creativesplat · 9 months
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inspired by @shokuheshi's doodle of Ivy, I thought I would find my funniest screenshots and doodle them.
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imgayandshesanime · 2 years
Don't you just wanna give certain anime characters hugs bc of everything they went through. Like they didn't deserve to go through such shitty stuff
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thegoldencontracts · 5 months
(psst if u like Azurido but u aren't confident in your writing or just don't wanna write talk to me/ send in a request I'll write u smth)
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bish-plz-haha · 10 months
Hajime Isayama is a genius. And here's why: a tangent
The fourth season of Attack On Titan (AOT/Shingeki No Kyojin) is the epitome of
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Keep that in mind as you, if anybody, reads this.
Eren's villain arc makes total sense. Don't get me wrong, the ending was fucked. But it made so much sense.
With the entirety of the series being about freedom and him having the Attack Titan's power to "see" the future, Eren—as dumb and idiotic as he can be—realised, I think, that in order for the world to stop seeing Paradis as their foe (for the world to stop seeing Eldian's in general as their foe) and for them to have the freedom he so desperately dreamed about from the day Armin showed him that book, they needed a common enemy. But there wasn't one: there was just hatred and violence towards others who were just a little different. So he realised that, in the end, he had to become that. He had the strength and power, and he knew that. He could be that for the people. He could be the reason that the people of Marley and Paradis unite and fight side by side instead of fighting each other. He honestly even told Armin as much.
ARMIN: It was all to push us away from you... and make us into heroes who save humanity from extinction by taking you down?
EREN: Yeah. You guys will become saviors to all that's left of humanity. You turned your backs on Paradis in spite of being "Island Devils," and sided with humanity to the end.
Eren became what no one else wanted to. What no one thought he'd become. For the sake of the people that meant the world to him: Armin, Mikasa, Connie, Sasha, and even Jean (side note: I loved their rivalry. It made things light and fun even in dark times). He says that in order for things to go the way they needed to, future him sent the titan towards his mother instead of Bertholdt. Eren had to do the hardest things of his life towards the end: one being becoming someone he's not for the sake of the greater good (poor babies. Honestly, he was convincing as the villain: he had all the justifications to be that person. But he wasn't, down to his core, mean and cruel as he so convincingly portrayed himself to be. He even had his best friends fooled. Up until Armin heard about the eradication plan. At that point, Armin called his bullshit—which is fair).
He showed his father memories, fake and real, of what's to come to make him convince Zeke, which was very clever. He controlled Yimr enough—with Zeke's help of course—to make her attack his friends with titans from the past to put on a good show, not knowing whether or not they'd make it out alive (he hoped and his hope and knowledge that his friends—no, family—were skilled enough to stay alive). He definitely knew his death was coming, and he knew he had to continue on, even if that meant causing his loved ones pain; the pain of his death moreso than anything.
Eren made Marley team up with Paradis. To fight an enemy they both had in common instead of each other. To make Marley and the rest of the world see sense (though as Historia said: "The fight will not end even after the Titans have vanished. Eren told me everything about the future he knows. Even if he can't see the future past that point, he was able to see this future vividly. I'm sure this outcome was not just the result of Eren's choices. This world is the result of the choices we all made. We must fight. So we won't have to fight anymore. Even if it means to live a living hell devoid of peace...")
Hense the reason I say that the fourth season is the epitome of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." He knew that if they had a common enemy, they'd unite and fight together, not against each other. There was no need for senseless killing. He didn't want that.
Oh and don't even get me STARTED on the symbolism. My GOD that struck me like a fucking truck. Like, the shot of the scouts saluting Levi as he sat against that bolder only for the camera to pan to the Wings Of Freedom on Erwins back as he disappears along with them. UGH.
Eren is finally free.
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melishade · 2 months
amazing chapter!!! Firstly enjoy the bit with Primus giving there weapon and them freaking out, I’m glad that Primus help them made peace, wish there was a bit with Lara. Love how Primus is still keep the level of disdain with Eren, also thank you!! With the trio’s discussion, like damn Eren is his worst enemy. Glad that Mikasa and armin came to terms and stopped defending him, also f*ck, he loved her but want freedom more (imagine what happened if they know what he did to his mother😬)
I’d figure that founder yimr and Mikasa will be in the touched. And armin discussion with Primus jeez the brass on this kid. Interesting that Primus showed armin the other and original timeline. ( I figured he would have a mental breakdown on predetermined fate)
liked pieck’s moment, the emotional goodbye. Returning to the living world the burning of the scarf was good. Finally the segment with Optimus and Megatron short but gut wrenching. Ratchet and bulk only saw prime scream in frustration but this… nah. Over all this chapter gave what wanted and what I did think I want 😁
Firstly, thank you so much for the praise. Secondly, let's go in depth.
