#yes i kept going from Those sketches i did that one time
lyneys4 · 3 days
ms grumpy <3
tartaglia x reader, modern au
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Ms Grumpy and Mr Sunshine - “grumpy!”
‘Grumpy’, he had described you many times before. Tartaglia, Childe, Ajax, Mr Worldwide, a man with too many names to count was calling you ‘Grumpy pants’ in class.
You couldn’t tell if people where laughing at him, at you or with him but it was definitely all three.
You, ‘Ms Grumpy’ nicknamed by the one and only Tartaglia. Normally he rather everyone call him Childe but you always called him Tartaglia.
“Ms Grumpy you need to stop calling me by my full name it’s weird!” He complained.
“It’s not your full name, it’s your first name.” You corrected.
“Smartass,” he scoffed.
“I’ll only call you by those nicknames if you stop calling me Ms Grumpy,” you refuted.
“Well, Ms Grumpy. That’s never gonna happen.” he stated.
“Well, Tartaglia. I’ll never call you by a name other than Tartaglia.” you poked your tongue around him.
“Seriously stop calling me Tartaglia!” he complained more.
“It’s even that bad, do you know how ugly a nickname like Ms Grumpy is??” You retorted.
“I like it!” he said.
“Of course you do..” you sighed giving up this arguement.
And that was when he called you ‘Grumpy pants’. The amount of embarrassment you felt from that was unreal you just had walked away, he wasn’t worth talking too. But how did you unfortunately earn this nickname??
It all started when you were both 8, back in the 3rd Grade. Tartaglia was the new guy in class. He stood in the front of the class happily introducing himself with a bright grin.
He must have been really perceptive because he had noticed your sad, dull expression compared to everyone else in the room.
You were having a bad day because the science experience the day before had been cut short before it was your turn and you were still super sad about that.
You told your mum and she said she would buy the stuff for the experiment which was nice but you were still super upset about it. Since science experiments looked really cool when you were little kids. Now you dread science and their tests.
Tartaglia sat next to you and kept asking why you were so sad looking.
You rolled his eyes at him, wanting him to go away while you were busy sketching random things in your room.
“Hey! Ms Grumpy!” He called out, “I’m talking to you!!”
“Huh? Ms Grumpy?” You turned him.
“Yes you Grumpy pants! Actually I’m gonna called you Ms Grumpy since you don’t talk to me or tell your name.” he spoke with bad grammar.
“I don’t wanna be Ms Grumpy,” You frowned. You told him your name but he didn’t call you by that. He just kept calling you Ms Grumpy.
Tartaglia was the new kid which meant everyone in your class wanted to be friends with him. Since he was sitting next to you, it led people to believe you and Tartaglia were bestfriends so lots of people started talking to you more to be closer to him.
Well it worked for them. But you gained one friend, Scaramouche who ended up liking you for you but he was also at the time his bestfriend.
Although something eventually happened and he chose you over Tartaglia as you grew older. As time went on eventually he introduced you to more people and ever since then you, Scara, Yelan and Xiao were inseparable.
Normally you would never admit this but you were thankful to Tartaglia for the best bestfriend you could ever ask for because you quite literally had no friends since that day.
Tartaglia was always attached to you though. He would come up to you call you Ms Grumpy everytime he saw you.
You didn’t like him because he couldn’t understand you. He barely knew you and he was already calling you names.
He was also your neighbour, because when you got home that day you saw Tartaglia’s parents at your dinner table. You didn’t know they were his parents at the time but your mother told you there was someone waiting for you in your room.
It was Tartaglia jumping on your perfectly made pink bed.
“Stop jumping on my bed your gonna make it messy,” You pushed him. Luckily he fell onto the bed and not the floor.
He looked at you realising who you were. “Ms Grumpy!! I didn’t know this was your home.” You sighed. “Actually we live next to you!!”
Horror struck your face realising Tartaglia was now your neighbour which meant you would see him every morning, every night and every day.
Even though you disliked him, he was one of the people closest to you, literally not figuratively.
Ms Grumpy and Mr Sunshine - “no i’m not jealous!”
It was raining when you woke up, the thing that woke you up 10 mins before your alarm was about to go off was a notification from Tartaglia.
'rich kid tartaglia: hey ms grumpy its ur day today,'
'rich kid tartaglia: yk cuz its like raining.'
'rich kid tartaglia: ik ur reading this you have ur read reciepts on.'
'you: mb didnt notice'
'rich kid tartaglia: im texting u my ms grumpy msg bc im sick and not coming today.'
'you: thats too bad…'
'rich kid tartaglia: ik i cant see you today </3'
'rich kid tartaglia: it srsly breaks my heart i cant say ms grumpy to u in person.'
'you: nice talking to you tartaglia but i need to get ready for school'
'rich kid tartaglia: do well today!!'
'you: thanks' (rich kid tartaglia hearted this message!)
You sighed at your phone reading his message. You got up to get ready for school.
Despite his nickname for you, you didn’t really like the rain that much. You loved the sun. You hated it when rained because the mood was a lot more sadder and everything was wet and cold.
Instead of walking to school like you normally would, you had Scaramouche drive you to school. You hated walking in the rain. It was something you absolutely dreaded.
When you got to school it was absolutely freezing. The school was so poorly heated inside. All you did was shiver wherever you walked around.
Your friends were great people, maybe too great. Xiao had offered you his jacket but you knew he was gonna be cold so you politely declined him. But he insisted on making you warm so he had bought you hot chocolate from the canteen and where were you without Yelan?? Probably lost not knowing where any of your classes were. You normally had her walk you to class.
She had dropped you off at your next class since she had a different class. Scara, Yelan and Xiao all had classes together leaving you alone for this period.
You sat alone in this class but you didn’t care. Normally Tartaglia would try sit next to you but he wasn’t here today.
The class was extremely cold. Like freezing north pole snowing cold. There was boy who noticed. You’re pretty sure his name was like Lyney or something?
“Hey you look cold, you want my jacket?” He asked.
“No, I’m fine,” You lied, it was pretty obvious you lied.
He got up and sat in the empty seat next you. He didn’t have any friends in this class either. “I’m Lyney, incase you didn’t know. The one and only great magician Lyney.” he winked.
You tried to give his jacket back but he wouldn’t take it back.
You tell him your name but didn’t say anything more than that. Maybe thats what started his determination to talk to you.
He followed you around school and even walked with you when your friends were there.
Yelan had teased you a bit about him. But you ignored her. It was super awkward trying to talk to your friends with Lyney there following you like a lost puppy.
The next day you had class with him again too, Tartaglia wasn’t here again, he had messaged you saying he was super sick and of course greeting you with Ms Grumpy.
You had first period with Lyney, he had sat next to you. “Hey!! How are you,” He greeted you.
“I’m good,” You answered.
“Oh you responded,” He smiled. He kept on talking to you but you had absolutely no interest in him. You honestly just wanted him to shut up.
“Hey, I’m gonna be completely honest but I don’t really care so leave me alone.” It was honestly pretty mean but it’s on him for annoying you all day yesterday.
“Awwh, I just wanna be friends with you!” He begged.
“I don’t,”
“I’ll find a way to be friends with you then!” He said. Oh he was worse than Tartaglia…
All lesson he talked you nonstop, you nodding your head to everything he said not that you knew what he said. He could tell you weren’t really listening to him.
When you were walking to your next class with Scaramouche he had followed the both of you. Which is honestly super creepy but his determination was insane.
It was a problem, a problem for not only you but your friends.
Which meant a super late talk about it online.
'yelan !!: bro why is he following u around its kinda creepy.'
'you: he wants to be friends w me or smth'
'scara: how do we get rid of him??'
'xiaoao: maybe if u talked to him you could start building boundaries,'
'xiaoao: people care alot more when they feel like they are closer to someone'
'you: omg xiao thats so smart.'
'yelan !!: i dont get why he can’t just live you alone.'
'you: me too but hes so determined its scary.'
'scara: you should file a restraining order against him'
'you: woah calm urself its only been a day,'
'scara: and so days will turn into weeks’
'yelan !!: actually i think xiaos idea doesnt seem so bad lets try that.'
'yelan !!: okay its late i gtg sleep i need my beauty rest'
'scara: idk ab u guys but i get super bad vibes ab him.'
'you: me too but ig i gotta talk to him.. its fine i’ll be alright whats the worse that could happen??'
Yea, what was the worse that could happen? That was something for you to find out later.
The next day when you had class with him you ended up talking to him. He wasn’t that bad to talk to at all. He was so happy you were talking to him.
“Okay, and this is,” He points to something you don’t know or understand but you just wanted to get his class over and done with.
When class ended Lyney didn’t follow you and your friends around. So Xiao’s plan had worked.
You actually wanted Tartaglia to come back and sit with you so Lyney wouldn’t talk as much.
But when Tartaglia didn’t come to school for the entire week, you and Lyney actually got unexpectedly close.
You started to genuinely enjoy talking to Lyney and completely forgot about Tartaglia’s messages about you being Ms Grumpy.
You and Lyney hung out a lot and your friends even started to get use to him coming over. Yelan and Xiao even started enjoying Lyney’s tricks.
You and Lyney became super close ever since that week without Tartaglia. He became the person you enjoyed sitting with in that class.
But things weren’t great for Tartaglia, the feeling Tartaglia felt when he came back to school to see you with Lyney was a feeling he didn’t like. And he couldn’t seem to understand why.
He didn’t like seeing you with Lyney, getting along so well with him when you never did with him. He understood why you both never got to hang out like that and still regrets giving you that nickname in a way but it was his special nickname for you.
You felt like Tartaglia was finally distancing himself away from you. Which was a relief for you. But Tartaglia didn’t like the distance he had put. It felt insufferable and he didn’t understand why he did it.
It took a while for Tartaglia to figure out why but he finally understood he was stuck in his own love triangle, and he was not the one you were gonna end up with.
Hell, he didn’t even know he liked you?? How will he ever get over this??
Ms Grumpy and Mr Sunshine - “understood, me?”
It was maybe one of the worse days ever for Tartaglia but it was truly one of the best days ever for you.
Teyvat High’s Prom was coming soon, you and Yelan had been going windowshopping recently looking at clothes you could buy. But there was no one to take you since Xiao and Yelan are going together as friends and Scaramouche isn’t too fond of social events.
Lyney had been planning something for ages with your friends. What they were planning you had no idea? But they were all in the same class and in a group project together so you had assumed it was just that.
You were wrong, but it wasn’t the bad wrong. It was a nice surprise maybe too nice? Honestly you didn’t know what to think about it.
While you were walking down the hallway with Tartaglia teasing you, calling you Ms Grumpy, a party popper appeared at his feet and exploded right in front of him which made you let out a giggle.
Suddenly the hallway was filled with confetti set by Lynette, Freminet had appeared holding a bouquet of Rainbow Roses as Xiao pushed you towards a sign held up by Yelan, “Will you go to the Prom with me?”
Overwhelmed by the surprised Lyney approaches you grabbing your hand and placing a gentle kiss on it, you didn’t want to reject him out loud so you whispered into his ear and told him “I’ll think about it,” with a smile on your face.
Everyone around thought you had accepted his promposal, everyone including Tartaglia who had to put a smile on his face and clap along with everyone else who was watching this go down.
‘Top 10 embarrassing promposals…’ you thought in your head, ‘Where was Scaramouche at? That’s fishy’ you thought.
You tried to look for an opportunity to get away from the crowd in the hallway, people were talking to you and Lyney taking videos of the scene.
“Ms Grumpy,” Tartaglia called out to you, “This is a little bit embarrassing but my dad’s car broke down so I desperately need your parents to drive me home,” He explained quickly followed by dragging you out of the hallway.
“Wait, I never agreed to driving you home,” you yanked his hand off yours.
“I know, I was just lying. Did you like my preformance,” He gave you a teasing grin. He was mocking Lyney.
“You don’t like being recorded right? So I figured as the nice boy next door i’d get you out of such a situation.” he recalled.
“No need to thank me. If I had a promposal as embarrassing as that I’d be begging for someone to get me out of there. Seriously I didn’t think anyone would do that.” he rambled obnoxiously.
“Well I’m going home.” you cut him off mid ramble. “And even though you told me not to thank you, thanks I guess,” you glanced back at Tartaglia for a second before heading home.
You were lying in bed messaging Scara.
'you: bro where were u?'
'scara: didnt wana get involved soz'
'scara: so hows it going????'
'you: tbh i wanted to reject him but not infront of everyone.'
'you: people were recording us it was so uncomfy :( '
'you: tartaglia got me out of it im kinda surprised'
'scara: im not, sounds like smth he would do.'
'you: nah pretty sure he js wanted to shit on lyney'
'scara: well ig that could be an answer.'
'scara: are you gonna keep ignoring the gc orrr??'
'you: i muted them and lyney i havent checked.'
- 15 messages from 'were not emos' -
- 4 messages from 'lyney' -
- 1 missed called from 'lyney' -
'you: omds its 19 missed messages and 1 missed call altogether…'
'scara: only one missed call they going easy on u lol'
'you: fml'
You put the phone down and closed your eyes. Maybe it was better to just sleep. You didn’t feel like responding. If you just message them in the morning you doubt they would even respond.
You tried to sleep, shutting off at 10pm only to wake up to 2 calls at 1am, you must have forgetten to turn your phone back on mute after playing mobile games for a bit.
- 2 missed calls from 'were not emos' -
You’re phone started ringing again, you were tired and pissed they interrupted your sleep so you decided to pick up and hear out what the have to say
“y/n what the hell??” Yelan’s voice spoke up. “yea what was that about?” Xiao asked.
“Wha-? What was what about?” you answered half awake. “No you know what that was about you completely ignored Lyney’s confession do you understand how much of a bitchass move that was.” Yelan berated you.
“Oh hop off her dick Yelan, she didn’t have to answer shit.” Scaramouche interrupted her.
“Scara where were you? I thought you were gonna help us out. She’s your bestfriend wouldn’t you help her get a date or are you inlove with her,” Xiao said, “Inlove are you crazy, fuck off.” Scara scoffed.
“Xiao what on earth are you on, listen Scara and me are like siblings— what is wrong with you guys why would you force a confession on me.” you stood up for yourself. “I was uncomfortable, and I don’t need to explain myself if it bothers you so much then don’t talk to me.”
“y/n c’mon don’t be like that, you’ve probably made Lyney a laughing stock—” you cut her off. “Shut up! Are you seriously taking Lyney’s side just because I didn’t reciprocate his feelings???? What kind of friends are you,” you were in slight tears from how tired you were and how absurd you’re closest friends were being.
“You guys are so cruel to y/n, im off to sleep.” Scara left the group call. You left too and left the groupchat. Why on earth were they so focused on Lyney’s feelings while completely disregarding yours, it hurt even more knowing those were your closest friends.
You drifted off to sleep, every message you got you ignored.
You woke up to your alarm, you checked your phone spams from Yelan and Xiao, Lyney’s messages were just hateful and Scara had left the groupchat. You’re friend group just broke up over a boy and it just left you mentally drained.
Getting up slowly and trying to get ready, you just couldn’t. After last night you didn’t feel comfortable with the atmosphere. You were dressed up and ready but you could only take a step out the door.
“Yo, y/n! You don’t look too great,” A voice coming from your side called out your name, “y-y/n..?!” you stammered out from shocked.
“Yeah, it’s your name isn’t it?” He walked over to you. “I don’t know it just surprised me that you’d call me by my name.” you admitted
“You wanna skip? You seem out of it let’s get some frozen yogurt!” Tartaglia grabbed your hand and turning you in the direction of the shops. “Live a little! If you’re not comfortable just hanging out with me, we can call Scaramouche.”
“No, its fine. Let’s eat!” a smile appeared on your face as your steps fall in line with his.
“You have a pretty smile,” …
“Thank you, Tartaglia,”
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10hourshift · 1 year
Hibm XP
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I had a whole different design for him but I decided to restart (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)
Lore stuff lol
Went to middle school w Julian, they were both going to enter a private school but Bon (idk if I want to keep the name :/) simply "forgot" to do it and Julian had a mental breakdown during the entrance exams and failed it miserably. They don't talk as often now that they are in different classes
A bit cranky and feels like he's above everyone else, constantly squinting bc he's supposed to wear glasses but doesn't bc "it doesn't match his aesthetic"
22 notes · View notes
plleeeepppyyyy · 2 years
wally + clumsy and silly reader!
wally likes them silly,,
these are just little ramblings of wally with a silly reader.,,
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★★★ — ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ — ★★★
you were always known around the neighborhood to be clumsy, you were always clumsy y/n! silly y/n, always tripping over everything. which made you frustrated, despite the others giggling and helping you out.
but, this really didn’t stop you from doing a lot! it made you happy that your friends could at least get entertainment out of your clumsiness. so, you didn’t mind much at times. you were always going around making others laugh, without having to break your head.
you were bouncing around, falling, then coming right back up. if anyone could describe you, you would be a bouncy ball.
as you did this, you noticed a certain blue haired fellow. wally, he was.. different. when you would look at him; you just see him staring at something. or remark about something. he was just chill, whenever you would be around barnaby. he was there. just looking at either the two of you. and for some reason, you felt embarrassed as you did a silly thing.
as if he was silently judging you and it made you feel stupid. nonetheless though, you kept your act up. wanting others to be happy. cause thats what you were, silly, clumsy, happy y/n!
so, one day, you were just strolling around, doing daily shopping and whatnot. till you tripped, for like what? the millionth time? maybe nobody saw it, right?
well, not exactly,,
wally just happened to be right in front of you, holding out his hand. which made you instantly nervous, i made how could you not? just looking up at him, with his usual intense stare, those doting eyes, admittedly it made you more embarrassed by the encounter. more embarrassed to be around him.
but, he didn’t laugh, nor tease you, he just held his hand out. calling out in his calm tone, asking if you were fine.
after stammering out a yes, he dusted you off and helped you out. to admit, you never talked to wally much before, have you? yes, you greeted one another, but imagining yourself tripping daily right in front of him was humiliating.
so, you kept your distance more than usual.
after he helped you out and went on his way, it made you feel a bit bad. for practically trying to ignore him, being too careful around him. you just couldn’t help it though! he was so calm, intense at times, maybe you could even say aloof. after that encounter though, you definitely changed your mind.
after many thoughts dawning on you, you decided to hang around him more often. and he drew you in more. he was just alluring,, soo cool, definitely relaxed. more than you usually were. you were tripping all over the place, just making the others giggle, and you were a bit dumb at times,, (sorry
just silly you were, wally definitely thought you were charming. you were just nice to watch, you would do your own thing, usually break a thing or too, he loved watching you.
he would usually be there to help you back up after you fall, watch you, and giggle at you at times. he didn’t want to lie, you were so charming. you really were like a cartoon character.
basically you guys started being attached at the hip, which was a great surprise to the others! they always saw you together nowadays, wally would just follow along while you were skipping around, missing a beat once a while as you talked and talked. while he listened without a care about anything else.
