#ya know what this reminds me of actually
What’s your favorite Poe costume?
hi bb 🥰 thank you for sending this, i very much enjoyed looking at all the pics lmao 🤤
10000000% my choice is the slutty dinosaur wrangler look from rise of skywalker
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there's just....so much going on between the gloves and shirt and the pants and boots and that stupid fucking scarf hnnnnnnnnnnnnng.
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i think i fall in love with him a little more every time i see him in this outfit tbh. it's very, um, inspiring, let's say 🤭
(honorable mention below the cut)
also adore him in his flight suit, tbh. who knew an ugly, orange onesie could also be sexy? 🙃
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(tho, lbr, it might just be that oscar makes it sexy lmaooo)
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lucielovekj · 30 days
I love how Nimona portrays Ballister’s curiosity as not inherently bad, and that when he’s respectful and gentle and acknowledges the sensitivity of the question Nimona is completely willing to explain and to show him. Because no matter what you use that as an allegory for it’s so often the case irl, if a stranger asks something invasive disrespectfully that’s completely different from a supportive loved one asking out of concern or a desire to understand you better, and that in close personal relationships asking questions, even if there’s a risk of stepping out of line or saying something insensitive, is usually good and healthy so long as it’s done properly.
Most of us (just like Nimona) are actively excited to talk about this stuff with those we care about, are happy for people we love to want to know us better, but it’s (obviously) stigmatised by strangers doing so rudely making people think they can’t ask any questions ever, which only increases the ignorance and stigma surrounding whatever the topic is. If someone knows they can tell you when a question is too much, when they trust you and understand what you’re intentions are, it’s good and natural to be inquisitive.
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me a year ago, watching a clip from a show in which a character is explicitly stated to be autistic: MAN it's nice to see characters just like me on the screen. I'm not autistic though
me as a child, reading a wrinkle in time: MAN i love meg murry she's so relatable. she's also autistic. I'm not autistic though
me as a child, creating characters: MAN I love making this relatable character. she's so me fr. she's autistic. I'm not though
me a few years ago, watching temple grandin: MAN i love seeing this relatable character on screen who I can relate to so much. I'm not autistic though
me now, late diagnosed: oh.
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inahallucination · 2 years
some of yall just forget being bisexual is a thing huh
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alloverthegaf · 1 year
me hearing strange noises until I realise they’re coming from the mysterious neighbour™: oh hm I’m sure that’s fine
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torchickentacos · 1 year
I never do this, but reblogs were off and I want to shout this at everyone. stealing this post.
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more thoughts under read more. I know it's a popular saying and I never look down on people who say things like this before knowing the impact they have (or even after to an extent, I have too much benefit of the doubt to go around), as we all have things we say and do that have negative impacts, and sometimes you never know to change that until someone points it out. So this is NOT a call out post or whatever, this is my rambling emotional thoughts on a topic.
I think first and foremost, I'm bothered by the ableism of course. But secondary to that is my annoyance at seeing people act high and mighty about fandom discourse. Like, if you want to talk to adults with jobs, go to linkedin or something, not tumblr, where we do care about things, and where we do discuss things.
And I GET thinking some discourse is stupid. I DO! because guess what. some discourse is stupid skjfhsdjkjfhsdjfhkdjs. I've joked about the poke/amour stuff before. I'll clown on some things, and maybe that makes me a hypocrite, but I feel like a step is taken when you take it from 'making fun of the discourse', something we all do to an extent (which dare I say is a form of participating in it) to 'making fun of the people who engage in such discourse'. We are FREE to talk about how silly the voltron stuff was. We are FREE to be snarky about things because human nature is to be a bit of a hater sometimes. but do it in a way that jabs at the topic and not the people.
But I think a lot of it also hinges on how we see human value on a larger scale. People make fun of people who work retail, people who don't have jobs, people whose jobs are considered extra or undesirable like sex workers, et cetera, despite these jobs being IMPORTANT. It's disheartening to me to see people lean on these types of jabs, and I think it tends to paint human value as something purely based on what you can give out to the world. It leans on this sort of input-output based system of determining how valuable or worthy someone is. And if they don't meet that standard value of 'adult with job', then their opinions are moot as jobless losers in their mom's basements or whatever the fuck. I think the whole thing leans into the conservative 'special snowflake' attitude, which isn't something I think we should be leaning on in arguments or discussion.
