#xs future Au
ashandcinders · 2 years
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When the evil boy genius literally outgrows you
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whereinthworld · 1 year
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an AU of an AU where Ingo died and turned into a hisuan zoroark, I like to think Ingo is very small compared 2 the average zoroark because he's from the future so he is the average size of a modern zoroark (modern doggy) which means he is XS in hisuian standard cause hisuan zoroark are like wolves? big wild dogs.
Spice is very protective of his very small and oblivious wet tissue of a friend.
Ingo due to his death gets his memories jumbled even more. so he sometimes act like a normal dog and is more friendly than normal hisuan zoroarks. (idk I was brainstorming too much but I'll be honest if I died and turned into a dog I wouldn't be surprised if I started to act like a dog </3).
fanart for @hoofpeet
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AU where Savitar, being Barry Allen's variant, kicks Zoom and Eobard's butts in the s9 finale
Better idea than canon ffs. Also, I do not know Sav as well as I know normal Barry so I apologize if I get his characterization wrong
He does side with the bad guys at first (I am not calling them the Legion of Zoom. who approved that shit) but ultimately plans to betray them soon as he gets what he wants/needs; changing the future enough to bring himself back into existence (idk how it would work but alas, neither did the writers).
The betrayal would probably come a little early, working on the same side as those who killed his dad and mom respectively would understandably be diffcult; and Savitar doesn't hold back like Barry. I actually think it would happen when Thawne goes after Nora (XS), I say that cause I really don't think even Savitar would try to kill his own daughter without reason; so when everyone runs off to fight, he would go after *checks notes* Allegra instead (as someone he has no connections/attachment to) and put her out of commission one way or another since it's confirmed (how? WHO KNOWS *screams*) that he knew who she was.
So Thawne goes after Nora and Sav decides he won't let that banana bastard hurt or kill anymore of his family (whether she's technically his kid or not) and stops him. Thawne of course gloats about how he {as a version Barry Allen} won't kill him. They fight and he lets Thawne get a few hits in for fun-- then Savitar gets to see that sweet look on his nemesis's face when he realizes who's faster, and stops holding back. The first 'fight' between Savitar and Barry in season 3? Yeah picture that but a lot more brutal and somehow more personal. Then, once Thawne is thoroughly beat to hell; Sav reverse flashes him and runs off to fight the other person who once destroyed his life.
He runs through the tunnel just before Zoom would have killed all the officers (since Khione and Mark are already knocked out if not dead-- this is what happened. don't even.), and does it without his suit so Zoom will chase him (cause all he'll see is yellow lightning). Of course, once they get to a new location and see each other face to face; Zoom gets in a quick gloat about how they really were the same after all. Savitar lets him have that; it's not true + will make it all the better in a few seconds. Same with Thawne, he lets Zoom get a few hits in, maybe even feigns fear-- and then Sav fucking obliterates him in a 'fight' that parallels the one in Enter Zoom. Hell, he should break Zoom's back for extra funsies. We get a scene similar to 2x23 where Zoom says Sav won't kill him; but this time, he does.
Things go mostly according to canon from here. Eddie absorbs all the NSF users lifeforce (or smth idk what that was man), and Savitar ends up going with it. He doesn't accept this 'death', but there is a brief moment of catharsis with the revenge before he's once again erased from existence.
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naranjapetrificada · 5 months
I never remember to do WIP Wednesday, although in my defense I've only recently had consistent WIPs of speak of.
I'm very into two specific AU tropes right now and couldn't choose between them for my first ofmd longfic, but as I started getting more and more ideas for the "captured by a roguish pirate with a heart of gold" thing I started plugging away on that one. All the while I had a document open for the arranged marriage one too, and lately I've been bouncing between them both! Since I gave a little sneak preview of the captive one it seems only fair to do the same for the arranged marriage one.
