#yes I know this doesn't look like my normal style
rin-yellow · 1 year
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hi hi hi yeah remember me?
Remember when I posted Build Tiger last year during the Lunar New Year and stuff?
Tried doing that again this year with Team Rabbits from Majestic Prince (’coz year of the Rabbit or whatever) but could only get as far as Gold-4 because of course that little doucheboy was my go-to. Wanted to start with Black-6 but figured that I respected Ange Kuroki too much and Gold-4 was only gonna be my warmup sketch. Also yea Majestic Prince is kind of my guilty pleasure show, borderline a problematic fave, ik, but I enjoyed it, it’s got a banger opening, cool enby rep (Ange ! ! ! But also I think I saw a post on them being a somewhat problematic character somewhere? Maybe? Idk, but back when I first came out Ange was my comfort character so what the hell), and I liked the mecha designs for what they were, specifically Gold-4′s head gimmick was always the coolest thing ever, hence using the robot as a “warmup sketch” that spiralled out of control.
That did not turn out thataway and I got horrid artblock when it came to fanart for a hot minute and so I just didn’t post the WIP because I wanted to add the rest of the team. Finally got tired enough to post what I got now because I am in a horrid spiral and it’s wonderful over here. Fun fact, this account was originally intended as a reading blog with only a spoonful of art on the side and then life happened and now it’s whatever this is. I might post more going forward, or I might not, we’ll see. Yes I know I’m about a month late for Lunar New Year but we can’t all be perfect, eh?
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cherriesformatt · 14 days
boston || matt sturniolo
matt x fem!reader
summary: matt takes reader home to meet his parents and he takes her ice skating for the first time where he used to play hockey
warnings: pure fluff
word count: 1,6k
a/n: Hi!! I combined two requests I hope you're okay with that! I tried my best! Ily <3 I will read proof after work!
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based on:
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"Hey...do you want some?" Matt asked me when he opened some kind of cookies.
We were on the plane with his brothers right behind us. It was my first time flying to Boston with them and I am going to meet his family. I was shitting my pants and felt like throwing up because we were hour from landing.
"No, thanks" I smiled at him and went back to my book.
We were flying first class and it was nice and quiet here. I am glad because I was able to read and it kept my mind from stressing out.
"You don't have to be scared, they going to love you I told you that already" Matt said and put his hand on my thigh and stroked it.
"You can't possibly know that" I closed my book and looked at him with my worried eyes.
Matt smiled at me and tucked some of my hair behind my ear. He kissed my nose which made me giggle.
"Yes, I do. Justin is chill and our parents even more. Please Marylou probably already has our picture on the wall and Jimmy will want to take you fishing and hope you will say yes because we always say no" He laughed.
I laughed too.
"Please say no because if you say yes we all will need to go" Nick's head popped out of nowhere in the middle of our seats.
It calmed me down just a little bit. But as we landed it all came back. My palms were sweaty and I was fixing my hair and hoodie every three seconds as we waited for our bags in the baggage claim. Chris made me and Matt to take a picture with "Welcome to Boston" sign. And I probably looked like I saw a ghost.
"Justin just landed too and Mom is going to be here in 20 minutes" Nick said looking at his phone.
We collected our luggage and waited on the chairs for their brother.
"It was not hard to find you...Nick you look ridiculous it is so warm outside snd you wearing fucking Uggs" I heard and my eyes followed the voice.
Justin walked up to us. He was a little shorter than his little brothers and had very similar style to Chris. I wouldn't say he looked similar to them but they only shared a mom and also I knew how Justin looked like from the pictures and videos.
They said hi to their brother and he brought so much energy and made everyone laugh. I could see how boys missed their brother a lot.
"And you must be y/n, it is nice to finally meet you. This one does not shut up about you" He embrace me with a warm hug and I smiled hugging him back.
"That would be me. Its nice to meet you too Justin" I said.
"Smart choice, this one can drive and doesn't talk too much" He joked and I laughed.
"Okay let's go...mom is here" Nick said and we went outside to look for their van.
When we found the car I tried to keep my cool. But it was just so normal to be stressed about it. I never did that before. Meet my partners parents. I never felt about anyone as I felt about Matt. He was so important to me that I just needed for his family to accept me because I knew how much his family was important to him.
We all were friends for almost two years now. Me and Matt started dating like 7 months ago but it was going on for longer than that. We were both just too scared to confess our feelings but one day our friends just couldn't stand us and they set us up with a date. And we talked and talked about feelings for hours and there we are now. I am meeting his parents.
"Hi kids! I missed you so much!" Their mom gave them a hug and a kiss and I stand next to them smiling at how adorable it was.
"Hi honey, you're even more pretty in real life... welcome! I hope the flight wasn't bad for you. Matt told me you do not like flying that much" She gave me a warm smile and hugged me too.
"Thank you Ms. Sturniolo... No, it was all great I am so happy to be here" I said and her aura just made me not stress at all anymore.
"Oh please, call me Marylou, get in, choose the best seat before they all start to fight" She laughed.
Boys put all our stuff in the trunk and got in the back so I did seat in the front with their mom. She was asking me about myself and everything else. The conversation was very easy with her. All the way home we were just talking and catching up.
When we got to their house all the brothers just walked in and straight away were met with their dog. Trev was so happy to see them. He was wiggling his tail.
"Oh.. brothers are back Trevor...look at that happy boy" Their mom smiled.
"And Matty brought you new best friend" She aded happily and I smiled and kneeled to give Trevor my hand to sniff.
"Hi buddy I heard so much about you...you're so cute...oh yes you are" I smiled when he let me pet him.
"Probably more than about me, huh?" Their dad walked out from the living room and smiled.
"Hi everyone!" He said and each of his boys hugged their dad hello.
"Good Morning.." I smiled standing up from the floor.
"Hi y/n, I'm Jimmy" He smiled at me and I shook his hand gently and he stroked my arm warmly.
"It is so nice to see you... We were waiting to meet you I am so glad you could visit with boys. " He said and I smiled even more.
"Me too..." I truly said.
"Okay... we are going to put the stuff away and rest a little bit" Matt said.
"Yes.. You guys go, sweetheart if you would ever need anything let me know... I put extra stuff in their bathroom for you and please feel like it is your house" Marylou said and I smiled.
"Thank you..." I said.
We went to Matt's room and I smiled.
"Your parents and brother are just as you said... I am sorry I was stressing out so much. And your house is just so warm and feels like family and love" I said looking at him.
"I told you... Yes, I love coming back home...nowhere feels like here and now that you are here. I have all I need" He kissed me gently and I wrapped my arms around him.
"I love you.."He said when he moved away and I smiled.
"I love you too" I said back and he smiled and kissed my nose.
He always did that and I loved it. He was so cute for that.
"Okay... I will show you whole house later, you go to the bathroom first and than we can have a nap if you want or whatever. Mom said we can eat dinner together" He said and I nodded.
I loved being in Boston. First few days we all spend together. They were showing me around but also we had family movie nights and game nights. I felt very welcomed and part of the family. Their family was everything I ever wanted for my future family.
"Where are we going?" I asked one evening when Matt told me to dress warmer and take a hat.
"Oh.. remember how you told us you never ice skated before?" Chris smiled at me.
"No way...."I said.
"Oh yes way! We kinda booked our old ice ring for the evening" Nick said and I looked at them.
"Thats so cool! I cant wait to see you guys on ice" I said.
"Thats what they said about you" Nate laughed from the back.
He was also going with us.
Once we were there boys collected all the stuff they needed from the trunk and we went in.
"Here I bought this for you. I will help you put them on" Matt said handing me a box with a smile.
"You bought me ice skates? Matt..."I said and pouted my lips.
He kissed my lips and smiled.
"I always wanted to take you and I do not who actually wanted to see you on ice more me or my brothers" He laughed.
We sat on the bench and he helped be put on the skates after he put his own.
"Ready?" He asked and I looked at rest of the group already skating on ice. They were fast. Matt reached for me with his arms.
"Okay.. but do not let them run me over” I said standing up and not letting go of Matt's arms.
"I would never" He laughed and we slowly entered the ice.
"Yes!! Go y/n!" Nick clapped his hands for me and I smiled but concentrated on keeping myself up. He was filming me.
"Slowly...move your legs like you would roller-skate, you did that before so it should be easier" Matt said.
I did as he asked me and I was able to move myself. He let go of one of my arms.
"I think I got it!" I said happily but it caused me to lose my balance and I somehow fell on my bum.
"Ah..baby are you okay?" Matt helped me up and all of them gathered around me.
"Yes... guys I like fell skating 1 mile per hour and you gathered here like I was gonna die here” I laughed.
We spent all evening on ice and I got okay to the point where Matt wasn't scared that I am going to kill myself. They were also filming for a video. I helped them with the camera and was cheering from the bleachers.
I had so much fun. Here and in general. I already knew Boston had a special place in my heart. Seeing boys how they were here with their family and friends. I knew I would always want to be back here with Matt.
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eskumii · 3 months
soft yandere!genin!sasuke uchiha x reader hcs
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TITLE: " BAD ROMANCE " — navi. — read part two.
A/N: i'm clearing out my drafts ,, was in a huge naruto phase when i started this blog!
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☆ genin sasuke is pretty mean. he doesn't notice you for your looks, personality, or even your prowess as a young kunoichi. you're just... you. in which, you don't cling to him like sakura does, and you aren't delusional like ino is. you're just okay at first, and there's not much he can go off of when he never really interacts with you. it's nothing personal, really.
☆ although sasuke is typically not a stranger to the prospect of romance, the reason why he doesn't indulge is simply because he fails to understand what romance is. if sasuke is anything, he's aware; of his surroundings, the people in it, and the turmoil that churns inside of him. the more he loves, the more he'll eventually hate, so he gathers that there's no room for it in his life. it's his curse to bear.
☆ genin sasuke would eventually notice you after being placed on team seven together, of course. you're pretty hard to ignore from thereon. in between the bouts of sakura clobbering him and naruto screaming in his face, his eyes are on you. both naruto and sakura wear the extent of their capabilities on their sleeves, but you're hard to read and that intrigues sasuke.
☆ it's not until much later that sasuke notices his feelings for you are much different than before. after all the trouble you've been through together (near death experiences & the dreadful antics of naruto), he feels like he's finally got a foothold on what it is that makes you so interesting. he's not a moron—yes, it would appear that he does like you beyond the "like" that he holds for the rest of team seven. however, it's such a foreign feeling that he's not even sure how to handle it, being that he's never had to deal with it before. does he tell you? does he not? would you even feel the same?
☆ in the end, sasuke shows his fondness for you in more subtle ways. it's not really his style to outright confess. sometimes he'll ask you to spar with him (alone, which he stresses), or he'll happen to have a "spare" tomato (or onigiri, if you don't like tomatoes) on him when you complain about being hungry during missions. if you get ambushed by rogue ninja on a mission, he'll instinctively step in front of you, or if you're out of kunai he'll lend you a couple of his—things like that. he's quite thoughtful when he wants to be.
☆ even under sasuke's merciful tolerance of you, you're not off-limits when it comes to his biting insults and sarcastic comments. normally he doesn't speak much but with you he becomes rather talkative, if you can even call it that. when someone else tries to butt in, sasuke's brooding and murderous glares scare them away. they should really know better than to talk to you when he's around.
☆ sakura obviously hates that you've suddenly become the apple of sasuke's eye when she's been vying after him since their early days at the academy. you're not even that pretty, honestly. but any attempt to sabotage you or make you look like a fool in front of sasuke is thwarted... by sasuke. he always thought of sakura like a whining gnat in his ear so it's amusing to see her cry when he blatantly ignores her for messing with you.
☆ when sasuke leaves the village, you're the first person he visits beforehand. you're asleep but that's just fine; actually, it's perfect because you don't see how he gently caresses your hair and how he gives you a kiss on your forehead. you don't hear him when he finally admits that he likes you. loves you, even. you don't hear him when he says he wishes he could take you with him.
☆ but don't worry, he'll be back for you...
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brodieland · 2 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 always matching, now the matched ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x Fem!Eros!Reader Synopsis: A road trip with Percy already left you spinning, now you got a dream from Eros to decipher Warning(s): guys I said the f word lock me upp Word Count: 2061 Part 1
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It's been about a week since you and Percy brought over 7 year old Delilah back to camp. It's been about a week since those excruciating long hours stuck in a car. And it's been about a week since those late night talks with Percy, where you opened up like you never had with anyone.
You've felt... awkward? You didn't really know what it was, but ever since the little road trip your recurring dreams of your mom depressed over your dad have stopped. You hadn't seen Percy around as much, he'd been pretty busy doing head counselor duties. So was Piper, since she was also a head counselor.
You walked out your cabin and saw little Delilah sitting alone in front of the Hermes cabin. Since arriving she hadn't been claimed yet, you could tell she might've been a little sad about it, but that was normal for lots of campers. Sucks but it is what it is. You made your way over, "Hey Delilah, you feeling okay?"
"I'm okay, I just miss my dad," she frowned. You weren't really sure how to comfort someone when it comes to their dad, but you did your best.
"Your dad told me your like gardens," that seemed to catch her attention. "Wanna get some strawberries together?"
She smiled wide and nodded fast. You picked her up piggy-back style and skipped over towards the strawberry fields. "Woahh."
"Woah indeed," you said as you plopped her back down. You followed behind her as she roamed through the rows of strawberries. When she sat down by a bush, you sat next to her as you both enjoyed some strawberries together. "Taste good right?"
"Super," she giggled. "Y/N?"
"Is Percy your boyfriend," Delilah ask. You let out a tense chuckle, you were definitely caught off guard.
"Oh uh, no. He's not my boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend."
"Oh okay," she frowned. "He looks like he likes you, you know."
You couldn't tell if it was the summer sun or Delilahs teasing, but you were starting to sweat. Crushes weren't something you'd ever have, to be fair they were something you'd sworn off. And as far as you were concerned, people weren't really having crushes on you. "No he doesn't, we're just close friends."
"There you are," speak of the devil. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
And there he was, Percy! "Wow, haven't seen you in a minute."
"I've been busy being important," he joked as he took a seat next to you and Delilah. "Hey there Delilah."
He held out his fist which she bumped, "Hi Percy!"
"So whatcha guys talkin about?"
"Oh nothing!"
"Okay don't tell me," Percy dragged while looking at you up and down. Before you could say anything Delilah let out a loud and content sigh.
"Guys, look! I did something to the strawberries, taste them now," she handed you both a strawberry and they may have been the best strawberries you've ever tasted.
"Holy sh-" you smacked Percy's arm before he finished his sentence. "Ow."
"You'll be so okay its not even funny," you and Delilah laughed.
"Anyways," Percy continued. "How'd you do that?"
Before Delilah could answer, wheat, daisies and poppies appeared over her head. She was getting claimed by Demeter. The little girl started jumping up and down as she pulled you and Percy into a group hug. While in the hug, you saw Percy looking into your eyes and your mind just went blank. Before you knew it Percy stood up, grabbing Delilah in his arms, "Lets take you to met your siblings yeah?"
"Yeah!" Percy treated the younger campers so well, it made your heart melt. You stood by the Demeter cabin's door as Percy left Delilah with her new siblings, watching her fit in immediately. As you watched Percy, you remembered something he said, 'I knows there's someone out there ready to love you, trust me.'
What did he mean by that? You and Percy were walking side by side out of the Demeter cabin. You didn't realize how long you were quiet for before he broke the silence. "You there? Why're you so silent?"