(basically you guys are calm + hyper)
during this period, wally DEFINITELY wants you to be his muse,, his inspiration. it doesn’t matter if you’re always moving , or bouncing your leg, or always bumping into stuff. he wants to paint you, sketch you, just,, to him you’re so fun to look and see. why not paint you daily? he definitely has an art portfolio of just you, ranging from sketches to paintings. it’s totallyyy not because he’s in love wit you.
he also finds himself staring at you 24/7, even if you guys are hanging out with poppy, julie, baranby, or anyone. he’ll just admire you more than he ever did before. back then, he would hum and watch you a bit as you did another silly thing. nowadays, when you would be fumbling with a straw for your juice, doing something silly, or just anything. it makes him kick his feet, it’s just so endearing, you’re so endearing.
it’s not only wally falling in more, it’s also you.
i mean, what’s not to love about wally? he’s so smooth, calm, he definitely is the type of dude whose got it all under control. he was just,, the opposite of you. maybe that was what attracted you to him, he just was elegant. at least compared to you, when you thought about it.
he was good at everything, he drew well, spoke well, walked well too. you weren’t that for sure, it was like he could guide you through anything. and you’d make it out okay. it made you feel better about your clumsiness.
hopefully by your silly antics and such, it would make it worth while for him.
wally notices on how much you try to make him happy, how you always offer to pose for him, give him ideas; always giving him stuff. it warms his heart to be honest, the fact you’re trying so much for him makes him feel happy.
later into ur guy’s relationship, you both def get comfy. a minute with you two and you already know something’s definitely going on.
cause you guys are just basically flirting at this point, well you can consider wally is, idk about you tho,, ur for sure doin something! (٥⁀▽⁀ )
but if we’re being for real, you guys def flirt. in ur own little ways, wally is pretty smooth when it comes to flirting. once in a while,, he’s pretty awkward with it, due to his,, tone at times. but the other times he’s good at it, like he for sure had some practice (≧◡≦) ♡
literally everyone around you two are just sick of it, you two think ur being sneaky with the flirting, nope! they’re basically bystanders wandering if you guys will finally announce that you’re finally an item!!
you for sure did something like,
“this ones for you wally!!(•̀ᴗ•́)و 🏀”
then the ball misses and launches back onto your head, bonking you sillier.
wally is charmed! ♡︎
it took a while for you guys to happen, wally for instance was actually a bit confused. it took him a bit to figure out what he was feeling, he found you silly, charming, cute,,
okay, maybe he thought you were something for sure.
while you,, poor you,, you just got nervous around him and NEVER would’ve talked to him about ur feelings. like., you just felt like he was out of your league.
but, you two eventually happened,, you did it! ( ˘ ³˘)
today was simple, just you, wally, and him sketching. you kept peeking over at what exactly he was sketching, it varied to be honest. apples,, a dog, or just some scribbles.
how could he just simply draw? so easily, while the best you could come up with was chicken scratch. nonetheless, wally was patient with you, he just accepted you. even if you didn’t do anything that impressive.
speaking of this, why did he do that? he just accepted you daily, he would just coo and praise you over anything. how he didn’t mind how much you tripped over something or bumped into one of his art supplies. now that wasn’t simple.
“uhm, hey wally?” wally perked his head up as you spoke up, putting his full attention on you. you felt a bit intimidated as he looked at you with those eyes of his. even if you two came this far, you always found yourself flustered by his presence.
“yes, darling?” he asked, keeping his usual smile up. you cleared your throat and spoke back, “not to be too disruptive but.. i’ve got a question.” he watched you as you sat yourself on the grass. you could feel the spring air flow by as he looked at you with question.
“you’re never disruptive, but do tell. what’s got you thinking, y/n?” as you tried to get your words together, you sighed as you felt yourself get nervous. why did you get nervous? he was just your partner, why be so shy? god, if only you weren’t this flustered all of the time.
“uhm, okay so.. you know how clumsy i am? like, to the point where it’s my whole personality?” you drawled out personality, wally hummed. “well, i wouldn’t say that is your whole personality, but go on.” he said with sincerity, which made you cringe at yourself.
“it’s just.. why do you even like me? i just, i’m so.. stupid at times. i’m always fooling myself out while you— you’re just not that. you know?” you winced at yourself at your explanation, it was clumsy as you usually were.
wally paused for a bit, looking at you with an emotion you can’t really describe. maybe it was pity? concerned? you couldn’t really tell, sometimes whenever he looked at you, you just couldn’t say what he was thinking.
all he did was sigh and close his sketchbook, putting it beside him as he patted his lap. you knew immediately what that meant as you shuffled beside him, laying your head right on his lap. as you did so, he stroked your hair gently.
“now, why would you think about yourself like that?” he asked in his usual soft tone, “i think you’re perfect the way you are, not stupid.” wally looked down at you as he stroked your hair.
wally would never understand how you could think of yourself like that. to him, you were just perfect for him.
“well, it’s just— i.. i don’t know why you gave me a chance.” you mumbled out of embarrassment, wally looked at you with an amused expression. “remember that day when, we actually got to talk? when i tripped right in front of you? i tried so hard to stop that from happening. because, well, you’re the type of person. i don’t wanna embarrass myself in front of. clearly i didn’t do such a good job on that, huh?”
you kept your focus on your hands, not daring to look at him. you noticed how his hand stopped, he kept his hand right on your head.
“y/n.. why would that matter? i have seen you trip tons before.. and, plus, i don’t mind how much you bump, trip, or fall. i’m always there to help you back up, right?” he made you look up as he titled your head upward, “i think its charming.. not how you get hurt at times, of course. but, the way you keep getting back up after you trip, it’s.. well, its admirable. you’re admirable.”
you both paused as silence dawned on the two of you, it made you think. he really loved you, didn’t he?
“you mean that, right?” you asked, looking up at eyes he could never say no too.
wally let a soft chuckle out. “of course i do, silly. gee, you’re asking all of these silly questions.. i mean every,” he leaned down to kiss your head. “word. i promise.” his words made you smile, to the point where you could kick your legs and giggle.
“thanks, sweets. sorry, i’ve just been thinking a lot.” you hummed as you felt better about the whole thing. wally nodded and kissed your head again, keeping your head on his lap.
“but, besides that, what really drew you toward me?” you asked another question, wally hummed in thought as he stroked your hair some more. as if he was thinking.
“a lot of things.. but, it was cute seeing you do funny things. you were just a silly little neighbor to me back then, even still..”
“hm, that’s nice.. wait!” you quickly sat up, “what do you mean silly little neighbor?! could’ve at least said lover.” you whined as he chuckled quietly. “ah, yes. you’re right, silly little lover. you’re my silly little lover, right?”
wally hummed in amusement as you huffed, “guess so.. if you’re gonna call me something stupid you might as well make it less stupid.” wally shook his head and pulled you back to him, wrapping his arms around you.
“oh you, it’s not stupid.. and you definitely are the opposite of stupid.” he giggled and kissed your cheek, he definitely was feeling touchy today.
you couldn’t help but relax back into his arms. you were his silly little lover, his. and that made you okay with tripping daily, if it meant that.
as you closed your eyes and leaned against him more, he let out a little gasp. which made you jump a bit, “oh my, i gotta go give barnaby his microphone back..” he sighed and pulled you off of him gently, looking at his watch.
“you wanna come with, love?” wally asked as he grabbed his stuff, you quickly nodded. as he got up, he held his hand up. looking at you the same as he did the first time, admiration.
you took his hand without hesitation, you stumbled over a bit as you stood up.
he hummed in fondness, “you got it?”
“yep, totally!” you huffed in confidence, but after one step almost tripped over. you cursed yourself mentally.
“uhm.. how about i just hold onto you?” you sheepishly asked as you wrapped your arm around wally’s.
“not a problem with me, darling.”
(character and artwork belongs to partycoffin!)
okayy,, i made this a bit longer than i expected it to,, but thats fine. anyways i think i figured out how to open up my inbox! sooo,, if you guys want me to write more stuff about wally or anyone else. im up for it!
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cuubism · 7 months
physical therapy part 4
It takes some time, but finally, Dream's hand starts to feel better when he's painting. Granted, his grip strength still needs some work, and he's had to adjust the way he holds a brush to accommodate the lingering stiffness he gets in some of his fingers, but he's finding it hard to care when a few months ago he couldn't draw a straight line without it turning into a scribble. He'd known Hob was good at his job, but it still feels like a miracle.
The only downside is that once he makes enough progress Hob will surely decide to end their sessions. And while he had said that he liked Dream, that he cared about Dream... Dream is finding it hard to feel assured of those feelings. Someone's feelings can change on a dime, and it's impossible to predict.
But finally the day does come when Hob deems him progressed enough to simply continue his exercises at home. "At this point I think you've regained enough mobility that it's just a matter of gradually increasing how much you're using your hand," he says. "You've made a ton of progress."
"Have I?" Dream is less sure. Some things are certainly easier now, like doing tasks around the house, and picking things up. Art is another matter. Though perhaps he is simply making excuses because he doesn't want to stop seeing Hob.
"Yeah, look." Hob pulls out a folder from amongst his files, and shows Dream several sketches--the ones Dream's made in session, which he's apparently kept. Dream picks up the oldest sketch, the cats he'd doodled at his first appointment. They're shaky and uneven, like something he might have drawn when he was barely four. He supposes he can't deny the progress since then. He's torn between wanting to tear the drawing up, for it's too wretched a reminder--and wanting to hold it close to his chest.
"It's not that I think there's no more room for improvement, or anything," Hob says. "I just don't think continuing these frequent sessions is going to offer more than a marginal benefit."
Dream thinks that the benefit he is receiving at this point is more in being able to look forward to seeing Hob each week, than the physical therapy itself. He needs something to look forward to. He's put Hob's objectively terrible finger painting on his fridge. It's still the only spot of color in his empty flat. He needs that.
"So," Hob continues, "I thought I'd take you out to celebrate."
That pulls Dream from his head. "You... will?"
Hob winks at him. "Promised you, didn't I?"
Yes. Dream supposes he had promised that if Dream's feelings held true Hob would act on them. Is that what he's doing? Dream's growing disappointment swiftly morphs into something else. Hope.
"I--" he swallows hard. "I. Would like that." It's still strange, to have something he wants. And to feel like it may be okay to express it.
"Perfect." Hob grins, gets up, holds out a hand.
"You got somewhere else to be?"
Dream never has anywhere else to be, and doubts he would go there if he did. He takes Hob's hand.
Hob takes him to a Chinese restaurant nearby, and Dream looks at him suspiciously as Hob passes him a pair of chopsticks with a cheeky grin. "Now you are just testing me."
"Yup. 'Course if you can't use chopsticks in the first place then it's moot."
Dream can use chopsticks. Could. No, can. Death would say that he should think positively.
So he takes the chopsticks.
Once their food comes, Hob, the absolute bastard, puts down his own chopsticks and picks up a fork instead. And Dream knows, somehow he just knows, that it's not because he can't use them. He's teasing Dream. Or perhaps ensuring that Dream won't compare himself if he struggles. Or both.
He should feel hurt by the teasing but... somehow he's not.
"See?" Hob says when Dream manages to eat his noodles with the chopsticks. It's... not that hard. It doesn't even hurt. Maybe Hob is better at his job than Dream even thought.
It makes him tear up. Such a silly, small thing to start crying over when he's barely cried at all, even when he'd first hurt his hand.
"Hey, it's okay," Hob soothes him, wiping away Dream's tears with his thumb. "I think the noodles are salty enough without the addition of tears, hm?"
Dream laughs, wiping at his eyes when the tears keep falling. "Good tears," he manages to say.
"I know," Hob says, and smiles at him.
Dream surprises himself by having an actually nice time. He hasn't had a nice time doing something in so long. It feels good. He doesn't want it to end.
Of course, it does end, and he finds himself lingering outside the restaurant, hesitant to go home. Particularly as he no longer has a set time when he will see Hob. He feels aimless without that, but. It is hard to ask.
"Dream..." Hob starts, likewise lingering in front of the restaurant. The lights of the signage above cast his face in shades of violet. Dream has thought him handsome before, but never so much as now.
Hob hesitates over what to say, then finally just steps over to him. "Come here."
And before Dream can decide how to react, Hob folds him into a hug.
Dream goes still on instinct. Then, gradually, relaxes into Hob's strong hold. He... can't remember the last time someone hugged him.
He lets himself tuck his face into Hob's shoulder.
"Hey," Hob says. His voice is so close to Dream's ear now. "I'm proud of you."
Dream hears himself make a tiny whimpering sound. He. He does not know how to be proud of himself. He thinks he would only be proud of himself if he could go back in time and stop himself from getting in that terrible relationship to begin with. But he does like how it sounds when Hob says it.
Hob gives him one more squeeze, then, disappointingly, releases him. "I almost forgot. I have something for you."
He digs around in his bag and comes back with a box that looks rather like art supplies of some kind. "It's modelling clay," he explains. "So you can play around and work on your hand without just doing, you know, boring exercises all the time."
Hob is too considerate of him, truly. Dream holds the box close.
"You okay to get home?" Hob asks, and Dream nods. His ex has not bothered him again, and Dream is now hopeful that he won't. Though that does not necessarily mean he doesn't want Hob to follow him home.
"Good," Hob says. Then, while Dream is still thinking about the hug and the clay and everything else, Hob leans in and kisses his cheek. "Goodnight, Dream."
Dream stands paralyzed until Hob is gone, and it's only then that he realizes he failed to set another time for them to meet. He supposes he does have Hob's office contact info. Still, it is disappointing not to have something to look forward to.
But when he gets home, and opens the box of clay, he finds a note inside. It has the name of a coffee shop, and Tuesday, 3pm?, and Hob's personal number. At first he's confused. Why wouldn't Hob simply ask him while they were together? And then he realizes that Hob must be trying to give him a chance to comfortably back out if he wants to by letting him decide in private. It makes him want to cry again. Hob truly is too considerate of him.
But he takes out his phone and types in Hob's number, and a simple reply. Yes.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 2 months
Hey, first of all love your work, your writing is incredibly compelling. Secondly, could I possibly get some GP! Donna orgasm denial with soft domme reader, maybe y/n teases Donna throughout the day and then keeps her on edge until she begs for release. Thank you so much!!
Yesss!!!! Thank you for your request, and for your support!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: G!P Donna, smut, Minors DNI, fluff…
Word count: 6.231
Summary:  Revenges are sweet....
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I love you all!!! :))
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“Good morning...” you hummed in Donna's ear, after turning around in bed several times.
The woman accompanying you growled in annoyance, making you smile with a mixture of evil and tenderness.
Yes, out of all the people in the village, you might be lucky enough to win the heart of one of its Lords, Donna Beneviento, but that didn't mean that your life would become a succession of boring routines, of shared silences accompanied by two cups of tea.
You were never a boring girl, or an innocent one. You always tried to have some control over the things that happened around you, even living with someone you kept hearing horrible things about.
Dangerous, crazy, sick, strange... All those adjectives that always accompanied the one who was now the love of your life were always in your head, but, certainly, you were never able to verify for yourself that they were really true.
Legends were common in the village, and Donna was no ordinary person. Even so, you did not expect that everything they said would dissolve so quickly, thus discovering a shy, withdrawn and lonely woman, who, despite not needing anyone, she did, a lot.
A beauty spoiled at an early age, a body that changed without asking permission… It seemed more than enough reasons for Donna to stop wanting to share her life with someone. You couldn't tell if she had good or bad luck finding you that day wandering around her grounds.
You, the complete opposite of her, happy, outgoing and daring, were the one who made the Lord lose control of her emotions, the one who  were really able to discover what that black veil was hiding, as well as that sad and dark presence.
You would be lying if you said that at first it wasn't difficult to understand this poor unfortunate soul, but, little by little, you reached a point of stability with Donna that allowed you to go much deeper, to love her much more.
But like everything, in the end the phase of discovery, of passionate madness, gave way to a much calmer one, like a ship sailing with a light breeze, through calm waters.
Even though you knew nothing about long relationships, or what commitment really meant, you let yourself be carried away by the love you felt, settling definitively with Lady Beneviento, living with her, being with her just as you promised, forever.
The lady in black's shyness was never a problem for you, you always overcame it. But for several days now, the interest that the brunette had in you, or in your body, seemed to have vanished like a candle that goes out with a breath. Maybe the problem was your insatiable thirst for lust.
“Donna...” you murmured amused, biting her earlobe, deciding that day would be the last of that unexpected drought. Or maybe not... You still weren't sure how to handle it. Maybe you would play with her, maybe...
“(Y/N)... What time is it?” Donna asked, turning on the nightstand light.
“I don't know, I guess in the morning,” you replied, rolling your eyes at her passivity and her morning whines, ones that you found adorable.
She turned and kissed you quickly sketching a more awake smile, breathing deeply, admiring you, as if the simple fact that you were next to her awakening was like a gift, like a miracle to her.
But no, you couldn't get lost in that look. You couldn't let her tenderness, her shy smile, turn you away from the side of sin and put back your evil plans.
“Are you very interested in knowing the time?” you asked with an amused tone, running a hand across her chest, making her frown at your cheeky tone. “I’m not.”
“Well, maybe you're hungry. Shall I prepare breakfast for you?” she asked innocently, removing your hand from her chest, ready to abandon you once again.
You whined and shook your head, holding Donna next to you under the covers, pulling her by her waist and earning you another of her charming smiles and an additional blush.
“Mm no, I'm not hungry, but...” you murmured, lowering your hands to her legs, acting quickly to catch her off guard.
“(Y/N),” Donna protested, cringing when one of your hands ran over the small bulge between her legs. You smiled triumphantly, watching as she seemed to fall into your trap, or at least, her body fell into your trap.
“Don't you want to stay with me a little longer? I think you do...” you whispered in her ear, increasing the pace of your soft caresses between her legs, making the brunette gasp from the pleasure of your contact, and from the always exaggerated reaction of her body.
“Okay, okay,” she responded with a smile, releasing her eager erection so your caresses weren't just superficial. You nodded with that same mischievous smile, kissing her slowly as your hand slowly hugged her shaft, causing her to moan into your lips.
Well, you expected a similar reaction and you couldn't complain, but seeing the pleasure that your caresses gave Donna, an even more perverse idea crossed your mind. It was impossible for her to understand that your needs went beyond those of an ordinary human being. Sometimes you thought you were the very daughter of sin itself.
A week of abstinence for you was like an undeserved punishment. You knew that Donna wasn't doing it on purpose, that her duties as a Lord and her dolls were the only things that kept her entertained, apart from spending time with you, of course.
She probably simply forgot to please you as she should, or as you considered was due. You couldn't blame her, but still, you considered appropriate to vent a little revenge.
The kisses were wet, hungry. Moans filled the room and her hands roamed all over your body, going under your pajamas. Her gentle touch was more than enough to make you lose your mind, but this time you would have to be strong.
“I want you, (Y/N),” Donna whispered in your ear, slowly lowering your pants, placing herself on top of you to make you hers.
You couldn't hold back a moan when you felt her erection slowly caressing your wet entrance. Once again, your irrational desire for revenge overshadowed that intense pleasure and a wicked smile formed on your face when you placed your hands on her chest.
“On second thought... Yes, I think I'm a bit hungry,” you said in a casual tone, as if the atmosphere had not heated up, as if you had simply just gotten up, preventing Donna from moving closer, pushing her gently.
 “Sorry?” she asked, her eye wide, surprised and clearly frustrated by your reaction. You smiled, kissing her quickly and crawling out of bed. “Hey, wait a minute.”
