#yeah this is based of that one captain america scene
eufezco · 5 months
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civil war!bucky x fem!reader ( angst , fluff ) no use of y/n
based on the captain america: civil war post credits scene
a / n : english is not my first language so yeah 😭 also my request are open for mavel characters (especially bucky and steve)
You had doubted whether to go or not.
You had been up almost all night, the dark circles under your eyes spoke for themselves. You tried to get some sleep but it was impossible. You moved nervously in bed from side to side. After not finding a comfortable position, you got up and started walking around your room in an attempt to calm your nerves but the four walls were suffocating you.
Steve found you throwing up in the bathroom, on your knees, and with tears in your eyes. He held your forehead so you could let it all out and then wiped your mouth. Steve gave you enough time to recompose and when you were done, he sat on the bathroom floor with his back against the wall and let you lean against his chest while you sobbed. You should let him sleep, it had been a long day for everyone, your bodies were still aching from the fight and Steve had enough to worry about. But despite all that, Steve's strong arms held you tightly close to his body, as if he was trying to hold back the part of you that he knew would leave with Bucky.
Steve took you in his arms and carried you to the couch where he placed your head on his lap, wrapped you in a blanket, and caressed your hair until you fell asleep. When you woke up, Steve wasn't home.
You had doubted whether to go or not but in the end, you went because if you didn't, you would never forgive yourself.
—Hey —. Bucky let out all the air he'd been holding in, relieved to see you.
When Steve arrived and you weren't coming with him, Bucky couldn't help but feel bad. He knew it could happen and he didn't blame you for it. You had already lost him twice, you weren't going to take one more, you didn't deserve to go through that again. The idea of being away from you again did not appeal to him either.
Steve, on the other hand, wasn't surprised to see you. Last night you let it all out in the toilet and on his shirt, and you got some sleep, so he figured you would have regained your strength. Or at least you would pretend that you had, the thing was, that he knew you were coming. —I'll go and talk to King T'Challa —. He said and walked out, leaving you and Bucky alone.
You slowly approached the gurney where Bucky was sitting. The metal arm was gone and only the part attached to his shoulder remained. His wounds were treated and on his face, you could finally see a peaceful expression. His brows were not furrowed, his jaw was not clenched, instead he was showing you a sad little smile.
—How are you—? How are you doing?
—I'm good. I'm ready. How are you? —He asked back.
—I'm fine I guess.
After your answer there was silence.
Bucky knew you were lying because of your tone of voice. He was aware of your disagreement with his decision. Steve also had asked him many times if that was what he wanted but this was not about what he wanted or not. Now that he had reclaimed his ability to choose, he had to use it to do what was right, and what was right was to go back to sleep until there existed a way to free him completely from the Winter Soldier program.
—Buck, you know you don't have to do this.
He shook his head at your words. Of course you wouldn't stop trying.
—I can't trust my own mind. —You were going to complain again but he talked before you could. —And as much as I would like to make up for all the time we've lost, I have to do this. Until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing. For everybody.
Now it was you shaking your head. For everybody but you. After all these years you had finally gotten him back, after thinking he was dead, after fighting your friends defending his innocence, you were going to lose him again.
Without saying a word you placed your hand on top of the one he had resting on his leg. The sad smile appeared on his lips again and he looked down at your hands. The touch of your fingers on his skin felt nothing like the human contact he had been experiencing these past few years. Your touch was gentle, your fingers rested on his hand delicately, as if you were afraid of breaking him. It was the first time in a while that anyone had cared about that. Bucky flipped his hand over to link your fingers together.
Using your free hand you lifted his chin and you not only made him look at you but also made his lips at the perfect height for you to kiss them. You pressed your lips against his, he squeezed your hand. Yours moved from his chin to rest on the side of his jaw, your thumb caressing his cheek. You didn't know how or when you started crying but you felt the hot tears slide down your cheeks until they mixed with the kiss. Bucky felt the salty taste and after a few seconds, he broke away from your lips. He rested his forehead against yours and let your hand go to cup your cheek and wipe your tears.
—You are making this very hard —. He mumbled against your mouth.
You kissed him again because it was either that or trying to convince him one last time not to do it. Bucky's hand cupped your cheek, god, if only he had his two arms and could touch you and feel you the way he wanted. Bucky's lips gladly kissed you back one more time, until you both heard Steve fake coughing behind you.
You parted ways, already missing the feeling of his lips and hand on you. Steve came with two nurses and you knew that it was time. You felt your legs weakening but you could not break down in front of Bucky so you hugged yourself and hid yourself in Steve's chest. Your friend wrapped one of his arms around your body.
—She'll be fine. I'll take care of that.
Bucky pressed his lips together and nodded, thanking Steve.
—I'll wait for you —. You said and Bucky flashed you one last smile. He hadn't asked you to because he didn't want to be selfish but he was waiting for you to tell him so. Hearing you say that you’ll wait for him gave him the peace of mind he needed to breathe in the cold gas filling the cryostasis chamber.
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luna-rainbow · 5 months
RE: People giving Bucky a hard time over his "I'm invisble, I'm turning into you.." line being "selfish" That whole scene is Bucky displaying behaviour consistent with depression or traumatic stress. He's drinking by himself in an isolated area, isolating himself from social situations by not sitting with the ohers - he doesn't initiate the convo with Steve and he's apparently smoking. Although a lot of people did that then we didn't see any sign of him smoking before? Not that I recall anyway. And I don't believe he was jealous of a woman paying attention to Steve instead of him or "taking" Steve from him. Bucky's a true friend (I'm not a shipper full stop): and true friends aren't possessive nor do they take issue with you spending time with others or flirting with the same person as them.
I think Bucky was simply testing himself. He wanted to see if he could still muster the confidence and charm to convince a lady to dance with him which he'd probably never had any problems doing before. Its the first time he initiates a conversation the entire scene.
When it didn't work was when he knew there was something wrong. I don't think it was just the super-soldier serum. It's interesting that after that Steve is really the only person he interacts/talks to having been very sociable and outgoing before. Some people have also noted that his tone of voice chances as well, he seems to speak less often, more softly and his tone is quieter. So maybe "I'm turning into you" is actually a kind of role-reversal. Bucky is now the quiet, less confident, introverted one and the one who has been victimized (and is about to be again by HYDRA). Kind of interesting as well that the serum now means Steve is taller than him too.
Poor Bucky. Cut him a break and give that man a hug. And a cookie. A cookie can't hurt.
Hey nonnie, I'm not sure who's been giving Bucky a hard time over the "I'm invisible" speech but I'm glad I haven't seen it XD
I had a meta a while ago about that particular line. It's not a fixed headcanon by any means, I was just running with the flow of Bucky's thoughts to see how he might have ended up in that moment.
And yeah, I agree, I think he was in a very vulnerable place at that time. Not just what he went through during imprisonment, but he's also traumatised by what he's seen so far in the war, and now someone who matters very much to him is in danger (Steve) and he can't do anything about it. I'm basing my projections on what Sebastian had said about Bucky in the "let's hear it for Captain America" scene -- that no, he wasn't jealous of Steve in that moment, he was just horrified he wouldn't be able to protect him anymore. He's torn between admiring Steve for the courage, and the very realistic fears of seeing Steve come to harm, but he also knows Steve too well to talk him out of it. So he's not in the best headspace in that moment.
I do want to gently disagree in that jealousy in a friendship doesn't make it less pure or less good, it's simply a very human response to what is at its heart a fear of abandonment. Even if you logically understand that you need to let your friend have other relationships, you can still feel jealous if that eats up time you'd normally have with your friend, and apprehensive about what else you might lose. It's what you do with those emotions that defines your morality. This is why a lot of fans say that Bucky has had a villain origin story but has come out the other end a hero -- he's gone through an arc of loss and fear and jealousy, but come out the other side still staunchly Steve's friend, and that's a heroic arc.
