#yes i'm sticking to that name
wu-kongs · 2 years
It doesn't matter that they never interacted, it's all about moon mottiff
yeah that's fair
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yasmeensh · 2 years
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Finally got to paint something a little more proper for my project. Paleolithic kids see a dragon come down from the sky 🐉
a few more doodles of my OCs Tam Kujo below >>
drew this one in the span of three days during class time :p. A few lines here and there while I wait for the prof to set up the slides and start the class. Kept going until I felt like not adding anymore.
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two more
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alienoresimagines · 4 months
*At the Officer's club*
Harding, concerned : Is everything okay ?
Kidd : Yes, I just have this headache that comes and goes.
Bucky : *Gets up to start singing*
Kidd : Oh look, there it is again.
Curt : *joins Bucky on the stage*
Kidd : Oh, great, now it's become a migraine.
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lynne-monstr · 8 months
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seimei: it's not like we'll ever see each other again bye seimei: lmao can't believe you showed up after what you said
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sysig · 1 year
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I can’t stop drawing tiny Watchdogs (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Watchdog#Newsflash: They are all tiny#They're such perfect spacefillers I swear <3 <3 <3 No hells boxes here#They're all basically just stick figures with eyes in place of the head lol what more could I ask for#Or in the case of Fist Fighters then the obvious lol#Even if I do also already have some stick figures that I enjoy lol - they keep the page on-theme! Very important! Haha#Gave a go to a regular Watchdog to go with my Fist Fighter and hmmm yes this feels attainable lol - just gotta give 'em both names#They are very cute and sweet ♥#An actual full-style(? Full WOY style? Lol) for Peepers and a regular Watchdog!#Although afterwards I looked and I'm. Hm. There's conflicting information out there and I'm not sure what to believe#On the wiki he's listed as being shorter than most other Watchdogs but I did a quick screenshot comparison in The It and he was taller??#Not just taller - his eye was bigger - and I accounted for distance! The regular Watchdog was in front of him by just a few inches!#It's inconsistent enough for me to argue either way honestly#And all that not counting what Wander does to his shoes lol so all in all he's probably Slightly taller than the Watchdogs with his shoes on#Not counting special members like Moose or the Drill Sergeant - and definitely not Westley he's super tiny haha#Honestly surprised Peepers didn't take advantage of their height difference more he's a bit of a bully ♪#Rest abound as being silly little guys :) I do love how they're so easy to draw ''in colour'' haha#Red on black on red on black ♫ I suppose I could add in a yellow but pfsh don't even talk to me about the dark purple/red combo inside lol#Maybe at some point but I like them at full lighting for ease of colours haha#Cutest lads <3 Love 'em
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dyrewrites · 5 days
Meandering notes
So, @blue-manuscript challenged me to write slapstick vampires.
I've got ideas, but what I am sharing are meandering notes...should anyone be interested. I dunno when I will actually write the thing, but I keep jotting notes and dialogue (as this is how I learn characters -- if they sound familiar I have no excuse, those two live in my brain and are tainting everything).
It is long, and disjointed, be warned.
They don't have names yet, but the plan is a road trip following the U.S Highway 2 from Washington to Maine. No, I don't know why. This is just what they told me. They'll be dealing with vampire hunters, local authorities, especially brave prey with weapons they expect to work, whatever fun response to sunlight I am going to give them (that is not death because nyeh) and most of all...each other and the road itself. I'm hoping they get lost a lot, personally.
Enjoy the nonsense notes.
Two vampires trying to get to a wedding. The wedding is for one of their sister's descendants--he's kept in contact through generations and they help out and visit family regularly--and it's on the other side of the country but one of them refuses to fly on an airplane, and while they can both turn into bats it doesn't work in daylight, and they've never found shoes able to withstand their speed long enough to run--and one's not running barefoot. 
"How's Paris sound this spring? We could take the houseboat, with the roomy cabin."
"Mm, raiding yachts and eating rich assholes does sound fun but we're due in Maine for a wedding this spring."
"Another one?"
"Well it's legal now, so more are out there doing it."
