#yeah his pecs are great i agree but what about. i shall not say
mxrtified777 · 7 months
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Thick Thighs Take Lives 👍
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Words Mightier Then A Body
joe manganiello is a random hot guy on a beach stretching from the ground in a state of heat the sand adorn on his skin checking out everything around him.
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He has no idea my eyes can’t stop staring at him until he spots me I freak out exiting the area as quick as possible I start to pack away all my things.
I jet from the area in a moment of complete embarrassment like many people have done to me over the years for stupidest reasons in this.
I remember being in class an idiot ran from me when I approached him to say hi but he would but look at me and he soon ran from me.
Making my way to the side of a building as I try to jet to my car without being caught I see him in a random cars mirror walking on the opposite side.
Unfortunately for me he catches me off his own guard bumping into me he smirks with a hardy laugh as I roll my eyes and try to excuse myself.
“Hey wait a minute “
“I am sorry! I did not mean to stare “
“You think I am hot nerd”
“Excuse me!”
“You heard me”
“You can admit it”
“Why I can admit is you are in my way?”
“I’ll move if I can take you on a date “
“What on earth?”
“I am not interested “
“Liar! Yes you want me”
“Why ask then?”
“Prove it! Kiss me”
“Hell no!”
“I dare you “
“Fuck no”
“Immature asshole! Fine”
“You know you want me”
“So! What if you do?”
“Oh believe me”
“I will have you “
“Won’t it wreck your status”
“Pretty boi “
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I get a brave stance walking to him standing on my tip of my sneakers I propel up to face him and lean in.
He peers down meeting my lips mash with his he gloats taking my neck yanking closer to him as we make out intensely to my utter shock.
I pull back a bit in disbelief he stands with the light washing aglow over his body as his pecs, nipples and ass pop to a glorious type of appeal.
Next thing I know he demands to give him my cellphone he types his number calling himself and he happily types in the name nerd.
I shrug leaving him for the next hour I can’t stop thinking about him when he calls me a few hours later asking me to join him on a date.
I give up agreeing to go to his house for a late night dinner to take a shower, and dress as I head out to end whatever this thing is for good.
Parking my car I head to his front step and of course he sees me opening the door and I get yanked in to a huge bear hug which is weird.
He places me back down the music is on along with him singing and dancing to what exactly and we are at the table in no time for a great adventure.
The food is exceptional as he a great cook so I wonder what is his endgame for the longterm that is when looks at me with a curious facial expression.
“Tell me something about you that is cool”
“Ha! I thought I was nerd”
“Oh sorry! I can be a jerk “
“You don’t say “
“I am a Hypnotist”
“That is intriguing “
“Put me under “
“Yeah! This is hmm”
“Do it”
“Fine! Focus on the candle”
“Bring it to me and light it”
“Sure thing”
“It’s lit “
“Relax, focus on the light, watch it spring to light.”
“Watch it grow and shrink grabbing all of your attention.”
“You can’t turn away from it, from me and you like it.”
“No! I can’t “
“The free fall has begun removing the land off the ground.”
“You fall in to the void of nothingness “
“My voice is all you hear, your body relaxes and collapses for me.”
“Can you hear me?”
“I am the flame “
“We are one “
“You are the flame “
“We are one “
“You obey the flame “
“I obey the flame “
“Good boi “
“You love the flame “
“I love the flame “
“You are madly in love with me the flame “
“Stop sitting and kneel”
“You will obey only me”
“This collar shall remain on your always “
“It’s a simple of your submission “
“You long to be owned and obey”
“I long for it “
“Rise to your feet “
“I am your Master”
“You will address me as Master Lawrence “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“Were you in the army?”
“This is more interesting by the minute “
“At attention “
“Good boi”
“Strip for me”
“Don’t move”
“Perfect! This going to be fun”
“I can’t wait to unleash hell on you “
“Clean up this place, follow me to your bed room and get on the bed.”
“You believed I was some small chump”
“Fat chance buster and but now you are mine.”
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The end
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kiminicricket · 5 years
Swords and Opals - Part 10
A Ruthari fic based pre-show. adventure. friendship. bad-assery. fluff. angst. romance. and of course, Ruthari. What else could you need?
Need to catch up? From the Start Previous Chapter
“Working shirtless again I see. You know, attractive as you are, I’m afraid my heart belongs to someone else!” Tiadrin swooned dramatically as she sauntered into the workshop and helped herself to a drink of water. She poured one out for Ethari too, who turned from the forge to accept it. 
“Thanks,” he said gratefully, downing the glass quickly and wiping some of the sweat from his brow. Rehydrated, he grinned at his friend and flexed his pecs, wiggling his eyebrows.
“You mean these babies don’t do anything for you?” 
Tiadrin laughed and grabbed the towel from the hook where he kept it, flinging it into his face. 
“Save it for someone who cares you hot piece of ass.”
Ethari wiped his face, laughing as Tiadrin tried to take a peek at his sketchbook, laying open on her new sword design. He quickly slid it out of her reach. 
“No fair!” She pouted.
“I told you, you get to see it when it’s done.”
Tiadrin grumbled but didn’t argue. “How is it coming?” She asked instead.
Ethari shrugged “I mean it should be good when it’s done. It’s kind of ugly looking at the moment. 
Tiadrin shot a worried glance towards the hilt of her sword as Ethari leaned back against the counter. 
“I dropped by your house a few times, but you haven’t been there.” He said, conversationally. 
Tiadrin blushed, “Yeah I’ve been spending a lot of time in the healing huts.”
Ethari said nothing, just raising his eyebrows, waiting for more. Tiadrin sighed. 
“Damn it Ethari I really like him. Like, more than I expected to. It’s kind of scary.” Her voice had dropped into a whisper. 
“Why?” Ethari asked. 
Tiadrin shot him a look of disbelief. “Because what if he doesn’t like me back?” She asked as if it was obvious.
Ethari frowned, thinking back to their mission, how Lain had followed her everywhere, how he had risked his life saving hers, how he had watched her. “I mean I don’t think that’s likely, but if it’s true then he’s an idiot.”
Tiadrin smiled softly, staring off into space. “Oh he’s an idiot all right.” The fond smile on her face belied the words. 
“How is he doing?” Ethari asked. 
“Oh he’s being stubborn, insisting he’s absolutely fine and doesn’t need to be there despite barely being able to walk down the hall unassisted.” Tiadrin huffed in frustration. “Solana has told him three more days and he is begging me to bust him out.” She blushed, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I’m not going to do it of course, he still needs more recovery time, but dang, the boy can be persuasive!”
Ethari laughed. “You can be pretty persuasive when you want to be.”
“Especially with a sword in my hand!” Tiadrin grinned at him. 
“Oh yes especially then!”
They fell into comfortable silence for a moment. 
“It wasn’t so bad was it?” Tiadrin eventually asked, “Being grouped with Lain and Runaan?”
Ethari smiled, thinking back to his panic when he had found out about the grouping. He had thought it would be much more embarrassing than it was, but aside from getting flung around like a doll by a giant sand monster he had actually dealt with the trial fairly well.
“I thought I would stick my foot in it much more often than I actually did.” Ethari said thoughtfully. 
Tiadrin grinned at him, “And what happened between you and Runaan while Lain and I were away?” She asked suggestively. 
“I think we became.. friends,” Ethari said, thinking about Runaan opening up to him, their conversation that lasted well into the wee hours of the morning. The dance back into the silver grove. 
Tiadrin raised her eyebrows, “Just friends?” She prodded. 
Ethari smiled indulgently. “Yeah, what else would there be. He is Runaan. I’m just me.” 
“I mean if Lain is an idiot for not liking me then Runaan is most certainly an idiot for not liking you!”
“Runaan’s not an idiot.” 
“So he likes you then?”
“No, he’s just not an idiot.”
Tiadrin came right up to Ethari and planted her palms on both of his cheeks. Ethari looked down at her in surprise. 
“Ethari. Get this through your thick skull. You are worthy of love, and any man would be a fool not to love you.”
Ethari smiled softly down at his best friend, pulling her in for a hug. She returned the tight embrace for a moment before wriggling around to try and catch another glimpse of his sketchbook. He promptly lifted her up and carried her to the door. 
“Time for you to go now missy, how am I supposed to get any work done with you showering me with compliments?”
Tiadrin huffed but willingly started moving away. At the door they noticed Runaan down by the pond, looking up in their direction. They both smiled and waved. Runaan stiffened but waved back, before turning and darting towards the training fields. 
Tiadrin let out a huff of laughter. “I mean he’s a weird dude, but I can see the appeal.”
“Stop,” Ethari said, gently nudging her. 
“Love you,” she said, moving towards the healing huts. 
“Love you too.” Ethari called back before moving back towards the forge.
Tiadrin stood up and stretched. Lain had just drifted off to sleep after telling her a story about his childhood. She tried to imagine him as a rambunctious child and smiled at the image it brought to mind. 
“Uh Tiadrin?” 
She whirled to see Runaan hovering in the doorway, looking nervous. It wasn’t unusual to see him here, he visited with Lain daily, but he had already visited today, and it was unusual to see him twice. 
“Hey Runaan.”
He smiled. Or tried to. From what Tiadrin could tell. At the very least his cheek twitched.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah buddy, what’s up?”
He seemed to hesitate, taking a deep breath and opening his mouth before closing it. Tiadrin watched him, puzzling over his actions. 
“Do you need something?”
“Uh, no.”
“Do you want a minute with Lain? I was about to get dinner anyway.”
Runaan shook his head, “No, its… It’s about Ethari.”
Tiadrin perked up.
“Is he… are you…” he couldn’t seem to get the words out, and a blush was forming on his cheeks. He sighed helplessly, gesturing with his hands as though Tiadrin should be able to pick up on what he was saying. 
Tiadrin frowned for a moment before putting the dots together. 
“Wait, me and Ethari?” She laughed, “Oh dear,  no, I’m most definitely not his type.”
It was hard to read Runaan’s expressions, but Tiadrin thought he looked a little pleased at the news. 
“You two are… close though?”
Tiadrin smiled, “Yeah he’s been my best friend for a long time now.”
“He seems a good friend to have.”
“A better boyfriend I’d wager.” She said with a grin and a wink. Someone had to egg this guy on. 
Runaan stiffened and then nodded formally. 
“Right, well I won’t keep you from your dinner.”
“You’re welcome to join if you like.”
“Thank you, no. I have uh, a previous engagement.” 
Runaan disappeared through the door and Tiadrin watched him go with a smile. Ethari was right then. Runaan wasn’t an idiot.
Ethari stoked the flames, making sure they were rising nice and high. He wiped the sweat from his brow and put the bucket into the hottest part of the flame. He held it there a moment before withdrawing it, giving it a little swirl and then re-entering it in. He repeated this several times until the metal within was pure liquid and the bucket was glowing red hot. Retreating from the heat, he hurried over to the mold, pouring the liquified metal in, watching with no small amount of satisfaction as it smoothly ran between the various elements that he had crafted the mold to fit. He heard the door swing open and slam shut, but he dared not remove his gaze from the mold - he had a very strict amount of this metal, and he couldn’t afford to lose a single drop. Finishing the pour he grabbed the other half of the mold, pressing it together and strapping it in place to hold the metal while it cooled. He dropped his tools and looked up for the first time, seeing Runaan standing at the door, eyes wide, cheeks red. 
“Oh hey Runaan,” Ethari grinned and wiped some more sweat off his brow, missing the way Runaan’s eyes were glued to him. He grabbed a towel from the rack on the wall, “I thought you were hanging out with Lain today.”
