#yin yoga for covid
krazyshoppy · 2 years
कोरोना के बाद शरीर को मिलेगी ताकत, जरूर करें ये योगासन
कोरोना के बाद शरीर को मिलेगी ताकत, जरूर करें ये योगासन
Yoga Helpful During Covid Recovery: शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने में योग बहुत मदद करता है. कोरोना काल में जब जिम बंद थे तो लोगों ने फिटनेस को बनाए रखने के लिए योग का सहारा लिया. योग करने से न सिर्फ बॉडी हेल्दी रहती है बल्कि योग आपको मानसिक रूप से भी मजबूत बनाता है. अगर आप कोविड-19 संक्रमण से ठीक हो रहे हैं तो इस स्थिति में तेजी से रिकवरी और शरीर की खोई हुई ताकत पाने के लिए योग करें. कोरोना से ठीक होने के…
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nativeyoga · 9 months
Dorcas Murunga - Yoga Teacher Shares Her Journey and Impact in Kenya
Listen to podcast for FREE here Dorcas Murunga is a yoga teacher based in Nairobi, Kenya. She is a certified yoga teacher with the Africa Yoga Project and has been an inspiration to her local community. Dorcas is passionate about sharing the transformative power of yoga and has been teaching various styles of yoga, including power yoga, yin yoga, and African yoga. She is dedicated to meeting her…
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iread-studies · 10 months
I've decided to do the 2019 Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred challenge & I'll document my progress here.
Day 1: 2 videos. Sweat a lot but was able to more or less complete it with some mini breaks during some of the exercises (up and down planks will be the death of me!!). Today I used the recommended warm-up and cool-down videos but I didn't fancy them so I'll try different ones tomorrow. My lower abs hurt.
Day 2: 2 videos. Didn't do the optional one. Less sweaty but still tough & had to take some breaks. Woke up with glutes hurting but not so much so that it's painful to sit down/get up from a chair (like it happened with that Natasha Oceane video once). Lower abs hurt after the workout. Up and down planks are still killing me. Tried a Yoga with Kassandra 20 min Yin yoga practice as warm-up which I really enjoyed but probably not the best for warming up. For cool down, this 5 min MadFit video (not enough, tomorrow I should find a longer one).
(btw by taking breaks I don't mean stopping the video but rather i'm exhausted, i stop doing the exercise for 5 seconds or so while the video is still running and then get back to it without making up for the lost 5 seconds)
After the cut for more info about me, my fitness level, my fitness journey so far etc.
Always hated working out. Then I got quite into YouTube workouts in 2019 after trying a 7-minute one every day for a week (honestly, the best way to get into fitness in my opinion, super low effort). I worked out at least half an hour every day for a couple of months and then more sporadically.
I attempted the 2-week Shred Challenge before but never went past the first week. Did some yoga both online and in person. I also did the first 2 weeks of the Couch to 5K programme back in 2022 and that was glorious but then I got covid and never went back.
Anyway, this was all so sporadic that I've now long lost all the muscle I had built during that wonderful summer, which is a shame. Can I lift a full suitcase? No. Would I very much like to do so? Yes.
While fat loss is also a concern, I won't be sharing any measurements or pictures because I find them to be quite triggering and that's not the point anyway. Working out made me feel powerful and I want to feel that way again. Also, endorphins. If my measurements change as a consequence of this that's great but not the main goal.
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thetantricmeditator · 8 months
Welcome to: Mindful Sex
But First, A Little Background.....
As we struggle to come to terms with the state of, well, everything, following the more prevalent days of the pandemic (OMG, those six feet of separation, the limits on toilet paper and sanitizing products, and the people playing with fate by going maskless) I don’t know about you, but life felt like a swirling shit storm. My umbrella was trying to fly inside out. Through all this craziness, there was the entry of a new form of dating and companionship-virtual dating. 
We all get the online dating website phenomenon, set a date for a hookup, an FWB, or a long-term romance (don't trust it, think the 90-day-fiance), but honestly, I wanted to use this time to take care of myself. I did not need an in-person or virtual date for that. And to be honest, I wasn't in the mood or head space to meet anyone during that time period.
        However, something had to give. Being alone was taking its toll. There were needs not being met, and a girl only wants to watch so much porn or read so many romance novels. Eventually, we need to find a way to alleviate the stress-Enter Mindful Sex........      
 Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking, wtf kind of hippy-dippy stuff are you bringing up here now TM. I could say don't knock it until you try it, but I can show you much better than tell you-haha, not showing you guys anything, but close your eyes, take a deep breath, and read the following, carefully.        
Now mixing meditation and any type of sexual anything together may not seem like a good idea, because I mean seriously, isn't meditation supposed to relax you, calm you, and make you feel less stressed? And sex.....well, that is not what sex does at all. It riles you up, makes you excited, sends you into a frenzy-and hell, if it isn't good sex, well.......you get the picture. But research has shown that on psychological and physiological levels, sex and meditation tend to go together, sort of like yin and yang, cheese and crackers, cocoa and marshmallows. When COVID started, we all flocked to the online or virtual forum. Dating, yoga, workouts, and lots and lots of porn/webcam sites were all making bank. Meditative exercises found their way online as well. Breathe in..... breathe out.....clear your mind.....           
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1/12/23 Day 25 workout streak.
Since I have Covid and feel shitty, I did a very slow healing yin yoga for 30 minutes.
Legs up the wall, reclining bound angle, sphinx, single leg up the wall, other leg through the doorway, and child's pose.
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reisverdrinkwijn · 2 years
Discoveries - dopo un lungo sonno
Credo di essere di nuovo sveglia, dopo tre anni di lungo sonno.
Anni fa non facevo altro che annegare nella poesia, nella scrittura di canzoni, nelle canzoni di altri, nei saggi di psicologia e nella mia testa. Stavo seguendo anche un percorso di terapia abbastanza lungo, ero da poco entrata nel mondo del lavoro ed ero abbastanza severa con me stessa su tanti punti di vista: il mio comportamento nei confronti dell'ambiente, la mia carriera lavorativa, le mie relazioni, la mia parte creativa che ho dovuto tenere molto a bada.
Una volta una persona a cui tengo molto mi ha detto "vabè a te piacciono le cose artistiche ma non sei quel tipo di persona". Non gliel'ho mai detto ma quella frase per me è stata un colpo forte. Non mi piaceva postare le mie cose online, tutt'ora non ne sono una fan, non mi è piaciuto nemmeno condividere le mie poesie o le mie creazioni.
