#yeah i think i have just been kinda scared lately. but its okay
ellecdc · 7 months
Part two of feisty slytherin reader where it’s just the boys being like kinda in love with reader and everything you can pick how reader responds
this ended up taking me way longer to complete than I thought it would! it also ended up way longer than usual. here's the lead up to our infamous poly!marauders x feisty!slytherin reader!!! 🫶
poly!marauders x feisty, fem slytherin!reader
p1 // p2 // p3
CW: head injury - not graphic or detailed but mentions blood.
“Okay Moony, if you’re going to help us win over Y/N, you should know she does not like dramatic public displays of appreciation.” James said sagely as he walked into their shared dorm room.
Remus spared Sirius a confused look from his seat in the chair, but from the way James was currently rubbing his arm Sirius had a pretty good idea of what just took place.
“Yeah, erm, I don’t think you have to worry about that with me, bubs. Thanks for the heads up though.” Remus added bemusedly.
“Let me guess.” Sirius taunted, rolling over onto his stomach so that he faced James. “The charmed roses following her around the halls wasn’t a hit?”
“No, but she did...” He sulked, pulling his uniform shirt off to expose a small albeit quite red welt on his upper arm.
“Awe, poor Jamie. Come here bubs.” Remus cooed at him, opening his arms to invite the boy into his lap. 
James obliged all too willingly and snuggled up to the werewolf like he was a small toddler and not a giant beefy man-baby. 
“Don’t mollify him when he’s out here botching our grand plans to woo the girl of our dreams.” Sirius said, causing Remus to roll his eyes and James to scoff indignantly.
“Well at least I’m working on it! What are you doing to woo her?” James retaliated.
Sirius offered him a wolfish grin. “Oh, I’ve got a little trick up my sleeve.”
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You had to get out of the castle. You could still feel everyone’s eyes on you, ogling you like you were some kind of freakshow. 
You don’t know what kind of game those Gryffindor’s were trying to play, but you were not about to be the butt of whatever sodding joke this was.
Roses, really? Charmed to follow you around the castle as Potter smirked from the sidelines. Did he have any idea how humiliating that was?
       So, yeah. You walloped him. In the arm. With your fist. Hard. But what else were you supposed to do!? You’d confronted him and demanded that he end the charm and all he said was ‘you look so cute when your nose scrunches up like that’.
He and Black have always been a bother – seemingly having taken some kind of interest in you for whatever reason. Lupin had always been more reasonable; one would think that he’d have evened those two out during their relationship, but apparently that was an impossible task. You supposed it was because he was all but one man.
But lately, even he was starting to stare at you a little too long, smile a little too softly, find too many excuses to be in your vicinity. It was infuriating.
So, you were outside.
It was nice outside. 
Well, it was nice enough outside. 
You packed yourself some snacks in your book bag, two blankets and an extra jumper to go sit by the Black Lake. You figured you should be able to enjoy some peace and quiet out here on your own.
You unfolded one of the blankets to lay onto the ground before sitting on it and then laid the second blanket over your lap. You could hear other students on the grounds in the distance and the soothing sound of the water lapping gently against the shore. 
As luck would have it, a certain dog with long-black hair would set out to disrupt that.
“What are you doing here?” You asked the dog as it approached you calmly. You wondered for a moment if you should be scared before it stopped at the edge of your blanket to sit and tilt its head at you, his tongue falling out of his mouth haphazardly. 
He didn’t look too scary, ignoring his size.
You craned your neck to look around, checking if perhaps he was here with someone, but it appeared that you were, in fact, alone on this side of the lake.
You felt something cold and wet nudge your pinkie, and you turned to see that the dog had laid down beside you with his head between his paws, nose next to your hand.
“If I pet you, are you going to bite me?” You asked him. He answered by nudging your hand again and offering it a little lick.
“You better not have fleas.” You muttered as you scratched behind the dog’s ears. You would have sworn he had furrowed his eyebrows at your comment if dogs could do such a thing. You noticed then that the dog had startling silver-blue eyes. 
“Where are your people?” You asked, glad no one was around to see you conversing with a dog. He answered you by rolling over for belly rubs.
You scoffed out a laugh but acquiesced. “Fine, you can stay. But I came out here for peace and quiet, ‘kay?”
The dog seemed fine with that plan and let you read through two chapters of your book, only interrupting every paragraph or so for more pets. Eventually however, it grew too cold, and you decided to pack up.
Confirming your suspicions, the dog began to follow you towards the castle. You pretended like you hadn’t noticed or perhaps just didn’t care until you were near the greenhouses.
“For future reference, Black,” you said, turning to the dog who seemed to pause mid-step as you considered him. “I really am more of a cat person.” You smirked, turning to walk back to the castle alone.
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“Here, let me get that for you.” James said, opening the door for you rather chivalrously in Sirius’ opinion.
“I’m not a delicate flower, Potter, I can open a door.” You muttered angrily, storming past him into the classroom.
James deflated a little as he followed you in, but perked up when Remus placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“I thought that was very sweet of you, Jamie.” He placated.
James gave him a half smile in response. “Thanks Moons.”
“I mean, what are we supposed to do? What bird doesn’t like dogs!?” Sirius grumbled, opting to ignore James’ whining. 
“Don’t call her a bird, Sirius.” Remus chided.
“Probably didn’t help you’re a big ol’ mangy mutt.” James muttered petulantly.
“Oi!” Sirius called. “That’s not what you say when Padfoot snuggles you to sleep.” 
James had the good graces to turn a little red at that.
Their conversation was interrupted (quite rudely if you asked Sirius) by Professor McGonagall as she began the instructions for today’s Transfiguration lesson: turning buttons into butterflies. 
Sirius stole a concerned glance towards James to see Remus doing the same; they were horrified to see a mischievous look adorning their boyfriend’s face.
“Prongs...” Sirius warned, whilst Remus whispered a “remember what we talked about.”
But they both knew it was too late; there was no stopping him once James set his mind to something. 
Sirius is quite sure it was the fourth butterfly that did you in; you seemed to consider the first a fluke, the second was annoying, the third made you suspicious, but by the fourth you’d had enough.
With little to no warning you turned and lobbed a large hard-covered tome at the group.
“I don’t know which of you tossers are behind this, but it reeks of Potter. So help me gods I will gut you and string you up to the rafters from your intestines if you don’t leave me alone!” You screeched. 
“But how else will you know I’m crazy about you?” James pouted, causing you to groan exasperatedly.
“If you’re looking for some cutesy princess who will swoon at your sodding roses and butterflies, then you’ve got the wrong witch.” You spat.
Sirius smirked. “Oh, we have exactly the right witch.”
“I swear to Circe if you don’t leave me alone, I’ll sic Barty on you.” You threatened.
Sirius and James both scoffed whilst Remus smirked. 
“Please dollface, you insult me. I’m not afraid of Junior.” Sirius taunted.
You narrowed your eyes at him menacingly before realization dawned on you. “Fine.” You said simply, giving Sirius a distinct uneasy feeling. “Perhaps I’ll tell Regulus.”
Sirius slammed his fist on the table and leaned forward. “You wouldn’t.” He seethed.
You smirked deviously. “Just try me, Black.” You sneered in response. 
Did...did Sirius have a degradation kink?
Sirius was ashamed to admit that he had to take a very cold shower after that.
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You had been sitting in the library trying to work on your Potions essay. You had felt fairly safe here seeing as the Gryffindor’s (at least the most problematic ones) had been sanctioned from using the library during quiet study hours on account of their typical foolishness.
Except one.
“Mind if I sit here?” Lupin’s lilting voice sounded from your right side before he sat down without waiting for your response. 
“Why bother asking if you were just going to sit anyways?” You grumbled. 
“Well, it was the polite thing to do.” He said, turning to face you. You held his gaze (his gaze, your glare) until he finally sighed. “I’ll leave if you want me to.”
You considered him for a moment. You couldn’t deny he was the least buffoonish out of the so-called Marauders though you’re not sure that amounted to much.
But he was quieter, kinder, softer around the edges. And he had been far more polite to you than his boyfriends.
“Are you going to flirt with me?”
One of Remus’ eyebrows (the one with the scar running through it, you noticed) raised expectantly as he considered you.
“Let me rephrase that.” You barked quickly, realizing your mistake perhaps a touch too late. “You may sit here, but if you flirt with me, I will stab you with my quill.” You punctuated your threat by blotting his hand which rested on the table with ink from the tip of your quill.
Remus smiled at the sight before returning his amber coloured gaze to yours. “Fair enough. I promise to try to restrain myself, but perhaps you ought to hold onto this hand for me just in case I slip up.” And he – the absolute sodding bastard – slid his left hand comfortably into your right.
You’d never seen someone make a move so assertively and smoothly before. There was nothing to say that any of this even affected Remus as he immediately turned his attention to his book. Was it hot in here? Your hand felt sweaty. Your throat felt tight. Your mouth was dry. Why didn’t you think to bring a bottle of water?!
“Erm,” you started, having to pause to clear your throat. “Just how am I supposed to get my work done with your hand in mine, Lupin?”
You had tried to sound threatening, but based off Remus’ smirk, you’d only managed to goad him further.
“You’re left-handed. Figure it out.” 
These boys were going to be the death of you if you didn’t end up killing them first.
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“You held her hand!?” James screeched in their dorm room that night whilst Remus smirked to himself. Sirius would make fun of James for his dramatics if he wasn’t just a pissed off about this.
“I’ve been working at this the longest out of either of you, and she lets you hold her hand?” He continued.
“She doesn’t like dogs,” Sirius grumbled, gesturing to himself, “she doesn’t like James. But the werewolf? Really. No offence Moons because I absolutely get the appeal.”
James snapped his fingers as he had a eureka moment. “I’ve got it! Remus; bite me!”
“James!” Remus scolded. 
“It’s not fair.” James muttered as he fell onto his bed in defeat. “I’d be so good to her.”
Any ire from Sirius and Remus drained at that as they both moved to join their boyfriend on his bed.
“We know, bubs.” Remus conceded. 
“We just...have to give her time. I’m sure she’ll come around, yeah? I mean, with Remus’ smooth moves, my undeniable charm, and your muscles? We’re unstoppable.” Sirius added, eliciting a smile from Remus and a gentle chuckle from James, though his usual light was diminished.
“We’ve just got to be patient, Jamie.” Remus concluded, causing James to groan.
“Patience.” He spat spitefully.
“A 'James ADHD Potter' special.” Sirius winked before kissing any further protests away from James’ lips.
“We’ve got Moony on our team now, bubs. We’re unstoppable.” He whispered, truly believing what he was saying.
If anyone could break through your hard candy-coating shell to reach the chocolate inside, it was certainly Remus Lupin.
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You’d had the lovely idea of sitting outside on one of the few sunny days that Scotland got to see this time of year. Unfortunately, it seemed that everyone else had the same idea too.
A few Hufflepuffs were playing with a charmed muggle football, kicking it back and forth between the two of them and chasing after it when it opted to fuck off on its own. You didn’t understand the objective of the game, nor did you care to.
Remus and Peter Pettigrew sat on a bench not too far off playing a game of Wizarding Chess that, from where you were sitting, looked like Remus was winning.
You got so caught up in watching Lupin’s game with Pettigrew - in the way that the tendons in his wrist and hands flexed as he moved pieces across the board, and the way that his honey blonde curls fell in front of his eyes causing him to have to blow air upwards so he could see the board - that you noticed something flying at you far too late. 
“Look out!” One of the dumb Hufflepuff’s shouted far too late as their charmed football soared into the side of your head, knocking you clean over where your head cracked painfully against a root of the tree you were sitting under.
You scrunched your eyes tight and tried to will your heart to start beating again and your lungs to cooperate, every part of your body seeming to have tensed out of instinct to protect itself.
“L/N! L/N! Come on, dove, open your eyes.” You heard a voice above you.
Why was the voice so worried? How long were your eyes closed? A gentle hand grabbed your chin and wiggled your head back and forth, causing you to hiss in pain.
“Sod...off.” You gritted through your teeth.
The voice chuckled and wiggled your chin once more. “There she is. Open your eyes for me.”
You hated being told what to do but decided to comply anyways.
You probably should have kept your eyes close because the sight made you feel dizzy for a completely different reason.
Hovering above your frame was Remus Lupin; his knees on the ground beside your elbow, one hand gripping your chin and the other gently moving hair away from your face and head.
“Atta girl.” He said with a smile.
“Get away from me.” You grumbled as you moved to sit up. Though Lupin hissed in protest, he helped you sit up nonetheless. 
“Is...is she okay?” a timid voice spoke from somewhere behind Lupin’s shoulder causing his expression to darken considerably.
“You stupid wankers are so dead.” You spat as loudly as you could manage, though in your current state – that wasn’t very loud at all.
Your message was received loud and clear, however, as the two Hufflepuffs took off in fear.
“My sentiments exactly.” Lupin muttered as he turned back to you, jaw still tense.
You snorted indelicately as you brought a hand to your head. “Please, don’t tell me you actually care about me, Lupin.”
You hissed in pain as your hand came in contact with something warm and wet and slightly sticky. You pulled your hand back in front of you to inspect, only for Lupin to grab your hand rather harshly and wipe the blood away with a handkerchief.
“Is it so impossible to believe that we could actually care for you?” He muttered quietly, eyes focused on your hand, pointedly avoiding eye contact with you. You watched as his curls bounced with each wipe of his hand against yours. You thought of his gentle hands brushing hair away from your wound moments before. You thought of him begging you to open your eyes. You thought of him being the first one at your side when you were hurt.
And you thought about Black finding ways to be with you even when you staunchly refused his company. You thought of him taking time out of his day to tell you how ‘smoking hot’ you looked that day, even though he said it every day before that, too.
And you thought about Potter who always held the door for you, saved you a seat even though you never accepted it, showered you in affection even though it was public and quite embarrassing. And you thought of the way he always had a smile to give you, even when you gave him no reason to smile at all. 
It wasn’t hard to imagine the three of them caring for anyone, quite frankly. Caring seemed to come second nature to those boys.
“No.” You admitted quietly. “It’s not impossible to believe that you could actually care. It’s just impossible to imagine why.”
He stopped rubbing at your hand and met your eye, seemingly contemplating what to say.
“Let’s get you to Madam Pomfrey.” He opted for. “Pete, let the boys know where I’ve gone when they’re finished with practice?” Lupin called over his shoulder.
“I can walk myself, Lupin.” You grumbled as he helped you up by your elbow.
“Yeah, yeah.” He grumbled back. “You’re not a delicate flower, we know.”
The two of you more or less muttered back and forth to each other the entire way to the infirmary, Lupin supporting more of your weight than he likely needed too but you didn’t feel the need (nor desire) to complain.
Madam Pomfrey was in the middle of looking after a first year Potions class who accidently set off an explosion of incorrectly brewed Cure for Boils which ultimately left each student (and Professor Slughorn) covered head to toe in painful boils.
“Mr. Lupin, if you could clean the wound for me. And Miss. L/N, drink the pain potion. Do not leave until I’ve had a chance to do a proper examination, okay?” She ordered as you positioned yourself more comfortably on the bed after she determined you weren’t about to die (or currently crying, as most of the first years were). 
You took the pain potion dutifully and placed it back on the table beside your bed before you startled at the sudden cold wet cloth on your head.
“You are not seriously doing this right now, are you?” You spat.
Remus’ eyebrows drew together as his hands continued on in their task. “You heard the matron; I’m supposed to clean it.”
“I can clean it myself, Lupin; I’ll conjure a mirror.” You argued, causing the scarred boy to scoff.
“I do what I’m told L/N, and quite frankly, the matron scares me more than you do.”
“I must be doing something wrong then.” You sighed, thinking you hadn’t said that loud enough to be heard, but a startled laugh escaped Lupin’s lips. 
“Why do you act so volatile?” He asked amusedly.
“It’s not an act.”
“I call bullshit.”
“Well, you call wrong, then, Lupin. I’m an arse and I find everyone exhausting. Deal with it.” You snarked sharply.
Lupin breathed a laugh through his nose. “Maybe we can find out what the hell your problem is over dinner sometime, then.”
Rotten bastard and his smooth talk...
“WHERE IS SHE!?” a voice echoed through the corridor just outside the entrance to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey needn’t even look up from the boil she was currently draining of puss to know who she was about to scold.
“Mr. Potter, I will have you banned from this infirmary so fast if you raise your voice above so much as a whisper, do not try me. That goes for you too, Mr. Black.” She barked; eyes still focused on the first year’s arm in front of her.
Sure enough, a mop of curly hair, impossibly more wild than usual due to the flight on his broom, poked around the privacy curtains a second before it was joined by a fuming looking Sirius Black.
