#wtf did john even do in this version to deserve that?
rilgar · 2 years
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And father of the year goes NOT to...
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bungooou · 1 year
I'm not sure that much of this stuff is likely, but my ideal version of the events after the DOA arc is finally over would be to have an arc about the aftermath of All This Shit, including the ADA finally getting around to rebuilding themselves, the PM regaining the power they inevitably lost in the vampire apocalypse, and their little conflict with each other over Mori trying to take one of their members.
Meanwhile, Dazai, Chuuya, and Sigma are in the UK trying to get back to Yokohama, but can't bc 1 everyone is too busy trying to fix damages so ships and airplanes are down 2 they literally just destroyed Meursault. So they somehow find where Adam and/or Mary Shelly live and are crashing with them.
Then, Guild 2.0 arc. Hear me out, ok, there is a LOT of unresolved shit with the ex Guild members. Margaret still needs to wake up (and then have a really cool arc with Hawthorne to make up for her being fridged for male character development for so long), Fitz and Louisa still need to properly re-build the Guild, John still needs to destroy said new Guild, Herman still needs to inform us that he's even still alive and of where he and Moby Dick have been this whole time, Poe still needs to show us wtf he even did in the Guild, Lucy still deserves an actual arc of her own, and Mark, Tom, and Huck still need to do something to justify why they even exist in the story. So this can be an arc for that.
Then, FINALLY, we can get to the Order of the Clocktower. Obviously, this would come with new British characters and Agatha's reasoning for wanting the book. I'd bring back that whole weird tiger beetle thing with the Order trying to kidnap Atsushi and finally explain wtf is up with that. Also at this point the little prison breakout trio would be back in Yokohama (+ Sigma would oficially be part of the ADA), so Agatha would probably want them back as well.
Of course, the Order is a part of the British government, so they can't just grab all their members and move into Yokohama like the Guild or the Rats. It would be better for Agatha to do something like send a small group into Yokohama and not tell anyone that they're part of the Order.
This arc could end with the ADA exposing to the government that they're part of the Order, which could lead into a mini arc centered around government ppl like Ango, Taneda, Tsujimura, and whoever is left of the Hunting Dogs in the government, trying to deal with this gigantic problem.
This is all just a general idea though, and it doesn't cover a lot of the stuff that eventually needs to be addressed, including that there are probably more ppl wanting the book now that Ranpo told the whole world about it.
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kandi-pendragon · 3 years
I was planning on making a YouTube video for this but I’ve got my hands full and I’m too lazy so here we go:
I’ve seen a lot of fellow Merlinites begging for a season 6 of Merlin, probably hoping for it to follow the script that three young women came up with (look them up on YouTube under the name 3RingsLeft. I love them and their songs own my whole heart) in the absence of closure from the Merlin finale. Now personally, I don’t want that to progress further than a script, but that’s only because I’m a sad pathetic excuse for a human who’s only purpose in life is to roll around in her misery and enjoy not getting any closure whatsoever from a show. And I doubt that I’m the only Merlinite out there who feels this way. That open ending is precisely what hooks you at the very end, it’s exactly what makes you so obsessed. The acting, the plot, and the characters keep you watching, but the finale keeps you thinking about it long after you moved onto other shows. And I’m too much of a coward to put that feeling of obsession on the line by rooting for closure, because my obsession is about the only thing I have going for me right now :)
Anyway, back to my point. I have been thinking about this for several months, and I wanted to get it out there. I know it might never happen but like I said. I’m pathetic. I cling to hope until the devil comes along so I can sell my soul to make my dreams come true. What have I been thinking about, you ask? Simple: BBC Knights.  
Here’s a little information I wrote down ahead of time to organize my thoughts on the matter:
What is it?
Exactly what it sounds like. The idea of BBC Knights would be a spin-off of BBC Merlin, featuring the Knights of the Round Table, set in the time jump between season 3 and season 4. During this time, Lancelot is still alive, as is Uther. Arthur is newly appointed regent, and Morgana has quieted down for the time being. We get to explore so many things that we never got to before. Nothing would interfere with the finale of season five, of course. This would only be a filler, to give more content for the fandom, as well as more information, to better understand some of the characters.
Because you can’t have the Knights of the Round Table without also having Arthur and Merlin, the two of them would still be included in the show. However, they would no longer be the main focus. This would excuse some things too, for instance, not having to use Kilgarrah anymore. If the show is not focused on Merlin, we don’t have to find our way around not including Kilgarrah, because his voice actor, John Hurt, is no longer alive. (Rest In Peace, Mr. Hurt)
Focusing on the knights and this time frame would let us see more of Lancelot being a knight of Camelot, too — something he had been working towards his whole life — while BBC Merlin only granted us 2 episodes of that before killing him off. He had an entire year of being what he had strived to become since he was a child, and we never got to see it.
It would also give us the chance to better understand some characters’ backstories, something that the actor Eoin Macken said he wanted to do in the original show, had the last two seasons not been solely focused on the plot, and achieving the finale. Gwaine once mentions that he has a sister: “Well my sister is an evil old toad, so I’d be eternally grateful.” But we never even learn her name, much less what she did to make Gwaine hate her. We know that Lancelot met Percival before the others did, but we know none of the details. We know Elyan traveled around on his own for years, but we don’t know what he did, where he went, or who he met. We know Leon has been a knight for some time, but we don’t know anything about his childhood with Arthur, nor his friendship with Gwen and Elyan. There is so much potential for backstories, not to mention character development.
Of course, this all might be hard to achieve, since it’s been 8 years since Merlin ended, and the cast has aged (though not noticeably. I swear they’re immortal.) There have been hairstyle changes, beards grown, muscle mass gained. However, it’s shouldn’t be too hard to pass off. Maybe Arthur wears a crown or circlet to cover up the fact that he doesn’t have bangs anymore, Maybe Gwaine’s hair grows like a weed, Maybe Lancelot hasn’t shaved in a while, that sort of thing. Plus, it’s the fans. Merlin’s skin could be blue and we would just be grateful to have new content to analyze and cry over.
Things to include??? This is not obligatory, however, just some of my ideas. Obviously BBC Merlin changes some of the legends that they use. The Cup of Life instead of the Holy Grail, Leon instead of Galahad, the Afanc not collaborating with how it’s described in Welsh folklore, not to mention they used characters from Arthurian legend and made them their own, like Gwaine. (Gawain) Obviously if we included more adventures that the legends speak about, we would have to change the version of those legends, to better suit the characters as the show made them. However, the legends are still worth looking into, because I believe they would make for interesting episodes if done right, and they might also provide inspiration.
* Gwaine & The Green Knight * New Characters (Yvain, Drudwas, Sir Kay, Sir Bors etc.) * Yvain & His Lion * Drudwas ap Tryffin and his Adar Llwch Gwin (his griffins) * Agravaine coming to Camelot (and everyone’s first impression of him) * Explanation of Morgause’s Injury (why did it look like half her face had been paralyzed/burned off when all Merlin did was throw her into a wall?? Idk maybe I’m just stupid) * Agravaine Meeting Morgana and Morgause * Sir Kay and the Cath Palug (Palug’s Cat) * More insight to the Knights views on Magic * More detailed and fleshed out backstories for the knights (Gwaine’s sister, How Percival met Lancelot, More depth on why Elyan left Camelot, embarrassing baby Arthur stories from Leon, etc.) * Character development * New Opening Titles (main actors will change, and it wouldn’t make sense to use scenes from the original show. Also it would make more sense to keep Kilgarrah out, since he most likely won’t have a presence in the spin-off. Music could stay the same, but the scenes and names in the opening titles would probably change, as well as the whole “The destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name… Merlin” would be replaced, since the focus is no longer on the young Warlock.) * Meliodas the Demon King ._. * More POC representation, more POC in the cast. * Maybe queer rep? Casual, passing mentions of a mlm fling in the knighthood (doesn’t have to be someone we know) a character going by they/them pronouns without explanation and without making it a big thing, etc. Small, but noticeable things. It’s 2021 we deserve the bare minimum. * Tavern scenes! We know they spend a lot of time in there, but only get to see a few moments and hear about a couple more. * Maybe a first mission with all the main knights. Them working as a small team for the first time. Bonding around the campfire. This would give an excuse to create some insight into the characters while also sticking to the plot * Arthur struggling with the responsibilities of being regent (brief scenes or mentions, him leaning on his knights for support, them having to go on adventures without him) * More Gwen and Elyan!!! Being siblings!!! Please!!! * Introductions of characters we’ve already met: King Bayard, Elena, Vivian (seriously wtf happened to her?? Is she still in love with Arthur??) * Training scenes!!! When Arthur’s busy!!! Give me Leon teaching Elyan some sword moves and laughing about something from when they were kids! Give me Percy and Gwaine sparing only a few feet away! Give me Merlin helping Lance with his armor and Gwen watching her brother from across the field! Give me insight into each characters fighting style, skills, and weapon of choice! D e t a i l s!!! * More mythical welsh creatures, like the welsh cousin of the Kelpie who’s name I can’t remember but translates to water horse. So much opportunities for cool magical creature encounters! * And more!!!!
Now that we have a director in our cast, (who was rooting for this kind of characterization chance btw) I think maybe, if we’re lucky enough, we might have a chance. Idk, maybe I’m too late, but Eoin already said that he was working on a Pseudo Merlin project (whatever the hell that means) and I just. I love entertaining this idea. Who knows, maybe the spn fandom can help us summon a daemon and we can all collectively sell what little fragments of our soul we have left.
Those who still want a season 6, I get it! And I don’t blame you! And guess what— this would not interfere with that at all. Maybe we can both get what we want :)
But right now I’ve accidentally hyped myself up and made a petition so uh. Feel free to sign? If I get enough people on board I might do something about it and message Eoin, as soon as I know he’s done with his Merlin project and it would all work out 👉👈
If you have anything to add onto this post, go ahead! What would you want out of a spin-off?
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spooner-cruz · 3 years
I rewatched Green Arrow and the Canaries (Arrow s8 e9) again and I have thoughts ™️.
(Arrow spoilers... duh)
First of all GAY GAY GAY
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If GAATC had gotten picked up Laurel and Dinah would’ve been together and you can’t convince me otherwise !
I know it’s the CW and they’re quite the experts on Queerbaiting ™️ (especially being a CW Arrowverse show *side eyes Supercorp*) which was probably the case, but I chose to believe they would’ve gotten together! I mean ffs their first scene this episode is the gayes thing ever.
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Laurel’s eyebrow raise and smile when Dinah notices her kfhdkchsjd
The director/writer/ whomever, decided to put this DinahxLaurel interaction so that the lyric “I’m in love with you” matches up with Dinah’s reaction to Laurel. That was fully purposeful! Dinah had a whole ass piano solo after that lyric where they couldve put their interaction, but nooo
The lyric:“Im in love with you”!! WHAT WAS THE REASON!! The songs original lyric is “I love you” and I could not find a single other version or cover that uses “Im in love...” instead. I know Dinahsiren fanfic writers picked up on this (as they should) and it’s an often mentioned fact in Dinahsiren fanfic (and i love it) but the thing is we would’ve overanalyzed it just the same had they kept the original lyrics. I’ve heard arguments that “it’s not that big of a deal” AND THATS EXACTLY THE POINT, if it’s not that big if a deal why would they change it??? We would’ve lost our minds even had kept the original lyric, but they made this change so it was noticeable!! So this was either them leading up to a Dinahsiren relationship or very detailed and precise queer-baiting, I chose to believe the former.
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Anyway that’s it from Dinah and Laurel because every single one of their interactions with his episode was gay and they deserve their own separate post + I don’t want to make this one longer than it will be.
who do I have to contact in order to know who the big bad of this show would be???
