#yes I already feel the 'do you ever create a chara just to have them be tragic. but get so attached that you want them safe sober content
whats ur new oc idea 😋
I don't know what possessed me so strongly to do this. But.
A character who lost someone important to them and never ever got through it. This loss impacts them so tremendously in their day-to-day that they've become someone else in avoidance of it. They are always stuck grieving. They are forever driven by this loss in such unhealthy ways.
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g0at0ad · 3 years
this is a new format
i very rarely do long posts and haven’t done a deltarune thing since my fountain theory a while back
but uh
the washington post published an article about deltarune.
it’s bad.
it’s really, really bad.
you’re free to read it and draw your own conclusions, but if you don’t have brain cells to spare reading through this mess, i’ll be detailing just why it’s so bad below the cut.
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“plausible theories” we’ll see, article writer. we’ll see.
so the guy starts off by recapping what happens in chapter one (but interestingly, not chapter two?).  and usually i’d have nothing wrong with this, except for the fact that they misspell susie’s name.
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(they spell it like this for the rest of the article)
nitpicks aside, let’s get into the actual meat of this.
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right off the bat here, there are two things wrong with this.
1. kris isn’t confirmed to be the knight! we only know they created ONE fountain; the one we see at the end of chapter 2. there is no concrete confirmation that they created the previous two fountains, and there’s actually some evidence to suggest the opposite.
for example, noelle and berdly already have their books out when they wake up at the end of chapter 2. they were already studying when the fountain was opened. and another thing, neither spade king nor queen make any suggestions that kris is similar to the knight they meet. there’s some other stuff on this, feel free to ask me about it, but that’s the main gist.
2. kris doesn’t pull their SOUL out of their chest off screen??? like they do stuff off screen but we see the soul thing happen it happen. twice.
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the games never mention dungeons and dragons. ever.
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bad. this is bad. putting aside my hatred of “ooooo it wasn’t real” plot twists, this is proven to be wrong on multiple occasions, including but not limited to:
-susie, berdly, and noelle retaining character development outside of the dark world and remembering her time in it
-berdly sustaining injuries from his arm being fried when he goes to the light world
unless this guy is saying that... everything in deltarune is a hallucination. which is worse. it’s so much worse. if it’s just kris’s mind then it erases established and beloved characters and their development, and if it’s somehow a shared hallucination then it’s just needlessly overcomplicated.
the article also talks about how more proof is how ralsei is supposed to be kris’s mental representation of asriel. which, considering the not-so-subtle romantic affection ralsei displays towards kris in chapter two, raises some pretty iffy implications.
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this is just wrong
i don’t think i need to explain that ralsei is a darkener
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yes everyone already knows that the darkeners are meant to also be real world objects but this does not prove anything. it just proves that the dark fountain uses the world around it to create each dark world. which. in a series where magical monsters and time travel is real isn’t really that far fetched.
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How Original Gee No One Has Ever Noticed This Before
and i am going to nitpick here: kris doesn’t have violent tendencies. the worst thing they ever do is slash their mom’s tires (doesn’t actually hurt anyone) and create a new dark fountain (likely just because they know susie wants to have another adventure just like they do, and they’ll seal the fountain in the end anyways)
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we don’t know that gaster was experimenting with determination. we don’t know ANYTHING about what he was studying before he disappeared. all we know is that alphys based her dt extractor off of gaster’s blueprints, and that thing in entry 17 about the shadows and negative photons.
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chara does not only show up in the no mercy route. even taking away the charrator theory (which i personally believe has more evidence going for it than against it, but it’s still just a theory) they show up at the beginning of the game (the intro sequence) and we see them in the pacifist ending, when asriel has his memories of his time with chara. like that entire sequence, that entire battle was all based off of asriel’s relationship with chara, and how much he misses his sibling.
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we know that the former is true because we literally see them climbing mt ebott in the intro sequence to UT. like this is literally information you can find by opening undertale just once.
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this might be the worst, most terrible take in this article. WE KNOW WHAT THE PLAN WAS!!! IT WAS A KEY PART OF THE PACIFIST ENDING! IT WAS STATED, CANONICALLY, WHAT IT WAS!!!
you all know what i’m talking about. asriel and chara’s plan. the buttercup plan. the plan to get asriel to take chara’s SOUL and go to the surface, and kill six people in order to free monsterkind. the plan that resulted in both asriel and chara ending up dead, no human souls taken, and monsterkind further than ever from freedom. the plan that failed. that plan.
how this guy missed it is beyond me, because it is such an integral part to undertale’s story and understanding flowey/asriel and chara as characters.
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this is literally impossible for a few reasons, one of them being that we KNOW for a FACT that chara had a life before falling into the underground. like. we see them. climbing mt ebott and falling down. we see them get adopted by the dreemurrs. what is this guy even trying to say.
also gaster would have to be REALLLYYYY old if this was true. we don’t know when the events of undertale take place, but what we do know is that it’s been a long while after chara and asriel died. this is due to how there had to have been time for six kids to fall down, and enough time for monsters to forget what humans look like (most of the underground doesn’t recognize frisk as a human). and since alphys likely hasn’t been appointed royal scientist for too long (maybe two years tops?) it’s either that asgore took like 80 years to replace the old royal scientist or gaster was really freaking old when he disappeared.
additionally: gaster’s attempt to “create” a human vessel failed! someone interrupted him and discarded our creation! us taking control of kris was not something he planned!
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this is false. determination is something that all humans have (if you reload after choosing your pie preference, toriel will guess your favourite and comment on how when previous humans fell, she had that same feeling of having known them before). determination is a human trait that allows them to manipulate time. this ability is only shown with humans who have been to the underground. we’re not really sure how the rules work in deltarune.
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at this point they just stop referring to kris as kris entirely. greaattt.
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while i do agree with the sentiment that deltarune may have some prequel like connections to undertale, i think the entire universe getting destroyed, every character that we’ve grown to love and see mature and develop into better people just freaking dying would be far too bleak for toby. and some of these things are just... character consistency? like sans and toriel liking puns is just a part of their personalities, it doesn’t really have to mean that they died and their essence was put into creating a new world.
and that is all the piss poor parts i can talk about. everyone already knows that the washington post sucks, but MAN. a popular, well known news site covers this amazing indie game and it turns out to be some of the worst speculation o deltarune i have had the displeasure of reading, right up there with the people who think papyrus is gonna be some awful incel guy and the people who genuinely think asgore killed kids again. i’ll give them props for not misgendering kris or chara but MAN. man. man.
i honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the guy who wrote this hasn’t actually played undertale or deltarune, because the amount of misinformation here is gobsmacking.
anyways i’m done, i’m gonna go finish my homework.
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justananxiousauthor · 4 years
DestructiveDeath Oneshot
Soooooo, I made this a few months ago.... and never posted it... then shared with my friend... now I gotta post it.... soooo here ya go. @nozapuns Here ya go....
I found myself trembling as Reaper disappeared, my voice still caught in my throat, my throat dry. He didn’t understand, he didn’t understand a thing I’d been through. I’d watched everyone I loved die by the hands of some kid. No, not some kid, Chara. The name made me grit my teeth, I hated that small child with every fiber in my being, and every drop of magic in my soul. They’d taken everything I cared about, everything but Reaper, I guess I took them away from myself. He didn’t understand how much I loathed myself for what had happened, and it wasn’t like I could talk to anyone else in my plain white hell. I’d spend days, months, years maybe, waiting for him to return so we could spend a short time together before he vanished again. I was done living like this, I’d rather return to my timeline and be dusted than spend another moment here, and reaper hated that. I sat on the ground in my lonely silence as time passed by. He’d say he’d be back soon, but here?
Soon could be never.
And never could be soon.
Time passed…….
I don’t even know how long
I could only judge by the exhaustion I felt, so I counted the days by my sleep. 
10 cycles passed and I was still alone.
20 passed and nothing…..
Invisible aches filled me, and I don’t even know what happened next. Anger filled me, rage that I couldn’t even understand. I just didn’t understand…..
Everything blurred together, the loneliness crushing. Tears burned my skull like fire branding my bones. Then something changed, a new power coursed through my soul as the tears dried to once porcelain white face of mine leaving streaks of light blue. I gasped as I felt the void pulling at my body, glitching it even more than the day I had come here. What was once white turned black, my sockets red eyes yellow, and fingers red and yellow. What was happening?!
I woke up somewhere new, or maybe it was the same place as before, but it felt…..
I could feel the energy that was hidden in the white space, and it was almost like I could... 
Open it. 
Out stretching my hand I took in a sharp breath, a window opening for me to look out into the world.
Not a window, a door for me to finally escape my endless prison.
Day 11,397 without Reaper.
A day well done as the Destroyer of AU’s, a title I held dear, bringing all other abominations to their knees. I enjoyed my work, which made it easy to keep others from suffering like how I did. However, I found it impossible to destroy a classic timeline, something I was from, maybe it just pained me too much to see my brother cry… but if a single Sans attempted to become Geno and stray from their code, they would be annihilated. I found myself in a void, not one of my own, one created by a new Geno. The new code felt sickly to me, this idiot had no idea what he was doing, but I could fix that. By the end of the fight, if you could even call it that, his dust laid at my feet, a hollow pain echoing in my soul, but before I could destroy the timeline….
A voice from the past came echoing back.
“Geno, I’m here to visit!” Reaper’s voice echoed through the void. My body stiffened at the sound, so this is what he had been doing? Got in a fight with me so he just found a replacement? A new geno, someone with the same face, personality, a clean slate…
I couldn’t help but laugh. 
“What- Error!” Reaper growled, and by the time I turned to see him, he had his scythe ready to fight. So quick to jump to attack the one he claimed to love, not that I was that person anymore, Geno died a long long time ago.
“Long time no see Reaper,” I said, I doubt he remembered, I probably wasn’t even the first Geno he played with. I pressed my fingers to my face for a moment before pulling the brightly colored yarn away from my blackened cheekbones, “Do you wanna play too?” I asked, the pain numbing.
“You killed him,” He began staring at the dust that greyed my feet. He charged, probably mad I broke his new toy, so I dodged.
“What? Miss him already? Oh please Reaper, I know this isn’t the first Geno you’ve played with. Just another toy broken in your miserable toy box right?” 
“You know NOTHING!!” He yelled while swinging his scythe at me, his rage would be his downfall in this fight. 
I was right, the fight ended quickly as Reaper made a mistake and ended up caught in my lines, hands tangled above his head.
“I know nothing?” I asked leaning in, holding the ends of the yarn that tangled him up oh so beautifully. “Is that true? Do I really know nothing? I mean you’ve been Geno hopping for as long as I can remember, their sad faces crying out for you, yet you never come. You never save them, you never saved him.”
“Him?” He asked, he looked so deliciously defeated, like I had destroyed something he actually cared for.
“Geno? All of them, everyone I have ever destroyed.” 
“Did you?” He began.
“Of course I did, they all became dust at my feet. Which is really a shame, dust is so hard to wash out.” 
“Did you kill a Geno, 11,000 days ago?” He asked, wow, color me impressed, he remembered.
“What’s so important about that Geno in particular? He’s just another abomination snuffed out.” 
“He was my Geno, now tell me, did you kill him, 11,000 days ago?” He asked again, his Geno? Me? He was lying, trying to get under my skin. If I had any.
“Yes, I killed Geno, and I watched him scream, I watched him slowly become insane, from loneliness, from guilt, from pain. 11,000 days alone, and I watched, and then, when I became bored with watching his insanity, I killed him.” I said expressionlessly. Reaper’s eyes went dark. “I mean, did you really care about him, you left him alone for so long!” I couldn’t help but laugh.
“I cared,” He whispered.
“Excuse me?” I said dryly.
“I cared more than I have ever cared about anyone.” Reaper continued.
“You cared about some random Geno that you ran away from?” I couldn’t help but ask as I leaned forwards to look into his deep dead eyes. “You left him alone, to go insane.” I said simply, “you two get in a fight over something that was killing him inside and you left him.” 
“I didn’t mean to!” Reaper snapped looking up at me, “I couldn’t get back in! I couldn’t open a portal or anything to his void! I tried to go back to apologize but I couldn’t!” He said now tears began to fall.
“You tried?” I said dryly, “you tried?” I began to laugh, “well obviously Reaper, you didn’t try hard enough!” Now I was yelling, the same painful rage as the day I left filled me. “You left me there alone to suffer for years on end! 15 years of isolation 15 YEARS of being alone and you…. YOU…!” I yanked on the yarn to pull him upright into, what looked like, a rather uncomfortable position. “You tried,” I growled, my anger, my frustration….