I guess all you need to know is it doesn't take place in our world and that the marriage between Ed and Stede has been put together for political reasons. Let's snoop at a feast being held weeks before the wedding but only hours after their first meeting:
"We lost a lot of good men to her, but your grandmother was a true warrior. A once in a generation talent." Ed's a bit surprised to hear such high praise from his taciturn future father-in-law, especially of such an implacable enemy of the Republic. Ed remembers his manners and gives a respectful nod. "Yes," the man begins again, "one always prefers war against a cunning and strong enemy no? An enemy one can respect." She would have preferred no war at all Ed thinks, trying to keep his face neutral. She would have preferred to spin wool and sing hymns to the gods and count her great-grandchildren. She would have preferred to only lift her bow for hunting. "She was," Ed says instead. " A true warrior, wife, and mother." The elder Bonnet seems disinterested in these last two but raises his cup in begrudging acknowledgment. "To true warriors, and true mettle," the man toasts, clearly ready to change the subject. Ed sips his wine and wonders not for the first time how these people are so fond of the metallic sourness of their grape wines that taste and stain like blood. As the conversation moves on without him, Ed can almost feel his grandmother's presence there in the feast pavilion. He sits up straighter because he knows that's what she would tell him to do, gently poking him with her spindle and dropping a kiss on top of his head as she passed by. Ed knows his grandmother will be in the history books, but no historian will record the important things that made up the totality of her humanity. What about the melancholy that sometimes overtook her in quiet moments? What about her uncanny ability to soothe any fussy baby she held? Or how anyone who entered her tent, day or night, could expect hot tea or broth at the ready, prepared by her own hands? Ed muddles through the rest of dinner stealing the occasional glance at Stede, but things are otherwise uneventful. He later perks up a bit with the arrival of the dessert courses. Unlike the rest of the meal, all the desserts are brought out at once. Ed decides to sample each one on offer whether or not it's considered good manners. If it's a faux pas, no one seems inclined to make a big deal out of it. There are creamy little cheese cakes stamped with Xs and drizzled with honey, which are fine but would be much better with fruit. There are tiny tarts made with peaches their guests must have brought from the south, a special treat this far north where the growing season is short. And last but not least are spiced dates stuffed with honeyed nuts, which leave Ed's fingers sticky but are his favorite thing he's eaten all evening.
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dimensionsvelo · 2 months
Lapierre Aircode DRS SE Alpine Edition 2024, sur un air d'Alpine A290-β
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Version haut de gamme du vélo aérodynamique de Lapierre, l'Aircode DRS SE Alpine Edition 2024 se pare de blanc et des composants les plus performants du moment pour se rapprocher des performances de l'Alpine A290_β Série limitée associée à une marque automobile ne veut pas forcément dire tarif extravangant. En effet bien qu'il ait tous les attributs nécessaire à un usage en World Tour, le Lapierre Aircode DRS SE Alpine Edition 2024 est vendu 9 000 €, loin des tarifs habituels pour ce niveau de performances. Si l'enveloppe reste conséquente, la prestation est sans critique. L'Alpine A290_β une citadine électrique et sportive. CrédiT Alpine Le cadre a été validé au plus haut niveau, ses composants aussi. Choisir le Lapierre Aircode DRS Édition Spéciale Alpine 2024 couleur Blanc Neige Mankiewicz identique à celle de l’Alpine A290_β, future citadine sportive 100% électrique de la marque française, n'est donc pas incongru. Fiche technique Lapierre Aircode DRS Édition Spéciale Alpine 2024 Cette machine est à peu de chose près celle qui était utilisée par Groupama-FDJ en 2023. Crédit Lapierre Tout Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 ! Il ne manque que le capteur de puissance pour être en face d'un vélo de pro. Crédit Lapierre Le nouveau guidon intégral Combo LP prend position sur ce modèle. Crédit Lapierre Certaines zones du cadre sont noires carbone apparent. Crédit Lapierre - Cadre : monocoque carbone UD SL - Fourche : carbone UD SL - Leviers : Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 Hydrauliques - Dérailleurs : Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 - Pédalier : Shimano Dura-Ace 52-36 - Cassette : Shimano Dura-Ace 11-30 - Chaîne : Shimano Dura-Ace - Freins : Shimano Dura-Ace Hydrauliques 160 mm/140 mm - Guidon : Combo LP - Tige de selle : Lapierre Aero Carbon - Selle : Prologo Dimension Nack - Roues : New Lapierre Road Disc 50 - Pneus : Continental GP 5000 S - Tailles : XS - S - M - L - XL - XXL - Poids : nc - Prix : 9 000 € Contact : Lapierre, Alpine Read the full article
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omagazineparis · 1 year
Décrypter le guide des tailles Zara : trouvez la coupe parfaite pour vous