"It was legal in the 1700s too, but that didn't require we drag our asses half a country away."
"I'm not sure draining the clergy and enchanting a priest to marry us counts as legal, and we also sprung for a big ceremony when laws changed--"
"Semantics. So, how many mewling brats are these ones going to pop out, ready to haunt us for all our eternity?"
"None, but they may adopt. Point is, I made promises and they expect us there."
"How long are we expected to play with our food this time?"
"They're descendants, my sweet, not food and we'll be there a day at most."
"I meant long term, love, how long are you going to keep this up?"
"Until the bloodline dries up."
"They're prey and you should eat the lot of them. Or at least stop indulging them. It's been so many generations now. You have your own life, you have me."
"And I love you, but you knew what you were getting when you married me, so zip it."
"I love you too, you and your highly specific bleeding heart. So you expect me to sit in some stuffy rental while you drive us across the country?"
"We can stop for meals along the way, do some sightseeing."
"We've seen all the sights. Why don't we just fly?"
"No planes."
"This again. We can't die. Even if the whole thing drops out of the sky. We'll live."
"I'm aware. Doesn't make it any less unnerving to soar through clouds in a massive metal coffin."
"You fly higher every night, and often sleep in a coffin..."
"As a bat, meant for flight and the coffin doesn't bother because you're in there with me."
"I'll be with you in the plane too, love. Maybe we could charter a private jet, something with a big, comfy bed?"
"I'm not sure that's something we can charter, sweets, and what would we eat during the flight? We can't drain passengers, they'd revolt and we'd be forced to kill all of them. I don't know how to fly a plane, do you?"
"Then we fast, nipping sips here and there but no deaths."
"After what happened last time?"
"It wasn't that bad."
"Tell the settlers of Roanoke that."
"Was a fun first date alone though, wasn't it? Both of us free. You covered in all that blood. Oh, fine, fine. We'll drive, but I'm not getting in a rental. We're buying something shiny and fast and speeding the whole way."
"Feeding on patrolmen?"
"I do enjoy the taste of overinflated ego, oh and hitchhikers. Maybe stop at some of those ridiculous roadside attractions, snatch a family or two. Throw a few into the grand canyon...watch them break into little pieces."
"My sugar excited?"
"What, I can't try new things?"
"No, no, it's cute and a road trip sounds great...babe."
"You take that back."
"Mm-mm, you're babe now."
"I'm not answering to it."
"You will."
"I won't."
No becoming, they just are. Have been since sometime in the 1400s. Together since early 1500s. Different makers, bonded over poor treatment. Both makers long dead--one of them killed his own and hunted the other's to free him. They've kept in the world, blending well enough, eating whoever they want and killing anyone who tries to stop them. Most of their money is stolen or inherited from sham marriages to wealthy prey--one marries them, the other is hired as help, they enjoy one another's company and eat anyone who notices the husband isn't aging until the spouse dies. Spent some time as pirates as well, because crews have high turnover anyway, who would notice. A few of their crews did, tried to set the ship on fire with them in it. So they stopped. Lot of treasure hidden about though.
We meet them in the present, before the wedding announcement, as they're on a date that's interrupted by a vampire hunter. One who tries to shoot one of them, in the head. 
His neck snaps back with the force before he scoffs, "great, there goes the hair and now I have a hole ruining my face and fuckin wiff my wordth for the next phoo ors."
His husband laughs, "oh, buddy, you're fucked. No, no, don't run. That'll just make him chase and I promise he's faster."
"Wath there holy water in thith? It thtingth."
"He drank some too, so don't bother with the blood."
"Oh I'm botherin. Drainin him dry, nithe an thlow, damn the burn."
"But your throat, and that beautiful voice..."
"You'll live. He won't."
"Share then, so you get a hot little rasp?"
"Keep that up, he geth all twitchy when you flirt with me."
"All that religion, I bet."
"Don't theem to help now."
"Well, they do leave out the why of the water and the weapons. Might as well be piss and plastic."
"Crath, love."
"We better eat him so you can heal that quicker or I'm just going to be giggling the next few hours."
