#yes I stole lyrics from lose yourself
goodgirlsasha · 3 months
Fat goth girls make my palms sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy, vomit on my sweater already, moms spaghetti
When I see a fat goth girl I’m nervous but on the surface I look calm and ready
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ghosts-of-love · 1 year
Okay firstly, it's important you know I am imagining myself barrelling down your door with a whiteboard and projector with a powerpoint i made like it was an assignment due last minute BUT (can you tell i have ADHD ? nahhh surely not)
I am back again with A Grave Mistake because I was like "haha horror inspired song is actually these two idiots" and then realized..."ohmygod it's Cap in TQATD" so here is that analysis :)
Till death do us part came far too soon Buildings burn and people die All of the time
Cap when Heather finally passes away and he's left 'alone' in that big empty house. I mean he has the ghosts ofc but it's not the same as someone who's able to go out into the world and also be up to date with real life shit ya know. usually the first line is reserved for wedding vows but like...they were good friend and he must've been fucking devastated
These vengeful thoughts trapped underneath Rage, scorn, misery Payback for what you took from me Hope, love, sanity
God that fucking chapter where we find out how Cap was turned. That is exactly this verse. I mean...he's isolated to Button House because he can't go out during the day and all other vampiric shit. Traumatized and shit thinking about how he should've died. And the man that he found in his office who did die.
You can't save yourself or save your soul When you meet the man who's life you stole
This I think also links to Cap's turning. But it could also be Cap's guilt when he saves Pat. He knows what it's like to lose all the things you used to be able to do and then he did exactly that to the man he fell in love with even though it saved his life. Even tho they're both...dead.
I heard that you reap what you sew So here's to believing in ghosts
Chucking this in here simply because of the ghosts and...BBC Ghosts.
There are more lyrics but these are the ones I could actually link things to. Genuinely when I first thought PatCap and this song it was just the first line i sent you regarding Humph's POV. And then i listened some more and was like "...wait hold on...I'm having ThoughtsTM" and yeah it really does fit TQATD Cap. And also glad to have found a song for that fic cuz all my other song analyses have been Adored or LtF. Such an angsty song. ANYWAYS, love your writing it's beautiful and you do a good job at making me go insane over fictional dead people 1244554/10 keep it up o7
hahaha whenever i get asks from you from now on i'll imagine you barrelling down my door haha 😅
'Till death do us part came far too soon Buildings burn and people die All of the time' -> in addition to what you said, the ghosts are also constant reminders to Cap that people die all the time but he and them are stuck in their specific limbos forever. it also makes me sad because heather left for about 20 years before she actually died and got married so those vows in the first line are,, ouchie. we're meant to be gay and lesbian bffs what do you mean you left me all alone and got a wife??
'You can't save yourself or save your soul When you meet the man who's life you stole' -> YES you're literally so right. obvs it's not included in Pat's chapter where he carks it because he's not aware but obviously his turning involved a lot of fraught and frantic energy with the ghosts trying to convince Cap to save him, with their reasoning being that it would be Slightly better for Pat to come back as a vampire, especially compared to being a ghost or fully dead.
'No forgiveness, just farewell' -> this will become relevant in a later chapter 👀not in a big way but yeah it stuck out to me when i was looking at the lyrics.
thank you for this!! love reading your thoughts so much!! <3 <3 you're the best my child <3 <3
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Christmas at the Burrow
George Weasley x reader 
3092 words
The reader comes home to the Burrow with George for Christmas.
Hi! This is my first attempt at ever writing fanfiction. I always love thinking about Christmas at the Burrow with the Weasleys. I’m sorry if this sucks, but if it doesn’t, I hope you guys enjoy it! Also I kind of stole some Taylor Swift lyrics at the end. Hope you guys enjoy! Happy Christmas! :)
"You're awfully quiet love. There's nothing to be nervous about. They're all going to love you."
Y/N casted George a nervous glance. There seemed to be a warmth radiating from the house, bringing Y/N a small bit of comfort. As they approached closer to the house noise could be heard from the outside. George shot Y/N a smile as he opened the door to the home. Immediately, the comforting smells of homeade butterbeer, baked goods, and lots of other assorted smells reached their noses.
"We're home!" yelled George as they entered the cozy burrow.
"Yes come in, come in!" said Molly while going to embrace George, but he was quickly pushed aside. "You must be Y/N. George has told me so much about you. Make yourself at home, whatever's ours is yours dear."
"All right mum, don't scare her off too quickly now. It's not like Georgie's in any position to be losing women." said Fred, walking in from the kitchen.
"Nice to see you too Freddie." George said with a laugh as he and his brother shared a warm embrace right after Molly had hit Fred in the head.
"Lovely to see you Y/N, as always." Fred said giving her a hug. A commotion was heard from upstairs followed shortly by four figures running down the stairs.
"Honestly Ronald, how hard is it to get through that brain of yours that your not moving to Romania to train dragons with Charlie?" said the curly haired girl reaching the bottom of the stairs.
"You'll see Hermione, one day I will, and you'll be sorry that you ever doubted me. I'll remember this, and I won't invite you to come see them." Harry and Ginny seemed to be bored with this topic, as if they had been arguing about it for a long time.
"Oh what a shame I won't be able to meet fire breathing beasts that could burn me to a crisp worse than an incendio charm." said Hermione. "Nice to see you Y/N, George would you please tell Ron that he is not destined to become a dragon trainer in Romania?"
"I don't think you'd last a week Ron." said Ginny
"Really Ginny?" said Charlie as he walked through the door with Arthur, Bill and Percy in tow. "I think Ron might be able to hold his own." Ron took great pride in this until Charlie followed with, "Until he would manage to get himself burnt to a crisp." Charlie said while ruffling Ron's hair.
"Ugh! Get off!" said Ron.
"All right, All right enough of this. George go upstairs and help Y/N get settled in." said Molly as she turned back towards the kitchen, surely to check on dinner that was being made with the aid of magic.
"I think mum said you, Hermione, and Ginny could share a room, but don't worry darling, that doesn't mean we won't still get some alone time." said George giving Y/N a sly wink.
"George!" exclaimed Y/N while playfully hitting George on the shoulder as they each sent each other a small smile. George quickly showed Y/N to Ginny's room, and helped her get settled in. They quickly headed back downstairs, but not before George had stolen a quick kiss from her.
When they got back downstairs the family had begun to start decorating the tree. Ron and Hermione were untangling tinsel, while Harry and Ginny had started to sort ornaments. Percy had begun scrutinizing the way Charlie was hanging the stockings, and Bill and Fred were busying themselves with untangling lights. Molly quickly brought Y/N a steaming hot cup of butterbeer and a gingerbread cookie.
"Here you are dear." Molly said handing you the hot beverage. "I'm so very glad you came. George just adores you, you know. You're all he talks about when he's home. He's very fond of you." she said as she smiled at you and then at the rest of her children while they were decorating the house for festivities.
Y/N gave a small blush and smiled back at Molly saying, "I'm glad I came too." As the evening went on there was laughter shared and plenty of things eaten. With Christmas only a few days away and all the Weasley's back home for the holiday, everything seemed perfect at the moment. Nothing could spoil the pure love and adoration Y/N held for this family. She helped Harry and Ginny with the ornaments, occasionally catching George's eye from across the room as he helped hang lights and mistletoe. Soon everyone got tired and one by one retired to bed with only Y/N and George 
"You guys really know how to decorate. The place looks great." said Y/N admiring the beautiful decorations of the burrow.
"Yeah, it does." George said while looking at Y/N.
"What are you doing?" Y/N said with a bit of a laugh catching George staring.
"Admiring the view, that's all." replied George
"Oh really?" she said looking up at him.
"Yeah, it's beautiful" said George. They both then leaned in for a kiss. It was soft and sweet, but also short lived due to George pulling away and standing up off the floor. He strolled across the room to turn on some music. He then walked back over to Y/N, held out his hand and said, "May I have this dance?"
Y/N took his hand and he pulled her up off the floor. They glided across the room and the world as they knew it faded away. Then and there it was just them as George twirled her. Laughing as he dipped her and brought her back up. They swayed together through whatever songs came their way. They didn't mind what it was, but they were just happy to be together in each others' arms, looking into each others' eyes like they were their only source of light. George swore that he could drown in her eyes and never surface. There was something so magical about them, and not just the kind of magic they use on a day to day basis. Nothing could break their happiness in that moment. It was them against the world, and no one would get in their way. The music faded and all that remained was the two of them, with no intention of letting go of each other. They leaned in for another kiss, but there was something more to this one. It wasn't rushed or heated, just filled with pure love for each other. They remained like this for a little longer, just holding one another.
"I love you." he said with his eyes closed and forehead pressed against hers.
"I love you too Georgie." giving him another short peck on the lips. They then retired to the couch where they snuggled up under a blanket. There they both fell asleep feeling very warm and happy wrapped in each others' arms.  
"Goodnight Georgie." she said as she set her head on his chest, using it as a pillow.
"Goodnight my love." said George giving her a small kiss ontop of her head.
Y/N woke up on Christmas morning with a blanket on top of her and George no longer with her on the couch. She could smell breakfast being cooked in the kitchen, and the soft voices of Hermione and Ginny talking at the table. She slowly got up and headed that way.
"Good morning Y/N, Happy Christmas." said Ginny giving Y/N a smile.
"Happy Christmas, you to you too."
"Happy Christmas Y/N." said Hermione "George and Fred went out to collect a few things for Molly. Most of the other boys are still asleep."
"Good morning Y/N!" said Molly as she came down the stairs. "Here's something for you, Happy Christmas!" she said while handing Y/N a flimsy wrapped present. "I hope it fits." she said smiling
"Thank you Mrs. Weasley. Happy Christmas." said Y/N unwrapping the gift. It was a red jumper with Y/F/I on it. You'd seen George wear one similar. In fact you've seen all the Weasley's wear one, Harry and Hermione too.
"Your one of ours now Y/N. Go on now, put it on, see how it fits." said Molly You pulled the jumper over your head and happily it fit perfectly. Molly smiled with satisfaction, and returned to the stove to check on breakfast.
"Thank you so much Mrs. Weasley."
"Oh please, call me Molly."
Right then George and Fred traipsed in the front door carrying fire wood. "That took you two long enough, what could have possibly taken you so long?"
"Sorry mum." the twins said in unison, dropping the fire wood next to the wood burning stove.
"Good morning love. Happy Christmas." said George leaning down to give you a kiss on your cheek.
"Merry Christmas Georgie." you said returning the small show of endearment. You and George spent the morning together getting several things together for the Christmas festivities that would take place through the day. One by one the rest of the family came downstairs. First it was Bill, shortly followed by Charlie and Percy. Then about forty minutes later the remaining two boys, Ron and Harry, came running down the stairs, hoping to get some of the breakfast feast that had all ready begun. There was bacon, eggs, cinnamon rolls, pumpkin pasties, and of course Mrs. Weasley's homeade fudge. The whole family sat around the table, laughing and enjoying each others' company.
"Happy Christmas Weasleys!" exclaimed Arthur coming through the door, going over to kiss Molly. Staying nights at the Ministry office was not uncommon for Arthur with the large work load that had become very apparent as of late. Nevertheless, he tried never to miss breakfast with his family, especially on Christmas day. The family spent some more time at the table talking to Arthur about work, and of course he couldn't help but ask Y/N a few questions about how muggles celebrate Christmas. And of course he found each little fact fascinating. Soon after breakfast everyone bundled up and headed outside for some fun in the snow. The twins made their annual snowman, the girls all made snow angels together, Charlie looked in the snow and identified the several animal footprints to Bill and Percy, who were trying to look interested, and Ron and Harry were gearing up to go sledding. But soon the twins had their own mischievous idea, as they usually do, to start a snowball fight. Fred and George both with a snowball in each of their hands threw them at their siblings. When all the Weasley siblings were in on the action, George launched a snowball at Y/N.
"You're on Weasley." she said with a smile and a hint of determination. Fred hit Hermione and Harry soon got roped in as well. The war was on. Snowballs flew everywhere. At first it seemed that people had formed teams, but that idea soon turned sour as it became an every man for himself situation. The teens ran all through the yard, trying their hardest to hit each other with expert precision. Soon they turned to magic, using it to charm the snowballs to hit each other. Bonds were formed, trusts betrayed, and energy depleted them. Everyone eventually became exhausted and freezing and headed inside the warm burrow.
"Shoes off! No one is to be tracking snow through my house." Shouted Molly to everyone trying to pack themselves in the house in order to get warm. Everyone dispersed to separate rooms to get changed and warm up again. When everyone came downstairs they were all wearing the jumpers that Molly had knitted for them. The whole family packed into the living room that was decorated just the previous night. Y/N's head went back to the events of last night. Her and George dancing to all sorts of music, spinning around the room, laughing, and loving each other. A small blush came to the girl's face thinking of the night before. Then all shapes and sizes of wrapped gifts were given and received by all. Y/N gave George several Zonko products that he had said he wanted. When he opened them, his eyes got wide and a huge smile came to his face. He enveloped her in a large hug that seemed to swallow her body in the warmth of his.
"Thank you so much Y/N!" George exclaimed very satisfied with his gift. "Here's yours." He said handing you a box. You shook it slightly trying to determine what was inside. "I know it's not much, but you said that's what you wanted and I can return it if you'd like. It's really not a big deal if you don't like them. . ." George rambled on and on as you opened the present. It was some simple pairs of sweatpants and a new jumper. Y/N stopped George's nervous ramblings with kiss, and he looked stunned.
"I love them George, thank you. They're exactly what I wanted." she said as she smiled up at him. His anxious face soon melted into a smile of his own, happy that she was satisfied with something as simple as this for her present. The rest of the family opened up the rest of their gifts and exchanged thanks. After this, Molly had started dinner, and Arthur went off to help her. The rest of them stared playing a game of charades pairing up into teams: Hermione and Ginny, Harry and Ron, Fred and Bill, Charlie and Percy, and George and Y/N. The game was filled with competitive energy, each team determined to win. Yells of frustration and cheers of joy filled the room as the teams had their ups and downs. Soon enough Molly called everyone in for dinner. The table was filled almost like a feast at Hogwarts would be. Roast chicken and roast beef, boiled and roasted potatoes, peas, carrots, gravy, and tasty Yorkshire pudding. Ron, of course, filled his plate to the brim. Even though Hermione had seen it time and time again, she was still baffled by how much he was able to stack on that plate of his. The feast was delicious, but so was just about anything Molly cooked. Along with plates of food, stories and laughs were shared across the table. When everyone was stuffed they all retired back to the living room, and Molly handed out stockings for everyone. Although not filled with much in quantity, the sentiment behind the small gifts in the stockings meant much to all who were present. After a few more stories, laughs, and playful banter was exchanged, most retired back to their rooms, sharing a final "Happy Christmas" to everyone who remained. Once again only George and Y/N remained. And once again they were cuddled up on the couch by the fire under a blanket.
"Hey" George whispered softly to her.
"Hey" she replied back.
"I have something to show you." he said getting up and grabbing her coat while putting on his. Y/N groaned while getting off the couch, in a tired, hazy kind of state. She took her coat from George and put it on along with her winter boots. They treked out into the cold.
"Where are we going Georgie?" she asked as he lead her into the woods.
"It's a surprise, love." he said muttering a short "lumos" to light the way with his wand.  While she was curious, she kept quiet and waited patiently for whatever George had to surprise her with. "I promise it's worth it." he said to her, leading her deeper into the cold of the woods. Up ahead there was a small light. As they got closer Y/N could see it was coming from a tree house that George soon showed her the ladder to, motioning for her to climb up. When Y/N got to the top she saw that the tree house had been decorated many strands of warm looking lights. Y/N gazed in awe at the beauty of them, while George just stared at her. He had this nervous feeling in his gut, hoping that what he was about to do wouldn't totally fire back in his face like one of Seamus Finnigan's messed up attempts at a spell. Y/N turned around to face him with a huge smile on her face thinking this was the surprise that George had planned for tonight, but boy was she wrong. George looked at her with a small smile, then walked up to her, cradled her face in his hands, and kissed her passionately. The kiss caught her a bit off guard, but she soon returned the sentiment. They stayed like this for awhile, just cherishing one another's embrace as they shared this moment. George was the first to pull away, and for a moment he just stared into her eyes. Those eyes that he swore he could drown himself in and never resurface.
"Georgie?" Y/N questioned him.
"Y/N," George said, "I usually honestly hate accidents, but the only one that I don't is when we went from friends to this. I love you so much Y/N, and I want to be with you always. I don't care what stands in our way, what problems we face, or what our fate might be. I want to be with you." At that moment it felt like they were the only two people in the world. Time had stopped. George took a step back from her reaching to his back pocket and bending down onto one knee. "George?" she questioned him again.
"Y/N, like I said, I want to be with you, always, and I hope you feel the same about me or this is going to be a very trip back home." he said with a small laugh. "So Y/N, will you promise to be with me, always?" he said as he pulled out a black velvet box, opening it, for her to find a shiny diamond ring inside.
Y/N stood there for a moment staring at it and then at George. He was starting to get nervous until a smile broke out on her face, and she started nodding her head frantically. "Yes, yes George, I will. Georgie you better know, that I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings. You're the one I want." He quickly smiled himself, slipped the ring on her finger, and stood up to envelop her in a hug.
"I love you so much, darling." George said while still hugging her.
"I love you too Georgie, Happy Christmas."
"Happy Christmas love."
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kpop-hive · 3 years
Sucking Off NCT 127 During a Vlive
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(a/n): I didn’t expect this to be this long 🙃
Enjoy Guys!!
Taeyong: You couldn’t help it, he just looked too good. You were so needy you did what you had to do, to get his attention, so while Taeyong was on live you did the unthinkable, you got under the table, and unzipped his pants, his worried face was very prominent along with his bulge you kept rubbing for the past five minutes. “Oh, no there’s nothing wrong, I’m just tired.” He tried to distract his fans from figuring out what was happening. As soon as he does that you take him into your mouth, sucking on his length expertly, he can’t fathom how good he feels, he tries to hide his sounds, so he just bites his lip really hard, but that doesn’t work, especially when you go down his length with your mouth. “Ahh.” Taeyong moans. “I just got a cramp you guys, I’m trying to rest my foot.” He suggests that he watches some videos of NCT, but nothing can distract how your mouth feels to him. You pull him out of your mouth just to suck on his tip, and he’s livid. “Mmmmm.” “This video is r-really interesting guys.” Close to the verge of cumming, he lets out a heavy breath, and he lets himself go as soon as you massage his balls. “Oh God!” Taeyong moans. Shocked he tries to cover it up. “That’s a horrible look on me isn’t it?” You get him through his orgasm to the point where he is heavy breathing. “Well guys, I love you all so much, but I have to go, I have to go eat dinner, but I’ll be back.” He ends the live right there. “I hope when you say “dinner,” you mean me right?” You ask. He smirks, “You’re the only edible thing here so...” You were in for a good time.
Taeil: “Taeil, please Can we do something?” I’m bored. “In a minute babe, I’m about to go live.” “Fine.” You walked off and chilled on the other side of the room, checking your phone while you listen to Taeil go live. Minutes go by, and you wonder when it’s gonna end, he’s been on live for over forty minutes. You were ready to leave, but then you thought of an idea when Taeil said this. “Yeah, it is hot, in Korea right now, but I’m not taking my shirt off.” Taeil responded to the fan. You motioned to Taeil, and his eyes glanced at you for a second, watching you fan yourself with your hand, he thought that it was hot so he turned the fan on real quick, but that’s not what you wanted. To get his attention back, you removed your shirt, and that grabbed Taeil’s attention real quick. “Oh, nothing you guys, I am looking at the tv, one of my favorite movies just came on.” He lies. His attention is set on both the fans’ comments and you right now. You take it up a step by removing your bra, and when you do that, his attention completely shifts to you, watching your bare chest heave little by little and seeing your nipples harden to the open air. “You guys, the bad guy just stole the good guy’s sister.” He lies again. You love how he makes up a fake movie so his fans don’t know what he is really looking at. As soon as he goes back to the comments you get up and walk towards him, his eyes shift right back at what you’re about to do. As he lays in his bed, phone in his hand with the Vlive on, he can’t believe that you’re doing this, pulling down his pants and underwear to watch his bulge stand at attention from the previous events that happened earlier. You lick your palm before rubbing his length, before licking a bold stripe up the side of it. “Oh!” Taeil lets out sounding similar to a breathy moan. “Guys, the bad guy is threatening to kill the sister!” You finally take him into your mouth, and he’s looks like he’s struggling to keep quiet. You take him deeper in your mouth, and Taeil rests his hand on your head, keeping his phone still close to his face, camera only on him. You keep going until he grunts loudly, and his member twitches in your mouth. “Guys, they just defeated the bad guy, yes, yes, yes!” He exclaims as he releases into your mouth. Hand gripping your head tighter, as he rides out his orgasm. A small whimper leaves his mouth, and he quickly ends the live. “Bye guys! See you all soon!” You sit back up on the bed, and he looks at you. “I didn’t know that was what you wanted to do earlier.”