"Oh," you stammered. "It's nothing."
"You know you can tell me anything right? There's no reason for you to be nervous or something."
You paused for a second. "When we got back. You said something, you told me there was someone out there ready to love me, and you looked so serious. What was that supposed to mean?"
You turned just to see him smiling down at you. Before you registered anything Percy just ran his hand through your hair and just draped it over your shoulders, holding you close for a second. "Cupid really is just a nickname, not a real title. Hmm?"
You just tilted your head as Percy excused himself, claiming to still have more jobs to attended too. After a couple of hours, it was curfew time, so you headed back to your cabin to get some sleep. The dreams were back, but this was different. It was new, and it didn't have anything to do with your mom any more.
You stood in the middle of an empty beach. No, not just any beach. It was the one at camp. As you looked around and realized it wasn't so empty. You saw a girl sitting by herself watching the sunset, when a boy made his way over. They started talking, though they were too far away to pick up on what they were saying. The closer you got, the more familiar they looked.
It was you and Percy. It was you and Percy the day you met.
Suddenly the setting changed and it was dark out. You turned around and saw orange and red colors blazing in the campfire. And who were the only people there? You and Percy. It was the day you both couldn't stop burning your marshmallows. You remember this, he almost burned your finger.
The scene changed again, and again, and again. They were all past memories of you and Percy throughout all the time you've known him. Right now you were watching the late night talk in the car with him.
One last time, you're back at the strawberry fields, watching you and Percy stare into each others eyes. Fast forward, now you're watching him pull you close. Why were you seeing this?
You and Percy disappeared, but you stayed back in the middle of camp. You looked around, but saw nothing.
"I know what you want, my girl." "People don’t change, not really."
"Who are you," you called out.
"I've been watching you. You're quite the stubborn one aren't you?"
You stoped moving for a second, "Dad?"
"Why are you denying love for yourself? Why aren't you allowing yourself to enjoy something like love?"
"You saw what you did to mom, why would I let myself fall in love like that," anger started to seep into your voice.
"Oh my dear. How naive you are, love is a natural force. As natural as fear, it cannot be avoided as much as you try."
Your breathing started getting faster, you started hearing Eros' voice come closer from behind you. When you turned around, you saw something flying towards you.
It was an arrow, landing straight in your heart.
You sat straight up in your bunk, covered in sweat. You were breathing hard as you looked around, making sure you didn't wake anyone else up. You checked your window and saw it was still dark out, probably uaround 3AM. You quietly slipped out of your bed and made your way to the bathroom. You stood there staring at yourself in the mirror.
An arrow landed straight through your heart. Your heart started beating faster, the sweating getting worse. 'Love is as natural as fear', you've never felt love, and all you're feeling right now is fear. You didn't want to end up like your mom. You know what Eros was saying when he was showing all the memories with Percy. And you didn't want to say it out loud. You looked down and saw your hands shaking. You took a deep breathe before heading back out and go to bed. Keeping yourself up wasn't going to make you feel better, so you just fell back asleep.
The next morning you woke up by getting violently shaken awake. "Hello???"
You groaned as you sat up, meeting with a pair of beautiful sea-green eyes. "Finally your up, you missed breakfast you know."
"Oh-" you started stammering over your words. That dream really messed with your mind. You really needed a shower, the sweating was getting out of control. You may have had a problem.
"Y/N, are you okay? You look a little.. red? Are you sick," Percy asked as he brought his hand and placed it on your forehead. You swatted it away and quickly made your way to the bathroom, again.
"I'm fine," you ran into the door, and Percy just couldn't help but stare at you confused. You just opened it and locked it behind you, hoping to wash off your embarrassment in the shower.
You wanted to spend the rest of the day avoiding everyone. Everywhere you walked, you saw a spot from your dreams, or a spot you made memories with Percy. Percy. Stupid Eros. You decided to just ignore the dream, put a bathing suit on and relax by the beach. The sound of the ocean calmed you, no matter how much they reminded you of Percy. Or maybe that's why you liked them so much.
As you sat with your knees to your chest, you saw a shadow looming from behind you. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to know whose toned figure was approaching behind you.
"Hey Percy," he took a seat next to you, mirroring the way your sat.
"Hey Y/N," he greeted as he stared out toward the ocean. You both sat in silence enjoying the scene in front of you. "What's up with you?"
You were quiet, feeling conflicted on whether or not telling him of your dream. "Getting over your fears isn't as easy as people say."
One thing you love about talking with Percy, is that he just listened. Never asked a million questions, or cut you off, or made you feel any less when you opened up. He just listened.
Love. You just said love.
"I had a dream," you turned to see him looking at you, eyes encouraging you to continue. "It was Eros, he was trying to tell me something. I mean the message was pretty clear, he shot an arrow through my fucking heart."
You chuckled and Percy looked a little confused. "It scared me."
"Wanna talk about the rest of the dream?"
You watched the waves for a moment before continuing. "It just started with a bunch of memories of us, from when we first met to now. He called me naive. Naive, for thinking I can avoid falling in love. It's funny, that's what I called everyone else in love. Naive."
"What are you saying," Percy asked softly.
"I'm saying, to be in love is to be dumb and afraid. And I'm stupid and terrified," your eyes started stinging, though nothing fell out. "You know, my brain just goes blank when I look at you. I think I'm going a little crazy."
Percys put his legs in criss-cross apple sauce and turned directly to you. He held his arms out for you. You hesitated before going close and laying into Percy's chest. "Sounds like you might just be in love."
"With you," you whispered into Percy's chest.
"With you," you sat up and looked into Percy's face. "I'm in love with you, Percy. You told me to trust you, to trust you that someone was ready to love me. Did you mean you?"
He smiled, "I'm glad your not actually that dense." You just rolled your eyes, "Yeah, I was talking about me."
"Your not gonna disappear on me are you?"
"You couldn't pay me enough," you laughed softly at his answer.
"Can you, just, kiss me already," lots of things can change in less than two weeks.
One whose fear is someone she loves leaving her behind. Another whose fatal flaw is loyalty. What a pair.
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biibini · 5 months
okay so not many people explore this often but i think so hard about the softer side of mizu like when she was married to m*kio (🤢). Yes, we get a lot of the butch lesbian mizu content where shes the tough gf and all, but what about with a gf just calling mizu pretty!!! calling her beautiful and holding her face!!! telling her that shes the most gorgeous woman!!! MIZU DESERVES SOME SOFT COMPLIMENTS TOO ABOUT HER BEAUTY BC SHE IS GORGEOUS ! ! ! 😭❤️
fluff modern!mizu x reader headcannons
tags: fluff, mizu x reader, modern au, cute moments, pretty mizu, compliments, kissing, kisses on the cheek, gifting, flower bouquets, safe relationship, mizu deserves this :(
a/n: FUCK M*K*O !! she is my gorgeous beautiful girl!! ok school isn’t that bad but i do have a weekend trip so i'll be lowk MIA :(
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modern!mizu tries to put up a tough front
but with you, the barrier breaks down and she feels comfortable exploring new aspects of herself
she's never felt that kind of safety
she barely felt it with m*k*o after learning his true nature
as time passes by with u, she begins to bring her guard down
compliment modern!mizu and she immediately doesn't know what to do or what to believe
earlier on in ur relationship, u helped her get dressed for a sports-day after party held by the school
in celebration of a well balanced and eventful day, there was a formal event for athletes and their plus ones
and mizu didn't know how to present herself
yeah she had the clothes
but she had trouble styling it
u came over to fix her clothes in ur beautiful blue dress that totally didn't compliment her eyes
mizu showered u with compliments, saying how her "pretty girl was so dressed up beautifully"
or calling u a "beautiful sight"
without thinking, u called her "my beautiful girl" as u fixed her hair
she immediately went quiet
"Mizu?", you questioned. She had gone silent after your compliment. "Did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry, I'll just-"
You look up to find her, her mouth agape. Not out of disgust. Instead, Mizu whiplashed by your words, her face flaring red. Only three words and she's suddenly out of commission.
yeah, mizu would def short circuit
and she did for a brief moment
until she snapped and kissed u
and totally not ruin ur makeup
modern!mizu loves it when u cup her face while y'all kissing or make out
mizu mainly is the one talking and touching during heated moments but even the soft feeling of her significant other’s touch makes her stomach fill with butterflies
or if ur just chilling in bed and u start tracing her face
externally, she’s relaxing
internally, she’s mesmerized by ur touch
when u trace around her eyes and lips and play w her hair, she has never felt such softness and safety
or even if u cup her face to give her a kiss on the cheek before u leave for work or class
it makes her feel secure and happy
modern!mizu loves being called pretty
she still likes dressing more masc but that doesnt mean she isnt pretty
especially if u compliment her eyes
or her strangely healthy hair
the fact that its long and still shiny
sometimes u pray u had her hair genes bc wtf this isnt fair
“Your hair is so pretty, it’s not fair.”, you say as you play with Mizu’s hair. It was late at night and while she was busy figuring out calculations for a project, you were busy relaxing.
She hummed in acknowledgement. With her back still turned, you ran your hair through her scalp, feeling the silky texture of her raven hair.
Normally, Mizu would just tie her hair up to focus late at night. Tonight would be a little different since you were still up.
As your hands sectioned continued to run through her hair, Mizu relaxed. In a calm state, she solved the equations with ease, listening to the faint lofi studying music guide her thoughts into the night.
Time passed yet Mizu never felt it until she realized your hands had slowed down. She turned back to see you, eyes heavy and ready to doze off.
She looked back at her nearly completed homework. One problem couldn’t hurt in the morning.
Mizu shut off the desk lamp and silently collected her things in a neat pile. She rests your head on your pillows and pull the covers on top of you. With one foot into dreamland, Mizu gives you a kiss on your forehead.
modern!mizu’s favorite places to get kissed are her cheeks
she loves any kisses from u tbh
whenever u would give a goodbye kiss, she always forgets ab the “final” kiss
it’s so simple yet so endearing
when u guys first started dating, u were a little hesitant on ending the first few dates with a kiss
so u choose a simple peck on her cheek instead
u could see blush form on her cheeks afterwards
and they still flush to this day
after mizu went back to her place after the date, she would not stop smiling
it lowkey threw off ringo for a while
modern!mizu enjoys fresh flowers
it seems small but it’s a pretty reminder of ur love
she never got flowers as a gift in her previous relationship so she wasn’t use to these gifts
(yeah fuck u m*k*o)
it makes her heart warm every time she sees the vase on her desk
preferably, she likes peonies bc of how fluffy and full they bloom
but if u bring a new bouquet, she’ll gladly clean and take care of it
u insist that u will do it
but once u saw her carefully pluck and cut the bouquet, u let mizu have her way
she just looks so joyful getting new flowers to take care of
when the flowers start to fully bloom, mizu likes to check and make sure they have enough water
basically she gives them the love and care they need
(im crying sobbing while writing this)
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bbyobbyo · 8 days
You don’t usually wake up at the same time as Jihoon, but he definitely makes sure that you wake up with him everyday.
content: fluff, established relationship, idol!Jihoon x non-idol!reader, domesticity, spotify as a plot point lol
wc: 1.6k
note: inspired by this reddit post which i thought was 100% something jihoon would do especially now that i know he uses spotify lol. i feel like im the only one who finds it hardest to write for their bias, i get really in my head about whether or not im portraying him in the way I want to. i’ve never written idol!au either (bc i think it’s easy to overdo) which only adds to me overthinking ahhhh but hope that you guys enjoy this one !! as always feedback or comments are appreciated 🥰 I read all of them and they make me so happy hehe
[read pt.2 here!]
Jihoon swears there's something magical about waking up to a calm and quiet morning. The sun is barely just rising, blanketing the world in a soft twilight that cuts the dark blues of the waning night. And in his bed, he finds something equally as magical: your soundly sleeping figure next to him. The world is silent except for your steady breaths, and he has to take extra caution to not fall asleep again if just to enjoy the brief moments of tranquility like this during his otherwise busy life. Eventually he gets up to start his schedule for the day, taking one last look at your peaceful slumber in fondness before he closes the door behind him.
Make no mistake, Jihoon loves his job. Having 13 members in his group is fantastic, except when you realize that 13 people requiring styling and wardrobe before every public appearance takes a lot of time. His mornings may start early, but in reality most of his time is spent listening to music in salon chairs and dozing off in waiting rooms.
In fact, it was in the middle of getting his makeup done when he discovered that around 8:20 am every day, his Spotify (which he uses to listen to his daily Bruno Mars Mix playlist) stops playing on his phone and switches to… the speaker at home? He bought a new speaker a few days ago because the last one you had was on its last legs from years of use, but if it’s malfunctioning already then he might have to look into getting a new speaker sooner than he thought.
Upon closer observation, Jihoon also notices that the song has changed — it’s playing one of his songs, your favorite one actually. Immediately he realizes what happened. He contemplates shooting you a text to tell you to disconnect him and just sync your own Spotify account to the speaker, you’re home more often than him anyway. That thought quickly disappears, however, as he imagines you getting ready for work listening to the sound of his voice and genuinely enjoying the music that he pours his heart and soul into, he can’t bring himself to disturb you even for a moment. His eyes soften as he stares blankly at the Spotify home screen, headphones now deafeningly silent. Surely, Jihoon decides, he can live without his Bruno Mars Mix for just a while longer.
You sometimes wonder if your boyfriend is magic. Although a good morning text has been standard in your relationship since the beginning, it's starting to concern you how perfectly timed it is.
Normally, your morning routine is simple. Wake up. Get out of bed. Bump some tunes. Check your notifications. Brush teeth. Wash face. Get dressed. Pack bag. Leave the house.
You’re usually the one to text him good morning given your later wake up time, yet he’s been beating you to it lately. Yes, he knows you set your alarm 8:15 everyday because it's “the perfect amount of time you need to get ready and still make it to work on the dot”. But that doesn't explain why “rise n shine babe :))” pops up on your phone as you brush your teeth on the days you wake up early, too.
[8:06 am] you have to tell me how you do it
[8:06 am] Do what????
[8:07 am] im onto you mister 👁👄👁
[8:07 am] 👍👍👍
You spiral through the possible scenarios in your head: he has your location, but that wouldn’t tell him when you woke up right? Does your icon move around on the map? No, the location data isn’t that accurate. Maybe when you open your phone, your Facebook status shows that you’re online? No, you know for a fact that you both haven’t opened that app in years. Hmm, did he plant cameras everywhere in the apartment? Sure, you get the security utility of it but if he did it without telling you, there would be some SERIOUS things to talk about, maybe it really is all just guesswork and coincidence?
Sigh… you’ll get to the bottom of this eventually.
Jihoon doesn’t plan on telling you, but rather wants you to figure it out yourself. After all, he’s been dropping so many hints already. Your chill hangouts at his studio have a gentle hum of your favorite songs as background noise. He purposely asks you about the new albums of your favorite artists that, surprise, he’s already listened to. He even makes it a point to remind you that the speaker at home is hooked to his account every now and then.
Sometimes, he swears that you’ve figured it out and were just messing with him when you make little comments about your his song choices like “Really babe, you listen to your own songs this often? Are you sure you’re not a narcissist or something?” But besides these moments, there was no indication that you knew about his secret morning routine as you questioned him regularly about his tactics.
He has to admit, it was kind of amusing to see you growing increasingly suspicious of how on earth he figures out when you wake up, being particularly fond of the cute annoyed face you make when he tells you “No babe, I did not put an Air Tag in your pajamas, you barely sleep in clothes anyway.” Even your pout is adorable as you pretend to give him the silent treatment, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long. His little secret is safe for another day.