As always I think Sebastian did a fantastic job with Bucky. The change in Bucky pre-war and post-war is considerable.
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His voice is lower and coarser, his mannerisms are much more "schooled" rather than boyish, it screams less bravado and more of a quiet assurance, and that frown never lifts from his brows. But yeah, a lot of that is battle-hardened professionalism, but I think a lot of that is also Sebastian factoring in Bucky's mental health. And his eyes are on Steve a lot more even when they're not conversing -- shipping angle aside, Steve is his commanding officer, and my other thought is that...his eyes are always on Steve because the danger to Steve is much higher now, and he's always made it his personal mission to make sure Steve's going to be okay.
(I mean there's also a lot we can say, or has been said, about that particular scene in terms of male writers writing female love interest badly, but that's an entirely different topic)
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saraakpotter · 5 months
Peter Parker being a simp for y\c\n for 4 mins
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based on the request: "can you do Peter Parker (tom holland) being a simp for y/c/n?" in this one y\c\n is a 17 year old who is Natasha s daughter and is also an avenger who goes to the same school Peter dose. plus i added some scenes to the movies. i hope this is how you imagined it.
y\n, Anthony, Sebastian and Tom (Holland) are having an interview. the interview was going in characters future.
"so, what do you think the mcu has for your characters future?" the interviewer asked looking at his notes
"i dont know about 'falcon' but im pretty sure y\c\n and spider man will end up together!" Anthony answered making Tom blush
"i totally agree!" Sebastian said
"what the.... where did you get that idea from?" y\n said with a raised eyebrow
"oh come on y\n you are better than that! havent you noticed? Peter keeps simping for y\c\n the whole movie!" Anthony answered
"what! no he dosent"
"yes he dose." Sebastian answered
"i will send you prof!" Anthony replied slyly
later that night, y\n, went home thinking about the interview. she changed to a more comfortable cloth, jumped on her bed and opened her phone while clicking on the MCU group chat. it was a group they made after the avengers to communicate more and add more people by time.
as expected, Anthony, sent a youtube video with the title: "Peter Parker being a simp for y\c\n for 4 mins"
y\n quickly checked others massages in the group before clicking:
Scarlet said: this is definitely true!
RDJ said: flirting with widows daughter? not the best idea!
Chris Evans said: as much as cute this was i have to agree with Rob here!
Tom Hiddelston said: are we watching MCUs next cutest couple here?
Chris Hemsworth replied: im pretty sure we are Tom!
before reading other massages y\n clicked on the video.
the video started with a cute intro and then the title: Peter Parker simping for y\c\n for 4 mins duh
then there was a picture of Peter Parker looking at y\c\n with heart eyes which made y\n laugh.
the video started: the first video was for 'avengers infinity war' where Tony, y\c\n, Strange and Peter in Titan and just finished the miss understanding with the guardians.
 Peter Quill let go of spiderman, Tony threatened Drax and y\c\n nearly beat the shit out of Mantiss and rocket when they tried to stop Tony.
"ok so im happy to know we are on the same side" Peter quill said with a soft cough
"yeah well couldnt you figure that sooner?" y\c\n exclaimed angrily
"wha....you beat the shit out of me what are YOU mad about?" rocket said
"well i ruined my hair in the process! we could have skipped that!" y\c\n said angrier
"your hair looks good either way!" Peter Parker told her with a smile making her smile to
the next video was for 'avengers infinity war' again, just a bit earlier in the scene where y\c\n, Tony and strange where fighting the aliens Thanos sent.
y\c\n just finished beating and literal alien army and looked at where Tony was you didnt see him. instead you saw Peter talking to Wong and not noticing y\c\n. but when he dose he suddenly stops the conversation and goes to the new alien army and kills most of them.
"what do you think y\c\n? pretty cool right?" he says walking to her
"hmmmm... not bad for a 15 year old!" you teased
" im 16 and you are only a year older than me!" he said
"relax! its just my Romanoff urge to teas! lets take this one down together shall we?" y\c\n said pointing at the new army with head
"ok then!" Peter said trying to hide his happines
the next video was for 'captain America: civil war'
it was the scene in the airport, y\c\n, was in team ironman and Peter still wasnt there but they all knew he was hiding somewhere
"ok Pete! you can come out know!" y\c\n shouted with a smirk preparing herself and her weapons. Steve who seemed to notice they are more prepared than they thought throw his shield at her weapon but before it hit her Peter jumped in and caught the shield with his spider power.
"no, no, no! we dont throw a shield at a Beautiful and smart girl like our y\c\n here do we?" he said making Tony chuckle, Nat raise an eyebrow and and you look at him.
the next video was for 'spiderman homecoming'
it was the first parts of the movie when Ned and Peter where having lunch and y\c\n approached them.
"hey guys! can i sit?" y\c\n asked
"ye...yes...yes of course!" Peter answered almost Immediately
"great! i would sit anyway" y\c\n said making the three of them laugh
"so, y\c\n!" Ned started "whats your favorite movie?"
"well i dont really watch movies, nor have time for them but if im going to say one i would go with.......star wars!"
"STAR WARS" Peter asked happily
"yeah you like it to?" y\c\n asked
"we LOVE it!" Ned answered high fiving Peter.
the video paused with a little two days later. Peter approached y\c\n, who was at her locker with a box in his hands.
"ummm...he......hey y\c\n!" he said
"oh, hi Pete!" y\c\n looked at him
"this is for you." he gave the box to her. she looked at the box and saw a built star wars lego.
"oh my god Peter this is great! did you made it?" she asked
"yes, this one is my favorite so i thought you would like it to." he answered
"i love it, thank you!"
the next video was for the first movie and the scene in Mays car
"we should go back, this dosent feels right!" Peter said
"oh come on Peter it would be just fine! you got this." May told him
"yeah but...."
"plus y\c\n is going to be there!" Ned said
"wha....you know what aunt May? i think you are right, i got this!" he said opening the cars door.
before the next video can be played you went out and went to the chat and typed: ok, i see it now! earning a blush emoji from Tom Holland, some laugh emojis and a 'i told you so' from Anthony.
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klm-zoflorr · 2 months
The Distortion in the superheroes AU
So I was thinking the Distortion could be kind of like uhhhhh batman. Captain america. Symbolic title, can be passed down.
Michael is obviously the original, with Helen as his (teenage?) sidekick. They have the same set of powers, perhaps just a bit different? To be determined. Maybe it's the same apparent end result achieved through vastly different means. This way I can then develop one of them and have them develop an ability that will be forever barred to the other. Idk.
Helen's exhibiting a worrying propensity for manipulation already. Oh well. I'm sure it'll be alright.
Plus this way I get to make up some stuff about their relationship and what it could have been... Eheh
For the record in the superhero scene (are they superheroes? Perhaps) Michael is widely known as The Distortion. Both of them also go by their first names, Helen and Michael. Sometimes called Helen Distortion and Michael Distortion. Gorgeous.
Oh.. oh! Maybe Gabriel (note to self: mention his very pale eyes) is another one of Michael's sidekicks. Actually I'm on a roll, what if dr David is. Mh. Not a sidekick but perhaps the mad scientist type assisting them? This way i can have all the distorted peeps be a ragtag gang of scamps. They've got their own base (spiral hq?). Hell yeah.
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coltrainbat · 2 years
Can you write about Chris Evans goes to a strip club and meet reader, a pole stripper dancer. She gave him her number and hooked up in a random hotel to fuck
What A Girl Wants
A/N: I hope this is what what you wanted! If you liked it let me know. I live for FEEDBACK.
Disclaimer: All characters and events written, even those based on real people are entirely fictional and are no representation or comment of said characters in real life. 
WARNINGS: SMUT MINORS DNI. 8k filth, sub! kinda, daddy kink, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), oral (m receiving), dirty talk, nipple play, rough sex, orgasm, P in V
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Chris wasn’t particularly a fan of strip clubs. Sure, he liked looking at girls shake their ass but the idea of throwing dollar bills at some father less girl for it seemed icky to him. None the less, if your best bro wants to go to a strip club for his bachelor party then its bro code rule that you must go. 
