#yesterday and watching new girl till six in the morning even though i had to wake up at eight at the latest
I need to read i know it will fix me at the very least while im doing it
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Can you Keep A Secret
TITLE: Can you keep it a secret?  CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 3 of 4
AUTHOR: ValarieRavenhearst2 ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine working with Loki in some way but you keep your distance because you have a massive crush on him and you tend to always embarrass yourself. Alas you find yourself in need of his help as you need his magic and he’s the only one for the job.
  All the incubators in the lab make it feel like a sauna today, with so many new species needing direct heat, we’ve had to give them their own room. All my specimens look healthy and well after yesterdays’ sampling and I record their status on my iPad. After working by myself for half an hour I make the easy decision to take my jumper off before I start to sweat. As I start to wiggle out of it by easing it over my head, my shirt begins to rise with it and I make that awkward wiggle to try and magically make my shirt fall down without putting my arms back down. Whilst in the midst of my struggle I can hear the keypad being used to unlock the lab door and instinctively I throw myself to my knees to hide as my shirt has risen over my bra. Instant regret. I quickly correct myself on the ground as I hear Dr Banner and another botanist talking idly. The side of my abdomen stings viciously in warning as the material of my shirt goes back over it. I quickly flip it up again to inspect a small scratch now etched over my ribs, ending just under my bra. I hiss quietly in annoyance at my own stupidity as I stand calmly to inspect what I could have scratched myself on.   Dr Banner greets me in surprise, obviously questioning what I am doing on the ground.
“Good morning.” I give them both a greeting smile, “I just dropped my jumper.” I wave it at them as proof and they go back to their conversation whilst I look at the plant specimens in front of me. This odd, black looking orchidaceous plant looks awfully ominous with its long bristly thorns of an olive green hue. It must have been the culprit as none of its neighbours have any type of protruding bristles. With a slight panic spiking in my veins I try to examine it’s ID card but it’s information is mostly blank as it hasn’t begun rigours testing yet. Shit! What if it’s poisonous. Surely it would be in a covered incubator if it was known to be poisonous and over in lab 2 with the others.  I try not to act concerned as I question if the other two know anything about it and the other botanist, Swanson? I think. Says that the whole table is due for testing today by his team. I just nod in acknowledgment and calmly exit the lab. I mean, I feel okay, right? I don’t feel faint and or woozy.  I canter off to the bathroom after throwing my jumper over my chair; I quickly raise my shirt again in the mirror to get a better look. It’s not that bad … I suppose. The thin red slice is only about six centimetres long and it doesn’t look like there’s anything caught in the wound. Honestly, what an idiot. I can’t believe I was so reckless. If bloody Branson found out he’d have my head and he’d carry on for eternity how right he was about me. Oh the ridicule! He’d have me on desk duty till he dies. No one can know! I’m breaking every safety protocol we have but if I am to die from it so be it. I’d rather die quietly than admit my fault to that grumpy old git. After a quick rendezvous with the first-aid box I should be fine. I’ll just have to spy on the other team later to see if they come with anything concerning on the evil looking sucker. Ugh! I can’t believe I just did that.   As I exit the bathroom mumbling curses at myself, adjusting my skin tight black turtleneck, a wisp of black enters my peripheral and I know that the god of mischief has returned to the floor. His eyes find me as I cross the open bullpen to my desk and I let go of the hem of my shirt and make an effort to make the concern vanish from my face. Draped in a navy Asgardian attire, he is what my high school best friend would call a snack. I briefly notice accents of gold and olive lining the leather but I am quick to advert my eyes and look busy. I suppose he would be a nice distraction from the sting in my side but I needn’t the extra embarrassment on top of my slightly spiked anxiety. I can hear Branson’s old decrepit voice engaging with that sultry sirens call as they wander by my desk but I make myself continue typing on my computer as if my life depends on it. As soon as he’s passed me I can smell his cologne lingering to tease me. Do Asgardians even wear cologne or is that just him? I shake my head, determined not to let my thoughts distract me.   As I continue to work at my desk for the day, every time I stretch and move around I check on the other team working in the lab and notice that pointy little sucker is still out in the open so my panic levels have been low and every time I go to the bathroom I check my side; gently peeling off the large non stick plaster to inspect the fading mark. The redness has reduced so much that I have to strain myself to notice the mark.   I steal glances with the God of Mischief throughout the day as he wanders from station to station. I smile politely whenever our eyes meet and always breakaway first to continue working, which I notice earns me a sly grin after the fifth time. See, I knew that tricky bugger was up to something. I just know he purposefully loves to get under my skin. But I am not giving him the satisfaction of watching me blush today. Two can play at that game. Danny surprises me at lunch by bringing me a latte and childish teasing. He sits on the edge of my desk and immediately notices Loki working in the adjacent Lab in clear view of my desk. Trying to be noticeably subtle he continuously taps my shoulder whilst cooing in excitement like a giddy school girl. I shush him and punch him hard in the leg whilst acting like his antics haven’t phased me. I’ve been doing an amazing job of ignoring his presence all morning, he is not going to trick me into actively swooning now.
“Oh he looking.” Danny murmurs whilst turning his head away, tapping my shoulder again.
“Shut up!” I mutter back as I briefly glare at him in warning before retuning my attention to my computer screen.
“Girl he’s definitely checking you out.” He rearranges himself as he opts for standing behind me and leaning over me like he’s studying what I’m doing.
“I’m going to kill you.” I swivel in my chair so that I’m facing away from the Lab. “You’re such a trouble maker.” I hiss and jokingly shove him so not to make a big scene. “Don’t you have work of your own to do?” I question as I make an excuse to walk out of sight by taking my drink bottle to fill it up. Danny follows, chuckling evilly to himself.
“Yeah but this is more fun.” I threaten to throw water on him. “But seriously, he’s definitely watching you.” I could feel it! But I ain’t playing into Danny’s game.
“Yeah right,” I scoff as I begin back to my desk with Danny in tow, “what for? A good laugh if I stumble?” I take my seat but swivel so I’m facing Danny and away from Loki.
“Well no ‘cause I don’t think he’s ever laughed when you’ve embarrassed yourself.” Danny leans against the empty desk adjacent to mine and I gasp at him with forced hurtfulness.
“Are you saying I’m not funny?” I question mockingly and his face grimaces fiercely as he shrugs in agreement.
“Well, either he’s attracted to you or just pities you.” He deduces with his great sleuthing skills. “Which would you prefer?” I scowl so hard at him that he might burst into flames yet his shiteating grin is till carved into his face. I don’t answer, not diving into this ridiculous conversation (not to mention unsafe when he’s so close). With a steady, yet annoyed breath, I exhale loudly before turning back to my computer and turn my concentration up to a hundred and ten percent to block out Loki’s alluring figure in my peripherals.
“I have work to do and if you’ve only come to tease me you can piss off.” I purse my lips together in my best passive resting bitch face before flipping him off. Honestly what an arse – breaking basic friend 101 rules. Don’t joke about the crush in front of the crush.
“So touchy today.” He laughs and kisses me on the cheek before stepping around my desk before I can clock him one. “I’ll see you later.” He teases before leaving and I can feel myself being watched and it is so tempting to look to where that burning urge is coming from but I just know if I make eye contact I’ll blush several noticeable shades. I’ll remain strong, purely out of spite.   I finish all my paper work earlier than expected and manage to send off all my reports just has mid afternoon rolls around. Spite is a good focuser. As I’m scanning through my emails to see if I need to reply to any I get a page from Clint to say that he’s on his way up to check out his new arrow heads. I beam excitedly in remembrance, jumping up from my desk and heading over to Lab 2, where I had been storing them in the cool room at the back of the lab. I had been experimenting and developing  new knockout gasses and combustibles and I thought adapting them to Clint’s arrow heads would be a more challenging task then the standard grenades. Thus far the little project has been a success, they just haven’t had any field time yet.   I notice Loki watching me through his lashes as I swipe into the lab and punch in the code. We’ve already exchanged pleasantries for the day so there’s no need for me to make any form of acknowledgment as I enter. As I enter through the double doors he straightens himself, most likely in expectance that I had entered to speak with him since it’s only he and another botanist in the Lab. But I just walk straight through without a glance which gives me such a surge of power, knowing how  much confusion I was causing him even though his poker face is exceptional. After punching in the security code on the fridge I gently pull out the draw with the arrow tips and remove the tray, taking it with me. I have to make eye contact on my way back since focusing straight ahead would be too obvious and the key is subtlety here if I want to be one up on his intimidating behaviour. My lips curve pleasantly at him but I don’t say anything as I head back to the door. Clint is already at my desk and is glancing around for me. He waves happily when he sees me and opens the door for me so I don’t have to.
“Hey,” he smiles at me and I pass him the tray, “you sure these work?” He questions mockingly.
“Have I ever failed you before?” I coyly quirk my brows in rebuke.
“Want to test them with me?” He nods his head at the door for me to follow him and I do with a skip in my step. I did archery as a child but I got nothing on him. I take my time to relish in the fact that Loki hasn’t taken his eyes off me as I exit through the corridor and I even dare a cheeky, subtly seductive glance over my shoulder just to make sure. Oh it feels good to be bad .. no wonder he loves it.
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yelenayena · 3 years
Sweet Candy
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Pairing: Yelena x Fem!reader
Genre: Romance, fluff, modern AU
A/N: This story is a little bit longer, so I suggest you bring your fav beverage, play your fav songs, and enjoy your free time this weekend by fantasizing about Yelena 💕 Suddenly I wanna make a tsundere Yelena, and I think I love every side of Yelena. I gave the title Sweet Candy bc between you and Yelena are really sweet like a candy 🥺 💕 I hope you like it, and I hope you understand my English because I’m poor at grammar hehe.
Summary: Your apartment was on fire, your best friend, Zeke, couldn't help you bc he wanted to fix his relationship with his gf. He insisted you stay in Yelena’s house for a while. After you stayed in Yelena’s house for weeks, on Valentine's Day, Yelena did something that opens up your mind and changed your life forever!
Warning: Explicit Content!
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You just started your first year in university. You decided to study abroad, because your childhood friend, Zeke, had already come and being an international student, and that was inspired you as you saw his student life looked so interesting.
A couple of months ago you came to the same university as Zeke, and only a few days ago you got an unpleasant event when your apartment was on fire. So today, Zeke told you to come to his best friend’s house to stay in their home for a while.
You have just arrived at Zeke's friend's house, and you are standing in front of the door. On the third knock, the door opened. The tall-ass blonde, the one who opened the door, looked at you suspiciously.
By ignoring her expression, you smiled widely. “Hi! You must be Yelena! I’m Y/N, nice to meet ya!”
Before she responded to your words, you stepped into her house. “Wow! Your house is so lovely!”
Yelena’s eyes widened as you came into her house. “I’m sorry, but who the hell are you?” She asked with an annoyed tone.
You turned your body around to look at her, “Ah! Zeke hasn't told you yet?” You threw yourself on the couch, “I’m sorry for coming to your house so suddenly without prior notice, but in my condition, I also have no choice. So he asked me to come to your house, and he will give you further details later.”
She stared at you with a gaze full of confusion. You smiled nervously, “I’m sorry but I’m really bad at explaining.”
She held her index finger to her temple, “just hold a sec!” She brought and placed you in front of the door then she closed it.
You sighed and smiled sadly. You can understand her conduct, however, you are just a stranger to her. You sat on the step in front of her house, waiting and thinking, if she refuses you, maybe you have to find another motel or guest house nearby to campus.
In the house. Yelena grabbed her phone on the desk and called Zeke. On the third ring, Zeke picked up the call.
“ZEKE! What the hell did you do to me?!” She said indignantly.
“I meant to call you. So, she must have arrived at your house?” he asked.
Even though she knew Zeke wouldn’t see her face, she still nodded her head. “Uh-huh! And why the fuck she came to my house?! I mean, who the hell is she??
Yelena can hear Zeke sighed, “Yelena, listen. Y/N is my hometown friend, my grandmother even considered her as her own grandchild and I considered her as my lil’ sister. She studied in the same university as us. But unfortunately, her apartment was on fire the day before yesterday, it was on the news, you knew it, right?
“I immediately brought her to my place when it happened. She only had me in this city because she hasn’t had many friends in her department. She slept in my place last night, but my girlfriend was really upset when she saw Y/N in my apartment.
“You know my relationship was on the rocks, so it’s hard for my girlfriend to believe that Y/N is just my friend. So please, accept her in your house until she finds a new apartment, or until my girlfriend believes me and allows her to stay in my apartment. Okay?” he explained.
“It's so sudden,” Yelena replied.
“Please, I'm begging you. I'm so worried about her, she had no luck in her life, so you're the one I can trust to help her,” Zeke pleaded.
“Does she really have no relatives or friends here?”
“No, she only had me. You know we’re foreign students. She just started her first year in our university. I can’t let her stay in her new friends’ house, I ain’t trusting them. I really want to help her but unfortunately, I can’t help her right now because I wanna fix my relationship with my girlfriend, I’m screwed without her. You owed me so it’s time to repay the favor by allowing Y/N to stay in your house for a while. I promise she won't do such annoying things during her stay. She’s a good girl.”
Yelena sighed, “fine! I’ll allow her to stay in my house JUST for a while.”
“I know I can count on you!” Said Zeke happily.
“I told you, I can’t blame your girlfriend because you fucked every girl you met before you dated her. So take your responsibility and be a good man! I’m out!” Yelena turned off her phone.
When Yelena opened the door, she saw you walk through the yard to leave her house. “Hey! Wait!” She shouted.
You turned your head immediately when you heard her voice.
“I just called Zeke and- you can stay here for a while,” she said.
You smiled happily, “really?!” She nodded. You’re walking toward her and hugging her. “Thank you!”
Yelena looked awkward, “whoa- whoa- what is it for?”
“It’s my habit to hug someone when I’m happy,” you answered. “And- this is the reason why Zeke’s girlfriend was upset when she came to his place and she saw me hug him,” you continued, speaking more to yourself than to Yelena.
But Yelena can still hear your voice, she let out a long sigh, “the two of you really are weirdos! Come in!”
This time, Yelena lets you come to her house. And since today, you’ll stay in her house together. You told your story about the fire in your apartment and when Zeke brought you to his apartment until his girlfriend came over. You convinced her that you won’t stay long in her house until you find a new apartment. You believed Zeke so much, so when he insisted that you have to stay in Yelena’s house, you obeyed him without question. If Zeke believes Yelena, so you believe her as well.
She lets you sleep in the guest room. You asked her how much you have to pay for the room, but she refused it and told you it was just for a while so you don’t have to pay her except you paid yourself for a meal.
You stayed in Yelena’s house for almost a week. You thought she was a little bit cocky with an unfriendly attitude, but she is just a straightforward person with an expressionless face. She's nice actually, at least she still lets you stay in her house until now because you discovered difficulties to find a new apartment. People might consider her as a male because of her masculine figure, and she is a very tall woman with a height of six feet three inches. For you, she’s the perfect figure for the androgynous look, she look pretty and handsome at the same time. Her hair is blonde in a short bob with straight bangs, and it suits her well. You bet she’s pretty famous among girls or boys.
Even so, you found that her friends are just Zeke and Onyankopon, a cool and nice black guy. You found out quickly because she rarely hangs out with other friends except for Zeke and Onyankopon, but she's good at negotiating with others. You often see her talking on the phone with her business partner, and in the end, she smiled with satisfaction and told you that she reached an advantageous deal. She’s also an ambitious person.
Yeah, she’s a third-year business student just like Zeke, so she often gets the assignments for making a brand or a start-up from her lecturers. Well, maybe now you can be her new good friend, you’re a friendly and funny person, so it’s not hard for you to get along with her.
“What the hell are you doing in the kitchen for hours??” Yelena asked you on the phone. You can hear the class ambiance behind her voice.
“How did you know?” you asked.
“You didn't realize? I’ve been watching you from the CCTV in every corner of my house. Even when you did some silly movements in front of the TV to workout,” she explained.
You turned your head to the upper corner where the CCTV hangs. You looked at that with surprise. How can you not realize that there are many CCTVs in her house, and she's been watching you all the time!
“You! You're a sly peeper!”
She chuckled, “my house, my rule. So what are you up to?”
“I’m making chocolate. Valentine's Day is almost coming, so I wanna make delicious chocolate for my crush. Don't worry, I'll clean up the kitchen when I’m done.”
“Chocolate? That sucks! Why are you in such a hurry? It's still a week 'till Valentine's Day.”
You rolled your eyes, “as you know, I suck at cooking, so I need to learn to make un chocolat parfait.”
“Ah! And I still remember how horrible an omelet you made!” her tone was almost mocking.
“I know you're really good at cooking, but please don't be so mean to me.”
She laughed slightly, “okay. Do what you want. Bye.”
You thought you would be able to make perfect chocolate for your crush instantly, but it’s not that easy! Luckily, Yelena was kind enough to permit you to use her kitchen often. Although she’s good at cooking, she can't help you to give you some advice to make chocolate because she hates sweets. You practice almost every day until the V day comes, and efforts won’t betray you, you did your best to make beautiful and delicious chocolate.
“Finally-” you said while straightening your back and stretching your aching muscles, feeling incredibly relieved. Today is Valentine’s day, now you can go to college before the morning class starts, and give this beautiful chocolate you made to a Mister Perfect.
“You did it?” asked Yelena, you saw her standing on the stairway in the kitchen, still wearing her pajamas. And she stepped down to the floor.
“I did it!” you said happily. You looked at the wristwatches, “and I can go to the morning class on time. How could I've been awesome with that! Ah, I bought savory croissants you like and made hot coffee on the dining table. It's just a little reward for letting me use your kitchen, and as a valentine's gift.” You smiled and winked at her.
For the first time, she looked at you with eyes that sparkled. She smiled slightly, “thanks- So, when are you going to give that chocolate to the unlucky guy?”
You smiled at her, sometimes, she can be an innocent, sarcastic woman. “Perhaps, during lunchtime. He’s a second-year student in the Political Sciences Department, and he’s the coolest guy I’ve ever met on campus. When he puts on his football uniform, he's even cooler!” you said full of joy while imagining your crush’s face.
She rolled her eyes, “I don't give a shit. Besides, giving chocolate to the boys on Valentine’s Day is kinda old fashioned. Why don't you give him a bouquet or a concert ticket?”
“I- I don't know. Isn't that something men always do?”
She clucked her tongue, “it’s women’s emancipation.”
“You're right!” you said eagerly. “Chocolate and flowers! That's cool! I’ll buy flowers for him, too! Thank you, Yelena, you're brilliant!” and you left her to go to campus.
In the late afternoon, it’s a beautiful day at the end of winter, the warmth of the sun is still accompanying people on the outside.
It’s valentine’s day, a day full of love. But all you can feel is the cold wind in your heart, the day gets grey, and pain haunts you. You remembered all the hurtful things he said to you, you feel so rejected by him. It really hurts when you expect so much more from a person you once liked so much. You’ve liked him ever since the first day of college.
Love can sometimes be magic but magic can sometimes just be an illusion. Before you realize it, the tears stream down your face. You walked so slow in Yelena’s neighborhood.
You heard the horn behind you. “Ayo, Taffy! Walking to my house?” That’s Yelena with her car, driving very slowly to follow your steps.
You turned your head to her. She looked at you with a surprise, “Hey, you okay?”
“I- I’m okay,” you said sobbing.
Without asking you first, she scrambled out of the car, and put you in the front passenger seat of the car, and got behind the wheel.
“What happened?” she asked gently.
You cried harder when she asked that. Moments later, you told her your story when you got a raw rejection from your crush. “He even called me fat and I'm not his type. I mean, I’m okay with his ridicule, it's a fact after all. But when he mocked my chocolate, that's when I felt hurt. Anyhow, it was my hard work you even helped me make it,” and you cried again.
“I did nothing, you made it yourself with love,” she said and she turned her vehicle around.
“Where are you going?” you asked.
“I’m going to give that motherfucker a lesson.”
“You- WHAT?”
“Gimme his location!”
“Yelena- No! Turn around your car! Let's just go home.”
She gazed at you in silence for a while, “just shut the fuck up and keep your seat belt fastened!” she spoke firmly.
In the end, you just let her drive to the university yard where your crush and his friends are hanging around. Yelena insisted on giving him a lesson. Your heart raced when you saw her walk through the yard and stepped closer to the table where your crush sat.
Your crush stopped laughing when she stood in front of him, it also gave his friends in silence and looked at her in confusion. “Ayo! Rough guy!” She greeted him with a condescending tone.
“Who the hell are you, tomboy?” he asked her.
“Nobody, just a courier. I delivered a package for you,” she showed him a chocolate box and a bouquet.
“Ah, that’s from Y/N, huh? Take back, I ain't gonna need that. If I take that shit, I’m afraid that fatty would think I will accept her feelings.”
Yelena spat on the ground, “you know I was relieved I never dated a guy, and the guy I hate the most is the guy like you. You're more gay than I am, y’know? Before you mocked her, look at yourself in the mirror whether you're better than her or not! You think you're perfect, huh?”
Yelena threw the flowers and the chocolate on your crush’s face. Her hands in the fluid movement to deliver precisely aimed blows to a startled opponent.
“What the fuck!” He shouted out in shock. Getting rid of the flowers on his face and the chocolate stains off his jacket.
“Take that, you motherfucker! You should've respected her! It shows her love and hard work!” Yelena grunted, “but at least I’m relieved she wouldn't fall for an asshole like you again.” And she left him without waiting for his response.
You watched what Yelena did to him far behind, and it gives you a new perspective that you adore her so much.
“Thank you,” you said gently when you and she sat in the car.
“For what?”
“For everything. Why are you so kind to me? I mean, I am the one who often troubles you, but you still want to add a new enemy, because of me. I’ve seen everything you’ve done to him, and I really appreciate it.” You laughed strangely, “you were very rude to him, but I think he deserved it.
She grunted, “that son of a bitch deserves worse. Why do you think I'm doing this to you?” She looked at you seriously with her deep voice.
You find it difficult to answer. In silence, you looked at each other. You felt an odd feeling when you looked into her big beautiful eyes. You felt captivated by the look in her eyes, so you couldn't move your body when you realized her body moved closer to yours as she tried to kiss you.
As though conscious of what she was about to do, she stopped and sat up straight again. She cleared her throat awkwardly, “and the only one who can make fun of you is me.” She stared at the last small chocolate box on your lap. “Oh, there’s one more.”
“Yup, there is. Don’t worry, I’ll throw away this thing.”
She grabbed the small box immediately, “don’t! I’ll eat it.”
“What? Don't you hate sweets?”
“It’s okay if it's your make,” she eats a piece of chocolate you made. “Umm- not bad, ” she smiled slightly after she finished eating, then she turned the engine on.
After the incident on Valentine’s day, you can't look at her in the same way again, you felt confused about your feelings towards her. You thought she was just your friend, but now you realized you want her more than just a friend. You don't want to ruin your friendship with her, you need to find a new apartment as soon as possible no matter how to keep a distance from her and reset unnecessary feelings.
Luckily, you got a new apartment so you can leave Yelena’s house. Yelena and Zeke helped you pack the stuff and decorate your new room. After those busy days, you can finally enjoy your free time in your new apartment, all alone. And it gives you extra time to prioritize your revenge plan, once you've accepted the insult of the guy you liked. And a wise man said the best revenge is to improve yourself.
On the other hand, you wouldn't believe how much Yelena missed you. She felt empty when she stayed alone, she missed your presence in her house. She once got so annoyed by your noisy existence, but now she really wants to hear all your ridiculous babbling. When she thought of you, she smiled slightly, she didn't believe she could fall for a silly girl like you. Silly but sweet.
Since when did this feeling grow in her heart? She didn't know. Little thing she knew, you're the sweetest, most sincere girl she's ever met. Sometimes she wishes you could open your heart to a girl like her, but she doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable if she expresses any romantic interest in you. To get rid of all her thoughts about you, she occupied herself with the project the lecturer gave her. It is funny, you two are mutually interested in each other, but you two are too afraid to express your feelings.
Time flies so fast. Spring break is over. You are ready to open a new chapter of your life in this warm spring. You were viral by the rejection video of your crush to you, it was a nightmare because everyone recognizes you with something you don't want to be. But now, everyone on campus is amazed by the change you made to yourself. And the best thing is, your crush seems regretful that he has rejected and said something cruel to you. Now, you have some respect from others.
“Wow, I heard an issue that you're now some big news and one of the hotties in this university.”
You heard a familiar voice when you walked alone in the park near your faculty building. You frowned at your face and turned around your body, your eyes widened as you saw a big-beauty blonde standing behind you.
“Long time no see and, look at you, you've changed a lot! Now you've become- a Barbie doll? Eww! You look more ugly than before when you still have those fats in your body,” she continued.
You chuckled, “we’ve lived together under the same roof for almost three weeks, and I got your own dictionary. When you say no, it means yes. So when you say I’m ugly, it means I’m pretty?”
“Jesus, no! I tell the truth, I swear, the new you is ugly.”
“I, I just wanna love myself more by changing my lifestyle to make it healthier,” you said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Whatever. I rather like your old appearance because now you’re a little conscious. Many morons will steal glances at you.”
She sighed heavily, “something that didn’t change in you is you still slow like a sloth! Then, I’m leaving!”
“Hey, wait!” You grabbed her long arm to hold her step, “it’s unfair you come and go like a fart!”
Just one touch from you gives her a magical sensation. She then grabbed your hands and pulled your body to get closer to hers.