Jihoon has been working brutal hours lately. As deadlines for the upcoming albums drew near, his days start earlier than ever and end equally as late. However, the one thing he can always count on is coming home to you waiting for him.
It was the night of the new album release and you were more excited than usual, greeting him at the door like a lovesick puppy as soon as you heard the door handle turning. “Hi love, what are you doing up so late?” he pulls you into a quick kiss as he sets his stuff down.
“I wanted to wait to listen to the new album with you so you could see my reaction to it!” your eyes were beaming with enthusiasm. Jihoon’s heart swells at the sentiment, knowing that his partner supports him and his passions with such sincerity. You excitedly motion him to join you in your shared bedroom, full of anticipation to hear the fruits of your boyfriend’s labor for the past months. “Alright, you’re not allowed to be disappointed then” he jokes as he pulls out his phone, quickly finding the recently released album and making sure the volume is high enough before tapping the first track and handing it over to you.
Only a few seconds of the song passes before an idea flashes across your eyes. “Wait, let’s play it on the speaker!” you interrupt. You’re on your feet in seconds and before Jihoon could even reach over to press pause, you’ve already commanded your home speaker to play the track out loud. The music immediately ceases on his phone and switches over to the speaker.
Shit, he’s done for, he thinks to himself. He studies your face carefully for any indication that he’s been found out but surprisingly, your attention is laser focused on the melodies now reverberating around your apartment. You’re mostly quiet during the songs but the rhythmic nodding of your head and facial expressions are a tell all of how much you enjoy each track that plays, contorting in a myriad of impressed shapes as killing part after killing part reaches your ears.
As the album comes to an end you look like you’re about to burst at the seams. Your boyfriend can’t control his smile as compliments and detailed thoughts flow freely from your lips for the rest of the night, not ceasing even as the both of you walk through your unwinding routines together. God, you love comeback days. The elaborate music show stages that you will undoubtedly watch later that evening has already been pre-recorded, giving you precious time together in the morning before his schedule whisks him away from your arms once again.
As you get ready for bed, you drift off to sleep knowing that tomorrow, for the first time in what seems like forever, you can finally tell him good morning in person before he can.
Your alarm rings at 8:15 am. Jihoon doesn’t need to be up this early, but he would do anything in order to be the first thing you see when you wake. You roll around in his embrace and press a kiss to his cheek. “Good morning” you both whisper to each other at the same time, sending you both into a fit of giggles as you argue who said it first.
Jihoon watches in adoration from the bed as you so naturally go through your morning routine, one that he misses out on more often than he would like. Today, you forgo your usual morning songs as you queue up your personal favorites off the new album, much to his delight. He tries his best to burn this scene into his memory as you gather your things and prepare to head out, giving him one last kiss. You’re about to unlock the door when you pause in your tracks.
“Hmm?” he hums back from the bedroom.
“Enjoy the speaker, I can’t kick you off today.” you say with a smirk on your face as you exit the apartment, leaving Jihoon speechless.
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princessmaybank · 5 months
Ride The Cowboy
Pairings: JJ x BestFriend!Fem!reader
Warnings: MDNI, riding, creampie
Summary: JJ got a new cowboy hat and reader has no idea about the rule.
Authors Note: I had a smut written for a request. It was JJ and reader with the cowboy hat rule but it got deleted! It was anonymous so I hope whoever requested this sees it and enjoys!!!
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(Edit: I changed the gif bc he's got a cowboy hat on 🤭 idk who these belong to but they aren't mine so credit to whoever made these!)
JJ found this random black cowboy hat at one of our shops in town. I didn't think he was serious when he said he wanted to buy it because it's not even his style.
Anyway he's been wearing it for a fucking week, trying to act all country and it's so fucking annoying. He has started using a country accent trying to be funny, but it was just so, so lame.
We were at the boneyard having the time of our lives. JJ and I were dancing together, giggling and having some normal fun, until he started talking like he was from Texas.
I was so fed up. I reached for his hat and threw it onto my head. "Look at me, I'm JJ, all I ever do is talk with an accent and twirl around in my cowboy hat!!" I said, very annoyed with a terrible attempt at a country accent.
JJ was staring at me in awe, which got the attention of our friend Pope, whose jaw went slack as well. Pope walked over and rested his arm on JJ's shoulder. "She doesn't know does she?" Pope looked at JJ with the most dead serious look I've ever seen. What the hell was he talking about???
"I don't think she does." He grinned and started laughing. His cheeks flushed red as he looked at his feet then back to Pope. "What are you talking about?!" I asked frantically. "Have fun cowboy." Pope said patting JJ's back while walking away. I give JJ a questioning look.
He got extremely close to my body, yet he was still towering over me. Damn this boy was tall. JJ took my hands in his. "You don't know the cowboy hat rule?" He asked smirking down at me. "These things have fucking rules too???" He giggled. "Yes but this one is probably the most important." Somehow he got closer, which was surprisingly not as uncomfortable as I thought. "What is it??" I asked getting annoyed because he was playing games at this point.
"Wear the hat, ride the cowboy."
His face never changed from that smug little smirk, but my eyes got wide. I hit his chest, he was my best friend. "No way Maybank, that's probably something you made up to get you laid." He grinned. "It's not I swear, if you don't believe me look it up."
Unfortunately I did, and he was right. It was some kind of sick joke. "Well I didn't know so it doesn't count!" I crossed my arms. "Hey, rules are rules baby." He was holding my hips now. Why were butterflies filling my stomach? I've never thought of JJ this way. It would be so wrong. "So is no pogue on pogue macking!" I say trying my hardest to find a way out of this, but of course he's ready for whatever I say. "First of all, John B and Sarah are right over there, basically eating each other's faces. Second of all, it's not macking, it's riding baby." He smiled to himself because he knew he won.
JJ walked us to the Twinkie, where we wouldn't be bothered. "You just want an excuse to fuck your best friend!" I say fighting the best I could. "I could say the same about you! I didn't tell you to steal my hat! And you're still wearing it!" He laughs so hard after he gets his sentence out. I was blushing when I quickly took his hat off and threw it at him.
I was hovering over him, very anxious. He had a huge grip on my hips. "We do not have to do this if you don't want to." He says while holding me up. "JJ, I'm already naked. Plus you said it, rules are rules." Before I could change his mind or my own, I started easing myself down onto his dick. JJ let out a slight hissing sound as I went lower. Not gonna lie, I did need to get fucked. It was probably why I found him so annoying this week.
JJ helped me move at a pace that made us both feel good. "Come here." He pulled me in with a motion of his finger. "Might as well break a rule while we're at it." He smirked before attaching his lips to mine. JJ sat up and put his back against the seat, never pulling out. I pulled his hands away from my hips and to my tits, making him squeeze them as I bounced on his dick all by myself. I couldn't believe I was riding my best friend.
"Fuck Y/N/N don't stop." Woah. JJ called me by my nickname while I was bouncing on his huge cock. How fucking hot. Can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm catching feelings in the middle of all of this. "Fuck I'm cumming!" I yell as my body starts spasming, I feel his dick shoot his hot liquid into me after I was done. JJ pushed my hips up and down, helping us ride out our orgasms.
He started spooning me after I put my clothes back on and laid down. "JJ I don't wan-" Before I could finish he interrupted me. "Y/N, I can't handle it anymore. I need to be with you, especially now. Now that I've had a little taste of you, I don't think I could let you go and just continue being just your best friend." He was hovering over me now. "I was thinking the same thing." That made us both smile.
We popped up when we heard the side door slam open. "I'm assuming she followed the rules?" Pope giggled staring at JJ, making him giggle as well. They high fived as I rolled over to hide in JJ's chest.
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genderqueerpond · 1 month
You know, I think Clara knew about Amy.
Not at first, of course, but Clara grew up with her --- that is, grew up reading Amelia Williams books. And they were precious to her, books she's read many times over the course of her childhood -- how else does she know exactly which chapter holds what in the book she gave Artie? Perhaps she has always felt connected to her, this moderately obscure children's fantasy author, following in the footsteps of E Nesbit; this contemporary (and sometime friend (oh yes!) ) of Edward Eager's; although not nearly as widely known as either of these. Perhaps because of her choice to publish openly under a "woman's name", thus, in the time in which she lived, relegating her books to the inferior realm of "girls' books", despite the more than equal balance of male viewpoint characters.
But Amelia Williams is different from these authors too -- often fantasy, but sometimes more like early science fiction, a barely- recognized pioneer in both genres. Her views were feminist and daring. In so many ways she was ahead of her time, and the innovations she imagined! almost as if she knew what the future would hold.
And if Clara knows and loves her books so well, she can hardly fail to recognize the most frequently repeated character archetype in them. especially after she rereads a few on a subconscious hunch, during that summer after the Maitlands found a permanent nanny and she insisted that before anything else, she go off and fulfill her original travel plans from 101 Places To See. (The Doctor purported to leave her alone to forge her own way with this, but was in actuality very bad at that, and kept popping up nearly every place she went.) She's Clara, she's clever, how can she fail to look up from her book and notice that the person who's just appeared out of nowhere to stand in front of her with a plate of jammie dodgers and a goofy smile has stepped directly out of the pages?
And then of course, there are the dedications. Sure, there's normal stuff like "to my daughter", "to my loving and patient husband", and "to my parents, who are children now" which is rather weird and whimsical, but fits in with the fantasy author's signature style of dream-like imagination.
But the majority of Amelia Williams' dedication pages say things like "to You", "to My Doctor", "to My Raggedy Doctor" "to my raggedy man" (weird but clearly connected to the other variants), and, cryptically, over and over again: "to you", "to you", "to you", "to you (wherever in time and space you are)".
There's "to my imaginary friend" and "to my imaginary friend, and to all children who have an imaginary friend" and "to my imaginary friend, and every child in the universe who's ever met him, or ever will". Nerds and English teachers have occasionally debated what, if anything, she meant by all this, and now Clara thinks she knows, but she can never say....
And then there are the nights that the Doctor wakes up crying out for "Amy!" and then refuses to talk about it when Clara asks, refuses to acknowledge ever even knowing an Amy, "well everyone shouts random things when they're asleep, it doesn't mean anything" and "I don't remember." if pressed for details about his dreaming. And later he might go off somewhere and cry quietly, reading a book he never lets Clara see.
And then he regenerates, and calls out for "Amelia!", "the first face this face saw."
There's newborn twelve, with his Scottish accent, letting her name slip. It's the first - and only - time he's spoken of her while awake and not actively dying. And Clara is too busy with the immediate threat to their lives to think about it in the moment, but at this point she at the very least has a hunch about the connection between him and the Scottish-American author with the rather opaque background --- that as far as anyone can trace it (although to be fair, no one really cares enough to try very hard) she and her husband just kind of appeared out of nowhere in pre-WWII New York. It seems kind of obvious, now, that the doctor would have had a hand in that.
And now with all the books everywhere, the library gradually migrating into the console room, what else is obvious is that he owns every single one of her books. multiple copies, first editions, last editions, signed copies, mass paperbacks, everything. There's a TARDIS key hidden in a well-worn, well-loved, tear streaked copy of The Cuckoo And The Doll's House, which Clara finds when she's cataloging all the locations of TARDIS keys, just in case she should ever need that information one day.
This all is enough for Clara to know. There doesn't really need to be any more proof, but there is. What totally and fully clinches it are the pictures. Tucked in the pages of another tearstained book (The Beast Below this time), are photographs of Amelia, looking just as she does in her black and white author photos, but younger, and in 21st century clothes. Elsewhere, later, she finds photo booth polaroids of a still younger Amelia, goofing off and smiling. Some of them feature another young man Clara doesn't recognize, and some of them feature the Doctor. He's wearing a tweed jacket instead of his purple wool, and no vest, but otherwise he is exactly the same as the Doctor she first met. The three of them hang off each other like old friends, like family.
idk how to end this.
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imissylou · 7 months
Herbs and Spices Legacy Challenge
By Sunny & Missy
Hello! This is the first challenge my friend and I created. I had lots of fun making this challenge and I hope you enjoy it as well. I created this in only a day so there may be things that need to be added or taken away once I go through the challenge myself. Happy Simming!
This is an 8 generation Legacy Challenge. The gender and style is completely up to you (except generation 2). Complete all goals before moving onto the next generation. Make sure you look ahead each generation because some may overlap with each other (start as a teen or teen goals). I will create a base game version in the future, but for right now just skip or make up a new rule if you don't have a pack. We will be adding colour's (yes we’re Canadian), no they don't make sense with the herbs and spices, but it's fun so that's what we're going to do!! I'm playing this for the first time so things may change, please let me know if there's any mistakes or if you think of anything to add to this challenge.
You can either start off with 0 money like the original legacy challenge or start out with starting funds, whichever is more fun for you!
You don't have to level up skills to level 10, unless the job states otherwise.
Complete job career, unless stated otherwise
Complete the aspiration each generation, unless stated otherwise
Cheats are fine if it makes the challenge more fun for you, otherwise try not to make yourself have an advantage over others, cc is fine
Must complete each goal for each gen, then you can go to the next generation, You can choose to do the optional goals
I suggest life span on normal or long, short if you want stress and a challenge!
This doesn't need to be a berry challenge, but if you want to you can make everything their fav colour!! 
if you play this challenge please use #herbsandspiceslegacy
Have Fun!!
The link for the full challenge can be found below!! The first Gen will be below the cut, just to see if you like it!
Here's a google doc
Generation 1 - Paprika
You always loved kids, your job as a teacher fulfilled your needs as wanting to be a Parent, you fell in love with a noncommittle person, you thought you could change them, but one day they were gone, you still had something to remind you of them. you were pregnant! Now you're going to be the best parent ever, who needs two parents anyways.
*Aspiration: Super Parent
*Traits: Family Oriented (choose others)
*Skills: Research and debate, logic, and Charisma 
*Job: Teacher (Any Branch)
*Fav Colour: Red
*complete the teacher career
*Complete Aspiration
*Must have a male Child (you can cheat this or have a trans sim)
*Have 1 child, be super involved in their life
*Have your kid have high confidence
*Achieve either the close or supportive family dynamic with your child
*Never date or marry
Optional goals
*Master all your skills
*Get the single and loving it lifestyle
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reverie-verse · 7 months
Heyy I saw you were looking for ACOTAR requests and I was wondering if you could write a fic where reader leaves massive hickeys on Az and he doesn't notice until breakfast the next morning where the entire IC tease him for it especially Rhysand and Cassian and one of them asks if Az is mated to a vampire and Az is acting all shy but he secretly loves knowing reader marked him😵
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Azriel Shadowsinger x Reader- She’s Definitely a Love Vampire
Okay soooo I didn’t make the reader an actual vampire, but rather she was hinted as a ‘love vampire’ because why not 😂.
Sorry if the energy is a little off, I’ve been watching The Office, New Girl and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. sooooo it might be a little funny 😂😂😂
Annnnnnnddddd there’s a little snippet of smut. I might’ve gone overboard😬😁
Hope you enjoy!!! My requests are open!