Potter’s eyes flew to where Remus’ hands were positioned on your head and your stomach lurched at what looked like tears pooling in Potter’s eyes.
“Potter...please, erm, please don’t cry?” You asked awkwardly, leaning away from Remus’ touch as you suddenly became very uncomfortable with this amount of attention.
“She’s alright, Jamie.” Remus sighed, pulling you back over to him gently by the shoulder and continuing his prodding at your wound.
“Who did it?” Sirius spat, arms crossed defensively across his chest and jaw tight as he stared hard at the wound on your head. You were horrified to admit to yourself that he was hot. You’d never really seen it before, how all the girls in your year (and other years) fawned over the long-haired boy.
But he was currently standing in front of you still adorned in his quidditch gear, hair pulled back into a low bun - though he had many fly-aways on account of his recent time in the air - his cheeks still dusted pink from the assertion, and he was currently fuming on your behalf.
Yeah...he was hot. 
“Easy.” Remus warned.
“Answer me!” Sirius spat back.
“Pads. I mean it, leave it.” Remus said with finality.
Your eyes darted nervously between the two boys currently staring each other down, but Potter’s eyes were still steadfast on you.
“Let me, Rem.” He finally said gently – the most gently you’d ever heard from the rambunctious boy as he gently moved Remus aside and took over.
“I’m okay, you know.” You offered, not liking how worked up these boys were currently over you.
“I know.” He agreed. “I just hate to see you hurt.”
“Yeah, why.” You pressed. James looked like you just asked him to calculate the distance between the galaxy of Andromeda and our solar system using the measurement of broomsticks.  
“I... I don’t want to see you hurt?”
“You want to see Snape hurt.” You countered, causing James’ face to harden.
“Snape’s a tosser.” He muttered darkly.
“I’m not any nicer than Snape.”
“See, Y/N. You’re so smart and lovely and perfect, but you are way off on that front.” James said through a laugh. “Snape is prejudiced, vindictive, and a racist blood supremist. You’re just combative.” He explained, punctuating the word combative with a gentle boop of your nose. 
You wanted to break his finger.
But that would be combative, and you would rather die than prove Potter right, so you opted to roll your eyes instead. 
“Did they even hang around to see if she fucking survived or did they just take off to avoid detention?” Sirius spat at Remus, not looking any calmer than he did when he arrived.
“They stayed.” You answered tiredly. “They took off afterwards, and not to avoid detention, but to avoid me.”
“And me.” Remus muttered quietly, looking dangerously close to going back out there to find them himself. 
“Did you threaten them?” Sirius asked severely, though you weren’t sure who exactly he had asked.
“Yes.” You and Lupin both answered exasperatedly. 
Sirius looked between the two of you before letting out a sigh. “Fine, but if I run into them, I’m hexing them into oblivion.”
“Not if I get to them first.” You growled.
Sirius’ face finally softened as he sat on the end of your bed and cautiously touched your ankle under the blankets.
“You sure you’re okay, Y/N?”
And you aren’t sure what did it. 
You weren’t sure if it was the softness you saw in Sirius that you were sure you could have never even imagined possible from a person, let alone someone related to the infamous Black family. Or if it was the eyebrows of Remus Lupin that were furrowed in concern as he dutifully watched his boyfriend finish plastering a bandage to your head, or if it was the unbelievable softness of James Potter’s touch – in complete contrast to his fast, rough, bouncing personality that you were usually subjected to.
But dammit, you felt a tear slip down your cheek.
You wiped it away quickly and nodded your head in yes.
You braced yourself for the teasing, the cooing, the dramatic displays of affection. But Sirius quickly stood and disappeared behind the curtains, James began pouring you a glass of water, and Remus reached into his bag for something.
Remus returned to you first, breaking off a square of chocolate for you. “It’ll help.”
You were too embarrassed to argue and took it, popping it into your mouth dutifully. 
“Here.” Sirius said as he appeared back at your bedside, handing you a vial. 
“What is it?” You asked, your voice taut with emotion.
Sirius’ eyes softened again as he offered you a sad smile. “Calming draught. You can’t have any more pain potion, but this might make you feel better.”
“And if not, maybe you can convince Moony to share more of his chocolate.” James commented with a soft smile.
You grimaced at the taste of the potion and chased it with the water James had poured for you.
“Thank you.” You admitted quietly, shame colouring your tone as you looked to your lap.
“None of that.” Remus said as he handed you another piece of chocolate.
You took it skeptically. “Why do they call you Moony?”
No one said anything for a moment, but you could tell that neither James nor Sirius were moving a muscle as they watched Remus who in turn watched you.
“Because of my lycanthropy.” He said plainly.
You looked at the various scars before you started to laugh. Sirius’ face drained of all colour while James visibly tensed.
“Of course you are. Remus Lupin. Named after a man raised by wolves and the lupus, or wolf constellation. Oh gods, it was predestined, clearly.”
“Are...are you laughing at me right now?” Remus asked incredulously.
“It’s a little funny...no?” You asked back.
He looked as if he were torn between laughing and crying. “I pour my heart out to you – my deepest darkest secret, and you laugh at me?” He asked again, some amusement colouring his features.
“I told you, I’m an arse.” You said with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Does it bother you?” Sirius asked cautiously from the end of your bed, face appearing impassive for all intents and purposes. 
“I don’t see why it should, it’s none of my business.”
“It could be.” Remus input.
“You don’t want me. I’m no good, Lupin.” You stressed, looking back down at your hands.
“Neither am I.” Sirius agreed.
“Me neither.” Remus added.
“I’m n-” James started.
“So what if the only one of us worthy of love and affection here is James?” Sirius said, cutting James off. “It’s not going to stop me from cherishing what I can get - deserved or not.”
You groaned and threw your head back onto the pillow, cringing at the effect the fast movement had on you and the pain that the movement elicited in your neck.
“Okay, what about this.” James conciliated. “You don’t have to agree to be with us, just give us a chance? The time of day? One Hogsmeade trip to let us fawn over you.”
You looked up at his deep brown eyes that felt so warm you wanted to make a home in them. Sirius, in all his bravado, looked pained as he waited for an answer, and Remus smiled encouragingly at you.
“Fine!” You acquiesced with a groan. “One Hogsmeade trip.”
Much to your chagrin, though not really at all, it ended up being way more than just one Hogsmeade trip.
Thank you to @unstablereader who gave us the library handholding prompt 🫶
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freaksun · 2 months
eddie doesnt let anyone touch his hair. ever.
it reminds him of his late mother, who had the same gorgeous untamed curls. She used to comb his hair when he was little, being ever so gentle and taking her time brushing out the knots.
his father made him feel less-than for just about everything about him, including his gorgeous mane. Called him awful names and always told him to ‘cut that fairy shit’ when it grew too long.
so, ever since she passed, and his father went to jail, hes been growing it.
unfortunately, she never taught him how to take care of it, she’d always just do it herself. So, he doesnt put product in it, he doesnt cut it, he doesnt even brush it. And, stubborn as his mama, he doesnt let anyone else touch it either.
then you come along, happy and sweet, always loving to everyone. he falls in love with you so fast he hardly even notices. you certainly dont either.
one hot summer day you’re both in his room, you on his bed, him pacing, frantically explaining some sort of nerdy campaign idea. you dont know, you havent been listening for a while, too distracted by the way he keeps wiping sweat from the back of his neck. you cut him off rudely, he doesnt mind
“hey eddie?”
“whens the last time you got a haircut?”
he freezes, silent, which is very out of character, dude never shuts up.
“uhh. like a few years ago. why?”
its your turn to be quiet, suddenly all coy. he finds you absolutely adorable as you stare at his floor, trying to find a way to ask him without startling him. as if he were some wild animal, which, he basically is.
“just.. immm noticinggg its kinda matted in the back…”
you try to sound the least accusing as you can. he doesnt seem offended but you can tell hes thinking.
“well, yeah, i. i guess i just havent touched it since. well my mom used to do it for me”
you feel like an ass, touching on something you shouldnt have, making him all quiet and sad. you backtrack.
“jesus, eddie, im sorry i didnt mean to-“
“its okay angel, i know”
he sits next to you. you give him a nervous smile, still sweet, hesitantly reaching for his curls. you can tell he’s hesitant too, but he nods, granting you permission. you take a single strand between your fingers, twirling it.
“Its so pretty, eds. ..would you let me? take care of it, i mean?”
hes scared. but youre so sweet and youre asking so nicely. a part of him is scared if he lets you, he loses another part of his mom. but the other part is staring into your eyes and seeing nothing but genuine affection.
“i.. i guess you could.. try.”
his heart pounds in his chest. You absolutely beam, thanking him immediately and bouncing around the room, looking for a brush. he laughs, shaking his head. you watch as he rummages through his closet, before handing you a light pink brush. you think about teasing him for it but he already looks vulnerable. you smile sweetly instead, taking it from him.
“sit” you point with the brush. he does as you say, running his hands up and down his thighs in a self soothing motion.
“its okay eds, you dont have to be nervous.. ill be gentle i promise” he gives you an unconvincing smile. you return with a guilty one, downturned. you kneel in front of him, in between his knees, brushing his bangs with your fingers.
“we can stop whenever you want, okay?” his cheeks are bright red as he nods timidly
you move to sit behind him, and run your hands through his curls gently, admiring it. you take a part, hold it at the root, and brush gently.
“that feel okay? tell me if it hurts” ever so sweet.
“mm-hm” you can feel his nervousness. “you- you remind me of her, y’know”
youre pretty taken aback, but honoured nonetheless. you keep brushing through the mattes in his hair as you talk.
“Yeah? Wanna tell be about her?” youre not sure if its the right thing to say, but you figure he probably hasnt told anyone about her. you can practically feel his energy shift.
“she was sweet. loving and kind to everyone, like you.” you both smile. “and she was pretty. beautiful. i really miss her.” you stop, rub his back a little.
“i can only imagine.. im sorry eddie.” he turns to face you, smiling.
“s’alright sweetheart. thanks for letting me talk about her” he hugs you. you hug him back, tight.
“hows the ole hair going?” He asks when he pulls back, a joking tone to lighten the mood.
“good!!! ive gotten the mattes outta this chunk here, it looks good. your hair is really beautiful, eds” youre ecstatic and it travels to him.
“thank you. my mom had the same hair.” he smiles, turning back around to let you continue.
“i bet she was really gorgeous.” youre extra-extra gentle. He keeps talking and you keep working. He tells you about how she smelled, the softness of her voice, his favourite memories with her. he tells you about the last time he saw her. he tells you all the things hes been holding inside, everything he never got to tell anyone, never trusted anyone enough. and when hes done, his hair is untangled and soft.
you smile proudly, running your hands through his hair, marveling at your work.
“its done” he whips around, looking at you with wide excited eyes
“really??” you nod, smiling wide. he runs over to the bathroom to see for himself. You stand behind him, peeking over his shoulder in the mirror. Hes surprised, looks like he might even cry. you wrap your arms around him, leaning your head against his arm.
“do you like it? Its a little poofy, but you can wash it out and it’ll look be-“ he cuts you off by turning around and hugging you. he hugs you tight, lifting you up.
“thank you.” you can tell he really means it.
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sexilene · 4 months
kinda need some 80s slasher jj pleaseee!! like maybe he tries to apologize but like reader avoids him and that gets him mad!! thank you angel!
oooh! absolutely!! i literally love anything 80s you have no idea, i love talking about it!! (ignore the spelling mistakes, i'm exhausted lol)
₊ ⊹ warnings! 18+ - non con, cock warming, blood, death, violence, obsession, squirting, slight breeding kink, gun mentions, dark!jj - ₊˚⊹
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"it's almost 1 in the morning jj, go away!" you whisper yell at him, lightly pushing his shoulder to get him to leave and climb back down your balcony.
"i tried to talk to you all day. you kept walkin' away from me…what's up with that?" he whisper yells back, not budging, he walks closer to the balcony window as if he's going to enter your room.
"i was about to go to sleep jj."
"nah, your light was on." he shakes his head.
"go away please!" you plead with him, hoping it is enough to just leave you alone.
"hey, you're not scared a'me? are you? cause, you don't need ta'be. i'm still the same jj."
"you killed someone!" you back away from him, placing your hand on the handle of the balcony door.
"well okay, but i apologized that day in the car and i've been trying to talk to you and apologize again, you were the one who kept avoiding me." he reasons, holding the door open with his hand.
"i accept your apology, now please go!" you whisper yell again.
"nah nah nah…you don't mean it, i need you to know that i fucked up n'i'm sorry."
"that you killed danny?"
"no, that you saw that i killed danny…look your my frie- no your my girl and i had to do somethin' cuz that asshole was just-" you put your hand up to get him to stop rambling "jj stop." but he just takes the opportunity to push past you and walk into your room.
"never saw your room before…y'like janet jackson?" he laughs softly and points to the poster on your wall and then looks over at the cassette tapes on your dresser. "…and madonna huh?"
"jayjay my parents are gonna freak if they wake up and find a boy in my room!" you grab onto his arm, trying to drag him back out.
"ya' got any dirty movies?" he diverts his attention over to your little tv on the other side of your dresser.
"seriously! beat it!" he sighs dramatically and lets you walk him back over to the balcony. "fine. see ya tomorrow then?"
"yes. yeah…you will, goodnight," you assure him, watching as he nods, satisfied with your answer he climbs back down the side of your house.
you tried you best to smile at him when you happened to cross paths or make eye contact but you just couldn't help avoiding him, i mean he did still totally freak you out. you had just about survived the day without having to talk to him but then on your way back to your house you see him leaning against his truck, parked on the side walk. you decide to just pretend you don't see him and walk right past him.
"hold it." he grabs onto your arm tightly, stopping you from walking away. "…listen, i don't know if i was a total dip for apologizing cause the whole point was t'get you to stop ignoring me, and clearly the message was not received. " he squints, obviously not very happy with you.
"i was just super busy and i had a major test to study for so thats wh-"
"no no hey, don't worry about it babydoll, i know how you can make it up t'me," he loosens his grip on your arm and gives you a charming smile, dimples showing and everything.
"o-ohkay…what did you have in mind?" you begin to relax at how his demeanor has changed, hopefully, you think.
"rented this gnarly tape n'i wanted to watch it with you. your folks home?"
"no…they don't back tonight till 3 in the morning…big dinner benefit thing, they usually get drunk and stay really late into the night…" you ramble.
"right. great. i'll drive you home."
"ohkay jayjay…thank you," you respond shyly as if you two had just met and he was asking you on a date.
"so which movie did you rent?"
"its a surprise, think you'll reaaaally like it."
"i like most movies…want anything from the kitchen? water, beer…"
"m'good, i just put the tape in, cuhmon, i'll be gentle with you." he sits down on your bed and pats his lap for you to come over and sit on. you nod slowly and sit right next to him, so he grabs your waist and scooches you over onto his lap, your ass right up against his gradually hardening bulge.
"jj…what are you doin'?" you take your eyes off the tv and look down at his hand coming to flip your skirt up and feel that you're not wearing any panties, giving him full permission to rub on your pussy.
"shshsh, just focus on the TV, princess." you ignore his actions like an idiot and figure at least he's being gentle with you and focus back on the TV, the camera in a POV angle following a guy with his hands up defensively.
"what are we watching?…" you whisper, trying to push jj's hand away from your pussy, but obviously that doesn't do anything. he smacks your hand away and goes right back to touching you.
"it's a movie i made…see there that's your ex-boyfriend, talked him into the role," he whispers back, clearly very interested in what's on the screen…and playing with your pussy. the next thing you know you watch as your ex-boyfriend gets shot in the face and then shot more times in the chest, blood going everywhere.
"ohmygod jay-!" you scream, shutting your eyes and covering your mouth with one hand, while the other tries to get his hand away from you so you can get the hell off of him. he ignores your attempt and tightly wraps his other arm around you to keep you in place.
"holyfuck you're so wet." he laughs, dipping two fingers into your embarrassingly wet cunt, the intrusion making you mewl and turn your head away from the screen and the gory mess being shown.
"nah uh, keep watching." he tuts, moving his hand away from your princess parts and over to his jeans to pull his dick out to put inside you.
"i don't want to watch this anymore! i don't wanna-"
"don't care whatcha don't wanna do, worked hard to do this for you babe…so you're gonna sit here on my cock and watch the fucking movie i made for you." he grunts, lifting you onto his dick, the stretch and fullness you feel is unreal, you have no choice but to sit there and soak his fat cock.
"no!" you cry, tears starting to gather at your waterline.
"yeah…she's likes it, she's squeezing me reaaaaal good baby. jj presses a wet kiss to your cheek and wraps his arms around you again to keep you there.
"turn it off, please! please!…"
"y'gonna quit ignorin me, cupcake?"
