#yeah I could talk about my feelings or whatever the crap at length instead but why do that when some other fake dude is right there
twilightarcade · 1 year
whaj twould u draw comic abt
well like everything ever. And other stuff of the sort.
Tangent but like comics specifically because. I suck at writing. It's great! Pretty cool! But I'll never achieve the required eloquence I want. I can pour my heart out on a page all day but that will never be telling a story like I'd like it to be, at least ast long as its short.. also I love visual media especially. Something a teacher would call a visual learner. Both mediums obviously require a lot of care but with comics it feels more like I can skip right to the "meat" (as an english teacher would call it) of the story? Like alright we have some guys they're doing some stuff and I don't have to sit here agonizing over how to describe this guy and what they're doing, I can just.... beam it directly into your brain. How cool is that. And you can add like.... whatever the hell you want. Want a giant rainbow going through half the page? BAM you got it. With writing you can't really do that
Tangent OVER. Honestly anything I can't write really (literally everything). Though, to narrow it down a bit, small scenes that a can't quite capture in writing regardless of how much I try. I don't think I would ever like... make a whole comic series or anything. Moreso use it to capture super specific emotions in a way that doesn't just feel like I'm pouring my heart out on a page with no real motive (but secretly is). I suppose the goal here is to make my feelings consumable or whatever. Capture them into a neat little page that other people can read and go haha at
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luckystarchild · 1 year
Sometimes I get a little... frustrated... by the reactions to Lucky Child.
(No one is doing anything wrong. This isn't a callout post.)
Fiction that is serialized one chapter/installment at a time over a long period of time suffers from "No Instant Answers Disease." In a book, if you have a question about something that occurs midway through the narrative, you can read to the end and (most of the time) get your answer unless the author forgets the plot thread or something. But with serial fiction that is incomplete, you can't keep reading. You just have to sit with whatever the plot point is, wondering.
Sometimes LC (and most ongoing work probably) gets comments that express frustration over something that I, the author, know will get resolved eventually. But on a few specific topics, folk consistently will write comments that accidentally imply I'm like... writing about pointless stuff?? And I KNOW they don't mean to imply that, and that they're just giving an emotional response to the drama I MYSELF CREATED, which means it's impacting them emotionally and that means my writing of the subject was successful, BUT it's still a little frustrating on my part when people seem to imply that I'm wasting time/words/story on something "useless" or "pointless" or something that "doesn't matter." FRUSTRATING that they think I'm just wasting words!
But it's not frustrating in a "they're wrong" kind of way, mind you. It's frustrating in a "I can't give them any assurances without dropping massive spoilers and now I'm caught between a rock and a spoilery place" kind of way!
Big LC spoilers if you haven't read past chapter 110 or so. Click to keep reading.
Specifically I'm talking about the "None of this is real" plotline. For those who need a refresher, Hiruko implied that the world/people around NQK may not be "Real" by some obscure definition, and NQK spends a lot of time agonizing over what that means in both a practical and philosophical sense, and if it means anything at all.
In chapter 109, NQKagome reacts super emotionally to this whole idea, insisting that the people around her MUST be real. She loves them, and she feels they love her, so the idea that they're "philosophical zombies" that are basically just really good fake people makes her have an anxiety attack. And a lot of readers SWIFTLY sided with NQKagome, and/or they argued "It doesn't actually matter if they're real or not."
It's that last argument I find really frustrating. The implication that "this topic they're spending time on doesn't matter and they shouldn't even worry about it" is, unintentionally, kind of implying that the time we're spending talking about the concept itself doesn't matter, which is in turn an implication that it has no bearing on the plot/story/characters, which is kind of a sideways comment about my writing/storycraft itself. It's implying I'm spinning my wheels on useless crap.
And I know that's not what's intended by those comments, which are instead likely just emotional reactions to a heavy concept, but like... "Hey author, this thing you've devoted thousands of words to doesn't actually matter or have a point, I think it's useless for the characters to care about it" is a frustrating thing to hear.
Because it does matter.
I wouldn't be writing about it at such length and in such detail if it didn't matter.
But I can't like... explain why it matters, or even the DEGREE to which it does or doesn't matters, because even hinting at how big (or small) of a deal it may be could be SUPER spoilery if you're even a LITTLE good at deducing metanarrative. So I just have to sit here nervously laughing to myself going, "Heheh, yeah, uh, it toooootally doesn't matter at all, noooo... (*nervous fidgeting*)" and feeling frustrated that the reader doesn't trust me to write about things that "matter."
Oh god, this is a trust issue. I just figured that out now while writing this.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if LC were complete, you could just read to the end and figure out why/how it matters instead of implying it's a useless waste of time, but LC isn't complete, so...you can't. BUT I also know that the impassioned responses to the "Is this Real?" question show just how deeply the topic gets under people's skin, and that's great for me as a writer, because it shows me where I can focus to get people emotionally invested. Even the most hostile "this sucks and this topic shouldn't matter" responses show me I've struck a nerve, which is a GOOD thing in the end. I should take those comments as compliments.
But all in all, I GUESS those frustrating responses and my reactions to them indicate how much I need to finish the damn story, so maybe this frustration is a good thing in the end... but please, for the love of fanfic, please TRY and trust that if I spend a long time talking about something in the story, it's probably because I'm laying the groundwork for plot later. Don't fall prey to "No Instant Answers Disease."
"Just trust the process and let me cook." That's the moral (antidote?) here.
And that's my rant. Thanks for reading.
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
Michael tells Alex about the Dictator.
Michael was leaning forward on his knees, staring at the flames of the bonfire. He was slowly losing his mind, he knew it, but that didn’t make him pick up his phone and call Max for guidance or Isobel to apologize. He didn’t call Maria to ask if she was having any visions about his future, or Valenti to look him over for a burn mark he might’ve miraculously missed.
Mr. Jones had told him all he’d needed to know, and now the rest of the world felt muffled, like there was cotton in his ears. He didn’t want to talk to his siblings, he didn’t want his friends’ advice or insight. He didn’t think he could ever move away from this bonfire again, watching the flames taunt him. Because they knew they couldn’t hurt him, and that it was torturing him.
When a car drove up to the junkyard, Michael was flooded with memories of another late-night visitor. He looked up, traitorous hope climbing his throat before he could help it. When he saw Isobel behind the wheel, his heart sagged back to the bottom of his stomach, and he returned to staring at the fire.
It was frightening how, even after a year apart, just the thought of the airman cut through his haze like a knife.
Isobel stepped out of her car and stood across the bonfire, her arms crossed. She sighed. “I think you should talk to Alex.”
Michael’s eyes flickered upward. Isobel looked shaken, and the brotherly part of him wanted to be protective and concerned, but the bigger part couldn’t muster the will.
He offered a small, humorless smirk, the only kind he could manage, and held his still untouched beer bottle to his lips. “Pardon?”
Isobel wasn’t having it. She came to stand in front of Michael, blocking his view of the flames. “You’re not okay,” she said simply.
“Would you be?” he answered without looking at her, the cruelty evident in his tone.
“I don’t know why you’re listening to Jones of all people,” she tried. “You’re the one who said we shouldn’t –”
“Is,” Michael cut her off, shutting his eyes. “Not now, okay?”
Isobel said nothing for a moment, then huffed. She grabbed the chair nearest Michael, pulled it closer, and sat down, facing him. “You need to talk to Alex, Michael. You’ve . . . you’ve never listened to anybody like you listen to him, and he’s smart. He’ll tell you what I already know, and . . .” she shook her head. “Maybe you’ll believe him.”
Michael said nothing. He said nothing as Isobel sighed, kissed his temple, and told him she’d come by again in the morning. He said nothing as she got in her car with a final plea for him to go see Alex. He said nothing as she drove away.
He said nothing because he couldn’t admit that he’d been terrified of this beyond anything else. Facing Alex again, after everything he’d done. But he wanted it. He wanted to see Alex so badly, and though he knew it might only push him further over the edge until he felt nothing at all, he also knew he would be worse off not seeing Alex at all.
When Michael dared ask himself what he wanted, the answer was clear; he didn’t want to see or talk to anybody, but he could manage just enough strength to talk to Alex. Only to Alex.
On his way to Alex’s house, he thought of all the ways he could explain what he was doing there, where to begin in what he’d discovered. But it looked like Alex had somehow known he was coming because he didn’t give him the luxury of working out a script in his head. Instead, Michael found him in his front garden, kneeling in the mud and pulling at weeds. He had one hand on the dirt beside a few roses, as if careful not to accidentally hurt them.
Michael pulled his truck to a stop, watching the ends of Alex’s hair stick to his skin with sweat, the way his brows pinched in concentration, but his hands worked gently. A lump formed in Michael’s throat. He thought about the things he’d said to Alex almost two years ago, and the way he’d made him feel.
“I don’t think we’re good for each other, Alex.”
“I like Maria, okay?”
“I’m saying no.”
Michael shut his eyes tight. What right did he have to talk to Alex now? He clenched his jaw and swallowed thickly. He started to turn the steering wheel when Alex glanced up and their eyes caught through the windshield.
Alex straightened and raised a hand in startled greeting. Michael hesitated. He should’ve driven away, escaped as quickly as possible, but he hadn’t seen Alex in a year, and only barely glimpsed him at the bus stop when he’d come back before he quickly turned away, unable to stand the sight of him and Forrest together. And he missed him. He missed him like he didn’t think he could ever miss anybody.
Seeing him now had Michael itching to be closer, to touch. Before he could tell himself it was a bad idea, he parked his truck. Alex pushed himself to his feet as Michael stepped out.
“Hey –” Michael started and stopped as Alex breathlessly pulled him in for a one-armed hug.
“Hi,” Alex said and started to pull away, but Michael kept a hand on his back, keeping him close for a few more seconds. He turned his face into his hair, breathing him in. He was so warm and felt so good, his soft strands tickling Michael’s cheek.
When Alex finally stepped back, Michael saw that he looked tired, but was smiling, his cheeks dusted pink. “I was going to come see you tonight.”
“Y-You were?”
“Yeah,” Alex dusted the mud off the hem of his shirt, but Michael’s hand was still on his waist. “We haven’t talked since I got back. I missed you.”
Michael let his hand fall and allowed himself to stay close. Just for another few minutes, before Alex found out the truth about him and pushed him away in disgust.
He forced a chuckle. “I’m flattered, Private.”
As Alex searched Michael’s face, his eyes narrowed, and his smile slowly dimmed. “What’s wrong?”
Michael’s brows furrowed and he was about to shake his head, to say nothing was wrong, then Alex pursed his lips and said, “That bad, huh?”
He tried for another chuckle, but it got caught in his throat and sounded weak to his own ears. “Alex, I don’t –”
But Alex was already dusting the dirt off his hands. Michael briefly noted the strange new ring on his finger. At his confused look, Alex smiled, “I’ll put some coffee on.”
Ten minutes later found Michael in Alex’s living room, two steaming cups of coffee on the table in front of them. Michael sat on Alex’s couch, while Alex took the bench in front of his keyboard. He had changed into his sweats and an Air Force t-shirt, and Michael kept alternating between fear of what he would say, studying every freckle on Alex’s face and neck, and ogling his strong arms. He was always toned, but it was evident he’d spent the last year working out.
“You look good,” he thoughtlessly blurted.
“And you’re stalling,” Alex said, blushing.
“I’m not,” Michael truthfully said. “You look really good.”
“Guerin,” Alex leaned in. “What happened?”
Michael met Alex’s eyes and felt his own burn, the plagues of his mind coming at him at once with the genuine care in Alex’s eyes. He wondered how many minutes he would have before that kindness turned to cruel satisfaction.
“Karma,” he said. “I . . .” he looked down at his lap, his fingers playing. “I think I know who my dad is.”
Alex’s eyes widened slightly before his captain’s training kicked in, and he schooled his expression to one of indifference. “Okay. Who?”
Michael shook his head. He whispered, “A monster.”
At the confused furrow of Alex’s brows, Michael launched into the story of everything Jones had told them. He thought it’d be impossible to speak at all, but Alex held his gaze and it gave him a strength he didn’t think would last outside these walls.
By the time he was done, he was pacing the length of the living room, and Alex watched calmly from where he sat.
“This guy might’ve chased my mom and Louise off our planet in the first place,” Michael raged, his heart racing. “My mom – my mom, Alex – made Max in a lab so she could use him.” A rough chuckle escaped his lips. “And all the crap I gave you because of Jesse –”
“Guerin,” Alex said gently. “Sit down. Please.”
Michael clenched his fists, and sat down. He shook his head, staring at his cold cup of coffee. “What do I do now?”
Alex raised a brow. “What do you mean?”
Michael looked up at him. “Alex,” he reminded him, “my dad’s a villain.”
“So is mine,” Alex sighed, taking their mugs to the sink. “It happens.”
Michael stared, and stood to follow. “Do you not get –”
“I get that this is freaking you out,” Alex said simply, and turned to face him. He leaned against the sink. “I get that you’re angry.”
“Angry?” he scoffed. “I’m a monster’s son!”
Alex raised a cool brow. “So?”
“So my parents are supposed to be heroes!” he slammed his fist against the wall, and all the furniture jumped a good foot before falling back down.
Alex looked unaffected, but when he spoke, his voice was soft. “I know.”
“My mom used Max! My dad destroyed everything!”
“I know.”
“Fire,” he breathed, “fire doesn’t hurt me, Alex.” He shook his head. “It feels wrong.”
Alex took Michael’s face in his hands. “It’s not.”
Michael opened his mouth on a silent sentence, whatever he was going to say next lost as Alex brushed his cheek with his thumb.
“I . . .”
Alex gently pulled Michael in against him, hugging his shoulders. Against the crook of his neck, he whispered, “I’m sorry your family’s more human than you wanted them to be.”
Michael shuddered. He tried to push Alex away, to get angry, but in his embrace all he could feel was the desperate need to be closer. He ended up grabbing Alex’s hips, his fingers curled tightly in the material of his shirt.
“Why don’t you hate me?” he demanded. “Yell at me, laugh, tell me I deserve this!”
Alex held him tighter and shook his head.
“Why not?” he urged through grit teeth, his eyes burning. “I do deserve it, Alex. I made you feel like crap because of your dad. I . . . I left you alone –”
“Shh,” Alex said softly, raking a gentle hand through Michael’s curls.
“Hate me,” he begged. “Please, get mad at me.”
“Am I monster,” Alex asked, and Michael stilled, “because of my dad?”
Michael was already shaking his head. “You’re my hero, Alex,” he said without missing a beat. “But –”
“And you’re mine,” Alex whispered, his lips brushing the bare skin of Michael’s shoulder where his shirt was pulled back. It made it very hard for Michael to think.
He opened his mouth to argue, to say something, but before he realized his vision had gone blurry, big fat tears were falling down his cheeks and onto Alex’s shirt. Alex held him even tighter.
“We’ll figure it out,” Alex said lightly, as if this was no big deal. As if he had no doubt in his mind the kind of person Michael was, the hero he was. “Everything’s fine, Guerin. I promise everything’s fine.”
Michael’s hands slowly came up Alex’s back, his fingers clawing through his shirt and into his skin, holding him back even tighter.
“I missed you, Alex,” Michael breathed, and buried his face in the crook of Alex’s neck. “I missed you so much.”
Alex chuckled softly. “I’m flattered.”
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villageofroses · 3 years
Burning rum
Loki x GenderNeutral!Reader
(Loki is gender fluid so there are she/they/he pronouns in this :D There are no pronouns for Y/N {its written in 2ed person})
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You were doing it again, this always happens. You were currently lying on your couch drinking in your lifeless apartment. It’s become a cycle at this point. Dragging the bottle of burning rum to your lips, to only regret drinking the bitter liquid. You don’t really like alcohol but it was the only thing keeping you grounded, from feeling completely numb. What led you here, honestly you couldn’t say, all you know is you were pulled out of this grim cycle, by this person, you didn’t know how to describe him. They were mysterious but kind, she had mid length raven hair all neatly brushed behind his head, not a single strand seemed to not have a place. A beautifully sculpted face and body fit for a god. His piercing raw green eyes that could melt into the soul of even the most broken person, kind, tender,to give and feel love, but also had a striking sense of pride and greed to them.
You went out for the first time in weeks, and he was there at the back of the bar drinking the most expensive and royal alcohol they served there. You were drawn to them, opting to sit next to her instead of alone at the same bar stool you sat at every time you peeled yourself out of your apartment. He welcomed you even though everyone else pushed you away. He told you his name “Loki” you told him yours “I’m Y\N” you talked while drinking, you were having fun, something you haven’t done in what felt like years. Then disaster struck, your phone started ringing. You apologized and answered, it was your mother. Gods why now. “Hello” you spoke like every other call she started by telling you everything your siblings and cousins have done, then asked you what have you been doing with your life as always this is where you fall short of an answer. This is where it always starts, the yelling. You sere, she only called you to yell at you, tell you now how much she hates you, how much you have messed up, why you did not deserve to be here.
After she finished you just hung up the phone, you would regret it later but you didn’t really care. Maybe you might make it so there isn’t later. You walk back over to Loki sitting down and looking at your glass, it seems more bitter than before. You turn to Loki to apologize and tell him you're going to go home and pay your tab, but before you can get a word out he speaks. “Tell me about what's bothering you Y\N.” After that you broke. You didn’t know why exactly, maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the surprise of it all, maybe it was the overwhelming feeling that someone wanted to listen. So the two of you sat there at the grimy table at the old bar and talked. You started off with your mother, explaining the phone call and how she always reminds you how you have messed up. Then your job, or jobs. You have had several in the last year or so. You couldn’t seem to keep one. Right now you are working from your home, a sales marketer, it’s going ok. The job is pretty simple, but since starting it you don’t leave the house much. You just started to ramble on about your life, small things that happen that make you happy or what you wanted to go to school for.
It was getting late, later than you normally stayed out. Normally you would get bored around 9 or 10 and go home to sleep, but currently it’s around midnight and you are out talking to this stranger about how sucky your life has been. It was odd, your body felt exhausted, the alcohol making you head pound, but all you wanted to do is stay. It felt weird, this warm intoxicating feeling about him. You didn’t care what it was, all you wanted was this to last a little longer. The feeling of being wanted. Someone listening to you. You should go home, It’s late. There was a silence between the two of you. You had finished with your pity party and he said nothing. Oh gods you messed up didn’t you. “Thank you for sharing”, he said. He spoke, and thanked you. “Uh, yeah. May I ask, what are you doing here?” “Ahh yes, it’s half hiding from my brother and half boredom,” he replies. “Why are you hiding from your brother?” “I did something a couple of years ago and he still thinks I'm this evil person who can’t be left alone.”Aw man, that sucks, you don’t seem bad.” “really?” “Yeah I’ve met some bad people, you're not like them at all.” you both fall into a silence, like a mutual agreement.
“It’s getting late” you say. “Mmh..” is all you got as a response. Abruptly he stands up and goes over to the bar, probably to pay his tab. You walk over to the bar as well to pay yours, but the worker said yours was already paid. You stood there for a second, then it hit you Loki. You thank the worker and rush outside to try and catch them. You reach outside and look around, alleyways near the bar, main street, corners, crosswalks. He wasn’t there. Defeated, you make your way home. Back to your, now, a little less lifeless apartment.
Time passes, you get back to your normal boring routine, still with the thought of that person you met that night in the bar. 3 weeks, a whole month. You haven’t gone back, what if they were waiting. You should go back tonight, see if she’s there. You go to your closest and pull out half-way decent clothes. Grab your bag, wallet, keys, and other crap you probably don’t need. Walking down the street over to the bar you start to second guess, but there's no going back now. Walking you you start a tab and order your favorite drink and look around, nothing. You knew he wouldn’t be here, you go back over to a bar stool and sit down, might as well finish your drink.
You sit there drinking and listening to all the other people there, people talking, yelling, fighting, flirting, people walking around, people leaving, entering. You don’t look up thought all you want to do is finish your drink and pay, so you can go home and feel stupid by yourself. Then, someone sits next to you, great, another person to see you in your misery. You look to your side and yep just an old guy drinking a beer. You stand up, pay for your drink and leave. Walking down the street really not caring at this point, you bump into someone. “Oh geez I’m sorry” You say to the person, about to walk along. “I thought you would be happier to see me?” the person said. That voice… It was Loki. “Loki, omg I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was you” “It’s fine were you out with someone else you look nice” he said you look nice!? “Oh no, I wasn’t. Actually I was at the bar hoping to see you” ''Oh I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner, well to make up for that you would like to go get dinner. My treat.” “I would love to, but wasn’t paying my tab last time a treat though?” “Mmmh, yeah but what else does someone as beautiful as you deserve.” “Ok, whatever you say.”
