#xoxo rosemary
laurapetrie · 1 year
But kiss me now—love me now.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night (1934)
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rosesandmary · 2 years
hey guys friendly reminder dont send asks trying to reconvert me it will Not Work 👍
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albanianpsycho · 10 months
Hair care routine ‧₊˚✩彡
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Use hair oil a few hours before you shower for growth and thickness → rosemary oil to nourish and strengthen the hair & castor oil for hair growth
Use heat protection spray/oil BEFORE blow drying to prevent breakage and split ends
Blow dry your hair - air drying can lead to your hair getting greasy faster
Hair oil / leave in conditioner - it gives you shiny hair and helps if your hair is frizzy after blow drying
Additional Tips:
If your hair gets frizzy after brushing it, use a wide tooth comb instead of a hairbrush
Sleep on a silk pillowcase and put your hair in braids or a silk bonnet
xoxo, zana ୨୧
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aezuria · 6 months
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everybody talks! two lovers entwined, pass me by
two boys (one to kiss your neck and one to bring you breakfast) xoxo, gossip girl! keep your head still, i’ll be your thrill thief! you stole my heart! turn that frown upside down!
always an angel, never a god. golden boy can i be your golden girl? light of my life, where are you? fall with grace.
two boys (one to kiss your neck and one to bring you breakfast) he's an all american boy! he don't bite! (yes he do!) xoxo, gossip girl!
love grows (where my rosemary goes) xoxo, gossip girl!
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lottiette · 6 months
YESSS THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE BILLY FICS. i love these oh my god. is it possible to ask (no rush!) for a billy x reader where a villain comes along (or something dramatic) and billy gets all serious, which scares his family bc he’s the one who’s “slow”? and the reader is like injured or something? (this prob made no sense but however you wanna write it will be perfect!) xoxo
Billy Thunderman X Reader
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Authors note: Hi Anon! I think I get what you mean. Thank you for requesting. I really appreciate all the support. It makes me so happy to see recieve and give back the love. I wrote this. I hope it’s up to your standard and you enjoy it! Happy reading!
Summery: You get kidnapped and Billy proves to his family that he is not just an “idiot”
Warnings: Violence, profanity, kidnapping (if there’s any more let me know)
*‘Words/sentences written like this are internal monologues’*
Genre: action?
Word count: 3347
“When you love something, you protect it”
You had just gotten to school. You were at your locker putting your bag away when you get a strange feeling like you’re being watched. Closely. Very, very closely. Goosebumps grow on your skin and the air seems chilled. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up as your heart rate rises, but you don’t have much time to think about it. When you turn your head to check your surroundings all you see is your golden boy Billy. You immediately feel relieved when you see your beloved boyfriend. “Good morning Sunshine!” He beams at you. “Good morning love…” you smile at him still a bit wary. “You ready for class?” He asks. “Yeah…” you respond hesitantly as you look over your shoulder, checking your surroundings. Billy grabs your hand and pulls you off to class.
You were with Billy in class. Y'all had free time after finishing all your work, so you were talking and enjoying each other’s company. When suddenly, the feeling comes back. You’ve had it all day, but the chill comes back almost as whispers telling you to watch out. You check your surroundings to be met with a males face that wasn’t your boyfriends. He has black hair and menacing eyes filled with a gloss of covered innocence to fill a facade. You’re wary but your boyfriend is smiling at the male. He’s so sweet he thinks everyone can be a friend, so you swallow your worries as the unknown male speaks to you completely ignoring Billy. “Hey beautiful~” he says to you in a Cheeto covered in syrup attempt at a sexy voice. You look around. Your upper lip pulling to your cheeks and your nose scrunching. “Me?” You asked with your eye brows raised. “Obviously you. You’re the only beauty I see.” You silently gag to your self and murmur an “eww” “What was that?” He asked not hearing your murmur. “New! I said new! Are you new? I haven’t seen you around before.” Billy silently watches the interaction. “Yeah I started a few days ago.” You nod. “I’m Roman. And I want to take you out.” His statement catches Billy’s attention. He’s paying much more attention now. “What?” You ask your face contorted back to the disgust look. ”Go out with me beautiful? Tonight. 