#wow this ended up being almost 6k words
spurious · 1 year
some mcshep fic recs
So ever since I answered that ask from Mer about McShep fic recs, I've been thinking about posting more recs. I have been reading, like, so much fic because there just...is so much fic out there? As I intimated in the answer to that last ask, I am...not used to this amount of fic. The last ship I seriously read and wrote fic for has 58 English-language works on AO3, 17 of which were written by me (and another large handful of which were written for me lmao), so it's, uh, kind of amazing to just be able to read and read and read and read and...still have more?
I've been using my AO3 bookmarks, but sometimes bookmarking is simply not enough and you need to scream at people about the things you have read. So, without further ado...let me scream at you about the things I have read!
1) 264 Hours by Lenore | ~6k, rated E
Set after Seige. The battle is over, except in Rodney's mind.
This one is just some nice Rodney emotional pain content; he’s fucked up over the events of the siege and John is trying, in his opaque Sheppardian way, to help, but it takes a perceptive sex worker and a confrontation to really get through to Rodney. I liked where this went but I almost wanted it to be longer and really draw things out? For the Suffering I guess lmao
2) Long Long Road by Telesilla & padawanhilary | (series) ~50k, rated E
While shopping, two college students run into each other. Literally.
This is an AU (that converges to canon eventually), where John and Rodney meet while at Stanford and find a mutual enjoyment of both each other and kinky sex. There are two branching endings, both of which end happily, the sex is really very very hot and good, and overall there's something that I just find extremely...cozy? About this series? I've read it twice now and I just find it nice and comforting and enjoyable.
3) Sheppard’s Law by Speranza | ~35k, rated E
"Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!"
Honestly the idea of me in the year of our lord two thousand twenty three reccing McShep fic written by Speranza is like...asking someone who likes pizza if they've ever tried pepperoni lmao. NEVERTHELESS. I've now read this fic twice. The first time I thought it was good, but for whatever reason it didn't make that big of an impression on me? I have a feeling it's one of the ones I read before we finished the series when I was trying to find stuff that didn't spoil later season events? So anyway I just sort of randomly decided to reread it recently, and it really wowed me on a second go-round. I think the big-ness of it can be hard to wrap your head around, but when you do it's like...you feel both full and hollowed-out by it at the same time, because it's huge but it's also a collection of these snapshots and small moments that make up the whole. Idk it's just...it's good ok, read it if you haven't!
4) Ritual by lamardeuse | ~5k, rated T
The history of a ritual.
Beer 👏 on 👏 the 👏 pier 👏 As a team ritual, as the story of John’s love for Rodney, and as a beautiful coda to the shrine. John's POV in this is so gorgeously done, the way he's convinced himself of what he can and cannot have and is trying to deal with it the best way he can, even when it's immensely painful. I also like how Jennifer's part in things is handled in this, in terms of her reaction to Rodney's profession of love and how it stacks up against...literally everything else that happens in that episode.
5) Dumbstruck by sgamadison & the_cephalopod | ~30k, rated E
His existence, as he remembered it, began eleven days ago. He knew the word day was what to call the cycle between a single span of sunlight and darkness, but he could not remember what groupings of days were called. He didn't think it mattered much.
Due to...shenanigans, John loses his memories and becomes unable to speak. The thing I really love about this is how well Rodney knows John; how even when John can't speak for himself, Rodney clearly has this mental catalogue of Sheppard Expressions and he can deftly read and describe them. It's just...it's nice.
Anyway, I'm thinking I might make this a regular thing. I like talking about fics I like!!! Send me an ask or whatever if you have types of recs you want to see? Idk?
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Author: Nat / @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69​
Relationship: Nathan MacKinnon x Fem!OC
Summary: Nate never meant to ruin Rory’s wedding, it’s just that he couldn’t stand to see her marry someone that wasn’t him.
Word Count: 16k+
Warnings: Alcohol.
Comments: I wrote this for @toplinetommy​ for @antoineroussel​ ’s summer fic exchange! Alex, I hope you like it! I’ve always wanted to write this storyline and I’m really happy to finally have that chance! The story took on a life of its own and ended up being about 6k longer than I expected, but I’m so happy with the way it turned out and I hope you like it, too! Demi, thank you for being incredible and organizing this! This was the first time I ever participated in an exchange and I’ll definitely do it again!
(c) nat g. 2021 // do not repost, do not claim as your own
Every time Rory’s name flashed across his screen, Nate was quick to pick up. It didn’t matter if he was busy or out with the boys or if the call had woken him from his pre-game nap, he’d always pick up when she called.
So, of course when her name came across the screen that night, it only had to ring out once before he answered it. “Hey,” he said, and even if she was four thousand kilometres away, she knew he was smiling.
“Hi,” she replied. “What’s up?”
“Nothing really,” he told her. “Just finished dinner. What about you?” It was a little unusual for her to be calling so late considering it was already 11PM in Nova Scotia, so he figured something had to be up for her to call him.
“Just got home actually,” she told him and he could hear the smile on her face.
“A little late for you, no?” He asked with a chuckle.
Rory was quiet for a moment and she looked down at her hand. Nate was her best friend but she was still nervous to tell him. “It was a good night, Nate,” she told him, making him sit up a little straighter on the couch as he furrowed his brows.  
“What’s going on, Rory?” He asked, and she said three little words that changed everything.
“I’m engaged, Nate.” Nate was so quiet Rory thought the call had been disconnected and pulled the phone back from her ear, but sure enough, the timer kept on ticking. “Nate?” She asked.
He took a deep breath, forcing the air into his lungs. “Wow,” he said, his voice sticking to his tongue so he cleared his throat. “That’s—that’s wow. Good for you. I’m happy for you.” Every word was a lie, but he was her best friend and he needed to act like it.
“Thank you,” she smiled, still taking in how the ring looked and felt on her hand. “I’m really happy.” All he ever wanted was for her to be happy. Still, it was hard to see her happy with someone else.
“I’m glad,” he forced out before listening to her explain how he proposed—the dinner, the ring (she sent a picture afterwards), and everything he said. Nate got a full, incredibly detailed, run down that had his heart breaking with every word. He forced all his feelings back so he could be the supportive best friend, but it was incredibly difficult and he couldn’t wait for the call to be over.
Finally, after almost an hour, she told him she had to go, her voice light with a laugh and Nate’s stomach twisted knowing she was hanging up to be with him, but he forced out a ‘good night’ and waited until he heard the call end.  
Nothing felt real as Nate let his phone drop to his lap.
Rory was engaged.
The only woman he had ever truly loved was engaged to someone else, and every hope and dream and fantasy he had that they were somehow going to find their way back to each other shattered like glass as the world came crashing down around him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
He first met Rory, or Aurora as he first met her, in ninth grade English. They first became friends when the teacher paired them together for a book report. He had no idea how much she’d mean to him when they first pressed their desks together to divide the workload, but eleven years later and she was the single most important person in his life. He’d never say it out loud, but even though she was with someone else, his world still started and ended with her.
After book report was finished, they kept talking and they became really good friends, even if they couldn’t hang out much outside of school because of his hockey schedule. Things got a little easier in the summer and she and Nate grew really close, and, seemingly, everyone but her picked up on the raging crush he had on her. Or maybe he wasn’t as subtle as he thought because she asked him to the tenth grade winter semi-formal (Nate thanked every God he could think of because it didn’t clash with his hockey schedule) and he said yes. They went as friends, awkward fifteen year olds who didn’t know how to dance or be in a relationship, but they left as more.
Aurora and Nate were the annoyingly perfect high school sweethearts that everyone dreamed to be. She arranged their eleventh and twelfth grade schedules so they could be in the same classes, and she went to every Mooseheads’ home game in his jersey, which was still shoved in the back of her closet.  They were even named prom King and Queen, which he didn’t care about, but she did and he’d do anything to make her happy. She even went with him to New Jersey when the Avs drafted him first overall in 2013.
But everything changed when he got drafted.
Rory committed to Dalhousie University in Halifax and Nate had media and training and training camp and pre-season and then real NHL games. All on the other side of the continent.  
The first year was hard on both of them, and on their relationship.
The second was even worse.
The Avs weren’t good and Nate had a huge drop in production and he was in a bad place mentally, and Aurora was overwhelmed with full time school and working and they just didn’t have the time or energy to keep up a long distance relationship.
People always said that the love found in high school didn’t last, but that didn’t make it hurt less.
Aurora loved Nate, was in love with Nate, and with every ounce of her being thought that they were going to be together forever. And then, suddenly, he was slipping away. There was no greater pain that watching the one you love slip right through your fingers, and given how rough a time Nate was having in Denver, Rory knew he needed a friend more than a girlfriend and she pulled the plug on their relationship to give him that.
It hurt a lot not being able to love him the way she wanted, but he needed a friend, and she’d rather have him as a friend than not at all.
Getting over Nate was the hardest thing she ever did, and if she never really did, no one had to know. Deep in her heart, Aurora knew that Nate was her person, they just didn’t have the right time. And it killed her. She spent years thinking about all the what ifs and maybes and they ate her alive as she laid in bed. But, they were friends now. Best friends. And she was just happy to have him in her life.
If Nate was being honest, he always thought that they would find their way back to each other. He had hook ups, a few flings and girlfriends, but nothing ever lasted long because they weren’t her.
And then she met James.
James gave her everything he couldn’t. He was in the same city with a set schedule and didn’t travel for work, and he had all the time and resources to give her the life and attention she deserved. Unlike every relationship he had since they broke up, Rory and James were real and serious. Nate still held onto hope that they’d get back together, but it all went out the door when she told him she got engaged to James.
The only woman he had ever truly loved, the only woman he wanted to love, was going to marry someone else.
Nate didn’t know how long he sat there, in his living room, the silence deafening as he wrapped his head around the fact that he lost the only person he could ever love.
They were never going to find their way back to each other. They were never going to fall in love harder than before. They were never going to spend the rest of their lives together.
It was beyond hard for Nate to comprehend and even if he had a game the next day, he still got up and poured himself a stiff drink to swallow his feelings back. And that drink quickly became four as he tried to drown the feelings he had.
He’d skipped optional practice. He just couldn’t feel every wrecked emotion he currently felt. So, yeah, he threw drinks back like candy until his step stumbled and he passed out face first into the pillows.
And the next night, Nate had one of the worst games in a longtime. The Avs lost 6-2 and Nate was a -4 with no points, and two minor penalties and a fight. Everyone could tell that something was up, but Nate refused to say what. In the weeks that followed finding out Rory was going to get married to someone else, Nate played his worst hockey since Bednar took over as coach.
Devastated and heartbroken weren’t strong enough words to describe how he felt.
If he and Rory spoke less following her engagement, either she didn’t notice because she was too caught up in the engagement bliss, or she didn’t care. Either way, it hurt.
The boys were really worried about Nate. They had never seen him like this before and it worried them. But every time they brought it up, he brushed it off. They let it go in the beginning, but whatever was bothering him clearly wasn’t getting better and his play was affecting the team, and they were his friends and they cared about him. But, he still brushed them off. Sometimes unkindly.
“You’re coming out with us, tonight,” Gabe told him after practice.
“I don’t really feel like it, but thanks,” Nate replied without looking up.
“It wasn’t a question,” Gabe said in his captain voice. Whatever was bothering him had gone on long enough and it couldn’t continue to impact the team the way it was. So, yeah, maybe Gabe was planning an intervention.
“Fine,” Nate sighed, not having the energy to fight him. He didn’t have the energy to do anything but hockey these days, and even that he couldn’t do well.
He had no right to be as devastated as he was. It had been more than five years since they broke up and he never made any moves to try to fix what happened, but still, he couldn’t do anything besides nurse his broken heart.
Gabe picked him up on the way to the bar and seeing the way he and Met interacted only hurt him more. He wanted all of that with Aurora and she wanted it—was going to have it—with James.
Gabe and Mel made their way over to the tables as soon as they got there, but Nate went to the bar to order a beer and a couple of shot to drown his sorrows.
And Nate kept drinking. The whole night he just kept ordering more drinks. He couldn’t help it. Seeing how happy his teammates were, how in love they were, it twisted the knife he couldn’t pull out, no matter how hard he tried (not that he tried very hard). And the only thing he could do was drink the pain away.
Not that it was working.
“We need to find you someone so you’re not so lonely,” Mikko said when he found Nate picking at the label of hid beer bottle. It was an off hand comment, it didn’t mean much. But Nate was too drunk to bite his tongue.
“The only girl I want just got engaged, so don’t hold your breath,” he mumbled, the pieces clicking together for those around him. All these weeks of misery and anger and all his horrible play… It was because of her. Aurora. The table softened around him and it only irritated him further.
“Fuck, Nate,” Gabe said but Nate dismissively waved his hand.
“Don’t, okay? I don’t need your pity.”
“We aren’t pitying you,” Josty stepped in.
“Feels like you are,” he said defensively. “Oh, poor Nate who’s still in love with his best friend who’s also his ex and also about to be a married woman. Poor Nate who’s only good at hockey but can’t do that either because he’s too busy being heartbroken over Rory,” Nate vented, his voice steadily getting louder.
He got help for his anger early into his NHL career, but it still wasn’t enough to keep her. Wasn’t enough to help him now. The boys were used to his eruptions on the ice, some would say it made him a better hockey player, but this didn’t make him better. It made him worse.
“Nate,” Gabe said softly.
“I know,” he shook his head before getting up and pulling his wallet out, dropping a couple bills on the table for whoever was going to end up with the bill. “I’ll figure it out and try to stop sucking at hockey, but I’m going home now.” He didn’t wait for a reply as he walked out of the var to call an Uber.
It was only a moment before EJ came out to check on him, and he knew if Tyson was still here, it would have been him and it made everything hurt more. “I can’t do anymore right now,” Nate sighed, running his hand over his face. “So whatever you want to say, don’t.”
“Okay,” EJ nodded and held his hands up as he stepped closer. “But we’re all here for you, you know that right?” He was quiet for a moment, “and honestly? We could all use the Dogg back, so if you could find him and return him, that would be great.”
Nate laughed, a real laugh, which hadn’t done in days, and nodded. “I’ll try my best, okay?” He said as his Uber pulled up. EJ nodded and let Nate slip into the car.
It felt good to get some of his feelings out, and the alcohol made him warm enough that, even if just for a few moments, he was content. But then he got home and saw a string of texts from her and everything came rushing back.
It felt like grief. That was the only way he could describe it. He was grieving what they were and everything they could have been.
Nate didn’t text Rory back. Instead, he poured himself another drink and gave Tyson a call, glad he was at least in the same timezone still and that the Oilers weren’t playing that night either. Though, if they had played, he was sure it wouldn’t have stopped him. And, bless Tyson’s heart, he picked up on the third ring and listened to his drunken rambles and did his best to offer advice, including telling Nate to drink some water, until Nate was ready to put himself to bed.
When he woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, he knew he deserved it.
But as much as he wanted to continue wallowing in his heartbreak, he knew it was unfair to his teammates. So, every ounce of anguish, regret, and frustration, he funnelled it into hockey. He became the Nathan MacKinnon the hockey world loved and he was the hottest player in the final stretch before the playoffs. And if it came at the cost of dodging Rory’s calls and texts, well, at least the team and fans were happy.
They secured the third spot in the Central, and played the Wild. They won in six.
And he started talking to Rory again. But every time she mentioned James or the wedding, he let the line go dead. He couldn’t. He just couldn’t.
It hurt her. A lot.
Nate was her best friend, her ‘move the ends of the Earth for them’ person, and he distanced himself from her, seemingly out of nowhere. She knew he had a rough regular season, but it hurt to have him take it out on her. And then it was playoffs and she knew he was always the most stressed during the playoffs, but he was tearing it up again and she didn’t think she deserved the long periods of silence or the short calls and even shorter texts.
The Avs were eliminated in seven the next round and the pain didn’t come close to what he felt knowing Rory was getting married.
Nate was torn between staying in Denver and going home. On one hand, Denver reminded him of everything he failed at. But, on the other hand, the thought of seeing Rory with a ring on her finger killed him.
But she kept talking about the wedding and how much she missed him and wanted him there with her and as much as it was going to kill him seeing her in a pretty white dress, he called her to tell her he booked his ticket home.
The plane ride, layover included, felt like it dragged on forever, but it also went by way too quickly. And he ordered a couple little bottles of wine on both planes to soothe his heart, but no one had to know.
His parents picked him up from the airport and he soaked his mom’s love in as he ignored how, for the first time, he didn’t want to see Rory. She was his best friend. Even when they were together, she was his best friend. It was just… She was also every ounce of his regret.
When he didn’t rush to see her after months apart, his mother knew something was up, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what. As much as Nate pretended otherwise, he wore his heart on his sleeve.
They may have broken up years ago, but she knew he never stopped loving her. She could see it in his eyes every time he looked at her, and in the softness of his voice when he said her name.
If his mom was being honest, she always found it fitting that her name was Aurora because she truly was his sun. And now his sun was trapped behind a never ending storm since she was marrying someone else.
Nate managed to ignore her for three days before she showed up at his parents’ door wanting to see him and his mom let her in.
“Nathan MacKinnon, you’ve been home for how many days and I haven’t gotten my hug because?” Rory asked, putting her hands on her hips as she blocked his view of the TV while he sat on the couch, but she couldn’t hide her smile as she looked at him. Even rumpled and scruffy and clearly nursing a broken heart, he was her Nate.
Nate looked up at her, and somehow she was more beautiful then when he left.
She had cut her curls to rest at her shoulders and her skin was deep gold. But what really caught his attention was the rock on her finger. He knew the ring was huge from the pictures, but it looked bigger seeing it in person, even if he couldn’t help but think it wasn’t really her taste. But what did he know, she wasn’t marrying him, so maybe James did know her better.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered with a smile. “Jet lag and playoffs really kicked my ass. I am getting older, you know.”
He made a point of groaning as he stood, making Rory shake her head before she walked into his embrace and pressed her face into his chest. He still smelt like home. And she still fit perfectly in his arms. Nate melted into the hug, pulling her closer as he breathed in the familiar scent of her shampoo. For just a moment, Nate could pretend everything was as it should be.
But then she pulled back and reality came crashing down all over again.
They settled on the couch and she showed him the ring and Nate did his best to swallow his feelings back as he complimented her on it, even if it wasn’t anything like what he wanted to get her. He’d never tell anyone, but he spent hours over the years looking at different rings and he always pictured a pear stone with a halo and more diamonds around a single band. This ring was square with a double halo and a band that split into two to hold the corners of the stone. It was expensive and flashy, and not like Rory at all. But Nate kept that all to himself as they caught up. Apparently, Nate had missed a lot while he was busy distancing himself, and, honestly? It felt really nice to talk with her like that, curled up on the couch together.
It almost felt like high school.
Minus every time he saw James, especially every time he saw James kiss Rory, those first few weeks at home were really nice. For the first time since last summer, his body could rest and heal, and every lingering bruise and ache went away with her smile.
He soaked up every second with her, never truly accepting that he was truly and irreversibly losing her. The size of the ring made it impossible to ignore, but he tried. And every day he hoped she’d wake up and realize he was the one for her. Not James.
But that day never came.
And as the calendar turned to June, Nate barely saw her as she turned her attention towards planning the wedding, having set the date for late August, which Nate didn’t totally understand. Rory loved weddings, she loved weddings so much she was a wedding photographer. She had been planning her wedding since she was four, so why was he rushing her into it and not giving her time to plan the wedding of her dreams? Would it really be so bad to wait until the next summer?
But every time Nate brought it up, she told him she was happy so he let it go, even if it killed him to see her so stressed out about something that was supposed to make her happy.
They might have been in the same city, but he could have been in Denver with how little he saw her. But, luckily, Sid was back home so he had somewhere to go, and someone to talk to if he wanted to. But Nate didn’t want to talk. Nate was never good with being honest to himself about his feelings, much less telling someone else how he felt.
And if he was ever going to break down and start confessing his feelings, he didn’t want it to be to Sidney Crosby. Even if he was one of his closest friends.
So, he worked out instead. A lot.
Whether it was doing sprints up his boat launch or one on one battles on the ice, Nate was always looking for something to do, the ache in his muscles a welcomed distraction to the ache in his heart. And he was able to hide it behind a frustration of three consecutive second round exits.
Sid, like everyone else in his life, was worried about him, but Nate was shutting him out, too. So, the only thing he could do was be there with him so Nate knew he wasn’t alone, and it was going to have to be enough. And if Nate ever wanted to talk, he’d be there.
Still, the breakdown caught Sid by surprise.
Nate showed up at his door at seven in the morning wanting to pull his car up the road since Sid’s road was smoother than his, and it was intense, even for them. Sid really wasn’t a fan of the idea, but he helped loop the chains around the tires after Nate got the car in the right place and put it in neutral and he stayed to spot Nate.
Nate managed to pull the car a few metres before dropping to his knees with a gasp, making Sid rush over to him, afraid he had hurt himself. But before he could even ask ‘what hurts?’ Nate said, “Aurora’s getting married.” Sid’s shoulders relaxed as he slumped back onto his haunches but Nate continued, “Rory’s getting married and she wants me to be a groomsman.”
“I’m sorry,” Sid said after a moment.
“It sucks,” Nate breathed. “And it hurts. It really fucking hurts.”
Sid was quiet for a long moment before asking, “did you ever tell her you still have feelings for her?”
“No, I—I didn’t want to lose her. Having her as a friend is better than not having her at all,” Nate told him.
“And now?” Sid pushed.
Nate shook his head, “I can’t. I can’t lose her, Sid. But I can’t ruin her happiness.” Sid nodded but didn’t say anything else as he helped Nate take the chains off himself before helping him to his feet and helping take the chains off the tires.
“I think you should tell her,” Sid said as Nate got back into his car. “This is clearly weighing on you and, who knows, maybe she loves you back. The wedding is in a few months, so you don’t have a lot of time, and I think you both deserve the truth.”
“I can’t,” Nate told him.
Sid nodded, “just think about it.”
Nate nodded and Sid let the subject drop as Nate backed his car into Sid’s driveway before coming in for breakfast, but he didn’t stay long. When he got back home, he was back at doing sprints up his boat launch just to feel something different.
Nate tried not think about what Sid said, but his mind kept drifting there.
He thought about Rory deciding she didn’t want to marry James. Rory wanting to give them another chance and him telling her he wanted that too. Rory calling off the wedding to be with him. Rory being in his arms. Kissing Rory again. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. But every sliver of time they had together between all the wedding planning, Nate swallowed it all back.
Her eyes shined and she had a bright, contagious smile and freckles like constellations, and he couldn’t.
She was happy and he couldn’t take that from her.
Even if it cost him his.
Nate thought Rory telling him she was engaged was the worst feeling he could have experienced. He was wrong. It was seeing her in a wedding dress.
His feelings aside, it was a big deal and she needed her best friend. And, if nothing else, it would mean time together. Even if it felt like a thousand papercuts on his hear, he’d never turn that down.
He was there with her mom and a few of her bridesmaids and he hated every moment he sat on that couch surrounded by all the white dresses. And he hated seeing the way Rory’s face lit up as she browsed the racks. But most of all, he hated how beautiful she looked in a wedding dress.
The white was a beautiful contrast against her warm, golden brown skin and Nate’s breath caught in his throat and he sat up straighter as she came out and stepped onto the peddle stool. He caught her smile through in the mirror and any intact part of his heart shattered completely.
The dress was beautiful, the satin clung to her body, accentuating her curves and the straps plunged into a deep V on her chest,
She looked absolutely beautiful.
“So, what do we think?” She asked as she turned around and Nate couldn’t stop running his eyes over her. He knew the girls were complimenting her and telling her everything they loved about the dress, but he stayed deathly quiet, unable to bring himself to say anything as he looked at her. “Nate?” She asked, pulling him from his trance.
“Huh?” He asked, snapping his eyes up to hers.
“What do you think?” She asked with a soft smile.
I love it. I hate it. I don’t want you marrying him. I want you to marry me. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. “You look beautiful,” he told her.
“Thank you,” she whispered before looking to her consultant, Kerri. “I’m thinking something with more texture, but maybe a similar neckline if possible?” The girls nodded and Kerri told her she had something in mind so they made their way back to the dressing room.
They were gone for about fifteen minutes before she came out in a blush a-line with straps a plunge V neckline and textured flowers over the bust and down the skirt. “I love the texture and the flowers, but I’m not a fan of the colour or the thin straps,” Rory said, turning to face the group.
Nate could see where she was coming from. The white looked better against her darker skin than the blush. But the flowers, the soft, romantic look of it all, it was very Rory. It made Nate both love and hate it. But when she asked, he gave her his honest opinion. “I liked the first one better,” he said, forcing a smile.
Rory nodded and the others agreed that this was not the dress so she went back to the dressing room to try something else.
Rory tried a few other dresses. A tulle off-shoulder a-line, a lace strapless mermaid for her maid of honour, a high neck with sleeves for her mother, a no back deep plunge with the flower detail she was looking for. The last one was close, but none of them were quite right.
Kerri pulled a few dresses above her budget because they were exactly what Rory was describing to her and she wanted to at least offer them to her, even if she decided to not try them on. Of course she wanted to, but she didn’t think it was a good idea because she couldn’t afford them, but as she looked through the dresses… One of them was everything she had envisioned and it broke her heart, but she had to try it on.
And she loved it.
She loved the soft tulle and the silhouette of the a-line that wasn’t quite as full as the others, and of course the beautiful floral detail that ran from the bust down the skirt and train. She loved the sweetheart neckline and the off-shoulder straps. She loved how the off-white looked against her skin.
It was everything she wanted, but nothing she could have.
Rory took several long moments looking at herself in the mirror, running her fingers over the flowers, debating whether she should even show them since she knew she couldn’t have it. But she loved the dress too much to not show them. Kerri asked if she wanted a veil, but she shook her head. She didn’t need to twist the knife that this was the dress.
The group was quiet as she walked out and she didn’t bother facing the mirror, choosing instead to look at her group, her eyes immediately settling on Nate.
Nate didn’t know what to say. Being there and seeing her in wedding dresses was hard enough, but this dress… He had seen the Northern Lights—the AuroraBorealis—a few times, but they paled in comparison to her in that dress. Nate struggled to take air into his lungs, it was so clearly Rory and it fit her so well and she couldn’t stop smiling and, for a brief moment, he could see her walking down the aisle to him.
Even he knew it. This was it. This was the dress.
The look on Nate’s face told her everything she needed to know and she let her eyes drop back to the dress, unable to hold his gaze.
“That’s your dress,” her mom told her.
“It’s over budget. By a lot,” Rory replied with a little shrug.
Nate couldn’t remember blinking as he looked at her in that beautifully perfect dress. He could barely hear the conversation around him. The only think he could focus on was Aurora. He didn’t know he was speaking until he said it. “I’ll pay for it,” he said, making Rory meet his eyes and he shook his head as he sat up a little straighter. “That’s your dress, Rory,” he told her. “I want you to be happy and I can make that happen, so whatever the extra costs are, I’ll cover them.”
Rory’s bottom lip trembled as she held back tears. “I can’t ask you to do that,” she whispered, unable to make her voice any louder.
“You’re not,” Nate said, shaking his head. “I’m offering.” It killed him to see her marry someone else, but it hurt him more to see her unhappy. “Consider it my wedding gift, okay?” Rory brought her hand up to wipe her tears away before they fell and she nodded.
“Do you want to see it with a veil?” Kerri asked and Rory nodded so she slipped away to find a matching veil. The minutes felt like hours but Kerri came back with a veil that had similar flowers on the train and Rory ducked down so she could put it in.
It took everything in Nate to not stand up and walk out seeing her like that.
“Are you sure?” She asked, looking to Nate and he nodded. He impulse bought a penthouse when Tyson was traded. Spending a grand or two to make the love of his life happy was easy.
“Okay,” Rory smiled, turning to Kerri. “This is my dress.” The group around them clapped, but Rory didn’t join them and Nate couldn’t find it in himself to either.
When the clapping died down, Rory stepped off the peddle stool and walked over the couch and held her hand out to Nate. He didn’t want to, but he let her pull him to his feet and she hugged him as tightly as she could and Nate had to look up at the white ceiling to stop himself from breaking. “Thank you,” she told him, her voice muffled against his shoulder. He didn’t trust his voice so he rubbed her back as he nodded.
He took a deep breath when she pulled back and he looked down at the dress, looking at the details he couldn’t see while she was on the peddle stool and he forced a smile as he shook his head. “You look beautiful,” he told her.
“Thank you,” she smiled, giving his arm a squeeze.
The rest of the appointment was a blur as she had her measurements taken and the rushed order placed and he promised to e-transfer whatever went over budge, though he ended sending the entire dress amount. Aurora was the love of his life as much as she was his best friend, and Nate knew he couldn’t be that for her the way she needed for her wedding, so, the least he could do was buy her wedding dress.
Nate told himself it made up for it.
The days blurred together.
Nate saw Rory less and less as the wedding got closer and closer, and he went back to working out to the point of exhaustion because anything was better than what was going to happen with Aurora.
He went for his suit fitting and all the boys couldn’t stop talking because they were all best friends but he was Rory’s friend, not James’. So he got fitted for his suite and didn’t say anything else.
And the calendar became August and instead of focusing on on-ice drills, he was focused on her, and, somehow, he was invited to her bachelorette party. He was a millionaire and he couldn’t think of a better way to spend his money than on drinks at her bachelorette party. Enough drinks and it would be enough to quiet every thought and regret he had.
By the time he collapsed in his bed that night, he could barely remember his own name, let alone how much he loved Rory and how much it hurt that her wedding was right around the corner.
The hangover the next day, however, reminded him of both.
August went by way too quickly. The sun rose and fell, the Nova Scotia rain came down hard and quick, and before he knew it, it was the night before the wedding.
He didn’t sleep. No matter how hard he tried, he didn’t sleep. He tossed and turned for hours and when he did fall asleep, it was only into a nightmare about losing Rory. He woke up drenched in sweat only to fall asleep and wake up again just as sweaty. His worst nightmare was becoming a reality.
And then his alarm went off and it was time to start the worst day of his life.
Honestly, most of the morning was a blur to Nate. He got up, got dressed in some casual clothes to have breakfast with the groomsmen. He had a shower after breakfast and then he was getting dressed for the wedding.
Every smile he gave for the camera was forced and it took everything in him to not hit up the hotel bar. He needed a drink. He needed several drinks. But he couldn’t ruin her big day, so he had to hold himself back until it was all over and she and James were—
He couldn’t finish the thought. Once he was back in his room, he could drink as much as he needed and could cry as hard as he would without anyone judging him.
Nate knew pain. He knew how badly losing hurt, he knew the pain of a game seven overtime loss, he knew the pain of having his best friend traded to a different team, and he was never able to heal his broken heart when Rory broke up with him. But absolutely none of it compared to this.
Maybe it was foolish, but he really did think that he and Rory were endgame. Maybe she was his first love, but she was supposed to be his last. Even if it took years, they were supposed to find their way back to each other. And now that timer was ticking down to zero. In just a few quick hours, his every hope and dream would be washed away.
Nate never processed the time passing. Everything happened around him, but it never clicked until he was walking down the aisle with a bridesmaid on his arm.
He was lightheaded as he took his place on James’ side and he struggled to take air into his lungs as he looked over the rows of people. It felt like he had only blinked and everyone was standing as the music changed and Rory appeared at the end of the aisle.
Time stood still as he looked at her and, for just a moment, everything melted away and she was walking to him.
He saw their life together as she walked down the aisle.
He heard the cheers as they had their first kiss as husband and wife. He felt her body against his as they danced, even if he was shit at it. He pictured their honeymoon on the beach. He could see her smile as they moved into their forever home in Nova Scotia. He could feel the nerves and excitement when she found out they were expecting their first child. He saw a perfect, chubby baby boy in her arms as she rocked in a glider in the nursery.
He saw everything he could ever want.
And then she got closer and James stepped forwards to take her hand and reality hit him with a truck and he had to take half a step back to steady himself.
It felt like an elephant was sitting on his chest and he couldn’t breathe. The officiant started a speech about true love but he couldn’t focus on a single word, all he could hear was the blood pounding in his ears ticking down the seconds until he lost her forever.
The first time he kissed Rory, it was awkward and messy, but he knew he wanted to do it again, and it didn’t take him long to figure out that he wanted to kiss her every day for the rest of his life. But he wasn’t going to be the one that got to.
James was.
I can’t do this, Nate thought to himself, pressing the palms of his shaking hands into his thighs. He couldn’t be here, couldn’t stand a few feet away while she promised to spend the rest of her life with someone else. The officiant hesitated, glancing at Nate out of the corner of her eye and Rory’s smile faltered just a smidge at the sound of his voice, not that he realized he said it out loud.
He was never planning on ruining her wedding, he never wanted to ruin it. She’d never forgive him for leaving and ruining her wedding, but he couldn’t be here. He couldn’t. He took half a step back as he shook his head, more eyes moving from the bride and groom to him.
He didn’t know he was doing it until it was already done.
Instead of stepping back, he stepped forwards and off the altar. He didn’t hear the gasp from her mother because all he could focus on was Aurora.
His heart was pounding in his chest, but the words clawed at his throat. He never wanted to tell her because he couldn’t ruin what they had, but seeing her in her wedding dress, ready to commit herself to someone else, Nate realized either way he was going to lose her, so he had to say it.
“I still love you,” he told her and the silent venue came alive with a gasp. “I never stopped loving you.”
Aurora’s eyes widened and her breath stuck to her throat in shock. Standing up at someone’s wedding was something that happened in TV shows or romcoms, it didn’t happen in real life. It wasn’t supposed to happen in real life. Yet, there he was, her best friend, telling her he still loved her.
Getting over Nate was the hardest thing she never did. Rory spent years nursing her broken heart and wondering if breaking up was the right thing, or just her pulling the plug when it got hard.
No matter how hard she tried, she could never stop loving Nate. No matter how much time passed, she loved him all the same. He was her rock, her person, her best friend, and the love of her life. He was her right person at the wrong time, that she was certain.
She loved James, loved him enough to want to spend the rest of her life with him. But he wasn’t Nate. She couldn’t love him the way she loved Nate, and he couldn’t make her feel the things Nate made her feel. And now, on her wedding day, the day she had been dreaming about for as long as she could remember, he was confessing he still loved her.
Nate still loved her.
All these years later and he still loved her.
“I have shit timing, I know,” he said awkwardly. “But I can’t stand back and watch you get married, not while I’m still in love with you, because, Rory, I never stopped loving you. I love everything about you, even the things I don’t like, I love. I’m sorry for fucking up the most important day of your life, and I’m sorry for fucking us up all those years ago. Letting you go is the biggest regret of my life and I will spend the rest of my life wishing I fought harder for you. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m hoping, God I’m hoping, that you love me back.” He paused, taking a shaky breath as he held her eyes. “Do you?”
Rory didn’t blink as she looked at him, half convinced that if she blinked, Nate would be gone. “Aurora?” James said slowly, but it didn’t process. The only thing she processed was that Nate still loved her.
“I’m sorry,” she breathed, shaking her head as she pulled her hands back from his. The crowd’s gasp was deafening and Nate didn’t felt lightheaded as he stepped towards her, not entirely convinced he wasn’t hallucinating.
It happened so quickly, one moment Rory was looking into James’ confused, heartbroken eyes, the next she was running down the aisle with Nate’s hand in hers.
As soon as they hit the parking lot, Nate pulled the keys from his pocket to unlock his car. He hated letting go of her hand, but he had to as they approached his car and he watched her get into the passenger’s seat before going around to the driver’s side.
“Oh my god,” Rory smiled as they did their seatbelts up and Nate put the car into drive. He started towards the parking lot exit and everything hit her.
She ran out of her own wedding.
She just left James at the altar.
“Oh my god. Oh my fucking god,” she said, her eyes widening as she tightened her grip on her seatbelt.
“Rory?” Nate asked, glancing over at her, his stomach dropping at how unsure she looked. “Are you—are you okay?”
“No, I’m not fucking okay! I just left him at the altar. Oh my god, I left him at the altar, I’m a terrible person,” she rushed out, her chest feeling tight and she tried not to hyperventilate.
All the relief Nate felt when they ran down the aisle together melted into fear as he reached over to touch her arm. “Do you want to go back?” He asked slowly, hoping she said no.
Rory forced a deep breath into her lungs and looked over at him. It’s Nate. Nate picked her. And she picked him. “I need you to drive,” she told him firmly. “Drive far away from here.”
“Okay. I can do that,” Nate nodded, spending up as he turned out of the parking lot and headed towards the 102 out of Halifax.
The car was quiet at first, both of them still processing what exactly they just did, but the longer they drove, heading north through the province, the more Rory settled down and she pulled the veil from her head and bunched it off before tossing it into the backseat. When she looked over at Nate, he was gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles.
“Nathan?” She whispered, making him glance over at her. “I never stopped loving you. And I never wanted us to break up in the first place, I only did it because I thought it would be better for us.”
He relaxed a bit and reached over to give her hand a squeeze. “Let’s find somewhere to stay before you say anything else because I am holding on by a thread right now and I do not want to run us off the road, okay?”
Rory laughed softly and squeezed his hand. “Yeah, that’s fair,” she nodded.
Nate smiled and spared another glance her way. “For the record, I love you, too. But you already know that,” he smiled. He spent years wanting to tell her that and now he could.
They drove for another couple hours before Nate pulled off the highway in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He could have kept driving, but they were a province away, so he figured it was far enough.
“This looks promising,” he said as he pulled into the Delta Hotels parking lot. It would be better than the Comfort Inn, that’s for sure, and they even had a restaurant, which was important. Rory agreed and Nate parked the car. He took a deep breath and turned the car off before looking over at her. Not a wedding, not time, not distance; for the first time in a long time, there was nothing stopping them.
She was the most amazing and beautiful woman he had ever met and she loved him back.
“Let’s go inside and get a room,” he whispered and when she nodded, they got out of the car. Her dress dragged on the concrete, her hair was frizzy, and her make up was smudged, but she didn’t care and she held her hand out for Nate to take as they walked into the hotel.
Nate reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet as they walked up to the check-in desk. “Do you, uh, have any empty rooms?” He asked the receptionist.
“Yes, we do,” she smiled, looking them over. “A king, I assume?”
Nate glanced over at Rory. “Do you have any suites?” He asked.
The receptionist types a few things into the computer and nodded, “we have a deluxe suite available. It has a separate living and sleeping, and a jacuzzi tub in the bathroom.”
He nodded. “Perfect, we’ll take it,” he said, handing his card over to her.
“How many nights, sir?” She asked, taking his head.
“Oh jeez,” Nate shook his head with a sigh. “Three? No, maybe five? Yeah, five, I guess. We might check out before then though.”
“Okie dokie,” she nodded, typing everything into her computer before handing his card back to him along with two room keys. “Room 802, and it also comes with complimentary breakfast from 7 to 10AM.” She paused. “Is the weather expected to turn? Did they cancel your flight?”
“What?” Nate asked, furrowing his brows, but Rory laughed.
“No, I ran out of my wedding. Left my fiancé at the altar for my best friend,” she explained, laughing harder at the receptionist’s shocked expression. She took the room keys from Nate and hooked her arm around his. “Thank you, have a nice night,” she said and guided him towards the elevators.
She pressed the button and it only took a moment before it dinged and the doors opened. She was careful to make sure none of her dress got caught in the doors and the ride up to the eighth floor was quiet except for the elevator music. It was a little tense, but neither of them mentioned it.
Rory took the lead as she looked at the directory and headed down the hall to their room and she unlocked the door and stepped in. Nate followed her in and closed the door behind him, and suddenly they were all alone again.
The room was quiet as Rory sat down on the couch before laughing. “Is this real? Did we really just do that?”
Nate shrugged off his suit jacket and tossed it over the back of the chair before sitting down next to her and taking her hand in his. “It’s real,” he reassured her. Rory smiled and squeezed his hand. All these years and heartbreaks later, they were finally here, together. And there was nowhere she’d rather be.
She let her gaze fall to her left hand and she pulled back from Nate to wiggle the engagement ring off her finger and sat it on the coffee table in from of them. The sound echoed in the silent room and she let out a deep breath it seemed she had been holding since James got down on one knee at the restaurant. “Much better,” she whispered before turning to face Nate.
She cupped his cheek and leaned in to kiss him. Her lips brushed his before she pressed them completely against his. The kiss was hesitant and slow, but also familiar. Something they had done thousands of times before. It only took a moment for Nate to melt into it and he brought his hand up to brush her hair aside so he could cup her jaw and kiss her deeper, pouring every pent of emotion he had for her all these years into it.
She smiled when she broke the kiss and rested her forehead against his, both of them soaking the moment in before Rory leaned back with a laugh.
“Why are you laughing?” He asked, but laughed with her because her laugh was contagious.
“Because it’s my wedding day and I was supposed to be married to James and now I’m in a hotel in New Brunswick with you and nothing but my wedding dress. It’s funny,” she explained, still laughing.
Nate laughed harder, shaking his head at how ridiculous it was. People always described him as the opposite of a romantic but he stood up at his best friend’s wedding and she chose him. “Yeah, it is pretty funny,” he agreed. “But, as crazy as these last few hours have been, I’m glad I’m here with you.”
Rory’s smile softened and she leaned in to kiss him again. “Me too,” she whispered when she pulled back. Her eyes searched his and she shook her head ever so slightly. “I am so incredibly in love with you, Nathan MacKinnon.”
Nate’s lips twitched up and he ran his thumb over the arch of her cheek. “I love you, too,” he whispered. “So much that it hurts sometimes.”
Her chest felt warm and tight at the same time and she rested her head against his shoulder. All this time, they could have been together. All this time and it took her wedding day for one of them to do something.
She took several long moments to just soak it in, that she was really in New Brunswick with Nate, and he did the same, half tempted to pinch himself to see if he was really awake or if this was all a dream and he would wake up and have to restart the day.
But he didn’t. it was real. She was real. They were real.
Eventually, Rory pulled back. “I need to shower,” she whispered. “Get all the product out of my hair and all the make up off my face. And I really don’t want to be in this dress anymore.” Nate nodded in understanding and Rory pushed herself off the couch, walking over to the closet to grab one of the robes that were hung up there. It wasn’t exactly ideal, but it would have to do. She draped it over the back of the chair before stepping in front of Nate and turning her back to him. “Can you unzip me?” She asked.
“Uh, yeah, yeah of course,” he nodded, scootching to the edge of the couch before reaching up to her zipper. It came down smoothly, exposing more of her perfectly golden skin and Nate held his breath, trying his best to not let his eyes wander. “You’re good,” he whispered before clearing his throat as he finished undoing the zipper.
“Thank you,” she smiled, holding the dress tightly against her chest as she looked over her shoulder at him.
“No problem,” he told her. “I’ll order room service while you shower, yeah?”
“Sounds good,” she replied and he watched as she grabbed the robe and walked into the bathroom and heard the door lock behind her.
In the bathroom, Rory put the toilet seat down and let her dress fall to the floor before piling it up on the toilet and putting the robe on the vanity. She took her time pulling the few pins that were in her hair out and putting them on the vanity before collecting all the complimentary toiletries and moving them into the shower and turned it on.
She took her time in the shower, letting the hot water run over her body as she tried to scrub the day away. But the longer she was in the shower, the more real everything became.
Her love for him wasn’t enough for it to work out the first time, why would the second time be any different? She left James at the altar, embarrassing him in front of all their friends and family. She embarrassed herself in front of all her friends and family. How was she supposed to face any of them? How was she supposed to show her face in town? What did people think of her?
Her stomach turned as she thought about it and suddenly the hot water felt too hot as she got lightheaded and she turned the shower off before slowly sitting down and trying to force air into her lungs.
She made the right decision, right?
She had to.
There was no going back, she had to have made the right decision.
Slowly, the lightheadedness went away and she was able to stand up and get out of the shower. She grabbed a towel to dry off before slipping the robe on and tying it protectively around her waist. She grabbed her dress a little roughly before opening the door.
“The room service should be here soon,” Nate said when Rory stepped out of the bathroom.
“Okay,” Rory nodded and got a hanger down from the closet to hang her dress up before sitting down next to Nate who had undone a couple buttons on his shirt and rolled his sleeves up.
“Are you okay?” He asked when she wouldn’t look at him and she gave him an ambiguous shrug that had him reaching over to take her hand. “What’s wrong?” He asked slowly, half scared of anything she could say.
“It’s just,” she started with a sigh. “What are we doing, Nate? I just left the man I was ready to spend the rest of my life with, and for what? To date you again when you’re going back to Denver? That’s what broke us up in the first time. I—” she put her head in her hands. “Fuck, what did we do?”
Nate was quiet for a long moment before he swallowed. “I don’t want to date you again,” he whispered and Rory’s heart dropped to her stomach.
“What?” She asked breathlessly, not believing he had just said that. He gave her a whole speech at her wedding and she left everything for him and he didn’t want to date?
“I don’t want to date you again,” Nate repeated. “We did that already and not a day goes by that I don’t think about you and how much I love you and how much I want to be with you. I knew years ago that you were the only person I wanted to be with. So, no, I don’t want to date you again, Aurora. I want the whole damn thing. I want to marry you.”
Rory took a deep breath as she looked at him, not sure what to think let alone say.
Nate swallowed and licked his lips before sliding off the couch onto his knee. “I’m serious here, Rory. I want to marry you. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, ten years from now, I want to be with you. I don’t know what happens next, I don’t and I’m sorry for that, but I don’t care as long as we’re together, so let’s get married.”
Six hours ago she was getting married to James and now Nate was down on one knee in front of her in a hotel room a province away proposing to her. Any sane person would have said no or at least want time to think about it and where their head was after everything. But the only word clawing at her throat was—
“Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Nate smiled and she reached out to cup his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss, kissing him as deeply as she could, needing him to know how much she loved him, how much she needed him. But Nate kissed her back just as deeply.
They only pulled back because of the knock at the door. “Room service!”
Rory laughed deep in her chest as she leaned into Nate, resting her head on his shoulder and Nate laughed with her before kissing the side of her head and getting up to answer the door. He stepped aside to let the waiter wheel a cart filled with silver platter covers into the room.
They both gave him awkward smiles and Nate thanked him as he left before he closed the door behind him and shook his head. “Well, I can honestly tell you that I never thought the day I proposed to you would be interrupted by room service,” he laughed and Rory laughed with him before walking over to the cart to see what he ordered. There were a lot of plates, so she didn’t really know what to expect.
“You ordered a lot,” she commented and lifted the first cover to see fettuccini alfredo.
“I didn’t know what you were in the mood for, so I ordered anything I thought you’d like,” he replied, ducking his head. Rory’s heart fluttered at the gesture and lifted more covers. She found spinach dip, French fries, a burger, fried fish, and a chicken caesar wrap.
“It all looks really good,” she told him and picked up a fry. Yeah, she deserved it after everything that happened today. She grabbed another fry before her eyes drifted to the bottle of wine on the cart and she grabbed it to read the label.
“I ordered a bottle of pinot grigio—” Nate started, but she cut him off.
“My favourite,” she smiled and Nate nodded.
“I know. I ordered it because it was, and I honestly thought we could both use it, but I think I’m going to call down and order a couple bottles of champagne to celebrate our engagement. What do you think?” He asked and Rory walked over to him and looped her arms around his shoulders before pushing herself up to kiss him again.
“I think champagne is a great idea,” she told him before stepping back to the cart and putting the covers over every dish that wasn’t the fries before picking the fries up and plopping down on the couch. Nate shook his head with an endeared smile before walking over to the phone to order three bottles of champagne. They weren’t going to drink it all tonight, probably, but he’d hate to bother them again.
Nate stole a couple fries from her plate while he waited for the champagne to arrive, not that it took long, and Rory laughed as he struggled to pop the cork.
“Let me,” she offered, putting the near empty plate of fries back on the cart before taking the bottle from him. She struggled too, but managed to pop the cork without breaking it or the bottle, and she called it a win as Nate held the glasses out to her to fill before she put the bottle down on the cart and took one of the glasses from him.
“To us,” Nate smiled, holding his glass out.
Rory’s smile widened and she clicked her glass against his. “To us,” she echoed. “And to our future together.”
Nate clicked his glass against hers before taking a sip of the champagne. “Not bad,” he shrugged before throwing the rest of the glass back and pouring himself another, making Rory laugh. All these later and he was still the Nate she fell in love with in high school. Rory took a sip and had to agree that it was actually pretty good.
“So, what are you going to eat?” Nate asked. Personally, he was eyeing up the burger, but he’d have whatever Rory didn’t want.
Rory took another sip of the champagne as she looked over the cart with a hum. “I think I’ll have the fettuccini and some spinach dip,” she told him, picking up one of the two appetizer plates on the cart before lifting the cover on the spinach dip. She put a few baked pita pieces on her plate before scooping some spinach dip onto each of them and sitting down on the couch. “What about you?” She asked.
“I think I will also have some spinach dip, and then that burger, if you’re okay with it,” he replied and Rory nodded.
“It’s all yours.”
Nate gave her thigh a squeeze before getting up and lifting the cover on the burger and picked the plate up. He put a few pieces of baked pita and spinach dip on his plate along with what was left of the fries and sat down next to her.
Maybe they were exhausted and hungry over the day’s events, but the food was actually pretty good. Between them, they had a good portion of the spinach dip, and, with help from Nate, they ate all the fettuccini. And that was on top of Nate clearing his own plate and all the fries they had earlier.
And it also didn’t take them long to finish the first bottle of champagne so Rory opened a second.
Between it and Nate, Aurora felt warm in a way she hadn’t in years
She felt light and happy and free and she couldn’t stop smiling as she looked at Nate, but it was okay because Nate couldn’t stop smiling either.
Neither of them paid the clock any mind as they, for the first time in years, enjoyed the moment for what it was: each other.
But Nate could start to see Rory’s eyes droop and he put the rest of the food away in the minifridge before asking if she wanted to go to bed.
“That might be a good idea,” she replied with a laugh, letting her eyes close for a moment before looking up at him. The champagne was hitting her a lot harder than him.
“Okay,” Nate smiled and held his hand out to her, leading her into the bedroom part of the suite. “Let’s go to bed.”
Nate left Rory to fuss with the bed sheets while he brushed his teeth with the complimentary toothbrush and toothpaste and went pee before coming out of the bathroom. Rory was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for him, the tie of her robe a little looser then he remembered as she looked at him and he couldn’t exactly hide the way his eyes dip down to her chest before meeting hers.
He took a deep breath through his nose as he came around the bed and started to undo the buttons on his shirt. “Is it okay for me to just wear my boxers?” Nate asked and Rory laughed before biting her lip.
“Not like we have better options,” she replied.
Nate nodded and started undoing his shirt. “You can have my shirt if you want. Or you can stay in the robe. Or you could wear nothing at all,” he told her, hoping she’d take the bait. “Nothing. I haven’t seen before.”
“Nice try,” she shook her head and took his shirt after he shrugged it off. “But I will take your shirt to sleep in, thank you. “The only thing I have on is a pair of very skimpy white lace panties, and we are not there yet.”
“We’re getting married, I think we are,” Nate laughed, leaning in to kiss her again. Rory smiled into the kiss, putting the shirt down so she could pull him closer before pushing him back.
“Not yet,” she told him, patting his chest before getting up with his shirt in hand to go to the bathroom to change. As soon as the door close behind her, she pulled at the tie of the robe and hung it up on the hook before pulling Nate’s dress shirt on. It was worn and wrinkled, making it feel softer against her skin, and his cologne clung to the collar of the shirt, making her smile as she did up the buttons, leaving the top few undone for comfort. The shirt didn’t come too long on her, but it covered everything it had to.
Usually, she had a whole bedtime routine, but she settled for brushing her teeth and going pee. When she came out of the bathroom, Nate had stripped down to his underwear and was resting back against the headboard. He didn’t hide the way he ran his eyes over her body and Rory rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help but blush. “I like you in my clothes,” he told her.
“As much as I like wearing them, we need to go shopping tomorrow,” she told him and he nodded.
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” he agreed and Rory crawled up the bed and settled against his chest. Nate smiled to himself and kissed the top of her head, his chest warm in a way that wasn’t from the champagne.
He let her stay like that for another moment before gently tapping her shoulder so she’d lift her head. “Let’s get under the covers,” he told her and she nodded, pulling away from him so they could get comfortable under the covers, get all the pillows in the right place and turn the light off, but as soon as Nate was comfortable, she pressed herself into his arms. Nate smiled into the dark room and pulled her closer. “I love you so much,” he whispered and somehow, Rory snuggled closer.
“I love you, too, Nate,” she whispered before pressing a soft kiss to his chest. Between him and the champagne in her system, it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, and Nate wasn’t far behind her.
It was the best sleep she had had in years.
They woke up exactly how they fall asleep: wrapped in each other.
Nate woke up first, used to getting up early for hockey, but he did his best to stay still as to not wake Rory. And that worked for half an hour at most. Nate was a lot of things, but still wasn’t one of them.
“Good morning,” Rory said when she woke up, lifting her head to look up at him with a smile.
“Good morning,” Nate echoed, his voice thick with sleep and Rory couldn’t help but find it attractive.
All these years, she hadn’t truly let herself realize how much she missed this, missed Nate, but now that she was back in his arms, there was nowhere she would rather be. She let her eyes drop to his lips before she pushed herself up to press a chaste kiss to his lips and Nate brought his hand up to cup her cheek.
He truly would be the happiest man on earth if he got to wake up next to her every day for the rest of his life.
Rory pulled back with a smile and gave his chest a pat before slowly getting up to go to the bathroom. When she came out, Nate took her place, and then they got ready for breakfast. Honestly, Rory was tempted to ask Nate to just order them some room service for breakfast, but it was stupid to paid for it when a complimentary breakfast came with the room, even if he was millionaire. So, after making Nate turn around, she shrugged his shirt off and took her dress from the hanger and went into the bathroom to get dressed.
It was weird and awkward putting her wedding gown back on, but she didn’t have another option. “Are you good?” She asked Nate through the door.
“Yeah, you can come out,” he replied, so she held her dress to her chest and walked back out.
Nate looked up at the sound of the door opening and Rory gave him a smile as she turned around to him her back. “Can you zip me up?” She asked.
Of course Nate nodded. “Yeah, right,” he said, finishing buttoning his shirt before zipping her up.
“Thanks,” she whispered and turned back to face him. “You know, it’s going to be awkward getting breakfast and going shopping dressed like us, in all our wedding attire.”
Nate took a deep breath before shrugging. “I know,” he sighed. “But luckily Fredericton doesn’t have a large population so unless someone posts something, it doesn’t matter.”
“True,” Rory agreed, stepping closer to him and looping her arms around his neck.
“And, you look beautiful,” he told her before kissing her. God, she was never going to be tired of the way he kissed her.
“Thank you,” she whispered when she pulled back and she let him guide her out of the hotel room and down for breakfast.
Luckily, there weren’t all that many people so they didn’t get a crazy amount of judgemental looks as they went through the buffet.
Rory made herself a tea with milk and sugar and grabbed a glass of orange juice, bringing it over to their table before going back to toast herself a bagel, grab some fruit, and a yogurt. She grabbed a few packets of butter before making her way back to the table. And, well, Nate piled his plate high with bacon and eggs. Maybe it wasn’t diet plan approved, but he didn’t care.
They took their time enjoying breakfast together, and Rory was only a little concerned about the amount of bacon Nate ate, but she didn’t say anything.