Runaan blinked and nodded stiltingly, not saying a word. Ethari regarded him carefully, tilting his head. 
“You ok?”
More blinks and nods. Ethari frowned, confused, but turned to head to the back of the shop. 
“Ok well give me a minute, I’ll grab my shirt and be right back.”
Not sure what was eating at Runaan, Ethari ducked into his living area. He quickly towelled off the rest of the sweat and pulled his shirt over his head before heading back out to the main part of the workshop. Runaan hadn’t moved and was looking at him with something akin to disappointment as he took in the top Ethari was wearing. Ethari tugged at the hem, unsure, and Runaan’s eyes lifted to his.
“Uh, they’re letting Lain go home today.” He blurted.
“Oh that’s great news!” 
Runaan nodded distractedly, still eyeing Ethari’s shirt. Ethari thought he noted a hint of distaste. Maybe Runaan didn’t like purple? Either way Ethari tried to shrug it off as he turned to make sure the safety was in place for the furnace.
“Shall we go welcome him back to the real world?” He said once it was done.
“I think he’d like that.” Runaan agreed.
Lain had been awake for the last several days, and insisting that he was fine, however the healers had wanted to keep him in for observation a few extra days. Tiadrin had made herself a nuisance, but healer Solana had developed a soft spot for her, and let her hang around. That left little room for Runaan and Ethari to visit, but they had popped by when they could and Lain had bemoaned his ‘imprisonment’, trying to convince them to break him out. The three of them were more than happy to leave him in the care of the healers however, as even yesterday he had still looked quite pale. 
They got to the healers tent just as Lain was getting out, half listening to a lecture from Solana.
“No strenuous activities for at least another two weeks!” She called out as he walked away. “Three would be better.” She muttered, shaking her head and returning to within the healing huts. 
“Runaan! Ethari!” Lain called out, embracing each of them by turn. “It’s so good to see your faces in the light of the sun! I was going crazy in there! I swear I would have broken out days ago if Rin hadn’t kept me entertained with stories of the dragon guard!”
At the nickname Ethari shot a questioning glance at Tiadrin, who blushed but shot him a don’t even start look. She was following just behind Lain, ready to dart in and assist if needed, but Lain was walking around as if he’d never been hit. 
“Whats this?” Runaan pointed to a new braid on the right side of his face.
“Oh you like it?” Lain reached up to hold the new braid out. “Rin gave it to me while I was convalescing.” He said dramatically, tilting his head to show off the braid.
“Rin?” Ethari couldn’t help but ask. There was murder growing in Tiadrin’s eyes as he said the nickname and Ethari quickly bit his tongue. “Right, Tiadrin. Sorry.”  His smile widened though at the obvious affection between the two. A nickname - especially for Tiadrin - was no small thing. He glanced over at Runaan but he hadn’t seemed to notice. 
“It’s good to see you out and about.” Runaan said, clasping Lain on the arm.
“Its good to be out and about! I was going crazy cooped up in there!” Lain stretched and let his gaze wander around the village. He breathed in deeply and smiled.
“The healer said there was some poison on the talon that got you,” Tiadrin reminded him. She turned to the others, “Thats why he took it so hard. That and he lost a lot of blood on the ride back.”
Lain grabbed her hand at this, noticing her curling into herself.
“They also said you got me to them in the nick of time.” He said softly. “If it wasn’t for you I probably wouldn’t have made it.”
Tiadrin bit her lip and nodded. Lain looked up and grinned. 
“This calls for celebration!”
“Aren’t you supposed to be taking it easy?” Ethari questioned. “We all heard Solana.”
Lain waved his concern away. “Pssshhaw, I will be taking it easy. We can go to the meadow, have a campfire, do some dancing. nothing strenuous about it.”
Tiadrin looked up at Lain eagerly. Runaan looked across at Ethari and raised his eyebrow in question. Ethari supposed Lain couldn’t get in too much trouble with the three of them there to look out for him, plus there was a metal deposit not too far away that he could drop by to get some extra materials. He had a new idea for a dagger that he wanted to get started on right away. He realised after a moment that the other three were looking at him, as if waiting for his answer. He grinned easily. 
“Yeah ok, sounds fun!”
Part 11 Now up!
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of2worldsxmuses · 5 years
    As she normally did, Charlie woke up at the crack of dawn and after washing up and having a cup of joe, she got ready for her morning run. With music blasting in her ears, she ran from Val’s home all the way to the park. Although the sun wasn’t shining brightly yet, she could feel sweat beading along her skin as she ran along the trail. As she focused on the path ahead, she wasn’t paying much attention to joggers around her. That was until someone ran straight into her and knocked her on her butt. “Ow…” She groaned, pulling the earbuds out of her ears and looking to see who the offender was. “Deviano… What are you doing here?” She asked, although she already knew the answer. Judging by his attire, it was clear that he too was jogging.
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Deviano loved running in the mornings, because it was not a lot of people out there to get in his way, and he could be free to go as fast or as slow as he wanted. He liked getting out early, because it inspired him to create amazing pieces. He was getting his rhythm,  before suddenly he ran right into someone, “Oh shit, I’m so sorry.” He looked down when he heard is name, “Charlie?” He quickly helped her off the ground, “Are you alright?” The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. “I’m jogging, and I guess so are you?“
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    With his help, Charlie got back on her feet. "You’re like a brick wall. That fall hurts…” She grumbled as she patted her now sore butt. When she looked up at him again, she nearly swallowed her tongue. By God was the man gorgeous. She thought he looked great when they first met, but right now, dressed in an attire that showed off his hard muscles, he was even more enticing. Shaking her head, she decided to focus on the conversation. “Yeah, I’m fine and yes, I was jogging. I’ve been jogging here every morning. Didn’t know you jog here too, sir…” No matter how painful it was for her to use formality with anyone, she was suddenly reminded that she had to. The words felt wrong, yet she kept her features impassive.
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Deviano chuckled when Charlie said he was like a brick wall, “Sorry, I should have been paying better attention to where I was going. He instantly smirked, as she was rubbing her butt, "Do you need me to massage that for you? I wouldn’t want you to be sore.” He really just wanted to get his hands on her, but he needed to keep it cool. He took her in, and she looked so good in her workout clothes, it was very apparent to see that she was super fit, and her body was banging. He was jogging here every day, but apparently they had been missing each other. “Yeah I jog here all the time, I don’t live too far from here.” He was glad they ran into each other, but hearing her call him sir was a bit too much for him, “Please don’t call me sir, Deviano is fine, or Dev.” He was definitely not into that title business, it never made sense to him.
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    "That would have helped… What are you, made out of stone?” Charlie murmured still rubbing her butt, a brow quirking at his offer. Instantly, her mind went straight back to the gutter. He seemed to be able to do that to her easily. Shaking her head once more, she stated. “Unless you’re trained in massage, I highly doubt you can help me.” She bit her bottom lip right after because just the thought of having his hands on her derriere heated her cheeks. It always bothered her to have to be so formal with the dominants, it just felt like she was stuck in the Shakespearean era or something. Not that she thought Deviano had a stick shoved up his ass or anything. He was kind to her on their first meeting and luckily, he’d proven himself to be just as she thought him to be, easy going. “Thank God… I couldn’t be friends with you if you demanded I call you sir. Dev suits you better anyway. I like it…” She said with relief and a laugh.
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“Not stone, but pure muscle baby.” Deviano chuckled, and then made his pecs jump up and down. He liked teasing Charlie, she was easy to do that with, because he knew she would have a comment to come back at him with. “I don’t need to be a professional masseuse, to make that ass of yours feel better….I promise you that.” He laughed, and wiped some sweat off his forehead. He shook his head, “Yeah I’m not one of those dominants that needs titles or anything like that, and I prefer hearing you say my name anyway.” He winked, “So since you were about to run, would you like company?”
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    Charlie had to tamp down the urge to lick her lips at what she saw. Her heart suddenly started kicking up and it was not because she had been jogging either. Damn the man for doing this to her. "I’ve seen better.” She answered flippantly, and she had, but never once did she feel the urge to jump any of those men. “Now, you’re just making it sound like massage is not the only thing you’ve got plans for my ass…” She retorted, folding her arms. Images of him spanking her while he fucked her from behind flooded her mind, and she had to shake her head quickly. “You don’t seem the stuffy sort anyway… I must be saying your name the correct way then, Dev.” She spoke his name sensually and let out a laugh, her head nodding at his next remark. “Sure, but I need to stretch again. Running into a big bolder tend to stiffen you up, you know…” Once the words were spoken, she moved to the grassy area, sat down and began to stretch. Her legs were stretched open mimicking the splits.
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Deviano smiled, Charlie wasn’t going to cut him any slack, “I bet you have.” He chuckled, “I guess I have to keep working on me, so I can be the best you’ve ever seen.” He shot her a wink, and he licked his lips at the this of them being naked in front of each other, and being able to look at each other’s bodies with nothing more than a smile. He really needed to calm himself down, or he was going to show her what he was thinking about. He raised his brow, “Oh I could definitely do more to that ass if you want me too.” He smirked, and licked his lips. He shook his head, “Nah, I’m not stuffy at all, that title crap is for people who feel the need to feel important, I already know I am.” He laughed, and was happy she agreed to having him join her, “Yeah sure, you go do your thing, if you need my help, just let me know.” He winked, and bit his bottom lip as he watched her stretch… “Fuck…” He whispered to himself.
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    "You could always try and let me be the judge.” Charlie quipped thinking, if he got even fitter, she probably wouldn’t be able to hold a conversation with him. All she would do was drool at the sight of him and think about all the delicious things she wanted to do with his body. Fuck… Stop thinking about sex with him, Charlie… It really didn’t help her cause that the man couldn’t stop winking at her. “Really? Ask and you shall receive, huh? I might just have to ask.” She returned with a flirty smile, clearly unashamed that she was propositioning the man. In her defense, she had a feeling that he too wanted to jump her, so there was no reason for her to hold back. “Or maybe, they’re just trying to compensate for other things…” Her gaze went down to his little friend–or maybe not so little after all. “It doesn’t look like you have that problem though.” She felt a lot better once she started stretching, her muscles no longer felt as tight as before. While she was doing that, she heard something coming from Dev. Unsure if he was saying something to her, she asked, “Did you say something?” She was standing up then, reaching down to touch her toes and unknowingly showing off her derriere to Dev.
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“Oh you could definitely be the judge of that, your opinion is all that matters to me.” Deviano smiled, as he thought about how he wouldn’t mind if Charlie would just look at him, and he hoped he would be able to get a good look at her….naked. He gave her a small nod, “Oh yeah, all you have to do is ask, and I will do whatever you want me to do with your ass.“ Please ask me….please ask me. He thought, wanting nothing more than to play with that ass, it looked like you could bounce a quarter off it. He laughed, "Yes, I think you might be right about that. Good for me that I don’t have that problem.” He smirked and did a quick adjustment in his shorts. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Charlie, her body was amazing, and a sight to see, and he could only think about her naked. Her voice brought him out of his raunchy thoughts, “Huh..what?” He quickly shook his head, “No….no I didn’t say anything, you ready?”
