#yeah i made a crossover of my hyperfixations
grossion5z · 1 year
alright i think ive let these sit in my camera roll long enough
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bigfemboyenergy · 3 months
The Worst Crossover To Ever ‘Cross Over’ Pt.3
kill me i have no idea how to write the batfamily or the joker//
Sonic breathes in deeply, trying to regain his cool. He’s seen so much bullshit in only a few seconds, so it makes sense. It almost feels like someone’s writing him into this crap, because of how bad it is.. but anyway.
About twenty or so feet away, there’s the entrance to a warehouse. In front of it, two people stand; a clownish creep, with eerily green hair, slicked back, and his lips smothered with tarnished red lipstick..and Danny, in something resembling a hero suit of sorts, with his hair and eyes now white and green, respectively. It’s quite the spectacle. So much so that there’s a few bat- and bird- themed people just a few rooftops away..watching.
After a few seconds of watching Danny interact with the freakish clown man, Sonic decides to rush in, standing between Danny and the clown, concern leaving his eyes looking wide and more unusual than normal. The clown pays little mind to him, trying to talk with Danny, intrigue lighting up his thin, sharp features. “Oho, another!” the clown starts. “I’ve never seen anything quite like you two before.” Sonic stands defensively in front of Danny, arms stretched out to protect him. “Yeah, and I’ve never seen a clown become the butt of their own joke, but here you are,” Sonic retorts, with a scowl. He’s going full defensive. Behind him, however, Danny doesn’t seem nearly as bothered as one might expect.
A while earlier, Danny had just arrived, drawn in by the noise. Only to see a clown near the source of the sound and some bat furry guy and his supposed accomplices some buildings away, just watching? He was not pleased. Flying down to the clown, he discovered that the horrible shrieking was just the laugh of this nasty clown..or a ringmaster..? Less clown-like..reminds him of that weirdo from Circus Gothica. Danny shivers, immediately uncomfortable. “So, who are you, and what are you doing?” Danny starts, ready to interrogate. The ringmaster-clown-guy shrugs, with a cruel giggle; “Oh, you know, a bit of this, a bit of that.” Danny rolls his eyes, noticing his dodging of the question. The clown dude looks Danny up and down, in a way that makes him so much creepier. “Are you, mayhaps, one of them?” Danny looks at where the clown is pointing- the bat furry and some other furries. “Uh, no way, don’t know who that furry is, never seen him before today-” Danny starts, before being rudely interrupted by the ringmaster-clown’s horrible laughter. “He isn’t quite a furry, but it’s funny you see him as such! He’s Batman, kid. And you are?” Danny looks at the clown guy, deciding that his non-hostility leaves him somewhat okay to respond to..especially if he’s gonna start building his rep back up. “Phantom. You know, usually one should say their own name first during an introduction,” Danny says, with a curious expression. “But you didn’t. Who are you, then?” The ringmaster grins wildly as he proclaims, “The Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker, one and only!” Danny’s face pales slightly; this guy is definitely not a good guy, with a name and title like that. Maybe I shouldn’t have indulged him, he thinks.
Danny takes a step back, feeling a lot less safe around this “Joker” guy. He hasn’t done anything wrong yet, but he certainly will try, won’t he?
As Sonic arrives at the scene, Batman almost takes action. These people..where have they come from? He nor any of his colleagues habe met them, that’s for sure- he’d know if they had. A boy called “Phantom”, clearly a meta, and some blue spiky meta. Unusual and sudden appearances could mean..something big. But it seems that the situation is dying down for now.. so he swoops away, bringing the rest of his team with him.
Sonic glares at the clown, not knowing what he may have done or not done to Danny. Danny steps up behind Sonic, whispering in his ear, “He’s some sort of prankster, I think? Calls himself “Joker”. He hasn’t done anything yet.” Sonic lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Whispering back, he murmurs, “Let’s just go, for now. He gives me the heebie-jeebies.” Danny nods, and Sonic promptly grabs Danny and runs away, with incredibly speed, the Joker looking at the two of them and waving as they escape the scene.
Now back at their makeshift home, Sonic asks, “Why did you leave?” He puts Danny down and looks up at him, a bit saddened. “I thought something bad could’ve happened, or you were afraid of me…” He sighs. Danny looks at Sonic, eyes sympathetic and kind; “I woke up and was too worried to sleep. Sorry. I just..wanted to scope out the town. And, uh..I think we have some more things to talk about..” He gestures to himself, and then to Sonic. “Some abilities and backstories we need to share.”
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kingdomoftyto · 11 months
I'm crying laughing, the DVDs are even worse than I remember... Season 1's menus are silent with a single static jpg of the same key character art they use for everything else, and the episodes on the Season 2 discs don't even match what's listed on the box! Absolutely stunning lack of shits given. Truly unparalleled. But I really shouldn't be surprised given... well... everything about how this series has been treated since the very beginning.
Time for a quick ~✨PHANDOM HISTORY LESSON✨~ to give newer/less hyperfixated folks more context for why the graphic novel being as great as it is is such a HUGE deal:
Danny Phantom was one of Nickelodeon's MAIN cartoons, in its time. It was a central pillar. One of the top three or four of their lineup, which is saying something when the competition includes the cultural juggernaut that is Spongebob.
Despite this, and despite its superhero theming making it perfectly marketable, it got basically ZERO official merch.
What little we did get was often ugly and very, very cheap. The dedication at the start of the graphic novel that jokes about collecting the Burger King toys? That's because it was some of the most notable merch the franchise EVER had. (I sadly do not have any of it. There was no BK in my hometown. Here's a pic from the internet, though, to give you an idea.)
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If you think I'm exaggerating about that being the most significant physical merch to come out of the series, consider that the first video game had an entire menu option specifically for the Burger King promotional tie-in:
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That video game, by the way, was one of only two ever based on the show. The first was an adaptation of "The Ultimate Enemy" in the style of a short sidescrolling beat-em-up, and the second was themed around "Urban Jungle" and (as far as I can tell--I've only played the first couple levels) was an arcade-style scrolling shooter. Both were for the Gameboy Advance, and both are...... fine, as far as cash-grabby video game tie-ins to kids' shows go. This was pretty normal for the time, so I suppose we did okay in that department, actually. They're not GOOD, but they're playable and have at least a bit of effort put into them.
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But besides those two video games (plus a handful of simple, long-defunct Flash games on nick.com)? In the decade and a half since the show ended?
No books, no games, no comics, no web shorts--unless you count mega-crossovers with every other Nicktoon (a la Nicktoons Unite), or soulless promotional material like "Fairly Odd Phantom" (which, trust me, despite being the first new DP animation in over 10 years was not even worth the effort of watching).
...I think there was a limited edition FunkoPop once?
So yeah.
A Glitch in Time is not just the first cool, well-made thing we've seen from the franchise in a while. It's the first THING we've seen since the show. PERIOD. And arguably the first worthwhile supplementary material to EVER come out of the show, depending on how you feel about those GBA games and the Nicktoons crossovers.
This franchise is widely beloved even now, almost 20 years after it first aired, and it feels like that fact is now, finally, FINALLY getting some official recognition.
PLEASE read A Glitch in Time. Tell other people about it. The series--no, the fans--deserve this (and more of this, if the folks in charge see enough of a response and decide to grace us with any followup). It's LONG overdue, but better late than never.
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shuuen-no-cimory · 14 days
Also of course, it ain't me if I don't crossover my current hyperfixation with my ultimate current hyperfixation. So... Degrees of Lewdity x ProjectMoon! (This post is full of me yapping as I explain each drawing, so I guess, be ready?)
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First, I'll go hard with Whitney as R Corp. 4th Rabbit Team. The initial idea was that he reminds me so much of RHeath LMAO But eventually I love the idea because I think he'd go along with Myo well. Plus... Somehow imagining Whitney in Rabbit Team Hatchery shenanigans seems... Interesting.
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Next is Eden. If anyone notice, I originally designed him based of 2 Abnos: Der Freischutz and Big Bird. Der Frei was, of course, a nod to his title as a Hunter, and a marksman as well. For Big Bird... Yeah definitely there's the Big Bird in DoL, yet I think temperance-wise, Eden does felt similar to Big Bird. A creature living in a forest, thinking they protect others by doing the action that definitely doesn't seems to be out of protection. As for RRH, oh think about this: Being hunted down while getting marked. One by a hunter, and another by a wolf. Oh isn't it just reminds me of something...? Right
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Funny enough, before I designed the school LIs properly, I reimagined them as The City's feathers. "If they're living in the City and has to work with one Wing, which one they'll work on?" I've talked about R. Corp Whitney earlier so I'll talk about the others! Robin, L Corp. - I can imagine him with the pressing needs to survive under the weight of Bailey's rent ends up either being sent or signed himself up as an agent for L Corp. The Wing doesn't ask that much requirement as per Hokmah's story while the agent supposed to have a great pay (being a wing and all). Hence, I think he might work for L Corp. Sydney, K Corp. - The idea was that after graduating, Sydney might follow Sirris path in science. Being the obedient child she is (as we sees on the game before they get corrupted), she probably choose to do what Sirris might do hence her as K Corp. researcher. Oh anyway, truly this is just a fyi that doesn't seems to be related to anything, I reimagined Harper as Dongrang in this scenario, with the whole Teary-Thing problem exist. Oh, lucky enough for Sydney to help producing K Ampule that definitely just as seen in the canon Limbus story. Just saying. Kylar, W Corp. - This one actually a rather fun idea. This is set with the idea that Kylar work as the Clean Up Member, with parents that's definitely unaware with how their child work but nevertheless proud with him. They'd even use WARP Train solely to be sent off by Kylar each time, much to Kylar silent dismay. If only they know what Kylar has to clean up among the 6 seconds they went into the train... Read one of the reblog tag and yeah. It has to do with Love Town. And pretty much how Kylar had to regularly assemble his parents again and again each trip they made.
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LCB! SYDNEY LET'S GOOOO!!!! This idea came as I made my LCB-esque ID Card for Sydney. The idea of LCB Sydney's background was that it's pretty much what happened in the game, but make it The City-esque and seen from Sydney's eyes. It's fun imagining her as a Dieci Fixer who was caught in a complicated issue which she rather dip out from as she hasn't fully grow the backbone to face it yet. Oh right, in this AU I reimagined Ivory as Abnormality and both Sydney and Kylar got their EGO. Sydney got their Longing Phase EGO (HE, Gloom) while Kylar got the Haunting Phase EGO (WAW, Wrath). I actually had a draft of how the EGO works and its gimmick but let's talk it later on lol
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When Yield My Flesh event is up on Limbus, my head doing the funny by thinking, "Damn... Jun Wren sounds cool..." then I remember Tingtang exist like jfgdjfgbjd HE FITS BETTER AS TINGTANG WHY DIDN'T I THINK ABOUT IT ON A SIDE NOTE, I also had the thought on how Bailey MIGHT kills it as either a Kurokumo or a Middle. After all, Middle never forget... Just like how Bailey never forget your rent LOL
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And last but not least: Sydney and Robin as L Corp. Agent! Robin will be a high Temperance agent which work for Safety Team, while Sydney is the high Fortitude, high Prudence Disciplinary Team Captain. Oh, if you do notice: I made Sydney's cross looks like Penitence EGO Weapon. It's actually based of this idea of how One Sin and WhiteNight's dynamic thematically fits Sydney the Faithful and Sydney the Fallen. The name of both Abnos' EGO Set-- "Penitence" and "Paradise Lost" respectively, both fits the image of each Sydneys. Hence, I draw them in both EGO Sets!
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kaythefloppa · 3 months
The Current Timeline of Wild Kratts:
Remember 3 years ago during the hiatus when I made that detailed post explaining the chronological lore of Wild Kratts and analyzed its timeline of a decade's worth of episode with a dash of my own HC involved in it and posted it onto the Wild Kratts fandom subreddit?