Johnny: “No you guys, no one is in the room with me.” That was a lie, you were in the room with Johnny while he was on live. You kept teasing him with hand gestures signaling that you wanted to suck him off. He looked really good today, and you wanted him to know that he looked good, but sadly, you couldn’t do anything until the live was over, or so you thought. You walked over to him, and got under the table while he was distracted. “Yeah, of course you guys, the next Johnny’s Communication Center will happen n-next m-month.” Johnny stuttered a bit, he didn’t think you were doing it, but you did. You began palming him through his shorts that he was wearing while he was talking. He did a quick glance looking down a bit at you to give you a glare, but you just looked up at him with pleading eyes. He continued his live without too many fans noticing the sudden change in his demeanor. After palming him for a little bit, you pull down his shorts. “Of course he’s not wearing underwear.” You thought. You didn’t want to tease him too long so you began to suck him off without hesitation. “Mmm, mhm. I agree you g-guys.” Johnny tries to play it off. You take his length deeper into your mouth, and he grips your head under the table. He doesn’t want to force you down on his length because he worried you may let out a few sounds, so he just keeps his hand steady. “Mmm, that sounds so nice you guys, I may have to do that mmm.” He lets out. “Oh! Where’s (y/n)? S-she’s taking a nap. She w-was super tired y-you guys. Yeah no she’s n-not s-sick, she f-feels g-good, really g-good, ah!” He stutters and yells when his cock began to twitch in your mouth when used both of your hands to massage his shaft while sucking on the tip. This action through him over the edge releasing in your mouth making him stutter way too much on live, his legs shaking as well under the table. “Y-yeah, I will definitely join live again n-next w-week, s-so until t-then, I’ll s-see all of you g-guys soon, o-o-okay? Bye!” As you removed yourself from the table, and tried to walk away, Johnny pulls you on his lap, “We’re not done here Princess.” Johnny says before instantly making out with you, this will be a long night.
Yuta: “How could he be sitting there acting like, nothing was happening, he just has that sly smile on his face, and is playing it cool.” Those were the thoughts that crossed your mind while you were on your knees giving a blowjob while he was live. Keep in mind this wasn’t just your idea, Yuta wanted to try it out by betting that you couldn’t get a reaction out of him as long as you sucked him off on live, and so far he was winning. He acts so calm about your mouth being half way down his length like it was nothing. He acts like he’s done this before. “Yeah guys, it’s so nice to be back on live again.” Yuta knows that you’re doing well, but he doesn’t want to lose the bet, he promises he’s gonna reward you after whether or not you win at all, because that’s just him. “(y/n)? Yeah her birthday is in a few days isn’t it? I have to get her a gift. No, I don’t know what to get her, do you guys have any ideas?” While he was distracted, you try to suck him off harder, going deeper until you hit the base of his cock, deepthroating him and making a mess before his eyes. His eyes closed just slightly, and you finally felt him twitch in your mouth, you knew he was close, so you used one of your hands to massage his balls, sending him over the edge, and releasing into your mouth, and that’s when you heard this. “Mmm, god yes! She loves things like that, I have to buy her one of those, t-that’s it r-right there!” You made him moan out, you won. Proud of what you did, you sat back up, and walked out so Yuta could finish on live. When he finished you heard the door open as he jumped on the bed, holding your arms above your head. “You won, choose your prize angel.” “You, do anything to me please.” “It’s funny how I lost, but I still somehow receive a prize.” He says before going in to kiss you.
Doyoung: This pure soul doesn’t know what to do. He just assumes that he can control his moans, but your mouth just feels to good to him. His eyes are wide trying to hide the fact that you are behind the camera with your mouth on him. “Y-you guys want me to s-sing? O-okay.” Doyoung says, breath a little shaky. He began to sing a song that was stuck on his mind for while now, and you have to admit that it is pretty funny witnessing Doyoung attempt to sing with a shaky breath just because you had this much of an effect on him. You suck on his length harder, and he stops mid song to pause from the pleasure he was receiving. “Ohh, w-what was the n-next line? I c-can’t remember g-guys.” He tries to continue, but he can’t he is so close to finish it, because he is so close to releasing. Not long after you feel Doyoung twitch, and he’s sent over the edge, while his seed goes down your throat, “Ahh, Yeah, that’s it! I remember the lyric now!” He tries to sing, but it’s no use, he can’t sing while he’s in the middle of an orgasm. So while attempting to sing, he “accidentally” cuts the live. “Ahh, that feels too good, (y/n)” Doyoung finally lets out riding out his orgasm. Once finished, you take him out of your mouth, and stand up finally. He looks at you, wanting to continue where you and him left off, but you say this instead, “I would start live again, we’ll continue this later, you don’t want your fans to know something is up.” He nods, begins a new live, “Yeah Sorry guys, my phone just died, but now we can pick up where we left off.”
Jaehyun: His live was very entertaining, but sadly, it wasn’t entertaining you. Jaehyun made really funny jokes, and he was having fun sharing what he recently bought from shopping last week. The only reason you were pissed was because before the live you were about to get your guts rearranged by Jaehyun, it started out with a heavy make out session, heading towards the bed when his alarm went off signaling him to start the live. So now you’re just sitting there across the room arms crossed ready for the live to end. “How could he look so good?” You thought. You realized that you couldn’t take it anymore. You walked towards him, and crouched down, his eyes focused on you. You unbutton and unzipped his pants and pulled his length out rubbing it up and down to get it hard. He tries to diffuse the situation by hinting at a few words throughout his story. “So yeah, a guy was shoplifting, and when the officer saw him, he yelled STOP! And the guy took off running.” You could tell that stop was directed towards you by his tone, but you continued anyway. You put your mouth to his tip earning a reaction from him, and throwing out random stories to show his emotions. “Uhh, mmm, but y-yeah the guy w-was running, and he chased him, and Johnny and I were w-watching it all, and we were like fuck! It was so good!” You took all of him in your mouth, and that caused Jaehyun to look down at you, mouth agape, and all you could do was look up at how good he looked. “But yeah, I also got a shirt, that says “That Feels Nice!” after the shoplifting incident, i-it w-was o-on s-sale.” He started to twitch in your mouth, and he came, playing off his moans like he was searching for something. “Uhh, mmm, I-I am l-looking for this other s-shirt fuck, mmm.” Once you finished, you retracted your mouth from his length “Ah, I found it.” You went back to your spot watching him continue with the live waiting until he finished. Acting like nothing happened.
Jungwoo: Right before the live, Jungwoo was a little needy. You promised Jungwoo a blowjob, but because of the live it couldn’t be fulfilled. He was upset because he had to wait to satisfy his needs, so instead of canceling the live, or waiting to get his dick sucked, he used his fingers to signal you towards him, confused you walked over curious as to what he wanted you to do, he used his fingers to point down under the table towards his dick, and then you finally understood. Smirking, you got down on your knees, and crawled up to his lap, palming him through his pants, hardening him up, you unbuttoned them, and removed his underwear for his member to spring out. He talks to his fans like nothing’s wrong. “Yeah, I wanna meet all of you guys too.” You take his member into your mouth, but he plays it off really well. “Oh god! Guys it’s supposed to rain today, mmm.” You bobbed your head up and down picking up the pace trying to get more reactions out of him, when it doesn’t work, you tease him by removing your mouth trying to leave, but that does not work when he grabs the back of your head, and pushes you back down on his length causing you to gag a little. “I know I heard something too, it’s probably nothing.” He says distracting the fans from your gagging sounds. You continue to move your mouth against him, and he’s super close, you can see his leg shake while you continue to work your mouth on him. You move your mouth up to the tip and swirl your tongue across it sending him over the edge. “Damn, it’s starting to rain fuck!” Jungwoo says eyes rolling to the back of his head like he’s annoyed when he’s actually just getting good head. You got him through his orgasm as he came in your mouth, and finally finished. You removed yourself from the table, and going back to the room to get your phone, texting him “Your promise has been fufilled baby ❤️”
Mark: He was so confused, he didn’t know what to do let alone be on live while all of this happened. He didn’t know you were this needy to the point of sucking him off on live. He doesn’t even know how to act while his cock is halfway down your throat. “Oh fuck!” You look up at him, and expect an excuse to give to the fans. “Y-yeah g-guys I just caught a really bad cramp, shit.” He looks down at you while you look up at him with pleading eyes. “Ahh,” Mark whimpers. “It’s fine guys it just hurts Ahh, mmm, r-really b-bad.” You pick up the pace, and because of this, fans began to notice a change in his voice, “There’s nothing wrong with my voice guys, mmm, it’s all- it’s all g-good, ah!” Mark began to twitch in your mouth, and you knew he was going to cum, you took him out of your mouth, and just massaged his length with your hand until he came all over it, “Oh god! The cramp is back fuck! Ah, it-it hurts so much much ugh, I hate it, shit!” After he is done releasing over your hand you see how hard he is breathing. Everyone is asking Mark if he is okay. “Yeah guys the cramp is gone now I had to relax the muscle in the foot. Speaking of which, I’m gonna get off of live to try and find something to help with cramps, I’ll see you all soon!” He ends the live. “Way to be subtle baby.” You point out. “My dick was in your mouth, why would I be subtle about that. I hope no one didn’t think too much of it.” He responds. Later that night, you check out your phone. To find “Mark’s live” trending on Twitter, your eyes widen at the sight, and of course none other than a screen recording of the live with the caption “He was really enthusiastic about getting a cramp huh? 👀👀” After you read that, like clockwork Mark yells out your name to talk to you.
Haechan: “Yeah guys, I like a lot of their music.” Haechan tells people on live. You could hear everything he said due to the sudden predicament you were in. You were under the covers of his bed sucking him off while he goes live at the moment, his fans not even realizing it. This was all his idea, he wanted to see how well you could suck him off without it being too obvious. To him, you were doing really well, taking all of him, and making sure he felt every part of your mouth and throat making sure he didn’t make it too obvious, but that went out the door when you took him in your mouth a little deeper down to the base of his member. “U-um yeah, I like that song especially by t-them, they make incredible music, but that song to me is the best.” He continues to answer some of his fans’ questions as he tries to keep quiet from all of the obvious stuff happening, he tries to distract himself by doing whatever to not make a sound, but that didn’t last long, when he finally released in your mouth chasing his high that he yearned for the entire live. “I’m cumming!” Haechan yelled out. When he realized what he said, he comes up with a story. “Oh that was Mark, we’re about to go play basketball soon, so I have to end this live guys, but stay safe.” Once the live ended, you came back up from the covers, and toyed with your boyfriend a little. “Ahh, I’m cumming!” You mock him. “Yah, I’d like to see you do a live while I eat you out one day!” Haechan starts to smirk and thinks to himself that it doesn’t sound like a bad idea actually.
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another-tmnt-writer · 4 years
Congested and Contested
Donnie x Reader
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Author: Admin JemPrompt: Hello! May I request a Image where the reader, (Donnie’s GF), is sick but denies it until she gets her butt kicked by the guys at training, almost faints, then confesses she that she is ill and Donnie cares for her? Thank you!!
Note: I am under the weather a bit so this really made me feel all happy and wanting a turtle to take care of my sick college bumm. 
Warnings: Being sick? Undereating? Close to fainting? Honestly pretty chill.
Word Count:   2.1K
When you woke up for the day you could immediately tell something was off. Your eyes were so heavy and it felt like someone had shoved cotton balls into your skull, and left some plugging your nose. You couldn’t breathe except through your mouth which was so dry that you could barely take a breath without feeling like each inhale was a barbed wire being pulled down your throat then back out again. You groaned when you found your limbs were jelly. Everything felt disjointed and heavy.
You forced yourself upright and could feel your nose alleviate some of the blockages before coming back full force with a new friend- a pounding headache. Oh just great. I love a double whammy. Not.
When you heard the knock on the door and the bright light of the hallway invade your senses, it felt like your head would explode.
“You’re up- good. We have breakfast ready.”
You squinted at the large figure in the doorway, seeing enough features to determine it to be Donnie, with his bo staff strapped to his back and glasses being adjusted by a three-fingered hand. He smiled as you just groaned.
“Can I just stay in bed today?” You croaked, placing your head in your hands and gave a sharp sniff, trying to breathe easier.
Donnie moved towards you quickly and sat next to you. He moved your hair from your face and placed his lips against your forehead. You sighed as his cooler lips came into contact with your overheated body.
“Sweetheart,” He pulled away, “you’re burning up.”
You pouted as he got up and began walking the space of the room and began mumbling to himself on what your symptoms were. You sighed. You knew he would work himself into a worried frenzy and work until he was able to get you better. He had already been in his lab so much trying to find Shredder and what he was planning, you couldn’t put more on him.
You shook your head, “Don’t worry, love, I’m fine.”
You pushed the blankets off of you, shivering as you crawled out of your warm cocoon. Your headache began again with a vengeance. Taking a moment to recuperate, you pretended to look around for a clean shirt, when in reality you didn’t want to drop to the floor.
Donnie remained on the bed watching you with a crease between his brows. He knew you weren’t feeling well. He knew how stubborn you were. He also knew if he pushed the issue too far you would go silent and walk around the lair anyways. As long as he kept an eye on you today, Donnie could help when you were ready to ask.
When you were finally dressed- who knew trying to put on a sports bra when sick could be so freaking difficult??- you shot Donnie a smile and took his hand before leading him from the room. Donnie kept your hand in his and kept himself close to you the whole way. You just shrugged and let him have his moment of being protective. You couldn’t handle an argument very well with your nose running a mile a minute and your brain trying to replicate a whole drumline in your skull.
As you walked into the kitchen you were hit by so much noise and chaos you debated on turning around right then and there. Mikey was blasting “Wap” from the speaker April had gotten him- the same woman who introduced him to TikTok- while tossing a pancake onto a plate periodically. Leo sat with a smile, occasionally mouthing the lyrics and bobbing his head with the beat. Raph had resorted to banging the cutlery on the table in an impromptu drum session and was catching a pancake as they flew past him. Splinter merely sat reading a novel as he cut his pancakes into precise pieces.
Donnie nudged you towards a chair next to Leo before grabbing the two of you some plates. As he set one down in front of you you saw that Leo had been staring at you.
“What’s up, Fearless?” you drawled.
He just smiled softly and passed you some orange juice.
YES! Vitamin D to help take away some of the grogginess. When you were younger your mom would always make you a grilled cheese sandwich with either tomato or chicken noodle soup with a glass of orange juice. She always said it would help cure three parts of a cold. The hunger, the frowns, and the sleepies. It always cheered you up and never failed to make you feel like a little girl again when you got orange juice or grilled cheese.
You nodded gratefully before filling the glass and taking a big gulp. The cool drink on your dry throat felt amazing and you could feel your headache abate a bit. Well until Mikey walked up to you and decided to scream, “HOT PANCAKES!” before plopping six on your plate.
Your eyes widened. You were a food lover for sure, but there was no way you were going to be able to eat all of those. You raised your eyes to see Donnie smiling softly as he put four from your plate onto his. You nodded in thanks and started to nibble on what was in front of you. You weren’t even that hungry but you knew that if you didn’t eat at all then you would drop halfway through the day from malnutrition. That wouldn’t help your case of not being sick. 
The boys were done eating in record time while you struggled to eat even half of your food. They shot looks at each other while Donnie’s eyebrows furrowed at your attempts to finish off your plate.
You looked up to see 5 pairs of eyes on you. You chuckled, “Guess pancakes aren’t the move for me today. Sorry, Mikey.”
“It’s all good, sweetcheeks,” Mikey took your plate and began eating what was left, “You feeling okay?”
“Of course. Fit as a fiddle.” You bluffed. 
Donnie shook his head at you and stole a glance at Splinter, who nodded back.
You narrowed your eyes at them. What on earth were they concocting? 
You were stuck on the side of the mat as the boys trained. Splinter would ignore your attempts to jump in to spar with the boys and passed over you on all the demonstrations. It was infuriating. You had been training for months with the boys, proving you could handle yourself despite your smaller size. A stupid cold wasn’t going to keep you from training. Raph had the flu and still got to fight and go on patrol, but you couldn’t even train? No way.
You looked onto the sparring mat to see Raph on the ground, pissed as usual that he hadn’t beaten the leader in blue.  He ignored Leo’s hand and stood up by himself. Leo shook his head and went to where Splinter was working Mikey and Donnie through some movements. 
You smirked. This was your chance.
Snagging some water you strode over to Raph. Sniffed before getting to close so he wouldn’t hear your breaths ratting as easily. 
“Hey Red,” you offered the bottle to him.
He took it with clenched hands. “Hey Y/N. How ya feelin’?”
“Fine,” you said through clenched teeth.
Raph raised an eyebrow.
“wanna spar?” you shot out before he could begin to ask further about how you were doing. Honestly standing and talking was wiping you out and your head was pounding. 
“Nah I can’t fight ya when you’re like this. I would-“
You cut him off. “Scared you’re gonna lose again? I’m sure Leo would be willing to spar- more of a challenge anyways.”
You turned around but paused when Raph grabbed your elbow and whipped you back around. 
 “Let’s go.” He growled. He tossed the water bottle to the edge of the mat before backing away to get into his stance. So predictable. 
As you lowered yourself into a stance, he pounced at you. You had to duck and weave to avoid his offensive approach. You were hardly able to take in a breath and all the jumping around was making your head spin. Raph landed a blow to your shoulder and sent you back a good 2 feet. You could hardly breathe anymore. Your vision started to get darker spots on the edges of your vision. Raph stopped and called out for Donnie. You crouched down when you began to sway. Your breath came in shallow gasps and it felt like there was fog in your ears, your eyes, and your tongue felt so heavy. 
“Y/N?” you felt a cool hand press itself to your clammy forehead. “Love, you’re burning up”
Just as your vision faded completely you managed to get out, “It’s cuz I’m so hot.” Then it went dark.
When you woke up later, it was very quiet except for the mild hum of a diffuser on the table next to you. As you tried to sit up you found there was something heavy on your head. You lifted your hand and removed the damp cloth from your forehead to see that you were in a cocoon of blankets, head propped up by a pillow. As you shifted, you saw that someone had changed you out of your sweaty clothes into a clean T-shirt. You sniffed it and determined it was Donnie’s because of how big it was on you and the light scent of motor grease. You sat up quickly and took another deep breath. You could smell again! You smiled and saw a glass of ice water on the table. You gulped it down quickly and sighed as the cool liquid soothed your dry throat.
The door cracked open and Donnie popped his head in. He smiled and opened the door further when he saw that you were awake. He carried a tray with a bowl and toast with him, which he sat on the table next to you. He placed his hand on your forehead. 
“Hi love,” he took out a thermometer and turned it on, “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” you opened your mouth and he placed the device under your tongue. 
“You scared me back there. Why didn’t you just let me take care of you earlier? You could’ve gotten seriously hurt.” He looked at you in concern. You knew you worried him and it wasn’t fair. But you don’t want to be the weak link in his family. He was always so strong and took care of everyone else. You wanted to show him you could be strong too. 
Instead, you pointed to the thermometer in your mouth. 
He chuckled and nodded. “I’ll wait.”
The thermometer beeped and Donnie read the temperature. 
“99.7. Still a little high but better than before.” He said.
You looked down at your hands. “I’m sorry I worried you. I didn’t want to upset you.” You explained how you felt and Donnie remained quiet until you were finished. He pulled you into his arms and stroked your hair from your face. 
 “You are the strongest person I know, Y/N. You fight every day for us and you support me in so many ways. You always help patch up the boys after a patrol, staying up to help us talk through our problems. You always are so positive and push us to do better. You make me better every day and I am so grateful I get to have you in my life. You are so wonderful and giving and strong, it makes me want to be worthy of you.” He placed a kiss on top of your head. “You don’t need to be strong all the time. I am your partner and it’s my job to take care of you. I love getting to take care of you.”
You sniffled into his chest and wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“thank you.”
“of course.”
You both sat there for some time, simply taking in the other's presence. It was quiet and peaceful. Well until your stomach grumbled. 
“Hungry?” Donnie chuckled.
You nodded and took the bowl from him. Tomato soup and grilled cheese. Yes! You loved this turtle. You offered him a bite of the grilled cheese, then hunkered down into the blankets as he turned on Star Wars. He crawled in next to you. Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, your head against his chest, and your favorite movie marathon in front of you, you knew you could stay here forever. With Donnie, you were happy and content. Maybe having him take care of you wasn’t as bad as you thought. 
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etheraella · 3 years
𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘴, 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕖𝕣𝕒
(James Potter x Reader x Remus Lupin)
Summary: Midnight tours, sitting on rooftops, blithe relationships and smiles full of ecstasy, (everything was perfect). Sleepless nights, pitiful eyes, bitter lies and forced promises, (until it all changed). Nothing hurts more than picking a side, especially if it’s between two people you cherish the most. So tell me, is it James or Remus?
Warnings: mentions of forced marriage, sorrow
P.S: We came across a song that describes this story perfectly right as we were about to post, and we thought it would give that final touch to the story. The lyrics will only make it’s entrance after a while. here it is
* - used for flashbacks
!! bold italics - used for lyrics !!
