#yandere connor kenway
a-not-so-clean-blog · 4 months
So I've been thinking about witch Assassins would be the worst yanderes. I did worst case scenario because I can 🩶 AC1-3
1 is a normal person, 10 is full coo coo 🔪
Altaïr: 6/10 or 3/10
Young arrogant Altaïr wouldn't be a fun yandere to have but he's not the worst. If you can handle his normal ego you're fine. Well unless you freak out when he kills someone in front of you. He has no issues getting his hands bloody and doesn't care if you see. He also doesn't like you having friends outside of the brotherhood, and will eliminate anyone who he thinks will corrupt you. Everyone in the brotherhood knows better than to try and get between Altaïr and his target, even a non lethal target. He won't hurt you, but he will use fear to control your actions.
After everything happens with his character arc he is much better. He has a lot more value in free will and has definitely calmed down. He still doesn't trust the people around you but with the brotherhood at his disposal he doesn't need to get his hands dirty or scare you to keep you protected. You can live a normal life, just with a bloody angel on your shoulder. And no, I don't think he would use the apple against you. He has grown and doesn't feel the need to anymore. However despite being much less intense and overbearing if someone makes the mistake of hurting you he will personally make sure that it never happens again. The reason his rating is so low is because he's normal unless an external force makes him do something.
Ezio AC2 4/10 or 9/10
Oh boy. So he did have some mild yandere tendencies when he was younger. Mostly his protective instincts, but the worst he would do is beat up people who upset you. He didn't have much to do during the day so he would spend a lot of time just hanging around you, pestering and flirting.
After he lost his family though… let's just say his obsession with revenge could only be outmatched by his new extreme need to protect and possess those he cares about. He's calmer if you stay in Mario's villa, but that doesn't mean he's sane when he has to leave you. If you don't want to go to the villa… he will try his best to convince you with soft words and big round puppy eyes. If that doesn't work then plan C is to take you by force. He's doing this for your own good, It's to keep you safe! He doesn't know what he would do if he lost you too, and frankly I'm a little scared to find out. He may hurt you by accident. If you try to walk away from him he will grab your arm so tightly that you know it's already bruised. He gets overwhelmed by fear and forgets his strength. He will spend the next week trying to apologize, he is absolutely heartbroken that he hurt you and he will punish himself for it. As to be expected from a man led by his emotions.
Rathonhagé:ton 7/10
I don't think his personality has really changed all that drastically to warrant more than one rating. In fact, I don't think he would really be any different even if his village wasn't raided.
Even without being smitten by someone this boy already has no issue killing if he sees a random civilian getting harassed by red coats. So you can only imagine the heights he would reach if his obsession was in danger, real or perceived. It's hard to tell if you will even notice his yandere behavior or not. Like I said before, he has no problem killing for you, but he also doesn't want to kill in front of you. He knows he's big, dark, and intimidating, but he genuinely doesn't want to scare you. He's so soft and shy when he's with you that you can't even imagine the rage and bloodlust he keeps hidden just under the surface. All in all he has some of the worst yandere tendencies when it comes to intensity, but he will do his best so you never know. The less you know, the better. Also he feels community is extremely important so he's not the type to get really upset if you make friends. To him that's more people who will look out for you. He would prefer if you join the homestead but understands if you don't want to leave your town. He won't force you to do anything you don't want, he doesn't want you to resent him if he does. If you don't join the homestead he'll pop in and check in on you whenever he can. It's totally not stalking…
Desmond 1/10 or 10/10
Ummm… so before he got taken by Abstergo there were no issues. He was just a guy. The only problem came AFTER Abstergo. Especially when he is not bleeding.
He's lived through SO many tragedies. He's seen and felt the pain and loss of his ancestors and it's carved deep scars in his heart. May the Isu help whatever poor soul decides to hurt someone Desmond cares about, because they will suffer the concentrated pain that's been festering for centuries. Surprisingly, his yandere tendencies (especially the aggression) aren't nearly as bad if he's bleeding an ancestor. That's because when he bleeds he will adopt his ancestors tendencies, not the full collection of emotional pain he usually carries with him. If you remind him of anyone his ancestors knew then he's more likely to bleed that ancestor. If not, then it's really just luck (or unluck) of the draw who he bleeds. I'm sorry if he bleeds older Ezio because being in modern time will make him feel like he has no control of the area and Ezio Desmond will freak out the worst.
Begrudgingly I'll give you Haythem too. (Do not ask me to write for him. I do not like him but his character is interesting enough that I will give this to you.)
Haythem 2/10 or 9/10
It depends on if he meets you before or after Ziio. Before Ziio he's basically a normal dude. A little "protective" but not much else. He's more just showing off than actually being proactive. He lets people fight their own battles for the most part, and has a “whatever happens, happens.” type personality.
After Ziio dies he goes completely insane. Guilt and loss corrupting his views on freedom and morality. He is still a Templar, still one of the most powerful people in the colonies. He will use every authority he has to make you do what he wants. If that doesn't work he is more than happy to use force. He has this sickly sweet smile on his face as he drags you kicking and screaming to whatever safehouse he decides you will stay at. Lavish and clean, so different from the outside. He just wants to pretend that everything is fine, just for a little while before he has to go out again. It not a protective instinct, but a possessive one. Like someone stole his favorite toy so he latches on to the next one with a ferocity.
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
Oh, I suppose I shoulda been said this but uh...