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handonhaven · 3 years
So um there is certain group that in this fandom(I'm not gonna name which one but I think it'll be pretty easy to figure out) that have taken to editing articles online to make it seem like their ship is happening and pretty much everything else they wish would happen on the show. Granted the edit to the articles don't last very long before they get changed back. But still I feel like that just a whole new level of sad. To go through all that trouble and they're just feeding into their own "I feel like I been lied to" thing. That's why if it's not one of those websites where Brett and other cast members do their interviews(the website that can't be edit) then I don't pay no mind or believe anything it says
Okay I know I'm really late with this one(and sorry if you answered something like this already) but Lizzie and Josie just made me mad to no end in 3x16. First let me start by saying I get them being upset that Hope ditched them and stole their car. That's understandable. But the fact that they didn't care where Hope was or where she went or if she was okay etc. That made me so mad, and then the only thing Lizzie cared about was making sure Hope would be in a relationship with someone other than Landon(don't even get me started on the comment she made about them and sex 😡😡). Because why shouldn't Hope be with the one person who loves her truly just the way she is. And does whatever he can to make sure she's okay and does whatever he can to help her unlike everyone else at that school, as well as a million other things I could add. And then at the end of the episode when Hope was back at the school both Lizzie and Josie go talk to her and try to act all high and mighty in a way. Asking Hope of it meant nothing to her what happened between them in 3x15. Clearly it meant nothing to Lizzie and Josie because they spent all of 3x16 not giving a crap about Hope. I mean they say they want to be there for Hope and help her and so on but then turn around and do the exact opposite. I honestly can't.
I think I can honestly say after this season. I would sacrifice anyone if it meant that Hope and Landon could be happy. I would throw anyone and everyone under the bus if I had to. Heck I would throw someone to malivore if I had. Just so they could be happy. Because all the trauma they went through these past 3 seasons plus all the trauma they went through before hand. They're done, like let them be done going through trauma. Just let them be happy of once, I don't care who has to pay what price let someone else go through something. I know it would suck for another character to go through pain I do. But Hope and Landon has had 3 seasons of nonstop trauma. That's way more than enough. Just give them a break and let someone else go through something. I don't care who they would throw under the bus to make that happen. Just make it happen, so that way Handon can deal with and possess all the trauma they've been through and move past it and just be happy. I know it's wrong to say let another character through pain so they can be happy, I do. But after three seasons of only them going through some much this is how I feel now. Yes I know other characters went through stuff too, but it was never to the extent to what Hope and Landon have been going through. And they even got a break from it and got to deal with. Hope and Landon have never gotten that.
So my friend came up with this theory that 4x04 is going to be a parallel to 3x04. Because at the end of 3x04 we had to watch as Hope watched Landon melt right in front of her. Which was heart breaking enough by the way. Then the end of 4x04 will be Landon watching Hope die right in front of his eyes. Just thinking about something like that happening just breaks my heart 💔💔💔💔. It was bad enough having to see that once. But they have see that twice.... I think my heart will jump out of my chest and fall into the ocean somewhere never to be seen again. There's no way I could take seeing something like that twice.
Okay so I know everyone has there own thoughts on this one, but I would love to hear yours. So if Klaus was alive and met Landon what do you think he would think of him? I honestly think he would love Landon(even though he wouldn't come out right and say that). For the person he is despite everything he's been through in his life, and how he's always trying to better himself. For how good he is to Hope and how happy he makes her. And for how he's trys to help Hope with everything, and does what he can to help keep her safe. And so on.
Seriously?? Wow. So that’s how they’re spending the hiatus? That’s definitely sad and absurd, the kind of stuff they do continues to reach new levels. I just don’t get what the point is of trying to temporarily deceive people by doing that... so that they can feel like they’ve won for a little while? They must be pretty desperate. And they really are just lying to themselves at this point, and are going to great lengths to lie to other people too. Idk what sites even allow them to do that, at least the articles get changed back though. But yeah, I’m gonna stick to only looking at legit articles and websites, and official info from people who actually work on the show. That’s just incredibly stupid, honestly.
I actually did talk about that a bit in a response to an ask here x. But yeah, same. I understand them being upset about Hope ditching them too, but Hope clearly did it to keep them out of what she was doing because there could’ve been danger. That’s nothing new for Hope, and since they’re supposed to be her best friends, shouldn’t they know that? And even though they were upset, they still should’ve been more concerned about Hope’s safety, which they weren’t. And yes, exactly. Yes to all you said. It was all so frustrating to watch and made me mad too. And so true about Hope and Landon, Hope should be able to be with him, he’s all those things you said and more. So there was no good reason for Lizzie to try to find Hope someone else when she still loves Landon and wasn’t interested in moving on. And I agree about the end of the episode as well. Once again, their concern was the fact that Hope had ditched them, not if she was okay. Exactly, it doesn’t seem like 3x15 meant anything to them since they were so quick to give up on Hope. Just one thing went wrong, which was really more of an inconvenience for them, and they didn’t even try to be there for Hope. They got offended and did nothing. So it makes me worried for when Hope has to deal with Malivore and whether or not they’ll really be there for her.
Yeah, I mean, hopefully no one would have to be sacrificed for them to be happy. But it’s really sad that it’s gotten to the point where it feels like it would take something that extreme to make it happen. It’s truly insane the kind of trauma they’ve gone through and how they can never get a real break and be happy. I agree, if anyone deserves to be happy at this point, it’s them. And I wouldn’t want someone else to have to suffer either, but if the writers are so insistent on having someone suffer, they need to have it not be Hope and Landon for once! They need a better balance of what goes on with all the characters instead of just putting Hope and Landon through everything all the time. Exactly, they seriously have gone through nonstop trauma, they can’t go through anymore at this point, it’s too much. I agree, they need to be able to recover and heal after all they’ve been through so that they can be okay and be happy. I honestly don’t know how either of them have even been able to keep going after all they’ve experienced, it’s so horrible. And yeah, it’s not that the other characters haven’t gone through stuff too, it’s just not at all like what Hope and Landon have dealt with. And like you say, with no breaks, no time to heal. I just think it’s ironic how they wanted this show to be lighter, yet they still put these characters through terrible things, Hope and Landon most of all. They have them constantly dealing with trauma and pain and death, they just lighten up the tone and throw in some comedy amidst all of the tragedy to make it seem lighter when it’s really not. Not for Hope and Landon anyway. I wish they’d make their actual lives and experiences lighter overall, and let them live and be happy for a bit, it’s what they deserve.
Oh my gosh! So I’ve also wondered if Hope is gonna die in 4x04, but I didn’t even think about how that would be a parallel to 3x04! 😭 It will be so painful if it happens, I’m not sure I can take it either! Although, if Landon is there if it happens that could also make for an amazing scene. Like seeing Landon crying over her, or his reaction to it triggering his Phoenix powers again, or maybe even getting healing tears? I’d lose it. It would definitely be heartbreaking, but as long as they wouldn’t get separated again like in 3x04 and they could still be together after, hopefully we would survive seeing something like that again!
When it comes to Klaus and Landon, I have so many thoughts about that, I could make a whole other post about it. But I completely agree with what you said. Every time I see people say Klaus would hate Landon, that he would’ve killed him, etc. like... it makes me mad but I also wanna laugh. Because there’s just no way that Klaus would feel that way about Landon, and whoever thinks he would either didn’t actually watch The Originals, or at least didn’t pay attention to it or understand it. I don’t know how anyone can watch that show and come away from it thinking Landon isn’t the kind of person Klaus, Hayley, and the rest of Hope’s family would want for Hope. And we already saw Klaus’s reaction to Landon dancing with Hope. He was smiling and happy to see Hope with him. He’s already basically approved of Landon. But I really do think he would love Landon too. He wanted Hope to be happy, and Landon is the one who makes Hope happy. So I think that alone would be reason enough for Klaus to like Landon and want him in Hope’s life. But also the other things you said as well, I think he would really admire Landon and the kind of person he is after all that he’s been through. I’ve always thought it was interesting how, in some ways, Landon went through similar things in his childhood like Klaus and Hayley did. He was abused, and Klaus was also abused, and was in foster care with no real family, like Hayley was. And I think for Klaus to see the way Landon has handled that and didn’t let those things change who he is as a person, and still chose to be a good and kind person even after being treated so horribly, I’m sure that would mean a lot to Klaus. To see the way that Landon has been able to overcome darkness in his life, and that’s what Hope needs as well. Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelsons always wanted Hope to be better than how they had been, and Landon helps Hope to be better and helps brings out the best parts of her. And of course with the way that Landon treats Hope, and how much he loves her, how loyal he is, and the way he fights for her and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her safe, I’m sure Klaus would be so grateful to Landon. Like, just imagine Klaus’s reaction to what Landon did for Hope in 2x11, along with everything else he’s done. How could Klaus not love someone who loves his daughter that much and is that devoted to her? I could go on about this, but this has gotten ridiculously long so I’ll stop. But yeah, I definitely think Klaus would love Landon and be so glad that Hope has him.
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ichika27 · 3 years
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Grande Finale already!
I felt the same nervousness and excitement I felt when I watched the first episode while watching the last one. I’m excited, half knowing what I’d see but not knowing what else to expect.
Can’t believe we finally got to this point. I took so many screenshots... I had to limit myself cause they’re not all gonna fit in one tumblr post.
Also I don’t have to give a spoiler warning anymore. Length warning though cause this is super long!(longer than the usual posts I made for this series at least).
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Kitaniji transforms into a three-headed monster and unlike in the game, he doesn’t capture any of Neku’s partners nor use Josh’s power to do so. I’m not sure what explanation there is as to how he got more than one noise form but I guess he’s the Conductor so maybe it’s part of his powers here.
Shiki and Beat awaken in the middle of Neku’s fight and help out. The trio then forms some kind of three-way pact (four if Rhyme actually counted although now completely sure?) and continue battling Kitaniji. The fight scene was pretty cool especially Beat’s attack with the chains. It just sucks the fight ended too fast. I guess all of TWEWY anime’s boss fights end kinda fast even though they’re uh, boss fights.
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Final attack beam like in the game! It was too fast and I couldn’t get a good shot of the white version this transforms into (which looks like the one in the game). They have an explanation later as to why it looks different at first but they’ll talk about it later.
It’s sad Joshua isn’t part of this. This is supposed to be the four-way fusion attack. (;-;)
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They defeat Kitaniji who disappears, sad that he was unable to protect Shibuya. Joshua never showed up in this boss battle so Kitaniji never got to talk to Joshua for the last time. In the game he at least dies happy in a way - he lost but he gave it his all and his Composer praised his efforts. He was also able to tell Neku that the rest is up to him now. Here in the anime, he just... he lost and felt bad. I wish they had Josh show up here but they had other ideas.
A new door opens and Neku braced himself as he knows the fight isn’t over cause there’s still one last guy on top.
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They find themselves in this room/hallway (is this supposed to be the Trail of the Judged?) filled with CAT murals. This somewhat confirms the “CAT = Composer” theory and Neku has now accepted it, calling out Mr. Hanekoma to show himself.
And yeah, the last episode’s title is the show’s title as well “It’s a Wonderful World”.
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Someone else showed up instead. Joshua finally makes his reappearance!
Boy, have I been waiting for you! I wish you were with them in the final battle earlier so you guys could be a team (and you could be one of Neku’s partners) one last time.
Neku is surprised but happy to see Joshua again. He thanks Joshua for saving him before and is glad that he’s okay.
In the game, this never happened cause Josh appears in the middle of a fight. Things were too hectic and when the battle with Kitaniji finally ended, he and Josh talked about their own game and so after Kitaniji disappears, what’s left is questioning what was happening. Since Josh didn’t show up earlier, they were able to reunite in a more peaceful way and Neku had no suspicion until Joshua himself brought it up.
And I guess that’s why I was so nervous when I watched this. It’s a bit too peaceful. I know what’s gonna happen next but not exactly how they’d adapt it.
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Joshua finally explains the truth to Neku and his friends.
This felt more... awful to watch. Like we had both Joshua and Kitaniji giving bits and pieces of the truth in the game via their conversation so there’s two people to focus on. Here it’s just Joshua. But in a way, I guess this works cause there’s no one else there to soften the blow and Joshua could make the revelation hurt more if he wishes so. It also kinda feels worse cause you see Neku happy to see Joshua earlier before the reveal happens. Kinda heartbreaking.
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“I’m the Composer of Shibuya.”
He finally says it clearly to a confused and surprised Neku.
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We get a flashback of Joshua and Kitaniji talking about Shibuya’s impending destruction, why it must happen, and Kitaniji making a deal to try and save it. He has a month to change things for the better and if it works out, he wins. If not, Joshua continues the destruction plan.
Joshua’s Composer form is more vague here. It’s human shaped but you don’t see his face and the outline glows like this so you don’t properly see the shape. I think this is better cause there’s no way you can tell who the Composer is like this and he looks less human.
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Beat gets angry at the revelation and tries to attack Joshua which he couldn’t do because of Joshua’s powers. I wasn’t able to get a screenshot of this but Josh is twirling his hair after this while Beat struggles to try and punch him. He’s cute and I know this is kind of inappropriate to say in this situation given he legitimately made someone mad and he deserves that punch to his pretty face.
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Joshua uses his powers to freeze the others (and later renders them unconscious to keep them quiet). Neku is worried about his friends and is mad.
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Joshua tells him he won’t hurt Neku’s friends. He then explains about how he found his proxy. Which is Neku much to his horror at what this meant.
I just had to get this with the subtitles on. I replayed the scene several times to hear if there was no error. Joshua says “Daiji na Neku-kun no tomodachi...” and I google translated it. It says “daiji” means “important”. So yeah, he definitely called Neku “important” to him. It’s surprising although this wouldn’t be out of place in the original game since they had more moments to just talk on there.
Yeah, I know I focused on this a little but I’m a nekujosh/joshneku shipper so forgive me for latching onto this.
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Neku slowly sees the bigger picture as Joshua continues to explain himself. As a reward for getting this far, Joshua returns Neku’s memories.
He really had to get that close while saying Neku’s name, didn’t he?
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Neku’s death flashback. The scene plays almost similar to the game right down to the censored guns (is this a creative decision to make it faithful to the game or are they really just not allowed to draw actual guns?). I was gonna make a joke about how Joshua stopped Minamimoto’s bullets using an AT field but the shot was different and the bullets just looked like they froze midair and not stopped by some kinda force field like in the game.
Neku ends up getting shot by Joshua complete with bleeding unlike in the game. I just have to wonder if I was the one who got it wrong cause in the game, Joshua looks like he’s aiming for Neku’s head and here, Neku gets shot on the chest. Did they change it cause a headshot would be too much or has it always been a shot to the chest?
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Neku angrily walks over to Josh and grabs him by the collar. Joshua stops Neku with his powers as he continues to explain about what happened regarding the death scene and Minamimoto. Joshua then materializes two guns out of thin air and places one on Neku’s hand as he tells him the rules of their final duel: just shoot and if Neku wins, he could save his friends and he becomes Composer and do what he wants. What stood out with how he said it is that he didn’t exactly go “If you don’t beat me, Shibuya is destroyed.” and instead went “If you win, these are what you get to be Composer and whatever else you’d like! Sounds good, right?”. As if saying killing him has a lot of perks.
It feels weird seeing Josh physically placing the gun on Neku’s hand cause in the game, the gun was by Neku’s feet and Neku had to pick it up on his own accord. Anyways, I like the effect they used to materialize the gun cause it’s the same effect for the names of the routes when they show them on screen. Like graffiti or something.
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At this point Neku’s crying. The shot didn’t feel as dramatic as in the game in my personal opinion. Neku is tearing up here but he looks tired and was about to sob in the game. Joshua meanwhile, counts down from ten.
Before Joshua’s count hits three, Neku hears a somewhat distorted voice (which we know is just Mr. H) saying “Trust your Partner”. This reminded Neku how he got to where he is: by trusting his partners. (I have something to say about this later)
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In a very shocking turn of events, instead of just lowering the gun and letting himself be shot like in the game, Neku drops his gun and with a hand outstretched tells Joshua “I’ll trust you”. Oh my god... they really did it. I love this change not gonna lie. I think they might have added this cause they didn’t adapt Neku’s ending monologue where he does say he trusts Joshua. It’s less dramatic than the game though since Neku doesn’t say anything while Joshua is counting down. In the game, he was crying and saying how he thought Joshua was his friend and how all of this really hurt him. Guess we take what we can get and they gave us this.
Joshua smiles as he shoots but as Neku falls, the smile on Joshua’s face disappears.
Mr. H didn’t show up at the end here either so Neku didn’t get to see him.
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Neku wakes up in the middle of Scramble Crossing like usual but he bumps into people and so he realizes that he’s alive now. He doesn’t scream after the very stressful crap he went to like in the game. Might not be entirely the same but Joshua still left him lying down in the middle of the street. Nice.
We then see a short timelapse from above Shibuya which is probably supposed to show a week has passed. Neku’s monologue wasn’t added in and no ending music as well. I’m disappointed “A Lullaby for You” wasn’t used. Here I was hoping for a miracle.
By the way, Shooter, Yammer, and I think Makoto all passed him by the scramble. They really didn’t get much screentime but at least they made cameos.
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Neku finally meets up with the Bito siblings like at the game’s epilogue! The shot they did was almost the same as with the game, too. They have dialogue here instead of just stills with Neku showing how happy he was to see his friends alive again, too. I’m happy the anime version showed him smiling more at the end cause he needed that after everything. It’s nice to see him smile.
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RG! Shiki is here! With the same shot as in the game! They really aren’t gonna show us her face, huh? Also, all of the shots with Shiki on them has her back towards us. Like there are scenes where Neku and the rest are looking forward and she’s in front of them with her back turned on us. Why? They could’ve used the lighting on her glasses to obscure her eyes, too. So her bangs are a secret as well then?
They show Eri later, too enjoying a concert, by the way. I was hoping to see a reunion between her and Shiki as well and them finally talking after the stuff from before. Oh well.
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Neku takes off his headphones and he and Shiki do a proper introduction with each other with Shiki being herself this time. (Is Shiki the same height as Neku? It looks like that from this angle.)
Anyways, this was a nice way to adapt Neku taking off his headphones since they can’t do it like in the game.
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They adapted the secret ending but expanded it to add stuff from the secret reports to explain other lore stuff which would’ve been missed by the anime-only watchers since those are part of bonus game contents. Mr. Hanekoma and Joshua talk about the events of the long game and Joshua says he knew it was Mr. H whose responsible for Minamimoto.
They also talk about the Red Skull Pins and how Mr. H made it for Kitaniji. Mr. H says the pins imprints Kitaniji’s will on people and that he himself (Mr. H) doesn’t need that cause he could do so with all the graffiti he left all over town.
Which brings me to earlier in the duel: Neku hears a voice, clearly (to us) is Mr. Hanekoma’s and it’s in a place filled to the brim with CAT graffiti. Did he imprint the words “Trust your partner” to Neku?
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Meanwhile, Beat wonders how they were able to pull off the final attack. Neku says it was probably the pin Hanekoma gave them (the keypin looking thing). I guess they needed an explanation for the last attack but they didn’t have the fusion pin so they used this keypin instead. It’s why the attack looked different in the beginning when the attack was powering up.
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There’s apparently a new CAT graffiti at Udagawa and of course, CAT-fanboy Neku has to see it. On the way, they meet Sota and Nao who are now alive! I’m so happy!! Joshua brought them back, too! I always felt bad about what happened to them in the game. I’m glad they got a happy ending in the anime.
Def March, 777′s band, are back as well and look... they got their winged mic back! It makes me wonder if they found it later on or if Joshua gave that to them back the same time when he brought them back lol. I’m just really happy for all of them.
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Joshua’s wings!! This is, unfortunately, the best shot I could get since they never really zoom in on this. In the game he is in his Composer form in the secret ending and turns into a ball of light when he leaves. Here, we see his wings. It’s smaller than the one he has in KH:DDD. At least we canonically see it here.
I can now use the term “Joshua Maji Tenshi” and be accurate!
Mr. H points out that Joshua looks lonely and is in denial and Josh just leaves. Mr. H also shows his wings and leaves afterwards, too. I didn’t take a pic of it since we see it in the game’s secret ending anyways. His wings also seem smaller than in the game.
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Final shot of the new CAT graffiti. I was so close to crying the entire ending and this nearly tipped me over but it didn’t. If “A Lullaby for You” was playing, I’d have probably bawled my eyes out. This graffiti is beautiful. I want a sticker of it.
Also, I just noticed but CAT’s old graffiti at Udagawa had mostly darker colors. This new one is brighter and is more colorful.
