#james potter marriage
sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic 6 & 16 march - scent & arrange - 2329 words
have some 1800ish-something a/b/o jegulus curtsey of me rewatching bridgerton over the last few days lol  (the soundtrack goes so unnecessarily hard)
Regulus is in need of a drink, and Regulus is in need of it fast.
His useless Alpha excuse of a brother is nowhere to be found, has left him alone amongst the bloodthirsty throng of eligible Alpha bachelors of the ton and Regulus is but a piece of medium rare steak marinating in his own juices. No pun intended.
Regulus is supposed to have his first dance of the evening with his newly engaged fiance which he, not to mention, has yet to even meet and none of his family or friends are in a reachable vicinity to aid their support.
He is going to throw a fit.
The padded mesh cloth around his throat is so tight he feels unable to breathe, there are a dozen different scents wafting at him from all sides at any given moment and Regulus feels stupid with it. And not in a positive sense, just– horribly overwhelmed. Dizzy from the sensory overload.
He desperately needs something to take off the edge.
Cue, the drinks buffet.
He’s almost at his destined location when he collides with a warm chest.
“Oh, careful there,” a deep voice responds, grip tight on Regulus’ shoulder but not untoward.
But Regulus is already in a foul mood, insults read at the tip of his tongue, bitter and stinging. 
“Are you not in possession of a working pair of ey—” the last syllable dissolves uselessly on his palate before it can do more damage when Regulus is, with a sudden burst of clarity, pulled from his distressed state in an instant.
Cloaked in a realm of fresh outside air, meadow and wood, like someone had opened a window directly beside Regulus to rescue him from his torment. He breathes in again, greedily, taking in the patchouli and vetiver notes. Something rich and friendly that immediately lulls Regulus into a much more acceptable mood, shoulders untensing, heartbeat slowing. His body’s reaction quite similar to whenever Sirius is scenting him.
That’s before he looks up at the man though.
He’s all bronze skin and unruly dark hair in the most endearing sloppy way that it infiltrates Regulus with the urge to reach out his twitching fingertips and righten the mess, kind brown eyes behind perfectly round, wire-framed glasses and the most dazzling smile Regulus has laid his eyes upon this evening or ever, maybe.
Which currently twitches wider at the corners, at Regulus’ loss for words, presumably, making him blink violently and stoop into a hastened curtsey.
“My apologies, Lord–” Regulus cuts himself off, realising he doesn’t even know the man’s title nor name. He could be a foreign duke, a prince even, for all that Regulus knows. Or, rather, doesn’t know.
“Just James,” the Alpha responds. With his given name, of all things, much to Regulus’ confusion.
He’s smiling warmly down at Regulus, if a little amused, holding a respectable amount of distance that he has stepped back into.
The grin makes Regulus feel all kinds of woozy and cotton-mouthed and out of sorts despite the lack of just one drop of alcohol having landed on his tongue. A spectacle he must appear as, gnawing at his bottom lip and gawking at the unnecessarily handsome stranger like a simpleton without getting a single word out.
The Alpha cocks his head, grin widening and Regulus finally finds it in himself to rip his stare away when there’s a waiter gliding past them with even more champagne on a tray. Reminding him as to why he’s made his way over here in the first place. Regulus snatches up a glass and downs half of it in one go, going against every single thing his family have ever taught him but he can honestly be less bothered right this moment given they have all abandoned him anyways. Stupid Papa with his stupid business arrangements. Stupid Maman with her ever so unsatisfied need of new gossip. Stupid Sirius and his stupid staff mistress.
“And you might be…?” the same warm voice says, a little closer now.
“You’re still here?” Regulus throws over his shoulder, aiming for annoyed, though the question coming out strained and to his surprise, yet again, he gets a laugh in response.
He turns, allows himself to properly look this time and there’s mischief dancing in James’ eyes as he raises dark brows, “Is there something troubling you?”
“Is there ever not?” Regulus sighs, taking another sip against his better judgement. Anything to drown out the reminder of his predicament.
“Well, as your self-proclaimed rescuer in this clearly distressing time of need, I am all ears,” the stranger offers with a cheeky smile.
Regulus narrows his eyes, his unused arm wrapping protectively around his front. 
The Alpha narrows his eyes in imitation, lips straining with a dimpled grin, apparently finding ridiculous amounts of joy in Regulus’ miserable state, though he doesn’t look the type to be of malicious intent. A jokester, perhaps, someone silly and rather unregarding of any rules, maybe—much like Sirius, actually, and Regulus, despite their differences and how horribly annoying he can be at times, would be the last one to label his big brother as a bad person.
And, well, desperate times and all.
Regulus sucks in a big, steadying breath, “I am to dance with my fiance in mere minutes.”
A pause. “Then I understand congratulations must be in order,” James bows his head, teeth digging into his lower lip as his grin widens impossibly.
“Certainly not,” Regulus hisses, outraged, “What about me at the very moment says happily engaged Omega, I must inquire?!”
“Mm, the distressed frown and wide squirrel-about-to-be-shot-eyes, of course.”
Regulus ignores him, on a roll now, feeling the rush of complaining tug on him like a wild current, “I do not even know the man, have yet to even meet him. For all I know he could be a troll! An ogre of a man, or worse; an Alpha ready to bore me to death!”
“Or he might be the most handsome, charming, talented, ingenious, chivalrous, witty Alpha for miles—perhaps the whole continent?” James counters, ducking closer.
His scent increases for a second and Regulus has to take a moment as he feels it settle on the back of his tongue to remind himself of his manners. Face flushed, he turns to look back into the room, desperate for distraction. Settled on the musicians, watching them play their violins and the pianoforte, Regulus sniffs primly, “Or a troll.”
A snort, smile evident in his voice when the Alpha speaks next, “Well, I suppose there is only one way to find out.”
“Or,” Regulus says pointedly, taking another big gulp of the sparkling alcohol, “I pretend to faint and you will be witness for my family to convince them to take me back home where I shall crawl under the covers and feign illness until the very end of the courting season.”
“And what if I told you that you can’t hide forever?” James ducks his head to catch his gaze and Regulus rolls his eyes into his champagne glass, “You might have already been found out before you even know.”
“Then I would tell you that you underestimate me,” he replies, turning back to him and leaving the sight of musicians as the ballroom fills up.
