i-can-even-burn-salad · 5 months
Thank you for the ask. From this ask game.
❤️‍🩹- What would your character look like if they were a deity? And what would they have power of?
I think Caldyn would make an excellent god of death :) He'd look like... he looks now. And he'd have the power... of... life and death. Uh-oh.
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duskforged · 1 year
📚🔥 for the ask game!
from this emoji ask game!
10. 📚 BOOKCASE: Share a paragraph from your WIP.
Since I've shared a not-inconsequential amount of stuff from Unto Summer Kings, I'll share a bit from The Vespertine. I will admit, there is some intentional shared symbolism between Christianity and the fictional religion shown here, so ymmv if you like it or not. I try to make it interesting at the least!
Cold stone sharpened [Aselhi's] awareness as they knelt, clasping their hands and bowing their head. Their voice joined a dozen others’ as the congregation greeted the rising sun as a sister, and said farewell to the setting moon like a brother. A dozen voices raised in song, simultaneously praising the Oversoul’s wisdom, shed upon the dark chaos of the world through the sun’s light, and lamenting those lost to the darkness of night, guided only by the moon’s reflection.
9. 🔥 CANDLE: Describe the main conflict in your WIP.
Gonna be honest, I'm not the best at describing conflicts! They certainly happen, but I tend not to put labels on them or anything.
For Unto Summer Kings, it's definitely more of a man vs nature scenario overall, with half a dozen teenagers and a couple of tweens grappling with the loss of their entire safety nets, but that's caused by a man vs man conflict at the start, which is reiterated by the climax and ending of man vs man.
In The Vespertine, much of the initial struggle is man vs society-based; Aselhi and Josric are both sages, which are looked down upon by their society. Josric has the luck to be born into a wealthy family, contrasted by Aselhi, who is an orphan with pretty much nothing to their name. During the secondary inciting incident, the main antagonist is revealed among the nobility, having used the system to lever himself up into a position of power.
I personally feel LODESTAR is a bit more character-driven than anything else, though I'd be lying to say it has no conflict. Man vs man, man vs society, and man vs technology all play a role, but there's also a bit of man vs self, particularly in Lieve's planned character arc.
However, all of these stories are still in the first draft! I can't be sure that these will stay the same all the way through. Tyvm for the ask.
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wildfire and rainbow!
Thanks for the ask, Moth!!
🔥 Wildfire - Who is your most emotional character and why?
I think it depends on how we define "most emotional". Kristopher is very emotional in that he acts based on emotion rather than logic. (Which is part of what leads to some of his rash decisions...) But he's also not very in-tune with his emotions. (It takes him an absurd amount of time to realize he's actually in love with Fallon, for example.) Squish and Theo are both pretty emotional characters, in that they feel emotions very deeply and act based on said emotions. Both of them are very empathetic, and also react based on the emotions of those around them. (Theo is autistic, and has hyper-empathy, and Squish, like any good animal, is very sensitive to the emotions of her caretakers.)
🌈 Rainbow - What do you think makes your story unique / stand out?
Gods, this is a tough question. I really suck at hyping up my own work. But I will say that what makes High Fantasy WIP unique is the narrator. He's an agent of the goddess of death, and the fact that he takes special interest in the actions of a group of mortals is highly unusual, both for him, and for immortal entities in general. I'm still trying to figure out how I want his narration to work out, and what I want that story to be about, but I want the narration to be a unique part of the story for sure.
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nyphren · 1 year
hello peeps
destiny content is now on a sideblog aka @savathunsmoth
keeping all my unhinged theory posts over there!
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marrowwife · 1 year
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Welcome to my cozy little corner of writeblr!
You can call me Marrow or Ollie, I'm 23, I use all pronouns (mostly they/them), and I'm a middle child from a small town upbringing
I'm a queer fantasy writer who writes queer fantasy stories :)
Currently (and always) obsessed with the Crane Wives, The Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti and collecting strange knickknacks from secondhand stores
This is not my main, if I send any asks I'll tag this blog so that people know who I am
Ask and tag game friendly! May take a while to respond but rest assured I am working on it and I always appreciate it!
Currently working on getting intros out for all of my wips, most of them are reworkings of my old wips :)
wips and taglists under the cut
WIP: LOTUS EATERS na urban fantasy, dark academia witches, queer
The lives of three complicated women become intertwined when they all join a magical secret society at their university
@houndmouthed @moonscribbler @lockejhaven @aeipathys @cryptid-s-wips @seven-little-constellations @asralieswritingcorner @these-starrynights @dreamwolves @oblolongue @andromedatalksaboutstuff @thelittlestspider @serenanymph @athenswrites
WIP: RAVENOUS na fantasy, exploration of the chosen one trope, queer
What makes someone a saviour? The origin of their power or the way they use it?