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    "Aww… That’s cute. You’re making me sound so special.” Charlie cooed playfully. She didn’t know why she always felt the need to banter and flirt with Dev. Maybe it was because he was easy to be around. The man was like sunshine, his cheerful character was contagious. “Anything?” She asked, biting her bottom lip and eyeing him for a moment. “Then I’m definitely asking…” There was no denying that she wanted him, even now she could feel her sex getting slick with desire. Once again, her gaze wandered down to his package, making her salivate. “Yup, definitely no problem there…” She mumbled to herself, only semi listening to his remark. Once she was done stretching, she looked at Dev and quirked a brow. She wondered why he was stuttering all of a sudden, but since she didn’t care to question him about it, she simply said. “I hope you can keep up. I don’t slow down for anyone.” With a wink, she was off, leaving him behind.
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“That’s because you are special.” Deviano said playfully, trying not to sound to serious, but he was totally serious. Charlie was becoming someone that he liked seeing a lot of, and that was weird, but he wasn’t going to question it. He nodded, “Anything.” He repeated, and smiled hearing that she was going to ask. “That’s good to hear,  I’ll be waiting for that ask.” He winked at her, and smirked as she glanced at his crotch. He was staring hard at her, she was so sexy and toned. Her ass looked so good, and all he couldn’t stop thinking about bending her over, and fucking her senseless. He was so embarrassed that she caught him, and he was going to try to play it off. “Oh I can definitely keep up.” He laughed when she ran off, and he followed behind her, to catch up with her.
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    Charlie didn’t know where she got the courage to flirt so brazenly with Dev. She was normally timid when it came to the opposite sex. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She did flirt, but wouldn’t do it with someone she found attractive and wanted to have sex with. Even now, as she jogged away from the man, she was doing it in a flirty manner. She simply couldn’t stop herself. "Come on, Dev. I thought you said you could keep up?” She teased, looking over her shoulder at him. A part of her wanted to leave him in the dust, yet she couldn’t bring herself to do it, so she slowed her pace until she was jogging next to him. “By the way, I was totally asking for that massage…” She said as if it was the most normal thing to do. “You don’t have to though. Pretty sure you can’t handle this ass anyway.” She added, sending him a wink.
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Deviano laughed as Charlie razzed him, and he picked up the pace to get next to her. Although he did purposely keep it slow, so he could jog behind her and look at her ass. But since she slowed down, he had no choice but to get next to her. “Oh I can keep up, trust me.” He was jogging along and her statement almost took him out of his stride, but he maintained it, “Well since you asked, then you shall receive, and trust me, I know just what to do with that ass.” He smacked it as he ran past her, “Come on slow poke, keep up."
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    "It didn’t look like you could. Maybe those muscles are too heavy for you carry.” Charlie quipped with a laugh. Her eyes wandered along his hard muscles and again, she her breath seemed to get stuck in her throat. Why did he have to be so hot? Just as quickly, her lustful thoughts were banished from her mind at his remark. Her brows lifted at his challenging attitude and she simply replied with. “We’ll have to see. You might be all talk…” When she felt a slap on her ass, she jumped, a jolt of excitement ran through her. “I said massage not spank.” She chided, despite knowing that she liked being spanked. When he ran ahead of her, she rolled her eyes and hastened her pace to catch up with him. Then, her hand reacted quickly before he could get away, slapping his ass in retaliation. Is there anything in this man that’s not hard? She ran ahead of him after that, and turned around just to say, “Payback!” and stick out her tongue at him.
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Deviano laughed, “Oh trust me, I can keep up, with all these muscles.” He liked that Charlie seemed to like him flirting with him, and would flirt back. If it was up to him, he would have her right then and there. She was so hot to him, and it didn’t help that she was flirting back with him. He shook his head, “Definitely not all talk, but you tell me when and where, and I’ll show you.” He laughed when she screamed out, “ I think a good spanking is good every once in a while.” It was his turn to jump when she slapped his ass, “Ahh…payback huh? Well I can dig that.” He ran up to catch up with her, “Do you run here everyday?”
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    "Oh, I don’t know. You’re rather big to be a proficient runner…” Charlie bantered with a laugh. It felt good to be this free again, she felt more like herself around the dom. “That depends, if you can keep up with me, I might just let you spank me right after.” The reaction that she got from Dev was hilarious. The man actually jumped when she smack his ass. “Yes, payback. You smack my ass, I’ll smack yours. Fair and square.” She turned around then and took note when he fell into step with her once again. “I do.” She nodded. “I’m surprised this is the first time I’m running into you.
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“I never said I was proficient, I just said I can keep up with you.” Deviano said with a laugh, they were having a nice time with this run. And he was shocked, because he usually never wanted to run with people, but with Charlie, it was different, and nice. She made him laugh, and that was something not a lot of beautiful women could do, they were worried about being cute, but she didn’t have to work hard at that, she was all the time sexy. He nodded, “Alright, I see how it is, but I can respect that….for now.” He kept in step with her, “I’m a bit surprised too, because I am always here in the mornings. Maybe we should met up more often, and be running buddies.” He smiled.
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    Charlie wondered why she hadn’t seen Dev jogging here, perhaps they just missed each other every morning, or she might not have been paying attention. She often did that when she jogged. Life was stressful and keeping your mind blank could be very beneficial in the long run. “It might be because I have a one track mind in the morning. I don’t make it a habit to pay attention to the people around me while I run.” She commented with a shrug. “Jogging buddies? I guess that wouldn’t be too bad. You can keep me from running into a tree or something.” She added, laughing. They jogged comfortably together, making small talk and once the trail was done, she stopped and went to sit down on the bench to drink out of the bottle that she brought along with her. “Well, that was a good run…”
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Deviano was glad that he ran into Charlie today, and they could become running buddies. He smiled at her agreeing, “Great, I will definitely make sure you won’t run into tree, I mean I wouldn’t want anything to happen to that gorgeous face of yours.“  He smiled and continued to run.along side of her. The run was comfortable, and they had a great time together. Once they made it to the end of the trail, he grabbed his knees, and took a couple deep breath. "It was a good run, I feel like I am ready to take on the day. Do you want to grab some breakfast or something?”
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    As usual, Charlie felt fresh and ready to conquer the day after her morning run. She had plans to spend her day at the garage and inspect the condition of the cars she was getting ready to show to prospective buyers, but first, she needed to go home and eat. After her morning jogs, she always felt famished, so breakfast–possibly with Val was in order. Dev’s invite to have breakfast together made her laugh, "Sorry, I was actually thinking about breakfast right before you said that, but sure, we can have breakfast together.” She stated with a smile. “I need to refuel after that run."
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Deviano was glad that Charlie agreed to have breakfast with him, “Great, it’s a cafe not to far from here, and we can walk. The food is good, but coffee is why I go there.” He smiled, and motioned her in the direction of the cafe. He looked over at her as they were walking, “So did your brothers see the picture of you? What was there reaction? And did you get your money?” He smiled, thinking about them alone on the tower.
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    Charlie simply nodded her head, her stomach already growling at the mention of breakfast. Slight in figure she might be, but she could out eat most adult men. "Lead the way then… Good coffee is a must for this girl.” She said, standing up and walking next to the man. A smile immediately graced her features at the mention of her brothers. “I sent it to them. They weren’t exactly happy since they had to fork out five hundred dollars. Serves them right for betting against me. They should known by now how stubborn I could be.” She stated, laughing at the faces her brothers made when they Skyped a few days ago.
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Deviano laughed as Charlie told him about the reaction from her brothers, “It does serve them right. They should have known that you were not going to let them win that bet. I mean, they did grow up with you. I just met you and I know you are someone that would never back down from a challenge.” He smiled, and wiped a little sweat from his forehead. “I bet that will be the last bet they make with you for that amount of money.” He laughed.
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    Charlie loved her brothers. In a way, they helped to mold her into the woman that she was today. One thing she knew though, they weren’t easily deterred. It wasn’t in them to do so. She’d give them a few weeks before they threw her another bet. "Knowing my brothers, that’s highly unlikely. They love pushing my buttons too much. They’re lucky I love them or I wouldn’t talk to them at all.” She explained with a shake of her head and a small smile. “Is this the cafe you’re talking about?” She asked, once they were standing outside the food establishment.
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Deviano was an only child, so he didn’t know what it was like to have siblings, but he was sure she knew them, and if that was what she thought, he had to take her word for it. “Well then I guess you have more challenges to look forward to. But if you need help achieving those challenges, you know you can call me.” They continued walking, until they were at the cafe, “Yup, this is the place.” He opened the door for Charlie, “My lady.” He smiled and followed her inside.
“Nah, they’re harmless.” Charlie said, her dainty shoulders shaking as she let out a laugh. “But, I’ll be sure to call you if I need your help achieving whatever ridiculous challenges they throw my way.” It actually felt nice to have someone on her side when it came to dealing with her brothers, and Dev got plus points for being hot. “Why thank you, kind sir…” She shot him a wink when he opened the door for her. A hostess greeted them good morning and led them to a table near the window. She took a seat and grabbed the menu. As she perused the content, she asked. “What’s good here? Any recommendations?”
Deviano smiled and listened to Charlie talk  brothers, and nodded “Well you make sure you do that, because I think we make a good team don’t you think?” He smiled, went inside with Charlie. She was obviously hot, but there was something else that attracted him to her, but he didn’t know for sure what that was. He looked over the menu and shrugged his shoulders, “Honestly, you can’t go wrong here, I usually get pancakes and eggs."
"Oddly enough, we actually do.” Charlie said as she placed the menu down on the table. It felt odd in a way to be so at ease with the man. They had only recently met, yet she connected with Dev a lot sooner than she did with anyone. Not even her cheating ex made her feel this way. “Pancakes and eggs for me too then.–I can’t read Italian, that’s why I asked.” She laughed when she made the confession.
Deviano smiled at Charlie, “And I think we could do a lot of good things together.” He winked and smiled at the beauty sitting across from him. It was weird how fast he connected to her, but he liked it. He thought he was open to finding love after Naya, but he always had a little bit of a wall up. But with Charlie she seemed to make the wall disappear. He smiled at her confession, “It’s fine, I can definitely help you with that, any time you want me to.”
“We sure can.” Charlie returned, letting her gaze settle on the handsome dominant. She knew they were talking about her brothers, but somehow, her mind decided to veer off course. Damn him for being gorgeous. And yet, she knew that it wasn’t all about his looks either. Her attraction towards the man was more than skin deep which frankly freaked her out. For now, they were two people simply having breakfast and a nice conversation, so she kept it at that. “Actually, I might need your help with translation. But we can talk about that later."
Deviano smiled, "We definitely can…” His voice went low, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He felt like the conversation had shifted into something other than her brothers and their challenges, but it quickly went back to breakfast. He was glad that she would ask him later, “I’ll be happy to help you with anything you want.” He knew that he was now, definitely talking about something other than helping her speak Italian. “Do you have any idea of what you might want me to do for you Charlie?” He smirked.
The air between them suddenly shifted. Charlie could hear how low Dev’s voice had gotten, and her mind went straight to the gutter again. Could he be thinking about the same thing? It sounded like it, but of course she wasn’t sure unless she asked him point blank. Feeling hot and obviously bothered, she picked up the glass of water in front of her and took a huge gulp. Then, when she felt a little more like herself, she asked. “Are we still talking about the same thing or sex? I could do with a bit of both.“ A lot of the latter actually.
Deviano was definitely into this conversation, and he knew more of where his mind was, and he wondered if she was thinking the same thing. He knew that he was more than sure that he would like to build a relationship with Charlie, even if it is sexual…definitely if it was a sexual relationship, it would be something he was very much into. Her question made him smirk, "Sex and translation is what I’m talking about, because I will help you in both if you let me."
