#yes i have one of those and i STILL frequently post my thoughts on here. im a girl who needs many outlets
britneyshakespeare · 5 months
i feel so empty inside
#i have less than fifty pages left#diana rereads david copperfield#don-draper-a-lot-has-happened.png#i dont know if i wanna finish today? ive read like 37 pages today#i easily COULD#i need a break. i need to digest#i did take breaks actually. to write about my feelings in my reading reflections notebook lol#yes i have one of those and i STILL frequently post my thoughts on here. im a girl who needs many outlets#i never achieve catharsis!!!!!!!!#i took two breaks to write reflections within an hour of each other. lol#one after chapter 55. tempest and chapter 56. the new wound and the old#if you know you know#god. steerforth#i think i hate him more than most ppl#i mean he is a charismatic manipulator and i didnt lack that understanding when i read it five years ago#i didnt think much about what he deserved or how 'good' or 'flawed' he was back when i was 19 tho#ive had enough experiences in life tho now to just plain be full of no sympathy for him#saw someone say in a review blogpost i read last night that he was more sinned against than sinning#i was like ARE you kidding. i cant even start w that. he faces no real pain or remorse in his life until his death#and even his death is just incidental.#im glad he died. it's still moving in the scene when it happens OBVIOUSLY. but good#no one should ever have to worry about what james steerforth is up to. and that's kind of the point#david never sees him again after the betrayal until he's a corpse. good#you were spared from ever having to suffer him again.
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infamous-if · 6 months
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Dec ✮ 12 ✮ 2024 – update
Part of me hates doing these mostly because it's a whole lotta nothing and me just repeating everything I said the last update (lol) but I do like doing it because I like keeping people updated, even if it's a non-update. I may sound like a broken record (pun not intended) but I know a lot of people don't catch my updates every time so it's nice to just keep people informed yk yk
✮ — Part 2 + rewrite
Fun fact: I had written an entire essay about my excitement for the rewrite and chapter 3 and beyond but it got too long!
It boiled down to me wondering why I'm so excited for this rewrite and realizing it's because I feel comfortable enough to approach it with complete creative freedom. I wrote the first iteration of the demo with the constant worries swimming in my head like "I hope people understand what I'm trying to say here" and "I hope this situation is being read the way I intended for it to be read." And I think I sort of had those thoughts tenfold while writing Part 2. If you paid attention, you can probably see where I was trying to shut down certain discussions in the narrative lmao
Recently I had a tiny epiphany and reminded myself that it's not always about what I intend to write, but what is being understood by each reader. And yes this is basic writing 101 but let me have this moment of clarity okay. Embracing that means I can proceed with Infamous without holding back and sticking to my guns in regards to what I want for this story aka I'm just going to write what I write and like....not worry about the rest you feel (while of course integrating the common critiques and suggestions and improving on the things Infamous falls short in—I am not Shakespeare lmao)
ANYWAY my point is that I'm excited to fix up the demo !!! and just go back to it with complete confidence in myself and write whatever the heck feels right to me (and write the rest of the story lolol) and return with a better story than I have now for everyone!!
✮ — December will be for
planning what I'm going to improve and squeezing that in a reworked outline so it can flow much better narratively.
Outlining Chapter 3 and hopefully have the bare bones first draft drafted up which is mostly just be writing blocks of descriptions
I'm not sure I'll have anything substantial to justify looking for beta testers so soon yet but maybe!
work on my spice writing babey writing/reading spice makes me actually physically recoil but im determined to get better! which reminds me to finish the 6k follower gifts!
And also take a small breather because I am moving!
✮ — Patreon
I've already mentioned this on Patreon and a few times on here, but I do want to reiterate that Patreon content is coming out in bulk this month, in case anyone was wondering why I'm not posting as frequently. The content is still the same in terms of the quantity, it just won't be released every few days! thank you guys for being understanding of that <3
✮ —
My activity has is decreasing little by little due to my move but I do read every question and try to at least answer one question a day. I get quite a few mentions lately so I have to sort through those since I do get tagged in things, but I miss them due to my notifications. Usually I hope for the best and hope tracking the tag puts it on my dashboard <3 im not ignoring anyone!
That's all for now! Hope everyone has a happy December and Happy Holidays!
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Chapter 14
Thorin Oakenshield x AFAB!Reader
Summary: You and Thorin disagree over your recent choices, and it seems this argument can only be settled one way...
Warnings: no use of y/n, angst, 18+, NSFW, minors do not interact, Pin V sex, fingering
Author's Note: Thank you all so much for your patience. I know this took a lot longer to post than I thought. The smuttier chapters always take me longer to write because I know those are the ones we all read the most😂 I promise it will be worth the wait and there will be plenty more to follow!♥
Word count: 3913
You shout his name in protest, kicking and struggling in his grasp. But his seething rage seems to have only made him stronger. He doesn’t even flinch when you beat your fists against the broad muscles of his back. And every effort you make to kick him in the face is easily dodged as he carries you up the stairs.
Bertram is following right behind him.
“Put my dancer down this instant!” he demands, struggling to keep up with Thorin’s angry strides.
“This is why I told you not to let him find out!” you shout from over his shoulder.
"You put her up to this?!” a yelp escapes you as Thorin whirls around at the top of the stairs, still dangling you over his shoulder. You can feel the growl reverberating against where your thighs are pinned to his chest.
“It was her idea,” you hear Bertram scoff. “Did you really think accommodating so many of you at once would come cheap? I was prepared to throw you out on your asses until she offered an encore performance to sweeten the deal.”
“Encore?!” Thorin’s grip tightens around your legs and you’re suddenly very grateful that you can’t see his face right now.
“An encore that has yet to be completed thanks to you. So either she goes back out there and puts on one heck of a performance or you and the rest of your companions will need to find accommodations elsewhere tonight.”
“From what I saw, she’s already given you more than enough of a ‘performance’ for one night. You and I can come to another arrangement in the morning but she will not be stepping foot on that stage again as long as I live.”
“That might not be as long as you think if you don’t put me down this instant, Thorin!”
He ignores your protests as he continues down the hallway, kicking open the door and depositing you back on your feet in the middle of the room.
You immediately rip his cloak off of you, balling it up and tossing it back at him. But it just falls to the floor in a pile as he turns his back to you. Opening your pack he starts to pull out various articles of clothing, tossing them over his shoulder to you.
“Get dressed,” he grunts. Shirts, pants, chemises, and skirts sail through the air but you merely bat them all away in defiance. It’s almost like he expected you to refuse when he looks over his shoulder at you. When he runs out of your clothes to toss at you, he simply starts to toss some of his own instead.
“Lack of clothing isn’t the problem here,” you remind him.
“Then what is?” he snaps, kicking discarded piles of clothing out of the way as he stalks closer to you. “Temporary insanity? Lack of attention?”
“Yes, Thorin,” you scoff, taking a step closer to him until the two of you are practically chest to chest. “I was so desperate for your attention that I decided to take my clothes off in front of a crowd of strangers.”
“You’d dance half naked for strangers but Mahal forbid people find out we have any kind of intimate relationship.”
“Are you still upset about that?!” you roll your eyes. “Not everything I do is about you, Thorin. It’s like Bertram said: he wanted to charge us far more gold than even Smaug has right now. We have a history, so I offered to do him a favor in exchange for lodging.”
“A history?” he scoffs.
“Yes, a history,” you snap. “I told you I used to be a tavern dancer to pay my way across middle earth. This tavern happened to be a frequent stop for me. Now quit deflecting!”
“I’m not the one deflecting, lass.”
“Then what do you call it when someone is pretending to be upset about information they already knew, in order to avoid talking about the real reason they’re angry?”
“What, pray tell, is the real reason I’m upset with you?”
You take a step closer to him, tipping your head back until the two of you are practically nose to nose. “I fixed things and it kills you. You can’t stand the fact that I was able to solve a problem for you. Mahal forbid the great Thorin Oakenshield show any signs of weakness, let alone allow a woman to solve a problem for him.”
“Now who’s deflecting?” he smirks and you let out an angry huff, crossing your arms over your scantily clad chest.
Thorin’s gaze dips down to where your breasts are pressed together above the shelf of your arms. He takes in the sight of your provocative attire for the first time in this new setting. Very little is left to the imagination in your current state. You have to resist the urge to shudder at the chill his gaze sends down your spine as he studies every inch of your exposed skin. His jaw clenches and you know he’s remembering just how many people were recently looking at the exact same ensemble.
He brings a hand to your chin, tipping your head back so you have no choice but to look directly at his scowling face. “No one gets to see you like this ever again, understood?” he growls and the corners of your mouth quirk up.
“Let me guess, except for you? That’s quite selfish of you Thorin.”
“I don’t care,” his grip tightens on your jaw, pulling you closer to him until your lips are just a breath away from each other. “You’re mine.” He devours you hungrily, pulling your bodies closer together. Your hands slide up his chest, clawing at the fabric separating the two of you.
“Mine,” he repeats with a low growl, abruptly releasing his grip on your face and taking a step back. Before you can protest, he is tossing you over his shoulder yet again. You let out a gasp as he tightens his grip around your bare thighs.
Trudging through the piles of discarded clothes on the floor, Thorin crosses the room to toss you down on the bed. You go to push yourself up onto your forearms but he is already climbing up your body to tower over you. Your lungs are heavy with the intoxicating scent of him as he pulls your mouth back to his. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him even closer to you, wanting his entire body weight to crash down on you until there isn’t any air left inside of you.
You shudder in delight when he breaks from your lips to kiss a path along your neck to nip at the shell of your ear. “Mine,” he says again, rising above you to fully admire your form trapped beneath him.
“Mine to touch,” his hands brush along your collarbone, traveling farther down your chest to trace the swell of your breasts. He bunches up the strip of fabric covering your top, lifting it to expose you fully. You think he’s just going to untie it, but instead, he tears the thin strip of fabric in two.
“Mine to admire,” he continues, ignoring the way your jaw has dropped at the loss of your only performance attire. Thorin doesn’t seem like he’s planning on letting you go anywhere in an outfit of that kind ever again, so perhaps it was part of his plan all along.
You narrow your eyes up at him in defiance, but he only smirks down at you. Watching the anger leave your eyes the moment his warm hands cup your breasts. Your jaw drops open again, but this time to release a moan as he squeezes and massages the flesh between his fingers.
“Mine to enjoy,” he declares keeping his eyes locked on yours as he lowers his face down to one of your breasts. Continuing to massage the other he gently sucks and bites at your now sensitive buds.
They’ve begun to darken and perk up ever since they were given his attention and he wastes no time worshiping the two mounds of flesh before him.
Wrapping your legs around his midsection you pull him closer to you, arching your back off the bed as you start to grind your core up against the hardness you feel trying to escape from his trousers.
Thorin gently scrapes his teeth against the tender flesh in his mouth and you groan at the sensation. Impatiently, you begin to tug at the edge of his shirt, desperate to have access to just as much of his skin as he does of yours.
Relenting to your unspoken wishes, he sits back upright above you slipping the material overhead. Your fingers connect with the warm skin exposed to you, tracing the muscles and ridges with your fingertips. You start to chart a path farther down his abdomen towards where you’re aching for him. You stop when your fingers brush against the rough material of the bandage you wrapped around his midsection. You were so caught up in your desire you completely forgot that he’s still seriously injured. Your hands go still, hesitantly hovering over the wound.
Maybe this isn’t the time. Despite how badly you want Thorin to fuck you into the mattress right now, you can’t risk doing any further damage. Especially with the rest of the journey still ahead of you. You’re so lost in thought you don’t notice Thorin’s hooked a finger under your jaw until he’s tipping your head up to look at him. “I’m fine,” he assures you but you still scrunch your nose up in thought.
“We should wait until you’re feeling better, as your physician I-”
He lets out a laugh, bringing his face down closer to yours. “You’re not a physician, lass,”
“I didn’t say I was a physician, I said I was your physician. I tended to the wound, I think that makes me responsible for its-”
He cuts you off again, this time with a gentle brush of his lips against yours. “You’re a truly maddening woman,” he whispers into your mouth, “and I won’t feel better until I’ve sufficiently had my way with you.”
“I suppose that could be considered an alternative form of treatment,” you mumble, all concerns disappearing from your mind as he brings your mouth back to his.
Your fingers tangle into his hair, gripping the strands to pull him closer to you until all of your senses are overwhelmed with him. The way he smells, the way he tastes, the way the warmth radiating off of his skin makes all the blood rush to your cheeks.
The rough pads of his fingertips trace delicate lines down your stomach, disappearing underneath the remaining piece of clothing covering your aching core. His fingers circle your clit with a touch so featherlight it elicits a needy whine from your lips.
“Please,” you whisper hoarsely against his lips. You’ve both been denied this pleasure so many times today alone. If your poor dripping cunt doesn’t receive some attention soon, you fear you might melt into a puddle beneath him.
Your fingers give a firm yank to his locks again, and with a warning growl, he plunges two fingers deep inside you. Your back arches off the bed, pressing your bare breasts against his chest as your mouth opens with a silent scream. Your eyes see nothing but stars and yet you can sense that self righteous smirk on Thorin’s face as he starts pumping his fingers inside you with a steady pace, stroking your inner walls in that one thrilling spot that makes your toes curl as you writhe and whimper beneath him.
“I know you don’t like to listen, darling,” he whispers above you, “but here is one order I know you will follow,” blinking, your eyes start to focus again on Thorin’s face looking down at you with a wicked smile. His eyes are filled with a darkness that makes your core clench around his fingers as he quickens his pace, bringing his thumb to trace circles on your swollen bud.
“Come for me,” he commands. And you do, without a second thought. Yanking a hand free you clamp your palm over your mouth to cover the cry of pleasure that escapes you. He doesn’t let up on his ministrations, even when your other hand tightens at his scalp so fiercely it’s a miracle you haven’t yanked a fist full of hair out yet.
With a heavy sigh, your body finally goes limp beneath him.
Chuckling, Thorin gently removes his hand from your spent cunt, bringing his soaked fingers to his lips hungrily. Your jaw drops at the sight, never breaking eye contact as he cleans every drop of your juices from his skin.
It looks so appetizing when he does it, you can’t help but stick your tongue out, batting your eyelashes up at him in the hopes that he’ll share. With a knowing smile, he is slipping his soaked fingers into your mouth for you to suck on. His eyes go wide in excitement, not only from the seal your lips have created around his fingers but also because your own fingers have slipped into his trousers. You wrap them firmly around his hardened cock, stroking as much of it as you can reach.
With his fingers in your mouth and his cock in your hand you look up at him with a pleading look in your eyes.
“So needy,” he chides with a click of his tongue. “You want more already?” you nod enthusiastically from around his fingers.
He brings his lips to your temple with a gentle kiss. “How could I deny such a beautiful creature?” reluctantly pulling his soaked fingers from your mouth, he reaches for his ever tightening trousers to finally free his member for your use.
Bringing your fingers down to your soaked bottoms, you slip them down your legs as far as you can. Kicking his trousers free, Thorin pulls the soaked fabric the rest of the way down your ankles discarding them somewhere in the mess behind you.
“Spread your legs for me, lass,” he commands, towering over you as he strokes his throbbing member in his hand. Blinking in shock, you open your legs wide for him, less from the command more from the sight of the cock before you.
You were far from a virgin at this point in your life. You’d met many different people throughout your travels and as a result you’ve had multiple lovers over the years. But try as you might to rack your brain you can’t think of a single cock you’ve seen that’s nearly as magnificent as Thorin’s.
It’s long and girthy, just looking at the strong member makes your cunt clench in anticipation.
“Fuck me Thorin,” you look up at him pleading, suddenly desperate to have it inside you, “please.”
“Mahal,” Thorin scoffs, “I don’t recall ever hearing you ask for something so nicely.”
Bringing a hand to your exposed thigh he starts to brush the tip of his cock against your weeping entrance, gathering all the wetness he can as he lets out a chuckle at the desperate whines escaping you in anticipation.
Finally lining himself up with your entrance, he brings his free hand to the mattress beside your face, caging you beneath him. He looks down at your face one final time, searching for any sign that you aren’t as desperate for this as he is.
“Fuck me,” you ask again, wrapping your arms around his neck. “And don’t be gentle.” You whisper into his ear.
That’s all the encouragement he needs, with a grunt he slams into you so quickly it knocks the breath out of your lungs. You nails scrape against his back as they scramble to find purchase while Thorin begins pounding his hips into you at a breakneck speed.
Honoring your request, he is not the least bit gentle with you. Your cries of pleasure are quickly drowned out by the sounds of slapping skin as he relentlessly thrusts into you so hard the bed begins to tremble beneath the two of you.