Requests are open!
I'm accepting requests for any of the fandoms featured in my masterlist (with the exception of BTS, who I no longer write for) but a few specific characters/au's currently have priority:
(In order of priority)
Miguel O'Hara
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway
Spider person!reader (for Miguel)
Modern (for Connor)
These only take priority because they're the characters and universes that I currently have the most inspiration for. (Seriously, I pumped out like three long ass, super detailed posts about Miguel in the span of 2 days. The brainrot is very serious. 🙃)
Also, I'm currently working on a couple things:
More Yandere!Connor Kenway content
A Miguel x reader secret relationship drabble (potentially "miniseries")
So, if you've got any thoughts/tidbits to share/things you'd like to see regarding Miguel or Connor, feel free to shoot me an ask!
Requests are now closed! Please visit this post for more information.
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Yandere Assassins + Their Darling Being Scared of Them (pt.1)
Summary: How do the assassins react when they find out that the object of their affection is absolutely terrified of them and just wants them to leave them alone? How would they try to fix it or do they see opportunity in their fear?
Altair Ibn-La'Ahad:
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You are a plague on his sanity and the bane of his existence. If anything, he should be scared of you and this hold you have on him. His every being craves to be near you to the point he watches from afar as his arms desire to be wrapped around you, his thoughts imagine you in crowds and leave him with a dull pain when he sees you are nowhere to be found, and regardless of all that; his soul yearns for you and his heart aches when you flee from him. Because of how passionately he feels towards you that he becomes cold to you and honestly rather annoyed that you cause him to behave this sort of way. Therefore, you believe you have offended him and that every time you catch his eyes staring at you with such intensity, you feel unsafe because you think he's plotting your demise. Altair is a mix of resentment and frustration.
Resentment towards both you and himself. He resents the way you make him feel but he hates knowing that the very sight of him causes you to shrink and flee. He feels frustrated because he wants to convey that he has no intention of harming you, that it might be better for the both of you if you called him 'yours' and he call you 'his', but it only serves to confuse and unnerve you further which he understands. He wishes that he could just grab you and pull you into a passionate kiss that'll make you understand his frustration, desperation, and devotion. He won't because he is aware that it would upset you further but he wishes he could.
Instead, he tries to get you used to him, making earnest yet begrudging attempts to assure you that he does not wish to kill you in your sleep, but also becomes frustrated (mostly with himself) when it proves to be fruitless. Regardless, he will not give up because he is stubborn in his pursuit of you and it will only be a matter of time before you yield to him and his love.
Ezio Auditore:
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It's certainly a surprise to him when he finds out that he intimidates you. He was so incredibly convinced that your shy glances and adorably nervous behavior around him were because you had a crush on him but rumors of his history with romance (if you could call it that) simply prevented you from taking the leap into his arms. Hence why he would try to get you alone and romance you but when his sister makes an off-handed remark about how creepy he is with you and he asks her to elaborate, his delusions are broken and he is absolutely baffled to hear that you, in fact, fear him. The next time he approaches you, he now sees the look you gave him that he mistook as 'shy affection' was actually blatant distress.
He feels bad for misreading you and is desperate to set this misunderstanding straight. So when he once again corners you, you expect him to be once again close for comfort and flirt with you but this time, he's incredibly respectful and very genuine. He feels embarrassed but when you become more relaxed the more he explains himself, he starts to feel better seeing you not so apprehensive around him. Then he finishes off by asking you what he can do to remedy this.
"Ezio, I really appreciate you recognizing my discomfort and apologizing, and I think the best way we can remedy this is if we simply just don't interact with each other."
So it appears that a new misunderstanding has grown; you forgive him for intimidating you but you think the best solution is that he should leave you alone. Which very much conflicts with the goal of making you his spouse and spending every moment of his life admiring and adoring you. He smiles softly at you, knowing that trying to deny you after his apology would make it seem fake, but now it seems he must overcome another problem. But don't worry, Ezio won't give up until you realize you both are meant to be.
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Ratonhnhaké:ton recognizes his feelings towards you are anything but normal and that he genuinely does not blame you for being intimidated by him but it does still hurt when he eavesdrops on you telling one of the women on the Homestead about how unsettling you find him. How his gaze always falls on you, how he seems to always hover around you whenever you need help, and that while you do appreciate it, it has happened way too often to be considered a coincidence. He's more surprised that the OTHERS don't really notice his behavior and stare at you as if you were the one with the unhealthy obsession.
To be fair, Ratonhnhaké:ton is the least threatening Yandere to his darling. Maybe he stalks but he is respectful and keeps his distance and he tries to be polite and treat his darling like he would anyone else, albeit a bit awkwardly, but he is aware of the darker side of his feelings and tries to resist them. However, at the end of the day, he is just a man in love and while it does have some twisted undertones, there is no denying that he is genuine in the pursuit of your affection and that he does want you to be happy.
In fact, YOU might end up being the one who feels bad because when Ratonhnhaké:ton apologizes for making you feel uncomfortable and promises to be more mindful in the future, you feel like you owe him an apology because of the puppy eyes he gives you. When it comes to Ratonhnhaké:ton and his feelings for you, it's mostly an internal struggle with himself and his unhealthy obsession, and you just so happen to be collateral damage in that battle.