And I think that the intent is usually not to be ableist. Most people don't start their day wondering how they can insult disabled people, I'd hope. But intent and impact are often detached, and good intent (avoiding discourse) can have a bad impact (making fun of people in the name of pointing out issues with disocurse). I also think race could be a component, given how racial discrimination in hiring is still a very real thing and is a real factor preventing people from getting 'GoOd ReAl JoBs', but I'll leave that side of the discussion to someone who is more qualified to talk on it than I am. Feel free to chime in with any insight on that side of the coin if you want!!! I imagine the same also goes for visibly queer people but I'm not going to get into the straight/cis passing stuff right now.
And maybe I'm looking too far into it. Maybe I'm just thinking about it too much, maybe it's just a funny little saying that TOTALLY doesn't affect actual people in any way. After all, I'm just some jobless disabled loser in my parent's house talking about discourse on tumblr, aren't I?
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salsflore · 1 year
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#going back to school tmrw and i obviously have Feelings™️ abt that#warning this is a vent? post? idk not really cuz i'm not sad nor do i need comfort and theres nothing for me to really vent about but#well! i suppose you can just call it a way for me to talk about my feelings a little. but the way i am right now? i'm actually fine so if#anyone reads this then don't worry! ya know but. anyways this morning i woke up and overheard something i shouldntve#and for a moment (and what feels like the veryyy first time in my life) i considered if it was worth it to kms LOL a bit overdramatic right#to clarify i WOULD NEVER. i do not want to die but just! very briefly‚ i thought it’d be better if i did#(only for that short short short moment) did i consider if it was truly the best thing to do. like there was a possibility i really would#but i know i would never actually#and now i just wonder what i should do! i guess. like where do i go from here? what am i supposed to do to cope?#how do i get better? very obviously i don’t wanna get stuck in the same sad loop of self pity or anything!#so when therapy isn’t an option‚ and school (an unavoidable) seems to be 85% of the problem‚ what CAN i do if not just tolerate it?#what option is there for me? reach out to my friends? i feel like talking it out doesn’t do anything for me anymore#my calendar is littered with small events and reminders just so i can get by. when does it get better? where do i go from here because it#very much feels like i'm going to be stuck in this cycle forever. i know theres good intentions but i am Very tired of hearing#people say they're there for me and articles telling me to go outside and touch the flowers i!#i don't know what to do with myself anymore. i think i'm going to have to live with this feeling forever actually#but i really do want to get better. i suppose i just don’t know how#⠀mika’s chatroom !⠀
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othercrossee · 1 year
If u search up twink on the internet that one fucking picture of joshua will show up
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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In celebration of now 5 years of self shipping and growth on this blog, I'll be hosting an F/O Takeover for the entire month of February!
Starting today the Blog shall be run by The Ideal Polycule;
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Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum), Koro-Sensei, and Teruteru Hanamura
You're free to ask them whatever you like; Bug them about themselves, each other, me, or even yourself if you're up for it! They're a friendly bunch, talk to them all you like about whatever you want!
I'll try and reblog Takeover ask games as I find them to give you all ammunition for asks throughout the month. They may also make some original posts all their own, so keep an eye out for those.
One top of that I'll be making all sorts of art (if I can) specifically for these three and our life together! Did you know the ideal polycule world has lore and story? Not much but some, and I'll be doing my best to share that throughout the month.
I hope you all will humor me with this little event, and have as much fun with it as I do. Thankyou all for being so kind and patient with me, I look forward to another year together.
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rosicheeks · 2 years
Rosie go to sleep. You have that thing in the morning that you already don’t want to do but it’ll be worse if you’re tired and have to do it.
You can play around on Tumblr when you’re back in bed after you’ve done the thing.
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first-only · 2 years
@ the anon who is venting about their frustration with a fic – I will not publish that ask as it, albeit tangentially, deals with a discourse topic im not touching, but I wanted to give some kind of answer.
It’s completely understandable to be a little disappointed or upset when something doesn’t go the way you wanted to, and good on you for venting to someone else or to friends and stuff and not harassing or giving “critique” to the writer. Your feelings are completely valid and understandable, I have absolutely been in a situation where something puts me off completely. However, it’s good to remember that “thought crimes aren’t real” doesn’t stop applying when the ‘thought crimes’ are not something that you actually agree with irl. This applies to fiction too of course – people will have thoughts and stories that you personally find objectionable and offensive. That does not stop them from being thoughts and/or fiction.
Even if the fic contains something you find completely distasteful, it’s just a fic. Even if it deals with racism, ableism, homophobia, any other real world topic that’s very prevalent and sensitive in fandom, it’s still just a fic. The specific thing that made you angry is dealt with in a lot of mainstream media too, not any more sensitively or coherently. You cannot know what the author is taking out of this, they could as well be projecting themselves onto the character in question. Their fic does not necessarily reflect their real life views. And even if it does – you have no proof they have actually done anything offensive, and you are not the person to hold them responsible for it.