Let it break. You think to yourself. Nothing could pull either of you out of this cloud of lust that envelopes you. If it shatters beneath you, you’re certain Thorin will just continue pounding into you on top of the rubble.
“So tight,” he growls, “so warm. Feels just like heaven, I knew it would.”
You bite your bottom lip at the thought of Thorin fantasizing about this very moment. You can so clearly see him with his cock in his hand, imagining it was your cunt clenching around him just as it is now.
Untangling your arms from around his neck, Thorin reaches for your wrists, pinning them to the pillow above your head. “Don’t move them,” he commands with a sharp snap of his hips that makes you yelp.
Continuing a steady pace, he reaches for your legs behind him. Pressing one of your knees into your chest, he tosses the other over his shoulder. Gently kissing the exposed flesh of your calf he resumes his pace in this new position.
Throwing your head back you release a guttural moan, clenching your hands into fists above your head. With each thrust, Thorin hits deeper and deeper places inside yourself that seemed to have been previously left unexplored.
Every time the tip of his cock brushes against your cervix it makes you cry out louder in ecstasy. You’re itching to bring your hands back down to cover your mouth and suppress the noises the rest of the tavern will surely have heard by now.
“Keep them there,” Thorin reminds you, watching intently as you struggle to obey him. “I want them to hear.” He growls. “I want everyone to know you’re mine.”
He removes your leg from his shoulder to press it down against your chest like the other, folding you in half and pinning you into the mattress by the backs of your thighs.
“Say it,” he commands, leaning over you as he somehow increases his speed even more.
You groan beneath him, you know exactly what he wants from you but you can barely string together a coherent thought right now, let alone a sentence.
“Say it,” he says again, bringing a hand to your jaw to force your eyes to look directly into his.
“I’m yours, Thorin” you whimper beneath him and he crashes his lips into yours.
“Louder, lass,” his pace becomes more frantic and you can tell that he’s getting close.
Looking directly into his dazzling blue eyes you cry out: “I’m all yours.”
In just the nick of time, he pulls out of you with a shaky moan, spilling his seed all over your stomach.
The room is filled with the sounds of you both panting breathlessly. The air is heavy with the scent of sex and sweat. Your limbs feel so weak you can do nothing but lay on the bed in a post-orgasmic puddle, your eyelids starting to droop closed. You feel the mattress shift as Thorin rises from between your legs. You peel an eye open just in time to see him cross the room, still completely naked, to grab a wet rag.
He catches you watching him as he turns back to you, a gentle smile on his face as he returns to your side.
You can’t recall the last time you saw him look so… relaxed. His familiar scowl is nowhere to be seen as he gently wipes the cloth across your stomach and between your legs, a look of utter bliss on his face as he watches you watch him with a soft smile.
Once he’s wiped you clean he starts to rummage through the mess of clothing still littering the floor. You can spot dozens of your blouses and chemises from where you lay on the bed, but Thorin still grabs one of his own shirts from the pile.
“Sit up for me, a moment,” he asks gently. You push your aching limbs upright as best you can, Thorin’s hand hovering at your back to help you upright.
He slips his clean shirt over your head, helping to navigate your arms through the sleeves.
“Good girl,” he whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead as you lay back down.
Once you’re settled back into a horizontal position he grabs for another set of clothing. You watch silently as he pulls on his shirt and pants from earlier. He reaches for his boots next and your brow furrows.
Is he leaving? Now that he’s gotten what he wanted from you and made a mess of the room. Is he just going to walk out that door and find another place to sleep for the night?
Thorin spots your look of confusion as he pulls his other boot on. “Don’t fret lass,” he assures you, “I’ll be right back.”
He gently slips out the door and you listen to the heavy sounds of his footsteps retreating down the hall. Your eyelids are still heavy, and you’re fighting sleep that threatens to overtake you. Only a few minutes pass until you hear him returning.
Shifting in the bed you push yourself up onto your forearms with a yawn as he reenters the room. You can smell the stew before he even opens the door and it instantly makes your mouth water.
“You missed dinner,” he reminds you, passing the warm dish into your waiting hands. “I had a previous engagement,” you reply with a mouth full of broth.
“Don’t remind me,” he growls as he kicks his boots back off, locking the door behind him.
“I’d say it worked out pretty well for the both of us,” you shrug. Thorin doesn’t say anything as he crosses the room to you, pulling the blankets out from underneath your bottom to tuck you into the bed fully.
By the time he’s wrapped you up underneath the covers and climbed in beside you, you’ve already inhaled the entire bowl. He laughs as you set it down on the bedside table with a hiccup. You sink deeper into the covers beside him and he reaches his hand up to your face, wiping a dribble from the corner of your mouth.
“Tomorrow we continue our journey,” he informs you and you nod in understanding. “In that case I certainly hope I’ll be able to walk in the morning.”
He laughs and pulls you into his chest. “I’d carry you,” he murmurs, burying his face in your hair. “I’ll carry you all the way home if I have to.”
You hum in contentment as you let yourself burrow deeper into his chest. Ignoring the stab of guilt in your chest when he says the word ‘home’.
It may have been your home in the past but it can’t be any longer. You wonder if you should tell him that you don’t plan to stay in Erebor long enough to call it home again. But then he begins to trace patterns with his fingertips over your lower back and you feel your eyes start to flutter closed.
Not now, you tell yourself. Not tonight.
Because you’re realizing that there is nowhere else in Middle Earth you’d rather be right now, than wrapped up in Thorin’s warm embrace. And you don’t dare do anything to spoil this perfect moment.
@mrsdurin @thetaekwondofeline @enchantingkryptoniteheart-blog
@exhausted-humxn-being @marsmallow433 @sverdgeir
@champagne-glamour@yve-barr @krampus236 @nerdthickly
@lyl1pad @bruhk @eri-s-big-sis
@quiall321 @genderless-ghosty-boi
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jjuwuni · 1 year
caught in his web ; choi yeonjun ch. 1 | SWEET DREAMS
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pairings — yeonjun x afab reader
genre — smut (lots of it so minors dni please), fluff, angst, college!au, friends to lovers, drama
word count (for this chapter) — ~2.3k
summary —  You thought you’d be immune to Choi Yeonjun's charms, turns out you were completely, utterly, shamefully wrong. 
And what’s worse? He’s your new best friend's boyfriend.
Wanna hear something even worse than that? His dad and your mom are dating.
MOA University: An educational institution created for the 1%. The elite of the elites. Those who are to inherit large multinational companies, take oath in office, and represent Korea's future in business and politics. This is where it begins.
warnings — almost-stepbro!yeonjun but not really since your parents are in the early stages of dating, kinda slow burn yes, black haired!yeonjun, bad boy yeonjun, all of you are trust fund babies, all the tubatu's make a cameo and are in the same friend group, might reference some other 4th gen idols, alcohol, drinking, drunken mishaps, lots of sex, profanity - lots of it, yeonjun is a menace but he's so cute wtf i'm screaming, jealousy, making out etc. minors dni istg! i'm watching y'all..
A/N: hello! bela here! my apologies for dipping after posting the preview. here is the official first chapter! hope you guys like it. i'll try to update more frequently. 🙏 comments and reblogs are very much appreciated xoxo also please do let me know if you'd like to be tagged for the next parts!
MASTERLIST: [ preview ] | [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ]
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
“O-oh..” You clear your throat after telling yourself to get it together about a million times. Opening your mouth after what seemed like an eternity, “I uh.. Uncle Minjun? It’s nice to meet you. I’m y/n.” You offer your hand out to the man who was undeniably a splitting image of Yeonjun - just older.
He was dashing and had an air of charisma around him. One would know that being in the real estate business, you need to have some type of charm after all, so you're not too surprised that he owns the biggest housing and commercial property business in Asia. He seemed like the type to be able to sway you easily into buying things without much hesitation. 
Also explains why your mom fell for him.
“y/n.. Very nice to meet you finally. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you from your mother, you seem like a very smart lady. And as expected - beautiful too. Surely you have a lot of suitors by now, eh?” He says in a playful manner, as you finally take a seat to join them, right across from Yeonjun. 
“Oh, trust me, dad. Soobinnie's all over her.” The male across from you nonchalantly points out, making you cough right as you scoop the clear soup into your mouth. 
“Oh? CEO Dongwon's son? Well sounds like he’s a decent man.” Your mother for sure wouldn't pass off the chance to give her two cents, “Why didn’t you tell me this, sweetie? You should invite Soobin here sometime.” She lets out a giddy laugh as you grimace into your soup.
"Well, we’re not an item, Mom. And you know I want to focus on my studies first…” 
“It’s rare you hear that nowadays eh? I wish my son would see education the same way as you y/n. Maybe you should teach him a thing or two, huh?” Minjun replies, sipping from his scotch glass and giving Yeonjun a look to which the younger male replies with a sarcastic scowl. 
“I’m sure Chaewon’s got that covered.” You take the opportunity to tease back, it was your way of repaying him for bringing Soobin up. “They’re a really cute couple.” You smile the sweetest one you can muster and look over at his dad who seems to suddenly be interested at the mere mention of a girl. 
“Well, if you’re serious about dating her, son, stop bringing random girls home. You know the guards see you when you do that, right? It's quite distasteful really.” 
Your eyes widen upon learning this little piece of information, he was still bringing girls home, even though he’s dating my friend?  You think to yourself. You could feel Yeonjun’s glare directed at you from across the table, but ultimately decide to avoid it and just eat. 
“I-I’ll go get the dessert.” You shoot up from your seat not too long after, wanting to do anything to get you out of that semi-awkward situation. 
“I’ll help you y/n!” Yeonjun chimes in, walking behind you and following you into the kitchen- giving you no other choice. 
“Ahjumma, can you please take out the cream cake my mom bought this morning? I’ll cut it myself.” You say in a polite tone and a smile to match, watching the older lady walk out back to the refrigerators to go grab it. 
You let out an exasperated sigh, leaning back against the expensive Italian marble countertop. “Not even an hour with you and I’m already tired.” You glare at the male.
It’s true, there’s a reason why you never got along with him, as he was always picking on you. But it was more of a welcomed gesture for you because even though it was annoying, you were just glad you are not a part of the population of MOA-U girls who have fallen victim and succumbed to his charms. 
“Well, you do know what this means… right y/n?” Yeonjun asks, almost in a teasing tone from what you can pick up.
Soon, his hands lay flat over the countertop, on each side of your hip - effectively trapping you in. 
You swallow hard, you’ve never been this close to him before. 
Chaewon always had somewhat of a fence around him in school, which is why we’ve never been face-to-face like this. You find yourself taking note of his prominent features- from his black locks, which complimented his hazel eyes, his strong jawline, his raised nose bridge, and even that cute, boyish smile. 
“H-huh?” Great, what was that part about being immune to his charms again? 
“We’re going to be siblings," He says, arms wrapping around your waist, "..so you’ll see more of me around, most likely.” His smile stretches out even more, and it was like he enjoyed that you were flustered by the mischievous glint in his eyes.
Like a shark being able to smell fear from a few feet away. 
"You're... You weirdo." Was all you were able to say, and it took all of your might to push him off of you, and right on time too, as the help finally came back with the cake to save the day. 
You leave the kitchen as fast as you could, and even as you briskly walked away, you could feel Yeonjun smirking behind you.
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
"I don't know how I feel about it, honestly." You say as you plop down on one of the couches in Chaewon's living room after school that day. 
"My best friend and my boyfriend becoming step-siblings? Who would have thought..." Chaewon says with a smile, though you couldn't tell if it was a sarcastic smile or one that was of genuine nature. 
"I know my mom's been a notorious magnet for rich dudes but I never thought she would end up in the arms of Choi Minjun, tsk. This is driving me nuts." You whine out, pulling at your hair and punching the throw pillow repeatedly.
"You do know there's some business strategy side to this, right unnie?" Minjeong suddenly speaks up. The youngest in your group rarely opened her mouth, which is why all four of you were all ears whenever she decides to give her input on things. 
"How so?" You ask, trying to make sense of the situation and guessing where she was going with this statement.
"Mm well... Yeonjun oppa's dad owns a lot of properties, and you guys own a lot of department stores.. So if your companies merge... Then, your mom can expand to more places and oppa's dad will acquire more patrons because of the brand - since your mom does have an insane amount of fans. It will be the merger that everyone in Korea will be talking about." 
"Wow.. I never really thought of it that way." You say in a hushed tone, trying to put the pieces together. 
"At this rate you'll be richer than all three of us combined. With the exception of Chaewon, of course." Yeji says in a joking manner, her statement causing Chaewon to flip her hair over her shoulder. 
You laugh it off, "Ah, well- that's.. that's really not my concern now. All I know is that my mother needs to get her life together.." 
"Well look at the bright side y/n, at least you get to look after my baby for me," Chaewon interjects, putting her hand over her chest. "You know, you can report to me and tell me if there are girls who try to flirt with him and all that. You’re basically going to be his younger sister anyways." She points out, nodding her head a few times. 
You stay silent, suddenly remembering that one little fact that his dad gave away at dinner.
He was still bringing random girls home at this point. 
There was an inner battle in you suddenly - should I say something? Or should I keep it under wraps since their relationship isn’t my business anyway? Something prompts you to go for the latter, not open your mouth and just nod.
You'd rather not be caught in the middle of the drama.
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
As expected, there was another party that night at Chaewon’s house.
There were indeed perks to being inheritors to future companies: your parents were more often than not, too busy to take note of anyone's whereabouts. Which is why you have the luxury to party whenever you wanted.
Surprisingly, you were actually in the mood to party then. As you’ve managed to down a few shots of soju as well as soju bombs with Yeji.  
And not surprisingly, Chaewon was all over Yeonjun that night.
You could feel him staring at you from time to time though. Nevertheless, you don't think much of it- as you’ve always made it a point not to.
He's probably waiting for me to f*ck up or something so he can tattletale on me to my mom next time we have a ‘family’ meal. 
“How’s my favorite girl?” Soobin’s voice made its presence known as he wraps his arm around your neck and pulls you into a hug. Your arms instinctively wrap around his torso, and you stay that way for a few minutes. 
“Ah- y/n! Before I forget! Remember how you were looking for that limited edition version of that manga we both loved?!” He asks as you pull away from the hug. You, of course, nod quickly.
The two of you have a lot of similarities, and your love for mangas and graphic novels was one of them. 
In a swift motion, he then pulls out something from his bag. And lo and behold, in its pristine condition, was the same novel you've been searching high and low for. 
“WHAT! NO WAY!!!” You shout over the music, enough to draw attention from the people around you. You envelop him in another excited hug out of gratitude. “I can’t believe you found it?! How did you do it? I had my mom’s assistant look all over for it. Even my grandparents’ staff were searching for it.” 
“Ah well, I have my connections. You’re not the only one, y/n.” Soobin winks as soon as you pull away to take the manga and read through the back cover. 
The rest of the night was spent with Soobin and a few more soju bottles. And by the end of the night, you were feeling the ugly effects of alcohol. 
Cuddled up with him on one side of the couch, with the two of you talking about all the animes you’ve watched the past week. It was pretty fun to have someone with whom you could nerd out, especially in a group of socialites such as the one you both have. 
“Ah, you’re remarkable. I can’t believe you like the same things I do.” He said, pinching your nose which causes you to scrunch it upwards. 
“y/n...?” He suddenly grows quiet after a few moments of just staring at each other. 
“H-huh?” You ask, your forehead creasing in curiosity. Unfortunately, right on time, your vision starts to blur, and the dimmed-out lights in the living room turned party area wasn’t helping. “W-what is it?” 
“C-can I k-kiss-- Y-yah.. y/n?! Hey! You ok?!”
That was pretty much the last thing you hear before passing out. 
And that was it, your dear old friend alcohol got the better of you, knocking you out on his lap. 
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
“Yeonjun, I don’t understand, you know I can bring her home safely.” 
Was I dreaming? 
“I know, but I promised her mom I’d take care of her, and that’s what I’ll do so hand her over.” His voice didn’t falter, standing firm to the promise he made to your mom.
W-wait.. I can’t see anything.. I can’t open my eyes. I’m still dizzy,  I can only hear faintly.. Ah, what is happening to me?!.. 
“Pff, alright, fine Jjunie.. But you better not try any funny business.” 
You could feel another pair of strong arms underneath you, cradling you as you shifted. The air is crisp and cold as it brushes through your legs. You were outside.
“Babe! Where are you going?! You can let Soobin handle her and the party’s not over yet.” 
That was Chaewon’s voice..
“I have to go Chae, I’ll bring her home first and make sure she’s settled. I’ll see you tomorrow in school hmm?” 
