#yes I will be feral but hopefully not online
anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
You guys have no idea how much restraint I’ve been showing these past years by not making a Eurovision headcanon list for Gilmore Girls.
Really, the Americans among you should be thankful
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
In general, how would you approach writing nonhuman/feral characters with disabilities? How would you balance the symptoms animals usually show vs human symptoms, experiences and available accomodations?
I'm considering giving my Warrior Cats character with TBI-induced blindness (yes, I know, these books are awful about disability rep and yet I can't help but get attached) a guide animal of some sort, but... in real life blind cats can get by just fine using their whiskers, and though realism isn't a concern here, I'm worried that'll come across as nonsensical. However, I'm personally uncomfortable with writing yet another blind character that doesn't need mobility aids despite not being able to distinguish objects from one another "properly". He may not be totally blind, but I feel like I'd be contributing to the misconceptions surrounding my own condition that way. Thoughts?
Thank you for your ask! In real life animals, including cats, have been known to assign themselves as a guide for a blind packmate, usually walking on the side with less vision to help with navigation. Sometimes an animal of another species will act as a guide, but only if they’re bonded. This also occurs more often in domesticated animals, so if you don’t want the guide to be another cat you could do something like a dog, chicken or rat (though I’d imagine the last two would be hard to keep in a cat pack!).
You could also have your character able to move around unassisted in familiar areas that he is often in, but need assistance in unfamiliar areas.
As for writing your character, I’d say research how his injury affects his other senses. Touch, smell, hearing and limb movement can be affected by a traumatic brain injury, and it would definitely affect your character's ability to get around.
As of now, this blog unfortunately doesn’t have any blind mods (applications are still open as of posting this). However, you can check out other blogs for more information on blindness, such as BlindBeta, AskABlindPerson, and Mimzy-Writing-Online.
Have a lovely day!
Mod Rot
When talking about TBI induced blindness, you have to keep in mind that it's different from ocular blindness. The brain-based type of blindness is called CVI, or Cortical Visual Impairment, and it's very common!
(Note: I have done a lot of research on CVI, but I don't have it myself. I heavily encourage you to check the blogs that Rot mentioned!)
A CVI will often have different symptoms than ocular blindness. For example, the character's field of view could be severely limited - the left (or right, or top, or bottom...) half of their vision could be non-existent, and the other half could be what is sometimes described as "incomprehensible". It could also present in infinitely different ways from that, as it can be very diverse!
CVI is often fluid and the person (or cat) can function very differently depending on the circumstances like fatigue or stress or even the weather. If he's having a horrible day he will be able to understand the visual input less than when he's doing fantastic.
With CVI, it's important to remember that visual acuity generally won't be the main problem, but the brain's comprehension of the image is. This is where cat-available accommodations can hopefully come in.
Showing him experiencing visual fatigue and how he deals with it could be one of them! During his kitty activities he could prefer to have them spaced out so that he only sees one at a time and makes it easier for his brain to comprehend without tiring him out. A cluttered environment would probably only make it worse, so you can have him make sure that everything is nice and in its place. He could also take longer to recognize new objects or cats.
If he has, for example, very limited field of vision, then he could have his kitty house (I don't know how warrior cats work I'm trying my best here) arranged so that it would work for him; i.e. everything being on a specific height.
I also very much agree with Rot that he should have more symptoms than just blindness! One example of a brain-based cat disability could be cerebellar hypoplasia; it can't be caused by a TBI, but it causes ataxia which can be a result of a TBI (mildly complicated, sorry). Either way you can use it as a reference to visualize how your character could move!
I hope this helps! I really appreciate the effort of trying to include disability accommodations in a character who's a forest cat.
mod Sasza
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winterandwords · 3 months
💻 Big website update, things to read, and Spin Cylinder coming soon!
I'm very tired and very excited, so hopefully this all makes sense and doesn't come out like the aggressively caffeinated gibberish that's buzzing around in my head right now.
The TL;DR is I updated winterandwords.com and instead of having downloadable versions of my stories, they can now be read on the site itself, complete with convenient index pages. I'll be posting future stories chapter by chapter, and you can subscribe there to get notified of new things as they happen (more about that in a minute).
The ML;RA (much longer; read anyway) is I realised I was not enjoying the way I've been sharing my stories. I don't like making Book Product. I don't like finishing a book, throwing it out into the world one time and then pretty much ignoring it forever. I don't like anything about packaging a story into a PDF or an EPUB and putting it up for download. It's not that it's difficult. It's that it isn't fun and honestly I'm trying to prioritise fun a lot more than I have been.
When I'm coming to the end of a story and catch myself dragging my feet, I know I need to change what happens next. I write primarily for my own enjoyment and I have no interest in conventional publishing methods, whether traditional or mainstream self-publishing, or Doing A Sales.
It's super important to me that I get to enjoy every part of the writing and story-sharing process, so if something is giving me the ick, it's time to do it differently.
I've always loved the idea of serialised fiction, posting chapter by chapter and getting to yell at you all every time there's a new bit to read. I've spent forever investigating and trying out different platforms, but none of them hit the spot.
Today I had a Why the fuck didn't I think of this before? moment and realised I can do exactly the thing I want on my own website that I already have and pay for.
The exciting bit is November Breaks and Bridge From Ashes are up on winterandwords.com already and Spin Cylinder is coming soon! Yes, really. SOON. I'm planning to get stuck into final edits now-ish and start posting chapters ASAP.
The other exciting bit is that you can subscribe to get notifications of new stories and chapters by email. I'll post info and links here too, but things get lost very easily on the fast-paced hellsite, even with tag lists (which I really need to get around to setting up).
So if you want to subscribe to the yummy wordstuff, head to winterandwords.com and do the thing.
As ever, if you'd like to support my writing with money, you can do that by making a donation via Ko-fi. There's never any expectation of donations, but please know that I appreciate them so much when you're generous enough to send them.
Before I build a dam across the stream of consciousness, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all my friends here for being so incredibly enthusiastic about my writing. You're the reason I'm brave enough to include "with characters to go feral over" when I'm talking about my stories online. You're awesome and I adore the hell out of you 💜
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fainthedcherry · 15 days
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2024 Human Art VS 2019 Human Art !!!!!
And also an art comparison, just to see, how much I improved in drawing the 2 bois <3
I'm MEGA tired despite having slept after work, but I WON'T let that deter me from writing a description!! YAPNADO AHEAD;
I'm SO glad, that in the new drawing, Marco finally looks like the twink he always was, but still enough meat on the bones to look NORMAL lmao, can't say that about the 4 other sketches of me trying to redraw this ref for years. xD (why yes, his wings took forever, why do you ask? /lh)
God this habit of loudly reading out my posts as I type them made me realise what a bad Schwarzenegger impression I do on accident bc I'm overly excited to post something after a month of silence SDKFSKLDG
ONE THING I ALWAYS WANTED TO DO. IS PUT EVERY DETAIL I NEEDED ON A BIG REF. SO I DID! I've drawn closeups of the boys's eyes, I've drawn Finn's tongue so that I don't need to constantly remind myself what his blush and flesh colours were sdfkldsgkl, I FINALLY denoted their heights, so people know that they're tall TALL dudes (and that Finn obviously will struggle w/ his lanky mfing legs, we LOVE giving a middle-aged man heart attacks once he reaches his 40's!!!)
ANNDDD ALSO SOME SIDE VIEWS OF THEM. The last side-view I had of F & M, looked REAL bad. Like, Marco's face looked WAY too stereotypically European (to my fault bc surprise surprise not many African people live in Europe so I had poor frame of reference but I've been fixing it via looking up images online instead, at least it helps but yeah, I have a hard time so far unfortunately💀), Finn's was just... B u c k e t. NOT LIKE HANDSOME BUCKET. BUT JUST BUCKET. IT NEEDED FIXING (fun fact I accidentally made Finn have the most attractive jaw shape for men according to beauty standards and I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I JUST WANTED THIS MAN TO LOOK S Q U A R E AND THAT'S IT, MINECRAFT STEVE HAS MORE RIZZ THAN MOST MEN OFFICIALLY).
OH YEAH ALSO A CLAW REF AGAIN FOR FINN!!! His old ref looks too cool for me to give up on it tbh even as dated as it is sfjklsdglk, BUT I felt like I needed to redraw them properly.
FUNNILY ENOUGH A PERSON I COMMISSIONED SAID I HAVE SOME REALLY CLEAN AND NICE LINEART. I wish I heard that 5 years ago when I was really insecure about my bad lineart skills xD, I don't use lineart anymore nowadays outside of reference-drawings like these I don't plan to redraw in the next years unless necessary soooo yeah! They're gonna appear much rarer unless I go off and about making more ref sheets of all of my Sonc OC's sfklsdgsdfksdg
This drawing took 5 days to make btw. Not the hours spent on this LOL. 5 days of my life I'll never get back tho bc I care too much about my babies and I feel they deserve proper refs sdfklsdglk
WHAT ELSE SHOULD I MENTION.....HOPEFULLY I PLAN TO DRAW MORE HUMAN REFS IN THE FUTURE INSTEAD OF STAY IN MY COMFORT ZONE OF SONIC OCS ONLY. I for years wasn't confident in my ability to draw humans, but I can do so NOW at least!!!!!!!!!! Even if I'm like...3 years too late to how I wish my art looked back then already dsklfdsg, I have some high standards I need to continue to knock down as my 2024 resolution sdfklsdg
^IT'S BEEN WORKING THOUGH AS YOU CAN TELL BC I'VE BEEN UPLOADING SOME BAD DOODLES AND SKETCHES, BEEN DRAWING MORE GARBAGE AND BECAME MORE INVOLVED IN MY BELOVED FANDOMS. I wanna continue doing so! It was the most fun I've had with art ever. I hope to properly meet more fandoms I left in the past bc I thought it'd be embarrassing to share my passion for a franchise back then. I EMBRACE THE CRINGE NOW AS AN ADULT AT LEAST EVEN IF 7 YEARS TOO LATE ON THAT FRONT TOO. We all age and mature ig but I just become more silly year by year,,, c:
Oh yeah if you also see this btw lemme know, whether the new watermark tiles are subtle enough to not be noticed!!!! I know, watermarks are annoying and nobody likes them, but ever since AI invasions, I REFUSE to put my work online without ANY form of proof that somebody took it from my page. I just want people to stop lying on the internet for cloud and pick up a pencil. It's not that hard smfh. The only time I could excuse AI art is w/ amputees man. That's the only time I could empathise with someone, who wants to be an artist but LITERALLY can't bc they got dealt a bad hand in life. I digress my AI hate can be rambled about some other day, I know I love yapping and writing essays about THAT topic for sure sfklsdklg
I chose to post this ref to my Tumblr first tho, bc I still wanna work on my drawing of Abbacchio,,,, he is quite dear to me and I'd love to put effort into a doodle of him that won't take too long. Like 4 hours or 5 hours tops. I still have yet to figure out, if his cute star shape on his head is a hat or part of his hair. Bc I CAN'T TELL TBH AND I'VE BEEN DRAWING IT AS PART OF HIS HAIR PATTERN BUT I THINK IT'S A HAT NOW EVER SINCE I LOOKED AT MORE ASBR CAPS OF HIM I TOOK FOR REFERENCES. xD
Also another side-note, but I've ofc reduced down the lankiness of the dudes I draw™, but I in result wanted to sliiightly make larger feet/hands bc my Sonic phase will continue to possess me 'til the end of time /hj, if you also wanna lemme know what you think on that, bls do! I am messing about with stylization still. I am finding my footing with stylizing humans sOOO yeah!!!! I hope to some day be satisfied with my artstyle change of '24! So far it's been really rewarding and eye-opening to me and my journey as an artist for my 7 years of existing on the 'net w/ my silly goobers I like to scream about to in the void <3
Once again, tagnado also incoming below bc I dunno how to properly tag my art so lemme throw in things I THINK are relevant to this post sdkldsgkl
See you hopefully tomorrow w/ a lil doodle dump if I get around to it!!!! : D
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irishvampireboy · 8 months
that’s such a good way of putting it! i like a few bmth songs but i don’t know that many. i’ve dabbled into emo music and i think fob and bmth fit under emo??? but i’m not sure 100%. definitely get the interest in them, i should listen to more honestly but it’s Not The Right Time yet haha. it will happen sooner or later! just not now :’]
REAL!!!! i fucking have to have lyrics the first time i listen to a song or else i may as well not listen to it. i need to know the very essence of the song in every form or i’m not satisfied. lyricism is one of my favorite things, probably because i love words in general, but GOD. i love songs and concepts and fitting that into groovy lil tunes. it’s the best. AND YES, oh my god. you get it. i fucking love chateau (feel alright) because at a certain point in the song, you can hear joe’s mouth sounds and i’m so fucking obsessed with it. it’s also just one of my favorite djo songs in general. it’s ethereal to me. it’s a favorite song of all time of mine, as well as end of beginning. i did the math of playing a certain part of that song as the new year rolled in, if that explains any at all how much i adore end of beginning. music and me are one, as are you and music. i’m so happy you understand. it’s made me overjoyed and no less of it
:( that’s so kind. i hope you’re proud of yourself, because i am <3 i am so glad that you’re here, thank you for being here. i’m sure little you is so so so proud of you and happy to be where you are now 🫶
WOAH. that food looks so delicious, holy shit. looks like food from an actual recipe website or something. broccoli is so good by the way. i had this broccoli bake recently that was like mac and cheese but was broccoli instead of macaroni and it was incredible! i hope you can have more nice food soon, to treat yourself and such <3333
-🦇 (MWAH, you’re so nice to talk to. i felt like this was worth adding. talking to you makes stuff feel less lonely, if that’s not too parasocial to say. you’re such a cozy person and you have incredible vibes. thank you for existing in this space. you make it a lot brighter just by being you)
I think technically bmth is like screamcore stuff but they aren't as screamy now thankfully cuz i cant do the constant screams. Im like baby you're hurting both us with all this yelling. 🤣🤣🤣 but yeah i would think like emo punky and fob is like poppunk i think. I just ADORE their lead singer and his voice and ugh i can try and rec you a few songs if you ever want! Whenever the time hits!!!
(Gonna pop this under a readmore cuz they keep getting long!!! 🤣🤣🤣)
Ooohh yessssss Chateau is SUCH a dreamy song!!!! Its not my fave fave one but it does get stuck in my head A LOT. and yesss end of beginning is amazing too!!! I think Mutual Future (repeat) is one of my very faves. I just love how slow it is and then the like, way he almost chants the bit later on. Like he's full of so much need. Like... gosh. There's also a line in Personal Lies that literally makes my head go all fuzzy every time i hear it. Cuz, and hopefully not too tmi here, but I'm a little subby gremlin and he uses his condescending voice when he says "you need attention. Well baby there's the line" and i just.... go a little feral. Every time. Getting shivers now just thinkin about it. But like... that happens with me and music alllll the time!!!! And i LOVE that you timed it!!! Thats amazing!!! Sometimes you just need to hear the right thing to start the year right!!!!
And i am! Very proud of myself. I still have bad days here and there. But they never feel like i can't get past it anymore. So thats really nice. I just sort of embraced the small joys and it really just makes things brighter!
And awwww thank youuuuuu!!!! I love cooking so much!!!! I would share my food if i could!!!
YOU ARE SO SWEET OH MY GOSH! not parasocial too much i don't think. Most of my friends are online people who live in my phone ans i have so much love for them!!! BUT IM GENUINELY SO GLAD MY VIBES ARE GOOD AND COZY YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRYYYYY!!!!
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sixofpomegranates · 2 years
Can you write one where Spencer Reid goes shopping for lingerie with his plus sized girlfriend??
♜ 𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 ♞ -𝚂.𝚁.
A/N: !Skin Color & Ethnicity Neutral! Saleswoman experience straight from my own trauma. 🥲
CW: slight angst, fluff, comfort | Mentions of Weight/bullying, insecurity about body, anxiety, pining, self-hate,
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*picture does not describe the looks of the reader*
Is there anyone comfortable with buying clothes in a store anymore?
Is there any chubby girl that is comfortable with it?
What about underwear?
I feel like buying underwear in a store is even worse.
I'm a girl of bigger size. I never fit in anything small ever. Puberty gave me a J-Lo butt but didn't spare me from having the rest of my body fit the new curves.
Online shopping became a thing when I was out of the woods, when I was old enough to have the damage of judging, skinny girls in trendy shops embedded in my mind.
There is nothing worse than standing next to your friends that pick the cutest outfits, and you just know that the biggest size in the store is maybe a 6.
Well, there is. Having a saleswoman come up to you, looking you up and down and telling you they don't cater to your size... Have been there. I cried for the rest of the day.
This is why I love online shopping.
Sure, we can go into details about how it's terrible for the environment to order things and send them back... But the feeling of safely trying on stuff at home?
Not having to stand in front of mirrors that, combined with the harsh lighting, make you hate yourself?
Being able to take the clothes off and just send them back if they don't fit, without the looks of a skinny woman on you?
It is indescribable. It changed my life and my relationship with my body.
Sadly, sometimes you are out with your boyfriend... And men rarely struggle with their body image. They definitely can as well, don't get me wrong, but a sweetheart like Spencer that never has to watch his calories because he stays a skinny pretty boy no matter what? He isn't fully aware of how women still compete with each other when in stores.
He doesn't know the nervous feeling of looking through the sizes of the rack, eyes on you, mouths snickering that you won't find something your size anyway, or that you maybe have luck at the store selling tents.
Yes, we're now in a time where women start supporting each other, strangers ready to throw fists for you to stand up for what's right, but we still have a long way to go.
Women are still trained by society and social media to compete with each other to fit social norms and acceptance. Hopefully, our children will never have to feel like we did growing up.
Going to a mall for a shopping date between Spencer and me isn't something new. He loves having me around when running his errands and then just calls it shopping dates which end with me getting treated for dinner.
But the last couple of times we were intimate, Spencer discovered what fun it is to rip my underwear from my body and go completely feral.
Needless to say, when we passed the store I usually order from online, he pulled me in to replace the ruined pieces and maybe find some more things for me to feel sexy in.
One year of dating, and I am still not entirely sure if he's aware of the issues I have with my body. I am honest about my struggles nowadays, but he just has this smile and way of talking about me and my looks that make me feel like he can't see any of my insecurities.
The women working here come in all sizes and colors; one woman even wears a hijab. It makes me feel comfortable shopping for my underwear; these are all beautiful, friendly, non-judgmental women that just make me feel normal.
Buying clothes should make you feel like this. Normal.
After grabbing some of my favorite panties, ones that don't roll under your stomach when you sit down and actually cover your whole butt and not just one cheek, Spencer and I wander off to the more sexy clothes.
