#wtf did I stumble across
lomlompurim · 9 months
What if instead of waking up in the mushroom body, sqq woke up in a doll.
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Something something while lbh was away in the abyss, sqq without noticing offended a misterious (demonic-succubi-esque???) cultivator with a weird thing for making dolls. She had dolls all over her secret workshop that she very kindly let him into when she heard about the famous Xiu Ya sword being in the city.
What she wanted of him? Who knows, sqq couldn't bring himself to care. She probably wanted his money or try to steal his hair, the hair of those dolls seemed very much like real hair, although he had to admit the level of details on these dolls were amazing.
(she wanted to trick him into buying one of her cursed dolls and steal his life energy little by little, but got wifebeamed by widow sqq during their conversation about how talented she was to be able to make so many dolls, and without really understanding he rejected her with little to no emotion on his face)
So she cursed him, and since sqq didn't feel anything bad at the moment he thought it just didn't work and left, not sparing the curse a single thought after their encounter.
The rest of the story goes as usual, excep that after he self detonates his soul doesn't go into the mushroom body, instead it got directly into the shape of a doll in the workshop of this woman.
His first thought is thinking someone snitched the mushroom body bc wtf wasn't he supposed to wake up under the dirt??? Why this place smells slightly familiar? Like paint and humidity and floral perfumes?? and why everything looks fucking giganourmus?!?! A teapot should NOT look that big from his position....Oh no, did the mushroom body turned out as small as a squirrel? WhAT is happening?!
And then he looks at his arms and legs, and he has joints. White paper skin with joints in his wrists, elbows, torso, waist, knees, feet. And he panics, a lot.
The woman who cursed him starts monologuing about how she trapped him now, and you are mine, I made this doll specially for you master shen, this is my revenge for your insolence to leave me yada yada- Sqq stoped listening a while ago.
Somehow he manages to escape from this woman and now he is roaming around as the size of some apples. Everything is huge. Everything is dangerous, even the grasshopers! And this body is fragile! He can't feel heat nor cold, neither hunger or other things, but he is useless with no spiritual veins inside, and if someone is not looking carefully, they might crush him. And the way back to cq is gonna be a hell of a trip! But he needs airplane to fix this. He can't stay as a doll forever! He needs a mushroom body and then fly into the sunset far from this mess! Adiós! Goodbye! So his new plan is to infiltrate into cang qiong, look for that rat and disappear. Sneaking into some disciple's pouch must be enough to break in.
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Something something it only had passed a few months since lbh stole sqq's body and everything is still very fresh. CQ mountain is a hot mess. Sqh frankly needs to lay down and take a nap. Lqg keeps figthing with Lbh practially every day and coming back beaten bloody, he has his king pestering him and a lot of paperwork to do, Lbh is a pain in the ass, Yqy is really close to snap and start a war with HHP, and he knows nothing about his bro. So yeah. Such a great time to be alive.
The mushroom bodies should had been ready, right? He must be alright...Yeah. He has enough already to keep him busy. Cucumber bro is gonna come out and stumble across at any moment. No one would bat an eye if he takes a nap, right? He deserves it. He is overworked enough for another lifetime, his head hurts, his bones hurt everywhere, a short nap should be fine...
Until he feels something small tugging his robes and a cold tiny finger poking his eyelids. But he doesn't want to. He is very comfortable on the floor of his office. Whatever bird decided to pick a fight with his face can keep trying.
That voice. That fucking annoying voice was of just one person and one person only. He opened his eyes, looking for the source of the unmistakable voice of his No1 hater, but he came across with a pretty porcelain doll. With a very ugly sneer in it's face.
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"Fucking finally! Why are you sleeping on the floor in your ofice?! I was looking around your bedroom like an idiot! Do you know how close I was to falling from your window?!"
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luvlunajpg · 5 months
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Truth or Dare
♡ pairing: johnnie x fem reader
♡ Summary: Tara knows you have a crush on Johnnie so she dared you to be handcuffed to Johnnie for the whole night.
♡ Classification: fluff and very very light smut
𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚ ༘˚⋆ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ༘˚⋆𐙚。
You were crossing your arms over your chest sitting at the passenger seat beside your roommate Tara Yummy. Both of you just pulled up infront of Jake’s house for a quick get together amongst all of their close youtuber friends. You never agreed to be apart of this ever since Tara told you about it. infact, you’re not even a youtuber, you’re just Tara’s close friend that pops up in her youtube videos every once in awhile cause her content needs a partner.
“Oh come on y/n! Please! You’re so going to enjoy tonight just trust me i’ll be there with you the whole time. its not like you don’t know them! We’ve hung out with them before” Tara whines as you roll your eyes at her. You knew she was just saying that so you would get up and follow her get drunk so that someone would accompany her home when shes hammered. Tara kept whining and whining while tugging onto your mini skirt. As much as you hate socialising you just know you hate it when Tara starts being annoying.
“GOSH FINE! Lets get inside. Only cause i love you” you groaned in frustration causing Tara to giggle and peck your cheek before leaving the car. Jake welcomes the both of you and offers us some alcohol thats available in the fridge. The whole night we all had fun, played games, shared stories, shared experiences, talk about life and hobbies. You hate to admit this but Tara was right, you actually did have fun. But throughout the whole night, only one person really catches your attention and has never failed to do so for months.
His beautiful blue eyes that reminded you of the sky. His style is like one of those guys you would stumble across on Myspace. His cute smile that really compliments his piercings. You just couldn’t get enough of him, your eyes were on him the whole night, you tried your best to not be obvious about it but Tara was not going to let it slide when she caughts you admiring him from afar
“You like what you see huh??” Tara giggles as she wiggles her eyebrows towards you and johnny. “Oh shut up” you whine as your cheeks turns slightly pink at her comment. You don’t only like what you see, you love what you see, hearing him talk gives you butterflies. His croaky crunchy voice made your stomach churn in excitement. Tara smirks as an idea comes up in her head “GUYS! LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!” Tara yells as she pulls you to the centre of the living room. Your eyes widened knowing what your cheeky best friend is up to. Tara winks at your flushed face and sets down on the floor followed by the rest that is interested in playing as well and surprisingly Johnnie was one of them. Tara takes an empty bottle of beer from Jake’s hand and set it in the middle of the circle “lets get this game started” Tara smirks as she spin the empty glass bottle at this point you were just praying hard that the night would end faster.
The game has been going on for awhile and it was a mess. Tara was dared to make out with Jake as an ex. Jake had to tell a truth on what he hates the most about Tara during their relationship, Sam was dared to lick whipping cream off Colby’s belly button and many more crazy shit. Meanwhile Tara was frustrated how the bottle has not landed on you or johnnie this whole time which made you more than blessed cause the party is about to end soon since everyone was really hammered. You gave Tara and innocent smile as she squints her tired eyes at you giving you the “we are not leaving until i say so” look. Tara spins the bottle one more time just for it to land at her
“WTF?? This is not fair! Y/n and johnnie hasn’t even gotten their turn yet” tara whines as everyone agrees with her
“Yeah Johnnie! You’re missing out all the fun! Lets just pick them to do the next truth or dare” Jake says as he nudged johnnie with his elbow. “Yeah whatever i don’t care” johnnie chuckled as he takes another swig of his Dr Pepper. Tara giggles and looks at your now pale face and your big round eyes that is filled with fear.
“ok Y/N truth or dare?” Tara smirks
“Truth” you manage to choke out. You were so nervous your throat felt tight, you feel like you were about to faint
“Do you like anyone in this room? Truth only my love” Tara giggles as your face turns red. You did not expect her to ask you that, you expected her to ask you about an embarrassing memory that happened when you were a teenager or maybe what kind of kink you’re into but you never expected Tara to be so straightforward.
“Uh uhh dare, i choose dare please” you stuttered out as everyone around you groan at your sudden change of mind
“Alright alright, i dare you to be handcuffed to johnnie throughout the whole night. Its 12am now but at 7am sharp, then you’ll be free” you felt the whole world was crashing down on you. You swallowed your saliva as the room sounded muffled, your vision was getting blurry and your palms are sweating as if you just finished rock climbing or something. Tara comes back from Jake’s room with pink fluffy handcuffs that is usually used during sex which made you and johnnie turn red even more.
“Don’t worry its clean. Jake and i got this in our Fan Mail, we never used them but now it serves a different purpose” Tara exclaims as she handcuffs you and Johnnie together. You were in shock and lost of words, your face was heating up as if its about to explode but you’re more than surprised that Johnnie had no comments or refusal throughout the whole situation. He just stood still and let Tara handcuffed him to you.
“Tara come on this is ridiculous! How are we supposed to wash up tonight? I reek of alcohol right now! How am i supposed to shower” Tara only giggled at your annoyance and kept the keys in her back pocket. She walks away from you and grabbed the car keys on the kitchen island.
“And that is for you to figure it out yourself. COME ON GUYS PARTY IS OVER. LETS LEAVE THIS LOVEBIRDS ALONE” Tara blows a kiss to you before holding Jake’s hand and heads out just like everyone else is doing. You were left dumbfounded with a hot emo boy handcuffed to you.
it has been 45 minutes of dead silence between you and Johnnie. After everyone left you tried to tidy the place up but Johnnie suggest that you two just sit on the couch since there is no point of cleaning when the two of you are handcuffed to eachother. After that tiny interaction with Johnnie the both of you just sat on the couch in silence while being on your phones. It was so silent you could literally hear your own heartbeat and breathing. Johnnie was scrolling through Tiktok and meanwhile on your side you were spamming Tara with middle finger emojis and cussing her out. Tara only replied with a kissing emoji and disappeared afterwards. You yawned and rubbed your eyes, the alcohol was starting to drain out your energy and all you want to do now was sleep, but you know too well that you can’t sleep without a shower and a new set of fresh clothes.
“wanna head to bed?” johnnie turns to you noticing your eyes getting tired every minute. You lightly shook your head trying to stay awake for another few more hours. “Come on. You look like you’re about to pass out. Lets just head to bed and we’ll be free the moment we wake up” Johnnie insists, you shook your head again and sit up against the couch “I don’t feel comfortable sleeping like this.. especially not showering after a long day” you commented causing Johnnie to chuckle. He stood up forcing you to follow him to his room where he has a sleeping mask by his bedside. He hands you his T-shirt, pair of black boxers and a new towel. “The bathroom is opposite my room, you can take a shower there while I’m blindfolded” johnnie shakes the blindfold in his hand assuring you that he won’t be seeing you shower, at this point you can only sigh and agree since there are literally no other choices left.