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I’ve got theories, as I’m sure many do! Please feel free to share your theories I’d love to know!!
What we know:
She’s a woman.
She kidnapped and planned on killing Bianca Bertinelli, which would’ve brought crime and disorder back to star city
She kidnapped William, which is probably how the GAATC would’ve gotten even more involved with all of this
Her “minions” wore the Deathstroke mask and seemed keen on reviving the Deathstroke Gang
THE HŌZEN!! In Buddhism, it symbolizes reconnecting, in Arrow it was shown to be a symbols of the Queen family, passed from Oliver to Thea to Roy than Thea again then to Felicity and finally William. However, it also symbolizes Lian Yu. The Hozēn was used in 2040 1.0 to bring William to Lian Yu, where Hōzen was initially found around a dead soldiers neck. And before the Hōzen came to symbolize the Queen family, Shado had it and wore it around her neck, which brings me to my theory.
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The main antagonist would’ve been Shado.
All the symbols used by our villain relate to Shado. The Hōzen being the main reason why I think this, before it was a symbol of Oliver’s family, it was a symbol of Lian-Yu and Oliver’s way to remember Shado. The Deathstroke mask adds up too. Slade loved Shado, everything he did was to avenge her death, and though she didn’t reciprocate his romantic feelings she obviously cared about him too.
What I see happening is that maybe Shado was brought back to life after crisis (they explained why Robert Queen wasn’t brought back but they never did explain why Shado wasn’t brought back) somehow she ends up in 2040. So Shado is alive and in 2040, and she wants revenged on Oliver for her would’ve-been death (and his legacy— hence the destroying the city and kidnapping William). It would also make sense for her to honor Deathstroke, especially if she had found out about her friends similar mission to avenge her. Plus she was one of the people who trained Oliver to be the Hood, so she would’ve definitely provided a challenge for GAATC
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Also she’s pretty and I miss her and that would’ve been so cool
I do have a few plot holes about GAATC and just crisis/the 2040 kids in general that I noticed this rewatch and they really bother me:
Did they not restore Zoe’s memory of Crisis?? (2020 Zoe that is).
I fully understand why they didn’t restore William’s memory seeing as he wasn’t actually there during Crisis and JJ was a baby so it’s not like he had memories to be restored.
But Zoe was there through it all. Yes we didn’t see her in crisis, but she had to have known about it, at least in crisis-prep season 8. Rene and Dinah both seemed pretty vocal about their vigilantism when they were interacting with Zoe, and even if they didn’t tell her about Crisis, she would’ve noticed her dad leaving for an island in the North China sea or how he probably acted all sad and shit after he found out 2040 version 1.0’s Zoe died. Plus she definitely would’ve seen grown Mia and William at least once during season 8 even if what just passing by. Also after Crisis happened, even if they didn’t restore her memory, she would’ve noticed Dinah suddenly disappearing?? Or that people that used to be dead were suddenly alive (which is another crisis issue! Moira and Tommy didn’t seem to have their memories restored yet they knew in some version of reality they would’ve been dead, so did the people who’s memories didn’t get restored just accept that dead folks were coming back). At the very least 2040 Zoe would’ve 100% recognized Dinah and Laurel (so would William for that matter wtf).
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Then there’s the Diggles.
So baby Sara seemed to have been brought back, as show in the last few scenes of Arrow. Why was she not in 2040? Would she have been included in GAATC or were they just glaze over how John and Lyla suddenly had a daughter who was conveniently the same age as JJ.
Then also the whole thing with Dig being the Green Lantern, I got to say I’m completely out of the loop with that, but it’s what Arrow seemed to have been leading up to, which just bring me to ask why tf are Digs kids the way that they are? I mean it’s not the most ridiculous thing ever, that the Green Lantern’s kids grew up to be a drug addict, and a socialite who ended up being evil, but it just doesn’t rlly add up that Diggle was the Green Lantern yet his kids are like this.
Also they whole thing with JJ being evil again makes no sense?? Yes he was reminded that in a past life he was evil, but now tf would that make him want to be evil again. Mia was struggling with embracing her past life vs her current life because she had a great life and yet felt a responsibility to live up to her father and be a hero, understandable, but JJ??? He had a great life in 2040 version 2.0, and he moved on so quickly from that when he regained his memory simply because is some past life his dad was kind of an asshole?? Idk doesn’t make sense to me.
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eobard-thawne · 3 years
Flash Fandom!
Favorite character: BARRY MY BELOVED OFC <3
Least Favorite character: *a moment of courage* the whole west family (yes wally included and even daniel too bc why did he ever exist im sry vdasökdv)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): oooh ok barry/patty, barry/fiona, wallinda, eobarry anddd coldflash (i had to)
Character I find most attractive: i don’t think ppl realize how good looking eobard really is like i blame artists for that a lot pls draw him as the sexiest man alive past present and future that he is. i love this post by @lokescurse i think her description is 100000/10
Character I would marry: deffo barry skjdskmfv
Character I would be best friends with: idk i can’t do self insert that well but i’d say avery bc i think our ages are closer and she is so cool
An unpopular opinion: hmm...... might sound harsh but i think tornado twins should never be brought back to life. you know those character types that only exist to be dead-- i can’t explain properly but yeah. also i think they’re just unnecessary lol i know they died as adults so i don’t feel that bad for saying these and as cruel as their deaths were i still can’t bring myself to care about them letbarryhavebetterkids2021
ALSO I’M GONNA SAY THIS: Why does everyone think pre-Reverse Flash Eobard was so obsessed with Barry and was so inspired by him and he loved him so much etc but it was only on his part??? Barry and Eobard were friends before, they worked together like Eobard k n e w Barry on a very personal level so are you telling me that whatever Eobard was feeling for Barry, it was only one sided?? Barry didn’t feel the same at all?? They were very good friends and friendships are usually with mutual affection I think Barry was just as gay for Eobard sfjkdjf Like I’m sure he’s written a letter or two for Eobard as well. One of the mains reasons I ship Eobarry bc it’s not the creepy dark version NO ma’am they used to be in love (this deffo needs more explanation this was so half assed but One Day i promise)
My Canon OTP: barrypatty i just loooove them so much. i’ve read a bunch of SA issues again goddd patty always loved barry i Swear she’d always look out for him <333
My Non-canon OTP: can i say ColdFlash?? one of my top 3 canon/noncanon OTPs for sure i love them soooo much
Most Badass Character: they’re all bamf but i really like avery also bc she deserves more love.
Most Epic Villain: i wrote Eo right away at first lol but i think Rogues are epic too. And Rogues are way underrated so i’ll go w them this time.
Pairing I am not a fan of: umm westallen but is water wet at this point i’m never gonna be a fan of westallen (i like them in SA but... it’s silver age cmon asfjsfs)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I feel like if you're a speedster in DC you are doomed to be screwed over at one point. It's like a rule. So many speedsters/flashfam members have been victims of that. Eobard is literally dc's #1 scapegoat and it's so damn frustrating bc it's outright LAZY AND CHEAP WRITING i hate it so much. So yeah, I’d say Eo, Barry and Hunter deffo are the worst victims
Also a special mention for our sweet baby child Thad-- who’s been a victim of geoff “i love killing child characters i don’t care whose character development i have to destroy to do it” johns
Favourite Friendship: wally and hartley and bart and jesse. i like avery and wallace’s friendship too tbh i think avery would be great friends w anyone she’s that awesome. so yeah mostly underrated friendships. i also love-- despite agreeing with some of the criticism-- august and barry
Character I most identify with: none they are all so much better than me kdfjka also again. i can’t rlly do that (would ‘insert’ be the right word idk) w fictional characters very well
Character I wish I could be: i guess none?? but if i was a fictional speedster in a fictional world i’d be a great ally to flashfam but i also would hang out with the rogues and then i’d die bc i’d ask Eo if he ever had sex with a human person and he’d kill me. but yeah i’d love to be the type of character who’d have the guts to ask Eobard a stupid dumb question like that we’d have that sincerity klfjakf idk what i’m saying ignore me pls fcjksjdg
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Spn Series Finale - and How It’s Still Destiel Endgame
 I’ve been thinking more about the finale and have finally assembled my thoughts on it.
While I understand many fans hold to “the finale wasn’t real/canon,” to me, it was because that’s what was shown on tv, so I’m attempting to come to terms with it. You don’t have to feel that way and that’s totally fine. That’s just how I feel. So, here are my very lengthy thoughts:
*keep reading below*
I’m gonna be honest and say that I have always felt 100% sure that Dean would die at the end of the show. I started watching during like season 3, and I’ve believed that from more or less the start, so I went into the finale expecting him to die. Dean’s self loathing resulted in risky behavior on his part that was definitely indicative of someone who would never reach old age. That doesn’t mean I wanted Dean to die. Quite the opposite. His character deserved a chance to break out of the vicious cycle that had damaged his entire life; I wanted to see an arc of redemption and coming to love yourself (this would have been huge given Dean’s self-hatred). I wanted to see Dean move beyond the life his father trapped him in. As far as character development goes, it actually made more sense at the end of the series for Dean to get out of hunting and live a quiet life (with Cas) and Sam to continue the hunting lifestyle (with Eileen). This is what I hoped for, but given that for some reason showrunners and writers seem to hate their audiences and want to punish them for enjoying their shows, I figured this was unlikely.
So yes, I wasn’t shocked when Dean died. As soon as I saw that friggin piece of rebar on the screen, I knew that was it. So my main issue wasn’t that Dean died (again, I didn’t want that at all, but I knew it was coming), but what happened during the death scene. Like, I get that now without Chuck keeping them alive to entertain himself and Jack deciding to be totally hands off, the odds of Dean or Sam dying accidentally would increase exponentially. So yes, I could even cope with the rebar death (I know, I know).
What actually bothered me about the death scene was how Dean’s death is made completely about Sam. Wtf? Like, it seems the indication is that Dean’s death is a noble sacrifice for Sam to be happy. 
I don’t like that.
While the first few years of the show focus on the tension between Sam and Dean and the struggles of family, it eventually moves past this (thank goodness, too). Their relationship becomes more or less settled and they are comfortable with their brotherly bond and no longer feel angry or bitter about it for the most part. That was satisfying to see. Instead, the focus shifted to other relationships. Sam would have girlfriends, a fun relationship with Rowena, and learn to trust himself more and grow into a leadership role. Dean would struggle with himself rather than his brother, but he would learn to develop friendships and grow closer to Castiel. The brothers were no longer codependent.
Dean’s death did a complete 180 and shifted back to the pathetic codependency of the early seasons. Dean saying his life was always about Sam blah blah blah was gross and a mean thing for the showrunners to make Ackles perform. Dean and Sam had outgrown this period of their lives. Reverting to it was out of character for Dean.
Now, I am certain this was done to “bookend” the show. Have the relationship between Sam and Dean go back to the way it was in the beginning - and this could be done since every other character was written out of the finale. There was no one left for them to care about anymore except each other. I think that if the show had ended like this around like season 5, it would have fit fine. Dean and Sam’s relationship was sadly like this, and Dean felt he had no worth beyond what he could do for Sam. 
HOWEVER - the show has been on for 15 freakin seasons. A lot will change during that time. During the last 3 seasons of the show (at least) the main relationship in Dean’s life was that with Cas, not with Sam. Whether you believe the relationship between Dean and Cas was platonic or romantic, you can’t deny that Dean valued Cas very, very highly and loved him in some way. To me, it seems pretty straightforward that Dean had been actively trying to repress romantic feelings for Castiel for the last couple years of the show but whatever.