I practically jump at the garter belts in bigger sizes and the tights made for big thighs, and when I turn in Spencer's direction, he lifts a purple lingerie set.
"Please," he says, looking at me with his puppy eyes.
I take the set from him. It's pretty. Expensive, but underwear is expensive nowadays anyway... And fuck, this is sexy.
The waistline has a tough elastic band. I have a soft stomach, so I fear it could leave a visible line through my clothes and make me look like a pressed sausage.
"I don't know..." I whisper, noticing that Spencer has already picked my size. "You'd look so pretty," he insists, and I sigh. "It's underwear. It's not like you'd see it much anyway."
"It's lingerie. Made to be seen by those worthy and make you feel sexy and confident knowing you're wearing it," he corrects me, wiggling his eyebrows.
In theory, I want it. In reality, I fear never wearing it because I could feel ridiculous in it.
Since my youth, I have refused to try on things in stores. You could say that it's a coping mechanism to protect me from past discrimination.
If it doesn't fit, I lack the guts to return it.
Staring at the piece for a while, I decide to take the risk and toss it into my shopping basket. Should the set not fit properly, it'll become something solely for the bedroom to make Spencer happy.
"You win," I tell him with a smile as his grin widens. "Happy?" He nods. "The happiest," he answers, pressing a kiss onto my forehead.
We look around some more and finally pay, the cashier telling us how to ensure the items are returnable should they not fit.
Hearing that the tag must still be attached to the article, Spencer promptly removes it from the purple lingerie set. "We're definitely keeping that," he whispers into my ear, smiling his boyish grin.
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Finally, at home, I find a moment to myself. I walk into my bedroom and try on my new underwear. Everything fits as perfectly as always. But I still haven't tried on my lingerie.
I actually dread it.
I undress from everything and stare the set, laid out on my bed, down.
I don't fear trying it on. I shouldn't fear trying it on.
It's just clothes... But the initial feeling of disappointment when things don't fit or looked better on you in your fantasy...
"Okay." Taking a deep breath, I try on the set.
As predicted, the waistband is a little tight at my stomach. It's not as bad as I expected it, but old habits die hard, and I still try to search for the blame on myself.
From the front, everything looks like a dream. The bra sits perfectly, doesn't pinch or make my boobs look pointy in a way that screams Madonna's cone bra. The panties give my body an hourglass look.
It's perfect, except for the way the panties slightly dig into the soft fat of my belly.
Spencer knocks politely before coming in. The second he sees me, his jaw drops to the floor.
He walks over, sitting down on my bed. "You look so pretty," he whispers.
I turn to the side, running over the small roll the underwear creates. Spencer's eyes follow my hands; I know he sees this imperfection.
"Do you think?" I ask him, and he nods eagerly. "I'm so lucky to have you," he answers, lovesick.
"I don't like the roll it creates right here," I say in an act of self-sabotage, thinking I could get him to agree.
"Is it uncomfortable?" he asks me instead. I shake my head, and he nods, "I didn't notice it before you mentioned it. It's not a big deal, honestly. It's still hot as hell. Thanks for letting me buy it."
Suddenly I feel like giggling. Apparently, Spencer does see all the parts I am insecure about; he just doesn't give a fuck about them.
I look beautiful to him, and the only person finding something they don't like about things I want to feel sexy in is myself because I was taught to dislike my body and find problems with it.
Looking into the mirror again, I start feeling silly. You really don't notice the roll if you don't concentrate on it. I run my hand over the expensive material, feeling a burst of confidence run through me.
I turn around as Spencer giggles. "What?" I ask, and he reaches out for my hand. I take it, and he pulls me onto the bed. "I just like having a pretty girlfriend," he states, kissing me softly.
Pretty girlfriend. I like being his pretty girlfriend as well.
As I pull away, I press a kiss on his flushed cheek. "I'm lucky to have you too, Spence."
⚡︎✿{Spencer’s Masterlist}•{Requests/Feedback}•{Guidlines}✿⚡︎
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Ash and Dust Part 7- Opportunities
18+ Dabi x fem!reader
Summary: You first meet Dabi on the worst night of your life after unwittingly walking into the very bar the League of Villains made infamous. That should probably be the end of the story. You stumble on the remnants of one of the most infamous terrorist groups in the history of Japan, get viciously murdered or call the cops and get them arrested, the end. Except that’s not the end of the story. It’s only the beginning.
Masterlist Help Lulu (Kofi)
Waking up the morning after reclaiming your bedroom (at least in part) is jarring for two reasons.
The first is that you’re waking up next to Dabi.
For some reason you thought he might wake up before you, even though he’s pretty routinely demonstrated that he’s not an early riser. Perhaps you expected the knowledge that he was sleeping in the same bed as you to perturb him enough to get him up early. Instead your eyelashes had fluttered open to find him still deeply asleep with his face only a few inches from yours.
You fully intended on simply rolling over to either fall back asleep or get on with your day but you’d found yourself enthralled with his sleeping face instead. You know Dabi’s smirks, sneers, and scowls like the back of your hand after a little over a month of living with him. His resting face, however, is entirely foreign to you. You’ve never had a moment alone with him where he wasn’t antagonizing you and it’s odd to see him so peaceful. Your eyes trace over his face, taking in the extent of the scarring on his jaw and beneath his eyes, but also appreciating the unmarred expanses of skin as well. It strikes you that Dabi is pretty. It shouldn’t be surprising considering what you’ve seen of the youngest Todoroki in the press but even still. In another world where he’d never become the wanted criminal he is today, you wonder if he’d be a heartbreaker or a sweet, gentle type. Would he be as quiet and polite as his brother seems to be or would he still get a thrill from bantering with someone who isn’t afraid to banter right back? Would he be in the tabloids with a different girl every week or settle down early with his high school sweetheart? You’re fascinated by the idea of what the scarred man before you would be without the tragedy and the trauma. You might’ve sat there just taking him in until he woke up if not for the second reason waking up that morning was so jarring.
Your phone has been pinging literally non-stop.
You’ve never resented your notification sound more as its shrill tone continues to echo in your room, putting the fragile peace at risk. Even before you found yourself as alone as you are now your phone was never this busy. As much as you try to ignore it and wait for the tidal wave of what you assume are spam notifications to end, the sound finally drives you to turn over and grab it. Your eyes widen as you take in the sheer amount of Twitter notifications you have. As you unlock your phone and navigate over to the app your mentions are literally flooded with Deku fans screaming about your talent and how lucky you are. It’s a confusing litany of fangirling that you try to weed through until you get to one mention in particular that makes your breath catch in your throat.
You got a mention from the rising hero himself.
Holy shit.
You’ve never clicked a tweet so quickly in your entire life. Not only are you stunned to find he’s seen and loved your work but he also mentions wanting to talk if you’re interested. Sure enough, when you navigate over to the messages section of the app, a feature you’ve never bothered to use, you notice a message request from Midoriya ‘Deku’ Izuku waiting for you. It takes everything in you not to scream as you read the message there over and over before finally hopping out of bed and moving to the kitchen to call the number he’d left you. It’s a little endearing that he’d been so quick to hand out his number to a complete stranger on the internet but you also can’t help but wonder how someone so naive could be the same man drawing headlines over his heroics and combat skill. You’re not exactly a Deku fangirl but it’s still wild to be dialing a celebrity’s number as you punch in the numbers and then wait for it to ring.
On literally the second ring the phone is answered. “Pro Hero Deku at your service! Who’s calling?” the young man answers chirpily. “Uhh, this is (y/l/n)? You messaged me on twitter?” “Oh! Right! Yes! Hello! One second!”
You can hear Deku excusing himself from whatever room he’s in, a disgruntled voice mumbling something you can’t hear, causing Deku to reply with a hushed “Sorry Kacchan! I’ll be right back!” before there’s more shuffling and finally the sound of a heavy door closing.
“Ok I’m back! Thanks for reaching out to me so quickly!” he finally says now that he’s, apparently, in a better place to talk.
“Yea, of course I guess I’m just shocked you liked my art so much and really appreciate you drawing so much attention to it,” you explain, feeling short of breath at how surreal the situation is.
“Of course! You’re really talented! Your work deserves to get attention!”
“Thank you but, uh, why exactly did you want me to call you?”
“Right! It’s about your artwork.”
“I want to sell it!”
“Wait well no not sell it. Or not sell that particular piece although it is a nice piece and if you wanted to theoretically you could probably sell it although I guess it’s available for free online already so maybe people wouldn’t want to pay for it. Although it’s a painting right? And people buy or pay to go see paintings you can see online all the time so maybe it wouldn’t be too bad but if it’s for your own enjoyment you may not want to give it up which would be totally understandable and also how would that work logistically? If the painting is rather large it may be unwieldy to try and ship it to whoever purchases it, in which case would you have to meet up to try and give it to them by hand? But then that necessitates meeting up with a complete stranger on the internet and what if the person who buys it doesn’t live near you or, since it is the internet, doesn’t even live in Japan? Then you have to contend with international shipping and-”
“Uhh, Deku?” you ask cautiously, barely able to process the mumbling of the young man on the phone.
“Ah! Sorry! I can kinda end up on tangents sometimes... What I mean to say is that I’m not trying to sell the painting you posted or anything but I think you’re really talented as an artist and one of my friends is looking for someone to design a new merch collection.”
One of his friends? Your mind instantly starts running through his impressive list of ex classmates. Your first thought is Dynamight and immediately you shudder at the idea. He may be years younger than you but the aggressive pro hero still scares the shit out of you. Uravity could be an interesting hero to work with although you’re not quite sure you vibe with her aesthetic. Or maybe he’s talking about the new Ingenium?
“You’re real fucking loud in the mornings, you know that Doll?” Dabi asks with a groan as he comes walking into the room with a stretch.
You hurry to shush him, not wanting to lose the opportunity being presented to you, which earns you a curious look. Before you can react Dabi is snatching your phone out of your hand and putting it on speaker. You don’t dare protest verbally and risk alerting Deku of the situation so you have to settle for glaring at Dabi as he smirks at you.
“Yea so, anyway, Shouto really needs new merch but wanted something a little more sophisticated on the designs and I feel like you’d be perfect for that you know? Making all his stuff mini works of art. So what do you say?” Deku asks, his voice still brimming with that same enthusiasm while your blood runs cold. You’re genuinely scared to look up at Dabi’s face to see what he thinks about the idea of you working with his little brother. You hold your breath, Deku’s chipper voice going nervous as he asks “Hello? You still there?”
To your immense surprise, when you finally have the courage to bring your eyes up to meet Dabi’s, he’s got an almost feral grin. “You better take the fucking job,” he hisses delightedly, sending a chill down your spine as you stutter out a response to Deku, your eyes never leaving Dabi’s.
“Yea, sorry just processing. I’d, uh, I’d be happy to help out.”
“Great! I’ll pass your number on to Shouto and you two can meet up and figure out details!”
“Cool, thanks (y/l/n)! Hopefully I’ll see you around!”
You hum noncommittally before hanging up the phone, still waiting for the other shoe to drop as you practically watch the gears turning in Dabi’s head.
“You’re…. Not mad I’m going to be working with your brother?” you ask cautiously.
“Oh no, I’m fucking delighted Doll. You know why?”
“Because you’re gonna help me have a little fun.”
A/N: We are finally starting to get to the meat of the story omg. I’m sorry this fic has been so slow going, especially compared to my others, but if you stick with I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it. I appreciate each and every one of y’all that’s been reading this fic because main motivation to write it has been hard
Taglist: @thechroniclesofawriter @simpsfortodoroki @ahtsuwu @oliviasslut @larkspyrr @oikawaandkuroostan @tina-98 @vibesdontlie @clubfairy
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi hannah! i may have a request 🥺 i've been watching too much tiktok and this two made me want some jungkook skater au 😳 like the reader saw him and went like love at first sight so she purposely buys a skate and goes everyday to the skatepark and start learning just to impress that hot tattooed skater that kinda looks like a bad boy but he's actually a softie. ♡
late skate
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 7k
glimpse: jungkook would rather wash down his grip tape than spend another hour seeing you land on yOUR ass, a smitten y/n and love at first sight, and tae almost losing his bearings (in all aspects) <3 // gif is from pinterest :D
note: thank you so much for the request babie!!! also i’m sorry since i’ve done this a month late hee-hee bUT but it’s here now!!! fun fact: i used to skate but one time i fell on my ass so hard doing an ollie that i quit ( ˙-˙ )
there is nothing
there is absolutely nothing you hate more than walking home alone and at-
wait u need to shudder
times like these make you both angry and scared because fIRST of all
you’re angry because if oNLY (you’re still hoping that u win the lottery soon) you were born to wealth and ease (if you see park jimin one more time in a billboard you’re about to lose it), you wouldn’t have to worry!! or even work for that matter!!!!
you could have a car by now!!!
but you don’t have a car and you’re still saving up for that because you have to keep up with your bills and this nice and decent apartment that you’re living in right now
well if you’re being honest, you are splitting it with yoongi and that cuts back your expenses significantly but that’s besides the point
which is why you’re being extra thrifty!! save up all the money that you could so you could by yourself a car amongst other financial decisions and nOT be scared shitless when walking home
you’re working at the animal shelter most of the time and it’s very fulfilling because of cOURSE!! your job is to care for animals and give them a better chance at everything :D
the pay is more than decent but it’s not the highest sO what you do on your spare time is pick up any job you could!!
and the income that you need is more and more than decent because taking care of chimmy is not an easy feat
chimmy, your alaskan malamute!!! he’s the first puppy you’ve properly taken care of in the shelter and you’ve fallen head over heels for him
he kept bumping into the wall when he scrambles after you call for him but eH you love the clumsy giant still!!
so much so that you file your adoption form for him and run over to mr. kim’s office hurriedly :D
your boss seokjin’s pretty sweet after all but at the same time he’s intimidating!! too sweet and intimidating at the same time that when he approves your form without much question, you almost kiss his cheek
.... hehe
jin beat you to it and instead he gave you a side-hug with a very strict warning to take care of chimmy and provide everything that he needs
he eats 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓊𝓂 dog food and you could only assume the amount that he needs because of how he towers
the treats?? one time yoongi got overly-excited to take a picture of him and accidentally left the bag on the ground, and when he came back?? chimmy’s managed to inhale all of them
thankfully he’s only loyal to one (1) toy and it’s to this brown angry... entity..? with one tooth that yoongi’s made by himself
but he constantly has to replace the stuffing because chimmy nOTICES when it’s flat and unstuffed from his own doings
hehehe the grooming.....
you thank your lucky stars that jin gives you a discount to have chimmy groomed!! 
one time you were about to have a breakdown because a $100 grooming session simply didn’t click well with your ongoing budget and you decided to do it yourself :D
spoiler alert: chimmy kept barking at you when you held up the mirror to his face because wOOF did you just... d-did you give him bangs.... how was that possible....
and then sECOND of all is that well.,.,.,
you’re scared and that’s it
there is every possible reason for you to be scared :D
you get off from work at 5!! but now it’s quarter to 8 and you totally should’ve booked an uber but it completely slipped your mind
normally, you wouldn’t walk home alone though because chimmy comes with you to the shelter, and then he serves as a therapy dog of sorts to help ease and calm down the new rescues!!
he even has his own little ID oh my god :’)
but he doesn’t come in everyday and well you remember,.,.
no actually, yoongi REMINDS you that today is his day-off at work and explictly implied that he’d very much love to cuddle with a giant alaskan malamute as he gets his well-deserved rest
and yoongs has been the reason to why you don’t unravel every single day and you owe him for your life so yea okay you can have chimmy whenever you need this giant pillow of support <3
but no
you don’t have chimmy with you and you don’t have anyone to bark and be willing to growl n intimidate any creepy dudes you could possibly encounter on this twenty-minute walk home
the extra coffee you’ve drank at 6 in lieu of dinner does not help at ALL
what if you just... run
that way you get home faster and you won’t have to be that antsy!!!
ok maybe just a light jog would do
you wanna go home so badly and take a shower and be sandwiched between your warm sheets and sleep all the way
you miss chimmy and yoongi and you just hOPE that he’d already cooked dinner and you won’t have processed food again for the third time in a week
and after dinner maybE you could treat yourself to online shopping because yoongs has also been pestering you to let yourself indulge once in a while
your thoughts are jumbled once panicked and it reminds you that yes you should definitely get a car and you know what??? you probably should-
wait fUCK
hold on a second
did you just manage to narrowly dodge what seems to be a skateboard in mid-air??????
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
said taehyung is jumping down and crouching to pick up the deck at your feet and squeaks an “oop sorry ‘bout that!!” before going back and
mr. “taehyung, you dumbass!!” is who you presume to be the speaker,, because well no one eLSE is in this skatepark at 9 in the evening,,,, is standing RIGHT underneath the light and is right at your line of sight
it’s as if the clouds are opening up and chimmy’s barking could be heard and everything you deem perfect is ringing right in your ears because god.... holy shit.....
he looks and probably feels like a warm-sized bed that smells of baby powder and fresh linen
he has a hoodie on with the sleeves scrunched up and you tHANK yourself that you’ve saved up enough to get lasik eye surgery because those tattoos...,.,. you r positive that they would be your demise
mr. TYD has a loose bucket hat on yet you could still see his features clearly and you aren’t lying when you say he is perhaps the most breathtaking thing you’d ever seen
even more breathtaking than seeing chimmy in the laundry room and having fished for your one good perfect bra in his mouth
you’re pretty sure this is what love at first sight must feel like
suddenly, you aren’t anxious at all and you’re instantly gravitating towards the ramp without much complaint
there’s a bench conveniently placed in which you could see him but he won’t see you
you find yourself sticking around and smiling when you see him goofing around in all good fun
hopefully you don’t look like a cREEP because you swear you aren’t!!!! and hopefully they don’t notice you either and find out then and there that you’re here in a skatepark withOut a skateboard,,, just sitting,,, to see him
this may not be your best idea yet lmao yes you’re gonna admit that
but it’s probably the first and last time that you’re ever gonna see him so might as well watch him for awhile!! that’s all!!!!
ok wait
this is definitely a bad idea because yoongi calls you and you forgOt to put it on silent and it’s his voice that greets you very rudely as soon as you pick up
“y/n where the FUCK are you???”
oh lmao it’s quarter to 10 already
“jeez, i’m coming home!! calm down!!”