So here he was, sitting in the corner on a leather bench seat, sipping his beer surveying the scene in front of him. A bunch of girls walking around topless in nothing but a shoelace up their crack. He had to admit he was impressed with the diversity of them all; short, tall, toothpick skinny, voluptuous. 
He was pulled out of his thought when the man of the hour, plumped down next to him “Bro get your ass up shows about to start.”
“What show?” 
“The pole show… rumour is she’s damn flexible.”
“Far out... whatever.”
Chris followed the group to the table smack bang in front of the main stage. Getting comfortable in his seat with a fresh beer, he stretched out curious to see what’s going happen next. 
Freak by Doja Cat started playing over the speaker as the lights dimmed. 
A singular spotlight fell over the gold pole in the centre of the curved platform. 
And there she was… in an outfit that can only be compared to slutty Jessica Rabbit, the lace bra barely covering her erect nipples, matching red boy shorts curved perfectly around her shapely ass. 
She rounded the pole, spinning slowly to the pace of the music. Her calf rounded against the cylinder as she floated above ground. Her eyes landing on his as he instinctively inched closer to the stage. If anyone was looking at him in this moment, he probably looked deranged, tongue peeking out from his pursed lips. The fabric of his jeans tightened as his cock hardened. 
Just when he thought it couldn’t get more erotic, she pressed her ass cheeks against the pole letting the cold metal penetrate her hole, slowly as she slid down arms behind her back. Hair falling over her face as she looked directly in his direction. Men cheered and hooted, but he stayed dead silent as he watched her with darkened eyes.  
Her thick thighs landed gracefully with a slight ripple in a split causing her tits to almost spill out of her top as she crawled towards the edge in his direction. Her breathing ragged, matching his own. He watched her red shiny lips as she mouthed to him 
“Come get a freak like me.” With a small wink only he could of caught. 
Fuck. He had to have her. 
Once her routine had ended and she had moved off the stage, he was quick to move towards the backstage area. 
“Hey buddy you can’t go back here” Quickly stopped by security at the door
“Yeah yeah I know I just want to talk to her.” He tried to shrug the man’s hand off his chest, the one thing preventing him from getting a taste of that delicious pussy. 
“So does everyone pal back up.”
“It’s ok Ricky… I know him.” You reassured your trusty security.
You appeared like a vision still in costume but now he could get a better look at your face. Coated in sweat giving you a glowy sheen. He couldn’t wipe the image of how good you’d look on your knees in front of him. 
“Hey I’m…” his voice desperate it came out almost as mumble. You had THE Captain America nervous.
“I know what you want.” You slipped your hand in his jean pocket and he immediately froze up unsure of what do with your hand so close to his hardened member.
You pulled out his phone
“Password please.” You gave him an innocent smile as he quickly entered in the code and handed it back to you. 
You entered your phone number and put your name in ‘Bunny’ he quickly scanned it. 
“Bunny” he smirked at you
“When do you get off, Bunny?”
“In 10.”
“Good I’ll see you in 20 then.” He walked away clutching his phone like it was his most prized possession.  
“Hey bro, I feel a little off I’m gonna go back to the hotel but have fun yeah?” 
“You’re such a fucking pussy but yeah whatever we’ll probably won’t see you till tomorrow night” the group of men laughed thinking he was missing out on the best night of their lives little did they know he was able to be deep in your glorious pussy.  
He gave a fake laugh “Yeah all good see you then.” He quickly exited the club meeting the cold air. Unlocking his phone, he found your number texting you furiously:
“The Lotus. Room 246. Say you’re there to see Steve. Don’t take off the outfit.”
“Done ;)”  
He walked towards the hotel, eager to get into his room. 
He paced the room with minutes to spare as he heard the knock on the door. Borderline running to answer it he found you in a long coat. He knew what was underneath and he couldn’t wait to rip it off. 
You pushed him back onto the bed, slowly you took off your coat, revealing what was now his favourite outfit of all time. 
You got on your knees in front of him, fumbling with his belt eager to release his growing member. You pulled out his large erect cock, studying the bulbous tip already oozing with precum. You immediately pulled it into your mouth swirling around the tip and releasing it from your lips with a pop. Looking him straight in the eyes.
“Jesus Christ” he groaned. 
You took notice of the neat red ring of lipstick residue that had formed on his cock. Smiling to yourself. 
You then went in taking his whole length down your throat. You intended to make this the sloppiest, dirtiest blow job he’d ever had. He didn’t take his eyes off you as you slurped his length, effortlessly licking and enjoying the taste of his manhood. You were intoxicated but the musty smell of his neatly trimmed bush above the base of his cock in which your nose found a cushion. You palmed his heavy balls in your hand, he groaned as you abandoned his cock for his balls, shoving them both in your mouth letting them feel the inside of your warm mouth. “Fuck yes baby, yeah keep doing that shit.” You stroked his cock while you circled the balls with your tongue. Increasing and decreasing your speed he was on edge unsure of your next move. He moved his hand to the base of your neck, gathering your hair into a pony.
“This ok?”
You let out a weak “uh-huh” the vibration of your approval sending a shiver through his spine. Instantly he pulled hard, fucking your throat. Your eyes started to water as his sheer length penetrated your throat. Your lipstick now smeared around your mouth and mascara dripped down your cheek. Controlling the movement of your head he pulled you off his cock.
“You keep doing that baby I’m gonna cum… on all 4s… now.” You quickly got up, wiping under your eyes, and getting into position. You dared look back to see him undressing, pulling off his shirt. 
He caught you shamelessly admiring his chiselled chest “Head. Down.” Following orders, you put your face into the soft pillow. Pulling you front down so your boobs were smooched against the mattress, ass high in the air ready for him to take you. 
You felt a pause behind you, unsure of what he was doing until you felt his large hands on your ass smooching your cheeks together then apart, playing with the skin and fat that rolled his hands. 
“So beautiful...” 
The soft tender moment was interrupted by the sharp slap on your ass. You could feel the red mark forming. 
“Do it again.”
“What was that baby?”
“Do it again… daddy.”
“Gosh you learn so quickly… good girl.” Another hard slap landed on your ass.
“We don’t need these.”  
He ripped the thin lace from your body, it barely stood a chance against his urgency to have your heat exposed… ready to devour you.
You yearned for his touch and to feel his thick, long member inside of you. Instead, your pussy was met with a warm swipe of his tongue.
He inhaled the scent of your wet cunt already seeping with juices. 
“This is the best pussy I have ever tasted Bunny.” His compliments muffled by his tongue deep in your hole. He assaulted your pussy inching around your swollen clit. 
His hand came up to give it much needed attention, pinching, and rubbing the aching nib. 
“Chris please… I need it.”
“So desperate for me baby.. whats the magic word.”
“Please daddy I want your cock”
“Ok because you asked so nicely”
You felt the sudden fullness of his cock bottoming out on your cervix. His patterned thrusts hitting your g spot every time. 
The feeling of your velvet pussy walls latching onto his cock was like ecstasy to him. Every thrust was measured and precise to optimise your pleasure.
“God, you feel so good baby… so fucking good Bunny”
Choking out moans into the sheets you were overcome with pleasure as his hands roughly gripped your hips, his fingers digging into the thick flesh to give leverage to his raging movements. 
You were so close until you felt the sudden emptiness. 
You whined raising your head to see what had interrupted your pleasure.
“Get on top I wanna see your ass bounce on my cock”
“He laid down next to you and you position your ass towards his face, sliding your wetness down his chest towards his cock.
He grabbed his member, positioning it at your entrance 
“Good now sit.”
You leveraged yourself on his thick thighs bouncing up and down on his cock. Overcome by the new angle yet focused on keeping a steady pace to please the man under you.
You gyrated your hips raising yourself ever so slightly up and down on his cock.
