#yes that might be a bit of leap but that's not the point
zorlovinghue · 1 day
Combat Scene for Cale Henituse
(TW: gore and body horror)
We all know that Vitality of the Heart could regrow limbs, and conversely every part of body so long the heart is intact.
Now we also know this knowledge was applied in a scenario where Cale was abducted and tortured somewhere in most cases.... And when we might succeed to find some where the authors used it in a fight, the number is a bit too infinitesimal to create impact that yes, this could work!
This never meant dismemberment need to be angst, well it is but hear me out for a moment, I'm speaking of the power of impact mid-fight.
Headcanon where the more Cale lost his limbs the more experienced he is in close-range battle.
Cale was pushed back at the force of the enemy, feet creating a crater to hold his balance, his fist clenched and firm as he lowered his shoulder in a stance to prepare for another launch.
His grips were vice, the bones stretched and broke from repetitive motion and locked in position. His right ear, where blood did not cease to drip after its lobe got cut off, itch and burn with white pain. Crybaby was swift in action, the regeneration happen too sudden for the enemy before him to regain their momentum.
Now newly reformed, his sense of hearing took a significant leap. The world rang louder than it ever be. The wind thick with dust and smoke swirled about, the earth pummeled beneath his feet, and his enemy's breathing.
His head ache from overload, yet his eyes sparkled in fierce vigor at the opportunity he now earned. Cale's reaction with each exchange grown incomparably faster, and the long battle finally found its breaking point.
Knlowing him, he'd find this to be extremely advantageous that he'd rather fight than to stand behind holding on his shield. And hey, this will be a good way to evade the dependence of his ancient powers.... somewhat? He still use them, but being more proactive in the front line of defense, to speak. He won't cough up blood, but his body got chopped up instead. The typical reaction of his family is the cherry on top.
Forget AOE attack I need him in close-range combat so bad I think my sanity will snaps.
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epicfirestormer · 2 years
Okay so I have no idea if anyone has pointed this out before or not, but I haven't seen anyone talk about it, so I guess I'll do it.
In Chapter 944, Kid says thay Killer wears a mask because he would beat up people who made fun of his laugh and decided to hide it by wearing a mask one day. Which is like, the weirdest reason I've ever heard.
How exactly does wearing a mask meant to hide his laugh?? It's not soundproof, we know that for sure, because 1. He talks normally and doesn't sound muffled at all, and 2. We can still hear his laugh. We see this in the raid during Act 3, multiple times. So, what's the point??
Is he functioning on the logic of "if no one can see me physically laugh, they can't make fun of me for it"? Which is like, I guess makes some sense, but still feels like a stretch.
Technically speaking, covering his face has close to nothing to do with stopping his laugh. Because it doesn't. It's to hide his face.
Killer wasn't made fun of because of his laugh. It was because of his face- or more accurately, his third eye. In this essay I will-
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sysig · 1 year
I haven't played the original Half-Life all the way through, but I played Black Mesa (the fan remake with updated graphics and whatnot) and apparently they cut the tedious parts of On A Rail down by quite a bit. It might be worth looking into if that's what made the game hard to get through! I really enjoyed it, personally ^^ I'm super excited to potentially see more Stanley Parable posts as well, since I got TSPUD recently and loved it! Congrats on the achievement!!
Oohh, sounds interesting :0 I'm a bit of a stubborn SOB when it comes to Games-I've-Already-Got haha, so I'll probably still try to see this version through, but thank you for the tip! Likely I'll need it if I ever want to subject myself to going back through to look for specific level details that YouTube videos simply will not pause long enough on lol
Congrats to you as well on getting to play Ultra! I still can't swing the price just yet, but I also refuse to engage in spoilers aside from quickly glancing away from thumbnails, darn algorithms knowing what I'm interested in, not giving a care about spoilers! Lol
But you can be sure to expect Stanley stuff, it's a game I love <3
#TSPUD is a funny acronym hehe#I haven't seen it initialized down until now but yes that is what it would be! It's very silly#I've got one of those mindsets of ''Well I have the game so I might as well beat it!'' haha#A symptom of not having that many games to begin with that has carried over#Even tho I have a lot more games now I still just want to beat the ones I've got!#There's also something to playing the original and then making the technological and story leap to 2 that I'm looking forward to :)#Even if currently it's frustrating XP I'm frustratinger! I'm stubborner! You won't best me game! Haha#If I'm wont to play Star Control II but for realsies at some point - hell I got frustrated multiple times at Deltarune!#But I still powered through!#It's part of the game experience I think :D I don't have to enjoy it but I do want to give it a fair shake lol#Anyway anyway lol ♪#Jelly to the people who've gotten to play so far! Ah!#I always feel a bit behind the curve haha but that's alright :) I've finally gotten the first main release back!#It's a game that I already know that I love so why wouldn't I want to play it again hehe#Lots of classics :) Like the Sims 2! Which speaking of in maybe a rather unrelated way lol -#I got my first magic lamp! I've never gotten one before! My cheat never worked so I was alway like ''What is this'' haha#I got one! And there's still mystery to it! After all these years I'm still seeing new things <3#The Stanley Parable#Half Life#The Sims#WPVG
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normansnt · 8 months
The Prince pt.2
(Alastor x prince of hell! Reader)
Warnings: couple fight, kinda depression but nothing major, ehhh I think thats it.
Also Alastor might be a bit OOC but like who cares let me be delusional🫡
It has been two months now since you and your dad visited your sisters hotel and you met Alastor.
Since then life has been amazing. You and Alastor continued to meet up in coffee shops and bars.
Of course you didn't tell your father since he would freak out.
However is has happened don more than one occasion that you spent the night in Alastors room at the hotel telling your father that you were just visiting Charlie.
Nothing happened of course since Alastor was asexual, and it took quite some time to get him comfortable with physical touch in general.
After he got used to it though it turned out he loved it. Only with you, but he loved it.
One of your favorite activities together is, in fact, cuddling.
Which you were doing right now as well you sitting in his lap in one of his arm chairs both of you reading books.
Alastor stopped reading for a second, and looked at you.
Since the meeting at the hotel a lot has happened. A lot that surprised even him. He has no idea he could get into e relationship let alone with someone as amazing as you.
Around the beginning of the second month into your relationship you got into a fight.
You wanted him to drop the act and open up to you because if he doesn't this relationship will never work.
And obviously he didn't want to. He has spent years building up his very carefully crafted facade. And who knew if you would still love him.
After that argument you didn't see each other for a week. Which was hell for alastor. Yes, he lived there but being away from you showed him what it was like for other people.
The pain in his heart was something he has never felt before, perhaps when his mother died but that was so long ago he could barely remember.
He woke up with that blinding pain in his chest and he thought is was just a temporary thing, so he went along his day.
Only to notice that the pain did not lessen or go away. It was there constantly and got worst whenever someone mentioned you.
After 3 days spent like this he could take it no more he went to you fathers house and requested to see you.
He knew that Lucifer didn't know you guys were together but he didn't care at this point he needed to see you and frankly he refused to do it over a little buzzing box.
Your father was of course as confused as one can be. What the fuck was the radio demon doing here wanting to talk to you.
They were about to get into another fight when you turned up.
Alastor froze when he saw you.
You were, even nicely speaking, a mess. Your hair was not as well kept the sleepless nights could be seen in your eyes, and you were wearing your pjs, which was one of Alastors shirts, from the few he owned.
Alastors didn't even spare another glance at your father he pushed him out of the way took your hand and led you to your room where you guys talked things out.
He didn't open up fully, but he stopped grinning. Which was already a huge step for him.
He promised, though, to open up to you more and more he just needed time.
And you were ok with that.
After he finished his sentence you leaped into his arm and kissed him which he eagerly returned. Missing the feeling of your lips on his.
He was staring at you. For a long time now and you were getting worried.
"Are you ok?" You asked while cupping his cheek.
He took the hand that was on his cheek and kissed your palm that put that hand on his chest where his heart would be if he had one.
"Oh, I'm quite alright dear, just thinking." He answered than leaned in for a kiss.
Your lips met and this kiss was not quite like the others.
Alastor but all the feelings he couldn't say into that one kiss stealing your breath. You felt the things he was to closed off to share and you understood why it would take him time.
After you parted you gave him another quick kiss which made him chuckle.
Oh, yeah when Alastor visited you, Lucifer found out about you two, and since than...well lets just say Alastor enjoys tempting him with it to no end.
No cuz in all seriousness my hazbin fics have gotten so much love and I just wanna thank you guys so much😭🧡🧡
I hope you enjoyed your reading Ladies, gentleman and other, good afternoon good evening and good night.🦖🧡
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whateverisbeautiful · 21 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#43: The Good Life (1.05)
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gif cred: @nerd4music
The vibes of this whole sequence are so good. The good life truly. 🤩And Say Yes has always been a comfort ep for me, so I love that this montage has such Say Yes energy and parallels. If ever I need a pick-me-up this tranquil series of clips from Richonne's road-trip home will lift my spirits every time. I love the way this montage depicts that in finding each other again, Richonne refound the best, most at peace parts of themselves 😌...
So after that teaser with Father Gabriel, we get our babies back on screen. And it hit me that Episode 5 is the first time there are even scenes that don't feature Rick and Michonne. In episodes 1-4 of TOWL, Rick, Michonne, or both are on screen in every single scene apart from that one episode 2 teaser. Which I was very much in support of this as a long-time card-carrying member of the Give-Richonne-More-Screentime ministry. 😊
After how excellent the plot, pacing, and dialogue were in episode 4, I will say that ep 5 & 6 are a bit clunkier in those areas to me. But one thing is for sure, the Richonne content in ep 5 & 6 is still solid gold.
While these last two eps are ranked lower than episodes 1-4 for me, the good moments in these last two episodes aren't just good, they're great and include some genuinely Top 10 worthy Richonne scenes. So we definitely have to break it all down.😇👌🏽
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
The montage starts with that yellow truck turning the corner and then they just get right into the good vibes and romance as we see Richonne calmly driving.
I love that they use 'The Good Life' by Tony Bennett to set the mood. Rick and Michonne both just look so relaxed and happy and it’s super refreshing to see. 🥰
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gif cred: @msanonships
After everything they’d gone through thus far it was so nice to arrive at a point where Rick and Michonne are back in sync and as connected as ever.
I love the way Rick seems so content and peaceful with his hand out the window. Michonne has that man feeling on top of the world again. 😋 And then it’s so sweet the way he looks over at Michonne and the way she smiles back at him while driving. All is well with their soul and mine. 😌
Then we get one of my favorite Richonne actions ever when Rick takes her hand and kisses it. ���� It’s perfect.
I love the lingering depth of this hand kiss and that it’s such an illustration of how much Rick loves and cherishes Michonne. It was another soul kiss. And you can just tell how much peace Michonne brings Rick. She’s like his medicine. The cure to his anxiety and to his life. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @msanonships
Something I so appreciate about Richonne is how every moment like this feels like such an organic outpouring of love in their hearts. And it feels like it’s the exact thing they both needed. Like Rick is offering Michonne so much love with this hand kiss but you can tell it’s also for him too, because she brings him so much peace and happiness and calms any anxiety he might have about really being able to break away from the CRM this time and go home.
This might be the furthest Rick has got in terms of actually breaking free from the CRM and heading home. I know he knows it has everything to do with Michonne that they’re making it this far and actually going to get home this time because they can do anything together.
I appreciate how this hand kiss is just one of the many ways Rick’s romantic heart so naturally wants to show his love and that Michonne is so receptive to it. Like the way she looks at him while he kisses her hand. They really know how to make the love they have for each other leap off the screen. And I know she knows that her Rick is fully back by him doing this.
The song lyrics that play say “don’t try to fake romance” and truly this is just giving authentic romance. Richonne's hand kisses in Say Yes were always so incredibly sweet to me so I love that we have another precious one to add to the list.
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I also love that now that Rick isn’t trying to shut Michonne out, he’s immediately back to loving on her every second. This is how Rick loves.
I appreciate that Rick and Michonne immediately started living out that sentiment to love on each other as hard as they can while they can. Loving on each other is what they're both so good at doing. And the way they love is beautiful. 🥹
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gif cred: @coalfires
So then they pull up and find all those ramen packs because the universe loves them some Richonnne. And y’all, I adore that they are matching again. 😊 It’s another signature Richonne thing. And it's great how they aren’t just matching in the same general color - no they're basically both wearing the exact Pantone shade, honey. The best. 😋
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And Rick and Michonne are just at their all-time adorable when the noodles fall out of the trunk and they excitedly laugh and pick them up. Michonne looks like such a cutie when she holds up a pack and amusedly addresses their punny name “Tasteful Noods.”
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gif cred: @perryabbott
And Rick looks like such a cutie laughing and just seeming happy to be there. I love that they always bring out such a smiley playful side of each other. 😊
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Another thing I love about TOWL whenever I think about it is how Rick and Michonne's journey of refinding each other was never rooted in questioning if they're still compatible as a couple. After nearly a decade spent apart, some characters who aren't soulmates could have easily changed too much and been unable to rekindle this type of comfortable passionate chemistry so quickly.
But while Richonne had to navigate the way their circumstances had impacted and altered them, they still always operated like they knew the other was their person and the love of their life. And now that they've risen from their ep 4 timeout stronger, they're so effortlessly back to being best friends & lovers.
That's part of why I love how passionately Richonne kisses in their episode 2 reunion scene because they didn't have to hesitate, wait, or wonder how the other felt about them after all these years. Without even needing to verbally confirm it, they immediately knew the love, chemistry, and connection they have was alive and as strong as ever.
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But back to this heavenly episode 5 montage - We get a sweet moment of the two having dinner together and I’m just smiling from ear to ear yet again. 😁
I love how this montage moment really highlights how far Rick and Michonne have come in their journey since that season 4 moment beside a fire.
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Also, in the TWD series finale when Rick and Michonne were both writing letters alone by a fire, I remember just feeling like I cannot wait for them to be side by side again and it was lovely to see that time finally come. 🙌🏽
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During this dinner in front of the mural, they’re both looking out at something but I can never tell what exactly. And then Rick puts his arm around Michonne and I love that he looks over at her first, watching her taking in whatever they’re seeing like maybe another mural/painting or something idk. Either way, Michonne is clearly the true view to Rick. 🥰
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And then Michonne turns to him with the sweetest smile as they share a kiss and I just love how warm this whole moment is. It's great how they take a moment to just smile at each other before having yet another kiss infused with passion. And the way they get lost in this kiss - equally addicted to each other. 😊 They’re so blissfully in their Richonne bubble and it’s great to see. 
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gif cred: @lousolversons
As they drive along the scenic road they also come across a vending machine and I love how their movement is so synchronized as they look from the vending machine to a walker with a sword stuck in its neck. See how the universe always wants to provide the things Richonne needs? 😋
Also, what this episode really hammered home is that Richonne communicates with words pretty much for fun, because they’re entirely capable of having whole conversations by just looking at each other.
And in this moment they both immediately get the same idea at the same exact time to use the blade in that walker to hack through the vines covering the vending machine. And they’re so cute and determined as they go to take care of it.
Clearing out the vending machine was clearly a success as they cut to Richonne back in the car while Rick chugs a soda. And even the soda moment shows that he’s really released a lot of the stress he was carrying in the first four episodes and just seems so at home. And of course he seems at home because his home is right next to him looking beautiful while driving. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Also, you always know you’re truly comfortable with someone when even just sitting in silence together brings you peace and I felt that from them in these car clips.
Then this heavenly montage wants to make me teary by having Rick take out the phone with the image of Carl and just take a moment to appreciate it. Again, Rick loves his son so much. 🥲 I'll forever be moved by the love this father has for his boy.
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It's heartwarming that Rick gets so much comfort from these images of his family. And it really is one of the greatest things Michonne’s ever done for him by giving him this drawing that brought his son's face back to him.
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I love that Michonne looks over at him and gets to again see how meaningful having this piece of Carl is for Rick. The way she looks from the phone to him, both those Grimes boys forever have her heart. 🥹
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(And she knows soon Rick will get to meet the third Grimes boy, RJ. 🥲)
I think about the OG Richonne episode Clear when Michonne was behind the wheel as Rick sat silently beside her with a hand out the window. Now, years later they do the same, no longer strangers but soulmates.
The biggest difference between the two moments is Carl is right there with them in the back of the car in Clear, and now in TOWL he's with them through a phone portrait. 🥺
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Carl would be so proud of Rick and Michonne for finding their way back to each other and finally going home together. 🥲
Also just looking at Rick and Michonne in this car heading home, y’all, we really made it. 😭 All those years without them and we really made it to a point where Rick and Michonne are back on a road trip home together and at peace. And so I just adore this whole opening sequence for perfectly painting the picture of their travels home and how in love they are at every turn.