Dean’s speech during his death was out of character. And yes, as others have pointed out, Sam definitely could have done SOMETHING to keep Dean alive.
Here’s where I think his feelings for Cas were suggested in the episode (as an aside, I genuinely think that the COVID delay allowed for some... nervousness on the part of showrunners or whoever regarding Dean and Castiel’s relationship being explicitly romantic, and the tonal shift of the last two episodes is the result of that). Dean wanted to give up and die. He didn’t fight. Sam had been trained by the best witch around (Rowena) and surely could have come up with something. Call the friggin ambulance. Do the vampire reversal thing y’all have mentioned. DEAN DIDN’T WANT ANY OF IT. Now, we’ve seen before that Dean becomes suicidal when Cas is dead. I think this is a continuation of that theme. By killing Cas and then not bringing him back, the writers created a situation where Dean had literally nothing to live for anymore. And that’s really sad. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be so attached to fictional characters (whatever), but I really care about Sam, Dean, and Cas. I wanted them all to be happy after all the crap they’ve been through.
Dean’s closest companion was taken from him in a really, really awful way that would doubtless be traumatizing for Dean. He would likely feel intensely guilty about Castiel’s death and that he didn’t tell Cas how he felt (however, it’s clear Dean’s actual response to Cas’ love declaration was cut, so who knows what happened there - I wrote another lengthy post about that, actually). 
I think Dean’s death happened a couple years after they defeated Chuck - the montage in the beginning of 15x20 represents that. Dean didn’t literally die on the very next hunt. However, a couple years still is not a long time, and doubtless Dean would have spent that time struggling with the idea that he couldn’t save Cas no matter what he did. That’s terrible. Who knows what he might have tried during that time to bring him back from The Empty, and the thought of him fruitlessly working toward that before finally giving up and having to live with the finality of Castiel’s death is really depressing. Of course, he wouldn’t know that Cas wasn’t even in the frickin Empty anymore because Jack pulled him out, which makes it even more sad. Now, I’ve seen some people wondering why Cas wouldn’t come back to Dean... it seems pretty clear to me that when Jack said he would be hands off, he meant the forces of heaven in general. That means Cas would be in heaven working to improve it and not be able to leave or communicate with Dean and Sam.
So Dean dies, alone in life and likely still feeling like he’s a failure. Not cool, Spn writers. The best we can assume is that he took Cas’ speech to heart and was trying to be a better version of himself (as shown by being merciful to Chuck).
Then he ends up in heaven where he’s greeted by Bobby (and not Cas - remember Becky’s little Funko POPs display of Dean and Castiel together in front of The Roadhouse? I think that was the initial plan before someone got cold feet). Anyway, I really think someone involved with this show was honestly trying to throw us a bone with the Dean/Bobby conversation. 
Bobby points out that Heaven is basically like living a normal life again and not just reliving your memories because Jack rebuilt it.
Bobby says Heaven is now “What it always should’ve been. Everyone happy, everyone together,” then mentions some side characters (no one too important so we wouldn’t ask why the actor wasn’t in the episode) and Dean’s parents being nearby.
Now, I totally get the John Winchester hate (he’s abusive, no way around it), but I think Dean had always dreamed of getting to know his parents in a good way and not the way life on earth had been. This is giving him that chance.
Then, this is the big line to me.
Bobby: “It ain’t just heaven, Dean. It’s the heaven you deserve. And we’ve been waiting for ya.”
This is everyone’s shared heaven now, not just Dean reliving some memory. This is everyone’s heaven. And yet, Bobby emphasizes that Dean is the focus of this. Dean. Dean was the motivation for this new heaven - the kind of heaven that Dean deserves and ought to have and everyone has been waiting for Dean to be there to enjoy it. Why? Frickin why? “Why,” I asked myself upon watching this episode live. Sure, Jack loved Dean and wanted Dean to love him back, but that seems weird for Jack to do this for Dean.
And then Bobby explains what actually went down.
Dean: “So Jack did all that?”
Bobby pauses and says meaningfully: “Well, Cas helped.” He looks meaningfully over at Dean and then raises his eyebrows suggestively. This is a hella weird response if you take it as anything other than an indication of a (future) romantic relationship between Dean and Cas. Castiel, as Jack’s adoptive father, would have helped, guided, and advised Jack on what to do, and Cas’ motivation for all of this would be to prepare a heaven for Dean that would make him happy. That’s an incredibly loving gesture. Like, Cas is really into Dean.
Likely, Bobby has learned things he didn’t know during his mortal life. He doubtless has either learned or inferred that Castiel and Dean love each other. If Dean didn’t love Cas back, Bobby would not have mentioned his being in Heaven so suggestively. If someone wiggled their eyebrows about my bestie being nearby, I’d be weirded out because I’m not into my bestie in that way lol. I’m into my husband, who is my romantic partner. Seeing Cas busily working to improve Heaven with Dean in mind would be a dead giveaway to Bobby about what was going on between the two of them.
Dean’s smile in response to hearing this is honestly how I smile when I think about something that makes me happy but I don’t want anyone else to know about. And that’s how I think Dean is reacting.
Next, Dean drives around. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be a montage of time passing for him and he doesn’t literally just drive nonstop or if it’s really just a little while in Heaven time before Sam shows up.
Now why wouldn’t Cas appear? Well, couple reasons. Firstly, it would’ve been “too gay” for the higher ups involved in the finale. There really wasn’t a non-gay way to reunite them. I think this is ultimately why Collins wasn’t in the episode.
As far as the in-show story, I think it makes sense for Castiel to be a little shy of Dean. I mean, he did confess his undying love for the man assuming he would never have to face Dean again. Castiel didn’t know Jack would resurrect him. He was literally like “ok, I love you, sorry, gotta go die now.” Now he’s got Dean in Heaven with him for eternity. There’s no rush for them to meet up again. I think Dean would want the resolution of knowing his whole family is in Heaven again, and it makes sense that Castiel would be bashfully hiding in a corner until Dean called him. Then once they met up, it’d probably be some messy making out and pure joy at being together again (sorry not sorry lol). I really think that was supposed to be our takeaway from this finale regarding Dean and Cas’ relationship. Was it ideal? No, but I do think there was something.
Some other thoughts: Eileen was perfect for Sam and not explicitly showing them together was a major cop-out. I think that because Padalecki had a new show coming out on the same network, they didn’t want to show Sam settled with a specific woman thinking “oh we want the fangirls to imagine they could be with Sam” which is dumb but probably their line of thinking. This also explains Sam’s totally random and unnecessary shirtless shot in the finale. I’ve known these characters for so long and care about them and that shot was like seeing your brother naked. No thanks.
I think this also explains the choice to revert to Sam being the main character and Dean’s only focus in the end. That’s how the show started out, and it makes sense from a marketing standpoint to emphasize Padalecki’s performance.
Anyway, I’ve probably left something out that I planned on including, but this is already crazy long lol. So there you have it - I finally wrote down my thoughts on a finale that aired 3 months ago. I’m clearly on top of everything.
Plus, I feel pretty confident they will do a mini reunion series within a few years, so hopefully some of these issues will be corrected before too long lol.
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hufflepuffdean · 4 years
alright so like. I just rewrote 15.20 in my head following most of the episode parameters and it’s amazing how much better it makes me feel? I do have an idea for a fully canon-compliant fic and I do feel a bit better about the finale than I think most do, but I wanted to barf this out lol. it’s not COVID-compliant, but again, it does fit what the ep was trying to do I think. I’m trying not to be like a Polyanna asshole or whatever because I’m seeing people be condescending as fuck but writing this out works for me so I hope this works for someone else?
the ep can still open with the montage and definitely still include Miracle. but make it clear way more time is passing. like, a matter of years. at least five. we can see Sam and Dean on various hunts but also them doing some normie things. Sam in a Zoom class (no, COVID doesn’t exist here, he just is busy lol) and Dean working at a bar. it’s clear they’re happy. and again, it’s clear it’s been several years.
I’m ngl I’m not super married (no pun intended) to Sam/Eileen like a lot of D/C fandom but it’s been established and it does work easily within the show without having to be like Awkward New Romance. so she’s there too sometimes. 
there’s definitely a part where both Sam and Dean are looking through pictures of those they’ve lost. Dean can like look at a picture of Cas and say... thank you, I won’t waste it, looking at the picture. I feel like people would be pissed he’s not looking for Cas but again, I’m not totally changing the structure here to make the episode #actually a Cas rescue, and it would be hopefully clear why he’s not looking, that he missed him but thought it was what Cas would have wanted in his sacrifice. plus there’s a payoff at the end here.
eventually someone shows up with the uh, vampire juggalo case where they haven’t been able to save all the kids. I do not want them to be clowns and it is my version so they are not. anyway Sam and Dean go off on that hunt.
the barn scene... okay well first there’s no Jenny because dude I am obsessed with this show and have watched S1 at least four times and I love every minor character and I had no idea who she was until the flashbacks and also she didn’t even do anything wtf was that. 
mostly I fucking hate that Dean has to die at all! but again, we’re sticking to the episode’s basic structure, just kinda cleaning shit up. sooo I guess the thing here is - Dean’s death needs more agency. maybe Sam and the kids are directly being threatened somehow and he makes the choice to jump in and save them even if it costs his life. this is the one specific bit I can’t really nail down (HA) so if you have any ideas feel free to send ‘em along. I feel better about it if Dean at least got some significant time to himself to live.
the goodbye can stay. it was well done, and I think both Jensen and Jared did a great job. I think things like “Sam should have tried to call 911, while in the middle of Bumfucknowhere Ohio″ or “Sam should have tried to pray to Jack, who already said he’s staying out of things” take away from the power of the scene.
you can have the montage of Sam mourning. it’s a while before he calls Eileen or anyone else, since he’s so devastated. when he does have Dean’s funeral, like, everyone who’s still alive is there. Eileen, the Wayward girls, Garth, anyone I’m forgetting. fuck it, Alice! the Lebanon kids! even random strangers, to show what Dean meant! at some point Sam should give the bunker keys to Claire too.
at the end Rowena shows up. Sam is devastated to see her, saying he can’t do a deal. Rowena just says she was there to pay respects... and tells him that Dean is not one of hers. Sam just kinda lights up.
now you can do the thing where it jump-cuts to Heaven. the scene with Bobby is good. I may write a post later about how Jack and Cas redoing Heaven is like the thing that makes the finale alright to me, but definitely keep that. the change here is that Dean does go into the Roadhouse, and it’s full of like every goddamn dead character we love tbh. Charlie, Mary, Rufus, Jo, Ellen, Ash, Victor, Kevin, Pamela, etc. Those are just characters I thought of off the top of my head lol. No John Winchesters Allowed but everyone else. also no Cas yet but don’t worry he’ll be there in a bit. 
you can start the Carry On montage here but dear god don’t play that cover version.
on Earth, we see Sam and Eileen living. they have a daughter, thanks, though her name is still Dean. (I’ve realized I hate the “naming a child after a beloved dead relative” trope, but we’re clearly doing that so it’s okay.) maybe even make it so that they adopt one of the kids they saved in the barn. Eileen has like actual lines, whether she’s talking to Sam about how much he misses Dean and how it’s hard without him but he’s going to live for him, or whether she’s talking with Sam to Dean about how there are monsters and bad things in the night and sometimes mom and dad used to deal with them, but not any more. but they’ll still be careful. (the anti-possession tattoo can stay and salted windows and all that.)