“I miss you so much! I can’t even stop thinking about you once you leave my house,” she hoarsely whispered.
She bent over you and kissed you. You were shocked by her sudden act, but her kiss is pure, fresh, and thirst-quenching. You felt her stiffening in surprise when you kissed her back, then she continued to insert her tongue into your mouth and moved wildly to play with yours. You two now are kissing so passionately, feeling the burn by the lust of each other.
“So this means, we’re stepping to the next level” she asked with a broad smile on her face. She looked happy.
You smiled mischievously, “what do you think?”
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I think Yelena is the type who can make a straight girl gay. Who can ignore this big-beauty-badass bae 🥵🥵
My fav quotes from Yelena in this story 💕
Yelena to your crush: “...I was relieved I never dated a guy, and the guy I hate the most is a guy like you. You're gayer than I am, y’know?”
[she acted like a gentleman 🥰]
Sweet moments with Yelena 💕
Yelena to you: “Why do you think I'm doing this to you?”
[and you two were looked at each other until she tried to kiss you but she stopped it 😔]
You to Yelena: “Yup. I’ll throw away this thing.”
Yelena to you: “Don’t! I’ll eat it.”
You to Yelena: “Don’t you hate sweets?”
Yelena to you: “It’s okay if it’s your make.”
[then she ate your chocolate even she hates sweets 🥺]
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
Spencer Reid x reader
Best Years Season 2 part six | part five | part four | part three | part two | part one | season one
summary: doesn’t ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes.
warning: normal criminal minds things, angst, sadness, gore, fun stuff
A/N: based on season 8 episode 12; uhhh here’s the storm
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 The sound of Y/N’s phone vibrating under her hand woke her up. She lifted her head off of Amelia’s bed, not bothering to look at the caller I.D. and answered.
 “Hello?” Y/N’s voice croaked, still full of sleep. 
 “Ms. Matthews,” a distorted voice spoke through the phone. 
 Y/N sat up completely straight in her chair, now high alert. 
 “Or should I say SSA Y/N Y/L/N.” 
 “Who is this?” Y/N asked, standing up from the chair and moving outside of the room. She knew exactly who it was but she needed to be sure. 
 “You know exactly who this is,” the voice responded.
 “Landry Stephenson,” Y/N said with a stern tone. “What do you want?” 
 “Midnight,” Landry replied.
 “What about it?” 
 “That’s what you have till before this beautiful gold ring becomes mine, along with your boyfriend.” 
 The line went dead after that. A small tear of fear pricked in Y/N’s eyes, the phone not coming off her ear as she stood there in shock for a second. She pulled the phone off her ear after taking her second, calling the only person she could think of.
 “I got here as quickly as I could,” Hotch said, rushing up the stairs to his office where Y/N stood. 
 She couldn’t trust Strauss anymore, she needed to go straight to the people she knew would help.
  Her team.
 “What’s wrong?” Hotch asked once he came face to face with Y/N. 
 “I need to tell you where I’ve been,” she said with a shaky voice. 
 It felt as though she was injured, running off of pure adrenaline. And now it was starting to wear off because her voice began to shake. Hotch closed the door to his office and gestured for her to sit down.  
 “Strauss sent me undercover at George Town because they’ve been receiving letters about someone in the BAU being stalked. There has also been a recent string of ‘suicides’ that we thought were connected to the case, now I can confirm it is because one of the girls I’ve become close to was a victim last night…” 
 “Y/N I’m so sorry,” Hotch said sympathetically. 
 “It’s alright, she’s recovering in the hospital, she made it to my office to get help somehow.” 
 She took in a shaky breath and looked at the watch on her wrist. 
 “Okay, I’m going to skip some parts because we need to get the team here as soon as possible. Basically, this girl named Landry Stephenson has been sending letters to us about Spencer and I found out it was her yesterday when I went to Amelia’s dorm to look around and I found hundreds of pictures of Spencer in a small chest. This morning I got a phone call from Landry saying we have until midnight tonight to save Spencer.” 
 “How do you know it was Landry for sure?” 
 “Because she addressed me as Ms. Matthews, that was my undercover name.” 
 Y/N took in a shaky breath and lifted her hand and watched it shake violently. She was starting to have an anxiety attack, she hadn’t had that since the day of the bomb. 
 “Y/N,” Hotch said, making her tearful eyes look at him. “I need you to breathe okay, breath.” 
 She took in some deep breaths and let a few tears fall down her face. Her eyes closed and she took a minute to compose herself, letting all her emotions flood out of her so she could focus on saving Spencer. 
 “Okay, let’s get the team here.” 
 “Y/N,” everyone said as they walked into the bullpen, seeing the woman they all missed. 
 JJ and Penelope ran up and wrapped their arms around her, squeezing her tightly. 
 “Hey, guys-” she pulled away from the hug and gave others to the rest of the team- “I wish we had time to catch up but we have a problem.” 
 “Why? What’s going on?” Rossi asked, his brows furrowing in concern. 
 “Wait, shouldn’t we wait for Reid?” Penelope asked, noticing the Boy Wonder’s absence. 
 “That’s why we’re here. This morning Y/N received a phone call from Landry Stephenson, the unsub Strauss sent her to find who had been killing students at George Town and stalking a member of the BAU, that member was Reid,” Hotch relayed the information Y/N had told him to the team. 
 The team had slack jaws at the news. 
 “So, is he okay? Is he in protective custody?” JJ asked, her words quick and strong. 
 “When I got the call, Landry told me we had until midnight to find him,” Y/N said, her voice shaking again. 
 “Oh god…” Penelope muttered, clutching her hand to her chest. 
 “What other information do you have?” Derek asked assertively. 
 “Not much,” Y/N let her head drop in shame. 
 The team stayed quiet for a second, watching as Y/N sniffled as a way to keep in her tears. “I have a wealth of knowledge to be applying to this case right now about behaviors of violent stalkers, tactical recovery strategies-” she choked on a sob at her next words- “victim survival odds, things I know about the unsub. But I can’t keep a straight thought for more than four seconds at a time, so I’m the dumbest person in the room.”
 The team watched in sympathy as Y/N cried during her speech. They knew he was the love of her life and she was his. They were Spencer and Y/N. “The greatest love I’d ever seen,” as Rossi put it. So they knew, this was tearing her apart because she was putting all the blame on herself.  
 “Please-” her voice cracked- “we need to find him.”
 “This technically isn’t our case, but Spencer is a part of this team,” Hotch said as everyone stayed quiet. “This is going rogue not only for Y/N but for all of us, we could lose our jobs. Does anybody want to leave?”
 No one answered.
 “Good, then let’s get started.”  
 “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while deeply loving someone gives you courage,” Y/N mumbled under her breath as she paced back and forth in Penelope’s office. She kept repeating the phrase under her breath like a mantra. It’s a quote by Luo Tzu that she found during her time away. It’s what kept her going from being away from Spencer and only being able to talk to him every so often. 
 “Hey,” Derek whispered, walking into the office that was only occupied but Y/N. 
 Y/N ignored him and kept repeating the quote under her breath. 
 “Y/N.” Derek stepped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders. “We’re going to find him.”
 “Yeah,” she nodded and wrangled her hands together. “It’s just this is all my fault. If I had pushed harder, maybe Strauss would have gotten him sooner or even put Landry in custody and then we wouldn’t be here right now and I could be back on the team and everything would be great and be normal. Spencer and I would be together and would be happy and hopefully engaged-” 
 Y/N’s blubber of ‘what if’s’ was cut off by Derek. 
 “Hey, hey.” He grabbed her shoulder and gave her a slight shake. “Wonder Woman we are going to find him and stop this.” 
 She nodded and fell into his chest, just needing a hug now. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and held her for about a minute. 
 “Let’s go to the round table room, we got all the letters that were sent from Strauss,” Derek said, beginning to lead her to the door. 
 “How did she take the fact I didn’t come to her first?” Y/N asked while wiping the last of her tears. 
 “Not well at first, but I think she understood eventually.” 
 When they reached the round table room, the team was sitting all around it, copies of the letters that were sent scattered between them. 
 “This is clearly a classically possessive stalker,” Derek said as he finished one of the letters he was reading. 
 “Yeah, one who craves validation and recognition,” Blake added.
 “Yeah, she’s asking here ‘why won’t you see me?’, ‘do you think you’re better than me?’, within the five letters this comes up again and again,” JJ said as she flipped through her copies of the letters. 
 “Five?” Y/N asked from her seat across the table. 
 She had been silent for most of the time in the room. Her knees pulled up to her chest and her forehead resting on top of them. 
 “Yeah, there’s five,” JJ responded showing Y/N the letters.
 “No, no, that can’t be right, when Strauss sent me out there was only four,” Y/N let her feet hit the ground as she reached for her copies of the letters. 
 Sure enough, another latter had been sent since she was undercover. It came in yesterday. 
 “This got here yesterday,” Y/N pointed out. 
 “How do you know?” Rossi asked, flipping to the same letter she had in her hand. 
 “Because this is talking about the attack on Amelia,” Y/N said as she kept reading the letter swiftly. 
 “Who’s Amelia?” Blake asked quietly, not wanting to make Y/N jump at anyone in her frantic state. 
 “She’s a girl I’ve been counseling undercover, we’ve gotten really close, yesterday she was attacked.” Y/N kept reading through the graphic description of the attack, trying to not let it get to her as she looked for ideas where Spencer could be. 
 “Here, here, she talks about how she did this for him,” Y/N blurted when she finished reading over a line in the letter, pointing to the spot. “She was killing these people so that the team would come and investigate.” 
 “Well, we have her motive for the killing, also probably for the suicide she’s also talking about,” Blake said as she pointed out another thing in the letter. “Here it says, ‘when I find you I’m going to kill you than myself’.” 
 “Murder suicides the ultimate ‘I love you’ to these guys,” Rossi remarked.
 “Do you know when Landry started targeting Spencer?” Hotch asked, turning to look at Y/N. 
 “No, no, I just know she was in one of Blake’s linguistics classes, probably saw him guest speak, and…” she trailed off from there, not wanting to say the rest, knowing that the team knew it.  
 “Oh my god guys, I found Spencer,” Penelope blurted when a ping went off on her computer. “Well, not found, but I have video surveillance of him in Union Station last night, being drugged and carted away by the unsub.” 
 The team quickly crowded around Penelope’s laptop and watched the video. Y/N stayed rooted to the ground she stood on, not being able to watch the video.  
 “Alright, Morgan you and JJ go to the station where Reid was taken, see if anything was left as a clue, Blake and Dave, go to Spencer and Y/N’s apartment, see if there’s anything there,” Hotch ordered and the team began to stand up straight and grab their coats. 
 Hotch then turned to Y/N, still rooted in the ground and not moving. “How clear is your head?” 
 “Uh, I’m not sure, not really clear,” she stuttered, eyes staring at Spencer’s empty seat at the round table. 
 “I want to talk to Amelia about Landry but I need you there.” 
 Y/N nodded her head but didn’t move just yet.
 “Y/N,” Penelope said, stopping her as she began to turn. 
 “He wears the ring you know, never takes it off.” 
 “I know.” 
 “Amelia?” Y/N asked softly as she entered the hospital room. 
 Amelia looked up from the book in her hand to see Y/N approach with Hotch behind her. “Hi, Y/N.” 
 “Amelia, this is Agent Hotchner, he works with me at the FBI, um he needs to ask you some questions.” 
 “Hi, Amelia,” Hotch said, walking closer to the side of the bed. 
 Y/N took a step back to watch. 
 “Hi,” Amelia responded. 
 “So Landry Stephenson is your roommate correct?” Hotch asked, starting off his questions. 
 “Does she have any place she would go beside your dorm?” 
 “She talked about her boyfriend’s place a couple of times,” Amelia answered after a pause for her to think. 
 “What’s his name?” 
 “Uh, I think she said it was Edmond,” Amelia shrugged. “She rarely talked about him, when she did, it was almost like she was imagining it.” 
 Y/N then had a flashback to when she walked into her’s and Spencer’s apartment one time. She remembered looking over to see a boy walking into his apartment a little down the hall, Landry by his side. 
 “Hotch,” Y/N stepped up getting his attention. 
 He turned his head to look at her. 
 “I know where the boyfriend lives.” 
 “This bitch,” Y/N deadpanned as she walked up the stairs to the second floor of the apartment building where her and Spencer’s apartment lived. She walked swiftly up the stairs and down the hallway, bypassing her apartment that Rossi and Blake had just been in. 
 “Y/N, slow down,” Hotch said, catching up to her. 
 “She was right down the hallway from us, Hotch, how the hell do you expect me to slow down,” she seethed as they came to the apartment of Edmond Rayes. 
 “Let us handle it,” Hotch put his hand up, stopping her from knocking on the door.
 She nodded, still furious that she was this close to them this whole time. 
 “Edmond Rayes,” Derek said, pounding on the door. “FBI.” 
 Rossi pulled his badge out of his pocket and held it to the peephole. A second later, the door opened and revealed Edmond Rayes, with a stitched up forehead. 
 “FBI?” Edmond asked the common thing most people say when the FBI knocks on their door. 
 “What happened to your head?” Rossi nodded to the large gash. 
 “My ex pushed me into a mirror,” he answered, moving his body open to let the four of them in. 
 “That ex wouldn’t happen to be Landry Stephenson would it?” Y/N asked, speaking up for the first time. 
 “Yeah, how’d you know?” Edmond asked, clearly not recognizing Y/N’s voice from the few times she talked to him. He turned his head to look at her and then he recognized her, “Oh, hey Y/N.” 
 “Hi, Edmond.”
 “Do you know where Landry Stephenson is?” Rossi asked, getting straight to the point. 
 “No, should I?”
 “Well, that’s what we were hoping,” Rossi shrugged. 
 “When did you guys break up?” Derek asked the next question.
 “Uh, about three weeks ago,” Edmond answered, pausing to think of the exact timeline. 
 “And when did you get that cut?” Hotch asked. 
 “Two nights ago, Landry came back ranting about something she left here.” 
 Y/N began to wander the apartment, looking all around at the different pictures and figurines adorning the shelves. She wasn’t listening to the interview going on anymore, it just became background noise as she looked at the walls. 
 But then her ears tuned back when she saw an orange envelope slipped between two books. To the untrained eye, no one would have caught it. 
 “Edmond,” Y/N said, bringing everyone’s attention to her. “What’s this?” 
 Edmond cocked his head to the side as he looked at the envelope with Y/N. “I’m not sure.” 
 He pulled the envelope out from between the books and opened it. He pulled out about twenty photos of Spencer and Y/N walking in and out of his apartment. “I think I found what Landry was looking for.” 
 Y/N took the photos from his hands, flipping through them to see them all. They went back a couple of months. 
 “Y/N,” Hotch said nodding to the door of the apartment. Rossi took the photos from her hands as she walked past and followed Hotch out of the apartment. 
 “This means you’re a part of her victimology now, you know,” Hotch said calmly to her. 
 “Are you pulling me off the case then?” 
 “Then let me go back in there to work,” she said, trying to push past him into the apartment. Hotch stuck his arm out and held her back. 
 “We will but you need a second,” He told her. 
 “Hotch, I was practically stalked by Caroline for my whole college life, this isn’t new to me,” she reassured him and walked back into the apartment. 
 “Okay we know numbers on female stalkers are minimal, only ten percent are female,” JJ said as the team sat around the round table again to regroup. Y/N took a seat on the couch behind the table, feeling like she needed to step back to see everything. 
 “All right, what tops the list of motivators?” Hotch asked. 
 “Prior sexual intimacy,” Derek debated.
 Y/N barked out a laugh accidentally at the thought. Everyone turned to her with confused glances. “Sorry.”
 “Erotomania?” Rossi asked, moving past the moment. 
 “Maybe,” Derek said. “You slept with me, I’ve built a whole life with us-”
 “No,” Y/N butted in. 
 “Y/N,” JJ whispered. 
 “JJ I know Spencer, we all do, he would not cheat on me, or-or do anything like that.” They all looked at Y/N sympathetically, knowing she was right but they were just saying all the facts. “What’s-what’s the next one?”
 “Celebrity stalking,” JJ answered. 
 “That one makes more sense,” Y/N said nodding her head. 
 “How? Spencer’s not famous,” Blake said shaking her head. 
 “But she was in your class Blake, and when he came to lecture, she became a celebrity to him,” Y/N said. 
 “That’s a stretch,” Rossi argued. “Celebrity stalkers are usually nonviolent.” 
 “You want to tell that to John Lennon, Rossi?” Y/N said standing up from her sitting position as she got angrier. “What was it that Mark David Chapman said after he shot him? ‘It was like all of my nobody-ness and all of his somebody-ness collided.’ Well, Spencer is somebody and-and this bitch is a nobody!” 
 Her sudden outburst made the room get quiet as she paced back and forth. They waited for a second for her to cool down.
 “I’m-I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from,” she apologized as she continued her pacing. “My head’s too clouded, I need to leave, I’m not much help.”
 “Y/N, yes, you can be of help,” Derek said, trying to make her calm down. “You have the most communication with the unsub and Spencer.” 
 “She probably revealed details to you of where she would keep Spencer since she knew who you were,” JJ said in a calming voice. 
 “I don’t have a memory like Spencer! I can’t remember every damn word she said to me, how-”
 “Then pick one of us and we’ll go through each moment with you to help you find out,” Hotch cut her off. 
 Y/N stopped pacing, looking at everyone around the table. Truly, she would pick Penelope but that wasn’t a part of her job so she settled on someone else. 
 “Hotch, please,” she said quietly. 
 “Okay, let’s go,” He said standing up and leading her out of the room. 
 “This is where you want to talk?” Hotch asked as the two reached the park that had many chess boards in it. 
 “It’s where Spencer and I went on our first date, he tried to teach me chess. I need a spot that reminds me of him,” Y/N said as she took a seat at a table. She really sucked at chess, but she knew how to play because of Spencer, but she never beat him. 
 “Okay.” Hotch took a seat across from her. He then moved a pawn to begin the game. “Try to focus on the board and not my questions, just say whatever comes to your mind.” 
 “Okay.” Y/N moved one of her pawns. 
 “When you first think of Spencer what’s the first thing you think of?” 
 “Home,” Y/N laughed as she moved her chess piece. “He-he makes me feel like home. Warm, cozy, and safe.”
 Hotch stayed quiet as he smiled at Y/N. Of course, he knew about their relationship, the whale team did, but they were very private about it. They stayed professional most of the time and no one would assume they were dating if they saw them on the job. This was the first time he really heard about how she really felt about him.
 “So if this is a case of celebrity stalking, why do you think she didn’t go after you to get to Spencer?” Hotch asked as he made his next move. 
 “I’m not sure, to be honest, I wish she did take me instead of him,” Y/N moved her rook. “Maybe she was devolving and her desire to get to him first was too strong so she just...went for him.”
 “Maybe,” Hotch moved his knight. “But why would she choose Spencer, in her mind, they must connect somehow.” 
 “But how?” 
 “Maybe Spencer said something in a lecture that had her make a connection?” Hotch moved another pawn. 
 “Could be…” Y/N moved her other knight. 
 “When you spoke to Landry, did she mention any of her classes?” 
 “No, she didn’t really talk much, she would answer yes or no to my questions…” 
 “Landry, do you have anyone special going on in your life right now?” 
 “Well, I sent in an article to someone I admire again, and I’m hoping they get back to and like this one more than my last.” 
 “Oh my god,” Y/N muttered as she remembered the conversation. 
 “What?” Hotch asked. 
 “Months ago, Spencer was helping some students with thesis and articles they wanted to be published. He then asked for input on a ‘Journal of Behavioral Psych’ article. This one student sent in a theory that was completely improbable and stupid, but I couldn’t even tell you what it was. But that same student kept sending in more stuff like it, and Spencer kept politely rejecting it,” Y/N rambled. 
 “It was Landry that sent in those articles,” Hotch realized. “She wants to be accepted by him.” 
 “She told me once a couple of weeks ago that she sent in another and was hoping it would get accepted,” Y/N looked up at Hotch with teary eyes. “I didn’t make the connection until now.” 
 “It’s not your fault, Y/N, okay, come on let’s get back to the office.”
 “Landry Stephenson, along with being a major in Linguistics at George Town, she was working on getting her psychology degree online,” Penelope said as she pulled up a photo of Landry on the screen. 
 “Do you have the articles she sent to Spencer?” JJ asked. 
 “Yeah, and like Y/N said, they’re waka-doodle,” Penelope answered.
 “Looks like when Spencer rejected her last article, she dropped out of her online classes,” Rossi said as he looked at the papers Penelope handed them. 
 “Correct,” Penelope said, taking a seat at the table. “I also found an off campus apartment that looks like she stays at on the weekends.” 
 “Dave, you, Y/N, and JJ take the apartment. Blake and Morgan, take the campus dorm,” Hotch ordered. 
 “What was the last article about?” Y/N asked quickly before they could leave. 
 “It says here, ‘How the behaviors of cells change when suicide is inevitable’,” Derek read from the file. 
 “There’s her suicidal ideation again,” Blake remarked. 
 “Except that’s not true, why is she so obsessed with it?” Y/N asked. She now understood why Spencer was rejecting her articles, if they were all like this, they were related to her emotionally. 
 S.W.A.T. busted through the door of the apartment, breaking it off its hinges. They walked in quickly, making sure all the rooms were clear before they could relax and begin their search.
 Y/N, JJ, and Rossi began to look around the apartment. Their eyes landed on a wall covered in family pictures and a newspaper clipping about a double suicide. Of her two parents. 
 “Is this a shrine to her dead parents?” JJ asked as she looked at the wall. 
 “Her parents committed suicide,” Y/N muttered and pointed to the clipping. “That wasn’t in her file.” 
 “Uh, guys,” Rossi called from a back room he wandered to. “You might want to come to look at this.” 
 JJ and Y/N walked to the room quickly. When they entered Rossi had pulled open a small closet door, revealing a bunch more pictures of Spencer. 
 “Oh dear god,” Y/N muttered as she looked at all the pictures. If Spencer wasn’t kidnapped by this girl right now, she would probably find this humorous.
 “She’s watching us,” Rossi nodded to a camera in the corner of the room. 
 JJ and Y/N turned to the camera behind them to see a green blinking light flashing. JJ quickly pulled out her phone and called Penelope. 
 “Garcia,” JJ said when she heard her answer. 
 “What you got, Mama Grizzly?” 
 “There’s a webcam in here can you hack the feed?” JJ asked. 
 “Ohh,” Penelope groaned as she tried to hack the feed. “She’s spoofing the IP address and she’s encrypted the feed.” 
 Y/N searched around the room, finding a piece of paper and marker. She quickly wrote ‘me for him’ on the page and held it up to the camera.
 “What are you doing?” Rossi asked as he watched Y/N write. 
 “Making a deal,” Y/N responded, finishing the message. The two agents watched as Y/N held the paper up to the camera.
 Y/N prayed that this would get her in to find out where Spencer was because they were running out of time now. 
 After about thirty seconds of Y/N holding up the message, the apartment phone began to ring. Y/N set down the paper and rushed to the phone.
 “It’s me,” Spencer’s voice said back through the phone. 
 Y/N let out a breath of relief that he was still alive. “Spence, are you okay?” 
 “Yeah, yeah I think so,” Spencer stuttered. “I’ve got a concussion and some bruising, but I’m okay.” 
 “Can I speak to Landry?”
 She heard Spencer take in a sharp breath. “No, she’s listening.” 
 “Good, I need to meet her, I need to talk to her,” Y/N said, hoping she was playing her cards right now. 
 “She has a message she wants me to give to you,” Spencer spoke softly, clearly uneasy as his words were slightly slurred. 
 “What is it, bub,” she hoped using his nickname would give him some strength. 
 “The message is, she left you a present and if you want to find it, it’s easy as pie,” Spencer’s voice was slurred, almost like he was falling asleep. 
 “What does that mean? I don’t get that,” Y/N said, rubbing her forehead as she tried to think. 
 “Neither do I,” Spencer mumbled. “Y/N don’t come, it’s a trap! She’s gonna kill you-”
 The line went dead.
 Y/N thought for a moment, then she had a thought. “I need a map of D.C.” 
 When Y/N, Rossi, and JJ arrived back at the BAU, Y/N had plenty of time to think about the riddle and decipher most of it. 
 A map was set up on a board when they walked in. She quickly picked up a blue marker. 
 “We don’t have a lot of time so I’m going to make this as quick as possible.” Y/N took the cap off the marker then began marking things. “This is Landry’s off-campus apartment- this is the nearest tower her phone call to me pinged off of, which means this-” she used a compass to draw a circle around the spots- “is the circle that Spencer was telling me about.”
 “What circle?” Hotch asked. 
 “It was a clue in Landry’s message, finding her would be as easy as pie, but she wasn’t talking about the food, she was talking about the number Pi.” Y/N wrote the first three digits on the board. 
 “Pi,” Penelope said and turned back to her laptop to start some calculations.
 “Why would she give you a clue?” Hotch asked. 
 “Spencer has a doctorate in mathematics, so of course she would use math to lure us in because she wants Spencer to think she’s just as smart as me and him,” Y/N relayed the conclusion she had come up with on the car ride back.
 “All right, assuming that Landry has a secondary location, wherein the circle would she hold Reid?” Hotch nodded to the circle she drew on the map. 
 “She’d need a building that would allow for privacy and control, a closed garage for prisoner transfer…”
 “If she’s trying to insert herself into Spencer’s life, maybe she has it close your apartment,” Hotch suggested.
