#writing is very hard
This is a bit silly but what do you think would be if fanon and canon Orpheus interacted, theres crazy misinformation and wrong takes on his character that sometimes it doesnt even feel like Orpheus, but I digress
I need to know what is fanon Orpheus?
But tbh idk his writing currently is hard to study because the game changes his lore plus we don't know who the real Orpheus is because he has many personalities (???) So a lot of ppl i think just go by they know
It be funny to draw sandman Orpheus meeting Hades Orpheus meeting IDV Orpheus bdbdbbdb
I think any mischaracterization honestly is because writing Orpheus is hard. Even rn as i write him it like how do i capture tht small bit w get from the current story. Im so new to game i only go by the current story bxbxbbxbdb
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pilfered-words · 3 years
thinking about what I would want from a real Word of Honor ending and what I would keep from the last ~6 episodes.
we should see more of the preparation for zzs’s rescue before it happens
I’m not sure I like all of ghost valley fighting for wkx again at all, but possibly I would be more sold on it if they showed more of how it came about.
I do really like xie’er and wkx having to work together despite not trusting each other at all
I think the way it comes about should be... more coherent, and also it should be because of qianqiao or tragicomic ghost. idk how. but there’s a lot of history and (tentative, conditional) trust between them and wkx
speaking of xie’er, it is deeply correct for him to do that extremely creepy thing to his yifu. like I know I kept going “JUST STAB HIM” but in fact mostly paralyzing him and keeping him... as a pet... is so much better
relatedly, neither of them should die. they should just... keep living like that. 
going back to the rescue for a second, zzs should not be able to stand
there should be a lot of tender holding and carrying him out of the dungeon and killing anyone that stands in their way
the hairpin is great and can stay
there should be an actual, non-flashback conversation with chengling at some point. possibly before he gets sent away so wkx can focus on the rescue. or maybe wkx goes “you’ll hear a lot of things, please promise you will let me explain later” or something. AND THEN HE DOES. and we see it. and chengling gets to be angry and there’s... some kind of resolution.
the plan to take down zhao jing should be... smarter. and take into account the fact that some people are going to be very very pissed at ghost valley and will not be satisfied with sealing it off.
also the fake death subplot should just not happen
wkx and zzs should make a plan together. 
it would probably be a dangerous plan, so it’s ok if zzs genuinely thinks wkx might have died, and is afraid, and then is Very Relieved when he sees him again. but it’s not necessary. 
relatedly, it should just not be the case that it is possible for zzs to remove the nails and extremely temporarily gain back the use of his full martial arts and then die. that is bullshit and it makes no sense. 
he should possibly be desperate and ask da wu for something ill-advised and da wu should go “what? what? no no no, absolutely not, you aren’t even sure your husband is dead, and even if he is, I’m not doing this”
but, again, this can only happen if wkx is not intentionally hiding things and instead there’s some kind of unavoidable fuck-up. it should definitely not be the case that wkx tells shen shen and not zzs.
the “I’m a different wkx” move is peak comedy, but... it does not work except to buy a little time and there’s no way wkx could have expected it to work. I... don’t think it actually makes any sense as part of a plan.
what happens with a-xiang and weining kind of significantly depends on what a more sensible resolution for ghost valley looks like. it should not look like all of the ghosts getting wiped out. 
I do kind of like the idea of weining’s asshole shifu being more virulently anti-ghost valley than consensus and in fact crashing their wedding to try to talk weining out of it and then attacking. he... should not be this successful. a-xiang absolutely should not die and in fact should get to kill him (with wkx holding him still for her if necessary). weining... ideally I guess would get severely injured and permanently disabled? playing into the thing where she doesn’t need his physical protection, she needs him to love her.
xie’er should not have the ability to casually wipe out half the jianghu and all of ghost valley, what the fuck
I’m also not sure it makes any sense for him to be after the glazed armor for his own sake
the glazed armor and the armory plot... need some sort of resolution probably. I... don’t super know what.
also probably there should be a conclusion for the window of heaven and prince jin subplot. somehow Our Heroes should... convince them to leave them the fuck alone. possibly by killing a bunch of their leadership and leaving them very weakened.
the end should look like zzs and wkx rebuilding four seasons manor (...possibly in a new location, if the window of heaven is in any state to try to go after them again), with chengling and zzs’s new disciples and a-xiang and weining. the jianghu as a whole may possibly be fed some bullshit about this, though if the story is too complicated, it won’t stand up for long.
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fictionaldeity · 10 years
I have very strong feelings about the characters I've created, and the stories I've developped and I just really hope I can do them justice.
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lisa-lisaa · 10 years
i'm so jealous of the people that know how to make pretty edits or who can actually draw. the shipping weeks must be so fun for them.
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