#yes man in black refers to Johnny cash because I love him
Man In Black
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Summary: Jake Kiszka X fem reader, set in the early 1950s the reader struggles through a romance with a criminal. I couldn’t shake this idea after seeing Jake in the new black suit so here ya go!
Warnings: 18+ only! Not for minors! fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving), some p in v, slight dom Jake, sorry if I missed anything
Word count: 4.8k
The streets were dark and quiet at this hour, but you actually preferred making the walk from the schoolhouse to your flat at night. The cool breeze and the hazy glow from the street lamps always gave you time to think.
Tonight started out feeling like any other night, as the sound of your block heels hitting the paved walkway with every step lulled you into a near sleep-like drift home.
That was until the hairs on the back of your neck stood to a point, your skin prickling with the feeling of being watched.
You slowed your walk, stepping more gently, and your ears focused in on the sound of a secondary pair of footsteps following closely behind you.
You sucked in a breath, preparing yourself to confront your stalker as you came to a halt just a block from your destination.
“Don’t you know it’s dangerous to walk home alone at night?” A slightly raspy yet light voice called out to you.
Although your blood was still pumping at a high rate, your heart soared into the top of your chest when you easily realized who it was just by his sound. “You’re the only man who’s ever approached me in the middle of the night, Jacob Thomas Kiszka”. You could already picture his face behind you, his plump and rosy lips curling in a smirk when you successfully identified him.
“Is that right? Well I guess I’m the only danger here then”. He let out a breathy chuckle, quiet hums of amusement cut short by the brisk night air.
“You’re entirely right” you smiled, turning on your heel and jumping into his arms. He embraced you back, tightly wrapping his free arm around your shoulders and squeezing your frame against his. “How long are you here for?” You mumbled into the collar of his coat. Although your unexpected reunion was thrilling, you knew better than to get too excited.
He loosened his hold on you, taking a step back so you could speak face to face now. “Just about 20 hours doll”.
Under the streetlamp you let yourself take him in. He looked like a ghost suddenly appearing before you, just as you had last seen him only painstakingly different all at the same time.
His coat was nice, nicer than anything you’ve ever seen him in before, black satin cut and put together in a way that broadened his usually narrow and delicate frame. He looked more filled out as well, like he had really been doing well for himself, and it looked good on him. Way too good.
To match his new coat he had on a pair of black slacks and black heeled boots giving him that extra inch of height he always craved but never quite bothered you.
One of his hands was full like usual, carrying his one and only prize possession, a heavy looking black guitar case. The other was also carrying something much smaller.
He followed your eyes as they trailed down his arm and he lifted it to reveal a bottle of dark red wine. “Picked this up in Chicago, as soon as I saw it I thought y’know who will love this? and all I thought of was you. So then I was on the first train here, just got out of the station. Figured you were still livin’ at the same place. Saw you walking by yourself”. He recounted his steps that led him here, but something about it sounded too good to be true, surely he had some other ‘business’ here as he always did.
“Little daring of you to be coming home right now, I hear they’re out looking for you again” a sudden realization washed over you as soon as the words left your mouth and you quickly hooked your arm under his, leading him off the sidewalk. Even if it was late, you had been standing outside with him for too long, you needed to get him inside.
“They’re always looking for me” he chuckled again, but allowed you to tug him off to your place, that having been his intention the entire time.
“Well maybe if you weren’t a wanted criminal” you scolded him, just as you always did on these unscheduled visits.
“If I wasn’t a criminal what?” He urged you to finish your sentence, always pushing you to rethink your morals when he was in question.
“Doesn’t matter, because you are, and I don’t want to see you getting arrested at my doorstep, now get inside” you pulled your keys out of your coat pocket when you arrived at your flat, quickly unlocking the door and ushering him inside.
Once safe from any prying eyes that could recognize him, you let out a sigh as you watched him place his guitar case down and slowly begin to reacquaint himself with your small studio apartment.
For a moment your eyes remained on the case in the entryway, it looked so common and unassuming, but you knew locked inside was not only a guitar, but hidden tools of his trade.
You grew up with Jake, just outside of town, your family farm having been next to his. Jake was a lively young man and a hard worker, tending to the upkeep of his family’s property along with his brothers.
It didn’t take long for the innocent little girl that you were to fall for him and his charm as soon as the two of you were old enough to truly understand what a crush was.
Your family didn’t agree with your choice of date though. They wanted you to marry into a white-collar family, get you out of the country and making a real living.
Back then you refused every other male they sent your way, building up quite the reputation of being a stiff-skirt until not many appropriate suitors kept coming. Eventually you finished school and got yourself a job in town teaching, proving to your father you didn’t need a man to raise you up, you did it all on your own.
Jake distanced himself from you during your short term courtships, and in the meantime he got caught up in his own city life.
The two of you were reunited at a small club, the other teachers at the schoolhouse dragging you out when they found out you were still single and living on your own.
You hadn’t expected to meet anyone that night, let alone Jake again, but the moment your eyes locked from across the sea of tables and swaying skirts, a fire was reignited deep within you.
When Jake approached, it was evident he wasn’t the same ol’ country boy you grew up with. He was dressed in all black that night as well, his signature look now, as he held out his hand and invited you to a dance.
“Never expected to see you here” he smiled slyly as he guided you towards the small dance floor in front of the stage where the band played jazzy music to keep the guests of the club entertained. “You look” he held your shoulders as he examined you in your nicest dress. Despite your initial unwillingness to go out, you had ended up enjoying dressing yourself up with your matching gloves and extra bit of makeup. “You look like a real life doll, absolutely gorgeous” he took your hands in his again, and attempted to dance with you.
You giggled as his feet kept getting mixed up with yours, grinning widely as a blush colored his face. He clearly wasn’t one for dancing, but he was trying to impress you like he always did.
“What’s happened to you Jacob?” You questioned where he had gone, remembering all the times you visited home and hoped you would get to see him again.
“Had to get out of there, make something of myself. Tried to start a band, you know how I loved playing the guitar for you?”
You nodded your head, remembering many nights the two of you would sneak out to meet at the pond that lay at the back of your two properties. You would bring a quilt and he would bring his guitar and the two of you would sit there late into the night talking, listening to him write songs, and sometimes when he was bold enough you would let him steal a few kisses.
“Well, I met quite a few people along the way. Other musicians, some guys who work in the stock market, investors and what not, ended up getting real interested in banking”.
“Banking?” You were surprised, never imagining the Jake you grew up knowing to be privy to a profession such as banking, but maybe he’d grown up to be the man your father always expected you to be with, and maybe you weren’t so against the idea any longer. “So what, you’re making money to start investing?”
“More like some people have invested in me, my ear specifically” he sounded like he was trying to tell you something more, get you to read between the lines, but you were not following him.
“That’s really great Jake, I can’t wait to see how it turns out for you” at the time you were proud of him, part of you wishfully thinking that your time to be happy together had finally arrived.
The dance the two of you had finally managed to get down came to a finish and he walked you back to your table. “Listen, I’m going to be leaving tomorrow, for a while, but it was really nice to see you again. Honestly sweetheart I-” he was looking down at his feet, his voice was getting caught up, like he was afraid he might never see you again so he had to get everything off his chest now while he had the chance. Then he looked back up, locking eyes with you again, “You know I always loved you right? Never loved a girl so much in my life, and now I meet you here, I meet this beautiful woman and I just can’t help but regret leaving before I ever told you”.
“Jake…” your voice trailed off because you felt tears pricking your eyes by his heartfelt words. You wanted to tell him you felt the same, that you had fought off every other man who had ever looked your way in keeping hopes that he would make this very confession to you. Only you didn’t feel like the woman he made you out to be, there was always one thing missing, and you wanted him to make you into that woman.
Your grip on his sleeve tightened keeping him there with you before he disappeared from you again. “Before you leave” you spoke up, hoping you weren’t being too forward, “would you come stay with me? Tonight? It’s the weekend so I don’t have a class tomorrow”.
“You’re a teacher?” Was his first question, smiling at the detail “of course you are”.
“So?” He hadn’t given you an answer, and you would be way too embarrassed if he declined your invitation after all the signals he’d been giving you tonight. “Before your umm, business trip, I’d like for you to come over”.
He pulled his arm from your hold, but only so he could move it to cup your face with his palm. Leaning over be gave you a subtle kiss on the cheek and whispered into your ear. “Of course, how could I ever say no to an invitation from you?”
That night was the first of many nights you shared your bed with Jake, but it stuck out to you as your favorite because then you didn’t know what he had done. You didn’t know how he had thrown your whole life together away before it had ever even started.
When Jake was gone the next morning you felt a pang of sadness, but convinced yourself that he’d come back soon and you could be together at last. It wasn't until three days later when you were at the shop that you saw the papers and heard the men outside talking.
“They’re saying it’s the biggest bank robbery this county has ever seen, only a true genius could have cracked that vault open”.
With your interest peaked you grabbed a paper, paying the tenant at the booth before carrying your groceries and reading the headline report.
Experts theorize the vault was broken into Friday night. The thief used specialized tools and a sharply tuned ear to crack the lock and get the vault open.
You stopped in your tracks, a hot wave of realization washing over you as you recalled Jake's peculiar conversation.
“I’ve gotten real interested in banking… some people have invested in my ear specifically”
You could not believe the picture you were putting together. Jake robbed that bank and you knew it. You could have told someone, submitted an anonymous police report, but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn him in even as the reports of more bank robberies from around the country came rolling in.
You started to expect you would never see him again. That he was gone touring the country with a band of criminal masterminds. Six months later though, once the newspapers and radio reporters started to let the story die down for a bit, he appeared out of nowhere and all you could do was be glad to see him, falling right back into his arms once more.
“Just one more glass, for me doll, then I’m yours for the night” his voice was as smooth as the velvety red liquid that he poured. His eyes were trained on his steady hand as his proximity gave you the opportunity to examine his features close up.
The dim lighting cast a shadow on his brow, but his eyes soaked in the candle light, sparkling irises wrapped in a dark chocolatey halo. A hint of stubble was starting to form on his upper lip and chin and you wondered how that might feel grazing against the soft supple skin of your thighs. You imagined it’d be similar to the way your wool skirt sometimes caught on your stockings.
“So as soon as this glass is empty, I can have you?” You baited him as he finished his pour. He nodded with a smirk, sitting back in his seat and finishing off the rest of the bottle in his own glass.
You waited for him to take a sip, eyes locked with yours in anticipation of what the night held as he brought the rim to his lips, the lips you so desperately wanted to be the one caressing right now.
With one confident tilt of your wrist the contents of your glass poured out onto the floor, and in a moment, your glass was empty.
You turned the glass right side up and brought it in front of your face, a faux shocked expression hiding a smile. “Oh, look, empty”.
Jake sat in silence for a moment, utterly surprised by your blatant mocking, then slowly lowered his glass back onto the table.
Before you could utter another snarky peep of disobedience, Jake flew across the table capturing your neck in his grip and bringing his face mere centimeters from yours.
“Do you expect to be rewarded for that behavior?” He growled, nipping at your jaw with his pearly white teeth.
“No sir, I expect to be punished. That’s why you’re here right? To hurt me? To love me so hard that I can’t think of anything other than you as I lay in bed for a countless number of nights until my heart can’t take it any longer?” You felt tears prickling at the corner of your eyes just imagining the pain you knew you were going to wake up with in the morning when he was gone again. Just a ghost of the night, forever haunting you.
“So you want it to be rough? You don’t want me to make love to you anymore?” He was growing angrier by the second. Not at you, not at what you’d done, but at the situation the two of you were in. In truth, he hated it as much as you did. To be free of the infatuation he had on you was a code he’d never learned to crack even as the best vault cracker this country had ever seen.