Questa immersione mi stava soffocando e ho deciso di metterla in pausa. Ho messo in pausa tutto. Niente più yin, solo lo yang. Mi sono trasferita altrove, ho riscelto il trambusto della città, la vita esterna, la pianificazione finanziaria, il movimento fisico, le cose solide, la praticità. Ho smesso la terapia, anche in modo un po' brusco e sbagliato. Neanche il Covid come periodo mi aveva cambiato qualcosa in questo senso, perché l'ho passato in gran parte a lavorare (guardando con un pizzico di invidia chi invece ha riscoperto del tempo per la cucina e tanto altro).
E' da qualche mese che ho deciso di riaffacciarmi al mio io. Anche questo tipo di scrittura qui - che mi aspetto che non leggerà nessuno - per me è un po' terapeutico. Mi ero data degli obiettivi a Gennaio 2022 che sto con gioia portando avanti, senza mai sentirmi costretta e con serenità.
Ho ripreso la terapia: con calma, senza gravità. Ho ripreso pian piano a scrivere. Sto imparando la scrittura scollegata dalla sofferenza. Sto imparando a vivermi con leggerezza e a pieno respiro.
Sono tornata nella natura: quello con la natura è l'unico legame che mi tengo stretto fin dall'infanzia, come qualcosa di magico. I boschi, gli alberi, le piante, per me sono un tutt'uno con noi e avevo messo tutto questo da parte, per paura di ritrovarmi faccia a faccia con il mio vero io, in un periodo in cui stavo cercando di spegnerlo.
Ho scoperto l'arte della ceramica, da una meravigliosa signora che mi ha dato lezioni per qualche mese e con cui ho condiviso bellissimi discorsi sui viaggi, sui tarocchi e sul mondo femminile. Anche sui quartieri di Roma.
Ho da poco ripreso a suonare. Sto ancora facendo un po' fatica a collegare musica e poesia ad una vita serena.
Ho ripreso a praticare yoga con piena presenza. Pratico yoga e meditazione da ormai 4 anni, eppure quest'ultimo anno sento di esserci maturata molto più che nei precedenti tre, così tutto d'insieme.
Ho da pochi mesi deciso di fare un investimento su me stessa anche a livello fisico e mi sento una volta a settimana con un consulente olistico su fitness e benessere in generale. Credo che oltre al benessere mentale, sia molto importante quello fisico (farò un articolo a parte in merito) e io non sono mai stata molto brava in merito (ho sempre odiato lo sport, per dirne una).
Ho migliorato molto il mio rapporto con il cibo e con l'alcol (riducendo quest'ultimo di molto, a normali quantità). Ho cercato di lavorare molto sulle relazioni che ho qui nella mia città natale diciamo, e di leggere il più possibile.
Il lavoro c'è, e per me è molto importante. Non credo affatto a chi dice che i soldi contano poco perché i soldi contano eccome, ma non bisogna esser greedy e c'è tempo per tutto. Ora finalmente credo di essere vicina al raggiungere un mio equilibrio personale di io e lavoro.
E ho scoperto che esiste il bone broth in tazza. Quando tornerà il freddo lo berrò come tutto il mondo beve il tè, finalmente.
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skills-course · 8 months
Yoga Renew – 200 HR Online Yoga Teacher Training LINK DOWNLOAD: https://skillscourse.net/yoga-renew-200-hr-online-yoga-teacher-training/?feed_id=1883&_unique_id=6540c92d07cd4 Yoga Renew – 200 HR Online Yoga Teacher Training Description of 200 HR Online Yoga Teacher Training YogaRenew is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance. Due to COVID-19, in-person trainings have shifted online and graduates of this course are welcome to register in Yoga Alliance’s directory as a RYT. Everything in one place. The YogaRenew Online 200-hour yoga teacher certification offers you the opportunity to deeply enrich your practice and understanding of yoga. This comprehensive YTT will give you a strong foundation for yoga philosophy and practice through detailed videos, readings, workbooks, handouts, and lectures. As a student, you’ll learn all the aspects of yoga teacher training and learn all the skills needed to become a knowledgeable Yoga Teacher. What You'll Learn In 200 HR Online Yoga Teacher Training? Yoga History & Philosophy: Understand the history of yoga including key ancient yoga texts; The Vedas, The Upanishads, and The Bhagavad Gita. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Learn the 8 limbs of yoga including the Niyamas and Yamas and how they relate to yoga ethics today. Yoga Anatomy: Explore anatomy and physiology as well as their practical applications in yoga practice including the spine, muscles and nerves, skeletal and connective tissue, foot, knee, hips, breath and bandhas, shoulders and arms, and the psoas. Understanding Different Styles Of Yoga: Explore the history and foundations of 8 different yoga styles including Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Hot Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Yin Yoga. 6 Principles of Yoga Alignment: Learn foundations for the feet, hands, spine, knees, shoulders, and core in yoga poses Learn 5 Categories of Asanas: Learn sequencing and alignment foundations for standing asanas, forward bends, twists, backbends, and inversions. 5 Bandhas of Yoga: Explore the 5 Bandhas of Yoga and how they relate to alignment foundations in yoga. Yoga Asanas: Understanding principles of yoga alignment, advanced study of over 50 yoga poses; including adjustments/modifications for each, things to look out for with students, and how to with videos displaying how to get in and out of each pose. Teaching Cues: Learn how to say different concise and clear teaching cues for over 50 different poses. Injuries & Modifications: Learn injury considerations for each pose and how to offer different modifications for your students. Sanskrit: Understanding basic Sanskrit terms, Sanskrit pose names, and pronunciation for each asana. Yoga Sequencing: Learn how to prepare for your own classes; including creating inspiring class plans, structuring your yoga class safely, and sequencing foundations. Inspiring Class Themes: Discover how to create inspiring class themes and how to weave them into your class sequences. Hands On Adjustments: Understand the relationship between teacher and student in adjustments and explore how to safely offer yoga adjustments and their relationship to body mechanics. Meditation: Explore how to teach 6 meditation techniques, meditation’s history in yoga, the anatomy of meditation, and the benefits of meditation. Pranayama: Learn ancient pranayama techniques. Explore how to guide others in different breathing exercises including; 3 Part Breath, Alternate Nostril Breathing, and Ujjayi Breath. Chakra Yoga Therapy: Understand how Chakras work, their energetic associations, how they relate to yoga practice, and how to heal chakras through yoga practice. Class Experience: Explore how to develop your yoga teacher voice for your classes, class room set up, and how and when to demo poses. Explore Creative Imagery In Teaching Cues: Learn to create inspiring class sequences by using empowering yoga verbs and teaching cues.