“You?” The light returned to his eye as he looked at me.
“Me?” I asked, “What about me? You left Geno alone!” I snapped.
“No, you said I left you alone, Error…” he paused.
“Hah! No, I didn’t,” The anger was quickly replaced with stomach-turning anxiety. 
“Error where did you come from?” Reaper asked while looking my body over. “How were you made?” I wanted to hide, remove his wandering eye lights from me.
“That’s a little personal don’t you think?” I asked, feeling sick.
“You’re the one that started monologuing and slipped up. Now tell me, Error, where did you come from.” The look he gave me made me feel like I hadn’t felt in over 30 years. I grabbed my chest with my free hand and looked down. 
“It really isn’t any of your business,” I stated.
“I really think it is Geno,” his words made the yarn slip from my hands, releasing him and dropping the other skeleton to the ground. It took him a moment to recover but he stood. “Now, tell me what happened.” He could see right through me, see right through the lies, through this character I had made.
“Don’t call me that,” I said simply, arms dropping to my sides.
“Alright, Error,” He got up and came to me, hands sliding down my arms before taking my hands in his. His touch, though it did make me flinch, it also made me feel like that love-struck puppy I once was. It wasn’t as scary. “Tell me what happened.” I found myself unable to stop once I started, telling him my new life story, the pain, the tears, everything. Damp dark yarn ran down from his empty socks, sticking to my cheeks as he listened to me, one hand gently brushing over my cheekbone as he hushed me, I pushed him back.
“Reaper,” I said my voice cracking from the pain, “I can’t.” my voice broke my own tears falling. “I couldn’t do it anymore,” he hushed me more silently as he pulled me into his arms, one hand cradling the back of my head, the other rubbing circles into my shoulder. I could more glitches coat me but… he was okay... “The loneliness was crushing.”
“It's okay, I am so sorry I left you like that, I tried to go back and apologize, I promise, I’ll be right next to you the whole way, I promise I won’t leave you again,” I swore into my ear. 
“But Reaper,” I started with voice trembling, “What am I going to do?” I asked, “I’m no longer the person you love.” 
“Error no,” He said pulling back and resting a hand on my cheek, “No no my love, it doesn’t matter who you are, Sans, Geno, Error, I don’t care. I know who I love, and that’s you.” His words made me melt into him, returning into his arms as the tears fell heavier. I just wanted to stay there, in his grip as he protected me from the pain I had felt for all these years without him. He hushed me as I sobbed, the crushing loneliness finally lifting off my shoulders as I just melted into the man I loved’s arms. His hands gently ran over me as he tried to comfort me, trying to hide his own tears. “I am so sorry my love, I love you more than the worlds themselves.” 
Day 1 with Reaper again.
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sanscestships · 3 years
“Curse you.” (NightmarexCross)
Created on: 2/23/21
Requested by: No one ;-; still waiting for requests that will probably never come
also the OC that will be included in this chapter is Leviathan. They are a Sans alternate from my AU, Clawed!Tale. Their ship analysis, Electrolyzed Water is also available to read.
And yes, this will be a multi chapter oneshot. And sorry that it took so long. I lost motivation and got addicted to Genshin Impact.
"Do you ever feel unappreciated?"
That question wouldn't disappear from his mind as Nightmare continued to tap his pen against the paper, glaring at the still tall as ever stack of paperwork he had to deal with. Curse Cross and his stupid way of hitting the nail on the head without ever trying. Curse him and his fucking weird ghost child that stalks him everywhere he goes, the damn Chara always looking for vulnerability within the team. Curse him and his giant fucking red knife, and heavy dependence on the abilities that Chara gives him. Just fuck him, and always hesitating when it came to fighting the Star Sanses. Curse his taco addiction and shitty stealth skills to sneak out and make tacos with the damn Swap. Curse his lingering affection for Ink, who doesn't feel a damn thing for him in return. Curse him and his fondness of his own brother-
"You're anger is starting to feed me," The black skeleton's head snapped up, noticing the faint green glow in the room. Narrowing his eye at the entity, he recognized them as Leviathan, a demon from a dead AU. They sometimes saw each other when going in and out of AUs, never doing anything to the other.
Nightmare kept them alive because of what they call, their "Sinful Aura". Something about them being a "sinful demon", and that they exude an aura of envy and jealousy. While they refused to join the team, they don't actually ally themselves with the Star Sanses either. That, and their constant generation of negativity convinced Nightmare to let them live. Keeping them alive meant more negativity for him to feed off, and that was fine by him.
The only problem, however, as how they keep popping up whenever and however they like.
It was already bad enough with that parasite, Fresh. Coming and going however he likes. Of course, Nightmare's threats to destroy his host and then him keeps him from going too far in trying to attack his servants. However, that doesn't make his presence anymore tolerable. While Leviathan isn't nearly as irritating as Fresh, they still grated on his nerves in their own special way.
"What do you want, demon?" He hissed, his eye glowing with power as the alcoholic skeleton huffed.
Waving their hand in the air, refilling their bottle with more alcohol, they took another sip as they levitated in front of his drawer. "I believe I made myself clear, didn't I? I'm the Demon of ENVY, not WRATH. Just like you're the Guardian of Negativity, not the King." The self-proclaimed King's aura became more hostile as they sat up mid-air. "Oi, just stating some facts. My point is: The fact you're anger is starting to feed me means it's not still anger. It's becoming ENVY. Jealousy. And unlike you, always looking for more negativity. I'm already full. A planet can only hold so much water. Too much... And it floods."
Another reason why Nightmare let them live: They're a coward. Too afraid to use their power. He has seen them fight, and knows they could be a powerful ally. However, they refuse to take a side; They continuously announce themselves as neutral. Too afraid of breaking the rules to ever pose a real threat to him. A fool afraid of power they should be embracing is no match for him. So why should he be worried?
However, he is not so much of a fool himself to underestimate others. He knows this demon should still be acknowledged. "What do you want, Leviathan?"
They rolled their green eye-lights. "Jeez, you still don't get it? Fine. I want you to stop being so damn jealous of whomever the fuck so I don't have to worry about getting fat with ENVY ya jackass."
Him? Jealous? The powerful Nightmare, King of Fear and Lord of Nightmares. Jealous? He had no idea what they were rambling on about. What would he be jealous of? Who would he be jealous of? Nightmare knew what envy was; He'd felt it when his brother got all the praise and attention back in their old AU, Dreamtale. And he knew for a fact what he felt right now, was NOT envy.
He was not jealous. Why would he be jealous? He had been thinking about that irritating anime, chocolate, and taco addict, Cross. Why would he be jealous of Cross? What did he have that Nightmare could possibly want? His Chara was devious, but irritating. His power was far superior to that of Cross's. Cross's backstory was nearly as messy as his own.
Or maybe it was just a trick, he realized. Leviathan had admitted it themselves; they were a demon. And almost all books he had read up on demons said they were manipulative and despicable; They do anything and everything for their own selfish desires. Who wasn't to say they weren't just messing with his head?
"They say redirection is one of the stages of jealousy," that cursed dog continued on, dampening his mood as his tentacles curved themselves to prepare to attack. "a word of warning: ignoring a problem only makes it worse. But if it helps, just know that everyone already knows about you and Cross, except for you and Cross."
Disappearing into the air, it took a few seconds for Nightmare to process what the demon just told them. Him... And Cross? What-
Suddenly, it became clear. All those times that Killer would suggest romance movies. All those excuses they made to leave during the movie, leaving him alone with Cross. All those looks he got whenever he handed Cross a chocolate bar to stop XChara's tantrums. Especially, the looks from Cross himself. When he got nervous at him walking into the room. When he got anxious when he got close. Nightmare wasn't a fool. He knew the hints when he saw them. It wasn't going to take him that long to figure it out.
He just didn't want to think about how bad the situation would become after he rejected Cross, and proved everyone else wrong that he did not reciprocate his feelings.
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chikagestits · 3 years
Thank you for answering! (°▽°)
How much, out of 10, are you of each spring troupe member?
The event just started and I already feel like dying
Also sorry for the late response (^-^;
Mhm mhm!!! Please rest when you can and it's okay!!! BUT OH BOY SPRING NOW THIS'LL BE..... SOMETHING Sakuya: 8/10 Masumi: 1/10 Tsuzuru: 8/10 Itaru: 9/10 Citron: 1/10 Chikage: ???/10 If this takes me forever too then wELP Also, I don't know if I ever said, but the reason I put the "originally -/10" is because I put the initial numbers of what I think they are, and then when I start the analysis, sometimes I'm like "Oh, okay they're a bit higher than I thought".
Sunshine. Smiles. Laughter. That's me because I don't want anyone to worry about me. The "I don't have any problems, anything you want is fine", "if I complain, then I'm afraid of what happens" etc etc etc. I don't like thinking about Sakuya's family problems because it makes me want to kick all of their asses. Also, not spending a bunch of holidays/family type holidays with family, hahahahahaa yeah </333 This is very short, but it's still an 8/10 for Sakuya. Uhhhhhh I don't think I relate much to Masumi??? The only thing really is that I isolated myself on purpose at school, but that's.... kinda it jfkdlhjfdkl So Masumi's only a 1/10. Oh Tsuzuru, where do I even begin with you? Outside of the fact that he had to cook for his family and such, the main thing that I relate to is how he always put everyone before himself because it's been ingrained in him to take care of his brothers. For me, I was always the mediator between my siblings and our mother. If they had a problem with her, then I worked to make sure that the problem gets solved and shit, especially through her stubbornness. Asian moms, am I right? Now, it's much much less happening now, but I'm still the one who mediates. This is also why I have so much of my own shit bottled up, but will it surface? Who knows :3 I hope to god that I don't have someone like Mizuno because I would absolutely be like "Um hey, it's okay, I'm just me, I'm not any different", but I'd also understand if they can't approach me. I almost said I don't bite, but I've bitten so many people today jfdkhldjsfkfdsjvl There's other shit I've mentioned that overlaps with the other charas, but this rounds out Tsuzuru to an 8/10. ITARU OH BUDDY OH PAL I can't say much about him. Mostly because um. the reasons aren't same, but hiding an important part of myself, being afraid of past shit happening again, what's lasting relationships?, keeping my interests to myself but wanting to share it with the world, cursing a previous friend and calling them a dick—Wow! Love it <333 Anyway, if you create a new chara that's just Banri and Itaru then that's just Me. Solid 9/10 for Itaru. I'm not sure if I relate to much with Citron?? Being stuck in one thing for his whole life and wanting to be free from that fate isn't something I struggled with. I guess you could say I relate to him when he wanted to help Guy out by helping him be who is supposed to be. Back to the mediator thing, I always try to make sure that my sibs understand that it doesn't matter what our mom thinks, that what they want for their happiness is way more important than her beliefs. So yeahhhh Still, it's only a 1/10 with Citron. And now, what everyone's been waiting for. Chikage Utsuki. If I were to be honest with all of you, I've already known from the beginning, before I even got back onto tumblr and met most of you, that I could kin him. Like, yes, I write his character a lot and I seemingly understand his character really well. But that's because he's SO SIMILAR TO ME. First off, I have to mention that he's fully middle child energy and hey, guess what? I'm a middle child. If you look back to a lot of my other responses, you'll know that a lot of them link right back to Chikage too and that's the Worst ghfjdkhdjfsklf The reason I don't actually kin him? Well. It kinda hurts to. To see so much of myself in this character that gets A Single Event focused on him, not to mention it involves a major discomfort, if not trigger, of his. To see little to no development and actual happiness funneling into him while everyone around him grows is just. It hurts. But
it's so Chikage. Because it's also on him that he doesn't grow. He doesn't open himself up, he doesn't let himself be vulnerable. He wants to protect everyone and keep everyone happy while neglecting himself completely, and if that ain't just a perfect description of me, then I don't know what is. If I were to speak about Awakening Moon, I'd just like to say that I absolutely felt betrayed by my sibling. Because they knew, from the very beginning, about why our family split apart. I was always told I was too young to know the details, even when I turned the age that my sibling was at when it happened. Was I not allowed to know the truth? Well, I definitely held some resentment for them for being forced completely in the dark by everyone and lied to. But now, would I do whatever it fucking took to make sure my family's happy? Absolutely. Now, I say all these things, but I don't actually get sad or something when y'all call me a Chikage kinnie gjfkdlshjfkdl I think it's really funny and please continue to do it because hey, maybe I actually will one day. This isn't long at all because like I said, I'd already said so much about Chikage already, it's just littered in the other asks as well. But the true number is absolutely exceeding 10/10 for Chikage.