“yeah tell that to chimmy who’s been worried sick with me and won’t stop hOWLING!!!”
you’re scrambling to gather your duffel and sneak oNE last look at him and ur practically pouting as you say goodbye to him under your breath 
“... aw, you worry about me?”
you resume back to jogging on your way home and this time for rEAL
you’re gonna miss him
he’s like one of the random dudes you see in the mall that are sO breathtaking and you know you’re never gonna see them again
you didn’t even manage to catch his name :((
but whoever he is, he feels a little more different than a dude in a mall because this time, you feel like you’re gonna cRY at the thought of it
little did you know that jungkook could see you all this time and he’s sad to see you go 
chimmy is the first to leap at you as soon as you come through the door
and if you didn’t anticipate the giant, then you’d probably be toppled over by now
yoongi finds it weird that there’s this lingering gentle smile on your face
well he shouldn’t be so shOcked because he sees you talking to yourself when you’re watching documentaries and cooking
(( he always checks if there’s a camera hidden somewhere in the kitchen and you were vlogging or something but nO!!! ))
it’s like you’re a third-grader again that goes fERAL at just the thought of their crush
you hope mr. tyd has already eaten breakfast and hasn’t had any injuries with his skateboarding
you’re trying to rationalize with yourself that it’s just a stOOpid and pathetic crush to harbor in less than a day and stop thinking about him
the universe must seem to hate aND love you at the same time because well would you look at tHAT
it’s 5 in the afternoon and you have chimmy beside you and you’re walking home
and that’s practically your routine ever since you’ve gotten this job
it would only differ if a situation like last night happens or when you’re too tired to walk home oR when it’s raining
but right now it’s your normal workday, and you’re walking home, and it’s sunny, aND THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU’VE SEEN HIM
this is also the first time that you’ve seen him in such a situation that you didn’t expect :O
the fact that you’ve mayhaps watched kimi no nawa last night with yoongi and perhaps 98 times before that, does not help at all
“you uh, y-you wanna go for a run on the grass, chim??”
there’s this mini field besides the skatepark and chimmy happily jUMPS at the mention of grass :D
aha oh well :D would you look at that :D your dog wants to go run on the grass that’s a couple feet away from the skatepark :D who are you to stop him anyways?? :D
chimmy’s more than happy to comply with your wish and vice versa because he’s having the time of his life clearly
he’s your pawman and the perfect variable so you wouldn’t seem like a third-grader with a helpless crush on anOther third-grader
it seems that hE’S more excited than you though because chimmy runs to the ramp instead of the grass!!!
and in the process he goes UP to greet a guy like he does with you whenever you come home!!! it’s harmless pouncing per se
but it’s not entirely harmless because it feels like chimmy knows EXACTLY what’s in your mind and what he’s doing
...... of course
chimmy has to of cOurse pounce on him
jungkook wasn’t surely expecting a giant and overly-friendly alaskan malamute to pounce on him right when he was about to drop-in
it’s a pleasant surprise either because it’s-
oh my god
is this yOU?????
jungkook was in the skatepark last night with taehyung and they took advantage of it because they were the only ones there!!
tae surely wasn’t kidding when he said that he was a novice because holy sHIT how was it possible that he sent a skateboard flying mid-air after a failed trick??
kook flinches when he follows it in his line of sight and notices that there’s someone down there who might be literally dECKED out of tae’s stupidity
he’s about to yell for this passer-by to dodge and-
time seems to move quicker because you’re already stopping yourself and flinching in place and then looking up
you’re rIGHT underneath this street lamp and jungkook sighs a breath of relief when he realized that you weren’t hit
but at the same time he’s gasping again because wow
t-that’s uhm-
wHEW he has never felt this pressure in his chest ever since he joined a quizbee in 8th grade
would it be-
ok nevermind
you’re really beautiful??? and frankly he has to look away for a second because you’re tOO beautiful that he doesn’t know what to do with himself
that’s it u are under arrest for being too pretty >:(
jungkook’s flustered because there’s just these types of people that put a knot on his chest unknowingly and he doesn’t know how to act normally
you are the equivalent of him not being able to look at the screen because the kdrama was that good and he feels unworthy to even watch it
it’s goosebumps all over his skin and he’d be lying when he says his cheeks are not heating up at aLL
“taehyung, you dumbass!!”
his first instinct is to scold taehyung because what iF he ended up hurting you with his skateboard, hmm?? and tHEN what
he expected you to leave after that close-call and if everyone must know, jungkook has an incredible talent at being able to scope out things in his peripheral vision
he could look straight ahead and be able to see what you were also doing at the side
he doesn’t know if that’s a talent or uH everyone has it but whatever he can do that!!!
and you were clearly still there and in fact, even sIT down on the bench
he could see you smiling and giggling and a ginormous part of him assumes that it’s because of him
he prays to god that it’s NOT the guy who almost decked you with a skateboard ://
jungkook was acting weird and he kept smiling and laughing mORE than necessary and taehyung can see right through him
“bro all i did was walk towards you wtf are you laughing,,.,”
“AHAHAHAHAHAHHA tae you’re so silly XD”
alrighty then,, maybe jungkook just binge-ate his vitamin gummies which is why he keeps beaming for an unknown reason
koo was so grumpy literally just before he had his skateboard flying and now he’s ???? weird
jungkook was ultimately sad to see you get up and he knows he’s probably never gonna see you again ok alright time to mope
but this
he’s beyond surprised to see that said owner of giant dog happens to be yOU!! of all the people!!!!
it’s you!
“i’m so so sorry about him!! he’s just excited to make friends with everyone and i don’t have the sLIGHTEST clue why he came to you!!”
you pointedly look at chimmy and he has the audacity to howl before looking away
it hasn’t dawned on you that you’re talking and apologizing to him but it certainly did on jungkook which is why he’s charmingly laughing already
“no, no. it’s okay, i don’t mind!! his name’s chimmy, then?”
you’re blinking profusely because yes.. right.. HE is talking to you
“yeah, uh, correct!! his name’s chimmy :)”
“that’s cute. anyways, i’m jungkook :)”
aha :D
koo would like to think that he is smooth
and yes you agree
you immediately shake his hand tOO eagerly with a smile on your face as you’re trying to take this all in
“i’m y/n :)”
jungkook’s hand is bigger than yours and your hand fits sNUGLY right into his hold
he has some tattoos on his hands and there’s some peaking from underneath his hoodie
but even with ur lasik vision you cAN’T focus because omg are you seriously holding jungkook’s hand.,.,
jungkook as in THEE jungkook that you’ve immediately clocked and crushed on last night in an instant
your lil moment of just holding each other’s hands is interrupted when taehyung pops out of nOwhere
(( actually he’s been there for the past two minutes and he kept switching between cooing and laughing ))
“yO i’m taehyung!!! you must be y/n, i didn’t nick you last night, did i?”
he takes it upon himself to hug you right then and there
well he’s warm and he passes the internal vibe check yoongi’s hotwired into your brain so you reciprocate!! you like hugs anyway and taehyung’s just like chimmy but in human form
jungkook practically squawks and stammers in his place because w-why.. w-what...... no
chimmy bARKS at taehyung and koo is tempted to do the same too because no man you simply do nOt hug my crush that you know absolutely nothing about
“he’s asking for you.”
kook points to chimmy who’s obviously pouncing on you to come run with him
you excuse yourself so you could go satisfy the giant and jungkook felt like his heart was gonna fall out of his aSS
tae wiggles his eyebrows and has his lips pursed and it’s the shit-eating grin that he immediately flips off as soon as he sees it
“what was that all about?”
you are convinced
you are 100% convinced
your head is fully-set into the game and in no way are you gonna back out
“min yoongi!!”
ah there it is
yoongi’s having the time of his life playing fetch with chimmy! what could possibly be any more important in this world than that
“what did i do now?”
you only call out his full name when a) you’re agitated and when b) he’s ignoring you and you’ve had enough of it
he really doesn’t recall giving you the cold shoulder recently
and he certainly didn’t agitated you when all he’s done is play with chimmy and sleep!!!
“please click this for me pls. click. please. pls click.”
aH yoongi should’ve brought his glasses instead of leaving them on the couch
you’re holding out your laptop to him with your arms outstretched and he has to come really close to decipher and-
... huh
“a skateboard?”
pardon him but he’s really lost on this one ok
he is as lost as he was when walmart decided to completely rearrange the whole store
“... and what do you need a skateboard for? y/n when i said that you should get yourself a four-wheeler, i didn’t mean a skateboard-”
in what part does a skateboard look like an SUV
whY are you like this
“it’s for uh... it’s for fun purposes!!”
you’re trying not to raise any more questions in yoongi’s mind but his head is miles miles away now lol
???? you hate trying new things though ???
one time you traded in your beef ramen for pork ramen because the first one was out of stock and throughout the whole meal you kept thinking how much you regretted it
and besides, skateboarding would be the last thing you’d get into!!!
yoongi distinctly remembers that you’d rather choke on chewing gum rather than get your knees scraped
why was that?? because when your knees get scraped, walking and doing everything else?? impossible 
nice try sherlock but the moment you do so much as to not stand up straight?? sIT down?? yeah your knees would give out 
what has got to be something so special that you’d wanna get into skateboarding and risk yourself into getting your knees scraped??
omg is that what he thinks it is
“... it’s a crush, isn’t it?”
the way you instantly shut him down and practically have to beg him just to press the check out button.,..
yeah yoongi’s gotten his answer alright :D
whatever this is
or whatever that’s going on
you’re sure that you’ve never felt this content for a long time
you now bring a change of clothes so you wouldn’t go skating in your uniform because that just honestly sucks
you may be too tired to walk to the skatepark which is why sometimes you’d book a ride, but no you’re never tOO tired to skate and see jungkook :D
it’s frustrating enough as it is
yoongi used to skate and that’s the reason why you’ve found this shortcut in the first place because this was where the park was!! you’d always think at the back of your head on wHY was yoongi struggling!!!
smh that’s so easy yoongs </3
joke’s on you now though because trying to balance on the board in the first place scared you shitless because hOW were you supposed to do this??
you can ride a bike and that has tWO wheels and this has fOUR bearings!!! how come you can’t balance yourself??
even managing to stand up on the board without panicking for more than ten seconds AND managing to shift from left to right even if it’s albeit shaky at first, took you a wHOLE evening
but you’re so proud of yourself and so is jungkook :D
jungkook finds it the highlight of his night when you’d hold onto him
yes he knOws you have it under control now and you barely hold onto him for support
“just so you won’t fall, that’s all.”
he always evades your eyes when you go look up at him dreamily like that because how could he not???
you’ve covered the basics of pushing yourself then simultaneously riding the skateboard!!
you do that for one WHOLE week and both jungkook and tae (and yoongi) think it’s time that you do something else besides skate in one straight line and occasionally to a left and a right
ok you’re kind of scared shitless because you already fell a couple of times but y’know what?? it’s time!!
society has progressed past the need of you skating in a straight path
the society NEEDS you to do tricks now
confession time:
dear diary the kickflip is simply not kicking the board in an attempt to flip it by itself. it is not. it is not as easy as it sounds. it is the bane of my existence
it’s evident that you’re stalling out of your way with this one but you just need oNE success and that’s it!!! one win to woo jungkook from his feet and then you’d stop
tae has already shut you up too because you keep talking about how your day went when you already is set four times before that
and it must’ve been a lucky first time because you absolutely nAIL it on the first try!!!
you honestly thought you’d land square on your ass and see bruises on it later in the shower but N-O!! you’ve done it perfectly and-
jungkook’s not looking
he didn’t see your feat!!
or maybe he didn’t see it because he chosE not to!!!
maybe doing a kickflip is nothing impressive and it’s obvious that he’s a pro at this compared to you who’s even more of a novice that makes taehyung look like a god
you can’t have that :((
ok ok hOW can you impress jungkook
there must be something you could do to impress him!!
that’s it
this is practically perfect!!
you’re gonna do your first drop-in at a pipe that is nowhere gOOD for a beginner like you :D
one, two, th-
“easy, doll.”
jungkook materializes out of nowhere and you expected him to be skating at the far end!! not mere inches away from your face holding your hANDS
this is the first time you’ve seen jungkook actually this close and you just have this urge to kiss his cheek
he has you whipped for him and he hasn’t even done anything to you!!!
“not the best idea to go down an eight-foot tall half-pipe for your first time, hm?”
he scrunches his nose at your absurd thoughts because absolutely wHY would you do that??
how could you fall in love with him even mORE
“do the two-feet tall one first. go have taehyung teach you.”
the grin in your face goes as fast as it came
no offense to taehyung but he’s not the one your head-over-heels for :((
practically everyone knows about your crush on jungkook BESIDES jungkook himself
you’re tapping tae on the shoulder to come and teach you while you just watch kook shred it at the other side of the park by himself
it’s okay!! progress is progress and you’re gonna get far with jungkook!!
going to the skatepark right after work is now your new routine
sometimes you even come with yoongi when he’s free and he takes all his time to gloat on how you used to make fun of him when he was skating avidly back then
that gives you a grand total of three (3) people teaching you how to skate and giving you pointers
jungkook also now holds conversation from time to time :D
he’d ask you how your day went and you’d have to pretend that you didn’t wait for him to ask so you’re not spilling detail after detail
he now does this thing of pinching your cHEEK when you get something right 
your heart after doing an ollie goes bEEP when he pinches your cheek and tells you eagerly that you did such a good job
yoongi’s laid off his teasing for you and jungkook but god he can’t deny that he gets these weird vibes from him
eh it’s probably nothing
today you’re especially excited because it was an outfit that you just bought and you feel gREAT in it!!!
tbh your day was the absolute worst but jungkook is always a great pick-me-up to whatever day you could have :)
a tennis skirt with shorts already built underneath is the greatest save of ur life
it’s a little on the more expensive side because it IS a name-brand and those don’t come cheap but it’s ok :D it’s gonna be worth it :D it better be :D
oh uhm
jungkook seems different today.... ?
you were used to him looking intimidating and mad even if he wasn’t, but this time it just felt emphasized even more
taehyung’s here but he’s not the only one!!! there’s two guys with jungkook on the other side of the ramp
“those are his friends, i guess?? i don’t know, he hasn’t introduced them to me.”
so you’re nOT the only one who’s lost
jungkook will probably come around later and you could all hang out again :))
chimmy happily chuffs at your side and that just gives taehyung the most wonderful idea he’s ever had this day
“hEY which one of us do you think could out-skate chimmy???”
jungkook is utterly and without a doubt stressed 
he knew that hoseok and namjoon would come over, but he didn’t expect that they’d visit him while he was in the park!!!!
and he already knows what they’re here for and that just makes him grimace :((
“why don’t you want to go pro?”
koo’s ears feel like bleeding when hobi asks him that for the nth time
god it’s always just the sAME question!! he could practically sniff the air on what they’re gonna say next
“jungkook, i think we all know that you’re more than qualified to be a pro!! look at you!!”
it’s the same conversation over and over again
the next things they’d say are that he’s a natural and he’s wasting all his talent doing this thing cASUALLY
he’s not the next tony hawk or anything like that!!! he’s not gonna book a sponsorship and a collaboration with vans!!! but hobi and joon kEEP insisting that he’s that good
“hyung, i think we’ve already talked about this-...”
“yes and you refusE to listen!! why can’t you just accept the fact that you have a much better future in this??”
jungkook’s currently a freelance graphic designer which means he works from home and he’s in charge of his oWN schedule
but it doesn’t necessarily mean that every single day he gets a new commission or anything grand like that
he’s gonna be honest and say that yES he has thought of being a pro skater!! but he’s trying to be as rational as possible about it
because not every competition would be a win and not competitions don’t happen as frequent as a typical job is!!
and what iF jungkook gets injured?? something of an injury that would lay him off from skating 
and being unable to skate??? = he basically gets nOTHING
he feels pressures because hobi and joon are pro skaters already!! and that gives them all the more reason to make jungkook into one
not to flex but uh they’re both quite already kNOWN
and jungkook hasn’t even started his pro career but he’s already known!!! both by his skills and the fact that he’s friends with these two champions
“i literally do not care if you beat me!! just come take the leap and be a pRO already, jungkook!!! it’s a loss as it is that you still consider yourself an amateur.”
their words, not his 
ok uhm what if
what if jungkook opens a skate clinic?? he can do what he loves and in the same time, earn money!!
... yeah
that could work!! and if he feels extra prepared, then yeah maybe he’d be a pro
or would a skate clinic be useless if he isn’t a pro by then???
oh my god
jungkook’s so frustrated with all this sudden bombarding and it makes him want to tug at his hair
as much as he loves his hyungs, sometimes they just can’t seem to know when to back oFF and realize that their nudging is more like shoving
“do something productive and worth your time, jungkook. stop babysitting.”
namjoon says with an edge and that tames jungkook
what makes it worse was what they were implying in the first place
hoseok doesn’t make it discreet to look at taehyung and you
“tae, tae, look!! i’m doing it, i’m doing it!!”
you’re saying over your shoulder because omg you’re getting the lead and chimmy’s slowed down for some reason
well actually taehyung’s took it upon himself to stop behind you
you get an immediate answer when you feel someone effectively hALT you still and you almost fall on your ass just by the sheer strength of someone holding you up
jungkook’s holding you down and his hands are quite heAVy on your arms
there’s this unexplainable look on his face but you’re positive that it’s not one of happiness
“you should probably stop doing whatever it is that you’re doing.”
to be honest you’re unsure of how to react
but the way that jungkook looks like he’s mad at you and retreats back to those two guys with a scoff in his step -- 
it’s enough
it’s truly enough for you to reevaluate every decision you’ve ever made
maybe it’s simply not just a bad day for you and a case of overthinking thigs,, and it’s perhaps the fact that he want you to stop
stop whatever that is happening
you probably must be frozen in place because chimmy bounds and pounces at you
you probably must’ve looked like an utter fool,, skating in a tennis skirt and trying to outrace a damn dog in a fucking skatepark,, right in front of jungkook and his friends
“y/n, you uh, y’okay?”
tae’s worried because there’s an instant shift to your mood and he could only assume what you were feeling
tears prick at the back of your eyes and that’s the signal for you to gather your things in a flash because the last thing you’d want is to cRY in front of him
“y-yeah! i’m gonna go home, tae. chimmy’s looking for yoongi.”
the dog in question tilts his head because w hat now,,,.,., wha t,.,. he is???
you learned that dogs could smell emotions and that makes you even sadder
chimmy was behaved the whole time; didn’t even try straying you around when he keeps seeing umbrellas on the street even if he loves them
you’re okay
you should be okay
there’s something definitely off
yoongi’s cleaned everything and did his share of chores
the tv is still mounted and the microwave’s clean!!
chimmy didn’t have a toilet accident because if he did, he would’ve already picked it up
there’s definitely something off with yOU
because first of all, why are you here???
“not coming to the park?”
if he can recall correctly, no matter how knackered you were after work, you’d still go to the skatepark!!