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Vous en avez assez des essayages sans fin et des vêtements qui ne vous vont pas comme un gant ? Ne cherchez plus, nous avons la solution pour vous ! Découvrez notre guide ultime pour comprendre les tailles Zara et vous assurer de trouver la coupe parfaite à chaque achat. Crédit photo : Zara Comprendre les tailles Zara : un jeu d'enfant Les bases des tailles chez Zara Zara, la célèbre marque de prêt-à-porter, propose une large gamme de vêtements pour tous les goûts. Les tailles Zara sont généralement indiquées en tailles européennes, allant du 34 au 46 pour les femmes. Cependant, il est important de garder à l'esprit que les tailles Zara peuvent varier légèrement d'un modèle à l'autre en fonction du style et de la coupe. Les tailles Zara en un clin d'œil Pour faciliter vos achats chez Zara, voici un petit guide des tailles Zara à garder en tête : - Taille 34 (XS) : tour de poitrine 80 cm, tour de taille 62 cm, tour de hanches 88 cm - Taille 36 (S) : tour de poitrine 84 cm, tour de taille 66 cm, tour de hanches 92 cm - Taille 38 (M) : tour de poitrine 88 cm, tour de taille 70 cm, tour de hanches 96 cm - Taille 40 (L) : tour de poitrine 92 cm, tour de taille 74 cm, tour de hanches 100 cm - Taille 42 (XL) : tour de poitrine 96 cm, tour de taille 78 cm, tour de hanches 104 cm - Taille 44 (XXL) : tour de poitrine 100 cm, tour de taille 82 cm, tour de hanches 108 cm - Taille 46 (XXXL) : tour de poitrine 104 cm, tour de taille 86 cm, tour de hanches 112 cm A lire également : Comment trouver des tenues élégantes pour les événements spéciaux à petit prix Conseils pratiques pour bien choisir sa taille chez Zara Mesurer ses mensurations Les tailles Zara sont conçues pour correspondre à des mensurations précises. Prenez donc le temps de mesurer votre tour de poitrine, tour de taille et tour de hanches afin de déterminer la taille qui vous correspond le mieux. Utilisez un mètre ruban souple et enroulez-le autour de votre corps sans serrer, en prenant soin de le garder bien horizontal. Tenir compte du style et de la matière Les tailles Zara peuvent varier selon la coupe ou la matière du vêtement. Par exemple, un jean taille haute peut être légèrement plus ajusté qu'un jean taille basse. N'hésitez pas à essayer plusieurs tailles pour trouver celle qui vous convient le mieux, en tenant compte de l'éventuelle élasticité du tissu. Ne pas hésiter à demander conseil Si vous êtes toujours indécise, n'hésitez pas à demander l'avis d'une conseillère en boutique ou à consulter les avis des clientes en ligne. Leurs retours d'expérience pourront vous aider à affiner votre choix et à vous familiariser avec les tailles Zara. Les astuces pour éviter les mauvaises surprises Vérifier les étiquettes Les étiquettes des vêtements Zara comportent généralement des informations précieuses sur la composition du tissu et les instructions d'entretien. Prenez le temps de les lire attentivement pour éviter les mauvaises surprises après lavage et préservez ainsi la qualité et la coupe de vos vêtements. Essayer avant d'acheter Si vous en avez la possibilité, essayez toujours les vêtements en boutique avant de les acheter. Les tailles Zara peuvent varier et rien ne vaut un essayage pour être sûre de votre choix. Si vous commandez en ligne, n'hésitez pas à consulter les guides des tailles Zara disponibles sur leur site. Nous espérons que ce guide vous sera utiledans vos futurs achats chez Zara et qu'il vous permettra de trouver la coupe parfaite pour chaque vêtement. N'oubliez pas que chaque femme est unique et que la taille ne définit pas votre beauté ou votre valeur. Trouver la taille parfaite pour vous peut prendre du temps, mais cela en vaut la peine pour vous sentir à l'aise et confiante dans vos vêtements. Alors, la prochaine fois que vous irez faire du shopping chez Zara, n'hésitez pas à utiliser nos astuces et conseils pour trouver la taille qui vous convient le mieux. Et n'oubliez pas, la mode doit avant tout être un plaisir et un moyen de s'exprimer, alors amusez-vous en essayant de nouveaux styles et en trouvant la coupe parfaite pour vous. Bonne chance dans vos prochains achats chez Zara et n'oubliez pas de nous faire part de votre expérience dans les commentaires ci-dessous ! Read the full article
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writerkatsblog · 1 year
I found your blog via grasshopper's blog. Loved your discussions and content. You both give many interesting insights. Your contribution to the fandom as bloggers and writers is so vast I consider you gods, haha. Even with these text posts in which you make fun of XS characters - I'm cackling. Especially I'm very fond of 'big tidy guan' and 'Dojo where is Atlantis' Also, I'm looking forward to more wu-redesigns adult!Omi is about to make. And I'm obsessed with your au with soup-powered Dashi. You're just an amazing person with an incredible sense of humor and full of mind-blowing ideas for a niche franchise. And that's why more people should follow your lovely blog.
Well, it's certainly nice to know I was found through a friend! I always have fun discussing headcanons and such with @grasshopperdoingdogpaddle, always so many fascinating topics of discussion! Though I don't know about considering myself a god (except maybe of chaos haha), I just like to have fun.
And I enjoy incorrect quotes style stuff, too! It's just really fun to imagine them being goofy when talking. I like to imagine it as a bloopers sort of thing. And I have lots of fun making the memes, I feel very affectionate toward the kind of ridiculousness they have going on.