“Hmm,” the Alpha makes sceptically.
“Hmm,” Regulus mocks, wobbling his head.
James narrows his eyes, mouth twitching, “Are you mocking me?”
“I would never dream of it, my Lord,” Regulus answers.
James makes a noise resembling an indulgent Sure and takes the almost empty glass out of Regulus’ grip and replaces it with another. The new glass is more curved, with a glittering golden rim and the liquid inside equally sparkling but with a delightful added hue of soft pink.
It looks enticing but Regulus knows better than to trust just any obscure Alpha, “Are you trying to get me drunk, my Lord?”
This time it’s James’ turn to roll his eyes, “Take a sip.”
He doesn’t use the voice yet Regulus finds himself almost eager to obey nonetheless, so he lifts the glass to his lips.
It’s lemonade.
When Regulus looks back up, licking his lips off the residue, James cocks his head expectantly with a smirk. 
Regulus can’t stand his arrogance.
It’d do him some good to be knocked down at least several pegs. Regulus certainly wouldn’t pass the opportunity to volunteer for the task. Wipe that self-assured grin right off his face and for some reason there is heat crawling up into Regulus’ cheeks suddenly—the champagne must be getting to him.
He sniffs quickly, eyes darting away to occupy his gaze with something else and falling to swirl along the intricate pattern on James’ coat. His broad chest is well on display with the way his hands are folded at the small of his back.
Regulus blinks again, studying James and the way he’s been standing next to Regulus at the drinks buffet for minutes without ever attempting to take one for himself.
“You’re not drinking?” he asks curiously, brushing an errant curl back behind his ear.
James does something weird then. A flutter of his lashes, nostrils flaring, and his jaw drops open slightly. A breath punches out of him that tapers into a chuckle as he slips into a grin, averting his eyes for a moment.
He winces slightly, still smiling, and then takes another half step closer. Regulus narrows his eyes in warning but James just keeps the short distance, grinning shamelessly. “Well, actually, I came to the buffet because I could have sworn I smelled lemon tart—see, they’re my favourite.”
Regulus frowns, head swivelling to glance behind James’ big form, along the length of the table, occupied solely by glasses of champagne and lemonade. He turns back to James, a derisive scoff tumbling from the centre of his chest that would have earned Regulus a sharp warning glance from his mother, “Perhaps you should consider a visit to the Doctor, my Lord. Your sense of smell must be awfully off.”
Or maybe he’s just particularly dull. Well, Regulus thinks, it is only fair this way. If you’re already this handsome and well-built you don’t deserve to be a genius as well. Balance of nature and all.
The Alpha’s grin does not wane though and Regulus feels a shiver run up the curve of his spine when the tall Alpha hums in a deep timber. “My nose works just fine, actually,” James tilts his head to the side, eyes wandering down Regulus’ face towards his neck, “As opposed to your scarf.”
It takes a moment and then Regulus’ mouth drops open. Oh, the sheer audacity. A sound of disbelief jumps from his dry throat, “I beg your pardon?”
“Oh, no need, I am perfectly capable of controlling myself even with such a delicious treat dangled right in front of my nose,” James grins. It’s infuriating.
Regulus can feel the vein in his forehead popping with his anger, “Have you no manners?!”
“I certainly do,” he volleys back, “I just take my liberties with whenever to apply them.”
“Well, then I advise you to take a tighter reign of them when in the company of strangers,” Regulus spits, cheeks warm. 
It’s just that James is still so close, smelling divine and knee-weakening and now that he’s been made aware he can’t help but notice their scents mixing in the air surrounding them. Their space neither of them seems quite taken to leaving, creating a wonderful concoction of syrupy sweet-sour citrus and heavy spicy-woodsy musk.
“There will be no need around you then, Regulus,” James counters and Regulus gasps, head reeling, feeling like he’s just fallen from his horse, “Given you are my fiance, love.”
Oh, there is no way. 
This must be a joke. 
Regulus feels like his eyes are about to pop out of their sockets as he eyes the length of the Alpha again. The tousled black hair, the handsome features, the pleasant build, the clearly expensive clothing. Reminded of the fact that his aristocratic, powerful family would never arrange an engagement with anyone less than fully deserving for their only Omega. “You–”
“Allow me to introduce myself,” he grins, stooping into a curtsey, “James Potter, Duke of Godric’s Hollow.”
“Oh, goodness in the heavens.”
“Now I believe I was promised a First Dance?” James looks in no way angry with Regulus’ disrespect, if anything, just as amused and cheerful as the whole time. The whole time in which he evidently knew who he was talking to, making a right fool of Regulus, just for the fun of it.
Regulus barely has the time to pout when the Alpha already continues, “I think that is the least you can do after calling me an ugly tr—”
“Yes,” Regulus cuts him off, clearing his throat, “I will dance with you.”
Something softer shimmers in James’ warm, chocolate eyes and then Regulus gasps silently when a warm hand touches the gloved curve of his palm, “I am nothing short of delighted to hear that, love.”
They step onto the dance floor together, hands entwined and basking in each other’s presences. Regulus feels fizzy and warm on the inside. 
James is witty and interesting, effortlessly able to keep Regulus on his toes—both metaphorically and literally—and excellent dancer and an even more stunning conversationalist. Not to mention, quite easy on the eye. And Regulus doesn’t even want to get started on James’ scent again.
One dance turns into many, turns into walking around the room side by side bickering and gossiping and laughing, turns into a lively game of chess, turns into wandering through the halls and appraising art, turns into Regulus passing out on James’ shoulder on a settee before Sirius eventually finds them and takes him home.
The next day, James is there in the drawing room for tea, as he promised he would. Regulus has told the kitchen staff to prepare lemon tart.
And the rest is history.
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maremartinelli · 2 months
Sirius Black X fem!reader
Summary: Y/n and Sirius had broken up. The boy with dark hair was going through difficult days with his family and this was the only way to protect his girlfriend. However, on a rainy holiday day In the summer he appears at the girl's cousin's house, just on the day she was there. What happens when his ex sees him all bruised and burned?
Words: 2.3K+
Warnings: I cry, break up, swear words (I don't remember), bruises, burns, but a happy and happy ending.
Author: Of course, English is not my first language, I apologize for any writing or spelling errors. And by the way, this imagine came through a song that I love. I'll leave it here at the end, for anyone who wants it to hear. (The music is Brazilian).