"uh huh…i swear just please!"
"it's almost over, keep watchin." but you just can't, squeezing your eyes shut you try to block out all the noise and just focus on not cumming on him, not wanting to give into him. yet, there's no use, cause now he's got his three fingers pressing down on your little clit, rubbing it fast and hard.
"jayjay!" you squeal, digging your nails into his arm that is around your waist, as you cum hard around his dick. when you blink your eyes open the tape has finished and you notice all the liquid sprayed on your sheets.
"oh ho…there she is, squirting on my cock like a dumb slut.” he smiles and presses a little kiss to your neck.
"not on birth control are you?" you can barely hear him over the ringing in your ears as he continues to softly rub your clit.
"yo, i'm talkin to you." he spits, slapping your cheek a few times with this big warm hand to get you to respond. a few more tears spill down your face and respond with a weak whisper. "no, m'not…m'not…"
"maybe y'should be." he grunts softly before dumping his huge warm load in you just from cock warming.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Synopsis: Chris is struggling with some issues,Y/N is there for him to help him with whatever he wants😌This for that anonymous request I got! Smoochie this for you🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 message me if you liked it😗
Warnings⚠️: THIS IS SMUT so please back off if you’re a child. There’s hair pulling, spit, roughness, manhandling kind of, use of “good boy”, and tbh I think that’s all🤭🤭
Song of the imagine: Flatline- Justin Bieber
This is a 18+ imagine, so minors please do not interact AT ALL
Chris POV
I had my hand tightly wrapped around my dick stroking going in between firm and light tugs. I was letting the hot water hit my back as I tried to get myself off. It has been a month since I last came, and everytime I try now I simply can not cum. So everyday I'm miserable walking around with blue balls, and there was nothing I could do about it.
I had finally given up when I couldn’t clear my mind to cum, immediately getting frustrated. I just decided to finish my shower, and hope that I could actually cum after my relaxing shower.
I hadn’t been able to cum since coming back from tour. I couldn’t touch myself for a month and a half since I was either on the tour bus, or sharing a room with Nick and Matt. I’m finally back from tour, ready to explode, and here I am struggling to blow my load. Embarrassing….
I finished showering, and decided to lay in bed trying to ignore my painful bulge, but I simply couldn’t. So I decided to try one more time. I removed the covers off myself and decided to pull my pajama bottoms down slightly allowing my hard cock to spring forward. Once again I allowed myself to have no thoughts and began to stroke my dick, but to no surprise my arm was starting to cramp, and I couldn’t cum no matter how hard I was trying.
“What the fuck is wrong with me” I groaned in frustration as I rubbed my eyes
I decided to pull my pants back up, and text Y/N asking if I could go over. She was my best friend and we were so comfortable with each other that I could tell her anything with no judgment.
-Hey. I’m sorry to bother you so late, but can I come over??
-Hiii Chris! Yes ofc I’m actually really bored :(
-cool I’ll be over in 15. I really need to chat with you
-ohhh okay you’re scaring me lol
-oh no sorry it’s personal issues
-gotcha! Okay drive safe see you soon<3
I hearted the message and put my hoodie on, and grabbed my keys. I hopped into the car, and drove over to Y/N’s. No music playing either because I couldn’t hear anything other than my throbbing cock
I parked in a spot, and walked to her apartment building, heading up to her floor. I knocked on the door, and within 30 seconds the door flys open
“Chrissssss I missed you” Y/N said pulling me inside and giving me a big hug
“I missed you too” I said hugging her tighter
“Come sit down” she said letting go and plopping down onto her couch
“How was tour?” She asked as she looked down at her phone
“Uhh it was good. It was very fun meeting everyone” I told her looking at her every move
“I’m glad you had fun, but I’m so glad you’re back home” she said smiling at me
“I’m so glad to be back too” I said staring at her lips
“Chris, you seem off, what's wrong?” She asked examining my face. She hadn’t noticed my bulge as I had a pillow on my lap in a nonchalant manner
“I’m not sure what’s wrong with me, but something’s not right” I told her
“What do you mean?” She asked getting concerned
“This is so embarrassing” I said rubbing my face
“Chris, come on. We’re best friends and we tell each other everything. You can be as TMI as you want I don’t care” she said giggling
“Yeah, but this….its a little weird” I said
“Chris, just tell me please” she said, losing patience.
“Okay. I haven’t been able to cum since we got back from tour, and on tour I couldn’t masturbate because we were on a tour bus, or sharing a room, and now that I’m back I can’t fucking cum, and I need to so so bad” I said kinda whining the last part
“I’m sorry Chris, but I’m not sure what to do” she said looking at me concerned
“Could you maybe help me?” I asked her avoiding eye contact
“Chris…. I don’t know this seems like territory I shouldn’t get myself into” She said looking away
“I know, but can you at least talk to me while I masturbate, and if I can’t cum then I’ll leave, and this never happened” I told her
“Chris” she started, but I cut her off
“Please Y/N. PLEASE I’ll get down on my knees and beg” I told her looking at her
“Okay fine” she said
“Thank you so fucking much” i told her
“How do you want me to do this?” she asked me kinda laughing
“Uhhh can you take off your top I wanna look at your tits” I told her licking my lips
“Okay but take your shirt off too” she said getting down on the floor, and removing her shirt and bra
I removed my hoodie and slid my pajama pants down a little bit. Allowing my cock to spring up
“Fuck you look so hot like that” I told her watched her with half lidded eyes
“Chris you can’t say stuff like that to me” she said looking away blushing slightly
“Sorry you just look so fucking hot” I told her stroking my cock
“Do you want me to talk to you?” She asked, and I nodded my head yes
“Chris I don’t know what to say, this is awkward” she said laughing
“Say whatever you want, but before you do come spit on my cock” I told her, and she gasped, but complied. She crawled over and spat all over my cock
“Fuck” I said as I rolled my head back
“You like that?” She asked in a seductive way
My head snaps towards her and my eyes are wide with surprise, and for some reason that made my cock even harder
“You’re such a dirty boy” she said batting her lashes at me
“Oh fuck, please keep talking like that” I said as my hips thrusted upwards
“So pathetic, can’t cum on your own. You have to use me” she said as she rubbed her tits
I just moaned and allowed my jaw to fall slack
“You like being treated like a dirty fucking slut don’t you” she asked me touching my thighs
I fucking shuddered, and allowed my hips to thrust upwards
“Answer me now. You like to be degraded like a dirty boy” she said inching her hands closer to my dick
“Ohhh fuck I do! I DO! I love being treated like a slut” I said looking at her through my lashes
“Are you going to cum” she asked, spitting on the head of my cock as my hand went down. I let out a loud whine and vigorously nodded my head up and down
“Awww look at you. Cumming so fast you can’t even last a long time. How pathetic” she said laughing, and this made me lose it. I fucking came all over my lower stomach with a loud groan and my eyes shut.
She got up quickly and got a paper towel to allow me to clean myself up. I cleaned myself up, but my cock was painfully hard still
“I need more” I told her breathing heavily
“Chris that’s not what you said” she said still shirtless looking back at me
“Fuck I know, but I’m so fucking hard right now I need more” I told her looking at her tits
“Well touch yourself again” she said
“No I need to fuck you” I told her biting my lip
“I don’t know that seems…”
“Please let me fuck you please” I said still looking into her eyes
“That’s not something I could help you with” she said
“Please I’ll be your good boy. I’ll be your best boy you can use me for your own pleasure too” I told her
“Fuck Chris that was so hot” she said biting her lip
“Please Y/N” I said giving her a sad look
“Fuck it. You’re so hot right now I can’t deny that I’m so turned on” she said starting to remove her bottoms
I stood up and grabbed her by the neck and pulled her mouth into mine. I started to kiss her in a sloppy way. Moving from her lips to her neck and down to her boobs taking one into my mouth as I moaned. She shuttered when i did this
“Fuck Chris I need you now” she said tugging my hair at the roots
I grabbed her again and walked her towards her patio windows. Slamming her against it as I kissed her harshly again
“You’re so hot right now I want to fucking cum just by looking at you” I told her. I spit on my fingers and brought them down to her pussy, immediately mixing with her own arousal I started to rub her clit
“Oh my god” she said looking into my eyes with her mouth wide open. I slipped two fingers in as we made out. I fingered her for about 5 minutes before I pulled away
“I need to fuck you now” I told her, but before she could answer I roughly turned her around and pushed her against the glass
“Chris someone might see” she said as her breast and side of her face was up against the window
“Good, they can see you getting fucked” I said as I smacked her ass
I grabbed my dick allowing it to meet her entrance and slowly started to insert myself into her
“Oh fuck fuck fuck” we both said as I slowly pushed into her. She had her right leg propped up on the nightstand she had with a lamp on it.
I grabbed her right arm holding it back, as my other hand grabbed her hair. I started to relentlessly pound into her
All that could be heard was our skin slapping, and our loud pants
“Fuck you take me so well” I moaned into her ear
“Chris you feel so fucking good” she said allowing her head to roll back in ecstasy
I kept pounding into her at a ferocious speed. I was starting to sweat
“Fuck you look so hot all red and sweaty” she said looking at me as her head was turned
“Yeah and you look fucked out” I said kissing her harshly. I was pounding into her as we were sloppily making out
“Wanna ride me baby” I asked breaking away from the kiss
“Fuck yeah” she said. I pulled out of her so I could sit back on her couch. I positioned her over my cock and slowly helped her sink down onto me
“Jesus” she said as she threw her head back.
She started to bounce on my cock as I massaged her tits
“Fuck keep going I’m going to cum so hard” I told her biting my lip and moaning
She went from bouncing to grinding on my cock and clenching down on me
“Chris I’m gonna cum” she said still grinding down on me
When she rolled back I leaned my head down and spit in the space where her clit met my Pelvic bone. This allowed her clit to glide against my pelvic bone with ease
“Shit that was so fucking not Chris I’m going to cum” she said grinding harshly against me
“Keep going baby I wanna see you cum on my cock” I said running a hand through my hair
She kept grinding and soon I felt her twitch, and loudly moaned as her body shook and she fell into me riding her high out.
“Fuck Chris” she said still slowly grinding on me, and kissing on my neck
“I’m gonna cum, can I paint your tits?” I asked her, and she nodded her head yes. I pulled her off of me, and she got down to her knees in front of me. I spit down on my cock and held eye contact with her as I pumped my cock up and down
“Fuck” was all I said as my jaw fell slack, and I came all over her bare chest. Moaning loudly and breathing heavily
Soon I came down from my high
“Fuck that was amazing” I said as I helped her up
“Chris that was the best sex I’ve ever had” she said biting her lip
“Don’t move,” I told her. I grabbed my phone, and snapped a photo of her bare tits covered in my cum
“You look so hot. I will be cumming to this photo for the rest of my life” I told her as I went in for another kiss
“I’m gonna be cumming to the thought of this night every time now” She said back to me
“Just call me up, and I’ll fuck you again and again” I told her
“Mmm i like that” she said getting up. “Come take shower with me” she said sticking her hand out
“Round 2 in the shower?” I asked her half joking
“Mmm that sounds amazing” she said
We both ran to the shower and def had another round in the shower. ;)
The End
Whoever requested this I LOVE YOU, and I hope I didn’t disappoint lmk if you liked 🫶🏽, and if you have any requests don’t be afraid to comments them down below, or ask anonymously, or in my messages🤭
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estrellami-1 · 4 days
Never Thought
Steve definitely does not shriek like a girl.
Oh, who’s he kidding? He does. But he thinks it’s justified considering his past and the fact that a bat fell practically in his lap.
He jumps up and stares at the bat on the ground, blinking when it squeaks. “Hi,” he says, then immediately feels stupid. But it’s not like the bat is going to judge him, so he keeps going. “Christ, you scared the hell outta me.” He peers closer, notices it’s struggling, and crouches to look even closer. “Aw, buddy, did you hurt your wing?” He thinks for a few seconds, then runs inside and grabs a large Tupperware container and a dishcloth. “Don’t bite me, please,” he warns it. “I’ve been bit by enough bats in this lifetime. I’m just trying to help you.” He places the Tupperware down and carefully drapes the towel over the bat, scooping it up and gently placing it in the Tupperware, which he carries inside.
He sets it down on the counter and scratches his head. “Okay,” he says, “now what?”
The bat surfaces from the towel and squeaks at him. “I don’t even know what you eat,” Steve continues. “Or what kind of bat you are. I think the only bats I know are fruit bats and vampire bats. And demobats, I guess, but you’re clearly not that.” He thinks for a second, then grabs an apple and cuts a cube out, dropping it into the Tupperware.
The bat shrinks back into the towel, then steps back out when the apple clearly isn’t meant to hurt it. It sniffs it carefully, then squeaks again—this time with happiness, Steve thinks—and nibbles at it.
“Okay, you’re kinda cute,” Steve admits. “And you’re probably not some kind of hybrid fruit-vampire bat.” He takes a breath. “Dustin’s never gonna forgive me, but I trust you, okay?” He sticks his finger into the Tupperware. The bat sniffs it, licks the tip, and climbs on.
Steve’s heart melts. He helps the bat sit on his palm, then grabs the apple cube and sets it on his palm with the bat. “What the fuck do I do with you,” he mutters.
The bat sneezes. Steve sighs. “I guess I’ll figure it out. At least I know you like apples.” He gently scratches the top of the bat’s head. The bat makes a sound like purring, then does its best to scramble up Steve’s arm until it can get to his shoulder. It perches there and noses at his hair, like it’s trying to pet him back.
Steve sighs. “I’m gonna have to get a lot of library books.” He checks the time. “For now, though, it’s back in the bowl for you. I’ve got to go to work.” He carefully reaches a hand up. The bat chitters and latches on, which makes Steve’s job easier. He pets the top of its head once more before gently placing it back in the Tupperware. He looks for a moment, then smacks his forehead. “Water. You need that to survive.” He finds a medicine cup and fills it with tap water, putting it in one corner of the Tupperware. “Okay. Anything else?”
The bat chitters up at him. “Yeah, I think that’s it, too.” He sighs. He feels like he’s been doing that a lot lately. “I guess I’m going to the library after work?”
The bat purrs again, then dives back into its towel cave. Steve stands there for a minute, then nods to himself, grabs his keys, and walks out the door.
He walks into Family Video, sees there’s only Robin, behind the counter with her vest on, and announces, “I think I just adopted a bat?”
Keep reading
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 7 months
Hi! Can you please write part 3 of bale batman x assistant reader as his wife? And how he handles jealousy after their marriage? Thank you 😊
I actually wrote something about this a little while ago, but because I feel like just linking the post is a bit of an asshole move, I'll add some of my thoughts!
I hope that's okay <3
Here's my previous post :)
~Fi 🐝
(My inspiration for Bruce has been dwindling, I desperately need to watch the movies again)
Part 1 ♡ Part 2 ♡
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He will always, ALWAYS call you his wife. More than your actual name. He has to keep reminding people that you're unavailable and that you're his and his alone. Bruce perks up immediately whenever your name is mentioned. He's policing all of his employees at this point lmao
maybe someone talks about you to a coworker about how innovative you're thinking for the company is, that you're kind and exactly what this industry needs and Bruce just pops up out of nowhere like "who are you talking about? Hm? Oh, my beautiful, amazing, perfect wife? I couldn't agree more."
He gets so stealthy after being in the batman business that he scares them half to death because he's just there all of a sudden. After hearing some of the complaints the employees make (you're not at work as often anymore after Bruce insisted you focus on some hobbies instead) you're seriously contemplating putting a little bell on him just so you don't have to worry about anyone getting a heart attack.
He always has to be touching you in some kind of way. His go to is a hand on the small of your back or on your thigh when you're sitting down, he loves holding your hand, too. His thumb will brush over the cool metal of your wedding band and it puts his mind at ease.
Every single employee knows not to flirt with you, even as a joke. Not after Jake suddenly disappeared after Bruce caught him sweet talking you... (he may have a received a strongly worded letter from his landlord ((Bruce)) and, what do you know, for some reason, any other living opportunity in Gotham is unavailable right now)
He brings you flowers at least once a week (or until the ones he gifted you before can't hold their own anymore and wilt). They're always fragrant and bright in color, whatever is in season right now. And they stand nicely on your desk in a beautiful crystal vase that catches the light perfectly. He catches himself looking at them more than he he would like to admit.
Or, more specifically, he wants to see if he can catch you admiring them. He's gotten a new appreciation for these small things since you came into his life. They way you cup the delicate blossom and inhale its sweet scent is a picture he will dream of forever.