 “There’s nothing in Landry’s name,” Penelope said after searching with the suggestion. 
 “Try Y/N’s or Spencer’s,” Hotch said, turning around to look at Penelope. 
 “What about Landry’s parents?” Y/N squatted down next to Penelope as she typed. 
 “Yes, yes,” Penelope said excitedly as she got a hit. “Landry rented a loft across from your’s and Spencer’s apartment building in her parent’s name.”
 “Y/N,” Hotch said, bringing her attention over to him. “I can’t let you be a part of this takedown.”
 “We don’t have a choice if I don’t go in there. Spence's dead,” Y/N said, her hands moving aggressively as she spoke.
 “And if you do you’re dead,” Hotch told her. 
 Y/N shook her head. “Hotch, we’ve known from the beginning she’s on a murder-suicide mission, but we didn’t stop to ask why she’s on that mission. We know now, it’s because she wants recognition, the type she believes Spencer can give her and if I go in there I can let her believe she is getting that.” 
 “Because I’m going to break up with Spencer to do so.” 
 The team pulled up to the building with the sirens blaring. S.W.A.T. had already arrived at the scene, ready for instruction from the team. 
 The team each hopped out of there respected vehicles, guns drawn and ready to save Spencer. 
 “Hang on, I got a box on the steps,” Hotch stopped everyone, carefully approaching the box. 
 “That’s the gift,” Y/N said, holstering her gun and walking up to the box.
 She picked it up, looking at Hotch to be sure it was alright who nodded. She pulled back the blue lid to reveal a small black velvet box. She pulled it out and opened it, seeing a beautiful ring inside of it.
 “Is that a ring?” Derek asked as he inspected it from a distance.
 “Take your gun and vest off,” Landry’s voice said through an intercom by the door. 
 Quickly, Y/N began to strip the vest off her torso and handed her gun and the ring to Hotch.
 “Now come in Alone.” 
 “Y/N,” Hotch tested, but Y/N didn’t look back at him.
 She opened the door carefully and slowly walked up the small set of stairs to a platform. When she reached the top, Landry rounded the corner and cocked her gun. 
 She walked over to Y/N slowly and grabbed her shoulder, placing the gun to her side. “Walk.”
 Landry pushed her down into a chair roughly. Y/N shifted uncomfortably and took a breath, trying to keep a cool front. 
 When she looked in front of her, she saw Spencer strapped to a chair. “Hi, Spence.”
 “Hi,” he whispered back. 
 “I was hoping you’d figure out my riddle,” Landry said as she moved behind Spencer, laying a hand on his shoulder. “I mean, I knew you would-” she snaked her hand under his shirt- “The fun was just how fast you did it.” 
 Y/N watched as Spencer stiffened uncomfortably under her touch. 
 “It took me a while, if I’m honest, I was kinda distracted by your article you sent in,” Y/N said, hoping she was right about her plan.
 Landry pulled her hand off of Spencer and looked at Y/N. “You read my article?” 
 “I did, the one on the behavior of cells during suicide? I couldn’t agree more,” Y/N lied hoping Spencer, even in his out of mind state, would be able to play along. 
 “Flattery is not going to get you out of this, because I know what’s waiting for me outside,” Landry said, pointing to the window with her gun.
 “I’ve arranged for your freedom,” Y/N bargained, again with a lie. 
 “The feds don’t make deals with people like me,” Landry stated matter-of-factly.
 “Not true, if you have something to help them; Nazi scientists helped with the manhattan project, Mafia bosses are put in witsec, if what you have is valuable enough, they’ll take you,” Y/N corrected her. “That’s why Spencer didn’t want to accept your article because he knew you were right and he was upset he didn’t come up with it first.”
 Spencer’s eyes lit in that realization moment that Y/N recognized. He was catching on to the game. 
 “It’s true after I read it, I was upset I couldn’t figure that out sooner, so I rejected it out of jealousy,” Spencer added, hoping that hearing him say it would allow her to believe it. “And what you have, is valuable.” 
 “And what do I have?” Landry asked, using her gun to make Spencer’s face look at her. 
 Please Spence, please say the right thing, Y/N plead internally. 
 “A brain that doesn’t work with normal societal rules.” 
 Right on the money, good doctor. 
 “I’m here because Spencer deserves someone like you, someone with a brain that’s as big and smart as his,” Y/N said, making her move to get Landry to hopefully let her guard down. 
 When Landry had no response, she spoke again. “Spencer, I’m sorry I don’t love you, I’m breaking up with you.” 
 Even though it was a lie, it hurt Y/N to say those words. It physically pained her. 
 “It’s okay, Y/N, I understand, because I chose Landry,” Spencer played into the lie. 
 Landry whipped her head around to Spencer. “You’re choosing me over her?” 
 “Yeah,” Spencer whispered. 
 “I don’t need her anymore,” Landry said, bringing her gun to Y/N’s head. 
 “Kill her and she won’t have to live with the fact that I chose you over her,” Spencer said, stopping Landry before she could shoot. “Let her live with her irrelevancy.” 
 “Fine,” Landry said, getting ready to push her out of the chair and out of the room. “But I just want her to see one more thing.” 
 Landry walked over, undid the zip ties, and connected her lips with Spencer’s. As best as he could he tried to play into it, but it felt too wrong and he barely even moved his lips. 
 Y/N just hoped Spencer could play it off long enough to where they could get her outside and arrest her.  
 “Liar,” Landry said, pulling herself away from Spencer. “Liar!” She pointed the gun at Spencer’s chest but quickly Y/N stood up and reached around her to pull the gun up as Landry fired a shot, missing Spencer completely. Y/N had got the gun out of her hand and it was thrown on the ground. 
  Landry quickly grabbed a knife off of a table next to her and held it to Y/N’s throat as the rest of the team entered when they heard the shot go off. 
 “Stay back! Stay back!” Spencer yelled as the team entered the room. 
 Y/N breathed in deeply as Landry held the knife to her throat. “Landry, Landry, remember what I said, I broke up with him, he’s choosing you, it’s going to take a second for him to be completely ready to kiss you or-or be with you.” 
 “Landry-” Spencer tried to plead.
 “You didn’t want me!” Landry screeched, the knife coming off of Y/N’s neck slightly. 
 “I didn’t,” Spencer told her honestly. “But we can still arrange for your freedom.” 
 “No, you love her and I’ll never be her.” 
 Y/N quickly reached up and wrestled with Landry for the knife. Somewhere along the line, the knife ended up and Y/N’s abdomen.
 Y/N sucked in a breath of pain as Landry pulled the knife out. 
 A shot sounded off from JJ’s gun and hit Landry in the chest as she turned around. 
 “Y/N!” Spencer’s voice echoed in the room as he ran up to her body falling on the ground.
 “We need a medic!” Hotch’s voice boomed. 
 He caught her and helped bring her down to the ground, hand pressing on the wound on her stomach. 
 “I’m okay, I’m okay,” she whispered, reaching a hand up to caress his cheek. 
 A tear rolled out of his eye, and that was just the beginning of them. 
 “Hey, bub, I heard you wore my ring,” she said, trying to bring him away from the fact she was just stabbed.
 “Yeah, yeah I do,” he choked. He grabbed the hand that was holding his cheek, kissing the back of it, and showing her the ring still on his finger. 
 “I-I think you got me a ring too,” she whispered as she remembered the ring Landry left for her at the front door that she gave to Hotch. 
 “I did,” he whispered back, holding her hand clasped against his face. 
 She smiled softly, beginning to feel her eyes get heavy. 
 “Hey, hey, sweets, keep those eyes open, the paramedics are almost here,” Spencer begged as he watched her eyes get heavy. “I love you.” 
 The paramedics pried Y/N out of Spencer’s arms and brought her onto a board, but Spencer kept trying to grab for her. 
 His sobs racked his body violently as JJ and Derek held him back from running to her unconscious body. JJ shushed his sobs and cries for Y/N as she was taken out of the room and into the hospital.
 “Spencer,” JJ’s voice echoed in Spencer’s head. “Spence.” She shook his shoulder. 
 Spencer stayed still, not having moved from his position on the ER bed all night as he stared at the same linoleum tile. Y/N had been in surgery for hours and his physical exam to see his injuries had been long done. He came out with a minor concussion and a few bruises like he thought, but his heart was in need of fixing. 
 He couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe without knowing if Y/N was okay. If she was alive. 
 JJ kept saying his name but gave up after her fifth try and had no answer. She settled with placing the ring that Y/N gave to Hotch beside him on the bed. 
 He glanced down at the ring in its box, then back up at JJ. His eyes watered and then he let the tears fall as he picked up the box. 
 He needed someone right now to give him a sense of hope, to give him something to hold on to. Because if he didn’t have something, he might lose everything. 
 “I’m scared,” he admitted to JJ in a whisper.
 “Oh, Spence,” she said sadly, wrapping her arms around his shoulder from her standing position. “She’s going to be okay, she’s too strong to die.”
 Spencer let out a sob as he hugged JJ back. 
 In the waiting room, the rest of the team sat anxiously. Derek muttered some prayer to a God he struggled to believe in, in hopes that he might grant some mercy for Y/N. 
 Rossi prayed to a God he did believe in. 
 Blake closed her eyes and just hoped. 
 Penelope sat staring at a random tile on the floor, muttering “She’s gonna be okay” under her breath repeatedly. 
 Hotch paced back and forth in the room. 
 Spencer was told by a doctor he was allowed to go to the waiting room with the rest of the team. It wasn’t really a suggestion though, the ER nurse gave JJ a pleading look because they needed the bed for other patients.
 “Spence, let’s go see the rest of the team,” JJ cooed, coaxing him up with one arm and leading him to the waiting room. 
 When they entered the room, each one of them looked up and gave Spencer a sad smile. 
 Penelope stood up from her chair though, walking over and standing in front of him. She was about to say something, her mouth opening, and closing while she struggled to get the voice out. 
 But Spencer knew what she meant and just nodded.
 Penelope let out a sob and wrapped her arms around Spencer tightly. Her tears were full of fear for Y/N and sorrow for Spencer. 
 “Family of Y/N Y/L/N?” 
 Everyone faced the doctor that walked into the room. 
 “How is she?” Rossi asked, being the only one who could voice the question. 
 The doctor let out a breath that was anything but reassuring. “She coded, but we were able to bring her back. She’s out of surgery now but we don’t know when she’ll wake up.” 
 “But she’s okay?” Spencer asked, needing to hear those words so he could breathe again. 
 “She’s okay.” 
 Spencer took in a breath, finally feeling like he could breathe again.
 “Can we see her?” Penelope asked. 
 “Yeah, follow me,” The doctor said and began leading the group to the room. 
 In the bed laid Y/N, connected to many I.V.’s and an oxygen tube up her nose. But she was there. Alive and breathing. 
 Spencer rushed to her side, grabbing her hand and lacing it with his. Tears of joy escaping his eyes. 
 Five days. That’s how long Y/N had been asleep for now. Hotch had given the team time off if needed, seeing as Y/N would need them as soon as she woke up. 
 Each day, a different member of the team would come in and hang out with Spencer. Who stayed there full time. He may have left once to take a shower and a couple of changes of clothes. Other than that, he hadn’t left Y/N’s side at all. 
 Penelope had brought many flowers, balloons, and baskets in for Y/N. She brought her favorite muffins for when she woke up, pink roses which were her favorite, and many balloons. So many balloons that when Penelope brought in more one day, he made her take some out so the new ones would have room. 
 Today was Rossi’s day in the rotation for visitation. He had been there a couple of times before, but only for an hour or two, today was his whole day he got to spend there. 
 “Hey, Kid,” Rossi greeted, handing him a coffee he brought. 
 “Hey, thanks,” Spencer said, taking the warm drink from his hand. 
 “No problem,” Rossi smiled, taking a seat in the chair on the other side of Y/N’s bed. “Has there been any changes?” 
 “No, doctors still don’t know why she hasn’t woken up,” Spencer sighed after taking a sip of the coffee. He looked up to her peaceful face. “I even called London, her best friend who’s a doctor and one of the best hospitals in the US, and she and her colleagues can’t figure out anything.” He took his hand out of her and brushed a piece of hair that had fallen in her face away. 
 Rossi smiled at Spencer’s gesture, hoping that she woke up soon so he didn’t have to watch Spencer torment himself anymore with staying there. 
 “How are you holding up?” Rossi asked, concern for the young man who he hadn’t seen outside this hospital in days. 
 “Alright, I guess,” Spencer answered truthfully.
 When a comfortable silence fell between the two, the sounds of beeping coming from the heart monitor beating like a slow metronome in the back, Spencer began to laugh at a thought he had. 
 “What’s so funny?” 
 “It’s not funny at all actually,” Spencer admitted and kept chuckling. “It’s just, um, on day three of her coma, I got mad.” 
 “At what?” 
 “At Y/N,” Spencer laughed, clearly needing sleep. “I was mad because when she left, she left me a letter and a ring, promising me she would come back safely, and now.” 
 Spencer's laugh soon faltered into a sob. “And now, she’s like this.” 
 Rossi looked at him with agony, he had never seen Spencer like this. So broken, so upset, so..unknowing. 
 “Spencer, I know it’s really hard to think of right now, but you have to push through,” Rossi told him, leaning forward in his seat. “You and I know she’s too competitive to die, she won’t let it beat her. Think of it as a time out in the game, she needs a second to figure out her game plan so she can come back and win.” 
 Spencer smiled at the analogy, reaching for Y/N’s hand again and squeezing it like he had done many times before. What surprised him this time about this time was, she squeezed back. 
 Spencer’s head jerked up to her eyes to see if hers were open. And low and behold, there they were, sparkling like they normally do and making his heart melt. 
 “Y/N…” Spencer whispered, standing up from his chair and sitting on the bed. His left hand reached up to caress her head. “You’re awake.” 
 “She is,” Rossi said with a bright smile, standing up from his seat. “I’m going to go get the doctor.” He reached his hand over the edge of the bed and squeezed her ankle before leaving.
 “Thank you,” Spencer said and turned back to Y/N. He let out tears from his eyes as he looked down at the woman he loved with all his heart. 
 “Hey, don’t cry,” she soothed, wiping his tears away that fell down his face. “I’m okay, see.” 
 “I know, I know,” he laughed with tears. 
 He reached down and let their lips mold together. He poured all the emotion he could into the kiss, letting go of her hand so he could use both hands to hold her face. Her arms reached up to the short distance so her hands could cup his neck. His lips tasted like coffee, but they were a pain killer for anything Y/N was feeling right now.
 “I love you,” Spencer whispered, his forehead resting on hers when they parted.
 “I love you too,” she mumbled with a smile.
 “Marry me,” Spencer blurted, pulling his forehead off of hers. 
 “Marry me.” He dropped to one knee at her bedside, fumbling with the ring in its box as he pulled it out of his pocket. “I know that we have an inconvenient job, and terrible luck-”
 “We have the shittiest luck,” Y/N agreed with a laugh. 
 “We do. But I believe...I believe that with you, I am the luckiest man alive. And there’s no way I could spend my life without you because you are the love of my life Y/N Y/L/N. Every moment I didn’t know you were okay, it felt like I couldn’t breathe. I-I just can’t imagine me without you.” 
 Y/N had tears pouring out of her eyes now, she loved this man with all her heart and soul. 
 “So, marry me,” Spencer finished, opening the box to reveal the ring Y/N had seen the other night. 
 “Yeah,” Y/N whispered, nodding her head furiously. “Yeah, I’ll marry you.”
 Spencer’s mouth formed a wide smile as he pulled the ring out of the box and placing it on her finger. She reached up, grabbing her face and connected them in a loving kiss full of smiles and tears of joy.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added!!):
@throughparisallthroughrome @word-scribbless @nintendumbfuck @confused-and-really-hungry  @andiebeaword @itsarayofsunshine @baby-i-am-fireproof @abitofeverythinggg @nanocoool @marceline-is-my-spirit-animal @fancyfaucet @im-a-raging-gay @atletino @mo-whore @peterparkersdestiny @bandsandjill @mbowles23-blog @sarcasm-n-insomnia @citrussirus @nerual222 @april-14-blog @reidloversisforever @heavenlyholland @justawildmarebae @sana-li @thesailbells @l0ve-0f-my-life @spencer101reid @spencersdolore @delicateprunecashpony @sader12345678 @dashlilymark @mysticalmagicmoon @onebigfangirlworld @saturn-mp4 @hurricanejjareau @thatweirdo466 @angryknightstatesmantrash @nograciass @danandphilfan6 @la-vie-en-amour1 @squirrellover1967 @reidswords @skyirates @spideyspencer @harrypressman @justine-en @absolutelynotsophie @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal​ @mailikestruecrimetoomuch​ @dadchi-oya​ @marley1773​ @lashtonandmalumsbaby @jesus-christ-ashtons-arms @lulurose17​ @flowers-in-fields​ @multifandombb​ @aimzonicles97​ @criminaly-supernatural​ @aperrywilliams​ @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @thatsonezesty13 @maya0819 @chaoticsteverogers​ @brendon-phan-stuff @cityofolympus​ @sungieeeeeee​ @notsofruitiesmoothie​ @cassiopeiaathena​ @voguekristens @fandomlover4091​ @criminalminds-and-cookies​
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smutonsmutlnsmut · 3 years
The Newest Avenger
Part 2: First Mission 
Summary: (y/n) has her first mission with the team
A/n: hi!! part 2 is here! Smut is coming in the next part :)
Pairing!Steve x Reader
Warnings: not much, drinking, talk about fighting
Word count: 2000
“She’s hot” Bucky said.
The boys and Nat were sitting in the living room late that night. Nat laughed at Bucky’s comment knowing he had a little crush on the new girl. “She seems very nice, and smart, she seems smart” Steve said quietly. “I mean to go through what she’s gone through and not hate the entire world? That’s hard”
“Okay old man”
You woke up the next morning in such a good mood. You had a new home, as long as you were good of course, but a home. You were up a lot earlier than everyone else and went exploring. You found a large empty room on the second floor. You went in and looked around. You asked F. R. I. D. A. Y. if this was used for anything and she said no. You started working on something you thought would be quite beneficial for the team. A few hours later Bruce came to where you were and had a confused look on his face.
“What are you doing?”
You stood up and showed him to the control pad outside of the door. The room was surrounded with glass and looked like it always has.
“I made a training room” you were so excited to finally show someone what you had been working on all morning. 
“I don’t mean to be rude... but it looks the way it always does” Bruce was confused. He didn’t want to hurt your feelings, especially after hearing what you had gone through as a kid, but it was a normal room.
“Click this”
The room changed. It was like a virtual reality room. You could change the setting from the control pad. Any climate, any place. You could also make fake targets, people, anything. Bruce was shocked. How did you do this? He tried a couple different settings and every time he switched, he was more and more impressed.
“Wow” he finally said, “how did you do this?”
You started explaining how you put it all together, you weren’t as smart as Bruce, but you were pretty close. He was amazed that you could do something like this, especially with your life story you told everyone yesterday. He was confused as to how you were so smart. You had breakfast with everyone and Bruce was bragging about your invention and everyone seemed quite impressed.
It had been a couple days at the compound for you now, you, Wanda and Nat had become quite good friends. Everyone made you feel welcome. Clint, Steve and Sam were away on a mission, so you got to know Bucky, Bruce, Thor, Vision, and Tony quite well. They all seemed to like you, which made you quite happy.
The next morning you got up earlier than everyone like always and went to train. You set it to an open terrain and over 100 enemies. You went into the room and started kicking some ass. Because of the glass, anyone can watch whoever is training in the room. You finished and took a sip from your water bottle. You told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to repeat the session and went back to it. Once you finished your full training session you looked up at the glass and saw Steve watching you. “Hey” you didn’t know why he was watching you.
“Hey, great job in there. You’re pretty powerful” he was avoiding eye contact.
“Thanks, I’m still trying to figure it all out”
“Oh… I don’t just mean your powers, you’re a strong fighter”
You smiled at him as you walked past to head to your room. You had a shower and came back out to the common area. You couldn’t keep Steve off of your mind. You couldn’t blame yourself though, he is beautiful. Wanda didn’t keep her promise to not read your mind.
“You do realize the only thing you think about is Steve...” she whispered to you during breakfast.
“Wow I didn’t think someone else would tell me about my thoughts, but thanks Wanda” you both laughed.
“He also spends a lot of time thinking about you, you know”
Before you could reply Tony walked in saying you all had to meet in the conference room. You grabbed your smoothie and headed there with the rest of the group. You felt this excitement come over you, was this your first mission with the team? You had no idea what to expect.
As you all gathered in the conference room, you kept looking around to see if anyone else was nervous. Of course, they weren’t, they’d done this so many times it was like clockwork. You sat in between Wanda and Nat and directly across from Steve. You tried not to stare but he was irresistible. Like a car accident, you can’t look away even if you should.
Tony explained the mission and what everyone’s role was. You and the team had to go to a very fancy event to try to get information from a mob boss. He was known for attacking innocent people at large gatherings, so you all had to make sure that didn’t happen. You, Wanda, Nat, Steve, Bucky, Tony and Sam were the ones going. Tony dismissed you all and as you started to realize that you had nothing to wear. How were you supposed to go to a fancy event in jeans and a sweater?
“It’s okay love, we’ll go shopping and use Tony’s credit card”
“I’m sorryyyy, you just looked like you were deep in thought and I didn’t want to interrupt”
You two laughed and decided to take Nat with you on your shopping adventure. You all returned to the compound and you all got ready together. Your hair was up in a high slicked back ponytail, full face of natural, gorgeous makeup, and a long silver dress. It hugged your curves perfectly and had a deep V that went down to your bellybutton area. You had never seen yourself like this, you thought you looked beautiful. Which is rare, you normally wore sweats, sweaters or workout clothes. You never thought of yourself as beautiful. Not that you were super insecure, but you’d never even kissed a guy before. You never saw yourself as sexy, but today you felt as though you were the sexiest girl in town. Besides your best friends, of course. Wanda could tell you weren’t sure about this outfit and reassured you that you were stunning.
Tony called out to let you three know that it was time to leave. The three of you were about to leave your room but you stopped in your tracks. Steve. He was going to see you like this. Was this too much for him? Your heart was racing and your thoughts were all over the place.
“Oh my God, (y/n) let’s go” Nat grabbed your hand and pulled you out of your room.
You walked down the hallway towards the elevator. Trying to look confident and definitely not looking at Steve. As you approached the elevator the boys were all staring at you, except for Tony who was getting mad because you were going to be late.
“Damnnnn (y/n), you look fine as hell” Sam said.
You smiled back at him, still avoiding eye contact with Steve. You all got into the elevator, then of course Tony had to open his big mouth.
“So, to not look crazy suspicious we’re going to go in pairs, there is 4 limos waiting outside. Happy is going to be with me, Nat you’ll go with Bucky” Oh for the love of God. “Wanda you’ll go with Sam” Shit. “and (y/n) you’ll go with Steve.” You nodded, still avoiding eye contact you look at Wanda and saw her smiling.
As you got to the limo Steve opened the door for you, you smiled to thank him. Unfortunately, you couldn’t seem to force any words out. He got in on the other side. As you started to drive, there was an awkward silence that felt like you had been sitting there for hours.
“You look beautiful”
“Oh, umm thanks, y-you too. Oh, sorry I meant you look handsome” you would be thinking about that embarrassment tonight before you fell asleep.
“Why thank you”
The ride there was a lot better than you thought it would be. You shared stories, made each other laugh and had a genuinely good time. Once you got to the venue Steve opened your door and helped you out. You got to your standing table and grabbed two glasses of champagne.
“You know we’re not really supposed to drink on a mission” Steve chuckled.
“I know, but if we don’t we’ll look weird Mr. Captain America”
He smiled. Mostly because you just called him MR. Captain America, but also because you were smart.
The mission went well. No one was injured and you and the team caught the mob boss and took him into custody. On your way out the staff thanked you all and you grabbed a bottle of champagne and stole two glasses. When you got back into the limo Steve had a big smile on his face. You popped the champagne and poured it into the glass.
“Can I help you?” you teased.
“Couldn’t wait till we got back?”
Back at the compound Tony decided to have a party to celebrate the mission. He also wanted to celebrate you because you helped a lot this evening. Everyone was having a good time. You, Wanda, Nat and Sam were all sitting at a table chatting and laughing.
Six shots and almost a full bottle of champagne later, you weren’t doing so hot. You saw Steve sitting with Bucky drinking a beer. So you decided to head on over there. Stumbling on your way, the boys noticed and Steve got up to help you sit down in his seat.
“Bucky how have you had like twenty beers and you’re still alive?”
“I don’t really get drunk… serum stuff”
“Same with you Steve?”
He nodded. You felt embarrassed. You were wasted and they were definitely not. You guys talked for a while, but then Wanda and Nat came to get you to go dance for a while. You didn’t give any fucks about who was watching, you were focused on not falling over.
“she is fucked up…” Bucky said
“Yea she is” Steve was concerned. He didn’t want you to hurt yourself.
You noticed that a lot of people had gone home, but to be honest, you didn’t know what time it was or who was still here. You felt a presence behind you and started dancing closer to them. Wanda gave you a look and you turned around and almost fell. Steve caught you in his arms. It took you a second to realize who it was.
“Oh fuck, I’m so sorry Captain” He liked that you called him that. The way you said it made him feel a type of way he couldn’t quite describe. He also knew that you were very, VERY drunk, and that he should take you back to your room. He guided you towards the hallway where all of your rooms were.