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Sirius and Y/n had broken up.
Their relationship had lasted for two long, beautiful years. However, lately Sirius was facing several problems with his family and for some reason he distanced himself from his girlfriend, Y/n made a thousand proposals for him to tell her what was happening. But nothing was working.
He didn't spend time with her, he made excuses not to go on dates, he avoided her in the common room, he sat further away in class and so on.
Y/n even thought he was cheating on her, but with a conversation with Prongs and Moony, they explained that he was also acting strangely and it was the Black family's fault. Like always.
And after a lot of talking and trying to help, Sirius decided that it would be better to separate, but that it wouldn't affect Y/n's life. But he said he still loved the girl unconditionally.
The days leading up to summer vacation were the worst for Y/n. While she wasn't studying for finals with Lily, she was in her dorm crying deeply while the same redhead comforted her.
The weeks passed and everyone was boarding the Hogwarts express to head home to enjoy their summer vacation. That day, Sirius was quieter than usual. Thus, causing James to have an idea.
Upon entering the train after the girls, James walked to the carriage they were in and when he was about to enter, he saw his cousin lying on his girlfriend's lap while crying sobbing.
Lily just shook her head saying that it was better for the two of them to be alone and then James asked the boys to find another carriage for them, however, Sirius who was right behind Prongs ended up seeing the scene.
The redhead just smiled slightly at Pads and continued to comb Y/n's hair as a form of consolation.
The holidays have definitely arrived, and as always the sun was shining brightly. However, Y/n just wanted to stay at home and cry until her eyes couldn't open anymore, she just wanted to stay at home and lay on her mother's lap while the older one consoled and felt sorry for her little girl.
But, since she was little, Y/n spent half of her summer holidays at her Uncle Potter's house together with her cousin James - now better, Prongs. And this summer would be no different, he called asking his cousin to come there to distract his mind and have fun with his friends.
Y/n said she would think carefully about the offer.
Until the next day in the morning Remus called her with the same request and in the afternoon her best friend - Lily. I was also making the same proposal. Until she accepted.
She packed her bags and the next day she asked her mother to take her to her aunt and uncle's house. Where already, all the friends were gathered. Except Sirius, James said that he was facing a lot of conflicts at home and that his mother forbade him to go out and be with his friends.
On one hand Y/n felt relieved, on the other, she knew that her love was suffering at Walburga's hands.
It had been 3 days since Y/n and her friends had been sleeping at James' house and having a great time.
Today, they were in the large yard behind the house trying to catch a golden snitch that Prongs had released. The first person to pick it up could choose tomorrow's menu. Just as Aunt Euphemia had said.
And obviously, everyone was so excited after the golden animal.
"Hey Hey!!" Y/n catches everyone's attention.
Remus, Lily, James and Peter turn to look at their friend.
"It's raining. Wouldn't we better go inside?" She says looking at the sky, which had huge, dark clouds.
"Let's enjoy it more, I'm almost catching this snitch" James says as he runs.
Remus rolls his eyes.
"No, it's not. I'm the one who's going to ask Aunt Effy to make us pumpkin pie tomorrow." Lupine says as he ran after James and the Snitch.
"Ew" James and Y/n mumble.
"Come on, we have to take Moony out of the competition. No one deserves pumpkin pie" Y/n laughs and runs after the golden object.
Moony just rolls his eyes and they all continue to chase the snitch as the raindrops were getting more and more violent.
The game lasted until Euphemia appeared at the door and asked them to come in, as the rain was getting heavier and the lightning was close to the Potter house.
Everyone entered quickly and each went to the room they were staying in. Y/n and Lily went to the room they shared and drew odd or even numbers to see who would take a shower first, like they did in the Hogwarts dormitory.
With that, Lily always won and today was no different. While the redhead took a shower, Y/n took her favorite pajamas out of the closet and looked at them.
The clothes matched what Sirius had too.
She had given them matching pajamas on their first Valentine's Day together. Sirius and Y/n made a point of showing off to everyone as they paraded around the common room in matching pajamas.
Now, every time Y/n wore those pieces of clothing, she felt like something was missing.
It doesn't take long for Lily to come out of the shower with wet hair and make the room available for Y/n to take a shower.
The Potter girl smiles friendly and enters the bathroom. When she feels the hot water run down her body, the tears flow together and wash the girl's face.
And after composing herself, she left the bathroom and sat at the vanity to brush her hair, until James, Remus and Peter ran in front of their room. They seemed hurried.
"Huh, what happened?" Y/n stops with the brush in her hand and looks at Lily who was on the bed putting on her socks.
"I don't know. But don't worry too much, they're really crazy" Lily says and Y/n smiles.
Upon returning to the mirror, Y/n starts to comb her hair again until they hear a bang coming from the main building downstairs. The two friends look at each other and run to the window to see who it was.
When they arrive, they can only see James holding someone as they enter the house.
Soon after, they hear someone running up the stairs and passing by their room.
Y/n runs to the door and to Remus.
"Moony, what's going on?" She asks worriedly.
"I'm going after Effy and Mont. Sirius is here. He's hurt!!!" With that said, Remus runs to the older people's room and knocks on the door.
Lily, who was behind Y/n, widened her eyes and in a quick gesture, the two girls were running down the stairs like lightning. Skipping one or two steps every time.
Arriving in the main room, Y/n stops at the sight she sees.
Sirius was all soaked from the rain, his perfect hair was all messed up, his fingers and hands were burning, there were bruises all over his face and his clothes were torn in some parts, and you could also see some deep cuts.
James and Peter were asking him questions while Moony was behind Euphemia and Fleamont, Y/n had stopped and couldn't move for the life of her. Lily even stopped next to her and said something that Y/n's ears insisted on not hearing.
Her eyes were glued to Sirius as he also looked at her.
Y/n only managed to come out of her trance when Remus accidentally hit her on the shoulder as she walked by with Effy and Mont.
"Son, what happened?!" Fleamont asks as he crouches down next to Sirius on the couch.
There was so much movement that Y/n didn't even realize she was crying. Crying with sobs.
"Lily, take Y/n upstairs. I'll come after you" Effy says to her daughter-in-law while looking at her niece.