Johnnie drags you to the bathroom and immediately wore the blindfold the moment he stepped foot into the bathroom. You slipped out of your croptop and mini skirt. You were grateful that your outfits were easy to take off since you clearly did not planned to be handcuffed to a boy tonight. As you were about to hop into the shower you noticed that you were wearing a strapless bra with a clasp. You always ask Tara to undo it for you since it is something that you are not used too yet. You sighed at the problem your facing knowing that you only have one option left.
“johnnie.. can you help me take my bra off..” you sighed
“Wait what-“ “JUST DO IT JOHNNIE” you cut him off as your face turns bright red, you swore to yourself when you meet Tara in a few hours you’re going to kill her. Johnnie took off his blindfolds to see you in your undergarments, he swallowed his salive before undoing your bra then wearing back his blindfold. You shook your head and hop in the shower after taking your panties off.
The both of you are now sitting up against Johnnies headboard. You are currently drowning in guilt, after showering you noticed that Johnnie was only in his Jeans. He ripped his shirt off and you could only guess he did it due to the humidity of the long steaming shower you were having. You insisted johnnie to shower too but he said he was too tired to shower so you end up getting dressed and dragged him to bed after taking his blindfold off. So now here you are, a duo that is muted and awkward like a married couple that just finished their heated argument. You wanted the floor to just swallow you so bad of how awkward this is, you’re trying to distract yourself by being on your phone but you literally have nothing else to search or look through.
“want to continue the game?” Johnnie ask looking up from his phone. You tilted ur head at him not knowing what he meant. He puts his phone down and stares at you with his bright blue eyes.
“The truth or dare game. Want to continue that?” Johnnie ask again.
“What why? We’re technically still undergoing the game” you asked back while sitting up
“Well… you’re clearly not sleeping and im guessing its because you’re uncomfortable to sleep on your roomate’s friend’s bed. So lets just waste time since the night is still young” johnnie reshifts himself on the bed so that he is facing you.
You just nodded to him suddenly feeling your heart beating out of your chest
The both of you spent what felt like hours on the game. It started off as the both of you picking truths for the longest time ever until Johnnie decides to break the pattern by saying dare and you dared him to take a shot of tabasco sauce. After that incident the both of you just had your own fun playing truth or dare, answering saucy questions and doing dumb dares.
“Omg i can’t believe you just prank called your mom saying you got a girl pregnant” you laugh out loud holding onto your stomach
“Yeah can’t wait for her to nag at me in the morning you idiot” Johnnie laughs with you as the both of you sat back down on his bed “alright truth or dare” Johnnie ask
“Is it true that you like me?” Johnnie smirks at you as your face turns red. “I uhh i don’t- well.. yeah” you confessed blankly. You did not expect Johnnie to ask you that, you were really embarrassed you just hid your face in your hands. Johnnie smiles removing your hands from your face “hey.. i like you too..actually i like you alot. Jake caught me so many times watching Tara videos that has you in it, I’m actually surprised that idiot did not blurt out anything to you.” You giggled at his confession, it was cute of him to come forward like that, you never really thought Johnnie actually has a crush on you since he never really shows it whenever the both of you meet. You cup his face and gently place your lips against his, feeling his cold lips touching yours made your heart melt the both of you stayed like that for a few more seconds before pulling away.
“gosh im so sorry i should’ve asked fuck i’m so-“ you got cut off by Johnnie’s lips crashing into yours. You kissed him back but this time more passionately than before. Both of your tongues meet and danced in eachothers mouth, Johnnie lifts you up and place you on his lap not breaking the kiss. The both of you made out for awhile, Johnnie’s hands wanted to be all over you but the handcuffs were too restrictive.
“Gosh i want to touch you so bad” Johnnie sighs before kissing you again. You hummed into the kiss agreeing with him, as you were about to slip your hand into Johnnie’s Jeans the both of you were shocked by a sudden flash coming from the door of his room
“Sup lovebirds! Say cheeeeese” Tara takes another shot from her Digicam with Jake standing right behind her waving at the both of you like a child at a playground.
“Tara uncuff me now so i can love my girlfriend easily” Johnnie groans as you turned your head towards him “Girlfriend?” You giggle “what you don’t want too?” johnnie smirks as he leaves kisses down your neck “Of course i want too” you peck his lips and felt a key dropped beside your thigh.
“Urgh this is nasty go unlock it yourself. Lets go jake” Tara exclaims sarcastically before closing the door. She is actually more than happy to see her two close friends get together since she has been planning this for so long. johnnie immediately took the keys and uncuff the both of you. You sighed at the feeling of relief when the cuffs were finally off, it felt good to feel your hands again. johnnie jiggles the handcuffs infront of your face while smirking
“Want to give these a try in a different way?”
Anon note: GUYS THIS IS SOOO LONG IM SO SORRY IF THERE ARE ANG TYPOS MY HANDS ARE CRAMPING ARGH. Its been a while since i posted so i gotta comback with a long one ya know what i mean? Hehe hope u guys enjoy! Love you guysss ❤️
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phfenomena · 9 months
❝’cause we were somewhere else.❞ || tom blyth x f!reader
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| request- could you do paris by taylor swift with tom??
| A/N- cutest idea i’ve ever heard thank you 🙏 super short but i tried my hardest
| WARNINGS- fluffy lovey dovey shit, france (WTF IS A KILOMETER 🦅🇺🇸), running, me having writers block,
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(divider by @v6que)
the air was thick with smoke and unspoken emotions as tom wrapped his arm around you waist in the crowded bar. one week in paris with your kind-of-boyfriend couldn’t hurt anybody, right? you thought so, until tonight. with the affectionate touches, the sharing drinks, and now, staring at the eiffel tower together.
the ancient architecture sparkled like clock-work, the reflection finding home in toms eyes. you couldn’t will herself to look away from him as your fingers intertwined.
“did you have fun tonight, love?” his thumb was moving back and forth across the back of your hand. you nodded, “yeah! i did. thank you for bringing me along for your press tour, it’s been really cool.”
stumble down pretend alley-ways, cheap wine; make believe it’s champagne.
the laughs erupted from your lungs uncontrollably as your feet tried to move your body in sync with toms, his hand pulling you quickly down the alley. the giggles shared between you two echoed down the alley-way and sounded like it was coming from everywhere, it felt like it too.
“you’re going too fast! i can’t keep up when i’m in heels!” you stuttered out in between sobs of laughter. “get longer legs!” tom throws over his shoulder and you resist the growing despair within you every time you see his smile, knowing the smile wasn’t yours to keep.
privacy sign on the door and on my page, and on the whole world. romance is not dead, if you keep it just yours.
the soft and hazy sun filtered through the sheer curtains, illuminating the room. illuminating him. your nails gently raked across his scalp as you studied his features, savoring the moment.
the small smile on your face widened when his eyes opened and flickered to yours. “g’morning, darling.” he shoved his face into his pillow, groaning, from the light. “good morning. you drool in your sleep, did you know that?” he side-eyes you before coming up with an answer. “i usually don’t, i just can’t help myself around you.”
i’m so in love that i might stop breathing, drew a map on your bedroom ceiling.
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anemptypuddingcup · 10 months
That’s a good gal.
Luffy smut short.
‼️contains blood play & non-con fingering.
please be careful with these themes
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Luffy stumbles into your shared room and huffs heavily, his eyes full of life as if he had enjoyed himself seconds earlier. You turn over and freeze in place, your eyes glancing to his bloodied knuckles and up his body.
Luffy looked as if he had just murdered someone. Not only for protecting himself and you but for the rush and the thrill as well.
“L-Lu…W-Why’re you…”
“Ah?- Why am I bloody? Had t’knock sum sense inta Sanji, don’t wan’ em gawking at my gal do I?” You froze at his words, his voice oddly happy with what he had just said. You slowly stumble back, your legs growing weak from sudden fear as you fell back and bumped into the nightstand with a gasp.
Luffy slowly walks over to you, looking down at your stunned and frightened expression with a smile. He enjoyed that fearful look of yours.
“Aw cmon dumplin’…don’ be like that…” He says in a sudden dark tone, his eyes now giving you a dark glare as he stared down at you. You couldn’t help but to shudder uncontrollably from fear, continuously glimpsing as his bloodied hands made you fear that if you did something wrong…his knuckles would be covered in yours next.
His expression shifts back and he crouches down to you, pressing his hands against your shoulders and making them sticky. “Don’t be worried ‘bout me doin that t’ya. I wouldn’ do that…not unless if ya tried sum I wouldn’” He whispers to you, pressing a sticky smooch to your lips. You shuddered from his cold and slightly-chapped lips against yours and scooted back from him on instinct.
Luffy cups your face and pulls you back into his lips, forcing you to kiss him. You whimper out in protest but he kept your lips against his for a very very long time. The smooching began to grow heated as he slid his tongue past your lips, humming out in ecstasy as he felt a tent growing within his shorts.
He shoves you down against the floorboards, making you gasp out suddenly before his bloody hands begin to pull at your shorts. “Take ‘em off.” He demands lowly, pulling away from your lips and staring down into your doe eyes. You blink and shudder once again at the sight of his filthy hands once again, shaking your head in protest and refusing to cooperate.
Luffy reaches a hand up to your neck, sliding his bloody fingers along your sweet soft skin. “If ya don’ wanna end up like Sanji…Ya better listen t’what I tell ya. I ain’t repeatin’ myself.” He warned, continually tugging at the hem of your shorts. You sigh and obliged, pulling your shorts off for him while he runs back to his silly little smile. “Good gal…” He whispers to you, making your pussy throb with his words.
He presses his sticky and bloody fingers against your clothed cunt, sliding it along the fabric and staining it. You shuddered in disgust but your body began to burn up with the slight arousal. The look on Luffy’s face made you whimper out while he circles his thumb against your clothed clit. You huff out and arch your back, wanting to scoot away and get out of his grasp.
He grabs your thigh and pulls you closer to him, pulling you onto his lap while your legs were still spread open. He looks at you with half-lidded eyes and a signature smile across his face, his tongue trailing across his lips as he continues to slide his icky fingers along your panties. “Mmgh~ L-Luffy~” You huff out, laying your head against his shoulders and grinding your hips against his hand.
