Nothing yet - maybe language (Smut later on)
Masterlist Chapter 3
Later that night you realize that after your mystery patron left, you made your way back to the shitty motel you were staying at seemingly in a daze. Almost as if you were on autopilot.
Laying in bed having showered and locked up everything tightly, you stared at your dog curiously. She didn’t seem much different than she usually did.
“What the hell was that about huh? Did you turn into a teddy bear all of a sudden?” you often spoke to her as if she’d respond. You supposed that in some ways she usually did, or at least you felt as though she did. She looked at you without lifting her head, the barest hint of acknowledgment.
“Excuse me ma’am, I’m speaking to you.” You stared at her – she looked away and let out a heavy sigh. Wow. Rude. Maybe he smelled like someone familiar? Either way its lucky she didn’t bite or growl at him, relieved that you didn’t have to deal with that fall out.
You stared at the little mark in your palm with the little sliver of light that cut through the darkness of the sad little room you both had been staying in for the past week and thought about it’s twin on the man at the carnival. His voice in the back of your mind as you pictured his face. The smile that made your heart beat faster, those deep brown eyes that crinkled giving you that smile. The feel of his lips on the back of your hand, you could almost feel it as you drifted off to sleep.
The same sliver of light woke you the next morning, and not in the best of moods. You had a vague sense of nightmares but nothing concrete, a couple of minutes later you couldn’t even remember. The feeling however didn’t go away, and it followed you like a cloud throughout the day. After taking the dog out to handle her business and grabbing yourself some breakfast you sat in the bed and upturned your earnings to see what you were working with.
“Okay, so we have $115 from the carnival along with the little bit we still have for emergencies. Which means we’re at a grand total of $637.53. That’s not too bad huh?” the dog gave a little huff.
“One more day at the carnival wouldn’t hurt – lets see if we can make it an even $700. Don’t look at me like that, it’s got nothing to do with that guy he probably forgot what he said. I doubt we’ll ever see him again.” You weren’t sure who you were trying to convince. The dog was ever silent and you gave her a little frown but put your money away anyway.
You decided that no matter what happened at the carnival, this was your last night in this town. It felt as though you’d stayed there too long already. To harden your resolve, you checked out of the motel early and packed up everything you owned - double and triple checking that you didn’t miss anything - into the back of your jeep. You used the rest of the day to restock everything you needed for your life on the road – snacks, extra gas for the long stretches of road between gas stations, dog food & snacks for your girl, as well as basic toiletries that had been used up or were running dangerously low. Everything went into the back of the jeep where you had your life neatly organized. Feeling better about your provisions, you made your way over to the carnival.
It was a slow night. Not as many customers as you would have hoped for and the cloud over your head felt as though it was getting heavier, full to bursting with rain and hail, thunder and lightning. The feeling that seemed like a vague suggestion of a bad dream, now sat heavy and low in the pit of your stomach like a brick. You tried to shake it off but the slightest movement had you whipping your head around, any normal carnival noise had you jumping and it wasn’t just you. The dog’s ears kept prickling like she too was on the lookout. Even the smells of carnival, which normally were the only thing you liked about it – were making you queasy. Donuts and funnel cakes, cotton candy and roasted nuts, things you usually liked now were cloying and were threatening to make you gag.
You felt him before you actually saw him and when your eyes locked and he gave you that secret smile, it felt as though the wind got knocked out of you.
He sat down opposite you and you stared at each other for a few minutes in silence. You mapped out the lines of his face unabashedly while he did the same. You noticed the scar on his cheek that you’d somehow missed the night before and again that wild urge to reach out and touch him struck you again.
“Good evening Birdie, I cannot put into words the euphoria I feel in seeing you again.”
“Do you always speak like that?” you blurted out, as your eyes widened and the colour rose high in your cheeks.
“Do you find it bothersome?” he asked seemingly unphased, you’re guessing you probably aren’t the first person to ask him.
“No.” You certainly didn’t speak in such flowery prose but then again, you travelled alone with a dog so your conversations were very one-sided.
“I found myself contemplating how a petal as exquisite as yourself found herself providing your services in this barren no-name town. I suspect you’re not a local?”
“Nope, just passing through.” You ignored the compliment.
“As I suspected. As am I petal. I don’t suppose you’d be agreeable to coming to a little arrangement? I’m looking for transport out of this place and as romantic as the thought of purchasing a bus ticket and driving off into the sunset with strangers on all sides is, I’d rather travel with someone as lovely as yourself to look at.” You gawked at him. “I realize that we do not know each other but I assure you petal I am as harmless as a newborn kitten.” Yeah. Right. You weren’t afraid of this man in any way, you couldn’t explain why but there was something in the pit of your stomach that told you he was safe. Were you actually considering this??
“You want me to give you a ride? You don’t even know where I’m going, and how do you know I’m harmless?” You crossed your arms over your chest to hide the frantic beating of your heart, as if he could somehow see it.
“Call it intuition. What do you say? Are you agreeable?” He reached out his hand to shake on your agreement. You stared at his hand momentarily when a thought struck you.
“What do you say girl, should we pick up a stray?” You looked over at your dog. She stood up and walked over to him – he smiled and pet her behind the ear and she licked his hand again. That settled it.
“Agreed.” You both shook on it.
It was only as you both walked over to your jeep that you realized you’d never asked him his name.
At first it was a little strange having someone other than the dog in the Jeep, but he volunteered to drive and you couldn’t help but admit that it was nice. It was nice to be in the passengers seat with the window open, sun shining on your face, wind blowing through your hair and the steady hum of his voice lulling you into a state of relaxation you haven’t felt since god knows when. That was another thing that was strange. Conversation. You spoke to the dog often but she didn’t respond. Not verbally anyway. You both made your way through each town, deciding off the cuff whether or not you wanted to stay or keep going. It was also very nice having him pitching in with gas money. The first time you pulled into a gas station he was out of the car before you could fully comprehend what he was doing, filling up your tank and walking in to pay without so much as a word. As he got in and dropped a bottle of water in your lap he gave you one of those smiles that made your heart skip a beat, and noticing the look of confusion on your face he laughed lightly.
“I figure if you’re courteous enough to allow me to accompany you in your cross-country travel, the very least I can do is contribute with the cost of fuel. Now I have purchased some water for you because you have to stay hydrated, especially in this heat and I’m guessing the little lady riding in the back might also be a little thirsty. What do you say girl, do you need to go about your business?” the dog perked her ears up as he grabbed her leash to lead her outside.
You were left speechless, but glad you didn’t have to have the awkward conversation when you eventually did run out of gas money. That was another thing that seriously weirded you out. He spoke to your dog as if he’d known her forever – no fear – no hesitation and while for other dogs that was usually fine, you knew for a fact that your dog was most decidedly not open to new people. Except him it seemed. You watched as he led her near the trees while she relieved herself and trotted back happily for a drink of water. Any part of you which held a little bit of regret at readily accepting him joining you was gone in that moment.
Tag List: @foli-vora @frannyzooey @freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando @marydjarin @thirstworldproblemss @cannedsoupsucks @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar
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crossedvenom · 4 years
if you want to could you write a small little love at first sight trope with bakugou, sero, and denki 😅😘 if you have time and all that ofc !
Yes Ofc I can🖤🖤 I got a little caried away writing these. They longer than expected.
ty for the request (人 ◕ω◕)
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Bakugo was walking down the halls with his fists balled in his pockets. He was currently resisting the urge to hit something or someone. He doesn’t know why but ever since he woke up it felt like the world was trying to purposefully piss him off.
The hallway was mostly quiet apart from the occasional student passing by. Everyone seemed to be in the lunchroom. The silence did nothing to help the growing rage that was Bakugo. All the silence did was make him think about all that went wrong that day.
First, his alarm didn’t go off so he was late to class, Then “That damn Deku” had the highest test grade in the class for Mr. Cementosss’ idiotic Math test. Whenever Midoriya beat him at anything it was an instant way to sour his mood.
It felt like Kaminari and the rest of the bunch were more annoying than usual. They kept on bugging him about meeting this general studies student. He doesn’t know who they were and he doesn’t really care. But if he didn’t show up Racoon eyes would never let him hear the end of it.
So here he is walking to the general studies classroom with a pounding headache to meet up with everyone. He’s just going to drop in, cram his lunch down, and leave.
He slowly slid the door open but you guys were so rowdy and loud that you didn’t even notice him step in. He absentmindedly started looking for this mystery person and he almost immediately found them.
It’s cringey for him to even say this but the world almost seemed too slow. He felt his fists unclench and he couldn’t even hear the hammering in his head. He just stood there like a dope staring at you. You were laughing and messing around with the rest of the group.