Dean gets in the Impala in Heaven and you just hear “hello Dean” on the radio. it’s Cas, obviously. Dean does one of those killer smiles. they have a convo about the rebuilding of Heaven, and how everyone here, it’s Dean (and Sam) who brought them this kind of happiness. Dean’s like, Cas it was you too, of course it was you Cas. that can be it, orrrrr if the network would allow you to go farther, Dean can say, like. ugh I can’t put it into words right now but something that makes it clear he reciprocates. fuck it, have an “I love you too,” I’M mentally writing this lmao 
the rest of the montage can proceed like normal-ish I think? I actually did really like it when Sam was “driving” the Impala at the same time Dean was driving it in Heaven. just please god get a better wig. also I do not think Sam’s only pictures on the mantle should be of like, Dean and John lol.
Dean’s tending bar in Heaven with the whole group there when he suddenly is like... oh... I think I have to take care of something. everyone knows and is thrilled for him. Cas comes along. (honestly this one’s optional in my mind, I think that scene at the end was really good as is, but I want a TFW reunion, sue me.)
bridge scene plays out, only Cas is there too and there’s a lot of hugging all around. fuck it put Miracle on the bridge too he’s an icon.
theeeee end. oh and no two seconds later cut to the actors out of character but still in costumes and the crew not in masks during a respiratory pandemic, please, it was very thoughtful for the fans and the crew deserves love I get it but also but really weird lol
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johns-prince · 3 years
(fem!Paul au idea) the mclennon children time travel to 1959 and meets their parents when they were teenagers
I shared this ask with my writing partner and this is what we came up with for your little scenario. The version my rp-partner @apollyodon​ and I did ended up omgaverse, hope that’s alright. It’s in this format because we write in discord and also I don’t think it’s enough to format and work into like, a mini ficlet or what have you.
Their kids, Julia, Paris, and Mary are still relatively young when they’re sent back to meet their parents. I want to say here Paris and Julia are around 13/14, while Mary is about 6 or 7.
Hope you still like it though! Sorry it took forever to get to it. I think it’s cute and silly.
A - Apollyodon
J-P - Johns-prince
Tumblr media
A: Cor, all I can imagine is Oh god, they're just as sappy!
J-P: Personally I think it'd be a bit funny, seeing your parents not much older then you. Yup, sappy and gross and dad is so disgusting why does mum like him-- 
And while their parents shouldn't be let in on that they're their kids, if John and Paul did get to know, John would instantly go pale and just, slowly count each head.
Three is a lot, because at that time John didn't exactly think he'd have kids. Especially with Paul. You have pretty low standards Paul if you decided to have pups with me--
A: Not like John can talk like that about himself for very long. There's always the threat of a twisted ear.
J-P: Turns out their ma had always been twisting their dad's ear. 
And being called mum and da.
A: John would feel uncomfortable and while it's a little weird for Paul, he'd take to it easier than John would.
J-P: It'd be very weird.
Best is when one of them say they never really believed their parents to be sort of cool looking.
You two are huge dorks now, don't really dress like this... At all... Unless it's like, Halloween.
A: John and Paul looking at each other like... oh dear god, don't tell us we became squares.
J-P: Mary would be the only one wanting to be nice while the other two are like yeah uh huh huge squares.
A: Mary fussing at them for it. Stop it, you two. Ok but them advising against the... questionable fashion choices. Anything that prevents John from going with those fuckin mutton chops is a good thing.
J-P: OH MY GOD Because they've seen the photos. Julia even remembers some as a pup. John goes beat red, Paul trying not to laugh because Did you say mutton chops? And one of them is like yeah and ma- Paul, you went through this weird period of having this pornstar moustache--
Probably Julia says since it happened in the mid 70s, either before or after Mary was born.
A: And let us not forget blond Paul...
J-P: Julia is merciless
A: Now it's Paul's turn to go beet red.
J-P: John has to HA! But also wtf Paul you went blonde??? But I love your black hair, it's beautiful what--
A: If I wanted a blond, I woulda gone with one!
Cor, John isn't out of the woods quite yet. Needs to have more balance with the facial hair. Anything to avoid looking like an Amish man that just wandered onto set and is playing it cool til he can leave.
J-P: John just wants to go hide under covers or something what!!??? Just the image that conjures up... Also why would you want to cover up your face like that John??
A: Like to be able to kiss ya and not get a mouthful of hair.
J-P: But also Paris and Julia bringing up that it'd be nice if they'd not be so, lovey dove-y when in front of them.. Can't even bring my friends over without the fear of you two getting all kissy when they're around or even WORSE--
A: Ok... that's the ONE thing they refuse to be mortified by or compromise on. Sorry kids, that's not within our control.
J-P: What'd ya mean it's out of your control! It's so embarrassing! And Mary, bless her, speaks up and says it's not that bad, just mommy an’ daddy love each other.
Literally though if Paris or Julia tell Mary to zip it or even shut up, John's straightening up and just Hey! Don't you talk to your sister like that! And he's even wagging a finger and then he realizes and he's just that, that didn't sound like me.
Julia muttering that it sounded exactly like him.
A: And Paul is amused to tears over that but also expresses disapproval at them talking to Mary like that, since she's the youngest and what she said wasn't deserving of it.
J-P: Cor when her oldest siblings get in trouble, even by their yet to be parents of the 50s, Mary can't help but stick her tongue out and look rather pleased. See, even still mom an’ dad want you being nicer to me!
A: And John and Paul were being serious about the affection thing. They just... it just happens without them really noticing.
J-P: Like even then, if they're just, standing unnecessarily close, or John throws an arm around Paul's shoulders, or their hands brush. It just happens. They doubt it'll change, even when they're... Well, married, with kids. Though the kids seeing the fact the two had marked each other then, like, you two have been together for that long??
Possibly longer, since it is '59
A: Yup. They wouldn't notice right away but then happen to look and spot the marks, nice and clear on both their throats.
J-P: Exactly where they will be, years and years from now. They learned that their parents met when they were teens, along with their uncle's, but they didn't know they'd marked each other then. Aren't they a bit young???
A: ... That is a real dumb question to ask because all it does is make these two disgustingly sappy again. I mean nose rubs and everything
J-P: Mary is all aww while Paris and Julia are literally like oh God no no! Turn it off! It burns! It burns!!! Over exaggerated gagging and the likes.
A: Paul and John firmly ignore them, they keep right on doing it.
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lest-we-be-liars · 4 years
Supernatural 15x20
Thoughts and feelings after a night of processing what we just watched:
I like the concept of the ending, but the execution left much to be desired.
They should have waited until after covid restrictions were lifted.
Unless they really, actually, always planned on ending this 15 year old legend with a series of montages like some kind of middle finger to everyone who was invested in the actual plot. In which case....WTF?!?!
I'm glad that it started and ended with the brothers, don't get me wrong (though, even as beautifully acted as it was, parts of the goodbye scene were cringe as fuck and I could barely watch it) but as someone who has had to rebuild their lives with found family...telling me for years that "family don't end in blood", only to completely ignore all the family they made along the way and ending it in a series of fucking montages, one of which set to a bastardized version of a classic song.....
It's not even the Cas Trash part of me that is angry. Castiel got his freedom. Castiel got to speak his truth. He got to experience things no angel before him ever could have and he got to rebuild Heaven into what it was always supposed to be, with his son. He didn't get everything I wanted for him, but he got peace and that is what he truly deserved. I would have loved to see him again....but knowing he's happy is enough. ( I'm still furious that no one ever told him he was loved but...) maybe if not for covid restrictions we could have seen him at peace for once, but knowing he has it, makes me happy.
The Dean Girl in me however....she's feral right now. I always knew Dean would die in the end. I'm not even gonna pretend I didn't see that coming ( I still screamed) but the way he died? You mean to tell me, that a man who spent his entire life thinking his only purpose in life was to protect his little brother, a man who saved the world thinking all he was good for was sacrificing himself and his happiness for a greater cause, a man who didn't believe that he was worth anything to anyone other than a stepping stone, finally gets a sense of self worth, only to be killed maybe weeks later, by being pushed into a spike? And as he's dying, every ounce of self worth he gained is again reduced to being a fucking stepping stone? Dean deserved so much better. He deserved to keep his self worth past what he did for his brother. Of course Sam was the most important person in his life, of course Sam meant everything to him. He raised him. They went through hell together. But his character deserved more than being reduced to believing that's all he was ever good for in the end. He also deserved to be reunited with his family, ALL OF THEM, when he reached heaven. He deserved to see Mary and John(🙄) living in paradise together. We deserved that. He deserved to see Ellen qnd Jo running the Roadhouse in Heaven. He deserved to see Charlie and Ash and Kevin and Pam and Rufus and everyone who made his life matter, living in paradise the way the all deserved. But because of restrictions......Maybe, much like Jensen, I'm just too close to the character and I'll need someone to tell me it was a good ending for Dean, but for now I just feel jaded on his behalf.
I am happy Sam got to live his life. I didn't like his character at first, I've always been honest about that, but he grew on me and I learned to love him. I wanted happiness and peace for him too, I wanted him to have someone to love and grow old with. I always wanted Sam to get out and make a life for himself outside of hunting, because that's what he wanted, it's what he deserved. But even that felt lackluster. We didn't get to know his wife. Whe didn't even get to really know his kid, even though his whole part of the montage was about their relationship, unless you count the parts where he was mourning Dean, which duh, of course, but...idk...maybe it was the bad wig that took me out of the moment (dont kid yourselves, as a theater kid, I know a bad wig when I see one) but it just felt like it wasn't enough. I'm sure he will be reunited with his family in no time, but I just wanted more for him. I wanted to watch him move on, and fall in love, and grow as a person beyond his tragic life, and it just felt like they gave the bare minimum because they had to work around restrictions....
And I know it's Supernatural, and leaving plot holes open is kind of a thing they do, and I've learned to accept that, but I would have liked to see at least one of the Major plot holes they left open, solved.
They should have waited until after covid restrictions were lifted. I feel like they could have given us so much more. Still the Brothers in the end of course, but maybe not ignoring literally everything else they became along the way.
That being said, I still love this show. I always will love it, for what it gave me. I appreciate what they tried to do and i realize they did the best they could with what they had and I applaud them for that....I just dont think I'm going to be able to watch that episode ever again. At least not for a long time. Jared and Jensen did an amazing job with what they were given. I put no blame on them. Misha did an amazing job with what he was given. I put no blame on him.
I just wish it was more. I feel like we deserved better than the best they could do with what they had. We deserved the best they could do with no restrictions, because that's what they have always given us.
They should have waited to finish until covid restrictions were lifted.
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allimariexf · 4 years
crisis on infinite earths
so I haven’t been able to face tumblr for months, for a lot of reasons including the fact that Arrow after 8x05 sucked SO HARD that even the idea of looking at gifsets from 8x06 and 8x07 was really painful to me. 
And then I refused to watch the first three episodes of Crisis until yesterday. Regarding those first 3 episodes, I have two lines of thought. 
The first one is what everyone already knows: I HATE IT ON PRINCIPLE because it RUINED Oliver's rightful conclusion, it RUINED Arrow's direction and rightful conclusion. 
I HATE that Crisis is the reason they made Elseworlds, and that preparing/justifying Elseworlds and Crisis basically took over and ruined season 7 and 8. 
I HATE that Crisis is the reason Oliver left his family, that they're giving us tragedy porn as Oliver's ending rather than the culmination of his humanity. 
I HATE that they repeatedly subverted and perverted Oliver's own show, his own story, to prop up the other shows, the Arrowverse, and the crossovers - to expand the franchise  and appeal to a fanbase that was never going to be happy unless they turned their back on everything that made Arrow what it was in the first place. 
So I HATE IT ON PRINCIPLE because it is the culmination of that subversion of Oliver's show and story, and the culmination of appealing to that audience. 