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Made up twists:
- The public knows about the marauders being animagus’s 
- The crystal ball used for Divination was found early and only the higher ups, like Dumbledore, had access to it.
- Wizards actually relied on the crystal ball considering how accurate it was
You slammed the fork on the table, annoyed as what you hoped would be a quiet meal got interrupted, causing everyone to freeze still at the abrupt noise.
“Is it really that hard for me to enjoy a meal? One meal. That’s all I’m asking for.” You eyed every single presence on the table, keeping your gaze as intimidating as possible, yet some still mumbled under their breaths and puckered their lips so their smiles would look less obvious.
“Why? Getting shy? Oh, c’mon Y/N, you and James make quite the couple and you know that. Quite probably, the whole school does.” Your eyes shifted towards Sirius, who looked at you from the side of his eye, smugly smiling with a bit of his teeth exposed.
“Open your mouth again, Padfoot, and I’ll shove my fork down your throat.” You threatened, grabbing the fork you previously slammed on the table and pointing it at him. You glared at James, who had never once done anything about the teasing from the entire school. In fact, he just feeds the people with what they want.
While your meal was disturbed, he seemed to be enjoying his. He sat slouched on his chair, with an arm resting on the one beside him, the corner of his lip was perked up as he looked at you. “Don’t look at me, it’s not my fault we got exposed.” He raised his eyebrows, assuming to be portraying the innocent one, with his hands raised up lazily while his arm was still glued onto the chair beside him.
Frustrated, you combed your hair back with your left hand, looking to your right, where Remus happened to be sitting. He gave you a small smile. You returned it.
You and James were the impeccable duo, or at least as Hogwarts thought. Well, it is quite out of the ordinary for a woman to have a male animal as an animagus, specifically, a stag; which was James’s animagus too. It was funny how James, a coarse, vile-tempered boy had a stag, an animal that indicates looking out for others and leadership roles as an animagus. It was all so strange, almost as if you were meant to be… was what they convinced themselves with. Either that, or one of you loved the other so dearly, not only their patronus followed the other person’s, but their animaguses too. However, you didn’t take any of it into account. You thought it was all inconsequential.
Besides, it wasn’t James that had caught your eye, it was Remus. Not that James was irrelevant or anything, you still loved him, but not in that way. And you didn’t want your friendship to rupture. You had more of a connection with Remus though, and you felt as if he did too. But neither of you had the courage to tell each other. Although, there were times when “friendly” wasn’t the word to describe your relationship.
You dreaded these kinds of days; the days Hogwarts made their Steak and Kidney Pie. Not because they didn’t taste good, but because you’ve never reached the dining hall fast enough to pick a table where they actually served it. It was just ridiculous to you how they only serve the pies at certain tables. It almost felt as if the staff wanted to watch the students hurdle up like sheep getting chased by a sheepdog and the dining hall playing as their sheep pen.
You stretched your arms out in between the two people in front of you, making a big enough hole for you to push through.
“I’ll even swim if I have to.” You thought to yourself. It was no use, even as you went further forward through the line, the people beside you would push you more towards the wall. And once you reach the wall, it’s game over.
“Budge it.” Losing your balance as you felt a sudden push from one of the ‘sheep’, you got smacked against the wall, or so you thought was a wall.
“Well, good morning to you too.” Looking up at the low-pitched voice, you realised what you were previously slammed against wasn’t a wall, but rather someone’s rock hard torso, or more precisely, Remus’s rock hard torso. Rattled, you try backing away, trying to create space between the two of you, however the hallway was too cramped for that.
Remus slightly tilted his head to one side, making his double chin visible as he looked down at you, grinning. “Cramped places could be useful at times, don’t you think?”
“Don’t try it, Remus.” You said as you buried your face deeper into his shirt, hoping he wouldn’t notice how red you had become. But what you didn’t know was that he could feel your heartbeat fastening, being the reason for his chuckle.
“She sure is having quite the dream, isn’t she?” The sound of a pair of hands clapped together was enough to make you snap out of it. In a swift move, you sat straight on your chair. James, who was sitting in front of you was laughing hysterically. 
“You could have picked a different time to daydream about the future you and James hold, you know.”
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Later that night, you stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. You were always the last to fall asleep out of your dormmates, probably due to the continuous night tours around Hogwarts with the rest of the marauders. There was no way you would have a normal sleep schedule now.
Suddenly, you heard what seemed to be a knocking coming from the window. Looking towards the sound, you spotted a familiar owl pecking the moonlit glass window. You smiled to yourself, fully aware of what was happening. Hopping off the bed, flinching once your feet came in contact with the cold floor, you slowly opened the door, hoping not to wake your dormmates up. There stood James, a grin plastered across his face. “Hogsmeade tour?”
You smiled from ear to ear, all too familiarly.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
 You and James found yourselves sitting on the roof of a random shop located somewhere in the middle of Hogsmeade after a walk around what felt like the whole of the village, until you started to feel pain in your legs. You yawned, finally feeling a hint of tiredness in your eyes as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Tired already?” Unable to open your mouth, you just hum in response. “Another round, perhaps?” Lifting your right hand up, you slightly nudged his head to the opposing side with your index and middle finger, causing him to let out a short giggle followed by a kiss on your forehead.
“G’night, Y/N.” He rested his head on yours as he drifted to sleep along with you.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
You woke up to James screaming. “Get up! We’re late!” Still half-asleep, you let out a lazy groan as he continued screaming in your ear. “If you don’t get up now, I’m pushing you off this roof.”
“Shut up.” You mumbled a quick response in hope of James to stop talking.
“Get. Up.” Letting out a loud sigh, you lazily shook the sleep off your body and stood up. “How late are we, exactly?” You asked, your voice still a little croaky.
“They’re probably having lunch by this time.” Your eyes widen, almost as if they were about to pop out. “Damnit, James! You couldn’t have woken up a little earlier?” Cussing under your breath, you jumped off the roof and started running towards the school, James laughing to himself, following behind you after grabbing his jacket.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
 You two just stood there, your hands behind your backs.
“I swear, it’s not what it looks like.” Looking at the two of you, anyone would have easily misunderstood. How your hair was all messed up, along with James’s, your clothes wrinkled and only returning to the school the next morning. As the students walked by, they stole glances and exchanged giggles. Even at a time like this, where you and James were accused of scandalous behavior, James seemed to be doing nothing about it. It has always been you who had to solve misunderstandings.
You nudged James with your elbow, signaling for him to do something with your eyes. To no surprise, he just frowned and shrugged. Professor McGonagall, on the other hand seemed unamused, with her arms crossed.
Clearing her throat, she finally spoke. “Be that as it may, professor Dumbledore is expecting you. Both, Of you.” And with that, she walked away, leaving you and James exchanging looks with each other.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
“Ah, yes. Please, sit.” Dumbledore was standing behind his desk, admiring a crystal ball which was placed neatly on it. While on your way to Dumbledore to take a seat, he unanticipatedly posed a question.
“So, what are your thoughts on marriage?” Finally looking up from the crystal ball, he looked up at the two of you, with a small smile.
“You two are romantically involved, are you not?” You were taken aback by the professor’s sudden straightforwardness.
You shot your head at James, who did the same. Whilst you and James were busy arguing under your breaths, Dumbledore approached the two of you. “Well, it would be nice if that was the case, seeing that you two have a probability of ending the war.”
You shifted your attention to Dumbledore, curiosity filling your head as you wondered what he meant by ‘ending the war’. “End the war?”
“Precisely,” While Dumbledore was walking back to his desk, you and James followed behind him. “You see, being an old man has its own perks as well. Whilst being locked inside this room with nowhere to go, my mind has been pondering.”
Fascinated by the topic Dumbledore had bestowed upon you, you sat down, your gaze still fixed on the headmaster. “It is unquestionably impossible for a female to possess a male animagus, yet somehow you accomplished it.” He turned his back around to look at you. “If it’s not a deep connection that mirrored each of your animagus’s, which surely it must not be, it must be the power you hold. With the both of you combined, surely Voldemort won’t have a chance against you, or your children.”
“Children?!” You almost screamed. Once realising how loud you had been, you sniffed and fixed your position back on your chair. 
“I am aware of how sudden this all seems, however at times like this, I’m afraid not everyone has a choice. But of course, we will not take any risks. Therefore, to determine the success percentage of my proposal, we will be using, this.” He held the crystal ball he was previously admiring in his hands, as delicately as possible. “Divination?” James interfered, his tone smooth.
“Correct, James. We will be announcing the marriage publicly with the purpose of having everyone believe it being true. At which point, this crystal ball will analyse and interpret a wizard’s surroundings by logical thinking and sensibility of mind and body in comparison to Arithmancy, which focuses on calculating probabilities, magnitude, strength and effectiveness of magical forces in general, including properties of numbers and their application, which will be used to foresee a glimpse of the future. If perhaps, there is no sight of the victory of Voldemort, be it in love or not, this marriage is compulsory for the safety of the wizarding world.”
With no words to say, you were forced to carry all the pressure that was caused by what you thought was a miracle; having a powerful animagus. You were forced to pick a side.
“What if it still shows Voldermort’s victory?”
Dumbledore sighed before slumping down on his chair. “Then, I’m afraid my proposal was hopeless. And the marriage would be called off, publicly. I would have to yet again, sit here and… ponder.”
You sat there, thinking about both the possibilities. Although there were positive sides to both situations, the only thing that circled your head was the negative effects; what would happen to you and Remus?
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Your mind was still lingering in the headmasters office that you almost bumped into a wall. Fortunately, James was there to stop you.
“Does it really bother you that much?” He looked at you, his hand grasped onto your arm from when he stopped you from hitting your head onto the wall.
“This is about marriage, James! No, it’s about reproducing!” You looked at him, wide-eyed, seeing as he seemed all too unfazed by all this.
“Well, it’s not as bad when you really think about it. You could be ending up with Snape for all you know!” He laughed hysterically at his own line, whilst you blankly stared at him, unbelievably. “How could he be joking around at a time like this?” You thought.
You’ve been avoiding Remus since yesterday; when the news was announced. You were too afraid he would be disappointed in you; that you didn’t have the courage to do anything about it. You didn’t want to hurt Remus, but neither did you want to hurt the rest of the wizarding community. You decided that your decision would be made once you see what the crystal ball portrays.
“Run along, you too! We don’t have all day!” Your thoughts were interrupted by professor McGonagall who pushed you and James into the headmasters office. She didn’t know that your marriage was a part of a strategy. Dumbledore suggested she shouldn’t know so that she could be the one controlling the crystal ball, in order for the crystal ball to be analysing the professors surroundings; someone who wasn’t aware that it was all a part of a scheme.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
“Well? What do you see?” James pushed, forcing a quick answer.
“If you want to know so bad, why don’t you just look?” You glared at James from the small hole you made in between your fingers which were covering your face. You were too anxious of looking into the ball; you were scared of the outcome. James must’ve felt the same way, since he was also covering his eyes.
There was silence for a while. Nobody said a word. Dumbledore and professor McGonagall exchanged looks before putting the crystal ball away and facing the two of you. Before speaking, Dumbledore cleared his throat, which caused the two of you to turn your backs and face him.
“It seems as though the marriage will come to a great outcome. My proposition was well-built indeed.” He smiled, seemingly pleased with his way of thinking. Meanwhile you, on the other hand, were thinking about how on earth you were supposed to face Remus now.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
The moon had already made it’s entrance as you were still seated on some rocks near the Whomping Willow, with the waning gibbus moon and the forbidden forest in your range of view. You had completely lost your sense of time due to the messy state your mind was in. It was so quiet, even the sound of your stomach rumbling caused you to jump.
“Hungry?” You looked to your right, Remus was looking back at you with a softened gaze. You forced a smile before switching your gaze back to the forest, Remus making his way to seat himself beside you.
“Have you ever imagined life on the other side, Remus? You know, behind the forest and it’s deadly creatures.” You pointed the word deadly out in a sarcastic manner as you thought life inside the forest wasn’t as dangerous as people thought it was.
“Sunshine and rainbows?” He smiled, only the higher points of his face visible as the moon shone on them. “I’m serious.” You frowned, his smile growing bigger.
“What do you say we find out?” he raised an eyebrow.
“What about the deadly creatures?”
“Hey, I’m here for you.” He nudged you back with his shoulder a little too aggressively, causing you to almost fall on your side if he didn’t catch you. “Steady on! The moon already acting up?” You teased, but he seemed to be offended.
“Y/N, my shift was yesterday.” The realisation hit you; you were too caught up with the whole scheme that you didn’t even make time to think about the one person you cherished most. “Oh, I’m sorry,”
“No, no. It’s okay. I mean, I don’t blame you. With your marriage and all.” He sighed. You closed your eyes as you realised what you had done, or more specifically, what you hadn’t done. You wanted to be the one to tell him, he deserved to hear it from your own voice. “Remus, I-“
He took a deep breath in as he stood up and straightened his uniform, giving you a small, reassuring smile.
“ Somewhere far behind The scenes Two thousand and seventeen The start of a story Rumors about you and me Talking 'bout our chemistry But no need to hurry ”
“Congrats, Y/N. I’m glad it’s with James and not someone else.” He tried letting out a laugh, which only came out as a small, forced huff. Hesitating, he walked away, as if he had more to say but he couldn’t bring himself to. You only watched as his silhouette faded. The fact that you weren’t able to stop him built the guilt inside you. It was either this or the lives of many wizards being thrown away. 
It was at times like this that you wished you had gotten a different animal and not a stag as your animagus; even if it meant you had to be rotten inside.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
You winced at the bright light that shone through the window. Not aware how you ended up in your dorm, you looked around you. No one was there. “Has class started already?” You thought.
You studied yourself in the mirror as you fixed your tie. You’ve always had dark circles, but this time it was the most noticeable. But things like this didn’t bother you; it couldn’t. Not with all the bigger burdens you had to carry. You shook your head, giving yourself the idea of the weight being brushed off your body.
As soon as you opened the door to leave, a conversation was already being held in front of you. “Yeah, he got caught shifting the night before the last. He’s been hiding in the Shrieking Shack this entire time! Can you believe it?”
“What?! I mean, I’ve always thought Remus was weird, but I really didn’t think that far! So what’s going to happen to him now? I don’t want to be in the same building with that freak!”
“Trust me, nobody does. They’re having a meeting with some of the student’s parents, regarding his stay at Hogwarts. I wish he gets—"
As much as you wanted to fight back to the two good-for-nothing gossipers, you couldn’t waste the very little amount of time you had left. You would have been an idiot if you didn’t try to speak for him now. After everything else you hurt him with, it was only right for you to take action as a loyal friend, no, as someone who loves him.
Your mind was too occupied with thinking about what would happen to Remus if he got kicked out that you didn’t feel the pain in your stomach and legs as you ran with all your might. The wind harshly hitting your face as you ran, and your tie loosening. You couldn’t let him get expelled; not for something he didn’t ask for, not for something he couldn’t control.
“ 'Cause I will light up Your heaven tonight Light up your whole world Just for you ”
Your running came into an abrupt halt when James reached out for your arm. Worry filling his expression. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
You looked at him, breathing heavily as you snatched your arm away. “Remus needs me.” Seeing as you were about to rush away again, James placed his hand back on your arm, pulling you to face him.
“Tell me what’s happening. Why does Remus need you? What’s going on?” You studied him before combing your hair back with your left hand. “Someone caught him. Shifting. Yesterday. He’s going to get expelled if I don’t do something about it. He’s not a freak! He doesn’t hurt anyone!” Your shaky voice raising with every word you said, tears filling your eyes as you thought about what would happen if you don’t get there in time, huffing in between your sentences.
James stood there, examining your face, not able to find the right words to say. You sighed, “Let me go. I need to do something.” Trying to push his hand off your arm with your left hand, he only tightened his grip.
“Do you even know where he is? Do you even know where to go? Y/N, are you just gonna go running around the whole castle? With an empty stomach? Do you have any idea how you look right now?! You look like you just got up from your grave, Y/N! You would collapse before even seeing him!”
He paused, before taking a deep breath, followed by you. “Look, he’s going to be okay. Who do you think he is? A weak, fragile little boy? All we can do right now is be there for him when he gets out. Listen to me, It’s gonna be okay, alright?” His tone softening as he lifted your chin up with his folded index finger and looked into your eyes with raised eyebrows. You forced a tight smile and looked away.
“ Wherever you go I will follow Whenever you're low Just let me hold you Let me hold you Don't be afraid I will show you I'll make it okay Just let me hold you Let me hold you ” 
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
 It’s been almost a week since you last saw Remus, and your wedding was in a few hours. You never got to see him that morning. He left without even saying goodbye. Everything was happening too fast for you to take anything in. All you knew was that you were attending a wedding that was held in the entrance of Hogwarts as a bride, and James being the partner in-crime.
A quick knock from the other side of the door was enough for you to snap out of your thoughts. “Come in.” The door slid open, James leaning against the door frame in his suit, holding a bouquet of lily flowers in his hands. You gave him a small smile; you knew this was as hard for him to handle as it was for you. You shared the same burden, the only way for you to cope was through each other.
He walked towards you, his gaze fixed onto you the entire time. Finally reaching for the chair in front of you and seating himself down, he handed you the bouquet. “You’re gorgeous.” He commented, as he studied you in a white gown, your hair tied up in a bun and features enhanced with the way you looked at him.
“The same to you, I almost drooled.” You teased, followed by him cocking an eyebrow. But his eyes soon softened as he remembered the reason why he came to you in the first place. “Y/N, I have something to tell you,” You simply looked at him, listening attentively.
He dithered, still unsure whether he should tell you or keep it to himself like he did all this while. “We were never going to stop the war.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, confused. “What do you mean? I thought this marriage was supposed to—”
“I know, that’s what I wanted everyone to believe.” He paused, realising how much of a problem he was going to cause if he came clean, but he couldn’t keep it any longer; he had to tell someone. He took a deep breath and looked into your innocent eyes before speaking. His tone was filled with desperation.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I really am, but I lied to you. I lied to everyone. I messed with the crystal ball to make it look like we could end the war and I—”
“What? Hold on, James, what are you saying? Why would you mess with the crystal ball? What is wrong with you?!” The more you thought of it, the more it aggravated you; it didn’t make any sense, not even a single drop of anything he said made sense to you.
“Y/N, listen to me, I—”
“Were you in your right mind?! Do you have any idea what that silly prank of yours caused? Is that why you were so relaxed about all of this? Because it was one of your stupid jokes all along? And why on earth are you telling me this now?! James, what were you—”
“It wasn’t a prank!”
That was the first time you had ever seen him as exasperated as he was now. You’ve never seen this side of him. You only knew the bully, James, the prankster, James. The spoilt child, James. Seeing all this was new to you.
“It was never a joke. Do you really think I would be that narrow-minded? I wouldn’t go this far if I didn’t mean it. I wouldn’t have went this far, if I didn’t love you.” As he kept talking, his tone softened, as well as his expression.
Your face untensed as you looked at him. “I love you, Y/N. I always have and I still do. I know I shouldn’t have done it, but I knew if I didn’t, you would’ve left. I see the way you look at Remus, I can’t do it anymore.” You avoided eye-contact as soon as he mentioned his name. He was the reason you couldn’t say goodbye.
“Look, I’m sorry. But please,” his breathing became uneasy as he mumbled the next words. “Please don’t leave.”
“ I'm not gonna leave I'm here to stay 'Cause I ain't nobody If I ain't got you ”
You couldn’t scream at him for what he did. You couldn’t tell him off, because you knew how it felt to have someone to cherish. You knew how it felt to love and lose someone. You felt for him, and you hated it. He caused the chaos you didn’t ask for, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to get mad at him.
“We should go.” Your tone softened as you stood up, the bouquet falling off your lap and onto the floor as you did.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls,"
This was meant to be a day filled with joy and happiness. Everyone else seemed to be having the time of their lives except you, and a concerned James, who was standing before you. You examined him, your eyes landing on your joined hands with a ring wrapped on each of our right ring fingers. Who would have thought the moment you’ve always imagined as a child would end up being something you were forced into doing?
“James Potter, do you t…..”
You weren’t paying attention. The rest of his words became blurry for you. It felt as if your ears automatically filtered out the noise and all you could hear was your own thoughts.
Your eyes wandered the venue. Although this wasn’t the memorable moment you’ve always dreamed of, you knew for sure this moment was ought to hold a place in your head.
“ Baby, don't let me down ”
You shot your eyes at James, who called your name, then at the crowd. They seemed to be waiting for an answer; it was your turn to make your promise. You paused, your eyes still searching the crowd, until it stopped. And your body froze. “Remus?” you mumbled under your breath. James, following your gaze as he halted to look at him too.
He was leaning against the far behind wall, his arms crossed as he smiled at you. You didn’t expect this would be the first time you would see him after he left; at your wedding, without him being the one who joined hands with you.
“Y/N,” James whispered, causing you to look at him, then back at Remus. Your gaze shifted back and forth between James and Remus as wild thoughts were running your head.