After breakfast, they didn’t bother heading back up to their room. It wasn’t like they had anything up there. Instead, they made their way out to the car so they could go shopping.
Once they were in the car, Nate reached over Rory to open the glove box and pull out the charger he was so thankful he put in there and plugged his phone in, not that he bothered to wait for it to charge before pulling out of the parking lot. Fredericton wasn’t that big, how hard could it be to find the mall?
The mall wasn’t even that far from the hotel, but it did take them almost half an hour to find it. Still, Rory was thankful to be there and she couldn’t wait to get out of her dress. They got more than a handful of weird looks as they walked through the mall, most of them directed at her, but they did their best to ignore them as they shopped.
She didn’t need much, neither did Nate, just enough for a few days, a week at most.
They hit up a few stores. They each bought a pair of pants and a few shirts. Nate bought a pack of socks and underwear, and Rory hit up LaSenza for a bra and a few pairs of panties. After their shopping was complete, they headed to the restrooms. There wasn’t a line so they took turns in the family restroom changing into street clothes.
Nate wore a simple pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, and Rory put on a mint t-shirt along with the leggings she grabbed. They felt a lot better than her wedding dress and she took the extra bags in her hand and folded the dress over her arm before exiting the washroom.
“Let me take your bags?” Nate offered and when Rory nodded, he took her bags, freeing her hands to carry her dress as they started towards the exit. Despite the small size of the town, the mall was a fair size. Still, it didn’t take them all that long to make it to the parking lot.
“While we’re here, why don’t we look at rings?” Nate asked as they approached the car.
“We’re not in any kind of rush, we don’t have to,” she replied and opened one of the backseat doors after he unlocked the car. He followed suit and they put the bags of the clothing they bought along with their wedding clothes into the back seat.
“I know. But I love you and I want other people to know I love you and I don’t know. You’re right, we have time. If you don’t want to, we can just go have lunch somewhere,” he shrugged.
Rory wasn’t in a rush to put another ring on her finger, but Nate’s words pulled at her and she nodded. She liked the idea of being able to look down and see something that reminded her of Nate, something that he gave her. “If they don’t have anything, they don’t have anything, but maybe they do,” she told him.
Nate instantly smiled and nodded. He locked the car and she held her hand out to him to take. Nate’s smile softened as he took her hand and they walked back into the mall.
“You can get whatever ring you like, okay? I don’t care how much it costs as long as you like it,” he told her as they approached the first jewelry store. There were a few in the mall, so there were options, but if Rory didn’t find something she absolutely loved, then they would wait. Maybe there would be something better in Denver.
She nodded and gave his hand a squeeze before walking into the store. The last time she was in a jewellery store, she was picking out wedding bands with James.
“Hi, can I help you? Is there anything specific you’re looking for?” A clerk asked, but Rory shook her head with a friendly smile.
“No; thank you, though. We’re just browsing. We’ll be sure to let you know if anything catches my eye, okay?”
“Absolutely,” the clerk smiled and turned back to something behind the counter.
Rory took her time looking over the rings, but none of them were her style. There were a lot of yellow gold rings, and big, flashy rings, rings with square diamonds or halos or thick bands. None of them were really her style, and, honestly, a lot of them reminded her of the ring James gave her. At best, there was an oval ring set in a band of diamonds, but the size of the oval stone seemed too small for the band.
“Anything?” Nate asked, but Rory shook her head. “Okay, let’s try the next place.”
Besides a beautiful diamond wedding band, she didn’t find anything at the next store either. She almost suggesting getting the wedding band and having that as an engagement or promise ring. She had done the traditional engagement and had the big ring, she didn’t need to do that again. But Nate wanted to do it that way, and she wasn’t going to tell him otherwise.
“I have an idea,” she told him as they approached the third store, Spicer Cole, a New Brunswick jewellery company.
“That’s never a good thing,” Nate chuckled.
Rory rolled her eyes with an endearing smile. “I want you to pick out the ring you would pick for me if we had done this the traditional way,” she told him. “And if they don’t have the perfect ring, pick the closest and describe to me the rest.”
Nate took a deep, nervous breath and opened his mouth to argue but Rory gave him a pointed look and he nodded and let go of her hand as he looked down at the first case. Not wanting to crowd him, Rory walked to the other side of the store and started looking at the rings and she had to admit that they had the best selection so far. A lot of their rings were unique, with diamonds that weren’t circular or square.  
Unlike the other stores, there were more than a couple rings that caught her eye, a few timeless oval rings and a few vintage inspired rings, though she stayed away from the square ones. They were beautiful, but they reminded her of James and she didn’t want that for her new ring.
“Aurora?” Nate called over several minutes later, making her lift her head and look over at him. A clerk was helping him and while she couldn’t make it out, she could see that they had pulled a ring from the display and it was sitting on the counter. “This is what I always pictured getting for you,” he whispered when she walked over.
The ring was still in its little black box, but she melted she saw it.
It was a pear stone with simple single halo and a single band set in diamonds. “It’s beautiful,” she told him, her voice breathy. “May I?” She asked the clerk and he nodded. Rory gently pulled the ring from the box tilting it back and forth to see how the stones caught the light.
“The main stone is 2.2 carats, and the ring is a size six,” he told her and Rory smiled to herself, so glad that the ring was her size so they wouldn’t have to order one in.
She slid the ring on and, sure enough, it fit perfectly.
It was weird having another ring on her finger, but she loved the way this one looked and felt. More than that, she loved that Nate knew exactly what ring to get.
She spent so much time trying to get over him and find someone else and have someone else know and love her, and all along, it was Nate.
It had always been Nate.
“I love it,” she said, looking up at Nate. “I absolutely love it.”
“Yeah?” Nate smiled and she nodded before looking back down at it. She didn’t want to take it off. “Love it enough to want to get it?” He asked.
Rory’s smile widened and she looked back up at him with a nod. “I do. This it… This is it,” she told him.
This time Nate’s smile widened and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer so he could kiss her temple. “Okay, then let’s get it.”
She hugged him back, smiling against his chest before he let her go and she gently pulled the ring off her finger and she put it back in the box for the clerk.
All things considered, it didn’t take all that long for the clerk to ring them up and complete the transaction, even if Rory cringed at the ring cost. It was twelve grand before taxes and nearly fourteen grand afterward, but Nate didn’t bat an eyelash as he pulled his credit card out to buy it. After the transaction was complete, the clerk put the ring into a little bag and Nate let Rory take it. They both thanked him for his help before Nate took her hand and they walked out of the store.
“Thank you,” she said, looking over at him.
“You’re thanking me for buying you an engagement ring?” Nate chuckled and Rory shrugged before leaning into him, letting him wrap his arm around her shoulders.
“I guess,” she told him. “And I guess, thank you for knowing me so well and thank you for loving me.”
“Babe,” he said, stopping so he could look at her. “You don’t ever have to thank me for that, okay? I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Rory nodded and pushed herself up to kiss him. “I love you, too, Nate.”
Nate smiled and pressed another quick kiss to her lips before pulling back. “Come on, let’s go have lunch,” he said before leading her out to the car.
Once they were in the car, Nate reached into the bag to take the box out. He smiled as he opened it and turned it around to face Rory. “Will you do the honour or making me the happiest man on Earth and marry me?” He asked, making Rory laugh.
“Yes, I will,” she smiled and Nate took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her finger. She took a moment to admire it before she reached over the consul to kiss him. Nate brought his hands up to her cheeks and deepened the kiss, pulling her closer before he broke the kiss.
“I love you so much,” he whispered with a smile and Rory leaned into his hand.
“I love you, too,” she replied before leaning back to kiss the palm of his hand and slumping back against her seat. She glanced back down at the ring on her finger before looking at him, not that Nate ever looked away. If he could, he’d never pull his eyes away from her. She blushed at the way he looked at her and brushed her hair back behind her ears. “Where should we grab lunch?”
“I honestly have no idea,” he replied. “I just figured we’d drive around until we found a restaurant.”
Rory nodded with a hum, “sounds good to me.”
“Okay, cool,” he nodded and they put their seatbelts on before he started the car and started out of the parking lot while Rory used his phone to see what places were good in the area.
It didn’t take them long to find Isaac’s Way which had a lot of amazing reviews, so Nate turned into the parking lot and parked the car. He held his hand out to Rory when they got out of the car and she took it as they walked inside.
They both ended up getting burgers and fries and some potato skins for an appetizer, and it was really good.
“So this was like our first date in five years, eh?” Nate asked after he paid their bill.
Rory couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Not bad for a first date, eh?” He asked and Rory reached across the table to cover his hand.
“Best first date I’ve ever been on,” she told him honestly.
“Me too,” he agreed with a smile.
Slowly, they went back to his car and Nate took his phone back to look something up before starting off in a direction away from the hotel. Rory gave him a confused expression, but he just smiled before pulling into a bakery parking lot so they could get some desert.
They left the bakery with a whole box of pastries, but her smile was worth it.
They ended up staying in Fredericton the full five nights Nate booked them for.
They spent their time in their suite and walking through the city or just sitting by the water. The whole time they were there, they reconnected in a way Rory didn’t know they could.
She loved Nate; never stopped loving Nate. But, she fell for him all over again the whole time they were in Fredericton. They were away from their lives and responsibilities, in a perfect bubble of them, and she didn’t want to leave it.
She loved getting to wake up in his arms and having breakfast together and having lunch together at a new restaurant, usually on the patio, whether it was good or bad. She loved their uninterrupted afternoons together where she was able to let herself love him in ways she hadn’t let herself since high school. She loved having dinner with him and splitting a bottle of wine, regardless of whether it was a place he found in the city or just room service. And, most of all, she loved getting to kiss him goodnight and telling him that she loved him before going to sleep in his arms.
He was everything she had ever wanted, and deep in her heart, she always knew that.
But, their perfect bubble couldn’t last forever.
Their time in New Brunswick went by way too quickly and before either of them new it, it was their last night there. As usual, they split a bottle of wine with dinner and if Rory held him a little tighter that night, he didn’t say anything.
Neither of them wanted to leave their perfect little bubble, but they had to go home and face the consequences of their actions eventually.
The next morning, they had their complimentary breakfast before packing up their very small amount of things and checking out. Still, Cole Harbour wasn’t all that far from Fredericton, so they stuck around for lunch before getting on the road.
It was an anxious drive home, and it was dark out by the time they got into Cole Harbour and Rory suggested going to his parents and then facing hers tomorrow. She wasn’t exactly looking forwards to facing her mother. And neither was Nate, so he agreed, hoping that his parents would be a little more accepting about what they did.
Both their chests were tight as they pulled into his parents’ driveway. After putting the car in park and turning the engine off, he looked over at her with a nervous smile. “Like ripping off a band aid, right?” He asked.
“A life altering band aid, maybe,” she whispered, taking his hand in hers and giving it a squeeze.
“Yeah,” he sighed, looking over at the house. “Let’s just get this over with. And hope they let us sleep in the same bed now that we’re getting married.”
“I highly doubt your mother will let that happen under her roof, but, yeah, hopefully,” she smiled. Being able to sleep in the same bed as Nate, curled up on his chest or having him pressed against her back, it wasn’t something she wanted to stop. She missed it all these years later.
The corner of his lips twitched up and he gently cupped her cheek before kissing her softly. When he pulled back, they both got out of the car, and he took her hand as they walked up to the door, using his key to unlock the door. “Mom?” He called through the house and Rory closed the door behind her.
“Nathan?” It only took a moment for his mom to appear, his dad hot on her heels, the two of them probably having been in the den. “We’ve been worried sick, as have your parents, Aurora,” she said as she hugged Nate before hugging Rory as well.
“We’re okay,” he reassured her. “We’re better than okay.” He gestured over to the living room couch, “let’s sit down, yeah?”
“Right, of course, no need to talk in the entry,” she agreed and led the way over to the living room and his dad took his place in his favourite chair. Nate and Rory toed their shoes off before making their way over to the love couch and Rory pressed her thigh against his after they sat down, needing his touch to calm her. “What the hell happened?” She asked them.
“Uh,” Nate started, looking over at Rory. “We’ve been in New Brunswick trying to figure everything out. And we’ve decided to get married.” At his word, Rory covered Nate’s hand with hers so they could see the ring.
His mother took a deep breath in and opened and closed her mouth, unsure of what to say. Of course she knew that Nate still loved her, though she couldn’t say she ever thought he’d stand up at her wedding, much less that she would run off with him, even if she had her suspicions that she never truly got over her son. And, really, she always thought they’d get married some day. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t surprised.
“Congratulations?” She asked, shaking her head a bit to clear her thoughts. She took another deep breath before giving them a smile. “I think it’s going to take some time for this to process, but I’m so happy for you both. Can I see the ring?”
“Yeah, of course,” Rory smiled and gave Nate’s hand another squeeze before walking over the couch and sitting down next to her and holding her hand out so she could see the ring.
“Oh, that’s beautiful,” she smiled, gently taking Rory’s hand to get a better look. “Did you pick this out?”
“No,” Rory laughed, looking over at Nate. “Nate did actually. Isn’t it perfect?”
“It is,” she said, the corner of her lip twitching up. Maybe no one else saw it, but she knew deep down that her son care and could be the romantic no one took him for. “It’s absolutely perfect.”
Nate ducked his head and Rory gave him a smile before looking back at his mother and her ring. It was beyond fast, but she was happy. He always made her happy.
They took another moment to look at the ring and process that they were back together and going to get married before his mother took a deep breath in through her nose. “Are you two hungry?” She asked. New Brunswick as at least a fair drive away and it was late. They had to have miss dinner.
Nate couldn’t nod fast enough. “Starving actually,” he told her, which made her roll her eyes.
“There’s leftovers in the fridge, feel free to have them,” she said. “I made chicken breast and veggies for dinner, and there might still be a burger or two in there, and who knows what else.”
“Thanks, Ma,” he said, pushing himself up from the couch. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before wandering into the kitchen in search of dinner.
“Did you think this through?” She asked, turning to Rory who had an endeared look on her face as she watched Nate in the next room over.
“No,” she said honestly and looked back over at her. “But I know I love him and I hope that’s enough.”
She reached over to squeeze Rory’s thigh, “it always is, don’t worry.” Rory smiled at her words and nodded before getting up and following Nate into the kitchen to get some dinner.
His parents watched how easy they worked around each other and the soft, fond look in their son’s eyes when he looked at her.
After they finished dinner and put their plates in the dishwasher, Nate started yawning. Maybe it was still early, but driving really took it out of him. “I think I’m going to hit the hay,” he said. “I need a full night of sleep before I face your parents, no offence,” he told Rory before kissing her forehead.
“None taken,” she laughed. “I completely agree. And I think I’ll join you.”
“You know where the guest room is,” his mom said with a smile, making Nate roll his eyes.
“Mom, I think it’s okay for my fiancée to sleep in the same bed as me,” he told her, making his dad laugh.
“Only if you keep the door open,” she told him.
“Mom! We’re twenty-five!” He replied, though he couldn’t hide his blush at what his mother was insinuating.
“Just let them have their fun,” his dad jumped in with a wink, which only made Nate blush harder and Rory tried to hide her blush under a laugh.
“I’m not dealing with this,” Nate shook his head and pressed his hand to the small of Rory’s back. “Let’s go to bed.” Rory laughed harder, but she let him guide her up the stairs. They took turns in the bathroom and Nate gave her an old shirt to wear, a worn Mooseheads shirt that she couldn’t help but smile about.
Nate’s double was definitely a lot tighter than the king they shared at the hotel, but Rory liked the way he felt pressed against her. Even if it came at the risk of maybe falling off the bed if she moved because he took up the whole bed.
And it was so nice to wake up the next wrapped in his arms before getting up and Nate’s mom making pancakes while she talked about how happy she was that they got back together.
They might have been Nate’s family, but they were hers, too. And she loved them.
Unfortunately, Rory’s parents didn’t take the news as well as Nate’s parents, but after they ranted their feelings out, they were happy for them because all they ever wanted was for their daughter to be happy, and Nate could make that happen.
The remaining few weeks of summer, Rory spent between Nate’s place, her parents’ and Nate’s parents’, trying to avoid James and any of his friends and family, and she had her friends go to their apartment to get her things.
“What happens when I have to go back to Denver?” He asked her one night as they laid in bed.
She took a deep breath and shifted to look at him. “I go with you,” she told him.
It was hard before. But they weren’t kids anymore. Rory wasn’t in school anymore and she could do her job anywhere, not to mention the Rockies would make for beautiful wedding pictures and a lot of destination winter weddings, which could mean year-round work, and even if she couldn’t get a real foothold in the market at first, Nate’s contract could support her and he had a house there.
Nate had a real future and life in Denver, and she wanted it. She wanted him. Whether that was in Cole Harbour or Denver, she didn’t care.
As long as she had him, she was happy.
People always say that no love hurts more than the first because it’s the first time you experience all the joy and wonder of love, but also the first time you feel the absolute anguish of heartbreak.
Nate and Rory were their each other’s first love, each other’s first everything. When the fell in love in high school, neither of them truly understood what it meant. They weren’t supposed to last, at least that was what everyone said. But a decade later, they only loved each other more, and they fell in love a little more every day.
The first year in Denver was trying, but instead of pushing them apart, it pulled them closer, and Rory had never loved Nate harder than she did now.
They took their time planning the wedding and got married the next July surrounded by only their closest friends and family, and neither of them could stop smiling.
They came a long way from the kids who met over a book report in nineth grade English, and they had hit more than a couple bumps along the way, but they made their way back to each other, just like they were supposed to.
248 notes · View notes
mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (chapter 10 - FINALE)
series masterlist
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 6k
warnings: implied smut, angst, fluff, romcom tropes, lots of swearing, pregnancy mention/minor breeding kink
note: click the asterisk for a hyperlink to a translation when the time comes
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Six months later...
“It’s good!” she beamed, setting down the last chunk of pages and taking off her reading glasses. “Oh man, that ending hurt, but it’s really, really good!”
You leaned back into the plush chair and sighed with relief. “You think so?”
“It’s best-seller material,” she assured. “With some editing, of course. God, I can’t believe you were sitting on this for so long.”
“What are the biggest changes you want to make?” you asked.
“Well, I’m thinking we’ll cut the romantic subplot,” she mentioned in passing, like it was no big deal. “It’s distracting.
“Distracing?” you repeated. “Nia, it’s the story. It’s a romance.”
“I thought it was a thriller,” she frowned.
“A romance disguised as a thriller,” you corrected.
“Listen, I get what you mean, but I didn’t get this—” she tapped the nameplate on her desk: ‘NIA BROWN, HEAD PUBLISHER’ in shiny letters— “for nothing. I know what I’m talking about, and I know what your readers want. Violence, gore, drama!”
“It has all that!” you defended. “But it’s all there to talk about the real love he finds in her!”
“What do you mean ‘real love’?” she pressed flatly.
“I mean…” you pondered. “I mean love where you feel like a version of yourself that you actually like. Love where you feel unjudged, no precedents or caveats or back-up plans. Love that fucking hurts because you never wanted to rely on anything or anybody. Love that lives in silence because you don’t even need words.”
She furrowed her brow. “That… sounds nice, I guess, but I don’t think anybody really has that. Everybody needs a back-up plan. Everybody needs words— a writer should know that.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god,” you groaned, your face falling into your hands. “I’m so fucking stupid. Jesus Christ, I’m a moron.”
“What? What’s going on?”
“I had that! I had that, and I let it go! I’m the dumbest bitch on the fucking face of the Earth.”
“Don’t say that,” she soothed, but you were already standing up.
“No, I need to find him,” you decided as you grabbed your coat and briefcase. “I need to go back and try to fix this. I love him, I’ve never— I didn’t know I could love like that, I didn’t know I could be loved like that… oh my god, I need to find him. It isn’t over.”
“It isn’t over?” she repeated incredulously. “You said Michael signed the papers!”
“It’s not Michael,” you rolled your eyes as you stormed out of the office. “It was never Michael.”
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You ran into the first telephone box you could find, slamming the door shut as you searched your purse for the business card that probably wasn't even in there.
After a moment, you gasped with delight when you pulled it from a very bottom pocket and began punching in the number as fast as possible with shivering hands, long-distance charges be damned.
“Hello?” the confused voice on the other end answered.
“Mrs. Alberti, hi— does Sebastian still work for you?” you asked hastily.
“No, dear," she sighed, apparently recognizing you by just your voice (and likely your request), "he quit recently, and moved away.”
“Moved?" you repeated with a wrinkled brow. "Where?!”
“I assume back home, sweetheart; to Bucharest.”
“Shit,” you sighed. “Shit!”
“Are you having your ‘run through the airport’ moment, sweetheart?” she realized.
“Yes, I think so— do you have his address?”
“Well, no, but I’ll see what I can find.”
You waited rather impatiently as she shuffled through papers in the background, mumbling to herself as she apparently searched for information that could help you.
“All I’ve got is the address of a previous employer… a carpenter,” she finally explained, breaking the silence. “It was his only reference when he came to work here," she explained.
"Wow, you really did just hire him for his looks," you blurted out.
"He was desperate for work, that boy had nowhere else to go,” she defended.
“Right, well, I guess if that’s my only lead then I’ve gotta go for it,” you decided. “Thank you, Mrs. Alberti.”
“I told you to call me when that book was a hit. Did it happen yet?” she piped up.
“It’s not published yet,” you explained. “It needs some more work… but I think it’s almost ready.”
“I think so, too, dear.”
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Learn Romanian in 10 Weeks! A practical language guide.
Week 1, Day 1: Greetings
Hello                      Salut
Goodbye                La revedere
Thank you              Mulțumesc
You’re welcome      Cu plăcere
Good morning         Bună dimineata
Good afternoon       Bună ziua
Good evening          Bună seara
Good night               Noapte bună
You brushed your hair back out of your face with a sigh, turning the page as you mumbled the phrases to yourself. Broken Hungarian and your high school education in Latin were not getting you as far with this as you had been hoping.
How are you?          Ce mai faci
I love you                 Te iubesc
“Te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc,” you repeated over and over in a whisper.
Each day you had a new routine: practice Romanian for an hour, check flight prices online (or call the airline), research what you knew about Sebastian and the address Mrs. Alberti had given you, and then get back to practicing Romanian again.
Oh, and occasionally you worked on the edits Nia wanted for your manuscript. You were focusing on the minor changes— grammar errors, rearranging sentences— and putting off her big request for the removal and replacement of the romantic aspects. More than ever, they seemed like the most important thing the book had to offer.
You had a small apartment, just a place to sleep and shower really; much too small to fit everything you’d already taken from Michael’s house (you know, the one that used to be your house) along with what he’d shipped to you that you forgot before. He included a letter in the package as well. You threw it out, unopened.
Truthfully, you never really fully unpacked. As much as you realized you probably should, in order to really feel like you had a real home, you couldn’t bring yourself to empty your suitcases when you knew you’d be packing them again any day now.
You also realized how outrageous this all was. Ignoring the unlikelihood of even finding him in the first place, Sebastian probably wouldn’t want anything to do with you after you broke his heart, left, and then randomly tracked him down after over half a year. But to be totally transparent, you weren’t really doing this to get him back, necessarily. You knew that was probably never going to happen. You were doing this because you needed to try. You needed to go there, and get hurt, and come back knowing you did everything you could: you’d never be able to live with yourself if you did anything less than that.
You couldn’t start your new life until you had put everything else to bed. And if that meant being 100%, painfully certain that you and Sebastian could never be together, then that was just how it needed to be.
After two weeks of looking, there still weren’t any reasonable flights to Bucharest, so you booked another trip by train, figuring you could use the three day trip to brush up on the key Romanian phrases you were going to need as well as prepare your speech.
Yes, your plan was a speech. You didn’t have a back-up plan. You didn’t even have a return ticket back to London yet.
A passage by Yeats came to mind; But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
In all your life, you’d never understood before why someone would want to only have their dreams. But now, here you were… and yes, it felt terrifying and vulnerable and uncomfortably naked, but it felt pretty damn good, too.
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With a sigh, you scribbled out the last sentence you’d written, tossing the trash paper aside. You looked up out the window at the scenery flying by in a blur, worried that if you didn’t look out from the train every once in a while you’d get motion sickness.
The sun was beginning to set already, the green of hills and trees tinted orange. You only indulged in it for a moment, though, before getting back to this god-forsaken speech you were deadset on finishing before you arrived in Bucharest tomorrow. At first, you’d figured the translating would be the most difficult part… but writing in English wasn’t exactly a piece of cake, either. You had so much to say, and suddenly so few words for any of it.
You’d probably done more editing on this than any of your novels combined; the crumpled up pages spilling out of your wastebasket were proof enough of that.
“And I’m a fucking writer!” you groaned aloud, to no one in particular. “How is anybody else supposed to be able to do this, if I can’t?”
Other people aren’t as emotionally constipated as you, the voice of your inner critic reminded you plainly, making you roll your eyes at yourself.
A rap at your door made you sit up straighter and turn around. A stewardess slid open the frosted glass slightly to give you a friendly smile. “Is everything alright, ma’am?”
Your brows furrowed at the sound of her accent. “Is that a Romanian accent?” you asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” she nodded.
“So you’re fluent in Romanian and English,” you concluded.
“And Portuguese, yes ma’am,” she agreed.
“Could you come in here for a moment and help me translate something?”
She seemed slightly confused at the request but stepped forward, sliding the door most of the way shut behind her. Leaning beside you on the desk, she picked up your handwritten letter and blinked her wide, brown eyes a few times. You felt slightly embarrassed knowing she was reading such intimate thoughts, but that was how it felt the first time someone read anything you wrote so you were pretty much used to it by now.
“I usually ask the passengers what brings them to Bucharest,” she mumbled after a moment. “This is the most interesting thing so far. Am I reading this correctly, that you intend to confess your love to someone you met—” she scanned the page quickly— “during a vacation in Hungary?”
“Yup,” you smiled awkwardly, popping the ‘p’ at the end of the word.
“And he doesn’t speak English?” she assumed; you nodded. “And… you don’t speak Romanian?”
You nodded again, and she breathed in and out quickly, sitting beside you as she stared at the letter.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” she explained.
“Sorry for sucking you into the entropic vortex that is my life,” you chuckled.
“I don’t mean to pry,” she sighed, setting the letter down, and you laughed a little internally at the idea that she was worried about prying when she just read the most personal piece of writing you’d ever put to the page, “but do you think this is… enough? I mean, to build a relationship on?”
You just gave her a shrug. “I have no idea. But, you know, I spent my whole life worrying about stuff like that. I dated my husband for seven years before we got married, because I wanted to be sure. I was initially interested in him because he was successful and ambitious, and it made me feel like this was a really secure relationship that I could rely on. I double majored in English and Computer Science because I wanted a more stable career to fall back on in case being a writer didn’t work out, and even though it did, I’ve spent most of my career publishing what I thought people wanted to read instead of what I wanted to write, so I’d have a better shot at a good paycheck. I grew up thinking the best thing I could ever have was security. And now I’m divorced, watching my royalties shrink every month, more insecure in every way than I’ve ever been, and I’m realizing that the choices I made didn’t give me what I wanted. I gave up so much in the name of safety, and I let the one good thing I’d ever found go, so I could go back to being the same person I always was. I’m ready to settle again, if this doesn’t work… I’m ready to accept that this is just the way life goes, and be thankful that I got a taste of the kind of stuff I thought only existed in the sort of books I’d read but never write.”
She swallowed as she looked at you, and you felt your eyes water as you stared out the window towards the dimming scenery one more time, smiling at the sight of a distant village, a church with a steeple, vineyards and farms. Someone’s whole life is in that little town, you imagined, and they’re just watching your train go by like they see every other day.
“Sebastian gave me more security than I’d ever had before, even though the whole thing was such a ridiculous little whirlwind, and nothing like I ever imagined my life could be. But he made me want to be honest and raw and write sappy letters like the one you just read. He doesn’t have any money, at least as far as I know, and I haven’t known him for seven years, and on paper it makes no sense… but you would understand if you knew him. If you felt that joy that he radiates, if you saw him live his simple little life like it’s the best thing in the world. You would understand if you knew how much I needed this. You would understand if you had been just as miserable being who I’ve been for so long, and finally had a chance to be somebody you think you were maybe meant to be the whole time. So, if I never see him again, I hope I just get to thank him.”
You waited for her to say something, but furrowed your brow at the long moment of silence, looking back from the window finally and finding her staring at you with a tear running down her cheek. When you met her gaze, she quickly wiped it away with a sniffle and looked down at your desk again. “Let’s get to translating, shall we?” she announced with a half-smile.
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You noticed the way the other passengers looked at you as everyone was in line to deboard from the train car; you stuck out like a sore thumb, since everybody else was carrying heavy luggage and all you had was a backpack.
In your defense, you really had no idea how to pack for a trip where you knew neither the duration nor the true final destination. So, it was mainly filled with your essentials, a few clothes for any kind of weather, and enough leu to buy anything else you needed along the way.
The stewardess was waving goodbye to everyone as they shuffled out into the train station, occasionally stopping to shake a hand or give directions to nearby destinations. When you were just about to pass by, though, she pulled you into a tight hug.
“Good luck,” she whispered, holding you just a moment too long before pulling back and giving you an encouraging look. “If he doesn’t take you back, feel free to blame my translation… because if he knows what’s in your heart, I know he’ll say yes.”
“Yeah, that’s the hard part isn’t it?” you laughed weakly. “Thank you for your help. I guess if I come back alone for the return trip tonight, you’ll know how bad it went.”
“Then I hope I don’t see you again,” she winked.
It being a major train station and all, cabs were waiting around every corner so it was pretty easy to grab one and give them the address you already had written down for this exact purpose.
“This is pretty far,” the driver explained, “on the edge of town. Not a tourist spot.”
“Good, because I’m not a tourist,” you nodded, already only giving him half your attention as you pulled out the translated speech to practice.
“And you can afford this?” he pressed. You sighed and dug through your bag, pulling out a haphazard stack of bills and handing them through the plastic partition.
“Is this enough?” you asked, and he didn’t answer, just taking the money and starting the car as you smiled and leaned back in your seat.
As much as you had tried to convince yourself to not get your hopes up, the butterflies in your stomach felt more like whole birds at this point, demanding to break free as you practiced the words hand-written on the page over and over again, committing it all to memory.
“What are you reading?” the cab driver asked after several minutes.
“Oh, nothing,” you mumbled, “sorry if I’m bothering you, you can turn on the radio.”
“No, it’s not bothering me, but what you are saying… it’s very odd. It sounds like something from a play, or movie,” he explained.
“Um, it’s not,” you replied, a little embarrassed. “But does it sound like it’s from a good movie? Like, if you heard a character say this to another character, would you think they should get together?”
“I… don’t know,” he answered, sounding confused. “I mean, it depends on what happened, right? How they met, how well they get along…”
So, you told him the whole story, as succinctly as possible (which is not very succinct at all). By the end, he was actually giving commentary as you spoke.
“Why the hell did you leave?” he interjected, clearly irritated with you. “You loved him!”
“Yeah, well, sometimes love isn’t enough! I loved my husband too, and look how that turned out,” you defended.
“But that’s different. That was love for all the wrong reasons.”
“I promise, it felt very real at the time,” you shrugged.
“And now?” he countered. “You realize that this man— Sebastian, right?— is real.”
“I hope I’m right this time,” you offered. “But even if I am, he may not agree.”
The driver scoffed, taking a hand off the wheel to wave dismissively. “If he’s anything like you said, then he will still be completely in love with you. After all, you still feel the same way after all this time apart, don’t you?”
“If anything, I love him more every day,” you admitted, your heart beating quickly just to say it aloud.
“You know, when I met my wife, she was engaged to another man. He was rich, good-looking, and he wasn’t even a bad guy unlike this husband you describe. He was a good man, but he wasn’t right for her. They were… content together, but she wasn’t truly happy. Every night I would come to her window and beg her to marry me, because I knew that she knew we were meant for each other, but she was scared because her family wouldn’t approve and she would be a poor man’s wife.”
“How did you convince her to marry you instead?” you asked eagerly, sucked into the story already.
“I didn’t. On the day of the wedding, some people told me to go and break it up but I didn’t. I thought it would be wrong, to try to ruin her happiness and take it for myself by making a scene at the wedding. I realized she was her own woman and if she wanted to choose him, I had to let her. I had locked myself in my house, not wanting to see anyone that day, and she appeared at my door. I didn’t need to convince her because she knew the truth in her heart, and called off the wedding herself.”
“Wow,” you smiled.
“She was still in her dress!” he recalled with a hearty laugh. “She looked like an angel. We were married just a few days later. And next month will be thirty years,” he added as he lifted his left hand to show the golden band on his finger.
“Thirty years, that’s… a long time,” you sighed.
“It wasn’t always easy,” he admitted. “But it was always worth it.”
Just as you wondered what you could possibly say to that, you felt the car slow down to a stop.
“This is the address you gave me, this is it,” he explained, pointing out his passenger-side window. You leaned up against the glass and gasped in dawning fear as you saw the storefront dark and empty inside.
“No, nonono,” you whispered rapidly to yourself as you swung open the door and hopped out, pressing your face against the glass to try to get a look inside and finding what was undeniably a closed carpentry business. There was a note on the door, taped on the inside of the glass, and you knew enough Romanian to know it said something about a vacation and three months.
“Shit!” you yelped, holding your face in your hands, wondering if your journey had come to an end before it really began.
“Are you alright?” the driver asked, rolling down his window to speak to you.
“This was my only lead, I don’t have his real address,” you explained. “He used to work here, I thought maybe someone would know him…”
He sighed, giving you a sympathetic look. “Get back in, we can search nearby. You came too far to give in yet.”
But getting back in the car felt like giving in, too, which you realized as you looked back at the note taped to the carpenter's door. This was the closest you'd gotten, and it felt wasteful to leave with nothing.
Just as you were ready to hop in the passenger seat and start searching aimlessly through suburban Bucharest, or maybe look around for a Romanian yellow pages, you heard a noise from behind you, across the street; a laugh. His laugh. But it couldn’t be because it was too good to be true… and yet you found yourself whipping your head around and hoping beyond all reason that it was Sebastian.
Across the street was a restaurant, with a large patio where patrons were dining and chatting as they sat at wrought iron tables, and your eyes searched the crowd for any signs of him.
And then your gaze landed on a head of thick brunette hair, red and gold highlights so obvious now when the sunlight hit it this way. Broad shoulders wrapped in a white button-up shirt. He was facing away from you but he was looking to the side so you could see his face; he was smiling, laughing at something someone had said. And it was his smile that you recognized; it was like everything else faded away, and in that moment you thought maybe you could almost be happy with just this, just seeing him be happy even if it had nothing to do with you.
“Sebastian,” you called out to him, but he didn’t react. “Sebastian!”
His whole body turned, his eyes met yours, and you couldn't help but let the tears well in your eyes as you ran across the road to him.
He looked, understandably, stunned, and you realized he was actually waiting on a table at the moment; he said something to them, apparently excusing himself, and stepped closer to you.
But he stopped walking, not coming any closer, not exactly dragging you into his arms like you might've preferred, but with a breath to try to soothe your racing mind, you summoned your memories of the practiced letter and began. *
“Când am venit în Ungaria…” you started slowly, doing your best to remember the words and hoping your pronunciation wasn’t too awful, “nu căutam dragoste. Căutam spațiu, claritate și poate o idee de carte de un milion de dolari. În schimb, am găsit tot ce am căutat toată viața mea…”
You did your best to bite back tears, especially when his expression was nearly unreadable and you had no idea how well this was going.
“Ești tu, Sebastian, bineînțeles că ești tu,” you sighed, laughing slightly. “Ai fost acolo pentru mine când nici nu știam ce vreau de la nimeni. Ai fost prietenul meu fără să spui vreodată un cuvânt - cel puțin nu un cuvânt pe care l-am înțeles. M-ai iubit și nu știam ce să fac cu asta, pentru că uitasem cu mult timp în urmă cum se simțea să fii iubit. Și ce simțeai să iubești cu adevărat pe cineva. Dar te iubesc. Și am fost prost să te las să pleci, atât de neconceput de prost. Vreau să fim noi, Sebastian. Lasă-mă să te iubesc, mai dă-mi o șansă și îți promit că nu te voi mai lăsa să pleci niciodată.
The first thing he said was your name, and just the way he said it made you fall in love with him all over again.
“I… I dream that you would come back,” he shakily replied. “But now I cannot believe. You are my dream.”
Tears were openly flowing at this point and you wanted to run into his arms, but you tried to stay calm and hear him out. He stepped closer, almost hesitant, like you would run away if he got too close too fast.
“I love you, very much that I am sure I am insane person,” he explained with a grin, and you giggled. “We will live anywhere, do anything you would like— be my wife.”
You gasped as he pulled you into him, gripping your arms tightly as his desperation became apparent.
“Marry me?” he asked softly.
“Da,” you nodded, “yes, of course, anything—”
He kissed you suddenly, but gently, and it said more than any words in any language could.
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It was a small wedding, in the Hungarian countryside by the lake. You could remember diving into that lake for lost pages of your manuscript; you could remember looking out over the water and dreaming of this moment you were living right now, thinking it was impossible.
He didn’t have much family, but they welcomed you with open arms.
Your family, well, they were too busy with planning another wedding, for your ex-husband and your ex-sister. A few of them sent cards but the rest were suspiciously quiet. You honestly didn’t even notice… you had a new family to attend to, anyhow. And it wasn’t like you didn’t have any guests, since you were able to track down and invite a stewardess named Maria, and a cab driver named Andrei and his wife, Paola.
Sebastian’s cousins weaved flowers into your hair and his grandmother tailored her dress to fit you like a glove. A picture of his parents was hung nearby in tribute; he told you they would’ve wanted to see him get married but that he felt, in some way, they were able to even if they had passed away quite some time ago.
You realized you’d never seen him in anything even mildly formal before; in fact, the suit he wore was rather casual, all things considered, but he looked so painfully cute in it. Sometimes you thought he actually looked a bit out of place wearing a shirt, though, especially one that was buttoned up all the way.
Luckily, the shirt was halfway unbuttoned about ten minutes into the reception.
Mrs. Alberti cooked a massive dinner for everyone, and even grew the flowers that you carried down the cobblestone aisle.
And wow, can Romanians drink. You had to be careful not to try to keep up with them, because if you had you would’ve been blacked out halfway into the night and the last thing you wanted was to forget even a moment of this.
As the night started to wind down to a close, you and your new husband retired to the lakehouse, running up the stairs and finding them as creaky as always.
He wrapped his arms around you in the hall and kissed you eagerly as you stumbled back into the bedroom, tripping over the doorway and falling onto the bed together.
It felt so right to have his weight on top of you, to feel his smile against your lips, to wrap your arms around his neck.
“This room,” he mumbled into the kiss. “Do you remember first time?”
“Yes,” you nodded, “da, I remember, how could I forget?”
He grinned and moved his lips down to your neck. "I thought of you every day… I love you,” he whispered.
“Te iubesc,” you whispered back.
It was almost like the first time in so many ways: passionate, yet oddly hesitant as you rediscovered each other. It was comfortable, though… you couldn’t think of any other person you felt so comfortable with, somebody who finally got you out of your own head and who made you want to experience everything life had to offer.
You were sure you’d never gone so long without worrying about something in all your life.
“My wife,” he whispered against your skin. “This is all I had wanted… from seeing you in very beginning.”
“You’re all I ever wanted,” you sighed in return, “ești tot ce mi-am dorit vreodată, Sebastian.”
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Life with Sebastian was beautifully simple. You spent most of the day writing, usually, while he built furniture to sell and occasionally gardened with his spare time. You could always tell how busy you’d been with a new novel lately by how perfectly groomed the hydrangea bushes were.
You’d told him once that you’d come to Hungary looking for a million-dollar book idea. A Killer in Disguise performed alright, but not anywhere near that. The Language of Love, on the other hand, was definitely a million-dollar idea… about eleven times over. Sebastian didn’t seem to worry too much about how much money you made, though; he was just proud to say that he was the inspiration for your hit novel. You secretly suspected that he was more proud of your work reaching enough international notoriety to be translated into Romanian.
His English still needed some work, but you found it endearing. He was determined to get better and spent at least a half-hour each day practicing, but you hoped he wouldn’t get too perfect because you would miss the silly little mistakes he made. At least you could be sure he’d keep the accent forever… damn, that accent; and he knew exactly what it did to you, too.
In fact, you were crossing through the hall in your robe one evening when your husband’s voice stopped you.
“Darling wife,” you heard Sebastian call from the bedroom in a playful sing-song.
“What is it, Seba?” you asked with a smirk.
“Come in here, please…”
You opened the bedroom door to find most of the room covered in rose petals: most of all the bed, which was surrounded by candles, and topped with a shirtless (as per usual) Sebastian, laid on his side seductively with a long-stemmed rose (one you recognized from his very own garden) between his teeth.
“What are you doing?” you laughed. “Is this some sort of special occasion I’ve forgotten?”
You were already searching your mind for what it could be, but your two-year anniversary had passed a few months ago already and since it was spring it couldn’t be the anniversary of when you first met since that was late in the summer.
“Iss not quite a thpecial occathion yeth,” he answered before taking the rose from his mouth so he actually made sense. “I was considering it could be a special occasion, when we’re done…”
You smirked and climbed over the candles and into bed with him, taking the opportunity to run your hands over his chest. “And what occasion would that be?”
“A year from now, it could be the anniversary of when our child was conceived,” he answered.
Your breath caught in your throat, your voice reduced to a whisper of surprise. “Seba—”
“If you’re not ready, I will be understand,” he instantly added, stern yet soft. “Only if you want this, I just thought that maybe—”
You silenced him with a kiss, lacing your fingers into his hair and letting him roll you onto your back. He pulled back just enough to let you answer, but your noses were still bumping into each other and you smiled.
“I’m ready, Sebastian. More than ready,” you whispered.
He grinned and kissed you again, deeper and slower as he held your face with one hand and gripped your waist with the other. As his lips trailed down to your neck, you were interrupted with one pressing thought.
“Can I ask you something?”
He popped up and looked down at you with a smile. “Sure!”
“Why are you wearing ratty old jeans?” you laughed.
“Hey, these worked on you the first time,” he defended.
You gasped. “You don’t mean those are the jeans—”
“Yes,” he nodded, “the jeans that I had been wearing when I was working on Mrs. Alberti’s cottage. And, truly, when I was finding an excuse to work outside your window.”
“Wait,” you sat up, “did you actually work outside my window on purpose?”
He laughed, hanging his head quickly before looking back at you again with a sparkle in his eye. “You are very smart, my love, except for those times when you are— how do you say? Oblivious.”
You chuckled, unfortunately very aware that he was right.
“Didn’t you ever wonder why I was building a window frame, nearly a dozen metres away from the window it was for?”
You thought for a moment before dropping your face into your hands and laughing. “No, I didn’t notice that. I was too busy giving you a thorough eye-fuck,” you recalled.
“Yes, because I was not wearing a shirt and this distracted you,” he pondered, sounding suddenly like a scientist explaining a theorem or something. “See, that’s the beauty of wearing the jeans and no shirt. The body distracts you while the jeans seduce you.”
“How about you take the jeans off and put that body on me, capisce?” you pleaded; not that you didn’t love his humor or anything, but maybe his funny bone wasn’t exactly the bone you were interested in at the moment.
He grinned devilishly and suddenly pulled your legs apart, settling his body between them as he kissed your neck again, nipping at your jawline and ear. “You’re being impatient, dragă,” he purred. “You want to have my baby that badly?”
You whined involuntarily, arching your back as his hands roamed your body and finally began to untie your robe and push the silk out of the way. “Yes, Sebastian, please—”
“Let’s just say, theoretically, I wanted to have more than one? Would you have another of my children?” he asked softly as he reached up and palmed at your breasts, teasing your nipples which were already much too hard and sensitive for how little he’d touched you. The rough denim rubbing against the inside of your thighs was oddly arousing— maybe it was the sensation itself, or maybe it was just that this was almost like the first thing you imagined when you saw Sebastian all those years ago.
“Yes,” you moaned out your answer, “yes, you know I’d do anything for you.”
“What if I wanted a big family?” he pressed. “Really big? Like, Catholic big?”
“We can have our own fuckin’ Brady Bunch, Seb, I just need you right now,” you begged, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him into a hot and desperate kiss.
He decided to wait until afterwards to ask what a ‘Brady Bunch’ was. You decided to wait until afterwards to ask when he’d learned how to use the word ‘theoretically’.
sfarsit; the end
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Aphrodite’s Stone [Maxwell Lord x Reader] SMUT *sex pollen*
Summary: Your boss, Maxwell Lord, tasks you to acquire an important gemstone from the Smithsonian museum's annual gala, not realising the powers that it possesses and how it can possibly affect you when an accident occurs.
Rating: 18+ ONLY.
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: SMUT (sex pollen, automatic dub-con due to the nature of it being a sex pollen), female recieving oral, thigh riding, fingering, creampie, boss x employee relationship, mutual pining. No spoilers for WW84 but some slight references and mentions of canon type mythology/lore. Oh, and there's actually plot!!
Author's note: Feels like all I ever do is write for Max Lord hehe. This is my first ever sex pollen so I hope it’s okay! I tried to make it as canon-typical as I could and I’m actually really happy with the outcome. Also I haven’t written mutual pining in so long so this has been really fun!
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"Did you get the stone?" you whispered, waltzing over to Maxwell who had been schmoozing with a few of the gala guests. He stiffened up when he heard the sweetness of your voice. Your presence always took his breath away. He cleared his throat and placed his half empty champagne glass on one of the silver trays that were getting passed around.
"No, not yet," Maxwell admitted and you sighed. "I've tried swindling the geology department but they won't budge."
"Can't imagine why," you rolled your eyes sarcastically, referencing the time earlier in the year when Max had stolen a very specific citrine stone from the Smithsonian Museum. Of course their trust in him would've been altered. Maxwell quirked an eyebrow at your brief comment and you raised your hands defensively. "Sorry sir." you looked down nervously and he nodded his head, choosing to dismiss what you'd said.
"This is where you come in," Maxwell said, clicking his tongue. Your eyes met his again with curiosity. He took your hand, carefully dragging you to a quiet corner of the party. "You can get the stone."
"Me?" you asked almost rhetorically, your eyes turning comically wide. You were his assistant. He trusted you with menial tasks such as making coffee, handing over paperwork and grabbing his mail— not acquiring some ancient artifact from a different continent.
"You can do it!" he grinned enthusiastically. You were beginning to think he was putting on his charming and persuasive television voice and you furrowed your eyebrows together unimpressed. "Carol Thomas over there, she's the director of the museum. You must make sure she doesn't see a thing. But that tall guy with the dark hair? That’s Ken, and he’s been watching you all night."
You blinked in bewilderment. "He has?" you tilted your head, looking at the man Max had pointed at.
Maxwell's gaze burned into your body as you watched the geology department interact with one another. Of course he has— Maxwell felt like saying. Every man at the damn gala had their eye on you. You looked remarkable, and you were too humble to have even noticed. He brushed off your question.
"Go over there and butter him up a little," Maxwell smirked as you turned back around to face your boss. "But not too much." he quickly added on to the end, feeling a little too defensive over you. "Find out where the stone is. Can you do that?"
"What does it look like?" you mumbled, not really liking the idea of having to flirt with a slimy looking man just to get some random rock thing.
"Ruby." Max snapped back like there was no question about it.
You looked back at Maxwell, a small gasp escaping your lips as you took in his appearance. He looked drunk with desire, and you realised how much he must've wanted that stone. Maxwell's eyes were a beautiful shade of honeyed brown that sparkled under the amber lights; they were beautiful. You felt your lips curve into a small smile of agreement and you felt Maxwell's large, ring clad hand rest on your shoulder, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. You made the decision to get the stone, knowing how much it meant to him. You hadn't even realised that the primal, hungry look that crossed his face was actually nothing but pure lust for you.
The second you walked away, Maxwell picked up his champagne glass and finished it off with one quick swing, the bitter taste of alcohol rolling down his throat. He tried to shake off these feelings he had for you, deeming it as unprofessional. He knew from the very start that it was a mistake hiring you. The moment he saw you waiting outside his office to be interviewed, was the moment he had to have you. But of course, his own insecurity meant that he felt as though he couldn't act on these feelings. He may have been a charismatic TV personality but deep down, he had his own, personal reasons that made him feel smaller and weaker than everyone else. For who could ever love a man like him?
"Hey, Ken, is it?" you smiled, extending your arm and grabbing the man's hand. You immediately cringed, feeling the sticky nervous sweat that coated his skin. The dark haired archeologist pushed his glasses up the curve of his nose and shook your hand a little too aggressively.
"Wow," he muttered, looking you up and down before clearing his throat. "Uh, yes. Ken."
You fake smiled, hiding your disgust, tearing your hand away from his and rubbing your palm against the material of your dress in disgust. You wanted to kill Maxwell for making you do this. From the dark, shadowed corner in the ballroom, Maxwell watched you intently, a flame of envy burning in the pit of his stomach.
"I hear you have an exhibition happening?" you took a glass of your favourite alcoholic beverage that was being passed around by a waiter.
"Yes, but it's not ready yet." Ken revealed and you nodded your head understandingly.
"That's a shame," you sighed, a fake sadness dripping from your tongue. "I'm a sucker for gemstones."
"Yeah?" Ken asked as you peaked his curiosity. "What's your favourite kind?"
"Oh, I like the red ones," you joked, and to your surprise, Ken actually laughed.
"We have a whole sub-section on garnet," Ken admitted and your lips parted slightly, omitting a small ‘oh’ as he continued on. "It's beautiful."
"I'm actually more of a ruby type girl myself." you explained, wondering if you were evening making the slightest bit of sense. Even if you weren't, Max knew that you'd be able to wrap Ken around your finger from your good looks alone. And he was right.
"We have one ruby," Ken whispered, leaning into you. Maxwell scowled as he watched Ken push his body into yours. He was seconds away from intervening. Max wanted the stone, but not if some slimy gemologist was making you uncomfortable in the process. Maxwell paused dead in his tracks when he saw you gently push Ken away from you, laughing politely. Max decided he couldn't watch anymore and decided to walk away, finding a group of women to distract himself with.
"Can I see?" you shot Ken your best pleading eyes.
"I'm afraid not. I could pull a few strings with the garnet collection but the ruby is 3000 years old. It's from ancient Greece, and it's the last of its kind."
You pouted, turning your heel, about to walk away, when Ken grabbed your arm and stopped you. "I mean!" he called and you raised your eyebrow, trying to hide your winning smirk. "I suppose I could pull a few strings. It's in the gallery, you must go alone though. And don't tell anyone. And remember to look— not touch."
You grinned, leaning in and gently pecking Ken on the cheek. "Thank you." you said, feeling his cheeks heat up under your lips. You pulled away from him and spun around. You watched out for Carol Thomas, making sure she wasn't looking before you slipped out of the gala and made your way to the gallery.
You were truly in awe as you looked over all the different rocks, each different sizes and different colours but all equally as beautiful as each other. Your eye finally caught the attention of the ruby Max had sought after for so long. You were no expert on geology but this didn't seem like any normal ruby, it sparkled and glittered and stood out from all the others. It was caged in an acrylic box, but it took no effort for you to lift the box off the crystal and swipe it, pushing it into your purse. It barely fit, but you managed to make it work. Double checking that no one was around, you swiftly exited the gallery and made your way back to the main party.
Maxwell wasn't in the corner you had left him, but instead, he was talking to a group of women; flirting no doubt. You rolled your eyes as they tossed their hair and giggled as he leaned into them. You couldn't help but wonder what exactly he was saying to woo them. Grimacing, you stormed past the group of girls and grabbed Max's arm, tugging and pulling him away from them.
"I got the stone," you informed your boss, briefly glancing back at the girls who were scowling at you for whisking away Max. You frowned, feeling unamused.
"Are you okay?" Max asked, sounding genuienly concerned. This was so dumb— of course you were okay. You had to be okay. It was completely fine that Max was flirting with other women, it's not like he had any interest in you anyway. It's not like you owned him. He was a grown man and he could do whatever he wanted.
"Yeah." you shot back, offering him a gritted smile. Maxwell nodded his head slowly and leaned into you.
"My driver is outside waiting. Head back to my office with the stone, I'll only be right behind you." you didn't know what it was, but suddenly, your boss' voice sounded dark and... seductive. The way his breath fanned over the shell of your ear made you shiver. Without saying another word, you left the party and travelled back to your workplace.
It was no surprise that Black Gold Cooperative was deserted when you let yourself in, sliding your employee card through the terminal and squeezing through the revolving doors. It must've been almost midnight, and you were the only one in the building. You slipped behind the main desk and booted up the computer where you had access to turn on all the lights in the building so it didn't feel so sinister. As you waited for the computer to turn on (and it felt like forever), you took out the gemstone and placed it on the top of the desk. Even in the darkness, there was something so attractive about it. No wonder Maxwell was so desperate to get his hands on it. He had an affinity for geology, although it was almost secretive. You remembered the one time he invited you over to his house, he had a whole shelf that was proudly displayed with rocks and minerals. It was a hobby of his that he didn't share with anyone else. But he trusted you.
He definitely shouldn't have trusted you.
You left your purse on the main desk as the lights finally illuminated the building. Holding the ruby in both of your hands, you carried it up the stairs, through the call centre and into Maxwell Lord's extensive sized office. You admired the way it sparkled and shone under the bright lights, so much so, you weren't watching your step. You let out a yelp as you tripped over a chair which had been carelessly pulled out, falling to your knees as the stone went flying across the office, landing near his desk.
You felt your heart sink into the depths of your chest when you heard it smash. No— there was no way. Gemstones don't just smash like that. Terrified, you crawled over to where the stone had landed and saw that it had quite literally smashed into smithereens; almost like glass. At least, that's how it sounded. The crystalized rock had turned into some kind of sparkling red fairy dust that looked almost magical. It was like a shimmering illusion. You scurried around the floor wondering how the hell this had happened. How the rock had smashed and turned into a pile of glitter. You knew you wouldn't have long until Max came back.
Your legs began to feel weak, but you decided it was just from your anxiety. Shit, the rock meant so much to Max. He gave you one job. One easy fucking job and you couldn't even do that right. You were so fired.
You began to collect the sparkling red dust in your hands, desperately scooping it up but sighing when it fell through your fingers. Your actions became more erratic, knowing your boss would be back any second. No matter what, you couldn't pick up the dust. You looked around his office, wondering if he had a brush or something to shovel it up with, but of course he didn't.
There was something weird… the dust from the gemstone wasn't just glittering, it was quite literally sparkling— gleaming, even. When you touched it, it made your skin tingle. It sent aches of heat flooding down your body. It was enough to make you suspicious but once again, you shrugged it off as nerves. You cared about Max so much, and he was going to be so pissed with you.
When you heard the double doors to his office swing open, your whole body stiffened up, your eyes squeezing shut. You were on your knees still, your back faced away from Maxwell as he merrily came waltzing into his office.
"I called Roman Antiquities from the carphone," he announced, his voice as vibrant as ever. "They're so happy we managed to get the stone," You felt your eyes grow comically wide. Wait— the stone wasn't even for him. It was for somebody else. Things just went from bad to worse. "So," Maxwell slid his hands into the pockets of his tailored pants. "Where is it?"
You slowly rose to your feet, scrunching your nose up in displeasure as you prepared to tell your boss what had happened. How you had been so clumsy. "I- I didn't realise you were sending the stone to Roman Antiquities." you mumbled, slowly turning around and nervously biting your lip.