Bruce makes sure that you're only addressed as Mrs. Wayne (unless it's someone close like Luscius or a very nice coworker of yours) making it clear to everyone, again, that you're his. He gifts you a necklace with his name on it, which you wear proudly, and Bruce can't help but grin when he sees his name glint in the sunlight against your skin.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ────── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
I'm so sorry for kinda half-assing my Bruce posts lately, but I can barely write anymore 😭
I usually write at night but I'm tired then too so I'm like "Oh, I'll just write during the day." BUT GUESS WHAT I'M ALSO TIRED DURING THE DAY
Fucking iron deficiency istg
I basically sleep all the time and when I do write, it's not a lot bc I'm literally falling sleep halfway through so yeah
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bloodstainedsaint · 9 months
thank you thank you thank yooou!! And I don’t mind waiting for good stuff 🤷‍♀️
Okay so my idea kinda was in episode 7 when George and Lipton is in the same foxhole. So they get “hit” by the dud but the reader is so scared something actually happened to George, so she is running towards their foxhole and George is screaming for her to stay put cuz he’s okay and then she gets hit….or almost…I mean something tragic. I wanna bawl my eyes out.
And of course…feel free to not do it, if you think it sucks🧡 Love your stuff and have a good day !
louder than bombs (george luz x reader)
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word count: 1800+
warnings: blood, gore, death, angst (w happy ending), bff! roe, mutual pining, i hint at both renée x roe AND baberoe
notes: used some hcs from this (shameless self-plug), and happy new year to all! i hope that 2024 is your year :)
“So, you and Luz, huh?”
Despite Lieutenant Dike’s request not to (like you'd listen to a coward like him anyway, even if he did have a good point), you and Eugene were sharing a foxhole — one a few meters behind where Skip, Penk, Don, and Luz were standing around in a circle, joking and laughing.
Taking your eyes off the man in question — you'd been staring at him from afar for too long, anyway — you turned to Eugene with a befuddled expression. “What do you mean, ‘You and Luz?’”
He took one look at your face and chuckled around the cigarette in his mouth. “It can mean whatever you want it to mean.”
“You say that as if we’re together or something, Gene,” you scoffed and held yourself tighter for warmth.
“Practically. Seen yourself lately? You blush and smile whenever he talks to you.”
Spluttering in response, you could feel your ears going red. “Well, Bayou, what if I’m blushing because it's zero degrees out here? And what if he’s just a funny guy in general?”
Eugene glanced over to the group of men, and, as if on cue, they were cracking up at George’s impression of the chickenshit lieutenant. “He’s a good match for you, (Y/N).”
“Oh, I'm so glad you approve,” you said, rolling your eyes at your friend. “Gonna read our wedding rites now?”
He put out his cigarette. “He makes you laugh. We could all use some of that.”
You inspected the faraway look in Eugene’s eyes, and you knew he was right. The fatal accident with the goddamned Luger that killed Hoobler recently, the barrage earlier today that sent both Joe Toye and Bill home with missing right legs, the overall misery of this frozen hell. You’d all seen your fair share of blood and open flesh; the company needed the beam of light that was George Luz.
Watching Luz as he was pulled aside by Lipton, you exhaled, nodded, and huddled a little closer to Eugene. “Yeah. Yeah, you're right.” After a few quiet, thoughtful moments, a small smile creeped back up on your face when you thought of something to bring up the mood again.
“You never heard me teasing you about Renée,” you muttered beneath your breath, loud enough for him to hear and correct you on because you had teased him about the Belgian nurse. Before he could, you pushed on, your grin growing, “Hey, what about you and Babe, huh?”
Now it was his turn to turn to you shocked. Your snickering was interrupted by the roaring, deafening sound of a bombardment shredding trees around you.
“Shit!” you cursed, the night sky lighting up with fireworks of yellow and white. Snow and dirt erupted from the ground like spurts of lava from a volcano. Through the ringing in your ears, you heard bellows of “Incoming!” and other indistinct cries.
Turning to the man next to you, you shouted above the din, “Eugene, you alright?”
“Fine,” he shouted back as he clutched his helmet tight to his head. “You?”
“Fine,” you echoed with a nod, though maybe your head had moved on its own with the shaking ground beneath you. You strained your ears to single out cries for a medic; you didn't catch any, and you weren't sure if that was because no one had gotten hurt yet or because they were dead within an instant.
You peeped over the edge of your foxhole. In the flashes of light, you could make out amongst the silhouette of wrecked trees George hurriedly crawling on the ground towards a foxhole with two soldiers in it, yelling for him to come on. If your hearing wasn't failing you, you recognized their voices as Skip and Penk.
“What d’ya see?” Eugene poked his head out of the foxhole.
Your voice was strangled in your throat as you helplessly watched George inch his way toward cover. “I—” you started, before a shell directly hit the two men in the middle of their calls. Frantically, you backed into your foxhole. “Skip and Penk, they’re…”
“What?” Eugene shouted, and you realized you had only murmured it.
“Muck and Penkala got hit!” you cried. The look you gave Eugene told him that there would be no saving them.
You got back up to peek over your foxhole and saw that Luz had vanished. Your heart sank in your chest, right down to the pits of your stomach.
Before your mind could register what was going on, your feet lifted you up and out of the foxhole. You could faintly hear Eugene yelling at you to come back, (Y/N), what the hell are you doing? You hit the ground at the same time a shell did just meters away from you, showering you in debris. Yet, you felt distant from the thought of danger or bodily harm, your raw instinct on overdrive; the only thing that was running through your mind as you dashed through the devastated forest was if George was okay.
Eyes flitting around, you caught a glimpse of him getting into a foxhole with Lip. As waves of relief washed over you, you jumped into a foxhole a distance behind them. A shell impacted nearby and swept the fallen trees acting as their cover towards you. You pulled your knees close to your chest and covered your head, staying like that as the barrage kept up.
Then, for just a second, it was silent. Closing your eyes, you caught your breath. A whistling sound ceased the brief respite, and you peered over just in time to see smoke coming from George and Lipton’s foxhole. Your mind disconnected itself from your body once again; it felt like you were moving in slow motion as your feet took you to them. That smoke clouded your senses, your thoughts — all you could see and hear were the vivid memories of Hoobler’s wound gushing blood and his dull eyes closing shut for the last time; you treating Bill’s still twitching leg while Toye’s shredded one was being bandaged by Eugene only feet away; and Muck and Penkala’s foxhole going up in a spray of dirt and a show of light, abruptly cutting off their shouting.
What were you going to see when you arrived at their foxhole? Bloodstained snow? Mangled limbs? Ruined corpses? Even the thought made you want to sob.
Your heart thundered in your ear, louder than any bombs or artillery the Germans could send at you, but you could vaguely discern George’s voice in your trance.
“Damn it, am I yelling medic? Stay right fucking there, (Y/N)!”
Right as you were shaken out of your own head, your eyes focusing on the two unharmed men as they yelled for you to stay put, a shell hit a tree hardly an arm’s length away from you. The burst launched you backwards, lodging shrapnel into your face and all over your body.
You let your eyes flutter closed as the screaming started.
“(Y/N)!” George bawled, witnessing the last shell of the bombardment blast the tree right next to you.
“George, get down!” Lip pushed George down into the foxhole from where he'd been peeking over to helplessly watch your unsteady advance.
George couldn't get the image of you shielding yourself at the last second out of his head. He broke free from Lipton and crawled out of his foxhole to your unmoving figure, relieved to find that you were still breathing out clouds of vapor, albeit unevenly. Your right cheek was cut and bleeding, as well as your arms, legs, torso — hell, was there anywhere you weren’t bleeding from?
He cradled your head to his, whispering that it's gonna be alright and you’re gonna be just dandy, (Y/N), even though he didn't believe those words himself. He lifted his head from yours and yelled for a medic with a hoarse voice, already scratched up from having to shout over the booming to tell Lipton that Muck and Penkala got hit.
George then realized that he had gotten extremely lucky that day; Muck and Penkala had been shelled just before he reached their foxhole, and the shell that had landed next to him and Lipton was a dud. Staring down at your bloodied form, he darkly concluded that maybe he wasn't lucky — maybe he just brought bad luck to everyone else.
Eugene seemed to materialize out of thin air at the panicked calls for a doctor and kneeled over you, ordering, “Set ‘em down, set ‘em down!” George laid you down on the icy ground, and he saw that your eyes were open now, darting around at your surroundings. You looked frightened and pained, yet when your eyes finally settled on him, you seemed somewhat at ease.
“Jesus, what did I tell you, (Y/N)?” Eugene reprimanded, but the concern in his voice was evident. He began picking out the shrapnel from your flesh, and you wailed out in agony. Ripping open a sulfa packet with his teeth, he then shook the powder onto your countless wounds.
In the back of his mind, George knew that your pained whimpers would haunt him forever if you didn't pull through, acting as the price of his "good luck".
“Told me to come back, Genie,” you smiled mirthlessly, which quickly became a wince with the gash in your cheek. The white medic band around your arm was stained the same color as the red cross on it.
Lipton was out of the foxhole at this point and assisting Eugene with bandaging your injuries. “You’ll be fine, alright? Just hang in there.”
George registered that he had only been staring, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. He intertwined his fingers with yours and squeezed your clammy hand, to which you weakly squeezed back.
Grimacing while he injected you with morphine, Eugene said to Lipton, “They’re bleeding bad, Sarge; we gotta get ‘em back to an aid station.”
George’s voice sounded far off from himself. “I’ll radio for a jeep.” As he did so, his hand still clutching yours, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the excruciation on your face. For some reason, he felt guilty.
Though it felt like years to him, the jeep arrived shortly, and the three of them carried you to the stretcher on the hood of the vehicle and gingerly placed you upon it.
Gazing down upon you on that stretcher, your face streaked with crimson, your hair matted with dried blood, George wanted to say, “I still find you beautiful, Bloody Mary," but for what felt like first time in his life, the words weren't there and the wiseass comment just refused to come out right.
What came tumbling out of his lips instead was, “I love you.”
Pausing, Lipton and Eugene exchanged a knowing look and watched with bated breath. Meanwhile, George wanted to smack himself for letting the adrenaline coursing through his veins get to him; this was definitely not what you wanted to hear — rejecting him should be the least of your worries right now.
To his utter disbelief, you smiled, in spite of yourself and the grim circumstances. “I love you too, George.”
Once his brain wrapped around the fact that you needed him as much as he needed you, he implored, "Come back to me, alright?” He gently caressed your cheek, his voice sounding different to himself with the undertone of desperation. “I—I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
You placed a feeble hand over his and turned to press a kiss to it. “I'm counting on it.”
The driver finally grew tired of the delay and urged them to get moving. George stepped away as Eugene hopped in the jeep’s shotgun seat to escort you back to the aid station.
Lighting a cigarette with trembling hands, George watched the jeep dissipate into the blanket of night.
Eugene let things sink in for a while; you were grateful for the time to rest as the morphine kicked in. When you arrived, though, you were awake enough to hear him ask again, a rare smirk hidden in his voice:
“So, you and Luz, huh?”
taglist: @mads-weasley, @ronsparky, @dcyllom, @malarkgirlypop, @joetoyesbrassknuckles101, @samwinchesterslostshoe, @fxxiva
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heartssatoru · 1 year
Heyyyy! I was thinking of the fact I can be a slightly clingy GF and was wondering if you could do HCs on how the JJK boys would be with a slightly clingy GF. Megumi, Gojo, Itadori and Toge!!! Oh and Sukuna because I know you love him!
AHH THANK YOU!! I do infact love sukuna hehe🙏 but yeah of course! Thank you for the request!
Megumi secretly likes it.
But he's scared. Especially when you always try to be with him. Especially during missions, he doesn't wanna lose you.
If you also are the type to literally drown him in affection:
He'll push your hand away whenever you try to do anything. He's just awkward like that, n shy
If you stop he forces you to go back to doing what you were gonna do
He just gets really red cause he doesn't know how to respond
He acts like your clingeness is annoying but deep down he really does like it
Saw him smile slightly while you were playing with his hair? No you didn't.
He himself gets kinda clingy whenever he has a bad day, but he doesn't notice that.
Tease him about it and he'll face the other way, ignoring you. His face is extremely red.
If your clingy, that's fine. Hes clingy too.
But like megumi. Does not want you getting hurt. He takes on missions that could result in you being killed.
So he has his reasons, however
He always teases you about it, saying how you can't resist him n stuff
Love's how you both be smothering eachother in kisses
Everytime he comes back from missions n stuff he always gets you something, especially if you get sad that he's not home.
(Everytime he comes home your arms are already wrapped around his waist)
And since he's so busy he gets you plushies of him, and only him.
"Since I know you love me so much hehe"
Itadori enjoys it so much, he's not very clingy. But is at the same time.
Just uh.. sometimes it really gets to him and he starts crying a little
"Yuji are crying?" "Nuh uh! It's just my allergies" said in a shaky voice
Someone actually wants his company? Wow!!
Everytime hes home late he always apologizes and hugs you so tight.
You can't breath cause of it but aww! Hes suffocating you (with affection)
sometimes he'll be a little mean and tease you about it though.
gets so confused when he isn't welcomed with you smothering him in kisses as soon as he gets back
But when you do he starts giggling all happily. "Your so mean"
Likes how you always cling onto him as soon as he's home. And finds it cute when you whine about him being gone for so long
He appreciates it a lot, and doesn't even move an inch whenever you're drowning him in affection
Mostly also cause he's kinda awkward, but not too much. (Not as much as megumi)
He always wants to be with you. But missions stop him from doing so.
Hes not really used being welcomed back with you and your affection, like the rest.
He doesn't mind it though, and he himself can be clingy too, like the rest (too lol)
He doesn't even know his cheeks are slightly red with everything you do
I can picture him being kinda clingy in certain situations too. But its kinda rare
Over all he's a little cutie, loves your clingyness and you.
Mocks you and makes fun of you, but thats no suprise.
Thats just how he is. He wont admit it if he likes it. But im being real here he'd probably use it as an insult
Even though he likes it, he wont admit it. He'll bully you about it😭
If you actually get upset he'll stay quiet cause he feels awkward. Won't bully you, as much.
However if you just ignore him he'll keep going. He just wants to get on ur nerves tbh
But still since he knows you love him so much he'll be like "of course your so needy for me"
Or something like that. He's clingy in certain situations, but thats extremely extremely rare.
Working on:
"Okay since you do write for Megumi I was thinking of a scenario where fem reader(if you do that) and Megumi have been together for awhile and new sorcerer starts at Jujutsu High and immediately develops a crush on him and reader gets insecure about it. How that would play out and how he would react! "
"can you write some headcanons for when the jjk boys lose their s/o in a large crowd? ^^"
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ablobwhowrites · 4 months
Thats not me
(feeling silly and I saw the game and wanted to make it a little more horror and sorry if my writing is shit, I just got on break after busting my ass on final 😭, I'm sorry my bestie's, I promise more yandere stuff, this is kinda practice to getting me back in the writing game after so long) flash back and dream dialogue= this
The clock ticked on the wall, m/n’s shift was almost over and he wanted to go back to his apartment and sleep but he had to wait for the night shift worker to come and that’s one of the parts of m/n’s job but even though everyone’s nice to him, he didn’t like the dopplers…he didn’t like how they looked at him, even after the first time he met one, he looked back at the clock and sat back “maybe I can rest my eyes for a little…the door is closed anyways” m/n said to himself as he closed his eyes for a little.
M/n was a kid, in high school with his friends, the clock ticked “man I can’t wait for summer. My mom is taking me to a doppelgänger free resort over sea’s” amber said “how about you m/n? You going anywhere?” She smiled at him “naw, I think I’ll stay home, I don’t really go out a lot” he looked at the door and then the intercom went off “please all teachers, keep you students in class, we are in shelter in place” the intercom turned off “eh it’s probably noth-“ then m/n jumped as he felt a tap on his shoulder, m/n was startled awake as he looked back and saw the night guard was here for their shift. M/n quickly got up and apologized for accidentally staying so long, but non of that matters now, he can now just go back to his apartment after a long shift especially with so many doppelgangers this week, maybe he should check in some vacation time but no he can't, especially with the rise of Dopplers getting so rampant the past week.