“Taking me to bed Captain?” you didn’t even realize what you said. When you were about to pass his room, you stopped and went to the door.
“This is my room” He thought you were just confused.
“I know.”
He opened the door and you fell onto his bed. He was kind of confused. You stood up shakily and turned around.
“Can you undo this please?” motioning to the zipper on the back of your dress. He kind of stood there for a second before he moved. He went into his dresser to get out some sweats and one of his hoodies. You smiled. You also had no fucking clue as to what was going on. He unzipped your dress just seeing the top part of your thong. You grabbed the clothes he gave to you, put them on and jumped into bed.
“Sleep well” he said as he walked towards the door to leave.
“Please stay with me?” you phrased it as a question, but he knew it was more of a command.
He thought about it for a second, then came into bed with you. Too bad you probably wouldn’t remember it in the morning. He fell asleep a lot faster than you did. He snored, which you didn’t mind, you thought it was kind of cute. Right when you were about to fall asleep you felt his arm wrap around you. This was nice.
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all1e23 · 5 years
Lemon Pancakes [One-shot]
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Summary: Mother’s Day in the Barnes house has changed over the years.
Warnings:  N/A Unless you count a disgusting amount of fluff to be a warning.
A/N:  Sooo... this came out of nowhere, but it’s grown-up Leo. He’s twenty-fourish (math is hard) and working as an RN.  None of the kids are living at home in this one-shot.This is just Beck and Leo in this one-shot and no Bucky. Thank you to my beautiful @moonbeambucky​ for looking it over for me. If you have not read the series Astrophile, THERE WLL BE MAJOR SPOILERS.  
Catch up on the series here!
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!*
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Mother’s day 2047
It was the first Mother’s Day in, God, Y/n can’t remember how long it’s been, twenty-five years? Yeah, that sounds about right. The first Mother’s day in twenty-five years that she’s had to spend alone. Of course, the last time she spent this day alone, she didn’t have three beautiful children and a loving husband. It was merely another day amongst the rest that had seemed to blend together. Then she met Orion and Bucky. Suddenly, it was no longer ‘just another day’ and it became one of her most favorite days of the year. Still is, despite waking up to an empty house this morning.
Bucky hadn’t wanted to leave her home alone this morning. He tried everything he could to get out of work, but he couldn’t find anyone to cover his shift. On top of working the entire day leading up, they needed Bucky to fill in for someone else for half the day, and her kids?
Well, they are all grown up and have lives of their own.
Orion is in California, something they all had to get used to long before this morning. It wasn’t so bad. Flights aren’t awful and they are making use of their frequent flyer miles. Leo took it the hardest. They make it work. Whatever it takes for Orion to be happy and she’s the happiest she’s ever been. They have Theo to thank for that. So, California isn’t so bad.  Since she can’t be there in person, there was a sweet text from Orion, when Y/n woke this morning and later that night they have a FaceTime date after Y/n’s Mother’s Day dinner this evening at someplace the kids picked out as a surprise. Cassie’s classes are taking a lot out of her semester, and after listening to her apologize for nearly an hour, Y/n told her daughter to stay home and get some studying in before they meet at six. Despite the agreement, Cassie made sure to shower Y/n’s social media with more posts than necessary to show her affection for her mother.
As for Leo, well, he had been tight-lipped about his plans for this morning. Y/n suspects it’s because of a pretty girl, but she would wait for Leo to come talk to her about whatever has been keeping him so busy, a girl or not. He always does.
Y/n slowly peels herself out of bed to shower and throws on an old pair of jeans and loose-fitting white scoop neck shirt. No need to dress up today. Her only plans consist of those large comfy pillows piled on the couch and one of her books. Maybe Star Lore. It’s one of her daughter’s favorites afterall.  Y/n reaches the bottom of the stairs, and she comes to a halt when she spots the tall, dark-haired man standing at the stove.
This is unexpected.
Leo peeks over his shoulder when he hears the squeaky stair and grins at the sight of his mother’s shock.  “Mornin’, mama. Pancakes should be ready any minute. Got you some tea, or there’s a pot of coffee ready if you want it.“
"I– Morning, baby.”
Y/n’s gaze shifts from her son to the kitchen island where her galaxy mug is resting, along with two place settings and a huge bouquet of pink star lilies. She sits down at the counter and grins at the flowers in front of her. There’s a card that she will read later because Leo can sometimes get a little shy when he’s in the spotlight like that. One thing he does not share with Cassie. Leo flicks the stove off and turns around to stack two fresh lemon pancakes on her plate, Y/n eyes her son carefully as he sits down beside her.
This has Bucky written all over it.
“Did your father put you up to this?”
Leo chuckles but shakes his head.
“No, dad mentioned he had to work till noon because of some extra shift when I talked to him yesterday, and I didn’t want you home alone. I hate when you have to sit here all alone on a normal day, so I wasn’t about to let it happen today.”
He leans over the small between them and presses a kiss to her cheek. Y/n smiles and strokes his scruff covered cheek affectionately.
“My sweet boy. Always looking out for me.“
Leo groans at the soft tone in her voice but keeps his smile. “Don’t tell anyone, okay?” 
“I won’t say a word,“ Y/n chuckles. Leo’s teasing her, and she knows that. Leo’s never minded anyone seeing his affection for her or his sisters. He loves his family and doesn’t care who knows, something he learned from watching Bucky love on his family over the years.
“So.” Y/n tests as she picks up her fork.
“So,” Leo repeats, cautiously.
“How’s work? Oliver mentioned something to Steve about some girl you’ve been gushing about non-stop.”
"Ollie is a dead man,” Leo grumbles under his breath and drops his fork to his plate, “Ma. No. She’s… I don’t– We are just friends. Let’s talk about you today. Meet anyone new? Take anyone out on a date? Do I get two Christmases? Let me be the one to break it to Cassie. She won’t handle it well.“  
Y/n snorts and shakes her head. “You really want to hear about my last date? Well, we were going to go to dinner, but you know your dad. We never made it out the front door–”
With his own joke turned back around on him, Leo shudders and quickly shakes his head, regarding her with pleading eyes. “Please, no. Don’t. It’s bad enough you guys are all over each other all the time. I don’t want to hear about it.”
“That will teach you to tease your mother.”
“Trust me, it won’t happen again.”
Leo jabs his stack of lemon pancakes with his fork and tilts his head to the side, staring at the cup of coffee in front of him with a furrowed brow. Y/n lets him sit like that for a while before she steps in and ensures nothing more serious is going on.
“You okay sweetheart?”
His head jerks up at the sound of her voice, and Leo smiles, “Yeah, mama. Just thinkin’.”
“About the girl, you most certainly don’t have a crush on?”
Leo makes a face, showing a playful defeat and hangs his head.
“Yeah, I might be thinking about her.”
Y/n leans back against her chair and waits, letting him come to it in his own time. He’s a lot like Orion in that way, and they both get it from Bucky. No one can push them to say what’s in their head or on their hearts.
“If, uh, let’s just say there’s this girl. She’s smart. So smart, mama and God, is she pretty. Ballsy and has a quick wit. I’m pretty sure she only sees me as a friend, and I’ve been tryin’ to show her she’s not just some girl. I want her to be the girl. I don’t know. I get around her, and I don’t know what comes over me. Maybe I’m missin’ the mark ‘cause I don’t think she even sees me.”
Leo looks over at his mom, and she grins. His face heats up, and he clears his throat, awkwardly stuttering, “I mean, hypothetical… if that was somethin’ that was happening. To Ollie. Not to me… What, uh, what would you tell him?”
Y/n leans forward and covers Leo’s hand with her own. “Ollie? You mean the same Ollie that has been in love with Ariel Tucker since he was seven years old and proudly announced he would marry her one day? If he was struggling to admit his crush?”  
He grinned sheepishly and nodded. 
“Uh, Yes?”  
Y/n had to hold back her laughter. Okay, if he wasn’t ready to admit she wouldn’t force him.
“I guess I would tell him… I would say don't worry about her noticing you. She sees you, sweetheart. You’ve got my eyes and your daddy’s charm. Not the mention that kind heart you wear on your sleeve and give so freely. Trust me, she sees you. Tell her how you feel. Tell her everything you told me.”
Leo’s brow furrows. “That’s it? Just tell her?”
“Surprisingly simple, isn’t it?”
 Y/n grins.
“Ask her out, baby. Make sure she knows it’s a date and be very honest with her.”
“You mean Ollie ask her out?”
Y/n smiles. 
“Yes, tell Oliver I said, tell her how you feel before she thinks you don’t feel anything at all.”
“That what dad did?”
Y/n snorts and gives his hand one last squeeze before letting go. “Let’s just say if we both had been more direct, you probably would have been born a few months earlier.”
Leo cringes and waves his hands back forth to stop any further talk of… this. “Gross. Please stop.”
She can’t help but laugh at her son’s unenthusiastic response. He drops his hands into his lap and stares up at the ceiling, whispering, “You, uh, you really think it will be that easy?”
“I have a feeling about this one, sweetheart. Trust me.”  
He does trust her. The same way the girls do. The same way they all trust Bucky. Leo drops his gaze and meets her eyes, cracking that charming Barnes grin and asks, “I know everyone isn’t here, and Ollie’s girl trouble took up most of breakfast but is it a good Mother’s Day mornin’, mama?”
“Yeah, sweetheart. It was a perfect morning.”
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Token: A Guns N’ Roses FANFICTION
Chapter 8: The Wrath of Betsie Tate
Story Summary: Story inspired by the movie She’s the Man. A female Duff is tired of dealing with the bullshit of trying to make it on the strip as a female bassist. In a desperate attempt to make it big doing what she does, she cuts her hair and mascardes as Duff. What’s the wors that could happen?
Chapter Summary: Betsie pays Michelle a vist at work.
Taglist @viralwolf02 @littlemisscare-all @smokeandmirrorz @aratbaby @slashscowboyboots @achiweyow
My mind had created two lists of almost equal importance.
The first list contained the following names:
Six people, only six people knew that Duff was actually Michelle the former bassist of Pixie. It could be worse since I had been doing this for a little over a month now, but it could also be a hell of a lot better. I was careful to never get too tipsy. I made sure to watch what I said and even how I sat, but there is still a sinking feeling that resides in the bottom of my stomach. The feeling that one day everyone would find out, and everything I’ve worked for would be gone.
No more Duff.
No more Guns N’ Roses.
No more music.
Maybe if this didn’t work out I could move to New York and become a secretary or some boring shit ass job like that. I wasn’t sure what I was more afraid of, losing Guns N’ Roses or giving up on my dream. Bottom line, both of them terrified me.
The second list was much shorter. It only had two names on it, Macy and Izzy. This list, which barely even qualified as a list by the fact that there were only two names on it, was the list of people I trusted with my secret.
Walter had been rather blunt with his disliking of me performing as Duff. I quickly learned that the entire intervention was all Walter’s idea from Macy this morning when she profusely apologized. She swore up and down that he forced her to help him. I wasn’t sure what to believe, but I trusted her none the less. I really didn’t have any other options. A list of one name was defiantly not a list.
Ever since Betsie stood by as Pixie kicked me out and dragged my name through the dirt, I don’t trust her. I used to though. I used to trust her with my life, but now I couldn’t trust her to poor me a glass of vodka. Her comments on how I’m betraying females everywhere also don’t help the unpleasant taste in my mouth.
Derek is and forever will be a wildcard, and he is probably mad that I didn’t tell him.
Kendal. Kendal. Kendal. Kendal was the reason I showed up to work this morning two hours early. I was hoping, no praying, that I could talk to her and try to explain myself. It was the least she deserved after yesterday.
I felt the nerves multiply in my stomach the second I opened the shop early. I tried to distract myself by singing along with the songs that came over the radio that echoed through the coffee shop, but as I prepped the shop my mind still focused on one thing...Kendal.
Last night, I chased after her the moment the gig had ended. I knew where to find her, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind to where she was. The coffee shop on Minlter Street, the shop I worked at, the shop where she spent her child hood, the shop she would one day inherit. I shoved my keys into the door and unlocked it full force. Instead of a Kendal sitting at her favorite table sipping on her cup of favorite coffee, I was met with nothing. I fought back tears as I stood in the middle of the hauntingly quiet coffee shop. Fuck.
I could already feel it unraveling.
I watched as the clock struck 6 AM and I flipped the small sign to open. I eyed the door all morning waiting for her to walk in as I worked. Bottom line, we needed to talk. 10 minutes turned into 5 hours later as I watched the clock strike 11 AM. Where the hell was Kendal? Usually she would get to the coffee shop by 9 AM at the latest when she was in town, but today was obviously not one of those days. I peeled up as I heard the bells that hung on the door chime. A customer, or hopefully Kendal had just walked in.
To my surprise Izzy walked in holding a small stack of papers in his hands. It was clear that he had just woken up from his hair that stuck out almost every which way from under his hat. The hat he must have tied to use to control that chaos that was growing on his head.
“For someone who lives on the other side of town, you seem to frequent this coffee shop a lot. Must be it’s great customer service,” I said as he walked up to my counter. I could feel the stares that were directed towards us from some of the customers. I tried to ignore them, but I could feel them judging.
“Nah, I come here because I look forward to getting glared at by it’s older clientele,” he teased back. I couldn’t help but giggle.
“How are you doing?” His question caught me off guard. It sounded genuine. He sounded like he actually cared.
“I’m still employed, so I got that going for me,” I let a sigh escape me as I hunched over, defeated.
“Bye Michelle, thank you for the stories!” I turned and sent a smile towards Suzy who was a mother of the cutest twins I have ever met. She would come every Wednesday morning during the summer for peace and quiet, and if it was slow like this morning, I would read her kids a story.
“Oh Michelle, he’s hot! Is he your boyfriend?” I turned red at the Suzy’s daughter’s question. I didn’t dare look over towards Izzy who was most likely enjoying the situation as he did in most situations where I squirmed.
I felt my cheeks get hot as I tried to find words, “No...he is just a friend...who is a boy.”
Suzy took my nerves as a cue to quickly escort her daughters out of the coffee shop.
“Friend who is boy?” I let a groan escape me as Izzy smirked leaning over the counter.
“I thought we were AT LEAST band mates,” he added.
The bell rang again as another customer walked in. My heart sunk when I noticed once again that it wasn’t Kendal.
“Shut it Stradlin, I gotta go help a customer,” I then went back to the front counter to take the woman’s order.
Luckily the customer only wanted a black coffee, so I was able to quickly make it for him. Not that I wanted to go and talk to Izzy or anything, but because I wanted to see what papers he was holding.
“So, what brings you to my coffee shop?”
“Your coffee shop? Didn’t know you owned the place...” Izzy replied as he began to fake ponder and look around the shop.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, and snatch one of the papers he was holding.
“Guns N’ Roses Live at the Troubadour. Get yourself together, drink till you drop, forget about tomorrow, and have another shot,” I froze for a second when I noticed the date and time.
“Izzy this is an add for Saturday night.”
“Yeah, and we need fliers out now,” he added as he dramatically held the small stack he had in his hand. I would have giggled at him being unintentionally cute, but I was more focused on the fact that we were stealing Pixie’s weekly gig.
“Pixie plays Saturday nights at 8 at the Troubadour. They have been for the past six months,” I simply received a shrug from Izzy.
“Did they get a better gig, or are we taking their spot,” I groaned as I received another shrug.
“All I know is that Axl has been wanting to play at the Troubadour, and stopped by there this morning to have a talk with someone. The next thing I know he came bursting in and asking me to make fliers,” I nodded as he spoke.
“Hope you don’t mind the photos I chose for you. We need someone to take a group shot of us, so we at-least look a little more professional,” I immediate shook my head when Izzy finished talking. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of Guns N’ Roses being professional.
“No, I look pretty bad ass, good choice,” I sent him a warm smile as I looked over the flier.
“Can I hang one up on your billboard over there?” I nodded a motioning for him to go right ahead. He handed me some extras, I’m assuming in hope that people would take the flier for the $3 admission discount.
I watched as Izzy went to go hang up a flier, and tried to ignore the girls who were curiously eyeing him.
“Good show last night,” I turned to see Derek who was currently restocking the remaining pastries. I tried to read him, but his face remained stoic with each cherry pastry he stacked.
“Thanks, I really appreciate your help. Even though it didn’t go as planned,” I replied. My heart slowly sunk as Derek didn’t look over towards me.
“Hey, Derek....” he turned around as I spoke finally giving me his full attention. Thank god he actually looked at me.
“I mean it. Thank you so much, here,” I handed him a flier, but before he could read it I began to talk again.
“We’re playing again Saturday night. It’s a prime time show and it’s going to be insane. You and a plus one will get in for free,” I sent him a warm smile as he began to read the flier.
“Okay, cool. Thanks! I’ll ask Mica tonight,” he sent a warm smile my way causing me to relax.
“The Troubadour is a cool place and I can’t wait to see y’all there,” I smiled back.
Before I walked away I felt him pull my arm back, “I meant it. You guys are really good. Plus...I will admit I was pissed you didn’t tell me at first, but I don’t know that last time I saw you actually enjoying yourself onstage. You seemed free, and you were right. If I was you I would do whatever takes to make my dream come true. Let me know when you release your first album! I’ll be first in line.”
I sent him a nod before I went back to work cleaning down dirty tables. I quickly shooed Izzy out of the coffee shop, much to the displease of the girls he was talking to, in hopes that Kendal would be more forgiving if Izzy wasn’t here.
Two more hours had passed, and I eventually gave up on Kendal showing up. The place was rather busy for a Thursday morning, and I already had to replace the flier twice.
I was pulled from my thoughts as I saw a familiar blonde throw on her apron and hat before joining us behind the counter.
“Hey Patty, what are you doing in early?”
“I honestly don’t know, I got a call from Kendal to come in a couple hours early,” she then shrugged before she went to inspect our coffee machines. Panic filled me as I remained frozen. Patty either worked the shift opposite of me or late nights, not while I was working during lunch.
I turned towards Derek who shared the same expression as me.
“Hey Michelle can you come into the office real fast,” I tried to keep my breath easy as I followed my uncle to his office. When the hell did he get here, I was watching the door all day? Unless he came in when I was talking with Izzy.
His office was small, but it didn’t need to be large. That’s not who my uncle was. My uncle never needed to have some sort of reminder to everyone he was in charge like a large desk or office. We always joked that the only reason he had the office was to keep him from eating all of the pastries. All he had to do was walk onto the shop floor and customers and workers alike would smile at him. He was never a dictator and it wasn’t uncommon to see him helping with the dishes when a large rush came in. Calling in an employee to come in early was rather unusual.
The moment I walked into his office I felt the uneasiness that resided in my stomach grow larger than the Grinch’s heart.
“Michelle, please sit,” I offered my uncle a kind smile before I sat down.
I turned to give one to Kendal as well who was lurking in the corner, but she refused to make eye contact with me. I didn’t need to be psychic or a mind reader to know what this meeting was about. The scowl that was planted on my cousin’s face was enough to know.
“So this meeting is nothing to serious, I just want to ask you a couple questions,” my uncle calmly stated. I sent him a soft smile before nodding.
Nothing serious? SERIOUSLY? With Kendal glaring me in the corner I felt like I was on trial.
“Well, how are you today Michelle?”
“I’m good, never better,” I cautiously replied. Every word I spoke felt like taking a footstep through a minefield.
“Recently we have received some customer complaints about you,” I nodded my head trying to figure out which customer her was talking about. Over the past two weeks I haven’t really had any ‘incidents’. Six months ago I had a poor encounter with a customer, but that was SIX MONTHS AGO.
“What were they about?”
“The clientele that you let into this coffee shop,” I froze and stared right at Kendal when the words left my Uncle’s mouth. That fucking bitch tattled on me. I thought we were practically sisters. I thought she would confront me about it in private. I thought wrong.
“Uncle, we let everyone in,” he cut me off before I could continue.
“We let everyone who pays in,” his sharp words cut right through me.
“Izzy’s and Axl’s coffees are ALWAYS paid for,” I quickly shot back. One quick look at my Uncle’s face told me that I said the wrong thing. I shouldn’t have let those words out of my mouth.
“By who?” And so the demon speaks. I shot Kendal a glare at her stupid question. I was relieved to see that she wasn’t receiving a glare from just me. My uncle, her father, was also sending one towards her.
“Me or them depends on the day. I made them coffee for a long practice, and the other day Izzy bought some,” I tried to keep my voice calm as I spoke. It was clear that my Uncle wasn’t entirely pleased with Kendal at the moment.
“So you bought your boyfriends coffee,” before my uncle could continue talking I immediately interrupted him, “band mates. Not boyfriends.”
I watched as a flash of realization crossed his face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a smirk flash across Kendal’s features. FUCK. I slipped up.
“You’re still trying to be in a band? I thought you quit that dream last year,” I shook my head no at his question.
“No, I just stopped telling you about my bands, and you assumed that I stopped playing I never lied to you,” my uncle sighed at my response before pinching the bridge of his nose with his two fingers. Saying that I never lied to him probably wasn’t the best defense.
“Does this band affect your ability to perform your job,” my uncle eventually broke the uncomfortable silence that had grown in the room. Kendal and I immediately answered the question with two drastically different answers, yes and no.
Our lovely meeting was quickly interrupted by shouting before we could continue. I followed my Uncle and cousin, and immediately regretted it.
“What the fuck Michelle,” I didn’t need to see her to know who was screaming. I remained frozen, I didn’t even need to guess what she was screaming about. It was clear that Betsie was pissed that Guns N’ Roses stole Pixie’s time slot.
“WHOAH Whoah woah, calm down,” Derek immediately hopped over the counter in attempt to block Betsie from coming after me.
“Calm down? CALM DOWN? That two timing traitor bitch stole my band’s gig,” she shouted back.
“You don’t own a gig!” I casually replied, not really thinking my actions through. My uncle placed his arm in front of me gently guiding me behind him.
It was clear that today was only going to get worse.
She only got angrier from there, “you listen here you two timing whore of a bitch, and don’t you dare try to hide behind your uncle. You think that just because Axl promised strippers on stage that you can take MY GIG. Is that all you think I am? Nothing more than a fucking stripper?”
By now the entire coffee shop was watching us.
“What is going on?” My uncle bellowed through the shop.
“Your barista or whatever the fucking hell you call her is a damn traitor who dresses up as a guy and plays in a rock n’ roll band on the strip” she shouted at my uncle.
He then quickly turned towards me, as if I had a logical straight forward answer. Getting fired was now the least of my worries.
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letspurpletogether · 5 years
Out of the Void || BTS
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↳ Summary: The one where the boys stumble upon that one fic and they all end up reading. (This is a crack fic inspired by @btssavedmylifeblr’s Void, because my own words are not enough to describe how an amazing story Void it is, and what a outstanding writer Bee is).
⇢ Warnings: BEWARE OF SPOILERS!! This things should be full of them so I suggest you to read all of Void before reading this just in case. Also, for those entitled rude anons: stop demanding updates from the fan fiction writers like they owe you shit, cause they don’t! And stop coming at them to complain about their publishing schedule. This is done for fun and for free, if you can’t be patient and respect their creative process then fuck off!
A/N: Also, I had so much fun writing this. I wanted to keep adding and adding stuff. However, since english is not my mother language i had some trouble describing the scenes the way I pictured them in my head. Therefore, I decided to leave it like this for now. 
(TT-TT) Im sorry, Bee! I did try my best, I know it doesn’t do Void justice. But I still wanted to write it for you because Void is such an amazing story! 
That’s it! Please,enjoy!
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→ 01
He shouldn’t be doing this.
Hoseok checked over his shoulder again before turning back to the phone in his hands. It wasn’t like if someone were to come into his studio right now and catch him watching porn.
Hell, this was so much worse.
Especially considering how he was supposed to be working on the rap arrangement for the new song, and not checking out a piece of fan-fiction... If Namjoon were to catch him he was going to give him hell for days.
He had strictly advised the six of them against it several times, but to be honest Hoseok was to eager to find out what happened next to actually acknowledge the suggestion. Besides, he was he eldest of the two and it wasn’t like he had to listen to his band member. Joon was only the leader when the cameras were out. Inside their dorms he couldn’t even remember to wash the dishes when he was supposed to or take the clothes out of the dryer so they wouldn’t end up a crumble mess the next morning.
Also, it was all Jimin’s fault.
His dongsaeng had sent him the link without any explanation last week. It was a silly thing they did to each other trying to make the other cringe with whatever weird-ass story they could find, mostly on Twitter. It was all for the laughs but they had stopped doing it when Hoseok had accidentally send Seokjin a rather explicit piece that involved Jimin and Yoongi in a threesome with some kind of catgirl trying to get her pregnant. It was meant for the young boy, of course and that slip of hand had resulted in a hysteric Seokjin exposing them right in front of the others.
Hoseok has been so embarrassed after that he couldn’t even look at Yoongi in the face for a whole ass week. Even though his hyung had said it was fine. It didn’t help that Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn’t let the topic die either. Those rascals, he made sure to make them wore their asses off in the following dance practices.
But anyways, he and Jimin had agreed to stop.
So it was a surprise to receive a new link from him after a couple months. He’d ignored it at first, being too busy with practice and rehearsals to bother with checking it up. But yesterday while waiting for his appointment with the cupping therapist, he’d absentmindedly opened it and was actually surprised with what he’d found. Written in English, it was a space story... and they were astronauts!
