#y’all wanted more
obiwhat · 1 year
Fic request; part 2 to Beating Hearts Because that was adorable and needs to be longer. 🥰
glad y’all enjoyed part 1!! here’s part 2 😈🫶
Beating Hearts pt. 2 (pt. 1: here)
A fever had taken hold on Levi in full force since Erwin had met with him that first night. Erwin did his best to stay with him, but with all the mismatched soldiers under one roof— they needed a leader. Erwin found himself rushing back and forth from the main meeting corridor to Levi’s makeshift quarters every few hours.
His presence seemed to be in vain anyway. Levi’s fever raged whether he was there to cool his brow or not. Hanji said it most likely had something to do with his internal injuries, they worried for his health if they couldn’t bring him to a doctor soon. Though, even in his state, Levi had several objections to this.
Levi assured them both that he was fine. In fact, he assured them that his fever was par for the course, despite the way he was shivering and sweating in bed. As much as Erwin endeared Levi’s perseverance and willpower, he also had moments of despising it.
After hours of deliberating, the ship’s occupations finally came to a conclusion of what they were planning to do about Eren. As the ship reached its station at the port and preparations began on the airship, Erwin went back to Levi’s sickroom once more.
He found it empty. Save for Hanji who sat in the chair by the bed with a sour look on their face.
Levi would be damned.
He’d be damned if he was to lay sick in bed when he was supposed to be prepping for battle. What was the point of being humanity’s strongest if he was the weakest link on the boat?
His hands trembled against the steel corridors of the ship. A bit of fresh sea air, that would surely revive him. He’d be fine to fight on.
Then a fit took hold of him.
There was something wrong with his lungs. Something twisted, that poisoned each breath he attempted since that damn blast. He pressed a hand to his chest as the waves of coughs poured out of him. His vision made the walls of the ship corridor dance and sway until his unsteady feet led him outside, to the ship’s deck.
Levi held to the railing of the deck with his good hand as the coughing fit finally subsided. He was left sputtering breaths into his bandaged fist, met with the sensation of something cool and wet against his palm. Blood. If he had to guess.
Footfalls came from behind him, he hastily swiped his palm across his black pants with a wince.
“Levi. You’re not supposed to be out of bed.” Erwin’s voice, concerned… and irritated.
Damnit Hanji. You snitch.
“We’re in a race against the clock here. I’m feeling much better anyway,” Levi responded promptly, tensing his body so he could stand straight. His good hand never left its tight grasp upon the railing.
“That cough doesn’t sound good. And Hanji tells me you still have a fever.”
Levi clenched his teeth at that. It was true of course, his chest was burning— coinciding with the burn behind his forehead.
“Yeah? Well, Hanji exaggerates. I’m not as bad off as I seem.”
“How I wish that were even close to the truth.”
“We don’t have time to be worrying over me. Not with the world in the state it’s in. Right now, Eren is slaughtering hundreds, no, thousands, of people and I'll be damned if I just sit by and wait for—“
Levi turned sharply, his sore legs threatened to wobble as he did so. Erwin was standing in the middle of the deck, blonde hair swaying in the oceanic wind, fists clenched and arms shaking. He wasn’t looking at Levi, he was looking at the floorboards.
“You will not be fighting.”
“I will, Erwin. That’s not a command I can follow. Not this time.”
“Why? Why is it that important that you go with us? Annie and the children will stay behind, you can watch over them.”
“You want me to stay with the children? I’m not useless, not yet.”
“So this is about your pride?”
“Why else would you refuse a direct order from your—”
“Because the last time you charged into the battlefield, I almost lost you!” Levi’s voice cracked. The boat hit a wave and rocked against the shore where it was hitched.
This was untouched territory. They hadn’t spoken about Shiganshina since that first initial night. And that was just a short briefing with the higher ups. Levi hadn’t told Erwin about the nightmares that plagued him after.
“I almost lost you. Time and time again. When my leg was fucked, you made me stay behind. And you went and lost an arm… a goddamn arm. Then again, you charged out to where I couldn’t protect you and you came back with a h-hole through the middle of…”
His entire body was shaking, convulsing with the weight of this resurfaced horror.
“I won’t let you go where I can’t follow. You can’t split us up again. You can’t—”
Leave me again, he thought. But didn’t say.
Suddenly, his cheek met Erwin’s chest. Whether it was because of his own strength failing or from Erwin tugging him forward, he couldn’t tell. He was wrapped— in a tight and warm embrace. Filled with the sensation of this steadiness that only his commander could retrieve from him.
His hands stretched out, clutching the fabric of Erwin’s shirt with white knuckles. His breaths became heaves.
“Then you understand exactly why I don’t want you to come with us, my dove.”
“You promised… Our time left… We would spend it together.”
“Yes, you’re right” Erwin whispered. “I promised.”
Levi breathed into Erwin’s chest, as if it had some form of healing properties. As if his skin could wash away the pain in Levi’s body like the ocean waves upon the sand.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Erwin said, as if he could hear Levi’s thoughts. Hell, maybe he could. “The sea. The breeze. The waves.”
“It wouldn’t be quite as beautiful without you here with me.”
“One more promise, Levi,” Erwin whispered, like sweet honey in tea. “We’ll always come back here. You and I. In this life, or the next.”
“In this life or the next…” Levi echoed, melting into Erwin’s arms.
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mothbonezart · 11 months
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here’s a mini Goldenheart comic because these two have been on my mind recently
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hollytree33 · 5 months
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Okay okay now that I’m done with these I wanted to post them all together so you can see how the bottom two sort of mirror the top two! I’ve been so excited to finish these so I could show y’all the full picture.