"I didn't mention it?" Max shrugged casually. "Yeah, apparently it's in high demand."
"Ken said it comes from ancient Greece, and there's only one made," hearing the words leave your lips didn't make the situation any better, you realised. "Do you know what's so special about it?"
"Yeah," Max replied, walking towards his desk. "There's a lot of things special about it. Can I see it?" His dismissive tone made you feel small and uneasy.
"Max…" you drew his name out like it was the longest melody in the world. He looked up at you, waiting for you to continue. "Something happened. I uhm…" you let your eyes wander around his spacious office, refusing to land anywhere but him. He, however, was staring directly at you. "I had it with me. And I carried it carefully to your office but— I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings and I-" you halted suddenly, feeling your whole body heat up, and a fire shooting through your core. You squeezed your legs together and pursed your lips into a fine line, stopping a moan from escaping. What was going on?
"And?" Maxwell urged, his voice growing increasingly more concerned.
"And-" you gulped. It was a weird, strange feeling. Like suddenly, all your scents had been heightened. The smell of Maxwell's rich cologne filled the room, intoxicating you and sending you into a frenzy. "Wow." you mumbled out.
Maxwell said your name sternly, breaking you out of your strange yet blissful haze. You were used to him saying your name, usually in a condescending way. But this time it was different. It was deep, gravelly and outright delicious.
"I broke the stone," you announced with a shaky exhale. You began to feel slick between your thighs and your eyes widened. Were you… aroused? You just about managed to look back at Max and suddenly everything felt different. You saw him in a completely different light.
Sure, you'd had fantasies about your boss before. He was an attractive, single bachelor and he always made you feel special. He always made you feel important. You would sometimes daydream about him at work, watching him from the back of the conference room as he led team meetings. You'd go home after a long day only to think about him whilst you showered, and even before you went to sleep. Suddenly, your feelings made sense.
"You. Broke. The. Stone?" Maxwell gritted out. Your eyes dropped down to fixate on his Adams Apple. Had his voice always been so sensual?
"Max," you whined, squeezing your eyes shut as you grabbed onto the edge of his desk, your fingers curling around the corner so hard your knuckles turned white. "I don't feel so good."
Max slowly walked over to you, looking you up and down. "Where are the remnants of the rock?" Max quizzed. You let out a moan as the feeling of arousal became excruciating. He called your name again and you just about managed to point in the general direction of the pile of glittering red dust. Maxwell's eyes widened. "Oh no no." he said, hurrying over and examining it, but being extra careful not to get too close.
"I know," you cried. "I'm sorry."
"Did you-" Maxwell swallowed the lump in his throat before turning back around to face you. "Did you touch it?"
"Y-yes," you drew out, rubbing your thighs together trying to create some feeling of friction, but doing so discreetly so your boss wouldn't notice. "I tried to clean it up."
"Shit," Maxwell muttered, hurrying over to his desk and spreading out a pile of papers. The papers were filled with information about the very specific ruby stone, and Max read it closely and as quickly as possible.
"What is it?" you asked worriedly. Maxwell's eyes widened and he wrapped an arm around you, carefully navigating you behind his desk and sitting you in his chair. You curled up into the softness of the leather seat, humming in delight your dress rode up slightly and the material stuck to the back of your legs.
"There's something you should know," Maxwell frowned. "The rock… they call it Aphrodite’s Stone."
"Aphrodite?" you breathed out. "Like, the goddess of love?"
Maxwell nodded, flicking through a few more of the pages. "Yes," he confirmed. "But uh- not just love. I mean, it was love, yeah but. She was also the goddess of beauty, uh- procreation, passion and…" Maxwell took a deep breath. "Pleasure."
You made a fist so tight your fingernails pressed into your skin as you shuffled around in the chair. Maxwell was so close to you, you just wanted to pull him on top of you and take him now— exactly how he was. But no, he was going on about some Greek goddess.
"Max please," you begged and his head snapped in your direction. You didn't even realise the way your chest was rising and falling, the way you were heaving and panting. Just the sight of you alone was enough to stir something up inside of Max. Beads of sweat laced your collarbones and hairline as you whimpered and moaned. "Can you just- please- tell me- what’s going on? What's happening to me?"
"The stone contains a kind of sex pollen," Max blurted out and your eyes snapped open.
"Are you kidding me?" you asked and Max shook his head quickly. "Like- a drug?"
"Yeah… and you touched it. Shit okay, let me go grab a bowl of water and we’ll try and clean the remnants from your hands…" Max said quickly, biting his lip and bolting over to leave his office when you shouted for him to come back.
"N-no, it won't work," you whispered, holding your arms out and ushering for him to come back over to you. "Please, please Max…" Your hands travelled to the hem of your dress as you started to peel it up. Max watched with intent, his once honeyed brown eyes turning so dark— almost black. His eyes raked your body as he watched you squirm in his office chair. The same chair he sat in every single day. "Please help me take this dress off. I feel so constricted."
"I-" Maxwell began but stopped when you sighed dramatically, tossing your head back.
"Don't fucking argue," you groaned and Maxwell felt taken aback by your attitude. You had never spoken to him like that before. He'd hate to admit it, but the desperation that dripped from your tongue caused Max's cock to throb in his pants. "Please."
Maxwell took your hand and pulled you up from his chair, briefly noting the wet patch from where you had been sitting. He had to sit back in that chair tomorrow morning, and you had made such a beautiful mess of it. His large hands manouvered around your body as he turned you around, finding the zip to your dress and pulling it all the way down to the small of your back. He took a step back as you shuffled out of it and he politely looked away, not wanting to invade your privacy or make you feel uncomfortable. He took off his tuxedo jacket and offered it to you, in case you felt the need to cover up, but instead you just glared at him.
Maxwell found himself subconsciously licking his lips as his heart rate climbed at the mere sight of you. There you were, standing before him in nothing but lacy black lingerie. He felt his cock grow thick and stand at full attention as he took in the sight of your alluring body. It was perfect in every way, even better than he had ever imagined in his dreams.
"What do you need?" Maxwell asked, his voice low. "What can I do for you?" The pollen in the stone made everything sound so seductive but you could swear that even amongst all the heat, you heard genuine care in his voice.
"I don't… I don't…" you weren't about to tell him that you didn't know, because that would be a lie. You knew exactly what you wanted, and he knew enough about the stone to know exactly what you wanted as well. You needed him, craved his body and ached for him to fill you up and pleasure you. You felt your cheeks heat up, unable to find the pride to actually ask your boss for this. Maxwell took a step closer to you, breaking any distance. He smelt so good.
"Anything you want," he whispered, wanting you to know that he'd be more than willing to help ease you. "Anything you want you can have it."
"Anything?" you asked, pressing your hands to his chest and letting your fingers trace the soft material of his dress shirt.
"Anything." he affirmed.
With that, you grabbed the straps of his suspenders and pulled his body into yours. A low groan emitted from the back of his throat as you pressed your lips against his. You wrapped your arms around his body, your palms laying flat against his back as he kissed you. His tongue licked your lower lip and you moaned wantonly, opening your mouth slightly and granting him access to explore you further.
Max's hands settled on your hips, his fingers playing with the waistband of your panties. You moaned, dragging your own hands to his hair and running his fingers through it.
You loved his hair, you always thought about touching it and playing with it. He always styled it so perfectly but, to your surprise, it wasn't hard with hair-product. Instead, it was soft and glossy and it was like you could feel every wave. He eventually pulled off you, gasping for breath.
"I don't want to take advantage of you when you're like this," Maxwell frowned, as you pushed him into his office chair. "I mean, shit. I want this. I've wanted this for so long…" he rambled on as you slid out of your panties and unclipped your bra. His eyes widened when he saw you stand on his office, completely nude and shameless. He thought you looked breathtaking. You were quick to discard the garments, unable to hide the triumphant smirk that played across your lips as you straddled him. You perched yourself on top of his leg and instantly began to ride his thigh, rubbing your soaking wet pussy over his expensive pants.
"Let me," you moaned, leaning into him and kissing his neck. "Let me use you then."
"Yeah?" Maxwell asked shakily and he felt you nod into his shoulder as you gasped out another moan. "Okay. Take what you need." he said before wrapping his arms around you and dipping his fingers into the small of your back. You could feel the coolness of his gold rings tingle against your warm skin and it only turned you on even more. You couldn't count the amount of times you had imagined the ridged feeling of his rings press up against your walls as he slid his fingers inside of you. Max flexed the muscles in his thigh and you yelped slightly at the friction. "Oh, you like that?" Maxwell asked, and done it again before you could even respond. You tugged on his tie, fumbling as you slid up and down over his leg. You just about managed to loosen it, pull it off, and discarding it on the floor amongst your other pieces of clothing.
"I like these," you giggled, tugging on his suspenders. "But I want them off."
"Cum for me first," Maxwell growled, feeling his hard member press against the confines of his pants. They'd grown extremely tight around his now throbbing erection. You looked down and gasped just at the sight of him. You lowered one hand, while keeping the other hand draped around his body, keeping you steady. With your free hand, you traced the imprint of his cock and smiled when you watched his eyes flutter shut from only your gentlest of touches.
"You weren't even affected by the stone," you giggled, humming in delight as you reached for his zipper. You didn't stop sliding your slick pussy over his thigh, your movements building up your oncoming high. "And look at you." you wiggled your fingers into his pants and your eyes widened as you felt his cock. "Fuck… Max Lord going commando?" your laugh came to an abrupt end when Max's grip around you tightened. He took your hand away from his manhood and set it on his bicep as he held you by your hips and muttered dirty words into your ear.
"Cum for me." He gritted out again, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and gently nibbling at your skin. He pulls his hands down to your breasts and squeezes at them, his thumbs grazing over your nipples.
"So close," you warned him as your walls began to contract against nothing. You ached for his cock, now more than ever. Still massaging your breasts, he reattached his lips to your neck and trailed sloppy kisses all the way down your collarbone. "Shit Max, fuck I cant," you gasped.
"Can't what? What is it baby?" Max asked, pulling away slightly and cupping your cheek with his hand.
"I can't cum without… without…" tears pricked your eyes as the gushing sense of sexual desire coarsed through your body.
"What do you need?" Max whispered.
"You. Inside me," you managed to stammer out with absolutely no shame. Max looked absolutely wrecked, his dark blonde hair that was once perfectly styled had completely fallen out of place and his chocolate brown eyes were glazed with lust. But he was gorgeous and you couldn't help but smile knowing what exactly you had done to the esteemed Maxwell Lord. You shuffled back slightly, and Max glanced down at the wet patch you had left on his pants. He couldn't contain his grin.
"I don't have a condom," Max admitted. The revelation surprised you as you pegged Max for the kinda guy who endured a lot of sex in his office. It seemed like the perfect place, but come to think of it, he never really had girls around. Only you. You didn't care that he didn't have a condom. In fact, you kinda liked it. You wanted to feel every ridge and vein of his thick cock as it filled your pussy.
"Good," you smiled, standing up with a wobble. Max stood up after you and cleared his desk before patting the expensive oak wood, ushering you to lay down.
But first, you pulled down his suspenders, unclipping them from his pants and throwing them to one side. You worked at his shirt buttons one by one until eventually, you pulled it off and dropped it to the ground. You wasted no time, unzipping his pants and pulling them down to his ankles. You licked your lips in delight as his cock sprung free and he stepped out of the pants that had pooled around his feet.
Max gently pushed you backwards into his desk and you hopped up, sitting down and laying back. "You're so beautiful," Max sighed as he drank in your appearance, wanting to savour this moment and remember it forever. "Open your legs." he commanded as he stroked his cock. He gathered his precum which had been leaking from the tip for God knows how long, letting it slick between his fingers as he jerked himself off at the mere sight of you spread out on his office desk. You obeyed his instruction, closing your eyes as you prepared to feel his cock push inside of you.
But instead, you felt his hot, wet tongue lick a stripe up your clit. Your whole body stiffened up as you released a groan you didn't even know you were holding back. "Fuck- what the fuck," you curled your fingers into a fist as he continued to cat lick you. You just about managed to open your eyes and see the vision of his head in between your legs as he devoured your dripping pussy. "You're really dragging this out, huh?"
He was good. He was so good. He knew his way around your body perfectly and you swore, in that moment, that perhaps you were made for each other. Maybe it was just the effects of the stone but you had never had such a satisfying sexual encounter.
"When I saw the mess you made on my leg, and how wet you were, I knew I had to taste you," Max admitted, his voice was gruff and sent vibrations through your core. He continued lapping you up, humming and moaning in delight on the occasion he'd suck at the bud of your clit and draw out a moan from your lips. "And fuck, you taste so good."
"But I want your cock inside of meeee," you whined.
Max didn't attach his mouth from you once, but he did bring up his hand and push a finger in between your folds and began to massage the entrance to your hole.
"Gotta prep you first," Max told you, before pushing his index finger deep inside you. He moaned at the feeling of your walls around him and felt his cock twitch against his stomach. Obscene wet noises echoed through his office, as well as your moans and pleas for more. "So greedy," Maxwell chuckled. "Always wanting more," he pushed in his middle finger, stretching you open. He looked up at you, his eyes hungry as he pumped his fingers into your pussy. It wasn't long until your legs began to quiver and shake profusely. You screamed when Maxwell pulled out his fingers and shoved them in your mouth. "Taste," he told you as you sucked on his fingers. "Good girl. See? You taste so fucking good. I could get used to this."
When you had cleaned your juices from his fingers, you felt him line himself up against your entrance. You reached out, holding onto his strong biceps for support as he thrusted inside of you. He grunted, squeezing his eyes tight shut as your walls tightened around you. He was big— bigger than you'd ever taken before. If you weren't so aroused from the stone, you wouldn't know if you'd be able to take him. He filled you perfectly. He pushed himself balls deep into you and then came to a halt.
"M-move," you whimpered, pressing your nails into his skin.
"Beg." he shot back, smoothing the hair out of your face and running his thumb over your puckered and sore lower lip.
"Please Max, please. Fuck me." you felt tears prick your eyes and Maxwell took the hint, finally thrusting in and out of you. Your cunt was so tight around Maxwell he couldn't believe how perfect of a fit you were. He dragged his thumb to your clit and started rubbing intricate circles as he increased his speed. His movements became sloppy and rapid as his fingers pushed you over the edge. "Cum inside of me," you gasped out the second you felt his cock twitch inside of you, indicating that he was close.
"Are you sure?" Max asked and you nodded your head.
"Never been so sure about anything in my life." you screamed, your back arching as you finally came undone. You absolutely drench him, and if it was any other situation, you might've felt a little embarrassed. But Max was in ecstasy when your cunt tightened around his cock like a vice and milked him of all that he had. He spilt his seed inside of you, the warmth coating your walls and shooting jolts of pleasure down your body.
You found yourself completely engulfed in a post coital haze, and Max kept himself inside of you until he softened and could slip out of you without causing you any discomfort. "You might be sore tomorrow," he mumbled, pressing a kiss into your neck. You hummed, whispering something incoherent but your smile was very telling. You had never been so happy. "But the effects of Aphrodite's Stone should wear off now."
"You took care of me," you whispered, your eyes slowly opening. You sat up and wrapped your arms around Max, pulling him into you. You felt completely and utterly spent, and Maxwell couldn't disagree either. He walked you over to his chair and sat you in his lap.
"Of course I took care of you," his voice was gentle and sweet like honey. "This was all my fault. And I should've warned you about the stupid fucking rock in the first place."
"Stupid?" you raised an eyebrow. "That was the most fun I've ever had," you laughed and Maxwell couldn't contain how happy your revelation made him. "But… are we going to be in trouble?"
"You don't have to worry about a thing," Maxwell hushed you, smoothing out your hair and pressing a kiss into your hair. Something in his voice made you trust him and believe in him. You just knew he wouldn't let you get into trouble. "I'm glad this happened."
"Me too." you whispered before closing your eyes and burying your head into his chest. Curled up into his lap, your naked bodies tangled together, you both fell asleep in his office chair. Maxwell Lord created a frightening and intimidating aura, but, the truth is, you had never felt more safe and more comfortable in your whole entire life. You knew that this happy accident was going to be the start of something great.
Taglists (let me know if you wish to be added!)
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love
This fic: @lostcherryinwonderland @thewayofthemandalorian
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helenazbmrskai · 4 years
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Wow. I think this is the filthiest and the most messed up shit I’ve ever written in my whole life send me holly water pls (after you enjoyed reading this duh) I don’t know how this idea popped up in my mind one night but yeah don’t come at me.
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💊Title ‹ Shush ›
💊Pairing ‹ Jimin x OC (f) ›
💊Genre ‹ adopted brother au, forbidden/unhealthy romance, smut, angst › 
💊Summary ‹ Forbidden fruit always taste the sweetest and when the fruit comes in the form of an innocent boy it’s even sweeter. ›
💊Warnings ‹ emotional manipulation, discussions about an incurable disease, unhealthy relationship dynamics, some fluff, multiple smut scenes filthy so be aware!, mention (and brief description) of sexual fantasies, sub! Jimin, soft domme! OC, teasing, mention of porn watching, brief imagined masturbation, corruption kink, first time, virgin! Jimin, blowjob, handjob, good boy Jiminie, jealous OC, oral (f), fingering, unprotected sex (don't do this be safe!), exhibitionism, marking/biting, almost getting caught, dirty talk, riding, pls keep in mind that this is only fiction! don’t do this folks ›
💊Word count ‹ 6k ›
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Brushing the snowflakes off my coat’s shoulder, I take a look around the spacious living room soaking in the warmth and waiting for my fingers to defrost, hearing nothing besides the wind that blows outside. Checking the clock on the wall I recall that mom should be still at work at this time around, nothing’s new.
I silently make my way upstairs then halting once I’m in front of Jimin’s bedroom door that has a big J on it. Mom would be upset if she knew I didn’t check on him first thing when I got home so I knocked once then twice before I heard muffled noises from the other side and the shuffle of sheets followed by a loud bang of something hard suddenly hitting the ground. The sound itself quite concerningly rings in your ears.
”Are you alright?” I place my palm on the wooden surface concentrating on the noises that I faintly hear filtering through the door, biting down on my lip as I still didn’t get an answer from him.
”Ok. I’m coming in!” I tell him after a couple of seconds of silence, I gave him enough time to yell out that he’s fine. I’m ready to burst through the door when his voice squeaks out a tiny unconvincing ’I’m good.’ but my hand is already on the doorknob. His body lays slightly off the bed when I enter his room, the bed under him is unmade and his hair is dishevelled sticking to different angles from all the tossing and turning looking soft, wearing only a thin white shirt and pyjama pants to bed. Probably haven’t gotten up from it all day.
”You fell off the bed again?” I chuckle, sending him an amused look spiced with an arched eyebrow – it’s not the first time I see him in this position – shaking my head from side to side, though my eyes reveal that I’m not angry just amused. I grab both his knees and help him to lay flat against the pillows just like he was most likely laying before. His eyes glow like a lightstick with a beaming smile on his face.
”Y/N, you’re home early.” Arching up a brow himself he situates his body to rest his back against the headboard interrogating the cause of my early arrival with a slightly hoarse voice. Jimin looks into a specific direction frequently enough for me to spot his staring. I reply to his statement with a roll of my eyes brushing his hair gently to the side after I checked he indeed has no fever. Giving him the benefit of the doubt that I have no idea he’s trying to hide something I smile back.
I scan through his room hoping to find out by the order of things are placed what he was doing before I got home, it’s easy to spot the differences since I’m the one who usually cleans in here but besides his laptop that sits on the far end of the bed instead of the desk, nothing else seems out of place.
”Why? Were you doing something you shouldn’t be?” I grin, at first the question was intended to be innocent but watching how Jimin’s face contorts into a scandalized look I know he’s up to no good. His expression soon gets replaced with shyness unintentionally a boyish blush spreads across his rosy cheeks. It gets me even more curious.
He gained some weight over the past weeks so his features are almost healthily filled out, the new medication seems to work better than the doctors had anticipated and right now he has minimal symptoms.
Mom must be pleased by the outcome, he regained so much colour to his pale skin too. I witnessed all his ups and lows, I still remember the day I met him. He was in a bad shape, bedridden, so pale and skinny like a skeleton. He couldn’t even sit up on his bed to greet me and when he opened his eyes hearing my mom’s voice calling out to him I came face to face with his teary eyes, hands grabbing his chest to ease the pain that he felt crawling his way up from under his ribcage as a silent tear rolled down his cheeks. He got better when mom decided to take him out of the care system and switched doctors to look after his further treatment.
I regarded him as a responsibility at the beginning of our relationship made sure he took his medication between meals just like my mother instructed. Cleaned his room and made him food when my mother was busy with work. She’s a nurse at the local hospital, she left me alone with him a lot, her job consumes a lot of her time so I had to take care of him almost every day after school even had to take a few days off so I can stay at home when his condition started to get worse and he needed more supervision than usual.
Be that as it may, he had his better days that I started to like so much, spending time with him stopped being an obligation and instead, the time spent together started to be the highlights of my days.
Listening to his angelic laugh, having him listen to me talking about my day. No boy or man ever paid this much genuine attention to me, only him. He has his eyes only on me.
His fierce response makes me come to my senses, dragging me out of my own consuming thoughts.
”Of course not!” He defensively spats my hands away when I try to pinch his cheeks. He looks very pretty when the sun shines on his face. He looks like an angel.
”Oh really? I guess it’s fine then to show me your laptop’s search history. How about right now?” I move faster than he can snatch the device so I’m able to get it and open his tab before he even lets a leg down to plant his feet on the ground.
However, I was not expecting to find something this interesting in his log history. Looking between the screen and his red face I tilt my head to the side seemingly deep in my thoughts. It’s not that I never acknowledged the fact that he’s a man in his mid-twenties and because of his unfortunate susceptibility to having a systemic autoimmune disease he never had the chance to socialise like it’s a norm for most people. The only other’s he meet day by day are my mother and I since he can’t go out because of his photosensitivity.
Maybe I could blame the stars that never flickered out of his naive eyes for the past ten years I’ve known him for not thinking that Jimin could have dirty thoughts. Well, this porn page clearly states otherwise.
I know it’s inappropriate to think about Jimin, my adopted brother, in this way but I can’t find it in me to stop the spiralling thoughts.
Wondering if he masturbates while watching these videos when I’m in school. How he grabs his cock with shaky hands, cute fingers coated in his precum. Wondering if he uses the same hand to hold mine innocently after he did dirty things to himself. I subconsciously rub my thighs together to ease some of the tension that gathered between my thighs, even fantasising about him makes me feel hot.
I feel bad thinking about him inappropriately when he’s sick but I can’t seem to feel the shame when I look directly into his bright eyes now. The rational part of my brain screams that it’s inappropriate even though we are not blood-related.
Heck, not at all as mom adopted him when his last remaining family member, his father died ten years ago.
Jimin’s facial expression is like an open book I read him so well. Poor boy can’t even lie everything he thinks about is apparent on his pretty face.
Afraid that I’ll call him names he lowers his gaze, waiting for me to tell him that I’m disappointed and disgusted by him now that I discovered his dirty little secret that he rubs one out to porn but oh boy he has no idea. That I think about him in a way a sister shouldn’t. That there is nothing wrong with being curious. He has all the right to be. It’s easy to forget he’s older than me when I’m the more experienced one in everything.
”Hey it’s ok,” I get to my previous position, sitting down on the edge of his bed right next to his waistline. I curl a finger under his chin to level his face with mine, showing him a small smile indicating that everything’s gonna be alright.
”I watch porn sometimes too, there’s nothing to be ashamed of here Jiminie. It’s only natural to be curious about it. It’s human nature.” He avoids making eye contact but a tiny nod in my direction shows me that he’s listening.
”If you want I promise I’ll forget that this ever happened. Do you want that honey?” Nudging his pinky with mine I offer him the chance to change the topic to something light.
”You won’t tell mom about it, right?” Nodding my head in agreement I assure him that this piece of information can be our secret and no one has to know that this conversation ever happened. It appears to calm him down gradually as he finally reciprocates my gaze and sighs in relief. What you didn’t expect to hear after that, however, was an explanation of why he started watching porn.
”I want to know how it feels.” Jimin admits shyly, looking around to avoid my eyes as he tells me his hidden thoughts and I find him truly endearing. The previous tense atmosphere seems to completely fade away as Jimin relaxes his muscles against the bedsheet and opens up his heart.
”What? Sex?” I asked, watching his reactions closely as I experimentally place my palm above his right knee. An innocent touch.
Jimin shivers into the contact but other than that nothing remarkably changes in his behaviour or posture. He pays careful attention to not let his feelings show up on his otherwise expressive face. Cute. Sooner or later I’ll know how he really feels about my advances as he can’t keep pretending for long. He was never good at it.
”Yes. They seem to like it so much when I’m watching those videos.” Humming approvingly I rest a manicured nail at the edge of his waistband, this earns a sharp inhale of breath but he doesn’t try to remove my touch that indicates he’s not uncomfortable with me touching him. He doesn’t seem bothered, just a little sheepish.
”You know, a video is nothing compared to the real thing.” I let a single finger slide under his shirt drawing circles into his hipbone eyes watching the way his chest moves up and down a little faster at that.
”What a shame that you don’t know pretty girls to have sex with.” Deciding it’s time to remove my hand I’m letting the limb fall to my side lazily. Jimin’s lips immediately form a pout after I stop making advances on his body, showing me that he was expecting something more. All this time I thought he doesn’t see me like I see him but maybe I was wrong assuming that. Gaining confidence I decide it’s time to push his buttons a little more.
”I’m sure girls would form long lines to get into your pants baby. I wouldn’t be surprised since you are so pretty.” The praise makes his ears bright red, mother did a good job with giving him a boyish undercut a good fashion choice to leave the tips longer so I can easily comb my fingers through it, curling a few strays behind his ears.
”Y-Y/N.” A breathy moan leaves his lips as I kiss the underside of his jaw on impulse, finding stability by grabbing onto his thighs to lean closer and breathe in his clean scent. I push him against the headboard but he doesn’t mind it at all, too lost in the moment, feeling my lips on his throat to register any pain.
I pull away slightly to reconnect our eyes. Jimin licks his dry lips, not having anyone to talk to until I arrived home, he kept his mouth shut only feeling now how dry his throat is all of the sudden.
A ghost of a smile appears in the corner of my mouth as I realise Jimin is watching my lips not even trying to conceal his desire to have another taste of the forbidden fruit. This is so wrong but his lips are so light against mine, afraid that if I apply pressure somehow this moment will end and I don’t want this to ever end but as the saying goes, nothing lasts forever in life.
The magical moment ends when I hear my mother’s voice from downstairs. ”Y/N, Jimin I’m home!”
The cheerful voice of my mother abruptly interrupts our first shared kiss, not letting him chase the taste of my cherry lip balm I place a small peck on his nose instead yelling back that we’re upstairs and we’ll be down in a minute.
”No need to rush,” I peck his forehead this time, giving his face small kisses to lift his mood. It’s comical how disappointed he looks with his nose scrunched up adorably. He really has no shame as he sighs licking his lips to taste the remaining flavour of our kiss.
”We can continue this tomorrow, we have so much time, I promise...”
And continue we do. True to my word I comply with his request pulling the oversized t-shirt over my head to reveal him my black lacy bra and the curve of my waist. His eyes devour the new uncovered flesh hands lingering in the air itching to touch my bare skin but too shy to do it without my permission. He remains frozen in the act. Dreamy eyes watching my reaction to his shy movements silently asking for a sign that it is alright to touch. He’s so curious he wants to hear those noises the couples always make in his videos.
I nod putting him out of his misery cradling his hand in mine to place the warm palm onto my covered breast I guide his movements fondling the flesh, his touch feels good despite the barrier between his skin and mine.
Slipping his hand under the cup his finger comes into contact with my nipple I show him how to circle the bud until it gets erect a small sigh escaping my lips. I had the sudden urge to steal a kiss so I leaned in to grab the back of his neck and crush our lips together no tongue just lips touching sweetly.
I removed his touch to intertwine our fingers placing both of our hands to rest against the bed leaning into his mouth more.
”Is that all that you want me to do?” I murmur the words into his mouth, encouraging him to say more, to do more. Jimin swallows the saliva in his mouth gaze significantly cloudy as he stares into my eyes, shaking his head. He got so far the current thoughts in his head are clearly not about stopping anytime soon.
”What else do you want then?” I press him to answer my question, following the line of his upper lip with my thumb smearing the lip balm that got transferred from my lips to his while kissing, Jimin took a shaky breath before opening his mouth.
”Y-your tongue.” His tongue seemingly came out subconsciously to wet his lips I closed my eyes moaning at the sinful image. He really did his research, I’m about to give him everything he wants if he keeps up with these innocent yet so dirty looks.
”Where do you want it?” I grin moving closer so our thighs are firmly pressed together letting go of his hand to cup his face with both hands. Bending my head to peck the outline of his vein on his neck his pulse quickens under my touch. Pleased to have had such a great effect on him.
”In my mouth.” He squeaks out his response when I bite into his shoulder careful not to really pierce his skin but let him feel a moderate amount of pain mixed with his pleasure. I smooth my tongue where I bit making sure that I don’t leave any marks on his perfect skin. I don’t want our mother to ask questions later.
”Hm,” I hum into his neck satisfied by the answer before lining our faces again to fulfil his wish. ”Open.” As soon as I command his lips part obediently waiting for me to slip my tongue into his awaiting mouth.
”Jimin. Can I touch you?” I sigh into his mouth, he tastes so sweet I can’t seem to get my fill as I discover every corner of his hot cavern licking the roof teasing him before letting our wet muscles touch in a heated battle for dominance. Jimin gets greedy soon as he pushes my tongue back to do the exploration of his own, the kiss turns sloppy and too much saliva. Hands clutching onto the duvet under him grounding his body swimming in euphoria from falling too deep into the feeling.
”Yes, please.” Our eyes open slightly to watch each other my mouth founds the corner of his lips then the side of his cheek and jaw before diving back in parting his lips with my tongue to continue tasting him.
With a feather-light touch, I snake my hands upwards his thin frame and tiny waist feels so fragile under my fingers. I want to pepper his torso with my kisses pushing his body down using his shoulders to see his weight bounce on the bed. But I can’t get so ahead of myself, Jimin deserves to be worshipped like the angel he is.
”Lay down on your back Jiminie.” I smile seeing how obedient he is following my orders without any complaints or questions. He trusts me so much.
The thought alone that he is under me letting me have my ways with him makes my underwear sit uncomfortably against my heat when I move my legs to straddle his hips I feel how drenched I am for him. So pretty and so eager under me as his head rests on the pillows he truly looks like an innocent angel.
I motion for Jimin to raise his arms so I can get rid of his shirt and finally do what I intended to do and kiss his body starting from his collarbones all the way to the line where his pyjama pants hide the delicious lines of his hip bones.
I press kisses of praises into his shoulder blades moving down following the line of his sternum to give attentive licks and pecks all over his stomach feeling his muscles tensing under my lips whines and other sweet sounds slipping out of his parted lips as he breathes heavily through his nose with his eyes closed.
When I let a couple of fingers slide under his pants I realise the lack of material under my touch. He’s not wearing his boxers. The outline of his dick is evident when I look down he’s not that long but where he lacks his grith makes up for it as I can already imagine how good he would feel buried in me stretching my walls so good.
”Do you want me to touch your pretty cock darling?” I don’t forget to ask for permission even though by now I can clearly see how much he wants all this. The sight itself, how his member strains against the concealing fabric is an awfully clear giveaway of his growing desires. Jimin maintains our eye contact with hooded eyes nodding his head fervently before he can confirm his needs with words. His body burns but not with fever.
”I..yes, please. I w-want you to.” Jimin squirms waiting for me to do something that would relieve some of the tension in his joints. His cock feels heavy in my hand ready to sink into my cunt anytime, I can’t wait to put my mouth around it first but I have to be patient. I circle a digit around the tip testing how much precum he has for me.
Holding the digit up to my lips I taste the slightly salty substance humming approvingly. Tugging his pants down I get to work giving a kiss to the tip before coating his member with my saliva so I can lubricate his shaft enough so it won’t hurt him. His whole body shakes when my mouth makes contact with his cock his virgin body overwhelmed with the new sensation the little pleasure already too much for him to handle.
I make a mental note about grabbing some lube on my way home tomorrow so I can be prepared for situations like this. My lips suddenly widen into a Cheshire grin as I deliver the last lick all the way up to the hilt replacing my mouth with my hand.
”Jiminie look here for a little.” I coax him to open his eyes again with a sweet voice. ”Like that darling.” I praise him when his eyes met mine, choosing the moment his gaze connects with mine to use the same hand that pleasured him to glide under my jeans and underwear mixing my arousal with his precum I moan for the show as I rub my clit before collecting my essence so I can use it on his dick giving him the needed extra lubricant.
Jimin’s eyes don’t stay open for long when I finally touch him properly with the intent of making him cum. He can’t seem to keep his moans and throaty whines to himself as I give him a confident grip increasing the speed of my wrist when his whines became more high pitched his body gives away all the signs when he shakes under my touch that he’s close embarrassingly fast but I don’t mind, it’s his first time after all. We can always work on his stamina later.
”Relax baby and just enjoy this.” I encourage him to let go, massaging his thighs with my free hand to relax his strained muscles, slowing down my strokes but give special treatment to the tip collecting the forming precum. ”There’s no need for you to hold back.” I peck his hip picking up my pace again for a few moments longer before taking him into my mouth waiting for him to cum swirling my tongue over the tip repeatedly.
”Y-Y/N.” My name comes out in moans like a broken record when he finally lets all the tension seep away from his body letting the building pleasure force him into submission as he cums into my mouth his body goes limp when the pleasure fades away after I let him ride out his high with gentle licks.
I place the duvet over his sleepy form after I help him back into his clothes, tucking him in as I kiss his cheek to say ’sleep tight’ with the gesture.
I toss the food around on my plate in front of me tentatively listening to the conversation held between my parent and her guest but not engaging, sinking my fork into the broccoli angrily as I hear Natalie’s sugar-coated voice destined for only Jimin’s ears to catch.
She leeched herself onto him as soon as she stepped into this house annoying me with saying stuff like ’you have such a nice brother’ just to emphasise my relation to him. Even my mom takes her side saying that they look cute together.
I know she wants Jimin to socialise, that’s why this dinner is purposefully held in the first place but I can’t seem to show a different emotion than disgust when I look at Natalie trying to woo my Jimin. She will never know how he sounds when he’s about to blow his load or how he would taste against her tongue because only I can see that side of him no one else, and especially not her.
  His ears are red from her constant compliments and I swear I even saw her hand grip his shoulder when she laughed about something my mom said, he shies away from her because he never kept a conversation going on with another girl that wasn’t me or my mom before but that doesn’t mean jealousy doesn’t bubble up in my chest when he doesn’t deny her advances explicitly.
The dinner continues for an awfully long time before I could excuse myself from the table to hide away in my room and peacefully start yelling into my pillow to relieve my pent up frustration throughout this unpleasant meal.
Either Jimin genuinely didn’t have a clue what she was implying or he was aware but fine with it I don’t want to waste any more time and watch her all over him. I continued sulking in my room when I heard a knock on my door grunting a ’yes’ before I resembled smashing my keyboard I suddenly felt the urge to complete that assignment I procrastinated on so I can keep my mind focused on something else.
I avert my gaze from the screen to see who’s my intruder but I refocus on my computer when I see it’s Jimin. I’m not in the mood to talk to him right now since the picture of Natalie all over him is the first image to enter my mind.
”What? Dinner’s over so soon?” I’m careful to use an unaffected tone when I speak up, holding myself back from making eye contact even though I would love to see his face, we haven’t got time all day to talk or cuddle at all since I had to help my mother all evening to prepare for this dinner that was a waste of time anyway.
Jimin stays silent not bothering to answer my question but I still refuse to look at him as I pretend to be absorbed in my work. Even if it’s far from reality when the only thing consuming my thoughts right now is that I want him to tell me no one else is going to touch him only I can make him feel that good. That he wants. No, needs only me.
”A-are you angry? Please don’t be.” I still don’t turn around and looks like it makes him desperate for my attention he thugs at my blouse but I don’t react.
I want him to panic take over his body so he won’t do this to me again. I have to busy my fingers with typing so I don’t move to card my fingers through his locks like I long to do when he lays his head on my lap kneeling on the ground to do so. I don’t push his head away but doesn’t react either.
Half an hour passes in this manner, only my typing is heard in the otherwise silent room Jimin’s head still resting on my thighs hands circling my waist. I’m halfway done with my assignment when I feel Jimin’s nose nudge my centre. I showered after I excused myself from the dinner to blow off some steam and calm down grabbing only a pair of underwear and a shirt to cover my body with.
Jimin placed a kiss on my clothed clit making my body jerk in surprise forcing me with his bold actions to finally look at him our gaze locks as soon as I look down. Jimin folds the sides of my blouse so he can get access to the rest of my underwear following my panty line with his nose.
”Can I make it up to you?” Jimin looks up with innocent eyes that have my stomach twist in excitement but I try not to show him how much he can affect me as well. I’ll still make him pay for his actions.
”So you know you did something wrong.” I scoff but it ends up in a gasp when he licks the front of my underwear without a warning.
I grip his hair to keep him in place holding him close enough so his head still rests on my thighs but not that close to letting him lick my centre again. He’s playing dangerous games right now but I don’t know if I have it in me to be gentle with him.
”You should stop before I can’t guarantee that I won’t lose my control.” I warn him through my gritted teeth, closing my eyes for a moment to focus on my breathing, his eyes grew bigger for a moment before the previous shocked expression morphs into something else.
He can’t reach my cunt from where he’s restrained by my hands so he licks the inner side of my thigh his teeth nibbling on my sensitive skin.
  I loosen my grip on his hair smoothing the silky locks out of his eyes but he cleverly uses the gesture to scoot forward and have another taste placing a more confident lick stretching the rubberband side of my panty with his teeth sliding his hands over my stomach that was previously so obediently circling my waist.
”You don’t have to do it.” I remind him, feeling out of breath from his kitten licks over my clothed mound.
”I know.” Jimin replies with a sweet smile adorning his face before he pulls my underwear down my legs slowly, watching with interest as I part my legs so he can have a good look at my glistening core.
”The girls from the videos always like it when the boy does this.” Jimin murmurs under his breath absentmindedly before rubbing my clit with his fingertips his digits dipping lower to catch where most of my arousal gathers a single digit nudging my entrance. I part my legs more so he can get more comfortable between them I let him get familiar with my most intimate part before I pull his hand away with shaky fingers.
”Taste it.” I order for him to pop his fingers into his mouth licking my arousal clean from them and he doesn’t disappoint as he does.
Now that his fingers are coated with his saliva I guide it back to my core. ”Want your finger in me.” I throw my head back when he enters, my walls sucking his finger in his movements are inexperienced and uncoordinated but I let him experiment until he gets the hang of it, and oh when he does. His one finger turns into two soon as he finds the best way to pound into my wet cunt curling the digits just the right way to make me see stars. ”Doing so good Jiminie.” I tell him between heavy pants as the rhythmical hard thrusts of his fingers starts to become too much to handle I feel my insides tighten just like my walls tighten around his fingers getting closer and closer.
I open my eyes to watch him lean down his hair tickling my inner thighs as he nestles between my legs licking at my clit while the movement of his hand never falters, the new stimulus that his visual between my legs and his tongue on my nub adds to the feeling, making me come undone around his fingers.
”Stand up baby.” I motion for him to stand as well, his finger slips out of my hole, with a confused expression plastered on his face but doesn’t question my intentions as he obligates standing on his wobbly feet I let him sit down to where I was before straddling his hips.
”Are you going to let me ride your cock? Make you mine?” I ask him using my sweetest tones before slowly kissing his lips making sure to map out his mouth once more before turning my attention to kiss the expanse of his neck.
”Yes. Fuck yes.” The way how the curse word slipped through his mind without him noticing is endearing, he can always surprise me with something doesn’t matter how much time I dedicate to learning his body and soul, he’ll always have layers to discover. These good days sometimes even weeks when his illness hides its ugly face into the background are so precious that I wish we could always be like this.
I situate my body so I can pull his sweats down I pleasantly discover that he doesn’t wear his underwear when his dick slaps against his stomach. I reach for one of the drawers where I know I placed the lube.
I squeeze some into my hand before wrapping my fingers around his fully hardened shaft smearing the lube over him Jimin whines when he feels the cold liquid hit his hot member moaning once I roll my wrist the way he seems to like so much. Have enough of the foreplay I position him in front of my entrance making eye contact with him before taking him in letting him have the chance of backing out.
Jimin’s thighs shake as I take him in fully he tries muffling his moans by biting down on my shoulder so our guests don’t find out what we are doing in my room. With a smirk on my face, I roll my hips getting the best responses as Jimin tries to hold back his cries tightening his hold on my waist to slow my thrusts down but I don’t listen to him as I start to grind down on him letting his member pull out almost all the way before sinking down enjoying how good he fills me up.
I slow down as a knock is heard at my door Jimin’s eyes widen in fear but I don’t let him move an inch as I silently take my seat with his cock buried between my folds he holds back a moan when I clench around him.
”Mom?” I call out to her, my voice a bit shaky but I was able to mask it away enough that it doesn’t sound suspicious.
”Are you alright? Can I come in?” I hear her worried voice, she probably heard Jimin’s louder cries and she thinks something’s wrong. At this moment I’m really glad that my mom is very dense.
”I’m feeling unwell so I’m going to sleep immediately but you go and have fun with the guests don’t worry.” I offer her my reply as I circle my waist can’t keep still as Jimin’s dick feels heavenly it shouldn’t turn me on as much as it does seeing how pathetically he tries to prevent my mother from hearing his moans but his innocent facade can’t fool me as I feel him twitch inside me as I talk to my mother while he’s balls deep in my cunt. I wonder if he wants us to get caught or that he would like me to fuck him in front of Natalie on our dining table so she can see she never had a chance with him.
”Fine but come and get me if you need anything.” She leaves with these last words without further protests and I thank her while bouncing on Jimin’s lap silencing his cries by kissing him hard. 
”What mom would think if she saw you in this situation Jiminie? Fucking me while you pretend to be an angel in front of her. Kissing her cheek with the same lips that were buried between my legs moments prior.” I whisper next to the shell of his ear he lets out embarrassed whines but I can feel him enjoy how I fuck myself using him.
My thighs ache as I increase the pace feeling so close again I guide Jimin’s hand between our bodies to make him rub at my clit he does it messily but it’s enough stimulation as I cum again watching as Jimin’s eyes squeezed shut close to reach his own high.
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charmingyong · 3 years
Loving Your Voice
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Spring comes, where’s your heart?
Genre: Radio jockey!Johnny x loyal fem listener!reader, Taeyong x reader, love quadrangle, angst
Warnings: angst, forbidden love, unrequited love, sacrifice, no happy ending with either male lead
Word count: 6k
Plot: Every night, you religiously tuned into a daily radio program just to hear the voice of the man who had wholly captured your heart, despite never having seen him before. Your wish came true and met Johnny in the most unexpected way, not having prepared yourself that he was never going to be yours.
A/N: Inspired by IU’s Lilac, the book One Day in December by Josie Silver, and of course NCT Night Night. The book has a happy ending, but Lilac hurt me lol. NNN lines were obtained from 12-10-2018, 16-08-2017, and 16-03-2018.
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You giddily ran into your bedroom and kicked the door shut, smacking your forehead when you forgot that your old pair of earphones broke recently. You hurriedly rummaged through the drawers of your desk and dresser in search for a working pair out of thin air. When you couldn’t, you cursed under your breath and ran your hand through your hair.
There had to be one somewhere.
And you suddenly remembered a pair that you obtained at work. Your workbag? In the living room.
Bursting out of your room, you found your bag on the sofa, and sighed in relief when you spotted your lifesaver. You were not willing to sacrifice on the audio and settle for the speaker on your phone because you wanted to hear his heart-fluttering voice crystal clear. Your eyes roamed around to search for the time on the wall clock.
Your breath hitched and you dashed back into your room. Plopping down on your chair by your desk, you connected the earphones and set up the app where the radio program was being broadcasted, relieved to catch the opening before any words were exchanged.
Right after the opening song, you heard Jaehyun read his script with his deep voice. “While I was away, the weather gets chillier. But still, your heart towards me hasn’t cooled down, right?”
That was right. Your heart still hadn’t cooled down, despite only having heard his voice and never seeing his face before.
For the one who spoke next.
“NCT’s Night Night~”
This had been your life the past few years ever since the program began. The second you heard his beautiful voice, it did something to your heart. The more the nights went by listening to him, the more your heart grew and without realizing it, you were in love with him. You loved the way he’d speak with such a gentle tone for the listeners and joke around brightly with the guests on the show. You had been able to pick up on things he liked and opinions on various matters when having conversations with his radio buddy, always setting your heart alight.
Because your heart beat for Johnny, you couldn’t look at any other guy. You’d get asked a lot by your friends and colleagues why you wouldn’t date, a question you hadn’t been able to give them a proper answer to. What would you say? That you were in love with a man who you had only heard his voice and had never directly interacted with before? It was better to stay silent until your wish would come true and meet him one day.
Maybe then, things might be in your luck and something blooms between you two.
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“How’s this dress?” your baby sister Yeri asked. She held a white dress with blue floral print against her chest.
You hummed. “It’s cute. Totally suits you.”
“Right? I’m buying this,” she beamed. “He’s so going to like this,” she muttered more to herself.
You blinked at her. “Who?”
She smirked. “Someone I’ll be introducing to you soon,” she said with a wink sent your way.
“No way... you’re seeing a guy! Who is he?” Yeri had always gushed about cute boys from afar and never once going up to them to confront her feelings. So her finally in a relationship was big news.
Yeri laughed. “Patience, girl. I know it’s crazy that I finally won one over and you’re gonna like him. He just has that charm.”
Your heart pumped fast at the thought of your precious sister smiling next to her boyfriend. It was one thing you had always wanted to see, your sister’s happiness a priority above anything else in the world.
“Well then, I’m definitely looking forward to meeting this mysterious boy.”
- ❀ -
Sipping on the cappuccino, you were jittery for the meetup, your foot tapping against the tiles of the café. Yeri was really excited to introduce you to him while you were worried. What if he wasn’t like the way she described him as? What if he was a jerk lowkey who didn’t deserve her?
“You’re really tensed, girl. Chill out! He’s not gonna bite,” she joked.
“I know. I just hope he’s a good guy for you,” you spoke quietly.
“Of course he is! He’s super easy to talk to and has a lot of manners and loves to joke around. There’s nothing to be worried about.” Her eyes traveled to behind you and beamed at the figure walking towards your table. “He’s here!” Yeri jumped out of her chair and hopped over to him.
You turned around in your seat to find a tall man, definitely charming like she mentioned, grinning widely at your sister with his pearly teeth on display. “Hi baby.”
Yeri latched onto his arm and brought him over in front of you. “Y/N, meet my sweet boyfriend.”
His eyes locked with yours and offered you a warm smile, making you return it. “Hi Y/N. I’m glad to finally meet you. Yeri talks about you a lot. Oh and I’m Johnny.”
Your smile fell and felt your heartbeat stop altogether. Johnny? And that voice... “Your voice sounds familiar,” you breathed out.
Yeri clapped her hands at your words. “Oh yeah! You might have heard him on the radio. He’s one of the radio jockeys on NCT Night Night program.”
Your gaze didn’t waver from the tall boy as your heart dropped to your feet, shattering into a million pieces and beyond ability to ever repair it. After all these years, you finally met the man of the voice who captured your heart, only for him to turn out to be your sister’s boyfriend.
“No way! Do you listen to my show?” Johnny asked with sparkle in his eyes at the possibility of meeting a fan.
You fumbled with your tongue inside your mouth before making up your decision. “Yeah, I listen every night. It’s... fun.” You pressed your lips together to stop your heart from spilling out the real reason.
“Wow, my girlfriend’s sister is my fan. I’m honoured. Tell me, who do you like more? JaeD or JohnD? I’m sure you’ll say JohnD,” he joked with a wink.
Yeri smacked his arm. “Hey! You can’t ask her that when you’re in front of her. She’ll obviously pick you.”
Johnny laughed at her, the same laugh he’d do on the radio that would make your heart flutter.
You never thought that hearing it in person would feel so melancholic.
- ❀ -
“So? What do you think about Johnny?”
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Well, you wished for that. If your heart hadn’t already reserved it for him, then you would have been happily sharing your joy with her. Why did you have to be head over heels for that radio jockey? Johnny was definitely someone you’d trust Yeri with, ever since yours was already. “He’s… good.”
She anticipated for more but when you didn’t say more, her smile fell. “That’s it? I thought you’ll like him. Plus, he turned out to be someone you listen to on the radio. I can’t believe you haven’t fallen for him.”
You bit your cheeks on the inside and held back from spilling the truth. “He sounds like a good guy on the radio. So you’re good.” Staying curt was your best option.
Keep it short. Don’t let her know.
Her lips curled up. “Really? So you like him?”
“Yes.” But not like the way you think.
She placed her hand over her heart. “Thank goodness. I thought you didn’t since you were so quiet during the meet.”
You turned away from her so that she couldn’t see your sorrowful eyes.
- ❀ -
Yeri and Johnny.
Yeri and Johnny.
Yeri and…
You groaned inwardly, frustrated that your mind had a hard time believing that there was no you with Johnny. It was even harder to believe that it was a relationship between your sister and your DJ love.
Johnny sat beside your sister at the diner while you watched them, painfully watched them feed each other and chatter happily from across. Why were you third wheeling? The lovey doves insisted.
“Y/N, how does that theme sound like?”
You didn’t realize that you had zoned out until Yeri waved her hand in front of you. “Huh? Sorry l wasn’t listening.”
Johnny quirked an eyebrow up. “You weren’t listening? Are you sure you listen to my radio if your attention span is that small?”
Yeri smacked his arm. “Don’t be mean to her like that!”
“You know I was joking.”
You knew that but it hurt. Hurt that he’d think that of you when you loved listening to his voice. But that moment, you couldn’t help but want to distract yourself. “Sorry. I was just zoned out. What theme are you talking about?”
Yeri rolled her eyes at you. “Girl, focus! We’re discussing about our wedding theme.”
Your breathing stilled. “What wedding?”
Her eyes widened like you were crazy. “Have you not been listening to anything? I mean our wedding. Mine and Johnny’s.”
You froze, almost positive that your soul had for sure left you. Was Johnny being Yeri’s boyfriend not enough that the news of Johnny becoming her future husband had to be broken to you this early? “What do you mean your wedding? How long has it been since you two met?”
Yeri nodded, agreeing that it was too soon for one. “Yeah, it hasn’t been long. But for some reason, we click so well like we’re meant to be.”
Johnny added, “Yeah, Yeri’s right. I understand it might be worrisome for you, Y/N, like you just met me and now talks of our wedding happen this fast. But I assure you that everything will go well since our love for each other is that strong.”
Your palms began sweating profusely. It was too soon, but it didn’t matter as long as it was with the right person. And for Yeri, she definitely had it right. “Yeah but…” Your words died in your mouth. What could you even say to that? Please don’t. I love him with all my heart, ever since I first tuned to his radio. No, you weren’t selfish. They clearly loved each other and you had no right to get in their way, no matter how much you loved JohnD. Sighing, your shoulders slumped and softly uttered, “I guess you’re right.”
There was no Y/N and Johnny.
- ❀ -
Ready at your desk just like how your night routine would go, you were feeling a mixture of emotions. You craved to hear his voice, but with all the recent memories made and wrecking you, you didn’t know if this was the time for you to let go of your love for JohnD.
To close a chapter in your life.
Every association with Johnny felt like you were walking on a pile of needles. The stabbing pain hadn’t gone one bit ever since you learned that he was your sister’s boyfriend and it was clear that they both loved each other very much.
Your love life wasn’t meant to be. Should this be the last time for you to listen to him? You had devoted one hour every day of your life to tune into the radio. To give that up suddenly wasn’t going to be easy.
Take baby steps and let him go.
But you wouldn’t be able to let him go fully. Not when he was going to be stuck to your sister’s side. There was no way you’d get over him if you couldn’t fully get him out of your life. It would have been easier if Johnny was someone else’s boyfriend.
Yeri, why did it have to be you?
The intro music cued, followed by an opening. There was no time for you to think about anything else except diving into tonight’s program without another thought.
Let’s see how tonight goes.
“I’ve waited for today all this long?”
“My heart for you was like this? I never knew.”
That’s not JaeD or JohnD…
“But my heart right now, is dancing.”
Who is he?
“NCT’s Night Night.” That voice you recognized as the one who left a knife in your heart.
A song began shortly as the radio jockeys prepped for the night. The unfamiliar voice left a great impression on you. Though not enough to forget about the constant ache in your heart. The new voice comforted you in a way that you thought was nearly impossible after the heartbreak. After the song ended, the introduction began and you paid close attention to learn about the temporary DJ.
“Hello! Today I, Taeyong, am the special DJ of NCT’s Night Night. Call me TyongD!” the new bright voice said with high tension.
Throughout the episode, you listened to his voice and while TyongD couldn’t help you get over your love for JohnD, you were curious to meet this Taeyong guy.
- ❀ -
Standing in the lobby of the broadcasting station, you waited for the boys to be finished with their program. Johnny had texted you to meet up there as Taeyong was going be the special DJ for a while until Jaehyun returned from his trip. Why were you being called over at midnight instead of over lunch or something? You didn’t know. But at least it was the weekend so you didn’t have to worry about waking up on time for work.
When the clock struck midnight, you listened to them wrap up the episode on your phone and turned it off. The doors opened and you found Johnny walk out alone, no one behind him yet.
He sent you a genuine smile and waved as he made his way over.
You quietly checked him out, staring at his handsome features that you failed to capture from the start. His voice was beautiful and couple that with his face… You let out a long sigh. Fate was way too cruel on you.
Johnny noticed a tear well up in your eye and gasped. “Are you crying?”
You looked away and quickly wiped it away. “I-It’s just dust,” you mumbled.
He hummed. “I’m really surprised you asked me about Taeyong. He’s a really sweet guy and you two will make a great couple.”
You doubted that but regardless hoped that he was right. “He’s temporary here, isn’t he? What does he really do then?”
Johnny smirked and replied, “That’s for you to find out tonight.”
You blinked confusedly. “Huh?”
Chuckling, he added, “Taeyong wanted to show something to you tonight. That’s why I called you over right now. Sorry that it’s cutting into your night,” he grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck.
Whatever Taeyong wanted to show me better be worth it, you thought. “Where is he anyway?”
He turned around to look for him. “He’ll be out soon. Just taking his time to pack it up with the crew.” Johnny turned to you and said, “I rushed out knowing you’d be waiting. Can’t have you bored, you know,” he flashed a huge smile.
Johnny, cut it out. Don’t do that!
There went your prohibited heart flying for him.
Soon enough, the staff walked out the doors and bid Johnny well for the night. Everyone had left out the exit, except for a faded pink hair boy appearing beside your forbidden love. He was cute, his lips parted slightly as he stared at you with twinkling eyes.
“Yongs!” Johnny wrapped his arm around Taeyong. “Y/N, meet Taeyong whose been by my side for a decade and he’s a music producer. And Taeyong, this is the Y/N I was talking about. She’s my girlfriend’s sister.”
