#yeee am still here
strandedcrow · 1 year
crow the fact that the only time you've posted about dream in the past months was in response to the Kissed a Variety of Men tweet is iconic so I am so glad you're still here (it just made me very happy when I saw that lol)
AKFKSKGK pls it was just rlly profound.. had a rlly thought provoking effect on me.. he knows what he’s abt FR !!
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jay7543 · 3 months
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You and your half-werewolf boyfriend ghost trade pics while he’s on mission
This is updated thanks to a comment, artist is @ave661
Another werewolf one!!!! You guys love these ones, Half-werewolf tho, same stuff applies like it did in my previous one, doesn’t look like one, still has the knot and wolf cock, I just like to clarify. This whole story will probably be through them texting so I’ll probably use some text slang and emojis to make it better, it’s not because I’m lazy I swear, lol. Enjoy!!! And yes, the reader is a femboy, i really wanted to do a femboy one, so here it is
Ghost is on another long mission, you two haven’t seen each other in person for weeks, haven’t sucked, haven’t fucked, and you haven’t seen that beautiful cock of his, so you two have started trading pics when you get free time. He shows yours too his team(with your consent) he loves to show off his femboy boyfriend.
On a boring Wednesday evening you sit in front of the tv, watching your favorite anime(Jojo’s), until you hear your phone vibrate on the table next to you. You grab it as quick as you can and look at it, it’s ghost!!!! It’s been days since you two talked, you immediately see a sexy photo of his abs he sent(see cover photo).
Reader-“oh ghost, fuck”
You say as you stare at the picture and start to reach down too put your hand in your pants, past the chastity cage ghost had you put on so you couldn’t jerk off till he got back. You start prodding and tracing your asshole as you look at the photo when another text comes in
Ghost-“you like that love? Playing with your boy pussy yet lol”
You stare at the text and giggle a bit, he knows you too well. You text back
Reader-“yeah babe I am. Wanna see my lil cage and boy pussy🥰”
Your heart pounds as you pull off your pants and wait for him to respond, thinking of how to take the picture, especially since you know he’ll show his team, he loves showing you off and you love when he does.
Ghost-“course love, give it to me and I’ll give you a reward”
You get up and rush over to your standing mirror you have, because of course you do, you almost trip over your pants that are still on your ankles. When you get to the mirror you lay on the ground and lift your legs and hold them as far back as you can, making sure your chastity cage, swollen balls, and tight asshole are on full display, with some very flexible moves on your part, you take the picture in the mirror and send it to him.
Ghost-“hell love, you are just so bloody hot, your hole wants my knot so bad right?”
Reader-“yeees, please show me🍆💦🫵”
He then send you a picture of his full, red, throbbing hard cock, and his beautiful knot, you always love how it feels when it’s inside you. You reach down to touch yourself again, now fingering your asshole a bit, imagining him in you, pumping all his seed into you, trying to make you have his pups. Even though he can’t get you pregnant, that doesn’t mean he won’t try his damndest. His knot always feels so good, locking you two together as he paints your insides white, sometimes he even plays with your cock, just to overstim you as much as he can.
Reader-“fuck, that’s so hot 🥵, I’m touching myself right now babe”
Ghost-“really? Send me a vid”
You sit down on the couch again and lift your legs a bit to show off you fingering yourself while you think of him. It takes him a few minutes to respond as he presumably watches your video on repeat as he touches himself. After a bit he sends you video of his cock, now leaking precum from its tip as his knot throbs, he also talk in the video.
Ghost” god love, you’re so fucking hot, I’m already leaking, the team loved it too”
He pans the video over to his team who are sitting near him also jerking off for you, as you finger yourself you cum through your cage as you see the rest of his team with there cocks out for you. You take another picture and send it to him.
Reader-“seeing you and your teams cocks made me cum babe”
Ghost-“lol, I’ll be home in a few days, I might bring a few friends if you want”
Reader-“I mean, if they really want to, and you’re ok with it, I wouldn’t mind having some more cocks to play with”
Looks like In a few days you’re gonna get to know ghosts team, very intimately, and you couldn’t be more excited, you start fingering yourself again.
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
Based off of @fagdykeroier’s dragon au:
When Cellbit was a hatchling, he remembers telling Bad, “I’m gonna kidnap a princess when I get out of here.”
Bad had rumbled and lightly bapped him with his wing. “Don’t be ridiculous. Dragons don’t kidnap princesses. We eat them.”
He had bared his fangs, then- still dripping with the acidic blood of the loser of his most recent fight- and, well. He had a point. Dragons don’t kidnap people. They eat them. They eat them because they’re monsters, and they need to be dealt with accordingly.
It’s been a decade since then, and now Cellbit is protecting a prince from the dragon that’s been kidnapping him biweekly for the past five years of his life.
Cellbit is also kissing the prince. And he feels awful about it.
Roier is a nice guy. He’s better than nice, actually. He’s beautiful. His smile could make an angel weep, and his eyes? They’re warm enough to make Cellbit’s fireproof bones turn to jelly. He’s funny and he’s smart, and he’s the nicest person Cellbit has ever met.
He’s also a prince. And dragons don’t kidnap princes. They don’t kiss them, either.
Dragons eat people. Because they’re monsters, and they need to be dealt with accordingly.
Cellbit forces himself to push Roier away, fists loosely curling in the soft silk of Roier’s shirt.
“What?” Roier asks. He’s frowning, and he’s somehow still handsome doing it. “What’s wrong, gatinho?”
Cellbit tears his eyes away from the prince’s and chooses to instead look out over the horizon. The sun is setting, and it almost makes Roier’s honeyed brown eyes burn as red as the flames burning in Cellbit’s chest.
He drops his hands, and he takes one step back. And then another, head dropping and hands shaking.
“I can’t do this,” Cellbit hears himself say. (Which is a fucking lie, but what else is new? He’s been lying to Roier the entire time he’s known him.) “You…”
The world is… distant. And warm. It’s so warm. Fuck, he needs to concentrate or-
Everything bolts back into clarity as Roier takes his hands and squeezes them.
“Hey,” he softy says, “it’s fine. Okay? If you don’t want to-”
Cellbit’s head snaps up. He meets Roier’s gaze and only halfway flinches as how caring it is.
“I want to!” he interrupts. “But- but I’ve been lying to you, guapito. Roier. You deserve better.”
Roier’s eyebrows furrow, but he doesn’t look angry. For some reason. Even though he hates liars- he hates liars! Cellbit deserves to be thrown off the balcony they’re standing on…
“Okay…” Roier slowly nods. “Tell me.”
“What? I lied.”
“Yeees, so tell me what you did. Then I’ll be angry. Maybe. Who knows?”
He smiles, then, and it’s as brilliant as the sun.
Cellbit wants. He’s never been the type of dragon to hoard, he was trained out of it before it could become a problem, but he kind of wants to put Roier in a cave somewhere and curl around him and never let him go.
Of course Roier is going to be angry. Dragons are monsters. They’re nearly extinct for a reason. And he’s been regularly kidnapped by one for the past however many years of his life, of course he’s going to be angry when Cellbit tells him.
Cellbit swore to Roier on his first night on duty as Roier’s personal guard that he would never lie to him. It’s been almost a year since then, and not once has Cellbit broken his promise… outside of this.
So he sighs and hangs his head and squeezes Roier’s hands once before letting go and moving to lean against the balcony with his face in the sun. It’s warm, but in a good way. The incoming night breeze is chilly, but in a better way. Maybe Cellbit doesn’t deserve the warmth.
“I haven’t been totally honest about who… or, rather, what I am,” he explains, slowly as he figures out the words. “Your fathers hired me to protect you from the dragon-”
Cellbit can’t help but smile. “Right, Melissa. But they don’t know that the reason why I know so much about dragons is…”
He sucks in a breath and lets it out slowly; it comes out as smoke, tinted green by his flames.
“…because I am one.”
Silence. Expected, really.
Cellbit’s eyes slip shut, and he waits for the inevitable outburst. Maybe he’ll get lucky and Roier will end him from behind so he doesn’t have to see the hatred in his eyes.
But then Roier speaks, quietly: “How long have you been my guard?”