6 o’clock. Rosemary’s.” Billy’s face deepens with almost a look of panic. You stand up slamming your hands on the desk getting in Roman’s face. “I’m literally with my fucking boyfriend can’t you tell!” “Yeah! She’s literally with me.” Billy states crossing his arms. Roman throws his hands up and takes a few steps back. “Woah~ feisty aren’t you beautiful?” He puts his hand on your chin and you pull away in protest. Roman reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small piece of paper handing it to you. “Call me. I’ll take you out somewhere nice tonight.” “Fuck off.” You state bluntly. You look at the card and scoff. It had his name and number written on it. The “R” was contorted in two loops with the “O”. You don’t give it a second thought throwing it into the trash. Billy’s eyes follow the card, deep in thought. When you sit back down at your desk Billy looks up at you with his puppy eyes, “You’re not going right?” “What?” You look at him dumbfounded. “You’re not leaving me right?” You repulse for a moment offended he would even think you would go with Ramen, Ramon, what ever his name was. “Absolutely not! That guy was a jerk.” “Okay…you promise?” You look at him lovingly and reassure him. “I promise.” You wrap your pinky around his and give it a light kiss “Hey! How about you and me go out tonight? Ice cream? 6 o’clock? My treat?” He perks up at your proposal. “Absolutely! I love ice cream…and I love you.” “I love you more.” “Impossible.” You kiss his cheek and he pulls you into him.
After school you go home, finish up some homework, then get ready for your date. You are walking through town towards the ice cream shop, “Cream on Me”. The street was eerily empty. As you’re walking you stop for moment staring at a fancy building, “Rosemary’s” the sign read. You got a flash back to that Roman guy from earlier and that strange feeling came back. You ignore it and quickly walk away pulling out your phone to call Billy to feel a bit safer and let him know you’re on your way. Before you can hit his contact you hear a strange noise in an alley you were right by then a whistle from behind you. There was rattling coming from in the alley. “Fuck that!” You scream as you run away. You weren’t stupid enough to investigate like every white person in horror movies. You weren’t going to be the next Dora the explorer wanna be dead on the news. You were running as fast as you could not looking back. When all of a sudden someone grabs you from behind covering your mouth. Your eyes widen and you bite the gloved hand and horse kicked them in the leg. They let go of you in pain giving you an escape. You would’ve screamed but no one was around to hear you anyways, so why would you waste your breath? You think you’re getting away when you’re hit in the back. You’re not sure what you were hit with, but your vision slowly fades away and you feel yourself fall…
It was 6:30pm. Billy had been waiting half an hour for you to show but you hadn’t yet. For a moment he gets discouraged thinking that you had gone to meet with Roman instead, but he quickly scratches that thought from his mind. *‘No Billy. She pinky promised that she wouldn’t leave you or go see him.’* He tries to call you but you don’t answer. He sighs hanging his head when he notices one of the TVs in a store by him. He approaches it. There’s a news lady sitting at her news desk talking about an escaped villain from confinement in Metroburg. “A highly dangerous villain has escaped from the Metroburg prison a few days ago. Police have no idea where he could be. We warn all citizens of surrounding areas to stay inside and contact authorities with any information. These are the last traces of the villain named Solgun. If you see these signs anywhere get to safety and contact the authorities.” A picture of a masked villain was posted on the screen with a picture of a writing he left in his cell. It read, “No cell is strong enough to contain me.” Signed Solgun, with the “S” contorted in two loops with the “O”. *‘Huh? Wait, I think I’ve seen that before. Come on Billy think. Think Billy. You know this.’* Billy’s eyes widen as something snaps in his mind. He super speeds off back home where he sees his family waiting for him.
“Billy! Good. You’re here. The T force is needed.” Phoebe stated as everyone was already in their super suits ready to go. “What’s going on?” He asked concerned. “Solgun is escaped. He is one of the most dangerous villains I’ve ever fought.” Hank warns everyone letting them know that they have no idea what they’re about to go up against. “I looked through security cameras from all over and he’s on top of the old “MavoTech” building in Metroburg.” Billy super speeds and puts his super suit on. “Everyone ready?” Barb asks. They all nod and head out.
