#yes my signature is now to make like gifs of whole scenes
mystery-star · 1 year
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Russell Crowe as Jack Aubrey in Master and Commander (2003)
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 years
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WIP Wednesday / more like teaser Thursday bcs I'm late as always | tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton | ty, Skelly <3
Before jumping into the Prologue to Sabrina's story, I had to mention something quite unintentionally poetic(idk how else to categorize it). When I was thinking about Brin's character, her name simply popped in my head and it just felt so fitting for her it stuck. The other day something pushed me to look into the origins of the name and whoa:
Without rambling too much, there's a whole legend about a princess (a bit similar to Ophelia in its end) and from there the name took the meaning: “nymph of the river Severn” or “river goddess”.
It's just hilarious to me I accidentally picked a name with that kind of meaning for a character paired with The Baptist.
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"In hope of tomorrow, we fight."
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9 years ago Sabrina (17 years old)
The vision came to her once again as Sabrina sat in her mother's 1996 Bronco, the only thing she kept as a reminder from the days Brin's father was alive.
Chaos. Screams. "He was right!" A sky on fire. A feeling the world was ending. And yet she was-
"Oh my, that's so nice of you two to say!", her mother's loud laughter pulled her back to the present, it carried all the way from where she was standing, her voice entering the car through the rolled down front window. They had stopped at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, Montana and she was taking her sweet time getting supplies. After one glance in her mother's direction the reason for the delay became clear to Sabrina. To an outsider the sight would seem absolutely ordinary, like she was just having a friendly conversation. In reality Sabrina knew that tone and demeanor well, they were Candice Donovan's signature move when she was about to charm someone into saying yes to her next ploy. Her targets this time were two men, one of them probably a little younger than her. Both seemed dressed to impress, a stark contrast to the other locals stopping at the gas station.
They certainly look like they'd have enough money to catch mom's interest and get her, get us into a lot of trouble as a result. Sabrina had no doubts at that thought.
"So much for your promises, mom.", she muttered then shifted her attention to her little sister, Savannah who was fast asleep in a baby seat next to her. One look at her content little face reminded Sabrina why she was still there, putting up with her mother's neverending schemes. It was all for her baby sister, from the minute she was born Savannah became the single most important person in her life… she had to stay. She had seen the scene outside unfold before and each time led to Candice and Sabrina having to move, to start "fresh". Only aside from the town nothing ever truly changed. But this time Sabrina had more to worry about than just herself.
After what felt like forever her mother finally climbed back into the Bronco, the lengthy conversation with the men certainly had put her in a good mood. Something that Sabrina was about to ruin, an useless attempt at making her remember their priorities. Too much was on the line to keep quiet.
"You know, I was just talking to J-", "You couldn't even wait until we've actually arrived this time?" Sabrina interrupted whatever Candice was about to say, not bothering to hide the disappointment in her voice. Though by now she should have know better than to expect her mother to keep a promise. Candice's angry gaze zeroed in on her daughter in the rear view mirror, forcing Sabrina to look away and accidentally making eye contact with one of the men her mother was just talking to. Still staring in their car's direction, he said something to the older guy. With how he was dressed, the dark hair, bright eyes, Sabrina could see why her mother would find herself charmed by a man like him, still something about the whole encounter seemed… off. Sabrina got the same uneasy feeling she'd be plagued by each time a particularly unsettling vision happened. After not getting anything else out of Sabrina, Candice softened her tone, trying to convince her daughter it really wasn't "what it seems like". A constant excuse from her mouth, appearing in every argument anytime she'd try to minimize the situation. "What? I wasn't doing anything! They saw our plates, the boxes in the back, how we're not from around here and were just curious where we're headed." "Totally a good thing to disclose to complete strangers at a gas station, mom."
And to think after spending so many years making enemies out of rich people, she'd be more careful… Sabrina thought to herself, bitterly. "All I did was have a completely innocent conversation with some nice people. Was I supposed to run away from them? It's called manners, Sabrina.", it was a poor attempt at an excuse, especially coming from her mother. "We both know this is how it starts each time, but things have to change. If not for me, at least do it for Savannah, she deserves a permanent place to call home, a childhood not built on grifts-" "Sabrina Blythe Donovan, don't say such lies in front of your sister!"
Sabrina was about to respond that Savannah's not even one year-old and sleeping and "those lies" barely even covered their mother's actions, instead she forced herself to say, "Fine. Sorry, can we just go already?" She knew full well the short stop for snacks would turn into yet another leading-to-nowhere argument otherwise. Satisfied with her daughter's reply and back on the road once again, Candice continued her story about the encounter at the gas station. "So, Jo-, Heavens, I already forgot his name, but- he was telling me about the community he's building, he spoke with such passion of his work and how happy the people are all living together or whatever." "Community? Living together? With how they approached you… Doesn't it all look suspicious to you?" "Nonsense! We had a wonderful talk. He seemed like such a good man, same for his brother. So polite. Asked if we're moving to town. They looked quite disappointed we aren't." "They sound like a cult. Tell me you didn't join. That would be a new low." "Of course not, we're just passing through. I know the plan and I'm sticking to it, honey. And don't call it a cult, you didn't even talk to them." "Whatever you say. Just… be careful. You know what dad always used to say about people…" "Don't trust strangers too much because they probably have a motive to approach you? Scott sure knew how to talk to an 11 year old, that man." Sabrina couldn't help but notice the pain was still in Candice's voice whenever she'd mention his name, even so many years later. "It was his job to notice things. You have to admit he was usually right too… and he never ignored my worries." "Did you see something again? I can always tell with you, you know? But I- I thought it was getting better." "Not visions, mom. A gut feeling. Those men seemed like bad news." "Alright, cult or not, I'm not joining anything, so stop worrying and let your sister sleep. You know how long it took to calm her down the last time." "At least put on some music, you know how much I hate when it's dead quiet... Please?"
Candice complied by turning on the radio and Sabrina was happy to end the conversation especially with her father's presense looming over them. She mindlessly fumbled with a notebook that lay in her lap, it had become a habit to have one nearby at all times. It was one out of many that had been a constant companion to her ever since Scott Donovan died. They were a way to keep a record of the visions, a reminder it was all real. With each year her collection of notebooks grew bigger and bigger, turning into her own archive of the future.
Staring through the window at the endless fields and mountain views, she ignored the urge to tell her mother she thought she'd seen the county signs before, that everything seemed strangely familiar. After all, their destination was elsewhere and Candice didn't like her talking about her visions. Especially when they offered her nothing to gain. With the scenery outside and silence around her, Sabrina's thoughts drifted back to the vision from before, to how it always ended.
Running with what felt like no direction. A tattooed hand holding hers, almost dragging her along. Following a path only he could see. A voice telling her "We're almost there, Sabrina. We're almost at the bunker, Butterfly."
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cybernaght · 1 year
One and Only: a review of sorts
I bet you did not expect the actual topic of this blog to resurface, and yet, here we go.
The previous time I went to a cinema to watch one of those Chinese films was actually completely by accident. I had a long break/cancellation situation at work which meant a three-hour break with a cinema around the corner. I ducked into said cinema and found out that a screening of Born to Fly has just stared, so… what’s a girl to do. I then didn’t write anything about it because I didn’t have much to say about it.
This one, however, was planned.
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One and Only/热烈 is a story of a working class boy with a passion for dance (Wang Yibo - obviously) being roped into being an understudy for a cocky obnoxious star of a dance team by that team’s coach (Huang Bo - obviously), learning a thing or two about himself, finding friendship and hoping to one day complete in the Nationals.
As the film is in cinemas, I cannot provide visuals, so, instead, I’m gonna populate this with some of my many gifs from Street Dance of China season 3-5.
Plot-wise, it’s not really unpredictable in any way. The highs and the lows are placed roughly where you would expect them to be, all the lulls are appropriately proportioned for character development, and the final-act dance competition is as exhilarating as one might hope.
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And yet… this one has a heart, it really does, and the writing really does a lot to elevate a cookie-cutter premise. The characters have a hell of a lot of inner life, including whole sets of circumstances that are merely implied - a real joy to see in any movie, I love the effect this has on the feeling of the characters’ realness. There are also fantastic decisions made pacing-wise in the final two acts, with one specific time-skip which I found very exciting indeed.
Themes of mutual respect and cooperation are not by all mean new to this kind of a movie, but I really appreciated how well developed they are, being set up in the opening scenes, and paying off in the eleventh hour; and it was lovely to see those themes explored organically. Again, writing elevates the premise here, too.
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Wang Yibo’s acting keeps improving in a way which is pretty damn impressive. He seems to be a very hard-working young man, and that hard work seemingly pays off, too. Good for him. There are a few idiosyncrasies that are still very “his” (I swear I have never seen him have any screen chemistry with any woman ever), but there were also moments that read as character, and that read as truth. Honestly, he’s all grown up now, it’s very sweet to watch.
And if you are here through Street Dance of China route, whoooo boy do I have good news for you.
Ye Yin is here
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Jr. Taco is here
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B-Boy George is here — with plot! (Is this a spoiler? It might be. It might not be.)
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Rochka is here, with the signature ankle spin
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So are Klash and MT Pop, by the way.
Liao Bo is here AND he! is! actually! dancing!
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Kevin is in it, although he is not, in fact, dancing
I am certain this list is not comprehensive. Suffice it to say, there is enough on the screen to make a Street Dance of China fan very happy.
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(The only real crime was that Chick was not in it. Because he absolutely should have been.)
Speaking of dance — I really want to know who choreographed this, because some of the routines were fantastic. I only wish that we could see them uncut - but of course this is a movie, and it is edited as one. Besides, you have to have cuts to be able to cut-in Wang Yibo’s dance double*, the true unsung hero of this cinematographic show.
(*last year the boy could do like, one freeze. He is a fast learner so I am ready to believe that he can be pretty good, but he is definitely not “halo five times in a row” good.)
All in all, if you are feeling sad that SDC 6 seems to be nowhere in sight at the moment, and One and Only is in cinemas near you, this comes with a cybernaght stamp of approval.
Go see your favorites doing the thing that they do - and doing it well.
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You made a promise. Please hurry up. It's late August already, and you've not even announced the captains yet.
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stylesparker · 3 years
Monsters Of Men
PAIRING: TASM!Peter Parker x Villain!Reader
CONTENT: two flirty(angsty) 18 year olds what more could you ask for
NOTES: in my mind I imagined wanda’s powers but you can imagine whatever you prefer. i used a couple lines of dialogue I found on pinterest because I loved them so much, so let me know if you recognize which ones! also, tell me if you know what the title is from ;)
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you didn’t ask for this life, nor did you want it. well, no one ever asks to be born so you don’t suppose anyone ever does. the only choice you get is how you live it. you tried to choose the right path, you really did. be a good person, treat people the way you want to be treated... but people suck and life sucks, so why the hell not go down the more fun path?
“c’mon really? you’re just wasting your bullets, man,” you say, conjuring another red force of magic from the palms of your hands throwing it in his direction. you really didn’t think you’d be spending your night in the middle of the street of an intersection fighting against a bunch of cops. you thought you’d be cleaning blood off your floor after torturing the man you have in your car, but you guess life just loves to throw you some curve balls. yes, you may have kidnapped a scientist and have him stashed in the back of your car, but you have good reason! very good reason. there are almost four police cars blocking each street, so there’s no getting out. you could for sure, but not with him. 
“release the doctor, now! we won’t hurt you if-” 
“do you really think I believe you? I mean, honestly, you’d think people of the law would have a little bit more of a brain,” you pull up your mask a bit higher on your face so the only thing showing are your eyes. honestly, you had to give it to yourself, you look hot sporting this whole black assassin thing you have going on here. you kind of made this your signature look and you aren’t mad about it. especially when you can tell even the good guys are having a hard time looking away. particularly a certain spider.
the whole street lit up in bullets coming from every which way, and it didn’t even take you a second to form a force field around you and your car. stupid civilians watching the scene look in amazement at the red magic flowing from the palms of your hands into the open air. after about five minutes, it stops. you haven’t even broke a sweat yet.
“that the best you can do?” you smile. you scream and your power explodes out from you in bursts, shooting through the air towards everyone like knifes, throwing the officers back almost ten feet. in the moment you take to take a breath, you don’t realize anyone is near you until a hard kick to the side of your ribs blows you sideways onto the ground. you catch yourself on your hands, pulling yourself back onto your feet as you make eye contact. 
“spidey,” you mutter.
“red, good to see you! it’s been awhile,” spider-man shoots two webs straight at you and before they connect to your body you throw your hands out and the red magic flowing out of you snaps them in half. you quickly shoot out another, but he dodges it. “you made quite a mess haven’t you?”
“you still stuck with red? can’t do any better?” you laugh in a fake manner. he webs to one of the light posts, swinging around it coming straight back at you, landing a kick to the chest before you shoot him with a red tendril and he flies back. 
he grunts, “well, don’t really know anything else about you other than you shoot red magic out of your hands, so yeah, that’s the best I can do,” he runs to you and you start fighting each other hand to hand. you can only suspect the police and whoever else here is backing off to let spider-man do the work for them considering he’s probably the only one who has a chance against you.
“help! get me out of here!” you turn and look behind you at the man in your backseat. how the hell did he get the tape off his mouth? spider-man webs the car door open pulling it off its hinges. 
“oh no you don’t,” you yell. you throw spider-man to the side, watching him bang his head on the ground as he falls out of the car, struggling to get up as the restraints hold him back. you harshly grab him and fly yourself over to one of the nearest rooftops, not bothering to look back for spider-man. you land and throw him against the brick wall next to the door on the roof of an apartment building. not even a second later, two sticky webs attach to both your arms, spinning you around until you’re wrapped in it, chest to chest with spider-man. 
“don’t think I’m letting you get away with that, darling,” he says. 
“I didn’t think you would,” you push closer. in the moment he takes to look at the color of your eyes, you push him back and snap all the webs around you, letting the red sparks surround you. his black eyes expand, watching you in fascination. 
“just let me go, Y/N, I’m sorry, just let me-” the man behind you sputters in between sobs. you go up to him and kneel in front of him, slapping a hand around his mouth. 
“don’t you ever speak my name, you disgusting piece of shit. you helped them ruin my life, so you aren’t ever getting away from me-” he sobs as a web covers his mouth, and you gasp as another hits you, pulling you towards spider-man again as he stands a few feet away from you. he doesn’t make a move to fight you, just stands there as you wipe the web away. 
“what do you mean?” he asks seriously. you tilt your head.
“how did he ruin your life, Y/N”
“don’t call me that-” you yell, getting ready to hit him before he throws his hands up. 
“okay, okay! I won’t, I won’t, just... tell me so I can understand.”
“you don’t need to understand anything, spidey, let me take him and this won’t be any of your problem.”
“you know I can’t let you do that, red,” he says quietly. you let him take a step towards you, taking small steps in order to not scare you off. you stare at each other a moment, inspecting the other. you cut a part of his suit on his arm and see tan skin underneath, smears of blood covering another part of it. you look back up to his face, watching him tilt his head as he admires you. he’s only seen part of your face and can already tell you’re a beautiful woman.
“mm, the last time someone looked at me like that we didn’t get out of bed all weekend,” you grin, hoping to get a reaction. you stalked closer, gaze intent. 
“cute bravado, your wit won’t save you.”
“oh, but you’re blushing spidey,” you bring your hand up to his head, him now noticing your fingers twirling red magic out of them. before you can do anything else, he grips your wrist, stopping you. 
“what did you do?” he questions. 
“nothing, I just... looked inside your head, and I can see that I have quite the effect on you,” you yank your hand away and he lets go. you spin around to the doctor and he’s still blabbering mess so you bang his head against the wall and he goes limp. 
“was that necessary?”
“yes.” he sighs, rubbing the side of his head. 
“how do you do,” he motions to you, “that.” 
“this?” you conjure up a small red ball of magic in the palm of your hand, quickly extinguishing it when he walks closer. “thanks to him,” you nod your head to the doctor on the ground and he looks at him. 
spider-man looks back at you, “wha- this is a gift! a power unlike anything I’ve ever seen, I knew magic had to exist, but..” he takes a breath, “I’ve never been able to see it. you can use it for so much good, why do you choose not to?” the way he asked you so comfortingly makes you gulp, forcing down any feelings you feel like start to come up. you turn your sadness to anger.
you stare at him with an angry glare, “you think he just gave this to me? out of the kindness of his own heart? he along with my parents experimented on me for fifteen years of my life. I was only a child when they used me as some rat in their lab. once my parents realized their own child was the perfect candidate they were looking for, they had no hesitation to throw my life away if it meant they could finally create the monster they wanted,” you force down another wave of emotion. He just stands there and listens to you. 
“where are your parents?” he asks. it doesn’t come out mean, more of just a general question to fit the pieces together. 
“dead. I killed them...” you mutter. you continue before he says anything else, “I was fifteen when they finally succeeded. one day I gained all function back after almost a year of being paralyzed, and my magic could kill and take control of others minds with the stroke of a finger. even though it was working, I didn’t know how to control it. the magic, it...” you take a deep breath, looking up to the sky, “it was so overwhelming. I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t even think, I felt like fire was surging through my bones.” you look at him with tear filled eyes. “I didn’t even know I was screaming, I couldn’t hear anything. when I looked up, the glass walls surrounding me were shattered and because they had come in the room, the glass went straight through them.” you wiped your eyes on your sleeve. you wouldn’t cry, you had no reason to. crying is a weakness. you gasp when you feel his hand land on your shoulder. 
“it wasn’t your fault,” he whispers, taking his other hand to wipe a tear from your face before letting it fall. “but... killing him won’t fix anything.”
“yes it will!” you pull away, staggering back. “he’ll stop tormenting me and I’ll finally be free!” 
“red...” he says, and finally you break.
“they made me into a monster! I can’t be anything else but the heartless villain this city thinks I am!” you shiver when his hand presses right above your heart. you’re quiet as you feel and as he feels the pounding in your chest.
“you’re human, just like me, red,” he says, “things in our lives have made us a little bit different from any other human, but we are still human. I’ve done things I’m not proud of either, but I’m not a monster, and neither are you. they are the monsters. we both have blood on our ledger, but we don’t have to let it define us,” he whispers the last part. 
you shake your head, “I’ve known blood my whole life, it already defines me. we led two vastly different lives, spidey, but somehow we are both monsters of men. I’ve accepted the fact I am one, so maybe you should too. we kill for entirely different reasons, but we still kill,” you shrug, “the only difference between us is that I take pleasure in it.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“you should,” you say. “man creates monsters, but they kill each other too. I need to kill the one that created me.”
