#yes the captain of the guard is link's dad
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Cozy Christmas Season Comfort! BotW Edition
Two for one! :D
Parts of the Great Plateau were always cold due to the higher elevations, but at this time of the year the entire plateau was blanketed in snow. The white, cold carpet muffled the sounds of hundreds of feet as people flocked to the Temple of Time for the ceremony.
Link took his place in the front pew, flanked on the other side of the temple by the captain of the guard. Princess Zelda stood in the front facing the statue of Hylia as she led the group through the ceremony. As everyone prayed, Link kept his eyes sharp for any danger. He'd save prayer for later when the princess wasn't in such a vulnerable position.
When the ceremony ended, he walked two steps behind her as she exited, his eyes landing on a few familiar faces before returning to scanning the area for threats. He felt a little torn, caught between his duty, his anxiety of being so publicly displayed in front of the people of Hyrule, and his desire to run towards the familiar faces in the pews.
Once they were outside, the princess headed towards the garden where one of the mysterious shrines sat surrounded by stone walls. They entered the maze alone, and Zelda sighed, sitting on a bench after dusting off the snow.
"Do..." she started softly, her voice trembling a little. "Do you really think Hylia's listening?"
Link's heart ached at the question, but he honestly had no idea what to say. Stringing words together in any kind of intelligent way had never been his strength. He had such little self esteem in his ability to communicate properly, it was one of the reasons he chose not to speak while under so much scrutiny.
But he felt compelled to say something.
Unstrapping the Master Sword off his back, he slowly sat beside the princess, keeping a respectful distance at first until she curled in on herself. He was tempted to scoot closer and offer physical comfort, but he was already breaking enough protocol just sitting beside her.
"I think..." he said quietly, staring at the dull grey sky, heavy with snow yet to come. "I think sometimes she answers in ways we don't expect."
"Maybe the Calamity will never come," Zelda supposed. "And that's why I can't access my powers. Because I just don't need them."
Link didn't bother to argue that literally everything pointed against that statement. Instead, he took a steadying breath and said, "No matter what the goddess has in mind, I am your protector, Your Highness. I'll be there for you."
Zelda's rosy cheeks rounded as she smiled at him.
The sound of footsteps caught Link's attention, and he rose quickly, the moment gone. The captain of the guard entered the pathway, bowing to the princess.
"Your Highness, His Majesty is gathering the entourage at the banquet area in Gatepost Town. He requests your presence when you are available."
Zelda rose, regaining her composure and nodding. "Of course. I'll be there shortly, thank you."
The captain bowed again, his eyes locking with Link briefly as the two exchanged a subtle nod of acknowledgement. Then he walked away, giving them privacy. Zelda stepped forward to exit the garden and then paused, glancing at Link. "Thank you, Link. I'm glad I have you."
Link relaxed a little at the words, warmed to the core, and he smiled. The princess continued onward, and he followed two steps behind her, as always.
Hateno Village was practically bursting with energy. Children ran to and fro, parents laughing at them and speaking with each other as shopkeepers yelled to get everyone's attention. The festival was in full swing, and everyone was filled with cheer.
Link pointed to another store, Zelda dragged along by his strong hold on her hand. "And this is the dye shop, you wouldn't believe the colors he can come up with. It was great for getting rid of those pesky stains that I--"
Link cut himself off, realizing he was about to admit that he might have accidentally messed up his champion's tunic a little. Zelda didn't seem to catch it, too enamored by everything around her.
"Hyrule kept going, despite everything," she whispered, her eyes glistening with tears.
"Of course it did," Link assured her with a gentle smile, and then hew as momentarily distracted as one of the children waved at him cheerily. He waved back, giggling. When he looked back at Zelda, she was watching him with a strange expression that he couldn't quite read. "What?"
"It's just... you're so much more..." Zelda struggled to find the right words, and then she shook her head. "Never mind."
Link felt his heart clench a little. Zelda was expecting a different Champion from the one she got, he imagined. He wished he could be the person she wanted him to be, but at the same time...
Well. That wasn't something he was going to think about right now.
Biting his lip, he asked, "Do you want to see more of the shops?"
Zelda beamed. "I'd love to."
The pair ran around Hateno the entire afternoon, both gasping in delight as snow flurries started to fall closer to dusk. They made their way to the small statue of Hylia in town and said silent prayers together.
"I suppose you're right," Zelda said abruptly as Link took a small step from the statue to indicate he was finished. "The goddess does answer in ways we don't expect."
Link stared at her, confused. "What?"
Zelda gazed off in the distance, her smile turning wistful and nostalgic. Then she looked at him, and the pure happiness in her eyes made her entire face glow. "I'm glad I have you with me, Link."
The confusion melted into a warm companionship between the two, and Link chuckled gently, relieved to see her smile. "I'll always be here for you, Zelda."
Reaching out his hand, Zelda took it and the two walked side by side to the square to rejoin the festivities.
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Imagine after that first flight with baby dragon, whenever Price or the 141 toss dragonling in the air a lil to get them to laugh, there's little wing flaps of them tryna copy their dad. Also little tail wags and wing flaps when they're happy
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Little drabble below the cut 👇
“There’s the little tyke!” Soap cheered as you came walking in while holding Price’s hand, your hair ruffled. Upon seeing the Scot, you squealed a giggle and let go of your dad’s hand, wobbling a run over to him as he crouched down with a little laugh, his arms out for you.
The moment you were close, he scooped you up and held you high.
“My wee flier!” He said before grinning at Price. The man looked a little tired, the carrier partially unstrapped and still hanging on his chest. “How’d they do?”
“Like a dream. Loved every second.” The dragon spoke proudly, walking forward as well.
Your little tail was waggling like crazy as you now sat on Soap’s hip.
“You’d expect they get tired from it.” Ghost remarked from the corner of the room, raising an eyebrow beneath his mask, seeing the absolute explosion of energy you still had.
“Ghof!” You yelled out the moment you heard him, making Soap grin as he turned and held you out for the centaur standing a little ways away.
Your little hands stretched out towards him, Ghost sighed before walking over, his hooves clacking against the wooden floor as he turned, allowing Soap to deposit you on his back.
“I want to be paid by the hour.” Ghost dryly spoke to Price, making the man chuckle as he watched you squirm and sit up on the centaur, your tiny fists tightly clenching his black coat.
“I’ll buy you a bourbon next time we go out.” He said before he finally started to unstrap the carrier from his chest.
Sighing in relief to have the tight straps loosened, he tried to lift it over his head, only for it to get stuck on his left wing.
With Soap on guard duty to make sure you didn’t fall off of Ghost’s back, he was left to just drop his hands in defeat. He’d get it off later.
“Need help, cap?”
“Garrick.” Price sighed in relief as the voice sounded behind him and hummed. “I think it twisted.”
“Yeah, it did.” The siren said, starting to untangle the straps. “First flight went well then?”
As a response, Price just pointed at you, your tail wagging like crazy, constantly whapping Ghost’s flank - who looked less than amused, though in a caring way.
Smiling, the younger man then helped lift the carrier off his captain.
“Come on, Ghost, let’s take a ride! The kid would love it.”
“And have your furry ass sit on me? No way.” Ghost scoffed, his torso turned to adres the other man.
“Don’t be rude now.” Soap pouted, lightly fist bumping the centaur’s hip to drive his point home. Yet in response, Ghost just lifted his back leg and whacked a hoof into his shin, making Soap groan and instantly crumple, cradling his leg while you cackled out a giggle, your wings beating a few times. “Ghost, what the s-“
“I hope you both aren’t teaching my kid violence or swear words.”
Both soldiers tensed a bit as Price’s voice boomed.
“No. I wasn’t gonna swear.” Soap quickly said while on the floor, seeing his captain cross his arms across the room.
Walking up, Gaz just whacked Soap upside the head, getting a playful swipe at his legs in return which he easily dodged before reaching Ghost.
“You two should never be allowed alone with children.” He said while lifting you off of Ghost’s back.
Immediately, you were entranced by the way the light reflected off of the iridescent scales on his cheeks. Like a true, hoarding dragon.
Ghost crossed his arms and Gaz just chuckled as he stole you away, walking over to sit on the couch in the common room, with you in his lap. “You just went on a flight with daddy, huh?” He asked.
In response you just happily babbled, reaching up to touch and tug at his cheeks.
“Whoah-“ Gaz pulled you back a bit, smiling as he then instead tilted his head to lessen the reflections. “You wanna fly?”
“Ah!” You immediately shouted, your attention span as short as your legs.
Happy, Gaz lifted you off his lap, bouncing you up and down between his legs for a second before heaving you up and throwing you into the air, a game you’d played a hundred and one times with the team.
Yet as Price stood to the side, a warm smile on his face, he watched you spread your wings and flap them.
Standing up a bit straighter, his surprise turned to glee as he watched the little limbs beat in the air, doing nothing to keep you afloat as you fell back down into Gaz’s arms with a shattering laugh.
Yet when Gaz threw you up again, you did it once more.
You’d learned from your dad.
He saw it in the way your right wing moved down a fraction earlier than your left. It was his flying technique.
With Ghost and Soap squabbeling in the background and the sight and sound of your laughter, today was going to be a hard day to ever be topped.
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rabdoidal · 1 year
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i dont have a spidersona BUT. i wanted to participate in making AU content, so here’s alternate universe spider gwen! her dads the captain of the kings guard and she took over the mantle of the arachno-knight after peter died (yes she has a spider-horse)
🕸️ kofi link in bio if you’re feeling generous 🕸️
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fantomette22 · 10 months
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And here’s a bloodborne crows headcanons drawing no one ask for!
Yeah I headcanons that some characters used to have some pet crows but it’s mostly a references for my fic verse too.
So I don’t have names for all the crows but I have a couple of ideas already. If you have ideas too pls share I’m listening.
Let’s begin with Cainhurst! 🛡️
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📚🦉Ok Beltran from the cut content! Not sure he’s still alive during old hunters time but basically I imagined he was the (first?) crow master of Cainhurst.
🐦‍⬛⚔️Vledemyr my oc, my fav cainhurst knight! The current crow master. (Maria & Annalise’s cousin too) He was the one in charged of them before he become captain of the royal guard, he actually have lots of them (and they all love him a lot) but his very first crow is Corvus, the crow on his shoulder.
👑🕊️Ok so Annalise was offered an Albino crow, because she’s the princess and future Queen you see. *Check notes* hm Yuki is a possible name but idk either smt Japanese or slavic who mean snow or fit with cainhurst aesthetic idk.
👑🐦‍⬛ Ah Charles (oc based on the cainhurst portrait too, king consort when Annalise was Queen). So when he marry her and was crowned he was offered a baby leucistic crow (that’s why it’s brown, it’s a loose of melanine like albinism bur not complete the the eyes aren’t red or the skin pink for exemple), he was so confused about it like you can see XD probably except a hound or smt (in his dream he would have wish for a lion but there’s no lions at Cainhurst since like 60+ years or smt)
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🐦‍⬛🌕🐦‍⬛Maria have 2-3 crows (the ones at the research hall you know 😢 minus the one with the guidance rune that belong to Ludwig like you can see) As for the names I was hesitating between Hugin & Munin (Odin’s crows) or Phobos & Deimos (Mars’moon) for the 2 crows siblings (well I hc Maria study astronomy so… heheh also her third one is the one German is holding x) yeah missing a leg I know. Ok also after Maria passed away the crows escape from the research hall and freak Gehrman out! They wanted to say to him hello or called his named and because crows can mimics sound and voices they took Maria’s voice 💀 he thought he was going crazy for a few mins before he found them… but really it annoyed more Laurence XD the crows really went to harass him (they know what’s up. Or didn’t take well he put them in cages or smt, or you know because of Maria. It got to the point Laurence almost wanted them dead 💀
Fortunately Gehrman managed to made them go with the very first official hunter of hunter, he passed to him the mercy blade as well.
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🐥Ah Voron my boy! Aka future bloody crow🩸🐦‍⬛ (No I am not detailing the entire backstory here! And yes his name means raven/crow I KNOW!) also the red of the cap don’t appear much sorry… thanks the scan.
✨+Svetta another Cainhurst oc based the painting with her crow, Voron mom yes. Vledemyr is his dad.
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👁️I managed to put Micolash & Edgar on the page XD
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💣🔥 Ah this one well when we first got into the hunter nightmare there’s a hunter before a gate right? Behind there’s a crow and I noticed the crow attacked the beasts but the hunter and the bird never attacked each other (only the hunter or beast) that’s why I now headcanons that many old hunters had crows too like this one.
🗡️🌕Ludwig & his crow with the guidance rune. One day the old hunters found many dead crows in the forest, not a good sign… Ludwig managed to recover a baby crow an care for it (he was so panicked at first he asked Maria for help so many times XD)
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🐦‍⬛Eileen and some crows & the very first official hunter of hunters! (Before her)
🐦‍⬛The friendly crow of hemwick on the top left :3 I hc it’s either the crow bloody crow had or one link with Eileen or either my own hunter.
As for the other names I had in mind : Hrafn, Karasu, Branagan (I think I’m keeping this one as the name of the first crow hunter too)
Now, you’re gonna ask me why didn’t I just named one « Kuro » (black color in Japanese) well, I’m keeping it for the horses’ names of Cainhurst!!!!
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smilesrobotlover · 3 months
Could I ask about Ammon and Orman :)? Nothing in particular I’ve just been very interested in both of these characters since you’ve created them and I’d like to learn more about them! So if you want to share anything about them, please do! I’d love to read about it
( also would it be possible for you to link your fic you wrote about them for whumptober or febwhump? Sorry if that’s rude)
Well yes you certainly can!!
So they’re in my au king of the Gerudo which I assume you already knew that XD Ammon is also in my crossover au called strangers across eras which is all the Links dads/father figures/ friends/ relatives going on an adventure lol.
