#yelena Belova oneshot
romanoffsbish · 8 months
Who Are You People?!
Yelena Belova x F!R (Platonic)
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Yelena had a tendency to bring home strays, and it had always bothered you, until one day it didn’t. WC: 1,929
Request(via dm): “could you do a imagine where Yelena keeps bringing home random animals and even people and drives the reader up the wall” | I gave it a cute little romance spin
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Yelena had a tendency to miss signs. Trained as she may be, with the discipline to prove it, she just never was much for understanding the social norms. So, you had learned to adapt—after that first night as roomies, when she told you everything she’d done and been you hadn’t much of a choice. There was no such thing as a filter, she believed in open conversations, which didn’t bother you. It was her belief in the open doors that did.
The first time you came home to one of her eccentric guests you were startled into losing your groceries. A frown befell your face as the soy milk box spewed its contents on the floor along with the yolks of your eggs.
Fanny, as you’ve learned to know, and love her as, was there to lick up the mess. After she’d finished licking your cheek in a rushed greeting, she’d disposed of your hard earned money in the form of the wasted food.
Yelena had apologized, and for some odd reason you believed she took the hint after the entire ordeal.
Then you came home a week later to find her nowhere, but your house sure wasn’t empty. Five woman in various positions all looked up at you with fierce eyes. One of them raised her arm, and the loud whirring told you all you needed to know. These were widows, and the pain you were about to feel would be hellish.
“Oksana, put your arm down, this is just Y/N,” your roommate admonished her friend with the black hair, “Honestly cyka, you should be able to see she is of no real threat, or have you lost touch with your eyes?”
Then the blonde turned to you with a genuine smile, as if she didn’t nearly get you fried, then call you weak. “Would you like to join us for game night Y/N/N?”
You sighed harshly through your nose, tempering the anger you felt for the sake of your new friend’s heart. She was strong, but you could also tell she was soft, and breaking her spirit for her lack of social understanding, at no fault of her own, would be cruel.
“Sorry Lena, but I have to be up early,” you lied, and gave the girl a quick hug before heading upstairs to your room where you enjoyed the needed solitude.
Occurrences like that became normal, the random game nights, and the alarming amount of new animals you found yourself feeding, and faces you’d forget. Yelena trusted easily, as in, she knew that if anyone she brought home on a whim would try anything, she could handle them without even breaking a sweat.
You put up with just about everything—if she had a mission gone wrong, her stitched up field partner, a cheery girl by the name of Kate Bishop, would sleep on your couch and greet you with sudoku and breakfast.
That first meeting was terrible too, as you’d stumbled into your dark house and threw yourself on top of her. It ended quickly, with Yelena coming downstairs with a gun and you and Kate in opposite corners screaming.
Her in pain, and you in fear. You had left to bed embarrassed, and woke up to laugh about it with her.
You don’t mind the archer, but you would have liked a heads up. You always wanted it, but never received it, and slowly but surely a festering of resentment resided.
Everything honestly came to a head last night, when you finally agreed to spend the night in a shitty bar with your favorite coworkers. You’d let loose way beyond your limits, and as you were rushed into the house by a equally drunk friend all you wanted was to make yourself a mug of tea, grab a snack, and sleep.
Yet when you went to make yourself something you found that your tea was used up, the kitchen was a mess of wasted food and dishes, and Yelena’s strangers were all asleep around the place, one even in your bed.
“Yelena!” The blonde cringed from her place on the balcony, where she stood with a dying bud in her hand. She hoped you’d go home with a friend, or a stranger of your own, so that she would have been able to clean up the mess that had occurred from a party gone bad.
You never told her to stop, but she always saw in your eyes that you didn’t trust her process of friend making. The truth was the blonde just liked the freedom to choose. No one could tell her the man with the eye patch on the corner was bad news, and make her stop talking to him. He told her stories about his life as a young man, and how it ended him here, she believed that no one was undeserving of sharing their stories.
Still, she felt guilty for letting these friends inside to trash your place. Kenny was never meant to be in your room, let alone be allowed to sleep, but she was just too drunk an hour ago to care about removing him.
You waited with your arms crossed for her to join you in the kitchen, and when she entered you let loose. “Yelena, I do not care who you keep as company, but for the love of God never let them in my bed again, give me a heads up from now on, and keep the place tidy!”
The blonde blinked a few times, having expected your tirade to be more venomous, but she appreciated that it wasn’t. You were clearly mad, but you weren’t rude.
“Okay, I’m sorry you can have my room tonight, and I promise everyone will be gone by morning Y/N.”
After that conversation she seemed to understand that just letting anyone in, without at least a heads up, was poor etiquette, which wouldn’t fly. The blonde strived to be the best roommate, she once told you she would be so good that they’d have to give her the crown for it.
You didn’t have the heart to tell her it would never happen, actually, you had the big heart that led to you leaving an emerald bejeweled crown for her on the counter one morning. The childlike smile she wore was enough to keep you from regretting it when she wore it all day and made you read the congratulations they’d (you’d) left for her. It made you feel warm inside to be able to help the former assassin heal her inner child.
But now, as you stood before a stunning woman in nothing but a raggedy shirt and old white, cotton panties you were feeling that regret return and double.
When you went to sleep last night you were once again not informed to be prepared for strangers in the form of guests. In Yelena’s defense though she wasn’t exactly expecting this one, so she rushed out the door with an excited Fanny and whispered to her sister to keep it quiet so you could sleep off your night out on the town.
Unfortunately, the sound of the front door closing was enough to rouse you, your eyes opened and a groan slipped passed your lips as the bright sun beamed into your face mockingly. After a moment of calm you felt a headache burning behind your arm covered eyes, so you headed down the stairs to get to your kitchen for a cup of water so that you could take an Advil and crash.
“I, um, I’m sorry,” you managed to squeak out, and in an embarrassed rush you turned on your feet, but before you could even move up a step you were halted.
“Hey,” she rasped, and watched in amusement as your spine shivered before her very eyes. “There’s no need to apologize darling, this is your house after all. I’m sorry to have barged in, but I needed somewhere to lay low for a while. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.”
Your stomach swirled with aroused tension, the pet name, the gritty tone of her voice, and the intense look in her eyes had you going weak in the knees. It showed as you stumbled down the last two steps and skirted to a stop just before her. “No, it’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting company is all. I’d have gotten dressed.”
Natasha was suave with the way she pushed your bodies together, using the wall to keep you trapped against her, and unable to avoid her temptations. It was only a breaths time for you to find yourself there.
“I can assure you honey,” her hand fell to your thigh and your heart raced incessantly. “I don’t mind.”
“I don’t either,” you admitted, but felt too seen so you continued on, “That you stay here, to lay low, that is.”
“Oh,” she teased, with the lightness in her voice, “I’m so glad to hear that, because we will have the chance to get to know each other better. Maybe we’ll even…”
You wanted to know what might be, but fate decided to leave that for another day as the door flew open and Yelena shrieked, “Oh my god, no, Fanny girl cover your eyes!” You looked over in confusion. “Natasha, unhand my roommate now!” The redhead rolled her eyes, and stepped back with a smirk as you whined at her loss.
You hadn’t a chance to protest—or even say goodbye, as Yelena reached for her sister’s hand and pulled her away, fighting with her in their mother tongue.
“Chto s toboy ne tak.”
(What the fuck is wrong with you?)
“Mne? chto s toboy ne tak?! ona velikolepna, i ty derzhal yeye ot menya”
(me? what's wrong with you?! she is gorgeous and you kept her from me)
“Ona zapreshchena, Natal'ya”
(she is off limits, Natalia)
“Eto ne to, chto skazali yeye glaza.”
(that's not what her eyes said)
The door slammed and you didn’t even flinch, too busy daydreaming about the moments prior. And for the first time since Yelena had become your very own (craigslist found) roommate you didn’t mind the thought of getting to see one of her guests again; Natasha had made her mark on you in record time.
That night, Yelena came back with her head low, and elder sister in tow. The redhead smiled triumphantly as she winked at you, your nervous gaze fell, and in her hands laid a sleeping kitten. “Y/N, meet Liho…”
You chuckled in amusement, and scooped the kitten up and settled her into your lap. “What’s so funny detka?”
“It’s just,” you stifled another rude laugh. “Yelena’s strays have never brought one of their own before.”
Natasha took a second to process your tease as she sat beside you, eventually she leaned forward, her chin resting on your tense shoulder. “I am more so a lone wolf type, no one’s stray. I plan on sticking around for a while too, so I hope you don’t make it a habit of being so bare in front of my sister, save that for me instead.”
“Also,” she scooped the sleeping kitten up and onto her shoulder, “Liho is no longer a stray, she is a house cat.”
Yelena settled beside you, frowning, “I’m sorry Y/N…”
“Don’t be,” you shrugged her off, and patted her knee before you followed the trail of her sisters upstairs.
Yelena huffed, and snuggled into her Akita’s fur. “This is why I prefer dogs to people. They are so overrated.”
R (for real)
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Part 2 of I Hate Myself 
Summary: With the one year anniversay approaching of Courtney’s death, you get invited back to your home town in South Carolina and the only way you are going to surive going back if a certain blonde Black Widow joins you. 
Warning: Fluff, a little bit of angst, mention of addiction, mention the events of Endgame
Word count: 7.3k
 “How was therapy?” Yelena asked as you descended the stairs. She was in the kitchen making you both lunch. It was part of the routine you two found when you moved in with her. You learned quickly that the house she brought you to was located on the Avengers’ compound. It was Natasha’s. The Black Widow left it for Yelena when she gave her life to bring back half the population. Sometimes Maria would come and spend the night but a majority of the time was just you and Yelena. You had therapy 3 times a week and twice a month you would take a trip down to the city for an AA meeting. If her schedule allowed it Yelena would be home after your therapy appointment, making lunch or practicing on the piano. Because of her, you were 6 months sober. 
“It was okay,” you told her sitting down at the dining room table. She joined you with 2 sandwiches. “It was hard.” The first anniversary of Courtney’s death was one month away. 
“I’m proud of you,” she always was. Even when you came into her room crying because you wanted to use it so bad or when you had a beer and you felt so guilty and angry with yourself. She was never mad at you. She was always proud of you. 
“How’s Kate?” Because you were living with Yelena you met all of the Avengers. The archer was hurt on a mission. You’ve seen Yelena come home banged up and bruised. 
“Stubborn,” you giggled. 
“Sounds like a certain Black Widow I know,” she glared at you, which had no real bite to it. It made you laugh again. 
“Heather and Jacob called. They asked if you could call them after therapy.” Your relationship with Courtney’s parents improved greatly. You talked to them at least once a week and gave them updates on how you were doing. 
“Thank you,” you took her and your empty plate to the sink. You rinsed them off and placed them in the dishwasher. “Will you be here when I get off the phone with them?” 
“Of course, smaylik (smiley),” The Russian nickname caused butterflies to form in your stomach. It was one of the few she called you. Smiley was a new one. She said it was a gentle reminder for you to keep smiling because of how nice yours was. You smiled and walked to your room. You kept the door slightly open as you sat on your bed and pulled out your phone. They answered on the second ring. 
“Hey sweetheart,” Heather said. “How are you?” 
“I’m stronger every day.” you lay down on your back. You faintly heard Jacob say, ‘Atta girl.’ It made you smile. “Yelena said you needed to talk to me. Is everything alright?” 
“Yes everything is fine.” you didn’t like her tone. “As you know we are coming up on 1 year,” you put your free arm over your eyes. “We are going to throw a little celebration and we wanted to invite you.” 
“Oh,” your relationship with them has been great but you haven’t reached out to the rest of her family you were once close with or been back to South Carolina. “Uh, can I think about it?” 
“Of course,” you could hear the smile that was on her face. “Just let us know.” You promised that you would and said your goodbyes. You pressed the palm of your hands to your eyes. It sometimes felt like your throat was on fire and your hands were sweaty. Over the past 6 months, you’ve learned to control these urges. You picked up your phone and dialed a number that you had memorized. 
“What’s up, buttercup?” Hannah asked. She was your sponsor. 
“Hannah,” you hated how shaky your voice sounded. 
“Hey, talk to me. Tell me what’s going on,” and you told her. You told her that in a month it will be the anniversary of Courtney’s death but you had a plan. Yelena requested the week off and you and she were going to go to Iowa to spend time with the Bartons. However, Heather just invited you to this celebration of life and now you didn’t know what to do. But drowning in a bottle of whiskey sounded like the best idea. “Well, I’m glad you called and didn’t do that,” she chuckled. “Do you want to go back to South Carolina? Do you feel like you're ready to go back? You weren’t sure. Going back meant seeing old date spots, running into people from high school, or worse seeing your parents. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever be 100% ready to go back,” you sighed. “But I feel like if I don’t go back I’ll be letting everyone down.” 
“I don’t give a fuck about everyone else’s feelings,” this is why you liked Hannah. She didn’t beat around the bush or sugarcoat things. “I’m asking you if going back home will benefit your recovery. Maybe get closure.” Closure? 
“I think it might,” you said slowly. “But I don’t know what to do. The urge to use-”
“Breathe for me, buttercup, breath,” Hannah cut through your spiraling thoughts. You followed her; breathing in for 5 seconds, holding it, then letting it out. “Good, now that you said you want to go. What needs to be done so that you’ll be comfortable going? Like if someone went with you.” Yelena. You thought of her immediately. You knew you could do it with her by your side. 
“If Yelena went with me I’d be okay,” you told her. “But would it be okay to ask her to come with me?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” She asked. There were a lot of reasons why it wouldn't be okay. The biggest reason was you would be traveling to the town you fell in love with the person you were planning on marrying to be with her entire family and you were confused about your feelings for the blonde. “Look, all you have to do is ask.”
“And if she says no?”
“Then she says no. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” Hannah said. “But something tells me she won’t.” You thanked Hannah and hung up. You sighed, stood up, and headed back down. You knew Yelena was waiting for you. As you got closer, you heard Yelena playing the piano. You stopped and watched her play, A Wonderful Life by Louis Armstrong. She seemed so at peace, at ease at the piano. It reminded you of when she would dance. 
“I can feel you staring, keks (cupcake),” you blushed as you sat down next to her on the bench. “How are Heather and Jacob?” She asked. 
“I need to talk to you about something,” she stopped mid-song and gave you her full attention. “The one year is coming up and I know we planned on going to Iowa.”
“Do you not want to do that anymore?” She asked. “We can do whatever you want or if you don’t want me to be involved at all.” Goodness, you weren’t sure what you did to deserve to have Yelena in your life. 
“I still want to do something. With you,” you added, letting out a shaky breath. She took your hand in hers and rested it on the piano keys. She pushed your fingers gently on the cords. The simple cord filled the quiet house. “Thank you,” she smiled. “Heather and Jacob are planning a celebration of life for Courtney. They invited me.” 
“That’s good,” she said. “Is it?” She questioned, seeing the hesitant look on your face. 
“No, it is. I want to go,” you looked at the piano, tracing the black keys. “Will you come with me?” You asked, looking at her. She didn’t mask the shock on her face. “You don’t have to,” you quickly said. “I can ask Hannah.” 
“Of course, I’ll go with you,” you felt relieved. 
“You are amazing, have I ever told you that?” She laughed, pumping her shoulder against yours. “I’ll call them and let them know.” 
“Okay, now teach me another song!” You laughed, shaking your head. But you began to teach her. You found you’d do anything for her if she asked. 
You were walking out of the bathroom when you heard screaming. You ran towards Yelena’s room and opened her bedroom door. The blonde was thrashing underneath the covers. “Yelena,” you said, sitting on her bed. “Yelena, wake up. It’s just a bad dream.” It took some time but soon Yelena sat up quickly, a scream barely leaving her lips. Her eyes were frantic and she was hyperventilating. Touch. She told you that touch helped ground her. You took her hands in yours. “It’s okay,” you whispered. “You're safe.” She moved her hands up your arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You moved closer to her and she wrapped her arms around your waist to pull you into a hug. You rested your hands on the back of her neck, playing with the strands of hair that were loose from her braid. You felt her tears on her shirt but you didn’t draw attention to it but you continued to play with her hair. “Do you want to talk about it?” You always asked. She shook her head. She never did talk about them. “Do you want me to stay?”
“Please,” she whispered. It was faint, you almost missed it. She let go of you so you could lay down next to her. You rolled on your side, resting your head on your hand to look at her. She was staring up at the ceiling. You could see tears falling down her cheeks. Soon she turned her head to face you. 
“Hi,” you whispered. 
“Hi,” her accident was always thicker at night or when she had been crying. You gently placed your hand on her cheek, wiping the tears away with your thumb. It broke your heart seeing the normal headstrong Russian break down. Your eyes flickered to hers then down to her lips. You wanted to kiss her and the idea scared you. You pulled your hand back. 
“Go back to sleep,” you whispered. “I’ll fight the nightmares away.” She smiled, rolling over to her side to face you. You didn’t miss the way her eyes flickered to your lips. 
“Thank you,” she said. “For tonight.” 
“Always.” When you woke up the next morning, you felt a heavy weight on you. You looked down and saw Yelena’s arms around your waist, holding you close. She was warm and felt safe like you were home. You relaxed and fell back asleep. 
“So you're telling me,” Kate said. “She invited you to her hometown, where she met and fell in love with the woman she was going to marry to a get-together for said woman and her family,” Yelena nodded at Kate’s summary. “And you haven’t told her that you're in love with her yet.” She punched the sandbag in front of her.   
“That’s rough buddy,” Yelena rolled her eyes, punching the bag again. She regretted telling Kate everything but she needed to tell someone and the one person she wanted to talk to was gone. So when the archer followed her into the training room, she was still benched until Helena cleared her, and everything came spilling out. Yelena did not mean to fall in love with you. It just happened, watching you heal from your guilt involving the accident and the trauma brought on by your parents was beautiful. But Yelena loved seeing your smile when you were playing piano, the feeling of your hand on her when she hit the wrong key, and the hugs you gave her when nightmares woke her up. 
“What do I do?” Yelena asked. 
“You do what you have been doing,” Kate said. “Be there for her. Don’t overthink it.” That was easier said than done.   
South Carolina 
Your leg wouldn’t stop shaking as Yelena drove down the familiar streets of your hometown. It was night but you didn’t need light for the flood of memories to come back. “Hey,” Yelena said, glancing at you. “Talk to me. How are you?” The GPS said you were 30 minutes from Heather and Jacob’s house. You told them you had no problem with staying in a nearby hotel but they insisted you stay with them. When Courtney went into her junior year in high school, they converted a small shed in their backyard into a small bedroom. 
“I think I’m going to throw up.” You admitted. 
“Well, aim for the window. That will cost me,” Yelena joked. 
“You're right,” you smiled. “I don’t want to cost you.” Yelena smiled, holding out her hand. You took it and squeezed. 
“I’m right here for you,” Yelena said. “Whatever you need. Always.”
“I know.” 
You were going to throw up. It wasn’t a matter of if but when you waited. The house hadn’t changed much since the last time you were here. The landscape changed to fit the season. The outside was Heather’s pride and joy next to her kids. After school on warm sunny days, you would find her in the garden. “I lived at this house my senior year,” you told Yelena. “It’s odd being back.” You hit the doorbell. Before you were dating Courtney, they gave you a key to the house but it felt wrong to use it. Heather opened the door. Everyone said Heather and Country looked alike and when Country was alive you didn’t see it. But standing in front of the woman now was like looking at her twin. They had the same brown hair, bright brown eyes, and a button nose. They even had the same birthmark on their chin. “Hi,” you forced out. It sounded like you were done running 10 miles. Without a moment's hesitation, she pulled you into a hug. You tensed up not expecting it but relaxed into her arms. It felt nice and you were surprised by how much you missed it. 
“You must be Yelena,” you heard Jacob say. Heather let you go and she said hello to Yelena by giving the Black Widow her hug. You did tell her that Smith's love language was physical touch. “You're looking good, girlie,” Jacob said, hugging you. 
“Feeling good,” you whispered. He patted you on the back. 
“Please come in,” you walked into the Smith’s family home and smiled. Every corner had a memory. You felt your chest tighten up but it didn’t hurt. You let out a shaky breath. It was a strange realization to be in a house that used to be a home to you. 
Courtney was the second oldest out of 4 children Heather and Jacob had. The eldest was Gavin, who had 2 kids of his own, then Country, Abigail, and the youngest was Lily. You were nervous to see all of them again and introduce Yelena to the mix. But those nerves were pointless when they saw you and hugged you. You fell back into the family again. You saw Yelena deep in a conversation with Gavin. You weren’t sure what they were talking about but Yelena sent you a wink. The Smiths were a big family. Jacob was an old child but Heather had 6 brothers and sisters which came with spouses and little kids running around. They were a big family but incredibly close, something that you were jealous of when you started dating Courtney. 
You and Yelena decided to take some of the younger kids into the backyard to play. You were sitting on the ground with Gavin’s youngest braiding her hair and putting little flowers in the braid while Yelena played soccer. “Mind if I join you?” Abigail asked. You finished the braid in Jennifer’s hair and she ran off to join the game, shouting a thank you over her shoulder. You nodded and sat down next to you. “I missed that.”
“What?” You questioned, looking at her. 
“Your smile,” she said. “I thought I would never see it again after Courtney passed away.” You blushed, looking toward the person who was the reason you were able to smile again. “She’s good for you,” you nodded. “And you look at her like how you used to look at my sister.” 
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” you mumbled. She laughed, hitting her shoulder against yours. 
“You look at her like she hung the moon and the stars and everything in between.” The blush on your cheeks darkened. 
“Shut up.” You said. Her laughter died down. 
“She’s special,” Abigail said, standing up and fixing the dress she was wearing. “Anyone that comes into this family and doesn’t run off is special.” You smiled. 
“Yeah, she is,” she squeezed your shoulder and walked back to the house. You watched the kids play with Yelena, climbing all over the Black Widow and running after her. The smile on her face made your heart skip. It was so carefree and beautiful. Her green eyes locked onto yours. 
“Come on party pooper,” she teased. “Come play with us.” There was a chorus of nagging from the kids that didn't fall on deaf ears but your eyes were on Yelena as you rolled your eyes and stood up to join. She was special and someone you were learning that you couldn’t live without, someone you were growing to love. 
Everyone moved to the living room, you were sitting next to Yelena with Lily on your other side. The conversation was in small groups but it felt nice to be together. “Come on, Beethoven. Play something for us,” Gavin said. “We miss your beautiful voice,” you rolled your eyes. “If you don’t I’ll start singing.” 
“Oh, please don’t,” Lily said. She looked at you. “Save us,”
“Alright, alright,” you squeezed Yelena’s hand before walking over to the piano. You uncovered it and felt the memories flood over you. You glanced at Yelena, who gave you a wink. “What do you want me to play?” 
“Courtney’s favorite.” It wasn’t specific because she had a lot of favorites. But you smiled as you began to play. 
“It’s 9 o’clock on a Saturday. The regular crowd shuffles in. There’s an old man sitting next to me. Makin love to his tonic and gin,” she begged and begged for you to learn how to play it. She said you couldn't be a piano player if you didn’t know how to play Piano Man. You played it for her almost every day. 
“Sing us a song, you're the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well, we’re all in the mood for a melody and you got us feeling alright,” you continued to play as the group joined in. As the song came to an end, you went into the next one without someone having to request it. You looked at Yelena. 
“So bye-bye Miss. American Pie. Drove my Chevy to the levee was dry. Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singing ‘This will be the day that I die. This will be the day that I die.’” It was one of the first songs she requested you teach her. You thought it was strange, a Russian wanting to learn such an American song but you taught her and she told you the story behind the song. It reminded her of 3 years in Ohio with Natasha. You watched as a smile on Yelena’s face grew. You loved seeing her smile. As American Pie ended, other songs were requested. It made you happy and it reminded you of summer nights singing around a campfire. Yelena brought you a glass of water. 
“Can you play the song you wrote for the wedding?” Heather asked. “If you have it finished.” Of course, you did. It was one of the easiest songs you’ve written, the words and chords came so naturally. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to share it,” Jacob added. You wanted to. It was only right but your hands started to shake. Yelena sat down next to you on the bench. You felt her hand on your thigh. 
“Yeah, of course, I can play it,” you finished the glass of water. Your throat was dry. Yelena went to move back to her seat but you grabbed onto her to stop her. “Sorry, if it sucks.” You chuckled nervously. 
“It won’t,” Yelena whispered. 
“Nothing you’ve written has ever been bad,” Michael said. You were already fighting off tears, their words weren’t helping. You began to play, the music filled the quiet. You found yourself smiling. You wrote this song while Courtney was taking a midterm. 
“I still remember that perfect smile. That you gave me the first time I saw you. I knew it then and I still know now that my darling I’ll always adore you.” You were in after-school detention when you met Courtney. The reason why you were that was lost to you but she walked in with a smile on her face. People didn’t smile at you and if they did it was out of pity. You hated pity. She was there to tutor you in math. It was your best grade that year. 
“Promise me that you’ll always be the same person you’ve always been and love me whether I’m strong or weak.” It was hard for her to get you to open up. For years you built up a tough exterior to protect yourself. But Courtney and her family saw you for what you truly were, a scared little kid desperate for love. “Say you won’t let go.” Your voice cracked slightly. Yelena squeezed your leg. You nodded, a way to tell her you were okay. And you were. 