Taeyong’s shocked self recovered and a loving smile graced itself on his lips. “It’s really nice to meet you, Y/N,” he spoke with the same soft voice that had comforted you.
Out of courtesy, you mirrored it back. “Same here, Taeyong.” Your eyes shifted to the taller boy beside him.
Johnny lifted his arm off his friend and stepped away. “Oh right. I should leave you two alone now. Have fun and don’t forget to tell me first if anything good happens between you two. Night night~” He strode towards the exit, your eyes not once leaving his retreating figure even after he stepped out the exit and disappeared into the darkness of the night.
Taeyong’s voice pulled you back. “Yeah?”
He bounced on his heels out of nervousness before he began his speed rambling. “Are you hungry? I mean are you okay with the night? You’re not sleepy are you? I just wanted to show you my work and thought we can have a fun night. We can definitely leave this for tomorrow during the day. I don’t want to force you to stay up.”
You gaped at him, trying your best to recall and reply to everything he practically rapped on. “Um, yeah I’m okay with the night. I’m not sleepy yet so I’m down to do anything fun.” And hopefully get my mind and heart off of Johnny. “I guess it’ll be a good idea to fuel ourselves up before heading over to your workplace.”
He let out a huge breath in relief. “Thank goodness. I’m a night owl so I work best at night and I’d love to have you see me in my producing mode.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Really? You wanted to show me your work without having seen me before?”
He scratched his head and added, “Johnny actually showed me a picture of you. A selfie of you, him and your sister.”
Johnny kept a picture of you on his phone…
This was not the information your poor heart needed, especially with a boy in front of you that you hoped he had a chance to win your heart.
Taeyong led you to his car in the lot and opened the passenger door for you. You thanked him, and sat down, observing the interior. There were candy wrappers littered everywhere as well as unopened bags of chips. Once he was settled into his seat, he noticed your eyes skimming around and sent you an apologetic look. “Ah, sorry. My car is a mess. I promise I’m not like this at all at home. I’m very clean.”
You hummed. “Don’t worry. I understand. I can be like this too with my workbag. So where are we going for food?”
“I was thinking about this waffle house if you like that…”
Nodding, you said, “Sounds great.”
The restaurant was nearly empty, except for another couple on the premise. After placing your order, you chatted about your lifestyle.
“I never really knew what to do with my life so I’m just working to get through it. Good enough pay to afford an apartment for myself so it’s not bad. How about you? Johnny mentioned that you make music.”
Taeyong sipped on the water. “Mm, yeah I do. I have a friend who I share the studio with. He works there before I go in so our timings don’t clash. It’s really fun there. I’m hoping I can be casted by a big company in the future. Till then, I’ll just keep working my butt off.”
“You sound really passionate. It’s really nice seeing someone like that.” It made you think back to Johnny and his love for broadcasting, hoping for his program to reach audience of all ages and give them a pleasant end to their long days. It really was so nice to listen to his calming voice after a long day at your work. Especially that it got your heart beating faster.
Your foods arrived with Taeyong opting for mint choco ice cream on top of his waffle. Both of you consumed your late-night meals in silence. When the bill arrived, you fought hard to pay your portion, but Taeyong said it was very ungentlemanly to let you. He was way too sweet for you.
“Taeyong, I understand, but we just met. I don’t want to feel like I owe you anything when we’re not even dating yet.”
He looked like he was conflicted, whether to let you pay or not, and gave up at the end when seeing your stern face. He pouted and replied, “Okay. But if I ever gift you anything, then you have to accept it, deal?”
Dumbfounded, you merely nodded.
The studio was a lot smaller than you imagined, considering that he was a freelancer. If you were told to stay in there and let your creativity flow, you’d struggle.
“Wow Taeyong. Don’t you get anxious working in this small room?”
He shrugged. “Not really. I actually get ideas when I’m in here. So imagine me having my hideout in here looking like a raccoon with dark circles,” he answered with a wink.
You giggled. “So what do you want to show me?”
“Come,” he took your hand and pulled you towards the desk, making you sit down in the cushioned office chair.
“Wait, shouldn’t you sit here? What about you?”
He pulled out a folding chair from a corner and set it up beside you. “I’ll sit here.”
On the computer, he logged into his account and played some of his favourite pieces he had composed.
“Wow, you made all these?” you asked with wide eyes.
Taeyong nodded with a ‘yup’ and clicked on a file saved as ‘city park.’ The whistling tunes incorporated brought a huge smile on you.
“I really like this one,” you spoke quietly, too immersed into the music that you didn’t notice his heart eyes softly grazing over your delicate features.
- ❀ -
From then on, you frequently met up with the music producer, whether if it was Taeyong wanting to show you his latest work or him creating something. You’d watch him during his creative process, trying out some keys and jotting down notes. He even let you play around and saved it as a recording under your name, telling you that it could serve him as an inspiration for his future works.
Taeyong didn’t only have a sweet personality, he was greatly addicted to sweets as well, taking you to a candy store and dragging you everywhere with giddy feet. His basket would be filled with some teddy bear jellies and sour candies, but mostly chocolates.
You would be crazy if you rejected the adorable boy when Taeyong asked you to be his girlfriend. You really loved Taeyong. You loved his cute childlike self yet a devoted hard worker at the right times. When the news was delivered to Yeri and Johnny, they were very happy. Yeri couldn’t understand why you never gave any guy a chance, and so to hear her big sister finally get into a relationship was a relief. Johnny on the other hand was pleased for his pal to have given it a go when Taeyong was always busy sticking his head into the computer.
But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop the tug at your heartstrings when you’d think about Yeri and Johnny.
One evening, you invited Taeyong over to your home before he’d leave for work. He surprised you by bringing a huge earl grey cake.
“I thought it’ll be fun to eat this while watching,” he said with bubbling joy.
You chuckled at his idea. If that was what he wanted, then you weren’t stopping him. “Okay, but that’s a lot of sugar. I’ll bring some chips. Go ahead and decide on a movie.”
He beamed. “Okay!”
When you walked into the living room with a huge bowl of jalapeno chips and forks for the cake, Taeyong was surfing through the movies available online.
“What about this one?” His cursor rested on top of a rom com pick. The summary beneath it indicated that the plot was about a man who listened to the radio and fell in love with the female DJ’s voice.
It sounded just like how you fell for-
“No!” you answered, more like shouted before realizing it. Taeyong jumped, clutching his heart from your sudden outburst. You sheepishly apologized, “Sorry, I… um I’m not feeling that one. How about something else?”
Taeyong blinked at you, confused that you had to react that loudly when it could have been a simple soft no. “Yeah, uh what about this one?” He shifted the cursor to the one beside it and you agreed.
Your heart was beating erratically from his previous selection. The movie was for sure to have a happy ending between the man and woman, but you knew there wasn’t going to be a happy ending with yours.
Taeyong picked up the fork and dove into the cake while his eyes were glued onto the credits rolling, mouthing the names of the music producers involved. You smiled at him, hoping that there would at least be a happy ending with Taeyong.
- ❀ -
The day arrived.
The most agonizing day of your life.
The time came for you to let go of your DJ love. If there was anyone that you would see yourself with in the future, it was the boy you had your arm linked with.
Yeri had a lot of friends and you willingly let one of them take your spot in being the maid of honour to direct the bridesmaids. After all, your mind was preoccupied the majority of the time, thinking about her soon-to-be husband. It would be easier for you to sit amongst the crowd and stop yourself from doing anything that you’d regret later than having to stand at the front, the easiest place to bring attention on yourself.
“It’s your sister’s wedding. Shouldn’t you be happy?” Taeyong asked.
You sighed. “I just can’t believe it’s happening already. But I really am happy for her.” At least she could have her happy ending.
Taeyong unlinked your hand from his arm and cupped your cheeks. “She’ll always be your little sister, no matter how fast she beat you to have a wedding first. We’ll have ours soon,” he said with a wink.
You forced a smile for him. Marrying Taeyong was something you were looking forward to. Your relationship with him had bloomed so prettily that it was the perfect way to distract yourself from the heartache. “Can’t wait for that,” you muttered honestly.
He leaned in and pecked your cheek. “Come on. Let’s take a seat near the front.”
The wedding commenced with the priest reciting the words for the bride and groom to exchange the vows. You watched your sister shyly smile in her white dress while your ex-love stood tall and charming in his dark tuxedo, hair styled to the side. His skin glowed, radiating the pure joy and pleasure of standing in front of his love.
You took a hold of Taeyong’s hand, clasping both your hands around his. He thought you wanted to feel his warmth and gave it a gentle squeeze, not knowing that your real reason was something else.
The time arrived for the priest to speak to the crowd of witnesses. “Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
You gripped onto Taeyong’s hand, willing yourself to stay put and go for the latter. No one uttered a word during the brief silence, making the priest continue with the ceremony.
“I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Johnny stepped closer to Yeri, both of them beaming hard as they gazed into each other’s love-filled eyes. He took hold of her face and pressed his lips to hers.
You closed your eyes right before their lips locked, not wanting to break your heart even more when you had already promised yourself that it was over. Your love for JohnD was pushed into the past.
You were forever holding your peace.
- ❀ -
Something felt different ever since their marriage. You struggled to focus on your present moments with Taeyong as your mind dwelled onto your past love for JohnD.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Taeyong waved his hand in front of you.
You jumped slightly in your seat and looked at his eyes filled with concern. “Oh sorry. What?”
He sighed and decided to turn off his equipment. “Let’s get some food. There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
You panicked. Was he breaking up with you? “Is it something bad?”
A small smile tugged at his lips. “It’s something really good.” But the smile fell right away when he added quietly, “Depending on how you take it.”
The two of you went back to the same waffle house on the first night you met each other. Taeyong refused to tell you the good news the entire time there, reasoning that he wanted you to eat well as you seemed tired in his eyes. He promised to tell you after you’d gain some energy.
It was nearly 2am and no one else was at the restaurant except for the few staff. But he wanted to make sure he shared his joy with you someplace secluded. The park was the safest spot and you found a bench by a well lit streetlamp.
“Will you please tell me now? You’ve been growing the suspense since we left the studio.”
He gulped nervously, his leg bouncing from jittery. He cut to the chase, getting straight to the point. “I got casted.”
You blinked. “Casted? Oh my goodness... Like company casted? Taeyong! That’s such amazing news! You should have told me earlier!” You hopped off the bench and bounced on your feet, clapping happily and cheering for his dream. “Now you’re gonna become this big music producer that everyone will go crazy for!” When a sad smile forced on his face, you stopped moving. “This is what you wanted, didn’t you? Why do you look so sad?”
“Because I’ll have to move away.”
Move? “Where?”
He chewed on his lip before answering, “To another country.”
Your blood ran cold.
“Y/N, I know this isn’t going to be easy for you but hear me out. I’ll be earning a lot that we’ll be living comfortably. You don’t have to worry about having a job unless you want to, so you don’t need to worry about finances. It’s just… you’ll have to leave everything and everyone to come with me.” He took a deep breath. “You’ll come with me, right?” he asked with desperate eyes.
You couldn’t believe what he was saying. You’d be by his side and whole heartedly support his passion for music. But if that involved having to move away from your home, your lifestyle, your family, friends…
Then you were going to have to draw the line.
“Taeyong… I… I can’t,” you choked out.
He looked as if he didn’t understand you, more like he didn’t want to. “Huh?” This was the very thing he feared.
You shook your head. “I’ll support you with your career no matter what. But I can’t leave home.”
Taeyong rose up to his feet and grabbed your hands. “Please don’t say no. Think about it. I-I have to leave in a few days but I don’t want to leave you. I really love you, Y/N! Wanna know what I was thinking if you can’t come with me?”
All the blood drained from your face. “Don’t even think about rejecting them. I’ll never live it down. You have to go.”
He feverishly shook his head, his eyes glistening. “I don’t want to leave you. I’d rather stay here and wait for another opportunity around here.”
You gaped in disbelief. “You’re not going to have another chance at going big if you ditch this abroad opportunity. This sounds like something big with the way you’re saying that you’ll be earning a lot. Please Taeyong, please go.”
He fell onto his knees, still holding onto your hands for dear life. His head hung low as his shoulders shook. Your heart broke at the sight of him crying. “Why does this feel like some sort of test, whether I choose career or love?”
Crouching down, you weaved your arms around his form and brought his head to your shoulder, patting his head gently to calm him down. “I know you love me but love can wait. Your career can’t. It’s not like we’ll never see each other again and I’m sure we’ll see each other again. So… if I can suggest you something, sacrifice love, Taeyong.” What sort of ill-fated joke was this? You already had to give up your love for Johnny, and now Taeyong had to do it for you. “I’m really really sorry,” you whispered out and not too long after, your body trembled as you sobbed over his shoulder.
You were sorry that you didn’t love Taeyong enough to leave everything behind.
He pulled back and frowned deeply with tear-stained cheeks. “Don’t say sorry. I should be the one saying that. This was supposed to be good news but I made you cry.” He wiped away your tears and stroked your head to quieten your cries. “If you change your mind, even the second before I leave, I’ll happily take you with me.”
- ❀ -
“That clearly says it all of your feelings for Taeyong.”
You sighed, already knowing that but still let her continue.
“You didn’t love him enough. Like true love type.�� Yeri plopped down on the couch beside you. “If you really loved him, you would have been ready to start a new life with him, no matter where it’d be in the world.” She puffed out, sad that she wouldn’t be able to see you get married to Taeyong. “I really thought he was the one for you.”
There was no doubt that Taeyong would have been the one for you if you hadn’t fallen for Johnny. Why were you still being hopelessly lovesick? The chapter was supposed to be over a long time ago since the first time you met him. You felt bad for Taeyong, leading him on in a way. Your heart was never wholly available yet he never failed to surprise you with his sweet love.
Taeyong leaving was lowkey the best for both of you.
The front door opened and Johnny walked in. Aka Yeri’s husband. Aka the one you needed to stop pining over. “I brought some wine to help with my beautiful sister-in-law’s heartbreak,” he chirped.
There went your heart again, going bonkers over the fact that he called you beautiful... but also sister-in-law.
- ❀ -
Taeyong had a tight grip on his luggage, making his knuckles go white.
“Taeyong?” you called, hoping he’d give you a response.
“So… this is it? This is the end of us?” He avoided your eyes, opting to stare at the tiles beneath his feet.
You sniffed, hating that you’d have to say goodbye to him. No more late night fun. “Yeah, I guess this is it.”
“I want to give you something.” He shrugged off his backpack and pulled out an unopened box of beats headphones, handing it to you.
Stunned, all you breathed out was, “Why?”
“I wanted to gift you something, sort of like thank you for being my first girlfriend.”
Your jaw fell. “I was your first?”
He smiled and it didn’t look forced. “Yeah, and I want you to listen to my music with them. You’ll hear the quality is crystal clear and not miss a single beat with them.”
Your vision blurred at the thought of the pink haired having his first heartbreak by you. “Taeyong, I’m so sorry. It all started with me wanting to meet you in the first place and now I don’t come-”
He hushed you, cupping your face. “Ay, don’t be like that. I’m really glad you did. If you didn’t, then I wouldn’t have fallen in love and get my first heartbreak. And you know what they say about heartbreak songs topping charts,” he joked which successfully got a quiet giggle out of you.
“Yeah, use me as your muse for your music.”
The announcement came on, announcing the boarding for Taeyong’s flight. “It’s time for me to go.”
You hummed, your heart growing heavy suddenly. Before he turned away, he surprised you by enveloping you in his arms. You buried into his warmth for the last time and pulled back. “Go live your dream. And don’t lose your sweet self.”
Taeyong nodded and grabbed his luggage, wheeling it behind him as he waved at you with a tight smile. You waved back with what you hoped was a bright smile on your face to cheer him up. When Taeyong turned away, he quit holding back his tears and let it cascade over his cheeks.
Your eyes were glued to his retreating figure, hoping to catch one last glimpse of his face but didn’t as he passed by the gate for his flight. You stared at the box in hand and clutched it close to you, promising yourself that you’d support him with his music releases.
- ❀ -
“People always say that spring came. It’s exciting and heart fluttering. I think you’re someone like spring to me because after I met you, I felt like that every day.” Jaehyun said.
Followed by none other than Johnny’s “NCT’s Night Night~”
You sat at the same café you met him, drinking your cup of cappuccino while listening to a downloaded broadcast with your new gifted headphones. A bittersweet feeling overwhelmed you as you listened to Johnny’s voice throughout the episode. Even though you couldn’t be with Johnny, you’d still love and cherish all the memories you’d made with DJ Johnny.
And you wouldn’t have come to terms with that if it weren’t for a particular night that you had spent with Taeyong.
As you laid next to Taeyong under the starry night, you asked, “Taeyong, let’s talk hypothetically. What if you loved me but I didn’t love you back? What would you do?”
He hummed for a bit, thinking of a perfect response. “Love isn’t about having it reciprocated.” He turned to you and lovingly smiled, eyes crinkling with adoration for you under the moonlight. “Love is to shine more beautifully.”
The end.
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20moonchild21 · 4 years
𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 [𝗯𝘁𝘀]
⇉ 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 1
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bunny!JK x human!oc, Jungkook x female!oc
mention of abuse, injures, angst, fluff, mention of blood, fear
Wow, I am so excited! Leave a like, comment, recommendation or reply under the chapter!
If you want to read a really good hybrid!Jimin story, you have to read inferiority complex by @starlightauroras-writes! She is the cutest author ever, and that story definitely deserves to be read! So don’t wonder if you will find some similar details, this chapter was inspired by her!
Stay healthy
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[prologue ||| chapter 2]
“All right everyone. That’s it for today. Have nice summer vacations, and don’t forget about the deadline of your term papers. The clock is ticking.” The man in the very front of the big room said into his microphone, but the chaos was already breaking out among the people sitting opposite of him.
The girl sitting in the front row slide her fingers faster over the keyboard, tipping in the last piece of information into her laptop, before she saved her notices and closed the thin computer.
She looked up. The room was filled with loud voices and cheering, as soon as the professor had laid his microphone down onto her desk. Immediately, people stormed out of the lecture hall, pens and paper balls were thrown all or some people yelled to each other from all over the room.
The girl sighed at this scenario. You wouldn’t think that were actually adult people, that would soon be representation the countries law and order.
Half of the people in here didn’t really care about studying law, or becoming a judge or lawyer in their future. The only thing they care about was to enjoy their college life as long as possible, which mostly included no stop partying and passing the exams with the minimum amount of points.
The other half, who cared about passing the final exams with as much points as possible, wanted to become either lawyer for economical right, because it was the best paid, or for political right, because such lawyer would always be needed.
And there was she, the girl in the very first row, who neither wanted to be a lawyer for economic right or political right, nor was she there to party trough the nights with her friends. No, she had another goal for her future.
“Miss Carson.” The professor said, as he walked around the table, looking amused at the small, blond haired girl, that was still, or better said already, reading in one of her law books. “Yet again, I see you reading in a book. Do you ever do anything else?”
The girl looked up from her book, a small smile was forming on her face.
“Yes, I do.” She said and closed the thick book. “But I want to get as much information as possible for my term paper. I really need it to be perfect. It needs to be proof to any loopholes, and I think am on something big this time.”
The professor’s left eyebrow cocked up in surprise. If someone had not to worry about getting not enough points to pass this last hurdle, it was her.
“Is that so?” He joked, leaning slightly against the big, brow desk, arms crossed over his chest. “You know that you always deliver the best terms. I don’t think you have to worry about anything.”
The girl, who was now occupied with pressing the big book into her backpack, stopped in her movements. She knew that she was one of the best students, and she also knew that she could pass those exams with little effort. This wasn’t the problem.
"I know.” She simply said and looked up at the old man leaning on the desk. “And thank you.”
“I am really excited for your terms. What topic do you write about this time?” He asked curiously.
The girl hesitated for a moment, not sure if she should tell him or not. Her final paper terms, the terms that would decide whether or not she would get a chance to fulfil all her goals, were about a very sensitive topic. She was a 100% aware of this.
But then, he would read them either way, so there was no point in lying to him.
Her heart raced, as she opened her mouth. She had known her professor of law for almost 4 years now, but writing about such a sensitive topic, she didn’t know what his opinion was on that.
“I – ehm…” She coughed, before turning back to her backpack, pressing the book into it with one smooth movement. She closed the flap and swung the piece of fabric over her shoulder, before turning back to the older man. It was now or never, she had to show confidence. “I write about the equality of Hybrids in our political everyday life. I think – there are cases where laws had obviously been disregarded, ignored or misused by judges and lawyers. And there are not just one or two of such cases. There are hundreds of them every day, there are hundreds of Hybrids who don’t get the right of protection and free speech. There is no point in denying and ignoring this anymore.”
To say that his face held a shocked expression would be an exaggeration. He looked more like he tried really hard to process the information and to find a fitting response to it. After a few seconds of silence, he opened his mouth, just to close it again. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between the index finger and thumb.
“Hope…” He said after another few seconds. “You are aware of me being not the only one who is going to read your term papers, aren’t you?”
“I know.” The girl whispered, still staring directly into his eyes.
“I appreciate your braveness to write your final exams about such a sensitive topic, and I am not going to lie, most of the professors committee won’t share the same opinion as the one you have.” His voice was calm and factual, but the girl somehow heard a touch of sadness out if it. “Are you sure you don’t want to write about political law? Your last exam was absol…”
“My term is based on facts. I neither made anything up, nor am I going to tell lies.” The girl quickly interrupted him. “There is no way someone of the committee can reject or doubt any part of my exam. I analysed every potential loophole and I can prove any of those lacks wrong, if someone say something. I even…”
“Okay, okay. I believe you, Hope.” The professor said, as he pushed himself away from the table, slowly walking up to the smaller girl. “I just want you to carefully think about what you want to specialize in the future. Hybrid lawyers are very little paid, and almost none of them gets any appreciation. You are aware of that, aren’t you?”
“I am not doing this for money or appreciation.” She quietly said under her breath. She knew he didn’t mean to sound harsh or mean towards her, but still, those words hurt. “I just – I think that I can change something in this world. There are so many people out there, that share the same opinion as I do, but are not brave enough to stand up and do something. But if I would go public with my mission, I think – I think something could really change.”
The man was still looking at the girl. He was stunned by the passion and emotions she spread while talking. He knew that her mission, as she called it, was the right thing to do in this world and that the things she said were true, but he also has been living long enough on his world to know how reality works.
He sighed as he moved his gaze away from her. Somehow, she reminded him of himself, when he way younger. She had a big heart, and a strong urge to question the thing people tell her. That made her one of the best students of his class.
“Okay.” He simply said and turned around to leave the room, but one last time he turned around. “Just be careful, Hope. This world can be hard. It will destroy you, if you are careless.”
“I will prove you that this will be worth it.” She yelled after him, as he passed the door leading to the hallway. She knew he couldn’t hear her next words, because they came out as a whisper, a promise to herself. “I know it will worth in the end.”
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The night sky above New York was clear. Not a single cloud could be seen, and the dark sky looked like it was sprinkled with thousands and millions of small, shining dots. Right in the middle, the round an bright moon.
The girl took a deep breath of the clean air. It was definitely the right choice to rent an apartment a few minutes outside of New York’s centrum, where the day never seemed to take an end. But here, there were not much car driving by and pollute the air. There weren’t many people to scream at each other, because in the city trouble you couldn’t understand a word. Just peaceful silent.
The conversation from earlier was still playing round and round in her head. Her professor wasn’t a bad person. In the past, he was nothing but helpful and cooperative when it came to sensitive themes or problems. But in the end, he was like any other human: he kept his mouth shut and saved himself a lot of trouble.
But could she mind that behaviour?
Way down deep inside of her, she felt something. She just felt that deep inside of her, there was a small flame flickering. It was waiting there to be lightened with something, and she just knew that she was meant to change something.
She felt this sparkle since she was a little child. The name ‘Hope’ was given to her by her mom. Hope was born in 2029, shortly after the first Hybrids were created. Her birth caused a lot of trouble. Being born with a heart disease, the doctor predicted her to be dead within the following hours. But she hadn’t died. She survived because she got a second chance to live.
With 9 years, she had her very first encounter with a Hybrid. Her mom, who was a doctor at the local hospital, was called late in the afternoon. She was a single mom at this time, and with no one there to take care if the small girl, she decided to take her with her to the hospital.
The hospital was a very big building right in the middle of New York. It was about 10 stories hight, with several different areas for different people. They had a special section for children, for chirurgical cases, a section for people with cancer, a section for people who were about to die and want to spend their last day in a nice surrounding , and lastly, they also had a section for injured Hybrids.
Since Hybrids were half animal, half human, you couldn’t just give them to the veterinarian. This was the reason that the politicians decided that every hospital had to create a small section for Hybrids. Always isolated from the rest of the population, because some citizens were still afraid of the new creatures, and they insisted on locking them up for safety reasons.
The small, blonde haired girl had been strolling around the large building, while her mother was needed in the operation room. She hadn’t paid any attention to where she was going. Everything in that hospital had been so interesting for this small girl, she just wanted to pull in everything she saw.
As she had passed one of the patients room, she suddenly saw a movement in the corner of her eyes. She turned around. On the other side of the glass window, stood a small boy her age.
He was just standing there, staring back at the girl with wide eyes. He had shaggy brown hair that fell smoothly over his forehead, big dark eyes and was slightly taller than the girl.
But what fascinated her the most about this boy, was the pair of white ears sitting on the top of his head. They were small, covered by thick, fluffy white fur and looked absolute adorable.
She took a step closer to the boy, who was still staring at her, the same way she was staring at him.
His ear twitched slightly to different sides, as if he was trying to hear or sense ever noise coming from around him. Behind the boy, Hope saw something waving through the air. She gasped slightly, when she recognized it to be a white, fluffy tail swinging slightly through the air.
The girl had heard stories from her friends in school, that Hybrids are dangerous. They said that they would attack people if one wouldn’t be careful. They said that Hybrids don’t have control over their animal side. They said Hybrids would turn into beasts as soon you were alone with them. But this boy didn’t look scary at all. He rather looked pretty innocent and… somehow scared.
She was fascinated by this boy. She wanted to get to know him so badly all the sudden.
The girl lifted her hand, that had limply hung by her thigh. She took a step closer and carefully laid her hand on the cold, glassy window. The boy stared at her hand. His ears had stopped twisting around, and were instead standing high in the air, his eyes were wide open.
He looked down at his hands, and was about to lift it as well, when suddenly a nurse came up behind the small girl.
“What are you doing there?” She almost screamed, as she grabbed the girl by her shoulders, pulling her away from the window. “You can’t just stroll around in this section. It’s dangerous.”
The woman was pulling the girl behind her, further and further away from the boy. When Hope turned around one last time, her heart broke. The boy’s ears were flatly pressed against his head, while he fluffy tail was tightly wrapped around his leg. His eyes showed nothing but sadness.
In this moment, the girl new that this boy was threatened wrong. Why would it be dangerous for her to be with him. She just couldn’t believe someone as cute as this boys would be able to hurt someone. He was just a child.
Hope shook her head at this memory. She was still wondering what his name was, what kind of Hybrid this little boy was and why he was in the hospital. She wondered what happened to him after she was pulled away, and if he was doing fine right now. Maybe he was thinking about the moment with the 9 year old human girl too sometimes. Maybe he –
A sound ripped her out of her thoughts. She flinched heavily but stopped in her tracks, not sure if her brain had tricked her. She turned around to both side, looking for something that could have caused such a noise. But there was nothing.
Confused, she started walking again. She was clearly overworking herself, if she was already hearing strange noises. Luckily, her apartment was just around the corner. Just one more minute. As she kept walking, she slung her arms tightly around her waist. The air of the night was suddenly much colder that a few minutes before, and with just a thin cardigan to cover her, she felt slightly cold.
Crack. Crash.
The girl shrugged when a crashing sound rang through her ears. This was obviously not an imagination from her brain. That noise came from the dark alley, that she was just about to pass. Immediately, she took a small step backwards.
If someone was hiding in there, waiting for the right moment to come out and hurt her, there would be nothing she could defend herself with. A shiver ran down her spine. She should take her feet and ran away from that scary, dark alley like her mother had always told her, but somehow she couldn’t. Something was pulling her towards that dark passage.
She gulped loudly, but decided to take the risk.
“H – Hello?” She carefully called into the darkness, hoping to not get an answer, so she could just keep walking home. But if someone was hurt in there, she had to help him or her.
“Hello? Is someone there?” She called again when she didn’t received an answer.
She carefully took another step forward, trying to make something out in the darkness. Further down the alley, she saw the faint outline of some trash dumpsters standing around, surrounded by many trash bags.
She let out a breath of relief. No one was in there. It was probably just a cat jumping onto one of the dumpsters, which caused that noise. She turned around, and started walking again, when suddenly she heard another, clearer noise.
This time she was sure that it was a person causing that noise. With shaking legs, Hope decided to walk a little further into the alley. If someone was lying there hurt, he probably couldn’t answer her calls. And if someone was waiting there for her…..she didn’t want to think about it further.
She took baby steps into the dark alley, still careful if someone was hiding there. When she was about 5m inside the dark passage, she was completely surrounded by darkness. She couldn’t make out a single outline of something, not even of the dumpsters.
With shaking hands and no other idea left, she grabbed for her phone inside her pocket. She pulled it out and clicked on the small flashlight symbol.
With the small source of light, she tried to make something out.
About 3 meters in front of her, she saw a red, brick stone wall climbing up into the air. A dead end.
She aimed the light into the right corner, where she saw nothing but trash bags and dust laying messily around. Some of them were ripped open by cats, giving away a heavy and disgusting stank. She wrinkled her nose. People were so wasteful these days…
She aimed the light into the other corner, where the trash dumpsters were placed. It was tight and trashed there as well. No chance someone could hide here. It was probably just the cat theory or she really got paranoid. She shook her head and was about to leave again, when something caught her eyes.
Between the wall and the last dumpster was a small crack left, a crack with bare feet sticking out. The girl tried to hold back a scream. She only saw that pair of bare feet. Nothing more. Would there be a body to those feet? If yes, which body, and if no….
“H – Hello?” She whispered/yelled again. “Who are you?”
When she aimed her light into the direction of the feet, they were pulled away with a sudden movement, now hidden by the dumpster. The girl took a deep breath, as she forced herself to take another step forward. She aimed the light once again in the direction of the crack. She saw those feet again, and this time even more. She could make out a pair of legs connected to the pair of feet, along with two arms, that were tightly wrapped around the legs.
She could tell that this someone was a boy, because his hands and feet looked much bigger than hers. Slowly, Hope bent her knees so she was on the level of his sitting body. He obviously was scared, and her standing above him, flashing him with her flash lights wouldn’t probably help him to feel less scared.
When she sat on her knees, she lifted the light again, letting it rose up his body. His feet and calves were bare, as well as his arms. Everywhere on his pale skin, she could make out smaller bruises and scratches. His feet and fingers were ripped open and bloody, and his arms and legs were almost as thin as hers.
But she was even more shocked when the light hit his face. The biggest pair of brown eyes she had ever seen were staring back at her, filled with nothing but pure fear. His plump cheeks were covered with dirt, bruises and wet stains of tears. His lips were bloody and crusty, also covered in dirt and dust. His dark, shaggy hair was covering his forehead, and on the top of his had sat a dark pair of large floppy ears.
The boy quickly seemed to snap out of his shock stare, when he realised the girl staring at him, not saying anything. He tried to push himself further backwards towards the wall. The arms around his bent knees tightened, as he let out a small whimper. His floppy ear moved forward to cover his eyes from her gaze.
It was obvious that this boy was a bunny Hybrid ,but that didn’t change the fact that Hope was shocked from the boy‘s appearance. He clearly needed help.
„Hey....boy.“ She carefully whispered into his direction, not wanting to scare him more away by a loud voice.
But despite her effort to not sound too scary, the injured boy began to slightly shake stronger.
„Hey...don’t be scared. Please, I don‘t want to hurt you. I promise.“ She felt the tears swelling up under her eyes.
The poor boy must have been through hell and back, or else he wouldn’t be reacting like that. She was pretty sure that someone had caused those injures on his body. It was ridiculous to talk about a change of minds, when the truth was, that nothing had changed at all. Human race was still as ignorant and careless and addicted to control as they have been before.
The girl took a deep breath. She needed to stay calm and focused, or else the bunny Hybrid would feel her fear. After all, his senses were animal-like, and he had probably heard her heartbeat or smelled the sweet running down her neck.
A loud, deep noise caused a yelp leaving the girl‘s and the boy‘s mouth. The sky above them had darkened with heavy clouds, and the smell of rain slowly replaced the clear night air. She turned her attention from the sky, back towards the boy who was ,once again, shaking with fear.
Hope knew what she was going to do next would be a heavy invasion of his privacy, but it was the only way, that might would help him in this situation.
She slowly let the backpack sliding down her shoulder, careful to not make too much movements. When it laid down on the floor, she pulled down the zipper of her grey cardigan.
The zipping noise that her jacked had caused, must have made the Hybrid curious, because almost unnoticeably, he lifted his right ear that was still covering his eyes. Through the small gap, he carefully peeked at the girl in front of him, watching as she pulled off the jacket, leaving her in just a thin, blue shirt.
A whimper left is mouth, ear covering his eye again, as the girl crawled closer into his direction, stopping just a few inches away from the bunny Hybrid. She leaned her body forward and placed the soft piece of fabric over the boy’s trembling shoulders. She didn’t know if the trembling had increased because she came way too close to him, or because of the sudden coldness that filled the alley way.
„No...p – please...no.“ The boy tried to pull away weakly, as his shoulders were met with the soft fabric of the jacket.
His was raspy and cracked a few times as he spoke.
„Please, don’t be afraid of me.“ The girl tried again to win a small amount of the boy’s trust, so he would at least look at her. „I am not going to hurt you. See, the jacket is warm, isn’t it?“
The boy didn’t answer. He just kept sitting on the ground, with his arm around his knees and his eyes closed.
Meanwhile, the clouds had started to let go their watery content, and small wet drops fell from the ground.
„Please, you need to come with me. It’s not safe out here at night, and a thunderstorm is raising up.“ Her voice was almost begging for him to trust her. She didn’t want to leave him here alone, injured and all by himself. „My apartment is warm, and I have food and something to drink for you. Please, trust me.“
The boy didn’t move an inch. He curled himself further together, hiding away from her. It was more than obvious that he was scared, and slowly she was losing hope that he would come with her. Plus, she couldn’t force him either.
She sighed and slowly stood up from her kneeling position.
„I will be back.“ She simply said to the boy, as she turned around to leave the alley.
Thanks god her apartment was just one minute around the corner. If he didn’t want to come with her, she would at least bring him a warm blanket for the night and something warm for his stomach. He must be freezing so much with just a pair of shorts covering his slim body.
She was about to start walking, when she heard him whimpering behind her again. The Hybrid had removed both of his ears from his eyes, which were now staring at her intensely. As if they were begging her not to leave the alley. She kneeled back down onto his height.
„You don’t want me to leave, do you?“ It was more a question to herself, but to her surprise the boy nodded almost unnoticeable. His eyes were opened wide and glassy, as his lips began to tremble slightly.
Meanwhile in his head, he was battling with himself. He was injured and cold, and this girl promised him a warm place to spend the night. She had a really soft and calming voice, that he would listen to all night of he had the chance.
But then, she wanted to leave him. Not that he was not used to that, but no one ever had talked to him in such a calming voice. For a short moment, he really believed that everything was going to be okay again.
„My apartment is just around the corner.“ The tone of her sweet voice rang through his ears again. „I won’t force you to come with me, but you are welcome to spend the night there, if you like.“
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„Home, Sweet Home.“ The girl joked as she pushed open the white door leading into her apartment.
When the boy behind her didn’t show any reaction but staring at her, she eventually noticed that her joke wasn’t appropriate referring to the situation they were in. A shade of red began to spread over her cheeks, and she quickly stepped inside.
The boy meanwhile hesitate to step inside. He shoved his bare feet back and forth over the cold marbled tiles of the hallway, while his fingers fiddled the hem girl‘s jacket. His eyes were fixed on the ground.
„You can come inside, you know?“ She said with a soft voice, as she held the door open for the Hybrid boy.
When the boy took the first step inside, he immediately was surround by the most comfortable warmth he had ever felt before. Slowly, it flowed under his skin, filling every last corner of his body.
His feet didn’t touch some cold marble anymore. Instead, the wooden piles felt soft and also warm under his bare feet. He didn’t knew that the floor could feel this soft.
But the most prominent thing hitting him, was the smell filling his nose. The apartment smelled like....the girl.
The scent of a living being was something very special. The smell wasn’t something you could compare to the smell of vanilla or green apple or the smell of sweat. It was more like a kind of an aura that surrounded a human or Hybrid. An individual feature, that most human aren’t aware of, but yet, everyone has his own scent.
“Ehm…” The girl in front of him cleared her throat, and the Hybrid could smell how uncomfortable she felt.
Scared of being punished, he took a small step backwards, pressing his ears closer to his head. This gesture wasn’t unnoticed by the small girl. She took a big step back as well, carefully not to make her movements to jerky.
“I am sorry.” She quickly rambled. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I just – I just don’t know what to say. I – Oh my god, you must feel so cold. I will get you some clothes. Just wait here.”
The boy watched her slim form disappear behind a door down the hallway. A few seconds later, she came back with a pile of fabric in her arms. He wondered what she wanted to do with them.
“I am sorry, but I don’t have any male clothes.” She said, as she dropped the pile onto the grey sofa, which stood in the corner of the living room. “But – but this are my largest clothes. Maybe they will fit you?”
The boy was still standing by the door, looking with wide eyes around the room, before their gazes met. He wasn’t looking in the clothes that were sprawled out for him on the sofa. Instead, he kept looking at the girl, but not as if he was studying the girl’s features, more like he was waiting for a comment.
Unsure what to do, Hope stepped a few inches away from the couch, wanting to give him more space.
“You can try them on. Just – just choose the ones you like.” She almost whispered, as she pointed her finger onto the clothes.
Though the boy nodded, his head dropped down. His hands were slightly shaking, as he made small baby steps towards the sofa. Carefully, he lifted his hand up towards his shoulder and pulled off the grey cardigan she had given him earlier. He placed it carefully onto the sofa, looking up at the girl, as if he was waiting for a permission to keep going.
It took Hope everything to not stare at the bruises and scratches that were covering his upper body. Trying not to break down in tears, she forced out a smile and nodded, showing him that it was okay to keep going.
He then he did something she hadn’t expected. Without showing any hesitation or shame, he grabbed the hem of his dirty shorts and pulled them down.
“Oh – ehm – okay. You want to change here.” She quickly turned around, not wanting to invade his privacy even more. But by the way he didn’t show any hint of hesitation, she could guess that he was not used to get any private space. “Okay keep changing, I will just go to the kitchen and make something quick to eat.”
With her head as red as a tomato, she made her way over to the kitchen. Luckily, the kitchen was connected with the living room by small hatch, so he would see her and she could watch him.
Her hands were trembling with anger. She didn’t want to think about what the poor boy had been through. She didn’t want to think about how many times he had been humiliated or showed off, just to pleasure someone’s evil mind.
In this moment, she made a promise to herself. She would fight for this boy and any other Hybrid out there. She would show him all the love and affection she carried in her heart, just to prove him that he is worth living.
But this incident wouldn’t be the last one at this day. When she was done warming up the soup from the night before, she carried the pot over to the table, that was already set. Over the whole time, the boy had watched her carefully, and every time their eyes met, he quickly dropped his gaze to the floor, as if he didn’t want to pull any attention onto him.
“Come one, dinner is ready.” She said, as she carefully sat down at the table. “You need something warm in your stomach.”
The boy nodded quickly, before he slowly walked towards the table. As he was just a few inches away from her, he bent his knees and kneeled down onto the floor next to her, then he folded his hands in his lap and sunk his head down.
“I know it isn’t much, but….What are you doing?” The girl asked confused, as she watched the boy.
Scared that he might had done something wrong, he dared to look up at the girl. To his surprise, she didn’t look mad or angry at all. Her big brown eyes were wide open and her mouth was slightly parted.
“I am sorry.” The boy whispered with his raspy voice, as he closed his eyes. “I am sorry.”
“You – you don’t have to be sorry for anything. You didn’t do anything wrong.” The girl whispered back with a shaking voice.
Seeing the boy so broken and scared in front of her, made her heart break. A big tear slipped out of her left eye, dropping onto her leggings. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before she looked at the boy. She didn’t want to make him feel more insecure than he already was, so she whipped the tear away with the sleeve of her shirt.
“I am sorry. I am a little bit emotional.” She said, still drying her stained cheeks. “You don’t need to sit on the ground, you know? Please, take a seat on the chair.”
The Hybrid looked up from his kneeling position. He didn’t know whether the small girl was serious about him being allowed to sit on the chair. At the table. With a human.
He gulped. Should he take the risk and actually take a seat? What if she tricked him? What if she would punish him for sitting at the table?
Slowly, he pushed himself up from the ground. The girl was still smiling at him, as he pulled the chair backwards. He sat down and immediately folded his hands together in his lap, like he was supposed to do.
He watched as the girl took the plate that stood in front of him, putting some ladles of soup onto it. He felt his mouth watering as the smell hit his nose. He wanted to take a taste so badly, but he would have to control himself, not wating to make a wrong move.
“You don’t have to wait for anything. You can just eat, if you like.” Once again she showed him this gentle smile, before she lifted her spoon and began to eat her own plate.
Carefully, he lifted his own spoon towards his mouth. The soup tasted amazing and every nerve on his tongue seemed to explode because of all the different and new flavours.
He took another spoon, and another one, and another one, not caring anymore if he was doing something wrong. This was his first warm meal in days, and his first ‘human meal’ he had ever eaten. His hunger took control over him.
“You seem to like it.” The girl chuckle as she watched the boy shoving one spoon after another into his mouth.
The boy’s head shot up, nodding quickly. He shoved the last spoon full of soup into his mouth, leaving back an empty plate one the table. As he realized that he had eaten all the soup, a small shade of red spread over his cheeks, while his ears pressed themself further onto his head. Almost sad, he laid the piece of metal next to the empty plate.
“You can have another plate, if you like.” She said and his head shot up, nodding quickly once again.
They boy shoved soup after soup into his mouth, as if this was his last meal he would ever get to eat. But Hope didn’t mind. She watched him closely.
He was so absorbed in eating his dinner. His cheeks, that were so pale out in the alley, had now a slight shade of red spreading over them. His eyes didn’t show fear anymore, instead they were held a small sparkle every time he saw her refilling his empty plates. And his ear weren’t pressed against his head anymore, but they would sometimes go up and down while he was eating.
All in all, he looked absolute adorable.
“I – I never introduced myself.” The girl suddenly realized. “My name is Hope. I live here in this apartment. You don’t have to tell me your name or what happened to you, if you don’t want to. I just want you to know, that in this house, you are safe. No one is going to hurt you or force you to do anything here, and you are more than welcome to stay as long as you like.”
The boy’s movements slowed down a little bit, but he didn’t turned his attention off of his meal. He kept eating for another 5 minutes of silent, before he laid his spoon down. He folded his hands again in his lap and suddenly mumbled something under his breath.
“I am sorry, but I didn’t understand what you said.” She said softly, as his big brown eyes stared into hers.
“My name…Jungkook.”
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[prolouge ||| chapter 2]
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270 notes · View notes
toastedqueso · 3 years
Take A Shot
Pairing: Jungwoo x Original Female Character | Reader
Words: 6k
Genre: Comedy, Smut, Strangers to Lovers
Warnings: Alcohol consumption (drink responsibly), Betting, Explicit sexual content
Summary: A handsome stranger at Yuta’s soccer match watching party catches Ella’s attention. Unfortunately for Ella, the stranger, Jungwoo, is rooting for the enemy. They get entangled in a bet and maybe both of them are winners.
A/N: This has idea has been floating around for a while since I found out Jungwoo is a Manchester City fan. The fic has been sitting around for a while and it’s time I finally posted it. Thank you for reading!
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Ella clutches the bottle of Prosecco close to her as she walks the short distance from where her Uber driver dropped her off to Yuta’s townhouse. Ella was looking forward to this party all week. Yuta had been planning for a while to host a soccer match watching party on his brand new fancy TV, which he couldn’t stop bragging about. He let Ella as his soul sister have the honor of the first viewing event be an important match for her favorite soccer team, Liverpool FC. The match is against Manchester City and regardless of how much money Man City spent in the offseason on new players, she’s confident Liverpool FC will win.
Yuta had told her that the party would be just her and a few of his other friends she had hung out with before. They seemed nice from their previous encounters, but she was ready to put them in their place if they questioned her soccer knowledge.
Ella takes a deep breath to relax. She can feel her pre-match nerves creeping up and she needs a drink fast. Ella rings the doorbell when she reaches the front door. Yuta opens the door before she drops her hand away from the doorbell.
“Welcome! Come on in, sis!” Yuta bear hugs Ella and takes the bottle of Prosecco. “Nice. I was in the mood for some mimosas.”
“When aren’t you? You always act like you’re on ‘Real Housewives’,” Ella gruffs and ducks befor Yuta can rufflle her hair. She slips her shoes off and follows Yuta into the townhouse.
Yuta and Ella became fast friends when they started working at the same Graphic Design company 4 years ago. They’re known as “Double Trouble” at work for all the chaos they cause. Some of their nosey coworkers initially suspected they were more than friends, but they quickly quashed those rumors when they started referring to each other as siblings and Yuta brought his girlfriend, Maria, to their office parties.
Ella gives Maria a hug when she spots her in the Living Room. She scans the room to see that the guests are already here sipping their drinks and eating nachos. She greets Johnny, Taeyong and their girlfriends, then notices an unfamiliar face. Yuta has quite a few attractive friends, but this friend was different. His soft brown hair frames his pretty face, which nicely contrasts his tall physique. When he stands up, he towers over Taeyong and Yuta, but stands a hair shorter than Johnny.
“Woah,” Ella quietly says to herself as she tucks a strand of her wavy black hair behind her ear. She now wishes she put in more effort in her attire. She hastily threw on her Liverpool jersey with her medium wash jeans. Fortunately, she did curl her hair and put on some light makeup to highlight the golden glow of her skin.
Ella and the stranger make eye contact and she notices his eyes go wide for a second. Before she can introduce herself to the stranger, Johnny calls his name to grab his attention. Jungwoo. 
The guys huddle by the TV to admire it like treasure. While they discuss future viewing plans for Yuta’s brand new fancy TV fit for King, Ella watches Jungwoo bite his lips as he inspects the TV. He catches Ella’s eye as he’s scanning the room and smiles. Ella breaks her stare and looks around to find Maria.
“Want a drink?” Maria asks, noticing Ella is still drinkless. Ella definitely feels far too sober to have to spend the next few hours with the handsome stranger. If Maria suspects anything from Ella's actions since stepping into the townhouse, she doesn’t mention it.
Breaking the awkwardness she feels from possibly getting caught in the act, Ella heads to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of white wine. She practically chugs the wine down and pours herself another glass to sip slowly. Getting drunk before the game would lead to her being really loud and maybe breaking Yuta’s new TV if the game didn’t go how she hoped and she didn’t have new TV money.
Ella heads back to the living room, wine in hand, and settles in on the couch. She gently swirls her wine glass while contemplating how to introduce herself to the stranger. She’s so deep in thought that she almost misses that the handsome stranger is heading towards the kitchen until he’s screaming if anyone wants anything. She watches him walk into the empty kitchen before she chugs the rest of her wine. She gets up too quickly and has to grab onto the sofa arm to steady herself. 
“Fuck it. It’s now or never,” Ella tries to hype herself up as she heads into the kitchen.
She finds the stranger concentrating on pouring a mix of liqueurs into a cocktail shaker. 
“What are you making?” Ella asks, causing the stranger to jump a little.
“Oh! You’re just in time! I’m mixing my special drink. I call it ‘Jungwoo’s Special’!” Jungwoo announces as he shakes the cocktail shaker.
“What makes it ‘special’?” Ella asks bluntly.
Jungwoo laughs. “Be prepared to be amazed!”
“I’m Jungwoo by the way. I meant to introduce myself to you earlier, but Johnny dragged me away. A TV over a girl, he’s so inconsiderate,” Jungwoo replies.
Ella blushes. She doesn’t want to read too much into Jungwoo’s words, but she lets herself hope he meant something more by it. “I’m Ella. I’m one of Yuta’s work buddies.”
“Oh! You’re the work sister! I guess I need to be extra gentlemanly,” Jungwoo laughs.
“So is the ‘Jungwoo’s Special’ something a gentleman would offer a lady?”
“Why don’t you try it and find out?” Jungwoo gives Ella a mischievous look. Jungwoo pours the drink for Ella and hands it to her. She takes a sip and nods her head. It’s a good drink, but guessing by the bottles he left uncapped, it was a potent drink.
“It definitely knows how to treat a lady,” Ella says. Taking a step closer to Jungwoo, she can feel how much bigger he is than her. She has to crane her neck to look up at him. She notices Jungwoo looking down at the Liverpool FC badge on her jersey and smiles.
“Liverpool fan?” Ella cocks her head. Jungwoo gives her a sweet smile. With all the liquid courage in her, she takes a step closer to Jungwoo. 
“Man City,” Jungwoo replies with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Wow, you’re a glory hunter.” Ella gives him a horrified look and shoves his torso. If she wasn’t feeling her pre-game rage and animosity for Manchester City, she would’ve commented how his abs felt solid like a rock.
“If that’s what you want to call supporting the best players and manager in the world, then sure!” Jungwoo teases.
“It’s a TEAM sport. It’s about how everyone works together to win, not just a bunch of megastars.” Ella retorts. 
“You make it sound like Liverpool doesn’t also buy the best players and have a great manager,” Jungwoo points out. Ella couldn’t argue with that. 
“Touché. But at least we don’t throw all our money at everything.”
“How about we place a bet?” Jungwoo propositions. He knows they won’t get anywhere with their argument, but maybe a bet could make things interesting.
“Seriously? A bet?”
“Come on, it’ll be fun. It’ll be some extra fun for the match,” Jungwoo coaxes.
“Fine, what are the terms of the bet that you propose?”
“If Liverpool wins, you get to pick what to do and If Manchester City wins, I’ll get to pick what to do. To make this a little more fun, not only does the winner get to pick what to do, but they get to pick a thing or wish for each goal their team scores.”
“What if it’s a draw?” 
“We can go with who had the most possession in the game.” 
Ella sips her drink and contemplates whether to accept or not. She had come into the kitchen to expect a bit of talking, maybe some flirting, but not a bet. The only downside would be if Man City won, but Ella was pretty confident Liverpool had this game in the bag.
“You have yourself a deal, Jungwoo.” Ella stretches out her right hand for Jungwoo to shake. Jungwoo lights up and shakes her hand.
“No matter who wins or loses, I’m sure we’ll both end up winning at the end.” Jungwoo winks at Ella before he chugs the rest of his ‘Jungwoo Special’ drink. 
They settle into the couch in front of Yuta’s fancy TV. The players complete the pre-match rituals of pennant exchanges and hand shakes and then the kick off. Liverpool gains possession early and builds up momentum. The two teams go back and forth creating chances, but no one scoring. Ella glances over at Jungwoo from time to time and notices even Jungwoo seems to feel the tension. Then in the 39th minute, Liverpool breaks away with the ball and scores a spectacular goal. 
“FUCK YES!” Ella screams and jumps around. Yuta high fives Ella to celebrate.
“In your face!” Ella says with satisfaction to Jungwoo.
“Don’t get too cocky. The game is far from over.” Jungwoo playfully shoves Ella when she sits down.
Ella rolls her eyes and shoves Jungwoo back. Five minutes remain for the first half. Each team approaches the last few minutes differently. Liverpool seems to be playing it safe while Manchester City is looking to equalize. Ella nervously takes a sip of her drink. Even if Liverpool is leading, she can’t help but feel something worrying looming in the air. Unfortunately, her gut instincts were right. As soon as she puts her drink down, Manchester City takes possession of the ball and scores. Jungwoo starts jumping up and cheering. Ella huffs and lays back onto the sofa.
“We’re even now,” Jungwoo says as he shakes Ella’s shoulder.
“Whatever. There’s still another half,” Ella replies. She lightly smacks Jungwoo’s thigh. Jungwoo laughs at her reaction.
Both teams seem to just pass around the ball to wind down time before the referee blows the whistle to signal half time. Jungwoo springs up to head to the kitchen. Jungwoo asks if she needs anything, but Ella just waves her hand to indicate she’s fine. Ella needs a few moments to wallow in her misery. In the middle of her self pity, she feels someone land on the couch next to her.
“Ooooh you two are getting cozy,” Yuta comments.
Ella rolls her eyes. “It’s nothing. I’m nice to everyone.”
“You can lie as much as you want, but I know you better than that.” Yuta nudges her arm. “Really though, he’s a good guy. You guys are getting along. You obviously think he’s hot. I saw you chase after him and go to the kitchen.”
“Can we not talk about this right now? He’s the enemy. I have a bet to win.”
“Hate sex is a thing you know.”
“Don’t imagine that, please,” Ella groans, rubbing her forehead.
“Are you imagining it?” Yuta gives Ella a quizzical look. “You totally are! I won’t tell him. Do you. Or rather, do him.”
“Do who?” Jungwoo chimes in right as Ella picks up a pillow to smack Yuta while he’s laughing.
“The only thing I’m doing is going to the restroom,” Ella replies as she gets up.
Yuta continues laughing at his own joke and Ella smacks him with a pillow before she heads to the restroom to freshen up. The game is tied 1-1 and she really needs to channel some positive energy into Liverpool. She freshens up and grabs a bottle of water from the kitchen then settles back into the couch next to Jungwoo.
“Here. I got you some pizza.” Jungwoo hands her a plate with 2 slices of cheese pizza. “I can’t have you throw up on me.”
“Wow, that’s really all you care about?” Ella scoffs.
“I care about you! You should eat. Win or lose, your health is most important” Jungwoo replies. The pizza may have lost its oven fresh heat, but the gesture is still sweet. If she wasn’t trying to fight for her team's honor, Ella would probably kiss Jungwoo.
“Thanks,” Ella meekly says as she turns her attention to the pizza. She hopes he can’t see her blush while she’s nibbling on the pizza.
The second half starts and Ella’s nerves are back. Both teams are picking up momentum and creating chances for a goal. Feeling her stomach churn every time either side attempts to score, Ella puts the pizza on the coffee table. She nervously taps her foot and hopes Liverpool can keep possession if they can’t score a goal.
“Have you thought about what you want if you win?” Jungwoo tries to break the tension. He leans back into the couch.
“No, have you?” Ella asks. Following Jungwoo’s actions, she leans back too.
Jungwoo looks like he’s in deep thought when the game commentator starts screaming. They bring their attention back to the TV and watch Manchester City score their 2nd goal in the 88th minute.
“OH FUCK.” Ella deflates on the couch. Jungwoo is high-fiving everyone, almost spilling Taeyong’s beer on him.
“Well, that’s it then,” Jungwoo says. He plops down on the couch
“There’s still extra time.” Ella knows it’s unlikely to win, but if Liverpool can scrap up a draw, then maybe she might have some hope.
“Don’t worry. Even if I win the bet, you’ll still feel like a winner too,” Jungwoo says with a playful look.
