#wow nico rude
raphael-angele · 5 months
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca Part 26 (Babysitting)
Artemis, entering: Apollo, where is- Who is that?
Apollo, holding baby Nico: Hm? Him? Oh, this is Uncle Hades' son. His name is Nico. He's squishy
Artemis: Well, he is adorable *approaches*
Apollo: *turning away* Hey, back off. He's my squishy. Get your own.
Bianca: *tugs on Artemis' clothes*
Artemis: *looks down* Oh...well hello there. *picks her up* What's your name?
Bianca: Uncle, look! I found a seashell!
Poseidon: Oh, that's a pretty one, Bianca. It's shiny, too.
Bianca: Can I keep it?
Poseidon: Of course
Nico, pulling Poseidon's arm: Uncle Popo! Uncle Popo!
Poseidon: Woah. Slow down there, Nico. What's wrong?
Nico: Look! *shows baby turtles crawling to the sea*
Poseidon: Oh, look at that. They're going to the sea for the first time.
Nico: We have to help them! *tries to pick one up*
Poseidon: Uph! Not so fast, little one. We can't do that.
Nico: But-
Poseidon: They have to do it on their own. Or else they'll never learn how.
Bianca: AARRGH!
Ares: *sigh* C'mon. One more time
Bianca: I don't wanna anymore. This is stupid. >:(
Ares: Look, it's normal to fall on your first few times.
Bianca: But I've been practicing for months now.
Ares: Doesn't matter; you'll still fall. Doesn't matter how good you are. You'll still make mistakes. But if you want to be better than now, then you have to keep going. Understand?
Bianca: Yes, Mr. Ares.
Ares: Alright, c'mon. Stand up, dust yourself off, and let's perfect this dance.
Nico, playing with Hera's peacocks: Hehe, hehe. Pretty.
Hera: Who are you?
Nico: Hm?
Hera: How did you get in here?
Nico: I-I...
Hera: What are you doing in here?
Nico: ...the peacocks...
Hera: What?
Nico: The peacocks were hungry. So I gave them food. They took me in here.
Nico: I'm sorry, Ms. Hera.
Hera: *sigh then picks him up* You shouldn't be here, little one. Olympus is not a playground for you to wander on.
Nico: I'm sorry.
Hera: And it's very rude to enter someone's chambers without their permission.
Aphrodite, waking up: *looks in the mirror to see her hair full of flowers* What the-
Aphrodite: *looks back in her bed*
Nico: *sleeping with a basket of flowers on the side of the bed*
Bianca: Ms. Aphrodite
Aphrodite, braiding Bianca's hair: Yes, Bianca?
Bianca: What if I don't want to fall in love? Will you get mad at me?
Aphrodite: Of course not. Love isn't for everyone. Some people prefer to focus on other things like their work or something else.
Bianca: But...I don't wanna be lonely
Aphrodite: You don't have to be. Just because you don't want to fall in love with others doesn't mean they don't love you. And it wont always be a romantic kind of love.
Bianca: What do you mean?
Aphrodite: Hmm, you know how you love your brother very much? Well, that's a different kind of love. Or when you love your friends, that's also a different kind of love.
Bianca: So...you'd be okay if I never get a husband?
Aphrodite: Of course I would. You'd only be hurting yourself if you're forcing yourself to love someone you don't really love. *finishes braiding her hair* And, done!
Bianca, looks in the mirror: ...wow
Aphrodite: Do you like it?
Bianca: I love it...I look like mama
Nico: O-once...up-upon...a time... *trying to read Puss in Boots*
Athena: You're doing well, Nico.
Bianca, pointing to a word in her book: Ms. Athena, what does this word mean? Exqui-Exquisite?
Athena: It's an adjective. When something is exquisite, it means it looks beautiful.
Nico: Choo choo! Uncle Hepha! Can I play with choo choo?
Hephaestus: Sure, why not? Just don't touch it, okay? You'll hurt yourself.
Bianca: Uncle Hephaestus, can you please fix this? *shows him a trinket*
Hephaestus: What is it? *takes it*
Bianca: It was our mama's music box. When you open it, it should make a pretty sound and the people in the middle should dance around. But they stopped dancing.
Hephaestus: Alright. I'll try and fix it. But I can't guarantee you that I can
Hermes: Nico, we've run around 5 times already. You're gonna throw up at this point
Nico: No, I'm not.
Hermes: Yes, you are. That's enough running around.
Nico: Aww :(
Hermes: How about instead, we go and prank your Uncle Apollo? :D
Nico: YEA!
Hermes: What are we thinking? Cut the reigns on his chariot? Cover his chambers in tin foil? Shoot him in the butt?
Zeus: Ah! Hello, little ones. Why don't you come here and give your uncle Zeus a hug?
Zeus: Come on
Nico: *throws the dummy sword Zagreus gave him*
Bianca: *throws the dummy sword Achilles gave her*
Zeus: Ow!
Hades: ...good work, children! :D
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
heyyyyyy Idk if you're still accepting requests for apollo if not that's fine BUTTTTTT if you are could you do a fic with him being so protective of the reader(like someone being rude to her at camp). Because you know how protective he is of his sister now imagine that but on the love of his life.
the weight of names
— apollo x daughter of hebe!reader
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warnings: language, mentions of harassment.
a/n: Hello, to know if my requests are open, it usually says in my description or in my pinned post. Fortunately, your request came in before I closed them so it's fine. Thank you!
Things had changed at Camp Half-Blood. Some campers you used to hang out with were gone, and even though it wasn't forever, you missed them. You stayed year-round, stuck with the others who, while not bad company, just didn’t click with you, and you couldn’t figure out why.
— Ha, ha. Piper McLean's best friend — you heard behind you and rolled your eyes dramatically, fed up with it all.
— Yeah, tell us. If she has so much money, why doesn’t she take you out of here and bring you with her?
You weren’t surprised by their accusations; it was almost routine. Today, they picked on your friendship with Piper; another day, it’d be Annabeth or Jason. When they wanted to show off, it’d be Percy and Nico, and when they were really unbearable, Frank, Leo, Hazel, or even Will. But no matter what, the cherry on top was always...
— Or your god friend.
There it was, of course.
— Yeah, they say it’s Apollo — mocked a girl who seemed to be a daughter of Hermes. Had you ever gotten along with any of them? Maybe the Stoll brothers, but now only one twin was at camp, probably too busy dealing with ten other kids to keep his sister in line.
You never denied or confirmed anything; it was easier that way, but sometimes they were annoying. You wondered if they skipped the awful welcome video that ended with: A safe place for everyone.
In the end, they weren’t doing anything different from any public school, but it was worse: The outcasts bullying an outcast.
— Get lost, will you? — you sighed tiredly, and they let out a long "Oooh" that made your hand itch to strike.
—What? — challenged an Aphrodite girl with her hands on her hips. — Are you going to attack us with rainbows, little Hebe girl?"
— Maybe she took the 'little' part too seriously,— mocked another, a Demeter kid, and you wondered if you could burn all his crops with light projection, but you dismissed the idea. You’d never stoop to their level.
— Wow, great joke, Lionel. It’s not like you’ve told me that a thousand times already. — Your sarcasm made him angry, and he took a step towards you, ready to fight. That was the great part about camp; no one was truly defenseless except the newcomers, so challenging someone was easy, but you ignored him and headed to your cabin.
—Stop — commanded the Aphrodite girl, and you felt a sudden stiffness in your legs that made you fall to your knees. Their charm speak.
You heard the laughter behind you and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to relax when a dull thud interrupted their laughter, turning it into groans. At the sudden change, you looked over your shoulder and saw them on the ground, piled on top of each other, blinking repeatedly. You’d seen that effect a few times but never thought it could be that.
— Good thing you were looking the other way — said a voice, startling you. Next to you was him, his curly brown hair and blue eyes you liked to see, but only secretly.
—Apollo — you breathed in disbelief, making him smile. He tried to take your hand, but you pulled away, blushing. He understood; it wasn’t the moment, but he wasn’t going to stand by either.
—You — he turned, his Converse kicking up dust as he walked to them. The Demeter kid clicked his tongue at the sight of a tall, skinny guy with brown hair and blue eyes. He found it trivial, but campers watching from afar started murmuring.
—Who are you?— he asked, and at the same time, one of Hephaestus’ sons, Harley, came out of his cabin due to the noise. Seeing the guy, his eyes widened.
—LESTER?— he shouted so loudly Mount Olympus might’ve heard. The god smiled amicably. The other three looked confused.
— Is that your name?— asked the Hermes girl in a tone the old Apollo would never have forgiven. He narrowed his eyes but then just nodded.
— Yeah, let’s say it is. Or at least one of my names — he smiled, but it wasn’t a warm smile; it was full of disdain. — They call me that, but leaving that aside, know my name it's not helpful to you 'cause I’m also known for not tolerating injustice.
—Uuh— mocked the Demeter kid, and Apollo’s eyes bore into him.