“I’m standing in a crowded room but it doesn’t change that all I see is you. I swear that you’re perfect. I don't deserve this night with you. A night with you, ohh,” You always believed Courtney was far out of your league and you didn’t believe her when she asked you to marry her, thinking it was a joke. 
“I’m standing in a crowded room,” you closed your eyes, feeling tears forming in your eyes. But these tears felt different. They weren’t out of sadness or anger or guilt but of relief. You were sharing the last thing that was holding you back. “If heaven is a place then it was made for two. I swear that you’re perfect. I don’t deserve this night with you but I’d love to spend my life with you.” You finished the song and opened your eyes, whipping away the tears that fell. Your song reduced the room to silence, not a dry eye among Courtney’s family. You interlock your fingers with Yelena and look at the Black Widow. Her smile was small and the way she was looking at you made your stomach flip. She was looking at you like you were the only two in the room. 
“She would have loved it,” Heather said, breaking the silence. You cleared your throat. 
“Yeah,” you whispered. “I think so too.”  
“I’m proud of you,” you turned to face Yelena. She was adjusting the sweatshirt she was wearing. You threw away the wipe you were using to clean your face. “You’ve done amazing since we got here.” You blushed, moving to sit on the bed. 
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” The blonde sat down next to you crossing her legs. “I sang it to her when she was in the hospital before they took her off life support,” you smiled. “I like to think she heard it.” 
“I bet she did and she loved it as everyone else did,” She said. “You have a very important gift,” you blushed at her compliment. 
“It felt therapeutic sharing that with them,” you said. “Like I can close that chapter of my life.” 
“What do you mean?” She asked. You took her hand and played with the rings on her fingers. Each ring had a story. She spent one night telling you each one after a nightmare you had. 
“A part of me will always love her no matter who I love next. But by playing that song for you and them it was like I got closure,” you looked up at her, chuckling nervously. “It’s stupid.” 
“No,” she smiled. “It’s not stupid.” You smiled, letting go of her hand and slipping underneath the covers. 
“Tomorrow,” you said as she stood up to take her jewelry off. “Do you want to go somewhere with me?”
“Are you going to show me where you and Gavin almost got arrested for breaking into a house because you thought they were mistreating their dog?” She asked, slipping her rings off. You rolled your eyes. “Or when you stole a car to impress Country?” You crossed your arms, a frown on your face at her teasing tone. She turned on the small light before turning off the main one and climbed onto her side of the bed. “I would have never guessed you were the town’s bad girl.” 
“Why is that?”
“Because,” her smile grew. “You're so cute.” She pinched your cheeks. 
“I hate you,” you deadpanned, pushing her hands away from your face. Her laugh echoed in the small room and you couldn’t help but join in with her. “But seriously, will you join me?”
“Of course,” she said. “Can I know where we are going?” You shook your head, turning on your side. 
“It’s a surprise,” you heard her huff and get comfortable next to you but she kept fidgeting and you turned to face her. A smile on your face because of the pout she was wearing. “You're a child,” you giggled. “Just trust me. It will be fun.” You’ve had this outing planned before the trip but didn’t know when to do it. She turned to face you. 
“I trust you,” she whispered. “Always.”     
Yelena knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. She carefully got out of bed, without waking you up, and was greeted by the cold air. There was no plan as she walked and since she didn’t know the town well she quietly opened the back door to the Smith family home. It was quiet as Yelena walked over to the fireplace to look at the pictures. She’s been wanting to get a better look at them since she’s been here and now seemed like the best time. There was one of you and Courtney at your high school graduation, another one at prom, and one just of you sitting at a piano. She saw other pictures of Courtney’s siblings and cousins and almost every group picture you were there. “Couldn’t sleep either,” Yelena jumped at Jacob’s sudden voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“It’s alright,” she put the photo back down.
“Do you want to join me for a drink?” She didn’t think she could say no to the man so she followed him to the kitchen. “Water, tea, soda, or something stronger.” 
“Water is fine,” he filled a glass from the fridge and set it in front of her. He got a beer from himself. “I only drink at events but never liquor but I do take a shot for my sister on her birthday.” She explained. 
“And you stopped drinking to aid in her recovery?” She nodded.  
“She didn’t ask me to,” Yelena said. “I knew it would be easier if bottles of vodka weren’t lying around,” he nodded. Yelena sipped on the water in silence as she felt him watching her. 
“It’s okay, you know?” She gave the man a confused look. “That you love her,” The Black Widow was grateful that she didn’t have water in her mouth because it would have gone everywhere. She rubbed her chest to help calm herself down. “She has that ability to draw people in,” he continued. “Courtney and she didn’t become friends till 8th grade and my daughter was as straight as they come; all As, no disciplinary issues, and never missed school. Until a young troublemaker came into her life. She still did well in school but she had fun, a little too much fun,” he added with a smile. Yelena chuckled. 
“She’s helped me so much,” Yelena whispered, moving the rest of the water in her glass around. “More than I thought she would have.” 
“Have you told her?” She shook her head. “I don’t know if you are looking for advice but I would tell her. Take it from me, the world is unpredictable and you never know what could happen.” 
It was around 11:30 when you approached Yelena to see if she was ready to go. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Yelena asked, buckling her seat belt as you adjusted the driver seat. 
“I’m kidnapping you,” you deadpanned, buckling your seatbelt. Yelena rolled her eyes, hitting you softly. “I wanted to show you a few places and maybe get food. Does that sound good?” The blonde nodded. 
With her consent, you backed out of the driveway and started on your way. You drove past your high school, the corner store that the owner had a soft spot for, and let you take a candy bar and the 24-hour dinner. You showed her the park and the auto shop where you learned to hot wire a car. “Your parents,” Yelena said, adjusting the music. “Are they still in town?”
“Heather said they were. She sees them in church every Sunday,” you did not was to see them out of fear you’d punch them. “The last time I spoke to them was on the first day of senior year when they kicked me out,” you shrugged. “It was probably the best thing they did for me.” 
You turned into the cemetery, glancing at Yelena who shifted in her seat. You had to ask Heather where Courtney’s plot was. The funeral was a blur for you. You remember singing at the church and that was it. You parked and turned off the car. Tapping on the steering wheel, you looked at the back of her headstone. “I haven’t been here since the funeral,” you said. “And when I left I didn’t say goodbye. I just left.” You smiled. “I was afraid of cemeteries when I was younger.” 
“Really?” You hummed, nodding your head. 
“I thought the ground was going to give away and I’d be buried alive,” you looked down. “Now I’m scared for a whole different reason.” 
“Do you want me to go with you?” You shook your head. 
“No,” you smiled, looking into her green eyes. “I need to do this alone. I won’t be long.” You got out of the car and closed the door. Yelena rolled down her window. 
“Hey,” she said. “Take your time, okay?” You nodded, placing your hands in the pocket of your jeans, and walked over to her headstone. It was hard. Each step felt heavier as if you had 100-pound weights attached to your legs and you were walking through quicksand. But it was a beautiful day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky but there was a light breeze. You knelt in the grass in front of her grave. It was well kept, with no weeds and the flowers were alive. You traced her name and the day she died with her finger.   
“Hey, sugar,” you whispered. “I know it’s been a while but I’ve been going through some things,” you smiled. “I guess you aren’t surprised by that. I’m holding a lot of guilt about that day. You would have done so much for this shitty world and saved people when I just want to be a singer,” you shook your head, laughing slightly. “I know, I know my songs can help people or whatever you usually say but I didn’t see it that way. I was so angry with the world that I drowned my sorrow in pills and alcohol. It almost killed me and at that moment I wished it did. But now,” you looked at the car where Yelena was waiting for you. “I want to live. I met someone that saved me almost in the same way you saved me.” You brought your knees to your chest. “I think you would have liked her.” You played with the grass. “A part of my heart will always belong to you but I think I want her to have some of it too.” You whipped away a few tears that fell. “Thank you for giving me your love. It was short but so beautiful.” 
Yelena was freaking out. Her stomach was in knots and her heart was beating against her rib cage. She didn’t expect you to bring her here. With a sigh, she pulled out her phone and called Maria. She was growing closer to her sister’s girlfriend every day. It was hard at first and she carried a lot of resentment toward her. She got to spend so much time with her sister that she didn’t get it. But Yelena began to listen to the stories Maria shared and she learned how much Maria loved Natasha. “Hey, are you okay?” Maria asked on the second ring. 
“Yeah,” Yelena said, leaning her elbow out the window. “Why wouldn’t I be?” She winced at how shaky her voice sounded. 
“Because you never call me,” she pointed out. That was true. “So tell me what’s going on.” Yelena leaned her head back, closing her eyes. She knew Maria was patient, this wasn’t her first time dealing with a Black Widow. 
“She brought me to the cemetery,” she said. “To visit Courtney’s grave.” She added quickly. The first part sounded like a plot for a bad kidnapping. “And I’m kind of freaking out.” Maria chuckled. 
“Why are you freaking out?” Yelena wasn’t sure. She was worried that she wasn’t going to be enough for you. What if she said the wrong thing? “Yelena, listen to me. She trusts you like no other. There is a reason she asked you to join her in South Carolina.” 
“I was just the most convenient.” Yelena knew that wasn’t true. Sometimes she needed to justify why you spent so much time with her. She was convenient. You both lived under the same roof, your schedule lined up with hers, and you both liked the same things. 
“I am going to pretend you didn’t say that, okay?” Yelena sighed. “I need you to listen to me. Can you do that for me?” 
“Yeah,” she whispered. 
“You may have forced your way into her life because of the guilt you felt for not stopping The Crystal Thorns fast enough and at any point, that girl could have walked away from you,” that made Yelena’s stomach drop again. She didn’t like the idea of you not being in her life. “But she didn’t. She stayed. Not only did she stay, but she's also working on being a part of your family when she could have only been focused on her recovery.” Maria was right. Whenever there was a team dinner or an event that the Avengers had to make an appearance at, you were there, center front. Yelena watched you get to know every member of her team. Not her team but her family. “She cares about you.” 
“I care about her too.”
“I know you do,” Yelena could hear the smile in Maria’s voice. “Just be you. That’s all she wants.” 
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” 
“Of course. I’m here if you need anything.” Yelena said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. She hesitated slightly as she got out of the car and walked over to you, staying back to give you the option if you wanted her to join. Yelena could see the tears stained on your cheeks. You held out your hand and she took it, sitting next to you. She’s only going to one other grave and that was her sister. Maybe she could take you there. You rested your head on Yelena’s shoulder. “How are you, smaylik (smiley)?” Yelena asked. 
“I’m good,” Yelena felt your shoulders move up and down. “A little hungry.” The blonde laughed.
“Let’s go get food then. I bet you’ll know all the best spots,” you giggled. Yelena afford her hand to help you stand up and you took it, whipping the dirt off your jeans. You kissed your hand and placed it on the headstone. 
“I’ll visit more often,” you promised and headed back to the car. But Yelena didn’t follow you. “Are you coming?” You asked over your shoulder. 
“Yeah, just give me a second.” You nodded with a smile and walked back to the car. Yelena watched you and when she heard the door close she looked at Courtney’s headstone. It was simple with her name, date of birth, date of the accident, and a quote. The quote read, ‘If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.’ Yelena smiled, resting her hand on the headstone. “I’ll protect her,” she promised. “I'll keep her safe and love her if she lets me.” Before she turned around to walk away a butterfly landed on Courtney’s headstone. It was beautiful, the wings were black and orange. Yelena held out her hand and the butterfly rested on her finger. The blonde chuckled. “I’ll take this as I have your blessing.” The butterfly flew off. Yelena smiled, glancing one more time at Courtney’s grave, and walked back to the car.  
You drove to a local seafood restaurant. The restaurant was family-owned and of the oldest buildings in town. Everyone in high school talked about the place but walking in with Yelena as she held the door for you and the smell of fish filled the air, it was your first time coming into the restaurant.“So what’s good here?” Yelena asked as the waitress walked you over to the table and gave you both menus. You shrugged, opening the menu. 
“I don’t know,” you said. “I’ve never been here before.” You glanced up at Yelena, who was confused. “Courtney was allergic to seafood and before that, I wasn’t someone who would come to restaurants.” You smiled. “So I thought this would be a good spot. We can go somewhere else if you want.” 
“No,” Yelena said. “This is perfect.” 
After lunch, you got back in the car. “One more stop and we’ll go back to the house.” Yelena smiled. 
“You know how to treat a girl,” you giggled, pulling out onto the street. 
“I have to treat my favorite Russian.” Yelena frowned. 
“I thought I was the only Russian you were friends with.” 
“I’ve met Bucky,” you countered. 
“He does not count.” You laughed, shaking your head. It was music to Yelena’s ears. 
“I’m joking,” you smiled. “Your my favorite, Lena,” it was the way you said it made Yelena’s stomach flip. “Besides, you can plan the next one.” You winked. Yelena felt a strange emotion running through her, hope. Something she hadn’t let herself feel in a very long time.   
You parked the car near a clearing. There was a single tree and Yelena could see the small town. You got out of the car and grabbed a bag from the back. “You coming, Lena?” You asked. The blonde followed you to the tree as you got out a picnic blanket and laid it on the grass. Yelena sat down next to you. “Thank you,” you said after a lapse of silence passed between you two. “For today, this week, and everything you’ve done for me,” you looked away from the view and at Yelena. “I don’t think I’ll be able to repay you.” 
“You don’t have to repay me, smaylik (smiley),” she said. “I’m glad I could help.” You took her hand in yours and played with the rings on her fingers. 
“Heather asked if I’m moving back once I’m better,” you felt her squeeze your hand as if you’d disappear in front of her. “I told her I’m going to stay in New York because that’s where my family is.” 
“Oh,” Yelena whispered. You giggled at the shocked expression on her face. 
“I have one more thing planned,” you laughed as she rolled her eyes. Your hands shook as you opened the bag and took out a ukulele. “I’ve been practicing other instruments and I wrote you a song.” She stared at you, disbelief in her green eyes. 
“You wrote me a song?” You nodded. 
“Do you want to hear it?” She excitedly nodded her head. It was cute. “Okay,” you normally never gotten stage fright before but being this close to Yelena made your hands sweat. But the smile she gave you quieted all of your anxieties. You let out a shaky breath and began to play. It was awkward at first, your fingers were not used to strings. “How do I tell you I need you,” you sang. “When you steal the breath in my lungs? My body shakes ‘till the blood in my face makes me awkward, smile and turn around." The past few days you’ve been trying to pinpoint when your feelings changed for the blonde. It had to be when FRIDAY informed you that she was injured. She was gone on a mission for 3 days and when the AI informed you she was in the med bay you ran as fast as you could to the compound. You didn’t leave her side till she woke up. 
“How do I hold these emotions when you spin my world out of place? One look at me, it feels like everything is written marker on my face,” You were at a party with the Avengers and Yelena was talking with Carol. Kate caught you staring and teased you for it. 
“I’m hoping maybe you can tell me now. Am I the only one catching butterflies? Am I moth to your flame? Do you burn the same when I look into your eyes? Do you get butterflies?” You couldn’t look at Yelena so you focused on the blanket you were sitting on. 
“Don’t know what I’d do without you and that’s why you’re not here in my arms. I’m so scared to lose what we have asking for everything that I want,” you were terrified to cross this line with Yelena because what if she didn’t feel the same and you risked losing her? It would be worse than losing Courtney. 
“Cause maybe I raised all your red flags and these green lights are just in my head. I swear that there’s something we can’t explain and I’m terrified to lose it,” you continued to strum and hum and finally you looked at Yelena. Her green eyes were glossy with tears. You stopped playing, the only sound was the distant city. “Yelena-”
“I love you,” she said, cutting you off. “I’m so in love with you and it terrifies me.” 
“Why does it scare you?” You asked. You wanted to know everything in her head. 
“Because I don’t want to rush you into something you aren’t ready for,” she sighed. “A year ago you were going to marry someone else.” 
“And Courtney is dead and you're here,” you pushed the tears that fell down her cheeks. “You’ve seen me at my lowest point and you stayed when you didn’t have to.” You smiled. “I wouldn’t be alive without you.” She grabbed onto your hands. “I’m still healing and figuring things out but I know that whatever is happening between us I want to explore because you make me happy and smile and feel safe.” She kissed the palm of your hands. 
“You amaze me every single day,” she whispered. You smiled, kissing her forehead. “I can’t promise you I’ll be good at this,” she admitted. “I was never given a chance to be in a relationship.” 
“Well, I’m a recovering addict and you're a recovering assassin,” Yelena laughed, throwing her head back. “We’ll figure it out together.” 
“Together,” she smiled. 
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
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Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
♡ 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 ➳ 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕 ❥ 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 ❦ 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐚
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
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thesugarclubs-blog · 7 months
Fearless - Yelena Belova x F!OC
warnings: super fluffy, halloween themed love
word count: 3k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1392687021-fearless-amara
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“Alright kids,” Sam clapped his hands together, his eyes roamed over everyone in the group with a wide smile on his face. “We’re all here to have fun–” 
“But stick with your buddies.” Bucky cut in with a nod and his arms crossed over his chest. “We don’t need anyone getting lost.” 
The carnival lights flashed around them while eerie music and the smell of fried food filled the air. Amara was buzzing with excitement. Halloween was her favorite time of year. All of the spooks and haunts that lured people in, the costumes, and candy. Especially the candy. Her mouth watered the moment she spotted the Caramel Apple hut when they first walked in. 
Yelena nudged her side before leaning into her. “They do realize we are adults.” She whispered with a grin. Amara bit back a laugh as a throat cleared ahead of them. She glanced up to see Bucky sporting a frown though the amusement in his eyes contradicted it. 
“Don’t come running to me when you face a clown Belova.” He challenged. 
“Do not worry that pretty little head Barnes,” Yelena smirked, “Amara is scarier than a puny clown.” 
Amara laughed and shook her head, “Have you met me?” 
Golden eyes landed on her with a smirk, “I have and you are. Do not piss this one off.” Yelena laughed, wrapping her arm around Amara’s shoulders, “she is a fiery one.” 
“Oh my god, would you stop.” Amara laughed. 
By now even Peter and Kate were snickering together as they watched the exchange. Sam waggled his eyebrows at Amara while Bucky fought to bite back a grin. She was the least scary of them all but Yelena never failed to make her laugh. 
"You've all got your wrist bands?" Bucky huffed in weak attempt to hide his amusement.
"Be smart, stay safe," Sam nodded, "meet back here in a few hours for the bus home."
"Aye Aye, Cap!" Peter and Kate chimed at the same time with phony salutes that had Amara doubling over in laughter.
"What should we do first?" Peter tucked his hands into the bomber jacket he wore, his nose already reddened from the chill night air.
"Oh?" Yelena frowned at him, "You're wanting to stay in a group?"
"What's wrong Pete, you scared and need her to protect you?" Kate laughed, pretending to hide behind Amara and pushing her gently in front.
"Hey, leave me out of it," Amara protested. "I'm just here for the candy apples. Anything scarier than that is for you super heroes to deal with."
"Well there's hardly a queue so we can go there and eat them while we're looking around," Kate suggested, knowing just how sweet Amara's tooth was and knowing that she was a dog with a bone until it was sated.
Amara grinned, "Yes!" Pumping her fist in the air, she grabbed Yelena's arm and began to tug her in the stall's direction. 
Peter and Kate followed behind them, grumbling good-naturedly but as they approached the stall’s counter they didn’t hesitate with their orders.
Amara grinned and pulled out her tongue at the two Avengers as she reached behind her with her free hand and twined her fingers with Yelena’s. Feeling the ex-assassin squeeze her hand affectionately made Amara’s belly fill with butterflies.
Apples in hand, the group turned to survey the rest of the carnival.
"What did you get?" Yelena asked, leaning further and further into Amara's side as they walked, warming her against the October evening chill.
"Salted caramel with chocolate sprinkles, wh- Lena, you got your own!" She grumbled playfully as Yelena made a point of pouting and eyeing her apple. 
"Yeah, but I just got normal caramel. Just one bite? Pretty please?"
"One bite," Amara smiled, holding the apple up to Yelena's lips. 
"It could use hot sauce, amore." She mumbled with full cheeks and knocked her body against Amara's.
"If you had your way Yel, everything would have hot sauce." Amara smiled. "Oh! Corn maze?" She pointed toward the well lit, friendly looking maze to their left. 
"No way, you picked apples," Yelena spun in a circle, dragging Amara by the hand. "That's where we are going!" 
Yelena pointed to a menacing looking construction haunted house with fog dripping from the front door and the faint sounds of people screaming from within its makeshift walls.
"You've got to be kidding me," Amara grumbled, shaking her head. "Haunted houses are so tame." 
"Well there'll be nothing for you to worry about then," Yelena grinned, firming up her grip on the other girl's hand. "See you guys at meet up," she yelled over her shoulder at Pete and Kate, who were still bickering about whose turn it was to pay for their candy.
Kate waved back distractedly and Yelena took that as acknowledgement.
“Come on, amore, you’ll love it.”
“I really don’t think I will,” Amara warned but, seeing the shine of excitement in her girl’s eyes, she caved in and allowed herself to be dragged across the trampled grass towards the haunted house.
They approached the door, the chemical smell of artificial fog permeated the air and deadened the sounds from the carnival. A particularly loud screech echoed out from the curtained doorway and Amara jumped despite herself.
“Not loving it, Lena,” Amara muttered as Yelena dragged her further into the structure with a comforting squeeze of her hand.
“I won’t let anything get you, my little scaredy cat,” Yelena whispered, a smile on her face. 
And how could Amara not believe her when that smile is the one Yelena reserves only for her?
A man appeared from the left of the doorway in a black ski mask and blood soaked sweater, “what is that corn syrup?” Yelena narrowed her eyes, “blood dries much darker, and not so sticky.” 
Amara couldn’t help but laugh, “leave him be,” she said but Yelena’s lack of tack in social situations was helping ease the pace of her racing heart. 
"I'm just- you know what nevermind." Yel scrunched her nose up at the man. 
"Please do not touch the staff members within the house, if you need assistance or want out at any point there are clearly lit exit signs at the end of most rooms." He pointed to a red sign above the main entrance. "Just like that one. Have fun ladies." 
Amara looked at the next doorway, the room beyond was pitch black, she wasn't afraid of haunted houses  and she was determined to show Yel that she could be just as fearless as the others. She reached back for Yelena's hand again and moved towards the darkened doorway.
"Are you sure you want to go first?" 
Amara laughed,"It's a fairground attraction Yel. There's nothing real here, the worst thing that'll happen is we'll scream." She took her first steps at a pace, "Come on girl, unless you're chicken."
Yelena scoffed in mock-annoyance and followed along after Amara as she plowed on forward and into the first room.
It was quiet, too quiet. A curtain fell across the doorway behind them, cutting out even the flashing lights from the carnival and plunging the room into darkness.
Amara’s breath hitched in her throat and she couldn’t help but grip Yelena’s hand just that little bit tighter.
With their eyes fixed on the figure, as if daring him to move towards them, the two girls began made their way towards the next doorway. As they progressed the figure turned on the spot, watching their every step.
Suddenly the lights went out. Both girls shrieked and clung to each other, their hearts racing out of their chests. The suspense was so palpable they dare not move.
After a few seconds Amara whispered,"it's ok Yel, we'll be ok..."
She could feel Yel freeze," shush, listen..."
A shuffle sounded alongside the sound of metal scraping against wood. Amara felt Yelena’s breath on her cheek and the pounding in her chest eased just a little.
The light flickered once more, which revealed the horrific reality that it wasn’t Yelena at all. 
The figure, whose face was crusted with decaying flesh, was standing so close to Amara that she could see the dim lights flicker in its eyes.
With a piercing scream she leapt backwards, trying to put as much distance as she could between herself and the nightmare before her.
“Yel?” She whispered, peering around as she continued to back up. Yelena was nowhere to be seen and Amara could feel her heartbeat thumping against her ribcage as she hissed,“Lena? Yelena?!” 
She kept her eye on the figure who was watching her leave with a gruesome grin until the light changed to a reddish hue indicating she was in the next room. 
Spinning on her heel, she was about to shout when her body collided with another and she let out another scream.
“Run!” A husky voice whispered from behind a melted clown mask. 
Amara wasn’t waiting, she took off through the darkness, stepping in time with the flashing lights trying to avoid smashing into anything and anyone else as she moved. Her heart was pounding and as much as she hated to admit it, she was terrified. 
“Lena!?” She yelled again and rounded a dark corner into a room that was lined with what looked like plastic painting sheets hanging from the ceiling. 
Shadows moved across and the flashing lights turned into a dark maroon color as she tried to feel her way through. 
Amara sensed, at this moment, she was alone. The low light was oddly comforting and she took a minute to breathe deeply and slow her racing heart. She hadn't a clue how she and Yel had separated, together one second and alone the next.
She looked to see which way she could go next, there was a set of stairs to her right and a door straight ahead. 
"Lena!" She shouted behind her into the darkness, and stopped again to listen carefully.
Suddenly ear splitting screams came from ahead, something had truly terrified someone ahead and she could hear footsteps running away.
"Fuck this," she thought, and took to the stairs.
"Yelena? Baby?" Amara asked tentatively, her hands out warily as she approached her. 
"Don't! Amara, don't come any closer." 
"Yelena, you're safe. It's just a smoke machine." 