“don’t you want him to suffer? why not put him away in prison for the rest of his life so he can live with what he did?”
“I-” you look to the ground. “if he goes away, I do too.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
“you can’t guarantee that.”
“I can,” he vehemently confirmed, “I wouldn’t let them touch you.”
“I can’t go back,” you whisper, “I won’t.” 
“you won’t,” he confirms, nodding his head, “we’ll get him locked away and I can get you some help-” 
“no, I’m not going to some damn hospital or... some freaking rehab center or whatever you call it,” you back up five steps. whenever something doesn’t feel right, running is the only option. even though something deep inside you was telling you he was telling the truth, you couldn’t let him in. you couldn’t let yourself feel something for him, even when he’s given you every sign that he cares for you. you step up onto the ledge of the brick wall, one small step from falling 100 feet to the ground.
“STOP, red don’t do this-”
“take him away for me, make sure he rots in prison, yeah? make him suffer,” you say, watching him take calculated steps towards you. 
“don’t move, red-”
you pull down your mask, making him stop and take in your face. 
she really is beautiful
“I’m sure you’re beautiful under that mask too,” you grin, taking a deep breath. maybe you can finally be free. you just have to take the jump.
“just let me help you, please!” 
“so long, spidey,” you fall back, looking up at the beautiful stars of the night sky and let the air take you down, down, down...
peter runs to the edge, doesn’t even make a move towards the man stirring somewhere behind him, throwing his head over expecting to see her fall or...
she’s gone. she’s not falling, she’s not on the ground, just... gone. peter yanks his mask off, letting it fall from his hands to the ground. he runs along the edge, looking everywhere for her. he still stares over the edge hoping to see her, but he doesn’t. he hopes in some other life, maybe they could find their peace together.
“I’m so sorry, red.”
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minisculecosmos · 2 years
When Things Blur
A look at the effects of blur in Kinnporsche.
I’m back with another quasi meta post! This time with the same scene, but another character– Kinn.
We all know and love this part. Kinn steps in to push Porsche aside, limiting the bullet to a graze wound instead of a potentially fatal shot. But I’d like to bring some attention to Kinn’s reactions.
Just after Mes is killed, Kinn is seen staring at Porsche.
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In real time, especially given the kiss at the end of the episode, this shot is proof that Kinn shows some form of concern for Porsche, this first time more for his wound and general well being more than any other, deeper meaning. Now that that’s established….
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When Kinn is in the bathtub later, there’s flashes back to the shooting that day. Evidently, it bothers him enough to send his partner away.
But something in the post-editing choices in the flashback caught my eye.
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Notice how Porsche is also blurred?
At first, just the edges of the shot are blurred, framing Kinn as the centerpiece here. It’s his trauma being shown, his feelings and thoughts on showcase while everything else fades, as he has to deal with yet another murder– something he’s accustomed to, but nonetheless regrets. Remember, Mes wasn’t meant to die that day. It was just “a lesson.” He likely didn’t want Porsche to be involved with killing so soon. We’re reminded of his earlier stare directed at Porsche.
As the blur moves to contain Porsche as well, it removes him from the meaning of Kinn’s stare. In the flashback, Kinn isn’t just concerned for Porsche, at least not in the same way.
Kinn is staring at Porsche, who blurred, has become part of the background of his life, yet another bodyguard injured in service to his family, another living, breathing wall of meat meant to serve him. And Kinn is reminded of Porsche’s innocence in getting there only about a month ago.
It forces Kinn back into his memories of all he’s done in his life as the leading son of a mafia boss. The shot reveals Kinn’s feelings of being trapped, stuck, in a world he, unlike everyone else working for them, never asked for. He *quite literally* has no clear way out.
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Later, at the heart to heart, notice Kinn’s sharp inhale when Porsche brings up Mes’ death. Notice how he speaks with this angry sort of resignation.
Kinn hates death, I think. Yes, he is capable of murder, we literally saw it in the first ten minutes of the show. However, Kinn is no antagonist. He’s just as trapped by his circumstance as Porsche, except he’s been in it his whole life. Life and all it offers has to fade away for him; he has to compartmentalize parts of himself away. It’s also a subtle allusion to Pete’s revelation from episode 2 that something, or someone, happened to make Kinn cruel.
Which leads us back to the kiss– my take, is that in the aftermath of his much-too-revealing about himself, and hearing Porsche’s story too, is that the kiss is Kinn gaining away of opening that part of him back up, to his wayward bodyguard. Kinn is letting himself be seen, feel– and through Porsche is given a way out of his personal, glittering, opulent prison.
Thanks for reading all! Have my signature fluffy bit at the end of every angst-meta. 
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tragedytells-tales · 3 years
Just thinking
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- Notes - GN!MC centric (they/them "you") , poly!MC
( lesson 15 , 20 , 37 spoilers , slight daivalo slander )
Tw - ( natural disasters , self-guilt , hurt / comfort, heavy angst )
Summary - [ MC being reckless and getting dragged into situations is nothing new. However, being dragged into a whole new plain of existence while being a family therapist will do a bit to a person. Especially if they're emotionally Constipated. ]
Some times you thought about what they said. Remembered their tone, grief, anger, despair, all of it locked into your memories. All the times you stood strong while having to hold seven, what became eleven, people from three different realms when they had to deal with their loss and sadness. You could never, be-
You were at a ball when you first thought about it. You were watching the brothers and the others, even Luke, laugh and have fun. Somewhere along the line while grabbing a drink you had gotten distracted. You can't remember what made you start thinking and reminiscing. But soon the ball room fades and you hear a voice.
"truth be told, I knew."
Belphegor's hatred and despair.
"I knew you were hiding belphegor, and I knew why."
Your boys sadness and a solution. Those two things were the only things on your mind.
"Your loyalty to me forced you to deceive your brothers, and I knew that was a source of guilt"
Why didn't you question it.
"I saw how you struggled with it - how hard it was being pulled in two different directions at once. And it made me sad"
It made me sad. It made him sad. And yet, why didn't he stop it sooner. 'Fate', you think, fate is what stopped him. But why wait so long? Why wait for you to die?
"MC?" Lucifer calling you reminded you of where you are. Right, your still at a ball. Still at that castle, but this time there's a ball. You take a deep breath before you reply "yeah? Sorry I spaced out for a second there." He furrowed his brow and his eyes showed a stern concern. You chuckle at that, the scene didn't really match the expression to much. "Are you okay?" He said and crossed his arms as you mulled it over. Technically the answer was yes. You weren't upset, just slightly confused maybe even annoyed. But not upset. "Yeah," you said.
"Just thinking"
"Well, don't think to hard. You have a habit of getting into trouble because of it"
For a second you wondered if you could be tried for treason for the thoughts. Probably.
You remembered Lucifer. You let out a chuckle at his words and walk with him to the others before they throw a fit at your dissapearance. You felt Lucifer put a hand on your shoulder and shoot you a concerned look. You simply smile, albeit a tired one, but a smile nonetheless. He squeezed your shoulder tighter.
"Yeah, I really do."
Your smile grew to be a bit more genuine with every quiet gesture Lucifer shot your way. You let yourself be selfish, just this once. -------------------------------------------------------
You snap your head up to see a pouting mammon. "Sorry, can you say that again" guilt could be found in your voice sure, however, mammon knew better. You weren't fully there. Your mind kept drifting off. But you weren't upset, you looked puzzled. As if no matter how many times you thought about whatever it was it didn't make sense.
Mammon stared from his position on your floor, uncharacteristically serious, "hey, somthin's up with ya." You were about to look confused but before you could speak or even look over from where you lay on your bed. He spoke up "I ain't a mind reader but I am your first. I know ya like the back of my hand. And if somethin's botherin ya you can always tell me!" He said with his signature grin and determination in his eyes.
You smile fondly and hug him as tight as you could from your now seated position. "I'm okay, I promise" you say while pulling back from his warmth.
"Just thinking"
He shook his head "Well, don't let that reckless streak start up! I may not be old-" you looked away and grinned "AHT! but I don't need anymore HEART ATTACKS!" you cackled at that.
"Okayyyy-" you stared evily while slowly moving "gramps."
and ran as fast as could, wether you were escaping mammon or you thoughts? You didn't know but mammons laughing was enough to put it off for later.
GAME OVER shined on the screen again as you growled. Levi looked over at your strangely frustrated face. He'd seen you go through hell and back, he giggled, and saw how it took alot more than a simple game over to frustrate you.
"Hey-" he said while putting his controller down "I may not be good at this whole-" and began talking with his hands "-feelings stuff. And you'd probably rather have someone else to talk to that some yucky otaku- OW" this time a flick to his nose cut him off. You raised an eyebrow at the self depreciation. You, Levi, and the others had started working together to help Levi gain some form of self esteem but centuries old habits die hard for some.
"Ah, right, whoops hehe" he scratched his neck awkwardly. His thumbs looked slightly cramped so you reached up from your spot on the bean bag to grab some of the hand cream asmo lended him. "May I hold your hands?" You said while waiting for permission. You stared taking note awhile ago about how sudden affection made him flustered, so you gave him a heads up any time you wanted to hold his hand to make him more used to it. "Hm? O-only if you want to..." it's a work in progress, but, baby steps!
As you started to rub some cream into his hands he saw you start drifting off again. "Hey MC?" Concern laced his tone. "Mhm?" Well that didn't ease his mind. "Are you.." He cut himself off, looking for the right words "You're drifting off alot more lately. A-and it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it! But, it really looks like it's bothering you and I'm a bit w-worried" a bit was an understatement and you both knew it.
You take his other hand but before pulling it to your lips you look up for permission. He blush furiously, almost blending in to his red ruri-chan poster, and nods rapidly. You giggle at his antics and kiss his hand before he can overthink it. "I promise you, your henry is okay dear lord of shadows!" You say while puffing out your chest before going back to massaging his hand.
"Just thinking"
He smiled like a kid on Christmas at the TSL reference and looked slightly more relaxed. "That's good, I can't have my Henry getting distracted! Now let's get back to beating this baddie!" He said with a more determined expression. "You got it player 1!"
You let yourself give into your own desire to win and have fun.
You were reading when a certain line a character said caught your attention. You tried to recall it through a muddled mind. "I was prepared for the consequences, come what may." Something about a prince getting ready to face an army of some sort. You couldn't recall. You were to busy question where you had heard it before.
The library started to melt away. Ah, that's where you remembered it from. It was him again. But this time it was slightly unsettling. It through you off when you first heard it but you were to busy being upset about leaving to truly notice. Now, though, you remembered it loud and clear.
"I figured that two angles and a sorcerer could hold there own down here... But I was worried wether I made the right choice inviting a regular human here, one without any special powers."
You were leaving the devildom. A heavy sadness was all you could remember.
"Some were opposed to the idea of inviting humans here to the devildom, and they made their opinions known."
Belphi's manipulative expression was replaced by one of grief, anger, and comfort on late nights in your memories.
"If anything bad happened to you, I would have been the one to blame."
Lucifers constantly stressed and overwhelmed expression was replaced by one of love and understanding in your memories.
"I knew that when I brought you here, and I was prepared to accept the consequences, come what may."
That through you off, however, hearing mammon sniffling took your attention away. Why hadn't you payed attention to that. Why didn't you question why he was prepared for you to die and his only concern was taking blame and consequences. 'The devildom is dangerous' your mind supplied 'and this was technically an experiment'. You furrowed your brow as you gained a headache.
"Is the book that interesting?" Said an amused voice. You inhale sharply as you snap back to reality. Your eyes meet with Satan's amused stare. Amused quickly shifted to concern as he saw the pain in your eyes and the just barely there aura of anger. He seemed to be mulling over his words before settling on asking about the book. "Just your average fairytale, really." You say as you flip through the pages "but it does have some pretty imagery! I think you'd like it!" You plaster on your best smile, as if you hadn't just been thinking of death.
Satan book marked his page before putting it down to look at you, or into you, you hadn't figured that out yet. "Is something wrong?" Satan hadn't spoken in some time, just staring as if he was trying to dig into your memories. "I should be asking you that, don't you think?" He stated before going to sit on the opposite end of the couch.
He took the book out of your hand, however, before you could question it he was holding you in his lap while his jacket blocked out the light. You felt your headache spike for a second before it slowly calmed down to a distant thuding. Your attention is taken away from the pain by Satan mumbling, something about light and too loud noises making headaches in humans worse. You simply hugged him while thanking him for the jacket. He blushed while being slightly shocked before returning the embrace and rubbing random shapes into your back while being careful not to brush too lightly.
"No need to thank me" He said, 'humble', you thought "If ever you need anything I'm always here." He said with a fact tone. You hummed to show you had listened and held him tighter to show your gratitude. He began reading the book that you had in your hands to you. The sound of his voice and the single sound to focus on was soothing to you. He felt you yawn soon enough, but realized you fell awfully quiet. "Are you okay, MC?"
You reply with practiced ease. "Yeah"
"Just thinking"
He hummed, curiosity not fully satisfied. However, if you didn't feel like talking about it he wouldn't force you. He let you nod off, assuming you hadn't been sleeping well.
You wondered when was the last time you slept without having to worry about a nightmare. -------------------------------------------------------
"Oooohhhhh MC~" you lift your head from your upside down position and you're immediately met with the sight of asmo's new slippers. Something about the aesthetics of the last ones being more fit for you, or at least that's what you recall. "MC, what have I told you about laying upside down like that!" You could hear the pout in his voice "that it's unsafe and will give me headache" you grumble something about already having one while sitting up. He seems to ignore it though as the moment you're stable your world flips as you're flung into a tackle hug that could rival beels. You immediately feel your face being peppered with kisses and can't force the giggles on your lips to stay down.
You do your best to try and return his affections but he seems pretty admint on pampering you. However, this position didn't last long as you started a tickle fight. "MMMMM-CCCCCCCEEEK" He squealed as you reverse your position and start ruthlessly attacking him. You admit, the squeaking and yelling did absolutely nothing to help your headache, however, you were having fun and asmo had on that genuine, and rare, smile that made it worth it. It's not so easy to forget that sometimes even he has his down days but for now you're just happy to see that smile.
You eventually relent as he's to tired and red in the face to fight back. You take your victory with pride and flop face first onto his endless mound of pillows, well not endless as belphi still has more, but it's a hefty stack. You feel him pike at your side and huff about how the sweat was bad for his skin, "I regret nothing!" You say as you almost get kicked off his bed. He giggles at your antics before gathering your form in his lap, "come here love, all that sweat is going to clog your pores!" Before you could even blink he pulls out a face mask "If your plan was to distract me from pampering you then I'm, not so, afraid it backfired!" He moves from his spot on the bed and as you sit up you begin to hear a shower running. The smell of your favorite bath bomb and candles fill your senses as the light aroma makes the room smell similar to a bakery.
You tried to let the smell relax you, but whenever you'd close your eyes your mind would wander. 'It seems to do that alot lately' your mind chimed in. You only hummed in response to your own thoughts. "MC." Said a stern voice "I've been calling your name for three minutes, any longer and the water will get cold" Said asmo this time from infront of you. You could hear the pout again but this time there's was concern aswell. "Sorry about that" you say, sighing and frowning as your headache decided to reel back to life. He seemed shocked by whatever he saw in your eyes and was by your side in an instant. "You know love-" he started as he placed his hands to cup your face "the more you frown like that, the more likely you are to get wrinkles." He said with a slight smile. You chuckled and leaned into the warmth his hands had. He pulled you into a hug, bath seemingly forgotten for the moment, and you let your face hide away in the safety of his neck. "It's okay if you don't feel good Hon, you can relax with me, I promise." He says as he tightens his hold. "I knowww" you droned, which technically wasn't a lie. Asmo was, aside from beel, one of the easiest brothers to talk to. You just didn't feel like talking today.
"I'm just-" "thinking?" He stated while slowly pulling away. You would be suprised if it weren't the house of lamination that you resided in.
You simply look to the side and nodded "yeah."
"Just thinking"
He furrowed his brow before picking up his face masks and robes. He grabbed your hand with his free hand and lead you to the bath. "Well, if I can't get your mind to relax, then I'll help get you to relax instead!" He said while laying out his products. "How's the bath stay warm?" You ask as you dip your feet in. "We're in hell darling!" He giggled while sitting beside you "everything's hot down here, including you!" You chuckled and felt yourself began taking in the warmth. Finally relaxing and letting yourself slow down.
You know your mind will be right back to running later, but the momentary peace is good enough for you to remember that you're loved. -------------------------------------------------------
You felt belphi roll over in his sleep as beel not so subtly slid over a tray of mini cups cakes. You smiled, albeit confused, as he picked one up to hand it to you. "Can I offer you a tray of mini cupcakes in your trying times?" You try not to giggle as you didn't want to wake up belphi, but you did accept the mini cupcakes. "Thank you my fair gentlebeel!" You said while sliding the tray back to him. He smiled at the goofy interaction before biting into his own cupcakes. "Leave some for me you two." Belphi said as he reminded you two of his presence. Not that you and beel forgot he was there, you just didn't expect him to wake up so soon. Beel handed some mini cupcakes to belphi as well, Luke had made them for you that morning so they were fresh. Belphi sat up only to lean on you, cuddling into your arm while eating some of the cupcakes. You all made a mental note to thank Luke later.
You put down the cupcake on the tray next to you while laying back to look at the stars. Your eyes drifting to each of the brothers Constellations. You, beel, and belphi had mad them up after finishing your galaxy project. "You guys deserve more than stars!" Is what you said with a "smile that could rival to celestial realm" so said beel. The Constellations were made after the brothers animals, with the exception of Satan's unicorn, and everyone else came to see the planetarium after you guys had finished.
You felt yourself drifting off as you looked at the Constellations. Belphi could tell that you hadn't been sleeping well so we're you suspicious of his sin coming into play? Yes, however, did you care? No, not really, you needed the sleep anyways. Belphi and beel watched as you drifted off into sleep. "I'm going into their dreams." Said Belphi with finality. Beel knew he couldn't change his twins mind however "Hm?" He hummed while inhaling a cupcake "can if you think it'll help! They haven't been resting well and I'm worried." Belphi simply chuckled as he watched your brow start to furrow.
All the while, you were still asleep. The black behind your eyelids slowly shifting into a memory. You felt a familiar presence but your attention was drawn away by a dreadfully even more familiar voice. One you couldn't seem to forget all week.
"For starters, the royal tomb collapsed. And then a gigantic hole opened in the forest all well."