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
You wake up to music, a hummed lullaby of sorts. It was soothing and pleasant to hear. You can feel the soft mattress under your tired body. With how familiar it all felt, you could tell you were in your bed.
Apart from that, you can feel someone stroking your hair. 
Your eyelids felt so heavy as you open them, curious to see who it was. But you could barely see, vision still blurry no thanks to the after-effects of alcohol.
Add that, and the fact that it was rather pitch dark around your room- signaling that all the lights were off.
Someone was in your room, that you knew. Because you can hear him and his melodic humming, and whoever it was- he was unmistakably sitting at the edge of your bed next to you. 
“O-ow..” You croak out, feeling the throbbing in your head.  Pressing the palm of your hand against your forehead almost immediately, the melodic, soft voice cuts as you note the mattress' weight shift when the person beside you leans in to check on you.
“y/n, don't get up, just get some rest…” That voice, you know who it belongs to, but it took you a while to process it. 
Yeonjun’s voice? 
Even though you wanted so badly to keep your eyes open and verify if your guess was correct, you've had way too much to drink to keep up.
You couldn’t believe it though. How can someone so rugged and nonchalant about things have such a sweet voice? Plus, the mere idea that he’s here to make sure you're okay- that definitely does not seem like something he’d do. 
Or have you had a skewed vision of him this whole time?
Soon after, You feel his lips against your forehead. His soft buds leave a small peck and a tingling sensation on your skin, and you swore your cheeks felt a lot more heated than it was before.
At that point, you weren't sure if it was all a dream. You feel your stomach churn. Was it butterflies? Nah, it must be the soju. You tell yourself.
“Sweet dreams, y/n.” And with that, you drift off into dreamland.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hi can u do one where reader childhood bsf comes over by surprise when the team and wags (w readers &gavis fam) are over at readers house in there big yard they having a get together and him and his family were invited to stay and he keeps making remarks and saying things about there childhood memories and his sister says “I really wanted you as my sister in law”wich made everyone mad like gavis family and friends and his mom said “maybe I can stil have y as my daughter-in-law and that caused everyone to get even more mad bec everyone loves them together and they don’t want anything to happen to them and can we have a jealous gavi?
I programmed this with the hour-posting thing, hope it works!
Kinda loved this request, I mean... The audacity of the mom saying "Maybe I can still have you as my daughter-in-law" makes me think of Belén going all crazy and defensive like: "Hell no, she's mine!"
Audacity -P.G
Summary: When you get hints of love confessions in front of your boyfriend made by your best friend, you gotta step up and make things clear.
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You were having the greatest time ever with your family, your boyfriend's family, a few of his friends and teammates like Pedri, Ansu, Alejandro, Ronald, Kessié, Ferrán, Eric, Robert and his girlfriends/wives were here doing a parrilla, most of them still over the moon with their LaLiga title, taking advantage of the fact that the Páez Gavira family was also here and fourth members complete you decided to do another little celebration.
A few of the lads like Busi, Alonso, Ousmane and Frenkie couldn't come because of personal stuffs but the rest of them said "I'm in".
You laughed when Pedri was telling an story when the bell rang, confused you thought it was one of the guys but everyone was already there so deciding to not interrupt everyone else you went to open the door.
When you did so, you didn't expected for your best friend to be behind it, especially since he left for Portugal to study and you had four years and half without seeing each other but still talked, not frequently as you used to do but still.
You were surprised? Yes, in both good and bad ways. You missed him? Yes, this guy has been your best friend since you were eight years old. You were mad? Yes too, you already have plans going on and he just can't appear himself like nothing. Also, how did he knew the direction of your shared house with your two years boyfriend, Pablo? And most important... How was he let in if you lived in a residential condominium?
"Hola" You said tight smiling still not processing everything
"Do I not get a hug or you already changed me?" You laughed lightly shaking your head but still decided to hug him
"I'm surprised, it's all" Your voice came out muffled by his clothes
"Gonna let me come in?" Your eyebrows lifted at his request. This wasn't like him. Where was left the sweet and shy guy that you always had to protect from people?
"Portugal has changed you, hasn't it?" You asked still not letting him in but in fact leaned at the door
"For the best" You nod taking him in
"Thought you hated tattoos?" You asked watching one on his bicep
"This one is meaningful" You hum nodding
"What does it mean?"
"The skateboard is me and the sunflower is you. You've always liked sunflowers and I remember that time where you putted a sunflower in the skateboard and I pushed it" You laugh at the memory lightly
"It fell off the hill" You said still giggling making Josué laugh too
"It did"
"You shouldn't have done that though. You could've done something else, there's like a million significative things to do" You shook your head
"Well... I missed you and I wanted to have this memory of you" You smile lightly
"Well thank you" You nod "Don't expect me to do me one though"
"Only if you want" You shook your head
"Not in the mood for one of those" You reply lightly as he laughs
"The new house is pretty... And really big. All for yourself?" You nod "When did you left your parents house?"
"Like sixth-seventh months ago"
"You didn't told me" You shrug your shoulders
"I guess I forgot to" You look at him "Sorry for that" He shakes his head not really paying attention to it "What are you doing here by the way?"
"You don't want me to?"
You laughed "I told you I'm surprised" You removed yourself from the door "Short vacations? Long vacations?"
"Short vacations" You hum nodding "Uni's been hard so I took the first chance I got to come back here for a week"
"I'm glad for you" You said smiling
"Are you busy?" You nod
"I am actually"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm in a... celebration? get-together? both?" You ask laughing lightly "So yes... You can come back tomorrow and I can help you with anything, we can catch up too" You propose excited
"I'm leaving tomorrow to Madrid to see my mom's family side"
"Ah! What a shame" You say when all of sudden you heard a woman's yell
"Y/N!" You look behind Josué's shoulders and see his mom and his older sister making their way towards you
"You brought your family?"
"I really thought you were doing nothing, like old times where you only did school things"
"Yeah well... Old times" You fake laughed, not liking his comment "I'm busy, Josué"
"Please, just a few minutes then we'll be out of your hair" You sigh opening the door for him to come in
"Fine" He fistbumps the air "Only because of your family because if not I would have made your ass get back" He laughed as you hug his family, also not seeing them for the same amount of time as your best friend
"We missed you so much!" You smile
"I have missed you too, señora Ana"
"None of señora, just Ana" You laugh closing the door
"I'm loving your house, girlie" Josué's sister, Bárbara said "Can I stay over?"
"Maybe not today" You laugh "Make yourselves at home" You say going to the kitchen to settle the five of you there for a while.
A few minutes have passed, you were chatting with them when your mom comes inside asking for you and gasps when she sees her friend, Ana. You fought the need of rolling your eyes, this wasn't supposed to happen.
You loved them but you were pissed at the fact they just showed up like I'm here, if you haven't seen me and done, no. It didn't worked it that way, you were busy and they didn't respected that.
Now, your mom was talking with them all excited and invited them to stay for a little while and you wanted to yell at her no but two things happen. One, you never raised your voice at her. Two, it would be seem in a bad way that you don't want them here.
And you don't. Right now, you don't.
Seconds later, Pablo came in worry written on his face "Amor, is everything okay?" He asked and when he saw you his worry left but then confussion took over his pretty face watching the four unknown people to him in his house "Sorry" He apologized
You walked towards him, grabbing both of his hands "Everything's good, mi vida. Don't worry"
"And who are they?"
You sigh "He's my whole life-best friend, the one I told you about that's living in Portugal now" You said looking at Pablo "He's Josué Salvador" You introduce your best friend "His sister, Bárbara Salvador" You point out the girl "And his mom Ana" Pablo nodded "Señores, this is my boyfriend Pablo Páez" You smile
A few "Nice to meet you's" were heard in the exchange
"They decided to give me a little surprise visit, considering we've not seen each other for four years" You added smiling
"Que lindo de su parte" (How nice of them) Pablo said looking at you as you tried to apologize with your look
"But Y/N told us you guys were a bit busy so we might as well go now" Josué said as Ana lamented
"Already?" You smiled painfully at her
"I'm sorry, I asked him to come tomorrow but he said you'll be off to Madrid to see your family. You grabbed me by surprised, we had already done plans" You felt Pablo's arm go around your waist as you lean into him
"They can stay for a while" Pablo blurted out as everyone look at him
"You sure?" Bárbara asks impressed
"You sure?" You ask not believing him and at the same time giving him a look "I mean... You sure?" You changed your tone
"We wouldn't like to step in and-" Pablo cut them off
"You can join us for a while if you'd like. You haven't seen Y/N for four years and it was a nice gesture of you to surprise her, a few minutes more won't hurt anybody" You gave him another look and he just brushed it off
Fun thing he had said that.
One hour later he was clenching his jaw over and over again, he was with his eyebrows furrowed and he only heard the "Do you remember when we..." words over and over again. It wasn't fun anymore. Everyone and even you, kept trying on taking the lead of the conversation to another place, change the subject, but everything you said he always managed to bring it back with a: "That reminds me of..."
Every single one of you were tired of hearing those stuffs. Pablo was retracting his words and he now understood your looks.
"You know" Bárbara spoke "I really wanted you both to be together as a couple and for you to be my sister-in-law" Now, everyone opened their eyes wide as possible as you coughed the drink you had taken and Pablo sat up straight in his seat, pulling you more into him. You put your hand on his thigh
You could see the looks of disbelief, anger and annoyance of everyone
"Really? I didn't know that" You tried to play it off "Sorry to say that won't happen. I've never seen Josué in that way and I don't think I ever will, I already got my boyfriend"
"We thought it was obvious Josué was in love with you" His mom said
"He almost didn't took up on the scholarship for you" Bárbara continued
"Glad he did, wouldn't wanna be a dream crusher" You replied quickly as they got quiet for a bit
"Also, she already has a sister-in-law" Pedri says nodding as Aurora smiles pointing at herself
"The best one" You go to high five her but miss it causing you to laugh
"But you can still be" Ana said "You know, maybe you can become my daughter-in-law and Bárbará's sister"
"Maybe you can go and look for another one" Belén said laughing lightly trying to light up the mood "This one's mine" She grabbed your shoulders and kissed your cheek as you grab her hands and kiss her cheek smiling
"We saw her first" Bárbara said
"She's not an object" Alejandro says shaking his head
"She can choose who her in-law's will be" Ana, Robert's wife said as you nod
"And those are the Páez Gavira family" You said immediately, happy that your friends got your back
"Yes for now... Maybe in the future who knows?" Ana said smiling
"I don't think so, señora" Pablo said "I intend on spending the rest of my life next to Y/N as her boyfriend, in a future her fiancé and then her husband. You can add into the mix the dad of her children, I'm not letting her go, she's the love of my life" You smile grabbing his hand
"It's disrespectful of you to come here and say those kind of stuffs" Araujo's wife, Abigail said "And mostly when we all love Y/N and Pablo together, they are it for each other"
"Yes, it truly is" Your mom said nodding "This is a family get together too, we don't really appreaciate these kind of vibes here and mostly when we are celebrating something really important for all of us. I'm not letting you enter my daughter's and my son-in-law's house and sit there talking trash, I'm sorry to be the one who says this but I think it's the best if you leave"
"Walk us out?" Ana asked you, your mom stood up without problem and opened the door that gave access inside your house.
"Are you really gonna let this happen?" You shrug your shoulders as you see Josué turn around at the door, you sigh lightly
"Hey, I wasn't the one who started saying stuff that I wasn't supposed to say, I have a boyfriend and for your sister to say something like that in front of our faces, bro... She has THE balls" You shook your head "We've changed, Josué. Our friendship isn't the same it used to be as when we were fourteen and much less when we were eight. I'm not the same and you're not the same" You look at his tattoo "I'm sorry I never knew you were in love with me and I'm sorry I don't see you in that kind of way, I'm happy with my boyfriend, I'm in love with him and I want the rest of my future with him. That little stunt your mom and sister did was awful and childlish"
"Your life is in Portugal now, mine is still here in Barcelona. With this amazing people" You mention all around you "We can remember the good times because you're still my best friend the one who supported me through everything and you will always be. But I don't think I can forgive this, your family didn't just insulted me, they insulted my boyfriend, his family, my family and our friends, that crossed a line. I hope you get the best girl ever because you are an incredible boy and wish you the best" You smile pushing your fist out for him to hit it
"Sorry for everything" He said pushing his fist with yours "Lamento mucho todo esto, gente" (I'm sorry for all of this, people)
"Try not to do it often" Pablo said behind you as everyone laughed lightly
And with that Josué left and a big silence was formed in between you.
"Okay... We know you're guapa, Y/N" Pedri said smiling "We just didn't know you had that kind of power, attracting not only the men but their families as well" You laughed loudly
"La señora Belén fighting for her yerna" Robert said making you laugh as Belén kissed your hair
"I was just protecting one of the family members" She said as you smile at her
"I didn't liked her from the beggining" Aurora said shaking her head as your mom returned
"We could see it when Bárbara mistaked the Gucci belt" Ferrán said still making the laughs return but Pablo stood up, excused himself for a moment and left.
You sighed, excusing yourself too and left after him.
"Pabs" You said jogging upstairs into your shared bedroom "Pabs" You called out for him "Amor" You watch him sit on the edge of your side of the bed, hands on his head as his elbows rested on his knees "Talk to me?"
"I'm just impressed by the audacity of that people" He said shaking his head in disbelief "They just passed over me like as if I was nothing. I felt fucking small"
"Even I did. I was so uncomfortable, I didn't even wanted them to come in. Not everyone can appear as if nothing, I only let them in so I could talk with them for a few minutes but everything went out of hand. And you were just being nice when you let them stay... But I gave you your place, I let them know I'm not changing you and the lads helped too"
"I know" Pablo nodded looking at you "I'm just shocked"
"And jealous?" You hinted as he gave you a look but sighed
"He shared so many things with you, mi vida! It is a bit impossible to not get jealous, I think he knows you even better than I do"
"Stop that. He doesn't. You know me, the present me and you will know the future me. He knows the past me and like I said, I changed. He knows my favorite fruit at twelve was strawberry but you know now that, that's not true..."
"Because you love watermelon" You nod
"I love watermelon" You agree "See? There's a whole stuff he knew about my twelve year old me but you know them better. Don't be jealous because yes, he may have been my best friend, but you're my best friend now, you're my partner in crime, you're my rock, the shoulder I lay and cry on, the ying to my yang, the love of my life, my boyfriend and my everything. Stop that and focus on the important things, your career, your life, your family, us" Pablo smiled
"You're right... Just like always" You smiled giggling and leaned up to grah his face and kiss his lips "Love you" He said as you blush
"Y yo te quiero mucho más" You replied standing up "C'mon, let's tell everyone the party's cut short so we can cuddle. I know you want that and I also want that"
"You truly are it for me, you know me so well" He hugged you from behind kissing your neck as you both laughed
"What can I say? I'm whipped for my man"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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cyxnidx · 2 years
Hello! Can I request part 2 of “What’re you reading?” But with Scaramouche (Wanderer), Heizou, and Albedo?
sure thing luv <3
part 1 here
characters: Scaramouche, Heizou, Albedo and Tartaglia
summary: they finding you reading/writing smut
a/n: i decided to add tartaglia for this one! hope you dont mind
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scara was the curious type, especially with you. so when he felt bored, and decided to see what you were doing only to find you reading, he couldn’t help but be tempted to see it.
“can i see?” he asked timidly, reaching for the book slowly. you couldn’t help but let him take a look, watching as he admired the cover and back.
though, your heart rate when from a calm pace to a panicky one as you watched him open the book, slowly admiring the drawings and speech bubbles.
and just as you tried to take the book, he landed on one of the more mature scenes. you sighed like a disappointed mother as his eyes widened, hands eventually dropping the book out of pure shock.
“at no point in time should i have seen that..” he said, now stunned at the hardcore graphics.
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“give it back, heizou!” you scolded, face puckered and annoyed. your boyfriend had taken your phone while you were on ao3, and to say the least, you were more annoyed than you usually would be.
it was your favorite fic, and one of your favorite scenes was coming up. that was until your eyes were too full of anticipation and excitement for heizou’s liking, tempting him to take it.
“what’s so important on it anyway?” he asked, still clueless of the mess he’s gotten himself into already. you sighed, not wanting to tell. “just give it back, and make it easier on yourself.”
“easier?” he asked, somewhat offended by the use of the word. were you looking down on him? “why would you think i’d want to make it easier on myself? do you think there’s something i cant handle here?”
smirking, you shrugged. “maybe. i mean, it may be new as to be a bit hard to comprehend.”
you laughed as you watched him look at your phone, reading the many words that made up such interesting paragraphs, only to give it back in a shock.
“that. i never thought it’d be that.”
