#xmen jubilee
battery4ever · 7 months
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is this anything
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primal-slayer · 5 months
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X-Men end credits then vs. now (Rogue and Wolverine credits are never seen in 97)
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domi-ramon-17 · 5 months
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Jubilee happy to see morph in xmen 97 prequel comic :)
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stinkrat-aleks · 1 month
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soccer dad divorce AU (Erik is upset he saw Charles at the competition weekend and he’s calling his best friend to whine about it)
bonus doodles:
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swedenis-h · 7 months
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X-girlies… and men 😒
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thatonedogart · 2 months
~ Real country boy behavior ~
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Middle of the night it came like a vision and I had to see it through
This took me a lot longer than I thought it would so I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do
(There’s a joke here somewhere about saving horses but we know this man would kill a mechanical bull challenge)
Bonus doodle!
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stormandforge · 5 months
Walking into Monday be like
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evil-swedenish · 7 months
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Xmen 97 girlies bc I love the art style sm
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erjbruh · 2 months
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MORE XMEN!!!!!!!!!
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X-Men HCS Pt.2
This is with X-Men ‘97 in mind!
(Hurricane Helen Knocked out my power for a week edition! 😜)
Logan gets just straight black, coffee, the strongest the shop has.
Jubilee gets the sweetest, most diabetes inducing, would kill a Victorian man, coffee to ever exist.
She also is disgusted by Logan’s coffee, she took a sip once and hated it so much she gagged.
Also, Ororo hates coffee and is 100% a tea person.
Kurt cannot and will not sit normally. He has fallen out of chairs multiple times due to “sitting” in too weird positions.
Logan is a cat person. I will not explain.
After moving to the X-Mansion, Rogue saw snow for the first time there (It’s in NY, if I remember correctly?) and literally sat at the window staring in awe at it since it literally NEVER snows in the South
Gambit also was in a bit of awe, but not as much as Rogue.
He put a rock in a snowball and left it somewhere.
Jean doesn’t even need to use her telepathy, she just always knows when someone is planning to do something they know they shouldn’t so she just stares at them like “😐” .
Scott refuses to buy anything made from real leather or fur, only faux.
Beast gets hot very easily due to his fur, cause of this it’s like 60°F in the lab.
^^ Kurt is also in the same boat but less so. He HATES summer.
Beast and Kurt both hate summer because it’s hot and makes them sweat so their fur/fuzz gets all wet and makes them look like a porcupine-cat.
Charles leaves food & water out for the local stray cats and dogs. He also has like 8 bird feeders around the property (Birds.)
Ororo loves this (^^) and will sometimes sit on a bench and watch the birds. Birds have landed on her due to how still she goes sometimes.
Gambit never learned how to ride a bike without training wheels, just out of spite.
Beast hates alcohol.
Jean tans the best and easiest out of everyone, in the summer she has the nicest natural tan and it’s both impressive and irritating.
Logan grunts and growls obvs, but also lets out these weird kinda purrs? It sounds like if a cat smoked a pack a day for years, it’s a raspy quiet purr.
Rogue has a scar on her knee from some accident when she was kid (She changes her story every time, intentionally.)
Magneto, despite his mutation involving metal, is actually really good at wood-working.
Scott cannot fall asleep without some kind of white noise. HEAVY rain sounds is his fav.
Kurt is dyslexic.
Jean absolutely loves fall and all the “basic girl” things about it. Pumpkin spice, sweaters, etc (BTW THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT AND ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE IS JUST A JERK WHO HATES FUN.)
Gambit would own a pair of Ugg’s.
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batterysoup · 16 days
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Xmen has invaded me and taken over my 3 braincells. This fandom is so fun, and I'm having such a great time learning more about these characters and there stories!
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hydravns · 7 months
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daftdrac · 27 days
X-Men Evolution is cool and all (VERY cool I love evolution) but I want an x men au where they're ALL kids. Young (er) Charles Xavier (like in his 20s - early 30s cause I will never be able to imagine child Charles) trying to manage his own powers while also being essentially a single father to Uncontrollable Laser Beams Kid, Actual Just Feral Animal Kid, Kid Who Keeps Accidentally Telekinetically Trashing Her Room When She Gets Overwhelmed By Other Peoples Thoughts, Kid Who Keeps Falling Through The Floor When She's Frightened, Fuzzy Catholic Demon Kid, Explosions Kid, Kid With Multiple Personality Disorder As Their Entire Power, Other Explosions Kid, Kid Who Keeps Flooding The Fucking Mansion Because He Forgets How Ice Works Even Though Its His Entire Power, and Kid Who Keeps Accidentally Making It Rain In The House When She's Upset.
In this scenario all of them are 8th-10th grade I imagine. (Anyone I don't mention i either don't know or don't like 😭)
8th: Bobby, Jubilee, honestly probably just them
9th: Kurt, Kitty, Rogue, Tabitha
10th: Jean, Scott, maybe Logan
And special 11th grade for mostly just Logan and Storm because they will always feel older than everyone else. They're always the elders
In this situation Logan either wouldn't have ever been 'Weapon X' yet, or he was made into Weapon X as a child (at, like, Laura/X-23's age) and saved by Charles. He would be regular highschool age, so like 16/17. Not 200 something ❤️‍🩹
I imagine everyone would have less of a grasp on their powers than in Evolution. Including Charles. Everyone is just a little more clueless about mutants in general. Maybe make it modern too cause ❤️‍🩹 I can't write early 2000s for shit ❤️‍🩹
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domi-ramon-17 · 5 months
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ateturning · 1 month
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guys she didn't mean it guys please
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jazzajazzjazz · 6 months
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✨Have a Jubilee!✨
If you’d like to support a struggling artist commissions are always open (unless otherwise stated) and a link to my Kofi is in my pinned post. ♥
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