You were anxious, it was as if you couldn't feel anything aside from worry as your feet paced a hole into the ground.
"Ancient ruins collapsing, forest withering, lakes drying up, clusters of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions beneath the ocean..."
As Solomon uttered those words you felt sick. Those were devastating if not deadly to the human realm. Droughts, earthquakes, the tsunamis as a result. You remembered the way your breath left you in quick burst. What the hell was doing this!?
"Although, so far the damage has been limited to the occasional lake drying up. We haven't seen much beyond that."
Simeon didn't seem to worried about that, however, something about it was familiar.
"MC, do you remember how Michael wasn't around when you visited the celestial realm? Well, that was because a very old lake had suddenly dried up so he had to head off to inspect it."
Ah, that's why. The feeling of sickness came back stronger but this time it was accompanied by the feeling of anger. You heard Satan's breath hitch as he felt your wrath through the pact. 'That had been weeks ago.' You thought as you felt you anxiety and anger fight for dominance. 'How many people have been hurt in that time?' You couldn't help but wonder.
Why. Who? Who was doing this, and why? Your mind was racing as you tried to remember what your classes and Satan had taught you. Tried to find as many solutions as possible.
"Let me just come out and say it."
A voice had cut off your thoughts. You stopped in your tracks, not even remembering when you started pacing.
"We believe that MC is the one causing all this to happen."
You felt the world stop. Every thought, every emotion, your heart even seemed to still. Time seemed to slow as you felt the tears spring into your eyes. Luke barging into to the room had barely registered but you couldn't bring your feet to move. It felt as if the guilt it self was holding you in place while everyone else rushed out. "Are you coming?" Said someone, the only thing you registered was the feeling of your legs giving out as a sob ripped itself from your throat. You tried to keep your mind afloat but it felt like it was sinking to matter how hard you tried to fight. 'Just like those people.' A voice viciously attacked, you attempted to ignore it in favor of not breaking down in the living room when the others could come back any minute. 'Good timing' you thought as you heard slow steps come back into the room.
Belphi had plopped down next to you with beel on the other side. Asmo and Satan off the the other couch with the elder comforting the younger. Mammon sat in a chair with an unusually serious look on his face while Levi leaned on the fire place. You were going to ask why everyone seemed so upset before you heard Levi mumbling underneath his breath. "Amnesia... wow, I thought that only happened in anime and Manga and stuff." You sat up in shock. "I can't believe Lucifer actually forgot US." Said Levi while he moved to sit by mammon the latter moving a bit while he gave his brother a pat on the back, as if he was reminding him he was there.
Beel spoke up next. "He forgot more than just us." He flashed a quick glance in your direction before going back to messing with his wrist. You felt your breath hitch again as you gave a blanket stare twords diavolo. "So, is this my fault too?" You didn't mean to let the wrath or guilt slip out. Diavolo simply took a breath before looking your way.
"You posses tremendous power, MC, I'm afraid that it has affected Lucifer."
You couldn't name what you were feeling in that moment. Guilt for hurt others? Maybe disbelief as you questioned how this was even possible? Or anger at having not been notified sooner. You were tempted to question why he waited till Lucifer got hurt to tell you, but you knew it wouldn't make you feel better. You wanted to lash out, maybe to blame him for all this and all the pain you had to go through while being here, for dragging you down here in the first place. Why didn't you? 'It wouldn't make you feel better' your mind chimed in 'lashing out won't help, it's a solution you need' your mind seemed to remind. You felt the urge lessen, but it was still there. You steeled your tounge but before you could respond. You fell.
Your eyes snap open and you take a quick breath, you look around to see one concerned face and another that looked just as angry as you had felt a second ago. You reminded yourself that you were in the planetarium before sitting up and grabbing a cupcake. "So, that's what's been worrying you?" Beel said as he scooped you into a hug, he seemed to be trying to hug something out of you. What is was, you're not to sure. You were almost completely encompassed by his jacket, almost, belphi had begun holding your hand at some point. You sighed "why can't I ever get anything past you two?" You said while taking note of belphi's sour expression. Beel simply hugged you tighter while belphi mumbled under his breath, something about diavolo being more dense and reckless than you. You kicked him in retaliation before stealing his pillow to cuddle with it. "That isn't going to distract me and you know it." He grumbled before stealing the pillow and exchanging its warmth for his. You ran your hand through his hair while mumbling about him being and angry cow. Beel shoved a cupcake into both of your mouths to stop the two of you from fighting. Things quieted down for a moment before someone broke it. "No one blames you for it" beel started "and it's okay if you're bitter about being dragged down here, anyone would be." Belphi finished. You felt yourself choke up. How long had it been since you allowed yourself to cry anyway? "You're still human, you fool. A powerful human, sure, but a human nonetheless." Belphi said while staring you in the eye. "It's also okay to cry. You're not weak." Beel turned so he was laying on his side. You were sandwiched between the twins, 'ironic' you thought as you felt a lump build in your throat. You let out a slight sob as you felt the last two years come crumbling down on you.
"I've just been thinking." You say while clutching onto beel and holding onto Belphi's hand "I love you guys so much, but I also miss home."
"We know." Beel hugged you tighter "So let's visit your family and friends when we go back" Belphi squeezed you hand.
- Maybe you could finally stop thinking and just be.
AN - Being the catalyst of plot delivery must be rough but causing natural disasters on a three realm level? That's rougher.😔
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shititbe · 3 years
Anyway, HSM2 is about internalized homophobia, and no one can tell me otherwise.
High School Musical is one of the most beloved franchises in the world. Teenagers all over the world grew up watching Troy and Gabriella harmonize together. Three movies, and nearly a decade later it’s still beloved by all. The first film easily forgotten in the ashes of the early 2000’s, the third film stuck in a purgatorial limbo of the rather unfortunate late 2000’s. The second film on the other hand sticks out between the ruckus. 
The second High School Musical film takes place at Sharpay and Ryan’s family country club, during the summer between junior and senior year. The Wildcats are working summer jobs on the country club, often forced to the beck and call of Ryan and Sharpay themselves. Sharpay uses all her prestige to help Troy with college instead of starting at the bottom ( or rather, in the kitchen washing dishes) with his friends. In the time she’s helping Troy, she is also pushing her brother away; replacing him with Troy in their musical number for the talent show, and refusing to hang out with him in preference for Troy. Ryan becomes vengeful to his twin and starts hanging around the Wildcats in the kitchen. At first, he was met with some distasteful looks and words (most of which from Chad). With the help of Kelsey, and her neutral party, Ryan fits in smoothly with the other teenagers, eventually giving the WildCats all dance lessons.
 Throughout the movie, the main conflict continues to be the internal conflict of Troy Bolton. He debates over and over again if he should go through with Sharpay’s shenanigans, or if he wants to “listen to my own heart.”  This of course involves Gabriella, as she is Troy’s love interest. She’s not in the second film except for the beginning, then, where she leaves in the middle of the film - in order to create angst for Troy - then when she shows up again in the finally to sing/rejoin Troy. 
The conflict in the second film  is the combining of Troy’s two worlds. His first - his main world in the first movie, that hence became his secondary world - which is represented by Chad. Then his secondary world - which becomes his main world in this movie - which is represented by Ryan. Chad represents Troy’s masculinity, or his more idealized version of himself. Ryan represents Troy’s femininity or his current version of reality. These two worlds collide in the iconic song “I don’t dance”.  
Since this movie - and hence this scene - came out in the early 2000’s, a lot of the innuendoes went over people's heads. Luckily, as the children who watched this movie grew older and more experienced, and the world became more accepting, we’re able to see this song for what it is. 
Before getting into the lore and symbolism of the iconic “I Don’t Dance” sequence, context is needed. For most of human history, homosexuality was seen as a sin in all places except ancient times (see: Greece and Japan). The modern age is the most accepting on all fronts, such as sexual orientation, race, and religion. In the early 2000’s, High School Musical director Kenny Ortega was not publicialy out yet. He wouldn’t be till 2014. 
Originally, while writing this, my first thought was  that Kenny - the director - would be using Troy as a y/n type character to project his insecurities and struggles with masculinity, and what that means in defining his orientation and societal views that would be placed upon him. Then, it came to me later that this is in fact not the case, Troy (and Gabriella - who is in fact a y/n character for the female audience) is more of a character for a man of his time, confused with his own ideals of masculinity and the views of society because, “oh god, I can’t like theater/drama because only queer people and girls like it!” The second point is pushed further with the Troy and Sharpay sub-plot. Sharpay tries to further Troy’s career as a basketball player, though that’s not what he wants anymore, and Troy is no longer sure if that is what he ever wanted to begin with (enter the song “Bet on it” and the hilarious meme “no dad, I’m giving up on your dream”). 
Keeping these things in mind - Kenney’s queerness, and Troy’s struggle to realize you can in fact sing and be a heterosexual, wow, revolutionary - it became clear to me that Kenney’s y/n characters were Ryan and Chad. 
For those who aren’t into the arts, or find them too difficult after a singular attempt thinking they could write a world class novel on the first go, let me be the first to tell you every author has a y/n character. First, for those who don’t know what y/n stands for, it’s a popular fanfiction trope where a writer will write a story about a character dating, being friends, and so on, with the reader. The y/n stands for “your name” so anyone can be the main character in this story at any time. For a writer of mainstream fictional work, such as High School Musical, Game Of Thrones, Lord Of The Rings, Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, even most comics. Now, most writers or directors aren’t going to be as obvious as having a character not named (or named y/n) or even named Jane (looking at you Jane Austin), the y/n character of many mainstream authors/directors/comic artists and so on is usually the character they feel or have given the most attributes similar to themselves. 
It’s the same reason people have favourite characters. You see a fictional character and you either 1. Want to Bob the Builder them, 2. Some sort of weird sex thing, or 3. See more/the most of yourself in this character. Number three - thankfully - is usually the main reason. Some people just create their own favourite characters. An even easier way to think about this, is just projection baby, that’s psych 101.   
Before I went off on a small tangent of fictional works and how human emotion plays into creating them (except anything Disney has made in the past decade, and no you can’t change my mind on that) I mentioned that Chad and Ryan are Kenney’s y/n characters. As a queer person myself, it’s clear for me to see the different struggles each of these characters face and how these reflect the queer experience. 
So, let’s finally get into it. 
Ryan, without it being explicitly said is clearly a character of what people in the early 2000s think a gay man is. He is effeminate, wearing bright coloured outfits with lots of accessories - namely his signature hats - he is also in the theater department doing musicals, and passive/subservient to any of his twin sisters' wills. Yes, now we know gay men aren’t just feminized men, but in the early 2000’s a gay man who can do "masculine" things like change their car oil, like sports, and so on, break the "effeminate" stereotype thus confused many cishet people. Sharpay is painted as more confident - or, for sake of comparability - masculine to her twin in the first movie, and most of the second movie. Making Ryan a bit of her dog who would do anything to get by - painting Ryan as lesser than human, once more, playing into the homophobia of the early 2000's.     
Despite the clear stereotypes playing into his character, Ryan is consistently one of the most confident characters in the movie. The other, being his sister of course. This confidence in himself is what gravitates the other characters towards him, either by being intimidated (Troy, thinking Ryan and Gabriella were a thing), or admiration (Chad, by the end of “I don’t dance”). 
Chad, on the other hand, is a whole different ball game. While he is confident in the first movie, and the first portion of the second movie, he begins to break more and more when Ryan becomes a more integral part of the Wildcat group. To keep in mind, Chad is also the most vocal about his distaste for Troy’s artistic past-time. When the other Wildcats join Ryan and begin learning how to dance for the talent show at the end of the movie, Chad is also the most vocal about his distaste. The baseball game where “I don’t dance” takes place, is the climax of Chad’s arc and his turn towards acceptance to Ryan/Troy’s hobbies. 
Of course, there is more to the “I don’t dance” sequence than just Chad’s realization - the exact one Troy comes to terms with in the second movie as well - of “oh my god I don’t have to be gay to enjoy stereotypical ‘feminine’ things.” That is the main part of the song though, that and all the sexual tension. 
Going back to what I’ve stated previously, Chad and Ryan are Kenney’s projection or y/n characters. Let me do a small recap before we get into the nitty gritty of the famous “I don’t dance” video. 
Thinking back to the first few paragraphs, I stated that Kenney wasn’t publicly out till 2014, about 7 years after the second movie came out. This could be due to the fact that a) it’s the early 2000’s and everyones still very homophobic, or b) self-doubt that comes with the queer experience. The most likely reason is a mixture of both of these. Because of this, Ryan is the more self-assured version, or idealized version of Kenney that he wants to be. Ryan is confident, never being swayed about his lifestyle (could be read as: sexuality) even though Chad - and most of the wildcats in the first movie - put him through relentless “teasing” and humiliation. He’s confident, almost to a fault, he’s sure of himself, and yet still reaches out a hand to Chad and the other wildcats to show them that they’re just being, kinda dick-ish. 
Every queer person wants to be Ryan. Despite his heavily stereotyped characterization, I personally believe he is one of the stronger written characters in the movies, mainly due to Kenney putting the time in to really make Ryan feel like a real person, to give himself some sort of relief of his own anxieties, a chance to see the world through a person who truly has no fear. Unlike Kenney himself. 
This is where Chad comes in. 
Chad is seen as “confident” in the first movie, the second Troy “leaves” basketball though, all that confidence comes crashing down. His best friend has another hobby - one he thinks is “not right” (it’s okay, you can say gay), - they wont be spending all their time together (first, can you say dependent relationship much, yikes).Chad’s defining characteristic up until their fight that instigate act three of the second movie, is being Troy’s best friend. I’m going to take this as if this were truly the case, and not a decently written character arch. Some people base themselves around their friends and their whole identity on being a friend, that they lose sight of themselves, this mainly in high school of course, when your whole world is really nothing but school, and friends. Newly developed independence is there, but that’s scary, so instead of worrying about the future, cling to something that’s reliable. I’ve seen this happen, mainly at the end of high school, when the “real world” is coming a bit too close for comfort. This could generally be the case if a person is lonely, but for timeline sake I’m going to say Chad has got some anxiety about graduating (considering the second movie takes place the summer of junior year). 
His lashing out at Troy’s hobbies and at Troy’s neglectful friendship, make more sense with that background, and are seen more in the second movie where Troy begins spending all his spare time with Sharpay (trying to collect that BAG!). Chad - and others (read: father) - insists that music is not a feasible career option, and Troy should just stick with basketball (like...that is a feasible career option). The tension Chad creates in the studio only grows when the other wildcats decide to take up Ryan’s offer for dance lessons and move from the kitchen, to helping out with the talent show. (Next essay idea: how high school musical two was really about class all along, cause Jesus). 
 Chad is the less obvious option for a y/n character. Though again, the 2000’s were not as cool people like to pretend they are. Chad - for Kenney - represents what he actually feels, this fear of being rejected for how he is and how he chooses to live his life/lifestyle, so he sticks to something reliable. Ryan is new, and exciting, and confident in a way that Kenney/Chad wish they could be, but in order for that to happen they need to understand that maybe people are complex creatures, and can enjoy multiple hobbies (aka: the same lesson Troy is teaching the viewers, but far less boring). But, for Kenney/Chad facing that thought and that realization is scary, and thus, they lash out at anyone (read this paragraph as: Chad mad jealous of Ryan cause Ryan bomb as fuck). 
All this build up, finally comes ahead in the employee baseball match 
The baseball game is probably the most memorable scene in the whole High School Musical franchise (minus Sharpay’s “Fabulous” solo, but that’s also from the same movie, and it’s kinda rude to give what’s already the best more points); the tension in the scene, and what it implies makes it the best written segment of all three movies, let alone the most entertaining. 
Some things to keep in mind from our background information: Chad is missing his bestie and struggling with what being “masculine” really means for him and others. Ryan of course makes this confusing, because the traditional method is being thrown out the window. In short, Chad has internalized homophobia, and Ryan being open - or as open as Disney would let him - is causing all sorts of problems. 
Despite the song, “I don’t dance” being logged into our collective skulls for all eternity (you’re probably humming it right now, sorry about that), the very brief interaction of Ryan and Chad before the game is lost on the public consciousness. The two are clearly comfortable with each other, though the distaste seems to be on Chad’s side more than Ryans. So, the two start playfully jabbing at each other before deciding to do a bat toss to see who will be in the outfield first. 
Before they begin the bat toss, Ryan says “You don’t think dancing takes some game?” Chad then very clearly checks him out, doing a simple but effective ‘drag-your-eyes-over-them-top-to-bottom-then-smile’ and says “you got game?” (Seen in gif below) 
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I don’t know how much you know about sex metaphors and how many of those baseball has in it (seriously though, it’s a lot), but with the bat toss, Ryan’s hand ended up on top, and Chad’s under Ryan’s. Let’s ignore this for now, it’ll be implied again later. Ryan’s team starts out in the outfield because he won the bat toss, and hence, the song officially starts. 
The first lyrics (ignoring the chores of “hey batter batter, hey batter batter, swing”) is 
I'll show you that it's one and the same
Baseball, dancing, same game
It's easy
Step up to the place, start swingin  
This part is sung by Ryan, who is taunting Chad out in the outfield. Before the game, as stated, Chad was taunting Ryan about his lack of “game” (both sexual and not sexual metaphor are implied), and now, Ryan has turned those tables around. Baseball - is seen as more masculine than dancing, not as masculine as football or basketball, but it’s up there. Chad is someone who cares about his masculinity, enough to the point that Ryan playing baseball makes him loose his mind. Makes him question his own personal definition of masculinity, if you will. 
Ryan says, “baseball, dancing, same game,” impyling that, to him, baseball and dancing are one and the same. That is baffling to Chad, cause well, how can something meant for girls even be close to something meant for boys. 
Chad comes back with: 
 I wanna play ball now, and that's all
This is what I do
It ain't no dance that you can show me, yeah
This only proves my previous point. 
I had a conversation with myself about this, and I’ve decided not to include it in this essay, but a second essay may or may not be possible. Basically the premise - the dancing/”musical” moments of High School Musical are conjured up images by those meant to see them (ie: like a visual hallucination, but, not really) but this scene kinda poo-poos that idea. 
Now, the thing I am talking about is Ryan and Chad’s  peacocking at each other during the time they sing these lyrics. The movements they’re making could be mistaken for dancing - as we automatically assume it is because of the title and themes of the movie - or it could be them just getting ready for the baseball game. Ryan swings his leg over the pitcher's mound, tossing the ball up and down into his glove, making wavy hand gestures, etc. Chad brushes off his gloves, swings his legs, hits the bat on each foot, and so on. 