Amara took another step towards her until Yelena fell into her arms. 
"I don't-- I don't like it," Yelena said in broken breaths, Russian accent thicker than usual. Amara swept Yelena's blonde hair from her face, cradling her cheeks in her hands as she pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.
"Come on, let's get you out of here."
The two wove through the obstacles toward the final room of the haunted house. Their fingers tightly tangled together as they kept their eyes on the exit sign. 
“Boo!” A worker jumped out from behind a barrier. His hands jutting out and his frame towering over Amara. 
She swore under her breath, the sound coming out a scared yelped as Yelena shoved him backwards with her hand, unlinking the two of them and stepping forward. 
Adrenaline pumped through her features as she hovered over him pushing him into a wall, “stay back!” She growled when the worker tried to move forward. She tutted at him, waving her finger, “down boy. Stay.”
“Lena,” Amara whispered to her, “it’s ok, he’s just doing his job.”
“He scared you,” she shot a look over her shoulder, clearly very uncomfortable in the situation. 
“I’m okay,” Amara pressed a hand to her face.
“No-one gets to do that to you amore, not on my watch.”
“It’s fine Lena, honestly. Come here,” Amara said softly.
Yelena did as she’d been asked and wrapped a protective arm around Amara’s shoulder, glaring at the carnival worker as she did. The guy swallowed nervously and Amara threw him a sympathetic smile.
“H-have a good evening?” The guy stammered, his smile more of a grimace.
“I need a drink,” Yelena muttered once they were out of earshot. “You think I can get good vodka around here?” 
Amara huffed a soft laugh, skimming her hand down to link her fingers with Yelena’s. 
“We could find the others? Unless you wanna do something else just us?” She asked, peering at Yelena with a bashful smile. “There’s a ferris wheel, I haven’t been on one of those since I was a kid!”
“Well then, amore, then it’s about time your girlfriend took you on one,” Yelena grinned, squeezing her hand gently.
“Say that again?” Amara asked, a blush painting her cheeks.
“What, girlfriend?” Yelena teased, pulling Amara closer to her.
“Yeah, that. I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”
“Then I’ll say it as often as I can,” Yelena purred as she weaved them through the crowd.
The line for the ferris wheel was longer than the haunted house and the girls waited huddled together, Amara wrapping her arms around Yelena from behind, chin tucked over her shoulder. 
“Before we do this, you’re not hiding a fear of heights from me are you?” Amara asked. Yelena peered up at her, an eyebrow raised as if she couldn’t believe the question. 
“I did tell you about that time I literally flew a helicopter, right?” 
“Just checking!” Amara chuckled, pinching Yelena’s side playfully as they waddled forward together toward the ride.
The line moved quickly, as they held hands and nuzzled noses. Amara could smell the caramel apple on Yelena's lips- it was dizzying. 
The sounds of the carnival enveloped them and Amara relished in it. Distant screams of joyful terror drifting over from the haunted house. Bells and whistles from carnival games, kids laughing and running through the crowds. It was perfect. And she couldn't wait to cuddle up on the ferris wheel for a quiet moment with her girlfriend.
They heard the wood and iron frame of the giant wheel creak softly as they neared the front of the queue. Amara craned her neck backwards to stare up at the structure, squinting her eyes against the brightness of the lights that adorned the struts. A thrill of excitement ran through her veins at the thought of being in the car at the very top of the wheel.
A tug on her hand brought her back to the moment as Yelena fished in her pocket for coins to give the ride operator. Amara could have sworn she saw her girl slip the guy a bill or two but she shrugged off the thought when it was their turn to step up to the empty gondola.
Sliding into the seats, Amara sidled right in up against Yelena, relishing in her solid warmth as an arm slid around her snuggly.
With a contented sigh, Amara let her head fall to Yelena’s shoulder, and the wheel set off with a gentle sway as they climbed higher above the lights and sounds of the carnival. 
“I’m so happy,” Yelena murmured, voice so quiet Amara nearly missed the soft words spoken into her hair.
Amara's back melted further into the seat, as her stomach fluttered- was it the slight sway of the ferris wheel causing the butterflies? Or maybe it was Yelena's hand, slowly tracing circles against her upper arm. 
Maybe it was all of this moment. Everything that added up to this experience. The warmth and love she felt- she never wanted it to end. They were almost at the top and Amara felt as if the butterflies in her stomach were going to burst forth into the crisp, night air. 
Yelena nudged her out of her thoughts- "Where did you go, amore?"
“Just…just taking in the moment, Lena,” she smiled, tilting her head slightly to look at the woman beside her.
They were getting high now, the lights of the carnival were a carpet spread below them and the music became more muted the further they climbed.
As they reached the apex of the wheel’s rotation the gondola shuddered as the ride came to a halt. Amara swallowed nervously as the gondola swayed silently with residual motion.
“Lena, it’s not stuck, is it?” She asked nervously.
Yelena shook her head, fingertips skimming tender circles over Amara’s arm. 
“I wouldn’t let that happen to you,” Yelena replied, and Amara shifted in her seat to see her a little better. 
“What did you do?” 
“I just want to enjoy the view with you, my love.”
Yup. She was right. Amara did see Yelena slip the dude a $20. Relief washed over her and a warmth grew in her chest. 
"Lena, I-" she paused as the gondola finally slowed. "You're the sweetest."
Yelena chuckled and raised her other hand to Amara's face, lightly tracing her cheek. "That's why you're my girl. I bribe someone and you think I'm sweet."
“You are though,” Amara chuckled, but deeper emotions swirled within the depths of her eyes. “Lena…”
“I know that we haven’t been together very long but these past few weeks have been amazing.”
“I know, right?” Yelena beamed, squeezing her tighter against her body.
“Look, I just…I need you to know.” Amara took a breath, nerves tingling in her belly under Yelena’s intense gaze. “I love you, Lena.”
“Amore,” Yelena whispered, leaning closer to Amara before cradling her face gently between her palms. “I love you too. More than anything.”
“Even more than hot sauce,” Yelena admitted.
“Woah. That’s a whole lot,” Amara smiled, tipping her chin towards her love’s as their lips met in a sweet kiss.
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ginnsbaker · 8 months
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Summary: As your sticks fly across the drums, your eyes momentarily scan the crowd, taking in the faces, the movements, the ecstatic energy. And then, in the flickering club lights, you spot her // …or the one where you find Wanda in the crowd during your band's gig, only to discover there's much more to her than you initially thought.
Word count: 5.2K+ | Tags: Smut (18+), Fluff, Oral and fingering (W receiving), Squirting, Overstimulation, Meet-cute, Drummer!Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Requested by anon. I got carried a way for a bit and took a few liberties. Hope you like it!
You almost didn’t make it for tonight’s gig. 
Still recovering from the flu you caught last week, you were close to letting Kate fill in on the drums. That is, until Yelena begged you not to let her girlfriend botch a sold-out evening.
The tension backstage is thicker than Bucky’s pre-show smoothie, and, given the mishmash of green ingredients, that's saying something.
“I'm just saying, letting Kate drum tonight is like giving a cat a keyboard and expecting Bonham,” Yelena says, gesturing wildly with her hands.
“Continue talking and you might not have a girlfriend by the end of your next sentence!” Kate huffs, spinning on her heel to stomp out of the area. 
You sip on your water, trying to keep your hydration levels up but also stifle a chuckle. This isn’t the first time Yelena’s protective streak has clashed with Kate's overenthusiastic approach to... well, everything. Natasha is trying, and failing, to keep a straight face, while Bucky seems to have found sudden interest in the intricate patterns on his boots. 
Your head is throbbing, the remnants of the flu still gnawing at your energy, but you've mustered up just enough strength to make it through tonight's set. Before Yelena or any other band member can comment further, the organizer gestures for your band to take the stage.
You take a deep breath, followed by another swig of water. It's almost showtime, and the excitement is seeping through the nerves, reminding you why you endure the endless rehearsals, sleepless nights, and yes, even the pre-show squabbles.
As you step onto the stage, the applause is deafening. The lights illuminate the sea of faces before you, and you can see the familiar glint of excitement in the eyes of returning fans mixed with the curious expressions of first-timers.
Bucky approaches the mic, flashing his signature charming smile at the crowd. “Good evening, everyone! We’re ecstatic to see so many familiar faces and new ones too! We've got a great set for you tonight, but before we start, let's give a big shoutout to Y/N here, who's powering through the flu to be with us tonight!” The crowd roars in appreciation, and you can't help but wave sheepishly, a tentative smile stretching across your face.
Natasha strums the opening chords of the first song, her fingers dancing effortlessly over the strings. Yelena, momentarily forgetting her earlier spat with Kate, loses herself in the rhythm, the bassline syncing perfectly with your drumbeat. The music flows, each note hitting the right spots, the synergy between band members mesmerizing the audience.
As your sticks fly across the drums, your eyes momentarily scan the crowd, taking in the faces, the movements, the ecstatic energy.
And then, in the flickering club lights, you spot her.
There's a brunette, her hair cascading down, dancing like she was born for this exact moment. The way she sways and lets loose to the rhythm—it's captivating.
But it's when she turns around that your heart nearly leaps out of your chest. Her eyes meet yours, and the world seems to slow down for a moment. Those intense, deep-set eyes pull you in, making it impossible to look away. They're filled with an emotion that's hard to pinpoint: intrigue, curiosity, maybe even a hint of challenge. The message is clear—she's noticed you, just as much as you've noticed her. 
She doesn't break the gaze, and as her hips move in tune with your beats, there's a silent communication happening. Your hands, despite the rising temperature of the room, feel cold against the drumsticks. It's a battle to maintain your rhythm and not lose yourself under her spell.
Natasha, catching the look on your face, leans in during a brief instrumental break. “You good?”
“Yeah,” you reply, attempting to refocus. Your distraction had almost caused you to miss a beat or two. 
Your eyes are locked onto the brunette once more as she starts grinding against her friend, her movements confident, sultry, and unapologetically magnetic. It's the sort of dancing that would have any person within the perimeter drooling on the spot. Usually, you'd shy away from openly watching someone move so suggestively, but you find yourself completely mesmerized.
As the next song kicks off, you throw in some extra flash on the drums, just to see if she'll play along. And sure enough, with every fancy beat you drop, she dances right to it. It's like you're both in this unspoken challenge, seeing who can outdo the other. Your fingers grip the drumsticks tighter, and you can feel the heat rising on your face.
That's when Natasha glances in the same direction and catches on. “Well, well, looks like someone's got a fan,” she murmurs with a wink, her voice barely audible over the booming speakers.
You roll your eyes, trying to play it cool, but the dryness in your mouth betrays your nonchalance. “Just playing my part,” you quip, though you're keenly aware that your concentration tonight is split between the drums and the mesmerizing dancer.
Yelena, following the exchange between you and Natasha, leans in from the bass guitar, raising an eyebrow. “Who's got you all hot and bothered?”
“Shut up, Yel,” you retort. With cheeks aflame, you try to shove Yelena’s teasing aside, to focus solely on the music coursing through your veins. However, the allure of the brunette is a magnet you can’t seem to resist.
As the beat picks up, so does the pace of your heart, hammering against your chest with every enthralling movement she makes. She is intoxicating, and you’re utterly spellbound.
During the bridge, you hit a sour note—a misstep that rarely happens—and Bucky gives you a dirty look from across the stage. He’s a perfectionist when it comes to the music, and you mouth a silent “sorry” before forcing your eyes away from the captivating sight in the crowd.
But not before catching her reaction.
She's laughing, her eyes alight with impishness, and you'd swear she's looking right at you. There's a knowing smile on her lips that suggests she knows exactly the effect she’s had on you. It’s both mortifying and exhilarating.
You try to keep to the side, hiding behind cymbals and drums, but it's impossible to shake the sensation of being observed. It's like she's got a spotlight aimed right at you, and you're center stage. Every moment you resist looking her way feels like an eternity, but every time you feel the pull to glance in her direction, Yelena’s earlier tease flares in your mind, keeping your eyes stubbornly on Bucky’s flashy shoes.
As the last song fades and the applause rolls in, you set down your drumsticks, nerves and excitement warring within you. You don't hang around for Bucky's wrap-up speech. Instead, you hustle to get backstage.
To everyone's shock, you decide to stick around after the gig. You're usually the most introverted one in the group and never do this.
Natasha sidles up to you, a teasing smirk on her lips. “So, about that girl you couldn't take your eyes off of...?”
You attempt to play it cool, but your nervous fidgeting with your drumsticks gives you away. “What girl?” you ask, feigning ignorance.
Bucky snorts in amusement, a wicked grin stretching across his face. “The one you were practically eye-fucking the entire set? Thought you were gonna jump off stage and grab her right there.”
You're now the shade of a ripe tomato, desperately searching for a diversion. “You guys are seeing things,” you mumble, avoiding their amused gazes.
“Honestly, I was half-expecting her to throw a bra onstage or something, the way you were gawking,” Yelena chirps in.
“Enough,” you protest weakly, your voice drowned out by the laughter of your bandmates.
Just as you're about to slip away to the bar for a breather, a waiter approaches you with a drink in hand. “Compliments of the lady over there,” he says, nodding towards a dim corner of the club.
You peer in the direction he's indicating but can't make out who it's from. The drink looks fancy, possibly alcoholic. Glancing at the waiter, you inform him, “I can't drink alcohol right now, but thank you.”
Natasha snatches it from the tray. “Well, if you're not taking it, it's mine.”
Bucky laughs. “Is everyone in this club trying to woo our drummer tonight?”
You roll your eyes at them, trying not to dwell on the mystery woman. However, it's not long before the same waiter returns, this time holding a simple glass of lemonade. “The lady noticed you weren’t drinking the cocktails and thought you might prefer this.”
Your curiosity almost gets the better of you, but the memories of the striking brunette dancing to your beats earlier still linger fresh in your mind. You opt not to scour the club's corners to spot who's sending the drinks. Instead, you lift the lemonade in a thankful gesture, aiming it in the general direction of where the waiter had pointed, and offer a polite, appreciative smile into the dim.
Natasha teases, “Playing hard to get, huh?”
You shrug and take a sip from your drink. “Just soaking in the night and the rewards of our hard work,” you remark, patting the pocket where you tucked away the cash from tonight's gig. “Isn't that what we're here for?”
An hour later, the club's neon and strobe lights continue to play tricks on your eyes, turning every brunette head you spot into a potential sighting. Each time, however, it’s not her.
Bucky's animated conversation about a new track he's been working on fades into the background. Natasha keeps throwing you knowing glances, but doesn't press. It's Yelena who finally comments, probably having had enough of your desolate puppy-dog look. She nudges you with her elbow, Kate giggling drunkenly by her side. Yelena's arm is protectively around Kate, but her sharp gaze is all on you.
“You know, you won't find her by just sulking here and gazing at every brunette that walks past. You gotta move,” she challenges, her tone equal parts bored and encouraging.
Kate, in her slightly inebriated state, adds with a giggle, “Yeah, go get her, tiger!”
“It's not that easy, you know,” you sigh, brooding over your drink. “Plus, what if she's not even interested?”
Yelena's smirk is almost predatory. “From what I saw? Trust me, she's interested. Now go.”
With a resigned sigh, you push yourself up from the booth. Steeling yourself, you start weaving your way through the crowd, using your slightly sober advantage to maneuver past intoxicated dancers. You scan every corner and table as you walk past, even though there's a nagging feeling in your gut that she might have already left the club.
It’s after what feels like an eternity that you spot a familiar cascade of brunette locks by the bar. She’s engaged in what appears to be an animated conversation with a tall, equally striking man. However, her posture—shoulders slightly hunched, eyes darting around—suggests that she’s far from comfortable.
The protective instinct kicks in before you can talk yourself out of it. Closing the distance, you position yourself between her and the persistent guy, offering her a way out. “Hey there,” you say, smoothly, your voice loud enough to be heard over the clamor. “I've been looking for you. Sorry I'm late.”
She catches on immediately, her relief evident as she steps closer to you, away from the guy. “There you are! I was starting to worry,” she plays along, giving you a swift kiss on the cheeks that has your eyes widening for a second and breaking character. Thankfully, the guy doesn’t notice your blunder, and sensing he's lost this battle, scowls and retreats into the crowd.
Turning to her, you can't help the grin that finds its way to your face. “Sorry for that, I wanted to help, but I didn’t also want to cause any trouble.”
She smiles back, her eyes gleaming in the club lights. “Thank you for the save. I was about to resort to more drastic measures.”
The banter between you flows naturally, the awkward ice broken by the unusual circumstance of your first interaction. “I'm Y/N,” you offer, extending a hand.
“Wanda,” she says, taking your hand. Her grip is firm and her hand warm against yours. It sends a jolt of electricity up your arm. Only now do you notice her eyes, the shade of green in them, and the way they reveal so much yet nothing at all. Just like that, you fall a little deeper into her trap.
“Wanda,” you repeat, tasting the name on your tongue as if trying it out. Your smile broadens instinctively, and she catches it, her nose scrunching up bashfully.
“What?” she asks.
“Oh, nothing,” you chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of your neck. “I just think it's a beautiful name. Fits someone as beautiful as you.”
She blushes, and you can't help but inwardly high five yourself for making her smile like that. She looks away for a moment, trying to hide her smile but fails miserably, and you find it endearing.
“Thank you, Y/N,” she says, her eyes meeting yours once more, a shy smile on her lips.
The night unfolds seamlessly from there. You find a quiet corner away from the crowd, where the music is a distant thump, allowing conversation to flow freely.
“So, when did you start drumming?” Wanda asks, leaning in a bit, genuinely seeming interested in your answer. You try your best to stay calm as you feel the heat radiate from her body.
“Believe it or not, I started a bit late, around twelve,” you reply, smiling at the memory of your younger self, awkwardly trying to grasp the drumsticks. “But I played the guitar first, picked it up when I was just five.”
Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Wow, so you're a multi-instrumentalist?”
You shrug, trying to appear nonchalant, but can't help the proud grin that creeps onto your face. “Something like that. But I mainly stick to drums in the band.”
She tilts her head, her eyes shining with interest. “Why don't you play the guitar for the band then?”
“Natasha's better than me on the guitar. She's got this incredible flair and finesse. I mean, I'm good, but she's... amazing.”
Wanda nods, absorbing the information, “I've heard her play, she really is. But I'm sure you're just as great.”
You laugh, “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Then, taking a sip of your drink, you add, “Playing the guitar actually helps a lot when I'm writing our songs.”
“Wait, you write the songs?”
“Most of them,” you confirm, trying to sound as modest as you can be. “It's a collaborative effort, of course. But yeah, having a knowledge of multiple instruments, especially the guitar, helps lay the foundation for many of our tracks.”
Wanda looks at you, clearly impressed. “That's incredible, Y/N. No wonder your music feels so... personal. It's like you're telling a story with every song.”
“You’ve listened to our songs before?” you ask, mildly surprised.
Wanda nods sheepishly, as if caught harboring a guilty secret. “I might have, a few times... I definitely came here tonight to see you guys perform.” 
She then places a hand on your knee, and all at once, your throat feels parched. She scoots closer to you, to speak directly into your ear. “I wish I could see you play the guitar for me.”
You swallow hard. Her suggestion has certainly crossed your mind several times throughout the conversation. “Actually,” you begin, trying to steady your voice, “we keep our instruments in the back of the van. If you're interested, I could... play something for you?”
Wanda pulls back slightly to meet your eyes, looking like she wasn’t expecting you to actually agree to give her a private performance. “Really? Now?”
You nod, then stand and extend your hand to her, grinning. “Ready for a show?”
This isn’t exactly the kind of show you had in mind when you led Wanda to the back of the van. But you’re just twenty seconds into the new song you’ve been working on when she grabs your face with both hands and draws you in for a ferocious kiss. It’s a kiss that you haven’t tasted in a while—completely unrestrained.
You're lucky the drum set hasn't been loaded up yet, and with Bucky's keyboard being used by the current band onstage, there's just the right amount of space. Taking advantage, you push Wanda onto her back without breaking away from the kiss.
You pull away just enough to ask, “Are you sure?” while Wanda starts to slide your jacket down your arms.
Wanda nods impatiently, tracing her tongue along the underside of your chin, clearly enjoying the reaction she provokes.
“Was that a yes?” you prod, sitting up. Wanda sighs, albeit a bit irritably, only because you're suddenly out of her reach, before she collects herself enough to answer, “Yes, Y/N, I'm sure.”
“It's just that... I usually don’t do this,” you confess, looking down in embarrassment.
Your heart is pounding so loudly you're sure Wanda can hear it, especially with the way she's studying you intently. You can feel the heat creep up your neck, coloring your cheeks a deep shade of pink. This isn't typically your scene, and you wonder if she's regretting her decision.
But then, with a move that’s smooth and tender, Wanda slides her fingers under your chin, lifting your head to meet her gaze. Her eyes aren't filled with judgment or mockery, but with genuine understanding and something else you can't quite place.
“I find it... sexy,” she murmurs. “It’s refreshing, actually. Everything about you feels genuine. It's rare to find someone not playing games.”
Your eyes widen a fraction. That wasn't the reaction you'd been expecting.
She smirks a little at your expression, that hint of mischief returning. “Did you think admitting you're a little inexperienced would scare me off? If anything, it makes this even more exciting.”
“I'm not exactly 'inexperienced',” you argue with a bashful smile.
Her voice drops to a whisper, making your breath catch, and she inches just a bit closer. “I'm sure about this, Y/N. The back of a van might not be a romantic scene from a movie, but…” she breathes, and then she makes sure you feel every word she’s going to say next being spoken in your ear. “But right now? I swear, I might just go crazy if you don't touch me.”
Her statement stokes the fire between your legs and acting on the pull you feel, you lean in, hesitating just for a fraction of a second before capturing her lips with yours. Wanda lets out a soft, sultry moan as you deepen the kiss, your tongue boldly seeking entrance. She grants it, and you're immediately intoxicated, not just by the taste of the vodka she's been sipping on, but by Wanda herself. The way she feels, the way she responds—it's all consuming.
She tilts her head, granting you better access, and you take the opportunity to explore every inch of her mouth. The gentle tang of the alcohol is present but overshadowed by her own unique flavor, which is even more intoxicating. You can feel her hands resting on your shoulders, fingers gripping you with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.
Wanda's breath hitches sharply as you confidently take charge. You yank her shirt off in one quick move, and she's laid bare under the soft street lights. Outside, some party is still in full swing, but in here, it's all about the uninhibited hunger between the two of you.
You slip your fingers to the back of her bra, fumbling just a moment before unhooking it, revealing her. Not wasting any time, you dive in, taking her nipple in your mouth, savoring it. The sensation drives her wild, and she arches her back, pushing herself deeper against you with a throaty moan.
Her fingers grip your hair, guiding and sometimes just pulling when she needs more. Every sound she makes, every pull of her fingers, gets you more revved up. It's intense, it's messy, but it's all too real.
As your hands venture lower, you notice her pupils dilate and her breathing grow uneven.
“You still sure?” you whisper, releasing her nipple with a wet pop. She responds with a desperate whine, pressing her hips closer to yours.
“Use your words, baby girl,” you murmur, nipping at her pulse point.
“Yes, yes, yes…” she answers breathlessly. “Please, Y/N.”
Your fingers playfully glide over her entrance, teasing her, “So wet for me,” you marvel, pressing a firm kiss to her neck. Your fingers dip inside her just slightly, pulling back out to further tease her.
“It's too bad I don't have my strap with me,” you groan, grinding against her thigh, letting her feel how turned on you are. “You'd look so pretty, taking it all.”
Her breathing hitches, “God, I wish you had it too.”
Wanda’s whines intensify, a sweet sound of pure desperation, as you suddenly remove your fingers from her. “Why did you—” she starts to complain, but you silence her with a searing kiss.
“I want to see all of you,” you murmur against her lips. Her skirt is the next target, and you fumble with the zipper, eager to remove the barrier between your hands and her skin. However, as you're about to pull down her underwear, a thought strikes you. Looking around the back of the van, you remember how it's been used for hauling equipment, and the floor isn't exactly pristine.
Thinking quickly, you grab your jacket and lay it out beneath her, ensuring she's on a cleaner surface. “Always got to take care of my girl,” you wink at her, trying to lighten the moment.
“Your girl?” Wanda echoes, her eyes half-lidded, a playful smile curling on her lips.
You realize your slip-up a beat too late, but then, her underwear and skirt are swiftly discarded, and she lies there, beautifully exposed to your hungry gaze.
“You're breathtaking,” you whisper in awe.
She flushes under your gaze. “I could say the same for you,” she murmurs, pulling you closer.
Your eyes roam her body, the soft curves and inviting skin, particularly where she's most sensitive. But you've always been one for asking. 
“Can I taste you?” The question leaves your lips, whispered against the skin of her inner thigh, making her shiver.
She responds with a needy, “Yes, please,” and bites her bottom lip, arching her hips slightly, as if laying herself bare for your indulgence.
You don't waste any more time. Shuffling down, you position yourself between her legs, the aromatic scent of her arousal filling your senses. Carefully, you part her folds with your fingers, your tongue darting out to collect the first taste. The first touch of your tongue against her wetness draws a sharp inhale from her, followed by a moan that has your ears burning from how shameless it sounds.