There were a few rays of sunlight that seemed to leak past the barely open curtains and reflect off of your skin. Making it seem like you were glowing.
‘what was he mad about earlier?’ He can’t seem to remember.
I’m that moment to Bakugo he found something that seemed untouchable, you seemed untouchable. He wouldn’t know he was experiencing love for the first time. at least not yet.
He starts to walk towards you the group.
“Kachan!” Denki slaps him on the back as he walks past. Bakugo didn't even yell at him like he usually did when Denki used that stupid nickname on him he just sat down.
 He didn’t listen when Mina was asking everyone if they wanted to go to the mall this weekend or when Denki was talking about new video game releases. He was just zoned in on you.
He’ll figure out why his hands suddenly get so sweaty when you’re around and why he has the sudden urge to impress you eventually.
And when he does it’s like a “Well Shi-“ kinda moment. He’ll love you in his own way. Insults and spicy food:)
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“Man, what happened to the weather?” Sero stuck his hand out from under the bridge he was taking shelter under and into the pouring rain. “And it was such a beautiful day too..” 
He decided that he had a long enough break. So he pushed some wet strands of hair back and put his helmet back on. It was his third month of becoming an official sidekick. He had graduated from Yuuei a few months prior and was finally out on the field known as the Taping hero ‘Cellophane’  
Slinging around he was surveying the area but it seemed like he was on autopilot. He was just waiting for the time he could go back to the agency and dry off. His patrol ended in an hour or so.    
he was pulled out of his trance when he heard giggling. 
‘That's weird’ he thought and began to move in the direction where it came from 
It wasn't a creepy laugh but he usually heard the silent curses of people trying to get out of the rain. So obviously when he heard this he had to investigate. That's when he came across you. 
You were one of a kind for sure. While others seemed to curse at the sky or let the gloomy weather ruin their entire day you seemed to bring joy out of it. Wearing a big smile and absolutely soaked to the bone, you tilted your head back and stuck your tongue out trying to catch a raindrop in your mouth. 
Sero’s eyes widened in amusement watching this adult do something so childlike. He started to take in your appearance. The wet strands of hair sticking to your face and the drenched clothes clinging to your body. He felt the chill of the rain leave his body. It was replaced with a sense of ease 
He could have sat there all day if he hadn't noticed your now paranoid behavior you were looking around franticly like you were looking for something. 
Little did he know you were actually looking for him. Not specifically but you had felt a pair of eyes on you and the feeling of being watched was not a comfortable one. You went to pick up your bag and head home.
Sero noticed you were about to leave, he didn't want you to leave  
This was his sign to make a move and stop gawking, he at least needed to know your name. Just about the moment that he was about to swoop in and introduce himself, there was a distant ‘boom’
His head flung around and saw a large cloud of dust not too far from here. Police sirens could already be heard. He looked from you to the obvious sign of a villain attack. 
He debated whether or not to head into the fight a little bit later. Surely there was plenty of other hero's to help. All he needed was a couple minutes to say “H-
He had a job to do he would worry about finding you later. Before he could talk himself out of it, he forced himself to drag himself towards the danger and away from you. 
Hours had passed and everything had finally settled down the villain was in custody and he had finished his report and could clock out. The villain had a water quirk and was using the stormy weather to his advantage. 
But that wasn't important even though he was exhausted from a long day he had to go back to that park. A hope within told him that you had stayed there, that he still had a chance to introduce himself.
But by the time he had arrived at the park.
You were already long gone.
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Denki finally turned off his consul and crawled into bed. He plugged his phone in and looked at the clock
Wow...he’s in bed earlier than last night!
He can’t help it though he met an online friend a couple months ago and ever since his sleep schedule hasn’t been the same. He’ll get on at 8 and say he’s going to go to bed before 11 but when he sees you join the party...A couple more minutes won’t hurt? But who is he trying to kid? The minutes turn into hours but it doesn’t feel like it. Not with you at least
He doesn’t even need to look at you to know that you’re someone special. You guys are best friends. He thinks about you in class, at lunch. Bakugos threatened to rip his lips off because he talks about you so much.
So he can’t help but smile and feel giddy when he recalls his earlier conversation with you.
“There’s a new Arcade opening up near my house and I wanted to go with some friends but they don’t exactly enjoy those kinda things” you spoke into your headset half asleep.
“Oh really? Funny cause there’s also a new Arcade opening up a couple blocks down from my school.” He’s half brain dead as well not putting much thought into it.
“Yeah, It’s a cheesy name like Austin’s Arcade. It apparently has like Go-Karts and Roller skating-“
“Oh the place that’s opening up near me is also called Austin’s....”
If you guys weren’t awake before you sure are now.
“Holy crap! Wait you live near me! We should totally go together!”
Denki was smiling like an idiot after months of endless late-night talks and getting to know each other. He’s finally going to be able to see you.
He was walking down the street glancing up from his phone every now and then to make sure he didn’t run into anything. Many times he debated whether or not to turn back he was so nervous but he didn’t know why.
You were so easy to talk to and he was so comfortable around you so he didn’t get why the closer he got to the Arcade the faster his heart seemed to speed up. And why was he constantly checking his reflection in shop windows to make sure he looked alright. He’s never cared about these types of things before.
This was his last turn and then he would be able to see you. It's not like he hasn’t seen pictures of you but something about the real thing is different.
He quickly typed “here🕺” and sent it to and then put it into his pocket. He looked around for you and there he saw you, you were standing just outside the entrance cluelessly looking around for him in the busy crowd.
He tried to step forward to go talk to you but he just took a moment to take you in and admire the view. The light breeze was blowing and just barely moving your hair. It was the perfect day for this clear sky and warm weather that seemed to envelop him in a hug and it smelled like the many food carts and stands on the street. It was busy since it was opening day. But even with all these people, you seemed to stick out from the crowd to him.
But then you spotted him. Making eye contact, your (E/C) eyes seemed to take his breath away. The small smile that overtook your mouth when you saw him make Denki’s heart do flips. He was definitely blushing just barely though Denki knew how to keep it cool.
You picked up your bag and waved him over. He caught his breath and began to walk towards you. He had a smile on that could put All Might's signature smile to shame. He stepped in front of you
“Hi I’m Denki”
You giggled “it’s so weird not hearing your gamer tag”
And the day begins...
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Prompt: Y/N is a respectful narcotics agent, she worked hard to have her work recognized in a prominently male work field. She‘s assigned to the most important case of her whole career, investigate and apprehend the biggest drug dealer of U.S.A, the only thing she didn’t count on, was for the bastard to be so damn charming.
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Mob!Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, Illegal substances, cursing, conspiracy.
Tagging: @ziasaph , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @nicolewoo , @bayley-no-friends , @lilred91 , @auawdo , @jibbles26 , @lustyromantic
Notes: I wonder where this will take me folks... In case you need to find the previous chapters, you can find them on my Masterlist 😉Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
I went speechless for a moment.
“So, agent Y/L/N, I’m still waiting for my answer”
My mind went blank, lacking words that could possibly help me out of this labyrinth that I foolishly placed myself in.
“Dinner’s ready Mr.Reigns. Would you like it to be served now, sir?” The chef announced from the dining room door
“Yes, Marco. Thank you” Roman answered without taking his eyes off of mine.
“Unfortunately, we’ll have to continue this conversation later agent Y/L/N, we don’t want the food to get cold now, do we?” He coldly smiles
I just shook my head in response. All of my following actions were performed in autopilot. Eating dinner, drinking wine, engaging a conversation with Mr. Reigns about opera.... Deep down, I was numb, trying not to think how could he had discovered something only Jeffrey and I knew about. What did that meant? Did he really researched me? Was he bluffing? Did he knew who I was before? Was he trying to blackmail me to stay out of his business? Or something worst...maybe Jeffrey was one of Roman’s informers and designated me to the case so he could get rid of me. Knowing that Mr. Reigns would have what it takes to make me disappear forever.
The only thing floating through my mind was her, faintly whispering to me
‘Trust no one’...my mother’s last words, said to me before she died on my arms. Maybe that was my mistake, trusting Jeffrey, letting him in believing in the good old man’s façade.
Now that I’ve set myself in the middle of this puzzle I have to figure a way out, and trust in no one but myself.
‘Be very careful, my sweet Y/N, as for Hell is filled with good intentions’ I heard mom’s life advices when I was just five years old, at the time I didn’t even knew what that meant, but I’m afraid I do now...
“Y/N?” Vaguely, I heard my name being called by him
“Yes, Mr. Reigns?” I faked a smile
“You barely touched your food, is it not at your liking?”