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ryuichirou · 4 years
Please please PLEASE continue with your analysis why do you think Isayama intention was to make Erwin not attractive? For me, the moment Erwin shows up the first time in manga, I knew right away. THIS GUY. This guy right here will be charismatic and vital to the plot later, kinda like the chara lead in some shojou manga. Also another thing that kinda piss me from the anime is that they sort of dehumanize Erwin. My heart clench in that one panel where Erwin lose consciousness after the mission
of saving Eren. I mean, come on, hand chopped off & nothing happened afterwards (in the anime)? Eren's worried face also adds another emphasize that Erwin is indeed not a monster. Which also got me wondering... How will Levi think and act upon hearing the bad news...? Hmmm..
YES ok let’s unpack this.
Did Isayama draw Erwin hot? Yep pretty much, he’s very sexy.
Do I draw him hot? I sure do.
Did Isayama plan to create Erwin as a good-looking character? Yes and no.
Technically, we don’t have any proof that he’s supposed to be ugly, so I won’t drop any particular manga panels this time lol but I still feel like Erwin isn’t considered a gorgeous breathtakingly beautiful man in-universe.
His handsomeness wasn’t ever addressed (I believe), and I think that if Erwin was super pretty, every door would’ve been open for him. Everyone would’ve been more err excited and eager to talk to him, he wouldn’t be considered such a weirdo. We would at least get one “a shame that such a handsome man leads such a lame military branch” or something similar to this. It’d be easier for Erwin to get what he wants, but he always has to feed everyone with sweet sweet lies and clever manipulations.
Every time Erwin opens his mouth, it feels like the “oh no here we go again” moment for everyone: for Nile, for the entire MP, even for Pyxis. Erwin isn’t the most pleasant person to be around, he’s creepy (and he’s been called creepy several times, as a child too), he certainly acts weird. And I feel like a lot of those things would’ve been overlooked if he looked like Captain America (sorry, I really don’t think he looks like Captain America… no offence, it’s just that Erwin’s face is very distinct, and CA’s face is very basic and hollywoody).
I agree with you calling him charismatic, because this is what Erwin definitely has: charisma. I like to think that he isn’t the most attractive person in the world, his ideas are crazy, he himself is crazy, and yet he’s so painfully charismatic that he can literally lead people to their deaths.
You know that thing when a person would’ve been considered ugly (I know it’s subjective, bear with me and these terms and words a little bit…), but they have such a strong charisma and such quick wit, that they’re still somehow super attractive? I like to think that Erwin’s case is something similar to this.
We like to think that if Erwin had been a person irl, his facial features would make him look a little bit uncanny. Not handsome, not gorgeous, or at least not in a way that you can see this stuff immediately. He’d be someone you’d describe as “that weird man” simply because you can’t read him as handsome... Idk if that makes sense, but we think that Isayama was going for something like that, but it got lost a little bit because it’s a hard thing to pull off just in general. We can be wrong too, it’s just our theory.
Now about that scene: I AGREE WITH YOU SO MUCH. It’s such a shame they had to cut it. I’ll be bitter forever because we lost this scene + the scene where he jokingly complained that Levi doesn’t feel sorry for his poor emotionally exhausted armless ass.
It was such an important scene for Erwin’s character. We’ve never seen him in such state, and there he is, being not a super commander, but just a person who had his fucking arm chopped off. It was painful yet good to see him not feeling so well after that.
I think Levi was shocked and worried and probably to some degree mad at Erwin for being so reckless. He didn’t want to disturb him much, so he probably went to see him as soon as possible, checked on him and then left immediately (while Erwin was still asleep). By the time Erwin woke up, Levi definitely has already calmed down a little… but was still quite worried about him. I feel like Levi is more aware about Erwin’s absent arm that every other character: he’s the only one who addresses it in any way.
We also like to joke that Erwin went on that mission thinking “if we lose Eren, Levi is going to kill me” and Eren coming back from that mission thinking “if we lose Erwin, Captain’s going to kill me” lol Both of them were so worried…
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zirkkun · 4 years
What are your views on UT!Chara? Are they good, neutral, evil (in your opinion) (No need to answer this ask if you do not want to)
hoo boy let me just. you’ve activated a Secret Essay(tm) of mine anon fbdshabl sorry i’ll try to keep it short LMAO
(under a read more just for a) length b) ut spoilers.. even tho im p sure most of you have beaten the game but who knows lol c) uhh Chara’s story is pretty dark so this has mentions of abuse and whatnot so please be aware of that ^^;;)
Morality alignment wise is like. Idk. I’m bad with assigning that half the time because it’s all subjective in a way right oh no my true neutralness surfaces like for example I wouldn’t do something I think is bad right? But someone else might think it’s bad. (Like my 16 yr old self might consider me today a terrible person just bc I like Undertale lol 16 yr old me is rude don’t listen to them) If I were to put them on a kind of DnD like alignment scale though, I think I would probably put them in a lawful neutral kind of alignment, maybe leaning a bit towards lawful evil.
But here’s the thing. Without Chara having any sort of backstory as to why they hate humans? It’s very hard for me to gauge where their motivation lies for the things that they did. Based off of what Asriel tells you when you talk to him in the Ruins, the genocide route, and the bits of narration we have, we can pretty much assume:
- Chara was pretty abusive, this is undeniably a fact even from just watching the videos in the True Lab; and while Asriel recognizes this, he didn’t want to lose them because they were the only one he felt close to. Which is likely part of the abuse they dealt by making him feel alone without them. - Chara hated humanity for reasons they would not disclose to Asriel, but it’s pretty implied that they attempted to commit suicide by jumping into Mt. Ebott. This could mean that they were abused in their past, which could in turn provide reason for their abusive nature (because, with Chara being a child, it’s very likely that they took in the personalities of those around them to make their own person up. Even though they were hurting, they didn’t exactly know why, and even still, many people with an abusive history that end up abusive themselves might not even recognize that they’re being abusive, which might be the case for Chara as well.) - Chara probably cared for Asriel. There’s a lot of things to indicate that they may have faked it or maybe it seems like they didn’t by their abusive nature towards Asriel, but it’s unlikely that Chara would fake caring about someone. If they jumped off the side of a mountain because they hated the people they were around so much, there’s very little reason for them to pretend they liked someone at the potential expense of their own happiness. More likely than not, Chara desperately wanted to keep Asriel close, but ended up being really controlling in an attempt to keep him close. Additionally, when you hug Asriel at the end of the True Pacifist route, the line “Hah... I don’t want to let go...” is said by the narrator, indicating it may have been Chara who said it. But considering how Sans also has lines that are spoken silently and in the default font, this may not be entirely accurate.  - Imma go off for a second about genocide because i have a pet peeve about when people suddenly decide that Chara is the one that caused it. This doesn’t make any sense -- but at the same time, with little to no games considering the Player and Player-Insert character to be two seperate characters, it’s no surprise to me that people i guess “projected” onto Chara. However, if you seperate the player from Frisk (in the same manner that Kris and the Player are seperate in Deltarune), it becomes easier to understand. Chara had nothing against the monsters. They liked monsterkind. It’s extremely unlikely that they would have the motivation to kill all of the monsters on their own. This wasn’t created until far into the genocide route, where the player has done most of the work for them. Chara is now living on pure Determination, which as we know is void of care and purely puts a person on a path of achieving their last desire, and once they wake up like this, with most of monsterkind already dead... well, what else is there to live for? They already attempted to kill humanity, failed, and now the only people they treasured have fallen like flies. Nothing matters in this world. Might as well delete the whole thing to finish the job. (also Frisk doesn’t have any motivations of their own either... unlike Kris they are shown to have no specific motivations (that i’m aware of?) one way or another and don’t reject the player ever so the idea that a canon frisk would reject the genocide route doesn’t make sense to me either. obvs au’s are exempt because they’re free real estate lmao anyway this is unrelated) - Chara’s a very calculated and observent person as well -- just look at how they died? They weren’t even afraid of death. They poisoned themselves with full faith that Asriel would take their Soul and bring them back to life (which also goes back to my point about how much Chara cared for Asriel, since, if they didn’t trust him, they would not have left him with that huge responsibility) by absorbing their Soul into his own body so they could exist as one. Chara saw their death as a stepping stone in their plan. All this from just seeing Asgore accidentally eat buttercups once and getting sick. A whole plan to get revenge on the people who hurt them from that. They even made a statement about wanting to be placed back on the Surface just to cover Asriel’s ass when he eventually took Chara on his own to the Surface. - okay this is probably just more of a me thing, but I’ve never gotten the whole “Chara hates Sans” concept. But considering I also don’t really think of Chara as the one who attempted the genocide route, I guess it makes sense. Chara probably doesn’t care about Sans one way or another, really, and Sans probably has very little idea who Chara is. I’ve always seen Sans’s statements during his battle said directly towards the Player, more or less using Frisk as the messenger -- like, for example (yes I have this on hand don’t judge me):
“sounds strange, but before this i was secretly hoping we could be friends. i always thought the anomaly was doing this because they were unhappy. and when they got what they wanted, they would stop all this. and maybe all they needed was. i dunno. some good foods, some bad laughs, some nice friends. but that’s ridiculous, right? yeah. you’re the type of person who won’t EVER be happy.”
- (cont) At this point it sort of taps into something I was gonna write for that Sans essay but here we go. I bolded “the anomaly” because this is the point where he directly refers to the player as their own individual in the game. What’s the only thing that’s different between Undertale and any moments of his life previous? The player. Hence, anomaly. Even Chara would have existed before the player showed up, right? Chara fell sometime within the 2010′s according to the opening of the game, and in between that time and when Frisk showed up, 6 other humans fell into the Underground. Clearly none of them had the same powers Frisk did, because otherwise, they would have not died and left their Soul behind for Asgore to use. That leaves one thing different -- player interference. Chara even directly states that the player is the one who woke them up with Determination, meaning they were asleep (or dead) for every year previous to their arrival. Sans probably only knows them as “the first human” like every other monster in the Underground (aside from the Dreemurs, of course).
i could probably go on for a while. but i will save you the time you probably didn’t want to spend reading this already by shutting up fdbshafb
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lieblxng · 3 years
im developing a lot of aus including the reverse au which is currently only available for rose, but leon also has it developed, i just forgot to put it in the verses page for him haha but wow im developing a reverse verse for a chara i dont have??? i might as well throw damos on the blog and be the only person in the pkmn rpc who plays him LMAO i cant help falling for obscure characters but i think he might have a better chance in getting interactions than my etrian odyssey muses but no if anyone wants to do damos,,,,you can hmu 😳😳 i cant reply it or see it if you do tho LMAOO
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anyway reverse!damos here who goes by lazarus (meaning: my god has aided me) is not a nice farmer unlike his normal verse, instead being akin to a mercenary, but he kinda fills in the role of marcus - he has the ability to manipulate the hearts of pokemon, even legendaries and because of this, he’s been fiddling with legendaries and experimenting with things to try something out - and while reverse!arceus has been severely weakened from an intense fight or a meteorite too (im still figuring it out) and lost its life plates, lazarus finds it. it’s on the brink of dying, and instead of returning the plates like a nice person, lazarus only thinks of profit and benefitting himself - because it’s so vulnerable, it manipulates reverse!phae into summoning the lake guardians, where it promptly fights them and steals their gems before kicking them into the dirt. then he uses said gems to restraint and fully take control of reverse!phae before inserting the plates back into it, saying it will only get them back if it corporates. yes, lazarus literally pulls a cyrus being the first one to actually create a draft of the red chains to have arceus under its command. one of cyrus’ pc posts is “According to myths, the Pokémon created Sinnoh with its power. However, capturing the Pokémon with a Poké Ball prevents it from using its full power... But with the Red Chain, the Pokémon can be shackled, and its power can be used without restraint...” and he’s implying arceus with the first mention of pokemon, so maybe the red chains can be used on god??? i dont see why not, although the lake guardian was made more to check the creation trio than god itself, but why wouldn’t you have checks against god? “The Pokémon of the lakes and Mt. Coronet are somehow connected. Capturing the Pokémon of the lakes will free the Pokémon of Mt. Coronet. From the Pokémon of the lakes, crystals can be extracted to create a Red Chain.” i know he implies the creation trio with pkmn of mt. coronet but technically arceus lives in mt. coronet as the hall of origins can be summoned there LEMME HAVE THIS - 
originally i was going to have reverse!arceus be a completely neutral god, both in personality and how it handled things - just create life, casually, and just head out and do nothing for them - “the humans can handle their planet however they wish to. if they destroy it, they destroy it.” and i was trying to redesign it and it kept coming up as punk (more below because this is a long ass post)
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so i was like, aight i guess i’ll go with what my heart wants but something still didnt feel right, because punk is an expression more than just a simple fashion statement - it was created to rebel against those who tried to hold you down and mold you into who they wanted you to be. to defy the shitty standards of what’s supposedly normal. and then it all clicked when i looked at this vid 
ive heard the music itself and one of my favs, but not the music video so i kinda just exploded with ideas and it really completed the punk i wanted to go with - funny thing, im a bad character designer so i scrapped the punk look and pulled a unique thing with phae’s case - legendaries and mythics are statements of unchanging, fixated ways while normal, evolvable pokemon are statements of improvement and change - growth, which is something phae is completely jealous of. gods don’t evolve; they don’t change. so i thought, why not keep its original look (i love it too much anyway and i cant think of anything better tbh for phae) to reflect that aspect but have the way it governs and behaves different? normal!phae and reverse!phae are still similar but opposite - normal being the kind, caring god and reverse being the relentless, uncaring god. both are the two most popular aspects and themes of gods and how they treat those beneath them, so i thought it worked.