Charlie wasn’t one of those women who would shy away from expressing herself. She wasn’t a virginal school girl, there was no need for her to act that way, so being direct was definitely the way to go. Luckily for her, Dev wanted the same thing, his body language wasn’t very subtle anyway, so it wasn’t like it was hard for her to read him, but it was always polite not to assume things. "I definitely need help in both departments. I’ve been on a dry spell. A vibrator is just not cutting it anymore.” She stated, laughing at her last statement.
Something that drew Deviano to Charlie, was the fact that she always spoke her mind, and he liked that. She made him feel like he could just be himself, and not have any judgment. He smirked when she said she had a dry spell, “Well we can’t have that now can we?” He moved in a little closer to her, “So, is there a particular time you went me to help you with your dry spell, because I’m sure I have plenty of time for you."
Despite her jokes, she was also deadly serious. It had been a while since she’d received any form of sexual pleasure from anyone. Sure, she’d had sex after her breakup, one could not go that long without it after all, but the last encounter had been months passed and that itch was back. Thankfully, she’d found Dev, he looked like the right candidate for the job. "No, we can’t.” She shook her head and mimicked what he just did by leaning forward. Then, just like a secret, she whispered. “After breakfast would be best. The sooner, the better.” The waitress came to their table as soon as the words left her and as if she hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary to the male before her, she ordered her breakfast. “Pancakes, eggs and a cup of black coffee for me please. What would you like, Dev?” She asked, fluttering her lashes at him.
Deviano knew this woman was trouble, and he personally loved trouble, so he was going to indulge in all the trouble he could get with Charlie. He smiled when she moved closer, and her reply made him smirk, “You must have been reading my mind, because that’s what I was thinking as well.” He smirked, and never took his eyes off of her, when the waitress came over, “I’ll have the same please, but I’ll have cream in my coffee."
Charlie didn’t know how she was going to get through breakfast in the state she was in. She could already feel wetness pooling along the crotch of her panties and her heart was already racing. The looks that Dev was giving her was not helping matters at all. He looked like he was ready to pounce and she was more than ready to let him. She was the first one to break eye contact as the waitress took the menu away. Once the other woman was gone, she leaned forward again and whispered. "You know, if you keep staring at me like that, we might not get through breakfast.”
Deviano was so over this breakfast, and wanted to drag Charlie out of the cafe, and somewhere he could take care of that dry spell of hers. He licked his lips, as his eyes were locked on hers. All he could think about was having her bouncing on his dick, but he needed to think about something else, or everyone in the cafe would know what he was thinking about. Once she looked away, he took a sip of his drink, “Maybe that’s what I want.” He smiled.
Charlie knew she shouldn’t try to provoke the man, but it felt too easy for her to do so. He wasn’t exactly trying to stop it either with that look of lust on his face. The minute she got him alone, she was sure he would jump on her without hesitation, not like she wouldn’t do the same thing too. She wanted him and it clearly showed by how hot and bothered she was getting simply by a conversation. “Stop that. We both know we need to eat. Besides, it’ll give us more energy for later.” She sent him a wink and sat back to stop herself from jumping on him in public.
Deviano knew he was pushing the limits when it came to his flirting with Charlie, but she wasn’t exactly telling him to stop, so he knew she wanted it as well. He smirked hearing her comment, “Again, you are right, we are definitely going to need all of our energy this morning. And if it is as good as we think it’s going to be, maybe this can replace our morning runs.”
“Of course I am. I almost always am.” Charlie teased, although she was totally joking when she said that she was always right. She wasn’t that full of herself. “Maybe… But if I’m being honest, sex and jokes aside, I do need to run every morning. It keeps my mind fresh. Plus, wouldn’t it be a shame to let this perfect body go to waste.” She shot him a wink and because the timing was always perfect, their breakfast arrived. Her stomach growled as her eyes feasted on the spread in front of her. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to eat now before I pass out.” She stated once the waitress was out of the way.
Deviano chuckled, he liked her confidence,  it was definitely a turn on for him. “We’ll see how right you are.” He smiled, getting even more comfortable with Charlie, and liked that she was giving clear signs about what she wanted, it was so refreshing. He raised his brow at her agreeing that sex could replace running for them, but she quickly squashed that idea, and he respected it. “As fun as that sounds, and it does sound fun, running is definitely something that clears my head, and helps me focus for the day, so I am going to agree with you on that. But afterwards, sex can be a great wind down.” He smirked, and quickly got back into his deep stare, only to be interrupted by the waitress bringing their food over. He nodded, “Yes, let’s eat…the sooner we eat, the faster we can get out of here.” He took a bite of his eggs.
“We will, won’t we?–I’m glad you agree. We both need the exercise, me especially, and yes, sex afterwards wouldn’t be a bad call.” Charlie winked after taking a bite of pancakes. Sweet Jesus, was it just her or were these pancakes extremely delicious? The way her stomach was growling told her that it was just her hunger speaking, so she took another bite and this time she closed her eyes and let out a moan. “This is really good.” She said once she opened her eyes. “Remind me to always let you choose what we eat.” She didn’t think of the implications of her statement, she was literally telling Dev that they would be spending a lot of time together, but there was no point in back tracking now. Besides, they would be spending time together, in bed and she did still owe him dinner, but that was all there was to it. Sex and dinner, no feelings involved.
“I am very into fitness, and so I want to get as much time working out with you.” Deviano smiled, and took a bite of his pancakes, and moaned, “These are really good today, maybe you that are making them so good today.” He smiled and continued eating, and listened to what she was talking about, and it made him smile, because she was basically planning for them to see each other more, and he was very welcoming of that. “I will tell you the places with the best food, and we can go and check it out."
"I figured that much. You can’t be as fit as you are by sitting around and doing nothing.” Charlie honestly wanted to know what his routine was, it required some much needed dedication in order to build muscles. He must eat a lot too. “This is my first time here, but if the cooking is consistent, I might have to make a daily trip here.–And you sir, need to focus on your meal, not flirting.” She chuckled, although she had to admit that his flirting didn’t bother her at all. “I’m a foodie, so count me in.” She winked and continued to enjoy her food.
Deviano smiled at Charlie’s comment, “I do work hard, I box and run mostly, but really I get most of my exercise by lifting heavy pieces of glass working on my art.” He continued to eat, and checking out Charlie, but liked the ease of their conversation, “It has been very consistent since I’ve been back, I haven’t had a bad meal from here yet. So I think it’s a great spot after a run.” He laughed, “Oh you’re a foodie huh? Well I will be very interested to hear you insight on the local cuisine.”
As if he was reading her mind, Dev went on to explain his workout routine. Her head bopped in a nod as she listened. “Whatever you’re doing it seems to be working. So, keep going.” She stated before taking another bite. “Well, I can’t say that I’ll be coming here everyday, a girl can go broke eating out all the time.” She chuckled, “But every few mornings is not so bad. Plus, I like to spend some time with Val at breakfast. Seems like that’s the only time we’re both available nowadays.” With both of them having hectic schedules, Charlie tried to make an effort to catch up with her friend, it was only polite seeing as the woman had hired her and was kind even to provide a roof over her head. “I am actually.–What’s not to like about Italian food? It’s delicious.”
It felt nice to have Charlie compliment him, he did like to take care of himself, and it was nice to know she appreciated it. “I’ll keep doing mine, if you keep doing what you are doing to keep that body so sexy.” He laughed, “Yeah, I guess you’re right, I’m just trying to be greedy and keep you to myself.” That was a serious comment, he would like to spend as much time with her as possible, but they both had lives, so it wasn’t possible. He nodded, “The food here is delicious, I cannot complain. We are lucky to have such amazing food here.”
“You don’t have to worry about me. I keep myself extremely fit with work and my morning runs.” Charlie winked, the right side of her mouth kicking up to form a lopsided smile. It was true however, she did a lot of physical labor to the point of exhaustion. It might be the reason why she sleeps like the dead. “Well, don’t get too greedy. I do have a social life.” Dev’s words sent warning signs blaring, but instead of freaking out, she figured it was best to ignore it. Besides, they were having a good time together. “The pasta selection alone can make me fat.” She chuckled, “But, I wouldn’t mind trying out more cuisines, if you’ll introduce them to me."
Deviano nodded, and smiled, "You definitely do that, and it looks good….very good.” He didn’t know why he felt so protective of Charlie already, and wanted to spend so much time with her, but he needed to slow down, before he scared her away. So he knew he needed to keep cool. He smiled as she brought up all the pasta, “Yeah, there are several pasta dishes out there that could get you fat, but there are healthier options so you won’t get fat, and it doesn’t compromise the taste of the food either."
"Thank you…” Charlie smiled, her heart picking up speed for some odd reason. It must be the way he was looking at her, like she was a tall glass of ice water in the Sahara desert that he couldn’t wait to drink up. Cool it, Charlie. Her conscience chided, so she forced her mind back to the topic at hand. “Like wheat pasta?” She teased, laughing a little. “I’m kidding. I’m sure there are healthier alternatives and I can’t wait to try them. The healthier the better.” Time seemed to pass them by quickly and before she knew it, they were done with breakfast. “Thank you for breakfast and uhm…running with me.” She said to him as they were walking away from the cafe, suddenly feeling awkward.
Deviano smiled back at Charlie, and felt a little more connected to her, and wanted to see if they could possibly have more. But for now, this was just fine with him. He laughed and nodded, “Yes, like wheat pasta, maybe gluten free pasta. Even vegetarian pasta, where they use spaghetti squash as the noodles, is pretty good.” He was definitely about healthy living, and to know she was like that as well was another plus. They continued their breakfast, and it was very pleasant. Once they were done, he paid for their food, and they headed out. He was wondering if their plans they discussed were still happening, but he wasn’t going to pressure her. “Yeah, it was my pleasure, I had fun.” He walked next to her, “So, do you want me to walk you back to your place? Make sure you get home safely."
Although they had flirted and talked about having sex after breakfast, Charlie felt a little nervous to take the plunge. Talk was one thing, but actually making it a reality was a whole different story. If they were strangers who didn’t know each other, things would be a lot easier. She could just scratch the itch and leave as soon as the act was done. This was different however, she knew this man and they had formed a friendship, she couldn’t just ignore him afterwards. "Me too.” She smiled. “Uhm… Sure, that would be nice.” She said trying to play it safe. They walked for a little while before her bravery reappeared, she stopped in her tracks and looked him in the eyes. “Are we still going to…you know have sex?” Okay, maybe she wasn’t too brave after all.
Deviano was taking it slow with Charlie, not wanting to make it weird and too anxious. He was not trying to pressure her, if she changed her mind. “Cool, I’ll walk you then.” They walked, and he was trying to figure out how to bring up the subject of what they were discussing earlier, should I just say it? What if she thinks I’m too eager? Thankfully she brought it up herself, “I definitely would like to do it, if you are still interested. If not, I will respect whatever you want to do.”
Charlie didn’t know what to expect, sure she knew he wasn’t going to turn her down, but the butterflies in her stomach wouldn’t stop fluttering either. “I’m still interested.” She answered him rather meekly and cleared her throat, trying to get rid of her nerves. “Can we go back to your place though? Val is at home, and I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be too happy to see me bringing home a guy she doesn’t know just to…have sex.” She whispered the last part, for some reason afraid that a passerby might be able to hear her.