I do wish that I could have talked more about Lara, re-introduce other characters and have more emotional reunions, but it just would have derailed the whole chapter and it would have taken so much longer. I can't bring everyone back. I did figure Hanji asking Primus to
I'll probably have Primus talking to other people in prompts asks or a mini anthology. I'm not sure yet. We'll see what happens.
And yes, Primus still hates Eren's guts because Primus gave Eren and option and Eren chose genocide. He's not going to forgive that. Despite the fact that he refers to Unicron as brother and feels lament over their degraded relationship, Primus acknowledged he was committing genocide and took action. There's no exception with Eren. And yes, Eren is a slave to freedom and it ends up destroying him and the relationships that he had!
But in regards to Eren taking out his own mom in the manga and anime, it just felt like both a plot hole and one final twist that Isayama was trying to make and we only had one hint towards Eren's interference, but that could easily be chalked up to Dina's titan being an abnormal. Carla's death is strictly happenstance in AOP.
Mikasa and Ymir's connection in AOT was...weird. Because many of us were led to believe that Ymir was waiting for Eren to release her from the power of the titans, but it turned out she was waiting for Mikasa to release her because she saw how Mikasa was able to let go of Eren, allowing Ymir to let go of Fritz because she was in love with him and served him because she loved him. The analysis and criticism has already been done, but it definitely felt rushed and out of nowhere for me. I do have Ymir look at Mikasa letting Eren go, implying Ymir's feelings towards Fritz, but just didn't outright say it.
And Armin and Primus' conversation, oh boy! That's a can of worms there! The conversation was going to go very differently, but as I was writing this chapter, I got creative and I thought that Armin, dealing with both Optimus and Megatron, and the loss of Eren, while also learning that Primus had a hand in the Rumbling happening, deserved to know what Primus saw. There were also a lot of people in the comments calling out Primus and calling him hypocritical for letting genocide happen. So I have to explain that things are not that simple. Primus doesn't want to impose control and take away freewill to obtain peace. Even if he did do that, he would only be able to affect the Eldian people, not everyone else. He can't change the minds of the Marleyans. Additionally, altering the fabric of time puts the whole universe at risk and he can't do that. If Primus had the opportunity to make the Peaceful Timeline a reality, he would do it in a heartbeat. Also additionally, Primus showed Armin glimpses of these alternate timelines, not the whole thing.
But the reason why Armin didn't break when shown alternate timelines was simply how he reacted in the anime. When Eren told Armin the truth, Armin was understandably angry at Eren, and as he wept, he still clung onto the idea of hope. That hope does exist and it could be used to change the heart and minds of the people into creating a peaceful world. And the fact that Primus with his all seeing power still can't find another solution to the madness he claims he wants to stop? What does that make him? Also, Armin has been dealing with Megatron's bullshit for four years along with immense amounts of trauma. He's not about to buckle to god when he's been through hell.
Also, Pieck deserved an explanation for everything Primus unintentionally put her through. And Primus of course has to make a grand gesture when ending the power of the titans. And in regards to the end, if you haven't seen this ask telling you to listen to the song while reading the ending, I recommend that you do.
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td-rarepairs · 6 months
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horrorknife · 7 months
ihave t veheb this fufufkedyo inc a long yimr
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mayisgoingnuts · 1 month
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I graduated a few days ago!! I didn't take a picture in yimr of my printed board for my VEI class. But I have the original photo I created for my teacher to print out
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I completely missed the point and my teacher loved it still,,,this was also when I got fixated on Summer at first and wow it still holds up bro
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ask-the-achs · 10 months
*The computer flicked on.*
Minato Namikaze
Bio:Minato Namikaze was the Fourth Hokage of Konohagakure. He was famous in life for his speed, leading to the moniker of Konoha's Yellow Flash. He died during the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha, sacrificing his life to seal a part of the Nine-Tails into his newborn son, Naruto Uzumaki. He is a skilled fighter and hokage.
