#yandere druid
weirdthinkingdragon · 7 months
Yandere Druid
I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to druids (or anything really DnD yet), so if it's wrong or not possible I'm sorry.
yandere druid x gn reader
warnings: threats, party deaths, a bit darker than I usually go with yanderes
not proofread
Thinking about a yandere druid who uses their ability to shift into animals to stay on you so you can't ever leave them.
He just kinda clung onto your party when you and your party were resting at a tavern for a while. None of you really thought anything about it, and were fine with it from a druid possibly being useful.
Gradually however, you and your party start to notice how... unnerving he tends to be. Of course with him being a druid he could just be talking to bugs or something. You and your party know next to nothing about them so that's the best guess. But the whisperings and mumblings at night kept especially you up a lot. Mostly from always ending up stuck closest to him. You could never sneak up and try to hear what he was talking with the possible bugs or something about. He always seemed to know and stop mumbling by the time you got close enough.
Eventually it came that the party wanted him out of the group. They couldn't stand it any longer. He was creepy, but that seemed a bit far. But you really can't go against a group of people, and have a priority of them from being the leader.
Just to be decent though, you tell them one final night, and drop him off at the nearest tavern in the morning. They begrudgingly accepted your term.
In the morning it was quiet. Too quiet. Usually the rattling of armor could be heard as two of them always get up insanely early to do practice exercises.
You sit up and look around. They're all still sleeping. A stinging pain is on your right leg. Removing your blanket shows what seems to be a bite wound with two prominent holes. Shit, isn't that a venomous snake bite???
The sound of coming footsteps made you look to see the druid running back towards your camp. A pouch is in his hand. He pulls out one with a deep purple liquid and passes it to you.
"It's a vial to make you immune to the venom until it gets through your system! Now hurry, drink it!" He seems out of breath, but how did he get the potions so soon? With how manic he was there was a feeling you shouldn't drink it. You look doubtfully at the vial while he opens the mouth of one of the other party members and pours a different colored one into their mouth.
He looks back at you with a glare.
"drink it!!" His sound of urgency makes you comply without another second thought about it.
It takes only a few moments for the pain to reside. You also suddenly feel really... refreshed? What all else was in there? That wasn't just to help the venom, you're sure of it. A bad feeling sinks deep in your body.
The giant smile that quickly grew on his face made it all the worse.
"What was in that??"
He walks right up to you and keeps a hand on your right shoulder, as if fearing you'd run. "Well, it can't be undone now, so I'll tell you! I basically just gave you the lives of the other party members. They didn't deserve it anyways~"
He what!?
"They were so annoying, trying to push me away from you. Have you noticed they've been trying to get me out of here from the start?"
A bit, but you genuinely thought they just needed to warm up to him.
He yanks your body close to his. "Your lifespan will be so much longer now too!"
You try to squirm away and run for it. His strength is surprisingly strong as he tightens his grip like a constrictor.
"Ah, ah, ah! don't try to get away now~ I finally have you all alone. And I'm not letting this sweet victory go so soon." He leans to be right by your ear. "And if you even dare trying to leave me, I've got many ways to make sure you'd never be able to even walk again."
That was a threat that you could tell he'd really act up on.
He claps his hands together. "Oh! also you can leave this stuff behind. I already got better stuff waiting at the inn I signed us up in for a couple days, and got us better equipment! That way you can be more comfortable as we get to finally have time to get to know each other more without pests in the way."
You're still thinking of ways to get out of this and run from him.
"oh, and one more thing. Just so you don't dare get any ideas of leaving me, I'm going to be on you and guide you the way there."
You don't like snakes anymore.
Before you can wrap your head around that, he shifts into a medium-sized venomous snake and coils up from your feet to be around your neck, wrapping loosely around it. It's the same venomous snake you said was gorgeous before and asked him to turn into before so you could safely feel the scales of it and see the colors very up close.
He tightens when you go to grab him. Not enough to strangle you, but the threat is there loud and clear.
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A devil in disguise
Yandere fantasy ocs x gn reader
They're not really yandere in this fic, I'm saving that for later
Tw: none that I can think of, not proofread 🌺
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⭐you were just an ordinary villager. Living in a cottage you Inherited, making a living by owning a bakery in the nearby village. You didn't think there was anything appealing about you. Nothing making you stand out. Well, the villagers thought differently. It was mainly filled with different mythical races, making you the only human.
⭐one day you were setting up shop like always, a suitor or two trying to get your attention when suddenly screams could be heard from outside. Rushing to see what was the commotion, a young.. girl? Man? Was fighting off a horde of wild goblins. Littering the ground with their little bodies. They fought valiantly, slashing one after the other.
⭐in the end they came out victorious, but heavily injured. You herded the other villagers away, a bar maiden helping you pick up the adventurer and taking them to your little bakery. She set them down and quickly left as you looked for your first aid, carefully cleaning up the blood and grime off their face.
⭐you did end up requiring to remove their clothing to better patch them up, sincerely hoping they wouldn't feel uncomfortable once they woke up. You stayed overnight in the bakery since your cottage was pretty far and you didn't want to leave the newcomer alone. The sound of fabric rustling woke you up.
⭐ lifting your gaze upwards, you were met with big green eyes staring into your own, faces inches apart. Their blonde hair was messy and a strand draped across their face. They reached a hand out, and booped your nose before pulling away. Intently observing the room.
"uhm.. thank you for fighting off those feral goblins. What is your name, sir or ma'am..?"
"Gideon. What is your name, lovely?"
"y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you"
⭐Gideon thanked you repeatedly and offered to help you out for a bit. You agreed, and with the time they spent with you,you learned they were a he. They didn't mind any pronouns, just that they were born amab.
"you see. I was on my way here to wait for my friends when I noticed those nasty green bastards hiding in the bushes. I couldn't just let those vermin attack such a lovely village."
"you're very brave Gideon.. I wish I knew how to swing a sword"
"I can teach you, if you'd like my dear"
⭐ Gideon shows you the basics of wielding a sword, he offered to show you how to hunt game aswell. The first hunt came out.. interesting. He'll have to make you exercise with him daily from now on.
⭐2 weeks have passed now, Gideon was helping you bring groceries into your cottage when you heard a loud yelling coming from not too far away
⭐ turning around, you spot a girl who seems to be your age standing a few feet away. She seemed tired yet so elated. Gideon set down the basket carrying the vegetables and quickly rushed over to her
"darling! Oh there you are! Where are the others? Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"
⭐the girl waved off his worrying, about to say something when suddenly she turned her attention to you
"Wow.. well hello there gorgeous~"
⭐the girl walked up to you, wiggling her eyebrows and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. You could only stare at her and laugh in mild amusement. After Gideon thoroughly disciplined her on why she shouldn't flirt with people she doesn't know, you learned that their entire party were on their way to recollect him.
⭐so now you had 2 roommates. It was pretty fun, they helped with chores and kept you company. Darling seemed to really like your bakery, helping every chance she could. They enjoyed being with you, you were so much fun! They knew they'd have to leave as soon as the others came, so One night, the two waited for you to go to sleep. Talking outside near a pond, a bit far away from the cottage
"I don't know Gideon.. they're not exactly built for adventuring with us.."