“ Don't let me down Without you, I'm frozen Without you, I'm frozen Baby don't let me down ”
Something was screaming inside your head, and the more you listened, the more you were intrigued to catch it. Your gaze deepened into James’s eyes as you finally gave in. “Just this once,” You thought to yourself. “let me do what I want.”
You held his head in your hands, delicately, caressing his cheeks as you felt sorry for him, then placed a gentle kiss on his forehead as a tear left your eye. Pulling away, you noticed his confused eyes looking back at you. “I’m sorry.” Pulling the ring off your finger and placing it in his right hand before closing it again, you spoke. “We’ll be waiting for you.” Giving him one last smile, you turned to see Remus, his smile faded as he looked at back at you.
“ Wherever you go I will follow “
Lifting your gown up, your feet took off, your gaze still fixed on Remus as a smile plastered itself across your face.
This was the freest you felt in a long time. You deserved this, you deserved a happy ending. It felt as if the weight flew off your shoulders with the wind the more the momentum picked up as you ran. You felt your bun come loose, but you couldn’t care less. You decided to look at what was in front of you, and in front of you only. And in front of you, stood Remus. Your contagious smile now grew on Remus’s face as you grabbed his arm and pulled him with you.
“ Even if time will Fly away We will be hotter Than a flame 'Cause I ain't nobody If I ain't got you No, if I ain't got you ”
“To the forest?” His voice grew bumpy with each step he took, his eyes were fixed on you the entire time. You briefly glanced behind at him as your smile grew wider. “To the forest.”
Without hesitating, he twisted his arm away from your grip and grasped a hold of your hand, slowly intertwining your fingers as he picked up his pace, now leading the both of you towards the forbidden forest.
He shortly looked back at you, his eyes filled with ecstasy as he did.
“ Just let me hold you Let me hold you Don't be afraid I will show you ”
“I’m free,”
“I’m finally free.”
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Author’s Note: We are very proud to finally be able to share this project that we have been working on. Celeste has been tirelessly working on the plot, studying more about the project and writing this story, which took her 5 working days to finally accomplish. Meanwhile Luna has put in much effort into editing and polishing everything. It would mean the absolute world to us if our hard work would get noticed. Sending love and happiness to every single individual who interacts with this ♡
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
Cheesecake Debacles
Crossposted onto ao3.
1k words.
Yes this is based on the cheesecake gate of 2020. Also this is really bad but I'm just leaving it as it is aoettjkwkkk.
When Julie finds out Luke hates cheesecake she decides to take matters into her own hands and bake her mom's world famous cheesecake, determined to change his mind. 
Julie watched as Alex and Reggie bantered back and forth. It always got like this when Luke wasn't there to act as a middle man. Most of the time their blabbering conversation passed right over her head as she scribbled down song lyrics… until she heard Reggie say something that didn't settle quite right. "I'm sorry did I hear that correctly? There's something that exsists that Luke hates more than Trevor Wilson?" Julie asked, giving up on the melody she was trying to play. She turned around and crossed her arms. Reggie and Alex both instantly grew more anxious (more so on Reggie's part, Alex was always anxious). Reggie bounced on his heels, his arms wrapped tightly around his body as Alex placed anxiously behind him.
"Uh… yeah, I guess so." Reggie said quietly, like he let something slip about Luke Julie wasn't supposed to find out. Julie glanced at Alex, then narrowed her eyes at Reggie.
"Tell me," Julie ordered. If there was something Luke hated more than the man who stole his songs Julie couldn't help but be curious about who it was. Reggie screwed his mouth shut, shaking his head furiously.
"Nope, we can't do that. Luke will kill us if he finds out we even so much have thought about it." Alex muttered, pulling off his sweatshirt when he started to sweat through it. Julie heaved a sigh before closing the distance between her and Alex, gently placing her hands on his shoulders. 
"Alex breathe," Julie said, watching Alex carefully for any signs of further panic. Luckily he got it under control before it got worse. "Now. What does Luke hate more than Trevor Wilson?" Alex avoided her eyecontact, muttering the answer under his breath. "Alex you need to talk louder," Julie said apologetically, "I can't hear you."
"Luke hates cheesecake…" Alex mumbled, his cheeks heating up pinker than his sweatshirt. "Always has, Bobby did too but the idiot went vegan for six months so he had a valid excuse." Julie let out a snort of disbelief, but when she looked at Reggie she could tell they weren't lying.
"Luke hates Cheesecake?" Julie asked, a plan formulating in her mind.  Reggie frowned, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.
"What are you planning?" Reggie asked when Julie turned back around and scribbled down her idea. Both of her boys poofed next to her to read over her shoulders.
"You want to trick Luke into eating cheesecake?" Alex said with a snort, his voice ridden with disbelief. "Phat chance of that happening. The last time Luke ate cheesecake he was at Gerald from fifth grader's house and he got sick."
"Please, twenty bucks says I can get Luke to eat cheesecake by the end of the day," Julie said ripping the sheet of paper out of her notebook. She scribbled down her mom's mouth drooling cheesecake recipie from memory. Reggie exchanged a look with Alex before shrugging.
"Not like we have anything to loose, right Alex?" Reggie asked. For some reason Alex tended slightly and Reggie apologized saying, "too soon?" Alex nodded,
"Way too soon man. I don't think it's ever not going to be too soon." Turning to Julie the drummer held out his hand. "If you can get Luke to eat cheesecake by the end of the day you'll get twenty bucks from the both of us." Reggie let out a squawk of protest, whacking Alex's hand down before Julie could shake it.
"Dude Julie's just gonna bat her eyelashes and Luke's going to crumble. I love him but he's always been weak." Reggie said, refusing to let Alex shake Julie's hand. Julie rolled her eyes crossed her arms, glaringly at the bassist.
"Don't you want to see Luke taken down a peg or two? He's said no to Home Is like, five times already. Reggie, your country music is good. I don't care if it's not our usual sound," Julie said, grinning when Reggie himself finally took her hand in his.
"You got yourself a deal Molina," Reggie said before pulling Julie in for a hug. Julie pushed out of Reggie's hold with a smile stretched across her face. She reached up to pat his spongy hair before skipping off to start making her mom's cheesecake from scratch. Reggie watched Julie walk off and nudged Alex's shoulder with his elbow. "I hope you got twenty bucks somewhere in here cause we're both going to lose." Reggie said before poofing to the house to watch Julie cook.
Julie spent the afternoon preparing everything and trying to keep Luke out of the kitchen: which proved to be a more difficult task than it was worth. He'd sneak a small handful of chocolate chips when she wasn't looking, or swipe a finger in her frosting bowl. She's end up hitting him with her spatula before he poofed away. It took her an hour to figure out how her mom used to do everything because when the chocolate cheesecake was done it looked absolutely perfect. "Oh yeah, we're so going to loose," Reggie said, poofing into the room, leaning on the back of a chair at her kitchen table. Julie grinned at him wickedly, letting him and Alex both sneak a slice of the cheesecake before Luke saw it.
"Def'ly 'oose," Alex said with a full mouth. Julie rolled her eyes and handed him a napkin.
"What are you guys eating?" Luke asked, appearing directly next to Julie, eyeing the cheesecake warily. Julie shrugged and innocently placed the cake within Luke's arm's reach. Reggie and Alex both poofed out of the room before Julien could say anything. Cowards, Julie thought, her anger hidden behind the same smile she gave him when they sang together. Luke glanced down at the cheesecake suspiciously, like it was a snake coiled up ready to strike. "Jules what's you spend an hour baking?" Luke asked, trying to hide how uncomfortable he'd gotten.
"I found a box of my mom's old recipes. This is supposed to be her world famous cheesecake but I think I messed up…" Julie said, trying to sound disappointed in herself. On cue Luke's instincts kicked in and he wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm sure it's not that bad Jules. It's cheesecake, how hard is it to screw up?" Luke asked. Julie sighed dramatically, turning around in his arms.
"If only there was someone who could taste test it for me," Julie said, pouting her bottom lip out. Luke scratched the back of his head, taking a step away from the table.
"Well uh. I can go find Reg or Alex for you if you want… they both love cheesecake for some unholy reason." Luke stammered, trying to come up with a reason why he couldn't test it himself. Julie just took a step closer to him, holding a little bite on a fork.
"Oh come on Luke, it's just a little cheesecake. Nothing to be afraid of," Julie promised, slowly guiding the fork closer to Luke's mouth. Luke gently wrapped his hand over hers and leaned down to take the bite of cheesecake. Julie waited to see if he would actually swallow it before raising to her toes to place a kiss on his chin.
"Thanks Luke! Reg and Alex owe me twenty bucks," Julie exclaimed, pushing past him to run to the studio to claim her victory.
"I'm sorry Reggie and Alex what?!" Luke yelled after her, chasing her to the studio.
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Bells Will Be Ringin’
Darth Maul x Reader, but this time it’s Christmas (Life Day) A/N: Hey! I’m back with another story for Maul! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get another story out! I have a couple requests that I’m working on, but since it’s Christmas Break for me, I should be able to get them out pretty quickly! Requests are open by the way! Feel free to send them in!   
Also, I may come back in and do some editing on this piece in the next few days. I want to get it out now so I have time to work on other requests during break!
Original Idea/Summary Thingy: Christmas Blues^TM, but there’s a happy ending, so it’s okay! 
Warnings: None unless you count a sad and mildly bitter Maul. 
Word Count: 3356
(P.S. I listened to “Please Come Home For Christmas” covered by The Eagles while writing this, so feel free to feel that vibe if you wish. I also absolutely stole the title from the first lyrics and then found a way to work it into the story.)
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The snow fell in fleets of faint flakes. And he felt his heart fall with them.
It wasn’t that the snow wasn’t beautiful. Rather, it was what lay beyond the flurry that made his heart sore. He felt the icy breath of loneliness drop beneath his collar as he rested his chin on his hand and peered out the window. 
You were there. Just beyond the pane of glass. He had to swallow his heart at the sight. You looked beautiful, reaching up to catch a flake on your fingertips. He couldn’t keep his gaze from lingering on your lips. Your bright smile warmed his chest, and he wished for nothing more than to be out there with you.
But something gold caught his eyes. And his heart clenched. His brother walked beside you, and you smiled even brighter when he showed you the flake that had landed on his fingertip. A sorrowful sigh slipped from Maul’s lips as he watched you walk with his brother.
Savage had been the one to meet you. You had bumped into him while chasing after your rouge scarf that the wind had carried away, and Savage had kindly snatched it out of the air for you. He’d see you in passing afterwards and invite you into the palace for tea. That’s how Maul met you. You were having tea with Savage, and he had walked in on the two of you.
From the moment he saw you, he was enamoured; enraptured.
Savage properly introduced the two of you and you started spending a great deal of your time with them.  
And Maul fell hard.  
Everytime Maul hung out with you and Savage, he could feel himself growing weaker and weaker for you. 
Eventually you would get invitations to the palace from Maul himself. It was usually on weeks where Savage was off dealing with the syndicate, but there were occasions when you would come to see him on your own regardless of whether Savage was gone or not.
You’d talk about everything with him, and more often than not, he’d open up about himself in return. But rather than focusing on his plans or other bigger things in life, you learned that he loved a sweet chamomile tea, or a rich mulled wine in the cooler months. He had grown an interest in Mandalore’s classic literature, and there was something inexplicable about the city’s architecture that put a glint in his eyes. It was wonderful to see him talk about the things he liked. It seemed like he didn’t get to do that often, and the way he lit up when he got going about his passions made you smile big and bright. 
Upon the cool stone of his throne, Maul drowned himself in memories of you. The bit of bitterness that sprouted when his brother wrapped a hand around your shoulder melted away when he thought of the times you would laugh at something he had said and use his shoulder to keep yourself up.   
Your touch always left a soft tingle on his skin, even when you only touched his shirt. Your hand was soft and the way you held this hand when you comforted him had such a gentle strength to it. Your fingers were featherlight on his skin, but he had never felt as though stronger hands had held him. Not that he had had much experience in the area. Still, your touch was enough to send his heart reeling for hours. 
“If only her lips could grace my skin.” 
“She’d never do that and you know it. Besides, she loves another doesn’t she?” 
Your ringing laughter sent a jolt through Maul’s heart as you entered the palace,  “Savage! Put me down!” You giggled as Savage passed through the glass doors.  
“But Miss (Y/L/N), You’re tired! You said so yourself! A tired lady shouldn’t have to walk herself home!” Savage laughed along with you. 
“Yes, but a Lady also shouldn’t be slung onto your back and carried around like a rag doll!” 
You both burst into fits of laughter and Maul only watched and silently yearned from his seat. He wanted that; to cause you happiness in that way. But he was left to the seat of Mandalore’s throne; governing and making deals while you enjoyed the snow flurrying outside.   
“Maker how I wish I could leave for a day. Just to be with her. No deadlines, no time limit. Just her, a warm fire, and the snow outside. Is that so much to ask? Savage is gone next week, perhaps-”   “Hey Maul!”  you greeted with cheer, once again jolting him back into reality. 
“Hello Miss (Y/L/N),” Maul returned, “It’s lovely to see you today. Enjoying the snow?”  
“Yes! It’s beautiful outside! Albeit a little cold, but Savage and I are going to sit by the fireplace in the south sitting room to warm up if you’d like to join us.” You offered. 
“I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t today. I still have some meetings to attend, and there’s some paperwork that I have to get through after that.” He answered with remorse, and a look that seemed to say ‘I’m sorry’.
“Oh,” For a second Maul thought your face fell and a pang of guilt shot right through his heart, but you began to speak again with an optimistic lilt to your voice, “Well, if you happen to have the free time, you’re welcome to join us!” Your lips meet in a smile, and Maul’s chest floods with reassuring warmth. Gosh was he thankful for the dark hue of his skin. 
“I just may if I can.” Maul smiled back and waved as you walked off with Savage, once again laughing at something he said. 
“And now begins the fun part.” Maul muttered to himself sarcastically as he stood to leave for his next meeting. 
As soon as his last meeting was over, Maul whisked himself down the hall, headed for the one place he wanted to be: The south sitting room.  
“The paperwork can wait. She’s more important.”
His hearts thrummed in his chest at the mere thought of cozying up with you next to a fire; getting to feel your warmed skin against his. It was a dream he couldn’t hope for more.
“A little to the left.”   
“Oh. Yep....right......there” You breathed out as Savage worked a knot out of your shoulder. 
Maul’s hearts dropped.
He heard your voice from behind the door to the sitting room. You sounded so happy, so pleased. He would have been happy to hear you this way were it his crimson hands soothing the stiff muscles beneath your skin.   
But the hands kneading your back weren’t crimson, nor were the tattoos the same. They were gold, and soft, and gentle; so very much unlike his own.  
Maul cursed himself at the sight of you sitting on the floor between Savage’s legs, reveling in the released tension and relaxation f a nice massage.
“That feel good?” Savage asked sweetly, “Not too hard?” 
“Absolutely not. It feels amazing.” You close your eyes and lose yourself in the warm feeling of his hands working a little below the base of your neck.  
“Good” Was Savage’s rumbled reply.   
Maul took a step back before leaning against the opposite wall. 
“That’s right. She’s someone else’s. Maker, how could I have been so foolish? Of course she loves Savage over me, I mean, who wouldn’t? Why would she ever-” 
No. He had to stop for his own sake. 
So Maul stood straight and turned towards his office. At least he had paperwork to do. That could keep his mind occupied instead of wallowing in regret for the night. 
The paperwork did nothing to quell his thoughts of you. He couldn’t stop thinking of how happy you sounded in Savage’s hands. How pleased you had to have felt. Why couldn’t he do that? Why couldn’t you love him?
“Would you like some tea?”   
Maul looked up from the hundreds of pages of contracts and negotiations on his desk to see you standing in the doorway to his office with two mugs of steaming hot tea.  
“I’d love little else more right now.” He replied, letting out a long sigh, and stretching his aching back.  
You handed him a mug, and sat across from him, looking out at the snow behind the glass of the large window beside you.  
“How’s the paperwork going?” You glanced over to the thousands of sheets of paper littering his desk, feeling sorry that he had to go through all of that. 
“It’s uneventful. For the most part, it’s to do with the syndicate and their insatiable requests. It’s very repetitive.” He paused for a moment before quietly speaking up, “It’s nice to have your company.”  
You gave him a warm smile while a blush creeped it’s way up your cheeks. 
“I’m happy to hear that. I like spending time with you.” You admitted, looking to your mug in the slightly tense silence. 
There was a long moment of silence following where Maul’s pen scribbled against the paper, and you looked from the place where the pen and paper met, to his hand, to the curve of his cheek and the red of his skin. Your eyes dared to look at and linger on his lips. He muttered something through a sigh and you couldn’t help the way your heart clenched.
But then he moved. He looked up and you darted your eyes to a random building on the skyline and the snow that was starting to spill over the edge of the roof.  
“Look at her.” 
“Even when she’s not trying she’s beautiful.”  
Maul watched as you looked out the window. He could sense a tenseness in your muscles, but he was distracted by the way the silver light glinting off the snow lined your face, and the way you gently lifted your mug of tea to your lips, letting the steam billow to the ceiling as you sipped the drink. 
“Hell, she’s just looking at the snow and I can’t look away.” 
“Maker, those lips....” 
“If only...” 
“I’m so excited for Savage to see what I got him for Life Day.” You smiled out the window, trying to play off your nerves, hoping he hadn’t noticed you staring.  
“What?” He asked, quickly looking back to his paper as you leaned on his desk.  
“I said that I was excited for Savage to see what I got him. I worked pretty hard on it, and I want to know if he likes it.” 
That snapped Maul from his state of admiration. A sprout of something bitter burned in his chest. He remembered what he had seen through the doorway this afternoon, and clenched his fist with a quiet growl. 
“I’m sure he’ll like it. Your lover is appreciative of anything you would make for him.” Maul barely tried to hide the bitter envy in his tone, and yet, you didn’t seem offended. 
But you did look up at him with a quirked brow. 
“My lover? Maul, what do you mean?”  
And for the smallest second, in the teeniest of amounts, a little pang of hope surged through Maul, but he took it with an air of caution.
“I mean my brother. He’s your lover is he not?” He dared to ask, hearts beginning to race, beating against his chest. 
There was a moment of silence before you burst into giggles that grew to full blown laughter.
No matter what Maul could have expected, he was not prepared for you to laugh at him. Still, as confused as he was, he was silently hopeful of your response.
“Oh of course not!” You couldn’t breathe you were laughing so hard, “I mean, sure, he’s handsome, but he’s just a close friend,” You paused for a beat, looking to Maul before looking down to your mug, “Besides, I’ve got my heart set on someone else.” 
Maul’s eyes flew up to your face. His heart was in his throat and his grip on his pen tightened. 
“So, you’re...you’re not in love with my brother?” Maul swallowed thickly. He needed to know if he heard you right.
“No, I uh..I-”   
This was his chance.
“I love you.” Maul rushed out without a second thought, “I love you so much. I know you probably don’t feel the same, and whoever you hold affections for is the luckiest man in the galaxy, but I can’t hide it any longer. Maker, I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you, and-” 
He cut off when he saw the huge smile on your face. 
Before he could move or try to explain himself, you rushed around his desk and threw yourself around him, hugging him tighter than you ever had before. 
He stood stalk straight for a minute, tensing at the feeling of your arms around his neck.
“Did I just....? I just told her? Like that?.....And now she’s.....she’s....” 
He felt your arms squeeze him tighter, and as if on instinct, his arms wrapped around your waist and held you pressed against him, his nose burying into your shoulder.  
“I love you too.” You whispered into his ear, hugging him even tighter, and pressing your cheek to his.  
You felt Maul pull away from you, and he looked deep into your eyes. He took a moment to watch the wide-eyed, curious look on your face. He could see the billions of questions racing through your mind, and he felt his heart beating just as fast. And then his eyes looked to your lips. He couldn’t help it. You were so beautiful, and your lips were so tempting. He felt a dragging pull in the Force, and he could barely hold himself back. 
“Please let me kiss you.” Maul all but begged.  
You smiled up at him, a surge of happiness flooding your signature, as your eyes brightened, and a blush warmed your cheeks.
“I’ve never wanted anything more.”   
Maul’s face fell, brows scrunched in confusion.
“I....I said that out loud?”  
Your smile grew even larger if possible as you snorted a laugh from behind your hand. 
Peeking up at him once you’d composed yourself for the most part, you let our a little chuckle with your response.
“You did.” 
Your wide smile and, admittedly adorable, laughter only fueled his embarrassed panic.
“Oh, I-I-I’m so-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...I’ll just...” 
Your gaze softened as you reached out and took Maul’s hand in yours. You held it there in front of you for a moment, gaging his response before lifting it further. He silenced as he watched you lift his hand slowly to your lips. His breath hitched at the first sting. Your lips kissed the tip of each finger, sending ticklish tingles shooting up through his hand into his wrist. You were slow and caring, and that gentleness he had come to love about you, it was there too. 