Yeah, I promised updates to it when the new episodes arrived, and here I am almost a damn year later with four episodes already released, and four more on their way (with two of them already having been leaked!) Not to mention there were people who messaged me about legitimate errors I made that I accepted humbly, but didn't actually fix. Not to mention the crossovers that I completely ignored.
Well, much like in 2021, I had wayy too much free time on my hands and decided to go back and finally update that timeline. Unfortunately, Reddit's character limit prevented me from getting the edited version posted so I grit my teeth and decided to bring this fucker to Tumblr via copy and paste. Yeah, I'm not even kidding. So if you've ALSO got enough free time on your hands or are someone who read the original post who was desperately searching for an update, you've got it.
Full post underneath the cut: Warning, shit gets crazy down there.
The PBS Kids original animated show “Wild Kratts” has turned a decade old in the 2020's. Within that time, an autobiography, a 200 episode milestone, and a theatrical film based on the series is confirmed to be in development.
With new episodes of the show coming out, I figured that I’d analyze the show by making an analysis for its timeline. Like many shows, it does have continuity, but Wild Kratts is one of those shows which apparently has an extremely open universe where events happen within that universe, but they don’t seem to have a coherent timeline or any serialization. Many episodes are aired out of order and it’s hard to find a passage of time in a show which doesn’t rely on over-serialization in order to tell its own story.
I partly blame this on production errors as well as strict scheduling as well as the network focusing on releasing episodes in order of when they were produced as opposed to the intended date.
I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt that it doesn’t just rehash its timeline over and over again (unlike some other shows I know cough cough Arthur & Family Guy cough cough). Continuity does exist. It’s just figuring out how it falls in line that is the hard part.
I’ll update this post every time a new episode comes out. My plan is to analyze every single episode until the series finale so that we can determine how much time passes in the show. The way I'll order the timeline is by chronological order first. If there exists an episode or a group of episodes that do not contradict the order, but is not stated to go within this order, I will place them by original air-date and not production order.
I had found a website that lists every Wild Kratts episode (minus the hour-long specials) in order by air-date, unlike the Wild Kratts wiki & Wikipedia. Now, I did find some errors, as it claims that the first 2 episode aired on December 31st and not January 3rd, however I can forgive that as that has been a misconception for years and it got only the date wrong and not the order of episodes. So I was able to use that as a reliable source, more so than the fandom wiki. I am also running off of vivid memory based on my viewing experience as a kid, since I grew up with the show and have come to realize how much info I've retained from the universe of my hyperfixation and how I can use that to this post's advantage. Let's get into it.
Activate Analysis Powers!
Let’s start with the very first 2 episodes to be released: Mom of a Croc and Whale of a Squid.
In that episode, we see that the Kratt Brothers are already familiar with what’s around them. They’re familiar with the Minaturizer, their Creature Power Suits and Disks, and adventuring with the coolest creatures from oceans to trees (sorry, had to squeeze that reference in).
We see that some animals and inventions are introduced into this episode like the Hippo Sub, Crocodilla, and her daughters. However, let’s focus on things which aren’t introduced in this episode.
Most notably, the Gharial Power Disks and the Miniaturizer. Let’s focus on the disks first.
Near the climax of the episode, the Kratt Brothers use the Gharial Power Disks to substitute for Crocodile Powers since they did not have a disk. Gharials and Nile Crocodiles are both in the order Crocodillia, but were not in the same species nor family. That, along with different designs, makes gharials and crocodiles in general very different animals, which is why the activation didn’t hold up (I hope to god they actually make an episode around gharials in the next season).
Many people assume that this episode only takes place after Kerhonk since Chris uses Gharial Crocodile Power, but this is actually false. Listen closely to what Chris is saying.
“Ha! Crocodile. And a gharial is a type of crocodile!”
Now we’ve already established that a gharial is NOT a crocodile despite being a crocodillian, but let’s get to the important part. Chris is saying that as he pulls out his Crocodile Disk for the Creature Power Suit. Now here is the thing. He doesn’t pull out a Gharial Disk. He uses the Croc Disk to activate Gharial Power, but he doesn’t use a gharial disk to activate the corresponding power suit.
So if Aviva did invent Gharial Power by the events of Kerhonk, Chris would’ve used that instead of using the Crocodile Disk as a substitute. And assuming that episode predates Mom of a Croc, the Kratt Brothers would’ve obviously used the Crocodile Disk since they have used it before.
So that means there was some off-screen adventure where Aviva made Gharial Powers which took place before Kerhonk.
...But that would mean Chris would already have a Gharial Power Disk by the events of Kerhonk and Mom of a Croc. One of 2 things is likely the case. Either Chris didn’t have access to the disk and used Crocodile Power as a last resort (as we see, the disk holder doesn’t exist until Season 2, so he probably stuffs them in his pockets), or that episode exists in an alternate timeline, which we know isn’t the case since that episode’s continuity is brought up later (we will see soon).
So we’ve established that Kerhonk takes place after Mom of a Croc, which takes place after an unseen series of events that predate the series itself as we know it.
Now onto the Miniaturizer. We see it in this episode, but 4 episodes later in Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy, the miniaturizer is invented. That leads me to believe that the episode takes place before Mom of a Croc. However, if you look in the background, you can see that the Walrus Power Suit is in the background with a harness and strap over it. This debunks my original theory of this episode predating the invention of the Creature Power Disks.
With the Walrus Power Suit in mind, it has a harness and strap over it, which brings up the question of why?
My answer would be that the harness and strap was meant for the Walrus Suit after it was damaged in Polar Bears Don’t Dance.
So now we’re at the original pilot episode, the first piece of Wild Kratts media produced by PBS Kids (excluding the Flash games that came out a month prior and were removed 9 years later, *sobs*). Here, the operation of the suits is different. Here, Aviva modified the suits for arctic survival and all it takes is for them to touch the animals with the gloves and then press the button. In many episodes, the modification occurs with the existence of a Creature Power Disc, or the disk is seen off-screen.
But the more I see into it, the more it makes sense. Ever wonder why we don’t see some creature power disks of creature powers in the earlier episodes? Maybe it could be the same reason why we don’t see the Polar Bear and Walrus Disk for the Creature Power Suit.
Aviva pre-programs the Creature Power Suits into the animal that the user can activate into not because she prefers this over making discs, or because the discs are already inserted into the suit, but because this was before she began making Creature Power Discs. This explains why in many Season 1 episodes, we don’t see the disc itself because the power is preprogrammed into the suit.
So at what point does this end and Aviva starts making discs? Any could be. All we know is that this would soon become the norm over preprogramming the power into the suits.
Polar Bears Don’t Dance could possibly chronologically take place around the earliest in the Wild Kratts timeline.
In Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus, Aviva talks about upgrading features into the Walrus Power Suit. Maybe she isn’t talking about inventing the suits, but modifying the suits, which is fitting considering the walrus suit somehow malfunctioned and got jammed (which was presumably due to the cold arctic ice).
In the same episode, Zach and Donita’s interactions appear to be as if they had met recently, with Donita referring to Zach as the one who “vomitted from clams under the table.” So already we’re forming a coherent timeline with these episodes and we’re not even half-way through Season 1.
There would be one inconsistency. In this episode, Aviva says Jimmy’s controller is waterproof (along with food-proof) but in Seasquatch, 16 episodes later, Jimmy’s controller is protected by a shrink-wrap, indicating that it isn’t safe from the environment. Well, here’s the thing.
That episode shows a second appearance of the Squid Power Suit and Bumper the Sperm Whale from the episode Whale of a Squid which aired alongside Mom of a Croc on the premiere date of the series.
There’s no reason not to believe that the whale episode takes place after Mom of a Croc, which we have already established, takes place long after Polar Bears Don’t Dance. With that, my only explanation is that Jimmy’s controller wasn’t 100% waterproof since salty water can actually be very damaging to technology.
In Octopus WildKratticus Koki lists down many Creature Powers shown. This includes Honey Badgers, Polar Bears, and Octopi. This indeed indicates that these episodes where these powers debut are placed before this episode (some say it’s a retcon, but I disagree since Martin could’ve activated Honey Badger Power after the events of Honey Seekers).
Now let’s address the continuity in the series.
In Season 1, the Kratt Brothers have 2 adventures in the Australian Outback: Ones with kangaroos and koalas. In the koala episode, Chris mentions Aviva inventing Thorny Devil Disks for the Creature Power Suits the last time they were there. Considering that the kangaroo episode was 2 episodes prior to this one, I’m making it count.
Mimic is a sequel to Cheetah Racer, which takes place after Falcon City. In Mimic, the Cheetah Power Disk is invented, which is later used in Caracal Minton.
A Huge Orange Problem takes place after Kerhonk since Schnozzle (I think that is his name appears and Chris and Martin refer to him by that name.) This means that Kerhonk is in the official timeline of WK, meaning the only explanation as to why the Kratt Brothers had little access to either the Gharial and Crocodile Power Disc is that they physically had no access to it due to misorganization.
The Food Chain Game introduces new Creature Powers treated as familiar powers, which indicates that they were already invented off-screen. No episodes introduce these Creature Powers so that means the episode can't be out of order.
In Masked Bandits, Chris and Martin originally intend to use Wolf Power as costumes for their Halloween party, but instead Raccoon Powers are activated and Wolf Power is instead invented in Little Howler.
Ok so let’s go over the established time-line so far. When listing down the time-line, I’ll first do the episodes that chronologically fit together, then I’ll list episodes through air-date if there’s no connection or contradiction between them, then I will go back to chronology if I need to.
Polar Bears Don’t Dance → The Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy → The Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus→ Unnamed Gharial Crocodile Adventure Episode → Mom of a Croc → Whale of a Squid → Aardvark Town → Flight of the Draco → Platypus Cafe → Bass Class → Build it Beaver → Voyage of the Butterflier XT → Honey Seekers → Fireflies → Tazzy Chris → Octopus Wildkratticus → Walk on the Wetside → Elephant in the Room → Let the Rhinos Roll → Kickin’ it with the Roos → Koala Balloon → The Blue and the Grey → Falcon City → Cheetah Racer → Mimic → Kerhonk → A Huge Orange Problem → Caracal Minton → Zig-Zagged → Seasquatch → The Food Chain Game → Masked Bandits → Little Howler → The Gecko Effect → Flight of the Pollinators → Birds of a Feather → Googly Eye: The Night Guru → Stuck on Sharks → A Bat in the Brownies → Raptor Roundup → Quillbur's Birthday Present
And that’s the end of the S1 timeline
Season 2:
Now already, we can see that Season 2 is a continuation of Season 1. The Tortuga HQ has an upgraded design, most likely from Aviva, which foreshadows the events of “Tortuga Tune Up.”
For the sake of things, I will put Speaking Dolphinese and Blowfish Blowout at the start of the S2 timeline because we don’t see the Tortuga so there’s a high possibility of it retaining its original design from S1 (I’m not including Lost at Sea because that was a terrible special that did nothing but combine 2 unrelated episodes into a movie).
The Seahorse Rodeo takes place afterwards since in Tortuga Tune Up, we see Blimpy (who is now an adult) and Ocean Pony.
Next we have Tortuga Tune Up, which shows Aviva modifying the Tortuga for swimming mode. Obviously I like to think the Tortuga’s redesign was an attempt to fix it, until Aviva had realized something was amiss.
Rocket Jaw: Rescuer of the Reef is a part of the Coral Reef saga of episodes so I count it at the beginning of S2.
Then we have Bad Hair Day, Race for the Hippo Disc, Creature Power Challenge, and Termites Versus Tongues, all of which are the first 4 ep. of S2 and take place in Africa. I consider those 3 chronologically connected. Plus, Zach recalls stealing the Creature Power Disc in one episode.