And that was when Y/n saw that his face was full of tears and that his breathing was not controlled.
When did all this crying start??
It hurt Sirius. Seeing your loved one crying like that. Of course, he had several injuries on his body, but nothing compared to the pain he had in his heart.
So, Lily took her best friend upstairs to help her calm down. Meanwhile, Y/n tried to say something, but the crying wouldn't allow it.
"I-I should stay with him. B-but I can't c-with you. I should…"
"Shii, it's going to be okay" Lily runs her hands through Y/n's wet hair. "Everything's going to be okay..." She takes a deep breath.
Hours had already passed and everyone - almost everyone. They were already asleep.
After Euphemia helped Mont with Sirius and the boys, she went up to the girls' room and comforted Y/n.
The oldest knew about the relationship they had. For the first Christmas they were together, she brought the boy to spend the holiday with them. And it's not like Effy has never met Sirius either, he's her son's best friend.
Euphemia and Lily spent hours comforting Y/n until the Potter girl ended up falling asleep in their lap.
But now, four hours later, she was awake again.
She was sneaking out of her room so she could go to the kitchen for some tea to feel better.
Shifting foot by foot, she reached the room without waking anyone.
Y/n put the electric kettle with water on to heat up while she grabbed the tea bags that were in the upper cupboard in her aunt's kitchen. The scene of Sirius suffering on the couch with his pain still played in her head as she got her tea ready.
Until she felt another breath in the kitchen and quickly turned around, pulling out her wand that was stuck in her hair bun.
"Hey hey, doll. It's me!" The male voice says weakly while standing at the door.
Y/n takes a deep breath when she hears Sirius' voice.
Thus becoming a little embarrassed while the brunette stared at her. Potter began fidgeting with the checkered pajama pants she was wearing, while she waited for him to say something or for the hot water from the kettle to signal that it was ready.
"You wear it" Sirius smiles pointing to his pants and Y/n looks down at his leg.
"A, yeah. Yes. I love them" She says weakly. "They're comfortable and...I feel like I'm close to you." She says the last sentence quietly, but Black hears it.
"Me too. But well, I left mine at home when I escaped here"
Y/n bites her lower lip and looks at the ground, trying not to remember everything he could have suffered until he arrived at her aunt and uncle's house.
"Well, about earlier... y--do you want to talk? We may be apart, but I'm a good listener" She tries to smile, but ends up grimacing.
"It's okay now, Effy helped me with the bandages and the boys distracted me until I fell asleep. But I couldn't sleep anymore."
"I imagine..."
"Well, what about you? I was worried about you" he approaches the counter.
Y/n was in front of the sink, on the other side of the counter as she looked at Sirius. Which was now more visible, due to the weak light that the island provided.
"Yeah. You were desperate when you saw me." He swallows hard and Y/n looks away from the mug he was holding.
"Yeah...I...well, yes...it was hard to see you like that. I imagined your mother humiliating you and seeing you so small there, it made my heart break even more" she says weakly and drops a few tears . "I wanted to come help you, but the last few days you just kept me away and I didn't know what to do. And my reaction was that, I didn't want to. I'm sorry" Y/n lowers her head and sheds more tears.
Sirius walks around the counter and stops in front of his lover.
"Hey, you don't need to apologize for anything. I confess that I felt really bad when I realized that I was moving away from you, but I couldn't keep you with me. My family threatened me in every way and said that the next person would be you . I was so shaken that the only thing left for me was to break up with you. I'm sorry for leaving you aside" He lifts Y/n's face with his index finger, while she showed that she was still crying.
"I tried to help you in many ways, but it seemed like something was missing in you"
"What I'm missing is you." Sirius runs his hand over Y/n's cheek.
Y/n looks into Black's gray eyes.
"Siri, I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. I should have been on your side." She says tearfully.
"You're here now, aren't you?! He smiles and places his other hand on Y/n's cheek.
She shakes her head.
"I missed you so much" Y/n confesses.
"Me too" Sirius cries, but still smiles. "I know you're missing me, come get your half soon" Black flirts making Y/n roll her eyes and laugh.
"Not even in this situation can you stop your jokes" she smiles. "but yes, I want my half back."
"Great" Sirius smiles and pulls Y/n into a kiss.
It was as if everything was falling into place again. The kiss felt more passionate and stronger.
One couldn't live without the other and now they realized.
"Promise that you will stay now until death do us part?" Y/n asks when they break away from the kiss.
"Always, doll" Sirius smiles and then pulls his girl into a cozy hug. "I love you so much, my life."
"I love you, my love"
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Author: Here below is the song I said in the synopsis👇🏽
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backsurasy · 7 months
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They are just too cute, I love them, I want them to adopt me
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mezaleans · 29 days
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thinking about Them
ac lily&sirius: @maluceh
ac peter: sophithil
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valentinetypewriter · 10 months
Me and My Husband
This includes casting, chapter masterlist and summary
Sirius Black x Remus lupin x reader
My Main masterlist
this will also be posted on ao3 - a link to the fic
Chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6
Sirius Black III the usually flirtatious boy had become completely infatuated with someone he knew he could never have, but tied to someone he never thought he could love.
Remus john lupin the self hating Werewolf who doesn't believe he's worth loving, but his heart aches for two people who he thinks he doesn't deserve
Y/n l/n has hated love ever since she was young, a pure-blood family like hers doesn't get love, they only have to keep their blood pure. But maybe she could make something good out of this
Set during the marauders 7th year and onwards, canon divergent, just changing a few things up to make the fic work a bit better. This fic will be filled with unnecessary angst and drama because I'm a horrible person
Casting will include movies/shows for a more specific look for major character
Ben Barnes as Sirius Black (Dorian grey)
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Andrew Garfield as Remus lupin (Never let me go) and yes this is exactly how I imagine remus to act/talk - A link for a YouTube video since clips of his character are hard to find
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Aaron Taylor Johnson as James Potter (kick-ass / Nowhere boy)
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Dane dehaan as Peter pettigrew (Kill your darlings)
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Timothée Chalamet as Regulus Black
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David Tennant as Barty Crouch Jr
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Maxence Danet-Fauvel as Evan Rosier
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Supporting cast
Sophie skelton as Lily Evans
Alicia Vikander as Marlene McKinnon
Sofia Bryant as Mary McDonald
Louis Garrel as Severus Snape
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florsial · 4 months
Something funny i thought of
Taking place post of the (first) wizarding war, everyone survives but the bond that linked James and Lily during the war is starting to dissolve. So they decide to go to marriage counseling. Their counselor? Pandora Rosier.
