#yes this is about my precious ALOY
xthescarletbitch · 8 months
when you get really into a character, but there are very little written works for them
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anonymousewrites · 9 months
One Hell of a Love (Book 1.5) Chapter Eighteen
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Eighteen: One Hell of a Separation
Summary: (Y/N) and Sebastian are seriously displeased at being forced apart. Neither handles it well.
             (Y/N)’s eyes opened to their cell.
             It was a luxurious bedroom, full of paintings, a wardrobe full of clothes, and a comfortable bed with soft pillows and silky sheets. It was the most comfortable bedroom a human could ask for.
            But (Y/N) was not a human. And the chain connected to the collar around their neck made them a prisoner, not a guest.
            (Y/N)’s eyes turned fuchsia, and the shadows around their moved towards them, a weaker show of the rage within them. (Y/N) was going to get out of there and rain hell down on this entire mansion.
             “It seems a storm has come,” said Claude, gazing at Sebastian evenly. A slight smirk stole his features.
             Sebastian’s gaze was dark and cloudy. The trees around him lay destroyed.
             “Have no fear, little bird,” said Claude to the birds flitting about. He smirked. “The Master has ordered it away.”
             Sebastian’s fingers twitched with the desire to kill. He would destroy him. He would rip out his eyes, cut off his hands, pull out his tongue, take away everything Claude used to speak or look or touch (Y/N) with.
             Claude knelt by a flower bush. “Hellebore. Little bird, don’t you think that this lovely purple flower would suit the dear guest in the house?” His eyes flashed. “My dear guest.” Claude stood back up, holding the hellebore in his hand, and returned to the house.
             Sebastian’s shadow whirled behind him, pure hellish power extending out of it, threatening to kill the plants around it. The hellebore wilted.
             “Oh, yes~. Wonderful. Such a wonderful sight.” Behind a statue, Grell continued taking photos of Sebastian. “Seeing Sebby defeated in love gets me all excited. His master stolen from him!” (She was clueless, as usual, to everything going on) “I was ready to let that demon Claude, or whatever his name was, go. Now I can take all these precious pictures.” The camera stalled. “Oh, no! Why now? It’s such an important moment.” The shadows around Grell moved. She gulped and turned around.
             Sebastian stood over her with a statue in his hands.
             “Ah! Sebby, when did you…” Grell trailed off nervously.
             “I would like to ask the same of you,” said Sebastian coldly.
             “C-Can I take another one?” said Grell, shooting her shot.
            “I see,” said Sebastian after torturing Grell a bit with salt in her tea. She was the only person around to take his anger out on currently, unfortunately for her, but she had saved herself further pain by explaining the situation with Claude and Alois. Also, Grell had seemed actually seemed sorry that (Y/N) had gotten into trouble (though that might have just been Grell getting annoyed that someone else thought they could have her (Nickname)). “So, that is when Claude killed Alois Trancy.”
            “Yes,” said Grell. “Then, he began the ritual to transfer his soul, but two souls can never be merged completely, though their memories can be overwritten.”
            “What happened to Alois Trancy then?” said Sebastian.
            “The same as happened to your Young Master: he became a ring,” said Grell. “A ring thicker than blood and redder than passion. But I still don’t get it. Why are you so obsessed with that brat’s soul? And I understand (Nickname) is just a darling, so coldly beautiful, but kidnapping a demon? Even as another demon, that seems…extreme. And foolish.”
            “To find the answer, I advise you look at that demon’s relaxed and licentious face,” said Sebastian. “He is a depraved worm of a demon.” For a moment, everything that Claude could be doing to (Y/N) flitted through his mind, and his shadow squirmed in demonic anger.
            Grell glanced at it nervously. “S-Sebby?”
            “Let us go, Miss Grell,” said Sebastian.
            “Oh, sorry!” Grell didn’t want to get involved with such a volatile demon. Even with her adoration for Sebastian, she had some basic survival instincts. “I just remembered I have to go to the hairdresser!”
            Sebastian leapt into the air. The light shone on his skin majestically. It was the perfect photo opportunity.
            “S-So cool!” stammered Grell. “Where’s my camera?”
            Sebastian landed and glanced back at Grell. “Today, I plan to strike at least eight more poses. Additionally, I’m sure (Y/N) would give you a lovely pose once being rescued, as well.” Whether or not (Y/N) actually would was none of Sebastian’s concern, but he would make Grell work with him one way or another.
            (Y/N) watched the bedroom door open, and they glared at Claude as he entered. He shut the door decisively behind him.
            “You’re going to regret this,” said (Y/N) icily. “I’m going to tear you apart.”
            Claude tutted. “You are unable to escape, and yet you insist that you have power here. You truly are Sebastian’s apprentice.” The last sentence came through bitterly. He stood before them, and as they moved back from where they sat on the bed, Claude grabbed the chain and dragged them closer. He hummed appreciatively as he tucked the hellebore flower behind (Y/N)’s ear. “He truly wasted your potential. I knew from the moment I saw you among all those new demons that you should be mine. I know how to use the power that radiates from you. I know how to put you to use.”
            (Y/N) wasn’t sure if they were more furious at how casually Claude spoke about controlling them or more disturbed by how long this obsession had remained on his mind. “I don’t bow before anything.”
            Claude’s lips curled into a smirk. His hand trailed from the flower behind their ear to their cheek, keeping his other hand on the chain of their collar to keep them in place as they pulled away from him. So beautiful…A wild storm of power that I have the pleasure of taming. Fierce eyes, aflame with hate. I wonder what they’ll look like filled with submission, enthralled by me. And such a forceful personality, obstinate and single-minded. How incredible it will be to see them bend and break to my will.
            Every part of them will be mine.
            “You will bow before me, Felis,” said Claude as his hand dropped to their neck, right above their collarbone.
            (Y/N) didn’t hesitate as they moved. They dug their nails into Claude’s hand, sinking the tips into skin and not telling go as they felt blood. Claude ripped his hand away, leaving long claw marks in his hand as he drew away.
            (Y/N) grinned, sharp canines flashing in the light. “I told you—I. Don’t. Bow.”
            Claude’s eyes flashed fuchsia in anger, and he grabbed (Y/N)’s collar. He slammed them down on the bed, pressing down on the metal as it dug into (Y/N)’s neck and cut off their breathing.
            “You will learn your place,” said Claude coldly. He had (Y/N) pinned beneath him, a hand on their throat and the other holding down their wrists. He leaned down and spoke into their ear. “I am going to consume Ciel Phantomhive’s soul, and then I will consume you. You will lose yourself in me. You will be my thrall.”
            “I would never be yours,” spat (Y/N). “You’re just a sniveling pest of a demon. You have no power over me.” Their eyes flashed. “You can hurt me all you want, but pain is nothing to me. I have experienced a lifetime of it. You could never hope to compare.” They smirked. “And if you speak of pleasure…my fantasies give me more than you ever could.”
            Claude’s hand around their neck tightened, cutting off their words. His nails sharpened, drawing blood from (Y/N). He pulled back and licked the blood from them as (Y/N) watched in disgust.
            “You will submit,” said Claude. “You were meant to be mine. And not even Corvus can take you from me, Felis. In fact, I rather like the idea of showing my precious thrall to Corvus after you’ve properly submitted.” Claude could have moaned at the idea of having victory of Sebastian and showing him a perfectly obedient (Y/N).
            “You’re a delusional fool,” said (Y/N). “I have never submitted to anyone, not in my human life or my demonic one, and I won’t begin to.”
             Claude smirked. “If you truly think you can resist, then prepare yourself. I have many plans for you.” He leaned over (Y/N), collected more of their blood on his fingers, turned, and left.
            (Y/N) tore the hellebore from their hair and ground it into the carpet. They were not allowing Claude to have any power over them. Their eyes flashed fuchsia. They were a demon. They wouldn’t be kept there.
            Sebastian was unsurprised when the old woman who had explained the true fate of Alois Trancy’s real village and past was shot through the head. He knew that Claude would send the triplets after him as the most expendable demons.
            “I am leaving,” said Sebastian, running towards them as they fired at him before Grell could respond. Grell, however, followed eagerly after Sebastian as he attacked the triplets with silver forks.
            All three grabbed rakes to swing at him, but Sebastian easily dodged and knocked each one back. Sebastian didn’t mess around in this battle. There was no showiness, just calm, cold anger that he let out in his easy takedown of the triplets. In the moment it took Grell to take photos and fawn over him, Sebastian finished tying up the triplets like a cocoon under a tree branch.
            “Oh, are you finished already?” Grell was disappointed.
            “Now, Miss Grell. Use your Death Scythe,” said Sebastian.
            “Huh? Can’t you just deliver the coup de grace?” said Grell.
            Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. He really didn’t have time to mess around. “Please.”
            “It’s always the same with you, Sebby,” sighed Grell.
            “It is so hot today.” Sebastian faced Grell. He unbuttoned his shirt just a touch, sighed, and threw his hair back.
            Grell’s face exploded in her favorite red. Her chainsaw revved to life. In a single long arc, she tore the triplets to pieces with the energy Sebastian’s pose had given her.
             For a moment, Cinematic Records poured out, showing more of the village’s burning. The triplets stood together with a demoness behind them.
            “I see. So that’s what happened. Demons are such nonsense,” sighed Grell.
            “As expected,” said Sebastian.
            “Huh? Really?” said Grell.
            “However…” Sebastian’s gaze darkened as he saw Hannah and Ciel speaking together. His aura turned hellish as one of the triplets’ memories went through a picture of (Y/N) in the collar with a chain attached.
            “S-Sebby! You’re going demonic!” cried Grell.
            “That is enough,” said Sebastian. He pulled the thread from the tree, and the various limbs of the triplets fell to the ground. He walked back through the forest. “I won’t let Claude keep (Y/N).”
             “I am surprised,” said Claude as he sensed Sebastian hiding behind him. “I thought you would just peep in, but here you are at the front door.”
             “The Young Master ordered me to vanish from his sight,” said Sebastian. “I am not violating his order if you see me.” His eyes narrowed. “Nor am I violating it if I take (Y/N) from your spiderweb.” He dropped to the ground. “I also came to return this.”
             He threw the dark rose at Claude’s feet. As it fell before Claude’s face, Sebastian struck, punching Claude and the rose in the stomach. Claude tumbled across the ground from the force.
             “I am shocked,” said Claude, getting to his feet. “I did not think a demon would try to nullify an oath.”
             “Did you not break it first?” responded Sebastian. “We agreed to begin fighting over the Young Master’s soul only after his revenge was accomplished and thus had reached its best condition. Until that point, according to the oath, we were only supposed to use each other.”
             Claude held up his rose. “This is the type of tick that ruins the color of the leaves. Unfortunately, my black rose was infested by bugs.” It blew away in the wind. “Both our roses withered. The oath is broken.” He removed his glasses. “I want to consume the soul of Ciel Phantomhive.” He smirked. “And I will turn (Y/N) to my thrall.”