Your tongue swirls around her swollen nub, establishing a pattern that has her thighs clenching around your head. “Fucky, right there,” she groans, her hips thrusting up, eager to meet each glide and flick of your tongue. The wet sounds of your mouth paired with her whimpers urge you to sneak a hand beneath your jeans, seeking relief for your own building tension.
Her hands tighten in your hair, pulling you closer, almost as if she's trying to mold you to her. “More, right there... Oh, god!” she cries out, providing the exact guidance you need.
Amused by her reactions, you intentionally draw out a slurping sound as your tongue dives deeper, making Wanda retreat, but you abandon your own need for release to grab her ass and pull her back to your mouth. 
“Y/N, please, please, I’m—”
“You like that, don't you?” you tease, voice husky with lust. “You sound so pretty when you beg.”
She keens, a desperate sound, her fingers tightening their grip on your hair. You're relentless, enjoying every second of her unraveling, and she's close—so close.
“Are you going to come for me, Wanda?” you growl, lost in the intoxicating taste of her, pressing your tongue deeper, seeking out every intimate spot that makes her body jolt and writhe above you. Her voice breaks into a high-pitched cry, “Y/N! I'm—I'm—” and you feel her climax, her entire body shaking with the force of it, her wetness dripping from your chin down to your throat, drenching you in the process. 
Wanda's gasps fill the space as she shudders, the aftershocks of her orgasm leaving her body trembling. A wicked grin spreads across your face as you take in the sight of her, completely spent and vulnerable. She squirms beneath your mouth, trying to escape the onslaught of sensations. “Too much,” she pants, her voice hoarse.
Ignoring her plea, you continue your ministrations, lips and tongue working in tandem, driving her to the brink once more. As you feel her tensing up, preparing to escape your relentless assault, you slip two fingers inside her, feeling the tight clench of her around you. The unexpected intrusion steals her breath and the fight from her limbs, her resistance melting under your touch.
“You want more, don't you?” you murmur before your lips find her clit again. 
The van is starting to smell like sex. You know you'll have to do something about this later, but for now, you can't bring yourself to care as you take in every detail of the naked girl before you. The pleasure is almost overwhelming for Wanda, teetering on the edge of pain, but she feels another climax building deep inside her.
“Y/N!” she cries, her grip on your hair tightening, her back arching. “I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!”
You don't stop, doubling your efforts, fingers and tongue working in sync, driving her up and beyond any point she's ever known. Suddenly, there's a gush, wetter and warmer than before, surprising you both. You pull back slightly, and she looks down, mortified. Her face turns a deep shade of red, and she tries to squirm out from beneath you.
“I'm so sorry... I—” Wanda stammers, scrambling to hide her face in her hands.
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, a smirk forming on your lips. “Wanda, that was... incredibly hot.”
She looks away, still trying to process what just happened. “I didn’t... I've never...”
Sitting up, you gently cup her face, making her look at you. “Hey, it’s alright,” you say softly, trying to reassure her. “Don't be embarrassed. I'm honored that you felt comfortable enough with me to let go completely.”
She gives a shaky laugh, her fingers lightly tracing circles on your chest. “I can't believe you made me do that on the first try.”
“And I’m extremely lucky to be able to,” you say with a chuckle, gently brushing a stray strand of hair away from her face.
She blushes for a moment, then says, “I noticed you didn’t... you know. Do you want me to...?”
“Next time,” you promise, pressing a tender kiss on her forehead. “Right now, I need to make sure this van doesn’t end up as evidence of our... activities.” You wink, earning a soft giggle from her.
“Besides, I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed watching you fall apart because of me,” you add, mischievously wetting your lips.
She blushes, playfully swatting at your arm. “You're impossible.”
You were the first to step out of the van, offering Wanda a moment of privacy to get dressed. When she finally emerges, she leans on you for support. “I can't feel my legs,” she jokes, struggling a bit. She hands you your jacket which you'd forgotten, helping you slip it on. Immediately, the scent of her hits you, reminding you that she had climaxed twice on that very fabric.
Before you can dwell on the thought, a man approaches Wanda. It’s the same guy from earlier, the one she was arguing with at the bar. You instinctively square your shoulders, ready to step in between them, protectively, but Wanda halts you with a hand on your chest.
“Pietro!” Wanda exclaims, letting out an exasperated sigh as she utters her brother's name. You halt, puzzled.
She knows this guy?
Pietro looks at Wanda, then at you, his eyes narrowing for a moment. “You ready to go, Wanda?” he asks, clearly impatient.
She turns to you, giving you a soft, apologetic smile. “Y/N, this is my brother, Pietro.”
You swallow dryly, offering a somewhat clammy hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Pietro just eyes your hand, perhaps connecting the dots from earlier. Feeling like an idiot, you quickly pull your hand back, subtly rubbing it against your pants. He departs without another word, muttering to Wanda, “I'll be in the car. Don't keep me waiting too long.”
Wanda watches Pietro go, her smile fading a bit. Turning back to you, she takes a deep breath. “Okay, so, about earlier,” she starts, biting her lower lip nervously. “I might have, um... staged that whole fight thing to get your attention. He wasn’t too thrilled about the idea, but he played along.” Her eyes dart to the ground, avoiding your gaze.
You blink, processing her confession. Before you can come up with any coherent response, she giggles at the dumbfounded expression on your face. “I really have to go,” she says.
And then, before you can react, she plants a featherlight kiss on your cheek. The warmth of it lingers on your skin as she steps back, her eyes holding yours for a long, sweet moment.
“Thank you,” she whispers, her eyes glistening under the soft moonlight. “Tonight was... unexpected, but amazing.”
And with that, she turns and hurries off to where Pietro is waiting for her by a parked car. You stand there, feeling the spot on your cheek where her lips touched, watching her until she hops into the car and drives off into the night. It’s only after the car disappears around the bend that you mentally kick yourself for forgetting to ask for her number. With a sigh, you turn back to your van, resigned to cleaning up.
The chill of the night settles in, and when you slip your hands into your jacket pockets, your fingers catch a scrap of paper. It feels out of place, foreign to the usual belongings you stash in there. You pull it out, and to your surprise, it's a receipt. The drinks listed there jog a memory: an alcoholic cocktail offered to you earlier in the night which you politely declined, and the tangy lemonade that followed right after.
Realization dawns on you. Wanda had been orchestrating things all night. You flip the receipt over and your heart skips a beat. Scrawled at the back in a neat, cursive handwriting is her number, accompanied by a simple message: “Call me soon.”
Grinning like a fool, you grab a cloth and some disinfectant from the compartment. Cleaning the back of a van has never felt this satisfying.
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 2 months
One Shots
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First Encounters (Daddy!Natasha x Fem!Reader) 18+
My Masterpiece (Photography Professor!Fem!Reader x Subby!Student!Wanda) 18+
Submission (Photography Professor!Fem!Reader x Subby!Student!Wanda)
Oh Captain My Captain (Carol Danvers x GN!Shapeshifter!Reader) 18+ requested
My Voice of Reason (Carol Danvers x fem!Avenger!reader) requested
How You and I Became We (Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader)
Under Her Spell (Top!Mommy!Agatha Harkness x subby!bottom!fem!Reader) 18+
Tender Temptations (Experienced!Agatha Harkness x innocent!reader) 18+requested
Stress Relief (Agatha Harkness x fem!reader) 18+ requested
Please Mommy? (Sugar Mommy!Agatha Harkness x Sugar baby!fem!reader) 18+ Requested
Mommy Can We Play? (Sugar Mommy!Agatha Harkness x Wanda Maximoff x Sugar baby!fem!reader) 18+
Mommy’s Good Girl (Dark!Agatha Harkness x fem!reader) 18+ requested
The Price of Power (Dark!Agatha Harkness x fem!reader) 18+ requested
Healing Bonds (Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader(past))
The Widow's Shadow (Natasha Romanoff x enhanced!Stark!Fem!Reader) 18+
If You Love Her (Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader(Past))
To Warm you Up (Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader)
Revolving Around You (Beefy!Natasha x Fem!Reader)
Calling On You (Wanda x Natasha x fem!avenger!reader) 18+
Lost and Found (Carol Danvers x Avengers!GN!Reader)
You Were Red and You Liked Me Because I Was Blue (Mom's bsf!Wanda Maximoff x shy!innocent!Romanoff!fem!reader) 18+ Requested
You Just Want Attention. (Service top!Agatha Harkness x Power bottom!Fem!Reader) 18+ requested
Overworked (Agatha Harkness x Big Boss!Fem!Reader) 18+ Requested
My Missing Piece (616!Wanda x 199999!fem!reader) 18+
Your Knight (beefy!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader) requested
662 notes · View notes
nataliasquote · 9 days
Double the trouble | Yelena’s day | n romanoff
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Double the trouble AU
Summary: it’s finally Yelena’s turn to babysit the twins… a big responsibility for a usually messy Russian.
Age: 4
Warnings: none
wc: 4.3k
note: Double the trouble is back! The twins are back, and so is the cuteness. Sorry for making you wait so long!
“Mama’s got to go, Y/n.”
“Mama go, Y/n go!”
Why was she even arguing with a four year old at this point? Natasha was crouched by the front door, her work purse resting against her calf as she held onto a whiny four year who was pouting hard.
“Aunty Yelena is coming today, you’re going to have so much fun!” Despite how animated her voice was, Y/n was not impressed and she pushed herself further into Natasha’s arms, grabbing the collar of her suit jacket in her little fists. “Come on baby, please.”
“No!” Great. She was still in the ‘no’ phase, much to the moms’ disdain. “No Lena, only you!”
Natasha sighed and stood back up, absentmindedly smoothing over her daughter’s curls as she looked over to the kitchen. Yelena was going to be there any minute and Wanda was packing the last few snack items into her purse whilst Isla showed her a drawing she’d done for her favourite aunt. She was a lot more accepting of extended family members and had been babbling about Yelena’s visit for weeks… until Y/n threw a barbie at her head.
With a sigh, Natasha hauled Y/n up to sit on her hip and wandered into the kitchen with a soft smile at her wife who looked so gracious in her red summer dress.
“Any word from Yelena?” She asked, holding Y/n tight. “This one isn’t too happy we’re leaving.”
Wanda approached the pair and kissed her daughter’s head, laughing a little at her scowl. “Should be any minute now, I hope,” she replied. “Do you girls want a snack?”
“Fruit roll ups?” Y/n was now suddenly interested, her head lifting from the comfort of Natasha’s shoulder. Ever food orientated, she was.
“I want fruit roll ups too!” Isla chimed in, finally putting her markers down as she added the finishing touches to her drawing. “Strawberry one?”
“I’m sure I can manage that,” Wanda said as she turned around from the cupboard, two snacks in hand. Y/n wriggled out of Natasha’s grip and ran over, but not before Wanda instructed her to sit at the table like normal. Snacks were never eaten standing up in their house, it was the paranoid mothers’ number one rule.
Natasha checked her watch anxiously, watching her time slip away as she waited for her sister. Punctuality wasn’t Yelena’s strong suit, but as the clock struck ten, there was a loud knock at the door and Natasha was pulling it open before the twins could even react.
“Where are my munchkins?” The loud blonde announced, tossing her bag by the door and completely ignoring Natasha as she stepped inside. But the redhead was used to people bypassing her and Wanda to get to the twins, she knew how gorgeous her daughters were.
“Hello to you too… again,” Natasha muttered, more to herself than her sister who was too busy trying to call the twins as if they were dogs.
Isla was the first to greet her favourite aunt, her arms and legs flailing as she launched her small body at the blonde Russian, giggling as she was caught and spun around. Y/n was still chewing away at her snack but she watched their interaction from her seat, shaking her head at Wanda’s offer to go and see.
Y/n was bubbly until she was around anyone who wasn't her moms. Then she clammed up, often ducking behind her curls to avoid eye contact or hiding behind Natasha’s legs if she was close by. She didn’t trust anywhere near as easily as Isla did and was always the last one to approach.
“Y/n? Doesn’t Aunty Lena get a hug?”
Y/n’s eyes darted between her Mama and her Aunt, debating hard. With some reluctance, she slid off her chair and wandered over to Yelena, but only for Natasha’s benefit. The last thing she wanted was her Mama getting mad at her over not cooperating… again.
“What are you eating?” Yelena asked, gesturing to the small piece of food still clutched in the young girl’s hand.
“We had fruit roll ups!” Isla exclaimed, grinning widely at Yelena’s animated expression.
“No way!” Even Y/n was smiling now, waving her snack up at Yelena. “I loved them as a kid!”
Natasha smiled fondly at the scene in front of her. She knew how much Isla loved Yelena, she babbled on enough as it is, and she also knew of Y/n’s hesitancy. But seeing her now, almost completely out of her shell, talking over the top of her sister in an attempt to hold Yelena’s attention, Natasha felt pride blooming in her chest and she wished to capture this moment forever.
Wanda appeared at her side, her smile mirroring her wife’s as she took her hand. “Ready to go?”
Natasha nodded and squared her shoulders in her fitted suit jacket. “Yelena, we’re going to be late. Do you have everything you need? We’ll be back at 6, there’s lunch in the fridge, all you need to do is heat it up. And don’t let Y/n run too much because she has her heart check up next week- oh and Isla can’t have raspberries because she’s allergic so don’t-“
“Yes yes,” Yelena waved her off, effectively pushing her sister out of the door. “You worry too much, we’ll be fine, won’t we girls?” Isla cheered and Y/n copied, luckily too engrossed with her sister to notice her moms were leaving.
“If anything happens, I mean anything, call me and we’ll be back as soon as we can.” Natasha was a typical worried mother and she hated leaving her girls alone, even if they were in the questionably capable hands of Yelena.
“Nat, honey, they’re going to be okay,” Wanda tried to reassure, rubbing her hand up and down her wife’s arm. “It’s only a few hours and you need this deal to go through. You deserve it baby.”
Natasha bit her lip, watching the twins who were running around chasing each other in the hallway. She so desperately wanted to stay with them as much as she could before they started kindergarten, but her business in the city was for a deal with a bank that would allow her to open up her very own dance studio, as opposed to the small rented rooms she was currently using. It was her dream and she couldn’t give it up now.
“I know, I know,” the redhead muttered, more to convince herself than anyone else. With a final smile from Wanda, the couple disappeared down the driveway and used the twins’ moment of distraction to make a tear-free getaway.
“Right, rascal 1, rascal 2, who wants to go to the park?” Yelena clapped her hands together as the door shut and the girls halted in their steps.
“Me! I got the wiggles!” They chorused.
“Well we need to get those wiggles out, don’t we!”
Yelena inspected their outfits and quickly concluded that their matching dungarees was an appropriate park choice. She would never admit it to Natasha, but she’d been reading books and online articles ever since Natasha asked her to babysit. Making a good impression was the one thing the blonde wanted so desperately, and she was determined to make sure everything went right.
After tying both pairs of converse to two sets of small feet and retying one of the pigtails in Isla’s hair, Yelena checked her backpack for her supplies and they were ready to go. It was an indescribable feeling to have her nieces clutching her hands as they walked down the street and Yelena finally understood how her sister had such a hard time leaving her daughters.
Isla babbled away for the whole ten minute walk, mainly talking about Fanny and how she wished she was here with them. Y/n listened happily, more than content just fiddling with the rings on her aunt’s fingers as they stopped at a crossing. It had been a month since they’d last spent time with their aunt and almost a year since their first meeting, and Y/n had definitely warmed up to her in that time. Which gave Yelena immense pride and huge bragging rights.
The sun really had chosen the right day to shine and Yelena made sure both girls were lathered in sunscreen before she allowed them to run free, laughing as they both made a beeline for the swing. Isla climbed up on the horse shaped seat just beside the swing set easily, her giggles echoing through the park as it began to move.
Y/n didn’t have quite the same luck. She couldn’t quite reach the swing she wanted and turned back to Yelena with a pout, her hands grabbing at the plastic.
“Hold on malyshka, I’m coming.” The blonde ran over and scooped up her youngest niece, tickling her stomach a little before slotting her legs in the holes of the swing. Y/n’s pout disappeared as quickly as it appeared and she chanted ‘higher’ as Yelena gently pushed her.
Yelena didn’t let her go too high, but she watched as Y/n stretched her legs out in front of her and lifted her arms, almost as if she was flying.
“L’Isla look!” She yelled at her sister. “I’m flying! I’m a birdie!”
Isla looked for a moment but was far too invested in her own activities to care too much, so Y/n just kept shouting for Yelena to push her higher, to which her aunt obeyed.
They were content on the swings for a while until Y/n got distracted by the slide. Yelena was grateful to give her arms a break, even though she’d have pushed her nieces for hours if they’d have asked. Taking a seat on the bench beside the slide, she watched as the energetic four year olds ran around and slid down the slide, wriggling the whole way down.
It was adorable the way they played together, often hand in hand as they circled the giant wooden structure. Isla always climbed up first before helping her sister up the last section, taking her ‘big’ sister duties very seriously.
“Aunty Lena, watch!” Y/n yelled, holding onto the red handle by the little slide as she tapped her feet together. “I’m gonna go fast!”
“I’m watching, little bug, go on.”
Y/n let go and slid down, stopping at the bottom with a grin as Yelena clapped. She raced over, breathing hard, and grabbed her little water bottle to take a sip.
“That was very impressive,” Yelena said, taking the bottle from Y/n when she was done. “Look, let’s watch Isla now.” She put her arms around Y/n’s stomach and held her in place as they watched Isla slide down before she too came running over, asking for her water.
“Have you both been practising your slides?” Isla nodded between sips.
“Mommy takes us to the park after pre-k.”
“And she gets us ice cream.” Y/n flashed a cheesy grin, trying to win over Yelena even more than she already had.
“Well, if we see the ice cream truck, then maybe.” A chorus of ‘yay’s sounded and Yelena felt like the coolest aunt on the planet. It didn’t matter that the girls already loved her to pieces, every time they smiled at her it thawed her heart and she was sure that one day she would be charged with kidnapping for stealing them both. If she barely coped with them now, prom night and graduation would hit her like a truck.
“Can we go play again?” Y/n asked, bouncing on her toes like she was eager to run off. Yelena gave them the all clear and she sprinted away with Isla yelling her name as they approached the climbing frame. Y/n scrambled up the smaller side and whizzed down the slide before Isla could stop her.
“Y/n!” Isla yelled, running back over to her sister who was sat at the bottom of the slide. “You can’t run!” She tapped her sister’s chest where her heart was before taking her hand and dragging her back to the steps. “Slowly. Mommy always says slowly.”
“I just want to play,” she huffed, placing her palm on her chest. “I’m fine.”
“I’ll tell Mommy!” Isla didn’t really understand what she was supposed to tell Wanda, but the threat was enough and Y/n walked away scowling to find the sand pit. It was slightly sludgy from the rain a few days ago so she wandered around the park again before going back to Isla and giving her a hug.
“You play on the bridge with me?”
“Only if I get to be the pirate!”
“I’ll be mermaid.”
Yelena watched from her spot on the bench, her phone resting in her hand as she filmed the girls playing. The park was relatively empty, only three other children were playing. But they looked older than the twins and so kept to themselves, which the blonde was grateful for. She wasn’t all that trusting of other people’s kids.
There was something relaxing about watching them play. It took her mind off everything else and every time the girls flashed her a smile she felt herself soften. Her sister really had won the family lottery and she felt so grateful to be an established part of their lives as they grew up. Swearing off having kids forever, this was the only way Yelena would purposefully interact with children and she was totally okay with that. The best thing about her nieces was that she could spoil them as much as she wanted and then let her sister deal with the inevitable sugar rush that followed.
An hour went by before Y/n and Isla trudged over once more, significantly more dishevelled than they were before. Long gone were the pigtails, their curls now wild about their shoulders, the colour almost matching their rosy cheeks.
“Did you have fun?”
“I think I got a rock in my shoe,” Y/n whined, standing on one leg like a flamingo. Isla went to sit on the bench as Yelena sorted out Y/n’s shoe, shaking the pieces of gravel that were stuck to her sock. “Ice cream?”
“I don’t think the ice cream truck is here, malyshka,” Yelena admitted, her heart breaking at their disappointed faces. “But we can get some at home, how does that sound?”
“I don’t want to go home!” Isla pouted, folding her arms in a little tantrum. Y/n copied her, leaning against Yelena as she stood between her legs. “Want to stay here forever!”
“Are you guys not hungry? All that running around, I’m sure your bellies are grumbling at you.” To prove her point, she tickled Y/n’s stomach, mainly to hear more of the adorable giggles she loved so much.
After some reluctance and agreement that cookies will be provided with lunch, they made the slow walk home. Y/n was dragging her feet, begging to be carried despite Yelena saying no. She couldn’t carry both of them, even if it was evident how tired Y/n was.
To brighten their mood, she started singing an old Russian song, making everyone march in time with her singing as they turned down the final street. The twins had no idea what she was singing about but their spirits were lifted and they marched happily, swinging their arms and nodding their heads as best as they could.
A quick clean up was needed as they got back home to wash away the park germs, but with soap bubbles and a mini water fight, Yelena managed to make even the most mundane activities interesting. She distracted the twins with some colouring pages whilst she located and heated up the pasta dish that Wanda had left in the fridge, instructions written on a bright yellow post it note.
The mothers really had thought of everything, which made the Blonde’s job ten times easier as she sectioned the food onto the twin’s trays. Pink and orange, just the way they preferred it.
With two tired out toddlers seated at the table, hands washed and lunch served, a quietness descended on the house as they tucked in and Yelena allowed herself a moment to breathe. Natasha and Wanda must be superpowered, she thought to herself, because doing this everyday must be exhausting. She couldn’t wait for a nap.
But when was Yelena’s life this idyllic for long? It certainly didn’t last and the blonde had just finished her pasta before she heard the sniffles beginning. Isla looked happy enough, but the same couldn’t be said for the red-eyed and teary girl beside her.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” Yelena asked, her brows furrowing in confusion. “Do you not like it?”
“I want Mama,” she spluttered, her bottom lip trembling as tears rolled down her cheeks. She brought her fists up to wipe her eyes but it didn’t stop them much. “I want Mama!”
“Oh malyshka, she’ll be back soon, I promise.” But Yelena’s words did little to comfort the young girl. “Do you want to eat a little bit more?” Her plate was hardly touched, only a few pieces of cucumber and pasta gone from her portion.
Whilst her sister cried, Isla looked at her own empty plate and back at Y/n’s, the little cogs in her head turning. Having such empathetic mothers had rubbed off on her and she looked at the little chocolate chip cookie sitting on the dessert section of her plate for a second.
“Y/n/n, do you want my cookie?” She grabbed it and pushed it towards her sister who stopped sniffling for a second to nod, taking the treat even if she had her own on her plate.
Yelena had to stop herself aweing out loud and she pulled her phone out as quickly as she videoed as much of the interaction as she could for Natasha and Wanda.
“That was kind of you Isla, well done.”
“She’s just noisy,” Isla answered back, her lips curling up in disgust that looked quite comical. Clearly she hadn’t changed and her sister crying was still just as annoying.
Yelena stifled her laugh and stood up to grab another cookie to replace Isla’s lost one. Her attitude at four years old was a clear indicator that Wanda and Natasha were going to have their work cut out as she grew up, especially combined with her ‘older sister complex’.
Y/n had eaten half of the cookie, the distraction working, before she quickly realised why she was crying in the first place. She locked eyes with Yelena and let the tears fall once more, wanting nothing more than a hug as her active morning caught up with her.
“Y/n it’s okay, it’s okay,” she tried to comfort once more, rounding the table to give the young girl a cuddle. “Why don’t we all go and find a movie to watch, hm?
“Mermaids?” Y/n asked between sobs, holding on tight to Yelena’s t shirt as she was lifted into her arms.
“Isla, do you want to watch The Little Mermaid?” The girl nodded, hopping down off her chair and running into the living room.
“Come on, big girl, let’s go get comfy and you can have all the cuddles you need, yeah?” Y/n sobbed into Yelena’s neck and held on tighter, more like a koala than a child. But Yelena never refused hugs from her nieces, not whilst they were still young and small enough to want to spend hours on her lap.
Isla had dug through the dvd shelf, leaving a mess on the floor, to find the most worn case holding their current favourite film. She passed it to Yelena and jumped onto the couch, sitting beside Y/n who was holding the corner of the soft blanket to her chest with a frown.
“Don’t be sad, we can see Sebastian! And Ariel.” Isla suddenly gasped, turning to her aunt crouched by the dvd player. “Aunty Lena!”
“Yes, lenya?” (Sunshine).
“Ariel has hair like me and Y/n/n! Does that mean we’re princesses?”
Yelena smiled to herself and settled on the couch between the two girls, Y/n immediately crawling onto her lap as Isla snuggled into her side.
“Of course you’re both princesses. What does that make me?”
“The evil queen,” Y/n mumbled, giggling as Yelena gasped dramatically. The opening credits of the Disney movie sounded in the background but no one paid attention as the twins erupted into laughter over Yelena’s expression.
“The evil queen? What!”
“Yes!” Isla squealed. “Evil queen!”
“Your mama didn’t tell me you both are little terrors!” She exclaimed, grabbing Isla by the foot so she couldn’t wriggle away. “I can’t believe you!”
“I didn’t say it!” Isla tried to defend herself, but Yelena was having none of it. “Please, Aunty Lena please!”