"yes.. but you weren't built for this life either. We trained you. And we can do the same for our little y/n. They already knows the basics, We'll just need to convince them before the others arrive"
⭐and that's what they did. For the next three days, they kept pestering you to join their party. So don't worry, they'll train you. Aren't you tired of this boring life? Don't you wanna explore? Just find someone to run your bakery for you until you come back!
⭐and that's how you ended up here. Catching a ride on ogmund, the party's barbarian tank. You were happily chatting away, braiding his hair while you were at it. He told you all about his tribe, orc traditions, his past adventures. You nodded along, adding input every now and then
⭐darling was walking alongside you both, chewing on something, you don't know what, and holding ogmund's hand. The orc seemed use to the girls touchy nature. Darling was the party's druid. Specializing in healing and natural magic. Her little ears would twitch, with the occasional flick of her tail. Panther hybrids were so cute.
⭐Gideon was the party's paladin, you remembered they told you about their reasoning for choosing this life. As a boy his family was slaughtered, leaving only him and his younger sibling rougé Alive. Their mothers were brothel workers while their father was the owner. Don't ask them about their family.
⭐rougé was the party's bard. They were a half elf, like their brother and very flirty and touchy with whoever they deemed as a fun pick. Darling seemed to be their main target since she gets easily flustered. You had the sneaking suspicion they often slept together with how their physical affections towards her seemed too intimate. The only reason they didn't come after you so often was because they didn't ogmund to snap their spine in half
⭐mikal was the party's sorcerer. A stubborn little prick, proud and haughty. Just give him a good thwack on the head and he'll shut up. Once, you you were playing with his hair and he stood rigid the entire time. Simply nodding when you'd compliment his beautiful silver locks. It contrasted well with his near black skin. Who knew dark elves were so sexy? (Fucking everyone)
⭐venus was the party's cleric, and boy, darling had massive beef with him. For what reason? You don't know, they just really fucking hated eachother. Venus, out of everyone, was the most reserved. It'll take you a whole to tear down his walls but you'll get there eventually.
⭐from what the party told you, you were on your way to save a couple friends. You were practically buzzing with excitement, your first real adventure! Maybe you'd find a fighting class that suits you best while you're at it.
⭐ blissfully unaware of the pair of eyes staring at you from stop the trees..
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moonselune · 3 months
hiii it's revivify anon again (can I be 🐶anon?)
ahhhh your takes for the male companions reactions are so real!!
as a galemancer myself, I absolutely see him going the god route to bring them back. he's probably spin it as something like, "it was my ambition to bring you back. Therefore, i am allowed" (honestly, I could see him becoming so much darker if he brings back his fallen love. He'd probably keep them in a gilded cage of sorts. Always saying that he has their best interests at heart, that he's better and more reliable than all other gods. That no one, god or mortal, could love you better than him, so you should worship him just as much as he worships you... man... the potential.)
Thinking about astarion losing his love just hurts because like... they came and healed his heart only to shatter it all over again? If it was BEFORE the cazador fight, I think he'd definitely ascend himself. Why worry about losing your soul when you've already lost your heart? If it was after the cazador fight, I think he'd just kick himself for letting you convince him not to do it, and eventually circle back to the idea that he should've ascended. Maybe then, he could've saved you....
Oh, Wyll.... I get what you mean about not wanting to immediately go down that route of trading his soul to another Patron. I think if Mizora caught wind, she'd absolutely taunt him with it. Always hanging around like a bad smell, dangling the chance to bring his love back as long as he signs away his soul in a Pact eternal with her. I think as long as he had his friends around, he would be able to stand firm and remember that his lover would've shattered at the idea of him sacrificing himself. I'm not sure if I'm misreading his character or not, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't take another lover. He'd probably 1) blame himself for the loss of their life, and 2) think he isn't worthy of love again, and 3) probably love them until he dies tbh. He wouldn't want another lover, because they wouldn't be his lost love :'(
DARK HALSIN!!! Girl... your mind.... you are so onto something. I could totally see him going shadow druid tbh. He'd probably stop and be like, "you know what? Maybe they were right. Maybe I should've embraced the shadows. Maybe I still should..." or like, if people venture far enough into the woods, they might come across a corpse perfectly preserved as if theyre just sleeping, reeking of druidic magic. There's tons of plants surrounding the body. Some consider it a holy site, some consider it cursed. But all agree not to linger too long, lest the beast that guards it finds you...
CW: Dark Content
Of course 🐶 nonnie !
Oh my god yes yes yes yes, I have done a galemancy run and it was one of my favourites. The way this man would be like "I am doing nothing wrong" and there's just a pile of bodies behind him because he keeps messing up this necromancy spell that requires a sacrifice. Oh my lord and when it finally works and you are alive, back and well. He is overjoyed and is like my love! You have returned! Don't look at all the blood and bodies, just come this way my love! No the outside world will harm you, my love, just follow me! Look at this room it has all your favourites! Those windows have never opened my love, here's your favourite tea!
And he is NEVER going to let it go that he brought you back- ever. You are his masterpiece, the fruits of all his labor, the perfect embodiment of his ambition. He is your creator, you, the perfect creation. You belong to him. You will watch him ascend and you will take your place below beside him.
Resisting is pointless, you wouldn't want to go back to that cruel afterlife. Maybe if you are being particularly ungrateful, you would like a taste of what he rescued you from? Sending you into a spiral of nightmares until all you can do is cling to him in fear. He strokes your hair as you cry and murmurs how all he did was save you from this and you want to defy him? Hurt him by saying all those cruel words?
Well shit this is gonna end up as a fic isn't it?
YES, pre cazador, definitely would ascend and I can go see him going after people who look like you but as soon as they do/say something that is out of character for you, he just murders them. Justifying it by saying if you don't get to live, then neither do the poor imitations of you.
If he didn't ascend I reckon he would make a deal for him to get some sort of power, as you said, his heart died with you, what does he need a soul for? And then that takes us back to his ascended behaviour.
Oh baby boy Wyll, I agree, I do not think he would take another lover, but he would move on, I can see him becoming Grand Duke and shaping Baldur's Gate into a City that you would have survived in. He would name so many things after you, you liked books? He would build a library in your name? You always said you wanted kids or a big family, he builds an orphanage for you, telling the children stories of you. I think eventually as Wyll gets older and Mizora still tries to tempt him, he eventually enjoys her presence - as every time she tries to lure him into darkness, he can hear his beloved guiding him back to the light, and that he would never give up. Mizora is like wtaf, fine, you will never see me again, and then she's bored and shows up.
Dark Halsin !!! We love you !! He would have such a guilt complex about the shadow druids, how they were right etc. AND YES OMG you read my mind, parents warn their kids not to play too deep into the forest and for those wayward ones they come back, trembling with fear as they say how the beast roared and swiped its sharp paw at them. (Halsin would scare them away, I can never imagine him being violent with kids). But for those trying to prove their strength and valour by rescuing the beautiful maiden - they are never seen again.
Oooooo I cannot wait to sink my teeth into this!