Edward Kenway:
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Also understands where you're coming from, he is not a good person and his obsession with you is incredibly unfortunate but unlike his grandson, he isn't nearly as noble trying to resist his urges. It's not that he doesn't care about you or your feelings, especially because he does yearn for you to love him unconditionally, but he is just so damn possessive over you and you're not even his lover. With all the fights he starts over you and how his yandere tendencies flare up when someone so much as says your name in a way he doesn't like, he is aware that he scares you. You never asked for this, he can tell in your eyes that you wish he would just disappear when you look at him, but he just can't resist you nor the way his heart aches to be with you.
Edward might also kinda take advantage of the fact you fear him by scaring you away from other people. When you push someone away for the first time, worried that Edward might do something to them, it's like a switch flicks in his brain. Again he won't hurt you but when he asks you who it was that you were talking to, you immediately plead with him and tell him not to do anything, and he can't help but soften because he knows you'll keep your word. Because you're a good person who cares about others and he'll softly caress your face before promising you that he won't do anything as long as you promise never to go near that person again. Not only that but when you start to touch him and be affectionate with him whenever he becomes upset to try and appease him; giving you the illusion that you have some sort of control over him when in reality; that is not the case.
Yes, he is weak for your touch and will allow himself to lavish in it as you timidly beg him not to hurt someone but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll do it, even when he "promises" it to you. Especially if that person hurt you or tried to 'steal' you away from him. Edward is painfully aware that you don't do this out of love but once he narrows down your options and isolates you for a while; maybe one day your fingers won't tremble as you run them through his hair and that he can kiss you without feeling your tears run down your cheek.
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axolotlart · 4 months
my favorite video game characters :v
I do not know what I did
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teecupangel · 1 year
so I have an idea what if Haytham Kenway is a yandere because of his desire of no longer wanting to lose things precious to him that started after being left by Ziio and goes full on platonic yandere for Ratohnhaké:tön,  when he learns he is his and Ziio’s son and we could also add adewale to the mix of someone he doesn’t want to lose because he is the only living connection left of his father
I feel like we would need a catalyst for this because if he was already a yandere before he met Kaniehtí:io then it wouldn’t make sense that he’ll let Kaniehtí:io go.
So in this case, the catalyst would be the aftermath of saving Jennifer. Not only did he lose one of the few people he actually trusted, Jim Holden. During the funeral, Jennifer hammered in the final coffin and told Haytham that they shouldn’t be stay close and that they were much too broken to become a family once more.
As well as…
“You became one of them, Haytham. The very people who ordered our father’s death and destroyed our family. No matter what kind of man you are underneath that cape of yours, you still choose to remain part of their Order. I cannot…” Jennifer stared at her younger brother…
At the Grand Master of the Templar Order.
“I care for you as my brother but… I also wish I could strangle you…” She placed her hands on Haytham’s neck, “To snuff out the rot of the Kenway name.”
Haytham stayed still, lips curving into a small mirthless smile, as he asked, “Am I truly the rotten one, Jenny?”
“We both are, Haytham.” Jennifer said with a sad smile void of any hope. She dropped her hands and turned away as she said, “Our blood has rot beyond any hope of salvation. Stained by the corruption of the Order and the festering corpse of the Brotherhood.”
“If we truly wish to protect this world…” Jennifer began to walk away as she said, “We would let our blood end with us.”
And the tragedy of it is that Haytham actually believed that Jennifer was right.
The Kenway family was filled with tragedy. Even the happiness he must have had as a child felt like a dying dream.
But, at the same time, he also wanted his life to mean something.
His loyalty to the Order wasn’t because of Birch, it was because he truly did believe in the Order’s ideology.
And he would keep pushing forward…
Until it was time for him to die.
Shay was a tool that needed to be guided to be used effectively.
Or perhaps Haytham was simply pushing such thoughts to keep himself from remembering how the villages refused to let him come even near the forest. He had not seen Ziio at all, could not even ask any of the villagers to deliver his message or to give Ziio the letter he had penned.
Shay was a distraction…
The Colonial Brotherhood was a distraction.
But then…
Adéwalé stayed with them and protected them to the best of his ability.
How cruel his words had been.
“He would be ashamed to see what you have become.”
His father would be ashamed of who he had become… probably.
But his father was dead.
Adéwalé was a part of his father that was still alive.
It was hard to keep him alive. Adéwalé fought knowing it could be his last. Stubborness formed from desperation that left no other choice but to take him down until he was an inch away from death.
Shay had thought he had truly killed Adéwalé.
Haytham let him think that but he kept Adéwalé alive.
Charles didn’t say anything. He was foolishly loyal like that.
And so…
Once Adéwalé was stable, he had him shipped to Jennifer in London.
Jennifer would know what Haytham wanted even if he did not give her any letters at all.
The Colonial Brotherhood was destroyed.
And time marches on.
Haytham still tried.
He tried for so long.
Yet the village remained close to him.
So many times, Haytham had wanted to destroy the village just so it would open its gates.
But Ziio would not want that.
Then again…
Ziio didn’t want to see him at all.
She must hate him.
But Haytham was fine with that.
He was used to being hated.
All he wanted…
… was to have Ziio with him once more.
To hold her in his arms and to protect her.
If she hated him so much, he will build the most beautiful cage for her.
There she will be safe and protected.
That’s when he saw him.
The boy with Achilles.
He looked…
He looked too similar to him to be a coincidence.
Too similar to Ziio.
It had to be…
Why wouldn’t Ziio tell him?