The remaining minutes of the game are uneventful and Man City grabs the win, much to Jungwoo’s delight. Jungwoo spreads his arms inviting Ella in for a hug. Ella shoves his shoulder away instead.
“Aww don’t be like that! That’s not good sportsmanship. Or sportswomanship!” Jungwoo complains. He slowly inches closer to Ella. She rolls her eyes and finally relents. She would be lying if she didn’t admit that Jungwoo gave great hugs. Yuta looks over in their direction and gives Ella a look that says he’s definitely interrogating her later. 
“There you go! That’s the spirit!” Jungwoo commends, patting her back.
“Congratulations. Have you thought about what you want?” Ella asks 
“Already in a rush to claim the prize?”
“I’m pretty sure you won and it’s your prize.”
“Oh, don’t be like that. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it just as much as I will!” Ella feels nervous as Jungwoo takes his time to contemplate what to ask for.
“Don’t leave me in suspense!” 
“Okay! Okay!” Jungwoo raises his hands in defense. “My first reward is that we exchange numbers.”
She hands Jungwoo her phone and watches him add his number. He texts himself from her phone to make sure he has her number too. Ella was hoping for something grander, but she’ll settle for that now. A part of her was hoping he wouldn’t stick to being a gentleman as he said before.
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The rest of the weekend passes by in a blur and Ella finds herself back at work too soon for her liking. She’s looking through her email inbox when Yuta comes in and smacks her on the shoulder.
“Good morning!” Yuta shouts at her. He plops down on her desk, causing a few stray papers to crumple. Ella opens her mouth to complain until Yuta shoves an iced coffee in her face.
“Thanks Yuta. I desperately need caffeine,” Ella says, taking the iced coffee from Yuta.
“Soooo tell me about you weekend, my dear friend.” 
“I did laundry on Sunday.”
“And Saturday.” Yuta gives her a pointed look as he sips his coffee.
“I was at your house to watch a Liverpool match,” Ella deadpans. She knows he’s trying to weasel all the gossip out of her. 
“Yes, tell me more. More than just the game and where you were. Tell me all the other details.”
“What are you trying to get at?” Ella squints at Yuta. She knows what he’s after
“This development of you and Jungwoo. Don’t think we didn’t notice!” 
Ella rolls her eyes and turns back to her laptop. “Thanks for the coffee, Yuta. These emails aren’t going to delete themselves.”
“Don’t ignore me! I’ll get my answers at lunch!” Yuta gets up and leaves to his desk on the other side of the divider in front of Ella.
Ella turns back to her email. She has a few design mockup requests from clients she needs to get to this week. Some clients were better with their requirements than others. She was already dreading the long email chains and meeting after meeting with clients who couldn’t describe their requirements well. She knows at some point during the week she has to set up some time to work with Yuta on a project for one of their bigger clients. She knew the cat would be out of the bag by then and Yuta’s nosiness would only get worse.
Jungwoo (9:02 AM): Good morning beautiful ❤️
Ella feels a little flustered seeing Jungwoo call her beautiful.
“Thank God Yuta left already,” Ella thinks to herself. If he saw the message, he’d never let her live in peace.
Ella and Jungwoo spent the entire Sunday texting back and forth, but Yuta didn’t need to know that. She learned that he’s a Mechanical Engineer, which she hadn't expected at all. They talked a lot about their lives and interests. Ella was glad she was getting to know him better and didn’t let a football rivalry get in their way.
Ella (9:03 AM): Good morning! Don’t you have work to do?
Jungwoo (9:03 AM): But I like talking to you!!!!! Talk to me!!!!!
Ella (9:10 AM): Can’t right now. Maybe in a few hours? Yuta is going to grill me at lunch 💀
Jungwoo (9:11 AM): I’m bigger than him. I’ll hurt him!!!
Ella turns her phone face down and turns back to her laptop. She has a design draft halfway completed that she wants to get done before lunch. She puts her hair up in a messy bun and gets back to work.
Lunch time comes around sooner than anticipated. Yuta’s head pops up from the other side of the divider.
“Ready for lunch? I’m starving,” Yuta announces as he stretches.
“Yeah let’s go. Poke?” Ella suggests. She grabs her purse and phone and walks towards the door.
“You read my mind!” Yuta follows closely behind.
They complain about their workload on their short walk over to the Poke restaurant. Although it was nice they had a constant stream of clients, they needed more designers to balance the workload. After ordering their food, they settle down at a table by the window. 
“It’s so nice outside. It’s criminal that we have to work indoors,” Ella comments as she digs in.
“Hmm, yeah,” Yuta gives a short reply, as he scarfs down his food. “Enough about that. Now tell me about Jungwoo!”
“What do you mean ‘tell me about Jungwoo’? He’s your friend! You know more about him than I do!” Ella replies. She knows what he’s getting at, but refuses to give into his demands for gossip so quickly.
“You know what I mean! You two have something going on!”
Ella rolls her eyes. “It’s not like that! We just had a bit of friendly competition and banter on Saturday and we’ve been talking.”
“Uh huh, right. ‘Banter’. Next thing you know, you’ll end up in bed together!” Yuta accuses, pointing his fork at Ella.
“Can’t you keep it down! We’re in public!” Ella whispers.
“Everyone could do with some gossip on a boring Monday.” Yuta shrugs. “Whatever is going on with you two, I approve.”
“God, you're not my dad!” Ella rubs her forehead. She knows Yuta isn’t going to let this conversation go easily.
“Thank God for that!” Yuta agrees. “Anyway, all of this was part of my master plan anyway. I guess Johnny was too tall. Taeyong was too pretty. Jungwoo is slightly shorter and I guess slightly less pretty.”
“Johnny and Taeyong are also very much taken,” Ella points out. “And why are you insulting Jungwoo behind his back?”
“I’m not! There’s no point in being the tallest or prettiest. He has the right amount of both,” Yuta explains, shoving the last spoonful of his Poke in his mouth.
“I’m going to expect updates!” Yuta says. He gets up to throw away his empty bowl and trash.
Ella looks at her phone notifications and sees 10 texts from Jungwoo. She’ll have to read them once she’s back at her desk. She can’t risk Yuta’s prying eyes seeing the messages. Once Yuta’s back, they leave and take their post-lunch walk before they head back into the office.
After she settles back into her chair, Ella pulls out her phone and goes through Jungwoo’s messages. The texts have jumped from 10 unread to 20 unread messages. Most of the texts are of Jungwoo sulking about Ella ignoring his texts.
Ella (1:10 PM): Sorry, just got back from lunch with Yuta
Jungwoo (1:11 PM): I thought you ghosted me! But I forgive you. I don’t want you to starve.
Jungwoo (1:11 PM): What was he grilling you about?
Ella (1:12 PM): You duh lol
Jungwoo (1:12 PM): ME??
Ella (1:13 PM): Actually about us
Jungwoo (1:14 PM): He’s just jealous. He doesn’t have what we have.
Ella (1:15 PM): What? Soccer rivalry?
Jungwoo (1:16 PM): OK that and he’s not as hot as us
Ella takes a moment to think how to reply when she sees Jungwoo typing again. She decides to wait and see what he says before replying.
Jungwoo (1:18 PM): Speaking of us…I believe I’m owed a 2nd wish. Let’s grab dinner Friday night? At the new Brazilian Steakhouse you mentioned?
Ella (1:20 PM): Sure! I’ll meet you there at 7?
Jungwoo (1:20 PM): It’s a date 😉
Ella feels butterflies thinking about their date. Suddenly all of her work seems a lot less important than planning her attire for her date. She makes a mental note to go through her closet as soon as she gets home.
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Fortunately, the work week breezes by quickly. Unfortunately, it’s Friday afternoon and Ella still hasn't decided what to wear on her date. Although they aren’t dining at a formal restaurant, Ella wants to dress up a little this time. Sorting through her dresses, she finally settles on an off-the-shoulder forest green dress that sits right above her knee.
With her outfit picked out she does her makeup. She decides to do a bronze smokey eye to accentuate the bronze glow of her skin and complement the color of the dress. Ella decided to do a nude mauve lip. She curls her black hair into even waves and sets the waves with hairspray. After she’s done with hair and makeup, she changes into her dress. After surveying her look in the mirror, she decides to put some bronzer and highlighter on her collarbones to accentuate them. After she’s satisfied with her work, she checks the time -- 6:15 PM. She had to put her jewelry and shoes on now if she wanted to be on time. 
Ella picks out a pair of golden strappy stilettos to wear with the dress. She accessorizes her outfit with gold hoop earrings and several gold bangles on her right wrist. She does a final check in the mirror and is finally satisfied with her appearance. This look definitely had the glam factor to balance her casual look from last Saturday. 
Grabbing her purse, Ella rushes out of her apartment to meet her Uber. The Uber ride takes about 25 minutes and Ella arrives at 6:55 PM. She sees Jungwoo check in with the host as she walks into the restaurant. When Jungwoo turns around and sees Ella walk in, she notices his eyes widening. 
“Wow.” Jungwoo keeps scanning her from head to toe.
“Hello to you too, Jungwoo,” Ella greets. She giggles at his reaction.
“I forgive you for being a Liverpool fan. I might even become a Liverpool fan now,” Jungwoo replies. He comes closer to give her a hug. Ella laughs and smacks Jungwoo’s arm away.
“I tried to look good for you too!” Jungwoo points to himself. He did look good. He’s wearing a beige sweater, which accentuates his wide shoulders, and black jeans.
“Okay fine, you look good too,” Ella says, going in to give him a hug.
“Of course I do. I did it all for you,” Jungwoo whispers in her ear. Ella buries her face in his chest hoping he doesn’t notice her blushing.
“Sir, your table is ready,” their host announces. They jump apart quickly and follow the host to their table. Ella keeps her head down to hide her embarrassment as she makes her way to the table.
The host explains to them how the ordering will work. The waiters will come around with different cuts of meat and give them a slice. They each get a green card and red card - green to indicate to the waiter they would like more meat and red to indicate they don’t. They both order a glass of red wine. While they wait for their wine to arrive, their waiter serves them a basket of Pão de Queijo, Brazilian cheese bread, and their salads.
“You know, I’m really surprised you’re a Mechanical Engineer,” Ella says before taking a bite of Pão de Queijo. The bread tastes like a deliciously cheesy cloud and she has to stop herself from moaning.
“Why? Do I look dumb?” Jungwoo asks, holding his Pão de Queijo next to his pouting lips.
“No, no! That’s not what I mean! It’s just that you look, I don’t know, you’re tall and handsome.” Ella hopes she didn’t offend him.
“Just say you think I’m really hot. Is a hot nerd one of your fantasies?” Jungwoo teases.
“Let’s see if you get to find out,” Ella says with a glint in her eye. She isn’t going to let him win so easily.
A waiter comes by with some meat and they start piling up their plates. They compare which cuts and marinades they like the most. 
“Say ‘aah’. Let me put this meat in you,” Jungwoo
Ella leans back and gives him a pointed look. 
“What? You don’t want my meat?” Jungwoo asks suggestively.
“Just that little piece?” Ella leans forward and whispers, “You need to give a girl the full experience.”
Jungwoo chuckles. “I was waiting for you to ask, babe.”
Jungwoo leans over and places the meat closer to Ella’s mouth. Ella looks into Jungwoo's eyes and bites the meat off the fork. She leans back and slowly chews. They seem to be having a staring contest, which neither wants to lose. Ella slides her right foot slowly up his left leg while maintaining eye contact. Her foot makes it up to his thigh before Jungwoo squirms and closes his eyes.
“That’s cheating!” Jungwoo grabs her ankle.
“Hey, no one said there were rules.” Ella laughs.
“Babe, you don’t want to play dirty with me,” Jungwoo warns. He slowly moves his hand up her calf.
“Maybe I do.” Ella smirks and drinks the last bit of her wine. “I came here to win.”
“Your place or mine? I’ll grab the bill now or I’ll do you right here.” Jungwoo leans over, letting go of her leg.
“Mine. I’ll call an Uber,” Ella replies. Her clothes were probably strewn everywhere in the bedroom, but at least the rest of her apartment was spotless. She couldn’t be as sure about Jungwoo’s place and didn’t want the potential mess to ruin her night.
Jungwoo gently places a kiss on her cheek and walks over to a waiter to pay their bill. Once he’s out of sight, Ella pops a mint in her mouth and requests an Uber. Jungwoo comes back soon and they leave the restaurant hand in hand.
Their Uber arrives a minute after they leave the restaurant. Ella rests her left hand on Jungwoo’s thigh. She teases him the whole ride by slowly moving her hand up his thigh and giving his thigh light squeezes. Jungwoo silently curses and grabs her hand to prevent her from going any higher. Fortunately, they arrive at Ella’s apartment sooner than their estimated time and they scramble out of their Uber quickly.
“Thank God! Another minute in there and I would’ve started making out wit you in the back seat!” Jungwoo exhales.
“Can’t keep it in, huh? You’re really playing to lose,” Ella comments. 
Jungwoo stands behind her and grabs her hips. “If it means we’ll take our clothes off sooner, I’ll gladly lose.”
She giggles at his impatience and quickly types in her apartment code.
“Just a few more minutes. And no funny business in the elevators. I can’t have a Man City fan ruining my rep in public,” Ella jokingly warns.
Jungwoo back hugs Ella and moves close to her ear to whisper, “Don’t worry. I like to do my ruining in private.”
Ella giggles as they make their way into the elevator and presses the “5” button for her floor. Thankfully, the elevator goes straight to her floor and they’re at her door soon. Ella tries to focus on opening the door while Jungwoo is pressing light kisses to her neck. Finally, she finally manages to get the door open despite the distractions. Jungwoo pushes them in and quickly pins her to the door, causing it to slam closed.
“Fucking finally!” Jungwoo shouts.
Jungwoo dives in for a kiss. He slides his hand up from her cheek and grabs her hair. Ella can feel the pent up frustrations from the way he deepens the kiss. He breaks their kiss to trail soft kisses down her neck sending shockwaves of pleasure through Ella. He finds the sensitive spot on her neck and begins sucking. His actions make Ella quiver, causing him to smirk.
“Fuck, Jungwoo,” Ella moans.
“Where’s your bedroom?” Jungwoo asks.
She points to the closed door on the opposite side of the apartment. Jungwoo goes to lift her up, before she stops him.
“I’d fuck you in these stilettos, but shoes on my bed are an absolute no.” Ella starts untying her right shoe. As good as her whole look was, she was now wishing she opted for easier shoes to get out of.
“We’ll do that somewhere else next time, Princess.” Jungwoo bends down and helps her out of her other shoe.
Once Ella’s shoes are off, Jungwoo throws her over her shoulder and heads to her bedroom. He pushes her door open and throws her on the bed. He makes quick work of taking off his sweater. Ella gasps at how ripped he is. She had felt through his clothes he was toned, but seeing his abs up close was a different kind of thrill.
Jungwoo hovers above Ella and gives her shoulder light kisses.
“Where’s the zipper?” Jungwoo asks.
Ella takes his right hand and leads it to the zipper on the back of her dress. He hastily unzips her dress, almost breaking the zipper. She slips out and tosses the dress to the side onto the pile of rejected clothes for their date. Ella unhooks her strapless bra and tosses aside as well.
“God, since I saw you in this dress, I wanted nothing more than to take it off,” Jungwoo confesses.
“Well, are you going to do anything or just talk?” Ella questions. She crawls back to Jungwoo on the bed.
Jungwoo laughs before he seals their lips. This time he moves slower, relishing the feeling of her pouty lips against his. Ella tugs his lip and lightly swipes his lower lip with her tongue to push him to pick up the pace.
“Anxious?” Jungwoo questions. He begins to trail kisses down her neck, chest and torso. He softly licks below her belly button to the hem of her underwear before he slides her underwear off. He moves his fingers down her folds, feeling her wetness.
“So wet already. You really want me, huh.” Jungwoo continues rubbing his fingers on her folds to tease her.
She gives his head a light shove, inciting a laugh from Jungwoo. He slowly rubs her clit, causing her to tremble. She arches her back when she feels him lick up her pussy. His tongue focuses on licking her clit as he slowly inserts a finger. She tangles her fingers in his hair giving it a slight tug encouraging him to continue. He adds another finger and pumps his fingers faster. The sensations drive Ella to dig her heels into Jungwoo’s back. 
Jungwoo slips his fingers out causing Ella to whine. He begins kissing her while he reaches down to unbuckle his belt and slip his jeans off. Ella slides her hand down his abs, caressing his solid muscles. Her hand makes its way down to his boxers, feeling his hardness through the fabric. 
“Don’t worry about that,” Jungwoo says. He shakes her hand off and hastily takes off his boxers. 
“I just want to be inside you already.” He gives his already hard cock a few strokes. “Condom?”
Ella points to her night stand. Jungwoo quickly rips open the packet and puts on the condom.
“I’ve been ready for hours.” Ella grabs the back of Jungwoo’s head and gives him a kiss. 
Jungwoo breaks the kiss and laughs at Ella’s impatience. Ella leans back on a pillow and Jungwoo places soft kisses on her shoulder before he lines himself up to her entrance. He slowly enters Ella’s pussy.
“God,” Ella moans. Her toes curl from the pleasure she feels.
“Keep calling me your God. I’m going to fuck you like one.” 
Jungwoo picks up the pace and thrusts deeper each time. The sensations cause Ella to wrap her legs around Jungwoo’s hips, trying to feel more of him. He reaches down to rub her clit, causing Ella to shake in pleasure. Ella feels her orgasm building up and digs her nails deeper in his back.
“I’m gonna come,” Ella’s voice comes out in a whisper.
Jungwoo rubs her clit faster and her orgasm finally hits her. Her pussy pulses as she rides out her orgasm. Jungwoo thrusting becomes more erratic and he takes a few more strokes before he comes too. He collapses on top of her after he’s done, almost crushing Ella's body. She’s reeling with the sensations of her orgasm and how much bigger he is than her. Jungwoo gets up after he catches his breath and discards the used condom in the bin. He slips back into the bed and snuggles close to Ella. They lay entangled together, basking in each other’s presence.
“If you won, what would you have wished for?” Jungwoo asks, after he places a soft kiss on Ellas lips.
“You really want to know that?” Ella raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I can handle it.”
Ella laughs. “I would’ve just asked to fuck.”
Jungwoo gasps. “Seriously? Did you think I was that easy? I told you I’m a gentleman!”
“You just said you wanted to rip my clothes off at the restaurant!”
“But we got to know each other first at least!”
“Whatever you say, Jungwoo. I’m sleepy. We can discuss our kinks in the morning.” Ella curls up closer to Jungwoo.
“After the Man City match.” Jungwoo muffles into her hair.
“NO! You’re not watching that trash here!” Ella shoves Jungwoo away.
“Please? We can go for round 2 before and I’ll get us breakfast.” Jungwoo pleads.
Ella contemplates for a moment. “I’ll think about it. Now let me sleep.”
Ella cuddles up to Jungwoo and rests her head on his shoulder. Maybe sleeping with the enemy wasn’t such a bad idea.
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tenspontaneite · 3 years
The Ceracurist (Chapter 1/?)
Rayla has been at university for nearly three months, trying and failing to take care of her horn upkeep alone, before she admits defeat and goes to visit a professional horn salon.
It ends up being somewhat less of a terrible experience than she expects.
(“You’re human?” She blurted, unthinking, and the smile he’d been wearing went momentarily fixed. A little more professional than it was genuine. Then he huffed, an easy laugh, and she felt herself go red around the ears.
“What gave it away?” Her ceracurist asked, dry, his grin a little lopsided.
Rayla stared, taken off-guard, and gestured expansively at his entire body.)
(Chapter length: 6k. Ao3 link)
Rayla pushed through the doors of the salon with a bearing that would have been better suited for heading into battle. Regrettably, there was no one she could legally fight here, so she slunk cautiously in, grimacing at what she saw. She might have hoped to find somewhere to lurk and get her bearings unnoticed, but there was no hiding in that open and well-lit reception area, and no disguising the way that the bell on the door chimed cheerfully at her passing. It was altogether a terrible start to what she fully expected would be a mortifying experience.
A Sunfire elf looked up from the desk and smiled. Their dark skin and hair was typical enough, but the horns caught her eye; she stared for a second before she could avert her gaze. Far from the usual plain gleam of Sunfire horns, these had been carved into elaborate patterns and dyed in an astonishing gradient of red and purple. She’d never seen anything like it outside of the mageskein, or maybe the cover of a magazine. “Welcome!” the elf chirped, friendly. “Do you have an appointment?” Beside them, on the desk, a potted melodaisy sang a tune that she vaguely recognised. It was weirdly anachronistic to find melodaisy music in a place as modern-looking as this.
Rayla stopped short, tension locking her joints. Her neck prickled with self-consciousness. “...Do I need one?” she asked, after a moment, with an edge to her voice. She eyed the door, already wanting desperately to escape. Shouldn’t have listened to Ethari, she thought morosely. This had been a bad idea from the start.
The receptionist inspected her, and in that moment Rayla was entirely certain that they knew exactly what she was about. It was unnerving, the calculating weight of that look. Then it passed, and they waved dismissively. “If you wanted something complex done, yes. But I’m guessing that’s not what you’re here for.”
She gave serious thought to the idea of just...walking out. She could do that, right? But then she’d have to explain the cowardice, such that it was, whenever she next called her family. And what a stupid thing this would be to lose her nerve over. “No.” She agreed grumpily.
“Touch up?” The receptionist questioned. “Basic buff and polish?”
Her shoulders hunched. “Just the filing and buffing,” she relented, in the end. “I’m not here for anything fancy.”
“Polishing is part of our standard service, I’m afraid. Nothing fancy about it, as far as we’re concerned.” The Sunfire elf smiled at her in a placating sort of way. It grated. “Why don’t you go take a seat and I’ll see who’s available?” they gestured at the row of seats, smartly upholstered, arrayed along the wall. Again, Rayla eyed the door. This was apparently noticed. “It’s alright, we’re used to first-timers,” they assured her, already receding from the desk and heading for the door into the salon proper. “It’s really not that scary. Just wait a minute, alright? I’ll be right back.”
They couldn’t have known it. Or maybe they did? But Rayla heard ‘scary’ and stiffened before she could help it, setting her jaw. Very stubbornly indeed, she stalked over to one of the chairs and planted herself in it, staring grimly at the assorted posters and advertisements on the walls. They were, of course, largely advertising different things one could have done to one’s horns. Because this was a horn salon. A horn salon that her entire family had suggested, implied, or outright stated she desperately needed the services of.
It wasn’t her fault that it was hard to get to the undersides of her horns on her own. Even using a complex set of mirrors, working on what you couldn’t see was decidedly challenging. She’d filed off the nasty parts, but apparently, that wasn’t good enough, and she looked unkempt, and undignified, and how do you ever expect to follow your parents into their line of work looking like that, Rayla-
“Ugh,” she muttered to herself, disgruntled, and folded her arms. She glared at a poster that implored her to, in very bold and cheerful lettering, ‘Ask about horn art today!’. Rayla had absolutely no intention of asking about horn art today.
While she was waiting, a Skywing elf emerged from the same door the receptionist had entered, and approached the desk curiously. He turned to her, and as he did, the light caught on his horns. “Did the receptionist leave?” He asked, and Rayla tried very hard not to stare. Not only did this elf have elaborate patterns carved into the horns, but there was – some sort of silvery metallic inlay in there, gleaming bright and almost liquid in the daylight filtering through the window. She hadn’t even known people did that. It was startlingly striking.
“Er,” she said, and “yeah, I think they’ll be back in a minute, though.” The unfamiliar elf accepted this agreeably enough, and stood by the desk to wait.
Sure enough, the receptionist returned in short order, pausing briefly in the doorway to do a double-take at the man waiting there. “Oh, so that’s why he was free,” they muttered to themself, just about loud enough for Rayla’s excellent ears to pick up. More loudly, they said “Tairas! You look fantastic! Glad you decided to try the metallics after all?”
The elf, evidently some sort of repeat customer, chuckled at them as they strode back up to the counter. “Yeah, I wasn’t sure at first, but-“ he waved expressively at his horns. “-wow, right? You’ve got some serious talent working here.”
“We’re very glad to have him, yes,” agreed the receptionist, and then conducted what ended up being a rapid exchange of a staggering amount of currency. Apparently, fancy horn-decorating did not come cheap. Rayla glanced uneasily at the price lists on the walls to reassure herself that what she was here for wouldn’t be so extortionate. Finally, the customer with the fancy metal-patterned horns left, and the receptionist approached her again. “Well, you’re in luck, Callum finished up with Tairas just in time for you,” they told her. “So I can take you through now.”
“Great.” Rayla said, unenthusiastically, and the receptionist snickered at her.
With a friendly pat on her shoulder, they said “It’ll be fine, trust me. And Callum’s one of our best ceracurists anyway, so you’ll be in good hands.”
The words didn’t soothe her. They’d be stranger’s hands, no matter their skill; that was what had unsettled her. Of course it was what had unsettled her. What else?
Still. She supposed if she had to have a stranger’s hands on her horns, at the very least it could be a stranger who knew what they were doing. Rayla sighed, resigned, and followed the receptionist through to the treatment area. She entered a long corridor with yet more doors arrayed along it; some further down its length marked ‘staff only’, others nearer and unadorned. The receptionist took her into the closest, revealing a large room lined with curtained-off booths. The sounds were precisely what she’d expected; the buzz of a half dozen electric buffers in operation, the hum of voices, the shuffling of feet. She could smell keratin dust and horn polish on the air. Horn oil, too.
It ought to have unsettled her further, and it did, a little. But the sight of the curtains had soothed her at once, with all their attendant implications of privacy. Somehow, she’d anticipated something far more open, where she had the sight to go with the sound of however-many elves having their horns groomed. She’d anticipated that others would be able to see her, sat beneath the ministrations of a ceracurist who she didn’t even know.
It had been a stupid expectation, in retrospect. For all that it was more common in the larger cities for elves to see a ceracurist when they needed to, they still had their dignity. Of course there’d be booths. Of course they wouldn’t be able to see each other. Of course.
Her relief at the realisation sustained her until she was led a little further down the room. Only one booth was open and empty, and within it she saw what she expected: a chair, a basin, a mirror. A table of tools. There was no one waiting there for her, but she tensed regardless.
“He’ll be here soon,” reassured the receptionist, as if mistaking the source of her anxiety. “He’s just changing. The metallurgy is careful work, you know.”
She didn’t know, in fact. She didn’t particularly care, either. “Right.” she said, terse, and eventually allowed herself to be prodded over to the waiting chair. Stiffly, she sat. And then the receptionist left her there to wait.
It didn’t take long. On-edge as she was, her ears twitched at the footsteps in the corridor long before anyone entered the room; she traced their approach, staring at the sight of her own terse expression in the mirror. Then, finally, the person drew near enough to pause at the edge of her booth. She could see the edge of their body in the mirror, wearing some sort of dark apron over a uniform.
“Hey there,” he said, friendly, and there was the sound of a curtain being drawn. “So you’re my surprise appointment, huh?”
“Suppose so,” Rayla muttered, eyes on her hands as they tightened in her lap. She still hadn’t looked. She didn’t really want to look at him. This was the person who’d be handling her horns. A stranger. She wasn’t quite ready to put a face to the voice yet. But, ready or not…he stepped into view.
Startled, she blinked up at him, and registered several things in rapid succession. The hair was a little surprising; brown, but smooth in a way you didn’t often get with Sunfire or Earthblood elves, and his skin was pale. Eyes a pleasant forest-green. Cute, Rayla’s mind supplied after a moment, as though to distract herself from the far more obvious conclusion of-
“You’re human?” She blurted, unthinking, and the smile he’d been wearing went momentarily fixed. A little more professional than it was genuine. Then he huffed, an easy laugh, and she felt herself go red around the ears.
“What gave it away?” Her ceracurist asked, dry, his grin a little lopsided.
Rayla stared, taken off-guard, and gestured expansively at his entire body. The lack of horns, the rounded ears, the – the five-finger hands, so strange in their shape that for a moment she couldn’t pull her eyes from them. It wasn’t as if she’d never seen humans before. But these circumstances were weird.
“Yeah, that’s fair.” He acknowledged. He stepped up to the table of assorted tools, inspecting them, and nodded before returning his eyes to her. Again that lopsided smile. “Don’t worry, though. I promise I’m good at my job, even if I don’t have my own horns to practice on.”
Her face burned, blood flushing hot in her veins at the sudden and abrupt reminder of what she was here for. Of what he was here for. “…Is that something people worry about?” She found herself asking, struck by how practiced those words had seemed, like he’d said them – or some variation of them – a great many times.
“Eh, sometimes.” He shrugged, then went over to pull the rest of the curtains closed. “It’s not something people expect, anyway. A human ceracurist, I mean.”
“I definitely didn’t,” she muttered, not quite under her breath, and he snickered.
“It’s okay, I’m used to it.” He offered a smile, and then – to her surprise – a short polite bow, in the human style, fist clasped over his heart. She’d not seen anyone do that since she was a child. “I’m Callum, by the way. Nice to meet you.”
Thoughts suddenly muddled by some very old memories, she blinked, then nodded cautiously. “Rayla.” She hesitated. “Same?” Under the circumstances, she shouldn’t have found it nice to meet him. But, unaccountably, she did.
“Is it okay if we get started?” He asked then, nodding to his table of implements. “Don’t want to hurry you, but this does take a while.”
Whatever ease she’d managed to find in the brief conversation abruptly fled her, and she went still and wordless. She glanced at him, at his face, for all of a second before the mortification overcame her and she had to hide behind her hands. “Moon above,” she muttered, into her palms, shoulders hunching. “Ugh.”
There was a pause. “You alright there?” His voice was only half joking.
“…Yeah.” She said eventually, and forced her hands down. “Just…”
He sounded sympathetic. “Never had your horns done outside the family, huh?” She made some sort of affirmative noise, and he nodded understandingly. “It’s okay, we get a lot of that here. If it helps, just remember that it’s a professional setting, and doesn’t come with the normal implications, okay?”
She sighed. “I’ll do my best.” Despite that resolution, though, she still couldn’t help the embarrassed grumble when he draped a gown around her front and shoulders, ostensibly to shield her clothes from horn debris, and leaned the chair she was in back towards the basin.
“Do you prefer to have a hair-shield on, or to have your hair washed afterwards?” He asked, after a moment, and she balked. She hadn’t even realised that was an option. But – of course, otherwise people would have to leave the salon with their hair wet with horn-oil and full of disgusting keratin dust and flakes…
“Hair shield,” she opted, quickly, and he hummed his agreement.
“No problem.” He pulled something from the table with a rustling noise. “Does mean I won’t be able to get at the first centimetre or so of your horns, though, so keep that in mind.”
Worth it, she thought. It was something of a mercy, even. The horns themselves were just insensate keratin on the outsides…but the skin at the beds? That was sensitive. She’d be glad to avoid that particular intimacy.
Even as she thought it, the ceracurist lowered something over one of her horns, and then the other, perceptible by the light and gentle weight grazing over them. She went utterly still, and peered up to try to see in the mirror what he was doing. It was a kind of…hood, or shroud, with two horn-holes in it. And some sort of drawstring around both holes. She watched with a bizarre and anxious tension as he pressed the hood down and then tightened the drawstrings around the base of her horns until they were flush with the hornbeds.
Then, visible in the mirror, he paused and looked her horns over. His expression didn’t change much, but she could see the minute lift of his eyebrows. Her face burned. “Been a while,” she offered, by way of explanation for the state of them, and she saw his smile in the reflection.
“You’ve done a pretty good job by yourself, really.” He said generously, dipping something into the basin with a distinct watery splash. “The oversides are pretty neatly filed.” Briefly, there was the lightest sensation of weight on her right horn, like he’d touched a fingertip to it. A shiver of apprehension stiffened her shoulders. “You’ve done this ridge a bit flat, though. And the undersides…” He paused, like he couldn’t think of anything charitable to say on that moment’s notice.
Rayla closed her eyes, embarrassed and unnerved at once. “Ugh.”
“They’re hard to get to, I know,” he soothed, and then planted a wet soapy cloth on the horn in question. “It’s okay. I can fix it up.”
She sighed, neck prickling with tension. “Sure.”
The next few minutes she sat silently warring with her impulse to twitch at every touch on her horns. Given the ceracurist spent said minutes washing those horns, this was a considerable challenge. The sensation of heat from warm water radiating through the keratin wasn’t unfamiliar, and neither was the scrub of the brush – but she’d never experienced either outside the company of family before. It was unsettling. Reminding herself that it was professional didn’t help that, either – all it did was calm the flush in her cheeks a little.
“I’m guessing you moved here recently, then.” The ceracurist – Callum – said after a while. “Away from family.”
She startled a little, and glanced at his reflection in the mirror. As best she could, anyway, with her head tipped mostly backwards. Her nose obstructed most of her view from this angle. “…Yeah. Few months back.”
He paused. “You’re a student?” He guessed, and she supposed it wasn’t a difficult leap to make. She was the right age, this part of the city was packed with students, and the first term had started nearly three months ago in March. The conclusion was obvious. She offered a vague hum of agreement to confirm it, and he was silent for a while. “That’s actually kind of impressive,” he said at last. “Most of the other new students with tricky horns gave up trying to do it themselves after like, a month. Not three. You’ve been managing pretty well.”
Rayla snorted. “Tricky horns?” She repeated, ignoring the rest for now, and he huffed at her.
“Moonshadow, Skywing, you know. Tricky horns.” He elaborated. She could practically hear the smile in his voice. “The Sunfire elves manage pretty well, theirs are simple enough.”
“And meanwhile we have the most annoying kind of all,” Rayla muttered, of her own race. “Stupid ridges and all.”
“Well, if you’ve not seen a Skywing elf when they’re casting their shells, maybe hold off on making that call.” He sounded amused. “But yeah, you guys don’t exactly have it easy. We get a lot of Moonshadow elves coming in here for horn help.”
“Mostly. But there’s other elves around who don’t have anyone in their personal lives they’d trust enough, too. So they come here.” He removed the brush, wiped her horns off, and went for a distinctive tool on the table. An electric buffer. Considerably faster and more effective than doing it by hand, she knew, but they were expensive enough that a lot of elves didn’t have one. Her family had, though. They all shared the tools. So she knew what to expect.
The noise of it started up, and accordingly their conversation dwindled. She felt the buzz of the buffer against her right horn a moment later, angled carefully into one of the ridges there. As always, the sensation hummed straight through the keratin to the vaguely-sensitive skin beneath; it tingled. The next while passed like that, with the ceracurist occasionally sitting her up and coaxing her to move her head this way or that to get better angles on her horns, paying particular attention to the neglected undersides. She didn’t even want to think about how many keratin flakes must be littering the gown he’d put on her.
Her inner-horn had gone thoroughly numb from the vibrations by the time he switched the buffer off and set it aside to get the cloth again. “I’ll just wipe this down and go for a second run, then do the same on your other horn, alright?” He said, soothingly, probably seeing how she twitched at every motion, uncertain what he’d do next.
She tried to relax a little. It was uncomfortable, yes, but…this was his job, and it – that was all it was. Plenty of elves had their horns done by ceracurists. It was fine. “Right.” She muttered, and tried not to flinch when she felt the weight of the cloth on her horn again. More to distract herself than anything else, she asked “How long have you been doing this?” Except, once she’d actually asked, she was curious. How did a human even end up working in a horn salon? Why was he in an elven city in the first place?
The ceracurist huffed, and said, impishly, “This? Probably coming up to ten minutes, so far.” He tapped her horn cheerfully, as if to indicate it, and went back to wiping. Her cheeks heated instantly; she couldn’t exactly help it, with that very direct reminder that he was touching her horns.
She rolled her eyes anyway. “Ha-ha,” she said, dryly, and he snickered at her.
“About two years, now.” He relented after a moment. “I’m only in a few times a week, but, eh. It’s a hobby. And I get paid for it, so.” He shrugged, then went for the buffer again. Accordingly, there was no more talking for a while, but in that interim her interest grew. He looked around her age, or maybe even younger…and he’d been doing this for years?
She’d assumed, from his accent, that he came from one of the human countries. Possibly even Katolis, though she wasn’t great at telling the different West Xadia accents apart. But if he’d been living here for years…was he a resident? Long-term? That was rare. The curiosity nagged at her enough that she half-forgot the embarrassment of having her horns handled by a stranger, and when he put the buffer down again, she said “You don’t have a Gullcrest accent.”
“That’s probably one of the politest ways anyone’s tried to ask me where I’m from,” he mused, and for a second she felt like an absolute racist boor before he waved dismissively at her. He explained “It’s fine, people get curious, I don’t mind. I didn’t grow up here or anything, I just came for the university.”
Rayla startled. “You’re a student?”
He smiled, and this time he looked decidedly proud of himself. “Mastery student, even.” He agreed cheerfully, and she stopped short, turning her head over her shoulder to squint at him. “You know, it’s hard to work on your horns if you’re facing me,” he told her, very reasonably, but she was busy inspecting his face. He had to be around the same age as her, surely. And he was on a masters degree?
“How old are you?” She demanded, suddenly completely uncertain of her ability to judge human ages.
The ceracurist looked pleased at the question, as if he relished every chance to show off the absurdly young age at which he was pursuing a mastery in…whatever it was he studied. “Eighteen.” He said, and then gently nudged her into turning around again. She made an incredulous face at him, but obliged after a moment. “How about you?”
“Nineteen,” she answered, distractedly, trying to parse the mystery of her ceracurist’s unlikely academic circumstances. Generally people were only allowed to pursue a mastery when they’d done an apprenticeship or undergraduate degree already, and those were never less than three years long. An apprenticeship, then? She couldn’t imagine a fifteen-year-old being let into the university…
Unceremoniously, the buzz of the buffer interrupted her thoughts and the conversation, so they fell quiet again. It was him who spoke first when he was done with the first pass on her other horn. “What are you studying?”
However logical it was as a follow-up question, it still caught her off-guard. “Er.” She scrambled for the name, mind suddenly blank. A moment later she supplied “Professional Security. And Tactics.”
“Huh.” He sounded bemused. “I know someone on that course, actually. He’s second year now.”
Rayla snorted. “How’s he finding it?”
“Says there’s way more math than he thinks is fair. And he thinks Professor Sadris is evil.”
That neatly matched her observations thus far, at least. “Sounds about right.” After that, the second buffing run silenced them again, and she was left in thought. What would a human be studying at Gullcrest at a mastery level? How long had he lived here? She’d seen a handful of humans at the university, but…well, they stood out. There weren’t a lot of them. Had she seen him before, perhaps? There was something weirdly familiar about him…
She was all set to come out and ask one of the dozen questions on her mind when the buffer stopped, but he just said “I’m about done with this now, so it’s onto the polishing next. That won’t take as long, but there probably will be horn-polish splatter, so…brace yourself, I guess.”
“Isn’t that what the hair shield is for?” She asked, neatly distracted, and was surprised to realise that most of her nerves had disappeared, somewhere between her curiosity and the human ceracurist’s efficient work.
“And the apron,” he agreed. “But it does still get messy. You want any colours?”
“Colour?” She echoed, disconcerted, and he seemed to understand what she was asking.
“Horn polish can come in colours, with dyes in it. It’s a really easy way to add colour to horns. If you’re just here for basic care, though, that’s fine.”
“Er.” She thought for a moment on that startling gradient of colour on the receptionist’s horns. Was that how theirs had been done, or was there some other method needed for something that striking? Either way… “No, no colours. Thanks, though?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. You’ve got a nice base horn colour, anyway.” He said, as if making comments like that was the most normal thing in the world. For a ceracurist, it might well be; but her cheeks flushed an instant and virulent red regardless. “It’s a good clear dark purple. It’ll look great when it’s polished up.”
Rayla wondered, amid her embarrassment, when she’d last seen her horns polished. Her parents did the buffing, sure, but polishing…not so much. It was a lot of work without the special oils and tools. She thought maybe they’d done it once, when she was pretty young, for one particular formal occasion. Aside from that, though… “I don’t even know what my horns look like polished,” she admitted, flustered, and he paused for a moment.
“Huh.” He said, just a little surprised. “Well, the colour goes darker, and a lot shinier. Looks really nice, I think. You’ll see.” And, with that, he uncapped the horn polish, the smell hitting her like a slap to the face. Her nose wrinkled, and she wondered how many times she’d have to wash her hair to get the residual stink of it out. The hair shield probably wouldn’t be able to keep all of it off, after all.
Her ceracurist seemed entirely oblivious to how awful the smell was at close range, but she supposed he’d had practice withstanding it. Either that, or he’d burned out his sense of smell in the first week of his alleged two years. She closed her eyes a couple of minutes in, the acrid reek of the stuff making them water and sting. It felt like she was dousing her sinuses with acid every time she inhaled.
Callum chuckled at her, as if he knew precisely what she was thinking. “The stuff we use is a lot stronger than what you’re probably used to.” He said cheerfully. “Has a pretty interesting smell, right?”
“It feels like it’s burning my nose,” she complained, lifting a hand to rub at it with annoyance. “And it’s making my eyes water.” The sensation was rather alike being too close to the epicentre of a very enthusiastic onion-chopping endeavour.
“Yeah, we have spells on to keep it out of our eyes so we can actually see what we’re doing,” Callum said, uncapping the bottle again. It decanted a fresh wave of acrid reek into the surrounding air. “It’s not harmful, though, just sort of stings. Plus, I’m only using the full-strength stuff because your horns haven’t been done in a long time. It’s a lot weaker when it’s just a normal touch-up.” Though she couldn’t see his face, she could practically hear the grin. “Come back a little sooner next time, and it won’t smell this bad.”
Come back? “Ugh,” she said, en lieu of addressing that statement properly, and fell quiet to ruminate disconcertedly on what he’d said. Come back? She hadn’t thought about it, but – of course, she’d need to come back. She was going to be at university for years, and would barely be home for any of that. If she didn’t want her horns to get disgusting again, trips like this would have to be an ongoing thing.
“Every month, is usually a good bet,” Callum said, as if she’d actually spoken the question that was suddenly on her mind. “Usually between half-moon and new moon is the best time for you guys. You get a lot more active keratin growth around full moon, so if you wait till later, the work we do will usually stay put until the next month.”
Rayla frowned at the mirror. “Do humans have some kind of mind-reading power I don’t know about?” Her tone was dry, for all that she was a little off-put at how well he could apparently read her. It…well, it was useful information, though. She hadn’t known that keratin grew faster around Full Moon, for all that it made sense. She wondered if she should be bothered by learning something about how her own horns worked from a human.
He snorted, but took a few seconds to respond. “Not me, that’s for sure.” He said, lightly, and finally put the stinking polishing-stuff down. “Can’t speak for other humans, though. I think we probably don’t have secret mind-reading societies anywhere, but you never know. Weirder things have happened.”
She thought of the huge scandal of a few years back and made a face. “True enough,” she sighed, turning her neck to inspect what he was doing. “Are you done yet?”
Having moved enough to have eyes on him, she was able to watch as his lips turned up in a wry smile. “You’re that eager to escape, huh?”
Rayla rolled her eyes at him. “Escape the polishing? Yes. It stinks.”
He snickered, but nodded, and went for a more normal cleaning cloth that she was deeply glad to see. “Yeah, that part’s done. I’ll rinse off now and then put some oil on to dry, and that’ll be it.” He wrung the cloth over the basin and then coaxed her head around again, lifting his hands to her horns.
She blinked. “What, ‘it’ as in done?”
“Yep. I like to think I’m pretty speedy at the whole buff-and-polish thing by now.”
“…Huh.” Nonplussed, Rayla went quiet.
She could hear the smile in his voice. “Wasn’t as bad as you thought?” He guessed, as on-point as ever, and she felt her cheeks heat again. It was quite a question for someone to ask when their hands happened to be on your horns.
Rayla folded her arms under the protective gown. “….Maybe,” she admitted, begrudgingly, and sat there while the warmth of the water and his hands crept through her horns. The gentle slide of the cloth was easily perceptible, a shift of weight and echoing sensation in the living core. A stranger’s hands, and she was just…sitting there. She couldn’t quite get her head around it. But he was right. It wasn’t as bad as she’d thought it would be.
“Make an appointment for next month, when you’re on your way out,” he suggested, setting the cloth back and uncapping some other sort of oil. This one, in sharp contrast to the polish, let off a surprisingly pleasant smell. Faintly sweet, and reminiscent of the lighter oils Ethari used on some of his woodcraft. A pang of nostalgia, just shy of homesickness, stabbed through her gut. “That way it’ll be all sorted for next time.”
“Mm.” She shrugged lightly, noncommittal, a little perturbed at the little secretive thing unfurling in her chest that wanted to come back. Not for the mortifying ordeal of having her horns handled, certainly not, but…
With the finishing oil applied, Callum released the drawstrings from around her horns and pulled the hair-cover away. “All done. Take a look,” he invited, nudging her head up, and reached out to remove the gown while she automatically looked where he’d pointed her. For a moment, she was utterly stunned, wide-eyed at the unfamiliar sight of her horns gleaming darkly in the mirror, perfect to the every ridge. She was still silent when he spoke again, saying “See? Just like I told you. Your horns polish up really nicely.”
She looked up reflexively, expression unguarded, and could do nothing to stop the quicksilver flush that his words brought to her cheeks. He was smiling at her, wide and genuine and a little lopsided.
It took what felt like far too long for her to manage to speak. “I suppose?” She offered, averting her eyes to the mirror, where she watched herself schooling her face into something a little less transparent.
He patted her shoulder, friendly, then reached out a hand – five-fingered and alien – to help her up. She stared at it for a moment, then took it. His fingers were warm, and soft from horn-oil. She could feel a trace of it left on her skin when he let go. “It was good to meet you, Rayla,” he said, with that same smile. “Maybe I’ll see you next time.”
She averted her eyes for a moment. “…Maybe.” She agreed, finally, and managed to master herself enough to flash a tentative smile back at him. “Er. Thanks, Callum.”
Rayla was a little too busy trying not to look outwardly flustered to pay much attention to the next few minutes, but as she found herself escorted back to the reception area, she felt strangely disappointed to see the door close on her ceracurist. The receptionist was eyeing her appraisingly as she eventually summoned the presence of mind to go fishing for her money.
“Looks like he treated you well enough. You’re not all tense anymore.” They observed, looking pleased for some reason. “Good on you for not making a fuss, either.”
She blinked, drawn out of her reverie. “What would I make a fuss about?” She questioned, taken-aback.
“He’s human,” the receptionist said, like it was obvious. “People can be stupid about it sometimes. But you weren’t, which is nice, because otherwise we’d have had to throw you out with bad horns, and that would be embarrassing for everyone. I assume I’m booking you in for next month?”
Rayla was still trying to process the words and didn’t register the question for a moment. Distractedly, she said “Yes? I think?”
The receptionist eyed her. “Three weeks,” they decided. “We’ll book you in for waning crescent. Callum works weekends and Wednesday afternoons only, so if you want another time, you’ll need to go with a different ceracurist.” They looked at her expectantly. For a second Rayla was flustered by the implied suggestion, but then she realised that it was probably just standard practice for people to see the same ceracurist every time. Certainly it would be less uncomfortable that way. She couldn’t even imagine having to put her horns into the hands of a new stranger every month.
She cleared her throat, blinked, then tried to consult her mental schedule. “Three weeks…” she muttered to herself, thinking. “Er. Wednesday afternoon?”
They flipped through their papers, squinting. “Four-thirty? He’s pretty booked for the rest of that window.”
“That works,” she said, hoping her voice sounded normal and not-flustered, and supplied her name to have it written into the schedule. It was another weird anachronism; most people would have written it into a computer, but here this elf was using a notebook instead. It was set aside by the potted plant once closed; the plant in question broke off from its recitation of music to mimic the sound of the doorbell note-perfect. That was the problem with melodaisies. You could teach them all the music you liked, but as soon as they heard someone whistling, they might well just start imitating that instead.
“Thanks for coming,” the receptionist said, after shooting an exasperated glance at their plant. “We’ll see you next month.”
Rayla took the hint, and went at once for the door. She escaped with the ring of a bell, a palpable sense of relief, and considerably shinier horns than she’d gone in with.
End chapter.
Welcome to the first meet-cute I’ve ever written! Also the first story whose entire purpose is essentially romance. Because it’s me, there is a broader potential plot thread at work, as well as cool worldbuilding, but given I have no idea how much of this I’m actually going to write, I’m not really worrying about that too much at this point.
Hope everyone had fun with this first chapter, and that everyone is curious about what the heck is up with Callum.
 Story notes-
I’d loosely describe the setting as canon spliced with piaj twisted by most of a millennium of alternate history and technological development. Essentially, it’s sort of a modern AU, but not really.
Because this story is for fun, I’m wiping real-world-modern vibes over it wherever I want to/think I can justify it, and same goes for my own personal university experience vibes.
A great, great deal of the worldbuilding is taken from my primary project – Peace Is A Journey – and adapted for the alternate historical context that this setting involves. I have even borrowed several elf OCs (at least three) from piaj and its sequel. History in this setting diverges from canon some time after the banishment of humans from Eastern Xadia – though I’ve not narrowed the timeline down precisely, it’s likely that the first couple hundred years of history went very similarly to how I’ve ironed it out in piaj, though this isn’t likely to be hugely important.
However, despite the similarities, this AU’s broader global history and foundational metaphysics are completely different to piaj. Worldbuilding and metaphysical specifics that aren’t incompatible with this difference, which is most of them, remain.
I’ve involuntarily put a fair amount of thought into the setting’s worldbuilding, and a lot of it is pretty cool, but considering it is a for-fun project, I’m not too concerned about specifics or ‘balancing’, so to speak. This means that I will be trying not to put huge amounts of thought into why some technologies are advanced and some aren’t. I am trying to keep the Worldbuilding Complexity setting to a dull roar, pretty much, and only develop the stuff that matters.
Ceracurist: a professional horn-salonist; one who cares for horns. From Greek ‘keras’, horn (same root as keratin or polycerate), and Latin ‘cura’, care (same root as manicure or pedicure or even cure). Technically this sort of root-mixing is sometimes seen as bad form, but it works just fine in context.
Mageskein: magic internet, pretty much. This is used almost exclusively in Eastern Xadia.
Gullcrest: an elven city located along the southern coast of Eastern Xadia. The majority of the story will take place here. The base concept and location of Gullcrest was taken from piaj worldbuilding and heavily adapted for the Ceracurist setting.
A picture demonstrating an unpolished and a polished bull horn from the same pair, to demonstrate how much of a difference it makes.
69 notes · View notes
kpophours · 4 years
Sweet Night (M)
➵ Stray Kids: Bang Chan x fem. reader / one shot, college AU, camping trip AU / fluff, smut / REQUESTED
➵ warnings: slight cursing, explicit mentions of sex (slight public teasing, orgasm denial, oral: receiving, slight choking)
➵ word count: 6k (lol oops)
a/n: after a few anon requests/inquiries, I decided to write this one shot as the second part to Way to You - you can absolutely read this on its own though.
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Your eyes fly open as soon as the song starts blaring from somewhere beside you, and you blindly fumble for the alarm clock, thankfully managing to find the off-switch quite quickly. This very annoying clock was a horrible yet also kinda thoughtful birthday gift from Chan’s roommates, as it’s quite possibly the loudest one on the market, meaning it is able to wake literally anyone. It could probably even wake Dracula from his deep slumber in the depths of his castle somewhere in Romania. And while Chan might not be a vampire, he isn’t one to wake easily either, so this extremely loud alarm clock was the only solution your friends had been able to come up with. Which sadly means you experience something close to a heart attack every morning - or well, at least a few times a week, as you do still spend some nights at the apartment you share with Jisung. 
You fall back into the pillows, heart still racing from the sudden noise. Pale sunlight filters through the curtains and into the otherwise dark room. You groan, blinking against the rays of light hitting you straight in the face, and turn around to cuddle into your boyfriend’s broad back. He hums, only half-awake himself, and turns around to wrap both arms around you, leaving a lazy kiss on your forehead. 
Suddenly, there’s a crash from somewhere in the house, and you jump. Chan sighs deeply, and murmurs “Hyunjin, probably.” under his breath - it’s no secret that his roommate is a walking disaster. You don’t answer, only pressing a soft kiss on his naked chest. “How’d you sleep?”, he asks, one hand beginning to trace gentle patterns on your bare back. “Like a rock - which was exactly what I needed after my midterms.”, you answer, and he nods. “You more than deserved that, babe. I’m really proud of you, by the way. I’m sure you aced all your exams.”, he says, and you can’t help but smile at his sweet words. You look up at him, gently cupping his cheek, and kiss him. He basically melts against you, pulling you even closer towards him, and bites down on your lower lip to slide his tongue into your mouth. Before this can end in a steamy morning make-out session, there’s a knock on Chan’s door. He groans and draws back from you, expression grumpy. “What?”, he then yells, shooting daggers towards his door. “Just wanted to make sure you’re up, we’re supposed to be leaving in an hour!”, Felix answers, sounding way too cheerful so early in the morning. “Ugh, I hate morning people. Just once I want to get up in the morning without having to go through the seven stages of grief first.”, you mumble, your warm breath tickling Chan’s neck and making him giggle and wiggle away from you. “Yeah, we’re up!”, he quickly answers Felix, who shuffles away from the door, before turning towards you again, “Wait, aren’t there only five stages of grief? What are your extra two?” “Denial part two and astral projection.”, you answer, and Chan laughs before giving you a soft smile, brushing some of your hair out of your face. 
“Breakfast?”, he then asks, and you nod. “Absolutely. I need coffee, and lots of it.”, you agree, and he rolls his eyes. “I swear, by now there’s definitely coffee running through your veins instead of blood.”, Chan mumbles, before jumping out of bed to grab his underwear from the floor. You just chuckle and follow him, but can’t seem to find your bra anywhere. “What the Hell…”, you mumble under your breath, twirling around once in a desperate attempt to locate it. “Uh. Looking for this?”, Chan asks and you follow his gaze. You both burst into loud laughter when you spot your bra happily dangling from the ceiling light. “Well, we had to be very fast yesterday evening. Clothes went flying, and quite literally it seems.”, you say, lips twitching while you stand on your tiptoes to get your bra, and Chan nods in agreement. “Very fast indeed - but we couldn’t let the others begin the movie night without us! We had valid reasons.” He grins and wraps both arms around your waist to pull you close to him again, giving you a quick peck on the lips. When you want to deepen the kiss, he draws back again, expression stern. “No time for that, we have to get ready, eat breakfast and you still need to pack some of your stuff before we can leave. And we don’t want to let the others wait, right?” You sigh and pout. “No, we don’t, apparently.”, you just answer, and wiggle into your jeans and turtleneck, finally ready to leave the privacy of Chan’s room and get something to eat.
The scent of fresh coffee and pancakes greets you when you arrive downstairs, and you inhale deeply. Felix is standing in front of the stove, humming a soft tune under his breath while working on making the tower of pancakes beside him even taller. He turns around when you enter the kitchen, giving you his signature sunshine smile. “Morning, Y/N.”, he greets you, “Slept well?” You nod and peek over his shoulder. “Yup. And have I ever told you how much I love you?”, you ask, stealing a piece of pancake directly out of the pan, and Felix tries to swat your hand away before he chuckles. “Shouldn’t you say that to Chan, not to me?”, he replies, and your boyfriend, just entering the kitchen behind you, sighs deeply. “She’s an opportunist, meaning she’ll tell anyone she loves them if it means she gets what she wants, so beware. I actually rarely hear her say it to me.”, Chan says warningly, and you shoot him a dark look. “Oh shut up, that’s so not true. I tell you I love you at least once or twice a day, you needy baby.”, you grumble, and just then, Minho joins the small kitchen party. “Needy baby? You’re not talking about Hyunjin, are you?”, he asks, ruffling his crazy bed hair while filling a mug with coffee, sighing contently when he takes the first sip. You grin and shake your head, before taking a mug out of the cabinet yourself. 