Deviano was very excited to know that Charlie was still interested, he really wanted to get his hands on her. Then she mentioned going back to his place, and his stomach dropped. He was still at his parents’ place for the moment, and he wasn’t sure if bringing her to their home was the right thing to do. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but he had to think of something quick, “Well I’m in the middle of looking for a place, but if you trust me, I know a place we can go.” He held out his hand, and dropped his voice to a sensual tone, “Do you trust me?” He smirked.
Having sex at Val’s place was definitely out of the question. Charlie would never want to disrespect her friend, so if they were going to do this, it would have to be at Dev’s. Unfortunately for her, apparently that wasn’t going to happen either. He was looking for a place. She was ready to tell him that they shouldn’t do it–at least not now–when he suggested they go some place else. She stared at his hand for a moment before looking up at him. “I trust you, but I’m not sure if I can trust where we’re going. Should I be worried?” She asked, though she took his hand anyway.
Deviano hated that he was in between places right now, and this was the fire that he needed to actively go find him a place to live, because he was not going to have this problem too much longer. He smiled when Charlie took his hand, “No need to be scared, I will never take you anywhere dangerous, I’ll take care of you.” He smiled and led her down the road where they made their way to the Verona hotel, and he checked them in a room. Was it frivolous to get a hotel room for just what they came to do, maybe, but he would stay there if he had to after she left….if she left. After getting them checked in, he led her to the room, and let her walk in, “See….I told you it would be fine.” He smiled.
Was Charlie being impulsive right now? Yes. She knew better than to go with a stranger. For all intents and purposes Dev was a stranger. What did she know about him? He was an artist who worked for Dani and apparently has no home of his own. What if he was out to hurt her? She looked at the dominant as they walked to their next destination, and knew instantly that he couldn’t possibly be the violent sort. Still, she had to let him know that she wasn’t someone he could easily hurt. “You better. FYI, if you try to hurt me, I’ll kick your ass…” Minutes later, she found herself in a hotel room with him. “I thought you were going to bring me somewhere seedy. This is nice…” She said as she took a look around the room.
Deviano smiled at the fact that Charlie trusted him to the fact that she would follow him, it made him feel good. He had to laugh at how tough she was being, he respected her for her tough spirit. “Well I would hate for you to have to kick my ass, so I will be on my best behavior…for the most part.” He smirked and shook his head, “I would never take you to a seedy place, you are definitely more special than some seedy place.” He winked and pulled her in his arms, and kissed her deeply.
“Don’t laugh. I could so kick your ass if I have to.” Charlie looked back at Dev and sassed. She truly could if she wanted to, but right now, that was the farthest thing on her mind. Now, that they were alone, she was suddenly reminded why they were both here. “Thank you. At least you’re not cheap.” She managed to retort, though her gaze was on his lips now. Before she could say anything else, his lips were on hers and her body wrapped around his. The kiss was passionate and hungry, as though they couldn’t get enough of each other. “Wait, maybe we should take a shower first. We’ve been sweating earlier.” She pulled back to say.
Deviano laughed, and raised his hands up in surrender, “I don’t doubt that for a second, I am a lover, not a fighter.” He smiled, and wanted Charlie more and more with each passing second. He smiled when she said he wasn’t cheap, “Definitely not cheap, besides you are way better than some cheap hotel.” He kissed her deeply and enjoyed the kiss very much. But when she pulled away, and suggested that they shower, he smiled, “Again, you’re right, that would be a great idea.” He took her hand, and led her to the bathroom, pinning her against the wall once inside, kissing her deeply once again, tugging at her shirt.
Was it doubt that made her pull away from the kiss? Perhaps. She would not have a problem jumping his bones if they weren’t friends, but with a friendship brewing, things could get complicated and a complication was definitely not what she wanted at this point. Still, maybe it was best to forget about that and live a little. Besides, she was horny and he was a viable candidate. Plus, he looked like he could make her scream in ecstasy and she was not about to let the chance pass her by. “Not exactly what I meant, but I guess we can share one together.” She quipped before their lips met once more. When he tugged at her shirt, she drew back and allowed him to remove the offending piece of clothing. Then, it was her turn to hurriedly pull at his shirt and shorts.  
Deviano smiled, “It may not be what you meant, but it was definitely what I heard.” He quickly removed her shirt, and lifted his arms so she could take off his shirt. He pulled off her shorts, and kissed her neck as he did it. Her body was so soft pressed against his hard one, it was the perfect contrast. His hands roamed down to her ass, and lifted her up, and squeezed it as he wrapped her legs around him, and carried her to the shower. “I’m going to make you scream so loud tonight."
Before too long, she found them both naked and her eyes raked over the naked expanse of his body. She salivated instantly, just looking at the man had her wet and wanting. She didn’t get much time to admire the masterpiece that was his body as he claimed her lips in another heated kiss. Her arms looped around his shoulders, drawing him closer to her while their tongues dueled. When he lifted her up, she let out a gasp, but found her legs automatically encircling his waist. "It’s still morning. That’s big talk for someone who hasn’t done anything other than kiss me and grope my ass.” She sassed.
Deviano laughed as he scooped her up, “Oh trust me beautiful, I back up everything I say, and I know it’s morning, you see just how long I plan on pleasuring you, that’s if you can handle it.” He smirked, and turned on the water as he kissed her again. He took the time to look at her naked frame, and all he could do was lick his lips, and blow out a breath. “Oh trust me, there’s definitely more to come.” He put her down, and started kissing down her chest, and latching onto her stiff nipples.
“Stop talking and prove me wrong, then maybe I’ll praise you for being able to keep me satisfied for hours. Oh, I think it’s you who can’t handle me.” Charlie didn’t even know why she always felt the need to challenge the man, most submissives were timid, apparently she never got that memo. As his eyes lingered along her naked body, she felt goosebumps rising on her skin and wetness pooling at the juncture of her thighs–and it was not because of the shower either. “I’ll believe it when it actually happens.” were the last things she managed to utter before he latched on to her aching breast.
Deviano smiled, he agreed talk was cheap, and he was a man of action. He smirked, “I can definitely handle you, and you’re going to see for yourself.” He continued kissing her body, flicking her nipple with his tongue, before grabbing a towel and soap, and started washing her body, “We want to get you nice and clean right?” He smirked, and washed her shoulders and stomach. He cleaned her entire body, making sure not to leave any skin unclean.
Charlie’s breath caught in her throat, her senses coming alive by the simple act. God, if it already felt good before anything actually happened, she wondered how she was going to survive having sex with Dev. “I guess I will…” She tried to sound unnerved, but was pretty sure it came out needy instead. “Mhm…” She nodded to his question and let out a laugh when he started washing her. “You know I can do that myself, right?” Since he was cleaning her, she figured it was only fair to return the favor. After putting some shower gel in her palms, she began lathering his chest. Okay, more like rubbing them, but only because that was the only part of him she could reach and not because she liked it or anything. Lies…
Deviano smiled and continued getting Charlie cleaned, he had a lot of ideas for her, and this was only step 1. He chuckled, “Oh I know you can, but what fun would that be? Besides, I want to explore this sexy body of yours, now just stop talking and let me do what I do.” He laughed, and continued washing her body, letting his fingers linger longer in certain places. He let out a soft moan when she started rubbing his chest, and he made his pecs jump to her touch. “You like?"
"Did you just tell me to shut up?” Charlie asked with a brow raised. “I can stop talking altogether if you want, sir…” She added mockingly before a laugh slipped past her when he flexed his pecs. “Maybe…” She sent him a coquettish smile as she gently ran her fingers over his chest. “There’s another way I could be silent. Want me to show you?” She didn’t even allow him to answer before she was on her knees with his dick in her right hand. Water cascaded down on her, but she looked up anyway. “What would you like me to do with this, sir? Should I suck it like a lollipop or keep stroking it?"
” I did, but that is because I want you to just let me do me.“ Deviano smiled, and licked his lips, as the water poured all over her body. He shook his head, "Don’t call me sir, you know I am not into that, but if you want to call me something, sexy works, or tall drink of water, or even sex god.” He laughed and bit his lip as she slid down to her knees, “Suck it… definitely! I want to see what your mouth can do.”
Charlie wasn’t paying much attention to what Dev was saying, her sole attention was on his very impressive length. Just staring at it had her salivating and her pussy clenching. She did catch the joke about not calling him sir though and had to respond. “I would never call you Sex God, that would only inflate your ego.” She teased with a laugh, her eyes going back to his erection a short moment later. “I’ll definitely do that.” Silence descended as she took the tip into her mouth, her tongue swiping over the opening a few times before taking more of him in until she felt him hitting the back of her throat. Her gaze were on him the whole time.
Deviano couldn’t believe this was happening, and he was so ready for it. Charlie was so sexy, and sassy, just how he liked. He laughed at her comment, “Hearing you call me a Sex God, would definitely stroke my ego, but I promise that you would get all the benefits of me knowing I am a Sex God.” He laughed again, and then it turned into a moan, feeling her mouth on his cock. He let his head fall against the wall, and his hands went to her hair, he was going to let her have control, but he sometimes got a little greedy, but for now he was going to behave himself.
With her gaze trained on the dominant, Charlie continued to pleasure him with her mouth. When her jaw would get tired, she’d pull back and tease his slit with her tongue as she simultaneously suck on the tip. Once she felt a little rested, her head would descend once more, bopping back and forth, taking as much of his cock into her mouth. “Am I doing a good job, daddy? Would you like to fuck my mouth?” Since he wasn’t into formality and neither was she, Charlie figured she might as well call him something she was familiar with. Besides, he had daddy written all over him anyway.
Deviano groaned at the feeling of Charlie’s mouth on his cock. She was definitely talented with her mouth, and he wanted more of it. He groaned at her question, “Aren’t you a dirty girl? I like that, but yes you are doing a great job baby girl.” His hands were already in her hair, so he was ready to fuck her little mouth. “Yes baby, I want to fuck your mouth. And I would have done it anyway.” He smirked, “And just for the record, I like it when you call me daddy.” He winked, and started thrusting his hips, and fucking her mouth.
It wasn’t much of a secret that dirty talk turned her on and Dev’s words spurred her desire even more. “Mmm…” She moaned around his cock, readying herself for his assault.  Before long, he began moving, fucking her mouth like she asked of him. She gagged a little but didn’t dare move away, needing to bring as much pleasure as she could to the dominant. Her gaze stayed lock to his face, enraptured by the way it contorted. “Can you cum in my mouth, daddy? Your dirty girl wants to taste you…” She pleaded before she wrapped her mouth back on his dick.
Everything Charlie wanted him to do, he was going to do it and more. Deviano wanted Charlie to be so satisfied, that she would always want more. His hips were moving as he fucked her mouth, and he felt her gagging, but she recovered like a boss. He grunted out as he felt her mouth on his cock, “Fuck! So good!” He held the back of her head on his cock for a minute, then let it go for her to breathe. Her words had him so fucking hard, “Yes! I will let my dirty girl taste me today, but know that daddy is going to want to taste you too later.” He smirked, and started fucking her mouth again.
Charlie could only adhere to what Dev was doing. She might be tough in real life, but when it came to sex, she preferred giving up control and letting her partner dominate her. She liked that he wasn’t gentle with her, and she didn’t need gentle, never cared for it. Rough was always the way to go for her. The size of his dick intimidated her,–she’d never been with anyone that big before–but it wasn’t enough to make her want to run either. As he held her head in place and continued to fuck her mouth she would gag, but like a good submissive, she didn’t move, allowing him to control the pace. Needing to taste him, she hollowed her cheeks and sucked while he continued to assault her mouth.