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
Rick and Michonne looked so refreshed with vacation vibes as they finally got to just enjoy each other without the threat of the CRM nearby. Beyond here for it. 😇
Then, as they drive they come across a souvenir shop...and it’s there we get another one of my absolute favorite TOWL scenes. 👌🏽😌
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luveline · 1 year
hi hii jade! i hope to not bother u at all but can i ask a request for miguel being with harley quinnfem!reader? like she’s sweet, giddy and a bit girlish but at the same time vicious and extremely violent. maybe miggy likes it a bit too much being with her but gets annoyed seeing her tiny outfit during the mission. u don’t have to do it if u don’t wanna! thank you !!🤍
thank you for your request, i love it!! I'd love to write more for this pairing ♥
—harley quinn-esque fem!reader reports for duty wearing less material than usual, to miguel's misfortune. 1k
"And what," Miguel says, looking you up and down apprehensively, "is the point of that." 
It should be a question, but it doesn't sound like one. He is genuinely shocked by what you're wearing, among other things, and it takes a lot to shock him. Your top half is decent in sense of the word, a skin tight black t-shirt with a pink spider taking perch on your sternum, legs curved over and under the shape of your breasts. Your skort (and it better be a skort, or Miguel is in trouble) is high-waisted and matching in black. A slice of your midriff exposes itself when you move. 
"You don't like it?" you ask, putting on a pout that shouldn't suit you but absolutely does. 
"It doesn't do anything." 
"Well, I figure there's no need to conceal my identity when we're visiting other dimensions," you explain. 
Miguel thinks the thing that irks him most about you is that your sweetness —made up of pretty smiles and girlish whims— is authentic. You tease and twirl, you're prone to dramatics and theatrics alike, but you genuinely are a very loving girl. Especially toward him. 
"It doesn't conceal much of anything." 
"Are you trying to say something mean?" you ask. 
"Depends on your definition." 
"Could you say it in Spanish?" you ask.
"Why?" He crosses his arms across his chest, looking down his nose at you in a look he hopes says you aren't half as subtle as you think. 
"Please, Miguel." You frame your face in two hands, long, naked lengths of your arms shining with a shimmery lotion in the laboratory lighting. "Indulge me." 
Don't I always? he thinks. "Depende de cual sea tu definición," he says. "Tu atuendo es más cruel que cualquier cosa que pueda decir." Your outfit is crueller than anything I can say.
"I hear 'cruel,'" you say, "but surely you can't be talking about me?" 
"The portal's ready," Margo says, a purple image in the corner of his eye. 
"Thank you, Spider-Byte," he says, nudging you toward the platform. For the work and the end of a dangerous conversation.
You rush up onto it and Miguel follows, ignoring the spin you make with your face turned up, watching as the portal begins to form around you, orange fractals that lock you in. 
You project from one place to the other. It's best to take a running start, and there's yards to be traversed until you meet the rendezvous point. 
"Where's the Vulture?" you ask excitedly.
"Around. Watch out, he might have Tinkerer with him." 
"Two for the price of one!" 
You stretch your arms up high, exposing your stomach, fine hair shimmering in the sunshine. Miguel's annoyed because he's weak enough to be distracted, but he'd rather blame you. 
"The point of your suit was to keep you safe," he says. "I designed it to protect you." 
"I like my skirt much more," you say, spinning again. 
So does Miguel. He looks up into the sky with a scowl, confused as to where the Vulture and his henchmen are. They're supposed to be right here, which can only mean— 
You leap for Miguel with your baton extended, the little heart sceptre piece atop of it striking the Vulture square in the jaw as the villain descends. With a spatter of blood, a shining white tooth flies across the open air, and you love it. You shake with excitement, his hands against your ribs to stop you from falling. 
"Yes!" you cry, jumping out of his arms and whacking the Vulture again. You're lucky: you manage to hit him in the eye as he retreats, prompting an outraged and pained scream that shakes the trees surrounding. "You suck!" You batter him like he's a pear under your pestle. 
"Y/N, that is more than enough," Miguel chastises, though the sight of you satisfied and in control is one that twists his guts. 
"Box him in, Miguel!" you call, blood dripping down the sceptre and onto your bare hands. 
"Woah." A third voice echoes as feet touch down to the ground, the wet thwap of webbing like an anchor, the Tinkerer deposited at Miguel's feet. "Who the hell are you guys?" asks Spider-Man.
"It's hard to explain," you say. 
"It's not," Miguel says. 
"Is she… on our side?" Spider-Man asks, eyes of his suit widening with a mechanical clicking. 
"When she wants to be." 
"I'm definitely on Miguel's side!" you say, raising your baton to give the downed Vulture another whack. He groans and raises his hands. You giggle at the fear on his face and twirl your baton around in a circle above your head. "Just kidding." 
"Y/N, come here. Now." He wouldn't be so forward in his command if you weren't as prone to ignoring him as you are. 
You traipse to his side, putting your hands on your hips to mimic him. 
"That was quick, huh?" you ask, looking up into his face. No matter your act, he can see the want for approval in your eyes. 
"Eres muy linda," he says. You're very cute. 
"What does that mean?" you ask, eager for praise. 
"You did great," he says. 
"I think you're lying," you say, and his heart skips as you lean into his space with a knowing smile, "'muy' means I did really great, right?" 
"Actually–" Spider-Man begins. 
Miguel waves a hand at him. "You did really great," he confirms. He doesn't need Spider-Man telling on him.
"And I didn't need all that extra protection after all," you say, sliding under his arm. 
Miguel doesn't react. The Vulture groans and Spider-Man hits him with a web to make sure he doesn't get far. 
"You like it really," you whisper.
Miguel glares at you. Of course he likes it. He just hates how much danger you're potentially putting yourself in. He double hates the appreciative up and down Spider-Man gives you when he thinks no one's looking.
"You have blood in your hair," Miguel says. 
"You can wash it out for me." 
He takes a calming breath. 
"Hey, guys? Do you mind explaining what the hell is going on here?" Spider-Man asks. 
You both ignore him for different reasons, you with an adoring smile sent Miguel's way, and Miguel with a long-suffering sigh as he summons a temporary entrapment for the bloodied Vulture and his squirming lacky.  
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illunicae · 3 months
What Could He Do? Should Have Been a Father But he never even made it to his twenties
The title is deceivingly sad, I promise this is just some pure father's day fluff that just happens to be set in the Kraang apocalypse timeline. (Ao3)
Pairing: Donnie x Reader
TWs: None really, though it does take place in the kraang apocalypse
Happy Father's Day to everyone celebrating.
You often imagined these days in a world where the sun wasn’t bleeding red. Where the green trees still stood proud against the winds and the air was crisp with summer breezes. You imagined taking your daughter to the park where she would sit on her father’s shoulders and point at every little thing that caught her attention.
The view outside your window may not be the most inspiring sight, but truthfully all you needed today was your family. With them, you could pretend everything was all right.
“Mamma! Mamma!” Your daughter comes racing around the corner of the hall. When she reaches you she goes quiet, “Is papa asleep now?” Lenore asks with a whisper.
You smile warmly and nod. It had been a bit of a chore, but with a little convincing and literal dragging, you managed to pull your stubborn husband out of his lab for some much needed rest. Donnie claimed he wasn’t tired, but the moment his head hit that pillow he was out like a light. “Yes, he’s asleep right now.”
“Perfect.” Lenore grins and gets a gleam in her eye that matches her father’s perfectly. You really should have known you’d have two mad scientists running around. 
“My light, what are you planning?” You ask. 
Lenore grins, her eyes shining as she grabs your hand and begins pulling you down the hall. She pulls you down a familiar stretch and into the lab as the doors open with a hiss. She pulls you through the lab to a back corner, her little tail wagging the whole time.
When she finally lets go of your hand she speaks. “I found something and I wanna give it to papa today, but I needed him out of the lab.” She explains as she kneels down and grabs a box out from under her desk, which is messy with blueprints and parts. The box is worn but on it you can see your daughter’s handwriting. Papa Keep Out!
“What did you find?” You ask softly and curious.
Lenore freezes for a moment before turning with a sheepish grin. Now you’re slightly concerned. “Please don’t be mad, Mamma.” She pauses a moment before taking a breath and spitting it out like a curse. “But I went into the city.” 
Your eyes went wide. “You what? You know that’s incredibly dangerous. When did you? Why?”
“Cj was with me, we were fine.” Lenore says. 
“You’re both only 10 years old!” You exclaim, “You can’t run off on your own. And you know you’re now supposed to go into the city.”
“But if I didn’t I wouldn’t have found this!” Lenore explains and opens the box. “I think it might have been papa’s from… the Before.”
Your heart leaps into your throat and you choke on a gasp when you look down and see what was in the box. A million thoughts raced through your head trying to make sense of what you were seeing. Tears threaten to spill over your cheeks as your throat runs dry. “Shelldon?” 
The name is a broken whisper on your tongue as you kneel down next to your daughter to get a better look at the drone in the box. One of his rotors is missing and he looks incomplete, but it is, without a doubt, Shelldon. You thought you’d never see him again. Donnie had been in the middle of rebuilding him when the Kraang attacked. They had lost a lot of stuff from the lair that day, including Shelldon.
You gently pull the little drone out of the box and glance to your daughter for an answer. 
“I found him under the city. We were exploring. We were just looking for old tech, I wanted to bring something back for papa. We found this old place that looked like it was half caved in. I found the drone under some rubble. It looked like something papa would make, so I brought it back. I’ve been fixing it. I wanna surprise him with it.” Lenore explains as she twists and plays with her fingers.
You laugh as some happy tears slip down your cheeks and you rub your thumb over the little drone head. Your smile is bright as you look up and pull your daughter into a hug. “Oh my little light, you are full of surprises.”
Together the two of you work to fix the rest of Shelldon before Donnie wakes up from his forced nap. While working you share a few stories with your daughter about the little drone. She’s particularly fond of the one where Shelldon ran away to join the Purple Dragons. The stories only work to build Lenore’s excitement and she works fast, both eager to meet Shelldon and surprise her father. 
“Moment of truth.” Lenore whispers as she closes up the battery port and makes sure everything is in the right place. She nods to you, and you tentatively reach out and press the little on button. Slowly you see the glowing red eye “blink” open. You can’t school the grin on your face as Shelldon wakes up and looks at you.
“Hey Shelly.” You smile and pet his head softly. His rotors jump to life as he speeds off the desk, nearly sending you stumbling backward as you catch him against your chest. 
“Mom!” It’s a hug you never believed you'd feel again as you hug your robotic son. When he pulls away and hovers in the air before you, his head tilts. “You’ve gotten older. So much older.” 
You nod. “Yeah a lot’s happened Shelly.” You gesture for your daughter to join your side. She steps closer with a shy grin. “But first I’d like to introduce you to Lenore. My daughter…your younger sister.”
Lenore waves and Shelldon’s eyes brighten as he swoops down to be face to face. “Woah!” He waves his front rotor. “Hi! I’m Shelldon.” Lenore’s grin grows as she too says hi.
Shelldon and Lenore hit it off immediately. Lenore is fascinated with the little drone and Shelldon asks Lenore lots of questions. It does funny things to your heart watching your son and daughter interact. 
“My little light, I’m going to go get your father now, are you ready?” You ask. Lenore nods her head enthusiastically. Shelldon’s rotors whirl with excitement as well. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” You laugh and step out of the lab.
Your heart is racing with excitement as you quickly travel the halls leading back to your room. When you get there the door is opening up and a still half asleep looking Donnie is stumbling out, but for the most part he looks well rested. 
“When you coerced me to bed I was under the impression that you’d be joining me.” He mumbles when he sees you.
You chuckle and straighten his mask. “Sorry Dove, I was helping Lenore with something.” 
He perks up a little at that. “Oh? Pray tell what it is you two were working on.” 
Shaking your head, you grin up at your husband. “I’m afraid that is a surprise our little light has put together for you. So if you would follow me, I’d told her I would retrieve you.” 
Donnie raises an eyebrow as your offered arm and follows you through the halls. He picks up on the familiar path to the lab right away. “Ah. Is that why you wanted me out of the lab so badly?” He teases.
“It was a part of it maybe, but you really did need the rest.” You shrug. “Killing two birds with one stone.” Donnie hums as you reach out at tap a few times against the door of the lab. You can hear your daughter’s hushed voice whispering before she calls out for you to enter and the doors slide open.
Lenore is standing there in the middle of the lab, her hands slipped into the pockets of her overalls and her goggles resting atop her head. She truly looks like a carbon copy of your husband. Hovering by her side is Shelldon who looks five seconds from running Donnie over.
Donnie has frozen stiff by your side as he sets his gaze on Shelldon. You can practically see the thoughts turning in his head and the emotions swirling in his eyes. “Shelldon?” Like you, the name is barely a whisper on his lips. “How?”
“Dee!” Shelldon shouts and races forward. Also like you, Donnie’s arms automatically wrap around the small drone. 
“How?” Donnie asks louder.
Lenore steps up to answer. “I found him. I had a feeling he was yours from the Before. So I fixed him up the past few weeks.” She explains.
Donnie’s eyes are wide as he looks between Lenore and Shelldon. His gaze falls back to you and you just smile and nod. “This was all your daughter, I had no idea until a few hours earlier.”
His grip tightens on Shelldon. “Shelldon. Shelldon.” All Donnie could do is repeat the name like a mantra, like he can’t quite believe it’s real. 
“I missed you too Dad.” Shelldon says, resting his head on Donnie’s shoulder. The two stay in silence for a moment as Donnie takes it all in. You stand beside Lenore with your hand on her shoulder as she watches the interaction while her tail wags. 
“You did good, my light.” You whisper to her. 
“I like seeing him happy. I like seeing you both happy.” Lenore says as she turns to you. You smile and bring her into a hug. When you part, Donnie has also let go of Shelldon to inspect the work Lenore did, to which Shelldon shows off with pride. 
Donnie glances at Lenore, who stands there beside you fiddling with her hands. He takes a step toward her and kneels down to pull her into a tight hug. “Thank you.” 
“Happy Father’s day, papa.” Lenore responds as she hugs him back just as tightly. Both you and Shelldon are pulled into the hug as well and the four of you hold onto each other tightly. Your family is one hundred percent complete now: your son and daughter in your arms and your husband holding you close. Peace is a rare treat these years, and you’re determined to hold onto this moment for as long as you can. 
Maybe you do dream about the memories you’ll never have: walks in the park with your children, lazy days in, board game nights, walking your daughter to her first day of school. But those will just be dreams. Right here and now is all you need.
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drconstellation · 9 months
Come Back When You Can Make A Whale
This is going to contain some speculation for S3, so you know what to do! Or not do!
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SITIS: What did God say? JOB: Um... I'm not sure. I didn't understand much. Things too wonderful for me. Ostriches came into it. SITIS: Ostriches? JOB: And whales. God's very proud of the whale. Went into some detail about... how great whales are. SITIS: But did They explain? JOB: [shakes head] I think the point was, if you want answers, come back when you can make a whale.
Whales, huh?
If you aren't well read, this could be quite the misdirection. It should be reasonably obvious, given who is doing the talking - Job - what he is actually referring to, then we can join a couple of dots to make some speculative leaps.
You still with me?
No? Then let us start with how do you make a whale?
By giving it another name.
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Chapter 41 of the Book of Job is all about the Leviathan, a great sinuous sea serpent with impenetrable scales and breath like fire. It sleeps beneath the sea until the end of days. Over time it came to be associated with any sea monster, then anything large, and what is the largest animal ever known to have lived? The whale.
The top of the matchbox is also worth a look. We have a skull and crossbones, which is classic Memento mori symbolism, fitting in with the resurrection theme of the Second Coming - but look at the way the address of the pub is spelt! Now, this not the same way it is spelt on the record single Maggie gives to Aziraphale; Goatgate is spelt as one word, not two. A little bit of searching reveals the meaning behind this fictional address that backs up and reinforces the quote on the side of the matchbox.
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Strong's Concordance for 66 gives us "wild, savage, fierce." Goatgate is an interesting one, because it turns out to be a relatively modern term from the urban dictionary, and I'm just going to refer to the polite version of it here - it's another word for "mouth." So 66 Goatgate is a "fierce and savage mouth." Yes, that does sound about right - in more ways than one, once you know who it is. (If you want to look up the impolite version, go ahead - I'm sure you will still find the connotations very amusing.)
Our metaphorical Leviathan is Crowley. He gave the game away at the end of S1 during the appearance-swap.
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This also means Aziraphale is his counterpart, Behemoth. Why - well, I made a bit of joke in my post here that he was playing at being a "river horse" while he wallowed in the bath of holy water during his part of the appearance-swap scene. Modern day scholars think the description of Behemoth in the Bible may be that of a hippopotamus in real life history. If that is so, I'd still be betting this is what the "dark horse" comment from Nina in S2E1 is foreshadowing.