“No, not at all! It’s delicious. I just have a lot on my mind lately”
“I see...maybe a lover has been distracting you?” He tried his lucky shot
“As if that would ever stop your indecent flirting attempts, Mr. Reigns” I smirked
“Touché” He laughed “You’re straight to the point Y/N, I like that. It prevents me from saying shallow pretty words” He took a sip of his wine
“Does that mean your previous words to me were nothing but beautiful lies?” I tilted my head
“Oh no baby” He smiles “You’re different, those words actually mean something when said to you” He winks
“Do you always have perfectly flattering and flirtatious words for everyone, Mr. Reigns?” I tried to hide my amusement
“Only you, baby girl” He smirks “Only you..”
“So, how did it went? Did he tried something?”
“Jesus fuck, Jeffrey! You scared the shit outta me! Don’t show up like a fucking ghost like that, damn it!” I said as I added sugar to my tea cup at the cafeteria table
“Sorry, I was just waiting for an opportunity to get you alone so I could ask you, without anybody hearing it” He whispered
I was still suspicious if Jeffrey was one of Roman’s informers, but I couldn’t show that to him, so I played cool.
“Yeah, it all went smooth” I took a sip of my tea
“Did he tried to get inside of your pants?”
“No, he was surprisingly polite. He flirted a little, but nothing disrespectful”
“Wow, I did not saw that coming! Who would’ve taught that the big mob boss could be an actual gentleman?” He sarcastically laughed
“There’s a lot of things we don’t see it coming, Jeff”
“What do you mean, kid?” He gave me a puzzled look
“Nothing, Jeff...just an observation, that’s all” I sweetly smiled
“You’re so weird sometimes, kid” He laughed as he lit up his cigarette
“Agent Y/L/N I need to talk to you, can you meet me in my office please, ma’am?”
“Of course, Matt. I’m right behind you”
He nods and I followed him. Matt is our technology guy, he understands everything from wiretapping to location trackers, I generally don’t have that much of a contact with him so the urgent tone of his voice made me crook an eyebrow.
“What’s up, Matt?”
“I wanted to tell you that the location tracker you requested for Mr. Reigns has been successfully installed, ma’am”
“Location tracker? I didn’t requested any of that”
“No? Well, I’m afraid that’s impossible Y/N, because your DEA ID number was the one used to fill in the request application for the tracker”
“WHAT?? You’re fucking with me, aren’t you Matt? Please tell me that this is a prank!”
“No, Y/N I’m serious, look” He gave me the application paper and once I saw my DEA ID number in the ‘requested by’ section my stomach turned upside down and the room started to spin.
“Y/N, please sit down. Is everything ok?” Matt seemed scared
“Matt, when was this tracker installed?”
“Last night, why?”
Oh fucking great! Last night when I was with Roman at his house, if he finds out about this he will of course presume that I was the one who’ve installed that and I can’t afford to have him as my enemy. Whoever was setting up to me, was smart and slick.
“Who has access to all of the agents internal ID numbers, Matt?”
“Well, anyone who is smart enough can get those pretty easily if I’m being honest with you. Why?” He looked at me with worry upon his green eyes
“Because I think someone is trying to set me up” I murmured
Please let me know your thoughts on this series so far, feedbacks are always nice and appreciated 🥰❤️
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hellhoundsprey · 3 years
fic - jack finally convincing sam to pop his cherry after learning about sex and begging him forever, featuring major size kink, esp around sams muscles and dick, belly bulge, sam's hand over jacks mouth or stuffing something into his mouth to keep him quiet so dean doesnt end up hearing them, sam getting pretty rough cause jack feels so good and it's so wrong it just makes it even hotter
Combining this one with:
#1 @lilith-the-ancient: Sam gently teaching overeager Jack how to masturbate, which turns into him teaching Jack how to have sex (though please no bottom Sam).
#2 @lilith-the-ancient: Jack's birthday present is Sam's dick, which he takes very, very enthusiastically.
Warnings: rough sex, unsafe sex, age difference, sam sometimes drifts into trauma-related thoughts
Tags: first time, top!sam, bottom!jack, sam is not a good dad, sam monsterfucker winchester doing what he does best
Sam glares but proceeds to pull his shirt over his head.
“I hope you’re happy with yourself.”
Jack, who is blissfully unaware of the existence of sarcasm, nods enthusiastically as he steps closer and puts his hands where his eyes are glued to: Sam’s chest, the wide expanse of it and then down his ribs, his abs. He can’t take his eyes off all that newly-bare skin. Jack is already flushed just from this.
This might be a bad idea.
“C’mon.” Sam plucks Jack’s shirt out of his jeans. “Get a move on.”
He’s locked the door. Dean is busy with his new issue of Busty Asian Beauties and maybe that’s part of why Jack brought this up again, seeing it laid out on the table before Dean was reprimanded to please take it to your room, seriously—what he’d like to do with Sam, he’s thought about it and he thinks he’d enjoy it, a lot, and don’t they always say he needs to unwind, get less robotic? Sam begins to sweat, to heat up. His stomach is tense. Jack’s soft touches aren’t helping.
Sam wants to hurry so it’s over sooner.
There’s saying no to someone and there’s saying no to Satan’s spawn.
Okay, no, wrong train of thought; sex. Think about sex.
“Can we kiss?” Jack peers up at him, lets Sam strip him—milky-white underneath, barely any hair and Sam’s very sure he shouldn’t think about that too hard, either. Sam swallows, nods. Tosses Jack’s shirt away and cups that pinked face in both hands, tips it up and leans down and kisses Jack on the mouth. Feels him inhaling, tensing. Hands on Sam’s own. A thumb to one of the popping veins on the back of Sam’s hand. Jack decides, “I like that,” once he can. Sam kisses him again. Jack sighs happy.
Sam undoes Jack’s belt for him. Pulls it out of those jeans and throws it away while Jack keeps looking at Sam’s face, licks his own lip. Dreamy eyes, already glazing over. Jesus. He’s young, isn’t he?
“You ever touch yourself? Here?” Jack’s lips part for the cup of Sam’s hand flat over his crotch. He shakes his head. Of course.
“Is…is that bad?”
“Uh, no. No, just… Nothing. That’s okay.”
More kisses for distraction. Sam brings his tongue into the mix. Jack stumbles around it but eventually gets the hang of it. Like a calf looking for milk. Sam removes his own belt, unzips.
Sam gets a hold of Jack’s wrist to shove that limp hand into his jeans. Jack gasps—squeezes, rubs.
“It’s gonna get bigger,” Sam explains. Rubs at Jack’s dick through his underwear with emphasis. “Like yours. See?”
“Feels good?”
“Uh-huh.” Jack licks his lips again. He tentatively begins to push up into Sam’s touches. His eyes swim back and forth between Sam’s. “More. Sam, can we do…more?”
Sam doesn’t verbalize but he does press a last kiss to Jack’s mouth before he drops to his knees and tugs Jack’s underwear just low enough.
Jack’s dick is smooth and pretty like the rest of him. Sam switches to autopilot and catches the already-leaky tip with his lips, doesn’t think and just pushes on. He can take Jack all the way, no problem.
Jack gasps so loud Sam’s hair shocks to stand on end.
Hands in Sam’s hair; clasping, holding. He gets a grip on Jack’s hips to push him back, pull off. So he can bob his head, let Jack feel it. Jack sure feels it, all right.
Softest, “Oh,” when Sam pulls back to present Jack how hard he himself is. Shiny with Sam’s spit, throbbing and heated, and Sam makes a show of laving his tongue all around the sensitive head. Makes Jack moan a first time and purses his lips, eyes up to Jack; hollowed cheeks and shallow strokes, just engulfing the tip. He pulls off for good, licks his lip. Grabs between his own legs, holds Jack in place with one hand only, easy.
“Wanna try that on me? Get me nice and hard, Jack?”
Jack nods with his mouth pinched and his cheeks all lit up and Sam directs them over to Jack’s bed, sits at the foot of it and pulls Jack with him. Jack’s adorable in that clumsy kind of way. Eager, and that’s—that’s something, at least. Flattering. Sam hasn’t had the chance for many hookups lately. Not the time nor the mood. That’s part of this, too. Unwinding. Just for ten minutes.
“Easier if you get on your knees—yeah. There you go.” Sam pulls himself out of his underwear and Jack’s eyes go a little wider in the dim light of the room. Sam sinks back, braces himself on his elbow, jerks himself with the other. “Careful with the teeth. Just see what… Jesus, yeah, something like that…!”
Jack does his best to be careful. Mostly tongue but that’s good, enough to tease. Sam keeps stroking the half-soft length of his cock, lets his knuckles bump against Jack’s soft-soft lips up top. God, he wants that. Does a Nephil even need to breathe?