Happy Turkey Day is a Thanksgiving-related episode but I can easily consider it to be in the timeline.
Bugs or Monkeys serves as the first installment of the Central American Rainforest/Coral Reef saga. Followed by Shadow: The Black Jaguar, Rainforest Stew, Secrets of the Spider's Web, and To Touch a Hummingbird.
Then we get a bunch of episodes taking place in the Sonoran Desert. First we have Rattlesnake Crystal, which introduces the Sonoran Desert. I include this directly after the hummingbird episode because here, Aviva modifies Eyelash Viper Power for Rattlesnake Powers.
In the episode “Roadrunner” Chris and Martin say they have only JUST arrived at the Sonoran Desert. That episode’s plot is focused around the Tortuga getting a resupply, which is fitting considering they just recently crashed.
I would put “Skunked” after Roadrunner since it appears that they have enough resources by now. Then we’d get “Gila Monster Under My House,” then “Desert Elves”
Aqua Frog would come next I assume, I see no reason not to.
Groundhog Wakeup Call and Journey to the Subnivian zone have little ties to other episodes so I can place them in order of air-date. Since Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens takes place in the spring, we can have them come after those episodes.
So the Season 2 timeline goes like this:
Speaking Dolphinese → Blowfish Blowout → Rocket Jaw: Rescuer of the Reef → Seahorse Rodeo → Tortuga Tune Up → Bad Hair Day → Race for the Hippo Disc → Creature Power Challenge → Termites V. Tongues → Neck and Neck → Happy Turkey Day → Bugs or Monkeys → Shadow: The Black Jaguar → Rainforest Stew → Secret of the Spider's Web → To Touch a Hummingbird → Rattlesnake Crystal → Roadrunner → Skunked → Gila Monster Under My House → Desert Elves → Unnamed Burrowing Owl Disc Creation Episode → Aqua Frog → Journey to the Subnivian Zone → Snow Runners! → Groundhog Wakeup Call → Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens
Season 3:
Now, a lot of misconceptions have been made around Season 3 in terms of both continuity and air-date. My stance? Don’t believe a goddamn word that Google, Wikipedia, or the Wild Kratts wiki says. They have been getting the episode air-dates wrong since the very beginning, which is the reason I have to organize them.
As a longtime fan of the show who has been there since the beginning, I pretty much know the air-dates of the episodes by heart and the order.
The first episode is Hermit Crab Shell Exchange, second is Where the Bison Roam, third is Bandito: The Black Footed Ferret, fourth is When Fish Fly, fifth is Osprey. All 7 of these episodes premiered from April 7th to April 11th, 2014 as a part of PBS Kids' Wild Kratts Week, celebrating the show returning for its 3rd season.
The episode to air after that is the double-length episode, Back in Creature Time, which despite popular belief is NOT the Season 3 finale. The last episodes of Season 3 were centered around Madagascar. But before that, we see some adventures in the cypress swamp and the prairie.
Now that we’ve cleared up the misconceptions that people have had about Season 3’s episode order for the past 7 years (yeah a BIG fuck you to Wikipedia for that shit) let’s address the order continuity wise.
The first 7 episodes aired from April 7-11th as part of PBS Kids’ Wild Kratts Week! Celebrating the show’s renewal of S3. All but one would likely remain at their place. All except for Where the Bison Roam and Bandito since it introduces the prairie arc.
Back in Creature Time was after a LONG hiatus. Just to give you a good idea as to how long it was, the first 7 episodes of S3 aired in April when I was still in school, then the Back in Creature Time special aired months later long after I had moved into a different house during summer vacation.
The first episode to air after Back in Creature Time was Mosquito Dragon and Crocogator Contest (they were aired together as part of a special called “Swamp Things” but that special sucked for the same reasons why Lost at Sea did).
Now, this is something I noticed. Mosquito Bots were already invented by the time of Back in Creature Time, meaning that episode takes place after Mosquito Dragon.
And if we’re to include the cypress swamp saga, that means that Back in Creature Time comes in around the middle of the S3 timeline chronologically. That’s not even including the prairie episodes.
There were also Madagascar episodes. I consider Lemur Legs is chronologically the first of the order since the Kratts enter Madagascar here, and the finale of this arc is Golden Bamboo Lemur
This will be hard to crack, but I might be able to do it.
A thing that I noticed was that the Dragonfly Power Suits got redesigns frequently in S3. In Osprey and Mosquito Dragon, it has basket legs, resembling its S1 counterpart, but in Florida Panther and Back in Creature Time, they look completely different. In-universe, this can be credited to Aviva redesigning the suit, so I tried to arrange the episodes in a way that would make the suit's metamorphosis (pun not intended) feel less jarring than if you were watching the episodes in production order or viewing order.
So the S3 timeline is
Hermit Crab Shell Exchange → When Fish Fly → Osprey → Crocogator Contest → Mosquito Dragon → The Search for the Florida Panther → Opossum in My Pocket → Slider: The Otter → Back in Creature Time → Where the Bison Roam → Bandito: The Black Footed Ferret → The Amazing Creature Race → Prairie Who → Mystery on the Prarie → Under Frozen Pond → Capture the Fishmobiles → Praying Mantis → Lemur Legs → Chameleons on Target → Aye-Aye → Lemur Stink Fight → Tenrec Treasure Hunt → Fossa Palooza → Mini Madagascar → Golden Bamboo Lemur
Season 4:
Once again, this season was distributed out of order and the years that have passed since its release, however, as someone who, once again, watched every episode the day they aired, I can correct the misconceptions.
Firstly, the first episode of S4 was The Last Largest Lobster, and the last episode was Musk Ox Mania. The 3rd episode was A Creature Christmas, followed by 5 additional episodes, one of which introduced Paisley Paver and Rex into the show.
Now the confusion is that A Creatire Christmas aired as the 3rd episode of S4, yet animals and Creature Powers in that episode wouldn’t be introduced until later. So I’ll list down all of the episodes that come before the Christmas special.
The Last Largest Lobster comes before Stars of the Tide (they literally aired back-to-back).
Panda Power Up comes first in the China-located episodes. Next up comes Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Man. Red Panda Rescue features both Giant Panda and Snub Nosed Monkey Power, so I imagine it comes next. At the end of that episode, Aviva alludes to Red Panda Power, which is present in “The Colors of China”
Pangolin Rescue follows that (remember, all of these take place before A Creature Christmas). Along with the Two-Tusked Narwhal Adventure, the Snowy Owl Invasion, the Puffin adventure, the Other Martins, and This Orca Likes Sharks.
At this point, we’ve covered all of the pre-Christmas episodes. Now let’s do the ones we have left.
Liturgusa Krattorum, Eel-lectric!, Sea Otter Swim, Box Turtled In!, Animals Who Live to be 100 years old, Archerfish School, and many others.
Something to note is that Aviva narrates how the villains have never before teamed-up. Ignoring the fact that it is not true, that episode would have to come before Krattorum.
Here’s the timeline of S4:
The Last Largest Lobster → Stars of the Tides → Box Turtled In → The Other Martins → Sea Otter Swim → Animals who Live to be 100 Years Old → Spirit Bear → Panda Power Up → Snowy Owl Invasion → Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Man → Red Panda Rescue → The Colors of China → Pangolin Rescue → Archerfish School → Musk Ox Mania → Baby Tooth & Kid Musky → Puffin Rescue→ Mystery of the Two Horned Narwhal → This Orca Likes Sharks → A Creature Christmas → Cheetah Adopted → Eel-lectric → Liturgusa Krattorum → Creatures of the Deep Sea
Season 5:
I’m gonna throw in my personal opinion… This is my least favorite season of the show. The premiere episode, Alaska: Hero’s Journey was pretty cool and in my opinion, jumped the shark for Wild Kratts as we know it. Not only did it establish continuity with previous adventures and use it as a key-factor for the episode’s story, but it introduced a Creature Power Suit for Koki and had a very mature theme and an awesome message.
And then it went downhill from there. A lot of episodes, whilst enjoyable, felt pretty weak. Some were forgettable, and it felt like it talked down to its audience more, and there were just a lot of things that I felt didn’t work. This is where I think the show began a heavy seasonal rot and I know I'm not alone in this.
Ok, opinions aside, the time-line of this season is a lot easier to decipher than the earlier ones because there were less episodes.
Even though Alaska: Hero’s Journey was the first episode of S5 to be aired, the Bald Eagle Power Suit was shown, yet it wouldn’t be invented until The Fourth Bald Eagle.
Many listings show Mystery of the North Pole Penguins as the S5 premiere. And given that there are no continuity errors in that episode, I can see it being the start of Season 5’s storyline.
In the next episode, Temple of the Tigers, Martin and Chris head to India to adventure with tigers. A majority of S5 takes place in India, including the episode where Paisley Paver and Rex return, so I view the tiger episode as the start of the “India” arc.
There are also several episodes centered in Europe, as part of what I like to call, the “Europe” arc.
Creepy Creatures would go near the end of this timeline, as we see many S5 Creature Powers and animals by then.
So here’s the timeline for S5
Mystery of the North Pole Penguins? → Temple of the Tigers → The Dhole Duplicator → The Cobra King → Sloth Bear Suction → Elephant Brains → Cheeks the Hamster → Fire Salamander → Komodo Dragon → Wild Ponies ---> City Hoppers! → Blue Heron → Choose your Swordfish → The Erminator → Hercules: The Giant Beetle → Creepy Creatures! → The Fourth Bald Eagle → Alaska: Hero’s Journey
Season 6:
This season in my opinion, was a slight step up from the 5th season, since we get to see more interesting animals, and the writing feels a lot more breathable. The color palette, I specifically would go without, because it just looks weird. What I do like is how they recasted Koki, a character of color, to be voiced by a woman of color, and I'm glad this change is permanent.
Instantly, we get an instance of a continuity error: Martin is shown to have a Jackrabbit Power Disc in the 2nd episode of S6, yet he doesn’t get it until the Easter special, In Search of the Easter Bunny. There’s actually a reason behind this. The original title for the episode focusing on bunnies was titled “Spring Bunnies” and was listed as the Season 6 premiere, however this was cut and the bunny episode was released almost a year later. My working theory is that because of tight schedules, “Spots in the Desert” was released before the introduction of the Jackrabbit Power Disc.
We return to the Amazon once again with the double-length episode, Amazin’ Amazon Adventure and we get some newer amazon episodes after that.
In a promotional video for Hero’s Journey, the Kratt Brothers said that Season 5 would have at least 23 episodes. My guess is that they had to cut down the last 5 episodes because of COVID or something.
There are two things that stand out the most to me in this season's timeline. For starters, in the Hammerheads episodes, we see that the brothers have an Antelope Disc for the Creature Power Suit despite there being no episode centered around those creatures or introducing a Power Disc. Much like the Burrowing Owl and Gharial Discs, we're to assume that there was an adventure focusing around that animal/an invention of that Creature Power Disc that was not televised, and thus is part of this season's lineup.
The second was how in one of the first episodes of Season 7, Chris expresses a desire to adventure with wolverines, despite that happening in the previous season. So in a rare case, this has to go in a different season's timeline to remain consistent.
Anyways, let’s go onto the timeline of the most recent season. I’ll be going off of habitat here just to be consistent.
In Search of the Easter Bunny → Mystery of the Flamingo’s Pink → Spots in the Desrt → Wolf Hawks → Deer Buckaroo → Unnamed Antelope Adventure Episode → Hammerheads → The Vanishing Stingray → The Real Ant Farm → Mystery of the Mini Monkey Models → Amazin’ Amazon Adventure → The Great Froggyback Ride → Parrot Power → The Race to Goat Mountain → Iron Wolverine → Adapto the Coyote → Tartigrade Xtreme → Uh Oh-Ostrich! → The Great Creature Tail Fail → Cats and Dogs →
Season 7:
The long-awaited Season 7 has arrived as of 2023, marking the return of the show to PBS Kids after two years of a hiatus. With four episodes having been released in May of 2023 to generally positive reception from critics and audiences alike, four more episodes + a TV movie releasing in April of 2024, and the 200th episode milestone airing in S7, fans have a lot to hope for. And thankfully it means new fodder for my timeline list.