... not unless you were injured??
nah because if you were injured then you’d be whining to him now
“nope :)”
you’re lying on the couch where he usually lies nowadays because you weren’t around!!
and you’re drinking from your mug that he’s claimed as his mug
and chimmy’s squished in between the tiny gap of you and the far edge of the couch
“and why?”
he’s always had answers for everything but his mind’s bLANK for this
“wanna spend time with you guys :)”
that’s gotta be the answer, right???
this is definitely weird
for starters, it’s already 11 PM and jungkook’s still in the skatepark and he’s not even skating anymore
he’s just waiting
weird... you aren’t here.......
aH it’s nothing :D you’re probably just tired and didn’t want to go skate
oh and.. you’re not here the next day
or the next
or the nEXT
jungkook spends almost the entirety of his time in the park
he goes there at 3 in the afternoon and comes home at 11 in the evening
no big deal
half of the time is just spent him actually skating and the other is figuring out wHERE you are
uh maybe you’ve started to take ubers now every time you come home??
you’re not walking home anymore and the car would pass by the skatepark and jungkook wouldn’t have a single clue where you are
it’s also this time that it dawns on him that he has no means whatsoever to contact you
he didn’t ask for your number and didn’t exchange socials so he could only gUESS
he can’t come over to your apartment either because he hasn’t walked you home and therefore he wouldn’t know your address
holy shit he’s so dumb and jungkook misses you a lot
like a whole whole lot
he misses you holding onto his shoulders for support and misses your excited grin whenever you nail a trick and had a perfect run
there’s nothing that jungkook could dO besides wait
and miss you so much
and mope
kook doesn’t want to give up and miss a day because what iF you pass by when he’s not there???
he can’t have that and he wON’t have that
he’s just so antsy and he hasn’t had his fix of chimmy bounding towards him and the malamute intentionally pouncing on him whenever he’d drop-in so he could lose his balance
he just needs to see you and your duffel bag and the precious yet beat-up wristwatch you have and-
jungkook’s brought his perfume the past few days because he wouldn’t want to be aND smell sweaty when he sees you again
he’s wearing a shirt this time and nOT a hoodie and it’s actually a nice shirt!! the pale orange makes his tattoos pop
he’s also wearing a watch so he could look business-ish and composed and he kinda hATES watches because uhhhh you ever heard of a phone, buddy??
you’re walking striaght and paying no mind at all and to your surrounding and-
there’s suddenly this cRASH in front of you and it makes you recall in response because that came out of nowhere
... and this feels oddly familiar
only this time though, it’s intentional and it’s jungkook who literally tHREW his skateboard down on the spot in front of you
“y/n? wow, what a coincidence!”
you didn’t expect to see jungkook as soOn as you anticipated that he wouldn’t be here
he laughs nervously and he tries not to overanalyze the fact that your face is blank
“yup. totally.”
you’re avoiding his gaze and meanwhile he’s searching desperately for yours 
what is he feeling and why is it hurt and longing at the same time
“can i walk you home?”
the words tumble out of his mouth before he could even ponder over them longer
“i uh, i rEALLY can’t believe i never asked to walk you home!! or even ask for your number!!! but uHhhh it’s late at night and to be honest i don’t have your number and i just need to know that you’re safe and-”
he stops his rambling right there because he realizes that he’s a stuttering nervous mess
you’re a bit speechless because normally you’re the chatty one but this one.,.,,. this one’s a pleasant surprise
“yeah, yeah. okay :)”
he can’t believe either that you agreed to it but he’s immediately gathering himself and swoops your duffel for him to hold
he’s not gonna entertain a single complaint <3
it’s not exactly the most tensioned silence ever but it’s definitely nOT comfortable
“why didn’t you come to the park?”
okay well sHIT you didn’t expect him to be this straightforward
wait no 
you shouldn’t be surprised!! after all, he probably did mean what he said the last time you’ve seen him
what are u gonna say now
well you coulD say that you’re busy and he’d probably fall for it!!
or reiterate the truth that he’s implied and say it with a straight face
“oh. i started intentionally falling on my ass because i missed you,” jungkook spills out of nowhere while waiting for your answer and he now realizes that might’ve been a little awkward
after all he dID admit that he missed you
“did i uhm... did i say something?”
he rephrases his question and he knows that this was the more appropriate one
your coping mechanism is to kick on the ground as if there were leaves and there are absolutely nO leaves <3
“jungkook, you told me to stop.”
he blinks rapidly at that as he tries to digest your words
he’s trying to backtrack as much as possible and it wasn’t that!!
he simply doesn’t wanna see you hurt
“i can’t explain it but holy shiT i can’t see you hurt!! a-and i know that being hurt in skating is normal but for sOME reason i can’t stand it when i see you in pain o-or-...”
jungkook just can’t explaiN what he feels
“i just -- i just don’t gEt why you’d want to be hurt?? whY are you doing this to yourself??”
you find him ridiculous and this whole situation is just rIDICULOUS
“jesus christ jungkook i did it to try and impress a guy!!”
that earns you a snort and you immediately go defensive
he seems irked and his eyes are just beGGING to be rolled
“who?? taehyung?? the guy who would’ve wiped you out if he did end up hitting you on the head with the deck just a little harder??”
“what? taehyung???” you’re so confused and jungkook hates it even more, “yeah, taehyung!!”
“i like you, jungkook!”
he points to himself to which you eagerly nod your head to
“can you excuse me for one second?”
he barely gives you the time to respond because he’s already walking away and biting his arm
he’s actually sCREAMING
you throw your head back because omg did the two of you just basically admit that you liked each other
jungkook jogs back to where you stand a presses a hefty kISS right on your cheek
he’s on too much of a high that he holds your hand and practically drags you along with him because he’s almost skIPPING from how happy he is
“okay. good. nice. very good!!!” he could now sigh in relief because whEW that robbed him off his breath
“because i fell for you when i first saw you.”
jungkook basically has nO filter now and it’s adorable because god he’s just so soft and you now know what’s going and this wouldn’t be just whatever
“huh. imagine if yOU fell for me too at the same time,,,, that would make me piss my pants.”
he cackles because wow he dO be funny :D
he’s turning to look at you to gauge at your reaction and the waY that you’re holding your eye contact with him is all-telling for your answer
oh my god
jungkook is wrapped around your pinky :’)
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theonewhoimagined · 3 years
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A bit of a stretch, but IYKYK.
Good thing I already know about Feysand being endgame (they're practically everywhere online), as well as I, who already learned my lesson of not shipping the female lead with the first man appearing in SJM's books. But imagine my shock when Rhysand only appeared after 20 chapters and only made a few appearances afterward. He's not even the main event, IYKWIM! SJM really doesn't make it easy. It's just like Rowan appearing after 28 chapters in QOS.
Also, I'd like to pat myself at the back for not searching about ACOTAR because Tamlin's role in this surprised me. Even if I didn't know about Rhysand, I don't think I'd root for him because he gives me too much Chaol vibes and I don't really find him interesting at all. I'm done with brooding, boring men with baggage. Hopefully, he really doesn't end up like Chaol! I don't think I can flesh out any more hatred for a fictional character after pouring it all out for Chaol.
Not @ Tamlin doing nothing while Feyre was getting tortured. Meanwhile, Rhysand only knew her for a bit and defended her. Keep up, Tamlin, keep up. Also, Tamlin is a manipulative bastard
EDIT: I'm already a few chapters in ACOMAF and lol I think I'm wrong about Tamlin. He's so annoying hahahaha I feel bad for Feyre
Anyway, I finished ACOTAR in just 2 days, and it was quite an easy read, but at the same time not. It was too slow for my liking (even slower than TOG) and I only really perked up during the festivities. I saw how everyone was saying SJM's writing improved, and I agree, but at the same time, I think it's also due to the shift to first-person POV.
I didn't think SJM would be capable of shocking me anymore after EOS, but ACOTAR CH 24 almost gave me a scare because I thought everything was glamoured.
All in all, it was a pretty okay book. It's a nice way to introduce a new world, but I'm still not that deeply invested like I was when I reached the second half of TOG. I guess it's because the themes were all too familiar (the Beauty and the Beast retelling, Hunger Games challenges, Katniss Everdeen-like qualities). Tamlin x Feyre feels too rushed and forced. They don't even have that much chemistry. It was so bland and Rhysand was the only one bringing the spice in the story. The curse is a bit ridiculous and I'm very disappointed at how it was lazily revealed to us, readers, through crazy long monologues as opposed to TOG where we piece together the clues. It was so absurd to the point that I already predicted that the good ol' love was the answer. But I know not to judge an SJM series by its first book!
(Is it weird that I love the trope where the female is in danger and the male goes absolutely feral? Yes, I'm referring to Rhysand and not the useless Tamlin 😬🤐)
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ALSO, NOT @ ME SCREAMING AT WHAT I THINK RHYSAND FINDING OUT FEYRE IS HIS MATE. I’M SO EXCITED TO SEE ANOTHER HOT TERRITORIAL FAE BASTARD. I definitely love their dynamics and don’t get me started about that!!! bond!!! I like how Rhysand is so playful and flirty, a total opposite from Rowan. He’s like a male version of Aelin 😂 I’m still not fully and deeply invested in Rhysand as Rowan still has my heart, BUT WE’RE GETTING THERE. The slowburn is even more intense than I thought. I just love how enemies to lovers is a recurring theme in the fae realm. WE LOVE TO SEE IT 👏🏼
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
(ok for public) YES PLEASE I need all the s/g aus! Jedi are clearly all guides, yes? Or maybe the Kaminoians accidentally create sentinels in their quest to perfect Jango Fett's genome? Jango or Jaster zoning in on one sense and Obes bringing him out? Or Obes is the sentinel, how would he feels when the Temple falls?? Yes please I need all the details!!
:DDDDD So, it’s possible I’ve ALSO started on the first of two s/g au ideas I have. (One is Jangobi, aha, but that one is not the one I’m working on). The one I’m working on (because I needed a breath from the awful things happening in the Oof Fic) is… maybe a gen fic? (Maybe not). And, yes! It’s pretty much all the Kaminoans’ fault, as they tried some Screwy Genetic Engineering and… well. It starts something like this:
Obi-Wan grew up knowing he was a guide who would never have a sentinel. Really, he barely qualified, as far as the tests performed by the Senate were concerned. They’d not known what to make of him; he obviously had the empathic abilities, but no one had been able to ever assess them properly.
Negligible abilities, the reports had said. Many of the sections had been filled with Not Applicable or “testing inconclusive.” Whatever gifts he may have had failed to register at all. Obi-Wan had looked the results over, swallowed disappointment, shrugged, and moved forward with his life.
It was rare for a guide to go without a sentinel, but he lacked the basic abilities necessary to even institute a bond. And so he learned how to handle his empathic senses - the ones he certainly did not have, according to the Senate’s commission on sentinels and guides - and decided they must only be an out-growth from his connection to the Force.
He provided assistance to Master Jinn - who tended to zone in the most inconvenient situations, but Obi-Wan never had any problems bringing him back - and to Anakin, who woke as a sentinel young and who had the sharpest senses of anyone Obi-Wan had ever met.
Anakin had suggested, more than once, that perhaps he’d bond with Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan smiled and shook his head, each time. He could feel, without even stretching out his senses - the ones he didn’t have - that they were utterly incompatible.
It had been thus with every sentinel he met. He would not fit with them, with any of them.
That was just how the universe worked; Obi-Wan accepted it as surely as he accepted gravity, time, and the power of the Force. Worlds spun, stars burned, the Force moved through all things, and he would never connect with a sentinel.
He believed thus, without doubt or hesitation, even as the brutal sun on Geonosis beat down on him, battle singing in his blood as he moved from one strike to the next, knowing they would be overwhelmed, knowing they were fighting a losing battle, all the Jedi who had come to rescue him. He took a hit to the shoulder, pain lancing suddenly through him--
A sudden lurch through his mind made him stumble a step, causing him to lose his footing more than the blaster strike had. He blinked, shaking his head, trying to focus as the world went odd and blurry, all at once.
Anger moved into his head, not his. It didn’t feel anything like his anger felt, it felt… hot and vicious and uncontrolled, all at once, and it echoed from everywhere, at the same time the unfamiliar blaster fire started.
He’d felt anger like it before. Anakin had fallen into feral episodes, thrice during his apprenticeship. Master Jinn had, once. Obi-Wan shook his head again, unsteady on his feet, turning in a wobbling circle, looking for Anakin; if he’d gone feral, Obi-Wan needed to get to him right away, bring him out of it before he hurt someone, Force, hopefully he wasn’t anywhere near Senator Amidala--
Anakin, he noticed, swaying, was fine. He was deflecting blaster bolts, staying in front of Senator Amidala. Obi-Wan blinked, panting for breath, unsure what was wrong with him, but certain that something was, and jerked as the Force blared with alarm. 
He turned, coming face to face with a droid and a blaster and--
And a man in white leapt down from the ships overhead, yelling as he fell, landing on the droid that had been in front of Obi-Wan, blaster discharging into a mechanical chest. There were other figures, carving through the lines, jumping down from above, swarming forward and--
And, oh--
Oh, the man in front of him was standing, grabbing him, two of his brothers jumping down from above to bracket Obi-Wan in as he bent at the waist, grabbing for his head, doing it’s best to split in half as--
As across the battlefield, hundreds of minds came online, all at once, most of them tripping into a feral state immediately, every single one of them reaching out to him.