Why would Ziio hide him?
There was no reason to be agitated.
There was no reason to lose all sense of calm.
“Yes, Master Kenway?”
“Capture the child next to Achilles Davenport.” Haytham ordered without looking at their direction. Charles followed him and pretended not to see them, listening as Haytham continued.
“Alive and unharmed. Do I make myself clear, Charles?”
“Of course, Master Kenway.”
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demigoddessqueens · 3 months
Masterlist 11
Writing Drabbles
avert your eyes
SFW writings
Match up pairings - Valkyrie // Trevor Belmont // Alucard // multi-fandom pairing //
Song 🎶 fics - Vax fic // Percy fic // Grog // Caleb // Cadeuces // Grog - fic 2 //
Song fic: multi-party - Pike/Jester/Laudna // Wild 😜 Ones //
Pretty Little Liars 💋/Original Sin 🔪- being mouse’s sibling //
Genshin Impact - Neuvillette flirting //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon 🐉- aegon + writing prompt // aemond headcanons // incorrect quotes // jock 💪 aemond //
Ewan Mitchell - Martin (in the modern world) //
The Decameron - Dr Dioneo fluff // Dioneo and the artist //
Hades - making out with Moros //
MCUniverse - Namor + female general // Paradox ⚡️ headcanons // incorrect quotes // incorrect quotes 2 // incorrect quotes 3 // incorrect quotes 4 // incorrect quotes 5 //
Werewolf by Night - Jack Russell fluff //
X-Men - relationship headcanons //
Bridgerton - Benedict SFW (+ NSFW) //
Fallout - found family + Lucy //
Dune - Chani + sister!figure //
Ultraman Rising - kenji x male!reader //
A Quiet Place: Day One - dating Eric //
Monkey Man - writing prompt ask //
Blood of Zeus ⚡️- ares x Hindu!god!reader // Dionysus with pregnant!reader + twins // hard to get Ares // can’t carry a tune 🎶 // Hermes and Apollo twins // sneaking with Poseidon // childhood friend // rise of Venus 💕 // friends of monsters // plus size reader //
Critical Role 🎲
Vox Machina - thicc thighs // (my darling) yandere // grog + sorcerer!reader // Percy + harpy kiss // yandere Vax and Percy // bard oc + scanlan // kidnapped?! // wild witch 🧙// domestic + affectionate //
Mighty Nein - hold my ale // you get separated //
Bell’s Hells - constellation Druid //
Other -
Dungeon Meshi - toshiro headcanons //
Castlevania/Nocturne 🌙 - once upon a December // Fae healer lover // fall asleep on their shoulder // Trio + modern au // lover’s voice kink // divine paladin, cleric //
Assassins Creed - Kenway friend // drunk Haytham // Connor and author s/o // the cuddling type // gyaru reader // altair and day off // Altair and eagles // Malik headcanons // markings of Eden //
Codexmonthly prompts
July “magic”
August “rooftop”
September “leap”
Baldurs Gate - linking pinkies // peck 💋 on lips // practicing “I love you” // Gale + insecure!body reader // blue dragon in the rain // too close to call //
Batstarion 🦇 Week 2024 - day 6 // day 7
Star Wars - Rey skywalker + reader with anxiety //
NSFW writings
Twisters 🌪️ - sweet darlin //
Trap (2024) - bonnie and Clyde //
Critical Role 🎲
Multiparty - match freak //
Vox Machina - lover & giver // ride of your life //
Mighty Nein - your reward + round 2 //
Bell’s Hells - braius fic //
Castlevania - you taste good (ft C.R.) //
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wyyvernn · 1 year
Wyy's Assassin's Creed Masterlist
Note: Excuse the Haytham brainrot yes I am very obsessed
Requests: Open but for Haytham and Shay only. I write for several reader options, including gender neutral and male readers but I mostly write with a female reader in mind. That being said, please be clear with the type of reader you want me to write for in your request!
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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✧ ˚ · . Haytham Kenway
Vampire! Haytham - Part 1 (Headcanons)
Vampire! Haytham - Part 2 (NSFW - Headcanons)
Vampire! Haytham x Spy! Reader
Injured! Haytham x Templar! Reader
Stranded - Haytham x Templar! Reader
City Chase - Haytham x Templar! Reader
Older! Mentor! Haytham x Student! Reader (Headcanons + Oneshot)
Older! Mentor! Haytham x Student! Reader (NSFW - Fingering)
Older! Mentor! Haytham x Student! Reader (NSFW - Thigh Riding)
Older! Mentor! Haytham x Student! Reader (NSFW - Wall Sex)
Yandere! Haytham Headcanons
Haytham x NB! Reader
Haytham x Doubtful! Reader
✧ ˚ · . Shay Patrick Cormac
Shay x Catwoman! Reader
Vampire! Shay (Headcanons)
✧ ˚ · . Various
How they kiss you - Connor, Haytham, Shay, Evie, Jacob (Headcanons)
SFW Headcanons - Shay & Haytham (Bonus Poly)
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Okay so this is a list of my headcanon/preferences, with links leading to each post. I give a basic summary of the headcanon/preference, then what fandom it belongs to, and who from said fandom is involved. Plus whether or not it was requested, just because.
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1.) You ask if you can peg them. (X)
• It (Movie 2017)
• The Bowers gang.
2.)They react to the phrase "Fuck me running." (X)
• Vikings (TV series 2013)
• Ragnar, Rollo, Harald, Halfdan, Ivar, Björn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Alfred.