“Doing good.” Jack hums in reply. Points his tongue and prods at Sam’s slit, and Sam groans for that, lets his head tilt back. “Fuck. Try sucking on it? Like I did with yours?”
Jack hums again and shuffles closer to the bed. Both hands on Sam’s thighs instead of touching himself, his jeans and briefs still hanging off his hips. Sam pushes his own clothes lower, gets rid of them entirely with Jack’s help. Laces his fingers into Jack’s silky hair and pets him, directs him. Jack’s scalp is damp and hot with sweat. He looks up Sam’s body for further instructions and Sam’s nuts pull a little tighter with the eagerness in those eyes—that absolute lack of embarrassment.
“So good. Feels amazing.”
Jack reluctantly lets Sam nudge him off his cock with his knuckles from below; Sam strokes himself, now fully erect, tingling with excitement, the slick warmth of Jack’s spit. Jack huffs, wipes at his puffy mouth. Rubs Sam’s thighs, up his hips, his obliques. Sam hums and kneads his balls with his available hand, makes it good. Takes the edge off.
A point of his chin and, “Get up here,” and Jack follows suit. Climbs him and Sam kisses him, tastes himself, lets Jack taste his own dick in return. He could make—Jesus, he could make this kid do everything. Not human; the lengths they could go to…! “Let’s take this off. There you go.”
Jack gasps but curls his now-naked ass right out for the searching push of Sam’s fingers between his cheeks. Trembles all soft and his dick smears against Sam’s thigh, and Sam lets go of his own cock to put that hand on Jack’s ass, too, spreads him open to the room. Flirts three fingers up and down the tight pucker of Jack’s asshole and Jack sighs for it, chases the touch. Sam scoffs. Rubs him firmer.
“Girls have another place, right here.” Jack stares into Sam’s face in wonder as Sam rubs up-down his taint. “For guys to put their dicks inside. But this works just fine.” Back to Jack’s asshole. Jack makes a small noise. “Works just as good.”
“Can we do that? I wanna do that.”
Sam kisses that mouth. Speaks into it. “What? Put my dick in here?” He presses down, breaches the kid just-so. Jack nods against him, slick and choppy. “You sure? It might be a little weird, at first…”
“I want, Sam,” so that’s that. Jesus. Oh, Jesus, Sam, what are you doing?
“Okay,” and God, when had been the last time? Been a while, with a guy. Sam kisses Jack again to distract himself, keeps rubbing Jack’s asshole. First time. No one’s ever…! “Lick my fingers. Here.” Jack does. Sam watches—his dick throbs between their bodies. Back to Jack’s ass, now slick with spit, and Jack obviously likes that. Gasps cute and his expression melts further. His brows flinch when Sam angles one finger in, breaches him just-so. “Okay?” Slowly, Jack nods. “Wait. Actually, let’s… Here, lay down. Yes. Yeah.”
Jack grabs the nearby pillow as Sam gets comfortable behind him, spreads his ass with his hands and dives right in. Eyes closed, tongue firm and prodding—Jack gasps. Sam spreads him with both thumbs. Licks into him. God, yeah, been some time.
Sam grabs his cock—not very comfortable pressed into the bed, so he scoots low until he can kneel on the floor instead, pulls Jack with him to the edge of the bed. Jack lets him, trusts him. Sam works himself slow as he keeps eating Jack’s ass. Squeezes and kneads one juicy globe of it and sucks, hums. Jack’s pubes tickle soft against his lips, catch on his stubble. Jack’s skin heats fast with the irritation. Beard burn. Sam’s nuts tingle with anticipation.
With Ruby, he never—they didn’t have to use protection. With her vessel dead and everything, there was no threat of…well, anything. And technically, Jack’s just a few weeks old. There couldn’t be—anything, right?
Sam’s thoughts double over—shame, want, pleasure, humiliation. He could just fish his wallet out of his jeans, grab the one condom he’s got there or the bunch he keeps in his nightstand, together with the lube he has to grab sometime soon, anyway. But he could also just…not do that. Not like Jack would know any better.
Sam strokes his bare fist over his just-as-bare cock, spreads his precome over the sensitive head. God. God, he…wants.
Jack hums hot for the push of Sam’s thumb. Sam smiles, laps around the pumping digit.
“Better, right?”
Jack uh-hums and rolls his hips into the bed. Fucks himself back on Sam’s thumb, Sam’s tongue. “Feels nice.”
“Good.” Middle and ring instead of thumb. Tighter than just the thumb, but they do slide in. Sam peers up Jack’s arched back. His cute bubble butt. “Still good? Yeah?”
Jack mumbles, “More,” so Sam gives him that. Jack’s face is turned to the side, barely-visible over the hitch of his shoulder, bedded on Sam’s squished pillow. Sam watches him closely, the tremors in his young face. The bite to his lip, feeling it out. He hums when Sam twists his fingers. When he drags them out, stuffs them back in. “‘S good. I feel… Sam…”
“I got you.” Sam lets go of his cock to unearth the lube from the very back of his bedside drawer. He drizzles some on his fingers, the tips still inside Jack, keeping him open—and feeds them back in with another gasp from Jack, a twitch to his legs. “Gotta get you ready, first.”
“That, that is…!” Jack groans, attempts to get his knees anchored to push back against Sam’s knuckles. Sam counter-pushes with his available hand on Jack’s ass, keeps him pliant and right where he wants him to be. Jack huffs, frustrated. Complains, “Sam,” but Sam shushes, watches Jack’s asshole stretch around three of his fingers. The slick makes it so much better. Easier.
“Just a little more, Jack.”
A Nephil. They could use Jack’s grace to—no, the boy’s still too inexperienced, couldn’t control it enough. Sam licks his lip, is highly aware of the scrape of the sheets against the weeping tip of his cock. Just a little more. Jack can take him for sure. A Nephil. You can’t hurt him. Not permanently.
“So soft,” praises Sam, and pushes all the way to his knuckles to emphasize what he means. Jack moans into his pillow. Sam works the prostate apparently even only-half-humans are equipped with. “You wanna try? I think you’re good to go.”
Of course, “Yes,” and, “please,” and some more desperate blabbering Sam cuts short with a kiss. He pulls his fingers out, slicks his cock with the (generous) remnants of lube on his hand. Kid doesn’t even know what he’s asking for, thinks Sam, and climbs the bed anew. Pulls Jack on top of him, makes him straddle Sam’s lap.
Kisses and, “Easy,” and Sam holds his cock straight up but Jack needs a few tries to figure the angle out. Slips a couple of times and that feels good already, too good to be true—and when Jack finally gets it, when Sam’s cock catches and gets swallowed up, it’s—oh, it’s been way too long.
Sam groans, engulfed in too much slick heat at once. Jack trembles on top of him, circles his hips. Choppy, unsure—Sam helps, guides him with his hands. Soft, careful, inch by inch. One step forward, two steps back. Jack gulps wet against Sam’s mouth. Sam swirls their tongues together, eyes closed.
“Feels good,” slurs Jack. Sam hums, sucks at Jack’s lip. “You’re all hot. Like your blood is right under the surface…”
Sam wants to tell him that it is. That Jack feels just as good against him. That he’s throbbing wet perfection inside, clenching and surrendering and letting Sam inside him so easily—easier than most humans had, before. His grace, for sure, making it better and easier and better without him even realizing, working in the background, helping things along…
Sam lifts his ass to nudge deeper and Jack lifts on instinct; Sam firms his hold on Jack’s hip and stops him from squirming. Jack whines, no pain—Sam sucks on his throat. Thrusts up into him in careful, shallow rolls of his hips. Buries himself deeper, makes the Nephil take him, Lucifer’s son—Sam stares up into Jack’s pleasure-tense face, the flutter of his loosely shut eyes, the gape of his pink mouth. Trusting. Enjoying. He’s enjoying this. He likes it.
Sam switches his hold from Jack’s hips to Jack’s ass. Grabs a handful each and push-pulls the kid like that, guides him to bounce on his cock. Despite the lube and prep, of course he’s tight inside, but the ride is smooth and slick and perfect, just loose enough. Sam huffs, snaps his hips rougher, choppier. Jack gulps, dips down for kisses. Sam gives him those. Sucks at Jack’s soft, pink tongue.
“Wanna get on your back, yeah? Here. Let me…”
Jack keeps his arms around Sam’s neck as his mouth flies open further for the new angle, for the push of his own knees towards his armpits. Sam has to muffle Jack with his hand he’s getting so loud.
“Shh, okay? Gotta be quiet, remember?”