Classroom Props: Learn different types of yoga props and how to use them to modify poses for your students. Living A Yoga Lifestyle: Explore ways to take your yoga practice off the mat and bring it into your personal life. Discovering Your Unique Teaching Style: Learn how to develop your own mission statement and discover your own unique teaching style. Developing Confidence As A Teacher: Learn ways that you can overcome the fear of teaching Learn Qualities Of A Great Yoga Teacher: Learn 11 key qualities of a great yoga teacher and continue to grow in your yoga teacher journey. Yoga Business & Marketing: Learn all the foundations for business and marketing for your yoga business, including finding teaching opportunities, outreach, social media, branding, and marketing. Find Teaching Opportunities: Learn how to market yourself and find teaching opportunities including, your ideal target market, private clients, corporate yoga, workshops, gyms, and studios More courses from the same author: Yoga Renew
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montgomeryjonsson19 · 10 months
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh
I thanks Samadhi Yoga Ashram not solely to teach me Yoga, but also the kindness and very friendly teachers , thanks for the good time and schow me a brand new life-style that makes me feel more peace and on the similar time powerfull. East+West is a school dedicated to sharing genuine yogic practices from India with a western viewers. We bring Indian master teachers everywhere in the world to luxurious resorts. Taught across Australia, part-time on weekends as properly as a deep dive immersion retreat, this course will not only change your yoga follow it may additionally simply change your life... Our complete yoga teacher training curriculum has been carefully refined over 30 years to supply a fully interactive, dynamic expertise. It is a aware blend of Eastern and Western yoga teachings, paired with practical trendy functions. Our distinctive approach goes beyond poses – it is anchored in a deep understanding of the physique and biomechanics. A non secular classic, Dass tells us his story of spiritual awakening witnessed by him, and the enlightenment journey. You will also get an insight into the practical workouts like visualisation meditation and respiratory practices which you can inculcate in your every day routine as properly as teachings. This is an fascinating classic autobiography on Paramahansa Yogananda. It narrates his life story right from his childhood days in India to his journey on the quest for a guru and his experiences as a non secular speaker and teacher later in America. As of 2020, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Yoga Alliance now approves our online teacher training program. You can learn extra about how Yoga Alliance now approves online training packages and determine if you want to use for registered yoga teacher (RYT) status upon completion of the course. The Yoga Alliance is a standards group that certifies yoga teachers in order that employers and yoga students can relaxation straightforward figuring out that yoga teachers meet sure qualifications to soundly teach yoga. The organization has created requirements that yoga teacher training faculties comply with. The curriculum focuses on essential parts similar to teaching alignment, anatomy, and kinesiology, offering you with a solid basis to create protected and effective yoga lessons. You will cover the art of Vinyasa flow and sequencing methods, mastering the abilities to design well-balanced and dynamic sequences that leave a long-lasting impact in your college students. Early fowl reductions are offered to college students who pay in full 4 months earlier than the program begins. You’ll receive skilled steering drawn from our instructors’ many years of efficiently operating yoga studios and leading classes, workshops, retreats, and teacher trainings. This 300 hour course offers plenty of apply educating to strengthen confidence in  your voice and your expertise as an instructor. Yoga college students may also follow the 2nd sequence of Ashtanga Vinyasa with advanced degree postures and deeper information of nature, philosophy, pranayama and instructing abilities. 1- Course includes advance practices of yoga, advance asanas, advance pranayama, advance yoga philosophy, advance yoga anatomy & physiology, yoga therapy and other topics. 2- Students who really needs to know what is life, they're most welcome to study yoga, yoga is best imply to know the life. 3- During the course, the asanas practices are physically challenging however the course has been designed with intellect prospective to balance it with meditation & pranayama practices. Gentle postures, breath work, vocal toning and meditation are taught to cultivate flexibility, calm and confidence in preparation for labor and childbirth. Help to advertise ease in the birthing course of, reducing ache and increasing the enjoyment of pregnancy and giving start. This course offers a strong basis of the theory and methodology of Yin Yoga. You will learn the way Yin Yoga poses works along the body’s meridians and about the effects on the bio-mechanics of the body – including how the poses work on the fascia and connective tissue. Our one hundred Hour Yoga Therapeutics Module is a deep dive into one-on-one Yoga Therapy – for increased well being, vitality and wellbeing. The guide additionally educates the reader on the history of yoga and its inception within the American continent. Gain a deeper understanding of the Anatomy and the effect yoga has on the physique. Study more the specific well being benefits of various asanas and strategies to treat illness and injury, release trauma and depression, serve prenatal and seniors. To make the method even simpler we've hand chosen 6 of our favourite 300 hour packages to suite all kinds of yoga instructing pursuits and budgets. Success within the yoga business is about putting your vitality the place ardour lies by way of experiential learning. Most folks wait two years or extra after their initial 200 hour certification program to see where they really feel most snug.