3.) They react to you telling them you're allergic to bullshit. (X)
• Vikings (TV series 2013)
• Ragnar, Rollo, Harald, Halfdan, Ivar, Björn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Alfred.
4.) You ask if you can peg them. (X)
• Horror movies addition.
• Dr. Herbert West (Re-animator 1985), Dr. Daniel Schreber (Dark City 1998), Ash Williams (Evil Dead 1981), Stu Macher (Scream 1996), Bo Sinclair (Wax Museum 2005), Eric Draven (The Crow 1994), Otis Driftwood (House of a Thousand Corpses 2003), Djinn (Wishmaster 1997), Josh Lambert (Insidious 2010).
5.) How do they feel about you being more badass than them? (X)
• Assassins Creed (Video game series)
• Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Connor Kenway, Edward Kenway, Jacob Frye, Bayek, Desmond Miles.
6.) They react to you telling them to bruise your esophagus. (X)
• American Gods (TV series 2017)
• Mad Sweeny, Shadow Moon, Mr. World, Technical Boy, Low-Key Lyesmith.
7.) They react to you telling them "I wanna choke on your dick until I pass out." PART ONE (X) PART TWO (X)
• Miscellaneous fandom's
8.) They develop a mommy kink, & along with a bit of a lactation kink, because of how busty you are. (X)
• It (Movie 2017)
• The Bowers gang
9.) You let them design your next tattoo. (X)
• The Lost Boys (Movie 1987)
• David, Marko, Paul, Dwayne.
UNLISTED : How would each of the bowers gang react if the other members walked in while they’re being pegged/fingered/eaten out. (X)
• It (Movies 2017)
• Bowers gang
10.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• Type O Negative (Band)
• Peter Steele.
11.) Basic relationship headcanons. (X)
• The Black Phone (Movie 2021) crossed with Stranger Things (TV series 2016)
• Vance Hopper.
12.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• Star Wars (Solo triplets)
• Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Matt Solo.
13.) How would magni and modi handle their child being named Thor’s successor? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi.
14.) What is the relationship between magni and modi’s children and their family? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi.
15.) Magni, Modi, and Baldurs children reacting to their parents death. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
16.) Freya learning she is a grandmother. (Baldurs daughter) (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Baldur, Freya.
17.) Will Kratos take you in after the death of your father Modi? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Modi, Kratos, Atreus, Mimir.
18.) How will they react when you die in place of them? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
19.) Romantic headcanons. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Baldur, Magni, Modi.
20.) How do they react to you having visions of dark things? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Modi, Baldur.
21.) They react to finding out you're pregnant with their child. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
22.) They react to finding out you're pregnant with their child. (X)
• Actors.
• Tom Cruise, Antony Starr.
23.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• The Witcher (TV series 2019)
• Geralt.
24.) They react to you yelling "VIBE CHECK!" as you hit a victim with a baseball bat. (X)
• Slashers addition.
25.) How do they react when you ask them to lay on top of you for the first time in your relationship. (X)
• Slipknot (Band)
• Corey Taylor, Joey Jordison, Mick Thomson, Sid Wilson, Jim Root.
26.) Romantic headcanons (X)
• Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (Video game 2017)
• Lucas Baker
27.) He reacts to you being an absolute tech wiz. (X)
• Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (Video game 2017)
• Lucas Baker
28.) Being Rocky's little sister, and falling for Ivan Drago. (X)
• Rocky IV (Movie 1985)
• Ivan Drago
29.) Platonic relationship with The Grabber. (X)
• The Black Phone (Movie 2022)
• Albert Shaw
30.) Syd is a dilf/gilf. (X)
• Cocaine Bear (Movie 2023)
• Syd White
31.) He's got a breeding kink. (X)
• Batman Forever (Movie 1995)
• Dick Grayson
32.) He loves his plus size sweetheart. (X)
• Rocky IV (Movie 1985)
• Ivan Drago
33.) Reactions to their partners nipples being pierced. (X)
• Miscellaneous fandoms
34.) What is Valentine's Day like with them? (X)
• Miscellaneous fandoms
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iaure · 1 year
✎ ≡ 𝗋𝗈𝖺𝖽𝗆𝖺𝗉
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ as I sit here, with a face mask on and nail polish drying and my father listening to four seasons in the background, I've come to realise that I have not illuminated much on what I do have planned, aside from a basic layout of dearest's roadmap! this is the official IAURE roadmap, including rough approximations for dates, though naturally they are subject to change and inspiration. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ I am afraid the roadmap is quite lengthy, so I have placed it and more information on it down below. 🐏 = completed
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ The roadmap for dearest has changed, as the latter parts I have come to realise would be quite clunky, and affect how the style of the headcanons are. dearest would officially end with a currently debated 13th part, though by no means does that mean the content would end! requests based off of the dearest series would be more than appreciated once it ends. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ I am also debating releasing my own original yandere characters if the idea is popular with the people. ╰・ 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 🐏 ⨯・ ⨯・8 - dearest; fervor (6/2/23) ⨯・ ⨯・9 - dearest; steadfast (late June 2023) ⨯・ ⨯・10 - dearest; habitation (mid July 2023) ⨯・ ⨯・11 - dearest; ache (early August 2023) ⨯・ ⨯・12 - dearest; variations for the dear (late August 2023) ╰・ 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙨 🐏 ⨯・ ⨯・yandere godwyn x reader (6/2/23) 🐏 ⨯・ ⨯・ada reference (and leon's realisation (5/31/23) 🐏 ⨯・ ⨯・yandere leon and small waists (6/1/23) 🐏 ⨯・ ⨯・yandere melania (6/2/23) 🐏 ⨯・ ⨯・responses (TBD) ⨯・ ⨯・yandere jill valentine (early June 2023) ╰・ 𝙬𝙞𝙥 ⨯・ ⨯・yandere miguel o'hara angst (June 2023) ⨯・ ⨯・yandere miguel o'hara headcanons (June 2023) ⨯・ ⨯・yandere elden ring collection (TBD) ⨯・ ⨯・yandere könig (late August 2023) ⨯・ ⨯・yandere leon NSFW accompaniment to dearest (TBD) ⨯・ ⨯・yandere connor kenway headcanons (TBD) ⨯・ ⨯・connor kenway headcanons (late July 2023) ⨯・ ⨯・platonic/familial yandere simon riley (TBD)
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
What are your current requests , so far ? And what are you enjoying writing the most write now and what request are you looking foward to writing the most ?