That being said, the second line of thought is that as a story it's somewhat entertaining, and so far the plot mostly makes sense. Which is WAY more than I could say for the shitfest that was Elseworlds.
And then here are my thoughts on the ending of Crisis:
1. Though the Arrow portion was the most interesting and I appreciated the “walk down memory lane” (especially the Oliver/Ray scene about Felicity’s trust in Oliver, from 3x17), nothing can make up for the fact that the wrong people were there for Oliver's death. And nothing can make up for the fact that the wrong people were shown grieving for him. 
I appreciate that Sara, as the one main hero with a connection to Oliver, at least did the heavy grief lifting (way more than Barry and Kara), and it was truly meaningful. But it was unforgivable that Diggle and Mia (AND FELICITY) were not involved.
I appreciate that Lyla and Dig got to mourn, but again it was unforgivable that they didn't show OR EVEN MENTION Felicity. Like. THEY NEEDED TO MENTION FELICITY MOURNING. THEY NEEDED TO MENTION HER GRIEF. EVERYONE NEEDED TO MENTION HER. THEY ALL GRIEVED OLIVER SO SELFISHLY (with the exception of John); THEY BARELY KNEW HIM RELATIVE TO FELICITY. GODDAMMIT SO MAD. Also THEA!? GAHHHH. I NEEDED TO SEE A SHOT OF FELICITY AND THEA AND BABY MIA TOGETHER MOURNING among those shots of the randos mourning. I don’t care that it’s “impossible” because they’re not on the show; they should have made it possible.
2. While I appreciate the return of Sara Diggle, I HATE the "EARTH PRIME" solution.
the Arrowverse spent YEARS selling us on this multiverse idea, making us care for multiple versions of characters as entirely different people 
which ones of those people are "real" now, and which never existed (or are dead - depending on ... what actually happened)?? 
For example Harrison Wells, Harry Wells, H.R. Wells...which one is real? Also LAUREL!? Is she dead? Is she alive? Which one is she?
they spent YEARS building events in our heroes' lives based on the existence of multiple earths 
and so many of the events in "our" heroes' lives were shaped by the existence of the multiverse: 
for example, Oliver and Felicity's wedding happened at the end of Crisis on Earth-X; in this reality, when did they get married?
Similarly, I think the entire plot of all the seasons of the Flash depend on the existence of multiple earths?
they spent YEARS selling the idea that things turned out majorly different on different earths due to major and minor changes in each reality. Of everything, I think this is the most egregious issue with “Prime Earth”
if we bought into the idea that each earth, each doppelganger, was uniquely defined by the circumstances of their lives, then literally NONE of our characters survived. 
Because as we knew them, they were all heavily shaped by the existence of the multiverse (either firsthand or by proxy), and if suddenly there never was a multiverse, then it doesn't make sense that they'd turn out the same. 
Like, even if we say Earth-1 people are defaults (which there’s no reason to say that at all other than “because that’s how we want it to be,” but anyway) then maybe most of Arrow characters that originated in the first 3 seasons will be unchanged. But everyone else is basically fucked.
3. All things considered this isn’t even a big deal, but GOD the combat is just so fucking stupid, like it makes no fucking sense. 
wtf are "shadow demons"? they were never properly explained. 
why did the anti-monitor come back? 
why were they trying to fight him, like, in human form? (seriously, the comic book need to put problems into human shape so that they can be dealt with through one-on-one "combat" is so stupidly unforgivable. I get the appeal of one-on-one combat; it's why I liked Arrow to begin with. No fucking magic or metahumans, just mostly-realistic problems that manifested in realistic ways...and it made sense for humans to fight them when fighting was the appropriate solution).
Speaking of: wtf did the paragons actually *do*?? "Beam of pure love/hope/truth/courage" etc. (which itself is so cheeesy and ridiculous and I only allow it on Legends) but...okay, what?? Where? When? How? Like, I didn't need a carebear stare or laserbeams, but at least showing Oliver being affected in some way would have been nice.
4. And of course, the whole fucking utter terribleness that Oliver had to die.
Oliver Queen spent the majority of Arrow learning the lesson that SELF SACRIFICE IS THE EASY ANSWER. 
He spent years learning TO FIGHT TO LIVE. 
He spent years learning that he has a responsibility to the people who love him.
It was a betrayal of his character, his growth, his story for him to leave his family to go die.
ALSO narratively speaking, Oliver’s story began in tragedy and the narrative demanded that it end happily
Essentially, the Crossovers (and the last few seasons, since they completely revolved around the crossovers) UTTERLY BETRAYED Arrow and the character of Oliver Queen
Oliver Queen did not deserve to die
The “living as a hero is the hard part” is utter fucking BS
Arrow began as a “grounded” show, and began to slide into comic book nonsense (where rules of the universe are inconsistent, and consequences for actions lose their sense of meaning) in season 4; after that it just got worse with each crossover and each show added to the Arrowverse. Arrow became a workhorse, subservient to the expansion of a franchise. It was adding insult to injury that he died in support of such a fucking ridiculous, ungrounded story that would have been unrecognizable to the audience that first fell in love with Arrow.
So basically I’m devastated. But also not. Because though I did cry, I was also not nearly as moved as I should have been. The travesty of it all is what I grieve  the most. 
Those were just my jotted down thoughts. Probably will have more later. Love you all so much. 💗😘💗😘💗
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shittyshakes · 4 years
Shakespeare Commentary from Someone who has never read Shakespeare (Much Ado Version)
 In which Mod Rachel just. Nerds out. Because Beatrice and Benedick deserve it.
Act 1
Scene 1
I can already tell that this shit is going to be over-dramatic as fuck, but I live for these kinds of romcoms
Beatrice is a WOMAN, like holy fuck she’s a whole mood
(yes, I’m thirsting on this feed and i’m not even sorry)
she either realllly likes this Benedick fellow or really despises him, but I’m going to go with the former
their banter is really funny though
i will state this reads like flirting? like this is just establishing all the sexual tension right?
I don’t know how I feel about Don Pedro’s character
What does Benedick have against love or is he just against Hero? Or is he just salty from his lack of love?
although to be fair Claudio did just see Hero and declare his undying love for her, that’s kind of ridiculous
“I’ll live as a bachelor”
those are famous last words, why you always lyin Benedick?
Benedick, as in bene-dick; is Benedick’s name a pun on dicks??????
I knew this play was wrought with sexual innuendos but holy crap
after confirming with Leo, I can confirm that we talked about this exact fact in lecture and I’m just a dumbass
For some reason all of Don Pedro’s plotting to set people up gives me bad vibes but maybe I’m just superstitious
Scene 2
gasp! An Antonio appears! Is he gay
side note, apparently this is the only Antonio in Shakespeare that is not and, won’t lie, I’m slightly disappointed
wait was all this scene just 2 dudes sitting around and talking about Hero? what was even the point?
Scene 3
Is Don John sad like Antonio was from The Merchant of Venice? 
for some reason I think not
oh wait, maybe he has an inferiority complex to Don Pedro
okay, since this guys name is Borachio (which means drunkard in Spanish) can I infer that he is always drunk and/or is drunk in this scene?
maybe Don John is just salty, maybe that’s all his motivation is
Act 2
Scene 1
Hero speaks!
I’m interested to see if Hero is the “hero” of the play, implementing the pun
P.S. I’ve finished reading, she is not and I’ve never been more disappointed to be wrong. I was really rooting for her
In text (before watching any kind of staged edition) I imagine this to be like the dinner in Shrek 2, so I’m curious to see how people blocked this scene in film and stage
Does Beatrice really need a husband though? She’s doing fine on her own and we stan 1 strong independent woman
side note, sometimes I forget Hero is even in this play, she speaks so little
I am so confused, who is Margaret and where did they come from? Is she even that important or is she just here to move the plot?
are she and borachio a thing? wtf even was their exchange???
Same with Ursula? 
I can’t believe they’re going to talk to Benedick like he’s not Benedick because of the mask
So wait, now Claudio is pretending to be Benedick? None of this is a good idea
So wait, now Claudio thinks that Don Pedro loves and wants Hero?
God, what a mess. This is more of a mess than I am
So, Benedick likes Beatrice then
he kind of reminds me of a young boy who can’t confess his feelings so he’s just awful to her (pulling pigtails)
I agree with Don Pedro that Benedick and Beatrice would make an excellent married couple; imagine the hate-sex
but also, Don Pedro has waaaaaaaayyyyy too much time on his hands
Scene 2
Is Don John being influenced by Borachio?
Is borachio the real mastermind?
better question, is borachio drunk right now?
Scene 3
oh Benedick definitely has the hots for Beatrice
oh my god he just wants her to confess first, what a dork
Claudio @ Benedick: oh how the turned tables rawr XD
I both love and hate how easily Benedick is buying into all this
They totally know Benedick is listening, those sly dogs
This is prime bad romcom right now
Act 3
Scene 1
Hero is back and with some lines
I hope she speaks more in this second half, I’m intrigued by her character
oh so even she is in on the “let’s trick Benedick and Beatrice into confessing”
I love this for her. I hope she is having the time of her life because it’s what she deserves
because tbh, no one here gives a frack about her and Claudio
Also I can NOT believe that these people say Benedick’s name with a straight face. They are basically complimenting his penis the entire play and I am here for it
I still can’t believe these dumbfucks bought it
Scene 2
ooh this is when Benedick changes appearances, he did it to woo Beatrice
i love that for him, i love that he is so soft for her
we stan 1 brotp between Benedick and his homies
Don John noooooooooooooooooooooooo
I’m really not here for Claudio x Hero but it is what it is
Scene 3
what the fuck kind of name is dogberry?
wait is this insinuating that he’s shit? or the shit?
a shitty bitch?????
so they’re just plotting
Scene 4
so much speaking from Hero
we live to see it
all things that begin with H --> ‘horny’ ;D
Scene 5
they’re talking about the wedding, right?
this is the part where i begin to get lost and wish for an adaptation to watch
so is dogberry going to crash the wedding?
Act 4
Scene 1
wait did Claudio just deny marriage? And they just continued on like nothing happened?
did he just insult Hero in front of her father?? what balls
oh he’s saying she’s unpure
oh my god this is a mess
i can’t believe that everyone just believes this? and now she’s not worthy to live? That’s cray-cray? like what is even happening
oh shit, is it happening????
oh shit it’s happening!!!
oh shit no
but as a side, please do kill claudio, he’s a dumbass who doesn’t deserve Hero
Scene 2
sexton, really?
i’m not really sure what the point of this scene was?
also what was all the talk about ass? do they mean like butts? or like a donkey? 
i’m so confused ?????
Act 5
Scene 1
so they’re talking about the “death” of Hero
so they’re pulling a juliet? or is juliet pulling a hero?
I guess this isn’t important but I don’t actually know which was written first
yeah suck on that claudio, you piece of shit
absolute heresy I say
Benedick is the actual homie, the MVP
get Claudio’s head out of his ass
god, all men are bastards except benedick
yeah that’s right, I said it
Scene 2
I actually love Benedick, 10/10 great character
I wasn’t sure how I felt about him at first, but now we gucci
I’m glad they’re back to playful bantering. 
I love that for them
Scene 3
so we’re at the “funeral” or just Claudio before the grave?
despite the fact that he’s the one that humiliated and betrayed Hero at the altar he’s still going to return every year? i’m so confused
Claudio isn’t a great character and I don’t like him
to be completely honest, I can’t even tell if he’s sad during this interaction
Scene 4
so Claudio was sincerely sad then?
