an au popped into my head that's partly inspired by "when you die you wake up in an earlier part of your timeline" fanfics that I've read and the "whatever happened to the cape crusader" comic book. Something happens to the Batkids, both adopted (Dick Jay Cass Tim Dami) and not (Steph and Barbra) and now whenever they die they wake up in the body of their younger selves, in Damian's case the day of his birth, everyone else the day after Dick's parents died. That's all I can think of currently.
ooooh jeez, how often are they dying?! But would they remember their lives? Would they try to change the future they know is coming? 
I think it’d be most interesting if it happened to Bruce, and he still had all his knowledge. I KNOW he’d try to change all their lives before the shit hits the fan. Damian and Jason especially. 
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ask-momokisaragi · 7 years
Ice cream is good. What is your favorite type of ice cream?
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“ It tastes really good! “
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imtellingbatman · 7 years
There's a dog- looks like a dane- up in the tree. Robin is sitting next to it and appears to be trying to get it. #imtellingbatman
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wowza48 · 7 years
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Fanfiction link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12645907/1/batfamcontentwar
Link to picture on deviantart: https://wowza48.deviantart.com/art/batfamcontentwar-704169438
I don't write enough to know what these are really called but here are a bunch of probably not connected (I mean you can treat them like they happened in the same world but I dunno if they do or not) mini fic scene thingies for NOOO reason >.> and by that I mean I saw that >>>>#batfamcontentwar<<<< was an open invite to anyone any I had just finished finals. So, yeah. Also this is the BREAK LINE
-----------------NANA NANA NANA NANA BATMAN (BATMAN)-----------------
Titus was a good dog. He knew that because his boy told him so, and is boy was smart! His boy was so smart, he knew what Titus' name was before Titus did, and that is amazing! His boy is always so sad and angry though. Why is his boy always so sad and angry? Actually, a lot of humans in his boy's home was sad, more so recently. They usually tried to hide it, but Titus was a good dog. He could tell. Good dogs can ALWAYS tell. But then again, Titus himself is sad too, because his boy hasn't come home yet, and the big glowing ball in the sky had went up and down lots of times already.
Titus was currently laying down on his boy's bed, kitty Alfred curled up against his side. Human Alfred was in the kitchen making good smells that taste good, however if he gets up Titus would wake up kitty Alfred, and as Titus is a good dog, he will not not get up and wake up kitty Alfred. Especially since kitty Alfred is a small, fragile thing. Just like his boy, which is why Titus is sad- because his boy isn't home. His sad, angry boy, who knew how to pet him just right unlike jumpy human who his boy really liked, and knew how to play with kitty Alfred better than weird smelling boy who needed more sleep that his boy pretended not to like, and how to talk to Batcow without scaring her unlike also weird smelling ball throwing human who smelt like burnt leaves and a smell that would of scared Titus if it did not remind him of his boy, and why hasn't his boy come back? He misses his boy.
Where is his boy?
-----------------NANA NANA NANA NANA BATMAN (BATMAN)-----------------
“So you threw him into a wall?” Nightwing asks, with a raised brow.
“What else was I supposed to do? He was creepy.” Red Hood replies, breathing in his tobacco stick. “Didn't even notice him.”
The blue themed vigilante shakes his head, before looking at the sprawled, upside down, unconscious form of John Constantine. “You're the one who told me he only wanted one of your cigarettes, Jay.”
-----------------NANA NANA NANA NANA BATMAN (BATMAN)-----------------
Cass and Steph were playing patty cake. Thats it, that's the story.
…. What? You actually want to know WHY they are playing patty cake? Fine, fine. They found some little kids that were in danger, and were entertaining them. What was that? Okay, fine, Spoiler and Black Bat/Orphan/Whatever version or timeline code name you prefer, okay??? were playing patty cake. ….. No, not with each other, with the little kids.... I should of specified? What do you mean I should of specified???