@houndmouthed @tragicbackstoryenjoyer @philocalizt @waestlandbaby @andromedatalksaboutstuff @writingmoth @serenanymph @moondust-bard @ashfordlabs @carnocus @real-fragments7
WIP: UNRESTFUL small town fantasy, gothic academia, queer
Gothic boarding school fantasy where the ocean is evil and trying to eat you probably
@dreamwolves @inkingfireplace @kaiusvnoir @saltwaterbells @touchingmadness @andromedatalksaboutstuff @thelittlestspider @writingmoth @serenanymph @silhouettecrow @stesierra @ashfordlabs
WIP: THE GABRIEL RATCHET ya faerie fantasy, folkloric inspiration, queer
Faerie story where everyone has an agenda and there's also a quest
@tieflingtea @philocalizt @cactusmotif @houndmouthed @cream-and-tea @dreamwolves @inkingfireplace @touchingmadness @whimsy-of-the-stars @silhouettecrow @andromedatalksaboutstuff @writingmoth @serenanymph
WIP: SWORD & SERPENT na cozy(ish) fantasy, found family, queer
A knight, a mage, and a wayward heir take way longer to get back home than they should have because of the god damn plot
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 9 months
Heads Up Seven Up
Ahhhhhhh it's been way too long and I literally haven't done any of these!!!
Super sorry to @gracehosborn, @leighvalentin, and @sehnxsucht who all tagged me ages ago and I haven't gotten back to you.
This is because I hadn't been actively writing in my WIPs so I didn't want to be repetitive with the last lines I actively wrote.
Then I started writing TSP and actively just forgot about these.
But I'm doing it NOW!!
Rules: post the last seven lines of your WIP that you wrote and tag some friends to play too!!
From The Secret Portal, Part Two:
“A few minutes, maybe. I know it’s finals week for you. Oh! Who’s your favorite Disney Princess?” Gwen blinked. “Um, Cinderella, why?” I smiled. “Perfect.”
I decided not to count "Oh!" as a separate line. Don't kill me.
This makes no sense out of context but like with context I swear it's cute.
Anyway softly tagging @theelfauthor @buffythevampirelover @little-mouse-gardens @calyaer @underthetree845 @mr-writes @writingmoth @isabellebissonrouthier (or @49-ibr whichever you prefer) @queerfox-tales @finxi-writes @nailamoonsi @memoriethereaderandwriter-blog no pressure
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nightlotus-studios · 2 months
Nightlotus Studios: A Summary
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Hello, this is Nightlotus Studios, an indie game dev team with a passion for unique stories told through traditional genres. We are not technically a professional team, and all work is currently done by volunteers.
We were founded in July 2024. More information about the team and our projects can be found below.
Meet the Team
I'm Ezra, but you can call me Dusk, too. My pronouns are they/them. I live in the USA with two cats, and my most important blog (writing and other art) can be found at @duskforged. While deeply affectionate, I am aromantic.
I'm Willow! My pronouns are she/her, and I also live in the USA. I am obsessed with axolotls the normal amount. My main blog is @marathefallen , and I'll be helping code the game. I identify as demisexual.
I'm Ren! My pronouns are he/they and I am from Brazil, where I live with two cats and (occasionally) a younger brother. My main blog for creative things is @writingmoth. I am aromantic & grayasexual.
Current Projects
Loveless is a dating sim through the eyes of an aromantic who doesn't realize it yet. 'Romance' seven different characters while coming to terms with the fact you don't feel the same way they feel about you.
This game is written by and for aromantics of all stripes, as well as people curious to know what being aromantic is like in an amatonormative world.
Coded in Ren'py, Loveless is currently in pre-alpha. You can fill out an interest form, even if you do not wish to contribute anything to the production of the game. Potential volunteers will be contacted as needed.
Tag: #game: loveless
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avrablake · 2 months
Word Find Tag
@revenantlore and @oh-no-another-idea tagged me forever ago
Some of the words they gave me: tilt, open, ring, time
His free hand gripped Kuda’s shoulder while his other held his sword to the man’s throat, the blade tilted at just the right angle that it wouldn’t draw blood. For now.
“Why did you come here?” Ryu asked at last. Though his voice was quiet, it seemed to echo after the silence that had frozen them in place. Nix opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again. Why had he come here? It made no sense, even to him.
He clenched his fist around the ring, his fingers turning white. He exhaled and relaxed his grip before holding the ring out to her. “Here, you should have this. It would look good on you.”