In terms of requests:
♡ I'm currently working on a dark! Finrod x Reader (and I'm throwing in references to Crimson Peak bc I could watch that film a million times)
♡ how the Assassins feel about having a Templar s/o headcanons
♡ the Castlevania boys with an Arab (west-Asian) s/o headcanons
♡ Melkor with a naive, virgin reader (I'm a slut for loss of virginity fics yes it's bc I'm a virgin stfu)
♡ yandere! Orodreth x Turin's sister! Reader
♡ Ezio Auditore x gn, masked! Reader
♡ Alucard x dhampir! Reader
♡ Connor Kenway x Reader smut
♡ Maedhros x human! Reader smut (age gap, size kink and I am so excited to get to this one sjdgfajshgf - I like my smut kinky <33)
♡ Mairon/ Annatar x Reader smut with some of the best prompts the asker could have possibly chosen, I love you for that
♡ Eivor Varinsdottir x mythical creature! Reader - I think you've all picked up on how much I love putting folkloric elements in that suit Eivor's background and time period
♡ the Assassins with an s/o who's afraid to love where they confess to her and help her through her commitment issues headcanons
I'm really looking forward to the Melkor, Maedhros and Mairon smuts and I'm currently really enjoying writing this dark Finrod request! I'm trying to keep these contrasts between his "ray of sunshine" personality and these dark things he's doing hehe. I've taken the request a little further than the anon asked because I'm itching to write a confrontation hehe <33
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night-eagle-flight · 2 years
Corruption (TOKW AU)
Connor is corrupted by power so he is not his usual sweet self in this one-shot!! 
“(Y/N)?” Ratonhnhaké:ton looked at you in disbelief as he sat on the throne, “I thought you were dead. Washington, I saw him-” He closed his eyes but opened them with a smile as he stood, “But you are here.”
After defeating Washington he had taken over the throne but the Ratonhnhaké:ton you knew would never have committed the atrocities that you had seen. Any who defied him would be severely punished. You were thrown off when you heard the relief in his voice but you had to confront him on all this.
Yet as he placed his hand on your cheek, you could only remember the good times before all this mess. You took notice how Ratonhnhaké:ton kept the Apple a fair distance from you as his hand slowly made it’s way to the back of your neck to pull you in for a kiss. Your eyes welled up as you yelled,
“Please snap out of it Ratonhnhaké:ton!!! This is not you!!! The Apple is clearly  messing with your mind! You never wanted to rule people! You wanted to liberate them!!”
Ratonhnhaké:ton looked at your eyes, a look of pity appeared on his features as he calmly spoke,
“No. I know what the people need.” Ratonhnhaké:ton moved his hand so his knuckles were under your chin, his face inches apart from yours, “I know that I will be a better ruler than Washington or any other colonist that may try to take this Apple. I am capable of shouldering its burden.”
You shook your head, “Ratonhnhaké:ton... I heard about you drinking the tea... how you gained abilities, how you called Kanen'tó:kon foolish for attacking Washington and how you didn’t even seem phased by his death!” your eyes looked at him desperately, “Can’t you see that you’ve become power hungry!? Can’t you see that you’ve changed!? Can’t you see that you are not the man I once...” you choked up as you mentally finished your sentence, “loved.”
You heard a growl behind you and when you pulled away to face the sound you saw three white wolves bearing their teeth at you.
“Ratonhnhaké:ton?” You couldn’t believe this.
He hugged you from behind ensuring your arms were pinned down, “My love, I promise you I know what is best.” He kissed the top of your head and backed up allowing his wolves to surround you. You tried to move but you were met with the wolves trying to bite you unless you stood still.
You looked at Ratonhnhaké:ton and saw how his blue eyes glowed in contrast to the blacks of his eyes. He held the apple up and it began to glow, a frown appearing on his face, “I promise this will not hurt. It will be quick.”
But you felt the surge of the apple before you could say anything else.
You yelled out as you awoke from your dream. You were hyperventilating but you were quickly being comforted by your lover.
“It is alright.” Ratonhnhaké:ton said soothingly as he hugged you and rubbed your back, “I am here.”