“God this is the best view” his arms crossed behind his head as he raised his hips up to meet yours with ease increasing the pleasure.
He wet a single digit and snaked his hand around your back massaging the outside of your puckered hole. 
“Oh, daddy yeah keep doing that omg”
He readjusted himself, pulling both your weights up as he sat against the headboard. Squeezing your love handles, he gave you the sign to turn around with a slap on your ass. 
Your hair was a mess atop of your head as he spun you around to meet him effortlessly. 
“Come ‘ere gorgeous”
You leaned downwards to meet his face; his beard wet with your mess as you tasted yourself on his tongue. His hands travelled up and down your back coaxing you to come closer. 
You moved your mouth in rhythm with his, savouring your first kiss. 
His mouth travelled down to your jaw, leaving puckered kisses on your neck, sucking lightly on the supple skin more than likely leaving a mark.   
Pulling down your bra to free your tits. 
His mouth finally landed on your left tip taking the nipple into his mouth, he cupped your breast towards his mouth sucking hungrily. He bit the hard nipple roughly watching as your face contorted from pleasure and pain. Moving his head, making sure to give the other breast equal love and affection. 
Your hands pawed through his hair enjoying the friction of his beard against your soft skin. 
“Oh baby”
His hands travelled to your ass lifting you just above the head of his cock, letting gravity guide you back down. 
Over and over, you bounced up and down on his cock.
“Is this why they call you bunny baby.” He smirked up at you
You looked at him through glazed eyes, smiling at the delicious man beneath you. 
“I’m so close daddy”
“Yeah, baby you want to cum?”
“Use your words baby”
“Yes, please daddy”
That was all he needed to grab your waist tighter, ramming into you from below in fast, sudden motions striking your cervix. It wasn’t long until you came undone on his cock, falling into his hard arms, your juices flowing over his cock and on to the sheets below.
“Oh god baby don’t move.”
Your body went limp as he used your wet pussy as a human flesh light. His thrusts became sloppy as he released inside of you, grunting incomprehensible sweet nothings in your ear. 
Sweat formed on his forehead as his whole body finally relaxed into the sheets, his arms wrapped around your petite body, running his hands along your curves.
“Holy shit” He exhaled
you finally found the energy to lift your head up and look at the beautiful man.
“Was it what you expected?”
“Everything and more” he gave you a weary smile 
You moved off from him, rolling to the side, preparing to get in the shower and go home. His arm instinctively wrapping around your shoulder pulling you back onto the bed and into his arms. 
“Ya know you can stay the night if you want” he looked at you earnestly.  
“I’d like that”
“Yeah, as long as I get that pussy again in the morning”
“You’ll get a lot more than that Mr Evans.”
With a final peck on your lips, you drifted off to sleep in the lush sheets against his hard chest. 
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soliloquent-stark · 10 months
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roses of restraint by oliver ler marinkoski, originally posted on tumblr by @saucetell but i didn't want to hog their post with my delusions
writers, assemble! (or if someone were to draw the scene instead i would not be opposed)
i am calling out for all stevetony writers because i need this concept as a fic ASAP and i know i would never do it justice so if someone would please please please please put my beautiful perfect favourite middle aged man — tony — in these intricate delicate gold rope restrains adorned with roses — i will sell you my soul
bonus points if it's handmade by tony, maybe based on a drawing steve made of him and he wants to make his fantasy come true so he spends hours in his lab recreating and designing and molding all this gold with his hands knowing full well that materials alone cost a couple hundred thousand dollars but it's all worth it
or perhaps it's actually steve who created it because he takes an interest in sculpting and ends up making all of these roses and before he even knows what he's doing he's suddenly got this whole rope of them that represents both roughness and beauty, masculinity and femininity, strength and vulnerability, constraint and obedience and he knows who is a manifestation of all those traits: tony
for this second idea, extra bonus points again if they're not even a thing romantically but somehow steve just goes and gifts it to him because he's unbashful and brave and earnest and thinks it would look nice on him
i am. feeling things. i need this. please
ps. i can totally also envision steve wearing it; my brain went to tony first but there's something about the metal being strong enough to maybe actually restrain steve (vibranium-gold alloy, perhaps? which would also be a meaningful representation of iron man and captain america coming together but i digress) and the gold would contrast his pale skin so nicely and bring out his unfairly blue eyes and his constantly flushed lips—
so yeah; either way works
maybe i will write it myself one day but most likely not but at least i got to scream this into the void and you can all have these vivid mental images now because they were worth sharing
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I am DEEPLY sorry about making you dive down this rat’s nest of a lore hole, but I’m back with another question that should be cleared up: Can You Fuck Shadow the Hedgehog?
I have a feeling this is gonna get complicated real fast…
I've had this one in mind for a while, so this shouldn't be all that hard to write.
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To any reasonable person, Shadow should have been included in the Sonic post, alongside Surge, Mighty, etc. But you want to know why I didn't? Because if I did, it wouldn't give me the proper opportunity to rant about something.
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This is a misconception that has permeated through the fanbase for Chaos knows how long, being repeated over and over and over again, ad nauseam.
Why do people even say this? Well, Project Shadow started 50 years before the event of Sonic Adventure 2. Which means Shadow's creation happened 50 years ago.
So, people take this as "Oh, Shadow was created 50 years ago, this must mean he's 50 years old!"
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During Sonic Adventure 2, Eggman breaks into a military base to unleash a "top secret military weapon" for his plans. This weapon, is, of course, shadow. The screenshot above is from the scene where Shadow is released.
What does this look like those particles are? What do they look like to you? Usually, thick white air particles like these are a result of the use of cold to pause biological processes. On top of that, the shot right before it displays the object atop the machinery pretty well, although with some distance.
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This is a pod. Like, this is very obviously a pod. Shadow is even standing on top of it once he's revealed.
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And what does he say when he's revealed?
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Note how he says "Awakening". This is taken from a re-translation of the Japanese script, since the official translation makes him refer to being released as opposed to being awakened. Remember, translations for these games in this era were... Less than stellar.
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(seriously, don't go there yet? to the guy telling you he shouldn't have ever been born? like maybe you're right maybe you shouldn't have been born but we don't know enough to say that for sure. ok, buddy)
So, yeah, Shadow isn't 50. I've been saving this for a standalone post, because it is baffling to me how people still keep spouting that "Fact" over and over, even though it makes no sense. He was frozen. He didn't develop mentally or physically. I'm not a Marvel fan by any means, but this is like if you added 66 years to Captain America's age because that's how long he was frozen. For these characters, if you just knocked them unconscious and then sent them to the future, it literally would not make even a bit of a difference.
He's not 50. Moving on.
Oh yeah, uh. That whole immortality thing.
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(Source: Japanese dub, translated.)
Here and there, official material will mention Shadow as being "Immortal" or "Ageless". While never stated in the 2005 game, it makes complete sense, as Shadow was made with Black Doom's own genetic material. Black Doom is immortal, Black Doom's genes are in Shadow, thus, Shadow cannot die of old age.
There is, however, no implication that he does not mentally mature. In fact, it would make sense for him to start out quite young to then become more mature as time goes on, since part of the reason he was made was to accompany Maria, in a sibling-like relationship. Although it's unlikely that the Sonic Channel artwork is canon, most of it at least, it does convey a situation akin to this, which would be horribly out of character otherwise.
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Look at em! They're doing their homework together! And then a few years later, after Maria's death...
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Look at him! Using a minigun for the first time!
His maturity in SA2 also seems just about on par with Sonic's, so it's safe to assume that when that game happened, they were about even in terms of mental development. In general, Shadow is a Sonic counterpart. A very, very close counterpart.
... Very... Very... Ah screw it, let's just bite the bullet.
This happened! An entire Bumblekast episode dedicated to Sonic, Shadow, and mostly Sonadow. It's pretty recent, too! From 8 months ago! In fact, it was made for Pride Month 2023; after Frontiers released. So, Ian Flynn by then became not just a comic writer, but a writer for the games.