At that moment he been too oblivious to care and read the warnings or summary on top of the post. For a moment of innocent wonder he actually got caught up in the first scene. He was a scientist in space, it couldn’t get any cooler than that! But of course, he had soon realized what type of story it was.
The problem was that it didn’t start right off with the porn part like most stories he’s found while browsing the darkest depths of the ARMY’s fandom. He’d read some weird shit himself, demons, half-animal people, male pregnancyㅡHell! even tentacles once. The kind of things his fans could come up with was exhilarating, and it blew his mind that the weirdest and kinkiest were for some reason the best well-written of allㅡ.
But this story was different.
It had a storyline, an actual estructure, inciting incident, clear stakes, the whole pack. Years listening to his father reviewing novels and short-stories had resulted in him developing an appetite for well-written stories. And even though the main character was that Y/N type their fans where so keen about, she wasn’t plain at all. She struggled, and that was nice to read. Besides, all that astronaut stuff sounded so legit that he almost consider the possibility of the author being an astronaut herself. He’d always been a fan of fantasy and sci-fi since he was child and his father brought him the entire collection of Jules Verne’s novels for his eleventh birthday. Stories about voyages to far and unknown places were his guilty pleasure, so of course he got hooked up with this piece faster than he’d ever with any other he’d read so far.
But he couldn’t finished the chapter that time because the masseur was already calling his name. The scrolling bar told him he wasn’t even half way through it, so he’d copied the link for later and went to the therapist office. So now there he was resuming his reading with renewed eagerness.
The main character had just arrived at a green house inside the ship. And there was Yoongi.
Hoseok huffed and raised an eyebrow when he realized this scene focused all on his elder. Wasn’t he supposed to be the main character here? Not that he complained, though. Yoongi’s fingers where indeed nice after all and wouldn’t blame the girl for obsess over them. But in most stories he’d read there was always a lead, and he assumed by the first scene it was going to be himself. Maybe this was a threesome?
He quickly scrolled back up to the story information, searching for the pairing section where he knew his questions would be answered. /OT7 x reader/
He flinched.
“All of us? What...?”. Did that mean everyone was a love interest? Or that the main character was supposed to screw all of them at once? How was that supposed to work if there was just one woman in the whole crew?
Oh wait...
The realization hit him. Of course, that was the whole plot. Seven guys and one girl, and they had to fight for her love? It was something like that for sure, wasn’t it? She would pick one of them and then they’d have sex. He kept reading—
«Your deepest darkest fantasies- the ones you always turned to on your most stressed and anxious nights - were the ones involving the entire crew. The idea of them finding out what a slut you were for them and passing you between them filled you with an embarrassing level of arousal. You would imagine them taking turns filling you until all your thoughts of loneliness and emptiness had been fucked out of you. And you would sleep like a baby.»
—or not...
He scratched his chin, a little confused now. Was this actually going to be gangbang? Or more importantly, was he actually going to read this till the end? He did like threesomes, not that he’d been in one... Yet. Their schedules hardly ever allowed them to properly date someone, and hooking up with a random stranger was way too risky with the level of fame they’d reached at this point. But the idea of threesomes was very appealing, although he’d never actually consider having a gangbang with all his members. However... he wasn’t going to cross off reading about one just yet.
Just as he was about to resume his reading, the door flew open and Jimin‘s face appeared. “Hyung!”
Hoseok jumped in his seat, his phone fell on his lap.
“Shit...!”, he took a deep breath and glared at his band member. “You almost gave me a heart attack, Jimin!”
A sly grin appeared on the youngest face.
“Why? What were you doing?”
Hoseok cleared his throat. Had he been discovered?
“Nothing”, he lied so poorly he wanted to smack himself on the face.
“You were totally reading it, weren’t you?”, Jimin chuckled. “Did you get to the video part already?”
“No, what video part?”
Jimin raised both palms.
“Sorry, not going to give you any spoilers”
Hoseok rolled his eyes. “Anyway... Why did you send it?” He asked, retrieving his phone and unlocking the screen again. “I thought we agreed on not doing that anymore”
“Yeah, but Taehyung send it to me”
“What?” Hoseok frowned, and turned around in his chair to face the boy. That was a surprise. “Why would he...?” He shook his head, sometimes Taehyung needn’t a reason to do the most random things.
Jimin simply shrugged.
“He also sent it to Jungkook and Namjoon-hyung”, Jimin ran his hand through his hair and giggled. “I think everyone is reading it now”
“Wait- What?!” Hoseok chuckled and raised an eyebrow. “Are you for real?”
“Haven’t you checked the group chat?”
“No, I was...” Hoseok pressed his tongue against his cheek. “-reading”.
“Huh”Jimin wiggled his eyebrows. “Is cool isn’t it?”
“Well, it’s ... interesting”, he conceded. Jimin let himself in and plopped down on the spare chair he kept in his studio in case he needed to work with the senior producers.
“Who do you think she’ll choose?”
“For what?”
“Come on, hyung.” Jimin snickered, “You know what I mean”
“Are you sure she is supposed to choose one of us?”
“What-? Obviously...”, Jimin shifted on the sofa, his face stared confused at Hoseok for a moment. But then he gasped, suddenly realizing what he mean. “Do you mean-? All of us?!”
“Why not?” Hoseok shrugged. “It’s just a story, anyways. You know some of our fans like kinky stuff and there’s nothing wrong with that”
“I mean! I know that! Its not-”. Jimin’s face turned a bright shade of red. “W-we shouldn’t be reading about that. What if they get... ideas!” He brought a hand to his forehead and looked back at him with a worried expression. Hoseok spluttered in a laugh, but it soon dwindled when he realized Jimin was actually serious about his concern.
“Goddamnit...!” Hoseok observed as his younger member stood up and facepalmed himself “I’m an idiot! I bet that was Taehyung’s plan all along”
“Taehyung’s plan was to have us... read fan-fiction?”
“About a gangbang!”
Hoseok rolled his eyes.
“It’s just fan fiction, Jimin. Not a proposition”, he said, but Jimin wasn’t paying attention to him anymore.
“The others can’t read that. I have to stop them”, and he was about to storm out the door, but Hoseok had to stop him.
“Hey, hey!”, he grabbed him by the elbow. “Now you’re just exaggerating”
“No, I’m not”, Hoseok couldn’t comprehend why Jimin was so scandalized. “We can’t have a gangbang, hyung!”
“No, no, no!”, he “First of all, no one is having a gangbang. Second of all, why does it bother you so much?”
“It doesn’t!”
“I just don’t want to be... I don’t want to share a partner with the six of you”
“Why, you’re worried she might like it too much and dump you?” Hoseok teased. However, upon seeing Jimin getting all self-conscious, the smile was erased from his face.
“Jimin, come on. You don’t really think that would happen”
“I don’t know, you are all good looking and mature, and more talented that-“
“Stop it. You are not less than us, stop beating yourself so much specially over a fictional situation. Do you forget who has the third largest fan base among us?”
“It because ARMY likes when I act all cute and pretty, and want to baby me like a child. I’m the cutie, the tiny one...”, his voiced turned into an almost whisper at the end. “I’m never the big... manly man...”
“This isn’t about the story, is it?”
“No... yes- well, not this one...”, he paused, looking at his feet, bashfully. “It’s just the other stories...”
“What other stories?”, Hoseok asked, but Jimin just shrugged. “I don’t get it...”
“Ugh- hyung it’s nothing really”, he was quick to reply, standing up again. “You are right, I’m so over-reacting... it’s just a story”
“Okay...”, Hoseok leaned back in his chair and looked again at Jimin who was standing next to the door. Hands behind his back, like a child waiting to be scolded. “You sure that’s all?”
“Yep”, that extra ‘p’ sound at the end was enough evidence that he was lying. But he was also aware of Jimin’s uneasiness so it was probably better to let him off the hook for now.
“Well, then...”, Hoseok rubbed his neck. “I really should get back to work then”
Jimin gave him a short smile and left without saying another word. Hoseok turned around in his chair to face his computer and actually get some work before the day was over.
But maybe...ㅡHe glanced at his phone next to the mouseㅡ, just maybe... one more chapter wouldn’t hurt either.
It was past three am when he arrived back at the dorm. He usually wasn’t the one to stay overnight at the studio like Joonie and Yoongi-hyung. But time flew from his grasp like an oiled rope after he finished the first chapter and he had to stay late to finish his assignments. He didn’t want Pdogg-hyung to yell at him in their next briefing. However, the pull of the story was too strong for him to resist.
He had gone to sleep right away, and with the first light the next day he was already reaching for his cellphone and logging into the Tumblr account he had created just for this. He needed to know what happened next, story-Jimin had to be out of his mind to give the main character a video of him masturbating. It was a risky move, he wouldn’t think Jimin was capable of it in real life... Maybe Seokjin-hyung was shameless enough to pull that one out, and Taehyung...
“Yeah, probably Taehyung...”, he mused to himself as he propped himself down on his elbows.
“Probably Taehyung what?”, Jimin’s sleepy voice asked from his side of the room.
“Oh! Jiminie, did I wake you?”, Jimin shook his head and asked again what he meant by ‘probably Taehyung’. Hoseok sat on his bed and stretched his arms. “Nothing, it’s just this story...”
“Why do you keep reading it, hyung?”, Jimin groaned and covered his face with both palms in exhaustion. Hoseok simply chuckled, Jimin’s concerns where silly. Plus, he wasn’t going to deny himself the pleasure of a good story just because his roommate thought his best friend was trying to get them to have an orgy.
“We are not having a gangbang, just relax”
Jimin huffed but didn’t argue further.
A sudden nasal shriek shattered the morning’s quietness and reached their ears through the door. Hoseok almost jumped off his bed to Jimin’s, what on earth was that? It sounded like some kind of hysteric bird .
“First you send me that porn thing and then you wanna talk about gangbangs?! Gangbangs!!”
Okay, that hysteric bird sounded like Seokjin now. And by the volume of it, it was coming from the kitchen.
“It’s not like that, hyung! You don’t even listen!” And that was definitely Joon’s.
Hoseok exchanged confused glances with Jimin that soon turned into curious ones. As if on cue, both of them got up their beds and ran into the kitchen to check on their band members.
Namjoon was leaning on the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee in one hand, the other scratching his forehead. Meanwhile Seokjin was beating some eggs in a plastic bowl, ranting about how much porn was acceptable in a household.
“It’s not porn! It’s basically literature!” Namjoon sounded as much fed up as he looked embarrassed. Seokjin let out a sarcastic chuckle.
“It’s porn! And you are a pervert!”
Namjoon rolled his eyes.
“If you could just read it-!”
“I have enough with the viruses that keep popping on the computer because of you shady search historial!” It was hilarious just listening to them arguing back and forth like and old married couple. But Hoseok was more curious about whether they were talking about what he though they were.
“Is this about the space story?”, he chimed in, resting his elbows on the marble island across Seokjin’s cooking station. Jimin climbed on a stool next to him.
“You too, now?”, Seokjin huffed, giving him and Jimin disgusted look. “Not that I’m surprised, considering your fascination with breeding cats”
“It was a cat-girl! And that was a mistake!” Hoseok’s ears suddenly burned. “But whatever...”
“Wait- So did you read it, or not?”, this time Namjoon was the one to speak.
“I am reading it, I’m on chapter two”, he replied and Jimin nodded along.
“Did you get to the video part right?”, Joon asked and before Hoseok had a chance to speak, Seokjin’s loud huff cut him off.
“Can I cook in peace without having to hear about how much you want a gangbang, pleaaaaase?”
“Com’on, hyung! I never said I wanted a gangbang!” Namjoon shot him a glare before turning back to Hoseok. His hands came to fondle with the fruit bowl in front of him.  “What I was trying to explain to this hyung is that I do think it’s an interesting guessing exercise for figuring out the extends of human behaviour in such adverse conditions”
“But you said you wanted to do it!”
“No! I said to explore it as in talk about it! WITH WORDS!”, Namjoon glared at their hyung, as a faint blush covered his cheeks. It was clear that “If you could’ve just listened for a moment instead of acting like a scandalized prude!”
“Yeah, hyung. It’s just a story, you are over reacting”, said Jimin, taking Hoseok by surprise considering all he had to say about it last night.
“Well, forgive me for not wanting a gangbang!”
“No one’s having a gangbang, for God’s sake!”
“I wouldn’t mind”, a fifth voice joined the conversation out of the blue and all the heads turned in the direction of the hallway.
Yoongi-hyung was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and messy bed hair. A slight frown hardening his features. He’d most likely woken up because all of the noise.
Seokjin let out a sarcastic chuckle.
“You too, Yoongi?”
“How long have you been standing there?”, Jimin asked. Yoongi shrugged off a yawn and walked over to grab an apple from the bowl Namjoon was holding. 
“It’s hard to keep sleeping with this hyung nagging so loud this early in the morning”, he pointed to his eldest and bit on the fruit.
“You know what?!”, Seokjin scoffed, and put aside all his cooking implements. “Y’all can make your own breakfast! Seriously...”
And walked away.
“So noisy...”, Yoongi mumbled as he munched on his apple.
“You read it too, hyung?”, Namjoon asked. Yoongi turned to him, leaning on his elbows. Hoseok’s eyes betrayed him as they followed Yoongi’s movements and the way he arched his back, lifting his ass in the air so subtly.
“Since Tae shared it in the group chat I figured I should give it a try”, he shrugged seemingly desinterestedm, but Hoseok knew him better than that. Yoongi liked to pretende he didn’t care about stuff other that making music, but it was clear to him by the way he was behaving, that the older rapper had enjoyed the story a little bit too much. “It was good”.
“You’re only saying that because you are not the main character”, said Jimin.
“At least I’m not the character that gave the girl a video of me jerking off”
“First of all, she asked! and second, you messed up big time keeping that memory card, hyung!”
Yoongi sneered at the younger boy. 
“I got her off, you didn’t”
“Wait, what are you-?”
Jimin’s face turned a bright red, his nosetrils flared. Namjoon just chocked a laugh, almost knocking off the fruit bowl. For a moment, Hoseok only stared in confussion at them. He couldn’t recall something like that happening in the story yet and he realized they were probably far ahead of him. 
“Hey! Don’t give me any spoilers! I haven’t reached that part yet”.
But Yoongi and Jimin just ignored him, continuing their teasing banter.
“I don’t think she’ll forgive you. EVER!”
“She was thinking of me while fucking you”
“At least I got to- to... be with her!”
“You can’t even say fuck without blushing. Space-Jimin is lightyears ahead of you”, a smug grin appeared in Yoongi’s face, clearly pleased with his joke and Jimin’s fuming face.
“That’s a bit rich coming from you, hyung”, Namjoon said with a smirk. “I mean, last time I checked you couldn’t even look at Halsey in her training clothes without turning red as a beetroot”
“That’s-!”, Yoongi coughed, a bite of the apple going the wrong way. Suddenly matching Jimin with his red cheeks. “That’s different!”
“Neither one of you would ever dare to act like the way the author portraits you. Just admit it”, Namjoon snickered. “You don’t have what it takes”.
“Oh, and you do?”
“I’m just saying if the seven of us where trapped in a spaceship and there’s just one woman for miles and miles...”, He crossed his arms, chin raised proudly. “I’m guessing you’d be too shy to get her attention”.
“It’s not a competition, anyway. It’s a story and it has already been written”, argued Yoongi. “And I was her first choice”.
“Technically it was Hobi”, Jimin pointed out. “She was so ready to throw herself over him in that lab scene”.
“Well Hobi doesn’t count here because he did nothing”
“Excuse me?”, Hoseok scoffed. “Clearly I’m the best character, unlike others I’m actually being professional”.
“Yeah, right. Professional until Yoongi-hyung tells you he screwed the main character”, Taehyung popped up from behind him making Hoseok shriek in surprise, followed closely by a sleepy-faced Jungkook.
“You little-! You almost killed me!”, Taehyung only laughed, joining the his chuckling hyungs.
“And he didn’t screw anything- anyone!”, said Jimin.
“Well, his fingers did”.
“Stop talking!”, Hoseok shoved Taehyung aside and shook his head. “You’ve already spoiled the story for me enough as it is! At least let me finish the chapters before we talk about this”.
“Yeah, maybe we shouldn’t talk about it before breakfast”, Namjoon scratched his chin. “Gguk, go tell Jin-hyung he can come back now”.
“Why, was he here?” asked Jungkook. 
“He left because he didn’t what to have a gangbang”, Yoongi answered, almost offended, like he was telling Jungkook his hyung had turned down some fishing trip.
Jungkook’s eyes where suddendly wide open.
“It’s the story, nevermind!”, Jimin waved a hand in the air in dismissal.
“Wait, so we can’t have a gangbang?”
“Are you serious right now, hyung?”, Jimin gave Yoongi the side eye. His hyung response was simply shrugging.
“I like to keep my options open”.
“Yeah, maybe one thing you shouldn’t keep open is your mouth”. 
The group erupted in laughter at Jimin’s witty comeback. Yoongi raised the hand that held half an apple and pretended to throw it at Jimin’s head, only to join the laughter when the dancer fell from his chair by his motion.
Hoseok chuckled and shook his head. 
What a way to start the day.
. . . .
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savysavannah · 4 years
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Practice Challenge one: Part One
“Fuck!” I yelled and slammed my hands against the steering wheel. This wasn’t the first time I’d had a total mental breakdown in the dim lighting of the courthouse parking lot, and it sure wasn’t gonna be the last. This case was rigged from the get-go, Mr. Dean esquire was always there against me, swaying the jury with his charismatic personality and his masculine gender. Not to mention it was a jury which he decided to leave fully as white men, his fellow groupies against my defendant, a woman of color who defended herself against her abuser who came at her with a gun. 
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Opening them I saw Dean sashaying to his car. I considered putting my own in reverse and waiting until he just walked by, then bye bye Dean. Deciding that it wouldn’t be worth the cost of defending myself I waited until after he’d passed to pull out and start to drive to Illean Private University. I was an attorney coach for a Mock Trial team and of course, had to encourage these kiddos that law was the best career and it would really be fulfilling to help people. Driving past the Greek life houses I couldn’t help but smile thinking of happier times. Chugging shitty beer, dressed like a total slut and not giving one single fuck. 
After an hour or two of bullshitting some kids and reminding them to object when someone playing a witness says “well I heard the defendant say he was mad at the victim so he must have killed her.” I drove on my way home. 
“Incoming call from Uncle Dipshit'' said my car, continuing the never ending day that is my life. 
“Hey little Savy-Hannah, I’m in a bit of a bind and need some help.” 
“What was it? Cocaine? Meth? Or did you finally snap and get caught with heroin.” 
“Come on, Savannah, why would you just assume that, can’t I call my one and only niece because I wanna talk to her?” 
“At 11pm? Friday night? Bullshit.” 
“.......fine Sav-” 
“Fuck you, I’m not doing probono work for you anymore. Get your shit together or get the fuck out of our lives.” 
Taking a turn away from my apartment I started to head for Lux, my old usual club. I hadn’t gone in awhile but right now I needed to get absolutely shitfaced. 8 shots and 2 waters later I was grinding up against some strangers to Kesha’s “Die Young”, a classic. Suddenly I heard an all too familiar voice, “Savannah!” 
My brother. Specifically, my oldest brother, Dan. He danced his way over to me of course being in this scene and grabbed my wrist. “Wha-u wan dan?” I slurred and kept jumping to the song. 
“I was worried about you, Ricky called and said you were acting weird.”
“Weird!" I laughed throwing my head back "Because I wouldn’t clean up his shit for once!” I screamed over the music before he pulled me out of the club by the wrist. As soon as the cool air hit my cheeks I leaned my head back and looked up at the sky. 
“I wish I was a star." I mumbled seeing the shimmering lights above us before suddenly leaning forward and hurling all over the cement. Probably a usual occurrence for Lux but I still felt bad. Dan rolled down the windows of my car as he drove me home, I stuck my head out of it for the breeze to feel the air in my lungs. 
“How’d you find me?” I mumbled, still not fully back to myself. 
“We all have eachothers phone locations, remember? You insisted on it like a year ago after you interned on that kidnapping case.” He sighed as we drove up the familiar road home. 
“You’re really a mess you know that?” He asked. It's not like he was much better….well, he was but it's not like I'm our brother Danny. At least I made something of myself. Didn't get handed my career and a wife on a silver platter. Or like Daniel who was still so far back into the closet that we really aren't sure if he'll ever come out, even though our family would be more than accepting of him. 
I was tempted to defend myself but stopped, “I know, I just need a win."
The next morning Dan was sleeping on my couch and I was on the living room floor. “You couldn’t have carried me to bed?” I mumbled through a yawn. 
“You’re the dumbass who got white girl wasted and said you were too tired to walk to your room.” 
“What time is it?” I mumbled and went to find my phone despite the world swaying as I crawled to my purse.
He lifted his arm up to look at his watch, “Like 8:00am chill out.” He groaned. 
“HOLY FUCK 8?” I flinched at the loudness of my own voice. I was normally up at six, two hours slept in, what’s today it’s a wednesday. ‘What was I supposed to do today? No clients in court today, so that’s good. Okay so I suppose I have to? Paperwork?’
I sighed, “You’re fucking lucky I didn’t have court today.” Stumbling up I ran to my room to change out of yesterday's clothes, splash some water on my face and get on the move.  
"Lucky? I'm the one who got your ass home at all!" He yelled back from the living room as I slipped into a different skirt. Shirt could stay the same, just a plain white shell no one would notice. But skirt absolutely not. I grabbed a pair of earrings and a bag of makeup wipes and rushed past Dan. 
"Fine sorry love ya. Family dinner on saturday right?" I hurried as I slung a purse over my shoulder. 
"You got it." He replied. 
"Uh, stay awhile have breakfast if you want. I've got bagels and eggs. Just lock up when you leave." I remembered finally to be polite as he stretched getting up from the sofa.
The office was busy and loud as usual. I tried to smile and act like I wasn't hungover as holy hell while I walked to my desk. 
There was someone new taking a desk near me too. Lanky guy probably straight out of law school too. I sized him up for a moment before nearly catching his eye but going back to my work. 
It wasn't till lunch that I had to actually deal with another human when I ran into Mr. Asshole-dean. 
"Ms. Mars?" He said as he tapped my shoulder in line at the starbucks near the courthouse. 
I turned but knew his voice right away, "Mr. Dean?" I replied wondering why he was bothering me. He seemed to catch my cold tone. 
"What, rough night? Does suck the night you lose the case but don't worry. You'll get better at losing, can't win em all." 
I would like to get an extra extra hot- you know what make it just a cup of fucking lava to poor on this jackass. I smiled, "Thanks! I'm sure it didn't take you long to get used to it." I gave a passive aggressive smile and looked down to my watch. 
"Listen, Mars, I know we're opposing counsel but I don't mean any harm by it. I think we could be great friends if you'd give it a shot. I mean I'm sure we both hate our jo-"
"Hi I'd like a venti mocha!" I ordered cutting him off the scurried back to my car. 
I had a few hours before I actually had a meeting. It was just to speak with a judge over a custody case between a homophobic mother and two "really good friends" one of who was the father of the child in question. There was a chance it could turn into a serious case, the mom was wealthy and if she got too displeased she could probably turn it into a civil suit on the grounds of the father being gay. But it wasn't likely she'd take the time. She was only really fighting for custody to use their kid as a weapon in the divorce. 
I drove home with my coffee deciding I wanted to Pad Thai leftovers I had as comfort/hangover/please-god-dont-make-me-live-another-day food. 
Daniel was sitting on my couch when I walked in. "Can you not just walk into my house? Dan may have forgotten to lock it but that's no reason for you to just waltz in here!" I yelled as I dropped my purse and walked up to him. 
"Is that my mail?" I huffed and snatched my letters from him. It was just junk mail but he still had no right to be so intrusive. 
He looked up at me with a slight glare, "I know what you did and I'm gonna get you back for it." And as quickly as he came he scurried out. 
Ringing up Dan I tapped my foot on the ground, "You forgot to lock the door!" I yelled into the phone. 
"Oh shit my bad. You okay?" He asked. 
"Yes, but Daniel was just here. All pissed over something." I grumbled and walked to the fridge to get out my leftovers. 
"Any idea of what?" He asked. 
"No clue." I answered. 
“No, don’t call anyone. Listen, they record everything but our conversations for confidentiality, if you call someone it’s possible that they might somehow be involved and we don’t want prosecution to get that- understand?” I hated explaining the basics to my clients, but those dumbassses would sign their own sentences if they didn’t know any better.
I walked up to the courthouse, in one hand I had my phone, the other a black coffee from the starbucks across the street, my work back slung over my shoulder and threatened to slide lower onto my arm. As I turned the corner I was suddenly burning with hot coffee against my chest and a stranger staring down at me as I had run right into him, 
“FUCK!” I yelled as I stepped back. My heel slipped in a crack on the sidewalk, the top of it snapping it too causing me to fall back, my head hitting the hard concrete.   
When I opened my eyes again he was standing over me. It was the new guy who sat across from me. "Don't worry I called an ambulance." He assured. I was going to sit up but as I pieced the situation together I realized I was no longer wearing a shirt. Instead I had his blazer placed over my top. I assume because of the burning coffee which would have been sitting on my torso had he not. 
He rode in the ambulance to the hospital. We sat in awkward silence as I tried to figure out his angle. Was he afraid I'd sue. I was the one who bumped into him. Did he wanna ask me questions about our workplace. It'd been a month or so since he'd arrived though so that wouldn't make sense. 