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rollihost · 2 years
Morning journal
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If you center your weight directly over your heels, you will feel more stress on your toes. If you lean forward, you’ll experience less stress on your toes. The intensity of this pose is determined primarily by the positioning of the weight of your body. Tuck all 10 toes and sit back toward or on your heels. Repeat Graceful Bow with neck release on the other side and stay here for 1 minute.Īdd any movement you would like before you transition to the next pose. Flex and extend your spine in a version of seated Cat and Cow by arching the spine to open across the front of your body, then rounding the spine to open across the back of your body for 3-5 times. Send breath awareness to the left side of your neck. Bring your right ear toward your right shoulder for an easy neck stretch. Let your left arm rest alongside your body as you wrap your right arm behind your back, bringing your right hand to the inside of your left elbow and clasping it. Uncross your legs, and come to seated on your heels with untucked toes. (Photo: Tamika Caston-Miller) Graceful Bow (Photo: Tamika Caston-Miller) Kundalini Circlesįrom Easy Seat, begin to rotate yourself slowly at your hips in a circular fashion for seated Kundalini Circles. Add longer holds before and after each breath. Release your right hand and repeat with your left hand. Continue breathing in this pattern for 3 more rounds. Breathe in through your left nostril and hold the breath in, then release your right nostril and pinch your left nostril before you exhale and hold the breath out. Then release your left nostril and pinch your right nostril shut before you exhale and hold the breath out. Inhale through your right nostril and hold the breath in. Place your pointer and middle fingers on the third eye (center of your forehead), while your thumb and third finger rest on either nostril. Bring your right hand in front of your face. (Photo: Tamika Caston-Miller) Easy Seat with Nadi Shodhanaįrom seated, switch the crossing of your legs and come back to Easy Seat and practice Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing). Release your legs and find some gentle movement. Settle into this connection and remain here for several breaths. This mudra reminds you that you are made of layers and you turn inward to find a sense of grounding whenever you need. Bring your thumbs to the palms of your hands and wrap your fingers around them in adhi mudra. Take some time here to connect to yourself and your breath. (Photo: Tamika Caston-Miller) Easy Seat with Adhi MudraĬome to a comfortable cross-legged position in Easy Seat, sitting on a bolster or a folded blanket if you like. Your only goal with this practice is to connect with your body and with yourself. When you bring some breathwork and exploratory movement to your poses and the transitions in between them, you can fully open the dialogue with yourself first thing in the morning. For me, that kindness looks like giving myself grace to move slowly, to not be tethered to devices, and to create silence and stillness for myself.Ī morning Yin yoga sequence awakens that innate connection between your body, your breath, and your mind. It prepares me to listen a little more deeply and be a little kinder to myself, even when I’m off the mat. That depth, that stillness, is what I seek. While Yin Yoga is practiced in a variety of settings, taking time for it early in the day, when your muscles are cold, allows you to access the deeper fascia. When I make the space to listen in the morning, I can hear all of the places in my physical body gently wake as I move into long hold after long hold. My body and mind are speaking differently these days, and Yin yoga gives me the chance to exercise some deep listening. I take my time as I roll out of bed, sleepily drag myself to the bathroom, and maybe, just maybe, change clothes before I head to my mat to practice morning Yin yoga. (Before Covid) times, I used to jump out of bed, grab my tennies, and head out for a 5K walk with friends a few times a week.
Morning journal full#
Get full access to Outside Learn, our online education hub featuring in-depth yoga, fitness, & nutrition courses, when youīack in B.C.
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yoga-du-sud · 2 years
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Formations de Yoga en ligne
Évolution 2.0 ou hérésie ?
C'est un fait : on ne pratique plus aujourd'hui le Yoga comme dans l'Inde antique, même pas comme au début du XXème siècle (Imaginez un peu le tableau sinon : peu, voire pas de femmes admises dans les cours, une simple culotte de coton et c'est parti!) C'est d'ailleurs pour cela que le Yoga est toujours aussi vivant : il sait s'adapter. Aux gens, aux cultures, aux époques.
Alors, oui, aujourd'hui en 2022, le Yoga se pratique souvent dans son salon. Parfois complètement seul, parfois face à une vidéo Youtube et parfois devant le live de son professeur préféré. Oui, le yoga 2022 est sans conteste 2.0 mais néanmoins plus populaire qu'il n'a jamais été !
S'il est aujourd'hui largement admis de pratiquer en ligne, qu'en est-il des formations à distance de professeur de Yoga ?
Revenons d'abord un instant sur l'événement de ces dernières années qui a littéralement bousculé nos manières de vivre, le Yoga n'y échappant pas : j'ai bien sûr nommé la pandémie Covid-19.
Yoga et Covid-19 : mise en perspective
➔ Des pratiquants de yoga isolés... Les confinements successifs nous ont physiquement isolés les uns des autres et ont obligé les yogis et yoginis du monde entier à pratiquer seul. Acculés par les difficultés financières, nombreux sont les studios de yoga qui ont vu leurs portes se fermer, rendant parfois difficile le retour à des cours collectifs.
➔ ... mais de plus en plus nombreux. Du temps pour soi, l'esprit libéré du tourbillon du quotidien... C'était ça aussi les confinements ! :) Et ils ont permis à de plus en plus de personnes de se tourner vers le yoga et d'en goûter les bienfaits. Par ailleurs, le climat instauré par cette période si particulière a entraîné un fort désir de vivre plus en accord avec ses valeurs, un besoin de ralentir et de s'écouter, une volonté de se reconnecter à son corps. Ne retrouve-t-on pas là les ingrédients du Yoga ? ;)
✔ D'uncôté:desstudiosfermésetl'interdictiondeseregrouper.
✔ De l'autre : de plus en plus de pratiquants, de plus en plus de yogis et yoginis désireux d'approfondir leurs connaissances, de plus en plus de personnes voulant donner un nouvel élan à leur vie.
→ Pour continuer à exister et surtout pour satisfaire des demandes toujours plus nombreuses, les formations de Yoga 100% online ont vu le jour.
Formations de Yoga online : quid de la qualité ?
Cette interrogation est tout à fait légitime ! Je me la suis posée, les formateurs se la sont posée, les pratiquants réguliers se la sont posée, les curieux de passage également !
Apprendre à enseigner une discipline physique sans ajustement réel, sans pratique partagée : un non-sens pour beaucoup, voire même une hérésie, pour reprendre le titre de cet article.
Et pourtant... Et pourtant, avant bien sûr de développer, je n'aurais qu'un seul argument à avancer pour prouver l'efficacité de ces formations : elles existent toujours malgré la réouverture des studios et la possibilité de se regrouper à nouveau !
Alors, oui, on ne pas se mentir. Comme dans tous les domaines, dès qu'il s'agit de business, on trouve de tout et de rien : du suivi personnalisé, des enseignements riches, des outils concrets et efficaces mais aussi... des belles promesses, des arnaques, des apports plus que basiques, voire carrément douteux !
→ Porter un regard juste et conscient sur chaque proposition que l'on voit fleurir sur le net est absolument nécessaire.
Pourquoi j'ai choisi de me former au Yin Yoga en ligne avec Yoga du Sud
➔Se former online... Les formations en ligne ont sans conteste contribué au formidable essor que connaît
le Yoga depuis quelques années.