Your unshed tears spilled and you furiously wiped them away, “A dream... It was... just a nightmare?” You looked at Ratonhnhaké:ton and his eyes were no longer blue. Instead, his warm brown eyes were looking at you with a worried expression. 
“I will be back.” Ratonhnhaké:ton got up to get you some water, which you gratefully accepted.
“Do you wish to talk about it?” He asked.
“No...” You said, “It was only a nightmare... Sorry for waking you.”
Ratonhnhaké:ton smiled and softly kissed your lips, “Let’s get back to bed. I will be here when you wake up.”
You nodded and cuddled against him as you both lied down on the bed. Soon, you were fast asleep in his arms. Ratonhnhaké:ton smiled as one hand reached under his pillow and grabbed the Apple. It began to glow and cast a light on you,
“This is for the best (Y/N).” Ratonhnhaké:ton whispered, “When the time comes, you will rule with me.” The light slowly began to fade, “For now, you will see me as you saw me before and over time, you will accept the world I will make.”
He placed one more kiss on the top of your head and hid the Apple before once again falling asleep.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Hey out of curiosity are you able to do some charater with another character ( not pairing but pletonicly ) in your blog?
I'm asking because I wanna know of an scenario if Connor Kenway is born a girl and Haytham took her in on what happened and he raised her but the fear of loosing her liked how he lost his wife( I think wife but they could be something as divorce parents with a child ) and became a pletonic Yandere twords them
Broken Truth: A Female Connor Kenway - So, Caroline Kenway - and Platonic-Yandere Haytham Kenway. That sounds interesting enough to make. Now, let the words weave together.
Haytham knew that life was hard and sometimes unfair to those that didn't deserve it - he realized this when his wife - Ziio - decided to divorce him because of his line of work and his lack of presence in his family.
He always realized how unfair it was to his daughter - Caroline - when his ex-wife was taken away from her in a shooting near the store that had nothing to do with her. Haytham got the call one late morning explaining that the mother of his child was gone and he needed to collect his daughter - he took the day off work and went to the police station to get Caroline.
When he took her home that night, the girl wouldn't stop crying for her mother, and that alone broke Haytham's Heart more than the day Ziio said she wanted a divorce from him but that made him realize just how unfair life was to his daughter and him, he was going to do something about it make sure that it was never unfair to her again or take anything else from her.
He pulled her out of school and explained that he would be homeschooling her from now, as well as asking for his job for work that he could do at home so that he could keep an eye on Caroline at all times; he wanted to be able to play with, to make her meals, to pick out her clothes, and make sure he knew who his daughter was going around with during her one hour outside.
In the mornings, Haytham would make Caroline's breakfast, put out her outfit for the day, do her hair to look like his, and then he would school her on multiple programs before the two of them went to the park for an hour but Haytham was always on the alert when it came to his daughter playing with other kids and when he felt like she was getting to close to one of them, he would cut the playtime short and return home with Caroline; she would always be upset with that but the two of the would bake cookies to calm her down.
When Ziio's Parents heard about their daughter's death, they wanted to see Caroline because she was there and witnessed everything; they caught the man that pulled the trigger but the girl was forever traumatized and they thought they could give her some kind of happiness, better than a father who was always consumed is his work and attempted to sue for Grandparent's rights but it never went through because they had no proof that Caroline was being abused or mistreated in any kind of way. They tried talking to Haytham to at least let them see their granddaughter but he never gave in.
Caroline Kenway belonged to him and him alone and he was going to raise his daughter without the interference of other people; if anyone tried to take her away from him, he was going to show them why you should never mess with a Kenway.
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kinkandkreep · 3 months
Welp, I'll have made another successful trip around the Sun on the 22nd, and I've decided to gift y'all something. 😁
Unfortunately, due to poor foresight on my part and time constraints, I can only leave this up for a day so I'll have time to actually complete whatever wins. 🙃
But y'all be sho to let me know na'! 🤨 Ideally I would like to post the winner on the day of.
Thank y'all for participatin'! Your feedback is greatly appreciated! 👋🏾
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Some Yandere Connor Kenway/ Ratonhnhaké:ton thoughts:
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- One of the least sadistic yanderes, he wouldn't hurt you at all and refuses to put a hand on you. Yes he will intimidate you but this man has lost so many people already. He'll kidnap you but he'll at least be gentle about it, knocking you out by slipping something in your food, or just taking you while you sleep.
-Ratonhnhaké:ton is aware of his feelings being wrong, he hates that he was them, but he does succumb to them. At first he doesn't think its so wrong, to follow you home. That ugly feeling doesn't go away. Then he climbs and perches himself on a tree, staring at your sleeping form and even being daring enough to sneak into your room to admire you. His hand gently hovering over you but never touching you, because his conscious is SCREAMING at him about how wrong this is. However, sometimes the guilty feeling can go away. Especially if it involves a romantic interest who he has to scare off.
- Ratonhnhaké:ton isn't a threat to his darling but he is a threat to everyone else. Some templars hold his darling hostage? Biggest mistake of their lives, no one survives the slaughter and he's carrying you back to his home. You're shaking in his arms even though he didn't let you see it.
- He isn't by any means a pushover. Yes, he is sympathetic and understanding but if you try and raise your hand or try to overpower him, he will end up just catching your wrist or he holds you still and he doesn't do anything to hurt you, but he stares you down. Giving you a silent warning that his patience is wearing thin and you'd do well to behave.