Deviano was a strong dominant, he liked what he wanted, and he got what he wanted. And right now, he wanted Charlie to take his cock like the good little girl he knew she was. He was shocked to see just how submissive she really was, because she was so tough and sassy in real life, but now, she was the perfect sub, and he liked the contrast. He was thrusting his hips, fucking her mouth, going deeper and deeper. He promised her that he would let her taste him, so he was going to keep his promise. He held her head steady, and held his cock in her mouth, until she gagged, then pulled it out. “Make me cum Charlie…."
Charlie didn’t think she could stand this for too long. Dev wasn’t exactly small and to make things worse, he was fucking her mouth as if she didn’t have a jaw bone. Her mouth was growing tired, throat starting to feel raw and her eyes watered from the assault. For his part, he looked like he was enjoying this blowjob a little too much, which she suppose was worth it seeing as she wanted to please him. "Cum for me, daddy. Please let me taste you.” She asked desperately, partly because she wanted to taste him, but a bigger part so that her jaw could get a much needed break. She stroke him then, her lips and tongue laving attention on his balls and when she knew that he was about to release, she wrapped her mouth back around his cock and waited for him to let go.
Deviano loved the feeling of Charlie’s mouth wrapped around his cock, she was everything he wanted her to be, and so much more. She took everything he wanted, and made it so much better. She was rapidly bringing him to his end, and her pleas were the straw for him, and he rolled his hips and came harder than he ever did before. He was well aware that she had just given him one of the  best blow jobs he’s ever had. Grunting, he emptied out his seed into her mouth, “Good girl…”
Luckily for Charlie, she didn’t have to wait long for Dev to cum, before she knew it, she felt him thrusting one last time and releasing into her mouth. She swallowed all that he had to offer and continued to suck on his dick until he stopped shaking. When she was fully satisfied, she stood up and with a cheeky smile and a wink, she asked, “Was that good enough for you, daddy?"
Deviano took a moment to compose himself, but he looked down at Charlie and smiled at her question, "It was better than good baby girl, daddy was definitely pleased. So much so, daddy wants to give you a reward, and show you just how much I appreciate your efforts here.” He lifted her up, ad put her on his shoulders, “Hold on to the rod baby girl, daddy is hungry.” He smirked, licked his lips, and started to dart his tongue in and out of her pussy.
Hearing that she had pleased Dev sent a thrill through Charlie. She liked knowing that she had done her job well. “That’s good to know, daddy.” Her brows knitted into a frown at his next remark and before she could even say another word, she found herself sitting on his shoulders. “Crap. Don’t do that to me!” She couldn’t reprimand him further because he’d shut her up quickly with his expert tongue on her pussy. “Fuck… That feels good, daddy…” She moaned, holding onto the rod as instructed and grinding herself onto his mouth.
Deviano knew he was being a bit of a show off, but he liked that he could pick Charlie up, and bend her to his will. He liked that she could handle him manhandling her, and take her how he wanted her. He smiled, “Sorry baby girl, I am just a little excited.” He focused on pleasuring her with everything he had inhibited, and by her reaction, he knew she was enjoying every second of it, and it only made him speed up his efforts.
Although Charlie knew that Dev had said something, she couldn’t register his words. She could only focus on the pleasure his tongue was bringing her. After all of the flirting and banter between them, she could feel her resistance getting ready to snap. She leaned back, allowing the wall to cradle her head and rolled her hips, needing more of his touch. “I’m so close, daddy. Can I cum? Please… Please…” She begged, knowing full well that she needed permission before she could even think of letting go.
Charlie tasted amazing, and Deviano knew that he was in trouble, the second he tasted her. She was delicious, and he was sure he was addicted to her already. He had his hands on her ass, and gave it a hard squeeze, as he continued eating her out. His tongue was deep inside her, and he moved one hand inside her pussy, as he latched onto her clit, and sucked it like a piece of hard candy. He smirked when she said she needed to cum, and he was going to give her permission, but not right now, “Hold on a little longer baby girl, I am very greedy.” He smiled.
The urge to give in to her body’s needs was right there, but Charlie had never gone against a dominant’s wish before. It would only satisfy her if she knew that she was satisfying their needs and since Dev hadn’t given her permission to cum, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Holding back was tough however, and he was making it nearly impossible by his actions. She was a moaning mess with his mouth latched to her aching clit while he thrust his fingers in and out of her. Her hips moved on its own accord, needing more friction. “Please, daddy… I need to cum now… Oh God… Please…” She whined, feeling the all too familiar tingling building within her.
Deviano had no plans on making Charlie hold out much longer, but he wanted her to build up her climax as long as possible, so she can cum hard for him. She was also so delicious, he didn’t want to let her go just yet. She started to beg, and he could tell she was close, so he decided to finally give her the release she wanted, but he was also greedy for more of her, so this was going to work out in his favor as well. He moved back, “Cum for me baby girl, daddy is ready to taste you, and then fuck you till you can’t walk.” He smirked and dove back in to her pussy.
Charlie’s heart was racing, her skin hot as she tried to hold on. Normally, she had the patience of a saint and could go for a long while without releasing,–especially with Kevin–it was different with Dev however. Maybe it was the way he treated her. The man was sweet in person, but now, in the throws of passion, he seemed like a completely different man and she liked that. When he finally gave her the permission she needed, all rationality flew out the window. She bucked her hips and felt everything exploding. “Fuck!!! Daddy!!!”
Deviano was ready for everything that Charlie had to offer him, and he was going to make sure she was good and clean before he let her go. When she screamed out he made sure to lap up all the juices she offered him. It was the most delicious taste he had ever tasted. He smiled hearing her scream out, as he licked her clean. “So damn good….but I want more.” He brought her down off his shoulders, turned off the water and carried her to the bedroom, after grabbing some towels.
Sparks of light twinkled around her vision, her body felt weak and she was pretty sure she’d never came that hard in her life. Her heart was still pounding in her chest when Dev moved her from his shoulder and then carried her away. “But we haven’t showered yet.” She protested weakly, although she knew she wouldn’t be able to move, so even suggesting that they finish the shower sounded ridiculous.
Deviano smiled as he heard Charlie protest about showering, he had no interest in that right now, all he was concerned with was being inside her, “We can shower later, but now I need to fuck you into the mattress.” He grabbed his wallet and the condom from inside it and quickly sheathed himself. “Are you ready for me baby girl?”
Moments later, Charlie found herself on the bed, she was still having a hard time breathing, it was only made worse when her eyes feasted on a very naked Dev. Every part of his body was sculpted perfectly, it didn’t look like he had an ounce of fat on him, just pure muscle. “Yes, daddy…"  She answered him as her thighs fell open for him.
Deviano smiled, ” I do like it when you call me  daddy.“ He slid his dick up and down her entrance a few times, before sliding it inside her. He grunted at the feeling of her pussy wrapped around his cock. He gave her a few minutes to get adjusted to him being inside her, before he started moving, picking up his pace.
"Then, I will call you daddy from now on.” Charlie returned with a wink. “Come fuck me, daddy…” Her breath hitched when she felt him entering her, his dick was so big that he stretched her to capacity. “Fuck…” She moaned, liking how he filled her. He was kind enough to give her time to adjust before he started moving. “God, you feel so good, daddy. Fuck me harder…” She urged, needing more of him.
Deviano nodded, and smiled, “Good girl.” He looked right into her eyes as he slipped inside her. Charlie was so vocal, just how he liked it, “You feel so fucking good wrapped around my dick baby girl.” Her words got him harder and harder, and he started moving inside her, and easily got greedy and started going faster and faster. “Fuck you feel so good.”
Charlie knew that sex was going to be good with Dev, what she didn’t expect was the level of intimacy that came with the act. When he looked into her eyes, her heart raced and it had nothing to do with how good he felt inside her. “Oh God… Fuck me with your big dick, daddy… It feels so good…” She whimpered as he began fucking her the way she wanted him to, her hips bucked, allowing him to go even deeper inside her.
It had been a minute since Deviano had sex, and he certainly missed it. So being with Charlie, was amazing, and just like he liked it. She was so tight, he couldn’t help but get greedy with her, and slam inside her. He took her hands, interlocked their fingers, lifted them above her head, and pounded her pussy, like it was his last time with her. “Fuck!” He growled out, as his body was starting to tense, and all of his muscles were popping.
Charlie had to force her eyes closed, having a staring contest with Dev while he fucked her brains out was a little too intimate for her liking. This was just sex after all… When she felt him reach for her hands, their fingers intertwined, and her arms lifted over her head, her eyes popped open. The speed of his thrusts hastened, making her breath hitch. “I’m so close, Daddy…” She moaned, as butterflies fluttered about in her stomach.
Deviano was fully engulfed into the feeling of being inside Charlie, she felt perfect to him. He wanted her more and more, and all he could do was move his hips as hard as he could, and try to hold off on his own climax as long as possible.  He moaned out as he heard her calling him daddy again, “Fuck baby girl, you are doing something to me….fuck!” He heard her say that she was close, “Hold it as long as you can.” He growled out.
Charlie felt pathetically weak right then. Yes, she liked to surrender control while in bed, but not like this. She felt like she had no choice but to follow everything Dev was telling her. Her body was not her own anymore. If that wasn’t bad enough, the things he was saying and how he was looking at her was freaking her out as well. “Please… Daddy… Please let me cum.”  She begged again as the urge to release intensified.
Charlie was giving him everything he desired in a woman, and more. She was not only sexy, but she talked back, and could take him like a champ. Her body was perfect for him, and the way she tried not to look at him, was cute for now. He could tell she was close, and he was right there with her, “Let go baby, cum for daddy, and I promise I’ll be right behind you.” He knew the second she came, there would be no way he would last. And just like he thought, she came, and he was right her, screaming out her name, “Charlie! Fuck!” He collapsed on top of her, and couldn’t move.
It was taking the very last ounce of restraint for Charlie to wait out on her release. She bit her bottom lip so hard, she was sure it would draw blood. A part of her wanted to beg again but words eluded her as she tried to focus on not cumming. Thankfully, he took mercy on her and gave her his permission to let go. When it happened, she swore that the earth moved. Sparks of light sparkled behind her closed lids and her pussy clenched around his dick tightly. “Daddy!” She screamed before her body went limp and she felt Dev collapsing on top of her. “I think I just died and went to heaven….” She chuckled and allowed her fingers to caress his hard back. A few minutes later, after Dev rolled over and discard the condom, she snuggled up to him with her eyes half closed. “You never did massage my ass, but we can do that later…” Once the words left her lips, she drifted off to sleep.
Deviano wished he could have held it longer, but there was no way he could. Charlie felt so good, so perfect, that his body reacted to her like never before, not even with Naya, and that shocked him. But he only wanted to focus on the here and now, and right now, Charlie was cumming all over his dick, and he was right behind her. His body tensed up, before he collapsed on top of her. He just laid there for a few minutes, “So did I baby girl, so did I. Fuck that was amazing.” He blew out a breath, before rolling off of her, removing the condom, and then climbed back in bed, pulling her into his arms. He chuckled at her comment, “You’re right, but we have plenty of time for that.” He looked down, and noticed she was already sleep, and he started to chuckle, “I guess I did my job.” He kissed her head, and fell asleep right behind her.
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derpyflowergarden · 7 years
Comfort In Weird Ways
Crossposted on AO3 This was self indulgent nonsense I wrote a long time ago. I mean, I wrote Mondo in a skirt, so why not a bra?