Le Yoga n'est désormais plus une pratique confidentielle, d'élite ou réservée aux grandes villes. L'explosion du Yoga sur Internet l'a fait entré dans toutes les maisons, dans toutes les régions et même dans tous les emplois du temps.
Pas besoin d'habiter une grande ville ou de prévoir un déplacement
La formation online vient à vous où que vous soyez : que vous habitiez en centre ville, en campagne ou même que vous soyez itinérant.
Compatible avec d'autres activités
Là où les formats présentiels imposent de se dégager de larges plages horaires, ou même carrément de banaliser plusieurs jours ou semaines dans son emploi du temps, les formations en ligne sont souvent pensées pour être facilement intégrables à nos quotidiens bien remplis : replays, capsules vidéo courtes, ...
➔... avec Yoga du Sud Les avantages que je viens d'énumérer sont communs au format online me direz-vous - et vous auriez raison ;) -. Je vous explique pourquoi j'ai spécifiquement choisi Yoga du Sud pour me former au YIN YOGA.
Une organisme de formation certifié
Je vous l'accorde : parmi la multitude de formations et de cours proposés sur le net, il est TRES difficile d'y voir clair. Chacun avançant bien sûr ses meilleurs arguments. Mais, il y a certains signes qui ne trompent pas. Il existe certaines certifications officielles auxquelles on peut se fier. Et Yoga du Sud en possède deux !
-QUALIOPI- Cette marque est délivrée par les services de l'Etat afin de garantir aux usagers la qualité et la conformité de la formation. De ce fait, il est
même possible d'obtenir une prise en charge totale ou partielle des frais engagés (Il suffit de se rapprocher de son organisme financeur pour déterminer le montant de ses droits).
-YOGA ALLIANCE- Il s'agit d'un organisme international, largement reconnu par tous les pratiquants du monde, qui a pour but de veiller à la diffusion d'un Yoga de qualité. Pour obtenir cette distinction, l'école a du présenter un cahier des charges précis afin de garantir l'excellence de son enseignement. Par ailleurs, chaque étudiant certifié d'une telle formation pourra s'enregistrer auprès de Yoga Alliance et ainsi témoigner de son professionnalisme auprès de ses futurs élèves et/ou employeurs.
Une formation à taille humaine
Les organisateurs d'une formation en ligne ne sont, de fait, pas limités par des contraintes matérielles. Pas besoin de prendre en compte la taille de la salle ou le nombre de tapis disponibles pour déterminer une jauge d'inscription. La tentation est donc bien réelle d'autoriser la connexion de 50, 100, 200 élèves simultanés pour un même cours (rentabilité, rentabilité!).
Vous ne trouverez pas cela chez Yoga du Sud. Le nombre d'étudiants est volontairement limité. Pas de sensation de n'être qu'un numéro au milieu d'une masse. Ainsi se crée une ambiance familiale, bienveillante et chaleureuse. Interactions entre élèves, temps de qualité consacré à chacun, possibilité de s'exercer individuellement, réponse à chacune de vos questions, retour personnalisé sur chaque exercice, ajustements de VOS postures : c'est ce que vous trouverez chez Yoga du Sud.
Un contenu à forte valeur ajoutée
Ici, ce n'est pas le genre de formation où vous vous retrouverez seul face à un document PDF, puis à remplir un QCM pour valider vos connaissances et obtenir votre certification (Si, si cela existe!). Chez Yoga du Sud, les supports d'apprentissage sont nombreux et variés : vidéos explicatives, cours complets de yoga, manuels écrits de qualité et surtout lives réguliers pour pratiquer ensemble, poser ses questions, s'exercer, partager ses ressentis, ses doutes et ses prises de conscience.
Par ailleurs, les thèmes abordés sont nombreux et couvrent de façon globale la discipline pour faire de vous un professeur de Yin Yoga confiant et compétent : histoire de la pratique, anatomie, énergétique, points de médecine traditionnelle chinoise, explication détaillée de chaque posture, séquençage de séance, pédagogie du yoga, posture du professeur, ...
Tout ne s'arrête pas dès la fin de la formation
Quand je parlais d'ambiance familiale, ce n'était pas qu'une « jolie » formule. La taille réduite du groupe favorise inévitablement les échanges entre étudiants et les conversations peuvent largement dépasser le cadre de la formation :) Une véritable communauté se crée. Un réseau professionnel se tisse. Des relations de soutien se développent.
Par ailleurs, tout le contenu vidéo (y compris les replays des séances live) est disponible 1 an après la fin de la formation. Formidable pour revoir certaines notions et se sécuriser en tant que professeur de yoga débutant.
Des professeurs qualifiés et expérimentés
Impossible de clôturer cet article sans évoquer l'extraordinaire expertise des 2 professeurs intervenantes dans cette formation.
-BRIGITTE PHILLIPON- Brigitte est la référente Médecine Chinoise Traditionnelle de la formation. Elle s'est formée à toute la noblesse de cette discipline ancestrale après avoir accompagné pendant plus de 30 ans mamans et bébés à travers ses métiers d'infirmière et de sage-femme. Cela a été un vrai bonheur de découvrir à ses côtés les principes d'équilibre énergétique, le Yin, le Yang et toute la cartographie des méridiens. Elle a su mettre toute la richesse (et la complexité) de ses nobles connaissances à notre portée.
Comme un bouquet final, j'ai envie de terminer en présentant la directrice du programme :) Ses 20 années d'expérience dans le domaine du Yoga, ses connaissances aiguisées sur l'anatomie et les liens entre corps et esprit, sans oublier son sourire et sa bienveillance font de Rosa une formatrice incontournable dont le souhait le plus cher est de transformer chaque élève de la formation en professeur de yoga confiant, épanoui et compétent.
Son truc en + ? Un regard particulier sur la pédagogie du Yoga. Il sera largement admis que maîtriser une techique n'est pas synonyme de savoir l'enseigner. Un excellent yogi n'est pas forcément un bon professeur. Accueillir chaque élève avec ses conditions (physiques, psychologiques, ...), adapter vos séances, créer des séquences, ajuster au mieux les postures, ... bref, devenir un enseignant de yoga : voilà ce que vous apprendrez auprès de Rosa.