Yelena let go of her foot and turned Y/n around so she was facing her on her knee. “Okay then, what about Mama? Is she a princess?”
“Mama always a princess!”
“Okay,” Yelena said, wondering how her sister would take anyone but her daughter calling her a princess. “Is Mommy a princess too?”
Isla nodded frantically. “Yeah! We all princesses!”
“But Aunty Yelena isn’t?” She faked an offended expression, sending Y/n into another giggle fit. Which was a lot better than the tears that had dried on her cheeks.
“No you’re the evil queen!”
“Or S’bastian!”
Yelena paused, tapping her fingers on her chin in thought. “So… a singing crab, or a witch? That’s all I get?” The twins both nodded before Y/n stood on the couch and leaned to Yelena’s ear.
“S’bastian is my favourite,” she murmured before flopping back onto Yelena’s lap, her arms leaning on her chest. Yelena felt her heart clench, why were these kids so goddamn cute?
Only thirty minutes into the film, Isla had stretched herself out along the couch so Yelena wrapped both arms around Y/n whose head was flopping to the side as she tried to fight the sleep. But the combination of hearing Disney songs and feeling Yelena stroking her stomach had her falling asleep in a matter of minutes. Isla was watching, but barely. They really had tired themselves out for today, which made Yelena’s job a lot easier.
The jingle of keys in the door woke Yelena from her accidental nap and her heart shot to her stomach momentarily before she realised both twins were still asleep safe and sound. With Y/n’s dead weight sprawled out across her chest, she could do nothing but wait for Natasha to find her, the overplayed soundtrack of the title page luring the attentive mothers towards the living room.
Natasha had her suit jacket hanging over her arm and her white button up shirt was unbuttoned slightly lower than normal, but she still looked professional in her black slacks. Yelena craned her neck over the back of the couch and pressed a finger to her lips, gesturing to the sleeping redheads surrounding her.
“What did you do to them?” Wanda whispered as both women rounded the front of the couch. “They’re flat out.”
Natasha crouched down by Isla and studied her face momentarily before looking at Yelena with a small laugh. “I’ve never seen them so tired. What happened?”
“I let them run out their wiggles in the park,” she began, careful to not disturb Y/n. “And then we had a little meltdown so Isla picked a movie.”
“She got upset?” Wanda asked, concern lacing her tone. It wasn’t like her to get upset at all, which set alarm bells ringing in the mothers’ heads.
But Yelena quickly clarified that Y/n was the one with the tears, to which both mothers looked less concerned about.
“She just kept asking for her Mama, but that’s probably down to tiredness, right?”
Natasha narrowed her eyes at her sister, slightly unnerved at the calmness that she radiated. Yelena was not a calm or collected person, so this was a weird sight.
“Who are you and what have you done to my sister?”
The blonde rolled her eyes. “Shut up. I just did my research, that’s all.”
Natasha went to tease her about it but Y/n shifted on Yelena’s lap, the voices disturbing her sleep. She rubbed her eyes softly before blinking them open and almost launching herself at Wanda with a squeal.
“Home! You’re home!” She squeezed Wanda tight in a hug, the woman melting into her daughter’s embrace as she held her close. There was something so special about welcome home hugs and Natasha didn’t feel left out as Isla woke up only seconds later and attacked her Mama with cuddles.
“Oh my big girls, we missed you!” Natasha peppered Isla’s face in kisses, having missed the way she squirmed in her arms. “Did you have a good day?”
“The best day! I love Aunty Lena!” Isla jumped back onto the couch and hugged Yelena tight, allowing Y/n a moment to shuffle over to Natasha and completely lean against her. Nothing would ever beat her Mama’s hugs. Ever.
“I missed you, babygirl. Are you okay now?”
“Missed you too Mama.”
Natasha stood up and brought Y/n up with her, holding her tightly on her hip as she stretched her legs. She smiled at the familiar feeling of her daughter fiddling with the necklace that lay on her collarbones - she always gravitated towards jewellery.
“You’re staying the night, right Lena?” Natasha clarified, watching Isla’s face light up as her aunt said yes.
“More Aunty Lena time!”
“I think it’s safe to say you’ve won them over,” Wanda added, shaking her head with a smile. She didn't mind what it was, as long as her girls were happy, she was too.
And no one was injured after Yelena’s first babysitting adventure, so there would be many more to follow.
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tortillamastersblog · 1 month
ⴵ Mac and Cheese | Yelena Belova ⴵ
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: After a brutal mission, Yelena lets you take care of her…
“Ha! Suck it, Y/N,” Peter exclaims, slamming the Draw 4 card onto the table.
“Watch it, kid,” I warn playfully, which makes him cackle.
Wanda chuckles next to me and gives Peter a high five.
“And you,” I say, turning to her and pointing an accusing finger at her chest, “Don’t encourage him!”
“Oh, shush! Now draw your cards,” she counters with a smirk.
I roll my eyes and grumble my disapproval, leaning forward in my seat to draw my cards, when F.R.I.D.A.Y. announces the return of the rest of the team.
“Nooo!” Peter whines when I jump out of my seat. “You can’t leave now.”
I throw the rest of my cards on the table, and send him an evil smile. “I can, and I will, little one.”
Wanda laughs and sets her cards down as well. “It’s over, Peter. Better luck next time,” she says.
Peter groans and reluctantly collects all the cards, putting them back where they belong before joining Wanda and me.
We make our way outside onto the lawn just as the Quinjet touches down.
It takes a second longer for the engine to shut off and the back door to drop, revealing the team.
They look tired and beat, but at least they’re all safe and home now. Wanda goes to greet Vision with a quick kiss and Peter moves to embrace Tony in a hug.
I smile at the reunion, even though it’s only been two days since they left. Then, my eyes sweep over the rest of the team until they land on the person I’m looking for.
She’s one of the last ones to step off the jet. Her shoulders are slumped and she’s dragging her feet tiredly, but when her eyes meet mine, she perks up slightly.
“Hey,” I say softly as she approaches. “Tired, my love?”
Yelena exhales shakily and collapses into me, her arms wrapping around my shoulders and her face landing in the crook of my neck. “Yes,” she mumbles.
Poor baby…
I return the embrace, squeezing her waist for a second before pulling back slightly to brush a strand of hair out of her face. “How about a hot bath and some dinner before bed?”
Yelena leans into the touch and nods with her eyes close.
“Alright, let’s go.” I press a kiss to her forehead and lead her inside after the rest of the team.
From time to time they eye us with guarded curiosity, and at first I’m not sure why but then I realize they’ve never seen Yelena this openly affection before.
She’s leaning into me as we’re walking, my arm over her shoulder and hers around my waist, gripping my shirt weakly.
She’s usually not a fan of PDA, but when she’s tired she’s apparently not as opposed to it.
“Nighty night, everybody,” I say when we get to the door of my room.
A chorus of “good night” sounds through the hallway and before long, Yelena and I are alone.
I take her to the en-suite bathroom and guider her to sit on the closed toilet, moving away to get her bath started.
“Have you had anything to eat today?” I ask worriedly when her stomach grumbles a few moments later.
I turn to see her leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. “No,” she whispers.
I frown and sprinkle the rest of my epsom salt into the water before approaching her. I kneel in front of the toilet and take her hands into mine. “Are you okay?”
It’s not normal for her to be this quiet, not even when she’s tired.
She blinks her eyes open and I’m surprised to find them bloodshot and a little watery. “I don’t know,” she croaks, her bottom lip trembling.
I straighten up, alarmed, and taker her face in my hands. “Are you hurt?”
She shakes her head and blinks slowly, a tear tracking down her cheeks which I’m quick to wipe away with the pad of my thumb. “I’m just so exhausted, and today has been awful—I don’t know…”
I hum softly and run my thumb over her cheek a couple more times before getting up to shut off the water.
Then I turn back to Yelena and hold out my hands for her to take. I pull her to her feet and press a kiss to her forehead. “It’s going to be okay. I’m here for you.”
She blinks at me, looking more vulnerable than I’ve ever seen her, and whispers, “I love you.”
I smile softly and raise her hands to my mouth, kissing each palm. “I love you, too. So, so much.”
She cracks the tiniest of smiles and pulls me in for a short kiss. I sink into it, loving how I still get goosebumps every time we kiss even though we’ve been together for a couple of years now.
When we break apart she sighs and rests her forehead against mine while I get to work on stripping her out of her suit. She assists every once in a while, but in the end I do most of the work. I don’t mind it. Not at all, especially because it demonstrates just how much she trusts me and I can’t help but feel a rush of affection for her.
“Alright, in you go,” I say softly once the suit and the rest of her clothes have been discarded. I lead her to the bathtub and help her sink into the water.
“Thank you,” she says, not letting go of my hand just yet. “For taking care of me.”
I squeeze her hand and run my thumb over her knuckles. “Always…”
She squeezes back and closes her eyes, sinking deeper into the water until the bottom part of her chin is submerged. I stay with her for a couple more seconds to make sure she’s fine before kissing her forehead one more time and leaving the bathroom to find something for her to eat.
When I get to the kitchen, I find Nat and Clint talking over a giant pot of Mac and Cheese.
They look up when they notice me and greet me with soft smiles.
“How’s Yelena?” Clint asks, putting his fork down to reach for his glass of water.
“Not so good,” I admit as I go to grab a bowl and a fork.
Nat’s brows furrow and she pushed the pot over to me so I can grab a serving of the cheesy goodness. “How come? I know she was quiet on the plane, but when I asked her about it she blew me off and told me she was just tired.”
I press my lips into a thin line and take a deep breath. “She‘s having a bad day, I think. At least that’s what she told me,“ I reply.
Nat hums in understanding and squeezes my shoulder. “Good thing she’s got you then.”
I smile a little bashful and excuse myself, wishing them a good night before taking the bowl of food and heading back to my room.
When I get there, Yelena’s already curled up under the covers of the bed. The soft glow of the lamp on the bedside table illuminates the room just enough for me to make out the frown on her face.
I sit down on the bed next to her and place a hand on her hip which makes her open her eyes.
“Here, I brought you something,” I say, waving the bowl in front of her.
She sits up ties her hair into a loose ponytail. “What is it?” she asks, her voice raspy.
I smirk and hand her the bowl and the fork. “Your favorite.”
She sends me a small, grateful smile and takes the bowl while I get under the covers next to her. She eats in silence, leaning into my side and offering me a bite or two every now and then.
“Thank you,” she says once she’s done, placing the bowl onto the nightstand. She turns off the light and shuffles down on the bed, pulling me with her until her head is on my chest and her leg is thrown over my hips under the covers.
It’s only then that I realize she’s wearing my high school hockey sweatshirt and I can’t help but smile at the sight.
I run my hand over her back and slip it beneath the fabric and begin drawing soft circles onto her warm skin.
“That feels nice,” she whispers, nosing forward to press a kiss to my throat.
I hum and continue scratching her back. In moments like these it’s easy to forget that she’s a trained assassin.
“Could we maybe stay in tomorrow and watch a movie or something?” she asks, slipping her hand under my shirt so it rests on my stomach.
I chuckle softly. “Of course. Anything you want, my love.”
It’s not long after that that her breathing evens out and slows down, indicating she’s fallen asleep.
I sight, relieved she’s home and unharmed, and close my eyes, ready to drift off as well.
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pinkishplush · 2 months
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Pairings; Yelena x Reader
Warnings; Light Angst, Comfort, and some Fluff
Yelena Belova sat alone in the diml lit room, her grief a heavy cloak weighing down her shoulders. The news of her sister Natasha Romanoff's tragic death had shattered her world, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. Tears welled up in Yelena's eyes as memories of their time together flooded her mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of what she had lost.
With a soft sigh, Y/N entered the room, their heart breaking at the sight of Yelena's anguish. They approached her slowly, their footsteps echoing softly in the silence. Sitting beside Yelena, they wrapped their arms around her trembling form, offering what little comfort they could in the face of such overwhelming sorrow.
"I'm so sorry, Yelena," Y/N murmured, their voice barely above a whisper.
Yelena buried her face in Y/N's shoulder, her sobs muffled against their comforting embrace. For a long moment, they simply sat together in silence, the weight of their shared grief hanging heavy in the air.
"She was a hero, you know," Y/N said softly, their voice filled with reverence. "Natasha would do anything to save the world, no matter the cost."
Yelena lifted her head, her eyes red-rimmed and swollen with tears. "She was my sister," she whispered, her voice raw with emotion.
Y/N nodded, their heart aching at the pain etched on Yelena's face. "And she loved you more than anything," they replied, their words a gentle reminder of the bond that had united Natasha and Yelena despite the trials they had faced.
As Y/N spoke, memories of Natasha flooded Yelena's mind - moments of laughter, of shared secrets, of fierce loyalty. In those memories, she found solace, a glimmer of light in the darkness of her grief.
"Thank you," Yelena whispered, her voice barely audible.
Y/N pressed a tender kiss to Yelena's forehead, their touch a silent promise to stand by her side as she navigated the turbulent waters of grief. Together, they mourned the loss of a beloved sister and vowed to honor her memory by carrying on her legacy of courage and selflessness.
In the days that followed, Y/N remained a constant presence in Yelena's life, offering support and understanding as she began to heal. And though the pain of losing Natasha would never truly fade, Yelena found comfort in the knowledge that she was not alone - that she had someone by her side who would always be there to share her burdens and lighten her sorrows.
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axinite25 · 1 day
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👀🤭 comin soon
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sjsmith56 · 8 days
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Level 42
Summary: One shot. A former guard from the Siberian HYDRA facility tells Bucky a secret that sends him back to the structure to find someone.
Length: 5.7 K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Nick Fury, Thor, Yelena Belova, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, OMC, several OFC, OCC.
Warnings: Memories of mistreatment, forced cryostasis on non-super soldiers, lost love, anger, angst, Bucky making a decision that you may or may not agree with.
Author notes: For some reason I had a bit of an earworm moment that spurred me to write this story.  I heard Level 42's Something About You and kept hearing it or seeing the number 42 in weird places.  So this is what came from all of those different exposures. I thought long and hard about Bucky’s decision at the end. In a sense, his former handler paid for the decisions of those before him.
🎶 🧊 ❤️
The drive to the prison wasn't a pleasant one for Bucky, as he sat in the passenger seat of Sam's truck.  Even though he appeared to be tapping his fingers to the music playing from his phone, Sam could see the tension increase the closer they came to their destination.  They were only going there to see someone from Bucky's past, his HYDRA past, on a request from the person.  At first, when the request was initially made, Bucky said no.
"The man tormented me," he explained to Fury, who called him into his office to pass on the official request.  "He was abusive verbally, physically, and mentally.  I don't want to see him."
"Well, he says he has information for you and only for you," replied the director.  "It could be a way to get some closure on that time in your life."
"He has nothing to say to me that I want to hear," insisted Bucky.  "Nothing."
"Alright, I'll notify the prison administration that you refuse to see him." 
That was a week ago.  Two days ago, another request was sent to Fury, but there was an addition to it; the phrase "Level 42."  When Fury said it to Bucky his face hardened, then he sat forward, boring his eyes into the man.
"Just those words?"
"Yes.  What do they mean?"
Bucky sat back, his face a mask.  Then he nodded.
"Alright, I'll go," he said.  "But not alone.  I want a witness.  Sam."
He stood up to leave.
"Barnes, what does Level 42 mean?"
For a moment, Bucky hesitated, then he shook his head and walked out.  Fury looked up at the ceiling.
"Friday, what does level 42 mean?" 
The answer, the name of a British jazz-funk band from the 1980s meant nothing to him and considering Barnes was the Winter Soldier then, likely didn't mean anything to him, either.  They got their name by taking the 42 from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where it was said to be the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything, which was also the title to the third book in the series.  As Fury read the description of the third book, he saw something that troubled him and wondered if that had anything to do with it.  Leaning back in his chair he thought for a moment. 
"Friday, go through the HYDRA files.  Look for anything involving a truth drug called Level 42.  Bookmark any other references of that term.  Mark for my eyes only."
If he found anything before Bucky and Sam left, he didn't say.  They got in the truck and began the long drive to the prison, driving instead of flying because Bucky wanted the time to prepare himself to see Josef Czerny, a Czech born guard for HYDRA. 
"You want to talk about him?" asked Sam.
"No." Bucky's terse reply wasn't a surprise.  Then he let an audible breath out as he reconsidered.  "He was a guard in Siberia, a nasty one.  Bigger and heavier than me, with a streak of sadism every time I was being punished for my mistakes.  He was there the day I returned with the serum that I killed Howard Stark for.  Wasn't in the enclosure with the five other soldiers that received it.  Good thing for him as he would have been dead after they went on their killing spree.  After Karpov left to avoid retribution for wasting the serum on them, he left as well.  Just went AWOL.  Until he was found during the roundup of people after the release of the HYDRA files, driving a delivery truck in Florida.  That's all I know about him."
"What's this Level 42 he mentioned?" Bucky turned to look at Sam.  "Fury mentioned it."
"I don't want to say anything until I talk to Czerny," said Bucky.  "He could have said it just to get my attention.  Chances are he wants to taunt me."
It was early evening when they arrived at the prison.  Officially, it was after visiting hours but Fury pulled some strings so they could see the man on their arrival.  Their check-in meant Bucky underwent more scrutiny after setting off the metal detectors with his arm.  When Sam pointed out that Bucky didn't need weapons to wreak havoc at the prison the warden extracted a promise not to do anything violent.  With a scowl that seemed to fill the room, Bucky promised, and they were escorted to the prison hospital. 
"He was in a super max prison but he's in the final stages of cancer," said the warden.  "A couple of weeks, maybe only days is all he has left." 
Stopping in front of the door to the man's cell, he signalled to the camera to unlock it then stepped back.  The lock buzzed and both Bucky and Sam stepped inside a spartan room with a hospital bed, nightstand, IV stand, and several monitors hooked up to a being who was obviously a husk of what he looked like before.  His thin frame reminded Sam of the pictures of concentration camp survivors after they were discovered.  What was most prominent on him were his eyes, large and hollowed out.  They focused on Bucky as soon as he entered the hospital cell, then the man's lips parted in what was supposed to be a smile but there was nothing friendly about it.
"Soldat." Czerny's voice was a raspy whisper.  "I knew Level 42 would get your attention."
"What do you want?" asked Bucky, his voice and presence appearing strong. 
"No comment about me getting my just desserts?"  The former guard cackled, then wheezed, setting off some of the alarms on his monitors.  He coughed then noticed Sam.  "You brought a friend?  Didn't trust yourself not to kill me now that I can't fight back?"
"That was your thing," replied Bucky.  "I recall many times that you kicked me hard enough to make me piss blood for a week, but I couldn't fight back.  I don't kill anymore.  Now, what do you want to tell me?"
The man's face changed, revealing a face full of regret and, surprisingly to Sam, acceptance.  He nodded, then looked up to the window that allowed him to view a small patch of blue sky.  With a shaky hand he gestured to Bucky, who brought a chair closer.
"I'm going to Hell," said Czerny.  "I've already seen it, and nothing will keep me from burning for eternity.  I have no excuses for how I was when I was in HYDRA other than I liked to be in power over people, especially someone like you.  Tormenting you was a pleasure because I was jealous of you, jealous that even though you were the Fist of HYDRA you still fought the programming, you still tried to stay human.  I lost my humanity long before I was recruited and even though I told myself I was better than you, I knew deep down I wasn't."
He stopped talking and looked up at that blue patch of sky again.
"That's it?  That's all you wanted to say?"
Bucky looked disappointed, then began to stand up.
"She's alive."  Czerny still looked at that patch of sky, deliberately not looking at Bucky.  "They didn't kill her.  Instead, they put her into cryostorage.  She's still in one of the lower levels of the Siberian facility, forgotten except for a few of us who knew she was hidden there.  In the drawer is a letter.  Take it, find her, before it's too late." 
Bucky opened the drawer of the nightstand and drew out an envelope.  Although the envelope was addressed in English to Czerny, it was obvious it was written by someone whose first language wasn't English.  Sam stood up, looking over Bucky's shoulder as he pulled the letter out.  It was written in another language, Russian, maybe.  As Bucky read it, his face changed, then he looked at the former guard.
"Why now?  Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Hate and pride are powerful shackles," replied Czerny.  "I'm just a coward.  I'm sorry."
All sorts of emotions played over Bucky's face as he put the letter back in the envelope and slipped it inside his jacket.  For the longest time he looked at the dying man.
"I can't forgive you for what you did all those years," he finally said.  "But if I find her then I'll hope that your end comes quickly and without pain.  That's the best I can do."
"It's more than I deserve."
He nodded at Bucky then looked up at the window again, focusing on that blue patch of sky.  The other two went to the door, waiting for the click of the lock to let them out. 
"What's in the letter?" asked Sam, but Bucky just shook his head.
It wasn't until they were back in the truck and had driven several miles that Bucky told Sam to pull over at a roadside rest area.  He got out of the vehicle and went over to a picnic table, sitting on the top portion of it with his feet on the bench seat.  Taking the letter out he read it again then looked at Sam with tortured eyes.
"She was a Widow, sent for extra training with me.  Her mission was as an infiltration agent; to get into the inner circle of a prominent American and take him out.  It was before the Stark mission but the only thing I know for sure is that it was the 1980s.  She had one of those Walkman cassette players and she listened to a lot of music by a band called Level 42.  She loved the music, and I would hear it from the hallway as I approached the training room.  It was permitted as being part of her cover but there were times she would repeat the lyrics to me.  I had been out of cryo for some time, so I was more myself then.  Some of the lyrics came to have a lot of meaning for me, for us."
"You fell in love with each other?"
Bucky nodded.  "I didn't even know her name.  Wasn't allowed to know so I called her Level 42."  He smiled.  "I liked the music, too.  It was jazzy and there were times she asked me to dance, my style of dancing.  She'd look at the camera that always watched us and say she had to know how to do it right for the mission, so they let us continue.  Until we took it too far."
"You were caught, weren't you?"
"Yeah."  He looked at the letter.  "We have to find her, Sam.  She made me feel human."
"That's it?  No argument, no trying to talk some sense into me?"
"No argument," replied Sam.  "She was important to you and if she was brave enough to flaunt HYDRA rules then she likely had a mind of her own."
The next day
Fury looked at both men.  "Is she still alive?"
He had obviously found an answer to his question about Level 42.  The letter was in Bucky's hand, but he handed it to his boss, knowing he could read Russian, even as the super soldier stated what it said. 
"According to this letter the chamber is still functioning as the power is still on at the facility.  But it won't be for long as the Russian government is planning to destroy it.  Something about removing symbols of oppression."
"More like removing evidence of their complicity," grumbled Sam.  "We can revive her, right?"
"She's not supposed to be enhanced like Rogers or Barnes was but theoretically, yes," replied the Avengers director.  "I suppose you want the quinjet.  Who else do you want on the mission?"
The two Avengers looked at each other.  "Yelena, Thor and Clint, if he's willing," blurted Sam.  "With a sorcerer contingency to transport the cryochamber here if we can't thaw her out before we have to get out of there."
"We better send Banner or Cho to provide medical treatment if anything goes wrong," added Fury.  "Wheels up in two hours.  I'll call Clint personally and get a sorcerer to bring him here."  The two men turned to leave his office.  "Barnes, wait."  Bucky stopped.  "You're sure that she's not enhanced."
"She wasn't when we were together," he confirmed.  "Whether they gave her serum when they took her away isn't known, unless you found something."
Fury met Barnes' stern gaze with his own.  "It's not clear.  They may have given her something, but I don't know if it was a new form of serum.  I was looking for something else in the HYDRA files but had increased the search parameters for any reference to Level 42.  It mentioned her nickname.  It's possible they wiped her memory."
"Understood.  If she is out of control both Thor and I will be there."
He left, hurrying to catch up to Sam.  Both men prepared in the locker room; Bucky changing into his tactical suit, while Sam put his inner layer of clothing on.  The flying suit would go in its travelling case, and he would put it on just before they arrived.  The door to the locker room opened and Clint entered.
"Well, Laura wasn't thrilled, but I needed a change of pace," he said.  "What's my role?"
"Firepower and back-up pilot," said Bucky.  "We're trying to rescue someone put into cryosleep involuntarily.  It's possible she received a serum before she went in but it's not clear.  Thor and I may have to restrain her while Sam and a doctor work on her.  Yelena is also coming, because of her background as a Widow."
"Another Widow?"  Clint looked from one to the other.  "How long has she been frozen?"
"Since the late 1980s," said Sam.  "We don't even know her name.  Bucky only knew her as Level 42, like the band."
Bucky was grateful that Clint didn't say the obvious; if she wasn't given the super soldier serum her chances of survival weren't good.  An hour later they were on the quinjet and in the air.  He told them everything he remembered about her, and how the guard who was now dying had given him the letter about the power still being on. 
"You're sure he was on the level?" asked Clint.  "This isn't HYDRA trying to get you back?"
"Fury checked satellite footage of the site," said Bucky.  "There has been some minimal activity there, but they look like people assessing the structure.  They wore jackets with the name of a demolition company.  I figured Sam could stay outside and monitor any comings and goings while the four of us enter the facility to locate her.  Then we call for Sam and Banner to head down.  If we can defrost her there, I would prefer that but if we have to carry the chamber out Thor and I should be able to handle it.  Yelena and Clint can pilot either way."