I do plan on doing more Altered Wu stuff in the future! I have many ideas for the ones I haven't mentioned so far so I'm glad you're interested in hearing more in the future!
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noccolibroccoli · 1 year
love you too goober
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites: oh boy uhhh. challenge mode no xs
Silver from Sonic: love him because of the inherent tragedy of a character who can never live in a perfect future bc the future doesn't stay perfect without him going back to fix the past. he's also so squishable
Courtney from Dead End: BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES Y
Fucking uhhhhh magnus from the locked tomb because I need a dad on this list and I can't think of any others rn
A - Ships that you currently like a lot: raijack kinda crawled up from the depths and dragged me kicking and screaming back into it so that one definitely. Griddlehark bc I just read Gideon the ninth and They're Kinda. real big on like every platonic ship in sonic rn because between the movies and the show and the new game and the comic they're hitting me hard with the found family.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice): idk man. more trans headcanons. more Jewish headcanons. more raijack
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?: ask me this again after I post the next chapter of my au fic
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? Like across all fandoms?????? Idk uhhhh. I really like the whole found family/adopted nocedas thing the toh fandom has with Luz and hunter and Vee. the og cooper gang from sly cooper will have my heart forever. I still pour one out for the mentor/apprentice thing mammoth mogul and silver had going on in the pre-reboot archie sonic comics.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t: anything with sonic. it hit me recently that I view him as so completely aroace that shipping anyone with him in a nonplatonic way just feels weird lmfao. It's funny because usually like, sonadow would be my exact kind of pairing but I have always been EXTREMELY neutral to it and couldn't figure out why.
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procrastinationau · 2 years
Hey hope you are doing okay
hey thank you for the nice message! I am doing ok, life has been pretty crazy lately but I’m getting by. The au is not dead! I havent had much writing juice in general but I go back and pick at it every now and then. I’ve actually written a pretty good chunk of a future chapter (that i cant post yet because it takes place after two specific characters meet) and ive been trying to chip away at Kimiko’s introduction. it’s coming, I promise
i did recently rewatch the whole of xs so at least it’s fresh on my mind now lol
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seamsshark · 2 years
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Doodled @ashandcinders ‘s future AU Jack Spicer to get out of this art block
I love this AU so much!
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howlingday · 2 years
tragic backstory (tm) au) team rwby and team npr cause chaos in vale. turns out that with fewer classes for second years and the fact that all of them are more than willing to take on entire criminal organizations means that they need someone who's normal to keep them out of trouble.
of course jaune hears about all this later from neo who's having the time of her life watching the assholes she sicked the teams on get beat over and over again (she even recorded it in 4k and had a team of professionals make it look as good as possible) all in all she has to say she has great taste and was 100% in the right to decide to form a harem will all of them by getting them all attracted to jaune. does she like all of them? well red's alright and miss perfect and her fun team member are hot. not to mention blondie is defiantly gonna be fun to rile up. still the important thing isn't that she likes any of them. the important thing is that they're all hers!
(since neo is supposed to be like Tinkerbell I figured it would be fun to bring that up. neo is easily bored but extremely dangerous as well as mischievous. also anything she wants is automatically hers. the only exception to this is jaune and roman because they make her feel those weird things that slightly shift the universe to make her not the total center of it. what are those called? emotions? tldr: neo is a geedy fairy and rwby and friends are fun to rile up also they need jaune to keep them out of trouble which is bad considering what he gets up to)
Thirty Flavors of Chaos Plus One
In the world of Remnant, there are three types of people. Those who would do harm to his fellow man. Those who are harmed by their fellow man. And those who defend and avenge those harmed. But what if those who are to defend from harmed, in their actions, harm those they intend to defend? The consequences would be quite severe, no?
Goodwitch: That is the third time this month, Mister Arc.
Jaune: (Deadpan) Yes, Professor Goodwitch-
Goodwitch: Three times your team has joined Team RWBY in their crusade to "fight crime," and in doing so create collateral damage that our institution is forced to pay coverage for!
Jaune: (Deadpan) Yes, Professor Goodwitch-
Goodwitch: I have better things to do with my weekends than repair public property with my semblance!
Jaune: (Deadpan) Yes, Professor Goodwitch-
Cinder: Oh, such as writing fan fictions about your colleagues?
Ozpin: What Professor Goodwitch is trying to say, Mister Arc, as that this behavior is unacceptable, even on the first offense.
Jaune: (Deadpan) Yes, Professor Goodwitch. (Blinks, Sheepishly grins) Er, I mean, Professor Ozpin.
Ozpin: (Sighs) You've heard it all before, which explains your response to these scoldings. I'm afraid drastic measures must be taken, Mister Arc.