En Conclusion
Je terminerai en répondant à la question titre de cet article « Formation de Yoga en ligne : évolution 2.0 ou hérésie ? » Si vous avez lu chaque ligne de ma démonstration, vous ne serez pas surpris d'apprendre que je considère cela comme une évolution « normale » de la pratique, comme une mise à disposition encore plus large du Yoga, ce qui au fond est l'essence même de la discipline : le Yoga est fait pour être diffusé.
Le Yoga s'adapte à son temps, il se digitalise. Et d'ailleurs, le Yin Yoga, dont il est particulièrement question dans cet article, n'est-il pas lui-même une adaptation? Une interprétation du Yoga indien à la lumière des principes chinois ?
Je suis Elodie, rédactrice Web et professeur de Yoga mais surtout amoureuse de la vie et passionnée par les relations humaines. C'est avec un grand bonheur (et honneur) que je me suis vue confiée les rênes du blog Yoga du Sud pour les prochains mois :)
Un peu plus sur moi: Après diverses expériences professionnelles, je suis parvenue à créer un métier qui me ressemble et qui me permet de m'épanouir pleinement. Un métier qui se veut joyeux, optimiste, non routinier, soutenant et surtout qui me permet de faire résonner mes 2 passions: le Yoga et l'écriture.
Ma mission principale est d'accompagner les professionnels du Bien-être et du Yoga à développer leur activité. Je prends, par exemple, en charge leur communication écrite ou la gestion de leurs réseaux sociaux. Plus qu'un sous-traitant ou une prestataire de service, je conçois mon activité comme un vrai partenariat où ensemble nous co-réalisons une vision. Je continue en parallèle à donner des cours de Yoga (essentiellement cours privés et particuliers) et également à régulièrement me former (Hatha, Yin, Yoga féminin, …).
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Stress Management
Exploring Factors Within Our Control
Some things will be beyond your control, for example if you work a job that is based on working towards deadlines then you can’t change this without changing jobs.
Could you come up with some factors you can control to some aspects, that might assist with these dreaded deadlines?
• Take a lunch break each day
• Go to bed earlier
• Work using a schedule that breaks task of the project into smaller more manageable chunks and set timers
• Ask for regular follow up at the end of each small chunk of the project to ensure you remain on track and to increase accountability
• Book a yin yoga class after work to calm the nervous system rather than going home to binge on Netflix
There is more in our next Post that our psychologists discuss on the topic of physical activity. Specifically, how exercise can trigger the release certain hormones that have been found in scientific research to have an array of benefits including improvements in concentration, our cognitions (problem solving abilities), mood and productivity.
What else could be within your control?
#healthylifestyle #mentalhealthmatters #coaching #selflove #stressrelief #stressmanagement #healing #therapy #life #wellbeing #wellness #health #burnout #mindfulness #covid #psychology #motivation #mindset #fitness #love #stress #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #yoga #meditation #depression #anxiety #trauma #relax
Read More Here:
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elaine4queen · 3 years
I kept booking yoga classes and cancelling because I’d start coughing and think I might be a patient zero walking in there. Amsterdam went into lockdown before we did, and De Nieuwe Yoga School started putting classes online straight away, and in my preferred style, too, so I segued from in person classes two or three times a week to yin every day, and I think it might have not only saved my mental health but also played a part in my relatively good recovery from covid. 
I spoke to Hazel the other day and I was telling her I had been ruminating on small things, or things that no one else cares about and which would be smaller if we weren’t in lockdown again. I felt annoyed and ashamed about giving it head room.
To take the play away from my own experience of having been shunned I told Hazel about a friend, Rachel who’d had a ‘mean girls’ experience last March just before our first lockdown and was still fretting about it nearly a year later. We talked about the Buddhist approach - being here now, sitting with the thing and how that was hard when we were doing nothing but sitting with our things. She told me about a Carmelite nun who’d broken her silence after decades and how she could remember in detail the things that were happening shortly before sheltered the order, and I reminded her of a Pema Chodron story about how she was on a silent retreat with a friend and she became convinced that the friend was angry with her, so she went through all sorts during the retreat, ruminating, unable to tear herself away from thinking about it even though she knew better and had great Buddha skills and lots of experience of silence. Pema talks of ‘holding your seat’ meaning stay there for the things to come and go, be, suddenly thinking of Little Edie, ‘staunch’ in some way - and this is what we’re all having to do.
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angesaurus · 4 years
Yesterday was nuts. This huge project we have to do isn’t even a 1/3 done. I see a lot of OT in my future this week. However, I do need to log out on time today because we have a zoom meeting with Gavin’s teacher!
Speaking of Kindergarten- so apparently the new hot trend is sending your school age child to a daycare or center (ymca etc) that you pay to basically watch your kid on an iPad all day. Some of my coworkers are doing it. Um.... at that point I’d just send him to our daycare kindergarten (which I don’t want to do because the money and it’s only half day and I feel like he will need more challenging stuff). I have zero desire to have a stranger monitor his iPad activity all day. I know not everyone is as flexible as me and can’t work from home - but these are MY coworkers who.... can. So I’m confused. I am actually really looking forward to this time alone with Gavin. It sounds like the one guy wants nothing to do with his 2nd grader or virtual school and he’s sending him to daycare. Plus, how can you be sure this “teacher” (teacher in quotes because I am not sure if they are actual certified teachers, daycare teachers that already work there (yes! Daycare workers are teachers imo) or just employees hired to sit there and make sure your kid doesn’t get up. I would be worried about Gavin not getting the support he may need while on the iPad and also, why would I pay $1000 a month for him to sit on an iPad all day when we can do it at home for free?!? I’m done paying for two - and even if I didn’t have Cecilia, I still wouldn’t pay for it. It’s giving me anxiety though because everything gives me anxiety and I am worried this will affect my job somehow and work will be like well everyone else is shipping their virtual kids somewhere else you can too come back to the office!!! And I’ll be like bruh you do NOT pay me enough to justify spending $2000 a month for the next 5 months (possibly 10 if we never go back to school!!!!!)
ALSO. The whole damn point of virtual learning is to decrease exposure and all this will do is lump more kids into a building together 🤦🏻‍♀️ I know a lot of my husbands students will be doing this because they are in low income families and there parents have zero flexible and basically have to pay to work. At this point you might as well have them in regular school! But the people around here doing it have money and are just doing it because they don’t want to deal with their kids. It’s sad. This whole system is fucked up.