             Sebastian’s eyes flashed fuchsia. “I can assure you, they will not fall for your tricks.”
             Claude’s smirk grew wider. “Even their strange attachment to you can be distorted with enough work.” He licked his lips. “Besides, I like the fighting spirit. It just shows their power and how much I will have once they serve me. Not to mention, (Y/N)’s face in pain…” Claude’s eyes were wild with enjoyment “…it’s as delightful as one contorted in pleasure.”
             “Whatever you have done to them, know that you will feel more pain,” said Sebastian. It was a promise as deep and dark as a demonic contract. “And then I shall ensure you can never touch, speak, or look at them again.” Hands, tongue, eyes…
             “Your attachment is remarkable for someone who gains nothing from just companionship,” said Claude. “But it doesn’t change that I am the one who will own them. Their power will serve me, just as their mind…or body.” Claude’s grin was wide and lewd. “You were to weak to take what you want, but I am not. I will turn them to my thrall with pain and them teach them loyalty with pleasure. My pleasure.” His eyes pierced into Sebastian. “They won’t even remember your name when they beg for me.”
             Sebastian attacked, every demonic instinct within him damn-near roaring in hellish fury at someone speaking so lewdly about his love. He wanted, no, needed to destroy Claude. The spider demon blocked him, but Sebastian turned and kicked him. The butlers withdrew knives of gold and silver, parrying and throwing them with perfect accuracy. As the two battled, they neared the gardens of the Trancy Estate.
             “Sebastian!” came a cry.
             Sebastian froze, and the old order of his master forced him to retreat behind a statue. He gritted his teeth. His entire being itched to return to the fight and tear Claude his apart. He barely gave a thought to Ciel and his soul, his entire being was focused on (Y/N), his love, his. Not Claude’s.
             “Sebastian, save me!” Ciel’s voice had a light lilt to it, and Sebastian eyes narrowed. That was not his Master. Nothing kept him from stepping out and being seen.
             He stepped out from behind the statue to see what Claude was staring at. The entire lawn of the Trancy Estate had become a magical maze, and at the center was a tall tree with Ciel, no, Alois in Ciel’s body standing at the top.
             “Come on! Save me! I’m going to fall!” Alois cried excitedly.
             Claude smirked. “Two souls mixing. Delicious~. All of my plans are coming together. You’re losing, Sebastian.”
             The raven demon’s eyes narrowed. “My Master would not easily allow his body to be commandeered. He is fighting, that is what makes him so precious.”
             “Well, then, what will it be, Sebastian?” said Claude sadistically. “Rush to save your precious contract and leave behind my sweet Felis, or leave behind a delicious soul and save the demon you’re so pathetically attached to?”
             “Oh, please. Sebastian doesn’t need to rescue me,” scoffed a voice from above.
             Sebastian and Claude paused and looked up. (Y/N) stood in the window of their cell, the chain broken, collar still on. The hand with their contract seal was bare of gloves and dripping with blood. (Y/N) smirked down at Claude’s surprised face.
             “I told you—I don’t bow. And now I’m going to tear apart every one of your plans.” (Y/N) crouched and jumped from the window, landing within the walls of the maze.
             Claude’s face twisted in anger, and Sebastian smirked.
             Now that was his Felis. That was the demon he loved.
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I'd like something with Alois, but I'm not sure what?! So I'm letting you choose (just make it fluffy, pls)!
aaaaaaa the world definitely needs more Alois fluff~
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The night is usually quiet within the walls of the Trancy Estate. You and ALOIS sleep soundly in the master bedroom, and the servants take care not to disturb either of you unless it’s important.
It’s never a surprise that your lover is affectionate with you. He loves being able to touch, hug, kiss, just lie there and let his hands wander wherever they feel like wandering. Tonight, though, he goes a step further; as soon as you lie down next to him, his arms are around you. He nestles his face against your neck and breathes in your scent like it’s the last memory he’ll ever have.
“Well, hello, beautiful,” you hum in amusement. You run a gentle hand through his hair, stopping with your fingers curled at the base of his neck. “Are you thinking hard about something?”
He nods with his face still against you, though it feels like he’s relaxed a bit. No longer as desperate as he was when he first grabbed at you. “Yes. I’m thinking about how much I love you. And how happy I am that I found you before someone else did.”
You chuckle, and your other hand comes down to rest on his back. His muscles relax under your touch, his whole self cuddling in at the reminder that he’s safe with you. “I think even if someone else found me first, you’d have found a way to steal me. You’re good like that. And I love you, too.”
“Mmmh. You smell so good.” His breathing is even, delicate. The rest of the world is so quiet, anything too loud or harsh could break this moment into a million pieces. His fingers, balled into half-fists, stroke up and down your spine. “(Name)… this isn’t going to end, is it? It’s not some kind of dream?”
Your head tilts despite knowing he can’t see it. “What’s not? Our life?”
“Mhm. You see, sometimes… sometimes I’m afraid that’s all it is. A dream that my mind’s made up to make myself feel less lonely.”
“Hm. Well, I think I would know if I were a dream, darling. I feel very real.”
He chuckles and it’s a warm puff of air that makes you shiver a little. “Good.”
Another few minutes pass. It’s dark outside, you know, even with the curtains drawn. Alois is usually fast asleep by now, snoring thirty seconds after he drops down into your arms. You have to wonder what’s keeping him awake tonight.
Finally, he murmurs against your skin, “… Do you promise you’ll love me forever? No matter what?”
“Forever? That’s a long time,” you tease, scratching lightly at his scalp. “Do you mean until we die, or even after that?”
He lets out a small noise of thought before deciding. “No, after that. Do you promise that even when we’re dead, you’re still going to love me? When we’re just souls without bodies… will you find me and stay with me? Will you choose me even then?”
The way he speaks, you think he wants to believe the answer you’ll give will be a yes… but that he’s tensing himself up, braced for a no. You know there is something inside him, something that aches heavy in his chest, that thinks you’ll eventually get tired of him. That thinks at some point, you’ll stop seeing him as worthy of your love.
You comb his hair back, and kiss the top of his head. “I suppose so. If we’re just souls after that, it might take me a while to find you, but I’ll do it.”
“You will?” His grip suddenly tightens. “But… but what about… it’s ‘till death do us part’, isn’t it?”
You tug the covers up over the two of you. “It’s precious that you think death is going to stop me from loving you, Alois. You should really be more concerned with what happens if I die first. Because if I do, I’ll haunt you every day until you join me.”
He lets out something that sounds like a cross between a laugh and a sob, then presses himself against you even more. “… Fine, then. If I die first, I’ll haunt you, too.”
“Oh, dear, it seems I’ll never be rid of you,” you chuckle. You offer another kiss, this time to his forehead as he peeks up just a little at you.
Ah, that smile he gives is wicked. “Just as planned.”
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dany36 · 1 year
just finished the burning shores aND—
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THEY DID IT. THEY FUCKING DID IT!!!!! GAYLOY IS REAL AND HERE TO STAY!!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!! I....ok, first, some thoughts about the dlc before i continue to scream about the obvious:
loved love love the new frog enemy. the bilegut?? at first i thought that those fly enemies (the ones that hatch from eggs lol i forget their names) were kinda cool but then i did the cauldron and like...when they all come in swarms at you? FUCK that lmao hated their asses so much.
i messed up the waterwing part where you have to dive to avoid the tower lasers haha i didn't make it to the end without my waterwing dying on me, but that part was pretty cool!
i already gushed over this but GILDUN!!! MY BOY GILDUN!!!! i was so happy to see him alive and well!!! i wish i hadn't spoiled myself the fact that he was gonna appear in the dlc but oh well, i still really enjoyed doing his sidequest :)
the horus fight was pretty intense, but the fight with walter was kinda lame lol. i mean i guess he can't really do too much to you since he's hooked up to the horus, but like...his last words to aloy before dying were also beyond pathetic. but well, i guess that's the zenith for ya, just a bunch of pathetic rich people.
ALVA!!!! MY GIRL ALVA OH MY GODDDDD i literally screamed when i saw her!!!! AND HER THEME SONG STARTED PLAYING LAKJSDFLAJKSDLFKJ I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! ;_; when are we gonna meet her girlfriend!!!! ahhhh she's so precious alskjdflakjdfljk
that fight with zeth or whatever?? freaking annoying!! i don't think i was fighting him right lol i kept trying to combo him but he would just beat the crap out of me and shoot me incessantly with that damn zenith weapon. was seyka supposed to help you distract him here? cus wow he just would NOT stop shooting at me, i used up like 4 large potions and almost all of my berries. i can't imagine how insane this fight must be in ultra hard!!
i really liked how they incorporated a "bandit camp" into the dlc!! but also that part where you infiltrate their camp after rescuing valea (i think that was her name) was so funny, i was trying to go the stealthy way but after she freed her comrades, she did a war cry and everyone just started attacking the enemy quen. amazing!!!
the epilogue with sylens and aloy telling him he'll always be alone...oof, kinda rough there, aloy!!! but i mean considering their history, it's only fair for her to act towards him like that...
i still have a couple of quests to go: the aerial viewpoints (got one), still missing one pangea figurine, and...well i guess i have to look around and completely explore to see if there are any more sidequests that will pop up, but idk i feel like in terms of sidecontent this dlc has a bit less than frozen wilds?? but i mean that's a minor complaint when...