Luffy pulls your panties back and stuffs his hand inside, his fingers now rubbing against your clit. You gasp out and pull back but Luffy wraps an arm around your back and keep you close, forcing you to feel his fingers. “L-Luffy!-“ You whine out, squirming within his grasp and struggling to let go.
You stared in bewilderment as Luffy stuffs two bloody digits into your pussy, his very digits smothered in Sanji’s sticky blood. You whine out and squirm around, not wanting Luffy to touch you for another second. A tight grip on your thigh makes you whine out while he stuffs his digits further into your pussy, making you moan out as he nudged your g-spot.
You feel him slide his fingers past your entrance and you gasp out, pulling and scratching against his skin. You moan out sudden as you felt his fingers rub against your g-spot.
“Ya like m’sticky fingers in ya pussy like that..? Hm?” He whispers into your ear, pressing a smooch to your neck while you sigh out.
“N-No~ No I don’t! Take them out! Please Luffy!~” You moan out, a whine leaving your lips as you shudder from the mixture of pleasure and fear. “Liar. Ya lyin’ t’me. Ya like th’feelin’ of m’fingers inside ya pussy. M’fingers sticky w’Sanji’s blood-”
“S-Shut up! Stop it!”
You whimper out and squirm around in his arm, pressing your hands to his shoulders and pushing as you tried you’re hardest to get out of his grasp. “L-Luffy please! Let me go!- Ah!~” You gasp out, his fingers digging deeper into your pussy and grinding against your gummy walls. “Shh shh~ Ya like m’fingers inside ya, don’ resist me baby~” He sighs out heavily, your hips against his hardened cock while he begins to grind against you.
“No! No Luffy!~ F-Fuck~” You arch your back and grind your hips into his fingers, your body going against your own mind. You moan and whine out as you felt your orgasm growing close, and with that your walls begin tightening around Luffy’s thick fingers. “Ooh~ S’tight ain’tcha dumplin’? Ya wanna cum hmm? Ya wanna cum on m’fingers like m’good lil’ gal?” He asked, teasing you with the phrase you loved oh so dearly.
His words makes you whimper out while you throw your head back from the pleasure. You’re practically riding his fingers and chasing after your high. “Fuck fuck fuck!~ Fuck oh god!~” You gasp out, your brows furling while you shut your eyes a bit tightly. “Hahhhh Luffy!~” You gasp out Luffy’s name, laying your head against his shoulder while you continue to hump his bloodstained fingers.
“Cmon an’ cum. Cum on m’fuckin fingers~” Luffy whispers to you, biting his lip as he watched his fingers sink in and out of your warm and sticky pussy. “Fuck Luffy~ Fuck!~” You whine out breathily, continuing to hump his fingers while you squirt on them. A heavy moan leaves your lips as your hips slowly came to a stop, a groan spilling out as you fall a bit weak against body.
Luffy hums out and pulls his fingers from your pussy, making you moan out shakily. He slides his bloody yet cum-drenched fingers along his tongue, coating his tastebuds in a salty yet sweet mixture. He mewls out and licks his lips. “S’tasty~ Ya cum tastes better though~” He chuckles, staring down at you.
You shudder at his words and sigh out, your body feeling dirty and grimy. “Ya such a good gal f’me~ Admit it, ya liked me fingerin’ ya~ Fingerin’ ya with Sanji’s blood all over m’fuckin fingers.” He whispers to you, rubbing his other hand along your back. You don’t answer him but you whimper and whine at his words.
“My good gal~ Such a good gal f’takin’ m’bloody fingers like that.”
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sunraies · 1 year
hey babe. love you and your works. hope your doing well and healthy.
my request is kook!reader x rafe. she is totally a girlboss and she walks him like a dog (that tiktok trend). so one day she gets into a fight w someone and Topper and Kelce are like 'Rafe go get your girl' or something like that and she says sit down (another tiktok trend im dying) Rafe sits down immidieatly and everyones like wtf and Rafe says 'thats what my girl said.' and smirking. when fight is over she says 'were done here' and Rafe stands up to follow her but their friends are about to laugh but dont have the courage of that and she says 'any problem babies?' and when there is no answer she goes like 'thats what i thought.' and they leave.
im literally spending 11 hours a day on tiktok. this trends and povs got me. im sure im gonna love it. but if you dont want to write thats okay. have a good day sweetie. love you. :3
Hi, hun! I'm doing good. I hope you are too?? I love you and this idea! I'm sorry it's not very long, and I hope it's how you pictured it x
Rafe Cameron x Kook!Reader
Warnings - swears, love sick Rafe, hints of a cheating ex.
As requested above
From the moment Rafe and you started dating, he was completely and utterly infatuated. He was at you every call and walked at your heels, literally.
If you were entering a room, Rafe was always sure to be two steps behind you. Your hand holding his as he followed you like a love sick puppy.
Everyone knew you were his Queen, and what did the Queen do best? Protect her King.
So when you caught your ex talking shit about Rafe at a party, who was the one to grab him by the collar and spit a warning in his face. You, of course.
"He's more of a man that you ever will be," you hissed, vemon in your voice, holding his Ralph Lauren polo shirt in your perfectly manicured hand. "I don't ever catch his name in your mouth again, got it?"
He swallowed and nodded before you let him go. Just as you were about to walk back to Rafe, someone caught your arm.
"Don't you dare fucking touch him" A girl, who you guessed was his current fling warned you.
"Oh honey, I was just going to wash my hands." Your toned was even before gently removing her grip on your arm. "Have some respect for yourself. Jealousy doesn't match your outfit."
Her scream of frustration caught Topper's attention from across the room with Kelce and Rafe. He nudged Kelce's arm, making him look over.
"Oh shit," Kelce blurted out. "Rafe, you better go get your girl."
Rafe spun around to watch as you dodged a slap, making the girl stumble into the wall beside you. Your laugh seemed to float across the room, but it was more cruel than normal.
"Baby, are you -" Rafe was at your side as your ex was picking the girl up.
"Sit down." You held a finger out to him, and he obeyed, knowing you could hold your own.
Everyone around who had been watching glanced at each other. "What the fuck, man?" Topper asked leaning on the back of the sofa, Rafe had plopped down on.
"My girl's got this." He smirked, sipping on his drink.
You turned to the girl who looked about ready to lunge at you again. "Sweetie, you deserve him." You fixed your hair before heading towards Rafe. "Just get yourself tested, he has a habit of fucking anything that walks"
You could hear her, asking him what the fuck that was supposed to mean as you held your hand out to Rafe.
"Come on, we're done here." You smiled at him. "I don't like the vibe of this place anymore."
"Sure, baby." He finished his drink before grabbing your hand and following you towards the door.
"Damn, you really are her bitch" Topper muttered under his breath but you heard.
"What was that, babe?" You asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Noth. Nothing." He croaked on the laugher as did most around him.
"Didn't think so, honeybun." You smirked at him and gently tapped his cheek before leaving with Rafe.
As you walked towards his car, Rafe threw an arm over your shoulders and kissed your temple. "What was that even about, baby?"
"Just people talking shit." You shrugged before climbing into the car as he held the door open for you.
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Hiya!! Love your work so much😆
I was wondering if you’d write something where the paladins (especially keith hehe) have to go to a formal event like a gala to bring the coalition together (??) and how they’d ask y/n to be their date and/or how they’d react to y/n in their formal attire?? (maybe even add Matt too if you feel inspired) Thank youuu 🫶
Brooooo stoooppppp I am so weak for this idea holy shit 😩 And you are my first non anon request so THANKS FRIEND 🥹 I went with my three fav paladins 💙❤️💚AND Mattie boy 🧡Also I love writing with emojis, sorry not sorry. ENJOY DARLING~
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He waits until the last minute to ask you, let’s be honest. Like a day before the event, he’s sitting beside you in the training room, trying to catch his breath when he goes “So that thing tomorrow. Wanna go together?” And you’re like 😏 “Are you asking me to be your date?” And now he’s like 🙄 “Shut up before I change my mind.”
It’s silent for a second but he’s staring at you. “So, are you gonna answer my question?” “Yes, Keith. I’ll be your date to the gala.” And he’s bright red in the face now.
He tries to act all cool and mysterious as you both leave the training deck and go opposite ways. As soon as you’re out of sight, he’s SPRINTING to Lance’s room.
He’s so fucking annoyed as he spends hours trying to memorize and properly recite pick up lines to Lance as practice.
He also totally does not steal a bottle of cologne from Lance’s bathroom before he leaves.
The morning of, he finds Shiro for wardrobe assistance. Big brother Shiro totally cleans Keith up, giving him a more semi-formal look. Keith thinks he’s too cool for a coat and tie. Shiro also convinces Keith to pull his hair back into a low pony tail.
He decides he’s just too nervous to meet you at your room so he kinda just sits on his bed for a while, fully dressed and smelling great and waiting for you.
Finally you step into his open door way, instantly catching his attention. He stands quickly, almost stumbling over his own feet as he approaches you, admiring your look for the evening.
“OH WOW. Oh…Uh…sorry. You look really nice.” You look so nice he’s stressed out about it like wtf why are you so gorgeous? He thinks you’re sooooo far out of his league.
“I like your hair pulled back like that.” You smile at him and he thinks he might just spontaneously combust rn.
He keeps his arm linked with yours as you walk together to the front of the castle where all the guests are.
Once there, you mostly hang out together or with the other paladins. You’re both kind of shy and you find comfort in being together. You’re like the two emo kids at prom who just stand against the wall and complain about the lame music.
At some point, you two disappeared from the party. Allura and Shiro are like Hello? Where did they go? Shiro wanders outside to look for you only to find you both laying on your backs in the grass right outside the castle’s front entrance, staring up at the sky. He smiles as he hears you laughing at something Keith said.
“Im serious! Lance told me to say ‘even in zero gravity, I’d still fall for you’.” “BOOOOO that’s a terrible line!” You laugh up to the dark night sky.
His hand moves slowly to the side until it meets yours. When you feel the touch, you link your pinky finger with his and look over at him. He’s still staring up at the stars as a smile grows across his face.
