#yeah I am a younger sibling
morningmask27 · 9 months
i am not sorry for the Carmine reblogs, she has fully taken over my brain at this point.
A mixture of her being so unhinged and neurodivergent that it feels like she was made for me to like her and her very unfortunate dynamic with her little brother make her a character that I was just made to get attached to.
I want to study her under a microscope and get her help with the Kieran stuff, I want to make things worse between the two siblings, I want them to blow up at each other in a way that will make them unable to reconcile, because she failed to do everything right for her brother, because he took everything so personally and lashed out, because the two just can't fit together nicely, they're just not made for that. no matter how hard she tries to be a perfect sister, no matter how much she cares about him, I want things to go so wrong between the two. I want the pain to be so gut-wrenching it tears them appart.
but I also want them to reconcile; in another world things could be saved. carmine could recognize the way she acts hurts her little brother that she loves so dearly, she could try to reach out to him and be better, and he could accept it and they'd be able to rebuild things together.
it's a tale of two siblings that struggle to coexist. Carmine's technically the one in the wrong because she hurts Kieran, but she doesn't intend to. she struggles to realise how he feels an just tries to do it her way because she's the older sibling and knows best. she loves him and wants only the best for him, that's why she made the player lie to him, but it backfired alomst immediately.
she failed and that's the real problem. now let's hope that the Indigo Disk lets them reconcile (in a satisfying way)
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money-and-dandellions · 3 months
The first mention of Dionysus is 1300BCE.
The first mention of Apollon is the 8th century BCE.
Does that mean that Dionysus is 500 years older than Apollon or am I wrong
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detective-gum-chew · 2 years
you know what, i'll defend ema's "intellectually attracted" comment because everyone assumes its her like, denying lanamia, but to be honest thats such specific phrasing that ten to one i think its something that lana said to her, where in a conversation lana was like
"man i hope mia's attracted to me" and then panicked in that way where youre like wait i didnt mean to Come Out like that and was like "uhh,,, intellectually attracted of course! ahahaha."
and young ema was like "okay!" and just internalized that and didnt question it because why would she question her cool older sister who she looks up to so much.
then it never came up until lana was in the detention center and ema was like oh! i can be helpful! in that little sister type way and hopped in like "intellectually attracted of course!"
and is too busy thinking i'm going to get a good grade in little sister (something normal to want and possible to achieve) because i said it the way lana said it :) to notice phoenix and lana sharing a Look like "she doesnt know im gay mr wright."
Then like five years later Ema's sipping coffee on a random morning, and realizes "wait what the fuck they were 100% dating"
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impishtubist · 2 years
Okay but Regulus fucking his brother’s best friend is peak sibling rivalry, 10/10, he understood the assignment.
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little-pondhead · 1 year
As a bonding trip, Jazz and her new little sister Ellie go to Hawaii for vacation. There, they meet another pair of sisters, Nani and Lilo, as well as their perfectly normal dog, Stitch.
And luckily for the Pelekai sisters, the Fentons have a lot of experience messing with multiple forms of government. :)
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spectral-honey · 2 years
i put this in the tags of a different post but tim is a robin stan first and a human person second so he should (secretly) still fanboy over damian as robin
im imagining a little scrapbook that has pics of damian’s milestones like ‘first solo case’ and ‘first time he didn’t threaten to stab a mugger’ and ‘first time he got thrown in a dumpster’ and ‘first attempt at comforting victim’
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
brother was talking to me about how if you almost die from an extreme-temperature-related incident then your body is just forever fucked towards that temperature and that's why i think kiryu and saejima are weak to ice. i dont know why aoki isn't like that too but ignore that statistic everything else tracks.