Benedick’s asking permission to marry Beatrice? That’s so cute, he’s such a dork, an absolute Hufflepuff
we stan 1 respectful boi
and now we’re back with the denial and insecurity but at least we’re finally getting to the true confession
the tension was killing me
aw yeahhhhhhh, they finally kissed
I don’t know how I feel about Beatrice’s lack of lines following the kiss but it is what it is
and just remembering that during Shakespeare’s time this was all played by dudes makes me absolutely lose my shit
final rating: 7/10
Benedick and Beatrice were the highlights of this play and I can’t wait to see the adaptations to see people genuinely have fun playing these two characters
genuinely a really fun play and I wasn’t completely lost reading this so we count that as a win
minus points for claudio, i’m still salty that he and hero got married
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the-spud-player · 4 years
WTF was that season 2 of Titans:
Long post ahead:
Where was the FAMILY DYNAMIC from the first season???????????
I do not care about Dove and Hawk, they have their struggles so bland isn't the word I'd use but,,,, they were just pointless.......
Blame dick for something that wasn't his fault, then come running back to him when something goes wrong? Can't have it both ways...
We just ignoring Rachel turned into a demon creature???
I'm so so tired of Dick being angsty. And leaving Gar on his own????
Kory abandoning her family for a stretch because of a crown she doesn't want?
Again, I don't care about Dawn and Hank
While I'm on the subject: Donna, Hank and Dawn, they can get f*cked, their hands aren't clean but they have the moral high ground here??
Dawn: "You should tell the kids Dick"... Why don't u tell them yourself? Your so "connected to Rachel" then act like it. But I guess the character is too much of a wet blanket.
Doctor light being taken out was unfortunate but I liked the subversion, put Slade up there in guys that don't mess about.
Superboy, oh boy. Love the character and how he was played. Love that he saved Jason by chance. Hate they introduced him in a whole episode to himself right after a crucial part of the story. Pacing hit the breaks so hard I got whiplash
Kinda the same as how Hank and Dawn were introduced in the first season, pacing is all over the place.
Hank and Dawn get way too much screen time for being side characters
Btw, Jason? I feel for u, but u not gonna have some sympathy for the guy that just talked you off the ledge? But all in all you deserve better.
Dick comes back and says: "Hey guys, Slade's in the house somehow" then he talks Jason down, admits his guilt, people leave, THEN ITS NEVER MENTIONED EVER AGAIN.
This was before they knew Rose was working for him, and before the "truce" he had with Slade.
Not that it's even Titans Tower... Just some fancy high rise
Jason and Rose were pretty cute tbf
Turned into prison break 2.0 and although I liked the new origin to Nightwing, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN COOL TO SEE HIM ESCAPE.
But if Dick gets the new costume, you could at least give Rach her peaked hood, I mean c'mon how hard can it be...
Love the Fever Dream that is Enko
And the whole dynamic of Bruce's hallucination with Dick.
Jericho is precious and is the best new addition to the show, better than Bruce, better than Connor, than his own dad tbh.
Krypto is the bestest of boys and is the only rival of the best new addition to Jericho.
Garth, Aqualad, y'know what, was enjoyable, good character.
(Also, Amazonians have pretty hard skin, so for a u put there saying how weak it was for Garth to die to a bullet, remember it was a bullet meant for an Amazonian warrior and that Slade wouldn't have shot a bullet that wouldn't pierce a super like that)
Can we have Kaldur come and pay respects? Like, they're practically brothers, I'd say maybe S3 but im not sure I want to watch it.
Rose "The titans are my family" Wilson, shut up, that's not earned, u were closest to Jason and he skipped on them.
Maybe if we had more development between you and Rachel and less OG titans doing the big SAD™, and less of H&D in general, that would've been more believable.
Good on Dick accepting her a second time tho, guy sticks to his guns.
Get on the level, decapitating him would be more permanent, he's got Logan healing beta version. Even a throw away line about his age (problems with his hands throughout if u noticed) getting to him so his heeling won't be as effective would have been better...
Donna Troy. Sigh. Maybe if you weren't written as such a, such a, such a pancake this season I would have cared that you died..
I don't..
But I do care how they killed you off...
I just, I can't believe the writers thought that was a good move.
Have Hank sacrifice himself for Dawn, they can get their weepy moment now and not later distracting from the MAIN CHARACTERS again.
Also, Bruce just doesn't care about Jason huh?? Just gonna ignore him disappearing?
As much as I like Glen I did still feel he was abit old for the role, not quite Bruce Wayne, 15/20 years too old... But he acted the heck out of this more, feelingsy type, guess supes has been doing work on him in the league
Kory should have said Dawn's last line, I mean she's one of the MAIN CHARACTERS, and not a SIDE CHARACTER.
Also, how did we barely get any DickxKory this season???
And Rach just, LEAVING? Without saying goodbye to Garth, or MUMMA STARFIRE????????!!!!
And shut up Garth you never new Donna you have plenty of trauma to be sad about instead. WHICH DOESNT REALLY GET ADRESSED.
Maybe S3? Do I care????
This whole season was a mess. Trigon gone and not being the source of Rachel's alterations in powers is wrong. Because now there's no explanation. Yet. But they swept it under the rug so much that I don't care anymore, either have the risk of her messing up when it matters. Or don't have it at all.
I just. I'm so disappointed. The first season had its flaws but it was good. Didn't appreciate the cliff hanger. Appreciate it more than it being resolved quicker than I can catch a fly in my room though.
It physically pains me how much this season was badly done.
Like, no costumes. At all for some reason. A whole 10/15 mins dealing with a pointless plot point with Hank.
Treat your characters, especially the main ones.
Better. And with consistency.
Im in the UK and have waited months for this.
I can't actually remember when I was so let down after my hopes were so high.
I am so sorry, I don't know how to do a "read more" text post on mobile
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lateasalways · 4 years
(Damn, I had to make a new post because something weird happened to the cut when I edited, it went into the ask itself and isn’t working and I can’t fix it lmao, sorry!) 
Anon asked:
it would be interesting to me if you made a post about the elton books you have read. like how they differ and your opinion on them. ive only read Me but im interested in finding some other reads
Hi!  I’m sorry this took so long, I’ve suddenly been CRAZY busy with work now that there’s proper concerts happening again (and yay for that), but Anon, you have no idea how much I would like to answer that question and I’ve been thinking about it all week lmao, I think it’s super interesting to look at the differences between them. So of course I went amok and wrote way too long so just bare with me.
I’ve read 5 books in full and I’ve listed them in the order in which I read them.
1. Me by Elton John. You’ve all read that so I don’t have to explain it. It was the first one I read and my fav thing about it is how funny it is, and of course it’s very personal and therefore more emotional than some of the others. I absolutely love it and I honestly haven’t read a book that has engaged me so much in yeeeeaars, I would recommend that book to anyone, not only Elton fans.
2. Captain Fantastic by Tom Doyle. This book focuses on the 70s (but also includes his childhood/youth). I thought it was a great supplement  to Me, because many of the same stories are in there, but since the time span is shorter, it’s more detailed, and we get to hear other people’s versions of the events. What I particularly found interesting is the part about Elton breaking through in America. He’s always described it as sheer luck and being at the right place at the right time himself, and I’m sure that’s his experience of it, but that’s not what happened. I find that extremely fascinating. Here we get to hear from his first American label who basically got Empty Sky for free because it had been rejected by many others. Before they got the chance to release it Elton John came out which is obviously a step up production wise and they dropped everything and started pushing that album instead. Everyone at the label thought it was so great they really went all in with the promotion and managed to create a hype even though he was a complete unknown and that’s how he got the Troubadour gig. This book in several ways I think show that Elton is too humble when it comes to his talent, like you don’t get to headline over established and popular artists before the most important people in the industry as an unknown by sheer luck. It happened because the album was so great, the label were convinced he was going to be a star and they went for it. I really liked the book in general. Even though there is no shocking new info there, it shines a different light on several stories from Me which I find very interesting.
3. Sir Elton by Philip Norman. This book is about his life up until 1991 and it’s really long and super detailed, like some impressive work went into this one. (I listened to the audio book on scribd as they had a 30-day free trial because of corona, I don’t know if that’s still an offer but if it is I really recommend it.) It’s  a bit weird because on one side the author managed to detail and capture Elton’s personality SO well (he’s said so himself too) and the way he writes makes some of the stories so vivid it almost felt like watching a movie. I actually found myself getting as emotional as I did reading Me at several points, like I literally shed tears here and there. But then on the other side, there are several things that bothers me a lot about this book. First of all it seems like Norman for some reason think Stanley was a great father and is trying to convince us that Elton is wrong about everything he’s said about him. Like, why? He’s clearly talked a lot with his 2nd wife Edna and her perspective is obviously very different from Elton’s. But some of his points are just really weird like f.x. he says that Elton says his dad didn’t care about him but this is wrong because he actually had a framed photo of him in his room when he was in the RAF. Like….????? How does that prove anything? As long as Elton didn’t know about it, it means fuck all! You don’t get a gold star because you keep a framed photo of your only son wtf? Another example: One Christmas after the divorce Elton didn’t get a present or a card or anything. But this was because they had very little money and their new son was ill. Well that’s sad, but Elton didn’t know that? You could at least have called and explained it or just sent a card to let him know you were thinking of him too? The whole problem is that he didn’t SHOW that he loved him or was proud of him, he can have as many framed photos he likes but that doesn’t matter when you never show any kind of affection. Another example cause I’m on a roll: Edna says Elton in fact enjoyed his visits to them (which he himself has said he hated) she says he used to sit alone and play with their typewriter. That sounds sad AF??? Why are you trying to convince me this is great parenting? I know it was a different time but fuck! One thing I do believe though is that Sheila probably helped along the narrative that Stanley was awful, I think it’s very likely that she has exaggerated or even made up stories about him, but that’s not Elton’s fault. Another downside with the book (imo) is that Norman is apparently the world’s biggest fan of Dick James and there’s just sooo much boring stuff about Dick James there, I’m sorry but when he starts talking about Dick James I recommend you fast forward. The whole point is to set up the court case between him and Elton that happened in the 80s (in which he clearly thinks Dick was in the right) but I’m just not interested in that at all. If you are though, this is the book for you lol. Then there’s the things the author got wrong. First of all, he didn’t know about Elton’s drug use which is quite essential. Although you can easily read between the lines of what the interviewees are saying, so it’s not that distracting. Second, he seems to believe that Elton is actually bisexual which he obviously isn’t (and before I get accused of bi-erasure, he has said so himself time and time again that he’s never been interested in women and his coming out as bi in 76 was a “chicken out”) and it really bothered me cause it reads a bit homophobic to me as he seems to believe Sheila when she said that he “wouldn’t have been gay if it weren’t for show business.” So I’m a bit conflicted about this book. It has more negatives than the others but the good parts are SO SO GOOD. I would be very interested in hearing other people’s opinions about it.
4. Elton John by David Buckley. Another one I listened to on Scribd. This is a quite new one so certain things have come to light which makes it more accurate. It’s another book that didn’t have  a lot of groundbreaking new information, but he’s for some reason the only one who’s talked to Gary Osbourne and he has a lot of interesting things to tell. I think Gary deserves more credit and he was very close to Elton in a very interesting part of his career/life so it’s worth reading for that. This book is also about his whole life but way shorter than Sir Elton so obviously not as detailed, but there’s some fun stuff and new anecdotes in there.