— I’ll tell your mother — he accused, and the kid swallowed hard. —I know her well. Now...
He straightened up, looking down at them. One tried to get up, and Apollo snapped his fingers, pinning him to the ground again, which scared them, making them wonder if there was a child of some god of gravity around.
— Don’t bother this young lady anymore, and let me clarify something — he looked at you challengingly, making you blush, — yes, I’m her friend but not just that, she’s my-
—Enough — you interrupted nervously, and he smiled apologetically. Right, boundaries. He was learning that with you.
— Anyway, You need to stop. — he said firmly, and the three kids raised an eyebrow.
— Friend? When did I say that...— the Hermes girl recapped her words and realization hit her, — No.
Apollo nodded.
— Yes.
The dark way he said it sent a shiver down their spines, and he raised an eyebrow as he leaned towards the Hermes girl.
— And I’d recommend being careful with names. Ann, also daughter of Marlene.
Despite being the god of the sun, the coldness in his voice was relentless, and fear gripped them violently, making them run away screaming like babies.
The campers who knew him approached to say hello, but before he gave them his attention, he came up to you.
— Don’t let them do that anymore — he whispered in your ear, and you nodded. His hand caressed your cheek, and you smiled the smile he loved, resisting the urge to kiss you in front of everyone.
— See you — you said, watching him get dragged away by the other campers.
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hughes86-43 · 6 months
"Wow, just wow. They had the audacity to ask you if you were single even though I had my hand wrapped around your waist." "You're jealous?" "Fuck yeah, I am." - jealous/posessive!Nico pleaseee it’s what I live for
“Wow, just wow. They had the audacity to ask you if you were single even though I had my hand wrapped around your waist.” “You’re jealous?” “Fuck yeah, I am”
It was a Friday night, and to mark the end of the hockey season, you and Nico went out with the other teammates and their significant others to a local rooftop bar. You dressed up in your favorite wide leg pants paired with a black skin tight long sleeve. Knowing that you would be doing a lot of standing and moving around to talk to people, you wore your comfy black boots.
Nico had one arm wrapped around your waist as he was talking to Jasper on the other side of him, and you were sipping on your drink talking to two of your girl friends. You were missing quality time talking to the other significant others of the team as you have been busy with work lately, so you were glad to be able to catch up with them.
All was going well until a random guy came up to you. You weren’t even paying attention to someone coming up to you, until he was basically right up next to you. “Um, can I help you?” You weren’t trying to be rude with your response, but it probably did sound that way.
He eyes your body up and down, says confidently, “Hi, I’m Dustin, I was wondering if you were single? I definitely want to buy you a drink.” You can feel Nico’s arm become stiff around you, but you knew that he was going to let you handle the situation before he needed to step in. You could feel the eyes of the people you knew on you, waiting to see what you would say or if they needed to step in as well.
“Oh, no, I’m not single! I’m totally fine buying my own drink, so no!” Your nervous response makes him drop his smile and confident demeanor.
“Well, okay, you’re loss!” You stand there for a second shocked at what he just said before letting out a laugh and taking a sip of your drink.
You turn your head left and right to see everyone looking at you. You speak out, “Okay, that was weird! Let’s go back to what we were doing!”
You turn to face Nico as he loosens his grip on your waist. When he lets go of you, you ask him if he was okay.
“Yeah, I’m just going to go the bathroom real quick.” He walks to the bathroom after you give him a nod and a quick kiss.
Turning back to the girls, you hear Jack come up next to you. “You better go check up on him, that vein in his neck was about to pop at the sight of that guy asking you out.” You give him a nod, tell the girls you’ll be right back, and head to find Nico.
He was standing down the bathroom hallway when you found him. He looked like he could punch something.
“What’s wrong? Is it about that guy? We both know that he was crazy to ask that.”
He looks at you and responds, “Yes, that guy!” He throws his hands in the air. “I mean, wow, just wow! They had the audacity to ask you if you were single even though I had my hand wrapped around your waist.”
You could tell that he was jealous over it, and Jack was right, that vein looked like it was about to pop. “You’re jealous? Aren’t you?”
He looks right into your eyes as he says, “Fuck yeah, I am!” He sighs before walking over to put his hands on your hips, “I mean have you seen how you look tonight? You’re freaking smoking hot, and you could easily get with any guy, but you’re mine so they can’t have you.”
You let out a soft laugh while moving your hand to run it through his hair. “Yeah, I’m yours. Always.” You lift up on your toes to give him a kiss. “Let’s go back to talk to everyone and then we can head out because I’m loving this jealous side of you.”
He raises an eyebrow at what you said. “Oh, really? Why don’t we just head out now?”
You gently push him out of the grasp and turn to walk back to your friends, “Hmm, you know that’s tempting, but I want to talk to everyone so you’ll have to wait.” He groans as you throw him a wink.
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euijoosorangeslice · 9 months
Story of a College Succubus p.2
wrnings: masturbation, getting caught, public boners, nudes ( and the leaking of them)
You returned to pottery class, but this time Jake seemed antsy around you. "Is everything okay, Jakey?" You asked, smiling softly at the puppy-featured boy. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Let's just finish up your piece." He guided your hands again, smiling nervously into your neck. "Y-you've got the rest from here right?" He muttered, pulling away from you. "Wait, what? Are you not going to help me finish? You just said you would!" His brain started churning violently, thinking of his wet dream with you in it last night. "I'll help you finish in maybe a different way." He wished he had the confidence to say something like that.
"I...I uh need to use the bathroom. Be right back." He rushed off, but not before you noticed that he had a large boner in the front of his pants. His friend snickered, smiling at you. "Hey Y/n. I could help you finish your vase. Heeseung, by the way. Nice to meet you." You smiled happily, letting him teach you verbally instead of physically to guide your learning.
Jake rushed into the stall, swinging open the door in panic and quickly slamming it behind him. He sat on the closed toilet seat, pulling down his pants. He leaned back, stroking his dick in the cold room air. He spit into his palm, pressing it against his cock and moaning. "Fuck, Y/n. Such a pretty face." He whimpered, his eyes shut imagining you.
As Heeseung was assisting you with taking your vase to the kiln, you felt a weird frequency in your abdomen. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. It felt the same as last night, and you shut your eyes in pain. In the darkness, you could see Jake leaned against the wall in the bathroom with his shirt in his mouth, fucking his palm. "F-fuck ugh.." He mumbled into his shirt, bucking his hips and moaning. Shit, if you could see this then that means he was jerking off to you. Powers are cool!
"You alright?" He asked, you nodding. "Yeah, sorry. Just deep in thought." You responded with a smile. The teacher dismissed the class, so you started to leave. Until you noticed Jake had left his bag in the classroom. You grabbed it for him and walked out with Heeseung.
You two headed to the canteen to grab a snack. You walked into the canteen seeing a lot of new faces. "Hey, Y/n? Want to sit with me?" He offered, you thinking about the offer. High chance of collecting high sexual desire and energy, so why not?
Jake came into his fist, panting in pleasure. In that same second, someone opened the door to the bathroom. Jakes eyes shot open, and so did the boy who walked in. "F-fuck! Nicholas? Oh god don't d-don't look." He shouted, Nico still standing idle. "Jake? Why the hell are you jerking off in the school bathroom!?" He scolded, Jake pulling up his pants and quickly tightening his belt. "Sorry, just really had to rub one out." He mumbled, sliding out of the bathroom and heading to his room immediately.
You enjoyed your meal with Heeseung, and you two even exchanged numbers. You strolled the halls for a little while, until you got an idea. Of course it wouldn’t be too hard to collect sexual energy from college girls and boys, but there was an easy way. Guys get off to nudes, so if you sent Heeseung or Jake some they’d probably jerk of to it enough to keep you fed for a while.
First, you decided to test the waters.
you: jakeyyyy
i have a little surprise for you
want to see smth?
jake: yes
fuck that sounded desperate
don’t think im like a loser or smth k
you: that’d be rude of me to judge baby
and here’s a gift for all your help jakey
you: sent 1 attachment
jake: wow
beautiful body
uh here’s me I guess?
jake: sent 1 attachment
Aw, he really was cute. Now let’s see how much energy you’ll gain from that. So you continued on campus going to your classes and by the end of the day? You felt full for at least a couple days. Actually, oddly full. This couldn’t be the energy of just one guy with a 4 inch cock.
You checked your phone, seeing messages from guys at your school.
thanks for the ass pics, slut
nice tits
you could sit on my face and id thank you
fuck let me call you mommy
You immediately cringed. Jake had leaked your nudes, and your powers could show you everyone who was beating their shit to your photo right now. Great.
People stared all over campus, and when you were entering the dorm buildings, a man was walking behind you. “Hey, Y/n?” You turned around to a sexy looking guy with headphones and glasses on. “Dude, i think i should let you know your uh…spicy photos are getting leaked. Almost everyone on campus has seen it.” You sighed in annoyance, feeling embarrassed. “Thank you, but i already sort of know that. I appreciate your honesty.”