The answer is immediate: “Nine months and two weeks.”
“And how many days have you had off?”
For vacation? “None. I had to protect you.”
Roier sucks in a deep breath. Oh, so he is angry, after all. (Of course he is.)
“Nine months and two weeks,” he says, voice raising in volume with every word until he’s shouting: “And you’ve been human this whole time!?”
Cellbit yelps as he’s forcefully spun around, and he’s expecting a dagger to the chest, but what he gets is… a hug. He’s pulled to Roier’s chest, and Roier hides his face in the side of Cellbit’s neck, and he squeezes him so tightly that Cellbit can’t breathe.
“Why didn’t you just say so, pendejo?” Roier asks. His lips brush against Cellbit’s skin and make him go weak in the knees.
That’s a stupid question.
Cellbit can’t bear to hug him back, but he can force himself to answer: “Because dragons literally eat people?”
(It’s not the real answer, but it’s what Cellbit can give without giving himself a panic attack.)
Roier pulls his head back and gives Cellbit an unreadable look.
“You,” he declares, “are coming with me.”
And, with that, he breaks the hug and proceeds to drag Cellbit by the hand off of the balcony and through the castle towards the stables.
So he’s going to kill Cellbit elsewhere. So be it. He deserves nothing less.
First kiss ruined…
The secondary location, for whatever reason, is the cave Cellbit first met Roier at on that first rescue mission. He’s only been back since a handful of times to rescue Roier from the dragon, Melissa, but it’s familiar enough to make him pause in the cave’s mouth.
“It’ll be easier to clean the blood up outside,” he helpfully says.
Roier groans, “How many times do I need to tell you I’m not going to kill you? Come on.”
Grumbling, he pulls Cellbit deeper inside the cave, still holding his hand as tight as he was holding it back at the castle. They even shared a horse to get to the cave so they could keep holding hands in some way; the horse is tied up outside by a fence post Cellbit had installed after his second rescue mission for convenience.
Cellbit never got a proper cave growing up. Admittedly, he doesn’t remember most of his hatchling years, but the years he does remember were all spent in a too-small cage miles underground surrounded by the rotting corpses of the dragons he’d killed.
He used to dream of having a cave. He wanted enough room to spread his wings for once, just like how Bad said he would spread his wings back when he was free.
Now, he knows better. What’s the point of the entire world being open to him if spreading his wings would get him thrown back into the ring?
Roier leads Cellbit past his usual “kidnapping bedroom” and through a large-ish crack in the cave wall. On the other side is an enormous cavern with fire-scorched walls and mounds of gold and silver and silks and satins piled into the center of the room like a nest.
Cellbit’s hand falls from Roier’s grip. He stares at the gold hungrily.
And then he screeches and covers his eyes and turns away as Roier pulls his shirt over his head and starts stripping.
“Roier!” Cellbit protests. “I’m- I’m really not into this kind of stuff, if that’s what you’re getting at!”
“Qué?” Roier laughs. “Relax, Cellbit, it’s fine!”
Oh, gods, maybe Roier didn’t drag Cellbit all the way into the mountains to kill him. Maybe he’s one of those weird humans into dragons. And Cellbit can’t judge exactly because he is a dragon and so he gets the appeal, but-
His ears prick up at the sound of crackling fire and the sudden rush of wind from the center of the cavern, a familiar magical sensation gently pushing against him as his own magic tries to push back in a similar way. He grits his teeth and forces his claws back to blunt human nails. Not now.
Hesitantly, he lowers his hands from his eyes, and he looks up at the dragon standing where the prince just was. Melissa.
Or, well.
Cellbit’s arms fall to his sides and he, frankly, stares.
The dragon has eyes the same red as the color Roier’s turn in the sun. Black and red scales meshed together like the end of a sunset.
“Guapito…” Cellbit whispers. He tries to go louder, but he can’t, so he says no more.
He stumbles forward, one hand instinctively outstretched.
Roier smiles and flops onto the ground, shaking it. He bows his head, purring as Cellbit places his hand on his snout and lightly strokes it.
Of course, Cellbit thinks. His first theory from all the way when he first rescued Roier is true. He’s a dragon, and he’s been kidnapping himself, the absolute freak.
Roier huffs out a puff of smoke right into Cellbit’s face as if saying, “What were you thinking about all dragons being irredeemable monsters, hmm?”
(Cellbit doesn’t need to be able to hear him speak to know what he’s saying, of course he doesn’t.)
Cellbit breathes the smoke in like it’s clean air; weirdly enough, it tastes a little like Cellbit’s own.
Cellbit’s forehead presses against his prince’s snout, and he sadly smiles. He’s going to need to protect Roier from much worse than a dragon, now.
“You’re very handsome,” he says.
Roier nudges him annoyedly. “Of course I am.”
“If you want to…” Cellbit lets out a breath and stands up, adjusts his cloak and the sword hanging from his belt. “If you would like to rest, I can go stand guard.”
Roier’s eyes narrow. “Excuse me?”
Cellbit takes one step back.
“It takes a lot of energy to change forms,” he says. Another step. “You need the rest.”
A third step, and then he’s turning on his heel and running for the exit because he knows what Roier wants him to do, and-
Roier roars and snaps at him, grabbing Cellbit by the back of his hood with his teeth and dragging him back into the center of the room.
Cellbit thrashes briefly, but he gives up as he’s dropped back at Roier’s feet.
“I’m not shifting,” he firmly tells him. “Someone needs to keep you safe.”
Roier rolls his eyes. “Shut up. You need to, and I can protect you, too, pendejo.”
He nudges Cellbit with his nose to the side towards the center of the nest. Cellbit protests, skittering and slipping on the gold coins and the soft fabrics. But Roier catches him with his teeth and sets him back upright.
A warm breath tickles Cellbit’s back, and it takes all of Cellbit’s strength to keep him from shifting right then and there.
He’s so tired.
But he tries one last time: “But I-”
But he’s interrupted by a gentle rumble and a flick of a cold forked tongue against the back of his head. “Rest. You can protect me tomorrow.”
But Cellbit won’t wake up tomorrow. He’ll be out for a week straight at least. He has duties to complete. He’s supposed to go grocery shopping this week, it’s his turn.
He sighs, anyway and shuffles out of the nest to deposit his clothes somewhere where they won’t get too charred by all the flames about to appear.
“Close your eyes,” he says over his shoulder. He’s blushing as he unties his cloak and casts it to the floor, and then he’s blushing harder as he pulls his outer shirt off and dumps it on top of the cloak. “We didn’t even finish our first kiss. Save the peeking until after we’re married.”
Roier’s eyes light up at the mention of a marriage, but he still turns his head away and makes a show of covering his eyes with his front feet. Cute.
Cellbit sucks in a deep breath and looks down at the floor. Okay. It’s just. The first time in eight years. Just that. First time willingly doing it in front of someone. Just that.
He lets the breath out, and green flames come out with it.
Undressed, Cellbit steps away from his clothes and closes his eyes, and he lets his own fire eat him up as he transforms. And it hurts, okay? It burns, and not in the good way. But-
A concerned noise from the nest as Cellbit lets out a pained grunt of a growl.
-but Roier is waiting, and Cellbit just wants to sleep.
Fully shifted for the first time in almost a decade, Cellbit doesn’t realize how scrawny he really is until he’s sleepily staggered up to Roier’s side and collapsed into the nest with an exhausted whine. He fits perfectly under Roier’s wing. He needs to eat more, Forever’s been saying as much for years. Now, Cellbit gets why.
A nose brushes the space between Cellbit’s horns like a kiss. “Sleep well, gatinho.”
Cellbit’s eyes slip shut, and, pressed against the man he thinks he could spend the rest of his life with, he finally, finally falls asleep.
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kaeyx · 9 months
Omg omg omg yeees!! So excited!!! I'd love to see number 2 with chuuya and female reader!! Maybe them working together and some mutual pinning but they are both sooo dense, until they get drunk, or whatever other scenario comes to your mind💓
Kinktober day 2: Drunk sex + Chuuya
Warnings: smut, afab!gn!reader
Notes: you get a full fic because I'm down horrendous for this man, but it will not be the norm for this challenge!