His chest heaved with labored breath, but when you looked up at him he swore his hearts stopped. Your wide, bright eyes looking at him like that...a shiver darted down his spine, and he had to swallow his heart for the second time that day.
“Please kiss me Maul.” You whispered to him, voice full of want. 
Before he had time to think, or rationalize, he slammed his lips to yours, reveling in the soft, plush feeling of your lips on his. He held you close to him, pressing your body to his as your lips moved together.  
He was on fire. His body was warm and every new kiss was the smallest sting to your lips. Even his fingertips burned a little. But it felt good.
When you pulled away, his lungs jolted for breath, begging for him to breathe for even a second despite how breathtaking your soft, gentle lips where.  
He looked to you with wide eyes and you did the same. 
You stood there for a few seconds, looking at his eyes at first, then looking to his lips.   
They were so soft. So...fiery. 
“Maul...” Your voice cracked out of a whisper, eyes still trained on his lips.
“Y-yes dear?” His voice was breathy and curious. 
You broke fro your daze and looked away from him.
“I...I know I said that I love you too, but I want you to know that I...I fell for you the first time I met you. You were so handsome and beautiful. I..I don’t know what it was but I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” You huffed a laugh, looking down to where you held his hands, “I used to worry that you would find me creepy because I stared so much. But you were so beautiful. And I remember the first time I heard your voice. It was so soothing, and I swear I melted right then and there.”  
You paused for a moment, remembering back to those days. You smiled and looked anywhere but his face, eventually landing on the fire crackling in the fireplace across the office and the warm orange glow that lit up the room now that the sun was set.
“And then I got to know you. It took some time, but I loved getting to know the little things about you. Even the smallest idiosyncrasies, like the the way you crack your knuckles before you get to work, or the way you purr quietly when you drink a good cup of tea. It all added up to a person who was more than their scary reputation. You weren’t the ruler of Mandalore to me. You weren’t a feared Sith Lord. You were just like another person. You were my friend, and in time, I wanted more than that. I fell in love with you, and I...I just feel...right when I’m with you. I want to be with you.”
You huffed a nervous laugh and looked back to his hands. You took a moment to admire the crimson hue of his skin and the black tattoos that adorned them as you tried to hide the burning blush that was growing across your cheeks. 
Maul was hesitant, but he hooked one of his fingers under your chin to lift your face to his.  
You were met with wide, teary eyes, and a huge smile. 
Maul didn’t have any words to describe how his hearts ached with astonishment. To think that someone loved him that way; that you saw him that way, without fear or worry. You wanted him. You really wanted him. After all this time. It was him. Not another Mandalorian, not his brother. Him. He couldn’t help the toothy grin that spread across his face, and the pure love that bloomed in his chest. He wanted you to know what that meant to him, but he didn’t know how to say it, so instead he pressed his lips to yours once again, hoping that you would feel the strength of his adoration and love for you.  
You held the sides of his face as your lips locked together once more. In that moment, when his soft, fiery lips took yours again, everything in the galaxy seemed to shift, and you felt at peace with his arms wrapped tight around your waist. 
You pulled away from him to rest your forehead against his.  
“I know you know, but I love you. To the stars and back.” 
“I love you too my dear. To the stars and back.” 
The two of you sat in this embrace for minutes which grew to feel like hours. 
But amidst the firelit darkness and your sweet embrace, silver chimes rung through the city. Beautiful bells sang out the twelfth hour, announcing the beginning of a new day to all who were awake to hear.
Maul looked down to you with a content smile. 
“Happy Life Day my darling.”  
You smiled joyously into his neck. “Happy Life Day Maul.”  
And with one more kiss, the two of you started the happiest holiday of your lives. 
Let me know if you would like to be tagged in any of my future stories! My ask box and DM’s are always open!
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
The Secret
Rafael Barba x Reader. 
CW: language, some suggestive language, some angst, tooth rotting fluff.
Prompts filled: “Hey if your inspired could you do prompt 26. "Do you think they can hear us through the tent?” “Yes we can.” With Barba and a new detective? Maybe the squad went on a camping trip? If you don’t have time then no worries!” @bre160997 plus “Hi, hun! If it's okay, could I request prompt 12 + 29 from the Lyric Starters? Maybe a fight with Barba in front of the SUV or something, I'm really just craving for angst from @i-t-s-a-n-d-y & finally, from @thefanficfaerie Dr. Who Challenge: “Then you stole me. And I stole you… What made you think I had any intention of ever giving you back.”
WC: 2118
“Did you hear? We are going to do some team building exercise this weekend?” Amanda groaned as you entered the locker room.
“What? No. I was going through a case file all afternoon with Barba.” You replied, as you gathered your belongings.
“Barba and Y/N sitting in a tree… k-i-s-s-i-n-g.” Amanda sang, which garnered a glare from you.
“Oh stop it!” You threw your jacket at Amanda who caught it. “It’s not like that.”
Amanda cocked her brow at you. You sighed, defeated. “Okay, it’s like that. But please don’t say anything to Olivia. Barba and I haven’t made it official. He keeps stalling. And there is a ton of disclosure paperwork that needs to be completed.”
“I’m aware – you forget Sonny and I…” Amanda wiggled her left hand at you. You rolled your eyes.
“I know – but it’s different. You and Carisi had a long history together. You each had rank. I’m the newbie.”
“And Barba is the hand that rocks the cradle.” Amanda snickered. “Why do you think he keeps stalling? It’s been six months.”
You grabbed your jacket from Amanda. “So what exactly is this team building exercise?” You asked, ignoring her question. 
Truth be told, you were terrified as to why Rafael kept stalling.
“What the hell is this place?” You wondered out loud, as you stepped out of the SUV.
“Welcome to Bear Mountain!” Sonny replied, slapping his hand on your back. He walked past you and you watched as the rest of the team climbed out of the car.
“Fresh mountain air, private trails, a clean creek. We’re going to have ourselves a true mountain adventure and take to the wildness.” Oliva replied.
A woman with wild hair and a hippie dippy dress approached. She had a wide , friendly smile. “Are you the police group from NYC? SVU?”
Olivia nodded.
“Welcome, welcome! I’m Teres, and I am the owner of these grounds. “ Teres clapped her hands and the bangle bracelets she wore clinked together.
Sonny raised his brow and Amanda jabbed him in the ribs.
“These grounds are actually behind my family’s orchard and farm. We have tents set up for you all, but there is also a micro-cabin with a fully functioning bathroom and shower. While it seems like you have left the world behind, we are 10 minutes from the local grocer, diner, deli and pizza place. Barton’s Orchard is also a 15 minute drive. Tymor Park is 2 miles down the road. There you will find a swimming pool, more hiking trails, a lake for boating, volleyball courts and more.” Teres continued. “Is everyone here?”
Olivia looked around. “We’re waiting for one more.”
You turned to Liv. “Who else is coming?”
“Barba.” Olivia replied. “Thank you for having us, Teres.”
Amanda looked over at you and winked.
“The purpose of this weekend is to bring the team together. Now that we have Kat…” Olivia announced, smiling at the young detective. “And Y/N.” She smiled at you. “Carisi is our new ADA and Barba is our new Bureau Chief. Things at the one-six have shaken up. I thought this would be a nice way to get away from the hum-drum of the city and do some old-school bonding.”
At that moment, the rumble of a car approaching the grounds filled the air. You watched as Rafael got out of the cab. He was way over dressed naturally - this did not surprise you. He seemed awkward and out of place. He frowned looking around before his eyes met Liv’s and he smiled brightly. He walked over and said hello. You tried to say hi but he brushed you off and immediately you hated the weekend and wanted to go home.
Your whole life you lived by the motto that you don’t shit where you eat. You didn’t do workplace romances. Then you transferred to Manhattan SVU and had a random hook-up with one very sexy Cuban man after your first hard case who just happened to be the Bureau Chief. But after that one incident, in which you both swore could never happen again, you both couldn’t keep your hands off each other.
But it was a secret. Months and months passed. Now it was six months in. You kept wanting to tell Olivia – but Rafael kept saying it was not the right time. More and more, it felt like the guilt of the relationship was taking its toll. You finally caved one night to your partner, Amanda, spilling every last drop.
Amanda took the information in stride and promised she would keep it all under confidence. That said, she did enjoy occasionally ribbing you from time to time about it.
Night quickly approached. The whole time Rafael dodged you as best as he could. You pulled out your phone and wondered if you could fake an emergency to escape. The campsite claimed there was wi-fi but the connection was shitty.
You looked up at Fin, who crouched next to you. “Hey.” You replied dejectedly while you nibbled at a s’more.
“You okay? You’ve been quiet all day. Not like you.” Fin replied. You sighed, watching Sonny and Amanda across the campsite with Rafael, laughing over God knows what.
“Yeah. Just tired. Camping isn’t my thing.” You replied. “I need to be in actual civilization.”
“I get that. I don’t do nature either.”
“I think… I am going to head to bed.” You replied standing. You stretched out your hand. “Want the rest of my s’more?”
“Nah, I’m good.” Fin replied. “Maybe Barba wants it. He’s always hungry.” He laughed and jutted his head towards the direction where Barba was.
You hummed and gave Fin a smile before heading to your tent. The ground was cold and hard. Sleep was futile.
It was one weekend. You could do this.
The next morning, breakfast was being had and Olivia was busy going over some of the bonding activities everyone was going to partake in. You decided to take your coffee to go, walking up a trail.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t go by yourself. Barba, why don’t you accompany her?” Amanda replied, with a wink to you. “Unless you want to go kayaking with us.”
You shot a look at Amanda. “I don’t need a babysitter.”
“Nonsense – everyone should be in pairs. You never know what could happen.” Olivia replied. “Besides this is about team morale and building.”
“Great.” You gritted. Rafael looked at you and gave you a small, forced smile.
“After you, detective. Lead the way.” Rafael replied.
The walk up the trail towards Tymor Park was mostly quiet between you. After you were far enough from the campsite, you whipped around and stepped in front of Rafael, causing him to take a step back.
“I was trying to get away from you!” You hissed.
“Look, Y/N, I don’t know why you are so upset with me.” Rafael began. “I told you I wasn’t ready to disclose.”
“When will you be ready? Why don’t you respect me or our relationship?” You replied, sitting on a rock.
“That’s not true – you know I respect you. It is just complicated.”
“No, it’s not. You are making it complicated.” You watched as a white butterfly flitted by.
Rafael sighed and sat on a rock next to you. “I thought we wouldn't last a month. But then we did, and then another month, and I'm still not sure how this happened.”
Rafael pulled your chin to face him. You jutted your chin out from his grasp. ““It feels like you don’t care.” You scoffed. You stood and crossed your arms. “Well?” You asked, exasperated when Rafael didn’t immediately respond. Your eyes began to shimmer with tears that threatened to fall.
You looked over your shoulder as you began to march in the opposite direction. “I’m going back to the campsite. If you want to follow me, that is your prerogative.”
Rafael used the opportunity to think about what he wanted to do as he followed you back to campsite. Truth was that he did like you – a lot. He might even dare to say his feelings bordered on love. But ever since Yelina had broken his heart so many years ago, he was reticent about any kind of relationship. Certainly his line of work didn’t allow for romance and he used that to his advantage.
Then you came along. And turned his whole world upside down.. 
You were the newest detective after Kat Tamin. You were like a breath of much needed fresh air. You weren’t jaded like the other detectives and thought outside the box. When other detectives offered stereotypical analysis, you had a way of providing another vantage point that might not have been otherwise stated.
You were also thirteen years his junior.
Rafael worried that disclosing the relationship would make him come across some kind of old man pervert. And instead of telling you and leaning on you, he decided to push you away because it was easier to avoid than deal with feelings he wasn’t used to.
When you had gotten back to the campsite, you stormed off to where Fin and Sonny were, joining them in a card game. Your eyes met Rafael’s and you glared at him before turning to Sonny and laughing at what he said.
Rafael felt his heart sink a bit. And then he gathered what resolve he had and vowed to make things right with you. He didn’t want to risk losing you.
After a day of more bonding activities, you all sat around the campfire. Sonny strummed his guitar – a hobby of his – as he lead everyone through a round of Wagon Wheel.
Picking me a bouquet of dogwood flowers
And I'm a-hopin' for Raleigh, I can see my baby tonight
So rock me momma like a wagon wheel…
Finally, everyone decided to hit the sack and call it a night. You were settling into your sleeping bag, when you heard the zipper to your tent open. You turned on your flashlight and directed it to the tent opening.
“Who the fu—”
Rafael poked his head in. “Can we talk?” The light shone directly into his eyes, nearly blinding him. He blocked the light with his hand.
You sighed. “I’m going to bed. Make it quick.”
Rafael climbed into the tent and settled next to you. You set the flashlight between you, causing an eerie glow. Rafael took your hands in his and pressed kisses along your knuckles.
“Hermosa, you deserve to know the truth. What I feel for you…” Rafael sighed, shaking his head. You felt your heart thud in your chest and your stomach churned. You thought perhaps he was going to break your heart for good.
You interrupted him and began to speak, your voice shaking. “Please spare me the humiliation…”
“No! If I ever made you feel like I don’t love you. That was my fault and I’m a bad liar.” Rafael replied.
“You love me?” You asked, your voice hopeful.
“I do.” Rafael replied. He pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. “Then you stole me. And I stole you… What made you think I had any intention of ever giving you back.”
“I love you too Rafael.” You replied. You climbed over to his lap, knocking over the flashlight. You leaned over and pressed your lips against his. Rafael groaned, and opened his mouth, returning your kiss. He stretched out his leg and pulled you into his lap. His hands ran up and down your thighs, squeezing your ass as you hungrily kissed each other. His tongue danced with yours and you ground yourself against him. You could feel his cock harden. You moaned loudly as he lowered his mouth to the slope of your neck sucking on a sweet spot, causing you to grind further down. “Oh Rafael!”
Rafael slapped his hand over your mouth. “Sshhh.”
“Do you think they can hear us through the tent?” You asked.
“Yes we can.” A voice that sounded a lot like Olivia’s called out. “And here I thought we would have to worry about Rollins and Carisi.”
You and Rafael burst into laughter. “Well, I was going to suggest disclosing in the morning, but I think we were found out.” Rafael replied.
“Good. Now that they all know…come here.” You replied – your voice was filled with want. You wrapped your hand around Rafael’s neck once more and pulled him down on top of you.
Tags: @madpanda75 @tropes-and-tales @delia26 @mgarner1227 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @delia26 @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolon @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @blk0912 @choppedgalaxynerd @detective-giggles@rampantmuses @jazzyjoi @caked-crusader- anyone else, just ask! xo
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rukanrin · 3 years
You set my world on fire---Dante x Female Reader
So I’ve been listening to this song for over one year now,Rapture Rising by JT Music, about BIOSHOCK and i was thinking,if i could do the same thing as i did with Vergil,with the lyrics and setting,could i make this blow by adding a lot more drama?(i will replace it with another song because hell it does not fit the romantic theme) well I’m here to find out! make sure you survive folks and this is when Dante was still a dipshit teenager,about 16 or 19 we will see -Ruka T/W: slight mentions of murder and cannon gore ---------------------------------------------- I lose my breath whenever I see you You stole my heart, what is it that you do? you shuddered,you mother had always hated your father,but never had you thought she would make you stay in the underwater city people claimed to be ‘paradise’, yeah, a paradise for monsters and murderers, you were a teenager now, the only thing keeping your sanity was the broken teddy bear and building blocks,you did get an education,but you hadn’t had contact with anyone,or anything for that matter for a long time My life was grey 'til you added colors Like the moon needs the sun, we don't care about the others you were sitting beside a small hole in the bottom of the hall,placed to that the water did not overflow or get in,your father had been missing for so many years,so were your sisters,but ‘mother’ would still watch your every step,oh how you wished to just jump into that hole and swim up to the outside world,the world the others say is free of greed,pain,boredom.... You set my world on fire You're my heart's desire Suddenly the water in the gap moved,which caught your attention,nothing had moved underwater for so long,so what was the water doing now,was it just that below your tunnel another cracked and let out air? then you saw it, the beings that crawled into your nightmares, its long,slender fingers bent as it pulled itself into the tunnel,then it saw you I just wanna love you, just wanna hold you Just wanna be with you 'til we grow old You subconsciously moved back,giving it even more hints that you were a living being,and you were ‘kill-able’,it screeched and reached out to you,only to get pissed off when you turned on your heels and ran,the (favorite color) bow’s ends flapping off your (black/white) dress,you ran,and ran,and ran,but it wasn’t that stupid, and surely was not as slow as you Please tell me you'll stay or take me away I want you for myself every single day you ran into a dead end,turning around to find the monstrosity in the tunnel right in front of you,you were on the verge of tears,you didn’t want to die,you couldn’t die,no,not here,not till you see the world above,you were now on your knees and covering your eyes, expecting to either be met with the sickly warm blood coming out of you, or to be turned into one of the yellow-eyed dolls,no ther weren’t dolls,but they acted like ones... You set my world on fire You set my world on fire but instead of the two,you heard a loud thud,and a metal click,you looked up,your cheeks pink from your tears,that’s when you first laid eyes on him,your savior,and also your curse...Dante...younger son of Sparda...his icy blue eyes met yours,yours were filled with shock and hope,whilst his were filled with mischief and love, “take a picture,it’ll last longer” he commented,giving you a smug grin which left you flustered,in search of words I don't know what I'd do without you You make me smile, what is it that you do? “I-im sorry,my names (Y/N),(Y/N)(L/N)...” You introduced yourself,extending your hand for him to shake, “Dante,nice to meet you beautiful~“ he held your hand with is gloved one,giving you a kiss on your knuckles,he then pulled you in and draped a hand over your shoulder,kicking the anomaly out of the way as he lead you through the tunnels,back to that sick,dark,little playroom you spent most of your life in My life was grey 'til you added colors Like the moon needs the sun, we don't care about the others “That’s your stop I’m gue-” Dante stopped talking after seeing your upset face,you didn’t want to be here,you wanted to break all the windows,break free from this underwater prison,but it would cost you your life “Hey...are you alright?“ he questioned,holding both your hands , his voice was coated in worry,you had been walking for a few days in the tunnels,meeting many more creatures,dolls, and dead ends,you got to know him personally through those few days,he was a fun guy,and you fell for him,you fell into a dark ocean,with no oxygen,you snapped out of your thoughts,not noticing the tears swelling up in your (eye color) eyes,he looked at you with a serious and worried expression,still holding both of your hands as if to say ‘I’m not letting you go till you’re ok’ You set my world on fire You're my heart's desire You came closer as he let go of your hand,embracing one another as you silently cried “I-I don’t want you to leave,I don’t w-want to be here a-anymore!” you whispered,you truly didn’t want to leave his side,he lit a flame in your candle heart,made you feel loved...you wanted to return the favor, “sweet pea,I can’t really have you going on wild hunting rides with me,but i can stay for a few da-” you couldn’t help yourself and cut him off with a kiss,you were ashamed,that you couldn’t have waited a little longer to confess... I just wanna love you, just wanna hold you Just wanna be with you 'til we grow old Please tell me you'll stay or take me away I want you for myself every single day but he didn’t push you away,instead he pulled you even closer,returning the soft show of affection,sure he had flirted a lot,and had a playboy attitude,but he didn’t really have experience,but he knew,at that moment,that the feeling that kept him from leaving you behind isn’t just his conscience.A minute later you both pulled away,you looked away,a rose red blush appearing on your face,as he gave you a daredevil grin “oh (Nick name),if you wanted a kiss you could have asked” Dante teased,to which you responded with “so do you um...li-” you felt a finger on your lips,making you stop talking You set my world on fire You set my world on fire “love you?” the son of Sparda finished your question for you,”will this answer your question?“ He chuckled before giving you a peck on the nose,you took that as a yes and nodded,but there was a problem if you two were to be together,after all,this town is full of tunnels,killers,monsters,dolls...”dont worry your pretty head about how it will play out,I’ll keep you safe“ dante promised,pulling you closer to him,and the cursed playroom seemed to finally regain its childhood warmth and light I just want you, I just need you I don't know what it is you do I just want you, I just need you I don't know what it is you do....
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annemiek19 · 4 years
Concert - Drew Starkey
A/N I post a lot more imagines on Wattpad about the Outerbanks. My name on Wattpad is kissniallerhoran ! I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did writing it. It honestly makes me miss concerts even more, especially this one because I would’ve seen 5SOS four time if Corona wasn’t here :(
You're going to see your favorite band with Drew.
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Today is finally the day you have been waiting for for so long. On your birthday, three months ago, your boyfriend Drew gave you tickets to see your favorite boyband of all time: 5 Seconds Of Summer. Today is finally the day that you’re going to see them and you couldn’t be more excited. If it was up to you, you would be already waiting in line. You didn’t care if it would rain or not, you would be there all day just so you could be front row to see your favorite band. Drew was of course coming with you, but he didn’t want to wait the whole day. So you got to a compromise and decided to left just after lunch. You hadn’t slept very well, because you were so excited to go. 
You were now getting ready to head out soon. You were wearing blue ripped jeans, with a Rollings Stone shirt, a leather jacket and white converse.