“What?” you asked as you pulled your pants back up, ignoring her surprised look and her pitiful stance. “Is anything wrong?”
“No, well, yes, what was that for?” the lady stammered, covering herself with her nightgown and also getting out of bed.
Of course, you knew exactly what she meant, but you decided to follow your plan and play the innocent little girl. You frowned, approaching slowly, trying not to be tempted by the bulge that the thin fabric of her clothing revealed.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” you said, looking away from her, caressing her cheek erratically, making Donna move nervously, confused. “Anyway, I'm going to take a shower.”
“Fine, I'm going with you,” she said hurriedly, just when you were about to leave the room indifferently, as if you hadn't done anything. Yes, yes, yes you had.
“No, well, no...” you said amused, shaking your head, leaving the doll maker even more petrified, breathing nervously. “Why don't you make me that delicious coffee you make? You know I love it.”
“Coffee,” Donna sighed, letting her shoulders slump, not understanding how strange your behavior was, with the gleam of her desire still decorating her eye. You nodded, tilting your head slightly, pretending to pout.
“Yes, coffee,” you said amused, whispering your words in a sensual but subtle way at the same time. “Did you perhaps want something else, my love?”
“I... No,” she sighed in defeat, discreetly looking down, surely wishing that her arousal would stop giving away her true intentions, those that you didn’t want to follow. “I'll go right away.”
“Great, see you,” you commented, giving her another quick kiss and leaving the room, holding back your laughter. She didn't answer, obviously.
At least that shower calmed your own desire. Playing with women was always your favorite pastime, putting them under your control, making them want you so much that they begged to have you. With Donna it was different, it was always different. But you were still the same naughty girl. A bit of domination wasn't going to hurt the lady in black.
After your shower, you walked slowly down the hallway, humming with a wide smile on your face. To your surprise, Donna wasn't in the kitchen, yet.
“Hello,” she said after a few moments, with a serious voice, already dressed in that black dress, with her hair tied up in that messy bun you loved to undo. You smiled at that dry greeting, noticing her serious look, her frustration at your actions.
“You took it easy,” you murmured, amused, leaving the countertop and approaching her slowly, making her turn around and her gaze fixate on yours with some resentment.
“If you hadn't made me feel like this, it wouldn't have taken me that long,” she said in a low voice, looking for the old coffee grinder on the kitchen shelves. You laughed, pointing at yourself and blinking repeatedly, with a mocking look.
“Oh, me?” you said, feigning confusion, putting on your best good girl face.
“Yes, you,” Donna replied, pouring the coffee beans into that old machine. “Don't pretend you don't know what you've done.”
“Oh, do I detect resentment in your sweet words?” you joked, grabbing her waist, making her shift uncomfortably again. “What have you been doing for so long?” you whispered in her ear, causing her body to tense again, but with a cold expression.
“Niente,” she whispered back, moving you away so she could grind the coffee like every morning, it was a pity your grip prevented her from doing it properly.
“Nothing, huh?” you continued joking, speaking very close to her ear, with your hands traveling along her waist, trying to make her nervous again. Well, Donna would be nervous, but it wasn't that kind of nervousness you wanted. “You haven't cheated, have you, Donna?”
“Cheat? What are you talking about?” the lady in black wanted to know, with a tone that could not hide her annoyance at your cruel act.
“You know, maybe you couldn't take it anymore and...” you said amused, making the gesture with her hand, moving away from her.
Donna stopped grinding the coffee and looked at you sharply, shaking her head.
“No, (Y/N), you know I haven't done that since I've known you,” she said offended, as if your naughty question was an attempt to test the trust you had in her, which wasn't true, not even the slightest bit.
“Wow, I would have loved to watch it,” you said, this time whispering in her ear, returning your hands to her waist, slowly going down her legs.
“What is wrong with you today?” Donna asked, less upset, but curious. You couldn't blame her. That behavior of yours was something she didn't know about. “You excite me and then leave me and…”
“It wasn't my intention,” you said with a false apology, without giving it importance. Donna grunted, but she returned her gaze to the coffee and continued grinding it.
“I had to wait for it to go down, and it was more difficult than other times,” the lady confessed, to which you raised your eyebrows, trying not to smile triumphantly.
“Wow... I gave you a hard time, huh?” you murmured in a childish voice, resting your head on her shoulder, leaving the subtlety of your caresses on one side, traveling along her dress, passing slowly between her legs.
“Well, yes,” she said, with a sigh, leaving the grinder on the side of the counter, trying to move, to free herself from your grip, something she couldn't do.
“I'm sorry, honey,” you said with a sincere tone, turning the woman to look at you. Her expression had relaxed but her breathing was quite the opposite, probably due to your hands caressing her body, exciting her again. “Come here, let me make it up to you.”
“But, but, the coffee,” Donna protested, when your hand caressed her shaft, hardened again by your skillful hands, by that insatiable thirst of your body.
“Are you worried about the coffee?” you asked with that same good girl tone, stopping caressing the fabric of her dress, reaching under it and feeling her erection through her underwear.
“No, not at all,” Donna responded abruptly, shaking her head, closing her eye to enjoy your caresses more, the small kisses that you began to place on her neck.
You smiled against her skin as your hand freed her trembling shaft beneath the black fabric of the dress, fabric that covered her own embarrassment, one that didn't match her body's reactions at all.
“Shh, darling, calm down,” you whispered, moving your hand up and down, caressing her slowly, squeezing her most sensitive spots, causing those shy moans again.
“Faster, please,” she asked you, unable to look at you, unable to show the pleasure that your caresses gave her. Her shyness was always one of the things that turned you on the most.
“Okay...” you whispered nodding pleased with that request, kissing her slowly, letting her hands tangle through your hair while your movements caused small spasms in her hips.
“So... Close...” the lady in black murmured, shifting against the counter, trying to concentrate on something different than your hand stimulating her erection.
It was evident to you the truth that resided in her words, the incipient moisture you felt in your hand. A small part of you wanted to grant her wish, to stain her dress, to make her blush for it. An amazing sight for your brain, one you would remember. But your other side, a little more perverse, wanted to continue with that torture, with that silent revenge.
You didn't have to think which of the two sides would win. You already knew it, perfectly. Your hand stopped little by little, stopping stimulating Donna, who protested with a moan, opening her eye to check what was happening.
“Donna, the coffee...” you said, suddenly releasing her, moving away as if you were scared, something she did too, looking directly at the counter and then at you, repeating the process several times.
“What? What’s wrong with it?” she asked, looking at the grinder with curiosity, breathing heavily, rearranging her clothes.
“It's going to get damaged if you leave it there for too long, right?” You said, crossing your arms, showing with your posture that your hand would not play again, something that Donna soon discovered.
“But, but, (Y/N)…” she said protesting your actions, shaking her head, with a grimace of absolute frustration.
“You better prepare it before it loses its properties,” you commented with complete indifference, making her gaze harden more and more.
“My mind, (Y/N), I'm going to lose my mind,” Donna said, surprised and obviously upset by your attitude, going back to work in that coffee.
“Don't exaggerate...” you murmured, hanging on to her neck, despite her movements of rejection and the continuous avoidance of your gaze. “I'm going to set the table. Oh, one more thing,” you commented, before disappearing through the door again.
Donna looked at you as she poured the coffee into the pot, a dark shadow in her eye, but her breathing calmer, almost as if she had given up.
“Don't cheat, okay?” you murmured jokingly, peeking around the door frame.
“Vaffanculo!” she screeched, bursting into comical rage, playfully throwing a dish towel at you, missing as you ran out of the room, holding back your laughter.
You quickly went upstairs. You were clearly enjoying it too much.
“Your coffee,” Donna said, pouring you a cup in a slightly unpleasant way, with that dark shine in her eye. You smiled tenderly at her, thanking her without speaking, just moving your mouth.
The lady in black dropped into the chair in front of you, with a tired sigh, pouring herself some of that bitter liquid.
When you brought your cup to your mouth, you immediately noticed a bitterer taste than usual, as if it had been burned. You made a strange face, leaving the cup on the table, seeing that Donna made exactly the same gesture as you.
“Wow... It's intense,” you said amused, pretending to shiver.
“It's not intense (Y/N), it's burned, thanks to you,” she told you, maintaining a slightly proud posture, something that the trembling of her hands overshadowed.
“Me? What have I done?” you asked, feigning surprise, feigning again that innocence you didn't have. “I was up here setting the table.”
“Yeah, sure,” she said, nodding and leaning back with her arms crossed. “Tell me, what have I done for you to make me suffer like this?”
“You haven't done anything, my love,” you said passively, pouring oil on your toast. “Do you want one?” You asked, offering the piece of bread to the lady, who grunted in annoyance, standing up from her chair.
“I'm going to the workshop,” she said dryly, drinking that burnt coffee in one gulp and cowardly fleeing from your presence, which made you sigh tenderly, wishing she didn't see your sinister smile.
“Don't you want to have breakfast?” you asked, pouting again.
“No! I don't want to,” she said, already entering the elevator hallway. You shook your head, biting your lip.
“Poor Donna, am I being cruel to you?” you said to yourself, taking a bite of your toast, amused by your actions and by her nervous and erratic behavior.
But your conscience prevented you from continuing to attack her, at least for a few hours.
Bored, you looked for something to entertain yourself before assaulting her again. The idea of ​​revenge was already blurred. Saying you acted like that just for revenge was just a simple excuse. You always enjoyed doing that kind of things with your short relationships.
The mere idea of ​​being dominant, of feeling able to decide whether or not to comply with the wishes of a person as important as Donna, sounded so exciting in your head that you yourself had to make an effort not to fall into your own trap.
“Mm, time to eat...” you murmured when your stomach coincided with the time the clock announced.
The morning had passed too slowly. Neither Donna nor even the Angie doll had made an appearance. Was it your fault? Surely, and that made you smile.
But the hands of the clock showed something strange, a strange lack of punctuality in the brunette. It was later than usual, and no delicious aroma was rising up the elevator shaft.
Taking that small delay as an excuse to continue your little game, you went down the elevator, humming as usual, like you always did, every time you were going to do something bad.
“Anyone there?” you asked, knocking softly on the doors of the workshop.
“No,” a hoarse and gruff voice responded from the other side, returning an evil smile to your face.
“Donna, it's half past one,” you said, ignoring her unsubtle way of saying she didn't want to see you and entering the workshop, walking towards her and hugging her from behind, wrapping your hands around her chest.
“Thank you for the information,” she said, focused on knitting clothes for a small clown doll.
“Oh, come on, Donna, don't act like that with me... I just came because it's strange that you weren't cooking at this time of the afternoon,” you said, kissing her cheek and looking at her from her shoulder, a look that she returned, a bit listless.
“I'm taking refuge,” she said with a half-smile, stopping sewing and moving so your grip would stay in that place, and not dare to go down.
“Refuge?” you asked, frowning amusedly.
“Yes, from you,” she stated, corroborating your suspicions, something that made you let her go and lean against the table, with your arms crossed in a cocky and arrogant posture.
“I must be terrible,” you murmured, looking at your nails, ignoring the heavy feeling that her gaze conveyed.
“Sometimes you are,” Donna commented, returning to the fabric, sewing to distract her mind from your pernicious game.
“Okay, okay... I admit I went a little overboard,” you said, separating yourself from the table and forcing the lady to look at you.
“Oh, you admit it, good,” she said, with a satisfied smile, relaxing the expression of resentment towards you a bit.
“How can I make it up to you, my love?” you asked, with a sensual voice, bending down to be at the level of her lips but only touching them, without kissing them, making Donna moan again.
“Easy, finish what you've started,” she whispered in your ear, with a voice perhaps too dominant, something that made your body tremble with desire. Well, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to end that game at that moment.
You raised an eyebrow, turning away to look at the lady, who was smiling almost the same way as you, patting her lap, motioning for you to sit down.
You rolled your eyes but nodded, kissing your lover deeply as you fulfilled her wishes.
It didn't take long for you to notice her erection again in your wetness, so close, so trembling... You moved, thus increasing the contact, the friction of your hips and her shy moans.
“You're in a hurry,” you commented when her fingers moved your underwear to the side, entering you quickly but gently, never wanting to hurt you. Donna nodded, sighing in relief as she felt your body hugging hers, holding your hips and moving them as she pleased.
You moaned too, looking for a comfortable position in that old chair. Honestly, you could have given in to your own desire, you could have continued enjoying that sensation so much, the way her shaft was pushing its way through your walls.
But your sinister side, that side that whispered evil things in your ear, had other plans.
Her moans became distorted into soft murmurs that you didn't understand. You shouldn't listen to them, or your body would surrender to its own pleasure. With great effort, just when her movements began to get out of control, you rose from the chair with a groan.
“What are you doing?” Donna asked. “(Y/N), I was about to…”
“I'm a bit hungry,” you said, putting on your dress and moving away from the trembling lady, who stood speechless, putting on her clothes as well.
“Hungry? What the...” she said, interrupted by a hand on her mouth and a mocking sound from your lips.
“Shhh, why don't you go prepare something to eat?” you asked, with an innocent voice, avoiding your lover's hatred and frustration, which was more than evident, in different aspects.
“No, come back, come back here,” she told you, pointing again at her lap, shaking her head, making you to laugh worse.
“I'm weak, Donna...” you said, caressing your stomach in a comical way, pretending to be that hungry.
“Weak, you're weak...” she sighed in disbelief, confused and almost desperate because of your painful attitude. “What do you want?”
“Nothing, I'm just telling you that without something in my stomach... Well, my capabilities are greatly reduced,” you said ironically, leaving Donna even more surprised and upset.
“No, that's not true... Okay, finish with me and then I'll make you something delicious, is that okay with you?” she proposed, reaching the agonizing negotiation phase, one that amused you even more.
“Oh, but how selfish of you,” you blurted out, feigning offense.
“Selfish? You've been torturing me all the morning. Do you know how...? How it hurts?” she asked you, lowering the tone of her voice, pressing her hands between her legs.
“Don't be dramatic, Donna...” you sighed, with a sympathetic smile, one that made the lady groan, crossing her arms in a slightly childish manner.
“I'm sorry, but no,” she said with a serious tone, trying to overcome your arrogance, something that was complicated. “I'm not going to cook.”
“No?” You asked, amused by her attitude.
“If you want me to cook, you know what you have to do,” the lady grumbled, looking at you comically.
“Well, whatever you want...” you sighed, with your dark side deciding for you again, walking indifferently towards the exit, but first, leaning towards her ear. “I'm not that hungry, I can hold on… The question is… Can you hold on?”
With that cheeky sneer, you left the workshop. Donna didn't respond, but you didn't expect her to do either. Maybe you were going too far, maybe you should leave her alone, just for a while.
Evening arrived. There was no sign of Donna, but you didn't want to seem desperate, or give up. If there had to be an undisputed champion of that macabre game, it had to be you.
With nothing better to do, you started reading, sighing worried. Your conscience took advantage of that moment of weakness to attack you, to make the idea of ​​releasing  your lover seem like the right one. In truth it was, but your dark and dominant side always prevailed over your compassion.
After a few moments of distraction thanks to that reading, the sound of the elevator startled you a little. It seemed that Donna had dedicated herself to getting out of the isolation, the protection and security of her workshop.
“Hello, darling,” you said kindly. Donna looked at you, walked towards you, but she didn't answer, she just sat next to you. She seemed nervous, good.
“Are you reading?” she asked with a hoarse, soft voice, as if her shyness had returned to your first days on the estate. You laughed, showing her the book with an amused smile.
“Well, I am, it seems quite obvious, right?” you joked, settling on her shoulder, sighing tenderly. You may have been dominant, but her perfume, the warmth of her body against yours in something as innocent as reading, was something that surpassed even your lust.
“Can you let me read with you?” she asked, moving your head to rest on her chest while her fingers played with your hair. You nodded slowly, surprised by that sudden change in attitude, by that lack of desperation in her voice.
Unfortunately for poor Donna, she wasn't the most subtle person in the world. Her expressions, her ways of acting were completely visible. She was up to something, and you were dying to know what it was.
Her lips made contact with your neck unexpectedly, kissing it slowly. You looked at her out of the corner of your eye, but you didn't do anything, you didn't say anything, you just settled in, intentionally giving her access to more corners of your skin.
Automatically she took the bait of your offer, running her hand over your chest, getting under your dress while her lips distracted yours passing over your skin so the pleasure of her kisses would divert your attention from the hands that were already climbing up your legs.
You laughed, pleased by her actions, and didn't make a move. You wanted to know what exactly she intended, that was certainly not her normal way of acting.
The moment her fingers passed through your underwear, the moment they made contact with the moisture that had resided between your legs since that morning, you understood what her intentions were. Poor Donna, sometimes she forgot that you were an experienced girl.
“Do you like it?” she asked seductively in your ear, making circles on your clit covered by that annoying fabric. You nodded and groaned, pretending to be distracted by the book, a book you stopped reading as soon as Donna showed up.
That approval of yours gave her enough courage to put her fingers under the fabric, sinking into the humidity of your folds, caressing your body with that delicacy that only she was capable of. You smiled, stealing a small kiss from her as your hips matched her slow movements, while the tips of her fingers surrounded your entrance like a predator cornering her prey. Poor thing, she still didn't know that the prey was her.
“Mm…” you moaned, giving her the silent permission you knew she always needed. You bit back another moan as her fingers entered you slowly, letting you enjoy every inch of that overwhelming sensation.
She didn't talk and neither did you. You simply limited yourself to enjoying her delicate hands on your body, that meticulous way with which she handled everything she touched, including you.
The movements were slow, soft, limited by your underwear still covering that lustful act that came out of nowhere, or rather, out of her mind. You bit your lip, you moaned, you let your hips increase the friction of her perfect joints, of her perfect, careful touch inside of you.
You may have been stronger than her, you may have seen her intentions, but those were not enough reasons not to let yourself be carried away by her actions. Donna could have sworn that she was inexperienced before meeting you, but due to things like that, you had a hard time believing it.
You dropped the book you weren't reading on the couch, closing your eyes, feeling your will to continue playing that sinister game gradually weakening.
“You're close, I can feel it...” Donna whispered in your ear, making your body respond by nodding involuntarily, biting your lip for the betrayal that pleasure made you endure.
“Yes...” you responded, giving yourself away even more.
“Perfect,” she said, with a different tone, removing her hand from your body and leaning her back with a satisfied smile. Your body, overwhelmed by pleasure and frustrated by the loss of contact, forced you to protest with a pathetic moan.
“Donna...” you sighed, letting your shoulders fall, returning to the reality the pleasure was hiding from you. Her expression was disinterested and her gaze avoided yours.
“Uncomfortable?” she asked with a mockery embedded in her words, with the severity of her face intact.
“You're vengeful, huh?” you said amused, bringing your legs together, imitating in any way the sensation that made you lose your mind.
“Are you?” she asked back, now, looking at you questioningly.
“What do you mean?” you asked curious and confused, frustrated, but without letting her realize it.
“Nothing,” she said simply, crossing her arms. “Enjoy that incredible feeling you've made me feel all day, I'm going to make something to eat.”
Just as Donna stood up, you laughed, catching her attention.
“Do you think it’s funny?” she asked, clearly upset, with her hands resting on her hips.