Why they were entertaining the kids instead of going back on patrol? Isn't it obvious? Someone got an age regression raygun and zapped Damian and Tim into toddlers. Duh. Silly reader, not knowing these thi- WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S MY FAULT FOR NOT MAKING A BETTER STORY!??! You know what, I'm blasting you into the next section! **A force suddenly slams into the reader, sending them spiraling backwards, and INTO THE STORY**
-----------------NANA NANA NANA NANA BATMAN (BATMAN)-----------------
“Oof!” A sound comes from below you. It is... what? Why is there some kid in a Robin costume under you? Weren't you just reading a terrible fanfic piece right now? “I swear if you do not get off of me this instance you plebeian I WILL stab you!”
That sounded suspiciously... Damian-y of the kid, and you decide to get off of him as to get a good look at him, comparing it to the comics and movies you have read and watched. Damian Al Ghul-Wayne stares right back at you, not yet having noticed his mask had fallen off when you landed on him, due to his anger. Something tells you that you are not going to have a good time.
-----------------NANA NANA NANA NANA BATMAN (BATMAN)-----------------
“How did he-”
“Because he's Batman.”
“But that was-”
“Because he's Batman.”
“That's not-”
“Because he's Batman.”
“There needs to be more of an expla-”
“Because he's Batman.”
“Would you sto-”
“Because he's Batman.”
“IF you don't stop I'll KILL YOU!”
“No you won't.”
“And how exactly do you figure that!?!?”
A dark shadow looms from behind the crazed man. His stoic conversation partner simply replies. “Because he's right behind you.”
-----------------NANA NANA NANA NANA BATMAN (BATMAN)-----------------
Aaaaand that’s all I have right now. :|
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actually--mettaton · 7 years
Tbh if that is the case I feel even more sad for him, considering Alphys treated him like shit in several respects, i.e. delaying the completion of EX just to keep him around, making him pretend to be her creation to further her own motives, and making him act in a way that would make you dislike him in order to elevate your opinion of her. I'm not saying he's perfect either or that he shouldn't work on his own issues, I just think it's sad that canonically he thinks he should have treated someone better who did all that to him.
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I was tagged by @tantalum-cobalt and @fuyunoakegata Thanks so much guys! Da Rulez: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better Relationship status: single and ready to mingle ;) Lipstick or chapstick: Vaseline or nothing. I'm allergic to so many things in most lip balms I'm better safe then sorry Last movie I watched: Armageddon with the Ben Affleck commentary turned on Last song I listened to: if you've followed me at all you'll know I don't listen to music super often so I'm going with last podcast: The Magnus Archives Top 3 shows: The Mentalist, Once Upon a Time, and Miraculous Ladybug Top 3 ships: I don't do a lot of ships and y'all know I don't ship on here but my current top romantic ships are JusticeCykes (from Ace Attorney) and Capitan Swan (From OUAT) I don't really have another romantic OTP, but my ultimate platonic-if-you-ask-me-to-write-this-and-even-if-no-one-ever-asks-again-I-will one true partnership is Damian and Dick. Those brothers are my fav. Tags: You don't have to do this if you don't want to but if you do it's fuuuuun @audreycritter @cerusee @autumnhobbit @komadoriwonder @lysical @wowza48 @ko-inz @whore4batfam @batwayneman and anyone else who wants to participate :)
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musesofthevoid · 7 years
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A conversation between Mew (Pokemon) @wowza48 and a magical girl Pokémon trainer @lilyowen
EDIT: Wow the pic is terribly small here’s the link to it http://www.shamchat.com/07757c26/
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camsthisky · 7 years
I just put everything I just came up with on fanfiction net is that okay?
Uhhhh so since it’s mostly gonna be on tumblr, you’re welcome to put it up wherever you want, but if you wouldn’t mind messaging me the link so I can share it here, that’d be great! Thanks!
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ask-momokisaragi · 8 years
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(( @wowza48 ))
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imtellingbatman · 7 years
Robin is arguing with some guy in a trench coat... I think I heard something about... "abuse"?!?! What's going on here? #imtellingbatman #ProtectBabyRobin
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realgangaubadends · 8 years
wowza48 replied to your photo:hibiyaisgross:So bow down to me, you peasants,...
you also weren’t on your ene blog for a year
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10 Songs 10 Minutes
@audreycritter tagged me in this. I don’t use Spotify very often so I shuffled my playlist on my phone. This may or may not be really boring since I listen to a lot of soundtrack music but here goes.