I'm not saying Sonadow is canon, obviously, but if the current writer of the games is willing to entertain it for an entire episode and even go as far as saying it's actually really easy to make happen and you don't need to do too much work for it to happen, then it's probably safe to assume the characters are on even ground in terms of maturity.
So, if Shadow can hypothetically, in a fully canon-compatible way, make out with Sonic, and Sonic is fuckable, then Shadow is, by extension, fuckable.
Honestly this is entirely longer than necessary. I could have brought this one up earlier and saved myself the work. Where's the fun in that, though?
Either way, verdict is;
You can, in fact, fuck Shadow The Hedgehog.
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The Young Avengers 🦅 | Marvel Headcanon
Takes place during Phase 4 of the MCU
Link to my marvel Masterlist
Requested 📨 yes/no
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Being a young former Black Widow and forming a team with Shuri, Kate, Elijah, Joaquin, and Kid Loki would look like:
To be honest you weren’t to fazed with the idea of forming a team with the younger crowd of up and coming superheroes. Sure you had been friends with Shuri since 2018 and met the others through Sam, Clint, and Thor, but the idea of creating a team like the Avengers never crossed your mind until Shuri proposed the idea. “Ain’t that Val lady forming her own team? Or Secretary Ross is, they’re calling them the Thunderbolts? Yelena was telling me about it—anyway, point is if there’s already a new team of heroes then why make our own?” “Calling them heroes is a little…far fetched if we’re being honest. They are more like the Dark Avengers—and no I was not trying to make a joke. You look at who she’s recruiting and it’s literally that. Think of us as their antithesis.”
It didn’t take much convincing after that with you literally going, “Fuck it. Let’s do it—might actually give me shit to do now that the world has gone to shit trying to get back to the way it was.” Within the hour you were pulling up to a hangar to meet the others. They all looked excited except Kid Loki. He looked rather annoyed being there—really it was Thor’s idea to have him join to keep him out of trouble. “It was either this or join him in his adventures across space. Frankly I’d rather stay in one place after escaping the Void.”
Considering you all are some of the most powerful and intelligent kids on the planet, there is bound to be some restrictions. Likely y’all would be staying at Avengers compound or create your own base camp but there would still be oversight. If Fury is not dealing with the Kree then he and Maria are who y’all report to. Other than them, the veteran Avengers tend to look after you guys—like Sam and Clint. “So since you’re now Captain America and you’re technically retired, does that make Torres the Falcon and Bishop Hawkeye?” “If that’s what they want to go by. You’re still called Black Widow aren’t ya?” “Touché”
So there you have it. Shuri: The Black Panther, Joaquin: the Flacon, You: the Black Widow, Kate: Hawkeye, Kid Loki, & Elijah: The Patriot.
As expected you’re a rambunctious group of heroes. Sometimes y’all find yourselves in trouble when you weren’t planning on it. Trouble just finds you guys 90% of the time. Agent Everett Ross has a whole supply of advil because keeping track of you all gives him a headache. “You’re job was to get it, get the intel, and get the hell out of there. What went wrong?” “Well…….as you can see um….yeah I have no explanation. Shuri you got anything?” “Nope. Torres, you?” “I can’t even remember what we were doing there.”
One time on a mission you guys actually ran into the Thunderbolts and it was quite the scene. First of all you and Yelena were like, “Hey sis! What are you doing here?” Meanwhile Bucky was scolding Elijah & Torres and Walker was getting annoyed with Kid Loki’s tricks. Kate just looked out of place while Shuri was trying to calm everyone down, “It seems there has been a misunderstanding. Unless….it was the plan for all of us to be here.” “What are you saying, Shuri?” “I believe our teams were set up, white wolf. Why else would both of us be called to the same place, for the same exact thing, on the same day?”
Having a genius like Shuri on your team meant you guys were equipped with some of the best technological advances than anyone else. Even the Thunderbolts were envious of y’all’s artillery. Not only did Joaquin get an upgrade on his falcon wings, but Kate got high tech trick arrows, Elijah a vibranium shield, kid Loki with a scepter and you got some additions to your Widow’s bite and suit. “Shit, I feel like I could take down even Thanos with these.” “Try not to show them off to much, Widow. Secretary Ross is still trying to get me to develop stuff for the Thunderbolts and i’ve given him the impression I’m not even advancing our weaponry. So..keep it on the down low.”
After some time as a team, you guys would recruit Kamala Khan, RiRi Williams and Cassie Lang as y’all’s Ms. Marvel, IronHeart & Stinger. Peter Parker would eventually join, bringing in his buddy Ned and America Chavez who were Masters of The Mystic Arts. The team grew so large y’all could actually split you guys up when multiple missions came in. With their initiation, Dr. Strange, Captain Marvel, and Scott Lang joined Sam, Clint, Fury, Ross, and Hill as ‘chaperones’.
“So what do we call ourselves?” “The Young Avengers.” “Isn’t that a derivative?” “Yeah, but it sounds less menacing than Dark Avengers or the Thunderbolts. I mean we are Avengers…just we’re young so it fits.” “True…”
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alwida10 · 9 months
Let’s talk about Erik Martin’s approach to season 2 and why I think it was lacking.
Based on Martin’s likes on Twitter it seems he loves Sylvie, and I truly think he does. I still think he might be the reason for her getting pushed to the background and her lackluster arc in season 2.
Martin has been quite active on Twitter, and interacted often with fans, at the beginning even those who are critical. (Kudos to him for being unafraid of conflict without getting insulting, as taika did.)
And when you take a closer look at all the points criticized on Twitter (Loki being not the focus of the show, lack of magic, lack of new outfits, the romance being icky, etc..) it looks like Martin did something with every single one of those criticisms.
Just, not in a way that would make the show better. More in a way of “look, I fixed it. Are you happy now?” while being mostly focused on getting the work over with.
Hence, I think he’s a people pleaser (in contrast to someone who actually has a creative vision and deeper understanding of the main characters).
Yeah. Also, all the fixes are just like painting over a really ugly piece of furniture. Sure, it might be slightly less offensive, but that doesn’t make it beautiful or meaningful. It’s just enough to make it possible to counter all major criticisms with “but they changed that!!” But in the end the initial basis for the problem is still there. Just … less visible.
Loki got a new outfit, but a) it’s ugly as fuck, and b) it lacks meaning.
Loki is now the center of the show and a driving force but he’s still out of character, since they didn’t address the delusion he ever wanted to rule or willingly helped Thanos.
Loki is using his magic more, but what he can and can’t do still changes from scene to scene and his magic use stays quite pointless for the overall development. Captain America could have found the same solution for the problem, meaning it’s not a story tailored for Loki.
Yeah, they didn’t non-con strip Loki for lulz a second time, but the “he’s Loki, so he’ll fuck up sooner or later” mindset is still there beneath the paint of new outfits and new magic.
And yeah, last but not least - Martin got rid of the romance, assassinating the obviously planned arc for the series that would have Loki accept his own “shortcomings” (which were based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the character, but -alas- the basis for the planned arc of the series) by guiding and helping Sylvie to overcome her version of the same shortcomings. I guess they wanted to parallel her conviction that she knew better in the S1 finale with his conviction to rule, and let both of them learn that being wrong is ok, and friendship/love is more important. So, by cutting her short in s2, they had to find a new end to Loki’s arc in s1, and we all saw how that turned out.
Imo, Martin still doesn’t understand Loki, and what makes him compelling as a character. In the end, the part of Loki’s character that most fans I interacted with love is the same in the OG and the Sylki-fandom. The difference is that for the OG fandom Loki was characterized like that before the show, already. And for the Sylki-fandom he was characterized like that AFTER the series. As if the show had just done a more widely accepted repetition of Loki’s former arc.
Now the og Loki fans are still pissed (but probably will never engage with the mcu again anyhow) AND the TVA Loki fans are now pissed too because this shiny new character (which was mainly defined by the romance) was now put through the meat grinder, too.
