#yandere santana x reader
thornybubbles · 1 year
All I Ever Wanted: Yandere Santana x Reader
Note: I used a different method for writing this story than I normally do. I used a picker wheel to randomly choose a prompt from a list of Yandere Prompts from Tumblr and a list of JoJo characters I haven’t written for yet. The winning character was Santana and the winning prompt was “Yandere saves Darling’s life”. I may use this method again in the future. 
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Santana first encountered you when you snuck into the German base to aid Joseph in rescuing Speedwagon. He could not take his eyes off of you as you tended to the old man while Joseph tried to gain his attention with his buffoonery. Nothing the young Joestar said or did could pull Santana’s gaze from you as you spoke words of comfort to the frightened Speedwagon. The old man scolded you for tagging along with Joseph on such a dangerous mission, but he was relieved to have you there nonetheless. Watching you coddle the old man stirred something in Santana that he never felt before. Santana never considered humans to be especially attractive before, but there was something about you that lured him in. Maybe it was the gentle look in your eyes as you checked the old man over? Maybe it was the loving words you used as you spoke to him?
Santana found himself growing jealous over the attention the old man was getting from you. For him, affection was few and far between and usually limited to a half-hearted head pat from Kars or Esidesi whenever he did as he was told. As he got older though, they started to treat him less like kin and more like a pet. During training, he found himself unable to achieve the same kind of results that Wammu could, and Kars became increasingly frustrated with him. He once warned him that if he did not catch up with the rest of them, then he would be left behind. When he woke up thousands of years later and found himself alone, he knew that he’d been abandoned. 
He fully intended to take all of his grief and anger out on every single human he came across, but seeing you, he decided to make an exception. Though anger began to simmer in him as he watched you with the old man. You hadn’t even looked at him when you came in. Did you have any idea how stupid it was to blunder into enemy territory and not be on guard? He could have killed you a thousand times over before you even made eye contact with him! Why were you wasting time with that old man when you should be paying attention to him?! Santana side-stepped Joseph, who was incessantly tapping his nose and saying ridiculous things, and began to advance on you and Speedwagon.
Your back was turned to the Pillarman. You were too busy trying to release Speedwagon from his restraints to notice as Santana drew ever closer to you. He was strangely quiet for someone so large. It wasn’t until Speedwagon’s horrified gaze locked on something behind you did you turn around and find yourself face to face with the Pillarman. You gasped and instinctively put yourself between Santana and the old man, trying to shield Speedwagon from the brute. Santana just stared down at you with an unreadable expression while Speedwagon begged for you to get away. 
Slowly, Santana reached out for you, his massive hand looking like it was about to clamp down on your head. 
“Don’t ignore me, you prehistoric prick!” shouted Joseph. 
He placed a hand on Santana’s shoulder, trying to annoy the Pillarman enough that he would forget about whatever he was planning to do to you. When Santana didn’t react, Joseph sent a jolt of Ripple energy into the flesh of his shoulder to get the point across. It certainly worked because Santana’s eye twitched and the corner of his mouth turned up into a slight snarl. His shoulder sizzled from the attack but was already healing itself. Santana slowly turned to face Joseph who was bouncing from foot to foot holding his fists up as if he were in a boxing ring. 
“That’s what you get for treating me like I’m just a mosquito flying around your ear!” Joseph said, grinning obnoxiously. 
Santana was giving him a blank look but you could practically feel the rage boiling off of him. Before anything else could happen, though, the sound of several booted feet stomped up the corridor and a troop of German soldiers burst into the room. They lined up on either side of a very confused Joseph and took aim at Santana. Who the blazes were these guys? Reinforcements? From where? You thought Santana had killed all the soldiers in the base! You didn’t think much more about it because you realized that while the Germans had their guns locked on Santana, you and Speedwagon were right behind him. If they fired on the Pillarman, they would take you and the old man out, too! Joseph must have realized the same thing because he was already trying to wrestle the gun out of one of the soldiers hands. The others ignored Joseph’s antics  and you heard someone yell, “FIRE!” 
Thinking quickly you knocked Speedwagon out of the wheelchair and onto the floor where he would be out of range of the gunfire. Seconds later you found yourself swept up in a pair of muscular arms and held to an equally muscular chest. Thinking that it was Joseph that held you, you screamed as you felt the bullets tear into him. Over the racket you heard both Speedwagon and Joseph call your name. That’s when you realized that it wasn’t Joseph that had you in his grasp. You looked up and actually felt the blood drain from your face. Staring down at you with impassive red eyes was Santana. You felt your arms and legs draw up against your body in terror. You tried to speak, working your jaw and tongue to get words out, wanting to demand or even beg him not to kill you, but you could only manage to emit squeaks of fright. 
You became vaguely aware of the sound of JoJo fighting with the soldiers and more gunfire. He was angry with them for nearly killing you and Speedwagon. 
“What kind of morons just burst into a room and start shooting?!” He shouted as he kicked one of them in the back of the head, knocking off his helmet and sending the soldier to dreamland. It was only then that he spotted you in the arms of the Pillarman and froze, eyes widening in horror. 
“My God! Joseph! That monster has her!” Speedwagon spoke up. He, too, only just now realized what was happening. 
Seeing that JoJo had stopped attacking them, the soldiers returned their attention to Santana once more taking aim. You gasped and squinted your eyes closed, not wanting to see your demise coming. Joseph prepared to send a Hamon-fueled kick to the ground under the soldiers feet to knock them off balance but he never got the chance. Santana readjusted you so that he was cradling you with one arm. He raised his free arm upwards towards the soldiers, spreading his fingers at weird angles. Just like he had before, he used the bullets that had been absorbed into his body to return fire. Each bullet shot from his fingertips hit its mark, embedding itself into the heads of each of the soldiers. Not even the ones that Joseph knocked out were spared. Only Joseph remained unscathed. He looked around himself in confusion, wondering why he didn’t get shot, too. Santana lowered his arm, readjusting you in his hold once more. He glared at Joseph the entire time. He only spared him because he had unfinished business with the upstart primitive, but he could take care of that later. Joseph had gotten over his confusion and was now glaring back at Santana with equal ferocity. 
“Put my friend down right now!” He demanded, pointing a finger at the ground as if to show exactly where he wanted Santana to place you. 
The Pillarman’s lips pulled away from his teeth in a snarl and he made a noise that sounded like a cross between a snake’s hiss and a dog’s growl. Joseph had the audacity to growl back at him, an action that you would have thought funny if it weren’t for the situation you were in. Santana moved slightly and Joseph seemed to know immediately what he was planning. 
“Don’t you dare!” he warned the Pillarman. 
Santana hissed/growled at him again, before suddenly taking off down the corridor that the German troops had just come from. The action took Joseph off guard. He was expecting the Pillarman to try to harm you in some way, not run off with you! 
“JoJo! Stop him!” cried Speedwagon from where he still lay on the floor. 
That was all he needed to snap out of his shocked state and into action. He took off down the corridor at full speed, desperately trying to catch up with Santana. The Pillarman’s powerful legs let him run far faster than any human though, and he was constantly maneuvering out of Joseph’s grasp as he tried to snatch you away from him. Santana went so far as to run along the walls and at some point, you even found yourself upside down as Santana began running on the very ceiling. 
“Get down here, you cheater!” Joseph yelled up at him. 
Joseph’s vision was suddenly obstructed as a green cloth fluttered down on top of him. During his escape from the observation lab, Santana grabbed a shirt off of one of the dead soldiers. While he and Joseph were glaring each other down, Santana had spotted a map of the base among the scattered files and papers that littered the ground after his earlier rampage. He only needed to glance at it once in order to commit it to memory. When he knew that he was coming upon an intersection, he waited for just the right moment to drop the shirt down on Joseph, obscuring his view as he darted off down the corridor that he knew led to some maintenance tunnels. 
Joseph snatched the bloodstained shirt off of himself. He let out an angry shout when he realized that Santana had evaded him. That freak was a lot smarter than he seemed. There were three passages he could’ve taken: straight ahead, right, or left. He obviously didn’t keep going straight or Joseph would still be able to see him. So that left either the left or the right. Joseph debated on which way to go for a moment. In comics, the bad guys almost always take the left passage to get away from the good guys. Maybe that was the case in real life, too? He growled in frustration. He didn’t have anything else to go on, so left passage it was. He ran down the passage calling your name, hoping that the monster hadn’t hurt you. Unfortunately, real life isn’t like comic books and Santana had taken the right passage.  
You were grateful when Santana began running upright again. Being upside down for so long was starting to give you a headache. You lost sight of Joseph hours ago. You tried calling out for him once, but Santana gave you such a glare that the words died on your tongue from sheer fright. But you were beginning to wonder just how long this damned corridor was. And just how long could this guy run? He’d been running for a while now and wasn’t even breathing hard! 
Santana darted down a flight of stairs that seemed to lead to a basement and storage area. He slowed down to a normal walk and began searching for something. Finally he came to a set of chained up doors with a lot of writing around it. You couldn’t read German so you had no clue what it said. He pulled the doors open, snapping the chains as if they were made of paper. He then stepped inside of the room and closed the doors behind him. The lighting inside of the room was dim, but you could make out the shapes of a desk and some machines that you didn’t recognize. Santana walked to a corner of the room and plopped down on the ground, hiding in the shadows. He held you in his lap and stared at the doors, watching to see if JoJo would burst through them at any moment. After a moment, you felt him relax and he let out a quiet sigh. Then, he turned his gaze on you. 
The dim light made him look especially eerie and you noted that his red eyes seemed to have a bit of a glow to them. 
“Uh… hi…” you said awkwardly. 
“You did not thank me.” 
You blinked up at him. You had only heard him say one or two word sentences before, and usually he only seemed to repeat what others said to him. He may have said something to JoJo before, but you were too busy worrying about Speedwagon to pay much attention. 
“Thank me properly.” he said. His voice was quiet and calm, but you could definitely hear the demand in it when he said that. 
“I… what? W-what do you w-want me to d-do?” You stammered. “I don’t even know w-what I’m t-thanking you for.” 
Santana gave you an insulted look. 
“I saved your life.” he stated in a gruff, clipped tone. “The other humans would have killed you. I prevented it. Now thank me properly.” 
Oh well, now you’ve made him angry. 
“Thank you…?” You said lamely, not sure what he wanted. 
Santana huffed and rolled his eyes. You were unfortunately as thick-skulled at any other human, in spite of your kind, gentle nature. You would have to be trained apparently. He grabbed your hand, causing you to flinch. He then guided your hand to the top of his head and moved your hand around in a motion that made it seem like you were ruffling his hair. Once or twice your palm scraped against the two small horns that jutted from his skull causing you to wince. You were surprised at how soft his hair was though. For someone that came from a time when hair care products weren’t exactly readily available yet, it seemed very healthy. After a while, he let your hand go but made sure you kept rubbing his head. He closed his eyes and nuzzled into your hand. The action caused you to blush. 
Stop. Bad guys are not supposed to be cute. You mentally scolded yourself. 
After a few minutes of rubbing the top of his head, you were starting to feel a little awkward. 
“Okay… good Aztec Demi-God…” you said in a nervous tone and slowly pulled your hand away from his hair. When he didn’t immediately force you to start petting him again, you relaxed a little. 
“I guess it’s safe to assume that you aren’t going to kill me then?” you asked, feeling a little braver. 
Santana shook his head. 
“No.” he said, a sleepy look in his eyes. 
You glanced down at the floor longingly. 
“Any chance of you putting me down?” You asked, feeling brave enough to push your luck. 
Instantly, the sleepy look was gone from his eyes and he tightened his hold on you. 
“NO!” he all but roared. 
You cringed in his hold and didn’t say anything else. 
Well it was worth a shot. You really hoped JoJo found you soon, before this situation got any more uncomfortable.