Jaune: To be fair, sir, I told my team to keep Team RWBY out of trouble-
Ozpin: Which then devolves to "keep Nora from biting someone," I'm aware. But I'm left with no choice, Mister Arc. My hand has been forced on this. (Pulls up Team RWBY and NPR profiles)
Jaune: W-What are you doing?!
Ozpin: What I must. As of today, Team RWBY and JNPR, with the exception of Jaune Arc, (Red Xs cover all their faces) are expelled from Beacon Academy.
Neo was having a good day. It had started as a great morning, following another wonderful week in a fantastic month. Everything was in place for her pet project for her future pet. Neo had a plan, and the first step of that plan was to get everyone together in blissful harmony, and nothing brings true solidarity like mutual animosity.
She would sneak into a rival gang's turf, disguised as one of the girls (usually Ruby) and cause general mayhem. Said mayhem included, but was not limited to, loitering, theft, assault, battery, indecent exposure (but only just her panties to other crime girls), and disrespectful gestures to other crime bosses. So far, she's pissed off two street gangs and was on her way to her third one.
She peeked around the corner. Two burly men stood guard outside a fenced off gate. They wore golden chains around their necks to look tough, but Neo could see the flakes fall off as one of them scratched their neck underneath the ornament. They wore tank tops dirtied by oil or grease to look like spots. Aside from that, neither of them looked too interesting, or tough.
Neo ran through her approach in her mind. First, she would disguise herself as someone. Red was getting too boring, so she decided on her partner this time. She would approach, disarm the men, then break in and cause as much destruction inside as she could. She might even pretend to ballet. She and the Ice Queen had the legs for it.
With a sigh of content, she changed and rounded the corner, running into a thick wall of muscle. Her semblance broke before it could finish, returning her to her true self. She looked up with a glare at the burly man she didn't see leaving. Was she that deep in thought?
"Excuse me." He rumbled softly as he passed. He stopped and turned around, opening his wallet. He pulled out twenty Lien. "Here. Buy yourself a triple scoop."
Neo was ecstatic, she snatched the Lien from him. He turned away, mumbling something about children. With a blink, Neo realized what happened. He gave her money because he thought she was a little girl!
With a silent growl, she stomped her foot, then pocketed the money. She resumed her disguise and stomped to the gate. Before the guard could say anything, she swung her foot to right between his legs. He fell with a whimper, and Neo leapt onto her new prey. She was angry, and she needed to vent.
It was considered healthy. At least, that's what she told herself as she kicked down the gate, disguised as Weiss Schnee and unloading the guard's pistol into everything in her sight. And you know what, she was feeling better already.
Ruby: (Knock at the door) Just a sec! (Opens the door) Hey, Jaune! What's up?
Jaune: Hey.
Ruby: Is... everything okay?
Jaune: We... We need to talk. All of us.
Ruby: Oh...
Later, in JNPR's dorm
Yang: What's up, Jaune? Rubes said this was something serious.
Jaune: It is. It's about what you've been doing this past month.
Weiss: In regards to...?
Jaune: The vigilantism. The crime fighting. The destruction of public property! The attacks in the middle of the street!
Ruby: We were just protecting ourselves.
Jaune: The police reports are saying you guys are starting these fights.
Nora: That's not true! I would never start a fight! (Every deadpans at her) Okay, I wouldn't start a fight without a good reason.
Jaune: The point is that Beacon is getting tired of it. They said that you were all on thin ice two weeks ago.
Yang: Not so thin if we're still getting away with it, right?
Jaune: Wrong, because Ozpin said that, in order to prevent further issues, (Deep breath) he decided to expel you guys from Beacon.
Yang: WHAT?!
Weiss: Unacceptable!
Ruby: He can't do that! We were protecting ourselves! It's not our fault the criminals keep trying to kill us!
Jaune: Ozpin said that if that were true, then the criminals wouldn't attack anyways, if the police reports are true.
Nora: Kind of weird for Professor Ozpin to send you to expel team RWBY. Oops! Sorry, I meant RWBYE. No offense, Emerald!
Emerald: None taken. (Thinking) Considering I'm not going to be expelled.
Jaune: He didn't send me just for them, Nora. We're just as guilty, since you guys have helped them out, too. He said you, Ren, and Pyrrha are being expelled, too.
Nora: (Falls to her knees) NOOOOOOOOOO!
Pyrrha: I... I see. If that's the Headmaster's decision-
Ren: Wait. You said myself, Pyrrha, and Nora. What about you and Mercury?
Jaune: Along with Emerald, Ozpin planned to make us a three man team.
Ruby: Well, at least Emerald gets a chance to be a Huntress still.
Ren: So this is how it ends? We try to do good, and we're being punished for it? I can't say I agree with this mindset.
Yang: Well, I can! (Stands up) I'm going to tell Assmaster Oz what I think of his decision!