Azriel had rolled over onto his side, he didn’t need to reach his hand out to know you weren’t there, through the bond he could feel how awake your thoughts were. He could feel how focused you were on getting ready for work. You walked out of the bathroom fixing your hair and your clothes, normally you would’ve been gone by now, but you ended up in bed a little longer. Azriel had propped himself up on an elbow, the silk sheet draped over his middle, bare, toned chest and abs on display, his hair tousled from sleep and the events from the previous night. Azriel already smirking at you causing you to roll your eyes, you walked over to the bed leaning down pecking him on the lips. The kiss ended up becoming more, a distraction as he sneakily reached a hand over grabbing onto your arm tugging you back towards the bed. You chuckled into the kiss as you pulled back you shook your head “ No, I can't. I'm already late as it is and you’re late for training.”
“ They won’t even notice that I’m not there, Stay” He whispers, the hand that grabbed your arm, switches to cup the underside of your jaw pulling you closer to his face. His shadows dance along the curve of your spine and into your hair. You fought the urge to give in, though every part of you wanted to right then and there. Azriel could feel it, he was just as determined to capture just as you were determined to resist. By now your body was half way onto the bed, one leg pressed into the mattress, your other leg stretched out, your toes stretching out so that you could stay attached to the floor.
“ Yes they will-“
Azriel half closed his eyes as he only hummed, his nose bumped against yours. “-No they won’t, stay Y/N.” he whispers again. The same hand that gripped your jaw slipped to the back of your head gripping your perfectly styled hair. You bit back a whimper fighting off every instinct you had, you really wanted to cave in, Azriel was there for it. He just needed to push you a little further.
He brushes his lips to yours teasingly, barely passing as a kiss let alone a peck. He instead nips at your bottom lip like you had done to him many times even last night. You tried to pull back but his massive hand held onto your head holding you in place, you instinctively reached for his wrist to pry him off. “ Az” you whispered, trying to bring him down from his heat of the moment. It did nothing, rather his lips glided down towards your neck finding your sweet a little too quickly. Your breath hitches, you grip his arm. You were about to become a liquid form of yourself in less then a second, yet you made a quick minute decision. You placed a hand on his chest pushing him back, you decided to add a little-art to the Shadowsinger.
“Let me take care of you” You whispered, choosing to play his game. Azriel didn’t budge as you pushed him back, a twinkle in his eyes suggested that he was intrigued by your feeble attempt at dominating him. But even then his own dominance outweighed yours, it was cute really, how you thought you could pull a switch on him, rookie mistake.
“ Feeling dominant are we?” He says, you felt the blood beneath your skin become hotter by the second, desire now burning through you. You were practically frozen in place, the plan you did have of teasing him with a handjob was out the window. His smirk turning into a victorious smile “ That’s adorable, really, but I’ve got a better idea”
“ fuck me..” you whine, you drop your head, knowing that this would be the end of you.
“ That’s the plan”, He pulls you on the bed, the covers floating as you collapse onto the mattress. Forget about going to work on time and forget about training. There just wasn’t going to be enough time to do it all. Not with him around and not with you around, but you both figured that it was because of your newfound mating bond that may or may not be a few years old. Still, it was fresh and new as the first time the two of you found each other.
It was breakfast time, Azriel hadn’t shown up for training and you were extremely late to work. You worked with Madja, she was training you to become the next inner circle healer. Much to her dismay she let it slide, she knew that the two of you were inseparable and that this was inevitable.. It was a fate she accepted when the male members of the inner circle had started falling off one by one, struck with immense love…Azriel had walked into the dining area of the town home. He had planned to leave for the River house. What he hadn’t expected was his brothers and his friends to be sitting at the table eating their breakfast to their heart's content. They buzzed with conversation, Nuala and Cerridwen walking to the table setting another morning dish down, Elain following not far behind with drinks in her hand.
“ Finally! Rhys and I were about to go up there and dump a bucket of cold water on you!” Cassian beams, as he stabs his food with a fork getting ready to shovel it down. Mor cringes at the sight muttering the words “Pig”. He smirks at her with a mouth full of food. Nesta on the other hand had chosen to converse with her sister Elain. Mor, Amren and Feyre engaged in their own conversation.
“Now we don’t have to, But I trust you had a good reason why you didn’t show up for training.” Rhys says as he watches his brother take a seat and begin piling food onto the plate before him. Azriel hated it when Rhys poked into his mind looking for something, or more the reason why he didn’t show up for training. The truth is, Rhys didn’t need to take a peek into his mind, the answer was before him, Azriel had no idea.
Azriel chooses to ignore his brother's piercing gaze“ I overslept,” He says simply.
“ Of course, you must’ve had a long night then?” Rhys responds leaning back in his seat, his elbow resting against the forearm, tucking his hand under his chin. He stares at him, a slow smile crawling along his face.
“ Something like that” Azriel refused to give anything up the night before. Not that it was anyone’s business.
“ Ooooooooo Azriel got laid-” Cassian smirked, as he stated the obvious. He goes to take a drink out of his cup when Feyre reaches over smacking his arm. “-oooww, Feyre?!”
“ Cass!” She raise her eyebrows at him.
“ You are a half minded child.” Mor stares at him in annoyance.
“I am surrounded by imbeciles” Amren mutters going back to her food.
“ What?! He’s got hickeys on his neck! They look like giant raspberries!” Cassian points out. All conversations cease, all eyes land on Azriel, who stops mid eating. Different expressions filled the room, Feyre shared a knowing look with Rhys and Elain, Cassian flabbergasted that everyone was mad at him. Nesta remained emotionless, Amren ignored the situation reaching for her glass to drink from. Mor’s mouth had practically hung open, as her gaze shifted from one side to the other. Azriel dropped his fork and knife onto his plate abruptly, he quickly removed himself from the seat rushing to the nearest mirror he could find. The conversation that was once halted began again. Voices booming and shouting throwing many theories.
“Oh by the cauldron” Mor whispers, her mind can’t grasp what she witnessed.
“You, busy bodies make me want to rip my ears off” Amren rolled her eyes.
“Rhysie? Feyre? Elain? Who's the girl?” Cassian questions
“ Why must you feel the need to assume we know” Rhys defends
“ You have Daemati powers, so do you, Feyre! And Elain oooo Elain you can see the future, you could’ve told us!”
“ Oh no, do not drag me into this!” She shakes her head as she waves her gentle hand in the air. Future visions were a hit or miss, she chose not to peek into anyone’s lives unless they asked.
“ He’s-but he’s so-and he never-I mean when did he-when was the last time-“ Mor was practically talking to herself as she tried to figure out the timeline. Feyre leaned over patting Mors hand as she stayed lost in thought. Feyre tried her hardest not to giggle. The yelling and the arguing continued all around. Azriel entered the bathroom, he never checked to see if you’d left a mark before going down to the kitchen. If there were marks then you’d heal them before anyone could ever notice. It's too late now. Dark pinkish purple blotches of hickeys were littered along the columns of his neck, they inch closer to his adams apple, and near the ending the collar of his leathers. His fingers danced along the area, brief images of you flashed through his mind.
Your hair completely undone, your clothes thrown over the bed, Azriel leaned back against the pillows, your hands placed on his chest holding you upright. The sounds of wet squelching and skin slapping against skin, filled the room, both of your moans repeating in unison. He let you grind and bounce against him but at one point your pace was beginning to slow down and you needed some help. His grip on your hips moved across your back to the back of your neck securing you to his chest. His other hand moved to grip the area between your ass and thigh, he lifted his legs and hips as he pounded into you relentlessly harder, his pace picking up in speed. Each time he kept hitting that one spot. Your breath catches in your throat every now and then, your lips feverishly kissing and nipping at his beautiful skin, you were encouraging him to keep going. Azriel enjoyed it, thrived on it.
Your hands that were in his hair released their hold, you reached to grip his arms, the sheets, the headboard anything, You whined and moaned the pleasure becoming overwhelmingly delicious. “ Fuck-Az-“
“ Feels good doesn’t it?” He hums with you as he rolls his hips hitting impossibly deeper into you. At this point you were becoming a babbling mess, drool was starting to slip past your lips. “You love it when I fuck you like this, needy and cock drunk” his shadows, moved to assist him, a few wrap themselves around your thighs helping their master, while the others moved to toy with your clit.
“ Ah-Ah-mmm-“ You whined
“ Yeah?” He chuckled darkly as he brought your lips back to his, as he swallowed your moans-
Banging on the door caught his attention, he heaved a quiet sigh as he yanked it open, Rhys leaned against the door, Cassian Standing directly behind him. To which Cassian scrunches his face “It looks like you got attacked by a Love vampire”
Azriel tilted his head “ Earlier you said they look like Giant Raspberries”
“ Of course but up close they look like vampire bits” Cassian squints, his eyes as he moves closer to get a good look at him. Rhys gets squished into the door, as the big man with wings tries to make it through.
Rhys turned his head towards his brother behind him “My fearsome brother, General of the Illryians is calling someone a Love Vampire. I do worry about you Cass.” Azriel fought the urge to laugh as tried to understand what his brother was getting at. Rhys turned so his back could rest against the threshold crossing his arms. His eyebrows shoot up in amusement.
“ I am a fearsome General-Don’t- Listen a Love vampire is a vampire who thrives on love. That’s what I think she is” Cassian was extremely positive in his idea that he worked on the minute he seen Azriel’s hickeys.
“ You seem oddly confident, that she is a-” Azriel replies.
“ -Love vampire” Rhys finishes for him.
“I’m serious!” Cassian swears.
“ How long has this been going on?” Rhys waves off Cassian as he questions his brother, Cassian rolled his eyes before nodding his head in agreement. Azriel uncrossed his arms scratching the back of his neck. His cheeks reddened slightly, under the gaze of his brothers who poked at his love life, it was uh- different. It wasn’t something he was used to. He’s kept you in the dark for so long now the truth is out. Not that he was mad about it, but he was nervous and shy, this wasn’t how he planned it.
“ About three years. I only found out she was my mate a year ago. The snap took place when you returned home..” He says, Rhys’s face contorted into surprised, Cassian gasps.
“ How did you meet this Love Vampire?” Cassian asks as he now crosses his own arms.
“ Cass she’s not a love vampire. She’s fae and I met her in the training room, Madja has an apprentice.”
“ Ahh lovely Y/N. She’s been helping Amren with adjusting to her new, Fae body. Does Y/N make you happy?” Rhys asks softly.
“ Yes”
“ THE Y/N?????? WHAT?????!!!!!!” Cassian booms, causing both Rhys and Azriel to glare at their dear brother. “ I can’t believe this! -Feyre call for Y/N!”
“ What?!” Feyre calls out from the dining room.
“ Cass I don’t think that’s necessary” Rhys sighs.
Azriel growls at his brother “ Cass don’t-“ Cassian moves away from his brothers and the bathroom heading for Feyre. His wings flared behind him. Within a few seconds you had appeared into the home. You standing next to Feyre checking up on her since she had called upon you. You however were slightly distracted by Azriel’s presence through the bond. You could feel his anxiety mixed with a type of shyness. Rhys was nowhere to be found. Cassian marched into the room grabbing your arm and dragging you towards the bathroom.
“ Cass-I have to go back to Feyre- She called for me-why are you dragging me to the bathroom?” Rhys stood in the front of the doorway blocking your view from the bathroom. You knew Azriel was behind him but the fact that Rhys stood in your way told you something was off. Not to mention how Azriel felt exposed through the bond. “Is everything alright?” You tried to peer over Rhys’s shoulder but you couldn’t, you were too short.
Rhys nodded “ Yes everything is alright, Cassian decided it was his business to announce your relationship between you and Azriel out loud”
“ My-My relationship but-“ You cleared your throat “-I don’t know what you are talking about…”
“ Yes you do, and I am appalled that you as your best friend never told me about this!” Cassian fake cries “ Just show her Rhys” He turns away covering his face. You rolled your eyes, Rhys fighting his own laughter turned to the side allowing you to see your mate, your husband, standing there with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Ooh-nooo… I am so sorry” You winced as you stepped through the bathroom forgetting about how your relationship is now known to the entire inner circle. You reached for his face and jaw. Azriel placed his hands around your hips, his thumbs caressing your sides.
“ It’s fine.” He whispers, his sheepish smile turning warm and inviting, happy.
“ No it’s not, normally I’m not this careless-I’m sorry” You turned his head to the sides, you ran your hands along the column of his throat the hickeys healing with each tender touch. Rhys and Cassian grinned from ear to ear, as they left the space, giving the two of you some privacy. He reached a hand upward to cup your own cheek
“ It's alright Y/N, they were bound to find out eventually, it was a matter of time. Cass thinks you’re a Love Vampire” Azriel chuckles.
You laughed softly, shaking your head, you removed your hands from his neck. “ Of course he did, he’s been trying to guess who I spend all my time with for the past two years” You moved out of his hold and toward the door. It was still open and the voices of your friends sounded off in the background. Azriel reached for your wrist, pulling you back to him. He leaned down, capturing your lips with his, the kiss slow and sweet. He pulled back resting his forehead against yours. “ We gotta go Az” You tell him gently.
“ I know, just a few more minutes” He says with his eyes closed.
“ Az we can’t” You giggled.
“ If we go out there I have to share you”
“ Yeah well you can blame Cassian for that. Come on” You pulled away, you took his hand in yours tugging him out of the bathroom. He reluctantly follows you out into the open, where the entire inner circle beamed with excitement.
Rhys smiled with Feyre tucked under his arm, who shared the same expression. “ I do believe you owe us an explanation”
“ A love story perhaps” Elain chimes in.
“ Can someone tell the story because I want to know how this was kept secret the whole time” Cassian shouts from the back. Nesta shakes her head barely there but a noticeable grin shines. Amren crosses her arms and even she couldn’t fight the happiness she felt. Mor squeals with joy as she rushes towards you taking you into her arms. A pink tint flushed against Azriel’s skin,his hand still connected to yours as he pulled you back towards him after Mor let go.
You looked at Azriel ‘It’s your call’ you tell him through the bond. Azriel returns your heartfelt gaze, a simple nod was all you received. It was your okay signal, you squeezed his hand pulling him back to the table. Everyone sat down, an extra chair was added for you so that you could sit next to him. The two of you looked toward each other one more time as you both took a deep breath releasing all the nervousness. Your gazes drift back to the group.
Azriel clears his throat. “ Do you remember that time I disappeared for a few days-“
“ WAIT? YOU-“Cass started
“ SHUT UP CASS!” The entire group shouted at him, the two of you chuckled, as the group began to argue again. The two of you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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paradiseprincesss · 15 days
OMG OMG OMG. now i KNOW you aren’t taking requests. but im helping you out with your cillian story. reader is having an affair with cillian, they meet either on set or at an awards show and she’s whipped for him. but he just won’t leave his toxic wife. all to the song fantasize by ariana 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️
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fantasize - cillian murphy x reader
notes: thank you to my pookie @ilovetoxicfictionalmen for helping me with the idea of this entire thing she served and she did not come to play i love her - okay so this is my first actual cillian fic and lowkey i was nervous to post it but slay? this is lowkey based off the ariana grande scandal lol and also completely based off fantasize by ariana grande (unreleased). also sorry if theres any mistakes i edited it but i got lazy like halfway through lmaoo
summary: cillian falls for a young, talented singer who finds out he's married, and she gives him an ultimatum; either get a divorce and then she'll give him a chance, or don't ever talk to her again because she's not that kind of girl. after nearly a year of not speaking, news breaks that he's divorced his wife - and suddenly, he shows up to her home in los angeles begging for her love because he can't seem to forget about her.
word count: 9.1k
warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, cheating/affair, divorce, age gap (unspecified but reader is early 20's and cillian is 47), fingering, p in v, general smut obviously, pining (a tad bit), pathetic desperate cillian, cillian doesn't have kids in this au
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"over here!"