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Maybe none of this new to you if you've been hanging around the the fandom for a while. That's fine, I'm just trying to establish the scene. And the next bit we need to talk about is this one, where Job gets a lecture from God.
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During this sequence, we hear lines that come from Job 38 and 39.
GOD: Job, if you have questions for me, I have questions for you. Do you know how I created the earth? Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth, Job? Were you there when all the morning stars sang together and all the Angels shouted for joy?
These lines are paraphrasing some of the beginning of Job 38.
Then we have:
GOD: Do you know the rules of the heavens? Did you set the constellations in the sky? Can you send lightning bolts and get them to report back to you? Did you give wings to peacocks, Job, or teach the ostrich to run?
These lines are again, paraphrasing Job, half from 38 and half from 39.
So then, we need to ask, why highlight these lines in particular?
Job 38 is mainly about setting the boundaries of the universe around us. The Earth might seem impossibly huge to a human, but it started with a single stone at its foundation. Earth and the other planets obey certain laws as they move around the Sun. The patterns of the stars in the sky take so long to change that it seems like they are set and inconstant. Even the chaotic form of lightning respects its Creator and returns to its point of origin.
From the last part of Chapter 38 to the end of 39 God challenges Job with a list of animals. The theme here is about freedom and wildness. Whether it is a noble lion, a loathsome crow, a nimble mountain goat, the head-strong wild ox or the willing war horse, they all flourish upon the Earth under the sight of the Almighty. Even the mightiest and most fierce beasts of all, Behemoth and Leviathan, have a place, although only God has the means to control those two.
None of this needs a human to be involved. We are so often the center of our own universe, and try so hard to control every aspect of the world around us that we lose sight of the bigger picture. Shit happens. Some things are out of our control. That doesn't mean its your fault and you're wicked and damned to go to Hell because of it. And that was the point God was trying to make to Job. The world is a far bigger, wilder and chaotic than you can imagine, but its also incredibly beautiful, and it runs itself within the rules and limits that seem to be set by invisible forces you can't see.
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So back to the script from the show.
The first set of questions from God could apply to both of the duo. They were both around when Earth was created and were more than likely there when the "morning stars" (the highest angels, such as Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael and angel!Beelzebub) sang together.
The second set of questions are the ones that seem to have got the most attention so far, with ops cross-matching them to things Crowley does in S2.
Do you know the rules of the heavens?
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Did you set the constellations in the sky?
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Can you send lightning bolts and get them to report back to you?
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Did you give wings to peacocks, Job...
(I make a suggestion this has something to do with Michael, but also see comments below)
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...or teach the ostrich to run?
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The first three of those questions are fairly straight forward, and I doubt many would dispute what they are referring to. But the reference to the peacock and the ostrich are more subtle and curious, and I would like to take a moment to look at the actual verse - because it is only one verse that is providing both questions - that is being paraphrased here.
Job 39:13 Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich?
Did you realize that the King James Version of the Bible is the only one that mentions peacocks in this particular verse? All the other versions mentions the first sentence of that verse in relation to the wings of ostriches: "The wings of the ostrich wave proudly." The ostrich is considered a cruel and witless bird in the Bible, pleased with the way it looks, and seemingly careless about its young.
Why does that sound familiar...
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Shax thinks this ostrich feather-clad angel in disguise isn't too smart either.
So using the peacock line is a curious choice in the script. Other than the "eyes" in the tail of the peacock having a connection to Michael's many watchful eyes on the world, it's still not clear how Crowley helped them upwards. Unless both lines are supposed to refer to Gabriel, and how the vain peacock was helped to both fly and run to a distant location in the stars.
Edit: Since I first wrote this, @beebopboom pointed me to some more peacock lore, and this helped me delve a bit deeper into them. Peacocks were associated with wealth and royalty, but they were also associated with immortality in early Christian beliefs. There was a belief that the flesh of the peacock did not decay after its death. The bright colours in its tail came from its eating venomous snakes, which reminded people of Christ becoming sin for humanity's sake (think of Crowley downing the laudanum to save Elspeth from Hell in the crypt in 1827, its a similar action.) The "eyes" on the males tail also represented the all-seeing eye of God. So we have a connection with both royalty and resurrection here.
(Oh - just as an interesting connection here - a number of the newer versions of the Bible not only don't mention the peacock in this verse, they compare the ostrich to the stork! The meaning is meant to be that the stork cares more for their young than the ostrich, but if you read the words at face value, you could take a double meaning away...)
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Let us return to questions, answers, and whales.
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Questions. Always questions. It's like the proverbial toddler who's always asking a never-ending string of "but, why?" for funsies and you just want them to shut up for a moment and think about the last thing you said first. They, too, are a bit like Job. They are the center of their own universe at that age, having not had much experience of the world. They have no grasp of how far it extends beyond them, and how little even we as adults know.
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If at this point you're going "oh, no, no, no, no, op, please don't tell me the point of this meta is it's all ineffable," relax. I'm not.
The point was to set you up for some nice, juicy, awesomely sweet S3 speculation.
Because I believe Crowley will finally get to ask his questions of God.
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(oh lordy, I made the mistake of taking a break to have a shower before trying to finish this off, because I was having trouble seeing how to finish this in a tidy way, and that caused me to have "shower thoughts" and now the nice sweet simple speculation has turned into a slightly bat-shit crazy kind-of one, although still on the same track as what I was originally thinking. Here goes...)
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We have this three card spread from waaay back at the beginning of S1. We all think its something to do with the three babies.
What if its not?
Because we need something like this to happen again - Aziraphale and Crowley either side of a third protagonist. What if it's the King of Kings, Love personified, Jesus, in the middle? (Or Adam again, I wouldn't discount that option either...)
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If you would look at the GIF and the screenshot together again and go, well that makes, sense, white for the angel on the right, and green for the demon on the left, I would jump up and shout at you - NO!
Look at the cards again! In the Tarot, that's the Ace of Swords on the right - it belongs to Aziraphale. It's a very powerful card, about new beginnings and change.* Lets call the one of the left Knight of Wands, which also represents the element of Fire. Knights are all about movement and journeys. Who owns the Bentley? And look what Gabriel has instinctively done with his hands - he has held his screen-left hand out to Aziraphale, the Sword, the angel who wears green, and his right hand out to Crowley, the Knight of Fire. The yin and yang qualities are actually swapped. That was what I was trying to tell you in this post. They aren't as obvious as they seem at first glance.
And love is the answer, it turns out. Did you see my comment the other day on another post? In Strong's Concordance 25 = to love.
Anyway, we should get a third parallel scene somewhat like this, and like when Aziraphale and Crowley took Adam out of time to talk to him in S1.
Only this time the three of them (with who ever is in the middle) should be having a talk with God about what is or isn't supposed to happen.
JOB: I think the point was, if you want answers, come back when you can make a whale.
Crowley could be a literal serpent (though I would be very surprised if he did manifest that way) but it should be a metaphorical Leviathan that stands before the Almighty to ask his questions and get his answers. And it will be that he has earned the right to be there, because he finally understands the lessons of Job.
@makewayforbigcrossducks I hope this answers one of your questions
*The Ace of Swords speaks of new beginnings, but it is a two-edged sword that can cut both ways. It is strength in adversity, victory out of struggle, good out of evil, a change in the old order on the way.
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lyneira · 2 years
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♤ the crown prince and his wife-to-be ♤
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-> headcanons of your relationship with Malleus as his betrothed
malleus x fem!reader
♤ the crown prince and his wife-to-be part II: your first time with him ♤ (NSFW) coming soon!
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Ever since your betrothal to one another when you two were young, you and Malleus have written letters to each other (per Briar Valley courting tradition). After many long years of writing, it wouldn't be until recently that you'd finally be able to meet each other again, and it would be at NRC (where you’d be attending as well).
While he was so excited for your arrival, I think it starts off a bit awkward between the two of you despite having sent years and years’ worth of letters. Yes, he was ready to show you the many things that he’d spoken of in them, from the beautifully sculpted gargoyles around the school, to the lovely garden they have, and to some interesting spots he’s discovered, but when you finally stood in front of him, he froze and his heart was about to leap from his chest. You looked just as beautiful as your soul that had always shone through your writing.
He’d still try to act composed, but inside, he’s freaking out. He would just also be insanely nervous that you’re finally physically here with him. Thankfully, you’re kind and patient with him and the moment you mention gargoyles, his nervousness goes away, gets replaced by passion and adrenaline, and he confirms that indeed, this really was the girl he’s admired and wrote to for so long.
You would sneak off with Malleus to go on nightly walks and explore some ruins, to the dismay of both Sebek and Silver as well as your own retainers.
He'd appreciate that you wear the necklace he gifted you, so he'd also wear something you had gifted him. If neither of you could wear the marriage ring just yet, then at least something like this would do. It's a sign that you're his and he's yours.
Aside from you two, I think many would make it a point to avoid you for fear of being struck down by the powerful fae that is to be your husband if he ever saw them approach you. Sure, Malleus would probably give those who seemed to get too close to you a small, disapproving cold stare, but he would do no such thing as striking them down (not unless they hurt you). Therefore, you would still end up being isolated sometimes as well. Malleus would notice this and apologize to you for being the reason most are scared of approaching you. You would have to assure him that he has no need to apologize. If that’s the way it was going to be, then so be it. Yet, this wouldn’t stop you from trying to change it nevertheless.
You’d still receive invitations from the school or other students, and while Malleus is happy for you, he’d be inwardly sulking at the same time. You could be reading the invitation letter, and Malleus would take a peek from behind you and would scoff, “Hoh, they dare invite my wife-to-be without inviting her husband as well? How cheeky” Now Malleus would never force you to stay with him if he wasn't invited, but man would it be hard to still attend as you look at his sad face when you’re about to walk out the door. (Don’t leave this man alone pls)
You wished others could see how kind and sweet your fiance actually is, so you’d take it upon yourself to bring him to the places/events you’ve been invited to. Though he might be awkward trying to socialize, especially as he receives stares, you’d gently help him ease into it and ensure that he's included in the conversation. He’d appreciate you for taking the effort to help people come to like him, or rather, truly get to know him. And so it made him overjoyed that someone like you was going to be his wife. He couldn’t be any more grateful.
Malleus would be akin to a lost puppy following you around the way he always sticks to your side as much as possible. Wherever you are, there he wants to be. He’ll give you space whenever you need it and he knows he can’t be with you 24/7 of course, but he’ll always have his mind on you even when you’re away. If you’re gone for too long, he’d start becoming antsy, always wondering when you’ll be back. Yeah, you two were able to handle the distance over many years of writing to each other, but now that he has you in his presence so often, he doesn’t want to let you go. If he can’t do anything to see you sooner, he’d simply have things you’ve given him or some of your belongings around him to help content him for the time-being. Like, if you gave him a plushie, then you’d best believe that he’d be hugging it so tightly as he slept. Or did you leave him your handkerchief? It’s in his pocket right now. This dude is an absolute simp for you.
He loves it when you help him raise his dear tamagotchi, Roaring Drago. He'll mention how much he can't wait to have his own roaring dragos with you. He gets just as excited talking about a future with you as he does when talking about gargoyles lmao. He already begins planning names and such that you'd have to tell him to calm down a bit, especially when he mentions that he wants a big family (we’re talking about 3-5 kids). At the end of the day, he'll go with however many kids you'd like, but I was just thinking he’d want such a big family since y’know, he’s been lonely and isolated from others so having lots of people around would lift his spirits. (And what more would he want this many when the mother of his children would be you?) He’d imagine your little babies running around the castle, filling the great, long halls with joyous noise and laughter, something he didn't quite have when growing up. He’d imagine sitting by the fireplace with you and them, talking to them about gargoyles, how you two met long ago, or answering any of their silly questions when something confuses them. One might be sitting on his lap, one might be hanging on to his leg, one might even try to sit on his shoulders, holding on tight to his horns and ask him to stand up so they can feel as tall as him, and the other would be in your arms or lap as well. He absolutely could not wait for that future where he can be surrounded by those he dearly loves and adores.
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a/n: I know, I know..! A lot of the hcs parallel my hcs in my ♡ how to gain the dragon’s affection ♡ one, but I think it was nice to elaborate on 'em a little further! Anyway, the next part of this is going to be an nsfw drabble of your first time with him, so minors pls do not intend to read that
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itssideria · 7 months
re: Martyrs, Palestine, Islam, and the 'death cult'
Since the start of the Gazan genocide, I have seen dozens of posts and speeches along the line of "Those crazy Palestine supporters! Those crazy Palestinians! They are so obsessed with death! They celebrate death, isn't that just disgusting? Isn't it disgusting?" In the wake of Aaron Bushnell's passing, such statements are becoming more frequent. They now point to a perceived celebration of suicide—"Those Palestine supporters and their glorification of self-harm! How could you ever stand with such a cause? The entire culture glorifies death!"
This post isn't meant to argue with the people saying this. For a group that is supposedly so anti-death, you see them constantly equivocate on genocide. Instead, I'm hoping to reach those who might have questions—and they are fair questions! Why are the killed Palestinians martyrs, rather than victims? Why do Palestine's supporters hold this as a badge of honour? Why are Palestinians, and Muslims at large, 'so obsessed with death'?
Hello! I am your local non-Palestinian Muslim! Hopefully you'll find some answers here.
In the context of the genocide—and, let's be real, the last 75 years of Israel's existence—the word 'martyr' is a translation of the Arabic word shaheed. 'Shaheed' comes from 'shahad', the verb 'to witness'—to witness, because in Islam, their status is that of eternal reward. They witness heaven before anyone else. Unlike a non-martyr, whose soul remains buried until the Day of Judgement, a shaheed's reward is immediate and indisputable—heaven, eternally, no matter what.
You may then wonder what exactly being a martyr encompasses. The Western image of the martyr is often centred on war—someone killed in battle, holding a gun or a sword. With this image, it is easy to make the leap that Islam therefore rewards war and conquest: this is how you get the whole 'Muslims are violent and want to kill everyone in jihad' bullshit. (And FYI, jihad likely does not mean what you think it means, but whatever. More on that in a bit.)
However, that is just blatantly untrue! Martyrdom in Islam can include death on the battlefield when protecting a just cause, yes. Martyrdom in Islam also includes death by plague (COVID, influenza), death by drowning, crushing, or fire (natural disaster, unsafe housing, travelling), death by internal disease (cancer, infection), death in childbirth, and, finally, death when protecting one's family or property from an oppressor.
That last one seems familiar, I hope.
Why these specific instances? Well, one, because we have them recorded in reliable hadith. But also because these individuals die in a state of jihad—literally, in a state of great effort. Like martyrdom, jihad can encompass fighting in some war somewhere, but often, just means exerting effort to do something that pleases God.
And these people? They die in the process of exerting massive effort to pursue a good cause: to protect their loved ones. To become well after illness. To travel toward safety. To survive. Shuhada (the plural of shaheed) have died exerting the greatest effort of all, and for this, they are beloved to God. They attain heaven immediately. They are forgiven for whatever sins they may have incurred.
For Muslims and Palestinians, this invocation of martyrdom isn't some celebration of death. In a just world, zero Palestinians die. But this world is unjust, and thousands are still dying. The invocation of martyrdom, therefore, is an expression of hope, of resilience, of comfort to those still living: yes, they have died, but they have died in a state of jihad. Yes, they have died, but they are up there in heaven, they are happy, they are safe again. To a parent who has lost a child, to a sibling who has lost a sibling, to people with dead friends, this insistence on martyrdom is a comfort in the midst of a massive, unending grief. They did not die a victim, they died a witness—and insha'allah, they will receive their reward. To decree someone a shaheed is to honour them. It doesn't celebrate their death, but rather affirms the circumstances of that death, and celebrates the subsequent reward.
TL;DR: Martyrs are martyrs because in Islamic scripture, they have died fighting oppression. Martyrdom is a form of death that guarantees heaven, and for those who have lost loved ones, it is a comfort and hope that their loved ones are receiving the ultimate reward. Stop being fucking rude to Palestinians.
Sources: who is classified as a martyr?, wikipedia page on shahid
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lillylvjy · 9 months
Can you please write a Wilbur x reader from the sorry boys zombie apocalypse video? Thank you ❤️
Hi! Yes ofc I can!
warnings; reader has low iron deficiency, reader feels guilty about it, all of the boys are so sweet, sweet Tom and reader moments, established relationship, kissing, Wilbur “dies”, mention of reader liking older men, it’s all around silly and like the video just with reader!
wc; 9k….. shhhh
edited…. NOPE
who; Wilbur soot x reader, sorry!wilbur x reader
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“Thanks Janet, fuck.” Charlie said opening the video after the brief intro, followed by Tommy crying and leaning over the edge of the wall. “It’s all over man, it’s all over! You gotta pull it together!” Charlie grabbed Toms shoulders as Tommy cried out for his mother. 