“No problem. I’m Nicholas. Sorry about all…this. The guys on our football team are no good, so i suggest avoiding them.” He smiled, fiddling with his hoodie strings. “Anyway, i have to get to class. Talk to you later?” You smiled, sending him on his way. Now you had to deal with confronting Jake.
You knocked on his dorm door angrily, him slowly opening the door. “Shit, u-um hi y/n.” He whispered guilty, you pushing past him. “Fuck you, you coward! Did you seriously think I would be okay with you showing everyone my god damn nudes?” He panicked, stepping backwards slowly. “I’m super sorry. I just was looking at them and my friend wanted to see them and i felt bad saying no!”
You grit your teeth in annoyance, grabbing Jake by his collar. He noticed how your eyes were flickering orange, and it scared the shit out of him. “ You couldn’t say no? Of FUCKING course you couldn’t. You could barely wipe your ass if I asked you to.” You shouted, his roommate Heeseung exiting his room at the noise. “You know what? This conversation is over. Fuck you and your tiny little dick.” You dropped him, leaving the dorm and slamming the door behind you.
Heeseung just stared at him, chuckling. “Damn, she gave you the business.”
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ineedtogetalife11 · 9 months
Why nico di angelo deserves better friends
• percy kind of looked down on nico in the titans curse.
•when Percy found out that nico was missing and potentially dead, his first thought was that he was going to wring his throat for keeping secrets
• homie was literally ordered by hades to keep this a secret, like he had no choice, and percy was like "wow I will strangle that poor little kid that might be dead"
• Jason and Leo elected not to save him, then when they did, Jason decided it was time to pretend to be his buddy buddy.
• leo and piper continued to make rude jokes about him, then when Jason did the right thing, the were like: " omg since when was Jason friends with nico?
• he's not!! He just got some common sense!!
• hazel was like, the only one nice to him
• when hazel got poisoned in hoh, frank was like " omg you little piece of shit how dare you not remember this creature from a game you played 4 years ago and tried to erase from your mind bcs ur sister died trying to get you an action figure"
• no offense to frank he also deserves so much better
• but like man, nico was going thru stuff 2! That was his SISTER and only friend and like, if it weren't for him, you wouldn't even know her
• everyone was like omg he's so creepy bcs he doesn't talk excessively
Part 2 later bcs the list is endless
Remember 2 request fanfics!!
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bordysbae · 2 years
can i get 11. "can i get your number?" with jack hughes?
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“stood up”
jack hughes x fem!reader
word count: 0.8k
i made this in class so i apologize if it’s crappy ugh
recently you’ve been seeing this guy, and today is your guys’ third date. he’s a little flakey when it comes to dates, but throughout all of the rescheduling, you guys finally found a day that works. currently you’re sitting in the small cafe, waiting for the guy who was supposed to be here 5 minutes ago.
another ten minutes pass by, and at this point the waitress has come over twice already. you’re a little embarrassed due to the fact you’ve had to state you’re waiting for someone twice now. after ten more minutes of waiting, you decide to call him. he doesn’t answer, so you leave a voicemail, “hey adam, it’s been 25 minutes. are you on your way? call me back, thanks.” you sigh after ending the message. you notice these three men who seem to be around your age giving you pitiful glances, which makes you even more embarrassed.
“i feel so bad for her, she got stood up.” nico states. “me too, she’s really pretty. i think i’m gonna go ask for her number” jack says. this makes both nico and dawson almost spit out their coffees. “what?” dawson chuckles.
jack gives dawson a confused look, “what do you mean what?” “are you an idiot jack? obviously she’s waiting for someone, what if it’s her boyfriend?!” dawson replies. “well first, you don’t know if you don’t ask. second, if that’s her boyfriend who just stood her up, i don’t think she should be dating him” jack shrugs before pushing his chair back and rising up from it. nico and dawson each share a glance at each other, before watching the 21 year-old boy make his way over to you.
“excuse me?” he says, grabbing your attention. you look up from your phone stupidly expecting it to be adam, but who you’re met with is way more attractive. “yes?” you ask softly, not trying to sound rude. “may i sit?” he asks, and you nod in response. “i saw that you got stood up, and i think you’re really pretty so i wanted to come talk to you” jack says shyly, scratching the back of his neck.
your cheeks begin to turn pink, and you try your best to hide it. “oh thank you! i must say, you’re not too bad yourself.” you smile. “i’m jack, it’s really nice to meet you—“ “y/n. it’s nice to meet you too jack.” you blush.
after a bit of talking with jack and explaining the situation with adam, you discover he plays professional hockey which genuinely shocks you. “wow! i had no idea, that’s amazing! i guess i’ll have to start going to hockey games” you exclaim. “you better, i’d be more than happy to see you in the stands!” he smiles. “whens the next game?” “tonight, actually” “oh really? i think i’m free” you say, pulling out your phone to check your calendar. “can i get your number? i’ll buy you a ticket, i’ll make sure you get the best seat in the house.” he says with a cheesy grin across his face.
“you sure that’s the only reason you want my number, hughes?” you say, a smirk-ish grin growing on your face. “oh were doing nicknames now? jeez, let me take you out on a date first” he chuckles, making you laugh as well. “well i guess you’ll need my number to do that” you shrug, as you hand him your phone to type in his number.
he saves his contact and slides you your phone back, and you see ‘hughes <3’ saved. he hands you his phone to type in your number, and that’s exactly what you do. “i’ll text you the details on your ticket, then maybe we can catch a late dinner afterwards?” he suggests. “that sounds great! and really jack, you don’t need to buy my ticket” “oh i insist. but i better see you in the stands tonight, right up against the glass” “oh you will don’t worry, i’ll be your little cheerleader” you chuckle, and he laughs as well.
“alright then, it’s a date! the game starts at 7:00, so get there around 6:30. and i’ll have someone come find you after the game so we can head to dinner” “thank you again, jack” “of course y/n, i’m really glad i met you. maybe something good can come out of being stood up” “that’s true, it’s not everyday a professional hockey player buys you a ticket to his game and asks you to dinner” you blush, making jacks cheeks turn pink too.
“i need to get going, but i’ll see you tonight y/n!” he smiles before getting up to go back over to the two other boys from earlier, who you now learned to be dawson mercer and nico hischier. you smile to yourself as his friends hype him up over his successful mission.
maybe getting stood up isn’t so bad after all.
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darkwitchingflower · 8 months
Things my friends have said as pjo quotes:
✨️Mainly @wraith--2 Edition✨️
Luke: Theft and Robbery is a hobby (@wraith--2)
Connor/Travis Stoll: Breaking and entering... you mean date night? (@wraith--2)
Nico to Will: Come on gay boy tell us your Fre*ch (friend not on tumblr)
Will to Nico: Oh I'm sorry let me just pop down to McDonald's buy a scared chicken nugget in case it in the finest diamonds one can find and put it in the highest place of honour as I light candles made from the purest wax hand crafted by only the most religious and sacred monks that themselves died centuries ago as I use pure dragon fire to light the candles and respect the pure sanctity of the holy chicken nugget of course I have not forgotten to repeat the hyms of eons lost to the eternal egg of life that gave us all the blessed chicken nugget and as the last part of the ritual I must endeavour to pray for 10 long days and 10 long nights till I am naught but sickly skin on brittle bones and once I have proven my true worship and faith in the all encompassing chicken nugget I will be granted eternal intelligence
How rude of me to forget (@wraith--2)
Leo: Are you even human if you don't want your partner to be a lil insane (@wraith--2)
Annabeth: And for those of you who are like they might not even be in a relationship THERE WAS MORE SEXUAL TENSION THAN THERE WAS BETWEEN HENRY THE 8TH AND A GUILLOTINE (@wraith--2)
Percy: I just woke up, yalls lives aren't that interesting to have this many messages right? (Friend not on tumblr)
Nico: What brand of gay are you 😘 (friend not on tumblr)
Leo: mushroom slander in the groupchat......... smh........ (@nyafuyu)
Annabeth: Ok sleep tight Percy, don't let king George the 3rd bite (friend not on tumblr)
Pipe: wow due to budget cuts the r has been taken from my name 😔 (@carpcranium)
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
Can you do jealous nico robin please??
hi!! absolutely, here you go ㅡ I hope that it's to your liking!!
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"Look at this!"
"Don't wander too far ahead," Robin calls as she looks over from where she's standing to find you a few feet away, examining another ware stall with no small amount of fascination.
"I won't," you answer, but it's easier said than done when there's so much to look at, so much to see ㅡ you're suddenly more understanding of Luffy's attitude when it comes to new islands. Said Captain is off doing his own thing, as are the others.
"I see you're enjoying yourself though, which is good." Robin's hand rests on your head, affection that makes your cheeks warm, resisting the urge to lean into it like a content housecat.
"I am," you answer, "aren't you?" There's the abrupt fear that you're annoying her by asking her to come with you, flitting from one stand to the next ㅡ but Robin only smiles, her expression soft.