As I've said before, The Race to Goat Mountain cannot be a part of Season 7's timeline since it has to take place before their actual wolverine adventure. Until further notice, the new episodes scheduled to air next month will be ordered as they should air, it'll be less confusing to fans who are currently yet to/unable to/unwilling to see the VPN leaks.
This in of itself is purely subjective but I like to imagine that Clever the Raven would be the first episode of S7. For a few reasons. One, it was the first episode of the season to be confirmed (in an interview with Jane Goodall). Secondly, compared to Outfoxed, it felt more like a season premiere. With the fanservice-callbacks, the villains returning, the simple-structure of the plot with no rising or falling action and the episode's overall writing, it basically marks off a check-list of everything in the show that you were missing out on for 2 years and everything that you're coming back to after such a long break. Plus it's my favorite out of all of the S7 premiere episodes. Call me biased, but this one's going first.
Timeline of Season 7:
Clever the Raven → Outfoxed → Owl Odyssey → Our Blue and Green World → No Name Dream → Backpack the Camel → Fish Out of Water
There are three shows that Wild Kratts has crossed over with. One of which came out after I made this post, two of which before, but I decided to add them here just for the fun of it and to commit to the lore-dump of the timeline. Whether or not I'll extrapolate that into forming a huge novel about the expanded universe of PBS Kids, only time will tell.
Night Shift: (Odd Squad)
This was the first crossover the brothers had done with another show, Odd Squad, a live action math-based cartoon that is set to air its fourth season in 2024. The Kratt Brothers have their traditional live-action opening that is interrupted by Otis and Olympia solving their 'odd problem' a running gag with various different characters throughout the series as a 'cold opener.' The reason there is such a massive overlap between the two fandoms is because of that scene in the episode.
How to fit it into the canon? Well, since this is shot similarly to a Wild Kratts live action opener segment, then we can equate it with the "what if!?" element of the show. It should be noted that the Kratts are following a white-tail-deer, an animal they would later adventure with in Season 6. So you could have this episode take place directly before the "what-if?!" section of that episode that transitions into the animated story.
Wild Batts: (Nature Cat)
In 2015, PBS Kids launched a new nature based show known as "Nature Cat" featuring the titular cat and his gang of animals exploring nature. This special aired directly after Wild Kratts: A Creature Christmas, so PBS Kids often marketed both the WK Christmas special and the Nature Cat premiere, so much so that at the end of the Christmas episode, the Kratt Brothers themselves promoted the new Nature Cat special. It only made sense that these nature brothers from another mother teamed up! And thus we had Wild Batts! In this episode, Chris and Martin "Batt" have to find a new home, after their old one is destroyed, challening Nature Cat and Ronald's fear of bats in the process and learning more all about them. Several references to the Kratt's show are made, such as the classic "Living free and in the wild!"
How to fit it into the canon? In the episode's context they are literally bats, but in the context of the show itself, they would probably be in Creature Power Suits. And one thing interesting is that Chris and Martin are said to be Indiana bats, an endangered species of North American bats. We know that there is no singular Creature Power Suit for a generalized species as we've seen with the crocodillian, owl, and snake-based Power Suits. So it's possible that Aviva modified the Little Brown Bat/Vampire Bat programing with Indiana Bat Power. So this would probably take place post-Season 1. I have it take place in Season 6 since Wild Batts aired around the same time that Season 6 just started airing, ironic ain't it?
Oh, and the episode also makes bat references to other PBS Kids characters, such as Peg + Bat (Peg + Cat), George the Curious Bat (Curious George) Daniel Bat (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood) and the Bat/Cat in the Hat. Now, the logical man within me says that these are easy puns to laugh at and not look into. However, the sick twisted fuck that is me says, connect that shit together. Since we've already established Odd Squad, we can probably say that there was an 'odd problem' turning these random PBS Kids characters into bats (probably including the Kratt Brothers if you don't buy the idea that they're in very convincing Creature Power Suits) and that the Odd Squad is able to save them with a reverse-bat-inator and they all go their separate ways, never to meet each other again until their grand return in PBS: Endgame (ok maybe I'm going too far into it but just a funny thought, also yes that is the one MCU reference I decided to cash in).
Cry Wolf: Molly of Denali
The 3rd of the Wild Kratts crossovers, airing in summer of 2022. This was a massive thing in the WK fandom, mainly because around that time, news had come out that the show would not air any new episodes until 2023, which was a massive low blow. This crossover between Wild Kratts and Molly of Denali, while not enough... at least damaged this blow and is an okay entry point to Molly of Denali, another pretty damn good PBS Kids show.
The Kratt Brothers help Molly and her dad track a missing pack of endangered wolves, learning more about them on the way. In the episode it's established that Molly is a huge fan of Wild Kratts, referencing their show a lot, implying that the Kratts we see here are 2D representations of their IRL selves rather than their 2D-in-universe selves. Still, I came here to overanalyze, and overanalyze I shall! Since the Kratts did their whole "what-if!?" skit in Odd Squad, then I could see the same happening here, just not being necessary for the episode's plot. I'll suspend my disbelief again because what the hell.
How to fit it into the canon? I'd have it come between Season 6 and 7. It aired around that time, and again, it was almost certainly done so as compensation for making fans wait 2 years for the new season to drop. Plus it lines up with my headcanon of Clever the Raven being the first in S7's timeline, since the brothers would still be in the mood to adventure with wolves.
So to conclude, all of these crossovers I see as very recent in the show, you could cut them out and lose nothing, but add them in and get more of something, which is what I'm doing. In terms of timeline to the crossovers specifically, here it goes.
Wild Batts → Night-Shift → Cry Wolf
Polar Bears Don’t Dance → The Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy → The Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus→ Unnamed Gharial Crocodile Adventure Episode → Mom of a Croc → Whale of a Squid → Aardvark Town → Flight of the Draco → Platypus Cafe → Bass Class → Build it Beaver → Voyage of the Butterflier XT → Honey Seekers → Fireflies → Tazzy Chris → Octopus Wildkratticus → Walk on the Wetside → Elephant in the Room → Let the Rhinos Roll → Kickin’ it with the Roos → Koala Balloon → The Blue and the Grey → Falcon City → Cheetah Racer → Mimic → Kerhonk → A Huge Orange Problem → Caracal Minton → Zig-Zagged → Seasquatch → The Food Chain Game → Masked Bandits → Little Howler → The Gecko Effect → Flight of the Pollinators → Birds of a Feather → Googly Eye: The Night Guru → Stuck on Sharks → A Bat in the Brownies → Raptor Roundup → Quillbur's Birthday Present → Speaking Dolphinese → Blowfish Blowout → Rocket Jaw: Rescuer of the Reef → Seahorse Rodeo → Tortuga Tune Up → Bad Hair Day → Race for the Hippo Disc → Creature Power Challenge → Termites V. Tongues → Neck and Neck → Happy Turkey Day → Bugs or Monkeys → Shadow: The Black Jaguar → Rainforest Stew → Secret of the Spider's Web → To Touch a Hummingbird → Rattlesnake Crystal → Roadrunner → Skunked → Gila Monster Under My House → Desert Elves → Unnamed Burrowing Owl Disc Creation Episode → Aqua Frog → Journey to the Subnivian Zone → Snow Runners! → Groundhog Wakeup Call → Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens → Hermit Crab Shell Exchange → When Fish Fly → Osprey → Crocogator Contest → Mosquito Dragon → The Search for the Florida Panther → Opossum in My Pocket → Slider: The Otter → Back in Creature Time → Where the Bison Roam → Bandito: The Black Footed Ferret → The Amazing Creature Race → Prairie Who → Mystery on the Prarie → Under Frozen Pond → Capture the Fishmobiles → Praying Mantis → Lemur Legs → Chameleons on Target → Aye-Aye → Lemur Stink Fight → Tenrec Treasure Hunt → Fossa Palooza → Mini Madagascar → Golden Bamboo Lemur → The Last Largest Lobster → Stars of the Tides → Box Turtled In → The Other Martins → Sea Otter Swim → Animals who Live to be 100 Years Old → Spirit Bear → Panda Power Up → Snowy Owl Invasion → Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Man → Red Panda Rescue → The Colors of China → Pangolin Rescue → Archerfish School → Musk Ox Mania → Baby Tooth & Kid Musky → Puffin Rescue→ Mystery of the Two Horned Narwhal → This Orca Likes Sharks → A Creature Christmas → Cheetah Adopted → Eel-lectric → Liturgusa Krattorum → Creatures of the Deep Sea → Mystery of the North Pole Penguins? → Temple of the Tigers → The Dhole Duplicator → The Cobra King → Sloth Bear Suction → Elephant Brains → Cheeks the Hamster → Fire Salamadner → Komodo Dragon → Wild Ponies ---> City Hoppers! → Blue Heron → Choose your Swordfish → The Erminator → Hercules: The Giant Beetle → Creepy Creatures! → The Fourth Bald Eagle → Alaska: Hero’s Journey → In Search of the Easter Bunny → Mystery of the Flamingo’s Pink → Wild Batts → Spots in the Desrt → Wolf Hawks → Night-Shift → Deer Buckaroo → Unnamed Antelope Adventure Episode → Hammerheads → The Vanishing Stingray → The Real Ant Farm → Mystery of the Mini Monkey Models → Amazin’ Amazon Adventure → The Great Froggyback Ride → Parrot Power → The Race to Goat Mountain → Iron Wolverine → Adapto the Coyote → Tartigrade Xtreme → Uh Oh-Ostrich! → The Great Creature Tail Fail → Cats and Dogs → Cry Wolf → Clever the Raven → Outfoxed → Owl Odyssey → Our Blue and Green World → No Name Dream → Backpack the Camel → Fish Out of Water
And there you have it so far folks. Thirteen years, seven seasons, 159 televised episodes, plus four crossover episodes amounting to 163 canon episodes in the current Wild Kratts timeline. More are on their way and more of this grand Creature Adventure is beyond the horizon. Keep on Creature Adventuring, see ya on the Creature Trail!
Am I a genius, or am I a genius?
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
I realised my passion for crossover has just created a multiverse of, I don't fucking know, detectives and supernatural stuff (no, it's NOT superwholock)
So we start by assuming, like some already did, that Q from the Daniel Craig's James Bond movies is the fourth Holmes's siblings. So you get four Holmes: Mycroft, Sherlock, Eurus and Q. But then Q in clearly in a romantic relationship with James Bond.
Now it's undeniable that James Bond has a twin brother, Benoit Blanc, who is the world's most famous detective, and he is married to Philip (Hugh Grant). You can clearly notice from Benoit's...everything (passion for mistery and fasion sense most of all) that he is related to Fred Jones from Scooby Doo, he and Philip are in fact Fred's parents.
To conclude this part of multiverse of hyperfixation, James Bond exists in the same world of a bunch of teenagers with 1970's van and a talking dog. I cannot stress how important it is for me that Sherlock Holmes DOES NOT solve the mustery of why Scooby Doo can talk.
But let's now expand in a different direction.
For some of you who might not be acquainted with the medical drama House MD, it's one of the gayest shows ever made on God's green earth. And, as all the fans know, the REAL finale is House and Wilson running away together after all Wilson's problems suddenly disappeared (I am phrasing it like that because I don't want to spoil it). Now, of course they can't live in America because House can't exactly recover from his own Reichenbach falls, so obviously they have go to London. Like, no questions asked.
And as many have already speculated they are probably the married couple Mrs Hudson's friend was renting an apartment to.