Again, being disappointed and frustrated is perfectly understandable, especially if you had an emotional attachment to the writing and world. But the best thing you can do is decide whether you want to keep on reading or not. The writer made this story and characters this way, because this is how they wanted their story and characters to be. This is what they wanted to write and how they wanted to write it. This is all you can gleam from their work. I understand you’re.. miffed about the topic at hand, but – thought and fictional crimes are not real crimes, nor are they immoral, nor are they unethical. This problem would be identical to if, for example, the author introduced another of your favourite characters and you completely hated their characterization and portrayal. It would be identical to if suddenly the story went to a place you did not like narratively, or if they dropped their beta and the quality tanked. The problem is just in whether you want to keep following the story or not. Not in the writer’s. Moral Purity.
There have been quite a few takes lately I’ve hated in seemingly no thought crime circles – that fandom is heteronormative in their m/m depiction, that liking feminine male characters somehow undermines trans men’s real struggles, that depicting female characters in a certain way is misogynist. This is all the same problem – separation of fiction from reality, mixing up of fictional “problems” (aka tastes) and very real world dynamics and actual issues – the belief of thought crimes, magical thinking. Another point in my ‘build a fundamental belief system and run all opinions by it’ maxima. In other words – if you’re okay with prepubescent characters in explicit situations, if you’re okay with rape fic, if you’re okay with snuff fic… then why aren’t you okay with this?
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myriadsystem · 2 years
Any systems out there that have maybe advice or anecdotes about non-corporeal alters, please if you feel comfortable sharing im in a tight spot and could use guidance:
So, I am a ghost. When we were little our hosts had always been human, during our teen years i co-hosted with a human. During our late teens/early 20s i was considered less of a co-host and more of just only being out when we interacted with our abuser, and the human co-host became the only host for a while. Since then that human is no longer host and isnt able to be considered co-host anymore (atleast not for the forseeable future until we get therapy and can unpack some stuff for her) and the role of host falls solely on me. The ghosty hostess with the mostess 😎
So basically tl;dr the first part, ive been in the body fairly often before but its only the last few months i have been here all the time with 'just me' (obv not including random switches/lurking but like i mean in a sense of the body primarily belonging only to me without a break.)
The body deals with a l o t of chronic pain.
Basically i had some thoughts recently where i couldnt tell if i could feel the body pains more these days just because i dont have a co-host/have someone to take it from me when its overwhelming, or because im becoming more connected with the idea of having physicality? Or the pain is just worse/increased because whatever is causing the pain hasnt been medically adressed and my condition has decreased. I have recently stopped taking my uh, 🍀 medication due to financial reasons and since not having it the body just feels worse and worse every day, i honestly didnt realise just how much it was doing for me in regards to just like. Allowing me to go for a tiny 10min slow paced walk without wishing to scream and howl in pain with every step. To let me function, essentially, on a physical pain management scale.
The last two ideas stress me out. I still feel like a ghost, not to get too personal but my ghost form wasnt formed out of a near death experience it was out of a need to have certain words and events 'go through me,' and a deep connected sense of lonelyness and abandonment like those things and people and places who are gone and forgotten. And i carry much trauma related to those feelings which i will not be going into detail about here. But the thought that i have been in this body so long by myself, and have over the last few years found friends and connections to other physical people i want to be around, couldve caused/be causing me to slowly become less ghost and more physically real? That scares and worries me. I still very much feel like i need to be ghost to stop us getting hurt in that way. I worry if i become corporeal, it will be easy for other people to hurt us in that same way again. I worry if i am corporeal that i will have to deal with the bodys physical pains much more intensely than i already do if i am so connected to it, and that i cannot do what i do best to allow painful things to pass through me. Like im made of nothing but smoke because i essentially am. Thats my entire reason for being. I worry if this is the case and im becoming a more physical embodiment of my former self that its out of my control and i dont get a choice. Because i would chose to stay ghost if i could.