They are indestructible vampires who keep getting into situations that would kill anything else...and handling them with sass or needless hysterics.
Arguing at night on a rural road, and a car hits them. The car is completely totaled, the vampires aren't even scratched but they keep arguing while yanking survivors out and eating them.
"My whole pants? All the pants. Couldn't take a leg or some of the shirt, it had to take all my fucking pants!"
"I suppose that's my fault too?"
"Well you're the one who got us lost out in fuckall and stomped your dainty little toes out to the middle of the street to scream at me so..."
"Dainty? How about we see how dainty they are when I shove them up your ass!"
"We both know what you want to shove up my ass and it's not your toes."
"Are you flirting? There's glass and bits of metal stuck in your thighs and you're flirting?"
"Noticed my thighs, did you."
"I noticed you're an idiot who doesn't know how to move out of the way!"
"Well I couldn't let the big ugly van hit that beautiful face, now could I?"
"You, don't you dare try to flatter me, you insufferable ass!"
"But you're so hot when you're angry."
"Shut. Up."
"Mm, and you want me so bad you're monosyllabic."
"Your meal is fleeing."
"Whose fault is that?"
"Oh, now you're blaming me for your running mouth?"
"If the lips fit."
"What does that even me--"
"Mm, terrible."
"Hold that heat while I catch the runner..."
"Grab his pants too, he looked your size."
"Checking out prey now?"
"Oh yes, I lust for prey, you better hurry before I flag me down a hot piece of trucker."
"I love you!"
"I love you too...you ass."
Stopping under movers raising a piano to a second floor, start making out, and the piano falls, cracking in half. The vampires are unharmed, keep making out while people scream around them trying to clean up the mess.
Making out over a dead body, shoving it out of the way to do more--using a corpse's head as leverage.
Having a delightful dinner conversation in a diner full of bodies and one living waiter left, enchanted to make and fetch them coffee.
Random prey is not afraid, "oh, what, you're going to kill me? Big vampire thinks he's scarier than a man with a gun, or a knife or determination and a spoon?"
"Well I was hungry...now not so much."
"Yeah, kinda kills the mood. What about the walking Adonis back at the clothing store?"
"Mm, he did look delicious..."
"Wait, you're not going to eat me?"
"You clearly just want to die, so you can go ahead and do that yourself."
"We're not here to eat your pain, buddy."
"Or fulfill some sick little desire you have for fangs."
"We can read them all, you know, and it's quite a show in there."
"You can...see my thoughts?"
"Yes, and it's a show you can enjoy alone." 
"But I, I mean I saw you. I could, I could tell someone. Hunters."
"Oh, it's threatening us. Isn't that cute."
"Hunters are delicious, little bite. Call all you like. We're going to go drink someone hotter while we wait."
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 months
far be it from me to suggest a diplomatic marriage but what if rhaenyra and alicent marry each other? either it ends the war or it doesn't but if not then at least they'd get to kiss each other on the mouth, right?
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
What’s the significance of each color in Ancient Greece? So green is the only neutral color and it represents mostly natural and earthy things, thank you for telling me that part !! Anyway, as for my Hyacinthus design’s hair being brown, it’s due to the combination of it being a fairly common interpretation of his appearance and also because I find I like how it looks with his skin tone and the purple of his eyes.
Okay, firstly; thank you so much for answering my question too!
Admittedly you can't beat out good, old fashioned colour theory so that's completely fair haha! I still think it's very interesting that brown became the common interpretation of his features so I'm always glad to hear other people's view on it <3
With respect to what colours meant or symbolised in Ancient Greece, it's a super fascinating topic because the Ancient Greeks had a very different perception of colour than how a lot of people - and in this case I'll generalise and say english-speaking people - perceive colour. In a lot of languages, especially older ones, colour wasn't just a way to describe the physical perceptional reality of an observable object (that is, the light reflecting off the object that gives it its perceived hue - the way we perceive colour now) but colour was also used to describe the way in which the people experienced the world. A really good way to think about it is now, if you wanted to distinguish between two types of blue, you would instinctively make a distinction between their shades ("This blue is darker/lighter!") whereas these older people would distinguish based on things in their present, shared world that best matched what they were being asked to describe ("This blue is like the sky/the sea!")