First of all, I wanted to thank tumblr for not giving me an error for posting more than 15 images like I usually did. I was bracing myself for the error pop up and was gonna make a part 2 instead but there was some kind of miracle and I got more than 20 pictures on here.
I have a lot of melodramatic things to say about the anime but I’ll save it all for later. For now, I’ll say something else. I’m sad they didn’t adapt Neku’s monologue. Those words from Neku still hits me in the feels to this day. Him saying that the entire ordeal really affected him in more ways than one and it wasn’t all good even though he’s happy about changing and what he learned from the experience. His line about how he can’t forgive Joshua but trusts him was cut along with it and it would’ve been nice to have to know what he thought of Joshua.
The thing I missed the most was the “I have friends now. We’re meeting each other for the first time in a week. See you there?” lines. It shows how happy Neku is that he now has people to call his friends which is super heartwarming and the line implies that he counts Joshua as one of those friends, too (which is properly confirmed in KH: DDD which I’d probably make a post about later if I get the motivation to do so). That would’ve also made the last scene with Josh hit harder. In the game, knowing Josh wanted to be with them and is sad he couldn’t already makes me sad but also knowing Neku is waiting for him makes it much worse (and I still feel pain thinking about it even after all these years).
Maybe we’d see them get reunited in NTWEWY. Hopefully. I really do hope so.
The anime isn’t perfect but it did what it could with the limited amount of time it had. The show would’ve been better if they had more episodes but we don’t know why it ended up with just 12 so we can’t really say anything else. They did it and it wasn’t as bad as I was fearing in a way. Would I recommend it? I’d probably rec the game first, to be honest. I was only okay with watching cause I have played the game and could fill in the missing stuff but the anime-only fans couldn’t and the thought that they won’t be able to fully appreciate the entire story of twewy is kinda sad. It was a nice watch though and I’d miss waiting for it every week.
I wonder if they’d make “A New Day” OVA since the anime is supposed to help the ones who haven’t/couldn’t play the first game but would go play NTWEWY and that scenario has story stuff that’s connected to the sequel.
Anyways, thanks for reading this far if you did! I’ll be watching gameplays of NTWEWY when it comes out in full (since I don’t have the money nor the console for it). 
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stonecoldjerseyfox · 4 years
Jersey on my mind (part 33)
The large round eyes, belonging to the auburn fox, flutter from left and right, back to left, before it takes a deep breath and leaves its safe pot to seek food for the day. The night’s hefty downpour prevented it from going out, and now it’s hungry. The new world order has made it a lot easier to find food, which also means that the feeling of hunger is seldom reminded. But during the night, its stomach has been rumbling for something tasty, a bird or anything really. On soft paws, the fox hurries across the grass before stopping abruptly, to check that the coast is clear. But its home environment, a forest somewhere in Virginia, is deserted and free from danger. It had been a long time since this fox had experienced a hunting season, or heard the sound of quad bikes smelling of exhaust fumes pulling through its natural habitat. The fox hurries on, but just a few meters on it stops abruptly again, pricks up its ears when a rustle is heard. Silently, the fox hurries into a bush, at the same time as the grass is split some distance away by a pair of worn Keen hiking boots. The sun plays through the rustling foliage; a soft clatter, a result of the soft breeze that pulls through the forest.
After rain comes sunshine, it’s said. But the crooked male who stumbles between the tree trunks with trailing steps, has no idea of ​​the beauty of mother nature that surrounds him. Nor any idea that he was once a thinking, living being. Many months have passed and time has not been gentle on him. A piece, large as a clenched fist, of his cheek is ripped out, but it doesn’t worry him. He totally lacks the ability to feel, to reason about whether he needs to see a doctor or put a bandaid on it. That time is over. The only instinct that remains and clings to the man’s poisoned, dead consciousness is hunger. An incurable, constant hunger for meat. That’s what drives the man forward through the forest, without, unlike the fox, being on his guard. It’s also this inattention that is reminded when a 5.45 mm bullet penetrates his skull, between the ear and the eye. The loud sound makes the fox give up his attempted excursion and rush back to his burrow.
Daryl tears his eyes from the walker who collapses on the ground like a shattered house of cards, and glances to his left. 
“Home run.” He says as Mila lowers the rifle. “Ya’ wanna let me have a fair chance?” “It was you who said we should compete.” Mila threads the rifle’s shoulder strap over her arm and gives him a cheeky smile. “Gotta level up your game, Dixon. It’s not a contest if I let you win.”
Mila starts walking and Daryl follows. He should have suspected that she was competitive. So far, she leads with eight hits against his three. 
They’re heading west. A few days earlier, Glenn, Rick and Sasha returned to the Safe-Zone after a run, announcing that they had passed a mall they hadn’t seen before. As it got dark, all three agreed that it would be foolhardy to go in and investigate. Instead, Daryl suggested that he take on the task; leave early and check the place out.
“Take someone with you.” was the only thing Rick said before heading off to bed. 
In front of Daryl, Mila’s trotting on towards their goal as fast as her feet manage. The untied boot laces bounces around her feet, whips up fallen leaves. They have accomplished about 2 miles which is halfway according to Rick’s description, made their way through woods and abandoned streets. Not taking the car was a conscious choice; Daryl wanted to do the walk. In nature he can breathe, he needs it and all its simplicity as if it were oxygen. He can not imagine spending the day with anyone else then her, on foot, on a mission to explore. Neither more nor less, yet everything.
“How far did they say it was?” Mila turns and looks at him; the long hair forms a fan around her face of the rapid movement. 
“‘Bout halfway.” He replies.
“And we’re supposed to do what again?”
“Scout the place for supplies, then go back another day if it’s any good.” Daryl offers Mila his hand as she makes her way over a big branch, lying in their path. “Ya’ had anything in mind?”
“Carol asked for some new fancy kitchen knives.”
“Course she did.” Daryl grimaces, amused by Carol’s request, and climbs the branch. 
“You go way back, you two, huh?” Mila squints at him.  
Daryl squints back at her; Mila’s sapphire blue eyes are curious and gleams in the dancing sunlight that penetrates the dense foliage above. He shrugs a little. 
“No more than anyone else.”
Mila lifts her eyebrows at him, she wants to hear more. Daryl sighs.
“We just-” He pauses, doesn’t really know what to say. “Get each other. Somehow.” How should he describe their friendship? Carol is one of his closest, most dearest friends. She’s warm, kind, fierce and she has a haunting ability to read his mind; knows what he thinks without him uttering a single word. Might be a mother’s instinct, or it might be something else, but Daryl values her ability immensely, not being very good with words himself. In the beginning, way back, he felt irritated, exposed and vulnerable in Carol’s presence. Could just as well be because he was a full blown ass to everything and everyone, but Carol made him feel human, made him feel like ‘someone’. She helped him find purpose and meaning in the group, never doubted him. Gosh, if it wasn’t for Carol, he thinks and looks at Mila, he would never be where he is; here, with Mila, being able to talk with her, not sounding like a buffoon or a total piece of shit. Crap, without Carol’s tremendous influence, Mila would probably have shunned him like the plague. He’d never in his life thought he’d soften up like this, but right now- He owes Carol everything for believing in him, not giving up. What if he’s been a good influence on her as well?
Out of nowhere, Mila says:
“You’ve gone through a lot together. Of course that must be more than friendship, that’s-” She searches for words. “-family. Strong bonds. Growing together, always having each others back. That’s valuable.”
“She’s great.” Daryl says and looks at Mila; wow, she really put words on his feelings. 
“Invaluable, I would say.” Mila smiles. “Who could have dreamed of having a babysitter in the middle of a zombie apocalypse? One who’s also chef, baker, friend- a hell of a soldier.” She chuckles and grins at him. “And here I am, with you. Hell, I might switch to Carol, now that I think of it. She’s awesome.”
Daryl takes up a handful of leaves and throws at her. Mila laughs and leans in, pulls him into a kiss, lips with a lingering taste of this morning’s breakfast; coffee black as hell and the blantest looking bowl of oatmeal Daryl’s ever seen. Her lips sweep over his and Daryl, still holding onto the crossbow, puts his arm around her neck and replies the kiss, feeling her soft hair brush against his arm. 
”I guess I get to work a little extra then.” He says with a smirk. “I won’t start baking though.”
“You sure?” She raises her eyebrows. “I'm pretty convincing.” 
For you and the kid I’d probably do whatever the hell you wanted, if you asked me to, Daryl thinks. Damn, he would go through fire and water for ‘em.
“Let’s get this over with.” He puts a loop of her hair behind her ear. ”come on, Jersey.”
With his arms still resting around her neck, they continue to walk. Above them the treetops rattle pleasantly in the wind. The birds chirp and some distance away two squirrels perform their dance for each other around a thick tree trunk, wiggling their tails and noses simultaneously. But something’s disturbing the overall peaceful atmosphere. Maybe it’s intuition, but something's not quite right. Something in the distance makes Daryl stop abruptly. All of his muscles tenses and Daryl pricks up his ears, just like the fox he saw earlier. Male voices, more than two. Like a laser pointer, his gaze moves from left to right, frantically scouting for the slightest movement, the slightest deviation from the green vegetation around them. Suddenly he sees it. Ten meters in front of where they have haltered, the greenery, scattered with a few trees and bushes, opens into a paved road. On the other side of the road lies two buildings. It’s the dirty, black pickup parked in front of one of the buildings that has caught his attention. That and the armed men surrounding it. 
Before Mila has the chance to react, Daryl grabs her by the jacket and forces her to crouch. He raises a dirty index finger in front of his lips, as a sign that she should be dead quiet. Mila looks around, understands that he has seen something she has not seen yet. The sound of voices at a distance makes her look beyond the trees and bushes and she catches sight of the pickup. Carefully they make their way over to a pair of bushes that separates wilderness from domesticated. He pulls her down in the tall grass behind the foliage, out of sight, but the men in the parking lot don’t take notice of what’s happening in the vegetation at the other side of the road. Their attention lies fully on the boxes of ammunition they carry out of the run down building. They stack them on the covered truck bed, then return inside to grab some more, like a running band. Mila scouts through the foliage.
“Anyone you’ve seen before?” She asks in a low voice.
“Nah.” Daryl shakes his head while he follows a man with shoulder-length blond hair with his eyes. The blonde man disappears into the building and another comes out with yet another box. “Nah, they’re new.”
While five of the men fill the truck bed with boxes and cartons, the sixth man is standing on guard, armed with an automatic rifle, eyes searching the surrounding for any dangers, or other people. 
“Maybe we should lie low for awhile.” Mila states. 
Yeah, certainly feels foolish to make themselves known. Instead they lay low behind the bushes, watching the unknown group from a distance. Daryl looks at Mila’s profile; her forehead is furrowed and she seems to think, while biting on her lower lip. 
“Whatcha thinkin’?”
“There’s-“ She counts. ”-six of them. There’s two of us. And I’m not good at math, but-” Once again Mila peers through the foliage. “And one doesn’t need that much ammunition unless there’s a threat.” She mumbles. “Or if you yourself is the threat.”
Daryl doesn’t answer. He thought exactly the same. There’s two possible scenarios for the reason behind this hoarding and he doesn’t like any of ‘em. His thoughts wander back in time, to the prison and the Governor, beheading Herschel and splitting the group, which caused him to flee headlong with Beth. An unpleasant sensation begins to take shape inside his stomach, a bundle of painful memories cutting his insides like barbed wire. There can’t be another Governor situation, not another battle. No more losses.  
“Wonder where they’re staying.” Mila continues. “You think they have their own Safe-Zone somewhere?”
“More like Alamo.” Daryl replies, considering the heavy armor. “Ain’t lookin’ too good.”
“As long as we stay far away, we should be fine.” 
Mila pats him on the knee and turns her eyes away from the gun shop. She makes herself comfortable, takes off her backpack, opens it and takes out two plastic bottles of water, followed by a half filled bottle of vodka. Daryl grins.
“Ya’ got a problem, Jersey.” He says and receives a bottle of water. 
“I know.” She says. “If you happen to stumble across an AA meeting I promise you I’d attend, without hesitating.”  
“Been like this for long?” He drinks and looks at Mila over the clear plastic bottle. “The drinkin’ I mean.”
“My family has a long tradition of desertion, foolish luck and malicious alcoholism. I’m not exactly surprised.” Mila fiddles with the cap of the vodka bottle. “Luckily I have a quite high tolerance. Besides, I can’t really stop either. It’s considered a disease I’ve heard.” She grins amused. “Back in Russia they’d die of laughter if they heard.” She pauses and squints at Daryl in the sun. “You’d like me to stop, right?”
“You do you.” Daryl responds. Ain’t his business to tell her what to do. Nor his right to.
“That’s new.” Mila says. 
“Doesn’t seem to be that much of a problem, that’s all.” 
“Good for me then. I didn’t plan to stop, not yet at least.”
“Take ya’ time.” Daryl says. “As long as ya’ safe. And the kid. Ya’ doin’ fine.”
“Might be hard to put your head around, but I was actually quite deep in the shit a couple of months ago. Though-” Mila pauses. “I’d lie if I said I didn’t feel guilty. This-” She nods at the bottle. “No kid should grow up around it. I mean, I did and that didn’t go well. I’d throw myself over a cliff if anything happened to Juri, but-” She sighs. “I have flaws, demons. But I’ve sworn to myself, and Juri, that he’s safe, no matter how wasted or fucked up I am.”
Daryl reaches out his arm, pulls her towards him. 
“He wouldn’t be more safe with anyone else.” Daryl says and squeezes her a little. “Ya’ doin’ good, Jersey. Drunk or not.”
A bang, the sound of the door to the pickup’s flatbed closing, makes them both jump in the grass. They turn their heads and look through the foliage, seeing the men step into the car and onto the loaded flatbed.
“Let’s go.” They hear one of them holler.
The engine starts and they drive out of the deserted parking lot in front of the gun shop, turn left and disappear.
“Coast is clear.” Mila declares. “Let’s get going.”
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sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Ten Things Chapter 10
Fandom: Sanders Sides Pairings: Anxceit, Royality Intrulogical Summary: Ten Things I Hate About You AU When  Roman Prince learns that Patton Foster isn’t allowed to date until his  older brother, Virgil, is, Roman is crushed. Roman’s twin brother Remus,  however, comes up with a plan: find someone who is willing to date  Virgil. And who better to ask than Janus Verona, who according to rumours is willing to do anything for the right price? Taglist (ask to be added):  @glitchybina​  @imlikeaghostzombiejesus @someone-idk-is-here @anxiety-ismy-name​ @what-aboutno​ @ellietempest​ @northlight14​
That’s right, I’m back! Been a while, I know, but I really want to push on and finish this! Aiming for fortnightly updates for now.
AO3 Link - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven  - Chapter Eight  - Chapter Nine
“I’m doing your makeup,” Patton announced, when Virgil came out of his room.
He’d just finished getting ready for the dance – black suit pants, a purple shirt, and in theory a black suit jacket, though he was currently wearing his hoodie. It was still half an hour before Virgil had to leave to go to the dance – he and Janus had decided to meet at the school - but Virgil hadn’t wanted to end up late.
He didn’t want to end up early either, because then he’d be stuck waiting around for Janus by himself.
“Who says I’m wearing makeup?” Virgil asked.
Patton just rolled his eyes, and walked past him into his room. Virgil sighed and sat down on his bed, while Patton starting browsing through Virgil’s eyeshadow supplies. It was… limited, to say the least. He only ever wore black eyeshadow, but he had another pallet that he’d brought once on a whim, but had never plucked up the courage to use.
So it wasn’t really much of a surprise that Patton turned around holding that pallet.
“Are you sure?” Virgil asked.
“It’ll look good, I promise,” Patton reassured him.
Virgil tilted his head so Patton could get a better look and closed his eyes. The brush – something his father had given him after being horrified to learn Virgil was using those disposable applicators – tickled against his skin.
“Nervous?” Patton asked.
“Who, me? Nervous about something? Never,” Virgil replied.
Patton hummed. “You shouldn’t be. This will be fun!”
“Sure,” Virgil said. He lasted about five seconds before adding, “Unless Janus sees me and regrets everything and decides to break up with me.”
“It could happen,” Virgil protested.
“Then Janus is an idiot,” Patton said. “If he decided to take you to the dance, why would he back out now?”
“I know,” Virgil said. “I know that’s not going to happen. I just-” he trailed off, not sure what else to say.
“You really like him, don’t you?” Patton asked quietly.
Patton was done with the eyeshadow now, but Virgil still kept his eyes closed. “I like him so much it terrifies me,” Virgil admitted. “I think I might be in love with him.”
“That doesn’t sound very scary,” Patton said.
“It’s scary that I might lose him.”
“You might not,” Patton pointed out. “And even if you do, you’ll still have been happy now. Open your eyes.”
Virgil did so. Patton was holding a mirror up for Virgil to look in. Instead of the usual black smears under his eyes, Patton had used purple glittery eyeshadow.
“Do you like it?” Patton asked.
“I think so,” Virgil said. He tilted his head to get a better look. “What about you? What are you going to wear?”
Patton chewed the inside of his lip. “I, uh, I don’t know yet.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Pat, you’re leaving in like half an hour.”
“I know. I have something, but I’m not sure if I should wear it.”
“I mean, how bad could it be?” When Patton didn’t answer, Virgil added, “Okay, how about this: You go put whatever it is on, and I’ll tell you if wearing it will be social suicide.”
Patton managed a small smile, but he still didn’t look certain. “Right. Thanks, Virgil.”
Patton scurried out of his room, almost running into Remy, who was on his way in.
“So,” Remy said. “You’re going to the dance.”
“Yeah,” Virgil said.
“With Janus.”
“I don’t like him.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Nobody likes him.”
“You do,” Remy pointed out, and Virgil didn’t say anything because yeah, he really fucking liked Janus.
“You did say I could date who I wanted,” Virgil said, slightly defensive.
“I did,” Remy admitted. “And you’re a smart kid. So long as he’s not a dick to you, I guess I’ll just have to live with it.”
“Right,” Virgil said, and then, because he had no idea what else he was supposed to say in a situation like this, “Thanks.”
Remy looked like he was about to say something else, when Patton appeared in the doorway.
Virgil hadn’t known what to expect from Patton’s outfit – he was fairly certain most guys would be just wearing suits. He figured Patton was probably just feeling self-conscious – even if that was usually Virgil’s thing.
Instead, Patton was wearing a blue, floor-length dress, with a blue pashmina wrap around his arms.
“Wow,” Remy said. “Patton, you look amazing.”
Patton ducked his head. “You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. You- fuck, you’re all grown up.”
Patton grinned, and then turned to Virgil. “Virgil? What do you think?”
And Virgil – Virgil wasn’t sure. The dress looked good on Patton, there was no denying that, but, well, it was still a dress. And while their school was fairly progressive, Virgil knew first hand that it had its fair share of assholes. It was a risk, and every part of Virgil was hardwired for avoiding risks.
Patton noticed Virgil’s hesitation, and the smile slipped off his face. Crap, now Virgil knew he’d messed up.
“It’s not that I don’t like it,” Virgil hurried to explain. “It’s just – it makes you stand out. And that can get you hurt.”
“It can,” Patton said. “But maybe some risks are worth taking.”
“And some risks aren’t. Sometimes the best thing to do is to play it safe.”
“But not always,” Patton countered. “And I trust the dress.”
“But does the dress deserve that trust, if it’s already hurt you before?”
“That wasn’t the dress’s fault. The dress was just trying to help.”
“Okay,” Remy interrupted. “Virgil, Patton, my sons, the lights of my life, the only things in this world I love more than coffee, I am begging you, please stop pretending you’re talking about formalwear here.”
Virgil grimaced, and looked at Patton.
“Janus could hurt you,” Patton pointed out.
“That’s different.”
“Because it’s not you,” Virgil said. “It’s- I’m supposed to keep you safe.”
“But you can’t, not completely. The world doesn’t work like that. There’s always a risk of being hurt, so why shouldn’t I take a risk of being happy first?”
Virgil sighed, and slumped his shoulders. “I still don’t like him. Or trust him. But I guess I can learn to… tolerate him. And I am happy for you.”
Patton smiled. “I’m happy for you, too. Really, I am.”
“Great, glad that’s cleared up,” Remy said. “Now, speaking of staying safe, I know you’re young and have all sorts of feelings, so: whatever you do, make sure you use protection.”
“Oh, God,” Virgil muttered. “I can’t deal with this.”
“Dad!” Patton squeaked. “I’m not planning on doing anything like that.”
Before Remy could answer, there was a knock at the door, saving all three of them.
“That’s Roman!” Patton cried. He ran his hands over his skirt. “Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He’ll love it, Pat,” Virgil said.
Patton grinned, and hurried to the door. He hesitated a moment, and straightened out his dress. It was fine, Virgil had said it would be fine, and Roman was the only one who’s opinion he cared about, anyway. He took a deep breath, and flung open the door.