"one more, just look here for a second, gorgeous!"
"are you going to be performing tonight?"
"when is the album dropping?"
the cameras flashed in your pretty face, and the reporters and paparazzi continued to yell out questions and take pictures of you as you walked down the carpet in a rush to get inside.
tonight was the oscars - it was a pretty big deal in hollywood, and as an a-list singer, you were invited to attend of course. yes, you were fresh onto the scene, so young you had barely finished high school by the time your name was being plastered in the tabloids, but now a few years later, you were a household name. your voice captured the hearts of many, and you were ever so grateful for your adoring fans.
after the release of your debut album, your fame skyrocketed. barely entering into your twenties, you already had multiple musical awards ranging from ama's to grammy's. there wasn't a person alive who didn't know your name. not only were you a talented singer who's voice hit octaves that could shatter glass, but you were a beauty icon.
with your iconic sense of style and that gorgeous face of yours, you weren't hard to miss. everything down to the last detail about you had many swooning, including some of the biggest names in hollywood. tonight, you wore a stunning, black, sultry gown custom made by vera wang herself, and matching black pumps that were from valentino. your stylist absolutely delivered on your hair and makeup so tonight - all eyes were on you.
you were rumoured to be performing at the oscars this year. the rumours had started to circulate a few weeks prior with fans getting all amped up about a possible performance from you. however, tonight you were just there to attend and look stunning on the carpet, as well as maybe catch up with some of your fellow celebrity friends. you weren't the type to step out onto every red carpet, so when you did, you made headlines.
as you stepped away from the flashing lights and the buzzing reporters, you finally made your way into the venue where the oscars were being held. this year, they had set things up a little differently than they usually did. most of the time, it was like a theatre of some kind. rows and rows of seating like you would see in the movie theatres, but this year, they switched it up. instead of the normal seating arrangements, they had cloth covered round tables with name plates.
your team got you seated at a table quite close to the front; the venue was already pretty much fully packed once you got inside, actors and singers alike were all mingling with each other. tonight, you were seated at a table with a few other young singers and talented individuals - billie eilish and olivia rodrigo being two of them.
"you look amazing." billie said to you as soon as she noticed you, and olivia looked up from her phone with a smile. "you totally do, i love this dress on you!" olivia agreed sweetly.
"oh my gosh, look at you two, though!" you say, excitedly catching up with two of your closest friends in the business. the three of you continued chatting for a while amongst yourselves, and billie pointed to the table diagonally across from yours.
"dude, cillian murphy is sitting over there - holy shit." she laughs, and you and olivia peek over at the table billie gestured to.
there at a table sat the cast of oppenheimer, and even for someone as famous as yourself - you were starstruck at the sight of him. he was undeniably gorgeous...and definitely way too old for you. you were aware that cillian was a very private guy, never really stepping out into the public eye other than to act or do a quick interview every now and then, but seeing him in person had your head spinning. he was even better looking in person than any photos that you'd ever seen of him.
as you, billie, and olivia stared at the seasoned actors and actresses seated across from you, cillian glanced over - and all three of you looked away, feeling like silly, teenage school girls. "shit," you giggle, "that's embarrassing."
"awkward." billie laughed, and olivia laughed along with the two of you. the topic of conversation switched quickly, and the three of you continued to talk about everything under the sun. eventually, the lights started to dim and the room started to go quiet as the host stepped out on stage. you'd never been to the oscars before, only other award shows, so you were watching in awe as this was your first year attending.
throughout the award show, you stole little glances at cillian; he was mesmerizing, and his blue eyes were truly breathtaking. halfway through the award show, cillians name was announced and he accepted an oscar for his performance in oppenheimer. you applauded along with the rest of the crowd, and he did his little acceptance speech before joining the rest of the cast back at his table.
while he stood up there, you couldn't help but notice how perfect he was - not a flaw existed on this man. as you watched him with hearts in your eyes, you almost felt your heart leap out of your throat as the two of you made eye contact for just a second. however, he quickly returned his gaze to something else, almost looking flustered to have looked your way.
afterwards, cillian and the rest of the cast all did a little cheers to his award. they put their champagne glasses down and continued to watch the host on stage. whilst many talented actors and actresses went up to claim their oscars, your eyes were focused on something else - rather, someone else.
you couldn't help but keep looking over at the older man across from you; nobody in hollywood had truly captured your attention the way he did. love at first sight, perhaps. sure, your sweet personality and jaw-dropping beauty had many a-list men and women swooning, but you never felt inclined to date someone in the same industry as you - they usually had a reputation. there was always something wrong with them, whether they were substance addicts or a serial cheater; you didn't want to stick around and find out.
your heart rate spiked when those stunningly blue eyes you'd been staring at all evening suddenly locked with yours once more, and you looked away hastily, out of both sheer embarrassment and awkwardness from being caught staring. you immediately started to pay attention to the award show, not daring to glance back over at his table. after the host wrapped up the show, everyone got ready to head to the oscars afterparty.
you made your way to the venue with billie and olivia, along with some other young women your own age, and headed straight to the bar. you ordered a cosmopolitan, then another, and then one more. after socializing and drinking, you went to one of the many tables scattered across the room. sitting down, you sigh and sip on your third cosmo of the night.
"excuse me," an smooth, irish accent came from beside you, "d'you mind if i join you?"
looking up in awe, you see none other than cillian murphy himself - looking handsome as ever in his suit - standing with a glass of whiskey in his hands. you felt at a loss for words, but nodded and swallowed. "not at all." you say, gesturing for him to sit.
"i'm sorry," he laughs softly, "i had to come over and say hi. i'm actually a bit of a fan. i watched your performance at the grammy's a few months ago - you're incredibly talented. you have a beautiful voice."
as he tells you this, you felt your jaw drop. cillian murphy, the man himself, thought you were talented? you look at him with an adoring smile, and nod as you took everything that he said in. if you were being honest; you didn't think he even knew who you were.
"that means, like, so much coming from you. i saw oppenheimer and your portrayal of him was amazing. everything you do is...amazing." you gush, and he smiles bashfully. honestly - you found it quite endearing that he was even approaching you and talking to you like this; wasn't he well known for being so reserved and frankly, a little shy or even awkward?
"ah, i appreciate that." he smiles softly, "it's admirable how successful you are - especially for someone so young."
you bit your lip as he mentioned your youthfulness, feeling both mentally and physically weak in the presence of this man. you felt your head spinning; was this really happening right now?
you shrug, trying to play it off as cool as possible. "i appreciate that, truly." you say softly, looking at him with the same starstruck expression as before.
he was quiet for a good minute, taking in your every detail. you noticed his eyes lingered to the dip in your dresses neckline, before speaking again in his gorgeous irish accent.
"m'sorry, you must get this all the time, but you're absolutely stunning." he says casually.
you thought you'd misheard him at first when he said those words. this was cillian murphy of all people - and he was casually throwing out compliments to you. not to mention he was more than twice your age; it was almost morally wrong. almost, but it seemed that neither of you seemed to care about that. not that you really should, anyway.
"t-thank you! i think that, um, you're..." you stammer out, but trail off. you were three drinks in, a little past tipsy, and so utterly starstruck by him that you couldn't muster up the courage to tell him how attractive you found him.
he seemed to understand your nervousness, and gently, he placed one of his hands on your upper thigh with a soft laugh. "nerves?" he asks sympathetically, and you nod your head, laughing along with him. "it's your first time at the oscars, right?"
"yeah," you confess with a smile, "sometimes, i feel like i'm still not used to the whole 'celebrity' thing."
"understandable, you're s'young. it only makes sense." he tells you, once again reminding you of how young you were in comparison to him, whilst his hand was literally resting on your thigh. "if you want, we could go back to my hotel room to chat. you know, to ease your nerves if crowded rooms aren't your thing."
you almost had to stop yourself from fangirling out loud, and with a small nod and a soft smile, you take him up on his offer. "y-yeah, okay. sure."
you were almost certain that he wasn't taking you back to his hotel room for the sake of rescuing you from your social anxiety, but you let it slide. i mean, he's cillian murphy - you'd let just about anything he did slide.
he softly took your hand in his, walking you out to the exit with him, and a few people glanced over in surprise. you tried to pay them no mind, but you knew how it must've looked to others. cillian and you got into his car with his driver, and the both of you headed back to his hotel. once the two of you got to his room, he closed the door behind him and threw his suit jacket over the back of the couch.
you stood there a little awkwardly, mostly because you were so nervous, but also because you'd never been this close with a man so much older than you before. cillian made his way over to you, and softly put his hand on your waist, his thumb trailing little circles over the fabric of your dress.
"is this okay?" he asked softly, and you nodded.
"mhm." you answer, looking up into those striking blue eyes of his.
his other hand trails up your spine, and then to the back of your neck, running his hands through your hair gently. softly, he pulled you closer, closing the gap between the two of you. you were in shock; but you kissed back. it was electrifying. here you were, standing in cillian murphy's hotel room, kissing him. you thought that surely you were dreaming.
the two of you continued to share a few more kisses which then turned into making out, and suddenly you were laying back on his bed with him on top of you. he continued to kiss you deeply, hands roaming all over your body until something seemingly got stuck in a loose thread on your dress. as you both pulled away hesitantly, you noticed something on his hand gotten stuck on that loose thread - a ring.
and no, it wasn't just some regular old ring, and surely not one just to accessorize. the gold band shone on his ring finger, and you saw it for what it was - a wedding ring. you looked down at the ring, and then back at him. how could you have not seen it before?
it seemed in this moment, he knew he'd fucked up as he cleared his throat and started to stumble over his words.
"i-it's not-" he tried to explain, "i'm leaving her."
you looked at him in shock, and in the heat of the moment, you pushed him off of you with a scoff. "you're married?" you ask angrily, "are you fucking kidding me?"
"yes, but-" he tried to interject, but you weren't having it.
"that's disgusting," you spat, "have some respect, jesus christ."
you were already getting up from the bed, grabbing your purse from the kitchen counter as your designer heels clicked against the wooden floors. everything went south so quickly; from when you met to how you ended up in his bed, making out - it was all just one big blurry mess to you now. you didn't know he was married, and if you did, you never would have accepted his offer to come back to his hotel room - let alone let him put his hand on your thigh.
"wait, please-" he begged, following you as you collected your things, "i can explain."
"really?" you asked sarcastically, "you can explain how you're married, yet you decided to take a woman less than half your age to your hotel room?"
"yes," he exasperated, "i'm leaving her, i swear. we're getting a divorce."
you scoffed, this wasn't the first time you'd heard this excuse. hollywood men were sleazy. this was a known fact, and you'd lost count of the amount of men who had slid into your dms telling you that they were getting a divorce or leaving their woman for you. it's not like you ever replied or cared to give in, but still - you knew what they were like.
cillian knew what he was saying was wrong on so many levels - but he couldn't stop himself when it came to you. within seconds of seeing you, you drove him wild. you were a type of beauty he'd never seen before, someone you just feel instantly drawn to.
"well," you say, after a riviting moment of silence, "we'll see about that." you turned to grab the door handle with your purse thrown over your shoulder.
cillian suddenly reached out to grab your arm out of instinct, not willing nor ready to let you go just yet. "please," he sighed, "please - just give me a chance." he said, feeling extremely pathetic for begging like this.
you stayed silent and shot him a stern look, and he took this as his opportunity to continue whatever tangent he was already on. "i'm trying to divorce her as quick as i can but it's just so complicated" he explained, "you're just so gorgeous, fuck, and you're- you're everything i want- no, need."
you stayed quiet for another few seconds, once again trying to process what was coming out of this mans mouth.
"listen," you sigh, "i don't mess with married men, i'm not that kind of girl - but if you actually go through with that divorce - if you're genuinely serious about that, then maybe we can talk."
and with that, you pushed his arm off of you, stepping out of his hotel room and slamming the door behind you. as much as you wanted him to be yours - you knew it was wrong. you were meant to be on your own, not with a man who was married to another woman. what kind of woman would that make you if you were to let something happen between the two of you? you could never do anything like that. i mean, you would but, you were just too nice - and too hot.
you found his driver outside of the hotel, and you told him to drive you back to your hotel. that night, you took a steamy shower to try and clear your mind - but you couldn't shake the thought of him. usually, you paid no mind to any men, married or not, but if you were being honest; you couldn't stop fantasizing about cillian.
you couldn't help but think of him in all the wrong ways while you were laying in bed. you didn't even know why. that night, you had trouble falling asleep, your mind was far too occupied by fantasies of what it would be like to be his. this was only the beginning of such fantasies that would play out in your head for many months to come, but you didn't stop yourself from imagining them.
you'd fantasize about him all the time. if he was yours, you'd give him every part of you, nine to five and five to nine. your life hadn't been the same since you met him. sure, you hated it at first but soon, those little fantasies started to fuel you. you knew he was crazy about you, too. he'd even create little burner accounts to stalk your social media to see what you were doing - but you never wanted to give off the impression that you felt the same. at least, not yet you didn't.
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it had been a hectic last few months with all the award shoes and red carpets that came after the oscars, but now you had some downtime. award season was over, and that meant you had more free time to stay out of the public eye and work on your second album, which you were excited to share. however, there was another small reason why you chose to stay out of the public eye.
photos of you and cillian, hands intertwined, had leaked to the media. apparently, the two of you in your inebriated states didn't notice some fans lingering around the area hoping to catch a glimpse of some celebrities. those people snapped some photos of the two of you, and then sold them to multiple media outlets.
the backlash was what you expected - sort of. the media had painted you to be the innocent one in this scandal, and rather cillian the one in the wrong. to be fair, that's what the truth was anyways, but you were glad that in this day and age, you had the internet backing you up and not ripping you to shreds. there were multiple articles talking about how "cillian murphy, 47, tried to take advantage" of you and how he was straying from his wife for "someone who was more than two decades younger."
you were pretty silent on social media for a while, and you only got around to updating and posting like you normally did just last week. the comments scared you as you weren't sure what people would have to say, but everyone was surprisingly supportive of you. there were minimal to no comments about the whole cillian murphy scandal, and things seemed to have died down just as quickly as they started.
now, a few months later after those pictures head leaked - cillian was still with his wife who he claimed he was "divorcing." you knew that it was most likely a front, but deep down; a part of you wished he had gone through with it, and even worse - you wished you had gone through with throwing caution to the wind and having your way with him that night. as wrong as it was, you felt your heart aching at the thought of him. sure, you were young and you didn't really know what love was, but you were pretty certain that this. was. it.
you wanted to know so badly why he was still with her, he was clearly not happy and had wandering eyes, so why was he still staying? it was a puzzle to you, and you felt yourself overthinking the simple question constantly, often letting it consume your daily thoughts. cillian wished he could tell you why, but he knew it would sound shallow. if he was being honest - he didn't love his wife. maybe at first when they got married when he was your age he did, but definitely not anymore.
their love had grown stale, and it's not like he really had a reason to stay faithful anymore besides his morals, but those morals didn't do him any good whenever he thought of you or better yet, saw pictures of you. him and his wife didn't share any kids together thankfully, and he often found himself zoning out every time they spent time with one another; his thoughts going to you instead. his wife had indeed seen the pictures of the two of you, but she was determined to let it go. apparently, the two of them were going to marriage counselling for it.
you scoffed at the idea when you read an article about it because you thought it was ridiculous. there was no point saving a man who didn't want to be saved, it would never work. but of course, you kept this all to yourself - you didn't want to give off the impression that you were okay with being the other woman because you weren't. shamelessly, you would constantly search his name up on social media or online to see any articles with updates about his marriage - and yeah, you were aware how bad that habit had gotten.
your fantasies were vivid, the memory of his hands trailing up and down your body on repeat in your mind all the time. the feeling of his lips pressed up against yours on that one, fateful night - you couldn't forget it. but that's the thing, as much as you wanted him and so desperately craved him - if he wouldn't leave her, you knew you couldn't force him to. you weren't going to wait forever, especially for a married man, and cillian knew that if he let you go, he'd come to regret it for the rest of his life.
his wife could tell. she knew that his mind was always going back to the thought of you - she could see it in the way he was acting towards her now, the way he touched her, the way he spoke to her - it almost seemed like he would try and pretend that she was you.