For the peacocking, Chad makes a mock of the ballerina foot stance before strutting over to the home plate. Ryan laughs at this, which earns quite the smirk from Chad himself (see gif below). 
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This is when it becomes a conversation.   
You'll never know - R
Oh I know - Ch
If you never try - R
There's just one little thing - Ch
That stops me every time, yeah - Ch
Come on - Ch
When Chad says “Come on” it’s when Ryan throws the baseball at him, starting the game, and giving Chad’s team their first strike of the game (get it, it’s funny). Now, obviously we need to talk about the “there’s just one little thing that stops me every time.” As a queer person, I assure you, two of the things that kept me from living my Best Life were 1) my own ignorance of what asexuality was and 2) the fear that everyone I love would hate me for who I am, and what I have no control over. 
Sorry to get deep like that on main, but, can any other queer person say different? Obviously, your first point may differ, but my point still stands. In the video/scene there is a very short moment (to which I have condensed into a gif for you all, you’re welcome, and I’m sorry about the quality in advance), of the camera moving over to Chad’s team (or his friends in this case since it’s an employee baseball game) as he says this line (gif below). 
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I will not be explaining the use of subtly in this essay, but I’m sure you get the metaphor Kenney is trying to use. If not, let me spell it out for you in very simple words. This song has a lot of sexual innuendos (as mentioned pervious with the baseball bat scene and still, more to come), with that in mind, and clearly queer themes at play (as mentioned before, again), this scene only shows Chad isn’t as straight as he leads on. His fear/phobia of Ryan/the arts come from a much deeper place. 
In shorter, and much simpler terms: Chad queer. 
But, let’s get back to the boy's conversation. 
I don't dance - Ch
I know you can - R 
Not a chance, no - Ch 
If I could do this, well, you could do that - R 
Translation: “If I can do this weird, sweaty, dirty, Male thing without blowing a fuse, you can and should be able to dance just fine.” 
But I don't dance - Ch 
Hit it out of the park - Both 
I don't dance - Ch
I say you can - R
There's not a chance, oh - Ch
Slide home, you score, swingin on the dance floor - Both
I don't dance, no - Ch  (This is just the chores, you’ll see it multiple times throughout the essay, I just figured if the song is going to be in your head, go all the way right). 
Two-steppin, now you're up to bat - R
Bases loaded, do your dance - R 
Here we are with the baseball metaphors you’ve all been waiting for ladies and gentlemen. Girls, gays, and non-binary pals. For those who have somehow managed a sheltered existence with access to the internet, lemme help you. Ryan is talking about “loaded bases” both in the context of the game (where it shows each base has one person from Chad’s team on them) and in the term of sex. While you go out there dating - while it’s mostly douche bags and people using it ironically - your nosey friends may ask you how far you got. 
“First, second, or third base?” They may ask. Or something like, “oh wow, did you get to home plate/base?” These are simply the rankings of the stages of a sexual relationship. First - kissing, sometimes just handholding, Second - making out, some light groping, Third - full on groping, no clothes come off, but it gets close. While each person has different boundaries, these are the general accepted definitions for the bases. 
Home base is obviously full blown sexual intercourse. Since Chad has his “bases loaded” it means he’s done all these things before, just never gone completely to sexual intercourse with someone - in the terms of the song and the history we’ve already established, it’s most likely a male character. This is only proven by Chad’s uncomfortable nature towards Ryan (internalized Homophobia, thank you, returning theme) but his easy, and cocky personality towards everyone else. “bUt thAt DoEsnT pRovE” hush, that’s the final cherry on top. Remember this conversation. 
It's easy - R  
Again. Previous points have been made.  
Take your best shot, just hit it - Ch 
I've got what it takes, playin my game - Ch
So you better spin that pitch - Ch 
You're gonna throw me, yeah - Ch 
I'll show you how I swing - Ch
Ah, the famous “I’ll show you how i swing” a very strong baseball metaphor for everyone. Keeps queer people from defining themselves to dangerous (straight) people, and, well, that’s it actually. This term is mostly used by bi/pan people, though if you want to stay in the closet or are in a dangerous place, it is also used to subtly tell other queer people you are in fact, not straight. My favourite is when this term came into play when President Buchanan got elected in 1856 (for those that don’t know, he’s the first and only gay president). 
You'll never know - R
Oh I know - Ch
If you never try - R 
There's just one little thing - Ch
That stops me every time, yeah - Ch 
This is again, the same lyric as before it doesn’t pan, and the tone is much different. The camera stays on Chad as he says this line, meaning he’s reflecting, he is now his own problem, the person that is keeping him back. His friends are not on his mind anymore, which is good, Ryan’s Gay Propaganda has been working. 
Come on - Ch
I don't dance - Ch
I know you can - R
Not a chance, no, no - Ch
If I could do this, well, you could do that - R
But I don't dance - Ch
Hit it out of the park - R
I don't dance - Ch
I say you can - R
There's not a chance, oh no - Ch
Slide home, you score, swingin on the dance floor - Both 
I don't dance, no - Ch
Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance - R
Swing it out, spin around, do the dance - R
I wanna play ball, not dance hall - Ch
I'm makin a triple, not a curtain cal - Chl
I can prove it to you til you know it's true - R
'Cause I can swing it, I can bring it to the diamond too - R
You're talkin a lot, show me what you got - Ch
Again, like the beginning of this song, this is a heavy base for flirting and sexual tension, which this song is drowning in. 
Stop swinging - both
Hey - both
This is the part where they all start a flash mob in the middle of the baseball diamond. Again, alluding to the conversation I had to myself earlier, this only proves my own theory as no one takes notice of this. But, that’s not this essay, this is where I mention how close Chad and Ryan are at the end of the group dance.  
Come on, swing it like this - both
Oh, swing - both
Jitterbug, just like that - both
That's what I mean, that's how you swing - both
You make a good pitch but I don't believe - both 
Here is yet another (and the final) sexual innuendo. This is actually a rather quick one. Pitching in queer culture is considered the person who tops (because queer people even had to straight-ify their sex lives to “top” and “bottom”), this is the person who is giving, if you know what I’m saying. 
I say you can - R
I know I can't - Ch
I don't dance - Ch
You can do it - R
I don't dance, no - Ch 
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 Here is where that mosh pit ends, and how they get a little too close to comfort. 
Nothing to it, atta boy, atta boy, yeah - both
The rest of this song is simply a mash-up of the baseball game being finished, and this lovely gem. 
Now, clearly, Chad’s self conscious nature towards his sexuality is gone, he’s sitting close - if not squishing - Ryan, and talking to him like they’ve been friends forever. Take note of the change of close, most likely due to all the tension at the end of the song, and maybe a little of Chad’s own natural human curiosity built in. Now, I leave you with this note: 
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If there is anything that confirms all this more, its Chad’s girlfriend wearing the pride colours. 
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Also note: this could also be seen as a friend helping his bro discover his sexuality and fighting internalized homophobia, but, that’s ignoring the sexual tension, so go off I guess. 
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.  
Watch the full thing here
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slxthxrxn-sxmp · 2 years
Strawberry Sugar Teaser
Mild Warning this is an a/b/o au and there is use of strong language
otherwise please enjoy !
(Gif is not mine )
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Something was wrong. 
The scene was too clean and yet too chaotic. Nothing like what you would expect from Gotham. Bleach had been used on the scene, so much so that it made everyone's nose hairs burn. And yet files were scattered around the room, blood spatter over the walls and floor like a scene from a horror movie. 
The victim ? It was the mayor's Beta mistress. She had her cheeks torn to shreds, the flesh lying on the floor around her body, and she had a purple mark on her untouched arm like a needle entry site. On the outside it looked like an overdose but now here, in the room, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that this was foul play. 
“Agent,” Gordons voice was shaky and low, bordering on a whisper. I walk to the bathroom where I was beckoned. 
“You ever seen anything like this ?” Gordon indicated to the mirror standing in front of. The reflective surface took up one whole wall making the bathroom look mismatched to the rest of the apartment. But more importantly there was a big sloppy ‘J’ written in dark blood that looks to have congealed already. Out of instinct my gloved hand reaches out to the mirror hovering over the evidence by a few inches. 
“Personally ? No, but I’ve seen-” there was a new presence in the house that had everyone's emotions shifting so I turn to find this person standing in the doorway, “Commissioner, you have a cosplayer on your crime scene.” 
Gordon whips his head around to see the large alpha completely dressed in a black superhero suit topped with a cape. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the Commissioner's reaction, “Everyone clear out give us a minute!” 
Then there was shuffling of every officer that was on scene, except for Gordon and I. 
“Agent, this is-”  
“Batman ? Don’t worry Gordon, my agency has dealt with its fair share of… masked heroes.” And with a nod to the masked person in question that is the end of the conversation. In turn he nimbly made his way through the house possibly to investigate the body.  
The commissioner cleared his throat, it is a nervous tic of his. “You were saying ?” 
“Hmmm,” my attention was back to the mirror, “this doesn’t fit the textbook profile of a victim quickly jotting down a clue for the next person to find. I would wager it's more of a signature.” 
“How about a trading card ?” Electricity. Every nerve within my body decided then to make itself known. I didn’t need to shift my line of sight in the reflective metal to know it was the vigilante but I did it anyway. In his hand was a small white business card with a cartoon style green question mark. 
“No, well I mean yes.” Ripping my eyes away from the man in a bat suit to then look at Gordon, “Might I request any files that include keywords starting or involving a capital J ranging from petty theft to- god- lets say homicide of any degree.” All the poor man could do was nod thoroughly confused. “And you,” I spun on my feet to face the Batman standing in the doorway once more, “bag that up we will figure out how that works into this mess.” After receiving a nod of acknowledgement, I made my way back to where the body was. Snatching a device from my pocket. The device was made by some other agents I worked with that scans for bugs and or secret cameras. Soon enough the other two still in the apartment filed into the room as well, looking concerned as to what I was doing.
“What did you say your agency was ?” His voice definitely was being put through a modifier. There was no possible way he could naturally have a voice like that. 
“I didn’t, Mr. Bat.” Apparently the humor wasn't well timed as all I got was blank stares (despite Gordon already knowing my agency). “I work for the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division otherwise known as Shield. Where we investigate and keep tabs on enhanced beings or otherworldly bodies.” The scan was now analyzing so I had the opportunity to give my attention to both men, slowly moving my shirt out of the way to flash them the badge around my waist. 
“You’re in the wrong city, agent. Metropolis is a state over.” He was monotone. Almost testing the waters to see where he stood. 
“I wasn’t assigned to otherworldly bodies, Batman.” Just like that his guard was back up and jokes ceased to exist. 
The device in my hand pierced the air with a horrific screech. Just like that I scrambled through the scan looking for just what exactly it had picked up. All the while the noise continued.
“Can you turn that goddamn thing off, Agent ?” It was Gordon whose fingers were currently in his ears blocking out the noise. 
Then after spinning around in a slow circle I found it. A seemingly innocent stuffed brown bear with a red nose. Happy with my discovery the device turned off taking the noise with it. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we are being watched .” To get a better look I got on my knees in front of the toy, “Say hi to the camera.” My wave to the camera was abruptly stopped by Batman squatting next to me and grabbing the bear.
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dustofbrokenheart · 3 years
The Lost Boys: Call 911
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GIF by lostinsantacarla
Paul x Reader
Word Count: 2,550
Summary: Reader is out on patrol as part of the Santa Carla PD when they respond to a call out at the wharf. 
Amid the riotous flare of fireworks and fire crackers, it was difficult to make out the quickly approaching cop car but Marko prided himself on being observative.
Paul, Paulie, P-Man, his forever partner on the other hand…
Grabbing Paul by the front of his tank, he pulled the other vampire down to hiss in his ear. “We got company. We bail on my signal, got it?”
The honey blonde nodded distractedly, mesmerized by the bright bursts of colors overhead. The reds and blues and whites and pinks mixed with the curtain of smoke, creating a kaleidoscope against the inky night sky. 
He only heard part of what Marko was gripping about—something about a signal—but it wasn’t his fault he was having so much fun.
Another of their fireworks went off from behind Max’s Video, making him laugh even harder when some empty pallets became collateral. They splintered into pieces, the crunching sound of the wood masked by the other explosions.
Nothing said summer time fun like launching some Big Boys at the video store. It was a rockin’ light show and piss-off-Max scheme all wrapped in one. The crochety, old douche in question would no doubt have some choice words for them later but Paul wasn’t thinking about that; the only thing on his mind was blowing shit up.
In fact, he was so into it that he wasn’t prepared for the sharp punch to his ribs. He flew into the wall as Marko ran past, scampering to get airborne. “Go, go, go!”
The back door to the store opened with such force that it banged into the wall with a loud crack. Paul could sympathize. Two officers came through and before he could even think to pick himself up and run, they were on him.
The rounder of the two sat on his back, putting all his pounds into pinning Paul down. Normally, he would’ve thrown him off and maybe, probably, killed him, no sweat.
There were too many people around that could catch him in the act. There’s no way Max would step in and not even Paul was stupid enough to slaughter that many people in plain sight.
Marko, he whined through the bond. A little help, bud? I’m kinda stuck.
All he got back was a manic cackle.
Paul squawked in outrage, knowing that the other would not be lending an assist. That traitor was all too content to sit back and laugh at him.
Screw him then.
It’s not like Paul had never been hauled in before anyhow.
“You know,” he grunted to the cop on his back, “It’s a good thing you’re not fat or anything, otherwise this would be more difficult.”
The knee dug into his back even harder and his head was pulled back by his hair. It didn’t hurt that much but still! He worked for hours to make his hair look good!
“Police brutality! I have rights, you know!” he yelled. The cop was starting to get on his nerves.
His face was shoved back into the ground and he ate gravel, sputtering to get the pebbles and grime out of his mouth with mixed success. The taste lingered and the only way to get rid of it would be to wash it down with something—
Hmm. He hadn’t planned on feeding that night but some pig blood would take care of it nicely.
He attempted to at least think of an isolated spot to rip out his throat without getting caught. Maybe in the cop car. Maybe he could drag him to the bushes outside of the station.
Oh! If the guy stopped for doughnuts, he could steal the car—doughnuts sounded good though. A nice chocolate glaze with sprinkles or something filled with strawberry jelly! The corner store on the boulevard had the best selection this time of night. He needed more hairspray, too, as long as he was at it, a magazine or three—he shook his head.
Come on, self, get it together!
“I’m going to find the one that ran. Officer Y/LN, you take this idiot back to the car and sit tight until I get back.”
Roughly, he was hauled to his feet and he had been so focused on the tub of lard that had him on the ground that he forgot two cops had burst through the door.
He planted his feet and refused to be moved as he glanced at the second one. It was like pushing at a stone wall, the other at his back unable to shove him into motion.
Immediately, Paul realized his mistake.
Why was he so occupied with that other asshole when he could’ve been looking at you, been pressed up against you the entire time?
The saying was that everyone loved a person in uniform and Paul was no exception. You made the normally dull standard navy uniform look good, the short sleeves showing off your arms and the pants managed to cup your ass in the tastiest way.
He’d cup your ass even better, if you gave him the chance.
Even the serious, disapproving scowl on your face was hot. What he wouldn’t do to get you to make that face with you on top of him, manhandling him any which way you wanted.
Screw his little feeding plan. He was willing to spare your partner in exchange for getting to know you better.
A big happy smile stretching across his face, he finally moved, dragging your partner rather than being forced forward.
“Hey, sexy,” he said with his signature wink, the one that always got him what he wanted with people. “Name’s Paul.”
To his disappointment, you didn’t respond and merely took control of his handcuffed hands as they were passed over.
As you lead him back through the video store, he pulled his arms to the left, acting like he was trying to resist. Just like he expected, you corrected him with a strong, tight grip that sent a rush down his spine.
“Ouch, babe, not so rough,” he purred. “I’m very sensitive.”
He glanced back quick to see your reaction and his bottom lip pushed out in a pout. You still wore a straight face that gave nothing away. No clenched jaw, no embarrassed tightening of your eyes. Definitely no hint of an amused smile.  
Gods, babe. You were really testing him.
Guess he’d have to try harder.
You were new to the Santa Carla Police Department. Very new. New as in it was your first incident on your first night on patrol.
It was just your luck that you’d ended up with airhead who’d set off a whole fireworks display right outside of a crowded store, which could have serious injury, and was now trying to flirt his way out of it.
Hell—was he pouting?
For a city of its size, Santa Carla PD had a surprising number of job openings. You were new to the area, having moved because it seemed like a nice, sunny California beach town and you were in need of a change.
You didn’t have any prior experience but you’d passed all the screenings and tests and expected the job offer they made. It had benefits, the pay was good, and, importantly, it was legal which seemed to be in short supply around these parts.
That last part was a surprise, especially with the high number of missing people’s cases; you’d think that more places would be desperate to fill jobs, too.
Steering the suspect towards the check out counter, you flagged down the owner who had been the called in to the station.
He turned towards you with a smile on his face and greeted you politely. “Hello, officer.”
“We caught one suspect, sir. The other fled the scene and my partner went after him. I’ll get started on the report—are you planning to press charges?”
The smile was suddenly no where to be seen and he casted a glare at the handcuffed blonde.
“But of course. I’ve told this degenerate and the others in this gang to stay out of here a hundred times before. They’ve gone too far this time.”
The suspect merely shrugged his shoulders and winked at you which set the owner off further.
“That! That right there is what I’m talking about. No respect, no conduct. How is a father supposed to parent if he gets no respect? Maybe they’re missing a motherly influence,” he trailed off.
A motherly influence? Okaaay, then.
Clearing your throat, you tried to bring the conversation back to topic. “Yeah…Well let me put him in the car and then we can get started on the report. Have a good night, sir.”
That should’ve been the end of it but of course the blonde had to open his big mouth. “Bye daddy!”
Max’s hand came down heavy on the counter and you jostled the boy away before he managed to start a full-blown confrontation.
“You surely have a big mouth for someone who’s being arrested. Don’t make things worse for yourself.”
His head perked up and you had to really plant your weight to keep him from turning around and sending you flying into a display in the process. Definitely stronger than he looked.
You noted that piece of information just in case he tried anything else.
“Aww. Are you worried about me?” he cooed. “Don’t be. I trust you to protect me, officer.”
“Any one ever tell you that you’re ridiculous?”
“All the time,” he nodded happily.