Sherlock-Watson and House-Wilson have a complicated dynamic going on, I just know they suspect of eachothers because there's something wrong with the other couple.
London comes, of course, with all it inhabitants, such as Crowley and Aziraphale (whose supernatural presence could explain Scooby Doo being able to talk???? Maybe he is an ex-infernal hound sent to Shaggy??? Was Shaggy another aborted attempt at an Antichrist?????). I really likes to believe they're House-Wilson and Sherlock-Watson neighbours. And every one of these three couples tries to pretend they're a very normal couple, and not, like, non-human or a Government's resource or technically dead.
But also, you must not forget, London comes with Hob Gadling, the immortal lover of Sandman, who might as well exist in this universe, because why the fuck not, he stole the "meet every x years" idea from Crowley, the goddamn poser. Hob Gadling and Crowley clocked eachothers in a minute and now the two couples have dinners together because "they're the only other supernatural couple in the neighbourhood, we should befriend them!" (said Aziraphale and Hob while Crowley and Morpheus sighed).
ALSO to House MD fans I want to remind you that Wilson got arrested in Louisiana when he met House and there's a popular headcanon going on that Benoit Blanc is from Louisiana so do you think??? Benoit Blanc one day happened to interact with the police department of a city in Louisiana and a policeman was like "hey last week you missed a guy from New Jersey who deadass smashed an ancient mirror in a bar because they were playing a song he didn't like on the jukebox". And Benoit was like (I can't write his dialogues I am so sorry) "Mmhh yeah muhst say thur arh sum jingles I simply cannut grow fund of but by Guhd to,,, smash an ancient mirruh that wuld be bee-YOnd mahself"
And these connections are all canonical in my mind. (There are crossover fanfics between Good Omens and Sandman, and between House and BBC Sherlock, and between Sherlock and the James Bond franchise, and between House and Good Omens- there's a fic I really like with these fandoms- and there's a drawing I also reblogged on Tumblr of Fred presenting Benoit Blanc as his dad).
So, basically, in my head, Sherlock is highly pissed off by Benoit Blanc being considered the best detective in the world though he respects him, Q is Fred Jones's uncle and probably added a lot of cool MI6 features to the mystery machine, Gregory House, notorious atheist, lives in the same universe of angels and demons and the Sandman and pisses off Sherlock Holmes costantly just because they don't like eachothers, Hob Gadling amd Crowley looked at eachothers once and they knew neither of them were humans, Aziraphale and Crowley always stumble in every other characters' shenanigans and once in a while throw a miracle their way and Hugh Grant/Philip makes cupcakes for everyone.
And if you really want me to be precise, Dead Poet Society lore counts for Wilson, but Neil didn't, well, if you saw the movie you know.
And I know they are technically not correlated, but I would love to find a way to connect Dirk Gently, Todd Brotzman and The Rowdy Three in all this.
There's a part 2 to this post here
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barb-l · 6 months
Isn't a writer question but was curious; How does wenclair different from other ships you've enjoyed?
Is it solely due to having been a lifelong Wednesday Addams fan, or is it specifically the Netflix's Addams world that you find intriguing?
I ask mainly because I recall you once saying that your wenclair comics--specifically the Next Gen Au I believe--are written and made with a lot of intention in regards to dialog and the discussions had between characters.
Is this due to a greater insight into the characters or simply a mark of growth in writing comprehension?
I like to think I put as much thought in all ships I've been hyperfixated on tbh. Wenclair isn't even the one I've been obsessed with the longest. So far it's actually Trimberly, for which and I was hyperfixated with for like 3 years.
But yeah ok I get ur point lol The intensity this time feels different, I suppose.
I think it's a mix of both being a long time Wednesday Addams fan and how cute of a ship Wenclair is both in concept and the canon execution of their dynamics.
As some of you are aware, I've been a fan of The Addams for a while now. All incarnations of them are great in their own way, but one of the many reasons why the animated 2019 movie is my favorite is because it didn't give Wednesday a bland ass male love interest. I don't think the B/W series did it(because Wed was like six in that) but the 90's movies, musical, and netflix series for some reason found it necessary to give Wednesday male love interests so painfully boring and i hate it. This isn't even about making Wednesday attracted to boys. I personally headcanon her bi, as the ol' stereotype that all grumpy/angsty female characters must be lesbian isn't my cup of tea, and also because I like to think all Addamses just don't give a shit about gender when it comes to romance. I woulda been fine with her getting a boyfriend so long as they're not boring af and goddddd canon incarnations still haven't delivered. Joel was sweet but he was too much of a wimp, not even Gomez is that pathetic. Lucas' thing with Wednesday was just portrayed in such an icky way in the musical that I couldn't finish watching by the time their sexually charged duet came on, and don't even get me started on the boys Netflix gave her. I expected better of Gough and Millar...(unless the blandness was on purpose like it was with Lana Lang--)
Anyways, because of all said canon love interests, I've been desperate for Wednesday to have a love interest that is both not painfully het or boring for once. Crossover shipping with Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice the Musical was fun but was ultimately a very niche fandom. I could only draw and write for an audience of twenty or so people for so long. Parker from the animated movie would've been great, but the cop out with her mom dating Fester just made it too weird for me to be fully on board with the ship.
So when Enid Sinclair was introduced as a character I was absolutely ecstatic. On paper alone she already seemed great. She has a very distinct appearance (even if her "design" was inspired by Harlequin and it shows) that goes so well when she stands next to Wednesday, whether it's in the actual show, fan arts, or even in official merch. Her being Wednesday's complete opposite in so many ways makes her being paired with Wednesday so dang interesting too.
And I don't just mean aesthetic or personality wise. I'm talking about how one of Wednesday's struggle stems from having too much smothering love from her family as someone who gets overwhelmed too easily, and Enid's loneliness and insecurity coming from her own family's lack of love and attention where it matters most. Or how Wednesday's just girl who, deep inside worries about being an actual cruel monster like the very bigots she hates, while Enid is a supposed beast who resents herself for only being a scared little girl. Even the fact that Wednesday is an older sister to a soft-hearted younger brother while Enid is the youngest daughter to a bunch of rough-housing older brothers feels very on purpose.
Everything about Enid feels deliberate. Like she IS supposed to be paired with Wednesday, platonically or romantically. She's the best person to stand beside Wednesday as a character because they have enough differences and similarities to have interesting conflicts but also significant character growths sparked by each other. She's not bland or boring like the canon love interests because even without her attachment to Wednesday, Enid is still such a compelling character. The mere fact that she's as popular as she is despite an eight-episode series being her debut in a franchise that's been iconic to generations is already pretty amazing, and only a character as impressive deserves to smooch somebody as iconic as Wednesday Addams.
And their on screen chemistry is just *chef's kiss*
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aqualovesart · 4 months
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18.02.2021 19.02.2021 19.02.2021
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I haven't drawn any Hazbin Hotel art in years, but here's some old art that I've made years ago when the series was still a pilot but not a show. You can definitely say that I based my drawings very heavily on how they looked in the pilot, so I wanted really hard to be faithful to the style of what the characters first looked like in the pilot.
It was hard trying to hard time though because of how tall they were, and here I was trying to draw them on a A4 paper, so I had to be creative with how to draw them like I did with Angel Dust, and I know I'm particularly happy and proud of how that went. He's just sitting by a bar and having a chat with... whoever it could be. AT least I don't think I had a particular idea for who it would be, I was just having fun. You guys can feel free to imagine who it could be. It's not anything suggestive though, I just thought of him casually chatting
And yeah, I decided to send two pictures of my drawing for Niffty because of how much I love that one drawing even though I haven't particularly finished it, just to show also my process of how I draw and drew her even.
But yeah, these are my old drawings of Hazbin Hotel characters, and yes they are the only ones I've made, I haven't made more than that in particular. Maybe a crossover drawing with another show, but that's about it. I do hope to draw these characters again and even just draw more characters from the show just in general, especially after being so hyperfixated on it recently since the show has finally come out after waiting excitedly for it since the pilot came out.
But yeah, that's. But what do you guys think? Definitely feel free to comment to say what you think about them
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eihwaz-y-d · 2 years
So I'm currently hyperfixed on Danny Phantom and DC crossover and I really enjoyed reading Danny and Damian are twins Au. I read a lot fics and promps but they aren't enough ( there are never enough great fics in this world) and I got inspired and got this idea and it won't let go of me.... So I decided to get it out of my system so that I can concentrate on my exams but I also want people to read and tell me their thoughts about it. So I thought I share the "rough work" and later I will edit and post it on AO3 but yeah. (some infos before I do know nothing and do what I want)
Here my work in process :
Twin skeletons
Danny just wanted to go to the astronomy exhibition in Natural History museum of Gotham city, just for some peaceful hours there nothing bothers him, maybe even go to the apartly new planetarium. Being away from Amity Park, his ghost hunting parents with their obsession with ripping him apart molecule by molecule and the whole ghost attacks  (he would be able to get a few more hours of sleep) was just a plus.
He was excited about the trip! His core was humming and he felt at ease, no ghost fighting and no one hunting him for a few days, just some peaceful days in the most crime ridden city in the United States. It would be like a vacation. 
But Danny should have known better than to get his hopes up, nothing ever goes according to plan for him. 
And let's be honest here, he really should have known better, his school trip goes to Gotham city of all places, the most dangerous city in the United States (one can never say it enough). Who in their right mind even though it was a good idea to take a few teenager, who only knows danger in form from ghost attacks and the driving skills of the Fenton family and have no sense of self protection, and take them to a big city overrun with guns and drugs and psychotic criminals and crime fighting vigilantes? The adults of Amity Park apartly. (maybe the adults have also lost every ounce of common sense they owned other the last two and a half years) 
But that is beside the point, the point is Danny just wanted to see the astronomy exhibition, not held at gunpoint from a red helmet vigilante,with really strange vibes that made his ghost sense go harwire, after some criminal bombed the museum and held them hostage for whatever reason.
The first day started so promisingly well, they were supposed to get a tour through Wayne Enterprise. The tour through Wayne Enterprise went pretty well and was interesting, if not a little bit strange. Danny had the feeling everyone at the company was looking at him then he wasn't looking. It was probably nothing, it happens in Amity Park all the time(he just ignores the fact that he is not in Amity anymore and the usual reasons he is in the middle of the attention, his parents or the ghosts, are not here at the moment. And he is pretty sure he is Danny not Phantom). 
The second day they had the Museum tour where they could room afterwards as much as they liked and Danny really, really wanted some time without Dash being the bully that he is. The tour was nice, and just as the nice lady wanted to finish the tour, somewhere in the building an explosion went off. 
The lady shrieked, Danny's classmates are either looking curious for the source or talking about ghost attacks vs. Criminals, while Mr. Lancer tries and fails to get everyone to calm down so they could evacuate and Danny just curses his rotten luck. 
The next thing they knew, there were masked criminals binding them with zip ties and taking them hostage because 'if we take hostages we have a better chance of getting away from the bats'. Their words, not Danny's. 
Not fifteen minutes afterwards -Danny thought about the pros and cons about doing something against these criminals himself - a red helmeted, leather wearing hero comes gun shooting towards their rescue. 
Hooray, lucky them. 
And now, he has the gun pointed towards his face. 
"What the fuck are you?!" Besides the electronic modulation, his growl was pretty impressive or a living human, although Danny was still not sure if the hero really was living. 
"Okay, first of all, rude. Second, what is your problem? And third, could you take the gun out of my face? I really like my shirt and it would be a shame if it got ruined with blood and brain mass." 
Red Hood did nothing for a long time but then he lowered his gun but did not put it away. Waving a hand behind himself in the vague direction of his class, grinning Danny speaks again. 