"Of course I am. I always do with you." There's nothing but honesty in her tone, and your heart hammers in response.
"Good." You're content to walk a little slower with her at your side, though your gaze never stays on anything for too long ㅡ until you catch the shimmer of something and you pull ahead without thinking. "Oh wow..."
It's a hairclip, ornate for the small, gleaming jewels inlaid at the center of delicate loops of gold, but that it isn't what truly catches your attention ㅡ it's the tiny jade butterfly perched towards the center, thin wings outstretched and winking in the sunlight.
You reach for it, mindful of how you hold it for inspection. 'This would be a nice gift for Robin,' you think, biting your lip. You know that Robin isn't one for gifts very often, but this clip is beautiful and practical.
"See something you like?" The unfamiliar voice jolts you from your thoughts and you look up to find a man of around your age watching you, hair swept back from his face and his eyes bright and inquisitive.
"Yes," you answer, figuring that he must be the stand owner as you hold up the hairclip. "I'd like to buy this, please. How much is it?"
He's quiet for a moment, and you watch his eyes flick over you before he answers, "For someone who's beauty rivals that of the heavens themselves? Free, if you'll allow me the honor of showing you around? It's pretty obvious that you aren't from here."
You blink, uncertain of how to respond. Part of you wants to bristle at the latter part of his comment. Had you been that obvious? It isn't like you'd been rude or obnoxious ㅡ but it's also clear that he's trying to flirt with you. You've watched Sanji do so (and fail) enough times to pick up on it, and the expectant way he's watching you makes you uncomfortable.
Is he expecting you to say yes?
"That's a generous offer," comes the answer, but it isn't from you. Relief floods your veins as your girlfriend approaches. Her expression is neutral, but you've been around her long enough to see the flicker of irritation in her eyes. "But they already have an escort."
The stand owner's gaze flicks from you to Robin, silently assessing before Robin continues, "And offering customers items for free in exchange for something like that is not a sound business practice."
The man's eyes narrow, though Robin only stares back before you set the clip down and reach for her hand. "Thank-you for the offer," you say, "but I don't think I want the clip anymore."
And then you pull away with Robin, her hand still in yours. You wait until the two of you are a safe distance from the stall before you huff indignantly, "What was that guy thinking? Even Sanji wouldn't do that!"
"I'm not so sure," Robin answers, though her tone is light and teasing before she squeezes your hand, tugging you to a stop so that you turn towards her, her other hand coming up to cup your chin and tip your head up. "But I'm not fond of people trying to take what's mine. Maybe I should make it clear that we're together, hm?"
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f0xgl0v3 · 9 months
Legacies in Camp Jupiter/Just Pjo?
Wow I am on a roll! Anyway I’ve been wanting to do this and the power post just really dragged up this issue in my head back to the forefront, and it is someone that really continuously confuses me on a basic level of how Rick chose to let this category function.
Legacies are a type of Demigod introduced in HoO that are directly related to Gods but aren’t first generation. They are not children of gods but like grandkids, great-grandkids, so on and so on. This is not a new concept, it is as old as myths themselves, the first thing that pops up in my mind was Troy’s royal family was said in myths to be descended from Zeus. That makes someone like Hector (in Pjo-verse vocabulary) a legacy in the Pjo canon.
But.. Legacies aren’t really different to demigods? Like- not different enough that they would get classified as differently-? For several reasons I believe, but the main three points I want to make (because apparently all my thoughts come in packs of 3), is that 1) Legacies and Demigods are shown to have the same godly-ability level as one another/ it’s inconsistent, 2) somewhat through the books themselves they just sort of stop using the word Legacy/Legacies never have anything that set them apart from demigods, 3) this is a new concept to distinguish them (this is the weakest but it feels weird that Rick decided to differentiate Legacies and Demigods when myths never really did too much, but when did Rick care about the source material- okay, that was rude I’m just still annoyed over Ares-)
Legacies and Demigods powers. Legacies are shown to have similar power levels to Demigods, or those powers are inconsistent. I bring this up because it feels odd? That legacies would have a similar broad level of abilities while still being more mortal than god (this depends and I’ll talk about what I think for like hc on New Rome and their legacy population) but we have characters like Bryce Lawerence; who has powers like, shadow travel (the shadow travel is implied but I’ll get into why it’s likely he has some form of enhanced ability to travel), enhanced tracking (also implied but this will fit into the travel thing), summoning the damned souls of those who broke oaths, along with being implied to have visited the underworld at some point because he mentions hearing the screams of the fields of punishment. But let’s also remember that BoO takes place somewhere in 8-9 days (starts July 20, ends Aug 3) the Bryce attack scene is on chapter XXX while Bryce being brought back to the legion is in chapter VI. No less than if I remember correctly like 2-3 days could’ve past. There are a couple things, he’s stealthy enough that Nico doesn’t notice him. We don’t get any confirmation that he’d been following them for a while (from all I know of Bryce’s character I have to assume he wasn’t or he would’ve 100 percent taken the first chance to attack them) but he is able to get from Long Island to South Carolina on foot, and seemingly appear out of nowhere. There is probably a logical explanation but also considering the fact he knows what’s happening to Nico (that shadow traveling fading that doesn’t seem to matter?) makes me consider and lean more to the idea that he can shadow travel (honestly would love to make another post on Bryce Lawerence because no one cares about him but I really find him interesting). But if he can do the (implied shadow travel) and the very apparent necromancy he has the same skill set of Nico! Never mind the tiny little difference in the necromancy, they have the same power and the same level of that power. The difference is that one is a legacy, and one is a Demigod- but there doesn’t seem to be a power difference. Secondly Frank’s shapeshifting thing, I’ll be real and say I just think that’s a thing because like Poseidon gifted it? I think of it as the same way that like the Red panda gift from turning Red is going strong because it was a blessing or whatever. And Octavian, who is (said, for some reason Rick wanted to put in that maybe Octavian never had powers at all but that’s stupid and takes away what little things Octavian has) but he also, doesn’t seem to have a dip in powers? I don’t care much for seeing the Apollo kids but it seems that they all can have varied powers (fitting seeing as Apollo was a god of so many things) and Octavian’s skill doesn’t seem limited in any way (would’ve been great if we got more information on it because we have no idea how it works compared to say, the way we know how the Oracle stuff works) but all of this puts a clear image that from the legacies we know, there doesn’t seem to be a big difference in power. Which is odd, seeing as they don’t feel like they should.
Through HoO Rick really just like- stopped talking about legacies? I’m laughing as I’m writing this but know it’s a saddened laugh because like. Rachel refers to Octavian as Son of Apollo (Which could be argued she doesn’t know what a Legacy is but I feel like since her Oracle powers told her everything else it would’ve informed her of his proper title- or I guess not because the writing didn’t care at all about Octavian-) and I think Reyna mentions Bryce is a legacy though it’s not referenced any more. Bryce just brings up Orcus in some dialogue and that’s about it. If you’re going to bring up a new type of Demigod then why not explore them more? HoO doesn’t explore like anything but still, Frank never has thoughts about his Legacy stuff. We don’t even get any notes about Greek demigods not considering most of the Roman Legacies Demigods because they aren’t the direct Children of the Gods? It just like- Legacies kind of do nothing, there is nothing different about a legacy.
Mythology doesn’t even really distinguish the two? Like- again because I’ve read the Iliad and Odyssey it’s what I always think first. Hector mentions he is also related to Zeus- that there is a distinct thing about demigods like Sarpedon, Achilles, and Aeneas. But there never is something where it calls out, “Oh Hectors great-great-great grandpa is Zeus and that’s super different and crazy” but it’s just “Hectors related to Zeus y’know and he’s gonna kick your butt man >:[“ obviously this is a random point because those are ancient texts. But we have to remember that Pjo is founded off of these myths and the fact that Legacies are a part of these myths but distinctly different (literally everyone who is descended from Zeus which is literally everyone- not literally but like-) operate differently, they are essentially no different than their fully mortal companions other than they can sport a God ancestor and the most convoluted family tree.
Okay. Those are the points that I’ve made. All of those boil down into like “Rick did nothing to differentiate Legacies from Demigods other than slap a different name on them” and that’s a missed opportunity. It’d be like if something like Harry Potter went, “Here are wizards that are said to be different than other magic users but all that’s different are their titles!” That might be a thing I don’t know I don’t consume Harry Potter. But there was a ball and it was slammed into the ground (huh, almost like Rick did that with a lot of things related to Camp Jupiter and the Romans- also the Romans canonically have cars and I don’t like that). But I have some Head-canons about legacies for my re-imagining to hopefully make them, make more sense?