If you’re seeing these for the first time they are The Hanged Man, The Chariot, The High Priestess, and Judgement!
For anyone interested, the original sketches are under the cut!
The sketch for the first one is not included because I did that before I started planning anything.
As you can see they changed quite a bit as I worked on them! The high priestess was originally the two of swords and judgement had a bunch of people that I ended up abandoning.
Bonus: my unfinished procrastination drawing of Shiv with her hart and the golden halla
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my-dear-ceramic-frogs · 2 months
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House MD: how it was vs how it’s going
(My own version of this comic)
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eledsart · 1 year
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say cheeeese
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a-stars-art-blog · 10 months
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I’ve been having thoughts. Completely Normal and not emotionally unstable thoughts.
I DEMAND more Joseph seeing/treating Kakyoin as a 2nd grandson content ITS TOO CUTE
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emry-stars-art · 9 months
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Jellyfish, specifically JellyNeil has no concept of gender nor does it remotely care about its gender until a very specific series of events
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Find the mer au masterpost here 💕
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bethiewhimsy · 5 months
i think the saddest part about the husk shaking from fear because of alastor scene is that he never seemed afraid of him until now. he felt comfortable enough to talk to him, to offer advice and even to bite back when alastor started picking on him. there’s scenes in which they tease each other. husk knows a lot about alastor that nobody else (not even the audience) knows, whether he was purposefully trusted with this information or not, neither seem threatened by it. before that, husk simply seemed regretful to be indebted to him, like alastor was just a burden to bear. i think that’s why his reaction to alastor in that scene was so intense. alastor had perhaps never treated him so harshly before. and that scared the shit out of him. and probably felt akin to some sort of betrayal or something. like being reminded of the awful truth (that alastor OWNS him, that he COULD kill him, that he’d be happy to)
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cuddlebugmonster · 5 months
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After months of prep and hyping up i think I’m ready to introduce this little trouble maker
Please welcome Pluto ! My own version and design of a Donnie Krang baby
(Warning there will be some movie spoilers)
After infiltrating the Krang ship, Donnie and Mikey are tasked to take over the controls and to do that, Donnie fuses with the ship. However when Krang prime notices the turtles, he rips Donnie out of the ship, violently severing the link.
In my AU, because the link was cut by force, a part of Donnie was left behind with the ship, a copy of them. When the ship explodes, drebris is spread across NY, Krang technology and flesh everywhere ! However from the debris, a new creature starts to grow, half turtle, half Krang, birthing a new species, PLUTO !!! >:D
This little creature is one of my all time favorite designs i’ve made in the Rottmnt fandom, I’m very proud of it and hope to finally be able to draw more of this rascal !
I also want to thank @cupcakeslushie for giving me the extra push with Mayday, Pluto doesn’t need to just hang in my files anymore XD, Thank you !!
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lizaisdrawing · 3 months
are those dimples I spot on Wallace 👁️👁️?
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impulsivesuperrobin · 5 months
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extasiswings · 15 days
Just gonna be real here, I don’t understand being stressed about and/or hating on BuckTommy because of Buddie. Buck and Tommy are cute! Tommy is good for Buck! Buck finally having a romantic relationship that is lighthearted and positive is a good thing! I can believe all of those things and enjoy the ride while also believing firmly in a Buddie endgame (for many reasons including but not limited to I do not see this set of writers on this show that has been trying to go there for years just suddenly pivoting to the shiny new thing and abandoning all of that work). Let’s all take several breaths and let the writers write the show.
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timothylawrence · 8 months
“why would Wyll complain about having horns around tieflings at a tiefling party to my tiefling tav”
why are you purposefully misconstructing the whole point of the scene and acting like a dude who was dragged through the layers of hell can’t be upset his body was forcible changed into a the body of a fiend .
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buddiebitch · 27 days
saw someone on tiktok say that they “love that the fandom has come to a general consensus that tommy needs to stay” …
retake the consensus now because idk where you got those results
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formulahigh · 1 day
just so we’re clear Benedict Bridgerton has been bisexual since he made eyes at that painter in season 1 and will remain bisexual even after he marries Sophie
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phleb0tomist · 8 months
did you grow up with chronic pain? did you get called sensitive as a kid/teen with chronic pain? were you bombarded with wisecracks from adults who said you won’t know real pain till you get older? join my initiative to ban this vile practice from planet earth!
i had chronic pain as a kid. (still do now.) my physical ability was best in childhood, like, i could do cartwheels then, meanwhile i can’t walk now. but istg my pain was regularly at this very same level back in childhood. ok i have extra symptoms now which make things harder, but if we’re JUST focusing on the pain part, it’s often the same. this blows my mind. the level of pain that i have now, bedbound and with opioids and a million accommodations, is the same level i had when i was 10 when i was just walkin around all day, asking my teachers nicely if i could sit indoors during playtime. (they said no btw.) back then, every time i tried to tell people how much everything hurt, adults said i was “sensitive”.
was i sensitive? is that what i was?
I think i must have been insanely powerful as a 10 year old to be out and about with a level of pain that makes me nonfunctional as an adult. I wonder how many kids and teens are in that amount of pain right now and are being dismissed because of their age. i think the way adults treat children with long term pain is evil. “you don’t know real pain! it only gets worse as you get older! wait till you grow up!!”
okay i waited.
i’m closer to 30 now than i am to 10, and the more hindsight i gain, the more i realise what a horrific violation it is that my pain was ignored when i was the most vulnerable to the trauma of unmanaged pain and had the least frame of reference for what level of agony is normal to experience while climbing stairs
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