“He’s kinda pathetic.” You whispered to Wil, huddling close to his warmth as you watched the interaction. 
“He’s always pathetic.” Wil said back, wrapping an arm around you, bringing you into him. “You should’ve taken the coat I offered.” 
You nuzzles into his neck, loving how he was practically a walking heater. “I’m good, I have you.” You heard Wil give a soft chuckle as he kissed your head. 
Letting go of you, ignoring the whine you let out as the warmth left, Wil walked up to Tom and leant down as he looked him in the eye. “It’s worse than you could ever imagined.”
“I should’ve installed optifine?”
“We’re in Portsmouth.” Wil declared to Tom as Tom yelled in agony. 
“Jesus Christ you’re loud!” You told the blonde as he popped up after the bit was done. 
“It’s my specialty! You should know that by now.” Tom said as he smiled at you. You smiled back as you gently hit his arm. 
“Hi, my names William Godwinson and here’s my 8-foot vertical leap.” Wil said as he ran up and barely made the jump as he stood up and looked proud of himself. 
“What’s up I’m Charles Dogman and here’s my 9-foot vertical leap. Jackass!” Charlie said to Wil as he ran up to the wall and tripped, failing miserably. “Ow fuck!” 
“You guys are idiots, we’re gonna die-“ the camera cuts off before your sentence was finished, cutting it off as it cut to Wil frantically asked where to go. 
“Oh, I don’t know. Safety!” You sarcastically said to the brunette as you smiled down at you, and lightly shoved you. 
“Are we going down this way?” Charlie asked pointing down to the pit. 
“I mean, it’s either that or the cliff so-“
“Shit, that makes my life easy.” You said as you started to jokingly get up on the wall following the cliff.
“No! No we are not doing that!” Wil picked you up before you could fully get up, anxiety radiating off of him a bit. 
“I’m fine Wil, I promise. I was joking.” You whispered to him as he set you down. 
“I know but still, you could’ve fell. Just be careful please.” Wil cupped your face as he looked down at you, making sure you understood. 
“Always. I’ll be glued to you anyways. I’m terrified.” You said as Wil laughed and followed where the other boys were going, dragging you with. 
“There’s only one way boys. In!”
“I don’t, I don’t want to.” Wil said as he looked down at the pit yet again. “What’s your name? Weirdo? Freak? Idiot? Fucking cunt?” Wil asked Ran as Tom started to laugh, as you scoffed at him. 
“That’s the full name.” 
“Have you met me?” Ranboo said as the drone zoomed out and showed the whole ground. 
“Listen guys! We’re all, we’re all boys right? We’re all boys.” Charlie said, putting his fist up to Tom. 
“I’m no boy. I’m no man. I am sperm.”
Tom said as groans were heard all around you. 
“Guys…” you said quietly. 
“Alright, Cum. Put it in.” 
“Cum. Nice to meet you cum.” Wil gave Tom a fist bump as well. 
“Guys…” you said a bit louder. 
“Everyone! Okay, everyone. Bring it in, let’s cum on three-“ Charlie said as the boys all huddled together as you stayed at the edge looking down at the mass amounts of actors in the pit now. 
“You sure. It might take me longer than that.” 
“One, two, three- CUM!” They all screamed out. 
“GUYS!” You yelled, finally getting their attention after a bit. 
“Oh my god! That’s just straight zombies guys!” Charlie yelled as he jumped up on the wall.
“Yeah no shit!” You sarcastically said as you waited for all of them at the top of the hill. 
“Get down!” 
“What’s that going to do? They can still hear and smell us?” You said as you walked further down the way. 
“Love, where are you going?” Wil came over and stood next to you. 
“Trying to find a way in. If the walking dead served me any good, it’s to sneak into places. Without making too much noise.” You said as Wil shook his head and smiled at you. 
“Well, lead the way darling.” He put his arm out in front of him as you bowed. 
“Thank you, kind sir.” You joked as he wrapped his arms around your waist and hid his face in your neck as Charlie came up to you all. 
“Guys! I’m gonna kite them!” Charlie yelled at all of us as he started making random noise, attracting all of the zombies while the rest of you found a way in. 
“Guys in here!” Ranboo said as you all climb down, Wil helping you, as Charlie continued to distract the “dead” people. 
“This is kind of the part that I haven’t really figured out!” Charlie yelled as he started panic. 
“There’s no time for baseball now, Phil!” 
“If I don’t make it, take my spork! Take my spork!” Charlie yelled as he threw the utensil, getting it no where. “Everyone over here!” Charlie continued to yell and distract. 
“Where’s the spork?” Tom asked as he and Wil went to check what was happening. 
“Go! Go! We need to go inside!” Wil told you all as he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. 
You all finally made it to this little area that welcomed you with an arched door way and a bunch of random junk. 
“Charles. Did you get your spork? Where’s your spork?” Ranboo asked as he saw him coming down the hallway. 
“I lost my fucking spork, guys.” Charlie said defeated. 
You leant against the wall and closed your eyes as Wil stood in front of you and rubbed your arms and looked at Tom as he put a random ladder in the doorway, doing absolutely nothing. 
“What the fuck is this?” Wil asked, bewildered. 
“There’s no where to go up there!”
“Ok, to be honest, I don’t know your name but what you’re doing right now is pretty fucking dumb and not going to help us in the slightest!” You told Tom, playing into the bit as he laughed and adjusted it. 
“It’ll help slow them down!” Tom said looking at you with wide eyes. 
“…. They may be dead but they aren’t dumb-“ 
“They kind of are-“ 
“Ranboo you’re not helping.” You said as you looked at him with soft eyes as he nodded and turned to talk to Phil. 
“Where are you gonna climb?” Charlie asked, laughing at the stupidity of the situation. 
“I’m a fool!” 
“Are you trying to set up a Looney Tunes trap for the fucking zombies ?” Charlie asked as you searched around for clues, tools, anything to get you out because frankly you were scared and all the survival shows you watched were coming in handy. At least you hoped. 
“I don think we need the spork!” Tom said as you looked at him wide eyed, knowing what was about to go down. 
“Goddamnit! Just imagine your beans! Okay? Imagine your beans! Imagine your a can of beans-“ Charlie started to rant as you tuned all of it out, sitting in the chair that you found, silently giving up on getting out with tweetle dee and tweetle dumb fucking around. 
Wil came around the little corner you hid around and found you sitting in the chair.
“Hey, you alright?” He said as he crouched down, looking up at you as he rested his hands on your knee and lower thigh, rubbing to try and comfort you in anyways he could. 
You smiled down at him as you cupped his face. “I’m ok, promise. Just needed a little break, got overwhelmed with all the yelling and echoing but it’s ok! I’m good!” You said as you rubbed his cheekbones, wanting to give him the same comfort back while silently saying:
‘I’m ok because you’re here.’
He smiled back as he turned his head and kissed your palm. Getting up, he pulled you up with him and hugged you, arms around your neck as he kissed the top of your head. 
“I have an idea..” he whispered to you as he let go of you and picked the chair up. “May I use this?” 
You nodded as he walked out. “We can start a council!” You quickly followed him out as he placed the chair down and sat in it. 
“The rock is our leader.” Tom said, picking up a rock he found and handing it to Wil. “Guys! Wilbur has the talking role. Be very quiet. Wilbur, what do you want to say?” 
“Guys, it’s been hard. The Covid-19 pandemic, and then, whatever the fucks going on now-“ Wil got cut off my a bunch of groans being heard from down the way. 
“Oh fuck-“ you said as you looked wide eyes down the hall. 
“They’re coming.” 
“Oh god!” 
“Tommy! Save the rock!” Wil said as he came up to you and grabbed your hand in his and started to walk down the corridor that led to another hallway. 
All of you scampered down the hall and found a stair case, rushing down it while screaming in fear and panic as the zombie’s groans approached closer. Wilbur gently pushed you in front of him, running close behind you down the hall. 
“Why are there so many halls?!” You yelled out as you ran. 
“Who ducking knows but I can’t do this anymore-“ Wil said, slightly out of breath as you came to a stop. 
“Why’re they fast?!” Charlie screamed.
“These aren’t slow zombies. These aren’t slow zombies!” 
You and Wil found a door, hidden behind a corner. “C’mon! Here.” You said as you popped open the door and stepped in, Wilbur and the rest of them close behind. 
“Shut the door, shut the door!” Tom yelled as he hid in the corner. 
“Question for you guys, how do you all feel about spending the rest of our days in this room?” Wil asked all of us as you sat in his lap, slightly lightheaded from running and just wanted to be close to him .
“If I’m with you, I’m good.” You whispered in his ear as he smiled and rubbed your back, softly humming in your ear only loud enough for you to hear.
“Well uh, we’ve got a gun in for day three, so-“ once ranboo mentioned a gun, everyone was all eyes on the object. 
“What the fuck-“ Wil said as he gently got up and placed you back on the seat, squeezing your hand, a silent promise he’d be back. Wil grabbed the gun as he examined it. 
“Yo, wait- does that work?” 
“It doesn’t got a magazine.” Wil said before pointing it at Charlie. 
“Whoa! Whoa!” 
 “No, just give it a- I can take it man. Here I can take it-“ charlie insisted as he went up and set the guns barely to be directly aiming at his mouth. 
“No, I’m doing it, I’m doing it. I promise you-“ 
You rested your head on the back of chair as you watched the men go back and forth, playing with a gun. Like children.
“Is there any resources in here we can use?” Wil said as he hopped on the chair you were once sitting in, now sitting on the dusty floor watching them all .
“Uh- I see about 3 metal, 2 screws, 5 paper, a water right there.” Ranboo started listing everything he saw. 
“I’ve got a bit of a tall order here.” Wil said as he looked down at all of us, standing at a good 8-9 feet with the chair. 
“That’s true cause you’re up, yeah, that’s good.” 
“Does anybody know how to craft?”
Wil asked as Charlie started laughing. 
“I was hoping you’d ask-“ Charlie then turned around and started waving his hand around like he was casting some spell close to the ground. 
“What is he doing?” Tom asked confused as you shook your head and smiled at the man. 
“Camouflage.” Charlie presented the packaged camo tarp they bought earlier for the video. 
Wil and Tom came over to you as they asked you to open the material, since they were struggling to break the plastic. 
“Jesus, this is sad-“ you took the package as you ripped it open and handed it to them. 
“Wanna come over here, y/n? We could use some help over here!” Tom said as he held out his hands to you. You nodded as you placed your hand in his, slowly getting up from your sitting position as Tom smiled at you and walked over to the rest of the group, you close behind. 
“Everyone knows golfers are the weakest of the species.” Wil said as you joined his side as Tom and Ran went over and did their own thing.
“Excuse me?” 
“He’s got a point, Phil. Sorry.” You patted his shoulder as Charlie agreed. 
“So what I’m thinking what we do. The creatures, they- they respond to sound, but they can’t see you. He’s invisible.” Wil said to Charlie as he held Phil’s head. 
“Who’s invisible?” 
“Tiger Wattson.” Wilbur said, as you clapped your hands and pointed at them all. 
“So that’s his name! Nice to know-“ you joked as Wil laughed and Phil shook his head. 
Wilbur finished laughing as he looked at Phil again. “Tiger listen. If you go out there, they won’t be able to see you-“ 
“But they can smell you.” 
“Wha-“ Phil said as Wilbur chef kissed.
“They can hear you.” Wilbur said as a honk noise appeared out of no where. 
“That doesn’t make me feel better about the smelling me thing-“ 
“Don’t worry, you’re fine! Go get ‘em!” You said as you pushed him towards the door. 
“Tiger! Come here.” Wil beckoned Phil over as everyone wondered where he went. “I may not get to say this again to you before I throw you to your almost certain demise.” 
“Not helping-“ you told him as he continued. 
“But I’m gonna say it now, go get ‘em Tiger.” Wilbur said as he pushed Phil out the door and closed it. “And now we can share the fort between 4 people instead of 5.” Wil said as he stood in front of everyone, please and cheers came his way. 
“Very inspiring. I could tell you meant it too!” You said as you patted Wil’s chest.
“Thank you, I felt like it was needed-“ 
“Hey I just noticed when I- yeah, so when we high-fived, I just noticed, I feel like I saw just super quick, just like a little-“ 
You saw it as well, grabbing his wrist gently and bring it down to examine it. You knew it was there the whole time, have putting it there earlier before filming, but still going with the bit.
“Oh no.” 
“Wil-“ your force came out hushed and fear laced the word. Wilbur looked down at you concerned but quickly realized that it was for the big and relaxed. 
“It’s a- it’s a little tiny tiny scratch.” Wil said as he hid his arm from staring eyes. You quickly brought his arm back down  and giving the “wound” a kiss and smiling up at him. 
“Better?” You asked as he rested his forehead on yours.
“100%.” Wil whispered to you as he brought his lips to yours in a short thankful kiss as Phil opened the door on the opposite side of the room. 
“Guys I did it! Come on, come on!” Phil whispered to all of us and we all ran out the room. 
“Go! go! Not that way! Wait- yes that way!” Wil yelled, as we all followed and yelled at him for being indecisive at the moment. 
Running a little bit farther, Wil found a door, guiding us all to go through, Charlie going through a little weird hole in the wall. 
After getting him through the wall, Wilbur crouched down and held his arm, looking down at the mark on his skin in worry, making sure no one was watching. Yet forgetting you were behind him. 
“Wil what happened?” You whispered down to him, knowing the cameras were on and wanted to create a bit of a story. 
“I- Nothing I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, what we need to worry about is getting out of here.” Wil said, grabbing your hands and bringing them up to your mouth to give your knuckles a kiss. “You need to get out of here and I’ll make sure you do.” 
You softly smiled up at him as Elodie made a gagging noise as you two stared at each other. 
“Didn’t need to see that.” They said as they turned the camera off briefly and looked at you with an uneasy look .
“Oh c’mon on! It was good, right?” Wil asked out in the open as you swung your hands in his and nodded as Elodie rolled their eyes and nodded as well, silently admitting that the “sickeningly sweet” scene was really cute. 
“And now, the end is near-“ 
“And so I face, the final curtain-“ 
“Guys I was wrong, it’s no time for Sinatra.” Wil admitted as he slowly got up from his sitting position as you and Ran came into the cameras view. 
“Those guys know how to sing.” Ranboo told the camera as you nodded. 
“Almost as good as me-“
“I was about to say that!” Ranboo added on as he looked down at you and nodded.
“Guys, I have a fucking idea. Tiger-“ 
“Do you carry some of your patented Tiger’s scent cologne?” Wil asked as Phil confirmed he in fact did as you looked at all of them with furrowed eyebrows. 
“If we can make one of the zombies smell like a professional golfing star…” Wil left the sentence open as Phil clicked the idea together. “Whip out the spray.” 
“Why did that sound-“ you started but quickly shit your mouth before anything else came out, Tommy overhearing the little joke you were going to make and laughing. 
Phil pretended to look for it as he then suddenly found it and went to the opening of the room. “This is Tiger’s essence.” 
“Go Phil! Spray!” Tom yelled as Phil started to get attacked by the crawling zombies. Phil made a hissing noise as he moved his hand everywhere, trying to get the “cologne” everywhere he could. 
As he sprayed, all of you figured out a way to get out of them room, having realized you were cornered. You all ran out the room, running as fast as you could up stairs and down some halls to an empty open room. 
“Wait where’s Wil?” You asked as you finally got out of the rush of adrenaline and realized Wil’s hand wasn’t in yours nor was he infront or behind you. 
“Wil?!” Tom yelled as he soon realized too.
Everyone yelled your boyfriends name, worried as to where he was, but decided to continue on if they didn’t want to be eaten. Yet you and Tom both were deciding if pausing and looking for Wil was a good idea. 
“He’s fine, he’s probably following the actors. Plus Elodie’s with him so!” David told you as ease ran through your body, thankful that at least someone was with him. 
“Guys wait! Come back, come back. This is the perfect, circuit! This is it! This is the dark circuit!” Charlie declared as he looked at all of us, yet none of us were buying it. 
“I think this is just a circle-“ 
“Please don’t make me run anymore-“ you whispered out next to Phil as he patted you on the back and gave you a soft smile which you returned. 
“All we have to do, is run around continuously-“ 
“And we’ll go so fast that they explode!” 
“That’s right Tom! Alright! Is everyone ready?”
“I’ll sit out-“ you said as you leant against the wall.
“Here if you sit there in the little cave, I’ll protect you with my club.” Phil offered as you slowly moved to sit in the corner. 
“Thank you Phil.” You smiled appreciatively up at him as Charlie stated that he was absolutely delusional. Once the zombies appeared, they all started running. 