Jaune: Wait, Yang-!
Yang: No! To hell with all of it! If I'm being expelled, I'm going out in a blaze of glory! Who's with me?!
Nora: I am!
Ruby: Yeah!
Yang: Hell yeah! Let's go! (Storms out with Ruby and Nora)
Mercury: So... You wanna tell them what the real plan is, or...?
Blake: Real plan?
Jaune: I guess Cinder already told you, huh? Alright, here's what happened in the Headmaster's office.
Vas: Hey, Shishi?
Shishi: (Via scroll) Yes?
Vas: I found one of those guys you asked us to keep an eye on.
Shishi: Yeah, which one?
Vas: The Schnee girl, Lieutenant Stick-in-his-rear's favorite.
Shishi: Oh, you mean Weiss Schnee? What about her?
Vas: She's crazy, boss! I just watched her blow up a gang's hideout with just a pistol!
Shishi: Interesting. Follow her, but don't let her know.
Vas: Sure thing, Shi- Whoa!
Shishi: Hm? What happened?
Vas: She just got shorter! And hotter, too.
Shishi: I wasn't aware she had a transformation semblance. What does she look like?
Vas: Hot. Like, really hot. Long legs on a short body, brown and pink hair like a-
Shishi: Neo Politan...
Vas: Yeah! I wouldn't mind having her on a hot, summer day. (Lecherous chuckle)
Shishi: Change of plans. Keep your distsnce. I know that girl, and she's not someone you mess with. Understand?
Vas: Uh, yeah, got it, boss. (Shishi hangs up) Not some to mess with? With a body like that, I wouldn't mind a mess.
Ozpin: Ah, Mister Arc! So glad of you to join us!
Nora: And another thing; why are your glasses so small and why do you have so much coffee? Save some for the rest of us!
Yang: Nora, you already said that.
Ozpin: I take it you told them the good news?
Yang: Good news?!
Nora: You think us being expelled is good news?! That's it! I'm gonna smash this office to pieces, and then I'm-
Jaune: Nora, enough! (Places a hand on her shoulder) Nora, he's not expelling you.
Nora: But you said-
Jaune: I said the Headmaster decided to to expel you, but I managed to work something out with him. You guys will still be attending Beacon, but...
Ruby: But what?
Jaune: Teams RWBEY and JMNPR will be combining into one team. We'll all be in one dorm room with ten beds.
Ozpin: (Nods) Under one leader. The only one of this group with no record of criminal history.
Ruby: Wait, you mean-?
Jaune: Yeah, I'm, uh, your new team leader.
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ashandcinders · 1 year
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A warm up that I was quite happy with
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hwajin · 2 years
⁂ 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 - 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⁂
keep reading to participate!
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ఌ︎ .. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮!!
hi!! soooo this is a little special i decided to do for reaching 2k followers!!! honestly i can't quite believe it, that's such a big number that it,xs almost scary jfjwkfjne BUT THANK YOUUUU to everyone who keeps interacting with me, this blog and my writings!! aaaand special thank you to all the wonderful mutuals and friends on here that make writing and sticking around super fun hehe, i love all of you a LOT <3
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ఌ︎ .. 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛 - 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭
ok now to the actual collab jcnwjfje SO. the closer rules and details are listed below, but basically- almost any writer who wants to participate in this project is free to do so!! i planned to do this thing kinda wintery since it is the middle of winter jfjsjfnsb, but it is perfectly fine if there's no season mentioned in your fic, meaning the fic itself doesn't have to revolve around winter and the season itself is not required to be the main thing!! i just figured a theme would be kinda nice hehe.
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ఌ︎ .. 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
now to the rules, please please PLEASE read them all and carefully to avoid any miscommunication!!
any genre is allowed, from smut to fluff to angst to horror, whatever you can imagine
in relation to the previous rule, you have to be 18+!!! even if you were to write a sfw fic, the fact that there very likely will be smut written in this collab, having minors participating would overstep a boundary!!!!
also in relation to the first rule, please keep nsfw works legal and safe!! kinkier and heavier stuff in general is allowed, but if you are unsure of anything you plan please let me know beforehand!!
the minimum for words you can write is 500, please add the "read more" future if you write more than that! the maximum of words is literally the roof, if you wanna write a 25k+ word fic GO FOR IT
i'll say it again, your fic does not have to be a winter fic per say! i'll simply list tropes that fit the season in my opinion jfjejdje but if you don't really feel the vibe or hate winter then that's totally fine!!
the deadline to write/ post your fic i planned would be on february 28th since winter kinda ends- with february?? but the date can still be altered if needed!!