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theunvanquishedzims · 3 years
The Michigan Fleet authors posted their AUs so here are mine
theunvanquishedzims: I have SO MANY Boat Boy ideas but I'm sitting on them because I came up with a bunch halfway through the book and they got jossed by the end rollerskatinglizard: Hah! Uhhh, sorry? I think?? theunvanquishedzims: (i.e. Basil gets sad and weepy over Rich and Liam flirting at a party, Trimmer plays fairy godmother a la ripping half his shirt off, giving him a pep talk, and sending him back out there to Win Back His Man) rollerskatinglizard: *whooping* theunvanquishedzims: Jossed so hard rollerskatinglizard:Okay, that's DELIGHTFUL rollerskatinglizard: Trimmer is the most terrifying fairy godmother rollerskatinglizard: Anything else? :Dc theunvanquishedzims: Lemme get my notes rollerskatinglizard: *gleeful wiggling*
theunvanquishedzims: Okay so I stopped reading when the Sympatico grabbed Rich during the storm and it took me a month or so to get back and finish, so I was under the impression that the ship was still being fixed in drydock and not, y'know, actually being crewed and sailed. (Trimmer yelling "just let her sink" hits reeeeeaaaallly different when you know that) rollerskatinglizard: Ahaha oh dang theunvanquishedzims: So the big idea was the gangsters needing something from the Sympatico. Not the general thugs and delinquents crewing the Sympatico but the actual organized crime of the Fleet, who were getting pretty used to using ships like the Sympatico to run their dirty deeds through. Except it's basically impossible to get what they need out of it, even when they drag out one of the old IST guys. He finally tells them Rich was the one who did the heavy lifting for the past few years rollerskatinglizard: Ooooh! rollerskatinglizard: What an interesting idea! theunvanquishedzims: Hang on I need to restart rollerskatinglizard: Ah yes, computers theunvanquishedzims: Sorry, that turned into a dinner break and running errands During which I came up with a couple new AUs theunvanquishedzims: Okay, back to mafia: they track Rich down, probably snag him after he's been out boarding. Off work, not expected back on the ship, tired from all the exercise, etc. They're not overtly threatening, just pick up his skimmer and politely suggest that he comes help them, and he probably goes quietly because there's like, six of them. I'm thinking only one of whom was actually posted on the Sympatico theunvanquishedzims: So they get back to the Sympatico. She's been temporarily decommissioned until the Fleet can fix her broken processes, but that's also a cover story by the mob. They want to clear out all the smuggled goods and information, but she's basically a ghost ship, silent and empty, and even the other IST guy couldn't get more than a few blinking lights. She's sulking basically, she knows they're not there to fix her so she's digging in her heels and playing dead. Like a toddler going ragdoll when they don't want to go to bed. theunvanquishedzims: They explain to Rich that they can't get a response and want him to take a crack at it. "Has she said anything?" "Who?" "The Sympatico." "...we didn't talk to it." "Well that's half your problem right there." theunvanquishedzims: At this point you should watch Show Yourself from Frozen 2, and the crystal scene from Atlantis the Lost Empire. Stepping into the place you've been called, making your presence known, and having a greater power reach out for you. Shiny lights, chasing the spark of life to its source, and having the power consume and embody you. Rich is used to it but it's probably pretty freaky from the outside, and way less magical-looking than a Disney movie. Probably more like when Magneto activated the machine in the first X-Men movie. Step up, turn it on, and suddenly it's sucking the life out of you, making you a living battery theunvanquishedzims: In my head I am picturing the glowing blue eyes, lights cracking along the skin like lightning or circuit patterns, the implants glowing in his temples, standing at a terminal like a star trek deck, maybe a faint breeze-like movement of the hair and clothes to indicate the sheer power radiating off of him. In reality it's probably more like he falls down, gets up, stumbles along to a good spot out of the weather, and curls up in a secluded defensible spot to stare emptily at the wall for a few hours while lights randomly go on and off around the ship theunvanquishedzims: Just being trailed by six very wary mafia dudes who have probably never seen someone mind-meld a ship, and definitely not solo. He's like a zombie, and when he does talk it's very clear he's talking for the both of them theunvanquishedzims: If any of them are in sync with the ship they definitely feel the !!!Rich you're back!!! vibe theunvanquishedzims: No idea how that resolves, I guess it depends on how powerful the mafia is. If they're the kind of entrenched criminals who are ongoing characters, then they have Rich scrub out what they need then dump him back on his skimmer to face the fallout alone. He might report it to the spooks? Or at least try to tell Basil and Mitch theunvanquishedzims: If they're not recurring characters then they were definitely being tracked by the spooks, who move in once the Sympatico comes back online. Rich has to answer some very tough questions but he cooperates fully and winds up digging up a LOT of dirt out of the Sympatico, now that the mafia showed him where to look. It's another one of the super traumatizing moments that makes him look cool and heroic. Oh yeah, totally got kidnapped, single-handedly piloted a ship, and helped bust the mafia, please stop talking about it, I need a nap, and also someone to go with me next time I go boarding. theunvanquishedzims: (And then I finished reading the book and found out that the Sympatico had a new crew and was out on the water with her AI still fried and broken, how did no one notice that)
theunvanquishedzims: Okay I don't have Trimmer's voice well enough to write this fic so I'm feeding it to you raw: Trucker AU theunvanquishedzims: Rich is a long-haul trucker, much to the disappointment of his elder sister Angela, who is in law enforcement and thought he had a decent future in it too. Athena is a pro wrestler and totally down to support her brother traveling the country (and hopefully being in the same city as him sometime, she wants him to see her kick ass!) Rich wants to pursue a degree in [tech or engineering] but college is expensive, and trucking is a good way to make money, on top of which you don't have to pay rent when you're on the road. So he's saving up for school, probably listening to a lot of audiobooks, podcasts, and training guides while chugging along. theunvanquishedzims: Not nearly as bad or sketchy as the Sympatico, but life on the road can get pretty sketch sometimes, especially when you're alone. Enter Trimmer. Or rather, enter Rich into the middle-of-nowhere trucker stopover bar where Trimmer is getting his ass kicked. theunvanquishedzims: (Gonna go ahead and say the bar is called the Sympatico, and this is a very bad night to be there, which is saying something because any night at the Sympatico is a bad night to be there.) theunvanquishedzims: Fortunately, Rich is not trapped there by the cold uncaring waters of Lake Michigan, he can just turn around and leave when he sees the nightly fight brewing. Unfortunately, he has a weakness for cute twinks, and no matter how much the guy is insulting their mothers four on one is really not fair, so he winds up wading in, scooping Trimmer up, and murder-stalking to the exit theunvanquishedzims: [At this point I pause to stare out the window and wonder wistfully what their canon meeting was like, who approached who, if Trimmer just straight-up used his lunch to hire a bodyguard or if Rich did the "are you gonna finish that" puppy-eyes and Trimmer realized how easily he could be bribed, etc etc] theunvanquishedzims: In the Trucker AU Trimmer waits until they're outside to go feral goblin on the arm that's holding him, Rich drops him, and negotiation commences theunvanquishedzims: I don't have Trimmer's backstory nailed down, the "teenage runaway" archetype doesn't really suit someone with a large loving family, but safe to say that whatever lead him to hitchhiking across the Midwest he is determined to see through out of sheer bullheaded stubbornness. The only thing worse than calling your parents to bail you out with bus money home is calling your grandma. It might have involved stabbing a college advisor when the guy got rapey, he's technically not on the run from the law, he DEFINITELY is not on track to getting his degree. Halfway between college dropout and missing person. If he was wealthy he'd be backpacking Europe for a semester, but he's not, so he's hitchhiking America. And getting molested by truckers, because Trimmer can't have nice things. theunvanquishedzims: He is really not interested in getting molested by Rich! But, as Rich points out, he did just save him from getting stabbed, Trimmer doesn't seem to have any exit options for this backwater town, and holy #&$^ the bar's on fire. (The Sympatico burns to the ground that night, to the betterment of the world at large.) rollerskatinglizard: You have no idea how much I'm enjoying this But you should totally post it Splick and Roach would both scream in glee theunvanquishedzims: Rich and Trimmer get out while the getting is good, and it's nearly dawn before they finally hash out details. Rich offers to drop him off at the next town, but they're still pretty close to the epicenter of the mass exodus so the next few hundred miles are probably not going to be safe for Trimmer. By this point Trimmer has found a bunch of the old textbooks Rich bought secondhand to study in his free time and come to the conclusion that [this nerd is a nerd] his story checks out. Just a college kid trying to scrape together the cash to get an education and make a decent living. Reminds Trimmer of Trimmer. (Reminds Trimmer of Joey.) rollerskatinglizard: ;u; <3 Beautiful theunvanquishedzims: So now Rich has a little traveling buddy! Helps him stay awake on the long hauls, lets him use the carpool lanes, even reads to him out of the textbooks sometimes, with commentary. Trimmer is really smart and surprisingly easy to get along with. They nap in the cab, eat in diners, and share motel rooms. Trimmer unclenches a little. Rich is good about not asking personal questions. They definitely watch Athena's fights on tv more than once, much to Rich's chagrin and Trimmer's loud encouragement. He started fanboying over it to annoy and embarrass Rich, but it is surprisingly cathartic to watch someone get trash-talked and respond by just BODYSLAMMING their opponent. ("Why are you rooting for her, you're the biggest trash-talker I know," Rich mutters into his beer, face bright red as Trimmer whoops and high-fives the waitress he got to change the channel in the sports bar.) theunvanquishedzims: ("She would wipe the floor with me," Trimmer responds with a smirk, watching smugly as Rich tries to figure out if Trimmer is having impure thoughts about his baby sister) theunvanquishedzims: (They have already established that Trimmer does not have impure thoughts about Rich, that Rich DOES have impure thoughts about Trimmer, but as long as he stays in his own motel bed that's fine.) (Trimmer still sleeps with a knife under his pillow but doesn't bother in the cab, where their co-naps occasionally verge on snuggling.) rollerskatinglizard: <3 <3 <3 *perfect* theunvanquishedzims: They finally reach their destination. It has been [days to drive a rig between NJ and CA] and they make it there slightly ahead of schedule. Rich drops off the delivery, Trimmer comes face-to-face with the reality of the trip ending. He'd been hitchhiking for months and felt like he was going nowhere, and now a few days and suddenly he's crossed the entire country, and almost kinda maybe had fun doing it! And California's as good a place as any to stay, at least he won't freeze to death if he doesn't find a place to crash for the night. theunvanquishedzims: Then Rich comes back and hands him a wad of cash, pocketing a stack of his own. "Got a cash bonus for finishing early! And since you're the reason I made it here this fast, I just figured part of it is your share..." he peters out, trying to explain his reasoning. They sit in silence for a while, both thinking about Trimmer in California, far away from anyone who would want to hurt him, with a few hundred dollars in his pocket. theunvanquishedzims: "...Let's get lunch," Trimmer finally decrees, and Rich can't keep the relieved smile off his face. They renegotiate some things over lunch, and then go to pick up the next load to haul cross-country. Together. rollerskatinglizard: AWWWWWW!!!! *YES,* I love it!!! theunvanquishedzims: And then eventually they go to college together, and get their degrees, and good jobs, and meet the families, and Trimmer absolutely drags Rich to as many of Athena's fights as they can manage on the road. It's just to save money, things are cheaper when you split the rent, Trimmer hollers on the phone. You put a ring on that boy's finger, y'hear?! Hellbender hollers back. I am so glad the word moirail exists rollerskatinglizard: YES God yes Also this AU pleases me greatly rollerskatinglizard: Blessings upon you for it theunvanquishedzims: ...technically the Michigan Fleet takes place in a post-Homestuck world, so theoretically it could have time to enter mainstream lexicon. It's better than "bromance" theunvanquishedzims: JUST THROWING THAT OUT THERE >.> rollerskatinglizard: Yeah, totally different feel than bromance!
theunvanquishedzims: Speaking of Homestuck! Wanna hear the Helmsman AU? :3 rollerskatinglizard: YES PLEASE theunvanquishedzims: Okay gimme a minute to get my notes, it's not based on One of Our Submarines but I can't remember the fic title. Have you read the one where the kids redesign the helmsrig and use that to garner support for Feferi as Empress? Lots of political drama, Sollux-centric, [spoiler], and in the end they win *but at what cost* (((If someone knows what fic I'm talking about please link me, I can't find it.))) rollerskatinglizard: No, I haven't theunvanquishedzims: It's good, if you like the nitty-gritty of rebellions. The piece I'm cherry picking is the new Empress introducing a new way of helming that allows more freedom. Instead of a single enslaved lowblood being hung up in tentacle wires until they drop dead, it's something you can unplug from, allowing psionics to swap out, take shifts, etc. So Empress Clearwater (yay seadweller name) is dead, long live Empress Clearwater, and she shakes things up by introducing her new helmsrig and orders it implemented Fleet-wide theunvanquishedzims: I don't think this universe is as bad as canon but it's still pretty rough on the bad ships, and the Sympatico is a very bad ship theunvanquishedzims: Angie is still a security officer, probably fairly high-ranking as a greenblood. Athena is a pro wrestler. Sports are probably a bigger part of life in a Fleet that doesn't center around conquest. The three probably grew up in the same neighborhood, maybe dabbled in quadrants before settling on hatefriends. Oooh, or ash, Athena setting them up to talk out their issues over lunch and then heckle each other over their other quadrants could fit in that quadrant. theunvanquishedzims: Rich is, of course, a helmsman. It's rare for someone that close to jade to be so powerful, he was actually planning on a career in tech, but when he got called in for psionic testing he basically crushed it. Possibly literally. And olive is still technically a lowblood, so off to the helm with you. theunvanquishedzims: His first posting is the Sympatico, and it's a nightmare. The one bright spot (dark spot? How do trolls even. *insert rant about Kanaya being pastel goth not goth-goth*) theunvanquishedzims: The one bright spot is Trimmer, a technician whose survival method is to lock himself in the helm dock and stab anybody who tries to mess with Rich when he's piloting. It's basically how things work in the superstorms, but 75-90% of the time instead of a few times a year theunvanquishedzims: Rich can barely talk most days, they communicate via chat client, and even that requires a lot of brainpower so they can't do it when the Sympatico has to fight something or do difficult maneuvers in space, which is pretty frequently. But Rich keeps an eye out for Trimmer, directing him through the ship to help him avoid people and fights, and tweaking things like hall lights when things get hairy. I think at least once he turned off the gravity, it cost him but it got Trimmer out of a really bad situation and gave him an excuse to hole up in the helmsdeck for a few days until things cooled off theunvanquishedzims: But all that is in the past! There's a new Empress, a new crew, and a new way of helming! theunvanquishedzims: The Sympatico is one of the flagships to roll out the new helmsrig. The original crew was disbanded, culled, reassigned. Trimmer was allowed to stay (at Rich's request) to ease the transition. It's a big day, lots of media attention documenting the new helmsmen, and Rich is doing his best to keep calm. He had to do some physical therapy to stand upright and be able to walk from the big speech to his shiny new helmsrig, but as a fairly young recruit he's not nearly as bad off as some older helmsmen whose bodies have atrophied. He's still pretty skinny though, especially when compared to Angie and Athena, who he reunited with (for the cameras) #helmsmenaretrollstoo, #greenc3<green, #omgishipit, see things are much better now, people can reclaim their lives and quadrants, helming is something to be excited for not scared of, etc. Lots of propaganda, lots of attention, lots of pressure to get this right theunvanquishedzims: And then he walks into the helm and Trimmer is there. Rich would probably have had a meltdown if he hadn't been, but no one can tell because they're so calm and professional. They're both cleaned up and impeccably uniformed, the plugging in goes smoothly, and the Sympatico comes to life and lifts off into the sky into a sunset that would make a Hollywood director weep. The cameras turn off, great job everybody, and things return to normal. Except Rich and Trimmer have no idea how to handle normal. For the first 8 hours it's fine, it's good, it's a little weird that Trimmer looks so tidy and that Rich is sitting in a padded chair instead of being flesh-jacked by tentacles, but it's fine. They chat over text, a little stilted but plenty to catch up on theunvanquishedzims: Rich spies on the new crew and gossips about how boring they are and how weird the ship looks with everything cleared out and well-lit, and wow where did that section of storage come from? Oh right that used to be a hidden smuggling nook. Haha nook. See they're fine, they're laughing at the same old jokes. DEFINITELY weird that Rich is physically laughing. And then their relief shift comes on, with the new 2nd shift helmsman, and it's time for Rich to get unplugged for the day and go. Go to his room, which he has now, or to eat, which he can do now, or any one of a million things that normal trolls do, because he's a normal troll now. (This is turning out a little different from in my head but I like it.) He makes it about two hallways, walking silently side-by-side with Trimmer, before he breaks down. Or rather Trimmer breaks down. Or maybe they both simultaneously break, there is a lot of breaking happening, and it's not great that it's happening in the hall where anybody could walk by and where the new helmsman is almost certainly seeing them and possibly reporting them, and Trimmer's flight instincts are to run back to the helm where it's safe but Rich isn't there, RICH was the reason it was safe and he's not at the helm, he's right there in the hall. Rich, I know not how, picks up Trimmer and gets them to him room. It' close by, thank goodness, and it has a lock on the door, how weird, and Trimmer is there. He missed Trimmer so so much. rollerskatinglizard: ;u; <3<3<3<3 theunvanquishedzims: [The following scene contains content too graphic for wigglers under the age of seven sweeps] rollerskatinglizard: *laughing* Hardcore conciliation!!! theunvanquishedzims: From Trimmer's POV: Merrill requested him to remain a tech on the Sympatico. Makes sense, he was the only one who treated the guy like an actual troll and not a drooling mass of computational power. They got caught up, it's weird how clean and quiet the ship is, no fights to report beyond a spat in the cafeteria that turned out to be pitch flirtation. His shirtcuffs itch and he wants to roll them up but it's day one of the new empire and he doesn't want to get culled for being untidy on the Empress's pet project ship. There's so many other things to get culled for, anyway. And then shift is over. (Weird, he's used to working 16-hour days and sleeping in the helmdeck half the time.) And he has to unplug Merrill (double weird, he's not used to touching Merrill unless it's for a physical repair. Very aware of Rich as a physical person, especially when he's standing up and not obscured in a mass of tentacles.) And then they leave, together, which is WEIRD, because for sweeps Trimmer has been sneaking out of the helmdeck to go on a food run with Merrill texting him directions, and there's no Merrill on screen providing guidance to avoid fights, but there's not gonna BE any fights, and everything is the same but different and looks weird and shiny and there's a giant troll right next to him, stalking him, why didn't Merrill warn him?! rollerskatinglizard: Oh NO, ahaha, oh these poor doofuses theunvanquishedzims: From Rich's POV: he's been seeing these hallways for sweeps, but not from this angle, the ship is so familiar but so foreign to him, and he can't hear her, can't feel her, and he keeps reaching out for her even after all that training he did to get used to the new tech, there's still an absence and some part of his brain that says not being linked to the ship means something has gone catastrophically wrong and everyone onboard is going to die, TRIMMER is going to die, Trimmer is freaking out and hyperventilating next to him, Trimmer's running out of oxygen and the ship isn't responding to him to tell him what's wrong with the oxygen, and then Trimmer goes to bolt back to the helm but that's full of strange trolls and a new helmsman, and that knowledge is enough to shake him back to the situation at hand. He doesn't know where he finds the strength or the presence of mind, but he manages to grab up Trimmer and get them back to safety. It's just that safety is now his berth, not the helm. They're alone in his berth. And Trimmer is still freaking out. Sh-shoosh? Shoosh. Shooooooosh. theunvanquishedzims: Everything is diamonds and snow and beautiful shining crystals (in the movies that will someday be made about this day.) In the moment there's a lot more hyperventilating and snot. Basically, culmination behind the entire fic: do they actually have feelings for each other, or was it just about mutual survival the whole time? rollerskatinglizard: INCREDIBLY ADORABLE AND INTIMATE COMFORT, *YESSSS* Thank you yes, I'll have a dozen God that's splendid theunvanquishedzims: And they're both freaking out, Rich is hungry and physically tired and needs to do a lot of stretches, Trimmer is not used to Rich being huge and mobile and right next to him, and they both have crazy big trust issues, but...yeah, they're pale. They're so pale for each other, and it was so hard during the transition not seeing each other and not knowing how the other felt, not knowing how THEY felt, if they really had feelings or if it was all a bad situation. And now they know. They have feelings. And because they're trolls and not humans, they can flop on a pile and talk about those feelings in a non-platonic way, and Rich can pet Trimmer's hair and tell him how pretty he is and how Rich is glad that Trimmer got it properly cut instead of just hacking it too short for someone to grab, and how much he worried in the hall about not being able to see farther than his own field of vision to keep Trimmer out of harm's way, and how this whole thing is so weird and Rich is so scared but he's just really, really happy that Trimmer took the posting on the Sympatico, because he pities Trimmer and he wants him around and he was so glad that Trimmer wanted to still be around him too theunvanquishedzims: The media always depicts piling as either the traditional fairytale highblood freakout, or an extremely mellow ASMR-ish chillout with lots of hairpetting and horn polishing. Not two midbloods looting a mostly-empty room for enough junk to make a large enough pile to sit on, shrieking at each other about their feelings and how weird this is and why didn't you SAY something, me?! why didn't YOU say something?! Three SWEEPS we've been dancing around this! Well I didn't know if you felt the same way or if you just needed me to survive! Etc etc etc. Lots of getting up and stomping around , pacing the floor while ranting, trying to scavenge more stuff to throw on the pile. Rich owns basically nothing and it's the first time he's not judging Trimmer for keeping his room a garbage heap, even empty pizza boxes would be better than trying to make a pile out of two sweaters and a toothbrush. rollerskatinglizard: XDDD TuT aaaaah, YES theunvanquishedzims: Rich definitely rips off a wall panel and pulls out some wires, Trimmer doesn't even question it, they've lived and breathed this ship long enough to know what every wire does and which are nonessential to ship functioning. And with the wall panel crunched up they can pile stuff around it to make it seem less sparse, and wow it doesn't even matter that he pulled a panel down, this is HIS wall in HIS room now, he can "redecorate" as he sees fit, cue more yelling about how he doesn't know what to do with himself or his newfound freedom. The whole thing is just yelling and cussing and grabbing and shaking. It probably looks black from the outside, but they are swimming in palest cream. theunvanquishedzims: Eventually they give up on the pile. They go through Rich's entire perigee of snack rations to avoid having to go to the cafeteria, halfheartedly make fun of Rich's chewing, then crawl into the recuperacoon together. Thank goodness there was such a big push to show off how great helmsmen's lives will be, Rich scored a blueblood-huge 'coon and he's still skinny enough that they can both fit in it together. They sleep together, in sopor like proper trolls with proper lives as opposed to surrounded by pink tentacles and misery. Tomorrow they'll have to venture out for food, and do Rich's stretches and physical therapy, and head to their shift like the galaxy hasn't flipped upside-down, but they're handle that together. rollerskatinglizard: Oh help, my heart!! TuT It's SO CUTE, AAAAAAAH theunvanquishedzims: Okay my computer has been trying to shut down for the last three paragraphs so I think it's time to log off for the night, but I hope you enjoy the AUs, I will tell you more tomorrow rollerskatinglizard: Thank you so much!! Have a good night! theunvanquishedzims: (In the original version Rich and Trimmer came face-to-face for the first time since the Sympatico was busted up and Rich pulled out for rehab, and basically had a giant pale meltdown right there against the wall. There was purring, and crying, and confessions, all caught on film. Athena and Angie definitely saw. It had to be censored out of the broadcast. Someone uploaded it to Troll Pornhub and it won a Troll Pornhub Emmy for Truth in Journalism, which was not a category the Troll Pornhub Emmys had before, so congrats Merrill and Trimmer) rollerskatinglizard: *dying* oh my GOD Rich would blush so hard he'd keel over