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random question but if the college town girlies were to play dnd what class would each of them pick? 🤔😳 i had thought wisteria gave me those forest fae druid vibes but considering penny is the one dealing with all those natural poisons maybe she'd be the better fit? although there is an artificer subclass that is focused on alchemy and poisons and etc so idk 🤔🤔
This is such a fun question~! First order of business would be getting the members of the group together to play.
Thorn would jump at the chance to play DnD with you, taking no convincing at all. She’s probably played it before, and has a knack for unusual solutions to problems the party may encounter.
Perhaps unexpectedly, Penny is the next easiest to convince. As long as she gets to spend time with you it’s okay, even if she is annoyed at sharing your time and attention with the other members of the party.
Wisteria and Elena are going to be the most difficult to convince to play it— Wisteria because of her asocial temperament and reluctance to be part of a group, and Elena because of her preference for physical activity in general, and slight preference for realistic fiction over fantasy.
The main classes I could see them playing as are:
Thorn: bard, monk
Wisteria: sorcerer, warlock, druid
Elena: ranger, rogue
Pen: cleric, artificer, also druid
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Jewel - Yan!Vamp!London/Prussia - In-Progress
In the early morning, Gilbert was already up, he was in the kitchen, drinking coffee and leaning against the counter as he hummed the German Anthem, he heard some footsteps, he raised a brow, as he turned around. "Hm?"
Massive vines dashed from the shadows to wrap securely around the prussian just tight enough to restrain him & lift him off the floor, one catching his coffee mug before it had a chance to shatter on the floor only to set it on the counter, as their owner stepped out of the shadows to pet under one of the thinner vines coiled between his jaws to gag him.
"Mph?!" As the vines wrapped up Gilbert and lifted him off his feet, he squinted his eyes and got a bit panicked, Gilbert tried to free himself from the vines.
"Sorry to startle you love," an airy, feminine, tenor whispered from the pale woman's lips, a faint British accent tinting her voice, the spun gold of her hair hanging loose over her shoulders as she met his terrified ruby eyes with her own hungry emerald hues, "but I couldn't stay away any longer." She worried her fingers over the rosary on her neck, the very same one she'd stolen from him all those centuries ago. "I refuse to watch my most precious treasure be this poorly guarded from the shadows anymore when I know I can do soo much better darling." The woman's, the personification's, the vampire's smile had a manic shine to it as she said this, fangs tracing over his fluttering pulse. "You're mine Gilbert, it's time to bring you home now my crown jewel~"
"Mph?!" Gilbert tried all his might for him to get free, he felt his vision getting darker each time he struggled, he soon had to stop, he was feeling weak and faint.
"Mph...Mph?!" He wanted to say something, but the vines were tied tight enough to gag him up.
"Oh hush now none of that love." She traced her fingers over his hip humming to herself. "Above the knee down should work, should I need to keep you from trying to run, it will leave me just enough of a canvas to paint with my pretty marks." She traced a thumb under his eye. "Though I doubt I need to worry about you running for now do I darling?"
Gilbert just squinted his eyes, tears soon dripping from his eyes. He was so scared, he didn't know what to do, he was scared of what she would do with him.
Angelina cooed at the prussian's tears, kissing the trails off his cheeks before she turns to walk out the door with him only to get tackled by his brother.
Ludwig tackled Angelina, his expression filled with worried, he then turned to Gilbert and started freeing him from the vines.
Angelina lets out a guttural hiss before piercing a vine right through Ludwig's stomach & throwing the unworthy brat away from her treasured prize.
"AGGH!!" As the vine pierces through Ludwig body, he screamed in pain, he quickly got up and started to charge at Angelina, blood was dripping from his wound as he was charging.
"LET HIM GO!!!!" Ludwig shouted, he quickly tried to slice Angelina with his sword.
"No," she disarmed Ludwig with a frightening amount of ease before plunging her hand through his sternum to grip around his heart, "I don't think I will." Angelina ripped her hand from his chest & let the German drop from her grasp, tossing the organ in her hand carelessly over her shoulder before going over to her still bound treasure, undoing the gag seeing as it has no purpose now & uncaring to how he flinched as she smeared his baby brother's blood all over his cheek. "Now let's go home love~"
Gilbert was horrified, he screamed but nothing came out, he felt weak, he felt horrible, he tried escaping the vines one more time, his vision suddenly turned black, he was passing out.
Ludwig was bleeding, he was close to dying because of that wound, but was slowly getting back up.
"GILBERT!!!!!!!!!!" Ludwig screamed.
"Oh will you shut up!" With a quick swipe of one of her vines Ludwig's head was rolling at her feet as she scoffs in disgust before taking her jewel in her arms in a bridal hold & running off. Oh she can't wait to turn him so she doesn't have to keep him so tightly bound, after all his vampiric instincts will keep him right where he's meant to be for her once the turn takes.
She finally slowed down once she made it to the mouth of the cave she built her home in on her own personal tiny slice of paradise she found five kilometers north of Point Nemo, not wanting to risk hurting her crown jewel on the way down to the nest room. She refuses to turn him anywhere else after all.
In the nest room, Gilbert's eyes were wide open, he was scared and horrified, at this moment, this was the time where he regretted all the decisions he made and actions he took.
"S-Stop! Please!" He was just whispering now, he tried escaping but nothing worked, no matter how much he struggled.
"Hush, I need to thrall you before I can turn you darling unless you want your turn to be agonizing. Now look into my eyes or I'll turn you without the thrall & let you suffer." She sighed from where she laid on top of him, she was getting tired of him trying to resist her & was soo tempted to not bother with the thrall at this point but she loved him too much to truly do that, the threat was only to get him to let her do this for him after all.
Gilbert kept silent, as his heartbeat was speeding up, tears dripping down his cheeks as he looked into Angelina's eyes.
"P-please, d-don't do this..." He whispered.
Angelina cooed as she wrapped him in her thrall, gently disconnecting him from his ability to feel pain. "Oh darling," she brushed her fangs over his fluttering pulse, "not even you could sway me from this now, you're mine." before she bites.
"MMPH!!!" As he was bitten, he tried getting away, his vision was going darker and darker, he felt sleepy, he felt weak, he felt tired, everything was getting slow.
"Shhhh, shhhh almost done." She carefully licks away the blood leaking from the punctures before bringing her wrist to her mouth & biting it. Carefully prying his jaw open she slipped her bitten wrist inside before petting down the column of his throat. "Drink love."
"Mph...mph?" Gilbert soon opened his mouth, drinking the blood without hesitation.
"Aww," she cooed at her sweet, still turning fledgling as she played with his hair, "You're going to be the sweetest, most obedient little fledgling until you come back to your conscious mind aren't you darling~?" If Gilbert were anywhere close to consciousness at this point he'd be terrified of the obsessive adortion dancing like a candle flame in his now sire's eyes as she cooed this at him.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
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More of druid Tav with Yan companions+ Raphael
Warnings; gender neutral Tav/reader, druid Tav/reader, yandere, yandere behavior, yandere relationship, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, injury, threat to life/limb, yandere companions, spoilers for act 1 companions, slight spoilers for a bit of the act 2 side quests,
"This deal is with your vampire spawn friend, not you. I don't want you getting involved in this matter."