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ఌ︎ .. 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐞
please read this very carefully as well!!
if you want to participate, send me a dm, and ask, or reblog this post with the tag #winterfalls!
please let me know if you want to participate until december 20th!! requests to particiapte after this date will not be accepted anymore!!
please dm me the trope and the member you would like to write for until december 20th as well!!
in general, you can choose and write for whatever member and whatever trope you want, i will let you know if the certain combination was chosen already, or if one member was picked too often though, so you can reconsider! (for better understanding, i won't set a limit of only 8 people participating in this collab to fit stray kids, so some members will obviously be written about more than once!)
i will create a groupchat here on tumblr if i can figure out how to kfmsmfnns to keep the project a bit more organized, if you don't want to be added to it though please let me know!!
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ఌ︎ .. (𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲) 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬
you are free to use your own tropes/ scenarios if you like, those are only examples!
sharing one bed
seeing the first snow together
building snowmen
sharing a kiss/ fucking on new year's eve
trapped in a snow storm (together 👀 alone 👀)
keeping each other warm
skiing trip/ winter vacation in general
making snowangels
(spicy) present buying/ unpacking
decorating together
baking cookies
sex by the fire (🎶 at night 🎶) did i already make this joke once maybe
anything fantasy!! eg. vampires and werewolfes, snowprinces/ss, jack frost type of things!!
and obv simple classics like: (you can combine these with the previous tropes!!)
enemies to lovers
friends to lovers
exes to lovers
soulmate au
break up
idol au
slice of life
etc. etc.!!
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that's basically it!! i hope the one or other writer is ready to participate, i'd really really appreciate it!! and if you have any questions regarding participating (or anything really) don't be shy to dm me!!
- 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲 <3
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warriorstale001 · 2 years
some headcanons and possible predictions for your Itty bitty brother fic
(possible spoilers warning since I don't know if the predictions are actually correct)
- cross is very clingy to nightmare, he adores all of the gang really but mostly nightmare for obvious reasons
- dream will be probably hesitant the first days around the hideout after the birthday party and will slowly start getting used to each one of the gang members (probably getting used to cross first)
- nightmare probably already has planned what to buy for dream now that he is a bitty and he's got them all written on a list for the next time they go out and raid an au to get the stuff
- after dream gets somewhat comfortable and talks to his brother he questions why they all seem to spoil cross a bit and after nightmare tells dream how traumatized he is from the past and how ink has played a major part in it he starts to question his friendship with him (that is if ink is an asshole in this fic and if he abandoned cross in the white void)
- killer is the second in charge whenever nightmare is busy or out and because of that the kitchen has been set on fire multiple times
(none of these are canon unless the author says so, these are merely just headcanons and predictions)
Ooo I like your thoughts Anon, so thanks for sharing them with me!
And yes there will be slight spoilers for some sections of Itty Bitty Brother in this so feel free to skip if you don't want anything spoiled.
I'd say Cross is definitely the clingiest of the group and would require more assurance from Nightmare than the others that he's a valuable and important member of the gang for sure, since he has quite a few issues with self-esteem in this fic (though only Nightmare knows since he puts on a somewhat 'tough' act in front of the others... Or he tries to anyway)
Yeah Dream is feeling a little better about staying in the hideout with his brother now that he's seen what he's truly like, but the other gang members are still a mystery to him. And yes Cross is probably going to be the one he gets used to first.
Nightmare doesn't have a list per say of what he needs to buy Dream (though he has some basic ideas), because he wants Dream to be able to pick out what he wants. There will be a chapter dedicated to the two going shopping together in a bitty AU at some point... Might be a fluffy chapter... But it could also get a little angsty who knows =) .
I can confirm that Dream will be chatting with the group about their backstories in the future. As for Ink, well let's just say the Ink in this story is the same as the Ink I write for my other fic Xtra Small and I've tried to hint at that at several points of Itty Bitty Brother so far (like Dream's thoughts about how he Ink and Blue aren't really that close, all they do is work when they're together etc). If you know what Ink is like in XS... You should be able to tell if this Ink is an asshole or not (or if you don't wanna read XS, just look through the comments on the last chapter posted and it should give you a good insight into what people think of Ink's character in that fic lol)
Killer is indeed second in command, though he is not allowed to cook in the kitchen anymore ever since the Great Fire of 22 a few years ago (called that because that's how many rooms in the hideout were lost that day to the flames). Also Horror watches him like a hawk even when he's just making a sandwich now as a result. He doesn't trust it won't suddenly combust. After all, stupider things have happened in the hideout so he always expects the unexpected now.
Thanks for sharing your headcanon for the story! Feel free to send more in any time, because these were a lot of fun to answer!