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"Hey, doll?"
Frankly, he's distracted by the elusive glimpse of skin whenever you reach up for something. The gap between your jeans and body where your hips fall away, the hair that disappears downward, the thick, vertical line by your bellybutton signaling a knife that has long left your guts. Nobody is safe in this job, he guesses, though it still sends a pang through his chest.
"Hmm?" You turn from the shelf with a carton of juice in your hands, and the vision disappears behind your shirt.
"Got anything... different?"
You smile. "You know I don't drink like you, Chuuya." It ticks upwards, satisfied. "But I do think I have a little something around here..."
The juice is forgotten as you kneel by a cabinet, coming back up with two bottles in your hands.
"I love you," he groans.
"That bad of a day, huh?" you smile and leave him with the choice of wine or whiskey, pulling the appropriate glasses out from the cupboard. Another thing just for him. Who else would be in your house, nitpicking your choice of glasses?
The way your arms stretch let him see that horribly unexpected sliver of skin, the hair and the scar he's never noticed because how could he? Your clothes don't let him. Come to think of it, why are those jeans so loose?
You sit close to him, curling up on your couch while he leans back with his legs comfortably apart. In one hand you have both his glasses and in the other your juice, mixed in with a generous amount of rum. He runs a gloved hand over his face and looks at his bottle, reading "Chinon" on the label. Chuuya can see your side profile as you tilt your head back, the lines of your nose and jaw and your neck bobbing up and down as you drink. He catches himself and looks away, pouring out almost an entire glass of wine and draining it, then pouring another. You grimace as you finish your own glass but pour another too, ignoring how he laughs at your expression.
"So, what's the problem this time?" You ask him, tilting your head, and Chuuya lets the dam burst.
He rants and raves, voice rising and falling as he gestures wildly. Somewhere along the line he loses his hat and throws his coat over the back of the couch, as well as gets through an inadvisable amount of wine. All the while out of the corner of his eye he can see you, head on your knees, watching him and drinking steadily.
"And I- I- ugh! It's so annoying, why in the hell am I the one in charge of the new recruits!" He groans, draining his glass and putting it on the table.
You smile, kindly, putting a hand on his elbow that snaps him out of it.
"Because you train them best, and you know that. Kouyou and Akutagawa scare them half to death." Your expression is so warm, and you're suddenly way closer to him than he realised before.
"Hey! I..." he laughs, brushing the comment off but putting his hand on yours. "I can be scary too!"
"Terrifying," you agree. "But not right now." There's alcohol in the air between you, and your lips glisten.
He can only stare, his hand shaking a little, eyes flitting over your face. He lens in just a fraction, then a fraction more, barely aware of his movement. Your mouth parts so invitingly, eyes closing a little, breaths fanning across his lips.
Chuuya lunges forward, his hand tightening on yours as he kisses you at long last. You squeak in surprise but your spare hand flies into his hair for purchase, and you don't refuse him. He pulls away after a second, licking his lips, his entire face bright red. You're looking at him with wide eyes, but it barely lasts an instant before he feels a tug on his hair and your warm mouth is on his again, and his hands are grabbing your shoulders and arms, trying to pull you as close as he can.
You're so warm, so close, moaning his name into his mouth as your hands grab the front of his shirt, keeping him locked in the kiss. His lips buzz from the alcohol, his mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. Experimentally, Chuuya's hands ghost over your back and come to rest on your thighs, giving them a squeeze.
"Chuuya I- I..." you trail off, unsure of what to say.
"You want this?" He asks just to make sure, to convince himself this isn't a dream, stroking your cheek. He really hopes you'll say yes. He wouldn't know how to live if you said no.
"Yes," you gasp, nodding. Your hands cling to him a little tighter. "Yes Chuuya, god it doesn't even feel real."
He laughs at that, stroking the nape of your neck. "Don't worry, it's real."
You kiss him through his laughter, cupping his face and shifting forward so you can straddle him properly. He groans, hips twitching up involuntarily and brushing against your heat....It feels divine.
"Fuck," Chuuya groans, breaking the kiss to let his head fall back. "Doll, you're so fucking hot." The way you cast your eyes down is adorable, and he can't help but grab your chin to pull you upright. "Don't. Don't do that, I've wanted to see you like this for too long."
"Chuuya, I-" you swallow, eyes wide. "Please."
He groans, guiding you into another desperate kiss, his fingers fumbling at the waistband of your jeans. The way you wriggle your hips to help him slide the fabric off makes him shudder, heart skipping a beat. One of your hands is on his chest, working his shirt open and exploring the heated skin beneath, sending sparks of heat down his spine. Chuuya pulls your hips down, grinding desperately against you, feeling the shadow of your pussy through his clothes.
"Not gonna make you wait any longer, okay baby?
You mouth at his neck, teasing the edge of his choker with your tongue as one of your hands tries to undo his pants. It tangles with his in the process, making both of you laugh drunkenly even as Chuuya finally manages to pull himself free. He's already fully hard, eager, only pulling your underwear aside before sinking into your hot, wet cunt. It's a tight fit but the alcohol loosens your bodies and you groan as you let yourself fall into his lap, deliciously full.
Your little gasps are intoxicating, especially mixed with the velvety squeeze of your walls and the way you curl into his chest. The redhead grabs your hips tight enough to bruise, willing himself to last a little longer than this, only daring to rock back and forth slightly. It hits him that you want this, really want this, that it's your perfect cunt wrapped around him, pulsing and fluttering before he's even had the time to move, trying to suck him in further. He moans, resting his head on yours as another twitch nearly milks the orgasm right out of him.
"Chuu..." you trail off with a breathy sigh, drawing little circles with your hips to feel him shift inside you. "You feel so good... please?"
"Please what, doll? Need my help? Need me to fuck you?"
You nod, looking up at him with glassy eyes. Both of you are a mess, breathing heavily and unconsciously rocking against each other. Chuuya's grip on you is strong and it tightens even more when you look at him so pleadingly. One of his hands finds your clit and toys with it, making your eyes roll back and ripping a broken cry from your throat. He begins to move then, bouncing you effortlessly in his lap as you try to contribute with your shaky legs, still stroking the little bundle of nerves.
Neither of you last long, trembling as your skin smacks together, pace faltering every so often or going out of sync. Chuuya loses himself in you, working furiously at your sex until you give up and go limp, unable to keep up with his pace. He's not bothering to keep quiet, gorgeous whines and moans filling the room as his head falls back. You've been reduced to little more than a doll, whimpering his name over and over, your voice almost a sob. Your head is still fuzzy in the best of ways, joints loose, every touch permeating your entire body as you cling to him. He's still speaking, huffing out words of praise and encouragement even as his hands grip you tighter, dick twitching and on the verge of spilling into you.
"Chuuya, Chuuya..." you moan, mouthing at his neck, and it sends him over the edge in one go. Chuuya clings to you, pumping into you one last time before staying as deep as he can, painting your walls white.
You gasp in surprise as the warmth spreads through you and cum as well, digging your hands into his shoulders and bucking forward. Your world narrows down to him, the smell of sweat and cologne, his silky hair brushing against your face. Chuuya whines as you tighten even more, squeezing every last drop out of him even as your high recedes and you slump in his arms.
"So pretty..." he whispers shakily, hugging your waist and stroking your back, "so good for me, love."
"I don't wanna move," you giggle, warm lips covering his jaw in kisses. Your movements are sluggish, content, your whole body warm and satisfied.
"I'll stay over then."
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Taglist: @miloofc, @gettinshiggywithit
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
after i saw that dave lee post last month, i got really invested...... any headcanons about dave lee being bffs with alternate y/n??
Oh I'm glad you're invested!!! This is more of how they meet and stuff but yeee
You first met Dave by masquerading as a random person under the pretense of looking for "work".
In reality, you learned MandelaTECH has been holding recovered footage/tapes from incidents related to Alternates and you just wanted to check them out.
But when you arrive (after hiding many of your flawed characteristics the best you could), Dave nearly kicks you out before you could even say a word to him.
"No. Get out. You are banned from here."
"That's right. Banned with a capital "B"."