SEYKA. holy shit. i already posted about this before but i seriously was not expecting this to go all the way fucking out with ALOY FUCKING KISSING HER AT THE END OF THE DLC!!!! OK i actually don't know if she kisses her regardless of which option you take or what the hell is going on there (i'll have to do some research...), but I chose the "Yes, I do" option because i think the other options didn't really align with what aloy had been mumbling to herself all throughout the DLC?? like the other options were "i'm not ready for this" and "this is too much for me" but like...GIRL....LITERALLY right before meeting her you were like "i'm not ready to say goodbye to her yet" and "she wants to meet me where we first met. there's nothing to be nervous about"??? this girl fucking fell HARD for seyka and it would have been silly for her to say anything other than "yes, i do". it broke my heart because WELLP THERE GOES HAWK AND THRUSH ALL DREAMS CRUSHED I SUPPOSE RIP TALANAH but like...damn, i guess there really was no way forward with that with the whole amadis BS that they did in the main game and with her still having feelings for amadis, huh? :( sighhhhh oh well!!! is it time now to board on to the next ship??
now, am i happy about the kiss and aloy having a crush on seyka? absolutely! but one thing that i'm NOT completely sure about is the chemistry. yeah yeah they're both very similar to each other, they kept pushing that throughout the entire DLC and about aloy being an outcast and comparing that to seyka, they're both capable warriors, and god how can seyka not fall for the girl that literally saved her sister's life and the rest of her tribe. that whole section in pangea park was pretty cute but, and i also already mentioned this before, up until the end it felt kind of one-sided to me. of course, i think that might be because we literally can only hear aloy's thoughts about this throughout the whole game, and i MAY have missed some seyka hints because i'm always oblivious as fuck when it comes to that kind of thing, but IDK. i mean yeah i like them together cus aloy obviously likes her and it was super cute seeing her be all nervous about it, cus i mean who wouldn't support aloy with whoever makes her feel like THAT??? so it looks like aloy/seyka will be endgame! unless something else happens in the third game, so i don't know!!! exciting to see where this relationship goes and how they will handle it and other romantic love shenanigans for aloy in the third game!
last thing i will say is that i watched that "Meet Seyka" video or whatever that pops up on the playstation home, and seyka's actress talks about how aloy has never met anyone like seyka before: i.e. another powerful warrior who is a women and is all badass and shit. and obviously i'm not blaming the actress for saying this at all, but immediately when i heard that i was like ummmmm talanah is right there lol. i really didn't want to think about seyka as a talanah 2.0 but well idk, i really hope we get to see talanah join the gang in the third game because it really would be a shame if they were to push aside the only carja team member from the first game when GOD the potential for her character is HUGE and i don't want to see it go to waste :( me saying this putting the whole aloy/talanah ship aside, talanah is just a really cool and interesting character despite that weirdass sidequest they gave her in forbidden west.
ANYWAY i think i'm just mindlessly ranting at this point, so overall i will say i enjoyed the DLC, LOVE WINS, GAY RIGHTS ETC and well, now to browse the tag and see what other folks are saying!!! :)
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askblackbutler · 2 years
Hello again! I’m glad you all enjoyed the gifts! Alois and Ciel, what are your thoughts on masquerades? The mystery of the person behind the mask, being able to speak with people you normally wouldn’t, learn about them in ways you wouldn’t.
Dear purple-chaos-buttonmaster,
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Alois - You're back! Oh, how I've enjoyed your Ciel plush! I've brought him all around the Trancy estate. He's my precious little thing!
Ciel - As have I enjoyed your sweets. They go very well with my afternoon tea.
Alois - As for your question, hmm... Masquerades are quite interesting! You can get affection from someone who wouldn't love you otherwise... unlike... Claude.
Ciel - It's an intricate game of politics even then. If you say too much, you can reveal yourself, but if you're adept, the game is very interesting. Uncovering possible dirt is a very valuable skill Sebastian and I make use of for the Queen, and for my own pursuits, as well.
Alois - Oh, but the most fun part is the dancing! A mystery partner, that holds you so tenderly as you glide across the floor... And I suppose the conversation can be quite romantic as I said earlier! It's nice to be playful behind a mask so that people won't know it's me. Ciel, didn't you disguise yourself once?
Ciel - Yes, but that was far different from a masquerade... now everyone thinks I'm a girl...
Alois - I think you'd be cute as a girl, Ciel!
Ciel - I'm not a girl, and will NEVER BE a girl!
Alois - Oh, you're glaring at me... Thanks for the question, Chaos, but I think I'm about to be kicked out of the manor for a while! Please write me! My estate is much lovelier.
Ciel - Alois!!
~ Ciel Phantomhive and Alois Trancy
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tjerra14 · 2 years
for the fic writing asks: 1, 2, and 19 please (and please talk about your OCs bc I love them and they are ever so precious to me and yes I acknowledge I still owe you at least one Banuk name)
Made it home from work with a little time to spare so an answer it is!! (Please excuse the wonky mobile phone formatting, I'm too tired to boot up the PC now.)
1 Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as ideas strike?
I've got multiple notebooks which are fed with ideas before I put down the first word. Usually the process is this: Spotify recommends some music to me, or I accidentally let an album play that I hadn't heard in its entirety before, and a song jumps out at me and just plants a few vague pictures, sometimes a line or two in my head. I write them down, then expand on them over time, and only write the first word when the notebook (usually) contains a rough structure, the first and last sentences as well as a title. So yeah. In the beginning, there was music, and a bunch of question marks on a piece of paper.
2 Where do you get your fic ideas?
I listen to the wrong song at an unfortunate time and end up being cursed with a picture or feeling that wants to be put into words.
19 Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
Well.... technically I hate creating OCs because NAMES and STORIES but they tend to create themselves. The canon characters move through a populated world, and since I quickly feel overwhelmed (but also restricted) when juggling too many canon characters I end up filling the spaces with OCs. Transposition's Utaru OCs just spawned themselves because I liked the idea of Ikrie having social contacts outside of Aloy and her friends; and I guess the same goes for all the (relatively) newly created Banuk that are still slumbering in the notes for a future project. (The Ikrie-Mailen friendship exploration with which I like to entertain myself has so far yielded the highest number of OCs: we've got Siktuk, the shaman of Ikrie and Mailen's old werak, who kind of took little Ikrie under his wing but never quite managed to put her on the shaman's path; Urmak, who's only designation so far is "bully"; Naunai, a White Teeth aspirant who is there to talk shit about Mailen and fight Ikrie; Yakili, also known as "The Owl", a legendary huntress who is said to have had a deep connection to the Blue Light; and Arkai, a young painter Ikrie has a crush on. I'm probably forgetting someone but they likely won't have a name yet. Lou, I'm already dreading the Suffering™.)
OCs also provide an opportunity to explore new perspectives (Bare His Heart's POV character, Rabbit, merely exists because I wanted to write about my Inquisitor from an outside view, and everything else continued from there), as well as expand on headcanons I have piled up about the world and in Horizon's case, the tribes themselves. Which I enjoy a lot! ....so I guess I do like creating OCs. Just not naming them. (Although Rabbit's proper name, Daron Amiot, is born from an ongoing joke I had with a friend during our studies--"hey, this drug sounds like a fantasy name!"--in this case, Amiodaron.)
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xxbloop-meep14 · 1 year
Alright I love horizon both games are fantastic, but I have a lot of thoughts so why not share them here, I think zero dawn is better then forbidden west, zero dawns story was awesome, about a girl who grew up as an outcast tries to fit in with a tribe only to find out her story is bigger then that, so she explores for her mother, and its just a huge story that is easy to get invested in, but not only is the main story interesting the side quests are interesting as well, the character design is awesome every character is written well in my opinion, and the main characters are also so likeable especially varl he's so awesome and sweet, him and Aloy are besties nothing else I swear, I also think he really helps Aloy tells her to give herself a break, now i'm gonna take a bigger dive in characters.
VARL. my boy is precious he's so great he's sweet funny so caring, and plain just loveable, he's so sweet to Aloy always sicks by her side no matter what, even through all the crazy shit, he's gets use to a focus for her he stays even when Aloy snaps at him, he makes sure Aloy isn't putting the world on her shoulders even though it is, he lets her talk about rost and beta and Elisabet and about the zeniths, he has to be the best character.
EREND. ok I like him I do he's funny and stuff but fuck people ruined him for me, like your allowed to ship whoever you like yes but god I just hate that ship, Aloy and erend bleh gross NASTY. I don't know what it is it just annoys me so much. but he's a decent character but like I said the ship ruined him for me I literally ignore him in the game because all I see is the ship, its actually funny how much it bothers me.
KOTALLO. again the same thing happened people ship him and Aloy bro no come on he sees Aloy as a leader not a fucking girlfriend, but he's decent and funny he's adorable sometimes, I like how he doesn't wear his metal arm because he's accepted who he is I thought that was nice, I like how he's just a quiet dude he likes fighting and helping he's pretty sweet I like him I just hate the ship between Aloy and him please no.
ZO. bro she's awesome her and varl are adorable, I find it funny how she beats up erend, she's also really caring, my favourite moment between Aloy and zo is when Aloy is so puzzled when zo mourns for a machine that tried to kill them, she's pretty epic.
ALVA. alright she's cute she's just awkward and a nerd very likeable, she's smart and funny, weirdly I don't have many opinions on her I just think she a decent character.
TILDA. bro is interesting I swear she's just has so much trauma and so many issues most abandonment issues I don't think she's actually a bad person I think she's just kinda messed up and is scared I don't know.
ok i'm done with characters sorry I'm blanking ANYWAY.
I like forbidden west but sometimes its to much you know its fun the story is decent but its just to bloody much its kinda all over the place like the blight and then the zeniths random death you know it feels like its trying a tad bit hard, but I still like it, it can definitely be tedious at times but what game isn't tedious be real, and I like all the new characters but I don't fully understand why we got so many new ones, I feel like the game was really good when it was just Aloy and two other people but I like the idea of Aloy on her own and I understand its not great to be alone she needs company which I agree its good to have companions. but I just felt it was a good story like a girl on her own with all this responsibility she struggles but finds her way through you know I don't know I actually think its harder for Aloy with so many people around her because if she messes up she'll let down the world and her close friends so she tries harder which isn't so great because she's just adding more on her shoulders.
now one more character dive.
ALOY. Aloy is the best character ever. she's so strong and funny smart and just amazing, like I said I love the whole story of her saving the world going through countless things to get what she wants and needs, I think she wants to be alone because that's how she grew up alone she had rost but he was cold and I think she struggles with her friends because she just doesn't understand she does eventually get use to it but still I do believe she just wants to be alone and that's why she's out all the time yeah she goes out to get stuff but I think she also does it to get away from people in the base even though you control her I feel like she's just in and then out immediately she's always on her feet, she cares about people a lot but I think in the back of her mind she's still the little outcast who kids ran away from so instead of people running from her she runs away from them, but she doesn't notice this.
anyway I'm done hope you enjoyed my random thoughts and could relate to what I think. Thank you for reading :]
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butchcraftwrites · 1 year
Rhea for the ask game but assuming someone else sent her do Catherine 👀 (or both)
You have been beat! But I can still do Cathy <333
First impression: I think my word for word reaction upon seeing her was "WOAH that is a dyke."
Impression now: Oh Cathy, you fucking simp. You precious, single minded child. You one brain cell with nothing else to rub against it. You wondrous shimbo. You tall muscular lesbian dream. I adore you. Who watching you from afar couldn't adore you. You are so lovable and wild and I Love You.
That aside, even though she Can Be Dumb As All Fuck, I love how introspective she is. It's interesting to me that, even though she is from House Charon, it's mentioned in the game that not a lot of people know about her past. Cathy just... doesn't talk about the things that matter. But she has to think about them, and often. In her supports with Ashe, she plays it off with an air of humor, but she still feels very self-deprecating about betraying his brother, Christophe. It's interesting to see her try to shift the focus of her guilt onto Ashe, as he is younger and more volatile, but you can bet your ass that Catherine wanted to be beaten the fuck up specifically by someone wanting revenge for Christophe, just to quiet her conscience. What other things plague her, on a regular basis, that she refuses to talk about? How did the Tragedy of Duscar affect her, when her distant family and loved ones were massacred? The game only gives us a shallow glimpse into Catherine's psyche, and I think it was purposely done.