“Babe, have you seen my shi-.” Drew walked into your room and looked at you. “Found it,” he mumbled. 
“Sorry,” you said with a smile. 
“Nah, it’s all good. It looks better on you then it does on me.”
“No it’s doesn’t. It looks great on you. But you have another one in the closet.” Drew kissed your cheek before he walked to the closet and picked out a shirt. In stead of going with another band, he put on his white Chester shirt that you bought when you went on a vacation there a few years ago. 
“This good?” he asked. He was wearing blue jeans with the white t-shirt. 
“Yeah, you look hot.” Drew smiled. 
“I can say the same thing about you.” He walked into the bathroom while you did your hair. 
Once you were done, you head out to grab some lunch. You couldn’t stop talking about you seeing your favorite boyband again. They haven’t been on tour for almost two years, so you missed seeing them live. The 5 Seconds Of Summer concerts were one of the best. Before you met Drew, you would always go by yourself. Your friends didn’t really like them and you didn’t want to bother them by asking them to go, so you went by yourself. And boy, it was the best decision you ever made. You met some girls who where waiting in line and to this day, you’re still friends with them. You got front row and you screamed along with every song. It was one of the best feelings in the world and you couldn’t wait to share this with Drew. 
“Is Y/F/N going to be there?” Drew asked after you were done with lunch and heading to the venue. 
“Yeah. We’ll be meeting up with her first and then move down the line,” you said while quickly checking your phone to see where is was sitting. Y/F/N was one of the people you met at your first 5 Seconds Of Summer concert, which was almost 6 years ago. It’s insane that you’re still friends with her. She doesn’t live close by, so you stayed friends through the internet and meeting up at as many concerts as you could. 
“Y/N!” you heard someone yell your name. 
“Y/F/N!” you yelled as soon as you spotted her. You let go of Drews hand and ran towards her. You both yelled from excitement when you hugged each other. 
“My good, girl. You look amazing!” Y/F/N said when you let go of your hug. 
“Thank you. You too!” 
“So, where is that boyfriend of yours? I would love to meet him?” You turned your head and saw Drew walking towards you with a big smile on his face. 
“Y/F/N, this is Drew. Drew, this is Y/F/N,” you introduced them to each other. 
“Nice to meet you,” Drew said while he shook her hand. 
“Nice to meet you too. I’ve never imagined Y/N dragging her boyfriend to one of the concerts,” Y/F/N laughed. 
“I didn’t drag him with me! He gave me the tickets.”
“I know, but it’s still brave.”
“Brave?” Drew asked. 
“Yeah, I mean the 5SOS Fam can be pretty intense once its all starting.” Drew looked at you in shock. 
“She’s joking. It’s not that bad,” you say. 
“Oh no? What about three years ago when you got into a fight over Ashtons drum stick?”
“I didn’t start the fight. The girl next to me stole it from me. The bitch.” 
“See what I mean?” Y/F/N said and looked at Drew. 
“Oh you would do the same if someone did that to you.”
“Maybe,” Y/F/N mumbled. You laughed. 
You talked for a while and then you moved to the end of the line. You were way to excited to stay still. You talked with the girls in front of you, while you held Drews hand. Before you knew it, the doors opened. You had the biggest smile on your face as the moment was finally getting closer. You got in the venue and pulled Drew with you to get as close to the barrier as you could. There were about four rows in front of you and you couldn’t complain. You were standing right in the middle and it was the best view. You could look over the girls in front of you, so you had no problem seeing the stage. 
“How long before the show starts?” Drew asked. You looked at your phone. 
“Half an hour for the opening act.” Drew nodded his head. You talked some more and then the lights went out. 
Everyone started to scream, you included and it wasn’t even the band that would perform now. You heard Drew laughing next to you.
“This is only the beginning,” you yelled in his heard with the biggest smile on your face. The opening act walked on stage and started to play their set. You sang along to every song, already starting to lose your voice, but you couldn’t care less about that. After the opening act, it was finally time for 5 Seconds Of Summer to come up. You haven’t been to a concert in a while, so you felt a lot of energy going through you body. 
“Just brace yourself for what’s going to happen next,” you said to Drew. 
“You’ll see.”
The lights went out again and everybody started to scream even louder then for the opening act. The intro began and you couldn’t contain yourself to scream even louder then you already did. The band came on the stage and the screaming got even louder. You felt so much happiness going through your body.
“I thought we had a place, just our place, our home base, my headspace,” you screamed at the top of your lungs. You looked at your favorite band and screamed every lyrics along at the top of your lungs. You looked at Drew, who was bopping is head to the beat. You screamed and jump all night long. 
When Ghost Of You came, Drew took this moment to wrap his hands around your hips. you turned around to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You were singing along to the music while quietly swinging along.
“I love you,” Drew whispered in your ear. 
“I love you too,” you said back and kissed him. The moment felt perfect. You were at a concert of one of your favorite bands with your boyfriend. You were smiling when you pulled back. 
“This is truly one of the best nights of my life so far,” you said to him. 
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” he said and pressed a kiss on your lips again. 
The music picked up again, so you turned around to look at your favorite band. Drews hands were still on your hips. The concert went on and you had almost lost your voice when She Looks So Perfect began. You knew from the set list that it was going to be one of the last songs they would sing. You screamed along to the song while you jumped up in the air. You felt tapping on your shoulder. You turned around to see Drew standing behind you. 
“And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it. Would you wanna run away too?. ’Cause all I really want is you,” you heard Calum sang. Drew got down on one knee, and pulled a box from his pocket. He opened it what showed a ring. Oh my god. Your hand covered your mouth in shock. This couldn’t be happening right now. 
“Will you marry me?” he yelled. You felt the tears in your eyes. 
“Yes!” you yelled back. Drew got up from the floor and kissed you. He put the ring on your finger once he pulled back. Your smile has never been this big. 
“I love you so much,” he said. 
“I love you too,” you said and kissed him again. He just proposed to you while you were at a concert of your favorite band. This night just got better and better!
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ohokimdumb · 4 years
Carlos Oliveira Imagine (Intoxicated) 🥃💚😓
 Request: Can I request an imagine where Carlos has to take care of the drunk friend(reader) and she confesses her feelings?
A/N: So, In case anyone was curious...the song that helped inspire me to write this piece is MGK-BLOODY VALENTINE ♥ I’d also like to apologize because I may have used my nickname for Carlos in this imagine...”MOPHEAD” IM SO SORRY actually not really that sorry. This imagine is also great to write because I’m hungover from drinking four different hard liquors and doing molly so this is great to write...and I feel great smile I’m super happy about this imagine, cause I think it’s super cute and I want someone to care for me this way. I’m literally hurting my own feelings with my work I’m not okay
Word count: 1.4k
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You twirled and shook your hips to the music that blasted from your TV. You spun around and around on your coffee table as you sung the lyrics to your favorite song. You would definitely get complaints from your neighbors in the morning, but you didn’t care. The world was falling apart around you; it was time to drink and dance to the sound of music destroying your eardrums, while not caring about the consequences. You took a large gulp of whiskey. It burned your throat on the way down, but it would soon make you feel amazing and careless. All you were wearing was a t-shirt you stole from Carlos and white lace panties.
You felt yourself grow dizzy so you made the executive decision to sit on the couch and relax to avoid a concussion at all costs. You looked over at your phone, it was dry as the desert as always. You were...lonely. You missed him.
“Should I text him?” You asked yourself. As you talked to yourself, you felt less lonely. It was truly sad when you thought about how empty you were after the fall of Raccoon City and R.P.D. You sloppily took another swig of the cheap whiskey. You didn’t feel like spending a lot of money of good, expensive alcohol that Carlos would enjoy. It didn’t matter, he wasn’t there. After a few more seconds of staring at your phone, debating a question you already knew the answer to the moment the words came from your mouth. You dizzily grabbed your phone and located your messages. It wasn’t easy being drunk.
The words started to morph together as you tried to concentrate on what to say.
“Heeeeyyyyy, what ya doing mophead?” You awkwardly laughed at your attempt to tease him; you really were getting hit hard by the fifteen dollar whiskey. Your phone made a whooshing sound, letting you know the message sent. A couple minutes later as the alcohol set in even more, your phone buzzed.
“Mophead?????” He questioned your new nickname for him. In a weak attempt to text back, your sight grew blurry as you struggled to make out the letters on your phone. You began to mumble and slur to yourself as what would be considered a “brain dead” activity made you feel like it was college all over again.
“Your hair is amazing, and it smells great too. What’s your secret???” After five minutes of hard thought, you sent the text. Your phone immediately buzzed. As you tried to reach your phone, you lazily spilled whiskey on the carpet.
“Fucking...Great.” You sighed, your eyes widened at what Carlos said in response.
“Call me.” Carlos responded. Was it that obvious? You hesitated before calling. Why did he want you to call? Why was he awake? It was close to 3 AM. You swallowed and dialed his number. Anxiety crawled up your spine as the phone rang. After four rings, Carlos’ tired husky voice hit the back of your ear. You were scared to say something, you weren’t sure why. You and Carlos had always been close; he was the type of friend who would never betray your trust. You trusted him with your life.
“Hey, y/n. How are you doing?” His voice was rough and it was the most attractive thing you heard in weeks. For some reason you could smell his exclusive cologne he bought from Brazil. He constantly wore it around you; he knew you liked how it smelled.
“I...am...great.” You slurred your words and Carlos instantly knew you had been drinking. He chuckled in a tired, quiet tone.
“Vodka?” He guessed. You shook your head, thinking he was able to see you through the phone.
“Cheap whiskey...” you said lazily.
“Ugh, why would you do that to yourself? It’s like drinking straight gasoline.” He voice became more even as he started to wake up.
“Oh my bad, Mr. exclusive.” You laughed and Carlos sighed.
“Is it cool if I come over?” He asked. You paused and thought about it. Why would you want to say no? The entire reason you texted him in the first place was because you missed him. Don’t say no!
“It’s almost 3 AM, you know that right?” You wanted to confirm Carlos’ awareness.
“Only someone as special as you could steal my hours of sleep.” Carlos took your response as a yes and said he’d be right over. He didn’t live too far away; a few blocks at most.
As you sat in place on the cheap couch you bought off craigslist, you forgot you were only in a t-shirt and undies. By the time Carlos walked in you realized what you were wearing. Honestly, you were too drunk to care. You threw your head back as the ceiling spun, Carlos calmly walked over to you. He noticed that almost all the bottle of whiskey was gone. He was happy he came over.
“Did you drink all of that?” He asked in a worried tone.
“Me, myself and I.” You giggled without effort and Carlos smirked. He knew you were struggling with how things were in the world. It wasn’t easy losing the job you loved, your hometown, and losing to Umbrella Corp. Carlos snatched the bottle from your reach and emptied it in the sink.
“I...was still...drinking that...” You argued with what little energy you had left.
“Trust me, it’s not worth drinking.” Carlos replied and took his jacket off, tossing it over the head of the couch. You rolled your eyes and held your arms out. All you wanted to smell him and have him hold you close. Carlos leaned back on the other end of the ouch and pulled you into his lap by your arms. You plopped lazily into his warm, lean arms and you instantly grew comfortable in his embrace.
“You always smell good, Mr. Brazil.” You were making up nicknames as the alcohol hit you harder as the minutes passed by. He chuckled at how cute you were, drunk or not. You hummed against his muscular chest as he lovingly rubbed your back. Carlos remained silent, maybe you would fall asleep if there was nothing but silence.
“Carlos I have something important to tell you.” You shot your head up and looked into his brown eyes. His eyes widened in response as you startled him; he was drifting off to sleep as well.
“I’m all ears.” Carlos leaned his head back and shut his eyes. You played with his facial hair as he chuckled.
“That tickles.” He gently held onto your wrist, rubbing the palm of your hand with his thumb.
“I-I really like you.” You slurred and Carlos curiously raised and eyebrow, his eyes were still closed.
“Enough to let me sleep over?” He smiled and you blushed deeply. Your cheeks flushed a bright red as you looked down the hall to your bedroom.
“Like...in the same bed?” You asked.
“Only if you’re comfortable...I’m just too tired to drive.” He slurred, but it wasn’t from alcohol. He was as sober as a man could be.
“I mean, of course. Did you hear what I said though?” You tried to lift yourself up, but everything began to spin. You flopped down onto his chest in defeat.
“Mhm, I like you too.” Carlos responded in an exhausted tone.
“How do I know you’re not just saying that because I’m drunk and emotional?” You tested his honesty.
“I wouldn’t be here if you weren’t special to me.” Carlos sat up as he helped you onto your feet, he kept a tight grip on your hips. You tightly latched onto his broad shoulders. Your cheeks were an even brighter red than before. Carlos didn’t want to risk you falling and hurting yourself, so he picked you up instead.
Carlos gently set you down onto your squishy bed as he pulled the sheets down from underneath your body. You smiled innocently with tired eyes as Carlos tucked you in. His eyebrows furrowed together.
“Is that my shirt?” He asked with a slight smirk planted on his face.
“Mhmm...” You hummed happily with a drunk smile on your face.
He sighed, but unbothered. You looked pretty cute and petite in his size.
Carlos took off his shirt and you tried to open your eyes more to get a better view. Carlos tossed his black shirt on your face.
“You can steal that one too, if you’d like.” He teased and slid into bed next to you. You still had a silly smile on your face as Carlos pulled you tightly into his warm arms. You didn’t notice since you fell asleep so quickly, but Carlos had been gazing down at you, waiting for you to fall asleep. It was such a pretty and adorable sight he wanted to enjoy, even though he was exhausted.
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JATP Theory: The Studio
Ok so still having loads of thoughts about Julie and the Phantoms as well as a whole load of questions. One of the theories that popped into my head was about Julie’s house/studio and its connection to the boys. So I figured I’d share all my thoughts with you guys. Obviously as always there are spoilers. 
Ok one of the questions I had was who owned the house before Julie and her family? We know that Sunset Curve played in the studio. The most likely candidate for whose house it was is Bobby. So if we go with the house was Bobby’s then it could explain how Julie’s family ended up there. For me its just too much of a coincidence that Sunset Curve meet this girl and then years later she just happens to end up living in the same house they did. We know that when the boys left to get hotdogs Bobby stayed behind to talk to Rose. One of the topics that could have come up is where they lived. We know that the band was local from the news article that Julie finds; it says ‘Sunset Curve was a local band out of Hollywood...’ which means that they likely all lived pretty close to each other. Luke probably moved in with one of the other boys when he ran away from home. It would have been a natural topic to come up between Rose and Bobby whilst they were getting to know each other. 
Ok so lets say Rose knew before she and her family ever moved into the house that Sunset Curve wrote and played their music there. I think that Rose kept in touch with Bobby after the boys passed away. I again think its just too much of a coincidence that Julie and Carrie (their kids) were best friends as kids. I think Rose would have been the kind of person who reached out to Bobby and tried to help him through the grief of losing his friends. Years later when Bobby/ Trevor made it big and started to make a lot of money he would have wanted to spend that money on a nice new house to go with his new status as a rockstar. If he and Rose were still in touch with each other then he probably would have told her about his plans to sell the house and move. We know from episode 2 when Ray is talking to Rose in the studio that Julie and Carlos grew up in that house so its also safe to assume that either the kids were very young when the family moved in or hadn’t even been born yet. I reckon Rose was pregnant with Julie at the time and her and Ray were looking for a bigger place to start their family. I think Rose asked Bobby if she could buy the house from him because Sunset Curve used to write and play there and she wanted to write her own music in the same place they did. 
As to why I think Rose cared so much about Sunset Curve when she only met them once I think its because despite only knowing them very briefly she was really touched by them. In that first scene when the band finishes their song she’s the one that claps and cheers the loudest. When the boys come over to talk to her you can see how passionately she felt about their music. She even says that she had not only seen alot of bands but had been in some herself but she was really feeling their music. You know she had seen other bands heard alot of music yet there was something special about this band in particular. Another thing that makes me think that Sunset Curve stayed with Rose long after they passed away is because when Ray talks about clearing out the studio he mentions that the intruments in the loft of the studio were there when they moved in and that they need a new home. Julie’s response to this is ‘Mom would like that’  and Ray repsonds ‘Yes she would.’ This tells us that Rose cared about those intruments she had an emotional attachment to them so much so that she cares what happens to them. It also explains why the boys clothes were still there. It’s a bit weird that they never threw any of the stuff out. Unless of course Rose knew it all belonged to the boys and kept it all in memory of them because she hoped being in the same space and surrounded by their posessions would help inspire her own music. It could also be why she raised Julie on Trevor Wilson’s music because he too is connected to Sunset Curve and obviously the music would have sounded similiar to the songs she heard them play that night. 
Also I do think that when you listen to the two songs that we know Julie’s mom wrote or helped write I do think you can find some connections between them and the Sunset Curve’s song Now or Never that she heard in that opening scene. I mean Wake up and Now or Never have very similar themes. It’s about living life to the full. Wake up is almost like Rose’s last wish, its what she wants for her daughter after she herself is gone. What she wants is for Julie to live her life to the fullest and embrace her music. The similar theme isn’t the only similarity though some of the lyrics are also similar/ connected. For example both songs reference listening to your inner voice, looking inside of yourself. In Now or Never there’s the line ‘Hear the noise in my head, It's calling out like a voice I can't forget.’  Then in Wake up there’s the line ‘Look out, look inside of you.’ Although worded in completley different ways the message about listening to that inner voice is the same in both songs. 
Another line that is similar is in Now or Never it says ‘We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain’, again there is a similar line in Wake up ‘It’s what you’ll gain raising your voice in the rain.’ Again similar imagery and idea behind the lyrics of singing through the rain. This idea that even when things are hard and you are stuck in the rain keep singing, keep chasing your passion. Yet another possible connection is the lines ‘And even if we hit the ground, We’ll still fly’ from Now or Never and the line ‘I won't let it cloud my mind, I'll let my fingers fly’ from Wake up. Again both these lines have the same message when something gets in your way or is holding you back you can overcome it and still fly. 
The other song that we know Rose contributed to is Stand Tall. In episode 4 Julie tells Flynn that its a song that she started to write with her mother that Luke helped her finish. Once again it has similar themes to Now or Never. It could be argued that its because Luke helped write it but I mean we don’t kow what parts Rose and Julie wrote or what parts Luke and Julie wrote. But anyway the line ‘I gotta keep on dreaming, Cause I gotta catch that feeling’ from stand tall is very similar to ‘keep dreaming like we’ll live forever’ but its also similar to ‘ Wake up your dream and make it true’ obviously from Wake up. As before its that same message, keep dreaming no matter what. There are also some more similarities between Wake up and Stand Tall. In wake up it talks about ‘You know the rest by heart.’ Then in Stand Tall one of the lines is ‘I know it with all my heart.’ The thing I like about this line is they aren’t just similar but one is like a follow on or an answer to the other. It’s like the mother says you know it by heart and Julie then answers confirming it saying yes I do know it with all my heart. But I do also think its somewhat similar to the line’ Electric hammer to the heart’ from Now or Never again its that idea of feeling and knowing something in your heart. More examples of similar lines are ‘And clocks move faster, Cause it's all we're after now, Won't stop climbing, Cause this is our time’ from Now or never has very similar vibes to ‘Cause everything is rushing in fast, Keep holding on, nevеr look back.’ It’s talking about how time is moving fast and so you’ve got to seize that moment and live in it, its not about looking back but making the most of right now. Basically depsite these songs all being very differnt they all have very similar themes and ideas in them. 
I just love the idea that Rose was inspired by Sunset Curve, that she heard their song and it really resonated with her and those were the lessons she took away from them. To keep dreaming, to listen to the voice within, to know it in your heart and to push through the hard times and keep singing even when its raining on you and to remember that time is precious and so you gotta make those memories and live in each and every moment. I also love the idea that she wanted to pass these values and ideologies onto her own daughter. It’s like she was so inspired by them that she wanted her daughter to be inspired by them too. 
Ok so now that we’ve covered how Julie’s family ended up in the same house I do have another theory that is kinda connected to this one but is more about the relationship between Bobby/ Trevor, Rose, Julie and Carrie. As I said before I think its just too much of a coincidence that Carrie and Julie were friends and that their parents met all those years ago but don’t know each other now. What I mean by that is I think Rose had to have known who Trevor is, that he’s Bobby. The other thing we know is that Julie and Carrie were really close, Julie talks about how she was always at their house when she was younger. But obviously something happened to cause them to no longer be friends and in fact be rivals. We all assume it was something the girls did or rather something that happened between the girls. But what if it wasn’t? My theory is that one day when writing in her studio Rose was looking for some inspiration and so she was going through the Sunset Curve stuff and she finds Luke’s notebook. When looking through it she realises that Bobby/ Trevor stole Luke’s songs. I reckon before this she just assumed that songs had a similar style to Sunset Curve because Bobby was in the band but now she realises the truth. Naturally I think this would have caused Rose and Bobby to have a falling out. It’s possible that Carrie and Julie would have picked up on their parents tension, its even possible that their parents told them they weren’t allowed to go to the others house anymore. It’s possible that although the girls didn’t know what the falling out was about they felt defensive of their own parents and that then caused tension and a rift between Carrie and Julie. I think the main argument Rose and Bobby would have had was Rose urging Bobby to do the right thing and give credit to luke and the rest of the band, to confess and make it right but Bobby having gotten use to his luxurious lifestyle and also likely because he felt he was providing the best for his daughter doesn’t want to. I don’t think they would have made up before Rose passes away and as a result Carrie wasn’t there for Julie during that time whereas Flynn was. It’s possible that Carrie wanted to be there for Julie but with the distance and tension between them was unsure how to comfort her and then seeing Flynn step up might have made Carrie feel jealous or like she was being replaced. Going back a little to Rose though this could also be the reason why she brings the boys to Julie. After finding out about Bobby stealing their songs she feels sorry for them and upset that these boys who she had made such a deep connection with in such a short time of knowing them, were robbed of their legacy, so when she passes away and she sees Julie struggling she knows that she can help not just Julie but the boys too, she gives all four of them a second chance. 