" Are we free to go? I think my teacher is either having a stroke soon or he thinks about taking you on, it will probably be a lecture about treating kids. On a second thought. Please do shoot, I'm not keen on being lectured again, but don't ruin my shirt. I want to be buried in it. "
Red Hood's hand twitched and Danny grin grew even larger, showing his set of fangs. It's a shame Danny can't see the hero's face, it would be hilarious to read his reaction but the helm or the modified voice didn't give away a hint of his thoughts but Danny hoped he was at least a little bit irrational.
"Whatever kid." 
Danny waved goodbye before going back to his classmates. 
Red Hood just stayed long enough to see the boy looking towards his teacher with what looks like his best innocent face. "Mr. Lancer, I suppose we can't perhaps go back towards the astronomy exhibition?" 
The teacher just signs and guides his snickering students out of the museum.
What the hell was wrong with the kid?! 
Jason knew he needed to tell Bruce about the kid, he was nearly a carbon copy of the demon brat, and another Robin clone was never a good thing, especially now then something big is about to happen and there is yet not enough to say what. 
He should really tell Bruce, Jason knew it but something tells him not to. The moment the kid stood behind Jason's back, he thought there was something dangerous, something absolutely terrifying, something that made the Lazarus water go crazy -and for a moment Jason thought he would go into the pit madness- but than it goes all quite, like the Lazarus water itself recognize the Apex predator and hides into the deep of Jason's soul. And it hadn't raised its head ever since. For the first time since his return his mind was quiet and peaceful. 
He should really tell Bruce about this kid. If he really is a clone of Damian, then….. Jason does not know but it would only end apocalyptic bad. And if he is no clone then it wouldn't automatically be better. 
Grinding his teeth, he dials Dick's number.
It didn't take long for the older man to answer. The surprise was clear in his voice. 
" Hey Jason. Weren't you-" 
But Jason didn't let him finish. "Dick listen, I-.... There…." 
He doesn't know how to say it, or what to say first. Fortunately Dick just wait patiently for Jason to speak again, There must be something in his voice that makes him listen. 
" I was at the museum when the hostage situation happened, there was a kid. There…. There was something about the kid. Something dangerous. I put a gun to his head and It frightened the Lazarus water. "
" What do you mean 'put a gun to his Head'?! Jason?! Wait-.... Did you say he 'frightened the Lazarus water'?"
"  Yes, I don't know how else to describe it. The Kid made the pit gone quiet, it's not gone but it's feels like it's hiding and it is quiet and…. peaceful in my mind for the first time since…. Since I returned. Dick. My thoughts, my mind, my emotions, they are my own again without fighting this damned madness."
He took a deep breath but before he can continue Dick speaks first. 
" I'm not finished. That isn't the only thing about this kid. This kid, he could be a carbon copy of the demon brat, maybe it's another clone, maybe it's not but Dick… I have the feeling the kid isn't human, he is dangerous and if he stands against us…. I don't think we stand a chance. "
The older man is quite for a long time and then he speaks again, his tone is dead serious. 
" We need to inform Bruce. "
With a deep Sigh, Jason answered. " I feared you would say that. "
Edit: Part 2
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holdingfermata · 1 day
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The crossover no one asked for, except my friend Liz who is my VB buddy and I made watch Helluva. This works a lot more than I thought it would.
I don’t know why Malcom shaved. Lol.
She wanted Malcolm and Sheila to go on a double date with Stolas and Blitzø. Eggs and Buttered Toast. If you know, you know.
They have a lot in common. The weird rich tall goth boy with their tiny self made assassin pairings. Sheila and Blitz wear the pants and are consummate professionals. They all wear a lot of eyeliner and probably shop at the same stores. Malcom, Blitzø and Stolas share their nature hyperfixations (butterflies, horses and plants). They probably listen to similar music and would generally vibe. Also they’re freaks.
Nothing helps depression like head canons.
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eyesofshinigami · 20 days
20 questions for writers
I was tagged by the amazing @just-my-latest-hyperfixation and @devondespresso. Thank you lovelies!!
20 questions for writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
77 fics from various fandoms. I've had AO3 for a hot minute and it's gone on the same fandom journey I've been on, lol.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
596,417 at present.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, just Steddie. But I suspect that I'll churn out an Arcane fic or two when S2 inevitably drops because I'm a simp for Vi and Caitlin, okay?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
*coughs loudly* Okay, well. They're all old One Direction fics, so I'm going to do the top one from each of my top 5 fandoms:
Right Side of the Wrong Bed (One Direction)
All the Ability to Love I Have (The Witcher)
Don't Be Surprised If I Love You (For All That You Are) (Stranger Things)
Locking Up the Sun (Captain America/Marvel)
Pull Me Out (From Inside) (Arcane)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try really, really hard to, but I typically forget about it until months later and then I go on a comment-reply spree. So, if you send a comment, I read it and treasure it and you'll probably get an answer six months later.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't have any, actually. I'm not really big on writing angst on the whole because I don't feel like I'm really good at it? So I shy away from it. I have a couple of angsty fics I've written, but they always have a happy ending.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly? All of my fics have happy and hopeful endings! I don't know if I can pick just one that stands out.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? I've had one or two comments where people questioned creative choices I made, but that's about it. I don't think my writing is popular enough to attract people who have Opinions About Everything. I'm sure it'll happen one of these days.
I think the closest are some comments I got on a One Direction daddykink fic I wrote, right when that blew up in the fandom. One person wrote one fic and of course the trope went wild, and as always, people have things they feel like they need to say. I miss the days of "don't like, don't read" of yore, yanno?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Smut is actually the easiest thing for me to write. I write all kinds, but mostly of the gay/lesbian variety, lol. Currently I'm on an A/B/O kick, so there's that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not typically. I've only written one, where it was Steve and Bucky and it was a Snowpiercer fusion that I wrote for an exchange many a moon ago. It was fun, but I don't have very many fandom interests that overlap well enough.
I also have about 22k written of a Cap!Steve and Winter Solider!Eddie AU that I cooked up, but it's more of a fusion than an outright crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Probably. I've never gone looking, but I know that Wattpad is a lawless land, so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a couple. I'm really picky/choosy about it though. It's gotta be on AO3 where I can see it linked or I say no, tbh.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! It's not been a recent thing, but I wrote a couple of fics with friends when I was in the One Direction fandom. It's a lot of fun, especially when your writing styles blend together well. I enjoyed it a lot.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
That's really hard to say, actually. I typically go balls-to-the-wall when I get into a fandom, and I'm a die-hard OTPer. I find one and I stick with it. The only exception to that has been the Witcher fandom, because Jaskier and the Wolves were just really fun fandom bicycles to put in many different combinations. I'm only human.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I'd like to think that I will finish all my WIPs but alas. Some are just going to sit and rot in my Googledocs. A Stranger Things one I'd love to finish is the Cap!Steve and Winter Soldier!Eddie one I mentioned earlier.
The one I feel the worst about is the Catskier threequel that I promised ages ago. I open the document and stare longingly into it, but the words just won't work. Maybe one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I write good smut? And sometimes I'm funny?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have Wordy Bitch Disease like nobody's business. Call me Charles Dickens because sometimes I write fifteen words when it only needed three. Also? I'm awful at writing long fic. I want to be one of those people but I know what I'm about. The most I can manage is about 30-40k and that's that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Probably not, honestly. Or if I did, I would have a good reason and would try to find a native speaker to help me translate it.
I did it once upon a time for a fic where the main character was a priest and the chapter titles were in Latin, but that's the closest I've come.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published on a site? Saiyuki. Which is still one of my all-time favorite series for forever. It was my first real fandom experience, back in the Ye Olde Days of Livejournal and Fanfic.net.
But written, even if nobody could see? Probably for Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. I have notebooks where eleven year old me was writing self-insert fanfic because what else are you going to do when you want to be cooler than you are, right?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Probably Right Side of the Wrong Bed, my most popular fic on AO3. Not because it's popular, but because I loved the concept, had so much fun with it, and had so many people tell me how they still go back and read that fic for comfort. It was funny and fun to write and I just had a great time with it. It sticks out for me.
A closer runner-up is Show Me, Don't Tell Me How it's Going to Be, which was a very vulnerable fic for me to write. It was an A/B/O fic where I projected some of my own sexual dysfunctions onto Jaskier, and the response to it was incredible. Some of the messages I got made me cry, tbh.
Okay, so now that I'm like... fifty million years late walking in with Starbucks, I'll do some no pressure tags: @ataliagold, @pearynice, @ghostinthelibrarywrites, @thefreakandthehair, and anyone else who wants to do it, just tag me so I can read your answers!
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grossion5z · 5 months
i am cringe, but i am free
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gif-less version under cut
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wrongcaitlyn · 29 days
Do you have any fame aus or anything else that inspired you for the dear reader series?
no fame au's, unfortunately :( i am a BIG fan of fame au's, however, so i do have some recs! but the inspiration for dear reader was largely just me listening to my music and forming an au around it - one playlist turned into two, which turned into seven, which turned into 16, etc - and then i had a full au plot in my head😭
but for recs!! i bookmark pretty much every fame au i read just because i love them so much. they're definitely my niche i just cannot stop putting these people on red carpets - and it's always been this waySDKJF
you'd be paranoid too (if everyone was out to get you) by harrowhark is a catradora fame au (popstar!catra) and it was one of the first fics i ever read on ao3 and literally changed my brain chemistry. now this was like 3-4 years ago, so it's been a while since i've read it, even though when i was in my shera hyperfixation i re-read it like six times i think - if you ARE a shera fan, i would 100% recommend this one, i still remember how incredible it was! did it inspire the dear reader-verse specifically? no, they're very different in terms of plot/characters, but i feel like if i'm talking about fics that inspired me this one's essential😭
everyone wake up new jinx album just dropped by Drindrak is similar to the first one in that it is a fame au that just made me love the trope so much, even though it is much more crack than angst, unlike you'd be paranoid😭it's an arcane fic where jinx... becomes a popstar? except it's like, set in runeterra and vi is still in jail and all of that. like. I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE ITSKDF i swear i just love a good crack fic every now and then, and this did it WITH fame?? i love. and so yeah, looking back on it, i actually do think it inspired dear reader a bit in the way that jinx was absolutely chaotic (will i ever stop on the jinx nico parallels? i wrote a goddamn solangelo timebomb au already but i'm still going to be pointing it out)
he was seen on occasion (pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea) by stargirltv is a solangelo fame au!! and i know that i already rec'd it. but like. you have to know how much i LOVE this fic and though, once again, the plots are pretty different - but also similar in the sense of the character dynamics! so yeah tbh i'd say i probably did, unintentionally, take a lot of inspo from this, just because i do love it so much, and it was one of the only fame au's for solangelo that i had read (i've read much more now, ofc, seeing as i stalk the fame and social media tags like a hawk)
and then the last thing i feel like i have to mention when talking about the inspiration for this fic is the book, red white and royal blue. i think i mentioned in the first chapter of talk your talk's end note that this entire au?? started off as a rwrb crossover in my head. nico's age was calculated with alex's in mind. will going to college at nyu was because i originally planned for alex and him to idk meet at a class or smth. cecil was originally a law student (another ironic thing for a child of hermes, and yet i ended up making him work towards cyber security lmfao) just so he could somehow become friends with alex. i was fully emerged in this universe where somehow these friend groups collided, and i fully orchestrated nico as a popstar just so that they'd have double the fandoms to go crazy about it. so does it really have to do anything with rwrb in terms of plot?? no, but alex and henry are entirely to thank for this!!!😭
i know that i kind of took a bit of a strange route for a popstar au in talk your talk so it doesn't really match the usual trope? like person is already famous -> meets someone, either famous or not -> fight to get together bc of the press -> some sort of leaked photo of them -> they choose each other in the end. and dont get me wrong, i will eat up that trope any day, but i do really like what i did with talk your talk! i love any form of fame au, and so it's always just fun to see different spins on the common tropes :)
thank you for the ask!!