Bad news for Lily because she starts looking forward to the counseling session, not because she wants to fix her marriage, but because she looks forward to seeing Pandora. Who she may or may not have a slight crush on. She feels terrible because James also seems to look forward to the sessions, and Lily thinks it's because he actually wants to fix their marriage.
But James on the other hand, nah, he instead, looks forward to seeing his best mate's younger brother, Regulus, who enters at the end of all their sessions to drop off lunch or a drink for Pandora. He feels guilty because Lily seems to be excited about the sessions while he fantasizes about Regulus.
Shit news for both of them? They (James and Lily) both think Pandora and Regulus are dating.
(Spoilers they aren't)
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ellieclaireblack · 1 year
james potter (wedding edition)
he would be the guy to take your last name.
he'd cry. not just cute little tears he'd be in shambles, but not ashamed of it. he'd own his love.
he'd feed your wedding cake to you.
he'd whisper sweet nothings into your ear while dancing.
he'd never leave your side. the whole day long.
he'd be so excited when everyone would leave, because he wanted you to himself.
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wzrd-wheezes · 6 months
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“I did regret it. I regretted it because you’re engaged to my best friend and I'm the bloody fool that decided to fall in love with you.” Sirius’s brows furrowed, “I just felt like I fucked up. God, you’re getting married.” 
moodboard inspired by my fic The Engagement Arrangement, which you can read here
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musicoftheheart · 19 days
absolutely pissing myself rn because ive accidentally written some crack into my fic?? james potter the man that you are i love you but please stop making my life so insane
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hum-suffer · 8 months
Prongsfoot makes more sense than wolfstar for me, I'm sorry but I won't take constructive criticism
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two in 25 minutes? yes.
trans james (pre transition, not out, living in india with transphobic parents) getting a matchmaker who matches him with regulus from france and he's so against the idea until he meets regulus and he is gone but then starts panicking because he doesn't want to lie to his fiancé about who he is and him think he's a girl
regulus is also very against the idea because he's gay, and he can choose his own partner perfectly well, thank you very much. but then he meets james and actually really likes him which is confusing until james comes out to him and omg his fiancé is a guy!!! and he comes up with a plan for him and james to run away together and james cuts off his hair and regulus buys him his first binder 🥹
and they both get to be happy because their parents think they're in love and in a little cishet bubble but really they both get to find themselves with each other because they've both been hiding all their lives
and it's like arranged marriage strangers to lovers and james moves to england with regulus and they get married and fall in love and james comes out and gets to live his happy little gay life with his husband
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maremartinelli · 23 days
Sírius Black X Potter!Reader
Summary: When Y/n gets a trail motorcycle from her father and her boyfriend had no idea she rode it.
Words: 1.3K+
Warnings: Y/n being James's twin sister, mentions of Walburga's shit, Effie cooking, mention of marriage, if you squint, mentions of sex and finally, VERY happy couple.
Author: Sorry if there are any writing or typing errors, English is not my first language. Sorry. And finally, enjoy the story and when you're done...visit my masterlist or You can go to my profile and go to my question box, request a story you wanted to read by Sirius, Ben, Edmund, Caspian, Joseph Q or Andrew G.
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The Potter's house in the summer was practically an inn where all of James and Y/n's friends attended.
Peter, Remus, Lily and of course. Sirius Black.
It was the summer of 1977, just before senior classes were supposed to start. The sun radiated comfortable heat, while birds flew in flocks.
James and Y/n had called their friends to come home as soon as last year's classes ended. And now, a week later, the rooms were on their way to the Potter's house.
"Hey, hey!! Aren't you going to help me organize the rooms?" James asks, when he sees his sister coming out of the room in a lilac helmet and trail gear.
Y/n turns to her brother and sends a smile without showing her teeth.
"No!!" She places the helmet under her left arm. "I already helped mom organize downstairs yesterday, today you stay up here. ALONE. Since you didn't help organize with us yesterday" Y/n says and walks to the stairs. "If anyone calls me, tell them I'm back there hiking"
James just rolls his eyes before walking into the guest room and mumbling:
"That's if anyone misses you here" he complains and then goes into the room to leave some pillows and change the sheets.
The hours passed and every now and then an owl or other arrived, saying that their friends were almost arriving at the residence.
With that, James had finished organizing the top part of the house, while Euphemia finished baking a pie and Y/n was still behind the house riding the motorcycle that James hated.
He swore he would set the machine on fire as soon as Y/n stopped riding it.
However, Y/n is always one step ahead. He said he would burn all his Quidditch stuff if he did that. Which resulted in James not being able to do anything about his sister's motorcycle.
Which he found super noisy.
"Jamiie!! There's someone at the door. Please go and answer mom." Euphemia says from the kitchen and James, who was on the back porch of the house watching his sister, gets up and walks to the front door of the house.
When he opens it, he sees a somewhat happy Sirius with a bag on his back.
"Hey Pads, come in man" James says cheerfully and Sirius enters quietly. "Something happened?"
"It's okay. Just the shit Walburga told me before leaving. But just don't pay attention and it'll pass" Sirius smiles and James pats his best friend on the shoulder.
"Alright then. Come, my mother made pie for us. It must be cold to eat now" James puts his arm around his friend's shoulder and leads him to the kitchen.
Sirius smiles and leaves his backpack in a corner of the hallway, walking alongside James to the kitchen.
"Sirius, my boy. How good it is to see you" The twins' mother says and Pads smiles and goes to say hello. "How are you?"
"Hi auntie, everything is going. But thanks for asking" He smiles and Euphemia hugs him before returning to the sink.
Sirius smiles friendly and then James gives him a piece of strawberry pie, before heading out to the back porch. With Sirius always behind him.
"Where's the rest? Moony, Peter and your girlfriend?" Sirius asks before taking a bite of the pie.
He sits on the porch floor, with James by his side and then looks out at the vast yard behind the Potter's house.
In the background, he could see someone riding a trail bike. He squints his eyes and can't make out.