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reverse!phae never wanted to be a god. it’s immature and uncaring on purpose to get the attention of the creator of the original one itself; to be a sign of rebel, to show that it was its own character and no one can morph it into what they want it to be. it revels in its creations screaming in pain, as nothing else entertains it so and because it empathizes with them. it sends the world into pure chaos a majority of time so no one enjoys living. seeing its creations, both human and pokemon, excel in the trials and tribulations of this hell; seeing them perform so expertly under extreme stress, how humans and pokemon can come together and defeat anythin - and rebelling in their own right and way give reverse!phae so much hope and relief. that it’ll be able to do the same. and once reverse!phae does get its creators attention, you bet it’s gonna be very angry on why it exists. it might even try to murk its creator. it’s more of a “i didn’t ask to be born so i’m gonna make it your problem” type of person, and a god prone to violence - often fighting with its own creations, like even the lake trio and the creation trio. but it checks them all every time, and it’s so hungry for an actual fight that reverse!phae can actually work for and struggle for and feel like it actually won. and that’s when lazarus comes in. that’s where lazarus comes in.
how much it hates lazarus. how much it hates lazarus. it hates everyone, but lazarus has a special kind of hatred reserved just for him. in fact, hatred isn’t the proper word to explain the intense, raw, unfiltered feelings reverse!phae has for him. on one hand, it absolutely respects the honest work he puts in to further himself, but on the other hand, being the one on the receiving end of his malicious intentions is never ideal. it has no interest in whatever petty crimes he wants to commit, but trying to take god and become it yourself? completely admirable. a fantastic way to rebel, but having to have someone chain you down and control you? reverse!phae’s worst nightmare. i’ll get into that later since this is already long enough god help me
is reverse!phae messed up? yes, severely. that’s kinda what happens when you rot alone in the depths of dark space for eons. no human nor pokemon - no, no living being can ever handle that. both normal! and reverse!phae have the same backstory, but different reactions to it. reverse!phae wants everyone to scream and lash out, it wants everyone to rebel against their origins and become their own people, even with the immense baggage on their shoulders. it wants everyone to risk death to accomplish their dreams. it laughs in everyone's faces before spitting in them. i think reverse!phae will be one of my most violent takes on a muse, if not, my most since it is god and the shit it talks can easily be proven right. it constantly berates and breaks people down into pieces. no one understands it. it hates everyone and everything it sees. it doesn’t need love and kindness, it just needs a body to break. which is untrue, because obviously its yearning for love and kindness - something its never experienced - and it’s lashing out for attention. secretly hoping someone will just hug it and all its problems away. that everything will be okay in the grand scheme of things. that it won’t have to have the unlimited stress of being a god anymore.
usually when i put my touch on muses, canon or not, they’re primarily good people with hearts of gold. even with ones less so, they’re not as intense as this. so working with that kind of character is thrilling and i’m excited to see if i can get anyone interested with it lmao- reverse!phae’s name might be nou or chali, what would be better? sorry this was such a long post!! i’ve been working on this since last night and it’s been really fun to develop like this again - i only get this kind of productive with my hyperfixations, so they’re both a blessing and a curse -  i think this is everything i have rn for the reverse au but ii’ll be going back into it
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As an Undertale fan, what are your thoughts on Chara?
(Rubbing hands together) I have. A lot to say about this.
Chara is such a fascinating and sympathetic figure in the story. In some ways, I even hesitate to call them a character (even though I know their name is a play on the word) because they are only ever alluded to in the story and have no spoken lines, barring a very psychedelic scene at the end of No-Mercy that may or may not have even been them, it was rather ambiguous. Their presence is definitely felt throughout the story, however. You can see them, just as you see Asriel, in the other characters. The haunted look in the eyes of their parents. Not to mention, the plot could not have happened in the way it did without Chara’s fall. I’ve said before that the story begins and ends with Asriel, and it does...but the same could be said of Chara. 
Good or Evil?
The main question people have when it comes to this character is how involved they are with the events that occur, and what was their true nature? Were they a disturbed, evil child? Hell bent on slaughtering humanity and later the monsters? Were they just using Asriel? Or...was Chara a victim? An innocent child who wanted to do the right thing and died to save the society that rescued them? There’s no arguing that Chara was a saint - Asriel himself admits by the end of Pacifist that they were not the greatest person. But there’s a difference between being a snarky, traumatized hero, and being a hateful, wicked villain. I would say from the start that I question the validity of calling any child “evil.” On the other hand, Asriel did some pretty messed up things as Flowey, and it’s universally accepted that whoever was driving the No-Mercy Route, be it Frisk or Chara, was making evil decisions. There are also those who would point to you, the player, for making those choices...but for the sake of the fourth wall, I’m not to discount those interpretations. I want to talk about the characters, not the “anomaly.” 
Here’s the thing. If Chara is responsible for the No-Mercy Route, if we follow the theory that they possessed Frisk, and that by the end they were in complete control - which is supported by a lot of the end-game red text - well, then to be entirely fair, we also have to credit them for the Pacifist Ending. If Chara was somehow reincarnated in Frisk, then that was true in every timeline, surely. We can’t condemn Chara and make them shoulder the blame for No-Mercy, while also declining to give them credit for the golden ending. Hell, Asriel has canonically taken the No-Mercy Route several times, by his own admission - I swear, everyone forgets that. If we don’t demonize Asriel for this, it seems wrong to do the same thing to Chara, even if No-Mercy was entirely their fault. 
“I should have laughed it off, like you did.” 
There is also some evidence that perhaps Chara wasn’t a very nice kid even before the Undertale story begins. People have suggested that they intentionally tried to kill Asgore, for example, with the Buttercup incident. However, I think people are forgetting that that was a joint effort. Asriel and Chara were both involved in making that pie, and we have no way of knowing which of them made the mistake. Yes, Chara did laugh about it later, but it’s not unheard of for people to laugh in horrifying situations, simply to cope with it. Sirius Black from Harry Potter was said to laugh when he was arrested for facilitating the murder of his best friends. Spoiler alert, he was innocent. Chara is a kid, and Asgore didn’t actually die. I don’t think we should assume that they intended to do this, or that they took pleasure from his pain. 
The day Asriel died.
Chara’s gambit, the one that ultimately got Asriel killed and reborn as Flowey, is pretty ambiguous. First and foremost, we cannot blame Chara for what happened to Asriel. They wanted to fight back against the humans. Asriel resisted doing this. It seems very clear that whatever else was going on, Chara did not plan for Asriel to die, and they tried to stop it from happening. Otherwise, there are hints that they wanted this confrontation to happen, and that maybe that was why they took their body with them to the surface. Here’s the thing - killing humans was already part of the plan. It wasn’t like they were tricking Asriel into that - both of them knew they’d have to claim some human souls to break the barrier. Chara may have calculated that the humans would assume Asriel killed them and attack as a result - but that would simply be triggering the altercation that they and Asriel had planned on creating anyway. 
The “Charrator” Theory
After this happened, Asriel was reborn as Flowey...and Chara is hinted to have became Frisk’s unseen companion. Perhaps Frisk’s fall disturbed their rest, since Frisk did land on top of the golden flowerbed that Chara is implied to have been buried under. There’s a major theory that the narrator of all the game’s text is actually Chara’s spirit. It would explain how the narration knows things that Frisk would have no way of knowing, like when you can “check” monsters in battle. Plus, the somewhat snarky sense of humor in the narration, yet still overall hopeful personality...well, it lines up a lot without how Chara was suggested to behave. There are other moments too, like how shocked the narrator seems when Asriel calls Frisk, addressing them as Chara. Or how the narrator falls silent when Asriel breaks down during the end of his fight. They also push Frisk to save him. Not to mention this is hinted far more in the No-Mercy path. It’s made blatant with lines like “The date I came here.” and “Still has that sweater.” and even “My bed.” So, yeah, I tend to subscribe to this theory a lot. 
What happened to Chara? 
My belief is that Chara was confused and traumatized and not at all sure what happened when they were first reborn in Frisk - either because they were haunting them, or because they were reincarnated. Hell, that might have been why Frisk climbed Mt. Ebbot. - In a way very similar to how Flowey was confused and scared when he first resurrected. I believe Frisk’s actions help Chara rediscover who they are. If Asriel can be forgiven for having to re-learn things like compassion after something as traumatizing as being murdered, can’t Chara be given the same patience? They died twice. Can’t it be assumed that they might need the same rehabilitation? I believe Chara learns from Frisk’s choices. One theory I’ve seen that I really like, is that they felt embittered toward Asriel for completely screwing the plan, by refusing to fight back. Hence Flowey asking “No hard feelings about back then, right?” Hence why Chara, after being on the No-Mercy Route for that long, might feel so much contempt for him that they slash him half a dozen times like we see. By completing Pacifist, Frisk teaches Chara what Asriel already knew - that any situation can be resolved peacefully, and thus refusing to fight back was the right choice. At which point, Chara is able to properly move on and rest. Having grown to the point of understanding that their hatred of humanity was not healthy. 
That’s another thing, we never find out why Chara hated humanity so strongly. The same way we never find out why Frisk climbed Mt. Ebbot. It’s left to mystery. There are plenty of reasons it could be true. It could be as simple as them being infuriated at what humanity did to the monsters. Or maybe it suggests something worse, like abuse or neglect. Chara tripped, so we know it wasn’t a suicide attempt, but...I mean, what were they planning? The actual fall was an accident, but were they going to jump anyway? That’s the thing. Chara is jaded. They recognize the evil in the world and it makes them pessimistic. They hate humanity and thus they hate them-self, most likely. Ever notice how Chara’s plan to break the barrier results in their human body dying, and them living on as a Monster instead? Maybe it was coincidental, but I can’t imagine they minded. Still, they were willing to die to bring freedom to the Monsters, and they seemed to live in harmony with them for...well, it had to be at least a couple of years. 
TL;DR: I’m a Chara fan. A major fan, actually. I find them fascinating and I don’t blame them at all for what happens in No-Mercy. I also love the Charrator Theory. Any head-canon is valid, but I really don’t vibe with the idea that Chara is a “demon” child. 