"Why should we help her?"  Yelena had barely said anything since being placed on the mission.  "The Widows of that time were well indoctrinated.  I should know as Dreykov always talked about them being the good years when the Widows did as they were told."
"Level 42 was permitted to listen to Western music, on a Walkman.  I was to train her in more forms of physical combat, as well as in stealth manoeuvres.  She pushed the limits of our working relationship, inviting me to dance with her.  She openly justified it as having to know my style of dancing as part of her infiltration technique, yet I danced to 1940s music, not 1980s.  Among other things, she shared the song lyrics with me, lyrics I still remember."  He looked at Yelena with understanding.  "Yes, most of the Widows then were hard core spies and assassins but she was different, and she made me feel human.  Please, help me save her."
She made a face, but nodded in agreement, so he hugged her, surprising everyone.  As the flight continued, he went over the layout of the facility from what he could remember.  Hopefully, they hadn't changed anything since then.  For the remainder of the flight, he sat quietly, looking at the letter.  With an hour left before their arrival, they began to get ready, checking weapons, while Sam put the suit on.  Bucky wore a backpack with several foil thermal blankets, as well as some heat packs whose temperature could be adjusted.  He had also packed some soft clothing, sweatpants and sweatshirt, as well as some medications to strengthen the heart rate.  They all confirmed their comms pieces were working.  Landing just outside the entrance into the facility, they noticed there were no other vehicles nearby and the door was wide open.  Still, they entered with care while Sam kept watch outside, and Bruce monitored them from inside the quinjet. 
"According to the letter, she is in a storage room 10 levels down," said Bucky, as they approached a stairwell.  "I have no memories of being down there, so I don't know if any defensive or protective measures are in place.  Go slow, be alert, and watch your backs."
They took the stairs down, although Clint wanted to see if the elevator would work, in case they had to bring the cryo chamber up.  It did, although it was slow, and the others reached the 10th level down significantly sooner than he did.  The lights didn't come on automatically down there, either.  Some turned on by a switch but when they didn't, they had to crack some lighting sticks, which added to the sense of sickly doom inside the corridor.  Bucky could barely manage his anxiety as they carefully moved down the hallway, testing each door and opening it to check inside.
"I can smell death in here, Yasha," commented Yelena, in Russian.  "There are many ghosts present."
Bucky said nothing, just stopping then staring at a door at the end of the hallway.
"There's a hum coming from that door," he stated.  "It's barely audible but it could be a cryo chamber in conservation mode."
They ignored the other doors, heading straight to the one at the end.  Finding it locked, Bucky kicked it open, and they saw several cryo chambers, five in all, each of them with a figure inside.  The surface of the glass was so frosted over that it was difficult to tell whether each one contained a man or a woman. 
"Did the letter say there were others?" asked Thor.
"No, but there should be some documentation of who they are in the file cabinets," replied Bucky, going to the first chamber and using the warmth of his right hand to melt some of the frost to look inside.  "This chamber is older than the others.  There's only a view hole for the face.  Puts it in the 1950s or 1960s."
Yelena was at another one, looking for any sort of identification on it.  "They have letter and number designations, but it is prefaced with the word Prisoner, so this one wasn't a volunteer for HYDRA."
"We should awaken all of them," said Clint, then he shrugged when the others all looked at him.  "They're going to bring this place down.  If we don't, they die."  He pointed at the oldest chamber.  "That must weigh at least a ton.  I don't know if you two want to be hauling that many cylinders up.  There's no way we can carry all of them in the quinjet.  Might need that portal."
Bucky went down the row of chambers, clearing away the frost on each of them but not looking closely at the inhabitant, then stopped at the fourth of the five.  Something caught his attention and he stared at the face inside, then cleared away the identification plate.
"This is her."  He took a deep breath.  "They put her in a cryo suit, but she'll be soaking wet once the thaw process is complete.  Clint, you and Yelena go back up.  Send Sam and Bruce down with extra emergency coverings and all the dry clothing they can gather.  I'm going to start the thaw cycle on her."
They headed back to the elevator while Bucky started the procedure then pulled his backpack down and brought everything out.  Thor went over to the filing cabinets, looking for the designations on the folders that matched the designations on the chambers.  He found three fairly quickly, when he heard the sound of the chamber with Level 42 opening.  Bucky was already undoing all the restraints on the woman who seemed barely responsive.  Her body was limp, and she was covered in a film of icy water.  Finally freeing her Bucky laid her on a mat that had automatically inflated when he unrolled the thin roll it had been.  He placed a thermal sensor on her forehead, noting her body temperature was 30 degrees Celsius.  Quickly he covered her with a thermal blanket, wrapping it around her, then placed several heat packs under the mat, allowing it to spread the heat evenly through the mat.
"Do you need my assistance, Buck?" asked Thor.  "I have found three of the five files."
"Find the other two," said Bucky.  "So far, I've been able to manage and if Sam and Bruce bring more supplies down, they can take over while I awaken the others."
Noticing that the unconscious woman was starting to shiver Bucky quickly pulled her cryo suit off, using his knife to cut into it, remembering how hard it had been to remove it in one piece from his own body.  Quickly, he pulled the dry clothing over her, then added socks on her feet and a stocking cap on her head, before tucking her back under the thermal blanket.  As her eyes fluttered, he placed his right hand on her cheek.
"L'ubímaja [beloved].  It's me, your Soldier.  I have found you.  Can you hear me?"
She groaned then her eyes fluttered open and she muttered, and he spoke softly to her again in Russian.
"Your vision will return.  You've been in cryosleep, radnaja [darling].  Just breathe.  I am here with you."
Sam and Bruce, both of them stopping in shock at the site of five chambers, advanced towards Bucky who told them what he had done.  The thermal sensor had warmed up to 31 degrees Celsius.  Bruce took a stethoscope out to listen to her heartbeat and lungs, then nodded at Bucky. 
"Keep her warming up slowly," he said.  He gestured at the others.  "What's their story?"
Thor came, having found the final two folders, dropping them off in front of Bucky.  Quickly, he picked up Level 42's folder and opened it, reading the contents that were written in Russian.
"She was treated with an experimental serum, then placed in cryosleep in November of 1989."  He let out a tortured breath.  "She's been here ever since.  Damn them."  Flipping through the others he opened the file for the oldest chamber, then sucked in his breath.  "Bastards.  That chamber on the left contains the daughter of one of Stalin's enemies.  She was only 17 when they kidnapped her.  They injected her with the same serum I was given but they didn't even wait to see the results.  They just froze her."
He got up to look at her face in the small viewing port.  Bruce looked through as well, while Sam continued to monitor Level 42's progress.  Bucky's face went grim.
"I don't want to even try resuscitating her here," he said.  "These old chambers were tricky.  We should take her back and try in a controlled medical environment.  Theoretically, it would be equivalent to how Steve was thawed out.  If she's had the serum her body should be able to handle it.  There's no mention of the memory device being used so her personality should be intact."
"I agree."  Bruce gestured to the other three.  "What about them?"
Bucky opened the next file, comparing the photo inside with the woman in the chamber, which seemed to be an earlier model as well, like a hybrid between the first and third one.
"Imprisoned for saying no in 1974," he said, scowling again.  "She rebuffed the advances of a high-ranking HYDRA official who wanted her to be his mistress.  She was already married.  They killed her husband, then he froze her with the plan to unthaw her when he was old and she was still young, to prove his control over her life.  Except, he made a mistake and was executed in 1981.  They just left her in the chamber as someone else's problem.  No serum."
"We take this chamber back then," said Bruce.  "I don't even want to try without medical backup."
They stopped at the third one, which contained a child, a boy.  Both men looked at each other in disgust, then Bucky read the file, his face changing into something more sympathetic as he read it.
"Okay, this is unusual.  How he got away with it, I don't know.  Son of an industrialist who was high up in HYDRA.  The boy has cystic fibrosis.  His father paid millions of rubles to freeze him in the hope of someday there being a cure.  Is there one?"
He looked Bruce who shook his head slightly.  "Not really, although the drug therapies are more effective and their life span and quality of life have improved greatly.  No serum in this one?"  Bucky shook his head.  "Okay, we take his chamber back, but his chances aren't good."
They stopped in front of the final chamber and Bucky flipped the folder open without looking inside at the person.  His face became dark, and only then did he look at the man inside the cryo chamber for a considerable time.  Then he closed the folder, his mouth set in a grim line.
"A HYDRA handler.  In fact, he was my handler ... the one who took her away.  This was his punishment for losing control of the Asset.  He doesn't deserve to live as none of the handlers respected life.  I know that as a doctor, you have an oath, but if we leave him here, that wouldn't violate it, would it?"
Bruce let out a significant breath.  "No, but what if the authorities here decide to thaw him out?  Do you want that?"
"No, but there's something I can do to make it certain he wouldn't be found but he wouldn't be dead, either."  Bucky looked at the doctor steadily.  "I promise I won't kill him."
With a nod of his head Bruce agreed then he activated his comms piece and contacted Avengers headquarters to find out if the quinjet could handle the weight of three cryo chambers.  With the word that it was better to use a portal he requested one and promised to let them know when they were ready.  Bucky was kneeling down next to Level 42, who was breathing easier, but still seemed to be a little out of it.  Speaking softly to her in Russian, Bucky smiled when she answered one of his comments in flawless English, asking her own questions.
"You're free?" she asked softly.  "HYDRA and the Red Room are gone?"
"Many years ago," he answered.  "I have many of my memories back, including my name, James Buchanan Barnes.  I'm American.  I only know you as Level 42.  Do you remember how we danced?"
She smiled.  "You were a good dancer, James.  My name is Renata Irina Volkov.  How long have I been frozen?"
A sigh prefaced his answer.  "36 years, Renata.  I'm not the young man I was then but still not too old to have a life with you, if you wish it.  When your vision returns, you can decide, radnaja."
He looked at Bruce, who was still monitoring her temperature and heartbeat.
"Renata, you can go back in the quinjet, if you want the time to talk," he said.  "You're very stable.  I'll go back with the other three chambers."
"Sam, would you help Renata up to the quinjet while I take care of something down here?"
His best friend smiled, then picked her up, carrying her in his arms to the elevator and taking it up.  Bruce called for a portal, then took four of the folders, leaving the one with the handler behind.  Thor moved the other three chambers through the portal, returning before it closed then looked at Bucky who still studied the chamber that held his old handler.
"How can I help, Buck?" he asked. 
"I want to bring down this portion of the room around it, so that it's obscured," said Bucky.  "A demolition team would just see debris and leave it untouched as it wouldn't be safe for them to even set charges in here.  He'll live like this in the darkness forever.  It is what he deserves."
Just before they began to destroy the room, they cleared away the supplies that Sam and Bruce brought down with them to return to the top.  Then Bucky checked the functions on the cryo chamber before he and Thor began pulling the room down around it.  Satisfied, they picked up the supplies and took the elevator up to the top.  No one had approached the facility while they were there.  Boarding the quinjet they stowed the supplies then Clint and Yelena started the aircraft, lifting it up into the air.  Renata and Bucky looked at it then he helped her back into a seat, gently belting her in before fastening his own restraints.  They began the long flight back to the Avengers compound, listening to the band, Level 42, on Bucky's cell phone.
Three months later
"Yuri, Irina, come," said Mariya, the woman who had been frozen in 1974.  She watched as the 91-year-old who looked 17 held her hand out to the 57-year-old who was now a healthy 11-year-old boy and hanging upside down from a tree at the Avengers compound.  "Hurry, Yasha and Renata will be here shortly.  We're having a ...."  She looked at Bruce.  "What do you call it again?"
"Barbecue," he said, smiling at the dark-haired woman.  "Everyone's coming for a barbecue."
She flashed him a smile that filled him with warmth.  Her charms were obvious.  No wonder the HYDRA official wanted her. 
"Barbecue," she repeated.  "Come or you don't get ice cream!"  Turning, she walked back towards the main building with him.  "So, you're satisfied with our health, enough to allow us to leave, if we wish.  What if, we don't wish to leave?  What if, we like living here?  Yuri and Irina need a parent.  I'm old enough to be their aunt."
"Their attractive and young-looking aunt," interjected Bruce.  He noticed Thor waiting for them outside the building with Love.  "Wouldn't have anything to do with a 1500-year-old Demi god, would it?"
"Perhaps," she said, her cheeks pinking up.  "He has seen much and says we can split our time between here and New Asgard.  I don't want to go back to Russia.  There is nothing for the three of us there, not anymore."
"Well, you'll all be welcome, since I have to keep tabs on your health anyways.  With Irina having super soldier abilities I'm sure they'll want her to consider joining the Avengers.  Yelena and Bucky both say they'll work with her for training, if she wants it."
"Mariya," smiled Thor, putting his arms out. 
She hugged Love first, who stuck her tongue out cheekily at her father, then she hugged Thor.  The other two rushed up. 
"I win!" Yuri jumped up and down.  "I'm faster than you."
"Sure, you are, little man," said Irina, winking at the others.  "Nothing to do with the blood transfusion from me that cured you."
"Maybe," he admitted.  "But I still won."
They entered the building, seeing Bucky and Renata inside, holding hands.  Yuri ran for her, laughing when she picked him up and tossed him in the air.  Cheek kisses were given to the other two survivors of the cryo chambers then they headed towards the elevator, going up to the roof top terrace where the barbecue was happening.  The celebration of their 3 months of freedom after the years in the cryo chambers had been in the works for a couple of weeks.  It was a milestone moment for them and for Bucky, as well, looking with love on Renata as she made the rounds with the other survivors to Clint and his family, Yelena, Sam, and several others who had been involved in their medical care since their arrival. 
As he watched, his cell phone vibrated and he checked the messages, seeing one that had him nod his head.  The Siberian facility was officially demolished, charges placed on all levels, then set off in a sequence that collapsed the interior structure of the site.  In a year's time when his old handler's chamber started its pre-programmed thawing sequence, he would be trapped inside a tomb of rock, hundreds of feet inside the ground under the Siberian wasteland.  He would still be alive, for a time.
Bucky had no regrets about that, his last unofficial hit.  As he told Bruce, some people didn't deserve to live.  Placing his phone back in his pocket, he looked up, alerted by the laughter of Renata, Mariya, Irina and Yuri, as they posed for cell phone pictures.  Four lives saved because of a guard who finally let go of hate and told him a long-held secret.  He looked at the blue sky above them and thanked Josef Czerny one more time.  Then he stepped forward and joined the others.  Life was so much more enjoyable now.
Is it so wrong to be human after all? (Line from Something About You, by Level 42)
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One Shots Masterlist
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
If You Want to Be My Lova
Yelena Belova x PlusSize!FemReader
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
A/N: Though I identify R as plus size, I didn’t give her much description to leave it open to a broader range of readers who struggle with loving their bodies. (Pssst, you’re beautiful—I just know it’s true 🥺) | 3,912 Words
Warnings: Steve’s a fat shaming asshole, Body Image Insecurity. Alluded to/never specified eating disorder.
A/N 2.0: I personally detest Steve, but to be clear I don’t genuinely think he’d be like this, I just needed an antagonist.
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Steve watched from across the counter as you wandered into the kitchen, your water in one hand and your phone in the other as you perused the kitchen in search of breakfast. He'd seen the exact moment your eyes lit up when you saw the pink boxes on the counter.
An unnecessary wave of glee ran through him as he prepared to open his mouth and speak, "Are you sure you want to eat that Y/N? If you're serious about losing weight why not look into eating some rolled oats with berries?"
He was being vindictive, you'd grown used to it after you worked your magic and got Natasha to finally ask out Wanda, he's been visibly bitter over the situation ever since. The talking point of your weight was easy enough for him to cling to, he was in peak fitness, and it would only come off as a concerned friend trying to help you reach a "better" state of wellness.
What he failed to consider was Wanda was on her way into the kitchen as well, and she was able to see the exact moment your spirit broke. The light in your eyes faded fast, and the donut in your hand was gently set back into the box, she saw the way your lip wobbled, and your eyes filled with not only tears, but dread too.
It enraged her honestly, you were the sweetest person around these parts, and deserved to be treated with nothing less than love and respect.
Steve saw it too, the way you bit your lip and closed your eye's tight to try and reel your feelings in. Crying over it changes nothing...
He went to lift his mug of coffee to his lips as if he was accomplishing something amazing, his smile smug as ever when you turned away, but it fell fast when the steaming contents of his mug were sloshing over the edge of the glass in a way that could only be explained with magic.
He hissed as the drink scalded him through his thick cotton shirt, his chest on fire now, and in a dramatic manner he removed the stained shirt to reveal his toned abs, and ripped arms.
"Wanda, what the fuck was that for?" He called her out immediately, and so she entered the kitchen with a victorious smile, and red tinged fingertips. "Whatever do you mean Rogers?"
"I know what you did."
"Yeah, and I too know what you did," she glares menacingly in his direction while also setting a reassuring hand onto your shoulder, "I'd say the punishment fits the crime."
Steve glared right back, and you finally turned to see what must've occurred to cause this rift, you felt guilt gnawing at your gut, it wasn't a fair feeling, but yet you could feel it festering.
Wanda's fingers continued to spark in shades of a dangerous crimson as the burned man wasn't appearing to be backing down, and you didn't want to involve her any further. It felt sorta unfair for her to fight your battles for you. On account of her being your girlfriends future sister in law, and also because this entire moment was beyond mortifying for you.
To have your insecurities viciously thrown in your face in a public space like this, well it was rather juvenile, and so it made you feel like you were that same kid crying under the bleachers all those years ago when kids were being cruel.
The people pleaser in you won out alongside the embarrassed little one who still resided in your heart, so you took in a shaky breath before trying to calm the witch, "It's okay Wands."
You'd gently settled a hand over hers that still held tightly to your shoulder for comfort, the witch looked back at you, the sad smile you offered didn't calm her though, it only fueled her on. "It's not, especially not when he himself is only a byproduct of a steroidal experiment."
Steve's stance faltered ever so slightly, his ego now efficiently bruised. His mouth spluttered embarrassingly for a moment before he left the kitchen altogether in a grumbling huff.
"Tata Captain Hot Head," she flipped the man off, then turned back to you as you giggled.
"Hey dorogoy," you looked at her inquisitively, and she offered you one of the warmest smiles you'd ever seen, "Can you do me a favor?"
"Of course, whatever you need Wands," she beamed, "I'm glad to hear you say that, can you get two plates for us? I'll take a maple bar, and you can pick that sprinkled one back up while I make us a fruit salad and some hot cocoa."
Wanda watched closely, there was a hesitation in your demeanor, as if you were now scared. You however nodded meekly, then began to shuffle around the space to do as she asked.
"Ooh, did I see donut holes too?"
"Yup," you confirmed, and then you watched from your place at the counter as six tiny balls of dough and sugar danced through the air until they landed evenly between your plates.
The two of you spoke about your weekly movie night tonight while picking at the food before you, you smiled when the witch said you got to pick, you settled on Hocus Pocus, and Wanda smiled when she saw your plate was empty.
Then Wanda watched your face fall as she described in detail how she'd prepared a couple of snack trays for the both of your girlfriends with the ravenous appetites. This was a normal conversation, but now that Steve threw you into this self deprecating headspace she could see you debating if you wanted to go anymore.
The pressure to eat another meal today was already crippling your soul, it felt wrong to even consider nourishing yourself after the way Steve haphazardly regarded your body. Seeing how fit he was didn't help either, it only made you feel like you truly didn't deserve to eat.
"Well, I have some errands to run Wands, but I'll see you tonight," you collected both of your plates, and left her behind with a side hug as you departed, but your thoughts were so loud all the witch was left to do was frown as she made her way to the gym to try and fix this.
Natasha slammed Yelena into the mat for what was like the tenth time in an hour, "Cyka."
"Just admit that I'm better, and we'll be done."
"Never, I am just distracted," Yelena groaned, "Something in my gut is deeply unpleasant."
"Yeah, you simply can't stomach losing," Nat laughed as she once again dodged her sisters fist with grace, but then she was groaning when Yelena's fist hit her in the gut, she was too distracted by the sight of her fast approaching angered lover to have stopped the attack.
"Ha! I win!" Yelena screeched, only to be met with a shove that knocked her on her ass, and to wind up on the receiving end of Natasha's incredulous expression, "One hit isn't a win!"
"Listen here cyka," Yelena angrily muttered while stepping up to her sister, "Listening," Natasha smirked and Yelena reared back.
"Enough! Both of you!" Wanda caught Yelena's fist with red wisps, "Save your anger for Steve."
The sisters looked to her within an instant, both wearing different degrees of confusion.
"What did he do now?" Natasha groaned, she was growing really tired of his petty antics.
"He made Y/N self conscious, she's not okay."
Yelena's entire body tensed, Wanda could feel her fighting against her magic, and as if the God's heard her prayer Steve entered the gym.
"Let me go," she lowly growled, and Wanda did so without a single concern for the man, she was actually thrilled for what was to come.
Steve was unknowingly preparing for a beating coming down here, he'd come here to fight away the thoughts of inadequacy Wanda placed in his mind with the punching bag, but instead he was on his knees clutching his manly hood.
"What the actual fuck?" he seethed, but when he met the fiery gaze of one Yelena Belova he knew not to even test the waters any further.
"YA vypotroshu tebya, kak rybu," she rasped through gritted teeth, her hand fisted in the mans hair, as she punched him square in the nose, then as she went to further beat him she felt Natasha's hands on her shoulder's pulling her back, "Idi k yeye sestre, ty yey nuzhen, my s nim spravimsya." Yelena looked to her with a scowl, but after a moment of reassuring eye contact she conceded, "Zastav' yego zaplatit'."
(I will gut you like a fish / Go to her sister, she needs you, we'll handle him. / Make him pay)
"You know Rogers, Y/N only ever gave me the confidence to ask Wanda out, it was always going to be her, and never going to be you," she pulled Wanda in by her waist for a bruising kiss to ensure he understood her honest words.
He pouted like a petulant child, Yelena's firm hold was replaced with Wanda's impenetrable magic, so he was forced to watch them kissing.
Natasha lowered her body until she was level with the pitiful man, she patted his cheek twice patronizingly then she spoke only to ruin him, "Because sure Rogers, you might have the fawned over physique, but that's really only superficial, at the end of the day you're nothing worth experiencing," she beamed as his eyes filled shallowly with tears, "Y/N is a light in this dark world Steve, and for you to treat her like she's less than because you feel you lost me because of her is so strange. It's also not true."
"Everyone knows you have the personality of a brick wall, and it's just not that appealing. At least Sam and Bucky are interesting enough," Wanda taunted the scowling man, "There's a reason you could only ever score a date with the niece of your almost lover," she gripped him by his chin, and stared coldly into his eyes, "You're a pathetic excuse for a man Steve."
"That's all there is to it," Nat concluded, then with a precise swing of her fist he was out cold.
Wanda knelt beside him, and Natasha watched as red wisps jolted through his temple, "Sweet nightmares, I hope you wake up devastated."
"God, I love you so much," Natasha groans as she pulls her lover in for a deep kiss, "Y/N's family Nat, and nobody fucks with my family."
"That she is, I just hope Yelena can fix this," Natasha frowns slightly, and Wanda meets her concerned expression with an equivalent sigh, "If anyone can, it's her." Wanda softly grabs her lovers hand, "But we can also do our part."
Yelena raced through the entire compound in search of you, in her frazzled state she had neglected the obvious solution of just asking Friday, but after stumbling onto the vacant floor of the compound she knew she found you.
Soft sobs came from the room that used to be yours before you moved into Yelena's room. Back when you were Tony's assistant who he deemed worthy of a room, and not yet her everything, because that's exactly what you are.
"Y/N?" She called out softly as to not scare you, "Moye solnyshko," she whispered the words as she entered your old room, her heart stuttered when she saw the broken glass of your mirror, and it nearly shattered when she saw some of your things had been brought down here.
"Y/N, detka, what's going on?" She reached out for you, but you pulled your hands away, she frowned upon seeing the cuts that littered your skin and the air of despondency in your glossy orbs, it had made her imagine Steve's body dangling over a tub of carnivorous crocodiles.
It's now on her to do list...
"Lena, you should just go," you whispered brokenly, voice cracking as well as both of your hearts as you verbalized the words you didn't mean, "I'll never be what you deserve, so go."
"So that's just it? I don't get a say in this?"
"You're so beautiful Yelena, you deserve a partner that matches or excels you, which would honestly be impossible, you're perfect."
"You do excel me Y/N," she whimpers, and this time when she goes to reach you she does so by straddling your body, and making sure you can see just how true her words are. "I've never had anything to call my own Y/N, but now I have you, and I wouldn't trade that for anything."
"But what if there's someone better along the way Yelena? It's easier if we break this off now, I couldn't cope if you left me in the future."
"Never," she promised, her lips deposited a peck to your tear stained lips, "There is nothing better for me than you detka, I've never been happier," she smiled warmly as she stared into your cloudy eyes, hers just as glossy as yours, "That's all because of you. Moya solnyshko—my sunshine; oh how you brighten my life."
Yelena watched the storms behind your eyes begin to settle, your once tense body melted into the mattress, and she took the moment as the perfect time to kiss you, to pour out just how much you meant to her into the gesture.
"Look at me Y/N," she remained soft as she sat you up, and pulled you into her lap without a moment of hesitation, her tone however held a seriousness to it, "You deserve to feel safe in your body, to be able to love yourself despite any societal norms that are like ugly lies."