"Ah, them!! Lily said she was leaving the house about 20 minutes ago, Moony should be here and Peter couldn't come. His father's cousin passed away yesterday" James says, finishing your pie and shaking the crumbs in your hand.
"Dude, who's that one with the motorcycle coming?" Sirius, still not knowing who, asks James.
"It's your woman" James says without concern and rests his left hand behind his body.
"WHAT? S/N?"
"Yes. Or do you have another woman besides my sister?"
Sirius just holds back his laughter and rolls his eyes.
"Obviously not" he says and then stands up. "I just didn't know she rode a motorcycle. Even more so, trails."
"Yeah. She learned it last summer from Uncle Jack and then our dad had the brilliant idea of giving her a motorcycle this summer." James says without much importance, standing next to his best friend and watching his sister approaching with the motorcycle. "I even thought about setting it on fire, but she threatened my Quidditch items."
Sirius looks at him.
"You're crazy. Don't do that!! That's so hot" Pads says and then approaches the fence, going over to his girlfriend.
James makes a vomiting gesture and walks behind Sirius.
Y/n had just approached the fence Sirius was approaching with the motorbike. She takes off her helmet and runs her hands through her hair, before looking at her boyfriend.
"If I ask you to wear these clothes to bed, will you accept it?" Sirius approaches his girlfriend, looking her up and down. "That's very sexy"
Y/n glances at him quickly and then softens her face when she sees it's him.
"I'm all your order" she says winking with one eye and getting off the bike.
"I'm glad it's ONLY mine" Sirius goes over the fence and pulls his girlfriend by the waist to greet him with a kiss.
"Heavens, I still have to hear this," James says as he approaches, arms crossed over his chest.
Y/n distances herself from Sirius and smiles at her brother's comments.
"Be thankful you have ears then" She laughs and Sirius smiles, still with one hand on his girlfriend's waist. "Where are the rest of the people?" She changes the subject.
"Moony and Lily will soon arrive and Peter can't come" James gives a summary, as he climbs the fence to sit in front of the couple.
Y/n just nods and looks at Sirius.
"Wow, you fell in love with me in this outfit, right?" Y/n questions him. Because she was wearing protective clothing, boots, vest, helmet and trail pants.
"I can't take my eyes off" He kisses her neck and smiles.
"Want to go for a walk with me?" Y/n asks, smiling electrically.
"Obviously. Why wouldn't I ask a question like that? If I love it when your hands are on my waist"
"FOR MERLIN" James jumps off the fence and turns around. "I'm going to go back and help mom, at least there weren't couples almost eating each other there" James says leaving the yard and Y/n and Sirius laugh loudly.
"IT'S NOT YOUR FUNCKING BUSINESS!!" James shouts back, however, more distantly, but without turning around to see his best friend with his sister.
Y/n breaks away from Sirius and gets on the bike again.
"Come here, kitten" Y/n says winking exaggeratedly and Sirius laughs.
"You don't need to ask again" Sirius approaches his girlfriend and then she leaves with the bike again. But now with Sirius on the back.
Euphemia, who was in the kitchen, smiles when she sees the two having fun in the backyard.
James soon arrives and looks in the same direction as his mother.
"They're still getting married," James says, with a half smile.
"I feel like by graduation day, they're engaged" Euphemia says with a goofy smile on her face.
"I think he asks her after graduation." James sits on the stool next to his mother.
Euphemia looks at him amused.
"Oh, how about it mom!! We can make a bet!! If I win, I'll get the apartment in the center, if you win, you can give it to Y/n and Sirius" he says excitedly.
Euphemia laughs loudly.
"I'm not going to do that" The twins' mother says happily. "Your father and I already have a plan for this"
"Oh, oh. Tell me!!"
"James Fleamont Potter!! Stop being so curious and help me here at dinner" she smiles at her son.
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Author: If you like my stories, like, reblog and share!!
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treehousesinfrance · 1 year
Sirius finds out! A Jegulus microfic : 475 words
Regulus Black, Heir of House Black, Dead at 19
“Apparently you’re dead?”
James dropped the paper onto the kitchen table
“Were you ever going to tell me about this or was I to learn it from the Prophet?”
Regulus sipped on his tea, unamused.
“Now I have to get myself a new husband. Harry really should have a father figure in his life. How could you do this to me? To Harry!”
“You are a father, you utter twat. Sit down. I made breakfast.”
He did sit, but with a huff to let Regulus know he was not pleased.
“Dumbledore thought it best I fake my death so the death eaters don’t come after me or my family. I always said I would stop spying after Harry was born.”
They ate in silence, but for the occasional gurgle from baby Harry.
“We’ve just had to hide so much of ourselves already. Now I’m supposed to pretend you’re not even alive?”
James began fiddling with the ring he wore on a chain around his neck, a habit he’d picked up, Regulus noticed.
“I know it’s hard, but it’s not forever. After the war, we’ll be together properly. Maybe I can even hold your hand in public without causing a riot. But until then, we need to stay safe for our son.”
As if in response, Harry was sick, all over himself. Ungrateful child. 
James chuckled and cracked that smile and, yeah Regulus was done for. Every time he saw it he fell all over again. How was there ever a time he thought he’d hated him. 
“Come on, baby. Let’s get you cleaned up, huh?”
He was so in love it hurt. Watching his husband carefully wipe Harry clean with a cloth he’d produced from somewhere while Harry stared up at him with those big grey eyes, entranced. Well, Regulus, despite being officially dead, had never been happier.
The front door crashed open and a distraught Sirius burst through, clutching the news paper in one hand and his heart in the other.
“James, he’s gone and I never-“
They were all frozen in place, Sirius’ eyes darting between Regulus, James, Harry, Regulus, Harry, Regulus, James.
“You’re - you’re alive.”
“You’re here?”
“You’re… fucking.”
“Married actually”, James supplied, “but yes. Fucking, that too.” Idiot.
Sirius seemed to go through fourteen different emotions in the space of a single minute, wrapping his arms around Regulus, sobbing into his chest, while also threatening certain appendages of James’ that Regulus himself was quite attached to.
“Don’t threaten my husband, please.”
And that stopped the sobbing, and then-
“Oh, James! We’re brothers!”