#snap chats#i already made this post highkey but im making it again cause i didnt know this was an actual real thing ☠️#my brother learned this when he started to work for target. because apparently that's a thing they tell you frame one#'snap how did this topic even come up' i am LITERALLY so glad you asked :) the cold has almost claimed me twice#am i exaggerating Maybe but its my fucked up body temperature now listen#when i was younger i got locked out of my house for like. three hours since i was a latchkey kid#and my dad wasn't supposed to come home with my siblings (from their after school events) for Three Hours#and it had snowed outside and Was Cold Yeah and i couldn't get in cause i forgot my key like a weiner#and yeah. was really cold :) my dad was real cross with me when he found me shivering in the shed LOL#he made me hot cocoa tho so its ok. second incident's just funny No I Talk About It Evvery Other Week#and im p sure i talked bout the first incident too but yeah that time after the con when i was at my sister's#like i cannot stress how cold it was because It Was Late November and the cold still existed#and my sister's heater just. Didnt Work but yeah. i wont go into detail cause i share this story every five seconds#POINT IS i've always had a hard time with the cold- like i'm cold nearly all the time even if the room is 90 degrees#i wont be COLD cold but i'll be colder than i like#anyways can't believe i'm weak to ice this is so sad. i love winter..#aoki isn't weak to ice cause uhhhh /aoki/ didnt almost die in the cold 🥴 masato did 🥴#imagine changing your identity so well that you just remove your past elemental weakness. fucked up.#alright bye
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mirohtron · 2 months
Obviously I'm not going to on the internet, but whoa
aww :( babies r so cute !! i watched this cut lineup video where these people matched babies to their moms n it was soooo cute 😭😭 and at my grandparents place there's babies too (2 young toddlers) and they're such cuties :( when nero was a baby he was so cute too !! why can't he go back to kitten size 💔 he used to fit in my palm perfectly ahsjwjd
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cyb3r-mutt · 1 month
Have to go see my father again this morning I really really really don’t want to
#but I can’t cancel cuz I actually have to return his birth certificate#cuz my younger sister needed it to apply for her uk passport cuz she wasn’t born there like me and my older sister#but she has even less contact with him than i do#well none actually and even though I am extremely low contact with him I am an anxiety and guilt ridden people pleaser f#rant incoming sorry#also she’s being so rude to me about it even though I did it for her??? i didn’t go for coffee with him so we could have a relationship#I went so she could move to Scotland like she’s been planning for years#and I don’t even talk to her about it because it’s not something im like holding over her head??#I fully volunteered to do it to be a nice sibling#I didn’t even tell her about how it went cuz I knew she didn’t want to hear about it#the only updates I gave were im going to get it and I got it and now giving it back#so why is she attacking me and asking why I want a relationship with him????#I never said that and I fucking don’t??????#i did years and years and years of therapy to not get physical reactions to him sending me a random text#so yeah im able to receive a text from him without it triggering a panic attack#but only because I’ve been through extensive trauma therapy like emdr and art#not art as is like drawing art but as in accelerated resolution therapy#anyways hes an asshole that I know will never be the dad I wanted#and im glad i did it cuz im excited for my sister to move to Scotland cuz i want a reason to visit all the time
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berrymeter · 6 months
. i completely forgot the popular enstars ships. mutuals is it ok if i come out as a disliker of kanata/chiaki
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How to get around making characters OOC for a fandom you're not in when you've never witnessed the source material but the fanfic/fanart/etc got you interested:
Step 1: abduct them
Step 2: tweak them just a little bit, change names and maybe a few things about their appearance/accent/backstory, take out things from the canon material that you don't like, incorporate headcanons that you do, etc
Step 3: they're your OCs now, canon has no power here, it's more of an inspiration if anything
Step 4: do whatever you want however you want to. What are people gonna do, tell you you wrote your own OCs wrong? Fuck 'em
You can repeat this process whenever and however much you want until you have a veritable army of OCs, have fun
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the-halfling-prince · 2 months
Goodness forbid I watch anything without being hit with the intense urge to cosplay the main character
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gay-otlc · 2 years
Having a queer younger sibling is like. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I want to protect you from the bigotry that I faced. I want to take you to pride. I get jealous at how much easier it is for you than it was for me. I'm glad it's easier for you. I'm sorry I pinned my parents' hopes for a straight child onto you. Am I a good role model? I should have come out to you sooner so you knew you weren't alone. If you experience any discrimination I've failed as a sibling. You're the person in my family who respects me most. I will fight the rest of the family for you. I will stand up for you more willingly than I stand up for myself. I wish you didn't have to go through what I went through.
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coelakanths · 4 months
does anybody else ever think about the family dynamics in brozone. specifically clay as the middle like with jd and bruce he’s the youngest but with floyd and branch he’s the oldest. does anybody else think about that
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goldrushenthusiast · 2 years
There truly is no experience like being at your younger siblings after-sports-event-dinner where the dads are all getting drunk and the moms are shit talking everyone there and each other and the kids are giggling on their phones that they got too young and realizing that you are completely alone.
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iridescentis · 6 months
sooo I decided to make some more next gen soy luna sims :D
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This is Charlie Perida, Nina and Gastón's daughter, she plays the violin and loves space and painting, and she wants to become an astronaut someday. Her traits are Geek and Music Lover, and her aspiration is Renaissance Sim.
She's demi-aroace, she uses she/her, and she's very family-oriented (which is a trait she would get when she ages up), she's the oldest sibling and she's definitely the mum friend of the group, always being the voice of reason. She's comes across as shy at first but she's really just focused on something else and introverted, but since her mum struggled with shyness a lot, she was raised to be pretty confident in herself, and is always there to stand up for her friends.
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This is Madeleine Medina, Jim and Yam's daughter! She wants to be a famous actress and they're an amateur filmmaker! She's very bubbly but can be serious when she needs to be, and is constantly holding her camera with them just in case. Their traits are Overachiever and Loyal and her aspiration is Admired Icon.
They are queer, they use she/they, and she's very spontaneous and slightly anxiety-inducing to be around because she does not stop moving. Any opportunity to film something is a good opportunity, and they're quite close with Jazmín because of that (they also really like fashion of course). They can be quite envious of their little sister Anna, who is very talented at ballet, earning her a lot of praise from Jim, so their relationship with their family is a bit strained at times, but not badly. She's very close with Yam though, and they bonded a lot over fashion designing too (Yam always is ready to be the costume designer for Madeleine's films)
That's all I've got at the moment, I am potentially planning to do a little sims story with them, mostly focusing around Carene and another character I haven't introduced yet, but I love making these characters in the sims it's so much fun :D
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