"...why, may I ask?" You were convinced he somehow saw through your disguise so quickly, but what he said next reveals otherwise.
The complete opposite, in fact.
"You know what you did, [random name]. You can't just show up here as if nothing ever happened." He talks you down like a stern dad, eyebrows furrowed with disappointment.
You're incredibly lost. "Remind me again what I did wrong?"
"You seriously forgot that you were snooping backstage? Looking through the tapes that were specifically labeled for my eyes only? I called you and you wouldn't tell me if you watched any of them. You just...didn't seem to care."
At this point, you realized that you've accidentally disguised as one of his ex-employees--one who had a really bad falling-out with him.
"I tried to be a cool manager, but...I trusted you not to go back there. And yet you did anyways and told me I was "the worst" when I had to let you go. I was kinda hurt." He sounded quite sad and betrayed, and it made you feel bad.
"...I'm..sorry D--Mr. Lee. But I really need a job and..I couldn't find anything else in town that was hiring." You feigned guilt. "I'll make it up to you. I won't speak of anything I might've seen in that box. From now on my eyes will be...up front."
"...and?" He raises an eyebrow.
"And....I...think you're actually really cool. Whatever I said that day was out of frustration. It...wasn't how I truly felt."
"........alright. You get one more chance."
Thus Dave "rehires" you on the spot, although he did take notice of your flawed features throughout the week--with you labelling them as things from "accidents".
Besides that, it's not a bad job. Although out of respect, you abstained from peeking into that box of tapes he mentioned.
There comes a point where you have to reveal yourself as an Alternate--and it's when your disguise was literally falling apart at the seams and not even your MandelaTECH hoodie could hide them.
So you morphed into your basic form after the store closes for the night, speaking to Dave in your actual voice.
"Forgive me for deceiving you, David...but I, [y/n], am-"
"Oh I knew for a while. But you had me fooled the first few days."
"...and yet you didn't panic?" You blink. "If you knew all along, why didn't you-?"
"I mean, you took the blame for my ex-employee and...I gotta thank you for that. I don't think they would've genuinely showed up from the way they spoke to me. You apologized on their behalf, and...that's not what I'd expect from an Alternate. So maybe you guys aren't all that bad...maybe."
"I confess my disguise was random. I did not think they were a former employee of yours. But....does this mean I can still work here?"
"Yeah. You're good. I only ask that you uh....don't tamper with that box I mentioned. It's all highly confidential stuff that the lieutenant trusts me with. I-I mean...I know I can't actually stop you but-"
"No, no. You have my word, David." You smile.
It's not long after that when he befriends you, rather than act as your employer.
If he's working alone in the shop, you'd keep watch over him from the shadows, making sure nothing harmed him (be it the rare rude customer or other Alternates).
You do learn he's been restoring the lost tapes, holding files of Murray's TA report, and keeping some outlawed TVs backstage, but you ensured no Alternate can interfere with any signals on them.
And Dave's just 100% chill about it.
Though when he hires Evelin he just tells her not to worry about the weird shadow in the corner.
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whump-blog · 1 year
Okay here comes the request. Hope this isn’t too specific :)
Caretaker finds their friend Whumpee drunk out of their mind. They don’t know what happened but nevertheless they bring Whumpee home and take care of them. Whumpee, being rather incoherent, accidentally confesses something (maybe their treatment with whumper, maybe a love confession of what they think is unrequited love, maybe something else…)
Sorry it took me so long to answer this, but there wasn't enough creative juice in me, haha. I know it's not exactly what you asked for, but I still hope you like what I wrote :)
Thank you @whumpinthepot for helping me with this and doing a proof reading.
CW: drunk whumpee, abuse, alcohol abuse, protective caretaker, wounded character
“What are ya' doing Hero?” asked Civilian blinking slowly, trying to get used to the light in the flat while Hero dabbed his face with a wet cloth.
“What am I doing? I'm trying to wipe all the scratches off your face, you- idiot!”
“Wh- what scratcheees?”
“The ones you got when you decided to start a fight with that guy from the bar.”
“Ooh yeees! Well- he deserved it. He shouldn't have taken my drink.” Civilian swayed, and Hero had to grab his shoulder to keep him still.
The night among friends had been going smoothly with drinks and laughter, until Hero lost sight of a drunk Civilian for a few minutes and things got out of control. Resulting in Hero having to drag him out and take him home.
“That wasn't your drink!" Hero started, but he knew it was a lost cause, "ahh- never mind, can you take off your shirt? I want to see that you don't have any more cuts under it.”
“Heh, are you trying to flirt with me?” Civilian teased, trying with trembling hands to remove his torn clothes.
Despite the evening's outcome, the friends were enjoying their time together, but when Hero saw under Civilian's shirt, his face turned pale and the room fell silent.
The multiple scars covering Civilian's chest showed just how negligent Hero had been as a friend. How was it possible? Hero wondered. How was it possible that someone had been hurting his friend and he hadn't noticed? 
“Who- who did this to you? When did this happen? Why didn't you say anything?!” Hero bombarded Civilian with questions, while guilt and worry overwhelmed him.
“Wait- m’ head…” -Civilian pressed his eyes closed- “don't talk so- so loud," he said as if what Hero had just found out was not a big deal.
“Tell me, and I swear I will see to it that you get justice.”
“Wha- what ar-e you talking about?”
“Don't play dumb. Where did all those scars come from? Civilian, someone's been hurting you and that's- that's not right...”
In the silence after Hero spoke, all that could be heard was the gentle breeze ruffling the curtains. Civilian was quite drowsy from all the alcohol, and looked as if he would pass out before answering Hero's questions. Until he finally managed to put his words together to give a halfway coherent answer.
“I- well, all these here," Civilian pointed to his scars, "you don't have to wo-worry Hero, they we-were my fau-lt.”
“Civilian..." pity could be heard in his voice, "I don't know who told you that, but it's not true. None of this can be your fault.”
“Yes, yes it was. I- I got involved with the- the wrong-g people. If I had never met Supervillain… things wouldn't have gone this far.”
Civilian seemed lost in thought. But Hero now had more questions than answers. Suddenly, nothing seemed to make sense.
“So, was it Supervillain who hurt you like this?”
Hero was trying to remain calm, but a storm was raging inside him. What could Supervillain want with Civilian? No matter the reason, as soon as he got his hands on that son of a bitch, he would make him regret ever having scratched a kind and gentle person like Civilian.
“Well, yes- in part…”
“In part? What do you mean? Has someone else been hurting you?”
“Ah well…yes… hm- erm, I,” Civilian hesitated looking at Hero in the eyes, “I told you it was my fault… if only I had been better… I brought this on myself."
“Civilian, you have to tell me the truth, you can't go on like this." Hero pressed.
As the conversation went on, Civilian looked more and more stressed until a few tears managed to escape from his eyes. “I- I just, I don't want to tell you.” 
“You're going to get mad at me.”
“Civilian, that's not true, we are friends.”
“You won't want to be my friend anymore.”
“Everything is going to be okay. Just tell me. I can't see you hurt like this”
Hero took Civilian's hand into his own in a gesture that was intended to reassure his friend. But, which in fact ended up breaking Civilian, who began to sob inconsolably.
“I'm sorry, Hero, I'm sorry... It- It was you-”
If the night hadn't been strange enough, that last sentence had knocked him off his feet. That was not possible. For a long moment, Hero stood frozen without saying a word, without moving a muscle, just listening to his friend sobbing in the background. Until finally it all clicked. The answer had been so obvious. Only, he had been too blind to see it.
“Villain?” the question leapt from his mind and escaped his lips.
At the mention of that name, the sobbing turned to heavy weeping, and that was more than proof enough. Hero hesitated for a moment, but ended up sitting on the sofa next to- his friend? Perhaps the years of friendship had been a lie, all a great manipulation. It was the first thing that crossed Hero's mind. If it wasn't for the alcohol, Civili- Villain would never have revealed his identity. But the good times he had spent with his friend had felt real, Hero couldn't remember Villain ever taking advantage of Hero's ignorance of his identity and trying to get information out of him as Civilian. Besides, the scars on Villain's body were very real. Those could not be faked. Now that he thought about it, on occasions when Hero had fought with Villain, he had inflicted wounds to defeat him that he could now see reflected in some of the many scars on Villain's body. But he was definitely not the cause of all of them.