"I am the unofficial leader of this group and I refuse to let a cambion tell me I can't protect my companions."
Raphael frowned deeply as he thought back on the light spat he had with the defacto leader of the illithid anomaly group. He had plans for the druid far beyond the defeat of the Absolute and their cultists. One could even say that he had formed an attachment to them far beyond what he should when it comes to the pawns of his game. To think, the powerful cambion- master of the chess board of life- has formed an affection for one of the pawns on his side of the board. Or perhaps, it would be better to assign them to the king piece. If his precious druid falls, so too does all of Baldur's Gate and the rest of the Sword Coast. He cannot afford to be put in check, least of all check-mate.
The Orthon he had set the group after had already appeared in his House of Hope as agreed upon. Now, he stood waiting for the group to return to their camp to hold up his end of the bargain.
He expected them to return quickly and they did exactly that, what he didn't expect was the group to return in a frazzled and rushed state. None of the odd group even glanced in Raphael's direction as the Githyanki and the Tiefling grabbed several bedrolls, laying them out on top of the other. The rest of the group was not far behind as they hurried into the camp, the human waving forward the rest with a frantic gesture.
"Come on, Astarion, hurry!"
"I'm fucking hurrying, Wyll! You try running with your arms full like this!"
The spat between the two made Raphael raise a brow, wondering just what all of the fuss was about. It wasn't until the vampire spawn lay what was in his arms on the bedrolls that Raphael even realized the weight of the situation. Laying limply with blood-marred skin was the beloved druid, clearly having suffered some kind of serious wound. Raphael knew the tell-tale jagged edges of the open injury on their soft body, one that could only be caused by an Orthon.
The half-elf cleric and the burly elf druid kneeled on either side of their unconscious leader, trying to use their various magics to staunch the blood flow. None of what they did seemed to be working and Raphael knew he would have to act or risk losing his precious druid permanently to the cruel hands of death. He was quick to shove the half-elf aside so he could access his favorite mortal and try to prevent the rapidly approaching end.
"Hey," Shadowheart snapped at the demon, "what the hells are you doing!?"
Raphael didn't even give a response to the upset woman, setting to reversing the damage done by his soon to be reformed minion. He had half a mind to just flay the minion that dare put such a wound on his precious druid, but he also knew others may take it as a sign of weakness. All he could do for the time being was try to help his little druid survive what- to most- is a mortal wound. Luckily for sweet (y/n) they had a powerful cambion lord on their side who could actually heal an Orthon caused wound.
For most, a direct attack from an Orthon causes death. Usually only a powerful cambion could reverse such a wound, lucky for them that Raphael was certainly a powerful cambion.
Where the healing efforts of the cleric and other druid had done little for the large wound, Raphael's touch managed to close the injury within moments. It had certainly been something that would have killed his favorite misadventurer and they had near infernal luck to survive up until reaching Raphael at their camp. Their sallow skin made his chest tighten as he searched for any sign of true recovery before he noticed their deep breaths, relaxing almost instantly.
"How did this happen?"
Raphael spoke in an even tone, but the hard edge to his words was not lost on those present. He wanted an answer and he expected nothing but the truth from them.
"It's our fault, really."
Gale spoke up, his tone bitter with resentment towards himself and the other companions responsible for allowing such an injury to befall the beloved druid. Where they had not inflicted such a wound, they were still the ones their leader was injured protecting. They all felt there was blame to share as they had not heeded the wise words of their leader and their leader paid the price for it.
"(Y/n) instructed us to not group up on the edge of the platform, but... we did anyway. That Orthon intended to shove us all off to the floor below and kill us, but (Y/n) blocked the attack with their own body, using themselves to absorb the attack."
Raphael felt a spark of annoyance flash in his mind, but decided to let it go in favor of focusing on his darling druid. They were slowly waking from their brief brush with death and seemed rather disoriented with the world around them. Their slowly trailing eyes fixed first on Raphael, a dazed and kind smile pulling at their lips as they reached out to him. He didn't pull away but watched in slight confusion as they rest their hand on his cheek.
"Raphael... thought angels were supposed to greet me when I died?"
Raphael couldn't stop the affectionate chuckle that escaped his lips, laying his hand over the druid's.
"Well, angels don't tend to save or greet the living."
"Save..? The Orthon magic... I figured it would take a devil to heal devil magic."
"If you figured as much, why didn't you call for me?"
"I doubt you would have shown."
The smallest wince from Raphael drew the attention of the onlookers, it only now dawning on them that Raphael may feel attached to (y/n) too. Some were in furious disbelief at the simple idea of this cambion bastard going after their dear leader. Some were impressed that their leader had ensnared the heart of a cambion. Even the cambion didn't want to believe how much he had begun to adore the druid that entranced all others to trust and adore them.
"For you, my favorite misadventurer, I will always show. Rest now, your body has healed but your mind will be fighting the Orthon influence for a days time. I will do what I can to ease your rest."
He was quick to wave a hand over the druid's head, quickly sending them into sleep before they could reply to his confession. Now he had to face their loyal pack and get them to concede to allowing the devil a fair chance at winning the druid's heart.
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zwolfgames · 2 months
Goblin camp overtake (drabble) Platonic!Yandere!BG3 x Teen!Reader
(Hopefully it's a bit accurate because ive only played the story twice for now so i dunno all the posibilities.)
Summary: Teen!reader and the squad go take defeat the goblins. Therefore meeting Halsin, and Minthara again.
Warnings: Death (obv), mentions of gore, Goblins
Other related BG3 by me: Intro
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The sun was shining, the flowers in the forest were blooming... On days like this, kids like you had been tasked with commuting genocide on the local goblins.
Not that you really cared. They were little shitheads... Stole your laundry once back when you lived with your mom... before all this...
But getting closer to this alleged camp wasn't making you any more at ease. You could already imagine the stench of those sweaty creatures when you have to inevitably walk into that camp. Which you've heard is actually just an old temple.
You've noticed over time that people in your little group have gotten... well, friendlier. For example: Lae'zel was no longer throwing you glares, Shadowheart remembered your name, Astarion has indoctrinated you into his schemes... Yea, the three most hostile people had warmed up to you.
And the other have just... always been quite nice.
Well, Wyll still didn't seem to approve of you, a minor, coming along. But he didn't really have a choice as the others were not allowing him to take you back to the Emerald Grove. Guess they really do find you too funny to lose then.
"Ugh, the stench is disgusting." Karlach waves the air under her nose away.
"It is the smell of a goblin camp. What were you expecting? Tchk. And I myself find this odor quite thrilling. It promises of a good fight." Lae'zel slightly smirks. Clawed hands flexing around the handle of her greatsword.
"Of course you do... Tough the smell of blood has never scared me away." Astarion, in turn, chuckles in that weird posh way. You raise a brow.
"So you're sure you're not a vampire?" You question sarcastically. The pale elf gasps in mock offense.
"Of course not. I merely like the smell." He huffs. Right, so that time you saw him hunt down a boar must have been make belief.
The rest of the party didn't comment anymore as you made your way to the camp.