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zyettemoon1800 · 2 months
Master list
All of them together (1)
All of them together(2)
All of them together(3)
All of them together (4)
All of the together (5)
Hobie Brown
Thomas Hewitt
Muhammad Ali.Jr
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sl33paholics · 6 months
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Once Upon An Us
This new series I'm currently starting is a current passion project of mine. I really want to show my baby boy Santana some love (since you rarely see him mentioned in anything on here or at all). This series will be updated every Friday. Almost everything in here is fiction (yes, including the names of places n tribes n whatnot). Refer to this post here to see the jist. Other than that, enjoy :P
Chapter One here
In the heart of the dense, emerald-hued rainforest of Narroranna, the rhythmic pulse of tribal drums echoes through ancient banyan trees. The Bright Arrow Horde, stewards of nature's secrets, gathers beneath the celestial hood. As the elders weave tales of ancestors who communed with spirits and danced with the elements, a shadow falls upon the horizon. Unseen forces stir, challenging the delicate balance between tradition and an encroaching modern world. Little do the people realize that the choices they make will shape the destiny not only of their tribe but also the delicate tapestry of the natural world they call home.
The elders, their weathered faces etched with wisdom, recount tales of the first Bright Arrow, an ancient warrior said to have harnessed the lightning's fury and spoken to the spirits of the forest. As the tribe listens, the youngest among them, Y/N, felt an arm snake its way around her shoulder. She turned to find her father, Karey. "My little star," he murmured. Her skin prickled as if electricity crackled beneath his touch. "These stories have been passed down to generation to generation. The Great Ancestors have blessed our tribe." His words were meant for her ears alone, but she knew it was meant for all of the Bright Arrow.
As the elders started their chant around the fire, their tones got more urgent, the air charged. They spoke in voices like thunder. Y/N strained to understand, but every word seemed drowned out by an ocean of sound. Staring into the flames, she saw sparks shoot up from the wood, lighting the shadows dancing on the walls. It felt like something had crawled up from the depths below, crawling toward her, until she felt the weight of another presence hovering over her head.
Y/N tightly gripped onto her father's arm. He looked down at her, concerned. "Are you well?" She shook her head. "What are you seeing?" Another shake of her head. He held her tighter. "Do you want to leave?" She nodded. He smiled sadly, squeezing her hand. "Then stay close to me." Karey took Y/N out of the circle of elders and led her outside.
The night sky was blanketed with a thick layer of clouds. A sharp breeze whistled past, sending droplets of water flying into the darkness. Y/N and her father sat next to each other on a fallen log by the shore. Y/N wrapped her arms around her legs, hugging them tight. "Father," she whispered. "What's happening inside?" He reached out and touched her face gently. "You don't need to worry about it right now, my star." Y/N looked away. "You're young... you're only 14 years old, my little star. You'll get older and wiser and be able to see things much differently than your peers." His gentle smile made Y/N feel so safe. She didn't know what to say. "For now, you should focus on your studies and learning how to hunt and grow crops..." He paused.
"And finding love."
"Love?" Y/N asked.
"Yes. Love is what keeps family strong. It makes us stronger, too. And one day when you're older, you'll know how true it is." Y/N looked away and bit her lip. She'd never thought of it that way. But the truth seemed obvious now. Father was right. Y/N would know the answer soon enough.
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It's been nine years.
Y/N walked past the circle alongside her mother, Nayeli. She heard her mother let out a huff as she continued down the path. "I remember those days," her mother spoke quietly.
"You around circle with those other children many moons ago, oh my, how time flies," Her mother said with a chuckle. "Now you're all grown up." Y/N nodded in agreement with her mother's statement, but there was no denying the truth behind it. In fact, she felt quite grown up herself now, at twenty-three years old, but Y/N's mind was consumed by thoughts of the future, of where she was going next, what life would be like when she wasn't surrounded by the people she grew up with. Even thinking about love had never really occurred to her.
She followed her mother down a small hill that overlooked the village. "Mother," Y/N said tentatively. "Will I meet anyone special someday? Someone special enough to marry?" Her mother stopped walking. The wind blew harder, causing her dark hair to whip against her face. She pulled it back with her fingers before answering. "There is someone." Y/N swallowed hard. Why was this such a big deal to her mother, anyway? "Who is he?" Y/N asked. Her mother sighed. "That is why we've waited so long. We wanted to tell you first. He comes from a noble family."
Y/N couldn't help but stay silent throughout the rest of the walk 'a noble family...?' just hearing that made her heart thumped hard in her chest. Upon entering the wigwam, she saw her father across a man and a much more middle-aged male.
Their eyes met, and the moment stretched out for Y/N. Suddenly, the room felt small, suffocatingly hot.
Soon, the three were now sitting in front of the two men.
Their heads bowed forward in respect, waiting for a reaction from the two. "Y/N, this is Chief Alo of The Golden Ribbon Children and his son, Kele."
Y/N smiled politely, offering a small bow. The younger male grunted and crossed his arms as if to refuse the offer of introductions. Y/N was relieved. It felt awkward. She wasn't used to being around people her own age. "We've been told out of many of the women he's introduced to his son, none of them seemed to suit him," her mother said, "but Kele has agreed to accept you as his wife. We've given you the proper ceremony."
Kele glared at Y/N. His dark brown eyes looked almost black. For some reason, that irked her. How dare he look at her that way? She glanced up at her father. He stared back, unblinking. She swallowed hard, hoping her nervousness wouldn't show through her expression. "When exactly are these ceremonies, Chief Alo?" she asked.
Chief Alo chuckled. "Well, you mustn't be too impatient. There's nothing wrong with a few more cycles to settle down, you know." Kele shot him a dirty look. Y/N fought off a smile. Her mother cleared her throat. "Perhaps give us two months? That sounds fair, yes?"
Y/N nodded slowly. Two months sounded good. It was better than being married to a stranger. She would have to learn to live with Kele, after all.
After all of the conversation and arraignment, they said their goodbyes and left. Y/N sat there in silence beside her father. Neither had anything else to say. Eventually, she broke the silence. "I don't think I could go through with this, father." Her voice wavered with emotion. "I mean, marrying a stranger? You told me nine years ago that I should find the one that suits me best. An arranged marriage? How could you and mother do this behind my back...?" Her words tumbled out quickly, spilling forth from deep within her soul. Her father's face softened. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, child. This was bound to happen someday. The Great Ancestors have brought this upon us."
"How can you be so sure?" she cried. Her father hesitated. He stared off into the distance. When he finally spoke, his voice seemed far away. "Because I'm sure that this will bring great happiness to our tribe, to you and your siblings. This will be a blessing." He squeezed her shoulder. "A blessing? To be married off to someone I don't even know? What sort of blessing is this?" Tears started streaming down her cheeks. She tried to hold them back, but she was helpless, sobbing uncontrollably, not noticing as her father wrapped his arms around her.
She hoped that soon things would fall apart.
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
Lmao It would look ridiculous if the reader, sleeping peacefully but not knowing what lies on the body of one of the pillarmen, drooled on their breasts, elbowed their faces, or crumpled their tits as if were fluffing pillows without waking up. Perhaps men regret their choice to sleep with a human, but that doesn't stop them anyway
They surely know how to handle that!
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Let's face it you'd be their little sweet kitten, no matter what you do you are cute, and also protecting you is a must, and such protection involves them sleeping alongside you. It's nothing devious for sure, it's just like having some quality time with them, and I've mentioned that nothing can stop at spending this "quality time" with you.
Like a naughty kitten you may bite and hiss but in the end you'd find yourself on top of the bed where they'd be laying next to you, poor whammu would suffer the most, his instant reflections making him incapable of sleeping soundly whenever you are moving around too much, just a small kick and he'd be up for the rest of the night, staring at the ceiling with a bord look, if it wasn't for your peaceful face he'd reconsider sleeping next to you long time ago.
On the other hand Santna would unintentionally pay you back, he's a cat in the inside so he'd be a messy sleeper, his limbs opened wide as he rolls around and even munches on stuff, good thing he doesn't use his teeth or you'd have already lost your toes, yeah, he likes to sleep at the very edge of the bed, but since you are like him in sleeping he wouldn't mind, he'd be too lost in his sleep to do so.
Esidici, oh our sweet old volcano, he'd tie you up. Nothing too tight or extreme, he just ties one of the new sheets to your hips to your side of the bed and makes you stay there and kick as much as you want, you can't roll to his side anyway so he can enjoy his moments of peace without worrying about you too much.
Kars though, he'd be the hardest to deal with, he doesn't mind your actions at all, oh no, he actually likes them! Like just a single kick, squishing his limbs, or even drooling over him amuses the old man, he'd play along, making you roll over all the place and in the end land on his chest, speak while sleeping and he'd tease you about it later, drool over him and he'd shame you with his witty remarks for the rest of the week, if you refuse to play with him he'd play with you during that time, you can't escape him.
They all in general don't mind it, As I said it's like spending the night with a kitten!
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silvernyxchariot · 1 year
(sorry if you don't want to discuss this and it makes you feel uncomfortable :"0) Hmm, Yandere pillarmen who sense their Darling's pregnancy after grabbing them, and are annoyed at the presence of a competitor. As wild predators, they wish to get rid of someone else's planned offspring, so that after that their seed can have success on survival and subsequent pregnancy in the human body
⚠️TW/CW: yandere, kidnapping, and possessive Pillarmen⚠️
Hmm, 9 out of 10 yandere behavior. Let me get the checklist: possessive✅️, jealous✅️, and marking through impregnation✅️. Check. But these yandere are missing the kidnapping and killing their competitor portion of this scenario. Had to take marks off for that.
If these yandere Pillarmen are indeed “wild predators,” they are stalking, but where is the kidnapping? I imagine Kars or Esidisi are waiting for the most opportune moment to snatch Darling from their current life, where it would be the easiest to make Darling disappear. But alas, here they only regret not acting sooner. In the end with these two, the unnamed father will also disappear. . . in a ditch. . . in a different country. . . Probably in a different continent.
Now, remember I said something about “moral questioning” in the last ask? Yeah, Wamuu’s morality flew out the window. We can’t get it back. We don’ know where it went. He will deletus the fetus with a jab. It’s uncomfortable in Darling’s lower abdomen but not life threatening.
Santana. . . What “planned offspring”? There was no fetus conceived between Darling and their unnamed s/o to begin with. Santana kidnapped them and killed the s/o before either of them could realize what was happening. Kars and Esidisi could only sigh when they realized Santana was gone and then they saw him carry in a wriggling Darling tied up and in a bag.
10 out of 10 Darling is now probably traumatized and isolated from their previous life and if they knew about the pregnancy (it is mentioned that the offspring was planned), they are devastated at learning their future baby is now gone. But they better take care of their new planned offspring.
As a side note,
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Oh my, 2-for-2. I do believe I’ve scared my dear Anon into apologizing for asking yandere asks. No worries, I try to be as open-minded as I can. Thank you for your concern though, I appreciate you voicing it. All in which makes me feel the need to make a-
Disclaimer: All my yandere writings are a work of fiction and not meant to be taken seriously. I do not condone overly possessive, jealous, abusive, obsessive, impulsive behavior, or kidnapping in real-life and relationships. You know, things that put others’ lives in danger.
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JoJo Masterlist
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* = Nsfw
° = Angst
× = Yandere
≈ = Family fic
© = Crack fic
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Robert Speedwagon
• If I Was Your Vampire
Dio Brando
• In Due Time°
• Shame on the Night*
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Joseph Joestar
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
Caesar Zeppeli
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
• Pillow Talk
• Coddling Santana and Wamuu (HCs)
• Pillarmen with a child "hostage" (HCs)
• Love Machine*
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• Them falling in love (HCs)
• Singing "Tequila" on karaoke night (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• One Shot, 2 Shot ©
• Bring on the Night*
• Feel Good Inc.