M/n's mind wandered as he then accidentally bumped into someone "oh I'm sorry! I should have watched where I was going" he quickly apologized as the person he accidentally bumped turns "oh no worries, Im just waiting for the elevator, it's been on the Fritz lately and has been slower than usual." mia stone said as the sound of the elevator coming down came louder and louder "yeah, I've talked to the manager and they said it would get fixed but apparently a Doppler nearly got it disguised as the repair man" m/n said waiting with mia, the elevator gate opened as the two stepped in, m/n pushed the button for the third floor as she stepped back "I just hope that this Doppler pandemic goes down, I heard that some are getting more hostile" mia said as she looked at m/n. "More hostile? What happened?" M/n said scared of the answer as mia looked at the carpeted elevator floor "it was on the news, four cases, one got in a supermarket and attacked several people but the D.D.D where able to get there fast, then the next was two that forced its way in a apartment complex, the door man was killed and the Dopplers where well killed on sight but the rest of the residents where okay, the two other cases the Dopplers where able to escape, but no one was hurt luckily..." Mia said as m/n gave a sigh, rubbing his eyes as he had a tired look on his face "I just hope the D.D.D will resolve this soon" mia looked at m/n "Im sure it will, I'm sure this will blow over soon" mia said putting a hand on m/n's shoulder and gave him a smile and m/n relaxed "yeah, I hope it does" m/n wishes he could have the same optimism as mia but he knew what those things could do, what they would do.
The elevator came to a stop, "well I'll see you tomorrow, and if you need anything, you can come to my apartment, I'm sure my husband would be glad to help you" mia said as m/n smiled "thanks mia, I'll see you tomorrow" the two parted ways to go to their apartments. M/n came, putting his hat on the hanger and his shoes away "Francis, you home?" M/n called out to his significant other as he closed and locked the door, "I'm in the bathroom! I got some takeout, I have a shift early tomorrow so I have to go to bed soon" francis yelled from the bathroom as m/n went to the kitchen to just get a bite to eat, he didn't need to eat fast but he was just tired, he didn't know why but the sooner he sleeps then hopefully he'll feel better in the morning. After M/n was done eating, he cleaned up after himself and got ready for bed, he saw Francis was already in bed so m/n tried to be as quiet as he could to put his PJs on and get in bed without trying to disturb Francis. M/n got in bed and Francis snuggled up next to m/n, "sorry I got back so late" m/n yawned as he held Francis close to him, "no, it's okay, just get some sleep, I'll cook breakfast tomorrow if I can" Francis said as he fell asleep and m/n followed suit.
M/n raised his head from his desk, he's in the same classroom, "please all teachers, keep your students in class, we are in a shelter in place." The intercom did the same thing, but why this dream? What it a dream? It feels so familiar yet these people in class, where they all re- "eh it's probably nothing, probably a Doppler spotted near the school" Amber said as m/n's other friends nodded "well how about you tom? Any summer plans?" But before he could answer, the power went out and there where people screaming and running in the hallways, something then screeched "what is t-" the door busted open as a Doppler, but it looked human yet monstrous, it's mouth unhinged like a snakes, it's arms turned into some kind of pray mantis limbs as the rest of the legs like a centipede, easily crawling and its mindless bloodthirsty hunger made it run towards anything that made sounds and anything that ran from it, smashing into desks as students got up and ran, some being able to dodge it as it smashed into walls, smearing blood that dripped from his jaw and the insect like arms, everything was a blur, screams, people running, bumping into each other as m/n hid under the teacher's desk after it was thrown to the side. He saw the half eaten people on the ground, the window could be a easy way to get out but smashing It would attract it to him, even chasing him outside. It stalked the room, like it knew m/n was in there, waiting for him to make a run for it until it weaseled it's was in, through the barricaded classroom that m/n tried hard to make sturdy. He didn't wanna be eaten, he wanted his mom, he wanted to go home then it stopped near the desk, m/n froze, it knows hes here it wasn't dum- "it's okay kid, come out" it's distorted voice called out as it slowly lifted the desk, "it's safe now" "it's safe now" it's safe now" it kept repeating. "It's safe" it stared straight at m/n, it's human disguised arms holding the desk up as it drooled, it's drooled mixed with blood as it hit the floor. "your safe now" its jaw split open as it smiled at him.
M/n woke up in a cold sweat as screamed as sat up, Francis who was getting dressed rushed over to m/n "m/n! What happened! Are you alright!" M/n sat up as he panted, looking wildly at the room, then looking at Francis "Im okay, I'm...I'm okay, just that fucking dream again" m/n said as it rubbed his eyes "it just keeps coming back" Francis looked at m/n worried and sat on the bed with him "how about you take today off, you need a day off" Francis said and m/n was about to protest but was cut off "no, no you need it, please" m/n sighed and looked at Francis "I'll call them and tomorrow I'll stay home" Francis smiled "okay, but I mean it, I just think this Doppler stuff is getting to you." M/n sighed "yeah, just the news and all, it's probably getting me paranoid but I promise I'll take tomorrow off" the two shared a small kiss as m/n got ready for work and Francis left to go to his. Maybe it'll be good to use some of those sick days, won't hurt to take a small break.....right?
(IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN NEGLECTING YOU GUYS, IM SO HAPPY I FINALLY GET A VREAK, ILL TRY MY BEST TO DO THE REQUEST IN MY DRAFTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, IM WRITING THIS AT 12 PM, IM SO SORRY BESTIES😭😭😭 also yes we doing yandere dopplgangers to and yandere neighbors and also, that dream may not be a dream. But anyways I love you guys so much, I'm sorry for being away so long😭😭)
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birdwonder · 1 year
Do you think any of the creepypastas would be okay with a s/o that has a few dogs and cats? Have a good day!!
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A/N: GOOD question... also sorry this is late !! i was on holiday <3
EYELESS JACK would rather you didn't have pets, his heightened senses mean that he can smell and hear them a lot better and it just isn't pleasant. Besides, what can a cat or dog do that he can't ? He's got good senses, can protect you, keep you company, got sharp teeth and hell if you just want something to put a collar on- ... But if you already have these pets, he'll only mutter complaints now and then but is happy if you are. Probably did want a dog once-upon-a-time so he could kinda get into it eventually, as long as they aren't scared of him.
MASKY definitely is a dog guy and I'm thinking Will Graham-core where it's a man who wears plaid in the woods, with loads of pet dogs. Yeah, he'd be fine with it just as long as they all behave. As for the cats, they're not his thing but if they leave him alone then he'll leave them alone. Definitely thinks it's cute how you dote on them, your loving nature towards them being something that makes him drawn even closer to you.
HOODIE doesn't seem to mind. He seems to love giving the dogs and cats little scratches, finding them nice company while he lurks around your house. If you live together, he helps take responsibility for them under the circumstance you don't get any more - not until one passes away. You find him talking to them in silly ways sometimes. He looks at one of your cats and shakes his head as it climbs all over his stuff, "don't walk around here like you pay bills, freeloader." If he can't be bothered to walk them though, he's 100% saying they're your pets and he doesn't have to do anything. Would prefer the cats.
TICCI TOBY does NOT want pets !! His whole life animals have been afraid of him so he's convinced it wouldn't go well for him to meet them. When he sees you have so many pets, he stays far away from them. You likely have to help him warm up to your pets and vice versa. If they tend to bite and scratch, its best you keep Toby away from them. But if any are particularly docile, it might be emotionally healing for him to have one rest on his lap. However, he is a jealous man and will scowl if you pay more attention to those animals than him. Oh, your dog just did a trick ? Well look at what he just learnt to do with an axe ! JEFF finds the amount excessive. One pet is enough and two is pushing it. Still, he likes to watch how you handle them with care and if they keep you happy, he's not going to mess with that. At first, he wants them to leave him alone, shooting glares at the pets even if they're friendly. But he'll get over it and learn to like them somewhat. He'd honestly like them more if they were friendly with him but were tearing up everyone else, now that'd be fun. But nope, just regular domestic animals. He ain't helping look after them unless you adopt one together, then it's like your fluffball kid. He'd also rather have a dog pls. JANE tries to be fine with it but god the fur ? She really hopes they don't shed a lot and if they do, keep them out of your shared bedroom. They're not allowed on the bed but she'll compromise with the couch if they have to. Constantly stocked up on lint-rollers to get fur off of your clothes. Likes the cats more for sure. She thinks you're crazy for having so many pets but doesn't want to diss it since you clearly love them. Eventually, some motherly instinct will kick in for some of them and she'll want to sew some cute accessories and clothes for them. Also gets them loads of collars to colour-coordinate to your outfits.
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lazarusrisingx · 27 days
Alright so this’ll be my first official one shot for this account yippee!! Im starting off with something fluffy cause ya boi hasn’t written fan fics in quite a while (yes i was a fan fic writer before but i wanted to start over cause i abandoned that account tee hee)
summary: A fluffy one shot where sylus teaches you to ride his motorcycle and you..kinda fail at it
also for one shots i think im gonna use MC instead of Y/n as the name? if yall want me to change it for the next one just lmk.
this story also diverges from the actual lore of LADS, its mentioned theyve already had some past ‘romantic’ moments tee hee.
triggers: mentions of scrapes and blood, no serious injuries, motorcycle incident without helmet, uhhhh there isnt really anything triggering so yeah! just pure fluff and scared sylus
might be a bit ooc sylus but im tryna stay true him, also excuse my bad spelling im gonna autocorrect everything but im writing on my phone so don’t judge.
okay lets get it peoples!!
It was a relatively nice day in the N109 zone. Crime seemed to hold itself for the crisp cool weather that decided to roll in over night. The sky was less murky grey than usual and a few patches of blue peeked through fluffy white clouds. The sun was near setting as MC and a certain silver haired man sat in his office.
“..you want to what?” Sylus asked, not looking away from a manila folder in his hands.
“I want you to show me to ride your motorcycle.” MC repeated.
The tick of the grandfather clock was the only sound that could be heard for a few moments. MC felt for a moment she might want to take back her recquest, but Sylus silently set down the folder he held and leaned back in his chair with a sigh.
He rubbed his eyes, and folded his arms, studying the girl without expression.
“If you do-“
“Your telling me the great wanderer huntress doesnt know how to ride a simple motorcycle?” Sylus interrupted. the edge of his lip quirked up in a slight smirk.
MC narrowed her eyes at him.
“Its not in the training for us to be taught to ride or drive.”
Sylus tilted his head, before speaking again.
“You mean you dont even know how to drive?” It sounded as if he was holding back a laugh.
“Will you teach me to ride or not! I can hire an instructor if you wont.” MC said, purposefully dodging the question of her driving skills.
She had thought about asking Sylus before, but lately the two of them hadnt had a single afternoon to do anything besides… questionably legal missions. It was so nice out that she thought itd be a shame to spend it in this dark and dreary office.
Sylus stood up without a word, dragging his coat off his chair and picking up the manila folder. He punched a code into one of his many safes and placed it inside for safe keeping, and went for the door.
“Are you coming? Or should i roll out a red carpet for you sweetie?”
MC stood up quickly, a smile sliding across her face as she followed him out of the room.
The two walked down the hall of his house quietly. She felt excited, and slightly nervous. Sylus didnt seem like the most compassionate teacher she couldve found. however spending money on an instructor was something she never intended to do in the first place.
Sylus glanced down at her as the two stopped by his room.
“you cant wear shorts, and I cant wear dress pants nor this shirt. Go get changed.” Sylus said as he opened the door.
MC gave him a questioning look as he opened the door for her, leaning against the wall waiting for her to enter.
“I dont have clothes here.” MC stated.
Sylus shook his head, his hand twitched and an invisible force pushed MC forward.
“I had the twins pick something up for you in case you needed to stay here for a while, itll be the third drawer from the bottom sweetie.”
the surprise on MC’s face mustve been obvious, because a quiet chuckle left Sylus.
“Dont look so surprised kitten, we work together enough that if you end up injured under my watch I’m not going to send you home to recover alone.”
“How do you even know my size in pants?” MC asked as she lifted out a pair of jeans. surprisingly they looked as if they would fit quite nicely.
Sylus leaned over her, his chest brushing over MC’s back. He was much warmer than she thought he might be, and the contact sent a slight spark of electric through her. He opened the top drawer of the dresser and produced a pair of black pants and a nice fitted black shirt for himself. MC glanced up to find Sylus peering down at her with a curious expression. Was that a smile she saw? If only for a split second. Sylus lingered against her for a few moments, pretending to look for soemthing else before taking a step back.
“I told them to look in the kids section.” He said.
MC turned to scold him, and found him unbuttoning his dress shirt, his silver hair dangled in front of his eyes as he looked down, the shirt parting just enough to expose a strong muscular chest, before MC promptly turned around her face turning bright red.
“Ill find a bathroom.” She said quietly.
“Straight ahead sweetie.”
She made a bee-line towards it, not looking back to see how Sylus’s eyes followed her, or the smirk on his face as he pulled his shirt off.
MC shut the door behind her, heart pounding in her ears. It was an odd reaction since she had seen him shirtless before. although it was different because this was unexpected.
She wiped the image from her mind and quickly got changed. Sadly, the pants fit her perfectly. MC was truly curious as to how Sylus or the twins figured out her size but it wasnt something she was ready to look into.
MC walked out from the bathroom, Sylus was dressed in all black his shirt was tight enough to show the outline of his abs, and make his arms look incredibly huge.
Sylus was finishing a message to someone on his phone. He glanced up at MC once before he finished the message.
“letting the twins know we will be out for a bit. I expect youd like to go to dinner after we are finished?” Sylus asked.
“mmm sure, I saw a hot po-“
“im picking where we eat. I dont feel like going to linkon tonight.” Sylus interrupted
He stood up and opened the door for the two, motioning for MC to walk out before him. She obliged, and the two walked in silence to his garage. Sitting in a parking spot was his usual black and red bike. The paint shiny from being newly washed, not a speck of rust nor dust decorated the expensive equipment.
“do you atleast know the basics of controls?” Sylus asked.
“theres the clutch, throttle and break. i know that much.” MC responded.
Sylus nodded, he pulled the kickstand up on the bike and began to slowly walk it towards the exit.
“Mine has some.. enhancements, so youll have to go easy on the gas. turning is fairly self explanatory. but as i said before take it very gentle. I dont want a scratch on this bike.”
MC nodded and followed behind him. She was getting nervous now, but she knew Sylus had a decent driveway that she would be able to drive around, that way she could avoid any extra cars or pedestrians. the few times she had driven a car, she had done fairly well, although went a little slower than the speed limit… by ten miles.
If anything, her only worry was annoying sylus with how careful she was!
The two walked out of the small garage and into the cool outside. wind rustled the small trees and birds chirped quietly around them.
“Get on here.”
Sylus held out his hand as he kept the bike steady. MC carefully got into the drivers seat and set her feet on the rests.
“put a foot on the ground so the bike can tilt when i let go.” Sylus said
“like this?”
MC put one foot on the ground, and Sylus let its weight rest on her. It was heavier than expected but nothing she couldnt handle. He took a step back and folded his arms.
“Turn the keys in the ignition, let it roll forward a bit so you know how itll feel.”
MC fumbled with the key for a moment and the engine roared to life. She smiled proudly, and looked to Sylus who was to focused on watching her slowly roll forward.
“Turn the gas a bit, and ride to the edge there, you dont need-“
MC thought she had pressed the gas lightly. she really did. Instead, the bike shot forward across the driveway, pointed not towards the grass, but the exit to the driveway. A scream escaped her as she pulled her foot onto the rests.
The wind ripples through her hair as she sped towards the entrance to the street, the handles wobbled in her hands, and within a second she was flung from the bike.
Metal screeched awfully on concrete as the bike was sent skidding towards her. Her body tumbled over the driveway, the rip of jeans and the feel of gravel driving into her arms didnt feel like much as she watched the bikes path heading straight for her.
MC threw up her hands, curling up expecting to be hit by the skidding motorcycle, but the impact never came.
The sound of heavy footsteps and muffled yelling made her open her eyes. Her vision was blurred, and her ears rang slightly. In front of her was a barrier of black and red smoke, instead of hitting her, the bike had been stopped not a second to soon.
“MC! For fucks sake!” Sylus yelled.
MC began to shake a bit, not from the pain in her arms and legs, nor the throbbing headache from hitting her head. She scrambled to her hands and knees. Sylus was running towards her, an unfamiliar expression on his face. His crimson eyes glowed brightly from using his evol.
“Sylus i-i didnt think itd be so sensitive!”
the barrier dissipated and MCs heart lept into her throat. the bikes previously shiny paint was nearly fully scraped clean, the seat had a few tears in it, the handles previously rubber grip was now worn down to the metal on one side. there was a bend in the rim of one of the wheels.
Tears filled MCs eyes as a mix of anxiety and fear pierced her heart. His bike was ruined! the one thing he had told her not to do was crash this, and less than a minute on it she had!
MC’s hands brushed over the ruined paint job, she barely noticed the blood dripping from her arm or down her hands, nor the pain of dirt being gritted into her badly scraped knees.
“What are you doing, what are you doing?” Sylus asked.
he had dropped to his knees beside her, grabbing a firm hold of both arms, that same unrecognizable expression written all over his face. his grip was firm, but MC didnt look away from the bike.
“Your bike! Sylus is swear i didnt mean to do that! I was gentle l-like you said I didnt think-“
“the bike? the fuck are you on about sweetie look at you!”