Gale had thrown his arm around your shoulder to keep you at the back. He excused that as 'magic users stay behind so they can asses the battlefield'. But he probably just didn't want to accidently get Lae'zels sword through his back.
This mission to save some druid calmed Halsin was looking like a total hassle. But hey, why not do side quests while the worm in your head is ready to kill you?
Whatever person lives in your head didn't take kindly to your remark as you heard the voice say they'd protect you.
Right, bullshit. You're just developing pshycosis. A hundred percent that.
"Y/N. If they target you, I want you to run, alright?" Wyll speaks calmly.
"Well, I mean, not that I don't want to but were kind of in this together -" You start nonchalantly.
"Don't listen to the human. It is unhonerable to run from a fight." Lae'zel scolds like a lecturing general.
Well, do you really care about your honor? It's not like you're trying to capture the Avatar here-
"Yea yea, got it, boss." You sigh. The slight stress makes its way to your head. It's just some goblins, right? Nothing a good magic missile can't solve... Right?
You take back your words quite quickly when Astarion smooth talks his way past the outside security to let your group pass. There's like... at least fifty goblins here!
You feel an arm slitter around your shoulders. Looking up, you can see Lae'zels warry face.
She's gripping that greatsword quite harshly, a bit scared, maybe? Tough you doubt it, it's Lae'zel..
You ignore the stink eyes these little creatures are throwing you and walk along with your group.
"My, what a festive place, no? Look, they even have booze." Astarion muses with his typical smug grin.
"We're not here to party." Gale groans. The wizard stares at the goblins in distaste. You note that everyone is on edge
A goblin child sticks her tingue out at you, so you do the same, blowing raspberries for good meassure. This action earns you a dissaproving look by Wyll.
"So where's this druid? I don't want to be here any longer then needed." Shadowheart complains with a little wave infront of her nose to showcase that she thinks this place stinks.. Wich it does.
"Let's ask!" Karlach offers her idea.
"You've got to be the most optimistic person I've met and we have a literal child in the group." Gale groans.
"You can't miss any of the chances you take." Karlach shrugs.
"Let's just gut all of them. I'm sure we can search for the druid in peace then." Astarion smirks.
"For once, I agree with the pale one." Lae'zel sneers.
You watch your group bicker a bit longer as you wander out of the grip you had been put in. Walking around the goblin camp instead.
Mhh, a clear booze tub. They're drunk. Quite ideal.
You scan around the area, a certain tall woman catches your eye, seeing as she isn't a goblin.
Wait a minute, you've met her before! She almost killed you on the beach when the Nautiloid crashed!
The nerve of that woman, she doesn't deserve the same hairstyle as your mother.
Astarion had snuk out of the argument your group of idiots was having right in the middle of the goblin camp. He stuck himself to your side, observing along with you.
"You seem... focussed. You have an idea, do you not?" The pale elf asks smoothly.
"An inkling. They're drinking, and Nettie gave us wyvern poison... I mean...?" You let your gaze travel to the booze tub. Astarions red eyed orbs follow along. You can see a sharp toothed grin spread across his face.
"I just know we're going to be great friends, Y/N.." He smirks and puts a cold hand on your shoulder.
You just smile in satisfaction that your plan is apparently good. Before you know it, Astarions snatched the poison out of Shadowhearts pocket. You watch the man go invisible to presumably go dunk the booze in poison. Or maybe he's gonna drink it... But he never seemed suicidal... So it should be fine.
"Y/N, c'mon, we're going into the temple, the druid should be there." Karlach waves you over.
You nod and join the group again. Getting tucked back under someone's shoulder.
The first leader of the Goblins you had met was a priestess. And oh boy, defenitly not your favourite... She wanted to brand you! Is she nuts!?
So anyways, Lae'zel chopped her head off... Uh... props to Wyll for covering your eyes.
Then there was Dror Ragzlin. Scary guy that one. Almost twice your size, mean face and doing necromancy. Yikes.
Unfortunatly, you did have to help in this fight. There were goblins storming in through the door and well just that beast of an orc.
So you you just started blasting spells at the incoming goblins. Fireball and Ice Knife were a nice combo, no? Make em slip and then steam the ice and do damage? Sounds logical to you. Was anyone else smelling barbeque or just you?
When that got taken care of, Karlach strapped a helmet to your head and lead you back to the group.
The last leader was the same woman that had tried to kill you. Minthara, apparently. You've never seen a real drow, so this was cool. Except for the part where she tried to kill all of you. That wasn't that cool...
Just before she was supposed to just die, Lae'zel had accidently hit one of the wooden beams in the room. The ceiling collapsed right infront of you.
Well, maybe she's dead? Atleast it's not your problem anymore?
After all the goblins inside had straight up been slayed, Astarion joined the group once more, seeming quite pleased with himself.
"Where have you been?" Gale asks sternly. Raising an eyebrow in suspiscion. It's still quite annoying that nobody really trusts anyone here..
"Let's just say the situation outside is taken care off." Astarion boasts proudly.
"Really? And you did that, alone?" Shadowheart states in a disbelieving tone. Gods forbid the fancy man does anything impressive.
"Yes! Is that so hard to believe?" Astarion scoffs and crosses his arms.
"Very." Shadowheart argues back.
"I'll believe it when I see it." Lae'zel adds.
Wyll and Karlach just exchange glances. Well you know that he did it. So there's no need for your input-
"Ahhh!" You eep in fear as a large man had appeared behind you. Wich is very scary considering every one in this temple was supposed to be dead.
"Calm down little cub, I mean no harm." The large man smiles reasuringly.
You stagger back to Lae'zels side. This man... Elf ears.. Brown hair. Ah, druid attire? Halsin, perhaps?
"And who are you?" Shadowheart asks for all of you.
"Halsin. You were sent here to come chack on me, or are you just lost adventurers?" Halsin asks with that same smile.
"Well, we found him. Back to the grove-" Gale starts walking off before Karlach grabs the rim of his robes to keep him in the group.
"We did come here for you. Have the goblins hurt you?" Wyll asks calmly. Halsin shakes his head.
"Nothing I can't handle. Why the cub?" Halsin tilts his head at you.
"They're actually an immortal being in the form of a child. Wiser then any of us." Astarion makes up.
Halsin raises a brow. Clearly not believing that.
"Right. But like your little wizard said, we should get back. I am sure the grove has missed me." Halsin hums.
"Don't think so, they're closing it off frol the outside world." You mention calmly.
"What." Halsin stops smiling. You just shrug, that's all you picked up from it.
Halsin frowns and starts walking out. What determination.
Your group eventually exits the dead silent temple after having taken any valuables. Can't leave without some loot, who knows if you're getting paid!
As you walk out the large door, the death Astarion had caused is quite visible, dead goblins everywhere. R.I.P, you won't be missed.
Now that that's taken care of, who knows what adventures await you thanks to this stupid worm in your brain!
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Not the best, but it's something. Yan feelings gotta develop trough the story but I'm not fully there yet.