You regain consciousness and find yourself on what seems to be the top of building with your hands tied behind your back. You see a figure standing on the edge of the building in the dirtiest cloak you have ever seen but you don’t mention it. “Hey, man…we all get bad thoughts sometimes, but that doesn’t mean you have to jump.” You say sympathetically towards the figure. He turns around to meet your eyes. “What? I’m not jumping. I’m looking over a city that will soon be mine!” He raises his hands in a maniacal way cackling. You make an ick face. “Ew. Your laugh is ugly.” He snarls at you stomping over to you he grabs you by the back of your hair. He’s about to say something when he gets a good whiff of you. “Oh~ you smell delightful. How do you get to smell like that?” “It’s called de-o-dor-ant. Though I’m sure you’ve never heard of that. And it shows.” He grunts letting go of your head practically throwing your head back. “Why am I here?” “Because I want you to be.” “Why? Do you think I’m cute?” You smirk. “Oh~ Very much beautiful~” You gag for a moment when you realize something. “Wait- I know that disgusting cheese grating dying cat voice.” You audibly gasp, “RAMEN!” He turns to you in anger. “ROMAN! Get it right.” “WOW….” “What?” “You’re that jealous?” “SHUT UP!” “DON’T TELL ME TO SHUT UP!” “ILL SHUT YOU UP WHENEVER I WANT TO SHUT YOU UP!” “TRY ME BITCH!” You stand up and put your fists out ready to rumble. “Wha- how’d you get out of your restraints?!” “Huh? Oh the rope? Boy! You literally did I singular tie and you thought that would do something?” He groans. “UGH! I hate you.” He says flatly. “HEY! It’s not my fault you look like if Chester Cheeto and Captain Crunch had a mutant child and dropped a toaster in its bath water!” “UGH! Oh! Look, it’s play time.”…
The Thundermans arrive to the old “MavoTech” building and see Solgun at the very top. “Kids this is a very dangerous villain, I don’t know if we can let you fight this one.” Hank, says earnestly. “What Dad? What are you talking about? We’ve fought so many battles with dangerous villains.” Phoebe protests “Never one like this.” Hank adds. “He’s right. Solgun is not a man to play with. He’s strong, and manipulative, he has power never seen before. It’s far too much for you all.” Barb adds regrettably. “Well I’m going.” Billy adds with perseverance in his voice. “What? No. Billy you can’t go.” “He has ‘Reader’ up there!” “What!? How’d he get them?!” Barb asks frantically. “That’s not important now. I’ll get them.” “I thought you said it was too dangerous.” Nora added. “It is.” “I’m going.” Billy is not backing down. “No! Billy we’ll handle this! To beat him you need to think and be very strategical!” Barb says trying to be careful with her wording. “We can’t mess anything up. You have to be two steps ahead and ready to think on your feet.” Hank adds. “So you think I can’t-“ “BILLY! You’re just not cut out for this one!” They all fall silent. “Hank…” Barb says apologetically, not knowing what to say. “Well I-“ Billy begins to speak but is cut off when his thunder sense goes off making his eyes royal blue with yellow bolts. (If you don’t know what thunder sense is, it’s basically like a sixth sense that allows them to know when some is or is about to be in trouble)
Solgun chuckles, “Well it looks like your hero's are loitering around.” You don’t say anything. Solgun grips your chin. You punch him in the face causing his mask to come off. He throws you to the other side of the roof top causing you to hit the brick hard. He scrambles to get it and put it back on. He stomps back over to you. Grabbing you by the throat and carrying you over to the ledge.
Billy is about to super speed off when Hank grabs his arm stopping him. “Why risk your life? Why go up there against one of the most dangerous, most powerful villains ever?” Hank questions Billy wondering why he would do something so stupid after they tried to warn him. “Because! When you love something, you protect it.” He’s never been so sure of himself. He knew that he was doing the right thing. He super speeds off to the top of the roof and run in on the scene of reader being held on the edge of the roof. “Let them go!” He holds his ground. His face stern and teeth snarled. “Or what?” Solgun laughed maniacally. “What are you going to do?” Billy is about to speed over to grab you but Solgun dangles you further over the edge threatening to drop you. “AHH!” You scream and try to grab at Solgun’s hands. “Move any closer and I’ll throw them right over.” Billy pauses unsure of what to do. You look at Billy your eyes a bit watery pleading for help. He’s panicked and doesn’t know what to do. If he moves you die, but he doesn’t move then you’re still stuck. “What? You really are going to do nothing!?” Solgun laughs with amusement. “You think you can stop me?” Solgun cackles while holding you even further over the edge of the building. “You are a nothing! A pathetic! Useless! Nothing!”“Let them go Roman.” Solgun looks at you and spits “Fine. I’ll let them go. You weren’t that attractive anyways” he throws you off the roof.