He was so worried about disappointing you tonight, he just wanted to charm you. But he didn’t need pick up lines or fancy clothes to make you smile. Just being his normal self seemed to make you happy.
You guessed it…Lance is going all out for you.
The morning that they are told about it from Allura, he’s literally interrupting the whole meeting to ask you to be his date.
Freaking cheese ball gets down on one knee, takes your hand and kisses the back of it softly. When he looks up at you, he’s got that flirty smirk on his thin lips. “Would you, (Y/N), make me the happiest man in the universe and be my date to the coalition gala?”
You: 😍🥵🤭
Lance: 😘😏😎
Everyone else: 🤢🫣🙄
Obvi, you say yes with dreamy eyes and a goofy smile on your face.
You thought it was cute that he asked you even though you’ve been dating for a while now. You just assumed you’d be going together anyways. What a sweet boy~
While you’re feeling fine about the whole thing, Lance is freaking out. He’s digging through his clothes looking for something fancy to wear, he’s doing double face masks, he’s forcing Pidge to smell different colognes and help him pick the best one, he’s practicing his slow dance AND his salsa skills. Keep in mind, the gala isn’t for another week but he needs to get prepared NOW!
“There’s not even gonna be music, idiot. It’s a gala, not prom. When are you two even gonna have the chance to do the lift from dirty dancing?” “SHUT UP, PIDGE! IT’LL HAPPEN!!!”
He just wants to impress you so bad. It’s his top priority at the moment.
The night of the event, he’s freshly showered, dressed for the gods, smelling like a whole bath and body works and he’s sitting in your room keeping you company while you get ready.
“Lance, the gala doesn’t start for another 4 hours. Why are you- nevermind. Forget it. You look great.” And he gets so excited at the compliment.
He watches as you get ready. He’s not as talkative as he usually is.
“You okay?” He nods with a dopey grin on his face. He’s just admiring you, that’s all. A compliment leaves his mouth like every 5 minutes as you continue to get all dolled up.
He follows along side you all the way there, his hand is in yours and it’s SWEATY. He’s so nervous.
Once you’re there, his attention span is that of a gold fish. He’s so excited and chatty and asking people questions and he never fails to introduce you to everyone…every single person…S E P A R A T E L Y. He just wants to brag.
“This fine little honey right here…yeah, all mine. I know what you’re thinking, how’d I get so lucky? I ask myself that every day.” What a sap omfg
He notices you’re looking less than happy, kind of tired. Your social battery is at like 5%. He can tell you need a break.
As you’re standing beside Allura, listening to her talk to an ally of the coalition, Lance grabs your hand and pulls you away. You’re running behind him just to keep up with his long legs.
“Where are we going?” “You’ll see.”
THIS MF SET UP FAIRY LIGHTS AND MUSIC AND CANDLES IN HIS ROOM. BRO IS LITERALLY SUCH A HOPELESS ROMANTIC I CANT DEAL WITH IT. That’s why he came to your room so early. He didn’t wanna risk you coming in to his room and seeing everything.
You might think this is so extra but if Lance is anything, it’s extra. He takes any chance he can to make you smile and feel special. He’s so sweet, it’s disgusting.
“I just really wanna dance with you, (Y/N)…” “You did all this…for me?” He nods with a shy smile, bitting his lip as he watches for your reaction. You’re over the moon, your smile uncontrollable now.
So you dance together for a couple songs. He gently caresses your back as he sways with you, occasionally letting his hands roam to your hips. At this point, his cheeks hurt from how hard he’s smiling. It’s cute and sweet and innocent and you’ve never loved him more.
Bc they’re too shy for that romantic shit.
They’re like “Who else would they go with? I’m not worried.”
They assume y’all are going together bc you’re obviously more than just friends.
They will get dressed up nice for you tho. They know everyone else will be dressed up too but they secretly WANT to make you swoon over them. Like plz feed their ego.
They actually go to Hunk for help with their wardrobe. Hunk is the best wingman to ever exist, change my mind. Also, they are really unsure whether they want to wear something more masculine or more feminine and they really trust Hunk with the topic of their gender identity.
“Hey, you guys ready?” You pop into Hunk’s room, all dressed up and ready to go.
“Almost! Hunk is just helping me with the zipper on-“ Once Pidge lays eyes on you, the little gears in their head stop completely. It’s like everything else faded away as they looked you up and down. You’re so angelic, wow oh wow.
“Aww, Pidge! You look stunning.” Aaaaand you broke them. You’re gonna have to turn them off and restart them.
“Uh yeah, you’re good now.” Hunk assures and nudges Pidge back to reality. “Go.” He whispers as he ushers them to move towards you.
You walk together in complete silence, your arm linked with theirs. Finally, they speak up first.
“Are you nervous?” “Yeah, are you?” “Yeah…” “I hate parties.” “Me too.”
So together you devise a plan: you’re gonna sneak around and pull silly little pranks on people and just eat all the food you can get your grubby little hands on.
And you do exactly that. You’re both having so much fun! You’re laughing so hard you’re snorting. You’re far from nervous now.
Pidge is the best at breaking you out of your shell and making you feel comfortable. You can be your true, authentic self around them. They are your best friend first and your ✨partner✨ second.
After a while, you two sneak off to their room to play video games. The food was good and the pranks were hilarious but you had both had enough.
As soon as the door shuts behind you, you’re both ripping off your uncomfortable fancy clothes and changing into pajamas.
You’re sitting beside them, watching the loading screen for the game. It’s taking a while…
“So…what do I have to do to get you to stare at me like that again?” Pidge whips their head around, watching you with nervous eyes. They take a deep breath before they speak. “I always stare at you like that. You’ve just never noticed.” “AAAAWWWWWWWW REALLY?!”
Forget the video game. CUE THE CUDDLEFEST!!! 💚💚💚
Matt literally goes like this: 😌👉🏻👈🏻 “Hey…uhm hey…wanna be my date to the gala tomorrow?” *blushies*
And you’re like “Matthew, we’ve been dating for 8 months.” “Yeah, so?” You sigh heavily. “Yes, I’ll be your date, you dork.”
He doesn’t go to anyone for help with anything. Man is so confident and he knows you love him no matter what he looks like.
But of course he cleans up for you. He dresses up all formal and uses mouth wash like 10 times. He puts on so much lotion. He got some from Lance bc his hands are always so dry. He just wants to hold your soft hand in his own soft hand, ya know?
He’s waiting outside your door for a while, giving you privacy while you get ready but being right there for you when you’re done.
Once your door slides open, he turns and now he’s looking at you like he just won the lottery.
“HOT DAMN, YOU ARE SO FINE! What did I ever do to deserve you? Oh my god, you’re so perfect. You are the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on, did you know that? I swear, you are so precious-“ “Maaattttt, stooooopppppp.” You’re blushing so hard rn and he LOVES IT.
He walks with his arm around your shoulders, chatting with you about who is attending the event tonight and the importance of it all.
You sort of follow him around most the night, not doing much of the talking bc you’d rather listen to him talk.
He is so intelligent, just like Pidge. He uses words so big you cant even begin to imagine what half of them mean. He was so smooth with his words, the way he could spit facts about anything and everything without a second thought took your breath away.
At some point, you lost him in the crowd. He was busy, he was working to protect the universe. You understand. This is more than just a party.
You wander outside for some fresh air and a break from all the loud banter. Matt is meeting you out there within minutes.
“Hey. You alright?” He rests a hand on your upper back, rubbing his thumb back and forth between your shoulder blades. “Yep! Just…need a break.” “Yeah, I get it. It’s overwhelming.”
He turns and looks over his shoulder before he waves, a big smile on his face. “Oh hey! Yeah, this is (Y/N), my partner. The one I was telling you about.” He’s introducing you to an ally of the coalition who he’d just met earlier this evening.
You can’t help but smile, your heart pounding in your chest. He was talking about you to someone here tonight? What was he saying? Did he just call you his partner??? You’ve never actually heard him call you that. You’re so blushy and flattered and happy.
After a brief meeting, the visitor leaves you two alone. You pull Matt into a hug, squeezing him as tight as you can.
“You know I love you, right?” “Yes. You know I love YOU, right?” “Yeah, I know.” “Good, don’t you ever forget it.” You can decide who said what. Either way, y’all are so in love it’s not even funny.
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Carpe Noctem 13
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You finally manage to get yourself across the room. You're not going to make it to work. You know that. You know your body can't handle it. But you're getting to the bottom of this.
You lean heavy on the wall and angle open the door. You nearly stumble through and nearly take down the console table against the wall. Holy fuck, it can't actually be possible that he did this to you. Just with sex?
You steady your legs and sigh. You don't even know which way to go. This oversized house is a maze to you.
You are not okay. You need to sit down. You slide onto your ass and collapse against the edge of the door. Well, this is how far you got and you're not getting any further.
"Miss?" A voice frightens you as a door clicks. Oh fuck, does he have a wife? WTF?! "Are you alright?"
"Um, hi," you turn to her, "I um, I'm…" you introduce yourself, "um, Lloyd…"
"He's asleep, I believe. He mentioned he had company," she smiles, "can I help you up?"
"Uh, yeah, thanks," you reach up and she grabs your hand, "I pulled a muscle, I think."
"Of course, miss," she takes you back to your room and helps you sit on the side of the bed, "can I get you coffee? Or something to eat?"
"No, I'm okay," you avoid her gaze as you search the wall instead, guilt gnawing at your insides.
"I'm Chrissy, the maid, I come twice a week for Mr. Hansen," she supplies, "and you're his guests so if you need anything, I'm here till noon."
"Wonderful, thanks," you shrink out of embarrassment, "that's great. Um, I don't need anything," you shimmy across the bed and groan, "think I just need to lay down."
"Of course, miss," she backs out and gently closes the door. You appreciate her discretion even if it reminds you of your shame.
You fall back and sigh. You can't just lay here and do nothing but you physically can't do much else. You wriggle and drag yourself up the mattress and reach for your phone again. You have to get to the bottom of this.
You hit the last call and let it dial. Sandy answers the phone with her typical flat answer. You hesitate and she says hello again, huffing into the speaker. You clear your throat and tell her who it is. She cuts you off.
"Johnny left a message. Part-timer's already coming in to cover," she chirps, "see ya tomorrow."