With that in mind, Hero moved his arms slowly until he wrapped Villain in a gentle hug. At the unexpected physical contact, his friend flinched, but when the surprise passed, he just rested his head on Hero's shoulder and cried there for a long time. By the time Villain had calmed down, the night breeze had stopped.
“So- you don't hate me?" was the first thing Villain asked, "can we still be friends?"
“Of course I don't hate you. Whatever happened doesn't change anything, you have been my friend for many years and always will be.” Hero shook his head. “I- I just don't understand why Supervillain would do something like this to you, you're his ally.” 
If Hero wanted answers, it would be better to get them now. Once the alcohol had cleared out of Villain's system, he would probably return to his charmingly stoic and cocky self. But... was it really the right thing to do to take advantage of the situation? Villain would never have confessed to something like this in his right mind. But before Hero could further question the morality of his actions, Villain voiced one last thought.
“H- he do- doesn't like useless- people. Losing to you…” he sighed, “I will always be a failure to him…” 
After that statement, a last tear rolled down Villain's cheek as he fell asleep in Hero's embrace.
Hopefully the next morning he won't be able to remember anything, Hero thought as he laid Villain on the couch to finish treating his wounds. Some of which he had apparently caused himself.
He would definitely pay Supervillain a friendly visit tomorrow.
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ligiawrites · 3 months
Before I ask my silly little questions I'd like to say that I am a long time listener to the "will they, won't they" radio of ltgbtk and I'm ecstatic that this story is still continued. I won't lie when I will tell you that I spent many nights thinking about the trauma of our DC and their unique bond with Matt. Thank you for sharing this story wit us, it's a wonderful read. And thank you for gifting us Valencia, love of my life tbh <3333 Now to questions: Is Mathias currently officialy engaged to someone? I think that my DC might not survive meeting them during the blooming ceremony, I like to foolishly believe that in Matt's heart DC is there as his lover, not only as an advisor.
Second one: why Matt kept Mandra away from the DC? Was he that jealous of his sibling?
Thank you for reading my stream of consciousness, have a lovely day, dear author!
awww, this is so sweet! thank you for playing, I'm so, so happy you're enjoying LtGBtK so much ♥♥♥ and yeees, ♥ Valênciaaa ♥ hahaha Answering your questions:
Nope, Matt is not officially engaged to anyone, although he had an engagement contract with the Inara family (Kastian's family) for a few years, which Kastian would probably fulfill. :) Matt and DC will have a serious conversation before the blooming, though. Matt wouldn't make a big decision about that without talking to DC first.
For the second question, hmmm. I think I mentioned this before, but I can't find where, so here it goes. In short: Matt always believed that Mand was partly responsible for DC's choice to fight in the war against Topázio. Since DC was so deeply hurt in that war, Matt blames Mand for that, and forbade them from seeing each other without him around. It's not just jealousy, I think, and more like a...mix of jealousy, over-protectiveness, and some lack of trust too, both in himself and in DC.
Thank you for sending your question! ♥♥♥ Have a lovely day too ;))
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milo-igidk · 5 months
Not me stalking your account simply by the fact that you say that rawest stuff about my fave character (Keefe) ummm anyways
I used to really hate Fitz for being mad at Keefe for joining the Neverseen and not really understanding his best friend, but a recent reread made me realize that Keefe leaving was SO much more startling for Fitz than Sophie or the reader. Sophie saw the small sighs really early on. I'd even argue that it was as early as Exile. The alicorn ride where he stopped joking for a moment to lay himself out a little? Then of course there's the whole thing with Keefe's mom "dying" and all that, but Fitz probably thought his cheery, happy-go-lucky friend would be okay. Those scenes leading up to Loadstar where you see Keefe's fear and anger? ONLY Sophie sees it. Suddenly Fitz sees his brother and best friend who seem really similar are now a part of the Neverseen? With SO little warning? Without what Sophie saw, I would feel betrayed and angry too. And how would Keefe feel? I bet he felt a lot more alone once he realized that he hid his pain so well that even his best friend didn't really know him.
Sorry, that wasn't really a question and was a bit long, but I thought I'd put it here in case you had some cool thoughts to add that I may have missed. :) (Since you're so good at it)
shxhjxjs omg thanks first of all im glad vdbdnx😭
and also yeees youre so right and i honestly hadnt rlly thought abt that
i feel like keefe and fitz have such an interesting dynamic and i hope shannon like makes them actually talk about shit instead of being like oh fitz is fine with everything now. bc yea fitz really doesnt know a lot of the things going on with keefe and like it goes to show how his demeanour totally changed in that one scene in lodestar when he saw the memories keefe was showing sophie.
honestly i am well over my 'hating fitz' phase that i feel like all kotlc fans have at some point, hes a great character but nooot that great of a friend to keefe? imo? idk i dont think its on purpose i just feel like, like you said, he sees this persona that keefe puts up and doesnt think to look any deeper, even after keefe came back from the neverseen like the only time hes hung out with keef that i can remember being mentioned is when he was looking for memories with cassius, when he was complaining abt sophie to him, or when he needed those drawings for sophies gift. and again its not that much his fault, he just assumes everything is fine and also has his own stuff going on but like still dude. they definitely both need to talk abt like a lot of stuff (coughs what alden said to him in flashback coughs im not still salty youre still salty)
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lovebillyhargrove · 2 years
Thanks to this sugar post 🔥 by @every-dayiwakeup where boys are sleeping peacefully in each other's arms, I am once again actually losing sleep over them
Steve falls asleep, still dick-deep inside Billy, feeling so warm and cozy, just where he belongs and Billy dozes off as well, so snug under the warm blanket of his boyfriend's body that is pressing him down, leaving him no choice but to be right here
No more running
And Steve is a healthy 20something young man okay, so some time later he starts rutting in his sleep and his dick gets hard again and he's already inside Billy, and his body is making it crystal clear that one time wasn't enough, it is never enough with Billy, so they fuck slowly, half asleep and half awake, and it's so soo tantalizingly sweet and tender, both lost in this delicious half-conscious delirium
And Steve's breathing hard ohh fuck baby please just let me.. one more time, you're so wet, so wet with my cum, with your juices.. so hot, so tight for me, you're holding me so tight inside you, you're fucking.. wrapped around me, let me feel you wrapped around me, please I need .. need more
And Billy's whining Steevie yeeess oh my god yeees, breath hitching, eyes closed, gone in this half dream, filled to the brim with boundless love
Billy clenches around his lover even more
Never wanting to let go
And Steve stays
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noweakergirl · 4 months
I need to talk about wuthering heights hehehe... I can't stop thinking about it!!! I was shocked out of my body when Hindley dropped Hareton from the top of the stairs and then even worse Heathcliff saved him but then regretted it jdgszusjshssjjssjsjsjs and also poor Nelly, Hareton didn't remember her at all after she left :( Also I was initially feeling very sad about Linton cause of how Heathcliff was not really nice to him but then he was too selfish tbh. Do you think Edgar would have had Catherine run away with Nelly if he found that she was kidnapped and forcefully married to Linton? Also Joseph was sooooooo annoying I especially liked it when Catherine scared him in the start that yes I'm a witch. Like she is a legend. Her and Hareton sjdghsisusjsnshshsnsshzhzysh!!!! Throughout the book I was feeling so saaaaaad about Hareton like he didn't deserve any of what he faced!! And what's worse that he was intelligent enough to see how far behind he was others cause of education and for Catherine to be the one to tease him honestly broke my heart jxhdhshshsshsh Edgar was tooooo good!! And Hareton did I mention that I absolutely love him? He was probably so conflicted when everything was happening cause he liked Cathy and also we can see he had a sense of good and right cause he would defend her but also he thought good of Heathcliff so he couldn't really go against him (or am I being delusional here? We don't get his pov 😭) dheuwhshsshwjwjw I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS BOOK AHHH!!!! What adaptation should I watch? I have no idea. Heathcliff and Catherine 1 as characters were soooooooooo interesting. Isabella what a legend she is!! Attacking Heathcliff with a knife, ensuring he cannot use her to inflict pain on Edgar and then she ran away from him!!! I LOVED HER. Ok that's quite big of a rant 🙈🙈🙈
I TOTALLY GET WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT HARETON, HE IS THE BEST! Poor boy was treated like dirt since the day he was born but I am SO HAPPY he got the ending he deserved. Even though Cathy 1 and Heathcliff are iconic, the second generation was my favorite. I adored both Catherine and Hareton and shipped them super hard ajddkdk. The way she taught him to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY HEART <333333333 and he tried to be better for her!!!!!!!! Despite everything and his cruel life, he tried his best to be worthy of her love aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. 🤎🤎🤎 Them breaking generational curse at the end by falling in love and (hopefully) leading a happy life!