Favorite moment: Literally anytime she reminds someone that Rhea once pet her hair.
Idea for a story: I actually have a WIP that's almost complete about her attempting to come to terms with betraying Christophe. It was actually the first fanfic I attempted to write in years. I... should really finish that.
Unpopular opinion: Her supports with Alois are her best supports. Change my mind.
Favorite relationship: Okay, hear me out, yes she should 100% be with Shamir. That is the healthiest option. That is how she will be her happiest. That being said her one sided pining of Rhea is adorable and I want her to be in that purgatory hell forever.
Favorite headcanon: Anytime she does anything well, she's like "Maybe Rhea will <s>feed me her blood</s> pet my hair again!" And depending on how overworked or drunk she is, it could be any little thing. She did a good stacking of some logs. She assisted in ANOTHER training. She ate all of her vegetables. She stumbled back to the correct dorm this time.
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thessalian · 30 days
Thess vs The Bulwark
I did get that side quest I was yammering about yesterday. That was cool. So was the main quest bits that I got to, honestly.
Hi, Kotallo. ...Wow, you're bitter as shit. Then again, the way your society treats the disabled, can't say I blame you.
So Tekotteh's a bit of a shitlord, huh? Well, I've dealt with the type before. We'll get this; don't worry.
Yes, we could sneak around them. But this is faster. POONK. POONK. POONK. POONK.
Ah. Nice to meet you, Chekov's Debris.
It's nice that the narrative is handling so many parallels with Aloy's life as an outcast. Heh; if people think she's not all that personable now, they should take a good hard look at Kotallo and see how bitter she could have got, if she hadn't had Rost in her life.
So, yeah, why do I not have the option to flag up to him that I actually got into his precious sanctum of safety and impregnability by climbing a mountain and coming in from the air? Along with a PS of "THERE ARE FLYING MACHINES, YOU DIPSHIT, AND THESE FUCKERS ARE OVERRIDING DAMN NEAR EVERYTHING SO YOU COULD GET AN AIR SQUADRON OF FUCKING STORMWINGS ON YOUR ASSES!"
No, seriously, I WANT THE OPTION TO POINT OUT THE THING ABOUT AERIAL STRIKES. Hell, I could have taken out the entire Bulwark like I've done with every rebel camp I've ever come across; perch on a mountain out of sight and most people's range, and POONK from cover.
But no, we have to deal with Chekov's Debris. I go look at Chekov's Debris.
Yeah, apparently this is going to take more than my plasma arrows to blow up. Okay. Fine. If you're going to make me fire a cannon, you're going to make me fire a cannon. Whatever.
"...That was an unkind comparison" is sending me. Kotallo's a bit of a grumpy-puss but I do love him.
Aha. Helloooooooo Tremortusk. Yeah, Kotallo, you go get those jackasses. I'll take out that thing. Slow time aaaaaaaaaaaand ... POONK to the belly.
Well. That was easy. Buuut Kotallo's not exactly keeping rebel heat off me--
Smoke bomb.
Oh, fuck this. WHAMWHAMSTAB.
Okay. Fine. I get Tremortusk cannon and--
Oh. Thanks, Kotallo. I guess taking out a Tremortusk in two shots and beating a couple of rebels to death earns me some respect.
Tekotteh? Dude? Yeah, your Bulwark is holding for right now, but you know what the best thing is? The best thing in the world is letting you do your smug monologue before we prove how much of an ass you are. Aaaaaaaaaaaand BOOM.
I think I speak for Hekarro and Kotallo and just about every Tenakth that thinks you've been a shithead for years when I say the following: *ahem* Womp-womp.
Yeah, I'll go check on the Sky Clan. Most of them don't deserve what they're getting just because their clan leader's a shitlord.
Oh, we get to call people back from "insubordination" punishment? Awesome!
Dude's climbing a mountain-- Ah! I've been there! On it!
Person grabbed by Stormbird. Iiiiiii ... can't do that yet but give me time. It's in the "For Later" pile.
Really getting the hang of glide-grab-grapple. It's a good thing.
A very good thing, given this quest. If I had to go all the way around, up, and down, this would take forever. Man, I hope we find that poor kid alive.
Oh, great, and now the others are getting attacked. GERONIMOOOOOOOOOO!
Okay, I see no more Glinthawks and yet we've still got the tense music and the quest has not moved ahead. Has it ... accidentally pegged that Shell-Walker convoy as part of this quest? Well, I have a very long-range bow; lemme find out. POONK.
Nope. Oh, come on-- Theeeeeeere you are. POONK.
Yeah, sorry. Thank you for the shiny. You go back to the Bulwark; I'll ... go cross this ravine again to get the bits from that Shell-Walker convoy I took out from ... well, I think "next post code over" might be an understatement.
Right. Climbing. Aaaand ... oh, hey. Folks that got stopped at the outset because ... because storm, apparently.
...Trans person. Not sure if definitely trans girl or trending to non-binary, because all they really say is "When I wanted to wear a woman's armour" (probably because they don't really have the terminology and they're discovering transgender from first principles, same as they have everything else), and there's not that much variation in hairstyles or face paint or anything else, and they haven't identified their gender one way or another, so I won't state for sure that this is a trans woman (even if the hairstyle does trend towards the feminine just on how it frames the face; that generally means little to nothing) ... trans person and it gives me life. I mean, it's interesting to see how it's handled in a world with no real term for it and certainly no way of medical transitioning.
(Side note: wonder what the Oseram would make of any trans people in their tribe. With most of the tribes, and the Tenakth in particular, there's not a huge difference in gender roles. If you can do the work, you do the work. But the Oseram seem to have by and large found sexism, which is why all the Oseram women who want to do basically anything are found outside the Claim, so I do have to wonder what their reaction would be to any trans person.)
Anyway, it's nice that Wekatta is using their experience to basically go, "Yeah, people think I'm weird too; I'm not going to give someone shit about societal norms". Even if it might stand to get Penttoh killed.
Oh. Hi, Rokko. ...Dude, I hope to hell Penttoh survives so you and he can be soldiers together. I'm really hoping this one's a "Aloy partners up with Penttoh and lets him get the flower" rather than a "Aloy saw his body at the very top.
And here's where I got stuck. Gliding--
Nope. Glidiiiiiing...
AAAAAAAARGH. ...*sigh* Gliding.
YES! Okay. And I will quickly scan for that data point I was after--
Aaaaaaand the focus picked up Penttoh fighting for his life; I'd better get moving--
And of course it had to be fucking Leaplashers!
Definitely leaning into parallels with Aloy's life as an outcast. Kotallo, Penttoh, Beta... There are worse things to base side-quests on.
Okay. Yes. Aloy as partner. Now, where's that climbing spot?
Right. Lemme see... Aha! Running jump and Pullcaster! There we go!
And kick over tree so we can both get to the next climbing point. Great. Good!
Aaaaand we made it. And ... I can glide down? All that way? Oooooooooh that's gonna be a viiiiiiiiew...
Hi, guys! No, Penttoh's coming. He just wanted to bask.
Oh, you little shit-- C'mon, narrative impetus says you have to hit him--
Aaaand I was right! Rokko and Penttoh as squadmates!
Erm ... Jekkah? Are you saying he's cute for you or for your brother? Please don't fight over Rokko, okay?
Okay. There's one last data point I want to get before I start prepping for D&D, so...
...That's ... a Tremortusk.
Doing the main quest has opened Tremortusk spawn points!
But first I'm going to get this data point, and then hunt this guy.
POONK once to the stomach...
POONK once to the tusk...
POONK once to the back cannon. Aaaaand done.
Campfire nearby-ish, quick-save, and off I go. But I HAVE TREMORTUSK SIIIIIIIIIIIITES!
(I like hunting unfeasibly big things with precision strikes to weak spots. It's a thing.)
So yeah, depending on how I feel after D&D, I might play more tonight. Alternatively, it might be an all-day Monday thing. I would have started playing sooner, but last night I was kept awake until like 4am by my partying neighbours, and then I woke up at 6am for no apparent reason, and it took an hour to get back to sleep ... so I slept through most of the morning. I guess that's what weekends are for, but the ridiculous part is that I'm still tired. I guess "technically enough" sleep doesn't always count if it's broken sleep.
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yoursaltytears · 2 years
This one surprises me. I never expected that Tilda's collection of a woman reading letter is still on the base even after the game and if Aloy used her focus and hover it there she will make a comment.
Aloy, Honey you don't know how Tilda feels until you experience it.
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years
I come bringing ideas and headcanons.
OK, so we all already know what The Three oldest archons abilities. So I’ve come up with my own ideas we could use for the younger archons! (And yes I’m grouping Ei, Venti and Zhongli as the older siblings since Ei Is 1000 years old Venti is 2,500 and Zhongli is 5,000-6,000 and the other archons are still in the hundreds I think)
Again these aren’t canon just stuff you can use for future Requests for Twisted wonderland x Teyvat God! Reader
For Dendro archon!Reader
Definitely a Bow User. And Is a Healer. But the their Ult can cause damage
I have a theory That during the Archon War The dendro Archin created the Regisvines to fight for them, and only two were left. I also Headcanon The dendro archon can bring plants to life and overwrite what each plant can do. (Maybe even bring mushrooms to life 👀).
Maybe They can create a giant plant from the ground that spreads Healing energies and since this is a god where talking about can Cure Curses (Ahem Vils Curses Ahem) and major Diseases and what not.
For Their Ult maybe a giant plant monster (kinda like how Gouba and Oz exists ) that will attack for them (could make for fun combos with different elements like if the dendro archon was wet Hydro Plant monster)
For Hydro archon!reader
Polearm or sword (theirs way too many Hydro Catalyst) Healer and Dps, Why? Cause I say so.
You’ve mentioned how Hydro archon summons a giant wave? I’ll do you one better and their E skill summons a giant sea creature of your choosing to soak the fighters (A cool visual is their polearm turning into a big dream catcher then going swoosh and Baam Maybe like A giant Water Koi fish finna drown your ass *ahem ace ahem*)
Now mihoyo likes to reference Their character form honkai impact into genshin impact (and since they took a characters look from Honkai and another characters abilities with the whole Dual ego thing for Raiden shogun and Ei) I’m gonna base this Ultimate Skill From a character from Honkai (for research search up Herrsercher of Sentience)
Since the Hydro archons whole thing is about Justice. Now here me out here. WATER WHIP. Just a giant whip of water that can go on for miles (maybe it’s salty maybe it’s like fresh water depends on our readers mood lolol). Like, It’s whip of water strong enough to cut diamond or whatever it would be very cool (Kalim would wanna see if he could do something like that with his UM Que jamil trying to stop him)
Maybe their hair turns into water too.