His voice was harsh and demanding. his eyes were still glowing crimson as MC finally looked at him. She was trembling badly. finally she noticed the blood now coating his hand and her arm. her lip was also split down the middle, and a cut on her cheek.
“I-ill pay for the bike Sy-“
“the bike? you think i give a fuck about the bike i have ten more just like it.”
He dragged the two of them to their feet.
“but you said-“
“your hurt.” Sylus said plainly.
His eyes scanned her wounds as if he was looking for something.
“Its nothing-“
“we are going back in.” Sylus stated.
in one swift motion he lifted MC off her feet, carrying her like a princess. MC was speechless as he stepped over the bike, walking quickly to get the two of them back into the house.
“You dont care about the bike?” MC asked.
Sylus glanced down at her.
“Why the fuck would i care about a damn object right now.”
MC paused for a moment, she stared up at his face, now noticing a thin layer of sweat over his forehead, his eyes darting back and forth and he looked… pale. was he scared? panicked?
the last thing MC expected from him was concern over a few scrapes and bruises. Well, maybe they werent scrapes. with each step her adrenaline wore off, and throbbing pain came over her entire body.
Sylus brought the two of them to his room, slamming the door open. The twins stood there together, talking back and forth.
“Boss- wait is she-“
“get out.” Sylus said gruffly.
“Boss are you alright? you look-“
“I told you both to get!” Sylus yelled.
The twins looked at the both of them for a moment, before scurrying out of the room.
“They could patch me up sylus you dont have to do this.” MC said quietly. he ignored her as he gingerly set her on the plush comforter.
“sylus the blood, i cant ruin more of your things.”
“why do you think i care about ‘things’ MC. sit down and wait for me. if you can get into your shorts put those on or im taking your jeans off myself.” Sylus said.
MC watched him enter the bathroom and rummage around. She didnt know what to think. of course her first thought was that he would be more concerned for his bike, he had seen her get hurt by wanderers before and hadnt seemed so… upset by it.
She found her shorts on the floor and slowly peeled the ripped jeans off herself and tugged on her shorts. her leg was definatley sore and bruises already began to blossom over her thigh. the concrete had rubbed away quite a bit of skin, blood dripped down her leg and onto the floor now.
without a word sylus came back in, his eyes had finally stopped glowing, and in his arms he held rolls of bandages antiseptics, tape, and cobain.
“i can do this myself Sylus.” MC said
“no.” Was all Sylus had to offer.
a wave of black and red smoke pushed MC back onto his bed. it wasnt as rough as usual, almost like a cushion pressing her into place.
Sylus knelt down in front of her. eyes narrowing as they scanned over her leg.
“shouldve been more careful.” Sylus mumbled.
“i know im sorry.” MC replied
“no, not you. I shouldve been more careful. that bike has enhancements on it, its to much for a beginner i didnt think about it.” He said.
MC grew quiet for a moment.
“well i wont die.” MC said, trying to lighten the mood.
Sylus didnt seem impressed. he hesitated his hands hovering over her leg before he grabbed a damp cloth and began wiping blood from her leg. His hands were calloused from boxing and fighting, but he was much gentler than MC expected.
“you wont die, but you still got hurt.” Sylus said after a moment.
he folded the cloth over itself and cleaned the edges of her wound. He gently brushed one of her scrapes, causing MC to grimace.
“sorry.” he mumbled quietly.
his free hand left the bed where it was planted, and gingerly took hold of hers.
“squeeze when it hurts, you wont harm me sweetie.” He said. His crimson eyes flicked to hers making a bolt of electric shoot through MC’s heart. she hesitated, before giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
sylus’ shoulders relaxed a bit after this. he picked up a new cloth, and doused it in antiseptic.
“it has lidocaine in it, but it might sting a bit.” Sylus said
Thankfully, he didnt try to clean the wound in sections. he paused for a moment and pressed the cloth firmly to her scrapes. MC grunted and squeezed his hand. When she looked back at him he was gently rubbing his thumb against the uninjured portion of her leg, looking at her with that oddly concerned expression.
“better?” he asked.
MC nodded her head letting out a breath. He lifted the cloth, now that the area was numb he was able to thoroughly clean the bits of dirt out. the process was repeated over the second patch of scrapes on her calf. Sylus slowly wrapped her leg in cobain and gauze, before sitting on the bed beside MC.
“are you alright sylus?” MC asked.
He had kept his usual snarky comments to himself the past few minutes and it was slightly worrying. Sylus turned his head to her and looked her up and down.
“you shouldve worn a helmet.” He said quietly
“well i wasnt intending to drive more than five feet.” MC replied.
a small smirk came across Sylus’ face.
“five feet? I thought youd have more confidence in yourself sweetie.” Sylus said.
MC laughed quietly and shook her head.
“my teacher didnt seem to have much confidence ‘ride to the grass’ i beileive you said.” MC replied.
Sylus quirked up an eyebrow.
“it seems i was right doesnt it?”
He gestured to her still injured arm, and held up a clean cloth.
“still got another spot to take care of sweetie.” He said.
MC groaned quietly, but turned so he would have a better angle for it. She looked away and waited for him to begin cleaning the wound. instead he leaned towards her, his hand slipping around to the back of her head and pulling her forward. MC nearly protested, but Sylus placed his hand on her back after resting her head to his chest.
She could hear his heart, beating extremely fast for someone so fit.
“just… a moment.” Sylus said quietly.
MC practically held her breath for a moment, before taking in air. his cologne smelled nice, a mix of fresh spices and expensive cigars. the muscles under her head her soft but firm. his arm resting around her body in a hug. Sylus was hugging her.
tentatively, MC put her good arm around him. it felt right, her anxiety and worry began to slowly melt away the longer they stayed like this. her eyes grew heavy, and she began to relax more and more against him. he was so solid, his chest rose and fell under her, slowing down after a moment or so.
“dont worry about the bike sweetie. really. im more concerned about the fact you were… injured.”
MC smiled slightly.
“The great leader of onychinus is concerned for me?” MC asked
a chuckle vibrated through Sylus’ chest. he almost sounded releived.
“more than youd know MC.” Sylus said quietly.
MC’s heart fluttered slightly. she closed her eyes as Sylus began to move again, his free hand found the back of her head, beginning to rub her hair gently as he pressed the cloth to the side of her arm. It wasnt long before the two had to seperate to allow sylus to wrap her arm.
“Why dont we order food tonight. I dont really feel like going out again.” MC said.
Sylus cleaned up the bloody cloths and nodded his head. he began to make his way towards the bedroom door.
“you pick the spot, ill pay.” Sylus said.
“absolutely not, i just trashed your bike-“
Sylus stood up and in a few strides crossed the room to stand in front of her, he leaned down and tilted her chin up to make MC look at him.
“how many times do i have to say that i dont care about the bike, just that you dont have a damn head injury?” He asked.
MC stared up at him for a moment, Sylus brought her face a little closer, speaking quietly now.
“I got you hurt today MC. The least i can do is pay for a damn meal.” He said.
MC couldnt help but look between his eyes and lips. was she insane to think about kissing him now? they were so close, and it wouldn’t be the first time one of them had made an attempt like that. Sylus scanned her face. did he just lean in more?
There was a knock at the door.
“Boss? we were just wondering if you needed us to get the bike out of the driveway.” One of the twins said.
Sylus looked dissapointed, and slightly annoyed. he released MC and turned away from her, going to the door and opening it.
“Ill come out and help you, one if you dispose of these. MC, you might want to change your shirt. Ill be in the living room when your done, sweetie.” Sylus said.
MC was left alone in his room. bright red blush creeped over her face as she slumped back on his bed. She was cursing herself slightly. Part of her was angry she even thought of kissing him, the other half was angry she didnt.
She flopped over onto her stomach groaning loudly before she sat up again.
Another uneventful night of eating in.
maybe ill make a smutty part 2 to this one? maybe not straight smut but some good steamy kisses and things like that idk.
uhhhhh yeah! i havent written in a little while so i dont know how good this is or isnt!
if yall have any ideas for other oneshots then just lmk. im currently working on the storyline for a yandere!sylus x reader fic so i might drop some teasers for that when i can.
in the meantime ill alternate between fluff and smut, i can do some sad stories to but they gotta have good endings cause i cant stand my mans to be sad like that.
also gonna work on some zayne material because i love my mans zayne just as much as sylus if not a bit more. i feel like he doesnt get enough love fr.
okay byyyyyee hopefully this was good.
please credit me if you share this story
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stevie-petey · 8 months
could we perchance get a lil blurb about why/how reader and dustin started their code blues, or maybe just one of their code blues before all the upside down stuff started ? love seeing their sibling relationship always and i think seeing them talking and sharing emotions with each other would be really sweet <3
dustin n reader <333 babies <333
enjoy !
"just because dad left it doesnt mean you can be a bitch."
dustins words cut through you like knives.
"okay, first off, never use that word towards a girl ever again." he rolls his eyes at you and you flick his nose, which he scoffs at. "secondly, i have no idea what youre talking about."
dustin again rolls his eyes. "yeah, you do. youve been a real b- i mean, a real jerk lately."
you want to argue with him, but the words dont seem to come. all you seem to do lately is argue with everyone. and now, confronted with your little brother calling you bitch, you find that youre exhausted.
"i have, havent i?" you finally admit.
dustin nods. "yeah."
you forget sometimes how smart the kid can be. hes only nine and yet here he is, calling you out for actions you shouldve noticed yourself. hes too young to be worrying about this.
"im sorry,"
"its okay. i get it. he sucks, doesnt he?"
"he does, but im still sorry for being such a bitch."
"i thought we couldnt use that word."
you ruffle dustins hair. "nope, youre not allowed to. i am, though."
he sighs, as if expecting that response, and starts to walk out your room. the conversation doesnt feel finished yet, however, and you call after him. "wait!'
"i gotta pee."
"okay, and i told you to wait."
he groans but sits back down on your bed. "do you wanna... talk?"
"i know, but... im serious, buddy. we havent really talked since dad left and i realize i kinda suck as a big sister right now." you feel guilt crawling up your throat, one of the few emotions youve felt these last few days. your dad left a few weeks ago, but sometimes it feels like its been a lifetime.
"you dont suck," dustin reassures you. "youre just... scary right now."
you snort. "yeah, like thats any better."
its quiet now, and dustin sits stiffly against your bed. he seems scared being so close to you, as if you could erupt any second, and you feel horrible for it. youre not sure what you can do, though. theres still so much anger within you, resentment and betrayal, and you dont know how to express so much without hurting those around you.
then, an idea comes to you.
"what about this. we'll call it a code blue."
dustin looks up at you, curious. "whats a code blue?"
"well, my dear brother, its something we'll do when we cant express how we feel or when we think the other sibling needs to have a talk. whenever one of us calls a code blue, the other has to answer honestly and listen as best as they can. once its over, we never bring it up again and we conclude with a hug. hows that sound?"
he thinks for a moment. "honest about anything?"
"alright. i think that could work. seems less emotional."
you laugh. "i figured youd like that part."
"so... code blue?" dustin asks hesitantly.
"code blue."
you tell dustin everything, explaining why youve been so destructive and bitter and mean. he listens as best as any nine year old can, and as you tell him everything, the weight that had been pressing against your chest these last few weeks begins to lessen. slowly, during the code blue, it becomes easier to breathe.
when youre finally done, right as the last words leave your lips, dustin throws his arms around you. "i love you."
you bring a hand to his hair and kiss the top of his head. "i love you, too. dont let me get all mean again, yeah?"
"i wont."
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kahvilahuhut · 3 months
one sunny afternoon
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(see the whole drawing on my art blog)
summary: Klara & Toby decided to spend part of their summer vacation at Klara's brother's farm. Here we have Toby go tell Klara that the dinner is ready, but then they end up talking about completely different things. :3
no content warnings
"Hey! Enjoying the weather?"
Klara turned around and saw Tobias waving his hand, holding a tea cup in his other, wearing a light yellow sweater and purple-ish overalls. Not something it usually wears but, man, looking incredible. "Hey! Yeah, it's very sunny with little clouds. Went for a swim, too," she said, a smile on her face, "Uh, by the way, what's with the outfit?"
"Oh, this? Um," Tobias laughed, "I dropped a strawberry jam sandwich on my fish sweater. Måns was going to the town and asked if I want to go to the store with him. Ended up finding these in the local thrift shop. I kinda like them, I guess? The overalls are really comfortable."
"You look amazing in them."
It smiled widely, "Heh, thank you so much!" Tobias looked at her for a moment. "Oh, um! Have a nice swim?"
Klara nodded. "The water's surprisingly warm. Though, now I have sand all over my legs."
"Sounds fun."
"Sure is! I was thinking about going there again, wanna join?"
"I, well, I don't know. I mean-" Tobias looked at the beach, and the dark water. "It's not too deep, is it?"
"No, no, don't worry."
"Okay, well. Hmm... It's not that I don't know how to swim, I do, it's really fun, but, well... I'm scared of water where I can't see the botton, you know? Be it a swimming pool, I'd be completely fine. But, well..."
"Honey, it's okay. Don't worry," Klara smiles and kissed its forehead. "You don't have to do thing you're not into."
"You're the best," Tobias smiled back and looked at his hands. "Oh! Just remembered. I brought you this," it gave her the cup of tea it was holding the whole time.
"Thank you!" Klara took a sip, "Didn't know you took the tea box on the trip."
"I bought it in the local town's store! They have surprisingly large quantity of different teas," he said while climbing up to sit on the gazebo's wall. Hands tightly gripping the wood to stop wobbling on it and not to fall, Tobias continued, "I do hope their quality is as good as quantity," it chuckled.
"It's really good, wanna try?"
"Mmh, maybe one sip," Klara watched him slightly lean down to take a sip from the cup she was holding, "Okay, yea, really good!"
"All thanks to you."
"God, don't be ridiculous, it's the tea quality that's more important."
"Mmhmm, but it's you who made it and also brought the cup here for me to enjoy after cold water."
"You said it was warm."
"You get the idea."
They both laughed and looked at each other for a moment, with wide smiles on their faces.
"By the way, um, I've been meaning to ask," Tobias began, "Is everything okay? I mean, um, how should I say this... It feels like you're, well, anxious, jittery, lately? I don't know how to explain it. Especially when we're alone here in the orchards or something," he paused and looked st Klara, "I hope I didn't, well, do anything wrong? Or-"
"Sunshine, relax, everything is fine," she leaned closer to hug it, "It's just, well, uh. It's about something I was planning to do. And then I didn't. And now I'm annoyed because I couldn't do it."
"Oh, um. Can I help?"
"No, no. Unless you can teleport to San Francisco."
Tobias smirked, "Well, no, sadly can't do that," it touched Klara's back gently and smiled, "Can you tell me what you were going to do? Maybe that will help?"
"I'm- ugh. It was supposed to be a surprise for you, kinda. I was going to-" she paused and glanced at the beach, took a deep breath and turned back to face Tobias. "I was going to, um, propose to you. But I thought that Måns had the ring I was going to use, and instead found out that he left it at family house."
"Oh! Um. Well. That's totally okay, don't worry about it," it smiled, "I can wait, if you want. But, um, just know that I don't need any rings to say yes. The answer's definitely yes."
"Wh- Are you sure?"
"Yes! Yes, of course! I don't think I've been more sure about something as much as about this."
"Man, you are too adorable," she hugged it tight, burying her face in its neck, "I love you so much."
"I love you too, honey," Tobias murmured and kissed her head. "By the way, I think one of Måns's partners has a license to officiate marriages. That is, if you want to do something that involves some kind of rings."
"You know what? Why not, why wait. Who is it?"
"I don't remember. We can ask on the dinner if you want. Because I totally just realized that the reason I originally came here - along with the tea - was to tell you that dinner is almost ready. Oops."
"God, why are you always so cute," Klara picked up the empty tea cup in one hand and held Tobias's hand with the other, "Let's go then."
"Mmhmm. Oh, and," it smirked, "we could also go swimming again , later. If you can hold my hand like that there, too."
"Sunshine, I can hold you even closer if you want to."
"Damn, now that's a tempting proposal~"
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circus4apsycho8 · 11 months
haunted house. | kai & reader
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𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝟻/𝟽 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚞𝚜' 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚝 (𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘 + 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝).
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𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗-𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚎
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This always happens. 
First, a frustrated sigh escapes you as you try to shift in your bed, everything feeling off. Certainly not suited for sleep, much to your dismay. 
“And to think, I was about passed out on the couch,” you mumble, rolling your eyes as you lay there. Maybe if you stay still, you’ll get tired?
The answer to the question is never revealed, though, because moments later your phone screen lights up. You turn towards it, gently tugging the charger out before checking it. 