The other option is also scary. The body is only 24 years old dude. It shouldnt hurt this much all the time over comparatively small tasks. Or no tasks. It shouldnt hurt this much just to be 'alive'. And if it is because the condition has progressed since the last time i was aware of the body for real and ive gotten worse? Thats almost too much to think about. How quickly is it progressing? Why cant i do anything to stop it? Why wont doctors do anything to stop it, or atleast identify it so i can work on managing it myself? Ive only ever split once (personally i mean not as a system) and the poor entity is full of medical trauma. It makes it so hard to keep going to doctors to keep begging them to take me seriously when they never do. Its so much pain and effort (let alone money) and exhaustion just to get to a doctor. Not even a specialist just a gp. Only for them to tell me every time that i brush my hair and dress nicely and usually wear makeup and i couldn't possibly be struggling in any way, especially physically. Its too much effort, more effort than its worth for that. So i dont really go to a doctor any more, but i need to, i need just one of them to take me fucking seriously. Because i have no good way of knowing if this pain seems so new and intense to me because im more 'real' (physical) than i ever was, or because there is more pain.
Both options suck
So yeah idk any ghostly entities or fluid/non-corporeal/shadow type alters, do you have advice how to tell if you might be becoming physical? Or those of you who used to be floaty who did transition into a more 'sturdy' being, what did it feel like? When did you know you werent the concept of see-through anymore? Do you prefer not having a graspable form? How has this change benefited your sys?
Idk i have a lot of questions just any sort of advice might be helpful here bc im having a rough time lately managing physical body pain in relation to the literal reason i exist and if i still exist like that.
#thats so fkn long im so sorry i so rarely post actual longform stuff on here but ive been thinking about lots lately#plus this is my blog i get to talk about my stuff here. this is my blog i have to keep reminding myself the social rules ive built myself#do not have to apply here. i can be a nuisance on my own damn blog if i wish#im also sorry idk how to do a readmore tho#i tried. i do not know if it will work its the first one ive done and i am on mobile app so im just reslly sorry if it doesnt work#and you get this huge text wall comin at ya#thats a lot of personal stuff i fe a bit weord abt posting so much private stuff openly but i needed to get these thoughts out#in a way where i can maybe get advice without judgement and not just a one sided journaling entry#personal#did#osdd#tw: death mention#tw: abuse mention#tw: drug mention#endos dni#tw: split mention#? idk what to tag as trigger warnings theres a lot of heavy implied stuff here but no actual real details i think#tw: ghosts#gross fuck you if you expect me to tw my fucking self but also. like i get it. i get not everyones cool with ghosts#bc theyre so often linked with deathy concepts#tw: trauma#tw: trauma mention#again not specifically with detail but i just dont wanna upset unprepared folks#next question for myself. if i click dont allow reblogs can people still reply? we will find tf out i suppose#if youre 'endo' you will be immediately blocked upon my finding this out or if youre just a dick about this post or my situation in general#im in a bad place. i have zero fucking tolerance for any kind of hate or even criticism right now. friendly discussions please only#im happy for you to share your stories if you think it relates or you might have insight into my situation#and im asking for advice so unless its very obviously unsolicited or unapplicable to situations like this(airy alters becoming less airy)#please feel free to share whatever you think might help or work within context#system
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medicaltechnician · 5 months
idk if its the late nights and lack of activity (my own fault) but i’ve been feeling like i need out of this friend group more and more. Idk what it is (i do, it just seems… petty and stupid. And just seems like a me problem not a them problem.)
problem ofc is that, there are a couple people i like as friends in the group. hell fuck i love them all and don’t want them out of my life completely. sort of wish that I didn’t have my ex out of my life completely. Maybe one day we can reconnect. But we both have to be more mature for that. We both need more growth. No idea how he’s doing.
I feel like I villified him a bit in my brain. Which was urged by my closest friend. Who I trust with my life so. (this was after I confessed maybe I have problems with him to to this friend. which was valid). Idk, people approach things differently. And I agree’d with my friend.
I think its a problem with how I talk. I guess I come off in absolutes? Idk. I give off, strange vibes when I talk. This tangent makes no sense to anybody but me.
But also, can’t just, drop em? They’re sort of my only friend group. It ain’t like I get out and about. I don’t mesh well with people. It sort of sucks that the most I’ve meshed well with is my ex, my bestie, and another friend. My ex is no contact so fuck me ig. My bestie is pre-occupied with other things and personally, I feel we’ve drifted a bit. I’m not too bothered by it? It’s neither of our faults, just taking different life paths. Also going from complete co-dependency to what we have now. What we have now is probably just normal friendship lmao. And then the other friend is a couple years younger than me, so obviously they do have their set of friends within their age group. Which I encourage them hanging out, like obviously. I see myself as more of an older brother figure ig. Try to part some wisdom I’ve gained. Then theres my crush and obviouslt rhats a mess, I wish I never had a crush on him so we could have a normal relationship. I wish I could have friends?? Idk. what am I talking bout?