At that moment, time moves in slow motion. You slowly plummet to your death. All you can think about is Billy’s face as he watched you fall. You’re also thinking about how you’re going to splatter blood and guts right in front of his family. Your fingers possibly exploding from the pressure. You wished you could’ve hugged your pet one last time. See their happy face one last time. But at least if you were going to die, it wasn’t a boring death and you’d probably be famous for being pushed off a roof. You’d be all over the news. As all the these thoughts fill your head you brace yourself for impact.
But it never comes…
As soon as you were shoved off the building Billy immediately used his power boosting himself to get to you. He sped down over 100 sets of stairs. Over 20 feet down…and he still made it to you. (Which I guess isn’t really surprising considering the fact that he has literally gone to Italy and has come back with pastries in less than 20 seconds before) He catches you in his arms. You curl into his chest relieved to be in his arms once again. He holds you tightly kissing your forehead. “I got you. I got you baby. You're safe. I’m here.” Solgun floats down from the building laughing. “How cute. You think a simple catch if going to do anything?” Solgun taunts but Billy doesn’t back down. He pushes you behind him ready to fight. Solgun is amused not showing any remorse, “YOU CANT BEAT ME!!” You walk backwards trying to give them some distance when suddenly you feel a surge of pain in your chest. “Augh!” You cry out clenching your chest and almost falling over. Billy rushes over to you to help you sit down. “Are you alright? What’s wrong?” You try to speak. You try to say you’re fine but you can’t really speak with the pain. “HA! HA! My venom is already seeping through their veins! It’s too late!” He cackles like a mad man. “WHAT?! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?” Billy panics. Solgun doesn’t answer he just laughs criminally. Billy gently lays you down then speeds over to his family. “I can trap him. If I run circles around him at a speed of 215 miles per hour while Max uses his heat breath and Phoebe uses her freeze breath we can send him into a seizure of his own power forming a vortex. From there mom can use her electricity to zap his clocks out.” Everyone stares at him shocked at his wit. “Come on people! No time to “savor” the moment! We got a city to save! Get into position!” Billy runs off ready to form the trap.
Billy gets into ready position. He’s on one knee with one hand on the ground the other foot ready to push off. “Aww, what are you? Spider-Man? Huh? Little weak spidy-baby?” Solgun has the audacity to taunt him with his comments. Billy raise his brows and smirks, “No. It’s Kid Quick.” Thunder bolts go off in his eyes. They zap through his veins visibly seen through out his body. “Thunder Billy kinda scares me.” Barb whispers to Hank. “Yep me too.” Billy starts running at 215mph causing dust tornado to form around Solgun. Lighting thrusts through the dust as Max starts using his heat breath and Phoebe uses her freeze breath. It’s working. Solguns powers start malfunctioning. They blast all his power out of him all contained in the storm. “Now!” Billy shouts signaling to Barb. She uses her electricity, and Solgun is defeated. He lays there on the ground. “Who’s the weak little spidy-baby now?” Billy taunts him. Hank handcuffs Solgun bringing him to his feet. Then looks are Billy sincerely, “I’m sorry about what I said. I was wrong. I was so very wrong.” “Thank you.” Billy replies. Solgun opens his stank breath mouth again, “You think you won?! You may have defeated me but the little butterfly over there still is infested with my venom!” “What?” “When I threw them off the roof I injected my venom into their skin. It’s already seeped through their veins and into their heart by now.” Everyone looks panicked. You get up and walk over to the crowd. “What does that mean?” You questioned. “It means that they di-“ Solgun eyes widen in surprise. “How are you alive!? My venom should’ve killed you by now!” “Ummm no…I feel fine. I think someone was just playing with my voodoo doll.” “WHAT?!” Solgun is furious but Hank flies him off to the prison cell from which he came.