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aqvarius · 4 years
for each of the games that you’ve played/enjoyed, which guys do you think a) have the healthiest relationship with the mc and b) are most likely to break up with their mc?
ooh this is such an interesting question! i’m assuming this means within each game, but i’ve played so many that it’s hard to go through them all and there are some where i only played one or two charas max so i’m just gonna pick a few that i’m more familiar with overall (and/or have played more than two charas) if that’s okay with you! (also sorry it took so long to answer haha)
healthiest: rei. maybe the ONLY healthy relationship in the entire game?? (i haven’t played ryogo yet tho) rei is maybe one of the most perfect voltage men ever created and the only times he and his mc ever have any unhealthy disagreements is when the mc is being an idiot
likely to break up: probably takane bc they still have some issues to work out. definitely not araya bc even though it seems like they may still have issues here and there, araya will literally cling onto this relationship with every fiber of his body
her love in the force
healthiest: surprisingly....... kaga? maybe? imo goto still has some things to work out about his insecurities and fear of losing partners. kaga and his mc were so different from the start that they’ve already overcome most of their biggest problems together. they’re close to each other’s families, they basically know all of each other’s secrets. also, kaga actually treats her really well. despite how it may seem through their language, they actually have a really balanced relationship, to the point where i would argue that they actually understand each other the best out of all the hlitf couples. the fact that they can speak to each other the way they do is testament to how well they know each other by this point. yes, they had some issues in his battlefield but honestly that was maybe the last big issue they would have needed to work through. maybe that’s why kaga’s trial is taking so long to be released bc i feel like at this point in time, there is no problem that they can’t work out together. because kaga is so prickly and so BAD at saying nice things, his mc trusts him completely and understands him even when he just says one word. and throughout the seasons, she’s also proved herself as invaluable to him, and as someone he can rely on as a lover and a partner. i truly believe that kaga and his mc have the strongest, closest and most mutually trusting relationship out of everyone in hlitf and i genuinely don’t know how they’re going to top what we’ve already seen between the two of them and i CAN’T WAIT TO FIND OUT!!! 
likely to break up: i mean i wouldn’t have guessed ishigami before his battlefield but...... there it is. do i think they’re going to break up again? no, but they definitely still have a lot to work through. anyway the most likely to break up at this point in time imo is toru and his mc bc of obvious reasons (those reasons being toru’s issues lol). 
irresistible mistakes
healthiest: natsume!!!!!!!! natsume natsume natsume natsume natsume
likely to break up: as of now, probably kamiki rei bc i love him so much but the mc kind of needs a back brace from carrying their relationship and i think we need to see rei working harder for the rship, esp when things get tough and he’s used to just doing things his own way
masquerade kiss
healthiest: yuzu, the only valid masquerader. 
likely to break up: everyone except yuzu. kazuomi bc i still don’t think he’s at a stage where he’s truly committed and fully dedicated to her - not above the other things in his life anyway. kei bc he still has some stuff to work through and i honestly think the power relation between them is super unhealthy and maybe more of a coping mechanism for his trauma (rather than as a way of healing) and honestly he literally ghosted her that time and i really think he’d do it again.
thank you so much for this ask!! it was super interesting to have to dig through my brain to figure these out~~
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c0smicnyu · 4 years
interstellar - a Peter Parker AU - ch. 1
also on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29082408/chapters/71388948
chapter word count: 2240 
story summary:
Peter was 6 when he was stolen from Earth and put into the Yon-Rogg's, by extension the Kree's, care. Peter was 12 when his entire genetic makeup was altered. Peter was 13 when he was fished from the waters, years having passed. Now on Earth and under Nick's care, he has to maneuver through life with his awesome abilities, alien invasions and geniuses wearing cool armor or shapeshifting into green balls of anger. Oh, and he's also trying to find the meaning to life but who isn't in this day and age?
chapter summary:
Peter’s life with the Kree and how he ended up on Earth.
(Hala, Kree Civilization)
Yon-Rogg was confused. There was a small, human creature in front of him. The kid from Earth was looking up at him with bright brown eyes, messy curls sitting on top of his really small head.
He was told to come to this room because this was where he was going to oversee the experiment involving Vers and her extraordinary abilities. With their proficiency in genetic engineering, they found a way to implant Vers’ abilities into other specimens. They told him they were going to create a soldier with the same abilities as Vers, through dissecting her DNA and isolating the one where the enhanced chromosomes were. Then they would tie it into the subject’s DNA, creating a new and enhanced specimen.
However, all trials have failed so far.
Then he was given a mission.
“Train him. When you think he’s ready, we will name him as one of the possible candidates in the TS: Vers experiment.”
With a new purpose, he would move. He would be damned if he didn’t do his job well and serve the Kree. If the Supreme Intelligence says train the kid, then he will take the kid under his wing and train him to be the best warrior the Kree has ever seen. “Hey, I’m Yon-Rogg. I’m one of the warriors here.” He said with a smile. “What’s your name?”
The kid blinked at him before answering. “I’m Peter. I think I was stolen from Earth. I don’t remember much, just my name.”
Yon-Rogg could work with that. An amnesiac is easy to mold, a kid with little and ephemeral memories at that. “Hm, well then. I’ll be taking care of you from now on. I’ll train you so you could protect yourself and by extension, the Kree civilization. Is that okay with you?”
Peter shrugged, brown curls bouncing. “I don’t mind. This place is really cool, by the way. Your eyes are cool too! And so are the blue people!”
Yon-Rogg just smiled. He wasn’t sure if he could get used to this amount of bright enthusiasm.
Yon-Rogg introduced Peter to Vers and they hit it off, much to his amusement. They both shared the overly emotional side of humans, which he was trying to get rid of. A soldier can’t perform their duty well with emotions mucking things up.
Another thing that Yon-Rogg realized throughout his time as Peter’s mentor was his above average intellect and superb locomotor skills. Even at age 8, sparring against people twice his size, he was able to find ways to knock them down.
He was agile and smart, able to use his supposed weaknesses as a strength against his opponents. He wielded his opponents abilities against them, turning their greatest strengths into the cause of their downfall.
So he got the kid tested.
He was right. The kid was a bonafide prodigy with an IQ of 170 at age 9.
Thinking about it objectively, genius was a double-edged sword.
With the amount of secrets the Kree keep, a genius in their midst could make or break their entire civilization.
Peter could help improve and revolutionize or he could break everything they worked for apart, tearing it down and burning it to the ground.
However, watching the young warrior interact with all the other soldiers and making a name for himself filled him with a sense of pride.
It was at that moment he realized he was getting attached to the child.
Spending time with him, bringing him books from his former planet and mentoring him closely was interfering with his mission.
So when he turned 12, after 6 years of training with him, Vers and his team, it was time that he drafted the kid into the roster of candidates.
“Peter. Come with me.” He called the kid from Vers’ room, the pair talking about random things the young teen knew about Earth.
He jumped up and walked towards Yon-Rogg with an easy grin. “What’s up?”
“It’s time.”
Peter’s eyes widened, a wide grin spreading on his lips. “Are you serious?! I’m getting deployed before Vers?!”
Yon-Rogg felt sad but the Kree came before anything else. 
“Yes. Follow me.”
Yon-Rogg led the kid to the experimentation room. Peter looked around the room with confusion. “This doesn’t--” He turned to see Yon-Rogg pointing a gun at him.
“I’m sorry, Peter. But this is for the good of all Kree.”
Light, then darkness.
Vers was devastated with Peter’s death.
She considered him a younger brother and despite Yon-Rogg’s constant reminders of disregarding her feelings, she truly held love for him.
She used his death as a fuel for her training. She did her best so she could finally serve and bring justice to Peter by killing the Skrull once and for all.
Her hard work paid off and it was time.
She would kill those sons of bitches.
“The geneticists say that TS: Vers was a success. Please proceed to the disclosed location and provide confirmation.”
Coincidentally, the experiment’s success coincided with Vers’ first mission. Yon-Rogg mused on that fact as he walked through the metal walkways that lead to the room where Peter was held for the past month.
They finally succeeded after 15 failed attempts.
They were unsure what was so different about the kid, other than his terran descent. Maybe that was it. Since both Vers and Subject 16 were humans, their genetic makeups were closer to one another and made it easier for the enhanced chromosomes to tie in.
Now that he was looking at the kid, other than some feature similarities with Vers that got changed through the insertion of genes, there was no way of telling whether he truly got her superpowered abilities.
“Are you sure it worked?” He asked the head scientist, still eyeing the kid who was reading a book from C-53. It was about something called Calculus, which he was sure he brought from the planet a few years back.
“Yes it did. He has an amazing ability to carry 5 tons right now at age 6. His senses are also enhanced to the point where he can tell when something is hurtling towards him, much like a sixth sense.” The scientist said, pointing at his chart on the hologram. “He can also heal very quickly. It’s possible that his blood can be used to create cures for diseases, along with creating antibodies and poison antidotes. His abilities will increase as he grows and there’s no telling whether there’s a limit on it. The experiment was very successful.”
“Anything else?” Yon-Rogg asked as he read through the outstanding ratings the kid had on both his powered abilities and combat abilities.
Peter’s latent talent was truly remarkable and he couldn’t wait till they could finally use him to decimate the Skrulls.
“Am I allowed to talk to him?” Yon-Rogg asked.
“Are you sure that’s the best idea?” The scientist asked dryly. “The last thing he remembers before this room was you, his mentor, pointing a gun at him. He’s superpowered now. He could kill you with one blast.”
Yon-Rogg frowned. “Point taken. Give me the copies of his results and I will report to the Supreme.”
As the scientist passes Yon-Rogg the folders, the glass before them shook with a loud blast sound echoing in the room.
They looked at Peter, surprise flitting onto their faces.
He was now standing before the two-way mirror, staring directly at Yon-Rogg.
“I will find Vers and I will tell her just what a lying scumbag you are. You better sleep with one eye open now, Yon-Rogg.” Peter threatened, eyes dark as he glared at his former mentor.
The man didn’t reply and just left the room, feeling Peter’s burning gaze on him as he walked away.
Peter put his plan of escape into work a day after Yon-Rogg visited his humble cell.
He blasted the doorway to bits with a photon blast and immediately made his way to Vers’ chambers, however the room was empty.
He cursed, remembering what Yon-Rogg said in the hallway. Vers was already deployed.
He immediately switched course and made his way to the hangar. He listened in on the conversations, trying to catch wind of where Vers was.
“Did you hear? Vers was on C-53 and she found Mar-Vell’s lab! Yon-Rogg and his team are apprehending her.”
Peter froze. She was on C-53.
During his solitary time in the metal cube of torture, he was able to listen in on different conversations. He found out the true enemy in the Kree-Skrull War and how the Kree made it their life mission to destroy any means of refuge for the Skrull.
He found out that his true purpose was to become a weapon for the annihilation of the Skrull.
When he found out, he wanted to tell Vers immediately. However, he was too busy getting tested by the douchebags that experimented on him and prodded his body with needles.
He had to help her.
So he hijacked a pod and hacked into Yon-Rogg’s ship, stealing their coordinates from their GPS with a smirk. It was time he put these powers to use and reunite with Vers.
He arrived at the lab after a few, hearing the current fight happening within the huge hunk of metal.
He landed his pod and ran into the interior, looking for the source of the sound. He turned on the corner, spotting a bunch of Kree cornering a man, a woman and a cat?
“Hey! Get away from them!” Peter blasted the gun wielding Kree.
“Holy shit! There are two of you?!” The man holding a cat exclaimed, the woman beside him sporting a look of surprise.
“Who are you? And what do--” He remembered the photon blast. “Vers! You know her! Where is she?”
“You mean Carol? She’s--” The woman was cut off by a glowing blonde woman holding a lunchbox with a bunch of characters on it.
Peter stared at her, a grin spreading onto his lips. “VERS!”
Carol was tired and she had no time to deal with another Skrull impersonation of someone important to her. “Talos, this isn’t funny! We have no time for this! Take the--”
Peter took huge strides forward and wrapped Carol in a hug, arms around her midsection.
“Did Yon-Rogg seriously tell you I died? More like they injected your DNA into me.” Peter said before removing his arms from around her. He shot a photon blast at an incoming Kree. Carol looked at him with surprise, the grin on Peter’s lips just widening. “Now we’re twinning!”
“What the heck, kid!” Carol grinned, hugging him. Then she realized they really had no time, shoving the tesseract into his arms. “We’ll unpack that later. Take the tesseract and get going. You cover them, okay? Get to the QuadJet. Stay alive. We will talk later. I’ll buy you time.” Then she was gone.
Peter saluted, putting the cube before the cat which he realized was a Flerken. Its mouth opened, eating it whole. Peter smiled and patted its head. He looked at the man and woman.
“Hi, I’m Peter! I was with Vers… Carol? On Hala. We trained together. Then they faked my death before experimenting on me! Nice to meet you!” Peter said as he ran his hand down Goose’s spine.
“I’m Fury.” “Maria.”
They both gave him uncertain looks however his grin never faltered. “Okay! As per Carol’s request, I will protect you as we go to the QuadJet. Let’s go.”
They rounded the corner and Peter made sure they went through the ways where there weren’t any people. Then he heard a group of Skrulls in the intersecting hallway. He ran there, spotting the shapeshifters.
“Hey! Come on, let’s get onto the QuadJet! I’ll cover everyone!”