The longer a legacy line is, the more ‘diluted’ the power becomes. Like in the myths, after you hit a certain point most legacies will have incredibly weak powers. This adds to the powers post I made (shameless plug that you should read that one too because I’m proud of it.) and how the legacies affect the Romans view on powers. But this means that the farther you get down a family line the less and less powerful the power is. Say a child of Zeus has children and then like ten generations down the line the descendants could be more resistant to lightning, conduct it easier and attract it a little more, maybe jump a big higher but that’s about it. Example, Michael Kahale In my re-imagining comes from a super duper long line and his powers pretty much are, I look pretty, I’m a little more persuasive from remnants of charm-speak (and I want to buff up the Aphrodite cabin more because Rick really just didn’t care when it came to them)
This doesn’t include ‘gifts’ like Frank’s. I think by the will of the God that blessed the ancestor with it they keep the power strong. This goes the same way for curses, maybe. If the curse is not revered than it probably is passed onto your kid.
In common sense, the fresher the legacy the more potent the power. And sometimes there can be mutations that a child can end up with more potent powers, whether that be the wishes of the Godly ancestor or they just get miracle genes it could act as a soft re-boot to strengthen the powers. For examples; Bryce is a very new legacy, his dad is the direct child of Orcus and Bryce gets passed down all of the cool powers (also need a hc for his mother because she comes from a legacy line) or Octavian was just.. born with the more potent powers, I like to think Apollo noted him and took interest to strengthen his powers for some reason. (Note he also is a legacy of Venus but I haven’t worked out if that affects him and how, but the Venus part is much more downplayed)
Legacies who have mixed godly blood/ several different lines that have merged have a little from everything, their powers are weaker but if like for example a Child of Athena with a Hermes legacy might have a easier time stealing things, or be a little faster than their peers. But these end up very minimal because the direct child aspect overpowers it a lot (idk I don’t know hypothetical demigod genes and how they work so let’s just go with it) this is similar with legacies+legacies though the family will usually stick to one legacy title (sort of how last names are passed on, but a partner wouldn’t take up the legacy title of the family. But a child would) while the powers honestly could be all over the place
Okay that’s all I think right now, if I have anything else I’ll probably make a separate post but for me right now it is very nighttime and I need my sleep so I can crush my siblings in various unserious competition.
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ladylooch · 5 months
B, me me me pick me 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
Okay. I need to go way back with mackdavid. After the steakhouse drama, what was nico's view of David and he said anything to Lexi about connor's d partner ??
“Hey you.” His wife greets him on the phone the next morning. Nico woke up early for New Jersey standards, even after all this time and travel, he still struggles with jet lag. None of this is surprising to his wife of over 25 years. 
“Hi.” Nico smiles at her. She is sitting in her office, soaking up the afternoon sun. She looks cozy and as gorgeous as ever. “What are you up to?”
“Soph just left for school. I’m sitting here getting some vitamin D before meeting up with Em.”
“Nice. You two better be careful with that happy hour. T and I aren’t there to pick you two lushes up.”
“We are drinking at her house.” Lexi chuckles, but doesn’t deny that she may let a little loose. With everyone out of the house, it feels a little bit like a vacation for her too. “How was dinner last night?”
“Good. Girls were so beautiful. I can’t believe how grown up they look here. But Connor invited his D partner along, David. I liked him a lot. He has a good head on his shoulders.”
“Yeah. It was nice talking with him. But Mack and him seem to have some sort of vendetta?”
“Really?” Lexi tilts her head to the side, thinking. “Oh! Wait! Luc has talked about this last week after they hosted them for a dinner. Lots of tension….” Lexi pushes her glasses up her nose. “But you liked him?”
“Yeah. He is very mature, humble, but funny and charismatic too. Did you know he is a farmer in the off-season?”
“Yeah, his parents have both passed but he is running their family farm. Been in his family for three generations.”
“Wow, that is impressive. What was the interaction like with Mack?”
“She was being so snarky and rude. I almost said something to her. It pretty much stopped when Lucie and her went to the bathroom though.”
“Well, it seems like Lucie took care of it like she always does.” Lexi laughs.
“Oldest and a mother.” Nico chuckles. “She can’t help herself.”
“I wouldn’t worry about Mack. She is more bark than bite these days.” Lexi shrugs. Nico contemplates then ultimately agrees with his wife. “I’m sure she will find a way to be civil with big sister Luc laying down the law.” 
“Do you think I should talk to her before we leave? Just make sure everything is okay?”
“Do I think you should get her all agitated and then leave town?” She pops an eyebrow at him.
“Ah…. Fair. I will leave it to Lucie.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 6 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: The way this chapter makes me yearn?? Jail -Danny Words: 2,241 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'reckless driving' -by Lizzy McAlpine & Ben Kressler
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XXXV: I Don't Have Any More Live Laugh Love Left in Me
Ara's absently spinning her newly acquired flintlock, Nico scowls at the scene and grumbles. "You shouldn't own a gun."
"Easy, Neeks. As much as I don't like you, you'd be a waste of bullets. Besides, Hazel said I could keep it."
The boy makes a face. "You're out of control." She huffs and spins the gun again, Nico snatches the firearm and eyes it with annoyance. "Where's the safety in this thing?"
"The safety's in place, jackass. I wasn't playing with it without making sure it's safe," she scowls. "That's the problem with you and Lily, you think I throw knives up in the air and catch them with my eyes closed. I'm not stupid."
He hands the gun back. "You're stupid if you think this is about us not believing you can do your job. For Hades's sake, you've killed more monsters in the last week than I ever thought you'd face in our lifetime! This is about your psyche."
"Why would you care about that?"
His voice comes out sharp and resentful, he pulls the words out of his chest with difficulty. "You and Lily are the only people I can call friends."
The girl stares at him. "Wow... Is that supposed to make me feel bad?"
Nico frowns. "Excuse me?"
She smirks. "You think you can't get more friends? Is that it? The campers don't hate you, you know? What they dislike is that you keep popping out of dark corners without warning—You and Lily have got to stop doing that, it's rude."
Nico's mouth opens to argue, but he seems more confused than angry. "What?"
"I think campers detest me far more than they could ever dislike you!" She snorts. "They're used to big three kids by now, and for what it's worth, Travis and Connor Stoll consider you a distant friend at the very least. They like how easily you rile me up."
Seeing that Nico is still speechless, she keeps going. "Lily and I are no exception to the rule, you could have more friends if you stopped assuming they're all against you. They think you're badass, they just don't approach because they think you don't want to hang out with them, so take a risk."
He scowls at her. "And you know all about taking useless risks, right?"
Ara smiles, unbothered by his hostility. "You know... I know why Lily's angry. She thought I'd grow to be different since I've always been the emotional one, but letting my ugly feelings out... that's not who I am. I can't release them, they're too much. I don't get why you hate me so much, though."
Nico thinks of Lily, and how she's stuck between two idiots who refuse to do anything to save themselves. "I don't hate you..." he doesn't feel like unpacking that, so he changes the subject. "If I give camp a chance, do you promise to pull some of your feelings out?"
Ara's voice comes out with amusement. "If I agree, the only way you'll escape this is if I die. Even then it's not certain, considering you're the son of Hades, and I'm acquainted with the Underworld. Making a promise to each other is like making a deal with the devil, don't you think?"
He makes a face. "Yeah, but I know which buttons to push to get you to do things, and you know mine. We can make sure the other keeps their word."
Ara sighs, knowing that's accurate. "Yeah, I think so."
"So... deal?" He reaches out to shake hands. 
Ara holds his palm firmly. "You're on. I can't wait to become more of a nuance to you."
"I can't wait to see you cry about overcooked s'mores again," he smirks.
"No one wanted to eat it! Can you imagine what that does to the self-esteem of a s'more?"
Nico tilts his head frowning. "That's an insane question." His eyes move to something behind her. "And you have other things to worry about."
Ara looks over her shoulder and spots Leo getting closer to where they are, she turns to Nico only to discover that he's gone. The girl hasn't figured out how he manages to hurry out of a scene without tripping over himself.
"I'm sorry."
She turns back to Leo and blinks. "What?"
He runs a hand through his hair. "What I said before... I'm sorry, I—"
Ara steps closer. "You were asking a question and I freaked out, that was messed up. I'm the one who should be apologizing." 
Leo looks up at her intently. Sometimes when facing the sunlight, her eyes have a rainbowy glint as if they're made of glass. Most of the time, their brown has a maple syrup tone sprinkled in. Right now, they're clouded by guilt.
Ara can't keep doing this to him, she's certain that no matter how much Leo doubts her, no matter the bad feelings, jealousy, or disappointment the boy might face, his love will remain intact. She has to be more considerate towards him.
"You had every right to be angry. I asked you something personal that was none of my business," Leo crosses his arms like he's trying to protect his body from her.
Ara thinks of how hard it was to be around Leo when they first met, and how hard it'd be to live without him now that she knows him better. The girl glances up to the sky as if praying, then she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, preparing for the next part. 
"It is your business."
Leo steps back. "No, I—"
Ara holds him in place. "We need to talk."
Back in her cabin, she sits cross-legged on her bed, they closed the door so there is no chance of getting interrupted. Leo's hugging her Octopi with one arm, and she's got Almighty in compass mode, her thumb running over its design.
"So... this is a long and complicated story, but I swear on the Styx it's true."