Mohammed Avdol
• Burnin' for You
Terence D'Arby
• Holding on to You*
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Josuke Higashikata
• Don't Stop Me Now
Rohan Kishibe
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
Akira Otoishi
• Pepper
Hayato Kawajiri
• A Little Bit Off Today ≈
Yoshikage Kira
• Beggin'*
• Modern Love*
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Guido Mista
• Looking for a Kiss*
La Squadra
• Japanese Mythology HCs
• Seducing La Squadra* (HCs)
• NSFW headcanons*
• No Rest for the Wicked AU HCs
• Him with your pet tortoise (HCs)
Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio
• Head Like a Hole, Ch. 1
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Weather Report
• Selkie out of Water, Ch. 1 || Ch. 2 || Ch. 3 || Ch. 4
• Dancing in the Moonlight
• Canned Heat
• Electric Love ×
• Dad Report ≈
• Dreams of a Samurai*
• Cold as Ice
• What's New Pussycat*
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Emporio Alnino
• Thank You (for sending me an angel) ≈
Narciso Anasui
• Dating HCs
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• Drive*
Enrico Pucci
• Fallen Angel*
• Lady in Red*
• My Light*
• Saints an' Sinners*
• Take Me to Church*
• That's Life
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o on their period (HCs)
Johngali A.
• White Room*
Thunder McQueen
• (You) Shook Me All Night Long*
D an G
Donatello Versace
• To Heal*
Perla Pucci
• General platonic HCs
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Gyro Zeppeli
• Hayloft*
• Hayloft II*
• Kickstart My Heart*
• Whole Lotta Love*
Diego Brando
• Moonage Daydream*
• Tell Him That His Lonesome Nights Are Over, Pt. 1 || Pt. 2*
Mountain Tim
• Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)*
Funny Valentine
• Cupid's Chokehold ×
• Oye Cómo Va*
• I Surrender*
• Twisted Nerve ch. 1
• Dating HCs*
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Josefumi Kujo
• Dating HCs (Ft. Kira)
Jobin Higashikata
• Hard Lovin' Man*
Aisho Dainenjiyama
• Keep On Loving You
• Can't Help Falling in Love
• Bad Case of Lovin' You
• Tooru HCs* (SFW and NSFW)
• Yan!Tooru HCs*
• Doctor play with Tooru* (HCs)
• Tooru x Nurse!reader*
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Paco Lovelantes
• Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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choococho · 5 months
So in the Caesar and Kars example post I mentioned the APMW AU. It took me a while to post cause I was getting the gist of it down and trying to get my thoughts together, but it's finally here.
A pillarman world AU
A pillarman world: APMW: AU where the pillarmen won, taking over the world. They are all ultimate lifeforms, this includes Santana.
The AU is split into 3 different timelines:
Rebellion: APMW.R: Joseph, Caesar, lisa lisa and her 2 helpers all die, when does this happen I haven't decided yet, tho I think it will happen somewhere after the fight with Esidisi. In this version, one of the hamon users that were killed by Straizo managed to survive but with no memories of Straizo's betrayal and the existence of the pillarmen, regaining them piece by piece throughout the time period of BT while living in a small village in Mexico, and by the time the pillarmen became ultimate life forms, he regained full memories, and decided to start teaching the capable people of that town hamon in hopes of starting an underground society to take down the pillarmen. Years later, the news had made it around the globe through rebels that work among the servants of the pillarmen, and it's getting bigger and bigger, without the pillarmen's knowledge…or maybe they do know.
Last Chance: APMW.LC: this AU is similar to that of "Rebellion", with the difference being that the red stone of aja gang is not dead, and managed to escape last second and lived underground for a while, trying to plan how to take down the newly evolved pillarmen. Straizo's student still exists and he still taught the people of the town, but the news about them and the start of the society made it to the red aja gang before making it to anyone else abroad, and because of their advanced capabilities and great strategies, their group became the main leaders of the society, and they made sure to spread their influence to people that'll benefit them and were capable enough, while also keeping tabs on people that may betray them.
In both "last chance" and "rebellion", the secret society has a system put in place to keep the stand users hidden, and hamon users are advised to not use their abilities unless necessary, and not to do it in public, as even other people can betray them.
Servitude: APMW.S: the complete hopelessness AU, no one can save humanity, all hamon users are dead, and stand users got found out in some point, leading them to be hunted by the pillarmen goons and to develop tools to tell if a child is a stand user from birth or not, and if a person developed an ability down the line, and if found out they'll be killed. Humanity is over, and it's time for the pillarmen rule.
This AU can be used for world building asks/comments etcetera, it's not really limited for x readers (most of anything I'll do won't be only for one use as I want to have maximum fun and freedom) You can use it for world building in a fic, as long as there is credit.
Also yandere asks are allowed.
I'll make a separate post for how Darling can present in this AU ( I have….many ideas to say the least).
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didyme-bucciarati · 2 years
The Sabotager
Pillerwoman (Y/N) x Yandere! Joseph
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Language: English
Rating: Adult Insinuated Sexual Content
Time: 08 11 22
Status: One Shot
Parings: Reader x Joseph, Male OC x Suzy Q, Kars x Esidsi (mentioned)
Characters: Lisa Lisa, Ceasar, Wamuu, Santana.
Additional information: Yandere Stuff. Slow build. Lisa Lisa, Ceasar and Jojo are OOC.
Lord Kars choosing you to be the mare of the new world should be a flattering thing. And to an extent it surely is. But thousands of years after the flattery wore out. The flattery turned to digust and now thwarting your former master is your main goal.
(With Jojo and the Gang)
"The Pillermen are in search of The Red Stone of Ajia. Said stone is in my possession." Lisa Lisa fills in the group.
"Why are they after this Stone." Ceasar Questioned.
"Well I don't truly know. No one does, well other than themselves of course. It is a secret they kept. However. One can assume it is because of this." She says as she hold up the stone to the light causing a blast of condensed light shot from the stone causing the brick to explode due to the intense heat. The crew gasped and cooed.
"Okay Ms. Lisa Lisa, do tell what exactly is the plan. I mean a bunch of Massive and Powerful monsters are after a stone... what is your end goal here?! To get us all killed?!" Arnold Speedwagon says, whilst his eyebrow twitched.
"Can I be real a second? For just a millisecond?" Lisa Lisa exclaimed as she looked around the room making eye contact with everyone. "This is a 'Hail Mary' plan. I don't know what Kars exactly needs the stone for. But, I do know his end goal is mass human eradication. So presumably this stone has something to do with his plan."
"That is fair Mistress Lisa Lisa. But I must wonder why not just destroy the stone then." Suzy Q question.
"Simple. It is a bargaining chip. It will help us get the upperhand." Ceasar tries to explain.
"Yes. We have 26 days left." Lisa Lisa says in a somber tone. Then she claps her hand to change the tone. "On a positive note there is another Pillerm..."
"How is this a positive thing wench!" Joseph as he jumps back with the news.
"Because stories say she isn't like the rest."
"Stories?" Arnold questioned.
"She?" Ceasar asked as his eyes bug out of his head.
"Of course. Mr. Thinks With his Coc..." Joseph is interrupted by Lisa Lisa clearing her throat.
"Yes. And she has been awake for 47 years." She says. "Living on a Tiny Island in the northern region of the (Cape Aniva) Japanese Empire."
"WAIT! hold up! You expect us to what? Make the 90 Something Day trip to a country which is at war right now. To talk to a monster that MIGHT help us kill their own kind. YOU'VE completely lost it Elizabeth. There is No Way, No How! That Suzy and I will be..." Arnold says and Suzi tries to comfort him to the best of her abilities.
"I Never Asked You To. I understand your hesitation. And I sympathize with it. But,"
"No Buts! You are going to get us killed."
"ENOUGH. Both of you. We aren't solving anything by theorizing about this. Jojo, You said you have a Motorcycle. How fast can it go?" Ceasar interupts.
"Well it really depends but I usually can go up to 185 kilometers per hour. But why not just take an aeroplane? Wouldn't it be quicker?" At this mention Lisa Lisa freezes. But only for a second.
"And risk getting shot down? No. But like Speedy said the Japanese are at war right now. It is to dangerous."
"So we fly to Taiwan then take another mode of transportation to get to the island." Jojo adds.
"That could work."
(Two Days Later)
"So this is the Place?" Joseph rhetorically stated.
"Its very Gloomy." Suzy Q states as she Scoots closer to Arnold.
"It has to be. The Pillerwoman." Jojo states.
"Em. Not necessarily...." Lisa Lisa added. "The piller in question, which has now been excavated to england, stood acting as some kind of natural light house. But, I digress, this pillerwoman was not inside or hidden from the sun. Instead quite the opposite."
"Goddammit! This really is a Suicide Mission!" Arnold panicked.
"Keep it down will you." Ceasar growl whispered. "These creatures can hear twice as good as bats."
"This whole mission is a Suicide Mission for me Ceasarino, Speedy. So with that being said. Let's get on with this. I litterly don't have time to waste." He says as he walked towards the quaint brick building.
"Joestar. Come back here. We need a plan." Arnald says.
Once Joseph was out of hearing range. "You know us Joestars. We always have a few tricks up our sleeves. I'm sure my son has one so we follow."
"Ara Ara what do we have here? Five Milk Drinkers?" (Y/N) says as she emerges from the bizarre ominous fog.
"Four Milk Drinkers, I'm Lactose Intolerant." Jojo jokes as he takes in her appearance. She was truly a Goddess. Everything about her was perfect. Especially since she chuckled to his childish banter.
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cryo-regalia · 3 years
Yandere Santana with chubby mate
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yandere headcanons of a pillar man with a chubby partner ft. santana
— THEMES: yandere au, gender neutral reader, minor battle tendency spoilers, death mentions, minor animalistic tendencies.
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To say that Santana didn’t have an interest in humans wouldn’t be entirely wrong, and that was an assumption that many were led to believe when he first woke up from his years of slumber. Hostile when provoked, aloof, bored, disinterested, detached even. He didn’t take much satisfaction with toying with them or their abilities as others may have, instead preferring to ignore them and observe the odd mechanisms and gadgets they created. They were certainly annoying, babbling on and on about topics he didn’t initially understand, but he hardly touched them unless they were close enough to be used or got in his way. It was their fault for being so foolish and standing in front of him, and he barely blinked as their already short lives came to an agonizing end as he consumed them from the inside out.
But he did favor one human in particular, and no one really understood why. The German soldiers tried to come up with a hypothesis as to why this extraordinary being took such an extreme liking to them, but none came into fruition and there were more questions than answers. Some even thought it to be because of some kind of deep-routed animalistic instinct, such as claiming a mate, but due to their lack of information on Pillar Men it was hard to say for sure why this was. Despite his lack of care towards the humans around him, Santana’s eyes seemed to be drawn to you, a human that (forcibly or not) tagged alongside Joseph Joestar in an attempt to rescue Speedwagon from the facility they all stood within. The look he gave you was misinterpreted as him about to attack you, causing the Joestar to use himself as a human shield to block the red-haired man’s view of you. To say that he wasn’t pleased would be an understatement and he stalked up to the brunette, gave him a single threat-laced warning, before fighting his way to you. Hamon didn’t stop the Pillar Man from fighting his way to you, taking the blow when the clacker volley’s thrown your way by mistake.
No one was really sure what to do when the giant beast of a man easily tossed the brunette and grabbed you by your arm, pulling you to his side without missing a beat—aside from JoJo who demanded that you were released, which fell on deaf ears. Santana didn’t care to explain himself to such primitives, finding it to be unnecessary to do so unless you asked him yourself. Even then he wouldn’t be all too wordy about it, simply stating that he felt drawn to you and that it felt right to follow these feelings. He’s quite pleased if you decide to submit to him, but if you decide to disobey him and move away from him to return to where you once were, he’s quick to yank you back to his side and hold you in place with his unnatural strength. His irritation is made fairly clear along his face and he gives a single warning, and his grip will tighten every now and again if you don’t listen. He’s been raised to listen obediently when given orders and he initially doesn’t understand that humans may not have gone through the same thing, resulting in him having slightly raised expectations and being a bit stern and disappointed if you don’t listen.