"honey, i don't know why you're so upset." cillian calmly explained to his wife, who was currently shouting at him in their shared home in dublin.
"you aren't even trying, cillian! it's like you don't care anymore - after over two decades of marriage you're just done?!" she screeched at him, and he rolled his eyes in frustration.
"oh, come on," he groaned, "don't be like that."
"oh, really? like i'm the one who had an affair with someone less than half my age." she sneered, and he knew that technically, she was right. she hadn't cheated on him, but he did cheat on her.
"were going to marriage counselling for it, i don't understand why you're so mad at me! i told you, we didn't even go past kissing." he huffed, and his wife was seconds away from losing it.
"how does that make it any better?" she yelled, "i know you still think about her, cillian. i went through your god damn phone! i saw the accounts you made to see what shes been posting. i know you wish that it was her in bed with you at night, sleeping by you. i saw the way you were looking at her in those pictures!"
cillian went silent at the bomb that his wife just dropped - and he couldn't even deny it anymore. of course he wished it was you in bed with him at night, and yes; if he had it his way, you'd be in her place instead. he imagined what a life with you could be like; the two of you living in a quiet, little suburban house with a few pets, and a beautiful garden - and you with a wedding ring on your finger, not his wife who he stopped loving years ago.
"you're thinking of her again, aren't you?" his wifes voice brought him out of his thoughts, and he looked at her as she had tears in her eyes.
"don't cry, please-"
"do you even love me anymore?" his wife sobbed quietly, interjecting. he sighed, staying silent, and she continued to speak to him through her tears. "i think it's best if you get it out in the open - maybe you hoped i wouldn't notice, but i've been married to you for over twenty years. i know you, cillian."
with a sigh, he looked down in shame. he couldn't bring himself to say anything, it seemed that his words got stuck in his throat at this very moment.
"your silence is enough of an answer," she said quietly, "but tell me cillian, you owe it to me after all you've put me through - do you love her?"
"i-i don't know i-" he stammered, knowing full well what the truth was; he did love you. he fell in love the moment he laid eyes on you. he fell in love with your youth, your radiance, your beauty, everything about you made this man weak. he'd barely known you for an hour and yet, he could confidently say that he loved you.
"you do know," his wife murmured, "you and i both know."
"well maybe i do," he whispered, "i can't change how i feel."
"twenty years, cillian! does that mean nothing to you?" she yelled, her rage apparent now.
"what do you want me to fucking say?" he spat back, knowing full well he was in the wrong here; but all his morals went out the window at this point, "i can't undo what i've done, and i'm sorry, okay? i'm sorry, but i also can't change the way i feel about her!"
"what's wrong with you? i don't even know who you are anymore!" she screamed at him, and now both of them were going back and forth, the argument escalating at an alarming rate.
"i don't care!" he shouted back, making his wife angrier.
"so, what now?" she screamed, "d'you want to get a divorce? is that what you want?"
"you know what? yes! in fact, i've wanted one since before i even met-"
"don't say her name." his wife spat, and that pushed cillian over the egde.
"i'm getting the divorce papers by the end of the week, and you're going to fucking sign them, i'll tell you that much." he seethed, and his wife started to throw whatever she could at him in a blind rage. as cillian ducked away from a dish being hurled at him, he decided to get one last dig in. "oh, by the way - i knew from the moment i met her, i'd much rather that she have my last name instead of you."
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when you read the article titles and news headlines, you felt your heart drop.
"oppenheimer star cillian murphy and his wife have seemingly split - here's what we know."
you quickly wash down your glass of wine, and put your phone down in disbelief. you felt the guilt sink in slowly, and it made you want to cry; you couldn't help but feel like this was your fault. that you destroyed a marriage, and you had taken a man from another woman. you knew if that even if you weren't a hundred precent of the reason they divorced, you were at least a part of it. you were sure of that.
when you found out about his apparent divorce, you were shocked to say the least; you had finally come to terms with how he was probably never going to have the guts to leave her, and that was okay with you now. you didn't want to get dragged into a messy scandal, you were okay with letting him do what he wanted - he wasn't yours to keep, anyway.
up until now, he just didn't have the heart to leave her, as the media would think he'd only left her because he got the fame, and now he wanted some young, hollywood beauty. sure, it was partially true that he had left her for a younger woman that he so desperately wanted, but they didn't know how much he loved you. the media didn't know how badly he needed to have you.
and now that you were in the picture, those rumours would look like they were true - and it would be an absolute mess. the media would eat it up. so now, to force yourself to try and move on, you were talking to a bunch of other guys, but they just weren't him.
today, you were at another event where you were currently sitting at the bar, waiting for your favourite cocktail; a cosmopolitan after your second glass of wine. tonight, you needed it more than ever. this was a huge event, as you were one of the biggest stars attending, along with some other big names in hollywood. you heard about who else was going to be there, and cillian's name was included in that conversation. you felt stupid for thinking he wasn't going to be there, his fame had skyrocketed after oppenheimer - of course he'd be there.
tonight, you made waves as you walked the red carpet in your stunning, custom made gown by none other than donatella versace herself with the perfect mix of accessories and matching heels. you looked dolled up.
oh, and you also came with another man. that's right; you walked the carpet with your rumoured new boyfriend, evan peters.
when people saw the two of you step out onto the carpet together, they lost their minds. evan was quite a bit older than you, but still - he was a little over ten years younger than cillian. once the two of you were posing for pictures as the flashing lights consumed your vision, he wrapped his arm around your waist and kissed your cheek softly. the photographers were eating this up; and they were shouting your name left and right, along with various questions.
"over here, look over here!"
"how long have the two of you been together?"
"did you have an affair with cillian?"
"what happened with cillian murphy?"
"did you hear about cillians divorce?"
the questions were progressively getting more invasive, and the two of you stepped into the venue of the event, wanting a break from the cameras and flashing lights. evan headed to the bar with you, but excused himself for a moment.
of course, the moment you were alone, you saw cillian, along with some other cast members from oppenheimer, walk in. you recognize pretty much all of them right away, and you do your best to look unengaged and pretend that you didn't even notice him.
cillian saw you instantly, but before he could even say anything or go over to you - he saw your new man return to the bar, wrapping his arms around you from behind and placing a soft kiss on your cheek. in that moment, he thought he could actually feel his heart being ripped into two, but he kept his composure and smiled at his cast-mates happily.
"another drink already?" evan teased, a smile on his face, "everything alright?"
"mm, yeah. everything is fine." you say cheerfully, even though deep down your heart was hurting at the fact that the man now sitting in front of you wasn't the man that you were in love with. "i just get a little overwhelmed at these events, you know that."
"right, i'm sorry." he says softly, taking your hand into his. "you look gorgeous tonight, sweetie."
the way he complimented you and the environment you were in felt all too familiar, and flashbacks of your night with cillian came flooding back into your mind. you mentally shook them right out of your head for the night. you didn't want to hurt your own feelings again, so for the remainder of the night, you avoided him and stuck by evans side.
cillian on the other hand thought he was going crazy. did you see the news articles about his divorce? were you in love with someone else? did you even think about him?
the following weeks had gone by in a blur as you were currently promoting the anticipated release of your upcoming album, and things were going so well for you - but you felt empty inside. you thought you were losing it, driving yourself insane over a married (well, no longer) man who you'd kissed for a few minutes in a hotel room.
two weeks ago, you broke it off with evan. you were certain it wasn't going to work, he was such a sweet guy and you knew he deserved someone else because your heart didn't belong to him. it belonged to cillian as much as you didn't want it to.
what was it with you and this man?
after breaking it off with evan, you debated texting cillian. perhaps it was just bad timing and now that he was divorced, things could work. maybe you just needed a little time apart just so that you could make your way back to each other. as you picked up your phone to try and muster up a text, you opened your social media to see that tmz had a new article up:
"cillian murphy and estranged ex-wife seen out together in dublin - what does this mean for the former couple?"
and below, there were pictures of him and his ex-wife walking side by side on the streets of ireland, and a few pictures of them in a little cafe together, seemingly just talking - but this was enough to drive you up the wall. you were done; you were out the door, and he was out of chances.
if he couldn't make up his mind, you would make up yours. opening your text messages, you scroll down to his contact. it had been months since the whole oscars incident, and neither of you had ever talked after that - he didn't even reach out to you after his divorce. so, you figured that this was just a waste of time; maybe it was best to move on from the fantasies in your head.
and with that, you blocked his number and tried not to let your anxiety consume you. to be honest, you were sort of hoping that maybe things would've worked out between the two of you; it felt like it was meant to be - but now you weren't too convinced.
currently, cillian was cooped up inside of a hotel room down in los angeles and he knew that you'd most likely seen the pictures, everyone had at this point. he tried to message you for the first time since the hotel room fiasco, but as he tried to explain it to you, his texts kept going green - you'd blocked his number. he tried calling, but the line just went dead each time.
the pictures were taken so out of context, but how would you know that? you wouldn't. in reality, cillian had agreed to meet up with his ex-wife as they were supposed to talk about divorce settlements. that was all. the two of them walked around, enjoying the sun as they tried to talk about it civilly. his estranged, and now ex-wife, took the whole situation surprisingly well.
sighing, he grabbed his car keys and his jacket, and got into his car while speeding recklessly down the freeway; his heart beating exhilaratingly. as he sped down the freeways of los angeles, he took a moment to appreciate the beauty of it all. the palm trees and the pink sunset - it reminded him of you. vibrant and beautiful. so young, so reckless, and so carefree.
as you were winding down for bed, you heard the doorbell of your beachfront property being rang repeatedly. in a state of confusion, you make your way downstairs and started wandering towards the front door. who the hell would be on your doorstep ringing your bell at such an hour? swinging the door open, you find cillian standing there like a pathetic, love-drunk fool.
"are you fucking kidding me?" you deadpan, looking at him with an expression that said the same thing as your words. after nine months he decided to show up at your doorstep? how did he know where you lived?
"i know," he began, "i know i look insane but i'm- jesus, i'm fucking crazy about you."
you stare at him wide-eyed, as this was not what you were expecting to see this evening. "cillian," you sigh, "i saw the pictures-"
"i can explain," he interjects, his voice laced with desperation, "please."
there he was; standing outside your house in the middle of the night, begging for you because he couldn't let you go. begging after he'd left his wife of twenty years for you.
"fine, just come inside. i don't want any more leaked pictures online." you grumble, opening the door fully so he could come in.
once he got inside, you closed the door behind the both of you, walking to your living room together. this was the first time in months that you'd actually talked - and even though you tried to deny it, your heart was racing at just the sight of him stood there, desperate for you. as you sat across from him on your couch, you looked at him silently, letting him say what he needed to.
"i'm so sorry for the mess that i've created." he said quietly.
"you should be." you respond cooly, trying not to let his words effect you in any way. you knew better.
"i know the last nine months have been insane," he says, looking at you with remorse, "but i mean, you can't deny what we have. i've never felt this way about anyone - i wouldn't have divorced my wife if i didn't think this was something worth fighting for."
you rub your temples, "cillian," you groan, "you can't be saying shit like that."
"why not?" he retaliated, making you scoff. "you told me to reach out to you once i was divorced and you'd maybe give me a chance. i'm doing what you asked me to, baby please-"
"don't baby me," you scoff, "you didn't tell me from the beginning that you were married. let's say i do forgive you, and we do this for real - how can i trust you?"
"i-i don't know, but i'll do anything i can to make this work." he pleaded, "i haven't stopped thinking about you since the day i met you."
"jesus, you're crazy." you groan, and to that he agreed.
"yeah, i know," he agreed, "m'fucking crazy about you."
you threw your hands up in defeat as if to say "well?" and he just looked at you in awe, his salt and pepper hair complimenting his gorgeous blue eyes. he continued to stared at you. he certainly wasn't trying to hide hide how attracted to you he was.
"the pictures of you and your ex-wife..." you said quietly, looking away from him, "i can't trust you, cillian."
"we were just talking about settlements," he said, "you know better than anyone how the media is; they blow shit out of proportion and take everything out of context. i swear that's all it was."
"you can't just show up like this..." you trail off, a frustrated sigh leaving your lips.
"is this because of your new guy or somethin'?" he huffs, and you roll your eyes at him. "no," you explain, "i'm not even seeing him anymore, we broke it off weeks ago."
"oh," he says, his eyes lighting up, "well, that's good to know."
it was silent for a moment, the two of you sitting there in each other's company, both lost in thought.
"why?" you ask suddenly, the question lingering in the tension filled air.
cillian looks at you confused, "what?"
"why does it have to be like this?" you ask, feeling the weight of your emotions bring you down. "why does it all have to be so complicated? why did you have to make it so complicated?"
"if this is about my marriage-"
"of course it's about your marriage!" you exclaim, your emotions getting the better of you, "i've spent the last nine months driving myself insane over you - god, i don't even know why. i feel this overwhelming guilt because of your divorce and-"
you pause, getting choked up as every last feeling from the last nine months decided to reign it's terror on you in that very moment with cillian sitting right across from you on your couch. every ounce of guilt that was compiled up inside of you, every bit of anger and resentment, and every negative emotion poured out from the depths of your slightly broken heart.
with teary eyes, you finally look at him again. "i feel like i wrecked your marriage, and i-i don't want to be that type of woman."
"you didn't wreck anything." cillian says, moving close to you as he placed a hand on you, rubbing your back soothingly. "i was in the wrong - i should have told you the truth. i should have done a lot of things differently. if i could go back in time, i would."
"but you can't!" you say as the tears start flowing, covering your face with your hands.
"i can't, no," he agrees, "but i'll change, i'll do anything for you."
"are you insane?" you shout at him with tears pooling in your eyes, "i don't know why you-"
"because i fucking love you, that's why." he said suddenly, looking you dead in the eyes as you both went silent.
"i'm sorry?" you ask in shock, meeting his gaze.
"because," he sighs, "i've fallen in love with you."
"you barely know me-"
"but i want to," he insists, moving closer to you. "just one chance, please."
looking up into his gorgeous blue eyes once more, you felt yourself go weak. he chased you down for months, left his wife for you, showed up at your doorstep - what more could he do to prove he was all in for you? with a trembling breath, he reaches his hand to softly cup your face, wiping your tears away with his thumb. his eyes search yours for any trace of a mutual feeling, for any indication that you might've wanted him as badly as he wanted you.
as he was leaning in, the gap between his lips and yours was getting smaller and smaller by the second. despite everything that was said in the last ten minutes, you didn't stop him. you didn't back away because deep down, you knew you needed him as much as he needed you. the pull between the two of you was unexplainable.
softly, he kissed you for the first time in nine months, and instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck. as you tangled your hands in his greying hair, he pulled you closer by your waist. while his tongue was exploring your mouth, you boldly get on top of his lap. straddling him, you run your hands in his hair once more and deepen the kiss.