“No, well, yes...” you said, caressing your own legs, making her gaze drift for a moment towards your hand, something that you, clearly, didn’t overlook. “Your counterattack won't help you at all, darling... I can relieve myself.”
“Oh, isn't that cheating?” Donna questioned, with a mocking but confident tone. After all, those were your own rules.
“Mm, it's true...” you said with a smile, which brought back her evilness. “What a dilemma, Donna, what do we do now?”
“I don't know what are you going to do, I'm going to make something to eat,” she responded.
“Like that?” you said, pointing to the prominent bulge between her legs, one that she covered as best she could. “It’s not recommended to do something so dangerous, well… Without half the blood in your head.”
“If I'm like this it's because of you,” she said, defending herself, unable to hide her erection in the black fabric of her dress. “It will pass soon.”
“Really? Don't you prefer us to play?” you asked in a dark voice, reaching into your dress and pulling out your underwear, throwing it on the wooden floor without losing eye contact.
“I don't want to play with you. I don't want you to fool me again. I had a bad time, you know?”
“Come on, come on, I promise you this time I'll be good,” you said with a sincere tone, reaching out your hand to grab her wrist, gently pulling the lady, who shook her head.
“I don't believe you,” she said, looking away from you, but letting her body be dragged to the sofa.
“Come on, ragazza, trust me...” you whispered, sitting her and leaning back, slightly separating your legs.
“Don't use those words against me,” she said, looking between your legs, playing with her dress to release that pressure between them. You laughed, biting your lip and gesturing with your finger.
“Shut up and kiss me,” you ordered her, pulling her clothes so she leaned over you, kissing her lips in a wild way, letting the lust be completely free now, not wanting to prolong that game that you were already the undisputed winner.”
“This time... You're not going to escape,” she whispered, with a marked, angry accent, while her shaft entered your entrance effortlessly, helped by that small moment of free pleasure with which Donna compensated you without deserving it.
“I don't mean to,” you responded, closing your eyes as you felt your walls stretch so she could make her way through. Deep down you didn't want it to be so easy, but the feeling was so overwhelming... “But...”
“But,” she repeated, ceasing the fierce movement of her hips, searching your sweaty face for the cause of that sudden word.
“If you want to release, my love... You'll have to say the magic words...” you murmured, trying to keep your hips from losing that rhythm, so, even if Donna didn't move, you would continue getting that delicious pleasure.
“What?” she asked, obviously confused, letting her body do the same as yours trying not to lose that succulent rhythm of lust.
“Say them, and I promise I will set you free, you know I can do it…” you whispered, running your hands along her covered back, clawing at her skin through the black fabric.
“You're unbearable, I have no idea what you're talking about,” she said, moving fiercely again, as if your threats or proposals had not reached her ears. Once again, you couldn't blame her. You were the only one to blame. “But it doesn't matter to me anymore, you know? I'm not going to let... You leave me like this again.”
“Beg me, Donna,” you said, sitting up, stopping her increasingly erratic movements. Her erection betrayed her weakness, trembling inside of you and you, oh yes, you were going to take advantage of it. “Do you want to do it? Do you want to release?”
“Yes, please...” she acknowledged with an agonized moan, trying to resume the movements that were taking her to the edge again.
“Well then, beg,” you ordered in a firm voice, making her gaze rise to yours, causing her grimace of discomfort to change into one of astonishment, of doubt, of not knowing if she would obey a mere mortal like you.
 But poor Donna was weak and you knew it. She didn't take long to close her eye and look away, freeing herself from the grip of your hands.
“Please, (Y/N), amore mio... I’m begging you... Let me, let me release inside of you, let me fill you with all my love, let me show you how much I love you...” she said with a whisper adorned by frustrated gasps that her body emitted.
You smiled. It was more than you asked for, of course.
“Wow... I have no words,” you joked, moving slowly, so she wouldn't realize that you had given in to her desire. “Okay honey, you can do it.”
Donna smiled in relief, feeling your hips claim hers, resuming her movements again, intensifying her thrusts, grabbing your legs, holding them above you, holding on so you wouldn't have the audacity to escape and go back on your word.
Your walls hugged her shaft while you yourself took the opportunity to release yourself without being discovered, just at the moment when her hips stopped, very close to yours, at the precise moment in which her release filled your warm interior, accompanied by a moan of relief from the lady, who finally got what she longed for.
“Gods...” Donna sighed, letting herself fall into your chest, releasing your legs but not wanting that sensation of her release inside of you to disappear, staying inside, trying to dominate the dominant one in that very sensual way. “Don’t, don't do this to me again...”
“Okay, the same to you,” you said in your defense, recovering your breath. The lady in black raised her head, looking at you with a frown.
“What have I done to you?” she asked offended, pointing comically at herself.
“What haven’t you done? I think that would be the right question,” you corrected. “Donna, this is the last time you have me without sex for a whole week, is that clear?”
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 year
A Reason To Come Back! Shanks (OPLA) Part 2
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Reader is a mermaid who washed up close to death in Luffy's village and made a home for themselves. Shanks comes back and tries to convince y/n to join his crew. Shanks x Female Reader.
Part 1
'Then join my crew!' Shanks said in a carefree manner.
That was four months ago, you didn't quite believe Shanks would go through with his promise, so you said yes.
After that first meeting, you went back to the tavern with Shanks to meet the rest of his crew, after stopping at your house to get some dry clothes. Shanks had so many questions about mermaids just like Luffy did and you tried to answer all of them. Maybe Luffy was right about him being a good guy, he gave off the vibe of someone you could trust but wouldn't want to cross.
You were nervous meeting the rest of his crew since pirates were primarily male, but they quickly put you at ease and were amazed at just how much booze you could put away, turns out that was a pro of being a mermaid. One of the newer crew tried to hit on you and it was then you revealed apparently what Shanks suspected when he heard you laugh, and that was your ability to compel. Let's just say the rest of the crew would never let the guy live down the humiliation you put him through.
Before he went to bed Shanks told Luffy of the promise he'd made to you. At first, the boy was upset that you wouldn't be joining his crew but was happy you'd both be pirates one day.
It did feel nice to let loose, laugh and have fun around others. And Shanks kept his eye on you the whole night. Maybe returning to the sea one day might just happen for you. You sketched a rough drawing of the jolly roger you'd seen during your escape, and it turned out Shanks and his crew didn't like that crew already so were all on board to help you.
During those four months, you kept yourself busy, fishing, helping around the village and keeping an eye on Luffy. You also had started putting things aside in case Shanks kept his promise and you had to join his crew which didn't seem that bad.
Today you'd just finished swimming and were returning to your house when you saw a familiar red-haired pirate sitting on your porch.
'SHANKS!' you call out.
I should have known y/n wouldn't be at home. They weren't in town when we arrived so I assumed they were swimming in the cove. Other than Luffy and myself no one else had been to the cove to see her mermaid form, it was her private space.
'SHANKS!' y/n calls out.
I look up to see the red-haired girl walking up the path towards me smiling and dripping wet. It was very unusual to see someone with the same hair colour as myself but y/n explained mermaids either got the colour from their mother or father or could get a mixture of both but y/n got her mother's red hair and tail.
I stand up and embrace y/n, who hugs me back. She was a lot smaller than me, but that didn't mean you should underestimate her, 'I told you I'd come back. You get younger each time I see you.'
y/n blushes at the compliment and playfully shoves me back, 'How old do you think I am Shanks?'
My face drops, this was a trap women liked to set to trip men up, 'err I don't know maybe early twenties.'
y/n grins, 'Such a charmer, we're the same age Shanks, mermaids just age slower and appear more youthful.'
I was shocked by her answer but also relieved. I said the early twenties to not sound awful when y/n could easily pass for eighteen or nineteen. At least we wouldn't have a kid on the crew with us.
'I didn't come to ask your age y/n, I came because I have something for you.'
y/n tilts their head and their eyes widen, 'what do you have for me? How's the arm by the way? Still getting used to only having one?'
Before leaving last time I'd lost my arm rescuing Luffy. I had no regrets and would do it again. It was tough but I was slowly adapting.
'Some days are harder than others but it will take time,' I reply honestly.
I reach behind me and under my cloak pull a wrapped-up piece of black fabric before handing it to y/n. y/n slowly unwraps the fabric and gasps loudly.
'You did it Shanks...this is the jolly roger I saw...thank you...' y/n stumbles over their words, tears pricking their eyes, 'what happened?'
It warmed my heart to see her get happy and emotional staring at the flag belonging to the ship that killed her family, 'they had a lot of enemies, and my crew simply pinned them against each other until they were no more. You're free to return to the sea y/n.'
y/n puts the flag down and throws themselves at me, causing me to grunt at the sudden impact but y/n wasn't that heavy so I was able to catch her as she hugged and clung onto me, 'you kept your end up so I'll keep mine, looks like I'm joining your crew Shanks.'
I laugh and put y/n down, 'Welcome to The Red Hair Pirates. I think you'll fit in nicely.'
It turned out that y/n was already packed, ready for the day to arrive. The rest of the crew and Luffy were waiting at the tavern, so we headed down there with y/n's belongings.
'I'M GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH Y/N!' Luffy shouts in y/n's face as soon as we enter the tavern, but y/n simply smiles and ruffles his hair not fazed by the loudness.
'I'm going to miss you more,' y/n replies and squeezes his cheek.
I clear my throat behind them and they both look up at me, 'What about me Luffy, won't you miss me?'
Luffy grins like an idiot, 'Of course, I'll miss you Shanks, you made me want to become a pirate but how many mermaids am I going to meet in my life?'
y/n sniggers, 'and since I'm now a pirate mermaid I guess you're number two in his eyes Shanks or should I say, captain.'
I roll my eyes but embrace the situation. Things were going to be a lot more interesting with y/n on the crew.
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
The Rut (David x Fem! Reader)
It is finally here! The last installment of The Rut series! I am so happy that everyone enjoyed this series, it was definitely fun to write the boys in just complete feral mode lol. I'll definitely be writing for stuff for the boys in the future!
(Also since I've been asked, this isn't really a poly relationship series, this is a "only (insert boy) likes reader" kinda thing).
I really wanna thank everyone who has commented on, reblogged, or just liked this series. Y'all really kept me going when I had writers block, and I couldn't have finished it without y'all. And a big shout out to @auntvamp who came up with the original headcannons about the boys in rut, because without them, this series wouldn't be a thing lol. I'd highly suggest reading that first.
Lastly I'd like to thank @santacarlatourism for their headcanons of each boy's scent on my post
I also got inspired by these headcanons
For this I know a lot of people write David as a rough dom but I wanted to explore something else, I don't think David would always be rough with his mate, I see him having a soft side too, so this is that, and also him slowly losing control lol.
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Paul, Marko, Dwayne,
Word Count: 5,376 (of course this cocky mofo ended up with the longest chapter 🤣)
Pairing: David x Fem! Reader
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Don't invite him in"
That's what Dwayne had told you when he informed you to stay away from the cave for the next couple of days. You were confused when Dwayne had met you at the entrance the night before, usually David was the first one out and ready to leave, typically smoking while the others got ready. You were fully prepared to spend the night at the boardwalk with the boys and your favorite vampire, but Dwayne had quickly shot down those plans.
"Wait…A rut? Like how animals have ru-"
"Yes just like that" he told you as he walked you back to your car.
"When we go into these we are very dangerous to you, since you're a human and not a vampire like us you're far more…"
"Fragile" you finished, the boys had all told you that before, taking it upon themselves to protect you all the time because you were "like a China doll" in Dwayne's words.
"So that's why you need to stay away for a couple of days," he explained, to which you could only simply nod as you climbed in your car. Your thoughts suddenly taking a turn as you thought of him…they were all extremely attractive…him especially…and you were sure him taking a partner for a quick time was something he had done before…would that happen again? After all, if he was gonna kill them anyways why not? It didn't matter if they were fragile right? But why did that thought make you wanna cry even more in this situation?
"It isn't like that" Dwayne's voice broke you out of your thoughts and you were unsure if he had read your thoughts or could just read your emotions.
"Go home y/n, don't overthink ok, you can come back soon" he told you with a small smile as he shut your car door, watching as you started the car and rolled down the window when he knocked
"And one more thing" he told you while leaning in.
"Don't invite him in"
So here you were, sitting in your room, listening to music and drawing, wishing you could just go hang out with the boys, you hadn't really realized just how much of a staple in your life they had become until now. Night's seemed boring without them…without him. Sighing you sat your sketchbook down on your nightstand after you realized that in your zoned out state you had successfully sketched what was probably the twentieth picture of him that resided in the book. Stretching, you got up and changed the music, putting on your newest Billy Idol album. You had joked to David before that he reminded you of the singer, a comment that although he didn't reply to, he seemed complimented by. You had actually come across David listening to a Billy Idol cassette tape one day in the cave and it only solidified that thought even more for you lol. You began dancing around as White Wedding started to play, losing yourself in the music for a moment, before you heard a gentle knock on your window. Your body froze instantly, shifting your gaze to the closed curtains. You slightly wondered if it had been the wind, but only slightly, you knew that was definitely a knock.
"I know you're in there Sweetheart, no use hiding" You immediately felt a shiver run down your spine at the voice, a deeper tone with a slight growl mixed with it told you he was currently vamped out.
'Don't invite him in' Dwayne's words rang in your head, earning another low growl from outside.
"You don't take orders from him, understand?" Oh shit, he was reading your thoughts. You had made him promise when you first learned what they were that he wouldn't do that anymore. A promise he seemed like he had no problem breaking tonight.
"But.. David…Dwayne said it would be dangerous to-"
"Funny" you heard him let out a dry chuckle.
"I thought I just said you don't take orders from him" You gulped at his tone, a sarcastic David was a dangerous David at times, and you had a feeling this was one of those times.
"Let me in Doll, I'll explain it all better than he could" You hesitated still, true, Dwayne hadn't explained very much, and you were still curious. And if you were being honest, when vamped out David probably had the most control over himself out of all of them, besides maybe Dwayne…Maybe it would be safe if you let him in. Slowly making your way over towards the window you heard what seemed like a pleased…purr? You pulled back the curtains, meeting the golden gaze of the vampire on the outside of your window. His figure looming on your small balcony. You unlocked and opened your window, leaning out to speak to him. When suddenly your lips were captured in a searing kiss, his gloved hands holding your face, softly yet firm as he pulled you closer, fangs brushing your lips as he opened your mouth with his, tongue dominating the kiss. You weren't sure what was making you dizzier, the kiss that was quite literally stealing your breath away, or his scent. David always smelled like a mixture of cigarettes, the cologne he always stole that had a very earthy smell to it, and a scent that you could only describe as simply him. But tonight his scent seemed to be cranked up to a hundred, clouding your brain of anything but him. When he finally seemed to remember you needed to breathe he pulled away, forehead resting against yours as he watched you try to catch your breath, pupils blown and heart racing as you met his gaze.
"David," you spoke quietly.
"You're gonna be a good girl and let me come inside, right?" He asked, watching the shiver that went down your spine at the nickname, a mental note he tucked away for later.
"Right?" He asked again, watching as you slowly nodded.
"Words Sweetheart" he gave you that little smile as he ran his thumb over your lip.
"You can come inside" you spoke once you found your voice.
"That's a good girl" he spoke, before the next thing you knew you were back inside your bedroom and being thrown onto your bed.
"Clothes off Sweetheart, I'm going to fuck you first, then I'll explain everything" he commanded, staring you down as he slowly took his coat off and laid it over your desk.
"W-What?" You stuttered, looking at him with wide eyes, did he actually just say that so casually? He raised an eyebrow as he looked at you, waiting.
"I thought you were going to be a good girl tonight y/n" he spoke while slowly pulling your chair out and sitting down.
"I-I.." you weren't sure what to say at the moment, voice gone as you got lost in that golden gaze.
"I don't mind punishing you" he warned, and the look in his eye told you that part of him wanted to, wanted you to misbehave so he could. Deciding to play it safe, for now, you quickly took off your top and bottoms, leaving you in your simple lace panties, bra having been discarded earlier in the night. You watched his gaze darken as he took you in, golden eyes turning a bit orange.
"Come here" he spoke simply, but his tone told you that there was no arguing. Slowly you stood from your bed, taking careful steps over to him, stopping once you stood directly in front, your legs lightly grazing his knees. You slowly met his gaze again, those hard features and burning eyes, you knew anyone in your situation would have ran, but you knew David, and maybe some deep twisted part of you wanted this more than you even recognized. Wanted to be completely dominated by this man, this creature. Maybe you should have also not thought those things so loudly, if the absolutely predatory grin was anything to go by.
"Completely dominated huh?" He asked while leaning back in the chair, he watched as you gulped, listened as your heart picked up speed, smelled as a fresh wave of arousal hit you. It wouldn't take much to have you exactly where he wanted you, completely willing, completely his.
"On your knees Sweetheart" he told you with a low growl, and he watched as you instantly fell onto your floor, hands hovering just above his knees before lowering themselves to the ground. Good girl, you already knew to wait for his orders. He watched you watch him, watched as you tried not to show how much you were trying to gain some form of friction against where you needed it most. He could feel himself stir even more at the sight, could feel the inner beast trying to claw its way out, yelling at him to simply take you, stop these foolish games and claim what was his. He hated that feeling, hated losing control. Deciding to relieve both himself and you he tapped his belt buckle, eyes still never leaving you as you looked up to meet his gaze before setting to work undoing his belt and then pants, looking up to silently ask if you should stop or keep going.
"Well? You've been a good girl so far, are you afraid to unwrap your treat?" He smirked, watching the blush crawl up your neck and cheeks as your eyes went back to his pants. He lifted himself slowly so you could take them and his underwear off, pulling the material down to his ankles, stopping only because his boots got in the way. You went to remove them but he stopped you with a hand on your head.
"Those can wait" he told you, sliding his hand from your hair to cup your cheek, running his thumb over your lip before slowly parting them, watching as you wrapped your lips around his thumb, eyes sliding closed as you sucked the digit. David watched you intensely, feeling himself jump at the sight, and knowing that he wanted, no, needed your lips around him, now. Gently pulling his thumb away with the thinning self control he had left he opened your mouth, watching as your eyes met his.
"I have something better for you to use that pretty mouth on" he told you, watching as your eyes moved to finally take him in. He was average length, but pretty thick, a size that had you both clenching around nothing and also afraid of him not fitting. Again, reading your mind, you heard David chuckle.
"That's why we have to get both of us nice and wet, I think you know how to do that, don't you?" He asked, letting go of your mouth and leaning back in the chair, legs opening just a bit more.
"Yes sir" you nodded, sitting up a bit, hands finally touching his thighs, you could hear the low rumble leave him as he stared at you, you had taken a chance by calling him sir, but you had a very strong feeling he had that sort of kink, after all, David always loved being in charge.
"Look at that, I don't even have to teach you manners, you are already trained for me" he smirked, gathering your hair in his gloved hand as you slowly wrapped a hand around his length, feeling it twitch, before lowering your lips to close around the head.