Kai: hey want to go out tonight? 
Kai: lloyd and i were gonna go to a haunted house tonight, but he got sick last minute and everyone else is busy 
Kai: (i think hes faking it bc hes scared tho lol) 
Kai: i already bought tickets so if u wanna come its covered 
Kai: i know its kinda late tho so no worries if u cant 
A haunted house?! What better way to get spooky on such a wonderful fall night? You shoot upright, stumbling to get out of bed as you respond: 
You: I’m in!! Thank you :)))) 
Kai: np, ill be there in 20 
With that, you start changing, thoughts drifting to the thoughts of what nightmares the haunted house could behold. It’s a bummer that more of your friends can’t attend, but you’re still excited to at least go with Kai. 
Besides, you haven’t hung out with the Ninja of Fire lately, and you find yourself missing his hotheaded nature sometimes. 
Soon enough, you’re waiting by your door anxiously, belongings clutched in your hands. When a brisk knock emanates from your door, you force yourself to wait a few moments before opening it. Can’t seem too eager, right? 
“Hey!” Kai greets, grinning at you as you smile back at his. His brown hair is spiked, but a bit messier than usual, and he’s dressed in civilian clothing: a long-sleeved red shirt and dark jeans to match. 
“Hi!” you repeat, stepping out of your apartment before locking the door. Once that’s done, you take a moment to give Kai a quick hug. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, hasn’t it?” 
“Yeah, now that you mention it, it has been,” he agrees, gently returning the embrace as you inhale the scent of his cologne. “I brought my bike. I hope that’s okay.” 
“Works for me!” you chirp, following him down the stairs. “Which one are we going to?” 
“It’s called Ninjago Nightmare Manor. They’re hosting it inside of an abandoned building this year to really add to the mood.” 
“That sounds so cool!” you reply, the two of you making it outside. The chilly night air embraces you as Kai hands you a red helmet. The article matches his red bike, complete with a cheesy flame design on it. 
You snort upon seeing it, glancing at Kai as you decide to mess with him: “I bet you get all the girls with that flame on your bike.” 
Kai raises an eyebrow at you, picking up his own helmet. “Wow. Bullying me already?” 
“Do you expect anything less of me?” you retort as he straddles the bike, swiping up the kickstand with his heel. 
“Just stop talking and get on the bike,” he says, settling his hands on the bars as the engine whirs to life. You just giggle and climb on behind him, making sure you flick the visor down before gaining a strong grip around his waist. 
“Ready?” he calls, glancing back towards you. 
“Yeah!” you say, pressing your head against his shoulder so you can have a good view of the street. 
With that, Kai takes off. You sigh in relief as you watch the dark street pass in a blur, ears filled with the sound of the wind and engine as Kai expertly steers the motorcycle. 
Chills seep through the fabric of your shirt, beckoning a bunch of goosebumps to form on your skin. Kai’s body heat is enough to keep you from completely freezing, though. 
A few minutes pass as he steers through the empty streets of Ninjago City, eventually leaving the city and speeding down an old, gravel road. You notice an old building approaching along the side of the road situated next to a makeshift parking lot made on the grass. 
Kai turns into the lot, finding a suitable spot before shutting the motorcycle off. You sport an exhilarated grin as Kai steps off, taking a second to unstrap your helmet before pulling it off. 
The Master of Fire takes both of your helmets, setting them on his spot before holding his hand out to you. You take it, allowing him to help you off. 
You can’t help but feel a bit shaky after the experience. “That was fun!” 
“Woah, you okay?” he questions after seeing you wobble a little bit. 
“Yeah, just give me a second,” you say, steadying yourself with his hand before releasing it. “Okay, let’s go!” 
“Looks like the line isn’t terribly long,” Kai notes as the two of you head towards a small tent containing two folding tables, where a few employees are seated behind laptops. “I guess we got here at a good time.” 
You take a second to observe the building. The windows are decorated with bloody handprints, foggy glass, and other Halloween-themed decorations. A few of the staff members mill about the front, most of them in costumes. 
“They nailed the vibe,” you comment as Kai turns to look at the building. “And whoever decided to host it here deserves a raise.” 
“I wonder if it’ll be scarier than last year,” Kai adds, the two of you getting in line behind another couple. 
“I hope so. They always get super creative with their characters!” you add, studying some of the costumes that are present at the entrance. You already see someone dressed up as Michael Myers holding a metal detector at the entrance. 
A few moments later, the couple at the ticket table leaves, leaving you and Kai to step up to the table. 
“Hey guys. Got your tickets, or need to buy ‘em?” greets the employee, smiling tiredly up to the two of you. 
“I’ve got them right here,” Kai answers, fishing the tickets out of his pocket before handing them over. 
The employee takes them, stashing them in a box before holding a stamp up. “Perfect, let me just stamp the back of your hands really quick.” 
She does Kai’s first, then yours as you offer your hand. Once done, you pull it back to see a cutesy, green skull that glows in the dark. 
“Alright, and you guys can just wait over there while we gather the next party to enter. An employee will be with you once there’s enough people.” 
“Cool, thank you!” you say as the two of you make your way towards a small clearing with a bunch of folding chairs set up. About seven other people are milling about, all associating in their own little groups or pairs. 
It isn’t until a group of three joins that an employee comes over, briefly going over the rules before guiding the ten of you over to the entrance, where Michael Myers scans for metal before allowing you all inside. 
Already, you can see a faux fog and bright colors contrasting against the dark setting. Cobwebs and spiders line the hall, leading to the line area where two women are waiting. They’re dressed as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, both chatting quietly amongst themselves. 
You and Kai make your way up to the front, watching as the two women silently check to see that everyone’s hands are stamped. Once they’re done, they instruct you all to watch the video depicting the rules displayed on the TV above their counter. 
As you watch, though, you can’t help but notice that the Harley Quinn dressed employee is standing a little too close for comfort and is staring right at you. Knowing it’s part of the act, you do your best to ignore it with a small smile on your face as the video continues. 
Once it ends, she asks: “Do you like Christmas?” 
“Yeah, it’s fine. Not as great as Halloween, though,” you reply, watching as her stare narrows into a frown, still looking at you. 
A few painfully long seconds later, she moves to Kai next, doing the same thing. “How ‘bout you? Do you like Christmas?” 
“Yeah,” Kai replies as she steps a little too close to him. 
“Good,” she comments, staring at him for a few more seconds. “I like Christmas too.” 
“Cool...” Kai trails off, clearly not knowing what else to say. 
She goes to make the other guests uncomfortable, leaving you and Kai to chat quietly amongst yourselves while you both wait. Fortunately, the woman dressed as Poison Ivy steps over to open the door soon after, gesturing for you all to enter. 
With that, you and Kai send excited glances at each other before entering. 
At first, you’re walking through a dim room lit with stereotypical haunted house candles on one side of the wall. It soon transitions into a wider room, barely lit by blue and purple lights. Located here is a woman dressed up as a bloodied doll, the room themed like a children’s room and lined with creepy dolls. Some of their eyes are either missing or replaced with buttons. 
“Stay and play with us !” the woman calls, holding one of the dolls up to her face. “We won’t bite!” 
“I hate dolls like this,” Kai mutters. “Reminds me of one of Nya’s old toys. It always creeped me out when I was a kid.” 
You chuckle, shrugging in response. “C’mon, it’s not that bad!” 
The hallway narrows, guiding the two of you into something resembling a psychotic doctor’s office. Sure enough, a large man dressed as a dentist is inside, holding a pair of tongs baring a tooth. 
He approaches you, eyeing you with an unsettling expression as he taps the tongs together a few times. “Your teeth are pretty... I want them...” 
“How about mine?” Kai questions. 
“Yours are stinky,” replies the dentist without missing a beat. 
“What?” Kai questions, pretending to be offended. “Rude!” 
“Give me them molars, little lady!” roars the man as the two of you exit the room. “GIVE ‘EM” 
“Their costumes are super cool,” you note to Kai. The hallway narrows even more, now complete with sharp corners. “I wish we had more time to look at the little details they add.” 
Next up is a killer clown circus room, with three actors running around with fake weapons. The room is lit under a blacklight, making all of the colors glow vibrantly as the clowns roar with vicious laughter. 
“YOU’LL FLOAT TOO!” they taunt between laughs. 
“The killer clown is kind of overrated,” Kai mumbles. 
Thankfully, the next room is filled with a little more excitement. A gore-filled scene awaits the two of you, complete with fake limbs and decapitated limbs scattered about the area. What really completes the scene, though, is a tall, buff man bearing a fake chainsaw and a serial killer mask. 
He ‘revs’ the chainsaw, causing realistic noises to emanate from the prop. Your eyes widen as he raises it, immediately sprinting towards you. 
You squeal, the act catching you off guard as you make a dash for the exit, Kai right behind you but also not fazed. 
“You should have seen your face!” Kai yells, laughing in response. 
You roll your eyes, pouting as you both work your way through a weird hallway, this one with a bubbly fabric in place of normal walls. The two of you have to swipe your way through, the sounds of screams and wails of pain echoing across the room. 
Kai randomly gives a high-pitched screech, making you laugh as you scream in return for no reason. 
“Why are we screaming?” you wonder, finally breaking through the fabric and entering a normal hallway. 
“Because we can!” he answers. “Oh, look down there!” 
Unfortunately, at the end of the hallway lies a seated witch animatronic. Its face is disfigured, mouth twisted into a gnarly grin while its lifeless eyes stare at the two of you dully. Strung about its torso are tattered and bloodied robes. In its left hand is a mystical but monochrome staff. 
 It’s right next to the exit, meaning that you’ll have to pass it in order to proceed. 
“Is it gonna jump at us?” you wonder, eyes widening as you study the figure. It doesn’t look like it’s turned on, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other means of activating it. 
“That’s why they put it there - to instill tension in your brain,” Kai replies, turning towards you with a smirk. “It’s not actually on.” 
“What if it’s motion activated or something?” you mumble, still skeptical. 
“C’mon! Even if it, is the worst it’ll do is pop out at us.” 
“Oh really? Then you go first if you’re so brave!” you retort, pushing your way behind Kai. 
“Fine!” he huffs, leading the way. 
You peer around Kai’s shoulders a few times, breathing a sigh of relief once the two of you are through the door. 
“See? I told you,” Kai replies with a smirk. “No jump scare there.” 
“Whatever,” you mumble, tone lighthearted. 
The last room the two of you get to experience is that depicting the dead bride trope. Thankfully, this one is a bit tamer – an actress sits to the side, woefully picking her eternal bouquet filled with sparing blue petals. You can see fallen petals scattered about the floor, their soft, blue glow a contrast against the dreary, gray Victorian style wallpaper. 
The actress, complete with a zombie bride costume, solemnly mumbles underneath her breath, paying no attention to either of you. You can catch whispers of her voice behind the faint screams and chainsaw noises emanating from the other rooms. 
“...he loves me...loves me not...” she mumbles, tossing petals onto the floor without a care. Her voice is so fragile that it almost makes you forget that she’s simply acting. 
“If you have to ask yourself whether he loves you, then he’s not worth it,” Kai snaps, expression blank as the woman glances up towards him. 
“Yeah. Was he the one who murdered you?” you play along, glancing at the actress for an answer. 
She remains quiet for a moment, tilting her head before nodding. 
“Then murder him back!” you suggest. 
“Perhaps I could...” she murmurs, trailing off before glancing at you once more. “Perhaps I will.” 
With that, the two of you exit the main portion of the haunted house. 
“’Murder him back’? Really?” Kai teases, shoving your shoulder gently. 
“Shut up. I was trying to get into it,” you reply with a snicker. 
With that, the two of you make your way towards the stairwell, immediately making your way towards the descent. 
That is, until you start to hear soft footsteps behind you. A quick glance behind you reveals an employee sneaking up behind Kai. 
You immediately realize what he’s about to do, deciding to engage Kai again to provide another distraction. 
“Hey, want to get food once we’re out of here?” you wonder, smiling smally at him as he nods. 
“Actually, yeah, that sounds great. I was thinking we could grab something at Chen’s-” 
“HAPPY HALLOWEEN!” screeches the employee from behind Kai, who jumps a little bit with a startled yell. You immediately burst out into laughter, Kai’s expression souring. 
“Were you just trying to distract me?” he questions. 
“Yeah, but that was also a serious question,” you reply, both of you bidding goodnight to the employees before heading downstairs. “Want to get food?” 
“Yeah, let’s do it,” he adds as the two of you make your back towards his motorcycle, the haunted house fading into the horizon a few minutes later. 
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mageofseven · 1 year
Hi there! I love your blog; I found it in 2022 and fell in love with your writing, and was disappointed to see you weren’t active anymore. I stumbled across you again when a mutual reblogged one of your more recent fics, and I’m so happy to see you’re back (and indeed alive)!
If it’s possible, could I request headcanons or a scenario (whichever you prefer) for poly!mc (who is dating all 7 brothers. And the dateables if you feel like it) announcing they’re pregnant, but bc they’ve been sleeping with all of the boys, they have no clue who the father is? I totally understand if you don’t want to write this.
Haha, yes I am alive. I had to leave for multiple reasons; one being the most common reason: life, man 😅
Still, thank you so much for checking out my stories even when I was away! It's always good to hear that people get enjoyment out of the things I write.
Also, another Nonnie recently requested some poly!MC where they date the brothers so I think they'll be happy to read this too~
I think I will add the unDatables to this as well because I've developed an extra strong love for them lately 🥰💕
How MC Found Out:
MC discovered she was pregnant through Simeon.
Angels have a special the ability to sense life (or in this case, pre-life) and this man had been sensing something different within the human for a few weeks now.
When he discovered that the blurry feeling attached to MC was a baby though, he didn't know how to bring it up.
He didn't know how his Feather would feel about her condition, but assumed that if she wanted a child, she would have brought up with at least one of the men that she loved so dearly.
The angel could just sense that this would be hard on her
And he was right.
MC cried into his embrace, scared of how the other men would react.
No matter how much she thought about it, the human couldn't pinpoint which man could be the father. I mean, it's not like she writes down in a notebook every time she sleeps with one of them.
And what if the one who is the father doesn't want their baby? Or what if the others are upset because its not theirs? Or...what if none of them wanted to be with her now that she'll be a mom?
He reminded her that the other men were good people who loved her just as dearly as he did.
MC had to tell the others and Simeon was going to support her every step of the way.
With Simeon's help, she gathered all of the men at HoL and tearful announced that she was pregnant, that someone in this room was going to a father.
The only emotion he let show on his face was shock
But there was so much more swirling around in his chest.
The idea that this child could be his truly scared him.
I mean, he's already a father...and a terrible one at that, he felt.
He did not want this baby to be his; he did not want a second child to risk hurting.
Still, if this child was his then he wouldn't abandon them; abandon MC.
Regardless of whose child they are, Lucifer was going to be there for his Love no matter what.
Summary? This man is scared shitless and doesn't want the child, but is ready and willing to support MC.
Unlike Lucifer, he is obviously upset.
I mean, MC is freakin' pregnant.
And that means either he's gonna be a dad and has to get his shit together
Or one of the others, even one of his own brothers, knocked up his Human and honestly, he's not okay with that.
Yeah, he knows this poly relationship thing means he has to share his girlfriend but he did not sign up for one of his brothers to knock up MC.
Honestly has no fucking clue what he wants.
I mean, yeah, he's always kinda wanted a kid, but not now.
One look at the tears flowing down his girlfriend's cheeks though was all he needed to toss all of that that complicated shit aside and promising her that she doesn't gotta worry because The Great Mammon is gonna be here for her no matter what.
Summary: Scared, confused, but has MC's back just like always.
Levi.exe has stopped working
Which, in fairness, happens a lot because of this women
But it's not funny this time!
Like Mammon, he's both terrified of it being his kid and not being his kid.
Unlike Mammon though, the third brother isn't sure he could handle it if the baby turns out not to be his.
Honestly, he's not too sure what he'd do if the baby's not his.
Hell, he's not sure what he'll do if it is.
This man just wants to hide away in his room indefinitely.
Summary: PANICKING, doesn't think he wants the kid, just wants to hide away.
This is one of the last things the wrath demon wants to hear, but he also acknowledges that this was bound to happen at some point.
I mean, he's not exactly found of children.
Even if this child isn't his, the man still has the issue of his Kitten becoming a mom and essentially making him a step dad.
As much as he hates the idea, he acknowledges that this is the best alternative.
Leaving MC over this is not even an idea that the fourth brother is humoring
But he'd also rather that the child not be of his flesh and blood.
Has decided to never let MC hear such thoughts from him though.
Summary: logical but adverse, does not want the child to be his, but will stay by his Kitten's side no matter what.