Sam’s own goddamn brain doesn’t want to remember, not with something soft and warm underneath him. Sam pumps into Jack’s ass with intent, all the way, balls slapping against Jack’s tailbone on every stroke. Jack’s breath pushes hot against his palm, his cute little moans—he tries, hard, but he can’t keep it down completely (not that Sam would want him to).
Sam hears himself pant, “You like it? You like getting fucked like this?” and Jack sobs as he nods into Sam’s hand, his entire body jostling under Sam’s thrusts, under Sam’s power. Sam could go harder. Sam can.
With another human, it would hurt them for sure—but Jack merely whines louder, still soft, still relaxed, obviously enjoying it. Sam groans, tucks the kid tight against himself. Lets him cling and moan against his shoulder and just pistons into him, makes the bed wobble with the impact. Dean might hear that. Sam decides Sam can’t care.
Jack’s voice rises and then there’s a shudder, deep inside, drawing Sam further in, and Jack gasps for air and there’s a spill between them, sticky between their stomachs and Sam growls, overwhelmed, and stumbles right along without further ado.
He holds himself as deep as he can and just—lets go. Unloads for what feels like ages, and he churns them together while he does because Jack won’t stop squirming, egging him on for more. Whimpers cute and sucks at the teeth marks he left in Sam’s shoulder. Sam blinks, huffs. Trembling. Tucked against the kid.
His cock gives a last, satisfied throb inside Jack’s ass, and Sam groans his sigh. He lets Jack pet his head, card through his sweaty hair.
“Fuck,” he mumbles, his brain now slowly trickling back online. Unfortunately. “Fuck, Jack…”
“That was awesome.”
Jack’s voice is all thick. All happy. When Sam peels them apart just enough to check, Jack is smiling at him.
Jack tucks a bunch of wet strands of hair behind Sam’s ear. Jack’s eyes glint with splinters of gold.
“Even better than awesome.”
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wwall-archive · 3 years
All At Once, This Is Enough - Ethan W..inters x Me
A/N: ~In light of the announcement I just made~! Surprise! I've been working on this. For several days. My apologies if I've seemed quiet, all my energy was going towards this! This is kind of long, but it's... actually kind of important to me, so I forgave myself on that front, haha. This follows the timeline of my RE AU, which I intend to continue writing out more in depth, in which the events of the 7th game occur and then I ignore the events of 8 even though I love it as a game because I just can't stop thinking about an average life with this man 😭 I do still intend to set this up for a bit of angst, because that just feels like how this needs to go, but it will be resolved shortly! Anyways, my over-explaining aside, I hope you enjoy the beginning of our story. More to come soon ❤️
Warnings: Vague references to alcohol. Allusions to a notable age gap. Mention of divorce. Me being intensely socially awkward.
Word Count: 1738
Tag List: (Thanks so much to everyone who wanted to be added, and as per usual, if anyone wants to be added or removed, no problem, just let me know <3) @sacredempressnatlyia @crowandking @solomates @ship-trek @nekociapek @blueberryships @ariesselfships @lysandthunder @queenvonhresvelg
As I stepped out of my car and made my way into this building, I took a moment to acknowledge to myself that I was not looking forward to the evening in front of me. Simply to brace myself, if nothing else. Sure, I didn't have anything against fancy events - I'd always actually been rather fond of getting dressed up - but the idea of being trapped in a room full of mostly strangers filled me with a level of unease only an introvert of my level could feel. I shuddered in horror at the thought of the polite small talk that awaited me.
Alas, some events were simply too large to miss, especially when they required the booking of a large venue, and so I found myself taking small, hesitant steps through the large, decorated archway that led to this event hall. I was almost certainly early, as I always was, and it was already too crowded for my liking, filled to the brim with people mingling, and a pianist on stage getting ready to play for a formal dance floor that would soon be filled as well. At least the open bar looked inviting, so I made my way in that direction, hoping it would provide me some small amount of protection from anybody who would be determined to say hello.
I reaffirmed to myself that all I needed to be here for was a quick appearance. Some brief greetings to those who extended my invitation to me, once I could find them, and then I could bolt faster than a startled rabbit. It brought me a modicum of strength, to know I wouldn't be here for too long.
As I made my way through the room, I had to admit that it was dazzlingly decorated, and I felt quite lovely all dressed up, like I adequately fit in with the impressive scenery. If there was going to be any upside to the night, I supposed it would have to be that.
It was a vaguely familiar voice calling out my name that caught my ear, almost certainly someone I had met through work. As I begrudgingly turned to meet them, I did find myself slightly recalling their face. I smiled as they approached and we shared greetings, and it was pleasant enough, even as they rushed into their next words like they knew I would exit the conversation as soon as I could in a panic and were desperate to say their piece, “Wallace, I really wanted you to meet a colleague of mine, he's a systems engineer my organization works with, I thought I could recommend him for… Oh, where did he- Ethan! Wallace, meet Ethan-”
In the following moment that I remained coherent, I was able to process two things. The first, being the features of the man before me, all short dark blond hair and light brown eyes, and slightly boyish features on a face that somehow still managed to convey his status as middle-aged, and a smile soft enough to take my breath away. Two, as I gazed upon the features striking me so, and stuck my hand out to meet his for a handshake, I became quite sure, more than I had ever been sure of most things in my life, that I was about to be an absolute goner for this man.
It took me a moment to come back to my own body, and so once I did I rushed to say, “It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr…?”
“Oh, just Ethan, please.”
“Of course. Ethan. My name is Wallace.”
“Then the pleasure is all mine, Wallace.”
The familiar voice from earlier cut in again, and I could vaguely make out something being said about a previous project that had been worked on, but I couldn't quite bring myself to tear my gaze away from the man in front of me. After a moment, to my shock, it occured to me that he didn't seem to have any intention of looking away either, nor did he seem particularly bothered by that fact.
After that occured to me and made my head spin from the sheer realization that he was content to hold my gaze, I was struck by mortification as I realized that I still hadn't dropped his hand from our handshake, and I rushed to let go. To my relief, he seemed shocked by the revelation of the discrepancy in decorum as well. In the corner of my perception, I heard a small laugh, and something like the words “I'll let you two talk!” Suddenly, fear struck me again, but this time over the thought that I would have nothing interesting to say, now that the official introduction was over, and that Ethan would depart as well.
But that didn't happen, and he smiled at me again, and in a meek tone of voice he began, “I'm sorry, I was sure it looked like you were heading somewhere before we stopped you. If it was a bother I could go-”
“No! No, I had just gotten here. Just making my way over to the bar.” I cringed at myself internally upon realizing I had confessed to heading straight for the bar as soon as I entered the room, but once again it didn't seem to bother him. His deep chuckle made my knees weak.
“Great. Don't suppose you'd want to dance with me instead?” The pianist had started to play a light tune a moment ago, and a few people had come together on the floor. I quickly thought back to the single formal dancing class I had ever taken, knowing I very well could not dance.
“I'd love to.” His smile made my mind go blank for a moment again. By the time I had come back from autopilot, we were on the floor, and he was leading me in a light, easy dance.
“How does a systems engineer learn to ballroom dance?”
He gave a small shrug, “A class or two. I needed some for… an event once.”
I laughed lightly, “Well you clearly took them more recently than me, the one and only dancing class I ever took was a one day requirement in high school. I'd be done for without you right now, I'm sure.”
“Then I'll be happy to guide you with what knowledge I have.”
Our conversation lagged into silence for a moment, and I internally kicked myself for letting it. What was I supposed to say in a situation like this?
I defaulted to the one conversation trick I had, “So, Ethan, tell me about yourself.”
He shrugged again, but he was still smiling, “Well, you know my occupation. Um, I'm 37.” I noticed him watching for my reaction on that one, but when I simply nodded, he continued hesitantly, “I'm from California.” He paused again, this time for longer, but I could tell he was simply working his way up to his next point. “Divorced, relatively recently. I'm a father, I have a little girl, Rose.” He stopped again, watching for my reaction once more. I hoped I was managing to keep my face as neutral as I felt it was.
“Wow. You're honest.”
He cringed, “Too much?”
“Much appreciated, actually.” I swallowed heavily, hoping I wasn't about to overstep or show my hand too early, and lowered my voice just a little, “Lets me know I'm not reading this completely wrong.”
He looked down at our feet, but I could have sworn I saw him break into a grin before he did.
He cleared his throat, looking up at me again, “So? What about you?”
And so I gave him the run-down on me. Occupation, location, age - I saw his eyebrows raise just the slightest at that one, but got a similar non-reaction to the one I gave otherwise - and matched most of what he told me, minus the personal bombshell. I supposed there were some things we each had yet to uncover about each other, and I was saving mine for later.