That's an important concept to keep in mind because ancient greek was very unique in that, in addition to this concept of colour being completely intertwined with physical objects (and therefore also acquiring the properties of these objects in the minds of the people), the ancient greeks also did not particularly care about distinguishing between different colour hues (that is, differences in specific individual colour) but rather they were entirely focused on a colour's value - that is, whether it was considered light or dark.
Taking all of this into consideration, the question 'what is the significance of the different colours in Ancient Greece' is a bit of a tricky one to answer because unlike say, Ancient Egyptian which has very clear colours (red, white, green), very clear physical objects that give those colours their property (the desert sand, the sun, people's skin) and very clear symbolic meanings that arose from the natures ascribed to those physical objects due to their influence on the people's lives (hostility, power, new life), Ancient Greece's colours and the perception of those colours was much more abstract and poetic, contingent on their understandings and perceptions of things like light and dark, the sense of touch or taste (sweet and bitter/wet and dry) and what quality was ascribed to the object whose colour is being perceived. Colour was a matter of cosmology, of philosophy and there were many different schools of thought on it from Empedocles' physicalist theories to Anaxagoras' realist theories.
All of this is to say, take the meanings I outlined in this handy-dandy table with a tablespoon of salt! These are based on my understanding of the language used to describe things in classical writings that have survived and my own bias towards Empedocles' physicalist theory of colour and the nature of colour which I also think is very useful for people into greek mythology as a whole due to it making clear links between various gods creating things from mixtures of the four basic elements of nature and the colours that are the result of these mixtures.
I hope this helps even a little and I very much encourage you to do some research into different Greek schools of thought when it comes to colour and the perception of colour as well as how colour affects/reflects the innate nature of all things!
(Also, slight extra note, I left out Kokkinos (scarlet/blood-red) from the table because I didn't really think it was relevant for this outline despite it definitely being an ancient colour. It's a bit difficult to find examples of it with the kind of descriptors Empedocles outlines and I don't want to make assumptions based on third hand knowledge on the greek concept of the nature of things. I'd like to believe it was addressed in more detail in Empedocles' original document - only a fragment of the original some two thousand lines have survived after all - it is confirmed that Empedocles spoke on the recipe for blood and flesh, an equal mixture of all four elements as opposed to bones' four parts fire, two parts earth and two parts water (which is why bones shine white, there's more fire than earth or water) - and I don't want to conject or make assumptions.
I also left out Erythros or basic/primary red according to Plato's list of basic colours because that seemed to have specifically been preferred by Egyptian Greeks according to linguistic data. If I opened up that can of worms with respect to the shared Egyptian-Greek colour language including the way the Greeks like many early peoples did not culturally perceive blue until the invention of Egypt's blue dyes then I would be writing forever and you would never get an actual clear answer about Greek colour symbolism separate and apart from Egyptian cultural influence lmfao. )
A few of the documents that helped me consolidate this information include Sassi's 2022 Philosophical Theories of Colour in Ancient Greek Thought and Ierodiakonou's Empedocles on Colour and Colour Vision. There are also a fair few translations and discussions of the fragments of Empedocles' On Nature still floating about - my copy is a somewhat archaic volume of Leonard's 1908 translation but I never went out searching for updated interpretations and translations of the text since its constantly referenced in perceptional philosophy papers LOL
Anyway, yeah, hope this helps! :D
#ginger rambles#ginger answers asks#I don't know if this is what you wanted but I really really hope it helps!!#I wish I was able to find a way to actually have the table in this response but I'm just not good with stuff like that so I just decided#to link it instead; hopefully that's not too troublesome#There's a LOT to talk about when it comes to the greeks and their perception of colour#The discussion of colour and how languages evolved to accommodate them is also a very fascinating thing#Yes I am a historical linguist how did you know#Both kyanos and porphyrous are really fun because you can tell they were adopted later#because they come from the names for gemstones that were already in circulation and trading as opposed to words unattached to an observable#tangible feature in the world#Like pyrros is named after fire vs kokkinos which is named after the holly seeds#that were grinded up to make red dye that they used for their clothing#which is another reason I chose to use pyrros over kokkinos on the table#Seriously though#This stuff is mad interesting I highly suggest you take a day and just go down the rabbit hole a bit#Even small things like this can help massive recontextualise the often distant and detached way modern audiences are prone#to treating mythologies from the cultures that they were deeply ingrained in#greek mythology#linguistics#I guess LMFAO#Cosmology#Extra secret fun fact#My Hyacinthus is a realist aka he doesn't believe in all this four elements stuff#He quicker subscribes to the realist school of thought made apparent by sticks in the mud like Anaxagoras and Parmenides#ginger chats about greek myths
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sea-owl · 2 years
What about a different type of Au!? In Season 1 When Colin is at the Featherington house trying to court marina. what about while he is waiting for his turn a duke or a Visount who Penelope met while helping him out of a situation shows up t court Penelope and while they are talking he make Penelope laugh meanwhile Colin who is supposed to be their for marina is looking at Penelope and the caller and realizes as he makes her laugh that he loves and is super jealous and trying one up the caller the whole time. How do you Think that would go?