"Already my good girl" he sighed, watching as you ran your tongue along the slit before lowering your head, hollowing your cheeks, and taking more of him in while running your tongue along the vein on the underside. What your mouth couldn't take, you hand took care of as you began bobbing your head, twisting your fist as you stroked in time with your bobs. You hadn't expected David to be a moaner or a talker, so when you only received grunts and huffs you knew not to be disappointed. You let those guide you, noting when he would tighten his grip on your hair, or when he would ever so slightly lift his hips, when he would hold his breath, or when his grunts sounded a bit more strained.
"Teeth" he grunted out at one point, tightening his grip on your hair again. You weren't sure what he meant, so you went off of what you guessed and prayed that it was right, you were doing good so far, you didn't want to fuck up now. Letting your teeth graze against his length you felt him stiffen, and instantly you feared you messed up, but that was when you heard it, the first moan, even if it was extremely quiet. With more confidence you let a little more of your teeth scrape along him as you worked, hearing his breath quicken once more. You chanced a glance upwards and noticed a sight you didn't expect, David with his eyes closed, head slightly tilted backwards, and mouth slightly open. Feeling brave after your achievement you decided to try something else. Sneaking your other hand up, you gently wrapped your hand around his balls, just as you took as much of him as you could and swallowed. Feeling him stiffen instantly, and hearing a clearly strained.
"Fuck" before his eyes met yours, orange gaze blazing before you were suddenly tossed on the bed, watching as he tore the rest of his clothes off.
"Did I say you could do that?" He asked, caging your body with his. You slowly shook your head but David caught your jaw in his now gloveless hand.
"Did I?"
"N-No sir" you replied, honestly a little scared, as well as turned on. David looked almost unhinged at the moment, like he was a breath away from just bending you over, and maybe that's what you wanted.
"So why did you think it was ok?"
"I-I just"
"Just what? You had been doing so well"
"I just wanted to make you feel good" you told him, and watched as he stopped, and blinked down at you. Honestly he hadn't expected that reply. He figured you were tired of playing the good girl role and wanted to disobey, wanted him to put you in your place, wanted him to just take you already…He hadn't expected you to tell him you were just trying to make him feel good.
"Just trying to please your master?" He asked with a smirk, watching as you nodded, eyes wide with an innocence that he knew was false, but God did you know how to play on that. He knew how dirty your mind was, he had read it so many times, times where you would come to the cave, wet and smelling like pure heaven. He wanted, no, needed to know what had gotten you that way, so he'd delve into your mind, needing to know if he'd have an easy kill that night or would it be something else, and what he'd find would cause his own stirrings. Things that you had read about in your little erotic novels, but played out by the two of you. You riding him, which he'd have to be convinced about. Him bending you over his motorcycle, that he could and would definitely arrange. Then there were the ones that filled your mind after you learned that he was originally a gunslinger before he became a vampire. It seemed your naughty little mind lived on the saying "save a horse, ride a cowboy". That heavenly smell surrounded him once again as you looked up at him, muttering such words that had his thin self control on the verge of snapping.
"Always wanna please you sir" you whimpered, slightly wiggling under him, no doubt seeking friction for the overwhelming heat that was bothering you. He decided to take pity on you, at least that's what he'd tell you, when really the beast in him was clawing at his mind for a taste of you.
"Such a Sweetheart" he smiled, leaning down to kiss your neck, chuckling as you leaned your head to the side, already willing to give him access to your blood, but that wasn't the taste he sought, at least not at the moment. Pressing gentle kisses down your collarbone, stopping to give your breasts attention, he swirled his tongue around your nipple before closing his lips around it, fangs grazing your skin as his hand came up to pinch and play with your other one, before his mouth and hand switched. Only when he felt like he had made you a breathless mess did he continue his journey down, hands sliding along your sides as he kissed down your stomach, pressing kisses to your hip bones before hooking his claws into your lace panties. His eyes met yours, a sinister smirk on his lips as you watched him tear your panties in half, the sound of tearing fabric meeting your ears while your eyes never left his. You watched him toss the pieces to the sides of the bed before he pressed kisses to your thighs, so close to where you wanted his mouth but never giving you what you needed.
"Beg" he told you, watching as your eyes met his again, having closed them for a moment.
"Please David" you whimpered, yelping slightly when his hand landed a smack on your thigh.
"Care to try that again?"
"Please sir, please I've been good" you begged.
"Have you? I don't think you have"
"I-I was just trying to make you feel good" you explained again, watching as he stared at you.
"Please sir, I promise I'll be good" you told him, gripping at the sheets, trying to will him to do something, anything to calm the fire that was slowly burning through you. Meanwhile David was fighting with himself, he wanted to tease you, have you a real begging mess, but the other part was clawing at him to just give in and take. This time he decided to give into that beast within and in an instant his mouth was on you, tongue swiping along your slit and watching as you threw your head back, a loud moan of his name tearing from your lips. He decided this time he wouldn't reprime you for it, mainly because he was becoming too lost in your taste, his own grunts muffled as he buried his face deeper, nose brushing your clit while his tongue dipped inside. He felt your legs close around his head, his hands still resting on your thighs, and again he decided to let it slide, instead grabbing your hips and letting himself explore you, commiting to memory every swipe of his tongue that had you moaning his name, every suck that had you gasping, every twist and turn that had your heart beat picking up and the beast in him clawing at the fraying seams of his control. He wanted to slam his fingers in you, listen as you moan at the fact that something was finally filling you, but he knew that his claws and that sensitive of an area shouldn't mix, so he settled on completely devouring you, being careful of his fangs as he brought you closer to your edge. Your legs tightening around him, hips lifting to try and get closer, hands grabbing at his hair while your head was thrown back, eyes shut and mouth open, begging him to not stop, telling him how good he felt and how close you were. He could push you off the edge in just a matter of seconds…could…but wasn't going to. Easily unwrapping your legs from him, he lifted himself away from you, watching as you whined and looked up at him with pleading eyes. Chest rising and falling rapidly as you slowly came down from the high he had built you up to.
"Why?" You whimpered, and David simply smirked as he wiped your essence from his face.
"You still had to be punished Sweetheart" he told you, watching as you pouted, head turned to the side while you tried to catch your breath. He chuckled at your pouting, knew how frustrated you were, because honestly he was at that point as well. He knew that playtime was up. Grabbing your thighs again he pulled you down the bed, wrapping your legs around his hips. He watched you gasp at being manhandled but he knew you liked it, he could smell that you liked it.
"Now, are you gonna be my good girl again? Or do I have to punish you again?"
"I'll be good I promise" you panted, wanting that high again that only he could bring you to, he'd make sure you knew that, that only he could make you feel this way.
"Good girl" he growled, reaching down to drag himself through your wetness, watching as your hips lifted slightly, trying to coax him in.
"Such a greedy girl" he smirked, before slowly entering you, watching as you threw your head back at the feeling of finally having him inside you. It took him a bit with how tight you were, but once he was fully seated he had to take a moment. Because right then, for the first time he felt overwhelmed. Sure he had partners in the past, but nothing felt like this, as if he needed more proof that you were his mate. And he knew that you probably wanted him to be gentle, but he knew that wouldn't be something he could offer, not this night at least.
"I'm not gonna be gentle Sweetheart" he felt he should warn you, felt you deserved to know before he just took you.
"I didn't expect you to be" you smiled, and he knew you knew enough of what was going on with him to know he was losing the control he loved so much, so he never broke the gaze you two held as he gripped your hips and pulled back, only to slam forward, watching as you threw your head back. He listened to your cries for him, your heartbeat singing as it sped up again. He watched as your eyes rolled back, mouth opened as you didn't even try to hide the gasps, and moans. He found his own eyes closing as he sped up, thrusts now slamming into you as the bed shook, his grunts were drowned out by your cries and that was ok, he didn't need to be loud, it was your job to tell everyone who was making you feel this good. Sir had long been forgotten and he couldn't find it in himself to care, wanting you to cry out his name until your throat went raw.
"Fuck" he panted out through gritted teeth, the feeling was picking up, the knot tightening in his stomach as he felt you grow tighter around him. Shit you were gonna make it hard on him to even fuckin last, especially when you were begging for him, begging for him not to stop, begging for him to make you cum, even begging for him to make you his, as if you weren't already. Your orgasm hit you both by surprise, you suddenly became like a vice around him and he immediately stopped, watched as you shook, you entire body trembling as you flew over the edge, he slowed his thrusts, gently rocking you through it, and also keeping his own orgasm at bay
He watched you blink before your eyes met his, looking up to see if he would say something about you cumming without permission, which, any other time he may, but right now he just knew he needed you to cum again, because you were absolutely beautiful when lost in pleasure. You watched as he unhooked your legs from him, instead lifting them as he pulled out and crawled over you, pressing his forehead to yours as he wrapped your legs around him again, his one hand coming up to hold yours, while his other game up to hold your jaw.
"You got another one for me Sweetheart?" He asked, not breaking eye contact as the hand on your jaw left for only a moment as you felt him enter you again, making you gasp.
"Yes" you whimpered, already lifting your hips to meet his.
"My little mate, always so willing" he smiled, fangs grazing your lips before he captured them again, he soon started thrusting again, and you moaned in the kiss, allowing his tongue to enter and dominate before he pulled back, fangs lightly grazing your lip and drawing blood, to which he quickly licked it up. His hips thrusting forward harshly as he tasted it, the flavor exploding on his tongue and heightening his sense to focus on the precious liquid that flowed just below the skin. He knew it would be dangerous to feed on you while you two were in the middle of this, he could lose any control he had left if he did, and he wouldn't know what to do if he killed his mate. So instead he focused on the other liquid you were producing, the liquid that was currently coating his thighs as he thrusted into you. Your moans were echoing against the walls and in his brain as he allowed himself to slip away, focusing on the feeling of your body sucking him in, gripping him tight in your soaking heat, God you were so hot against him. He knew his temperature was running hotter than normal due to the rut but yours was like fire. He was also losing himself in your scent, not just the scent of your arousal, but the scent that was simply you, a scent that he would never admit, but one that he loved smelling around the cave or against his pillow when you would take a nap in his spare room. He lost himself in how soft your skin was under his hands, how you completely gave yourself to him, willingly submitted yourself to a beast like him even though you had been told it was dangerous. How you were crying out for him, begging him, praising him, God your praises.
"Yeah? Only I can make you feel this good?" He panted against your lips, eyes still closed as he continued to lose himself.
"Fuuuuck, only you David" you told him
"Only I know your body like this" he growled, picking up speed.
"Only you" you panted.
"You're mine" another growl
"Shit..Only yours"
"Completely mine" he grunted
"My mate" he groaned, and you allowed your eyes to open slightly, expecting to meet gold but instead noticed that his eyes were closed, eyebrows furrowed as his mouth opened slightly, hot breaths fanning your face.
"Say it" he panted, eyes not opening as he picked up his speed again, angling himself until he was hitting that spot inside you that made you see stars
"Your mate" you moaned, eyes closing again as your head fell back as far as his hand would let it, his grip leaving your jaw to grab the back of your head, forehead never leaving yours.
"My mate" he panted, breaking off into a groan.
"Fuck" he moaned against your lips, his control a hair's breath away from being gone, the faster your heartbeat raced, the less he had.
"Cum for me" he groaned, knowing he wasn't going to last much longer. The hand that had been holding yours quickly found your clit, rubbing circles that had to shooting towards your peak.
"Fuck! David!"
"That's it baby, let go" he surged forward, panting against your mouth as moans began to leave him, the sign that he was about to finish as well you realized. Your hands shot into his hair, pulling the locks until his face left yours and buried into your neck. It was something you knew you both wanted, something you had fantasized about, and something you know the rut would most likely want him to do.
"Make me yours" you panted, officially snapping the thin string of self control he had. Instantly his fangs sunk into your skin, drawing a high pitched moan from you as your legs locked around him, your body squeezing him as your second orgasm washed over you, and he was right behind. As soon as your blood entered his mouth he was gone, he knew you smelled like heaven, but you tasted like it as well, and that paired with your even stronger orgasm had him slamming forward, hips stuttering before stilling as he filled you, a deep growl leaving him and vibrating your chest as he pour himself into you, claiming you, marking you, just like his fangs did. He gave a few slow thrusts before he stilled and pulled his mouth away, his fangs leaving your skin as he licked up the blood that trailed out and sealed the wound, the only evidence being two small marks. You both stayed like that for a moment, his face still buried in your neck while your hand was tangled in his hair, the other running along the scratch marks on his back that you didn't even know you had made, he knew though, he quite enjoyed the tiny bit of pain.
"That was really dangerous" he spoke after a moment, drawing your attention to his gaze, now far less orange and far more gold, the red hue having disappeared.
"I think the danger started when I invited you in" you laughed, watching as a smile graced his lips.
"You were told not to, and here I thought you knew how to follow orders" he tisked, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Kinda hard to know which rules to follow when my master says the opposite of others" you smirked, earning a growl that vibrated your chest.
"Always my orders"
"That's what I thought" you smiled, leaning up to capture his lips in a kiss that he happily returned.
"You really like being called that" you joked, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Just means you know your role" he stated.
"Oh? So I'm nothing more than your pet?" You asked with a pout.
"You know you're not, you're my mate" he stated as if it were the simplest thing, which to him it may have been, but to you.
"What does that mean exactly?" You asked, watching as he just blinked at you.
"No like…is that what vampires call girlfriends or.." you trailed off when he started lightly running his finger over the bite marks he made.
"Why do you think I came here even though it was dangerous?" He asked.
"Honestly, I'm not actually sure" you told him truthfully.
"I actually figured you would just go pick up some random at the boardwalk" added while staring at the skin of his arm that you were currently drawing patterns on with your finger. You tried to hide the sad tone but you knew he could easily pick up on it, knew because he was soon turning your face towards him again.
"This doesn't work that way." He started, brushing your hair out of your face.
"None of us have ever been through this before, I'm the first. We just know about it from Max telling us" he explained.
"This rut, it's triggered by us finding our mate. In human terms I guess the closest thing would be a soulmate"
"So I'm…Your soulmate?" You asked, your smile growing.
"Far more than a pet now huh?" He smirked, leaning down to kiss you again. Chuckling when you pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.
"Would this be the right time to tell you that I've kinda had a crush on you for a while?" You laughed, watching as his smirk grew.
"Oh I already knew"
"Wait what?!"
"You think very loudly Sweetheart"
"Wait…How long have you been reading my thoughts?! I told you not to!"
"Long enough" he stated, while lowering his mouth to your ear.
"Now, let's see if you can last for longer than eight seconds Darlin'" he purred, a deep southern drawl ringing in your ears and you knew you were fucked…in more ways than one.
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Of course I had to throw in some tidbits about my headcanon that David was originally a gunslinger from Texas lol.
@its-monster-mash, @arenpath , @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx , @katpursley94-blog , @theamericanjewitch , @shewhomustnotbenamedsworld , @thelostone91 , @blazeflays , @ilikechocolatemilkh , @babyloutattoo89 , @bigcreatorwombatdreamer , @non-binary-disastrous-mess , @2525sc , @kitteebree , @besas-stuff , @justaspeachy , @faefairi3 , @its-freaking-bats, @santa-carla-boardwalk-1987, @urmothersmistress , @nickangel13 , @lostboysmate1987 , @simpin-for-slashers,
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tealin · 1 year
I may not have used my sketchbook as much as I thought I would, with regard to locations, but I did fill a few pages with one of my favourite pastimes back in The World: people sketching.
My biggest anxiety about going to McMurdo was the human factor.  Whether it was school or work, a recurring motif in my life is that I do not do well in a big box full of Americans, and that is, almost literally, exactly what McMurdo is.  Sure, the continent wants to kill you, and every way of getting to and around it comes with risk of serious accident, but the only thing I was actually afraid of was finding myself in a stressful social situation and not having any recourse to escape.  I know how to build a snow cave.  I don't know how to deflect the ire of people who've taken a set against me – and, for whatever reason, I tend to rub people in the States the wrong way.  When I was shortlisted for the placement, the person handling the admin briefed me about the process and asked me if I had any further questions, and I raised this concern.  She responded that, speaking purely from her own experience, she had never felt more comfortable being herself than when she was at McMurdo.  Not knowing who 'herself' was, I took this with a grain of salt, but it was an encouraging answer nonetheless.
It turned out that the best thing about McMurdo was, in fact, those very people I had been afraid of.  Everyone I met was absolutely splendid.  In my first days there, my supervisor joked that if you shake the world, all the best people end up at the bottom; the remainder of my time there proved how right she was.  One of the main things that attracted me to the Terra Nova story, and has kept me committed to it for so long, was how wonderful the people were – far outside what I had come to expect from humanity.  Warm, genuine, accepting of and attentive to each other, a wide range of personalities and dispositions that nevertheless got on and functioned together as a society, in the face of environmental and emotional extremes ... I needed to know such people were possible, and clung to them as an ideal.  It was a wonderful surprise to discover that they would not be out of place amongst their modern counterparts.
Is it because they're scientists, as someone theorised? But they're not – most of the people at McMurdo are support staff, working in the kitchen or waste disposal or shuttle fleet; helping the science happen, yes, but that's not necessarily why they're there, personally.  Is it because a harsh environment triggers something in the human psyche to support each other, rather than compete?  Maybe, but these people seem like they'd be solid wherever they are, and were like that before going South.  
I suspect there is an element of self-selection – something about the sort of person who would want to go to Antarctica correlates with a certain mindset, one that gels extremely well with others who share it, however different they may be in other respects.  There is no denying that everyone there is a bit odd.  They tend to be types that exist on the fringes back in The World and, like me, may struggle to conform to its values.  A few years ago, I came across this adage from an Antarctic veteran: "You go the first time for the adventure.  You go the second time to relive the first time.  You go the third time because you don't belong anywhere else."  Many of them live in remote places, or travel, or do itinerant work when not on the Ice.  There is a bit of a running gag in Where'd You Go, Bernadette? that everyone doing a mundane job in Antarctica is a high achiever in something amazing, who left it all behind – and that's not exactly untrue.  Perhaps what unites Antarcticans is an awareness of what really matters, when you get right down to it: they've played the game enough to see through it, and are done with it.  "Glory? He knew it for a bubble: he had proved himself to himself. He was not worrying about glory. Power? He had power." So Cherry wrote about Wilson in 1948, but many modern Antarcticans might sympathise.  When you come out the other side of self-aggrandisement and jockeying for status, and are happy just to be yourself and let others be themselves, you get a happy, harmonious society.  Or so it would seem.
At midnight on my last day there, I had a deep conversation with someone I'd only met in passing before, but who was totally down to have a long talk with a random stranger on a footbridge in the middle of the night. I presented her my hypothesis that no one at McMurdo was popular in high school.  No, she replied; there may be a handful who were popular in high school ... but they're not popular at McMurdo.  Maybe the secret is in there somewhere.
Anyway, I didn't do nearly as much people sketching as I'd have liked, given that the base was populated entirely by Characters, but these are the pages I did manage to get. 
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Two pages of random McMurdites, likely in the Galley:
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These last four are from a meeting where team leaders were presenting their projects to some high muckymucks visiting from the NSF. I was only there because my project was allotted a space in the presentation, but the main focus was the massive Thwaites Glacier project, a collaboration between the US Antarctic Program and the British Antarctic Survey to study one of the most unstable regions in Antarctica.  They quite rightly took up the whole meeting time, and the privilege of being there meant I learned a lot about the project.  My longstanding habit is to draw during meetings, so I captured some of them in my sketchbook while absorbing the science into my head.