The profile of the suspect was coming together in your mind. Clearly, he was simple.
Happy and excitable, and yes, even pretty, but simple.
There’s no way he had been the mastermind behind the firework plot; that honor was likely saved for the one who escaped. He probably hadn’t agreed to do it with malicious intent either. Unfortunately, his inability to think things through had landed him in trouble and he was your problem now.
When you got to the entryway he even tried to the door open. “After you, officer.”
With a resigned sigh, you prodded him forward. Again. Really, this guy was worse than a puppy. A puppy could eventually be trained to listen but seeing as how he was late teens/early twenties, it was doubtful he ever would.
“You said your name was Paul?”
The p in his ‘yep’ popped.
“Last name?”
“Just Paul. I wouldn’t mind getting your name though.”
There’s no way you were telling him that. He would be that much more insufferable if he knew. And try as he might to hide his full name, that would come out when you booked him at the station.
“Well, Paul. You’re being charged with public endangerment and vandalism. Under California law, those are both misdemeanor crimes so most likely—”
“Yeah, yeah.” He waved away your words with a flick of his head. Annoyed, you yanked on the cuffs, causing him to moan. “I do appreciate a good pair of handcuffs.”
“You—!” You had to stop yourself from calling him a little shit out loud. No one would’ve stopped you, but you felt weird about it, almost like it would come off as being unprofessional.
Taking a deep breath, you tried to bring your voice back down. “Saying crazy things is only going to make things worse for you.”
“Promise to punish me if I don’t?” Another wink was flashed at you.
It was at that point you noticed he had long lashes for a male. They fluttered like butterfly wings whenever he blinked. Except you had a job to do and really shouldn’t care about how pretty he was.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that it took you by surprise when he leaned in close. Acting on tactical instinct, you threw him against the police vehicle, his torso pressed against the hood with legs spread wide.
The position was designed to be as uncomfortable as it looked so that there was little to no chance of him bucking you off. Good.
“Need I remind you,” you said gruffly, “That you are under arrest. Don’t test me.” 
“You should most definitely frisk me,” he panted.
You sincerely hoped it was pain, and not from pleasure, but from your brief encounter with Paul, it honestly could be the latter. Your own heart was pounding in your chest as well but that was due to the adrenaline pumping through your system.
Or so you maintained.
Still, he had a point. Frisking was standard procedure to make sure the suspect was carrying anything potentially dangerous, or illegal. Hell. You were going to have to give into this particular demand, weren’t you?
Wanting to get it over with, you tried to be as fast as possible while still be thorough.
His muscles were surprisingly cold as you felt up his arms and then his back. It was summertime and when most people had problems overheating, it didn’t seem to be an issue for him.
You dreaded going anywhere near his ass but it had to be done. He even insisted on ‘helping’ by pushing his cheeks further into your hands by curving his lower back as you patted down his pants pockets.
“Check the front too. I could have anything down my pants, ya know.”
That didn’t sound suggestive at all. His flirtations were so over the top is was near comical at that point. You couldn’t let him know that though. You were the authority figure in this situation.
“Alright smart guy, the frisking is over with. And surprise, surprise there was exactly nothing in your pants.”
“You wound me, babe.” If he had use of his arms, his hand would’ve definitely been placed over his heart.  
Standing him upright, you opened the door to seat him in the back. That had been the plan any way.
One second you held his metal clad wrists firmly in your grip and in the next, he twisted himself away effortlessly.
He spread his hands apart and although they each had a shiny steel band around them, the chain that had connected them broke off with a metallic clink.
Just like that he was completely mobile and he wasted no time.
In another imperceptible move, he covered your back with his front, his breath tickling you.
You couldn’t hold back a shiver.
“It’s been a pleasure, officer, but I really should get going. I’m just too cute for jail.” He rolled his head and his nose traced the shell of your ear with a deep inhale. “This was fun though. Let’s do it again, hmm?”
He shoved you into the back seat and luckily your reflexes were fast enough to catch yourself before you face planted into the leather seat. Thrashing like mad, you spun around as fast as you could but it was no use: Paul was already gone.
Stumbling out, you looked back and forth hoping to catch a glimpse of what direction he went but it was useless. Not only was that little shit stronger than he seemed, he was also faster.
With a sinking realization, you knew you were going to have to explain this to your partner.
Oh, you were not looking forward to this…
Worst first night on a job ever.
Hope you enjoyed Paul! I feel like this is goofy and over the top but I guess that’s basically Paul’s vibes in a nutshell. Marko has definitely gotten Paul arrested before and Max has definitely called the cops on them before too haha. Thanks for reading <3
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
This could be one of the instances where I say not everything they say is true. My take on the situation? I don't remember Jin taking any grapes back, please correct me if I am wrong. This simply makes me think he left both the bags with Jungkook so the other could be passed onto Taehyung. It is not a wild thought, if earlier he had a mind to give Taehyung when Jungkook was not available, with one of the assumption they'll share/pass on to each other, so him doing it now makes sense and natural.
Why I think they lying?
Before a day of this live Taehyung knew Jin gave him grapes coz he tagged Jin in his grape story. If the company had sent him those grapes, they definitely would have mentioned Jin's name hence the tagging. Then the whole conversation becomes moot because Taehyung is aware of this knowledge but Jin should also since he would have specifically asked them to pass the grapes to Tae .
It's a little tricky why he got surprised when he got to know about grapes. If Jin wanted to give grapes to company to pass on to absent members he could have also done in Jungkook's case (when he didn't have his no.) and would have remembered it and not said "I thought I didn't give you".
So that means either the company gave Taehyung those grapes and said Jin sent him this. Maybe company (one of the person as company is not a person) gave Tae their own share as Jin definitely didn't ask them to. The company is definitely sincere to pass the grapes to one of the members when they thought Tae didn't get his share, especially something which a member got from his private scene and is not an obligatory thing for company to pass on to every member. Makes me wonder how many Jin got those and who was kind enough to give Tae his share without taking credit.
Was it you Manager-nim? Oh but weren't you also with Tae? NVM.
Or Since fans definitely would have wondered how Tae got the grapes if Jin gave them to Jungkook linking the connection they met as more of a convincing proof, they still might do but can easily be shut down by pointing company's involvement as a grape passer. You might ask why need to hide. Well supposedly they are hiding many things now. I still don't believe they didn't meet on Jk's birthday. It's simple, if you in a relationship and you can't meet your partner who lives 5 mins drive apart, all because of stupid jet lag. Even if he would have been tired and slept the day off, still could spent together particularly when JK didn't have any plans to go out. So it's not like any tampering with plans. This is all on an assumption they are together of course.
I just think sometimes Taekookers also doesn't see the big picture. It feels to me Taekook are being themselves but don't want to link with each other behind the scenes what with coming Busan Expo and military enlistment. They insuniated Jk was with other 97 liners after Tae left for NY which is untrue simply because of the itenary of people involved in the dinner. It would been a month earlier. I'll send you the link in next ask. This whole stupid Taennie scandal which everyone is quiet about. So yes I believe they have been spending time together but have been told to be tight lipped about this. A lot of things are at stake, what with company not affording to lose sponsors for expo if Taekook closeness is perceived as typically gay in SK. I will not elaborate on this now but a person with enough business acumen will understand this.
To conclude I still think Jungkook gave Tae the leftover bag. It could be true or not. At the end it doesn't diminish the bond they two have and also the primed way members think about them.
Before I get into this, I just want to say sorry lol, I totally didn’t realize that link was meant to go with this ask.  They got separated in my inbox, so I responded to that as its own post and it should be up already.
The long and short of it is that I personally figure the 97 liners’ signatures from that restaurant visit were shared when they were less to conceal the timeline than simply because the restaurant didn’t want to post it right away and they got to it when they got to it.  Could it be more complex than that?  Sure, it could, but since I don’t see any other evidence to suggest otherwise, at least for now I feel like that’s the most likely case.
Similarly, I’m not sure how likely I find it that the grape situation was this complicated.  Though I suppose really, the gist of your theory is that Jin simply left the second bag of grapes with Jungkook for Tae, and the confusion later came from everyone not being on the same page about the story of where the grapes came from?  I’m sorry if I’m misrepresenting your argument here.
Despite not being sure I think that’s necessarily the more likely scenario, I do agree that if Jungkook and Taehyung are in a relationship, they would need to obscure that fact, and trying to refrain from giving the impression that they spend a lot of time in the same space might very well be one way they could choose to do that, or be one way they’re expected to do that.
Ultimately, like you alluded to, this is a tiny detail in the big picture of a relationship that’s lasted, in one form or another, eleven years, so yeah -- I don’t think their whole bond is going to be made or broken over some grapes lol.
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illogicalpunkwrites · 4 years
The Cave
Long time no see! Sorry it’s been a while. I’ve been in grad school and it’s pretty much sucked the life out of me. But I really missed writing so I figured I could write for my favorite character. Thank you so much for reading! Pairings: Leonard McCoy x Kirk!Reader
*Part two is here
Words: 4.8K
Warnings: injury, fluff, angst (?), swearing, badly written fight scene, Leonard and Reader being stubborn shits, Spock being a cocky shit
Tags: @bloodangelballerina @theweepingvulcan91​ If anyone else would like to be added let me know!
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“Captain.” Spock greeted as he caught up to his friend. Jim clapped him on the shoulder. “I must commend you and Commander Kirk on your success in Nuvaruta. Not many would have been able to complete that mission.” 
“Eh, nothing we couldn’t handle. I’m just surprised she didn’t drop the artifact when she got hit!” Jim laughed. 
“Well, it was only a flesh wound. A woman of her position is surely used to it by now. No need to worry about her.” An ensign brushed by Jim, yelping out an apology. 
“She’s still my sister, Spock. Head of security or not, I always worry about her.”
“And captain or not, she will always worry about you.” 
“Well-” They both got quiet when they reached medbay, hearing yelling and seeing Nurse Chapel waiting outside the door, acting like nothing was happening and playing with her nails.
“Nurse Chapel, is everything alright?” Spock asked and she looked up at the science officer. 
“Oh, just the same thing every time Commander Kirk comes back from a mission.” Jim sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“How many times are you gonna be in my damn medbay! I swear you get hurt more in a day than an ensign does in a whole year!” Leonard bit and you rolled your eyes. 
“How many times are you gonna complain every time you see me? I said thank you!” You replied. “You act like I’m ungrateful!”
“No you’re just stubborn as a bull!”
“Pot calling kettle black!” You laughed incredulously. “It’s in my job description to get hurt, it’s in yours to patch me up! But you can’t do that without henpecking at me every damn time!” 
Jim, Spock, and Christine all waited outside. By this point in the mission, they all knew that it was better to just wait it out than to break it up. 
“Yes! I swear you like it when I come in because it gives you something to gripe about!”
“No because you coming in pushes me that much closer to an ulcer! Just get outta my medbay, I got work to do!”
“Gladly!” You walked out of medbay, looking to see the three waiting outside. “Hey.”
“Alright, c’mon. I need your report.” You and Jim walked away, leaving Christine and Spock near medbay. They walked in to see Leonard sitting at his desk with his forehead in his hand. 
“Doctor, are you alright?’ Christine asked and he sighed. 
“Yes, Nurse Chapel. I’m fine.” He replied. “Whaddya need, Spock?”
“I came here with no intention to talk to you, but now it seems I have. I would like to talk to you about Commander Kirk. Why is it that you two argue so much?” The vein in Leonard’s forehead seemed like it was about to pop as he turned to face the Vulcan. 
“Because she’s stubborn and reckless, that’s why!”
“As are you.” Christine looked at Spock with her eyebrows raised and stepped back a bit when Leonard stood up.
“I am not!”
“You are, which is why I am confused. Of course, you are not as reckless as Commander Kirk but you are as much if not more stubborn. You both share a drier sense of humor, both care a great deal about those you work with-”
“What’s your point, Spock?”
“I believe you become irritated when she’s hurt because you care for her. The more she gets hurt, the more irritable you become. There’s a remarkable amount of tension between you two.” Spock clasped his hands behind his back as Leonard walked up to him. “You are simply worried about her and are too stubborn to admit your feelings for her. Meaning it comes out in irritation and rage, making her angry and irritable.” 
“I don’t like her.”
“I think Commander Spock has a point...Doctor.” Christine interjected. “I think you’re also frustrated because you feel like you can’t like her. She is the Captain’s sister after all.”
“Good point, Nurse Chapel.” Spock commended. “It seems that she might be forbidden to our doctor.”
“A forbidden fruit, if you will.” Christine offered and Spock raised an eyebrow at her. Leonard rubbed his temples and she tried to hide her smile from him. 
“Spock, aren’t you needed on the bridge?”
“Oh no, not for some time.”
We are headed down to the planet of Thurilia. It is a barren planet that has not been inhabited in over 100 years but it carries another artifact integral to the Nimbus mission. Don’t mistake it’s barrenness for peace, there are hostile Romulans also looking for the artifact. We must also be wary of dust storms and flying debris from crash landed ships. For this mission I will require Commander Kirk, Commander Spock, and Doctor McCoy.  
“Got everything you need, lass?” You finished attaching your phaser, communicator, and collapsible kali. You missed your regular uniform, all of you required to wear a more suitable and impenetrable to the suffocating dust. It was too bulky for your liking but you knew it was more practical. 
“Ready, Scotty. Just make sure to remember to beam us up.” You clapped his shoulder and jogged over to the teleporter. Of course, the only spot was next to Leonard. “Dr. McCoy.”
“Commander.” You noticed Spock looking over at the two of you and you furrowed your brows at him. 
“Ready, Scotty.” Jim stated. You would never get used to the tingling of the teleporter. It would always be a strange sensation no matter how many times you used it. You all landed on the planet and you wondered if it made Spock feel the least bit homesick. It was a desert, but the sand was purple and the sky always dark. 
“Alright, everyone make sure your masks work. We’ll only have a little bit of warning before a storm kicks in. Lieutenant Uhura will be watching that for us. It gives off a a chemical signature but that’ll be hard to pinpoint with the dust and the crash sites. If you spot any romulans, call for backup and don’t fight them alone.”
“Should we go off in pairs, Captain?”
“I think we should. Might attract less attention and we might find it faster.”
“I shall go with you then, Captain.” You and Leonard’s heads snapped up from your tricorders. 
“Of course, Mr. Spock.” 
“Jim are you sure splitting up is the best idea?” You replied and Jim patted you on the shoulder. 
“Of course. I want you two to go northeast towards the strongest signature. Spock and I will go southwest towards the strongest signature.” The two walked away, leaving you and Leonard standing dumbfounded. 
“That green blooded hobgoblin.” Leonard muttered under his breath as you started following the signature. 
“You comin’ or not?” You called over your shoulder. He jogged up to catch up with you and pulled out his own tricorder. You were both silent, the only sounds coming from the wind and the robes you were wearing flapping. 
“How’s your shoulder?” He asked and you looked over at him quickly.
“It’s much better now, thank you.” He nodded. However, he wasn’t looking where he was stepping and felt his foot sinking down quickly. “Leonard!” The sand felt like it was grappling him, staining his robes a deep purple against the brown. You grabbed his arms and started to pull him out, your feet lacking traction and eventually you resorted to digging your knees in and pulling him along as he kicked. The grip loosened and he fell on top of you, pushing you into the sand. He quickly rolled off of you and panted like a wild dog. 
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, this is why I hate space.” He replied and you chuckled. 
“Welp, gives you one more thing to complain about.” You stood up, dusting off your robes and offered your hand to him. “Watch where you’re stepping.” 
“Yeah, yeah, got it.” He took it and you helped him up. “This place is a death trap.”
“I dunno, I kinda like it.” You responded. “If you look closely, the sand sparkles a bit.”
“I just got a close look, or have you already forgotten?” You rolled your eyes and kept following the signature. 
“You could’ve gotten a closer look had I not been here.” The two of you were silent save for the wind and the beeping of your tricorders. It was so peaceful yet destructive at the same time. No one could possibly live there, it had claimed the lives of so many and had become a resting ground for pieces of space travel. But the silence, the stars, it was beautiful in a way. 
“Commander, Doctor, I’m picking up a storm. Might want to head for cover.” Uhura informed over your communicators. 
“See any structures?” Leonard asked. You squinted down at your tricorder, the sandy wind already picking up. 
“There’s a cave near us, if we hurry we can get there before it gets too bad!” You called back. As you traveled, it became increasingly difficult to move or see. You had to trust your tricorder and stick close to Leonard.
Suddenly, something whizzed by in front of the both of you. 
Then another.
“Hurry!” You called back and grabbed his hand. From what you can guess, pieces of a nearby ship had begun to fly off. Each piece nearly missed you by mere feet. At least for a little bit.
“Ah!” Leonard cried and faltered a bit.
“We’re almost to the cave! I can see it!” You pushed him into the cave and looked to your left. A large piece of metal was bounding right towards you. You yelped and jumped in, right before the metal buried itself in the sand. You stared blankly as you realized it had blocked the entrance save for a small corner at the top. You turned around when you heard Leonard hiss in pain and saw blood soaking his robes. A piece of shrapnel had impaled itself into his side. “Leonard! Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine!” He snapped and you sighed, pulling back the robes and mask from your face. 
“You lay down, I’m going to get some light in here.” You pulled out your phaser and luckily found a pile of rocks. You shot at them, making them burn a bright red and give off some light. “Where’s your med kit?”
“We gotta fix that up. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Where’s your medkit?” you unwrapped part of your robes and made a makeshift pillow for him as he pulled out his kit. 
“You sure about this?”
“You got a better idea?” He laid down and rested his head. You cut away at the fabric on the robes and he jumped when it pulled at the piece of shrapnel.
“Be careful!” 
“I’m trying to be, you mule!” You snapped back and he stared at you.
“Did you just call me a mule?”
“A mule that’s gonna tell me how to stitch it up.” He sighed and prepared himself.
“Alright, hit me with the hypospray on the furthest right. That’ll numb it.” You did it quickly. “Now turn whatever’s in there.”
“What?” You yelped. “Turn it.” You did as he asked, wincing as it spun through the flesh slightly. He could still feel a little bit it wasn’t that painful. “Okay it turned, it’s just in my flesh, not a rib. Now pull it out.” “But that’ll make you bleed more.”
“Just do it.” You prepared yourself and quickly yanked it out. He jumped again and winced. “Third hypospray from the right!” You quickly injected it and the bleeding immediately slowed. “Take the device on the top left and do a criss-cross on it.” You did it, watching as the material tightened up and closed the wound. “Now clean it and let’s hope we’re found before it’s infected.” 