Chaos, typical Bridgerton chaos. A scene is about to be made. Colin was already standing next to the seated Penelope waiting for his turn to talk to Marina so he got a front row seat of Marquess Odysseus Rose of Winchester. 
Colin first noticed him out of the corner of his eye. The man quietly slipped into the room. Colin would put him around a little bit taller than him, Benedict’s age with Anthony's build and quiet confidence. The man's hair was dark, darker than Colin's own chestnut hair, and scruff along his face. His brown eyes were scanning the room. 
“Pen do you know who that is?” Colin whispered to Penelope. Was it a relative of her’s? If not why wasn’t he announced? Who was he looking for? 
Penelope’s eyes followed Colin’s line of sight, recognition lighting them once she landed on the man. “That is the Marquess of Winchester, Lord Rose.”
“So not a relative of your’s?” Colin asked.
Penelope shook her head. “No, I assume he is here to call on Marina like the rest of the gentlemen. Odd though, the rumors say he is more focused on his academics than looking for a wife.” 
Marquess Rose looked in their direction, as if sensing their stares. A small smile formed on his face as he began to walk over to the pair. Colin noticed in his hands he carried a quill made out of a peacock feather and two journals. One of the journals was plain, something he himself has used before during his Grand Tour, the other was embossed with a floral design. 
“Miss Featherington.” Marquess Rose bowed his head. “I had hoped to see you.” 
Colin looked back down at Penelope. Again? They’ve met before? 
Penelope giggled. 
Wait, giggled? Colin found himself leaning back a little. Since when was Penelope this comfortable with some stranger? Colin felt his eye twitch, and his hand slid across the top of the chair until the back of Penelope’s head was unknowingly leaning against his fingers.
“Pen,” Colin said stressing her name. He wasn’t sure if it was to grab her attention or this stranger’s in front of them. Either way he had gotten both. “I don’t believe I have had the pleasure of meeting your new friend.”
“Oh.” Penelope blushed. So bright, and red. They reminded Colin of his favorite fruit raspberries. “Marquess Rose this is Mr. Bridgeton.” 
Marquess Rose turned towards Colin, was he sizing him up?. “Bridgerton? I believe I went to school with your brother Benedict.” 
“That sounds about right, you look to be about his age.”
“So you are the third brother?” 
It was innocent question, many have asked it before, but something about having a titled lord ask him that in front of Penelope set Colin on edge. 
“He’s the traveling brother,” Penelope said. 
Colin tried not to flinch. 
Something lit up in Marquess Rose’s eyes. “You travel? Have you heard the folktales from the places you travel to?” 
Colin nodded, unsure why the marquess would be asking about folktales. 
Thankfully Penelope spoke up. “Lord Rose studies different folktales around the world and how similar figures have appeared in different cultures.” 
Marquess Rose nodded. “Yes, I am currently focusing on mermaids and maidens of the sea. It’s utterly fascinating how similar and different each part of the world views them and how they came to be.” 