Santana isn’t familiar with figures that aren’t like his own but he is certainly curious, a trait that remains in his nature after so long. Before his slumber, Pillar Men and Pillar Women usually had body types similar to his own and rarely strayed from such. Some were much more petite and small, others that could easily tower over himself and menacing, strong enough to crush him like a pebble if they chose to do so. Seeing something like your own was unusual to him and he was curious, though this could be mistaken as him being critical by the way his eyes wander and narrow. He kind of compares your shape to the little horns tangled within his hair: a uniqueness that made him him. All in all, he doesn’t seen you any differently regardless of your size and loves you all the same, although he doesn’t often voice of, making it quite necessary that you read between the lines. What he lacks in verbal affirmations (which are typically short and blunt) he makes up for in physical affection.
He may be a bit rough, his fingers wandering around your body curiously regardless of the situation. You could be grocery shopping and he’d randomly and openly touch your sides without thinking twice. He has no shame whatsoever and whatever peaks his attention is what he’ll observe and learn about, it’s something you’re more or less stuck with. You’ll have to make any limitations known or he’ll do his own thing without thinking twice, including areas you aren’t comfortable with. You’ll be able to get away with pushing his hand or scolding him, even if he doesn’t like it. But even so, he may have your hand in a tight hold or rub his cheek against your skin because he finds it soft. Cuddling with him is very possessive (if not inexperienced) and it takes some convincing until he’s willing to release you, arms curled around you and reluctant to let go so you don’t leave his line of sight because he was too relaxed and wasn’t keeping watch.
He becomes quite hostile and aggressive when it comes to people bashing you or your weight if it’s something that you’re self-conscious about. Because he quickly learns and picks up on mannerisms, ideas, concepts, words, etc., he knows what means what and what makes you upset. He may not understand why that is, but he knows it does by your expression and he will strike. It’s the fastest way of getting on his bad side, other than people trying to steal you away from him. He takes it horribly if someone makes you cry (don’t expect him to coddle you, he’ll try and calm you down and wipe your tears but has no idea what he’s doing), but if you’re physically injured, there’s no way that they’re making it out alive. Your well-being comes first and even if he doesn’t have as much of a soft tone as he thinks, lifting your spirits and making sure you’re okay is his main priority before he goes for the literal kill. Not to mention, it has to do with you. If anyone tried trash-talking you, it’s like attacking him and no one says something so demeaning about his mate.
He sees no reason not to kill them where they stand and will if you don’t stop him. If you’re acquainted with Joseph or his allies, if they stand in the way, he still doesn’t see any reason to spare them regardless of how you feel about them. He’s made it more than clear he doesn’t enjoy having them get in his way and that will never change. He’s not subtle about this either, not even going as far as to warn whoever is in his way a second time. He gave them their chance, and they would be a fool not to take heed. If they plan on trying to take you bad from Santana’s grasp, he almost finds it pitiful how they think they can do that so easily. They would be foolish to think that he would go easy on them, especially after what they’ve done. He doesn’t give mercy to anyone (but you, of course!) as it is, but he’s not playing around with anyone who said or do something that hurt you. 
If you’re rather positive about your shape and don’t give into the negativity that people throw your way, he is happy that you can see yourself the way he sees you. He’s a bit prideful of that fact, knowing that nonsensical words and such rude behavior don’t affect you as easily or at all. He firmly believes that you shouldn’t get so disheartened by the words of others now that you two are mates, his specifically, and reminds you that you’re now in a higher hierarchy than other humans. He may not be a smooth-talker or be as emotional as some, but he makes up for that with physical touch as mentioned before and genuine care, aside from the obvious posessive tendencies he is not afraid to be open about. He would admit to stalking you if you go out with or without his permission and claim that he was making sure you stayed safe and that he has taken plenty of lives of people who he was so absolutely sure were a threat to your well-being and criticized you behind your back. On the other hand, he’d act like he didn’t have human blood on his hands and go on with his day, buying (stealing) clothing he figured would fit you because he noticed they were your favorite style, color, brand and gifted them to you. He doesn’t understand why some take such consideration into the creator of the work, but that’s also coming from the Pillar Man who wears a single loincloth and that’s it. He has no room to talk about anything having to do with fashion.
He doesn’t really understand metaphors or jokes or sayings or anything of that sort unless they’re blatant and will take them at face value. You may need to explain to him a lot that you don’t actually mean any actual harm (unless you do, in which case don’t waste your breath) by saying “I wish they’d just disappear” or something similar because in his mind, he’s ready to fulfill that. Someone upset you and his own happiness spawns from making you happy and pleased with him, so it’s a win-win for him. You don’t have someone bothering you, one less person is getting in his way, and you give him this “affection”? This must be one of his luckiest days yet! However, if you don’t want him to do anything and you just said it offhandedly, you will have to act quick and clarify that you don’t mean any harm so he learns. That won’t stop him for going for the kill though, even if you’re against it. His job since the very beginning has been to be a guard dog and should anyone do anything to disrespect you or your honor, he will strike.
Santana may disappear discreetly, but it certainly isn’t when he’s suddenly not by your side. He’s only ever gone if you or Lord Kars ask him to do something, but even then he tells you when he has to leave and he’ll give you a gentle squeeze and rest his horns against your head before he heads off. That’s his own version of a kiss as he’s awkward with his lips, but he truly is trying to be affectionate for you if that’s something you wish for and is constantly learning your wants and needs. He’s otherwise kind of unpredictable with what he does next as he’s not as verbal about his upcoming moves, unlike some who shout their attacks seconds before actually doing so, and he has such an incredible poker face that it’s extremely hard to get much out of him. You definitely could, but you may need to incentivize it if it’s something that Kars ordered him to keep a secret or he knows you’ll be upset with. The chances of getting it out of him are slim, but not impossible. Even so, he truly does love you, regardless of what you look like, and would do just about anything for you with a single command.
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© cryo-regalia, all rights reserved. do not edit, translate, or repost my work.
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thornybubbles · 1 year
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (Yandere Kars x Pillar Man reader part 2)
**NOTE: This is a sequel to a story I wrote previously. You may want to read that first if you haven’t already: https://thornybubbles.tumblr.com/post/707318411613569024/jjba-yandere-scenario-jealousy-kars-x-pillarman
Sorry this took so long to get out. I was dealing with a lot of distractions while trying to work on this. There were a few times there where I just straight up forgot that I was even working on anything. I was just going about my life when one day I suddenly remembered: “Holy shit! I have a Tumblr, don’t I?” Well hopefully this was worth the wait. Thank you for your patience.**
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In the past, whenever Kars asked you to be his, you would always brush him off and give him no definite answer. You would always say that you didn’t know how you felt about him and you would need more time before you could give him a proper answer. 
But now…
As Kars slightly lessened the grip he held on your throat…
You did not hesitate to give him an answer. 
“No!!” you rasped. “My answer will forever more be no! I hate you Kars! I hate the monster you’ve become! I hate what you did to our people! I hate what you did to Whammu and Santana! And I hate what you did to me! I will die before I give you my love!” 
Kars’ response was to squeeze your throat so hard you thought he was trying to break your neck rather than strangle you. After a moment, the anger in his eyes gave way to a cold stare. You feared the emptiness in his eyes far more than his anger. It was an unfamiliar look on him and you didn’t know what it meant, though you were certain it didn’t mean anything good. 
Kars tossed you to the ground as if you were so much trash. He stood over you and looked down at you with contempt. 
“Your stubborn pride was one of the many things that drew me to you, my little prize, but after being forced to deal with it for centuries, I’m beginning to think it is the thing I like about you the least.” he said. 
You looked up at him, unable to tell what was going through his mind. A tiny spark of hope lit up inside of you as you thought that he may finally be willing to give up his pursuit of you. Though you had to wonder about what that would mean for you, JoJo, and the other humans. 
“It seems that my only choice is to remove that stubborn streak of yours, one way or another.” Kars said, extinguishing that spark of hope completely. 
“I suppose the fault is my own. I’ve been far too lenient with you. No longer will I ignore your hateful glances and rebellious behavior.” 
At this point, a sinister smirk stretched Kars’ lips. He gave Speedwagon a knowing look that confused both you and the old man. 
“You thought you could turn against me because both Santana and Whammu were dead.” he mocked. “But as I approached these old ruins, I overheard a very interesting conversation.” 
Your eyes widened and Speedwagon gasped. He knew! He knew that Santana was still alive!
Kars suddenly seized you by the hair, forcing you to look up at him. 
“Do not worry, dearest,” he taunted you. “I will find your little Santana, wherever these worthless humans are hiding him, and bring him home to you.” 
His mocking smile became a vicious sneer. 
“And then your rebellion against me will come to an end! Because if it does not, then Santana will pay for it! I will refrain from killing him, but for every time you forget to adore me as I should be adored, Santana will be the one I punish! You will love me, or Santana will suffer!” 
Your eyes glistened with tears. Any other time, you would hold them back, refusing to let Kars see your weakness. Not now. While you were overjoyed at hearing that Santana was still alive, you realized that you were right back to being under Kars’ thumb. It seemed that you would never be rid of him. Kars would never leave you alone and now he threatened to punish Santana whenever you displeased him. Your tears flowed freely and Kars gave you a satisfied smile. Everything was finally going his way. He had finally conquered you. It was not quite the victory he hoped for, he never wanted to win your affections by force, but at least now you would never try to leave him again. Not if you wanted your adopted son to remain unharmed. 
It seemed Santana was not as useless as he first thought. 
“You will remain here until I come to fetch you. Then we will go find where they are keeping your precious Santana.” he ordered, adding the last part with a cruel smile. 
He turned away from you, where you were crumpled onto your knees, and left the ruins. Without his hulking form blocking the sunlight, the golden rays flooded into the ruins. Speedwagon almost cried out to beg you to move before the sunlight hit you, but he could see that you had already turned yourself into stone. He limped over to you, examining your stone expression. You looked like the work of some great sculptor, but one who decided to carve your near perfect features into a permanent expression of sorrow.  
The old man crouched next to you, placing a hand on your stony shoulder. He didn’t know the full story between you and Kars, but after witnessing the way the villain treated you and spoke to you, he could guess just what kind of terrible relationship you had. And to think that you had been enduring Kars’ cruelty for longer than human civilization had existed. It was unfathomable. Unthinkable! Speedwagon found himself getting emotional. 
“I don’t know if you can hear me when you’re like this,” he said, tears forming in his eyes. “But I want you to know that JoJo is still out there and willing to fight. I can’t say if he can actually beat a monster like Kars, especially now that he’s outwitted the sun, but I know that JoJo is a clever one. If he can’t beat Kars in hand to hand combat, then he will find another way to do it. I know it feels hopeless, but I’m asking that you please not give up just yet. Just do like I always do and hold out until JoJo sets things straight.” 
You emerged from your statue form sometime later to find yourself in a completely different place. Instead of broken stone and rubble, you were surrounded by stark white walls and strange machinery. The room was lit from above with lights nearly as bright as the sun, but they did not cause your skin to burn. You were so stunned at your surroundings that you didn’t notice that you weren’t alone. 
A gray haired human wearing a long white coat stood holding some kind of tablet with parchment on it in the far corner of the room. He seemed nervous and took a few steps back from you when you rose to your feet. 
“Ah! Y-you’re awake! I’ll tell Mr. Speedwagon!” he stammered and hurried from the room, leaving you stunned and confused. 
A moment later, the one called Speedwagon entered the room. His face broke out into a joyous grin when he saw you. 
“And there you are, hail and healthy!” he said with a chuckle. “They told me that your stoney shell was crumbling and I had a feeling that it wouldn’t be long until you were on your feet again.” 
You responded by bombarding him with questions. 
“What happened to Kars? Did JoJo win? And Santana? Where is my son?!” 
Speedwagon held up a hand in an effort to calm you. 
“You’ll be happy to know that Kars will no longer be a problem for anyone. He’s long gone from here.” he said. 
“Gone? What do you mean? Is he still alive?” you asked. 
“Well… let’s just say that he’s in a position where he can no longer reach you… or anyone else for that matter.” 
Here the smile dropped from his face. You felt your body tense up. 