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albedo had seen it all at this point. from point A, to point Z. though, as much as he had heard, and even watched, he’d never thought that he’d read such descriptive words. Words that made everything seem to realistic.
and with his vivid imagination? oh, it was a field day.
“you see what happens when you use my stuff, albedo?” you asked, hand on your hip and face having a smart look to it.
a particular snarky look he seemed to hate. a cocky expression.
though, there wasn’t much he could do with how shocked he was. he was absolutely stunned. “this is what you read..” he said, almost seeming scarily surprised.
“oh? but i thought you’ve seen it all?” you asked in an unimpressed tone, only to be caught off-guard with his next question. “can we try it?”
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“so? what do you think?” you asked expectantly as you watched Tartaglia’s eyes read the words you’ve written for a post.
you frequently wrote online, and he had no problem with it at all. if anything, he loved that it was how you expressed your creativity, emotions and just random thoughts.
he found it beautiful.
however, out of all the things he’d usually proof-read for you, this was the first one he’d consider extreme.
“Tartaglia..?” you asked again, taking into account that he’d went quiet. he should be done reading by now, it wasn’t like it was a lot. just about 3 paragraphs.
“you’d like to know what i thought of it, yes?” he asked, checking for assurance.
you nodded eagerly, wanting to hear his opinion on it or if you’ve made any mistakes describing something.
“honestly..” he began, turning your phone off and placing it on the bedside table. “..how about we test it out first?”
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happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate🫶🏼
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ladyluscinia · 8 months
Izzy, Bottles, and Apologies
Izzy's arc in S2 has been a wild ride.
The S1 Izzy enjoyers are feeling vindicated as hell, many people are fully revising their opinion of him, and the people still hating him have a new criticism or off the wall theory daily. David Jenkins LOVES Izzy and is having the time of his life trying to make sure everyone else does too. They had Con O'Neill sing in drag!
And naturally I have thoughts.
This is gonna be a two part post, I think. First, as much as people are celebrating Izzy having realized his arc and come into his own - from the singing to the apparent BlackBonnet shipping - there are some threads they could pull on that might reveal more arc to come. And I am really hoping they pull them, so I'm gonna tell you why you should too!
And second, I have some minor points I dislike and concerns that this might be the end of the arc. Which would be disappointing but I think I get why, so I'm gonna discuss that too.
To start...
"How are you handling all this so well?"
Here's the thing about S2 Izzy - while I need to be clear his behavior is not OOC or inconsistent with S1, it is happening rather fast. I'm pretty sure that has a lot to do with out of universe reasons I'll get into later, but in-universe it stands out. Now, he's hardly the only one operating on an accelerated schedule - the timeline for this season is an insanely fast not-even-two-weeks - but Izzy's defining struggle in S1 was fear of change. That was the cause of his friction with Edward, and what made him an antagonist in the first place.
In S2 he's gone through a lot of trauma, yes, but that fear is noticeably less present than I would expect.
Izzy in 2x06 has been cleaned up from his sobbing mess phase for just over 48 hours and he faces Edward with a joke, and then that night sings a moving French serenade to the crew. The next morning he's teasing them about finally hooking up and spends the day offering both Stede and Edward relationship advice.
He's a newly realized man... shedding repression and embracing who he could be. Accepting his breakup with Edward and trying to openly support the relationship that's better for him.
It's fun!
It's also, potentially, a bit of a flag. Maybe not a red one, not yet, but... pink-ish? A bit orange?
Let's look a little closer at those frayed edges.
"Well, you see, I have a system..."
There's an exchange from right at the start of the Pilot episode that has echoed through the entire series so far:
"Bottle it up?" -> "No, Frenchie! No, that's the worst thing you could do!"
Not talking to other people, not addressing your traumas... that's the kind of shit that just builds and builds inside you. When the cork eventually pops, the resulting damage can be a lot. Look at the finale of S1, where all of Stede's bottled up guilt and insecurities laid waste to his relationship with Edward, and then inadvertently became the first domino in the Kraken.
S2 is quick to bring this scene back into the forefront. The first time we see the Breakup Boat crew talking in 2x01, Frenchie reveals that "Bottle it up?" wasn't just a random comment he made, but a philosophy of his:
"Ah - well, you see, I have a system for dealing with all the terrible things I've seen. There's a box, in my mind, and I put the things in the box, I lock the box, and then I don't open it again. Works like a charm."
Apparently, Frenchie is the only one it actually seems to be working for.
Now, the show has been drawing some interesting lines between Frenchie and Izzy. From both serving as Blackbeard's First Mate to being frequently shown as a duo - tormenting Navy guys together on Sunday's raid, Frenchie holding Izzy's hand, Frenchie leaning on Izzy's leg in the cell, Frenchie behind him raising the flag in 2x05 - it's fitting that Izzy echoes Frenchie's preferred coping method. First he frames the non-acknowledgement of harm from Edward as just... part of piracy. He's a pirate, so he's fine with it.
And then we get Izzy's little whittled shark reveal and the conversation with Lucius about his leg:
"I don't know what you're talking about. Shark did this... dangling my legs over the side of the ship. Served me right, too."
Lucius calls him out on the unhealthy behavior, and Izzy concedes his point:
"O-kay, that seems healthy. Using a bit of fiction to help cover up your trauma." -> "Yeah, well... not moving on is worse. Twatty."
And to give him credit, he's right in his advice to Lucius. Filling his sketchbook with pages and pages of Blackbeard trauma is Lucius's form of bottling it up - thinking in endless recursive circles about his tumble off the ship and everything that followed. We already know chasing revenge instead of living is bad - Jim and Spanish Jackie established it last season, and Pete just echoed them. When Izzy advises Lucius to move on, that's what Lucius does.
But what Izzy is doing with the shark? That's not the same thing at all. He's lost a leg, grazed a bullet off his own head, and was snarling drunken accusations at himself in the mirror... he's not moving on from that. He's bottling it up with a nice dose of self-blame.
Cutting the legs off the unicorn for not doing it's job right and saying "served me right" about his fictional shark? There's a real dark knot of emotions there.
(Recall, too, that Edward deflected his hurt from Stede's abandonment into a "fictional character" during his chats with Lucius, and that delayed the explosion but couldn't stop it.)
So... Izzy's definitely coping with trauma in a way the show does not advise and often circles back to. Can we see any signs in 2x06 and 2x07?
The Weight of Things Unsaid
At the very start of 2x06, Izzy gets the thing he spent all of 2x05 mentally bracing himself to never hear - an apology from Edward for his leg. He walks up to initiate conversation and begins talking like nothing has changed. Edward is back in his leathers. Appropriate, given that his penance onesie was nothing genuine, just "how long do I have to wear this fucking thing for?" And Izzy is ready for them not to address the obvious hurt, to just smooth over a few jabs and go back to normal... but even Edward's mumbled little "Sorry about your leg" is so significant and difficult he flees as soon as he gets it out, leaving Izzy to sit, incredulous, with the acknowledgement.
It's still almost definitely not enough.
There was so much between them in 2x01 - 2x03. The writers literally did BlackHands love confessions on both sides. An apology from Edward Teach - a man who historically does not apologize - is a huge first step but still only the first step. The real things unsaid are so much bigger than a leg.
We get something else, too... Edward commenting on Izzy's drinking.
"Jesus. Really putting that away, aren't ya?"
Izzy has had booze a lot this season. He lost a leg and pain meds aren't really an option, so not surprising, but notable. Edward, advocating for substance abuse to deal with bad feelings, calls him a lightweight in 2x01. When they are found with the dead seabird in 2x03, Izzy takes a pointed drink from his bottle, and then 2x04 he spends the entire episode completely plastered. He seemingly sobered up for 2x05 - probably to focus on sword training and his whittling project - but now the bottle is back again before Izzy disappears for several hours.
And a little liquid courage might explain his going all in for the Calypso's Birthday performance.
I do appreciate that the performance on it's face is something completely unexpected for Izzy, but when thinking about it... it does make sense.
We already know music and performance were available on Blackbeard's ship even before Stede. Edward learned to play shanties on the piano somewhere, and singing is a common and encouraged part of sailing culture. Izzy's choice of song to perform is something a lot more emotional, but this is probably not his first performance for a crew.
Makeup, too, is in fashion for men and women at this time, and OFMD has shown it as such before. Izzy has never worn fashion makeup, or tried to be beautiful, but the concept wouldn't be alien to him. Wee John's description of a dramatic party look might even have intrigued him specifically because Izzy has actually done "looks" before - of the terrifying "theatre of fear" kind. The Kraken did have his whole crew in makeup for their raids. Taking the opportunity to embody something a bit more vulnerable and try to bring joy to this crew that took care of him is meaningful as fuck.
And it's still a drag performance!
It's a good pair of moments - before and after Ned. Proof that all this isn't just coping method - that's not what I'm arguing here - and even if Izzy's still bottling up a lot of feelings he's not doing the same full pressure bomb thing as he did in S1. There's been growth!
(This is why the flags are only pink-ish / orange-ish right now.)
Episode 2x07 though... I'm not so sure he's doing good as much as pretending it's all good.
Showing up to make his joke in the morning is a fun moment. I especially enjoy Edward's little "fuck off" with no bite to it 🤣🤣🤣 Reminder they do live together on a ship, so this is likely not even close to the first morning-after that Izzy has gotten front row seats to. But, at least to me, there's also a very performative feeling about it. Izzy being very Look how normal I can be about you fucking your boyfriend, Ed - and Edward picks up on it too. That's why he turns to Stede and whispers "He's jealous" as Izzy walks away.
Izzy continues to make jokes and give advice through the day to our main couple, but he's... subdued. I think his fake chill also disguises that he and Edward aren't on the same page about what they discuss at the docks, hence his poor advice to "listen to it" when the "it" in question is Edward's immediate desire to run away from Stede and become a fisherman. They are talking again, but haven't resumed communicating.
I also think it's relevant that Izzy goes to try and support Stede after Edward dumps him, because we're still waiting for Stede to stop bottling things up. He doesn't talk about Badminton or feelings of inadequacy or even the babiest little olive branch to Edward about "hey my dad kinda sucked too." Edward's two exes are sitting in the bar corner together, thinking about all the shit they won't talk to him about until it kills all three of them. Exciting!
The pressure is building. It has to circle back to Stede in S3. I'm hoping at the same time, it circles back to Izzy, too.
Hoping we get to explore some of his anxiety, and his internalizing negative self-image and blame. At the moment, I think Izzy might have less gotten over his anxieties and more just let go of the wheel of his life entirely, and fortunately had people around to steer him in okay directions. It would be really interesting to explore that more.
(Even if I have some concerns they may not.)
Subtle as a Cannonball to the Face
Izzy's character arc was always going to be a long journey - not because he was somehow morally worse than everyone else, or required particularly painstaking growth, or even because there was going to be some great need to "hold him accountable" for S1. No, it was going to be a long journey from an antagonist start for the same reason I mentioned earlier: Izzy's core struggle is fear of change.
OFMD opens with two protagonists recklessly pursuing change in ways that harm themselves, their relationships, and others, and a primary onscreen antagonist resisting change in a way that harms himself, his relationships, and others. There's no easy morality here - they all fuck up. And they all require the entire show to actually figure out the correct balance of change and growth and facing the past.
"I think the three of them are on an arc together that's pretty inseparable." - David Jenkins (Source, 9 Oct 2023)
So... why is there a chance that everything I've mentioned above is going absolutely nowhere and Izzy's arc has been wrapped up with a bow in S2?
It's late March 2022, the fandom's age is still only countable in weeks, I personally haven't even watched the pilot yet, had only even heard of the show 3 days before... and one of David Jenkins first post-finale statements is telling people to pay attention to Izzy's POV and his and Edward's love story on rewatches (Source, 25 Mar 2022), and then soon after comparing Stede to a homewrecker in Edward and Izzy's toxic marriage (Source, 15 Apr 2022). Lots of links because this stuff was available to the fandom from the start.
By the first half of May 2022 (while poor Mr. Jenkins is still anxiously trying to get his series renewed for S2, since the confirmation won't come until June 1) the takes on Izzy have soured a lot. It's not a "homophobic gay" joke anymore. Now it's "Izzy is the embodiment of colonialism who enforces a racist and homophobic ideal of Blackbeard on Edward" and "pretending Izzy could be canonically gay is homophobic" and "Izzy bought Edward as a slave from the British". Harassing anons have already started on tumblr. No first hand experience with Twitter but I've heard horror stories. These takes are spreading like wildfire through the fandom, with a heavy backing of white fans accepting and spreading anything that sounds vaguely racially-conscious as something they just missed in their privilege and need to listen to POC about. Or listen to other white fans that say they've been listening to POC.
The anchor hoist in 1x09 (that was a complete directing coincidence, as the crew confirmed in late May) is being taken as incontrovertible proof that Izzy is a violent racist, and the relatively small Izzy fandom pushing back against any of these reads is being likened to toxic fangirls declaring Kylo Ren a poor widdle victim because they think violent white guys are so hot their brains fall out. This is happening loudly and in the public forums of social media.
Can you imagine being David Jenkins right then?
This is one of your favorite little guys, who you wrote a silly little homoerotic pirate jealousy arc for. He's kinda cringefail and tends to be a dick, but you cast a guy who you think embodies him with so much sympathy and genuine emotion. You're so excited to explore his direct relationship to the main couple of your series even more. Unfortunately, you and a lot of the cast and crew are also engaging maybe a bit too much in fandom spaces, which very few of you have much familiarity with navigating as creators. AND there's still renewal stress!
If I were him, I too would consider that perhaps my intended Izzy arc was a bit too nuanced and drawn out, and maybe I needed to clear up some misconceptions as soon as I got the opportunity.
Enter S2.
MAX reduced the budget for the season significantly and it shows - particularly in the whole thing having to squeeze into 8 episodes - and I wouldn't be surprised at all if worries over a S3 renewal / S3 budget impacted S2 writing as well. Character arcs got pinched, goals had to be prioritized... and from the looks of the season, "make sure everyone knows Izzy is not a homophobic villain tormenting Edward as fast as possible" came out as a big goal.
I mean they open with a dream sequence that literally mocks the idea of a heroic Stede rescuing Edward from the dastardly Izzy. It's not subtle.
And the lack of subtlety is kind of what's concerning me.
Izzy's arc is (I think) leaving enough threads that they can extend it into S3 with the reveal he's not actually fine and done developing, but they also seem to want his S2 arc to end in a place where maybe he is. Lots of giant signs pointing to him and saying "Look! Everyone likes him!" or "Look! He's also gay!" at the expense of some of his cringefail or dickish charm. My guy had anxiety he dealt with poorly in S1, and I do think they are trying to frontload or adjust the arc so he's basically (or at least seemingly) over that before the next hiatus.
The best way I've seen it described is that the show no longer trusts the audience to pick up what they are putting down, and so they feel the need to really hammer it in. Not necessarily OOC, but definitely de-emphasizing any of his rough edges that were originally just written to not be any worse than the other characters.
This is why Izzy gets shot by Edward in the very first episode for a bunch of complicated reasons that are really good character work and not super hard to discern, but then later they have Izzy point out to Stede why he got shot twice. It's all very "look into the camera and say the themes", because to some degree they are afraid everyone is going to get easily convinced Edward shot him for calling him a namby-pamby that one time.
It makes me worried they are too afraid of misinterpretation to commit to the arc they originally conceived of, even with the finish line in sight in S3.
And, again, I get it, Mr. Jenkins. In October 2022 he made a funny quip and a boner joke on a tweet about Edward's blanket fort and the hordes descended to scream victoriously about how he was cutting down the Izzy stans for their racist infantilization crimes of thinking Izzy would *checks notes* help hold up a blanket. It's a very reasonable conclusion that this fandom cannot read and needs to be spoonfed Izzy's arc.
It just sucks that a toxic section of fandom's misinterpretations appear to have undercut a strong - and, honestly, not that complicated - character arc so much that S2's BlackBonnet arc can be about fuck ups and backsliding, but Izzy needs at least the illusion of having no flaws left come hiatus time.