Pyro archon! Reader
Claymore. A Big strong war god needs a big strong weapon. Dps and Defense.
Now It’s not just one claymore, It’s DUAL-CLAYMORE, why? Cause it’s a war god that’s why!
I like to think the shield is like Xinyans and XiangLings combined and it’s constantly sending off tiny Fire Discs. Or just symbols shooting fire like what the Pyro Abyss mages can do
For Ultimate I like to think it’s like Childes Daggers but Bigger and on fire just a huge sword made of fire.
The pyro archon doesn’t think just BURNS. and STABE
Cryo archon! Reader
I can’t really come up with much for Cryo archon. But maybe a Catalyst that can summon a giant blizzard that drops down giant ice swords (kinda like Ganyus)
Definitely a sub DPS.
Maybe a healer too since The Tsaritsa is The archon of love?
What do you think about these abilities? Since you mentioned that the students and staff would assume their just strong mages I tried to be very creative with these abilities.
Also how I think the lore could go is maybe somewhere after leonas overblot and before azuls, Crowly has found a way to send Yuu home reluctantly. Yuu, grim and the aduece duo, and maybe some of heartslaybul or savana claw whoever you want come with them to the office to send them home. But Yuu is contemplating whether or not they WANT to go home now. But something goes wrong, maybe grim messes up the spell for the portal to work becuase (although he doesn’t want to admit it ) doesn’t want Yuu leaving, and their greeted with a surprise guest. Now this gives Yuu time to decide if they genuinely wanna go home and when teh archon finally has the materials they need to create a portal Yuu will tell them to leave the portal open (maybe put it into a tiny pocket mirror like the how we have the teapot) because they wanna stay for a little while or just until grim graduates (Que a happy fire cat ) and the archon whose grown attached to some people here was like ok “let our friends visit whenever they want, only if their headmaster allows it”
Now onto the headcanons
Anemo Archon! Reader and Mondstadt! Yuu
Everyone expected a lot of things not a person with Green eyes and (H/C) hair with green highlights. And an odd thing about them was the glowing stone on their person, Yuu didn’t have that?
Everyone’s freaking out because they’ve accidentaly taken another person from Yuus world.
And since Venti Is a well known famous bard In teyvat let’s say or Dear (y/N) is also a known bard and is not at all freaking out about what’s going on in fact let’s say our dear reader recognizes Yuu! And so now (Y/N) is now a new student (and a new headache for Crowley) in the ramshackle dorm! Yup! Just an ordinary human bard, Ehe~.
I’ll leave the rest of this up to you, Where Yuu has to explain what the world of teyvat is like (and why Yuu doesn’t have a phone (and a vision) because Twisted wonderland is far more advance in Technology and teyvat has JUST invented the Camera)
Also I head canon that people with Visions can summon their weapons and object with their visions, ok? Ok. To make things make more sense when reader pulls out a lyre from floating glitter.
Geo archon!reader and Liyue! Yuu
Same things happend here, but hey! We’ve summoned a Funeral Consultant! A very (ahemATTRACTIVEahem) Wise funeral consultant at best!
Our dear Friend (y/n) is very calm about the situation as well. After all everyone and liyue knows their god was killed and The Adepti are watching over them
So Our dear reader is seeing this as a free vacation 😊
Electro Archon!Reader and Inazuma!yuu
Since the god of Inazuma isn’t “Dead” or hasn’t left and the people know what their beloved archon looks like, Yuu will definitely Be Freaking the fuck out
insert the meme of the womens face that gets zoomed in on the second panel “the. WHAT.” 😃
And y’know how Eis “Hello” voice line where she makes the traveler her guard she says the same thing to Yuu except “I recognize you are one of my people as your archon I shall be your guard and keep you safe from any danger in this Foreign world” and let’s say The puppet will not be used and Reader will be in control becuase they don’t have to worry about erosion right now so the puppet will be resting while (Y/N) is in control protecting their Precious Inazuma citizen is ok.
Well until They can get the materials they need to open a portal. I’ll let you figure out the rest, but congrats ramshackle you now have a god in your abode 😃✨
-Plot Anon 💗
PLOT ANON-SAMAAAAAAAAAA ILY!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your hard work sob
Anyways, for skills of the archons-
Dendro Archon
I think they'd use a sword or a catalyst tbh, if the skills you listed, it makes a little more sense to have them be more of a catalyst
For their elemental skill, I think they'd summon/throw something similar to Klee's and Aloy's elemental skill except they heal if someone in your party is nearby, their healing could scale by their EM or ER.
For their burst, I like your head canon for the Dendro Archon, so I might go off from that and your idea for their burst, just more tweaking. The dendro archon would be able to summon a large plant that heals AND deals Dendro damage by sapping mobs hp. The amount of life sapping it does and the healing would scale off their original HP (artifacts that give hp won't be of use)
Hydro Archon
I agree with hydro polearm or sword. Too many catalysts
Mmm... To be honest, I think you should have the burst be her skill... The whip idea is intriguing, but I think it would work more for a skill which can allow them to use it several times before waiting for the CD to go down. I think the whip skill would work better with Crit as well.
AND AS FOR THE MENTIONS OF WAVE AND A SEA CREATURE, I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER BUT FOR THEIR BURST!!!! They summon a large tsunami which takes form of a monster/animal and lunges at the mobs (similar to Zhongli tossing down a dumbbell), however the amount of damage the burst can do is depending on if they are afflicted by the wet status the mobs are afflicted by. If already afflicted with hydro, the mobs would receive double damage while those with other elements afflicted on them would receive the element combination DMG and normal DMG while those that aren't affected by an element, they would receive normal damage. The amount of damage the burst does is scaled by EM.
Pyro Archon
Hmmm.... I think the skill would be they set an AoE with magma, mobs will receive damage from it and will continue to receive damage if they stay on it, but those who are in party, they will receive an ATK boost that scales from HP.
For the burst, I think I'll use a character from Honkai Impact with their special move which is Murata Himeko in Vermilion Knight: Eclipse battlesuit. Pyro Archon uses their claymore and another claymore but made of pyro and is far more larger and their cut scene has the Archon raise the pyro claymore above their head and slam it down to send pyro erupting from the ground (similar to the pyro axe wielding hilichurls)
Cryo Archon
I agree with catalyst
Mmmmmm.... I'd say her skill would beeeeee... Trapping several mobs or so in ice. They can either do 2-4 ice traps depending if you got their c1. (The ice traps are similar to Mirror Maidens traps BTW but it deals or affects the mobs with cryo)
For burst, I like the idea of summoning a blizzard/swords, but it's similar to Ganyu's. SO I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER!!!! Cryo Archon will summon a blizzard which freezes mobs without having to use hydro, the freeze status lasts for a total of 15 seconds or higher if you got their c3
Hmmm... I like the idea, but imma tweak it a bit. The archon was in fact summoned through that portal because Grim decided to mess it up just for Yuu to stay a little longer, and so the Archon now resides in Twisted Wonderland as well in order to aide them until they can return back to their world. That way it makes more sense and makes it more fun.
Anemo archon
Yuu would be a bit jealous about them because they got a vision.
Crowley needs to hide his money
Sam has been strictly told to not give them wine that Sam stores in his shop...
Vargus is conflicted about them because they legit float without magic
Trein recurved a major headache
Divus is praying to whatever god existing to take them back
Geo Archon
Yuu feels awkward meeting the consultant of the funeral parlor having to meet the Director...
Crowley is praying for dear god for them to go away.
Train + Crewel + You = Besties
Sam was literally threatened to not joke around with you with business.
You legit did not fuck around with people when in contracts.
"Osmanthus wi-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP" - everyone
Electro Archon
Yuu is literally terrified in "your" presence.
Shogun malfunctioned due to being in an entirely new world so you had to disable Shogun's rules and create new ones regarding this world.
Yuu is still unaware of Shogun being a puppet
Crowley is no longer safe.
The staff (specifically Crewel) is supporting Shogun/You to beat Crowley's ass into shape.
Only the Diasomnia dorm knows your predicament with you and your puppet(s).
You are the definition of Queen/King/Royalty of the school. If you search up NRC, your picture literally plastered on it as the definition.
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sinical-boar · 3 years
My first impressions of the Three Houses characters(that I can remember)
Sothis- Why is there a dragon girl in my head. Least she aint dressed like Nowi.
Jeralt- He got Jiraya's English voice from Naruto, I trust EVERYTHING he says.
Claude- Oh shit thats a guy- heyyyy
Dimitri- "Darkness underneath?" 👀 hes gotta be mentally ill yes hello sir hes so polite...
Edelgard- She looks like she says shes a top until she has to act on it.
Alois- TWO DADS??????
Rhea- She's that chick from the beginning. Dad says I cant trust you so.
Seteth- He hasn't relaxed one day of his life since ✨the trauma✨
Flayn- Cutie patoot. You a dragon too I bet.
Hubert- You don't have any other purpose in life do you.
Dedue- Okay but... you look like you give the best hugs sir??? hES HOW TALL-
Hilda- Knew there had to be a twin tails girl somewhere in this game.
Linhardt- So thats the bi one I heard about. I got hyperfixations too its ok bud.
Mercedes- Big sister unit big sister unit WAIT SHES BI TOO????
Marianne- Oh shes traumatized too. Look our eyebags match.
Bernadetta- This one has anxiety so naturally I must recruit her.
Ashe- HE'S SO PRECIOUS. You will be a crit machine when im done with you.
Ignatz- Megane coconut head.
Dorothea- She is also bi??? Man the female Byleth got a party platter. She looks like she'd curb stomp a man.
Annette- I feel attacked why is she similar to me.
Lysithea- Oh she sounds like Jenny(XJ9). You also look like a brat haha small.
Ferdinand- You are Ferdinand Von Aegir. Love ur hair theres no way you're just straight.
Felix- You're so fuckin mean you must have a lot of baggage damn boy.
Lorenz- You share the same VA with Jakob(Fates) and Number One(Codename Kids Next Door) so im trying not to hate you but damn whos gonna knock you down a peg.
Petra- Oh how she talks reminds me of Starfire,,,,,
Sylvain- If a gnc man was in his presence I fucking bet you he'd have a crisis he looks that fragile under that confidence.
Leonie- s-short haired women.. ❤ its ok i think my dad is cool too. Just say you got daddy issues.
Caspar- Oh damn you also got the voice like Lorenz. Nice to see the "likes to train" character is a guy this time.
Ingrid- You look closeted.
Raphael- that shirt is LIVING ON A PRAYER hes a growing boy.
Katherine- That woman can't be straight look at her dialogue.
Shamir- Found her wife that has been pining for years but has no drive to confess.
Gilbert: lmao who are you(I kept forgetting he existed in the academy phase)
Constance- Oh she looks like a Maribelle (FE Awakening) type character I love her already.