Leo pulls out scraps of metal and wire from his tool belt. "I'm all ears, beautiful."
She gets butterflies over his off-handed petname, he's so used to being affectionate that he can't stop even when they're angry—if this even counts as being angry.
"The curse has to do with our relationship."
Things between them had kindled quickly and made him the happiest he'd ever been, it was too good to be true. Leo always knew, deep down, that there was a catch. He stays quiet and lets her explain, working silently on whatever he's building.
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It takes a lot from Leo not to storm out and set the Athena Parthenos on fire. Do the gods want saving? Well, so does he. Good freaking luck getting it. He doesn't ask for much nowadays, and the one thing he wants more than anything, he can't have it.
Leo speaks at last, very quietly. "How do you know all this?"
"Aphrodite," she responds, staring at her hands. "She talked to me the day we landed in New Rome. The rest I sort of... figured it out."
"So you've known..." he makes a quick calculation. "For almost a month? And you're telling me just now?"
"I had a good reason."
"I don't see it."
"Well, Helen and Paris—"
Leo interrupts her. "They caused the Trojan War, but that's them. What's that got to do with us?"
She looks at him without understanding. "I'm not following."
Leo scowls at the thing he's building. "We keep repeating history because only you knew about this. If you would've told me, I would've been careful. But that's just it, right? You don't trust me."
"Leo," she replies calmly. "Look at all you do to keep me happy, so I don't leave your side. Don't you think I'm entitled to be a little worried?"
"If I'd known, I would've—"
"No, you know that's not true," Ara cuts him off gently. "You built a ship for a bunch of people you barely knew—I know you offered to use the fortune cookie to help Hazel find Nico, and I know you offered help to Frank as well. Everything you do it's for others. How can you expect me to believe you'll choose yourself this time?"
Leo shakes his head. "If I'm Paris the loser, then I killed Achilles."
"Maybe," Ara responds, not knowing why he's bringing that up. "But the story has many versions—"
"If I killed a child of Olympus once, then in this life I'll fix that. Maybe that's how the curse will break."
"That's not the reason the curse exists. I told you this isn't your fault—"
"It is!" He exclaims. "And you always knew it! No wonder you wanted me to get lost when we met, your soul knew I was bad for you and I forced myself into your life—My Tía Rosa tenía razón, estoy maldito y te voy a hacer daño—"
"Leo, calm down," Ara tries to stop his rambling, reaching for his hand to absorb his panic.
"You're better off without me," he takes his hand away before she can hold them. "I knew it made no sense for you to be with me. You're dealing with Olympian Stockholm syndrome—"
"Okay, that's a fake thing men made up," Ara stops him in a harsher tone. "And I can't be better off without my match. Our soul lights are the same," she makes a face, hating having to confess that.
Leo doesn't know how to respond to that, he's not even sure he knows what she's saying. "Soul light... like a... a soulmate?"
Ara looks at him with concern. "Maybe I should leave that for later—"
"No, no, we're doing this," Leo sits upright. "Alright. Soul light. What's that?"
"Uhm... if the color of your soul matches someone else's, that person complements you. Some call them soulmates, but many people in the world can share your light, and sharing the color doesn't mean you have to date them. It's open to interpretation."
"So... our soul lights are the same color?" He asks slowly. "And you knew it since the first time you saw me? You see them all the time?"
"Only when you're uh, feeling butterflies? It's kinda vague," she sighs. "Anyway, I don't know if we've shared soul lights in every lifetime, but in this one we do. That can't be forged, Aphrodite can't meddle with them, nor the fates."
Leo stares at her, the gears in his mind heating up with how fast they're working. His hair starts to smoke. "Okay... well, being in love doesn't make our situation all that better, does it?"
"That's what the prophecy is for," she continues, feeling a bit in control at last. "It's our last chance to make Oenone's curse go away for good and stop the death cycle. If we figure it out, then maybe you..." her voice breaks. "Maybe we'll have a chance to be happy."
"Gaea has to be part of the answer," he says determinately. "If your prophecy is happening at the same time as the big one, that means they overlap. Through Storm or Fire, the world must fall—I take part in both prophecies. See? It's something I have to do."
Half of getting something done is believing you can do it, but Ara doesn't want Leo to believe this. "I play a big part in this too, if only I'd kept myself away from you then maybe—I mean... The last time I liked someone... I know it's not necessarily correlated, but that's not what I'm saying here—"
"Arae," his voice is so gentle that it makes her go silent. Leo reaches for her hands and she doesn't move them out of reach. "I'm sorry you had to deal with this alone for so long, but get this... knowing about the curse doesn't change a thing. You make me happy. I don't mind loving you."
Leo doesn't know what to do with this information. She hadn't mentioned liking anyone before, but he has a pretty good guess as to who it is. He fixes his posture and tries very hard to find the right words.
"Don't blame yourself for the bad things that happen, you do good things. You keep us safe... and you lean on me and I lean on you, remember? If we go down to the Underworld together, I'd die happy. I mean it."
"I don't mind loving you" and "I'd die happy"  are probably the best and worst things she's ever been told. He wants her even if she brings him hell. Ara wishes she could be the person he loves without also having to be the one who hurts him. It makes her hate her world, which is a dangerous thought for the daughter of Olympus.
The girl speaks hoarsely. "Don't you see that this is the reason why we've gone through all this pain? I can't let you choose this again."
He cups her face. "I don't care if I screwed up a hundred lifetimes, I'm sure I loved you like crazy in each of them. I was meant to be yours, and I don't wanna fight it."
"And this is why I couldn't tell you," she scowls, struggling to hold back her tears, "because if you don't fight it, we die."
Leo doesn't want to ruin what he has with her with thoughts of what might or might not happen if he continues to love her. His heart is not in salvation, it's entirely set on Ara.
"Hey, that's a nice haircut," he runs his hands through her hair, changing the subject so she smiles again. Now that he knows why he likes doing that, he can't help but try harder. "Can I stay here tonight?"
Ara laughs and presses her forehead on his, feeling weird about having to lean down even while they're sitting, but she's starting to get used to it. "Get out."
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Next Chapter –>
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sifasdt · 1 year
SIFAS Daily Theatre Classic: 2022-07-22
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(Transcription after the break.)
[Image transcription:]
SIFAS Daily Theatre for 2022-07-22
Happy Birthday, Nicocchi!
Mari: Happy Birthday, Nicocchi~! Nico: Hwa-! Mari: Why are you looking around like that? Nico: There's a rumor that if you visit someone on their birthday, you'll take them on a heli ride somewhere. But I guess not today. Mari: Wow! People are talking about me like that!? How miraculous~! Nico: Well, I guess you wouldn't come in a heli every time. I'm sorry. It was rude of me not to thank you even though you came to celebrate my birthday. Thanks, Mari. Mari: Fufu, don't mind it, Nicocchi. In fact, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were expecting it. Nico: Eh? I wasn't expecting it. I was just being cautious. Mari: Geez~, you don't have to hide it. I'll call the heli right now! Wait juuuust a bit, okay ♪ Nico: Wait! That's not what I meant! I really was just being cautious, Mariii-!
[End transcription.]
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divineluckfuckoff · 2 years
Self-inflicted attempt
More au shit WOOOOOOOOO. This time Ace finds a way to stop Xander's death! How?? Well you're gonna find out!
Also uh- TW: for throwing up and blood-
Today, in theory, Xander would die. He knew that, and he had to find a way to stop that from happening.
So, he stayed up until midnight to make a plan with his future self. Not really healthy, but when you know a murder will happen and you want tk stop it, you have to make sure the plan is not disturbed.
First, he snuck out at night, as quiet as he could, and slipped in the infirmary so he could get the thing he neeeded. He quietly opened the door, not expecting to see Nico in there. He was frowning, looking at the pill bottles in the right side of the cabinet.
'Shit! You didn't tell me this would happen!'
'It's bound to happen, we had no clue Nico was here. But don't worry, he's not planning a murder. The pills he's looking for are for himself.' His future self assured him. Awkwardly, he coughed, gaining Nico's attention. He flinched, looking at Ace with wide eyes.
"Ah?! A-Ace, w-what are you d-doing here?!" he asked, trembling. It was almost as if he was afraid of the jockey. Ah, he probably was, considering how rude he normally is.
"I was... getting something. To help me get sleep. Can't sleep at all after the damn TV head announced the whole motives thing." he lied, it almost sounded perfect, if it wasn't for the fact that his voice was trembling and he was nervous. But, hopefully, Nico would buy the act.
"Ah, same here... Well, not really? It's... mostly because I'm out of my meds for my... anxiety..." the pet therapist shyly admitted. Ace perked up at that. Wow, he did buy the act. How lucky of him.
"Tranquilizers? I think they're all the way to the right, hold on." he recalled, walking over to the cabinet and reaching for the pills. He handed them to the shorter boy.
"Ah, thank you Ace! I... couldn't really distinguish them due to how dark it is..." Nico softly spoke, a small smile on his face.