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rebuke-me · 13 days
actually sorry i'm making this a separate post too so i can put it in the tag and itll show up. if u read my reblog on my previous post its literally just the same material sorry.
long post of my analysis of gender, tropes, and the musical be more chill ahead
so. i'm going to start with the wider overarching ideas of teen romcoms. im mostly thinking the mean girls/princess diaries/that sort of movie. early 2000s kind of cheesy kind of problematic at points but still having that nostalgia.
in most of these sort of movies, theres a very structured plot. the lead girl is an outcast, a weirdo. she's either childish or unattractive or a nerd or a loner. she frequently has a best friend (or a few) who are somehow more of insert "undesirable" trait here. usually, this best friend is also more eccentric, more outwardly strange, rejects the idea of the popularity.
the lead girl also has a crush on a guy who's unattainable, he's interesting to her, she's never talked to him a day in her life but she swoons over him. she's in love with the idea of A Boy. (and frequently, the guy has caught the attention of a popular girl who functions as her rival, whos prettier, and better liked, and has more of the traits the main girl desires.) she sees her male crush with the popular girl and loses hope.
the lead girl gets a chance to change her life- maybe she's noticed by a popular girl- who offers her a chance to be something else for seemingly arbitrary reasons. through this, she gets a makeover, a way to be as pretty as the girl shes a rival of. she also lies or embellishes herself to be attractive to people around her, especially the guy she likes.
the girl climbs the social ladder, she gains the attention of the popular boys and the romance she's been craving. she's desirable now. (and sometimes shes desirable in ways that aren't good for her, sometimes shes used as a way to show off or make people jealous, not for her, but for what she's become). she goes to a party that goes horribly wrong. her quirky weird best friend blows up at her.
the main girl also sees the intricacies of people she's never thought to have flaws, to have issues. even the girl who she's competing over a guy with. she realizes that idealizing people who are just like her, deep down, doesn't work. she hits rock bottom, loses everything, and then has to forcefully gain it back, make things right, and then she gets the guy at the end.
every single one of those plot points happens in be more chill, but everything is genderflipped. the main girl becomes jeremy, an insecure guy, making the narrative more about toxic masculinity than toxic femininity. the insults are about jeremy's looks, yes, but more prominently about his sexuality- something that men are traditionally a lot more insecure about than women, in most cases. he's a hopeless romantic. he's insecure. he's awkward and anxious. he's all the traits of a traditional teen movie romcom protagonist, but male.
the quirky girl best friend becomes michael, whos the outgoing, exuberant, eccentric friend. he's at a different place in his life than jeremy, whos fixated on popularity. he gets upset when his friend changes and leaves him behind.
the Male Love Interest becomes christine- unattainable but excitable. she's more than just a hunk for the main lead to be attracted to, but she serves the purpose of getting jeremy out of his comfort zone.
the popular girls become two separate archetypes of maleness, with jake and rich. jake takes on the romantic lead- popular, cool, athletic, effortlessly attractive, and the rival of the lead for the romantic attraction of the love interest. he's still operating under toxic masculinity. he lashes out with anger, he's not kind at times, he's seen as unintelligent.
rich takes on the almost gretchen-weiners-esque "popular girl" role. he's still popular and cool, but he's almost trying too hard. he's just as angry and aggressive, he's trying hard to be something he's not. he's also the one whos an analog for queerness, which is an interesting flip- think the "its like you're in love with me or something" bit from mean girls. he's the one who offers jeremy a chance for something different, a do-over.
the squip, while not a direct analog for anything in traditional romcom movies (since its kind of a nebulous. scifi concept) stands in for the literal themes of these sorts of stories. its toxic masculinity, its popularity, its the voice in your head telling you to tear others down, to pry out information, to push your way to the top.
the popular girls are particularly interesting, because as individuals, they kind of mess around with everything a bit. while everything else has been pretty cut and dry, they're all a mix of a bunch of things. they serve the roles of the popular guys in these sorts of scenarios while being very stereotypically feminine.
chloe is the mean girl, the leader of the pack. in teen movies, she'd be the star quarterback, the ex of the romantic rival, the one who is the peak of toxic masculinity- which the musical flips to make about toxic femininity with her (and brooke.)
the next paragraph is going to talk about Do You Wanna Hang and touch on SA, if you don't want to read it, skip to the next italicized section.
chloe also functions as something all too common in teen movies. she pushes jeremy into a sexual encounter he doesn't want to be in. she's not even interesting in him, as a person, but him as an object, something usually reserved for women in fiction. she does it as a power play, a way to get back at other people. she attacks his looks, his attitude, and this is when the downsides of "being popular" start to reveal themselves. (side note, this is an INCREDIBLY problematic trope to me, especially in its original form, because it enhances the idea of "if youre attractive you want this" type deal. a what were you wearing sort of attitude towards sexual assault. instead of treating it like a tragedy, its almost a status symbol.) and because the main character is a male- its never addressed further. its brought up in a singular line between the popular "guy" stand-ins.
i am done talking about this topic you're safe now
brooke is also intriguing, because shes one of the only characters in this concept that doesn't seem to have a direct parallel. if i'd have to give her something, i'd probably mark her down as the male sidekick to the popular guy, the one who doesn't get anything other than being the best friend. but she does get something, by virtue of her being a girl now. she's a viable love interest, or at least a status symbol.
jenna falls into a similar category to me- a character who only serves to bolster the reputation of the main character. she takes on the role of information spreader, which is a traditionally feminine role.
i could also talk about how i think that its interesting that while most of the actions in be more chill that are given to people of opposite genders (e.g. romantic rival, call to popularity, quirky best friend, the Do You Wanna Hang problem) the MOTIVATIONS for the actions are still aligning with the gender of the characters. like, rather than the gender of the original trope. if that makes sense.
anyways i scrolled back and realized i had like 10 paragraphs im gonna stop now but. yeah. gender in bmc is fascinating to me
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hooked-on-elvis · 5 months
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July, 1972 on Elvis' Beverly Hills home, 1174 Hillcrest Drive.
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INTRODUCTION: Some things need to be clear beforehand. Elvis was threatened quite a few times over the years, specially since he began performing live on stage again, in 1969. Death threats were sent his way occasionally. Whether the threats were intentional or just a way of messing up with a famous person, some of those sounded pretty serious, thus not only Presley's personal security men or the local police department, even the FBI worked in investigating some of those incidents. Things got to a point when there were moments the threats warned about bombs being placed at his concert sites at the same day a show about to take place. Nothing came out of any of those threats, fortunately but, once those things happened, naturally Elvis was concerned for his life, therefore he was absolutely entitled to carry a gun, out of precaution, safety, "just in case" situation. It's fair to mention the Manson murders had only taken place a few years earlier (August, 1969) and, as we all know, actress Sharon Tate and her friends were murdered inside her home, tragically, which happened to be at Elvis' Beverly Hills neighborhood, so, yes, Elvis Presley was usually carrying a gun throughout the 70s, often, if not all times.
Now, where this story on that one specific picture came from? Elvis' stepbrother, Billy Stanley. Billy is standing behind Elvis on the picture above.
Fans discuss Elvis' personal life over and over - and almost nothing can possibly come to conclusion because we weren't there to witness anything and some of the sources the stories come from are not so reliable as they seem to be, but still it's fun to collect different accounts on things that happened in the King' life. On January 10th, 2024, a fan shared the first picture (on top of this post, Elvis walking alone towards his gate with the left hand behind his back) on a Facebook fanpage. The fans passionately discussed the "gun" rumor. Pamela Freiberg, owner and administrator for "Elvis in the 70s" Facebook group, directly asked Billy about this "rumor" that was published in books and articles over the years, and he confirmed the story to her.
Pamela's comment on the group was: "Billy wrote to me ... here are the words .... 'There's actually a series of photos from this day. I was outside and saw a guy that was trying to look like Elvis. When I saw him, I thought Elvis would get a kick out of this. So, I went inside and told him about the guy. Elvis picked up his pistol and we walked to the gate. He didn't want anyone to see the gun, so he put it behind his back. As we were walking toward the gate, he motioned for me to take the gun, which I did and tucked it behind me in my jeans.'"
Some believe him, some not. One can wonder 'why Elvis would have his left hand on the gun, when he was right handed?', for instance.
Sandi Miller, one of the most recognized Elvis fans, who met Elvis in the 60s and today calls herself a "gate girl", — those passionate fans who met Elvis by standing at the gates of his homes, waiting for him to come outside, whenever he was there, to talk to them, something he would do frequently — who even was (to a certain extent) very close to Elvis, a friend even, since she dated Charlie Hodge for a time, was there that day on July, 1972. She commented on the thread in that one Facebook group too, trying to defend Elvis. She said, "He did not have a gun in his hand!! He often carried guns but not always and not usually when he would come out to visit with fans...more likely that he'd have his little derringer In his boot."
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Elvis, July, 1972. Sandi Miller: "Same day but after he visited with everyone…then he and the brothers got in the car and left - he stopped again when he came back also."
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— Sandi Miller's accounts on this July, 1972, moment. Those pages comes from the book "Elvis - Behind the Image" by Bud Glass. I do not know if it's the Vol. 1 or Vol. 2, tho. Excerpts from Sandi Miller's journals, where she wrote down details of the meetings with Elvis in the 60s and 70s, were used to both volumes of "Behind the Image" publications. Many candid pictures in those books are also hers. By the way, many of the candid pictures of Elvis in his gates we see around the internet were actually taken by Sandi.
Arrived around noon and there was already quite a crowd at the house. In the crowd of fans was a guy that resembled Elvis somewhat in you just glanced at him. He had heard that Elvis sometime came out to visit and had hoped to meet Elvis. One of the girls (fans) pushed the speaker and mentioned that there was an Elvis look-alike standing out there.... whoever answered the speaker apparently knew already because the answer was "We know". Just then a door opens up and there comes Elvis walking up the drive with his stepbrothers right behind him. It was fun watching Elvis' face as he talked to this guy, and add to see them side by side. After visiting for a while, Elvis said he had to get back inside because they had to leave for an appointment shortly. They shook hands and Elvis went back into the house - he drove out not too long after and once again stopped for photos before leaving. The man at the gate commented that Elvis had "made his day".
Personally, I don't see the fuss about this. I believe Billy. I believe Elvis was carrying a gun indeed, but he obviously didn't intend on using it unless he felt threatened, and we know stories about passionate fans who lashed out their idols, some even murdered them in fact (John Lennon was one of the icons, assassinated by a passionate fan). There's plenty of those stories. Let's just imagine ourselves as famous people. We hear there's someone trying to look like you, standing outside your house. Wouldn't you felt at least a little bit uneasy? I know I would never walk out there by myself. Elvis was curious if the guy indeed looked like him or not, maybe even because he had a twin brother who died at birth, Jesse Presley, so if I was him I would've been dying to see this look-alike person, but I would've been careful about meeting him too. You never know.
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Elvis and his look-alike fan, Larry Blong. July, 1972, Beverly Hills, CA.
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Fortunately, things went smoothly. Elvis saw the guy, shook hands, and the fan had the time of his life meeting his idol. That is all we need to care about. ♥
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tf2-incorrect-quotes · 3 months
SOLDIER : soldier does not know what a furry is. he has a fursuit. he calls it his battle armor. its awful. it reeks. its handmade. possibly made using real fur. hes infamous at every con in the country. hes banned at the one in teufort. he uses his suit to blend in with the other con-attendees because he thinks they are actual, real anthropomorphic animals. he identifies heavily with his fursona and draws it frequently. PYRO : pyro SCOUT : hates them with a passion but if you ask him why he just says 'i dunno.. i just think its kinda weird'. probably out of some desperation for peer approval. but also at the same time itd be really funny if he just didnt care. pick your poison DEMO : demo is like "aye thats a wee bit odd" and then gets in an argument with scout about what his fursona would be because scout is like "with your halloween costumes i thought youd love being drawn as a hyena" (its a maned fox) and then he gives a long drunken (argument goes on for a long time) speech about why hed be . like. a cu-sith or something. ('those things aint even real' 'yes they fuckin are mate ive seen one with me own eye') . if he actually saw someone in a fursuit depending on sobriety and their sona he either wouldnt really care because people can have hobbies or he would start acting buddy buddy because he mistook it for the wulver HEAVY : heavy doesnt really care for that kinda stuff. doesnt see the point in wearing animal suits unless you are camoflaging among the bears in the siberian wilderness in order to get their meat without gaining the attention of the mother. pyro draws him a fursona once and hes like . mm. good. because bears are large and honorable creatures. SNIPER : sniper is a man who lives alone in a camper van whos job is sitting still all day. he would be a furry. see my vision boy. itd be some weird animal too like a reptile or something. he wouldnt be loud and proud about it. he dreams scout finds out in the way a bully finds out about the protagonists dark secret in a high school drama movie and then tells everyone else and then they kill him with hammers and he wakes up in a cold sweat. ENGINEER : engie doesnt bash it because hes glad folks have their hobbies and he can admire the creative skill and ability of the community. pyro draws him as a beaver sometimes (non anthropomorphic, just a beaver with a hardhat, goggles and overalls) and he doesnt mind and it starts becoming his favourite animal because of that. i dont think he'd ever really directly identify with the community though. probably calls them 'furbies' from time to time because he forgets the word. SPY : spy thinks theyre all degenerate freaks and is happy to loudly claim this. he has several incredibly expensive suits and attends cons frequently. hes been here for years. he tries to sneak around it and deny anything to do with them but the team Knows. they all know. MEDIC : i honestly didnt know for him. other mod suggested he has an awful flesh homunculus fursuit that lives and breathes on its own. you crawl inside and its sticky and wet and warm and pulses. doesnt even have anything to do with the subculture.
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
hi hello if it's not too much trouble, what comics would you recommend for someone trying to study the batfamily characters and dynamics for a project? I don't know which writers to avoid or which runs are considered bad characterization. I know this varies with opinion but you seem super familiar with the differences between fanon and canon stuff. don't worry about keeping the list short or anything, I don't have a problem with reading a lot
Honestly, this is a ‘how long is a piece of string’ question, but I can give you some pointers.
Which 'family' characters are you looking at, and which dynamics do you want? Because the thing is, this varies significantly over time. What I can do for you is roughly discuss a bunch of different eras, and what's good content to look at in each of them.
A shortcut - you're often well served by looking at a Gotham-wide Event during the period you're interested in. Sure, people often have some objections to some of the characterisation, but if you're looking at how characters interact, they're the best place to see lots of variations.
In addition 'bad characterisation' is largely in the eye of the beholder. There's actually less agreement on what is and isn't 'bad characterisation' than you might think - it depends on who you're talking to and what stories they like. Characterisation with comics characters is best thought of as a sliding spectrum - there's a range that most people will accept, and when characters go outside it people start getting unhappy. I'll try to note major shifts or universe resets or retcons along the way though.
Look there is very little in pre-crisis you need to look at for this. Sometimes people will pull stuff forward for Dick and Jason as Robin or Barbara as Batgirl, but largely things stand without this.
I'm happy to walk you through post-crisis up to 2011. I'm still getting a handle on 2011 to present myself.
The Early Days: Bruce as Batman, Dick as Robin, Barbara as Batgirl
In the beginning, there was Batman. One day he went to Haly's Circus where he saw two acrobats falling and their devastated son...you know how this one goes.
Pretty much everything set in this period is flashback stories, so they frequently retread the same ground over and over. Want to see the Graysons fall? You're in luck! Choose one of the more than a dozen versions! (I'm not going to list them all even though I like many)
Quality stories looking at this period include:-
Batman Year One (1986) - Batman #404-407. I am recommending this, yes, even though it's Frank Miller, because it gets referenced a lot. It's a decent retelling and the best work Miller's ever done for the Bat books by a long shot. Bruce's origin story.
Robin: Year One (2000) - Chuck Dixon and Scott Beatty. This is probably my preferred version of early Bruce and Dick stories, and it's conveniently got a sequel in...
Batgirl: Year One (2003) - Chuck Dixon and Scott Beatty. Barbara's origin as Batgirl and the only one worth reading. These two update the Dick and Barbara as Robin and Batgirl dynamics into post-Crisis.
Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet (1997) - Bruce Canwell. This is a single issue about the 'final exam' test Dick took to become Robin. I really enjoy it.
Robin & Batman (2021) - Jeff Lemire. A very recent update of early Dick as Robin. If you want something recent and quick, this is the pick. The characterisation is good but I have a bunch of quibbles with the details.
World's Finest: Batman/Superman (2022) - Mark Waid & Dan Mora. Here's a current ongoing for you! A rarity in that is set reasonably late Dick's time as Robin, and it also doesn't repeat identical beats to those above. Lots of Bruce and Dick, strong Silver Age vibes in relationships, and a lot of fun. A great intro to the wider DC simultaneously too.
Robin II: Bruce as Batman, Dick as Nightwing, Jason as Robin, Barbara as...around
Honestly this is a period I'm weaker on. Jason's post-crisis run as Robin is pretty compact: Batman #401-428 and 'Tec #568-582. Jim Starlin's the writer who wanted to kill Jason off.
Batman #408-411 (1987) - Max Collins. The original post-Crisis 'Dick Becomes Nightwing' and 'Jason becomes Robin' story.