Upon the end of my self-pitch, he nodded, “Interesting.”
“Oh, is that all I get?” I did my best to make my tone playful, so he would know I was joking, but I had a feeling he would have understood me anyway even if I hadn't put in the extra effort. Our entire conversation, I had held the feeling that he was rather good at reading me already.
“You want more of a reaction, give me more to react to.” His tone was equally playful. I'm quite sure I would have caught the joke even if it hadn't been as well.
“Sir, this is still our first meeting, if you'll recall. We don't need to go dropping all our bombshells at once, do we? And besides, I wouldn't consider a rented event hall the best place for sharing all our deepest secrets, would you?”
He once again let out that chuckle that made me swear you could see the hearts forming in my eyes, and he darted his gaze around the room before meeting mine again, drawing his tongue across his lips nervously, and I could hear the uncertainty in his voice, “Then… do you want to get out of here? Go find something else to do that's better suited for getting to know each other better? Or sharing all our deepest secrets, as you put it.”
It briefly occurred to me that maybe this was a bad idea. I deeply understood the uncertainty he displayed. I knew damn well I probably wasn't in the best place to pursue this, and I had the deep, unshakable feeling that if I left this place with this man, I would be in far too deep to let go easily. I was drawn to him, even if it wasn't the most conventional, or even if it didn't seem like emotionally the most sure-fire, secure decision. Something about him signaled to me that he was probably in a very similar boat. I had a feeling we each had some emotional baggage to unpack. And besides, I still hadn't even made a round to say hello to the hosts yet, either. That was all I had even come here to do. I was supposed to have gotten here, said hello, been awkward, and left. It was supposed to have been a bad, short, night.
“Yeah, absolutely. Let's get out of here.”
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fan-fantasies · 4 years
Destiny (Micheal Langdon smut)
Pairing?: micheal langdon x reader
warnings?: SMUT, unprotected sex, hair pulling, dirty talk, chocking, ritualistic (kinda) sex, voyeurism,  season spoilers (follows episodes from the season)
Word count?: 4.1k 
A/N: WOW! Two posts in one week? Its almost like all i wanna do is write! Here is somemore smut, idk why i keep writing smut but for some reason i keep doing it. Maybe I’m getting better at this? I don’t really know honestly. Though I do hope you guys enjoy... Thank you so much for the likes and everything. Enjoy! <3 ~Breezy
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You had been wandering in the woods for what seemed like eternity, you weren’t exactly sure where you were going or why you were here. It was the middle of the night, when you felt compelled to leave your home and go in search for a man. A voice had told you nothing more than he was living somewhere around here, in the middle of nowhere. You had been told that about three days ago, you had been endlessly wandering through the woods with no food, no water or even a clue who this man was. Your legs had begun to feel weak starting at the beginning of what you figured was the fourth day. It was then you came to a clearing, in the middle of the field was a strange metal statue, what was that? The bright sun blinded you as you entered the direct sunlight as you headed towards the entrance. There was no one around, how in the world was this the place you weren’t meant to be? The closer you got, you heard male voices speaking they seemed hushed but you honestly didn’t care. They didn’t notice you till you nearly collapsed in front of them, 
“M-Micheal?” You stammered, “I need Micheal,” you whisper before you saw nothing but darkness. 
The two men standing before you watched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head before collapsing to the ground. You were dirty, clearly having been in the woods for awhile. Normally they would be hesitant to bring a stranger into the school but the fact you asked for Micheal intrigued them even more. How did you know about the new student that was prepared to test to be the new alpha?
There was no doubt you played some important role here, maybe the witches had sent you? Where they trying to get a spy on the inside? Regardless, they managed to get you inside, finding a spare bed to lay you in for the time being. Many questions where asked of them as they walked through the academy, mainly from the boys who had witnessed them walking by but they gave them no answers, seeing as though they had none themselves.
Micheal wasn’t a hard student to find among the others, mainly cause his energy stood out to them the most but to you it was even stronger. Feeling his energy getting closer made your eyes fly open, you body moved as if you were on autopilot. You legs swung over the side of the unfamiliar bed, the room was rather large but that didn’t exactly matter, all you wanted was to see him. You had to be beside him. 
You easily swung the door open only to be overwhelmed by his energy. He stood across the way, glancing your way, a wide smirk grew on his face. He made his way towards you, you didn’t dare move even though you wanted nothing more to be near him. Micheal looked around quickly before walking into the room with you, shutting the door behind the both of you and locking it using his power. You reached your hand out, almost like a mindless zombie but once your hands touched the trance went away. You had found him. 
“Micheal,” you whisper looking up at him. 
His eyes dark, “So my father sent you?” He questioned his facial expression unreadable, 
“Yes, we were destined,” you say softly, “He wants us together, I only make you stronger,” you didn’t break eye contact, you could tell he wanted to do more but something was holding him back. 
“They won’t let you stay,” he says, “they already believe you to be some sort of spy that the witches sent,” you looked at him, almost as if it didn’t exactly matter. “If they send me away, I will only come back for you. Nothing can separate us,” you tell him, “We are meant to rule together.” You gently caress his cheek, wanting nothing more than to be closer to him. He signs heavily, he gently touches your cheek in return but this was for something completely different. Your mind felt less hazy, less controlled. 
“Now that you are completely here, tell me all you remember,” 
And you did. You told him how you awoke from your sleep one night and compelled to leave your family and walk into the forest with no word. It was in the woods when a spell seemed to be cast over you, a black goat having approached you scaring you half to death. 
“So my father did come to you,” he mumbles, “You are the one he spoke about,” He rubs his temples clearly trying to take in all this information. While he did that, you took in the man before you, short blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, he was truly handsome… It wasn’t like you had a very great Homelife, it was pretty boring honestly. 
“You do have a strong power within you,” he whispers bringing his face closer to yours, he seemed hesitant at first but now he seems convinced that you would be of use to him. “You will stay by my side at all time, they won’t take you away from me.” He growls almost possessively. Not like you minded, you knew he would keep you safe. 
And keep you safe he did, you stayed by him every second of every day. To his lessons, to his training, to whatever it is he was doing. He even made it so you could stand beside him while they used a spell to give him protection and strength. You stood in the circle of fire with him, your arm wrapped in his. Though he knew he didn’t need either of those things from them, because you already gave him that. 
 You even stood by him when he went for his seven wonders test. His ‘teachers’ weren’t exactly pleased to hear that you would be tagging along but some how he convinced them that it was important that you stand by him. You had rested all day, knowing that he would likely pull from your energy when he began to do his ‘craft’. You knew he was strong enough to do it all without you, but you gave him even more just to be safe. 
You were awake by his gentle voice and soft lips against your cheek, “My dear, it’s time to wake up,” he whispered into your ear, your eyes slowly opening meeting his beautiful one. 
“Is it that time?” You ask him, he smiled softly answering your question. Slowly you sat up, he stood next to the bed waiting. You yawn a bit before standing for yourself, 
“I got you this to wear my love,” he says as he motions towards a dress that laid on his desk. A black floor length dress with a beautiful gold pattern on the sleeves and chest piece. You weren’t afraid to undress in front of him and put the dress on. 
“Micheal~ It’s beautiful!” You squeal as you spun with a giggle, he smiled at your reaction.
“My beautiful queen deserves the best,” he says as he fixes his uniform, “Now come, we must go,” he offers his arm, which you gladly take. You both make your way to the area where he would show his power. You enter with him at your side, his ‘teachers’ leading the way and the female witches waited for us. The witches gaze was on Micheal for a moment but was quickly shifted to you. Confusion overtook them seeing a female among the men, they prepared to ask but the men insisted the test begin. You stood away from Micheal, not near the men or the female, just alone. The supreme, Cordelia you had learned her name was, seemed uneasy not only with how well the tests were going, but with your presence. You could tell she wanted to ask but she couldn’t get a word out.
Micheal had passed almost all the tests given to him, the last task he was given was to basically bring someone back from somewhere. You didn’t fully understand seeing as though this whole magic thing but by the sounds of it, it seemed as though he had to go to hell to retrieve a soul. You knew this was something easy for him, seeing as though who his father was. He stood beside you as this was explained to him, you could feel him recharging his energy by taking yours, it wasn’t enough to hurt you it just made you tired. Once they finished arguing each other, Cordelia took one of the men into another room to speak about this you had assumed. Micheal had leaned down to your ear, you kept a straight face as his breath tickled your neck. 