"Oh, okay--"
She hangs up. You drop your phone. She can be a bit curt, she mostly does the check-ins, she doesn't really cover lunch or play time.
Johnny? You know that's not possible. Lloyd. He must've called. You have all the evidence you need. But why? He's not really the courteous type.
You don't have the energy to wonder. You just want to sleep. Maybe when you wake up, this will all just turn out to be a weird, freaky dream.
You wake up to a thunk. You roll over and rub your eyes as you stare at the silhouette by the door. You take in your surroundings slowly; this isn't your apartment. It's all just the same as it was.
Lloyd keeps a hand on the handle of the basket as he stands proudly in the doorway. He has a hand on his hip, shameless in nothing more than a pair of briefs.
"Huh?" Is all you can muster.
"Special delivery, you forgot your funzies," he winks, "pity we didn't get to test em out last night."
He slips his hand off the handle and grabs a large jelly dildo in a particularly bright shade of pink, "but I think..." he lows it in front of his crotch, "I did the job just fine."
He thrusts his hips as he compares himself to the toy. You grumble and sit up, arms shaky and body stiff and tangled. You grip one side of your head and grimace.
"What... what time is it?"
"I'd say it's time for round two," he chortles, "but you look in rough shape... so I'll give you ten minutes to get your shit together. Go rinse your face, splash some water on the cooch-"
"Please, just... give me a minute to think."
"Babe, I said ten."
Your lips part. Babe. The word reminds you of Johnny, for just an instant. You traded a solid relationship for this. To be just as good as a piece of silicon in that basket.
No. There wasn't a relationship. He hit you. You couldn't go back. The tenderness in your cheek confirms that.
"You called my work?"
"Someone had to be responsible. Fuck you for making me be the one," he scoffs as he tosses the toy back in the basket.
"I'm sorry..." your voice trails off. You don't know why you're apologising.
You shove yourself to the edge of the bed and brace yourself. You can't let yourself stumble in front of him. You take a breath and swing yourself up. For a second, you stand up steady and straight, but your first steps sees you tumbling to your knees.
He snickers and comes close as you hold yourself up on trembling arms. You refuse to look up at him, embarrassed. You try to stand but can barely make your legs move.
"Still got it," he taunts as he looms over, "you know what, better idea, we'll take a nice hot bath to soothe your achy muscles, sweet cheeks," he bends and pushes you onto your ass before scooping you up, "let daddy do all the work… you'll get your turn."
You don't fight him. You couldn't couldn't if you tried. You're too drained; mentally, emotionally, physically. Besides, the hot water sounds like a fair trade as your flesh screams for it.
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zynxwrite · 2 years
Hi!! I have a lil prompt. Lo'ak x reader where reader is human(doesnt know much na'vi), but has just entered their na'vi body and got lost in the woods so they have no idea wtf is going on. Tuk finds them and leads them to their home bc tuk is pure and wants to help, and Jake's like wtf girl and then they chill and help reader with any injuries they gained along the way (lo'ak has a lil crush on reader). Thank you!!
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pairings ❰ lo'ak x f!reader
You have escaped a mission due to you not liking destruction. Now, in your avatar body lost in pandora happen to stumble across a family.
warnings: none, (short writing)
You paused and dropped to the ground next to a tree trunk that was large enough for you to fit inside. You calmed after taking a deep breath.
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It was frigid, and the breeze sent goosebumps down your spine. With nowhere to go, you continued to run. You despised it after witnessing how the sky people destroyed life. As your thoughts remained unfocused as you could only think about running, your steps became faster. You had to leave them alone.
You were startled as a disturbance from the bushes entered your hearing. You noticed a toddler's silhouette as you turned your head from left to right. In line with the height of a typical member of your species.
   “w-whos there?” you questioned, as you waited for a response, you gently slid backwards out of fear that it may attack you. 
  “wait don’t be scared!” You attempted to hide yourself with your arms as the stranger suddenly ran in your direction. You could see from the way she was looking at you that she was not intending any harm.
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You awkwardly took a step away from the child, and now other Na'vi are in front of you. They appeared to be a family, therefore you cautiously moved backward by an inch in order to avoid any trouble.
   “Tuk! you brought a sky people inside our homeland! You know what they have done.” a person spoke in a motherly attitude, clearly furious. Although you were aware of what she was saying, hearing her words only made you frown more.
Although the mother disapproved of you, the child who had brought you within did not as she saw life in you. You notice a boy who continued to look at you when the others looked away, unlike the others. He appeared interested. He immediately turned aside once he realized he was staring at you.
   “Neytiri, I know you may not like this but after I saw this person, I saw myself. Being lost. But her, I took her things earlier and saw how she abandoned her missions” You couldn't understand what the man was saying to the mother since it seemed to be in na'vi, a language you don't know very well but in which you definitely heard the term lost.
  “ma jake..” The mother, also named Neytiri, hissed at herself before turning to face you. The child grinned as she noticed her mother's mood alter as she sighed and nodded.
  “Uh kid hey, hey. c’mere, don’t worry I’m not gonna hurt ‘ya” You nervously nodded as Jake spoke to you and approached him, but kept a respectful distance.
Jake looked at you from top to bottom, noting any injuries you had probably acquired from all the running, and said, "now I want to thank you for abandoning your mission, and uh sorry if I looked through your bag."
Jake called to his son, "Lo'ak come here and treat this girl with her wounds," as he was the only one who kept looking at you. Lo'ak, who had just been startled, asked his father, "Why me? Why not him?" as he turned to face his brother Neteyam. 
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It has been a week after you decided to live in omatikaya, the other avatars helped you retrieve your body back to you, so It could be easier for you to stay away from the sky people.
  "Now, don't do that, [name]! Why do you have to move your hands in this way? "Kiri chuckled at you for making incorrect hand gestures; Lo'ak was sitting beside you, instructing you on the various Na'vi greetings. 
The young man held your hands and assisted you in getting into the proper posture, saying, "You skxawng, it's supposed to be upwards, not forward." Kiri observed how he had been staring at you ever since you arrived when Lo'ak was helping you.
“pfft, lo’ak are you rizzing [name]?”
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© 2023.zynxwrite .ᐟ please do not copy any of my writings.
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drkineildwicks · 1 year
A thought:
HTTYD AU where Hiccup shoots down a Deathgripper instead of a Night Fury
Hiccup names it Tuskless because he wasn’t aware of the whole retractable tusks thing
Tuskless did break a tusk in the crash so it still counts
Tuskless is also going I got downed by this thing and instead of killing me it wants to feed me and give me skritches?  I like this pack where do I sign up?
Hiccup has to keep a knitted sock/mitten on his stinger because if Tuskless were allowed to solve every problem with violence there would be issues
It takes a long time for Tuskless to stop giving the other riders and Stoick the stink-eye and if it were up to him Mildew and Alvin would have been dragon-chow way early
Is torn on Dagur because on one claw threat to pack alpha and on the other I vibe with this energy
Drago doesn’t get a chance to try his stunt because Tuskless agrees with Soick on this yes Hiccup I understand your feelings but the evidence says otherwise time to choose violence
Hiccup is mad at him for a long while afterwards until more of what Drago was doing comes to light
The Hidden World is less of finding tail the Hidden World because sometime in the RTTE era they stumble across a pack of Deathgrippers
Tuskless convinces them that Hiccup is a Good Alpha and suddenly Hiccup is very popular
Grimmel, instead of hearing of a Night Fury he missed (because one guy wiping out an entire species is bs) he hears of someone else controlling a pack of Deathgrippers and goes wtf no that’s illegal I trademarked that
Is Confused when he meets Hiccup and his Deathgrippers because how are you controlling them???
Hiccup: Uhhhh feed them?  Give them scritches?  Play fetch with them a lot they like that
They rescue a bunch of dragons from Grimmel’s allies and decide to escort one (the Light Fury) back to its territory because apparently Grimmel really wanted this one
Hidden World?  Other dragon sanctuary? IDK but I feel there should be a Fury meeting, specifically with Toothless
Toothless and Tuskless start arguing about who gets to be Hiccup’s best friend especially after the whole thing with Grimmel is taken care of
Hiccup is bemused but happy to be in high demand
Hiccup as the Feral Dragon Boi AU but raised by Deathgrippers specifically
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hihihi Petri, i love your headcanons so much, they're so fun, so I would like to ask one for the maze runner boys x gn reader on how would they react if they find you sleeping in their shirt
Ahhh I'm happy you like them, this is such a cute prompt and I've been looking forward to getting around to this one.
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SUMMARY: See above.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, awkward Gladers, some suggestive themes but mainly fluff.
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After a long day's work, you stumble across your favourite boy's shirt, and decide it makes suitable pyjamas- how do they react when they find you?
Thomas, as per usual, would not know what to do when he'd find you in your hammock, snuggled up in his shirt.
He'd stand there, staring blankly.
He'd probably be very flustered as well.
The man cannot flirt.
So, any feelings he'd have for you would be hidden and ignored in his pursuit of becoming a Runner.
But, here you are, in his clothing, sleeping as sound as can be.
It'd make him want to protect you.
Look after you.
You clearly hold him dearly, and him the same for you.
So, this simple action would make him want to protect you.
Then Chuck would wonder wtf he's staring at.
"Bro, you've been standing like a shucking statue for about ten minutes, what are you-? Holy shuck!"
"Shut up, Chuck."
"Dude, are they wearing-?"
"I said shut up!"
He'd be teased for the foreseeable future.
The Glade would know in no time because Chuck can't keep his mouth shut.
Thomas would spend the following days as a blushing mess.
Newt would probably notice in passing.
He doesn't sleep very well and has more than enough on his mind to keep him awake.
So, when he'd walk past your hammock on his nightly walk and spot you wearing his trademark hoodie-shirt-thing that he thought he'd lost earlier, he'd stop dead in his tracks.
He probably wouldn't approach.
But he would smile to himself from a distance and leave you be.
He'd be smiling to himself for the next couple of days, actually.
Until Alby would notice and point it out.
"You've been grinning like a shuckin' weirdo for the past week- it's creepin' me out, man."
"Bloody hell, am I not allowed to smile now?"
Alby wouldn't be the only one to notice, but no one else would mention Newt's new sunny disposition.
Newt in love is a happy Newt indeed.
Which the other Gladers love to see.
After a long day's work, the last thing you expect to see is the person you're crushing on wearing your clothes.