They eventually got to the hanger, running towards the jet at top speed. As they ran, Peter felt his hair rise. He shoved Goose into Fury’s arms and stopped running, eyeing the Kree.
“Get going! I’ll catch up!” He grunted as he fought against the Kree, distracting them from the currently boarding Skrulls and humans.
Once he was done with them, the jet was already up. He flew into the slowly closing doors, gasping as he laid on the cold metal floor.
“Hey, Peter! Are you Carol’s kid?” Maria asked as she flew the jet into the Earth’s atmosphere.
“No. We trained together for 7 years though. She was like a huge mentor figure to me, aside from the lying scum--” He was cut off by the jet suddenly lurching.
He sighed. There was just no resting, huh?
“Let me out, Maria! I’ll get her off your tail!” Peter instructed, arms already glowing brilliantly.
Maria was torn. The kid was the same age as hers and she wouldn’t be able to carry a kid’s death on her conscience. Against all her beliefs, she opened the doors and let Peter out. She just hopes the kid would be safe and comes back.
Peter flew out and onto Minn-Erva’s pod, blasting it with holes before proceeding to carry it off. He flew out of the Earth’s atmosphere and tossed the pod just as it exploded.
He was preoccupied, so he never saw it coming.
He never saw the large ship coming towards him.
He was flying, then falling. Then he was gone as he sunk into the ocean, swallowed by the icy waves as he lost consciousness.
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fanfoolishness · 4 years
A Legacy (Cadash + Solas, DAI)
(I wanted to write Josie x Cadash. Or Varricfic.  Instead, this musing with my new Cadash and Solas came out.  Oh well! 1200 words, gen, set when first visiting Crestwood.)
Chara Cadash hissed, clapping a palm over the wound in her bicep.  She let out a long breath between clenched teeth.  The sound of waterfalls drowned out her exhalation, and she hoped, for a moment, that she was safe.
Until Solas approached, his face set in that curious mix of concern and disinterest she had come to define him by.
She sighed, settling back on her haunches besides the campfire.  “I’m taking first watch tonight, remember, Solas?  You’re allowed to take some rest for yourself.  Varric and Blackwall are already asleep.”
He knelt beside her, keeping a respectful distance.  “I am aware, Inquisitor.”
“So what brings you from your rest?”  She glanced up at the stone-worked harts flanking the waterfalls, the granite glistening from the recent rain.  It was good work.  Solid.  “I would have thought you’d like to see the Fade from here.  These monuments must mean something.”
Solas gave her a small smile, one that failed to reach his eyes.  “They mean many things.  But I cannot sleep when I find my mind uneasy.  You’re wounded, Inquisitor.”
“Is that so,” she attempted.  Solas merely arched one thin brow at her, and she acquiesced.  “All right, then.  It’s nothing serious.”  The eyebrow arched ever higher.  “It’s… just a wyvern bite.”
Solas nodded.  “I suspected as much.  You do know that wyvern venom can cause permanent damage, I suppose?”
Chara rolled up her sleeve swiftly, her stomach clenching.  The wound in her arm already looked nasty, festering with a greenish cast to the surrounding skin.  Her stomach swooped.  “Well, that’s a fucking lovely surprise, isn’t it?  I -- I’d thought it could wait ‘til tomorrow --”
“It should not,” he said.  “May I?”  He extended a pale hand toward her, palm up.
“We’re out of potions,” said Chara swiftly. “I didn’t want to cause a fuss.”
“Healing was never my greatest talent,” said Solas, fixing his gaze on her wound.  “But I do have some small skill in this area.  It would not do for you to lose an arm from something as mundane as an untreated wyvern bite.”
She hesitated, staring into his blank face.  She had met many people in her time, some honest, some pretending, some believing they were honest but telling lies all the same.  Something about Solas often left her feeling odd, unsettled.  His fury about the recruitment of the templars had not helped her perception.  And yet --
She extended her arm to him.  He took it by the wrist, his touch sure but gentle, respectful.  Magic slowly swelled around his grip, an aura that tingled through her hand, wrist, forearm, into the bite itself.  It was warm but muted, sending soft sparks through flesh and vein.
She looked away.  This was not for her: magic was a thing she had learned early on was for humans, elves, Qunari.  She knew it didn’t stick the way it did for the other races; knew the mages had to work harder, cleverer, sneakier for their spells to take on dwarves.  She didn’t like to make it more difficult for them by staring.
“Very well,” she said stiffly, gazing up at the twin harts.  She cast about for something to discuss, something besides the inherent awkwardness of accepting healing from a mage who despised her.  “It’s beautiful stonework, isn’t it?”
Solas lifted his gaze from her wound, eyes sliding over the harts amidst the waterfalls.  “Mhm.”
“What does it mean to your people?”
A flinch, faint, felt through the grip he maintained on her arm.  She gazed at him, perplexed.  “I’m sorry.  Did I say something wrong?”
He let out a soft chuckle.  “No.  It’s quite all right.  But I am not Dalish, Inquisitor, and these were certainly made by Dalish elves.”
“Forgive me,” said Chara.  “I’m afraid I never learned much of the elves in the Marches.  The city elves had their homes and their trees, but they never made…”  She gestured with her good arm.  “These meant a great deal, once.  You don’t build something to withstand the elements for centuries if it’s meaningless.”
“I expect not,” he said.  His magic rustled along her skin, her muscle, veins and nerves.  She swallowed, feeling it encase her arm, trying to find the way in.  Normally she enjoyed the way magic seemed to slide off of her in battle, but healing magic doing the same had been a great disappointment.
“Do you wonder what they will find of us, centuries on?” Chara asked.  Stars twinkled above the stone harts in the deepening twilight.  She chuckled.  “Look at me.  I’ve gone and said us.  Perhaps Inquisitor is starting to sound familiar.”  She let out a long sigh, her arm aching.  “I don’t care for it, if I’m to be honest.”
Solas raised his gaze from her wound.  “A curious thing for a leader to say.”
“Perhaps,” said Chara.  “Then again, it isn’t as if I intended any of this.”  She bowed her head.  “Thank you, Solas.”
“Your gratitude is appreciated, Inquisitor, but your healing is still in progress.”
“I know,” she said.  She flexed her palm and fingers into a clumsy fist.  The venom had worked its way deep into her arm, much deeper than she had hoped.  The clean sensation of Solas’ healing buzzed beneath the numbness, growing stronger by the moment, and she allowed herself relief.  “But I appreciate your healing someone you despise.”
The magic slowly strengthened along the length of her arm, her muscles nearly burning with it.  Solas’ grip on her wrist tightened slightly.
“You disagreed with me about the templars,” said Chara.  “I understand.  I thought magic gone awry required a certain solution.  You felt differently.”  She pulled her arm back from him, only a mild ache still present in her bicep.  Her hand tightened into a fist, then relaxed, a faint tremor running through the fingers.  
“Your dexterity should return within the day,” said Solas, ignoring her last.  “You are welcome.”  He inclined his head towards hers in something like a shortened bow, then got to his feet.  
“Solas,” she said sharply.  He turned back to her, tension keen in the set of his shoulders.
“The harts beneath the moonlight,” she said, pointing with her healed arm.  It shivered only slightly, a great improvement.  He looked to follow her outstretched fingers.
Beneath the parted clouds, the moonlight danced upon the harts, hidden moonstone shimmering deep in their fine-carved eyes. Splendid opalescent shimmers flashed in blue and white, a calculated choreography illuminating the silent grove.
Chara studied the patterns of their shining eyes, certainty thrumming within her.  “This was carved with a harvest moon in mind,” she said.  “The angle of the light -- it wouldn’t create a luminescence with a normal full moon, not with how deep-set the eyes have been carved.  It’s inspired work.  Meant to last for many, many seasons.”
Beside her, Solas stood tall and still, hands loosely clasped behind him, eyes bright in the moonlight.  “A legacy,” he murmured.
“Yes,” said Chara. “They were meant to be seen.  The question is, what were they meant to say?”
Solas’s lips curled up, a small, subtle motion, and this time, the lines at his eyes narrowed in a genuine smile. “They speak a promise, Inquisitor.”
“A promise for what?” she asked.  The moonlight sparkled on the surface of the pond, sparkled deep in the harts’ gray eyes.
“For another day.”
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hummingbirdstars · 4 years
I’m gonna create an AU
I think I’m gonna make an Undertale AU. Has anyone already used the name HelperTale? I hope not, because I want to!
So, the basis of HelperTale is that monsters and humans in that universe are distinctly aware of the multiverse, and try to stay as up-to-date on it as possible. As I have a lot to talk about, the rest will be under a read more bar.
Some kids are born with Aptitudes, where they can get special jobs and livelihoods based on the AU’s part as a multiversal helper. 
One Aptitude is for Protecting the Home, where they are guards and protect the AU’s inhabitants from viruses (Fresh), corruption, and destruction. 
Coding Aptitudes, for another, can be put into several categories- one to help hide the AU’s code (mainly from Error) and creating firewalls to keep their world safe. Another Coding Aptitude would be Searching, where those with that Aptitude would scour the Mutliverse for those in dire need of Helping.
And this brings us to the main point of the AU- Helping. Helpers are categorized into four, and are placed in groups of four. The first is the Coder, someone with a mix of Helping and Coding Aptitude. These Coders take in all the cries for help and find the first one that their group can safely handle. The second is the Imposter, someone with incredibly good acting skills who can go and take the place of the person calling for help- just for a little while, so they can recuperate. The third is the Healer, who stays in the Home AU and cares for the healing person- from the other AU, the one who called for help- still with me? The final person in this group of four is the Backup, someone who’s mastered all three Aptitudes, so they can take over in case someone of the other three is busy.
Backstory is something I’m still coming up with, but I have a few ideas. First, Aptitudes only pop up when a kid turns 8 years old. At this point, the Seekers (another Aptitude, where they spend years honing their senses so they can detect other Aptitudes) will go to the house of the child and look at their Aptitude. Depending on what it is, the kid will go to one of several special Villages as a new home, a new life. They can still chat with their families, but only those with Aptitude may know where the Villages are.
Second, children spend their entire childhoods in their Village. Every single kid gets a little USB slot (special-made for the AU) installed in their skull. This is in case someone gets corrupted while on a mission or on their duty, it heals and restores everything. These slots are covered up with code, and only the kid can wipe away the code on their own head, nobody else’s.
Third, anybody can cry for Help. It’s meant to have that same feeling the Player has in Undertale, you know, the *You call out for help, but nobody comes. Except those in HelperTale do their best to make sure that somebody comes. But you can only use this once in your life, probably some sort of bull-crap code destiny thing that combines with all the other powerful AUs- if it’s truly a life-changing thing, that a lot of things depend on it but the person making the choice is a wild-card, that would constitute for a Cry For Help. Humans, Monsters, it doesn’t matter.
Fourth, once someone cries for Help, their world’s data (and their personal data) is given to a Coder who can help. The Imposter will plug in that data through the USB and temporarily remove their own personal memories, to properly play the part. Time will be frozen thanks to Determination. The Imposter will take the place of the person who cried for help- let’s call this super depressed person who needs help Zach, for simplicity- will take the place of Zach, and Zach will be brought to HelperTale.
The Coder will watch the progress of the Imposter- if they can eliminate what was hurting Zach, they will do it. While the Imposter lives out Zach’s life, so nobody thinks anything’s wrong, the Healer will take care of Zach and fix him up the best they can. This means mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and any other way needed. Once Zach is all healed up, the Coder will send a message to the Imposter- who by that time is hopefully in a good enough state of mind in Zach’s life to take it- and if all goes well, time will be frozen again. Zach will be given a very in-depth rundown of what went on in their absence, and Zach and the Imposter will switch places. The Imposter will regain their own memories, and Zach will be put in HelperTale’s logbook.
Of course, not every ‘job’ can go as smoothly as I just described. A lot of things can happen, and these things usually depend on the state of the AU. Imposters can get hurt, killed, tortured, and more. This is what they sign up for, using their Aptitude to help others. If the Imposter is compromised, the Backup will take the Imposter’s place, and the Healer will help both the Imposter and Zach.
But if monsters and humans are so different, how can Imposters look like them? Coding again, years of acting and specialized classes, and learning how to do everything imaginable, just in case. Magic is flexible, the world runs on code, and every single person with Aptitude at some point must be able to learn every single kind of magic. Yes, every single kind. Because of this, everybody is more-or-less equal, and thanks to knowledge and opportunity, there was never a war and Monsters and Humans are completely equal.