(unrelated by why do I always think of Jess from Gilmore Girls when I think of Hareton, help)
Oh god, I get shivers every time I remember how Heathcliff forcefully married Catherin to Linton... He literally locked her up, like BRO. Heathcliff was devil for real, awful and horrible, but somehow I still can't bring myself to fully hate him. I think he's very fascinating as a character which is why he stays in your memory.
And I agree on Edgar, he was very sweet! <3 Isabella too, YEEES GIRL SHOW HIM TEETH <3
Btw, I imagine Joseph as Argus Filch from Harry Potter ajdjdksk.
"I can't stop thinking about this book" girl, same, because every time it rains and it's all gloomy and misty outside I start acting like I am Catherine myself. Oh, and about adaptation I think the most famous one (and the most beloved one) is the movie from 1992. I don't think I have ever seen any WH movie from start to finish now that I think of it which is sad cause I adore the book, so if you ever come across any version you think is cool, please let me know!
P. S. Now that you have read the book, listen to this and be as dramatic as possible while listening to it ;))
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little-birdseeker · 2 months
Growing Wings - Ch.1 - An encounter
A gentle breeze blew over the ocean, as R’namo made her way down to the pier. It was a pleasant change of pace after the stormy days before, but the harbour city was more than used to that. In fact, it was slowly rising back to the former glory after the 7th calamity had struck the world.
Scars remained - her heart ached as she looked at the remains of one of the housing pillars that had been struck by a flaming ball that day. But besides that, the city was flourishing again, slowly rising back up to the former self. Time heals all wounds, after all.
Down at the pier, there was not much to see. What did she expect, after all? The fishermen were either busy selling their stuff or out on the ocean. Just good old Forwin had remained here, as she noticed from afar.
“What’s the matter, Forwin? Already back from your tour?”, R’namo shouted in his direction, which made the Hyur look up from the net in his hands. She she could see his deep sigh, way before she reached him. “Can’t tell me you did not notice the storm last night.” The good old grumpy voice - she had missed it a bit, even though R’namo would never let him know of it.
“Was it really that bad?”
“Well, honestly… I have seen worse. Was just a bit late back from the trip, and after the last days were already stormy enough… you know the drill, better safe than sorry.”
“So the usual maintenance?”
The fisher nodded in response.
“Did not know you have a child though”, R’namo stated, as she noticed the little person nearby that was very much occupied with the sails of the fishermen's boat.
“Oh, that? You should know better, Namo, I have no childs. That’s Isabelle. From the Birdseekers. You know?” He looked over to the little girl and shouted. “Isa! We have a visitor, so say hello!”
The ears of the little girl sprang up before she turned around quickly. “Oh, heeelloooo!”, she waved with one hand at the sail, the other one equipped with a little needle.
“Oh? A Birdseeker? Those sailmakers?”, R’namo asked while waving back to the little girl whos beaming smile was probably competing to shine as much as the sun. It has been a while since she had seen such a happy face, and she had to admit that it was kind of soothing. Yes, the world was certainly healing.
“Yes yes, those guys. Make some darn good sails, if you ask me.”
“And what is she doing here?”
“Helping me out? See the needle there? She takes care of the sails.” “So, you make her work for you? Do her parents know?”
“Namo”, Forwin sighed. “You know me. I pay her.”
“How so? With sweets?”, R’namo laughed.
“Well, sometimes. No, for real. It’s helping with her allowance, I buy her some sweets, I teach her stuff, give some fish for her and the family… Don’t look at me like that, it’s fair and square. Nothing fishy about it.”
“Says the fisherman.” “You- urgh, fine. The only fishy things here are the fish, okay? By the gods…”
“Well, fine by me. And yeah, I know, you mean it well. But still… Her parents know?”
“They should. Ask Isa”, Forwin shruged.
With a sigh, R’namo walked over to the girl that was very busy with the sail, as it seemed. As of now, she mended a tear in the sail, or at least it looked like that to R’namo. “Isa?”, R’namo asked as she squatted beside her.
“Hmmm? Yeees?”, Isabelle asked and turned her head, so her two big eyes looked directly at the Miqo’te.
“You are alright? Forwin makes you not work too hard? And you parents know you are here?”
“Uuuhm… Of cooourse I told my parents i am here! Aaand I am fine! Look! Aaall patched up!” Proudly, she practically shoved the sail directly into R’namos face.
“Oh? Yeah, that’s uhm… looks good!” R’namo did not know much about sewing and stuff. It looked quite the same to her, honestly. Although… this stitching looked kind of different to what she knew? Huh. Weird.
“So, what did you tell your parents?”
“Uhm… that Fooorwin teaches me about fish!”
“So they know not about you working here?”
“They know!”, Forwin shouted from behind. “She brings home some goodies, after all.” “Aaand he teaches me about fish!” “Later, yes.”
R’namo sighed deeply. Both of them were so… But it seemed alright, after all.
She gave Isabelle a pat on her head, and stroked over her red hair before returning to Forwin.
“She is a sweet girl”, she said while sitting down on some nearby ropes.
“Oh, she is”, Forwin agreed without looking up from the net in his hands. “A real ray of sunshine.”
“Say, it looks a bit weird what she is doing there. Is she-”
“You sound just like her parents. Yes, it's fine, and I always check with her if it’s done well.” “Like… her parents?” R’namo looked at the fisher in confusion. “What exactly…?”
“Oh it’s… you see… uhm… it’s…” “Difficult?” “Yeah, you could say that.” “Why though? What does her parents say?”
Forwin sighed again. “They see her in a different way than me.” “Please don’t say that.” “Oh please, don’t get it wrong. No it’s… everytime they speak about her, they mention how clumsy she is. About her mistakes, that she does not learn, and so on. You know?” “And? They are wrong?”
“Well… that’s the thing. Kinda, yes, but also no. Just… in a different way you would expect. You see, she is a clever girl. She knows what she is- well, she knows what she wants to do.” “That. Doesn’t sound good at all.” “You know what I mean!” “And you know what I mean!”
“The first time I asked for help they said she could not do it. Makes mistakes, it won’t hold, you know.” “And? They were wrong?”
“Of course not. She never had the chance to learn it properly, or test her skills. But she has gotten better, but for other reasons you would expect.” “So there is a story behind it, that’s what you want to tell me, right?”
“You could say so, yeah. Uhm… how to put it. Isabelle is… kinda special, in her own way. You see, since she started to help me out, she got a lot better with the mending. At first, it was a mess. Really, it took ages and even at the end, it was mended rather badly. But she had her parents help at that time. Though with time, it got better, especially as I had her work by herself. In no time, the seams were way sturdier than before, and she was so quick with it.” “What? How so? Shouldn’t it be better with help?”
“That’s the thing. Look, I always take a look at the work. Together with her. Talk about mistakes and the likes, what she missed, what was done badly, I make suggestions… And she took that by heart? Maybe? Well, as long as I let her do and keep an eye out, just in case, it got better. She even went to the market and looked for better yarn. Imagine that! And now? I can be sure that my sail is in perfect form afterwards, even though the seams and her work look kind of different to what you know. And… you know what I think? I think you just let her do it by herself and give tips, and not force her to do it the ‘right’ way. Just ruins a perfectly fine girl, if you ask me. And besides… I think she is kind of my lucky fairy, of some sorts? Everytime she mended my sail, the winds felt to be in my favor, for a few days.” He shrugged and looked at the girl with his sail. “Or maybe I am just a bit superstitious.”