Weapons:unique kunai
Superhuman strength(is strong enough to several the tentacles of the 8 tails and easily defeats ment twice his size of his strength. Both of whom could break apart mountains and mountain ranges with their tails.) Superhuman durability(Minato could take hits from 2 tailed cloak Kushina and take hits from others like her. Kushina's body was strong enough to decay super powered snakes and burn and break down all things near it.) Superhuman speed (is faster then A and Bee both of whom are capable of attacking and dodging faster then light.) Thanks to his half of the 9 tails he's got fire and wind he naturally has lighting manipulation. He's skilled in sealing arts as he's one of the few people who knows how to preform the Eight Trigrams seal which can hold back the nine tails and has the Contract seal which allows him to sever people's control over another's controlled creatures. He also knows the ultimate seal being the Reaper death seal, but this seal can only be used once as this seal WILL take his soul. He also needs to be strong enough to seal the soul away. High skilled sensor(putting a finger on the ground allows him to sense everything around him.) Has sage mode(this mode allows him to add natural energy into his own abilities to increase in power and be neigh undetectable unless you have similar power. Also, he can't be absorbed by the rinnegan. He can use his body flicker and flying thunder god to teleport and increase his stats. The Rasagen can hold back and push back a tailed beast bomb from the nine tails who can destroy countries with the same attack and can make it bigger and stronger. He can use half of the Nine-Tails to make his attacks stronger or even make 9 extra arms or use tail beast bombs. Can summon Toads.
Weaknesses:using all his Chakra will kill him. He claims he's not good at using sage mode. The Reaper death seal will seal his soul in the stomach of the Reaper and kill him.
Tyrien Sigfrid
Age:Unknown but double Paradox's age.
Weapon:runes his Hammer and anything in his sack (Magni's sword Maui's hook Hou-yi's bow and various bottles)
Bio:long ago the Nordic realms Muspelheim and Niflheim started leaking into the void and created Ymir the first gaint and so he wandered creating realms with the his magic. Soon the sons of Bor (Odin and his brothers.) Soon came and killed Yimr which then carved his body up to make Midgard the realm of mortals while his blood flooded the realms. From the blood came Gaints mad at Odin. Meanwhile somewhere else one day Gaia gets hurt and mad at Zues for sealing away her monstrous children collects her magic and the sky's blood to make gaints to kills the gods as both gaint groups get slaughtered they meet each other and leave the realms unknownly leaving a small bottle of blood from both Gaia and Yimr. Years later the bottle smashes into the ground from the sky in the middle of a ground that was shared by Drawves and elves. They saw the blood become a baby gaint and making a truce raising the child and growing closer as a people. Being raised by the groups and finding out of his heritage he wanders the realms on one goal which strengthened among his Son's death. KILL ALL WHO THREATEN THE PEOPLE HE WAS RAISED BY.
Godly strength(stated by his wife to be the strongest of his family. Paradox has suplexed Dragons the size of mountains. His father in Law Gim once Punched a shark God so hard it shook all of Hawaii and was felt across the seas. His brother in laws which are all much weaker then him have spoken mountain ranges in rages. His wife has slapped around Titans and his daughter calls country destroying vampires 'Wimps') Godly durability (has been attacked by Valkires Fruies and even gods. He's survived everytime. [Mimir stated that Magi and Modi [Thor's sons can't hurt him and these two as children were strong enough to move building size monsters.] He once Drop kicked Baulder across Midgard. [Mimir says he wole up in the river kingdom. HE KICKED A GOD FROM SCOTLAND ALL THE WAY TO EGYPT] Ares Athena and Artemis tell others to never fight him.) Godly speed(despite his size he's capable of dodging attacks from Baulder who being a god of light can go light speed but he's also Fought Helios as an equal Helios was the titan of the sun. Once threw his hammer so fast his son who can react to garou and deku just barely dodged.) Rune magic allows him to cast enchantments on weapons or cast spells by spelling out what he wants to happen. Eleven magic let's him control plants and animals Drawven magic let's him quote 'hold any thing coproal or not.' Brok another drawf used his magic to seal the sound of a storm to use for later. Being both a Gaia and a Yimr gaint gives more powers. Yimr gaints have fire and ice powers along with the powers of prophecy Gaia gaints regenerate as long as they touch the ground are strong enough to throw mountains and islands. Both can change size. [He's stated to be big for a mortal and can grow bigger then Typhon who's according to Paradox 'Fucking gaint to the damn Gaints.' His size drawfed The cyclops who can forge lighting bolts the same way one does swords.] His hammer is covered in his magic and also his family's magic he can tap into the magic (Thronendressa can seal things into anything Raven can manipulate blood flesh and bone Paradox can copy any magic he can see and remember.) His bow can shoot gods out of the sky and he once shot a moon god out of the sky with it. Maui's hook can grant any who hold it shape-shifting its said one can drag islands across the seas. Magi's sword can control the weather and has the power of a raging asgard storm sealed into it.