Said roommate also enters the kitchen just then, face looking quite puffy. You raise both eyebrows. “Did you cry yourself to sleep last night?”, you ask, and take a sip of coffee to hide your shit-eating grin. Hyunjin throws you a dark glare, and crosses both arms in front of his chest. “No. But I did have a slight mental breakdown after realizing I probably failed my last exam yesterday, so I decided to treat myself to some late-night-ramen, and now I look like this.”, he points at his face, beginning to pout, “God just hates pretty people, he’s clearly punishing me for my dashing looks.” “Or maybe he just doesn’t like narcissists.”, Jeongin offers when he enters the kitchen, shoving Minho out of the way to get to the kitchen cabinet almost overflowing with mugs. You decide it’s finally getting too crowded in the kitchen, and leave it again. You’re absolutely not a morning person, and can’t deal with the boys’ constant bickering without having experienced the positive effect of the caffeine you’re currently consuming. 
Seungmin is sitting on one of the sofas, currently scrolling through Instagram and apparently trying to like every cute puppy pic in existence. “Morning.”, you greet him and take a seat beside him, peeking over his shoulder and cooing at an extremely cute baby golden retriever. Seungmin just greets you with a curt nod of his head, not being a morning person either, and keeps scrolling. Minutes later, Felix enters the living room, balancing a giant plate of fresh pancakes in front of him while all the other boys follow him like stray dogs. “What would you guys even do without Felix cooking for you all the time?”, you ask, mouth watering when you inhale the delicious smell. “Starve and die.”, Seungmin deadpans, while Jeongin answers: “We’d have to look at Hyunjin’s ugly bloated face every day because we’d solely live off ramen.” Hyunjin hits the back of his head for that, but the younger boy just shoots him his cheshire cat grin. “I mean, I could cook too, I guess.”, Chan says, frowning, and everyone bursts into loud laughter. “Wow okay, I’ll try not to take this personally…”, your boyfriend grumbles, and sits down at the dining table. You slide onto the chair next to him, and pat his thigh affectionately. “I love you, babe, but you literally didn’t know how to whisk eggs when we wanted to bake cookies last week.”, you say, and Chan sighs. ���That’s... sadly fair. But I could learn!” 
“No offense, but we actually like our kitchen intact - thanks for your humble offering though. If Felix should die unexpectedly, we might get back to you.”, Minho answers, and before the situation can escalate into a playful bickering battle, Felix yells “SO, WHO WANTS PANCAKES?!”, successfully managing to distract everyone. 
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One and a half hours later, everyone is packed and ready to go - you’ve planned this little getaway for almost two months now, everyone having finished their first round of exams at this time of year and being able to just relax for a bit. For some reason, the boys had wanted to go camping, and as you, Jisung’s girlfriend Lina and Hyunjin’s girlfriend Marie were clearly outnumbered by the boys, you hadn’t really had the chance to disagree with them. But you honestly don’t even mind, having gone camping lots of times already and just being happy to enjoy some time with your closest friends. Only Changbin won’t be able to join you guys, as he’s currently doing an internship and wasn’t able to request some time off. 
Chan is just about to lock the front door to the frat house, when Jeongin zooms past you, yelling for his older roommate to wait. “I forgot something extremely important!”, he explains, almost breathless, and disappears into the house again. “What’s he getting now?”, your boyfriend wonders, and shoots you a questioning gaze. You just shrug, and let your bag fall to the ground, too lazy to hold onto it while waiting for the youngest of your group. A few minutes later, Jeongin comes back, a huge grin on his face and a giant stuffed animal in his arms. Chan blinks a few times, and opens his mouth to say something, but he gets cut off by the younger boy: “You guys can cuddle with each other, but I’d rather throw myself off a cliff than cuddle with Minho, Felix or Seungmin, whoever I’ll end up sharing a tent with. But I do wanna cuddle with someone, so Mr. Sunshine it is.”, he explains stoically, and you just nod in support. “I totally get that, plus I wouldn’t be too sure that Minho doesn’t just turn into a bat or something like that during the night. He’s at least part demon, we all know that.”, you say, and Jeongin giggles. 
You’re truly prepared to give him anything whenever he smiles at you like this, his eyes almost disappearing, teeth almost blindingly bright. While you detain from squishing his cheeks, you do poke the dimple on his left one, being too endeared by him. He swats your hand away, of course he does, but you still bask in the victory of having poked his cheek. One thing to cross off your to-do-list for today. 
“Okay, let’s go to the others.”, Chan finally says after locking the house, and without you having to say anything, he takes his and your bag and walks over to where the others are waiting beside the cars. Chivalry is not dead and you’re ready to swoon over your amazing boyfriend. “Okay, we still have to pick up Jisung, Lina and Marie.”, Chan says after he’s put your bags into the trunk of his car, “So, who’s gonna ride in which car?” “Well I obviously want to ride with Marie.”, Hyunjin says, a goofy smile on his face - they have been together for almost a year now, but he’s still very much extremely whipped for her, but luckily, she seems to feel the exact same way -, and Minho murmurs a sarcastic “Shocking, really.” under his breath. “I want Jisung and Lina in our car.”, you quickly say, and Chan gives you a short nod. Of course you’d say that - Jisung is your best friend after all, and you’ve grown quite close to Lina as well. You’re also good friends with Marie, but Jisung just wins this round - not that you’d ever tell that to his face, he’s too cocky as it is, no need to push his ego even more. “Then Minho, you take Hyunjin, Marie, Felix and Seungmin, and I take Y/N, Jisung, Lina and Jeongin, okay?”, Chan suggests, and everyone agrees. Five minutes later, all the bags are safely stored away and everyone has taken their seats. Being Chan’s girlfriend means you get to ride shotgun, something you’re more than thankful for, knowing how crowded the backseat is going to be once you’ve picked up Jisung and Lina. “See you in a bit!”, Felix yells through his open window, and flashes you his extremely cute gummy smile. You wave at him, immediately returning his smile, and successfully ignore Minho’s mock salute and cocky grin while he backs out of his parking spot, almost cutting Chan off.
Twenty minutes later, Jisung and Lina are squished into the backseat with Jeongin, all three having bright smiles on their faces. “Road trip, whoop!”, Jisung yells and gives you a high five, “Happy to have a few days with y’all before we have to face the sad reality of probably having failed most of our exams!” Lina beside him rolls her eyes. “Stop being so dramatic, I’m sure most of us will have aced everything.”, she says, and Jisung wraps his arm around her and kisses her temple. “Sorry, but I have literally only one functioning brain cell and I use it to overthink.”, he explains, yelping when she playfully tickles his side. You chuckle at their bickering, and hit play on your road trip playlist - a second later, Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody fills the car, all of you immediately beginning to sing along. “LET’S GO!”, Chan yells over the sad attempts of everyone trying to imitate Freddy Mercury, and backs out of the parking lot. You smile and interlace your fingers with his. He cheekily returns your smile, and raises your intertwined hands to his lips to press a soft kiss against your knuckles. Over a year of being with him, but you still swoon over this simple yet sweet gesture. Yes, you’re just that whipped for your boyfriend, and what about it. 
It doesn’t take long for you guys to arrive on the interstate, you and Jisung trying to trump each other's impressions of Beyoncé singing Single Ladies (and failing miserably, sorry Queen B). Your belly almost hurts from laughing with your friends, and you can’t wait for the rest of the weekend to begin. 
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Minho’s car arrives before Chan’s, and of course he’s gloating about it the second you guys join forces again. But you can let him have this small victory, and decide to just ignore him for now, helping Chan get the bags out of his car and to the campsite. It’s quite cold, the air crisp now that the sun is slowly beginning to set again, but you brought lots of blankets and sleeping bags, so you should be fine. And at least the weather means there aren’t any other campers here right now, so you have the whole area, including the washing rooms, to yourselves, which is nice. 
Setting up camp takes longer than anticipated, mostly because Jisung somehow manages to crash into his and Lina’s almost finished tent twice, which means they have to start from the very beginning again. She truly has the patience of a saint, simply smacking him over the head rather playfully before picking up the sad remains of their tent to begin the whole building process again. Chan and you, having gone camping lots of times already, are quickest with finishing your tent, so afterwards you offer to help Jisung and Lina with theirs, while Chan does the same for Minho and Jeongin. Marie, an experienced scout, has set up hers and Hyunjin’s tent in record time as well, and takes pity on Felix and Seungmin, quickly building the tent for them. After an hour, your camp has successfully been built, and everyone begins to search for firewood.
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Felix decides to make a giant pot of spicy chili sin carne for tonight’s dinner, and as soon as all the plates are filled, your conversations slowly dwindle down, everyone too busy with eating. “Lix, you’re a cooking genius, Gordon Ramsey found jobless.”, Marie says around a mouthful of chili, giving the blonde boy a bright smile and the thumbs up. He waves her compliment aside, blushing profoundly. “Thanks, but it’s honestly not that difficult - you just have to follow the recipe, if you’re too scared to improvise.”, he murmurs, and she throws a small piece of kindling at him. “You should really learn how to take compliments.”, she teases playfully, and he shrugs. “Okay, okay, I’m the best cook ever.”, he says sarcastically, and Minho raises one eyebrow. “Whoa, now don’t get ahead of yourself.”, he replies, and Felix smacks him over the head. “You can’t cook at all, so for once, you should just stay quiet.”, you say, and Minho sighs dramatically. “What can I say… We all have our weaknesses. I, for example, am extremely good-looking and tragically funny.” 
You almost choke on your chili because of his audacity, and lift your fork in front of your face, staring through it and at Minho, who just frowns at you. “What are you doing? Why are you looking at me through your fork?”, he asks, obviously confused by your behavior, and you give him a lopsided smile. “I’m pretending you’re in jail, it’s spiritually healing.”, you explain, and Chan beside you bursts into laughter, the others following him quickly. Minho begins to pout and sticks out his tongue at you, always the mature one. “It’s okay if you don’t enjoy my dashing looks and hilarious humor, not everyone has good taste. That’s why you picked Chan over me after all.”, he claims, and you answer by throwing a piece of wood his way, making him squeal and dive for cover. Just then, the flames of your fire flicker and slowly begin to die down. Seungmin, Jeongin and Hyunjin stand up to go get some more firewood, but somehow, the latter one’s shoe gets caught between two logs and with a loud yelp, he tumbles to the ground. “What the Hell is he doing?!”, Chan groans, and Jeongin deadpans “Sadly his best.”, before he begins walking over towards his friend to help him, but Marie is faster, already dragging her boyfriend up from the ground with tears of laughter in her eyes. Hyunjin’s cheeks are red from embarrassment and he murmurs something about nature being out to get him, before he, Marie and the other two boys disappear into the forest to get more firewood.
The rest of the evening is filled with playful banter, soft guitar music from Jisung, and funny childhood stories. Lina soon begins to nod off, her head resting on her boyfriend’s shoulder while he continues to strum a soft tune on his guitar, humming along. When he notices his girlfriend is about to wander into Morpheus’ realm though, he’s quick to place the guitar back into its bag, and wraps both arms around her. “I think it’s time for us to retire, huh?”, he says, leaving a gentle kiss on Lina’s forehead. She blinks sleepily, and smiles up at him. “It’s pretty safe to assume that at any given moment, I want to go back to sleep - so yes, I agree, time to retire.”, she answers, and Jisung chuckles, before standing up to declare: “Well, we’re off to bed now!” Minho and Seungmin boo immediately, while Jeongin murmurs something like “Old people” under his breath - even though he’s literally only one year younger than most of you guys. 
“So, as I’m legally required to kiss my homies goodnight, y’all getting some smooches!”, Jisung says, already walking towards where Hyunjin and Marie are sitting, bodies entangled and breaths mingling. Hyunjin looks up and shoots his friend a murderous look. “I swear, if you kiss me, I’m going to dump you into the river.”, he threatens, but Jisung just grins. “How about you dump your girlfriend instead and run away with me? We’d make such a pretty couple.”, he says, making Hyunjin roll his eyes. “Bro, no offense, but I’d be the pretty one in this relationship, and while everyone can clearly see you already have quite the experience being the ugly one in a relationship” with that, Hyunjin first points at Jisung and then at Lina, who bursts out laughing, “I don’t think I’m ready to hear your constant whining about my face being prettier than yours. So thanks, but no thanks, I’ll stay with Marie.” “Wow, I feel so honored and loved right now, babe.”, Marie says sarcastically, “But does this mean you think you’re the pretty one in this relationship as well?” Hyunjin goes into instant panic mode, quickly reassuring his girlfriend that she’s far prettier than him, while she tries to keep a stern expression on her face, but everyone can clearly see the way her lips twitch. She just loves teasing Hyunjin, and you honestly can’t blame her for that, especially not when it’s just so easy. 
“Okay, goodnight, then!”, Lina interrupts their playful bickering, and gives everyone a soft smile, before dragging Jisung towards their tent. Everyone wishes them a good night and sweet dreams as well, and then Seungmin clears his throat. “Time for some ghost stories, don’t you think?”, he says, voice low and grin almost evil when his eyes find Hyunjin, who immediately falls silent. Everyone knows he’s a huge scaredy cat, which is quite funny seeing as his own girlfriend is a big fan of horror movies and stories. Truly a match made in Heaven. Seungmin just raises one eyebrow, expression challenging - but when no one contradicts him, he begins to tell his first ghost story. 
It doesn’t take long until Hyunjin is pretty much sitting on Marie’s lap, shooting daggers at his friend while his girlfriend is trying very hard not to laugh at him. You yourself cuddle closer to your own boyfriend, smiling when he presses a soft kiss against your temple. Your eyes rest on the big bonfire, following some sparks drifting into the dark night sky from time to time, and you sigh contently. This, right here, is your happy place - in the midst of your friends, just laughing and joking with them, not a care in the world. Midterms lie behind you, and you’re currently not even thinking about your grades for once, your anxiety at rest. This trip was truly a great idea, maybe even Jisung’s best one so far. 
“Okay, wanna hear a really creepy one-”, Seungmin begins, and Hyunjin has finally had enough, standing up and taking Marie’s hand into his. “Well, goodnight!”, he says, a determined expression on his face, and pulls his girlfriend towards their tent. Marie suppresses an amused smile at her boyfriend’s dramatics, and waves at everyone, before following him inside the tent. Seungmin just grins evilly and shrugs. “He’s so soft hearted.”, he then says, and leans back, obviously content with his work. “Okay, maybe it’s three demons, not only two.”, you murmur into Chan’s ear, and he chuckles. You’re always joking about Minho and Hyunjin being demons, as they’re constantly testing your nerves by just being themselves, plus they were definitely the main plotters behind the plan to get you and Chan together - not that you’re complaining about it as their plan had worked pretty perfectly and in your favor. “In the end you’ll probably find that I live with six demons.”, your boyfriend murmurs, and begins to play with your fingers. You shake your head. “Oh no, Felix is definitely an angel, not a demon.”, you disagree, and Chan nods. “Okay, that’s true. The others though… Well, time will tell, I guess.” “Or holy water.” He just laughs and gives you a quick peck on the lips. When you want to deepen the kiss, he draws back. “Later.”, he murmurs against your lips, his deep voice rumbling in his chest, and you shiver involuntarily. He grins at your reaction, before turning his attention to Seungmin’s new ghost story again. 
You on the other hand feel hot and bothered all of the sudden, and decide to tease your boyfriend a bit. So you place your hand on his thigh, not moving it for some time, until you slowly slide it higher, bit by bit. At first, Chan doesn’t seem to notice or care, until you’re getting dangerously close to his crotch. Then, he quickly leans forward so the others can’t see what you’re doing, and glares at you. “What are you doing?”, he asks, voice low, and you smile innocently. “Nothing.”, you answer, and have finally reached your desired destination, slowly beginning to palm his semi over his jeans. “How about you be a good girl and stop?”, he breathes out, but you know he doesn’t actually want you to stop - you know him well enough for that by now. Still, you decide to play along. “Oh, I’ll gladly be your good girl.”, you whisper, and quickly withdraw your hand. He groans at your words and the sudden lack of contact, and locks eyes with you. “Tent. Now.”, he grits out, and stands up, pulling you with him and hugging you from behind so your body hides his erection from the others. “We’re tired too, so goodnight!”, he says in a fake cheerful voice, and you have to hide your shit-eating grin while innocently waving at the others. “Oh you’re in so much trouble now, babe.”, Chan murmurs into your ear while you walk towards your tent, and bites down on your lobe. You feel arousal gather between your legs, stomach jolting at his words. You and Chan have a very playful relationship, full of bantering and loving jokes, and your dynamic in the bedroom isn’t that different - there’s a lot of bickering too, you being a total brat at times, while he’s more on the dominant side, enjoying making you obedient.  
As soon as he closes the tent behind you and turns around to watch you with an almost predatory gaze, you know you might have been a bit too forward at the bonfire. But it’s too late to back down now, so you simply raise both eyebrows, a challenging expression on your face. “So you think touching me like that in front of our friends is okay?”, Chan asks, his voice low and dark. You tilt your head to one side. “I mean, you didn’t seem opposed to it, to be honest.”, you answer, and now he’s the one to lift both eyebrows. “I want you out of your clothes, now.”, your boyfriend orders, and for once, you follow his command immediately, knowing this is for your own good this time. So you quickly wiggle out of your jeans and take off your jumper, shivering in the cold night air. Only left in your panties and bra, Chan smirks to himself, before crawling over your body and beginning to kiss you slowly. You gasp into his mouth when one of his warm hands finds your waist, drawing lazy circles against it, before traveling higher to cup your breast over your bra. His thumb rubs over your clothed nipple before pinching it, hard, and you arch your back, breath hitching. 
“So, let’s see how quiet you can stay while I eat you out, hm? Remember, the walls of the tent are too thin to mask any noises.”, Chan whispers against your lips, before he suddenly descends down your body. Oh no, you know you’re screwed. He’ll try to make you scream his name, but while you’re quite open about sex and have no problem talking about it with your friends, you definitely don’t need them to hear you during the actual act. Maybe you shouldn’t have teased your boyfriend after all - but it’s too late now, he’s determined. He spreads your legs, and begins to leave soft love bites on the inside of your thighs. You’re trembling already, and it’s not because of the cold alone. Chan always has this effect on you, no matter how often he touches you - you’ll never get used to it. He plays with the hem of your panties, until he finally drags them down your legs, his warm breath hitting your wet core. You begin to squirm, impatient to have him finally touch you where you need him most. He smacks your thigh, the crack resounding through the tent, and you yelp. “Chan.”, you hiss, and he grins cheekily, before suddenly pressing his thumb to your clit, beginning to draw lazy circles against it. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and you clamp one hand over your mouth to mask any noises. 
Chan soon replaces his thumb with his mouth, sucking on your clit like his life depends on it while simultaneously sliding two fingers inside your heat. A loud moan tears from your lips and you bite the inside of your cheek, trying to stifle your noises but already failing miserably. You feel Chan smirk against you, and then, he slips a third finger inside you, curling them upwards and picking up the pace. You buck your hips against his gentle ministrations, skin feeling too hot and too tight already, goosebumps rising all over your body. It doesn’t take long until you begin to tremble, your high approaching rather quickly, and you’re this close to finally snapping, when Chan draws back from your core, face glistening with your juices, his smirk almost devilish. “I can’t hear you, babe, are you even enjoying this?”, he murmurs, back to drawing lazy patterns on your clit with his thumb. You feel frustration wash over you, and shoot him a dark glare. His grin gets even wider, before he completely withdraws his hand from your heat to suck on his glistening fingers. You close your eyes for a few seconds, trying to gather your wits, until Chan slaps your thigh again. “Look at me, baby.”, he says, voice dark, and your eyes snap open again. You begin to pout. “Please.”, you mumble, trying your best to appeal to his softer side, “I’m sorry I was a brat earlier. You know I can’t be loud or the others might hear us.” Your boyfriend just hums, hands ghosting over your thighs and leaving goosebumps in their wake. “Too bad, I guess you can’t cum tonight then.” And before you’re able to reply anything, he dives back in-between your folds. 
You throw one arm over your mouth, and bite your own soft flesh to suppress any noises. It takes little to no time until you’re close to your orgasm again, but for the second time tonight, Chan draws back in the last possible second. You’re almost ready to cry with frustration now, eyes glistening with unshed tears. When your boyfriend sees this, he softens a bit and leans towards you to press a gentle kiss to your lips. “This is what you get for being a brat.”, he murmurs, and you bite down on his lower lip, making him groan into your mouth. “Please.”, you whisper and try your best puppy eyes on him. He just smirks again, finally ridding himself off his shirt, jeans and underwear. When he’s fully naked in front of you, you sigh, eyes raking his beautiful, defined body. Unlike you, Chan actually enjoys going to the gym - and his effort pays off. “Stop drooling.”, he says, sounding way too pleased and cocky in your opinion. So you quickly sit up, and wrap one hand around his hard cock, already leaking with pre-cum. Good to see you’re not the only one being affected by this, you think and grin. You begin to slowly jerk him off, spreading the pre-cum over the rest of his cock as lube. He groans, lower lip pulled back between his teeth and eyes almost black with desire. Finally, he’s had enough, and pushes you on your back again, hovering over you. “There’s condoms in the bag behind you.”, he murmurs, leaving gentle kisses on your neck until he finds your sweet spot, beginning to suck on it. You moan almost inaudible, fingers fumbling for said bag to retrieve a condom. 
Just seconds later, Chan rolls it over his cock, and then, he aligns himself in front of your wet core, teasingly rubbing your clit before you shoot him a pleading look. He finally sheathes himself into you with one swift motion, and you both moan out loud at the feeling. You quickly cough to cover the noise, making Chan chuckle and press a kiss against your forehead. “You’re okay?”, he asks, and you nod, biting down on his neck and leaving a hickey. He groans and finally begins to move, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back into you, immediately hitting that spot. Your fingers wrap around his biceps, needing something to hold onto while he drills into you. Suddenly, he pulls out of you to sit back on his knees, wrapping your legs around his hips, and thrusts back into you at an even deeper angle, simultaneously picking up the pace. One of his hands snakes towards your neck and he wraps his fingers around the base of your throat, using just enough pressure to make breathing harder for you. When his thumb begins to circle your clit again, you close your eyes, clamping one hand over your mouth to mask your almost obscene noises. 
“C-Chan, I’m so c-close.”, you say in between two moans, and he grins, murmuring a “That’s my girl” under his breath before deepening the angle even more. He suddenly pinches your clit once, and that’s all it takes for you to finally tumble over the edge, his name leaving your lips maybe a bit too loud this time. He quickly leans forward to seal your mouth with his, chasing his own high while guiding you through yours. Not long after, he groans and presses his forehead against yours, shuddering a bit while releasing into the condom. He stills inside you, both your breaths mingling, hearts beating fast while you try to come down from your high. Chan smiles, brushing some of your hair out of your face, and gives you a soft, sweet kiss. “I love you.”, he murmurs, and you return his smile. “Love you more.”, you whisper back, and he chuckles. “Impossible.” 
Before you can begin to playfully argue, Minho’s voice cuts through the night “Next time we’ll build the tents far away from each other, y’all are nasty for doing it with us sitting almost right next you.” Both you and Chan freeze, before you burst out laughing. “WE HAVE ZERO REGRETS.”, you yell back, hearing the others groan. “WELL, YOU REALLY SHOULD THOUGH!”, Jisung complains from somewhere to your left, and you hear Lina starting to giggle. You groan and bury your face into Chan’s neck. “They’ll never let us hear the end of this, will they.”, you murmur against his soft skin, and he shakes his head. “Nope.” You sigh and lean back. “Well, it was still worth it.”, you say, and grin up at him. Your boyfriend just smirks and leans down to kiss you again. “Oh, definitely.”
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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jeonqquk · 4 years
racket | jjk
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↳pairing: jungkook x reader ↳genre/tags: badmintonplayer!jungkook and badmintonplayer!reader, barely any badminton related stuff, rushed asf, accidental confession-?, they dont even kiss wtf ↳rating: everyone <3 ↳wc: 6k
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Jeon Jungkook was capable of being the eighth wonder of the world. He may not have come into existence in the 1700s but his ability to do almost everything perfectly was bewildering. Whether it be eating an entire cake in the span of a half-hour or defeating even the coaches at badminton. 
Everybody loved Jungkook, his sweet and caring nature paired with those godly features attracted everyone to him- in many ways. Unfortunately, you weren’t part of the everybody lot. 
You hated Jungkook. Absolutely despised his abhorrent ass. So much so that if he were the last person alive, you’d even kill yourself just to stay away from him. But that was highly unlikely, so you weren’t going to kill yourself. 
The hatred had just always been there, his competitive side seeming fucking atrocious to you. The feeling was mutual, though, so you didn’t feel as guilty as you would’ve if you just detested him while he behaved politely with you.
Jungkook was petty, even you knew that by now. His competitiveness always getting the better of him and turning him into someone with a completely different persona. Losing was not something he was used to. Maybe that’s why he had only a handful of friends, he would do anything to win. It could be a silly bet or even a tournament- Jungkook just had to win.
All the people he was friends with though, their relationship was beautiful. There were only 4 or 5 boys he actually got along with and their adoration for each other could be seen by anybody. 
This wouldn’t have been a problem if you weren’t also as competitive as him. You’re technically in no position to say that Jungkook’s hatred towards losing was unhealthy because you hated it too. You thought it made you seem weak, incapable- and you supposed that it was the same reason as to why the youngest Jeon son hated losing as well but you never tried understanding him. Let alone let him speak for a minute if he was in a 10-foot-radius of you. 
It was better this way, you thought. It was better to hate him than actually trying to befriend him and catching those unwanted feelings. Hating Jungkook was simpler, easier. Or so you thought for the 10 years of the two of you attending the same badminton academy. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, the two of you were in the same class at college as well. So you had to deal with his annoying self for the larger part of the day. 
It was around a month before the annual badminton tournament of your state and obviously, you and Jungkook were taking part in it, more intent on defeating each other rather than the opposing teams. This wouldn’t work though, your coach had called the two of you after practice one day and had said “Listen, Jungkook, Y/n. I know that you’re both really good players and also hate each other.” he sighs, “I’m not asking you to befriend each other, no. I just want the two of you to get along for the tournament. For the sake of our school.” The coach makes a pleading face and you just nod, looking over at Jungkook to see his reaction. He hums and looks down. 
After the coach has walked away, you look at Jungkook again, getting ready to tell him that this wasn’t really going to affect the way you behaved with him but he beats you to it, his voice reaching your ears as your lips stay parted midway.
“So, I guess...no more arguing?” Jungkook finally looks at you with a slightly questioning face and you’re left momentarily blank, his proposition seeming so out of character that you’re at a loss for words. This wasn’t expected out of Jungkook. What was expected was that he would just scoff before glaring at you for no reason and stalking away. Him asking you if you wanted to stop the childish arguments the two of you had was not expected. 
It takes you a minute to comprehend that Jeon Jungkook was actually trying to put an end to those mini-wars of yours. Your reply is dumb “Uh- okay.” You’re still in a daze from what he said and it’s only when he snaps his fingers in front of your face that you immediately want to spit out a sassy remark but bite your tongue on it, not wanting to disregard Jungkook’s suggestion just after seconds of it having come out of those pink lips of his.
Not knowing what to do, you nod and turn around to get into the locker rooms before heading home. You’re oblivious to the fact that Jungkook almost called your name, wanting to talk to you more, he didn’t know why, but decided against it. You wouldn’t accept the offer anyway.
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The walk back to your house is quiet, you’re humming a random tune and there aren’t many vehicles on the road, except for school buses dropping kids home. Unlocking the door, you step into your house and close it behind you before keeping your bag in your room and changing out of your clothes. After all that is done, you check the time and see that it’s 3:18 pm, you have around 2 hours before badminton coaching and suddenly feeling motivated, you heat up some leftover pizza and walk into your room to paint something. 
You may not be good at art, you admitted that without any shame because there were a lot of other things you could perform flawlessly. Playing badminton, whining and being able to smell any fried food from miles away to name a few. But you didn’t want to do art because you’d get good at it or something, it was something you genuinely enjoyed and the comments from other people didn’t matter as long as you were satisfied with yourself. And that meant your circles not looking  like amoeba.
You take out a drawing book that had been laying in the third drawer of your desk for months and dig up some paintbrushes and watercolour tubes you had left before sitting at your desk to finally start your work. You let your fingers guide you, not thinking much about what you were doing and what the outcome would be. Occasionally dusting your hands from the pizza crumbs, you were quite focused on your work.
30 minutes later, you’re leaning back in your chair and surveying your painting. Woah, it looks pretty-
Wait is that fucking Jungkook you see? “Huh?” your forehead is creased in perplexity, did you just paint a goddamn Jungkook? It looks like Jungkook, though...the bambi eyes and that tiny pout on his lips. How did you-
You were so confused right now. What were you thinking? Well, you obviously weren’t thinking.
Wow. Apparently, you had drawn Jungkook, your sworn enemy, without knowing. Not knowing what to do with the average portrait that didn’t do any justice to his actual features, you quickly clean up your stuff and keep it all back in its respective drawers. 
It’s now 4 and you get out your books to get some homework done before leaving for coaching. Ugh. You’d have to see Jungkook there too. You wonder how he’ll behave with you, hopefully, he won’t come anywhere near you. 
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Sighing as you finish the assignments before stretching back in your chair, you get up to change into your sports clothes before grabbing your bag and water bottle, looking at yourself once in the mirror before walking out towards the pleasantly close by badminton academy you had grown way too accustomed to. 
Upon reaching the building, you walk through the reception and smile at the elderly lady who sits there every day. You push the door that leads to the courts and walk on the side, greeting your friends that were warming up. You don’t see Jungkook anywhere right now so that’s a good sign and you bow slightly at your coach in respect although the many years of being taught by the man have obviously gotten the two of you very close. Your bag is kept near a bench in its usual place and you put on the shoes you could wear only on the badminton courts before picking a corner on the side of the court and begin stretching. 
You’re walking to get your racquet when you see Jungkook jogging up to your coach, saying something to him with an apologetic look before getting a  playful shove from sir as he nods towards the benches where Jungkook would most probably keep his stuff and do some quick exercises before joining the rest of you. 
Said boy’s gaze meets yours and he smiles. You don’t reciprocate the gesture, scoffing and moving over to Jihye who’s already looking at you with a cheeky smile adorning her face. “What?” you question, not understanding why she was acting so weird “Don’t pretend you don’t know.” she gives you a playful shove to which you reply by tch-ing and rolling your eyes, done with her childish behaviour. “Seriously Jihye what th-”
“I saw Jungkook smile at you.” 
The look on your face is an accurate representation of what you were thinking right now. So what? That smile was nothing, he was just acting upon what he had said earlier. “Yeah, so?” you reply boredly, watching as Jihye’s mouth open wide- wide enough for her to fit her entire fist inside.
“Yeah, so? Are you shitting me Y/n? Jeon Jungkook just smiled at you and you didn’t even do anything in response?” you’re still watching her blankly. Although you admit that it’s not her fault entirely, even you were shocked, very shocked when he first told you about the no-more-fighting pact. 
“He just said that we shouldn’t argue now, because the coach at school said that it was going to be bad for our team. You know, in the tournament.” you simply shrug, trying not to make a big deal out of the fact and Jihye is about to reply before the coach is calling all of you for a shadow drill. 
You are given one side of a court and by some way or the other, Jungkook is opposite to you, his black pants sticking to those fleshy thighs so deliciously and hi-
What is wrong with you? You’ve been thinking about Jungkook unconsciously- first drawing him and now this. Get a grip Y/n.
The whistle of your coach sounds throughout the entire room and your chain of thoughts is broken as your run towards the left side of the net from your position in the centre of the court before picking up one of the shuttles and running back to the centre, moving to the right side of the net now and doing the same as you continue the drill. Jungkook is swift, his feet are balanced and he still manages to look so graceful as he runs around his side of the court. 
You’re finally done with all the corners of the court twice as you move to sit in the space between the two different courts as you pant. The two people who were waiting now go to your and Jungkook’s positions as they begin the shadows drill now. You’re surprised to see that Jungkook has opted to sit next to you, you with your bright pink skirt sticking to your skin in all its glory.  
“Hi.” he smiles and turns towards you with his hand outstretched in front of your form. With a questioning look on your face, you shake his hand. How far was he planning on going when he said that the two of you wouldn’t be having those silly arguments anymore? To you, it meant that the pair of you would just stick to your own places and not interact with each other or do anything that would result in the bickering to resume. 
“Hey..?” Jungkook retracts his hand, leaving yours in mid-air. “So you uh wanna like hang out..um..like somewhere?” This boy had been taking you by surprise too much lately, why would he randomly ask you to hang out?
Sure he had said that he didn’t want the two of you having those little fights anymore but this? This was unexpected- really fucking unexpected.
“Uh...so suddenly?” he slightly frowns “Why?  Are you uncomfortable with it? That’s totally fine though!”
Jungkook was being too friendly, a little too friendly, you were confused and shocked at his tactics but tried not to show it on your face. “I mean, yeah, okay.” The words came tumbling out of your mouth before you could even realise it and his face was now bright. His smile so sweet, you feel a cavity forming and he nods. “Cool! After practice then..? He trails off, suddenly hesitant and you’re still dumbfounded by how quickly things had taken a turn, for the better you supposed. 
Not even a day ago, the two of you were ready to claw the other’s eyes out and now, you were agreeing to go out with him. This is not a date though. Jungkook and you are just going out to bond as friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Nodding, you smile lightly, trying to reduce some of the awkwardness from your face as you suggest a cafe to meet up at. 
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Practice is over and you are walking out of the academy with Jihye chattering beside you. “Oh! I almost forgot, so about that  Jungkook thing. I saw the two of you talking also.” she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, or that’s what she thinks it looks like. Turning to face her, you sigh at her usual habit of sticking her nose into others’ business and tell her simply that he had just asked you to meet up at the cafe so you could just chill. 
“Holy shit, it’s a date!” Jihye seems more excited about the meet-up, not date, her hands coming up to join in front of her chest as she looks at you in bewilderment. “Why are you so passive?” your friend is way too excited for something so normal but then again, this was you and Jungkook. The two of you could never go a day without insulting the other before. Now you were meeting up with the same guy at a cafe in another hour or so. When you tell Jihye this, she stops walking, putting her hand on the left side of her chest- where her heart was. Her dramatic behaviour was now normal now and you knew the reason for her overreaction. 
Your love life was drier than the Sahara Desert in a fucking draught. You had been on just a handful of dates in your entire existence, only 5 or 6 of them ending up with you fucking the guy. The others had just been awkward, mainly because of your edgy self. 
It wasn’t that big of a problem though, you were too occupied by your college work and badminton tournament preparations that anything else just seemed like a waste of time. For instance, instead of going out with some guy, you could stay home and binge-watch Stranger Things. There were a lot more practical things that could be done without the company of males. 
The only reason you agreed to go out with Jungkook was that you wanted to see how it would end up. There was a very slim chance that your meeting would go very well but if Jungkook kept behaving as sweet as he was now, you wouldn’t even have a solid reason to be rude to the poor fellow. Nevertheless, you were not going to completely relax because one never knows. 
“I’m coming over to pick out your outfit!” Jihye is excited, jumpy because this is new- you going out with someone of the opposite gender. And although it was completely normal for someone else, you just looked at your friend judgmentally, feigning annoyance and earning a light shove from her that has you stumbling on the sidewalk. 
“‘Kay'” she squeals when you agree and invites herself to your house, saying that you should take a shower while she picks out your outfit. You trusted her though, Jihye’s fashion sense was really good and you knew for a fact that whatever she would pick out would be trendy. 
Unlocking your house with the bronze key, you walk in and keep your bag in its place before walking to get a glass of water for Jihye and yourself. She accepts and plops down on your couch before you pull her up by the arm, a disgusted look on your face. “Go wash up first.” she pouts but heads into the bathroom near the hallway nonetheless to wash up. You shout to her from your room that you’re heading to shower and she shouts back an “Alright.” from downstairs as you open the door, heading in for a steamy shower. 
40 minutes later, you’re getting out of your bathroom, content, to Jihye’s shrieking. Something along the lines of missing the date and you roll your eyes when you hear the last word. It was not a date for God’s sake!
You nonchalantly nod at no one in particular and apply your cream before heading out in a bathrobe. She’s sitting on your bed with some outfits placed on your bed. At first glance, they all look colour-coordinated with some accessories here and there but upon closer inspection, you see that every piece of clothing on your mattress was one of the shortest you had in every category. 
“Do you want me to look like a slut?” you ask with your arms folding in front of your chest, and Jihye looks at you with wide eyes, offended that you even had the nerve to comment on her outfit-picking skills. 
“No! These are all fine for a meet-up.” She uses finger quotes for the last word and you smile to yourself, “Uh, let me just stop you there. I don’t really know what people mean when they use this.” you make the finger quotes and she gasps “Did you just-” your shoulders raise and as the laughter dies down, you walk closer to the bed, mentally evaluating each outfit she had oh so carefully picked. They’re all really stylish, you gotta admit that but you’d never say it to her face. The one closest to the headboard consists of a full-sleeved plain white turtleneck that had a greyish-brown dress that reached your mid-thigh laid on top of it. It was something you could wear, maybe with some electric pink leggings. You see that Jihye, who is now rummaging in your collection of shoes, has also laid some black boots in front of the bed that matched the first dress. 
Your gaze travels to the one on the middle one and you immediately furrow your eyebrows, already ruling the strapless crop top and ripped shorts out. Too much skin. 
The one to the far left is also decided to not be inappropriate for the occasion as you didn’t think Jungkook would want to see you in a burgundy top with spaghetti straps. The jeans that had too many huge holes in them didn’t even look cool at this point. What were you thinking when you bought this.
Jihye comes out with some heels for one of the outfits “Why are you even putting so much effort into this? I can just wear a shirt and sweats.” She huffs out, unamused, as you giggle at her annoyed face. “Kidding. So, I really like this one.” you point at the dress and she smiles slyly “Showing off your long legs I see.” Punching her shoulder, you make some place to sit on the bed, glad that you shaved today. “Now, get out of my room. I need to change and apply make-up.” She nods and you watch her close the door behind her, getting up to lock it for extra safety measures. 
Not like she was gonna barge in and catch you in your star printed underwear anyways. Changing into the turtle neck and then the dress, you look at yourself in the mirror and if it wasn’t your frizzy hair, you would even think you looked cute. You brush your hair and settle for a high ponytail. Putting on your shoes, you apply a little bit of make-up, not wanting to seem overly eager but the excessive amount of perfume may or may not give you away. 
As you open the door and walk down to where Jihye has changed into some sweats she had kept in your house for times like these, she gasps upon seeing you, chip almost falling out her mouth and chews it before widening her eyes comically “Babe! You look so good.” you smile at her compliment, giving her a twirl as she gets up to probably to hug you before deciding against it, shaking her head. 
“So, is my make-up looking fine?” she nods furiously and you pick up your purse that was on the dining chair before looking at the clock to see that you only have ten minutes before Jungkook arrives. You bid Jihye goodbye, not worried in the slightest bit about her being alone at your house. 
As you’re walking, the cafe comes into view and you spot a familiar figure walking into the shop as well and you increase your speed to enter at the same time as Jungkook to make it seem as if you weren’t even slightly late. He doesn’t notice you even when you’re right behind him and walks to a table to sit down as you sit opposite him immediately, realising that he had walked to a two-people table in the corner of the shop. 
His eyes widen and he stutters out in shock, “O-Oh, you’re here,” Nodding, you hide a smile and greet him back, trying not to get into an argument with him. It’s silent for a while, you think of anything to say to break the awkward atmosphere but just as you’re looking up from the ground to speak to Jungkook, his voice is filling your ears. “Do you want to order?” He waits and you simply nod, “Okay, I’ll come to get my coffee.” 
Just as you’re getting up, Jungkook keeps his hand on you without warning, head shaking frantically. “No! I mean, I can get it for you.” Looking up in surprise, you’re unable to speak for a moment. Did Jeon Jungkook just say that he would buy you coffee?
You shake your head and snap out of your trance. Or at least you try to. “No, it’s alright. I can get it myself.” Jungkook rushes to quieten you again and looks like he won’t let you win, so you sigh and back down. “Fine.” He giggles and walks off to the counter while you take your phone out to kill time. Getting bored when you see that there are not any notifications, you switch the device off and look out of the window, watching as people get out of their cars for a pitstop at the cafe before driving away again. 
“Here are the coffees.” You turn your head and see Jungkook setting two cups of coffee on the table before sitting himself. Looking at what he got you, you thank him for bringing the correct order and he just sends a light smile in your direction, rubs his hands together and picks up the cup with both hands. You almost coo, but hold yourself together. This was your enemy. 
That reminds you, “So, why are you suddenly being so kind to me? It’s really weird to experience you treating me nicely.” You hadn’t meant for your tone to come off as accusing, but it does, and you have to watch Jungkook’s eyes flash with hurt for a second before shaking his head lightly. He places his cup back in the small saucer and his hands on either side of it. 
“I knew you would ask me this.” egging him on with a raise of your eyebrows, you take a sip of your coffee “Remember how Coach said that we should stop arguing?” At your nod, he licks his lips and continues on with his explanation, “Well, I thought about it-” “You told me to stop arguing right after he left.” “I thought about it and I decided that we really shouldn’t be having these fights. Like, what’s the point? I’m not getting anything out of it. You’re not getting anything out of it.” He ignores your words and when you hear his, ask yourself why you hadn’t tried to put a stop to the childish arguments you had with Jungkook. 
You don’t know why you ever fought back. Well, you did hate losing and Jungkook did everything to rile you up- so he was at fault too- but there was no specific reason as to why you hated Jungkook so much. “I don’t know, you were the one who started them. I don’t have a problem with becoming friends.” 
Jungkook looks at you, looking as if he’s trying to figure something out, pouty lips looking kissable but you quickly brush those thoughts off. “So..” his hands come closer to yours and you’re shocked to feel your heart starting to beat faster, its pace picking up as Jungkook’s hand comes closer to yours. “..friends?” his pinky intertwines with yours and you feel your face turn red, the action igniting something in you. 
Looking down at your fingers intertwined seems to be a big mistake as you gasp, the sight just overwhelming you. His hand fit in yours perfectly, and even if he meant it just as friends, you couldn’t help but imagine how it would be to be loved by Jungkook.
No! You two just started behaving normally around each other and you’re already thinking about loving him?
A voice in your head sounds as Jungkook retrieves his hand to pick up the call that had distracted you. You take your hand back and keep it in your lap, tingling sensations till lingering. 
Jungkook looks at you apologetically for a second, and you reassure him that he could take the call but he tells whoever was on the other side of the line that he was busy, cutting the call after he told the person that he would call them back later. 
“Sorry about that.” you barely catch his mumble and shake your head, “Don’t worry.” As you finish your coffee and make small talk with Jungkook about random things, you start growing more comfortable around him, cracking jokes and laughing at his lame ones. You’re discussing some things about the upcoming tournament when Jungkook suddenly leans in closer. 
You move back out of shock and he stills, eyes suddenly going wide as his breathing halts. Your own starts getting heavy, his sudden action having caught you terribly off guard. After partially having gained your composure back, you see that Jungkook is still in the same position, “J-Jungkook?” He takes a moment to snap out of whatever trance he was put in and blinks once, twice before gasping loudly and jerking backwards. His back hits the chair and his mouth is still open in shock at what he did. 
“S-Sorry..” he trails off, chewing his lip and your eyes follow the motion carefully before darting them back to his face quickly. He furrows his brows and starters ahead of you before shaking his head, murmuring something to himself. “You ok there?” you try to keep your voice soft, soothing as Jungkook shifts his gaze to you, wide eyes looking absolutely adorable. 
You question him again, worried, “What wa-” “I like you.” 
You sputter, his words having caught you off guard and if Jungkook’s eyes could go any wider, they do, his hand instantly coming to slap over his face and he curses, “I-fuck.” You’re still shocked by his confession and your brain takes time to process what he said, the three simple words not registering in your mind until suddenly,  Jungkook’s voice brings you back to the present. 
“Y-Y/n?” He sounds hesitant, and your face must be an accurate representation of what you’re feeling right now because Jungkook begins speaking again, his eyes filled with worry as he tries to fix his mistake. “No. I mean, yes, I like you-” Your face portrays horror at his words again and he rushes to correct himself, hitting himself on the head once. 
“You what?” Your voice is hushed for unknown reasons and Jungkook looks around, trying to calm himself down by breathing in and out and you use the time to do the same, the initial shock having worn off as you exhale loudly and take a bite out of the cookie from the small plate he had gotten. 
“I like you, Y/n.” Jungkook’s tone is more serious this time, and you try maintaining  a straight face, his words finally sinking and you choke on your saliva. “Like like me?” you question dumbly and he nods desperately, licking his lips and drumming his fingers on the table, a nervous habit of his. 
“Oh,” Jeongguk tilts his head at your response and you muster the courage to ask him a question that had been lingering on your mind ever since he confessed. “Since..?”
He coughs loudly into his mouth, trying to hide the blush that creeps up his cheeks and looks at you with a suddenly brave gaze, “I’ve liked you for a long time, Y/n. The reason I started annoying was because I wanted you to notice me, not because I disliked you...And better confess now instead of regretting not doing anything before right?” Your mouth is left hanging at his confession now, the real reason for his pestering finally coming out into the light. 
“Why would you annoy me, though? You could've just come up and talked to me, it would've been way easier for us.” At this, Jeongguk blushes, trying to cover his burning cheeks from you and cups his face in  his hands. “I don’t know..you were really annoying, to be honest.”
“I was annoying- you asshole!” You lean over and hit his arm, much to his chagrin and he frowns before swatting your arm away. Silence falls over the two of you, but it's not the awkward kind, you just sit quietly, drowning yourself in thoughts about Jungkook. 
“So…” Beside you, Jungkook shifts shyly and lowers his head when you look at him, the sight igniting something warm inside you. “Can I ask to ask you out?” His hair sits prettily atop his forehead, hands on his lap and his lips are scrunched into the cutest pout. 
“Why don’t you ask me and find out?” You aim for a teasing tone, but miss by a mille, instead sounding breathless and at this, Jungkook smiles before leaning in closer. “Will you go on a date with me?”
Even though you knew he was going to ask you, the words still send tingles throughout your entire body, heart racing and you nod before you can even think.  
It has you suddenly thinking about the drastic turn of events. The guy who was once (not even a few hours ago) your biggest enemy had just confessed to you and was asking you out. You’re thinking if it was a bad decision, but with Jungkook looking so innocent and just, like a child, it’s hard to think straight. Your heart beats erratically as Jungkook gives you one last soft smile before getting up and walking to pay, and you try chasing him and stopping him from paying for both your and his drinks but as much as you want to, you’re still stuck in place, everything that happened recently replaying in your head. He comes back in a few minutes and holds out his hand for you to take, and as you’re getting up with his help, your heart can’t help but flutter, the feeling of his warm hand encompassing yours turning you mushy like dough. 
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“Seriously?” You can’t help but scoff, and beside you Jungkook lets go of your hand to feign an offended face. “What! You said you liked Call of Duty!” Jungkook defends himself and you stare blankly at the venue of your first official date with Jeon Jungkook. 
The baby pink blankets that adore his couch look inviting, so do the various snacks on the coffee table but still, this was your first date. You had really expected him to go all out and take you to dinner at a classy restaurant. And then maybe have ended with a drumline playing on a bridge. Ok, maybe that was too much. 
This doesn’t mean that you’re disappointed, though. Nope. This- a date on Jungkook’s couch with Call of Duty and snacks- was perfectly fine. Great, even. You finally crack a smile, nudging his shoulder and muttering a ‘Just kidding.’ under your breath when his face turns sad. 
You grab his arm and sit on the couch, patting the space beside you for him to occupy as you shuffle through the unhealthy packs of chips and nachos to find your favorite one. Jungkook grabs a drink and you shuffle under the soft blanket, curling up and look at Jungkook, trying to act cute as you prepare to embarrass yourself. 
“Cuddle with me?” Jungkook almost spits his drink out, surging forward as his head turns towards your direction you’re positive he gets whiplash. “W-What-Did you..” Nodding, you try pouting but know for a fact that it looks more awkward than cute and huff out, “Just-” Jungkook nods suddenly, “Ok.” and gets under the covers. Your face heats up when you finally realise that you just asked The Jeon Jungkook™ to cuddle with you, and as he ever so slowly crawls towards you, your body turns stiff. 
“I-Is this okay?” Jungkook hovers his hand over your waist and as you look at him with wide eyes, you nod lightly, indicating the green signal, his body heat not helping at all. Jungkook’s soft voice filters through your ears, and you swear you could listen to him forever. Even if he was making fun of your obsession with hard peaches. Yes. 
“We can watch a movie if you want..and then play COD?” he suggests and you mumble out a “Sure” and watch as he picks up the remote to scroll through the various apps whose subscriptions he had. 
He pauses at Netflix. “Can we watch Full House?” his voice is timid, and you turn to furrow your eyebrows at him, wondering why he would seem hesitant while asking that. Everyone loved Michelle. 
“Why not?” At your words, Jungkook’s eyes light up and he smiles widely, turning towards the TV to play the show. 
You rip open a packet of Cheetos and Jungkook tries (keyword: tries) to slyly wrap his arm around you from behind but doesn’t go unnoticed, and you move forward for him to easily slide his arm around you, not even bothering to look at his red face because there’s a really high chance that you’ll combust. 
2 episodes into the new season, you turn to Jungkook and he notices, eyebrows raised as you gulp, 
“I think I like you too.” 
“That would’ve been really romantic if your Cheetos breath wasn’t hitting my face.”
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“Yesss, get it Kook!” Jungkook comes running up to you and you slap his arm in enthusiasm. He hugs you, tight, and your arms wrap around his body as well, congratulating him in his victory. His last hit had been a smash, one his opponent hadn’t  been able to defend and the match had indeed with your school winning, the trophy yours for the third time in a row.  
“We won.” The words coming out of Jungkook’s mouth urge you to hug him tighter, and you do, nodding although he probably can't see you. “We did.” Your boyfriend lets go of you to embrace his teammates and you laugh with all of them, and when your eyes meet Jungkook’s, realise that he may not be as bad as you first thought him to be.
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tysm for reading whatever the fuck this is <3 send in feedback, if you want!
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taglist: @cosplay-snow-white​ @neoculturedtrash​ @bluejaem​ @orange-lemon-cross @thatonemultistan @multi--kpop--fanfics @whiteprincessofnohr @chittaslee @multifandomnet @jaeminpeachy @jaeminpeachy-reblogs @kyuwoyo @cupidluvstarrz @thats-a-jen-no-no @johnyusangel @guksauce @tokyohobi @crazyboutjooni @trashlord-007 @masterninjacow @kpop-and-anime-for-me @madotae @minblank @byeolhyesisi @gustingirl @twilightkoo-bangtan @ethereal-eirene send an ask or dm to be added!
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joheunsaram · 4 years
To Make A Power Couple - 07 (knj)
Chapter 7: Blanket Forts
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Summary- At the hospital, Namjoon tries to make sense of what transpired as Y/N recovers.
word count- 6k
pairing- idol!namjoon x ceo!reader
rating- R
genre- series, fluff, angst, action, strangers2lovers
warnings- violence, blood, stalker, hospital, extremely fluffy scenes of Joon as a caretaker
a.n- wow i literally wrote this the fastest i’ve written any chapter! i hope you like it. although there is angst there is also a lot of tooth rotting fluff. special s/o to @jungkooksbroski for beta reading this 💕
As always feedback appreciated. Send me an ask! 💌
taglist - @beach-bitch-bitch-beach, @sscheherazadee, @rjsmochii , @jinjccns​ , @joyful-jimin @sideblogger @agustdpeach @diamonddia-mond
Namjoon held your hand in both of his, his forehead resting upon them, as he waited for you to wake up from surgery, the beep of the heart monitor far too loud and ominous. His hood was on his head as his elbows dug into the ratty blue basketball shorts he had thrown on in a hurry. Even though the doctors had assured him that you were going to be fine, he was still worried. He couldn’t believe that you had gotten hurt at his own house of all places and he felt responsible as he replayed the scene in his head.
You looked so small next to the woman attacking you, it made his blood run cold. She was easily twice your size and the malice her gaze held was frightening. He barely registered her presence, how could she have been in his room the whole time he was home? Why didn’t he put his bags away so he could have caught her before she attacked? Why didn’t he hear someone else was home? He remembered hearing a noise while starting food prep and he assumed it was Moni just messing around. How stupid he had been. He was supposed to be your boyfriend, wasn’t it his responsibility to protect you?
He wasn’t even fast enough to pull her off you. He remembers time slowing down, his arms around the intruder as he tried his best to move her away but she seemed to be on a rampage, stomping on your arm. He remembers the moment her heavy boots almost flattened your arm. It was as if she wore them for the occasion. How did she even get in? He had never been happier to have Jungkook and Jimin around. If it weren’t for their help, he doesn’t even want to imagine how he would have managed. He could still feel the adrenaline in his body, hours later. The guards downstairs had been quick to arrive and he remembers sitting in his underwear trying to wake you up as he watched your arm twisted in an unnatural angle. Your scream still ricocheted through his head and he held your hand tighter, wishing you’d wake up already. The doctor had said it would take a couple of hours but he was on edge.
“But I love you!” the intruder had screamed as she was being dragged off by the guards and Namjoon hated his fame once again. He hated that it affected you, that it hurt you. If he was a nobody, you would’ve never been in this situation. You deserve someone who could hold your hand in public without fear that it might cause a controversy. Someone who you could show off at your events, someone you could travel with, someone who could take you out at normal hours to exhibits and didn’t have to sneak around with at concerts. Someone who screamed his love from rooftops, unlike him who only hid you away.
“Hyung. She’s okay. The doctor said she will be okay.” Jimin spoke softly, his arms around Namjoon’s shoulders as he hugged him back, feeling dizzy. Across from him Jungkook paced in the deluxe private hospital room that their company had reserved for them. The big room had a large bed, couch and television. Its warm wood furnishing and several fake plants were meant to emit a feeling of warmth but regardless of the size or decor, Namjoon felt like he was suffocating.
“She’s in surgery. Surgery. Because of me. Jimin what do I do?” He could feel a lump in his throat as he tried to stay strong. He knew logically that you would be fine, but all he could think was 1%. That’s what the doctor said the chance was of anything going wrong. He knew that millions of people broke their arms and were perfectly fine after a few months but you were his one in a million. The fact that he even met you was so random that he thought it fate. You always managed to do the impossible and in his emotional state that 1% chance was too large. Far too large.
Yoongi had arrived shortly after Jimin messaged the group about the home invasion and he stood next to Jimin and Namjoon, his hand on Namjoon’s shoulder as he tried to force him to drink water. The three men tried to reassure Namjoon in vain as he finally let go of Jimin to sit on the couch, his eyes glued to the door, pulling on the sleeves of his sweater as his leg bounced on its own accord.