Sometimes *really bad* stuff is still better than mediocre stuff. At least it’s SO bad that it gets its own dimension by its badness. But this mediocre stuff is neither real nor fake. Just… lukewarm.
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drgrlfriend · 1 year
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
Aw, thanks for the ask! There's a bit early on in my upcoming selkie!Bucky fic where Sam and Clint meet for the first time and there's two parts of dialogue in particular I really like from that scene:
Sam squints at him.  “Hawkeye?”
“Yeah.”  The gun doesn’t move, so Clint doesn’t either.
“Nat said to expect you.  She didn’t mention you’d be comin’ down from the goddamn ceiling.  Man, I’m on edge enough already.  I almost took your damn head off.”  He clicks the safety back on and reholsters the gun, though, so Clint relaxes a little.
“Sorry.  I’ll knock first next time.”
“Next time,” Sam scoffs.  He flops back into the chair, eying Clint up and down.  “So you’re Nat’s friend?  What, she have a habit of collecting blond idiots with no sense of self-preservation?”
Clint gives Sam his own once-over, conspicuously noting his many injuries.  “Not just blonds,” he offers, and Sam grimaces in acknowledgement.
“Yeah.  Well.  I was gettin’ bored, all this damn peace and quiet. Captain America and Black Widow show up at my door needin’ help, what else am I gonna say?”
“Those two do tend to keep things lively,” Clint acknowledges.
and then a little later there's this one:
“And what happened to him?  The Winter — Barnes, I mean?”  Clint thinks of the base he just imploded.  That chair, soaked with blood and sweat, and the frozen pod that looked like an iron maiden.  Torture and ice indeed.
Sam gestures vaguely.  “He’s in the wind.  Nat’s tied up right now with political shit, and SHIELD’s in pieces after we leaked every file they had.  I’m sure Steve will start chasing him down as soon as he can hobble, but for now if Barnes is shaking off his programming, I say leave him to it.”  Sam shakes his head.  “Seventy years they had him,” he says, his voice hollow.  “I’ve seen soldiers go to pieces after seventy hours.”
Clint clenches his jaw.  
Do you know what it’s like to be unmade?, he remembers asking Nat.
“I’m gonna go,” he says.  He can tell by the way Sam’s gaze sharpens that it’s too abrupt, but he suddenly feels trapped, the walls too close and the beep of the monitors too loud.
“Hey, man, I’m sorry if —”
Clint pretends he can’t hear, clambering up into the ceiling.  “Nice meetin’ you, Sam,” he throws over his shoulder, and then he’s slithering back toward the supply closet.
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armybratz123 · 2 years
Staring Contest with a Dead Teenager
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Author's Note: This is based on a comic posted on another tumblr account. The link to it is pasted below, at the end of the oneshot. In this story, the Avengers in this one shot consist of Steve, Natasha, Clint, Loki, Bucky, Thor, Sam, Bruce, and Tony. For those who need a time line, this happens before Avengers: Age of Ultron, but after Captain America: Winter Soldier.
DP x Marvel
New York City. Known as the city that never sleeps, and the city that keeps being destroyed or attacked by abnormal criminals or invaded by alien armies. Pretty much anything can be considered the norm for a city that's been through as much as New York.
Apparently, there are entities that take that as a challenge.
For almost every other day, these.... creatures appear out of seemingly nowhere. The Avengers would suit up, get there, only to find nothing but minimum property damage. The Avengers helped out the emergency workers there with the fearful civilians. But aside from a little dirt and dust from the debris, and a couple scratches here and there, they were all relatively left unharmed.
Back at the tower, the Avengers held a team meeting to discuss the strange event. Yeah, they thought that it's great that the chaos stopped, but the question that continued to run through the Avenger's mind is, why?
The Avengers doubt the reason being them. Based on the limited reports they received with these creatures abilities, flight, intangibility, super strength, emitting qualities, etc; the list just seemed to go on. If Earth's Mightest Heroes were to go into battle against one of these entities, the Avengers would definitely have their hands full in such a fight.
But it only happened once, the Avengers just shrugged and went back to the tower, hoping that this was just a one time occurance.
They hoped, but they didn't hold their breath. With their luck, the Avengers doubt this to be a 'one time thing'.
A few days later, the Avenger's suspicions turned out to be right. Calls and reports came rolling in of another entity, this one different from the last but definitely part of the same species, causing chaos and destruction in New York once again.
Again, the Avengers suited up, arrived, and no one was there. This time, there were some witnesses who retold the group of heroes what happened with wide eyes.
To their surprise, another entity appeared, fought the first one, before containing it in a cylinder object and then fleeing the scene just before the Avengers arrived. They stayed to offer their help once more, but there wasn't much needed to be done.
Like the first time, there was minimal damage and aside from scrapes and bruises, the civilians were pretty much left unharmed.
This process happened for two weeks straight, and many of the Avengers were beginning to become restless with lack of answers. So, they began to search for them before/after every attack.
The first thing they did, thanks to Tony, was look through the security footage. But every single footage and camera they look through, it's all scrambled and only during these entities appearance. But once they leave, the footage cleared up as if it wasn't even glitching out in the first.
Now Tony, Loki, and Natasha are curious while Sam, Steve, and Thor seem frustrated, Thor even more so surprisingly. And the rest were just neutral, really, they are just curious about what's going on.
After another two weeks and the Avengers finding basically nothing. Steve was getting serious. These occurrences have happened too many times and the Avengers have made zero progress in figuring out what's going on.
The soldier was getting antsy.
He needed to know what these entities are, who they are, and what the hell are they doing in New York?
So, one day, upon arriving back at the tower, none of them didn't even get the chance to change out of their uniform when Steve turns to the group.
"We need to contact Fury."
Fury wasted no time in getting to work.... they didn't do much better than the Avenger's much to Fury's own frustration.
All the more proving the need to know these creatures and their purpose. The only thing Fury, Hill, and the rest of their people managed to do was isolate the energy signature these entities give out.
The best plan they were able to come up with was for the team to split up and discreetly patrol New York until one of these signatures appeared.
On the first day, nothing happened, same with the second, only for them to have missed the appearance of two entities on the second night. At least that solidifies the many eye witness reports of one entity appearing to take down the other before the two would disappear.
That didn't stop the frustration and anger the Avengers felt for the missed opportunity. The next day they stayed out longer and into the night, waking up early to begin the next day.
It was that day that something happened while Tony, Steve, Loki, and Sam were on patrol, the rest asleep and waiting for their turn to take the evening/late night patrol.
Hill suddenly spoke into the comms.
"A energy spike down Park Avenue!", Hill suddenly exclaims.
"I'm close by, on my way. Be there in five.", Tony announced, already adjusted his flight.
"Stark, you can't just go flying in. We don't know what these things are.", Steve protested.
"I thought this was the whole point of your patrol schedule thingy that you roped the rest of us in with Thor's help.", Tony snarked back with a roll of his eyes.
"All I'm saying is that you should wait for back up before encountering the hostiles.", Steve tries to placate Tony.
"Hostiles, hostiles. Why are we making this plural. Based on reports that you oh so love to use, one of these so called 'hostiles' have been doing our job for us.", Tony shot back, "I say we got at least one friendly and one hostile."
"The point is, we don't know.", Steve retorted, voice sounding more strained and harsh in his alarm, "We have to be careful with this-."
"Too late. Spotted them.", Tony interrupted as his screens picked up and zoomed in on bright flashes of green and blue light in the distance, "I'm going in."
Tony was quick, flying and coming to a quick stop, hands out and blasters charged up and at the ready.
Only to stare at the side of a kid sucking up a tall pale figure into what looked to be futuristic thermos in a bright flash of light.
Tony had his face plate flip so as to see whether or not his systems were malfunctioning.
But nope.