Immediately runs up to his Dolly to hug her
And kisses her tears away.
Promises her that everything will be okay and this is a happy thing!
Plus, he'll be by her side through it all, no matter what!
Tries to get the other men in the room to speak up too and tell her everything is fine
Because hello! Crying MC over here! Get your priorities in order!
Summary: Worried about MC, will be happy regardless of whether the child is his or not, and is fiercely supportive.
Boy's brain is buffering
Like he was so confused at first about why his Muffin was so upset.
Like, there's gonna be a baby here in HoL! How can that not be a happy thing?
Then he remembered how his twin dislikes kids and realized that he doesn't know how the other men feel about them.
Suddenly becomes very upset for MC and walks up to give her a big hug
But is very mindful about how tight he hugs her because he understands that his Muffin is basically a walking plus one right now so he needs to be gentle.
Tells her that he's here for her and her baby no matter what.
Yes, Beely would love it if the baby was his own, but will still love this child if it's not because it's his Muffin's.
Summary: Confusion melts into concern, wants the baby to be his but will love it even if its not, agrees with Asmo that MC is the priority and wants everyone to be on the same page.
"You gotta be kidding me."
Believes this is one of the worst things to happen to him
And is now becoming paranoid that maybe he's the one who fucked up.
I mean, they always used protection, but those runes aren't foolproof.
All it could have took was his hand to be just slightly sloppy when drawing the rune below her navel beforehand for the whole thing to be faulty
And the sloth demon didn't always check his work, so to speak.
Does not, under any circumstances, want this kid to be his.
Hell, he doesn't want this kid to exist at all.
But that's not his decision and he knows this.
He felt like things were going so good and now its ruined.
Still...the man was still indebted to her. He killed his Human once before and it was the worst mistake of his life.
He can't take it back; that's why aims to just make her happy
So this man isn't going anywhere, no matter how miserable he gets.
Summary: angry at himself and paranoid, does not want the child at all, but is going no where while his Human needs him.
The prince's initial feeling was excitement.
I mean, MC's pregnant! He could be a dad!
And honestly, this man would love nothing more than to have a child with his Queen.
He understands why MC is upset and is very vocal with comfort, telling her that she'll get through this, that they will all get through this.
Another man that would be okay with the child not being his.
Don't get him wrong; he wants that child to be his so badly
But will also be accepting if it turns out that they're not.
If the child is not his, he will still be good them to them and his Queen
But also plans on asking MC in the future if she could give him one of his own.
Please MC, make this man a Daddy 🥺
Summary: Excited and tries to help the situation, really wants the baby to be his, stands by his Queen no matter what.
Pursed his lips at the news, but ultimately says nothing.
Is pained just by seeing his Dear's tears, but hesitates to step forward and comfort her because of the other men already doing so.
This situation was one of the reasons why he wasn't too pleased about this poly relationship.
The butler didn't necessarily mind sharing his girlfriend with the other men
Nor did he mind that her baby might have been conceived with one of the other men.
What he did mind, however, was just how spread thin she seemed some days.
MC put so much effort in keeping the peace and trying to keep things fair for the men, even when it became mentally exhausting
So for her to be made afraid of the very reactions of the men who could have been the one to have brought her into this situation?
Grows a bit of resentment towards some of the others.
Barb couldn't hold much sympathy for them while knowing all that MC has done for them.
Will stick by her and her child no matter what.
Hopes that this child is not his, but only because his power to see into the future is genetic and when you lack the skill to control it, it can be mentally torturous.
Barb would never wish such a thing on a child hence why he'd prefer it to not be of his blood.
Summary: Concerned for MC and resentful of the men who are making this worse for her, does not want the child to be his because of a genetic issue, but is prepared to take care of MC and the child.
Frowned upon hearing this announcement.
It wasn't because of the pregnancy though.
In truth, the sorcerer was more or less ambivalent about children.
I mean, he did well enough with them and got along well with Luke
But its never exactly been a priority to have his own.
Honestly, Soli didn't even mind the idea of his little Minx carrying the baby of another man; I mean, they all agreed to share her and things like this happen sometimes.
What bothered him was how upset she was.
Told his little Minx that there was nothing to be afraid of.
There's this saying that it takes a village to raise a child and in truth, MC had quite the village in front of her.
Things will work out; it will just take some time.
Summary: Concerned for MC, does not care if the child is his or not, prepared to weather through this storm with his little Minx.
Kept an arm around her while she broke the news to the others.
The angel wished he could take her suffering away, but could only stand with her as she cried.
Has never stopped supporting her since the moment he sensed her pregnancy and will continue to support her.
These other men, many of whom he'd consider a friend, surely will understand.
The situation is difficult, yes, but MC needs them all now more than ever.
Does not truly stop to consider if this child is his or not.
Angels generally don't procreate. Then again, that is because the method of doing so is forbidden in the Celestial realm.
Yes, he and MC have a pretty active bedroom life
And yes, he has just as much of a chance of being the father as the other men
But such thoughts have not even occurred to him yet because he's been so focused on MC and her feelings.
Still, if the child does end up being his, he will love it dearly.
If the child ends up not being his, he will still love it dearly.
This child is his Feather's after all so he will make sure they grow up safe and loved.
Summary: Solely focused on MC's wellbeing, hasn't realized the fact that he himself could be this child's father, will fervently support the woman during this hard time.
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redriotinggg · 11 months
When Sanji is bitten by a spider that has eaten the Cupid-Cupid Fruit, the Straw Hats learn there is only one way to cure his illness.
A genuine love confession.
There’s only one crewmate capable of the job.
(read on ao3!!)
The Straw Hats have stopped at a small summer island to gather supplies, stock up on necessities, and do any repairs to the Sunny.
When the bulk of the hard work has been done, their captain insists on a bonfire, having found a perfect clearing in the forest.
Sanji’s by the grill, cooking up plenty of burgers, hotdogs, kebabs, and other barbecued treats to fill his crew’s voracious appetites.
He happily watches his crew enjoy their afternoon—Brook’s violin emitting a joyful tune, Nami and Robin engaged in an intense game of cards, Franky enthusiastically sketching something onto a large page, Zoro fast asleep on the grass, and Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp running around as they play their own variation of tag.
Perhaps Sanji’s gaze is drawn to one of his crewmates in particular, following the flow of his curly hair, smiling at the sound of his laughter.
Perhaps. Sanji won’t tell.
“Woah! Look at that!”
The rowdy trio’s game of tag comes to a halt at Chopper’s cry. Luffy and Usopp look to where the reindeer is pointing, their eyes lighting up when they spot the thing that caught his attention.
“Cool!” Luffy begins to race over, but he’s stopped by Usopp.
“Wait! Don’t run, you’ll scare it!”
The trio carefully make their way over to a nearby tree, their attention grabbed by a fairly large spider.
Sanji shudders when he sees the creature. He looks away, focusing on the food. He is not interested in the further details of their exploration.
Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp fawn over the spider, speculating on its species and origins.
“It’s markings kinda look like hearts,” Usopp observes. “They’re even a pinkish-red colour.”
“Aw, so cute!” Chopper squeals.
“I’m gonna name it Cupid!” Luffy declares. “That guy’s in charge of hearts ‘n stuff, right? This lil' girl could be his pet or something,” he laughs.
A bit later, Sanji calls out to them. “Oi, get your asses over here, the food’s ready! And wash your hands if you’ve been touching bugs!”
Saying their goodbyes to Cupid, the boys rush over to claim their dinner.
The crew happily enjoys their meal, thanking Sanji with wide grins that only get wider when he presents them with dessert.
As the evening turns to night, the crew wind down, packing away their belongings and making their way back to the Sunny.
“Are you sure we can’t stay and camp?” Luffy whines. “It’s like, the perfect night for it! We've got the perfect spot!”
“No,” Nami denies flatly. “We didn’t bring the stuff for it and it’s already getting late. Plus, I want to sleep in my own bed. Now hurry up and get going! Franky! Turn on your flashlights, I can’t see!”
“One set of nipple lights, comin’ up! Ow!”
Usopp and Sanji take up the rear, picking up the last of Sanji’s portable kitchen gear. The chef is happily listening to the sniper’s latest tale when he feels a pinch on his ankle.
“Ow! What the hell?”
“Sanji! Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I think something just bit me.”
Usopp looks in the grass, trying to find the culprit. When he does, he gasps. “It’s the spider from before! Cupid, why’d you go and bite Sanji? That’s not nice!”
“‘Cause it’s a good for nothing insect,” Sanji grumbles.
“Actually, it’s an arachnid—”
“You better not have poisoned me, you stupid bug,” Sanji yells at the spider, which scurries away.
“It’d be venom, not poison.”
“You are not helping!” Sanji snaps. “What is this, a Robin impression? Stop with the unnecessary bug facts, this shit hurts!”
“Does it really? You should get Chopper to look at it as soon as we get back to the ship. Here, gimme your stuff, I’ll carry if for you.”
“I can carry it myself, asshole. I’m not that weak.”
“Really? ‘Cause if you’re in pain, the Great Usopp would be more than happy to carry you back to the Sunny.” Usopp smirks and flexes his muscular arms, sending Sanji a wink.
Sanji pretends like his heart isn’t trying to escape his chest and throw itself at Usopp’s feet.
Internally, Sanji is a mess. Externally, he rolls his eyes and hefts his baggage further in his arms.
“You do two push-ups and think you’re a strong guy now, huh? C’mon, let’s go before any other bugs try to make a meal outta me.”
When they make it back to the Sunny, all of their things put away, Usopp continues to hover by Sanji, his concern rising with each passing moment.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Usopp asks. “You’re all red. You shouldn’t be sweating this much.”
“‘M fine,” Sanji mumbles. The way he sways on the spot doesn’t do much to help his case.
Usopp holds him steady, in full crisis mode as he watches the usually stable chef falter. He hoists Sanji in his arms, dashing to the infirmary. “CHOPPER!”
“What happened?” the doctor asks. Usopp puts Sanji on the bed and recounts the tale.
By now, the rest of the crew has come to investigate the cause of the commotion. They all stand in the doorway, shocked to see their crewmate suddenly so ill.
“It’s only been like 20 minutes! Why does he look bad already? Sanji, don’t die!”
Usopp’s dramatic cry unfortunately has some merit. Sanji doesn’t look well. He is the complete opposite of the perfect picture of health he was less than an hour ago. In just a few minutes, Sanji seems to have lost all of his energy. He’s flushed and sweating, breathing heavily and brows furrowed as he fights some type of pain. Even his usually shiny hair is limp and brittle-looking.
Usopp’s heart positively breaks at the sight.
“I can’t make him a proper anti-venom without knowing exactly what type of spider that was,” Chopper states. He clicks his tongue as he looks at the inflamed, red bite mark on Sanji’s ankle.
“Brook, you help me get Sanji out of this suit. Everyone else, get out so I can treat him. Now!”
The rest of the crew gather on the deck, concern on all of their faces.
“Usopp,” Robin says, pulling the sniper from his worsening spiral of anxiety. “You said Sanji was bit by the same spider that you saw in the forest, right? Draw me a picture. We can use it to get information from the locals.”
Usopp nods. He runs off to the galley and grabs a sketchpad nestled between Sanji’s collection of recipes and cookbooks. Before long, he’s got multiple drawings of the spider, complete with colours and accurate depictions of its heart-shaped markings.
Franky and Nami go to the hospital to ask about an anti-venom while Luffy, Zoro, and Robin go ask around town.
On the Sunny, Usopp paces back and forth, biting his nails and their beds away to nothing as worry engulfs him. He peeks into the infirmary, heart breaking a little more every time he catches a glimpse of Sanji’s pained face.
“Sanji will be alright,” Brook assures him when he exits the room. “He’s stable for now. Our cook is strong. He’s got the best doctor caring for him and crewmates desperately seeking out information. He’ll pull through.”
Usopp tries his very best to believe him.
The rest of the crew returns to the Sunny in less than an hour. Everyone, except Sanji, who’s resting in the infirmary, gathers at the kitchen table.
“Turns out that our little spider has eaten a Devil Fruit,” Robin tells them. “Everyone in the area is familiar with the spider that has eaten the Cupid-Cupid fruit.”
“Wait, the spider is actually related to Cupid? That’s hilarious! I’m like a fortune teller! Hahahaha! Ow!” Luffy rubs his sore head, pouting at Nami.
“A bite from the Cupid Spider can do multiple things, depending on who is bitten," Robin continues. "However, it only causes illness in someone who has a requited love but has not actually expressed their love. To save Sanji, whoever is in love with him must tell him the breadth of their true feelings, lest he remain bedridden forever. Or worse.”
The crew sits in silence for a moment, reflecting on the information.
“Alright, who’s in love with Sanji?” Luffy demands.
All eyes go to Usopp.
He is so red in the face Chopper is concerned he'll pass out. His eyes are so wide Zoro wonders if they'll pop out of his head.
"What are you waiting for?" Nami cries. "Get in there and confess your love so Sanji gets better!"
"I-I-I-I-I-I'm not—"
"Oh, please, this is not the time for your anxious, denial bullshit! Go fix Sanji!"
"Can't we just kill the spider instead?" he suggests meekly.
Luffy and Chopper gasp in betrayal.
"That would be a bad idea," Robin warns. "That spider is very well-respected on this island. Causing it harm would no doubt incur the wrath of all the locals. There is nothing you can do but speak from the heart."
"You got this, Usopp-bro! Just tell Sanji how you feel! It'll turn out super!"
On stiff legs and with wobbly knees, Usopp leaves the galley and makes his way back to the infirmary, deaf to the sounds of his crew's encouragements.
Despite his desperate pleas to the universe, Sanji is awake when Usopp steps inside. He looks even worse than before. His skin is pale, covered in a sheen of sweat. His eyes are lidded and he's got bags under them like he hasn't slept in days. But even still, a smile lights up his face when he sees the sniper.
"Usopp," he says, voice quiet and raspier than usual. His smile is no less bright.
"Sanji," Usopp returns, taking a seat next to the bed. "I've got news. So, turns out that the spider that bit you has a Devil Fruit power."
Sanji scoffs. "Of course it does. Just my fucking luck. So, what? It ate the Sick-Sick fruit and now I'll feel like shit forever?"
Usopp chuckles drily. "No, nothing like that. We can actually help you pretty easily. Or, I can, anyway. I just... I have to... to..."
The sniper closes his eyes as a fresh wave of anxiety washes over him. He can't do this! It's too scary! But he has to.
How many times has he been in this position? Forced to watch someone he loves suffer from an illness, unable to do anything but try and distract them from their pain.
This time is different. Usopp can stop this. He can stop Sanji's suffering. All he has to do is be honest.
Well, best to rip off the band-aid.
Taking a deep breath, Usopp grabs Sanji's clammy hand in both of his. "I love you!"
"I-I've loved you for a long time, Sanji," Usopp admits, and the words start flowing, unable to stop. "I don't know when exactly it started, but I know that I do because I think you're so amazing! You're so cool, and strong, and talented. I love that you act all grumpy but you're actually extremely kind and considerate. I love spending time with you! I love it when you tell me stories about Zeff and the Baratie. I love that you always ask me questions when I'm telling you about something because you make me feel heard. I love that you always wrap your arms around me when we party. I love it when you smile at me and dance with me.
"I love how you look in the early morning and when the sun is setting. Well, I love how you look all the time because you're so gorgeous it isn't fair! All handsome and pretty at the same time. You dress nice, and you smell nice, and you make me food and protect me—! Sanji, I love you!
"I'm sorry it took a stupid spider to force me to say it but I lov-"
Usopp's speech is cut off as desperate lips meet his own. He melts into Sanji's embrace, returning the kiss with all he's got. His heart is beating so fast he thinks it might pop right out of his chest, but nothing could possibly take him away from this moment.
When they pull apart, foreheads resting against one another, Usopp is taken aback by Sanji's appearance. He looks as healthy as ever, save for his very intense blush. But his eyes are shining and his smile is hopeful and adoring.
"Do you mean it, Usopp? Do you really feel that way about me?"
"I do. A-And you? D-do you feel...?"
"The same," Sanji promises. "Everything that you said, I feel the same way. Usopp, I love you! I—did you really just cure me with a love confession?"
Usopp blinks, and then he bursts out into laughter. Sanji joins him, the two holding one another as they laugh at the absurdity of the situation, their hearts full to bursting.
"Anything is possible on the Grand Line," Usopp reminds him. "Especially for the number one lover on the seas, the great Captain Usopp!"
"Number one lover, huh? I don't know if I believe that." Sanji pulls Usopp in close, whispering into his ear. "I think you'll have to show me."
"T-that can be arranged."
Usopp leans in and Sanji goes to meet him, lips pressing together again, and again, and again.
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