So they’re both Rhoam’s bodyguards. Ammon is from castle town but is staying in Hateno with his wife while Orman is from Lurelin. Ammon has two kids: Link and his daughter Aryn. Orman has four daughters. A daughter that’s slightly older than Link and is a captain, younger twins that may be around ten or twelve, and maybe a toddler. :) he’s a girl dad through and through.
Oh man so where do I begin? I guess I’ll start with Orman cuz I’m not sure if I talked about him much. Lurelin is very much on the edge of Hyrule and it’s sometimes neglected as a result. Many monsters attacked the village and stole all their fish and the villagers are powerless to stop it. So many of them took up their fishing spears and fought back, Orman being one of them. He became an incredible fighter because of it and he took Lurelin’s safety very seriously. He eventually got into the Hylian guard which is a HUGE deal for him being from Lurelin, cuz that village is more full of fishermen rather than fighters. Safe to say many people underestimated him. Orman and Ammon ended up defending an important outpost, idk what it is, maybe fort Hateno, and so they sorta became famous and were chosen to become bodyguards to the new king. Orman is best at spear fighting and is a phenomenal thrower. He sucks at climbing tho. He got married to his wife before defending fort Hateno and he’s overall a very kind person. He’s a peacekeeper, always good at deescalating tense situations. I love him so much.
He really loves being a bodyguard so close to Rhoam, mostly because he’s hanging out with Ammon, but also because he’s able to be a voice for Lurelin!
Ammon is slightly more jaded than Orman. He grew up in castle town and had a lot of pressure from his father to become a knight. He had an older brother Georgie who also wasn’t becoming a knight, but Georgie was kind, selfless, and caring to everyone he met. While Ammon as a teenager was mischievous and a pain to deal with. Even tho Georgie wasn’t being a knight, his father was proud of him since he was basically a saint. Kinda like Mipha, but his father was noticeably ashamed of Ammon. But while picking apples for a shop, Ammon and Georgie were kidnapped and held hostage by yiga for weeks, and in the end Georgie was killed. That was really hard on Ammon and his relationship with his father basically tanked cuz someone accidentally let slip that he wished Ammon died and not Georgie 😬Eventually Ammon joined the guard because he wanted to help people and to keep something like Georgie from happening again. He didn’t do it because his father wanted to, but his father really makes it seem like he did. Anyways Ammon did the whole thing with fort Hateno, met Orman, and was chosen to become a knight and a body guard. Now Ammon doesn’t actually like being a body guard. He loves Orman and he cares about Rhoam, but as a bodyguard he isn’t able to go out there and help people, and it’s very frustrating to him. But his father’s pressure and influence may have swayed him into accepting the responsibility. He’s a cautious, strategic, and serious man who is very anxious over his loved one’s well being. Though he didn’t want to pressure Link into trying to become a knight, his son looked up to him so he is simply proud of him. Ammon and his wife are fun cuz Ammon has very stereotypical mom traits and his wife Sarah have stereotypical dad traits. She’s reckless, impulsive, and also calm (not a dad trait, just a trait she has). She’s a blacksmith in Hateno thanks to her father teaching her so she’s also quite tough. Link looks like his father, but he acts more like his mother.
Another thing about Ammon is that he loves shield surfing. Absolutely loves it. Tho he is cautious that is one thing he goes crazy on. It makes him feel alive. But he sucks at swimming. Orman makes fun of him for it. Also he lost his arm in the calamity by guardians :) he’s Purah and Robbie’s Guinea pig.
I have written whumptober fics for them!
Here is about Ammon’s prosthetic being glitched out and shocking him
And here is about Ammon’s brother dying. Rip. (There’s two parts- 1 and 2!)
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SILLY IDEA!!! i just finished reading ur absolute banger drabble of usurper!gojo and the child convo. and it got me thinking (linking things from canon to the au) that in the future somehow we stumble upon megumi (maybe from a nearby kingdom..?) and then yuji & nobara? do u think we would adopt? (I love u endlessly btw you’re my favourite writer)
I talked about this prospect here, which is in the usurper!gojo tag but fairly far back & isnt linked anywhere so i dont blame u at all for not seeing it. i also preface by saying that u all can, obvi, disregard all this however u please, but personally i just don't see gojo as a very paternal guy. big brother who gets a kick out of annoying the fuck out of u but gives pretty good advice and would beat the shit out of ur bullies??? yes. but not rlly a father-figure.
with that in mind, all of the first and second years are king's wards! essentially, they're members of the court, often orphaned nobles (or nobles whose parents are otherwise out of the picture, ex. been imprisoned), who the king or queen decides to sponsor. typically that'd rlly just be in name & funding and the ward wouldn't meet them more than a few times (if that) but in the case of this au—because gojo and the reader are incredibly unorthodox rulers—they're a little more hands-on & take on more direct mentor positions. again, not rlly adoptive parents, but def around in their lives and there for support (well, more the reader in that sense) and the kinds of funding a noble parent would give their kids.
wrt megumi specifically: toji is the assassin hired to kill gojo (and gojo killed him in the process of that failed assassination attempt) so megumi's around just like in canon with gojo taking him in bc he killed his dad. yuuji and nobara are orphaned servants who gojo & the reader took a liking to and just took under their wing—frankly i think megumi bonds with them and then gojo's like hey! where r ur parents??? pfft
toge and maki are slightly different. maki is from the zen'in family which is, obviously, the highest ranking noble family alongside the kamos, but she was cast aside and disgraced. gojo stepped in—both out of spite and because he identified with her—and took her on as a ward. toge is an orphaned noble from a middle-ranking family; i kind of imagine him to be the son of two nobles who allied themselves with Gojo and helped with the coup maybe as spies like nanami??? and died perhaps as a result of it, so funding toge's education and stepping in to raise him was his thanks/apology to toge's late parents.
panda..... well. im trying to keep from explicitly saying whether or not there's magic in this au so. we'll say panda is either the creation or adoptive son of yaga, who was.... mmmm let's say a general under gojo's father (i would go with captain of the guard but i already gave that to getou's dad lol) and also the man who taught gojo both military strategy as a prince would need to learn && to fight, but was killed in the aftermath of gojo's uncle's coup, so taking panda on is a similar story to toge
annnnnnd finally yuuta, who is of note because in-canon he's descended from the gojo clan. ill simply c+v what i said in that other post wrt him:
[gojo] goes off on a lil trip one month and comes back with a teenager whose family has been living as like sheep farmers or some shit in the country for generations but who can trace his lineage back to a courtesan of a former king with maybe an old family heirloom or like a magic-based 23 and me test or some shit.
thats yuuta! the result of gojo finally getting fed the fuck up of people telling him he needs an heir, if not create one then name one from among his wards. does the entire court think he just nabbed a random serf and is fully lying about the royal blood? oh absolutely. is he actually lying? perhaps. you and he are the only ones to know the truth
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Connections 10
Chapter 10
this is based on @thepeacetea daminette soulmate au
Masterlist *** First *** Previous *** Next
Arriving in Themyscira, they were greeted by Queen Hippolyta and guided them to large hall. Introductions were made and Tikki zipped towards Hippolyta, nuzzling her cheek.
"You are the Ladybug of this generation?" The Amazonian Queen asked the youngest in the room.
"Yes, Ma’am." Marinette answered quickly and slightly panicked in the Queen's presence.
"Your soul is a true creation soul," she began her explanation. "As your soulmate and intended cat is a true destruction soul." As if on cue Damian, in corporeal form, 'crashed' through the ceiling, falling, and landing with a thud.
"Nice entrance Demon spawn." Jason snickered as Damian stood up.
"Tt. When I get my body back Grayson and Drake help me with this.” He demanded, but was actually asked of his brothers. He held up two batons.
“Dick would be better than...” Tim’s voice cut off as Damian merged the two and it expanded into a bo staff. “I stand corrected.”
“The Black Cat is the most offensive Miraculous," Hippolyta continued to explain. "As you've already found the first two, attempt to find the third."
"There are five total," Tikki chimed in. "But you'll need Plagg for the other two and to use your Power." Damian nodded and sat down fiddling with the staff, then batons, then the staff again, while listening to the Amazonian Queen.
"What does this have to do with the Lazarus Pit and bringing Damian back?” was asked by Bruce.
"Everything. Understanding the power that she is and he will, wield explains why there will not be an adverse effect on him." Hippolyta calmly explained. “The Ladybug as you may know uses a yo-yo as the primary weapon, but you also have two collapsed escrima sticks. Your powers include the 'Lucky Charm' and 'Miracle Cure’ used together you can reverse all damage caused as a result of the miraculous, or if any miraculous took part during anytime of the altercation. It is also possible to revive the dead with your power."
"So is it possible for Mari to bring back Damian?" Was asked by a hopeful Dick.
"Unfortunately not. What occurred was a result of the soul bond and the magic embedded into Marinette." A sad knowing look crossed the Queen's features. "This is where the Pits of Lazarus comes into play. As Marinette is the embodiment of creation and luck, as Damian is the embodiment of destruction and misfortune they are the two souls of this generation who can enter its waters without corruption."
"Why?" was chorused by the four eldest Waynes.
"The Pits were created by a wish merging the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous." Tikki now spoke again. "But with such powerful magic it comes with a cost. Pit madness comes when a person has a soul alignment with a miraculous, like Jason. For others it may vary, but for souls like the two of you, as part of Plagg and I, you are immune to the madness only reaping the benefits."
"Why didn't you say this before, Tikki." Tim brought up. "Because I can't see souls like my chosen can and Mari is too young to see them now." the miniature goddess responded.
"Pits as in more than one?" Bruce whispered, as if in deep thought.
"There are half a dozen pits around the world hidden away. Each is guarded by one of the inner kwamii, but that is more of a tidbit than necessary information." the Queen smiled. “Now has that calmed some concerns?"
"Is there a Pit not controlled by the League?" Jason blurted out. Because logically the league couldn't control all of them.
"A few, such as the one here on Paradise Island." Queen Hippolyta answered in turn.
"I can get my body back without the League?" Damian whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear.
This was the best news they could get. Damian could be revived while not having to struggle with the Pit madness. He wouldn't need to be near the League which means he wouldn't question himself. That he is able to build upon what he has since moving to Gotham without being the Prince of Assassins.
"Yes. Now come little bug, little cat." Marinette and Damian each flanked the Queen as the rest followed behind.
A short trek into the Mountains and they arrived at a pit. The same acidic green with chaos and creation swirled. Damian's body was deposited next to the swirling pool.
"Understand that when you emerge, both of you, will train here in order to strengthen and teach you the magic you will wield." the two children nodded, clear resolve on their features. "Good."
After bringing Damian back from the dead they almost immediately were placed into training. It was true that there was no madness, his mind was intact without being clouded by anger. Their soul bond was a huge benefit. Where Damian caught the physical aspect quickly and it transferred to Mari. While Mari was a natural at magic and helped guide Damian through.
Yes the Amazon’s did not particularly trust men but they could recognize Damian as a Black Cat, which along with his brother’s nickname Demon Spawn, he gained the name Hellcat. That and they could clearly see that Damian was Marinette’s soulmate, but didn’t treat her as a damsel in distress, instead as a partner and equal. Which helped him earn some respect to the warriors around them. Which was how the two spent most of the week before going back.
What they couldn't be prepared for was the tornado named Jagged. As soon as they arrived in the manor he was there in a fury of a whirlwind.
"Hey little Rocker, how was the trip?"
"It was fun." Marinette smiled at her dad.
"So got any pictures to show your papa, love." he asked excitedly.
"Pictures?" she repeated quizzically.
That was when the Wayne’s and Mari began to laugh
"What’s so funny?" The rocker asked confused.
"Apparently we were so caught up in the vacation we didn’t take pictures." Tim grinned, the little liar he is, spoke up. He had pictures but they were mostly of his brothers getting their asses handed to them by the Amazons. And he couldn’t explain how they happened to be on the secret hidden island filled with Amazonian warriors. "Their also was zero service on the island." He finished with a shrug.
"Ohh I did bring back some shells and crystals and some seeds for my garden." Mari chimed in. "I can tell you all about it."
"Yes you can on the plane to wherever you and the bird you choose to come with us." Jagged smiled at his daughter.
"Jared what are you..." Bruce near finished his sentence.
Jagged having interrupted his thoughts he sentence. “Come now Batsey you steal little rocker for a week so I steal one of your birds." He stated as a matter of fact.
Bruce just stood with his jaw slack. Sure Mari told them he figured them out, but he forgot, he had a child to revive goddamn it. “Fine but I think it’ll be a good idea to tell him Mari." He turned to the young girl.
The girl chewed her lip before putting her hand in her light vest shirt. A red pixie bug flew out and sat on Mari’s head.
"Hello I’m Tikki the Ladybug kwamii, Marinette is my chosen holder." Tikki's voice rang through the room.
"I’m sorry what now?" The rocker was eerily still and quiet.
"Long story short your daughter is a magical girl and Demon Spawn is her soulmate and is also a magical girl, boy, you get the idea." Jason chuckled.
"Okay let me get this straight. Mari's soulmate is the Grumpy Gargoyle, they are both magical kids who are chosen by fairies. All of you are Gotham's vigilantes, which I'm assuming you've been training Little Rocker."
"Yes.??” Dick answered unsure.
"Okay." Dick again responded. Before realizing, "Wait! Okay!”
"Ya," Jagged shrugged. "You've all met Mari. This is completely plausible with her. So who are we stealing from Bruce?"
"Dames!" she jumped to hug him from behind, arms wrapped around his neck.
Damian for his part didn't throw Marinette off. In fact he repositioned to piggy back her, a ghost of a smile spread on his neutral features.
"So where are we going?"
Yucatan Peninsula
The Twins said a gift for future bugs and cats were there.
Haven't their been cats and bugs since them?
Yes but travel was limited.
In other words scavenger hunt.
Yes. How's your Spanish? Because the most logical place to start would be the Mayan ruins.
"Mejor que eI tuyo." she smirked at him.
"God damn it their doing it again." Jason dragged his hands down his face.
"Doing what?"