Roman’s eyes widened as soon as he saw Patton. He himself was – well, he was wearing a red ball gown, with a white jacket over it.
“Hi,” Patton said, feeling better about his own dress.
But Roman didn’t answer, instead, he just kept staring at Patton.
Patton fidgeted at his skirt nervously. “Is something wrong? If you don’t like it, I can go change-”
“No,” Roman cried, a little too loud. “No, I mean, it’s- wow.” Roman grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. You look amazing, Patton.”
Patton felt his cheeks heat up. “Oh, it’s nothing, I just saw it in the shop and thought ‘hey, that looks really cool’, you know? You look really good too. I mean, you probably look any better than me. Not that’s it a competition or anything, but- I’m going to stop talking now.”
Roman laughed, but it was the fond kind of laugh, like they were both in on the joke. He held out one arm. “Well, Mr Foster, will you accompany me to the dance?”
Patton giggled and took the arm. “Why yes, Mr Prince, I think I will.”
 Janus was about half a second away from snapping and leaving.
Students and their dates filtered in around him, crossing the parking lot where he was waiting on their way to the school gym. He saw Roman and Patton go by, both wearing dresses, and Roman shot Janus a smug look that Janus refused to think about.
And here Janus was, waiting for his date to arrive for a dance. At school.
Janus was rather certain that this would end up being a disaster, somehow.
A familiar car pulled up and Janus straightened. Virgil looked uncomfortable as he got out, though as soon as he saw Janus, he froze and stared. Janus went still, wondering what it was Virgil was staring at, if he really looked that terrible. He forced himself to not let it show on his face, to stroll over as if he had no concern in the world.
“Something wrong?” Janus asked, trying to keep his voice light.
Virgil blinked, and seemed to come back into himself. “You, uh, you look really good,” he admitted, and Janus was certain Virgil was blushing under his foundation.
Oh. Janus hadn’t expected that. He’d been told he looked handsome, of course, but not since the accident. He’d considered wearing makeup to cover it up and eventually decided against it. What would the point be, when everyone already knew what he looked like?
“Oh,” Janus said. “Thank you.” Virgil’s eyeshadow was different today, purple instead of the usual black. “You look good, too.”
They’d ended up coordinating by accident, as Virgil’s suit had a purple shirt, while Janus’ had a yellow one. Though while Virgil had left it at that, Janus had gone further, adding a bow tie, a bowler hat and a pair of yellow gloves to the outfit, because if Janus was here, he was going to make sure everyone knew about it.
“Right,” Virgil said, not sounding convinced, though he still smiled at the complement. Janus chalked that up as a win.
“Shall we?” Janus asked, gesturing to the school. Virgil nodded and they both walked inside together.
Inside, the gym was packed with people. Most were dancing, though there were some sat in the chairs dotted around the edge of the room and talking. How they were able to hear themselves over the blaring of the music – some pop song that Janus didn’t care to identify – was a mystery. On the opposite side of the hall to the entrance was a make-shift bar serving mocktails, which already had a cluster of people surrounding it.
Virgil stopped in the entrance, and Janus stopped next to him. He reached out and grabbed Janus’ hand, tight. Janus watched his face, so he’d be able to tell if he needed to drag Virgil somewhere quieter, but after a moment, Virgil nodded and said, “Okay, let’s go.”
They moved further into the gym, so they were out of the way of the entrance.
“Shall we dance?” Janus suggested.
He wasn’t expecting Virgil to agree, not yet. He imagined Virgil would need a while to acclimatise first, like a swimmer getting into a cold pool. But Virgil surprised him by straightening his shoulders and nodding.
It was Virgil that led the way onto the dance floor. And Janus was struck by the horrifying realisation that he didn’t know how to dance.
He’d learned to dance as a kid, back when his parents still liked to trot him out at parties, but that had been formal dances. He barely ever went to house parties, and when he did, he’d never danced at them. So far, he’d managed to avoid the issue with Virgil.
“You okay?” Virgil asked – or rather, Janus guessed that Virgil was asking that by his lips, he couldn’t actually hear him over the music.
“I can’t dance,” Janus admitted, having to shout embarrassingly loud to be heard.
Virgil’s eyes widened and he smiled, though it wasn’t mocking. He took Janus’ hands and began to move.
“Just- do what feels right,” Virgil said.
That didn’t sound right, compared to all the rules from childhood, but he followed Virgil’s lead. It felt awkward at first, but as the songs changed, he began to get into it. As it turned out, his parent’s lessons had actually left him with a good sense of rhythm.
Virgil laughed as Janus spun him, and then the music changed, from the poppy nonsense to a slower song. This was closer to what Janus was used to, and he took advantage of that whole-heartedly, pulling Virgil closer to him and beginning to slow dance.
That close to each other, and with Virgil staring into his eyes, Janus couldn’t stop himself from leaning forwards and kissing him. Virgil returned the kiss, but as soon as they were done, he pulled away, and led Janus to the side of the room.
“Are you okay?” Janus asked.
“Fine,” Virgil said. “I just need a minute.”
Janus nodded, and scanned the room for a quite spot. He found one, and led Virgil over to it.
“Do you need anything?” Janus asked.
Virgil shrugged, and then said, “Maybe a drink?”
Janus nodded. “Wait here,” he said, and crossed the room to the bar, which was currently crowded. A well timed glare was enough to drive a few people away, but still more didn’t seem to notice him.
Back by the wall, Virgil watched Janus, then looked around the room. He spotted Patton, dancing with Roman. They looked lost in each other, but somehow, Patton noticed him and waved. Virgil smiled and gave a two fingered salute back. Roman followed Patton’s gaze and looked over. His face seemed to freeze when he saw Virgil, and Virgil had to fight not to laugh at it.
Roman did manage an awkward nod, though, and Virgil returned it, and then Patton pulled Roman’s attention away and said something to him, and they were lost in the crowd of dancers again.
He didn’t notice Luc until Luc was right beside him. Virgil scowled.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“I need to talk to you,” Luc said.
“Cool,” Virgil said flatly, and he started walking away. Luc grabbed Virgil’s arm. Virgil glared at him. “Let go of me.”
Luc sneered. “You think you’re such hot shit with your boyfriend, don’t you?”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “I’m not the one who spends all my time mad about something that happened years ago.”
Luc’s face darkened. “You really think you’re better than me,” he said. “You don’t even know how pathetic you are. It really was only Janus Verona who was willing to date you.”
Virgil tensed. “Whatever you’re talking about, I don’t care,” he said.
“What do you think Roman did to convince him?” Luc asked. “I’d guess money, but Roman didn’t even seem to think you were worth that.”
“What are you talking about?” Virgil asked.
Luc laughed. “You think Janus just happened to fall head over heels with you? Roman was running around the whole school looking for someone he could convince to date you. Something about wanting to date your brother.”
Virgil went cold. New rule, his father had said, weeks ago. Patton can date when Virgil does.
Luc was full of shit, but there were only a handful of people who knew about that rule. Virgil and Patton, of course, and Logan was also a given, but he wouldn’t have said anything to Luc. Roman would probably know, too. And it was the Monday after that Janus had first spoken to him, had first taken an interest.
He’d later said he’d been impressed by what Virgil had said in English, but the first time they’d spoken had been before that English class. And now that he thought about it, Virgil realised that Janus had never explained it. He hadn’t explained a lot of things, for that matter.
“Is there a problem?” Janus’ smooth voice cut in, and Virgil flinched. Janus had returned, carrying two cups, and he was glaring at Luc.
“Probably,” Luc said, before turning and disappearing. Virgil barely noticed him go. Something very loud was thundering in his ears.
“Hey,” Janus said. “What’s wrong? What did he say?”
“Why did you ask me out?” Virgil asked.
“You never spoke to me. I don’t think you even noticed me, and then suddenly you asked me out. Why?”
Janus’ face shuttered. “What did Luc say?” he asked, and well, that just about proved everything, didn’t it?
“No ulterior motive, huh?” Virgil said flatly, and he started walking away.
He couldn’t be here, couldn’t be with Janus, couldn’t be in this hall. He needed to get out, get away, to somewhere this all made sense.
“Virgil, wait,” Janus said, following. Virgil pushed his way out of the doors of the gym, into the now empty corridor outside. A few seconds later, Janus followed.
“Tell me he was wrong about the money,” Virgil said, because if so then maybe-
But Janus froze, and for a liar he was very bad at hiding his facial expressions.
“Oh,” Virgil said.
“Virgil-” Janus tried.
Virgil laughed shakily. “I knew something was up. What was it, half up front, and half when I slept with you?”
“It wasn’t like that,” Janus said. “I didn’t care about the money, I only cared about you.”
And Virgil really, really wanted to believe that, to believe that everything could be okay. But Virgil couldn’t trust Janus, not now. He shook his head and stepped away from him.
“Virgil, please.”
“Don’t,” Virgil snarled. “Just- get the fuck out of my life, okay?”
He turned and stormed away before Janus could say anything else, before Janus could keep lying, the way he had been lying the whole time they’d known each other.
Virgil should have known.
Should have known better than to trust someone like Janus. Should have known better than to think anyone would be interested in him.
This time, he managed to make it all the way out of the school before someone else called his name.
“Virgil!” Patton.
Virgil kept walking, not in the mood to see anyone, but apparently that wasn’t enough to stop Patton. He caught up to Virgil and grabbed his arm. Virgil pulled his arm away, but stopped walking.
“What happened?” Patton asked, concern etched onto his face. “You seemed so happy, and then you were storming away.” Virgil didn’t respond, so Patton kept trying. “I saw Janus. He seemed upset. Did- did you get into a fight?”
A fight was one way to put it. God, he’d been so stupid.
And if Janus and Roman had been conspiring together, who else had?
Luc had said that Roman was the one responsible, but the whole thing had helped Patton, too. And Patton had seemed so upset when Remy had told them they weren’t able to date.
Patton had been the one to ask Virgil to go to the party, because he’d been able to see Roman there. And then Virgil and Janus had spent the whole time together.
“Did you know?” Virgil asked, horror growing within him.
“Know what?”
“About Janus. About Roman, and what they-“ Virgil shook his head. “Were you- were you laughing behind my back this whole time?”
“Virgil, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Look, why don’t you come inside, okay? You can tell me what happened.”
Virgil shook his head. “Stop,” he snapped. “Just- leave me alone, okay? This is all your fault.”
He turned and walked away, leaving Patton alone. Tears were pricking at his eyes, but he couldn’t let himself cry, not yet. He made it to his car, and it was as if something else was controlling him as he got in, started the car, and began to drive home.
He glanced back in the rear-view mirror before leaving the parking lot, just in case someone was still out there, trying to talk to him.
But no one was, and so Virgil drove into the night alone.
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Birthday - Becca’s Saturday
Request:  Sherlock and reader get drunk please x Can you do one where it’s Sherlock birthday and the reader gives him birthday sex
Word count: 2,069
Warnings: Smut
A/N: So... I didn’t delete this from my To-do list and I was SURE I hadn’t done it before but it turns out I did and not only did I write it but I also did two separate fics... AND I only found out about it after I was done writing this. I am, in fact, super pissed @ myself for not noticing before. So yeah... Here it goes again. 
You can read the original smut here.
You can read the original drunk fic here.
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Burning candles, a bright pink cake that tasted like crap, lots of balloons and confetti that would be a real pain to clean up, and all because they had finally discovered Sherlock’s birthday.
He hadn’t told them before precisely because he knew they would do such a thing, but it was too late now and there was no turning back.
The music had been too loud, and the company was not the best – though they were all Sherlock’s dear friends along with his assistant (Y/N).
After the so-called party, everyone went back to their places except for (Y/N) who was cleaning the flat.
Sherlock had hired her as an attempt to make John jealous, but it turned out she was pretty useful. She knew how to clean, make tea, and was very organized. She was in charge of checking beforehand if the cases presented to Sherlock were interesting enough or not… Most of the time, she got it right. She also made sure to keep the blog updated with extra content to fill in the gaps until John wrote another story.
Her sweet attitude was also an advantage. Mrs Hudson loved her, and so did everyone who dared come inside 221B Baker Street. She managed to make children talk, keep Donovan away from Sherlock’s belongings, and she also became friends with John.
“Did you like the cake?” She asked as she swept confetti off the floor. Sherlock was on his chair, and had been observing her for a while now.
“It tasted like cardboard,” he said. (Y/N) giggled.
“I told John he should’ve gotten carrot cake instead of… whatever he got you,” she said. “I could ask if you liked each of the things he prepared but that would be a waste of time for both of us.”
Sherlock laughed. “It would.”
“Was there anything you liked?”
“Nope,” he got up and grabbed his violin. He started playing to the rhythm of (Y/N) sweeping.
“You’re too hard on John,” she said, “you are too hard on everyone, but John… He’s just nice.”
“You are nice, I’m hard with you, what’s the difference?”
“I get paid.”
Sherlock stopped playing. (Y/N) finished sweeping and emptied the dust pan on the bin.
She stood right in front of him and looked at him directly in the eyes.
“Happy birthday, Mr Holmes,” she said and walked away.
“How?” Sherlock inquired just as she was about to put her coat on.
“How what?”
“How do I… be not hard to John?”
“Just be a nice person,” she replied.
“How do I become a nice person?”
“You’d have to be a normal person first,” she joked. Sherlock remained quiet and so she realised he was serious. “Are you willing to do that for him?”
“He is my best friend,” Sherlock confessed in a robotic voice.
“Well,” she took off her coat, “you must start somewhere. What do you want to know?”
“Well, given the situation, teach me how a normal person would celebrate their birthday.”
(Y/N) scoffed. “That depends on the person.”
“How would you celebrate it?”
“You are the most regular person I’ve ever known,” Sherlock stated.
“Wow, thanks!”
“I mean it in a good way,” Sherlock cleared. “Everyone likes you, you’re nice and you’re the only one who dares to look me dead in the eye and tell me their actual thoughts… Not only when you’re pissed at me.”
(Y/N) left her coat on the rack and came back.
“Celebrating my birthday is… Different from this.”
“Teach me.”
“Give me a sec…” She took out her phone and started clicking it non-stop.
“What are you doing?”
“Ordering some things,” she replied.
Next thing he knew, four bottles of wine, a bottle of tequila, and a six pack of beer arrived by the hand of a very young delivery man. Sherlock stared at them dumbfounded while (Y/N) paid.
“They won’t kill you,” she said.
“I didn’t take you for an alcoholic,” he replied.
“Social alcoholic and technically we all are.”
“By all I assume you mean normal people,” he inquired and (Y/N) nodded.
“Pick your poison.”
“My what?” Sherlock was alarmed.
“I mean,” she smirked, “choose what you want to drink first.
“Er…” He glared at the bottles, “beer is fine for me.”
Six beers, ten shots, and half a bottle of wine after Sherlock and (Y/N) were on the floor, laughing at nothing at all.
“So normal people just remain drunk all the time, yes?” Sherlock started theorizing, “That’s why you are all nice!”
(Y/N) simply laughed.
“No but seriously…” Sherlock slurred, “Would you say I’m nice?”
“I think it is very nice that you care so much for John.”
Sherlock smiled and rested his head on her shoulder.
“I like the perfume you’re wearing,” he whispered.
“It’s the one I wear every day.”
“I know, I like it,” he closed his eyes. “And I like the fact that you wear it daily.”
“Are you poking my legs?” She laughed.
“I am…” Sherlock replied, “Is this normal? Is this what normal people do when they’re drunk and nice and normal? I feel like poking your legs.” He quick fired.
She laughed harder. “It is normal when you’re drunk! What’s NOT normal is THAT!” she said pointing at his erection.
It took him too long to notice it, but finally, Sherlock shook his head and sat up straight.
“I didn’t think it would do this,” he explained, “Alcohol does something that makes this not happen…” He looked back at her, “I think it likes you.”
“I think you like me,” (Y/N) flirted.
“You’re right!” Sherlock widened his eyes.
“I’m your assistant!” She laughed.
“Well…” Sherlock hesitated. “Assist me.”
“You’re my friend and it… I like you.” (Y/N) pushed him playfully and Sherlock fell to the side. “I’m serious,” he said, “What would a normal person do with this?”
“Well…” she said, seductively walking her fingers all the way down to his zipper. “I got to undo this…” she pulled the zipper down and pulled down his pants. Sherlock stared, helping only a bit by lifting his hips to make it quicker. His erection popped out. “And now I…”
“Yes?” Sherlock whispered. She licked her lips.
“I give it a little kiss…” She slurred and lowered her head just enough to kiss the tip.
Sherlock shivered under her lips, giving her a sign to keep going. She pecked little kisses all over the shaft right before finally opening her mouth and sucking it down.
At first, she was bobbing her head slowly, but as Sherlock started feeling better he continued to thrust her hips towards her face until he opted for holding her head in place and just thrusting in at the pace he wanted.
She was drooling, breathing heavily, and her face was all flushed. Sherlock thought it was the most erotic view he’d ever witness.
After a couple minutes, Sherlock stopped and allowed her to move. She massaged the side of her mouth and glared at him the way he liked.
“How else may I assist you, Mr Holmes?”
“Take off your underwear,” he commanded.
(Y/N) started by taking off her shoes and, when she was about to take her skirt off, Sherlock stopped her.
“Just the underwear.”
She obliged, pulling her panties down from under her skirt and removing them. She wasn’t wearing a bra, so she kneeled back down right after that.
Sherlock held her hips and guided her on top of him. Slowly, pushing inside her wet core. (Y/N) moaned softly as her body adjusted to his length.
Once her pelvis was against his, she started moving her hips in circles. Slowly at first, they started building a rhythmic pace together. Soft moans filled up the room, it was their moment of intimacy and neither of them wanted anyone else to listen.
“Wait,” she said, stopping abruptly.
“What?” Sherlock asked, afraid that there might be something wrong.
“My knees hurt,” she blurted. They giggled nervously for a second before getting lost in each other’s eyes. “I should get up.”
“You should,” Sherlock smiled.
(Y/N) smiled and got up, feeling the sudden coolness of Sherlock’s absence between her legs.
Sherlock got up as well and held her hand, guiding her to his room.
(Y/N) had never been there before and was glad to finally see it. It was messy, Sherlock kind of messy, and it smelled like his cologne and it represented his personality more than what he’d dare to admit.
Sherlock stopped by the side of the bed and pulled her just enough for her face to be inches away from his.
He puckered up and pecked her lips. He tasted of cigarettes and alcohol, with a slight hint of that awful cake John had bought for him. (Y/N) laughed to her insides and deepened the kiss as she pushed him to lie on the bed.
He did so and she started getting undressed. First, she took her shirt off and then her skirt. Sherlock mimicked her by taking his own clothes off and unmade the bed.
(Y/N) joined him as Sherlock tucked himself under the blankets. They were facing each other, and (Y/N) placed one of her legs over his opposite hip and he pulled her even closer right before thrusting her again.
His thrusts were deep and paced, hitting all the good spots and making her squirm between his arms. With the beat of his thrusts, he started pushing her back so that he’d end up on top.
She started rubbing her clit with one hand and started massaging Sherlock’s nape with the other. Without breaking eye contact, she felt a wave of heat that ended in an orgasm. Her whole body tensed, her mouth fell to a big O, and her legs shook. Sherlock took that as a sign that he was doing a great job and continued moving until she relaxed again.
“You look beautiful,” he mumbled, making her smirk.
“You only say that because I’m here,” she stated. Sherlock’s pace slowed down.
“I’m saying it because it’s what I can see,” he said and kissed her cheek, making his way down to her neck and ending up in her breasts. He didn’t quite know what to do then so he simply nibbled her nipples in whichever way he heard her moan harder.
He moved back to her lips and then pulled out. Before she could complain, he instructed her to turn to the side. He lay down on the other side, so her back was turned to him and managed to thrust her that way.
With one hand he rubbed her clit and with the other he played with her breasts, all while he thrusted into her. She closed her eyes and moaned over and over again until she started feeling her walls clenching, ready for another orgasm.
As the heat wave took over her body, Sherlock stopped once again and pulled out, this time it was to cum. The squirt landed partly over (Y/N)’s body and partly on the bedsheet.
They panted for a couple seconds. They were no longer drunk; in fact, they hadn’t been drunk for a while now, so they didn’t know how to proceed.
“How do you call that?” Sherlock broke the silence.
“Birthday sex,” (Y/N) answered without turning to look back at him.
“Happy birthday to me, then.” Sherlock started laughing. (Y/N) followed him with shy giggles. “Can you please turn around?”
(Y/N) inhaled deeply and turned around. Her face was blushed and her hair was a mess. Sherlock, however, didn’t seem to notice that.