The Diplomat's Son - Batman #424 (1988) - Jim Starlin. This is the issue everyone talks about, where Felipe Garzonas dies. You should read it just to understand the debate, if nothing else.
A Death in the Family - Batman #426-428 (1988) - Jim Starlin. Jason's death.You should read this if you want to understand the dynamics surrounding these events and what actually happened.
The New Teen Titans - look I can't get my head around the numbering of NTT, but if you want to go into this there are eleventy million guides. NTT is very popular. This is Dick as Nightwing during this period, Marv Wolfman and George Perez working together, and considered by people who like Nightwing during this period as the definitive version. Jason appears in a few issues.
Nightwing Year One (2005) - Nightwing #101-106, Chuck Dixon. Now this is going to be extremely controversial, but I do actually recommend people read Nightwing Year One. It's a retcon, but it's an important retcon because it lays out the dynamics of Jason's time as Robin as comics writers have changed them to be following his death. If you want to see how comics writes Jason as the 'angry' and 'risky' Robin following his death, this is the most compact way to see how the narrative changed.
Batgirl Special #1 (1988) - Barbara Randall. Barbara's last appearance as Batgirl. Randall is Barbara's best contemporary Batgirl writer, and this is a loving sendoff for a character who was about to get shredded.
The Killing Joke (1988) - Alan Moore. You should probably read it. Barbara is shot in the spine. However if you want to skip it that's completely fine as the relevant beats have been retold almost as many times as the Graysons have fallen.
Gotham Knights #43-45 (2003) - Scott Beatty. This is probably the best telling of the fallout of Jason's death on the family, particularly Barbara's reaction. If you want Batfam dynamics this is what you should look at.
New Beginnings: Bruce as Batman, Dick as Nightwing, Tim as Robin, Barbara as Oracle, Helena as Huntress, Steph as Spoiler
This is an interesting period in that it's the first threads of what we now call the Batfamily, but they're only just starting to come together as Tim picks each one up. (No, seriously. This era is 'Tim meets people and works with them')
Also as will be the case for a while from here on, at least 50% of all content is written by Chuck Dixon. Now Dixon has his downsides - he's notoriously a conservative homophobe and his views can be seen in the text quite frequently, but he is really good at writing relationships between characters, and he loves a crossover. If you love the modern Batfam, you do have to acknowledge Dixon for his work.
A Lonely Place of Dying (1989) Batman #440-442, New Titans #60-61 - Marv Wolfman & George Perez. Tim's origin story. Very clear on the outset dynamics between Bruce and Dick.
Identity Crisis (1990) Batman #455-457 - Alan Grant. Tim's first night out as Robin in his own costume, plus early dynamics between Bruce & Tim. A tear jerker.
To the Father I Never Knew (1992) Batman #480 - Alan Grant. If you want to actually understand the foundation of Jack and Tim's relationship and how he contrasts it with his relationship with Bruce - look no further.
Robin III (1992) - Chuck Dixon. A very early Tim team-up with Huntress. This is a good place to start for how her relationship with the other Bats evolves in Gotham.
'Tec #647-649 (1992) - Chuck Dixon. Steph's original time out as Spoiler. Again foundational dynamics.
Oracle Year One (1996) Batman Chronicles #5, John Ostrander and Kim Yale. The story of how Barbara became Oracle. Stunning. Essential.
Knightfall: Bruce as Batman, JPV as Azrael and Batman, Dick as Nightwing and Batman, Tim as Robin, everyone else keeping out the way
Knightfall is huge and messy and all over the place but there is magic in here. You just have to dig. Parts I particularly like for family dynamics:-
Batman: Sword of Azrael (1992) - Dennis O'Neil. This is an excellent intro to John-Paul Valley, and get comfortable, because this is what Denny's going to write for the next 10 years.
Batman #488 (1993) - Doug Moench. JPV starts working at Wayne Corp. Tim is assigned to teach him the ropes as a crimefighter in Gotham.
Batman #500 (1993) - Doug Moench. JPV becomes Batman. Dick turns up to complain to Tim about Bruce being insufferable. It's all here.
Bloodbath #1 (1993) - Dan Raspler. This is a terrible comic BUT it also contains some gold dynamics between JPV, Dick and Tim.
Knightsend (1994) - team written. Bruce, Dick and Tim work together to help Bruce rehab from his injury and take down JPV. Legends of the Dark Knight #63 in particular is stunning.
Prodigal (1994) - team written. Dick as Batman and Tim as his Robin. The final issue, Robin #13, has Bruce and Dick's reconciliation over both the fight when Dick became Nightwing AND their fight after Jason died. Essential.
Welcome to the Family: Bruce as Batman, Dick as Nightwing, Tim as Robin, JPV as Azrael, Barbara as Oracle, Helena as Huntress, Steph as Spoiler
I will fight to convince you that this is the first true 'Batfam'. Everything prior to this is Bruce and his Robin, with occasional associates. This is where it goes from the Dynamic Duo to a network who intersect constantly.
Writers: It's a lot of Doug Moench and Chuck Dixon still.
Nightwing: Alfred's Return and Batman #521 (1995) - Alan Grant & Doug Moench. Alfred quit during Knightfall due to what Bruce was doing to himself. This is how Dick got him to come home, and the reunion.
Contagion (1996) - team written. The Event where Gotham gets the Clench (aka Ebola). Massive teamup storyline featuring Bruce, Dick, Tim, JPV, Helena, Selina, and Barbara.
Legacy (1997) - team written. Oh no, it's the Clench Round Two. Here we go again. Basically the same team, but JPV doesn't get invited after he proved he'd forgotten was a fax machine was last event, and Helena gets a more significant role.
Robin important family issues during this period: #17 (with Helena), #29-30 (with Barbara), #34 (with Helena), #35 (with Steph), #45 (with Jack Drake), #47 (with Dick)
Nightwing important family issues during this period: #6 (with Tim), #7 (with Babs), #13-14 (with Bruce), #16 (with Babs)
Birds of Prey important family issues during this period: Birds of Prey Manhunt, as it sets the tone for Barbara and Helena's relationship for a WHILE.
No Man's Land: Bruce as Batman, Dick as Nightwing, Tim as Robin, JPV as Azrael, Helena as Huntress and the Bat, Barbara as Oracle, Steph as Spoiler, Cass as Batgirl
The earthquake where everything goes wrong. The most notable addition to the writing pool is Greg Rucka. Honestly this is a 'so many parts of this are worthwhile, read it all' sort of period, but to help navigate there's a handful of really important points:-
Nightwing #20 (1998) - Chuck Dixon. The Dick, Babs and Tim reunion issue during Cataclysm. The world's fallen apart but they're back together.
Nightwing #25 (1998) - Chuck Dixon. Dick takes Tim trainsurfing
Brotherhood of the Fist (1998) - Chuck Dixon. This is a teamup with Connor Hawke involving Bruce, Dick and Tim. I love the dynamics here.
Huntress/Spoiler Special - Blunt Trauma (1998) - Chuck Dixon. The one Helena and Steph team up during Cataclysm. Get a dynamic you won't see anywhere else.
'Tec #725 (1998) - Chuck Dixon. Dick tells Bruce that he's going to become a cop.
'Tec #727 (1998) - Chuck Dixon. Another Dick, Babs and Tim teamup to take on Firefly.
Mark of Cain (1999) - Kelley Puckett. Cass's intro story.
Birds of Prey #8 (1999) - Chuck Dixon. Dick and Babs visit Haly's Circus
Robin #67 (1999) - Chuck Dixon. Tim and Dick break into No Man's Land.
Legends of the Dark Knight #120 (1999) - Greg Rucka. Team reunion in NML at the Clocktower.
Nightwing #38-39 (1999) - Chuck Dixon - Babs looks after an injured Dick in the Clocktower.
Legends of the Dark Knight #125 (1999) - Greg Rucka. Bruce and Jim finally discuss their issues. Barbara and Tim wait upstairs.
Endgame (1999) - various. Whole team works to track down Joker and some kidnapped babies on Christmas Eve.
A New City, A New Team: Bruce as Batman, Dick as Nightwing, Tim as Robin, JPV as Azrael, Barbara as Oracle, Helena as Huntress, Cass as Batgirl, Steph as Spoiler
This is the final Chuck Dixon era, the Rucka & Brubaker run on Batman and 'Tec, Devin Grayson on Gotham Knights, and probably my favourite era of comics ever. It's hit after hit after hit. Pick up any comic here. You won't be disappointed.
Major highlights not to miss:
Gotham Knights #1-12 (2000) - Devin Grayson. GK is my favourite Bat anthology book ever, but this run includes Transference. The overarching plot is Bruce analysing his team in a series of case notes. Unmissable.
Hunt for Oracle (2000) - Chuck Dixon. The US government tries to track Oracle down. Babs, Dick and Dinah make sure they fail.
Officer Down (2001) - various. Jim Gordon is shot. This is the consequences as people search for his attacker.
Joker Last Laugh (2001) - various. Joker thinks he is about to die and breaks out of the Slab. Chaos ensues. This is the one where everyone thinks Croc kills Tim, and reacts accordingly.
Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive (2002) - various. Bruce has been pushing everyone away for a while, so when he's accused of murder, they must ask the question, did he do it? Everyone tries to solve the mystery of who killed Vesper Fairchild, and Bruce goes through one of his 'am I Bruce or am I Batman' periods.
Batgirl #18 & #20 (2001) - Kelley Puckett. Cass' first team ups with Tim and Steph respectively.
Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood (2000) - Greg Rucka. THE definitive Batfam Huntress book.
Hush It Looks Like War: Bruce as Batman, Dick as Nightwing, Tim as Robin, Barbara as Oracle, Helena as Huntress, Cass as Batgirl, Steph as Spoiler and Robin
Among the drama of Murderer/Fugitive, almost every single book gets a new writer. Jon Lewis takes Robin followed by Bill Willingham, Devin Grayson takes Nightwing, Birds of Prey gets fills until Gail Simone picks it up, Dylan Horrocks takes over Batgirl, Jeph Loeb writes Hush on Batman, Scott Beatty takes Gotham Knights. Personally I endorse basically all these runs but Grayson on Nightwing is controversial.
Hush (2003) Batman #608-619 - Jeph Loeb. Famous for a reason, this is a Bruce story that touches on his relationships with almost EVERY major character in his life (Cass and Steph miss out).
Gotham Knights - Scott Beatty. I don't know what to pick here but #47-49 is a team story of Bruce, Dick, Tim and Cass following Bane to a Kobra stronghold which shows off the developed family-like relationship between the 4 at this point.
Robin - Jon Lewis. Your highlights here are Tim and Steph on a date together (#111), and the 16th Birthday Story (#116-120) because it's essential to understanding where Tim and Bruce are at.
Robin - Bill Willingham. Jack finds out Tim is Robin. Tim quits. Steph becomes Robin. It's an essential arc.
Nightwing - Grayson. This is widely disliked but #81 is a great Dick, Bruce and Cass issue.
Birds of Prey - Simone. Helena joins Barbara on the Birds of Prey. They very, very slowly work through their issues with each other.
Batgirl - Horrocks. #38, Steph and Cass play tag. #45, Cass tries on Barbara's old costume. #50, Bruce drugs himself and Cass with Soul and they fight. #54, Barbara and Cass argue over her reading ability.
And then lurking in the background...War Games hits and tears the Batfam apart, with a doubletap from Identity Crisis.
Leaving Gotham: Bruce as Batman, Dick out of costume, Tim as Robin, Cass as Batgirl, Barbara as Oracle, Helena as Huntress annnnd Jason as Red Hood
Steph is dead. Barbara and Helena leave Gotham for Metropolis. Tim and Cass move to Bludhaven. Dick runs off to join the mob. And in Gotham, Red Hood appears.
Writers: Well we've added Judd Winick on Batman, and now have Andersen Gabrynch on Batgirl. Gotham Knights is now mostly A.J. Lieberman and no longer a good Batfam book (it's now a Hush book). 'Tec honestly isn't worth it during this period. Willingham on Robin has a handful of decent issues to start out then increasingly gets weirdly conservative with some very odd plotlines.
Fresh Blood (2005) Robin #132-133, Batgirl #58-59 - Willingham & Gabrynch. This is a Tim and Cass team up as they move to Bludhaven and mourn together.
Under the Red Hood (2005) - Batman #635-650. You know what this is. It's the Jason returns story.
Nightwing - Grayson. #100 - a strong reflection on Dick's past plus the most heartbreaking part of the Dick/Babs breakup as Dick just runs from all his problems. #110. Tim and Dick meet in Bludhaven and fail to tell each other all the bad things happening in their lives. #112. Dick and Helena run into each other both undercover in the mob. #117. Dick finally talks to Bruce about Blockbuster, and proposes to Babs.
Robin - Willingham. #134 is the pick of the bunch - Bruce offers to adopt Tim and Tim reflects on his time as Robin, though it's a solid little story out to #138 as the truth about Uncle Eddie comes out.
Birds of Prey - Simone. #76, the Babs side of the breakup. #83-84, Helena with the mob and encountering Dick. #90, Helena gives Bruce the new compiled mob data handbook and Bruce compliments her.
Batgirl - Gabrynch. This is a strong well loved run for the build up to Cass' final fight with Shiva, but for Batfam you can't go past #67, when Cass reunites with Babs. Also Cass hallucinates Steph twice in this run (#61 & #72).
Then Infinite Crisis arrives and we all move a year into the future.
One Year Later: Bruce is Batman, Dick is Nightwing, Tim is Robin, Jason is Red Hood, Damian arrives, Cass eventually returns to Batgirl
At this point Barbara and Helena are largely doing their own thing with the Birds of Prey and won't return to the Batfam until Reborn.
New writers all around! Adam Beechen and Fabian Nicieza on Robin, Marv Wolfman and Peter Tomasi on Nightwing, Adam Beechen on Batgirl, Grant Morrison on Batman and Paul Dini on Detective Comics.
Face the Face (2006) Batman #651-654, 'Tec #817-820 - James Robinson. The Bruce and Tim story that set up Tim's adoption.
Batman and Son (2006) Batman #655-658 - Grant Morrison. Damian's introduction to the family.
Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul (2008) - various. Ra's tries to kidnap Damian to steal his body. Bruce, Dick and Tim go to rescue him. Dick and Tim's subplot involves the highest point of their brotherhood as Dick talks Tim out of trying resurrect his lost dead.
Robin - Beechen. #156, the suicide prevention issue, for Tim and Dick. #163, Tim and Bruce on their first Father's Day. #165, Tim and Bruce working on a car together.
Robin - Nicieza. Steph's return as Spoiler. #177, where Jason thinks he can recruit Tim (and fails miserably).
Nightwing - Wolfman. You know what? #117-122, the 'Jason dresses as Nightwing and harasses Dick and turns into a tentacle monster' saga. Does everyone like to say it's out of character? Yes. Is it Jason being just as annoying as he will proceed to be all the way to 2011? Also yes. That's Jason's post-Crisis character.
Nightwing - Tomasi. Freefall, #140-146. This is just a beautiful encapsulation of Dick's many connections, of his teamwork with Bruce and Tim, and of what makes him tick.
Heart of Hush (2008) 'Tec #846-850 - Paul Dini. The premise is ridiculous, but it's about Bruce and Selina, and about Dick and Tim helping track down Hush.
Batgirl (2008) - Adam Beechen. Beechen after squiffing it with the Evil Cass saga, gets to undo the damage to Cass's character and return her to the family. I think it's a pretty successful job, despite Dick spending the entire book holding the idiot ball so someone can be unsupportive. Cass gets adopted. Tim and Barbara never lose their faith in her.
Battle for the Cowl: EVERYONE IS FREEFORM
Everyone will tell you this is all horribly out of character. They're wrong. Come for Fabian Nicieza doing hard work to actually set up characters in the places they need to be for Reborn.
Battle for the Cowl: the Network (2009) - Fabian Nicieza. Oracle and the Birds of Prey have returned to Gotham but for reasons they're not calling themselves the Birds of Prey, so it's the Network.
Oracle The Cure (2009) - Kevin VanHook. Early set up for Wendy Harris' future plot. Babs gets the mentoring itch again.
Azrael: Death's Dark Knight (2009) - Fabian Nicieza. A new Azrael for a splinter faction of the Order of St Dumas appears. Dick and Babs are immediately suspicious (and Dick has to be talked out of immediately kicking the Azrael's butt just on the SUSPICION it might be JPV).
Also the main event books happen and everyone yells at each other a lot about who should be Batman.