She’d spent so long simply surviving, she’d forgotten how to live. For the first time in a long time, she finally felt like herself.
leaving an open tag and also tagging @sleepy-night-child @camillenrose @writingmoth
Your words are doubt, notice, force, and important
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worldstogetlostin · 6 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks @wintherlywords for the tag, this looks like fun! I've left a copy of the clean slate of questions below
Rules: Answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created? The first part of the TGATWST I wrote was one of the endings of the three stories in the book lol, jumping right to the end. It's a scene where there is rain falling on a man's face and he, being in love with a god, feels it as an embrace from his lover - very sentimental and a bit mushy but what can I say, I'm a sucker for romance.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be? I think it would be like the music from The Hobbit or LoTR! Very instrumental and powerful, something that could move you.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why? Oop that would be like picking a favourite child and I'm not going into too much detail on this WWIP as of yet (still in the very early stages and wondering if it will survive) but I definitely have characters whose voices I have figured out better than others.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story? The Hobbit, LoTR seeing as they're huge inspirations for me in everything I do lol. Maybe the inheritance Cycle and books like it? Honestly difficult to imagine anything I write having a fan base but if I had to give it a vibe I'd go with those!
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP? Motivation, every time. I have a demanding job and exams and I'm currently in the legal process of getting a house so lots of exciting things going on that usually mean I have no energy left for writing!
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them! Horses, cows and beasts lol, the WIP is set in medieval times (fantasy of course) so animals are a big part of the world, but not a huge part of the actual story.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.) Horses, walking, some carriages for those with a little extra coin who fancy living the high life
8. What part of your WIP are you working on rn? The end of the beginning, and the beginning of the middle, which is a strange sentence to write.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your WIP do you think will draw people in? Gods and mortals and the relationships between them, found family vibes, self-loathing characters finding redemption, soldiers finding and losing faith, and lots of queer representation
10. What are your hopes for your WIP? That I can actually finish it and have it be something I am proud of.
I'll go ahead and tag (with no pressure) @verba-writing @elizaellwrites @writingmoth and @ceph-the-ghost-writer and anyone else who wants to have a go!
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
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treesandwords · 3 months
Sons of the Summer King opening lines then and now
Thought this would be fun considering it's gone through so many rewrites. Feel free to add your own if you've got multiple versions of your opening!
"The woods in the afternoon were already heavy with the approaching dark. The shadows of the evening were steadily deepening, with shafts of light shifting through the poplar trees still in spring bloom."
"The Magic Woods were not called such by grown people, to whom magic was not something lightly discussed. On any map the dark, dense bundle of trees in the shadow of Daigon Castle was commonly referred to as the South Wood, to distinguish it from the North Wood lying on the opposite side of the moor."
"No woods are safe. But a few are safer than others.             Jerod Dalion was sure – mostly sure - when, on the seventh day of the seventh month, in the year he would turn twelve, he led his sister into the heart of one, that it was one of the safest."
Taglist: @kaatiba @on-noon @writingmoth @faithfire-writes
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First Line Tag
I was tagged by @the-inkwell-variable and I'm gonna tag @pleasestaywithmedarling and @writingmoth if you want to do it :)
Not doing the very first line of this WIP, because I don't like it. The WIP is closing in on 60k words and I won't start editing before I am done, so first line of the current chapter is the next best thing I can offer.
In the fading light of a day that had passed unnoticed, Irina watched Ross sleep. She couldn’t remember the last time he had gone this long without being woken up by a spasm, if he hadn’t been unable to fall asleep because of the pain in the first place.
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Last Sentence Tag Game
Thank you so much @k-v-briarwood for tagging me. Sharing a line from today's writing session.
Rules: post the last sentence you wrote in your WIP and tag as many of your followers as there are words in the sentence.
And then the light grows, expands beyond the fictitious border of Arno's halo.
If I counted correctly, that's 13 people to tag: @zeenimf, @sarandipitywrites, @ahordeofwasps, @lordfenric-writes, @loopyhoopywrites, @drippingmoon, @dragomango, @sparrow-orion-writes, @splashinkling, @afoolandathief, @dustylovelyrun, @wildswrites, @writingmoth
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duskforged · 8 months
Badly Described WIPs Tag Game
I was tagged by @pen-of-roses (thanks!), so I'll, uh, do my best, I guess!
I will be counting both long form fiction and webcomics and ... yeah! No fanfic in here, this time, but I will include the Ahvan group, which I am, unfortunately, not actively working on at this time. Sorry!
Also including a couple of random side ideas floating around.
tagging: @mjjune @writingmoth @wildswrites and uhhh anyone else who wants to tag in!!
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snooeycatwrites · 10 months
Last Line Tag
Thank you @pb-dot for the tag! So this was me prepping an introduction for important an important NPC and a magic potion that he's developed in a D&D module that I've written by brainstorming different things the NPC could say.
"All of you are okay with the chance you won't be human anymore, aren't you?"