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maddgical-boy · 1 month
remakin my pinned post bc i love spending hours on fun formats. anyways
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⸝⸝⊂➜﹒it's me! ⊃⸝⸝
mark/vinny ☆ he/him ☆ minor (strictly 18+ only blogs block me)
hello all! here i post about all things daydreaming-related, as well as some self insert stuff since there is big overlap there for me.
i have mainly fictparacosms (paracosms of existing fictional media). i'm kinda shy about them so i don't discuss them as much but please be respectful when i do. they do not always line up with canon and i just want to be happy and have a fun time since my life is sad. :)
❤️ this blog is a safe space for all madders/iders and whatever you daydream about. even if it's considered really dark nasty shit, and even if it's willingly! fiction is fiction my friends. ❤️
feel free to send asks about my paracosms or about yours! tumblr is buggy and i am chronically ill so i may not get to it right away, but rest easy knowing each ask is treasured in my heart <3 i'm shy but i want to interact with you all
if you want to see more of my silly self talking about other random things, my main is @thecrimeofmans-laughter!
below are paracosms & tags!
paracosms ☁︎‎‎‧₊˚*𖦹
these fluctuate in and out of how relevant they are to me, especially because god cursed my interests to wholly take over my life and then suddenly evaporate like sweat. this is also why i have random mini paracosms that only come out of hibernation if my hyperfixation does too! lmao
■ queerer things still — five teens learn of the magical secret realms on earth and travel through them to uncover the main para (enya liao)'s mysterious past. all of them have magical powers and all of them have emotional baggage that they are eventually forced to deal with by fighting monsters that target their greatest weaknesses. everything is weird and also everything is queer (hence the name).
■ arrows of shield — big crossover between marvel's agents of shield and the cw's arrowverse. at the center of it all is me, because i am awesome. (and because i need to cope with life.) the only other teenagers (and original paras) are cicero (an entity meant to deal with all emotional and physical pains) and jessop jiang (a boy from the typical 60s american suburb who accidentally killed his mother).
■ the super happy life of akemi ōtani — a blanket paracosm for all daydreams involving any of koei's musou warriors games (that i have played, which is dw8, sw2, 4, 4ii, and 5, and wo4). the name is from one of my two samurai warriors ocs, as she has a very normal, happy life with her dad and sister that is absolutely not besieged by period-typical war. (also my icon on this blog is of nō, who is a character from sw5! she's in her dlc outfit. i love her)
■ yttd paracosm 2 — i don't have a name for this one yet shhh. anyway have you ever theorized that shunsuke hayasaka is sue miley's mysterious fiancé and then made a yttd sona that has become separate from you and is also their adopted child and is also dating ranmaru kageyama and then spent way too much time rewriting the lore of the game to fit this change? that's what this is. (my first yttd paracosm is asunaroland which isn't as major anymore but yeah. i have 2 of these fuckers)
tags i'll use ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
i love using tags i love organizing i love formatting i love archiving \(^▽^@)ノ ☆ヾ(*´▽`)ノ ~(≧◇≦)/゙゙゙
my original posts -> #mark stops daydreaming for a sec.txt
answering asks -> #mark answers asks, #ask game answers | feel free to send in something from my ask game!
vents about madd -> #madd vent, #intrusive daydreaming | all of these are ok to rb
positivity about daydreaming -> #positivity <3
my art -> #martk | other art is on my toyhouse and instagram AND CARA!! | want me to draw your paras? commission me!
useful madd-related things -> #useful
anything not daydreaming-related, for whatever reason -> #not madd
...and probably other tags i'm forgetting! yayyy!!
all paracosms and paras are tagged #like this* to avoid anything (like fictpara stuff) showing up in big public tags because i am Scared
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dividers: animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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tabsters · 1 month
previous chapter is here
next chapter is here
masterpost is here
tagging @mythicalmagical-monkeyman @hyperfixation-tangentopia @maiawhimsicalt and @sweet-star-cookie
"I take it the visiting session...didn't go so well?" Lupus asked upon seeing the group's dejected faces. The two twins (halves of Gemini?) were holding each others' hands and were leaning against each other.
"Did not go well." Pegasus shook her head, gently patting the twins' heads. "Cassie...this is Gem and Ini. The two twins that make up Gemini."
"Hello..." Cassie was afraid that any sudden movements would startle the twins, much like skittery animals. 
"We wanted to meet you, but not like this," Gem—the black-haired one—said. "Perhaps we owe you an explanation."
"An explanation would be nice," Cassie said meekly. 
Ini—the white-haired one—nodded. "Very well. Gemini will explain somewhat on the train."
"I think Gemini should try to reform, first," Pegasus said, gently taking both twins' hands and leading them off. "We'll be in the bathroom, okay?"
"Uh, okay!" Cassie yelled helplessly after them. Evidently, Pegasus has had experience with this sort of thing before.
The elevator doors opened again, Libra and another constellation stepping out. This one had long, sleek black hair and was wearing a light blue dress-robe combo.
"The prisoner is being a pissbaby again," The constellation grumbled. She flexed her fingers, which looked to be completely made up of metal. "Wish you would let me punch the smug bastard."
"Language, Lyra," Libra said lightly, seeming unfazed. "And being angry at the prisoner is not effective."
"That's a pretty name," Cassie said, hoping to defuse the tension between advisor and Zodiac, as well as clear the awkwardness. "Lyra."
"Oh, thank you!" Lyra straightened up, seeming a bit flustered at being complimented. "I...I'm not really used to this name, even after a couple years of being a constellation. To be quite honest, I prefer my mortal name over this name."
"What was your mortal name?"
"Hanni, or Hannah." Lyra spun in a circle, and Cassie realized she looked very similar to someone she already met. "Hannah is the Americanized form of my name."
"Do you have any siblings?" Cassie asked, the dots in her brain starting to connect together. "In this Astral Plane, I mean?"
Lyra made a noise that's somewhere between a squeak and a cough. "I—yeah, actually. They're the constellations Ara and Crux. I haven't talked to them in...a while."
"I met Ara at Capricorn's ball." Cassie thought back to that day—it seemed like ages ago, but she could still remember the woman with the tiger mask and the red dress. "She's pretty. Is there a reason why she wears that mask?"
Lyra looked around before ducking her head and showing Cassie a picture on her phone. Libra was now engaged with conversation with Lupus, and was ignoring the two of them. 
"You see how her eyes are orange?" Lyra asked, and Cassie nodded tentatively. This was certainly not going in the direction she thought it would. "She's what we call a bloodfiend. Basically, a vampire. She wears that mask to hide her fangs, but also because someone in our mortal life carved scars into her face."
"O—oh." This was definitely not what Cassie was expecting.
"I hate her." Lyra seemed angry now, but not at Cassie for bringing this topic up. "She's the reason why half my arms are missing." She flexed her fingers, which Cassie could see were definitely made out of metal. 
"And one day, I'm going to defeat her in combat," Lyra confidently said. "And I'll hurt her so badly that not even a mask can fix it." 
"I...see." Cassie decided it would be best to move the topic of conversation to something else. "So what brings you here?"
"Oh, me?" Lyra dismissively waved a hand towards Libra. "Libby likes to come here and visit the prisoner. No idea why, considering they're the person who made the executive decision to jail him."
"Libra..." Cassie looked back towards Libra, who was now admiring the palace's architecture. "Leo mentioned that Gemini put him in jail. How come he's so much more hostile towards her?"
Lyra shrugged. "Libra treats everyone with basic respect. That's kind of their thing. They're also the most impartial and objective person I've ever met, so it's pretty damn hard to hate them. They also believe that they can somehow redeem Leo, but it's a lost cause if you ask me.
"As for Gemini, well...people do say that hatred is just a result of wounded love." She giggled at Cassie's shocked face. "Leo's got a mile-long list of exes. Gemini just had the misfortune of being his latest addition."
Cassie had the distinct feeling that she was not supposed to know all of this. Luckily, Pegasus chose that exact moment to show up with Gemini, with neither Gem nor Ini in sight.
"Alright, well, I'm sure we've long overstayed our welcome," Pegasus said, shaking hands with Lupus and Libra. "Thank you for having us."
Lupus bowed his head. "No problem. Take care, all of you."
"Okay, so...what was that?" Cassie asked hesitantly, as they passed through the kingdom of Parthenos, Virgo's kingdom. "Gemini, what...what happened to you?"
Gemini picked at her macaron, twisting the two halves apart. "Alright, I don't really know how to thoroughly explain this, so I'm gonna use the example Ciara told me."
She looked Cassie in the eye, very seriously, and asked, "Do you know about Steven Universe?"
"Uh...yes?" Cassie half asked, half said. "I've watched a couple of episodes."
"Okay. Do you know about fusions?" Gemini popped her macaron halves into her mouth. "Like, Garnet."
"She's a fusion of Ruby and Sapphire, isn't she?" Cassie was starting to see where this was going. "Are you like her? Are you...a fusion of Gem and Ini?"
Gemini snapped her fingers. "Bingo. I, as a human being, technically do not exist. I am a combination of Gem and Ini, both the good and bad parts of their personalities mashed into one." 
"Oh. Ohhhh." Cassie thought back to what had happened with Leo. "And when you lose control of your emotions, you revert back to Gem and Ini?"
"Exactly. Normally, I'm pretty good at keeping them under wraps, but that bastard." Gemini clenched her fist, and Pegasus gently removed the macaron sitting in her other hand before it got squished. "I thought he might've changed. Might've, I don't know, learned a life lesson."
She exhaled. "He's just the same. Aries and Scorpio were right to warn me. He hasn't changed at all."
The train car went quiet for many moments, before Gemini broke it.
"Stars, I'm unraveling again. Uh, Cassie, be prepared to meet Gem and Ini again, alright?" Gemini's fingers and arms began to glow, less aggressively than before.
"O—oh." It's not like Cassie could have stopped anything. "Okay?"
Pegasus gently squeezed Gemini's shoulder, as the Zodiac slowly dissolved into white light, then separated into two shapes. 
"Oh. Hello." Gem gently waved at Cassie, as Ini nodded. "We meet again." 
Now that the initial shock of Gemini's transformation had worn off, Cassie could see that Gem and Ini were much smaller than Gemini. Gemini was already very small to begin with, but Gem and Ini were a couple inches shorter than her.
"We've wanted to meet you for a while now," Ini said, her white hair falling around her legs—their hair was also much longer than Gemini's. "You intrigue us."
"I do?"
Gem nodded. "What is it like in your world? What are we like?"
"Oh...well the Gemini constellations in my world are also twins." Cassie took out the small bracelet she had bought for Virgo and started fidgeting with it. "Their names are Solana and Luna, and they're much younger than you are."
"I can't remember what it means to be young," Ini mused to Gem. "It seems like an eternity ago."
"An eternity has passed, and yet it seems like no time at all." Gem nodded. "And the time we spent dormant, nestled within Gemini, I cannot recall at all."
"Dormant?" Cassie asked. "Like sleeping? Or hibernation?"
"Something like that. When we first became Zodiacs, Eclipse forced our souls together to make another, something greater than the sum of its parts. For centuries, our souls lay dormant, deep inside Gemini's. Gemini, as a person, did not even know we existed."
"Did Gemini ever question why she represented the sign of the twins, and yet had no twin?" 
"She did. But every time she did, Eclipse simply just erased her memory. She spent a long time this way, just living in bliss."
"She has a better relationship with us now. Much better." Ini rested her head on Gem's shoulder, and Gem rested her head on Ini's head. "We can see through her eyes and experience the same sensations she does. Sometimes we can even take over her body without needing to separate. But...she's lived a hard life."
"I can imagine." A new voice said from the entrance of the train section. Cassie looked up, finding a blonde man wearing a black jumpsuit, with handcuffs around his wrists.