Billy grabs you by the waist holding you closely. Afraid to let you go, “Are you feeling alright?! Like actually alright?” You put your hand on his cheek. “I’m fine.” “Are you sure?” “I mean I’m a bit tired but I’m perfectly fine.” “You promise?” “I promise.” He pulls you back in kissing you deeply. “You look really hot in that suit.” Billy blushes and laughs, “My super suit?” “Mhm! It’s definitely doing things to me.” You smirk. He leans in and whispers in your ear “What kind of things?” “Oh I bet you want to know.” You giggle sighing and leaning into his chest. “I love you I’m so sorry that this happened to you.” “It wasn’t your fault Honey.” You try to reassure him but he tries to protest, “No, no, I should’v-“ so you have to shut him up. You kiss him deeply and he returns the favor. “I love you.” He leans his forehead onto yours. “I love you too.” “Alright love birds! Let’s wrap it up so we can get going.” Max teased slightly annoyed but mostly happy for his little brother. You hold Billy’s hand as they take you back to their home to get you cleaned up and checked by a doctor.
You stumble a bit as you walk. Your body is throbbing and something tells you that things are about to really change…
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hey do you know about the subliminal creator named rosemary I really used to like her do you know what happened to her ?
Oh yeah i know her and she Basically disappeared from youtube i think youtube deleted her Channel.
It sad seeing Amazing sub-maker getting terminated from youtube😢.
Xoxo, Eli
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Hello, my doves. Now, I come to you with bad news.
Please, forgive me for not writing. I have tried in the past weeks to write more pieces, but I barely got myself to do them. Maybe, I wasn’t meant to be a writer after all, reading pieces that I wrote when I first joined here made me realize that. My own writing feels forced, and you cannot force the Sun to shine.
The point is, I will be absent for a bit, with my writing. My motivation disappeared, and my insomnia got worse as in late.
I wouldn’t dare to say that I am leaving completely, you mean much more than that to me.
But, if I do. We’ll meet again, my doves. It was a pleasure to write for you.
-xoxo, Rosemary
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chaysreality222 · 8 months
Songs That Remind Me Of Shifting - Pt. 1
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hii guys, it's c! i wanted to share some songs that remind me of shifting. i love listening to music. especially, looking for music that reminds me of shifting and seeing the people in your dr. some of these you guys might recognize but if not, i'm glad i helped you find a new song for the shifting playlist! lmk if i should drop a playlist ...
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we are the people - empire of the sun
" I know everything about you know everything about me Know everything about us "
when i listen to this song, it makes me think of how i know so much about these characters in my favorite movies/tv-shows that i'm shifting for. then, when i finally shift i get to meet them and we can finally know each other. (imagine how delulu us shifters sound).
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dark red - steve lacy
" Don't you give me up, please don't give up "
i'm not sure if any of you have seen kortcrux111's (aka starkortmall on tiktok) old video with this song. but these lyrics are being said by your friends or s/o in your dr, telling you not to give up on shifting. don't give up guys! you've got this!
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rosemary - deftones
" Time (shift) We discover the entry To other planes Time (shift) As we collide with the energy In other ways
Stay with me As we cross the empty skies Come sail with me
We play in dreams As we cross through space and time Just stay with me "
listening to this song, i always visualize myself almost tumbling through each reality like what happened in multiverse madness. also the lyric of crossing space and time because that's what i feel like shifters are doing to shift to another reality.
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spinnin - madison beer
" I woke up, fell back to sleep 'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams "
i mean the lyrics speak for itself. that's where my bio comes from if you guys wanted to know! i love madison's new album too so i had to share this song with you guys.
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yung and writhing - rew
" i'm just a little tired of my life talk to me tell me i'm fine "
this song really connected with me when i wasn't doing so well in a time of my life. i'd think about the people in my dr telling me i'm fine despite what's going on. shifting and everything about it was a pure escape for me back then but now, it's just something i enjoy because i'm doing a lot better :)
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in the middle of making this post, i began to have deja-vu. it's something about the theme i chose and the songs i put in the exact order. maybe i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be! i'd like to think that's how that works lol also! thanks to everyone who has liked and reblogged my posts! i really like seeing others interact with my things and makes me feel at home in the shifting community. i'm glad i'm able to help motivate you guys and give you guys tips as well. as always, Happy Shifting!