And then they were both crying, which upset Harry of course, so now he was crying too and for a second Regulus wished he really was dead because he couldn’t deal with this many emotions before 9am. 
words: 475
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diandrarumi · 3 months
tbh im kinda sick of these albus potter and his misunderstood middle child problems and people painting james sirius as two demensionsl himbo. like bffr hes the oldest child of two extremely famous parents whose name is the only legacy name of his siblings (there has been a james potter before him, there hasnt been an albus potter and lily potter).
like of all children james sirius the one who has the most burden and expectation to be perfect, both in skills AND personality, like everyone probably expects albus to be moody and angsty but they expect james sirius to be friendly, funny, bright like his namesakes and uncles.
the amount of pressure and expection that james sirius has isnt talked about tbh
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valentinetypewriter · 10 months
Me And My Husband - Chapter 2
Series Masterlist
Main masterlist
Chapter 1 / chapter 3
Taglist: @rainychaosmiracle
(Let me know if you want to be apart of the tag list)
Word count: 2,549
Remus had finally let go of Sirius after said boy had started to calm down, though he kept his hands on his upper arms for comfort. "Sirius please talk to me, what the hell was that about" Remus was always soft spoken, it almost seemed impossible for it to get even softer but he always managed when he tried to comfort people. "You wouldn't understand Remus, it's just my family, it's always them" more tears leaked down the shorter boys face, his voice cracking a bit when he spoke. Remus pulled Sirius closer to himself, rubbing his hand up and down the crying boys back "then explain it to me so I can understand it" Sirius let out a weak nod in response "alright but I can't speak about it here".
The two boys had made their way back to their dorm room, of course after Remus had made up an excuse to the rest of his friend that he wasn't feeling very well. Though no one thought to question it, the young Werewolf seemed to always be sick every other week. Sirius sat on the edge of his bed with Remus, though never looking up to make eye contact with the taller boy, he was too embarrassed to do so. Sirius started his explanation with a soft sigh "it all started during the middle of our break, after I went back home from the Potter's". The memory was still fresh to Sirius, it had kept him awake many nights since it happened.
Sirius had kept to himself since getting back home, wishing he could just spend the rest of the time with James, or even his other friends. He was especially not excited about today, his mother Walburga had invited over a friend of hers, and she of course told him that he'd be meeting them. Sirius was never happy to meet any of his parents' friends, they were always just like them, strict blood purists that stuck up their noses at him. He was dreading the moment his mother would call for him, he was dressed up nicely, being told it was an important occasion and he hated it. When Walburga finally called him down he wasn't expecting to see someone from Hogwarts staring at him, no he was expecting some old wrinkly pureblood that looked something like a ghost.
Sirius didn't know her name, nor did he care too. All he knew was that she was in Slytherin and best friends with her little brother, who of course was already sitting by her. He walked over to his mother holding out his hand to introduce himself "this is my eldest son Sirius, the one we talked about" his mother spoke for him, she always did, but he dreaded the thought of his mother talking about him to her 'friends' he could only expect the worst. Though the older woman in front of him just smiled as she shook his hand "well I hope he is as lovely as you described him to be, I'm M/n l/n" he smiled back at her although very confused, his mother had said something good about him to this woman, something she had never done before. "This is my daughter Y/n, I believe you're both starting your last year at Hogwarts" the mentioned girl nodded her head at Sirius as a small greeting. "Now Sirius since you'll be graduating your father and I thought it would be a good idea for you to start courting a member of a well respected pure-blood family, and luckily M/n here had the same thing planned for her daughter".
The world suddenly stopped for Sirius, his heart sinking down into his gut. The sickening swirl in his stomach kept building until a mess of words almost started spewing out of his mouth, though one harsh look from his mother kept him quiet. Sirius had no idea what to or do, so he stood still staring at the girl his parents wanted him to marry, only looking away when Walburga brought over a dark green velvet box. She handed it to the small girl Sirius was starting to despise, she grabbed it with a small and a quiet "thank you Mrs Black". She opened it and pulled out a beautiful and large ring, it was silver with crystal stars around the band and a stunning Emerald in the centre, it was so beautiful and it made him sick.
Walburga slipped the ring onto the young girl's finger as her face faltered, she seemed almost scared of the tall woman in front of her. Walburga then beckoned over her son, slipping on the dark steel ring with a similar star pattern onto his ring finger. "You'll make such a lovely addition to the family Y/n" Y/n just gave the woman a soft smile "oh and don't worry we have everything already planned for the big day, it will be a week after the two of you graduate" M/n spoke with a gleeful tone. The two Teenagers would never know but at that moment they were thinking the exact same thing, a wish to be younger. The threat of adulthood and an arranged marriage would be looming over their heads for the entire year, so they had to make the most of their last free year.
~Flashback over~
At this point Remus had his arm thrown over Sirius's shoulder, rubbing his thumb up and down to comfort the miserable boy "they've dictated my entire life, how I dressed, how I acted, who I spoke to, even tried to decide what house they wanted me to be in" Sirius let out an angry huff before continuing "and now I can't even choose who I fall in love with, I mean I'm to be married a week after we graduate! I wanted to do things with my life, like travel the world, have more fun with my friends before ever thinking of settling down with a wife and kids!" small tears welled up in his eyes the more worked up he became "God and I hate looking at her, and that stupid ring, it just reminds me of what waits for me after graduation" tears were now rushing down his face as he let out broken sobs "I'm sorry Sirius, I'm sorry this is happening to you, that I can't help you, love shouldn't be something that's decided for you, you both deserve to fall in love with someone you care about" Remus held on tighter to Sirius as tears streamed down the boys face. "Though she doesn't mean any harm to you, like she said she doesn't want this either, she's only wearing it to keep her parents pleased" Remus hesitated slight before he continued speaking "and I don't blame her, I wouldn't want your parents finding out that you aren't wearing it, and I don't trust Regulus enough not to tell them. It's just a suggestion, only so you don't get into any trouble" he had a soft smile as he spoke and Sirius could just tell he cared about what he was saying. Comfort from Remus always felt sincere and true, it never felt demeaning or horrid in any way, it made Sirius feel safe.