"No need to. But you could've gone here at the morning, y'know? Waking up earlier than normal and such." Ace told him.
"I would, if I wasn't such a deep sleeper, heh." Nico sighed, rubbing the back of his head nervously before waving at him, exiting the infirmary. Ace sighed in relief, feeling his chest deflate at this.
'Told you.'
'Just-... Shut up and give the name of the poison, for fuck's sake.'
'It's the one all the way to the left, bottom row. The red bottle with the yellow label.' He grabbed it, inspecting it closely. The liquid inside was a dark, greenish yellow, and he could already feel himself gag at the thought of having to forcefully digest it in order to prevent Xander from dying, but here we are. It was for the sake of everyone being alive, after all.
"Got what I needed, now to get to my room." he mumbled, slipping the small, plastic bottle in his breast pocket before he exited the infirmary, wandering back in the darkness that is the hall to the dorms.
He skipped the morning announcement, waking up a few minutes earlier than it. It gave him time to practice his lines all over again while getting dressed and styling his hair. Instead of the usual all up look, his future self decided to switch it up a little.
His hair was swiped to the right, a small strand sticking out and falling down on his forehead while he rolled up his sleeves like always and bent down the collar of his jacket while not fully closing it eith the zipper.
"Damn... I look like... a different me!" Ace couldn't help but gasp in awe at the sight.
'Heh, your welcome little me. It was time to get rid of that Walmart Kirishima Eijirou looking hairstyle anyways, so I thought: Why not earlier?' His future self boasted with pride, sparkles all around him.
"Ouch. That hurts." Ace huffed, slipping the bottle in his pocket again before heading over to the kitchen. He could already smell the food from out of the kitchen, which was a good sign. The plan would be in action soon. He peeked his head in the kitchen.
Levi and Hu Jing were there, discussing some random topic, probably related to the killing game. The two were wearing aprons while cooking. It seemed like Levi noticed him, as his tilted to the side.
"Ace? What are you doing here?" he asked. Hu turned her head to the side, surprised.
"A-Ah, eh, I was just walking around, haha! J-Just happened to smell something delicious, and I wanted to take a peeek..." he trailed off, mentally cursing hi,self for stammering like that even after practicing a lot.
"Ah, thank you! Me and Levi were making a plate my family taught me. Would you like to help?" Hu asked with a warm smile. Ace paused for a second. Was it a good idea? While he could have a better opportunity, it was risky. Very risky.
"Oh, uh, I can't really cook... I-I wouldn't mind helping with bringing stuff though!" He nervously said. Levi raised a brow at that, while Hu nodded.
"Right. Can you get us the recipe book while we take out the food from the oven?" the zither player asked. Nodding, Ace hurried over to get the book, a thick, red book full of traditional chinese dishes to the brim. It amazed him how many there were.
It was fun cooking with Hu Jing and Levi. He got to learn a lot of recipes and learn a few basic rules of cooking. He felt like he could be more calmer around those two, they had such a calm, parent-like aura he found himself comfortable in.
However, in his mind, he still had to start the plan. He was simply just looking fkr the right opportunity. And, he just so happened to find it.
Hu Jing had excused herself to go to the bathroom while Levi was busy entertaining himself with reading the recipes from the book, his lipshad formed a small smile while doing so. With the opportunity in hand, he decided to put the plan in motion.
He walked over to what would be his portion, quietly opening the bottle.
Four yellowish green drops fell on his food, one by one. While he debated whether or not he should put more, his future self told him four was enough. And, with that, he closed the lid of the bottle and put it back in his pocket. This had gone very smoothly.
'...Now what?'
'...Can I... take over..?'
Surprised by the request, Ace glanced at Levi before he understood what his future self really wanted.
'Of course. Now go and talk to him, I bet you missed him.'
And with that, he adopted a more mature glance as he walked over to the brown haired boy. "You seem really interested in the book." he softly spoke, leaning his back and hip against the wooden counter. Levi perked up at his words, glancing at him for a second. He seemed taken aback by the sudden maturity the jockey had.
"Ah, well... I like keeping my hands occupied with, quite frankly, anything. Sewing, cooking, reading... I like always having something to do." the personal stylist admitted. Ace hummed.
"I guess it makes sense."
"What about you? What do you like to do?" Levi asked. Ace paused for a second, rubbing his chin.
"Well, I've always liked climbing." he admitted "As a child, I would always climb trees and act a bit irrational."
"Really? Considering how fearsome you are, I wouldn't have expected it..." Levi mused.
"There's more to a person than what meets the eye, Levi. I think we both know that." Ace shrugged.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Levi asked, confused. Ace eyed him for a second.
"I think both you and I know what we're talking about." he whispered, Levi's eyes widening. 'No, it can't be. Nobody here knows, why would Ace say that? He's just messing with me.' He thought, internally panicking. His mind was already being flooded with questions, he just couldn't utter a single word, he felt a lump stuck in his throat. He felt... anxious. Anxious that he'd judge him. However, before Levi could actually ask him anything once he felt likehe could talk again, Hu came back.
"Sorry about that! Arei was already causing trouble." she apologized.
"It's fine or whatever." Ace shrugged, back to his usual self again. Levi stayed quiet for a second, confused.
"Levi? Is everything okay?" Hu Jing asked, worried.
"Ah, uh yeah. I just...dozed off a bit, my apologies." he quickly answered, glancing at Ace, who was getting everything ready to serve the food.
"Right, if you say so. But if something's bothering you, feel free to tell me, okay?" she smiled before walking over to Ace, helping him with the plates. Levi frowned.
He suddenly had that really bad feeling again.
Once everyone gathered and started eating, Ace held back the urge to gag as soon as he tasted the poison going in his stomach. He forced himself to swallow the food, acting normal to not throw everyone off almost immediately.
By that point, he could already feel something crawling up his stomach, but he forced himself to not throw up as he kept eating.
He quickly reached for his glass of water, using it to force the vomit down once again. By that point, he guessed someone would notice his face, which now showed signs of a very forced expression. "Ace? Are you okay?" Levi whispered, confused. The jockey nodded, taking another bite of the food with a forced smile.
At the tenth bite, he couldn't anymore. He quickly got up, running to the bathroom. "Ah- Ace?!" Veronika called, confused. Everyone paused, glancing at the door to the .
"Well that was... weird." Whit commented.
"Should we go after him?" Eden asked, worried.
"Yeah, I'll go." Levi volunteered.
"I'll go too." Teruko nodded. Getting up, the two walked out of the dining hall, following the direction Ace went.
"I wonder what happened to him in order to ran out of the dining hall." Teruko mused.
"I do want to know too. Perhaps that will calm the bad feeling I have." Levi agreed. The lucky student stopped, looking at the taller in confusion.
"Bad feeling?"
"Mhm. Ever since I woke up, I've had this weird feeling that something was going to go wrong today. I just hope it's false." Levi explained.
"Huh... Well, I'm sure it-"
Teruko's words were interrupted by a thud, a close thud. The two stopped walking, confused. It sounded like someone fell. Did someone get hurt? But everyone was in the dining hall?
Levi quickly placed the pieces together before he started running to where the thud happened. "Ah- Levi! Wait up!" Teruko called as she chased after the blue eyed boy, worried. She, too, had pieced the puzzle and figured out it could only be Ace, but she had no clue of what happened as well. It didn't take them long to find Ace.
An Ace that was knelt down, holding his stomach in pain while he kept coughing violently. The two gasped at the sight, loud enough for Ace to hear them.
"Urk- G-Guys?-" he stammered out before another round of coughing came out of his mouth, he was covering it too.
"Ace! Ace what's wrong?!" she questioned as she knelt down next to him, panicked. What was going on??
"I-I don’t- URK- know-" the jockey choked out those word before he hurled, turning away from the girl before he finally gave in, letting it out.
A pool of nasty green mixed with an odd shade of pink came out of his mouth violently, splattering Teruko's shirt. The girl paled at this while Levi knelt down too, rubbing Ace's back. He hadn't noticed the shade of pink in the vomit yet.
"A-Ace... W-Why did you- t-throw up blood?" Teruko asked. Levi's eyes widened as he felt the world stop at that moment.
"...B-Blood?" He choked out, trying to process the situation. Before he knew it, Ace had collapsed onto the boy's arms, out cold.
"Levi! We have to bring him to the infirmary!" Teruko shouted before she got up. Finally snapping out of his trance, the boy nodded, carefully picking up the jockey. The two then ran to the infirmary.
"P-Poisoned?!" David questioned, worried.
"Mhm. That's what happened." Arturo confirmed, Charles nodding in agreement.
"What... Who-Who would poison him?" Hu stammered, worried.
"Anyone could. I have no clue why. Perhaps wanting to escape." Charles mused "Either way, the poisoned they used simply causes vomiting. This person was not very smart."
'Wow gee, thanks.'
'I forgot how much of an ass Arturo was.'
Ace sat in his mindscape, watching the scene with his future self. He felt bad he had to worry the rest. However, if it means that no murders will happen, then so be it.