Floating kid is still there, also noticed Tony flying there. He clutched the thermos tightly to his chest with a sheepish deer in head-lights look on his face. Is that green smoke coming from the strange contraption.
"Stark! One of the signatures just disappeared.", Hill exclaims urgently in the comms, "What do you see?"
He sees a kid. But Tony, for the life of him, couldn't bring himself to say a seemingly simple sentence. Still staring at the white haired floating kid, who just stared dumbly back.
"Be careful! The remaining entity is close to you. It seems to be very powerful!"
They were being shown up by kid. Not gonna lie, that hurt Tony's pride actually, but also made the playboy, billionaire, genius, philanthropist very much worried.
What the hell happened to this kid in order to gain the kind of power that makes Maria Hill worried?
Why is there a floating kid again?
And Tony just hovers, staring at the kid, because based on his 'deer in headlights' look becoming more obvious, the kid could hear Hill through the comm. He waits for the kid to speak first.
And the damn kid just says, "Hi there."
What is Tony's life right now?
As stated from the top, this is based off a comic, here's a link to the original below.
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illicien · 1 year
I am probably never going to finish this fic, but I did just uncover it and remember it and... I completely forgot how much fun it was to write Stephen Strange trying to make sense of everything about Bucky. So have a snippet of my "Sam, Bucky, and Zemo somehow uncovered a Winter Soldier Era Bucky from another universe and need help dealing with it" fic.
He probably should've been surprised when not one, not two, but three known war criminals showed up at his door. He probably should've been surprised that two of those war criminals were clearly variants of one another.
Instead, Stephen Strange pressed his fingers against the bridge of his nose and sighed, stepping aside to let Captain America and his three stooges walk through the door to the Sanctum, without so much as asking a question.
“Sorry to show up unannounced like this, Doc,” Sam had the good graces to offer as he guided a long-haired, silver-armed Bucky Barnes through the Sanctum door. The other Bucky Barnes offered a slight nod of acknowledgement as he followed, and Zemo - Baron Zemo? - stood on the front step for a long moment before he finally crossed the threshold, his expression impassive.
Stephen closed the door, leaning against it on one hand for a long moment before he turned around and gestured meaningfully to the couches. “Well… please, have a seat. I’d ask why you’re here but, but I have a feeling I can at least partially guess.”
Sam Wilson was the one who sat down first, and it seemed as though there was some confusion regarding who would sit where. When both the vibranium-armed Bucky and Zemo seemed likely to take the same seat - the couch facing the door - a silent, almost entertaining stand-off took place before Bucky decided, apparently, to leave the seat to the Sokovian. His silver-armed companion, however, seemed to take no issue whatsoever with sitting himself promptly on the edge of the couch beside Zemo, something which seemed to annoy the other Bucky as much as it pleased Zemo.
Stephen had no idea what to make of the whole scene.
“To get you quickly caught up,” Sam began as Stephen joined them, a wave of the hand conjuring five cups of tea for his guests before he sat himself beside Sam to listen. “We have no idea where he came from. We were taking out a recently reactivated HYDRA base and he was just… there. All things considered it didn’t seem right to leave him, but uh… god this is all so far outside my wheelhouse.”
“From what I can tell his programming seems to be intact,” Bucky - the vibranium armed one who had collected up a cup of tea - added. “Considered bringing him to Wakanda but given the added confusion of what the fuck is happening, Sam thought this would be a better idea.”
“Just so that I’m clear,” Stephen gathered a cup of tea, leaning back into his seat to cradle it as he looked over the trio across from him, “what I’m hearing is that you’ve brought the Winter Soldier into my home.” He tilted his head just enough to look at Sam. “Do you often bring war criminals to say hello to people, or are you trying to make a statement, Captain?”
“One’s been pardoned, the other’s on parole. The third one technically isn’t a war criminal in this dimension or whatever, right? Pretty sure that’s not how this works. But you’re the wizard, Doc, you’d know better than I would.”
Being fair, he supposed he couldn’t assume with any degree of certainty whether or not the man with the silver arm was a war criminal in his own universe. It was just an assumption.
“Do you speak at all? I’d rather not sit around talking about you like you’re not here if you’re willing to answer questions yourself.”
“I speak.” The monotone and succinct response left him to give the vibranium-armed Bucky an uncertain look.
“Yeah, he’s still in the thick of everything. He’s… look, it’s just gonna be like that, okay? It’ll take him some time to come out of it, but he hasn’t been hostile towards anyone since we found him.”
“Not poison.” The words were quiet, but Stephen glanced to the silver-armed Bucky as he took a sip from the teacup before offering it to Zemo. The baron hesitated for a long moment before taking the tea.
“Thank you.” For the first time since they’d arrived, Zemo’s attention seemed to have shifted entirely to focus on the man seated beside him, and the Bucky of this universe rolled his eyes slightly, leaning back in his seat to sip his tea.
“... does someone want to explain to me what that was about?”
“Apparently he likes Zemo.”
“That makes one of us,” Bucky muttered, and Sam shrugged helplessly.
“My handler.”
Stephen couldn’t begin to place what that meant, but apparently it meant something quite important if the way everyone else in the room sat up straighter meant anything. He looked between the alarmed looks on Sam and Bucky’s faces, and the distinctly curious one on Zemo’s.
“Handler?” he inquired, cautiously.
“Is that so, vojnik?” Zemo tilted his head slightly, receiving a succinct nod of response. Bucky swore quietly under his breath, and Stephen looked to Sam for answers.
“Uh, so… the Winter Soldier program kinda had people who basically controlled him. Called them handlers.”
“Way to oversimplify,” Bucky growled a bit, getting up and starting to move towards Zemo only to find himself blocked by the silver-armed Bucky standing promptly in his way, his expression cold and serious. “Call him off, Zemo. Or at least put some distance between the two of you. I don’t trust you with him for a fucking second.”
Stephen closed his eyes and sighed heavily, taking a sip of his tea before he stood, the flare of the cloak seeming to catch the attention of those in the room easily enough. “Why don’t one of you take the… soldier here upstairs and help him clean up. He looks like he could use a nice hot shower, and I’d rather none of you were unsupervised.”
“I can–”
“No.” Stephen heard his own voice echoed by both Sam and Bucky, and the chastised look on Zemo’s face stole a slight smile from him.
“I’ll take him up, Doc. Figure it’s probably better if you hear this from Bucky, he and Zemo kinda… know this shit a bit better than I do.”
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taiblogcomics · 1 year
Locket Up and Throw Away the Key
Hey there, big leafers. We're past the halfway point on Avengers Undercover by now, so it can only be downhill from here, I'm sure! Let's just get into it~
Here's the cover:
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It's all about Deathlocket today, huh? My big criticism of her design? The eyes. If you're gonna give someone a robot eye, give them one that focuses in the same direction as their real eye. Coz, like, she looks weirdly wall-eyed to me with that big traffic reflector she's got in her eyesocket. I dunno why it works for Cyborg and not for her. Otherwise, the main complain is, like, it's been seven years, time to kill of Captain America again, right~? Except we know they won't, because this isn't an event comic. Can't kill a name-brand hero like Cap in some random comic. (Some Z-list teen heroes, though, totally fair game.)
Also, what an amazingly useless quote by ComicBookResources. "It's not about who they're fighting, it's who they'll become." Yeah, no shit. That is called character progression, it's basic writing. If I slapped that on an issue of Teen Titans or a volume of My Hero Academia, or, hell, one of the Critical Role prequel comics, would it make any difference? Like, I know these are all quote-mined from a larger interview or statement, but this one seems like such a basic thing to say, why even bother to share it as a quote, y'know~? It sure is the quote of all time.