theunvanquishedzims: I woke up to the idea of Rich as Fezzik and Trimmer as Inigo Montoya (book version.) rollerskatinglizard: Hah! Oh man, delightful theunvanquishedzims: Soft-hearted giant and stabby little friend rollerskatinglizard: Yesss theunvanquishedzims: Only problem is Trimmer's grudge seems to be against the entire world, not any particular murderer theunvanquishedzims: But they could definitely take on the Zoo of Death together rollerskatinglizard: It could be both, in the AU! Specific grudge and also he hates everyone theunvanquishedzims: Instead of not being left-handed he pulls his feet out of his boots and surprise! More hands to stab you with Makes the acrobatics on top of the cliff more exciting rollerskatinglizard: *dying* YES Perfect! theunvanquishedzims: I don't know who the Man in Black of most beautiful woman in the world would be, but Rich catching them jumping out a window to whisk them away on horseback is lovely rollerskatinglizard: *strokes chin thoughtfully* If Rich is Fezzik, I think Basil might as well be the beautiful love interest, and Mitch is his farm boy turned dashing rogue theunvanquishedzims: Mitch and Trimmer sword fighting rollerskatinglizard: YES theunvanquishedzims: Mitch going through hell and back to save his lady love, then Rich shows up with the horses and says "hello pretty lady" and Basil is just swooning over him rollerskatinglizard: Mitch is pretty chill with Rich by then, he can handle sharing Rich didn't try *hard* to kill him, after all theunvanquishedzims: He even made it a fair fight instead of ambushing him He put down the rock and Mitch put down the sword and they tried to kill each other like civilized people rollerskatinglizard: *laughing* Yes, exactly theunvanquishedzims: Rich even helped bring him back from being mostly dead rollerskatinglizard: They're practically best buddies now! theunvanquishedzims: Which I imagine is 1000x funnier because Trimmer hates this guy and doesn't want to help him but he has info Trimmer needs rollerskatinglizard: Rich just being reprovingly like Come on, buddy, he's cool really I KNOW you bonded over your sword fight with him Don't lie Trimmer: HE'S STILL A DIPSHIT theunvanquishedzims: Trimmer: It was a little fun to take the boots off I guess, I don't get to do that often rollerskatinglizard: Hahaha yes theunvanquishedzims: Downside of being the best swordsman in the world, nobody can touch you. UNTIL NOW. Trimmer: I killed the guy but now I have nothing to live for. Mitch: Have you considered piracy? Stabbing people all day and all the rope ladders you can climb rollerskatinglizard: *dying* theunvanquishedzims: Now Trimmer's life goal is to reclaim his title of Best Swordsman, which means fighting Mitch a lot rollerskatinglizard: Which they both enjoy Sometimes Trimmer wins, sometimes Mitch does rollerskatinglizard: Roach points out that Liam would be Miracle Max theunvanquishedzims: I was just about to type that! rollerskatinglizard: Heee! Good brain wave theunvanquishedzims: You need a cure for death? Nope, sorry. You need to it humiliate my mortal enemy? Coming right up! rollerskatinglizard: YUP theunvanquishedzims: Slipping Rich the holocaust cloak "because it fits so nice" rollerskatinglizard: Pfff yes theunvanquishedzims: Which is said with a million more winky faces than the movie rollerskatinglizard: XDDD Naturally Liam is a much higher-libido mad scientist-substitute theunvanquishedzims: He doesn't have a wife he has like six boyfriend minions hanging around in various states of undress. He got fired for banging the king when he was the royal miracle man, he did a good job but the prince found it icky. rollerskatinglizard: *dying* YES theunvanquishedzims: Basil as Buttercup tho. Basil: Mitch is a good friend. :) Just a great buddy. :)) Kind of smelly but a nice boy. :))) Someone: *might possibly find Mitch attractive* Basil: What? Why. No. Why would she. I mean yeah he's smart and muscular and tan and broad-shouldered and has perfect teeth and his sweat glistens in the sun as he does his chores shirtless, but c'mon, he's not THAT much hotter than her middle-aged husband. No way. rollerskatinglizard: *snickering* rollerskatinglizard: My cowriters very enjoy this AU concept, btw, thank you theunvanquishedzims: Excellent theunvanquishedzims: Trimmer: I told him I was there to kill him and he just...ran away? Mitch: Who does that? rollerskatinglizard: *snickering* theunvanquishedzims: Basil being a slobby peasant until two minutes after Mitch leaves, then realizing he has to take care of himself if he wants to keep Mitch's attention, and only then starting to regularly bathe and brush his hair and work on his figure. rollerskatinglizard: Snirk! Sounds about right, doofus nerd that he is theunvanquishedzims: Then he becomes a princess and has two servants per limb to keep him clean and shining, so when Mitch sneaks into the wedding announcement crowd his first view of Basil is 1. clean 2. shiny hair 3. dressed like a queen
General book chit-chat, no specific AU
theunvanquishedzims: I saw the post about the Sympatico crew having a very different view of Rich than his friends and now I am consumed with the idea of Rich being seen as scary by anyone who knows him for more than a single minute. Like, he flinches at the sight of a uniform, he can't stand to be in a room with more than one other person in it, and he's so busy working he doesn't really have time to go around carving out a territory rollerskatinglizard: Right? You'd think it'd be tricky, but apparently no theunvanquishedzims: And now there's video of him covered in kittens, and doing cool board tricks, and pretending a little barbel is too heavy to lift, and also he might be in the news for taking down a murderous conspiracy at the Mall. rollerskatinglizard: *laughing* Indeed theunvanquishedzims: Where did big scary monster Merrill go, who is this marshmallow rollerskatinglizard: What scam is he trying to run?!? theunvanquishedzims: Oooh, I pity the fool who is assigned to a boat with Officer Merrill. Double flinch response rollerskatinglizard: RIGHT? *OH SHIT, THERE'S ANOTHER ONE* And she's ARMED theunvanquishedzims: Try to blow off some steam by watching some wrestling, A THIRD ONE rollerskatinglizard: Some poor dumbass who sneered at Trimmer once ends up hiding out on a penny boat bc there's MERRILLS EVERYWHERE, IT'S NOT SAFE OUT THERE theunvanquishedzims: *dying laughing* I imagine a non-terrible Sympatico crew member meeting reformed Rich is like those Very Special Episodes where the hero's high school bully or childhood bad influence friend comes to town, and they're so nice and friendly and apologetic about what happened back in the day rollerskatinglizard: We actually have an encounter something like that planned! theunvanquishedzims: The hero's friends are all charmed and the hero can't convince anyone that it's all an act, he's secretly still terrible, look I'll prove it *does something that makes the hero look bad and the reformed guy look like a victim* Yaaaaaaaaay!!! Outside perspective is the BEST rollerskatinglizard: Rich and this random dude, both acting like the other one is a total menace Meanwhile, anyone who's known either of them since is like ....No?? He's a fine guy, perfectly reasonable Merrill, stop growling theunvanquishedzims: Two Spider-Men pointing at each other rollerskatinglizard: Hah! Yes theunvanquishedzims: Also the fact that Rich has gotten BIGGER since leaving the Sympatico is probably a shock rollerskatinglizard: OH yeah theunvanquishedzims: Richard "Cranky Because He's Slowly Starving To Death" Merrill rollerskatinglizard: I mean, it's a shock to Rich When he hits another growth spurt So it's definitely a shock to anyone else theunvanquishedzims: Oh yeah, he was like 17 when he was first assigned there, nowhere near done growing yet Richard "My Shirts Rip When I Flex Wrong" Merrill rollerskatinglizard: *snickering* He'd look so sheepish and disgruntled if someone gave him that "I flexed and the sleeves fell off" shirt theunvanquishedzims: I am so glad Trimmer got to him before, like, a gang could figure out he's easily bribed with food. Things could have gone so much worse, corruption-wise rollerskatinglizard: YUP theunvanquishedzims: I just finished Athena and the Midnight Chicken and WOW Rich was actually kind of close to giving in to peer pressure there, if Athena hadn't thrown herself towards the proverbial sword he might have let himself be talked into something he really didn't want to do. rollerskatinglizard: It's possible! Baby Rich is very weak to peer pressure theunvanquishedzims: If they had been smart and manipulative and laid the groundwork first it would have been even easier, not just "here's a knife let your ingrained killing instincts do the work" rollerskatinglizard: Yeah! It could've gone much worse theunvanquishedzims: In the wrong hands Rich would make a very good, very sad soldier But like, deep down inside sad where no one could see it. rollerskatinglizard: That was actually close to his original story when I came up with him
[I’ll check with Skates to see if it’s okay to post that bit]
theunvanquishedzims: I'm already nervous about those two Horrible Old Men rollerskatinglizard: Which two? theunvanquishedzims: My face went D: at the idea that there's more than two rollerskatinglizard: *pats u gently* theunvanquishedzims: The werewolf guy with the boys on leashes is the one that makes my instincts scream KILL IT WITH FIRE, but there's also the one with the scar on his face? I wanna say Arthur Carroway rollerskatinglizard: >u> Gosh, Zims, idk WHY you'd be worried about him Just bc my tablet keyboard knows how to spell Carraway That's no reason to be concerned! rollerskatinglizard: Maybe Splick made him the [tarot] Devil bc he's devilishly handsome! Did you think of that?? theunvanquishedzims: I am terrified of him showing up, I know I'll be cringing too hard to keep reading right away. Men who abuse positions of power are so squicky, I couldn't even stand to watch the Office and Michael Scott is like, the most benign example of the trope But yeah a guy like that getting to Rich as a younger more mallable person, fresh-faced and eager to please. Ugh. Such a bad ending. rollerskatinglizard: YUP theunvanquishedzims: William Sandgren is the other one, I think rollerskatinglizard: Fortunately Rich did get rescued originally! I don't do sad endings theunvanquishedzims: He looks cool, I don't immediately want him dead for my own safety rollerskatinglizard: <u< theunvanquishedzims: ...I will ignore that face and continue to think of him as the lesser of two evils for now rollerskatinglizard: Absolutely feel free! ^u^ theunvanquishedzims: When I thought about this earlier I imagined Liam actually being the one to start a pissing contest with Arthur. Rich guy vs criminal guy, my grandmother bedazzled the skulls of her enemies, your teeth would make a lovely necklace, etc etc "Well I'd love to get them around your throat" ;) rollerskatinglizard: You know Liam QUITE well theunvanquishedzims: I'm a visual learner, so all the illustrations are helping me flesh out characteristics. Liam smiling like a psycho while his face drips blood is very telling. rollerskatinglizard: Hah!!! Right? God, he's SUCH a little firebrand theunvanquishedzims: (Also, AU where Liam is the babydoll heir and Rich is the soldier mod bodyguard he climbs like a tree) rollerskatinglizard: We have definitely discussed that AU thoughtfully >u> It's good, v tasty theunvanquishedzims: Rich is all THIS GOES AGAINST THE RULES and Liam is all oh you like being told what to do hmm? >:3~ rollerskatinglizard: Rich: God this is SUCH a bad idea, I'm gonna get so fired Liam: Not if you're good enough at it! theunvanquishedzims: I imagine without a pregnancy they'd be able to keep it under wraps slightly longer than grandma Beaker rollerskatinglizard: True! theunvanquishedzims: "Under wraps" like everyone in the house can't hear them rollerskatinglizard: Pffff YUP theunvanquishedzims: Ugh now I'm remembering Trimmer being scared of Rich getting drunk and pushy and I'm sad again rollerskatinglizard: No one likes Rich's drinking except Rich rollerskatinglizard: It's okay tho, Trimmer trusts Rich more after that theunvanquishedzims:I think he'll figure it out given enough time. Rich: Well everyone drinks because work sucks. Basil and Mitch: Nope! Rich: Well I'm a soldier mod so it just LOOKS like I'm drinking a lot. Angie and Thena: Nope! Rich: Well I have trauma from the Sympatico so I need alcohol to deal with that. Trimmer: Nope! Rich: ...well I guess I have a problem then. :< Everyone: Yep! rollerskatinglizard: Indeed theunvanquishedzims: I am so curious about their origins, how the relationship developed, how apparently they had half a handjob between them and went NOPE NEVER AGAIN, how they wound up co-sleeping, if they ever cried on one another, etc etc rollerskatinglizard: I'm 100% certain that Rich cried on Trimmer at least once, while Trimmer awkwardly patted his hair and gently called him a wuss or something If Trimmer ever cried it would've been in the middle of the night, and none of them would ever mention it in the light of day theunvanquishedzims: Was that Trimmer's first posting? I know it was Rich's, so he kiiiind of didn't know any better, but Trimmer is older by a bit rollerskatinglizard: It definitely wasn't Trimmer's first, no, the latest in a long string of postings that went from okay to bad to worse theunvanquishedzims: Oh nooooooo No wonder he finally said screw it and got a solo boat rollerskatinglizard: Yep
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rdr2dd · 4 years
Goals, Moving Forward, Etc.
Because I’ve gotten a few comments/questions asking about the other projects I’ve mentioned, and also for the purpose of giving myself some clear goals to work toward, I want to nail down the direction(s) that this project is probably headed. Excuse the gratuitous detail, but as is likely becoming clear from my posts, that’s how I work best :p
Project 1: Arthur’s Hidden Family
Goal 1: Finding Eliza -
Accomplished, largely, so hurrah for that. There was a lot of background work to get to this point, even beyond the details I gave in the most recent post about it, so I am beyond glad to have finally gotten it done. This step has already laid a lot of the groundwork for future steps. And also, I’m just happy to finally have a face for her.
Goal 2: Conjuring up Isaac - No progress thus far, but I’ve done some planning on how I want to handle this. No files exist for Isaac, at least not that I’ve been able to find thus far, so any models/textures for him would be entirely non-canon/custom work. There’s no element of bringing hidden assets to light here, like there was with Eliza; having a workable model for Isaac would be purely for my own heart’s sake, and for the sake of being able to do fanart renders involving him. This probably involves:
Using Jack (4 yrs old) as a base model, as I’m not talented or experienced enough to sculpt these models from scratch. Facial features would need to be altered to find a resemblance to both Arthur and Eliza.
Digging through the files to see if there are even other young children in the game to draw assets from - Arthur Londonderry’s son comes to mind, but I’m not sure if he’s the right age range, and I’m honestly drawing a blank beyond that. If anyone remembers seeing any kids in the game, please drop me a note as to where you saw them. 
Possibly resizing/altering adult NPC assets such as hairstyles in order to give Isaac a fitting and unique appearance. This sounds like a headache, but may be reasonable enough to do. We shall see.
Lots of custom texture work, largely for his face, which will be especially hard/dicey if there aren’t other children’s models to borrow textures from. 
Goal 3: Finding the Time - Less technical and more research-oriented, I need to nail down a timeline that I’m personally happy with with regards to when in Arthur’s life the events with Eliza and Isaac occurred. Once this is done, it’ll make it easier to decide what to do with Arthur in any renders I may want to do with the three of them. Which ties into...
Project 2: The Old Guard (Expanded)
This was the project I originally had in mind when I started scrounging around for these files. I have an unreasonably huge soft spot in my heart for the ‘curious couple and their unruly son’, but also, just the young gang in general. Hosea back when he’d steal anything not nailed down? Dutch, young and idealistic and years before his downfall? Arthur, young and broody but not yet hardened? Little John, still feral and a menace? Badass, gorgeous young Grimshaw? Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes, please. Not to mention Bessie and Annabelle, who must have mattered so much to these characters, but who we hear and see so little about. I want to be able to do fanart renders with them, but that’s going to take a hell of a lot of work.
Goal 1: Nail Down the Timeline - I’ve started working on this, but there’s a lot I still need to do in terms of skimming audio files and digging deep in the lore. I want to get a general idea of when it seems folks joined the gang, that way I can get an idea of which models I even need to work with. Heavy focus on figuring out: 
When Tilly joined the gang, as I lean toward her being around quite early, but would like to review the audio. I know there are some numbers dropped in a few missions, with regards to when she joined the Foreman Brothers and when she left them to join the Van der Linde Gang, and I want to get this as accurate as possible. 
When Hosea went off with Bessie, and when she passed. We have some context clues, I just need to nail down the math and then feel out the dramatic timing for the rest.
What the deal was with Annabelle. Maybe I just have a passion for the ladies name-dropped once in the game, but good god do I love Annabelle despite knowing absolutely nothing about her. She should be a non-character, but this is a passion project, so there’s no way I’ll be ignoring her.
What to do about Sean. He couldn’t have joined until after 1889, but depending on what year I want to deal with for renders, I may need to account for him. That wouldn’t be a hardship, as he’s one of my faves.
Goal 2: Knock Out the “Easy” Models - By which I mean Hosea, Dutch, Arthur, and Susan. This will involve some custom sculpting work, but not a whole lot, as their base models for 1899 shouldn’t actually require that much alteration. I imagine I’ll be ironing out a bunch of wrinkles, smoothing out a bunch of normal maps, and then using the clone brush and a sampling of generic NPC face textures in order to create younger-looking face textures for this lot. “Easy” is definitely a relative term here, but I’m counting my blessings in that there are, at the very least, reference images for what this lot looked like in the early days. I still have no idea if I’ll be able to accomplish this, or how hard it will be if I can.
Goal 3: John - An intermediate difficulty step, for John alone. We have no reference images of young, 12/13 year old John, but we do have Jack’s 12 yr old model, and that will serve as a decent base to work from, hopefully. I’ll have to make sure to alter his features to be more in line with John’s, and will have to work heavily with his skin/face textures from there. Clothes will be another hurdle, especially as (referenced above), we see like, next to no children in the game for me to borrow NPC clothing parts from. I’ll need to work with what we get from Jack and otherwise resize and rework adult NPC clothing.
Goal 4: Bessie (and Others) - Stepping up the workload again, though in different ways. Bessie will be a task to work out, seeing as we have a single, not particularly great reference image of her facing straight ahead. It’s not much to work with, but it’s something to work toward matching. No two ways around it, she’ll be mostly custom work and mash-ups of generic NPC materials, but it’ll be a labor of love. Also sliding Tilly and (potentially) young Sean in here, as depending on their age there will be a lot of work to do on them, possibly including custom model work, and we don’t have references for what they looked like when they were younger. I’ll make do.
Goal 5: Annabelle - The holy grail in terms of custom work, or the ultimate slog uphill, we shall see. We have no reference images of her. No traces of her exist in the files. We hardly have any clue about how she died, let alone how she lived. And yet, I love her, or at least the potential of her. Hopefully all of my work on the ‘known’ quantities of this project will give me some hope of turning out a unique and fitting model for her, but who knows.