“We’re going to die.” You declared as you rubbed your head. Maybe this wasn’t the best video for your to do. 
“Yup! Are you alright?” Phil agreed as he continued to fight or the zombies. 
“Yeah, I forgot my medicine this morning and I forgot water so. Yay!” You put your fist in the air as a celebration while Phil laughed. 
“We can ask for some water? We can stop real quick.” 
“No it’s ok. I’ll be ok.” You said, more for yourself than anyone else. Phil nodded as the rest of them arrived back and and ran down one of the halls. 
“Guys come on! This way- you alright Y/n?” Ranboo asked as he saw your state. 
“Yeah can I have help up?” You asked as Ran nodded and lifted you up. 
“Want a piggy back ride?” 
“Ranboo you don’t have too-“ 
“Come on! I know you aren’t doing good right now, so please.” Ranboo insisted as he bent down.
“Thank you, I’m sorry.” You said as you hopped on his back and held onto him. 
“Hey no need for apologies, it’s my pleasure!” 
Ranboo jogged until he caught up with the rest of them who were waiting, you giving all of them an apologetic smile as they all gave you an understanding look and small ‘it’s ok, we know’ smile back.
“Guys you go on! This’ll stop them!” Charlie said as you looked behind you and saw him doing the stanky leg, shaking your head and laughing at him. “It’s not working! Oh god!” 
Charlie started to scream for all of us to run and go. You all found a little staircase leading up as Tom and Charlie found tables and object to put in front of it. Ranboo put you down as you went up the stairs, everyone following close behind. 
“Thank you, and I’m sorry again.” You told all of them in general as you slid down the wall, needing some sort of support. 
“Hey, it’s ok. We’ll get you some water soon, promise. You have nothing to apologize for.” All of them agreed with Phil as you smiled up at them and curled up, wanting the pounding in your head to stop, but kept with the video anyways.
“I unlocked a new recipe.” Charlie said as he paced. 
“What do you need, Charlie?” 
“I need wood and I need stone” Charlie declared as ranboo gave him a gun. 
“Here! Here’s a rock!” You said as you lifted the big rock you found next to you and gave it to the man. 
“Oh, thank you!” Charlie said as he nodded down at you in thanks as you saluted back. 
You all heard yelling coming up the stairs as Wil’s silhouette comes into view as he yells and runs into Tom. 
“It’s me! It’s me!” Wil yelled at Tom as he pushed him back and held his fist up. 
“Tom I still need your wood!” Charlie demanded as you shook your head. 
“What the hell is going on?!” You whined out as the stupid situation made no sense. Wil fell to the ground, covering his face as he came too.
“He’s alive! He’s not- wait! Did you get bit?”
“No.” Wil said as he got up and looked around, finally spotting you on the ground, quickly going over to you and crouching down and cupping your cheek, making your eyes flutter open. “Darling…” 
“I’m ok, I just need water.” You confirmed before he could say anything. 
“Hey guys, can we stop real quick and get some water?” Wil asked the group as they all nodded and agreed that they probably needed some water too. 
Charlie walkied down to the rest of the crew, asking if they could get some water, which would be given and brought shortly. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered out to Wil as he held you to his chest. “I shouldn’t have come.” 
“Hey, love. You’re ok, you didn’t know it’d get this bad and we didn’t think we’d do this much running. Which now I’m thinking about it, that’s pretty stupid of us. Besides that,” Wil was cut off by your laughter. “Don’t give yourself a hard time over this. You and the rest of us come before content. Always. And if we have to stop for a little water break, that’s very much needed, so be it.” Wil finished as you smiled against his neck and nodded. 
“Thank you.” You whispered to him as Russ came with an arm full of water bottles, handing you one first. Wil responded to your thanks with a kiss on your head as he squeezed your hand three times. 
Cheesy bastard. 
“It’s almost done. It’s almost done!” Charlie declared as he waved his hand around infront of Tommy as he screamed in pain and agony. All of you were watching in pure confusion and terror as the scene played out.
“I crafted your dick into a gun.” 
“Oh fuck this.” You said as you looked at the pair in disgust. As much as you loved both of them, some bits were just- weird. Weirder than weird. 
“Wilbur look at me.” 
“What’s up man?” Wil asked as he stepped forward towards Tom. 
“You’re the only man it trust with my dick-gun…..” Tom said as he gave the gun to Wil. 
“Well yeah, I served in the arm forces for 32 years.” Wil said as he took the gun in his hands, leaving you bewildered at the statement. 
“Wait, hold up-“ you said as you did mental math in your head. 
“Wait how old are you?” Charlie asked the question that you were desperately trying to figure out. 
“I’m 41.” 
“I- ok when I said I liked older men, that’s not what I meant.” You joked as everyone laughed around you. 
“Wait, I gotta make sure the gun is any good, cause I did just craft it. It’s like a make shift so it doesn’t- it’s not like, the stats aren’t super high so just make sure that it- yeah. No just- I can take it. I can take it.” Charlie said, again wanting Wil to shoot him and make sure the equipment worked as he aimed it at the man. 
“Oh, it’s jammed. Hold on.” Wil said as he fixed the gun and pointed it again. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t- ok.” You cut off your sentence as Wil pointed it again and it was yet again jammed. 
“Do you have friendly fire?” Charlie said as Wil shot the ceiling as the gun went off. 
“Oh there we go- oh it’s fucking jammed again!”
“Ok! That’s it! Give me the gun!” You held your hand out to Wil as he held it away from you. 
“Not my dick-gun!” 
“Wil give me the fucking gun!” 
“No frankly I don’t think you should have it since Tommy only trusted me-“ 
 “Yeah well! If you have the gun you’re gonna shoot someone’s eye out so give me the fucking gun.” You said one last time, getting close to his face as his eyes widened and mouth quivered. 
“Ok.” He whispered to you as he handed you the gun. 
“Thank you-“ 
“Can I see it?!” Charlie said as as he tried to grab the gun from you. 
“Wait, no Charlie-“ 
“Is that a light?!”
“Charlie watch out!” Wil said as he grabbed the gun and Charlie pulled the trigger, making air pop out of the object and all of you popping back from it. 
“Ah! I’m blind in one ear! I mean deaf!” 
We all followed Wil as he lead us back to the beginning where we started. 
“This was pure goofy Looney Tunes trap!” 
“That didn’t do us any good-“ you whispered under your breath. 
“It was a beautiful creation!” Charlie said to you as you shook your head and patted his back. 
“Sure thing bud. Think that.” You said as you followed behind Phil as Wil led the way. 
“Oh man-“ Charlie said as you all heard groaning behind you.
“Hang on guys, I got this!” Wil said as he pointed his gun at the shadows as the groaning got closer to reveal Ranboo in all his might. 
“Jesus christ-“ 
“That was a good one!” Charlie said as Phil clutched his chest and told Ran that he was seconds away from being dead. 
“It was a funny little prank man! Don’t be so uptight! Grandpa.” Ranboo said as you bursted out laughing and fist bumped them. 
“This is where it began! Sporky!” Charlie yelled as he ran to his spork. 
Coming up behind Wil, you wrapped your arms around his waist as he flinched and turned to see who was holding onto him, relaxing once he saw you. 
“Well hello!” He said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around your neck, pulling you closer. 
“ hello!” You smiled back, nuzzling back into his warmth. You all followed Charlie to where the utensil lie, circling him. 
“I thought I lost you forever! Every utensil, all in one. Together again. Let’s have some fun.” Charlie said as he lifted the object to his lips and kissed it. 
“Did he-“ 
“Did he just kiss it?” Ranboo said, curious of the same thing. 
“He kissed it.” Wil confirmed as he went up to Ranboo. “Look, motherfucker. If you had a part spoon, part fork, part knife, you’d be kissing it too.” Wil said as Charlie moved the spork in the air, silently worshipping it. 
“I’d be more than kissing it, imma be real.” Ranboo confessed. 
“Why don’t you just, eat with it? That’s what it’s for.” You said as they all gasped and Charlie looked at you. 
“This, is much more than a thing you use for food. This is a sacred object.”
“Reach nirvana. Reach your element.” Wilbur said as Charlie lifted the spoon up once again. 
“Guys!” Tom said as Wilbur acknowledged his presence. “The zombies are coming!” 
“No guys, I’ll fend them off.” Charlie said as lifted his spork and the rest of you were sprinting up the stairs and onto the upper land. 
“Wait! Get rad.” Tom said as he took Charlie’s glasses off. 
“Wait- oh shit! Where did everything go?!” Charlie said as Tom ran off. Wilbur started to shoot at random as Ranboo collected Charlie and helped him up the steps. 
“There’s some plants there. It’s plants vs zombies! Hey-“ Ranboo said as continues to help Charlie and defend them both. 
“Guys come on, we gotta go!” You yelled as fear settled back into your bones as you looked at the crowd of zombies appearing. 
“Hang on this guy might be a stair guy.” Charlie said as the boys all gathered around to look at the zombie who they assumed was a “stair guy.” 
“Which ones the stair guy?” You asked Wil as he pointed at the one that started climbing one of the steps. 
“Oh that’s two! If he gets to give we’re in trouble!” Wil said as we all backed up. 
You all started to walk to the opposite of the pit away from the stairs as many of them started climbing the steps and roaming then land. 
“I’m gonna need to go for a scoop! This is a very risky scoop!” Charlie said as he made a scooping motion to the lady that was following us. 
You followed Wil as he went to the edge to get rid of some of the zombies, to find the gun jammed yet again. 
“Shit! It’s not um-“ 
“Wil! This can’t happen right now!” 
“I’m trying! I’m out of ammo!” Wil said as he started to skip over to the group leaving you to follow him. 
“Take the spork and then swing it, okay?” Charlie instructed Tom as you all walked away from the herd that was following you. 
“This is so fucked man.” Charlie said as you looked at him and nodded.
“I’ve been saying that the whole time, thank you!” You said as you saw Phil jump from the ledge and trip as he did. “Phil!” Phil swung the club around and hit the girl in the head as he looked back up to us as we all clapped and praised him for his approach. 
Wil helped you down yet again, noticing the big drop of the ledge. After placing you on the ground, he held your hand and walked over to the rest of the group. 
“What’s he doing?” You asked out in the open as Tom lifted his hand and one of the zombies pretended to choke and die. 
“He has the forces apparently!” Ranboo said as he came back over. 
“Of course he does.” You said as you shook your head with a smile. 
“Guys, I have the force!”
“Are you some fucking side kick?! What?” 
“How did you just do that?!” Phil said as you all watched him use it again and again. 
As you all asked him questions you heard running coming from behind you and saw Wil. “We have to go! Tom. Come! Come!” Wil said as he ran into the building again, all of you following close behind. 
As you went deeper and deeper into the  tunnels and building, you noticed Wil getting paler and slower. 
“Wil, man hey! Dude are you alright?” Charlie asked for you.
“Yeah I’m fine. No it’s cool! It’s cool. Don’t worry about it.” Wil said as he leant against the wall and rubbed his face. You looked up at him with concern but his smile that he gave you drew the worry out of your body a bit. 
As you all continued down the tunnels, making left and rights, going through random rooms, Wil started to limp and fall against the wall. Charlie offered him his shoulder as Wil wrapped his arm around his neck. 
“I feel hot. It’s like in my veins!”
“You are hot! You are so hot man.” Charlie said as he continued to carry Wil with him. 
“Are they flirting?” You asked Phil as you looked at the the two men ahead of you. 
“Who knows.” Phil said as you nodded with him as Charlie and Wil went back and forth about thinking sexy. 
“You’re so damp, man!” Charlie said as Wil groaned in pain and apologized. 
“This is like a shitty gay unrequited love short film…” you said out loud as Phil started to laugh and Wil started to run.
“I’m gonna be so fucking ripped- OH!” He yelled as zombies appeared in the doorway. “Okay and- down to the right!” Wil said as he crouched down and ran away, the rest of us following. 
You and Charlie made sure Wil was staying up right as you roamed and looked through the building for something, anything.
At this point you were pretty sure you were lost. 
“The adrenaline is wearing off-“ 
“You don’t look okay , man!” 
“I’m fine!” Wil said in a shaky tone. 
“Now you just sound like a white girl-“ you admitted to Wil as he turned to look at you with a smile. 
“‘I’m fine! I just have a zombie bite in my arm but it’s ok!’” You said in a high pitch voice as Wil and Charlie bursted out laughing at the imitation. 
“Ok that was fucking good!” Charlie said as he fist bumped you. 
“I can try sucking it out of the wound-“ 
“That’s not gross at all…” you whispered out as you searched around the room. 
“It’s ok, it’s not snake venom. The fucking bear trap!” Wil whined as he held his arm.
“I can try to suck the- suck the bears out.” 
All of you paused and looked at Charlie with a confused look. “What?” 
“I think I might be feverish too.” 
Tom brought it to our attention that zombies were coming both ways, which caused a panic to arise in the group. 
“Boys, if we don’t make it out, just know, you’ve been okay!” Wil told us all as I scoffed at his way of being nice. 
The conversation were all cut off by a gun going off from down the hall. 
“Oh shit, someone’s shooting!” 
You all coward away from the noice but your attention was caught on a women that had camo and darker attire on.
“This is an evac! Follow me, this way, right now! Come on, let’s go!” You all stood around confused as the women screamed and was taken down by the zombies. Hiding away from the scene in terror, Wil brought you into his chest and told you that he’d protect you no matter what. 
“Get the gun! Get the gun!” Wil yelled out as the gun was facing our way and so close.
“I really thought she knew what she was doing.” Charlie said as he held his hands behind his head. “I’m just gonna- I’m just gonna take this if no one else is gonna need this.” 
Charlie grabbed the gun as he went towards the gate hoarded by zombies as Wil told him to say something cool as it makes the gun shoot harder. What ever the fuck that meant.
“Uh uh, CUMZINGA?!” Charlie said as he shot it from between his legs, taking down a good bunch of them. Wil quickly opened the gate as you all started to run down the hall, away from any more zombies. 
“Put some wood in me, please?” Wil asked as you all went upstairs to see Wil holding a plank of wood.
“Cheating on me already?!” You said jokingly as you clutched your heart in pain as Wil shook his head and carried the wood over to the steps as zombies crept closer. 
“I’ll show you my wood, alright.” Charlie said as he started shooting at the zombies again. You shook your head as the jokes got worse and worse as they went.
Blocking the stairs, you all gathered back into the middle as Wil asked if this reminds any of us of squid games. 
“Um…. no, because I’d much rather die in this scenario.” You said honestly as you joined Ranboo against the wall. 
“This is so dumb-“ 
“That’s what I’m saying. We’re all going to die….” You told Ran as he looked at you with furrowed brows.
“You’re really on about this death thing.” Ranboo confessed to you as you nodded and looked at him. 
“I watch too many shows.” 
“Fair enough!” 
“Ow! My fucking foot!” You heard Charlie yell as you went over to join Tom and him in whatever they were doing. 
“Here Tom, give me the gun.” You said as he placed the weapon in your hand as you pointed it at his other leg “Charlie if you want to make it bearable, you gotta trust me!” You told the man as he looked at you with fearful eyes.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” 
“Making it better!” You told him as you show his knee. 
“Fuck! That didn’t make it better!”
“He’ll be fine.” You waved it off as you handed the gun back to Tom.
After Wil and Charlie spent a good 5 minutes listing off random cheeses they could make and worrying about Charlie, Wil said there was an extraction. 
“There’s a way out! There’s hope. There’s hope for us.” Wil said in a soft tone as he looked around at all of us. 
“Isn’t an extraction when you get the oil and you put it in the pan?”
“Yes! Extra virgin!” 
“Ok what is your deal with extra virgin olive oil?!” You asked in a genuine tone as you looked at the man. 
“No, isn’t extraction when you have the lufa and you rub it in a clockwise motion on your skin?” 
“No that’s- that’s exfoliation!” Ranboo clarified to Charlie as they bounced back and forth trying to figure out what extraction was. 
“Guys, shut the fuck up for a second!” Phil harshly yelled at the boys as you silently thanked the older man. “There’s an extraction point. Somewhere. Somewhere there’s an extraction point. Someone came down here, with guns, and ammo, and armour. They are prepped. They are ready, they can help us.” Phil said as you hugged him and thanked him for his wise words. 
“So where do we go?” 
“Out. Where she came from.” 
“What do you mean out?!” Wil asked as you placed your head on the wall from all these stupid questions. 
“We have to go back from where she came from!” 
“Phil what does her mom have to do with this?” A long pause rested over the group as Phil took in the words Charlie just spoke. “She came from her mom Phil!” 
“She came from the tunnels!” That was the last thing you heard before you tuned everything out and placed your body weight against Wil, just wanting to be close to him. 
Wil fell against the wall a few seconds later, worry taking over your body. 