“JoJo… he didn’t make it.” Speedwagon said, his eyes watering up.
The old man’s body trembled with emotion. You didn’t know the exact situation, but you knew that JoJo had been important to Speedwagon in some way. The old man seemed to have a very grandfatherly affection for the young one, in spite of not actually being related to him, so his loss was surely an awful blow. And strangely, your heart stung at the news. You had only a few brief encounters with JoJo, one of which had you as his enemy. Yet, in the short time that you knew him, you felt an odd fondness for him. 
“He risked his life to end Kars’ cruelty.” You said. “I knew what Kars had planned for this world and for humanity… It may sound like an exaggeration, but JoJo may very well have…” 
“... saved the world…” Speedwagon said, finishing your sentence. 
You looked up at him and he had a strange, faraway look in his eyes. 
You stood looking at him for a moment before breaking the silence. 
“I am sorry for your loss, Speedwagon.” you stated plainly, but sincerely. 
Speedwagon looked as if he wanted to say something, but loud shouting and the sound of something crashing against a wall could be heard from somewhere else in the building. 
“Blast it all!” Speedwagon growled. “I told those fools to wait!” 
He motioned for you to follow him. 
“Come! Quickly! They must’ve taken the lights off of him! You said you could make him behave?” 
Did he mean? 
Your heart soared. 
“Yes! Take me to him!” you said, almost barreling the old man over in your excitement. 
Speedwagon lead you through the strange facility to a heavily reinforced door. He entered the room and you followed after him. 
There he was. Your little boy. Though he wasn’t so little anymore. He was almost as tall and as muscular as Whammu and his fiery red hair was much longer. It cascaded down his back like a cape. 
It has only been a few centuries since I last saw him, you thought. They grow up so fast.
Santana towered over a group of terrified humans in white coats. Broken bits of what was once some kind of machine lay scattered in a far corner of the room. The humans looked relieved when they saw Speedwagon come in, but the old man looked like he wanted to punch them all. 
“Mr. Speedwagon!” cried one of them, “Sanviento broke the UV light machine! We can’t put him back into stasis!” 
“What on Earth made you turn it off to begin with!?” Speedwagon shouted back. “I told you not to turn it off until I came back! Why didn’t you wait? What were you thinking?!” 
Santana silenced them both with a rumbling snarl. 
“Sanviento?” he hissed, turning his attention to the human who referred to him by that. “Why do you humans call me that? That is not my name!” 
His voice was furious in spite of how calm he sounded, but underneath it you could hear the strain in his tone. He was lashing out at these poor humans. He was hurting, and you had a very good idea of what was the cause. 
Santana grabbed the human and lifted him over his head, preparing to smash him against the wall as he’d done to the machine. 
“I am sick of being locked away! I will stay here no longer! And for the very last time, my name is--!” 
“SANTANA!!” you shouted, your voice clear, loud, and firm. 
Santana looked back over his shoulder, not believing that it was your voice that he heard. Upon seeing you, his eyes went wide. 
“Put the human down Santana.” you said, voice wavering with the flood of emotions that threatened to burst forth. 
Santana did as you told him, dropping the frightened human to the ground. The human crawled away as Santana crossed the room in a matter of seconds and all but threw himself at you. You braced yourself but still found yourself being pushed a few feet back as Santana grabbed you up in a bear hug. After a moment of holding you like that, Santana’s knees seemed to buckle and the two of you fell over in a heap of tangled limbs and Santana’s crimson locks. He held onto you so tightly that it almost hurt. 
After a moment of clinging to you, he looked down at you. Tears were streaming down his otherwise blank face. The slight tightness to his jaw also betrayed his feelings. He was angry, hurt, and scared. And he blamed you. 
“Why?” he asked, reverting back to his habit of clipped speech and single word sentences. 
He only did that when he was extremely uncomfortable or unsure of himself. You knew what he was asking, though. 
“Santana… please understand…” you began. 
“NO!” he shouted. “You said you would return. I waited. You never came back! I woke up surrounded by humans in a place I did not know. I was alone! You were not there!” 
His words were like ice and they did not hide his resentment. The guilt you felt was immeasurable.
When Kars planned to go to Rome in search of the Red Stone of Aja, he told you he was leaving Santana to guard his masks. You should have known then that Kars planned to abandon the boy. In hindsight there wasn’t much you could have done. If you stood up to him, that would have ended badly for both Whammu and Santana. 
“If I had known that Kars would have us go into hibernation, I would have insisted that we take you with us.” You tried to explain. 
Santana stiffened at the mention of his brutal master, but said nothing, letting you continue. 
“Please forgive me, Santana.” you begged. “I did not abandon you! No matter how it seemed, I had every intention of coming back to you!” 
“He would not let you.” he stated, bitterness in his tone. 
You closed your eyes tightly and held on to him, running your hands through his tangled hair. 
“He cannot hurt us anymore, Santana.” you told him. “Kars has been sent far away from here, so far that he cannot return.” 
Santana looked down at you with a skeptical expression. 
“Who told you that? One of the humans?” he asked, glaring back at the cowering group that huddled around Speedwagon. 
“M-Mr. Speedwagon,” said the one that Santana nearly splattered against the wall. “Are you sure this is alright? Having them both awake and free…” 
“No need to worry.” Speedwagon said. “The older one isn’t hostile to humans. And Sanvie--- I mean, Santana should calm down now.” 
There was a very slight hint of doubt in the old man’s voice, but the fact that he put even the slightest amount of trust in you, even after all your kind had put him and his allies through, was touching. 
“These humans aren’t our enemies, Santana.” you said. “If not for them, you and I would not have reunited.” 
At that, Santana’s hostility faded significantly. 
“The humans… brought you here?” he asked, having a hard time accepting the idea. 
You nodded, giving him a slight smile. 
“Why?” he asked, some of the skepticism still clinging to his voice. 
“It’s as your caretaker said,” Speedwagon said, taking the time to step in. “We aren’t your enemies, Santana. As long as you don’t attack any of us, the two of you are welcome to stay here as long as you like.” 
“As your prisoners?” Santana suggested cynically. 
Speedwagon scoffed at the idea. 
“Not at all.” he said. 
Santana glared back at the white clad humans. The other humans that dressed that way, the ones that had him trapped in that room when he first woke up, weren't nice at all. They talked about him like he was some kind of animal. 
“Test subjects?” he said. 
“Guests.” Speedwagon corrected. “You will be our guests here. Nothing more.” 
Santana scowled at the old man, not sure if he believed him. He looked down at you for your response. 
“I trust them, Santana.” you said. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” 
HIs eyebrows furrowed and his lip twitched as if he wasn’t fully on board with the idea. Eventually he let out a long sigh and you took that as him relenting. 
Some weeks later you walked up to the little memorial you set up at the highest point of the cave that served as your new home. The Speedwagon Foundation had been kind enough to build a living quarters for you and Santana within a cave system near the Foundation headquarters. It was fitted with many things to make your daily lives easier. While neither of you had much need for human technology or “modern conveniences”, you still appreciated it. Sunlight was allowed to shine into your home through windows made of specialized glass that filtered out the parts of the light that were harmful to your kind. You were allowed to see what the world looked like during the daylight hours for the very first time. 
Indoor plumbing was also nice. 
Santana was fascinated by many of the things that the humans made. It seemed that the human that Santana nearly killed on the day that you reunited with him started visiting him at regular intervals. At first Santana wasn’t too pleased about it, until the human started bringing him gadgets to play with: cameras, desk lamps, telephones, toasters, etc. His favorite were the radios. Santana loved to listen to the strange music and voices that came from miles and miles away. He had learned at least ten new languages already. 
You were just happy that he had made a friend. 
Santana and you had reconciled over your supposed abandonment of him. He didn’t resent you anymore. More than anything he was just glad to have you back. When he wasn’t taking apart and reassembling things with his new human friend, he was by your side, quiet and content to just be in your presence (without Kars or the others looming over him). 
He left you alone when you visited the memorial though. He didn’t like going up there. You didn’t really blame him. The memorial consisted of one large stone monument surrounded by smaller monuments. The large one was in honor of your lost tribe (a painful reminder that you and Santana were the last of your kind), the smaller ones were for Whammu, Esidesi, and Kars. Yes. You honored the memories of both Esidesi and Kars, but not the memory of them when you were forced to act as Kars consort. No. You honored the memory of them before they became the men you feared and despised. You missed the playful little boys that you grew up with. You missed the older brother figure you saw in Esidesi before he became little more than a bully and a brute under Kars’ Influence. You mourned for Kars and the friendship that you had before he became consumed by hatred, powerlust, and obsession. He, too, you saw as an older brother. 
It had been Kars that sat with you through the process of becoming the Tribe’s executioner. He would sit and watch as your mother or grandmother fed you lightly poisoned prey, during a time when you were too young to understand just why some of your meals tasted so bitter. Kars would hold your hand as he dragged you off to show you something he found or grumble and pout as you helped him pick weeds and branches out of his wild locks after the two of you got into some misadventure. His crush on you was present even then. 
How you wished things had turned out differently. 
You let those bittersweet memories fade as you placed offerings on the last two memorials. One for Whammu and one for JoJo, too. 
Whammu… Whammu’s loss had been the most painful. Whammu’s pride had been his downfall. Pride that had been enforced on him due to Kars influence. When you found out that JoJo hadn’t killed Santana after all, you tried to convince Whammu to call off the arena fight with him, but he merely gave you a sideways look of disgust at even suggesting such a thing. 
“A challenge is a challenge. Santana being alive or dead is of no importance.” 
Your heart shattered completely hearing him say such a callous thing. 
That was exactly like something Kars would say. You had known for a while that Whammu idolized Kars in the way a child would idolize their father, but you never knew it was to such a degree. 
Watching him die just to fulfill Kars’ wishes was the most awful thing you’d ever witnessed. 
A tiny part of you wanted to be resentful to JoJo for taking your other son’s life, but you knew that the fault didn’t fall on him. As long as Whammu followed after Kars, always seeking his approval, an outcome such as that was inevitable. Whammu had proven time and time again that he was willing to die to please his master. 
Whammu had been taken from you long before any of you met JoJo. By the time he reached maturity, he no longer even viewed you as a parent. It was something Kars delighted in, always pitting himself against you to flaunt Whammu’s favoritism of him. If you asked Whammu to do something he would give you a non-committal response that basically translated to, “I’ll do it when I get around to it.”, but Kars would do little more than glance in Whammu’s direction and he was up and on his way to complete the task. Then Kars would give you a smug grin and mock you. 
“You must be firm with younglings, my dear.” he would say. “I don’t mince my words when I give commands. Keep coddling Santana the way you do and he’ll lose respect for you, too.” 
The memory made your chest tighten and your eyes burn with unshed tears. 
You turned your gaze to JoJo’s memorial. 
JoJo had been so kind to Whammu during his last moments. You wanted to thank him for that, though it looked like you would never get a chance. 
You placed the offering on JoJo’s memorial, then turned to address the presence that you sensed behind you for the last few minutes. You expected to see one of the Foundation scientists, Speedwagon himself, or maybe even Santana in spite of his dislike for being around the memorials, but what you didn’t expect was to see JoJo standing there looking sheepish. 
“JOJO!” you cried. 
“Hello again!” JoJo said pleasantly. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to…” he glanced at the memorials. “I didn’t want to disturb you.” 
You stared at him, not really focusing on what he was saying. 
“But you… Speedwagon told me…” you sputtered. 
“That I died, I know. Well you can see I’m not dead. Suzie Q’s been taking care of me while I recuperated. She forgot to send the letter to let everyone know that I was still alive though.” 
“Suzie Q?” you questioned.
You had no idea who that was. 
“My fiance,” he clarified. “She was Lisa Lisa's maid, but that’s not what I came here to talk to you about.” 
“Is something wrong?” you asked, anxiety peaking. “Is this about Kars?” 
JoJo scoffed. 
“You don’t have to worry about him anymore.” he said, smiling cheekily. “I launched that old fossil into space! He can’t hurt you or anybody else anymore!” 