“You’re doing so well my dear,” he praises, “Keep it up and I will reward you later,” he gently nips your earlobe before pulling away. The witches that stood across the room eyed you both suspiciously and curiously. You tried to keep a straight face after Micheals slightly teasing words but you knew that if you listened, you would be rewarded, he was a man of his word. Micheal left your side only to go towards the door and use his power to open it. You knew full well he would do this. 
Once convinced, the test began, Micheal laid on the ground ready to begin. It was so strange to see this ritual in progress. They began to chant until Micheal seemingly fell asleep, leaving you with some anxious witches and eager warlocks. Now that there was silence for a moment, Cordelia finally was able to ask her question. 
“And who is this?” She asked looking at you, “She hasn’t seemingly left Micheals side all evening.” She points out looking you up and down. You stood there in silence, no one spoke a word mainly because even the warlocks couldn’t answer that question and you refused to say anything that might give you away. 
There was a long silence, and if Micheal hadn’t just shot up gasping for air you were sure a fight would have broke out. He woke up alone but surprised even the witches when he brought back the witch named Misty. Micheal stood to his feet, walking straight to you as he seemed exhausted by the ritual. While none of the witches were watching, you gently took his face in your hands, taking a deep breath you gave as much energy before they began to pay attention. The oldest witch then called one of the warlocks, ‘a pathetic pompous ass,’ which got a giggle out of you, she wasn’t wrong… 
“I did everything you asked,” Micheal proudly says standing tall, you arm now linked with his. You both stood proud together, like a king and queen. Once the commotion seemed to die down, both you and Micheal took your leave heading towards his bedroom. All of them believed he needed rest, but you knew exactly what was going to happen behind those doors. 
Micheal was eager to take you in every way possible before they had a gathering in the study. It didn’t take long for clothes to be shed and for you to be tossed onto the bed. Your face pushed into his pillow, your ass high in the air presenting yourself to him. No matter how much you begged him to take you, he did nothing but tease you, his touches light and gentle. This continued for what felt like an eternity but when you least expected it he turned into a monster. Thrusting into you like a wolf in heat, his hand wrapped in your hair pulling you to his chest. One hand pressed against your stomach, the other wrapped around your neck cutting off airflow. Your moans silenced by this but small sounds still managed to escape. 
“Who do you belong to?” He growled in your ear as he continued to roughly pound into you. It took you a few minutes to register his words. 
“You, my prince,” you sobbed as his hand now tightened against your throat. You felt your release coming, your eyes welled up with tears. 
“Don’t you dare cum,” he continues to pound relentlessly into you, showing no signs of stopping. 
You weren’t sure how much longer you could hold on, he let go of your neck for a brief moment giving you enough time to speak, “My prince, please!” You cry, he chuckled darkly his lips attacking your neck before roughly bitting it, marking you as his. You squeal as he pushes you forward onto your hands, his hand wrapped in your hair pulling just enough for it to force you to arch your back. You made sure to take this position to your advantage, you looked up at Micheal who was practically towering over you. 
“You gonna cum?” He growls, you are only able to nod, “Then beg for me, beg your prince to let you cum,” he smirks proudly as he knew he had you right where he wanted you. 
“Please my prince, let me cum on your cock. Please, I’ve been so good!” You cry trying to even comprehend words, “Please let me cum and make me yours forever!” At those words he groans loudly. Those were the magic words. His thrusts became stronger, if that was even possible, drawing a loud moan from you. 
“Then cum!” He snarls as his hips continued to piston into you. Your orgasm hit you like a freight train, the cry that left your lips caused the lights in the room to flicker. The energy coming from you was overwhelming throwing Micheal into his own orgasm. His final growl was animalistic, demonic even, it was the hottest thing you had ever heard. Micheals thrusts slowed until the both of you lay still. He smirked at the sight of his princess fucked out and tired, he laid a gentle smack to your ass causing you to squeal. He gently caressed the cheek in his hand before flipping you on your back. 
You laid there trying to catch your breath, your eyes automatically locking with his. 
“I’m not sure I will be able to walk my love,” you giggle pulling him down to you for a final kiss. He chuckled against your lips before pulling away, “That’s alright, you stay here and rest beautiful,” he says, “I will be back in a little bit,” he kisses your forehead before standing up and getting dressed. 
“I love you my prince,” you whisper before falling into a deep sleep. You weren’t sure what time it was when Micheal came back but you did end up finding his way back to bed. You felt him wrap his arm around your waist and pull you towards him. You couldn’t stop yourself from cuddling even closer, feeling safe in his arms.
Days passed and things seemed to still be going in the right direction, as you had hoped they would. Though Micheal had been going out more, which you gladly followed. It wasn’t until that day, you were both heading towards some random area. Micheal seemed adamant that you get there quickly, and now you could see why. Three charred corpses were in your line of sight, you knew one of them belonged to the woman who acted like his mother. A scream of agony resonated from him as he mourned for his dead mother. 
“It’s over,” Cordelia says from behind the both of you, where had she come from? You stood by Micheal, his form still slightly shaking.  “We know who you are, your allies are all dead,” she continued to speak, “You failed,”
 Micheal was angered by this, “Then you know I can defy death, I’ll just bring her back. My Ms. Mead will stand by me to watch you die.” He manages to speak out.
“You can go to hell, but you won’t find her there,” she spoke, “her soul is hidden under a spell that only I can break. You’ll never see her again.” He fell to his knees, you could feel his pain it hurt you just as much as it hurt him. 
“You’re all alone,” Cordelia continues, you knew Micheal wasn’t alone, he had you and his father. 
“I have my father,” he mumbles, he takes your arm as you kneel next to him, “I have my princess,” his voice soft, almost powerless almost trying to convince himself that he wouldn’t lose you.
“Where is your father now? Why did he let this happen? You don’t have to follow this path he laid out for you,” she tells him, you didn’t see hostility in her but you could tell Micheal was conflicted. 
“As for her,” she starts, “Do you think she will stay by you? Do you think she will be able to survive all of this?” She questions him, you knew she wanted to continue speaking. 
“I will always stand by him,” you growl lowly not liking her tone as she spoke to you. 
“You can write your own destiny, there is humanity in you. I see it,” she stands up, “If you come with me, maybe we can find it, together,” You were slightly shocked when Micheal takes her hand as he stood to his feet. You watched as his tightened his grip on her, drawing her close, 
“Somehow, someway, I will bring her back and then I’m going to kill every last one of you,”  he growls before taking your arm and walking away. You knew what Micheal had to do but did he want you to take that journey with him? He had to speak to him father and you weren’t so sure if he would want you present. 
“My love?” You say softly as you walk swiftly with him. “I want you to know I will never leave your side, no matter what,” you say confidently. He doesn’t respond but he nods at your comment. You could tell, now wasn’t the time for that. 
Going to the woods was your next destination, you had honestly believed Micheal would have told you to stay at the school so he could be alone to find himself but he kept you right by his side. You watched him draw the pentagram on the ground, big enough for the both of you to sit in the center. He declared he would not leave the circle till he got his answer, you knew his father wouldn’t speak so easily. He knelt In the middle, prepared to wait for the answer he was looking for. You sat beside him, your hand placed gently on his thigh as he stared into the woods. 
The sun fell from the sky, then rose, before you had known it four days had gone by. Micheal hadn’t moved an inch, your head was placed gently on his lap. His forehead laid gently on your temple as he was trying to be as comfortable as possible. 
He suddenly sat up, looking around as if he had seen something before he began to talk to no one. Slowly you sat up, no one was around you but you knew this meant he was being tested. Whoever it was, he wanted them to leave and declared them not to be real. He seemed distraught for a few moments before he launched himself up at no one before falling onto his back once more. He was afraid. 
A black goat appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, a sign from his father. Micheal wasted no time before launching himself at the goat, stabbing it spraying blood all over himself. In his rage, he ripped the poor animals horns off, more blood covered his nice clothes. You would be lying if you said it wasn’t the hottest thing you had ever seen. Whenever Micheal acted on his rage, it sent tingles down your spin. 
“What do you want from me?!” He cries to no one, “What am I supposed to do?!” He shouts hoping his father would answer. He fell to his knees, a small sob escaping his lips. You crawled over to him, 
“My love,” you whisper grabbing his attention immediately. Your hands cupped his face, you brought his face to yours in a searing kiss. Things did heat up, he took you right there in the middle of the woods. Much to your surprise he was gentle with you, slow, taking his time to savor every moment he had with you. It was amazing… You knew he was going to get his answer soon. 
After all of that, you had found yourself at a church for his father, a woman of the congregation offered to take you both in for something to eat. You paid no mind to their conversation until you were heard the woman shout, a knife in hand. Micheal didn’t seem frightened by this but that was cause he knew they were waiting for him. He was the anti-christ. 