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Notable characters in my sketches include: - David Vaughan, heading up the British contingent of the Thwaites team, was quite an engaging and affable guy but had a concentration scowl that puts mine in the shade. I was shocked when I heard he died of cancer earlier this year (2023) – a great loss to BAS, glaciology, and Antarctic science generally. - When Erin Pettit isn't studying glaciers with an eye to climate change, she's taking girls on wilderness adventures to foster an interest in science and art, as well as self-confidence. - Britney Schmidt, Queen of Icefin, not only earned my profound respect but has a whole episode of PBS's Terra dedicated to her work developing sub-ice autonomous robots with the aim of exploring Europa. (Seriously, so cool.)
I could go on about Antarctic people, but there's nothing so good as showing you, and luckily I can do just that. PBS sent a small team down in 2018 to do a YouTube series, and one of their episodes is all about the cool people who call McMurdo home.  It might make my point better than all my whittering, and is certainly more fun. If you'd like to see more, Werner Herzog's film Encounters at the End of the World is much of the same, but more so.  It had been recommended to me several times, but I hadn't managed to get my hands on it until a week before I left, when it turned out a Cambridge friend had a copy and lent it to me.  'I don't know how true it is,' he said, 'but I want it to be.'  When I got back, I was happy to confirm to him that it was, indeed, exactly like that.  And I miss it so much.
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 11 months
Come Go With Me
A Michael Gavey fic.
EDIT: Now with art! (just a sketch tho)
Summary: It's the spring of 2007 and Michael Gavey has so far kept to the vow he made to never socialize again after Oliver ditched him. Then he meets a cute girl at a coffee shop. Will the vow stand strong or immediately go down the drain?
Word Count: 3986
Rating: T (plenty of swearing, instances of misogyny, objectification of the female body, atrociously incorrect bagel eating, New York City slander, etc.)
Author's Note: yes, the title is the song by Expose. Also, I'm a corny writer.
Divider by @cafekitsune
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“I don’t know or care what Oliver Quick is doing this summer,” Michael said, continuing to type on his laptop, not even making eye contact with whoever asked the question.  The guy who asked left without saying anything further.
Some random guy in the library asked Michael if it was true that Oliver was going to be spending the summer with Felix on his family’s estate.  It was more about prying into Felix’s business than him wanting to know anything about Oliver, Michael thought.  Oliver was not on the same level of being interesting (in the eyes of the general student populace) that the Cattons were.  
Michael didn’t give a shit that Oliver was going to fancy fucking Saltburn with his new, snobby, loser, nepo baby friends for the summer.  Really, he didn’t.  When Oliver humiliated him at the bar, he made the decision then to swear off any further socializing at the university.  It was the best thing he ever did.
Already, he felt less anxious.  He had more time to focus on his coursework.  More time to read new books, attend off campus lectures.  Walks in the park by himself were quite relaxing when he didn’t have to think about topics to keep a stilted, dying conversation going.  He even went so far as to set aside time to play video games again.  Every weekend, for one hour and a half, he lost himself in Fable on his Xbox.  
Michael still felt the sting of the bar betrayal from time to time, as he thought he had finally found a true friend in Oliver (or at least, the potential for him to become one).  The new, lone path taken had helped him realize that he was not the problem.  Oliver was just an asshole, like the majority of those who went to Oxford.  
Sometimes Michael wondered why people didn’t like him.  Must be how smart he was.   There was nothing weird about being good at math.  What was so awful about being good at math, anyway?  He guessed that most peoples’ biggest issue with his smarts was that it reminded them they were stupid. Oh well!  Plenty of time for activities by himself now.
One of those activities was fast became his favorite, after only his fourth visit.  Visiting a little coffee shop he had discovered near the river, he was able to “mingle” among people without having to talk to anyone. No one would bother him here and he would still get his dose of human contact which, after all, was vital to the psychological constitution of a person.  As rigid as he intended on being with his new No Socializing At Oxford vows, Michael did not intend on becoming a psychopath.  Besides, the baristas never got his order wrong. They never talked to him beyond the perfunctory taking of his order but after the third time, when he walked in, instead of asking what he would like the person at the register had asked “The usual?” and Michael would just say yes, thank you, and then pay.
Michael packed up his laptop, shoving it and the charger into his reusable Tescoe bag along with his notebooks. He stood and adjusted his sweater, checked all his pant pockets were buttoned up and zipped closed.  He kept his visits only to every other day so as to not have the monotony grate on his nerves. The coffee shop made fresh bagels every day, however, and he had been looking forward to enjoying one all morning (his favorite was blueberry).  He liked to eat his a certain way, scooping out the insides of each slice before finally eating the hollowed out crusts.  Someone at school would surely have an opinion about his bagel-eating method (not that he cared) but at the coffee shop, Michael was left in peace.
 Walking briskly through the library doors and outside in the crisp spring air, he didn’t even look in direction of Oliver walking up the steps into the library with Felix.  They were laughing about something but Michael didn’t even breathe in their direction.
The delicious smell of bread baking hit him in a wave as he stepped into the coffee shop.  It looked like a rush had just hit, the baristas busy cleaning and restocking various items.  
“Hi! I’ll take your order right over here.” came the chipper voice.  Michael turned.
Oh god, a new hire. An American one (he was pretty sure the accent he heard was American) Maybe he wasn’t entitled to feel irritated about changes in the store, it's not like he owned the damn thing, but Michael felt irritated just the same.  This was HIS spot and someone new had just invaded it.
The new girl had long hair parted in the middle, tied back in a bun.  The hair was turquoise. A very bright turquoise, almost neon, he would say.  It pissed him off even more. Dyed hair was so fucking tacky.
He trudged to the register, hating every second of anticipating having to deal with someone new, someone chatty, even for something as impersonal as coffee.  
The girl was almost as tall as he was, eye-level to him, smiling the fakest fucking smile he had ever seen.  I mean, it had to be fake.  Who looked this happy to be taking a stranger’s order? He didn’t even bother attempting to smile back.  Whatever.  Get my coffee, bitch Michael though.
“I’ll have a large vanilla coffee, sugar free, with a blueberry bagel.” 
“Ah, so just cutting back on the sugar but can’t quite quit it altogether, eh?” the girl said with a wink and another smile, totally unperturbed by his attitude.
Michael pursed his lips and said nothing.  The girl, still unbothered, looked down and clacked away on the touch screen.  He quickly looked over her in the few seconds she imputed his order.  
She had long, acrylic nails, painted a pastel kind of purple.  Her name tag said Cat, which he guessed was short for Catherine.  Maybe.  Also her boobs were big.  Not normal big, but stripper big.  Not that he would know, but still.  Too big for the word “boobs”, for sure.  Tits seemed like a more appropriate word.  If he had ever been to a strip club he was pretty damn sure stripper tits would look exactly like hers.  And she had tattoos covering the entirety of her left arm.  Classy, he thought condescendingly. No wonder she was working here instead of somewhere like a bank.
Michael wondered if she had tattoos on her chest as well…he was so sure he could avert his gaze before she noticed but suddenly her fingers snapped and her head lowered into his line of vision, a smug look on her face.  Small wisps of hair hung in front of her ears, he noticed.
“You lose something. buddy?” she asked.  
“I didn’t mean-I was just looking at your name tag.” he sputtered, fidgeting with a cuff of his sweater.  
“Look, it's fine. They’re tits.” 
Michael flinched slightly at her casual use of the word.  It was one thing to talk like that with other guys, but girls? What was she trying to prove?  Tits tits tits. He made a point to stare straight into her eyes and not look away while she continued to speak. “Its not a big deal, I promise,” she said, finishing up his order on the register and offering her hand to take payment. 
Choosing not to respond, Michael set his Tesco bag on the counter so he could unzip one of his pockets to get at his credit card.  The pocket it was in was hard to open and the zipper always caught, so two hands were needed.  
“You can look, you know,  just don’t be creepy about it.” she continued, as he struggled slightly with the pocket.  
Michael did not look at her as he handed over the card. 
Being branded a “creep” was the last thing Michael needed.  He was already the Lonely Nerd at university, he really did not want to become the Creepy Lonely Nerd (that ogles stranger’s tits).  Not that he would give a shit what people thought, but one less socially crippling label was better than one more.
“I mean, it’s not like I can leave them at home, right?  I don’t mind a little look here and there!” she said with a laugh, handing back his card. Unbelievable.  She was still talking about her tits! 
“Can I get that to go?” Michael answered more than asked.  
“Sure thing. Uh, what’s your name?”
“I’m Michael.” He was not staying here. He was not going to stay and become the Creepy Tit Guy.  Given her outgoing nature, Cat would probably have something to say about the way he ate his bagel, too, he was sure of it.  He would become Creepy Tit And Weirdo Bagel Eating Method Guy if he stayed. Maybe dealing with this at university would have been easier but this was supposed to be his relaxation spot. The coffee shop was ruined for him now, he would never come back.  Ever.  Fuck this place and fuck her.
“Alrighty, dude. Be right back!” 
“My name is not…dude..” Michael stepped away from the register, his voice fading away to nothing as Cat got his order ready, unable to hear him.  There was no one else coming in right now, it seemed he came during a lull. The other employees were still cleaning and restocking. 
“Here you go!” Cat said with a smile, handing him his bagel in a paper wrap and his coffee. 
Still not looking at her, he took his bagel and his coffee and got the fuck out of there, practically powerwalking away. 
 It was only until he made it to a nearby park bench that he finally saw what Cat had written on the other side of his bagel wrapper.  A whole paragraph, practically.  Michael, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I was just trying to be funny, I swear.  Enjoy your coffee.  Hope you come back! 
Michael felt relief for a moment, before loudly groaning and spilling some of his coffee as he made to slap his forehead with that same hand.  He had left his fucking Tescoe bag at the coffee shop.  His bag that had his computer, his notebooks, his finished papers for a couple of classes. 
He had to go back.  Fuck.
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“Yeah, sorry, but she said she knew you.”
Michael swore. The cashier informed him that Cat had just left, her shift was over.  She had taken the bag with her to the Oxford library.  Apparently, she was a student there?  Who fucking knew!?
“You need me to call the police?”
“No, that’s all right, I do know her.”  Michael lied.  “I told her earlier I’d be headed to the library later.  She probably figures she can catch me there.”  Without a single, civil ‘thank you’, Michael practically fled the shop.
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He didn’t care how dumb it looked that he was frantically looking everywhere in the library for the familiar, turquoise hair.  People always looked at him funny.  It’s not like he could go to each of them individually and ask them hey could you please stop snidely whispering every time you look in my direction? Old Michael would go back to his dorm, have a cry, wonder why no one liked him and then quickly finish his homework in his dungeon of a bedroom before crying some more and then going to sleep.
New Michael didn’t give a shit.  New Michael was focused 100 percent on his academics and self-care, and right now his academics were in jeopardy because that Tesco bag held papers he had yet to type (Michael liked to hand write his work first, he felt it was more thorough). Also, maybe New Michael should better remember to not forget his shit at random shops.  Old Michael wouldn’t have forgotten. Whatever. 
After scanning the entire first floor of the library, he stomped to the second floor.  If she was a student here, how had he never seen her?  The hair would have been hard to miss.  Of course, it's not like he made it a habit to people watch anymore, especially in the library. 
Suddenly, he saw her.  Way in the corner, at a table right under a huge window, he saw her returning with her nose in a book from the shelves.  On the table, his bag.  
“Give it here.” Michael said, approaching the table.  Cat looked up from her book.
God, she was pretty.  He felt like a troll next to her.  It was so fucking unfair. More importantly though…why was he telling her to hand the bag back?  It was HIS.  He should just take it and go, without a word.  She had basically stolen it.  The girl was a thief and took it to give him a hard time because she was a bitch, like every other pretty girl he had ever interacted with and been cut down by. Maybe he could like her if he gave it a try…but the days of trying to get people to think he was cool or amazing were over.  She was a bitch and he knew it.
Mmm not what the note on your bagel showed, an annoying voice in his head began. That note could only have been written if she liked you because who would write that for a random customer?  You should talk to her an-  
Oh, fucking christ.  Old Michael.  Desperate-to-be-liked-by-someone-ANYONE Michael.  Shut the fuck up, Old Michael. You are dead.
“Yeah, no problem, I mean it is your bag!” Cat said cheerfully, closing her book and holding the bag out to him. “Sorry you had to run all this way to get it, Michael.”
“Um, it’s ok.  I run fast.” Michael said, immediately regretting it. God, that sounded so fucking stupid. He reached out for his bag.
Oh, so we’re no longer on that socializing ban, huh, Mr. Comedian?  I mean, what was THAT?!  Old Michael thought slyly. Shut up shut up shut up shut up!!!!! And, look!  She remembers your name! SHUT UP.
“-couldn’t just leave it there, you know?” Cat had finished saying.
Michael froze. “Huh?” 
What had she been talking about?  Shit. “Uh, why not?” Please let that be the right response.  Please let that be relevant to what she was fucking saying, Michael thought desperately. 
Cat rolled her eyes, but still sounded…not like a bitch?  “The laptop would definitely have been long gone if I hadn’t taken the bag.  I couldn’t just leave it there.”
Oh.  That was it.  That had been all she had said. Michael nodded and mumbled his thanks, ready to go…except Cat still held onto the bag. And stopped him with her next words.
“You play Fable a lot?”she asked.
It’s a trap.  She is going to make fun of you, he thought to himself.  Just get your shit and go. His hand was also still on HIS bag.  That she was not letting go of, for some reason.
“Yeah, I like it a lot.” 
Oh, how riveting.  That will make her swoon! Old Michael chimed in. 
“Really?” Cat responded.  Her tone wasn’t mocking.  It was…interested?  “I like it too but it feels unfinished, somehow.  I wish they would release Fallout 3 for these new consoles already, I bet it would be 1000 times better than this crap that Lionhead put out.”
Michael nodded.  She liked Fallout? She was impatient for the release?? Ask her to go with you to the midnight release next year!!! Ask her ask her ask her ask- No.  Shut up.  Be normal, for once in your life, be normal and chill about something. 
“-able doesn’t feel like it’s TRULY a good rpg, where you can do whatever you want, you know?  You can only go in one direction and can’t put off the main quest at all.”
She was still talking about Fable.  She was still talking about video games, something they both liked, something they had in common.
This is your chance, you know. Old Michael piped in.  Did any of those other people ever show even the slightest interest in the stuff you were into?  Ever? Ask her out!
“Ok,” Michael began. “I see your point, but the mechanics of the game aren’t the star so much as the incredible story and character designs-” 
While he continued to go on a tangent of Fable’s good qualities to Cat, trying his best not to sound too rant-y, Michael frantically gave the idea of asking her out some thought…
What if she said no? Hm what if she says yes? 
It’s stupid. The release for Fallout 3 is next year.  No, not even.  It’s October of that year, so…over a year away!  Almost two fucking years! What kind of weirdo would ask someone on a date almost two years from now?! Plus, she isn’t even into me.  She just likes video games, like any other person.  
Why is she still holding onto your bag, then? Old Michael thought smugly.  Why did she write that little note on your bagel? Why did she remember your name? Why-
All right, all right.  
“Right, so…want to come? To the midnight release for it?  For Fallout 3?” Michael asked, throwing all caution to the wind and swallowing his preemptive rejection rage that already was bubbling up.
“For Fallout?” Cat said, still holding onto the bag. “Which store you going to?” 
“Target.” Please say yes.  I don’t even know you and I know it’s weird to ask you somewhere practically two years from now but PLEASE SAy YES, Michael thought.
“Mm, nah.” Cat, said, letting go of the bag to dig in her bookbag.
Michael’s chest began to hurt, the hand holding his bag falling limply to his side.  He could feel his eyes begin to water.  She was just like the rest of them. Pathetic.  So pathe-
“You should come with me to Game on Queen Street, they always price cut!” Cat said, whipping out her blackberry. “Whatever price we show them for the game, they’ll shave 5 off it!  I mean, it’s not much but I’ll take what I can get! Here, put your number in.”
On sheer autopilot, Michael put his number in.  He felt ashamed the entire time, having choked back a scathing insult at the last minute before Cat had shoved her phone at him.
“Are you ok?” Cat took her phone back, eyeing him with a concerned look.
“I’m fine! It’s just-probably something I caught the other day, I can already feel the sniffles coming on and whatnot.  It’s nothing!” Michael babbled.
It cannot be this easy, Michael thought.  It’s been this easy the entire time?  Hanging out with a girl?  Talking to her?  Making plans?  Why did Oliver never like him when they had so much in common?
Holy shit, forget about fucking Oliver! You have a date with your future wife! Old Michael practically screeched. Jesus fucking Christ, you are desperate. Shut the fuck up!! Be Normal!
“You wanna go back to the shop and get another bagel?” Cat asked, putting her books away and sliding on her bookbag. “ We could use my discount, that way-”
“Yeah, let's go.” Michael cut in.  Grabbing her wrist and not waiting for her answer, he turned and began to swiftly move through the library.  He tried not to get excited as Cat uttered a quick ‘cool’ and kept pace with him.  
He also tried not to think about how awkwardly he was holding her hand. Everyone in the library was staring, he saw it in his peripheral.   It had looked so cool in his brain but now everyone could see how his stupid hand around her wrist slightly resembled him holding his limp-no no no no noooo shut up shut up SHUT UP. 
“Blueberry runs out quick.” Michael said, as they both briskly walked.   “I went one time at around this hour instead of my usual time and I had to settle for onion, which is gross as shit.” You’re rambling, Old Michael chided.  She fucking works there, she doesn’t need a play-by-play of bagel supply issues. Let her say something, idiot!  The reason he never noticed her before, it turned out, was that she hadn’t dyed her hair yet.  Cat also began to tell him about her history degree.  Something about the American Gilded age and how she was deep into research of the British Astors or something.  Michael surprisingly found himself not bored.  Were her eyes fucking green?  Oh, fuck, they were green!
They finally saw the shop in the distance.  Right after his anti-onion bagel tirade and her talk of her studies, he set straight into a long-winded verbal onslaught on the statistics of how rare green eyes were.  Micheal thought his heart would fall out of his asshole when Cat adjusted their hands so her fingers were laced with his.  About halfway through the distance, he had cut in when she mentioned her favorite bagel flavor (pineapple) and talked her ear off the rest of the way about his bagel eating method, insisting on its practicality but really prepping her so that she wouldn’t be horrified when she saw him do it and ditch him like fucking Oliver.  She laughed. 
“That’s so L.A. of you.  New York would hate your fucking guts, though.” she said, with a grin.   “Good thing I’m a California girl!  I’d rather deal with horrible traffic and scooped bagels than having to fight rats for sidewalk space.”
Right before they got to the doors, Michael went for it.  “I’m telling people that you’re my girlfriend.”, he said seriously.  She hadn’t run off when he had taken her hand (wrist).  She had noticed the Fable stickers on his computer.  She had remembered his name after one interaction. The American thing was a slight issue but hey, no one was perfect! 
“Cool, because I already told the staff that you were my boyfriend when I took your bag!” Cat responded. “I told them you like to pretend you don’t know me when you get mad and I just play along to pacify you.  It was the only way they were comfortable letting me take your bag!”