After almost two hours he saw the door open as you were brought in on a stretcher, still asleep as the nurses moved you to the bed, checking your vitals. Yoongi had to physically restrain Namjoon from running over to you so the workers could do their job, but as soon as they were gone, he was by your side.
You were okay. Nothing went wrong and it felt like a boulder had been lifted off his shoulders as he all but collapsed, holding your hand, his head gingerly resting on your stomach. The boys bid him goodbye soon after making sure he was okay, giving the two of you privacy but ensuring Namjoon that their phones would be on them in case he needed someone with him. No one was getting sleep tonight.
Before Namjoon could let his negativity flood him further, he felt your hand twitch between his and he sat up, looking at your face intently as you finally opened your eyes looking at him groggily.
“Oh thank fuck!” He exclaimed, standing up without letting go of your hand, instead squeezing it tighter as he looked over at you. Your other arm was in a cast, laying over your stomach, both your eyes bruised and swollen underneath, your nose still red as you looked at him with wide eyes. His heart pained as he looked at the evidence of his failings, but for you he smiled, small and not reaching his eyes. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m sorry. Who are you?” you whispered, your voice hoarse. Namjoon felt his heart race, like it was going to fall out of his chest, panic slowly rising.
“Who…? You don’t know me?”
“Wait… aren’t you famous?” You asked again and he dropped your hand in shock, shaking as he rushed towards the door. Memory loss? That wasn’t a symptom they mentioned. You didn’t have a concussion and it scared him that the doctors missed something, fear making him almost sprint the short the distance.
“What the fuck? Okay. Don’t worry. I’m going to get the doctor!”
Before he could reach the door, he heard you giggle, turning around in disbelief as he heard your next words. “Joon! Stop! I was kidding!”
“You were kidding? You were KIDDING?!” He almost yelled, before checking himself. His mouth hung open for a moment as you watched him walk towards you slowly and standing over you, his brows scrunched into a pained expression on his face. “Red. Red, Y/N. You can’t joke right now, do you know how scared I was?” He whispered, sudden relief turning into exhaustion as he felt his knees almost buckle. He had never felt this overwhelmed before.
“Hey. Joonie, baby. I’m sorry.” You called to him gently, reaching for him, your fingers squeezing reassuringly around his forearm that hung next to you. Hearing him call red made you feel suddenly guilty. Even in your worst fights where you were both screaming at each other, the most either of you had called for was yellow. You had only wanted to lighten his mood, crack a joke to make him smile for real but your post-anaesthesia brain couldn’t come up with anything better.
“You’re sorry?” He looked at you incredulously before his long arms were placed gingerly around your waist as his head reached for the crook of your neck, resting there and he inhaled. You smelt different, like disinfectant and he hated it, feeling his lip quiver as he spoke against your skin in quick, flurried words.. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, baby. Fuck! Why are you even with me? I literally put your life in danger! You should break up with me! You’re gonna have a gigantic scar and like metal inside you forever! You deserve so much -”
“Oh man! A scar? Who’s gonna marry me now?” You interrupted his rant and tried to make your voice lighter, wanting to ease his worries, assure him that you were back to normal. You looked at your useless right arm, wishing you could hug him but settled for slowly running your fingers through his hair with your left to calm him down.
“I’ll marry you. I’ll do it right now!” He moved his head away from your neck, leaning his weight on his hands that now rested next to you on the bed, looking at you intensely. His eyes brimmed with unshed tears and you felt your heart break. You cupped his face, your thumb stroking his cheek as you tried to comfort him.
“Come here. Lie down.” You winced a little as you scooted to the side despite his protests, making room for him. He reluctantly laid down, his head in the crook of your arm and his feet dangling off the end of the bed. You slowly caressed his shoulder and felt him relax as he nuzzled the side of your chest, his arm draping over your hips carefully. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine. You’re the one that’s hurt.” His voice was small, muffled against you as his thumb traced meaningless patterns against you where it lay.
“Baby you literally asked me to break up with you and marry you in the same breath - you are not fine.” You spoke softly, your hand squeezing his shoulder as he took a shuddering breath. You looked at the dim tv that had the hospital’s menu channel on, displaying the time, 3:21 am. He argued not to worry about him, but you couldn’t help it. He had never looked more exhausted in your presence - even after twelve hours of dance practice on three hours of sleep, he didn’t look this drained. Your fingers moved upwards lightly scraping his scalp, his arm tightening around you, as you spoke. “I love you, you know that right?”
He sniffled, the hospital gown getting damp as he told you about his earlier worries. You hushed him, comforting him with words and coaxing him to sleep. His hand wrapped around the index finger poking out of your cast as he fell asleep after a while, his snores music to your ears. No matter what he believed, you still felt safe with him next to you.
You looked at the soft light of dawn as it flows through the window, trying not to move as your arm throbbed in the cast. In the few hours since he fell asleep, Namjoon’s head had moved, now resting on your chest as his arm was draped over your hips, but he looked so peaceful that you dared not wake him up. You barely slept, your pain medication wearing off much too quickly. You had never broken a bone before, and as you thought about how dumb your fifth grade self was for wanting a cast, you wished your boyfriend would wake up at his own accord. You desperately needed to call the nurse for some paracetamol, but you grit your teeth and bore it. You knew you were being stupid and Namjoon would be genuinely pissed if he knew, but looking at his mouth hanging open as he drooled over you made you smile at the endearing picture infront of you.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?), soon a nurse walked in for his morning rounds, waking up a groggy Namjoon who startled, almost falling off the bed, making you hiss as he accidentally held on too hard to your side to keep balance. He stood up, running his hands over his face in order to wake up properly while the nurse did the checkup, providing you with the pain killers you request. Once he leaves, Namjoon moves back to you, putting his arm under your head as this time you nuzzle into his chest. You talked about nothing as the drugs finally took effect, helping you doze off. Namjoon kissed the top of your head as you dropped off mid sentence, a smile on his face because you were alright, but a heaviness in his heart as he looked at the bruises on your face, dark blue and almost black.
“Shh… Guys come on. Let her rest!”
Namjoon’s theatrical whisper is the first thing you hear when you wake up again. Your eyes open to your room filled with all your friends. The room had seemed extremely large the last time you were awake but now it seemed tiny. Jiyoung was sitting on the couch typing on her phone with a frown, an Apeach plush on her lap, next to her Siwon was talking animatedly with a tired looking Jungkook munching on some chips. The coffee table in front of them was full of snacks, gifts, and flowers. Seokjin, Yoongi and Jimin were talking about something hushed as they stood near the television, serious looks on their faces. Hoseok was bent over the humidifier in the corner which seemed turned off, messing with the controls and grumbling to himself. Harry sat in the chair next to the bed, talking to Namjoon with Jen standing over him with her hand on his shoulder. Namjoon sat on the bed near your legs, his hand on your calf, and Taehyung sat next to him clinging on his waist. Needless to say, it warmed your heart to see all the people you loved here. Maybe getting injured wasn’t that bad.
You winced as you moved up the bed to get more comfortable and suddenly all the attention was on you, the room turning into a cacophony of “How are you feeling?”s and “Are you okay?”s. Everyone was now crowded around the bed, looking at you with worry, Seokjin even handing you the RJ plush he’d brought along with him stating its healing powers. It was odd to be coddled by such a large group. Overwhelming, but in the best way.
“I’m fine guys. It’s just a broken arm.” You tried to diffuse the worries.
“You should look at your face dude.” Siwon stated, causing Namjoon to sigh, annoyed, and you to ask for a mirror. Oof you looked worse than you felt. By the bruises on your face it was a wonder how your nose wasn’t broken. Sheepishly you tried to explain to the group that it wasn’t that bad, but your friends were not convinced.
Soon the conversation turned from worries about you to who the attacker was in the first place. While you and Namjoon were in the hospital, Jungkook and Jimin had been to the police to give in-depth statements. Turns out Namjoon had a stalker - someone the company and security had been keeping an eye on for months, but who seemed to have fallen off the map 6 weeks ago. Apparently the same one who had caused the dates at the beginning of your relationship to always be under the watchful eye of his security team. No one knows how she had managed to break into the dorms but apparently she had been hiding out in his room for a week, his closet was full of tins of food she had consumed during her stay. It was surreal to hear that someone had been in the house and no one had noticed. It made sense to an extent - no one had been actively living in the dorms for a few weeks, especially not Namjoon so his room was never opened. The boys seemed extra distressed about it, and even thought themselves guilty. Namjoon’s words from last night echoed in your head. He put himself at fault, when really it was this woman’s fault.
No one knew what her plan was when Namjoon returned, and you didn’t want to find out. It might seem odd but you were glad that you were there to protect him in a sense. Apparently seeing you had started such a rage in her that she refused to talk further than the death threats she spewed against you. She was in jail and you hoped she stayed there for a long time.
“The police haven’t taken into account your assault. You should file a report.” Hoseok spoke for the first time, his face hardened. The room seemed in agreement, but you hesitated.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea…” you started, only for Namjoon, who was now seated next to you on the bed with his arm around you, to counter but you continued. “I’m just saying. Police records are public and if someone looks into this person who was charged with stalking Joon the same night as attacking me, they might put two and two together and I don’t want that to reflect on him or any of you guys.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Y/N?” It was Yoongi who spoke, clearly irritated and impatient. “Who cares about that? She attacked you, she deserves to be in jail.” His voice was quiet, but the frustration in his tone was not lost.
“She’s already in jail though… It’s not gonna make a difference.”
“Noona… I know it’s not our decision but you didn’t see yourself when she was attacking you.” Jungkook’s voice wavered as he looked at you with hurt in his eyes. “She deserves to pay for what she did…”
“Guys… I know you want the best for me, but it’s too risky… Even you all being here right now is too risky!” It was time for your voice to waver as you suddenly realized the impact of having all of them in the room. All it took was one shitty quality photo from a nurse’s Samsung to ruin their image. You didn’t know how you’d be able to handle it if you were responsible for their first big scandal.
“Okay. I’m going to stop you right there. This is a private place we always use. This is not a risk.” Seokjin spoke slowly, enunciating each word as if trying to explain the situation to a five year old. He didn’t do it in a condescending manner, more to make you understand. “Please stop worrying about us. Our company has stopped way bigger scandals from surfacing. Namjoon, can you please make her understand?”
Namjoon sighed loudly next to you, his arm tightening around you to pull you closer. It felt comforting, but you still felt slightly cornered. You just couldn’t see the logic in what they were saying. The attacker’s jail time would probably not change much with an assault added, at least you didn’t think so - so why was this a big deal.
“It’s her choice, hyung. I’m not going to force her to press charges if she doesn’t want to.” Namjoon looked steely at his member, before turning to you and softening. “But Y/N, I really do want you to make that decision without thinking of me or the rest of us. Can you do that?”
“No. Sorry. I can’t.” You were adamant and now you were starting to get annoyed. Namjoon was right - it was your choice - and it felt nice to have him on your side, at least partially, through this argument, but it didn’t make sense not to make it an isolated discussion. “You’re part of the situation and I can’t just make the decision without adding you to it. I’m not pressing charges.”
You heard a loud snort from Yoongi. “Why are you being an idiot?” He spoke to which Hoseok vocally agreed, causing you to almost yell your explanation in exasperation, before Harry broke the argument asking everyone to take a break and to lay off you.
There was thick tension in the room and it seemed to have sapped the air out of you. You felt uneasy, like no matter how deeply you inhaled you were breathless. You felt claustrophobic suddenly, squeezing Namjoon’s thigh, trying to control your heartbeat. Namjoon saw the distress on your face, immediately requesting everyone to move outside. It didn’t take them long to leave and somehow that helped you feel calmer.
When the room was empty, Namjoon looked at you. Turning to him, you buried your face in his chest, squishing the white alpaca between you and moving your injured arm on his stomach to hug him, despite the sharp pain that made you hiss. Breathing in his scent, somehow made the stress of last night catch up to and you cried. Namjoon held your head gently to his chest as you tangled your legs in his, wanting to almost disappear into him. You didn’t know why you were suddenly crying, but you couldn’t help it - it was like a dam broke, like you were leaking, your emotions cascading out of you onto Namjoon’s sweater. You couldn’t control your sobs and you wondered how loud you were being.
Namjoon felt his heart break as he held you. He had only seen you cry like this once -  the night he asked you to be his girlfriend - and it pained him that he was partially responsible for your tears today. He didn’t know what to do other than whisper “you’re safe now” repeatedly against your hair as you clung to him clumsily. He shouldn’t have let everyone visit so soon. He should’ve thought ahead. Of course you were overwhelmed, you were traumatized. He was an idiot.
When you calmed down enough to look at him, he wiped your tears gently, barely even touching your skin, and handed you some water from the bedside table. He tried to assure you the best he could, interrupted intermittently by nurses and discharge forms. He didn’t bring up pressing charges again and you were grateful to him for that.
He helped you change into clothes Siwon had picked up for you, insisting you take the wheelchair to the car despite your protests (“My arm’s broken, not my leg Joonie!”). Before you entered your apartment Namjoon asked his security team to do a sweep. You would never admit it to him but having the place checked out before you entered made you extremely relieved. You knew it was irrational to think you’d have another stalker waiting for you but it genuinely made you feel lighter, your anxiety ebbing away.
He spent the next few hours quietly worrying about little things, changing the code to your door, checking every lock, making you tea, and even cleaning your place to ensure you had “optimum comfort”, while forcing you to stay in bed regardless of your protests. After a while you couldn’t take him running around and murmuring to himself, especially when he decided to order from six restaurants for dinner. Walking into the kitchen where he obsessively cleaned a single spot on the countertop, you pulled him away.
“Joonie. Stop.” you gently touched his hand, startling him anyways as he looked at you in alarm.
“Oh. Do you need anything? Tell me, I’ll get it. Water? Bathroom?” He bent down slightly to look you in the eyes, searching your face for any discomfort.
“Namjoon, I have a broken arm, I’m not an invalid.” You rolled your eyes. It was sweet that he was this concerned but you seriously needed him to stop running around worried.
“Wait, you said Namjoon. Are you mad at me?” He looked alarmed, his eyes wide. Now that you looked at him closely, he didn’t seem to be doing too well either. His eyes seemed sunken behind his glasses, the crease between his eyebrow deep, and his stubble growing out more than you’d ever seen. You wondered if he got much sleep after you dozed off this morning. He even seemed skinnier somehow, though you chalk that up to your imagination.
“No baby I’m not mad at you. Just stop… obsessing. I’m fine. I swear.” You cupped his face with your working hand, thumb circling his cheekbones in an effort to relax him. He leaned in closing his eyes.
“Oh… oh. I just want to show you I love you. You know like you do…” He mumbled in a slight pout, averting your gaze.
“What are you talking about?”
“You always take care of me when I’m down. I want to take care of you.” You felt your heart glow in your chest. Sometimes you forget how much you love this man, but sometimes he says things that, for a lack of a better analogy, punch you in the face, reminding you why you love him. You wrap your arm around his waist, nuzzling your face into his chest, as he tentatively puts his arm around your head.
“You don’t need to deep clean my kitchen to take care of me babe. Just sit next to me. Let’s watch a movie.” You lean away from his chest to tell him, trying to tug his unmovable body towards the living room.
“Are you sure? I’m almost done. Just this one stain…” He lets go of you to grab the wipe again, only for you to pull at his hand.
“Joon. Leave it.” You say sternly, holding his hand as you lean up. “Kiss me.”
“What? No. You’re hurt.” He moves back and you have to convince your irrational feelings that he wasn’t rejecting you, he was worried about you.
“If it hurts, I’ll tell you.”
“No you won’t. I know you.”
“Joonie!” you whine and he relents, although it’s not a kiss you were hoping for. He settles for a series of small pecks against your lips, so light that you barely felt him. Sure even puckering your lips was slightly painful but you were annoyed, rolling your eyes at his lame attempt. And this was the man who had spanked you so hard once that you couldn’t sit without wincing for two days. The audacity.
Before you could protest he walked with you to the living room and turned on Netflix. Picking a brainless comedy, you forced him to lie down on your lap and even before the title had come up he was asleep.
“What wrong baby?” Namjoon came from the studio to find you lying on the ground still dressed in your pajamas with half your hair tied lopsidedly as you whined at seemingly no one, ignoring Moni as he licked your face. If he wasn’t worried that you somehow fell, he would find the sight of you throwing a tantrum like a toddler adorable.
It had been three days since you returned from the hospital, but Namjoon hadn’t seen you looking this dejected before. You had been completely normal on Sunday, even agreeing to the guys coming over for dinner so they could apologize for their behaviour at the hospital. You had riffed like usual, making fun of Jin and Yoongi as they cooked even though it seemed like you itched to get in the kitchen and help, even getting especially giddy as your childhood dream of getting a cast signed by your friends was fulfilled. The next two days, despite everyone’s insistence you had returned to work, working from home. Fortunately Harry and Siwon had rescheduled or taken over all your client meetings to lighten your load. Namjoon had returned to work too but made sure to text you throughout the day and had spent every night with you, regardless of your protests of being an “independent woman that needs no man”.
“I hate this! I’m so frustrated! I feel useless and gross!” you whined as you thrash around on the floor comically with the biggest pout he had ever seen you sport. Dropping his bag near the door and trying not to chuckle at your cute behaviour, Namjoon walked over to you kneeling next to you.
“Aww baby come here” He opened his arms invitingly as you sat up, only for you to sit crossed leg in front of him to begin your rant. Moni moves between your legs and you scratch his head absent-mindedly.
“No! I can’t attend any meetings till my face doesn’t look like fight club, I can’t shower for two more days, I can’t cook because of this dumbass arm, I can’t even tie my hair! TIE MY HAIR, JOON. I’M UGLY, USELESS AND DISGUSTING. Please leave me in my misery.”
Your face turned red as you continued listing minor inconveniences that your broken arm bestowed upon you as Namjoon made his way behind you and put his arms around your waist, his chin on your shoulder in an effort to calm you down. Instantly you relax, huffing as you leaned into his chest. Today has been tough for you. You had spent two hours on a call relaying your game plan for a potential client to Harry and walking him through his nerves about the meeting, which drained you mentally. Your laptop had restarted two times without warning, your roomba had gotten stuck under the couch and you couldn’t reach for it, you had almost fallen in the toilet because the seat was up, you ran out of coffee, and to top it all off it took you ages to write anything with your left hand alone. You felt miserable and dejected.
“You’re beautiful. My slightly stir-crazy, extremely capable, beautiful girlfriend.” Namjoon kissed your cheek as you turned your head to scowl at him, not buying his flattery. He traced your features gently. He wasn’t lying, even with your face patchy with your yellowing bruise and a scab on your lip, you were beautiful to him and he felt his heart swell the longer he looked at your face. He still had trouble believing that you were with him.
“You’re only saying that cause you love me.” You whisper softly as you avert his gaze before starting to whine again as you adjusted your sling. “Ugh I just want to eat McDonald’s and die.”
“Not going to let you die, but let’s get nuggets.”
“Baby I got us Chinese!” Namjoon called out as he walked in your home, hands full of takeout. Hearing no answer he called out again to hear your voice coming from the bedroom.
“Joonie! Crawl under here!” He saw you emerge clumsily from the floor, cast pulled close to your chest, as he entered the room where you had piled the blankets between the edge of the bed and the chairs that you had brought near it. “I made us a fort!”
Your giggles made his heart sing as he grinned and crawled under the fort, taking care not to knock it down. You had brought the lamp from the side table under as well, lighting the small space with a soft glow. He could barely sit up, his height making it difficult not to knock down your creation so he opted for laying down, his head on your thigh as you played with his hair. He sighed in content. It felt somewhat meditative sitting in silence with you under the many sheets, the pile of soft pillows in the corner adding extra coziness.
Soon you’re laying side by side, your fingers intertwined as you bounced your hands against each other. You were both looking at the makeshift comforter ceiling, soft smiles on your faces.
“Why the sudden fort?” Namjoon asks after a while, almost in a whisper, not wanting to break the spell of comfort you both were under.
“I don’t know… It’s stupid.” He turns on his side to face you, cupping your face to make you look at him. It’s the look he always gives you whenever you doubt yourself. A look that says I’m here for you, I’ll never judge you. “I used to build these when I was a kid and missed my mom… I guess I’m feeling kind of homesick. I know it’s dumb.” You chuckle a little at how childish your comments seemed. You were almost thirty and talking about missing your mom.
Namjoon hadn’t thought of this before - the fact that Seoul wasn’t truly your home. Sure you had introduced your mom to him over Skype a few times but he thought about how much he missed Seoul when on tour, did you miss Toronto that way too? You always seemed so content in Seoul, so content with your friends that he never thought about how your family wasn’t there.
“We can go visit home if you want?” He kisses your lips chastely as he continues, his nose nuzzling yours. “I can take a few days off. I’d like to meet your mom in person.”
“We don’t have to. I’m just being a baby.” You laughed as you moved closer and he put his arm under your head to pull you into his chest. You knew this bout was homesickness was temporary, but Namjoon’s words made your heart glow in your chest. It had been two weeks since your attack and although Namjoon had been a rock, helping you with everything from ensuring that you ate to shaving your under arms, you were nostalgic about when you were sick during high school and your mom would take the day off work to take you on a drive, buying you ice cream and snacks that definitely did not help your illness. His idea wasn’t a bad one but with how your injury had messed up your work schedule, you didn’t think you could take time off for a while, and you told him as much. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence again after that, dinner forgotten on the kitchen counter, as you laid under the blankets soaking in the cozy atmosphere.
Caressing your hip slowly where your shirt ended, Namjoon cleared his throat slightly, breaking the spell before he spoke in another whisper. “I could be your home… if you want.”
Moving your head from his chest you look up to find him gazing at you with a soft smile as he turns on his side again. You follow suit, the fingers of your uninjured hand tracing his chest where it stuck between the two of you. Your heart beat faster as you slowly comprehended what he meant, but you still needed him to clarify. “What do you mean?”
“Do you want to move in together?” Namjoon was nervous - more nervous than he had been on your first date, more nervous than he had been when he asked you to be his girlfriend, more nervous than he had been after your first fight. The last two weeks had been some of his favourite with you, regardless of the circumstances that landed him there. He liked coming home to you every night, arguing over what to have for dinner, waking up each morning with his arms around you. You technically didn’t need him around anymore, your schedule was back to normal and you were more than used to navigating with one hand, but he didn’t want to go back to seeing you once or twice a week. How could he do that when he could see you everyday? The domesticity of your morning routines of coffee and reading the news together that had once scared him, were things he craved now. He even loved your playlist of the week startling him awake.
Your prolonged silence made his heart race as he bit his lip in anticipation. Before he could take back his question with a joke, you kissed him. Your lips molded around his tenderly as you took his lower lip between yours, relishing his strawberry lip balm. You break the kiss to whisper a soft yes, barely audible over the sound of your heart in your ears, and Namjoon couldn’t help breaking into a fit of giggles, his forehead against yours as he pulled you closer. He tried to control his reaction but the happiness flowing through him made him feel like he was floating.
“And they were roommates!” You made the dated reference as you giggled along with him.
“You are such a dork. I love you.” He said as he brought his lips back on yours.
“Yeah, your dork!”
“All mine.” He smiled, his eyes disappearing as his cheeks hurt from the joy he felt.
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
Hey! I'd like to request a Harry x Gryffindor!reader where y/n is a member of the Golden trio (well now quartet) and is basically about her friendship with them and how her and harry eventually fall in love and end up together, like is a slow burn (it can be either a oneshot or headcanons, it's your choice) thank you! 💕
Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Muggleborn!Reader
Summary: You and Harry have been friends since first year, so how will you tell him that you have deeper feelings for him than just friendship?
Word Count: 6665
Warnings: mentions of scars, umbridge (which is a warning for obvious reasons), hints of depression, doing badly in school
Ok I know that this was supposed to be a small headcannon, but I kinda went overboard so now this is 6k... oops!
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so you both met on the train to hogwarts in first year
you physically ran into harry when you were trying to find a spot to sit before the train started moving
you kinda squashed him because, let’s admit it, harry was probably abnormally skinny for an eleven year old and could be pinned down by an aggravated squirrel
but it caused the two of you to have an inside joke and become friends, even before you got to hogwarts
you also became friends with ron weasley on the train ride
he was also a scrawny little twerp, and you felt like a mother looking after two idiotic children
there was also hermione granger, who immediately rubbed you the wrong way
she was bossy and seemed to be a know it all
at the sorting ceremony, harry, ron, and hermione had all gone before you
so you were kinda just chilling in the group of kids that you didn’t talk to on the train, secretly sending all your hopes into getting into gryffindor
thank godric that you did
you all sat together and ate
you also met ron’s brothers: fred, george, and percy, and apparently he had two more, bill and charlie, and a younger sister, ginny
wow his mother made a bold choice
but they were all kind
though fred and george seemed a bit too mischievous for their own good
and percy was kinda snarky
but everyone has their own flaws, and you should look past them
and you and hermione were roommates
(oh my god they were roommates)
so you tried to deal with hermione’s nagging and obsession with success
it’s firmly believed by all the girls in that dorm that if she wasn’t in gryffindor, she probably would have been in slytherin because she was so ambitious 
but school was fun
you all had classes together
because you’re first years and didn’t have electives yet
hermione, of course, was amazing at just about everything
ron and harry were decent at most things, of course they had to learn but they caught on quick
the only class you liked was the flying lessons, but it only happened once  every week
and astronomy
you just liked going out at night and staring at the stars
but who wouldn’t
so hermione tried to help you in class, but she talked far too fast and already knew everything
she was smart, but she wasn’t a good teacher
so you went to harry, because he was doing good in classes and wasn’t psycho-smart
he actually helped a ton more
you were actually passing your classes now
the both of you bonded over quidditch, as he became seeker and you longed to be a chaser for gryffindor
so you went to all his games and cheered him on
(you also tried out in second year and made it, to the shock of most people)
through your first year, things were relatively normal, right up until you discovered the locked room that housed a large, three headed dog
then harry decided it would be a grand idea for you all to go into a trap door underneath the dog
but of course you followed
as you entered, you got past the dog with relative ease, then hermione helped you all out of the devil’s snare
then you got on the broom and caught the key needed to get through the next door
then ron aided in beating the killer chess board
hermione had to carry him back to the main hallway, and up to madam pince
but you went with harry to find the sorcerer's stone
and when you walked into the room, you stopped at the top of the stairs, seeing quirrel
after a few moments of talking, when the fighting broke out, you were hit with a jinx that sent you flying across the room
which knocked you out
so when you woke up in the hospital wing with a few bruises
ron to your left, still asleep
harry to your right, also asleep
you could say that you were a bit confused at the goings-on of the night before
hermione showed up only a few moments later and explained everything from what she knew
when you all left after first year, it’s safe to say a tear may or may not have fallen at the idea of not seeing your friends for a whole three months
but that summer, you were invited to the burrow at the end of summer
and you went
after begging your parents for the entire month prior
but you got there
and you went along with, ron, fred, and george in their dad’s car to go rescue harry
and you almost fell out of the car while trying to pull him inside, away from his porky looking uncle
but you guys were fine
and when you got back to the house
mrs. weasley chewed you all out
except harry
but she gave you quite the talking to because you’d been there for the past few weeks and she was comfortable treating you like her own
which included a good scolding
but it was all ok
because you were all back together
at least you and the boys
but you would see hermione very soon
when you went to diagon alley
but there was a small hiccup in the day
when you ran into the malfoys
you slammed into draco’s back
very hard
and he fell over
and you fell on top of him
and his dad saw it all
and screamed at you in front of everyone in the bookshop
“you filthy, vile, little mudblood!”
he had his wand pulled in your face and everything
draco was smirking behind him
it was humiliating
the weasleys had your back
the twins came to help you stand up and were glaring at the malfoys
arthur began yelling at lucius
though you were embarrassed, you felt loved all the same
all the girls were obsessing over some gildy-guy
you didn’t find him all that appealing
he seemed too full of himself
but hogwarts was going good that year
besides the little thing with you, ron, and harry stealing a flying car and crashing it into the whomping willow
though it did give you all a bit of street cred given that...
ya know, three 12 year olds stole a flying car and drove it to hogwarts
as mentioned before, you made it onto the gryffindor quidditch team as chaser
you were also benched for half a game for trying to knock malfoy off his broom when he called hermione and you mudbloods while trying to smack talk harry
which didn’t make sense because the slytherins cheat every game and you try to assault one kid and suddenly you're benched
though malfoy doesn’t really say much to your group when your around now
you also got closer to the twins, helping them with pranks and diversions
after the malfoy/bookstore incident, they felt more protective of you
you became like an older sister to ginny
and she always felt like she could open up to you
but she had a weird little book she wouldn’t let you see
as she got worse through the year, you told hermione
but she suggested that you shouldn’t tell her brothers
because maybe she didn’t want anyone knowing
when it was revealed that harry was a parseltongue, you most definitely yelled at people who badmouthed him
you also punched one kid, but you didn’t get a detention for it because the kid was too scared to tell anyone
you and harry were even closer than before
between quidditch and you staying close to him everywhere because you were scared of being petrified
and when hermione got petrified you broke down in the middle of the common room
harry hugged you, a little awkwardly, but he was trying
then ginny got taken down to the chamber
and you felt more numb than anything
so when you, ron, and harry ventured down to the chamber of secrets to find ginny
with lockhart
who wasn’t much help
but ron and lockhart were stuck behind fallen rocks so you and harry went on
and you found ginny
and young voldemort
...or his ghost
either way
it was voldemort
and though you would never tell another soul, he was a lot more handsome when he had his face in tact and looked, well, human
but besides that, he was trying to kill you, harry, and ginny, so his appeal was pushed to the side when you considered that little factor
but as the basilisk chased harry around the chamber, tom riddle had you in a headlock
you were on your knees
and he was basically just forcing you to watch harry be chased by a killer snake
ginny was still passed out after harry defeated the basilisk with the sword of gryffindor, brought by the phoenix, fawkes
you still couldn’t catch your breath after tom riddle had let you go, given that he had been choking you slowly
you hugged harry and were gripping onto the backs of his robes as tight as possible, still feeling light headed and grateful that you actually survived
but you helped harry carry ginny out as quick as possible
ron and lockhart had cleared away most of the rubble, well mostly ron, lockhart was still crazy
when the end of the year came and hermione, among others, were no longer petrified, you enveloped her in the biggest hug imaginable
the train ride back was, once again, a bit sad, but you promised to come over to the burrow during the summer
you went to the leaky cauldron with hermione and her family, since yours didn’t exactly like that you were a witch
they loved you, but all this stuff was to dangerous for their taste
but you and hermione went to the leaky cauldron for a few nights
met the weasleys there for a day of shopping and such
also met harry there, since he was brought by the minister of magic for using magic underaged outside of school
which was kind of a stupid rule
but whatever
you got to spend more time with your friends
because the weasleys were in egypt visiting bill, ron’s older brother,
but you got your little (well, large, really) family back
you and harry talked about everything that the dursley’s had done to him, how he blew up his aunt, and how he was sick and tired of feeling alone during summers
you told him about how your parents were complaining about you leaving for most of the year and, all around, didn’t like magic, like his aunt and uncle
you also talked about how ron’s rat and hermione’s cat were going to kill each other, which meant that ron and hermione would end up killing each other
you never really realized how much you talked to harry until you didn’t get to everyday
on the train ride to hogwarts, you sat with the twins and their friend, lee jordan, and a few of the girls from the quidditch team that you’d known before
you were planning a big prank for the start of the year
harry, ron, and hermione, however, were stuck with an old, sleepy man in their compartment
harry was also moping because you were spending time with the twins
he missed you more than he thought he would and wanted to spend time with you, but he couldn’t just say that
they were your friends too
then the dementors came onto the train, which woke up the old man in their compartment and he was able to fend them off
and harry passed out
and then he woke up a few moments later
with chocolate being shoved in his face
(not a bad way to be woken up)
but the first thing he did was try and get up to look for you
which hermione offered to do so he could rest
in your compartment, you had fallen over, not passed out, but your knees had gone weak and you blacked out for a moment, still awake though
fred and george were on either side of you on the floor
they both had an arm over your shoulder, trying to warm you up
angelina johnson was giving you kind words
and then hermione walked in
your head shot up
“are you all alright?”
“harry passed out,”
there was a chuckle heard from outside the compartment
“potter passed out? some brave gryffindor he is!”
everyone just kinda rolled their eyes and continued to ignore him
“is harry ok?”
“should be, there was a man in there, i assume he was a teacher or something, he had it handled”
“you’re sure he’s alright?”
“yes, he’s perfectly ok, y/n,”
hermione definitely knew about your crush on harry now
she had her suspicions before
but it was just obvious now
hermione left, probably going back to harry and ron
“you wanna go see him?” one of the twins asked from your right in a concerned but also suggestive voice
you shook your head
“i’ll see him at dinner, fred,”
both the twins gasped, along with the others in the compartment
“you can tell us apart?” george asked
yes, that’s right, you had learned the difference between the twins and could tell them apart, something their best friend, lee, couldn’t even do
you were quite proud of yourself
“of course, what do you take me for? your mother?” you chuckled
both the twins knew, at that moment, they’d hit the jackpot
they knew you had a great sense for attention to detail in pranks, but this just showed how much you knew
“how do you know which is which?”
“fred has more freckles, george slouches more when he walks, fred also has a little scar right at the top of his hairline that you can just barely see, but it’s usually how i can tell. also you have sides when you go places together, george is left and fred is right, though i’m sure you’ll change it up from now on to trip me up,”
“ahhh, little y/n, you are a good best friend,” -fred
“lee, take notes,” -george
“fuck all of  you,” -lee
the rest of the ride was not as eventful after that, though the twins were still trying to make you slip up
they left to put their uniforms and asked you to guess who was who, you were correct, they were crybabies about it
when hermione went back to harry, he was a little sad to hear that fred and george were comforting you so closely
lupin kinda smirked because it reminded him of how james would get mad when lily was with other boys
then he wasn’t smirking because he was all sad
when the train got back to hogwarts, you met up with ron and hermione and harry
they told you all about cool professor lupin
third year was great
professor lupin was your favorite professor, which was a similar theme around school
you pranked more people with fred and george
you played quidditch, getting better at your skills when practicing with angelina and katie
lupin grew to love your little quartet
because you were like his friends
hermione reminded him of himself because of her good morals and need to excel in classes, even though she still had her own dark side
ron was like peter, one of the funniest, kindest friends he’d ever seen, while also being underspoken, letting his friends speak first in most situations
james and harry were practically the same person, with their entire personas mirroring the others, though harry was much more modest than james had ever been, but also seemed to have his mischievous side much more hidden than his father, who would boast about his accomplishments and pranks
you reminded him of sirius, with how you always found a way to make others laugh, and your chameleon-like personality that could fit in with multiple groups, you never seemed to be alone, along with the way that you could never seem to wear your uniform correctly: always choosing a t-shirt instead of the button down or regular trainers over the uncomfortable uniform shoes
he made sure to pay extra attention to harry and his friends through the year
you became more popular as you hug out with fred and george more
hermione and ron seemed to bicker more and more like an old married couple
harry was stressing over sirius black constantly, especially after finding out that he was his godfather
you and harry went to see lupin together to discuss what he knew of sirius black, along with just getting your minds cleared
he accepted you both into his office and you all chatted for hours
he also offered to teach you how to cast a patronus, like he had been doing with harry
you gleefully accepted
harry had been at his wits end with malfoy at this point, sick of the taunts and jokes tossed his way
so you and fred and george pranked him
turned his hair red and glittery
only lasted until you washed it out but it was very funny to see him freak out
as patronus practice went on with harry and lupin, you got closer and closer to casting a full patronus, only after your second lesson
during the third time you went, your patronus was cast fully, a mighty lioness that roared loudly as you, harry, and lupin laughed in pure delight at the sight of the mighty beast
you told fred and george what your patronus was and they were jealous, because you got the house mascot and they couldn’t even produce the charm
when the day came that you, harry, ron, and hermione all went down to hagrid’s for buckbeaks’ execution
then scabbers was pulled away by a large black dog
and you all went into the whomping willow
and found sirius black
who was being quite dramatic for a wanted killer
or maybe that was just how killers were
just murdering people but with ✨pizzazz✨
but when lupin turned up, and explained the situation, then ron’s rat turns into peter pettigrew, who was supposed to be dead, then snape showed up
god this was a really long night
once you had everything taken care of (ron was going to be taken to the hospital wing for his leg injury, peter pettigrew was in restraints, it was acknowledged that sirius was framed, and everyone knew lupin was a werewolf) you walked back up to the opening of the whomping willow
then the moon came out
lupin began transforming, everyone backed away slightly, but you were stunned to your spot
sirius and snape were protecting harry ron and hermione
but you were just standing there, watching
peter got away by transforming into a rat, again
lupin was now in full wolf form though, so that was the bigger problem
sirius approached him slowly before lupin turned around quickly, scratching your arm and hand as he ran off, sirius chasing after him in his dog form
but you were scratched by a werewolf
and it hurt
snape had to be a crutch for ron because his leg was messed up
and you were wobbling as you walked from the pain
but you both made it to the hospital wing
pomfrey attended to you first, and she explained, while she worked, that since it was only a scratch, you shouldn’t suffer any detrimental side effects aside from the scarring, which would never go away
it wasn’t too bad after she gave you a few medicines
you worried about hermione and harry, and while ron was being tended to, you glanced out of the windows looking for a peak at your friends
they ended up coming up to the hospital wing after seeing the dementors try to kill sirius, but then they disappeared again, leaving you and ron confused when, just seconds later, they walked through the doors into the hospital wing
but they told you that they saved sirius and buckbeak
school was pretty calm after that
you and harry went to see lupin when you heard that he was quitting
he explained that word got out about him being a werewolf
by snape
the bitch
and that he hurt a student
but he wasn’t aware of that part
until he saw your arm wrapped up
and asked what happened
and he looked like he was going to cry
but you assured him that it didn’t hurt
of course it hurt but you weren’t going to tell him that
for some reason you felt bad that he hurt you
because he was kind and gentle and didn’t deserve the prejudice he got
the scar was healing, but it was from your elbow to the back of your hand, and it was about an inch wide, so there wasn’t much hope of you covering it up or saying it was no big deal
lupin was worried though
how were you going to explain this to your parents?
they were muggles, wouldn’t they pull you out of school?
apparently not, because when, that summer, you were invited to the quidditch world cup with the weasleys and hermione and harry, they let you go
which was very out of character but you didn’t really mind
the quidditch cup was… interesting
you and hermione were pretty spooked afterwards because of the death eater symbol that hung over the crowd
along with the fact that you were muggleborn
but the beginning of the school year was sure to take your mind off of it
the triwizard tournament seemed interesting enough for the older teens to compete in
you couldn’t play quidditch but this was fine
it was a relaxing year to just chill
because you got two months of relative peace until harry’s name was pulled out of the cup and most of the school turned on him
you were still staying close to harry because you trusted him
and you knew that ron wasn’t so much mad at his friend as much as he was a mix of jealous and worried for harry’s safety
you also helped harry train for the first task once you found out what it was
fuckin dragons
you brought him out to the quidditch pitch a few days a week and made him run drills so that he’d be quicker on his feet
ya know
running from a dragon
and you made sure that he knew basic spells
you made hermione research dragons and common ways to get past them
after a little conversation with moody, you also practiced the summoning charm so he could get his broom
you still made sure he was doing running drills because he could always fall
but you included some flying practice
“i don’t care if you're the youngest seeker in a century, harry, this is a dragon!!!! it breathes fire!!!”
because you were helping harry so much
you kinda began slipping in class
just a little
ok maybe a lot
but you were also practicing spells with harry so you were learning like 6/7th year charms
though your teachers didn’t see it that way
so you had to ditch harry a few times due to detentions
mostly with mcgonnangal because she pitied you and how you were worried about your friend dying, which you prioritized over lessons
though snape was getting fed up with you
he was yelling at you more
but you were used to it at this point
the day of the first task you had been with harry in the tent for as long as you could stay there, worried for his safety
to be honest he was getting more nervous because of you
he wanted you to calm down
and you wanted him to live
so it was quite the stressful situation
especially when, while you were sitting on one of the hospital beds moved down there (for precaution) you rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and rita skeeter snapped a quick picture
but she got told off by krum
which was kinda refreshing
he was quiet, but he would stand up for what was right
you liked that about him
it reminded you of harry
harry did really well in the task, getting really high marks for his agility and skill on a broom
you gleamed with pride
a few days later, at breakfast, ron had a parcel delivered to him
dress robes
that were beyond hideous
then you heard all about the yule ball
where you had to dress up and converse with the other schools and such
it didn’t sound all that appealing to you
you loved hanging out with friends and such
but you weren’t exactly thrilled with the idea of dressing up for hours on christmas, the day of relaxation
and becuase you didn’t really think that you were gonna go, you gave ron the money your parents sent you for a dress so he could buy new, nice dress robes
he thanked you a million times
you were also helping harry with the egg
let's say that cedric found out about the egg and told harry a bit sooner
so you were trying to get him to swim in the black lake
he wasn’t pleased
but he needed to be quick in the water
he was mad at you for pushing him in one day
but he got over it
hermione was losing her mind because you and harry were basically flirting 
and touching one another with looks of affection
but harry wouldn’t man up and ask you out
and you didn’t believe he would actually like you
hermione about slapped you when you said that
you also told her that you didn’t really want to go because of the elegant air that wasn’t your style
so she made it her personal mission to get you and harry together
she wasn’t subtle
was she ever?
but nothing happene
one day at breakfast, while the boys were complaining about not having dates
fred, who was sitting next to you, asks angelina to the dance to show ron and harry that it was that easy
ron made some snarky comment about how hermione and you wouldn’t have dates
and hermione was mildly offended by ron and stormed off
but you knew he was right
nobody had even asked you
you thought about asking harry
multiple times
but you just knew he wouldn’t want to go with you
especially when he had practically every girl in hogwarts to choose from
so that night, in the common room, you asked george if he had a date
he didn’t
so you went as friends
because you thought of the twins as family
and didn’t like them that way
but you knew that they were a good option, and with george you would be able to joke all night and have a good time
you bought a cheap-ish, but nice, dress from money you’d already had in your trunk
harry was pissed
he knew you liked one of the twins
and he was mad at himself more than anything
but he went with one of the patil twins, ron taking the other
but when you came downstairs to george, looking more gorgeous than ever
with the help of hermione
you wore a dress with short sleeves, which made you slightly insecure because you still had the scar from professor lupin that was a few shades off from your normal skin tone
but hermione, fred, george, and angelina assured you that you were still beautiful
he couldn't take his eyes off you
“potter seems to be staring at you,” george teased
you rolled your eyes and didn’t bother to look back because you didn’t want to be disappointed
the ball was fun
you caught up with the twins since you hadn’t spent much time with them since you were helping harry
the next weeks you were still training with harry
he was still reluctant about getting in the black lake
but he lived
and when, the night before the task, you and hermione disappeared when he had a question, he felt more helpless than ever
he felt even more helpless when, during the task, he could make out your figure at the bottom of the lake, in between hermione and a little blonde girl
after he helped you and the little blonde girl, who turned out to be fleur’s little sister, you and harry were huddled together…. 
“warming up”
he got high marks again for rescuing both you and gabrielle, even though he took a long time to finish
he was tied for first place
you jumped up and hugged him so tight he could barely breathe
you loosened your grip and stared him in the eyes
your faces were so close together you could feel the other’s breath
then ron came up and grabbed harry
it was awkward between you and harry for about a day and a half until you were in the common room together and were joking like old times
after that, you waited until the month before the final task, when you found out it was a maze with creatures and spells
you made harry start running again
he said he was going to curse you
you laughed
but when the task came up, you felt a little weird about everything
things just seemed off
and when harry reappeared with a dead cedric and the triwizard cup and there was a deafning silence between everyone
cedric's father was screaming
you were trying to shove your way down the stands to harry
because he looked numb yet also going through so many emotions
when you finally got to harry he was pulled away by dumbledore, who told you to go back to your friends
you wanted to hit him
but you talked to harry the next day
well, you didn’t talk much
he collapsed, crying the tears he was holding in since the end of the third task
you held him, letting him sob
you started whispering kind words to him when his sobbing became slower and his breathing was more regular
“you don’t need to be, you shouldn’t be sorry, it’s nothing you did, i promise,”
over the summer, not very much happened
until, while you were at the weasleys, harry was attacked by dementors and was being put on trial for using magic outside of school
he came to sirius’ parents old house before his trial, then, after he was free to go back to school, spent the rest of the summer with you, ron, and hermione
you spent a good bit of time over the summer working on prank products with the twins
you got a lot of progress made on the extendable ears and a few of the skiving snackboxes products were almost perfect
while on your way back to school, while ron and hermione were at the prefects carriage, you caught up with harry and what you had been doing over the summer, talking about whatever you didn’t say while at grimmauld place
they talk about how harry is sick of the pity stares he's getting, and that’s just from getting on the train and sitting down
you talk about your adventures with the twins over the summer, how they tried to do side-by-side apparition with you and you puked
the rest of the train ride was mediocre at best, but the real fun started at the end of the first dinner
namely, a woman called delores umbridge, who was the defense teacher
nobody found her likeable, especially after she interrupted dumbledore
nobody interrupts dumbledore
but you wanted to give her a chance
that chance didn’t get you too far
you and the twins were planning to prank her by day 3
she yelled at harry and gave him a torture quill for his punishmet
nasty bitch
but by the end of the fourth day at school, her cat portraits had been let out around the school, milling around in other paintings and it took her a few days to finally put them all back
the best pranks are ones that linger, driving the person mad
she didn't know it was you three, of course she didn’t, she had only been there four days
but she started to catch on when you and the twins were seen whispering in the great hall, writing on a piece of paper that was shoved under a desk and whispering stopped as she walked by
she knew for a fact that it was you three when you had all used the same annoying phrase in class, multiple times, just to drive her mad
your first detention this year, though it was with fred and george, went unknown by your friends
you didn’t want them to worry, since you couldn’t get your hand to stop bleeding when you would stretch or scratch the healing skin, but you had no intentions of stopping your pursuit of pranking
it wasn’t until dumbledore’s army was having their first practice that harry noticed the scabbed writing on your hand, which was written over your werewolf-scratch scar from third year
‘i must respect my superiors’
he got kinda really mad at you when you’d told him that it was from the last 7 detentions with umbridge, though he didn’t know you even had one
quidditch practice was awkward, harry wouldn’t talk to you, unless it was to critique your playing, and the twins weren’t really there to mediate, since they had to practice too
though the awkwardness didn’t last for too long
umbridge had kicked you, harry, fred, and george off the team indefinitely
dumbledore’s army meetings were the only thing to look forward to
though, when you were working on patronus charms, yours was no longer the mighty lion, but a doe that pranced around with grace
hermione pointed out that harry’s was a stag, and yours was a doe, and then she wiggled her eyebrows
you were #confused
you continued getting detentions with umbridge, for speaking out in class or not doing the work
you finally understand a class but it's everything you already knew from first year… but easier
so you just don’t do it
grades can’t get worse
fred and george leave, so you don’t have many people to talk to, besides hermione
harry’s still a bit aggravated with you
but you're starting to get mad at him as well, he keeps talking to cho
and the worst part is that you completely understood
she was pretty and nice and going through something only harry understood at the moment
you talked to hermione about it
she said to confess your feelings
and you were
really you were
until harry came back and told you the good news
he kissed cho
congrats to you
you just avoided him
until he claimed that sirius black was being tortured by voldemort and you, along with select dumbledore’s army members, had to go save him
you were intercepted by the umbridge prats
you punched draco malfoy so hard his nose bled all over his face and robes
which felt like a win, even though you were still caught and brought to her office in a headlock by malfoy
though you all escaped and went off to the ministry of magic, where sirius was
except he wasn’t
but you know who was?
death eaters
totally not the same thing
but you all made it to this room with a huge archway, where you were then put back in a headlock, by a malfoy…. again
you were sick of this family
the order members showed up soon, however, and sirius was actually here this time
and he was standing next to you in front of the arch, fighting
until he was hit by a curse by bellatrix, which caused him to collapse into the veil
you heard harry scream, and he started to sprint towards the veil, but you collided with his body, pushing him away and wrapping your arms around him
you didn’t know what the veil thing was but you didn't think that it was something you came back from
harry was trying to get out of your arms to the veil
he was stronger than he looked, and you ended up pushing him to the floor so he would stop trying to run
the whole battle was a mess, harry had gotten possessed by voldemort, which entailed a lot of screaming and a creepy deep voice coming from harry
as you were all brought back to hogwarts, you were dragging harry’s body over yours, and he was heavier than he looked
but you knew he was tired and out of it, so you bared with it
that summer was the longest of all
harry and you didn’t talk much
neither would make the first move to send a letter
everyone knew voldemort was back
and harry was transported to the burrow by dumbledore
and even though you had been at the burrow most of the summer, including when harry was there the next morning
he still wouldn’t even look at you
you really didn’t know what you did
he was the one who flirted and kissed cho
sure you didn’t tell him about detentions and were kind of the reason that he didn’t chase after sirius to his death
but that didn’t seem like something he should be mad about
not for this long
fred and george opened their shop
and you were proud of them
so so proud because you helped with half the products there
but you couldn’t use the extent of your happiness because harry still wasn’t talking to you
and you felt like death
all the time
that year went relatively quick
you were studying a lot more, mostly to ignore harry, but also because you didn’t have fred and george to occupy your time and had nothing else to do
by the time christmas came around, you hadn’t talked to harry much
maybe a few times in classes that you were in together
but you weren’t in any newt classes with them
oh well i guess
you didn’t make other friends either
you just kinda closed off
didn’t sleep much because you kept thinking about harry
thinking about kissing him
thinking about holding his hand
about joking with him like you used to
about how he must be feeling about everything going on
about how you can’t lose him now
he can’t die because of some no-nose-supremacist
and you looked exactly how you felt, you were sluggish and lethargic, it took you awhile to react when people spoke to you, and your usual charisma wasn’t as prominent
during christmas, fred and george noticed your lack of energy
they tried to cheer you up but you just wanted harry to talk to you
so they did what they did best
smacked some sense into harry
hit him in the head and told him to talk to you
you both sat on the couch awkwardly, neither feeling the air of comfort that you used to have
it took about five minutes of silence before george opened the door and screamed at you both
not any words, just screamed
then shut the door
neither of you could hold in the snorts of laughter from the unsolicited screaming
you turned to face one another at last
“i’m sorry i ignored you”
“me too, i was worried about you and i felt like i couldn’t talk to you but i should have just written you a letter or something because i miss you so much, you don’t even know. after the twins left hogwarts, i always felt lonely and i wasn’t speaking to you for whatever reason and i’ve been doing really dreadful in class so i've been studying but i never retain anything or understand anything and--”
harry grabbed your hands and moved closer to you
“i think i’m in love with you”
“you’re kidding?”
“i think i love you too?”
“yeah, i have been for a while, then we fought, and i didn’t know how to talk to you anymore--”
beforehe could have another word, you crashed your lips to his
it was amazing
you’ve been waiting for this for literal years
the past few months were torture
but everything was alright
things were getting worse out there, with voldemort rising to power, but you could die happy because of this moment
because harry wasn’t just someone who was in love with you, he was your best friend in the world and the only person who made you feel comfortable in any situation
and he loved you back
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joheun-saram · 4 years
To Make A Power Couple (knj) | 7
Chapter 7: Blanket Forts
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Summary- At the hospital, Namjoon tries to make sense of what transpired as Y/N recovers.
word count- 6k
pairing- idol!namjoon x ceo!reader
rating- R
genre- series, fluff, angst, action, strangers2lovers
warnings- violence, blood, stalker, hospital, extremely fluffy scenes of Joon as a caretaker
a.n- wow i literally wrote this the fastest i’ve written any chapter! i hope you like it. although there is angst there is also a lot of tooth rotting fluff. special s/o to @jungkooksbroski for beta reading this 💕
As always feedback appreciated. Send me an ask! 💌
taglist - @beach-bitch-bitch-beach, @sscheherazadee, @rjsmochii , @jinjccns​ , @joyful-jimin @sideblogger @agustdpeach @diamonddia-mond
Namjoon held your hand in both of his, his forehead resting upon them, as he waited for you to wake up from surgery, the beep of the heart monitor far too loud and ominous. His hood was on his head as his elbows dug into the ratty blue basketball shorts he had thrown on in a hurry. Even though the doctors had assured him that you were going to be fine, he was still worried. He couldn’t believe that you had gotten hurt at his own house of all places and he felt responsible as he replayed the scene in his head.
You looked so small next to the woman attacking you, it made his blood run cold. She was easily twice your size and the malice her gaze held was frightening. He barely registered her presence, how could she have been in his room the whole time he was home? Why didn’t he put his bags away so he could have caught her before she attacked? Why didn’t he hear someone else was home? He remembered hearing a noise while starting food prep and he assumed it was Moni just messing around. How stupid he had been. He was supposed to be your boyfriend, wasn’t it his responsibility to protect you?
He wasn’t even fast enough to pull her off you. He remembers time slowing down, his arms around the intruder as he tried his best to move her away but she seemed to be on a rampage, stomping on your arm. He remembers the moment her heavy boots almost flattened your arm. It was as if she wore them for the occasion. How did she even get in? He had never been happier to have Jungkook and Jimin around. If it weren’t for their help, he doesn’t even want to imagine how he would have managed. He could still feel the adrenaline in his body, hours later. The guards downstairs had been quick to arrive and he remembers sitting in his underwear trying to wake you up as he watched your arm twisted in an unnatural angle. Your scream still ricocheted through his head and he held your hand tighter, wishing you’d wake up already. The doctor had said it would take a couple of hours but he was on edge. 
“But I love you!” the intruder had screamed as she was being dragged off by the guards and Namjoon hated his fame once again. He hated that it affected you, that it hurt you. If he was a nobody, you would’ve never been in this situation. You deserve someone who could hold your hand in public without fear that it might cause a controversy. Someone who you could show off at your events, someone you could travel with, someone who could take you out at normal hours to exhibits and didn’t have to sneak around with at concerts. Someone who screamed his love from rooftops, unlike him who only hid you away.
“Hyung. She’s okay. The doctor said she will be okay.” Jimin spoke softly, his arms around Namjoon’s shoulders as he hugged him back, feeling dizzy. Across from him Jungkook paced in the deluxe private hospital room that their company had reserved for them. The big room had a large bed, couch and television. Its warm wood furnishing and several fake plants were meant to emit a feeling of warmth but regardless of the size or decor, Namjoon felt like he was suffocating.
“She’s in surgery. Surgery. Because of me. Jimin what do I do?” He could feel a lump in his throat as he tried to stay strong. He knew logically that you would be fine, but all he could think was 1%. That’s what the doctor said the chance was of anything going wrong. He knew that millions of people broke their arms and were perfectly fine after a few months but you were his one in a million. The fact that he even met you was so random that he thought it fate. You always managed to do the impossible and in his emotional state that 1% chance was too large. Far too large.
Yoongi had arrived shortly after Jimin messaged the group about the home invasion and he stood next to Jimin and Namjoon, his hand on Namjoon’s shoulder as he tried to force him to drink water. The three men tried to reassure Namjoon in vain as he finally let go of Jimin to sit on the couch, his eyes glued to the door, pulling on the sleeves of his sweater as his leg bounced on its own accord. 