(I may even create a comic based off of this, if I get a drawing tablet- I even have ideas for the main ‘cast’, including my own OC who would be a Healer- who could also, with small modifications, act as an Undyne if need be!)
Sans: would have an identical twin. They would be Comic Sans (Sans, main ‘character’ like everyone is used to) and Sans Serif (personality of Underswap Sans). They are completely identical, but Comic has glasses and Serif strongly enjoys his bandana. They have twin Aptitudes of Helping. Comic is the Imposter of his group, and Serif is the Backup.
Papyrus: There is no Papyrus, not really, instead his name is Times New Roman, Roman for short. He’s snooty and arrogant, because he’s good at his job (being a Papyrus) and he knows it. Given an accident or two and a character arc, he could end up being a very likeable character indeed. He is not in the Sans’ group, but in his group he is the Imposter. In school, he was very popular. 
Alphys: Her name would be Ally here, and she’d be tinted more green than yellow. Again, if she needed to play an Alphys, simple enough. She has a Coding/Helping Aptitude, and is in the same group as the twin Sanses. 
Undyne: The younger sister of my OC, and has a crush on Ally. She has a Protecting Aptitude, and takes pride in her virus-destroying capabilities. Thanks to how thorough she is, she is swapped out between the AU itself, and protecting Villages. She’s well-traveled, still brash at times, but very open and accepting.
Toriel: Red Magic (Determination and Time) teacher. Called Miss Tu-Toriel because of how wonderful she is. Is the collective Mom of the Helping Village, and takes her duties very seriously. Very old, very strong, and is the last line of defense if anything gets into the Village. Offers cooking classes as an extra-curricular- after all, there are plenty of worlds out there, this one included, where cooking is a valuable skill, is it not?
Asgore: Teaches Cyan and Orange (Stopping and Moving) Teacher. Is called the Dad of the Helping Village. Never fought with Toriel, and is happily married to her with their children (Asriel, Frisk, Chara, and Kris). He enjoys gardening, and offers it as an extra-curricular- after all, there are plenty of AUs that deal with plants, and I’m not simply talking about the Floweys!
Asriel: Different entity to Flowey- Flowey’s are rather different, I’ll get to them in a minute. He has fire magic, primarily. As an adult, he teaches basic classes on all seven main types of magic. Also teaches yoga, is surprisingly flexible. 
Chara: They teach classes about dealing with LV and EXP, on both ends of the spectrum and everything in-between. They also teach classes in dealing with murderers, and using words to their advantage. Can be bribed into extra Determination classes with chocolate.
Frisk: They teach classes in code and rule-breaking, such as manipulating souls and buttons and the like. They also teach classes that talk about dealing with any kind of mental illness, whether seeing them or pretending to have them, or actually having them. They are very kind and well-liked, but are terrifying when they actually get mad.
Kris: They are the Caretaker. If an Imposter is in a bad spot, they can usually count on Kris to create a distraction (somehow) and help them get out. Kris is powerful, and gives fighting lessons. They have never been beaten, ever, not in anybody’s memory.
Gaster: Has a Seeking Aptitude, but has an affinity for Coding. As a result, he invents all sorts of things that have to do with Aptitude, hoping either to speed up or slow down the process- nobody knows why. Is the older brother to the Sans twins, and was devastated when they popped up with twin Helping Aptitudes. He sees them more often than their parents, but it’s the thought that counts!!
Flowey: Floweys are all over the place. They are made of different flowers so most can’t leave, but those who look even vaguely like buttercups usually have an Aptitude. No matter what, every single Flowey has to have a flower name, it’s tradition. 
I’ll probably come up with more, but this is what I have for now!
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sudoscience · 4 years
New In Town: Background Info
Click here for a version with working hyperlinks.
Although it's never explicitly stated by the games, I'm going to assume the story is set in the US, or at least a country like it. The existence of monsters likely altered the course of several events in human history, so it's possible things are actually radically different. For the purposes of this story, I'll assume most things are still the same unless stated otherwise, (e.g. the American Revolution was still in 1776, and World War II was still in the early-middle of the 20th Century.).
Let's also just go ahead and say the story takes place in 201X for now.
[For the record, I pronounce 201X as "twenty-ex-teen". I guess you could say it "two-oh-one-ex", but why would you? I also assume it refers to the whole decade, so, for example, when I say "the early part of 201X", that could mean anywhere between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2014.]
Humans and Monsters (Current headcanon)
Humans and Monsters (Old) (Preserved for posterity)
Master Post
Humans and Monsters
Humans and monsters have always coexisted relatively peacefully, at least as well as humans and humans. There have been some smaller wars over land and resources, but nothing like the war in Undertale (hereinafter "The War").
Someone still remembers that other universe, though. The universe where monsters freely used magic. The universe where a monster could absorb a human SOUL. The universe where the monsters were sealed underground and later systematically slaughtered by a human child. Perhaps that someone is W. D. Gaster. Perhaps it is Chara. I haven't decided yet. Until that time comes, I'll call that person Individual 1.
Individual 1 remembers the world of Undertale, but the version they remember is the one in which the genocide route takes place. After that world is destroyed, Individual 1 uses their DETERMINATION to bring the world back. They restore the world to long before The War takes place. Individual 1 convinces the King of All Monsters (who is probably someone other than Asgore) to strictly curtail the use of magic. It is Individual 1's belief that the only way to prevent The War from occurring is if humans never learn that monsters can absorb their souls. This is why we don't see evidence of magic in Deltarune.1
Sometime in 1965, a man in Twin Falls (Bill Hammond) learns of the monsters' hidden power. He attempts to alert the government, but it's years before anyone in power takes him seriously. Most people view him as a crackpot; he's this universe's Alex Jones. However, he begins to gain a following among the commoners, who take to calling themselves the Arcane Enforcement Unit. Hate crimes against monsters become more frequent, and the government establishes the Directorate of Inter-Species Relations to combat this.
Hammond's influence grows, and he runs for president multiple times, though he rarely gets more than 2% of the vote. In 1996, his campaign performs surprisingly well, but he is assassinated. His following was strongest in Twin Falls, and it once again becomes a hot spot for anti-monster sentiment, only this time it extends to humans who are considered "monster sympathizers", including Kris's birth parents and eventually Rudy, who is born around this time.
Paul and Judy Harper are DISR employees in Twin Falls. In 2003, the year Asriel is born,2 the DISR begins a joint operation with DHS and FBI to infiltrate the AEU, which is now suspected as a terrorist organization. The Harpers are assigned to the team, Operation Golden Flower, as undercover agents in 2005. In 2007, Judy becomes pregnant. Later that year, their cover is nearly blown. In order to keep their child safe, they begin making arrangements with some old friends of theirs, the Dreemurr family in Hometown. Their son is born in December,​3 and adopted by the Dreemurrs immediately. A few months later, Paul and Judy are killed; their death is not publicized classified in order to avoid jeopardizing the operation.
In the early part of 201X, an AEU supporter named Noah Trey Ullman is elected mayor of Twin Falls. This is when things really start to go south. Ullman incites violence against monsters and monster sympathizers. They usually stay out of the majority monster neighborhoods, but they tend to target monsters who are known to affiliate with humans. This is what prompts Rudy to move to Hometown.
Humans and Monsters (OLD)
Humans and monsters have always coexisted, but there's always been a lot of tension between them. For most of their history, they've lived more or less independently of each other. As humans began to industrialize, they began to expand and encroach on monster territory.1 Interactions with monsters became more frequent, as did altercations. While there hasn't been an outright war between humans and monsters, there have been frequent skirmishes, akin to the US and the Native Americans. There was a period where humans sought to make use of magic, primarily by employing the monsters. The monsters were often subjected to inhumane conditions, and uprisings, while infrequent, were not unheard of.
Knowing that a monster with one or more human souls could become a being of great power, this practice was eventually outlawed. Humans became reluctant to hire monsters at all, and most monsters eventually relocated to their own settlements. These are similar to Indian reservations, with the distinction that they are not considered sovereign. In order to keep things under control, the government created the Directorate of Inter-species Relations in the mid-19th Century. Under the pretense of fairness, the DISR banned the use of magic about 100 years ago;2 this would theoretically allow more monsters to be hired, so long as they weren't being exploited for their magical abilities. In practice, because magic is so central to a monster's existence, this drastically changed the monsters' way of life. Initially, smaller acts of magic were allowed, but as more monsters moved into settlements, their interactions with humans became less frequent, and the humans became more fearful, having only the legends and rumors to inform them rather than their own experiences. Eventually, all magic was banned, and the Arcane Enforcement Unit was created in 1956 to enforce said ban.
Of course, some monsters remained in the human cities. They felt they still had ties there, and refused to move. They are largely relegated to their own neighborhoods, and the AEU does its best to "gently encourage" them to relocate. Other than the AEU, very few humans interact with monsters.3
What happened five years ago?
There was a change in leadership at the AEU, and they became much more aggressive in their policing.
[I think this was a separate subsection because I originally planned on writing more, but now it seems pretty silly to have a subsection with just one sentence.]
Notes for New Info
There are several reasons I decided to scrap the old backstory, but this was probably the main one. I really liked the theory that Deltarune takes place after the Genocide Route, and I wanted to expand on that. I'm no longer sure I buy that theory, but I still think it's a cool idea. ↑
As noted in the "Headcanon for Existing Characters", I originally planned for Asriel to have started college early, which would further demonstrate how exceptional he is, and also factor into the resentment Kris wishes they didn't have of him. This is also his first semester of college, which is why Kris is so worried he'll have changed. I think I'll keep him a freshman, but increase the age gap between them. When Asriel gets back from college, he'll have just turned 19, while Kris will be turning 14 very soon. I'm assuming he's returning for Thanksgiving Break (and also that Thanksgiving still exists in this world), and this is the first time he's been back home since he left for college. ↑
Yes, Kris's full name is Krismas (no, not really). Their birthday is 22 December, and Asriel's is 15 September (unless there's an official birthday listed somewhere, in which case it's that). I hope it's okay if I write that Kris is biologically male, even though they identify as non-binary. Since I've already changed their pronouns in the main story, this is probably the only time it will ever be mentioned, unless maybe they go swimming or something. I got the idea from @caretaker-au and how they represent Chara as male non-binary (is that the right way to say that?); I know some people find that blog to be problematic, but I think that was more to do with them drawing porn of Chara and Asriel, not because they drew Chara as biologically male. (For the record, I was not aware of that when I started following them, especially since Tumblr banned porn a year before I even bought Undertale.) ↑
Notes for Old Info
Another reason I dropped this: I'm pretty sure this was inspired by @wolven0ne-universe's "Long Road" AU. Actually, there's a lot that was inspired by Long Road, even in the new backstory: the decision to have multiple OCs, the way magic supposedly works, humans exploting monsters for their magic, a shadowy organization that abducts monsters because of their magical abilities, etc. Some of this is attributable to the fact that I never read fanfics prior to playing Undertale, so some of these were "inspired" by Long Road simply by virtue of it being, like, the second fanfic I ever read, ever. (The first was "Flowey is Not A Good Life Coach".) Anyway, my point here is that I dropped this backstory in part because I didn't want it to be too similar to Long Road, not because I suddenly stopped liking Long Road. ↑
Here's an additional reason I changed the backstory: I wasn't sure if this was a believable timeline. I feel like it's plausible that human society would forget that monster magic involves a lot more than just a monster's ability to abosrb a human soul in just 100 years, but that doesn't seem like nearly enough time for monster society to forget that monsters can use magic. Plus, if monsters and humans have coexisted for all of human history, and monsters have been using magic for like 99% of said history, that seems like it could have created a lot of ripple effects that I would spend way too much time thinking about. Like, what if the existence of magic resulted in the first Industrial Revolution happening in the 15th Century? What would Earth look like in 201X if that were the case? I just didn't want to deal with all of that. ↑
Other than wanting to believe that Deltarune takes place after the Genocide Route, the next most important factor in my decision to scrap this backstory is that it's just really dark. The story has enough potentially depressing shit that I didn't need to add a monster Trail of Tears on top of it all. Plus, I was worried it might come across as racially insensitive. ↑
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yougainedlove · 5 years
I got another good imagine if youre up to write!! 👀 Asgore telling his S/O about his past (asriel dying, the six humans that fell down after, etc), and reacting to them giving him a tight hug and thanking him for telling them?? ❤️💞 I love him so much omfg
Sooooo I meant to keep this short and sweet but FUCK, uh...
anyway, I’ll be sobbing in the corner if you need me, feel free to join because I absolutely cried while writing this, mmmMMM,,,
                             when youlook, I’m afraid of what you see                                          but you say, “Show me”                                            yousay, “Show me.”