“You don’t have a hypospray for that?” He just looked at you, making you roll your eyes. “Are you alright?”
“I will be.” You pulled out your communicator.
“Kirk to Kirk.”
“Kirk here.”
“Doctor McCoy and I are trapped in a cave by a piece of a ship. I’ll send you our location so that you two can come get us when the storm’s over.” “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Doctor McCoy got hit by a piece of shrapnel.”
“I’ll be fine, Jim.” Leonard called out. 
“You two hang tight, we’ll be there as soon as we can.” You took off the rest of your robes, leaving you in a black top and pants. 
“Are you cold?”
“No, I’m fine.” Leonard replied. 
“How many of those numbing hyposprays do you have?”
“One more. I’ll let you know if it gets too bad.” He replied and you nodded. You were both silent as you took inventory of what you had in the cave. You had some emergency stuff but if the storm lasted a while there might be trouble. 
“Huh?” You spun your head around and saw Leonard looking at you.
“Thank you, for fixing me up. You did a pretty good job.”
“You’re welcome. I think that’s the first genuine compliment you’ve ever given me.” You smirked and he chuckled. 
“I guess I’ve been a little rough on you.” You sniffed in laughed and sat down next to him, getting close to him and the rock for warmth. 
“A little?” 
“Alright, alright, I get it.” He replied. “I guess I can be a little to hard on you.” You hummed in response. “Y’know you’re not that much of a peach yourself.”
“A georgia peach?” You replied and he rolled his eyes. “Look, I know I’m not the easiest person to work with but you’re not either. And we’re stuck in this cave together until they come and get us. So all we have to do is not kill each other until Jim and Spock come or something comes to kill us.”
“Comforting.” He replied.
“I try.”
You were busy going through your logs on your PADD, sneaking your eyes over to Leonard every now and then to make sure he was alright. To make the time pass by a little faster, you played music lowly. Of course you two had to argue about what kind of music for a little bit before you just put on some Tchaikovsky. You had some spattered communication with Jim and Spock but the dust storms had picked up too much to the point they had to hole up somewhere too. Last you checked, they were still okay and the doctor had taken his last hypospray.
“So, why did you join up?” You were broken out of your thoughts to see Leonard messing around with a small rock in his hands. 
“Someone’s gotta keep an eye on Jim, might as well be me.”
“That’s it?”
“I don’t really have a more noble or complicated reason. I didn’t really have any other place I wanted to go. Plus I didn’t want to stay in one place too long, I get too antsy. My parents did it, George joined up, Jim joined up, then I did. I get to strategize, protect, travel, and be with Jim at the same time.”
“So it was just the right thing to do?”
“In a sense. I mean, it’s always been me and Jim. I couldn’t imagine not being able to see him for five years. Jim always kept me out of trouble, I kept him from flying too close to the sun.”
“So you’ve always been a pain in the ass?” You genuinely laughed at that. 
“Yeah, I’ve always been a little shit. But I’ve put that energy towards keeping people safe and annoying you. Now I’ve told my story, spill.” He sighed and adjusted himself a little against the ground. 
“Eh, not much to tell. Wife left, I was a doctor that needed to get away, and found myself at star fleet.”
“I’ll never Jim calling me that day and telling me about you. He said you were some hypochondriac that nearly threw up on him in the plane.”
“And Jim told me you were his hot headed sister who couldn’t keep your trap shut.”
“And look where we are now: trapped in the same cave.” You mused. “Wanna play 20 questions?”
“What?” “I don’t know how long we’re gonna be here, might as well pass the time. I’ll go first if you want.” He sighed and nodded his head in agreement. “Alright, what do you miss most about Georgia?” You leaned against the cave wall on the other side of him, crossing your arms across your chest. 
“I know I’ll sound like an old southern gentleman but sitting on a front porch in a rocking chair.” You sniffed in laughter and he looked over at you with an annoyed look.
“Hey, I’m not judging. It does make you sound like an old man. Ask me a question.” He thought for a moment or two.
“What are you afraid of? There has to be something.” You groaned and covered your face. “C’mon!”
“No, you’ll laugh!”
“I won’t laugh, I promise. With what you’ve seen and done, it has to be truly scary.” He reasoned and you shook your head. “Then what is it?”
“It’s...birds. I’m afraid of birds.” There was silence between the two of you. 
“Are we talking geese or-” “Doesn’t matter. I’m deathly afraid of all birds.” When he didn’t say anything else, you looked up from your palm to see his body shaking with laughter. “Hey! You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“With everything we’ve seen!” “Alright Hercules, other than space what are you most afraid of?”
“Man you chose the wrong job.”
“Come over here, I can barely hear you.” You rolled your eyes but made your way over to the wall next to him, resuming you previous position.  “What do you miss doing that you can’t do on the Enterprise?”
“I miss cooking. I love to cook and it sucks that we only have replicators. I’m a pretty good chef if I do say so. I make a mean skillet pot pie.”
“That sounds dangerous. I do miss home cooking.”
For the next fourteen questions, you found out a lot about each other. You both enjoy reading in your spare time, both think Jim and Carol should suck it up and go out already, you had the same favorite old tv show, and generally had a lot in common with each other. You told stories about your youth like when you fell of the roof of your grandfather’s barn, when you rescued a stray dog you found in some cornfield in Iowa, and how your father had raised you to become an old movie buff. He told you about med school and the time that he accidentally ate a hallucinogenic plant and was tripping for three days. It seemed like he could be just as reckless as you sometimes. He told stories of before you joined up and the adventures he and Jim were on, how many times he had pretty much saved Jim but didn’t think he did anything special. You would’ve hated to admit it before but you were enjoying getting to know him.
“After Starfleet, what do you want to do?” He asked. At this point, you were laying down next to him, sharing your robes as a pillow. 
“I don’t know.”
“Don’t cop out now.” He chuffed and you shook your head.
“I really don’t know, McCoy. This i pretty much all I’ve ever known. You can go to a hospital or clinic, I don’t know where else to go. I don’t want to be a civilian officer, don’t want to be a body guard to some stuffy politician.”
“You can settle down?” You snorted. 
“Yeah, me, settle down.”
“You don’t want to?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. Yeah, I want to be married and have kids one day but I just don’t think it’ll happen. I have a difficult job where I get hurt on a daily basis. Not a lot of people can handle that.”
“You’ll find somebody, Kirk. You’re a catch.” You looked over at him with a smirk. “Don’t tell anyone I told you that.” You laughed and propped yourself up on your elbows and looked at the open area at the corner of the cave.
“Last one, what’s one thing you wish you had known more about before today?”
“You.” He answered and you looked down at him. “I used to think you were the most annoying person on the ship. I was always too hard on you and didn’t even try to talk to you without Jim there to keep us calm.”
“Why did we both decide to hate each other?” You laid back down next to him. “Seems like if we weren’t on that ship we would get along well.” You were silent for a little while. “Perhaps we’re both stubborn. I didn’t like you because you didn’t like me. From the first time I got hurt-”
“You’re Jim’s sister. Jim’s my best friend. The first time you got hurt, I felt an even more overwhelming sense of duty. I had to take care of you even more so than my other patients. Not only are you his sister, you protect us with little regard to yourself. You’re only afraid of birds, not death. I know this is all jumbled but...I think I was scared to get to know you because-” You noticed how his speech was becoming slightly slurred.
“That sense of duty would be even stronger.” You were both silent again. “I’m sorry, Leonard.”
“I’m sorry too.”
“How about when we get out of here we share a drink. I’ve got some damn good whiskey I think you’d enjoy.”
“Sounds like a deal.” You shot up when you heard banging at the front of the cave and grabbed your phaser. You slowly made your way to the large piece of metal and heard some talking on the other side. 
“Romulans.” You muttered and hurried back over to Leonard. You cursed when you saw that he had begun sweating again, his skin pale and clammy. “Leonard, listen to me. I have to move you behind the rocks alright?” He nodded as his head lulled to the side. You grasped underneath his arms and began to drag him, noting that the piece of metal was moving slowly in the sand. “Don’t make a sound, alright? I’ll take care of them and we’ll get back to the Enterprise.” You turned to go away and find some cover but her grabbed your hand.
“Wait, Kirk.” You looked back down at him and he squeezed your hand. “Don’t make me patch you up again.” You smiled softly.
“I’ll do my best.” You hurried to a rock on the other side of the cave and waited for the Romulans to breach. It took them a little time but they finally moved the shrapnel enough to get through. You weren’t well versed in linguistics so you couldn’t make out what they were saying. They came over to the rock serving as heat and light and muttered amongst themselves. They knew someone was there. You could hear them growing closer and heard their phasers click off, presumably not to stun. You looked over at Leonard and saw his shaky breathing, you couldn’t let them find him. As they got closer to you, you finally popped over the rock and shot one of them in the knee and the other in the shoulder, stunning them. You sighed and almost went over to Leonard before a shot rang out and grazed past you.
There was one more waiting outside the cave. 
You hurried back behind your rock and thought about what to do. You could try to get some shots out but he had you cornered, he’d easily hit you first. If he got you, then he would get Leonard. He could also easily ambush Jim and Spock. You decided your best option was to wait and try to get the upper hand if he decided to move closer. 
You listened for his footsteps, grating the sand underneath him. If you could disarm him then you would get your chance. He wouldn’t wait for you to surrender, you didn’t wait for them. He was calling out something to you and even with the language barrier you knew he was cursing you out. As soon as you heard him close enough, you leapt over the rock and tackled him. You rolled to the other side of the cave and you tried to smash his hand against the wall so he would drop his phaser. You felt him kick your shin, then kneeing your hip and you cried out. With one last hit, he dropped his phaser but before you could get your shot, he punched your jaw and flipped the two of you over. You tried to shoot again but the shot just went to the rocks above. He now held your wrists in a crushing grip, willing you to let go. You did the only thing you could do and kick for some sort of advantage. You went for his knees, his stomach, any place you could think.  He was starting to get irritated, he was starting to get desperate. He let go of your unarmed hand to grab the knife in his belt and your eyes went wide. You had to act fast. You grabbed the only thing you could, a rock, and hit him in the side of the head. He finally let you go and you scurried away from him, training you phaser on him. You didn’t realize how hard you had hit him and realized he wasn’t going to move any time soon as blood came from his temple.  You hurried back over to Leonard to see that his eyes were drooping. 
“Leonard! Stay with me!”
“Are you hurt?”
“Just bruised, I’m fine. Hang in there, alright? We’ll figure this out!”
“Commander!” You heard a familiar voice call. 
“Spock!” You cried out. “Hurry, we need to get Dr. McCoy out of here.”
“On our way!” Jim yelled back. You looked back over at Leonard and held his hand. 
“C’mon Leonard, we’re almost there.”
The events on Thurilia changed a lot of things. It was noticed immediately that you and Leonard weren’t bickering as much. Nurse Chapel noticed that the vein in his head wasn’t ready to pop at a moments notice anymore. It didn’t seem as explosive. Of course, there was still an argument after he quickly recovered about her almost getting stabbed but it wasn’t nearly as tense as the others. 
However, that wasn’t the only thing that got the crew talking. 
Leonard was no longer in his uniform. Instead, he was in his civilian clothes that he usually wore once the day was done: a pair of sweats and an old t-shirt from his college days. He walked down the halls of the enterprise late in the night to get to your door, two glasses in his hands. He knocked and the door soon slid open to reveal you in your civilian clothes with a smile: a fleet sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. It was a little shocking for you to see each other out of uniform but it was oddly comforting. It had shown that the time in the cave had done a lot of good. You two visiting each other for a nightcap had become a regular occurrence.
“What movie did you pick?” He asked as he walked in. 
“Princess Bride. It’s a movie from the 1980s.” His eyes widened, still shocked about your movie collection. “It’s got fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, escapes, true love, miracles!”
“Sounds surprisingly sappy for you.” He chuckled as he poured the drinks. You sat down on your bed with the remote in hand and rolled your eyes. 
“Did you not hear the first part of that?  What with all the violence?” He offered you a glass and you gladly took it. 
“Yeah, yeah I heard you. It sounds great.” He sat down next to you against the headboard and you started the movie. It was a little off-putting how grainy it was but you insisted it added to the charm of the film. The movie continued and Leonard looked down to see the stars in your eyes as you watched. You were absolutely mesmerized by the story and kept telling him facts about the film. He noticed the tightness in his chest and coughed a little, hoping it was just the burn of the whiskey. 
But it didn’t go away. 
Spock and Uhura watched with wide eyes as they rounded the corner to see Leonard smiling with two glasses in his hand as he walked into your room. 
“Spock, tell me I’m not hallucinating.”
“I believe, ashayam, we are witnessing what you humans call a miracle.” 
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Daring Fans of Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima
Anon requested: “Hey this is my first time requesting but can you do a scenario where Bakugou (can do Todoroki and kirishima too) is a pro-hero, then one of his “daring” fan kisses him and his s/o saw the whole thing. Happy ending please!!”
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,294
Tags: @cyanide9602​​ @yuki-osaki​​ @liviitehe​​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​​ @bunnythepipsqueak​​
a/n: I wasn’t sure if you just wanted Bakugou or you wanted all 3, but I also didn’t want to just do HCs, so I did mini scenarios of about 400-550 words for each character!�� I hope they were to your liking, and thanks for the request!  Hope to see you again soon~
Bakugou Katsuki
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As soon as this fan came up to him, Bakugou knew it was trouble.  The fan eagerly came up to him while he was out with you, not paying you any mind while they gushed about Ground Zero being their favorite hero - and not even trying to hide their groping hands on his arms when they leaned in for a selfie.
And at the last possible second, the fan did the ballsy thing and plants a kiss right on his lips.
Your eye starts twitching.  Your sweet boyfriend felt bad for spending a lot of time on his job for the past few week, and today he decided to devote the entire day with you.  Today is supposed to be your day, and - not to sound like a spoiled brat (although you don't care at this point) - Bakugou is yours and you're not in the business of sharing with anyone, especially not some ballsy, entitled fan who thinks they can kiss your boyfriend right in front of you and get away with it.
They had another thing coming.
The fan pulls away from doing their little stunt with a smirk, briefly turning to eye you to gauge your reaction, only for their face to turn completely white.
"I hope you can die happy after doing that," you mutter gravely, cracking your knuckles.  "Because you're about to!"
The fan runs off screaming, and you would've followed if it wasn't for Bakugou holding you back by your waist.  "Let me at 'em!  I won't hurt 'em too badly!"
"Babe, calm down, you've already scared them away," he whispers gently in my ear.  "People are staring."
His hands rubbing at my waist settles me.  "I just wanted to rough 'em up, that's all," I explain innocently.
"I know you did, but you can't make a scene in public."  He kisses my jaw softy and smirks.  "Damn, you being as much of a hothead as me is so hot."
"Damn right I am!" you huff.  "I'm the only one for you and you better not forget it!"
His low chuckle resounds in my ear.  "Never.  Come on, let's go get brunch like we wanted before we were rudely interrupted."
Todoroki Shouto
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One of the things you've always admired about Todoroki is his heart when we interacts with his fans.  He sought to be the opposite of his father, so he welcomes fan interactions with a warm smile, kind words, and an open attitude.
What really annoys you is how dense he can be.  Of course, there are fans who are starstruck by his handsome appearance, who wouldn't be?  But there are those that are really bold,  sneaking touches at him, making double-meaning requests, showering him with more compliments than needed, or trying to dress and act suggestively to catch his attention.  Being the kind of guy who isn't terribly good at reading the air, Todoroki doesn't really notice any of their advances.  It's sweet, in a way, because he only has eyes for you, but you really fear that one fan will take things too far and Todoroki won't realize it.
So when you were on line getting coffee for the two of you and you saw a fan approach him, it made you uneasy since you weren't there to cut into the conversation.  You trust your boyfriend not to do anything, so you settle on continuously darting your head backwards to his table while you pay for your drinks instead of rushing over there like a possessive lover.
Which you regret doing once you turn around while you're in the pick up area.  The fan had pulled your boyfriend in to steal a kiss on his lips, and now you're furious.  At the same time, the barista called your order number, so you grab your order and march over to their table, seeing red and ready to give this fan a piece of your mind.  Todoroki, wide-eyed and shocked pushes them away, putting his hands up in front of his body.
"I apologize if I came off overly friendly, but I'm very happily committed to someone else."
And just like that, all your immediate anger melts away and you find yourself lovestruck.  Very happily committed,  your thoughts echo pleasantly.  In your face.  You finish your walk to the table and set down your drinks, both of them darting their heads toward you as you shoot a beaming grin at your boyfriend.  "Here's your coffee, babe," you push the drink in front of him.  Yeah, it's petty, but he's your man.
Todoroki follows through, wrapping his arm around you to pull you into his lap and placing a sweet kiss on your lips.  "Thank you, love."  He turns to the fan and you finally address them with a tight, polite smile.  "This is my one and only."
"O-Oh.  I'm s-sorry!"  After another stutters of an apology to both of us, the fan scurries off.
"Shouto sweetie."  He hums in response.  "I told you to make our relationship public earlier, didn't I?"
"Yes, love..."
Kirishima Eijirou
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Your lovely boyfriend Kirishima has the best fans in the world.  With such a courteous, respectable role model, you expected his fans to be just the same.  Whenever they say him in the streets, they would always ask him how he's doing, reprimand him for not getting enough sleep, thank him for his service, and sometimes offer letters or small tokens of appreciation.  He always gushes about how proud he is that his fans take after him.  It's like watching a proud dad praise his adult kids; it's endearing and wholesome.
On your way to meet Kirishima for your date, you spot him from across the street and wave.  He waves back, his sharp-toothed grin gleaming back at you as he waves.  He's about to cross the street and meet you halfway when he gets stopped by a fan next to him.  A proud smile plays on your lips as you cross the street to meet him.
Something isn't right with this fan, you notice.  The first thought when you see how tensed the fan is, you think they're about to strike him.  Instead, they bravely lean up and kiss the red-haired hero.  It makes you falter for a step, but you pick right back up, ready to stomp over there and give the fan a harsh talking-to.
Kirishima immediately backs away and puts some distance between them.  "Whoa there, I'm taken by someone already."  Once you approach, he turns to you and snakes his arms around your waist.  "There's my sweet baby," he purrs before capturing your lips in his.
Your stomach flips when it isn't as quick as you would have thought.  Kiri makes sure to make a show of it, moving his lips against yours in a controlled but dominating way before pulling away after a few kisses.  Your heads at the mini heated kiss, a little embarrassed that he did it in front of the fan, but you're not complaining.