'He softened around me?'
'Thanks to Nika, of course. The horror trio, as she called it, grew very close.' FuturAce stated 'Good times, really.'
'Heh, I guess so...'
"Someone should guard incase the killer tries to finish what they started." Min suggested.
"I will." Levi offered, serious "I refuse to let someone die today."
"Alright! Anyone else?" Eden asked. A second happened before Xander raised his hand.
"I will, I'm worried about him too. Besides, it's a good idea that the strongest stay and watchover him." He reasoned. The others nodded.
"Alright. If he wakes up, tell us." Hu Jing asked before everyone else left the room. Levi sighed, sitting on the bed.
"I feel like I just had a heart attack..." he let out, breathing heavily. Xander layed his back against the wall.
"Levi... You and Hu Jing were the ones cooking, right?" the rebel asked. The blue eyed boy widened his eyes, catching up to what Xander was implying.
"Neither of us poisoned Ace, Xander. We both woke up around the same time, met up at the entrance to the dining hall and never went to the infirmary at all." He argued, glaring at him.
"I know, and I want to believe you! But... I'm sorry, I just want to rule out all the possibilities." Xander defended himself, hands up as a way to say he wasn't going to fight him. Levi huffed. He was getting jumpy and agitated, he might slip up again.
"Sorry... it's just-"
"You like Ace, don't you?" Xander asked. Levi felt his face heat up at those words.
"Ah?! X-Xander what are you-"
"I kinda caught onto you, heh. Don't worry, I will keep it a secret." Xander smiled "Just promise me to confess once we get out of here." he said.
"Ah... I don't know if he likes me back, so... I'd rather keep them a secret." he sighed, holding Ace's hand. Xander frowned. He knkws he shouldn't intervene, but this is a killing game show. Either of them could die soon. He thought it might be better to just say it now, but... it could be more painful if the feelings are out.
'Xander... now you are safe...' FuturAce mumbled to himself, feeling proud of himself and his past self for being able to achieve this. No attacking Teruko, no Min saving Teruko, no Min killing Xander. Nothing. The three were all safe.
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heavenlyhischier · 6 months
Bonjour. I want to share a little bit about how Nico turned out to be when I met him in person, or rather his attitude towards people who follow him in the sport. We randomly crossed paths at the airport in Riga, last May, apparently he was coming back from the championship. He looked pretty tired and annoyed, but my friend decided to take a chance and ask him for a signature. Thoth without too much hesitation responded happily and without any rude behaviour. From that moment on I have an opinion of him that he is quite a nice person. But the gossip that is written about him is 101 per cent false, because that's what gossip is for✌️
oh wow that’s really neat you got to meet him! i’ve always heard about super kind interactions from him so that’s great 🥰
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The Atlas Six
First of all I have to admit that I had high hopes for that book. I was quite excited to read it and couldn’t wait for it to be translated into my language.
And boy, was I dissappointed.
The plot synopsis looked promising. The characters seemed intriguing (I will talk about it more in the second part of that review). Basically it felt like the perfect mix of classic dark academia and fanstasy setting with a hint of forbidden knowledge and ancient hisory in the background.
In a way the story was… acceptable. I did go through it all. But for me it felt flat and boring at times. Olivie Blake was constantly trying to set the mood for something big to happen. But after so many pages of waiting for something significant it was just not enjoyable. And the thing that amazes me even more is that event at points where the important fact was revealed the tone of the narration was not changing even slightly.
The whole story was a one big constance.
To sum up the generic part of that review I’d say it’s a book to read when you don’t have any other on hand. Just don’t get too excited about it.
Now my favourite part - spoilers!
I’d like to talk about the characters and some main plot points of the book. Oh, and the ending.
First of all - they started off great. Each and every one of them was shown to us in an enigmatic situation, we got to see a bit of their mysterious backgrounds. And then it just got worse.
Two (or at times even three or four) out of the main six characters were not even that „main”.
The actual main characters were Libby and Parisa and they did add significance to the story.
The sole role of Nico was to be the second part of Libby&Nico duet. His Gideon driven story had no influence on the plot.
Callum was going to be such an interesting person. He was inexplicably awful and seemed like a villain for the most part. I absolutely hated him but I saw people stating that at the end he earned their sympathy. So I waited. And got disappointed. Because we were fed the classic villain story „I’m mean because nobody loved me”. And wow, that was just so lame. Also he was barely a part of the whole grup.
Tristan had some potential to become an important character but his story basically consisted of two arcs: being in love with Parisa and being rude to everybody else, being in love with Libby. Talk about character development.
On the note of character development I saw some comments online complaining that there was none included. My question: how can there be any character development happening when absolutely nothing happens in the story? The characters basically exist in a villa full of books doing, well, nothing, really.
The biggest loss for me was Reina - I absolutly fell in love with her during her first chapter. And then she was basically non-existent. And I mean it literally. If she was not included in the story, nothing would have changed. Even her chapters were about other people. Her purpose in the story was… I don’t even know what it was. And it infuriates me.
Libby was supossed to be an annoying nerd who was written as neither of those.
Parisa was a big walking red flag. A girl who manipulated people with intercourse? Bold choice.
Dalton Ellery? Character charisma of a cooked carrot.
Atlas Blakely? The apparent master-mind of it all? The buildup to that particular point of the story was (again) non-existent. Atlas had the same chance to be the actual villain of the story as Tristan’s ex-fiancee. That reveal was painful to read.
And finally - Ezra. I don’t even know how to comment that. We get a guy with no personality. His only encounters we see are with Libby (who finally dumps him). We get one out-of-context chapter of him talking and (revealed at the end) Atlas listening.
And then when I thought nothing worse will happen in the story we get an info-dump of… like the whole backgroud of it all. Again, with no buildup. It’s not even a plot twist. You usually can suspect the facts revealed in the plot twist. Here, we had no material to base the suspicions on.
Oh, and at the end? When Ezra turns to be the head of the Forum? Shocking! Only, what is Forum? Do we know anything about it? Olivie Blake did not give us any information about the organization for us to suspect that they are… significnt or important in any way. Ezra could have been a head of &%$& and my reaction would have been the same.
That book was about nothing. It’s amazing because it consists of over 400 pages.
The Alexandrian Library played no part in the story. I was hoping to learn something about it, to get to unravel some supposedly ancient knowledge. But nope.
Also at points it felt like The Secret History by Donna Tartt: a peculiar group of young people attending lectures with the teacher monologuing eloquently, spending their time doing questionable activities - also somebody is going to die. At the hands of the rest of the group. The stories are really similar.
Dalton monologuing is basically Julian vol. 2 just more boring. At some points I felt like I’ve already read that book.
And my favourite part - the ending. What on Earth was that? I don’t think I actually have the words to describe it. It made no sense. We were informed about things that should have made it more clear but didn’t. Ezra kidnaps his ex-girlfriend not even because he wants to save her, but just because he knows her features better than he knows the others’. What a great reason. Altas pretends to care or actually cares - I don’t know, he’s so bland. Ezra is a part of the master-mind plan. The end.
All in all, not a great read. What makes me sad is that it seems like now it’s enough to slap the dark academia theme and TikTok goes crazy. The internet got me excited about the book and the book disappointed me.
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starlight-phantom · 1 year
If it's not rude to ask...
Since I noticed the Danganronpa reblogs may I ask if you looked into Raincode? The Danganronpa spiritual successor that came out recently?
Just noticed the surge in DR reblogs and thought maybe you got some sudden brainworms (/pos)
Personally I liked Raincode, which to be honest I wasn't expecting to, so that was neat :0
Kind of? I can't play Rain Code myself because I don't have a switch but I'm watching NicoB play it. He's still in chapter 1 but from what I've seen, I'm really enjoying it so far.
I love how the elements of Danganronpa are in there but twisted into a new style to match this game's world and more supernatural methods.
And haven't really seen a whole lot of the new characters yet because, y'know, still in chapter 1 but they seem cool, I love their designs. But I do really, really Yuma and Shinigami. Their banter kinda reminds me of Ryuki and Tama from AI Nirvana Initiative, just y'know... Shinigami's a little more murder-y. Also, I've been avoiding fandom stuff because I don't want spoilers but I'm sure others probably agree with me that Yuma looks like he could be a Naegiri kid. Like he genuinely looks like they took Naegi and Kirigiri and smashed them together.
Also, Chapter 0???? Did not see that shit coming at all. Like I thought "Oh Kodaka will save the craziest twists for later in the game, the beginning's just a kinda warm up." ... And then the warm up was that, so ngl I am a little scared to see what comes next. But excited tho.
But it's funny you mentioned the brainworms because that's pretty much what happened: Nico started playing Rain Code, the art style and mechanics made me think "wow, I miss Danganronpa... I should replay them" and then I did and yep they're still great and yep they still make me cry.
And speaking of spiritual successors to Danganronpa - I keep hearing about the thing called Project: Eden's Garden but I know absolutely nothing about it. Is it worth checking out?
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