The knife brought to his throat, “Well before you kill me, see me!” He growls moving his hair to the side showing off the mark he had behind his ear. It was almost immediate that the woman dropped the knife and gasped “Hail satan! Our savior has risen!” 
The next events you knew what likely was to come, walking in the pouring rain towards the satanic church where he would make himself known to the group. You three had barged in just before the human sacrifice where Micheal was now given the honor of doing so. He walked towards them, not before offering his arm to you. 
“This honor is yours too my princess,” he whispers shocking the woman, the whole group seemed to also be surprised at this. You smiled widely, he would do the killing and you would stay behind and watch. He took the sacrifices and slit their throats, the choir singing louder than before setting the tone for the ‘praise’ they were giving. Once the deed was done, seeing Micheal in front of the bloody bodies sent a hot wave through your body towards your core. The look on his face, demonic and strong, it was attractive. 
“Micheal~” you whisper as you stand beside him. He glances at you, curiosity in his eyes. “I want you, now,” you whimper looking up at him. His eyes instantly grew dark, those in the room bowed before him chanting, hail satan. He pulls you towards his, his lips smashing into yours in a hungry and rough kiss. No one in the room did anything, just continued with their chanting. Micheal picked you up by your waist, lifting you up onto the alter you legs automatically wrapping tightly around his slim waist, your lips never parting from his. He began to bunch up your dress, not plaining to waste a single second. You undid his pants, just enough to free his hardened cock. 
He pushes your panties aside, pushing his dick into you with no hesitation. He was pounding into you ruthlessly, you didn’t even try to hide the fact that this was happening. Your moans loud as he made you feel better than ever. The people around you watching as he pleased you, only increasing the pleasure. 
“You like that they’re watching, princess?” He growls into your ear as he pounds into you, you can’t hide it, 
“Yes!” You cry as he continues, he chuckles darkly. He takes your legs, widening them letting his go deeper. The idea of these people watching and the pace Micheal had set made your orgasm come quicker than. 
“Who’s making you feel this good?” He groans into your ear, 
“You are my prince,” he slaps your thigh harshly signaling that that wasn’t the answer he was looking for. He thrusted roughly just before you answered, 
“You are my king!” You shout shamelessly drawing a groan from his lips. “Please let me cum, my king, please,” you beg for everyone to hear. 
He laughs evilly, “Not yet my queen, you will cum with me,” your eyes water as the pleasure grows stronger and harder to contain. 
His thrusts becoming sloppy and less precise, “Cum my queen,” you cry out, your walls clamping down on him threw him over the edge, his cum filling you up. Your body shook from the pleasure as you came down from your high. He pulls your lips to his in a passionate kiss, it showed you how much he loved you. The following events that happened that night were a blur, the pounding that Micheal had gave you honestly tired you out. You knew that this was just the beginning of a huge plan that you knew he would be able to execute properly. 
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
How to be a Dad 101
Chapter Five - Shooting Range
Jasonette July Day Six
This patrol route was one that was new to Jason – Bruce had decided to change some things up after some spikes in crime in places that shouldn’t have had an issue. It made sense, but it irked Jason that it was his patrol route that was changed. Not only did he have to listen to Dick and Babs whisper sweet nothings over the earpieces, but his body couldn’t move on autopilot like it did with his old route.
Jason was in the middle of leaping from one building to the next when Babs surprised him by murmuring something particularly dirty. Caught off guard, Jason almost didn’t make the next jump, barely grasping the ledge of the roof before he could plummet to his death. Scrambling onto the building, Jason hissed, “There are other people on this channel, save it for the bedroom you perverts.”
“Sorry Hood,” Dick said, miraculously possessing enough shame to sound embarrassed.
“Wow, I didn’t know you were such a prude, Hood,” Oracle said. “Or are you just jealous? There hasn’t really been anyone for you since that little French girl, which is just sad. What you need is a good—”
“I don’t need anything except for you idiots to focus,” Jason interrupted.
“As much as I hate to say it, Red Hood is correct,” Robin’s smug voice said over the earpiece. “Your frivolous comments are both unwelcome and completely inappropriate.”
“I will make you two a private channel as long as I never have to hear about your sex lives ever again,” Red Robin promised.
“Is Nightwing the only person in this family who knows how to have a good time?” she complained.
“Oracle, Nightwing, focus,” Batman growled.
The lovers were mercifully silent for at least a while. After the near-death experience, Jason decided that this building was as good of a surveillance point as any. As he stationed himself at the ledge to look out over the city, Jason’s stomach lurched when he realized that he was standing on the same hotel she had stayed at.
Marinette. He’d barely even allowed himself to think her name for the past three years, but here he couldn’t escape the thought of her. He could see the bakery where Killer Croc had nearly murdered her – he’d been so disgusted by Dick and Babs that he hadn’t even noticed that he’d ended up on the very street he avoided at all costs.
He couldn’t understand why she haunted his life even now, not that he would have it any other way. Over the years he’d tried just hooking up with someone or something similar, but he could never go through with it. Something tied him to Marinette, at least in his mind. It was laughable, in all reality she was probably already married with kids.
The very idea was painful to Jason. He found himself flying from rooftop to rooftop, flinging himself across the city with reckless abandon. Luckily it was a slow night, at least in his portion of the town. A part of him halfway wished there was something going on so he could get a good fight in, but it was probably for the best. Jason didn’t want to break the “no-kill” rule.
At the Batcave, Dick was the only one back yet. He had that awful apologetic look that made you feel sorry for being mad in the first place, which only served to piss Jason off more.
“I just wanted to apologize, Jay-bird. I’ll talk to Babs, I know this isn’t easy for you.”
“You don’t know crap, Grayson,” Jason spat. “You and Babs just got married, good for you. Bruce and Selina are getting married. Whoop-de-frickin-doo. I’m happy for all of you, but I don’t need you to throw what I don’t have in my face.”
The look on his brother’s face probably should have inspired some sort of penitence in Jason, but he couldn’t find it in himself to feel anything. He shoved past Dick, shedding pieces of his costume as he went.
Jason found himself stalking to the shooting range, the only place he could use real bullets anymore. It was his catharsis, feeling the explosion of gunfire beneath his hands. He shot easily, methodically, seeking only to get any and all thoughts of Marinette out of his mind.
Aim, cock, fire. Nothing existed outside of him, his gun, and the target.
“Rough night?”
Lowering his gun, Jason asked, “What, did Dick send you here because he’s afraid he hurt my feelings?”
“Oh, he’s probably worried about exactly that, but he’s so earnest that he wouldn’t feel right if he made someone else apologize for him.”
“He is disgustingly moral like that. So why are you here?”
“I’m here to tell you that plans changed,” Selina said, gracefully perching on top of the base to one of the shooting targets. “We’re never going to get a normal wedding as long as we stay in Gotham – there will always be someone or other for Bruce to fight.”
“You’re not wrong. So what? I can stay behind and be Batman for a week or two, I don’t care.”
“That’s not it – the Justice League is stepping in to help. I couldn’t get married without my monstrously large family-to-be in attendance. What I’m here to tell you is that we’re all travelling to Paris in two weeks.”
The announcement was enough to make Jason jerk in surprise, nearly shooting himself in the foot. “Paris? Why Paris?”
Selina arched an eyebrow, but dismissed his reaction otherwise. “Bruce and I have a… history in Paris. But the main motivation is that my favorite designer lives there, and she famously doesn’t leave Paris for any sort of job. They agreed to fit me in under a few conditions, but I’m willing to do just about anything to make sure my dress is perfect.”
“Okay, but are you sure it has to be in Paris?” Jason asked, the image of Marinette flashing through his mind.
Selina smiled, a sharp, deadly smile. “Listen. I knew that marrying Bruce meant all of his kids were part of the deal. I’m fine with that, I love all of you even if you’re monsters sometimes. But you will all be there, and you will all cooperate with whatever I say, because this is my wedding, and I need at least one normal memory of this family.”
“Fine, I get it. I’m going to Paris,” Jason said, holding up his hands, even as he felt sick thinking about it.
This was all just a coincidence. There was no guarantee that Marinette was even still in Paris to begin with, and even if she was, the odds of them meeting were a million to one.
@jasonette-july-2k20 @ira-sairain @myazael @pawsitivelymiraculous @nik-nak-3 @dast218 @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm  @vixen-uchiha @momothefemur @toodaloo-kangaroo
I know this story has been moving a little slow, but things will start picking up soon! Let me know what you guys think! Just comment below if you want to be tagged, or if I forgot to tag you! My life is a bit chaotic rn, so bear with me! 
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