“You ok man? You good? You doing okay?” Ranboo asked as Wil lifted a fist bump up to him. “Pound it.” 
“Can you get my glasses?” Wil asked you as you nodded and reached into his pocket that stored way too much shit in them and pulled out the glasses he barely wears. “Thank you darling.” Wil said as he gave you a peck.
As Wilbur pulled Charlie aside, and the rest of the boys were doing their own thing, Phil teaching Tom and Ranboo the ways of his club, you decided to listen in on Wilbur and Charlie’s conversation. 
“I need to ask something of you man.” 
“Anything for you, man.” Charlie said as you peaked your head around the corner and saw Wil and Charlie sat on the floor as Charlie held him. 
“Tell me where are you from? How’d you end up here? What’s your story?” Wil asked as you truly believed they were about to break out into song yet again that night. 
 “Well, my mother was a humble hot dog maker-“ 
“Oh Jesus Christ, please no…” you whispered as Wilbur cracked a smile, hearing your not so quiet pleads for Charlie to just stop, hating how that part of the story went for that video. 
“She sat there all day and, plugged those pigs into those casings until the sun went down.” Charlie looked directly into the camera, voice brought up to add dramatic effect. 
“That actually sounds- why’d you make it sound so gruesome??” You asked as you walked up to them, quickly sliding down on the other side of Wilbur.
“Gotta add some storyline-“
“Know what, fair. I respect it.” You fist bumped Charlie as they continued the bit, Ran and Toms yelling slowly seeping into the recording. 
“She slipped those boars up and she sausaged them. And then, she sausaged me, and I was born.” Charlie finished as you looked at him with disgust, yet having the best idea ever. 
“So she pooped you out?” You asked as Charlie and Wil both sputtered and laughed, not being able to respond normally to that.
“What the fuck?!” Wil asked as he looked at you.
“Well he said she sausaged him so-“ you said, trying to help them connect the dots you did. 
“Oh god, that got me.” Charlie said as he wiped his eyes, making you and while laugh a bit more. “And ever since I was born, I’ve had a call. A calling, a calling to dog. A calling to keep dogging, no matter what. To always be raw dogging it and- and I was a hot dog for a bit. I was like a hot dog mascot and I was selling my hot dogs all across the land. I thought I had that dog in me. But the problem was, I put that dog in them. And those dogs, I think that’s what started all of this.” Charlie ranted about his hot dog past as Wil nuzzled into your neck and whined and groaned to add effect as to what was happening to him. 
“You think the hot dogs started it?” Wil asked as he leant back up and looked at Charlie. 
“I think the dogs started this.” Charlie said as a dramatic pause took over. 
“I got the dog in me. I got the dog in me, I got the dog in me-“ you started lightly singing as Wil and Charlie slowly started to join in. 
“Sorry dogs?” 
“Yeah, sorry dogs. There was a like a little , a little dog, it was like in a little hot dog bun-“ 
“Oh yeah! I remember that! Good dogs, tasted a little funny, but good. Handsome chef as well-“ you said as Wil smiled in your neck briefly and kissed it lightly. 
“Dog, Charlie. Have you ever had a really good spaghetti bolognese with meatballs?” Wil asked as you looked at him with furrowed brows. 
“What the fuck is that?!”
“No?” You and Charlie said at the same time as you both looked at him with confusion. “I only eat hot dogs.” 
“Can I describe, a really good-“ 
“Lay down, lay down.” Charlie quickly placed Wil against the wall as you went back with him, placing your hand in his hair and gently rubbed as he painted slightly and held his arm. “Is this your favorite food?” Charlie asked as Wil nodded and leant against your shoulder. “Here, tell us about it, ok? Tell us about your favorite food.”
“There was- so- there’s a word they use in a little country you may have heard of called Rome.”
“The word spaghetti?”
“Al dente-“ once the word came out of his mouth, you started laughing, thinking the way he said it and the context of the situation made the word better than it was.
“I’m sorry, proceed-“
“Of the tooth. Now what you do is you cook the spaghetti, until it’s just cooked through enough. That’s is Al dente. You mix in some tomatoes, some onions-“ you and Charlie made some comments and noises at the food being mentioned, all of you being hungry and Wil talking about food not making it better.
“Crunch. Crunch.” 
“Yeah! Caramelized is the best.”
“Oh damn…”
“Oh god!” Both you and Charlie made comments of praise at the mention of good food. 
“Throw on some meatballs. Some purée. Mix it all together… you don’t know what i- I’d kill for some hot dogs and ketchup and bolognese. Bolognese spaghetti, hot dogs-“ 
“No hot dogs, just think of the bolognese, ok?” Charlie told Wil as he started to writhe underneath your arm. 
“Hot dogs do sound kinda good tho-“ you whispered under your breathe, the mic picking it up slightly.
“Are you feeling a radiating in your face?”
“No not even close-“
“Just you babe.” You patted his shoulder as he curled up more against you.
“I’m feeling it’s like up through my my nodes.” 
“You’re what?!” You said while laughing.
“I want you to close your eyes, and I want you to picture that bolognese, ok?” 
“Or me, but either works!” You whispered in his ear as he leant back and closed his eyes with a hint of a smile forming, taking your hand in his and squeezing. 
“Did you go to the bolognese?”
“I’m there, I’m there.” 
“You’re at the bolognese. Now I want you to take a bite on three, ok?” Charlie said as he brought his hands up to Wilbur’s head, one on his chin and one on the top of his head. 
“Wait, Charlie-“ you tried to intervene but it didn’t work. Wil opened his mouth as Charlie said the words again. “Charlie don’t.” Your voice turned desperate as you made eye contact with him, which he gave you a determined look back. 
“On three, ok. Ok, one… two…”
Charlie took more than a few seconds to breathe as Wil held his mouth open. You were waiting for something to happen, but it never came until-
“ three!” Charlie turned Wilbur’s neck as he fell against you, head in your chest as you looked down at him in terror and disbelief.
“No. No no no! Charlie what the fuck did you do?! Wil? Wil wake up.. please!” You said, tears making their way into your eye line as the camera died off. 
“Damn that was good!” Charlie said giving you a fist bump as Wil sat up slightly. 
“Thanks! Drama club helped!” You said as you wiped your eyes from any tears. 
Wil looked up at you and cupped your face as he pulled you down, gently bringing you into a soft kiss full of love, happiness and smiles. “Good job, darling. Made me believe I might actually be dead.” He whispered to you as he caressed your cheek. 
“Thank you, my love. But if you were actually dead I would’ve gone full on psycho and probably murder Charlie.” You joked as you looked up at him with a smile as he quickly rubbed the back of his neck and said something about leaving, making Wil laugh more. 
After all the boys argued about feeding him to the zombies, overall deciding to even after you yelled at all of them that they’d leave him here to rest as you rubbed his head and held him, still keeping up the distant and revengeful persona. 
As they carried him out of your arms and down the hall to groaning people, you held the gun in your hands Wil had and followed silently, not wanting to be apart of this dreadful experience, seeing your boyfriend get swarmed with half dead people. 
“Fucking cruel.” You whispered to yourself as Wil watched with you, shaking his head. 
“It’s ok, we’ll get out of here, alright?” Phil said as you nodded and left with the rest of them .
Running down halls and tunnels, all trying to find the extraction point, Charlie cried about turning Wil to pasta.
“Should’ve fucking listen to me before turning my boyfriend into mush yeah?!” You yelled at them, still feeling a little upset they decided to feed him to the herd. 
As you guys came across steps, Charlie pointed out a sign that clearly said “way out.” 
“Well if it’s the way out, get going!” You yelled as you hurriedly pushed past and ran up the steps. Coming out the doors to the night sky and crisp air, you all looked around as you laughed and spun around, letting the fresh air and earth take you in its wake. 
“I smell survival that way.” Tom said as he pointed to the right. 
“I smell goo.” 
You shook your head as you all followed Tommy once the zombies started coming back. As you all got to the gate, all of you realized it was locked. Well, most of you. 
“Here, Tom.” You pointed to a little lock that he turned and opened the gate as you all ran, Charlie staying clung to the metal bars, shaking and yelling to let him out. “Charlie here! Come on!” 
“Charlie!” You all yelled out for the man but realized it was too late once the herd reached him and took him in their grasp.
“Charlie’s gone down. So will I- actually no I’m scared, I’m scared.” 
“Pussy.” You said to him as you all stood there waiting for something to happen. 
“Hey! Actually I’m very much a strong-“ 
“Car! Go to the car!” Ranboo yelled as you all started running again. As you all started to slow down and look for the car, Phil decided it was his turn to stay back and help defend us. 
“You have to go-“ 
“Phil, no!” All of you yelled out as Phil started to get attacked by some zombies, you pulling both of them away, already knowing his fate.
“Come on! There’s no time! He already chose!” You yelled as you all ran a bit more you all saw a car sitting there, on and ready to go. 
You all hoped in, sitting across the back seats as you all slumped and rested as you told the driver where to go. 
“We’re safe, I think we’re ok!” Ranboo said as you leant against Tom in relief. All of you being able to breathe for once after hours in end of agony and pain. 
Hearing groaning, both you and Tom’s eyes popped wide as you both looked back to see a sickly looking Wilbur. 
“Tom?” Ranboo asked worriedly as Wilbur just sat there for a minute before launching at you and Tom, both of you screaming as Wil toppled on top of you both.
Screams turned into laughter as Wil’s hands gently dug into the sides of your and Tom’s side, tickling you both briefly as he retracted back into the trunk.
“Was I scary?” Wil asked as he smiled at you three. 
“Hmm… no but you do look really pretty.” You smiled at him as the car stopped and you all got out.
Going to the back you opened the trunk and let Wil out as he sat on the edge of the car, letting you stand between his legs as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his hand resting on your hips. 
“Am I always pretty and handsome to you? Even when I’m trying to be scary or cringey or-“ 
You cut him off with a short kiss as you smiled down at him. 
“Yes. Always. Now let’s get this stuff off of you, it looks itchy.” 
“Oh it is!” 
taglist; @mysticalsoot (wanna be added? Send an ask or dm!)
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sebadztian · 2 months
I have a bit of a random question? Why is green witch arc considered the s*bac*el arc? I don't mind the arc, but I'm just afraid non-manga reading fans are going to heavily ship Ciel & Sieglinde due to their ages. If anything I think it will cause a bigger rift amongst the ship/fandom. I personally found something like the Book of the Atlantic to be more SC coded, so I was just curious if there was something crucial I wasn't understanding?
Hello, anon!
So sorry it took me ages to answer your ask.
Essay below...
Right, I can see why people might see GWA as Cielinde and if they see it that way, that's totally valid. Will it create more discourse in the fandom? I don't know.
However, for me personally, when I first read this arc (that was BEFORE I got into Sebaciel), I actually ended up shipping Sieglinde/Wolf 😔🙃
But why I see GWA as Sebaciel coded is because this is where their relationship takes a big leap forward. I talked about it in this post and this one too.
I can see why you see BoA as more Sebaciel coded, and no, you're not missing anything. And I agree with you. Both arcs are Sebaciel coded (almost the entire manga is SC coded if you want to see it that way), but they're different.
In Book of Atlantic, we see their past, how they learned to be an earl and his butler from a spare and a demon, as shown in Sebas' cinematic record.
In the 'Tango on the Campania' (the musical) Sebastian made it even more clear that at the beginning of their contract, Ciel was just 'any other child' and Seb himself was 'just a demon'.
At the end of his record, we see how Sebas chose to serve Ciel because he's fascinated by his beauty and his foolishness.
In GWA, it was Ciel's turn to choose Sebastian as shown in these panels.
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Add those to the posts that I've linked above, I think we can say that this arc plays a very significant role in the development of SC relationship.
The way I see it, BoA is the basic foundation of their relationship, mostly in relation to their past. It was also the first time that Sebas realized that he could lose Ciel.
GWA builds on that and it solidifies their relationship. This is necessary, and even important, to prepare them for the future (The Boyband arc, the Zombie Brother arc, and the rest of the manga).
If what happened in GWA hadn't happened the way they did, Sebas wouldn't have realized how much he cared about Ciel.
In GWA, he almost lost Ciel (again) and this time, it was worse because this time round, he had to depend on others (Sieg & Finny) to save & take care of his master. For once, he was powerless, and more importantly, Ciel has rejected him. Without those events, he wouldn't have realized just how important Ciel is to him and it also takes him down a peg or two and I'm always down for that.
On Ciel's part, without GWA, he wouldn't have been able to face his zombie brother like he did. It was during his... inner turnoil that he realized why he's doing this and it was then that he has chosen Sebas, above his own family, above his trauma, his guilt, and even his brother.
This is an important turning point and a big leap for the both of them, both individually and as a unit. They went through their own individual character development in relation to each other, unlike in BoA where they both developed together as a team.
So, yes, both Book of Atlantic and GWA are Sebaciel coded, but in different ways.
Also, the result of GWA? My most favourite panels in the entire manga...
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My point is, there is no right or wrong answer/way in looking at each arc. What I share with you here is just my own way of looking at this arc through Sbcl lens. Some people might look at it differently and they might not even see the significance of GWA in relation to Sebaciel, and that's completely okay.
Thabk you for the ask!
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itoshi-s · 2 years
anon requested: rin + first time // no lukewarm love v-day event !
wc: 2k. cw: nsfw, fem reader, characters are 20+, virginity loss on both sides, rin gets kinda pussy drunk as per usual hehe
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you've seen a fair share of breathtaking sights, but you think that rin might just be the prettiest of them all.
long eyelashes flutter as he sucks in a breath between needy kisses he steals from your lips, turquoise gaze settling on your own with such intensity that you tremble. he looks so stupidly handsome like this, with the faintest of blushes spilling down his cheeks and hair haphazardly pushed out of his eyes - allowing him to get a better look at you and devour the entirety of you, spread out so prettily underneath his broad frame.
the dragging of his hips doesn't help in easing the whirlwind in your head, either, and instead makes the tingling feeling deep inside your tummy grow stronger with each press of rin's hard cock against your cunt as he grinds down on you.
"you okay?" rin rasps against your mouth, breath minty yet hot as he speaks. his fingers flex on the flesh of your ass, where the palms of his large hands rest and knead, guiding your hips to move against his.
you give a quick nod, arms tightening their grip around his neck and further closing the distance between you two - until your breathy moans meddle into one and teeth bump against each other in a kiss even messier than the last.
"yes- yes, rinnie," you mumble, the noise bleeding into something more honeyed and downright sinful when the tip of his cock catches on your clit ever so teasingly. "just.. please, i-"
pleasure sears through every nerve and renders it hard to speak anymore when you feel rin throb against your swollen folds, even through the thin cotton of your panties - now completely soiled with pre and your juices, too. instead, you sigh, heavily so as if you really were frustrated, and reach a hand down to wrap your fingers around the very base of your boyfriend's girth.
the black-haired man sucks in a breath, forehead pressing against your own as he instinctively thrusts forward, cock jerking at the slightest of pulls that you give,
"not yet," rin mutters, clammy hand finding your own to move it away gently. "gonna make you cum for me first, baby." he leans down to lock his lips with yours again, but frowns slightly instead when you shake your head and make a small sound of protest.
your hand slithers to rest along his jaw, thumb pressing against the swollen flesh of his bottom lip, and rin's heart might as well just leap right out of his chest at the action and how intimate it feels. a breath hitches in his throat when he pulls away just enough to steal a look at your face and take in the hooded gaze you grace him with.
"what a-" he starts, but is quickly cut off when you twist your wrist, giving his length a single stroke, languid but enough to get your point across as you speak-
"need you," you moan, voice airy with lust and eyes bleary from red hot desire searing underneath your skin that's aching for more, "i-i wan' you, rin, all of you, please."
the pads of your fingers brush across your labia, moving to push the soft material of your panties to the side, but rin groans.
"stop, fuck," he huffs, pressing one last kiss to your mouth firmly before pushing himself up. hooking his fingers behind the thin material, rin eases your panties off, until you hurriedly kick them away. then, his hands leave your body altogether to rest at his knees instead. "are y- are you sure?" the ever so slight crease between his brows makes him look so much prettier, you think - something he'd groan about if you ever voiced it out loud.
"mmhm," you hum, hips squirming as if in encouragement, "please, rin. don't wanna wait anymore, 'm ready."
if the desperate whine in your voice is anything to go by, then you're more than ready, indeed, rin thinks. he gulps, saliva thick on his tongue as he grabs your hips - a bit more careful this time - and pulls you closer, fingertips digging into the plush of your thighs.