“You… launched him… into space?” you repeated, unsure if you heard JoJo correctly. 
When Speedwagon told you that Kars had been sent far away, you hadn’t expected it to be quite that far. 
JoJo chuckled. 
“Yep. You heard that right. Kars is too busy being a frozen asteroid to terrorize anyone anymore.” 
You grasped his gloved hands (Why was he wearing gloves indoors?), filled with the hope that what he was saying was true. 
“Then what Speedwagon said was true? You really did defeat him? Is he truly gone? You… JoJo…???” 
One of his hands felt strange. 
“Your hand…” you said, the question left unasked but hanging in the air. 
JoJo huffed and pulled his hands out of your own. He pulled the glove off of one of them to reveal a mechanical prosthetic. He wiggled the metal fingers. 
“Kars did it.” he said. “I was lucky to get away with only the loss of my hand.” 
He looked up at you, glanced over at the memorials, then looked back at you. 
“Can we talk somewhere else? I want to tell you what happened in the fight with Kars and I’ve got something that I need to say to you but…” 
He sent another uncomfortable glance toward the memorials. 
“I don’t feel right about saying it here.” 
You followed his gaze to Whammu’s memorial and nodded in understanding. You got to your feet. 
“Follow me.” you said. 
You lead JoJo to a sitting room where you and Santana would often go to watch the sunrise through the special sunlight filtering windows. JoJo plopped cross legged on the floor cushions while you said across from him. He told you of the final fight with Kars and how he launched the “old fossil” into space by infusing Hamon into a volcano, causing it to erupt so violently that the force of it sent Kars into orbit. You wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it. To think that the tyrant that terrorized you your entire life was defeated in such a way. It was so utterly ridiculous, but you had to admit that there wouldn’t have been many other fighters that would have thought to use the volcano in such a way. 
“You are a strange, yet creative warrior, JoJo.” you said with a demure smile. 
The smile faded from your lips and was replaced with a serious, apologetic expression. 
“I’ve been meaning to apologize to you.” You said. “Kars told me that he heard that you killed Santana. I should have known that he was lying, but I believed him. That was why I suggested Whammu use the ‘wedding ring’ on you. I could think of nothing else but avenging Santana at that time. I regret allowing myself to be influenced by Kars that way.” 
You bowed your head lowly to show your shame at your past actions. 
JoJo scratched the back of his neck, not knowing how to react. 
“Well, that explains why you kept scowling at me,” he said. “You don’t have to apologize for that, though. But since we’re on the topic of apologizing… I just want to say that I’m sorry about Whammu. I understand that he was supposed to be like a son to you… to be fair, I didn’t really want to kill him…” 
You gave JoJo a solemn look. 
“I know, JoJo.You were forced into a situation where you had no choice but to fight. You were only trying to survive.” you said in a soft tone. “I want you to know that I am thankful for your kindness towards Whammu after you defeated him. He was suffering and you eased his pain with your own blood. Not many others would have been so courteous.” 
You reigned in your emotions as best as you could, not wanting to break down in front of your guest. 
JoJo was quiet for a while, not expecting to have been forgiven so easily. 
You don’t know why you decided to do so, but you found yourself opening up to JoJo. You told him your story, of how Kars became so obsessive and possessive over you, how he killed nearly every member of your tribe, only sparing Whammu and Santana so he could hold their lives over your head. You told him about how Kars had manipulated Whammu away from you and belittled Santana for being weaker than the rest of you. You told him about everything that led up to your first meeting with him. When you were done, you looked over at JoJo. His eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth was twisted into a snarl. His whole body shook with rage. 
“As if I needed any more reasons to hate that bastard…” he hissed under his breath. 
You smiled at him. 
“Thank you, JoJo.” you said. 
JoJo looked up at you. 
“For what?” 
“For freeing me from Kars.” you said. “I know you weren’t really fighting Kars on my behalf, but…” 
“No, I was,” he said. 
You gave him a questioning look. 
“I mean, I was going to fight him anyway, but when Speedwagon told me about the way he treated you in the ruins…I guess I just lost my cool.” 
You chuckled at him and he smiled sheepishly. 
“You really are a strange one, JoJo.” you said. 
“What is he doing here?” 
The angry voice brought your conversation with JoJo to a halt. You looked up to see a very annoyed Santana standing there, glaring at JoJo. 
Upon seeing Santana’s hostile stance, JoJo got to his feet and stood in a battle pose. Santana just glared at him. 
Seeing that things were getting tense you raised your hand at JoJo to show him that you had things under control. JoJo dropped his hands, but not his guard. He trusted you, but he didn’t trust Santana at all. 
“Santana, JoJo is just paying us a visit. He doesn’t mean any harm.” you explained, trying to soothe your adopted son’s temper. 
Santana snorted derisively, never taking his glare away from JoJo. 
“There is a radio program coming on in a few minutes that I like. I wanted to ask you to join me while I listen to it.” 
JoJo looked like he was thinking for a moment when a look of realization came over him. 
“Do you mean ‘Slaughter Theater’?!” he asked. “That’s the one with the host who’s a vampire, right? Don’t tell me you actually like that show!” 
“Not a fan?” you asked with a wry smile. 
“Well it’s okay, but I prefer something a little more action packed, like superhero shows. Besides, the sound effects they use in that show are disgusting!” JoJo said. 
Santana turned to walk away. Sensing his impatience, you said, 
“I’ll join you in a moment, Santana.” 
Santana stopped walking for a moment to look back over his shoulder at you. 
“Don’t take too long or you’ll miss the first half.” he warned. 
When Santana was out of earshot, you turned back to JoJo. 
“Since you are in an apologetic mood, I want you to apologize to Santana.” you said. 
JoJo gave you an insulted look. 
“What?! What for?” he demanded. “I only fought with him because he attacked Speedwagon!” 
You raised your hands in a placating gesture. 
“I know, JoJo. Will you please hear me out?” you said. 
JoJo huffed but didn’t protest anymore. 
“Santana has a problem with holding grudges against people.” you explained. “He told me that you were teasing him when you first met him. If you apologize for it, he may agree to let go of his grudge against you.” 
“Was he referring to me tapping him on the nose?” JoJo cried. “I was just joking around! Surely he knows that?” 
You shook your head. 
“Santana can’t tell the difference between good natured teasing and cruel mockery.” you said. 
JoJo looked confused. 
“Why’s that?” he asked. 
“Because of Esidesi.” you said. “He was in charge of much of Whammu and Santana’s training during their childhood. As I told you before, Santana had difficulty keeping up with Whammu and he was treated poorly for it. Esidesi developed a habit of teasing him in a friendly way just before he beat him for his poor performance. I wasn’t always able to shield him from such treatment, but when I did Esidesi would berate me for coddling him. If you explain to Santana that you never meant him any harm, he will hopefully stop seeing you as an enemy.” 
JoJo sighed. 
“Alright,” he said. “I’ll go talk to him.” 
Joseph Joestar and his group stood nearly melting in the heat of the desert as a Speedwagon Foundation helicopter found a place to land. They were all awaiting a new ally. 
“Are you saying that this guy may actually harm us?” Kakyoin asked. 
“Correct.” Avdol said with a nod, not really liking the fact that things were getting so desperate that they were having to rely on someone like Iggy. Still, with near constant attacks from enemy Stands, they would need all the help they could get. 
His eyes slid over to Joseph who seemed worried. Considering that the whole reason for this bizarre adventure in the first place was to save his daughter’s life, Joseph had plenty of reason to be worried. However, it seemed that something else was bothering him. 
“Are you alright, Mr. Joestar?” he asked. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Joseph said. “I guess I should mention that aside from asking for an additional Stand user, I also asked that the Speedwagon Foundation bring along someone that could offer some insight on taking down someone like DIO.” 
“Insight on someone like DIO?” Polnareff repeated. “Who do you know that knows anything about DIO that we don’t already know?” 
“Wait! Do you mean…?” Avdol trailed off.
The helicopter landed before Joseph could explain anything. The doors opened and everyone seemed on edge… except for Polnareff who, as usual, was unable to sense the tension in the air. 
Jotaro felt as though his hair was standing on end. Through Star Platinum he could sense more than just the Stand user in the back of the helicopter. Someone else was back there and the power he could feel from them was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. Whoever they were, there was no way in Hell they were human. 
You tried to warn the loud man with the tall hair not to get too close, but Iggy had already latched onto him and was happily tearing his hair out. You could sense that the silver haired human also had used the invisible force known as a Stand. A fight broke out between them. You took that moment to climb out of the helicopter and place yourself between the two of them. Aside from the wind blowing grains of sand around and billowing the cloak that covered you from head to toe, everything seemed to freeze.. 
“Iggy, I think you made your point. Leave the human alone.” you said. 
You were promptly answered with a series of barks and growls that you were sure roughly translated to, “Don’t be such a killjoy! The human had it coming!” 
The human you knew to be called Avdol presented a pack of gum and Iggy forgot all about what just transpired. The last time you met Avdol he seemed very nervous around you. Even now, you could sense his discomfort in your presence. The other humans seemed just as nervous, even the helicopter pilots, something that made no sense to you. One would think with all the time that you spent working alongside them at the Foundation, the humans there would have learned that you weren’t a threat to them by now. You bent down to help up the human that Iggy attacked. 
“I apologize for Iggy.” you said as you pulled him to his feet. “The other humans did try to warn you though.” 
Yelping, he wrenched his arm from your grasp. 
“Oh! Did I hurt you? Forgive me, I was trying to be gentle.” you said guiltily. 
“N-no, it’s f-fine!” Polnareff stammered, rubbing his wrist and moving away from you. All of his anger and bravado from before seemed to have vanished.
 “Who the hell are you anyway?!” he demanded. 
“A friend.” you said simply. 
You surveyed the faces of the group before you, until your eyes landed on a face you recognized. Joseph waved at you, grinning that same old cheeky grin that you remembered. You ran to him, scooping him up like a child. 
“JoJo!!” you cried, spinning him around a few times. 
He wiggled in your grasp, turning a little red when he saw the others staring at the two of you. It surely looked odd for someone like you to be holding and snuggling an old man like him as if he were a little kid. It would come as quite a shock when they found out that you were several centuries his senior. You placed him on the ground and reached up to fluff his bearded cheeks. 
“You’ve gotten all scruffy!” you said, with a playful smile. 
Joseph lightly swatted your hands away and ran his hands down his face to “unfluff” his beard. 
“Human women find this look very attractive, I’ll have you know!” he protested. 
You pressed a finger to your lips as if you were contemplating something. 
“Is that so? Or did you grow hair on your face to hide your wrinkles?” 
Joseph nearly fell over at the accusation. He couldn’t always tell if you were serious or just messing with him. Over the years, you had become something of a weird older relative to him and you had a habit of teasing him in ways that always caught him off guard. You were probably the only person that managed to do that to him. 
“Pfft!” someone, who may or may not have been Avdol, tried to hold back a laugh. 
Joseph sent a slight glare over your shoulder before offering you another smile; hoping you would stop picking on him and his poor beard. 
“My abused beard notwithstanding, I’m glad you’re here.” he said. “I take that you deciding to come here means that the experiment you’ve been helping the Foundation with was successful.” 
You nodded and threw back your hood, revealing to the others possibly the most beautiful person any of them had ever seen. Your beauty, however, did nothing to negate the dangerous edge your aura gave off. Even Polnareff kept his distance, as much as he didn’t want to. After having you nearly yank his arm out of its socket when you were trying to be “gentle” he felt that flirting with you may not be the best of ideas. Danger prone or not, even he had his limits. 
The sun shined down on your uncovered skin and you smiled. After a moment, you covered yourself back up, squinting as the sun’s brightness became too much. 
“Santana’s friend at the Foundation managed to replicate not only the stone masks but also the Red Stone of Aja. I volunteered for the first test. You can see the results for yourself. Though I wasn’t granted godhood like Kars, I can stand in the sun unharmed. Although, for someone who’s been living in darkness for as long as I have, it may take a while for my eyes to adjust to this brightness. And don’t worry, the masks, stones and the experiment notes have all been destroyed. No one else will be able to replicate them and abuse their power.”  