5. Elton, my Elton by Gary Clarke. Gary was Elton’s on/off boyfriend between 1982 and 83 (ish) and obviously knows him in a way these other authors don’t. I was a bit unsure about reading this as I think it’s a bit tasteless to expose someone to that extent (and he goes into some seriously intimate details), but otoh I felt like it was kind of the missing puzzle piece so I bought it in the end (on ebay) and I can’t really say if it actually answered the questions I had or just gave me more. I thought Elton was weird before reading this and it certainly didn’t make me think he’s any less weird. It starts kind of cute, it almost reads like one of those self-insert popstar fanfics at first (not that I’ve ever purposely read any of that but you know, it’s hard to be on tumblr without stumbling upon that stuff now and again) but then it gets really dark. Which is because Elton apparently was clean when they first met but then after some time he started spiraling, so it’s just… it actually made me a bit nauseous tbh and it’s so frustrating too, I genuinely yelled “Elton, no!” out loud at one point lmao. But I have already talked at length about this book, particularly what I found disturbing about it and you can find that post here. If you’re interested in reading this book though, you should be warned there’s some rapey content, (though to be clear, that has nothing to do with Elton) and dubious consent.
So anon, since you’re looking for some further reading, these are all good and interesting books I think. It’s a bit hard to say which one I liked best because obviously, for every book I read there’s less new info. But then all of the books have stories I hadn’t heard before so they’re all worth reading if you’re crazy obsessive like me and wants to know absolutely everything lol. I really enjoyed reading all of them (well enjoy isn’t the right word for Gary’s book but yk.) so I guess you should just consider what sounds more interesting to you and go for that :) If you take away the negatives I think Sir Elton is probably the one I enjoyed the most, while Elton, my Elton is the most revealing. Elton John is more complete while Captain Fantastic is really good if you’re more interested in the 70s and his breakthrough.
Thank you so much for the ask! I hope you found what you were looking for and enjoy some further reading! To anyone else who might be reading this: if you have thoughts on any of these books or things you want to discuss, please, my inbox is open! :D
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shizekarnstein · 4 years
At first I had doubts about posting this bc as a prequel fan I GET how annoying is to have to read and listen as so many ppl at once make fun and nickpick everything about a movie you like but... god was this bad. Like so so bad.
Lets start with the opening credits. I honestly start laughing right there. Palpatine pulls as Moriarty and leaves a threatening message announcing his return and im ????? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN AND WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME INSTEAD OF S H O W I N G AAAAAAH. As soon as I saw that I knew I was in for an unconfortable ride.
I'll try to make this short.
Things I liked: aka the Good.
For the first time in years C3PO was actually funny? He made me laugh fulltime.
The new droid. Protect it pls.
Reys training montage.
Hans cameo. Especially his I know.
Luke and Leias flashback even if kind of contradicts everything about ST Leia but more on that later.
Force ghost Luke.
Oh god I can't think of anything else????
Lando and his like three lines.
Oh I supposed all the people arriving to end the new sith fleet or whatever was cool if kind of unrelevant. Yes disney we know it's up to us regular people teaming up to put a stop to tyrannical regimes but the OT already told that. And better.
Palpatine's evil bitch energy. On that note I also liked Hux petty and dramatic energy.
The seeds for Kylos conflict were there more or less for the wholr three movies so AT LEAST that arc felt somewhat logical. Even if the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
At least the final shot was pretty??????
Oooh and Chewie's medal.
Things I didn't like: aka the Bad.
Lack of any semblance of glue connecting the story as a whole. For me at least it felt like a lot (and I mean a lot) of disconected threads and plot points one after each other.
John is a phenomenal actor but omg the "trio scenes" are horrible. I tried but I couldnt feel a single thing watching them. Their lines also felt so empty to me. In general I didn't connect with any of tje dialogue.
Finns arc is?????? Horrible.
Same as Poes (even is Oscar is like extra sexy this time around). Please stop trying to make him the new Han Solo.
Rose. Like cmon she deserved a better role.
The whole lets erase 3pos memory arc.
Rey can use force lighting.
Honestly I hated all the storylines.
Rey and Kylos fight in the watery version of Mustafar.
Palpatine is... just there. No explanation whatsoever.
His weird ass ritual like sooo unnecesary pls.
The force reviving people just bc rip Anakin.
It's not as if they didn't have the budget to make all the forces ghosts they wanted so WHY ONLY VOICEOVERS IM SO MAD.
The exegol plot was just such a mess. And boring. This is one of my major problems with the movie: I had never been so bored watching sw in my entire life. I almost fell asleep multiple times. Why.
LEIA BEING A JEDI CONTRADICTS LIKE EVERYTHING OF THE PREVIOUS MOVIES LIKE. AND HER REASONS FOR QUITTING IM. It was all in vain. Also omg they should have killed Leia in TLJ and be done with that bc her scenes in ROS are so so messy.
How they rushed Kylos redemption like. Well you healed me and my mother died and after interacting with this hallucination of my father (whom I killed btw just bc for the evil lols) I guess I don't want to opress the galaxy anymore.
Rey returning to Tatooine to bury the lightsabers pls.
Also wtf is that narrative: we, the palpatines, love our daughter very much. So we are going to sell and abandon her. For her own good.
Also ew Palpatine had a biological son. Who apparently wasn't as important as his granddaughter or something.
And now the Funny:
C3PO is the MVP. srsly he was the only character I liked in the whole movie. What a legend.
Kylos new mask with red veins like omg I was laughing so hard
When they ran out of Carrie Fisher footage and compensated by throwing some pillows under a blanket and tried to make me feel something for "leias body".
The mustafar watery edition.
Rey being so angry all the fucking time.
Finn in general was a joke. Sorry finn fans.
The dialogue was so forced I coped by laughing all the time.
Palpatines evil lair.
The tiny alien whose name I forgot.
Chewies resurrection.
The final showdown.
Guys I can't wrapped my head around the fact PALPATINE FUCKED.
When Ben dies and zaz his and leias bodies dissapear I laughed so hard the guy who was sitting at my right (who btw fell asleep in the middle of the movie 😂) startled.
So as you can see... i had to use humour as a coping mechanism to even endure this movie. They truly ruined Anakin and Luke so I guess the ot and pt are a waste of time. Anakin didn't destroy palpatine. Leia and the rest couldnt do shit to at least preserve the so hard won peace. Also rip padme im sorry the secret spell to revive the dead was invented like 50 years later.
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
15.01 Back And To The Future rewatch notes
Note to anyone reading: I’ve already written a mishmosh of other posts addressing stuff in this episode, so this post is not a comprehensive list of every important or interesting thing in 15.01. This post is “things I haven’t otherwise talked about elsewhere yet” or “things I’ve been meaning to talk about in more detail but haven’t yet,” or “things I’d otherwise be compelled to write into the transcript doc in the other tab and really really shouldn’t.” Because that’s actually the purpose of this particular rewatch-- writing up the transcript. Which is happening in the other tab. :P
(i’m gonna go post the transcript now, so it should be up as soon as I get all the html un-screw-ified... >.>)
That said, let’s gooooo!
well, under a cut because long-ish >.>
I already talked about the song choice, and the fact it was the opening montage music in 9.10 (rip Lamp-- yes, this song has forever been the imaginary background music to Lamp/Other Lamp, sorry, the brain wants what the brain wants). It also reminded me of 11.04, the Night Moves scene, combined with Dean’s joke about how Piper brushed Sam off without giving him her number, and Dean replied “We got tonight, who needs tomorrow,”  where Sam asks Dean if everything is a Bob Seger song to him. Because, heh, here have another Bob Seger song summing up the end of the road here.
But I love how the lyrics MATCH UP with the action in this opening scene.
♪It's been a long time since you smiled♪ [zombies circle around TFW cutting off their chance of escape] Chuck: Story's over. Welcome to the End. [Cas kneels over Jack's body] ♪Seems like oh, so long ago♪ --NOW-- [in the graveyard, the scene picks up where 14.20 left off, and the music continues uninterrupted from the Road So Far montage. TFW battle a zombie horde, as we zoom out from Jack's burned out eyes and the fighting rages on] ♪And now the stage has all been set♪ ♪And the nights are growing cold♪ ♪Soon the winter will be here♪ ♪And there's no one warm to hold♪ ♪Now the lines have all been read♪ Cas: Sam! Dean! ♪And you knew them all by heart♪ ♪Now you move toward the door♪ [Cas picks up Jack's body and runs, leading the way out of the zombie fight. Sam and Dean follow, dodging monsters and graves] ♪Here it comes the hardest part♪ ♪Try the handle of the road♪ Sam [spotting potential refuge]: Dean, this way! ♪Feeling different, feeling strange♪ ♪This can never be arranged♪ ♪From the famous final scene♪
Then there’s the DRAMATIC ZOOM in on Dean that literally cuts Cas out of the shot as Dean reacts to his line that “Well, I wouldn’t starve.” Like that was the moment Dean began to literally shut Cas out, because he feels that line was Cas shutting HIM out. So instead of trying to deal with any of that because ZOMBIES TRYING TO BREAK DOWN THE DOOR is a more immediate concern, he turns his back and goes on his little tirade about Chuck. Like he was reliving that moment he got to smash Chuck’s guitar and wishes he could do it again.
And then we meet Belphegor, who already has a rather hopping tag on my blog, so I’m gonna… just move on a bit from here…
I am in pain over this callback to Bloody Mary, with the teenage girls who seem far younger than the girls from the original. These girls are far more innocent. They didn’t call up bloody Mary, they have no guilt of having killed anyone on their souls. Bloody Mary just… showed up. And tortured and killed them.
But this parallel was twisted. In the original, the girls’ father apparently gave their mother an overdose of sleeping pills that led to her death. in the new version, one of the girls’ parents just got divorced and was compensating by going on a shopping spree and buying everything her daughter wanted. These girls were laughing, loving what that divorce brought them.
It’s sort of a more cheerful parallel to Dean and Cas’s fracturing relationship over their dead son’s body…Well, more cheerful until Bloody Mary kills them, anyway.
Sam learns there’s no sudden worldwide zombie outbreak, so the incident seems localized to that one graveyard.
And at this point I started a THIRD thing I’m working on at the same time, because two was apparently not enough. I think I’m gonna copy/paste that stuff here, instead. It’s about the Three Ghosts of this episode-- each parallelled directly to one of TFW. Bloody Mary was one, and in this episode she was Cas’s parallel. It’s her victims Cas will find-- two little girls who never deserved the fate Bloody Mary dished out to them. But Mary Worthington had been murdered herself, and her killer never caught. So she originally killed people who kept secrets about others’ deaths as a form of revenge against her own killer. In trying to protect others, she became a killer herself. And heck if that’s not painfully Cas… or something he feels he’s painfully failed to do, to protect the Winchesters from having to do horrific things. And he DID sell his own potential future happiness in exchange for Jack’s life, only to have just watched Jack die horrifically. His sacrifice, again, has amounted to nothing.
In this episode, she follows Cas from the house, through mirrors, and reappears in a dark pond to grab at the mother and child Sam had already saved from John Wayne Gacy (yeah, I’ll type that one up next, but let’s finish this first...). So there’s a being now watching Cas from the depths of a dark pool, waiting to reach up and grab him when he finally feels safe. Sounds like… the Shadow.
So on to Sam vs Clowns. Sam’s direct parallel is the ghost of John Wayne Gacy, in clown costume, that he formerly burned in 14.13. In an episode where he was about to come face to face with his own past in the form of John Winchester suddenly appearing in the bunker, torn from the past. It’s an episode where Sam and Dean find peace with who they’ve become, and lay a ghost of their past to rest.
With the Equalizer wound humming along, affecting Sam in mysterious ways we’ve only begun to glimpse, and Sam’s brief flash of himself with black eyes apparently hurting Dean, it’s hard NOT to think of the parallel that Clowns have always held for Sam-- Lucifer. Heck I’ve written about that recently, or at least it feels like I have… but at the end of this episode, Sam stops and looks Gacy in the face and tells him to shut up. Which is something Sam has ALSO said to Lucifer (or at least a hallucination of Lucifer). The infamous “HE SAID SHUT UP TO ME!” of Hallucifer in 7.15, which ended Sam’s ability to shut out the hallucination by squeezing the cut on his hand.