A lord and an academic? So he actually has a brain under that pretty head of hair? Dear god, no wonder Penelope seems excited to be in his company. Colin found himself wanting to shoo Marquess Rose off to see Marina already. So what if the marquess showed up last he’s sure Lady Featherington would push him right up to the front if she knew he was here. Maybe Colin should let the lady of the house know someone new was in it. 
As if she had a similar thought, and Colin did find it so satisfying that Penelope could almost read his mind sometimes, she pointed her head in the direction of her cousin. “Calling hours are almost over soon. If you wish to see Marina my lord you may want to make your way over there.” 
Marquess Rose looked confused, and. . . no. No he was not here for-
“I am sorry Miss Featherington but I am actually here to call on you.” 
Penelope’s face flushed again, her eyes darting everywhere but the marquess. “Me?” 
Colin felt himself go stiff. 
Marquess Rose chuckled. “Yes, you Miss Featherington. I had quite enjoyed your perspective on the sirens from the Odysseys. I had hope that you would take mercy on this lord and share your thoughts on Queen Penelope of Ithaca.”
Rumors say he’s not interested in finding a wife my ass, Colin thought, his grip tightening on the chair. 
Before either Penelope or Colin could respond Lady Featherington had announced that calling hours were over. 
“Here,” Marquess Rose said handing Penelope the embossed journal and peacock quill. “Write your thoughts in here. I can come back another day for you to share them with me.” 
“Lord Rose these are too fine for me-”
Marquess Rose cuts Penelope off by closing her hand around the quill and journal. “They are my courting gift to you. One of many actually.” With that Marquess bowed his head to Penelope one more time before leaving. 
Colin and Penelope both stared at where the marquess had just left. Well Penelope stared, Colin glared. 
Penelope traced the new quill. “This is the first time someone has came to call on me.” 
Colin felt himself bristle. He had. . .came to call on Marina, not Pen. As Penelope stroked the spine of the journal Colin promised himself that the Marquess would not be the only caller Pen had tomorrow. 
“What are you doing?” Benedict asked. 
Colin was surrounded by books, looking as if he was on a mad quest to find the right one. In one hand he held the story of Eros and Psyche, while the other held the Odyssey. 
“One of your old schoolmates, the Marquess of Winchester, came and called on Penelope today.”
Benedict scrunched up his nose, trying to think back on who this marquess is. “Okay, what does this have to do with you tearing apart the library?”
“He claims he wants to court her,” Colin spat the word, “but when he first arrived he said he wanted to hear her thoughts on the Queen of Ithaca in the Odyssey. Then he left her with a  journal and quill, but no book to reference from. Without a doubt he is looking to embarrass Pen just because she is clever and witty.”
Benedict crossed his arms. “Still doesn’t explain the library.” 
“I am going to call on Penelope tomorrow as well with a gift of the Odyssey that she may reference and examine,” Colin said. Now getting up from the floor he began placing both books in a bag. “If Lord Rose thinks-”
“Oh you mean Odysseus-”
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faustquillpen · 2 months
when [SPOILER] [SPOILER] right in front of Faust "Everyone can change for the better and have good inside them if I just try" Maples
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yolowritter · 11 months
Hello there and welcome back to my bullshit, otherwise known as Miraculous AUs I'll never write but still want to talk abt! First post on the topic but lmk if you want more?
Anyways, here is the Miraculous Adventurer AU, better title pending! Seeing as I'm busy with literally dozens of WIPs and can't write a second longform fic, I figured I'd share to see if someone wants to pic it up! Listen, I rambled about this once on Discord and it hasn't left my head since, I really need to talk abt it!
So! Marinette Dupain Cheng is a baker's daughter in a small border town of the kingdom, in a little corner of land ruled over by Lord Bourgeois, who spoils his eccentric and brattish daughter Chloe with gifts and allows her to bully the townsfolk without much resistance to Chloe's whims. Marinette's dream is of course, to become a seamstress for the royal family. So eventually, she leaves home to make the journey to the capital, away from Chloe's relentless bullying and to a new adventure. She only takes a few meager belongings and her father's old sword, but still manages to make it a few towns over before running out of funds.