Rules: You have to put your music on shuffle and write down the first ten, and then tag ten mutuals:
1. The God I Know by Love and the Outcome
2. Chasing the Pink Elephant from the Inside Out soundtrack
3. No One Else by Cory Asbury 
4. Closer by Bethel
5. Glittering Blackness by Explosions in the Sky 
6. Write Your Story by Francesca Battistelli
7. One Upon a Time Theme by Mark Isham from Once Upon a Time
8. Memory Lanes from Inside Out
9. Jumping the Gun by Hyland
10. Overcomer by Mandisa
@litnerdhood @komadoriwonder @wowza48 @byebyeskylark @notanightlight @dove-among-bats @whore4batfam @artistwithoutaccolade @autumnhobbit @bricktotheface
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possessedxfate · 8 years
@wowza48 replied to your post “Hiyori writes "Belongs to Mary-chan. If lost, return to Mary-chan,...”
(she wrote it on his arm, btw.) "Kuro!Seto is still Seto, and Seto belongs to Mary-chan." Hiyori states seriously.
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“Okay-- But I’m still killing everyone you.”
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giantchasm · 8 years
what was that about Kido and Momo being Hibi's new moms and taking him from his dad, what? where did you get this? I want it to be canon, is it canon?
OKAY so it’s not canon (I wish lmao), but basically me and a few friends in a group chat were talking about Kagepro and I don’t remember how it came up. But somehow the topic of Hibiya’s Bad Dad who threw him to the dogs came up. And it also kind of came up how Momo is kind of a Mother figure to him. And somehow we managed to come to the Important conclusion that Kido and Momo should become his Moms or something post STR.
Steal him away from his lowkey neglectful dad and keep him with the Dan. Of course Hibiya is happy to oblige. Kido is the Cool Mom that he near instantly calls Mom. Momo is Oba-san for the longest time and he’s constantly saying “frick you” to her. But he loves her anyways. She is a Good Mom.
And the idea managed to get really cute but really silly really fast? Like imagining all of them going shopping together. Or all of them baking and Kido and Hibiya Doing A Good Job while Momo hinders the cooking more than she helps. Or Hibiya crying and saying he hates this family because he can’t have tater tots for breakfast. And they get a swear jar and Hibiya Dies because apparently to Momo “frick” is a bad word.
I dunno. It’s just such a Good Cute idea. Even if Hibiya would be grumpy about it, he’d love his little stupid family.
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kousukite · 8 years
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Those nerds? Those awesome nerds. Like how the hell are they so awesome and cool???? I’m so attached to basically most of those shows (When They Cry, Pokemon, KagePro, Zatch Bell, etc...) and like these characters have been my childhood so basically I love them??? And like??? I don’t know how to put this in proper words but I get emotional over these fictional characters a lot and I just????How they play them: What do you mean how they play them???? Isn’t that like actually them???? What do you mean it isn’t??? Like I could swear to god that they are the actual characters come to life but whatever you know. They do a really good job and can I please love them forever??? And all those verses!!!! I’ve seen them be super open to AUs and the like, which I’m really attached to lots of AUs and thread idea and angst and shit. I’m actually feeling like these nerds could be fun but idk just yet.The Mun: They seem really cool like I said above??? I babble a lot sometimes so I’m sorry. But when I get really excited I just!!!!! Like they seem open to things and it makes me really excited. I’m big on AUs and all that. I have so many blogs (most that are very inactive right now) and I just love to follow them in general and like chill and chat with them. You can always rely on them for some nice crack or some really cool ideas! I really like them!
Do I:
RP with them: Hell yea!!!Want to RP with them:  Let’s rp more and have fun. Plot more things with me and I’m so sorry that I’m so slow with replies and I take forever just to get to things and ahegvh
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Awesome. A+++++. Go follow this nerd. I just!!! Let me love you forever. I am very attached to them and their blog and I just???? How??? How did I get notice by this awesome and amazing rper????
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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imtellingbatman · 7 years
(Abuse is Colin Wilkes's super hero identity. I was trying to give a point of view of someone who doesn't know the "Guy in the trench coat" calls himself "abuse".)
OH thanks
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