Hapi- Acab solidarity. But yknow. Knights. She's also ridiculously pretty
Sitri- oh my mom is dead in the game too? The immersion is top knotch lmao.
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stormhaven13 · 3 years
Alright, I wanna talk about the combat in Horizon Zero Dawn. This is probably going to be another long one, and is going to be more focused on game design type things than character or plot, but I promise it'll be interesting! Maybe! Anyway, stick with me cause I have some thoughts :p
Editing Storm here! Yeah this got really long. I think it's really interesting, but just be aware of that :p
So I wanna start by saying I absolutely adore this game's combat, so any critique I have is pretty minor. Also, everything I'm talking about is specific to a blank save starting on Ultra Hard. I have no experience with lower difficulties, or on New Game+, so this may be less applicable to those. The reason I play it only on Ultra Hard is A: I like hard games, B: I like games that require my skill, not just time to get better stuff, and C: I feel like it is much more thematic to the story and characters.
So one of the first things that will make me notice the combat in most games is variety. I've talked about this some already with enemy designs in Horizon, and how hugely varied they are, and how different each of them feels to fight, but this is true about the weapon types too.
Realistically, there are less weapon types than there technically are. For what I count as actually different weapon types, not just ammo types, there's bows, slings, tripcasters, ropecasters, the tearblaster, traps, rattlers, the spear, plus each of the different dlc weapons. Even narrowing it like that, that's a lot of options, and each one of those feels distinct to me, as do many of the ammo types. Combine this with overriding machines, heavy weapons, the large variety of enemy types, and the amount of skill you have to learn with dodging, it makes combat varied and interesting.
Difficulty is an interesting question for me, as at this point I don't actually find Horizon that hard anymore, but that was very much not true when I first started. Part of the difficulty of the game is learning the patterns of each new machine, and given that even the weaker ones can be capable of two shotting you, especially early on, makes learning their patterns quite a challenge. You have to be nearly perfect, and every mistake costs precious resources. This is all compounded by the pricing increase of Ultra Hard, making you pick and choose what weapons you use not just by what works best, but by what you can afford.
All of this creates an excellent puzzle, so even after you have mastered the combat, a time intensive process in and of itself, you have to think of both surviving the current combat, and having the resources to survive future ones. And at least for me, the larger combats against Thunderjaws and the like never lose all their difficulty, though the Shieldweaver armor can make things too easy, and I am considering stopping using it as I feel like it sort of trivializes combat (which is kind of its intention I think).
The only system that I think is not as well thought out is the elemental system. Some of it works great. I think damage and tear are well done in every sense, and I think the idea behind the elemental types is solid as well. I just think there's a few instances that are a little unbalanced.
On Aloy's end, Fire is just too powerful. So many machines, including most of the ones you fight for the main quest are weak to fire, and it's status effect is excellent, dealing damage and even applying a very short stun. The eternal question with video game status effects is would it be better to just hit them, as the best status effect to give an enemy is almost always death.
Freeze is quite good. While few machines are weak to it, there's enough to be noticeable, and the status effect is excellent, letting you deal 300% extra damage AND letting you ignore armor. The only reason Fire is better is because so many enemies are weak to it.
I rarely use Corruption, just due to my own playstyle, but from the little I've seen it's pretty balanced. It doesn't work on Corrupted machines, and the damage machines do to each other is quite high, so it is worthwhile to get it on enemies. I do think it should be on one or two more weapons, as its currently only on the War Bow, but other than that I think its good.
Shock is the big issue. Very few things are weak to it, quite a few are strong against it, and in my experience, it's rarely worth applying given how long it takes. Every status gives some amount of stun, and yes this is longer, but it does little to actually increase damage, and if you want to take a machine out of action, the ropecaster or corruption are far better and more reliable ways to do it.
From the machine's end, it is similar, though less extreme. Frost is a bit overused, and for me is always the elemental potion that I'm running low on, as the machines I struggle with the most all use Frost. I also don't love its status effect on Aloy. All machine status effects basically do the same thing, they leave damage dealing ground. This doesn't work really well for Frost in my opinion, and I wish they had done something a bit more thematic.
Fire is in a pretty solid place. Enough machines use it that it feels present and important, but not too many that it feels overused. The status feels thematic and appropriate for fire. All great.
Corruption is also pretty solid. While few machines outside of the story use it, most of those do, so this works well. It also actually works slightly differently than the other statuses, leaving a trail where machines walk instead of being applied when they attack.
Shock, once again, is in the weakest place. It is used by a total of two machines, and while they are both memorable (one being by the patrolling Shell Walkers, and the other being the massive Stormbird), they are not common enough that shock is ever really a concern. To top that off, its status effect doesn't feel thematic, its just the same as all the others, and to me it just doesn't fit shock.
Overall, I love the combat in this game. It feels thematic, it feels heavy, it has enough challenge to keep me engaged, and enough variety that it never gets stale. I wish the elemental system was a bit better implemented, and maybe it could have been a bit harder in the late game? But I also know that Ultra Hard is the "ridiculous" difficulty that is never quite as balanced, so maybe that's unrealistic. But I also think that it's the best way to play this game, so I really hope they include it at launch in Forbidden West.
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fe-husband-heaven · 5 years
fluff with dimitri except we're married to him?
Phewww! I wrote something a little lengthy hee hee
but i couldn't help it dndndn I loved married life asks so much, they're so cute! My hoe side for Dimitri shows up a little in this so pardon-
…Perhaps if I stay quiet…
“Dimitri...Dimitri, ignoring me won't make me relent.”
He sighed like he was giving up, but his grip around your waist only tightened.
“...Must I truly?”
“Yes, I'm sure Seteth will be quite cross if he finds out we've done nothing but laze about all day in bed.”
Dimitri made a displeased face, clearly not happy to relinquish the warmth of your body, or his bed.
Tangled together on the bed, the two of you were a mess of limbs and blankets. He very much preferred it this way, with you trapped nestled in his arms, and the sun filtering through the gaps of the blue curtains.
Laughing lightly at his expression, you playfully punched his shoulders, encouraging him to let you go. He did not,rather, in response, he buried his face in your hair, closed his eyes, and inhaled your scent blissfully.
“..Surely, there must be some rule against pulling the King from his spouse before twelve.” He murmured.
“Dimitri, It is noon.”
A pause.
“...Before two.”
You shook your head amusedly at his antics, and he reflexively pulled back a little when your hair tickled his chin. Taking advantage of this, you pressed a kiss to his lips before rolling out of his arms. Dimitri has an absolute death grip. Were he not a King with duties, you are quite sure he'd keep you locked in his hold, he had really come to love sleeping by your side.
He has told you before how he had been tormented at night by horrid nightmares. Sleep had become torturous, and he had begged for daylight to come sooner.
Now, he had someone to keep those very dreams away. Someone to thread their fingers through his hair and lull him into a peaceful rest. 
There were still times where we he awoke in a cold sweat, the abruptivity of the way he sat up would wake you as well. Without fail each time, he'd apologize for it instead of worrying about himself. He was still as selfless as ever and it only made you want to care for him more.
Dipping your knee a little into the bed, you tugged lightly at his arm, careful to stay just far enough away to escape if he tried to pull you back into bed before stepping away fully just to be sure.
"Alright, c'mon! You had plenty of fun last night, it's time we get to work!"
He flushed and a look of minuscule shock at your unflinching mention of something so intimate had him sputter a little.
"T-that's rather unfair, Y/N…I.."
He looked away, finding the white walls of the bedroom more interesting.
"..I should hope you also..um...e-enjoyed..Oh for goodness sake, I am King..!..Heavens, what would the people say if they saw their ruler blushing like a schoolboy…"
You struggled to hold back laughter at the image, especially when Mr.Blaiddyd grabbed a pillow to shove his face into, in hopes of hiding his reddening face. Though, the way his blush crawled to his ears, gave him away.
You sighed your laughter away, and relished in how relaxed he looked. How long it had been since he was given rest…The war had taken its toll before, during, and after.
The bed creaked under Dimitri when he finally decided to leave the comfort that was his bed. Now, it was your turn to turn a little red. He was toned, no doubt from the arduous battles he'd endured but it didn't make his abs any smaller…
He was also half dressed (Your doing) and the little clothing he did wear gave a tiny peek past his navel. His hair was an absolute mess but for whatever reason, it only added to your attraction.
If you squinted, you could almost see sparkles surrounding him-
"P-please stop staring."
It seemed Dimitri's day was to start with a constant stream of blood rushing to his cheeks. He was never good at handling blatant affection, let alone the unhidden gawking of the person he loves so much. Normally, he'd be nothing short of oblivious to other people's attraction but after having spent so much time by each others side, he knew you like the back of his hand.
He stood in front of you now, and you stepped forward to wrap your arms around him in a hug, your chin rested on his chest, you looked up at him, smiling.
"Oh? But what am I to do when my husband is the handsomest man in the land?"
His own arms found their way around your waist, a hug being his reward for getting out of bed.
"Handsomest? Oh, Y/N, you exaggerate, but thank you regardless."
"Uh, excuse me??"
Your sudden change in tone, surprised him a little, but his smile returned when he heard your next words, in the most sarcastic of tones.
"That's my husband you speak of, I shall allow no further defamation, hmph."
Dimitri laughed softly and craned his neck down for a kiss. His hand traveled to hold your cheek in place for it to last longer before he held your hands in his own.
"How is it that I always feel as though I were on top of the world when I'm with you…"
He was speaking more to himself, but his eyes were looking into your own, lovingly. If he could see just how lovestruck he appeared, he'd be embarrassed all over again but instead, his view was filled with you returning the same swooning look.
He was gently thumbing your knuckles now,  and coupled with his expression, it reminded you of the day you were wed.
He'd had that same absolutely adoring look, albeit he was a little more tearful laying his eyes upon his bride in white then than he was about his wife in pyjamas now...Regardless! He had held your hands in the same fashion, surrounded by the cheers of his old classmates and the whistles of Sylvain, he thumbed your gloved hands and wished the priest would simply hurry so he could kiss you already.
It had been a grandiose event, blues, golds, and a crying Dedue (the best man) adorned the reception. Ashe had assisted Dedue in cooking for the wedding guests, Duscur's finest dishes were served that day. Alois had prepared a toast full of corny jokes that had Dimitri bellowing in laughter and Felix scowling in disapproval. Mercedes and Annette had done their absolute best to doll you up and they had their own fit of crying when they saw their dear friend's finished look. 
Ingrid had helped organize most of it and yelled at Sylvain whenever necessary to get him back on track whenever tables were to be moved.
(Reminding him also that it was strictly FORBIDDEN to flirt with the bride)
Many of the old students originally from other houses visited as well. Petra had brought souvenirs from her homeland, Ignatz came with a promise to paint the new queen and king and gift them the piece as a wedding present, and Linhardt...well he fell asleep midway through but he came!