So, where are we at present? Our non-marketable survivors of Child Murder Island got recruited by the Masters of Evil and managed to kill their tormentor. Faced with the very bad choice of "become supervillain" or "do not pass go, do not collect $200", our protagonists chose the secret third option of "maybe we take them down from the inside". This is an amazing plan that can't possibly fail and not at all a bad decision inside a worse decision. Oh, and Cammi tried to not make bad decisions, getting herself caught by Constrictor instead. How much of any of that will play out today remains to be seen, since Deathlocket wasn't even included in the secret bad decisions~
So we open with Deathlocket saying "Shooting people is so much fun!" You know, just to set the tone. You ever been go-karting? Imagine that, but crossed with Mad Max. That's basically what Deathlocket and her new friends in the Young Masters of Evil are doing. Live ammunition and all. I mean, it's very much the kind of stuff kids would do to screw around (as evidenced by Chase Stein also being here), but you add the supervillainy and that first line (and, you know, the live weapon fire), and it just comes across way worse than it should.
Locket and Excavator (the shovel-wielding teen Wrecking Crew member, in case you forgot) finish first as usual, and Excavator's all ready to go again, but Locket and Chase peel off to go get pizza. Chase doesn't get what she likes about Excavator, and she breaks it down as "I like him for the same reasons people like you". He replies "Ouch", but it's fair. He tries to get her alone so he can let her in on the terrible inside-job plan, but suddenly an alert goes off, and Constrictor scrambles his team of evil teens. And since they joined up, this included the both of them.
They go up in their plane, not even being told what their mission is (Excavator comments they usually figure it out once they hit the ground), and we get more of Deathlocket's narration boxes. Really, she finds Excavator endearing because he's more genuine about calling her "badass" and treats her like a person first instead of a weapon. Very different than her last friendship with ol' Apex. They land in what seems to be an A.I.M. base and start raising hell. AIM are also douchey villains, so, like, there's no winning side here.
A lot of this is a fight scene, so not a lot for me to say. Hate describing fight scenes. Locket starts getting the hang of fighting, with the worrying internal thought of "This is easy!" when she kills a guy with her cannon. Again, these are rank-and-file AIM goons, so no big loss and I'm not too broken up about our heroes doing a violence on them (especially to maintain their cover), but that's a worrying thought regardless of who she's up against. As they get set to head inside the base, though, Locket spots an Avengers Quinjet bearing down on the scene, and that's gonna be trouble.
The jet lands, and Captain America himself jumps out. As if you hadn't guessed this from the cover. I think he missed the actual fight, and is taking it slow to look around the place. He's clearly here for some other reason (mentions something about a "transfer"), not in response to what they're doing. Just bad timing, I guess. Anyway, the cover scenario. Deathlocket has a bead on Cap and jokes to Excavator that she could totally snipe him from here. And that's where it gets serious: he's not joking about it, and insists she has to do so.
As he literally yells "take the shot!", Chase dives in and knocks her aside enough to make the shot go wide, blasting Cap over but not headshotting him. Chase is outed, but I approve of his moral compass still being intact. Excavator immediately goes for him, but nobody's scared of a scrawny guy carrying a shovel and Chase blasts him with his fire gauntlets. Excavator runs off screaming, completely on fire. With the threat over for the moment, Chase takes a moment to let Locket in on the terrible secret plan.
Deathlocket is naturally a bit skeptical. Everyone should be, the plan is barely a plan. It's a good idea, but it's not a good plan, if that makes sense. And of course, she had no idea about any plans. Chase replies it's been a little hard to get her alone lately, she's spent so much of it buddying up with Shovel Boy. Speaking of, he suddenly appears behind Chase and begins whacking him with his shovel. Despite being just set on fire, his hair and skin are undamaged, and his costume is just a little ragged.
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The two of them start going at it, and Deathlocket is desperate to break up the fight. I don't even know where Cap is, or any of the other guys they came in with. I assume the other villains are all inside, but did Cap get knocked out, or…? Not addressed. Either way, though, in her desperation Locket fires a big shot from her cannon at the two idiot bros fighting over her, and the comic ends with Chase lying on his back in a pool of blood. Once again, I'd probably be concerned if I wasn't from the future, having read future Runaways comics where he's still alive~
Hey, I guess I was right when I said it'd be downhill because, boy, this issue sure isn't great! I think it's meant to characterise Deathlocket, but it doesn't really characterise her as anything more than a dumbass. "Wow, it's so cool to be out here and shooting at people in go-karts because my father always said goofing off was bad, but goofing off is fun actually!" I mean, I guess I can't blame a teenager for kind of crushing on another and listening to her hormones, but I dunno if I can excuse the "all girls want bad boys" trope when the bad boy in question is Excavator, the Amazing Shovel Lad. Just have some better taste in the supervills you crush on, that's all I'm asking. Not gonna blame her for shooting Chase either, that was clearly done in a panic moment. Speaking of, though, on the complete opposite end, we have Chase, who may be a meathead who just jeopardised a plan that hasn't even worked itself out yet, but I can't fault his heroic heart. If anyone would blow their cover to save Captain America, it'd be Chase. So I guess everyone's off the hook. Heroism or hormones, sometimes you gotta let folks be dumbasses. ...So maybe this issue wasn't so bad after all. But that doesn't mean I like it either~
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Watchmen 2009 Opening Scene (Part 1)" on YouTube
You can see they're simple yet vein code behind them they heard about Arco in the missiles being taken and they heard about the clones losing them so they decided to try and launch the missiles that the United States has on their basis and there's only a few bases left but there's 1500 missiles and they say they know where to target and it'd be most likely the East Coast and parts of the Midwest and they think it's max. So they're going up there tonight to try and do it and to try and find Biden and try and take the codes and you see what happens to a bunch of them they're a bunch of scenes today but there were no superhero scenes only the two girls on doing unnatural acts and it was a preamble and the rest of the scenes are actually tomorrow with the superheroes but there are several superhero scenes where Garth has punched in the face and his gun goes off and hits owlman in the head and there's a scene where Trump is a robber and he's taking captive by the comedian and that's why the fight happens and then and he was caught on a bicycle today in the same look. And then the two girls are dead on the bed Trump and his son are tied to a fire hydrant and arrested and it was by the comedian and all the stuff's going on because they're fighting over stuff that they don't have a remote chance of activating and it's disgusting they're repulsive people and this happens all before his appointment 10:00 p.m. Eastern standard Time which is 7:00 p.m. Pacific time and the shootings and deaths and I said Trump himself a shot is a character that looks like Captain America and he is in the heads and he's sitting up propped up and he is still escapes supposedly but really he does escape and it doesn't make sense to shoot the person who's going to be in The matrix because your body would be somewhere else but really it does cuz you're sending someone who's not you into a facility to see if you can get in without being the exact you and that's kind of a trick it's it's professional military stuff. So here we go and the whole point is this show is on okay and it is tonight and it is in New York City and what draws them up there is the missile play and more so they're going after Trump's dashes and cashes without them there so he goes up there and he tries to stop them and the comedian beats the s*** out of them and somebody shoots him and they think it's all man cuz he made God's Miss by hitting him no he was setting it up and you can see the hand signal right here on film
Thor Freya
Yeah the Giants the nephilim are dead all of them they're extreminated by some other Giants and then by the max
We went down there and got them they're sitting here yelling at his telling us stupid things and John Reema Lord You're Dead and he just sits there if you're not around for the most part
Mac daddy
I'm going up there to straighten people out on this you can't say that to me and you haven't put it there it's annoying as hell everybody sees it and it's very embarrassing and you people keep doing stuff like that and you get hit like everybody else I might get hit a lot Jesus Christ I'm trying to do a job and it's an important one maybe and what he says it's more about the ship and something under it and we're not really aware of that but we're going to check it out and of course nuclear submarines and it is Billy z conspiracy cases and he's CAA says and he's Tony soprano so I'm trying to get just to this this is really sucky
0 notes
khyann · 2 years
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Im surprised this hasn’t been done yet
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248 notes · View notes
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“Grace Stark is just a kid. How in the world is she a threat?”
“She’s a Stark. Tony Stark is her father. That enough is a good reason to consider her a threat.”
13 notes · View notes