Which is exactly what would happen to Minho.
Unlike the previous boys, Minho would probably do something.
He'd probably also think of some... less savoury things.
He'd still think it's cute, though.
He'd wake you up.
"Oi, (Y/N)? Hey. Wake up."
"Huh? What?"
"Is that my shirt?"
"Hm. Looks good on you."
He'd let you keep it.
Actually, he'd insist you keep it.
And wear it.
As much as possible.
It'd be a weird silent symbol of possession.
I mean, his sun-faded blue button-up is a bit of a staple of the Glade- so the other Gladers would know about it.
You're wearing his shirt. No one else's.
And it looks damn good on you.
Gally would panic.
That's his shirt?
Why are you wearing it?
How did you get it?
Why are you sleeping in it?
Is it because it's his or did you just need a clean shirt?
So many questions.
Gally would consider shouting at you to give it back.
It is technically theft.
But he'd just leave and talk to Frypan about it instead.
"So, they were sleeping in your shirt?"
"Yep, what do you think it means?"
"They needed a nap?"
Fry is no help.
Gally wouldn't mention it to anyone else purely out of his own unsurety.
But he would start viewing you differently, and the image of you peaceful in his clothing would be burnt into his mind.
He wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it.
And he'd like it.
So, I guess he'd just "suffer" in silence.
Frypan would be blushing and giggling like a little kid.
He'd spot you and probably squeal.
He wouldn't want to wake you up because you'd look so peaceful.
But he'd find it adorable.
And would have to find someone to tell them immediately.
Which would probably be Gally.
"Pstt, Gally. Gally!"
"What? What is it, Fry?"
"(Y/N)'s sleeping in my shirt!"
"Right- wait, what?"
Gally wouldn't believe him, so he'd take him to see.
Then the other Gladers probably wouldn't believe him either so he'd make Gally confirm.
He'd be bursting at the seams with happiness.
Similar to Minho but less noticeable, it'd be a bit of a possessive thing.
You were sleeping in his shirt.
You chose his shirt out of all the other Gladers clothing.
It wouldn't matter if you just happened to find it or if it was because it was his.
It would still be his.
Alby would be very much unfazed.
He's been there for the longest and it probably wouldn't be the first time someone's stolen his clothes.
But, it's you.
He'd probably hesitate and look for a second.
But then he'd move on and never mention it or talk to anyone about it.
He probably wouldn't even let it show that he witnessed it.
But he'd think about it.
He'd think about it a lot.
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Some more headcanons to enjoy. This type of piece is always my favourite because it gives me a lot to work with and it's easy for me to write.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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spoonsock · 1 year
Starbucks love
Gwen Stacy x reader
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Synopsis: Ever wondered what would the one and only Spider Gwen order from Starbucks? Me neither but take this anyway.
Warnings: Idk none I think. Not proofread. Writing this at 2am no joke what is wrong with me. Also DUDE. This is kinda similar to Intruder like wtf am I really that not creative. 😭
Also, fun fact, I’ve never been to Starbucks so if I got something wrong pls lemme know.
You didn’t really mind having a part time job at Starbucks. It wasn’t that bad. All you had to do was take orders, make them, write names on cups with your best handwriting. Sometimes kick customers out. Sometimes maybe serve Spider-woman.
Yup that’s right. It all started yesterday.
It was supposed to be a normal day. You clocked in early and mentally prepared yourself for what awaits you ‘cause you never know what might happen. God, what a good decision it was to say a few positive words before the day started.
Around 10 AM, the shop is not even that filled with people yet, three guys barge in, all of them with a gun in their hands. One of them points the gun at you and then at the register, while the other two guys walk around the people sitting at their tables.
“You empty that thing right now or Imma blow your brains out”. The guy says pointing a gun at your face and you freeze. You don’t move an inch, just stare right at him. Your eyes are not wide, you are not hyperventilating or anything. You are panicking, but not showing any signs of it.
The more you stare at the guy, the more impatient he grows. “What are you? Deaf? I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t take the damn money out this fucking moment”.
As soon as he finishes his sentence, the door of the shop slams open and (literally) twirling in comes, the one and only, Spider-woman. The armed men immediately turn to her and point their guns, but she slouches and puts her hands on her hips, looking at them unfazed.
“Seriously, you guys aren’t gonna make this easy for me, are you?”, Gwen asks and receives no answer. “…Alright then”
Before you can even blink, she hits one of the guys in the face, grabbing his gun and throwing it at the other guy. You watch as the the third guy tries to throw a punch at her face but narrowly misses and she succeeds to grab his arm and twist it, before kicking him in the stomach. She easily webs all three of the unconscious men up and the people from the shop clap. She bows jokingly and makes her way over to you.
“Hey, you okay? They didn’t take any money, did they?”, she asks but you are unable to answer. When the masked guy pointed the gun at your face, it triggered something in you. Pushed an “off” button in your brain and turned everything into blurry stop-motion pictures.
For the record, you’ve never been held at gunpoint. Well, until that day, but you hoped it was the first and last time. You didn’t know why it caused you to act like that. To just freeze and zone out. I mean any normal person would start sweating and fearing for their life, visibly shaking or something but you? It turned you off.
Whatever. Whatever it was, you zoned back into reality when you saw a white hand move in front of your face.
“Helloooo? Earth to..”, Gwen stopped and squinted to read from your name tag. “Y/N? Earth to Y/N! You there?”
You quickly took in your surroundings before pulling yourself together and nodding. “Yeah yeah, I’m. I’m fine. Everything is fine. Thank you. For helping. And for asking. I’m fine”, you stumbled across your words and even behind her mask, you could see Spider-woman hesitantly furrowing her brows at you. She didn’t believe you, obviously. You were a terrible liar.
“Riiiighht, well I’m gonna go then”, she stretched out her words before slowly turning around, picking the masked, armed guys off of the floor and exiting the shop.
Honestly, you thought that was going to be your last encounter, but oh boy, you were wrong.
Because she came back in the very next day.
“Oh, hello?”
“I didn’t really see any thieves or villains in our shop today, but uh, how may I help you?”, you ask, unsure of what was she here for, kinda scared that something bad might happen soon and she’s just there to try to prevent it.
“Uhhh actually I came to see you. A-and to get a vanilla latte. And a chocolate chip cookie. But I’m mostly here to see you”, you felt your cheeks heat up at her words. The famous friendly neighbourhood superhero, Spider-woman, came in Starbucks in which you worked just to see you. Strange.
“Um. Okay.”, you didn’t really know what to say to that. What do you even say in a situation like that??
“Soo, hi. Are you okay? You uh didn’t really look the best yesterday? I-I mean you can’t really look the best after being held at gunpoint anyway. Not that you look bad! You don’t! It’s just that, it must have been traumatic, obviously. Not just for you, I guess for everyone in the shop but-“
“I’m okay”, you decided to stop her rambling. “Thanks for checking”, you gave her a shy smile and she smiled back, you guess, but didn’t say anything. You two just stood there, in comfortable silence, until someone coughed behind the masked superhero and tapped their foot on the ground impatiently.
“O-oh um you uh are you going to order orrrrr….?”, you asked, remembering suddenly that you were at work. Where you are supposed to do your work.
“Oh ah yeah I-I’ll have uuuuuuuuhhh a short vanilla latte and a chocolate chip cookie. Please.”
“You’re seriously going to order the most basic white girl drink?”, you chuckled before you’re eyes widened. “NO. Please tell me I didn’t say that out loud”, you thought. But judging by the silence you were met with and the “o_0 expression” (if you could call it that) your friendly neighbor super hero held, you were wrong. “Oh fudge”, you furrowed your eyebrows before giving her the most sympathetic look you could make.
“I did not mean to say that I am SO sorry. I mean I didn’t even mean to think that it just kinda came outta nowhere, I’ve never said anything like that out loud ever. Or not out loud. I’ve never even thought something like that, honest! I seriously don’t have any idea where this came from I mean I would never ever guess your race- it’s none of my business! And it’s not like race has anything to do with the goddarn drink. It’s a drink! Anyone can order it! I have no say in that and I am SOO-“
“IT’S OKAY”, this time, Gwen interrupted your rambling (finally, it seemed like you could go on and on), “you can uhhh make up for it by, I dunno, maybe, givingmeyournumber?”, she was nervous, but you were oblivious unfortunately.
“Oh. OH YEAH I can do that..I’ll just go get your drink. And you cookie”, your ass has never left a place so fast. “SPIDER WOMAN. WANTS. MY NUMBER”, you squealed in your head while preparing her order.
You returned to her in a few minutes, a cup in one hand and a cookie in the other. “For here or do you want me to put it in a bag?”
“Can you put just the cookie in the bag?”, Gwen asked shyly and you nodded packing the cookie in the paper bag. Taking a sharpie that stood on your side of the counter, you wrote on her cup of latte “For Spidey ♡ by Y/N”, scribbling your phone number underneath and handing the bag and the cup to her.
“Thank you for your visit. Enjoy!”, you said what you always say to your customers and she jokingly gave you a two finger salute, turning around and exiting the shop.
The whole day after her visit, you’d check your phone every two seconds waiting for her text. At this point, you were already at home, watching a movie you picked out randomly to distract you from constantly glancing at your phone. Unfortunately, you were a person who constantly keeps their sound off and the movie actually intrigued you to the point you somehow forgot about the happenings of yesterday and today, at least until the movie ended.
And then it hit you.
You opened your phone to see four new notifications from unknown. FROM AN HOUR AGO.
You could barely contain your excitement. Spider woman. Asked you. For your number. She had your number. And she texted you. You have Spider woman’s number. And you’re about to answer to her texts. Holy quack.
Today 20:14
hey, this is spider woman
wow that felt weird to write hahah
anyway thank you for the drink
and your number
You smiled at your phone. Who would’ve thought that she would be so awkward while texting.
Unbeknownst to you, an hour ago, Gwen was panicking hard. At first she didn’t know what to say. She spent 10 minutes just writing and then deleting and writing and deleting words. Eventually, she decided to muster up the courage and send whatever first came to mind.
The moment she clicked on the “send” button, she regretted it. Then she sent another message, to try to fix the situation she put herself in. Only to realize she is just digging her grave deeper. Before she knew it, she sent you four messages, then threw her phone as far away as possible without damaging it too much, to stop herself from sending another text in attempt to “fix the previous”. She grabbed her mask and pulled it over her head, hiding her face from no one in particular.