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xoxo, c!
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friday-tea · 23 days
Hey there! I'm running out of my stash of Bad News tea, and since it won't be back until the spring I figured I should ask the resident tea expert herself which blends might be a good substitute for that delicious smoky flavor c:
Oh frick yeah, I LOVE cross-seasonal palate curation!
Bad News, beloved of whiskey drinkers, leather-bound book enthusiasts, and romantics with a particular fondness for vampires and charcoal sketch portraits, is boldly smoky with a balanced underbelly of bitter root and silky floral.
You may also enjoy:
Summer in Seattle (petrichor-forward green tea with rose & a pop of hibiscus, summer rotation)
Oh, Rose (creamy-dreamy vanilla rose white tea with gold edible glitter, summer rotation)
High Vemme Vanity (smoke & cream black tea with flowers, summer rotation)
The Khal (black & green with smoke & peppercorn, summer & fall rotations)
The Pirate King (smoke & booze black tea, fall rotation)
The Key (smoked pomegranate black & white tea, fall rotation)
Sweet Vengeance (roasted oolong with smoke and spice and cacao, fall rotation)
Queen of Hearts (breakfast style black tea with rose and peppercorn, fall rotation)
O-Negative (black & red tea with chicory, rose & coriander, fall rotation)
VII. For the Blossom (roasted oolong with every flowers, fall rotation)
Modern ProTEAtheus (roasted green tea with roots & flowers, fall rotation)
Hearthfire (warming spices in roasted oolong, winter rotation)
Frog Friend (yaupon holly, clove, touch of smoke and peaflower, winter rotation)
Starship Iris (smoked violet earl grey with peppercorn, year-round)
Silk & Thorn (sexy roasted oolong with rose, ginger, vanilla oil and glitter, year-round)
Shadow Self (rosemary & raspberry leaf on smokey aged tea, year-round)
Womb of Doom (spicy choco-chili flowers and smoke in black tea, year-round)
When in doubt, you can search the site by ingredient to see what hidden treasures you happen upon!
xoxo, Friday
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1d1195 · 2 months
hi!!! sorry to bother!!!
do you happen to know of a harry fic series where he works in a grocery store and he meets this girl and they have to run away bc he’s being chased down by a gang 😭 it seems so random but it’s so good and i cant find it!
I’m not 100% but my gut reaction is pretty sure it’s rosemary by @moonchildstyles
One of my favorites (story and author) 💕
Def one to go searching for and wonder where it went if you lost it 😭 if you haven’t read it and it’s not the one you’re looking for I HIGHLY recommend you read it anyway!
No need to apologize, happy to help! If anyone has a better idea of which one this is feel free to help us out!
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cheskaxoxo · 5 months
Rosemary Water
Hey, this is Cheska and this is my first post!
Rosemary water has GREAT benefits, it helps dry hair, relieves itchy hair and helps with hair growth. Personally, it has helped my hair grow a lot since January.
It's very easy to make, you'll just need water and rosemary. I like to use a little rose because it makes the water pinker and more fragrant, but it's optional.
3 cups of water
2 sprigs of rosemary
Method of preparation:
Bring water to a boil
Add fresh rosemary sprigs
Leave until the sprigs are completely wet and extracted
Wait for it to cool
Transfer to a spray bottle
Spray daily on dry hair or 2-3 times a week on normal/healthy hair
Store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks!
Xoxo, Cheska!!
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moonchildstyles · 1 year
idk if my last one sent soooOoo
it’s giving rosemary h like his peachy girl snaps this pic of him and he’s just like “why’d you take a pic of me??” and she just goes “because you’re cute nd i love you :)” and that just MELTS his heart bc his peach thinks HES cute??? SHES CUTE!! and it just solidifies how much he loves his sweet lil peachy girlie 🥺🥺 he might be a big ole grump but his peach makes him all smiley and giggly and she loves it bc that’s her baby!!!
love yoooou miss moonie!!
xoxo 🐄🐄
okay first of all I almost burst into TEARS at the idea of her being his peachy girl:( his little peach:( like im down so bad like hes deeply in love w her :( and her taking a little pic of him like they’re traveling for the first time in a little while like for fun for the first time :( and shes getting to see him relax and settle into like...his life:( and her getting a photo of that and hes so ??????? and hearing her tell him that hes a cutie and she loves him:( like hes so down bad w her like hearing that from her hes just :(((((((((( bc shes the most special gorgeous lovable perfect person in his eyes so when she says that ab him like......def looking at her w soft eyes and fluttery lashes and :((((( thats his loml:(((( and hes HER loml:(((((((((
ilyt bestie!!!!