Gem and Ini's eyes widened, and they immediately grabbed hands. Gemini reformed, smiling from ear to ear. "Hercules!"
The man waved as best as he could. "Hey, Gemmy. How're you doing?"
Cassie stared at the man in complete and utter confusion. This man was Hercules? She had never met her world's version of Hercules, but the stories of him that Orion and Perseus told her were enough to make anyone's hair stand on edge.
He was a monster masquerading as a hero. Claiming to rid the world of evil, when in reality, that very same evil grew and festered inside him. 
And this man was friends with Gemini?
"I've been good, what are you doing out of jail?" Gemini punched him in the arm, giggling as she did.
He was a prisoner as well? This just got so much more confusing.
"He's not alone." A man with lighter blonde hair and black antlers stepped in, his dragon wings folding into themselves to make room. His right eye was a pale blue, and his left was a soft gray. "We're his babysitters."
"Who's we, Draco?" Pegasus chuckled, and reached her hand over to shake hands with the dragon man.
"Draco Malfoy?" Cassie asked immediately. This man was wearing a black and green suit, which, combined with his pale hair, made him look very much like Draco Malfoy. 
The man immediately sighed, withdrawing his hand from Pegasus' grasp. "No. No, I am not Draco Malfoy, despite how much I look like him. But my name is Draco. Draco, as in the constellation of the dragon. If we're being technical, Draco Malfoy is named after me, not the other way around."
Apparently, Draco had very strong opinions about being called Draco Malfoy. 
"Where's your partner in crime, Drakey?" Pegasus teased. 
"Serpens is wandering the cars, doing something." Draco shrugged, and stood back so Hercules could sit down in the seat next to Cassie. Cassie, involuntarily, scooted away.
"Hello," The warrior said, much more softly. "Who are you?"
"Uh—um, I'm Cassie," Cassie said in a small voice. What intentions did this man have? Could she trust him? Perseus and Orion had drilled it into her head that Hercules was always, unequivocally, a bad guy. Was this world's Hercules the same? Just another monster?
Apparently, Hercules saw her worried look, and leaned away from her. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." He lifted his wrists. "Despite, uh, what I might look like."
"He's a nice guy, Cassie," Gemini reassured her. "He, along with Perseus, Orion, and Andromeda, used to work for Eclipse. But after that bastard's imprisonment, they were also thrown in jail. Herc's the only one that's actually trying to redeem himself at this point."
Hercules shrugged. "They let me take a field trip for good behavior." He leaned over to look past Cassie and out the window. The metallic buildings of Parthenos were giving away to the gleaming marble of Zygos, Libra's kingdom. "Man. I haven't seen the outside in ages."
"He's not gonna hurt you, I promise," Draco said from the outside. "If he does, I'll tase him."
His tone of voice was ambiguous enough that Cassie couldn't tell if he was joking or not. Hercules laughed nervously, suggesting it might not be a joke.
"Draco? Where did you—oh shit, sorry!" A thumping noise was heard, and Draco sighed. 
"I'm gonna go check up on him." Draco pointed straight at Pegasus. "You're in charge while I'm gone, Peggy." 
Pegasus fake-saluted, and Draco departed. Hercules fidgeted awkwardly, and Cassie noticed he also had ankle cuffs as well. They looked remarkably similar to Leo's collars—perhaps they were similar enough in power levels.
"Right, sorry!" Draco shouted behind him as he returned with a man with braided black hair, with a dark green snake tail replacing his legs. "Serpens, what the fuck were you doing trying to do on top of the roof? And how on earth did you manage to fall on the snack cart?"
The snake man shrugged. "Better view from up on the roof."
"Are you—" Draco inhaled deeply, and then whispered a large amount of swears under his breath. "My stars, why do I even bother." 
He stalked off, leaving Serpens as his replacement. Serpens made a 'welp' face, and tossed Pegasus a couple packs of the snacks he had obtained—flaky pistachio pastries. 
"Sorry about my boyfriend," He said casually, biting into a pastry. "He can be a bit uptight."
"FIANCE!" Draco shouted from somewhere back in the train. "I'M YOUR FIANCE!"
"And he can have a bit of a temper." Serpens swallowed the rest of his pastry nonchalantly.
"You're right, you're gonna be my husband soon!" Serpens shouted back cheerfully. "You love me!" 
"UGHHHHH," Was Draco's response. Cassie had the impression that, despite his poised and sophisticated appearance, he had some anger issues. 
She missed her own Draco, a small white dragon. He was so cute, and always eager to play with her. She hoped he was doing alright. 
"How're you, Serpens?" Gemini asked, trying to drown out Draco's aggravated groaning. "How's...uh, your siblings?" She shook her head in disgust, evidently disappointed in herself that she couldn't think of any other discussion topics.
Serpens picked apart the pastry layers, dropping each of them into his mouth. "I'm fine. Had to watch over Pisces' kingdom on short notice yesterday cause he insisted on ditching his duties." 
He rolled his eyes, grabbed another pastry, and then proceeded to unhinge his jaw to swallow the entire thing whole. "I mean, you'd think after a couple millenia he'd be better at this king thing."
"You're Pisces' brother?" Cassie asked, remembering Aquarius' words. "You don't look much like him."
"Is it cause of the hair?" Serpens snickered. "We looked more like siblings when we were mortal." 
A loud crashing noise made Serpens snap back to attention. "Anyway, I'm gonna calm the dragon down. Peggy, keep an eye on this guy." He nodded towards Hercules before slithering off.
"So..." Hercules looked towards Cassie. "You're not from here, are you? I mean, no offense—" He gestured towards Cassie's eye. "But this kinda gives it away. And you don't have any of the markings star spirits have."
"Yeah, I'm kinda from another world, where there's other versions of constellations." Cassie stared at Hercules in fascination. 
She had never seen her own Hercules in person, but Perseus and Orion had told him that he had dark orange hair and skin, and was somewhat monster-like, as a result of slaying so many monsters. Once, Perseus had even been one of Hercules' targets. 
"Hmm. Is there a me in your world?" Hercules enthused.
"You're..." Cassie thought. "I've never met my own Hercules before. But Perseus and Orion say that you're a force to be reckoned with. You've fought and killed hundreds of monsters in the name of glory."
Hercules went quiet for a moment. "I will not lie. I used to be like that. My partners, Perseus, Orion, and Andromeda, they were so much worse. The four of us wanted glory so badly we aided a tyrant to obtain it."
Cassie sucked in a breath. "What made you change your mind?"
Hercules lowered his head. "I...I don't really know. I just realized eventually, I wasn't getting any happiness or satisfaction from hurting others. All this hurting others because they hurt you just leads to a never-ending cycle of destruction and pain." 
Gemini nodded sagely. "Well said, big guy. You're truly on your redemption arc."
"What about Perseus and Orion?" Were Cassie's friends the monsters in this world? Were the roles of those that were heroes and monsters swapped? "Andromeda, too."
"Perseus, if I'm being honest, has a stick up his ass. He followed Eclipse solely for the validation he received from her. He was her top assistant and our leader." Hercules fiddled with his thumbs. "But he commanded respect wherever he went. All that power does some messed up things to your head.
"Orion and Andromeda were the true menaces. They took some sadistic pleasure in torturing our enemies. I love all three of them, but..." Hercules sighed. "After seeing what monsters we've become, I don't know if I can anymore."
The group sat in solemn silence for a moment more before the train stopped with a ding. Draco and Serpens returned to the train car. 
"Welp, here's our stop." Draco helped Hercules up, nodding to Pegasus. "Nice bumping into you."
"Back to the Venusian Prison you go." Serpens ruffled Hercules' hair and then waved bye to the group. "Home sweet home."
Hercules smiled at Cassie. "Nice meeting you, kid." He gave a fist pump to Gemini and then waddled out.
"Bye." Cassie waved goodbye to the man, lost in thought.
"You wanna stop for more souvenirs?" Pegasus asked, starting to get up. "Librans really like their braided jewelry."
"Yeah, sure." Cassie followed Pegasus out of the train, Gemini trailing close behind. 
As she walked, she thought back to her short conversation with Hercules.
I guess there is some truth to his words. Hurting others will just lead to them hurting more and more people. Nothing good will come out of causing others pain.
check out @sweet-star-cookie's starglass zodiac lore if you liked this!! questions about my lore are greatly appreciated!!
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twenty questions for fic writers!
Thank you for the tag @sunriseverse! Always love doing these
how many works do you have on ao3?
As of right now, 284. 154 of those are Killer and Healer fics, to the surprise of nobody
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
We are currently at 3,030,755. I tend to write long oneshots and decently long multichapters so I'm not surprised my word count is as high as it is. Again, majority of these words come from Killer and Healer because there is just something about them that makes my brain go brrr
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Most Killer and Healer at this point, but sometimes I'll write an S.C.I. fic and I'm also going to dip my toes into F1 rpf. Currently working on my first fic now
4. top five fics by kudos
I agree with Corset, I'm not a fan of the kudos for my overall (since they're fics I don't care about and since I'm not in those fandoms anymore), so I'm also gonna go with my kudos from 2024 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer 231 kudos, m, WIP, yuezhi, junchun 药剂师日记 | The Apothecary Diaries 111 kudos, t, 89k, yuezhi Oil and Water 105 kudos, m, 91.5k, eric/ryan Stay the Night By My Side 48 kudos, t, 1096, qiubing Big White Cat Cuddles 47 kudos, gen, 2.7k
5. do you respond to comments?
Always. Always, always, always
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
On the rare as fuck occasion that i've actually writing MCD, my fic Promise to Keep for Chinese Paladin 4. I too am shocked that I wrote MCD because I normally write happy endings, but I was actually okay with how canon ended so...I was fine with the MCD (cried like a bitch while writing it tho)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of my fics minus Promise to Keep
8. do you get hate on fics?
Oh, I did once...and it turned into a whole post that I made on here because if they had gone just after the fic/me, I would have just deleted it and moved on (while simmering with rage) but no, they went after my readers and insulted them and NO ONE goes after my readers
9. do you write smut?
No I do not. Never have, never will. It squicks me, so I don't. I can read it, can't write it
10. craziest crossover?
Eh...I did a big crossover back in 2020 between s.c.i, history 3: trapped, and guardian. That fic was fun
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, back in 2020 when I was working on my fic The Untamed Moments, someone was copying it word for fucking word over on Wattpad in Spanish. One of my readers at the time noticed it and I shut that shit down real quick. So...word to the wise. Don't steal my fics or I will end you
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! My fic So This Is What Love Feels Like was translated to Vietnamese. I was very honored
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
In the past...wouldn't do it again. I like brainstorming fics with people but at the end of the day, I need to be the one writing the fic. And my style is so different from others that you could definitely tell if a fic was co-written
14. all time favorite ship?
Yuezhi. Hands down. But man, Lestappen is getting up there...
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
God permitting, the Killer and Healer rewrite. Same with my Kei x Yaku fic. Problem is, I keep getting distracted by other wips and ideas so I like...haven't gotten around to finishing them. The rewrite I know is going to take me a while, but the Kei x Yaku fic I just gotta sit down and work on/crank out or I'll lose my hyperfixation with it and want to either abandon it or delete it. And I don't want to do either, so I gotta get back into it
16. what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue/making characters still feel in character, no matter the au, if that makes sense. I've been told my dialogue is great
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I will only ever use dialogue in another language if I know what I'm writing in another language. Things might also cross over, like "hyung" or "gege" or stuff like that because it just sounds better but other than that, I don't use dialogue in another language unless i'm 100% sure of the meaning
19. first fandom you wrote in?
20. favorite fic you've written?
How dare you...I love all of my fics, even the ones for the fandoms I'm no longer a part of. No, I won't choose. You can't make me
Tagging: @hyperbolicgrinch @theotherwhybietoldmeso @clawbehavior @fourth-quartet and any other writing mutual who wants to give this a go
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