If you want to share your latest line, then tag, you're it, @ahordeofwasps, @antihell, @authortango, @aziz-reads, @booksandpaperss, @burntoutdaydreamer, @isabellebissonrouthier, @lc-casey, @moondust-bard, @nettleandthorne, @sarandipitywrites, @sleepyowlwrites, @winglesswriter, @writingmoth, @zmwrites, and anyone else who wants to play.
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mjjune · 1 year
10 People 10 Songs
Thanks @ainahwrites !!!
Tagging (optional ofc!): @aritany @arionawrites @vacantgodling @isabellebissonrouthier @garthcelyn @mjparkerwriting @meerawrites @wildswrites @writingmoth @jezifster
The Rules: put your library on shuffle and post the first ten songs, then tag ten people!
黑暗的盡頭 by Crispy 脆樂團
Troubled Times by Green Day
My Fault by Imagine Dragons
Artemis by Aurora
Atlas: Two by Sleeping At Last
Over At the Frankenstein Place from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Counting Blue Cars by Dishwalla
森谷地 Verelruwan by Sangpuy
Mona Lisa (When the World Comes Down) by The All-American Rejects
I Come With Knives by IAMX
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marrowwife · 11 months
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"Listen. I'm sure it was a good thing, in whatever backwoods village you crawled your way out of, to be kind, and helpful, and friendly. But you matter now, you're Sainted--- we're Sainted. We're the strongest players of the Court. And in the Court, being kind is a weakness. Being kind will get you eaten alive."
His retreat was cut short with a firm grip around his arm and a pair of eyes, brightened almost as gold as they had that terrible day in the great hall. Alaryk wondered if this was the first time Perryn had ever stopped smiling. He wondered, staring at the boy burning with an intensity as fierce as the High Summer sun, if a single smile had been real to begin with.
"Teach me." Perryn said, and he sounded like the roar of a wildfire, like the intimate crackling of a hearth. "You said it yourself, we're Sainted. The same. So teach me how to be like you."
Alaryk wrenched his arm free, and the thing inside him howled and writhed and whispered terrible promises. "You are nothing like me."
Title: Ravenous
Genre: NA Fantasy
Themes: Monstrosity, Queerness, Identity, Trauma, Legacy & Family, The Nature of Good and Evil (Constructed Morality), Nature vs Nurture
Tropes: The Chosen One, The Main Trio, Coming Of Age, Anti-Hero, Moral Greyness, The Boarding School Setting, Medieval Fantasy Setting, Knights vs Monsters, Rivals to Friends to Enemies to Lovers, The Orphaned Hero, Sun and Moon Coded Characters, Child Soldiers (kind of), More TBA
Idrismark is a kingdom fractured, the land sequestered between impenetrable mountains and the gnawing, ever creeping monstrosity of the Ravening Wood, the burial place of the Betrayer. What is left of the inhabitable is ruled by the whims of the Noble Houses, originally claiming lineage of the Six Saints, individuals with untold powers who defeated the Betrayer and held back the corrupt magic of the Wood. Now the Houses are the Upper Class of Indrismark's population, all trained in the arts of Knighthood but focused in the games of Court politics.
It is only the Sainted that truly provide safety from the Ravening Wood, those with the strongest blood ties to The Six and a fraction of their power, most often sacrificed in the war against the Wood. Therefore, when two Sainted appear in one generation, a peasant plucked from the masses and a Noble's son, all of Idrismark is watching. The common people in joyous relief, having been subject to the increasing ferocity of the Ravening Wood. And the Noble Houses in rapt, hungry calculation, ready to do anything they can in the mad scramble for power a Sainted is want to inact upon the Court.
Alaryk has known his place since the moment of his birth. Son of the House Lupei. Disappointment to his father. Neither a first son and heir, nor the daughter his father had hoped for in a third child, to be wed in alliance and used as a pawn in the games of the Court. Alaryk used to pray to be Sainted, to become proof of his Father's power, his House's power, to be useful. But the Sainted were rare, and House Lupei had not produced a Sainted in hundreds of years. He should have known that the truth had never been an obstacle for his Father.
The Academy, where all Noble children are sent to learn how to fight the Ravening Wood, was going to be hard enough. Now with the mantle of Sainted balanced precariously on his shoulders, Alaryk must navigate the politics of Nobility, the grueling regimen of squirehood, the baffling intricacies of making friends, all alongside desperately trying to control the power he has been given. Because Alaryk is not Sainted. His magic is not the magic of The Six, it is not pure and good and heroic. Alaryk is a liar and his magic is ravenous.
TAGLIST (ask to be +/-)
@houndmouthed @tragicbackstoryenjoyer @philocalizt @waestlandbaby @andromedatalksaboutstuff @writingmoth @serenanymph @moondust-bard @ashfordlabs @carnocus @real-fragments7
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