After their talk Sirius had thought more about what Remus had said and he was right though, Sirius would rather die than have his parents find out he wasn't wearing the ring. So he had actually decided to wear it, it wasn't unusual for him. He often wore multiple rings at once, so no one would think to question it. Remus on the other hand had tried his luck in finding Y/n, he wanted to talk to her and properly apologise for overhearing their conversation yesterday, he started looking for her in more obvious places. Like the Great Hall, the Courtyard and even The Black Lake, where more introverted students would relax but Y/n had been in none of those places. Remus was starting to lose hope, so he decided to go to the library planning on looking into a spell that would help them with their upcoming prank. Remus grabbed a few random spell books before residing in the back of the library where, on a good day, there weren't any people there. Unfortunately for Remus this was not a good day, sitting at his usual table was a girl, he couldn't make out much of her only the back of her head. He had planned on walking away and looking for a different seat before he noticed the finger adorned with a dark green gem. Sitting at his usual spot in the library, far away from people to have enough privacy was the girl he had spent his morning looking for.
So he mustered up enough courage to approach the Slytherin girl "Excuse me, Y/n" the mentioned girl shot her head up from her book as she seemed startled, Remus's eyes widened, hands slowly came up in front of him "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to come and apologise about yesterday…" "and to see how you are doing" he managed to stutter out as the girl reclaimed her composure. The girl let out a mean scoff at his words, not believing the words he was saying. "I don't care and it doesn't matter, it's not like you know anything besides what you eavesdropped on" she was so rude, though Remus had a feeling it was only to push him away. "Actually Sirius told me everything" he looked straight to the ground as your face grew harsh "of course he did, can't keep his mouth shut for a second". Remus moved to sit down next to the girl, "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what's happening" Y/n seemed confused at his words "why in Merlin's name would you be sorry?" she seemed to shrink in on herself as she asked. "Well, because I know how much this is killing Sirius, and I know you don't want this either" Y/n scoffed at him "it doesn't matter what I want, this is how my family has been for generations, they never get married for love". She looked down at the table, tears pricking her eyes "but that doesn't mean you deserve this" Remus put a soft hand on the girl's shoulder, her eyes shooting up to meet him as he did so.
Remus knew all too well what the look in Y/n's eyes meant. It was the same look Sirius used to give him when Remus tried to comfort him in their early years, the same look that begs for the pity to stop. It was all too overwhelming for Y/n, the burning behind her eyes as she tried so hard to not let tears fall, the sad look in Remus's eyes as he stared down at her, trying to make her feel better with his useless words. Comfort never felt good for Y/n, it always felt too demeaning, as if behind the caring facade people were really just making fun of her, it made her feel weak. "Thanks, I guess" after that Y/n rushed out of the library.
Monday had finally arrived, the day the Marauders could pull off their prank on Snape. They had found the perfect spell, a sort of transfiguration spell that would last an entire day and couldn't be reversed, it was perfect. There was 15 minutes before the first class started when they found Snape, he was with a few other Slytherin students in a busy corridor. They hid themselves behind a corner as James prepared to cast the spell, a small blue spark shot out travelling towards Snape. Unfortunately some had gotten in the way, having called out to the group of slytherin students who had stopped to turn around. Even more unfortunately the blue spark that was intended for Snape had hit none other than Regulus, he had made his way over to the group with Y/n, he moved too quickly to stop what was about to happen. As they were talking Regulus felt his large oversized Slytherin sweater start to shrink in size, changing itself into a cardigan style jumper. He started shifting uncomfortably, as his clothes grew tight. The others hadn't noticed until the boy's pants had started shrinking, forming into a pleated black skirt that reached the middle of his thigh. His socks also started to rise up his legs, changing into thigh high socks. They had all stopped talking, and Regulus had started looking around, his face violently red as he noticed how many people were staring at him.
In their shocked state the Marauders had no chance to duck behind the corned, Regulus had marched over anger burning in his grey eyes. "What the hell is your problem, it's the first day and you idiots pull this shit" he was very passed off, James had tried to stutter out a response though his eyes were stuck on the younger boy's outfit. "It wasn't meant for you Regulus, we were trying to hit Snape" Sirius shot out, annoyed that their prank had been ruined "Yes because that makes it so much better brother" the young boy's face started to lighten up, going back to its usual pale colour. James was completely stunned, he had a weird feeling form in the pit of his stomach, he deemed it to just be because he wasn't expecting to hit his best friend's younger brother. And it definitely wasn't because he thought that Regulus looked incredibly attractive in a skirt and thigh highs, though James couldn't tear his eyes off of him "if it makes you feel any better you sure do make a good girl" James blurted out, pulling out laughs from his three friends. Regulus felt his face burn up again as he looked away from James. He felt humiliated, "yes you're all absolutely hilarious" he wanted to get back at them, so he did in the only way he knew how. He leant closer to Sirius so the other boys wouldn't hear him, he wouldn't know but Remus could hear everything he was saying "just so you know brother, Y/n has been awfully close with that Crouch boy since we got back, you should keep an eye on your 'property'. If she fell for someone else mother would think you aren't putting in enough effort" Sirius had instantly stopped laughing, shooting his eyes from Regulus over to Y/n, where she had been talking closely to Barty Crouch Jr. The mentioned boy had laughed at something you said, putting an arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him. Regulus just smiled at the look on his brother's face, a sick sense of joy washing over him "I'm going to go and get changed now" Sirius rolled his eyes at his brother "yeah good luck with that" though Regulus seemed to ignore him. Sirius's eyes were stuck on Y/n for a few moments "Well that was a fail, let get the hell out of here" Peter had finally spoken, with that the boys had started to make their way to class.
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myprongsfootera · 3 months
Prongsfoot Bingo: Arranged Marriage
The Only Transfer Students to Ever Come to Hogwarts (9,500 words) written for the @prongsfootbingo challenge
I had so much fun with this one! I have actually previously written a prongsfoot arranged marriage story where they married each other to get Sirius out of it (A Real Marriage Under Wizarding Law) so when I saw this prompt on my bingo card I knew I needed to find a new direction.
So here you have a bit of a hijinx version of this prompt:
When the war starts, Walburga and Orion Black move their family back to Europe from where they've been living in France. Sirius is upset to learn that not only does he have to transfer to a new school, but his parents have set up an arranged marriage for him to align themselves with a powerful wizarding family. The boy he's supposed to marry? One James Potter. When he gets to the school, James is convinced that his parents would never have agreed to any such arrangement, but Sirius knows his parents don't make empty threats.
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(bet you can't guess which one's next lol)
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