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demigoddessqueens · 3 months
Masterlist 11
Writing Drabbles
avert your eyes
SFW writings
Match up pairings - Valkyrie // Trevor Belmont // Alucard // multi-fandom pairing //
Song 🎶 fics - Vax fic // Percy fic // Grog // Caleb // Cadeuces // Grog - fic 2 //
Song fic: multi-party - Pike/Jester/Laudna // Wild 😜 Ones //
Pretty Little Liars 💋/Original Sin 🔪- being mouse’s sibling //
Genshin Impact - Neuvillette flirting //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon 🐉- aegon + writing prompt // aemond headcanons // incorrect quotes // jock 💪 aemond //
Ewan Mitchell - Martin (in the modern world) //
The Decameron - Dr Dioneo fluff // Dioneo and the artist //
Hades - making out with Moros //
MCUniverse - Namor + female general // Paradox ⚡️ headcanons // incorrect quotes // incorrect quotes 2 // incorrect quotes 3 // incorrect quotes 4 // incorrect quotes 5 //
Werewolf by Night - Jack Russell fluff //
X-Men - relationship headcanons //
Bridgerton - Benedict SFW (+ NSFW) //
Fallout - found family + Lucy //
Dune - Chani + sister!figure //
Ultraman Rising - kenji x male!reader //
A Quiet Place: Day One - dating Eric //
Monkey Man - writing prompt ask //
Blood of Zeus ⚡️- ares x Hindu!god!reader // Dionysus with pregnant!reader + twins // hard to get Ares // can’t carry a tune 🎶 // Hermes and Apollo twins // sneaking with Poseidon // childhood friend // rise of Venus 💕 // friends of monsters // plus size reader //
Critical Role 🎲
Vox Machina - thicc thighs // (my darling) yandere // grog + sorcerer!reader // Percy + harpy kiss // yandere Vax and Percy // bard oc + scanlan // kidnapped?! // wild witch 🧙// domestic + affectionate //
Mighty Nein - hold my ale // you get separated //
Bell’s Hells - constellation Druid //
Other -
Dungeon Meshi - toshiro headcanons //
Castlevania/Nocturne 🌙 - once upon a December // Fae healer lover // fall asleep on their shoulder // Trio + modern au // lover’s voice kink // divine paladin, cleric //
Assassins Creed - Kenway friend // drunk Haytham // Connor and author s/o // the cuddling type // gyaru reader // altair and day off // Altair and eagles // Malik headcanons // markings of Eden // supportive Altair //
Codexmonthly prompts
July “magic”
August “rooftop”
September “leap”
Baldurs Gate - linking pinkies // peck 💋 on lips // practicing “I love you” // Gale + insecure!body reader // blue dragon in the rain // too close to call //
Batstarion 🦇 Week 2024 - day 6 // day 7
Star Wars - Rey skywalker + reader with anxiety //
NSFW writings
Twisters 🌪️ - sweet darlin //
Trap (2024) - bonnie and Clyde //
Critical Role 🎲
Multiparty - match freak //
Vox Machina - lover & giver // ride of your life //
Mighty Nein - your reward + round 2 //
Bell’s Hells - braius fic //
Castlevania - you taste good (ft C.R.) //
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut:
keiichi and rena:
Fluffy harem romcom twists into yandere horror, but then twists again into a story of friendship triumphing over everything. Really holds for any pairing with Keiichi, but the rooftop battle in part 6 is just too good. A recent manga spinoff has them married to total randos, so their respective sons can have the same kind of relationship.
hardwon and moonshine:
They’re DnD characters so they’re bi disasters canonically. Just not for each other The best way to describe Hardshine is this: “They’re soulmates” “Platonically or romantically?” “Yes” Literally they care so much about each other. Moonshine cured Hardwon’s vampirism by reincarnating him into a half elf and he told her “I’ve been half elf ever since I met you”. Moonshine is a high level elf druid which means she’ll basically live forever and literally the most emotional scene where she asks her mom “How long do half-elves live?”. Hardwon was always a fish out of water who never really fit in until he found Moonshine and the Crick. Are they dating? Queerplatonic partners? Siblings? Idk man they’re just in love it doesn’t matter how.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Yandere Doric the Druid
Y/N pushes Doric against the wall and holds the tiefling’s hands above her head…
Doric: (giggles) this is new. usually I’m holding your hands above you
Y/N slams their lips into hers…
Doric’s tail wraps around Y/N’s waist…
Doric: (growls) you may be in charge but I’m still in control
Y/N: yes my beloved
Doric giggles as the two continue kissing
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weirdthinkingdragon · 9 months
In Disguise
yandere shapeshifter x gn reader/you
it's a shapeshifter. They have whatever gender you want. Might think more on this too
this likely is maybe illegal or not possible in any zoo but it's fiction
In speaking of the zoo idea again, I have another idea involving the zoo but with a shapeshifter that came to mind.
A shapeshifter who sees in zoos how animals are, and wants to willingly be in one. Never have to hunt or pay for anything, can nap wherever and whenever they want. Have to eat the same food permanently? Fine by them. They've lived so long that nothing is new. Everything is bland. Raw food to food so seasoned it can be smelled a long ways away. Since they're not human either spicy things don't affect them at all.
Sure, they could do that as a human, but they know they'd have to keep working for a house and stuff they don't want to do anymore. It wouldn't matter anyways. They don't have pets, they aren't connected to any of their belongings or anything.
They've done some research in zoos and have even been the cause of some being shut down with how badly they run. They wouldn't want to live there, so why should other animals have to?
They eventually toured the one as their human form where you were working.
The first few times they shifted into a fly, they watched the zoo for a while, and they were drawn to you instantly. More importantly, how the big cats seemed to be so calm around you.
You were in charge of the big cats enclosure. The zoo has done some runs to keep some more sociable by having tigers and lions in the same enclosure. Sure, it's risky but the end reward was well worth it with several never fighting and peacefully sharing the same enclosure for years.
One thing about this zoo that's different is the interactive system. As in people can ask a question through a speaker that is in the enclosure for you to answer and will go through a speaker in that room for all the people to hear. The only problem is it costs a little bit of money to pay for the speaker to work for the question.
Though it's absolutely insane how much money that accumulates in just a week from it.
They wait for others to ask questions before asking one themself.
"what would the chances be of them accepting another big cat in this enclosure?" Though they know the answer. The cats would be fine with them. Something about them being a shifter draws animals to them like the druid thing they've heard about. Except they can't hear what animals try to say to them.
That question was rather weird to you. "Well, I can't really say for certain. Maybe at some point we'd try a trial run, but that's not very encouraged especially since they're all full adults now."
They have to try really hard not to smirk or smile as they pay to say something instead of a question. They know it's going to rile them up, and all they'll have to do is wait for animal control to get to their house where they'll be waiting as a big cat. Tranquilizers Don't work either, but they can pretend. They've already edited things to make it look like they did buy a big cat illegally as a pet.
"My tiger/lion would love you. I hope you can meet them some day."
It takes a second for you to process what they said. "What?? That's highly illegal!"