The night had been filled with merriment and it only got more chaotic when Claude had made his grand entrance, insisting that Dimitri simply must dance with the bride though Dimitri suspected he only wanted to see him squirm as he had not danced with anyone since before the war.
Manuela had gotten drunk alongside Hanneman which was a huge surprise until they started bickering even in their alcohol induced states…
The disorder was quelled when Professor Byleth threatened detention to his old students, and not a peep was heard thereafter other than Alois's bellowing laughter and mention that the professor never changes.
All in all, it was to be expected that a wedding with so many...ahem, colorful characters would also display the same amount of personality.
Even then, though the very view of you being lead down the aisle by Gilbert was imprinted on his mind for eternity, the moment when the festivities ended and he could have you all to himself was his most treasured memory of that night.
Away from everyone who wished to steal you away for a dance, he could at last be alone with you and revel in his beloved's company. 
You still tease him every now and then about how he fumbled in removing your dress before eventually tearing it with his monstrous strength but at that time he had certainly made up for it afterwards.
Regardless of his inexperience shining through beforehand, he still found the memory of your first time as husband and wife, precious.
Not much had changed since then other than Dimitri's upgrade from Boar Prince to Boar King but it seemed the honeymoon phase had yet to pass either of you if the way Dimitri's lips were once again being moved against your own was any indication.
For a moment, you thought you might have lost and he might just have gotten you back into that bed but a knock on the door interrupted the two of you.
"Y/N, Dimitri, I know you're in there! It is high past morning now, I have let you rest long enough. Your duties await you, your subjects will not rule themselves."
And an annoyed sounding Seteth too-
Perhaps it was the way you panicked but Dimitri was incentivised to scramble for his clothes when you started to.
Only for you to both trip when you heard Manuela walk by,
"Oh Seteth, leave them be. We have to have an heir to the throne eventually~"
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crackimagines · 4 years
Imperial Space Marine finds himself in Fodlan. Hilarity ensures.
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To say I had fun with this prompt is...a bit of an understatement.
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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.
DEATHWATCH MARINE DEPLOYED: Andrus Cassius, Ultramarines.
MISSION: Investigate possible T’au Warp/FTL experiment. Search and Destroy.
Use any means necessary to complete the mission.
The Emperor Protects.
Andrus walked through the woods, his helmet’s visors lighting up the night.
Scanning everything in his vicinity, this world didn’t seem anything like the facility he had just infiltrated. 
It was lush and full of life.
The factory he was in did not even have a scrap of grass when he made his way near the entrance.
He decided to put that to the side for now, it was clear that the portal had sent him to a different planet.
The mission to eliminate the prototype was a success, escaping was another story.
Security was hot on his heels as he tried stealing one of their ships as the explosion took over the entire facility.
His luck ran out when the explosion overwhelmed him and the ship. It seemed like the explosion was actually the prototype activating as it destroyed itself.
It didn’t seem like anything was hostile on this planet however, so the coast was clear.
“Only a matter of time before the T’au find me. I have to get out of here until then,” he thought to himself.
He checked the ammunition in his Boltgun. His ammo was mostly full, which he thanked himself for reserving the use of. 
Andrus holstered his Boltgun and checked his chainsword, the revving of the engine was still smooth, if a little bloody.
When he looked up, his helmet displayed information that a settlement was nearby.  Andrus had the helmet zoom in, checking the population of the town.
When he saw several humans standing guard with spears and armor seeming that of Terra’s ancient times, he sighed in relief.
It seemed that this planet was run by Human forces, albeit it seemed like they hadn’t had contact with the Imperium of Man in a very long time if they were still using such primitive weapons.
He stepped out of the trees and walked towards the guards outside.
(Guard) “Halt! Who....goes...?”
Andrus was used to people’s reactions at this point. He stood at around 9 feet, so he easily towered most people. Most of the subjects of the Imperium revered Space Marines as if they were some sort of deity.
A God walking amongst mortals, is what some would say.
Regardless, he had to make this quick. The mission was completed and it needed to be reported as such.
(Andrus) “His greetings upon you, subject of the Imperium. I need to get in contact with my superiors. Who is in charge around here.”
(Guard 2) “Uh...Who are you?”
(Andrus) “I am Andrus, an Astartes of the Emperor of Mankind. An angel of death.”
(Guards) “...”
(Andrus) “...A Space Marine.”
(Guard) “Buddy, what the hell’s a space marine?”
Although he had his helmet on, he was shocked at their reaction. At first sight, most people knew what he was. These guards however looked like as if they could care less of what he was.
Slowly realizing this, Andrus put his hands near his boltgun.
(Andrus) “You are subjects of the Imperium of Man, are you not?”
(Guard) “We’re part of Remiere village pal. And what’s with the getup? You from the army or something?”
Clearly, something was wrong. They did not know who their own rulers were, yet...
(Andrus) “I apologize, I must have mistaken this place as something else. Is the town open?”
(Guard) “Sure but, I think people’ll stare at ya like a freak. Not everyday we get someone as huge as you.”
Andrus nodded and was about to make his way into town before he heard a voice behind him.
(Girl’s voice) “E-Excuse us!”
He turned around and his helmet outlined three people coming towards him.
Two boys and a girl, seemed like teenagers.
They stopped when they saw him, completely forgetting what they were about to say.
(Boy in yellow) “Holy crap! Uh, sorry to bother you sirs but could you help?”
(Boy in blue) “There are bandits after us!”
(Girl in red) “We are sure our school can pay you whatever compensation you require, but please!”
Andrus looked at the three and the clothes they were wearing.
They were students of some fancy academy it seemed, and it didn’t seem like this place was under Chaos corruption as he suspected.
Whatever the case, now wasn’t the time to gawk. These children were under attack, so the questions would come later.
(Andrus) “Fear not. I will help you for no charge, guards I recommend sealing the gate to the towns. You kids go in as well-”
(Girl in red) “That is not necessary. We can hold our ground as well.”
(Boy in yellow) “Yeah, all we needed was a bit of help. Name’s Claude by the way! That’s Dimitri and Edelgard.”
Andrus nodded, and took out his boltgun.
(Andrus) “I am Andrus. Now, where are these bandits?”
An arrow zoomed by and hit the wall behind Andrus, and saw several bandits were coming from the forest, armed with axes and knives.
Andrus held his boltgun in one hand and took out the chainsword in another.
(Andrus) “Make them pay for this assault! CHARGE!”
Andrus took off running towards the first wave of bandits and began to lay waste.
With a crack of his boltgun, the upper half of a bandit exploded into red paste, and forced the chainsword into the hips of another bandit, cutting through him like a hot knife.
Andrus was expecting these bandits to begin firing any kind of conventional weapons like Bolt pistols, autoguns or lasguns. If any were even present this battle, it was not revealed yet.
Deciding not to waste precious ammunition, Andrus holstered back his boltgun and continued to use his chainsword.
A bandit tried to charge him and slammed the axe into his power armor, it scraping off and not even making a scratch.
Andrus grabbed the bandit’s head, lifting him up into the air and digging his chainsword straight through his chest.
Several arrows flew and deflected off his helmets, making barely a sound as it fell to the ground.
He looked at the bandits trying to attack him with more arrows, but one of them was hit by an arrow, alerting the whole group.
Dimitri and Edelgard rushed in and cut down the rest before they could run.
(Andrus) “Hmph, not bad fighters.”
Andrus lifted the chainsword upwards, splitting the bandit’s head cleanly in two as he shook off the blood and continued to charge.
The ones who were still brave enough attempted to gut him, with their swords completely snapping upon contact with his power armor.
Andrus used his free hand to punch one of them, but the force he was using seemed to be too much, as his head flew off and the body crumpled.
Another bandit was kicked towards the ground, and he slammed his heel onto his chest, making his limbs fly off everywhere as he exploded from the sheer force.
(Bandit) “What the hell is he?!”
(Bandit 2) “N-No way in hell I’m fighting that!”
Bandits near Andrus began running out of fear, seeing what he did to their friends.
He turned his head to several more bandits in the distance, looking straight at them. Andrus was trying to scan what weapons, but apparenly his gaze alone was enough to make them flee in terror. 
(Bandit Leader) “Hey, why are you all running?!”
Andrus turned to the bandit leader and raised his chainsword once more.
The leader flinched, not expecting to see a massive man covered in his men’s blood.
Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude stood behind him, weapons ready.
He smiled to himself as he started revving his weapon.
(Andrus) “Come, show us what passes as fury among your misbegotten kind!”
The bandit leader dropped his weapon and immediately fled with the others.
Andrus grunted, not feeling entirely satisfied that they weren’t all dead at his hands.
Oh well, the kids were safe enough so he supposed that was good for now.
He turned to face the kids and nodded.
(Andrus) “None of you are injured?”
(Dimitri) “No sir. That was incredible what you did!”
(Claude) “Aaaaand terrifying. Don’t forget that.”
(Edelgard) “S-Sorry about that comment. You have our thanks for helping us.”
(Andrus) “Of course.”
(Alois) “Don’t worry kids! The knights of Seiros are...Hey, they’re getting away! After them!”
Several knights chased after the bandits as their captain made his way over to the group.
(Alois) “Thank the goddess you’re alri-IIIIIIGHT...AHEM! Greetings sir...?”
(Andrus) “Andrus. You are part of their academy, I presume?”
(Alois) “Nice to meet you, Andrus! And um, yes, we’re their chaperones if you will. Though it seems their old professor is nowhere to be found. He must’ve ran, the coward!”
It seemed like he was a little nervous as happy as he sounded, so Andrus decided it would be best to remove his helmet to show that there was a human, and not a monster under the suit.
(Andrus) “Leaving children of the Emperor at the mercy of vagabonds is unforgivable in His eyes.”
(Edelgard) “Oh, actually I am the only one from the Empire.”
(Claude) “Yeah, she’s the princess, though she doesn’t look like it.”
(Edelgard) “Hmph. I could say the same of you, Claude. You don’t exactly look like a future leader of the Leicester Alliance yourself.”
(Dimitri) “Both of you are acting like children. You must be confusing Andrus.”
To say that they were confusing him would be a grand understatement. He had no idea what in the hell was going on.
(Alois) “Now now, regroup with the rest of your class before anything else happens. And Andrus, would you like to come along? You don’t seem to be doing anything, and we would be happy to compensate you.”
Andrus turned to Alois and stood for a moment.
He was in a completely foreign land, with technology that seems to have degraded in the most severe way, with people who did not even know what the Imperium of Man was.
Cut off from his superiors and most likely anything he knew from the Milky Way galaxy, he had no choice.
(Andrus) “I will comply. Let us go, then.”