ANYWAY. I ate some pasta yesterday and it made me feel better because I felt tired and dehydrated and hungry. I’ve been trying to eat more low carb but I knew they wouldn’t cut it last night while I was logged in at 8pm.
I have 4 friends. One is moving to TN in October and I’m sad about it. Another just moved to a town 40 minutes away. The other two live in NJ. I am lonely. I feel like I have no one to talk to about my day. I have no more yoga friends because yoga isn’t a thing anymore. My studio only has 2 outside classes a week (weather permitting and outside classes suck ass anyway) or 1-2 virtual a day.
I did a virtual class Tuesday and it was yin/restorative and it was fine and but I was the only person..... and I kept my mic off because Cecilia was with me being loud and shouldn’t you keep your mic off anyway in respect to the teacher but I also kept my video off because Cecilia was there and it would be distracting to the teacher I think. I know the teacher so it was nice to catch up a little (I did on mic and video to talk) but it was awkward and I was disappointed I was the only person. Might as well do YouTube. Makes me not want to do anymore streaming classes. Also the times suck. 6pm! That’s it! Come on. Give me a 7:30. I gusss I really will need to suck it up and do more YouTube or my own flows. 😭
My parents are probably taking the kids Wednesday - Friday. Which is nice because it means after work Dan and I can go run errands together like look at the couch we want (would we be allowed to test sit on it bc of covid?!? Strange times 😂) and he said he would paint the kitchen Thursday or Friday!!!! I have to work anyway but we’d probably grab dinner and have a covid date night.
I might go for a float one night too. They’re only open Wednesday - Sunday I think - so could do it Thursday night. I wish I could get Dan to do it with me!!!! 😂 my period lasted 11 days 🙃 and is finally over so it’s time!!!! I also need a hair cut badly. I have a gift card but I don’t think I’d use all of it, I’d put like half of it towards it and then pay the rest and tip really well because this pandemic sucks and I’m trying to support small businesses where I can but like I have a gift card!!!!
Guys. I say this 100x a day but I am truly so tired of living and working and having to be on 24/7.
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tymihoward · 4 years
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#malamadness Check out @balimalas108 authentic handcrafted Malas as well as all of the good work they are doing to support those during this time of COVID-19 Click this link: https://bit.ly/2GJVZPv for 15% OFF YOUR ORDER Plus your going to want one for my upcoming 100 Hour Virtual Vinyasa & Yin Yoga Teacher Training startin this coming October 5th thru 24th 2020. Hours good towards my 200/300 Hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Trainings. Details coming soon!! ☮️💟🕉📷 @jkcoup Wearing: @anandasoulcreations @kizenthelabel @balimalas108 @aumrudrakshadesigns #tymihoward #tymihowardyoga #manifestyoga #manifestyogaonline #manifestyogawithtymihoward #manifestyogaliveonline #manifestingmiracles #manifestmagic #bionicyogini #bionichip #totalhipreplacement #yogabender #theyogaposer #theyogaposerblog (at Manifest Yoga with Tymi Howard) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4MHXbBAj0/?igshid=1qckui2hqs9gq
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yogaposesfortwo · 4 years
Want to Strengthen Your Immune System? Scientific Studies Say Do More Yoga.
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The anti-inflammatory and anti-stress effects commonly associated with yoga, meditation, and pranayama may be an effective adjunctive treatment for Covid-19. You may associate your daily yoga practice with stimulating stress relief, easing your anxieties or getting your daily exercise in, but now you may appreciate it in a new context—as a potential supplementary treatment for COVID-19.
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In a recent review of more than 100 different scientific studies on yoga and immunity, researchers found evidence to suggest that meditation and yoga should be considered as potential adjunctive treatment options for COVID-19. Adjunctive treatments are remedies that supplement a primary treatment option, such as a drug or vaccine. As potential adjunctive treatments for COVID-19, yoga, meditation and pranayama practices could provide supplementary support to a future vaccine, should such a treatment become available, the study authors wrote in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. The researchers, led by William Bushell, PhD, a biophysical/medical anthropologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pointed to a body of scientific evidence that demonstrates the anti-stress and anti-inflammatory properties of such practices. Meditation and yoga increase a practitioner’s vagal tone, part of the body’s parasympathetic nervous system. The vagal tone regulates the body’s stress response, making them effective treatment options for stress-based trauma and inflammatory-based diseases. See also This Yoga Sequence Will Reduce Stress and Boost Immunity Bushnell said adjunctive interventions that are categorized as behavioral, such as meditation or yoga, also have the potential to lower health care costs for patients. Successful adjunctive treatments can make health care systems more effective and affordable. Such an understanding of yoga and meditation as anti-inflammatory is not a new discovery. Bushell previously cited intensive forms of meditation and yoga as potential adjunctive interventions for other various infectious diseases, including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and malaria. His research relied on the demonstrated anti-stress and anti-inflammatory effects of these practices. Bushell said that general scientific research on meditation and yoga correlated longer practices—both in terms of the length of the session and how often people practice—with a more positive result.  While the impact of yoga and meditation on treating COVID-19 is still unknown, some doctors have already implemented yogic sciences into their patient care practices. See also Why More Western Doctors Are Now Prescribing Yoga Therapy Writing for Psychology Today, Bushell and his co-authors, Eddie Stern and Maureen Seaberg, cite the recent decision of doctors to have COVID-19 patients become prone (lie on their stomachs) in order to free up lung space. Patients who were placed in such a position experienced dramatic increases in their blood oxygen levels. The potential of this maneuver, along with prone yoga positions is promising. While none of these practices by themselves can provide a cure to COVID-19, further research will clarify the ways in which these modalities can be adjunctive treatments.