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sapphicscholar · 3 years
A/N: Thanks to @lizmitches for the excellent AU idea that got stuck in my head and for letting me run with it! Here’s a short first chapter (weekly updates) - and if anyone who actually watches America’s Got Talent and the like wants to bounce ideas around, lmk! Otherwise I’m playing it Ava-style and making the rules up as I go
Fic Preview:
Jimmy, Deborah decides, is a dead man. And Marcus is on thin fucking ice.
And Marty, well, Marty is never crawling his way back into her bed again.
She tunes back in just in time to see the wannabe juggler performing on the makeshift stage in front of her drop two of the three bowling pins he’s brought. Kendra squeals from Deborah’s right, and Deborah can’t hide her grimace.
At the very least, it’s three Xs across the row, and the juggler knows better than to push his luck with trying to swing two of them to his side.
A PA rushes into the room once he’s gone, offering them fresh pens and new notebooks in case they’ve somehow managed to make their way through the first ones. (Deborah’s has a short to-do list in her untidy scrawl that says nothing more than ‘Kill Jimmy.’) She glances at the other two judges, the show’s “regulars”—Jared, some former boy band member, and Kendra, a model-turned-choreographer. Kendra’s doodled a few hearts across the first page of her notebook, while Jared’s seems to consist entirely of his own name in blocky graffiti-style lettering.
“Can I get anyone a coffee refill? Water?”
“Could I get a Diet Coke?” Deborah asks, trying to remember that this sad 20-something in ill-fitting jeans and a company polo is not the one to blame for the three hours of hell she has just suffered through.
The PA nods rapidly. “Is Pepsi okay?”
Deborah wrinkles her nose. “No.” After a moment, she waves him back. “Would you be a dear and pass a message along to Marcus? You’ll find him back in my dressing room.”
“Of course!”
“Tell him he has ten minutes to be back with a Diet Coke. From the fountain.”
The PA glances at her, then the other judges. “Um, okay.” Seeing no joking smiles, he takes off at a run.
Jared spins his chair towards her and wiggles an eyebrow. “Marcus your new intern?” There’s a laugh in his voice, like they’re in on some kind of shared joke.
Deborah offers him a wan smile. “My CFO.” A CFO who’d gone and told Jimmy that of course she’d be happy to fill in as a celebrity guest judge for this godforsaken adult talent show. (She has seen no talent yet, and she doesn’t have high hopes for the future.) Marcus has already texted her a dozen reminders of the show’s demographics, assurances that this is the best way to keep her Friday and Saturday shows. As if there is any world in which they should have been threatened in the first place.
Read the rest on AO3!
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dimensionsvelo · 2 months
Lapierre Aircode DRS SE Alpine Edition 2024, sur un air d'Alpine A290-β
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Version haut de gamme du vélo aérodynamique de Lapierre, l'Aircode DRS SE Alpine Edition 2024 se pare de blanc et des composants les plus performants du moment pour se rapprocher des performances de l'Alpine A290_β Série limitée associée à une marque automobile ne veut pas forcément dire tarif extravangant. En effet bien qu'il ait tous les attributs nécessaire à un usage en World Tour, le Lapierre Aircode DRS SE Alpine Edition 2024 est vendu 9 000 €, loin des tarifs habituels pour ce niveau de performances. Si l'enveloppe reste conséquente, la prestation est sans critique. L'Alpine A290_β une citadine électrique et sportive. CrédiT Alpine Le cadre a été validé au plus haut niveau, ses composants aussi. Choisir le Lapierre Aircode DRS Édition Spéciale Alpine 2024 couleur Blanc Neige Mankiewicz identique à celle de l’Alpine A290_β, future citadine sportive 100% électrique de la marque française, n'est donc pas incongru. Fiche technique Lapierre Aircode DRS Édition Spéciale Alpine 2024 Cette machine est à peu de chose près celle qui était utilisée par Groupama-FDJ en 2023. Crédit Lapierre Tout Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 ! Il ne manque que le capteur de puissance pour être en face d'un vélo de pro. Crédit Lapierre Le nouveau guidon intégral Combo LP prend position sur ce modèle. Crédit Lapierre Certaines zones du cadre sont noires carbone apparent. Crédit Lapierre - Cadre : monocoque carbone UD SL - Fourche : carbone UD SL - Leviers : Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 Hydrauliques - Dérailleurs : Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 - Pédalier : Shimano Dura-Ace 52-36 - Cassette : Shimano Dura-Ace 11-30 - Chaîne : Shimano Dura-Ace - Freins : Shimano Dura-Ace Hydrauliques 160 mm/140 mm - Guidon : Combo LP - Tige de selle : Lapierre Aero Carbon - Selle : Prologo Dimension Nack - Roues : New Lapierre Road Disc 50 - Pneus : Continental GP 5000 S - Tailles : XS - S - M - L - XL - XXL - Poids : nc - Prix : 9 000 € Contact : Lapierre, Alpine Read the full article
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