After a few minutes, she heard a ding from across the room and scrambled from her bed quickly, tangling herself in the covers, getting her leg stuck in them and managing to fall face first on the floor.
Groaning, she reached for her phone from the very position she fell into, expecting to see a text back from you.
“Iphone storage full” was the only notification she received. Gwen placed the phone to where it was, continuing to lay on her bedroom floor with her Spider mask on.
“This is going to be a long night”
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onlinekitsune · 2 years
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ೃ⁀➷ PAIRING, GENRE, WARNINGS: mammon/gn! reader, hurt/comfort, protective mammon, also loving and affectionate mammon, warnings for: bullying, mostly like rumors around reader, nothing graphic, physical, or detailed
ೃ⁀➷ SYNOPSIS: nothing could prepare you for attending a school mostly made for demons. you didn't know what to expect or what not to expect. however, having rumors spread around you wasn't anywhere near your guesses. you'd thought that was just a human thing, clearly you were wrong. you kept them just between yourself and strayed away from the brothers. never expecting the impact that it would have on one brother in particular.
ೃ⁀➷ WRITER’S NOTE: hello my beloveds!! i hope you are doing well!! i wanted to throw a lil thing out real quick. i'm still working on the cyoa, it should be out soon!! also wtf i never expected to hit 1k on ANY of my posts or even be close to 200 followers! it's a small achievement i suppose, but i started this blog out of impulse! and never intended to have people to enjoy my content, so i truly do appreciate it! also also i redid a taglist thing, if anyone is interested! no pressure! just thought i should maybe have one? i love u all mwah
taglist form here!
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Your only company in the classroom was a single ray of moonlight peeking through the window. You scoffed at yourself for letting silly rumors get to you. You should’ve been used to them, especially going to an all human school. Atlas, here you were wasting your time hiding in classrooms. You didn’t want to burden any of the brothers with your problems. Although, you wouldn’t know if they’d be able to tell. Even so you didn’t want to drag their names along with yours. There was enough attention between you all when people found out you lived with them. You swung your feet, frustrated at how sensitive you were. Studying, that'd get my mind out of this gutter. You swung open the first textbook in your stack. It was about Curses and Hexes. The thought of using these against your classmates wove through your mind. You browsed through like they were some sort of catalog.
“Oi, there ya are! Where have ya been? Why are ya here still?” Mammon bombarded. You stumbled in your seat, dropping the book onto the ground. You would’ve followed if it wasn’t for Mammon’s quick reflexes. He held on your chair, raising an eyebrow.
“M-Mammon? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be home by now”
“Coulda ask you the same thing! You’re studyin’ here? You could do that back home.” He replied, still right beside you. You tried to control your nervousness, but you felt your heart pound with every second. You avoided his gaze and hesitated. Guilt began to settle in, realizing he was looking for you.
“Yeah. I just, got caught up. You can go ahead, I’ll follow soon.” You laughed. It was hard recognizing your own voice. You just hoped it’d be enough for Mammon. He let go of your chair and moved from your view. You let out a soft breath, as you clutched your book.
“Did I do somethin’ wrong?”
“Huh?” You let out, turning around. Mammon stood behind you, facing the door. He shuffled around, to face you. There was an odd look of worried splattered across his face.
“You’ve been actin’ weird these few days. You’ve avoiding everyone, but, specially me. Did ya just forget we walk back home together? I didn’t say anything bad right? Did-“
“It’s nothing to do with you, Mammon.” You interrupted. Your finger fidgeted along the points of the pages. You didn’t consider how this would of effected them. Silence fell upon hearing footsteps from outside of the classroom.
“... can't believe a human like them, is getting special treatment... like it's really annoying how... they're kinda weird too haha... living at the house of lamentation? ugh! why them... hate living with a human...”
Their words cut in and out like an lost signal. You sighed, just relieved they didn’t enter the room. On the other hand, Mammon was fuming. No one had the right to bad mouth you. He teased you but that was just a friendly thing! He gritted his teeth, heading towards the voices. You had the moment to grab his wrist, pulling him back. “Wait. Mammon, don’t.”
“Why? They shouldn’t be sayin’ things like that! Specially ‘bout you!” He spat, glaring towards the door. His protectiveness pulled on your heartstrings.
“It’s whatever, just don’t get involved.. please.” You whispered, slightly tugging him away from the door. He turned to look at you. Your eyes were soft, and full of worry. And yet the shined so bright along with the moonlight. It was almost as if the light was there just to accompany them.
“Is this why you’ve been weird?” He asked. You felt your soul sink a pit in your stomach. The look on your face was enough of an answer to him. You dropped your head down, defeated by yourself.
“I…I didn’t want to drag you into this. It’s stupid. I’m sorry.” You muttered. You tried holding back the tears but they puddled along your waterline. "I wanted to be able to leave you all out of it." Mammon stood silent but still stood beside you. Your tears ended up pattering along the floor, spread around your feet. Being so vulnerable and open made you feel absolutely mortified. You didn't want anyone to know about this, and even worse, let anyone see you cry about it.
“It’s not stupid.” He replied, placing a hand on your own. You didn't realize that you had your hand still wrapped around his wrist. "Anyone would be upset."
"Mammon, I'm not a child. I should be able to just push these stupid rumors away. I'm just too sensitive."
"There ain't anything wrong with that. It's okay to be sensitive... it's actually a little refreshing." Mammon replied, falling into a murmur. His cheeks flushed a soft shade of red. "It's like comforting."
You tilted your head. It was a bit odd to see such a timid version of Mammon. "I-"
"We all love you! So, hiding from us only hurts everyone. I'm your first, so hiding from me... is just unbelievable! Ya should be able to come to me 'bout anything!" He blurted, grabbing ahold of both of your hands. You froze at the sudden change. Mammon was not the best at showing his emotions. But, here he was trying his best to pour out his heart to you. You'd be lying if you said it wasn't working. Even if he wasn't the best at words, the thought really shined through. A smile slowly made it's way through you. You squeezed Mammon's hands.
"I love you too. Thank you. I.. didn't mean to worry you." You nervously laughed. The silence fell through again, as the two of you just stood in each other's presence. Your eyes glanced between your hands intertwined and Mammon's expression. He shifted his head a bit, looking around. But before you could say anything, he'd already moved in to kiss you. It was quick but unexpectedly soft.
"Sorry! I shoulda asked? I'm sorry!"
You could only laugh at how stupidly cute he could be sometimes. You pulled him into a hug. You didn't expect this to be an outcome of what today had in store, but you'd take it. It was better than crying in a classroom.
"Stop apologizing, and... kiss me again."
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writeouswriter · 2 years
You ever have a major breakthrough on your WIP and write it ALL down and then idk, just black out and completely forget it ever happened until you stumble across it however many months or whatever later and are like hey, wtf, this solves everything, when did I write this, I'm a genius, I'm an idiot, I've known this for ages, I've just learned this now, what is happening
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bookandanimelover312 · 3 months
Ok so I have a lot of thoughts about this first episode: Beware spoilers
Things I liked
I really liked the beginning narration with Cregan, it was really nice to see Winterfell again.
The way Rhaenys put Daemon in his place, great bit of acting because you can feel the familial relationship between them. Also Rhaenys explaining her grief over Laena was really emotional.
Rhaenyra searching for Luke’s remains was great. Congrats to Emma for their acting, they managed to emote so much without any lines. Rhaenyra’s yell mixing with Syrax made me tear up a little bit.
Alicent lighting a candle for the dead mix with Luke’s funeral also was awesome. You can really feel the grief of all the characters in that scene.
Overall I think the scenes with the blacks were the best part of the episode because they really went with show don’t tell. We could feel the emotions of the characters without it being explained in a condescending manner to the audience ( something I feel season one did way to much of the time) they also didn’t rushed through these scenes so I think it contributed to my enjoyment of them.
What I didn’t like
Personally I feel like the scenes of the greens felt way to rush both in the dialogue and the pacing in which they were shot. One second Aegon is bursting in the looking for Jaeherys the next he goes to the small council, the next he is talking to Larys.
Yeah Otto is still a piece of shit. No more comments on that.
Ok WTF is up with Criston and Alicent hooking up? I have really mix feelings about this. On one hand I love that Alicent is exploring her sexuality after spending her life chained Viserys and then being SA by Larys buuuuut in terms of narrative I feel that it is extremely out of character for both Alicent and Criston. My take on Criston is that he condemns Rhaenyra for her enjoying her sexuality and “lack” of morals. That scenes in S1 where Alicent offer him redemption is him equating her with what he thinks a pious and moral woman should be. So him breaking his kingsguard vows (again) to sleep with him when his so called honor it’s his now defining trait feels like a very odd choice.
Now Alicent is defined by her obedience of her father, her husband and society’s rules. So as I mentioned before I really like the idea of her exploring her pleasure and sexuality and it makes to choose Criston because she feels safe with him. However I feel that this decision contradicts her core values installed by the seven about sex and her image as the dutiful queen and daughter. I can be onboard with this decision IF the writers managed to address this conflict within her which I honestly doubt.
About blood and cheese
Ok so my expectations of this scene where pretty great not gonna lie. Mainly because of the build up during the press tour ( it’s gonna bigger and more shocking that the red wedding!!!!!) and because we have already seen this in the animated shorts (Michelle Fairly is perfect voice narrator for this bit)
I really liked the idea blood and cheese being sent for Aemond but stumbling upon Heleana and the twins. Many people from what I seen are critiquing Phia’s acting but I actually like it, I totally think this is how Tv!Heleana would react to this situation since she has never been a loud person.
However I think we needed more episodes to get to know her and the twins, the writers seriously missed that the reason the red wedding shook us was because we loved those characters after following their journey for three seasons we were invested in their survival and their death was harrowing because of it not because of the gore.
Also I don’t think the lack of maelor makes Heleana’s choice any less horrible. So those people can shut up, she is still being forced to choose with child to save or let them all die.
I REALLY hated the fact she interrupted Alicent and Criston having sex, it felt more for shock value than anything else. For me it would been better it she came across Aegon and Aemond you know the two people directly related to the murder. One because Aegon is the father and two it’s Aemonds fault that blood and cheese where there in the first place.