"okay, s' okay," he whispers, leaning down to kiss away the crystalline droplets that collected along your lashes in sheer frustration. "i'll give it to you, baby, promise." rin murmurs, mouthing against the heat on your cheek.
he's not nervous per se - and rin sure hopes he doesn't sound like it, either. it's already been a couple months since you've gotten together and it was hard to keep your hands off each other. it wasn't anything new to have you writhing in pleasure at the gentlest, most precise touches - but he's never had all of you. fuck, to be fair, he didn't know how it felt at all, with anyone - you've been each other's every possible first, and fairly enough, rin couldn't imagine it any other way.
still, just the thought of sliding into you for the first time, feeling you squeeze down on him - warm and throbbing and so inviting - is more than enough to make butterflies run rampage in the pit of his tummy.
he doesn't want to ruin this. he really fucking can't.
"let me prep you," rin breathes against your mouth, pressing the sweetest of kisses to your awaiting lips as he slides two fingers down your folds and relishes in the soft mewls you give. "what do you say, hm, pretty?"
you shudder, breathing growing heavier upon the encouraging coos that honestly don't even serve as any question - it's just mere teasing, something to make you even dizzier, high on need as rin slips his finger in.
you're not quite sure how much time passes as he works you out on his digits, knuckles curling against the front wall and fingertips massaging along all the right spots that make your legs quiver. it might be a minute, maybe five or ten - it's hard to tell with the way rin's kisses grow messier, tongue lapping at yours fervently until your mind turns cotton.
he groans into your mouth, cock twitching between his thighs and leaking down on the sheets at the pretty, high-pitched sounds each brush of his fingers pulls from your throat.
"fuck, you're soaking," as if rin's words weren't enough proof, a sticky, downright filthy sound resonates as he eases his fingers out.
now, you're definitely no prude - not with the way you're squirming with need, borderline pleading for more - but as you watch the way rin's eyes zone in on your cunt and the wetness that clings to his fingers, you feel like earth could swallow you whole.
your eyes roll back into your head, unwittingly so, as he leisurely rubs circles around your clit, slow and steady, grunting under his breath when his middle finger slips back inside your cunt.
"so fucking wet. you're gonna fit me now, won't you," it seems like the striker is talking more to himself than to you by this point, gaze clouded as he plays with you - but to be fair, it only adds to the pleasure that keeps steadily building up in your core.
rin only seems to snap out of it when your hips stutter unexpectedly, a whine bubbling from your mouth pathetically.
"rinnie, pl-ease," you're almost panting with want, lip swollen from the way your teeth are sinking into the soft flesh. "need you already, please, rin."
the blabbering must've worked, cause sure enough, he pulls his hand away from you altogether and instead wraps it around his cock, weeping for any sort of attention.
"shh, s' alright." rin sighs, a moan stuck somewhere in the back of his throat at the slow yet firm strokes he gives to himself as some sort of prep. his vision almost tunnels as he glances down, watching how you spread your legs further, trying to accommodate to the width of his hips. (he wishes he could look at your face, and the way your cheeks glisten with pure need and adoration for him, but fuck-he might honestly cum just at the first glance.) "stop whining-" he pauses, propping himself up with one hand, the other still loose around his swollen length as he prods at your entrance. "-i'm here, yeah?"
teal eyes eventually find yours and yeah, rin's definitely the prettiest thing you've ever seen - even more so when he's so riled up, yet still gives you the gentlest look; one that's reserved for your eyes only.
blood rushes through your ears, hands almost trembling as they rest on rin's back in an attempt to pull him even closer. with the way his chest almost presses against your own, you wonder if he can feel the heavy, irregular thumping of your heart, swelling with all the love you hold for the man.
"yeah," you nod, toes curling at the unfamiliar feel as rin slides the swollen head of his cock through your folds. you're not nervous - fuck, you've thought of (and gotten off to) this so many times, and spent so many days longing for how it might feel - but if he makes you wait any longer, you just might cry. "r- rin, just-"
the whimper gets cut off somewhere midway, air knocked out of your lungs as he thrusts forwards. it aches - stings with how much you have to stretch to fit all of him - but you moan nevertheless, voice wet with tears as your head rolls back. you can feel rin's cock throb against your walls as he presses himself further in, caging you in under his body weight that you can see he's struggling to hold upright.
"hah-" you hear rin gasp somewhere against your jaw, hand reaching above to grab at the headboard, "oh, fuck, s'tight." he merely chokes out and almost loses his voice altogether when your pussy squeezes his cock some more, the silky walls feeling all too warm and slick as you struggle to take all of him - it's insane, really, and rin just might feel himself lose it.
your nails break the milky skin somewhere near one of his shoulder blades as rin bottoms out with a low grunt, forehead dropping to rest in the crook of your neck. "talk- talk t' me, baby, you okay?" it's muffled when he speaks, mouth hot on the side of your throat and you're pretty sure you can feel him drool against your skin.
it's all too much, you think, but your body must be craving more with the way your hips involuntarily press up against rin's, back arched so pretty, his hand instinctively slides to rest right where a pair of dimples indents the soft flesh.
"feels good," you mewl, lungs hollow as you gasp for air, choked little moans tumbling past your parted lips and, shit, rin's never heard anything even remotely as sweet. his hips stutter, jolting forwards once to which you let out the prettiest squeal, airy and honeyed, "wan' more, rinnie, please."
your cunt swells around him as if on cue and he has to squeeze his eyes shut for a second, just to ground himself; but there's no use, really, not with the way you choke back those pained breathy sounds and yet still rock your hips against his own, searching for more. there's a gravelly groan that slips out of his mouth and blends with the surprised squeak you let out when his teeth start nibbling at your jugular.
"mhm, will give you s'much more, baby, promise." rin pants, lashes tickling against your heated skin when he swallows thick and ruts himself even deeper into you, until he nudges a spot that has your vision flickering white and his cock twitching. "fuck- ah-haah- have so much for you."
judging from the way he starts to slur on his words and tightens the grip on your flesh, he really just might.
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© itoshi-s. do not plagiarize, repost as your own or mention on other sm platforms.
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dira333 · 11 months
Head over Heels for you - Denki Kaminari x reader
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Denki can still remember it vividly, something he rarely ever manages to do.
First week back in school after the war, everything different and yet still the same.
He had missed half of the explanation on why you were a new student so suddenly, but he caught your name and the way the light caught in your hair. 
Someone mentioned you being quirkless - it might have been Mineta, it might have been the wind - but he couldn’t care less. You were beautiful, in an ethereal kind of way.
And sure, he had more confidence than Bakugo had anger issues, but he knew his limits.
He still didn’t know how he got Jirou to like him to the point she did - maybe it was trauma or something else entirely - but he knew when he was out of someone’s league and you and him were so far apart he couldn’t even see the horizon separating the two of you.
So what did fate do? Fate decided to put the two of you together for team exercises.
“Sorry, you’re stuck with me.” He apologized. “I’ll try not to hold you back.”
You laughed softly and the sound sent a shiver down his back.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Kaminari-kun.”
The mission, as their teacher explained it, was as simple as it was stupid. Get on top of a building, get whatever was hidden up there, and get back down in one piece. Don’t use your quirk.
“Ha?” Bakugo called out from across the field, clearly annoyed at the stipulation.
“Can you catch?” You asked instead, your eyes intense.
“Uh, I think so.” 
“Good. I’ll climb up and throw it down.”
He didn’t even get enough time to process your words before the whistle sounded and you were off, practically throwing yourself at the building before you, leaping from one story to the other.
Some of the other teams tried copying you, but they lacked whatever you had. Talent, maybe? Or some deep knowledge about how buildings worked, because you climbed them like you’d been born doing it.
They won that race and he still isn’t sure how you did it, not even now, years later.
“Denki!” Your voice is soft as you pick up the call, he can hear the smile on your lips. “What do I honor that call?”
He stretches in the small hospital bed, still a bit high from the pain meds. At least he thinks he is, because the air around him is filled with glitter and he feels like laughing.
“Didn’t mean to call you.” He says, voice a bit sluggish. It sounds funny so he says it again.
“Are you alright?” You ask, worry creeping into your words.
“Yeah. Can you say my name again?”
“Yeah.” He giggles. “It sounds pretty when you say it.”
“Are you alright?”
“Mhm… They had to cut me open but I’m alright now. Said I could go home in a bit.”
“They? What are you talking about?”
“I’m at the hopsital. Hotspial. Hospital. What a word. They said I broke a bone. Can you believe that?”
“Do you need someone to take you home?”
“Yes. That’s why I’m supposed to call Kirishima. He said I should call him once I got out. He’s such a good friend.”
“But you called me instead?”
“Yeah. I wanted to hear your voice.”
There’s silence on the other end of the line and he blinks at his phone in confusion, calling your name.
“Did you hang up?”
“No, sorry. No. I’m still here. Do you want me to pick you up?”
“No, it’s okay. You’re busy. I’m just going to talk to you until Kirishima is here.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. Do you know what hospital you’re in?”
“It has an s in it’s name.” He says. “And it sounds funny.”
“I’m sure you remember it, Denki. Tell me about it.”
“Your voice is so pretty.” He can’t believe he hasn’t told you that yet. “Everything’s so pretty about you. You wore your hair differently last time, I could have cried.”
He blinks against a bright light, his head a fuzzy cloud of pain.
“Ughhh.” He groans.
Someone presses something against his lips, he tastes water and swallows on instinct alone.
“Thanks, buddy.” He groans and hears a snicker.
“Sure, buddy.”
The voice sounds familiar but he’s too out of it to care for it, snuggling into the warmth of a hand on his cheek instead. How nice that his mother is here.
When he wakes, his leg feels like someone decided to play trumpet on it, blew up all the skin, and threw away the bones.
His skin feels clammy and icky and his mouth is dry.
The headache, however, is gone, and he can see his room clearly.
Someone must have cleaned it and he fears for the worst.
If Kirishima brought in Bakugo, he’ll never hear the end of it, because Bakugo must have opened the fridge - he always opens fridges at everyone’s house - and found the pound of Tofu that’s going to come alive soon.
“You’re awake.” That voice doesn’t belong to Bakugo.
He turns to see you, sleeves pushed up to your elbows, leaning in the doorframe.
He’s never seen anyone be this pretty in casual clothes but it’s you. He shouldn’t be surprised.
“What are you doing here?”
“You called me yesterday. So I picked you up from the hospital.”
“I was supposed to call Kirishima.” He recalls. “He said he’d be done with the mission briefing by the time I was out.”
“He was. He gave me directions because you couldn’t remember the name of the hospital.”
“Oh shit, I’m sorry. How out of it was I?”
“How much do you remember?”
“I remember that the air was filled with glitter.”
Something shifts in your face and you nod stiffly. “Okay.”
He knows, instantly and because he’s been himself all his life, that he must have said something or done something stupid.
“What did I do?”
“Nothing, really.”
“You’re a worse liar than I am.”
You chew on your lower lip for a second, a gesture so distracting he completely looses focus until you speak up again.
“Apparently I have the prettiest kneecaps in all the girls you’ve ever met.”
He pales. 
“Did I-”
“And my voice sounds like someone filled the taste of hamburgers into words. Which was very creative, by the way.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, why are you sorry?”
He stares down at the blanket covering his legs and wishes for a villain to crash through his window, right now, right here. But nothing happens. Because villains can’t be trusted with important tasks like saving the dignity of a typical twenty-year-old.
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“If you don’t feel that way, it’s okay.” You say, sounding almost shy for the first time ever since he’s met you almost five years ago. “But if the pain-meds made you tell me that you love me because you actually feel like it, I think you shouldn’t be ashamed of that.”
He shrugs helplessly.
“‘s not going to change anything anyway, right? You’ll still be too out of my league.”
You laugh, a sound he’d anticipated but not like that. 
You sound surprised, not disgusted and when he looks at you, you’re smiling like that time you partnered up. When he caught that stupid trophy back in UA and held it up for you to see.
Something like hope blooms in his chest and he cocks his head to look at you.
“Can you say my name again?” He dares to ask. “It sounds prettiest from your mouth.”
“Denki, you dumbass.” You walk around his bed and put your hand on his cheek. “Next time don’t wait until you’re on pain-meds until you tell me something this important.”
He’s still on crutches when their class assembles for their next get-together.
You’re half astep behind him, mumbling concerned “Be careful”s and “Watch out for that step”s.
Kirishima is the first to notice you.
“Hey! Good to see you! Did he give you any trouble?”
“Not at all.” You smile and let Kirishima hug you for a second before stepping back to Denki’s side. “He was very talkative though.”
“Did he finally confess?” Bakugo yells from the bar only to be sushed by Momo immediately.
You laugh. “He did.” You say and the whole room falls silent.
“He did?” Mina asks, coming to her feet in an instant. “And?”
You look at Denki who looks at you, before he knocks his head slightly into yours.
“Turns out she’s been head over heels for me all this time.” He jokes lightly.
Somewhere in the back, Ochako calls out a triumphant “I knew it. Pay up sucker!” 
They all turn to watch a redfaced Izuku press money into her hands.
Your hand finds his, squeezes it tight for a second before you release.
He’s never been that glad over a broken bone.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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promptthebear · 1 year
Kissmas Day 9
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Prompt: Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead
Pairing: Sandor Clegane x Reader
CW: Female reader, lots and lots of swearing (It's Sandor c'mon now), reader is pregnant, some mentions of canon typical violence. If i forget anything please let me know!
A/N: Hello! This is a little different from the last few fics I wrote. I was going for like something cozy? So the pacing is a little slower and it's sort of a "not much happens but there's vibes" kind of fic. Hopefully you all enjoy it. I just really wanted to give my boy a story where he's safe, well fed, well rested, and doesn't have shit trying to kill him for like five minutes.
It was still dark when Sandor awoke, and colder than a wight’s arse. He could see the earliest light of dawn, though, through a nearby window. Pale yellow rays were starting to kiss the tops of the large, gloomy pines that encircled your cottage, and he knew it would be several hours yet before the sun would provide any proper warmth.
Grumbling and cursing under his breath, Sandor pushed back the furred hide that served as a blanket and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He hissed when his feet touched the floor, the chill so fierce it bit at his soles, even through the two layers of woolen socks he wore. Everyone, from great Kings to common fools, knew that Winters in the North were bitterly cold. But it was one thing to hear the tavern stories and another thing all together when you were trying to live through it.
He wondered, as he tugged on his boots, why he didn’t make for the Free Cities and Dorne like the few remaining knights did when the whole world finally fell apart in flame and ruin. Yes, the stories of the fine wines and glimmering cities where even beggars could be Kings might have been exaggerated, but it couldn’t be any worse than here. At the very least, it might be nice to live somewhere your piss didn’t freeze midstream and your cock didn’t stick to your hand each time you used the privy.
Sandor turned the idea over in his mind, finding that its appeal grew with each passing moment. However, any thoughts of leaving vanished the instant he glanced over his shoulder and caught sight of your face peeking out from under the edge of the blankets. Your expression was peaceful, almost serene.
He leaned over you, his hair falling around his cheeks like a curtain, and placed a quick kiss against your temple. You stirred slightly in response, your eyelashes fluttering as a soft moan escaped your lips.
Sandor chuckled and reached out to deliver a gentle pat to your side before answering.
“Nothing. Gonna go cut some firewood. I’ll be back before you’re up.”
You mumbled something in reply, too faint for him to make out, before sleep’s embrace claimed you once more. He chuckled again and fondly shook his head.
At one point, nobody wanted to spend a night in his bed, not even when he'd gone to a brothel. Those girls had been too frightened of his face to give him more than a few hours at most, leaving him to wake to a cold bed and empty purse the next morning.
You, on the other hand, were comforted enough by his presence to stay through the night. You even claimed you slept more soundly when he was with you. It had taken a while before Sandor believed you, but after over a year of waking with you warm and content beside him, he was starting to see that you’d been telling the truth.
The bedroom door squeaked as it opened, which made the large, shaggy dog the two of you kept leap to its feet and growl deep in its throat. Sandor shushed the animal, which immediately bounded over from its spot by the fireplace, tongue out and tail wagging at the sight of its master.
“Stupid mutt.” Sandor said, as he began to rumple and massage the dog’s ears. “Good thing you’re loyal, or else what use would you be?”
The dog, which you’d so cleverly called Nameless because Sandor had refused to give it one, eagerly leaned into his touch and gazed up at him in squinty eyed delight. You’d found the poor beast roughly around the same time Sandor had been able to walk again, where he’d been left to die in some abandoned crofter’s hut.
At first, Sandor had wanted nothing to do with the animal. As far as he was concerned, you didn’t need another mouth to feed, what with him still half crippled and you were only able to set the most basic of rabbit snares. There had barely been enough food for the two of you, let alone a walking gut disguised as a dog.
He’s a big, black dog you’d insisted on just like your crest. If that’s not a sign from the gods, I don’t know what is.