                                      ―IdinaMenzel, “Show Me”
When(Name)sitsdown with Asgore tonight, it’s different.
There’sa tense energy surrounding him, and by now theyknow him well enough to tell that he’s nervous. Hedoesn’t even let them cuddle up next to him like they do in theevenings. Instead, he goes stiff before pulling away, then says in anunbelievably somber tone that he wants to talk to them. He phrases itas a question, an, “Is it okay if we talk…?”, but they knowthat whatever he’s planning to talk about, it’s something heneedsto say.
Sothey put their hand over his paw ―even that earns a flinch ―and say yes.
Ofcourse, they couldn’t predict the heartbreaking tale that was tofollow.
It’ssomething he doesn’t truly drag out, yet he obviously wants to makesure he tells them everything about… everything.Itstarts with his ex-wife, Toriel, who (Name) has actually met, andAsgore living together, with their son Asriel. Although they knew hehad kids at one point, they didn’t know any real details until now.
Oneday, a human child fell, a child named Chara. Asriel brought themhome, Asgore and Toriel basically adopted them, and for a few shortyears, things were… good. Despitebeing trapped underground, everyone was actually full of love andhope.The wistful look on Asgore’s face when he talks about that time isalmost painful. It’s the expression of someone looking back on afond memory that happened before something went wrong.
Theway he talks about it makes it seem like that was the best time inhis life.
Whatfollows proves that as the truth.
Outof nowhere, Chara fell gravelyill. Asgore saysthat neither he nor Torielhaveanyidea what happened; only that suddenly theirchild was wailingbecause their stomach hurt so badly and there were blisters aroundtheir mouth. They screamed about wanting to go home ―that they were going to die, and they wanted to see the goldenflowers on the surface, in the village they came from, beforethey passed away.
Thetears in Asgore’s eyes start when he says that therewas nothing anyone could do.The barrier was still blocking any escape, and even though humanscould get in by falling into the mountain, nobody could get out. Theycouldn’t grant their child’s dying wish.
Hecan’t even look (Name) in the eyes as he says that while they weretrying to find some way to get Chara to the surface, they got rapidlysicker until they couldn’t keep any food or water down and the lifewas visibly draining from their body.
Theydied the next night.
Beingtheir brother and best friend, Asriel was distraught, and wanted tocarry them to the surface to make sure they were laid among thosegolden flowers. His nature allowed him to absorb Chara’s SOUL,creating an incredibly powerful being, and with both of themcombined, he could get through the barrier. And so he did.
Asgoresays tiredly that the next part is something he and Toriel had to befilled in on afterit happened.As it was told to them betweenweak breaths,Asriel carried their body there to the surface, placing them gentlyon a bed of the flowers when he arrived at their village. Hestayed for a moment to look at them, presumably paying his respectsto the sibling he loved so much, and then the human villagers sawhim.
Itwas all a horrible, tragic misunderstanding. When they saw him withChara’s body, a dead human child at the feet of a frighteningmonster, they assumed that Asriel had killed them. In revenge, inpursuit of justice for this poor child, they came at him with alltheir strength.
Asrieldidn’t fight back. As strong as he was in that form, with both hisSOUL and Chara’s, he could have ended the life of every singlehuman who was attacking him. But he didn’t.
Apparently,all he did was smile.
Finallyhe was able to get away, returning to the Underground. He draggedhimself into the throne room, where Asgore and Toriel were waitingfor him to come back.
Hestumbled into the flowers there, managed to whisper an explanation ofwhat had happened, and took his last breath.
Justlike that, Asgore and Toriel had lost their entire family in onenight.
Asother people have explained to (Name) before, they already know thatwhen monsters die, they turn to dust. And Chara’s body remained onthe surface.
Theking and queen didn’t even have a body to bury for the deaths oftwo children.
Bythis point Asgore is speaking through tears and sobs. He says he wassoangry… thatin the moment, he couldn’t feel anything else. That it wasn’tenough the humans had taken away their freedom, but now they hadstolen these two precious children and every shred of hope theUnderground had been clinging to.
Furiousenough was he to declare war on the whole of humanity, promising thatany human who fell down Mt. Ebott would be an enemy, that he wouldtake their SOULs, seven human SOULs, and break the barrier. Once itwas broken, they would show their true power to the humans and takeback the world that rightfully belonged to monsters.
Inthe aftermath of a devastating tragedy, it gave monsters hope. Itkept them going.
WhenAsgore explains that it isn’t what he really wanted, he looks ahundred years older, like the weight of the universe is precariouslyon his shoulders. He says quietly, with his face in his paws, thatshortly after he made that announcement, he regretted it. He doesn’twant to hurt anyone, he never did, and yet, his promise gave everyoneelse a reason to keep going. Something said in the heat of anger andraw grief that he didn’t mean, but felt like he had to stick to. Ifhe took it back, nobody would trust him, monsters would once againfall into despair, they would all die before ever seeing the sunlightagain.
Whathe said cost him Toriel. Immediately after that, she left him.
Asgorespent the years that followed alone in what used to be a happy home.Day in and day out, he waited ―“like a coward,” he makes a point of saying. Over time, six humanSOULs were brought to him, along with bodies. The SOULs he kept injars, ready to be used once he got seven of them, and the bodies heput in coffins, though there was nowhere to bury them. It was theonly thing he could do in an attempt to show respect to those deadhumans.
Noneof the humans who fell down died by Asgore’s hand, but by befallingother monsters and dangers in the Underground. Even so, he stillfeels guilt about every one of them, as well as the way his peoplesuffered. When a child known as Frisk made it to Asgore’s home,willing to fight for their chance to go home, it was the first timehe had to face one of the fallen humans in battle.
Hisshoulders shake with heavy sobs as he talks about not wanting tofight them at all. He didn’t want it, he never wanted it, and itwasn’t long into the fight that Frisk wore him down. Asgore gaveup, telling Frisk that they should take his SOUL and go home.
Hesays everything else after thatwas a blur. He says he remembers many people, Toriel included,showing up to stop themfrom fighting.He says he remembers everything going white, and Frisk being asleep,then suddenly the barrier was broken.
Afew more things are said, mumbles of self-hate and messy feelingsthat he probablyisn’tquite ready to talk about. Theway he moves to be farther from (Name) and the way he shrinks, tryingto make himself look smaller, make it clear that he expects them tojust leave him after knowing all this. Whowouldn’t? Who would stay with someone like him? He’s a monster inevery sense of the word.
Aftera long moment, (Name) scoots closer to make up the distance. Theirarms slowly reach up, snaking around Asgore’s neck, pulling himdown, down, down, as close against him as they can possibly get him.He tenses up beneath their touch. They curl their hand into a sort ofhalf-fist, stroking their fingertips and knuckles over the fur on theback of his neck.
They’reboth silent except for the soft gasps and sobs he makes as he triesto catch his breath. Thereare tears running down their face now too, their heart aching forhim. Wordlessly questioning how he’s still standing, how he stillmakes it through the day, how he practically fooled them intothinking he’s happy, after all this hellhe’s been through.
Atlast, they kiss the side of his ear, murmuring right against hisskin, “Thank you for telling me all of this, sweetheart. Thank you.I’m glad I know.”
Notonly are they truly relieved that he’s told them the truth, that hedoesn’t have to pretend around them anymore, this is all usefulinformation. Now that they know so much more about him and what hispast looks like, they know better how to take care of him. How betterto give him all the love he deserves so that he has the best chanceof recovering from everything and trulybeing happy.
Evenif he may never be rid of all that haunts him, they want that. Forhim to be happy and healthy. In any and every way he possibly can.
“Ilove you, Asgore.” It’s just loud enough for him to hear, as theylet their fingers tangle in his hair, continuing to caress him. “Ilove you.”
Andthat’s it. The realization that they still love him, that they’rehere, that they’re staying, that they aren’t going to leave, istoo much.
Thelast pin holding the king of monsters together snaps, and he allowshimself to break down in his lover’s arms.
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aldiwali · 5 years
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8. your favourite graphic and or gif created by yourself
aaa probably this one?? it’s one of the first ones i did but .. the base panel was so good & it just. i think it turned out nice!! also this one was really cute.. i haven’t done gifs past then because i don’t wanna deal with downloading eps & shit like that (i don’t have the patience.. adhd mood) & i feel guilty using others’ gifs as bases even when they say it’s ok but! i think it’s. she’s babey
10. what graphics / gif trends do you dislike most?
i don’t… i don’t really dislike any? um i’m not really “in the graphic community” in that i’ve never like. studied it & i’ve only recently made them & made friends like u who make them too (& ofc bc of that i pay more attention to fully appreciate everyone’s works but!!! aa)
um if there’s a trend... whitewashing SDKFFJ like it’s not so much a Trend as a byproduct of heavy psds? yeah. also i really like soft colors & lining so when it’s just. Harsh (this is mostly from my experience in the rpc) it’s ... yeah.
oh and flashing things?? especially on people’s themes / whatever where there’s not a warning?? i rly don’t have patience for that ;; and those edits where it’s like. it’s clear it’s not meant to be readable / consumed well & it just looks like a blur & u can’t tell what’s going on????
OH AND THE LIP THING. MY PET PEEVE. this hasn’t appeared in the op fandom (yet.. thank goodness) but in the bnha fandom adding a giant lip to characters they hc as black or even to be of color ..... like.. it looks ugly?? first of all bc it’s not done how it would Actually look & kinda just arbitrarily placed like “oh they have big lips look im inclusive :)” & it’s clear they’re just using stereotypes & not putting thought into it? (ex: giving east asians big lips too even though east asians tend to have thin lips????) and it’s just. Not Handled well. and the noses too they’re so often made to be. caricatures really. like when doing indian characters they’ll make it like a giant triangle or something and it’s .... it’s like they tried so hard to be inclusive that they looped around and just made it racist.
11. what graphics / gif trends do you like most?
coloring things sdkfdkfjdskfj it’s so pretty.... i esp love seeing people’s colors for characters that haven’t been given official colors yet, esp when i like them better than the original!! um & just.. everything saint does w their graphics are. SO good i’ve talked abt this before for like an hour in my gc but.. Holy shit
21. how much time do you spend on a single graphic / gif?
i don’t usually do gifs??? like i’ve done it one (1) time. um but with graphics.... it really depends. how complicated is it? is there background? how many charas? do i already have headcanons for what the chara looks like or am i figuring it out as i go along? mmm i’ve been trying to spend more time on my graphics recently so i can try to be more proud of them but? for a single character no background panel... 20 min? it really depends tho because most of mine i make during lectures in class,, meaning that i’m not 100% engaged with it or anything,, it’s more like i’m doodling but instead i’m. editing graphics.
32. the least notes a graphic / gif of yours has ever gotten that you feel deserves way more. (link it!)
agjdskfjdsf i don’t really like my graphics very much? i think i’ve said this before. like to find things for this ask (part of why it took so long) i went through my shit and found like.. 5 i liked. and so it’s not so much “i think i deserve more notes” as i “wish it would have been better before i posted it but also like. i’m done with it at this point..” the ones i do like tend to get noticed, even if it’s like a week after it’s posted? so i think the least is like .. 71 notes? & 72 notes. those 2 respectively fsdkfj. now if it was about my art… there’s a recent alyanette i posted on @/atvie but it’s not rly noticed but that’s ok!! fskdfj
there are some graphics that are low-effort but i wish had more notes just because i want to interact with the fandom but the fandom’s like. Really Small like with lookism & act-age & oresama teacher (like my most recent posts basically) so i don’t really expect much sdfjdkj
38. are you working on anything right now? if yes, show us a work in progress!
i’m not really? like i’ll start one & then i’ll be like. Fuck it. & just never look at it again because it gets buried in all of my other pages but. here’s one from last night?? that im probably never gonna finish also click maybe bc tumblr quality is .. Not Great... this one was wild cause i had my colors in mind & then once i was done with the clothing i just. switched them to the canon colors (mostly) by looking up the anime cap & while it may be more fitting to them i Don’t Like the Colors. also i gave robin a pantsuit. yes i know she was on the fire side of the island but she’s goth smh... u gotta have dedication
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ask meme  /  @toooticki​
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