You whimpered underneath him, spreading your legs and slumping down in your chair. The hand that wasn’t on your throat caressed your thigh, pushing your skirt up until it was bunched at your waist.
“What do you want?” He asked again, the sparkle in his eyes igniting into full blow fires.
“Your fingers” you muttered, grabbing onto his forearm and sliding further down in the chair, your hands on each other the only thing keeping you from falling into the floor.
Although he knew which fingers you meant, the ones around your throat tightened as he slammed his lips into yours, wasting no time in lapping his tongue into your open mouth. Your vision began to blur so you let your eyes flutter closed, trying desperately to kiss him back but his grip was keeping you still. His hand on your thigh began to trail inwards, grazing over your center, but he wouldn’t be able to go very far here, not with your stockings still on.
Instead of letting you up to get undressed, you felt his fingers dig into the seam of the delicate tights, hooking them in and pulling until they were ripping apart. “You going to make a mess on my fingers just like you did on the floor?” He let his grip loosen so you could respond to him, but your mind was too fuzzy to form any coherent words. Instead you just bit into your lip and nodded wildly as his fingers now worked at pulling your panties to the side.
“Not good enough” he urged you, teasing your already soaked entrance, “I want to hear you beg for it”.
Your voice erupted from you as his thumb brushed ever so slightly over your clit. “Please Jakey! Please use your fingers!”
In the far and few times he’d been able to make his way back to you, the love making had always been extraordinary. From the very first time your bodies connected they understood each other, it was no struggle to make the other feel like they were descending on cloud nine. In the in between times, you made do with yourself, and found imagining your fingers were his could did the trick just as well. Now it was real, and you wanted your fantasies played out. Each time you were together growing more and more intense to hold you over. Never knowing when the next time would be.
He pushed his fingers into you slowly and you let out a moan at the welcome intrusion. “That’s it, I’m here love, give yourself over to me”. He began to pump his fingers as soon as he felt you settle around him, watching as your chest began heaving. The hand on your throat slipped down and his nimble fingers deftly undid the buttons on your silk blouse. The way his fingers could work on two separate things at once was impressive to you but then you remembered how skilled he had always been with his hands at everything he’d set his mind to.
Just as you were about to beg him again for more, his fingers retreated from you leaving you whimpering and gasping like a fish out of water with shock. Not even giving you a chance to utter any form of protest he scooped you up from the chair and brought you back down onto the table top.
“Jacob!” You gasped but he ignored your startled yawping, sliding the chair you were just lifted from to face backwards in front of you.
Straddling the chair, he helped you place your heels onto the edge of the table then ran his hand up your stomach, pressing back against your chest to get you to lean back and angle your hips towards him in what you only imagined was a very lewd display.
“You know the wine you so ungraciously spilled?” he smirked up at you from between your legs as he began to run his two fingers back through your still slick folds. “Pairs very well with desserts. I debated picking up something on my way, but all the shops were closed”.
Your legs were shaking with anticipation and also struggling to keep your legs perched on the table with the ruined stockings you still wore making it terribly hard to get any sort of grip.
Encircling one tremoring ankle in his grip, he pulled your legs further apart so he could fit his body easily between, the smirk returning to his face as he admired what he saw. “I guess you will have to do instead”.
Then his face disappeared from your sight, your head slumping back in bliss as his mouth made delicious contact with your core. He was pumping his fingers inside you again, this raised position gaining him even deeper access than before, and his tongue was furiously attacking your sweet bundle of nerves.
You were trying to keep your voice down, knowing well that the walls of your quaint little flat were paper thin, but he was making it increasingly more difficult as he curled his fingers upwards, keeping them buried deep while he made a beckoning motion, calling you towards your inevitable climax.
“How do you think you will taste?” He paused his movements with his tongue to speak when he knew you were getting close. “How about I give you a taste of yourself then you can lick up that mess you made off the floor?”
He let his hand slow down when you didn’t give him a response.
“Yes sir! I’ll clean it up, just-” his fingers sped back up again cutting you off with another drawn out moan.
“Just what?” He chuckled, his face was still so close you could feel the slight displacement of air against your aching center.
“Just use your mouth again, please, I need it”.
“I don’t think you do doll, you’re doing very well just like this”. You whimpered again, teetering on the edge, just waiting and hoping for him to give in.
“I’ll give you what you want, but I expect an apology after. An apology for taunting me and making me treat you this way”.
“I’m sorry!” You didn’t need to wait until after, the words were already pouring out of you. “I’m sorry I said all of that, I missed you so much, missed your touch, missed your voice, missed your cock…”
A groan traveled through him with your heartfelt apology, resuming where he was with his tongue on you again. He was humming with satisfaction as his saliva mixed with your arousal, creating a dark stain on the remnants of your stockings. Then he puckered his lips and gave the bud one hard suck sending you spiraling into your release.
Your arms flailed across the table, knocking your glass to the floor with a sharp crash, another mess to clean. Finding the edge, you gripped the wood to ground yourself as you felt your body soar.
Jake retreated his fingers, but his mouth remained, diving his tongue inside feeling your quivering walls.
When he felt pleased with the mess he’d made of you, he stood back up, kicking the chair to the side and leaning his body along yours.
You crashed your lips into his, taking him up on the promise to taste yourself on him.
“Fuck, I missed you too”. You let your legs slip off the edge, wrapping them around his waist and pulling him closer.
Even through his pants, you felt his bulge pressing up against your now overly sensitive center. “Well darlin’ are you going to finish your meal on the table? Or would you rather take it to the bedroom?”
“So, I’ve heard you’ve been seen with a fuzz” Jake commented with a cigarette pulled out of his crumpled old box showing that he’d had this pack for quite some time. He cupped his hand over the end as he lit it with his silver zippo then fell back next to you on the bed with a long draw.
“I didn’t know you were keeping such close tabs on me, lover”.
Jake wasn’t trying to insinuate you were going to say anything to the cops about his whereabouts. No, he was curious for other reasons about who you were spending your time around.
“Just didn’t think coppers were your type is all”. He took another drag, then reached over to gently put it out, packing the stub back into the box and leaving it on the nightstand. You guessed when you didn’t know how long it would be before you felt safe enough to show your face in a store then you made what you had last.
“He’s a detective,” you corrected matter-of-factly “and what would my type be then?” Reaching over you smoothed your hand over the expanse of his twisted side, wrapping it around his chest as he settled back down once more. “Devilishly handsome, mysterious, long haired men on the run for felony robbery? I’ll have you know, I’m a very respectable woman that can not be seen with the likes”. You giggled as you cuddled down into his side.
“Devilishly handsome hmm?” He smiled widely as he let his arm that you were now resting your head on wrap around your shoulder. “I’ll have you know, that if I ever had a teacher as beautiful as you I might have stayed in school a little longer”. He stared up at the ceiling, only stealing quick downwards glances towards you to make sure you were staying awake since you had made yourself so comfortable in the crook of his arm.
“I’m a grade school teacher Jacob” you were scolding him, but rubbing little circles on his chest with the pads of your fingers. “The boys in my classroom can hardly sit next to a girl, let alone be eying their teacher”.
“Well, I hardly made it past then. Numbers and letters never made as much sense to me as music notes did” the joking tone in his voice turned into something more along the lines of regret. Regret for many things, for not finishing school, for getting into as many fights as he did, for screwing it up with you.
“Do you like him? He treats you right?” He turned the conversation back around, not wanting to spend too much time reminiscing.
You let your fingers steady, flattening your palm as you sighed. That was a complicated question. If he had asked you just a few years ago, you’d assure him that you would never be happy with anyone else. Now, moving on felt like your best option.
“Yeah, he does. He’s the type to propose soon too, very gentlemanly, will hardly lay a finger on me”.
He took your stilled hand in his, holding your touch to his skin for as long as he could.
“That’s good doll, real good, you deserve someone who can give you everything” he’d stopped sneaking glances now, fixated on the ceiling as he finished his thought in a whisper. “Everything I can’t give you”.
“So I guess this was it then. That was the last time?” Your words stung in your throat as you tried to continue to speak, but you fought through it because you knew the end needed to come. You needed to be done with Jacob Kiszka and he needed to be finally done with you.
Craning your neck to look at him, he finally moved to meet your eyes as well. You tried not to think about it too much, but looking at him now made you question how years of teenage pining for each other, and all the passionate nights losing yourselves in each other ignoring the trivialities of the outside world, could all boil down to this.
“No darling,” he rolled over until he was back on top of you “this is the last time”. With a roll of his hips he was back inside you, moving at an antagonizing slow pace that felt like every inch of him was being pulled in and caressed by every inch of you.
“This is the last time?” You repeated as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him even closer to you.
“Shhh” he whispered against your neck, placing sweet kisses everywhere he could as he fucked you again only this time slowly and oh so lovingly.
56 notes · View notes
Love Letters
I have no idea how this turned out, I opened a word doc, blacked out and ended up with this. 
Master List
~~ “I would write you poems until my hands worked no more. Would play you music until my fingers bled. Shakespeare himself would have to rise from his tomb to stop me writing you sonnets. No words will ever convey the love which spills from my heart, but I will try to do so every day.” Johnny reads the letter loud, a smile on his face as he looks over at you. You’re certain your face conveys the sheer horror you’re feeling, and judging from the laughter that bubbles from him, it does. You’re frozen in the doorway of your own dorm room, staring at the man lounging in your desk chair, the man who’d just found your second best kept secret. “So, how much does it cost to get one of these letters?” 
“What are you doing?” His eyebrow hikes up at your question, and he gestures to the stacks of envelopes and the typewriter sitting on your desk. 
“You’re the one writing all the love notes around campus right? What if I want to send one to someone?” You blink at him a few times, still in shock, but step into the room properly and shut the door. 
“How’d you find out about this? Who told you?” You question, dropping your backpack on the floor and crossing your arms over your chest. He mimics your pose, though still in your chair. 
“Who said anyone told me?” He challenges, “I figured it out.” 
“Bullshit. I’ve been doing this for almost two years and no one’s been the wiser. The only people that know are my customers, so who told you?” He’s silent for a moment, not pretending not to size you up. You can feel your heartbeat in your chest, and part of you wants to celebrate having your crush alone in your dorm room, but the other part of you remembers he’s here for a love letter, not you. 
“Are you going to stop writing for them if I tell you?”
“Maybe, or maybe I’ll just revoke their long term customer pricing. Who was it?”
“Yuta.” Your eyes roll automatically at the name, you should have known it was him. 
“Of course it was. Did he refer you, or did he just tell you?” Johnny shrugs, clearly loving how annoyed you’re getting. 
“Maybe both. You haven’t answered my question.” 
“One time letters to someone are 25, self letters are 35. If you’re wanting a long term contract it depends on the frequency of the letters, contents and subject.” You finally relent, trying not to let the disappointment cloud your voice. 
“What’s the most expensive contract you have?” You motion for him to get out of your chair, which he shockingly does, so you can grab your clientele binder and find your contract sheets. He flops down on your bed while you work, watching you flick through the almost shockingly thick binder. 
“Someone pays me 75 dollars every other month to write three page long letters to send to his girlfriend overseas.” You tell him, pulling out a contract, “This contract is legal, by the way, I had a friend of mine in law school draft it. I only write the letters, I don’t deliver them and I am not responsible for the reaction of the recipient. You can’t get me in legal trouble if things backfire, nor can you demand a refund. You cannot ask for personal information about other clients, and no I won’t tell you if you’re giving a letter to someone who is already receiving letters. Any questions?” You finally look up from your contract, locking eyes with the boy sitting on your bed. 