“Huh…” In thoughts, R’namo took a look at Isabelle, who was currently taking a good look over the sail, searching for another damaged spot. “And her parents don’t know any of that?”
“Tried to talk to them, but they are not listening. But you know, she’ll find a way.” “You think so?”
“Yeah. Maybe with some help, who knows. She’ll manage. And I tell you, I firmly believe she will go places someday.”
“Finiiished!”, Isabelle shouted from behind them before coming over to the two adults, with some very proud steps. “Already? You have been fast.” “Eeeven faster than laaast time?!”
“Mhm”, Forwin responded. “We’ll check it together once I am done here, okay?”
“Oookay!”, Isabelle said with another beaming smile. “Buuut! What did yooou talk about! I heeeared something!”
“Oh, uhm…”, Forwin started, but was quickly interrupted by R’namo.
“He told me about how much you have grown.”
“Ohhh? Haaave I? Forwin aaalways says I am sooo small!”
“Well, you are. For a 14 summers old one, after all.”
“14?!” R’namo looked a bit shocked at the tiny girl in front of her. She looked like… well, 11? Maybe 12? Far too small for someone of 14 summers, in the end.
“You wiiill see! I will grow sooo big! Sooo big!!” Isabelle stretched upwards, her arms as far above her as she could. Which was, well. Not much taller than R’namo was, but hey. Nothing the small girl could change without growing more.
“Yeah yeah. The biggest girl around, I know I know”, Forwin laughed.
“Mhm!! Biiigger than mom aaand Iana!”
“We’ll see about that”, Forwin kept teasing her.
“You wiiill see! And you wiiill be sorry then!”
“Of course, of course!”, Forwin answered, still laughing. And R’namo couldn’t keep it to herself and had to chuckle herself as well, making Isabelle pout even more.
“Right right, Isabelle. You will show us all, right? I am eager to see, one day.” With that, R’namo patted the little girl once again, who greatly appreciated the act. “I wiiill show you! Juuust you wait!!”
“Yeah! But for now… oh, it’s getting late, I have things to do! Forwin, thanks for the talk. And you too, Isabelle. Bye bye!”, R’namo said before she started to leave.
“Thanks for your time, was nice seeing you again”, Forwin said and waved her goodbye.
“Bye bye, friendly woman!”, Isabelle shouted to the leaving R’namo, waving with both arms. Such a beaming smile… she had needed that, really. Would she meet her again? Probably. The girl was hard to oversee, with her red hair. But Limsa was big, after all, so who knew? For know, she had to focus on her job. Some pirates made some trouble again, she just knew it!
(Thanks for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed it! More will be added the coming days and willbe linked here and on Isabelles story page!)
[Chapter 2: Thieving Thief! ->]
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jennyandvastraflint · 3 months
Xena Reactions S3Ep3
We start with a dude dramatically running away from war... EW. ARES. He just keeps getting uglier
Damn strong armour. Is the armour possessing the guy?
Cheerful start really
Damn they wanna hurt some guy. Was that Gabby
Gosh Xena and Gabrielle are so gorgeous
Is she gathering criminals for a mission XD
"I am no lady" either way gender.
Xena introducing them
"Just men?" 😂 Gabrielle asking the good questions
Going up against Ares... Blergh. Ares can go choke on his own ego.
Oof, village laid waste
The armour looks so stupid honestly...
Love how Xena's SWORD broke but not Gabrielle's staff 😂
Oh fuck the pretty one was hit
Oh. METAL! Not medal... Yes that makes more sense (auditory processing issues hu)
Blacksmithing fancam
Hate that pretentious guy
"Wow, nice ceps!" He is GAY. He is so down to suck Ares's dick...
BOOMERANG (Sokka is foaming at the mouth in jealousy)
"Cos I'm gonna kill her" no you won't. Shut up and suck Ares's dick you war simp
Gabrielle commanding them as she should.
Boo for them ignoring her.
"Murderers guarding murderers"
"Were they murderers before they met you?" OUCH
"Am I really who I am, or am I what you made me?"
They're playing their funny guessing game again
Jesus can these murderers CHILL
Gabrielle looking, then going NOOOPE
Please these idiots are still standing there
Ahaha they're guarding each other cos none trusts the other to not kill them
"But what are you here for?"
"You know what men are like" lesbian
Ahaha he just fell asleep
"But you're going to buy them"
Yuck, I wouldn't wanna be stuck with that guy either
"I think I've never been part of a true disaster before" "Cynic"
URGH the sexist prick can go die in a ditch
Ew what kinda straight sex shit is this
"Men are so easy" shdhshd
Gosh he's annoying.. Why r all the men in this annoying
And he grabbed Xena...
"That's gotta be uncomfortable" 😂
"Is this a private get together or can anyone join in?" Oh she knooows
She's happy they're working together
AHAHA She sensed Ares
Why is Ares' beard so fucking UGLYYYY. Like it literally got worse
Ares you snitch. Why are you telling her. Bro as if THAT isn't also interfering?? 😂
Uhhhh... Whomst?
Damn they throw bombs
Gabrielle ur so amazing
Xena I love you sm
Damn. She's defyyying gravity
Mmmmm, dudebro sexist is sus af
Urgh... They tricked her...
YUCK. DISGUSTING. I hope she gets to murder him
I love Gabby
Yeah true but y'know, a bit too many men for my liking, and a whole bunch of others stand around doing nothing about it
They really just want money, hu
Is he gonna free them
Ayoooo double double crossing
Ahsdhsh she used the Doctor strategy. Get captured cos breaking out the cell is easier than breaking into the whole thing
EW. ASSAULT. DISGUSTING. Someone give her a wife
"Hey that's not how a princess fights" gosh get some perspective, man
"Amazon Princess" YOU TELL HIM
Something something the old Xena showing for a moment
"Why does everyone wanna kill me?" Honestly it's very understandable
"I'm not leaving!" "Like she said"
Ares is like lmao bye have fun dying, loser
All the steaaaam, brilliant. Gotta be pretty hot in there
YEESH That gotta hurt
"Look after Xena, okay?" awwwww
"I'd sooner fall for a toad" valid
"You're Gabrielle" AAAAAH ❤️
"Question is who would I be without you?"
Ahaha them bickering
Ok so as a whole the episode was very, very meh. I liked the Xena/Gabrielle moments tho
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mouwuma · 1 year
hi so i have my own henry design and hes existed but i keep forgetting to post him so i am just gonna drop him with a bunch of sketches
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this is like a couple years old but its the only colored one soooo you get to see it.
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the sketches are now going to be much recent (probably noticeable from the style change)
and now you are going to hear about him. atleast some stuff.
he decides to try breaking the bank due to student debt
on said topic of student debt, he has a degree in decision science that he most definitely uses
he is very poud of it
to the point of showing it as introduction
mostly silent, but not mute. tends to just gesture and motion. still could talk tho
unaware of other timelines than the one hes in
except of a very specofic exception but that would involve me having to explain my version of the ccc
he wears grass flip flops
just kind of a guy
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and here is the only ending i've ever actually thought about so far for him: toppat king.
first outfit is most likely pre-FtC and maybe a timsy bit after
once his leadership is underway, he gets his full suit
i imagine hes actually a pretty good leader
he weighs his decisions
but hes not quite used to leading people
or having major experience with crime outside of the adventures we already see in BtB, EtP, and StD
paperwork very tiring and he honestly does just want to be out doing things
once / if he finds out about other timelines, he is quite anxious around (atleast) reginald. nothing against the guy, but if one version of him was betrayed, there could be a chance here.
im sure with time though he'll feel better and trust his members more :]
plus bonus pokemon mystery dungeon henry (funny eevee time)
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so yeee
might eventually post about ccc stuff or more henry but who knows
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merlions · 1 year
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112 hours and 285 rows. sticks m'legy out real far for size reference etc etc
I'm starting this new post bc the old one was getting too long. here is the adventure from the beginning :)
finally got a longer fuckin circular needle cause the one i was using was ridiculous. still on my star trek bullshit though i finished tos and all the movies so i'm on tng now.
i spent all fuckin day bein like "UGH i am getting NOTHING DONE fuckin AGAIN" but then i just now at 3.30am was reviewing my day and like i woke up at a reasonable hour, wrote a long poem, knitted a bunch, went on a fuck ton of errands and actually enjoyed them, drew some stuff, did my step work homework, and hashtag Crafted a pretty intricate necklace. which i think is more than i've done in the past entire calendar year combined. and yes. as of today, i am?? Back on my adhd meds. yeee boy
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7grandmel · 2 months
Todays rip: 27/04/2024
The Streamer
Season 6 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripper Unknown
I'll admit - maybe declaring Season 8 as being the YEAR OF THE MEAT !!! back in ICastHaste encounters a wild Chicabo was...a bit rash. Meatposting has definitely slowed down a fair bit recently, and there's a lot of other new channel jokes getting well-deserved spotlight over it. And really, I Show The Meat always had a bit of an unfair advantage as a channel meme - because its a bit built on a streamer whose presence online is so huge, it had wormed its way into rips as far back as 2022. IShowSpeed is far more than just his meat, and The Streamer is perhaps to date still the funniest rip to date that he's starred in.