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What is your preferred type of blood? Do you taste the difference between different blood types?.....asking for a friend👀
Lestat here.
My darling anonymous, blood type is only a fragment of what causes taste! Although, to answer your question, I prefer an A+, AB-, or a more refined O+, depending on the day.
There are subtle differences that I can only really describe in terms of wine; hints of one thing or another, and smells/accents of something else!
Fragrant herbs such as rosemary and basil are pronounced; on the odd occasion they may provide the blood with an almost earthy flavour, but the baseline of gamey yet tart/sweet (depending on who I am feeding from) remains somewhat similar despite the differences in blood types.
I can tell the difference in types if I'm focused in on particulars, and it really surprises me to see just how much you can learn about a mortal through their blood.
Lestat out. xoxo
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the-mei-chan · 10 months
gear up for another homestuck meta, boys: rosemary flavour
so,,,,when kanaya first dies and revives, she figures out she can make herself glow. shortly afterwards, she meets rose. rose is enraptured by her ability, and repetitively shows interest concerning this aspect of her vampirisms. they get together, blah blah blah the ghost of kanayas ancestor teaches her how to stop glowing. then, after the game ends and they all win etc. in beyond canon, dirk kidnaps (wife-nabs?) rose from kanaya. in the followin chapters, on the meteor, we see that kanaya has her glowing skin again. as established, she can turn this on and off at will. but, in the absence of her beloved, my theory is that she turned it back on 24/7 as a coping mechanism. after all, before (and for part of the start of) knowing rose, she hadnt figured out how to stop glowing. and, rose first conversed with her in person upon the topic of said glowing - she is reaching out and attempting to have a similar interactiom after they were so long apart. she associates the glowing with roses affection. either that, or in her quest to find rose, kanaya used these abilities in order to see better in the dark etc.
sorry for no images i cant be bothered to go througu and find it all xoxo
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
Girl hiiiii 🥰
I had a mezcal cocktail with aperol and chartreuse tonight. It’s called a Naked & Famous.
My mother sniffed it…and nearly coughed up a lung 😂 it was so tasty though I think you’d understand 😍😍
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Oh my goddddd that sounds delish! I always laugh when my family sniffs my cocktails because they're like "is this all alcohol?" to which my answer is "the best drinks are!"
Also this is my new summer cocktail, a friend made it for me and it was sooooooooo good, perfect for summer!
Her recipe notes, because she's awesome and riffs on recipes:
I find it too sweet as written, so I adjust ratios closer to 1:1 for the rhubarb and gin, glug of elderflower, and then mix that whole mixture roughly 1:1 with seltzer. Also I’ve never tried it with rosemary but I bet it would be good. Or a bit of lemon (zest in with the rhubarb as it cooks, and/or lemon juice in the cocktail).
Now I need to find someone with too much rhubarb...
Love and hugs and many more cocktails for you, my lovely Skye!
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stardustandrockets · 1 year
Happy Valentine's Day, friends!
Whether you celebrate or not, I come bearing some of my favorite love stories. They're not all about romantic love as I wanted to be as inclusive as I could given the books I've read.
The conventional recs are pretty self explanatory, the unconventional recs are either stories where romance takes the backseat to the overall story, familial love, or not your typical read-on-Valentine's stories. The comic/manga recs are a mix.
Drop your recommendations below or tell me what you're currently reading.
Slide 2: • The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun • The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston • Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky • XOXO by Axie Oh • Bookish and the Beast by Ashley Poston • A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard
Slide 3: • A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske • If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio • Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell • A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft • The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater • The Whispering Dark by Kelly Andrew
Slide 4: • Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me by Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Velero-O'Connell • Fence by C.S. Pacat • The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang • Hana-Kimi by Hisaya Nakajo • I Hear the Sunspot by Yuki Fumino • Love in Focus by Yoko Nogiri
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