Weaknesses:only skilled in using his hammer. His hammer is a blacksmithing hammer it's not a weapon. Despite his power he's a trickster. His magic is VERY LITERAL (Plants burst forth means explosion of flowers. Plants thrust forward makes vines shoot forward Etc etc.)
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animereads · 2 years
Love/Wedding Songs that remind me of aot characters
She used to be Mine- Shannon & Keast
Crush on you- soul Fro and Dum di dum
Make you mine (Acoustic)- PUBLIC
She's Kinda Hot- 5SOS
Strawberry Mentos- leanna Firestone
She- dodie
10,000 Hours- dan+shay and Justin Bieber
Take My Name-Wedding Version- Parmalee
Amnesia- 5SOS
Just a friend to you- Meghan Trainor
Killshot-Slow+Reverb- Magdalena Bay
Someone to you (Acoustic)- BANNERS (the acoustic one fits better than the normal one)
I Kissed a Girl- Katy Perry ("Your my experimental game, Just human nature")
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rosemaydone321 · 2 years
Remember me part 1
Eren x fem reader
Summery:your boyfriend had long dream of forgotten memory
"Mmmm.....I had the longest dream (y/n)" Eren said to the woman next to him
(Y/n) turn around while fixing her makeup to see her boyfriend completely ready to go for Armin and Annie weeding "of what eren" she said
Eren sighted and set on the edge of there shared bed facing her back
"The we where in world the is surround buy walls and we where fighting titan to survive but I was somehow one of them and could shift back but in the end to protect every one I love i needed to rumble the world for the people I grow up with somehow to survive......do I make sense"
Feeling bizarre and uneasy I replied to Eren "I think you have not gotten enough rest this past month or proper meal come on Eren we need to get going is Armin and Annie weeding "
"No y/n you need to remember" as Eren move towards me and made his head touch mine
I saw me and armin and Mikasa somehow friends so was I with eren then we joined the army to fight those Titans who were real and eat people alive but then me and eren turn to Titans so our journey begin secrets being revealed and eren growing cold each year lead to his attack on Marley then he got beheaded by a girl named Gabi which transformed him to the founder titan buy yimr so me and armin and Mikasa join forced to stop the rumbling which successfully we stoped it buy killing eren but in the end I was so lost of how I let them hurt Eren
So i stole him from his best friends in my titan form not understanding why I am the only one with the ability to shift as titan although yimr cursed been broken which i don't care only of how to bring eren back to live which then I gave up because I realized the this is not what Eren would have wanted he suffered from everyone and needed to rest for god sake
I took my beloved to our home town where we grow up buried him in the tree used to where he would observe those walls i took the last look on Eren face before cover it in grace
soon people started to come and so did familiar faces rose from a far
I apologize to armin and Mikasa for what I did but they said they did forgive me but I needed to stay out from eyesight because of my powers and because there a lot people are targeting me now I travel with Armin buy boats leaving you Eren with Mikasa and her husband so many years past i hardly aged all people I know are no longer with us i stayed alone seeing people rebuild and move on to start destruction once again and silly old wars but one thing for sur i was the only silly and old woman inside but how did i died.....
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ophidioph0bia · 1 year
I love my strech marks because one yimr i saw vriskan sex nd rviska has strech marks on her thighs. Like me
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massvoraciuseffect · 3 months
What's it like eating a YIMR mech considering their large sizes and tendency to explode when fatally damaged.
"I've done it a couple times. Nothing crushes the spirit of mercenaries like the sight of their YIMR being swallowed by an enemy predator. True, that was when I was a lot bigger than I am now. And the belching afterward is literally explosive. Once digested, they don't self-destruct like they do after normal elimination, but the explosive elements react with stomach acid and.... Well, I once knocked a gunship to the ground with a burp like that. " Shepard admitted.
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nyxi-pixie · 5 months
in nonna be so honrst wvery yimr i heat people talk bt the fiffernces betwern sub and dub i thi k theyre taliing abt some freaky shit like 'omg sub daxai sm bettet' and i got yedg for sure and then i realies they ate talinh abouy his obice noy his bratty tendrncies
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sturnioloshacker · 7 months
oh em gee i forgot to andwer your wuestion abt whag my type is ok so like in men long brown hair , and according to my birth giver ‘the bad bous’ and mostly brown/blue eyes w like a sleeper build ykwim and really really stuoid most of yhe yimr
and in women just any women bc women.
stop because my type in guys is brunette and blue eyes with either a sleeper build or semi-muscular build and has the sweetest personality
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