Joseph nodded in approval, letting out a sigh. 
“Listen,” he said. “While I’m happy you decided to come, I just want to say that I’m sorry for roping you into my affairs. But we’ve found ourselves under near constant attack from day one and the closer we get to Cairo, the worse the attacks get.” 
You ruffled his hair, earning a disgruntled groan at how rough the action was. You were so damn heavy handed. 
“JoJo, after all that you’ve done for me I feel that this is the perfect opportunity to repay you.” you said. 
Meanwhile Jotaro was trying to figure out just who and what you were. You had an aura that said “bad guy” but you didn’t act like you had a violent bone in your body. You picked up his grandpa like he was no heavier than a pillow. Not only that, but you talked to his grandpa like you were one of those elderly, cheek pinching aunts that showed up at every family reunion. Just who the hell were you and why did you act so familiar with his grandpa? 
Jotaro was suddenly engulfed in an immense shadow just as he felt a presence behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and nearly lost his “cool guy” composure. Standing there was the biggest person he’d ever seen. Even beneath his cloak, the man’s muscles stood out. Long hair, almost as bright red as Kakyoin’s, cascaded over his shoulders and down his back. What appeared to be two small horns jutted out from the man’s crimson mane. The man towered over Jotaro, a feat not many others could pull off. 
The man seemed to glare down at Jotaro. Jotaro glared back up at him. Neither of them spoke. They just stood there, sizing each other up. Jotaro couldn’t tell if the guy was a Stand user or not, and frankly, he wasn’t anxious to find out. That dark aura he felt coming from you was nothing compared to the aura he felt from the man standing over him. Whoever this guy was, he practically exuded danger. Jotaro could tell that while he seemed relaxed at the moment, any wrong move would set this guy into attack mode in seconds. So Jotaro just stood there while the strange man examined him. 
Santana circled the oddly garbed youth, studying the human’s clothing, face, and especially his unusual headgear. It was just a soft cloth hat, so it served no purpose as armor. It was decorated with golden adornments, though whether or not they had any significance or meaning he couldn’t tell. The strangest thing about the hat was that the back of it seemed to have been ripped off. It confused him as to how the hat stayed on the human’s head with no back to it. It confused him even further how the hat’s fabric seemed to be the exact same color and texture as the human’s hair. It was almost impossible to tell where the hat ended and the hair began. 
After circling the human for a moment he bent down and looked the human directly in his eyes. Jotaro leaned back a bit, uncomfortable at Santana’s closeness. 
“Human,” Santana said. “Your headgear makes no sense.” 
Jotaro was taken aback by the stranger’s bluntness and felt a little insulted. 
“It’s fashion,” he said, sounding a bit miffed at the comment towards his beloved hat. “It doesn’t have to make sense.” 
“Pfft!” came a laugh off to his left. 
Jotaro aimed a glare in the direction the laugh came from, seeing only Polnareff who was staring wistfully at you while you talked to his grandpa, and Kakyoin who was doing a poor job of hiding his amusement. 
It was then that you happened to look over at your son. Joseph’s gaze followed yours and his eyes widened. 
“You brought Santana?!” he cried. 
You huffed. 
“I’m sorry, JoJo.” you said. “I hardly had a choice. He still struggles with his fears of abandonment and when he heard that I was going to be going away for a while, he refused to stay behind.” 
“Well he’s annoying my grandson.” Joseph said, worried that a fight was about to break out. Jotaro’s Star Platinum could demolish most adversaries, but up against a non-human like Santana? He wasn’t sure how that would play out. 
You watched as your adopted son kept inching closer to the human youth, who kept inching further away from him and appeared to be getting angrier by the second. You shook your head. You knew Santana was just lashing out because the people at the Foundation told him he wasn’t allowed to pilot the helicopter. 
“Santana!” you called out to him. 
He turned to look at you and you moved your hands as if to imitate two things moving away from each other while mouthing the words, “personal space”. 
Santana stepped away from Jotaro. He was about to join you and Joseph before he stopped as if he suddenly remembered something. He stood in front of Jotaro for a moment before giving a half-hearted bow. 
“I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” he said before walking away. 
Jotaro raised an eyebrow at how practiced and unenthused the apology was. It seemed like he was saying it more out of necessity than anything. 
“Freakin’ weirdo…” Jotaro grumbled under his breath. 
Kakyoin sidled up to him. 
“So what do you think of our new companions, Jotaro?” he asked. 
Jotaro stared at you and Santana, who had his hands all over his grandpa’s beard while you laughed demurely at his annoyance. 
“Don’t know what to think,” he admitted. “The old man seems to know them, but I don’t remember him ever mentioning anyone like them before. I can’t tell if they’re Stand users or not. Not only that, but they talk and act as if they aren’t even human.” 
Kakyoin nodded; signature hair curl wiggling as he did so. 
“I’ll have to agree with you there… little guy.” 
Jotaro’s usual glare gave way to a look of shock when he realized what Kakyoin just said to him. He turned to give Kakyoin a much deserved sneer. Did Kakyoin of all people just make a joke about him being short? Sure, Jotaro’s height was nothing when he was standing next to a behemoth like that Santana guy, but Kakyoin was the shortest one in the group! Jotaro pointed his finger in Kakyoin’s face, giving him his signature gesture that usually warned of impending pain. Though, this time, it didn’t carry its usual violent vibe. 
“You better watch it, noodle head.” Jotaro warned. 
Kakyoin merely grinned. 
**NOTE 2: And there’s your happy ending guys! I hope it was up to your expectations. You have no idea how hard it was for me to leave it there and not add something hinting that Kars somehow got sent back to Earth. The whole time I was writing that end sequence I kept having to remind myself, “No, they asked for a happy ending!” and was all but slapping my own hands to keep them from typing out yet another dark route ending. It’s not that I have anything against happy endings (I prefer them, actually), but when writing yandere stories I can’t always help myself. And sorry if Jotaro comes off as a little out of character at the end there. I was trying to imagine what a scenario of Jotaro and Santana meeting each other would be like and this silliness seemed the most logical outcome. And yeah, you can bet that this version of Stardust Crusaders will absolutely be a “no death” version. I see it playing out mostly the same as the original story but with the added bonus of you and Santana being there to prevent Avdol, Iggy, and Kakyoin from getting killed. I can imagine DIO being not too pleased that there’s not only one, but two beings out there that are stronger than him. That’s not to say that I think that Reader and Santana wouldn’t have any trouble fighting him. The inability to see Stands coupled with DIO’s time stopping ability would still make fighting him a nightmare. Well, I’m very tired now, and I’m going to bed.**
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zyettemoon1800 · 2 months
Kars with a really clingy s/o
*Cuddles* Santana x reader x Kars
Kars Headcannon *sick/chubby reader
Kars x reincarnated reader
Esidisi x Kars
Yandere Kars x reader * My Queen*
Kars x Wamuu *Headcannon*
Kars and Esidisi with an s/o who is usually very stingy with sweets
Yandere Kars  A-Z *NSFW*
Yandere Kars
Yandere Kars Pt.2
more yandere kars
Kars x insecure reader
Yandere #15 Kars
Yandere kars x reader with kids
Yandere Kars x reader who has children pt.2 *hc*
* Modern AU* Kars x black reader
Esidisi x thicc/smol reader *Punishment* ;)
Esidisi Headcannon *sick/chubby reader*
Esidisi x Kars
Wamuu x reader x Esidisi  *Easily sick S/o*
Esidisi  *NSFW A-Z*
Kars and Esidisi with an s/o who is usually very stingy with sweets
fluffy esidisi hcs
Esidisi x reader *rough day*
*Modern AU* Esidisi x shy s/o *daddy kink*
*Esidisi x curvy reader*
Wammu Headcannon *sick/chubby reader*
Yandere Wammu x shy/smol reader
Wamuu x chubby reader lemon*Perfect*
Wamuu x reader x Esidisi  *Easily sick S/o*
Kars x Wamuu *Headcannon*
Wamuu x Ceaser's sister
Santana and Wammu find their s/o wearing a silly halloween costume
Yandere Wammu x shy/smol reader
Wamuu  A-Z*NSFW*
Wammu and Santana reacting to ugly sweater
Wamuu x reader  *modern*
Yandere wammu n,o, or p
Wham and Santana with an s/o who is trying to surprise them with homemade chocolate treats
*Endurance* (Wamuu x fem.reader) *lemon*
S/o stepping on Wham's shadow
Santana and wamuu *forehead kisses*
*Cuddles* Santana x reader x Kars
Santana Headcannon *sick/chubby reader*
Yandere Santana x Scientist Reader
Santana x insecure chubby reader
Santana and Wamuu x strong reader
Santana x Tiny GF story
Santana x smol gf *headcannon*
Santana A-Z *NSFW*
Wammu and Santana reacting to ugly sweater
Santana on Valentine's Day
clingy.Santana x workaholic reader
Santana x busy reader
Santana and wamuu *forehead kisses*
Santana x affectionate reader
Force Santana into being a little spoon
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sl33paholics · 6 months
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Once Upon An Us
Chapter Two.
Chapter One here
Once into the place of residence, the servants unhooking her belongings from the horses into a separate room. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow, revealing the intricate details of the ornate furniture that adorned the welcoming space. (Y/N) standint there awkwardly as the men did their thing efficiently about their tasks, creating an atmosphere of both opulence and unfamiliarity.
She could still hear the applause and praises outside of the residence. It was overwhelming, a symphony of approval that resonated through the air, casting a surreal ambiance over her arrival. The weight of expectations hung in the atmosphere, and (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder if she could live up to the grandeur that surrounded her. (Y/N) stared outside, viewing probably around 100 people cheering on. Was it for me or for Kele? She had thought. (Y/N) felt overwhelmed with so many expectations that she didn't know where to begin. "This way, Miss," one soldier spoke, directing the girl through the place towards what appears to be a spare room. The soldier opened the door, letting her step inside before leaving. He left her alone in this spacious space, standing in complete confusion, eyes darting between the open door and the room itself.
Empty. Except for her two bags.
"Might as well get comfortable..."
(Y/N) began to unpack her things, her mind drifting off as she arranged belongings in the cozy hut. The scent of wood and earth filled the air, but also the silence that came with it. It felt as if she were the only person in this tranquil space, the hushed rustle of leaves outside becoming a gentle lullaby. The flickering lanterns cast dancing shadows on the walls, creating a serene atmosphere that invited introspection. As (Y/N) unpacked, a quiet sense of solitude wrapped around her like a comforting cloak, allowing her thoughts to unravel in the stillness.
Hearing the door creaking open made the woman snap out of her thoughts, turning around instantly to the same guy who escorted (Y/N) here from the beginning. His presence was as stoic as ever, the flickering lantern light casting shadows that danced across his features. "Kele wants to see you now. Get up, woman." The man announced with a firm, yet, indifferent tone. Without a second thought, (Y/N) complied as he watched her rise up from the ground and head towards him.
The two headed towards Kele's room, step by step, (Y/N) felt her stomach turning with fear and suspense. They were now standing in front of his door. "Sir, (Y/N)," the escort announced, his voice carrying a gravity that echoed the weight of the imminent conversation.
"Enter," he beckoned, opening the door to reveal Kele seated on the ground, immersed in the pages of a weathered book. (Y/N) stepped inside, the door closing behind her with a soft thud. She cast a fleeting glance at the closed door before redirecting her attention to Kele.
"Sit, will you?" His calm voice resonated in the room, and as (Y/N) settled on the floor, the air seemed to thicken with unspoken tension. They sat in complete and utter silence, the woman watching the man lick his finger with every time he turned the page. Hearing a hum every now and then. it was beginning to annoy (Y/N) the more the two say there not doing anything of interest. Was she interrupting something? Did she come at a bad time? But he wanted me here, so what's the deal? She thought. As if sensing her restlessness, Kele closed the book, his gaze meeting hers with a knowing intensity. "Your posture is terrible. I could see you gittering to fix yourself even when I'm not looking." he said, breaking the silence. (Y/N) shifted uncomfortablely, completely caught off guard by his observation.