“Thank you for coping with me.”
“It’s my job.” She smiled at him. “I should get going,” she said, “my roommate will start to wonder when I’ll be back.”
“Yes, of course,” he nodded.
(Y/N) got out of the blankets shyly. It was weird to be naked in front of her boss right after having sex with him, but then again working with Sherlock Holmes had never been a normal job.
She began to get dressed as Sherlock observed her. He looked content, yet expectant.
“When do I have free time for coffee?”
“Coffee?” She asked. She didn’t have his agenda memorised but she knew he would be busy that week. “Well, if you drink it fast enough you should…” Sherlock glared at her. The realisation finally fell upon her. “That’s what normal people do, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” she nodded.
“So, coffee?”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
You meet the League and butt heads with Clark.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Panic attacks
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You sat in the back of the batmobile for what felt like hours lost in your own thoughts, you regreted this already, why rock the boat now? you were fine, you were learning how to do this on your own, you didn't need anyone they'd get in the way Or hurt! Then they'd hate you, hunt you down, you wouldn't get away! Either that or they'd see you for the monster you was and just leave you somwhere this was a stupid idea, a silly childish hope of a fairytale ending of a home ,acceptance the hope of finding people who will understand, they wont, no one understands they can't. You panicked your breathing shallow, out! you had to get out slowly you looked around looking for the hinge that held the door infront of you closed it had flipped up like a trunk but in your panicked state you wouldnt be able to concentrate enough to send out your ripple instead you had to touch it you fumbled with the harness style seat belt cursing when your fingers couldn't grip finally useing your power the split the mechanism down the seam it must have sent a warning to him in the front as you heard his voice a few seconds later.
"Kid? Calm down Whats the matter?-" 
"NO! Let me out stop, I've changed my mind I can do it on my own!" You cried out leaning forward blindly running your hands over the top of the door sliding your palms hurried wanting to find the weak spot to tear at sniffling as tears began falling blurring your vision 'stupid your so stupid!' You thought repeating over and over scrabbling over the top you couldnt find it! He continued talking low and calm trying to ease you out of your panic attack.
"Hey kid its okay your scared its natural to be scared okay? But I promise whatever your think is going to happen isn't, none of us are going to let anything happen to you, just take some deep breaths for me in......then out.....again for me in ...... and out....." you closed your eyes doing as he said kneeling on the floor shivering from the aftermath of your break down as you felt the vehicle stop. You slumped resting your head on the door in front of you and spoke in a quiet voice
"I can't do it again" You held your breath when you got no reply had he listened? 
"Do what again?" You stayed silent he wouldn't have it and asked again in a different way
"What are you afraid of? Tell me so I can help, we just want to help"
"....I'm better off alone.." and there it was your words were loud and clear Bruce read between the lines the truth behind your fear and panic,abandonment, a kid who lost her parents and has been passed here there and everywhere thrown from home to home until finally you run away deciding you dont need anyone else he sighed.
"We wont leave you, not now your here weather you belive it or not the second you stepped into this car you were one of us and the others are eager to meet you" 
"And when I hurt one of you? It will happen it always does its why they get rid of me." You venom in your voice made his blood go cold, you sounded like one of the many nut jobs he put away behind bars, the ones that wanted to watch the city burn with everyone in it ,all he could do was hope he wasn't to late.
"The only one you could hurt is me and if I'm not mistaken we have been over that already and you said so yourself you caught it, was I angry? Did I shout and attack you? Or call for back up? I could have but did I?"
 You looked down fidgeting with your fingers a little feeling small he almost sounded like a parent and not in that hyped up I'm right and your wrong way you were used to it was more like trying to get you to understand him something you hadnt heard in a long time.
"Well? I expect an answer young lady"
"No, you didn't do none of those things"
"Right and you know why? It was an accident and accidents happen, besides one of us will always be there to watch out for you,everyone in this place is faster then you physically we are all stronger than you there is no need to worry, now lets go meet the team, We are already here." You sniffed a little wiping at your eyes.
"I suppose....I'm scared" He chuckled at that you sounded so tiny and vulnerable 
"No their not scary at all come on" you waited a few breaths then the door opened and he was in front of you he sighed quickly lifting you out palcing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You looked around this place was huge with various different vehicles air land and sea all in matte black spanning the length of the huge space.
"Holy shit..." he hummed in agreement 
"Immpressive huh?" You looked around some you recgonized from news footage in gotham.
"Yeah you have a lot of.....weird  things here" he shrugged just happy that your little break down had passed, he knew the others were watching through the security eager to meet you, but he wanted to make sure you were okay. He cleared his throat nodding to the elevator that would take you up into the main tower.
"This way we can go and meet the team then get you settled in for the night" you blinked at him
"What?" He crossed his arms standing tall
"Well it is nearly eleven pm and your only what fourteen? you shouldnt be up this time, what about school?"
"Im sixteen and I don't go to school I do online...when I can be bothered" he sighed walking to the elevator you trailed behind him as he sent it moving up.
"Fine, either way you can stay here tonight, there is a room ready for you" you nodded a little apprehensive finally the doors opened revealing a huge room with a large round table the others sat around it smileing at you batman pushed you forward when he saw you freeze a little the small nudge sent you walking forward into the room. Wonder woman was the first to approach you with a smile
"Hello Im Diana its nice to meet you we're glad you decided to come" she was beautiful ,polite and looked kind, you almost forgot how powerfull she was just by speakjng to her
"H-hi Im y/n its....nice to meet you too" you said quietly scanning the room still nervous looking for escapes just incase, the window, thick glass but doable not sure how far the free fall would be- your thoughts were interrupted by a gruff voice
"I wouldn't we're pretty high" you snapped your gaze up to Aquaman he was....unerving to say the least, he gave of a chill and slightly playfull attitude.
"What?" He smirked nodding to the window
"Your checking for escape I could see it in your eyes, hell sometimes I want to throw myself out the window to escape this lot but were pretty high, I mean wonder boy over there would catch you no doubt but still waste of a window dont ya think?" You smiled a little blushing tangling your hands in your hoodie.
"Itd be fixed before I was a quarter of the way down, its just a habit.Sorry" He smiled waving it off
"Nah your fine its smart you want a back up plan I'm Arthur by the way." You nodded still lookkng around everyone noted you didn't drift to far from Bruce which in a way was good he become a sort of saftey net it seemed. They all new what happened on the way here and downstairs. You were holding up well considering how terrified you were. They all drifted to the table taking their seats, when you didn't follow Bruce came up behind you taking your bag walking to the huge round glase table you followed behind him.
"Jesus what do you have in here? Thats way to heavy for you to be lugging around" he complaind as he set it down lettingnyou take a seat next to him.
"Books,clothes, my phone ,headphones and purse I take everything with me when I leave the homes, its easyier that way don't have to go hunting for it later" you shrugged everyone in the room frowned. It was Clark who began speaking
"So thats everything you own?" You nodded a little scared of him if you were honest you were scared of all of them.
"Pretty much, when it comes to foster homes in Gotham their not the best to put it bluntly us kids are money makers, the state pays them to take me in, when your younger theres more to it they put you somewhere nice with good poeple that care, you know try to make you a model citizen all that crap but teens no we get the shit ones given a bed and told to get on with it we are lost causes by this point just waiting to age out and be fucked off, I haven't been to my foster home in three weeks they haven't tried to get in touch or anything they dont care, occasionally they file a missing persons report and police find you and take you back but thats only cos of the inspections if I aint there when the do a spot check the money stops and they can be stricken off the register loose about $400 a month, but I prefer being out on my own" He frowned crossing his arms infront of his chest taking a deep breath leaning back, you fidgited a little under his intense gaze leaning to Bruce he didn't look happy at all and you weren't sure what you'd done but you felt like you'd irritated him, you cast a glance to Batman who was giving you a similar look making you gulp.
"So where have you been sleeping then for these three weeks?" you snapped your head back to the Man of steel.
".......with freinds and stuff....." he raised an eyebrow he didn't need to hear your pulse change to know you were lying it was clear from the way you spoke quiet and high but he would leave it for now.
"Well from now on you will be home by eight at the latest" you blinked you were expecting an argument or some dismissive 'oh it can't be that bad' but not a curfew... honestly you wasn't sure what to make of it and that made you angry, you wasn't used to people caring for you, your first instinct is to scare them away.
"err what? not being funny but I'm here to get my freaky power under control not to get a fucking life coach, had one he quit...like not just me he quit completely something about having the devil inside or something...Not sure if that was aimed at me tho...Probably...He was old as shit" you shut up when he tilted his head leaning back it was a very...Parental gesture you swear your dad did the same thing when he was alive.
"Well that was before I learned of your situation and the fact that your living on the streets at the moment." you growled at him any fear replaced with anger and a little panic he knew... he definitely knew you were lying the air rippled around you coming to life.
"Are you deaf? I've been staying with friends.... Not that its any of your fucking business" 
"Friends from your online classes you never do? now I don't see that somehow" you shook glaring at him 
"Fuck you!" he stood up not taking notice of the way your eyes glowed you panicked normally that was enough to make them back off he wasn't, standing you faltered not sure what to do you wanted to scare him off, make him back down but you didn't want to hurt him, you freaked out a little as he continued coming around towards you swearing trying to pull back your power not wanting to attack him but in the state you were in it was hard you couldn't grasp it you winced hearing the crackling of the floor beneath you fighting it as it tried to rise up toward him.
"Calm down. I know your lying I can hear it in your pulse now I know for a fact that you've been on the streets and I'm guessing its more because your frightened of hurting them rather than all this teenage 'better of alone' bravado your trying to play it off as. And as for having a life coach Instead of that you'll be getting a family"
"Shut up!" you were really panicking now he had managed to figure you out break past your walls quick and you wanted him to stop.
"...I know your a good kid and have had a rough ride having to grow up to soon now its time to be a kid again. So from now on you will have a safe place to stay each night sometimes that will be here other times it will be with one of us" he kept coming slowly towards you, you stepped back only everyone watch tense but not out of fear or trepidation just ready to dodge what ever you might do.
"I'm not going to be a fucking charity case- this was a bad idea Im leaving" you made to grab your bag  but it wasnt by you chair anymore you swore 
"Your not leaving and your not going to be a charity casenow calm yourself down" 
"What you can't force me to stay here!" You backed off now sending out your power feelkng for your bag wanting to get out of here fast, this was a stupid thing to do, trust people? You cant trust anyone.
"I will if I think thats whats best for you,you can't hurt me... You can't hurt any of us and that is probably scaring you isn't it? its been a long time since you wasn't the strongest person in the room, since you were able to be yourself with out having to have absolute control of every thought and movement... I know because I've been there myself when I was growing up and the shock and fear I had fighting Zod and Batman it was frightening realizing that I could be hurt, its terrifying having something you don't understand or control and you think no one will understand, thats the same for each of us at some point we realized we are not like everyone else and we were alone wanting help someone to turn to thats why we are going to help you, so you can have some form of normality" you gave him a side glance shaking he understood? you thought he must of had it worse you couldn't imagine having to deal with his abilities. 
"Normal? Thats not an option for me, people can't even touch me" you cried out as he sped towards you tuggeding you forward to him making you jump everything happed so fast you couldn't catch it you closed your eyes tight shaking like a leaf knowing that you'd just attacked him unintentionally probably killed him you whined waiting for the inevitable attacks from the others instead the hug tightened he chuckled 
"Look its okay"slowly you opened your eyes looking down the small spikes had snapped as they touched him instead of impaling him you gasped stepping back.
"They didn't?" he smiled shaking his head.
"No they cant...I told you, you cant hurt us" you smiled a little sniffling as tears escaped you felt silly but happy relieved you might be able stay here... you could be here with them with out worrying about loosing control they can handle it.
"I-I dont have to run?" he smiled pulling you back against him
"No you dont have to run...I'm sorry I had to make you attack me it was the only way to make you see you can't hurt me and its the same with Victor, Arthur and Diana Barry is to fast and Bruce well he will think of somthing he usually does, here you can be yourself and relax a little be a kid again and yes that means rules and curfews" you smiled nervously as he retreated a little he was sad you hadnt returned the hug he could tell you were touch straved and you probably didn't even know it.
"I-I cant stay what about the social workers-"
"Hey what did he just say? you be the kid we will deal with all that." it was Diana who had interrupted as supes made his way back to his seat faster then you could register pulling back looking at the floor correcting it as you sat back down.
".... was a dick move tho supes"
"Clark call me Clark, no need for our other names here we're family" you nodded a little it sounded strange when he said it. 
"and I would appreciate it if you watched your mouth its not lady like" you snorted 
"The only lady like thing on me is my v-jay" you deadpanned Arthur roared up at that as Clark rolled his eyes next to introduce themselves was a man who didn't look much older than you.
"Hi I'm Barry, its great to have someone not old here now, they look fun but they are all boring" you laughed at to chorus of grunts and scoffs.
"Well I can't promise I'll be much fun.." he shook his head
"Seriously? I cant wait to see you in action properly, its one thing to see it on screen but honestly, I wanna see you do the glass thing how does that work anyway? Like how do you do what you do?" You leaned back into your chair.
"Err its kind of weird.... its like ripples?" he tilted his head
"Ripples?" You nodded nervous knowing everyone was listening.
"Yeah o-or waves, Im always sending them out  and I can feel everything they feel.... so sitting here I can feel the wall over there.....its close so I can make better sense of it and have better control I can move it like clay.... then to fix the things I break I just zip them up....I can show you if you like? and its okay?"you looked around the room everyone nodded a gruff
"Just be careful" came from behind you, within seconds your eyes glowed bright and the huge table shattered into hundreds of thousands of tiny pieces across everyone they stayed still holding there breath.
"did you hit it? To make it do that?" Arthur asked wanting to understand how it works.
"No I pulled it from all sides ,It feels like pulling apart a huge jigsaw when I do that.....tugging I can stretch it two but that makes it weaker I just make it thinner and larger when I do that.....then I just think of the pieces edges being a zipper that fits back together. Its ends up being so tiny you can't see it" You did as you said pressing them together slowly but surly the table mended itself creating three thirds then used the floor to push them up until it mended from the center out becoming crystal clear glass again.
"OH GOD THAT WAS SO COOL! Can you fix my phone screen its been annoying me for weeks?" You nodded as he produce the phone and you quicky fixed it for him he stared at it in awe running his fingner over wheee the cracks were
"Thats so cool...And usefull"
"Phsychokinesis" you turned slowly to the final man.....cyborg 
"Phsychowhatsit?" He chuckled at you
"Thats your gift its called phsychokinesis like telekinesis but instead of moving things without touching them you can manipulate physical things, their forms, but my geuss is for some reason you can pinpoint actual molecules instead of clumps of them together" you tilted your head at him you it had a proper name.
"Yeah thats right I can't make things float, only move and change em and I can't do it on anything living no plants or animals." He nodded 
"Im victor, the one who found you, I've seen you do some incredible things.....Are you aware of everything that you do or does a lot of things just happen?" You shrugged
"Most just happen, the table I did but.....when people make me jump I try to attack them" you cast a guilty glance at batman behind you he waved you off.
"I dont mean to and if I trip or fall the ground softens ,if i fall really high it rises to catch me...water to I can't go onnthe diving board it gets weird...I don't do any of that either just happens....but I catch them most of the time before things go to bad"
"Self preservation, you said you send out these....Ripples all the time? You cant pull them back?"
"No I tried once it really hurt it was like....It felt like someong ripping my skin off, of burning my nerves i passed out in under a mineut....my fault tho" Arthur sat up leaning over the table
"Whats your fault?" You smiled sadly
"I- after I killed my parents I put it away it was an accident but it was me who did it.....Stopped useing it completly I'd suppressed it then about a year ago.... yeah I had to use it to save my freinds on a school trip... I tried to sheild them protect them, but the oil tanker was huge! I couldnt hold it for long and as much as I wanted to I just couldnt push it back to the water and......my gift it was much stronger then I remembered it hurt.....couldn't hold it... since then I can't put it back" 
"So you've always had it? Then surpressed it for years and then it blew up and now you can't control it?  I think it reacts to protect you, when you fall you don't want to hit the ground and be hurt so it moves to accommodate you instead your power is trying to protect you." 
"That....makes a lot of sense.... shit word tho my names gonna be fucking lame...." Barry laughed.
"eh we can thing of somthing.... well I can they all added man and woman to something" you giggled a little Diana got up smileing at you
"Y/n its late we should probably get you to bed" you blinked at her then got up slowly. Everyone said their good nights as you left the room looking around wearly
"Dont worry, nothing will happen here" she said moving closer slowly hooking an arm across your shoulder you tensed but it only flicked across the floor, like a stepping into a puddle of sand then levled again you relaxed again.
"See? Like Clark said we are family here so just think of us as your aunt and uncles we will protect you...now this is your room you can decorate it soon and there is a small ensuite to, all of us have rooms here homes away from home and soon you will probably be coming with us to our other homes aswell but for now you will stay here training for a while while we sort out the legal side of things. Im across the hall Clark is next door and Bruce two doors down"
"Bruce?" She rolled her eyes a little snorting
"Batman, he always finds a way to hide his own name paranoid bat" you sighed frowning
"ho-how are you going to sort out the social worker thing? I know you said not to worry but I wont be able to sleep..." she smiled patting your shoulder sitting on the bed with you.
"Adoption and as much as I would love to adopt you from what just happend I'm pretty sure Clark isn't going to let anyone else do it"
"Sounds like you knew my situation befor I got here, you can't just adopt me tho thats like a lot of home checks and and you have to pay a lot of money thats not fair-"
"We did know...Bruce has adopted his fair share already and will be pulling a few strings for us tho as I said I'm pretty sure Clark has decided already you need a more quiet stable home, as lovely as Bruces children are they are boisterous and human which can put you on edge which isn't what we want. Clark has one kryptonian son who is older than you and would be well equipped to help you over come any hiccups.Now just relax, go have a shower brush your teeth and get some sleep?" you looked at her wide eyed adopted...By Superman....and having a brother who you also cant hurt.
"Im not tired-" she tilted her head raising a brow at you
"You need sleep your a growing girl, I expect you in bed in half an hour I will know if your not and if your not I'm sending in Clark" you nodded in a way it was nice having someone who cared.
"Good night I will see you in the morning" she said closing the door. You looked across the room it was nice a large twin bed, your bag had been placed on it somehow, a desk tv on the wall built in wardrobe and a door in the corner what you assumed lead to the ensuite. after a few moments you got up using the shower and brushing your teeth before changing and crawling into bed, tonight was strange but it was nice to have somewhere safe to sleep and you was happy you couldnt hurt superman. you fell into a deep sleep fairly easily to warn out not to vaguly aware of someone pokeing their head in the room to check on you.
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supposed2bfunny · 4 years
2doc Week Day 4-Song Machine
It’s cloudy.
No, cloudy denotes clouds. Smoggy, then. All car exhaust and factory fumes. The water is still, but there’s enough movement that the waves slap against the side of the boat every so often, resulting in a familiar, pleasant, wet sound.
Murdoc lies on his back, hands folded atop his chest, ankles crossed, staring at the bright spot where the sun is attempting to bore its way through the grayish sky.
He and 2D have been sitting in the boat in silence, though the singer has been moving enough for the two of them, playing with his sailor’s cap, untying his neckerchief and stuffing it into his pocket, scratching his ankle, lighting a cigarette and ultimately flicking it into the water.
“So this is it, huh?” Murdoc asks at length when he gets sick of watching 2D struggling in his periphery.
“This is what I missed out on?”
“Well I mean, it’s a little more fun when you’re driving around fast-like, but the sound of the motor gives me a headache. And it was fun with Damon too; he’s fun.”
“Yeah. Love that bloke,” he deadpans.
“Murdoc. Do you feel better now?”
“I feel like a million bucks, mate, never better, I haven’t felt this spry since that doctor prescribed me all that Vicodin when I slipped a disk lifting Noodle’s amp—”
2D shifts, looks down at him, and when their eyes meet, Murdoc is forced to confront the fact that yes, they’re here for him. To humor him the way a parent humors a child after a particularly vicious meltdown. “Well, look at it like this: what did you think taking me out here on the boat after the fact was going to accomplish, sunshine?”
“I brought you here to make it up to you, you nob. Because you made such stink about not being invited last time even though you could have come along if you’d only asked, had my damn phone on me.”
“Stu, you can’t recreate an event that’s already passed by bringing me here like it’s a bloody date.”
He stretches his foot out, knocks it against Murdoc’s shoulder. “You sure? A date on a boat sounds kind of romantic.”