Overall I didn’t love these episode but I didn’t hate it, it just felt underwhelming for the start of the season. But I’m not discarding it as of now.
Also the new intro is cool.
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teagballs · 4 months
michael bluth x reader where reader also works in business and has a bad day or something and since michael is at work (they work in diff places) he goes drinking with gob once he is done. michael taking care of a drunk reader lol. i love ur writing
take them home | michael bluth x !drunk reader
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authors note: did u miss me hiiiii definitely hasn't been three months or anything. SORRY YALL im in the middle of exams rn im struggling so hard 💔 motivation to write came back when i should be studying tho ??? wtf ???? idek. anyway heres some sweet michael for the SOUL he'd be the best bf ever!!!!!
cw: drunk reader, drinking too much, vomiting. other than that just fluff!! enjoy
You swear you could have cried when the clock finally struck six. Today was terrible, putting it simply. From an early start to annoying co-workers to an abundance of paperwork, it seemed you couldn't catch a break. To make matters worse, you knew Michael wouldn't be home till late. The responsibility he had in his position left him working after hours. You needed to release some of your built-up stress, you needed a drink. But who would you go to? Who would be without responsibilities or cares and would be willing to get wasted with you?
"Hey Gob, do you wanna get a drink?"
He was more than happy to hit the bar with you and also a terrible influence. Drinks seemed to tally up within minutes when it had actually been hours and hours. He definitely could handle his drink better than you. Because while he was still able to form a coherent message, you were a blubbering mess.
"Another!" You slur out.
Gob discourages you finally, "Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"Who cares! All- all those pieces of shit can go- can- can go fuck... themselves" you stutter.
Gob wasn't having fun anymore. Now he was just taking care of a drunk person - he didn't want that weighing him down. So he called Michael to come pick you up.
Michael was not pleased to hear that after his 12 hours in the office, he had to pick up his absolutely shit faced partner up from his brother.
"You let them get that drunk, Gob? What's wrong with you?" Michael barked as you rest against his shoulder.
You lean against his form, looking up at his tousled locks. He definitely had them in his stressed grip a couple of times today. You play with the bottom of his tie as he speaks. Gob shrugs his lecturing off and leaves the pair of you.
With some difficulty, Michael gets you into the stair car and drives you to your apartment. He guides you up to your place and gently guides you to the sofa. He makes quick work of getting you a glass of water.
"Here, drink this," he hands you a glass. It's a chipped and old looking glass, just in case. You ignore the glass and instead try to get him to sit down with you.
"Michael, you looked tired, come lay down with me," you dragged, giving him the best puppy dog eyes you could. You were spread across the sofa ungracefully, limbs anywhere they would be comfortable.
"You need to go to bed," he tells you gently. You whine out like a toddler.
"Come on! I wanna stay up with you!" you say before shifting up into a sitting position and giggling.
"You have work tomorrow," he sighs at you. He, too, has work tomorrow and would love to stay up with you, but can't.
"So? I hate that job! Who cares if I'm off cause of a-" you cut yourself off by covering your mouth and dry heaving, "a hangover-" you bolt up right and stumble to your bathroom, stabilising yourself on the walls. Michael follows closely behind.
He runs hand up and down your back and holds your hair as you throw up. The vomiting must have sobered you up a little because you suddenly feel the not so fun effects of alcohol. You rub your face, feeling hot a clammy. Michael looks at you with only concern as he hunches on the floor with you. He cups your face, and you lean your face away.
"Don't..." you grumble. "I'm gross and drunk."
Michael smiles as he smoothes over your cheek, "That may be true, but I still love you," he chuckles. You're unsure how he's even facing you with how bad your breath probably is.
"I'm tired," you sigh deeply and sniffle a little.
"I'm sure you are." Michael agrees, doing that knee slap thing as he makes his way to his feet again. "C'mon," he holds out his hand for you to take. Supporting one hand on your bath, you use the other to take his.
He guides you to your bed where you flump down. With effort, he takes your shoes off, and you turn over and wrap the duvet tight around your frame.
"Alright, sweetheart, I'm off. I'll see you tomorrow," Michael murmurs and watches your exhausted form.
"No!" you exclaim. "No, don't go!" Suddenly frantic, you unwrap yourself from your duvet cocoon.
"What do you want me to do?" He forms a lips pressed together smirk, he finds your pure distraught at the idea of him going home and getting a good night's rest awful amusing.
"Stay here! Stay in my bed!" you beg your boyfriend. In the morning, you'll remember how drunk and pathetic you were last night and grimace.
"But I have work in the morning. I'll need to go home and get ready." He toys. He already knows he'll be staying the night. He'll just have to get up early and grab his stuff for the office. Or maybe he'll take the day off, he deserves it after all.
"No, please!" You whine out again and tug on his hand. He laughs heartily and drops onto the bed, making sure to squash none of your limps.
Finally satisfied, you wrap your legs around him. You're both still in your work clothes, but who cares? You're cosy.
Tucking your head into his neck, you slur out a, "love you,"
"Love you too," he smiles, exposing his little tooth gap.
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adarkrainbow · 3 months
Are there fairy tales and folk tales with real queer subtext?
I always hear about the existence of fairy tales with queer subtext. I even posted a tale with a subtle lesbian subtext some years ago.
But it was one of the few I could find. This and the one with the transgender Prince Charming.
Are there more of them?
Well there are a lot of those stories around but it is hard to exactly locate and pinpoint them precisely because of how scattered they are and how usually subtle it all is. With mythology and legends of the sort you have much better chance.
Though when it comes to traditional fairytales, the ones we do have are not very queer-coded. Cinderella isn't. Snow-White isn't. Sleeping Beauty isn't. Little Red Riding Hood DEFINITIVELY is about hetero predation with nothing in it.
I did find a quite fascinating article about the lesbian reading of "Frau Trude" by the brothers Grimm! It was contained in an interesting book called "Transgressive tales: Queering the Grimm". I did think the analysis went a bit further than what it should have and some elements were really pulled by the hair, but that's very typical of a lot of scholarly analysis. I remember during my research for writing my memoir, I stumbled across a psycho-sexual analysis of "Cunning Cinders" by madame d'Aulnoy, which wanted us to believe that the oven in which the ogre was pushed was a vaginal symbol and thus the heroine killed the monster... by sex? WTF. That's clearly NOT the meaning intended.
Honestly for this kind of research, go and try to read books precisely about the analysis of queer elements or subtext in fairytales. There is a LOT of those analysis coming around and a lot of books to choose from - try to see if you can reach or access any.
The problem is that the queer elements in the "serious" or "well known" fairytales, in the European sense, are very much missing precisely due to their "classic" nature which meant if there were any, they probably ended up removed, but there probably wasn't any in the first place, else they wouldn't have become classic. It is insitutional, cultural, historical homophobia, but we're not going to remake the world and it is as it is: if you want real "queer fairytales" you have to dig up in the obscure, overseen, forgotten corners of folklore study. I made a post a long time ago about the whole case of "The Sailor and the Dog", have you seen it? Else I should sent it back to you.
There is definitively much, much more queer subtext in literary fairytales precisely due to their artificial nature and how the authors put their personal experiences in it - and it doesn't help a lot of fairytale authors were queers themselves, from the 18th century France authors nobody remembers to Andersen. In general the literary fairytales (at least those of the 17th/18th century France) LOVED to play around with deviant sexuality and erotic subtone and "perversions" of all kinds. After all, Donkey Skin is about an incestuous father! Beauty and the Beast also always was a way for people to play around with zoophilia subtexts (though today it'd just be called "furries" I guess). There is one humoristic fairytale by Catherine Bernard called "The Prince Rose-Bush", about a prince turned into a rose-tree. And the many instances of the princess being caught or hurt by his thorns, crying over his petals while hugging the plant, having her dress torn by the branches... They all clearly were meant to have a little *wink wink* at the reader. You will DEFINITIVELY find more queer subtext in fairytales that involve crossdressing as a plot device - I know French authors LOVED the idea of crossdressing for their plots (usually a woman disguised as a man) and all the romantic confusions it caused, and so you always find in there a lot of queer elements.
Though all of this stayed very VERY subtle throughout the decades, and in France we would have to wait until the second half of the 18th century when the subgenre of "bawdy fairytales" popped up and suddenly everybody was writing stories even more explicit than Basile's Pentamerone or Straparole's Facetious Nights, about men being cursed at having their penis turned into a soup-spoon or a lover being turned into a couch over which his mistress slept, and other weird stuff like that.
Which brings me to another element: the same way queer elements are going to be very hidden, subtle in commonplace and famous stories, go look for the tales of explicitely sexual nature. The dirty tales, bawdy tales, grotesque tales - they are literaly everywhere, they always existed not just in literature but also in folklore since as early as time. And precisely due to being places where everything dirty and grotesque and sexual and gory exploded - that's where you find most easily the queer presence, since everybody always loved to have "sodomy comedy" at every era.
It is not a "fairytale per se" but it is still tied to it all: Le Roman de Renart, Reynard the Fox as the English call him. His adventures and ensemble of texts is not fairytale - it is rather a different sub-genre of medieval literature and folklore... But it did seep and influence the fairytale genre heavily because more than half of the "animal tales" or "fairytales about talking animals" in those fairytale anthologies and collections are actually derived from the Fox's adventures. (You will find in almost every European country, in fairytale collections, a simplified version of Reynard tricking Isengrim in losing his tail to a frozen pond or eating too much so he can't leave the building he just entered in). And Reynard the Fox was a bisexual icon. Well... as much as a rapist, murder, scammer, thief, pathological liar, sociopath-psychopath and necromancer at times can be a bisexual icon.
Because among the many sex jokes and sexual farces of the Roman, there are several tales of Reynard sodomizing as much women as men. Most notably there was one episode of the Fox and the Hare which revolves around gay sex as a joke.
Yes, it's crude, it's dirty, it's dark and rude and there's absolutely no romance whatsoever... But it is another fact of European literature (because again, I speak for Europe here mostly): gay romance is rare, but gay sex abound ; serious queer themes are hidden and erased, but grotesque queer farces did survive to this day. It is just an old phenomenon: whenever something is morally reprehensible or disapproved by a society, it will survive in culture mostly through the comedies and what we would call today "shock value" content. A la Roman de Renart.
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