Project 3: Audio Directory
Goal ??? - On pause for the foreseeable future, mostly as I’ll need to do some networking before I’m totally comfortable putting this out there, and also because holy hell have I set up a bunch of other work for myself. The Dream(TM) was to find a way to set up a directory for folks to more easily find audio files on their own. There’s no way to host all of the assorted cool audio from RDR2 online, but it would theoretically be possible to set up a sort of file directory online, a list of file names and descriptions, to help folks browse their audio files on their own without having to reinvent (or in this case, rediscover) the wheel personally. I’m of the opinion that pulling apart the game files should be an all-hands-on-deck sort of situation, but there are a lot of folks who have already put in this work individually, and I don’t want to step on any toes. I also don’t want to be responsible for anyone mucking around with their game files and having trouble down the road, so I’d need to sort out a clear explanation of what precautions to take, etc. It’s a lot to consider, so I’m obviously open to input. 
If you’re still reading, congrats(?) and also, thank you. This is all a bunch of planning for some real pie-in-the-sky shit, but I felt that way about finding Eliza in the files about two months ago, so I have hope. If you’ve got thoughts on any step, please, hit me! I want to hear what folks want to see, though I can’t make any promises on what I’ll deliver. Got thoughts on the timeline or headcanons for the less-referenced characters? I’d love to hear. I would also love to hear from anyone with experience on projects like this; goodness knows I’m a self-taught novice. 
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glowingstaranon · 3 years
The first real post from the glowingstaranon admin.
So...hi! Man, a lot got revealed, huh?
I'm making this post because, well, a lot of stuff happened on this blog during rp sessions recently, and I figured that we're in deep enough now to warrant some kind of explanation.
I'm the person who writes for this blog as the character of 🌟 anon. You can call me mun if you like. I have another online alias, but I'm not quite ready to reveal that yet. These things take time.
As the people following this blog and the rp sessions with @ask-your-monsters probably know, 🌟 anon is a fictional character made specifically for rp sessions. They didn't start out that way though. 🌟 anon started out as just a way to distinguish myself from the other anons that would drop questions in the ask boxes of ask-your-monsters and that blog's admin's headcanon blog, @monsternightfunkin. 🌟 anon becoming a character with their own backstory and characterization was something that happened over time, and I've been making up the backstory for them as I go.
I'm making this post because, well...I'm having a lot of fun writing for the character, and I'm having a lot of fun with this blog! I'm probably going to use it more often now to post things that aren't just long rp sessions - things like art, random facts about 🌟 anon that I come up with off the top of my head, and (hopefully) asks from other people!
At this point, I have the basic jist of their character figured out. Before we get into that though, I want to establish a couple of things:
When I, the admin, am talking on this blog, I use purple text. If 🌟 anon is talking, they'll talk through white text with quotations - "Like this." If 🌟 anon is doing an action, it will be written through white text without quotations. Now that that's out of the way, it's character description time:
Most (if not all) of you know this, but in case you missed the reveal - 🌟 anon is essentially an eldritch entity masquerading in a human skinsuit. That's not the most accurate way to describe what they are, but it is the easiest. Their true form is a black, inky-looking silhouette covered in glitches. The silhouette isn't always in the shape of their normal form, but it can be.
Their true form can be as tall or as wide as they want it to be in the moment. In some cases, it can also have more than one pair of eyes.
As for their normal form, 🌟 anon looks human most of the time. I imagine them wearing a little vest - I'm working on a design for them, so look for ward to that at some point. While they're in their normal form, 🌟 anon stands at about 5'6" - they're fairly short.
🌟 anon can be very...intense. They mean well, but they can get too carried away if they're not careful. They're not really used to living with other people though - they've lived in solitude fending for themselves for most of their life. They're working on it.
They don't like people knowing that they're a monster unless they tell them first - if a potential friend of theirs finds out about their monster status before they're ready to tell them, they'll be devastated fear for the worst. This is why they almost broke down crying after they shifted and attacked Neo in self-defense, and why they were so nervous while trying to patch things up with the others.
I usually use they/them pronouns for 🌟 anon, but they're honestly cool with any pronouns. They pretty chill about that kind of thing.
🌟 anon has a pretty good grasp on their powers, since they can do things like shift at will and teleport, but they don't have complete control over things like glitching. If 🌟 anon isn't doing well mentally, that'll reflect on their physical form - if they're really depressed for example, they'll glitch consistently. They're also prone to having brief glitches in they're surprised or caught off-guard.
As has been demonstrated, 🌟 anon will not hesitate to defend and protect the people they care about. They're incredibly protective, sometimes to a scary degree. They'll get carried away and seriously hurt or even kill someone who hurt one of their friends or loved ones if nobody tries to stop them.
And, since they're a monster, yes, they can go feral. It's not quite the same as one of the lems going feral, though.
If any of you have questions, my ask box is open! Feel free to ask me anything. You can ask 🌟 anon things too, if you want - they're open to questions.
Thanks for reading.
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psycho-slytherin · 5 years
Bonus chapter: Truth or Dare
Thanks to @minprismpowermakeup for the idea~ <3
Context: This takes place around Strangers ch. 33, after y/n and Yoongi have begun filming Moon Over the Sea. This content is not relevant to the main Strangers plot. 
WC: 1.8k love it when a bonus chapter is longer than some actual content
A/N: Namjoon really wrecked me during the awards stages ok I’m not projecting I’m just projecting
“Okay, y/n, truth or dare?”
“Truth,” you yawn, making yourself comfortable. You’re sleepy, it’s past two in the morning, and you don’t wanna get up.
“Anyone got a good one for the token ARMY?” Hoseok asks, looking around at the other members sprawled on various pieces of furniture and carpet. You stick your tongue out at Hoseok on hearing your title.
“Do you have a crush on anyone?” Seokjin asks from below you, tipping a mostly-empty beer bottle at you.
“I already answered that, and no.” You swat the eldest member, who’s laying on the couch with his head in your lap. “Bitch, I just ended a relationship and webcomics continue to convince me that men are trash. Besides, I barely get to sleep– when am I gonna have time to catch feelings?”
“Blehhh, boring.”
“I can drink if y’all can’t think of anything,” you say, already reaching for the bottle to refill your wine glass. Hey, you were feeling classy tonight.
“No, wait, wait, I have one!” Jungkook leans forward eagerly. “Have you ever written... fanfiction?”
Ah, shit.
You press your lips together to keep a straight face. Lately it seems you’ve been using more of your acting skills when you spend time with the boys than you do for school and work combined. “Have I ever, at any point, written fanfiction for any fandom? Yes.”
“Was it…” Jungkook leans even closer, his long hair almost hitting you in the face. “BTS fanfiction?”
You smile, choosing your words carefully. “Unfortunately, Kookie dearest, I already answered my truth.”
“She’s avoiding the question!” Jungkook hollers, far too loudly for the time of night. “You guys know what that means~”
It’s as though all signs of sleepiness have vanished– every member sits up, and with Jin’s weight off, you realize your legs have fallen asleep. 
“C’mon, guys…” you’re met with seven pairs of eager eyes, focusing on your favorite. “Et tu, Yoongs?”
A corner of Yoongi’s mouth turns upward in that oh-so-familiar smirk. “What can I say– I’ve got a cat’s curiosity.”
“Don’t let Holly hear that,” you reply, tossing a pillow at him. He snatches it out of the air without moving from his curled-up position in his favorite armchair. You’re reminded again of how he’s so adorable when he looks that small.
“So?” Jimin asks eagerly. “Have you ever written fanfiction about us?”
You could lie. God knows it would be easy. But the far more fun option wouldn’t be lying… it would simply be not telling the truth.
“I would love to answer that, but unfortunately it’s not my turn anymore,” you reply airily, delighting in the boys’ groans. “So, Joon, truth or dare?”
“Dare,” Namjoon replies, his eyes confident. He really could bring anyone to their knees with just a glance. As your first bias, Namjoon has always had a special effect on you.
“I dare you to let Kookie and Tae tickle you.”
“Wait, what?”
You check your watch. “For, say, one minute.”
Namjoon backs away nervously from the predatory advance of the maknaes, all signs of bravado gone. “C’mon… ah, y/n, this is too cruel…”
“Who was it that dared me to drink a shot of soy sauce?” You ask smugly. “And who dared me to catcall Jin?” Your plan is to distract the boys, and luckily you have plenty of material to work with. Namjoon especially always seems perfectly sadistic when assigning dares.
“As if you weren’t thinking that stuff anyways,” Seokjin says dismissively.
You roll your eyes, focusing on the leader’s imminent torture. “One minute, starting… now!”
At your signal, Taehyung and Jungkook leap like feral dogs upon Namjoon, who falls to the floor with a thump, laughing uncontrollably: “Ah! Guys! S-sto-ah!”
You sit back in satisfaction as the clock winds down, figuring you’ve suitably distracted your friends from their original prey. 
Your hopes are dashed soon enough. Namjoon gets back up, fire in his eyes. “Y/n.”
Dammit. “Yes, Namjoon?”
“Truth or dare?”
Well, what does he think? “Dare.” Obviously. You’d die before letting them read the stories that you, in your lust-addled fangirl’s mind, wrote so long ago. 
“I dare you to give Yoongi hyung a hickey.”
Wait, what? “Yo, Joon, that’s not cool–” Yoongi is quick to complain, but Namjoon silences him with a raised hand. Meanwhile you’re frozen to your seat, feeling as though all your blood has simultaneously rushed into your face and fled your body entirely. Sure, you guys have toed the line of what’s proper during these late-night games, and as the only woman you’ve tended to get the brunt of it, but to give Yoongi a hickey? To press your lips, your tongue, your teeth to his smooth skin?
Now that you think about it, you’re pretty sure you’ve written that into a fanfic at some point anyways.
“Dude. No.” You say, at last finding your voice. “C’mon, that’s ridiculous.” You spare a glance at Yoongi, who you can tell is trying to keep a straight face. Still his clenched jaw and rapid blinking give away his anxiety, and– no. You couldn’t do something like that to Yoongi, who so clearly would hate it.
Namjoon raises a brow, his expression void of mercy. “You could always choose truth.”
You laugh nervously. You didn’t anticipate this, and now… “Can I take a drink instead?”
The leader shakes his head. When he speaks, it’s as though his voice is made of steel. When did he become so intense? “Nope. Truth or dare. Pick one.”
You inhale deeply. Dammit, Yoongs, you owe me one. “Truth.”
Immediately all tension melts from Namjoon’s gaze, and he breaks into the dorky grin you’re so familiar with. “Yes! Quick, guys, before she changes her mind!”
Your eyes widen. “No, wait–”
Hoseok pounces. “Have you ever written BTS fanfiction, and if so, what was it about?”
Fucking hell. You’ll get Joon back for this. 
“Uh…” Should you lie? Every instinct is telling you to steer the boys as far from the truth as possible. Still, you’re buzzed, and it’s late, and–
“Yes. I have.”
Jungkook bursts out laughing, his nose scrunched as he slaps the couch. “I knew it!” The others celebrate in similar fashions:
“Ten bucks says it’s a ship fic!”
“Reader insert, it has to be.”
“Have you guys even heard Emo Y/n? I bet it’s super sad.”
You snatch Jungkook’s drink out of his hand and take a swig. You’re starting to realize you’re gonna need something stronger than wine if you want to survive the night. “How do you guys even know those terms? Who’s been corrupting you with Tumblish?”
“Twitter,” Taehyung replies, shuffling over and draping himself over the back of the couch, his head resting on your shoulder. “ARMYs kept tagging us, they thought we never saw.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Yoongi staring at the ground, smiling softly, his fingers laced together. Huh.
In the meantime, the remaining members have continued with their buzzword arguments. You begin petting Tae’s soft hair absentmindedly while waiting for the others to calm down and hopefully forget this entire conversation by morning.
“It’s probably crack.”
“No, fluff!”
“Angst, I told you!”
Jimin suddenly pipes up, his voice sleepy and soft. “What if it’s… smut?”
A hush falls over the room, and your breath catches in your throat. You don’t remember writing anything explicit, most romance scenes were mainly innocent, full of vague implications of other goings-on…
Wait. Your eyes widen. You did write that one scene, on a dare from Lisa… fuck. You rack your brain– what was it? You wrote it almost four years ago, you can hardly remember. It was about Namjoon, right? He was your bias around that time. 
“Y/n, would you ever write smut?”
“Ha, maybe if someone paid me!”
“Ooh! Is that a promise?”
It was all a joke, but you did end up posting it on your Tumblr at some point or another, classifying it as dumb and crackheaded. Regardless, that means it’s online. And that means…
They could find it.
“Y/n-ie?” Taehyung waves a hand in front of your eyes and you jump, nearly colliding with him. “You zoned out for a bit~”
“S-Sorry.” You notice the boys are all still looking at you. “What?”
“Your truth. What was your fanfiction about?”
You sieze on the vague question. “Well, funny you should ask, I think I wrote one about Hobi here going to space, which was–”
“The hell? Did I die?” Hoseok whines. “Y/n, you traitor–”
“Wait, so you’ve written more than one?” Yoongi interrupts.
“I mean…” that’s safe to say, right? “Yes.”
Namjoon taps your shoulder. “Have you ever written smut?”
Jeez, what was with his confidence tonight? “I–”
“If you tell us the truth, we’ll make Joon hyung rap Expensive Girl,” Hoseok sings, swinging a shoe in his hand. Wait, is that your-
“Huh? Hold up, hold up, that wasn’t part of the deal!” Namjoon’s facade quickly fades in liu of genuine terror. 
Yoongi slowly rises for the first time that night, his grin nothing short of malicious. “You wanna play sadistic games? If Y/n completes her truth, you have to do that dare.”
“Y/n, I changed my mind, don’t tell us,” Namjoon begs, turning to you.
Oh. Oh, the power coursing through your veins. Either way, you win. You could keep your dark secret, or torture Namjoon just a little bit more. What a glorious choice to have.
“You know what?” You drain your wine glass, the alcohol lending you courage. Namjoon wanted to make you give Yoongi a hickey, he deserves this. And you were younger, a simple fangirl– besides, it’s not like they’re going to ask you to read it. “Yes. I did write a smut fic once. And you know what, Joon? It was about you.”
You giggle and sit back as the members do the “OHHHHH!” thing that boys never seem to grow out of. 
Instead of going red like you expected he would, a shit-eating grin spreads across Namjoon’s face. He seems more… well, pleased than anything. 
“What was it about?” he asks.
“Joon,” Yoongi warns, his voice a note deeper than usual. You shoot Yoongi a grateful smile– how does he know you so well? As for the fic, you genuinely don’t remember, but knowing it was smut, and knowing it was about Namjoon…
“I dunno, dude, probably some daddy kink shit.”
Namjoon cocks his head. “Daddy… kink?”
You jaw drops, and in your bordering-on-drunk state, you can’t help but blurt out: “You don’t know what a daddy kink is? I thought you had one!”
The leader scratches his head. “What?”
You can’t help but laugh, the drinks finally hitting you hard. “Oh my god. C’mon, gather round, my students.” You reach out, clasping Jimin’s and Jin’s shoulders. “let’s teach you guys about fanfiction.”
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riddlebanshee · 5 years
4, 6, 14, 17, 18, 19, 38, 41, 47, 48
4- Did your appearance change in anyway?SHORT HAIR, BABEY!!!! Not as short as Id like but still short as fuck and Im IN FOR IT
6- If you traveled, where did you go?Didn’t travel!!!! Not anywhere all that exciting-- mostly just 2 and from town!!!
14- Favorite new TV show?DEMON SLAYER DEMON SLAYER DEMON SLAYER ITS SO GODDAMN GOOD I NEED TO FINISH THE FIRST SEASON17- Did you make any big permanent changes this year?YES!!! Purged some folks who werent making my life any nicer and ALSO painted my walls blue!!!! 18- What was one nice thing you did for someone else?I got all my friends really cool christmas presents!!!!!! Might come back 2 add more to the pile just for fun outside of xmas tho >:3c19- What was one nice thing you did for yourself?I’ve been nicer/less hard on myself for not being good at things academically!!!! Also, again, blue walls  ;3c38- What was the best moment of the year for you?Meeting one of my online best friends in person!!!!!!!!! Hopefully this next year we can up the number to two >:3c!!! And YES that might be overly optimistic and NO i do not ccare and will hope anyways!!!!41- Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did?I have. No clue bvdsavudusvhvhjdsa I don’t have that level of self awareness okaY Im probably not gonna know until like 2 years from now tbh47- If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year? Have fun, be kind to yourself and others, and do more art!!!!!!!48- If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?  Who would you go this?BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN WITH ALL MY FRIENDS ON A PICNIC/CAMPING TRIP AND YES, I REALIZE THATS NOT POSSIBLE AND NO, I CARE NOT!!!!Alternatively would literally go feral 2 just b able to chill @ home with my friends bc everything’s sort of an adventure to me in some way dvshavhjvhjdas especially if it’s with people I love!!!
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amosbrittany · 5 years
Shattered chapter 3
Disclaimer : I don’t own Transformers Animated or any characters for that matter.
Notes : I haven’t done fanfiction, let alone TF based, in ages. And never for TFA, So I don’t really know what the hell I’m doing but what the hell, I’m going for it. lol I took quite a few liberties, pulling bits from various continuities to build this sucker.
Warnings : I have a tendency to put characters through hell. A bit of Bumblebee/Blitzwing this chapter. Eventual Optimus/Sentinel, Megatron/Ultra Magnus, Jazz/Prowl and Ratchet/Pharma.
Summary : The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but Sentinel’s latest stunt might just kill them all…or worse.
There was one thing that was never recommended and that was to tell Sentinel he had a bad idea. If anything, it made him determined to see it through thus proving he was right in the first place. And if Optimus was the one trying to deny him the chance to shine? Well, all bets were off. After a solar cycle of busy work and really mulling it over, he had decided taking the chance was better than not. If it worked, he would be a hero and Ultra Magnus would be in his debt. If not...Well, he'd cross that bridge when he got to it.
First, he needed a decent chunk of crystal from the asteroid. There were a few ways to get it, the less problematic approach would be if he intercepted a crate on its way to the Minisrty for inspection and ferret a piece into his subspace. He briskly made his way down to the Space Bridge Nexus after picking up the shipment's next arrival time. He scanned the various arrivals before he figured out his target. Smirking, he approached the crew, putting on his most congenial face. "Hey gents, surprise inspection if you don't mind!"
The other bots merely spared him a glance, their foreman nodded. Optimus had issued orders that this particular Prime wasn't allowed near the shipments but at the same time...it was Sentinel and he was a chore to deal with. Letting him have his way was just easier in the end compared to Optimus and his disapproval. With a pleased smile, Sentinel quietly stepped over, opening the metal crate to look in at the cargo. The dark energy wafted up as it was momentarily freed from its containment, making his HUD flare alive for a moment. Ensuring no one was watching him, he picked up a large chunk and slipped it into his subspace. He noticed it didn't feel much different to a cube of energon when he touched it. "Mm hmm, mm hmm...Everything looks in order." Sentinel dropped the top of the box back down with a loud clank, startling the workers. He smirked at the dirty looks they gave him.