"Their bond is shockingly rare, its a Mind link sharing knowledge, meaning basically anything one knows so does the other. As if that isn't enough now they can communicate telepathically."
"So why the Spanish rocker?"
"Cancun, Mayan scavenger hunt." she grinned.
"Sounds good. I'll shoot Penny a text and we'll leave tomorrow sound good?"
"Yup." She responded, Damian nodded and finally set her down.
Your helping me pack.
As if I'd let you do it yourself.
Knowing you, you'd pack your Robin uniform.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @miraculouspenta
Taglist 🐞🦇: @thanks-captain-obvious @mandy989 @our-preciousss @readingismyoxygen @birdy912 @shifty-lesbian-retro-goblin @todaylillypads @laurcad123 @demonangel27 @be-happy-every-day-please @fandom-trapped-03 @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @t1dwarrior-of-earth @saays-bitch @k-poplunardreams @animegirlweeb @weird-pale-blonde-person @myazael @toodaloo-kangaroo @moonlightstar64 @miraculous-simmer7 @wannajointhecrabcult @blackmagicforever @iamabrownfox @justcourttee @consumeconstantly @abrx2002 @livelifeauthorstyle @certifiedbidisaster @dreamykitty25 @ironspiderstark @fantasyislive @dast218 @susiej1118 @sassakitty @lilyreadbooks12 @dawnwave16 @mochegato @galla02006 @nathleigh @trippingovermyfeet @promiswords @rosep16 @officiallydarkgeek @inarachi02 @justafanwarrior @emimar7
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caesar1141 · 3 years
LU Name Headcanons
Four:  Link (Four) Smith - names are based partly on profession and Four is a smith, over course he would be called Smith. Also the HC that after FSA, Four becomes a system who calls themselves Four
Hyrule:  Link Traveler - he made the name up, it's what he does, his middle name is "the"
Legend:  Link Friar-Lee - the Friar name was originally Farrier that slowly morphed over time into Friar. Lee is Ravio's last name when they get married, they had a competition on who got first billing. Lee came from an old Lorulean word for book (thinking leafs of paper, yes?)
Sky:  Link - he has no last name and he's fine with that
Time:  Link Lon - he was raised as a forest child, there were no last names, only titles, "Mido the Leader of the Kokiri", "Saria the Wise", "Link the Aging"
Twi:  Link Wolfe - a bit on the nose but I just have the very strong mental image that Rusl found him chasing off a nasty wolf with a stick and screaming and the nickname became a last name
Wars:  Link Tanner - HC that his family was a bunch of leather tanners, a messy job, a disgusting job. It's part of the reason he joined the military, he didn't want to become a tanner
Wild:  Link Troupe - pretty sure his dad is a captain of the guard or whatever
Wind:  Link Fisher - partly based on the myth of the fisher king, the bit about the "last in a line protecting the holy grail", the thing is that it's more a subversion, the Fisher King waits for a hero but Wind said screw that and decided to be the hero himself. Also island fisher. (I never said they all made sense)
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metalbvcky · 4 years
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Back in May, I made my first Stucky Ficrec post and months later, I’ve decided to make another since this fandom is hella talented. There’s a little over two dozen fics down below ranging from 10k-100k+ and everything’s categorized.
Do note that lot of these are Modern AU’s (I love those) and most of them are smutty. (yes hello, an asexual here who enjoys smut so very much) Also heed the tags once you click the link(s). Other than that, enjoy!!!
Key:  ♥ = My personal favorites, S = Smut, DS = Dom/Sub
If You're Reading This, Steve Rogers by fallendarlings Words: 39,273 | Post/Canon Divergence 2012 Avengers/TWS, Recovery, Slow Burn
Nobody tells Steve it's okay to cry.
Nobody touches him.
Nobody remembers Steve Rogers is a person under the mantle. It's okay. He hasn't felt like a person since he watched Bucky fall.
don't threaten me with a good time ♥ by canistakahari - Words 10,106 | Post-TWS, Sick!Fic, Sick!Bucky, Cabin Fic
Steve's taken him on vacation to a cabin in Canada in the middle of winter, so it's obviously the perfect time for his body to go haywire. Bucky is determined to stick it out, though, partly because he's a stubborn bastard, but mostly because he feels some kinda way about Steve.
Higher Ground by EmilianaDarling - Words: 13,002 | Post-TWS, S, DS (undertones), Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve
“S’okay,” Bucky murmurs quietly, and Steve sucks in a sharp breath at the brush of Bucky’s lips against his ear, his breath hot against the side of Steve’s neck. There’s a hint of a grin in Bucky’s voice; amused affection and confidence and something heated beneath it all, a familiar tone from so long ago that makes Steve’s heart clench and his cock twitch helplessly in his jeans.
“S’okay, Stevie,” he says again, and Steve can feel the curl of Bucky’s lips against his throat when he smiles. His metal thumb is rubbing circles on Steve’s shoulder. “M’gonna take care of you.”
A year and a half after the events of The Winter Soldier, Steve's been acting recklessly. Bucky deals with it as best he can.
The Simple Life ♥ from The Simple Life Series by howler32557038 - Words: 114,329 (Series Total: 337,273 + ongoing) | Canon Universe, MPreg, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
"The simple life."
"You'll get there one day."
"I don't know. Family, stability...The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy-five years ago. I think someone else came out."
Bucky wants to be part of Steve's life. He wants to be an Avenger. He wants to be a good partner. Unfortunately, sometimes that means not telling Steve everything.
a road less traveled by Claudia_flies, cyclamental art (cyclamental),maichan, zilia - Words: 75,396 | 2012 Timeline AU, Post-Avengers 2012 (Endgame Divergence), Domestic Avengers, Recovering!Bucky
Steve wakes up on the cold stone floor of the foyer. He scrambles up; there’s glass shards everywhere and they crunch under his gloved hands. People are staring, holding themselves back. They must have seen the fight, must have seen two of him.
His own voice rings in his head.
“Bucky is alive!”
Kept Safe by Whendoestheshipsail (restricted to AO3 users only) - Words: 54,419 | S, DS, BDSM
Steve and Bucky are friends. Best Friends. If asked, Bucky would say he knows absolutely everything about Steve. Except when it comes to sex. Steve lives such a monastic existence that Bucky doesn't know if he likes girls, boys, or none of the above. For all he knows, Steve may have no interest in sex whatsoever.
But then a mission goes wrong, Steve is bleeding out from a wound to the femoral artery and Bucky is trying to stop the bleeding when his hand brushes against metal. Where there most definitely shouldn't be metal. Or a padlock. And most definitely not a torturously small cage.
48 hours by Whendoestheshipsail (restricted to AO3 users only) - Words: 25,894 | Post-CW, S, DS, Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve
Steve is keeping it together. No one would say he's keeping it together well, but he's getting by. Mission after mission, he goes back to his apartment in Wakanda and breaks down. Then he watches Bucky sleep and tries to not notice how everyone looks at him like he's the saddest bastard that ever lived.
But, this time is different. This time, Steve goes back to his apartment post-mission and Bucky is awake, out of cryo and making them dinner in Steve's kitchen. The breakdown is still happening. Bucky isn't pleased, but he does have a plan. For 48 hours after every mission, Steve is going to let Bucky take care of him or he's going to be on Steve's next mission. He can't risk losing Bucky again. Which should make the decision simple.
It isn't simple.
The Sex Therapist ♥ by Whendoestheshipsail (restricted to AO3 users only) - Words: 179,941 | S, DS, DKink, Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve, Current/Past Steve/Sharon
Sharon has given him an ultimatum- either go to sex therapy or it's over. Sex therapy sounds like normal therapy but more humiliating and expensive. It's total BS. He will go because she's making him, but he will also make everyone's lives miserable (Yeah, including his own) and never return again.
Do they have a lot of sex? No. Does Sharon want more sex? Yes. Does Steve do his best? Yeah, actually, he does. He can get it up, he just needs time. Alone. There's... preparation involved. It's not like one just 'is' aroused.
He can't explain it. And he won't. He definitely won't tell Bucky what exactly he thinks about to get worked up enough to screw his girlfriend.
Found My Place in Time - Cap_D, humapuma - Words: 12,492 | Post-EG (Divergence, duh) S, Fluff, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
“Buck,” he heard Steve say, “wake up. We’re here.” Bucky opened his eyes and rolled his shoulders, trying to ease some of the tension out of his back. When Steve’s words sunk in, though, he turned and leaned forward, staring past Steve’s chest to look out the window. Beyond the wing of the plane, he found a beautiful coastline with white sand, blue waters, and palm trees, as well as rows of bungalows on the water. “Wow,” he murmured. “We’re staying in one of those, right?”
In which Steve invites Bucky on a trip to Fiji and they discover something a lot more than beautiful vistas and friendly locals.
Total Institution ♥ from the Institutions of Love and Incarceration series by thelittlestpurplecat - Words: 94,303 | Canon Universe AU, Prison!AU, Guard!Steve, Prisoner!Bucky, Unrequited Love, Slow Burn, WS Trial
The Winter Soldier has been sentenced to life without parol. His entire world had been condensed to a hot, cramped cell that he hasn't seen the outside of in the four years since his apprehension. It's hell. He has no means of escape, no means of terminating his suffering, and no means of distraction...that is, until he's assigned a new guard. Steve Rogers is assigned the Winter Soldier as his singular charge. He expects a sadistic, violent murderer. What he finds instead is a broken, tormented man with no memory of his past life, and no control over what had been done to him. He's a victim. Not a monster. And Steve won't stand to see him pay for crimes over which he had no control.
Raise Your Glass by minkeys - Words: 10,008 | Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve, Light DS, S, DKink
Bucky knows Steve in ways that his 21st century friends could never even begin to imagine. Or at least, they couldn't until tonight. It's about time somebody corrected all those historians that painted Steve as a straight-laced, God-fearing soldier, and what better way to do it than over a harmless game of "Never Have I Ever." What's the worst that could be said?
Waking Up Slow ♥ by odetteandodile - Words: 44,638 | Dad!Bucky, Kid!Fic, Hurt/Comfort
In 1945 Steve Rogers crashed the Valkyrie into the Arctic Ocean and was never recovered.
In 2019 Bucky Barnes is walking along the beach below the decommissioned lighthouse where he lives with his sixteen month old daughter when he finds the body of a man washed up in the surf, half frozen but miraculously alive.
Bucky manages to revive him, but finds that the stranger has no memory of who he is or how he got here aside from a name: Steve. Snowed in by a blizzard soon after and unable to get Steve a medevac, Bucky discovers that the funny, good-hearted man slips into the fabric of his and Alice’s life faster than he would have thought possible. The two are undeniably drawn to each other, but as their feelings grow so does the looming possibility that the answer to the question “who is Steve?” might be much more complicated than either of them realized.
Isn't It Ironic? (Don't You Think?) ♥ by HeyBoy, Huntress79, imhereforgaysuperheroes - Words: 33,342 |  Jewish, Dad!Bucky, Kid!Fic
Bucky is used to his daughter bursting into tears in the middle of department stores. What he isn't used to is someone braving the wails and actually being able to stop Becca's tantrum in its tracks. Oh, and he's also not used to that someone being Captain America.
AKA, how Steve Rogers calms a screaming kid in Target and falls in love with two more Barneses than he had bargained for.
in my condition love's the best physician by aniloquent - Words: 9,177 | Pharmacy!AU, Russian!Bucky
“This situation is a little more delicate because I don't even know if he speaks English and I'm tired of going down to the pharmacy for constipation medication and allergy pills when I haven't sneezed since 1941.” Steve shouts.
The room falls silent, and he turns back around to find four pairs of stunned eyes watching him.
Tony, as always, speaks first. “He?”
Or the one where Bucky is a hot pharmacist and Steve keeps making up bullshit reasons to go see him.
Home Is Wherever I'm With You ♥ by cydonic  - Words: 88,570 | Neighbors!AU, Slow Burn, Parent!Steve, Kid!Fic
This is what happens when you buy a house to flip having only seen the online images: you get more than you bargained for. Bucky Barnes brings all the tools to handle a dilapidated home, but he's hardly prepared for a smart-mouthed child (with poor aim), a crying baby, and the hottest dad he's ever seen in his life living right next door.
That House-Flipper!AU.
if only you could see me (for the pie that i am) ♥ by bitelikefire (theoleo) | Words: 35,121 | Baker!Steve, WeddingPlanner!Bucky
In which Steve is the proud owner of Frost; a semi famous local bakery in D.C. And despite the overwhelming insistence that it’s about time he start dating, Steve swears up and down he isn’t ready for that.
Or as of recently, just doesn’t have the time because of Mr. Barnes. The highly demanding wedding planner on the phone who keeps asking for nearly impossible deliveries and maybe Steve would like to personally strangle him. Maybe.
(There is pie. And misunderstandings. But a lot more desserts and eye rolls.)
So Alive ♥ from the Brooklyn Heights Books Series by GottaSaveBucky (Cosmic_Entity_1of4) - Words: 109,074 (Series Total: 165,440 + ongoing) | Bookstore!AU (sort of), Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky, DKink
A man wearing a light denim jacket over a dark blue shirt came into the shop, a box tucked under his right arm. Despite it being late afternoon, he was wearing sunglasses with bright blue lenses, and his long, dark hair was pulled back in a messy little bun. A few strands had escaped, framing his strong, unshaven jawline. The man looked into the café, smiled widely, and waved in Clint’s direction as he kept walking into the bookstore, and Steve’s mouth went completely dry.
Beautiful, was the only word to describe that smile; straight, white teeth framed by full, lush, red lips, bracketed by laugh lines and an adorable dimple in his right cheek, a charming little chin cleft just visible under the light stubble—Steve was struck literally speechless. And that was before he got a glimpse of the man’s backside. Slim hips and a round, firm-looking ass led to long, lean legs that were encased in snug, dark blue jeans.
“Guh,” Steve said, watching the dark-haired man continue on to the back of the store.