“Would you handwrite a letter for me, or is it typewriter only?”
“I try not to handwrite letters, just in case someone might recognize my handwriting.” He smiles again, and you have to look away, trying not to blush. God, how did you get so unlucky? When you had started writing these letters, it was because of your crush on Johnny. Your roommate freshman year had found a letter you’d never planned to send and asked if you would write one for her to give to the girl she liked. From there, your little business blossomed, and now you had upwards of 30 clients, all paying you to write about Johnny without knowing. 
“Do I have to tell you who my letter is for?” 
“Nope, all you have to tell me is whether you know them personally or not, and if there’s something about them you want me to talk about.” You drop your binder on the desk, turning to face him once more. “I’ll also need your contact info, phone number or email preferably. I take cash, venmo, and cashapp, you have to pay before your first letter, and if you make it a long term thing, then you pay upon receiving the letter.” He nods, his lower lip sticking out slightly. 
“OKay, lets do one letter for now, and depending on their reaction, we’ll see about sending more.” 
“No problem, just fill this out for me, and we’ll get started.” You pass him the contract and a clipboard to write on. “For the first letter, I always have my clients tell me about the person they’re wanting me to write about, that way if you meet face to face, the letters still sound like you.” 
“What’s your major again?” 
“Psychology, with an English Lit minor.” 
“Makes sense.” The two of you are quiet for a moment while he fills out the form, and you take the chance to package some letters, ironically, one was for Yuta, who was definitely getting a scolding when he came to pick it up. “Alright here.” You don’t look at him, only extend your hand for him to place it in. You can feel him watching you as you finish up your work, marking who still has to pay for your work. “So, have you ever written a letter for someone, like from you?”
“Yes and no.” You weren’t sure why you even answered. 
“What do you mean?” You sigh, putting your papers away so you can move the typewriter front and center. 
“Every letter I write is about the person I like, that’s how it started.” You explain, “Yeah, it sounds like I’m writing about someone else, but it’s always about him.” 
“Ever had to write one for him?” You can tell he’s actually interested in this, but you shake your head, not wanting to talk about it more. 
“Don’t worry about my love life, Johnny, lets work on yours.” You grab a notebook, spinning to face him, ready to take notes. “Tell me about your person.” 
If you told me you were Eros, I would believe you. From the moment I saw you, the arrow of love had pierced my heart and rendered it useless to all others. Were you a god, I would be your most devoted priest. My lips would sing your prayers and praises until there was no oxygen left at your altars. Your mind rivals that of Shakespeare and Einstein, and I wish on every star that one day I may be privy to your innermost thoughts. Your eyes hold the universe, and your hands: my heart. You fill my dreams, and soothe my nightmares. Had I an ounce more courage, I would say these words to your face, but in truth, no words could accurately depict the love I have for you. It bubbles from my heart, courses through my veins and clouds my mind. I would give you the world, the moon and all the stars in the sky if you only asked, but now I can only give you this letter and hope you will not think ill of me. Yours ever, Johnny
“Here, all done.” Johnny barely has the chance to knock on your door the following day before you’re shoving the lilac envelope in his hands. “It’s not super long, but it’s pretty expressive, if you want more just let me know, I hope they like it.” You don’t give him the chance to reply, instead just shut the door and try not to start crying instantly. Every word you had said was true, and he was about to give it to some rando. You wanted to cancel every other letter people had asked for, so tired of writing about a love you couldn’t have. A knock on your door makes you huff, just wanting to lay down for a while. “What?” You demand, swinging the door open to find Johnny still standing there. He holds the envelope out to you, his other hand deep in his pocket. 
“Do you not like it? I can rewrite it.” You offer, hesitating to take it. No one had ever hated what you’d written, to say it was a bit of an ego crusher was an understatement. 
“No. No it’s amazing, its everything I wanted to say. You did an amazing job.” He extends his hand again, not looking you in the eye. “But its for you.” 
“When I learned it was you-” He huffs, “Look, I’ve had a thing for you since English 101. You’ve always been super smart and gorgeous, but I’ve been too scared to say anything cause you were always writing these sweet things, and I figured they’re for someone else, so I didn’t want to pressure you into something. But I might not get accepted into my Masters and I didn’t want to leave without saying-” 
“Johnny.” He stops speaking the second you say his name, his eyes snapping up to yours. Your face is warm, and you can feel your eyes watering. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“You.” The bewilderment on his face is almost funny. 
“Yes you. Every single letter I’ve ever written has been about you. Even this one. I wrote you a love letter only to have it be for me.” You can’t help but laugh at the irony of it all. 
“Wait, really?” He’s laughing a little as well. 
“Yes you idiot. I’ve been so scared Yuta had told you, I was even gonna go cry once you left.” You admit, wiping at the tears that were falling. 
“Oh no, don’t cry.” He pulls you close to his chest, his head resting on yours. “Let me take you for lunch. Then maybe you can tell me some of those sweet things you’re always writing about me.” You both laugh at this, pulling away from him. 
“Don’t think I’m going to let this ruin my business, Johnny Suh, I’ve still got to pay for my coffee habits.” 
“Only if I get to read the letters first.” 
“And I get to see your client list.” 
“Not a chance.” 
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justa-starrynite · 4 years
like me better (Coco Cruz)
A/N: Good afternoon everyone! This is Bea! I’m back with another installment for our fall series! This one is for Coco! I’ve never written for Coco, so I hope I did him some justice!
Megan and I would like to thank you for all the love you’ve been giving us! We truly appreciate it and we love giving you all some content to read. 
We love you all!
Word count: 1654
We’re currently working on the tag list! If you would like to be added, please message us or drop a comment!
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Johnny Coco Cruz never thought he deserved anything. 
At a young age, he wasn’t exactly nurtured by his mother. The earliest memory he had of his mother was when he would watch men come in and out of their apartment, his sisters trying to shield him away from her work. 
His eldest siblings Elma and Selena, they were decent. 
But as soon as they had the opportunity to leave Celia’s home, they left.
At an early age, he recalled that he never called Celia mom, at least not when he spoke of her with his friends. He would rarely refer to her as his mother. But till he was eighteen, he called her mother.
Till he got in the Marines and told her she could fuck herself.
He had an ounce of respect for her, just due to the fact she birthed him, but otherwise, Coco stopped caring about his mother way before than he could remember.
Due to his tumultuous relationship with Celia, he chose to not be a part of his kids life, Letty and his son, Leo. He wanted Letty to be given up for adoption as her mother was no better than him, but Celia adopted her at her faux reasoning of getting a second chance as a mother. 
Coco never believed that and he was correct.
It was for welfare.
He finally found his place in the Marines, the discipline and skills he learned didn’t prepare him for life outside of the military, but it prepared him to contribute to his family.
The Mayans MC.
A place where people who didn’t belong anywhere fit. 
A place where Coco was able to find a family he never knew he needed.
Johnny Coco Cruz never thought he deserved anything.
Not until he met you.
You were a tattoo artist for one of the shops the club frequents. It was rare for you to do a piece for any of the members since you were in high demand and the shop owner, your father, was one of the few people the MC feared.
A gentle man that would make no hesitation to kill for you.
Your father had numerous stories going around about him, but the most prominent seemed to be him being a former gang leader who reformed.
Your father was never part of a gang, he was a firefighter once upon a time and now, he was a tattoo shop owner.
When Coco first laid his eyes upon you, you were leaving the shop as he and Riz waited for one of your co-workers to finish a piece on Creeper. 
You turned towards them, your glasses slightly slipping down the bridge of your nose. A small smile to greet your father’s favorite customers appeared on your face, your eyes lingering at Coco before walking out.
And that was the start.
Coco never tried to talk to you, you were too pure for him.
Too good.
So kept his distance because nothing ever goes well for him and he was almost certain that nothing would ever happen with you.
But then you worked on a piece for him and his life, well his self-hatred due to past trauma began to change.
“Damn, so you punched him on the face?” Coco chuckled, trying to contain his laughter since he didn’t want to ruin the piece you were doing on him.
“Listen, he was messing with my baby sister, of course I did. Let’s be honest he fared better with me cause my dad would have killed him.” You ran the needle along Coco’s skin, admiring the previous work he had done.
“Damn mami, remind me never to mess with you.” Coco smirked.
“I don’t think you’ll need a reminder, but I got you Coco Cruz.”
From there, your relationship evolved. You two started off as friends and in six months, Coco won you over, which wasn’t hard since you had a crush on Coco since he stepped foot inside your father’s shop. You were shy and it’s not like they were exactly approachable.
But when you got to know these men better, you realized they were definitely hardened men who could kill people in a bat of an eye, but, they were also kind hearted men.
There was hardly any black and white in the world.
So many grey areas were what was had instead.
You and Coco have been together for four years now and as much as Coco didn’t think it would last, your relationship would surprise him instead.
Coco was never a big fan of himself.
He thought he was worthless, a scum and he was making up for past grievances by keeping to himself and not ruining others’ lives, like his children.
But you showed him that he was more than that.
Traditions he used to scoff at were now becoming things he looked forward to.
New year’s celebration.
Christmas celebration
Thanksgiving celebration
And Halloween.
You absolutely loved fall and as soon as it was October, you were decorating the house you two shared. 
This was the second year in a row that you were decorating the house and if Coco was honest, he looked forward for the rest of the years you would be doing this.
He realized early he wasn’t willing to let you go. He was in love with you and you made him better.
Even if you forced him to drink a pumpkin spice latte.
Currently, you, Letty and Coco were at the pumpkin patch, looking for three pumpkins that you three could carve together.
Another thing Coco appreciated was how you accepted every aspect of his life. The club was going to be hard, at least he thought so, but you were part of this band of misfits before you two even dated.
But then Letty came and he became lost.
He couldn’t ruin her life.
But then your words brought him down.
“I know you feel that you’re a terrible man, one who ruins anyone’s life when you touch them, but that’s not true. You made my life better. The best thing about life is that everyone gets a second chance, this is it for you and Letty, take it.”
He took your advice and he was incredibly glad he did so. 
You gave him the strength to push the doubts away and give Letty the life she never had with Celia. You and Letty immediately got along and ever since then, you three were a little happy family.
Coco watched as you and Letty took your time picking the pumpkins. He never understood what exactly you were looking for, but that victorious smile on your face always made the question fade away.
“Coco, are you just going to stand there or are you at least going to pretend and help us pick?” You teased your fiancé as you playfully narrowed your eyes at him.
Coco chuckled. “For what? You two got it handled.”
“Your input would be nice.” You pouted.
“Okay mami, I got it.”
You three picked your pumpkins and just as you were all going to go home, Bishop called. Coco had taken his bike, meeting you after his shift at the yard.
“I’m sorry reina,” Coco frowned.
“It’s okay, I get it. We can do it later.” You offered him a smile, understanding the importance of the club. “Letty and I can go shopping for Halloween costumes.”
Coco took his wallet out to give you some cash, but you shook your head. 
“Don't be silly, I got it.” You pressed your lips on Coco’s and hugged him. “Be careful.”
Letty hugged him as well. He got on his bike, glancing at his mirror every once in a while till you both were out of his range.
Coco never cared about losing his life when going to do something for the club, but now, he had something to live for.
Coco came home later that night with Letty asleep and you sketching on the couch. He saw the relief come over your face and he had to smile at that.
“Hello mi amor.” He dropped a kiss on your lips.
“Hey baby, everything okay?” You questioned.
“Yes, just usual bullshit.” The rebels were ambitious and had a good cause, but at times, Coco questioned just how great the cause was. 
You nodded, continuing to sketch, feeling at ease with Coco home. 