He sat next to me at the hospital and was still there when the doctor told me it was a light concussion and a small burn. He sighed, finally not seeming like a stiff board for a moment. Maybe he was scared I'd sue. I turned to him in the hospital bed when we had a moment alone. 
"Why are you here?" I asked. 
He blushed and looked down mumbling a bit as he said "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I wouldn't be able to work anyways till I knew." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
"Why? I'm the one that bumped into you?" I asked. 
He was about to respond when the brigade of brothers came in. He seemed startled at all the sudden male energy in the room. "Ah, these are my brothers Dan, Danny, and Daniel. Daniel is a family name." I added the common addition when introducing them to anyone. 
He stood up and shook Dan's hand firmly "Nicholas Lamia." He said. I realized then that I also didn't know his name. Danny started to get suspicious as he looked at him with antagonizing eyes. 
"How do you know our sister?" He asked. Nicholas flushed again and tried to find words for a moment. 
"We work together. He's the one who called the ambulance." Daniel set a balloon down next to me that he'd gotten at the gift shop. 
We hadn't really spoken since his home break in. I still don't know what that was about. But he's been suspicious since. Once they released me Nicholas went on his way and the Mars siblings stood on the sidewalk and considered where to go. 
"Should we get sushi? It's been a moment since we hung out without mom and dad." Dan suggested leading the conversation. 
"Hmm, works for me. Samantha's out of town for work." Danny chimed in. 
I sighed thinking about all the work I still had to do. But it had been a minute since we hung out for fun, and cucumber rolls wouldn't be too bad right about now. "Sure I'm in." I replied. 
"You?" Danny asked Daniel.
He mumbled for a moment with the same guilty look, "no, I don't th-" 
Suddenly Danny got him in a headlock, "come on even Savy agreed and she'd rather eat shit than waste time." He joked. I rolled my eyes and we all piled into Dan's car. 
The waitress led us up to a small booth towards the back. At first I was going to sit next to Daniel but the blaring TV would send me down a spiral. There was a government program on and as soon as that shit for an heir came on I'd be fuming about how we're leaving the lives of multiple disadvantaged people to a boy who did body shots off a Delta Nu on a thursday night. I wasn’t exactly sure if that story was true, but it wouldn’t surprise me based off of what I’d seen from more credible sources than Lucy in the room down that hall at the sorority house who was gushing about how she wished it could be her. Prince Eaton went to the University of Labrador with us and she was hopeful that he would do it but sadly, no. 
Dan saw my eyes lingering on the TV and switched sides of the booth with me. We were just about finished and considering desert when I began to notice the glances and smirks. I wiped with a napkin thinking maybe I had some rice on my face, but they continued nonetheless. It wasn’t like creepy guys smirking either, it was everyone. The air felt different and Daniel looked like he was going to be sick. “What?” I asked as he opened his mouth. 
It looked like he was about to say something but couldn’t find the words. Dan opened to speak too, “Savannah, we didn’t think you’d ge-” 
“Oh my gosh congratulations on being selected! Would you like a desert? Everything is on the house of course!” The waitress smiled. 
I looked up at her as if she were speaking German. “Congratulations on what?” I asked. 
“On being selected! They were just announced, are you so excited? Could I also get a photo by any chance! The next queen of Illea could be sitting at my booth!” She cheered.
The world slowed as my mind raced selected? Like The selection selected? I didn’t apply? I didn’t want to apply? How did I even get entered? What did Daniel want to tell me? Did Daniel do this? Was this his revenge for what? 
I snapped out of it as Dan called my name. “I’m sorry. I have to step out for a moment.” I said and grabbed my purse running out of the restaurant, feeling everyone watching me. I walked to the side of the building and pressed my back against the cold brick panting. I crumbled inwards as my brothers ran over to me. I took a deep breath in, 
“I don’t” 
another breath
Suddenly a man with a long lens camera appeared. How did that happen so fast? How did he know what she looked like? Stupid your Savannah Mars it’s not like you’re a nobody your grandpa runs the largest candy company in the world. 
“Can you back off?” I heard Dan ask him. 
He kept ignoring Dan entirely, that is till Dan pushed his camera out of focus. “What the fuck man? Chill.” The creep said and went to shove Dan. Level headed Dan of course responded by punching him in the face. 
We all piled into his car and drove to my house. I sat in the car ride silent and waited for someone to speak. No one did but Daniel still looked like he was going to throw up. We all sat on the sofa in continued silence. Only Dan spoke to offer everyone water. 
No one said yes to it but a cup appeared in front of each of us anyways, always the responsible older brother. 
I inhaled then finally said, “I’m not mad. I just want to know why?” and looked at Daniel. It was clear by now that he was the culprit. 
He sat there in silence, his lip whimpering like he wanted to cry. Like he wanted to cry? If anyone’s going to cry it should be me. Suddenly I lunged at him to get in a hit. Only Danny’s arm stopped mine from smashing into his face. 
“Why?” I yelled. 
“I thought you made a gay dating profile for me.” He whimpered. 
“What?” I asked, even more confused than before. 
Dan spoke up, “Danny made a gay dating profile for him to try and give him a little push. When he got mad he said it was you who did it.” 
“I just saw the letter sitting there and it seemed like the perfect way to get back at you for meddling in my love life. I was just gonna taunt you with submitting it, then Dan told me it was Danny but he said you wouldn’t get in and you’d just never know.” Daniel explained. 
“Well, statistically speaking you shouldn’t have.” He defended. My anger shifted to the brother holding me back. If Danny had teased Daniel about his sexuality none of this would have happened. But I couldn’t do anything with him still holding my wrist. 
I stood from the sofa and the brothers stood as well. “I’m going to go get changed.” The second they relaxed I turned and charged at Danny. “You fucking bitch!” I yelled and started to pull at his hair. He didn’t fight back but Daniel panicked and Dan rushed over. I was yanked off of him before I could make any real damage but he did look hurt enough. 
“How could you! Just minding your own fucking business could have avoided this whole thing! And Daniel!” I yelled and turned. “Don’t fucking get vengeance especially not without communicating!” 
The phone started to ring. It was probably about the selection. I huffed over ready to say, “Hi, yes this is Savannah Mars. No, I would not like to participate, please pull someone else.” But as I picked up the phone I realized something. Daniel would have had to forge my signature. In order to apply for me he had to sign a contract. If I say I want out I would have to prove I didn’t agree to begin with. That would mean proving the false signature. Which is by the way, illegal. 
I sighed, held the phone to my ear. “Yes this is she. I’m so excited to be selected and am more than happy to discuss a time for you to send your people over.”
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harrywavycurly · 5 years
Interview with the Horans!
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This is a compilation of questions I’ve received for Niall and Delilah to answer and I did it as if they were sitting down doing an interview, I hope you enjoy and that it helps give you an insight into the lives of the Horans! If you have no clue what I’m talking about Niall and Delilah are from my Insta Story you can find here! 
Q: How did you two meet?
Niall: At an after party of a sports event I believe? She’s gonna kill me if I got it wrong. 
Delilah: Really? An after party? You’re so annoying. We met at a sports event that I didn’t want to go too but my friend Phoebe dragged me to it and I ran into Niall at the bar it was all super casual.
Niall: Ya sure, if ya call her almost knockin me over ta order a bloody drink casual. 
Q: How did you ask Delilah to be your girlfriend? 
Niall: Oh god uh I jus sat her down and asked her if she wanted to be exclusive an she laughed at me cos she was like “who the hell uses the term exclusive? you’re such an old man” dat was probably after we had been on like four or so dates. I jus enjoyed bein round her. 
Delilah: It was super cute, he gets all blushy and adorable. He was nervous and I have no clue as to why, he had already asked to share my calendar with him to see what dates work for us and everything. Like that’s a pretty big deal. 
Q: What’s a normal day in the life like for the Horans?
Niall: nine times outta ten shes up before me, she was like dat even before the girls. She can stay awake till six in da bloody mornin and be up at eight ready to rock n roll. S’a bit disturbin, but our days when M’not on tour are very like every other married couples... jus wit a set of twins.
Delilah: We go on a walk in the mornings, we’ve been doing that ever since I was pregnant, and while on the walk is when we lay out the game plan for the day. So if he has any meetings or anything he’ll tell me so I can plan my day around it. So like yesterday he had a photo shoot for something-
Niall: Cos m’a model now. Just so ya know.
Delilah: Right...so anyway he had his model thing so the girls and I brought him lunch and he was home at a decent time to help with their bedtime routine.
Niall: I feel like we are pretty normal ta be honest like we don’t do a lot of extravagant shit.
Delilah: Not anymore no.
Niall: We were never like jet settin on tons of trips and stuff we’ve always kinda just went from New York to California. We like ta lay low.
Delilah: As low as a former member of one of the largest boy bands in the world can lay....he forgets who he is sometimes. But yes we do kinda just stick to the two places and don’t go out much unless it’s to dinner because I like to eat out a lot. It’s a problem that I’m working on. Oh and Niall likes to go to parties without me but that’s not typically part of a normal day in the life of us.
Niall: M’not even gonna go der wit you.
Q: Speaking of parties, Delilah it’s pretty obvious you don’t like being left at home while Niall goes and has fun.
Delilah: Yeah he’s an asshole. He met Post Malone while I was at home trying to get comfy with my damn pregnancy pillow! And him and Shawn just are super annoying when they get drunk together. But I don’t mind him having his bro time and going out without me, I just like being dramatic.
Niall: Yeah m’da worst at like tryin ta plan parties and invitin her cos half the time they are so last minute and I know she does not do last minute.
Delilah: No I need at least four hours to prepare myself to be around people and to like get dressed and all that not so fun stuff. 
Q: Who said I love you first?
Niall: She did. During an argument matter of fact, it was pretty memorable. 
Delilah: I said it during a moment of passion Niall James not a full blown argument. it was like a “God why do I have to love you so much?” Don’t make it sound so dramatic. 
Niall: M’pretty sure yelling it in the middle of a “passionate argument” is the same as jus sayin it in an argument babe but okay. 
Delilah: It’s totally different, you’re just a dumb boy you wouldn't understand.
Q: Rumor has it you two broke up briefly while Niall was on tour just after releasing Flicker. Is that true? 
Delilah: Yes it’s true. Couples take breaks. Look at Ross and Rachel, it worked out fine for them. 
Niall: Really ya gonna bring Ross and Rachel into dis? They suffered fo a few years before actually bein happy...
Delilah: I mean are you upset that I forgave you too soon? 
Q: Why did you two break up?
Delilah: Yeah Niall why did we break up? 
Niall: Yer such an arse. Uhhh can we skip dis one? We’re allowed like one skip right? 
Delilah: Nope. The people want to know and you always say you’re a man of the people. 
Niall: I cheated. Next question please. 
Q: What songs on Flicker are about Delilah?
Niall: None of em. 
Delilah: Did you hear that world? I was not the muse for that sad ass album so stop blaming me for breaking this man’s heart. 
Niall: Slow hands is bout her I guess, it was written after a date wit her to a bar so yeah, slow hands s’bout her. 
Delilah: I'll allow that one. 
Niall: Oh and So Long. But that’s not on the album so...but most of the songs I didn’t necessarily write wit anyone in mind more of an emotion I wanted ta get across. 
Q: When the two of you were dating who was the best at keeping in touch with the other?
Niall: She was at first then I’d say it was pretty even once we got a bit mo serious. We always had a good long chat at the end of each day tho no matter if we only exchanged two texts throughout the day.
Delilah: In the beginning I was just nosey and wanted to know what he was doing all the time. Then I realized he legit is either in the studio or he’s playing golf or at some sort of event. We still do the phone call each night when he’s away. 
Q: What’s something you love about each other? 
Niall: Easy! Her love of life, she is someone that ya jus wanna be around cos she will make ya smile and makes ya ten times happier jus being in the same room as her. 
Delilah: Awe you’re so sweet! I honestly love the fact Niall will never tell you anything just because he knows you want to hear it, he doesn’t sugar coat things and I know that sounds odd to like love that about someone but it’s just refreshing. I love knowing that if I ask him for his opinion it's going to be 100% honest and how he truly feels and sometimes it makes me want to smack him but mostly I just appreciate what he has to say. 
Niall: Oh an I love her laugh. 
Delilah: Niall also has a very nice ass so you can put that down as something I love as well. 
Niall: Delilah Grace...m’not arguing though.
Q: So Niall this is mainly for you, how has it been dealing with how often Delilah posts about your private life since normally you like to keep that to yourself.
Delilah: Ohhhh good question!
Niall: I don’t mind it really, s’not like she posts pics of me doin anythin scandalous. I think she shows another side ta me dat the fans enjoy, it shows them dat I’m like I always say, a normal guy wit jus an abnormal job. Also her captions are jus...somethin else she has such a way wit words.
Delilah: He laughs so hard at the photos I post of him looking annoyed. He loves those the best.
Niall: I’d also say she’s da reason my posts have gotten a bit more personal. She’s helped me realize dat my Instagram an twitter doesn’t have ta jus be all Niall Horan the musician. The fans and everyone wanna jus get ta know me.
Delilah: You’re welcome world.
Q: So you two have been married for almost a year now right? What’s been the best part of being married?
Delilah: I get lots of free stuff, it’s pretty freakin great if I’m being honest. 
Niall: Ignore her, yes we’ve been married almost a year now, hard ta believe s’only been a year. 
Delilah: I mean having the girls seemed to take up a big part of the year so I’d honestly say the best part of being married so far is just knowing he’s fully mine now and I get to be in his life forever. Sounds lame when I say it out loud.
Niall: I think the best part is jus knowin that she’s there. Like she always has my back on anythin an bein able to point to her an be like “oh dats my wife.” I enjoy that quite a lot if m’bein totally honest wit ya. 
Q: So the twins they are adorable by the way, what was your initial reaction when you found out you were having twins?
Niall: I absolutely almost shit myself it took me completely off guard.
Delilah: Same! But really I was kinda hoping I was having twins because lord was I getting huge kinda faster than I had anticipated.
Niall: It’s also in the long run good cos we only wanted two so like boom! One an done is what they say right?
Delilah: No one says that about kids you weirdo.
Niall: S’for sure a thing people say even bout kids. 
Q: Who takes care of the kids more?
Delilah: Me, just because Niall has a job while I stay home all day in my sweatpants eating.
Niall: Obviously it’s Delilah, she is an actual angel fo everythin she does for the girls and myself even. An jus fo the record she doesn’t wear sweatpants all day, she eventually puts like dem leggin type pants on.
Delilah: Thanks honey. 
Q: So Delilah what would you do if you came home to Niall asleep on the couch when he’s supposed to be watching the girls?
Delilah: It depends. If the girls are also asleep I’d probably cry at how cute they all look passed out.
Niall: Dey are way cuter dan me when they’re alseep.
Delilah: But if he’s asleep and they aren’t...oh hell will be raised in the Horan house. I’d probably smack him with a throw pillow and never let him live that moment down. Like even Shawn hasn’t fallen asleep while watching the girls yet and he’s only watched them after they are asleep so Niall and I can go have dinner alone. 
Q: So is Shawn The Godfather?
Niall: Did he tell you to ask dat?
Delilah: He’s one of them yes.
Niall: We have two godfathers and two godmothers.
Delilah: We are just extra like that, don’t even ask why.��
Q: Last question, how have you handled the fans response towards your relationship? The overall response seems to be everyone pretty much adore the two of you.
Niall: Oh it’s been great really, only a few people here an there have some shitty remark ta say but it’s always something stupid.
Delilah: I think after the first two years it just switched and it’s been for the most part pretty nice. I think at first the fans just didn’t know how serious this was going to be and everyone legit loves Niall so they wanted to make sure I was worthy of him. But I mean we’ve been together for so long now that they’ve fully accepted me.
Niall: Dey have realized she’s not goin anywhere. I mean she met me when I was still in One Direction like jus before the hiatus so she’s been through a lot wit me and the fans love er.
Delilah: Diall till death.
Niall: Oh yeah dats our Uh..what they call it? Ship name? Diall!
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dalimoor · 5 years
So I went to the Pokémon Center
Yesterday me and my bestie @runeandmoon​ made the journey to the pop-up Pokémon Center in London. It was one heck of an emotional journey, but it was so worth it in the end. Because of how far away we live from London, and the horror stories about the queues, we had to set off at 5AM!
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Blurry car selfie because I couldn’t hold the phone straight when we were moving, but hey. I don’t think we look bad for that time of the morning!
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The time was 8:48 AM. We joined the queue, absolutely stunned that we’d got there before it had started snaking outside the shopping centre. But since the shop didn’t open till 12 PM, were in for a long wait.
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Tragedy! Somewhere on the Tube, the Z-Crystal on my Mimikyu ita bag had got broken. How annoying! I had to bring my ita bag, though. I am the Mimikyu Superfan. I only really wanted the giant Mimikyu plush from the Pokémon Center. Would I get my prize? Only time would tell!
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Queuing was boring, but we had some great conversations with cool people in the line in front of us. These two dudes were awesome people. Thanks for making the unbearable wait less unbearable, guys!
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The girl and guy here were also pretty awesome. Especially when we started to edge forward ever so slightly and it got more and more busy. The queue was closed off at 11:31 AM, a full half hour before the shop even opened. I was glad we got in before that happened!
It was around here that some guy got caught queue-jumping and was thrown out by security. Wild. All in all, the security were all pretty cool, even though they were very keen to pack us in as tightly as possible. Every time the tiniest gap opened up in front, they’d hurry us forward. One guy was like ‘c’mon, move up. Don’t you want to get into the shop?’ Too soon.
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The first appearance of Dapper Pikachu! I wasn’t near enough to get a proper photo. :(
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There it is! The legends were true. The first glimpse of the Pokémon Center. It’s there, waaaaay in the back of the photo, You have to squint to see it, but it’s there!
Dapper Pikachu came out again. I still wasn’t in the right place to film or photograph him properly. But check out the guy desperate for a hug! As we were getting closer to the Pokémon Center itself, we needed all the joy we could get. The tweets were coming in thick and fast of everything that they were selling out of. London Pikachu crest pins sold out within the first 20 minutes of trade. Keeping my hopes up for my Mimikyu...
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Playing Pogo kept me entertained for the majority of the queuing. During the wait, I got enough coins to buy the new Mimikyu backpack which I had to own.
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@runeandmoon​ was playing Pogo to pass the time, too, and got this cutie for her trouble. Lucky!
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The final furlong! 3:19 PM. Just shy of seven hours later, we’d made it.
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We did it! We got inside! There was still a lot of stock, but the lion’s share of the exclusive stuff had already gone. No Londonchu hoodies, socks, plushies or pins. Shelves and shelves of Ludicolo, though. Who even wants Ludicolo? We did overhear a small boy being absolutely thrilled they had Alakazam plushies, though, which was really sweet. Every Pokémon must be someone’s fav.
But to my absolute dismay, there were no giant Mimikyu plushes left on the shelf. The only ones were already in other peoples’ baskets, waiting to be purchased. The staff said they had no more. I was devastated.
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I’m smiling, but I’m about to cry here. It’s crazy, but I’d been up since 4:30 AM, queued for an ungodly amount of time and seeing other people with the one thing I wanted and couldn’t have was just too much.
But then. A miracle happened. Just as I was queuing to pay, a member of staff came out of a side door. They’d just had a delivery...
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I absolutely bolted out of the till queue, elbowed past the people standing around the shelf that was being re-stocked and was like ‘I’M SORRY I NEED this’. I took one from the staff member and marched back to the till with my prize held high, shouting ‘WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER’ because I was so sleep-deprived and a little bit insane at this point. But look how happy I am!
The staff in the store were all really friendly and doing their absolute best to make people happy. When I initially asked about Mimikyu stock, the guy who said they had none seemed genuinely gutted I’d missed out on my chosen item. The lady who eventually served me on the till was particularly sweet and clearly loved her job. Everyone was clearly trying their best and I’m not sure how they could have done anything better with the way things have been set up. The people working there can’t control the stock deliveries or do much more to deal with the huge, huge demand. The only thing they could do is put a time limit on how long you’re allowed to browse in the store, but I suppose that would be hard to police.   
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The rest of my swag! Since a lot of the Dapper Pikachu stuff had sold out I had to get other things from what I initially wanted. I did want a crest pin for myself and a plush for a friend who had missed out on when he went, but neither were there. The only had one size left of these shirts, too. I hope it fits!
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How could I not? Scorbunny is super duper cute.
Was it worth it? Yes. It’s really weird how I don’t feel frustrated or upset about how long I queued. I did get a little bored, but not as much as I thought I would. I’m super happy I got my Mimikyu, so I guess that made it all worth it. Would do it again? Not this particular shop during the rest of its run, but a similar one in the future, sure. Because I’m apparently insane. I’d probably book a hotel the night before so I could go queue extra-extra early.
For anyone planning on going, I have some tips:
Get there as early as you can. The queue closes off well before the shop’s official closing time, often even before the shop opens. Unless you’re starting to queue at like 1 AM and you’re first in line, you’re generally looking at at least a six hour wait to get in. Basically, if you can’t get there early to mid-morning, don’t even bother.
Go with a friend. Company makes the wait so much better. Also, chat with the people in the queue around you. They’re stuck in the same situation, they’re Pokémon fans too and are probably cool people with interesting stories.
If you need the toilet, there ones near the queuing area. If you let security know, you’re able to leave the line to use the facilities. It’s even easier if you have the aforementioned friend to more easily keep your spot in line.
Bring snacks and drinks. It’s a long wait. You can slip out of the line to buy things, but the less you have to leave the line, the better. If it moves forward when you’re not in it, it’s easy to lose track of where you were.
Bring something to keep you entertained. Games console, phone, book, whatever. Again, it’s a long wait.
Watch the Twitter feed for the shop - they give a running update on stock levels, whether the queue is still open, etc.
And that was my crazy PokéCen adventure! Now I’m going to sleep for the next 3000 years.
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Chapter 14: Living Legend
A Post-Canon Inuyasha Romance/Adventure Epic
Find it on: Fanfiction.net / AO3 / Wattpad
Words: 2,254
Prologue  •  Chapter 1  •  Chapter 2  •  Chapter 3  •  Chapter 4  •  Chapter 5  •  Chapter 6  •  Chapter 7  •  Chapter 8  •  Chapter 9  •  Chapter 10  •  Chapter 11  •  Chapter 12  •  Chapter 13  •  Chapter 14
Kagome and Inuyasha stayed with Miroku and Sango's till after lunch. But eventually, Kagome remembered that Kaede had wanted to speak with her and had asked her to return.
"I think it's time we should be heading back to Kaede's," she said aloud to the room.
"So soon?" Sango didn't try to hide the disappointment from her voice.
"Yeah, Kaede wanted to talk to me about something and asked me to come back."
"Ah, okay, well, will we see you tomorrow?" Sango asked hopefully.
Miroku smiled at his wife. It had been hard for her to be without her closest friend all these years. If for no other reason than the happiness that Sango felt at having Kagome returned to her, Miroku wanted to celebrate the young Miko's return.
"Of course, Sango!" Kagome moved to give Sango a swift hug and a reassuring smile before she and Inuyasha waved at the rest of the family, calling out some quick goodbyes before heading out the door and back into the street.
But the walk back to Kaede's was nothing like their earlier walk had been. Now it was the middle of the day and life in the village was in full swing. Men and women came and went along the dirt road, as children ran and played in front of the homes that they passed.
And here and there, Kagome could also see small groups of men and women huddled together, speaking in hushed tones. She sighed, clearly the gossip and whispers of her return had spread like wildfire.
Sure everyone was very polite, calling out greetings to the great Lord Inuyasha and Lady Kagome, but it was the slack-jawed staring that really did Kagome in, until the now-legendary Priestess began feeling very much like a freak on a side-show stage.
'I've walked through this village hundreds of times before,' she thought. 'But it was never like this.'
Before, she'd been something of an oddity, with her strange future clothing and the fact that they all knew she was Kikyo's reincarnation. But this? The unadulterated awe at her very presence was just too much for Kagome. It felt wrong.
"Who's that, mama?" Kagome heard a little girl ask as she pointed toward the pair.
"Hush, child, and do not point!" It was an older woman, likely the child's grandmother spoke. "Ōji-sama and Miko-hime will hear you!"
Inuyasha could smell Kagome's discomfort as he watched her shrink in on herself. He stopped walking.
"Come on, Inuyasha, let's just hurry and get back." She tried to grab his hands and hurry him along, but it was like trying to hurry a mountain. He didn't budge.
"Hey." He said again, trying to get her attention enough for her to look at him.
"What?" She finally looked him in the eye.
"Remember what I said yesterday? You just gotta ignore it. You can't let it get to you. You're still you, just like I'm still me. It doesn't matter what they think."
His gaze bore into her, willing her to accept the truth of his words.
"I know it's just… When I came back, I wasn't expecting everything to be so different, but now I have all of this new power and the people here think of me as some kind of living legend… But I didn't ask for this." She signed before continuing. "Last night, in your– our hut, when I said that I didn't care what the villagers said or thought about us, I guess I was expecting anger or bigotry. I wasn't expecting this."
She waved her hand as though to encompass everything, then gave Inuyasha a small smile before continuing, "Sometimes I forget that you're a prince."
He growled at that. "I ain't no prince."
"But you are, Inuyasha. It doesn't matter that your mother's family cast you out or that your brother rejected you. You've always carried yourself with the nobility and honour of the royal houses that bore you. That sense of honour and the strength behind it is just one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you. Not because it makes you a prince, but because it makes you you."