The Penthouse Suite ♥ by elle1991 - Words: 15,873 | S, DS, BSDM, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky, Happy Ending
Bucky Barnes has the chance to earn $5,000 in one night. All he has to do is go to the penthouse suite of a luxury hotel and spend the night with his client, one enigmatic Steve Rogers.
The catch? Steve is a massive pervert, intent on using this one night to satisfy every single one of his many debauched kinks.
Even ignoring the big box of sex toys on the bed, Bucky should have known he was in trouble the moment Steve opened his mouth and said his first words: "My name is Steve Rogers, but you can call me Sir..."
Burnin' For You by GoldBlooded - Words: 15,753 | Firefighter!Steve, Detective!Bucky, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
Steve Rogers is Fire Captain of Brooklyn’s very busy Station 118. He wants three things out of life: People he can count on, for everyone to get through their shifts safe and sound, and for Sergeant James Barnes to get the hell off of his arson scene.
James Barnes is Detective Sergeant of Brooklyn’s very busy 107th Precinct. He wants three things out of life: A decent cup of coffee, good leads to chase, and for Captain Steven Rogers to get the hell off of his arson scene.
Everyone knows to steer clear when these two have to deal with each other. Everyone knows about their mutual dislike and sometimes hatred. But what everyone doesn't know? How they got to be like that in the first place.
Collar Full of Chemistry ♥ from the Rich People Are Wild Series by 2bestfriends - Words: 188,437 (Series Total: 219,519) | Heavy BDSM, DS, S, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
Steve is very rich and desperate to feel in control of his life again after a recent divorce has left him feeling bitter and lonely. When he keeps crossing paths with a disaster twenty-something, an unconventional solution presents itself. Steve's always been one for following his instincts.
Bucky is very broke and can't seem to catch a break, especially after some asshole fires him for one fucking mistake. So of course, it follows that he should sign a contract agreeing to do everything and anything that same asshole wants for a whole year in exchange for a payout that could finally change his life for the better.
Toothpaste Kisses ♥ by buckybees - Words: 18,736 | Dentist!Steve, Patient!Bucky, Amputee!Bucky
Sitting in the horribly antiseptic gateway to hell, otherwise known as the waiting room, Bucky was deeply reassessing his life choices. Maybe if he didn’t eat ice cream for every meal this wouldn’t have happened.
Steve's a dentist, Bucky's a patient. You know the drill.
Out of the Blue ♥ by IsabellaJack - Words: 37,564 | PreSerum!Steve, Detective!Bucky (and Sam!), Mystery!Fic
“Does she have family?” Barnes asks again.
Steve tries to remember. “I don’t know.”
“You sing her praises and don’t know a simple info like that?” Barnes huffs, looking irritated.
Love Is An Ocean Wide by fancyh - Words: 29,009 | Shapeshifter!AU, Orca!Bucky, Marine Biologist!Steve
When marine biologist Steve Rogers helps to rescue an injured orca from the marine traffickers Hydra, he has no idea how his life will change. Once rehabilitated, the orca is released and disappears, and a despondent Steve throws himself into his work, only to feel a spark when a new volunteer arrives, a man with one arm and curiously familiar blue eyes.
Bucky has lived in the ocean his whole life. But when his family is killed and his sister captured by Hydra, he is forced to turn to humans for help. One human in particular intrigues him, a man by the name of Steve. As Bucky comes ashore to search for his sister, he finds himself falling for the man, but dangerous secrets still stand between them.
Includes clueless-about-humans Bucky, heart-eyes-Steve, and lots of Very Important rocks.
Innocent Until ♥ by L1av - Words: 136,866 | Lawyer!Bucky, Defendant!Steve, DS, BDSM, Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve
Bucky Barnes made a name for himself as the attorney who could get anyone off, but he still lives by the saying, "Innocent until proven guilty." Steve Rogers finds himself on trial for multiple homicides but he swears he was only trying to protect a girl. Bucky's been in this business long enough to know when someone's innocent, and Steve is innocent. Steve already feels like a monster and Bucky's worried this guy's going to lay himself on the sword come his trial. So Bucky offers up another course for punishment:
Turns out, chains and whips really excite Steve.
Brooklyn Syndrome ♥ by lordelannette - Words: 158,350 | DARKFIC, Dark!Steve (VERY DARK, heed the tags, you have been warned) Doctor!Steve, Writer!Bucky, Kidnapping, Slow Burn, Graphic Violence
Bucky's back was pressed against the cold floor and he stared through blurry eyes as Steve stood over him. He was trying to push himself as far away as he could, using his hands and bare feet to slide himself out from between Steve's legs but he couldn't find purchase against the wooden floor. Steve's legs were locked on both sides of his hips and Bucky couldn't move, couldn't get away, and the room was swimming before his eyes and he couldn't focus, couldn't think straight. All he could make out was the hazy figure of Steve towering over him and he lifted his arm to push uselessly at Steve's shin.
"P-please," Bucky whispered. His voice was weak, like him, and his jaw trembled as Steve reached down.
Steve slid down onto the floor and effortlessly gathered him into his strong arms, cradling Bucky to his chest as he leaned against the wall. "Bucky," Steve breathed. One of his large hands slid gently into Bucky's hair, the other curving against his spine and pulling him even closer. "You're mine now, remember?"
Steve's grip tightened then it all went black.
lay me down (tell me i've been found) by coffeeinallcaps - Words: 25,188 | Modern!AU, DS, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
The collar is a little on the heavy side, and incredibly soft against Bucky's skin. Even softer than he thought it would be. It seems to fit snugly, and for a second he feels like he can't breathe. Then, Steve slides two fingers under the collar and runs them along the inside, almost all the way around. Bucky shivers. Goose bumps spread down his back, his arms. "How does it feel?" Steve murmurs, hooking his fingers into the ring and giving a gentle tug on it. Bucky swallows. Nods.
(In which billionaire businessman Steve shows up and turns Bucky's life into an improbable fantasy.)
All Those Things You've Always Pined For by LavenderProse - Words: 92,142 | Family Man (2000) aka the Nicholas Cage movie AU, Domestic, Kid!Fic, PreSerum!Steve
“Steve Rogers. I haven’t thought about him in…God, at least ten years. Probably longer." “Who is he?” Sharon asks, and perches on the corner of his desk, hands folded in her lap. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Bucky clears his throat, tosses the sticky note onto the desk. “Steve was…my college boyfriend. We almost got married.”
It's been fifteen years since Bucky Barnes left Steve Rogers standing in a New York airport and never saw him again. Those fifteen years have brought him wealth and stability; everything his lower middle class Brooklyn upbringing had not provided. He is happy. He doesn't want for anything. He doesn't need anything. That's about to change.
Karma's A Fake Orgasm ♥ by daisymondays - Words: 51,637 | College!AU, Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Humor, Slow Burn
There’s another abandoned mug, festering with mould in the living room — Steve offically has the world's worst roommates. And complains about them. Often. Bucky, tired of his lack of action, decides it’s time to avenge Steve's sleepless nights and unsanitary conditions once and for all. They’ll pretend to be the world’s most annoying couple: excessive PDA, loud fake sex, and general repugnance. The plan sounds easy enough; it will be strictly platonic. Or will it?
I'll Be Your Shield by 17 pansies (17pansies) - Words: 23,332 | Bodyguard!Steve, Rich!Bucky, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
"If he's just minor nobility, why does he need a bodyguard?" Steve shoved the folder which held Barnes' details towards the middle of the table. "He's not exactly prime kidnap material."
"His parents aren't worried about kidnapping," Fury said. "They need someone to steer him away from the dumb ass situations he keeps getting into."
"You mean he needs a babysitter." Steve sat back and folded his arms. "Seriously."
I think this is a pretty diverse list :) There’s a good sample of everything here, some old fashioned post TWS recovery fics, some good dom steve/bucky, slow burns, fake pretend relationships and so forth!
PS: I’m on AO3 with more bookmarks plus my own hurt/comfort fics if anyone is interested :P
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anadorablekiwi · 3 years
and the actual Link dude introducing himself as the hero's sidekick? SPECTACULAR. PERFECT. AMAZING.
okay okay i have questions
did she pull the master sword?
what weird traumas did she pick up on her journey?
does she talk?
how chain???????
(I did a long again 😅😂)
Yes! She pulled the master sword at the start of her journey, after ganon invaded the castle (details of her adventure still a bit fuzzy but please keep asking questions if you have them! It helps me flesh it out more 😊)
Ooo, I haven’t thought this one out too much yet. (So far what I’ve written it very much 90% fluff lol) This is subject to change, but for now: great fear of heights when not in fairy form, especially when magical reserves are low. When a fairy, heights make her a little dizzy/queasy but she can handle them just fine. And it depends on how ‘safe’ she feels she is; if she feels risk of her actually falling is low (ie far enough away from edge, adequate handholds for climbing, etc) then she is okay with it. But she struggles jumping off a rock into a lake that’s only a 5 foot drop. At beginning of her journey, she was cut off from her magic temporarily and therefore unable to turn into a fairy. So crossing the long shaky bridge to get to the first dungeon was Horrible especially since she refused to wait until Link got to her
Another trauma (I think this counts as trauma?) is she is VERY protective of her loved ones. Childhood friend/best friend (crown princess) Zelda trapped with Ganondorf, Grandmother in some kind of trouble because she and her fairy companion lost their magic (fairy could still fly but very weak), Link wasn’t even in town when the attack happened, attack on castle town and her dad is captain of the guard so he’s trapped in the castle as well, etc. so she’s a bit protective of them all now (extends to all her loved ones)
(Admittedly I don’t have her adventure very well fleshed out yet, and am not too great at angst 😂 but I do have some! And I may write an actual fic about the adventure itself or just some details of it eventually, although I’m not positive)
She does have the hat as part of her ‘official hero garb’ but she prefers a hooded cloak she thinks the hat looks bad on her but Link Strongly Disagrees Unfortunately for her, the official outfit gives added protection when worn as a set so she has to wear it on her adventure Link still thinks she looks Very Cute in that outfit but she thinks he’s just being nice
She is quiet and shy, but opens up easily enough and is quite talkative with her friends and family! She has two modes: quiet and just observing, good luck getting her to talk, or won’t shut up/talks a lot who me I’m not projecting what are you talking about shhh
She meets the chain by investigating rumors of a strange dark portal-looking thing via going through it! The specifics are written out in fic form 😉😊🙃 (I don’t remember what ‘chapter’ it is but it’s definitely there)
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Out of Character:
Today (as in the 18th) and tomorrow and maaaybe the day after that, I’ll just be bullshitting and not progressing my story that much as I don’t wanna go any further before completing my word doc with the master post of everything. Probably should have done that in the beginning, but in fairness I had no idea this blog was gonna take off to quickly. I know some of you wanna be updated without committing to this blog’s updates 24/7 so this is for you ^-^ 
So yeah, in that down time, I guess I’ll just flesh out some character bits and make some shit posts so send them my way! And then when all’s done and prepared, I’ll start that next arc with some interesting little banana ninjas...
Oh and for you new folk: Here’s a little run down of shit in the mean time
If you’re new around here, what you pretty much need to know is that Queen’s dead, Zelda’s been training and praying and right now she’s like, 10ish. The speaker, Asivus Hartell (Siv), fucked around with this Sheikah orb thing that he found, which resulted in a Guardian rampaging. Link, who is like 10-12ish, saved people by killing the Guardian with a pot lid, earning him the eye of the king who promotes him to a higher position. Meanwhile Siv is charged with manslaughter but the fortune teller, Astor, pulls some strings to let him off the hook. So he doesn’t get sent to jail or executed, but he’s kinda now forced to be in this job forever now. All Astor wanted in exchange was the Sheikah orb thing that Siv had found and he gives it to him. Astor uses its power to stage a coup, it fails, but he swears revenge and disappears.
Spare Guardian parts are lying around after the rampage, and Siv gives some to the princess because she looked lonely hell if he has supervision at 2am. Zelda makes Terrako, the egg shaped guardian. Things are cool, until they’re not cool, and the King takes away the egg. 
Due to a chuchu union incident (find the details yourself) Siv’s out recovering for a few hours so the Captain of the Royal Guard takes over for a bit. Turns out, he’s his brother. His name’s Captain Link Arcadius Hartell (called Larc by Siv) and yes he’s one of Link’s (as in Link botw the hero not yet known as the hero) dads. A lot of knights are called Link because everyone wants their kid to be a chosen hero and all that.  Also Arcadius is the guy that first forced Siv to get a job and is probably the only reason Siv’s not currently a homeless bitch boy in a tavern’s back alley.
And also there is a horse named Big Chugging Chungus. Yes, this is important. 
Alright I think that’s all the important stuff now back to the funnies.
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raviotherabbit · 3 years
royal pain in the ass - chapter 7
Chapter 7: Era of Force Princess Zelda heads to the forge.
[first] - [previous] - [next] read it on ao3!
  △ ▲△
“Is the peppermint tea alright?” Zelda asked her companion sitting across from her on the picnic blanket. “I thought we’d try something a bit more herbal this time.”
“It’s lovely, thank you,” Hyrule smiled at her past his cup. “In fact, I’m tempted to start growing peppermint myself.”
Ever since she found out the Hero of Hyrule liked tea, Zelda had begun setting aside certain flavors for him to taste whenever he visited. Though he was older than the two of them, he reminded her a bit of Link just a year or so ago. A bit brash, always buzzing back and forth… they both needed to be reminded when to relax.
“I’m glad to hear it,” Zelda responded. She sips at her own tea, deeply sighing as its warmth settles in her stomach.
What a beautiful day…
“Excuse me, Princess Zelda?”
Looking up from her drink, Zelda was a bit surprised to see the Hero of Warriors. He stood above the two picnickers, ignoring how Hyrule’s gaze narrowed on him.
“Why, hello hero!” Zelda happily lifted her teapot to show to the captain. “Would you like to join us? Today’s choice is peppermint.”
“Maybe some other time,” Warriors waved the pot away. “I had some questions about the castle’s security.”