- He does present you with various gifts before and after he kidnaps you. Before; you'd find various wildflowers at your door, sometimes some baked good that were made in the town nearby, or any materials that you ever mentioned needing are now there. After, he brings you various souvenirs from his missions and such.
- No one in the Homestead will believe you or your suspicions of Connor, he's such a kindhearted man who has helped all of them, and they might even try to help him get with you. Telling you about how he looks at you, how he'd make a great husband, and how you manage to make the giant assassin nothing more than a shy and stuttering love struck boy.
- Even if you did manage to escape him, he will not give up on you. His heart is yours and yours alone and whether you choose to keep it or break it by resisting his affections, his mind will always be on you.
- He's felt so much despair, anger, and sadness all from a very young age. Even if you hate him, the feelings that you give him are incredibly addicting. He will always find things to admire about you. He loves you, even if it is sick and twisted, and he needs you.
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deejadabbles · 4 years
Tag Game: 10 Characters!
I was tagged by @readerinsertfanfiction​ in this fun little tag game! Thanks for tagging me, it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these and I smiled so much when I got the notification ^.^
The tag game simply states: 10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 blogs. So I take that to mean that you list 10 characters from 10 (different) fandoms, then tag 10 people/blogs. It doesn’t really state who these 10 characters are to you, so I’m just gonna do my top 10 favorites (aka the 10 characters I wish were real because I’m in love with them)
P.S. If you do this game, you don’t have to add the little comments like I did, I just typed a little something for each character since I don’t know how to shut up lol XD
1: Ratonhnhake:ton/Connor Kenway, Assassin’s Creed
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(I need to play this game again I miss his gorgeous face so much good lord)
2: Yugi Mutou, Yu-gi-oh
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My bby panda looks so grown <3
3: Ahsoka Tano, Star Wars
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It was a hard choice between her and Leia but in the end it had to be my favorite jedi OuO
4: Wonder Woman/Diana Prince, DC Comics
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The badass goddess herself~
5: Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Marvel Comics
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I wish I could have found a gif /pic from the comics but oh well.
6: Tonks, Harry Potter
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My hufflepuff queen <3
7: Gaara, Naruto
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8: Kagome, Inuyasha
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9: Dr. Julian Bashir, Star Trek
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He’s one of my very first crushes, he’s basically the dude who make me realize I have a thing for nerdy men who like strong women~
10: Asra, The Arcana
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I haven’t been playing The Arcana long but dear lord has this man captured my heart!
Thanks again to @readerinsertfanfiction​ for tagging me, that was fun <3
now for the hard part, finding 10 blogs that my shy butt is comfortable tagging ^^’
@missdrake​ (hi hello I know we’ve never interacted but I recently found your blog and you’re cool <3)
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teecupangel · 2 years
Okay so, I don’t know much about Destiny, just like the bare minimum stuff, but after I found out about the Hunter class I cannot stop thinking about what if the Assassin crew (Des and his ancestors, y’know) were Hunter Guardians? Idk about story wise what they would do, maybe deal with any Isu left over artifacts, maybe? I just think it would be neat. The hoods, the stealth, the whole Nightstalker subclass?? It’d be dope.
(I love your works btw, I’ve been binging both tumblr and ao3 how dare you be so good at writing)
(Thank you! I'm happy you loved what I've been writing hahahaha)
So I’ve talked about what I feel would be the type of Guardian every AC protagonist would have which originated from this post where I analyzed why Bungie made the right choice making Altaïr a Warlock)
But it would also be fun if they were all Nightstalkers (maybe make it a plot point how Altaïr was stripped of his Sunsinger subclass after a failed mission and becomes a Hunter as a punishment while Ezio is just starting out as a Hunter himself so that Ratonhnhaké:ton would be more or less their leader for a change).
And I really like the idea of Desmond just being a Ghost and he recognizes his ancestors but they don’t recognize him or anything about these Assassins or Templars. They just think he might be a Ghost with his functions sorta going whacked but he manages to connect with all three of them and seem to function as normal…
Then he starts saying this might be a POE thing and the three Hunters start to believe that Desmond might have gotten close to a relic of the Darkness with his original ‘Guardian’ and that’s why he’s getting his information all out of order or just plain gibberish. Their mission now would be to find this POE that Desmond is talking about which he believes to be on the planet Earth which, as far as the three Hunters believe, is currently under attack.
“That’s bad!”
“It happens a lot.”
“That doesn’t make it less bad!”
So they travel to Earth to try to find this POE that Desmond talks about (unintentionally getting sidetracked by the current geopolitical ‘unrest’ on Earth) and they start to learn about the Assassins and the Templars.
They learn about the Isus and the connection they may have with the Darkness and the Traveler.
And then…
They reach a forgotten place and it took a while before Desmond realized that it had been some kind of Abstergo research and development facility.
And in the deepest part of the ruins…
They learn the truth.
The Darkness is a failed experiment of Abstergo that uses what remains of Desmond Miles’ corpse and the rest of Sample 17.
It grew to have a sentient of its own that had been corrupted by years of being tested and broken apart only to be rebuilt once more again and again in an endless cycle of needless pain and it is angry at everything and everyone.
And the Ghost that had found the three Hunters?
It was what was left of Desmond Miles’ humanity that The Traveler was able to take out of the Darkness, placing it into one of the very first Ghosts they have ever created and pushing it to the galaxy to find the ones who can defeat the corrupted remains of Desmond Miles:
His three ancestors reborn…
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