Needing a quick way to earn money that won't tie her down to this small village she's ended up in, Marinette decides to try her luck at the adventurer's guild nearby, knowing...well, to somewhat smack someome with a sword. As she enters the Guild, she crosses paths with another Adventurer, someone who looks to be a professional. The man wears dark leather armor adorned with metal studs on the guantlets, carrying what looks to be a well-worn metal staff on his back. Relunctantly, she approaches the man to see what he wants.
Of course, the totaly-a-pro and definately-not-also-a-first-timer intorduces himself suavely as Chat Noir, professional adventurer and hero extrordinaire! Clearly, he knows his stuff. Chat offers to help Marinette around, mostly offering joking flirts along the way as a receptionist shows up to run Mari through the process of getting a Guild Membership Card, and her first quest.
Obviously, Marinette turns Chat down Ladybug-style and insists she can handle herself, but he still tries (and fails) to sneakily follow her. But when they end up getting in trouble during Mari's first job...they realize they make a better team than either of them imagined. And if Chat so happens to let it slip that he's also an amatuer and looking for a partner as he heads to the Royal Capital...maybe letting him tag along wouldn't be so bad after all.
TL;DR: Marinette picks up adventuring as she travels the county, Chat Noir is a mysterious and suave rogue that's decided to team up with her (he's a bit more like Movie!Chat on their first mission, but after that develops a *small* crush on her like in Origins), and the two become the adventuring team known as Ladybug and Chat Noir...all because Marinette didn't want to reveal her name and a ladybug happened to land on her hand when a random girl they rescue on the job (Alya) asks her. This is beginning of a legendary story full of adventure, danger, obnoxious puns, and hopefully, maybe, someday, Marinette's fashion degree!
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demigod-of-the-agni · 3 months
me: mum i'm going to write a story about kalki
mum: but we already have a kalki story at home
the kalki story at home:
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sysig · 1 year
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Can love 😍💕💞❤️ bloom 🌻🌼🌹🌷💐 on the 🤜💥 battlefield?? (Patreon)
#Shitpost#My art#Wander Over Yonder#Fist Fighter#Lol#As high-effort as I'm willing to put in to make it appear low-effort <3#Initially based on my silly little Fist Fighter OC(?) with a crush on Peepers - he's already started to morph a bit#Peepers might be a bit too high a station to pursue - shoot for the stars and all that!#But just by the sheer number of Fist Fighters and Watchdogs there's statistically gotta be one apiece that mesh well#And there's nothing that says he couldn't have a crush on Peepers to start! Kind of an ''Oh shit I guess some Watchdogs are kinda cute''#Until that slowly congeals into ''Wait no most of the Watchdogs are pretty cute actually.......uh oh'' lol#If he's gonna stick around he needs a name tho hmmm#Kinda tossing around Keith but I'd like to pull up some references to verbally-named Watchdogs first#That's another thing I've been thinking about - from my recollection/what I've seen in rewatching -#It seems like all the Watchdogs have either masculine or unisex names and are shown to be at least visually understood as male#And depending on how Word Of God you wanna go Craig McCracken has confirmed there are female Watchdogs on their home planet but like#There are feminine names /on/ Wander's list for the Giftening 2 but we only see them sneaking onto the Skullship!#Yes those are almost certainly staff-and-loved-ones Easter eggs >:P Do I care? Am I still going to integrate it into my HCs? Take a guess |D#And anyway that's Just the Watchdogs - unfortunately Awesome's force aren't really seen often enough to get names :(#Hell just finding a speaking line of theirs was a rare treat haha ♪ Up until then I almost thought they were mute!#Seems redundant because like - Bring Back WOY first of all of - but more Fist Fighters! They're too cute!
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
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this ones for the bitches who keep trying to shoot Maws & Cohozuna UwU
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haarute · 1 year
Show your fightstick
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behold, the BaikenBox™
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okay if i don't finish everything ever tomorrow or the day after tomorrow im chaining myself to the wip file folder. man am i bad at finishing things!!
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