It was supposed to be a secret. No one was ever supposed to find out, but of course lady luck had never been on Mondo’s side. He should've known he was going to get caught sooner or later, he'd just been hoping it could've been later than now.
If anyone asked, he could lie and say it was mostly the fault of his classmates or even Fujisaki alone, but he knows deep down he only has himself to blame. He just wishes it hadn't been Ishimaru who found out.
It had started a few weeks prior when some of the class had been hanging out in the cafeteria. Classes were finished and it was the weekend, and the few who were still at the school instead of heading home all hung out together playing games and just enjoying each other’s company. That night it was Mondo, Chihiro, Leon, Asahina, Oogami, Hifumi, Enoshima and Ikusaba. At the moment, a game of truth or dare had been going. So far, Leon had to drink a mixture of coffee and Sprite, Hifumi had admitted that he enjoyed watching My Little Pony (of course he did) and Enoshima had to attempt eating a huge chili pepper that had gotten from the kitchen.
“Now let's see, who shall my victim be?” Enoshima said in a cutesy voice, eyeing her classmates before finally setting her sights on the biker. “Alright Oowada, truth or dare?” Mondo cursed internally. As fun as truth or dare was, Enoshima was known for her crazy dares and pinpointing truth questions. But he'd could totally handle whatever the fashionista threw at him.
“Gimme whatever dare ya got.” And this is what started everything. Enoshima sat back and through for a moment, bringing her finger up to her lips as she pondered what she could make Mondo do, before a sadistic grin spread across her pretty features.
“I know exactly what I'm going to dare you to do! I'll be right back!” With that, the Ultimate Fashionista stood up and ran towards the dormitories. Mondo tried to hold back the shiver that his body was threatening to release.
“Aw man, this should be good.” Leon laughed, and Mondo went to swat at him.
“Should we continue...or do we wait for Junko to come back?” Asahina asked, and the class agreed to continue their game. It had been two more rounds before Junko returned, and she was actually skipping, a bag held in her hands.
“Alright Oowada, here's my dare for you!” Junko said, and she thrust the bag into a confused Mondo’s lap. “I just knew this would come in handy! The company I ordered that from sent me the wrong size, and let me keep it after I sent them a glowing complaint as compensation!” Junko chirped. Mondo opened the bag and looked inside, and immediately after he shut it and his face went scarlet.
“What's in it?”
“Is it a frilly maid outfit?”
“Was it something dirty?”
“Enoshima what the fuck?!” Mondo growled over the chorus of exclamations.
“Your dare is that you have to wear that all day on Monday, and you can't cop out and just stay in your room! Also make sure your shirt is white, I wanna make sure you're wearing it!” Junko grinned, and Mondo cringed as he looked down at the bag in his lap. Suddenly it was gone and Mondo looked up in time to see Leon pull out the articles of clothing (or lack of) from the bag. Some of girls giggled and some gasps were heard, while Leon wolf whistled.
“Damn, this is sexy! Too bad it's getting wasted on Mondo!” Leon laughed and held up the lace lined black bra. It was much too large for Junko’s body, but it looked large enough for Mondo to wear somewhat comfortably. Mondo snatched the bra out of Leon’s hands and flung it back in the bag. “Fuck you Leon! I'll fucking rock this damn bra!” Mondo growled at the red head, glaring daggers until Junko declared that she couldn't wait to see the look on the rest of the classes faces.
Fast forward to that Monday, the day where it actually began. Mondo had woken up extra early in order to prepare himself, hell it had taken him all of Sunday to get ready, but now he stood in front of his mirror, holding the...article...at arms length in front of him. He wasn’t going to lie, but he had originally thought if he were ever going to hold a bra this close to him, it would be taking it of a girl, not putting it on his body. But that idea had also flew out the window when he realized he wasn’t really into girls, but no one needed to know that.
But that was besides the point. Right now, Mondo looked down at the bra once more, thinking maybe he if stared at it long enough maybe it’ll poof itself out of existence. When that hadn’t happened, the biker groaned before slipping the garment on. He had already wasted enough time as it was, and he knew if he didn’t show up for the first class, Enoshima would make him do something worse than this.
Get a grip! His mind screamed at him. It’s just a piece of clothing! What are ya getting so freaked out about?! Yeah, it was just a piece of clothing. No big deal. Mondo struggled a bit as he fumbled trying to reach the clasp on his back (thank God Chihiro was able to show him how to put it on one Saturday, as he almost ripped the garment in half in frustration), but eventually it was strapped on and
Holy shit.
This was weird! What the hell! Why the hell did this feel so...so…
No seriously, this wasn’t supposed to feel comfy, it wasn’t supposed to feel cool against his skin and...supportive? It actually fit him, it was kinda snug on the sides but it fit. The only weird issue he had was the fact it cupped out in the front and made his pecs look like actual boobs, but only slightly since the bra stretched more sideways and Chi had taken out the wires. Why did this feel so nice?!
His phone buzzing signaled that he was going to be late(r than usual) and Mondo had threw the rest of his clothes on and headed to class. It was awkward having the feeling of pressure on his shoulders from the straps, but he didn’t mind it all too much. ‘This is gonna be easy!’ Mondo thought, as he strode towards the classroom
It was when he walked inside the room when his peers all locked their eyes onto him that Mondo realized that it was not, in fact, going to be easy.
“Hey, there’s the man of the hour!” Leon called out, and everyone turned to look towards the doorway. Mondo froze, and he felt his face flush slightly, not expecting to get so much attention.
“Kyoudai, you’re 8 minutes la…” Kiyotaka had started to scold him, but trailed off as he looked at him. Mondo saw his eyes zero in on his chest, and he had to keep himself from turning tail and taking the bra off.
“Aw, you actually showed up, and here I was ready to give you such a great punishment.” Enoshima pouted, but she smirked at Mondo’s growing discomfort, watching his face grow darker by the second.
Mondo ground his teeth and quickly stormed over to his desk, sitting down heavily, glaring at the dark spruce wood desk. He refused to acknowledge the giggles and whispers of his classmates. Nope. He was not going to give them the satisfaction. He can do this.
“Mondo...why...er...why are you…” Kiyotaka started, but trailed off, and Mondo fought the urge to bang his head on his desk.
“I dared him to do it on Friday! He has to wear that all day or else I give him a worse punishment!” Junko exclaimed, and a mixture of nods and understanding murmurs spread, and Mondo groaned. Thankfully, the teacher had shown up then, and began the lesson, but not before giving him a funny look. Mondo slipped down in his seat and pretended he was not in class.
It wasn’t until after the humiliation he had gotten during class was over did things look better, and Mondo pretty much was alright during the rest of the day, except for the awkward atmosphere he’d have while with Kiyotaka, although he couldn’t tell if it was because he was wearing a bra or not.
Mondo thought that after that day, that would be the end of it. He dealt with wearing a bra for a day, and he no longer had to think about the lacy black comfy bra he wore.
() () () () ()
“You want me to do what?” Chihiro had asked him in surprise, and Mondo fought the urge to flee.
“I want ya to help me buy another bra.” Mondo repeated. “I know this is fuckin’ weird Chi, but yer the only one I can ask. I mean, I figured you’d be able ta help me cause you’ve bought girly clothes before and I thought “bra’s are girl clothes” and yeah it’s not exactly the same thing but-” Mondo rambled, his voice growing louder and his body starting to shake.
“Mondo!” Chihiro cut him off. Once Mondo was quiet, Chihiro walked over to their computer and began typing something, before gesturing the nervous biker over. Chihiro had pulled up a frilly looking website.
“I use this to order my clothes. I don’t like the pressure I feel when I order clothes in the store, so I order my clothes here. They even have a section for lingerie for men.” Chihiro said, and Mondo felt his jaw drop. Chihiro giggled at his expression. “Don’t look like that. You’re the one who said you wanted another bra. Besides, it’ll be nice knowing there’s someone else who’s like me.” Mondo shook his head, before smiling and ruffling Chihiro’s hair.
So after a week, Mondo had not one, but three new bras. They had a special sale of three for 20$, and considering the normal prices were ridiculous, the pair had jumped on the chance. After the difficulty of getting the correct sizes for Mondo (“Wait there are numbers involved in bra sizes? I thought it was letters?”), they had ordered a white, nude, and gray bra for him.
“All I ask is you tell me how they feel after you wear one for the first time. I’m curious how it goes.” Chihiro had said. “Also, make sure when you wear them, don’t wear white like the first time.”
It had taken another few days until Mondo finally managed to put on one of the new bras. Again, he felt a surge of...something when he put it on, and it actually fit correctly without causing a weird lump in his shirt like the black bra. It wasn’t even noticeable in the mirror! Yet he had still felt some apprehension for when he walked into the classroom, but no one said anything, and he Mondo felt relief wash over him. After that, he was able to get away with wearing a bra about once or twice a week without getting any weird looks or comments from his classmates. Besides Chihiro, everyone was none the wiser.
Until now.
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and it was one of the weekends that Kiyotaka was staying at the school grounds. So the two of them had decided to go out and get lunch together, have a bro day. It had been crowded around the area, so Mondo had to park farther down from their destination, but that had been no problem to the two, the weather was nice and it gave them a chance to walk off the food. The two had been enjoying their meal, laughing and joking as always, until Kiyotaka noticed that they sky was growing darker.
“Perhaps we should get back, it looks like it will rain soon.” Kiyotaka said, and Mondo agreed. Neither of them had brought an umbrella, and they had taken Mondo’s bike to get here. Kiyotaka was nervous on Mondo’s motorcycle as it was, in the rain it’d be impossible.
They had gotten about a third of the way to where they had parked when it the rain started. It was a total downpour, and the two of them rushed under a bus stop.
“Damn, it really coming down.” Mondo commented once they were safe from the rain. They were on a small side street, and besides an occasional car or rushing passerby getting out of the rain, it was pretty much quiet. “Ya think it’ll let up soon?”
“I hope so, I wouldn’t want to stay here all day.” Kiyotaka had replied, looking up at the sky. Mondo tried not to stare at his friend, but it was kind of hard not to. Kiyotaka’s hair had slicked back from the rain, the lighting from the sky making his face look sharper, more angular, and his shirt was clinging to him, showing off the muscles that were normally hidden. In short, Kiyotaka look extremely attractive, more so than usual. Suddenly, Kiyotaka was looking over at him, and Mondo gave him a sheepish smile. When Kiyotaka didn’t return it, Mondo began to panic.
Shit! He probably noticed him staring. Had he been making a weird face? Did he look creepy? Mondo saw Kiyotaka’s face grow red, and he was sure that Kiyotaka was going to call him out on being a creepy asshole when:
“Mondo...are you wearing what I think you’re wearing?” Kiyotaka asked, and Mondo paused in confusion.
“Huh? What are ya talking about, I’m not wearing anythin-” Mondo looked down at his clothes and
AHHH HE FORGOT HE HAD PUT A BRA ON TODAY! Fuck! He had totally forgotten he put the skin toned one on when he grabbed it while looking for his socks. Now because of the storm, just like his Kyoudai, his clothes had also started clinging to his body, and it had made the bra stand out.
Shit Shit Shit!
“I...it’s uh…” Mondo tried to form an excuse, but he couldn’t think of any. It’s not like he could say it was on a dare, the only believable culprits were at home, and it’s not like he could say it was a lump on his body.
“Mondo, I-” Kiyotaka began, and that was all it took before Mondo began his nervous babble. “Alright look it’s just a bra I didn’t get dared or anything it’s mine I bought it it feels nice and I like how they look and I swear Kiyotaka if you say anything I’ll-”
“Can I see it?”