After almost two hours he saw the door open as you were brought in on a stretcher, still asleep as the nurses moved you to the bed, checking your vitals. Yoongi had to physically restrain Namjoon from running over to you so the workers could do their job, but as soon as they were gone, he was by your side.
You were okay. Nothing went wrong and it felt like a boulder had been lifted off his shoulders as he all but collapsed, holding your hand, his head gingerly resting on your stomach. The boys bid him goodbye soon after making sure he was okay, giving the two of you privacy but ensuring Namjoon that their phones would be on them in case he needed someone with him. No one was getting sleep tonight.
Before Namjoon could let his negativity flood him further, he felt your hand twitch between his and he sat up, looking at your face intently as you finally opened your eyes looking at him groggily.
“Oh thank fuck!” He exclaimed, standing up without letting go of your hand, instead squeezing it tighter as he looked over at you. Your other arm was in a cast, laying over your stomach, both your eyes bruised and swollen underneath, your nose still red as you looked at him with wide eyes. His heart pained as he looked at the evidence of his failings, but for you he smiled, small and not reaching his eyes. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m sorry. Who are you?” you whispered, your voice hoarse. Namjoon felt his heart race, like it was going to fall out of his chest, panic slowly rising. 
“Who…? You don’t know me?”
“Wait… aren’t you famous?” You asked again and he dropped your hand in shock, shaking as he rushed towards the door. Memory loss? That wasn’t a symptom they mentioned. You didn’t have a concussion and it scared him that the doctors missed something, fear making him almost sprint the short the distance.
“What the fuck? Okay. Don’t worry. I’m going to get the doctor!”
Before he could reach the door, he heard you giggle, turning around in disbelief as he heard your next words. “Joon! Stop! I was kidding!”
“You were kidding? You were KIDDING?!” He almost yelled, before checking himself. His mouth hung open for a moment as you watched him walk towards you slowly and standing over you, his brows scrunched into a pained expression on his face. “Red. Red, Y/N. You can’t joke right now, do you know how scared I was?” He whispered, sudden relief turning into exhaustion as he felt his knees almost buckle. He had never felt this overwhelmed before.
“Hey. Joonie, baby. I’m sorry.” You called to him gently, reaching for him, your fingers squeezing reassuringly around his forearm that hung next to you. Hearing him call red made you feel suddenly guilty. Even in your worst fights where you were both screaming at each other, the most either of you had called for was yellow. You had only wanted to lighten his mood, crack a joke to make him smile for real but your post-anaesthesia brain couldn’t come up with anything better. 
“You’re sorry?” He looked at you incredulously before his long arms were placed gingerly around your waist as his head reached for the crook of your neck, resting there and he inhaled. You smelt different, like disinfectant and he hated it, feeling his lip quiver as he spoke against your skin in quick, flurried words.. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, baby. Fuck! Why are you even with me? I literally put your life in danger! You should break up with me! You’re gonna have a gigantic scar and like metal inside you forever! You deserve so much -”
“Oh man! A scar? Who’s gonna marry me now?” You interrupted his rant and tried to make your voice lighter, wanting to ease his worries, assure him that you were back to normal. You looked at your useless right arm, wishing you could hug him but settled for slowly running your fingers through his hair with your left to calm him down.
“I’ll marry you. I’ll do it right now!” He moved his head away from your neck, leaning his weight on his hands that now rested next to you on the bed, looking at you intensely. His eyes brimmed with unshed tears and you felt your heart break. You cupped his face, your thumb stroking his cheek as you tried to comfort him.
“Come here. Lie down.” You winced a little as you scooted to the side despite his protests, making room for him. He reluctantly laid down, his head in the crook of your arm and his feet dangling off the end of the bed. You slowly caressed his shoulder and felt him relax as he nuzzled the side of your chest, his arm draping over your hips carefully. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine. You’re the one that’s hurt.” His voice was small, muffled against you as his thumb traced meaningless patterns against you where it lay. 
“Baby you literally asked me to break up with you and marry you in the same breath - you are not fine.” You spoke softly, your hand squeezing his shoulder as he took a shuddering breath. You looked at the dim tv that had the hospital's menu channel on, displaying the time, 3:21 am. He argued not to worry about him, but you couldn’t help it. He had never looked more exhausted in your presence - even after twelve hours of dance practice on three hours of sleep, he didn’t look this drained. Your fingers moved upwards lightly scraping his scalp, his arm tightening around you, as you spoke. “I love you, you know that right?”
He sniffled, the hospital gown getting damp as he told you about his earlier worries. You hushed him, comforting him with words and coaxing him to sleep. His hand wrapped around the index finger poking out of your cast as he fell asleep after a while, his snores music to your ears. No matter what he believed, you still felt safe with him next to you.
You looked at the soft light of dawn as it flows through the window, trying not to move as your arm throbbed in the cast. In the few hours since he fell asleep, Namjoon’s head had moved, now resting on your chest as his arm was draped over your hips, but he looked so peaceful that you dared not wake him up. You barely slept, your pain medication wearing off much too quickly. You had never broken a bone before, and as you thought about how dumb your fifth grade self was for wanting a cast, you wished your boyfriend would wake up at his own accord. You desperately needed to call the nurse for some paracetamol, but you grit your teeth and bore it. You knew you were being stupid and Namjoon would be genuinely pissed if he knew, but looking at his mouth hanging open as he drooled over you made you smile at the endearing picture infront of you.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?), soon a nurse walked in for his morning rounds, waking up a groggy Namjoon who startled, almost falling off the bed, making you hiss as he accidentally held on too hard to your side to keep balance. He stood up, running his hands over his face in order to wake up properly while the nurse did the checkup, providing you with the pain killers you request. Once he leaves, Namjoon moves back to you, putting his arm under your head as this time you nuzzle into his chest. You talked about nothing as the drugs finally took effect, helping you doze off. Namjoon kissed the top of your head as you dropped off mid sentence, a smile on his face because you were alright, but a heaviness in his heart as he looked at the bruises on your face, dark blue and almost black.
“Shh… Guys come on. Let her rest!”
Namjoon’s theatrical whisper is the first thing you hear when you wake up again. Your eyes open to your room filled with all your friends. The room had seemed extremely large the last time you were awake but now it seemed tiny. Jiyoung was sitting on the couch typing on her phone with a frown, an Apeach plush on her lap, next to her Siwon was talking animatedly with a tired looking Jungkook munching on some chips. The coffee table in front of them was full of snacks, gifts, and flowers. Seokjin, Yoongi and Jimin were talking about something hushed as they stood near the television, serious looks on their faces. Hoseok was bent over the humidifier in the corner which seemed turned off, messing with the controls and grumbling to himself. Harry sat in the chair next to the bed, talking to Namjoon with Jen standing over him with her hand on his shoulder. Namjoon sat on the bed near your legs, his hand on your calf, and Taehyung sat next to him clinging on his waist. Needless to say, it warmed your heart to see all the people you loved here. Maybe getting injured wasn’t that bad.
You winced as you moved up the bed to get more comfortable and suddenly all the attention was on you, the room turning into a cacophony of “How are you feeling?”s and “Are you okay?”s. Everyone was now crowded around the bed, looking at you with worry, Seokjin even handing you the RJ plush he’d brought along with him stating its healing powers. It was odd to be coddled by such a large group. Overwhelming, but in the best way. 
“I’m fine guys. It’s just a broken arm.” You tried to diffuse the worries.
“You should look at your face dude.” Siwon stated, causing Namjoon to sigh, annoyed, and you to ask for a mirror. Oof you looked worse than you felt. By the bruises on your face it was a wonder how your nose wasn’t broken. Sheepishly you tried to explain to the group that it wasn’t that bad, but your friends were not convinced. 
Soon the conversation turned from worries about you to who the attacker was in the first place. While you and Namjoon were in the hospital, Jungkook and Jimin had been to the police to give in-depth statements. Turns out Namjoon had a stalker - someone the company and security had been keeping an eye on for months, but who seemed to have fallen off the map 6 weeks ago. Apparently the same one who had caused the dates at the beginning of your relationship to always be under the watchful eye of his security team. No one knows how she had managed to break into the dorms but apparently she had been hiding out in his room for a week, his closet was full of tins of food she had consumed during her stay. It was surreal to hear that someone had been in the house and no one had noticed. It made sense to an extent - no one had been actively living in the dorms for a few weeks, especially not Namjoon so his room was never opened. The boys seemed extra distressed about it, and even thought themselves guilty. Namjoon’s words from last night echoed in your head. He put himself at fault, when really it was this woman’s fault. 
No one knew what her plan was when Namjoon returned, and you didn’t want to find out. It might seem odd but you were glad that you were there to protect him in a sense. Apparently seeing you had started such a rage in her that she refused to talk further than the death threats she spewed against you. She was in jail and you hoped she stayed there for a long time. 
“The police haven’t taken into account your assault. You should file a report.” Hoseok spoke for the first time, his face hardened. The room seemed in agreement, but you hesitated.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea…” you started, only for Namjoon, who was now seated next to you on the bed with his arm around you, to counter but you continued. “I’m just saying. Police records are public and if someone looks into this person who was charged with stalking Joon the same night as attacking me, they might put two and two together and I don’t want that to reflect on him or any of you guys.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Y/N?” It was Yoongi who spoke, clearly irritated and impatient. “Who cares about that? She attacked you, she deserves to be in jail.” His voice was quiet, but the frustration in his tone was not lost.
“She’s already in jail though… It’s not gonna make a difference.”
“Noona… I know it’s not our decision but you didn’t see yourself when she was attacking you.” Jungkook’s voice wavered as he looked at you with hurt in his eyes. “She deserves to pay for what she did…”
“Guys… I know you want the best for me, but it’s too risky… Even you all being here right now is too risky!” It was time for your voice to waver as you suddenly realized the impact of having all of them in the room. All it took was one shitty quality photo from a nurse’s Samsung to ruin their image. You didn’t know how you’d be able to handle it if you were responsible for their first big scandal.
“Okay. I’m going to stop you right there. This is a private place we always use. This is not a risk.” Seokjin spoke slowly, enunciating each word as if trying to explain the situation to a five year old. He didn’t do it in a condescending manner, more to make you understand. “Please stop worrying about us. Our company has stopped way bigger scandals from surfacing. Namjoon, can you please make her understand?”
Namjoon sighed loudly next to you, his arm tightening around you to pull you closer. It felt comforting, but you still felt slightly cornered. You just couldn’t see the logic in what they were saying. The attacker’s jail time would probably not change much with an assault added, at least you didn’t think so - so why was this a big deal. 
“It’s her choice, hyung. I’m not going to force her to press charges if she doesn’t want to.” Namjoon looked steely at his member, before turning to you and softening. “But Y/N, I really do want you to make that decision without thinking of me or the rest of us. Can you do that?”
“No. Sorry. I can’t.” You were adamant and now you were starting to get annoyed. Namjoon was right - it was your choice - and it felt nice to have him on your side, at least partially, through this argument, but it didn’t make sense not to make it an isolated discussion. “You’re part of the situation and I can’t just make the decision without adding you to it. I’m not pressing charges.”
You heard a loud snort from Yoongi. “Why are you being an idiot?” He spoke to which Hoseok vocally agreed, causing you to almost yell your explanation in exasperation, before Harry broke the argument asking everyone to take a break and to lay off you.
There was thick tension in the room and it seemed to have sapped the air out of you. You felt uneasy, like no matter how deeply you inhaled you were breathless. You felt claustrophobic suddenly, squeezing Namjoon’s thigh, trying to control your heartbeat. Namjoon saw the distress on your face, immediately requesting everyone to move outside. It didn’t take them long to leave and somehow that helped you feel calmer.
When the room was empty, Namjoon looked at you. Turning to him, you buried your face in his chest, squishing the white alpaca between you and moving your injured arm on his stomach to hug him, despite the sharp pain that made you hiss. Breathing in his scent, somehow made the stress of last night catch up to and you cried. Namjoon held your head gently to his chest as you tangled your legs in his, wanting to almost disappear into him. You didn’t know why you were suddenly crying, but you couldn’t help it - it was like a dam broke, like you were leaking, your emotions cascading out of you onto Namjoon’s sweater. You couldn’t control your sobs and you wondered how loud you were being.
Namjoon felt his heart break as he held you. He had only seen you cry like this once -  the night he asked you to be his girlfriend - and it pained him that he was partially responsible for your tears today. He didn’t know what to do other than whisper “you’re safe now” repeatedly against your hair as you clung to him clumsily. He shouldn’t have let everyone visit so soon. He should’ve thought ahead. Of course you were overwhelmed, you were traumatized. He was an idiot. 
When you calmed down enough to look at him, he wiped your tears gently, barely even touching your skin, and handed you some water from the bedside table. He tried to assure you the best he could, interrupted intermittently by nurses and discharge forms. He didn’t bring up pressing charges again and you were grateful to him for that.
He helped you change into clothes Siwon had picked up for you, insisting you take the wheelchair to the car despite your protests (“My arm’s broken, not my leg Joonie!”). Before you entered your apartment Namjoon asked his security team to do a sweep. You would never admit it to him but having the place checked out before you entered made you extremely relieved. You knew it was irrational to think you’d have another stalker waiting for you but it genuinely made you feel lighter, your anxiety ebbing away. 
He spent the next few hours quietly worrying about little things, changing the code to your door, checking every lock, making you tea, and even cleaning your place to ensure you had “optimum comfort”, while forcing you to stay in bed regardless of your protests. After a while you couldn’t take him running around and murmuring to himself, especially when he decided to order from six restaurants for dinner. Walking into the kitchen where he obsessively cleaned a single spot on the countertop, you pulled him away.
“Joonie. Stop.” you gently touched his hand, startling him anyways as he looked at you in alarm.
“Oh. Do you need anything? Tell me, I’ll get it. Water? Bathroom?” He bent down slightly to look you in the eyes, searching your face for any discomfort.
“Namjoon, I have a broken arm, I’m not an invalid.” You rolled your eyes. It was sweet that he was this concerned but you seriously needed him to stop running around worried.
“Wait, you said Namjoon. Are you mad at me?” He looked alarmed, his eyes wide. Now that you looked at him closely, he didn’t seem to be doing too well either. His eyes seemed sunken behind his glasses, the crease between his eyebrow deep, and his stubble growing out more than you’d ever seen. You wondered if he got much sleep after you dozed off this morning. He even seemed skinnier somehow, though you chalk that up to your imagination.
“No baby I’m not mad at you. Just stop… obsessing. I’m fine. I swear.” You cupped his face with your working hand, thumb circling his cheekbones in an effort to relax him. He leaned in closing his eyes.
“Oh… oh. I just want to show you I love you. You know like you do…” He mumbled in a slight pout, averting your gaze.
“What are you talking about?”
“You always take care of me when I’m down. I want to take care of you.” You felt your heart glow in your chest. Sometimes you forget how much you love this man, but sometimes he says things that, for a lack of a better analogy, punch you in the face, reminding you why you love him. You wrap your arm around his waist, nuzzling your face into his chest, as he tentatively puts his arm around your head.
“You don’t need to deep clean my kitchen to take care of me babe. Just sit next to me. Let’s watch a movie.” You lean away from his chest to tell him, trying to tug his unmovable body towards the living room.
“Are you sure? I’m almost done. Just this one stain…” He lets go of you to grab the wipe again, only for you to pull at his hand.
“Joon. Leave it.” You say sternly, holding his hand as you lean up. “Kiss me.”
“What? No. You’re hurt.” He moves back and you have to convince your irrational feelings that he wasn’t rejecting you, he was worried about you.
“If it hurts, I’ll tell you.”
“No you won’t. I know you.”
“Joonie!” you whine and he relents, although it’s not a kiss you were hoping for. He settles for a series of small pecks against your lips, so light that you barely felt him. Sure even puckering your lips was slightly painful but you were annoyed, rolling your eyes at his lame attempt. And this was the man who had spanked you so hard once that you couldn’t sit without wincing for two days. The audacity. 
Before you could protest he walked with you to the living room and turned on Netflix. Picking a brainless comedy, you forced him to lie down on your lap and even before the title had come up he was asleep.
“What wrong baby?” Namjoon came from the studio to find you lying on the ground still dressed in your pajamas with half your hair tied lopsidedly as you whined at seemingly no one, ignoring Moni as he licked your face. If he wasn’t worried that you somehow fell, he would find the sight of you throwing a tantrum like a toddler adorable. 
It had been three days since you returned from the hospital, but Namjoon hadn’t seen you looking this dejected before. You had been completely normal on Sunday, even agreeing to the guys coming over for dinner so they could apologize for their behaviour at the hospital. You had riffed like usual, making fun of Jin and Yoongi as they cooked even though it seemed like you itched to get in the kitchen and help, even getting especially giddy as your childhood dream of getting a cast signed by your friends was fulfilled. The next two days, despite everyone’s insistence you had returned to work, working from home. Fortunately Harry and Siwon had rescheduled or taken over all your client meetings to lighten your load. Namjoon had returned to work too but made sure to text you throughout the day and had spent every night with you, regardless of your protests of being an “independent woman that needs no man”.
“I hate this! I’m so frustrated! I feel useless and gross!” you whined as you thrash around on the floor comically with the biggest pout he had ever seen you sport. Dropping his bag near the door and trying not to chuckle at your cute behaviour, Namjoon walked over to you kneeling next to you.
“Aww baby come here” He opened his arms invitingly as you sat up, only for you to sit crossed leg in front of him to begin your rant. Moni moves between your legs and you scratch his head absent-mindedly.
“No! I can’t attend any meetings till my face doesn’t look like fight club, I can’t shower for two more days, I can’t cook because of this dumbass arm, I can't even tie my hair! TIE MY HAIR, JOON. I’M UGLY, USELESS AND DISGUSTING. Please leave me in my misery.” 
Your face turned red as you continued listing minor inconveniences that your broken arm bestowed upon you as Namjoon made his way behind you and put his arms around your waist, his chin on your shoulder in an effort to calm you down. Instantly you relax, huffing as you leaned into his chest. Today has been tough for you. You had spent two hours on a call relaying your game plan for a potential client to Harry and walking him through his nerves about the meeting, which drained you mentally. Your laptop had restarted two times without warning, your roomba had gotten stuck under the couch and you couldn’t reach for it, you had almost fallen in the toilet because the seat was up, you ran out of coffee, and to top it all off it took you ages to write anything with your left hand alone. You felt miserable and dejected.
“You’re beautiful. My slightly stir-crazy, extremely capable, beautiful girlfriend.” Namjoon kissed your cheek as you turned your head to scowl at him, not buying his flattery. He traced your features gently. He wasn’t lying, even with your face patchy with your yellowing bruise and a scab on your lip, you were beautiful to him and he felt his heart swell the longer he looked at your face. He still had trouble believing that you were with him.
“You’re only saying that cause you love me.” You whisper softly as you avert his gaze before starting to whine again as you adjusted your sling. “Ugh I just want to eat McDonald’s and die.”
“Not going to let you die, but let’s get nuggets.”
“Baby I got us Chinese!” Namjoon called out as he walked in your home, hands full of takeout. Hearing no answer he called out again to hear your voice coming from the bedroom.
“Joonie! Crawl under here!” He saw you emerge clumsily from the floor, cast pulled close to your chest, as he entered the room where you had piled the blankets between the edge of the bed and the chairs that you had brought near it. “I made us a fort!”
Your giggles made his heart sing as he grinned and crawled under the fort, taking care not to knock it down. You had brought the lamp from the side table under as well, lighting the small space with a soft glow. He could barely sit up, his height making it difficult not to knock down your creation so he opted for laying down, his head on your thigh as you played with his hair. He sighed in content. It felt somewhat meditative sitting in silence with you under the many sheets, the pile of soft pillows in the corner adding extra coziness.
Soon you’re laying side by side, your fingers intertwined as you bounced your hands against each other. You were both looking at the makeshift comforter ceiling, soft smiles on your faces.
“Why the sudden fort?” Namjoon asks after a while, almost in a whisper, not wanting to break the spell of comfort you both were under.
“I don’t know… It’s stupid.” He turns on his side to face you, cupping your face to make you look at him. It’s the look he always gives you whenever you doubt yourself. A look that says I’m here for you, I’ll never judge you. “I used to build these when I was a kid and missed my mom… I guess I’m feeling kind of homesick. I know it’s dumb.” You chuckle a little at how childish your comments seemed. You were almost thirty and talking about missing your mom.
Namjoon hadn’t thought of this before - the fact that Seoul wasn’t truly your home. Sure you had introduced your mom to him over Skype a few times but he thought about how much he missed Seoul when on tour, did you miss Toronto that way too? You always seemed so content in Seoul, so content with your friends that he never thought about how your family wasn’t there.
“We can go visit home if you want?” He kisses your lips chastely as he continues, his nose nuzzling yours. “I can take a few days off. I’d like to meet your mom in person.”
“We don’t have to. I’m just being a baby.” You laughed as you moved closer and he put his arm under your head to pull you into his chest. You knew this bout was homesickness was temporary, but Namjoon’s words made your heart glow in your chest. It had been two weeks since your attack and although Namjoon had been a rock, helping you with everything from ensuring that you ate to shaving your under arms, you were nostalgic about when you were sick during high school and your mom would take the day off work to take you on a drive, buying you ice cream and snacks that definitely did not help your illness. His idea wasn’t a bad one but with how your injury had messed up your work schedule, you didn’t think you could take time off for a while, and you told him as much. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence again after that, dinner forgotten on the kitchen counter, as you laid under the blankets soaking in the cozy atmosphere.
Caressing your hip slowly where your shirt ended, Namjoon cleared his throat slightly, breaking the spell before he spoke in another whisper. “I could be your home… if you want.”
Moving your head from his chest you look up to find him gazing at you with a soft smile as he turns on his side again. You follow suit, the fingers of your uninjured hand tracing his chest where it stuck between the two of you. Your heart beat faster as you slowly comprehended what he meant, but you still needed him to clarify. “What do you mean?”
“Do you want to move in together?” Namjoon was nervous - more nervous than he had been on your first date, more nervous than he had been when he asked you to be his girlfriend, more nervous than he had been after your first fight. The last two weeks had been some of his favourite with you, regardless of the circumstances that landed him there. He liked coming home to you every night, arguing over what to have for dinner, waking up each morning with his arms around you. You technically didn’t need him around anymore, your schedule was back to normal and you were more than used to navigating with one hand, but he didn’t want to go back to seeing you once or twice a week. How could he do that when he could see you everyday? The domesticity of your morning routines of coffee and reading the news together that had once scared him, were things he craved now. He even loved your playlist of the week startling him awake. 
Your prolonged silence made his heart race as he bit his lip in anticipation. Before he could take back his question with a joke, you kissed him. Your lips molded around his tenderly as you took his lower lip between yours, relishing his strawberry lip balm. You break the kiss to whisper a soft yes, barely audible over the sound of your heart in your ears, and Namjoon couldn’t help breaking into a fit of giggles, his forehead against yours as he pulled you closer. He tried to control his reaction but the happiness flowing through him made him feel like he was floating.
“And they were roommates!” You made the dated reference as you giggled along with him.
“You are such a dork. I love you.” He said as he brought his lips back on yours. 
“Yeah, your dork!” 
“All mine.” He smiled, his eyes disappearing as his cheeks hurt from the joy he felt.
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sandwichrin · 4 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 7)
Chapter 7 - Meeting “the Gang”
Word count: 5.6k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Hello everyone! Here you go, Chapter 7! ^^ I felt bad for making you all wait so I wrote this chapter extra long :3 (this was worth 14 pages on my word doc hhddhd) And yes! Y/n finally had her first offical encounter with Junkyu here! 🥰 Enjoy! 🧡
You woke up from your slumber, feeling your phone vibrating beside you on the sofa. You got up and grabbed the phone, pressing on the answer icon on the phone screen.
No response.
“Hello??” You asked again.
Still no response.
Squinting your eyes as you stared at the bright phone screen in your hand, you checked for the notifications.
5 missed calls from Hyunsuk TRSR.
You immediately stood up. You rubbed your eyes, trying to get rid of the drowsiness you still felt from the sleep you had after getting back from the convenience store in the afternoon.
Your fingers scrolled through the notification centre in your phone again, this time seeing an unread message from Hyunsuk.
 From: Hyunsuk TRSR
Hey. They found out 😓 I guess there’s no point in hiding the milks anymore… Send me your address! I’ll come and pick it up from you after I’m done with practice.
 You checked the time the message was sent. Gasp! He sent the text literally 4 hours ago!
You lightly slapped your own cheek. Why did you even take such a long nap?? You hurriedly tried to type a response to Hyunsuk when suddenly you stopped.
Wait. He tried calling me, didn’t he? So…technically, I could just call him back…right?
You sat back down on the sofa behind you. Maybe…maybe you should just call him up?
You took a deep breath and pressed the dial number button on Hyunsuk’s contact in your phone.
Beep…beep… you could hear your heart beating just waiting for him to pick up your call.
 Phonecall Conversation:
Hyunsuk: Hello? Y/n!
You: Whoa chill Hyunsuk. You’re pretty chirpy at a time like this.
Hyunsuk: What? It’s only past 8pm. You sound groggy.
You: Really? Omg I’ve been asleep for so long I can’t even tell what time it is anymore ugh!
Hyunsuk: You slept through the afternoon? (laughs) That’s something.
You: Erm, whose fault was it that I had to carry home tons of banana milk huh?
Hyunsuk: Alright, fair enough. Oh right! Text me your address! We’ll come pick it up on our way home later on. Practice is over but I think we’re gonna stop by for some dinner first.
You: Hold on—We?? No way, you’re not bringing your whole crew here.
Hyunsuk: Wha-? Why nottttt?
You: My place is… (looks around) kinda small…I mean, it’s cramped enough of an apartment and like, if you bring along all 20 of you, I’m pretty sure the floor is going to fall off.
Hyunsuk: (laughs) Stop exaggerating y/n! There’s only 12 of us okay?
You: I know thatttt. Still! No. Okay?
Hyunsuk: (sighs) Fine. Just text me your address, a.s.a.p okay?
You: Aight. Bye. (hangs up)
Hyunsuk: Hello? Wow she really just hung up like that huh?
 -end of phonecall-
 You sighed to yourself and hurriedly text Hyunsuk your apartment address. You head towards your room to charge your phone and proceeded to go shower up whilst waiting for him to come over.
 You got out of your shower and dried yourself up, putting on your clean dark blue pyjamas. You walked over to your phone that was charging on your dresser and when you were convinced that there weren’t any texts or calls, you went out towards the living room to go dry your hair with the hairdryer you kept there.
10 minutes into drying your hair, you heard the doorbell rang. “Just a minute!” you yelled at the door as you put down the hairdryer, not forgetting to switch off the plug.
You checked your reflection in the mirror nearby the entrance patio, noting that your hair was dried thoroughly and your face all pale from being bare after the shower you had.
Your hand reached the doorknob and the moment you opened it; you were surprised to see an unfamiliar tall figure in front of the door.
“I? Erm, you’re not…?”
Junghwan, who was busy staring at his phone, looked up from it to see you staring at him with a confused look on your face. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” he backed away from you quickly, almost as if he was afraid of you. He turned to Asahi beside him, “Hyung! Why didn’t you tell me she was at the door already??”
Asahi shrugs at the maknae, not saying anything in return.
“Erm…why…. wait, where’s Hyunsuk?” you asked, still confused as to why these two are here and not Hyunsuk. Especially since you’re sure they’ve never met you before.
“Y/N!” Jaehyuk’s voice rang in your ears as he jumped out from the wall he’s been hiding behind while waiting for you just now.
Your hand reached your chest, lightly patting it. “Oh my god Jaehyuk! I could’ve had a heart attack!”
“Oh, alright then. I guess I won’t be jump-scaring you then,” Yedam showed up as well from Jaehyuk’s hiding spot. His smile beaming as he approached all of you.
Unknowingly a smile crept on your face seeing the familiar faces that you’ve met before this. You let out a chuckle, “Nice try, Yedam. Come on in y’all.” You moved to the side of your doorframe to let them all enter through your front door.
Jaehyuk and Yedam entered your doorframe, confidently passing by you whereas for the other two, they avoided looking at you, entering with their head staring at your floor. As soon as all four of them have entered, you closed the door behind them and fold your arms against your chest.
“Okay but real question—where’s Hyunsuk? I thought he was supposed to come over?” you asked.
The four of them turned around to look at you at the same time. You almost jumped from your spot since seeing four attractive men looking at you all at the same time wasn’t something you were ever used to.
Yedam smiled answering your question, “Aw come on y/n. You’re not happy we’re here? Did you only want to meet Hyunsuk-hyung?”
Jaehyuk pouts at you upon hearing what Yedam said.
“Oh gosh noooo. I was just…confused. I mean, he did say he wanted to come over, no? That was all, really.”
Jaehyuk’s pout turned into a smile, “It’s my banana milk so it only makes sense that I came to get it, right?”
You nodded at him, agreeing with what he said. That surely made more sense.
You gestured towards the two-seater sofa in the middle of the living room at them and said, “You guys can take a seat first. I’ll grab the milks and put it into a paper bag for you guys.”
Asahi and Junghwan, both still being quiet and looking like they were awkward with you, proceeded to just sit down on the sofa.
You left them and headed towards the kitchen that was only a few feet away from the living room (small apartment struggle hhdhss). In the kitchen, you went towards the drawer near the kitchen sink to pick on a suitable paper bag that would fit all the bottles. You had always been somewhat of a hoarder so you had plenty of folded paper bags kept in the drawer.
You were pulling out one specific paper bag that you thought would perfectly fit all the banana uyus when a voice spoke up, making you accidentally dropping the paper bag that was in your hands.
“Y/n? Omg are you okay?” Yedam said as he rushed towards you and helped you pick the paper bag up.
“Oh no, I was just surprised. I wasn’t expecting anyone else to come here,” you said sounding flustered.
“Oh, no wonder you’re all jumpy,” Yedam grinned.
You smirked at him, “Yeah sure. Did you say something just now?”
“Oh no, I was just wondering if you need help with anything?”
“Nah, it’s fine. I got it all under control,” you chuckled at the handsome man beside you.
Yedam handed you the paper bag and you walked over towards your fridge, with him trailing behind you.
Opening the door of the fridge, you started arranging the banana milk into the paper bags. Yedam stood there just watching you arranging the bottles into the bag properly, making sure it was neatly arranged.
Yedam noticed you looked kind of different now that he’s seen you up close. Maybe it was because you weren’t wearing makeup? Your hair wasn’t as tidy as when he first met you, and your skin looked a little pale compared to last time. He also noticed that certain parts of your skin were blemished and he thought that you looked pretty with the slight redness on your cheeks especially.
“Aight! Done!” You exclaimed as you shut the door of the fridge. Your voice snapped Yedam from his trance.
You turned to Yedam with the paper bag in your hands, and you gestured him to take if from you. “Here, you can give this to Jaehyuk for me,” you smiled.
Yedam smiled back at you and nodded. Taking the paper bag from your cold fingers, he carried it along with him and headed towards the living room.
You on the other hand headed towards the kitchen sink and washed your hands before wiping it dry with a kitchen cloth. You head towards the living room to check on the boys that were waiting for you.
“You guys…not leaving yet?” you asked, noticing that they were all looking relaxed sitting on the sofa in your living room.
Jaehyuk placed a hand on his chest as he said, “Ouch y/n. You really want to get rid of us that fast, huh?”
“What? No, no! I mean, I thought…I thought you guys only wanted to take the milks,”
Asahi, who had been quiet the whole time, stood up slowly. He turned to you and bowed slightly at you, his eyes still not looking at you though.
“Hyung, where are you going?” Junghwan asked.
“Come on, let’s leave. Our business here is done anyways,” Asahi said in a soft tone, barely audible for you to hear.
Yedam and Jaehyuk’s face fell, looking like they were sad that they really had to leave when they’ve only arrived there not too long ago.
You, noticing the glum tone in their voices, decided to say something, “I- wait. I wasn’t asking for you all to leave, you know. I was just…Oh, wait! Jaehyuk!”
Jaehyuk looked up at you, wondering why you called out his name, “Yeah?”
“Are all the milks enough in the bag? Did you check?”
“Yeah, there are 9 here. Oh, wait!” He took out one of the bottles and walked over to you, handing the milk over to you.
You looked at him questioningly.
“This is yours, remember? Jeongwoo gave it to you earlier today. I think it’s to make up for the one you gave me last time,”
“O-oh. Sure. Thanks,” you said as you received the bottle from Jaehyuk’s hand.
Yedam lets out a sigh not far from you and Jaehyuk. “Well, I guess we all should be going now. We’d hate to bother you at a time like this,” he said apologetically.
Jaehyuk pouted slightly but he nodded as well at what Yedam said. He grabbed the paper bag you gave earlier and motioned his dongsaengs to walk with him towards the front door of your apartment.
One by one, Junghwan, Asahi, Yedam and Jaehyuk bowed at you, thanking you for letting them swing by.
You watched as the boys were putting on their shoes at the front entrance of your apartment. You felt bad watching them leave just like that. Why? You weren’t sure either. Maybe you felt like you weren’t exactly treating your guests right? Maybe you felt bad that these people (well, some) seemed to be excited in meeting you but you didn’t even try to spend time with them. And yet, you’ve always wanted to have friends who were in your age range. They’re here now. What’s stopping you from treating your new friends the right way?
“Hey,” you called out softly to the boys who were already getting ready to leave.
Yedam turned around, hearing your voice.
“Do…you guys…wanna hang for a bit? I was gonna order some takeout so…”
“Yes!” Jaehyuk said happily, his face beaming at you. This made you smile as well.
You looked at the rest, wanting to be sure that they didn’t feel like they were forced to stay, but to your surprise, all the other 3 of the boys gave you their assuring smiles as well.
You felt relieved.
“Alrighty then. Come on, let’s go see what they have in the menu!” you said happily.
 If it weren’t for your courage in asking Jaehyuk and his dormmates to stay and hang with you the other night, you wouldn’t have been able to gain new friends to be honest. At this point, you were happy, having new friends to hang with and talk to occasionally.
Ever since that day, your phone would receive texts from them, talking to you about their routine and asking about your day as well. Is this how it feels like to have brothers?
And knowing not to make it awkward by texting you personally, Junghwan made a group chat for all 5 of you to catch up with each other—which is also the only chat you were ever actively replying in.
It was a Tuesday and you were still in your office at the time, working on your powerpoint slides to be handed in to your supervisor that very night itself, when you received a text from Hyunsuk.
You stared at your phone confusingly, seeing the name that pops on the screen. This is weird. Ever since the night Yedam and his dormmates came over to get the banana milk from you, Hyunsuk had never texted you any further so you wondered if he had assumed his business with you was done for good.
Biting your lower lip, your finger slowly tapped on the unread text in your phone.
 From: Hyunsuk TRSR
Hey! How are you doing y/n? It’s been a while hasn’t it? 😊
 You stared at the text for a while. Should you reply? What should you say? Why is he texting you now? Does he need any more help from you?
You groaned to yourself, wondering if Jaehyuk had a banana milk incident again. What if Jaehyuk overbought his milks again and he was too scared to text you himself so he asked Hyunsuk to contact you instead?
A soft sigh escaped your lips. You began typing your reply to his text;
 To: Hyunsuk TRSR
Oh hey. I’ve been well. What about you? Everything all good over there?
 You placed your phone down on your desk after sending your reply, wanting to resume your work.
Beep. Your phone buzzed, signalling that a text was received.
You took your phone in your hand and opened the text.
 From: Hyunsuk TRSR
Yeah, all’s good here. Hey, listen. Wanna go grab some lunch together? We can bring the gang along. We’re all free this afternoon 😀
 To: Hyunsuk TRSR
You have a free schedule this afternoon? That’s great! I don’t think I’ll be taking up that offer for lunch though, I rarely leave the office during lunchtime. I usually just eat what I packed lol. Sorry 😥 but have fun having lunch with the rest! 😀
 Hyunsuk read the reply you sent him and a frown formed on his lips. He lets out a soft sigh. Why is it so hard to meet you? He had wanted to thank you for helping Jaehyuk out by treating you to a meal but it seems like that would be difficult to achieve for now.
Slowly lowering himself to sit on the floor of the practice room, Hyunsuk began thinking about his first encounter with you. He wondered if it was pure coincidence for you to cross paths with him at the time. Or maybe…he was just someone you’d cross path to meet someone else. What if the coincidences you both had with each other was meant for you to end up meeting one of his other group members?
Just as he was about to overthink, a figure sat beside him and rested one of their hands on his shoulder. This made Hyunsuk’s head turn to look at the person sitting beside him.
“Doing some deep thinking hyung?” Jihoon said, his hand still on his hyung’s shoulder. His face was lined a small tint of worry, since he entered the room to see his hyung sitting on the floor, looking like he was feeling down.
Hyunsuk smiled timidly at his friend and shook his head, “Nah, I was just kinda bummed that’s all. Y/n turned down my offer for lunch today,”
“Oh? That girl who you kept bumping into?”
“Yeah…I don’t know. I mean, I feel indebted to her and yet I feel like it’s so hard to meet her. Like, I’m the idol here and yet she’s the one that’s busier than I am!”
Jihoon snickered seeing his hyung getting all worked up over a girl.
Hyunsuk groaned upon seeing Jihoon’s smile. “Oh come on! It’s not like you’ve never felt this way before,”
Jihoon shook his head at him, “No, I really don’t. If I ever get worked up over a friend, it wouldn’t be to the point that I’d get all frustrated from not meeting them,”
Hyunsuk kept quiet.
“Could it be hyung…that you like this girl?”
“What?” Hyunsuk lets out a loud laugh. “What?? What made you think of that?” he said in between his laughs.
Jihoon rolled his eyes at his hyung who was laughing and looking at him like he’s crazy. “Hey, I’m just assuming, okay? You were so worked up over her I could only assume you like her,”
Hyunsuk stopped laughing. “You know how emotionally attached I get around people right?” he gave his friend a cheeky smile. “But really, in all seriousness, I just want you all to meet her. She’d be a wonderful friend. I can feel it,”
Jihoon smiled. “Sure, hyung. Sure.”
 “What??” You asked your colleague who was sitting beside you.
“I said- --------”
Your face scrunched in confusion. It was so loud in your office that you couldn’t even hear what your colleague was trying to say to you the whole time.
Your colleague sensed that you weren’t able to hear her so she raised a finger up to your eye-level and mouthed “Wait a second. They’ll announce it later.”
“Announce?” you asked her back.
She nodded back at you and pointed you to look at the main door of your department’s floor. Just as your eyes looked at it, surely enough, the Vice President of the company was already at the door.
“Hello everyone!” he called out loud, making all the commotion that had been going on since just now quiet down.
Finally. If the office got any louder you could’ve gone deaf for real; you thought to yourself.
Mr. Seo, the Vice President of the company flashed his shiny smile at everyone as he said happily, “I am sure you all have heard of the good news today!”
Everyone in the room cheered loudly. Again, you were lost. Did you miss out on any news in the department’s group chat??
You sneakily took a peek at your phone, wanting to check your messages again, just in case.
“Yes! Our company has finally merged with Karako W’s Communication and now they will be fully internalising our company’s staff with theirs! Our family has a bigger family now!”
“YAYYYYYYYY” you heard the whole room cheer madly. You blinked your eyes a couple times. Karako W? Isn’t that one of the big communication groups that often work with entertainment industries here? Whoa. No wonder everyone was so happy. This is big.
A smiled formed on your lips and you joined the cheerings made by the rest of your colleagues. You understood now why everyone was so happy. Bigger merges, bigger family. Bigger family, bigger pay. So everyone has a high chance of getting a raise!
The Vice President raised his hand, signalling everyone to quiet down.
Once the room was quiet again, he started to speak again, “Now, to celebrate this joyous day for our company, I’ll be giving you all the afternoon off!”
This earned more cheers in the room. At this point you gave up hoping for peace and quiet from everyone.
“I’ll see you all tomorrow! Tomorrow we all start afresh as a brand new family!” He added, making the whole room go wild.
You discreetly covered your ears in hopes that your eardrums were safe.
The Vice President then started laughing happily (you weren’t sure why, but he’s probably just super happy right now so yeah, let’s just go with it yeah?) and he shuffles out of the room along with some of your department workers still cheering him on.
Your office was less noisy now, finally.
You sat in your chair, staring at the post-its taped to your desktop monitor. You thought to yourself about the journey you had to be here. Where you are right now. You finished high school and was immediately offered to work in the city by your favourite teacher, the one person who had always believed in you, your abilities and skills.
“You have what it takes to be a star, y/n. I can see it. I feel it too. You’re very smart. Your future that’s waiting for you, it’s so bright,” was what she said to you back then.
She had high hopes for you.
Which was also why it made sense how disappointed she was in you when she found about you skipping your college entrance exam.
But kindly enough of her, despite her disappointment in you, she made arrangements for you to work at her son’s small, but surely growing company, a company that provides professional English language seminars for offices in the city.
Your teacher was upset, but she helped you nevertheless.
But you clearly had no choice back then.
You had to skip the college entrance exam because you chose to be with your elder sister at the time.
Your grip on your pen tightened. It had only been a year ago since she left you, but it still hurts like it happened yesterday.
You were getting ready to go to school, your uniform all crisply ironed and your hair neatly braided, whilst leaving little baby hairs hang loosely beside your ears. You were applying your lipbalm when you heard your phone rang.
You ran over to your dresser, where you left it to charge whilst you were getting ready but when you answered it, there was no one on the other line.
You stared at your phone screen. It was your sister.
But she left for work earlier didn’t she?
“Maybe she forgot something,” you said to yourself.
You dialed her number and again, this time no one answered.
You felt uneasy. You tried to shrug off the negative feeling you’re having and just focus on getting to school on time.
Today’s the day! You were prepped for this, you’ve been studying very hard for this and this time, you knew, it would all be worth it!
 You were on your way to school, casually walking and planning out your life plan after completing the college entry exam today.
….You wanted to enter a good college, get a part time job for the meantime too, and then you plan to go for a trip with your sister on your semester break.
Smiling to yourself, you didn’t realise that you’ve already reached your school’s main gate.
Your heart was racing.
This was it.
The final step. The final step before you embark on your adulthood.
You entered your school’s gate.
Bzzz! Bzzz!
“Oh?” You said as you took your vibrating phone out of your bag. “Silly me, I should keep this off until the exam is over,”
You stopped when you saw the name on the phone screen. (Sister’s name) eonnie.
You smiled to yourself. “Eyy, eonnie must have wanted to wish me luck for the exam,”
You clicked on the answer icon on your phone.
“Eonnie! Just in time! I was about to switch off my—”
“Y/n? Is this Miss y/n?”
“Uhh, yeah…erm, who is this?” You asked the person on the other end, realising that it wasn’t your sister.
“Could you please head over to the hospital? Miss s/n has been brought to the emergency ward.”
Suddenly you felt cold all over. What happened?
Your throat felt dry.
“Miss? Are you there?” the voice in the phone spoke.
“Y-yeah! Yeah, I’m on my way.” You told the person before hanging up.
You ran towards the main gate again.
This time, you stopped again there. You turned around and looked at your surroundings. The school, the students…your college entrance exam…
You could feel your heart beating fast. Your hands were shaking. Is this…how it’s supposed to be?
Unconsciously, a tear fell down your cheek. You shook your head to yourself and immediately ran off.
You need to get to the hospital fast. Your sister needs you, and you want to be there for her.
 End of flashback.
 A droplet of water fell on your thigh, leaving a small dark patch on your dark brown office skirt.
You sat up straight in your seat. You didn’t realise you had been reminiscing for quite some time. You looked around to see the office being almost empty.
Huh. So the VP really gave us half the day off, huh?
You shrugged to yourself.
Wiping your tear-stained cheek with the back of your hand, you decided to pack up and leave the office as well.
 Hyunsuk walked out the front entrance of the building, stretching his arms, trying to let his body loose from all the sitting down he did during his song-writing session earlier.
The sun was shining warmly today and Hyunsuk loved the feeling of the sun’s warmth soaking through his skin.
He checked the time on his watch.
The rest should be here any moment now. They have all promised to gather up and have a big group lunch since their afternoon schedule is free for the day.
Suddenly, as he was standing by the entrance of the building, he saw a familiar figure walking pass by the building.
Without thinking long, Hyunsuk’s feet immediately ran towards the figure and grabbed them by the arm.
The figure, taken aback by what he did, immediately reflexed by hitting him with her bag.
“Ouch!” Hyunsuk said, as he lets go of your arm.
“Hyunsuk??” You huffed, trying to peek at his face that was being covered by his hands. He was rubbing one side of his head, obviously surprised with the attack he received from you.
Hyunsuk pulled down the black face mask he was wearing, revealing a grin.
“Oh my god! Don’t ever do that again! I might end up really hurting you!” You said, your voice rising a pitch. You were obviously worried—worried that you might get sued for hurting an idol.
Hyunsuk laughed at your statement. “Yeah, sure sure. Don’t worry, I’m fine. Wipe that worry off your face, y/n,”
You rolled your eyes at him. “I wasn’t worried,”
“Really now? You know, if I got hurt, I might have to file a law—”
His words stopped when he saw your eyes widening and showing fear.
This made him laugh even harder. He enjoyed making fun of you, surely.
“That’s not funny, Hyunsuk! I can’t afford to fight against a lawsuit,” you said, slightly in a bitter tone.
Hyunsuk smiled at you. “Sorry,” he said.
You looked at him and sighed. “I’m not mad at you, just so you know. I’m just…naturally a bitter and awkward person,”
“Sure, y/n,” he nodded, his smile still visible on his lips.
“Wait, what are you doing here? I thought you’re supposed to be at the office?” he asked when he realised that you were out when your working hours weren’t over yet.
“Oh, that. Yeah, our company had a big merge so our VP gave us half the day off,” you answered him.
Hyunsuk’s smile widened.
You saw his face literally lighting up from what you said, and you immediately opened your mouth to speak, “No Hyunsuk. Don’t give me that look,”
He moved closer to you. “What look?”
“I know that look Hyunsuk. I may not know you well but I know what that look means,”
Hyunsuk stomped his feet lightly, in which you find ultimately cute. He grinned when he said the words you dreaded to hear.
“Join us for lunch, y/n,” he said with his eye-smile showing now.
You took a deep breath. Resist. You have to resist this, y/n. He’s acting darn cute but you know by far that you won’t have your ground shaken by this.
“Aw come on, y/n! You’re free for the afternoon! Come join us!” he pleads.
You shot him a skeptical look.
He started nudging you with his elbow.
You fold your arms against your chest and shook your head. But this time, a smile was forming on your lips.
“Come on y/n. I mean, if you’re with us, at least I know I wont blabber our secret to the others,”
This jolted you back to focus.
“No way, Hyunsuk. You wouldn’t,”
Hyunsuk smirked at this. He knew he got you this time. “I mean…I could…just talk about us…to my friends…”
“No. No no no Hyunsuk. You are not doing this to me. I barely know you, and here you are threatening to expose one of my humiliating moments!”, you chimed at him, feeling slightly annoyed at the same time.
“Come on y/n. Just join us for lunch. I promise it would only be for a short time.”
“No! I told you that I have a lunch date with someone else.” You said, making up a lie.
“Yeah, you didn’t tell me that earlier. Who’s it with? Your imaginary friend?”
You let out a loud gasp. “How dare you call my friend imaginary! He’s real I tell you!”
“Oh yeah? What’s his name?” Hyunsuk smirked at you, as if knowing you were bluffing at him.
You blinked a couple of times. Shit. Now, why didn’t I think of a name beforehand??
Hyunsuk’s smirk grew when he saw you speechless. Yet, he still waited for an answer from you.
“W-well. His name is Kim Satori. Yeah! Kim Satori.” You huffed.
“Okay. I believe you, even though I find it fairly coincidental that we’re standing opposite a convenience store.”
You frowned. He couldn’t have guessed it…could he?
“…almost like how Kim Satori sounds like the convenience store owned by Owner Kim- the store right in front of us now.”
Damn it. He caught you lying- again. “Alright fine! You caught me. I was…lying.”
“What’s so bad about having lunch with us y/n? It’s only for an hour, an hour and a half tops.”
“Look, I…I’m just…embarrassed okay? I’ve never eaten with a group of 20 guys before,” you exaggerated. “Besides, what’s your deal with me having to eat with you all the time??”
Hyunsuk smiled his cute smile. Maybe he could push you just a little bit more. He moved closer and put an arm around your shoulder. “I mean, I could choose not to have lunch with you. And then maybe let them know that I met you by saving you from getting p-“
“Okay! I get it!”, you interrupted, not letting him finish his sentence. You glanced around just in case anyone was around. Close call. Phew. Nobody’s around.
You rolled your eyes at him when he started laughing at your reaction to him almost spitting out the embarrassing incident that happened weeks ago—which lead to you meeting him.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”, a voice appeared behind the both of you.
Both you and Hyunsuk turned around to see Jihoon, looking tired. Probably tired of today’s practice; you thought.
“Jihoon! Look, y/n here wanted to join us for lunch!” Hyunsuk announced cheerfully at his taller friend. His arm was still around you.
“Oh?” Jihoon’s eyes slightly widened. “That sounds nice! Hyunsuk-ah, maybe you can introduce her to the rest who haven’t met her!”
“I…uh…” you opened your mouth to speak. “Wait, you know me?” You asked feeling confused.
You’ve only officially met Hyunsuk a few times so there was no way Jihoon knew who you were.
You whipped your head to look at Hyunsuk. “Oh my god! You told him?!”
Hyunsuk moved further from you, raising his hands in defense. “Hey look, Jihoon and I barely keep stuff from each other.”
“Yeah, but you told him about it? That was P and C Hyunsuk!”
Jihoon grabbed a hold of your shoulders and tried to calm you down before you end up really attacking Hyunsuk. “Now, now, y/n. Wait, it’s y/n right? Ah, right. It’s okay, this secret stays between us okay?”
“Ugh fine.” You wriggled out of his hold. “Since you clearly exposed me already, I don’t think I need to have lunch with you guys then.”
“Oh come on y/n,” Hyunsuk whined.
You shook your head, clearly stating that you didn’t want to, and quickly turned your heel to walk away, when suddenly you bumped into something hard. “Ow!” You placed your hand on your face to see if it’s still intact.
“Ah, I- I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to—” the tall man stuttered.
You lift your head up to see who it was you had bumped into and suddenly you felt your breath hitched at your throat. It seemed that you had bumped your head against Junkyu’s chest when you were in a rush to leave the place.
 To be continued…
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the-mcu-files · 4 years
Fic Rec Friday 12/02/21
I'm so sorry that I haven't posted anything for almost 3 weeks I've just been so busy. Since I won't be posting next week here are more than a few fics on my Marked For Later list.
Enjoy reading and don't forget to leave comments and kudos!
5 Times Peter Cried About Tony (6k) by parkerxheart
And the one time Tony cried about Peter
Though Near or Far (6k) by SunflowerSpideyy
Peter makes a deal with the Infinity Stones to exchange his life for Tony's, ensuring he's completely erased from his family's minds in the process so that they never have to suffer the grief that he's felt in the time since the snap.
Febuwhump Day 5: Take Me Instead
What Was Missing Was You (5k) by @yes-i-am-happyaspie
While working with Tony in the garage at the Stark's cabin Peter sees a tattoo peeking out from under his mentor's sleeve. He's seen it before, back when the man was recovering in Wakanda but he'd forgotten about it until that moment. When he decides to ask about it, he finds out that there is more to the design than he'd thought, leading to some confusing feelings and a late-night conversation.
Tony talks to Peter about the five years that he was gone and does his best to help Peter understand how much he was missed and how much he is loved.
Sien, Ilien (49k) by everythingispoetry
Tony is bringing up his autistic son. The world - and the Avengers - are oblivious. They just think Tony is being typical self when he disobeys orders or just disappears.
Encounters through years. Pepper, Rhodey, Natasha, Steve, Thor, Bruce, Clint, the team, JARVIS. Bonus: Phil.
What's In a Name (3k) by the_og_straya
3 times Peter calls Tony something other than Mr. Stark.
I Will Carry You (257k) by Lansfics7 (Hydra Peter)
Tony Stark goes on a mission with the Avengers to infiltrate a discovered HYDRA base. He has orders to kill everyone involved with the operation and he plans to follow those...until he comes across a 16 year old kid with curly brown hair and brown eyes who has spent the last 9 years as HYDRA's prisoner. Instead, Tony helps him escape and they slowly grow closer. But Peter can't truly escape his past; it seems to follow him wherever he goes and put the people he cares about in danger.
I Promise I'll Do Better (12k) by 221BroadwayIron
Tony Stark has been a foster parent for a few years. He tries to avoid any kids old enough to talk back, but when a social worker calls him with a teenage boy who has no place else to go, Tony reluctantly agrees. Peter is almost completely self sufficient, used to foster homes where nobody pays much attention to him. These new arrangements are uncharted waters for both of them.
We Hold Each Other So Tight (they couldn't break us if they tried) (2k) by LittleMissAgrafina
Tony and Peter spent as much time as they could together, squeezing in lab days, movie nights, and any random thing they could think to do together. They were never apart when they had the chance to be in one another's company. Those chances disappeared completely when Tony was called in for a mission with Steve, Nat, and Sam. The only four available at the time to be called to mission. So they left, Tony promising Peter that he would be home in a few days, just in time for the younger hero's academic decathlon competition. The day for the team of four to arrive back home came and went with no sign of the quinjet that they left on.
Tony wasn't home and Peter had no idea where he was.
Wrong Leavers and Pizza Boxes (5k) by LittleMissAgrafina @littlemissagrafina
Well, if we only do one movie then snacks are good, but if we do multiple movies then I think take out would be good. How many movies will we doooo?” Peter drew out the last word. He hoped Tony would say that they could watch multiple movies, but he was just thankful Tony was available to spend time with him at all.
What are May's shifts like this weekend?" Tony asked Peter, a plan already being thought out in his head. "Because if she is busy at the hospital and fine with you staying the weekend again then we can binge a few movies and get take out. Tony tried to keep the eagerness at spending more time with Peter from his expression. He knew it probably didn't matter at this point but he still had a slight reputation to uphold.
Better Than You know (55k) by @yes-i-am-happyaspie
Tony learns about a young Peter by chance and for some unknown reason he ends up taking a liking to him and becoming friends with his guardians, May and Ben Parker. Eventually, he is tasked with caring for nearly-eight-year-old Peter for a week but when the situation becomes tragically permanent, Tony has to pull himself together to be the man his friends saw in him rather than the man he sees in himself.
Pick a place to rest your head (4k) by bluesweatshirt
Bro, imagine cuddling with your parents like that,” Peter laughed. Ned was at least a foot taller than his mom now, and his dad was a nice guy, but he definitely wasn’t the snuggly type.
“It’s kind of sad, if you think about it,” Ned mused. “Remember that one Tumblr post about how your parents put you down one day and never picked you back up again?”
Or, the one where Peter loses a bet with Ned and has to cuddle May and Tony in the aftermath of the blip.
Misser Star' (1k) by @joyful-soul-collector
“Woah there Sea Legs,” Tony said, catching him under the arms and setting him up straight. “Wouldn’t want you hurting yourself.”
“The sea is in my legs,” Peter said, clinging tight to Tony’s arm as he wobbled slightly. “What if my legs… were in the sea?”
“Oh wow--this is going to be fun.”
Peter gets his wisdom teeth taken out, and is a very silly lad
Ask box is open!
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