Subtly, Zelda met eyes with Hyrule. His lips were pressed together tightly, and his grip on his teacup seemed almost desperate. But the moment he saw her, she swore he forced himself to act natural.
“Go ahead, Princess,” he hesitantly nodded. He brushed himself off before he started to head towards the castle gate. “I need to stock up on potions in town, anyway. We can talk more later.”
“If you’re sure,” Zelda stood, taking Warriors’ nervous hand into her own. “Come with me, brave knight.”
Wordlessly, Warriors allowed himself to be guided into the castle. Zelda looked back towards the gate one last time. Despite his words, Hyrule was still there, leaning against the stone.
Then the door closed.
One step at a time, Zelda walked Warriors through the castle’s defenses. The armory, the barracks, even the throne room. But wherever they went, it seemed the hero grew even more nervous. He eyed the knights with suspicion as they passed by, and every time Zelda looked at him, he was even more fidgety than before.
But there was no reason to suspect Warriors of any ill intent. He’d been nice on all of the Links’ previous visits. Better than nice, really. Always courteous, opening doors ahead of her, even joining in with ribbing Four a bit. So if he was a bit nervous about her safety, Zelda would do anything to assuage those fears.
“You’re kind for your concern,” Zelda told Warriors, leading him into one of the empty banquet halls. “But we’re safe here. With Vaati sealed, there’s no longer any threat to Hyrule.”
“What about threats from within Hyrule?” Warriors asked the second they were alone.
Zelda couldn’t but gasp at the accusation. “Are you speaking of traitors?”
“Soldiers can be… easily manipulated,” Warriors explained warily. “It’s happened before, hasn’t it?”
“Yes, we… we did have an issue with mind control,” Zelda admitted with a frown. “But again, Vaati is gone for good. None of our soldiers will harm us.”
“What if… what if it wasn’t just any soldier?” There was a paranoid gleam to his eyes. “What if it was someone you know?”
Warriors was taller than Zelda, that was true. But the wrath of a princess is not feared just for her height. Zelda’s hands tightened into fists, and Warriors almost seemed to cower from her rage. “Just what are you suggesting, hero?”
His shock wore off, and Warriors righted himself again with the rigid composure of a knight. “If Four turned his blade against you, what would you do?”
“Stop!” Zelda commanded, silencing him with a single pointed finger. “Don’t speak of my four that way. He… none of them would ever do that!”
“But what if he did?!” Warriors suddenly grabbed onto her arm with a vice-like grip. “Can you honestly say that you would fight against him?!”
Zelda yanked against his hand. “Let go! Let go of me!”
“Stop it!”
There, silhouetted by the hallway’s light, was Hyrule. He rushed past the doorway, shoving Warriors away from the princess.
“Wars, you need to control yourself!” Hyrule shouted. “What’s wrong with you?! Why are you all acting like this!?!”
Warriors blinked is confusion, as if waking up from a dream. He spotted Zelda, helplessly clutching to her aching arm behind Hyrule.
“I didn’t mean…” he started, but his words drifted away.
“Just go,” Hyrule sighed as he dropped his head into his hands.
Stunned into silence, Warriors left before Zelda could stop him, scattering as quickly as he could and leaving the door open.
“I’m so sorry, Princess,” Hyrule turned to her. “I knew he was acting off, but I didn’t think… Anyway, are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” she said breathlessly. The light spilling in from the door only twisted her stomach further. “I’m fine.”
  △ ▲△
With her head held high and her steps confident, Princess Zelda Lucille Hyrule passes through the town gates.
“Princess!” one of the guards shouts after her. “It’s dangerous to go alone! Let us come with you!”
“I’m just going to visit Smith!” Zelda calls back, keeping up her quick pace. “I’ll be back before you know it!”
The soldier says something, probably about her father or the minister. But to be honest, Zelda couldn’t care less. A little time out of the city could never hurt, after all, and someone has to check in on the old man.
Once she’s out of hearing range of the guards, Zelda takes in a deep breath. The morning air is still fresh, a bit of a chill hanging onto it. It’s the perfect day to spend out in the world, not cooped up in the castle.
The walk to Link and Smith’s house is rather short. Zelda lightly knocks on the door, pushing it open as she does so.
“Smith? Are you home?”
But when she peeks inside, Zelda’s surprised to find she’s not Smith’s only visitor today. There are five girls seated around the room, Smith delicately balancing glasses of water as he delivers them to his guests.
“Princess!” Smith grins when he sees her at the door. All eyes turn towards Zelda, embarrassingly enough. “Come in! You’re right on time.”
“Uh, who are all these people?” Zelda asks, slowly stepping into the humble home.
“Friends of Link! They just stopped by asking about him, so I thought I’d offer the poor things some hospitality,” Smith moves behind her, guiding her to one of the chairs by her shoulders. “How’s your arm feeling, by the way?”
“I’m fine, not even sore anymore!” Zelda waves her arm up and down to demonstrate. She eyes the two ladies across from her, one in a simple pink dress and the other in a long black cloak. “So, you all know Link.”
“Well, we know the Links!” one of the girls sitting against the wall, wearing bright blue, amends, putting emphasis on the ‘s’.
“Plural,” her short friend with the bandana clarifies.
“And you,” the cloaked one leans forward, folding her hands on the table. “You’re Princess Zelda.”
“Yes, I am,” Zelda’s eyes narrow at the strangers around her. This has got to be the most suspicious way she’s ever been approached by potential crooks, that’s for sure.
“Well then,” the tallest one, wearing light pink, pushes herself up from the floor. “Welcome to the club.”
  △ ▲△
Of course, once they explain the situation to Dot, she sweetens right up. Her suspicious glares and crossed arms melt away, and by the time they’ve stayed their welcome at Smith’s home, she’s walking in tandem with Tetra along that path back to town, all while Flora takes notes in her journal.
“So, you and your Link have known each other for quite a while,” Flora remarks as Dot finishes a story about the time Four lost his first tooth. He’d cried so hard that day, the whole town was complaining. But in hindsight, it’s incredibly funny.
“We’ve been friends since we were kids,” Dot explains, a fond smile on her face. “His grandfather is friends with my father, and his dad is one of the kingdom’s best knight’s. We’ve always known each other.”
“That must be nice,” Flora comments, speaking as she writes. “I didn’t meet Wild until we were twelve, and it was a bit of a rough start.”
“Yeah, well, Wind I met two years ago,” Tetra chimes in. “But unlike Four, I don’t think he grew up out of his crybaby phase.” She snickers to herself. “Still my best friend, though.”
“Oh, same here,” Flora twirls her pen.
Dot giggles. “Ditto.”
“When was the last time you saw them?” Dusk suddenly asks from the back of the group.
When Dot turns back, Dusk has stopped in her tracks. There’s something about the way she looks at her, desperation mixed with something else. Regret? Guilt?
“It’s been about two months,” Dot reveals. She looks to the one of them standing next to Dusk, Artemis, concern clear on her face. “Your hero is Warriors, right?”
Artemis startles, perhaps a bit shocked by the shift of conversation. “Y-yes,” she confirms.
“Well, he was-” Dot suddenly glances down, fidgeting with her hands. “He- Did you see him after me? Because he seemed very upset, so I was wondering if-”
“Woah, hold on,” Artemis interrupts. “He was upset?”
“Paranoid, more like,” she amends. “He wanted to know about the castle’s security, he was convinced that… that Four would turn on me.”
Artemis gasps, covering her mouth with a hand. “His paranoia came back?”
Flora gently closes her book, moving to place a hand on her fellow queen’s shoulder. “Artemis, are you alright?”
But before Artemis can respond, someone else speaks.
“Sky was also acting strange, when I saw him,” Tetra says.
Suddenly, all of the group’s attention is focused squarely on the pirate, particularly Sun, whose eyes are wide.
“What?” Sun questions. “Something’s wrong with my Link?”
Tetra snaps suddenly. “Oh, he’s yours! I’m not the best at keeping track of all these guys.”
“Tetra, now isn’t the time,” Flora reminds her.
“Right, right,” Tetra leans back on her left foot. “Well, I found him all alone, and he asked me about the flooding… About who died when it happened.” She sighs. “Called it the legacy he’d left the world, shamed the faith the people had in the Goddesses.”
“He… what?” Sun brings a hand to her forehead. “He said that?”
“Twilight was also angry, when I last saw him,” Dusk reveals abruptly. “He… he snapped at me, said that protecting Hyrule had always fallen to him when I should have… But we-we’ve talked about it before, I don’t know why he…”
A deafening silence hangs over all of them. After so long, so much work to get close to normal again, Warriors was somehow convinced once again that there was a traitor around every corner. Sky, always so brave, so dedicated, now believed that faith in the Goddesses could only bring sorrow. And Twilight, the loyal farmer, who’d always listened to his friends, used words spoken in confidence against Dusk.
What had happened to their boys?
  △ ▲△
After so long on the road, being welcomed to Hyrule Castle feels like a dream. Nice soft beds, clean clothes, and the first bath Flora’s had in a week at this point. The grime of seawater and city filth washed away like nothing. Afterwards, she sat on her bed in one of the castle’s guest rooms. It’s much smaller than she expected, in fact, she and Artemis would be sharing a room. It reminds her a bit of their first night together, back in the Era of the Sky.
Idly, Flora doodles in her journal. Silent Princesses have always been her favorite, and their curled leaves and five petals are practically engrained in her mind with how much she draws them. One hundred years ago, whenever she was stressed, it was always these small sketches that helped calm her.
Flora’s stomach twists, the deep dread from before their arrival to the castle returning. So far, none of them had mentioned Wild, but if something had happened to her dear hero again…
So she writes it in her journal. Everything she knows, from what Dusk, Tetra, and Dot have shared. She may not know what’s wrong, but for Hylia’s sake, she’s a researcher. If anyone’s equipped for putting mysteries together, it’s her.
Luckily, just as she finishes her writing, the door creaks open. Artemis steps in, her hair damp from her own bath. She’s wearing a robe the castle staff so nicely provided.
“Artemis,” Flora smiles. “Thank goodness you’re here. I’m going to figure this out.”
“Oh, are you?” Artemis quips, though she’s missing some of her spark.
“I’ve just finished writing my own account of the last time I saw the Links,” she taps her journal. “And we know that you saw them next. So-” she pats the spot on the bed next to her. “Tell me everything that happened. Leave out no details.”
Artemis’s smile is weak, maybe even a bit forced. But she sits down by Flora’s side anyway.
“Alright,” she says. “Their portal appeared in the courtyard, early in the morning…”
  △ ▲△
By dinnertime, Flora has managed to collect a statement from everyone she has available.
Flora (me) -Last saw the Links 3 months ago. -The Links spent an afternoon at Hyrule Castle. -Four and Legend were allowed to investigate the library, but to be careful. -Wild and Wind took a trip into town. -Twilight was concerned Wild would get into trouble, but I told him they’d be fine. I got some drinks for us, and I asked him about his time period (refer to prior notes). Same questions were asked of Warriors later. -I’m not sure where Time, Sky, and Hyrule were. -Everyone left before the evening. Wild said goodbye, promised to let me know as soon as he returned.
Artemis (Era of Warriors) -Last saw the Links 2.5 months ago. -Heroes went through a portal right into the castle courtyard. Artemis let them know they were welcome to explore Hyrule Castle and the town. -Wild wandered off with Sky and Legend, though Artemis noted he was leading that pack. -Warriors brought Wind to visit some of his fellow soldiers he hadn’t seen in a while. -Time came to her with concerns about group morale, so she suggested spending time with some of their loved ones (including the Zeldas! This bodes well for future statements). -They left the next morning. Other than Time, nothing seemed off. -Artemis wants it known that their army has had troubles with traitors in the past. This caused much paranoia for Warriors for quite some time, but she was sure he’d worked past it by the time he began travelling with the heroes.
Sun (Era of the Skies) -Last saw the Links a little more than 2 months ago. -Arrived at the Sealed Temple late in the day. Sun and others helped make them feel comfortable (classic Skyloft hospitality), they let most of them sleep in the temple that night. Sky slept in Sun’s tent. -They were all very tired from traveling, so she didn’t see a lot of them. -Sun found Legend staring up at the Goddess Statue. He was wondering what the point was of defeating evil if it always rose again. Sun told him a story about the First Hero (reminder: ask for THAT later), which seemed to calm his nerves. (Is this strange for him?)
Dusk (Era of Twilight) -Last saw the Links less than 2 months ago. -Four told her at some point before arriving, Legend said something rude and Twilight had to tackle Wild to stop him from pouncing on his fellow hero. -At the castle, Four made a comment about the armaments available to the guards. Something about this made Twilight explode, saying how they couldn’t even protect the castle. He turned on Dusk, asking why she couldn’t have stopped the Twili invasion on her own. She tried to reason with him, but he stormed off. -Dusk took Four to the armory to try and calm him down. He noted that all of them seemed to be tense. -The next day, Time went to Ordon Village (Twilight’s hometown) to look for him. The rest of the Links followed in the afternoon.
Tetra (Era of the Great Sea) -Last saw the Links 1.5 months ago. -They were staying on Outset Island (Wind’s hometown), so Tetra decided to drop anchor and spend some time with Wind. They were there for several days. -Wind was excited to see Tetra. He babbled on and on about his adventures with the heroes. She asked if he’s done any exploring, and he said he had in Wild’s time. Got very quiet. -One the second morning, she found Sky alone in the woods of the island. He asked her about the flooding that created the Great Sea and wanted to know how many lives were lost. He was dismayed by the “legacy [he] left the world”, wondering what faith brought the people.
Dot (Era of Force) -Last saw the Links about a month ago. -They were only passing through the area. Four and some of the others had stayed back at his house to talk to Smith. -Over time, Dot has made friends with Hyrule. Apparently they both like tea a lot. -While she and Hyrule were having a picnic, Warriors approached with questions about the castle’s security. Hyrule said he’d go get supplies and catch up with her later. -After Dot showed how secure the castle was, Warriors began questioning the procedures for traitors (see Artemis’s statement). He then asked what she would do if Four betrayed her. -This part, Dot has asked me not to share with Artemis: Warriors grabbed onto her arm with enough force to hurt her. The bruise lasted for quite some time. -Hyrule suddenly appeared and stopped Warriors, asking what was wrong with him. Dot thinks he implied there was something wrong with the others, too. Warriors left, seeming confused. -Four came to visit with Wind, later, to say goodbye. She didn’t mention the incident to him.