Now it was time for the hard part.
Leaving the Nexus, he went on his way to where Omega Supreme was currently docked. He had waited until he knew his Academy buddy was at his busiest, hopefully he wouldn't respond too quickly. Optimus being the meddler he was had probably warned his stuffy old medic about Sentinel's suggestion so he was likely to have a cranky bot on his hands. Luckily, Pharma would be there so hopefully the jet would make himself useful.
The closer he drew to the docked juggernaut, the more nervous he felt. Maybe this was a bad idea, like Optimus said. Like when he had insisted they go to Archa Seven and Optimus had tried to talk them out of it. The Prime paused outside the ship, grinding his denta uneasily. There was something in the back of his processor trying to push him forward, urging him to carry out his plan. Dark whispers promising glorious things just around the bend. He filled his vents with air as he steeled his nerves and ascended the ramp leading into the ship. No sooner was he inside than Pharma was right there, in his way.
"Sentinel Prime. What a pleasure. But I fear we are not permitting any visitors today." The flighty medic pointed out rather quickly, his voice sweet. Clearly Ratchet and Optimus had made sure he was aware of keeping him from the Magnus. As far as Sentinel was concerned, Pharma could be a spry foe but he was ultimately a frail thing whose most dangerous asset was the chainsaw.
"Well, as your Prime, I'm gonna have to order you to step aside so I can visit him." Sentinel countered, an overly sweet smile on his faceplate.
"Mm, but I have orders from Optimus Prime, who I just alerted mind you, and with all due respect...He outranks you." Pharma struck back, honey dripping from his tone but venom from his words.
Sentinel scowled, suddenly feeling hostile as he was now pressed for time. "What, worried that fat old crankshaft will be mad at you if you don't listen?"
That made Pharma's plates puff in anger, his faceplate heating up. The doctor tried to calm himself down before he flew off the handle...again. "No. I am not worried Ratchet will be mad."
He looked around shiftily. So Pharma was the only thing in his way? Well, that simplified things nicely. Knowing his only obstacle was the medic before him, Sentinel pushed him aside with his shoulder as he pressed on. Naturally the jet sputtered in outrage and attempted to grab his arm in an effort to stop him, but the Prime let out a feral growl, grabbing his wrist and swinging him around. The spindly Autobot yelped before he hit the wall face first, turning in a daze only for Sentinel to finalize his attack with a fist to the chevron. The medic crumbled to the floor, damaged but online. He'd be out for a good while.
He lingered for a moment, guilt suddenly filling him because ill processor aside Pharma wasn't an entirely bad mech and certainly deserved better than some cheap attack like that. There was the urge to call on Ratchet, admit his frag up and abort, but the pressing shadows insisted he make it worthwhile and finish what he set out to do. Leaving the medic, he went to the bridge.
Sentinel arched an optical ridge as he entered, finding Ultra Magnus hooked to the spark support and the Empyrean Suite gently playing from one of the consoles. He snorted, trust Pharma to play his old aft prissy music. With a deep vent, he stepped up to the comatose Magnus and took in the sight of him. His rich blue was starting to dull, a sign that the spark support just wasn't holding up so well anymore. Soon enough, he would be on his way to the Well of Allsparks. It was quite the pathetic sight for a once noble warrior.
'But you can save him...' A voice murmured in the back of his processor, deep and full of rust.
"Yes. Yes I can." Sentinel smiled triumphantly. He'd save Ultra Magnus and he'd be lauded as a hero. Ultra Magnus would restore him back to his former glory and everything would be all right. Eagerly, he fished the dark crystal out of his subspace. If he didn't know any better, he could swear its glow was even brighter than before, as if it knew its destiny. The energy it gave off was dark and eager. With a shaking hand, Sentinel pried off the support tube connected with Ultra Magnus's spark chamber, revealing the weak and dying light inside. He made a small prayer in the hopes his little gambit would work before he pushed the shard into the spark chamber. Without warning, a pulse of dark energy exploded, throwing the Prime back. He yelped in surprise, hitting the floor.
Ultra Magnus's body jerked and spasmed, his helm thrown back as he silently screamed, the dark energy flooding through him and pouring from his optics and mouth. Sentinel watched, both amazed and horrified as the other howled, black smoke and violet energy bursting from every seam, socket and open orifice. He squinted, trying to see through the black haze, jerking back with a set of violet lights glowered balefully from within the murk. "Uhh...Ultra Magnus...?" The lights flickered in a blink before there was a scraping of metal and two heavy pedes hit the floor.
The massive Autobot stepped out from the fading cloud of darkness, his colors dull as if he were dead, but the lights in his optics indicated otherwise. The Magnus stared down at him, a wordless, terrible hatred in those optics. "...What did you do..." There seemed to be added static in his vocalizer.
"I...fixed you?" Sentinel squeaked out, balking under Ultra Magnus's intensity. He yelped, throwing his hands up protectively as the other lunged forward, looking ready to strangle him. But a voice outside made the Magnus stall. Ratchet bound into the ship, looking annoyed until he saw Pharma on the floor...and then Ultra Magnus through the doorway leading to the bridge. Casting a brief glance that promised vengeance, the Magnus straightened before he strode towards the medic with a confident, healthy gait.
"..." Ratchet shot Sentinel a glance as well, one full of questions and accusations before he looked up warily at what he hoped was Ultra Magnus. "Sir...?"
"Yes." The Magnus answered simply.
"Y-You-...!" The old medic looked around him again, towards Sentinel, part of him wanting to tear into him. He sputtered, looking down at Pharma with concern, then back to Magnus. Seeing as Ratchet's processor was having a hard time catching up to what was happening, Ultra Magnus shifted around him to exit the ship. Optimus was just arriving with his team as he descended the ramp, answering Pharma's call as quickly as they could.
"Aw man, he went and did it..." Bumblebee whined, transforming and brandishing his stingers in preparation of a fight.
Optimus couldn't find the words. Sentinel had done some foolish things in the past, but this was probably his crowning achievement. He was less than pleased with himself also, never failing to underestimate the terrible lengths Sentinel would go to for his own benefit. He smothered his rage and disappointment at the both of them for the moment as he mentally braced himself for a fight with a feral Ultra Magnus of all things. However, this mech didn't exactly scream 'I'm going to rip your faceplate off' quite like Huffer had. In fact, he moved with a cold and quiet calm, seeming almost normal. Almost. Optimus knew it was a bit much to be hopeful, but he took that leap of faith anyway. "...Ultra Magnus?"
"Yes. I am...alive. I'm funtioning. I assume that is where some of the confusion is coming from...Now is there a reason your men are aiming their weapons at me?" The towering mech gave him a bored look.
"Uhh..." It was hard not to gawk as he waved his hand absently at Bumblebee and Bulkhead for them to stand down. He didn't want to take on the Magnus in a fight if it could be helped. "I...don't understand?"
"Well there is not much to understand." Ultra Magnus sighed. "Arrest Sentinel Prime on the charges of unauthorized and illicit medical practice as well as assault on a medical officer and I assume insubordination on some level. Now where is my hammer?"
"A-Alpha Trion has it. He's...been interim Magnus."
"Is there a reason Sentinel was not?"
"He was...But he was demoted to my position and I was promoted to his?"
Ultra Magnus glanced skyward, some part of his processor catching up and remembering the young Prime telling him all of this at some point. He vaguely recalled mixed feelings on the matter : pride in Optimus proving him wrong, disappointment in Sentinel for his unmitigated foolishness. "Ah. Yes. Conspiring with the enemy and endangering the populace to further his own ends and whatnot. Add those to the list of charges then, and have him sent to Trypticon." The Autobots looked at each other in confusion. "Are you having a hard time processing my orders and the charges in question?"
"No..." Optimus began uneasily. "But..."
"I had best not hear 'But Alpha Trion didn't-' because I am not Alpha Trion. Now if you are having a hard time carrying out my orders, I can always have you locked in the stockades as well and find a new Second." He strode briskly past them with every intention of finding the Council leader and reclaiming his hammer, leaving the flabbergasted crew to follow their orders.
"Well. Sucks for Sentinel, I guess?" Bumblebee frowned.
Taking a deep vent with his optics off for a moment, Optimus braced himself for the excuses and the bartering that was about to come his way. He hurried onto Omega Supreme, frowning when he spotted Ratchet picking Pharma up off the floor. "Is he all right?"
"Slag no." Ratchet sneered. "That son of a glitch did a number on him. Outta my way!"
The Prime quickly sidestepped out of the way as his old friend rushed the other medic out. Optimus turned to see Sentinel dusting himself off, looking smug but shaken. "Sentinel..."
"Hmph. And you said it was a bad idea...But look! He's back on his feet in one piece like nothing happened!" Sentinel boasted triumphantly.
"Yeah, and now I have to arrest you..." Optimus moved quickly, grabbing his old friend's wrist and twisting his arm around his back. Moving as fast as he did helped catch the other Prime unawares. He clamped the other half of the cuffs to restrain him. "And I don't want to hear it-"
"Well, you're gonna! I'm the hero here, I saved Ultra Magnus!" Sentinel squawked indignantly, trying to squirm free. He hated the insufferable things when he wound up in them. "On what fragging charges did you yank out of your aft?!"
"Ultra Magnus laid out half a dozen and if you're lucky, that's all you'll get. Now-HEY! No kicking!" It was tempting to pop Sentinel in his over-sized chin when the other tried to kick back at his knee. With a grunt, he pushed Sentinel towards the exit with some effort, passing him to Bulkhead who picked him up without effort under his arms. Optimus huffed, his comm-link with the Council flaring to life. 'Great, guess Ultra Magnus went and got his hammer...'
"...It was super creepy, like the creepiest thing since I saw the space barnacles. He's like, a corpse that's just walkin' around without a care-Well, except he basically brought down the hammer on Sentinel. Like wham!" Bumblebee prattled on during one of his routine check-ins on the Decepticon, tasked mainly with verifying whether Blitzwing had taken the offer or not. But the triple changer always managed to get him distracted with something else, as if he was adverse to discussing the matter. And naturally Bumblebee always took the opportunity to chat. "He would not stop kicking and screaming when we took him in too! He just couldn't believe that blew up in his face!"
Blitzwing listened with interest. The news of Ultra Magnus was alarming, disturbing really. None of the injured or dead Decepticons they had tested Dark Energon with had reacted in such a way. "Zhis...may be very bad, Bumblebee."
"You think so?" The minibot arched an optical ridge at him.
"Jes. Zhe ozhers vere speaking of it." He paused, uncertain if what he was about to tell the small Autobot would not shoot him in the foot later. "Oil Slick told zhat arrogant Sentinel Prime about it vizh zhe intent to sow chaos. Zhey hoped if I vas free vhen zhat happened, zhen I could use it to our advantage und release zhem."
The shock on Bumbebee's face wasn't surprising, nor was the anger that followed soon after. But then the Autobot gave him a puzzled look. "Why...would you tell me that? You know that looks bad. Right?"
"Well, it does...But still, why would you tell me that?"
It was a fair question and one Blitzwing wasn't entirely sure about. Bumblebee's visits were rapidly proving to be the only blessing he had in this pit. The minibot's lively energy was infectious, his banter fun and welcome. In all actuality, it was even a refreshing change from dealing with his brethren on a normal basis. Things were always so quiet and brooding, there were hardly any Decepticons of a happy-go-lucky nature. Not anymore anyway. This...This was different and he found himself liking it. It almost felt normal. The triple changer grinned wide, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know~!" He replied in a sing song voice.
"Okay..." Bumbebee eyed the Decepticon carefully. According to Springer, the prison's warden, Blitzwing always seemed to perk up the most when he knew the minibot would be coming. Otherwise the Decepticon was always rambling to himself and trying to rile up the others like Lugnut. Clearly he was in need of social interaction, so it was a little surprising that he had yet to give them a proper answer. "So...Are you gonna join us? Optimus is thinking of letting me take charge of my own team and I could see if he'll let you be on mine! The Bee Team, eh?"
"Ooh, zhat vould be zo fun!" Blitzwing brightened with delight. But then he balked, turning cold and stoic. "But I vill not be a slave again. How am I to know zhat von't happen?"
Bumblebee goggled at him, wondering where he got that impression from, let alone what he meant when he said 'again'. "I'm not...That's not gonna happen. And how were you a slave before?"
"I am not a joungling like jourself, Bumblebee. I vas part of zhe gladitorial circuitz before zhe Great Var, und not oblingingly. Clench vaz a slagbag und vhen Megatron killed him, he took over zhe arena und recruited us to zhe cause. I don't know vhat jou Autobotz vill do vith me if I surrender proper like zhat...But I do know vhat zhe Decepticons vill do if I defect." It was foolish to let a fear of the unknown bother him, but things were uncertain now. He wanted freedom, but under the thumb of the Autobots, would it really be freedom? "Und zhis thing vizh Ultra Magnus...is diszconcerting. How do I know he vill honor vhat Alpha Trion has offered?"
That had not been something the minibot considered and it showed on his faceplate. "Um, slag...I didn't think of that. He went and slammed Sentinel despite how lenient Trion was. I'm not sure he even knows this offer's on the table..." He frowned as the other suddenly looked despondent. "But I'll make sure he knows and I'll be up his aft if he changes his mind." Bumblebee grinned with determination.
Blitzwing tilted his head, regarding the minibot thoughtfully. He recognized that look from battle, having seen it plenty of times. Glancing out towards his comrades, he eyed Strika and the Stunticons, thinking of Lugnut and Shockwave and Scalpel. No one was going anywhere any time soon and maybe he was weary of the same old, same old. He'd been doing the same thing for millions of stellar cycles and it never quite changed let alone improved. "Mm." The Decepticon hummed to himself. He looked back to Bumbebee. He supposed it would not hurt to row with the flow and see how things panned out. Push come to shove, he could flee at the first opportunity. "If Ultra Magnus says jes und it is vizh jou, zhen I vill join."
It was oddly satisfying to see the ecstatic look on the small Autobot's face, especially knowing he was the cause of the jubilation. Bumblebee jumped to his feet. "I'll go see him right now then! The sooner the better, right??"
"Ja. Zhe sooner zhe better..."
Pharma woke to a terrible processor ache and a change of scenery, finding himself in the medical bay of Metroplex. "Oh..." He grimaced as his chevron throbbed in an unwelcome manner. Initially, he was uncertain why his head hurt until his memories caught up to him. "That...insufferable slagger...I'm going to dump Nuke in his energon..." He snarled.
"Pretty sure that's illegal, kiddo." A surly voice warned.
"Pretty sure assault is too..." Pharma's pale optics lit up, looking at the source of the voice fondly in spite of his helm ache. "Please tell me you avenged me."
The old medic grimaced, not at his former student's berth room eyes because he learned a long time ago there was no turning it off but at what had transpired back on Omega's bridge. "Not...necessarily. But Ultra Magnus basically threw everything and the wash rack sink in the way of charges at him. He won't even permit anyone to see Sentinel, which has Optimus a little ruffled. Overall things have been...unpleasant." Ratchet stepped over to the berth the jet occupied, taking his chin to turn his head in order to examine the healed damage.
Naturally, Pharma soaked up the closeness and attention, relishing the touch however professional it was. He frowned with concern though. "So...It worked? Or not quite the way he hoped?"
"I ain't gonna lie...I dunno what to make of it. Ultra Magnus won't submit to a proper examination, he's keeping medics and scientists at a fair distance...but any readings I try from a distance he doesn't get puffy over tell me there's a spark readin' but his systems ain't runnin'. Like none of 'em are, outside of processor activity anyway."
"That doesn't make any sense..."
"Naw, it don't. And it bugs the scrap out of me. He ain't actin' entirely right either. It's nothin' severe, but he seems a lot colder, harsher. Pretty damn uncooperative all around. He won't answer the High Council for nothin' and Optimus has to go huntin' anytime he needs to speak with him." Ratchet sighed, letting go of his chin. "Yer cockpit and yer chevron got some nasty cracks, yer nose got a touch crushed and ya took some dents. All patched and adjusted. How do you feel?"
"Processor ache, and a bit of vertigo if I turn my helm a little fast...But for the most part, I'm more miffed than anything." Pharma gingerly rubbed at his chevron, feeling where some careful welding had taken place and fresh dried paint covered the smoothed surface. He let out a whine, mentally kicking himself. "...I cannot believe I failed so monumentally."
Ratchet scoffed gently. "Not yer fault, I have to admit I would have been caught off guard if that slagger attacked me like that too." Optimus hadn't expected his old friend to resort to violence like that, none of them had really. Sentinel could be abrasive, annoyingly so, but he never struck them as actually dangerous. Part of him was glad Ultra Magnus came down on him so hard, mostly because it had been rough seeing the mess he had made of Pharma, just now and even before the incident on Omega. It wouldn't have been as bad if Pharma had still retained his ambulance frame and thus had the bulk to endure the blows. But his frame had been stripped down to fit the specs of the Seekers, an uncomfortable and rough process for an Autobot. The physical traumas of the transformation coupled with the Decepticon coding had made his old friend glitch in the most terrible way. He'd made a mess of Pharma in too many ways now. "Ya shouldn't have let 'im remodel ya, you know..."
"This again?...Sentinel Magnus didn't exactly make it voluntary and Perceptor didn't disagree." It was natural to want to upgrade and make the best even better, but Pharma absolutely loathed Decepticons and hardly wanted to be anything like one. As far as he'd been concerned, he had been perfect. But the Ministry had been insistent and Sentinel had issued orders on the matter, it left him little wiggle room to avoid the procedure unless some time in the stockades would have been preferred. They had tried to use the success of the twins to reassure him, but he suspected their bond helped with the process. "It'll be fine...I'll be fine. The sessions with Rung have been very helpful and enlightening."
The older medic let out a long rumble, still wary but he let the matter drop. Reversing everything would probably leave Pharma completely dysfunctional anyway. "Well, since yer team captain is basically taking an indefinite vacation, that means reassignment. But most of the teams are solid and it'll be a bit before some newbies crop up." Ratchet rubbed the back of his helm. They needed some added help at Trypticon, but he wasn't keen on putting Pharma in a dangerous environment. There weren't many options though and no one wanted an unstable mech on their team. Besides, if he tried to be overprotective, he knew the other mech would raise a stink about his superiority. He could practically hear the 'I can handle anything you can do and thensome'.
"You have that look where you have some bad news you don't want to spill..." Pharma squinted, the corner of his mouth quirked up smugly.
The corner of Ratchet's mouth twitched. The pretty little fragger was good at reading him. "Eh...They can use a medic over at Trypticon." There it was.
The jet blew out a deep sigh, exasperated. "Lovely. Just lovely."
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