So, yeah. I need to get out of the house more often so I can meet like-minded people (in the creative and path sense) so I can actually do the things I want to do. I don’t even need to be a producer or lead or director. Fuck I’m happy starting from the bottom and working my way up. (Ideal situation is mainly being on equal footing. I want people to give their input and ideas to my ideas, and vise versa)
#ker talks#it’s strange nowadays i feel like when i reach out im being annoying or smth#whether im reaching out for positive stuff or negative#when i do i rarely get a satisfactory response in my mind. feels like i’m being brushed off.#or ya know i’d like to hold a conversation thats got some meat to it? but it fizzles out#shit wondering if my bestie even wants to talk to me.#last time I came over I was hoping to watch jerma together and we did-ish. he sort of was textin/interacting with his crush#or just on his phone idk. call me a boomer but it bugs me when people r on their phone in a one on one situation#I understand if it’s a bigger group or if ya just checking it#but it seemed fuckin constant. it sucked. shit.#its worse when we get high together esp since i only get high alone so i tend to scroll a bit too#but itd be nice if when we got high we did stuff together esp in person next time we hang out i’ll keep note of this stuff and bring it up#just to make sure i aint making it up. esp cause i feel like im being stupidly jealous bout this#i see him interact with others? whats different bout me. he said he feels comfortable actually unmasking round me#and i know interaction drains him and fuck he went through so much and is trying his hardest to stay alive and sane rn#so idk i dont want to put more on his plate. but its fucking me up a bit too.#hell one of the things we went thru together. reacted differently and affected differently cause slightly different situations.#its honestly one of my working theories on why we drifted cause we keep reminding eachother of that night by interacting.#it sucks. alot. i dont want to be reminded of my failures. of the fact it traumatized him so fuckinf deeply and i failed.#and then i feel guilty for even feeling like shit bout the event cause i didnt have /that/ happen to me i just happrned to be there.#i need a goddamn professional to sort this out. it sucks ass. and i hate that it fuels my self hate#both to do with my inability to protect and feeling insignificant. overshadowed. thats the worse feeling of it all.
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aria0fgold · 7 months
I'd like to think that my house isn't haunted, but for a couple days now, whenever I'm alone, I always get this feeling that something is looking and walking towards me and I should be freaked out but I'd also like to think that whatever ghost making its presence lil bit known just wanna chill with me on the pc.
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snekdood · 9 months
anyways if nick fartez and any of his skeevy fans are spying on me online I needja to know this: no one will ever love you or like you or fuck you and its all your fault bc your a nazi. the only way you'll ever get anything is if you rape someone and you and I both know that doesnt mean shit except how desperate you are to stick your dick in someone and how much you're willing to violate people who actively dislike you and would never be around you if it was their choice. it didn't hafta be this way but you decided being a ugly skeevy nazi was more important than anything, which is sad. honestly jump off a cliff, save yourself the time.
#posting this bc idk where I saw the clip maybe a vaush video or keffals or some shit but he mentions his 'jewish bully' which he says in a#way thats obvious he doesnt actually have one but seems like a direct reference to me and how I would vent about having a bully who was#jewish also. but the whole point I was making in the first place is that her being jewish has nothing to do with her being a bully. its#whatever trauma that made her so shitty bc otherwise her sister was really nice to me and we got along and were friends#just thought I should post this to remind them since they probably hate watch me and try to see me as a lolcow to compensate#for their own shitty fuckless lives.#hey at least I can get some lmao.#really makes me wonder though. who exactly is reporting to him about me? I WONDER if its the same person I keep kinda#coming to the conclusion about that theyre secretly a alt righter which is why they desperately try to paint me as one.#i mean hey bud! why were you writing lyrics to a song about hitler on your kupika?#im sure you're so so happy that that website is taken down. too bad I have screenshots and video evidence of it huh 😢#+everything else about you and your history ik about and the shit you cover up like. it kinda seems like its compiling into one thing.#innit ya channer? hey at least I thought those conspiracy theories were about something else entirely. you prolly know exactly what#theyre referencing. which is probably why when I started talking about them not knowing what they really meant you instead#saw it as an opportunity to take down a trans person. and also why you somehow knew about the “bohemian grove” and were the#first person to tell me about it. but whatever no ones gonna believe me... for now.#cant wait for the day your ass gets exposed for the shitty skeevy fuck you really are xoxoxo#though who knows. maybe nick and his fuckless followers picked up on me from vaush's chat. but honestly I feel like i'm such a nobody ass#person on there that idk why they would. so kinda think its someone else. someone who might've been following me for longer.......#and was the first person to tell me about the bohemian grove and also enabled and egged on the conspircy theory beliefs 🤔🤔🤔🤔
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