Coco watched you, the sense of calmness that he felt whenever he was with you was something he craved for as long as he’s known you. He always waited for the rug under his feet to be pulled, knowing you wouldn’t stay with him for much longer, but for some reason, you’ve stayed.
And with how much he loves you, he would never want you to walk away.
“I love you.” Coco blurted out of nowhere.
The way your eye softened made his heart skip a beat, the blush on your cheeks further making his heart rate race.
“I love you too. Everything okay?” You closed your sketchbook then, placing it on the coffee table. You sat on his lap, his arms wrapping around you.
“Yes, everything is good baby.” Coco never liked himself too much. Due to the verbal abuse from Celia, his self esteem wasn’t the best even though he’s been working on it. He craved the assurance that he was enough, that he was good enough. 
He never had a true family either.
But it was changing with you.
He became a part of your family. You had him wanting something more in life. You gave him the strength to be there for Letty. 
“Just realized something.”
You raised an eyebrow, running your fingers through his hair. “And what’s that?”
“I like me better when I’m with you.” 
Johnny Coco Cruz never thought he deserved anything.
He definitely didn’t like himself much.
But being with you, growing with you, he found himself liking himself better.
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jeidafei · 4 years
Vol.27 Komui’s Lounge Translation (Part 2/4)
>>Part 1<<
T/N: Before we begin, last time I used a derogatory term to refer to a specific popular meme. I have removed the word, but it might still show up in reblogs prior to the edit. I’m so sorry if I have offended anyone. I did not mean to be racist, or to ridicule and stereotype black people. 
I have since educated myself on the practices surrounding the use of the term, and learned that my use of the word was in bad taste and ignorant, and I sincerely apologize. It will not happen again. 
Okay, now that that’s cleared up, let’s proceed...
Question 2: Since Lavi wears an eyepatch, he’s practically going through his daily life with just one eye. I’d love to hear some fails.
Johnny: This one’s for Lavi, huh.
Tiedoll: Shouldn’t be any problem, right? Since there’s another man fitting the description over there.
Cross: Huh? I’m not one-eyed. I can see perfectly out of both eyes.
Johnny: EH!? Really, Allen?
Allen: Ah, yes. He’s wearing a mask but he can see normally, it seems.
Johnny: Wow. And I’d always assumed…Very well, then. Why must you wear a mask, sir? //sparkling eyes
Allen: Uh oh. Johnny’s switch is On.
Johnny: Ehehe. Since General Cross practices sorcery, we in the Science Division are also super interested in learning about him. We’ve always theorized among ourselves whether a grand mystery lies under his mask and stuff.
Cross: Mystery, huh? Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t tell even the women I slept with what’s under my mask.
Allen: I don’t recall ever seeing you take it off. Wouldn’t it get all hot and stuffy if you leave it on at all times? Isn’t it getting stinky or something? //sniff sniff
Cross: Stop sniffing, Idiot Apprentice.
Tiedoll: How about you stop acting all high-and-mighty for once and just let them know? Or is the truth that you simply added it to complete your look even when there’s no reason to…?
Cross: I’d rather it be such a simple reason, though.
Allen: What do you mean by that?
Johnny: I knew it! So there really is a mystery after all!
Cross: Come on. Who cares, anyway, right? Tis a question about Bookman Jr.’s one-eyed fails, after all. Well, when it comes to the Bookman Clan, I reckon they won’t be unduly hindered even with just one eye. Since their physical ability surpasses that of normal humans.
Johnny: Eh!? What’s with that!? Where d’you get that from!?
Allen: Master, you know something about the Bookman Clan, don’t you?
Cross: Just a little bit about their founder. Don’t bug me.
Allen & Johnny: Nuh-uuuuuh~~~!
Tiedoll: Hmm. Full of mysteries as always, the Bookman Clan. Perhaps that physical prowess would explain why Yuu-kun could never beat Bookman when dueling.
Allen: Eh? I mean, Bookman really is a formidable opponent, but Kanda beats Lavi every time, though?
Kanda: Because the idiot never gets serious…
Johnny: Ugh~~! General Cross’s mask. The mystery of the Bookman Clan. I wanna know everything already!
Question 3: Since Johnny has left the Order to go after Allen, who took over his job of making Order uniforms?
Johnny: I’m not the only one in charge of making uniforms; there are other staff on it, too. Since it requires the combined expertise of various fields. But yeah, come to think of it, I was put in charge of design a lot. I reckon Cash would be the one in charge of that, now.
Allen: By the way, there’s another question for you, Johnny. Is Johnny’s scrunchy the same as Cash’s?
Johnny: Uh…yeah (blush). She gave it to me.
Allen: Really…? //making assumptions
Tiedoll: Aw, how charming. Don’t you agree, Yuu-kun?
Kanda: What?
Cross: Leaving behind a woman to chase after my idiot apprentice. You Science Division folks really do love to suffer, as always.
Question 4: Krory’s a baron and he seems educated, after all. Does he play any musical instruments? The piano or violin seem to fit him.
Allen: He can play both the piano and the violin. And he’s also a very good singer, Krory.
Johnny: I know, right? Back at the Order, I saw him discussing music with Marie a lot.
Tiedoll: How wonderful. I’m sure that makes Ma-kun extremely happy.
Johnny: There’s also a question about Krory’s cooking skill. How should I put this…Back at the Order, I’ve only ever seen him order food and dine at the cafeteria.
Cross: Oh, he’s a great chef. Though not as good as his grandfather, Arystar Krory the First.
Allen: Eh!? You’ve tried Krory’s cooking before!? Where!?
Cross: At his castle. He treated me, that time I went to give him that man-eating flower I’ve been safekeeping for Krory the First, Rozanne. (*Volume 5)
Allen: Oh, Rozanne!! I remember now! So that was it! 
Master, have you known from the start that Rozanne was an Innocence? That flower was how Krory became an Exorcist, you know?
Cross: Idiot Apprentice, who the hell do you think I am? Of course I knew!
Allen: And you also toted your so-called friendship with Krory’s grandfather to swindle money off Krory, too, didn’t you?
Cross: Eh? Don’t remember any of that.
Allen: You did!!
Cross: Really? Well, you pay him back for me, then.
Tiedoll: You’re the absolute worst, Marian.
Allen: Krory is my beloved friend, and you taking advantage of such a kindhearted person…you...Idiot...Masteeeeeer~~!!
Johnny: A-A-Allen, calm down! Please! //sweating
Cross: AH!? We’re discussing his cooking here and I’m answering properly, aren’t I!? What, you wanna fight, brat!?
Johnny: Ah…uh…ah…//sweating profusely
Right! There are more questions! Here, “Please tell us the impression Kanda and Krory have of each other, since they don’t have that much to do with each other.” Kanda, you’re up!
Kanda: Huh? Nothing in particular.
Johnny: Eh? But, back then when Didi was wondering whether Krory’s teeth or Mugen is sharper and stronger, you seem like you really wanted to chat...
Kanda: N-no, I didn’t…
Johnny: But you kept glancing this way when he mentioned that Krory stopped Lavi’s Hammer easily with his teeth, right?
Kanda: Grrrr…..Tch!
Tiedoll: To translate that, Yuu-kun’s thinking he wants to have a go with Arystar-kun, correct?
Johnny: I knew it!
Kanda: Just take it whatever way you want!
Cross: Must be an easy life with such a tongue-tied apprentice. Mine’s such an annoying nag, it’s intolerable.
Allen: And whose fault do you think it was that I turned out like that?!!
(to be continued)
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This was the first of my Mortal Kombat guest character shit. Think I made this two or three weeks ago. I forgot, anyway, enjoy these. Mainly it includes Archie from Bioshock Rebirth. The last one was meant to be with Noob Saibot. But long ago, I changed it to Shao Kahn.
Archie: You know, you remind me of someone I really hate.
Kano: Ohhh, who was he?
Archie: Let’s say he was Irish at first. Then he became a Bronx motherfucker.
Archie: I knew a crime boss that would make the entire Black Dragon look like a bunch of bitches.
Kano: Those are fighting words mate. Where is this asshole so I can gut him? Or make good business with him.
Archie: He’s already dead because I hung him from a ceiling.
Archie: Don’t you dare get near Elizabeth.
Kano: Hey, a dog can’t stop sniffing.
Archie: You touch her, and I’ll rip that metal eye off of your face.
Archie: Sonya told me all about you and the Black Dragon.
Kano: I am the Black Dragon you yobbo.
Archie: The Black Dragon is nothing compared to the Demon Of Rapture. 
Archie: You remind me of someone who I have mixed feelings on.
Kabal: Wonder how I remind you of him?
Archie: He killed for money, and he was a Helluva Grim Reaper in Rapture for Ryan.
Archie: You being fast doesn’t scare me.
Kabal: Maybe I’ll visit those Little Sisters after this. They’ll probably like me.
Archie: Get near those girls and I’m gonna shove those swords up your ass.
Archie: I hate people like you. 
Kabal: Black Dragon pays good. Nothing personal.
Archie: That’s why I fucking hate killers like you.
Archie: You really think you, a fast asshole of a mercenary, can beat me.
Kabal: All I’m seeing is a punk ass kid who thinks being a soldier made him tough.
Archie: I’m gonna show you why Splicers and Sofia called me the Demon Of Rapture.
Archie: So the Shirai Ryu is more than a clan?
Scorpion: We’re a family. 
Archie: Me and the Vox highly commend that honestly.
Archie: You know, you’re one of my favorite characters to play as actually.
Scorpion: What do you mean by that?
Archie: I think you and everyone else would be shocked to learn what you are in my world.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu would be honored to have you.
Archie: I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll fit.
Scorpion: Trust me, we would welcome you.
Scorpion: So the Vox are than an army?
Archie: We’re a community in a way. Trying to take care of each other.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu commend the Vox for their goals.
Archie: I question why you would even praise me?
Scorpion: You’re unlike any soldier I’ve met. Imagine our combined forces?
Archie: A ninja and an Army Ranger...that’s a Helluva team up.
Johnny Cage: Come on, let me star as you in a movie based upon Rapture.
Archie: Sorry, I think you’re too old to play me now.
Johnny Cage: Okay, that hurt a little hearing that from you. We could change the age though.
Johnny Cage: Your story would make a perfect movie.
Archie: I don’t think I want you cashing in on the shithole that is Rapture.
Johnny Cage: You’re missing out on the Rapture cinematic universe.
Johnny Cage: So you’re telling me our world...is basically a video game in your world.
Archie: Yep.
Johnny Cage: Holy shit!
Archie: I think you may not want a cinematic universe based upon Rapture or something.
Johnny Cage: Come on, you know its genius.
Archie: You’re gonna have to get through Ken Levine if you really want that.
Archie: So, you have issues with your dad too?
Kitana: It’s more complicated than simply issues.
Archie: Understandable. For me, my dad was a Capitalist tyrant asshole.
Archie: Its time for your rule to end.
Shao Kahn: I’ll crush you with my war hammer. 
Archie: I’ll fuckin beat you to death with a God damn golf club to make your death look insulting.
Archie: You make Ryan, Fontaine, and and Sofia Lamb look like pansies.
Shao Kahn: Is that a compliment?
Archie: No, it means you make me more sick than any of them.
Archie: You really think you, a dictator, can stop me.
Shao Kahn: All I see in a man trying to be a warrior. Everyone you faced is nothing like me.
Archie: I’m the Demon Of Rapture you shit fuck.
Archie: I don't think you would last in Rapture probably.
Shao Kahn: Do you know who I am? I am mighty.
Archie: I don't think the Splicers, Big Daddies, and Big Sisters would give a shit.
Archie: What you did to Sindel was despicable.