Now, yes, The Streamer wasn't the first rip to use Speed on the channel (even though I made that mistake earlier!!), but it WAS the first Speed rip to truly stick with me, the first one that truly checked every box for me. Granted, I am very biased toward YTPMVs using stupid sources, I think my affection for Going Somewhere Jerma?, Mr. PACs ~ Obamjo-Roomnie, Crompton Racing and more has made that all-too-apparent, but...The Streamer just feels like the most perfect distillation of Speed you could put into a rip. I mentioned in ICastHaste encounters a wild Chicabo that it was the Talking Ben stream that made me aware of the guy's antics, and the way this rip plays out leverages that whole stream all too perfectly in so many ways, althewhile being paired to the most classic of classic shenanigans music in The Entertainer. The buildup to the song's start may honestly be the funniest part of the whole rip, the piano roll leading into the main melody is accompanied by a clip of Speed just chatting shit about Ben - then with the perfect comedic timing of being shushed to him, Speed's iconic rage is unleashed and the rip - and The Entertainer's melody in tow - kick into gear. The sheer juxtaposition from second one to second five of the rip is just fucking hilarious, and its juxtaposition that keeps the rip entertaining throughout, through the contrast in Speed's YTPMV-mixed rage and the outright whimsy of the piano music backing it all.
That contrast is funny in its own right, it's a lot like what I described My Dr. Eggman Can't Be This Evil! as doing well, but The Streamer goes through another phase to play off of The Entertainer's second half. Speed stops being YTPMV'd into the melody, instead being used through mashing up the song with his own original release Bounce That A$$ - althewhile Talking Ben's own voice clips become used for the YTPMVing. As a self-admitted IShowSpeed tourist I obviously have very little connection or knowledge of Bounce that A$$, but its presence here hardly hurts the rip, it's an incredibly welcome shake-up (hehe) that allows Ben's own voice clips to enter the rip really seamlessly. And what I love is that the rip pretends to loop right after this section, when the most recognizable part of The Entertainer's melody return and its covered much the same as the beginning of the rip - only now, Talking Ben's "Yeees?" and "Ughh"-s are added to the song's backing, almost like a bassline to the same melody played at the start. In less than a minute's time it makes the rip really come full circle, and after one more Bounce That A$$ section, it finally loops proper, ending with a completely different left-field Speed reaction that I shan't spoil, but caps the rip off perfectly for a second loop.
What a journey to go through it all step-by-step, huh? And again - this was the FIRST IShowSpeed rip on the channel, yet it still managed to craft an absolutely hilarious rollercoaster ride in just under 80 seconds of runtime. We ALL know The Entertainer and have heard it set to many a silly clips already, many of us were likely already laughing our asses off at the Speed clips being shared around back in 2022 - The Streamer, much like Bowser is Coming., is like a perfect rip, the absolute ideal way to introduce depict Speed on the channel - and its damn criminal that I don't know who to thank for making it. It's the kind of rip that can just always make me smile, the way that even through the YTPMVing you can still hear what profanities Speed is throwing out at Ben, the way the visuals in both sections are just filled with such pure chaos versus how The Entertainer is chugging along at its own steady pace, the aforementioned BEN BASSLINE????
Look, I'm still a soldier for I Show The Meat to the bitter end - but to make the perfect meatpost, a la i show rottytops my meat (Consensually) mentioned at the end of ICastHaste encounters a wild Chicabo - one must have a perfect understanding of how to leverage Speed himself in rips. All of that training and knowledge stems from a source - from The Streamer executing the bit so fucking perfectly two whole years ago. Meat or not, Speedposting has become a true artform on SiIva, and I cannot wait to see where it ends up going as we get further in the season.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
I am not okay.
Alright. One last ride. How do we do this?
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Information that the Elder Mist probably could have just given us himself. Garl got it from a vision that Elder Mist's spring gave him. But if Elder Mist told us, then there wouldn't be a reason for Garl to use Borrowed Time.
The prophecy isn't for achieving the goal. It's for us. It's using him as a superfluous exposition vessel so that we can have one last ride with our bestie. T-T
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Of course, Serai still has portals galore and we just established that she can use them to cross the globe; Between that and the Torment portal, there doesn't seem to be much limiting her in terms of size, distance, or duration. But we'll ignore that.
Maybe it's personal. For a whatever she is, asking to use her portal could be like asking someone to take their pants off. It might be a more intimate request than it seems. Who knows?
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What, again? We were already so far behind on figuring this shit out that the Oracle of Tides made fun of us for it.
*sigh* We really are the remedial course of legendary super-warriors, aren't we?
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Yeah, the Sky Bridge or Sky Shrine or something. I found it while I was faffing about but there wasn't anything to do there. If up is where we need to go, then that seems like our best ticket to the sky.
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Is there a bridge? Is there a lever on the other side that can send over a bridge? Because one of us can portal and hit the lever, if there is. Or one of us can turn into a huge bird and hit the lever. Either way, we have options to send individual members of the group across; We's just lacking a way to get the whole group over there.
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My prophecy did say I can make paths across water. That's been bugging me, since all I did was take a swing at Fleshy, then turn into a glow-ball and fly. Both satisfying experiences but neither really counts as "making paths across water".
But maybe this is my time.
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The Versus community is going to lose their fucking minds.
Well, actually, they've probably already calc'd me at Solar System level via a disingenuous estimate of me moving the moon around, as if I were doing that with my bare hands.
Point is, I'm really cool and we should all shower me with praise. That's the point. I am ready to accept your praise.
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Yes. Yeees. Feed the ego.
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That is definitely a teleporter. We must be getting close because you don't enter the Kingdom of Zeal until the last third of the game.
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I wonder what keeps these chunks of earth aloft. Is it the spiral pattern? I bet it's the spiral pattern. There's probably some kind of... inherent mysticism in....
That's stupid. I'll just ask Teaks when I get a chance.
In any case, I guess we're here to get somebody's permission to cross the Sea of Stars. Let's get to work.
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I did, yes. I'm not 100% sure that Luana reincarnated into me but I'm willing to create that as dogma. Or, like, maybe I'm a timeline variant of her. I don't know, but I am eager to get that rumor started.
Also, you are way too huge. Could you. Like. Be less huge? These platforms must be tiny for a person of your size. Y'all must have incredible nimbleness to be comfortable walking around on these tiny little stepping stones.
Like mountain goats.
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This inn is like a closet for you. How do you people live like this?
You have a Wheels table. How do you even see the dials? Your ridiculous size is so incongruent to the layout of your city! How did this happen!?
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Alright, team. Here's the plan:
Garl's in charge. He's making the plans. I've got nothing. I barely even know what we're doing here.
The important thing is that we stay on-task so that Garl's enchantment doesn't wear off. But also that we take our sweet time carrying out our task so that we can maximize the amount of time we have left with our dear friend.
Think of this like a contract assignment with an hourly wage. As long as we're working on the job, we keep getting paid until the moment it's done. But there's no clear deadline for when that has to be, so sandbag it.
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