"tell me you feel the same way, i know you do." he whispered against your lips, pulling away just enough so that he could get the words out.
"i feel the same, cillian." you confess in a breathless whisper, and he starts to pepper kisses down your neck, trailing them along to your collarbone.
"thought about you every fuckin' night," he murmured against your skin, "m'gonna cherish you, my love."
"i fantasized about you all the time." you admit out loud, grinding your hips down onto him.
you could already feel how hard he was underneath you, and you bit your lip at the feeling of his clothed cock pressing up against your cunt.
"mm, yeah?" he groaned, "tell me, sweet girl."
his hands took hold of your waist, helping you grind down on his lap. "i thought about y-you..." you whimpered, feeling yourself soak through your panties already.
"well, don't get shy on me now." he said lowly, his hands reaching up to squeeze your breasts, rolling your clothed nipples between his fingers softly. since you weren't wearing a bra, he had easy access.
with a soft moan, you try your best to answer him as his bulge rubbed against your cunt and his fingers tweaked your nipples, causing you to lose all inhibitions. "t-thought about your cock stretching me open," you confess, "and- f-fuck, i thought about you bending me over, making me scream all night."
"how about i help you live out those fantasies of yours, hm?" he growled, pulling you into a sloppy kiss.
as you melted into the kiss, he reached his hand down and slipped them past the waistband of your pyjama pants. he pushed your panties to the slide and let his fingers swipe through your soaked folds, making you moan into the kiss. the feeling of his fingers just simply brushing against you was heavenly, and you knew you needed more.
"you're fucking soaked, baby." he groaned, biting your lip softly between his teeth.
in an instant, he was pushing you down onto your couch. you shimmied your way out of your pyjama pants with his help of course, and he also assisted in pulling your panties down, too. as he tossed them to the side, you felt your heart palpitate at what was about to happen.
he gently inserted his middle finger into you at a slow pace, your slick walls clenching down on him from sheer neediness.
"that's a good fucking girl," he praised softly, "feels good, baby?"
"m-mmhm," you moaned, looking up at him as he hovered over you.
with one hand, he continued to play with your tits, tweaking the nipple between his fingers and with the other hand, he was fingering you gently. the act was so intimate yet sinful at the same time, it had your head spinning. the way he kept eye contact was driving you insane as you looked into his icy blue eyes.
slowly, he inserted a second digit into your drooling hole, your back arching at the intrusion and slight stretch. you let out a quiet moan, and he started to curl his fingers, fucking you with them faster and faster.
"let me hear those pretty moans, sweetheart," he cooed, "i wanna watch you as you cum on my fingers."
"f-fuck, right there-!" you whined, arching your back even further.
as he fucked you on his fingers rapidly, you could feel the coil in your stomach about to snap. as your slick walls clenched down on cillian's fingers, you moaned his name out over and over, feeling yourself drenching his hand.
"fuck, you're so pretty." he complimented, watching your reaction as you came undone on his fingers for him.
after your chest was heaving and you were left a panting mess, he pulled his fingers out gently. he helped you slip your pyjama top off, and you assisted him in undoing his belt buckle.
as he pushed his pants down, his cock sprung out. your mouth watered at the sight of it, needing nothing more than for him to be balls deep inside of your aching, needy cunt right now. he got on top of you hastily, stroking himself a few times before he lined himself up with you.
he teasingly brushed his pale, pink tip through your sticky folds as his pre-cum leaked out, and you whined with desperation.
"i fantasized about stretching you open on my cock." he admitted suddenly, biting down on his plush lips. "i thought about how you'd look with it buried deep inside, begging me to let you cum."
his vulgar words went straight to your core, and you looked up at him with a rosy hue covering the apples of your cheeks.
"show me," you whimpered, "make me beg to cum on your cock."
it didn't take much convincing before he suddenly pushed into your warm hole, stretching you out beyond belief. you could feel him fill you fully, and you almost choked on air at the sensation of his cock actually splitting you open like he promised. even though your cunt was dripping, he was still met with some resistance just from how tight you were around him.
"jesus, baby," he groaned, "what a tight fucking pussy."
"uh-huh, y-you're so big-" you squeak, and he started to move in and out at a fast pace, barely giving you time to adjust.
as his cock filled you fully, you swore you could feel him bulging in your stomach. his fat, veiny cock was reaching places you didn't even think were possible to reach, and places that his fingers certainly couldn't. he continued to push deeper inside of you with harsh thrusts, knocking the wind out of you each time his cock brushed up against that spongy spot inside of you.
you closed your eyes as your slick started to drip down onto the couch. you'd never been so soaked in your life. he tapped your cheek a few times, causing your eyes to flutter open. softly, he cupped your face with one hand while the other held an unwavering grip on your leg, lifting it up over his shoulder so he could fuck you even deeper.
"look at me, sweetheart," he commanded softly, making you clench on his cock. "oh," he noticed, "you like it when i talk to you like that, huh?"
you indeed liked when he talked like that - scratch that, you fucking loved it. he could feel you squeeze his cock with your dripping cunt each time he just spoke, his voice bringing you closer and closer to the edge once more.
"cill, i-i...fuck!" you screamed as his cock brushed up against that sensitive spot inside of you, causing you to suddenly lose all ability to speak properly.
"hm, sweetheart?" he cooed lovingly, but continued ramming into you ruthlessly.
your pussy was soaked and stretched, and as you kept your eyes on his - you watched him in awe. the way his pink lips were slightly parted, his salt and pepper hair disheveled, and his brow furrowed. it was driving you into a permanent state of euphoria.
"i love you," you gasped between breathless moans and incoherent begging, "so much."
your pupils were blown, staring up at him with such intensity he thought he was going to break right then and there.
"fuck, sweetie," he groaned, "i love you, too."
"i-i'm gonna cum, r-right there-" you begged him, "please, can i?"
"cum on my cock, cum right fucking now." he almost growled, pounding your tight, sopping cunt mercilessly. his pace never wavered, and he continued to fuck you into euphoria, studying you as you tipped over the edge from his thrusts.
with a groan, he came with you. he filled you with everything he had, fucking his cum so deep into your cunt you could almost feel him bruise your cervix. after his cock spurted the last bits of his cum into you, he was a panting, love-drunk mess propped up above you.
you were just as fucked out, smiling at him dopily while his cock remained buried inside of your warm walls. cillian brought his hand back up to your face, brushing a strand or two out of your face before placing a gentle kiss on your swollen lips.
"my love," he whispered, voice saccharine, "you are everything to me. everything."
"i adore you." you say softly, letting a heavy breath out.
"we'll make this work, i know we will. i just can't live a life without you in it." he tells you.
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the crowd cheered, giving you a standing ovation as you finished your performance. you smiled bashfully and yelled "thank you new york!" into the microphone as the final show of your tour ended, and you waved goodbye to the thousands of fans in the arena.
rushing backstage after your show, you run into cillians arms and he hugs you tightly. he places a soft kiss on your head as you smile up at him sweetly, and looks at you with a proud expression on his face.
"you were amazing, love," he says softly, pulling you into his side as the two of you walk into your dressing room, "m'so glad i could join you for the last half of your tour. love watching you perform, s'amazing."
"oh, cill," you smile bashfully, "shush, you're too sweet."
"my lovely wife," he sighed, kissing you softly, "i'm just so proud of everything you've done."
you sigh blissfully as he holds your hands in his, and you head back to the hotel your staying at before your flight tomorrow morning. as your head hits the pillow, you feel exhausted and like you haven't slept in ages. cillian wraps his arms around you, spooning you as you turn off the light.
"goodnight, mrs. murphy." he whispers softly, holding you in his arms.
now you didn't have to fantasize about what it was like to be his anymore - he was all yours now, and you were all his. last name and all.
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my taglist (join here!): @seaamonster @nocturnest @bloodandglitter207 @humbuginmybones @futurefamousdeadmusician
@jonathancraneslittlepet @abigailinterrupted @kpopgirlbtssvt @ll4n4 @ilovetoxicfictionalmen
@the-buddy-things @ellebelleshelby @wiseyouthinfluencer @minedofmoria @aprilsfrog05
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devoutekuna · 13 days
Matching outfits
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Sukuna doesn't know how to make clothes, nor does he want to learn. So he raids a village in hopes to find a fashion designer who could make his daughter a matching outfit. "Tell her then" annoyed at the fact that he even had to do this. "I want to be matching dad!" Jumping at the idea of matching her father, he was her idol, wanting to be like him when she grows up, much to your dismay. "You want to be just like him?" Dreading for the poor girl's future. Trembling at the sight of the four armed man.
Atleast a week later, he had returned with his little girl. "Look daddy!" Jumping up and down as she showed the kimono. "Yeah yeah" laughing at how excited she was. The woman still bowing, not daring to raise her head from the ground.
Nanami- is very thoughtful, so when he hears that his daughter wants to be like him when she's older, as much as he doesn't want her to become a Jujutsu sorcerer he goes in full force, hiring someone to make an exact replica of his outfit, even adding in a skirt for her to have options.
"See daddy! Now we're matching" twirling around, she added her own little twist to the outfit by having a skirt on since she wasn't feeling the pants. Sat on the sofa trying to catch up on some paperwork, he almost spat out his coffee from how cute she looked, hair tied up in two pigtails, even the same tie and shirt colour, green glasses to complete her look. "Awe, you look pretty sweetheart" patting the cushion beside him.
"I'm done!" Bringing his son out to show you, holding his son by his armpits, feet dangling in the air. "I made him look cuter!" Chubby cheeks flaring a shade of pink as if he was about to cry. Your son looked rather cute, wearing the exact same uniform like salty always wore, they were identical, both white hair and blue eyes, defying your genes entirely. "My baby has always been cute" taking him from your husband's hands, laying him on the sofa. Grabbing his pink cheeks, only making him cry. "Satoru!" Slapping the back of his head. "I didn't mean to" trying to defend himself.
"I need a matching robe for my daughter, I'll raise your rank if you get it done by next week Sunday" That's what he explained to the fashion designer a few weeks ago, that's exactly what he did, gave the follower a slightly higher rank, he was thinking about killing them but he atleast had some sympathy left. It was the anniversary of becoming a leader so if course he wanted to celebrate, bringing his daughter along in a matching outfit, she looked so much like him, like a gender bend version. "Ah, daddy I look just like you!" Giving herself a quick twirl before walking out of the curtains, standing Infront of all her father's followers. "Yeah you do" patting her head as he overtook her, sitting down.
Normally he never plans stuff out but the second he heard the news that you were pregnant he's already planned out the gifts. "How about this?" Showing you the outfit he styled on his daughter, the little girl wearing a black bodysuit with a pair of grey sweatpants. "So you dressed her up like you?" Looking back from the sofa, you had to admit that she did look sure as she matched with her father. Minus him not wearing a shirt.
"Yes" saying it proudly as he placed himself on the sofa, right next to you. She seemed to enjoy the outfit as much as he did, clapping her hand as she stuck her tongue out.
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karoochui · 7 months
What im hearing is:
Little crow feet outside my window bcs im feeding them- that’s besides the point!
Is there magic??? His shovel looks magic and they look magic
And do give me every detail you are thinking of for the series even if its in the distant future or not that relevant but you want to share
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Crows!! Cute!! Also sorry i didnt get to this sooner my laptop BROKE (still broken but usable) and my mom and i have been looking for someone to fix it. Ive been drawing with it sparingly to be careful.
YES there is magic. Of course im still working on this storywise but im getting characters designs n whatnot done right now. Dynamics n stuff. BUT i do have some refs i made before my laptop broke.
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I like to draw out certain stuff so that it helps with descriptions in the future; i have the worst memory so it helps to be able to do so. (More beneath cut)
Im so excited for moon's shadow form. Oh my god. Its probably my favorite thing right now.
Fun thing about it is that in this form he can touch you but you cant touch him. Something something you can be cast in shadow but you cant take it off yk? He's still light sensitive like this though, so if the area hes in isn't dark enough or he's hit with anything too bright he just reverts back. At that point he'd just have to rely on normal hand to hand stuff and his sand lol. The shadow form is just better for sneaking and speed. Really, he's some amalgamative idea of the sandman and boogieman. I thought it fit well with his whole "naptime attendant gone wrong" thing.
Sun's design, however, is more like if you mixed a cowboy, wizard, and gravedigger together. I made it a while ago on a whim with no intention behind it but then i ended up thinking "ykw would be so awesome".
The hat dips to cover the crescent side of his face (not intentional on his part) to symbolize his resentment towards moon and how he basically damned him to an hourglass. His eyes are easier to see bc of this which could seem more trusting (eyes are the window to the soul or whatever), but the thing is thats not normal for him (as we know) so it's meant to make him look suspicious and looming to 4th wall viewers. There's also the fact that i just thought it was cool too.
He also doesn't get a second form. Moon's sneaky and weird so i thought it would fit to give him some freaky thing iykwim. Sun, however, is a pretty "in your face" kinda guy, so his look and fight style is more extravagant and boisterous. Lots of swinging amd yelling and boom bang zap! Despite the showiness he's actually a longer range fighter. Mainly because unlike moon, thousands of years ago, he wasn't often one to get violent with his hands. His weapon is just obnoxiously large too though.
They are still one animatronic and their transformation is still triggered by light. Instead of an AI chip though (which is still in there but long dead), they live through the work of a soul. They're still physically inorganic but as far as spiritually they're as close as they're gonna get to being human. Their life and functionailty is derived from the magic itself, not the machinery. Like if for some reason they lost all their magic they'd just drop dead from a battery life long since drained.
The hourglass has a carousel-like design to it purely as reference to moon's level in Help Wanted 2.
Sorry for rambling so much but this is what i've got for you so far! I have a general idea for the plot but im tryna to make it more than what it is rn, so i dont wanna share too much of that just yet in case i change or completely toss away an idea.
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yestrday · 2 months
hehehe i got a bit too silly with it. i like incorporating some good ol comedy in my yandere aus to remind people that they're still high schoolers and they're still stupid (also it gives a very heavy sense of conflict knowing that these goofy highschoolers have blood on their hands tehe)
you might like: yandere! genshin academy ft itto
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"oh gosh he's gotten [y. name]."
you're a popular one within the academy, the charity case who has high grades but still a bit naive about how high society works. too naive, in fact, that when someone snidely insults you to your face you just ask them what do they mean with the most wide and trusting eyes. it only takes a monster to continue with the insult (and a fool to begin with with all the glaring eyes on him).
you're as easily influenced as you are naive, so everybody can't help but despair at the sight of you trotting down the halls sporting a red streak on your bangs. there's only one man who'd be pushy enough to get you one just to match with him.
everyone whips their head around to see arataki itto following closely behind you, a self-satisfied look on his face. they're not surprised. of course, the arataki itto would drag you into his shenanigans.
"were they bullied into it?" "you think anyone would bully them?" "but it's itto." "he's an idiot... and so are they."
when you enter your classroom, there's a circle of students who's immediately putting a barrier between you and the big man. they're not just your harem, but normal classmates who know that they can't afford losing their answer sheet to the wrong path. everyone starts questioning him, accusing him of somehow corrupting you. it's just a lock of hair dyed red, but they're already acting like you've been initiated into the arataki gang.