Bugger the gods had been Sandor’s reply, but in the end, he’d yielded, if only to have some peace from your griping. Since then, Nameless had followed Sandor around like a second shadow. He’d cursed the beast and the bitch that whelped him each time he got underfoot, but eventually this gave way to begrudging acceptance and finally a quiet sort of affection.
Whoever left Nameless behind had, whether they knew it or not, forfeited a skilled hunting dog. Despite his sweet nature with people, he could catch rabbits and squirrels as skillfully as any wolf, which kept you and Sandor well stocked with meat despite the North’s unforgiving climate.
Once again, Sandor found himself questioning why he’d chosen to live in the frozen arse end of the world as he tried to open the front door. A thick layer of ice had settled over the tiny cottage you called home, a parting gift from last night’s storm.
Despite ample shoving and force, the door was refusing to cooperate. With each attempt, the aged wood groaned and creaked as though in protest, but wouldn’t budge. Though he couldn’t see it, Sandor had a feeling the damn thing had frozen shut in its frame, which was a much more common occurrence than he would’ve liked it to be. With a muttered oath, he threw his shoulder against the wood, swearing louder at the shock of pain that came after.
A thin sweat had broken out on Sandor’s brow when he finally gave himself a moment to breathe, half slumped against the bastard door and wishing agonies upon whichever fool god made ice to begin with. He stole a glance over his shoulder, hoping the racket hadn’t woken you, and was greeted with the sight of Nameless. The dog was sitting a few feet behind him and watching the entire process as though it was a Mummer’s show Sandor was putting on especially for him.
“Are you just going to look? Or are you going to be helpful for once in your sorry life?”
By way of response, Nameless rose to his feet, stood for a moment, squinted at Sandor, and then let out a quick, loud sneeze that sent forth a spray of drool and dust motes into the chilled air. Satisfied, the dog sat down again with a bump, and stared at his master. He cocked his head to one side, and spread his mouth wide in a lolling, doggy grin, as if two of them were sharing some sort of secret joke.
Sandor couldn’t help but grin back, albeit a little lopsidedly, before returning to the problem of the door. Once upon a time, he could’ve split the bloody thing in two with the heel of his boot and a well-aimed kick, but he had been a different man then. The Hound, with all his strength and rage, had died with Gregor the day they both went over the falls. Now, all that remained was Sandor, who had to huff and puff and struggle with frozen doors just like anyone else.
When the door finally gave way, it did so with a mighty crack, which shattered the morning air in a flurry of loose snow that tumbled off the roof and bits of ice that shimmered like diamond shards as they fell.
Sandor stumbled outside, shoulder first since he was mid shove when the door decided to open. Instantly, he was blinded by the sheer, sterile whiteness of fresh snow and sunbeams that cut like yellow knives after the dimness of the cottage. For a moment, he had little choice but to wait and lean against the door frame while his vision cleared.
Despite the early hour, the woods were already awake and teeming with life. Around him, Sandor could hear all manner of birdsong, as well as the chattering of squirrels and the far off call of a solitary deer.
From behind the cottage came the sounds of the sheep, small, squat, shaggy creatures with more wool than brains between their ears. They bleated mournfully from inside their little shed, hoping it would get them fed all the sooner, but their cries stirred no pity in Sandor’s heart. He could hardly stand the sight of the fool things, with their empty eyes and the way they ran in panicked, useless circles every time they were frightened.
When you’d first asked Sandor why he hated the sheep so much, he told you it was because he had no patience for anything, man or beast, that was too stupid to know how stupid it actually was. You’d laughed at that, a bright, musical sound that made warmth bloom in Sandor’s chest, but you hadn’t left the matter alone like he’d hoped.
As far as you were concerned, there was no point in wasting time hating something so pathetic and harmless and so you persisted. If Sandor was stubborn, you were twice as much, pestering him with that unfaltering cheerfulness each time you went you to feed the damn things. Eventually, he relented, the name and reason tumbling from his lips like rain after a drought.
From the ashes of Sandor’s rage, shame had blossomed, and with it a thin, choking vine that clenched a little tighter around his heart each time he’d thought of the boy. He’d lived what felt like a thousand different lifetimes since that fateful day by the river, and no matter how much he’d drunk, fought or fucked, he couldn’t seem to shake that one particular ghost. It was as though a small part of Mycha had always been there, slowly poisoning what little shreds of goodness Sandor had managed to grasp hold of, and for a while, he supposed that was what he deserved. Until you came along.
You, who had dragged Sandor out from the water when he was little more than a half drowned corpse. You, who had set every broken bone, stitched every wound and fed him spoonfuls of broth even when he’d cursed you after each one. With your constant, stubborn, infuriating cheerfulness, you had talked Sandor into talking, smiled him into smiling, and somehow loved him into loving you back. You had become the sun that rose and set on each day of Sandor’s life. You were what got him up in the mornings and kept him working until dusk. The thought of losing you, or worse, having you cast him aside, scared him more than dragons, others, and his cunt brother ever had.
That was why, in the end, Sandor had chosen to tell you the truth. At least then you’d hear it from him, instead of whatever exaggerated horseshit the village gossips would invent. Ugly as it was, Sandor knew honesty would be his friend in this matter, and he’d had more than his fill of liars after spending so much time in service to the Lannisters.
And so you came to know the whole sordid tale, one dreary morning in the sheep shed. He spared no detail, no matter how gruesome it was or how poorly it reflected on his character. If you were going to keep loving him, it was best you knew the sort of man you’d chosen, lest the truth curdle what little affection he’d earned.
At first, Sandor wasn’t sure how you were going to take things. He half expected you to try to brain him with the bucket of sheep’s feed, then drive him off in a hail of shrieking and chunks of dung. Tears were also a likely possibility, though you didn’t really seem the type. But learning that the man who you’d let into your home and bed had the blood of an innocent child on his hands could make anyone behave strangely.
When he’d finally got up the courage to stop staring at his boots and look into your face, you, as always, surprised him. You were smiling at him, that same warm, gentle smile that Sandor remembered from the moment he’d woken up in your arms.
I know is what you’d said. I’ve always known, and I love you anyway.
You’d reached for him after, setting aside your bucket so you could bring your hand up and caress his scarred cheek. Sandor had leaned into your touch, like it was the only thing keeping him from breaking apart into a million pieces. Of course you’d known, who in all the Seven Kingdoms hadn’t heard the stories about King Joffery’s rabid dog and the things he’d done? He should’ve given you more credit.
From there, it had been easy enough to tell you why he hated those sheep. Their cries, the sheer terror in their eyes each time he approached? They reminded him too much of that boy, and regardless of how you felt about it, he was not entirely certain he’d ever be able to forget. It was one thing to have your forgiveness and another thing entirely to be able to forgive himself.
Give it time is what you’d told him And let me worry about the sheep. You’ve got enough to do around here, anyway.
The sound of Nameless’ barking is what suddenly tugged Sandor from his memories and back into the here and now. Somehow, the dog had managed to squeeze past him without Sandor noticing, and he was now diving face first through the fresh snow, on the hunt for grouse tracks and anything else that would provide a decent chase.
Sandor watched for a moment, unable to hide the smile playing about his lips. The sight of the big dog, now sporting a healthy dusting of snow across his shoulders and muzzle, was enough to brighten anyone’s mood. He supposed, after almost starving to death on his own, the idiot creature was simply happy to be alive long enough to see another day.
The two of them would go and check Sandor’s traps later. With any luck, they’d snag a rabbit or two that you could roast for supper and have plenty of bones left for Nameless to enjoy. But, in the meantime, you wouldn’t be cooking anything if there wasn’t any wood for the fire.
It hadn’t warmed up any by the time Sandor walked to the woodshed. The snows frozen crust crunched under his feet as he walked, while his breath floated away in thick, white clouds that dampened his beard. His axe, stuck blade down in the stump a few feet away from the woodshed, was a welcome sight.
It was by no means half the weapon his greatsword had been, but Sandor found comfort in the way its worn, wooden handle fit snugly into his grasp and in its blade that thirsted for pine sap instead of blood.
Before long, the sound of logs splitting filled the air, mingling with the soft creak of trees in the wind and an occasional bark from Nameless. Sandor quickly found his rhythm, letting the weight of the axe guide his arm on the downstroke and pushing aside each long with his other hand to be stacked in the shed later.
He went on like that for a while, cut, push, another log, and do it again. The repetition of the work was soothing, almost meditative. It brought a sense of peace to Sandor the way only busy hands could.
Cut, push, new log, do it again.
It was like the axe was an extension of his arm, with the beat of his heart matching each thud of the blade and his breath moving in time as the axe swung through the air. There was most likely going to be a fresh tree fall after last night’s winds, no doubt with plenty of new wood for Sandor to haul home. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring a length of rope and the sledge when he went hunting with Nameless later. If they didn’t catch anything, at least they wouldn’t be coming home empty-handed.
The young pine he was currently working on was halfway gone by the time you’d made an appearance. Sandor hadn’t heard you at first, too absorbed in what he was doing. It was only after you’d said his name for the third time that he’d finally stopped and turned to look at you over his shoulder, squinting at you as though he wasn’t quite sure who you were or where he was.
“What are you doing out here?”
His tone, like everything about him, was gruff. You smiled at him all the same, knowing that for Sandor, gruffness and worry were often interchangeable.
“Came to check on you. You’ve been out here for hours.”
Sandor glanced upwards and was surprised to find the sun sitting squarely above his head. A sheen of sweat had also broken out over his arms and forehead, and he could feel where it was pooling in the hollows of his back. With a sigh, he set aside his axe and removed his heavy woolen cloak, before turning back towards you.
“Have you been asleep this whole time?”
The slight tilt of his chin in your direction indicated your odd choice of garments. Born to a wilding father and shepherd’s daughter, you always swore the North in your blood kept you from ever truly feeling cold. Still, a sleeping shift, boots, and knit shawl tossed hastily about your shoulders was a questionable choice in midwinter, even for a Northern girl.
You shook your head and gestured back towards the cottage where steam had fogged up the windows.
“I started the laundry, wanted to make use of the sunlight while we still have it. I figured it didn’t make much sense to change until my other clothes were dry, and then I could wash these next.”
Sandor listened to your explanation, his face unchanging save for an arched brow. When you finished, he raised his arm and pointed back at the cottage with a thick finger.
“You should be inside, you fool, woman. You’ll freeze your tits off out here.”
You laughed before wrapping your shawl a little tighter around your shoulders and closing the space between you and Sandor with a few steps.
“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times. I’m a Northerner. I don’t get cold. We’re not as pampered as you Southern city types.”
Sandor grumbled softly and shook his head, something about “tongue lashing harpy bitch.” There was no venom behind his words, however, only affectionate resignation. Instinctively, he brought his hand to rest on the curve of your stomach, a protective gesture towards the child you’d been carrying for the last five months. You reached up for Sandor’s face, cupping the scarred side as you usually did against the palm of your hand.
Sandor’s eyes fluttered shut in response to the touch, and for a moment, years seemed to fall away from his expression. He turned his head slightly to the side and pressed a kiss against the skin of your wrist. You loved seeing him like this, vulnerable and content. It was like a glimpse into the past, when he was young and full of hope. However, his eyes opened all too quickly, and he was back to being the Sandor you knew. Older, grumpy, and entirely done with your nonsense.
“Inside. Or I’ll sling you over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and bring you there myself”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he’d do no such thing, not while you were pregnant, anyway.
“Fine. But I want a kiss first.”
There was more grumbling, but Sandor did as you asked, catching your mouth against his while his hands snaked down to encircle your hips. You leaned into the kiss, pressing your body as close to his as you could get while still keeping your feet on the ground. His beard was coarse against your cheeks, and he smelled faintly of the woods and sweat. The heat of him seemed to envelope you, like a familiar blanket.
You stood like that for a while, the two of you bathed in morning sunshine and kissing as though you’d never get a chance to do it again. When Sandor tried to pull away, you chased him, closing the space between your mouths by wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him downwards. This kiss was a little messier and rougher than the first, most likely due to Sandor’s surprise, but you didn’t mind. It was only when you nibbled at his bottom lip that he broke the kiss off in earnest, catching your two hands in one of his and trapping them against his chest.
“None of that. I told you, go inside.”
You stared up at Sandor and pulled your mouth into an exaggerated pout.
“One more? Please? And then I’ll go, I promise.”
Sandor swore softly under his breath and used his free hand to adjust the front of his trousers before leaning down to claim your mouth again. For a moment, it seemed as though you were going to get your way. Sandor had brought his other hand up to twine in your hair, which only served to deepen the kiss. You welcomed it eagerly, opening your lips and running your tongue against the seam of his mouth. He let out a groan in response, the hand that still held yours squeezing tight. You squirmed against him eagerly, trying to wrap one of your legs around his and haul yourself upwards, your hips seeking the friction they so desperately craved.
This, however, didn’t have the desired effect. Sandor began to laugh, and then placed his hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you back so you could no longer reclaim his mouth.
“I’m not a tree, you little minx, so stop trying to climb me. You said one more, you’ve had one more, and now you’re going to go inside or else.”
One look at Sandor’s face, and you knew there was no use in pushing your luck. With a long, suffering sigh, you stepped away, already mourning the absence of his mouth and hands on your body.
“Fine. But I better see you again before it gets dark. I’ll need to wash those clothes you’re wearing, and I’m not warming up your dinner twice.”
Sandor grunted, the noise vaguely affirmative enough that you took it as agreement. You turned to head back towards the cottage, only to stop mid step when you felt the familiar sting of an open hand strike your ass. You spun back around, your shawl spinning about your shoulders, and stared at Sandor, who grinned wolfishly back.
“That’s not fair!” you sputtered, your already pink cheeks flushing deeper.
“Nothing ever is,” came the reply.
You shook your head, turning once again to leave. Sandor let you do so without further torment, watching the way the sunlight made your hair glisten and the subtle swing of your hips as you walked. Nothing was ever fair, but sometimes things got close, even for an old dog like himself.
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Hey mutual, I really enjoy your writing! I was going to ask if you could do a small fic of the reader being a goddess/god in an all knowing way. Their power is to know all events of the past and future and as a defense would be a really strong glare that would bring out the worst in the affected person. It could be with any of the sparda men of your choice. It’s okay if you want to do it. STAY MOYIVATEDD!!☺️☺️
Yup, I chose to play favorites and do Vergil only, that okay? Thanks so much and please enioy!
All-knowing (Vergil x Goddess!Reader)
"Y/N, where is the--"
"In the kitchen, third cabinet on the left, top shelf."
"Thank you."
Vergil hurried off to the kitchen to retrieve the item he was looking for, silently thanking you for knowing where everything was at all times, even though sometimes it could get annoying.
"Vergil," You called, "A group of demons is about to arrive at the edge of town. Let us beat them to it."
"Yes, of course," Vergil agreed, heading for the door.
"No, not through the front door," You cautioned. "If you do, you'll let a mosquito in, which will terrorize us 5 days from now."
"I see," Vergil mumbled, turning around and walking to the back door.
"Not there either, Verg," You called, "Or you'll end up face to face with a rabid raccoon."
"Then how am I supposed to leave the house?" Vergil grumbled irritable. You languidly raised a finger and pointed at the Yamato in response, making Vergil suddenly aware of a heat in his face.
"Ah" Was all he had to say as he cut an opening into the very fabric of reality, stepping through it with you following close behind.
Once you arrived upon the scene of the soon-to-occur crime, Vergil drew the Yamato and waited patiently for the demons to show up. While he was waiting, you treated him to a long discourse regarding how he should attack the demons, taking into account past injuries, weak points in his techniques, etc. While Vergil was thankful for your concern and appreciated your help, he was also slightly annoyed. He'd been surviving just fine on his own, he didn't really need you butting in and making so many comments.
"Look out, Vergil, here they come," You suddenly announced, snapping him out of his inner monologue. Vergil turned to face the encroaching demons with determination in his eyes and began cutting them down, not at all concerned about your safety as your all-seeing eyes could anticipate the demons' attacks well before they happened.
If only he could do the same, he might have been able to see the giant monster that suddenly burst from the ground, nearly swallowing him up in its gaping maw. Vergil barely had time to register what was happening when the creature went and smacked him in the side, sending him flying. He landed on the ground, pride and ribs a bit bruised, but otherwise fine. He leaped up and was ready to go in for the kill, when your voice rang out across the battlefield once again.
"Don't do it!" Your words made Vergil hesitate, and it was a good thing he did, or he would have been blown to bits by the ray of magic the demon shot out mere seconds later. Thankfully, because of the distance between the two, Vergil managed to deflect the attack and cut the demon clean in half, exhaling in relief once the battle was over.
"Thank you," He mumbled, turning to you with a sheepish little frown.
"Anytime," You chuckled, briefly kissing his cheek before jaunting away.
As Vergil followed you back home, he thanked his lucky stars that you were so powerful, otherwise he would be in a very different state right now.
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