So yeah that’s my theories and thoughts on that. What do you think drove Julie and Carrie apart and do you think it was a coincidence that Julie’s family ended up living in the same house or was it all just fate? 
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ritchieblackless · 3 years
rainbow albums, ranked?
omg duuude!!!!!!! What a difficult task! I'll try my best and I hope no one gets offended by my opinion. Thanks very much lovely anon. I will do a Top 10 Ranking... that's okay for you? Because if we count all the live albums... we will be here forever.
10. Bent Out Of Shape
It's okay that this album has some great hits and all.. I understand that but If we pay attention just to Ritchie... he sounds so... bored. His playing has not a charm like the other albums, he sounds desmotivated. I think it has to do with he was meeting again with Big Ian and Jon and the whole idea of the Dleep reunion. Also he was literally bored with Rainbow.
9. Straight Between The Eyes.
The same as Bent Out Of Shape but in this case his playing is more vividly and with some melodic solos and charming riffs. Great lyrics and ideas. This album shows that Ritchie was still interested in Rainbow.
8. Strangers In Us All.
Whole new line up. The vocals of Doogie are so different from what we were hearing and it has a charm in it. A little bit Ronnie-ish but the guy can sing. This is the heaviest Rainbow album since Rising (apart from the live albums) and I find it so interesting. The performances were great, super cool and Black Masquerade's riff is just great and the new Still I'm Sad is great too! <3
7. Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow.
DON'T kill me... I know this is the first and it has a special place in our hearts. After listening a lot of Rainbow I reached the conclusion that... Rainbow without Cozy is not Rainbow. I mean... in the first album Man On The Silver Mountain sounds so... sticky and slowed down.. same as Greensleeves compared to the live versions with Cozy. But apart from that, the album is still amazing. Ritchie playing is so exciting because he was excited about the new band.
6. Difficult To Cure.
Great great album to prove everyone that Ritchie could continue as nothing happened. The riffs are great and the albums has a lot of variety of styles. Ritchie is more charming, spontaneous, ingenious and motivated than ever and Don's keys are the spotlight in this album. A nice album for Joe's debut.
5. Monsters Of Rock, 1980
I decided to put this album in the ranking because Graham deserves it. He just killed it his Stargazer is nice and his Catch The Rainbow is an honourable version. Cozy stole the show and Ritchie's playing was so sparkling. Is really an amazing album.
4. Long Live Rock 'n' Roll
Mind blowing, yes.. specially Gates Of Babylon. They were so mad at each other and Ronnie was getting bitter with all the members specially with Ritchie and Cozy. The chemistry was not quite well but they settled their minds on the album ane music, that's why the album sounds great. Bob is a hell of a bassist and Dave a hell of keyboardist, very good choices. This album was the beginning of 'Commercial Rainbow' era.
3. Down To Earth.
I personally like more this one than Long Live.. because of the creativity. This has two hyper commercial songs but the rest is pure talent and delightful songs, even though they are talking about love the melodies are fantastic and Graham's vocals are magnificent. Just what the album needed, a new powerful voice. Definitely Eyes Of The World steal the spotlight.
2. Rising
Everyone's favourite and I don't wonder why.. his album has everything and did a lot of things for music with just 6 songs. This is Cozy's debut and comparing with the previous album... you understand what i meant with "No cozy no rainbow" Cozy changed Rainbow. With his heaviness changed the medieval sound for a rock-heavy one. You can lose yourself in that album (like Ronnie lost himself in Stargazer), it has a magic in it. I don't need to describe it, it's better to listen than talking.
1. On 'fucking' Stage
You can't catch Ronnie's magnificent vocals, Ritchie's impressive playing and Cozy's powerful lead in a studio record, you need to hear them live to know why Rainbow is Rainbow. You'll understand the magic that they had. Mistreated and Catch The Rainbow are the best part of the show. Cozy's fills on Mistreated with Ronnie's passion and Ritchie solos. Catch the Rainbow with Cozy's unexpected fill after Ritchie slowed down and again, Ronnie's fantastic and professional performance. In my opinion, On Stage is the album to understand Rainbow.
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the-starless-sky · 4 years
BAE x cozmez / “DESIRE” voice drama part 2
Part 1 | Part 2 (here!)
Names K: Yatonokami Kanata N: Yatonokami Nayuta S: Sugasano Allen F: Anne Faulkner Y: Yeon Hajun I: Suiseki Iori Mx: Mobs
Nothing much to say except Allen is an actual angel 🤗💕
S: I'm home.
F: How's it? Did you find your metal?
S: I didn't.
F: Sigh. Geez.
S: Don't tell me Kanata really took it...?
F: That's what I've been telling you! What's up with your trustfulness!?
S: You've seen their stage the other day, right!? Someone who could compose such a song wouldn't ever steal!
F: So you understood Kanata so much you can assert that?
S: No, I don't!
F: What the hell, seriously! Aah, geez! We're going!
S: Where to...!?
F: Of course to cozmez's house!
S: But we don't know their address-
F: I've found their approximates. Don't underestimate my connections.
S: Oh... you're amazing, Anne.
F: Stop your gratitude and start preparing! Who do you think I'm doing this for!?
S: Y-yeah...! What about Hajun?
F: He went out. "It has nothing to do with me", he said.
S: That's so like him...
F: Seriously. He's heartless. If something happens to Hajun, I'll never help him.
S: You think Hajun will ever ask for someone's help?
F: Haha. Don't think so.
S: Right?
F: What's with this smell...? This place's more awful than I thought...
S: Well... 'cause it's the slums.
F: It's no use complaining. Anyways, we have to find where they are.
M1: God damn it. So noisy...
F: Ah!
M2: What the hell? This ain't a place for sight-seeing. If you don't wanna get hurt, get out, now.
S: We're only looking for someone. We've no intention to bother you guys.
M1: You wake us up from our sleep - you're already bothering us.
M2: Yeah. Leave the nuisance money. All the cash you have on you, and that pretty big sis there.
F: If we said 'no'... what are you gonna do about it?
M: Of course we'd just steal them then.
S: This is bad...
F: Geez, it's because stupid Allen stupidly got his metal stolen that we're in this stupid situation! What are you gonna do now, stupid!?
S: Stop saying 'stupid'! 'Til when are you gonna be angry!?
F: Of course I'm still angry, stupid!
S: You said it again, huh!? Phantoms are, in the end, just some kind of production, right!? It'll be fine if we put our all in the main dish, the music!
F: Then, what? If the taste is good, you think it's okay to serve high class french food on paper plates!?
S: Y-yeah! The most important part is the good taste of the dish!
F: Stop screwing around! If there's no production, then we can't draw out the good quality of the main dish!
S: No, the main dish is the most important!
F: Production!
S: Main dish!
F: Production!
S: Main dish!
M1: Umm... uh...
S&F: What!?
M2: No... it's nothing...
F: Hey, wait, you all!
M1&M2: Y-yes!
F: What do you guys think?
M1&M2: Well... uhm... uh...
S: Which!?
M1: ...Oh, that's right, weren't you guys looking for someone? How's that going?
M2: That's right, what are you looking for?
F: Oh, come to think of it, yeah, we were doing that. What's up, are you guys gonna help us?
M1: Yeah... if you'd get out of here.
S: Oh... I see. We're looking for these twins... the ones in this picture.
K: Hey... Nayuta.
N: Hm?
K: Are you still angry?
N: Huh? No, I'm not angry.
(voices from outside)
S: It's here, right?
F: I don't know. Anyways, just go.
S: But, what if we got the wrong place?
N: Huh? What's up?
F: Geez, you're so irritating!
N: Is something up?
K: Ssh! It's BAE...! How did they locate us?
N: Haah!? What are we gonna do!?
F: I know that you're in there! Return the metal to us, fast!
S: Oi! I told you, we still don't know if they actually stole it!
F: Shut up! Allen, you do something too! It's your metal, isn't it!?
N: Hey, Kanata? Isn't it better to just give it back?
K: There's no way I can give them back obediently just because they told me to!
F: Then what do you think we should do!?
S: We could talk it out!
N: Seriously, Kanata...! Sigh.
K: Anyways, we'll talk after we lose them.
N: 'Kay, got it.
F: Oi! What if you answer us!? Geez!! Do you want us to barge in!?
S: Wai-! Please, come out!
K: You guys are still here? Beat it!
N: If you really want it back, here, we'll return it!
(Nayuta throws an empty can towards Anne)
F: What the hell's this...? Ain't it just an empty can!?
K: A phantometal's a waste in y'all's hands.
N: Bring that home and just play house~
K&N: See ya!
F: Those guys...!!
K: Haa... haa... if we go through this back street, they won't catch up to us.
N: Yeah. There's not even that much people from around here who knows this route.
Y: Heeh...? I'm surprised. Slums' rats are very big, aren't they?
K: W-who are you!?
Y: I wonder who? At the very least, I'm not on your side, that's for sure.
N: You... aren't you 48...!?
K: Shit...! Why are you here!?
Y: Allen and the others barged into your house. Of course, you'd try to lose them by going through complicated routes. If so, then the only places where you both will appear is here... or the other alleyway. There is a tall wall there. If you want to shake them off easily, then... it's a simple deduction.
K: So you ambushed us... you dirty bastard...!
Y: Could you please look at the mirror and say those words once again? In both meanings... no matter how I see it, you guys are the dirty ones.
K: Bastard...!
Y: I thought that our two members are sharper than that, too... Ah, speak of the devil. You guys are late. Was playing tag fun?
F: Hajun...! Why are you here...!?
S: You came to help us...!
Y: Help? Please sleep-talk after you go to sleep. I came here for the sake of the stage battle. Don't misunderstand.
F: Haha... seriously, you're not honest at all.
Y: Well then. I don't want to be in a place with such bad air. Let's finish our business now.
K: What?
Y: Hm? You can't understand if we don't say it?
K: You don't have proof that I stole the metal, do you?
Y: Haha, hahaha!
K: What's so funny!?
Y: I don't even need proof... why would someone who didn't take it feel the need to run away?
K: That's...!
Y: Stop making excuses. For speaking without thinking, you expose your faults way too fast. If you return it now, I won't press further. Even though I do believe I'm being too kind.
S: Don't tell me, you really...
N: Kanata...
K: Say it. What's wrong with that!?
Y: Oh?
K: To begin with, naive kids[1] like you guys have no right to stand on Paradox Live's stage.
N: People who've lived all their lives in lukewarm water, all fulfilled like you guys doing hip hop? Hah, don't make me laugh. Who'll nod to people with that kinda upbringing!?
Y: To steal phantometals from fakes like us... what an admirable way to fight!
K: I have something to protect... something to get hold of. It's a waste of time to duck it out with you guys-
Y: In short, you have no confidence, do you? You can't see an image of yourself winning against us fair and square... that's why you stole! What miserable way of thinking. Did you pile up your past achievements that way, too? Haha. I thought you were at least mediocre... but you're actually lower than rats.
N: You're wrong! There's no way that's true!
Y: I'm wrong? Hoo...
N: Kanata... the songs Kanata made are the best! Your make-believe songs are nothing! We took the metal just to teach that red hair the harshness of society, just as how we were done in by the likes of you...!
Y: That's just an excuse for yourself, isn't it? Kanata stole the metal because he wants an insurance. Why does he need an insurance? that's because he doesn't believe in you! Am I wrong?
K: That's not...!
Y: How pitiful... Kanata who doesn't have crews he could trust... and you, who weren't even trusted by your only sibling...
N: N-no...
K: Don't lecture us about siblings! You don't even know the feelings we held our microphones with up until now...! And you're telling us we don't believe in each other!? Stop messing around!!
F: T-there's no way we know anything about how you guys went by up until now!
K: We don't even know our parents' faces!! We were made a walking wallet by garbage adults, and got screwed over!!
Y: Even so, it doesn't excuse your act of stealing the metal.
K: We have to win...!! We were treated like trash, and the one thing that made people finally recognize us was hip hop...! I don't care about teams or titles! I'll win the Paradox Live, shut all of the people who've made fun of us, and raise up!
S: If so, then!! We're also the same!
K: There's no way you guys are the same...!! Don't talk rubbish!!
S: It might be true that we were brought up on different environment! But, we were also betrayed, thrown away, and finally arrived at hip hop!
K: The weight is different, red hair!!
S: It's no different!! Hip hop is equal! It has nothing to do with who composes it! Put the things that pained you... the things that that you don't want to face into your lyrics and make it your weapon! Express it to mow down the person you were up until now! There's no difference!
K: ...!!
S: That's how I... how we've been expressing ourselves up until now, right? Us... and you both...!
F: Allen...
N: K-Kanata...
K: ...
S: Even without my metal, I intended to fight with my music. But hearing the exchange earlier made me want to do it with phantoms, too. As the same hip hop heads, I want to fight cozmez head on. I want you guys to crash your whack sound[2], your feelings, all of it into us! We also want to do that to you guys.
K: T-that part of you is what I called naive! Is every rich guy's head filled with flower gardens[3] or something?
S: Kanata... this is my request to you. Please let me fight you as we both go all out, with the hip hop we each think is the best. Exactly because we're all people who can do nothing else but to hold our microphones... that's why, please.
K: ...
N: Sigh. Hey, isn't it time to let go already?
Y: What are you going to do now?
K: Shit!
(Kanata throws Allen's phantometal back to him)
S: Kanata...!
Y: My, my.
K: Bring it on. I'll fight you, SUZAKU. Prepare yourself 'cuz I'm gonna destroy that super irritating face on stage.
N: Well, you won't have any chances of winning against us without that metal, after all.
F: Why are thieves like you guys looking down on us like that!?
K: What? You have a problem?
F: Of course I do!
Y: Anne.
F: What!?
Y: We've finished our business. Let's go home. Unfortunately, I don't have a hobby of staying too long in a dumpster-like place. Oh, sorry! This is your residence, isn't it?
N: Hah. Then go home, now. Because when we see guys like you, we really can't help but to want to send you flyin'.
Y: Aah, scary, scary. Well then, shall we go?
K: We're going home too, Nayuta.
N: Sigh. Yeah.
S: Kanata!
K: Ha?
S: I can't wait to fight you on stage!
K: Shut up, go die.
S: Haha... see you!
F: Hey, we're gonna leave you!
S: Sorry, sorry!
F: Aah, seriously. I was worried about what'll happen for a second. To think that Allen's hip hop mania actually had an effect on Kanata...
Y: I really cannot handle Allen's idiocy anymore, though.
F: Seriously. Seems like he'll even die for hip hop.
S: I would - if it's after I take the top!
F: Haha. Ah, Allen. I think you forgot 'cause you're an idiot, but I'm gonna get you to give me your gratitude in full, okay?
Y: That's true. At the very least, we should get Allen to clean up the house for three months.
S: O-Oi, Hajun! Before, you said you came for the sake of the stage battle!
Y: It didn't change the fact that in the end, I helped you. Physical exhaustion, plus mental strain due to having to go to the slum... and...
S: I got it!! I just have to do it, right?
F: Yeah, yeah! You just have to do it. Anyways, I'm glad that we got the metal back~!
Y: That's true.
F: We're gonna go all out to defeat those two, 'kay? With our song, we'll beat them to a pulp.
S: Yeah. Let's fight with our full strength!
K: That bastard SUZAKU... he said he can't wait for it? Looking down on me like that...
N: Kanata.
K: What?
N: You look kinda refreshed.
K: Wh... what are you talking about? I'm so irritated I can't take it anymore.
N: Hmm... I see. Haha.
K: Ah, Nayuta, you laughed just now, didn't you!?
N: It's better this way, it's more like us!
K: Shut up. Sigh...
N: You don't have to do something like that. After all, it's us!
K: You're right.
N: Yeah, with our lyrics, our track, and our staging... let's win against them.
K: Nayuta.
N: Hmm?
K: Thank you.
N: Yeah.
K: BAE, wait for us.
N: On top of the stage...
K&N: We'll show you hell.
I: It all ended well, huh? Haha, even though I expected an interesting development...
[1] Ama-chan = naive, spoiled child.
[2] Whack = bad as in 'cool'. I think?
[3] As in, full of good things and optimism.
I-I’m glad that ends well. My love for shounen protagonist Allen keeps growing by day...!! 😚
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ladynestaarcheron · 4 years
Like Pristine Glass - Chapter Seventeen
ao3 - ff.net - masterpost
(tagging these cuties: @humanexile @skychild29 @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @candid-confetti @rhysandsrightknee @missing-merlin @azriels-forgotten-shadow @books-and-cocos @sezkins79 @city-of-fae @someonemagical @dusty-lightbulb @messyhairday-me @rinad307 @superspiritfestival )
i know all of us read for an escape, and that is especially true for fanfiction, so the only thing i will say here is this: i am sorry that elected officials have bastardized the phrase “thoughts and prayers” because i believe it is a sacred one. please know i am entirely sincere when i tell you i have been thinking of and praying for you all, especially my black american readers. i hope this grants you few minutes’ reprieve from the pain of the world. i wrote it for you, dear reader.
February 8 - Year of
Just as Nesta was finishing her preparations for dinner, Emerie knocked on the door. Nesta untied the apron she had donned before going to open it.
"Hello," she said in greeting, and not Happy birthday, even though that was why Emerie was coming over.
"Hi," Emerie answered.
"Dinner's ready. Come in."
Nesta was not naturally inclined towards cooking, and in their little cottage under the Wall there hadn't been much to cook with, but here she was learning. Sometimes she and Cassian even cooked together now.
"This looks nice," Emerie said, inspecting the duck carefully.
"I've learned, all right?" Nesta said, remembering the first and last time she had attempted to cook for Emerie. This time she had used Cassian's recipes.
"Where is he, anyway?" Emerie asked.
Nesta shrugged, although she knew. Whenever he left with a vague I have to go, it was to Velaris.
"That looks loved," she said, nodding towards a book on the countertop. She frowned. "Haven't you read that already?"
"It's children's stories. You're supposed to read them again."
"Or children are," Emerie said, stifling a grin as she poured herself some water.
Nesta scowled. "Cassian still likes them." They had even read some together. Nesta bit her lip tightly, trying not to think of the evenings spent in the living room, her reading aloud some of his childhood favorites.
"You have a great voice, you know that?" he said to her quite suddenly, interrupting what he had claimed was the best story in the book.
She had scowled at him then as she was scowling at Emerie now. For Nesta's voice had been described as many things: shrill, thin, even grating, once, by some horrible girl from her old village—but never great. "Shut up," she had snapped.
His eyes had widened and his arms went up in surrender. "What? I mean it!"
"You do not."
"I do! It's...clear. Soothing. And sometimes..." he moved his head from side to side, trying to think of the right descriptor. "Lyrical."
"Lyrical?" That was certainly a first.
"Yeah." His face had split into a grin. "Do you sing?"
"No," she said, forcing her head back into the book. "Don't interrupt me, or I won't read anymore of this Nicholas thief..."
"Nicholas, the Thief Who Stole the Night! And fine. Keep going."
But perhaps some of the memory bled onto her face, judging by Emerie's smirk.
"How do you normally celebrate?" Nesta said, quickly changing the subject.
Emerie's brown face fell flatly. "I don't, really."
"Well...how do people here normally celebrate?"
She shrugged. "Like this, more or less."
"No, doing what they like. With...you know. People."
For the second time that evening, Nesta forced the flush out of her cheeks. A person knowing that they are one of your two friends isn't nearly so miserable when you are also one of their only friends.
December 23 - 4 years after
The children face leaving Velaris to go home to Sugar Valley with the same excitement they greet everything, but Elain is fighting back tears.
"We'll see each other again soon," Nesta reminds her, slightly exasperated.
"No, I know," she says. "I'll just miss you."
"You can come and visit whenever you want."
"Well, I will." She wipes her eyes. "I'll move in with you."
"Don't sound so miserable," Nesta says, laughingly.
"I just want to be with my whole family all of the time." Elain rubs at her face again, and, without much warning, throws herself at Nesta.
"Ugh—all right, Elain...yes, I'll miss you too..."
"Come on, Elain," Feyre says, walking towards them, Avery on her hip. "Give her some air."