They then turn around and walk out of the room, making sure no cameras are around. They then shift into a fly again and head out. See you soon, new muse~
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bhaalbabebardlock · 6 months
Writing Masterpost
I have a lot of ~feelings~ about having to shift my pinned post from my long fic after almost three months. I'm shocked that I've started writing other things, but here we are. 🫣✨
The OCs of My Stories
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~If it isn't a one shot, it has its own masterpost in addition to being listed here~
Daisies | Jabberwock Skull
Nature's Gifts | Hand That Feeds
Messages | AO3
Writer's Discord | Dead Dove Discord
All BG3 related writing, summaries, and links below the cut!
Daisies On My Nightstand (AO3)
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(I stopped regularly updating chapters here since the fic has gotten so long, but there's background information/pictures of Ilara and some chapters were posted here originally!)
This is my longfic! It is so long. It is my baby. It is now longer than return of the king somehow. It has too many tropes, it has a slow burn romance, it has dark romance. There is Raphael and Gortash and Astarion and Shadowheart and. A lot. I mean a lot. I update chapters daily on a semi regular/consistent schedule. Please please be mindful of tags and chapter notes!
The story of a Bhaal-Spawn who only ever wanted to be free.
Ilara would do anything for the people she loves, having never been freely allowed to do so before- including killing her past, denouncing her God, and damning 7,000 souls. Can she save herself, let alone anyone else?
--story has finished first half, see below for second half--
The Wasteland Crown (AO3)
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Ilara started out wanting her own freedom, and continuously sacrificed it to save the people she cares for- somehow always fumbling everything in the process.
Was it worth it?
Can she save any of them still?
Can she even save herself?
-- the second and final half of the story about a Bhaal-spawn who is only trying to figure out what freedom, choices, power, and love even mean.--
Nature's Gifts on AO3
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Self indulgent filthy smut that was supposed to be a one shot and now isn't. Tadpole smut and something going on with both Astarion and Gale and the weird little druid they're hanging out with. 😌
Unlike my other long fic, this is unlikely to be updated DAILY but will be updated often.
Major tags (others on AO3): m/f, m/f/m, inappropriate use of tadpoles, smut that grew feelings and plot
If you're all stuck with these tadpoles anyway, is there really any harm in seeing what they can do?
She let her mind wander, finding herself aggravated more than anything when those thoughts turned to Astarion, to the way his lips had brushed against her ear. She let out an agitated breath as she thought of how he felt laying on top of her, his mouth against her pulse a few nights ago. The way she felt him trying to still his hips against hers, it was just a taste after all. It was just one bite. It's not like any clothes came off. And it certainly hasn't happened again.
But what if it did?
Tandem on AO3
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A series of one shots told in no specific order about my evil durge, Lili(th) and her sole companion, Astarion. Some will be fluff, some will be smut, some will just be unhinged probably. This won't update often but they'll be around 💕
Major tags (more to be added): blood drinking, canon typical violence, eventually there will be more.
The Hand That Feeds
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Summary: After throwing the Karsus Crown into the Chionthar at the risk of losing her sanity, Lili has only Astarion to keep her grounded. Until she's kidnapped by someone that she held hands with, once, months ago.
Important tags: toxic Gale, creepy/yandere gale, god!Gale, asc!astarion, kidnapping, non-con, forced love
Slithering from Eden
Summary: A reader insert Stardew crossover featuring the dark urge and AA.
Important tags: canon typical violence, excessive gore, vampires, major character death
The Jabberwock Skull
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Summary: a post canon AU Alice in Wonderland horror story featuring Lili as she stumbles her way through an increasingly odd and horrific time. Second person POV.
Important tags: dead dove: do not eat, memory loss, extreme descriptions of violence, body horror
AO3 Link | Masterpost
✨One Shots✨ (all nsfw)
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Full story on AO3
One shot, single chapter; 3,859 Words. Reader x Astarion;
Important tags: major character death warning, sad smut, explicit, F/M
Five years after walking away from The Vampire Ascendant and everything he offered to you, you've returned to stop him from wreaking havoc on Baldur's Gate. That turns out to be harder than you think.
The End
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Full Story on AO3
One shot, single chapter; 3,118 words
Tags: major character death warning, smut, F/F
Second person Shadowheart POV.
After taking her place as Bhaal's chosen, your lover decided at the last moment to destroy the crown and give up her claim. You have one last night together.
One shot (so far, I might add more eventually); 1,286 words. Was done for a prompt, the prompt is revealed at the end.
Astarion POV, first person.
Tav has come to find you in Baldur's Gate after disappearing years ago. Why?
"That would be showing a weakness, a vulnerability that I can longer afford. If it was ever something I could have afforded to begin with. Arguably, it hadn't been. She wormed her way between the cracks of my defenses, not even realizing what she was doing until it was too late. Until I was too far gone to stop her. "
Underdark Fever
Summary: there is no plot here, only pollen smut. NSFW! Lili and Aatarion come across some interesting mushrooms in the underdark.
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Fic where Camelot level Wild things happened while Merlin was still living in Ealdor.
A sprite or something in the woods tells Merlin that if he doesn’t protect Will, then the future of all magical things is fucked to hell. And that’d be fine, because Will is just a peasant in a town in the middle of nowhere, right?
Wrong. There’s bandits. There’s Melissa the Butcher’s Daughter who’s completely yandere for Will even though Will’s obviously got it bad for somebody else, and of course Melissa the Butcher’s Daughter kidnapped Will and is using a cleaver to cut the arms off people who try to intervene. There’s evil ex-druids trying to sacrifice them in elaborate blood rituals. There’s possessed wildlife that Merlin has to fix by making deals with fucking fairies.
Eventually things die down so Merlin gets sent off to Camelot. He is not even fazed by the execution and the witches and so on that he finds when he gets there, because he has Seen Everything.
And then he finds the talking dragon.
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This time on Hard Mode because Nobody Can Know About The Magic.
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pterostar · 3 months
Oooh i see, okok that makes sense. Thats cool!! I also play MC & SDV! Do you play java or bedrock? If both do you perfer one over the other? Also! Do you have a fav romanceable NPC + Who's your fav Non romanceable NPC?
Its been a bit since I've played sims and ngl when I did play I just had fun building stuff haha. What abt it do you enjoy most?
D&D is cool!! I've only been in 2 games but its tons of fun!! Whats the last character you played? Alsoalso what the most recent board game you've played? Sidenote sorta but what got you into the yandere community (subculture?)?
I play on both for Minecraft and Stardew for Minecraft I currently prefer bedrock as I have a realm with my friends (even if they haven’t really gotten on :( ) that’s the world I was talking about before. I mainly use Java for mods. And for Stardew I mainly play on my computer when out of the house as I play on my laptop then on my Xbox at home, but I took a break from playing until the update comes to console too.
I love Haley as my marriage candidate npc very stereotypical of me I know. And I also love Caroline she deserves so much better than Pierre. Who are your favorites?
For the Sims I really enjoy everything I like making sims and really detailed houses, and I like putting them through horribly traumatizing situations because it’s so much fun! Also absolutely fair I love building what’s your favorite style to build in for the Sims? I like doing cozy cluttered houses as that’s my ideal living place.