Several red flags stand out to Flora. The first being Time noticing tension amongst the group. If their issues started small and built their way up, then perhaps what he saw were the beginnings of whatever happened to him. He’s not specific, though, about where their problems were originating from, much to Flora’s dismay, but whatever happened must have been not long after they left her castle.
Sky was definitely acting strangely, but truthfully, Flora has no idea if Legend’s actions were out of character. She can only hope they’ll make it to his time soon, so she can ask his Zelda herself.
By the time they visited Dusk, though, there was clearly something wrong. Wild apparently almost physically attacked Legend at some point, which Flora can barely believe. Wild would never hurt his fellow Hylian, let alone another hero. And Twilight’s respect for his queen apparently going out the window? What was up with that?
If what Artemis says is to be believed, though, Warriors has regressed. He’s lost a lot of the progress he made towards himself after the War Across the Ages. If he’s so out of line, Flora can only imagine what’s happening to the rest of them.
Flora’s stomach grumbles loudly. Right, dinner is soon. A full stomach will definitely help her thinking, and Dot already made the rounds to let everyone know her father will be attending. Whether he knows anything or not, she has about a million questions to ask him anyway.
Closing her book, Flora carries it with her to the dining hall.
  △ ▲△
The whole world, all of it, is coated in shadows. They hang from the sky like drapes, and never before has Zelda felt more alone.
“Link?” she calls out to the darkness, raising her torch just a bit higher. “Link, are you there?”
WIth her limited light, she almost runs right into a small statue. It comes up to Zelda’s hip, depicting a bird with its wings outstretched. But the top of its head is caved in, revealing a pile of kindling.
Right, it’s a torch.
Zelda lights the bird torch, which does nothing but provide a little more light. Perhaps on a whim, she decides to follow its directions, walking where its beak points.
“Link?” she shouts again. “Please, answer me!”
Again, Zelda comes upon another bird torch. And another, and another. Each time she finds one, she lights it, and she changes her path to follow its point. In the back of her mind, she remembers an old fairytale about finding your way back home.
As she travels more and more through this darkness, Zelda can see other things as well. Just on the edges of her torchlight, there are ruins. Buildings, torn apart or decayed, suffocated by the pervasive shadows. But she can’t stray from her path, not now.
Then, her light finds someone.
“Link?” Zelda asks. “Link, is that you?”
When he turns to her, Zelda is relieved. It’s Link, it really is! They can go home now, together, and-
The torch’s light gleams against the Master Sword. Blood drips from its hilt.
“Link, what did you do?” Zelda demands.
He says nothing, just takes a step closer. In fear and betrayal, Zelda steps back.
“Stop it,” Zelda says shakily. “Link, I’m warning you.”
Link still doesn’t respond. He darts towards her, raising the sword in a swift motion, and Zelda-
And Artemis wakes up in bed, gasping for air.
  △ ▲△
There’s one last thing Dot wants to do before she leaves with her fellow queens and princesses. A job that’s all hers, as Princess of Hyrule, and one she wants to make sure is done before she’s away for who knows how long.
“You’ve all met my Link,” Dot explains to the group as they make their way through the woods. Her pack is already full, “And you’ve seen his sword, the Four Sword.”
“It’s a remarkable blade,” Dusk comments. “From the legends I’ve heard, it could give the Master Sword a run for its money.”
Sun humphs at that, crossing her arms and sticking her chin up.
“Not as you’ve seen it,” Dot reveals. Just then, they come across an old stone sanctuary, with pillars standing proud. Everything is covered in moss and vines, except for one item. At the center of it all is a sword, its hilt gleaming a pure white.
“The Four Sword that my Four carries is a fake,” Dot continues. “A recreation, with the power Four needed after his journey. This is the real Four Sword.”
“Oh, wow!” Flora marvels at the blade. “I can’t believe it! To see such a historical artifact up close like this…”
Dot tugs on her cloak, stopping her from running. “I’m only here to check on the seal,” she states with exasperation. “We don’t want to disturb Vaati, now, do we?”
“Oh, don’t we?”
As the Zeldas were distracted, none of them noticed the shadows behind the Four Sword twisting and gaining shape. The being behind the sword was a perfect facsimile of Link, but with pure red eyes and darkness all over his body.
“Shadow?” Dot can’t help herself but reach out. “Is that-?”
Tetra suddenly grabs onto her shoulder, pulling her back. “Whoever you think that is, Princess, you’re mistaken. He’s no friend.”
Of course, Tetra’s right. Shadow never had such malice in his eyes, and he would certainly never hover over Vaati’s seal like that.
“I’m hurt, Princess,” Dark Link fakes a pout. “I’ve always been a friend to her grace.”
He turns to Sun, a wicked grin suddenly on his face.
“Isn’t that right, Hylia?”
All eyes turn to Sun. The progenitor of their bloodline, the founder of their kingdom. The first Queen of Hyrule.
The… Goddess Hylia?
Flora is finally the first one to speak. “What?”
12 notes · View notes
tentimesthecourage · 3 years
Mail Through Time And Space
To whoever gets this,
Hello! My name’s Rinku and I’m 8 years old! I have decided I want to send letters to people and you get the first one!
I don’t really know what to put, there’s so much I could say. I’m practicing sword play with my twin, Link. We... don’t really like it, but we do it because we want to protect everyone, especially mom and Aryll, she’s our baby sister!
I hope I can hear from you soon!
Dear Rinku,
You might find this a little strange, but my name’s also Link, like your twin. I am 9 years old. Sounds like fun, sending letters to strangers, and I’m glad I got to be the first to get one!
I think you two practicing for that reason is… noble. I think that’s the right word. I’m pretty good with a sword myself! Been practicing since I was 7, how long have you been practicing?
I hope this letter finds you well.
Dear Link,
Wow! I didn’t think I’d reach someone with the same name as my twin! Link says hi by the way. Aryll probably would too, but she can’t really talk yet.
Noble? I asked mom what that means and she said having good morals, whatever those are, but I guess that means good things so thank you! 
Link and I have been practicing since we were five. Dad Father wants us to become knights when we’re older.
I… I don’t want to… but
Dear Rinku,
I’m sorry to hear that being a knight is being forced upon you. Sounds like your father is a bit stubborn.
I know how that feels, my father is the same, though more about teamwork than my plans for the future. Still though, I hope things can become brighter, maybe he’ll see that you and your twin’s passion lies somewhere else.
Take care,
Dear Link,
Thanks, that really makes me feel better. Lately things have been getting… bad. I wanna tell you, but Link, my Link, doesn’t think it’s a good idea. So let’s talk about other things!
Our birthday is coming up soon! October 30th! When’s your birthday? Is it soon? I wanna be able to send you a gift!
Write back soon!
Dear Rinku,
I’m sorry to hear things haven’t improved for you, but as my grandfather says, keep a stiff upper lip. There’s always a storm before a rainbow. He says strange things but he means well.
I don’t know if this’ll arrive before your birthday or after, but happy birthday regardless! I’ve put something in the envelope and hopefully it’ll stay safe.
It’s half of a kinstone, when you find the other half and fuse them together, something good will happen.
As for my birthday, it’s still months away. Mine’s March 4th
Looking forward to your next letter,
Dear Link,
I don’t think I’ll be able to send letters as often anymore. Somehow Link and I pulled something called the ‘Master Sword’ and it split in two. Everyone’s calling us the ‘Chosen Heroes’ and telling us that we have to begin training soon.
I’m scared… I have a really bad feeling…
I hope I’ll be able to hear from you soon.
Dear Link,
Hah… I don’t even know why I’m writing this. It’s been so long… a century. I doubt you're even still alive, but something in my heart urges me to write this anyway.
So much has happened, where do I even begin?
Link became the Hylian Champion at the same time that I became Captain of the Royal Guard. We barely saw each other after that, he always had to follow the princess while I had to train the troops to prepare for Calamity Ganon.
Even with everything, it didn’t matter.
We still failed.
That beast took everything from us, Hyrule is in shambles. I hope wherever you are, you’re safe. 
Link was shot by a guardian, these huge metal monsters, they put him in the Shrine of Ressurection, an ancient piece of Shiekah technology that would supposedly heal him.
I fell in Kakariko… yet, here I am. Apparently they put me in a room that had some sort of Stasis similar to the Shrine.
The difference however… I remember everything.
Link remembers nothing. Not even me.
But we managed, we survived, we took on so many trials together.
And then we took on Calamity Ganon.
It’s gone now, Hyrule is finally safe, we fixed our mistake.
So why does it still feel like we failed?
I wish I could have met you…
Like I said, I don’t even know if you’re alive, I might be sending this to a dead man. But on the slim chance that I’m not…
I really hope I can see you.
Fiddling with the kinstone half that he had fashioned into a necklace, Rinku sighed heavily. Nearby he could hear Link fiddling with the Slate. The two of them were relaxing on the Plateau, needing some peace and quiet.
A snapping sound caught both of their attention, as one they looked over at the source of the sound, dumbfounded to find themselves staring at a group of people. How the hell did they get up here?
“Pardon us… but would either of you be named Link?” Rinku bristled faintly, defensive as he felt Link tense beside him.
“Who wants to know-?” His terse reply was suddenly caught off by a quiet gasp from seemingly the smallest of the group.
“Rinku…?” His ears flicked and he looked over at the speaker, the guy looked like he’d seen a ghost, the way his gaze kept flicking between his face and… his necklace?
“That’s me, yes…?” He replied cautiously, well aware of the confused looks both of them were getting. He tensed as the other approached after murmuring something to the supposed. The other raised his hands passively, showing they were empty and that he meant no harm.
“Your birthday’s October 30th.”
Rinku stiffened in surprise, he was not expecting him to say that.
“You didn’t want to be a knight and neither did your twin, he has a passion for baking while you had one for sewing.” The stranger continued softly. “On your ninth birthday, you drew the Master Sword together-” They were both aware of the sharp gasp from the group behind the smaller male, but neither acknowledged them.
“Just mere days before then, you received a letter holding half a kinstone.” A soft, hopeful smile crossed his face and Rinku could swear his eyes shone with four different colors. “Kinstones are special… if you fuse two halves together…”
“...Something good will happen.” Rinku managed to finish, staring at the other in disbelief. He managed to stand and half walk, half stumble to the other. He had hoped, he had wished… could it really be…?
A small laugh escaped him before he held out his arms.
“You said you wanted to meet me, right…? Hope I don’t disappoint-” He grunted softly as Rinku slammed into him, knocking them both over as he hugged him tightly.
Four winced slightly as they hit the ground together, he knew the others would be completely confused about what just happened and he’d definitely owe them an explanation, but right now, he was more focused on finally being able to meet him. Finally focusing back on him, he paused before his heart melted at the mumbling he could barely hear.
“You’re safe, you’re safe, thank the goddess, you’re safe.” 
“I’m safe.” He agreed softly, gently rubbing his back. “I’m safe and you’re safe…” His voice lowered as his grip tightened slightly. “And you didn’t fail.” He felt Rinku stiffen in his arms, but pushed regardless. “Listen to me, you didn’t. You, your twin, you did everything you could, I know you did. And in the end you won.”
“But Link-” He started to protest and Four shushed him sharply.
“But Link nothing.” He replied sternly. “Yes, it took awhile, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that Hyrule is safe. You’re safe, Link is safe. You won.”
Rinku sagged against him, burying his face against his shoulder. Four settled with a small sigh before blinking as his gaze met Link’s, Rinku’s Link, his twin.
-You… know my brother?- He asked, cocking his head. -You are… the one he writes to?-
“I am.” He confirmed with a nod. “My name’s Link, just like you. But they-” he nodded to the group behind them. “Call me Four.”
Link seemed to process this before he smiled and raised his hands again.
-Thank you.-
Four blinked, confused as the other continued.
-He told you what happened to us, right? About the Calamity?- At his nod, Link continued. -I think the only thing really keeping him going was the letters he had from you from a hundred years prior. He keeps them in the slate- At that, he pulled up the stone slab from his hip and turned it around so Four could see a screen. On it was the symbol of an envelope and the numbers 523. Internally, he could hear the colors flustering.
“We really wrote that much?”
“Some of them were before us, when it was just Link.”
“Yeesh, all of that…”
“...he kept them all…”
The colors quieted at Red’s words and Four fought back a shiver at the realization. Every letter from their childhood to now, Rinku had found a way to keep them all safe and sound. He tightened his hold on the younger male, overwhelmed at the emotion engulfing his heart.
A soft clearing of someone’s throat caused the trio to jump and finally turn their attention to the group once more.
“Four… perhaps it’s time for introductions?” The smith flushed faintly at the amused glint in Time’s eye.
“Ah… yes.” He managed, fighting back a pout (he did not pout, he did not) when Rinku pulled back to look at the group with a wary eye. Just because he trusted Four, didn’t mean he trusted the rest of them right away.
“Everyone… this is Link and Rinku. Twin brothers and the heroes of this Hyrule.”
His gaze met Rinku’s and he gave a half smile.
“We have a lot to talk about.”
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If anyone wants to be part of a taglist of the Vigilante AU, feel free to message me/send an ask.
Taglist: @sleepysnails @causeimfabulous @anty-kreatywna @w00d-lands
Reminder: 12-11-04 = TimeDeo 27-10-01 = Sammygreen
Ao3 link
Eret and DK were standing guard in the fifth wing outside of the room where they were housing the criminals. Corpse and Toast, LilyPichu and Fuslie, and Peter and Edison would occasionally come in to throw another person into the brig.
Their comms lit up. “Triage to Beta. Triage to Beta,” Tina said.