"I'll miss you," she says again, muffled against Nesta's neck
"I won't," Nesta tells her, making both her sisters laugh. She hides a smile.
"You know," Elain says, finally taking a step back, "you don't look like you had a very relaxing vacation."
No, she'd wager she did not. Because after falling asleep in bed with Cassian on Solstice Eve, she had not managed to sleep at all for the two nights after that. Perhaps being back home in her own room would help grant her some peace of mind.
"There's not really a holiday from being a mother," she says instead.
Elain's eyes light up, looking over eagerly at Feyre. "We could give you one! We could take care of the kids for a few days and you could have some time with—for yourself! Or..." she says, backtracking at the look of alarm on Nesta's face.
"No, no, it's fine," Nesta says, bringing up her hands. "I just don't think I'm ready for that yet."
"We're here when you are," Feyre says, putting Avery down and throwing an arm around Elain.
"Mummy, I want to stay with my aunts," Avery says, tugging on her hand.
"They'll come visit soon. Where are your brothers?"
"Cass and Rhys have got them...oh, here they come."
"All set?" Rhysand asks when they reach them.
Nesta narrows her eyes at the extra bag he's holding.
"Is it all right if I join you?" Cassian mumbles in her ear, appearing at her side.
Well, she doesn't have much choice now, does she? "Sure."
"I just want to spend some more time with you all while the Illyrians are still celebrating."
This mollifies her slightly. "Of course."
After more tearful goodbyes from Elain—the children all seem upset to leave her, too, which softens Nesta's heart in a way she had not expected—Feyre and Rhysand take hold of them all and they are finally home.
"Elain and I will come soon," Feyre says, squeezing her tightly. "Thanks so much, Nesta. We loved having you in Velaris."
"Bye, Aunt Feyre."
"Bye, Aunt Feyre!"
"Oh, goodbye, you three!"
"We hope to have you again, Nesta," Rhysand says, the picture of politeness.
But Nesta doesn't think she will ever be able to look at him without glaring. Still, she maintains the same civility he does. "Thank you."
And she doesn't even snarl at the cooed "Bye, Uncle Rhys!"
"It's been a long few days," Nesta says. "We're going to take a nap."
"I'll get them down," Cassian says, picking up all three of them in one swoop, making them shriek with laughter.
"Thanks," she calls after him as he wrangles them up the stairs.
She supposes he's given her some time to herself, but there's stuff to do. She's got so much new crap she needs to put away...and what on earth is she supposed to feed Ollie's new caterpillar?
Half an hour later, when Cassian sees her sitting at the kitchen table scrawling out a list, he laughs.
"I thought you'd take a shower or something."
"I have so much to do," she says, rubbing her eyes.
"Those authors you found?"
"They've given me some samples...I need to decide what I'm giving to Adil." And she was incredibly busy trying to avoid him, of course.
"Well...when can we talk?"
Nesta looks up at him. She sighs. "Now." She pushes away the work in front of her.
Cassian perks up, obviously not having expected this.
She opens her mouth, but he holds up a hand.
"Actually, do you mind if I go first?"
Nesta blinks. "Sure."
He gives her a reassuring, relaxed grin and pulls out a chair. "I really wanted to thank you for agreeing to come for Solstice. It was the best of my life."
She can't stop her lips from tugging upwards. "The children enjoyed it as well."
"I hope you did, too."
Her slight smile falters, and she moves to pull back. He puts his hands over hers. "Nesta, I know that you're still hurting. But we've come a long way since a few months ago, and I want to keep that. And grow stronger. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize what we have now...and what I want us to be."
This is far too confrontational—
"I don't want to scare you off," he says softly, "but I don't ever want to leave things up to interpretation with you." He pauses for a moment, perhaps not even noticing how he traces her fingers with his. "I want us to be a family."
That isn't fair. Of course she wants that. What's the alternative? That her children come from—from a broken home? "A family can be many things." The hoarseness of her voice is unfamiliar to her.
"I know that." A short laugh escapes him, probably as he thinks of his own makeshift family in Velaris. "But I also know what I want ours to look like."
Is he going to spell it out for her, in the name of loose interpretations? She hopes he doesn't. She's not ready for that, she can't hear him say it.
"It was perfect, wasn't it?"
"What was perfect?" she asks blankly.
"That night. The two of us in one room, the three of them in another."
She flinches. "That was..."
"A mistake, I know. But it still happened." He still hasn't moved his hand. She hasn't moved hers either. He squeezes it tightly. "I know you liked being under the same roof, too. Let's just...not lose our momentum. Let's keep going. This pace is fine for me."
What if it's too fast for her, though? Or her children? Or—and this might be worse—too slow for them?
Sometimes she feels like she never got out of the Cauldron. Like she's still drowning.
January 1 - 1 year after
The last of the Solstice decorations were being taken down when Nesta walked to the post officer, the letter she was twirling in her hands drawing far less attention than the ever-growing bump under her gown.
Everyone was staring at it. And—ugh—it was only going to get bigger, wasn't it? Amorette had told her that a triplet pregnancy could result in gaining anywhere north of forty-five pounds. And also to stop referring to her belly as it.
There's no easy way to write to someone I know I never intended to speak to you again, but I changed my mind because I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant, by the way, because I don't know how fae pregnancy works, apparently. Which I guess means I shouldn't be having sex, but well, at least I've stopped now. Write back!
After hours of writing and crumbling up parchment and throwing it against the wall, Nesta had settled on the more gentle:
Write back.
Nesta knew perfectly well how pathetic that was, but after the way she left, she couldn't say anything else. She didn't want him to come here. She didn't want to go there. They'd have to meet in some neutral territory.
Announcing her pregnancy, she believed, was not something she could do in a letter. She had to do it face to face. Not only because she thought, well, he deserved being told that way, but...
Because of her reasoning for almost everything: she was a coward. That was the truth of it.
She had left him, and now he had the opportunity to leave her right back. Pregnant and alone. Delaying his finding out was delaying the possibility of that happening.
So even though she hated herself for sending that letter, she knew it was the only option she could bring herself to go through with.
December 23 - 4 years after
After playing at the park and dinner, putting the children down for the night, Nesta asks Cassian if he'll be all right alone with them for a few hours.
"I'm just going out to meet Amorette," she says.
"Before you do," he says, standing up from the couch and slipping his hand into his pocket. "I forgot to give you this...in all the—er—excitement."
He pulls out a small black box, very much like the one she had turned down years ago. But he opens it and she knows it's not the same one, because of the gift.
A white gold heart on a fine chain, with three tiny stones in the left corner. One deep violet, one royal blue, and one slate grey, each engraved with a letter: A, N, and O.
She traces it lightly with her finger. "Thank you," she says. "It's beautiful. I have...I have yours, too. Wait a moment." She rifles through one of the bags in the kitchen. "It's not—I mean, I guess I should've...you..."
"Give it here, Nesta," he orders, making her laugh slightly. She hands him the book.
He unwraps it and his eyes widen.
"I didn't really make it for you," she explains. "I just started it when they were born and kept adding on. But...I thought you might like it."
She keeps things. Three tiny bracelets Amorette had snapped on three tiny wrists, locks of hair cut for the first time, the first cohesive "art project"...
He looks up at her after flipping through some of the pages, eyes shining. "Thank you. Can I..." He gestures to the necklace, which she's set on the counter.
"Oh. Yes."
He picks it up as he walks behind her. Is it the cold of the metal that makes her wince slightly, or his body heat so close to her.
"Thank you," she says, looking down at it, after he fastens it. "It's beautiful."
"Say hello to Amorette."
It's rather abrupt of him, she thinks. But perhaps he's worried about pushing her too far. At any rate, Nesta takes her leave, and it's only a few minutes before she is knocking on her friend's door and being ushered in.
"Nice necklace," Amorette remarks right away.
"It's a heart."
"I noticed."
"Well what?"
"Well, what warrants a heart necklace?"
Nesta rubs her temples. "Can't I have a drink first?"
Amorette laughs before obliging.
She frowns as she takes the glass from her, jerking her head towards a chair in the corner of the room. "What's all that?"
Amorette's clear blue eyes slide over. "Oh. Paperwork."
"You don't normally bring this much home with you."
"Some research, actually," she admits, "from another hospital. In Ciyaluck."
Nesta raised an eyebrow. "You're working with a hospital in Ciyaluck?"
"Not exactly...they've put out some interesting stuff. They asked applicants to do their own...never mind," she says, waving her hands.
"No, wait. You're applying for something? That's great."
"It's up in the air, really. And I'll spare you the gore. Tell me what happened in Velaris."
Nesta takes a deep breath. "Cassian and I fell asleep in the same bed and Nicky walked in on us."
Even Amorette's healer-patience and understanding are not enough to stop her eyes going wide and her jaw dropping. "You slept—"
"No! We just fell asleep!"
"Oh." She pauses. "But...you were in bed together?"
"We didn't do anything," Nesta hurries to say. "Really. Just fell asleep. We didn't...nothing. It was just..." Nesta lets out a groan and drops her head into her hands. "Nicky saw."
"Did you talk to him?"
"Yes." Earlier today. She had stolen a moment alone with him.
"What was your favorite part of the trip?" she had asked, pulling him into her lap, and listened to his ramblings about everything he enjoyed for a few minutes before gently stopping him. "Do you remember when you walked into Mummy's room? And you saw me sleeping there with Appa?"
His brown cheeks darkened, going rosy at the top. Eyes cast down, he nodded.
"And how did that make you feel?"
He shrugged, still not looking at her.
"Sad? Or angry?"
"I don't know."
"You know we both love you very much, right?"
"I know."
"And you're allowed to come into Mummy's room when you wake up in the morning. Or if you wake up in the middle of the night. You know that?"
"I know."
"Would it..." Nesta paused, wondering how best to phrase it. "Would it be good or bad if Appa slept in Mummy's bed again?"
Nicky had looked up, his grey eyes shy as he started wringing his hands. "I don't know."
"All right," she had said, keeping her tone cheerful. She kissed his forehead. "Do you want to go play at the park?"
"Well, that's all right, then," Amorette says when she finishes recounting the events of the afternoon.
"How is that all right?"
"He's not upset," she replies. "He may not know exactly how it makes him feel, but it's not bad."
"What do you think he is feeling, then?" Nesta tries to decide based on his expression when he walked into the room that morning. He had averted his eyes...embarrassed?
Amorette echoes her sentiments. "In the moment, at least. But from what you said...I think he might be pleased."
Is that worse than him being upset? Nesta can't tell.
"Look, he's clearly not losing any sleep over it, and neither should you. You spoke to him, reassured him, made it clear he can come to you. What else is there?"
"I don't know...do you think he told Avery and Ollie?"
Amorette shrugs. "Well, they're not very good secret keepers."
That much is true. "Should I talk to all three of them?"
"If they ask. Parents have done worse things to their children than falling asleep, Nesta," she teases. "When you traumatize them enough for them to run away, it'll be for something worse than this."
Nesta sighs and stretches out her legs. "Suppose you're right...thanks for the book, by the way." An extremely rare edition of one of Nesta's favorites. "Although I don't know if I should thank you for supporting my competition."
"As if," Amorette says, grinning. "Adil tracked it down for me."
Nesta feels a warm flutter in her stomach. "Oh."
She has so much here, doesn't she? The thought doesn't leave her, throughout the whole evening with Amorette and the walk home. Not just for the children...but for her. Adil and Miri and Amorette...and neighbors...and Zeyn.
Who calls her name just as she walks up the steps to her porch.
February 16 - Year of
The cold of the Illyrian mountains did not melt alongside the snow, but all of the iciness inside the General Commander's house had gone. There were quiet moments of awkwardness here and there, when Nesta could hear him not mentioning the forbidden words: Velaris, Rhys, Feyre, etc., but the other moments outnumbered them and were pleasant. Which was why Nesta had agreed to join him on one of the mysterious meetings he always disappeared to.
He had asked her a few days ago, after coming home from one of these meetings. Slumped on the couch and complained about how the preferred method rebellion appeared to be directly disobeying him.
"Step down," Nesta suggested, and he had rolled his eyes. "Well, I don't see why you try so much. There are more armies than just the Illyrian one. So let them choose a new commander if they hate you. Be the other armies' commander."
He stretched his arm out, his fingers trailing the spot next to where her knee was under the blanket, and smiled softly. "But I'm Illyrian, Nesta."
She knew that. "Well...I just don't think you should be giving so much to people who don't even want you there."
"There's no way," he said. "Think what the rebels will do if I step down."
"I don't understand. They're Night Court, aren't they? So aren't they loyal anyway? And aren't they pleased to have an Illyrian High Lord?"
"They don't see themselves as Night Court," he said. "They live amongst themselves. They are only Illyrian. So they don't like having an Illyrian High Lord. They like Night Court society about as much as you do," he added ruefully. His grin tugged downwards slightly as he mused, more to himself, she thought, "Actually, you do have quite a bit in common with them..."
"With the Illyrians warlords?" Nesta asked drily.
"Camp lords. We're not at war."
"Not at war yet, you said."
His fingers inched farther, and she leaned back as he began to rub one of the dimples in her knee from over the blanket. "Come with me."
He was still touching her. "Come with you where?"
"To a meeting."
She hadn't thought he would be able to convince her, but his pleading and a rare burst of curiosity on her part won out in the end. So after a morning of his teasing her that they were going to be late and her grumbling that it was so early, Nesta found herself at the entrance of a building in an Illyrian camp that looked very much like the one she and Cassian lived in.
"Lysander's the new camp lord," Cassian told her. "Relatively young. The old one...well. Not a fan of Rhys' or mine."
"Did you kill him?" she asked, half teasing, half genuine.
"What? No! I didn't kill him...and keep your voice down, if you're going to accuse me of political assassination."
"How'd he die?"
"We're not sure," Cassian admitted. "It might have been an accident. But probably not."
"Are you going to find out?"
"We are." He grinned at her.
Nesta scowled. "That's what I'm here to do? I thought you wanted me to sit next to you."
"You will. And add another healthy dose of fear while I interrogate."
"This is stupid," Nesta said, crossing her arms. "Don't you have a mind-reader on hand?"
"This is a new camp lord," he reminded her. "I want him to see me as his commander, not Rhys' lapdog who calls him in anytime things get rough."
She could appreciate that, at least. "And I'm your lapdog?"
She expected him to give her a wicked grin and say something stupid like, You're a wolf, but he only laughed and said, "No. Who would believe that? You're just here on an excursion."
"That's a big word."
"Oh, shut up. I need your help. All right?"
"Fine," she agreed, forcefully making her tone sound begrudging. "You don't think the new camp lord killed the old one?"
"I don't. But I could be wrong. Let's go see."
The building was not much nicer than the tents the Illyrian military had pitched during the war...and the people's attitude towards Nesta have not changed. Muttering greeted her when she entered the room at Cassian's side, and some of those religious hand gestures were thrown in her direction.
She stifled a scowl. She'd been living in Illyria for six months now. If she were going to unleash hellfire down upon them, wouldn't she have done it already?
Cassian didn't waste much time on introductions. On their part, that is. "This is your new commander's table?" He motioned for Nesta to sit down next to him.
Lysander cleared his throat. "I decided on a chain of command, yes."
He was nervous. That was...good? Because he was nervous about doing something without Cassian's permission first? But if Nesta were living here, she wouldn't like knowing that her camp lord was nervous when presenting his decisions.
Oh, she didn't know what she thought. She didn't really understand the politics before her and she honestly didn't care to.
The whole meeting seemed spectacularly boring to Nesta. Even things that should have been interesting—Cassian asking why no females had been chosen for the new commander's table, discussions of Illyrian separatists starting a fire in the middle of the camp—were not. She just...didn't care.
She didn't think much of it was interrogating, either. Until Cassian said, "It seems odd that an established camp lord, who was well-versed in aerial combat, fell to his death. Don't you think, Lady Nesta?"
It had been quite some time since she'd heard that made-up title. But she gave no indication. "I do," she said.
They all flinched at the sound of her voice.
Cassian ignored them, pretending like they were the only ones in the room, as he leaned back and said, "What's your theory?"
Nesta looked around. "Was he popular?"
"He was not."
"Hm." Nesta thought for a moment.
If Cassian had wanted a politician, he would have brought Rhysand.
So she didn't think up any veiled threats. Instead, she turned to Lysander, and asked, just as she had asked Cassian, "Did you kill him?"
Asking Cassian, though, had not been nearly so funny. There was no chorus of sharp breaths, no sputtering.
But the answer was the same—more or less.
"No, Lady!"
Ooh, he would've had to be quite young to look at her with that kind of fear. But it was still hard to tell with faeries, for her.
"I don't think he did it," Nesta said.
"Anybody else?" Cassian was looking only at her.
She studied them all carefully. There—two from Lysander's right. He was calling on his gods far too much for an honest male.
"Did you kill him?"
His brown face bleached. "I did not, Lady." There was, perhaps, less terror in his voice than in Lysander's, but that wasn't very impressive. Perhaps he did not kill the old camp lord, but he definitely knew who did.
"This doesn't strike me as a good commander's table," Nesta muttered to Cassian, who chuckled slightly.
"Lysander...and you...stay. The rest of you, take your leave."
It wasn't something that she hoped to do again, she thought to herself. She didn't particularly enjoy intimidating people; she didn't like to be around people in the first place. But it was for a good cause, she supposed. Tangentially working for the Night Court, but weeding out corruption, right?
And she couldn't deny it—she did enjoy the secretive grins Cassian kept shooting her way.
December 23 - 4 years after
Cassian doesn't mean to eavesdrop. Really. He just thinks, when he hears Nesta coming up to the door, that she'll appreciate his help with her coat. Walk her into the living room where they can go over the book she had given him.
But then he hears her say, "Zeyn."
He freezes. Is he—here to spend the night? Should he leave?
Footsteps away from the door, and a kiss.
"I missed you," he says.
"I missed you too. Thank you for your gifts. We loved them."
When had he given her a gift.
"Suppose they're asleep."
"You can see them tomorrow." She pauses. "How was Solstice here?"
"Same as always. Madam Sabina had the kids put on a dance show."
Nesta laughs. "I wonder what the routine was like."
"Oh, it's such a shame you missed it. I can only hope this routine is repeated an infinite amount of times at every single town fair, so you have a chance to see it."
"Fingers crossed."
She's not sending him away, but she doesn't seem to be inviting him in. He notices, too.
"He's here, isn't he?"
Zeyn's voice has changed. He's not cold, but he's certainly not warm.
Nesta's own voice is unapologetic. "He's my children's father, Zeyn."
"But what is he to you?"
Cassian holds his breath. He doesn't want to listen in anymore, but he's too in-tune to her voice. He'll hear her from anywhere in the house now.
"He's my children's father," she says again. "That's a lot, Zeyn."
"Come on, Nesta, you know what I mean."
He wishes he could see her face—well, no, he doesn't. He saw it earlier tonight. She's not ready. He knows that.
Finally, ever so soft, she says, "I don't know, all right?"
Zeyn waits another few seconds before saying, just as softly, "All right."
"I can't have...anything...right now," she says. "It's too much. I'm focusing on the children."
"You always focus on the children."
"Well, really, Zeyn, what the hell do you expect me to do?"
"No, it's not wrong. I'm just saying...do you really think if you take some time to figure out what you want you won't be focusing on them?"
Privately, Cassian agrees with him.
"I don't know."
Now she sounds tired. Cassian doubts she'll want to look at the album with him.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Zeyn...all right?"
Another kiss. "All right. Good night."
Cassian is sitting on the couch in the living room by the time Nesta makes it to the door.
"Hey," she says, untying her boots as she sits down.
"Hey," he says, casual. "How was Amorette's?"
"Great," she says flatly. "How's the album?"
He can't stop the smile on his face. "Great."
She chuckles slightly and reaches for it. "Did you see the little handprints? When they wake up, we can ask them to hold their hands against it...I still make them do it sometimes...they've just gotten," Nesta pauses to sigh and smile slightly, "so big."
"Ollie was always the smallest?" he asks, looking at the prints.
"Yes. I guess he'll be bigger than Avery one day." She laughs. "Oh, wow...do you ever think about what they'll be like? What they'll look like? Nicky looks more like you every single day."
Cassian perks up. "Really? Do you think?"
She nods. "He's started losing his little cheeks already. They're really not toddlers anymore. Three and a half."
"Three and a half," he echoes.
Nesta flips some of the pages. "And the hair. Look, Avery's hair was so light when she was born. I thought she was going to be blond."
They sit for another hour or so, talking about their children. This time, when Nesta starts to doze off, she claps her hands together and announces she is going to bed.
Cassian doesn't mind in the least.
some of y’all might not be aware, but since last week was so tough for me, i turned to you. i asked for prompts to write things that might distract me, and i am so pleased that it distracted a lot of you. some of these are lpg-verse, some are not. all are short, and hopefully fun for you.
you can continue to come to me when things are hard for you. my writing will always be here to provide an escape, and i am always here to lend a listening ear.
don’t let the bad days win.
Chapter Eighteen
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