Batman Reborn: Bruce is missing, Dick is Batman, Tim is Red Robin, Damian is Robin, Jason is Red Hood, Barbara is Oracle, Steph is Batgirl, Cass is Black Bat
New titles! New writers! Things all over the place! People who like Jason are going to claim all of Jason's appearances are once again out of character, but Jason fans claim that about every time Jason breathes outside of UTRH, Lost Days and a small handful of very select stories after Flashpoint. I'm just saying, villain Jason is pretty consistently irritating between 2007 and 2011.
Red Robin #1-12 (2009) - Chris Yost. Not only Tim's new costume arc, but a great look at Tim's centrality as a character to the Batfam in the number of contacts he calls in at the end of the run.
Red Robin #17 & #25 (2010) - Fabian Nicieza. Tim and Cass working together as siblings and backing each other up.
Batman & Robin #20-22 (2011) - Peter Tomasi. I would strongly argue this is the best arc in B&R with the best characterisation.
Batman & Robin (2009) - Grant Morrison. Look, a lot of people like the foundation of Dick and Damian's relationship found here. Also Jason shows up to be a pain.
Streets of Gotham (2009) - Paul Dini. There's a bunch of good storylines in this anthology book, but #5-6 with Dick, Helena and Kirk Langstrom is one I particularly like.
Batman #703 (2010) - Fabian Nicieza. The best Dick, Damian and Tim team-up issue of Reborn.
Gates of Gotham (2011) - Scott Snyder. The masterpiece of Batfamily content. Dick, Tick, Damian and Cass all feature in this and all 6 possible relationships are shown in different parts.
Batgirl #3-5, #17 (2009) - Bryan Q. Miller. Damian and Steph team ups, plus a look into the tension in the Dick and Barbara relationship at the time.
Birds of Prey #10 (2011) - Gail Simone. Barbara discusses her new realignment of how she's working as Oracle and focusing on the Bats.
The Black Mirror (2010) 'Tec #871-881 - Scott Snyder. Some of the best writing of Dick as Batman during this period, and a look into his relationships with Jim Gordon, Barbara, and Tim particularly.
The Return Home (2010) - various. Bruce comes back to Gotham after his 'death' and checks in on everyone.
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ellaphnt · 2 months
Is it actually racist to relate to Toshiro as an autistic person? The argument seems to be that calling Toshiro autistic disregards the context of his culture, but I feel like the manga made it pretty clear he has issues even beyond his restrictive cultural norms. No one else he knows from his homeland act like he does, and I thought they made it pretty clear that he was an odd child even in the context of his culture. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but I feel like there's room to acknowledge the contexts of his cultural upbringing while also relating to an autistic reading of his behavior.
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Hi hi! I agree! Toshiro/Shuro’s behavior have roots in growing up Japanese, but his behavior has made him an odd one, even at home. I like to say he’s sort of an “outcast everywhere.” I think it’s definitely one reason he envies Laios, and also possibly one reason he is infatuated with Falin! I’ve written about Toshiro and Falin before (as many have!), about how he views her as 1) someone he wants to be like and therefore liked by, and 2) someone who might understand him. He doesn’t have a lot of those types of people in his life.
Not to mention the lack of confrontation. Hien, Benichidori, Maizuru, Tade, all don’t fear speaking their mind! They do it many times. Only Toshiro, hm. I find him relatable in many ways, and I’m sure Ryoko Kui did that intentionally. Was this made for a Japanese audience with commentary on their culture? Yes. Can non-Japanese audiences relate to it anyways? Yes. Can his behavior also be attributed to autism? Can it be an intersection between both his cultural upbringing and possibly learning to mask? HMMMMM either way, I’m really glad autistic POC fans have given their take on it. Tons of POC and non-POC have already spoken about just the cultural part. I’m glad to see commentary on both.
Hearing other POC fans analyze his character is amazing, but I was worried the “it’s just his cultural upbringing” angle would mean his nuance as a character will mainly stay in POC circles. POC relate to POC! (Not a blanket statement, I’ve seen POC who don’t like Toshiro and that’s fine. Not to mention the frequent inability to relate to each other) But if someone is not POC, namely white, and the faults of his character are ONLY attributed to being POC, why try to sympathize with him at all? Lowkey, that might be one of the reasons there was so much hate towards him last week. I’m not saying Toshiro must be any way palatable to a western audience, but hopefully you see my point.
Which is why I think, again, that Ryoko Kui made him relatable to a broader audience. Toshiro’s behavior stems from being Japanese but the fight is not JUST about that culture clash. It’s about anyone who find it hard to confront others and speak their mind. And thats why his character was picked up by autistic fans too! It’s a broader experience than people give it credit for.
You’re in good company of fans who also see themselves represented in either a cultural and/or autistic interpretation of his character! No it’s not racist. Reading autism into a character does not undermine their cultural upbringing. Autism does not flatten a character’s nuance that does have a lot to do with his cultural upbringing. On the contrary, it ADDS to it.
A character can be both. Think it makes them cooler tbh. They have their own things to work on still, they still have their flaws. They could even do something wrong and hurtful! (Shocking!) It doesn’t excuse anything, it just adds another layer to them.
And in the end, it’s just a reading into the media. A singular take, if you will.
I hope I covered everything you mentioned!
Ending it off, here’s some posts other POC have made about this topic because I cannot speak for the community!:
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
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jikjinz · 1 year
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requested? yes, for anon! Hey! Can I ask for treasure Doyoung with 19, 27 and 31? Please take your time and I love Love LOVE your fics! ❤️‍🩹😭
19. ❝you could put those pretty lips of yours to a better use than talking that bullshit, sweetheart❞ & 27. ❝what's the matter? can't think properly already?❞ & 31. ❝do it once again and i swear i will make out with you on the spot❞ from this list
k.doyoung x fem!reader; smut, pwp/not much of a plot; marking, a bit of dry humping/grinding, finger sucking, fingering, i'd say dirty talk & the ending is shitty; lmk if more warnings is needed
wc: 914
a/n: hello and welcome on my writing acc! i'll be posting the requests from @sha-la-la on here so get ready!!
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at first, it seemed like a wonderful idea. but with every second passed, doyoung wasn’t so sure about it anymore. 
“fuck- sweetheart,” doyoung breathed in sharply, trying to sound demanding, sure of what he was saying. whether it worked out is another thing. “dare to do it once again and i swear i will make out with you on the spot, right here, right now.”
“ah yeah?” chuckling confidently, you moved your hips against his clothed dick, again. “then do it. you’ve been talking like that for some time now. why won’t you put those pretty lips of yours to a better use than talking this bullshit?”
it was a mistake. pure mistake to let you sit on his lap while doing some college homework. now you took it all to your advantage, while it was doyoung who hoped to be in charge. dammit. 
without much thought though, he pressed his lips to yours, one hand gripping your ass and the other placed at the back of your neck. as you chuckled in between the kiss, you gave in in no time, wrapping your arms around his neck and occasionally caressing his cheek with one hand. as his grip on your ass grew tighter, pulling your core closer to his slowly hardening yet still clothed dick, you let out a breathy moan, quickly swallowed by doyoung’s kisses.
he chuckled quietly at the small victory he had achieved and with the hand that was holding your neck gently, doyoung started to trail his way all the way down to the hem of your shirt, just to crawl underneath it. 
you giggled softly as well, the confident and tough walls slowly collapsing in front of your beloved boyfriend and his sneaky actions. pulling away from the kiss, breathing slowly, you helped him take off your shirt, doing the same with his piece of clothing a while after. 
seeing you like this always caused those sparkly hearts in his eyes. the way you let him see those vulnerable sides of you, letting no one else in. it was only him who could see you like this and have you like this.
“i love you, sweetheart” doyoung mumbled, completely in awe at the beautiful sight. as you giggled, unsure what got to him so suddenly, you told him that as well. he tried to keep eye contact with your full of excitement eyes but something kept distracting him, and it was your gorgeously exposed neck, with its pretty skin just waiting for love marks.
“h-hey!” caught off-guard, you let out a soft whimper when he started tracing his tongue on your neck’s skin, biting on it from time to time. since he got to your special spot, those pretty sounds of yours got more frequent, much to his amusement.
still keeping your waist close to his, doyoung noticed how you tried to get some friction, how you tried to grind on him to get to that high. he only chuckled, blowing air right on the love marks he did, causing you to shiver and whimper again.
“doyoung, i- i need you, darling,” you finally managed to get together that sentence, too focused on getting to the edge that you kind of forgot how to speak. 
“where?” he gave you his hand, so you could guide him, though he did not expect that. you took two of his fingers to your mouth and started sucking on them, twirling your tongue around them as if they were top-quality lollipops. and then, as if nothing happened, you led his hand down your stomach, under your pants all the way to your soaking core.
“here,” you whispered softly, lust-filled eyes finally meeting his. his burnt brain had to restart quickly to notice what had happened but when he finally did, he wasted no time.
you were waiting for it too long, though you finally got it. your boyfriend finally decided to fuck the growing stress out of you. yay!
smearing his finger across your slit, soon he put one of his fingers in you. the sensation, sudden yet yearned for, washed all over you and all you could think of was doyoung, his fingers, and his dick.
“more, more, mo- ah!” doyoung was an attentive listener and observer, so when you demanded his other fingers and when your hips moved almost in sync with his fingers, he knew you were almost gone. and so, he easily slid in another finger, securing you in place with his other hand. 
“tell me, sweetheart,” just for the sake of teasing, he had to, even though he knew the answer right away. “does it feel good? or maybe you want something else to stuff you full?”
the answer was not an elaborative one, since it was just a chain of moans. doyoung only laughed at the sight in front of him; too dumbfounded by the view in front of him where you, the prettiest girl he had ever seen, got so easily wrecked by his fingers alone.
“what’s the matter, sweetheart? can’t think properly already?” knowing too well he won’t get an answer, he decided to tease you even more. he stopped his movements, earning a long whine from you. as he stared into your eyes, he finally spoke. “tell me how much and how you want me, and maybe i’ll continue.”
but boi, poor doyoung definitely did not expect the stuff you whispered right to his ear. it was going to be a long-ass night.
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@ jikjinz & sha-la-la, do not repost or translkate without permission!
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devskindawritingblog · 2 months
I feel like there’s not enough misty x reader fanfics so I would like to request one with her and if it could also be a jealous one. I really like reading ones with misty being jealous or a bit possessive. I regret nothing lol. Thank you!
Click to help Palestine 🇵🇸 Jealous? (she is with it)
Adult Misty x Yellowjacket!reader
An: Hello everyone. It’s been so long since I have posted. I went on a trip to Europe but now I’m back and finally making a dent in my requests. For this one it took me longer than I thought 😅😅 but I got it done. I added some platonic Van because who wouldn’t want to be her friend. Also Natalie is the one that Misty is jealous about, sorry nat she always gets picked but she’s a good option 😂😂😂😂. I didn’t want to do the text colour thing because I feel it’s straight forward. And yes the title is based of the Chromeo song Jealous ( I ain’t with it)😂😂😂. But the fic isn’t based off that song I just think I’m funny. Also it’s not grammar checked, I didn’t want to 😭.
Word count rounded: 1.4K 
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Ever since Misty was a kid she was always jealous. Jealous of popular kids who got praised and adored. Jealous of the girls who got everything and anyone they wanted. Jealous of never being included. Misty wanted to be helpful , she craved to be needed and that’s what the wilderness gave her.
Soon all of her classmates needed her help and they praised her for it. As messed up as it sounds she was her most happy the first few months of the wilderness. And that’s how Misty became “best friends” with you. You were badly injured after the plane crash. Your arm had broken and Misty didn’t hesitate to help.
She pulled you out of the plane and was the one to reset your arm and put the makeshift sling on you. She was the one who volunteered to help you get dressed and do stuff for you. You and Natalie were best friends having grown up in the trailer park with her and Misty hated that.
If you need anything you would always ask Natlaie first. It was always about Natalie. So when the time comes to choose between Lottie’s cult nonsense you choose to stick with Nat. The two of you were the outliers for a while until Javis death. After Misty saved Natalie the three of you became a little trio. Misty liked being around you but she wished she didn't have to share you with Natalie.
Even after 25 years it was still the same. Misty and Natalie have come to see Lottie at her compound to try and get information on Travis' death. Seeing Lottie after all those years brought back memories of those awful months out in the cold. After Misty called Shauna, it was like a weird highschool reunion. No one really kept tabs with you and Misty was worried that you wouldn't show. But to her surprise here you were, you looked the same, just much older, wrinkles and smile lines sprouting around your face from all the years. But somehow you're still the young highschooler, you still walk the same way and your smile still makes her heart flutter.
You and Van kept tabs on one another and you were a frequent customer at her video shop, so you ended up going with her and Tai. Here you were standing in front of your old highschool teammates. Misty’s eyes widen when she sees you. Her jaw drops a little and she rushes over to pull you into a bone crushing hug despite her small stature. “Oh my god!!!! Hey! It's been so so long.” She smiles widely as she pulls back her hands gripping your shoulders. “Yeah it has, it's.. Nice to see you Misty.” You smile back at her as she lets you go and you go over and hug the other girls.
You finish with Nat and she pulls back with a big smile.” Wow dude!!! You sure grew up and got hotter.” Nat smiles, wiggling her eyebrows making you laugh as you give her a little shove “ I see you're still the same huh scatorccio?. “Yeah, just less blonde.” She remarks back. The seven of you all catch up together as you make your way toward the main building at Lottie's compound. All of you gather round as Lottie explains the 4 treatment plans. You end up picking forage with Van because you had to double up at some point. You go off with Van and as soon as you're given the task, she smiles “C’mon we can go “forage” for something in my truck”. You shake your head and follow Van as you sneak off to her truck and she reaches under the front seat grabbing a bottle of whiskey.
“Why did you bring a whole bottle of vodka Van?” You ask but shrug and take a swig when she offers it. “Why wouldn't I? A highschool reunion with all of you guys.Im surprised I'm not drunk already.” “True, it brings back some memories that I'd rather not remember.” You say as you pass the bottle back to Van and it goes on like this for a while. Soon you see Taissa saunter over and you nudge Van, taking it as your time to head inside and leave them alone.
You find Misty and Shauna and pass them the vodka and soon after Van and Tai show up as well. After Lottie shows up you all settle in your little “trauma” circle. It slowly moved into gossip as if all of you were gathered around that fire all those years ago sharing secrets. The topic quickly moved to your life, after all those years without seeing any of the girls except Van, you're sure they were curious. “Sooooo…. Did you meet any girls in college?” Tai smirks nudging you. “Um.. well I guess, I dated my fair share of girls but none ever lasted. After I just never found anyone I wanted to keep around.” You shrug and the girls nod, you look over and lock eyes with Misty before she adverts her eyes and takes another swig of vodka.
The song changes over the speakers and Van perks up. “Oh!!! This is my favourite song.” Van smiles and jumps to her feet and soon all of you follow. You grin laughing a bit as Nat comes over and spins you around dancing with you. You laugh as Nat pulls you closer and you sway around together to the music. Nat’s hands run down your back as she smiles, you might have noticed if you had not had so much vodka earlier. You never thought Nat would ever like you because she was so focused on Travis. She spins you back out and that's when you lock eyes yet again with Misty. She takes one last swig of vodka before she frowns and stomps over. 
“Hey! I uh- need to talk to you.” Misty says and before you can even say anything she grabs your hand tugging you outside to the soft snowfall. “Misty!?!? What’s wrong?”
“ What's going on with you and Nat?” She asks when she finally pulls you a distance away and lets your wrist go. “What? Nothing, we were just dancing, having fun.” You counter back at her. “Well you might want to tell her that she was about an inch away from your ass?. 
“Why do you care? Are you jealous?” You ask putting your hands on your hips getting fed up with her attacking you. “Yes!! I am, ever since the crash I've been obsessed with you!!” Misty yells, raising her voice as she quickly regrets her confession as you stare at her confused. You both stand there in silence, Misty turns to leave clearly worried she fucked everything up. But as she turns to walk away you grab her wrist and pull her back into you. She whips around confused but before she can speak you beat her to it.
“Wait! Why didn't you tell me sooner, you think I don't feel the same way?” Misty stands stunned. There's no way the yellowjacket she's been crazy about since highschool actually likes her. “Can I kiss you?” You ask, holding Misty’s hands in yours and she nods almost in shock as you lean forward, capturing her lips and wrapping your hands around her waist. She kisses back softly at first but as you too keep going she gets more passionate with it wrapping her arms around your shoulders. 
You pull back and smile as she pulls you back in for another before she finally pulls back too. “Wow” Misty says breathlessly. You smile and grab a hold of her hand. “Yeah,that’s about right” you smile and before you can kiss her again you hear a snicker behind you. You both turn around to see Van standing there. “ I see you too are enjoying yourselves.” She smirks and you playfully roll your eyes at her.