Murdoc sighs and hoists himself up into a sitting position: the garish lighting is hurting his eyes: he wishes he’d thought to pack sunglasses. He can only imagine what kind of migraine the bright glare is going to trigger for 2D. But now isn’t the time to play mother hen. “Does it? Cuz you don’t look nearly as relaxed or happy as you did in that Désolé video, mate.”
He draws his foot back, knees folding in towards his chest. “Muds, look. I’m allowed to have fun without you. There’s no rule stating that I can’t. We’ve talked about the importance of autonomy.”
“And I’ve also expressed my disdain for that bloody word. I’m too old to bother being my own person: I just want a little of whatever you’re doing.”
“So that’s how you really feel, huh?” he snaps, jumping to his feet. “Muds, how many times do we have to have this argument? That’s not healthy!”
“Neither is smoking, Faceache! Neither is drinking half my weight in forty proof before noon! Neither is dating me, so if you don’t want to deal with it, then tell me to fuck off, same way you did when you all fucked off through that portal without me!”
2D reaches up to rub his temples, almost knocking his captain’s hat off his head. It’s never as simple as Murdoc sitting down and confessing that he’s been hurt: it’s always violent waves, outbursts cresting until they crash against the shore. He brought Murdoc out here to see what all the fuss was about cruising around on Lake Como, but now he understands: Murdoc is more like the water than he is like a captain. He is aqueous, ever moving, flowing from areas of high pressure, knocking 2D to and fro as he attempts to feel settled, grounded. The solution to understanding him is seldom obvious at first glance, because his very nature is to change his tune like an ebbing and flowing tide.
This entire outburst was never a matter of feeling left-out, it’s been paranoia from the start, Murdoc’s absurd fear that his own band is set to leave him behind one day, that same paranoia he’s been nursing since The Now Now took off while he was in prison.
“I’m sorry,” 2D says. It used to be hard to say those words. He’s learning to push them out more often, especially because that small concession is, more often than not, enough to start soothing Murdoc. “I guess we both thought we were going to get something different by coming here. Muds, what I did was fly all the way back to Italy to sit on a stupid boat with you for the day. It was probably stupid of me to assume that you were going to have a good time here—”
“‘Stupid’ is a damn gargantuan understatement if you ask me,” he grumbles.
“Don’t interrupt! Look, I didn’t come here for a fun, magical time with you, you cranky old man. I came here to prove a point.”
Murdoc looks at him warily. “And what, my blue-hued compatriot, is it?”
A suave, quick-witted man would be able to weave together an elaborate story on the spot. Hell, if he were even adequately sharp with words, he’d be able to lay on the charm, distract Murdoc from the tension and the muggy heat and the miserable sun glaring down through all that pollution. The longer he stares at Murdoc’s tired features, though, the more it dawns on him that he doesn’t need to do that. He has something much more valuable: the truth.
“I did all this shit to prove to you that you’re worth it.”
Murdoc snorts. “Wow, so even you admit it was a crap trip then. Sorry to waste a full day of your time with my selfish needs, Stu.” He makes sure that his bitterness comes across acrid enough to drown out any traitorous hurt that leaks into his voice. He’s getting weaker around Stu; words slip out unbidden almost every day, truths he doesn’t need anyone knowing, feelings and fears that he’s spent his life concealing easily behind his bigger-than-bigger-than-Jesus personality. Honesty with his feelings around Stu has rapidly evolved into an unconscious mechanism, one he now has to strategize to neutralize at every turn. “Really don’t know why you spent money on a flight, all that time packing, renting the same damn boat, even, if you didn’t want to fucking do it. You’re a real headcase, y’know that?”
“You done with the pity party?” 2D asks. “Because you’re misunderstanding. I did all this, and I would have done anything else, to prove to you that at the drop of a hat, I’ll re-create any part of my life to put you in it beside me.”
There’s a familiar clenching feeling in his chest, a tightness. Dread. Sometimes he feels it when 2D starts to make him hopeful too, because hope is a dangerous bit of deception that leads to disappointment. Cousins, the two sentiments are. Or even twins. He hates hope as much as he hates dread: he’s not about to fall for that shit, no way—“Dents. What were you just saying about our codependency being unhealthy? Those don’t sound like the words of someone autonomous: best check yourself or your therapist is going to give you a right spanking.”
The singer smiles, knowing that he has Murdoc now. His attention, his optimism. It’s all there, in his grasp if he can make like the boat, rock with the waves but remain steady, solid.  “You’re wrong,” he says. “I won’t apologize for having come out to have some fun in February. We’ve told you why we didn’t trust you with the portal, but I still would’ve brought you along if I’d known how upset you were going to get. I had every right to have a good time with friends, but I am sorry that it sent you into one of your spirals, thinking I was rejecting you. Never, Murdoc. I would never. So here’s my compromise: for the moments you feel scared, instead of me trying to go back and re-create the past with you, let’s just make our own memories. Sound good?”
The bassist stares at him, dumbfounded. “Are you angry?” he finally asks. “That I’m being so selfish? Where’s your spine, Dents, your bloody vitriol?”
“You’ve always been a selfish prick: bit used to it by now.”
“But…but this flies in the face of all that shit about being more individualistic and—”
“Muds, I’m still going to spend time away from you,” he clarifies. “Have fun with Noods and Russ, might even give Ace a ring one of these days—”
“Oh sweet Satan, don’t call that idiot—”
“My point is, I’ll still do all those things. And then when I get back from my time away from you, whether you’ve done something productive with your life while I was gone, or just sat by the window waiting for me to get home, then we can do something nice too, maybe not a boat ride in Italy, maybe just like, having a few pints down at the Cock and Trowel, or going shopping, or trying that new cafe that opened up in SoHo to see how their pancakes rank on our Definitive List of Pancake Places—”
He’s interrupted by Murdoc lunging forward, arms going around his middle and head slamming into his chest. He grunts, hugs him back as the boat rocks with their sudden movement.
“How?” he mutters. “How are you always so nice to me? Every time I go and muck things up and say horrible things and tell you to break it off with me—”
“You’re a little dramatic,” 2D admits, nuzzling his chin against the thick hair pressed just below his head. “Pretty sure you told me I should call it off when you broke my favorite mug last week. It’s uh, not great. But I think when you say shit like that, it shows me that you really care about our relationship, that you value me, and you’re scared that I’m valuing you too much, because you don’t feel like you deserve it. I’m learning to understand when you’re just asking for help, idiot.”
“You really do spend way too much time with your therapist, Stu.”
“I’m not wrong, am I?” he teases, holding the older man closer, triumphant. “Stop throwing shit fits. Stop assuming everything I do is an attempt to push you away, and start looking at my behavior for what it is: a bloke who’s gone utterly mental and will fly you out to Italy at a moment’s notice to try and cheer you up after I saw you cry a little bit.”
Murdoc steels himself in 2D’s arms, braces himself to put forth the question he needs to ask. “And what do you get in return then, Romeo?”
“That bit’s obvious, Murdoc. I get to see you happy. That’s what makes me happy. I love you, remember?”
“I…” the words die on Murdoc’s tongue. What is there to say to that? He wants to talk 2D out of this…he knows he should. He’s being let off the hook because this idiot is convinced that they can keep going forward, that he somehow deserves 2D’s patience and love, even when he’s getting caught up in his own Twitter lies. Yet the singer’s words are guiding him out to sea, pulling him away with the strength of a rip current, and all he can do is succumb. It’s what he wants to hear. Maybe a part of 2D even believes these words himself, however ludicrous they are. “I…you already know how I feel about you.”
“Say it, twat. Or else I’ll keep you here on this lake all day just to torture you!” “Alright, alright, no need to get so Medieval on me! I love you, okay, Stu? I act out and cause a scene, and then I don’t even thank you for the impromptu Désolé 2.0 because I’m a shit, but I love you all the same. Maybe even a little more because you just keep…tolerating me. Happy?”
“Yeah,” he presses a kiss to the top of his head, and his tone tells Murdoc that he’s smiling. “So let’s go back to England, okay? This lake is pretty boring honestly.”
“It is dreadful, yeah.”
“Oh, while we’re here, maybe we should stop for pizza! Or some spaghetti or something?”
“Dents, we’re practically in Switzerland,” he laughs. “Why not hop the border and—wait, that’s it! I know the perfect spa we can go to together! Ever soak in a hot spring? It’ll change your life.”
“That sounds perfect!” he says. “Let’s dock this baby and get going—” he releases Murdoc and, ever-ungraceful, he stumbles as he makes his way towards the front of the boat. He yelps as his leg catches on the edge of the boat and his vision swirls first with the sights of the houses along the shore giving way to sky, and then the sky blurring as he hits water and starts sinking.
For just a moment, he processes everything as though it’s happening in slow motion, taking in the fact that his nice sailor’s outfit is surely ruined, that the water is colder than he expected it to be, wondering if any sea monsters lurk beneath the lake’s surface as he looks straight down into the black depths below him.
Then comes the irony. Yes, this is what time with Murdoc is like: filled with twists and unpredictable tumbles. Murdoc’s self-doubt and fears are still somewhat new to him: he’s spent most of his life assuming the man was fearless, only to learn that the bravado was a mask, that he’d been one of the few idiots to fall for it so completely. It’s something they must continue to work on, the selfishness, the manipulative words and the self-destructive explosions that follow them in Murdoc’s unhealthy attempts to self-punish.
How peaceful it is underwater, though. How familiar, this sensation, and how safe he feels.
His eyes have closed at some point to better absorb the feeling of being submerged, but he perceives motion right in front of him, bubbles.
Arms come around his waist, and he knows Murdoc has leapt in after him, that he means to swim to the surface, pull them both up onto the boat. He isn’t ready to come up just yet. Instead, he leans forward, presses his lips to Murdoc’s.
In the middle of the water, in the middle of a foreign country, they come together, holding one another tight, safe and soundless in the protective peace beneath the ever-lapping waves.
He always feels so complete like this, so blessedly whole when the warmth of Murdoc’s body is pressed flush against him. Time always seems to vanish in these moments as they share the last fo their breath, hair dancing around their heads like halos, bodies undulating with the motion of the water. For the first time that day, he feels calm.
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histrionic-dragon · 3 years
Father’s Day Double Drabble
 (Warning: bittersweet)
 It wasn’t my fault, okay? I couldn’t have known. We were spot-checking all over the timeline, and all of the Avengers were volunteering for random things. Everyone was careful to not cross their own timeline to avoid any “OMG, it’s my evil twin” scenarios, but the temporospatial coordinates for this mission were not going to be a problem for this one. It was 1917 and not in the US. He double-checked to confirm the rules and safeguards for interacting with locals. I sent him and his team through. No problems.
Later, Sergeant Barnes stopped by and asked me where Steve was. Usually, if he’s in the compound he’s either in the gym or the offices, and Barnes must have expected me to say one of those, because he did a double-take when I told him about the mission. His face went sort of still before he nodded and thanked me and walked away. I maintain that that still wasn’t a red flag. Maybe he had something he wanted to talk with Cap about and was upset that he wasn’t around. Things happen.
Teams started reporting in about then—the usual reports of “all clear,” no lasting effects of whatever removing the Time Stone from the timeline seemed to have done. I logged it all and relayed key points to check out. Around the room from me, I could see and hear my colleagues doing the same. Sometimes I feel like we’re just a fancy call center—text center? You can send messages through time and space, but not voice, yet. Stark swears he’s working on it. Anyway, everything seemed to be going fine.
Then Cap’s team started reporting that they’d lost track of Cap.
That happens, sometimes—someone on a team gets pulled into a conversation with locals and has to blend in, loses touch with their squad, misses a check-in. It’s not normally an issue. But people kept reporting it, until all four other people on the squad said they’d missed him for a period of more than an hour, their time. I started to get worried, because . . . . Well. It was supposed to be a quiet day, but we’d still sent them back in time to a war zone. I was still fielding other teams’ issues, too, though, and Googling period slang for someone to find out whether they’d been propositioned or not kind of took precedence for a while. Then I heard an “ahem” and Nick Fury was standing in front of my desk. Just standing. Staring. Looking not very happy.
I might be a desk agent, but I am a SHIELD agent. I did not squeak or crap my pants. I asked if I could help him. He asked how long Cap had been missing now, local time. I checked. There had been updates. It was something like three hours, and he’d spent most of that talking with some private who’d apparently mistaken him for his wife’s cousin or something.
Didn’t seem that bad to me, but Fury grabbed my laptop (hey!), asked a few more questions that I didn’t see the answers to, and authorized the team there to “haul his ass back, bodily if need be.” Then he asked what godforsaken idiot authorized Cap going back to this place and time.
I took that a little bit personally. I had, but it wasn’t like it was going to make any difference! It wasn’t like he’d even been born yet!
“Yeah,” Barnes said from behind me (scary ninja assassin! Gah!). He wasn’t looking at me or Fury, though. He was looking at the gate. “That’s kind of the point.”
Before I could ask what the hell, the gate flashed and Rogers and the team stumbled through it. Fury started yelling, but Cap ignored him. Just ignored him. He looked around and I realized his eyes were red. He saw Barnes and stumbled straight to him. Barnes caught and hugged him. It was like seeing people meeting up again after the Blip. Cap’s face was smashed into Barnes’ shoulder--I’m pretty sure he was crying--and Barnes kept patting his back and going “shh, shh, it’s okay.”
“No, it is not okay,” Fury barked, stomping over to them. “Exactly how much did you tell him, Rogers?”
Oh shit. One of those questions I’d missed must have been about what they were talking about, then. But why?
Rogers stepped back, looked up, and wiped his face. Yeah, he’d definitely been crying. “Enough for me,” he said, his voice thick and a little defiant. “Not enough to change the timeline. The minute we left he’d have forgotten everything.” He looked pointedly at me. “I checked.”
I hoped that my goldfish impression would tell Fury that, while I confirmed how much information leakage would be repaired without jeopardizing the timeline, I hadn’t known anything about what Rogers had had planned and still didn’t actually know whatever the hell he’d done, and please don’t kill me. I also checked my readouts. “Confirmed, no damage, sir,” I said as crisply as I could manage. “Whatever he did had no lasting effects.”
Fury stared at Rogers with his arms crossed. Rogers stared right back.
“You got lucky this time,” Fury said grimly. “Don’t try it again.”
Rogers shook his head. “I won’t. I got what I needed.”
Fury glared a bit longer, then nodded. “Good.”
“What happened?” I burst out as he turned to walk away. “This wasn’t a red flag! It was World War I, not II—he shouldn’t have known anyone there to talk to!”
“Yeah,” Cap said quietly, as Fury and Barnes gave me “you dummy” looks, which, not fair. “I never met him. That’s why I had to.”
“You got what you needed?” Barnes murmured, putting an arm around him again.
“Yeah.” Rogers leaned against him, ignoring the stares from me and his team. “I told him he’d forget. I told him about all this, about me. He—he said he was proud of me.”
I’ve had this idea in a nebulous form for years, and it settled in to stay when Endgame gave us an actual means of time travel that Steve actually uses. I was going to finally figure out an appropriate length, decide whether or not to include anything from when Steve goes back, whose POV(s) to use, etc., but I keep getting hung up on the details, so you get a not-fully-contextualized double-drabble instead.
I still don’t have a good excuse for why everyone’s bopping around in time, nor a clear idea when this is, because it’s clearly not post-Endgame because Tony’s still alive. DETAILS.
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revasserium · 4 years
hinata + 26
haikyuu requests currently: closed 
although, if you have a hinata-request. send it in bc. chances are i’ll write it because i am #biased 
26. the length of daylighthinata ; 2,651 words 
a/n: i know i never post authors notes usually, but wow uh – i really liked writing this? and i think this might be one of the best things I’ve written on this blog to date. idk man. i just. really really liked this. u__u pls give hinata some love he deserves the world. 
five hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes – you hadn’t seen him in so long. it’d been three years – three times five hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes – that’s way too many minutes, and yet here he is, standing on your doorstep with a smile that you’d be crazy not to remember. 
you stare at him, and wonder where to even begin – he’s taller, that’s for sure, and tanner, so much tanner – well obviously, brazil is a sunny place. 
you open your mouth to speak, but no words come out. instead, you just stand and gape at him like he’d somehow stolen your voice from your chest (like ursula the sea-witch, and you don’t know how, after so long, he still seems to hold this kind of magic over you – can you call it a curse if you’ve missed it? the way it shifts the very fabric of your reality until you’re living in his). 
he scuffs his feet against the welcome mat and you can breathe again; he glances down at his shoes, scratching at the back of his head. 
“you’re… taller.” 
he laughs. the self-same open, melodious, uproarious thing you remember from three years before; he still laughs with his entire body, lets it shake him from core to shoulders, his eyes squinting shut. when he calms down enough to look back at you, there’s a pleased flush high in his cheeks. 
“yeah, guess so.” 
when you step aside to let him in, he grins wide enough to split his face, leaping over the half-step into your apartment, immediately crowding into your space till you’re pressed almost chest to chest. 
“oh-ho~!” he holds a hand up from the top of his head and moves it slowly over yours, “you’re right! i did get taller! maybe i even grew a little since i got back!” 
you lick your lips and try to swallow your heart back down your throat from where it’s beating against your voicebox. close, close, way too close. 
he smells nice, you realize – no, remember. but it’s different than before. he no longer smells of citrus shampoo and the slight dampness of sweat; now he smells vaguely of salt and suntan lotion. you allow yourself a grin as you look up, your eyes searching his face for the traces of him you still remember, are trying to hold onto. they’re still there – the light his eyes, the ease of his smile. 
freckles… that wasn’t there before. 
you stand there for a moment, chests almost pressed in your doorway, him now tall enough to tower (just a bit) over you, before he realizes and jumps back, almost stumbling over his own feet as his back meets the opposite wall, stuttering out something like an apology. 
at least that hasn’t changed. 
“s-sorry! i didn’t mean to – i mean – was that too close – it totally was – i just got so excited to see you again – it was like – mmm – that woooshhh feeling in my chest like – you know? i won’t do it again! i mean – not unless you want me to –” 
he cuts clean off at the sound of his name on your lips. it’s different too, than what he remembers. he swallows, unsure of what’ll happen next. but you smile, leaning towards him (he notices that your hair is longer, way longer than when he left – right, three years is a really long time – he likes it longer; he wonders if it still smells just as nice as it did before; it probably does) with a spark in your eyes and he knows he’s gone. 
three years across the world, and you’d think it would’ve stamped out this childish crush of his, one that he has no idea you harbored for him as well (your friends all wonder when on earth the pair of you will realize). it hasn’t. if anything, distance really does make the heart grow fonder, and shit – you’re saying something and all he can focus on is the way your lips still look way too soft – and is that lipgloss you’re wearing? you didn’t used to do that before. 
“… not listening, are you?” 
“huh? ah – i – uh – no… sorry i zoned out –” 
he flashes you a sheepish grin, scratching at the back of his head as he pushes himself back up from where he’d fallen against the wall. you huff and flicking a strand of hair over your shoulder. 
“i asked if you wanted coffee or anything. i was about to make some anyway.” 
“sure! yeah! i love coffee – that sounds – that sounds great!” 
he follows you into the living room, looking around at all the things that had changed, but noticing all the things that stayed the same. you still had your graduation picture hung up, right next to the picture of the team. you had short hair then – he liked short hair on you too. hell, he figures, letting his eyes wander across the walls of your living room, he’d probably still like you bald. the thought almost makes him laugh; he shakes his head. nah, he likes you better with hair for sure. 
“milk? sugar?” 
“hm? yeah – uh – whatever you think is good.” 
you quirk an eyebrow and he realizes belatedly that he must’ve said something wrong. 
“uh… milk… and sugar, both – please!” he grins, settling into a chair at the table, “thank you!” 
so you make coffee, he tells you about brazil, about the stretches of beaches that never seem to end, about the skies so blue it hurts to look too hard, about the way there’s always something that smells delicious in the air, always chatter and music in the streets. you tell him about how you’ve been, how college is great because you could finally drop math classes, but how it’s also kind of a nightmare because morning lectures are the freaking worst. 
you tell him about the upperclassman who really liked you, and kept on asking you out till he graduated. 
“i never said yes, though,” you say, nursing your cooling coffee mug. 
hinata quirks his head, “why not? wasn’t he –” he waves a hand through the air, before saying rather dumbly, “nice?” 
you smile, “yeah, he was nice. but… he wasn’t really my type.” 
hinata licks his lips, “you… have a type now?” 
you roll your eyes, “i’ve always had a type.” and you don’t have to look up to hear the pout in his voice. 
“i never knew about it.” 
you toss a bit of crumpled napkin at him across the table, “you never asked.” 
“oh.” and then after a second, “so… what is your type?” 
you hum, tapping your lips in mock contemplation. a single glance tells you that he’s watching you, and the realization shouldn’t make your stomach twist the way it does, but – it does. he’s watching you with those eyes of his, almost completely devoid of light, like tiny black holes, depthless, with enough gravity to swallow the entire world whole – to swallow you whole. 