My last character was a Druid moth girl from a cult I wrote a like 10 page google doc on her and the campaign ended after one session and I was so upset. It ended because the dm had a falling out with one of the players because she was a shitty person, so fair enough but still sad. I always play druids because I love plants and animals and magic so it’s just perfect, what about you what class do you like?
The last board game I played was monopoly I love monopoly it’s so stupid but to me that game is so much fun, I love it playing monopoly any version of it is amazing.
What got me into the yandere community was just getting recommended yandere posts on here and just kind of recognizing my own thoughts in there and then I started following a lot of Yandere blogs and now I’m posting about it.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
Maybe he's trying to shake things up a little bit?? Lol WHAT, ME?!
Yes, maybe, but how long would that take, hm?? I got some Yuuta ideas to share that may dissappear depending on how long we wait 😒 /t /hj
AH– you seriously can go saying things like that akdhskd ...I'm actually really surprised you could catch the tone with out me saying it :0
-panna cotta
HAHAHHAHAHAH sjdgdjgdhdhd</3333 my task is to warn you so that you do not complain again that I use your words against you~ <333 /t
it's no joke, but— only recently I was thinking about the concept of brat!yuuta, who does not know how to be really teasing & annoying, since he is on the extremely serving and obedient side, but tries to provoke you so that you tame him, because he wants to feel how you will punish him,,, and your words unexpectedly fit in...🤨 I have my suspicions and they are not in your favor🤨🤨🤨 /t /hj
of course; the most terrible and naughty panna cotta!!! no one has received gifs with the threat of blocking from me as often as you</333 /hj
who said I'd be waiting? we'll just move on to brainwashing, yandere, mind breaking and dubcon, I'm not one of those who waste time, you know🙄😒
Yuuta and ghost!Reader where he is too withdrawn and lonely while for you he is the only person who sees you, and living as a ghost has definitely spoiled your morals — and the fact that his body is so susceptible to being touched and possessed by him and at the same time safe for you makes everything only worse; druid!Yuuta, who needs the "essence" to live and use his powers, finds a lonely traveler in the forest and really thinks that mating with you is a good idea (he promises to take care of you later... but he really needs to), but is pinned to the ground when it turns out that you are not unconscious at all, but absolutely not against it help him and even keep him for a while, even if he may not be very enthusiastic about it at first — if he is able to at least be aware of something after mating, of course; yandere!Reader who goes crazy because of a too kind & innocent Yuuta and uses a knife during not very consensual sex with a kidnapped Yuuta only to find out that Yuuta is very into the blood, very into the knives and very when you look like you can kill him, almost cumming when you say that you will make sure that he belongs only to you; lamia/slime!Reader in heat who hunts Yuuta and takes him in a deserted place, knowing that no one will help him, promising that you, of course, will take care of his throbbing womb and fill it, not knowing that this is exactly what Yuuta was trying to achieve, being breed by lamia/slime and stuffed with eggs, since both of you are already have you been courting each other for a long time and he wanted to help you, even knowing that this could lead to a mating?🤨🤨🤨 the exchange was made!!! give me your idEAS- /hj
listen, you and I agreed on neck and cheeks, but there were no ears in the contract, so— so there really meant teasing? and then you say you're not a brat?🙄😒 of course I can catch; you're 99% teasing, it's like assuming a fish is breathing in the water🤨 /t /hj
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
:Itsy bitsy spider:
Note: this is an early concept, some things might change in the future.
Now for the questions:
How do they act with their darling?
Like a love struck puppy, following their crush around until she's either told of or loses interest. Otherwise she wont bother them, until it's the dead of night, in which she will stare at them through their window, the entire night. If I have to be honest, it's less of an obsession than it being a need or a goal. I mean, her mother got married so why can't she?
Yandere behavior?
She's very nice in person but quiet in nature, which adds to the weird factor at times. She has a tendency to stare at people either from afar or up close, or just make strange noises but the townspeople have just accepted that it's a genetic thing and don't think much of it. Otherwise she is rather normal, albeit with the occasional suggestions from their friend being what gets her in trouble most of the time. But it doesn't happen often, on the count that she doesn't get caught.
How'd they meet their darling?
Jul is an adventurous spirit, when her mother let her leave the nest she almost never looked back. Occasionally writing a letter to her on slow weekends. She doesn't have any companions with her except for her friend but momma doesn't like hearing about them so she doesn't mention them in her letters. Along her merry way of finding a place to stay she found a gorgeous girl in the heap of grouchy villagers, or that's what she calls them. Annoying, troublesome but she keeps it to herself to make a good first impression on the fair maiden.
Juls has never tasted this kind of love before, sure, her mothers love is enough to feed an entire country but this felt refreshing. She opted to court their beloved with flowers, sweets and jewels that they found while adventuring. But alas her adventurous streak would lead to yet another heartbreak as she lays her eyes on their shared house, now a pile of ashes.
She cried for weeks, a pile of limbs searching for solace in the remains of her spouse's corpse. The gold ring clutched in their hands, begging the world for another chance, and the world responded. Jul's friend, the very definition of thought provoking, thought up a solution. They brought her a diary with thick pages, saying that “if you want to change the way of a person, you must write it down in your diary with a dead man's blood, but be warned, there's only so much you can write before the pages run out”. Jul cried in relief, perhaps this way she can bring back the love of her life, she asked her friend what they'd like in return, saying that this act of kindness can't go unrewarded. But her friend denied, saying “you will in due time” and left her to her own devices, never straying too far.
Would they kill?
Jul was taught by her mother that there was only one way out of marriage, either you don't cut off the relationship or you kill your spouse, her mother went for the latter. So when Juls' interest is or is getting married then there's only one outcome for her rival, and that's death. Otherwise she would only kill someone if it's necessary, specifically if it's a blood sacrifice. But if her friend asked really nicely she wouldn't mind causing some chaos in the town she's found herself in, even she's not immune to the thrill of the kill, despite being the “innocent” one here.
What do they look like?
Jul is a strange case, as the child of a “human” and a druid it has led to some interesting developments, sporting a pair of four arms and eight black eyes. Six of them are hidden by her bangs but during the night you could catch a glimpse of them if you shine a light at them.
Although it's hard to see, if you look closely there is a smal line between her jaw and her throat. Because that's where she can split open her jaw and turn them into pinsersh. Though it might put you at ease knowing that she doesn't have any venom stored in them.
At the palm of her hands and heels of her feet are cat pads, and she has two thick claws on her feet and lower arms, her “human” arms doesn't have those two appendages.
Her brown hair could be classified as fur because of the way it stands out, accompanied with a pair of pointy ears covered in the same fur.
She usoly wears cute outfits, like skirts and cardigans/sweaters in pink or blue colors with a bow as her go-to accessory.
Sticking out from a hole in her skirt is a thin tail with tufts of brown fur at the tip, reminiscent of a lion's tail but not exactly.
The only thing not visible to an outsider would be the light red filter clauding her vision 24/7. It's especially bad in the corner of her eyes where it's blurry and it intensifies the more nervous or angry she gets, making her see literally red. Though it's more pinkish when she's in love or with her crush.
If you have any more questions I'd love to answer them, this was really fun to do.
Oh this is really cool.
Keep up the good work!
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