Shao Kahn: I'll go for Jasmine and Tenenbaum next.
Archie: If you touch my mothers, I'm making sure your brains fall out when I beat you with a golf club.
Archie: You remind me of someone I highly respect.
Jacqui: How would you describe her?
Archie: A natural born leader, and the best damn sister I know.
Archie: I’m just...reminded of terrible things that happened to people looking at you.
Jax: You mean you know people who went through what I experienced?
Archie: No. I’m reminded that Rapture literally made slaves in diving suits. 
Archie: You’re not leaving this fight alive.
Joker: Awww, not going soft on me?
Archie: Do I look like your God damn Batman?
Archie: Unlike Batman, I’m going to kill you.
Joker: What makes you say that?
Archie: I’ve read The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Returns. You make me fucking sick.
Archie: I know a clown that I think scares me more than you.
Joker: Well who’s this other clown then?
Archie: The clown is from a video game, drives an ice cream truck, and has a flaming head.
Archie: Vietnam huh? I’m sorry you went through such Hell.
Rambo: What about you kid?
Archie: A little bit of Iraq, and Rapture itself. 
Archie: Green Berets, you have my respect John.
Rambo: Same to you as well. Always did respect the Rangers.
Archie: Brothers to the end am I right?
Archie: You lost your whole platoon? I’m sorry. No one should have to experience that. I feel the same.
Rambo: You lost anyone?
Archie: Even though I was a loner. I lost my whole unit. Was the only survivor from the aircraft. Damn Ryan.
Archie: You want peace as well after all the Hell you’ve been through.
Rambo: Do you feel the same?
Archie: Yes, I do. 
Archie: You really think you could last in Rapture?
Shao Kahn: All those you've mentioned mean nothing to me.
Archie: Eleanor Lamb would make you her bitch.
Edit just noticed I didn't put cream after ice...so there...hope you all love the references everyone. :)
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thewaynemanner · 5 years
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BatFam Favorite Songs and Playlists
Dick Grayson loves anything upbeat he can scream sing along to, but his one true music love will forever and always be 80s Pop music. Not only does it go with his ‘I just got dragged through an 80s costume wardrobe’ aesthetic, but 80s Pop songs are the best to scream sing along to. His 80s Pop Trinity is Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, and ABBA. Currently, his favorite songs are Y.M.C.A by Village People, -Jason: “Jesus Dick, how could Y.M.C.A be your favorite song?” Dick: “I like bending into all the letters!”- Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper, and Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) by ABBA. Dick also knows all the words to (and has choreography for) all the songs in Grease. He even once convinced Jason to song along as Danny in You’re the One That I Want. Dick’s Guilty Pleasure Song: Barbie Girl by Aqua.
Dick Grayson’s Playlist
 Jason likes music that makes Bruce extremely uncomfortable, like Rap (for its explicit language) and any song that can be used to reference his death. But when Bruce isn’t around, Jason prefers a wide range of rock, from rockabilly to classic rock to punk rock, Jason loves it all. His favorite rock artists respectively are Johnny Cash, Queen, and My Chemical Romance. Jason’s favorite songs are I Won’t Back Down by Johnny Cash, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, and I Don’t Love You by MCR. When Bruce is around to annoy, Jason enjoys blasting Hood Go Crazy by 2 Chainz, -Bruce: “I don’t think this is an appropriate song to be playing in the Batcave, Jason.” Jason: “Well Bruce, I didn’t think that letting the Joker live after he killed me was “appropriate”, so agree to disagree.” Bruce: *feels migraine coming on*- and Arms Tonite by Mother Mother -*I died in your arms tonight. I slipped through into the afterlife. It was nice* Alfred: “Master Jason, don’t you think that’s a tad insensitive?” Jason: “Sorry Alfie, but Bruce is kinda insensitive”- Jason’s Guilty Pleasure Song is Pocketful of Rainbows by Elvis Presley, it was the song that Bruce used to sing to him after he’d had a nightmare to get him to go back to sleep. 
Jason Todd’s Playlist
Tim at this point only listens to DiscoTech/ElectroPop because it’s the only music with a beat strong enough to keep him awake. His favorite songs are Boss Bitch by Doja Cat, Play With It by Tommy Genesis, and Rich Bitch Juice by Alice Longyu Gao -*Some people say I look very sad I’m just having my resting bitch face ‘Cause man, I’m tired I’m tired, I’m so fucking tired Drinking my rich bitch juice* Tim: *sipping his rich Bitch Juice* “Mood.” Dick: *Gasp* “Timmy… That most definitely should not be a 'mood’.” Tim: *shrugs and continues to crush up caffeine pills and add them to his coffee* Tim’s Guilty Pleasure Song -Damian: *grumbling* “All his songs should be considered guilty pleasure songs”- is Ken Doll by Gameboi. 
Tim Drake’s Playlist
Damian grew up listening to classical music and doesn’t understand how what his brothers listen to can even be considered music. Damian’s favorite composer -Damian: “Yes, singular composer because you can’t have multiple favorites, Drake. That’s like saying my favorite brothers are Grayson, Todd, and you, when it’s obviously just Grayson”- is Frédéric Chopin. Three classical pieces he is fond of are 24 Preludes, Op.28: No.4 in E Minor by Frédéric Chopin, Comptine d’un autre été, l’apres-midi by Yann Tierson, and Hallelujah (Arr. Cello & Strings) by Leonard Cohen & et al. -Tim: “Honestly surprised the Imperial Death March wasn’t on his list, was pretty sure that was constantly playing in his head.” Jason: “Same.”- Damian’s Guilty Pleasure Symphony is Hedwig’s Theme by John Williams. Jason: “He gets all teary-eyed when he listens to it.” Damian: “I do not, Todd! If you keep spreading such slander, I will eviscerate you.” 
Damian Wayne’s Playlist
 Alfred is quite fond of the Beach Boys, the Beatles, and Elton John. His favorite songs are Let It Be by the Beatles, Bennie and the Jets by Elton John, and Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) by John Lennon. The later he is quite partial to because it always brings back memories or a younger Master Bruce. -Dick: Awww! Bruce is blushing, Alfie!-  Alfred’s Guilty Pleasure Song is When We Were Young by Adele. Selina: *Quirking an eyebrow* Alfred: “I haven’t a clue why you look surprised Ms. Kyle. Ms. Adele is a woman of exceptional talent, I would be a fool not to see that.”
Alfred Pennyworth’s Playlist
Selina loves blues and soul. Her favorite artists are Etta James, Joy Crookes, and Amy Winehouse. Three of her favorite songs are Mother May I Sleep with Danger by Joy Crookes, Me and Mr. Jones by Amy Winehouse, and Hell N Back by Bakar (that she heard for the first time when Bruce sang it to her at their engagement party). - Damian: “Kyle’s choice in music is adequate I suppose.” Selina: *trying to smother a smile* - Guilty Pleasure Song: Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC. Selina: *winking at Bruce* Bruce: *Turning a violent shade of red* Tim: “Alfred, I think Selina broke Bruce!”
Selina Kyle’s Playlist
Bruce is a man of classic jazz, easy listening, and rockabilly; his favorite singers are Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Elvis Presley. He’s had the same favorite three songs for the past five years, My Way by Frank Sinatra, Blue Moon by Dean Martin, and Pocketful of Rainbows by Elvis Presley. -Jason: “You’re such a sap, Old Man-“ Guilty Pleasure Song: Hurt by Johnny Cash. -Selina: “Oh no you don’t, you and I both know that’s not your true guilty pleasure.” Bruce: “Selina, please don’t…” Selina: “War Pigs by Black Sabbath. He’s a closeted metal head.”  Bruce: “Selina, you’re suppose to love me.” Selina: “Oh I do, but I also love torturing you too.” *high fives Jason*  Bruce: “It was a phase Selina!”
Bruce Wayne’s Playlist 
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Twenty-Seven
Table of Content or Part Twenty-Six
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x OC
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning(s): Language, Hints at drug use
A/N: This wasn't the entire chapter, however tumblr's being weird and won't even let me create a new draft right now let alone let me upload a 4,044 worded text post so I'll upload the second part of this asap (probably tomorrow of they get their shit fixed on here) and there will be another update Friday. Have a good night:)
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor
I smooth my wavey hair down, taking the last giant velcrow roller out before putting my lipstick on and leaving the bathroom, looking for the car keys, unable to find them.
"Nikki, babe, where are the keys?" I call to him, looking in the kitchen and living room, heading to our bedroom.
He's passed out from a night of partying, Robbin still asleep on the floor.
"Baby." I lightly pat Nikki's face, not having the time to patiently shake him awake.
He groans, scrunching his face and rubbing his eyes.
"What is it?" He asks me, exhausted.
"Where are the car keys?"
"Mine or your's?" He questions, blinking at me to clear the sleep from his eyes.
"Your's. I can't drive mine until we get the driver's side window fixed, remember?"
"What? What happened to it?" He sits up and I raise my brows.
"Uh, well, you put your fist through it?" I remind him and he exhales.
"Oh...yeah." He replies. "They're in my pants pocket."
I don't give him time to reach for them himself.
My hand is in his pants pocket, grabbing his keys and pulling them out.
"Bye, love y-love, I'll see you when I get back." I stutter to cover my slip up, cutting myself off immediately before I can say, "love you", even though I've never called Nikki "love" before.
He doesn't notice it.
"See you when you get back." He mumbles once he's laying back down.
I slip my kitten heels on and head out.
"I love you" was one of the biggest Elephants in the room between Nikki and I.
We should have said it and we knew that, but we just didn't say it.
At first I was waiting for him to say it, then he never did...so I just decided it was something we wouldn't do.
Love's an action instead of an emotion, anyway, so I didn't think it was a big deal that neither of us had heard it from the other because we showed each other we loved each other in other ways...until we didn't anymore...and started keeping score, measuring who was winning by who was hurting who more, instead of trying to be better to each other.
I had to face that ugly reality when we were both screaming "I hate you" with Fred and Doc trying to break up one of our argument-turned-near-fist fights backstage at the last North American show of "Girls, Girls, Girls."
That was the night I got pregnant with my first son, Monroe, and the man barking about how much he hated me, isn't the father.
It's safe to say I won.
My heels click down the concrete stairs of the church as I walk to Nikki's black corvette after service is over, furrowing my brows the closer I get, seeing a white slip of paper tucked under the windsheild wiper.
I pluck the paper off and see it's a ticket for $350.00 with "BROKEN TAIL LIGHT" marked on it.
"My tail light isn't broken." I argue to myself, stepping around the back.
The entire left side set of lights are busted with signs of swapped paint where someone hit the car with their's and I open my mouth to speak but no words come out.
I stand and stare at the paper, then the busted light, tears oncoming the more I look at it.
Nikki is going to kill me.
I hear a car pull up behind me and park on the curb of the street but I don't pay any attention, too busy figuring out how to explain this.
"Hey, uh, Vivian?"
I turn to see Duff, wiping my eyes quickly.
"Duff?" I'm caught off guard by my recently new friend. "I've told you just call me 'Viv'." I tell him, sniffling and he furrows his brows, stopping in front of me where I'm now standing by the driver's door of the corvette.
"You alright?"
"Yeah." It's an obvious lie, a pathetic squeak leaving me.
"What's up?" He asks me and I lick my lips and sigh out.
"It's stupid." I mumble, rolling my eyes.
"What happened?"
I just hand him the ticket and he takes in a sharp breath, his brows shooting up.
"Jeezus." He lets out. "You just got this?"
"Yes." My voice cracks and he looks at me with sympathetic eyes.
"Viv, c'mon, it's not that bad. It'll be alright." He tries to reassure me.