“someone tall,” he visibly deflates, “but not too tall,” you continue, and he brightens up again, almost immediately. you grin, leaning back in your chair, your eyes flickering over him, “someone who’s really good at one thing –” you cast about, “like an instrument,” he crinkles his nose to disguise a huff, “or a sport,” he grins to himself, nodding as if checking off mental boxes, you wonder how long you can drag this out for before he realizes you’re not talking so much about a type of person so much as one single person. 
“they should be really driven, and passionate about what they do, y’know?” you watch as he nods enthusiastically, hanging onto your every word. you grin. 
“and… hm, i like guys who speak more than one language. that’s a nice skill.” 
“yeah! uh-huh!” 
“and… hm… someone who’s good at making friends, that’s important too.” 
you watch as hintata considers this, mumbling to himself – i guess i’m not bad at that – i make friends alright – yeah. 
you prop your chin on the heel of your hand. 
“someone who plays volleyball,” you say, wondering if it’s about time to start giving proper hints. 
“uwah! yeah! cause i mean – you like volleyball, so it’d be nice, right?” 
you laugh, nodding along, “yeah – and y’know, and i kinda have a thing for gingers.” 
“yeah, yeah! it’s a nice hair colo –” he stops dead in his tracks as realization dawns over his face and his pleased smile morphs into an expression of sheer disbelief. 
you heave a loud sigh, pushing yourself up from the table, “yeah, if only a guy like that existed.” 
hintata opens his mouth, shooting to his feet, but even as he opens his mouth to say i do! i’m right here! another realization blooms in his chest. 
i’ve always had a type. 
oh. oh. 
he blinks at you from across the table, his own prolonged ignorance finally cracking over his shoulders – all those years – all of highschool. all these years too. 
he collapses back into the chair, a helpless laugh on his lips as he cards a hand through his hair, mussing it up as he stares into the dregs of his now-cold coffee. 
“did you want another cup?” you ask casually from the sink, where you're rinsing out your own mug. once upon a time, you might’ve been angry, or upset, or any manner of things. but you’d realized somewhere along the way that loving hinata shouyou was never going to be a linear thing. and maybe it’ll take him a while to realize, but being best friends with him has taught you more than anything all the ways he says i love you – and it was a bit easier after that. 
“i – crap,” he chews on his lips, fumbling for words to say. 
you smile, “bathrooms down the hall to the right still. that hasn’t changed.” 
you turn just in time to see him flush to the roots of his hair, “that’s not what i meant.” 
“then…?” you lean back against the counter, watching as he struggles with his own tangle of emotions till he looks up again, his face a mask of determination. 
“go out with me.” 
you raise your eyebrows, a small smile playing at your lips, “sure, to where?” 
hinata groans, shaking his head, “i mean like – not outside – out like – like –” his cheeks are almost red enough to match his hair, “like – out!” 
you laugh, your entire body shaking with the sound, and it’s this more than anything that seems to ground hinata enough for him to stop stuttering. 
“properly – i mean. be – be my girlfriend.” 
you nod, biting down the swell of elation cresting in your chest, “okay.” 
“oh – okay?” he blinks. 
“yeah,” you say, “okay.” 
“oh – okay! yay! ah – this is great! waaaahhhh!” he leaps out of the chair, both hands raised over his head. it takes him all of three seconds to bound across the living room to the sink, both his hands raised as if asking for a high-ten. you laugh, raising your own hands. 
how entirely hinata-like – to high-five someone after asking them out. 
he claps his hands against yours, laughing, but his laughter fades as you don’t pull away, instead slipping your fingers between his. his eyes widen at the sensation of your pressed palms, and he almost hiccups at how his entire body shivers. 
and suddenly, he’s tugging you towards him, as if on raw instinct, as if all he wants is to be closer, just a bit closer, and you find yourself stumbling into his chest, gasping but never doubting that he’d catch you. so he does, his hands finding purchase around your waist, your hands against his chest – so solid from years and years of relentless workouts and practice. 
“uh – uhm – i uh –” he swallows, glancing from your eyes to your mouth, his mind seemingly short-circuiting somewhere between the two. 
“shouyou,” you say, leaning up onto your tip-toes (you remember when the pair of you used to be only two inches apart). 
he nods once. 
“kiss me.” 
he nods again, before leaning in, and the first kiss a little strange – the both of you still not quite sure of where your own lips are supposed to go, what the whole situation with the teeth is supposed to be like (credit where credit is due, both of you have watched enough romance – and the occasional porno – to know how it’s supposed to look but given everything that’s happened, practical application is still a bit rusty). the second kiss is better, and you can feel hinata’s confidence surge when he presses in closer, tilting his head to slot your lips better, the friction between you making you gasp. 
the third kiss, he’s already caught onto the rhythm. 
the fourth, you wonder if it’s quite fair for someone to be such a fast learner, your fingers fisting in the front of his shirt, all awkward, fumbling newness gone from his movements as he pushes you back against the counter, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks, thumb running along your jaw to tilt your head the way he likes. 
the fifth, you stop counting. you don’t have the capacity to anymore. 
after what feels like an eternity of kissing (and who knows, it might’ve been – maybe outside, years have already passed by, or maybe it was just a few, breath-stealing seconds), he pulls back, the both of you panting, eyes a little glazed over, lips slick and kiss-swollen. 
he grins, a wide, satisfied kind of thing, and you can almost imagine him purring in his chest. 
you laugh, quirking your head as you watch him preen under this new truth – the two of you being together – finally, finally. 
“you really have gotten taller.” 
you push up to give him another peck. he whines in the back of his throat, leaning down to try and follow your lips but you twist your head so his mouth lands somewhere on your cheek, and he decides that that’s alright too. he gives you a loud, smacking kiss, grinning into your skin. 
you glance at the clock. 
“well. now that we’re going out-out. properly,” you tease, “do you wanna order in takeout for dinner?” 
hinata laughs, the sound perfect and warm, rumbling through his chest, resonating into yours. 
“yeah – you know i worked as a delivery boy in brazil?” 
you nod, “yeah, i remember – you texted me pictures of your bike, remember?” 
“oh! oh yeah,” he grins cheekily as you try to wriggle out of his grasp to reach your phone. he holds on tighter. you sigh, reaching into his back pocket for his phone and swiping it open only to find a picture of yourself smiling back at you from his lockscreen. 
he tries to grab the phone from you, but you duck out of his grasp. 
“i’m just trying to seamless!” you laugh, dancing out of his reach as he tries half-heartedly to retrieve his phone. when finally, the both of you are laughing and collapsed on the couch, he hooks his chin over your shoulder. 
“next time, i’ll take you on a real date.” 
you smile, “sure. we can go to one of those fancy restaurants.” 
“uh-huh,” he nods, determined to meet your expectations. 
“and we can order all the most expensive things on the menu,” you tease, grinning wide. 
hinata sucks in a breath and you can almost feel him steeling himself not to deny you. 
“yeah – that’s fine – well, maybe we should look up the menu first, so we can see what we like.” 
you nod, “sounds like a plan.” 
“it’s a date.” 
you smile, letting your head fall back onto his shoulder. 
“yep, it sure will be.” 
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quietlydiabolic · 4 years
“Botanical” - BassRock hanahaki skit
By: Jixie Fandom: Mega Man Classic @bassrockweek​ : May 19 - Chef's Choice Rating: G Word Count: 533
A/N: I wrote this skit previously for some fanart posted by @kosei-on. But I’m pretty sure only three people saw it, so it’s being recycled for BassRock week’s wildcard day.
Bass: *trying to act cool* Hey Wily. What’s it mean when someone’s barfin’ up flowers? That’s weird, right? Wily: Wily: Oh for [redacted]’s sake. Bass: What? Wily: Who is it? Bass: Who is what? Wily: Who do you have a crush on? Bass: !!?? I don’t have a crush on anyone! What the heck are you talking about!? Wily: *exasperated sigh* It means you’re in love with someone who doesn’t love you back. Bass: … Bass: Pffffftttttt ha ha that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. *crying laughing* Ah hah hah! Ah man, you almost had me there. *walks off, still chuckling*
Bass: DIE, Mega Man! Rock: I don’t want to fight you! There must be another way! Bass: The other way is instead of blasting you to bits with my cannon, I smash your head in with—! *huuuurrrkkkk* Rock: *horrified* Oh! Oh no, are you okay?? What’s wrong? Bass: Nothing’s wrong, doofus! I'm— *hggglrk* *gakk* *ptoo* Rock: *growing increasingly distressed* Oh no! Oh gosh!
Rock: I wish I knew what was wrong with Bass, so we could help him… Blues: *facepalm*
Blues: Listen— Bass: Ugh. Get lost. I'm— Bass: Bass: Well it’s not like I’m sick or anything, ‘cause I’ve never been sick a day in my life, but I just don’t feel like putting up with your crap right now. Blues: *sigh* Bass, do you even know what hanahaki disease is? Bass: *he does not* Psh, yeah of course I do! I’m not stupid. Blues: *facepalm*
Rock: Please stop shooting at me… *dodges plasma shot* Bass, my brother says— Bass: Your brother is a brain-dead moron who doesn’t know his butt from a hole in the ground. Rock: —that you’re sick because— Bass: And you are a drooling, [slur redacted] numbskull who— Bass: *collapses to his knees and is violently ill* Rock:  😨 Rock: *walks over and starts patting Bass on the back* Ohh. It’ll be okay. …So yeah, Blues was saying that— Bass: *weakly raises his arm and shoots Rock in the face* Rock: OH COME ON!
Rock: *has gone to Skull Fortress and is talking to Wily* —and Blues says that’s why— Wily: *looks utterly and thoroughly disgusted, but for whatever reason is hearing him out* Bass: *walks into the room, notices Rock* Dammit! What are you doing h—!? Bass: *hkk* *has obviously thrown up in his mouth and is trying to choke it back down* Rock: Um, Bass… er… do… do you have a crush on me? Bass: *spits out flowers and blood* Ugh! HECK NO! I’m so disgusted by you, it makes me puke just seeing your dumb chipmunk-looking face! I hate— *hurk* I hate yuuh— *hlorf* I— *gllrk* Rock: *whispering to Wily* I think he likes me. Wily: *groans and buries his head in his hands*
Wily: Alright, I’m in. What’s the plan? *Blues and Rock exchange glances* Blues: Didn’t you build Bass to kill Mega Man? Wily: *sigh* Yes, but it’s obvious that’s not happening, and I’m getting sick and tired of cleaning up flower vomit all the time.
Rock: Please! If you don’t let me love you, you’re going to die! Bass: N E V E R!
Instead of the hanahaki sufferer trying to convince his crush to love him, the crush, friends, and family, go to increasingly ridiculous and convoluted lengths in an effort to get him to admit his feelings and let his crush take him on a date before he drops dead.
(Spoiler alert: he dies.)
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schrijverr · 4 years
My Husband Does my Make-Up
Cas does Deans make up, takes place within the Famous Husband verse.
(I used this video, since I don’t know make up)
On AO3.
Ships: Destiel
Warnings: None, but if you want me to tag something I’ll do so happily!
A lipsticked mouth is the only thing on screen, it smiles and with Deans voice it says: “Bet you didn’t see this shit coming.
Then the intro rolled, it was a drawn impala that came down the road, it stopped in the middle of the screen and the drawn Dean gave a wink to the viewers, then he sped off again and the smoke was bridge back to the video.
Dean and Cas were sitting next to each other, they weren’t in Dean usual filming space, but at a table with a bunch of make-up in front of them. Dean waved and said: “Hello hunters, you’re probably wondering what the hell is going on, so I’ll explain. Today my husband does my make-up!”
Cas waved as well and said a quick hello, before Dean went on: “He hasn’t been on the channel in a while and you all were begging for some more Cas content so here it is. As you might know Cas is prone to saying ‘Fuck the gender rules’, so all this stuff is his and he actually knows what he is doing.”
“I wouldn't go that far, Dean, but I do know more than you.” Cas said quickly to lower expectations.
Dean shook his head and told the camera: “He’s just being humble, ignore him.”
Then it jump cut and Cas was holding two foundations. He said: “I have these two and I’m just going to do a quick check to see which of these is Deans shade, so I don’t give him the failed spray tan look or something like that.”
Dean chuckled while Cas put a bit of both the shades on his hand and held them next to his face. Cas asked: “I think I know which one I want to use, but what do you think?”
Dean studied the two colors intently then shrugged and said: “I’m sorry, angel, but I really don’t see  much of a difference.”
Cas stared at him, until he looked again and said: “The top one, kinda looks better, I guess?”
Cas smiled at him and put one of the bottles away and squirted the other on the back of his hand. Dean, meanwhile said into the camera: “Cas is probably gonna do most of the talking here today, because he will tell you what he is doing, something I absolutely can not. I have no clue how he takes some brushes and colors and just makes art on his face, but I am excited to see it happening on my face.”
Cas quietly blushed, but ignored the complement in favor of getting his beauty blender and telling Dean to relax. Dean looked at him and asked: “What is that? Some sort of butt-plug?”
He was given a deadpan look by Cas, who said: “No, this is a beauty blender, I’m starting with foundation and I use this to beat the make up onto your face.”
Dan frowned: “That doesn’t sound all the nice to me, dude.”
“Then you just have to live with it, don’t you now.” Cas replied, “Turn to me.”
Dean did and Cas started to apply the foundation. After a few moments Dean commented: “This feels weird, not bad or anything, just weird. It’s kind of relaxing actually.”
They were done and Cas grabbed another small pallet. Dean asked: “So what are you doing now?”
“I’m going to contour your face now, because the foundation made it flat and even, so we’re giving your face it’s shape back.”
“Like shadows in a drawing?” Dean asked.
Cas lit up: “Yeah, exactly.”
Dean grinned back, but then smoothed out his features to allow Cas to work. They were facing each other, leaning in close. Cas took a break to see his work and find places where some more work was needed. As he did, Dean leaned forward and quickly stole a small kiss, both startling Cas and making him smile. He softly said: “Idiot.”
Dean only grinned in return and asked: “So master artist, is my face shape to your pleasing?”
Huffing out a small amused breath Cas nodded and said: “I do miss your freckles, so I might add some of those later and I’m really tempted to give you a cute blush. What is your opinion about those things?”
Dean seriously thought about it, then shrugged and said: “Whatever you think looks good, babe.  Trust you to make me handsome.”
Cas said: “I’ll make you beautiful.” then pecked his nose and turned back to the table. It cut immediately after that, Dean was the one who edited it and he had decided that no one needed to see the way he smiled a dopey smile and touched his nose on the spot Cas had kissed it like he was a virgin.
After the cut, Cas gave Dean a small blush on his cheeks before moving on to concealer. Dean asked, mock offended: “What on my handsome face needs concealing? You wound me.”
Cas rolled his eyes and dryly told him: “The bags under your eyes from the nights you spend editing instead of cuddling your perfectly cuddable husband?”
Dean laughed and asked: “Is cuddable even a word?”
“I don’t know, I teach History, not English.” Cas told him, going back to work.
It cut and Cas was holding a powder and said: “Now I’m setting your face with powder.”
“Why are you doing that?” Dean asked.
“To make sure my hard work doesn’t get lost during the day, when you go out and do stuff.”
Dean hummed: “Huh, neat.”
“I am now going to put on highlighter this is to-”
“Wait, let me guess.” Dean interrupted Cas, “It’s called highlighter, so it’s the opposite of the shadows, right? So it is make the face shape better?”
Cas smiled and said: “Yeah, it’s part of that. It’s to make your cheek stand out.”
Dean fist pumped, before letting Cas get back to putting on his make up. When he was done he said: “Now, I’m going to do your eyes, which is the actual look. I want to do purple, because that complements the green of your eyes.”
“Cool, let’s get started.” Dean said.
“I’m using this pallet.” Cas said, holding a pallet in the air, “and I’m going to start with this pastel purple color right here and just pack it on your lid and crease, so close your eyes.”
He started to move the brush, but Dean held up his hand and said: “Stop, I’m kind of scared it’s gonna blind me.”
Cas lowered the brush and reassured him: “It is safe for your eyes, otherwise it wouldn’t be sold and I will never hurt you, Dean. Just close your eyes and keep them close until I say you can open them and you’ll be okay. I will be gentle, I promise. But if you really want to, we can stop, no one has to know.”
Dean scratched his head, then let his shoulders sag and said: “No, it’s fine, just need to mentally prep myself a bit for this.”
“Take your time.”
“Pfiew, I have so much respect for you and all the people who do make up right now.”
Cas smiled.
It cut to Dean with his eyes closed, while Cas gently packed on the eyeshadow and hummed ‘Hey Jude’ softly under his breath.
Then it was done and Cas pointed at another color and said: “I want to use this deep purple on the lower lash line, so I’m going to use this small flat brush for that.” he did that, then grabbed another, fluffier brush and said: “And I’m using this one to blend it, I used a thicker brush like this one to blend the pastel portion of the eye.”
A cut. Cas said: “I’m using this pinkish purple color for the inner corner using this small brush.”
Dean said: “I’m so impressed with how professional you sound right now.”
Cas blushed a bit and admitted: “Beauty vloggers may be a guilty pleasure of mine.”
“Ahw, babe, that’s so cute.” Dean cooed, “You are going to have to show me later.”
It cut to Cas putting on the pinkish purple shade of eyeshadow in Deans inner corner. When he was done he asked Dean: “Are you comfortable with me putting on fake lashes?”
“Are those the ones who look really creepy when you pull them off?” Dean asked.
Cas grinned and nodded. Dean contemplated it, then decided: “It looks scary, but I’ll get to scare Sam, so do it.”
“The lengths you go to.”
“I’m an older brother, it is what I do.”
Another cut to Cas holding a lash of a pair of tweezers as he waved them to dry the glue a bit. He said: “I’ve cut these long and a bit dramatic lashes to size and I’m going to use these tweezers to place them perfectly along Deans lash line.”
He was placing them while Dean kept still, although there was a continuously stream of: “Holy fucks, this I scary, I ‘m gonna die. No, I’m gonna get stabbed in the eyeball, go blind and then die, crap, crap, crap. Oh, it’s done.”
“And you live, a miracle.” Cas smirked.
Dean hugged him and exclaimed: “My angel has saved me from a cruel fate.”
Then he looked and his eyes got big as he commented: “Damn, this is weird, I can see my lashes, well, not my lashes, but my fake lashes, this is so fricking weird.”
Cas left him to wonder for a few seconds, before he said: “I have to put on mascara to blend your fake lashes to your real lashes, so the fake ones look more real. I have to warn you, most people find this part a bit scary.”
Dean puffed out his chest: “I’m a though guy, I got this.”
Then it immediately cut to Cas actually putting on the mascara while Dean said: “This is scary, I don’t think I got this.”
Cas stopped and waited for a thumbs up.
Later he continued and although Dean didn’t stop him the chatter he had during the lashes returned until it was over. Dean sighed with relief that was crushed by Cas, who said: “I have this purple mascara, I wanted to put on your lower lashes, but if you don’t want to, it’s fine and we can leave it out. It’s up to you.”
Dean looked between Cas and the mascara, then he answered with a determined look on his face: “No, I’m doing it, you came up with this look and I’m wearing the full thing.”
It cut till it was done and Cas said: “So those are the eyes all complete, I don’t know if this was something you could follow, but I’m pretty proud of them. Now, all we need to do is the lips and give Dean his freckles back.”
“What are we doing for lips?” Dean asked.
“Well, since the eyes are a lot, I think we need neutral lips, so I’m doing that. First we have to line them.” Cas answered.
There was a cut to Cas lining Deans lips as Cas said: “You, Dean Winchester-Novak, have very nice lips.”
Dean made an embarrassed noise as he tried not to move his lips and ruin the line.
Then Cas was putting on a soft nude lip stick and when he was done Dean asked: “How are you going to do the freckles?”
“I’m going to draw on some freckles with an eyebrow pencil. I didn’t do your brows, because you have pretty good brows on your own.” Cas told him.
Dean made a ‘that’s fair’ face, then Cas got to work. As he was applying the freckles he said: “I know where some of your freckles are, so I’m trying to put them back, but I don’t know them all, so it’s not going to be an exact replica.”
Dean snorted and said: “No one was expecting that and the fact that you know where some of my freckles are is insane, dude.”
Cas tilted his head to the side contemplatively and asked: “Is it really insane?”
Dean immediately reassured him that it wasn’t insane, but very cute, at the end he tagged on the question: “How do you even know where some of them are, by the way?”
“I just spend a lot of time studying your face and trying to count your freckles.” Cas told him.