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fandomlife-giver · 4 years
Beacon Maid - 3
Summary: So, you’ve invited us to a ball at the Trancy mansion? Very well. I’m happy to let you dance to my tune for an evening. Butler who does a graceful, subtle dance, one to which I am more accustomed to than you. Next time, ”Beacon Maid” Surely, you jest. If I couldn’t dance to that, what kind of maid would I be? One, two, three…one, two, three…
Pairings: Sebastian X Demon!Reader X Claude
@wintersdoll @naniky @danabuggxd​ @redryderdesigns​ @inumorph​
Word Count: 2291
Warnings: None
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Your name: submit What is this?
If you ever find Lau at the bottom of a well just leave him there, or better yet throw a rock on his head. The mere fact that he had been analyzing your body from afar in order to cook up whatever humiliating monstrosity he had planned for you made you annoyed beyond reason. Even more so that your child of a master forced you into this position.
Dressing up has never been something you enjoyed. In fact there was a time when you found your way into the servitude of Julius Cesar. He greatly enjoyed putting you in various costumes for his own benefit. Now that you thought about it, he never really was a good master. But you were awarded handsomely for his soul so it was worth the humiliation.
Ciel does remind you of him in some ways. For example, it appears that your young master finds it greatly amusing to watch you wear the most ridiculous clothing and walk around in public with it. 
"Is there something you wish to say to me?"
Ciel raised an eyebrow at you since you had a firm look on your face that you had directed at him for over 10 minutes now.
"Oh it's nothing, master. It's just that a thought had crossed my mind."
He tilted his head in suspicion. “Well don’t tell me, I’d hate to know what goes through your head.”
A thin smile spread on your lips. “Of course sir, I’d hate to poison that innocent mind of yours.”
He narrowed his eyes at my sarcasm but couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face. “If you think I have any trace of innocence left, you’re more stupid than I thought, Y/N.”
A smirk crawled up your face. “Well of course you’re innocent. Just look at your cute little face.”
His smile immediately fell once you reached out and pinched his cheek, pouting your lips as you leaned down to him. “Honestly, seeing you all grown up into a big boy. And yet, you are still so adorable.”
His teeth clenched as he stared into your eyes but he made no move to stop you.
For a second you were a little surprised and in the back of your mind you realized how if he remembered anything about the last year, he would've slapped your hand away without hesitating. Your relationship with him felt so pure again and a part of you was a little glad that he didn’t remember what you were because to him, you were probably the only real person he had left to love after that night. You were like a second mother to him, and no longer a demon. And that alone made him all the more precious to her.
Once he saw the small smile form on your lips he sighed in boredom. “Are you finished with mocking me?”
She blinked back to reality and chuckled at him. “Sure. For now, Ciel.” You put your hand down as you saw his eyes slide to behind you. You could feel it, both his presence and fiery gaze on your back.
You slowly straightened up and glanced over your shoulder at his overpowering presence. “Yes, do you need something?”
Adjusting his glasses, he grunted as his sight landed on Ciel. “Pardon me, Lord Phantomhive. My master requested I tour you around our wonderful Trancy Manor and show you to your temporary lodging.”
From the corner of your eye you caught Sebastian’s line of sight from where he stood with the servants and tilted your head in his direction, which was his cue to come over. Once he appeared, Claude’s eye twitched for a moment, but he still kept his gaze on Ciel as he talked.
“Our Trancy servants will show you around the premises. I have some other details that need my attention, I do hope you forgive me.”
Ciel merely shrugged it off. “I don’t care who it is, as long as I know where I’m going.”
A ghostly smile appeared on his face. “Of course. Excuse me.”
You watched him intently as he left the room and only looked at the servants he mentioned once you knew he was gone. From the moment you entered the mansion, you knew something was off. And when Claude lied about where his master was, since you could feel his presence in the building, you knew both he and Alois were still for some reason following your original instructions. What you couldn’t figure out was why, you had broken the agreement the moment you threatened Claude on your previous meeting and you hadn’t kept your end of the bargain.
‘What exactly is Alois planning?’
“Very well, Y/N, Sebastian, let’s go.” As Ciel was about to step forward, Sebastian suddenly blocked his path. You eyed him curiously until he locked eyes with you.
“My apologies master, but Y/N has other matters to attend to.”
Your eyes narrowed at his words. “Is that so? And what matters are those exactly?”
His smirk irritated you. “Since Mr. Lau is in charge of your dressings for tonight, the servants have volunteered to accompany you with Mr. Lau in town for a bit of shopping until it is time for the ball.”
Your eyebrows raised to your hairline. “I beg your pardon? I’m not leaving this property with Ciel still here--”
“Fine.” Your neck snapped in Ciel’s direction. He gave you a knowing look and waved his hand for you to leave. “Stop trying to get out of this. Just go, Y/N.”
You were at a loss of words. “But what if you need me, sir? Surely you--”
He rolled his eyes at you as he walked away. “As long as you make it back in time for this evening’s festivities, I don’t care where you are. Sebastian is more than capable of attending to my needs.”
The triplet servants marched forward as Ciel followed. As Sebastian moved to join them, your hand gripped his arm tightly. Your voice became darker, laced with annoyance.
“Just what do you think you’re doing? Why don’t you want me with you? They can’t be trusted.”
He tilted his head in curiosity. “Well, I thought you’d see fit to stay out of their presence. You did break your arrangement with them, afterall.”
Your jaw briefly fell in astonishment. “Is this because of my plan? What, so you don’t trust me now? I only did this to be closer with Ciel, to protect him--”
“Sebastian!” Hearing the annoyance laced in Ciel’s voice, Sebastian released your hand from his arm. 
“Come now, kitten. No need to bare your claws. Who else will watch over the servants and keep them out of trouble?” With an infuriating smile, he left you there.
You stood there grinding your teeth as you watched his retreating figure. He thinks he can just keep me out of the way? I don’t think so.
“Ah, now that that’s settled…”
Your body tensed when Lau placed an arm on your shoulder and moved your hair aside to stare more intently at your features. “Why don’t we get to work, hm?”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him. “As lovely as that sounds, I’m afraid I already made preparations elsewhere. So sorry.”
As you turned to move away from him, his hand gripped your shoulder, forcing you to stay in place. A smile appeared on his calm face. “Nice try, love. Your master already made the deal with me so this is something you won’t be able to get out of.”
You rubbed your forehead at his persistence. “Yes, that may be, however--”
“Y/N! Pardon me Mr. Lau, but may I have a word with her alone?”
The smile that you gave toward your savior was so big that it made your mouth hurt. “Oh of course, Ayani.” You glanced back at Lau. “This does sound urgent, so if you would excuse me…”
Bowing her head toward him, Ayani began to lead you out of the room. You caught the sound of his sigh as you passed by him. Once Ayani brought you out to the hallway, she turned around to close the door, cutting you off from the lively room of guests.
She held an apologetic look. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.”
You shook your head as you chuckled. “Oh believe me, I should be thanking you for pulling me away. But nevermind that, what is it you wish to tell me?”
She bit her lip as she glanced down. “Well...I’d like to apologize on behalf of my master. I did inform him as you asked, and he seemed contemptuous until, well, once he saw Lord Phantomhive, he couldn’t pretend as requested.”
You smiled at her briefly. “I wouldn’t worry. I never truly expected him to be able to keep himself at bay.”
Her head moved up to you again. “You didn’t?”
Shaking your head, you shrugged your shoulders. “Of course not. Speaking from past experience, he seems to let his emotions control his reason. That’s why I told you, because I trusted you could handle it.”
She couldn’t help but smile at the compliment but it fell once a muffled scream was picked up by your ears. Your eyes widened at the sudden disruption and you raised an eyebrow once Ayani’s face went pale.
“You wouldn’t happen to have heard that, would you?”
She nodded her head at your ponder. “I did. It sounded as if the origin of it came from outside.”
The two of you shared a knowing look before walking further down the hallway until you stopped in front of a window, granting you a viewing of the back of the mansion. Your eyes scanned the entire landscape but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
Suddenly Ayani’s hand shot out, her finger pointing downward. “Look, there!”
Glancing where she was directing your attention, you caught sight of who you assumed to be Claude, but you couldn’t quite tell due to his back being turned to you. You watched him intently as he turned and once you caught a glimpse of what was in front of him, your mouth formed into a line.
It appeared to be a person with a bag around their head, with Claude tying their hands together. There was fresh blood on the person’s clothes so you assumed that was what caused the scream.
“What in the...what is he doing? Is that a person?” Ayani pressed her hands up against the glass in disbelief.
Your eyes became narrowed once you caught sight of another, much smaller person walking up next to Claude, and he seemed to be throwing away a pile of clothes, quite aggressively as well.
“Who is that? He looks rather young.”
You slowly removed her hands from the glass, wiping it clean as you answered her. “That would be the head of this manor.”
Her head quickly turned in your direction. “Lord Trancy? But we were told he was away on important business…”
You tilted your head as you continued to watch them. “Yes, important business indeed.”
She shook her head in disbelief. “W-we gotta tell someone, they’re holding someone captive!”
For a brief moment, you thought you saw a third person off to the side. After a few seconds, your suspicions were confirmed and your eyes went wide once you recognized his bowler hat and you registered who it was. 
A small smile formed beneath the bowler hat that shielded his face. "Oh, me? Why, it's as if you don't know me at all."
He put his hands in his pockets. "I don't plan on going back. And I don't want them to come looking for me so..."
He shrugged and looked at you seriously. "The passage back to hell for London. I need you to destroy it."
What the hell is he doing here?
“I must go inform my master that it isn’t safe here!”
Your head shot up at what she said and you instantly grabbed her arm, pulling her back. “I wouldn’t advise doing that.”
She looked at me as if I were an idiot. “Y/N, something isn’t right here, these people are obviously dangerous and I refuse to let my prince stay here if his life is in danger.”
You placed your hands over her shoulders and forced her to lock eyes with you. “Listen to me Ayani, you will only end up putting him and everyone else here in more danger if you cause suspicion. The only way to deal with this is to find out what they are hiding.”
Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. “Well, how are we going to do that? I don’t want to leave my master alone and unprotected.”
“Y/N, darling! Where did you go?”
At the sound of Lau’s annoying voice, you sighed and looked away until an idea formed in your head and you looked back at her. “You don’t have to worry, I’ll investigate this manor on my own. But Ayani, my dear friend, I’m afraid I may need your assistance.”
Her jaw clenched as her eyes became determined. “I will help you with whatever you need. Just tell me what to do.”
You smiled at her loyalty. “Thank you, Ayani.” You turned her around to let her see Lau and Ran Mao down the hallway as they searched for you. “You can start by distracting Mr. Lau and his companion. And anyone else if necessary.”
She nodded and glanced at you. “And what will you do?”
You released your hold on her as you began walking down the opposite end of the hallway. “I have some investigating to do.”
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