Wow! Nice first fucking impression, now he probably thinks I'm lazy! (Y/N) cursed herself before taking in a deep breath. "I apologize..." The words hung in the air, a mixture of frustration and contrition in her voice. Kele, however, remained unperturbed, a subtle hint of amusement in his eyes. "And to think that I have to marry you for father's sake," He'd say setting the book aside "Is more frustrating than having to get to know you, however, at least we'll start off somewhere." Kele ended, his tone blended with dry humor and a bit of sincerity. "Start off." Kele said, it sounded more of a demand than a suggestion.
"I'm sure you've got the basics on me, family ties and tribal connections," (Y/N) stated, her tone a mix of nonchalance and candor. "In my daily endeavors, I find my strengths lie in tutoring and hunting, balancing the demands of mind and body. Yet, there's another side. Some call it intuition; I just call it a peculiar knack for feeling things beyond the tangible." (Y/N) concluded with a shrug, as if acknowledging the enigmatic aspect of her abilities. "However, I'm sure I could be of use to you in any way." She ended with a smile.
Kele just stared at her as he listened to (Y/N) summarize her character for him. "Use? For me?" He asked, a raised eyebrow indicating his intrigue. (Y/N)'s smile dimmed, replaced by a pensive expression. "Well, I figured since I'm going to be here for a few days, I could contribute my skills where they're needed. Tutoring, helping with tasks, or anything that aligns with our shared goals," (Y/N) explained, her words carrying a genuine willingness to engage. The man letting out a visible sigh as (Y/N) tensed up in her position.
"Your enthusiasm is noted, (Y/N)," he said, breaking the silence. "But our shared goals might not be what you imagine. You can't possibly have the same ideas and goals that I have on my mind right now. My goals are to strengthen my tribe and to take over my father's position once his knees give out. You don't have a goal here, sweetheart." Kele's words hung in the air, unveiling a layer of complexity in their impending collaboration that left (Y/N) with a sense of both anticipation and uncertainty. She didn't know what to say besides stare at him, if anything, (Y/N) felt like sobbing on the spot. But she couldn't do that, making herself look weak and too submissive in front of a man who clearly wants nothing to do with her would definitely damage any potential standing she might have. The weight of Kele's revelation settled heavily in the room, and (Y/N) found herself caught in the crosscurrents of conflicting expectations.
"I understand," she finally replied, her voice steady despite the emotional turbulence beneath the surface. "If our goals diverge, I'll adapt and contribute where I can within the scope of our collaboration." The air in the room became charged with unspoken tension, a delicate dance between the acknowledgment of differences and the necessity of cooperation. Kele's gaze remained fixed on her. He'd simply scoff before hearing a knock at the door. "Enter." (Y/N) turned around to face the door.
As the door creaked open, revealing a member of Kele's tribe, (Y/N) was met with a stern expression. "Kele, the elders have summoned you for a meeting. They say it's urgent," the messenger reported, his eyes flickering briefly toward (Y/N) before returning to Kele.
Kele sighed, a subtle tension in his shoulders. "I'll be there shortly. Tell them I'm on my way." The messenger nodded and exited, leaving (Y/N) alone with Kele once more, the weight of the unspoken dynamics between them lingering in the room. "This conversation has been fun." (Y/N) could hear the clear sarcasm in his voice as she watched him grabbed the book before rising up from the ground. "I'll be on my way now," Kele walked towards the door then stopped, "You may look around if you want, but do not touch anything that holds value. I'll have you sent back if you do." Kele say as he opened the door, slamming it shut.
(Y/N) could only sit there in silence. His words from earlier about her value here were now beginning to sink in now that Kele wasn't around to see her weep. But she refused. The woman was determined to prove him wrong, one way or another. (Y/N) crawled towards the window and took a look outside, the people in his tribe going about their day and seeing Kele and the messenger walking somewhere. She then turned her attention to the room, a lot of weapons, clothes, and many other things.
What secrets could this man be holding?
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
Can we get a headcanon where the reader sleeps alone, but the pillarmen keep coming to her to make a little nest to sleep all together (or bring her to their nest) and she wakes up in their arms?
Welp! Let me change it a little! What if the reader sees the process through a baby camera since they wanted to record anything bad happened? Hehe, let me see what I can do! Wouldn't it be cute that they all wanted to be with the reader but they don't want to admit it?
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Dealing with pillarmen that doesn't know personal space, except for Whammu because he's a good boy, is really hard. Especially when they feel entitled to be with you, nothing romantic in general (since I don't do polygamy) just platonic love, ehem...if they admit to it though.
Okay so let's say that you have been trying to maintain your privacy with four pillarmen in your house, so you try to lock your windows and door of your room so you can sleep peacefully, and no, none of Acdc's whines and Kars's tempting suggestions at having him next to you so you can enjoy his presence, the guy smells like heaven all the time, can make you give in and let them in your room. And you make sure to lock any entrance properly, but you fail every night, finding yourself surrounded by four bulky men sleeping next to or om the ground. No lock or warning can stop them. You're not safe without being in their sight range!
You soon got fed up changing locks and finding yourself on top of a nearly naked demi vampire God. So you tried to drail some sense into them.
"For the last time guys..." you groaned as you snatched the mug of coffee from Acdc as he patted your head. You narrowed your eyes at him so he knew he had to move his hand away. "I'm a grown-up, okay? I surely need people's company when I'm going to sleep but not all the time! Like...don't you guys have anything to do? You've given me enough money from selling your jewelry and I've provided you with four big mattresses! Why don't you just let me be?" You said as you sipped on the coffee, having a look of "I'm fed up with your vamp shit" on your face. Whammu cleared his throat and looked away, Santana started to count the numbers of cereals in his bowl and Kars looked at his painted nails. They were ignoring whatever you tried to explain to them. You were their little human and you had to be at their arm's reach all the time.
This was why you decided to set a camera to see why none of your locks worked. So you purchased one and set it up when no one was watching, so you could record yourself sleeping. The night passed smoothly for you, you did your nightly routine and went to your room after saying good night to pillarmen who were still watching telly, you never found out why they were so interested in stupid soap operas, locked the door of your room and went back to sleep.
Not surprisingly when you woke up by alarm you were sleeping on top of Whammu who had hugged you closely, Kars was sleeping next to him as Santana had laid on the floor, hugging the plushie you had bought him. Acdc was nowhere to be seen but you could hear him humming in the kitchen as he cooked breakfast. AND THE DOOR WAS OPEN! Its key was mutilated and there was no use in keeping it. The company who repaired your doors was going to question the reason for the frequently destroyed keys and you didn't want to explain anything!
Anywho, you didn't argue with them that morning, which was pleasantly surprising to the pillarmen, you just watched your phone as they looked at you curiously. They were not aware of the fact that you were watching the camera's footage.
The first stages of the video were normal, but soon after you had gotten into a deep sleep, the lock was destroyed and melted down by Acdc's hot veins. You had guessed it was him since the metal had melted down, but apparently, on other nights, Kars had sliced the lock since the kick was cut in half clean. Acdc crawled into the room and as he tucked you in more he hugged you from behind.
A few minutes passed and Kars joined his friend, hugging your other side. No wonder that night you had a pleasant dream of a garden, it must have been his scent filling your nose.
Whammu joined in when Acdc had fallen asleep, he just slept on the rug, later in the video you'd find out that Acdc had woken him up so he could keep you company while the old volcano was cooking in the kitchen.
You were both pissed and in awe at those proud pillarmen who were so much eager to keep you close while you slept. But the peak of the video, which made you spit your coffee out when you saw it and made Acdc and Whammu worried, was the part that Santana's head showed up facing the camera, its mouth open as it looked at the camera, the guy was indeed clever. But the silly way he stared at the camera with mouth open made you laugh so hard that you couldn't drink your coffee.
Apparently you had to put up with them and let them sleep with you, so, rip privacy!
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book-of-yanderes · 2 years
I need some fluff of the buff Pillarmen! Darling falls asleep on their chest? And like little written scenarios for it please!
You tried to fight against him, and most of the time you stand your ground against the behemoth of a man. But this time, your body wasn't up for it. You were exhausted, tired, and wanted to curl up and sleep. When Kars beckoned you to sit with him, you gave in, energy not there to deal with it. It was quiet for a while, the man treating you like porcelain as usual as he relished having a darling like you. But once his hands went to rub your head did you cave. You simply readjusted so you could be in his lap, face nuzzling up into his defined pectorals. While he wasn't a major heat radiator, the touch was pleasant as it lulled you into a slumber you truly needed. The man above you relished in this moment where you showed weakness and put your trust in him as you slipped into the unconscious world of dreams.
Running around tired you, and actually getting along with your captor was something new. He had offered the idea to keep you warm as goosebumps had riddled your body earlier from the cold evening air. Now it was darker and even colder. The warm-ups the two of you did didn't keep you warm anymore, and another cold breeze made you cling onto him. Oh, how he was so warm. The perfect heat for a cozy nap. Skip the blankets. You just wanted to curl into him to stay warm and sleep off your aches from the day. He was relaxing, eyeing you as you started to approach him. You sat in his lap, legs folded so they could also be warmed by him. Once you had settled against him, you could feel heat radiated from him, areas you touched feeling even warmer. Simply stating you were sleepy and cold was enough for the man to wrap his arms around you and kiss the crown of your head. He loved these tender moments the two of you shared.
You felt safe with him, mainly with how he treated and respected you. Even now, as you two calmly just shared space together, it was calm. But as you continued on conversing with him, you found yourself trying to keep your eyes open. You simply stated you were tired when Wamuu gave concern and waved him off when he offered to take you to the bed to sleep. You wanted to still chat, finding your current conversation to be fun and entertaining. But when a yawn escaped you, Wamuu was even more persistent in getting you in bed. Again, you refused and instead went to rest in his lap, your back against his chest. He was startled by the move but didn't mind it. You were trusting him with yourself, so it only signified growing affection in Wamuu's eyes. You two continued to talk until you dozed off against him, resting your head against the upper arm of the one wrapped around you currently. He could get used to this.
After a long night of continual travel, you were exhausted. Santana didn't want to stop, and he would start dragging you when you were behind. Now, resting in a dark spot for the daytime, you found yourself on a collapse. Being up for more than 24 hours exhausted your body, so the ground looked comfortable to you. But once on it, you found it too uncomfortable for sleep. Santana was currently making a place to rest and relax, soon settling into it while looking at you. The place he made was only big enough for him, no room for a human next to him. Well... you wanted to be comfy. He didn't seem to mind when you sat between his legs and leaned back on him. And when you said he was comfier than the floor, Santana took to it to keep you close to him and leaned back against the curving wall. If tiring you out on the long walks meant this, he would do it more.
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yanderememes · 2 years
Would you ever include the other pillar men in the villain house 🤔 if so how do you think they interact with the other yandere villains?
I actually never thought about including the rest of the pillar men in villain house because my initial thought was to add only the main villains. Ig the pillar men can be considered the main villains of part 2, tho Kars was definitely the final boss, the mastermind behind it all.
Maybe pillar men can be guest stars lol. They'll enter from time to time to support Kars. They 100% stan Kars x darling 😂
I think they would make the situation with villain house worse tbh. Since they're Kars' lackeys, they will do anything to ensure darling is Kars and their new God/Goddess. They may be mischievous in the sense that they plan out dates and situations where Kars can woo darling but it ALWAYS fails. The pillar men just don't understand humans at all.
For example, let's say the pillar men find out that giving flowers to your s/o is a form of affection in the human language. So they grab some random flowers on the side to give to Kars so that he can give them to darling. But darling is allergic to those flowers! Darling breaks out in hives and faints, leaving Kars to scold his pillar men harshly as they beg for forgiveness.
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