“Beta here.” Eret’s smooth voice came over comms. “What do you need Delta?”
“Some of the upper district kids are getting antsy. They don’t trust us. Some kid, 12-11-04, Deo has them staying put, but it’d really help if you were here. Ease the tensions. They aren’t very happy that the heroes aren’t here.”
“Of course they aren’t. Deo? One of the kids?”
“District 12.”
“Roger. Beta to Alpha.”
“Present,” Hafu said.
“Did you catch that?”
“Yes. I’ve already sent Dumbdog to replace you.”
“Pleasant. Thank you. Beta out.”
“Triage out.”
- - -
“Delta are you there?” Hafu asked.
“Yes Ma’am!” xChocoabrs voice flew over the wires.
“How’s the child extraction going?”
“Smoothly. There’s a lot more kids than we thought there were.”
“Is there a med-bay we need to worry about?”
“No. The kids get fixed up in the main room after their fights and get sent back to their cells.”
“I know.”
“Alpha out.”
“Delta out.”
Hafu readjusted her grip on her shorty. She was thankful none of them had needed to fire a single shot yet. Let’s hope it stays that way.
Alpha and Charlie team had corralled all the adults into staying in their seats. Wait-staff had been instructed to continue serving dinner as normal.
T’was a hostile dinning environment to say the least.
Hafu, Wolfabelle, Steve, Koji, and Sleepy were walking around the perimeter keeping everyone in their seat and inside the main room. And Yvonnie, Elaina, and Ellum were walking around the room taking pictures of every table, so they could report everyone of them.
The high profile characters tried to hide their faces, but that didn’t really work.
Once Elaine reported that that had at least one picture of every table she stood in the middle of the ring and shouted. “Attention! We will escort you all out of the building one table at a time. You will all be free to find your cars and return to your homes. Please be patient with us as this will take some time.
Hafu grabbed Steve and they two of them stood on either side of the doors while everyone else from Alpha and Charlie starts leading groups one at a time to the door. They let remind the business men to have a nice night, and remind them that this place is very illeagal, so they should be very careful when complaining about being held hostage.
Hafu tuned her comm to the common frequency. “Beta Team? Do you have a status update?”
The team converses on comms for twenty seconds.
“We have them all in a back room. Everyone is doing final sweeps.” DK said. “We have 37 here.”
“Good. Make sure they are all in binds so we can get them onto the school bus.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
She pivoted, conversation over. “How’s extraction going?”
“It’s going good,” 5up said. “There are a few that don’t like vigilantes, but they get over it quickly.”
“How much more time do you need?”
“I’m making good time. xChocobars came finished with the level 1s and came to help me.”
“Same over here,” Rae piped in. “We’re done with level 3 and only have a few more level 4 cells.”
“Understood. Delta?”
“Yes Hafu?”
“Can you guys make sure that all the kids are groups by District?”
“We’ve been doing that. The older kids are helping us place them in little groups. Sometimes friends don’t want to leave each other, but for the most part it’s good.”
“You have everyone logged?”
“Everyone so far. We have a line piling up, but it’s going quickly.”
“Start finding out how many kids are in each District and grouping them so we can take them home.”
“Okay! And 1-30 stay together?”
“Yes. Thank you Tina.”
“No worries!”
- - -
“Hi Niki.” Eret pushed his way to the table. “Cupcake?”
She handed him one with a galaxy swirl. “The upper level kids are over there.” She pointed to a group of kids standing off to the side. “12-11-04 and 27-10-01 are trying to comfort them.”
“Do they have names?”
“Deo and Sammy. Deo actually likes you guys though.” A brunette girl handed a small child a cupcake. “Have a cupcake,” she says to another boy.
“Thanks,” Eret says before she ran off. Eret nodded to Niki before heading over to where the upper District kids where congregated.
“Oh it’s you,” Sammy says.
“It’s me.”
“If you won’t use my name, I prefer Captain Sparklez’ son, but sure. Let’s go with that.”
“Where are the heroes?”
“Not coming.”
“Told you so,” Deo muttered.
Eret gave a terse smile and opened his arms out wide. “Welcome to District 67. Were you don’t report things to Hero HQ even when you really should.”
“What do you mean don’t report?” Sammy demands.
“Someone might have reported suspicious activity at this area, but Hero HQ didn’t notice. Hafu did though.”
“Look at how many kids are here.” Sammy gestures wildly to the field. “I’ve been missing for months. My parents would have reported!”
Eret puts his hands up to calm down the rest of the group who were shouting similar concerns. “And they probably did. The news was full of kids getting snatched. The heroes just didn’t look any further than District 50.”
“I’m very sorry to tell you this, but the reports fell off in Districts 30 to 50. No one below there bothered reporting. They don’t have enough faith in heroes, but they did have faith that word of mouth would eventually get to their local vigilantes. And the heroes probably assumed you’d be local. They never looked down here.”
“So what are you? Vigilantes?” one girl from the crowd asked.
She scoffed. “I want a hero. I won’t feel safe until I have a hero.”
“Look. We’re going to get everybody out. Get all the evidence. Then we’ll go to Hero HQ. You just need to trust us all enough to get on a bus and we will get you to a hero. Those from District 1 to District 30 will go to hero HQ and everyone else will be dispersed among the vigilantes. Sound good? You just need to wait a little longer, and you should be home in 48 hours.”
“I want a hero now.”
“Well I’m the closed you’re going to get,” Eret said. “My dad’s Captain Sparklez. You know me.”
“Shouldn’t you have told your dad?” Deo asked. “Shouldn’t there still be hero back up?”
“Absolutely not. They come in here and take over.”
“Would that be such a bad thing?” the girl demanded.
Eret looked her dead in the eye. “You have may have faith in heroes, but just because dad lives in 87 doesn’t mean he helps us day-to-day.”
“So you didn’t tell your dad when you found a warehouse full of kidnapped children that had been all over the news?” Sammy asked incredulously.
“I didn’t find it. And by the time I was told about it, telling dad would have hindered our ability to do anything about the warehouse. You’d have been stuck here for another few months at least. Heroes have procedures that, yes keep people safe, but they also take forever; especially with a job this big.”
“I’m not asking you to like it. I’m asking you go sit tight, not run away, and wait for us to get you to where you’re going.”
Sammy huffed.
Deo put his hand on his shoulder. “Do you know how to get back to District 27 from here?”
“No,” he muttered.
“Then just deal with it okay?”
The girl from earlier asked quietly, “You’ll take us home?”
“We’ll take you back to Hero HQ once we have the place cleared out. The Heroes will take you the last leg of the journey.”
The three busses rolled up, two stayed at the field and the third drove towards the warehouse.
Eret went and stood on a box and clapped to get everybody’s attention. “As you all know, we’ve slowly been moving you all so you’re with other kids in your District. We’re going to start taking you home. As you can see we have three busses here. Two will be for the kids in the upper thirty. Everybody else will be put under the guide of one of our vigilantes. We’re crunching the numbers and later we will call out with more information. Thank you for being patient with us as we process everything and everyone. The upper thirty can make their way to Syykuno and Rae. Please remember that there are a lot of you and some seats will have to triple up.”
Deo took the lead of the upper 30 District kids. He didn’t know who Rae and Syykuno were, but some of the level 3’s did, and Deo knows the colour yellow, he knows what a school bus looks like.
Deo ran to the backseat with Sammy and they both collapsed onto the vinyl.
“Wonder where that third bus went.”
“Probably to wherever they’re keeping the dudes that stole us.”
“Oh those guys. Fuck those guys.”
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jbarkerstargazer · 3 years
Spectrum Arrive
Okay I managed to write and edit the next bit of my fanfic for my son. Spirit of Earth. It's below the cut. As always any of you see anything that can be improved please 🙏 tell me! Spelling mistakes, bits not sounding right, not enough detail. That last one I have been guilty of a lot! The first bit is here
John arrived down on the island finding Jeff and Grandma holding a pale Alan and the lingering smell of sick in the air. John didn’t feel the need to ask what had happened. He cared about his brother but everything seemed to be in hand and Scott had nodded to him in a reassuring way. John took himself over to his father’s desk and activated the islands monitoring (also granting EOS access to the system) It wasn’t long before John saw them. They weren’t trying to hide.
“Father, Scott” He said gently, ushering them over to him.
“What is it a rescue John?” Scott enquired.
“No Spectrum’s Cloud base has moved into position above the island.”
“Can you open a channel for me John?”
“Of course Father.” John said, activating the com link, then raising to give his Father the seat. He joined Scott on the other side of the desk.
“Spectrum Cloud Base this is International Rescue. Colonel White I see you’ve come to pay us a visit.”
“Colonel Tracy it’s good to hear from you. I’m sure Thunderbird 5 has informed you by now of the Mysterons threat.”
“Yes he has. It seems we need to decide how to deal with this situation.”
“Indeed. May I and a few officers come down to the Island.”
“Of course. International Rescue out.”
“Well that sounded terribly polite.” Gordon said sarcastically once the channel was closed. He, Virgil and Kayo had join their brothers at the desk.
“Gordon” Jeff answered as a warning, “this all needs to be carried out officially but I assure you all I will not let Spectrum take control of International Rescue. I promise Alan.” They all turned to the youngest member of the family who had finally left up to joining them.
“Do you want us all here when they arrive Dad?” Alan asked in a small voice.
“I would. But only if you feel up to it Alan and I want you all to understand that it will be myself and Scott doing the talking. Manly we will be listening to what Spectrum has to say.”
“This is all their fault anyway.”
“Gordon I mean it! If you cannot keep your opinions to yourself then do not be here when they arrive.”
“Yes Father.”
“Shall we call the Mechanic in? He’s still choosing to camp each night on the cliffs.” Kayo asked. The Mechanic had continued to be a source of help to IR since the success of the Zero-XL.
“Yes I think that will be best. If nothing else it will show Spectrum that we are being as open as possible with them. Brains could you call him?”
“R-right away Mr Tracy.” Brains answered from across the lounge. “Mechanic this is Brains. C-can you come back to the main house. Sp-Spectrum is here. I-it a-appears we are under threat from the Mysterons.
Back on the cliff.
“I understand Brains. I will be there shortly,” Both the Mechanic and The Hood heard the Mechanics Mysteron controlled voice answer Brains and watched as his new Mysteron controlled body begin its journey back to the main house.
*Well that’s at least something Mechanic. It would appear that the Tracys are aware of the threat against them and its safe to say that you have been replaced by the Mysterons themselves. They copy both people and technology. You maybe the first cybernetic individual they have copied. So they haven’t taken into account that you yourself could hide within the technology. A Ghost in the machine if you like*
*You seem to know a lot about them Hood*
*I maybe in prison but I’m not cut off and the guards do talk.*
*You need to warn the Tracys that I am compromised.*
*I need to do no such thing Mechanic.*
*What about you niece, Kayo. When you last had control of me you were insistent that she not be hurt*
*Yes I was, wasn’t I*
It was less then 20mins for the Colonel White, Captain Scarlett and Captain Blue to arrive on Tracy Island and to be shown by Kayo to the lounge. Introductions were made and they all sat in the sunken curved seating area. The Tracys taking the sofas and Thunderbird 3’s launch seats, Colonel White and Captain Scarlett the other 2 bucket seats. Blue and Kayo remained on their feet.
“Thank you for having use Colonel Tracy. I’ll get right to it, I believe the main concern could be the Mysterons taking control of one of your crafts remotely. We’ve seen them do it before.”
“Brains.” Jeff simply said indicating the scientist
“Y-yes. I-it sh-should not be possible for the anyone including the aliens to take control of the Thunderbirds. Our experience with the, the control of the Mechanic by The Hood has enabled us to s-secure our crafts from any outside tampering.”
“Maybe this advancement should be shared.” Captain Scarlet added to the conversation, his eyes not leaving Scott who was equally eyeing him in a less then friendly way.
“The advancements are only combatable with the Thunderbirds.” Came the Mechanic’s response as he entered the lounge. He did not descend down to the inner circle.
“Colonel White, Captains Scarlett and Blue, this is the Mechanic.”
“You just go by a job title?” Captain Blue stated with a cocky grin.
“You just go by a colour?” The Mechanic answered back. Gordon smirked, Kayo gave a small smile.
“That’s enough thank you Captains.” Colonel White addressed both his officers. They were both brave loyal men but not the best at following orders. “Mechanic I have read about you, I understand the GDF are happy for you to go free as long as you stay within the Tracys employment.”
“That’s not true! The Mechanic is free to leave whenever he wishes.” Virgil blurted out. He and the Mechanic had worked along side each other a lot over the last year. This man was his friend not an indentured -employee.
“I’ve chosen to stay here and make aments for my actions while under the Hoods control.” The Mechanic answered. His true voice addressed The Hood. *I was doing good work here*
*If you had just stayed in my employment you wouldn’t be in this situation* The Hood replied.
“Well,” said Colonel White clearing his throat, “I still feel with the threat against your organisation you should suspended operations for the next week at the least.”
“We can’t do that.” Scott spoke, “We’re International Rescue. If a call comes in we are going to answer it.”
“Even if that job means your life or the lives of one of your brothers son?”
“It’s Captain Tracy, Colonel White. And this isn’t just a job to my family, we put our life’s on the line every time we answer a call because it’s who we are.”
“That said Captain Tracy this is not an ordinary threat. The Mysterons can be anyone.”
Jeff rose his hand to stop whatever reply Scott could give “I’m not saying that either of you are wrong but for the time being International Rescue will only answer calls that no other agencies can handle, but we will not stand down completely Colonel White.”
“Alright Colonel Tracy, but I believe it sensible for either Captain Scarlet or Blue to accompany you and for a squadron of Angel fighters to tail you.”
“Agreed however as long as her Thunderbird isn’t required I’d like my head of security Miss Kyrano to pilot an Angel fighter. I know you have plenty.”
“I’d like to pilot one as well Father.” John put in.
“Which Thunderbird do you normally pilot?” Colonel White asked.