"I try to love me Lena, b-but when people that look like Steve say what they do I can't help but worry that I'm not meant for your love, maybe I'm holding you back, or you're settling here."
"First of all, you are meant for me only," she held you far more tightly, a possessiveness falling over her at the thought of you being with someone else. "You move me forward detka, my life has only looked up with you at my side. Life is a box of chocolates with you."
A sweet giggle left you as Yelena paraphrased last week's movie to make her point.
"I'm not settling Y/N, if anything it's you who's settling," you instantly shook your head with a pout, and she smiled at you sadly, "I've done a lot of things wrong in this short lifetime Y/N."
"You didn't have a choice Lena," you growled, and she chuckled lightly, "I know, but I finally do, and you're the only thing I've done right."
A brief moment of silence fell over you both, Yelena's grip on you was firm, and loving, her lips pressed to your forehead, and when you quietly sniffled she figured you needed more.
"Fuck that dipshit in spandex," she grinned when you giggled softly, and her looming fears melted away when you rested your head over her heart, "He'll never know what it's like to be loved truly, because he doesn't understand that people don't care for that manufactured body of his when it's paired with a heart of stone."
"You though. You're not only beautiful to look at," she leaned back, giving you the once over for emphasis, but she truly did get distracted as she took you in, with her lip caught in between her teeth and a smile in her eyes she couldn't fake, "You've also got a heart of gold detka."
It was easy to believe when she looked at you like that, but you still had your reservations, and Yelena could see right through to that.
"I love you, for every last part of you," she readjusted you so that she could cup your cheek while her other hand held your hip, "Whatever you see as a flaw, I see it as you, and therefore it's perfect, because there's nothing flawed about you, you're a beauty worthy of marveling at, you're the perfect they say does not exist; this body of yours is my paradise."
Tears began to stream down your face, and in the past Yelena would freak out, worried that she said something wrong to upset you, but she's come to learn that tears can be joyful. That much she learned when she burst into them the first time you said you loved her, the sweet words dripped from your lips like honey.
"I-I love you Yelena," you blurted in a graceless blubbering manner, "I-I'm sorry for trying to leave you, I was just scared, but I promise you that I don't ever want to lose you, like ever."
"You never will," she purrs, her hand gently gripped you by the plush skin of your hips, "Because I'll never give you up for anything," she murmured against your lips before she slammed hers into yours passionately.
Her lips began to travel down your jaw, your breath hitched when she sucked lightly over the skin. "Lena, we have to go to movie night," you stuttered breathlessly. She groaned, "Do we have to? We can skip it tonight, on account of me wanting to love you until you believe it."
"I do," you whispered, "I believe you," with a genuine tone you brought a smile to her face.
"Then let's go moya lyubov'," Yelena lifted you up into her arms causing you to squeal at her show of strength, "I can walk just fine baby."
"I just didn't want to let you go just yet," she confessed while gently lowering you, and in return for her being so sweet you softly kissed her lips, "We'll be cuddling soon enough."
The two of you rode the elevator to your floor so you could drop off your things, and change into more comfortable clothes, but not until Yelena doctored up your injured hands, with a soft kiss to follow every bandaid she placed.
"Your boo-boos have been handled," she said with a bit of a pout, "I'll be back shortly," and with a soft kiss to your lips that lingered for a moment longer than need be she was gone.
Yelena left to shower off her day in the gym, and you unpacked your things before slipping into a pair of black sweats, with a worn down band t-shirt, and as you always did when feeling somewhat down, you slipped right into your girlfriends oversized army green hoodie.
You knew she bought it for you, but she wore it until it smelled enough like her to calm you... It's become your live in article for her missions.
Yelena's always been so incredibly sweet, you honestly can't believe you tried to end things. Her love has always fixed your problems, she never saw you as anything other than worthy of love, and affection; she was your soulmate.
"Well don't you look cuddly," she noted as she walked up from behind and grabbed your hand, "Can't wait to hold you close, it's cold"
"Cold?" She met your confusion with a sly smirk, then pulled you along wordlessly.
Once she pressed the button for the roof you understood her, excitement overran your body at the idea of a spooky movie under the light of the moon and the surrounding stars. That is until the doors opened to reveal a battered Steve with an ice pack on his bruised cheek, making you tense up, causing Yelena to look away from you and over at the unwelcome.
Before anyone could even mutter a word you got to bare witness to the brick house of a man wordlessly hobbling away after your much smaller girlfriend stepped towards him, and the smug smile that overtook your lovers face was rather priceless, "Lena, baby, you can't solve everything with brutal violence."
"Why not?" She pouted, and it was so innocent in appearance you'd never believe she was a highly skilled assassin in her younger days.
"Words can work too..."
"Yeah, he used words, we used our fists."
"Yes, I broke his nose, and hopefully made him unable to reproduce. Wanda and Natasha did the rest to him, remind me to thank them."
"Goodness me, you three keep me on my toes."
Yelena grinned, then kissed you for the rest of the elevator ride. The ding signaled her to stop, and she stepped aside to let you exit first.
"Ta-da," Natasha cheered with jazz hands to draw your attention to the identical hanging day beds settled besides one another, with a table between with popcorn and candy atop.
Then you looked up to see the projector screen was adorned in purple and orange lights with smiling pumpkins after every few bulbs, the beds were littered with fluffy blankets, and there were outdoor heaters nearby for the anticipated maximum comfort level possible.
"I did nothing to help, but I promise I love you, witchy was just too nit-picky, I was safer on the sidelines," she said quietly while pulling you into her for a tight embrace, "I love you too."
"You'll be safer on the couch too if you keep it up," Wanda lightly threatened before taking you from her genuinely terrified lover, "I've prepped lots of food, make a plate honey."
"Where will she pick from if this weird plate is mine?" Yelena asked while holding an entire charcuterie board to her chest, her face never more genuinely serious than right now, and you stifled a laugh at the adorable sight, "Don't worry baby, feel free to enjoy your dinner."
Wanda looked to you scoldingly, worried you were using this as a get out of dinner card, but then you lifted your phone up to show her that it was okay, and you were fine. While Natasha and Yelena scavenged around with snacks, you and Wanda will share a pizza—like normal.
"What will you eat?" Yelena frowned, but you waved her off, "There's popcorn and candy."
Yelena held her plate out anyways, and you smiled while picking off a single cracker and a slice of cheese to top it off., "Thanks love."
"I will not be doing that," Natasha shared with her girlfriend who settled onto the bed beside her with an eye roll, "Oh, I was well aware."
When the expected ding of the elevator interrupted the undergoing movie night you smirked over at the witch who had left their outside daybed to collect the pizza, and with a soft kiss to your girlfriends parted lips, and with a careful transferring of a pillow in your place you joined Wanda on the porch swing.
"Every time," you remarked playfully, "Without fail," Wanda added while waving her pizza around for emphasis, "They're total chumps."
"But we love them anyways," you softly added, and Wanda snuggled into your side with a warm smile, "That we do," she whispered, then she hugged onto your arm tight, silently letting you know that she loved you too, and in turn you laid your head over hers on your shoulder as the both of you continued to watch the film.
"I'm sorry Emily; I had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light a candle."
"It was probably Steve..." Wanda nudged your side, and you cackled softly, "Knock it off."
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Safe. You are safe.
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This is part of the Older Sister AU of Yelena and Natasha. This was requested from a comment on my AO3. 
Summary: After returning to the compound from a solo mission to free a Widow, you are badly injured. But as a Widow injury means punishments and you can’t afford to be punished because who will protect your sisters if they kill you. 
Warnings: mention of past sexual abuse, mention of past physical abuse, PTSD, dissociation, injuries from a mission, mention of trauma from Red Room 
Word Count: 2.8k 
You were sloppy. You made a mistake and it costed you. You snuck back into your room and closed the door. You needed to deal with it before someone found out. Injuries meant you weren’t good enough, that someone was better than you. You grabbed the first aid kit you had in your room for situations like this. You took your tactical suit off, leaving you in your white tank top and boy shorts. Well your tank top was mostly white, a red spot was forming on your stomach. It was the worst injury you obtained. The Widow wasn’t the only one you had to fight, her handlers were reluctant to let her go. Your ribs were bruised, you most likely had a concussion, the Widow stabbed you in the thigh, and you knew you had cuts and bruises. If it wasn’t for the serum, you would have bleed out on the ride back to the compound. The AI already asked if the medical team should be notified but you declined. No one could know. No one could know you were weak. Weakness meant death and you couldn’t be killed; you had to keep up your end of the deal. If you were killed, who would watch out for Yelena and Natasha? Dreykov could get his hands on them. You couldn’t allow that. Your heart began to pound, you could hear it. The organ was beating against your ribs. Thud. Thud. Thud. Your hands were shaking. You had to calm down or you couldn’t stitch yourself up. You heard your door open. How did they find out? You felt sick. They were going to drag you away. Their words weren’t reaching you but you felt hands on you. “No, please.” You pleaded. “I’ll do better. I promise.”
Yelena walked from a training session with Sam to your room after the AI informed her of your return. You used the compound as your halfway point, if the Widow was based in the US, before heading back to St. Petersburg. Yelena had to admit she was worried every time you went away on an assignment. But you were the best for a reason. Yelena knocked on your door before entering. “FRIDAY said you were-” the sentence died on her lips as she saw the state you were in. The gunshot wound on your stomach was her main concern. Yelena said your name but you made no indication that you heard her. Yelena ran over to you. “We need to get you to medbay.” You were staring at her but you didn’t move. “Sestra,” Yelena said, grabbing onto your arms. You flinched. 
“Pozhaluysta net (No, please),” Yelena was surprised you slipped into your native tongue. You began thrashing around. 
“Stop or you're gonna hurt yourself.” Yelena said, trying to stop you. But you were stronger than her. 
“YA sdelayu luchshe. Obeshchayu (I’ll do better. I promise.).” 
“FRIDAY, tell Natasha I need her.” Yelena said to the AI. “Tell her it’s important.” The AI agreed to her request and it didn’t take long for Natasha and Maria to appear. 
“What’s-” she stopped. Yelena looked behind her. ���Get away from her.” 
“Yelena, now.” Natasha ordered. Yelena let go of you. You immediately stopped moving but your eyes were darting around the room. “Vdova, vozderzhis' (Widow, restrain).” You got up to lay down on your back and put your hands above your head. Natasha walked over to your nightstand and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. She cuffed you to the headboard. Yelena saw your body relax. “Maria, I need you to get Cho and get a sedative. Take Yelena with you.” 
“Of course. Come on Yelena.” Yelena wanted to protest and stay with her sisters but she saw in Natasha’s eyes there was no room for argument. Yelena sighed and followed Maria. 
Natasha waited for Maria and Yelena to be out of ear shot and looked back at you. Your eyes were cloudy, still lost in whatever scenario your mind was creating. “Mission report,” she ordered you. She hated it. It made her skin crawl and stomach turn. “In English.” Natasha added. She watched your face morph in confusion at the request. 
“My intel was incorrect,” you said. The coldness of your voice caused a chill to go down her spine. It was a voice she remembered you used in the Red Room. “I was only expecting the Widow but her handlers and other members of the organization were there. I exposed the Widow to the dust but was injured in the process.” You paused. “I accept any punishment as you see fit.” Natasha’s heart broke. 
“Oh sestra,” Natasha mumbled as Maria and Yelena came back with Helen. Maria handed Natasha the sedative. “Rest, Widow.” She said, injecting the needle into your arm. Natasha saw the panic in your eyes. You pulled at the handcuffs. “Widow, calm down.” Helen walked over to your other side and helped Natasha hold you down. 
“Please,” you pleaded. “I’ll be better. Just don’t hurt them. Please.” Natasha wasn’t sure who you were referring to. 
“They will be safe,” Natasha said. You nodded and your body relaxed as your eyes closed. “Can you stretch her up here?” She asked the doctor. “I don’t think moving her is a good idea.” Helen nodded. 
“Understood. I’ll come get you when I’m done.” Natasha nodded. She looked at Yelena and her girlfriend. Her sister’s eyes were wide. 
“Let’s go to my room, okay?” Yelena slowly nodded. The walk to her room was quiet, a heavy silence was resting with the trio. Natasha opened her door and they walked in. She kept her door open for Helen so she could find them when she was done. Yelena sat down on her bed and looked down at her hands, playing with the rings on her fingers. Maria grabbed Natasha’s hand and squeezed it. 
“Do you want me to stay?” She asked. 
“Stay,” Natasha whispered. Maria smiled. The Black Widow let go of her hand and sat next to Yelena. “Can you look at me?” It took a minute for Yelena to look at Natasha. “Did she hurt you?” Her eyes widened. 
“No!” Yelena said. “She would never hurt me or you.” Natasha nodded as Maria sat down in a spar chair Natasha had in her room. 
“I know she wouldn’t not intentionally but in that state you never know what may have happened.” She caught Maria nodding. “Do you remember when we first came to America you had really intense nightmares?” Yelena nodded. The youngest was only in Red Room for 4 years. 4 years was too long but Natasha knew it could be worse. “Well, Widows like me and your sister experience something similar.” 
“Widows that were in the Red Room longer than me.” Yelena said. Natasha nodded. 
“Sometimes our minds tell us we are still back there and our body reacts to it.” 
“She thought she was back in the Red Room,” Yelena whispered. “But why didn’t she go to med bay? She could have died.” 
“You're right but she was trained to believe getting hurt on a mission was a failure that she would get punished. So she hid it.” Yelena didn’t say anything, letting what her sister said sit with her. 
“Were you like that?” Yelena finally asked. Natasha did her best to hide the parts of herself that were damaged from her sister. She had to be the strong one. She was the older sister. The first year while she was with SHIELD she still used the handcuffs to help her sleep. 
“She was,” Maria said. “She’d give me, Fury, and Barton a heart attack.” Natasha gave Maria a small smile. She knew she wasn’t easy to deal with. Yelena frowned. 
“I remember the handcuffs,” she said softly. “They used them on us right before we left.” Natasha still had a pair in her nightstand. “Is she going to be okay?” “It just takes time. She was with the Red Room longer than us and she’s only been free for a few months.” 6 months to be exact. A knock interrupted their conversation. 
“Can I come in?” Helen asked. Natasha nodded. The doctor entered. “She’s stable. The bullet went straight through. Her ribs are bruised and she had a stab wound on her thigh. They’ve been stitched up but the serum is doing a good job at healing her.” She sighed. “The sedative will keep her out for a few hours and I highly recommend you bring her to med bay. She has a lot of wounds that I would like to look over.” Natasha nodded. She knew Melina was patching you up. 
“Thank you Helen.” The doctor nodded. 
“Of course. Let me know if you need anything.” She left Natasha’s room, closing the door behind her. Natasha looked at Yelena. 
“I need you to stay out of her room till she wakes up and I know it's safe.” Natasha expected her to argue but Yelena sighed. 
You opened your eyes, blinking a few times to clear your vision. You felt groggy. Your head was pounding. You tried to sit up but couldn’t. The familiar sound of handcuffs rattled in your room. You pulled on them. You heard your name and you saw Natasha. “Nat.” Your throat was dry. Gods, you needed water. 
“Did you know where you are?” She asked. What kind of question was that? You rested your head back on your pillow. 
“My room in Avenger’s compound,” You licked your lips. “In New York.” 
“Okay, I’m going to take these off.” You nodded as you watched Natasha unlock the cuffs and set them on your nightstand. You sat up, rubbing your sore wrist. “Here, Cho said for you to take this.” She handed you a glass of water and a pill. You took the pill and downed the water. You sat in an awkward silence. Both unsure of where to start. Natasha sighed. “Do you remember what happened?” She finally asked. You weren’t sure. You completed the mission; exposing the Widow to the Red Dust and sending her to the safe house. She insisted you come with her but your only thought was getting to the compound. You touched where you got shot. It flooded back to you like a tidal wave. 
“Yelena. Did I-I didn’t hurt her, right?” Natasha shook her head. That was a relief. 
“She’s more worried than anything.” Natasha sat on the foot of her bed. You appreciated the space. “Do you want to talk about it?” She seemed unsure of herself. You didn’t answer and stared at the scars on your wrist. The indent of metal handcuffs, a reminder of what you went through and where you came from. 
“Talking doesn’t seem like your style, Natalia.” You whispered. Natasha huffed. 
“Well, I’m all you got,” she said. “I’m the only one in this compound that knows what you went through.”
“You don’t know what I went through,” you said, looking up at her. “You know some of it but after you left,” you looked back down. “It became worse.” 
“I didn’t ask you to make a deal with him. As soon as we reentered the Red Room, we weren’t sisters.” You looked back at her. 
“Then why am I here if we aren’t sisters?” You asked. “We could have never spoken again after the Red Room was destroyed. But yet here I am,” You shook your head. “As soon as you were assigned that mission you and Yelena are my sisters. The mission ended but that didn’t. He would have killed you, Nat.”
“Just don’t hurt them,” Natasha mumbled. You remember saying that. “That was about us.” 
“What’s the point of this?” You asked. “He told you what he made me do.”
“To get you to talk to me!” She said. “It took me years to stop the behaviors the Red Room taught me and you were there for so much longer.” She sighed. “I almost died on a mission because of them.” She admitted. “I won’t let that happen to you. So, yes, emotions and feelings aren’t my thing but I’ve learned a lot from you and Yelena. If I can do one thing for you, let me be the strong one.” You blinked at the person in front of you. It took you back to sharing a room in the Red Room where you helped treat her wounds after she said she was fine. When you asked if she asked if she was okay but she ignored you. She’s changed. No, she’s healed. It was a beautiful site. You touched your cheek and felt a tear. When was the last time you cried? You weren’t sure. At some point, you couldn’t feel the beatings. 
“Sometimes my mind tells me I’m still there,” you whispered. “That I’m still in debt to him and all of this,” you motioned around your room. “Is just a dream and I’ll wake up back underneath him.” Your lip trembled. “I’ve gotten hurt dealing with Widows before this was different.” 
“How?” You sighed, bringing your knees to your chest. 
“They almost killed me. But the way they held me down I was back in the Red Room,” you brought your right hand to your mouth and bit down on your nail. “Dreykov was very selective on who got to use me. I was his special little spider.” The name tasted like poison in your mouth. “Some diplomat came to talk to him and as a show of good faith he got me for a day.” Natasha had an excellent poker face. It was why the instructors adored her but right now she was livid. There was a fire in her eyes. “He almost killed me but I fought back.”
“Is he dead?” Natasha asked. You smiled. 
“Yeah, I think another Widow was assigned the hit.” You told her. You looked up at her. “How did you do it? How do you leave them behind?” She sighed, taking your hand in hers. 
“You don’t fully. They are still here like a nagging in the back of your head. I have a pair of handcuffs in my nightstand.” You smirked. 
“Just in case you and Maria want to get kinky.” Natasha’s cheeks turned a bright red. She pushed you on the shoulder and you fell backwards. You laughed, a deep laugh that left you breathless. You whipped a few tears away from your eyes. 
“Suka,” Natasha mumbled. “But seriously, you just heal with time and you have us.” You smiled. 
“Thank you, sestra.” 
“Always. Now Yelena wants to see you. Are you okay with that?” She asked. You nodded. “FRIDAY, tell Yelena she can come in.” It wasn’t long before your door slowly opened and Yelena walked in. You smiled and held open your arms. She ran into your arms and you held her tight, feeling some tears on your skin. 
“I’m sorry I worried about you.” she shook her head, pulling out of the hug.
“It wasn’t your fault. I talked to Nat and I know what to do if it happens again.” You gave Natasha a grateful smile. “Did Natasha tell you Helen wants to see you? She’s worried about a few past injuries.” You groaned. 
“I’ll go see her later,” you told them. “Can we just spend some time together?” You asked. Yelena nodded excitedly. 
“We can start the Star Wars movies. I showed them to Steve.” You smiled. 
“Should we get snacks?” You gave your best puppy eyes to Natasha. She rolled her eyes with a smile. 
“Popcorn and water.”
“Pepsi, please!” Yelena said. Natasha sighed. 
“Fine, queue up the movie.” She stood up and left your room. Yelena grabbed the remote and put the movie up. You got comfortable and watched your youngest sister. She was playing with the rings on her fingers. You noticed she did it when she was anxious or something was on her mind. 
“She hid a lot from me,” she must be referring to Natasha. “I didn’t see how Natasha handled what the Red Room did to her.” She looked back at you. 
“She wanted to protect you,” you told her. “We can get violent in that state.” You’ve woken up from punching Alexei and you’ve attacked Melina. Yelena huffed. 
“I’m tired of people protecting me.” You pulled her into a hug. 
“Well get used to it, malen'koye solnyshko (little sun),” You said. “You're the baby.” You pinched her cheeks. She swatted your hand away but you didn’t miss the smile on her face. 
“I got popcorn, drinks, and I stole Sam’s candy,” Natasha said, closing your door. She handed out the drinks and snacks. You and your sisters got comfortable on your bed. Natasha rested her back against your headboard. Your head was in her lap and Yelena laid at the foot of your bed. You enjoyed the movie but this time them was even better.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
I’m the cool aunt; Yelena Belova x child reader
*Author’s note*
This took me a bit due to work and life schedule but I finally came around and decided to do this sweet little request for @zinziekusworld​ who wanted a Yelena Belova x child reader.  Now this is my first time writing for Yelena so I HOPE I did her justice cause really she’s like my FAV female heroine character next to Wanda and Natasha.
Not really any warnings what so ever except maybe a couple of swear words but really this is a FLUFFY FIC where Nat is ALIVE and she is HAPPY as is Yelena continuing saving the other Widows. Enjoy my lovelies until the next oneshot comes out. 
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Today was a special day.  According to mama, she told me that I would be meeting my Aunt for the first time today since she was here in Ohio and right now I was making a special card for her since this will be the first time meeting her.
“Whatcha doin (Y/n)?” asked my bestest friend in the whole world, Michelle.
“I’m making a card for my auntie. I’m going to be meeting her for the first time today.”
“Wow really, that’s great!” she exclaimed.
“Your aunt’s coming over?” asked my other bestest friend Cera asked.  “That’s not good.”
“What do you mean?” I asked her as I paused my coloring.
“Aunts are nothing but trouble.” She said.  “Whenever my aunt comes over, she always pinches and squeezes my cheeks so hard they’re end up red for a really long time.”
“She’s right. When my aunt comes over, I get covered in her old, nasty aunt spit when she kisses me.” Our other friend Tyler came over to say.
“I don’t think so guys. When my aunt comes over, she brings me presents from all the places she’s been to.” Michelle said.
“Well that’s only one cool aunt that I know of. I heard from Cory that his aunt only gives out mints and toothbrushes for Halloween.” Tyler said.
“And Shanice’s aunt only screams and yells. Trust me, she lives in my neighborhood and when he aunt comes over, everybody knows she’s there.” Cera said.
“Do—do you really think my aunt will be any of those things?”
“Trust me (Y/n), it’s better you don’t get your hopes up. Like I said, aunts are nothing but trouble.” Cera said before walking off with Tyler behind her.
“Don’t listen to her, sometimes Cera doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”
“But then sometimes she does. Remember when she told Derek not to climb up the fence above the batter’s box but he did it anyway.”
“Well Derek’s a jerk and doesn’t listen to anyone.”
“Yeah but remember he ended up screaming his head off and said that she was right. And he never admits to being wrong.”
“Still I wouldn’t let it bother you, I hope you and your aunt get to be good friends with each other. Just like me and my aunt.” She then ran off leaving me to my desk alone looking down at my card nervously.
I was now walking with the rest of the Blue walkers heading away from the school and to our crosswalk that would lead us to the library across the street where all the parents were waiting for us.
The crossing guard soon stepped forward and held up the stop sign as well as held out her hands to get the cards to stop and allow us to walk across the street.  I waved by to Michelle who was picked up by her older sister and I proceeded to walk the rest of the way home (mom made sure that our neighborhood was the safest one in the whole town. Yes she’s the neighborhood watch Captain in case you’re wondering).
It only took a few minutes from the library to arrive at my house. It’s like your basic house, 2 levels, a good backyard, a built-in playground and a good enough space to put up the pool during the summer time.  I punched in the code to unlock the door and I heard the click telling me it was correct then I opened the door.
“Mama I’m home from school!” I called out but there was no response.  I walked further into the house and called out again, “Mom?”
“She ran to the store to get some mac and cheese.” Quickly thinking I took off my shoe and tossed toward the voice but a hand caught it, and peeking out from behind her hand she sung out. “Hi.”
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She was fairly young, younger than my mom, had blonde hair and wore a brown jacket, a yellow shirt and black jeans.  Rings decorated her fingers and she had greenish, blue eyes.
“Quick reflexes. Reminds me at that age.” She said as she tossed my shoe to the couch.  “Either she taught you how to do that or you’re just naturally gifted.”
“Who are you?”
“I’m Yelena. I’m an old friend of you mom’s. Old, old friend. And before you make any old people’s joke, I’m not that old!” going by the Russian accent alone, maybe she was one of the former widows my mom helped save long before she adopted me.
“Were you one of the widows?” she looked down solemnly.
“I don’t do that anymore. But yes. We—we knew each other back then. Hell even longer than that you could say.” I looked her up and down and asked.
“How did you get into our house? It’s a secret lock only mom and I know.”