"if [y. name] starts skipping classes with you then who am i supposed copy off of at the next history quiz?!" one angry classmate jabs a finger into his chest. they wince.
itto puts his hands up, startled at the angry mob before him. "woah woah woah, guys it's just hair dye—"
"just?!" your classmate cries out, affronted. "do you know how much i need them to tutor me? i won't allow your gang to to take them away."
"well, they're not initiated yet—"
"guys, guys, calm down." thankfully, thoma's kind voice helps abate the angry mob's fuming. he's fixing your hair, gently making sure to style it in a way that best shows off your red lock. "don't be too harsh on the big guy. as he said, it's just hair dye."
itto looks sparkly-eyed at thoma, touched at his coming to his defense. "thoma, my bro...!"
"that said." thoma's smile turns sharp. "if i hear another word about you initiating [y. name] into your gang, i'll tell ayato and it will be community service for you and the arataki gang, okay?" his green eyes are kind, but itto doesn't miss the heavy warning behind them. he gulps and quickly nods his head.
"yes, sir..."
meanwhile, you're checking yourself in your front camera, delightedly patting your hair down as you admire thoma's handiwork. hmm... this shade of red looks particularly good on you. should you dye your entire hair instead?
some halls down, diluc sneezes and kaeya gives him a look because the diluc never sneezes.
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emmettland · 18 days
reasons why Dean/Sam are husband/wife coded: they decide things for each other.
so i rewatched S1E6 last night and made a note of this for my own Wincest purposes. Rebecca offers the brothers a beer, right?
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ID: Screenshot with Sam Winchester on the left and Rebecca off to the right, standing in the kitchen area. She's looking over at Sam and asking, "You guys want a beer?"
she just addresses them as 'you guys' which is a very casual and normal thing to do. the typical response would be for each guy to say either yes or no in response, answering for themselves.
Dean doesn't say 'yes', but he does give a very enthusiastic 'heyyy' which implies that he does in fact want a beer. or rather, he starts to say 'hey' and Sam almost instantly cuts him off with a 'no thanks'.
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ID: Screenshot with Dean Winchester on the left and Sam off to the right, more in the foreground. Dean is smiling and pointing towards where Rebecca is off screen. Sam is not smiling and looking in the same direction at Rebecca. Dean is saying "Hey" while Sam says "No thanks".
i apparently upset my stream site by trying to capture this shot so i don't have a screenshot for it...BUT there's a split second after Sam turns down the offer that Dean's smile drops and he gives his brother this disappointed look. just for a split second, but it's there. and neither boy is given a beer as a result.
Sam wasn't just saying no thanks for himself. he was answering for both him and Dean, and ultimately making the decision for both of them not to have any beer, despite Dean clearly wanting one.
so why does this very tiny insignificant detail matter? well it probably doesn't but it matters to me sdfhdsjfgs
it's very stereotypical (i'm thinking like, American sitcom style) to have this dynamic with nuclear man/woman married couples. the husband wants a drink, the wife does not. though the husband may be considered the 'head of the house' and gets to make the most important decisions (as Dean's responsibility tends to be, whether imposed on him by others or self-imposed), the wife gets to decide more insignificant matters, like drinks.
we even see Sam decide for both him and Dean again when he asks Rebecca if we can take those beers now -- which he only asks to get her out of the room, and Dean knows this right away without having to be told.
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ID: Screenshot of Rebecca sitting on couch, Dean sitting on the head of the couch behind her, both facing where the TV is off screen. Sam is the foreground with his head turned towards the other two. He asks, "Beck, can we take those beers now?" Rebecca replies, "Oh, sure."
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ID: Screenshot of Rebecca leaving to get beers, looking blurry as she goes out of frame. Dean is now looking over at where Sam is off screen, his brow furrowed.
he immediately looks at Sam knowing he's found something on the tape, hence the excuse for Beck to leave.
now remember when i said the wife gets to make inconsequential decisions like what they have to drink? well later on, when the cops show up to the latest crime scene, Sam tries to make a decision that's actually important and about Dean's safety.
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ID: Screenshot of Dean hopping over a fence, slightly blurred, with the back of Sam's head in the foreground. He's shouting, "Dean! Stay out of the sewers alone!"
he very firmly tells Dean not to go in the sewers alone, and even emphasizes this command with a stern 'I mean it!'
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ID: Screenshot of Sam yelling at Dean, who is off screen. Sam is saying, "I mean it!" Dean responds with, "Yeah, yeah."
and in the distance we hear Dean respond to his brother with a dismissive 'yeah, yeah'. which, y'know. i'm not saying that's only something married couples do, but it is very married couple for them.
and ultimately, Dean disregards his wife's command and worry for his safety, going the good ol' fashioned husband route of 'it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to get permission'.
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ID: Screenshot of Dean closing the trunk of the Impala and saying to himself, "I'm sorry, Sam. You know me, I just can't wait."
which, for the record, is a decision Dean makes that ends up being the best decision, since Sam is captured by the monster and once again put in the Damsel in Distress role (that i love so much for him).
well okay this detail isn't totally related to the Husband/Wife argument but it kinda is because i love seeing the small ways that both of the boys are passive aggressive with one another.
in S1E2 we had a snarky comment from Sam about how "people are only missing if nobody's looking for them" or something to that extent, which was clearly about his frustration with the interrupted search for their dad, and Dean calls him out on it instantly.
we started off with Dean telling Sam the plan to get to Bisbee, and Sam diverting from the plan to go help his friend in St. Louis. Dean resists at first, of course, but one look from his baby brother and then suddenly they're peeling out of the parking lot, on their way to St. Louis.
so we get to a point where Sam is lying to Beck about his brother being a cop, and when she asks where Dean's district is--
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ID: Screenshot of Dean looking at Rebecca (who has her back to the camera and is in the foreground, a blurry shape) and saying, "Bisbee, Arizona."
--he gives her this dry smile before saying Bisbee, Arizona and looking directly at Sam. who says nothing, ofc, but he does kind of look down for a split second.
okay now i'm done. this has been "overthinking and looking way too deeply into every little thing" with Emmett.
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wheelerpilled · 5 months
'forced conformity is killing the kids'
Mike Wheeler ST5 Theory/analysis
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So we've all seen the new BTS of Finn Wolfhard on the set of Stranger Things dropped and OH MY GOD. THE DUALITY FROM LAST SEASON.
I have to TRY write about it ATLEAST...because wow I have a lot of potential thoughts, sorry it's once again unstructured, messy, and repetitive but stay with me please!!!!!!!!!!
I've seen ALOT of people happy we're getting s1-2 Mike hair back but guys .....it's not a good thing!!!!!!!!!! Mike is going THROUGH IT.
In Season 4 it's acknowledged that Mike is finally coming into his own a bit, Eddie says he was wearing 'whatever his mom bought him' when he first came to highschool, but in episode 1 when we see him for the first time in S4, he's clearly been influenced by Eddie and has figured out what style he likes and what he's interested in, he's in a DND club, he's comfortable being known as an uncool nerd, he's growing his hair out (yes I DO believe it's because he idolised Eddie, I have more to say about that in a second)
basically: his hair and his outfits, aswell as pretty much the way he acts in Hawkins (NOT California- he goes back to pretending to be something else) in S4 represents the ideology non-conformity and his sense freedom in this new persona
he doesn't feel lost in highschool anymore, he's doing what he likes with his friends (DnD) and he's proudly wearing his hellfire shirt around school/Hawkins, basically, he's accepting that it's okay to enjoy 'different' things that aren't considered the norm, and it makes him happy, he feels comfortable!
But now in Season 5, from the pictures we've seen, it looks like he's fully reverted back into his shell, I guess I understand why tbh I don't blame him:
he comes back to Hawkins after everything and everyone believes he's in a satanic cult- townspeople probably treat him badly and Jason's team mates probably blame Eddie and the rest of hellfire for Jason's 'disappearance' (death). They directly connect him with all the horrible things that have happened to Hawkins as of late
...which is probably what the BTS of them walking towards Mike are about, they probably keep harassing him no matter how he acts and Mike just wants them to leave him alone, let's face it:
High school has probably gone full circle back to middle school for Mike and he's getting bullied/mistreated again. So he feels his only option is to remove himself from Hellfire and become 'normal'.
Hellfire might maybe even be blamed for the gates being opened. Last we heard, the townspeople were hunting down Eddie and the rest of hellfire, and the graffiti on Eddie's grave in the S5 pics shows that he's still very much hated.
Mike probably got harassed by multiple people who don't believe Eddie's dead, or believe Mike was in on it and are out looking for him, or think Hellfire contributed to some satanic ritual causing the 'earthquake' and thus Mike is also a target and it's dangerous for him.
So I think part of the style change and haircut is due to THAT, he doesn't wear his hellfire shirt anymore because he doesn't want any affiliation with the club.
As Finn Wolfhard has said in previous interviews 'mikes just trying to act as normal as possible' so by seperating himself from Eddie/Hellfire and becoming more conventionally 'normal' he won't be treated like an outcast.
He won't be assaulted, bullied, blamed, or worse if he conforms. He has a greater chance of everything becoming better/easier while living in Hawkins if he does this, he might have even given up DnD aswell- so yeah he's gonna be pretty MISERABLE in season 5
Alot of people wanted to see his reaction to Eddie's death, I think we'll definitely be seeing the lingering after effects of it, and alot of Mike's arc will kick off because of the aftermath of the vilification of Hellfire.
Only few people know that Eddie died to try protect Hawkins, Eddie was a role model for Dustin and Mike, but they're grieving him in COMPLETELY different ways
Dustin decides to honour him by taking up a similar style and proudly wearing his hellfire shirt, and is also probably trying to sway the town's opinion on Eddie and prove him innocent.
....But Mike seemingly decides that he DOESNT want to end up like Eddie anymore: dead and hated, known as a satanic freak.
Someone he idolised is now deceased, he doesn't know how to properly handle that fact, it's intimidating that someone he looked up to do much could be so hated, and in turn has caused the reaction from Mike that is basically 'if my idol is treated as such a horrible outcast, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps, where would that leave me?' he's feeling lost and hopeless, especially with the state Hawkins is in, so he probably decides the best thing to do is just blend in. Be normal.
It probably scares him that even merely his interest in DnD and all these other factors immediately make him a target, as far as townspeople believe- Mike is one of the kids who was close with a brutal serial killer, they probably think he's just as 'messed up as Eddie the freak was' for staying friends with someone who'd do such horrible things
I think Mike just wants to hide as much as he can right now, he has ALOT on his plate and doesn't need the rest of the town out to get him.
so if anyone asks: he'll probably say things like 'I didn't really know Eddie! I would never join a cult like that, I didn't know!' or something to try seperate his name from the hellfire club.
Mike will end up picking protecting himself and hiding his true identity and values/traits rather then living exposed and vulnerable; yet true to what he actually believes is right....And that is the opposite of what Dustin is doing,
Dustin is a proud hellfire member and friend of Eddie, he's picking what he thinks is right over self-preservation from the town, he's still wearing his battered shirt, now HE'S the one growing his hair out, he still adores Eddie and misses him (so does Mike probably, but he feels he CANT outwardly publicly show support or stand up for him)
I do wonder if this will cause some sort of tension between Dustin and Mike, because Dustin is doing the opposite and becoming more like Eddie instead of distancing himself from the hellfire name, he might feel betrayed that Mike 'gave up' on Hellfire, and maybe accuse him of not even caring about Eddie or his death?? Idk!!!!!!!!!! I feel like Dustin will also be going through it this season 😭😭😭
I do also think Mike will try to be clinging alot to El this season (I mean, before they inevitably break up which I believe will probably happen kinda early on if it actually happens at all)
this is also because just the idea of having a girlfriend corresponds to his idea of conformity and being 'normal'. He just wants to be a normal guy, his life is nothing out for the ordinary, he's not interested in satanic things like dnd and hellfire, he's just a normal person. A normal person who is PROBABLY a target of Vecna in season 5 😓
I believe his arc for this season will be trying to breakout of these notions of conformity in exchange for things he actually likes and is interested in, we saw him sort of branching out in season 4, but I think THIS time it's happening for real, and he'll end up fully embracing his own views and interests after some sort of emotional arc-which will also probably be part of the M*lev*n break up (not censored because I'm against them/hate them I just don't wanna clog the tag for others 😭😭) OR set off by the breakup
Throughout season 1 he was told he liked El, or others assumed it, so I think he assumed it aswell, they just never broke up because El ALSO thinks having a boyfriend is normal and expected, and because Mike was the boy she was closest to she assumed it was romantic feelings (and he kissed her in S1 which probably contributed to her assuming they were romantic feelings)
Alot of the people around her are also in relationships, and she watched alot of TV with happy romantic couples so she thinks it's more normal to HAVE a boyfriend then to NOT have one, I think Mike and El kinda stayed together because they think they're SUPPOSED to by these social standards,
They obviously care about each other alot, and mistook it as reasons to just stay together, she wants to be a normal girl because only being a superhero isnt good for her, she needs to be 'Jane Hopper' and not '011'. I do think she definitely needs to be single for awhile and find herself, even if her and Mike are to be endgame, she NEEDS at least some time to gain some experiences outside of living her life as a superhero, (Mike also needs character development outside of being 'Els Boyfriend's)
Which is why it was vital that her time with max in S3 existed, so El could realise her value and that there is a life outside having a boyfriend- I think Mike needs a similar moment aswell, a wake-up call of sorts where he can take a step back and consider maybe rather than letting society dictate his actions, he makes decisions for what he wants for himself ('we make our own rules')
If m*lev*n is endgame then sure that's great for them, but I genuinely don't know what big character arc could be in store for Mike that doesn't involve a breakup and themes of non-conforming, it doesn't even have to involve Byler endgame at all (although I AM a byler truther)
I think Mike learning that it's okay to let go of that romantic relationship if he doesn't feel that way anymore is a big step for his character, or atleast taking a break so he can work on himself, anything along those lines of actual development on himself rather then on his relationship- El and Mike have been romantically paired from the start, he needs to learn that it's OKAY to breakup with someone if thats what he feels is right, (side note: I DO believe El would/will be the one to breakup with him 😭)
I don't think he realises that he'll be able to stay friends with El, it's not 'shes my girlfriend or else she'll hate me for breaking up with her. No other options'
he doesn't want to lose her because he cares about her but he can't find a way to balance that romantic relationship alongside his other friendships. So I think for his character to develop they have to breakup, even temporarily, but obviously that's only my opinion if M*lev*n is endgame then oh well, it's endgame, but I think they would be a really awesome platonic duo and I'd like their relationship alot more if it was that way
I think later in the season he'll realise that living this way not actually what he wants, and he doesn't want to give up who he is, or pretend to be something he's not- because he IS a nerd who likes DnD, and he does support Eddie, he cared alot about him because he idolised him, and i think season 5 is about him learning that that's okay and he doesn't have to feel so much pressure to conform by societal standards, bro needs a better grief process, forced conformity GOT HIS ASS 😭😭😭
What I'm trying to say is: all of this, and his new look is a safety net of sorts, he's still pretending to be something he's not because he feels he HAS to, otherwise it's dangerous for him in Hawkins because of hellfires reputation, but he's also acting this way because of other factors that I haven't really thought through yet LMAO
I believe season 5 will probably be him accepting those things about himself and embracing it, maybe also undoing his emotional repression along the way, I guess I would describe it as coming of age and I think if it's handled well it could be really beautiful in a way
Sorry that was long and repetitive but uhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah..........anyways Mike Wheeler ily keep ur head up king please don't die in S5‼️‼️ stay safe‼️‼️
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