“I’m the Commander of Thunderbird 5 sir.”
“My son is a fully trained NASA pilot Colonel and I agree as long as you a do.”
“Right I will leave Captains Scarlet and Blue here and Miss Kyrano and Commander Tracy can accompany me to Cloud base.”
Once Colonel White had left Jeff pulled Gordon aside, “I want you to contact Lady Penelope, have her and all our outside agents stand down and get somewhere save. We can’t guarantee they will not be a target, they are part of International Rescue.”
“Yes dad right away.” Gordon disappeared to his room to open the private line he had to their London agent.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 3 years
"the knight who pierced the king's heart"
Chapter 2
Hey! yes, I'm actually continuing this medieval AU story!!! Please let me know if you like it so far~ Thanks for reading!
Warnings: alcohol use/drunkeness
Ao3 link
The jousting tournament was just one part of a three-day event, one that pitted all the squads of knights against each other in various forms of combat. Jousting, archery, and dueling are the three pillars of strength for a knight, so those were the three events.
"Congratulations, Fuegoleon. Your squad won 2 of the 3 events!"
"Thank you, your majesty-" Fuegoleon bowed his head politely to Julius. The next day after Lisa’s jousting win, Sei went on to win the dueling competition for the Crimson Lions, and now all the captains were attending a royal lunch in the castle as a celebration. “My squad has exceeded my expectations this year… especially Lisa.” Fuegoleon took a sip of his drink, so he did not notice the multitude of expressions that crossed the king’s face at the mention of the woman. “Although, I had to give her a stern talking to… she joined the tournament against my wishes, and even though she won, she got herself badly hurt.”
“Oh… is it that bad?” Julius frowned a bit, his heart pounding.
“She’ll be in that cast for a month. Strict bedrest.” Fuegoleon let out a sigh. “The squad is holding a celebration tonight, which she probably won’t be able to join.”
Celebration? Julius thought, glancing around the banquet hall. Nobles and Captains alike were standing around a little awkwardly. All of the royal events ended up like this, stiff and boring. Augustus invited me to dinner tonight… but maybe I should skip…
The event ended, and Julius was alone in his room, begrudgingly getting dressed for the dinner party. He buttoned up his shirt and stared at himself in the mirror. He knew it would be just like all the other parties, with Augustus gloating about something or other, and everyone there bored out of their minds. Plus, the Kira family didn’t even really like the Novachrono family, and just wanted to rub in that their house was more prestigious or dominant. It would be unpleasant all around.
I really don’t want to do this anymore… I wish I was still a knight. I wish I could go to the Crimson Lion party… and I wish I could get to know that girl better…
His gaze flickered down to his crown before going back to his face. With the crown on, he looked so regal… but that wasn’t him. He liked the face he saw now better.
… or… to hell with all that. I’m the King! I should be able to do whatever I want!
Without another thought, Julius quickly changed clothes, into something more casual. He wrapped a bandana around his head, covering up the birthmark that had been passed down through his family. Finally, he was ready to go, and without telling anyone his plan, he dashed out of the castle and made his way through the town unnoticed.
“SEI! What on earth is going on here?! And-” Fuegoleon’s eyes widened when he saw who was standing with his husband. “Lisa?! You should be in bed!”
Lisa and Sei turned to look at their captain, both standing by a large wagon that had just pulled up outside their squad’s headquarters. “Look, Captain! We’re going to eat well tonight!” Lisa pointed at the wagon with her good arm, and Fuegoleon saw that it was laden with every type of food imaginable. “And alcohol too!!!!”
“WHAT?! But-” Fuegoleon frowned, unsure of what to make of this. “I said we were going to just use the food in our storeroom, why did we need more?!”
“I used my authority as Vice Captain to buy more,” Sei answered, his lips twitching as he suppressed a smile. “We won two of the events, and that makes us the champions, so we deserve it.” He turned to the man who delivered the wagon, pulling out money. “Here, this should cover it.”
“What’s mine is yours, remember?”
Despite Fuegoleon’s protests, all the food made it inside. “HOORAY! Thank you, Captain!!” the other knights cheered, already geared up for a long night of celebration. Their friends and family were invited too, so the room was packed, but also packed with joy and celebration.
“I suppose this is fine… we deserve to let loose after all that hard work.” Fuegoleon smiled to himself as Sei handed him a drink. “However… Lisa, don’t stay up too late, I don’t want your arm to get worse.”
“You’re not my dad!”
Lisa was already a little tipsy, waving around her mug with her good arm while the other rested in her cast. “Someone get me more!!! I won this tournament for you guys after all!” The people around her laughed, and she couldn’t help but laugh with them. Wow… she thought to herself, a little dazed but feeling great. A year ago, I could never have imagined that people would be cheering for me… or that I would have so many friends! Two of her comrades had their arms slung around her shoulders. I’m so glad I finally listened to my father’s advice… even if it was too late for him to see it himself. Her gaze moved up to one of the higher windows, where she could see the starry night. But, I’m here now… I’m sure the future will be even more exciting!
It wasn’t long before Lisa was in need of another refill, but this time she stood up to get it herself. Her knees were feeling pretty weak by now as she weaved her way through the crowd. Her broken arm was throbbing a little, but she ignored it as she clumsily poured herself another drink. Smiling to herself, she turned around to go back to her seat, but ran right into someone. “Ah!”
“Oh, are you alright?!”
Julius turned around to see none other than Lisa standing there, staring sadly at her now-empty cup which spilled on impact. His stomach immediately did a somersault. Ah! It’s her- ok, ok, stay calm- he gulped nervously before cracking a smile. “I’m very sorry-”
“It’s alright.” Lisa looked back up at his face, her eyes immediately narrowing. Uh oh, did she notice me? “My drink though-”
“Oh, I’ll get you another! Come on-”
Julius went to touch her shoulder and gently lead her back to the keg, but Lisa instinctually weaved her arm around his, holding it tightly in an effort to stay upright. Julius somehow managed to keep cool, ignoring how… close she felt as he walked off with her. So far so good… he thought to himself as he poured her another drink. No one’s recognized me so far, so the disguise is working! Even Fuegoleon didn’t notice me. And now Lisa’s here, right by me- She was pretty tipsy, but Julius was determined to talk to her longer. He wasn’t sure what he wanted out of this yet, but that’s why he had to “investigate.”
“Thank you.” Lisa took a long sip of her drink before looking back up at his face. That curious look appeared in her eyes again. “... have we met?”
Julius sucked in a breath, maintaining his easy smile. “N-No, I don’t believe so-”
“Huh-” Lisa cut him off, cocking her head to the side. It was… very cute. “I feel like I recog- hic- recognize you… hmm.” She shrugged before closing her eyes and grinning. “Maybe we were lovers in a past life or something!”
The smile combined with the sudden comment was enough to make Julius’s ears turn red. Lovers in a past life?! She’s so blunt- He managed to laugh it off, but his heart was pounding in his chest. So… does that mean she thinks I’m attractive? Or did she just say that for a laugh-
“Come on! I’m hungry!!!” Lisa suddenly grabbed his arm again and started dragging him away. Julius yelped, letting her lead him away. “The food is really good- and there’s a lot of it!”
Julius listened to her ramble on about it, smiling a little to himself. She was standing very close to him, her whole side pressed up against his arm, her hand balled up in the sleeve of his shirt. She has so much energy… I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone like her. Soon, they were sitting down again as Lisa ate.
“- and then- I knew they wouldn’t let me play anymore if they knew i had cracked my arm in half, so I just- hic- pretended I was fine! It was -hic- hard, but look where it got me!” She giggled to herself, chewing on the rest of her food. “Were you there? Did you see me?”
Julius nodded, resting his hand on his hands, propped up on the side of their table.
“I was there… and you were amazing.”
Lisa smiled again, and Julius swore he saw a blush on her cheeks.
However, the hairs on the back of his neck suddenly stood on end. Unnerved, Julius looked around the noisy hall. What was that? I feel like I’m being-
His eyes suddenly met someone else’s.
… watched…
Sei was staring dead straight at him. As soon as their gazes met, Sei didn’t look away. Instead, he frowned, recognition all over his face. Julius’s heart jumped into his throat, his blood running cold. Shit! Seiros recognized me-
After a moment of tension, Sei finally rolled his eyes and looked away, uninterested. Julius gulped before turning back to Lisa, his heart still pounding. Did he actually recognize me? Or am I just being paranoid-
“Oooh! Someone’s playing music-” Lisa suddenly jumped to her feet, her grip still on Julius’s arm. “Come on, handsome stranger, let’s dance!”
“H-Handsome stranger?!” Julius stuttered, caught completely off guard. “And- er- no one’s playing music-”
Next thing he knew, Julius was on his feet, and Lisa had wrapped an arm around his middle. The man, for once in his life, had no idea how to react or what to say. All he could do was stand there, his face turning bright red.
“You… you’re warm…”
Lisa suddenly buried her face in his chest, letting out a soft, happy hum. Julius could feel it against his heart.
This… this is unexpected-
Julius didn’t know if he should be giddy or embarrassed, but it was hard for him to not descend into the former. There were many eyes upon the pair now that they were standing, and Julius started to get nervous about getting recognized. There were plenty of family members here that he managed to blend into, but now he was… exposed. He didn’t dare look Sei’s way but his attention snapped back to Lisa as she giggled drowsily and shifted her head so her cheek was squished against him.
Her voice was weakening, and her eyes closed as she let her blissful haze take over.
Her knees wobbled, and Julius instinctively wrapped an arm around her to keep her upright. Lisa let out another happy sound. “Come on- I think you need to sit down-” Julius said, unsure of what he was supposed to do. Yikes, I didn’t expect any of this to happen- I’m glad she seems to like me, but she’s probably not going to remember any of this tomorrow. He started to inch back towards the table, wanting to sit down before people started to get suspicious or anything. Maybe I can try to see her some other time-
Uh oh. Julius looked up just in time to see none other than Fuegoleon pushing his way through the crowd, a concerned look on his face. Julius quickly looked away just as Fuegoleon reached them. “Lisa! What on earth are you doing?! I told you to take care of yourself, and here you are dragging yourself all over this poor man! Do you have no shame-”
Lisa blinked her eyes back open, seeing a blurred image of Fuegoleon’s face. “H-Huh? Oh!” She giggled dumbly and pointed a finger into Julius’s chest. “This isn’t just a m-man- this is my boyfriend-”
BOYFRIEND?! Julius thought, feeling his stomach do another flip.
“BOYFRIEND?!” Fuegoleon barked, and to Julius’s displeasure, immediately looked right at him. Luckily, Julius’s disguise held up and Fuegoleon did not seem to notice that he was looking into the eyes of the same man he had spoken to at lunch. “Is this true?!”
“Er- no-” Julius stammered, his heart pounding with adrenaline. “I- uh- I’m just… I’m just here-”
“Well then-” Fuegoleon scowled before looking back down at Lisa. “You need to go to bed, before you fall over and break your other arm!”
Lisa stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re not my dad!”
“Come on- He has a point. You there, help me get her out of here-”
Julius felt Lisa shift in his arm, and looked down to see that none other than Sei had appeared to grab Lisa from the other side. He bit the inside of his mouth to keep from gasping out loud, but Sei didn’t seem to be any grumpier than usual.”O-Okay-”
“I’m sorry about this!” Fuego called after the trio as they hobbled off. “She’s usually better behaved than this! All the fame is going to her head!”
Lisa mumbled something incoherent as she stumbled along between the two of them. “I’m not even that drunk! I’m going to remember all this tomorrow-”
“Sure you are.” Sei hushed her, stealing a glance up at Julius, who was examining the floor ahead of them as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. He narrowed his eyes again before looking ahead as well. Before too long, he kicked open the door to her room and the two men got her inside. “Alright, get out of here-” Sei told Julius, starting to pull Lisa away. “I can do this myself.”
“Oh… okay.” Julius gulped before trying to stand back. However, it wasn’t so easy; Lisa’s grip tightened on his sleeve, and she let out a tired sound of protest.”
“No- don’t go- stay with me-”
“I can’t- come on-” Julius nervously reached up and started to pry away her fingers. Lisa looked like she was about to cry, and his heart felt like it was about to break. He had hoped to actually get to know her, and the night had been far too short. However… maybe this was the time for him to shoot his shot. “Well… I can come back tomorrow?”
Lisa’s eyes popped back open. “Really?”
Sei shot Julius a warning glance. Julius still wasn’t sure how much Sei knew about him, but he knew Sei was at the very least not about to trust him. However, he wasn’t about to give up. “How about lunch tomorrow? I’ll meet you here?”
Lisa nodded slowly, her grip finally loosening. Julius smiled and held onto her hand for just a moment longer. “Alright… goodnight.”
The skin on her hand was very… enticing. Julius wanted to lean down and place a kiss on it, something for her to remember him by until they next met. But Sei tugged once, and her hand slipped away.
“Come on, shoo-”
Before Julius knew it, the door slammed shut in his face, and he was alone once again in the hallway.
I… I did it… I’m going to see her tomorrow-
Before Sei came back out a couple seconds later, Julius was already gone, running away as fast as he could.
“...what happened to that weirdo?”
“Weirdo?” Fuegoleon looked down as Sei reappeared at his side, slipping a gloved hand into his own. “Who would that be?”
“Lisa’s ‘boyfriend,’” Sei added, glancing around. “Where did he go?”
Fuegoleon shrugged. “No idea. He disappeared. And you can’t just go around calling people weird-”
Sei stopped listening at that point.
Disappeared? Hmm. Maybe I was right… that man…
Julius didn’t stop jogging until he was almost back to the castle. He leaned on the side of a building, catching his breath. Despite the adrenaline from multiple close calls tonight, he couldn’t help but smile.
It was short… but I’ve never had so much fun. Maybe sneaking around is a good idea after all.
He straightened up, looking off into the city one last time.
Until tomorrow, Lisa… I hope you remember me.
He turned and walked off, a newfound skip in his step.
Sei belongs to @fuegoleonvermillion
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