"Oh, no, no, no...that's not all." I say, walking to the back and he follows me, not hiding the gasp that leaves his lips. Nikki is going to kill me."
There's a silent pause as I rest against the back of the corevette, crossing my arms, trying to figure out how I'm going to present the $350.00 ticket to my husband.
Duff leans against it beside me, avoiding the broken bits, thinking for a second, too, before reaching into his jacket pocket.
"Here." He grabs my hand, putting a wad of cash into it and I look at him, confused. "For the ticket." He explains and I shake my head.
"N-No. I can't take this from you, you need it." I argue, wiping more tears.
He goes to say something but I cut him short. "If you say that you don't need it, I'm going to hit you. You live in your car, Duff. You've been talking about getting a new place and this is part of the rent for an apartment." I point out, handing the cash back to him.
"Whatever you say." He shrugs, putting it back in his jacket.
We sit for a moment longer before he nudges me with his elbow.
"You hungry?" He asks and I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Stop offering to spend your money on me." I chuckle and he smiles.
"Actually, I know a place the both of us can eat and it would only cost the price of one beer." He tells me and I raise my brows.
It was the first of many Sunday lunches at this hotel a few blocks away that offered an "all you can eat" buffet if you just buy a bottle of beer.
I listen as Duff goes on about possible members of the potential band he wants to be a part of.
A drummer named Steven, who has a lot of extra drums in his kit than what's needed but he's a hell of a drummer.
A Johnny Thunders look alike-that isn't that great on a guitar but makes it sound cool anyway-that goes by the name Izzy.
And a kind of weird kid that apparantly has massive hair and is super shy but speaks a billion words a minute through his guitar: Slash.
"And Slash and Steven are buddies, but I don't know if they've ever met Izzy or not." He tells me, sipping the beer neither of us were carded for, even though we're only twenty.
"What style of singer do you have in mind?" I ask, taking a bite out of my mozerella stick.
"Someone who gets the punk scene, but not necessarily a punk singer." He tells me and I wrinkle my nose. "Don't do that." He points at me, knowing exactly what I'm about to say.
"Don't say it like that." He laughs. "You don't like it because you don't understand it."
"I understand it and I respect it, I just don't..." I try to choose my words. "...I like some of it, but most of it I don't really care for."
"How the hell do you survive not liking punk? It's the biggest 'fuck you' to societal standards." He defends the genre.
"I like the Ramones, The Stooges, the New York Dolls." I tell him, even though they were all acquired tastes because I have to listen to them so much due to Nikki.
"What about The Sex Pistols?" Duff suggests.
"I did, until Sid killed Nancy." I shrug.
"Oh, c'mon, Viv, you really believe that propaganda bullshit made up by the conservative media to further their anti-punk/rock agenda and get a good check? He did not kill her." He argues.
"They'd been binging on all kinds of drugs for weeks. I'm not saying he meant to, maybe he was hallucinating and genuinely didn't realize it was her until it was too late, but he did it." I state.
"Oh, okay, so it was the body guard?"
"I think it was a double suicide attempt." He explains and I lean back. "His just didn't work."
"If it was a double suicide, why didn't he just use the knife she used and bleed to death like she did?" I question.
"Maybe he didn't want to be stabbed."
"If he was going to die, what would it matter?" I ask and he shakes his head a little with a small grin pulling at his lips.
"Hi, my name is Vivian Estine Sixx and I can argue with a brick wall for five hours straight." He mocks me and I cut my eyes at him.
We just stare at each other, and he attempts to take another drink of his beer while we have our staring contest, and the both of us crack up simultaneously, and he sprays beer through his lips and nose, further egging my laughter on.
I get home around four in the afternoon after spending three hours talking to Duff, and my stomach's sore from laughing so much.
"Viv?" Nikki calls from the bathroom and I walk in to see him teasing his hair.
He's shirtless, his black jeans are unbuttoned and unzipped, exposing some of his pubic hair and I lick my lips.
"Did you have fun?" He asks in a teasing tone, referring to the oh-so-wild church service I attend as much as I can, and I roll my eyes and lean against the sink beside him, crossing my arms.
"Yes, I did." I reply, not able to meet his eyes because I'm too focused on his exposed skin.
"What took you so long to get back?" He asks next.
I know, I know, "if it was innocent then there should be nothing to hide and you should be able to tell him you were with another man."
It wasn't Tommy, Mick, Robbin or Vince, and he never met Duff.
He didn't trust men he'd never met around me.
So if I would have told him, I would have never heard the end of it.
"Long sermon." I lie, and he looks at me and furrows his brows.
"Have you been crying? Your mascara's smudged." He tells me, his thumb swiping right under my bottom lash line to wipe away dried mascara and I'm suddenly hit with the realization that I have a $350.00 ticket.
"It was a good sermon." I say.
He finishes his hair, turning to look at me.
"Me and the guys are going to the Rainbow tonight." He tells me. "You're comin', right?"
"Yes." I nod, grinning.
"Good. I gotta go get the oil changed and I'll be back to pick you up." He steps out of the bathroom to go get dressed and I follow him.
Once he's got his t-shirt that has "FUCK" written across the front, he's pulling his jacket and boots on.
When he's gotten his boots on, he stands up from the matress of our bed, and I grab at the top of his jeans, pulling him closer to me, standing on my tip toes to press my lips to his.
He kisses me, his hands holding at either side of my jaw.
When we pull away, he smiles, kissing my cheek before grabbing his keys and leaving.
The second he's gone I'm darting to my purse, attempting to find the ticket, praying I didn't leave it in the car.
Once I see it's not in my purse, I let out a deep breath and worry that I've lost it.
"Damnit." I mumble, trying to remember the last place I had it. "The church parkinglot with Duff but..." I trail off, thinking of the possibility of it being left in the parkinglot and I groan out.
There's no way it's still there if that's where it got left.
I decide to figure it out later and go wash away my worn off makeup before reapplying it and changing clothes, waiting for Nikki to get back.
I'm finishing putting on ruby red lipstick when I hear the front door slam and I tense up and put the cap back on the tube before peeking my head out the door and seeing Nikki put his keys and a piece of paper on the counter, frustration taking a stance in his movements.
Pretending nothing's wrong, I walk out of the bathroom and across the floor to our bedroom to grab my purse and put my heels on.
Once they're on, I walk back into the kitchen smile at him.
"C'mon, babe." I nudge him as I walk past him to get to the door.
He grabs my arm, though, causing me to stop and he pulls me back, pushing me against the counter, trapping me when he puts his hands on the counter on either side of me and his face is centimeters from mine.
"You wouldn't know anything about the completely shattered tail light on my car, would you?" He asks me calmly.
"No?" I lie, trying to seem confused, but it's clear he's not buying it.
"Are you sure?"
He just stares at me and I slide my hands up and down his arms, smiling nervously.
"Can we go, now?" I ask, kissing his cheek.
"I spent $100.00 to get it fixed today." He explains. "Did you back into something or did someone hit the car?"
"I told you I didn't even know about it, babe." I argue calmly. "Can we leave and just go back and forth about this later? We're gonna be late."
He gives me one last stare before sighing out, letting me go and I make sure to beat him to the car by several strides, frantically searching for the ticket when I get in, not finding it, before he gets in beside me.
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michaelfallcon · 4 years
An Interview With Coffee-Loving Hip Hop Artist Propaganda
For about as long as there has been popular music, there have been songs about coffee. From Frank Sinatra to Otis Redding, Kate Bush to Black Flag, Bob Dylan to Johnny Cash, coffee has been the topic of songs from some of the most famous singers in American music history. Mostly recently, Kelly Rowland added her own very good entry to the coffee canon with a single titled, simply, “COFFEE“.  But save for maybe 90s punk act The Descendents—a bunch of dorks and caffeine fiends who sang about coffee regularly and had multiple pieces of coffee-related merch—the world’s favorite beverage is rarely more than a device to tell a different story.
Enter Propaganda, the stage name of Los Angeles-based hip-hop and spoken word artist, author, podcast host, and activist Jason Petty who has just today, Friday, May 22nd released a new song, “If Coffee Were A Man.” As the title suggests, the spoken word over a beat piece imagines what coffee would be like in the context of personhood. Appearing on both the upcoming book and album for the LA-based polymath, the new track draws from his deep affinity for and knowledge of coffee—how many songs do you know that reference a Porlex hand grinder or have a video that begins by making a pour-over? But the message runs deeper; it’s a track that rewards repeat listens.
We spoke with Propaganda via digital communique to learn more about the making of “If Coffee Were A Man,” this visuals in the video, and his own coffee journey.
This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
Hey Prop! By way of introduction, can you tell our readers a little more about yourself?
Sure, my name is Propaganda. I am from South Central Los Angeles and I’ve lived in pretty much every corner of LA County. I am a hip hop/spoken word artist, and as of last week an author! I do a lot of justice and advocacy work around black and brown communities. I serve on the board of directors for Preemptive Love, a non-profit organization operating in Syria, Iraq, and Venezuela. Pretty much anywhere there is a refugee crisis Preemptive Love is. I also lead a podcast with my wife Dr. Alma Zaragoza Petty, PhD in educational equity called the Red Couch Podcast as well as another podcast called Hood Politics. And I drink a ton of coffee.
So where did the idea for “If Coffee Were A Man” come from? What’s the message you want listeners to take away from it?
The idea originated with some homie Sekajipo from Panther Coffee in Miami and from Black Rooster. This idea of 4th wave coffee being coffee for the people. So he was the one that said the first line to me as a writing prompt, “If coffee were a man, it would be a black man.” The poem is a part of my new album and book called Terraform, set to be released later this year.
I guess one of the biggest takeaways is a reclaiming of a narrative of sorts. Coffee, like many things the world enjoys, was invented by or originated from people of color. More specifically black people. A lot of times, this truth get lost. And I feel like it’s important not only for us consumers but for all the farmers across the world, who have to live along the equator for the coffee to even grow, to know and to recognize what a gift the people are to us, also the gift that sits right in our cups. Hopefully people will catch the metaphor of how we could be treating each other so much better than we actually are. Ultimately I would hope that it would inspire people to treat each other better.
You drop quite a few deeper coffee references—Porlex, natural processing, etc—what’s your involvement with specialty coffee? How plugged in are you with that world?
Basically my intro to specialty coffee happened by accident. In the process of touring as an independent artist, you stop before the show and grab a cup of coffee and notice how much longer this cup takes than the cup at 7-11. And then in those late-night rides between cities you stop at a gas station and get some coffee to keep you up for the drive and now you can totally tell the difference. If I’m really specific I’d say the city of Portland basically converted me. My record label is based there and we just got used to a certain quality of coffee. Next thing I know baristas are recognizing me as I walk into shops, my music was featured in A Film About Coffee, and I would get @ mentioned on social media that baristas had my music playing out of the booths at Expo. Once upon a time, I owned a little micro roaster called Left Roasters. But as you know, you can’t launch a specialty coffee brand part-time. So I was content with just learning on my own and really just being a fan of specialty coffee.
In the video, there are quite a few scenes set in Africa, including a coffee ceremony. Was this a coffee-related origin trip?
The trip was with a relief organization called Food for the Hungry. I was with them doing some relief work in Ethiopia. I specifically asked to go to Ethiopia obviously for the coffee, but also on a personal note. Throughout my life I’ve been mistaken for Ethiopian. And not just by anyone but by actual Ethiopians. As a matter of fact while we were in the country, the security guards never checked my passport. We would be at restaurants and the waiters would look to me to translate for everyone else. So for me there was the relief work, there was my passion for coffee, being at the birthplace of coffee, but also in the homeland of my ancestors.