The hero beams his signature grin as if he's done nothing.  "This is my baby, we're really happy together."
The fan is understandably flustered, turning red in the face out of secondhand embarrassment.  "O-Oh, I see.  I'm sorry about that."  They bow politely.  "P-Please enjoy yourselves," they manage to say before escaping down the sidewalk.
You lightly run your tongue over your bottom lip, his linger taste still present.  "That was unexpected, Kiri."
"But effective.  Nobody get away with that, especially right in front of you."  He squeezes your waist closer to him and smirks down at you.  "But it was pretty manly of me, wasn't it?"
You barely squeak out a reply, making Kirishima chuckle at your tinted cheeks before leading you off towards your date.
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subbing-for-clones · 4 years
Stranded Part 2
Savage Opress x Reader
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Word Count: 2.7k
WARNINGS: Mentions of death and decomposition, mental illness, fear terror and FLUFF
       Savage's eyes fluttered open to the sun shining brightly through the trans-durasteel panes that decorated the walls seemingly without rhyme or reason. The little one was frying some kind of thin meat strips on the stove and sipping hot caf. Without turning her head, she called over to him.
"How ya feeling?"
"Not great but better."
She turned and strode over to him, still laying down.
"I couldn't do this yesterday but I can today."
"What do you mean..?"
    She placed her hands on his bare broad chest and closed her eyes. A warm tingling sensation wafted over him. It felt like sunshine, utter joy and flying all at once. When she pulled away her eyes were a little fuzzy.
"It takes a lot of energy but you can transfer your life force to something and heal it. I was kinda low yesterday," she turned matter-of-factly back to the stove.
    Savage had only ever had painful experiences when it came to using the force or having it used on him. He hadn't ever thought of it as anything other than a weapon. He wanted to ask about it but shy away from the topic. Instead, he stood and stretched. He didn't have an ounce of pain. This woman who found him once again amazed him.
While the two unlikely pair ate their breakfast, her eyes didn't leave him, slightly squinting.
"You haven't been like this very long?"
"No. I was altered by the witches of my home world."
"Huh. Did you ask for this?" truly curious she stopped eating.
"No." she cocked a brow at his response, waiting for an elaboration.
"My species is subservient to our women. We live separately and go through deadly trials to be chosen by one for breeding or whatever they want really." He continued eating as the information he provided was simply normal for him.
"Was this..." she waved her hand at his body. "For breeding?" his cheeks slightly tinged in a deeper gold.
"No. I was chosen to act as a weapon for one of the sisters. She abandoned me when I didn't live up to the expectation." the woman noted as his eyes darkened. Wanting to change his mood she lightened up.
"Well, I'm happy you're here Savage. You have much to learn in the ways of the force.. you're strong but your energy is incredibly dark but you... you do not feel that way....." she trailed off in thought and muttered, "certainly an enigma. Very interesting," she tapped her finger against her chin.
    Savage's heart fluttered. He had never received any kind of praise from a female before and he didn't really know how to process it. His flush only deepened when she once again undressed in his line of sight, slipping on a shorter, loose grey dress.
"When you've finished, dress and meet me outside,” she skipped out the door and shouted something unintelligible into the trees.
    Savage silently hoped she wasn't completely insane while he quickly washed the dishes for her. He pulled on his pants and his long black kilt. Remembering that she had cut off his shirt for a sling he huffed and left the tattered remnant. When he came out, he saw what could've been a scene in a holovid. She stood with under a ray of sunlight, skin shimmering in the glow with a bright smile gracing her face. Her hands were pressed to the forehead of a green Varactyl while a dozen small song birds of every color fluttered around her.
"I think I should call you 'princess,'" he stepped forward cautiously.
She giggled melodiously.
"Mira here won't hurt you I promise. You think I look like a princess?" she flushed and batted her eyelashes.
"More than anyone else I've ever seen."
She extended her hand out to Savage.
"Come here," she cooed. He slowly made his way to her and took her hand. It was soft and warm, she held it for just a moment, running her thumb over his knuckles.
"Do not be afraid. Mira is a friend," she placed his hand where hers was just a minute ago on the Varactyl's head.
"Close your eyes and reach out to her with the force. Gently."
    He stood there for a minute before he felt anything. All of a sudden it felt like wind was rushing around him. He could see trees flying past him and a breeze danced against his skin. He leapt from trees, gliding through the air.
    She watched with satisfaction as his and Mira's eyes were closed and their breathing synced slowly. She felt their signatures meld for a moment. Savage pulled his hand away and looked at her wide eyed but grinning. Mira chirped happily beside him.
"Good, you made the connection. Rather quickly I might add. Mira is a receptive one. Very friendly. She's been with me a couple years now."
"I...I felt what she feels when she hunts," he was smiling at the creature fondly.
"Yes, that seems to be a favorite time for her."
"That felt much different than any other time I've used the force.... was that the light side?"
"I'm sure the Jedi would say yes but I am no Jedi. I don't see the force as light or dark."
Savage looked confused. Everyone called the force light or dark. The woman continued,
"Take a knife for example. In the wrong hands... a knife can take an innocent life, used to rob someone or threaten them other ways. However, in the 'right' hands it can be used as a medical instrument, carve wood or simply chop produce. I think of the force in the same way. The intent is what matters to me. Did you want to hurt Mira when you reached out to her?"
"No..no I didn’t," he stammered.
"That’s why it felt different."
    Savage understood what you were saying and turned back to Mira. The animal nudged him gently with her head affectionately.
"Let's go for a ride. I wanna finish stripping the ships you landed on. I haven't been to those ones yet. If you have anything else there, now’s a good time to get it."
    The woman strapped large bags onto the sides of the Varactyl. She hopped up onto Mira's back and once again extended her hand out to Savage. He climbed up and took his seat behind her. When Mira lurched forward, he gripped the woman's waist tightly so he wouldn't fall off and she laughed.
"Hold on tight handsome it's not a long ride but it's a turbulent one."
"A-alright princess."
      The added weight did nothing to slow Mira down. She was light on her feet and graceful. Leaping high into the air and gliding back down into the canopy. Princess whooped and cried out in excitement whereas Savage just held her tighter. His chest swelled with the rush. He was terrified but also having fun. He was a little disappointed when it ended and the ships were in sight. He slid off first and held his hands out for the princess. She beamed down at him and let Savage lift her by her waist with her hands on his shoulders. Her breath hitched when he pulled her down to him to set her on the grass underfoot. Quickly turning away to hide the heat rushing to her face.
"Alright, anything you wanna take, toss it in the bags. I'm gonna look through some of the others.”
    They parted. Savage always traveled light so he didn't have much to take with him. Some extra med gear and clothes, that was it. He hesitated in the cockpit looking down at the talisman that Mother Talzin gave him. It lay in pieces. He exhaled a silent apology, acknowledging that he probably wouldn't find his brother anytime soon. He slipped the pieces gently into his pocket and made his way out. After securing his few belongs in the saddle bag on Mira, he turned around to look for the princess. He could sense her nearby but couldn't see where she was.
He ran back to the hazardous pile of crashed ships.
He sighed relieved when she popped out behind his transport smiling ear to ear. His heart still pounding.
"It’s not huge but there's a Kriffing cargo ship buried under your transport and a fighter. Help me lift them. Cargos are gold mines."
    She stood shoulder to shoulder with him; well, shoulder to rib. Both of their arms were raised. It was shaky at first but they managed to move Savage’s large transport off to the side with the force. The fighter was much easier to shift. She grabbed his wrist and cried out excitedly, pulling him along to the sealed door.
"Could you cut it open with your saber?"
He smiled as she watched him ignite his saber and cut through the thick durasteel.
"Yes! Cutitopencutitopencutitopen!" she chanted excitedly and squealed.
Once he kicked the obstacle out of their way she shrieked and dove practically head first inside. When he entered, he was hit with the heavy scent of death. Four Weequay bodies lay scattered and half rotted around the cargo bay. Savage covered his nose with a disgusted look on his face.
The woman however didn't seem bothered by it as she sifted through the containers.
"This was a pirate ship... I haven't seen many of those," her whole top half was inside a rather large container while she spoke.
"Usually lots of credits, jewelry, spice.... not really useful to us right now but if we ever make it out of here, we'll be rich." He made his way to the sleeping quarters and took the standard med gear and hygiene supplies that was fairly standard to each room.
    When he came out, he found her pleasantly surprised as she held up some lovely dresses in bright colors to her form.
"I think I can tailor these to fit..." more thinking out loud than actually talking to him. She walked deeper, into the cockpit and tried to fire up the engine to no avail. She didn't have hope, it looked like they nose-dived into the ground anyway. She sighed and checked the common area.
    Rations, some cook ware in better shape than hers was, liquor... other odds and ends that would be decently useful. Savage found her holding a Sabacc deck.
"Do you know how to play?" She asked coyly?
"Yeah... some of the other nightbrothers taught me when I was a pup. Do you?" She shook her head.
"Well, I'll show you. We can play together." Her face lit up and something warmed in his chest that he'd never felt before. He pointed his thumb back towards the cargo bay.
"I found something you might be interested in.." she followed him; arms full. He fiddled with a small electronic box and powered it up.
"It won't connect to the net out here but it looks like there are some downloaded holovids,” he turned back to face her. She had dropped everything she was carrying and stared at him in amazement.
"I...I've never seen a holo-player out here before," he smirked.
"Well princess if you can charge it, we can see what's on it."
    The two of them loaded up what they had onto Mira. Princess did a thorough once over of the other ships. Finding a blaster with a decent amount of charges was the second best find next to the holo-player. They found a few sewing kits, more rations and med kits, and some crop seeds which also excited her.
They had ended up spending much longer than she wanted to searching through the wreckage. The sun was starting to set and it was falling fast.
"We need to get going. It gets dangerous at night... things come out.." she shifted uncomfortably on her feet looking up into the trees. Mira let out a quiet warning chirp. Savage lifted her up and put her on the Varactyl's back, climbing up behind her. This time when he held her waist it was more protective.
"I think I can sense them... what are they?"
Mira took off but it was slower, more cautious than when they came here to begin with.
"I don't know.. I've never seen them clearly. I know they have two arms, and three long sharp claws. Their hide is tough and... very rough. No fur.."
    Savage held his saber in one hand, not yet igniting it. He could see in the dark but these creatures still hid. The sky was a deep, dusty blue as dusk swallowed the atmosphere. It felt different at night. Like the air was hungry.
"I will keep you safe," he said as his eyes darted around. Once they broke the tree line it was only a short distance to the cabin. They unhooked the bags from Mira and she dashed behind the house up the barren hills, as far away from the forest as she could get. Savage and princess walked into the house.
"I've never seen them leave the forest. They've never come out of the trees into the clearing so the house and the yard are safe as well as the hot springs and hills behind us. Savage nodded in understanding.
"Stay here," his voice rumbled, "I'll fetch wood for the fire."
    She nodded before he left with his weapon in hand. Princess started putting away their various findings and set some rations out on the table. They were going to have to go hunting again tomorrow. She felt his shift in the force. Fear had a particularly unique wavelength. She took the blaster and right before could get to the door he kicked it open with his arms filled with wood. He hurried inside, dropped the wood and latched the lock. His face was blanched.
"Are you alright?" she asked slowly reaching for him.
"They just stood there. Behind the trees. Watching."
"You have night vision?"
He nodded and looked down at her.
"I... I’ve never seen anything like them. So.. gangly. Tall and.." he shuddered and shook his head, controlling himself. If she lived here for so long it was safe but when he turned back to face her, she had regressed.
"Beasts in the trees....." she still stood but her eyes were blown, her arms crossed over her chest; trembling.
"Beasts in the trees...." she repeated
He quickly gathered her up in his arms and sat on the bed. Her terror radiating off of her. He shushed her softly and rocked gently. With a finger under her chin, he tilted her face up to his.
"Come back to me princess," he whispered soothingly.
"It’s alright, you're safe. I will keep you safe. I've cut down bigger and scarier things in my life. My planet has a rancor infestation. I have you. It's alright," he continued to whisper and hold her until she came down. She splayed her hand on his chest over his hearts. Their strong beat acting as an anchor. She buried her face in his neck. Her breath hot on his skin.
That warm feeling pooled in his chest again. He ran his fingers across her forehead, swishing away the hair that had fallen over it. She finally pulled away to look into his eyes.
"T-thank you Savage... I don't know how much longer I could've lasted alone out here. I feel like I'm breaking as soon as the sun goes down." He thought about his next words carefully as he stroked her cheek.
"My people live in darkness. I have lived with and fought against its terrors all of my life. I swear to you I am strong enough to keep you from harm. Today I found myself... almost glad to have crashed here. Because of you, and what you can show me. But, mostly you princess," his face was hot. She pressed a tender kiss to his cheek.
"We should eat. You especially. I imagine you're starving. The rations aren't bad with the hot sauce I found," she smiled coyly at him.
    They ate in a comfortable silence. This time he watched as she slipped off her dress out of the corner of his eye. A feeling of want tingling under the surface. When they crawled in bed together, she wrapped her leg around him and lay her head on his chest. Listening to his hearts beat while he held her close to him.
She stayed like that all night and for the first time in years, she slept through the night.
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disneychannie · 4 years
biggest fan | b.baekhyun
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pairings: idol!baekhyun x idol!reader, mentions of member of exo, mentions of member of twice
warnings: none
a/n: my first time writing idol!reader like this and it’s kinda interesting! made it into a bullet point imagine i hope you enjoy it~
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- you’re a member of one of the biggest girl group out there! twice! queens! legends!
- you and your group just released a new album titled “yes or yes” and it has been getting great responses for fans
- coincidently exo had dropped their new album 3 days before your group did
- which meant that it’s going to be a huge competition since they were extremely famous
- but what you could think about was that you were gonna see byun baekhyun, a.k.a your crush for as long as you could remember now, at a music show
- one of the problem was that your members were gonna tease the heck outta you 
- and try to make it obvious as frick that you got a crush on him at the music show
- you are now at music bank with your members and obviously exo were there too, which meant that baekhyun was there as well
- that was the only thing you could think of and you wanted to smash against a wall 
- since you should be focusing on performing and you’re gonna f up the performance just because you know the boy you like is most probably gonna be watching you perform from backstage
- which made you xxtra nervous as you were one of the vocalists of twice and he was too so you wanted to make sure you don’t screw up a note
- you and your group mates were now at the cafeteria to eat after every artist there had perform before going up on stage to announce the winner of the day’s music show
- exo was sitting a few tables from yours and you could see baekhyun sitting at the corner of the seat 
- and your members decided it would be fun to rush to the table and fill up the seats and left the only seat for you which was the same row as baekhyun’s (i’m trying my best to make it make sense)
- so in a way the both of you are sitting next each other 
- but like 4 tables away from eachother
- you were minding your own business eating and scrolling your phone while your members were plotting what to them is a good idea to get baekhyun to notice you but for you a free ticket to embarrassment
- sana: wow Y/N, you look PRETTY AS HECK TODAY
- you instantly want to hide in a black hole forever
- good god that they didn’t notice (you think) but you did get stares from other artists there
- which was still embarrassing
-  they probably thought you and your group was crazy
- moving on the mc announcing the winners
- twice and exo were candidates for first place so both groups were in front of the stage
- all jokes aside you were anxious about who would win
- you and your group worked hard and winning first would mean a lot to you and your group
- but when they announced that exo won with tempo your hands automatically clapped for them with a genuine smile
- ngl of course you hoped that you would win but it was always nice to see other groups win as well
- your group and other groups that were there all head backstage as the exo members were doing their encores
- you couldn’t miss the smile you saw on baekhyun
- you thought he looked cute
- which then made you smile too
- once they were done with their encore you and your group were ready to head out back to your dorms when your manager stopped you
- “exo’s manager told me that baekhyun from exo wants to give you a signed album coz he knows you’re a big fan” - your manager
- “oh sht oh fawk oh man really?” - you
- your members were going “oooh” and “aaah” as you finally got the chance to talk and meet your crush
- face to face
- for the first time ever
- you were gonna shit yourself like literally
- anyways you followed your manager and there you saw baekhyun and his manager with exo’s album in hand
- your heart was going to explode you could feel your hands getting clammy as you got closer
- immediately you bowed to him once he saw you as he was a senior group
- he bowed back and smiled at you
- “i’ve heard that you were a fan of us and i thought you would like a signed album from us” - baek
- you were a stuttering mess but you eventually said thank you 
- “uh uhauha shhsuudhds thanks” - that was probably what you sounded like
- he then gave you the album and you wished it was like those cheesy webtoons you read where the lovers would brush their hands when scenes like this happened but it didn’t and you can’t lie but you were sad
- “oh and here’s a small note for you too” as he handed you a tiny folded paper 
- you took it before bowing one more time as the both of you part ways
- YOU WERE GONNA FALL INSTANTLY but luckily your manager was there from preventing you from getting a head concussion
- the members obviously wouldn’t live this moment down and was clowning you all the way to the van 
- during the whole ride you were admiring the album 
- if it was possible you wanted to tattoo his signature on your forehead
- you remembered about the small note and unfolded to see scribbled writing and a phone number
- “you’re cute let’s talk more”
- yeah you’re gonna have a heart attack
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
riddle, ace, deuce, and malleus watching a meteor shower w/ the reader
anon asked: hi! may i request hcs for a reader who's a super nerd for everything related to space and stars (as in. they'd talk about it for literal Hours if u'd let them) dragging out their friend (who maaybe has a crush on them lol) ace, deuce, riddle and malleus to stargaze after hearing there's gonna be a meteor shower that night, perhaps from astronomy class? how would they react, would they enjoy such an activity + how would they deal with such an excitable and odd person such as the reader? tysm!! 💖
im bacccccccc from deeeeeeeed,, hey guys how are y’all doing? i think this will be the last request i’ll do before i focus my attention on the summer beach bash writing collab event held by the amazing, the lovely @nonsensical-twistedriddles​ anyways i hope you all are doing alright and enjoy these headcanons ❤️
for a better visual/image of what the meteor shower is like, refer to kimi no na wa or episode 6 of violet evergarden “somewhere, under a starry sky”
headcanons under the cut :))
riddle rosehearts
being the dorm leader of heartslabyul means that he’s always busy and he has tons of things to do, so when you first approached him he was a little hesitant 
“i....i don’t know (y/n)...” “pleaseeeeeeee”
you gave him your signature ‘cute puppy dog eyes’ and that was when he knew he couldn’t resist, so he agreed
that night he was surprised to find himself in a hill at the back of the school. you had laid out a blanket and brought a couple of pillows and a telescope just in case. a couple books about the whole meteor shower, and books about stars and space in general were sprawled across the grass as well
“ah riddle! you’re on time!” “of course. those who are late have to be taught a lesson” 
you patted the empty space next to you and he sat down beside you
“i’ve actually read about tonight’s meteor shower in one of my books. it happens once every 300 years! i’m just getting super duper excited just thinking about it! the fact that i get to see a comet that happens once in 300 years! aaaah! it’s amazing!”
personally, riddle didn’t know too much about comets or meteors or just astronomy. he just knew what he needed to learn for the subject. but seeing you being so happy and hyped about the meteor shower made him want to learn more
as you continued to ramble, riddle let out a small chuckle, causing you to focus your attention on him
“sorry, sorry. it’s just...you’re so cute rambling about these things. please tell me more.”
riddle saw a light in your eyes as they seemed to sparkle and you continued
he didn’t really understand half of the things you were saying but he enjoyed it
“and...and then it said that-” your sentence got cut off as the meteor shower started. an array of colors filled the sky as the sight before your eyes was the most beautiful thing you’ve seen
you stood up and just gazed at the whole thing in amazement, riddle followed but half of the time, he was looking at you. he was amazed at how passionate you were in this and how he wants to see you smile like this all the time
“(y/n). thank you for inviting me.” “it’s no problem, really!” “they say that when two people who are truly in love are together gazing at a meteor shower...their love for each other will be known to both and it will continue to grow.”
riddle blushed and so did you. were you saying...?