The pounding rain sounded so distant, and the two boys stared at each other. What?
“...What?” Mondo asked, and Kiyotaka slapped his hand over his mouth. Kiyotaka’s face looked as red as Mondo’s felt.
“I-I didn’t say that! Forget I said that!” Kiyotaka exclaimed, his hands rushing to this motions of his ‘Forget Beam’ before he quickly turned away.
“Hell no, did you just ask if you can see my bra?!” Mondo asked, grabbing Kiyotaka’s shoulder and forcing him back around.
“Ngh! It was a slip, I didn’t mean to ask that.” Kiyotaka said, guilt written across his wet face. “I just...thought it looked good on you the first time you wore one, or what I could see from it. I had been wondering what it looked like without...err…” Mondo was floored. He thought Kiyotaka had felt embarrassed by him that day, not flustered!
“Wait, you ain’t grossed out by this?” Mondo asked, and Kiyotaka shook his head.
“No, of course not! If you wish to wear this, then I will support you! If I were disguisted by this, then how could I face Fujisaki? I have no problem with you wearing a b-bra at all.” Kiyotaka said, and Mondo felt relief wash over him, however it didn’t last long.
“So...you like seeing me in this?”
“Yes!...er...yes, it's very...appealing?” Kiyotaka glanced away again, and Mondo had an idea. There was a chance he’d say no, but he had to risk it...
“Taka, if ya really want, I’ll let ya see it when we get back…” Mondo began, and Kiyotaka perked up and looked over at Mondo once more. “...only if ya answer me one thing.” Kiyotaka nodded, and Mondo took a deep breath before asking:
“Would you wanna go out with me sometime?”
“...Aren’t we already out together?”
“...I meant more like a date…”
More rain, and a siren was heard in the distance.
“Yes.” Mondo felt his eyes widen.
“Y-ya mean it?” Kiyotaka laughed lightly, going to take the hand on his shoulder and lacing their fingers together.
“Yes, Mondo, I would be more than happy to go on a date with you!” Kiyotaka said, and Mondo smiled before pulling Kiyotaka into a hug.
“Besides, I think it’d be better if only your boyfriend got to see your undergarments, yes?” Kiyotaka asked confidently, and Mondo stiffened, before burying his face into Kiyotaka’s shoulder. Leave it to Taka to make things extra embarrassing, but it was worth it.
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kindaangelic · 7 years
Love Me a Little
Tim felt humiliated. He had never felt so vulnerable in his life, and with Dick, no less. He should have seen this coming, he should have dodged that bolt of magic, he should have moved faster, should've, would've, could've- But hindsight did nothing for the fact that he was now a tiny baby who was having his suitably tiny butt powdered by Dick Grayson, Mother Extraordinaire. “All done!” Dick crowed, administering a final, powdery, pat on his tush. “Don't you feel fresh now, Timmy?” Tim did feel as fresh as the morning dew, but he wasn't going to let Dick have the satisfaction of knowing that. Instead, he mewled plaintively, reaching out for the void to engulf him. By sheer happenstance, the direction in which he stretched was exactly where Jason was passing by after his nap. “Do you want to go to Jay?” Dick asked, bouncing him. “Jason, Timmy wants his big brother!” Jason blinked sleepily at his brothers and itched himself slowly, deliberately, before snagging Tim in one arm. “Hey, TimTam,” Jason yawned. “Don't you look all fresh and nice. Did Dickface give you a bath?” Tim squirmed uncomfortably, loath to relive the torturous memories of Bathtime. He let out a warbling wail, and looked angrily at Jason, who proceeded to mess up Dick’s hard work by blowing raspberries in Tim’s tummy, eliciting squeals from the unhappy yet tickled baby. “Hey, he likes it,” Jason said, completely misinterpreting Tim’s tortured noises for happiness. “Tim, who's your favourite brother?” Tim lunged towards Dick, making grabby hands at his saviour, who swept Tim out of the tickle monster’s arms. “Traitor,” Jason said good-naturedly. “It's lucky that he won't remember all of this when he turns back, huh?” “Oh, for sure,” Dick agreed. “Can you imagine him remembering all of this, or understanding us?” “Pfft,” Jason muffled a laugh, “I'm pretty sure he'd run away first.” “Yeah, it's pretty funny, huh?” Tim glared at his chortling brothers, and wondered if the League of Assassins was still recruiting. ----------- Tim dozed off as Dick and Jason carried him around the house, waking only when he felt a scratchy material on his face. Did those two numbskulls put him on the carpet!? Tim blinked awake, only to realize that the scratchy feeling was not from the carpet, but from where he was smushed against Bruce’s bare, hairy, chest, as the man lounged in front of the television where he was having his bi-monthly existential crisis. Said crisis usually consisted of asking questions such as am I really making a difference? Would my parents approve of my lifestyle? Why won't my children ever hug me? Why does Dick hug me so much? The answers to which were, in order, yes, I can't speak for the dead, because you're unapproachable, and because Dick has made it his personal mission in life to hug everything into submission, and frankly, his success rate is startlingly high. Currently, Bruce was cradling Tim and a bowl of popcorn (plain) against his bare chest and stomach, respectively, as the television blared news about Superman’s latest feat of hunkyness - rescuing a kitten from a tree - while Tim was having a mental freakout about lying next to Bruce’s nipple. Bruce came out of his stupor as Tim stirred awake and regarded his now infant son carefully. “I miss this,” Bruce said after a while. “You don't remember this, but you used to be here all the time when you were a baby. Perks of being the bachelor neighbor, I got to babysit you a lot. We used to do this a lot, too,” he admitted, gesturing at himself and the television, as Tim listened, enraptured. “My existential crises were different though. They were more centered around starting out as Batman and if I was really gay. I'm bisexual,” Bruce reaffirmed. Tim giggled, and Bruce smirked. “Yes, it seems so frivolous now, doesn't it? But when I was in my twenties, Superman’s pectorals haunted my dreams. Now, he haunts me in real life with his stupidity and talking and emotions, ugh.” Tim looked around guiltily, thinking back on all the times he had imagined Conner’s pecs bouncing. “Why am I talking about Clark?” Bruce interrupted himself. “Stupid Clark. This is father-son bonding time,” Bruce said, addressing Tim seriously. “As I was saying, you were here all the time. You said your first word here, you know. It was ‘bat’.” Bruce paused before continuing, “I should have known. I should have adopted you then. Maybe we would have had more time together, and you wouldn't have left home,” he said softly. Tim mashed his face into Bruce’s chest to convey his feelings, which Bruce seemed to understand. “You were my baby for the longest time, and I couldn't accept that you were going to leave. I keep losing kids and I don't know why,” he complained softly. “Dick went to crummy Blüdhaven, Jason died, came back, and hates me, Cassandra is in Hong freaking Kong, and Damian keeps calling me ‘Father’ like I don't know. Is ‘daddy’ too difficult a word? And you left and got a stupid flat in a stupid apartment complex,” Bruce grumbled. After a stretch of comfortable silence, Bruce hiked Tim up higher and looked him dead in the eye. “But I have you now, and I'm going to make the most of it. Prepare for hugs, Timothy my boy,” Bruce said, before cuddling Tim. Tim squeaked in shock, and made valiant attempts to avoid the Batman’s nipple, but appreciated the frank affection that was so rarely found in the house that did not come from Dick. ---------- “Your first word was not ‘bat’, as Master Bruce likes to think,” Alfred informed Timothy as he fed him tiny spoonfuls of applesauce. “It was ‘butt’. But Master Bruce does like his denial, doesn't he?” Tim clapped his hands gleefully, overjoyed that his first word had been said to cause someone affront. ---------- Just when he thought that everyone had had their fill of him as a baby, Damian showed up, looming ominously over Tim’s crib. Tim squeaked in horror at the purpose clear in Daman’s poisonous, green, eyes, and made to crawl away, but was held fast by the evil little gnome. “There is the possibility that this spell may not be reversible,” Damian muttered. “In that case, you will have to grow up all over again. This has been a blessing in disguise, the fates having given me the chance to forge a new relationship with you.” Tim cocked has tiny head, touched that Damian wanted to build on their relationship. “When I take the mantle of Batman, you shall be my new Robin!” Tim gawked as Damian went on to outline grandiose plans of how he and Tim would usher in an age of peace (he should have known not to let Damian read Orwellian Classics), and how with proper training, Tim would love his new elder brother and Batman. “...I shall have a high collar with my version of the cape and cowl. It offers more protection for my neck. For you, I shall keep the classic colour scheme, but we will be adding darker undertones. Here, try this on-” Tim was shocked when Damian pulled out a very small replica of the Robin costume of his imagining, and attempted to put Tim in it. Tim flailed, unwilling to indulge Damian’s fantasies of being his big brother, but failed, and was forced to look at his reflection in the mirror dressed in a modified Robin onesie. “There, see? Elegant and effective, offering brilliant range of movement and optimal protection. You will thank me for this later, Drake. In fact,” Damian paused, smirking, “you will love me, for I shall be the big brother that you never had.” Tim wailed at the thought, which brought Dick into the room. “Ooh, Bruce, look! Dami’s playing dress up with Timmy! They're so cute! And look at that!” Dick cried, pointing at Tim’s costume. “Did you make that, Dami?” Damian nodded happily. “It is for when I make Drake the Robin to my Batman.” “That's very sweet, Damian,” Bruce remarked. “I'm glad that you love your brother enough to make him Robin. I'm very proud of you.” “Thank you Father,” Damian said, preening. “You'll be a great big brother, Dami,” Dick cooed adoringly. “I know,” Damian remarked. “And with time, Drake will know it too.” Tim gulped, and willed the magic to fade faster from his body, if only to pound his little creep of a brother into the dirt for forcing him to play a role in his dystopian fantasies. ----------- “I'm sorry!” “Hmph.” “Timmy, I'm soooo soooorrrry!” “Hngh.” Jason buried his face in his hands as Dick continued to grovel. “Timmy, please! We didn't know that you could remember everything!” “You made me take bubble baths, Dick,” Tim reminded him sourly. “You made me dress up like a pumpkin, and then you took pictures! You powdered my butt. You touched my BUTT.” Dick slunk to the floor in horror while Jason gagged, prompting Tim to round on him. “And you! You put your entire uggo face in my stomach! You gave me raspberries! The gun-toting, feared anti-hero of Gotham, the Red Hood, gave me tiny tummy kisses!” Tim shrieked, pointing at a withering Jason, who promptly joined Dick in a pile of shame on the floor. In the chaos, Damian attempted to escape unnoticed, but was out of luck. “Don't think you're going to get away, you little creep,” Tim growled, snagging Damian by the waist. “‘You will learn to love me!?’ ‘I will show you what it means to be my Robin?’ What the hell, you little gremlin!?” “You should be honored, Drake!” Damian cried, attempting to scratch Tim’s eyes out. “I was going to make you into my perfect Robin!” “Oh my Gotham, that was creepy as fuck,” Jason mumbled quietly. “Dick, your little demon baby is a freaking creep.” “I was going to make you the best version of yourself, Drake!” “Dami,” Dick sighed, “you should love your brother in whatever form he is in. Tim loves you just as you are, don't you Timmy?” “I'd love him more if he was a hamster.” “Tim!” Unbeknownst to everyone, Bruce watched his children bicker from the safety of his room, and smiled at having his boys under one roof, together. Just as it should be. ---------
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