I know that’s a much deeper answer than you were asking but the moment was so special. And that coffee ceremony that’s in the video was completely impromptu. The video doesn’t show me balling in tears from the beauty! Lol I met that lady that served us, not even an hour before that moment. She is one of the family’s Food For The Hungry servers. We struck up some small talk. I bought something from her little corner store. She was also convinced my ancestry was Ethiopian, and it just kind of moved her so much that she invited us to her backyard to make some coffee.
During quarantine, you’ve also been doing Pourigami Fridays on Instagram. Can you tell us a little more about that?
Yes! So Pourigami Fridays came out of a conversation with me and Brian Papé, the founder of the drinkware company Miir, who are the inventors of the Pourigami pour-over product. We’ve been cooking up some cool partnership ideas, including a coffee club in the style of a wine club. As the seriousness of quarantining was becoming more and more obvious, we were trying to think of ideas to A. sell some merch! B. keep spirits up, and finally figure out a way to support all these rad roasters that have lost all their foot traffic. So every Friday morning on my Instagram live I feature a different roaster then I shoot the breeze and I make a pour-over with one of my artist friends. We then post a discount code on my website for the folks to order from that roaster.
What’s been cool is a lot of my buddies have gotten into specialty coffee because of me. But they didn’t have all the tools and know all the language that I know around coffee culture so they felt like they weren’t in the know enough to participate. But they really love coffee. I feel like that represents pretty much the rest of the world. We all love coffee but everyone doesn’t have a burr grinder. So I just wanted a fun way to have some entertainment and support all of my coffee partners. And also lead the way in knowing that the best cup of coffee is the one in your holding. 
Thanks Prop!
The video for “If Coffee Were A Man” is available today on Youtube. To check out all of Propaganda’s endeavors, visit his official website and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
An Interview With Coffee-Loving Hip Hop Artist Propaganda published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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shebreathesslowly · 4 years
An Interview With Coffee-Loving Hip Hop Artist Propaganda
For about as long as there has been popular music, there have been songs about coffee. From Frank Sinatra to Otis Redding, Kate Bush to Black Flag, Bob Dylan to Johnny Cash, coffee has been the topic of songs from some of the most famous singers in American music history. Mostly recently, Kelly Rowland added her own very good entry to the coffee canon with a single titled, simply, “COFFEE“.  But save for maybe 90s punk act The Descendents—a bunch of dorks and caffeine fiends who sang about coffee regularly and had multiple pieces of coffee-related merch—the world’s favorite beverage is rarely more than a device to tell a different story.
Enter Propaganda, the stage name of Los Angeles-based hip-hop and spoken word artist, author, podcast host, and activist Jason Petty who has just today, Friday, May 22nd released a new song, “If Coffee Were A Man.” As the title suggests, the spoken word over a beat piece imagines what coffee would be like in the context of personhood. Appearing on both the upcoming book and album for the LA-based polymath, the new track draws from his deep affinity for and knowledge of coffee—how many songs do you know that reference a Porlex hand grinder or have a video that begins by making a pour-over? But the message runs deeper; it’s a track that rewards repeat listens.
We spoke with Propaganda via digital communique to learn more about the making of “If Coffee Were A Man,” this visuals in the video, and his own coffee journey.
This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
Hey Prop! By way of introduction, can you tell our readers a little more about yourself?
Sure, my name is Propaganda. I am from South Central Los Angeles and I’ve lived in pretty much every corner of LA County. I am a hip hop/spoken word artist, and as of last week an author! I do a lot of justice and advocacy work around black and brown communities. I serve on the board of directors for Preemptive Love, a non-profit organization operating in Syria, Iraq, and Venezuela. Pretty much anywhere there is a refugee crisis Preemptive Love is. I also lead a podcast with my wife Dr. Alma Zaragoza Petty, PhD in educational equity called the Red Couch Podcast as well as another podcast called Hood Politics. And I drink a ton of coffee.
So where did the idea for “If Coffee Were A Man” come from? What’s the message you want listeners to take away from it?
The idea originated with some homie Sekajipo from Panther Coffee in Miami and from Black Rooster. This idea of 4th wave coffee being coffee for the people. So he was the one that said the first line to me as a writing prompt, “If coffee were a man, it would be a black man.” The poem is a part of my new album and book called Terraform, set to be released later this year.
I guess one of the biggest takeaways is a reclaiming of a narrative of sorts. Coffee, like many things the world enjoys, was invented by or originated from people of color. More specifically black people. A lot of times, this truth get lost. And I feel like it’s important not only for us consumers but for all the farmers across the world, who have to live along the equator for the coffee to even grow, to know and to recognize what a gift the people are to us, also the gift that sits right in our cups. Hopefully people will catch the metaphor of how we could be treating each other so much better than we actually are. Ultimately I would hope that it would inspire people to treat each other better.
You drop quite a few deeper coffee references—Porlex, natural processing, etc—what’s your involvement with specialty coffee? How plugged in are you with that world?
Basically my intro to specialty coffee happened by accident. In the process of touring as an independent artist, you stop before the show and grab a cup of coffee and notice how much longer this cup takes than the cup at 7-11. And then in those late-night rides between cities you stop at a gas station and get some coffee to keep you up for the drive and now you can totally tell the difference. If I’m really specific I’d say the city of Portland basically converted me. My record label is based there and we just got used to a certain quality of coffee. Next thing I know baristas are recognizing me as I walk into shops, my music was featured in A Film About Coffee, and I would get @ mentioned on social media that baristas had my music playing out of the booths at Expo. Once upon a time, I owned a little micro roaster called Left Roasters. But as you know, you can’t launch a specialty coffee brand part-time. So I was content with just learning on my own and really just being a fan of specialty coffee.
In the video, there are quite a few scenes set in Africa, including a coffee ceremony. Was this a coffee-related origin trip?
The trip was with a relief organization called Food for the Hungry. I was with them doing some relief work in Ethiopia. I specifically asked to go to Ethiopia obviously for the coffee, but also on a personal note. Throughout my life I’ve been mistaken for Ethiopian. And not just by anyone but by actual Ethiopians. As a matter of fact while we were in the country, the security guards never checked my passport. We would be at restaurants and the waiters would look to me to translate for everyone else. So for me there was the relief work, there was my passion for coffee, being at the birthplace of coffee, but also in the homeland of my ancestors.
I know that’s a much deeper answer than you were asking but the moment was so special. And that coffee ceremony that’s in the video was completely impromptu. The video doesn’t show me balling in tears from the beauty! Lol I met that lady that served us, not even an hour before that moment. She is one of the family’s Food For The Hungry servers. We struck up some small talk. I bought something from her little corner store. She was also convinced my ancestry was Ethiopian, and it just kind of moved her so much that she invited us to her backyard to make some coffee.
During quarantine, you’ve also been doing Pourigami Fridays on Instagram. Can you tell us a little more about that?
Yes! So Pourigami Fridays came out of a conversation with me and Brian Papé, the founder of the drinkware company Miir, who are the inventors of the Pourigami pour-over product. We’ve been cooking up some cool partnership ideas, including a coffee club in the style of a wine club. As the seriousness of quarantining was becoming more and more obvious, we were trying to think of ideas to A. sell some merch! B. keep spirits up, and finally figure out a way to support all these rad roasters that have lost all their foot traffic. So every Friday morning on my Instagram live I feature a different roaster then I shoot the breeze and I make a pour-over with one of my artist friends. We then post a discount code on my website for the folks to order from that roaster.
What’s been cool is a lot of my buddies have gotten into specialty coffee because of me. But they didn’t have all the tools and know all the language that I know around coffee culture so they felt like they weren’t in the know enough to participate. But they really love coffee. I feel like that represents pretty much the rest of the world. We all love coffee but everyone doesn’t have a burr grinder. So I just wanted a fun way to have some entertainment and support all of my coffee partners. And also lead the way in knowing that the best cup of coffee is the one in your holding. 
Thanks Prop!
The video for “If Coffee Were A Man” is available today on Youtube. To check out all of Propaganda’s endeavors, visit his official website and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
from Sprudge https://ift.tt/2XrN5ea
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sandiegodjstaci · 5 years
The Hipster's Guide to Classic Country Music
The Hipster's Guide to Classic Country Music
Let’s face it…if your mountain man beard, microbrew fetish, and pipe collection are no longer enough, classic country music can help you get to the next level of hipster (so can a pair of Wrangler jeans). My name is DJ Staci, the Track Star, and I grew up on country music. I lived on a 5-acre llama ranch just outside of Seattle during the grunge era…do you see how there’s a hipster seed in there? I knew I was not your standard redneck when, at 14, my dad’s hunting drew me towards vegetarianism (celebrating 26 meat-free years now). At 18, I pierced my nose and moved to southern California where I could eat tofu, get feminism tattoos, and vote for democrats in a diverse, shame-free environment…but that country music seed definitely grew roots throughout my childhood. In fact, during my 20s, I escaped my days of drinking expensive juice and visiting organic farmer’s markets by honky tonkin’ every week. I would go line dancing at the Brandin’ Iron Saloon in San Bernardino (the biggest & best honky tonk a.k.a. country bar west of Gilley’s…and watch John Travolta & Debra Winger in “Urban Cowboy” if you don’t understand either of those references).
  Memes from We Hate Pop Country
  Unfortunately, country music withered up and died after the 2000s. After DJing at the world’s largest country music festival (Stagecoach–the country cousin of Coachella), I had to stop listening to country music on the radio. The so-called country you hear on the radio today is known as “pop country” by country music purists (those of us who prefer classic country or “real” country). The artists who “ruined” country music are people like Taylor Swift, Sam Hunt, Florida Georgia Line, Thomas Rhett, & Luke Bryant (and many others). Follow “We Hate Pop Country” on Facebook to learn more.
If you like “Wake Me Up” by Avicii, “Honey I’m Good” by Andy Grammer, “I Will Wait” by Mumford & Sons, “The Country Death Song” by the Violent Femmes, “Easy” by Sheryl Crow, “Wish I Knew You” by the Revivalists, “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show, or Philip Phillips, classic country will be a great fit. If watching the movie Walk the Line turned you into a Johnny Cash fan, rest assured there is plenty more music like that out there. If you resonate as a defiant outsider or a feminist or a government-hating pothead, classic country music welcomes you with open arms! Classic country is outlaw music–pure and simple. It was created by people who knew they were on the outskirts of mainstream society and unshakingly flipped it the bird à la Johnny Cash at San Quentin (below).
  Johnny Cash after photographer Jim Marshall asked him to do a shot for the warden (San Quentin Prison – 1969)
  Did you know Loretta Lynn, who sang the feminist anthem “The Pill,” & Jack White from the White Stripes, who also has some killer bluegrass tunes, created an album together? Did you know Johnny Cash has covered songs by Nine Inch Nails and Depeche Mode? Have you heard Lady Gaga’s country roads version of “Born This Way?” Did you know Beyonce has a kick ass collab with the Dixie Chicks (the girl-power Texas band who was banned from country radio for saying they were ashamed that George Bush is from their home state) called “Daddy Lessons”? Did you know the black lead singer of Hootie & the Blowfish bailed on the band so he could start a solo country music career (country fans know him as Darius Rucker)? Did you know when I DJ classic country parties, I have to ask the client if swear words are OK?
Do I have your attention now? I thought so. Let’s continue 🙂 You’ll love the country artists as much as you love their music–I promise.