“Why don’t you and Tai go “enjoy yourselves too?” You counter back with the same smirk Van had. Van blushes and flips you off, laughing.” Well maybe I will” she announces before she turns around and heads back inside. You turn back to Misty and smile. “How about we go to bed?” Misty nods and grabs your hand again tugging you off to where she is staying. 
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You ready, Princess?
I am so sorry my darlings! Things have been hectic in life for me. Between weddings, extra work, and personal stuff, my poor WIPs have been neglected. I promise to figure out time management better so I can grace your dashboards a bit more often.
This one might be a little shorter than previous posts but I did promise some people another fic but with our favourite sniper. This one can be read as a sequel to So Much for Love or it can be read as a standalone. Reader's choice!
CW: Fluff, PiV, rough fucking (we all know Crosshair can be rough when he wants to be), oral m receiving, pet names/degradation (princess, slut, whore), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!!!)
Word count: 2559
Enjoy my darlings!
It took a long time before your heart started to mend itself. Your love for Tech had consumed you for so long you forgot what being single, truly single, was like. You missed the way he called you darling, mesh’la, cyare, all the pet names. You missed the way he tinkered with little projects when he was not on missions. It was his way of winding down and it was so cute to you. Once he ended your relationship, it was a shocker for you. You took a long-needed week off to collect yourself. You cried almost every night, wanting nothing more than to have Tech beside you with his arm wrapped loosely around your waist. You had no idea when your batch would be back next, but you wished you would be completely moved on by then.
And you were. 322 rotations later, you felt loads better about yourself. Tech was a soldier first and foremost. It wasn’t fair of you to put so much onto him concerning your relationship. So, you picked yourself up, dried your tears, and worked on yourself. You approached Dex about taking more responsibility for his place of business, finally having something taken off your plate. You started working out more, putting time aside for yourself, taking yourself out on dates. You frequented 79’s a lot, getting your rocks off to many different soldiers. You had a type, and it was clear to everyone around you. You had a few flings here and there, but no one had fulfilled you like Tech did. Your heart still ached sometimes in mourning. That was the thing about grief. It never fully went away.
There was one clone that kept you smiling and giggling. Crosshair often messaged you while they were off world, making sure you were still smiling. You had never thought Crosshair would have a soft spot for you. He was… harsh to those he kept at a distance, but you knew his humour didn’t translate a lot of the time. He was snarky, sarcastic. Crosshair never backed up any horrible thing he said as it was always some weird dark humour. It was a humour that made you die laughing at times. The deadpan delivery often getting you off guard and causing a laughing fit.
It was this type of joke that cause you to pause in the middle of a shift. The boys were back on leave for another few days and were eating more than their share of the food the diner had to offer. You had another customer leave you their number and a large tip. Rolling your eyes, you stuffed the credits in your apron before crumping the paper with the number and tossing it.
“Another suitor rejected?” Tech deadpanned.
You smirked, pouring more caf for him. “Oh yes. I don’t get why they think treating me poorly at work will make me want to go out with them! It’s insane.”
It was nice joking around with Tech again. After so long of pretending to be okay with him around when you weren’t, it was a relief when you started being friends again. You both were happy with your separate lives, and it was fun to make fun of the guys who hit on you.
“Perhaps it has worked in the past. Insane people often go for other insane people.” Crosshair joined in.
“Oh, so I’m an insane person now?”
“Well, you went for Tech, so yeah.”
You saw that little smirk playing on his lips. You paused for a hot second, processing what he had said and started to laugh. Tech looked unimpressed at the jab, but you found it hilarious. You did have a thing with Tech and so it made you laugh even more, proving Crosshair’s theory that you were a little crazy. A crazy he didn’t mind being around.
“You have a point there Cross!” You said between giggles. “Maybe I’m more insane than I originally thought.”
They paid for their meals and went back to their barracks, but Crosshair stayed behind a bit longer. He seemed to have an air of confidence around him but a little nervousness creeping around too. He gave you a hug, thanking you for being you. Which caught you off guard. You hadn’t changed anything about yourself so for him to thank you for being you was… confusing to say the least.
He left a little piece of paper in your apron before leaving to join his brothers. You were surprised at how forward he was being. Crosshair was not one to be upfront about his feelings, so you were feeling a little confused at the change in him.
Unfolding the note, you saw instructions. Short and sweet:
Meet me outside 79’s. Tonight at 7. Don’t be late.
Huh... he wanted to meet. Interesting. You guessed this was just him being a friend, trying to get you laid and find a new partner.
You were about to be so wrong.
You showed up, on time as asked, meeting Crosshair in front of the bar. He immediately put an arm around your shoulders and led you away from the bar. Where did this behaviour come from? You liked it, you wouldn’t push him away, but it confused you.
Crosshair, on the other hand, was sweating bullets. Not literally but dear god was he nervous. He had been trying to gain the courage to ask you out for weeks. After you had confirmed you were fully over Tech, he saw his chance. A year later of you working on yourself after Tech had broken up with you, you finally felt back to your old self, and he could make a move. He could finally tell you how he had been harbouring feelings for so long.
He brought you to a small intimate restaurant, where you were seated and brought a bottle of wine. You had always clocked Crosshair as a whiskey or scotch man but if he wanted to drink wine with you, you weren’t gonna complain. You liked Crosshair and had been wondering if you had any attraction to him as of late. He was a good friend and a fantastic wingman as he helped set you up with his brother all that time ago but now that you had moved on… you found yourself picturing the sniper in your dreams and fantasies. When you closed your eyes when screwing a reg, Crosshair’s face illuminated in your mind’s eye. You were hoping this was a date as you did not want to screw your friendship up by asking him out so the fact that he asked you made your heart flutter. You just hoped this was a romantic dinner and not a platonic one.
Taking a sip from your glass you finally asked, “So where did all this come from? It’s not like you to be nervous.”
Cross swallowed a bit before answering. “Well, I wanted to make sure you were over my brother. Cause I have a proposition for you.” Swirling his glass, he waited for your prompt.
“Oh? What kind of proposition my dear? It’s not for a mission, is it?”
Crosshair chuckled a bit at that. You had never left Coruscant and desperately wanted to travel and explore the galaxy, but you weren’t too keen on entering war zones just yet. Crosshair assured you it wasn’t for a mission but for a more… personal nature. He explained his feelings to you bluntly and quickly, wanting to get any rejection over with. You surprised him however, smiling coyly and reaching for his hand.
“I was wondering when you’d ask me out. I just didn’t think tonight would be that night.” Smiling you leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Hiding his excitement, Crosshair teased you a bit more before your food arrived.
You really did not expect things to move so quickly throughout the night. After dessert you and Crosshair just walked around, seeing what the venders had to offer. When you finally arrived home, you invited him in for a night cap. It had all started so very innocently! Eventually you ended up where you are now: on all fours with Crosshairs cock deep inside your dripping pussy.
“Is this what you were hoping for? Pounding into my wet little cunt?” you teased. Crosshair responded with a tug of your hair and a particularly harsh thrust.
“I’d say it was you who was hoping for this princess. You were so eager to please when we started,” he mocked back.
It was true… Both of you moved in for the first kiss but every time Crosshair would try something: touching your breast, nibbling your ear, sucking your neck; you melted into his arms and became more and more submissive to him. You were utterly his, and you kicked yourself for not realising it for a year. As much as you had loved Tech, you never had as much raw sexual desire as you do now with Crosshair. You clearly were a better match with the sniper and were loving it!
Your thought process was interrupted by Crosshair running his fingers through your hair and pulling you up to his chest.
“I said,” he growled in your ear, “It was you who hoped for this, wasn’t it?”
You whimpered, nodding your head frantically. Babbling incoherently, you affirmed it was you who wanted this to happen. Cross groaned in satisfaction, giving you a particularly hard thrust as reward.
Eventually, Crosshair got tired of not seeing your face and flipped you over onto your back. It was a surprise you welcomed as he immediately pressed his lips to yours, smothering you in his taste. He slipped his hand down to your clit, playing with it in a way that had your legs turning to jelly. You were not going to be able to walk anytime soon.
Your high was approaching fast and you had little to no control of your moans. You were practically screaming in pleasure, begging for just a little bit more. Just enough to get you to tip over the edge!
“Come on, princess! Cum for me!” Cross hissed in your ear.
That was enough and you saw stars. Your legs seized around his waist, keeping him inside you as your whole body convulsed in pleasure. Tears pricked at your eyes as euphoria washed over you. You then felt something poking your cheek and an emptiness from your cunt. Crosshair had slid out and now wanted you to suck him off.
You happily obliged, teasing the red tip, licking your juices off him. Opening your mouth wider, you took him further, tapping his thigh to let him know he could use you. Cross didn’t hesitate, fucking your mouth with such fervor you didn’t think you could stop him, even if you wanted to! You relaxed your throat, allowing him to go further into your mouth. He suddenly pulled out of your mouth, pulling you up by your hair.
“Oh, did I stop before my whore was done?” he taunted. Kissing you fervently, he pushed you back down onto your hands and knees. Gripping your hair, he asked if you were ready.
“Cross, I’ll indicate if I ever am not ready or want to stop! Just fucking fuck my mouth already!”
Letting out a low chuckle, he caressed your cheek before pushing his cock back into your throat. “That’s my good little slut. You want me to cum in your mouth? You want me to fill your throat with my seed?”
You moaned around his cock, sending vibrations down. He shuddered, loving the feeling of your mouth. Now he knew why Tech was always brain dead after a night with you. You were a force damned goddess!
Deep throating, you gagged lightly around his length, wanting him to fill your mouth. You could feel his thrusts becoming stuttered and halted, meaning he was getting close, and you were loving the feeling. The little power trip of making Crosshair fall apart with just your mouth, it boosted your ego far more than it should’ve.
Grunting, Crosshair gripped your hair into a makeshift pony. “Gods, princess! I’m so close! In your throat?”
You sent him a thumbs up as you pushed yourself farther on his cock. No way you were pulling off to give him a verbal affirmation. Plus, it seemed to be enough for Crosshair.
“You ready, Princess?”
He timed it so he came as you were deep on his cock, shooting his cum as far down your throat as he could. He was obviously saving up as you felt overflowing your mouth and dripping down your chin. You pulled off and wiped your mouth off, licking what was on your fingers up.
“Hmm,” you grinned. “You taste good Cross! Been saving up for me?”
Pulling you up and curling you into his side in bed, he chuckled. “In your dreams, princess. That’s what you can expect every time I cum in you.”
You laughed a little more before resting in the calm of the afterglow. Your breaths evened out before you closed your eyes.
“Thank you, Cross.”
“For what?”
You tilted your head so you could gaze into his eyes. “For showing me what I’ve been missing out on. I’m willing for this to be a regular thing if you are.”
Smirking, Crosshair popped a toothpick into his mouth. “Don’t you worry doll. I’m not letting you go anytime soon. You’re mine now.”
4 months later
“Holy Kriff! Cross really did a number on your neck mesh’la!” Wrecker exclaimed.
Your hand went to your throat where Crosshair had recently reignited his previous love bites. You smiled, shrugging it off.
“Yeah, apparently some shiny was checking me out at 79’s last night. Wanted to send a message,” you laughed.
Tech looked up from his data pad, looking over your neck. “It’s normal behaviour for Crosshair to be possessive of what’s his. Although, I’ve never seen love bites look that dark on anyone’s neck. I never left any that dark.” He took a moment to think about your past dalliance with him. Smiling, he added, “Then again, I’m not as possessive nor was I around enough to mark you. But based on your reaction and pride in the marks, maybe I should’ve.”
Crosshair came up behind you, giving your temple a kiss, a shock every time he did it. He never came across as one for public displays of affection but after last night, you’d happily get used to it.
“Getting jealous, Tech? Missing what we had?” you teased, pouring more caf for him.
He shook his head, smiling. “Not at all my dear. It’s quite clear you and Crosshair are a better match than we ever were. I like what we have now. A close friendship based on mutual respect.”
Hunter took a sip of his caf before chirping, “I don’t get why you didn’t cover them. Doesn’t Dex have a decency rule?”
You shrugged a shoulder, taking his empty plate. “In writing he does, not he never has us adhere to it. Plus, I ran out of concealer.”
Crosshair had hidden your concealer. He didn’t want you covering your marks at all. He wanted the world to know you were his and only his.
You were his Princess, and he’d made sure to let the world know at every opportunity.
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5-pp-man · 3 months
another tierlist because ppl actually liked that first one;
the crème de la crop;
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the first 2 eps i thought it was fine, but it didnt really captivate me as much as id hoped. but then ep 3 changed everything for me. i started to think "how could living armour work logically? everything so far has been edible, so this must be too, right?" i actually managed to think of the exact thing that this series did. that really made me realise the worldbuilding in this was something unique, and it only got better and better with each episode. its really managed to captivate me and i look forward to "delicious donderdag" every week :)
ANIME ORIGINAL LETS GOOOO absolutely bonkers show that almost slipped by me because it initially tried to fool its audience into thinking it was a regular dramatic military show. it still is but theres also a giant robot who plays by saturday morning cartoon giant robot rules. if that sounds like tonal whiplash to you, trust me, it is. and its amazing. have i mentioned how homoerotic this one is as well? yeah. originally a tier below this one, but immediately after finishing this post i watched the newest ep. i had to make an exception and edit the list because ep 9 changes everything. i havent been gobsmacked by a show this hard in a while.
(return of the) show(s) that execute their own premise very well;
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i havent read the manga for yubisaki to renren so i cant compare, but the quality of this adaptation has been very consistent. you need a little sweet romance every once in a while :) this is one of those series where the characters really grew on me the longer it went on. im always a fan of mixing realistic struggles with romance and this one has been doing it well so far
adaptations that are ok (i read the manga for both of these);
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i've been a mashle fan since before s1 aired. and the anime has some good changes and additions here and there! but its not very consistent in terms of quality, it does that shonen thing where the animation quality suddenly spikes for certain action sequences, but it also frequently had a lot of scenes where they recycle shots a lot and nothing interesting happens on the screen for a considerable amount of time. still! its a fine adaptation. and yeah the op for this. blew tf up lmao? very strange to see happen in real time
i actually rlly like the manga for this one. i read the whole thing up until vol.6 before the season started (all that was available back then) and it made me cry multiple times throughout. i was sort of missing that connection with the show, though some of the later episodes still hit. its mostly to do with the animation quality, which isnt that great unfortunately. the voice actors are knocking it out of the park though
wghere am i;
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is this show good? i. uh. will you hate me if i say yes...? objectively, i know its not that good. especially in the animation department. but if you like other Umatani shows, you'll like this one. it's got the same brand of goofy reactionary humour mixed with gimmicky tacky characters and crazy stupid plot twists. ive been faithfully watching this one each week and I'm afraid i've become very invested. overscientific indeed
bro you fell off...;
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i was so beyond excited for this one. i replayed the op a million times, watched each preview, rewatched multiple episodes. and then. ep 5 happened. and i started to realise. oh this show kind of sucks doesnt it? the pacing of the first ep was great, but the rest? way too fast. it became clear with ep 6 that theyre trying to do a double cour show with half the length, which is why they started hauling ass plot-wise. now. i was an arajin apologist for the longest time. but at that point i honestly started to loathe him. even when he stepped up, his praise still felt sort of unearned. and to top it all off, shindou's motivation sucked so he felt like a lousy antagonist. ep6 was better than 5, but it really made me lose my enthusiasm and hope for the series. and right as we were talking about them probably not having time for a filler ep, ep7 happened. feels like a waste of time to do an ep like that when you've still got a whole 2nd arc to go through. but who am i
it started off pretty good honestly. but then chris went to the hospital and it kind of just dwindled from there. this season does so much with characters that have not even been properly introduced like how am i supposed to care about these people if i barely know who they are. the stuff with finn and leo respectively was good though. but the lore dump? lord help me. also vijay just kind of. exists to be there in the background huh? i would not call him a main character they never give him any attention. wendy had another ep again and he didnt get shit. again. also i think finn was stupid as fuck for not listening to lala but again. who am i. i know we cant destroy high card because we need a show but. cmon man.
i am severely behind on these;
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reason why im behind is because most of the eps are a bit heavy so i kept. not watching them. its starting to get rlly interesting though so i'm def gonna catch up this is one of those robo-racism shows so i have to really watch out to see where its going. dont want another marginal service situation...
sorry this is just. a little too boring for me. its charming, sure. but i think this wouldve worked better as something with an 11 min timeslot instead of 23 min. theres just a bit too mu- or well, too little for me to rlly get into this. i think reading it would be more fun for me personally
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