“well it’s just an old legend, though. we should head back.”
the next day in class, riddle approached you out of nowhere and handed you something. it was a crystal necklace in the shape of a star
“i really hope there’s another meteor shower soon. and i want you to come along with me.” he smiled before quickly running to his own class. 
and as the legend went, after spending time with riddle during that meteor shower, your love for each other grew and grew 
ace trappola
“haaah? a meteor shower? what’s so interesting about that?” “oh come on ace! you owe me one anyways! remember that one time-” “okay! okay! i’ll go.”
truth be told, ace really doesn’t mind doing anything and going anywhere as long as you were there. but his big ego doesn’t allow him to agree that easily. 
 you were both snuck into the astronomy classroom and went out the window to the balcony. a perfect view of the meteor shower
“what’s so cool about this meteor shower, anyways?” “a lot of things actually!” you continued to ramble on about it
ace could care less about space, stars, meteors, all that jazz, but since you were the one talking about it, he really doesn’t mind. there was one sentence which grabbed his attention though
“tonight’s meteor shower is called ‘the falling stars’” “what? so like...stars come falling from space? or is it just one big ass star?” “no! it’s called ‘the falling stars’ because they say if you make a wish while gazing at the meteors, it’ll come true.”
“what the-that’s all-” “ace! it’s starting!”
he glanced up at the sky, and truth be told, he never saw a scene as beautiful as that. it was really as if the stars from the sky were falling down. 
“it lasts only for three minutes! hurry up and make your wish!” he turned his head to face you and saw your eyes closed and face scrunched up. some wish. “alright then~”
once the meteor shower ended you giddily asked ace what his wish was
“hmm...maybe i’ll tell you someday.” “what?! why not tell me now?!” “my wish is something you should figure out on your own.”  “what?! hey! that’s not fair! ace! wait for me!”
the next day, ace was delighted to find you skipping through the hallways with a bright smile on your face
“good morning guys!” you smiled to your two best friends. “what’s with the smile, (y/n)?” deuce asked you. “nothing! just feeling happy.” “so my wish did come true.” ace whispered to himself. 
“what did you say?” “nothing. now let’s get to class.” “ow! ace that hurt!” “it was just a playful slap, you big baby.” 
now what was ace’s wish, you may ask?
i wish for (y/n) to always be happy, and to let me see her beautiful smile on her face each day
deuce spade
“what!? it’s tonight?!” “jeez you never keep your eyes open in astronomy class, do you? but yes! it’s tonight. so we should go together, okay?” 
you and deuce were known to be the chaotic, nerd-like duo over these things. you were much more invested than deuce however, but he just likes to listen to you talk about it. 
he helped you up the roof of the ramshackle dorm where you both could get a good view of the sky
truth be told, you were trembling a bit. heights weren’t your thing and now here you were sitting on top of a roof which could’ve collapsed any second. 
you clung onto deuce’s arm, causing him to blush slightly but he assured you that you both were going to be fine
the sky changed from a dull dark blue to a bright, glowing purple and light blue, and you both knew that the meteor shower started
“it’s...beautiful.” the both of you whispered in amazement. you and deuce just stayed up talking about astronomy and how the both of you got interested in it as the meteor shower continued.
“you know something about this meteor shower?” deuce shook his head. “...no? what?”
“it says that you’re granted good luck if you’re under the sky of this meteor shower.” “that means everyone in night raven college gets good luck huh?”
“i don’t know. it’s not specific! they didn’t even say how long the luck lasts or...yeah. it’s just not specific. it’s just an old saying anyways.” you and deuce laughed. 
you both felt something slip under your feet. “uh oh.” it was a roof tile. 
this caused you both to slide from your position and started tumbling down the roof. 
“deuce! do something! summon something soft so we don’t fall!” “u-uhhh, okay!” 
it was his and your safety in his hands so he prayed that he was able to come up with something appropriate 
“i summon...a big fluffy pillow!” you and deuce managed to fall off the roof without any harm and landed on the pillow, slightly bouncing even
you both laughed in relief as the both of you were okay. “hey, you managed to summon something good!” “well..maybe it’s the good luck from the meteor shower.”
“and you know, i’m feeling pretty lucky. so...i can do this.” he leaned in and pecked your cheek. your cheeks instantly burned up as you buried your face in your arms. 
“deuce you idiot! you should consider being lucky that i don’t slap the heck out of you!” he just laughed at your cute behavior and attacked you with a big hug
you two ended up accidentally falling asleep on that big, fluffy pillow and you both woke up to find yourselves in each other’s arms 
malleus draconia
“(y/n).” he called out to you. “yes?” “i heard there’s going to be a meteor shower tonight.” 
“ah! yeah...about that. i was thinking...if you would want to come see it with me?” you fiddled with your fingers. “me? i’m...invited?” “yes! i wouldn’t want to invite anyone else in the whole world.”
malleus felt delighted and was just looking forward to that night. he didn’t really matter what else happened during the day. 
“but i don’t really know where we can watch it from. the other students are planning on watching it too...” “we can see it from the diasomnia observatory.” “WAIT, YOU HAVE THAT?!” you shrieked a little too loudly
“i mean....if you don’t mind.” “of course. it’s alright.”
you were shocked to find yourself in a neat and organized observatory. bookshelves surrounded the whole room and a big telescope was in the middle of it. “this is amazing...”
“you could always come here if you want.” “WHAT?! WAIT, REALLY?” you beamed as you followed malleus. “i know your love for space, (y/n).”
you mentally slapped yourself, was it always that obvious? am i just too loud about it? ugh damn it. 
“you shouldn’t worry about it. it’s fascinating to learn all about it.” you were always there for malleus when he was in depth into talking about gargoyles and you treated him with the utmost respect. you also joined in the conversation and actually asked him a few things. he wanted to do the same for you. 
“i was the one who invited you, yet here you are doing everything.” “i don’t mind...” if i can spend time with you, i’d do anything. 
“malleus, look!” you pointed at a golden glow coming from the sky. it was starting. 
you two stood in silence for a while, enjoying the view of the night sky and each other’s presence
“you know...i’ve seen this meteor once. when i was a child.” “really?” you scooted closer to him. “sadly, back then, i didn’t have anyone to enjoy it with. i didn’t have anyone who is as passionate talking about it as much as you. and now, i’m glad you’re by my side, (y/n).” 
“and i’ll continue to be by your side! i promise, we’re going to see as many meteor shower as possible! we’ll go stargazing, go chase clouds, everything! and--ah sorry. am i rambling too much?” 
malleus took your hand in his and placed a gentle kiss atop it. “hearing  you talk about these things makes me happy, (y/n). and i’m glad you’re by my side. i promise we’ll do all these things together. i’d do anything with you, as long as we’re together.” “thank you.” you smiled back (trying your best not to lose your composure)
and you both spent the whole night in the balcony, hand in hand, with your head resting on him as you watched the stars in the night sky and as the sky turned from a dark blue to a bright blue
just like the way you both wanted it to be 
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and now i wanna go stargazing uuuugggghhhhh or watch kimi no na wa/violet evergarden again efjwoejfowe. FAIRY GALA EVENT TOMORROW!!!! the best of luck to everyone who’s scouting !!!
love, a♕
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itsarealshitshow · 4 years
Stray Kids’ reaction to their best friend randomly admitting their feelings/asking them out
Requested by anon
Pairing: Stray Kids x reader
Warnings: None
Author: Admin Artemis
Bang Chan
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“Okay! Okay, my turn to pick the game!” You say after you finish laughing and you calm down. Tonight was game night with Chan, and you never get tired of the never ending laughter. “Let’s play truth of dare.. If you’re up for it.”
“Of course I’m up for it! That sounds like you’re trying to challenge me.” He points out in mock shock. You shake your head, but he beings the game without another comment. “Ok, would you rather lick peanut butter off a stranger’s feet, or lick a lolly pop that fell in dirt.”
“Both disgusting, but I’ll take the lolly pop one, because dirt is dirt.. can’t be any worse than PB & toe jam..” You both laugh at your comment before shivering at the thought. You take a deep breath before asking your choices, and speedily ask ‘Would you rather kiss me or Felix..” 
“Haha, oh definitely you.” He replies, laughing at the thought of kissing one of his best friends. 
“Prove it.” You say, with a smirk tugging at your lips. At this he stops laughing and stares at you in shock. He doesn’t know what to say and stutters a reply. Wide eyes frantically search your face, not knowing what to find. Your laugh knocks him out of his confusion, and he leans forward to kiss you. You freeze, and he freezes, wondering if you were actually serious, but when you kiss back, he smiles into the kiss.
Lee Minho (Lee Know)
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“Urgh,” you grunt, falling down once again during your practice, “I can’t seem to get this move right.” 
“Do you need help? Its a jump move, so I can spot you, make sure you don’t fall again.” Minho offers, gently pulling you back to your feet and laughing at your pouty face. He knows you don’t like messing up your choreography, and this particular dance was hard for you to learn. 
“Oh my, yes, thank you, that would be wonderful.” Your pout fades away in a sigh of relief when you hear his offer. You start the music again, and start dancing. Minho has watched you countless times, and knows the parts you struggle with, so he follows along easily and supports you when you need it. 
Your big jump is coming up, you prepare yourself. You concentrate on your steps, and your moves, but Minho’s hands grazes your waist at the wrong moment, distracting you. You misstep, and you prepare for impact with the floor. When you don’t feel the bang, you open your eyes, and breath a sigh of relief when you remember you had a spotter. Minho’s face is inches from your own, and you can feel his warm breath of your face.
“You should kiss me.” You breath out. His eyes go wide, and he drops you the last couple of inches to the floor and he falls backwards.
“Wha-woah-why? What did you say?” He stares at you from his tumbled position on the floor. You repeat your question, and he’s flabbergasted at your forward question. You smile and shrug, before pulling the both of you up off the floor. Now face to face, Minho seems to regain some of his confidence, and leans in, testing the waters. You quickly swing your arms around his neck, pulling him in, and seal your feelings with a kiss. After that, you go back to dancing, and you both work in harmony, permitting you to properly finish your dance.
Seo Changbin
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Out on your regular coffee run with Changbin, you notice how many people stare at him as you walk by. A handful of them were even bold enough to come up and ask for his number, which he gladly handed out leaving them with his signature wink and smile. You stood by watching them chat him up, completely ignoring your presence. You quietly comment on it, mentioning how popular he seems to be this morning.
“I mean, of course! Why wouldn’t people look at me? Have you seen me?” He asks, as he strikes some of his favorite ‘bad boy’ poses, making you laugh.
“I mean, can’t argue with that, you do look hot enough to kiss.” He laughs with that, continuing to flex and exaggerate his muscles and overall appearance. He looks up at you, and notices the blush that now cover your cheeks. He pauses, and realizes you were being serious with that statement. You lock eyes, but you quickly look away. You giggle at his poses, when they suddenly become less ‘dark Changbin’ and more ‘baby Changbin’ showing off his more adorable side. His cheeks flush pink as you continue your walk back. Your hand reaches out to his and you see his face go bright pink. You smile and reach up to kiss his cheek and watch his smile grow.
Hwang Hyunjin
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Snuggling up on the couch is one of your favorite things to do on a quiet evening. Especially when Hyunjin decides to join. The movie on the screen is a cheesy rom-com, the ones Hyunjin likes to tease you about, but you know that he secretly likes them just as much. Throughout the movie, silence usually fills the air, but when a romantic scene comes on, Hyunjin tries to diffuse the awkwardness by joking about how unrealistic and cheesy these scenes are. You turn around, raising your head from his lap, and give him a disapproving look.
“What,” he asks, “Oh come on, don’t tell me you like these things!”
“I do! And whats wrong with that?” You counter back. “They’re adorable, and sweet, and I always imagine doing that with my significant other.”
“Ohhh, you and what date?” He laughs at that. It’s widely known in your group that you’re the single friend who never dates. 
“Hopefully you, one day.” You mumble, hoping he doesn’t hear, and pout at your lack of relationship. Laughter follows your comment, and you realize it might not have been as quiet as you hoped. 
“You like ME! Ha! That’s funny,” he pauses, and you think he’s going to mock you, “because I like you too.”
Your head whips up to face him, and he smiles at you. You look for any hint that he may be taunting you, but he looks genuinely happy. You smile back and lay your head back down on his lap, reaching to grab his hand. Your fingers interlock, and your faces shine like stars for the rest of the movie.
Han Jisung (Han)
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“Hey, um, Han, can I talk to you for a moment?” you say shyly. The boys were very rowdy in the dorm, and Han barely heard the question, until he sees a nervous face looking back at him. He quickly stands up and you lead to another room, where no one was around to disturb them.
“What’s wrong,” Han asks gently, sitting down on a chair, “did something happen? What can I do to help?” y/n’s heart fills with guilt, knowing that if this didn’t end well, Han would be too sweet to loose as a friend, and his refusal would hurt all the more, despite him trying not to be hurtful.
“So.. I’ve been spending a lot of time here, right? With you and the boys. And well.. I don’t know how to put this without putting you in an awkward position, and I don’t want it to be awkward if this doesn’t end well, and then I come back, but I’ve realized something-”
“You have a crush on someone in the dorm.” he interrupts. The disappointment in his eyes is clear, his whole body slouches, “I’m happy for you, who is it?”
“You” His whole body tenses, and it goes dead silent in the room. His eyes look up, to make sure he heard that right. When he sees no doubt, he stands up and takes a step closer, until they’re face to face. He slowly leans in and kisses you. Both faces light up with joy.
“So..” he says, “is this the ending you had in mind?” 
Lee Felix  (Lee Felix or Lee Yongbok)
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“Oi Felix, wanna go out?” you ask, finally building up the courage. Felix stays lying on the couch, phone in hand, not looking up at his best friend. 
“Yeah sure, what are you in the mood for? We could order in too. Kinda in a lazy mood, but walking might do me some good, you know, gotta burn off all the calories in gonna get eating-” 
“No, on a date.” 
“On a date,” his curiosity gets the best of him and his head pops up, his eyes go big and round, “with who?” 
“um.. I w-was thinking me..?” you stutter shyly, hoping their friendship wasn’t just completely destroyed by this one question. Felix quickly stands up and hugs y/n, lifting them off their seat, spinning them around before he slowly sets them down. Shock covers both of their faces, but shine bright with smiles.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Kim Seungmin
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Seungmin quickly rushed past you in the dorm room, and straight into his room. He closed the door softly, trying not to attract the attention of the busy boys in the kitchen. You notice this, and quietly slip away, knocking on the door, waiting for permission to enter. You hear a soft ‘come in’ and open the door to find Seungmin curled up on his bed. He quickly sat up when he saw you, and and wiped his eyes, thinking you couldn’t see his tears. 
“Hey Seungmin, is everything ok?,” you say softly, placing an arm around his shoulder as you sit, “Is there anything I can help with?”
After a long silence, Seungmin laid his head on your shoulder, surprising you. It’s not that Seungmin never touches you, but he’s usually a ray of sunshine, always supportive and positive. Seeing him upset hurt you, and you wanted him to go back to his normal bubbly state. 
“I just feel like I can do more to make people happy. I want to make people smile, but I don’t know if I’m doing a good job.. Am I?”
“Of course you are! You’re the happiest person I know, and no one can frown when you’re around.” You reply, hugging his shoulders, trying to convey how much he means to you.
“You really think so?”
“I definitely mean it. I know for myself, you make me happy everyday. You make me smile, and laugh. And that’s why I like you,” you stare at him, waiting to see his reaction, and when you see his eyes go wide you repeat your confession, “I like you Seungmin, I always have... I think everyone everyone here knows that.”
“I- um, you do? You really do?” Seungmin asks, lost for words. He sits up and stares at you and a smile blooms on his face. You laugh, and nod. He wraps his arms around you and plops a kiss on your cheek. 
Right as he does, the door swings open and the rest of the boys tumble in, tripping and falling over each other, blaming each other for eavesdropping. Seungmin quickly stands up, and ushers them out of the room, but not before you see half of the boys wink in your direction.
Yang Jeongin (I.N.)
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You’ve always seen I.N. as the butt end of the boys jokes. He was the baby of the group, and the boys sometimes treated him like he wasn’t a grown adult. You never really thought much of it, you thought it was cute. But you slowly noticed that when people would ruffle his hair, or tell him how young he was, you’d see his shoulders fall, or his face twist in disgust. It was fast, and he’d be back to his normal self. 
One day, he sat you down and straight up asked you if he was dating material. In his head, he was a baby, no one would want to date him because they’d want a more mature person. You’re flabbergasted and never thought that that was why he acted so weirdly when treated as such. 
“I can assure you, you’re perfect dating material. And I know for sure there are many people who would line up to date you,” you state. And before he can argue you continue. “I know I would.”
His eyes go wide and he looks surprised at the words that leave your mouth. He quickly straightens up, trying to look more ‘adult-like’. You laugh at that, and feel him relax when you lean in for a hug.
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