Be cool!  Do not fucking freak out! Act fucking normal! Do NOT scare her away! Say something a fucking weirdo would never in a million years say! Old Michael reminded him.
“Let’s go back to my place after and study some calculus.  Your grades in that sound horrendous.” Fucccccck.  You just got yourself a girlfriend and this is the shit you respond with?! Old Michael panicked. 
Cat smirked. “Only if you promise to fuck me into your mattress after.”
Michael stared at her, almost daring her to say she was kidding.  When she didn’t and her gaze briefly dropped to his lips, he abandoned any doubts he had and turned to walk away from the shop, practically dragging Cat with him.  
Cat giggled and adjusted herself to clutch at his arm with both hands, her legs and his in perfect sync as they made their way to Michael’s room.
“What the fuck?” Felix said to Oliver, pointing. Both were sitting on a bench, relaxing a bit before their next class.
 “Didn’t he go fucking mental at you the first day? Not to be a dick or anything but is she safe with that guy?”  
Oliver followed Felix’s finger and froze.  
He gaped at what he saw:
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Michael fucking Gavey, math genius slash freak of nature, walking happily with the pretty American girl who had said no to their bar hopping invite just last week.  It was definitely surprising, but Oliver was now more determined than ever.  If a fucking social reject like Gavey could get what he was after, then someone like himself was sure to have the same luck if he continued to put in the effort.
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steamberrystudio · 1 year
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Hey everyone! Time for the bi-weekly tumblr update for WSC.
Finished all Ch7 content for Kav, Noel, Raif, And Yren
Started Chapter 8
Got a new BG with many lens flares
Some UI tweaks
Okay, so let me jump into what I've completed on WSC. 
But first...
Life's been chaotic. SO chaotic. And it's all blurring together too, honestly. At one point recently we had a leaky pipe and the kitchen flooded. When did that happen? I do not really remember anymore. Two weeks ago? Maybe three???
Then everything imploded and was really sucky for a while. Then we finished beta testing for GS in the midst of everything being so sucky that I literally did not have the energy to release the route despite that it was finished. 
When life implodes, I usually start having weird dreams and migraines. I don't know why my body's response is "Yes, defend Earth from evil pokemon with the 10th doctor. Also, have a headache when you wake up."
But here we are. And both of my hands have been in enormous pain because...WEATHER. Because why not add that on top of everything else happening?
Then I released Yuu's route. But that happened today.
And...somehow in all of that I kept writing.  I finished up all the chapter 7 content and fleshed out the framework for the chapter 8 scenes.
So currently the game is at 373,204 words.  AKA...80% 💪
I also got a new BG and a sketch. 
Oh, and I made some small tweaks to some UI stuff (nothing major - mostly utilising already built-in Renpy features to improve gameplay.)
None this time
Upcoming Weeks:
Writing! I currently have less than 100,000 words to complete the draft (well, assuming I don't go over the target word count. Which...
Who are we kidding? 
I still have a few things to wrap up for GS (art book, lore book, and some KS rewards...) so I'll be working on those too but my focus for WSC will be writing and my goal this week is to finish (or nearly) finish Chapter 8 for all the remaining characters.
So...as boring as it will be for a while...this section will say "Writing" until the writing is done!
And that is all for this week! See you next time.
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eddiiiieeee · 1 year
Holding her back
Eddie Munson x reader warnings: strong language, real angsty, mentions of sexual things, no happy ending. yes, I am an evil fuck.
summary: Eddie feels like he's holding y/n back, and that's where the demise of their relationship starts
authors note: all the young adults are in high school, and so are the party members, Joyce and hopper are together, Billy isn't a pimple on anyone's ass. The upside down never happened. and yes ur dad is Pedro pascal. have fuuun
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Eddie had walked into the woods before dnd started since he decided to ditch last period, noticing y/n finishing a sketch, she was sat at their spot, he couldn’t help but admire her for a bit "hey" Eddie said holding his hands as she looked at him, taking in his features before clearing her throat and looking back down at the drawing of Eddie. "you're still here, don't have a deal to tend to?" she mumbled slamming her sketchbook shut as Eddie watched her nodding "I-i wanted to talk to you. I figured I'd find you here" she hummed as she put her sketchbook in her bag and zip it up "ive gotta go, my dad could be here." she said needing to get away from him even though her lie didn’t work with the time "y/n, wait please, ive been holding this off long enough and its hurting the both of us" y/n looked at him as Eddie gazed back into her eyes "quickly" she mumbled turning a bit to face him "i think we should break up..” Eddie said as y/n gulped, her eyes filling with tears as she nodded “done then” she whispered as he voice cracked a bit, taking off the necklace he got her and placing it down on the table as she grabbed her stuff and hurried off to the front of the school, making sure she was far from Eddie so she could release the sobs she’s been holding in. Eddie put his hands in his face as he let his tears fall ‘this is what’s best for her’ he reminded himself. those two years of being together were over. all those memories and moments between the two, gone.
the universe seemed to hate y/n as on her walk home while sobbing her eyes out, it had begun to rain, soaking her completely as she hid her sketchbook to save it from the water. it wasn’t long that she got to her house, glad that nothing happened to her books and sketchbook as she opened the door walking in before Nick looked at her confused “kid? what happened?” he said rushing for to his daughter as she gulped, she kept her gaze on the floor, not reacting to her dads touch “we broke up” she whispered as she licked her lips “what?” Nick asked confused, Eddie was over just.a few nights ago and everything seemed fine
“he broke up with me” y/n sobbed as she held onto her stuff tightly, Nick was quick to wrap his arms around her, holding her tightly as he kissed the top of her head “i’m so sorry, i’ve got you baby girl.” he muttered as he tried to calm her down “he just left you to walk in the rain?” “no, he thought you were picking me up so” y/n wiped her eyes smudging the bit of makeup that had remained on her face “i’m gonna go take a shower” she said taking her shoes off as she put her slippers on, rushing to her bathroom as she dropped all her stuff at her desk and walked into the bathroom, undressing and getting into the shower, turning the hot water on as she stood underneath it. did Eddie fall for someone else? did he realise y/n wasn’t good enough for him? did he get bored?
y/n spent an hour of her shower just standing underneath the water and crying, letting the hot water pierce her skin, before she actually began washing her hair and body, saving as well before getting out and doing her skincare, before getting changed into one of Eddie’s shirts and a pair of shorts, moving downstairs as she dried her short hair with a towel “hey kid, you feeling better?” Nick asked as he watched her sit next to him on the couch, looking at the table and all the snacks he put out for them
“i’m not hungry” she whispered, pulling her knees up to sit underneath her chin as she sniffled “kid, you gotta eat, see i got you, pizza and sushi and noodles, and your favorite shrimps, see it’s a full buffet for the two of us” he smiled looking at her and he put some of her hair behind her ear “i’ll eat later, let’s just start the movie” She muttered grabbing the remote as she turned it on. Nick looked at her as worry sat on his face.
wayne had returned home to find the trailer quiet, when he took his shoes off and began walking to the bathroom, he’d noticed the dump Eddie’s room had become and when we went in to clean it up, he’d noticed that Eddie was sat on his mattress holding onto a shirt “ed’s, son what is all this mess?” Wayne asked before noticing how bloodshot Eddie’s eyes were “i broke up with her. i’m just holding her back, i hurt her, wayne. you should’ve seen how pained she was, i hurt her” Eddie said his lip pouting as he kept his gaze ahead
wayne sighed as he sat down next to his nephew, rubbing his shoulder as he hugged him tightly “come ‘ere, son” wayne whispered as Eddie hugged him tightly “she hates me now. i messed it all up” Eddie whispered as he held onto wayne tightly, he let the love of his life go. just like that.
authors note: no happy ending for u little shits🤭
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drkineildwicks · 5 months
Okay before we go any further I really need you to read through sharpened teeth by @ghostpebble it took me all day to read and involved several turns about the parlor house and had me gnawing on my coffee cup it's good but it's intense
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Saying that, you should never give me even a hint of Villain Dad Obake, I will grab that and never let go and I love love LOVE how that recontextualizes the whole of Season One and what it means for Season Two (although it does make me question what happens in "Fan Friction"--Obake, my dude, how much trust did you have that Hiro would save the day you're not getting dad of the year by leaving your adoptive daughter on an island slated to explode)
Anywho, big drawing is stuff that actually happened in the fic, although Obake's described as having a tie there and I put him in his usual outfit--since Baymax sits between them on the couch I couldn't help but picture Hiro giving Obake the stink-eye like this around Baymax X'D
As for the rest...I told you don't give me this kind of AU I will tackle it like Hobbes tackles Calvin I've been having a lot of fun picturing what the implications of Obake adopting Karmi means XD
Some transcripts because I know my writing can be hard to read:
Directly beneath big art piece in the bottom left-hand corner:
Karmi: Dad stop scaring my guy friends. Obake: Who, me? Hiro: YES YOU.
Upper right-hand corner:
Karmi: Isn't it great that my dad and your aunt get along?
Below that:
Obake: No honey I'm going to be home late. Yes it's Krei Tech. Yes Krei is an idiot.
Below that:
Professor Granville: Mr. Kane this is Professor Granville, I'm leaving a message to arrange a PTA meeting-- Obake: Time to be unavailable again.
And in the bottom right-hand corner:
Karmi: Bye Dad! Off to my internship! Obake: My little baby off to destroy people.
Yes that's a Mulan reference, only really intended to do that and the big drawing but I kept thinking on this AU and I want.
In other news Obake I really need to know how you're handling the logistics of having a minor attending college because from experience the college needs to keep in touch with the parents how are you doing this when Granville would recognize you.
Also yes those are corded phones--yes they come from a tech-savvy world where everyone would be using smart phones but I come from a generation that translates corded phone as quickly reads as phone and after drawing generic-phone in the sketches I went no wait that's funny and left it.
Anywho go read this fic already why did you click on the keep reading before reading the fic seriously.
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Outlander Part 3
Part 2 Part 1
Sorry for how late this is!!
Soap led him outside excitedly, holding his hand. He kept smiling at him and continuing to tug him along. Ghost did not understand him at all. Luckily, Soap did have a blanket to wrap around them because it was freezing.
For a moment, Ghost tried to figure out what he was supposed to be looking at before Soap gently touched his chin and led him to tilt his head up.
The stars. The sky was so clear but the stars.
Ghost grabbed Soap hard, trying to make sense of it. He was not an astrologist. He did not follow the stars. He did occasionally use the North Star for navigation though.
And those weren't his stars. There were too many. This was the first time he had been outside since he got here and Ghost was afraid to look at the land. What color would it be? What horrible things would he see?
Soap gently pulled Ghost's face towards him instead. His lips were pursed. "Ye okay?"
"The stars."
"Beautiful tonight, right?" Soap smiled at him, stroking his jaw.
Ghost swallowed, glad he had the mask on. "They look... nice. Do they always look like this?"
"They change a little but they're pretty much the same each year." Soap's smile started to fall. "Are you okay? I thought you'd like seeing the stars."
Ghost nodded. "Yeah... I do..." He glanced up at them again, really taking them in. They were gorgeous. That couldn't be denied. But there were more. A blanket of them.
It took him a while to put it together. Hours laying in Soap's bed, ignoring that he was laying next to him.
Light pollution. He had heard once that before there were lights, the stars were brighter. In all his time there, he hadn't seen any technology. Nothing more recent than a blade.
The whole larp thing was real. He was in the past. An unknown time away from where he should be. It rattled him.
Another day. Another set of hours not moving. Trying to come to terms with it.
"What year is it?"
Soap tilted his head and shrug. "Who keeps track of those?"
"What's the date?"
"Pretty sure the solstice hasn't passed yet." Soap said cheerfully.
Ghost knew they were well in to Fall which meant he was probably referring to the Winter one. He sighed and tried to think of anything he knew about Scottish history. Anything.
"You mentioned you're fighting the Brits right now right?"
"Anglos. I don't know what a Brit is." Soap frowned. "Your accent sounds a bit like them. Are you not an Anglo?"
Ghost shook his head. "From further... South than them."
Soap shook his head. "I guess... I will have to let you travel elsewhere. Once you're healed!"
Ghost frowned and tried a different approach. "I think I'm as healed as I'm going to get. Just waiting for it to scar over now."
Soap clenched his fists and smiled. "Just a little longer please?"
Ghost shook his head but didn't fight him. He didn't really know where he was going to go anyway. There was no getting back to his home.
And... well... besides his host's tendency to keep him in sight, this wasn't the worst place. He still wanted to go home and get away from all of this, but there were worse things.
That night, after bathing in a nearby river, he laid in bed, a little cold but glad to feel clean. He noticed Soap sketching again. He wondered what he was drawing all the time. Soap was clearly very focused and Ghost could see the tip of his tongue between his lips.
Ghost moved silently until he was standing behind Soap, surprised to see it was himself on those pages. His body and mask spread over Soap’s bed. Next to it was a sketch of his eyes and it was surrounded by little hearts and stars.
Ghost must’ve inhaled too hard because Soap was up and turned around. His normal stoic face was suddenly flustered as he muttered what sounded like apologies in Gaelic.
“That’s why you want me to stay.”
Soap blushes. “I would not be so selfish.” He looked away though, not willing to meet his eye. It was the first lie he had told. Besides "you'll get to leave soon".
Ghost stared. “MacTavish…”
“Simon.” Soap used that name like a weapon. “I am not deceiving you. I do want you to be healed.”
Ghost stared at him and Soap leaned forward, chest to chest.
Ghost closed his eyes until he felt the gentle press of lips against the fabric. His heart sped up but he very quietly responded back. "Johnny..."
Soap unmasked him and Ghost didn’t make a move to stop him. The kiss felt a lot better against his actual skin. "I want you to stay. Wanted you to stay. Please stay." He panted against Ghost's mouth before closing the gap to kiss him again.
Ghost slowly melted into him. Soap put some distance between them and looked at him.
"Bòidheach. (Beautiful)" Soap whispered reverently and he picked up Ghost's hand. He took the gloves off and kissed his hands. "làmhan fuar... (cold hands)" That was a little less reverent. It sounded worried.
Soap kept his eyes on Ghost's face as he kept kissing his hands. He compared them. Both of them had longer fingers with Ghost's only a little longer. Soap's were thicker though, his hands easily able to hold Ghost's. It was a funny feeling. He didn't quite feel small.
Soap kissed him again, breaking his train of thought. He whispered more things in Gaelic that Ghost hadn't heard before, just as he was sliding his hands down Ghost's body.
Ghost tried to build up his walls. Tell him no and point out that he didn't like being touched, but he found himself both unable and unwilling to. Soap felt good.
In a move that would've impressed any of Ghost's captains, Soap switched them and had him bent over the desk. His hands moved up and down his body, sliding under his clothes. He didn't seem to have what he wanted to say in English so he told him in Gaelic. Ghost didn't need to understand it to get the gist.
Soap covered Ghost's body with his own. "Let me make love to you, Simon."
Ghost blushed and tried to hide his face again. Soap was having none of it, pulling his hands behind his back. His other hand swatted at his hip, making Ghost jump. He panted and squeezed his eyes shut as Soap pulled down his pants.
Soap's hands were on his thighs, clearly admiring him. He kissed Ghost's back. "Pretty."
Ghost grabbed the desk hard. "Johnny."
"Gonna take care of you." Soap sighed softly as he kissed more of Ghost's spine. He reached around and yanked him up against his chest. His hand reached around and started to stroke him quickly. Soap was focused on making him cum as quick as possible and it was obvious. "Gorgeous. Pretty boy."
Simon panted softly and nodded immediately. His dark hair fell in his eyes and Soap gripped him so easily. Held him nice and tight against his chest while his hand worked him over. He turned his head and kissed him softly, pulling him closer somehow.
"Johnny. Johnny. Johnny..." Ghost whimpered as he came, pressing his cheek against Soap's as he relaxed. Soap bent him back over his desk and used his spend to coat his fingers, gently pushing one of them into his body. He groaned at the stretch and tried to relax but Soap was insistent. Going deeper and deeper as he tried to open him enough to take him.
Ghost felt more kisses and a few nips being placed against his back.
"Simon. You'll never be able to take me if you don't relax a little."
Ghost panted softly and tried his best, feeling embarrassed and all pent up. Soap pushed another finger into him and he gasped and tilted his head back. He felt Soap bury his hand in his hair and then tug it hard, dragging another moan out of him. Soap's fingers curled and he whimpered, eyes fluttering closed at the feeling.
Pleasure sparked up his spine as Soap pressed mercilessly into one spot. Ghost whined and his back arched.
Soap used more of his cum as lube before gently pushing into him, making Ghost scramble to find a hold again. It was a tight fit but it felt good. Really good. He slowly let his head hit the desk as he felt Soap grind into him.
"So good for me."
"Yes sir..." Ghost let it slip and felt Soap thrust into him at the words. He felt Soap pick him up pretty easily and twirl him around to fall into bed with him. "Feels so good."
Soap kissed him hard and fucked him harder, digging his hands into him. "You're mine. All mine." He held him close and rutted into him, making Ghost see stars. It felt so good.
His legs wrapped around Soap's waist and held on to his shoulders.
Soap pushed Ghost's head back and kissed his throat. "Don't leave. Stay here."
"I'll stay." Ghost moaned as he thrust in hard, feeling his legs start to shake. "I'll stay. I'll stay. I'll stay." He felt Soap pick up the pace, wrapping his strong arms around Ghost. The world melted down to the feeling of being filled and smothered.
Ghost lost track of the time, only paying attention to Soap and Soap only. His lips on Ghost's. His hands on Ghost's hips. The pleasure coursing up his spine.
Ghost felt Soap throb inside him and locked his legs around him so he couldn't pull out. Soap tried for just a moment before burying himself back in his body and coming hard, biting into his shoulder. Ghost moaned softly as he felt it. Soap kissed him softly and kept rocking into him, stroking him in time to try to get him to come too.
"My Ghostie."
Ghost flushed and shuddered as he came on his own chest. "My Johnny."
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I just want to add something to the Try Guys conversation we’ve all been collectively having for well over a month now. I’ve seen these points iterated several times but I am your local Loud Greek™️ and will be sharing my opinion.
for those of you who haven’t seen the SNL Try Guys sketch, don’t bother wasting your brain cells on it. it’s truly awful. every part of it was horrible. condensed into a few sentences, they greatly exaggerate the reactions of Eugene, Zach, and Keith, and greatly downplay Ned’s affair. I’ll get more into detail further down the post. look for this emoji: 🖕🏻
now, Ned has a direct connection to the SNL writer’s room. he went to Yale alongside and is admittedly friends with Will Stephen, who wrote/helped write that insanely tone-deaf Try Guys sketch. (proof in this tiktok here). he allegedly has up to three friends in the SNL writer’s room, but I was unable to find any sort of solid proof of the other two. 
there are two possible scenarios behind this incredible play by SNL. 1. Ned contacted Will and threw a tanty about how he’s the victim and he’s being treated so unfairly and Will agreed and pitched/wrote the sketch 2. Ned did not contact Will but Will on his own thinks/thought that Ned is the victim and was being treated unfairly so he pitched/wrote the sketch - in both of these scenarios, Saturday Night Lame decides that, since the Try Guys news has turned the entire internet upside down, the sketch needs to air in order to get some of that sweet Gen Z attention. which is the single funny thing about this, since the only reactions I’ve seen (save a handful of fuckheads) have been every flavour of pissed about this. either way this sketch came to life, it looks really bad for Ned and hurts literally everyone involved way more.