Then it cut to a few aesthetic shots of Deans face that show off the make up.
After that they were at the end card and Dean was ending his video: “That was it, hope this video taught you something about make and quenched your Cas thrist.”
“Don’t call it that, Dean.”
“What? It’s true.” he turned back to the viewers, “I know this is not what I usually do, but I hoped you enjoyed it anyway. Leave your thought about the video and the look down below. I’m probably posting some pictures of this look on my insta so go there to check that out, but for now that is it for today. Bye hunters, see you on the road!”
There was a small vlog-style clip at the end. Where Sam came walking in and saw Deans make up, he smiled and said: “Wow, dude, that looks epic.”
“Thanks.” Dean told him with a grin, then he ripped off his lashes and Sam screamed
Then the video was over
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This was practically an entire
video off eye sex….
… I am uncomfortable
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He looked so pretty!!!! A+, good
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No one:
Absolutely no one:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ahw, Dean was so interested in
the make up and Cass’s hobby
it’s so cute how he asks
questions throughout the entire
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I don’t know, I teach History,
not English”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I love how soft they both are and
how Cas was willing to stop at
any time if Dean wanted to
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What can’t this man do?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rip Sam who has suffered through
years of eyesex
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Okay, but is no one gonna talk
about how good Cas is at make up
like, he’s a MUA
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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kweebtrash · 5 years
Why Stop Now (M)
Tumblr media
Pairing:  JohnnyxYutaxReader
Genre: PWP, One Shot, College Au (barely)
Summary: I literally just wanted to write about getting DP’d hardcore with my bias and wrecker. that’s it. It’s just fucking, short and sweet
Word Count: 4.2k
Features:  blowjob, anal fingering, vaginal fingering, anal, squirting, grinding, a smidge of public sex, a little bit of overstretching, 
A/N: Probs will edit some more later like tomorrow when I’m not so tired.
MasterlIst  Buy me a Ko-Fi    
It was a mistake coming here tonight. I didn’t want to be surrounded by a house full of idiots but I most certainly didn't want to run into my ex. Lucas was currently the bane of my existence after I caught him cheating on me at a party similar to this. The moment I saw him I took to drinking my sorrows away in order to forget. I hoped I looked good enough to ever make him regret being the world's biggest asshole to me. The unfortunate part was that I hadn't really eaten much for a good part of the day and the alcohol hit me harder than I wanted it to. I slowed down and worked through clusters of people to head upstairs and rest in Taeyong's bedroom. I hoped it wasnt occupied with a fucking couple as I didn't need war flashbacks to top off my already sour mood. His room was thankfully barren and I closed the door and set the lock.
The bed looked perfect for me to just take a quiet nap and I shuffled slowly to the mattress before throwing myself across it. I wanted my head to stop spinning a bit so I could start making good decisions. Once I was a bit more sober I would head home instead of wallowing in misery and chatting with guys I had slept with in the past. Almost the entirety of my track record was in attendance here which was the cherry on top of my clusterfuck sundae. There was Taeil from my college writing class, Taeyong, the host of the party, from my media class, Jaehyun from the Student Democrats club, and I was sure my most frequent suitors, Johnny and Yuta were floating around somewhere. All in all I was making mistake after mistake in the grand scheme of things.
I shut my eyes and tried to focus on sleep but the music was still too loud even through the closed door and I could hear voices pouring in from the open window. Those voices sounded way too familiar and I winced the moment I recognized them. I hoped to all hell they didn't notice me in the room as they were sitting on the mid roof right outside of Taeyong's bedroom. I curled up and tried to stay as quiet as possible but my plan failed entirely when I heard my name called out in a weed induced slur.
"Heyyyy baby! What are you doing here?!" Yuta giggled.
"Fuck I haven't seen you in forever!" Johnny added.
I grumbled and squeezed my eyes tighter. "Leave me alone. I hit the bottle too hard and I need to sleep it off for a bit."
"Ooh did you see Lucas downstairs? Is that it?" Yuta asked.
I stayed quiet, refusing to answer. 
"Yup," Johnny said. "Definitely saw Lucas. Come here babe. We'll help you get your mind off it."
"Absolutely not." I said, finally sitting up. "You two are the worst trouble makers of them all. I don't need you trying to play games tonight."
"When have we ever played games?!" Yuta took a long drag from the joint he and Johnny had been sharing. 
"Hmm, let's see, leaving me on read, ghosting me, dumping me out of your room after we were done fucking, being complete fuckboys. The list goes on, truly."
"We're not that bad! Besides...you always come back for more, don't you?" Johnny smirked.
My face flared up instantly at his truth filled statement. Little fucker. "Be quiet." I snapped. "That's not the point."
"Yeah, your point should be coming out here and joining us. The breeze is much better up here and it's not as hot as it is in the house."
Yuta was right. The summer weather had been unforgiving especially when a couple dozen people were crammed in a small two story house. The breeze was coming in nicely through the windows and I contemplated actually going out there in hopes that the air would help clear my head.. I sighed and used the bed for leverage to crawl out the window and sit on the roof area. Yuta passed the blunt to Johnny and I laid back against the paneling, staring down at the mess of people on the lawn.
"We've been people watching all night. That dude on the left has been trying to get in this chicks pants for like an hour now. It ain't gonna happen." Johnny laughed.
"Hmm, he doesn't look like he's got game. I wouldn't sleep with him."
"What he's not your type? I thought you liked big dumb idiots?"
"I mean that's why I fucked you, didn't I?" I smirked at Johnny who glared at me.
Yuta snorted and laid back with me, clasping his hands behind his head. "This party blows. Taeyong's cool and all but something needs to happen."
"What would you even want to happen?" I asked.
He shrugged. "Something. Anything. I could get laid or be at home stuffing my face with frozen burritos and passing the fuck out."
"That sounds so titillating."
Johnny snorted. "Heh, tittle."
I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, you giant man child."
"Do you wanna hook up?" Yuta asked suddenly. He was never one for subtlety.
"Uh...like right now? I still kinda feel like crap."
"Fucking will help with that. We could all fuck." Johnny propositioned.
"Like a threesome?" I looked between the two of the as they shrugged, playing it off real cool. I blushed hard not knowing how to respond. It wasn't something I really had experience in but Yuta and Johnny were my two favorite people to fuck. Johnny was commanding and a little rough with a secretive soft side that poked through every once in awhile. Yuta was dirty to the core, bending me every which way and unabashed at anything he suggested we do. Things usually ended up messy with him but I never thought about fucking the two together. Having Johnny's thickness invade every inch of me while Yuta fucked me from behind; being so completely stuffed that my stomach would clench and I could feel so whole and perfectly ruined. I bit my lip and pressed my thighs together as scenes began to flourish in my mind.
"Hello?" Yuta snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Did you hear us?
"Huh? Uh...yeah, the hookup. Threesome. Um, I've never had a threesome before." I admitted shyly.
"I had one once but it wasn't that great. Dude was hogging the chick the whole time. So Yuta if you pull that shit I'm dipping out."
"Trust me dude. I've got my own plans. You can do whatever you want to her pus-"
I slapped my hand over his mouth, keeping him from saying that vile word. "We get it. You want to fuck my ass."
"You do that?" Johnny questioned.
I sighed and laid back down. "Only with Yuta. He gets excited over it and we'll…"
"She literally cums so hard when we do it. Don't let her fool you, she's just as big of a slut as I am."
"Shut up, asshole! I am not. Well...maybe a little but you don't have to point it out."
"Alright, let's cut the crap. Threesome of not? It's been awhile since you've gotten fucked, right? You and Lucas broke up like a month or so ago." Johnny said.
"Yeah, don't remind me…"
"Agree to fuck us and we'll make sure we can help you forget." Yuta said.
I sighed and gave in, too easily for my liking but the images I created where already burned into my mind. "Sure, why the fuck not."
Yuta said no more and dove to capture my neck in slow and methodical kisses, nibbling ever once in awhile. Johnny's large hand was working itself over my stomach as he leaned down to capture me in a kiss. His lips were so fucking amazing that sometimes it made my heart ache to have them against me. They were full, soft, and he knew exactly how to work them so I would get wet in an instant. I parted my lips and let his thick tongue creep into my mouth, sucking on my own and making sure I couldn't breathe. His fingers wiggled beneath the hem of my shirt and pushed it upwards to expose my chest to the cool breeze.
"Whoa, wait. We can't do it out here!" I whispered harshly.
"Shhh, it's just the beginning. We'll finish everything inside; we need the room anyway. For now I just want you legs spread open and to see if we can make you squirt off the rooftop." Yuta said deviously.
"D-dont you fucking dare!" My face was red at the thought but it shook me to my core. I ached for them to prove that they could make my body do such things.
"Take them off, Yuta." Johnny commanded. 
Yuta slipped his hand under my skirt to grab a hold of my panties and yank them down. I fumbled to try and keep them on, embarrassed that someone might see us but they got tossed to Johnny who pocketed them with a teasing smile. My legs were forced open then, the front clasp of my bra worked apart, so every tender area was exposed. Johnny latched his lips around my nipple, sucking deeply as his long middle finger trailed up the length of my slit. "She's already starting to get wet."
"Of course she is. Told you she was dirty." Yuta commented.
"If you two don't stop talking I'm going to-" I gasped softly as I felt Johnny push his finger inside me. It was slow and precise, dragging up and down my walls to work me up even more. He went back to teasing my breast while Yuta licked his fingers and set them over my clit. He circled them over the sensitive spot, pairing it with more bites to my neck that flowed down to my chest. I didn't know where to even put my hands at this point and I was already arching slightly against all their teasing. I felt Johnny hook his ankle over mine and nudge my leg to rest between his strong thighs. The center of his jeans pressed against the junction of my knee and thigh and he rocked against me, creating as much friction as possible. He moaned deeply against my chest and I couldn't help how frenzied it made my brain.
Yuta nudged his free hand between us, grabbing a hold on my wrist and guiding me to touch him. My fingers rubbed against the denim, feeling the way he was starting to bulge beneath the fabric. I closed my eyes then, letting my senses get overridden by their exploring hands and tongues. Johnny licked his way up my neck so his lips could rest by my ear. "I know you like getting stretched out but how many fingers do you think we can fit in there before you cum." He whispered in his slightly deepened voice. I turned away from him, trying to hide how embarrassed his words were making me and ended up catching Yuta's lips instead. Johnny chuckled softly as he watched my lips get occupied but someone else and shoved another finger inside me. With how big his hands were just those couple of digits had my entrance already working to accommodate him. 
Yuta scissored my lower lips open while the tip of his middle finger curled little strokes against my clit, leaving me open for more sensitivity. My hips bucked then and I squirmed, trying to move away for a moment to regain my composure. Pressure was building within the pit of my stomach as I could feel that orgasm creeping closer. As I tried to close my free leg, Yuta trapped it between his thighs, mimicking Johnny so I couldn't hide even if I tried. Anyone could look up and see me half naked and getting fingered to all hell and back. I knew they weren't going to let me go until I came. My breath burned in my lungs as I couldn't seem to catch it but I was just able to pant out a little beg. "P-please, m-more."
Yuta's fingers joined Johnny's then, forcing two more into me. While Johnny kept steady thrusts, Yuta curled his fingers in a beckoning motion, trying to dig the harshest reaction out of me. "Touch yourself." He commanded, adding a small nip to the shell of my ear afterward. I took over the attention to my clit while their fingers explored and bodies grinded against my thighs. My lower half trembled with the threat of release and I clamped my lips shut so I wouldn't draw attention from the other partygoers below. Both my nipples were overtaken by their mouths again just as I felt increased attention to a particularly sensitive spot within me. I grabbed at Yuta's hand to make sure he stayed in place and commanded Johnny to go faster. My own fingers increased speed as I heard my wetness echoing into the night. 
My toes were curling within my shoes, my body dipping against the panelling, and suddenly a rush of absolute bliss washed over me. I shuddered hard, my body practically collapsing in on itself as I slapped at their hands to try and remove the intensity. They didn't let up, becoming greedy for the way my body was creating splashes down the rooftop. I finally grabbed their hands and pushed them away to snap my legs shut and breathe. I muttered out curses while Johnny and Yuta were all smiles and cheers, high fiving each other in victory of my glorious and wet defeat.
"Damn, I didn't think you could actually do it!" Johnny said as excited as a puppy.
"Dude, I told you! That was fucking hot!"
I wanted to ask myself why I put up with their absolutely idiotic tendencies. They were stupid college kids with minds wrapped around partying, getting drunk or high, and getting laid. Nothing remotely appealing about that- then I was harshly reminded why I sought out their company when Johnny's bulge grazed against me again. When I glanced down I could tell that his jeans were trying desperately to keep him contained and he would be growling in my ear at any moment if he didn't get more attention. "We need to get inside." Johnny grunted right on cue. Yuta nodded and crawled up to the open window, tossing himself inside. Johnny and I followed suit and we were a clash of kisses and tongues, pulling off the rest of our clothes until my head was between Johnny's thighs and Yuta had my ass raised.
He shuffled around, rifling through Taeyong's drawers, looking intently for something. I was curious as to what he was doing but still currently occupied by the way Johnny filled my mouth entirely. I swallowed around him and gripped at his base to try and prevent him from thrusting harshly. He was always trying to get me to deep throat him but I couldn't take everything at once. It would usually end in a glaring contest with his hand firmly pushing my hand down until I tapped out. This time he seemed to be a little bit gentle and focused instead on the way my lips looked flowing over his thickness.
Yuta finally came back after a victorious exclamation. He had found whatever he was looking for and finally joined us on the bed. My hole was perfectly presented for him and I felt the familiar chill of lube against me. That must have been what he had been searching for in Taeyong's drawers. I sighed around my mouthful as his fingertip nudged against the barrier, slowly rocking until he poked through. His slender finger was enough to make me whimper and reach back to tap his outer thigh when I needed breaks. He was always good about that and filled our pauses with kisses up my spine or his thumb grazing the entrance of my heat. Eventually he was able to work his knuckle in and get a consistent rhythm going.
I popped off of Johnny when I felt his pre cum splatter across my taste buds, making sure he didn't get too worked up. He fumbled around for his pants that had been discarded on the floor, getting into the pocket of his jeans to pull out a condom. He ripped it open and I helped roll it on, kissing the tip playfully. "Yuta, let her move up to my lap." Johnny demanded.
Yuta scooted us closer so I could straddle Johnny and he could remain behind me to work my ass open. As Johnny slid his cock through my wetness, Yuta started to pry a second finger into me. He added a bit more lube and latched his teeth onto my shoulder, his other hand coming to cup my breast and make small pinches at my nipple. Johnny grabbed onto my hips, lifting me just a bit so I could sink down on his length. I bit down on my lip as soon as I felt that heavy fullness even within my stomach. He let out a moan from deep within his chest, head tossed back against the pillow and lips parted slightly. My bounces were small at first, giving Yuta a pace he could still work with as I desperately needed them both in me at the same time. I wished he could hurry up but patience, time, and dedication were needed for him to fuck me senseless.
The second finger made its way in fully and I felt the slight sting of my muscles trying to accommodate him. I took a few deep breaths, letting him push forward on every exhale. He scissored his fingers little by little, chuckling when he saw me gaped open. My cheeks burned as I knew he loved seeing me spread apart for him. I elbowed him gently, trying to get him to stop as my embarrassment continued. His lips were by my ear whispering the softest of teases. "You look so good like this I couldn't help myself."
"Yeah, we'll save your tired old lines for-" My hand flew to my mouth to cover a harsh gasp that was about to escape. Johnny had bucked his hips particularly hard to gain my attention. His brows were furrowed in irritation and he landed a heavy slap on my ass.
"Less talking, more working." He grunted.
I pouted but rolled my hips, feeling Johnny's cock press against my walls while Yuta curled his fingers deep within me. It was getting easier for him to work me open and the third finger edged in almost seamlessly. With each roll of my hips I was fucking myself back against them, squeezing my eyes shut and trying not to be too loud. I was sure the music would cover me but I didn't need the possibility of Taeyong coming in and see us defiling his bed.
Johnny dug his fingers into my thighs as he increased his pace. Heated skin on skin echoed throughout the room, mixing in with his slightly animalistic grunts and groans. Yuta gently rubbed my ass making my heart race as I knew what was next. "You ready?" He asked with a bit of concern. 
I nodded and turned my head for a kiss, his lips morphing into a smile as soon as we connected. "Dude, slow down a sec." Yuta told Johnny who seemed peeved at the request. He stopped his motions entirely as Yuta bent me over Johnny's torso. I heard the rip of his own condom packet and a few moments later he was lined up against me, thumbs spreading my asscheeks apart. Once his head creeped in past the barrier I buried my face deep into Johnny's neck, whimpering helplessly. 
"You ok?" He asked. I nodded, content that the both of them were showing their soft sides of being concerned for my well-being. It was a breath of fresh air given their usual antics.
"I got her. We've done this before." Yuta reassured the other man. More and more of me was filled, making my legs almost give out from their place over Johnny’s hips. All I could scream was 'oh god' in my head over and over and when Yuta finally was in the three of us groaned at the intense tight feeling surrounding around us.
"Please just fuck me." I said. I didnt want to waste anymore time as I needed my body turned into a pillar of pleasure between them. Yuta was the first to thrust and he grabbed a hold of my arms, pulling them behind me like reins to control his pace. Once Johnny joined in my eyes got lost in the back of my head and I was in a whirlwind of bliss. Each slam of their bodies into me created pressure that sent tingles throughout my entire being. I tried to keep up but it was hard to press into them when my body was getting destroyed. Veins and ridges crept up my walls, dragging through nerves and places I didn't think they could have ever reached. My thighs quaked as weakness set in but my lust wouldn’t be satisfied until I felt the warm heat of their cum inside me.
Johnny gripped my neck gently, nudging his thumb to lift my chin up so our lips could crash together. It was a sloppy mess of tangled breaths and soft groans, our tongues trying to stay melded as he fucked me harder. I clenched around him, bucking slightly when he pushed through the tightness. My second orgasm was approaching way too fast but there was no way to stop it. I pressed my forehead to Johnny, his whisper against my lips now. "Fuck, I wanna come for you."
"Don't say it just do it." I pleaded. 
Suddenly I was yanked back to be pressed against Yuta's chest. "You complained about that other dude hogging chicks and now you’re doing the same thing. Share a little." He chuckled.
"F-fuck you!" Johnny managed to groan out as he started to swell against my tightness.
"Such a cop out, cumming first." Yuta turned my face towards his, getting a taste of my lips again. He was thrusting upwards, getting every inch of him to slam into me relentlessly. He parted from me to replace his tongue with the pads of his index and middle finger. They pressed down on my tongue and I sucked hungrily around them. "You want me to touch you?" He teased. I nodded vigorously. If he added that extra magical sensation to my clit we'd all be a symphony of chaotic messes. He shoved his fingers in deeper, almost touching the back of my throat before teasing the digits back out slowly.
He worked them down between my breasts and towards my stomach until they met my clit and worked steady circles into me. Occasionally, he would tease my entrance, getting his fingertip in besides Johnny's cock and crooking his finger just an inch or so inside me. My eyes squeezed shut as I couldn't help but left let a loud moan run free, practically screaming for him not to stop. Johnny forced through one last sloppy thrust, raising his hips so his cock crashed against the deepest part of me, and spilled all he had within the rubber. I still felt that comforting heat through my lower belly and a smile crossed my lips. God, I needed that again and again. Yuta still was vibrant as ever, continuing to ravish me until my body tensed and flushed with warmth. I clenched my thighs around Johnny’s waist as my next orgasm gushed out, leaving trails across his abs. “F-fuck, s-sorry.” I whispered. He shook his head and sat up, cupping my face to kiss my lips and tired body. I held onto him as I could barely keep up with Yuta though I could feel him ready to lose himself at any moment as well.
“Don’t be sorry. You felt so fucking good.” He purred as he slipped out of me slowly. He gave me a wink as Yuta began his greed tirade of final thrusts, bending me over completely and ramming my ass back against him. Johnny watched us, making sure my head was turned towards him so he could see every expression of pain and pleasure on my face. I curled my fingers around the wrinkled bed sheets whimpering out Yuta’s name. His hips stuttered and his blunt nails dug into my skin as he burst within me, shoving his sheathed released as far down as he could. Johnny laid back and Yuta pulled out, flopping beside me. I could finally give my body the break it deserved as my lustful greed was quelled for now.
“Not gonna lie, I kinda missed that.” Johnny said.
Yuta hummed in agreement which got me thinking. We did all have good chemistry together and it was all for fun and after the hell I went through fun was exactly what I deserved. “Should we do it again? Like hook up? The three of us?” He asked.
“Well we’ve all fucked and then had this threesome so why stop now?”
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