  Justin Timberlake & Chris Stapleton performing together at the 49th Country Music Association Awards
First, let’s start with the forefather of all country music kick-assery: Hank Williams. Hank signed to MGM Records in 1947 and his twangy anthems changed country music forever. He was famously fired by the Grand Ole Opry in 1952 after one of many no-shows. He lived a turbulent life that his son Hank Jr sings about in his cornerstone song “Family Tradition.” In true rock star style, Hank Sr. died of heart failure brought on by prescription drug abuse and alcoholism in 1953. Hipster-friendly Hank Williams songs include:
I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry
Hey Good Lookin’
Jambalaya (on the Bayou)
Tear in my Beer
Your Cheating Heart
Pour yourself some Popcorn Sutton’s Tennessee White Whiskey (that’s legal moonshine for you city slickers) & get ready for some serious drinkin’ music free of “Friends in Low Places,” “Achy Breaky Heart,” “Boot Scootin’ Boogie,” “Old Town Road,” and “The Git Up.” I’ve includes lots of notes & trivia about the playlist songs because we hipsters can’t just enjoy music in a vacuum…we like to sound like a seasoned expert when putting on a playlist for friends, yes? I’ve included standards as well as a number of “B sides” that will even impress country music enthusiasts…you know the kind of people who still say “Country Western.”
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18 Wheels & a Dozen Roses, Kathy Mattea
9 to 5, Dolly Parton
A Boy Named Sue, Johnny Cash
All My Exes Live in Texas, George Strait
Amarillo by Morning, George Strait
Are You Ready for the Country, Waylon Jennings
Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way?, Waylon Jennings (Referring to Hank Williams Sr.)
Back Where I Come From, Kenny Chesney
Bed You Made for Me, Highway 101
Before Country Was Cool, Barbara Mandrell
Born to Boogie, Hank Williams Jr. (Hank Sr’s son)
Chattahoochee, Alan Jackson
Church on Cumberland Road, Shenandoah
Coal Miner’s Daughter, Loretta Lynn (Watch her biographical movie “Coal Miner’s Daughter” staring Sissy Spacek!)
Coat of Many Colors, Dolly Parton
Copenhagen, Chris Le Deux (Yep, chew killed this underground country singer with a cult following. His catchy, hilarious love song to Copenhagen chewing tobacco is like a country version of “Can’t Feel My Face” or “Mary Jane.”)
Copperhead Road, Steve Earle (Listen carefully…After coming home from war, this soldier gives up on the family tradition of making moonshine because he realized when he was in Viet Nam that he could just grow weed instead.)
Country Boy Can Survive, Hank Williams Jr.
Country Club, Travis Tritt
Country Roads, Take Me Home, John Denver (Lucky if I get through this one without tearing up…)
Cowboy Take Me Away, Dixie Chicks
Crazy, Patsy Cline (Sadly, the anthem of Battered Woman’s Syndrome…Patsy was in a violent marriage at the height of her fame. Written by Willie Nelson.)
Cripple Creek, Earl Scruggs & Lester Flatt
Devil Went Down to Georgia, Charlie Daniels Band
Digging Up Bones, Randy Travis
Dixieland Delight, Alabama
Down at the Twist & Shout, Mary-Chapin Carpenter
Dueling Banjos, Roy Clark & Buck Owens
El Paso, Marty Robbins (After writing this song, Marty Robbins was flying over El Paso & had a revelation that he was the cowboy in the song in a past life…so he wrote “El Paso City” about that experience.)
Elvira, Oak Ridge Boys
Elvira, Oak Ridge Boys
Every Little Thing, Carlene Carter (Yep, June Carter’s daughter…she called Johnny Cash “Stepdad.” Roseanne Cash’s “Tennessee Flat Top Box” is also a good one.)
Family Tradition, Hank Williams Jr (A proud nod to his famous father…”Put yourself in my position–if I get stoned and sing all night long, it’s a family tradition.” When you hear this song at a honky tonk, know the customs! When Jr sings, “Why do you drink?” The crowd shouts back “To get drunk!” When Jr sings, “Why do you roll smoke?” The crowd shouts, “To get high!” When he sings, “Why must you act out the songs that you wrote?” The crowd shouts, “To get laid!”)
Fancy, Reba McEntire
Fishin’ in the Dark, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Flowers on the Wall, Statler Brothers
Folsom Prison Blues, Johnny Cash
Fool-Hearted Memory, George Strait (His first of SIXTY #1 hits–the most in country music history! Too many for this list but do check them out.)
Get a Rhythm, Johnny Cash
Guitars & Cadillacs, Dwight Yoakum (One of the few west coasters on the list…from Bakersfield, California — also a vegetarian!)
Have Mercy, Judds (A female country duo–mother & sister to famous actress Ashley Judd!)
Highway Man, The Highwaymen (The Highwaymen are Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, & Kris Kristofferson.)
Hillbilly Rock, Marty Stewart
Honky Tonk Man, Dwight Yoakum
Hooked on an 8-Second Ride, Chris Le Deux (Pronounced “Le Doo”)
Hot Rod Lincoln, Commander Cody
I Ain’t Livin’ Long Like This, Waylon Jennings
I Love a Rainy Night, Eddie Rabbitt
I Think I’ll Just Sit Here & Drink, Merle Haggard
I Walk the Line, Johnny Cash
I’m No Stranger to the Rain, Keith Whitley
If You’re Gonna Play in Texas, Alabama
If You’ve Got the Money, Willie Nelson
If Your Heart Ain’t Busy, Tanya Tucker
It Only Hurts When I Cry, Dwight Yoakum
Jackson, Johnny Cash & June Carter
Jolene, Dolly Parton
Jose Cuervo, Shelly West
Kaw-Liga, Hank Williams Jr. (Hank Sr also does this one.)
Lay You Down, Conway Twitty
Long Time Gone, Dixie Chicks
Louisiana Saturday Night, Mel McDaniel
Luckenbach Texas, Waylon Jennings & Willie Nelson
Mama Tried, Merle Haggard
Maybe It Was Memphis, Pam Tillis
Meet Me in Montana, Dan Seals
Midnight Girl in a Sunset Town, Sweethearts of the Rodeo
Mountain Music, Alabama
Mud on the Tires, Brad Paisley
Mule Skinner Blues, Dolly Parton
My Kind of Girl, Colin Raye
Next to You, Shenandoah
No Time to Kill, Clint Black
Nobody Wins, Radney Foster
Norma Jean Riley, Diamond Rio
One Piece at a Time, Johnny Cash
Only Daddy That’ll Walk the Line, Waylon Jennings
Orange Blossom Special, Johnny Cash
Pancho & Lefty, Willie Nelson & Merle Haggard
Papa Loved Mama, Garth Brooks
Past the Point of Rescue, Hal Ketchum
Pick-Up Man, Joe Diffie
Play Something Country, Brooks & Dunn
Redneck Girl, Bellamy Brothers (During the corresponding Redneck Girl line dance, when the song says, “A redneck girl got her name on the back of her belt,” dancers shout, “Bullshit! Bullshit! F— you!” When the song says, “She’s got a kiss on her lips for her man and no one else,” dancers repeat, “Bullshit! Bullshit! F— you!” When the song says, “A coyote’s howling out on the prairie,” dancers howl. Finally, the song says, “First comes love, then comes marriage.” After “love,” dancers interject, “Then sex!!!”)
Ring of Fire, Johnny Cash
Rockin’ With the Rhythm, Judds
Rodeo, Garth Brooks
Rough & Ready, Trace Adkins
Saturday Night Special, Conway Twitty (Yes, the same guy they famously poke fun at on “Family Guy”–see below)
Sin Wagon, Dixie Chicks
Smoky Mountain Rain, Ronnie Milsap
Sold, John Michael Montgomery
Some Girls Do, Sawyer Brown
Song of the South, Alabama
Stampede, Chris Le Deux
Stand by Your Man, Tammy Wynette
Straight Tequila Night, John Anderson
Streets of Bakersfield, Dwight Yoakum
Sweet Dreams of You, Patsy Cline
Tempted, Marty Stuart
Tennessee River & a Mountain Man, Alabama
Thank God I’m a Country Boy, John Denver (He’s an outspoken vegan and & rep for P.E.T.A #MeatlessMondays)
That Kind of Girl, Patty Loveless
That’s My Story, Collin Raye
That’s What I Like About You, Trisha Yearwood (She’s married to Garth Brooks & is a celebrity chef with a reality cooking show.)
The Gambler, Kenny Rogers
The Pill, Lorettta Lynn (Also check out her cover of Nancy Sinatra’s “These Boots Were Made for Walking.”)
The Race Is On, Sawyer Brown (or any of the older versions)
The Thunder Rolls, Garth Brooks
Ticks, Brad Paisley
Tight-Fittin’ Jeans, Conway Twitty
Tonight We Ride, Tom Russell (We played this at my dad’s funeral…definitely a “b side.”)
Tougher Than the Rest, Chris Le Deux
Tulsa Time, Don Williams
Two Feet of Topsoil, Brad Paisley
Walkin’ After Midnight, Patsy Cline (Check out the Cyndi Lauper cover!)
What Was I Thinkin,’ Dierks Bentley
When You Say Nothing At All, Keith Whitley (Alison Krauss’ version might be more popular though…)
Whiskey, If You Were a Woman, Highway 101
Why Not Me, Judds
Wide Open Spaces, Dixie Chicks
Will the Circle Be Unbroken, dozens of versions
Wrong Side of Memphis, Trisha Yearwood
You Ain’t Woman Enough, Loretta Lynn
You Really Had Me Going, Holly Dunn
You’ve Never Been This Far Before, Conway Twitty
    There are a few current country artists with that classic country sound: Chris Stapleton, Brothers Osborn, some Miranda Lambert (try “Gunpowder & Lead” or “Little Red Wagon”), or Cody Jinks.
If you’re afraid country music is too white, straight, or conservative for you, check out Little Big Town’s “Girl Crush,” Maddie & Tae’s “Girl in a Country Song,” the Dixie Chicks’ “Goodbye Earl,” Los Lonely Boys’ “Heaven,” Kacey Musgraves’ “Follow Your Arrow,” Big & Rich’s “Love Train,” Garth Brooks’ “We Shall Be Free,” John Anderson’s “Seminole Wind,” or anything by Charlie Pride, Cowboy Troy, k.d. lang, or Freddie Fender.
If you enjoy a good DJ mix, I’m not the only one doing creative things with country music–check out DeeJay Silver, DJ Sinister’s Country Fried Mix, VDJ JD, DJ Bad Ash, or DJ Hish (who I was on the roster with at the Stagecoach Festival and the Moonshine Miles Festival).
Film enthusiast? In addition to watching Johnny Cash’s biographical Walk the Line, you can also try some of these country cult classics: Coal Miner’s Daughter (about Loretta Lynn), Urban Cowboy (with John Travolta & Debra Winger), Pure Country (starring George Strait), Sweet Dreams (about Patsy Cline), Eight Seconds (with Luke Perry)…as well as anything starring Dolly Parton (like 9 to 5 or Steel Magnolias) or Kris Kristofferson (like A Star Is Born or Blade). Dwight Yoakum has a few famous cameos as well (like Sling Blade or Crank). But the real question is: are they “acting” or just “acting natural”? Once you understand that reference, you officially get a gold star in the hipster country music Olympics!!! (Leave me your thoughts in the comments below.)
If you enjoyed the Hipster’s Guide to Classic Country Music, I urge you to explore bluegrass and folk music. And, yes, I know not every “staple” classic country jam is on the list (again, comment below). I also have my Guitar-Infused Country & Classic Rock Wedding Cocktail Hour Playlist and Ultimate Bluegrass Wedding Cocktail Hour & Dinner Music Playlist you can scope out. Some say “crank it up,” but, around here, we say “Hank it up!” Enjoy your hip classic country tunes! 
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