She was thoughtful a moment before continuing. "Part of me always wondered if that was why, after a while, Sesshōmaru stopped trying to actually kill you. Maybe, hanyou or not, he realized that you were an honour to your father's blood."
Inuyasha really wasn't sure what to think of Kagome's words. He felt pride swell within him at the faith she had in him, as though seeing himself through her eyes for the first time. And he wasn't so dense that he hadn't noticed the change in Sesshōmaru , but he hadn't really given much thought as to what might have been behind it.
He shook his head though, "I doubt it. I think any change in that bastard has more to do with Rin than it does with me."
Kagome considered this. "Maybe. Maybe not. Or maybe it's a bit of both–"
"Lord Inuyasha! Lord Inuyasha!" Kagome was stopped from saying anything else by a man's voice approaching. She looked up.
"That man, he looks familiar…"
"He should," said Inuyasha. "That's Rikichi, the village headman. I'm sure you met him at some point during the hunt."
Kagome thought back. Yes, she had met this man several times, though she hadn't known he was headman at the time. In fact… "I think– I think he was there when I came out of the well the first time."
"That would make sense," Inuyasha agreed. "That's kinda his job, after all, overseeing stuff."
Inuyasha couldn't say he liked Rikichi much, though he was an honourable man who held his position in the village with great respect. He knew that Rikichi valued Kaede's wisdom and experience and had often followed her lead when it came to dealing with their Pack during the shard hunt – heck, it was probably why he had invited them all to settle here – but a headman was still a headman. It was their job to uphold the traditions and laws and to oversee the smooth proceedings of life within a village. Inuyasha knew from his decades of experience that it usually meant that most headmen were, if not closed-minded, then at the very least very conservative in their opinions… And Rikichi was no exception.
Finally reaching them, he stopped and gave them a bow and a good-natured smile. "Good day to you, Lord Inuyasha. I see that the rumours are true and that the great Lady Kagome has returned to us!"
Rikichi had been there in the field beside the well when the great Miko had been pulled into the Meido. He'd seen the Bone-Eater's Well disappear only to reappear several days later. When he'd asked, Lord Inuyasha had said that the Miko was safe, but the headman still had many unanswered questions, and it was his job to be informed in all things that affected his village.
Rikichi began, "May I ask, Lady Kagome, how did you escape the Meido? We thought you lost to the underworld!"
Kagome glanced at Inuyasha. She wasn't impressed by these pointed questions. The villagers knew that she travelled through the well. However, they didn't know that she travelled through time, and she wasn't about to explain one of the most painful experiences of her life to an all-but-total stranger.
"Well… Inu– Inuyasha saved me."
"I see, I see. And where you have been all these years."
Kagome seemed taken aback by his bluntness. "Uh, me? I've been… home… with my family."
Rikichi pressed on. "Your home? Is that where the well takes you when you jump into its depths and disappear?"
Inuyasha started to growl. He knew exactly why Kagome was hesitant to answer Rikichi's questions. "Look Rikichi–" He began, but Kagome cut him off with a gentle hand on his arm.
"I thank you for being concerned about what happened to me and where I've been, Rikichi-san, but all that matters now is that I am fine and I am here… and here is where I intend to stay." She hoped that the finality of her statement was enough to stop the curious headman from asking any more unwanted questions.
Her statement seemed to catch the headman's attention, "Is this true, Lady, that you will be settling permanently in our village? What a blessed event this is! I would ask for your blessing that we might prepare a great feast in celebration of your return if you would allow us."
Kagome gathered her frayed nerves. After this morning's announcement fiasco, she was the one who'd demanded she be allowed to announce their engagement to everyone else. She glanced at Inuyasha before clearing her throat and continuing.
"Thank you, Rikichi-san, for the kind offer and for your warm welcome. But might I suggest that you delay your offered feast for six days?"
"Eh?" Rikichi seemed confused. "Why delay?"
"Well, in six days time, it will be my 19th birthday. It will also be the anniversary of the first time I ever set foot in this village, the day I released Inuyasha from the Goshinboku… and… well… Inuyasha and I have chosen that to also be the day of our wedding."
Rikichi was dumbstruck at her words. He'd known that the hanyou lord and the young Miko were close comrades and travelling companions, and he'd sensed that Inuyasha had sorely missed the girl when she hadn't returned even after the well had reappeared, but he had not been expecting this.
"But… But…" He stammered. "You are the Shikon Miko!"
"Yes?" Kagome didn't see his point.
"Mikos do not marry." Rikichi shook his head.
After the stress of his earlier questioning, Kagome found his presumptuous statement highly annoying. "Oh yeah? Well, this Miko has every intention of marrying."
Rikichi didn't seem to take the hint, "But is not your power tied to your…ahem… purity?"
Kagome felt her face turning red, though not in embarrassment this time. She could have the patience of a saint, but when she came to the end of it? Well, the number of Inuyasha shaped craters that lay scattered around Edo could attest to what usually happened next. None of this was any of his business, but somehow he was weighing in with an opinion about her love life?
'Oh, HELL no.' she thought.
The power of Kagome's aura swirled around her slightly, just enough to lift her hair and give her body a shimmering pink glow.
She began, her voice rising in pitch the longer she spoke. "I don't see how that is any of your business, Rikichi-san, headman or not. And even if it was, even if being with Inuyasha meant that I'd lose every drop of power that I have, I'd still make that choice a thousand times over! He is the only reason I returned to this place and I intend to marry him six days from now, whether you like it or not!"
Her aura swirled even more, the pink glow would likely now be visible to anyone, whether they had spiritual powers or not.
"Kagome…" Inuyasha tried to warn her what was happening, but his throat closed when he looked at her face and realized that her eyes had been engulfed and were also glowing a bright pink.
Kagome glared hard at the man who had insulted her. She felt a bit weightless, as though she might, at any moment, start floating up off the ground. It was almost as though she could look inside Rikichi… look right through him.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha finally grabbed her arm, singeing his hand slightly. But it was enough to release her from whatever strange trance she'd begun falling into.
She panted, taking a few deep breaths, before biting out the word, "What?"
Inuyasha gave her a strange look before Rikichi finally recovered from his shock enough to speak. He broke the silence with a faltering voice. "It is as you say, Lady Kagome. I apologize for any offence I may have caused. Good day to you both."
Rikichi turned and quickly walked away from the couple. The young Miko was clearly even more powerful than the stories of the final battle with Naraku had ever let on. He had never in his life experienced a reiki aura of that much intensity and power. No, Rikichi would not make the mistake of questioning her or her authority again. Better to have her as a powerful ally and member of the community than as an enemy, curiosity be damned.
A number of people had stopped with curiosity to watch the exchange between the great Miko and the headman, but they hadn't expected this. They all silently stared at Kagome, as though none of them were willing to even breathe.
Finally, as her rage subsided, she felt their combined gazes on her and began to squirm uncomfortably, looking around at the gathering crowd.
After a moment more, she looked at Inuyasha, and in a quiet voice only he could hear, she asked, "Why are they staring at like that? I wasn't that rude was I? Do you think it was something I said?"
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writer-at-heart96 · 5 years
Life Works in mysterious ways - Chapter 1
Summary of the story: 
Maureen is just a small town girl fighting for her dream to become an author. what seemed to have been shitty start to a shitty year suddenly turns into the beginning of a wonderful story which many girls can only dream off. Join Maureen as she starts a new chapter in her life. Does Have some R rated scenes but they are few and in between and can be skipped.
For five days now Maureen had been in New York for the last five days now. It was the last place she had expected to be after the start she'd had in 2018. late last month she'd decided that years of practice better make good on something. A year of dedicated work of finishing one of her many stories, only a handful original, it seemed to be the right time. If you didn't take a chance once in a while, she wouldn't get them out there anyway. She'd sent them off to several publishers in the UK and states. She needed to know if one of her biggest passions was worth the time she put in it.
Over the months, the answers had slowly started to trickle in. She'd written her story in English being a Dutch native speaker it had required some practice and definitely a challenge. She thought there was no point of approaching a Dutch publishing house. The reason she'd written in English was to reach a broader public in the first place.
So far all six answer of them had been a definite no. Something always seemed to be lacking for them. She couldn't hold it against them really. She was a first-time writer, not a professional writer. What did she know about anything of publishing, except for the writing part and she wasn't even sure about that?
But for the sixth one, she had at least been given a meeting, willing to meet with her. The meeting had been pretty quickly over when Maureen learned that they had wanted to buy the rights, just to pass it on to someone else. Basically earning money from her passion and love for writing, without them paying much at all. She'd literally walked out of that meeting, not even wanting to deal with such cheats, she'd rather not get published than to work with them. It was her passion, yes and she hadn't been paid for it for years, it didn't mean she loved it any less. But she wanted it to be her name on that book, not someone else giving the impression they had written it.
One thing she'd done right before she'd sent her work off, she'd gotten all the rights to it, beforehand. No one even if they wanted to screw her over could take her story and make it theirs. She might only have just turned 22 but she wasn't blind to the world's unfairness.
And then out of the blue, yesterday the last and final publisher had called her up. Inviting her over to New York to discuss a possible contract with her. Whether it was luck or faith she didn't know, but she was already in New York. She took it however after the year she'd had she was willing to go all unplanned about. Her gut feeling was something that she always went by, but lately, she'd forgotten how to do it. She was taken back the control, however. So she told them she could meet up anytime they wanted.
The meet had been set up for the very next morning, which had been earlier today. And to say that Maureen was still reeling from the surprise she'd gotten there was an understatement. Penguin Random House had decided through the acquisition meeting earlier that week that they wanted to work either. They wanted her to be one of their authors and her book to be one of their acquisitions. Knowing that there wouldn't be any other offer, cause all of them had said no by now, she agreed. All you needed was one yes between no's, right?
She'd been introduced to her editor, a middle-aged no-nonsense kind of woman. She was given a cheque for 20 000£ just so they could have the right to be published. Then there was a whole lot of things added to it which made up part of the contract. Her book was to be published two months from now. They seemed to be having quite a bit of faith in her book at this point. Something the world would like and want right now and they wanted to be the ones to publish it and offer it to the world. From the moment her books had sold enough copies to make up for the advance that she'd received, the royalties would kick in. They weren't small either, to begin with. Ebooks 60% of the selling price, softcovers 15%, Hardcovers 12%. If her book sold a certain amount of books by a certain date, the royalties would go up to 70% for ebooks, 25% for hardcovers and 30% softcovers.
Not that she understood much of it or the capacity of it all. She'd been ready to just get her book out of there and she readily sighed the deal. Tomorrow she'd meet up with Kathleen again, to make a cover for her books and then they'd be sent off to print.
Right now though she needed a moment to collect herself and overcome the hectic and unbelievable morning she'd had. So many people had told her, whenever she had a dream that she wouldn't be able to do it, wouldn't be able to accomplish anything in other words. Yet here she was, she had just gotten her book published or rather about to be published. The regret that she hadn't pushed through at 12 when she wanted to do the same for acting was very much present. Now more so that she had finally been able to accomplish something as big as this. Well maybe she shouldn't write it off anymore, anything was a possibility when you worked hard enough for it.
New York had always been in her top ten places she ever wanted to visit. Now being here, that in itself was a surreal experience as well. Damn if she wasn't going to get the most out of it. So far she'd been stuck in two museums most of the time: The MET and the Natural History Museum. Back and from between the two of them, she simply couldn't stop the love she had for those two as a history geek, both human and that of the earth.
Walking through the Greek and Roman section of the MET after going through the medieval part. Even though she'd been there before, she simply couldn't help but let her eyes wander once more. There was something intriguing about the biggest collection that represented pretty much every civilization.
When she felt someone bump into her, she turned to look at a tall and big man to her right. Maureen stumbled a lit as she bumped into a bench on her left as the man took her arm and apologised. "I'm sorry Miss. are you alright?" he asked her as he helped her stand up straight again.
"It's alright, don't worry. It's easy to get distracted into all these beautiful objects," she told the tall and handsome man to her right whilst she rubbed the side of her leg where she'd bumped into the seat.
'Wow.' she thought to herself when she watched the guy with black curly hair and bright blue eyes and a bright smile on his face.
"That it is." he agreed with her in what seemed to be a weak British accent. "I hope you didn't hurt yourself too badly?" he asked her as he strained his neck to look at her leg, which a bruise was forming already, she could feel it.
"I'm sure the bench didn't injure itself too badly," she told him with a small chuckle as she gazed at the bench beside her as the guy let out a chuckle of his own. "Well, in that case, I think I should be apologising to the bench," he noted, looking at the bench for a split second with that smile that made her a little faint in the knees.
"I think you should." she agreed with an amused seriousness and sheepish smile in his direction. "Anyway, I best be on my way, before I bump into any more benches," she noted with red cheeks as she tucked a strand of her escaped brunette locks behind her ear.
"At least let me buy you a drink to make it up to you?" he asked her as he walked after the witty and seemingly intriguing woman, who was glad to be off.
He hadn't expected to be running into anyone today, not at all. He had a baseball cap over his head, hiding a little from everyone. He loved coming here and admiring the physical proof of all those brilliant civilizations in ancient times. He'd been admiring the statues in such a manner, he hadn't noticed the small young women doing the same. She'd made him smile within a moment of meeting him, which didn't very often and certainly not after the day he'd had. His baseball cap seemed to be doing a pretty good job at hiding his identity as well as she didn't seem to recognise him at all.
"My mothers always taught me to never accept anything from strangers. Particularly handsome and clumsy ones." she teased him with a smile thrown over her shoulder as she kept on walking from sight. Shaking his head a little, he couldn't imagine what had happened in the last five minutes.
Here was this beautiful young woman, admiring things that most her age wouldn't be interested in at all. Yet she'd seemed to be lost in her admiration for the works around them. Running towards the direction she'd disappeared to. He shook his head a little when he noticed she was completely gone.
What was he thinking for crying out loud? He'd come here to escape things and not get recognised. To admire the works in this great museum. Not to get recognise and flirt with a young woman.
Having been in the offices of Penguin publishing house for almost the entire day. She'd been sat together with the graphic designer for the cover. Sat together with her literary agent together to get a more overall look at the company and such.
"When are you leaving?" Kathleen asked the young woman as she gathered her stuff in order to head towards the airport. She'd decided on the cover for her book, written her dedication page to published along with her book. Now it was time to head back home and wait till her book got published on June 25th to be exact.
"In four hours," Maureen told her as she looked at the clock on the wall. "You better get a move on then. Manhattan traffic is no joke." Kathleen told her with a smile and hint of amusement. "I will," Maureen assured her with a smile of her own as she stuffed her things in her handbag.
"I'll call you when we need something of you. Just get working on that sequel we can't wait for it." Kathleen told her as she came to stand before Maureen as the two women said goodbye to each other and Maureen was off to catch her flight.
She went to pick up her luggage she'd made that morning before she'd left to go to the offices and she was off. It had been a lousy hotel she'd been staying, it hadn't been much. But it had been all she could afford and she couldn't complain in the end. She got to see New York and she had her book being published. Her family had cut in a little, all trying to get her to New York, even though they were convinced she wouldn't be able to do it. Their thoughts had probably been that if she heard it from the actual people that went into business with authors, she'd all of a sudden realise that she wouldn't be worth quid. Well, that had failed massively, she wasn't sure if her book was going to be a success, but at least she got a chance to try it out. Earlier that week she'd told them that she hadn't succeeded after Bloomsbury. It had been to her own surprise when Penguin called in after that. They would certainly be in for a surprise when she told them that bit. Just the way she liked it.
Hurrying over to Check-in, she dropped her luggage off and made her way through the airport. She had her usual game at customs when she needed to be checked when the alarm went off. Once she made it past that stage, she hurried over to the gate. She'd been a bit too late at the check-in and her plane was leaving in five minutes. She was definitely cutting it short today.
"You need to be on this flight?" the gate attended asked her when an already apologetic tone went in her voice, Maureen had a sinking feeling. "I do," she confirmed with a small nod of her head as she adjusted her handbag on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but somehow our flight got overbooked and we don't have any place available." The gate attended informed Maureen who was slowly starting to shake her head in disbelief. "No that can't be." Maureen tried, almost willing it not to be true as her head tilted to the side.
"Isn't there any other way I can get home?" Maureen asked her as her mind was starting to run in all directions for a moment. She needed to get home. there was no way she'd be able to buy a new ticket home, temporarily forgetting the big cheque she'd just gotten. It had already been a fuss for her to get to New York and get a hotel to begin with.
"Let me have a look." the woman told her with a soft reassuring smile as she turned to look on her computer and she made a call. "It seems we'll be able to bump you up to first class." The woman informed her as Maureen nodded her head, any way to get home would great at this point.
"Will I have to pay more for it?" she worried with a deep sigh as the woman shook her head. "No, it's the airline's mistake. We have one more seat open and the problem should be solved that way." The woman explained to the seemingly eager young woman in front of her.
"Thank god." she chuckled in relief as the attended gave her a comforting smile. "No problem," she assured her as she instructed Maureen what to do to get to the plane and to First Class. Once there she was met with a flight attended who showed her to her window seat.
She couldn't help but let her eyes wander over the first class though when she walked into it. It was so much more than normal class and she wasn't going to complain about the mistake about this point anymore. She noticed a guy sitting in the seat beside her, but couldn't see his face as she sat down, the barrier up between them.
Placing her handbag and computer in the right compartment she let herself relax in the seat. Her heart finally calming down after the rush of first trying to get there in time. and to then rush through the giant airport and to then have to worry about the possibility of not being able to get home. The hostess handed her a flute of champagne, promising Maureen it was all with the upgrade and for the trouble they may have caused.
Looking out the window, she felt herself relax as the plane went down the runway and up in the air. Turning over Manhattan, she couldn't help but be glued to the window. She'd always been fascinated by flying and it hadn't lessened with time. She turned to her left when she heard a noise. Realising it was the barrier having fallen down she came face to face with the guy who'd run into her the day before.
"Oh no," she muttered, wanting to sink through the floor of the plane as the guy chuckled whilst shaking his head. "It seems we meet again," he told her as she nodded her head with an amused expression on her face.
"So it seems. I planned to have you run into me yesterday and to then get upgraded to first class," she told him in her usual wit as she shook his head in amusement. "Really?" he grinned at her as she let out a small chuckle. "No, the flight got overbooked, was running late and they upgraded me here," she explained not wanting to give the guy the wrong impression that she was used to flying first class.
"Happens to the best of us," he told her as she rolled her eyes, shaking her head in amusement at the same time.
"You ran off pretty quickly yesterday." he pointed out as she tilted her head to the side. "Invisibility power," she told him with a failed attempt at seriousness as he shook his head with a smile on his face.
"You'll have to teach me." he grinned at her in a cheeky manner as she rolled her lower lip between her teeth, a smile on her face. What the hell was she doing? Here was plain old fat Maureen, a guy who'd never looked twice in her direction. Yet here was this guy handsome guy and they were bantering back and forth and both of them seemed to be enjoying it as well. Maybe liking it a bit too much for their own good.
"Henry," he told her as his hand extended over the barrier between them. "I remember you telling me you didn't let strangers buy you a drink. At least my name is a start," he explained with a smile when she tilted her head to the side in a questioning manner when he'd told her his name and offered his hand.
"Maureen," she told him, slipping her way smaller hand into his soft and much bigger one. "Now I can buy you that drink," he told her with a chuckle and she couldn't help but smile and shake her head in amusement as a giddy feeling filled her chest. "Maureen, not a common name," he noted, his head tilted to the side in thought.
"Maybe, I don't know many Maureen's where I'm from." she agreed as she tucked her legs under her. "Where are you from?" he wondered as he moved his body towards her as his head tilted to the side in a sexy manner.
"Belgium, You?" she asked him, realising she was falling into her easy routine of being able to talk to basically anyone. Put her in a room with a hundred stranger and let her out the next day. The chance was huge she'd have talked to them all and gotten to know them. It was a trait she loved having. She could meet anyone and start chatting them up, getting to talk them about whatever it was.
"Jersey, an island of the French Coast, but it belongs to England," he explained and she nodded her head in understanding. "Long way from home," she noted rhetorically, not that she was close to home either.
"For both of us," he noted as she nodded her head. He couldn't help but be intrigued. More so than he cared to admit to himself. Even without the baseball cap, she didn't seem to be recognising him at all.
She was a pretty spontaneous, witty and loveable person. Her elegant and beautiful looks weren't too bad either to look at. They'd been in their flight for two hours, had their dinner together with the barrier down and their continuous talking. It wasn't hard, there seemed to be an ease between the both of them. It wasn't forced or anything, just natural to be two strangers, only having met each other for a moment the day before. They were both intrigued by the other and interested to learn their stories for being where they were at that moment. But most of all they were the pleasant company that kept them from getting bored on the flight. It seemed they had a lot of things in common, a lot of passions to be talking about. They hit it right off from the bat, certainly for their mutual love and respect for history and ancient civilizations. A sense of chemistry hung between them and neither could explain it. Nor did they want to for they were enjoying it way too much.
"what' such a lovely woman from Belgium doing in the big apple on her own?" he wondered, so far he'd learned they had a common love for a lot of their seemingly common interests. Her love for history, art, ancient civilizations, books, preservation, animals, the list seemed to be adding on with each second. She had a love for his country that most Brits lacked, she seemed to be a Brit in anything but her nationality.
"I came to New York to get my book published," she admitted with an honest tone as she tucked her legs back under her before turning her body in his direction.
"Really?" he asked her in a surprise and even more intrigue than before as she nodded her head. "Out of seven publishers, I sent my work too. I had one willing to take a chance on it. So I haven't had a bad week so far." she told him as redness rose to her cheeks and sheepish smile played on her lips.
"What is it about?" he wondered. Someone with a love for the things she had, it couldn't possibly be a boring story. "Guess you'll have to find out when it gets published on June 25th," she told him with a teasing and cheeky tone and he couldn't help but smile and shake his head at her manners.
"A small preview?" he asked her as she tilted her head to the side in thought. "I'd like to think it's something different to what's out there already," she told him with a passionate tone and far off look in her eyes. "That's no answer," he told her with a small nudge of his elbow as they sat beside each other in the bar of the plane.
"It's about strength, mystery and rising up to expectations. I can't give away to much," she told him with a small smile before lifting the glass of wine to her lips and taking a sip. "Alright." he agreed, knowing all too well what that was not being able or not being allowed to tell anything.
"Did you always want to write books. You're only 22 after all." he wondered as she gave him a small smile, before returning her glass to rest on the bar. "Not really," she admitted with a snort and shake of her head.
"I wanted to be different things growing up, just like anyone I would suspect." she started and he nodded his head understandingly. "Promise me you won't laugh?" she asked him and he nodded his head softly. She'd been mocked by enough people whenever she spoke of this desire, this dream she wished would one day become a reality.
"In the final year in primary school, it was customary for the class to perform a play." she continued, telling her biggest desire above all else for such a long time now, ten years to be exact. Well, that beside her passion and dream for writing, learning and expanding her growing knowledge.
"I was sold from the start. I just fell in love with how you could tell a story by pretending to be something or someone else for a while. I always loved movies, I admit I was more intrigued by the behind the scenes than the actual movies." she admitted with a chuckle and shake of her head as she had his undivided attention on her.
But he couldn't help it when a small tinge of fear settled in his chest. Scared she'd been keeping him for a fool this entire time. But he didn't want to believe that someone as genuine as the woman in front of him would be the person to do that. He knew people, he understood them quite a bit through his years of meeting people and acting. So he decided to follow his gut and keep listening. If she truly did know she'd admit it at one point, even by accident.
"I was intrigued by them, so when we finished. I had to make a decision of what I was going to do in secondary school. I told my mum about it that I wanted to go to acting school." Maureen paused as she looked down at her hand in her lap for a moment. "she just laughed at me and told me to pick a real course that would lead to a real job. that I should grow up and not hold on to such a funny, unattainable and stupid dreams and hopes." She told him with an empty chuckle and shake of her head.
"I was told so often that I finally made the decision to go somewhere else with my life. I don't regret it, cause it's led me here, but still, I have some regret of not having pushed through on that dream. Maybe I wasn't mean to do that though." she told him with a small shrug of her shoulder as she took another sip of her glass of wine.
"Maybe it'll still come your way," he told her with a small smile as she tilted her head to the side. "We'll see," she noted, looking down at her glass as she twirled it around in her hand. "So how did you get into writing?" he wondered with a smile.
"I used to hate reading, whenever we had to do a book summary for school, I just looked it up. I didn't see the point of wasting my time with reading a book," she told him with a small chuckle. "And then I started reading the fanfictions of the stories and movies I loved. Mostly it was Lord of the rings and Chronicles of Narnia. And then at one point, I started with the originals you know." she explained with a small shrug of her shoulders.
"And you fell in love with reading," he stated as Maureen nodded her head with a smile. "From that point on I was either reading the books or fanfictions. And then at one point, I figured why shouldn't I try my hand at it." she continued with a small smile and sigh as she took a break to take a sip of her glass.
"At fanfiction, so I did. One story became two and then three and now I have over 15 fanfictions where I still work on regularly, to escape. The more I wrote, the better I like to think I got and I loved it. I loved putting what I knew into these stories so others were able to learn something from it as well." she paused as he nodded his head in understanding.
"I loved getting the positive reviews, I loved getting emerged into these worlds that I got to create. Knowing I was creating an escape for other people when they read it. And in a lot of ways, it was the same as acting, getting emerged into something that wasn't me to tell a story." she told him with a such a passionate voice he realised how much she loved it. She couldn't hide it, her voice portraying her feelings. He realised that writing was such a deep and almost embedded into her. He simply couldn't look away from her. Her bluish eyes became more alive and bright when she started talking about it. He could read her like an open book and it wasn't hard to do either.