Now on to Dean’s parallel ghost: Constance Welch, aka the Woman in White from 1.01. A woman who was the first ghost of the entire series, who Sam literally drove into her house to “take her home,” where she had to face what she’d done to her own children. She’d killed her own children in a moment of grief after her husband cheated on her, and then killed herself.
Dean had been moments from killing Jack in 14.20, in a moment of grief, but didn’t. Yet he’s now having some serious issues with Cas throughout this episode and by the end, they’re “frosty.”
Belphegor, with Dean, looks for a human heart to use in their spell, and stumble across one of Constance’s victims. Belphegor rips out his heart and holds it up to Dean, when Constance appears. She recognizes Dean from 1.01, who made her go home, and attacks him. Then tries to attack Belphegor, and actually injures his hand.
But this is the ghost Dean is paired with. He drives her off, and Belphegor does the spell to contain the ghosts by putting the heart in a pile of salt.
Okay, now where was I in these notes… right… Town, where Sam and Dean play FBI, trying to stop a benzene pipeline leak. And wow, what a weird story, right? Sheriff was confused, but helped evacuate the townspeople to safety.
I think it’s interesting that this was intended to be another stopgap measure, like putting Jack in the box in 14.19, because they know this spell won’t hold forever, and they know they have no other reasonable way to fix the problem. But they can try to buy some time, and hope they’ll come up with a better solution before things go sideways.
Dean asks Cas to help Belphegor do the spell thing, but Cas refuses, and goes to work with Sam instead, leaving Dean to deal with the demon possessing Jack. Which leads to all sorts of interesting conversations between them… I think I’ve written and/or reblogged enough posts on the queer subtext… er… text even… of these scenes to just point out here that it exists, and is heavy.
Meanwhile Cas and Sam go house to house looking for people they need to evacuate, and encounter the above ^^ ghosts.
So Dean’s stuck with the demon fanboy who admires what Dean did in Hell, and Dean seems pretty uncomfortable about this, but it’s not like he has a choice, you know? Who else is gonna do this? Cas couldn’t, Sam’s already on the other gig, and that leaves Dean. So… instead of denying what he’d done, he brushed it off as “a long time ago.” And then actually asked what the situation in Hell was like. The answer Belphegor gave is… interesting.
Belphegor: You ever seen an ant hill when it's, like, set on fire? [lol no, according to Dean’s wtf face] Okay, well, there we were, minding our own business, you know, flaying people for eternity, like you do, right? And then every door in Hell just sprang open all at once. You know? Souls got out. Sky cracked. And, uh, boom, ta-da, you know?
So all the gates are open, including the Cage, but Michael’s apparently still just sitting there. Which is worrisome. But my question is, if all the gates are open, yet the entire planet isn’t flooding with demons and souls, ONLY through the direct portal into that graveyard, how can what Belphegor said be true? At least, theoretically… But that’s a question for another day, when we have more canon to understand.
So… Dean has to face Constance, who flings him into a dumpster. Which makes me lol think about 1.01 and Dean flinging himself off a bridge to get away from her, and ended up covered in mud.
Cas’s “It’s one ghost,” *two more ghosts appear* “It’s three.” reminded me of “I got this,” “I don’t got this.”
Sam accidentally shooting Cas because the ghost got between the two of them horrifyingly reminds me of 12.17 and Eileen accidentally shooting Mr. Top of his Class at Kendricks when Dagon deliberately came between the two of them. At least Cas is salt-proof, you know?
Belphegor calling out Bad Ghost! kinda reminds me of Dean’s “Here ghostie ghostie ghostie” from 4.13. But REALLY. A demon, who tortures souls for fun and profit, yet can’t do anything more than weakly scold a ghost like a misbehaving puppy? INTERESTING. Because it’s Dean that has to whack her with a metal rod, while Belphegor ends up with deep gouges in his hand that are clearly causing him pain.
Dean hurls the name Casper at Constance before he whacks her, which is also a callback to 1.01. It was Sam who called him out for shooting at her with regular bullets: “What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?” Lol that he remembered that.
Sam pulled a “I’ll hold them off, I’ll hold them all off” hopeless move when he sent Cas away, like Cas once did in 4.22 when he sent Dean away to stop Sam… but Sam actually got out in one piece, even though his gun was empty.
Sam picks up the little girl and runs as fast as he can and only looks back once he’s outside and safe. Like “take your brother outside as fast as you can and don’t look back”
I already wrote about the callback of Dean distracting Sam from tending to his wound with the cut-off joke, reminding me of the scene in 4.09 of Sam doing something similar while fixing Dean’s dislocated shoulder.
And then we have the realization that they’ve never really had free will, just limited choices because of the circumstances Chuck put them in. Sam is unrealistically optimistic that it means that Chuck’s actually gone, now. But that’s the hope he’s holding on to in order to get through this horror.
So this… is what they’re setting up as the guidemap to the series finale. Specifically, Sam and Dean must finally earn their way free. The ghostpocalypse is just step one, and not the true end. There’s still Heaven and Hell to deal with (though Heaven is mostly empty of angels and Hell seems to be actively crumbling now). And Michael, whenever he gets around to walking out of the cage. I’m sure that will go great! Unhinged archangel on the loose! But those are all minor distractions compared with Chuck, because he hasn’t really gone anywhere.
And we still don’t know what Actual Jack, Billie, and the Shadow are up to in the Empty, in their secret meeting in a realm that Chuck has no power. And what about Amara? How does she feel about this now that she’s grown fond of creation? I think there’s a much bigger game afoot than just a ghostpocalypse.
Meanwhile, Sam’s quote here is still setting up the final scene of the series: When we win this, God's gone. Hm. There's no one to screw with us. There's no more maze. It's just us. And we're free.
That’s the goal.
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azoreaneve · 4 years
The fucking Epilogues, tales of dubious coherence
I’ve ranted about The Epilogues in general but I figured it would be ideal to make a rant just for the characters because ooo boy this is the biggest reason most of us end up disliking these fanfictions.
   🍬&🍖 John: honestly actually came out okay. Him becoming depressed made sense and serves as a reason why he’s not reaching out to everyone nowhere near as much as he did. Was okay and I liked him.
  🍬Jade: oh god, why did she suddenly become such a bitch?? (no pun intended) They blame it on the doggie hormones but, ugh, that still does not excuse how she suddenly becomes blind to Dave and KK’s discomfort! I find it easier to imagine she was pretending to be blind, no one is that stupid, not to the point of marriage and discussing kids. Even grimbark Jade was nicer! Also she doesn’t have a tail in the canon and yet here she does??
   🍖Jade: well she's gone for the most part, if that's how you avoid the 🍬 bs then so be it...
   Rose: while she’s sick she still seems like our Rose. Afterwards, in 🍬 she just becomes this distant figure and we don’t hear that much about her? It’s the ghost of Rose: someone who now only cares about her marriage I guess. And in 🍖 it's just, such a fucking pain to read her sections, and it's not even mostly because of her but, ugh!
 Dave: he literally went back into the closet??? I’m pretty sure by the end of the canon he had accepted he was gay/bi now but I guess that was thrown out the window. He also has a huge obsession with Obama that I don’t recall being a thing before? On 🍬 he can’t stand up for himself when it comes to the Jade situation and just has a pseudo-shit life, haunted by the “what could have been”s. Then at the end, on a sequence that completely came out of left field, he legit meets Obama, confesses to being gay to him, and is made to ascent to his Ultimate Self when there were no prior signs of that ever becoming a thing (no sickness, no mention of being aware of his other versions, very wtf). In 🍖 they do show these signs and DaveKat becomes this kinda weird thing that exists. Idk but this Dave didn't concern me that much. I was probably getting a bit too jaded at that point, after dealing with all the 🍬 nonsense.
   Jane: I don't really see her wanting to become this bitchy bossy corporate bitch as she grows up but I wouldn't mark it as impossible. I can even shrug at her wanting to regulate troll reproduction but raping Jake and then dragging him into an abusive household in 🍬?? Enstating some dystopian corporate fascism, pretty much following the steps of the Condesce?? HAVING SEX WITH GAMZEE??? And even keeping him at home like he’s part of the family now and giving him (her?) milk?? That whole plotline was more intense than most darkfics I’ve read, holy shit. Jane had already gotten the shaft in canon with a bunch of her plot points going nowhere, like her planet quest, or her whole detective thing getting ditched, and she spent a lot of time being possessed by a computer so in the end was not surprised to see her get the shaft again. We see much less of her in 🍖 but she's like the same character there.
   🍬&🍖Jake: he started becoming a punching bag at the end of canon and grew up to become Jane and/or Dirk’s punching bag, wow. I’m greatly distraught at how much his almighty ass is talked about, and yet we see NONE of it! NADA! Would have also liked to see Brain Ghost Dirk make an appearance. No way Jake was dealing with all his shit without occasionally meeting him.
   🍬Roxy: whatever happened here, that was not fucking Roxy wtf, that was an empty ghost of a person who, at the very end when she reconciles with John, started sounding like Roxy again. What an absolute shame.
   🍖Roxy: they are kinda okay at first, when with Callie, but then they become a he and he reminds me a lot of Tumblr transtrender groups because he's just kinda mimicking Dave, like Roxy's got no personality of his own. I want to believe he just didn't find himself properly yet. This is far from the canon Roxy, especially when he says all that shit about societal gender expectations? Like, bitch, the chesspeople weren't judging the way you dressed and acted wtf.
   🍬&🍖Dirk: more Dirk splinters should practice their 3rd favourite hobby of decapitation. It was fun to have him take over the narrative at first in Meat but he just spiralled down into a huge douche, sometimes straight up sounding like Caliborn. Don’t you miss when Dirk was just a lost kid wanting to become a better person? Don't you miss it when he wasn't such a massively insufferable pretentious cunt?
   🍬Kanaya: Kanaya definitively exists. She feels like she was washed off of some of her charm. Otherwise not much to say, we also don’t go into much detail on her.
   🍖Kanaya: she was turned into an annoying worried wife. Wow. And then gets tricked just like that. Hey remember when Kanaya's personality didn't revolve around her wife? I miss that.
   🍬&🍖Beep-beep-meow: he's annoyingly more PC (not the only one but since it was Karkat, known for shouting rude shit at everyone, he was the more grating case). Overall they don't do much with him and he just loses a but of his shine in both cases.
   🍬&🍖Terezi: she got the bad ending, what else is there to say? I did like her tho. She's still not taking much shit, not even from the prince.
   🍬Gamzee: oh you mean the clown that haunted the fuck out of 🍬 and made some of it both hilarious and extremelly disgusting? Yeah that was someone wearing the skin of Gamzee for sure.
   🍬Vriska: I'm just so fucking tired of Vriska. I get that people love her but I couldn't care less about her. At least she's making comedy now in HS^2 instead of being just a bitch.
   🍬Aradia: eh she's fine and having fun.
   🍬Sollux: ffs why did they have to bring the worse and more useless pre-retcon Sollux. I fucking love Sollux and want to see the version of him that isn't always brooding and can't do shit. I want the post-retcon Sollux who's a cool guy half the time. And then at the end he gets abandoned because honestly? Maybe that's what pre-retcon Sollux fucking deserves.
   🍬&🍖 Calliope: I hope you enjoyed seeing like 0.5s of alpha Callie before they hide away forever because of scary Callie, who becomes hella annoying in 🍖.
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