🖕🏻 alrighty! time to deep dive into the absolute fuckery of this sketch. trigger warning (tw) for infidelity, homophobia, and trauma. - they turn Ned’s full-blown affair - let’s not forget, he called it a relationship and the guys confirmed it had been occurring for a while - into a single kiss. they verbatim call it a ‘consensual kiss’. this is not only a blatant lie on SNL’s part, but it completely eradicates the inherently problematic nature of Ned sleeping with a subordinate for several months. even if we take Ariel and Will (Alex’s ex-fiancé) out of it, sleeping with an employee is quite literally illegal. - the other guys dropped Ned because he did something very illegal with his power as a boss. they also admit that he was dropped because of his betrayal to their brand and image and trust as friends, but they had no choice but to remove him from the company because of his misconduct. he was not let go because he cheated on his wife. he was let go because he caused a giant HR and legal mess in their company and 2nd Try LLC would have been in big trouble had they kept him on. SNL jokes that Ned only kissed his subordinate and didn’t tell his friends and how heinous and awful and sdfajklgrjfsdb and that’s why he was fired which is. A COMPLETE FUCKING LIE. - SNL make a joke out of the fact that the guys call it trauma. the audience laughs every time the Zach character says the word trauma. how completely devoid of human decency do you have to be to find humour in the life-altering fuckshit these men went through? yes, it’s not the kind of trauma that victims of abuse or SA or natural disasters go through, but they had their trust violated and had to cut off a dear friend of theirs. the entire world has been talking about this since it dropped. that kind of attention is fun for nobody. let’s not forget, Zach, Keith, and Eugene are in charge of an entire company in the middle of all of this. they had to remove one of their best friends, a co-creator, from their staff, and figure out a way to buy him out in order to keep their company (their LIFE’S WORK) afloat through all of this. the stress of that alone is enough to cause trauma. dealing with HR and lawyers and keeping the internet’s information pool in check atop all that must have been torture. THAT is trauma, point blank period. - SNL has a history of sexual misconduct allegations that have not been handled. I’d link articles, but there are literally too many to sort through. just google ‘SNL sexual misconduct’ and you’ll find some. the fact that SNL’s history matches up better with their sketch of Ned’s out of control penis than Ned’s actual out of control penis is very telling and very gross. - they make an INSANE caricature of Eugene Lee Yang. for those of you who don’t know, Eugene Lee Yang is a Korean-American actor and filmmaker and one of the 4 original Try Guys and owners/co-creators of 2nd Try LLC. he is also openly gay. in the sketch, Eugene is played by Bowen Yang, who is also an openly gay Asian actor. however, Bowen’s take is... not great. he really plays up the true, genuine anger and pain and exhaustion on Eugene’s face in the original video and turns this Eugene character into the hostile, angry, aggressive POC character. not only that, but they give ‘Eugene’ a very stereotypical gay accent. it’s very harmful and very problematic, considering neither of the white guys are made fun of in nearly the same way at all. - the sketch makes NO mention of Ariel (Ned’s wife) or Will (Alex’s ex-fiance). they also keep referring to Alex as a Food Baby, and not Ned’s employee. if you are unfamiliar with the Try Guys and viewed this sketch, you would be inclined to believe that SNL was not exaggerating that much and you’d assume both Ned and Alex are/were single during their affair and that Alex was not Ned’s subordinate. this is extremely disrespectful to the victim most hurt by all of this, Ariel and Will. AND! Ned has two fucking children with Ariel. for the sake of rubbing salt in the wound for a failed funny haha, Ned’s entire family has been erased. I cannot even express to you how angry that makes me. poor Ariel and Will have done absolutely nothing wrong and are being punished over and over and over again.
Ned Fulmer is a piece of garbage human and whoever greenlit that SNL sketch is too. justice for Ariel, Will, and everyone at 2nd Try LLC.
I hope I got everything I needed to say with this. I’ll reblog this and add more if new information comes out or I come up with more opinion blurbs.
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pakhnokh · 2 years
I kept seeing random pages of HoG on my dash so I finally read the whole thing. If this goes where I think it’s going it’s going to be very long but very fulfilling. You’re going to rip my heart straight out of my ribs and make me sob at my keyboard before you’re done. From joy? From grief? From everything in between? I don’t know yet but I’m looking forward to finding out. Keep up the good work! :D Tissues are stocked and ready to go.
Thank you so much!!!
I'm so happy you like the story and yes, you are right, it's going to be a long one.
It really just started as an idea for a sketch then I sketched some more parts, then it turned into a little story, and people's enthusiasm was so high I opened a word document and wrote some more parts, and I never thought that Arc 2 will get so long but it did, and I'm very happy cause it makes me experiment with long comic making and this is something I really wanted to do all my life! Arc 2 is the longest comic sequence I made in my entire life and I draw comics/stories since the age of 8 (I'm 30 XD)
So it all became to me understanding that HoG will have 9 arcs (yes, I have the entire story figured out) and I just really hope to make it through! I know that many people who started reading this now won't stick around till the end of it cause that's the way fandoms go, but I'd be really happy to see those who do. If I do make all 9 arcs as planned, then it's all thanks to my supporters on Patreon who help me give 4 pages each week even though I'm 90% of my awake time busy with my baby.
So this is a good place to say a huge thanks to my patrons who help make this project possible each day when I almost lose hope with exhaustion of being a mom, and to all of the readers who comment! I cherish your comments a lot even if it takes a long time for me to reply. So dear anon thank you for your message and I hope you will enjoy the rest! <3
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
A Kiss of Wine
Uni!AU || Kaeya x Reader || Fluff, First Meetings || 3 048 words
A game of spin the bottle with this stranger you've just met surely can't go that bad can it?
a/n: why is this in times new roman???? idk i kinda lke it though also i love the idea of this so i whipped it up a while ago to fulfill that self indulgence lol -- nvm it didnt post as times new roman
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Loud music thuds against your head, words barely made out over some heavy bass that rivals the beating of your heart as you follow your friend Yoimiya leading you through the large house. You had said yes only after being worn down over the course of several days and are about to remind your companion of the fact when you realise she’s slipped into the crowd just to leave you all alone. 
A sigh passes your lips and you head outside through one of the large back doors, glad that the weather was nice enough that refreshments are being kept away from the suffocating heat of all the people inside. You don’t really mind the atmosphere. There was a chance it could be fun to talk to all of these people but you’d like to be able to get a drink or snack without worrying about being knocked over. Luckily, you did think that you saw some familiar faces as you made your way out, making a mental note to go back and confirm who those people were. 
With a drink now in your hand you give yourself a minute to recollect yourself, glad that you found something non-alcoholic on the table. It’d be better to keep a clear head, especially since you had no idea if Yoimiya would be far too distracted to come back and get you without you texting her first. 
You pull out your phone, about to text her about the fact that she’s abandoned you when someone walks into your field of view. Well, more like blocks it. A shadow is cast over you and without looking up you simply move aside, assuming that they just wanted to grab something from behind you. When they don’t seem to be leaving you alone you decide instead to look up, shooting an apologetic smile just in case you’ve slighted them. 
“Sorry for getting in your way. I’m just trying to text someone,” you laugh nervously, not sure what else you could do. 
The stranger chuckles and you find yourself drawn into his heterochromic eyes, one slightly hidden by his bangs. His voice is smooth and he leans against the table of refreshments, not seeming to care at all if the drinks fall over. It’s casual and you find yourself significantly less nervous at the prospect of talking to him, seeing as he hasn’t done anything that makes you feel sketched out. That, and the fact that he was incredibly attractive definitely helped his case. 
“I wasn’t trying to grab anything,” he responds, more focused on you. 
“I just had a thought that I’m not too sure who you are, so you must be new. Who do you know here? Don’t worry – you’re not going to get kicked out or anything if you give a “wrong” answer.” 
He looks at you expectantly as you try to explain yourself, wishing Yoimiya was here to talk you out of the situation. 
“Well, you see I was just invited here by a friend. She was bugging me for days to come and I decided it’d be much easier for me to tag along rather than deal with her pouting about how I made her come here by herself.” 
“Oh? Who’s the friend?” He raises a brow, almost as though he doesn’t believe what you’re saying to him. 
“I don’t know if you know her. Her name is Yoimiya. She’s friends with Ayaka who’s brother is apparently friends with someone who’s throwing the party so I guess she decided that was close enough for us to come since it’s not exactly invite only.”
You notice you’re beginning to ramble, closing your mouth to avoid making a fool of yourself. He doesn’t seem bothered at the very least which is good. It doesn’t seem as though you’ve made the social blunder you’ve worried about just quite yet and you’re waiting to see him respond, watching him as though you could see his thoughts. 
“Oh? That sounds like it’d be Ayato’s little sister. Yeah, I know him. Doesn’t seem nice of your friend to leave you here all alone. How about you come with me and hang out with some of the others?” 
A part of you knows that saying yes to the charming stranger is an absolutely horrible idea, vaguely aware that this is how horror movies start. But, you know for a fact that hanging out with someone who seems as interesting as he does entices you so. 
You must seem incredibly hesitant because the man looks to have immediately picked up on something, putting his hands up. 
“I promise I won’t take you anywhere sketchy! Just upstairs. My friends and I wanted to play a game with some people and get away from the crowd,” he says suddenly, making you laugh. 
“It’s not that. I just don’t know who you are. Wouldn’t it be awkward to just interrupt your game?” you ask, wanting to give him an out just in case he didn’t actually mean it. 
“No, it’s fine! Don’t worry about it. Follow me, alright?” 
He offers his hand with a sweet smile, clearly hoping you’ll take it from him. Deciding that it’d probably help you more than hurt you, you allow him to take you away, putting your palm in his. 
It takes him no time to lead you to your destination, easily slipping through the massive corridors of the property. Once you get to what looks like a spare room he throws the door open with a grin, inviting you to sit down as he joins the floor with a group of other people. They all look at you curiously and thankfully without any malice. 
“Who’s this?” a blond woman asks, looking to your companion. “Is this another friend of yours Kaeya?” 
The man, now presumably Kaeya, looks over at his friend, slowly realising he never asked for your name. He looks at you sheepishly, gesturing to the group. 
“Well, they looked lonely by themselves at the drinks table when I saw them so I decided to bring them here. I’m sure none of you mind, right?” 
The woman sighs slightly, leaning over a little to offer a handshake. 
“I’m Jean. Sorry for getting wrapped up in Kaeya’s antics. Don’t worry though – he means no harm.” 
A man sitting next to her scoffs, rolling his eyes. You’re taken aback by just how vibrant his red locks are, curling in just the perfect way to frame his handsome features. A quick look around makes you feel almost as though you’re sitting in a room of models, feeling severely outclassed in your more casual clothes. 
“You might think that but I know better. Kaeya’s an absolute menace.” Despite the harsh words you can hear an underlying tone of warmth, the corner of his lips trying not to quirk up in a slight smile. 
“Don’t be so rude Diluc! I’m just making new friends. Ajax, you don’t think that about me do you?” Kaeya implores, looking to his other side at another ginger. This one looks a lot kinder than the former, a wide grin on his face. 
“I think it’s a great idea! Besides, if they were standing alone then I’m sure that it’s because they don’t know anyone. Let’s just quickly go around the circle and introduce ourselves first.” Something about the way he speaks makes you feel like he knows something you don’t, the smile on his face a little too excited at the prospect of meeting you. 
Everybody nods and they do as Ajax says. The feeling only deepens as they all look at you attentively, the only person unwilling to look at you at the moment being Kaeya. When the introductions are all done one of the women, Lisa, grabs a bottle from behind her, gesturing for you to move and sit next to her. 
“Why don’t we play an innocent little game? Spin the bottle? It’s much more fun than whatever you were all doing earlier.” 
Noises of agreement sound out after her suggestion and despite your initial reservations you nod in agreement as well. As soon as she gets everyone’s permission, Lias puts the bottle down in the center of the circle, immediately looking over to Kaeya. 
“Well now, since you’re the one who’s throwing this party why don’t we let you do the honors? First spin?” 
“What are the rules? Just a peck on the cheek or something else?’ he asks as he leans forward, placing his hand on the bottle. 
“Why don’t we mix it with 7 minutes? Just go to the room next door, have your way with each other, then come back!” she suggests. 
You decide that sounds a little too much for you, about to back out when you’re interrupted by Kaeya’s voice. 
“Oh? Fascinating. That sounds like it’d be fun. Sure, why not?” 
The bottle spins with a flick of his wrist and he sits back on his palms, looking almost bored as he watches where the head of the bottle will land. You watch it nervously, unsure of what you’ll do if it lands on you. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to, instead landing on the space between you and Lisa. You expect him to spin the bottle again when he reaches for it, eyes widening as you watch him adjust the bottle to point at you. 
Your eyes flick up to his face, not sure what expression you thought you’d meet. The smirk feels like it’s commonplace from the little you know of him, the way he sits back on his hands so casually making your heart skip a beat. You’re struck with the thought that he’s hot and he knows it, easily keeping your attention on him. 
“Well, I guess fate’s determined you’ll be coming with me,” he says cheekily, standing up in a manner you can only describe as elegant. 
“Wait that’s cheating isn’t it?” you say once you’ve gotten out of your stupor, looking around to see if anyone will back you up. Instead, they all seem to be going to their own conversations, just glancing over at you. 
“If you don’t want to go, that's okay,” Kaeya says from the door, crossing his arms as he leans against it.
“I won’t make you come with me if you don’t want to.”
“Seriously,” one of the other blonds, Tohma, says. “If you don’t want to play with us just say so and you can just watch if you want to stay.” 
There doesn’t seem to be any malice in the air and with a bit of internal deliberation you decide it won’t hurt. After all, you’re sure if you screamed everyone in this room would be able to hear you. Besides, there’s something about the way the man looks at you that makes you want to know what he wants, nodding dumbly as you follow him down the hall to the room next door. 
As soon as the two of you get into the room he closes the door after you. Nervously, you sit on the bed, waiting to see if he’ll approach you himself. It doesn’t take him long to close the gap between you two, stepping between your knees and resting his arms on your shoulders. You’re forced to look up at him, the intense look in his eye making you swallow harshly. 
“Are you okay with this?” he asks softly, 
“What do you mean? You’re the one who put me here,” you huff, leaning back a little from his imposing aura. 
“Well, I did but now that we’re here I can’t help but feel a little concerned for you. You didn’t exactly seem like you wanted to come here with me…” 
His words trail off as he looks to the side, clearly finding this conversation more than just a little awkward. You wonder where his previously suave persona’s gone and it’s only now that you begin to recognise just how warm his body is this close to yours. You look up at him, tilting your head curiously when you realise he’s refusing to look at you. 
“Well, it can be intimidating to be kept in a room by yourself with someone like you,” you respond, hoping that the words come out smoother than they feel. He’s definitely heard it before so you don’t have too many hopes that it’ll catch him off guard. 
“Really?” he replies quickly, finally meeting your gaze with a hint of shyness. 
“Honestly, I don’t know if I should say this but I do actually know who you are. I was hoping you’d come today since I heard you’d said you would. I just played dumb because I didn’t want to scare you off.” 
“How do you know me?” 
His confession makes it easier for you to talk to him, no longer nearly as nervous as you were before. Nothing in him makes you feel like you’re being deceived and his comforting weight on your body lulls you even further into his security, smiling to yourself as he tries to piece together his words. 
“We have a class together. I don’t think you know because I sit in the middle of the hall. I guess you can say I’ve developed a bit of a crush on you and all my friends keep teasing me about it.”
Suddenly, everything seems to click in place as you realise that must be why everyone was looking at you so expectantly. He must have told them you’d be coming and somehow they managed to convince him to go and talk to you. They were expecting for this all to happen, perhaps even rooting for it if he was as into you as he’s claiming to be. Not only that, but the way he’s started to avoid eye contact with you again seems to prove your point.
“You like me?” you ask anyway, wanting an answer for yourself. 
“A lot. Even though we don’t really know each other, just observing you in class has made me want to get to know you more,” he admits, bringing his hands back to cup your face.
“You are so brilliant, I can tell from the way you talk when we do group work, or the presentations we had to do earlier. But it’s a little difficult to focus on your words when all I want to do is kiss you.” 
Your eyes widen as his eyes fall onto your lips. He gently brushes his thumb over your bottom lip, looking back up at you. 
“This entire time all I’ve wanted to do is kiss you but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I want to know what kind of face you’ll make.” 
Kaeya pulls you off the bed with a soft grasp, gently leading you to stand against a wall. It’s clear what he wants from you, even if he didn’t just say it to you but you still can’t help but shake slightly under his intense gaze, eyes hooded as a hand goes down to rest on your waist. Your breath hitches as he leans down closer to you, using his free hand to tilt your chin up. 
“May I?” he asks against you, breath tickling your lips. 
“Yes,” you breathe, gasping when he presses his lips to yours. 
His kiss starts off gently as though he was just testing the waters. Despite that, there was an air of urgency you could feel within him holding back. The fingers at your waist press into your skin, the sensation not yet painful, as is the fingers on your chin. His lips caress yours with a practiced motion, but it doesn’t seem to be enough for him. 
He presses into you a little harder, making your mouth open in another gasp that allows his tongue to slip in. You hear the dull thud of his arm moving to rest against the wall, now moving his other hand to wrap around your waist and pull you taut against his body. You can feel all rational thought leaving your mind as he presses the contours of his body against yours, losing yourself in him. He kisses you with a passion you don’t know how to return but it doesn’t seem like he cares, slight pants mixed in with his light groans of approval churning your stomach with desire. It stokes a fire inside of you, desperately pulling against the back of his shirt and shuddering when you accidentally tug on his hair instead of fabric. 
“Why you-” he growls huskily, pulling apart just to push you back down onto the bed and crawl back over your body to kiss you just as hard as he was before. 
“I want you so bad,” Kaeya groans, letting his hands gently prod against the waist of your pants. 
“But not here, not like this.” 
You feel yourself only slightly come out of the daze when he sits up, running his fingers run though his hair as he catches his breath. You have no idea how much time has passed, caught between the weight of his body and the cloud of desire and reach out to grab him, wanting to return to that dizzying high when a harsh knock sounds against the door. 
“It’s been way over seven minutes! Are you two alive?” someone calls from the other side, making the man above you roll his eyes. 
“It’s my house so I get to do whatever I want. Just stay here darling and I’ll take care of our distractions, okay?” 
The only response you can offer is a dumb nod, watching as he opens the door to tell them off. You lay back down, trying to regain your balance when you feel a weight dip down on the mattress next to you, yelping when he grabs you and pulls you over his body. Instinctively your knees clasp around his hips, straddling Kaeya as he repositions you on top of him. Your eyes meet and his face goes back to that shit eating grin you’re growing to love as his gaze roams over your body. Kaeya lets out a low whistle once he’s done giving you a once over, only serving to further fluster you. 
“I knew you’d look good on top of me. Now, let’s keep going, shall we?”
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