"And then I turned to making original stories, which is why I'm here," she told him with a shrug of her shoulders. "I ignored people telling it wasn't a real job this time. I just followed my heart and gut, something I should have done ten years earlier. But maybe I wouldn't have written the stories that I have had I gone and done that." she told him with a tilt of her head as she let out a small sigh.
"Whatever will be will be," he noted as she nodded her head in agreement. She couldn't have said it better herself. "Couldn't agree more." she agreed, looking into his eyes and both of them felt a shiver go down their spines.
"So what's a nice guy from Jersey doing in the big apple?" she asked him, repeating the same question he'd asked her earlier. "Promise not to scream, yell or act any different?" he asked her as she raised a brow in his direction, a questioning look in her eyes.
"Alright," she noted with a small smile and nod of her head after a moment of silence and looking into his eyes for an answer. "I promise," she added with another nod of her head. "I came to do an audition for a new project," he told her as her eyes widened a bit and her head tilted to the side. "For a movie?" she questioned, not knowing of where this conversation had suddenly turned to.
"Yes, I'm an actor," he told her, just having heard her own desire to have been one at such a young age. Funnily enough, they had found their desire to act in the same way and manner, by doing a play in school and having fallen in love with it. He noticed the change in her eyes and braced himself against what was to come, the change there would certainly be. He knew this couldn't last.
"Really?" she asked him, surprising him a bit. "Yes." he chuckled with a nod of his head. "Anything I would know?" she wondered as both of them reached to take a sip from their glass of wine. "Superman, Justice League, Batman vs Superman, Tudors, Man from U.N.C.L.E." he listed as she let out a chuckle and shake of disbelief.
"No way, I've been meaning to get to this, just never found the time to do it," she admitted with an honest tone and he felt his heart relax a little. The look in her eye only conveyed honesty and truth. He was glad and relieved that she wasn't changing her manner around him so far.
"I'll definitely have to get to see them now." she chuckled with a raise of her brow in a cheeky manner. "What do you love about it the most?" she asked him with a true and honest manner. It reminded him of how he'd approached Russell Crowe all those years ago. He couldn't believe it still though. Here was a young woman, having dreamt to be an actress herself. Having been told time and time again she couldn't be and do it. Now he'd just told her he was an actor and a pretty known one at that. Those who she apparently hadn't gotten to and she wasn't treating him like any other would have. Her first question wasn't if she could get an autograph or picture of them together. No, she continued treating him like she'd done before. He could have told her he was the President and she still wouldn't have changed her ways of talking to him.
"Same as you I suppose," he admitted with a small chuckle and smile on his lips. "Telling a story, teaching someone even if it's a new moral through storytelling and acting, pretending to be someone else you aren't," he explained as she nodded her head in an understanding manner. Her head tilted to him in full attention as she listened.
"Do you like playing Superman?" she wondered with a chuckle as he nodded his head. "Loved it." he grinned at her and she let out a small chuckle.
"What would you like to do in the future?" She asked him, her head tilted to the other side as she held a true interest in what he had to say. "Playing Alexander the Great," he told her immediately and she let out a small chuckle.
"No way." she grinned at him. "I think you'd be great at it," she told him with certainty as she nodded her head at him. "What would you like to play?" he wondered if she'd had the choice of playing anything.
"Something with space," she told him off the bat with a chuckle and shake of her head. "He'd heard about her love for space and how it had ignited her hunger for knowledge in her. "And strong women," she told him with a grin as he nodded his head in understanding. He couldn't imagine her portraying anything but strong women. He didn't know how, but he had a feeling that she'd already seen her fair share of things in life. It was in the depth in her eyes and the way she spoke about things. She was wise beyond her years and he couldn't help but want to know more about her. He wished their flight would last longer, just for that reason.
As the end of their flight neared, Maureen was having that same wish of wanting to extend their flight as well. She loved talking to Henry, she didn't mind that he was an actor. In her mind, she had come to know him as a person first and then came to know he was an actor. Or maybe it was cause she had no context or had any idea of how a big of a deal he actually was.
The thing she cared about the most was that he didn't look at her the wrong way for being a bit curvy. Something she had started working on before she'd left for New York. She didn't want to stay this way and now that she realised she could accomplish things, she was even more determined than ever to get herself in shape.
He got to know her and he didn't call her a woman with a big mouth or someone that needed to learn where their place was. They had an almost endless list of interests for some unknown reason. Henry was thinking the same thing but in a different way all at once. They couldn't believe they'd walked into each other like that, two days after one another. To find someone just like that with whom you had an instant connection with.
When they landed in Heathrow, he turned to her as the plane was being taxed. "So I have to be in Belgium for some research next week. Maybe we could meet up, you could show me around a little?" he asked her with a hopeful tone, wanting some more time to talk to her and get to know her. "I'd like that." she agreed, not knowing what had gotten into her on this entire flight but she pulled out her phone and handed it to him.
"Why don't we exchange numbers and you can send me a text or call me when you get there?" she suggested as she held out her phone. He took her phone immediately and typed in his number. "My number." he started to say as he looked up at her, pausing from his typing.
"For my eyes only, I won't let it get into another person's hands," she promised, holding up her hand as she gave him a reassuring smile. Giving her a grateful smile, he turned back to her phone, continuing to type his number, before giving his phone for her to do the same. "You do the same when you come to London," he told her as she nodded her head.
"Why don't you come and visit me on set sometime this summer?" he asked her as she gave him a small smile. "Maybe I should," she noted as they got up and walked off of the plane together.
"I'll see you next week." He told her as he dropped her off at her gate for Brussels. "Next week." she agreed with a nod of her head and smile on her face.
"Thanks for not making it a boring flight," she told him with a chuckle as she stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. "Have a good night," she told him as she waved at him over her shoulder as she walked down the gate to get to her plane.
With a shake of his head and making sure his baseball cap was in place he headed for the exit. Pulling out his phone, he couldn't help but send her a text.
"Thanks for making my flight more interesting. :-p."
"I couldn't let Superman bore to death. :-p." was her quick reply and he couldn't help but shake his head in laughter. Oh, she was a breath of fresh air that was for sure, especially in a world where a lot of women just wanted to please him.
Maureen’s outfits 
Meeting Henry 
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Going on the plane 
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lavenderlattaes · 6 years
sleep dancing. | park jimin
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⇒ summary: Park Jimin’s just enjoying his last, nice Monday morning in bed― January 31st, to be exact, with his lovely girlfriend sleeping beside him. Until he hears his group’s song blast through his girlfriend’s phone, which happens to apparently be her alarm.
⇒ [idol! au, boyfriend! au]
⇒ pairing: park jimin x reader
⇒ word count: 1,231 words
⇒ genre: fluff fluff fluff all the frickin way
⇒ warnings: too sweet for diabetic peeps sksk
⇒ note: so Promise just came out last night and I was feeling so many things. gaaaaah it was soooo good im so emo. imagine hearing an angel sing to you at 11pm like that sjsjjjs. this is just a short drabble I thought of (I actually did this yesterday when I woke up lol), and this is my last work for 2018! ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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The bright sun streamed in the room through the white curtains, leaving a soft warm glow. If you squint hard enough, you’d even be able to see the dust mites. Regardless of the sunlight, it was still quite chilly, as was expected during the last days of the year in Seoul. The year was coming to an inevitable end, only a few hours left till the start of a brand new year.
With the Earth in constant motion around the sun, the bright light soon hit Jimin’s sleeping face, making him scrunch his eyes up in the cutest way possible. He groans softly, shifting under the bed covers, moving down lower. He soon finds solace in the crook of his sleeping girlfriend’s neck, smiling softly to himself. Your warmth enveloped him all around, and he buries his head further in. With his eyes half closed, he presses a soft gentle kiss to your collarbone, letting his lips stay there.
He was up late last night, with you, of course― no, not like that, waiting until it was 12am to release the very much awaited song he’d been working so hard on. He was anxious, and you stood beside him, your arms wound around his waist as you pressed soft, feather-like kisses to his cheek every so often to calm him down. But 35 minutes in, he’s got millions of streams, the fans were going crazy over it and a huge smile crept over his sweet, precious features, all the way until you reached the dorms where you would be spending the night with him.
Feeling his lips on your skin, you smile and shift, tangling your legs with his as you moved impossibly closer to him.
The door creaked open to reveal his hyung. Hoseok’s already warm heart warmed up even more at the sight of you two curled up together, and it took every willpower in him not to cry right on the spot.
“Jiminie, Y/N, get up. Everyone’s waiting for you downstairs. You can go back to bed right after. Joon has something to say.” Hoseok says quietly and though he spoke in a soft voice, he knows you both heard him with the way you moved closer together. He grins and closes the door behind him, his footsteps fading away.
“I don’t wanna get up,” Jimin whispers against your skin, and you hum in response. His arms tighten around you and you press a lazy kiss to the crown of his head.
“Let’s just stay here forever, ‘m sleepy,” you add. Jimin kisses the base of your neck and you shiver.
“WAITING FOR YOU ANPANMAN!” Taehyung’s voice booms through your phone on the bedside table, and you feel Jimin jolt in surprise. You blush and before you know it, you’re untangling yourself from your boyfriend, despite his whines of protest.
“What are you doing? Come back to bed, I’m cold without you,” he whines, his eyes opening slightly. With your eyes closed, you stumble out of bed, the hairs on your skin rising at the cold air. You stand up soon begin to dance to the choreography of Anpanman.
Jimin’s eyes shoot open and he looks at you like you’ve just grown two heads. But you can’t see him because again, your eyes are closed, and you’re focused on the choreography, even in your half-asleep state. Jimin soon realizes what’s happening and he smiles gently, watching his sleepy girlfriend hit each move, albeit weakly with zero effort. You reach Jimin’s part and Jimin gushes at the sight of you even pretending to eat whatever it is Namjoon gives him, just like the choreography had suggested.
“I’m a new generation Anpanman, I’m a new superhero Anpanman,” you mutter sleepily as the song soon comes to an end. You end and pose, blinking sleepily as the song starts up again. Jimin’s already resting his head on his hand, his elbow propped up as he watches your every move.
“Why am I still sleepy? This usually works,” you mumble, as you stumble over to the bedside to turn your alarm off, your head spinning slightly from all the dancing with your eyes closed. Jimin sighs at the sight of you― hair a mess, lips pouting slightly, eyes half closed, as you climb back into bed. Well, you flop down onto the bed face first and roll over until you reach your boyfriend’s welcoming arms.
You reach him with your face flat on the pillow and he throws his head back, giggling at his silly girlfriend. He flips you over and pushes himself up, hovering above you.
“Ah, jagiya. Do you always do that when your alarm rings?” Jimin asks you, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. He pulls away to look at you, pushing the hair away from your face. You blush at his comment, biting on your lower lip lazily, making Jimin’s heart burst at the seams.
“Mm,” you reply and your hand grabs his shirt with force, catching him off-guard for a split-second as he dips down closer to your face. He blushes at your proximity, despite being together for three years already. You crane your neck and press a kiss to his lips. He responds and smiles. Sure, you were half asleep and hardly knew what you were doing, but your lips still knew how to kiss him like you were taking up all his oxygen. Your lips knew his as much as you knew him and that made Jimin’s heart flutter.
“Baby, I think we should go down for a bit, everyone’s waiting for us.” Jimin says the moment you pull away for air. With chests heaving and lips all swollen, you shake your head ‘no’ as Jimin nods ‘yes’.
“I’m too sleepy. You go down, I’ll stay here. I’m sure they wanna talk to you and not me, anyway.” You shoo him weakly. Jimin takes one look at you, pure love and adoration swimming in the irises of his eyes and he knows his hyungs and dongsaengs can wait.
Shaking his head, he flops back down beside you and pulls you in his arms. You roll over and rest your head on his chest, hearing the rapid thump of his heart. You smile and clutch his shirt in your hands; your heart was beating the same way. You run your hands up his chest before they come back down to wrap around his waist. Jimin tangles his legs with yours again and rests his chin above your head.
“I’m sure they can wait, I just want the whole morning with you now.” Jimin whispers, kissing the crown of your head.
“Aish, you’re so clingy, I love you.” You giggle and Jimin laughs heartily at that.
“You say that as if you’re not clingy too.” Jimin retorts and you sigh, kissing his chest.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“Go to sleep,” you mutter and Jimin laughs, kissing your head as he tightens his hold around you.
You both soon fall back asleep, and moments later, all six members creep in to see what you were doing. Their hearts warm at the sight of you all cuddled up together under the sheets, and they all knew that even if they went through so much trouble to celebrate the release of Jimin’s new song, nothing could compare to sleeping with the girl he loves the most in his arms.
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⇒ let me know what you think or hmu with anything under the sun here!
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sorrowsflower · 6 years
Parent!lock. Adlock, sort of.
The entrance hallway at 221 Baker Street was empty when Sherlock walked in, devoid of Mrs. Hudson's usual bustling welcome and offer of tea. A mild disappointment to follow the much larger one Sherlock had received this morning with his last lead.
The new case he had been working on was not proving to be easy. The dead body found yesterday near Bethnal Green station had yet to be identified -- though Sherlock had a strong suspicion that he was a homeless man from Croydon by the state of his shoes and fingernails. He would utilize the talents of his own homeless network, but they had been surprisingly difficult to track all day. Even Wiggins was nowhere to be found.
Sherlock sighed as he shook off his coat. He was just about to hang it behind the door when he spotted the first irregularity. Two of the hooks on the rack were already occupied, both with children's coats -- Belstaff, both tailored miniature versions of his own: one a girl's size 6 and the other a boy's size 12.
He smiled. The girl was always small for her age -- took after her mother, that one -- but the boy had had a recent growth spurt. Any more and he was likely to be taller than his mother before he turned thirteen.
"Mrs. Hudson?"
There was no answer, and Sherlock ventured further into the house, noting further irregularities along the way -- a carelessly discarded bag on the floor behind the stairs, the Nikon D5600 he'd given the girl for her last birthday in its neat little purse on the table, an orchid in a pot near the east-facing window of the living room.
They'd come from the Azores, then. And by the looks of things, the Woman had stayed behind. It was unusual that she wouldn't come to see him or summon him, even for a day at the very least, when the children were in town. Which meant that Sherlock wasn't the only one who was busy this weekend.
Doing his level best to convince to himself that he wasn't disappointed, Sherlock moved off in search of his landlady. He found Mrs. Hudson snoozing on the kitchen table, next to a plate of biscuits and two cups of tea.  The biscuits hadn't been polished off, which was another irregularity in itself since Nero loved Ginger Nuts. 
Sherlock gently nudged his landlady awake. "Mrs. Hudson."
The old woman's eyes popped open and she blinked owlishly at him. "Oh! Sherlock. I must have dozed off."
"Mrs. Hudson, where are the children?"
"The children?" Mrs. Hudson's voice was thick and slightly groggy. "Oh! Well... Nero and I were just having tea. He was telling me about his new plant, and I must have nodded off. I was cleaning all morning, and I must have been more tired than I thought--"
"And Mercy?"
Mrs. Hudson straightened her blouse and started cleaning up the table, smiling at the mention of his little girl. "She said she was going upstairs to play with her new doll, the little dear."
Sherlock's eyes narrowed suspiciously. He took one of the cups from the table and surreptitiously dipped his finger into it. The tea was cold. 
"Are they both upstairs?"
Mrs. Hudson gave him a distracted smile as she took the cups and plates to the sink. "I'm sure they are, dear. I told them they could stay there and wait till you came back."
The last word was barely out of her mouth before Sherlock was bounding up the stairs two steps at a time. He hurriedly unlocked the door to 221B, but found the whole place empty, apart from the designer luggage and two pairs of children's boots, one pair smaller than the other, sitting behind the door.
"Nero? Mercy?" He called, wrenching doors open as he went around the flat. Every room other than the sitting room was devoid of any signs of his children. "Nero! Marciana!"
No answer.
Forcing down his panic, Sherlock raced back downstairs, grabbing his coat along the way. He fished his mobile out of the pocket, ignoring Mrs. Hudson's surprised voice calling out to him from the kitchen as he rushed out the door. He strode down the street rapidly, pulling a familiar number from his contacts.
The Detective Inspector answered on the first ring. Sherlock didn't even give him time for a greeting. "Lestrade. I need your help."
"Sherlock? Wha--"
"It's an emergency. My--"
Sherlock stopped short as he passed by the mouth of an alley a few blocks from 221B. Another irregularity. A rather glaring one, this time.
"Shelock?" Lestrade's confused voice issued from the phone as Sherlock lowered it from his ear. The other man was all but forgotten as Sherlock ventured farther into the alley.
"Sherlock, what’s going o--" Lestrade's voice cut off as Sherlock dropped the call and slipped the mobile back into his pocket. 
There it was. A single scrap of white cloth lying beside a skip bin. Sherlock's heart thudded thickly in his chest as he picked it up.
It was a lace appliqué from a child's dress, ends frayed as if it had been torn off. Sherlock recognized the pattern from the dress Mercy had worn when he had met them in Florence last summer.
Sherlock's eyes rose to the skip, heart caught in his throat, fearing the worst despite his earlier suspicions. What would he find in there?
His hands felt clammy and his forehead was cold with sweat as he grabbed the edge of the lid. Sherlock was the farthest thing from a praying man, but he found himself silently begging as he jerked the lid up to reveal the contents of the skip. 
Please... Don't let it be...
It was empty.
Well, not entirely. The skip was strewn with a few crates and the expected trash. But what mattered was the fact that his daughter's little body wasn't among the contents.
Relief flooded through Sherlock's system, making him feel weak and slightly ill. He let the lid fall and stepped away, the scrap from Mercy's dress still clutched in his hand. He took a moment to brace his hands on his knees and even out his breathing.
As he collected his bearings, a laugh and a tiny voice rang out from the other end of the alley. Sherlock's head shot up.
"Full house! I win!"
He recognized that voice. Mercy! 
Sherlock rapidly straightened up and ran to the end of the alley. He turned round the corner, almost slipping on a discarded plastic bag in his haste, and stopped short at the sight that greeted him.
His six year-old daughter was sitting on a crate, her white dress spread out around her, her feet in beribboned little shoes dangling at least two feet off the dirty ground. 
She was laughing in delight as she revealed her hand of cards, and her heels made little thumping noises as she swung her feet back and forth, as was her habit whenever she was sitting on any seat that was too big for her -- which was often, given her size. Her brother stood beside her, arms crossed over his chest, chewing his lip in amusement.
Mercy appeared to be surrounded by at least half his homeless network -- which would explain why Sherlock had been unable to find them all morning -- most of whom were throwing down cards and grumbling as they surrendered various items to a considerable pile at his daughter's feet, which included -- from what Sherlock could see -- money, several watches, two cheap mobile phones, six packets of cigarettes, three pocket knives, and to his surprise, a cat.
Sherlock was caught between the relief of seeing both his children unharmed, and the confusion as to what the hell was going on here.
Nero was closest to Sherlock and the first to see him. His face revealed a very familiar mixture of surprise and guilt upon seeing Sherlock. "Dad! We can explain..."
Mercy looked up from her winnings with a wide smile. "Daddy! How did you find us?"
Sherlock exhaled loudly and held up the scrap from her dress, and added, "You told Mrs. Hudson you were going to play with your new doll, when I know for a fact that you hate dolls, and the last one you had became the victim of a violent crime. If you're going to lie, Marciana, at least make the lie a believable one."
Nero snickered. "Amateur."
Mercy glared at him from her perch on the crate. "At least I'm not the one who lost the first five games."
Nero opened his mouth to reply, but Sherlock cut him off, pinching the skin between his eyebrows. 
"Would either of you mind explaining to me why you drugged Mrs. Hudson and snuck out of the house? To what end? So Marciana could steal from my homeless network?"
"I'm not stealing!" Mercy had the audacity to look affronted. Sherlock could feel a headache coming on. "I won them! And we were helping."
"Helping?" How was taking years off his life helpful?
"With your case, Dad." Nero volunteered, to commute the sentence he was sure to receive after all of this. "We found out the name of your victim."
"His name is Pete Marshall, Daddy. He lives down in Croydon. But Dot says he has a mum who lives in Bethnal Green." Mercy turned to one of his Irregulars, an older matronly woman who smiled fondly at her. "Right, Dottie?"
"Right," Dot nodded before turning to Sherlock. "Clever kids you got there, Mr. Holmes. 'Specially that little girl. Cleaned us all out. Took my cat too. Can we keep her, Mr. Holmes?"
At the mention of the cat, Mercy lit up and shimmied down from her perch on the crate. She landed with a smart tap of her neat little shoes, dislodging most of her precarious mismatched pile, and picked up said animal.
"Daddy, look what I won!"
Yes, that was definitely a stress headache forming right between his eyes. "We're not keeping it. Give it back to Dot, Marciana."
"But, Daddy, I won him! He's mine!" Mercy hauled the cat up to her chest, clutching it with both hands. She looked up at Sherlock with wide eyes. He recognized that stubborn look, the one that very clearly said that his daughter was determined to have her way. "See, he has only one eye. His name is Polyphemus!"
"Actually, his name is Frank." Nero chipped in.
"You call him whatever you like, dearie." Dot chuckled unhelpfully, and Sherlock glared at her. "He's yours now."
"See, Daddy?" Mercy looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
"Mother won't have it in the house." Nero remarked offhandedly. "It's ugly."
"Your face is ugly!" Mercy rounded on him with a sharp glare, clinging to the cat ferociously, rubbing its fur to soothe it from Nero's teasing. She turned back to Sherlock with wide eyes, her expression changing from murderous to adorably beseeching in a disconcertingly short amount of time. "Please, Daddy?"
Oh, he knew that look well. And he knew his daughter. Once Marciana decided she wanted something, come hell or high water, she would find a way to get it, and woe betide anyone who stood in her way. 
Wonder where she got it from.
"Please, Daddy?" Mercy asked again, tugging at the leg of his trousers, her blue-green eyes wide and her lower lip pushing out into a charming little pout. Damn. He never could say no to her.
"Fine!" Sherlock groaned and exhaled loudly. "Take the wretched thing. But leave everything else behind. No knives, Marciana! Dot, the address in Bethnal Green, if you please."
Dot laughed as she typed it onto Sherlock's phone. "Yes, sir."
Nero scoffed. "No fair! She always gets her way because she's the baby."
"I've half a mind to consider Dot's offer and let them keep you both." Sherlock muttered to himself as he shepherded both children out of the alleyway and onto the street. "And that cat--"
"Polyphemus." Mercy chimed in. 
"-- Polyphemus -- won't be staying here. I won't have him coughing up furballs on my experiments. You'll have to be the one to tell your Mother about your newly acquired housemate."
"Yes, Daddy." Mercy beckoned him with a finger and Sherlock leaned down closer to her. 
Mercy released one arm from Polyphemus and slipped it around Sherlock's neck. She kissed his cheek, and despite the annoyance of cat hairs now transferred onto his Belstaff, Sherlock smiled begrudgingly. "Thank you, Daddy."
"He's still not staying here."
By the time Mercy and Nero returned to Baker Street again six months later, Polyphemus was a permanent fixture at 221B.
By SorrowsFlower
I know, it’s ooc. Sorry. I just want a fic of Sherlock and my babies.
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chillinwithchelle · 6 years
Sex over 40
January 3, 2019
Chillin with Chelle
I remember my girlfriends in high school speaking about their first sexual encounters. They would discuss it as though it wasn’t anything. I was an exception. I grew up in a strict household where my dad put the fear of God in any guy that stepped onto our porch. I didn’t have sex till I was engaged to my first husband.
I’d like to say that the wait was worth it but I was actually disappointed. How many of you have faked an orgasm? I became the master of faking after watching the movie When Harry Met Sally. Aside from an orgasm I induced I didn’t have one. I often felt as though something was wrong with me but now I realize that we just weren’t compatible sexually.
My guy and I often laugh at my nickname for an orgasm. I call them “organisms”. He has become accustomed to I messaging him that I need an organism. It’s just part of our playful manner and I love it.
I didn’t have my first non inflicted “organism” till I was 26. What a great feeling to experience that. Little did I realize that until I experienced multiple ones I had not yet experienced awesomeness.
A few months ago my wonderful guy brought me to three within half an hour. He prides himself on pleasing me and I am quiet sure that he gets aroused by seeing me climax multiple times.
I have always pride myself on not being that girl that slept around. Sex is a sensual and personal encounter between two people. I am glad that both my guy and I are the same in that respect.
Ladies what I am about to tell you will probably blow your minds. Yesterday morning my guy and I were being playful and one thing led to another. We tend to be the most turned on in the morning time. He made me climb the walls and dig my nails in with not just one but six orgasms. I didn’t even think it was possible. My goal by the way is to reach ten. He knows my body like Stevie Wonder knows the piano.
My point is that you have to keep the relationship interesting. Chase one another around the house, break out those ping pong paddles, and handcuffs. He will probably get smacked on the head with a beach ball when he gets off work tonight. He’s used to my random humor.
Take things to the limit and don’t be afraid to please one another. Don’t roll over and smoke a cigarette and go to sleep. Drive one another up the wall on occasion.
Thanks everyone for the generous emails. I am beyond appreciative of your responses. I know this is a new thing here and this is a little racy but sometimes you have to step outside of the box. Till next time guys.
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