“I was a former widow, breaking into homes was kinda my specialty. Not proud of it but still it’s a skill set. And your mama is too predictable even when she thinks she isn’t.” Yelena said as she sat down at the dinner table, her feet crossed over one another and resting up against the table.
“And I’m supposed to just—believe you?”
“Good reflexes and smart. I like that you’re a good kid.” She said with a slight smile.  “Look you can choose to believe me or not the point is you’ll be needing someone to look after you till your mom comes back so—why not?”
“And when my mom does come back and sees you, will she just accept that?”
“Oh she’s definitely cool with that. Like I said, we practically grew up together. So kiddo, what would you like to do first? You into games? Cause I’ve been trying out that uhh—what do they call it uhh—Mario kart? Yeah, yeah and I’ve gotten pretty good at it. Kate Bishop still hasn’t forgiven me for beating her when she played that dinosaur guy.”
“You mean Yoshi?”
“That’s its name? Yeesh terrible name for a dinosaur.”
“Yoshi’s a great character!”
“Well if you wish to prove me wrong, how about we play for it?” she said pulling out Super Mario kart.  I went over and turned on the Nintendo and then grabbed the two switches consoles and handed her the blue one.  “Give me the red one.” She said.
“But I always use the red one.”
“But I am the guest/babysitter so you have to do what I say, less I tattle-tale you to your mom.” I grumbled and handed her the red Nintendo switch console and she did a soft cheer while I got the blue one.  “Okay so you be that Yoshi lame dino and I’ll be the main guy Mario.”
“Fine with me. And we’ll do my favorite track, Ghost valley.”
“Ooo spooky. You sure you won’t get too scared?” she teased me.
“Will you?” she laughed.
“Smart, quick reflexes and sassy. I’m really liking you kid.” I started up the course and when the countdown began we both made our characters go as fast as they could.
Every twist and turn we made and trying to surpass the other, of course she had to cheat by first covering nudging my side and then tried to make me drop my switch, in the end Yelena won the first round.
“That’s not fair you cheated.”
“No, no it was the ghosts. We were in a haunted valley after all, you know ghosts can pop out of the screens and screw with you. Like this one movie I saw that I may show you.”
“I doubt it. My mom doesn’t allow me to watch scary movies, even though I saw JAWS like a hundred times.”
“The shark movie? Please that’s not scary.”
“It is if you don’t know what lurks in the ocean. Have you seen the way sharks blend with the water?”
“Okay I’ll give you that. But if it were up to me, I’d let you watch scary movies.”
“That’s—wait you’re diverting the conversation of the fact you cheated!”
“Okay so that was a lie, I did cheat. But why not make it two out of three?”
“How about we raise the stakes?” I challenged.
“What do you have in mind?” she asked with a raised brow.
“Well tonight is vegetable night, loser has to eat a double serving of broccoli and asparagus.”
“Eww oh what has your mother done to you? But you’re on kid!” we shook on it and restarted the race to which I won the second round and she won the third.
It was down to the wire with this last race.  Two more turns would decide who would win and who would have to suffer the defeat of double helpings of the disgusting broccoli and asparagus.
“I’m home! (Y/n)?”
“In here mom!” I exclaimed leaning further inward as I shoved Yelena’s leg.
“Hey you little stinker that’s cheating!”
“Like how you tickled me to win the last round!?” I mocked.
“What’s going on here?” I heard mom say.
“Can’t talk Natasha. One more turn and I beat the kid in ghost racing.” Yelena said.
“In your dreams, take this!” I knocked into Mario’s kart which gave me a lead start.
“You little—alright then if it’s dirty you want, it’s dirty you’ll get.” She then suddenly got a power boost and turned on the oil slick trying to get me to slow down and spin out of control.  Unfortunately for her I knew this trick (mom does it to me all the time) so I went up along the walls and sped forward.
“Ahh no way!” she exclaimed as I got in front of her.
“How long have you guys been playing this game?” mom asked us.
“I don’t know what time is it now?” Yelena asked.
“Yes I win!” I stood up and cheered as I was claimed the winner and Yoshi did his little victory dance.
“Noooo!!!!” Yelena cried out as she collapsed along the couch. I copied Yoshi’s dance before turning towards her.
“Told you Yoshi was the best!”
“Well I’m glad to see you’ve been bonding with your aunt while I was shopping.”
Wait what?  I looked at my mom in shock and she nodded.  I turned back to my babysitter who removed the pillow from her face and she once again sung.
“You’re my aunt?” I asked.
“Yep.” She said popping the p.
“Wait you didn’t tell her?” mom asked.
“She didn’t ask me if I was her aunt. Plus I thought you told her I was coming.”
“I did.” Mom exclaimed.
“So what did you just—never show a picture of me or something?”
“Wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on time out!” I said making the time out sign with my hands.  “If you’re my aunt, then—you’re really fun after all?”
“Who said I wasn’t fun?” she gawked offendedly.
“Well, one of my friends said that aunts are nothing but trouble and are boring, sometimes cranky or always screaming.” Yelena’s mouth dropped and she said.
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“I never do anything like that. Plus I am not boring I’m way to talented than that. Did we not just have fun playing the Mario kart game just now?”
“Yeah. But you still lost so that does make you slow.” I laughed.
“Oh yeah?” she suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into her lap as she proceeded to tickle me.  I shrieked and laughed as she taunted me. “Am I slow still? Huh?”
“Stohahap! STOP IHIHIHIHT!!!”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you, I think my old ears might be in the fritz.”
“Alright Yelena that’s enough let her breathe.” My aunt stopped tickling me.
“Not only a poser but you’re a party pooper as well.” She muttered to my mom.
“What was that?”
“Nothing, nothing.” She said louder before looking down at me and winked which made me giggle softly.  “I’m the fun aunt. And that’s what I want to be for you kid. What do you say?”
“I say my bestest friend Michelle was right. Aunts can be fun.”
“Of course, I’m fun, cool, and a total badass.”
“Please don’t swear in front of her Yelena. I’m trying to not teach her bad habits.” Mom said as she began to unpack some of the groceries.
“More like trying to not get me to swear so that uncle Steve doesn’t faint again.” I whispered to her which made her laugh.
“So are any of you gonna help me unpack the groceries or do I have to do everything myself?” mom asked.  I bounced off the couch and trotted over to help her put away some of the lighter stuff while aunt Yelena said she would ‘supervise’ (which basically meant taking a soda and drinking it while mom and I did all the work).
When dinner came around the corner (as promised) I gave my aunt Yelena my broccoli and asparagus to which she whined.
“I thought kids were supposed to forget about bets like that?”
“Not this kid. Now eat up aunt Yelena, it’s good for you mom says so, don’t you mom?”
“Yes indeed. As did our adoptive parents, come on Yelena, you got out of it when you were a kid but you’re not getting out of eating your veggies now.” Mom taunted her.
“Suka.” Yelena muttered under her breath.
“Hey mom can you pass the hot sauce?” I asked.  She reached over for the hot sauce and handed it to me.
“You do hot sauce with your mac and cheese too?” aunt Yelena asked me.
“Oh yeah, I love hot sauce.”
“Respect kid.” She held out her fist and I gave her a fist bump back.  “Maybe I should take you with me and raise you as my daughter. We got like sooo much in common.”
“Like I’d let that happen.” Mom piped in.
“Kidding. You know I wouldn’t do that to you Natasha.” She said before hiding her lips but mouthed off to me before lightly gesturing. ‘You and me, out by morning.’ She gave me another wink before she went back to her broccoli.  “In fact kid give me the hot sauce now, feels like the only thing that can help with this torture. And I’ve been through a lot of torture.”
“No need to scar my daughter for life about your missions and assignments.”
“I don’t know, maybe might have an exciting story to tell her of the places I’ve been, the people I’ve met. What do you say kiddo?”
“I’d like to hear about it. Michelle’s aunt tells her about her trips around the world.”
“Fine but I’m gonna be monitoring the rating of these stories.” Mom said.
“Mom! I’m not 3 years old anymore!” I complained.
“Doesn’t matter how old you get, you’ll always be my little girl. And if I don’t want you exposed to certain things until you’re a certain age, then that’s one of your house rules.”
“Lighten up Natasha, I promise I’ll keep it G rated.” She gave me another wink telling me she’d fill me in on more details after bedtime.
It’s official, I have the coolest aunt in the world and I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.
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ginnsbaker · 8 months
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Summary: One night in Brooklyn, with all the twists and turns in your histories, you, Wanda, Kate, and Yelena end up at the same table.
Word count: 3.2K+ | A/N: This is for all of my ILGOSS readers. Requested by anon:
Would you ever be up to writing in the ilgoss universe the first time after everything that happened that Yelena Kate Wanda and reader interact? Like after reader and Wanda getting officially back together
Also, if you can't tell, I've recently been obsessing about degustation menus.
A gilded Brooklyn evening envelops you. It further transforms elegantly as the sun dips below the horizon. Around you, the silhouettes of trees stretch and bend, their leaves rustling gently in the evening breeze. It's in one of these timeless structures that Wanda has woven her dreams, with her restaurant, Hasta Feliz. 
After spending a year in the heart of Catalonia, Wanda meticulously planned to work towards that dream, especially given the possibility that realizing her other dream—you—might never be possible again. You've always admired Wanda’s tenacity, the way she harnessed her experiences—both good and bad—into passion. It was a trait you fell in love with and, ultimately, the reason you found your way back to her, despite being more than a year late in doing so.
The restaurant's door, ornate with wrought iron designs, pushes open with a gentle nudge. The hostess greets you warmly, addressing you by your name. She leads you to the kitchen table, which offers a prime view of the open kitchen where all the magic happens. At the center of the action is your wife, dressed in full chef's gear, sampling dishes being prepared by her kitchen staff. 
You rest your chin on the heel of your hand, a subtle smile playing on your lips, contentedly watching her perform like an artist. Wanda began as an art student at NYU, and while her current career might deviate somewhat from the degree she earned, you believe it's only natural for Wanda to have found another avenue to express her creativity.
Wanda moves gracefully around her stage, a look of unyielding concentration etched on her face. Her commanding presence is undeniably alluring, both authoritative and captivating in a manner that, even after all these years, never fails to draw you in. Dark, intent eyes scan over her dominion, ensuring each plate is a masterpiece before it's allowed to exit her kitchen.
Her commanding presence fills the room, drawing all eyes to her. To you, this side of her is intensely attractive, and as you sit there, you find yourself wondering if others perceive her the same way. Glancing down at the wedding band you wear on your finger, a possessive instinct tugs at you. The idea of someone else being equally entranced by your wife makes you slightly uneasy. But an even stronger feeling is the perpetual awe that she is yours.
She occasionally glances up, catching staff members' eyes, and with just a look or a small nod, redirects their actions. It's mesmerizing how she manages to communicate so much without words, and you marvel at her ability to lead so effortlessly.
You're jerked from your reverie when she looks in your direction. Her eyes light up as she spots you, and for a moment, the chaos and noise fades into the background. It's just the two of you in that instance. She sends you a discreet wink before returning to her duties, bringing a light blush to your cheeks. James, the restaurant’s sommelier, promptly pours you a glass of wine and serves you a small charcuterie board to accompany it. You thank him with a smile and quickly indulge in a 1998 Rioja, the aged liquid burning down your throat before spreading a comforting warmth through your chest. 
It’s a full house tonight, save for the table near the window you've reserved for your friend, Kate Bishop. She has transitioned from being a journalist to a food and lifestyle contributor for many renowned magazines. Wanda's restaurant has only been open for two months, but with Kate set to cover their 10-course tasting, you're hopeful all of New York will be talking about it soon.
“You’re early.”
Temporarily handing over the kitchen's control to her sous chef, Wanda takes a seat beside you and sneaks a bit of brie from your board. You swivel your chair to face her, already wearing an alcohol-induced cheeky grin. “I've missed you all day.”
Wanda beams and leans in to plant a chaste kiss on your cheek. But before she can pull away, you gently cup the back of her neck, stealing a more proper kiss from her lips. Wanda blushes, glancing around to see if any of the staff witnessed the exchange, and you can't help but suppress a chuckle at her reaction. In retaliation, Wanda seizes your glass of wine, taking a lengthy swig that nearly empties its contents, then wipes traces of it from the edge of her mouth. A smirk plays on your wife’s lips, and you exert every ounce of restraint to keep from wiping that smirk away yourself.
“Nervous?” you ask, your hand rising to massage the knots on Wanda’s shoulders. With your other hand, you signal James for a refill.
“A little,” Wanda confesses. She was over the moon when she learned of Kate's intention to review her restaurant. Only once before has a food critic penned thoughts on her new restaurant—it was a piece in a lesser-known tabloid that awarded her a 3.5 out of 5 stars. Despite reassurances that it's a respectable score for a newcomer, Wanda couldn't help but fixate on it. Now, she's on a quest to earn that perfect rating.
“Relax, you’re going to do great,” you say. “I think it helps that Kate loves Spanish cuisine.”
“That’s the thing, there’s more pressure serving someone who’s quite taken and familiar with the food.”
Suddenly, a flurry of anxious voices emanate from the open kitchen. While there's no dramatic crash, you notice two of Wanda’s chefs exchanging nervous glances, hands slightly trembling, as they try to discreetly deal with a small mishap away from the customers' prying eyes.
Wanda's sharp eyes catch the nervous interaction. Without hesitation, she's on her feet and swiftly approaching the two chefs. She glances your way briefly, a hint of frustration in her eyes. “Sorry,” she mouths to you as she delves into the matter.
You pull out your phone to distract yourself for a while, and notice a message from Kate timestamped five minutes ago. She says she's close and that she's bringing a plus one. Your brows knit together; the reservation was for two, intended for you and her. Adjusting your plans on the fly, you realize you might have to have your dinner elsewhere tonight. It's fortunate that your wife operates a restaurant; you're almost certain there are set-aside orders in the back you can indulge in.
You’re still typing up a reply to Kate when the delicate chime of the entrance bell lifts your eyes. Kate steps in, wearing a suit for the occasion. Beside her stands Yelena, looking slightly out of place in her edgier, more casual attire. As soon as they catch sight of you, you offer a small wave in greeting.
“Hey,” Kate starts, taking in the scene before her, especially the ongoing, discreet chaos in the kitchen. “Seems like a busy night.”
“It sure is. And Yelena, what a surprise.”
Yelena chuckles, “Got wind of dinner at a posh place. Thought I'd tag along.”
You turn to Kate with a restrained smile. “You did mention to her that this is, well, Wanda's place, right?”
It’s Yelena, however, who answers, “She did. I'm truly eager for dinner tonight.”
“Good. That’s... good,” you reply, feeling slightly off-kilter.
Kate shoots you a teasing grin. “Oh, don’t wear your nerves on your sleeve, Y/N,” she chides gently. “After all, you’re not the one preparing our meal, right?”
A laugh escapes you, and you dismissively shake your head at her playful jab. “Your table’s right over there. I’ll join you in just a moment.”
You hurry back to the kitchen. Wanda is right in the thick of it, her brow furrowed in concentration as she meticulously adjusts a plate, ensuring that each element is perfectly placed.
You edge gently into her line of sight, attempting to get her attention. “Wanda.”
She remains unmoved, as if the world has fallen away from her.
You inhale, hesitating for a brief moment before uttering the one thing that you know will seize her attention. “Yelena. She’s here.”
Her head snaps up, “What?!” Wanda exclaims, her hands momentarily stilling.
You explain quickly, “Kate brought Yelena along tonight. She's seated with her, waiting for dinner.”
Wanda’s eyes go wide—a little too wide—that under any different occasion you’d find funny and would tease her endlessly for it. But the present moment treads a delicate line between a comical irony and a grave reunion of sorts; the memory still lingers that you cheated on Yelena with Wanda, and initially, you were with Yelena because the latter had cheated on you. 
While you trust Yelena not to let personal bias sway her judgment, it's clear why your wife is teetering on the edge of panic.
“S-Should I cancel?” Wanda asks.
“No, no, no,” you say quickly. “Baby, you can do this.”
Wanda bites her lower lip, a nervous habit you’ve come to recognize over the years. “Okay, let’s think this through. Yelena is professional. She won't let past grievances affect her review. And the food... it’s top-notch. They’ll love it,” she tries to reassure herself more than you.
“They will,” you assure her, nodding. “What can I do to help?”
“Could you keep them entertained and assist me in presenting the dishes?”
Wanda looks a bit on edge, but she gives you a grateful smile and plants a quick kiss on your lips. “Thanks for everything.”
The 10-course meal Wanda whipped up kicks off with an appetizer that makes your mouth water. You walk with her as she serves it to Yelena and Kate. She's ditched her chef's hat tonight, and you can see those little wild hairs on her forehead with her hair all tied up into a strict bun.
The gazpacho sits elegantly on the table, vibrant and almost begging for a photo. Wanda, poised and with a touch of flair, presents it: “This is not just any gazpacho. It's the essence of summer, distilled into a plate. Tomatoes basking in sunshine, cucumber with a hint of earth, and a watermelon gel that adds an unexpected twist.”
She suggests the, “For those wanting a fuller experience, there's the Albariño from Rías Baixas. It's crisp, coastal, and James will bring it to you.”
“It's beautiful,” Kate comments, digging in, while Yelena gives Wanda a faint smile. Wanda clears her throat, feeling the intensity of your ex-girlfriend's gaze, while you watch her, seeing up close for the first time how she introduces her dishes.
Wanda gives your waist a sly pinch, pulling you out of your daze.
With a poised smile, Wanda says, “Enjoy your meal,” then heads to the kitchen. You're about to trail after her when Yelena gets your attention.
“Y/N,” Yelena says. “Sit with us.”
After a moment's hesitation, you find a chair, drawing it up to the table to sit between the two. James arrives with two glasses of wine, and you request a third glass for yourself.
“I didn’t know you were in town,” you venture, trying to ease into casual conversation.
“Just for three weeks,” Yelena responds, taking a sip of her wine. “I’m on assignment.”
“I hope the long-distance thing is treating you both well,” you say.
Kate sighs dramatically, “It’s a challenge, but we make do. Frequent flyer miles, late-night calls, the usual.”
Yelena adds, “And surprises. Like tonight.”
You fidget slightly, hoping to navigate the conversation away from the potential landmines of the past. But Yelena catches your unease. “You seem... tense.”
“Can you blame me?” You try to deflect, glaring at Kate for the last-minute heads up.
Yelena chuckles, that hearty laugh you remember so well. “Relax, Y/N. I don’t pull any strings with Kate's reviews. But between you and me,” she leans in slightly, “that appetizer? It's a 5 out of 5 in my book.”
Your smile relaxes. Maybe the evening won't be so treacherous after all.
Just in time, Wanda returns with the second appetizer for the night.
It takes about two and a half hours for the pair to work their way through the entire tasting menu. By the end, Kate has undone the button on her trousers, while Yelena, full and drowsy from the meal, struggles to keep her eyes open.
“Where's Wanda?” Kate asks, returning the bill with her credit card to the waiter.
“I'll go find her,” you say, rising from your seat.
You head toward the open kitchen but don't find your wife. After asking a few staff members, they direct you to the staff room. There, you find Wanda sitting on a bench, about to open the tupperware of food you prepared for her earlier.
“Hey,” you greet as you approach. She's shed her uniform and is now dressed in the same clothes she wore when she left the apartment this morning. Her tired eyes brighten up slightly at the sight of you. She grins at you, masking the exhaustion you’ve grown so attuned to recognizing.
“You did amazing out there,” you start, thumbing the faint shadows beneath her eyes. “Kate looked genuinely impressed. I've never seen her react that way before.”
Wanda tilts her head, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Thanks, baby. But, I noticed them looking around after dinner, were they looking for me?”
You nod, “They did want to talk to you, yes.”
Her face pales slightly. “Is that a good idea? With Yelena… after everything?”
“Yelena and I have talked about…well, us—and that includes you—several times in the past. She doesn't hold any grudges against you, I promise.”
Wanda sighs, toying with the edges of the tupperware. “I just don't want to make things awkward for you or for her.”
You draw her closer, brushing a kiss on her temple. “It’s in the past, Wands. We’ve moved on, and so has she.”
She smiles, leaning into your embrace. “Okay.”
As you both stand up to make your way back to Kate and Yelena's table, you suddenly notice the tupperware still clutched in Wanda’s hand. You pause, an incredulous look on your face. “Wait, you're actually going to eat that?”
She looks down at the container and then back at you with feigned innocence. “What? I'm hungry.”
“That?” you say, pointing to the tupperware. “With all the culinary masterpieces you've been churning out tonight, you're going to eat... whatever that is I threw together this morning?”
Wanda narrows her eyes, trying to suppress a grin. “Don't you dare insult my favorite meal, especially when it’s made by my favorite person.”
You shake your head, your cheeks warming up. Even after all these years, it's amazing how Wanda can still make you blush like a smitten teenager. “You're nuts for preferring anything I whip up in the kitchen. It's like a five-year-old's attempt compared to your gourmet dishes.”
She pokes your chest playfully, “Maybe you put a hex on me, you know, making me helplessly fall in love with you.”
It's so cheesy that you burst into laughter, draping an arm around her. “Yeah, maybe I did.”
Wanda giggles, resting her head against your shoulder briefly before you both continue toward the awaiting table.
“She did not do that!”
“She actually did!”
Yelena is grinning from ear to ear, her eyes darting between you and Wanda. You groan, sinking lower in your seat, a slight blush creeping onto your cheeks.
Wanda nods enthusiastically, her laughter causing a few stray curls to fall into her eyes. “She did! Y/N, trying to cook a romantic dinner for me and setting off the smoke alarm. Not only did our apartment's alarm go off, but it triggered the entire building's system.”
Yelena wipes a tear from her eye, trying to suppress her own laughter. “And having the entire building evacuate? Oh, that’s just golden.”
You hide your face in your hands, “It was our anniversary date! I wanted it to be special.”
“And it certainly was,” Wanda adds with a smirk.
Feigning offense, you reach across the table to try and snatch the tupperware filled with the meal you'd made for Wanda. “Alright, if my culinary skills are such a laughing matter, perhaps you shouldn't enjoy my latest creation.”
Wanda holds onto it defensively, pulling it close with a teasing grin. “Not happening. Despite that incident, this is still my favorite dish.”
“I wouldn't have thought Y/N to be the clumsy type. Next to her, I'm a complete klutz,” Yelena remarks.
“Can't argue with that,” Kate adds, receiving a playful swat from Yelena.
“I did have burnt toast for breakfast for a while,” you say with a smirk, alluding to the brief time you had with Yelena. It feels unreal, discussing the past so openly and without that familiar twinge in your chest.
Suddenly, Kate clinks her glass, drawing attention to herself with a burgeoning smile. “Well, speaking of choosing who gets to make our burnt toast in the morning,” she begins, beaming at Yelena, “I asked this one to marry me.”
“Congratulations!” Wanda exclaims, and you mirror her sentiment with a broad smile.
Yelena simply smiles, her usually fierce demeanor softened, eyes glistening with joy. She holds up her hand, showing off a beautiful, but temporary, band.
“I found out before she could surprise me with the custom ring,” Yelena mumbles, looking visibly smitten. “So she panicked and proposed with this.”
Kate shrugs, a little embarrassed. “It’s a placeholder until the real one is ready. Still, the sentiment remains.”
Wanda laughs, nudging you with her elbow. “Speaking of proposals,” she starts. “Remember last year when I popped the question to you?"
You groan for the nth time, hiding your face in your hands. “Not that story.”
“We were by this old swing, and I just... I felt it, you know? That it was the right time. So I got down on one knee, trying to make it special and romantic,” Wanda recalls, rolling her eyes.
“And?” Kate prompts.
“She said 'no'!”
“It wasn't a real no!” you protest, feeling the warmth rise in your cheeks. “I just... I had my own plans, okay? I wanted to be the one to propose.”
Yelena stifles a laugh behind her hand. “That sounds just like you. Always wanting the last word.”
Kate nudges her, “Oh, and you didn’t?”
Yelena feigns innocence, “I just said yes.”
“It all worked out in the end, for all of us, didn't it?” you muse, your eyes flickering between Wanda and the newly engaged couple across the table. Wanda’s fingers intertwine with yours, giving a gentle squeeze. But it's Yelena's slightly misted eyes, softened from their usual guarded sheen, that draws you in. The slight upturn at the corner of her mouth suggests she's pondering the same thought: the richness of your history together didn't always follow the conventional path of strong friendships. Still, you're both grateful for the memories you've created and for Yelena's grace in forgiving past transgressions.
It's a fitting evening to begin a new chapter, and you're hopeful that each subsequent page will be even better.
Yelena nods ever so slightly. “Yeah,” she exhales, her voice a thin whisper over the candlelights, “I suppose it did.”
It's late, and with everyone gone, the four of you are left to close up the restaurant.
With a swirl of your wine and a nod towards the remaining bottle in the ice bucket, you ask the group, “One more for the road?”
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 3 months
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I write for Marvel Women, including Wanda, Natasha, Carol, Valkyrie, Kate, Yelena, Darcy, Agatha and Peggy
I will write from Fem and GN reader perspective. Will write GP.
I'm autistic and will write autistic!Reader
No bestiality, pedo, racism, or homophobia
This is an 18+ blog. Men and minors DNI. Ageless and/or blank blogs will be blocked!
Anon emoji list~
One Shots
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