Get Started With These Practices
Self-Care Ritual: Pranayama Add this breathing practice to your daily routine to de-stress, easy anxieties, and feel free. NOW Self-Care Ritual: Pranayama (; 0:58) A Five-Minute Meditation to Release Anxiety Continue to release anxiety and focus on the present moment with this five-minute meditation. A 5-Minute Meditation to Release Anxiety (; 5:33) Solar-Powered Yin Practice Find relief in a healing, solar-powered yin practice. Solar-Powered Yin Practice (; 24:55) Author: Ellen O'Brien Source: https://www.yogajournal.com/yoga-101/strength-your-immune-system-with-yoga Discover more info about Yoga Poses for Two People here: Yoga Poses for Two Read the full article
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happyweddingblogs · 4 years
COVID-19 – Wedding planning advice guide and safety measures
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Are you stuck amidst your wedding planning journey? Well, we know how heartbreaking it is when you are set to say your vows and suddenly things go topsy-turvy. There are many couples who were set to get married during the months of March, April, and May. All the weddings during these three month have already been postponed. If your wedding was also planned for April or May, it is good to simply postpone or push the dates for some other months. Make sure you push it for at least six months. Because you never know how long this situation of the coronavirus will continue. So, it is better not to take any chance.
If your wedding is scheduled for winters this year, then you have plenty of time to make arrangements for your wedding. Of course, there are many couples who are already worried about their weddings even when it is planned for winters or six months away from now. Fear and disgust is natural as you may have several plans to execute during these months, but because of COVID – 19 outbreak you couldn’t do things as planned. We know you may be feeling sad about it, but not to worry things will change for sure!
If you are also wondering how you should do all the planning for your wedding, then this post is for you. The purpose of this post is to discuss wedding planning tips and safety measures during COVID – 19 crises.
Here we go…
1. Stay Home
Yes, stay home! You must be wondering how you will do things if you will stay at home. Well, we understand that your wedding is an important event of your life, and you already had too many dreams associated with it. Still your health is more important than your marriage, and you should always keep this in mind. You can achieve your dreams any time if you are healthy and alive. So, right now it is the need of an hour that you stay at your home and keep yourself safe and alive. Only when you are healthy and safe, you would be able to stand on your feet and say your wedding vows. Therefore, it is essential that you adhere to Government’s directives and keep yourself and your family safe.
2. Use Technology
The best thing is we are in the era of technology. So even if things are not good outside, you can manage things inside. Utilize technology for your wedding planning. There are several apps you can download and start using them for your wedding planning. If you are not able to meet people face-to-face you can use Skype or Whatsapp calls to meet online. Remember, technology is the safest way to plan your wedding right now. If you try to move out of your house, you may get infected, there is no point doing so. We understand that you feel stuck and helpless at home. But, it’s not like that, you can do things SMARTLY, by using technology and making all your wedding arrangements at the comfort of your home.
3. Gather Inspiration For Wedding Venue Decor
Of course, you cannot go out because of the lockdown due to the corona virus spread. But you always have the privilege to do things at home. You are not going to work, you have plenty of time to gather inspiration for your wedding. Consider this time as an opportunity to create a wonderful wedding event. So, instead of getting upset about the situation, be happy and think positive. Utilize this time in gathering inspirations online and create your wedding. You have the internet 24X7, go online, and search for wedding ideas. You can visit Instagram, Pinterest, and other digital platforms for gathering inspirations. Online you will find ideas for everything from wedding venue décor to bridal attire etc.
4. Gather Inspiration For Bridal Look
Each bride wants to look her best in her wedding. Now is the time to decide your look. Go online, see pinterest, and gather inspiration from there. You can even have a pinterest board, where you can save all your inspirations. Check out wedding gowns, wedding hairstyles and see which one will suit you the most. Trust me, selecting the right gown and right hairstyle for your wedding takes a lot of time. This is not something that you can decide in a day or two. You have to be mentally prepared with what exactly you are looking for at your wedding. For that you need to spend a lot of hours online gathering inspiration and information across all digital platforms.
This lockdown is the great opportunity for you to do all those things. Spend your time seeing different wedding gowns and hairstyles and select a few for yourself. So that tomorrow when you go to buy your gown and hire a makeup artist for your wedding, you know exactly what you want.
5. Vendor Development and Management
Of course, developing and managing vendors is not that easy. Also, it is a time taking procedure, you really need to spend a lot of time online searching for vendors. Utilize this COVID – 19 lockdown period to prepare your vendor lists. Scour for wedding venues, wedding vendors, like wedding decorators, photographers, florists, caterers etc. Make a list of the best vendors and venues in the town, visit their websites, and contact them over the phone. Start sending them the mails. Ask for their proposal and pictures, like in case of a decorator you can ask him to send you the pictures of his best wedding venue decorations. Similarly in case of wedding photographers and other vendors also you can ask for a proposal. There are many vendors who are still working from home, so you can contact them on phone. Of course, this is not the right time for a personal meeting. You can set a Skype call or video conferencing with your vendors keeping your partner in loop.
If you find their services satisfactory, if they have more positive reviews from past customers, if you believe they can create your wedding exactly the way you want. You can book them by giving them initial payment. See there is no problem, you do similar kinds of things in case of destination weddings, especially when it is planned in some foreign land. Hardly any couple visits his wedding venue or meets with wedding vendors in case of destination wedding. Most couples finalize their vendors over the phone and the internet only. So, you also do the same, make best use of technology to plan your wedding. Isn’t it cool!
6. Beauty Regime
Undoubtedly, you cannot visit parlors right now. But there is nothing to worry about it also. There are thousands of ways to keep your skin healthy and maintain a beauty regime. Ask your mom, what she used to do when there were no professionals out there. And she will tell you thousands of home remedies to maintain your beauty and get the bridal charm. You can do myriads of things at home, and look beautiful. Like, perform CTM (cleaning, toning, and moisturizing) every night before hitting your bed. Eat healthy food only, drink plenty of water, practice yoga and meditation, scrub twice a week (use homemade scrubs, like honey and sugar), do fruit facials at home (you can use any fruit from papaya to banana), so on and so forth. For your hair – you can go for an oil massage twice a week (good for maintaining strength and shine of your hair), use homemade hair masks (you can use bananas and curd along with honey for hair mask), etc. See what all suits you and accordingly maintain your beauty regime with natural and organic products.
7. DIY Wedding Decors
Well, optimistic people do not ever feel any dearth of ideas and opportunities. An optimistic person can find ways even amidst the worst situations. You always have two ways to tackle the situation; either you crib about the situation or you find the solution to tackle the situation. Positive people do the latter one. So, you also stop cribbing about the situation, you can utilize this time in DIYing wedding décor items. Yes, there are so many things that you can DIY, like table centerpieces, wedding favors, backdrop for your wine tasting, photo collage, paper lanterns, votive candle holders for your reception, designer napkins for your reception etc. All these you can do at home without you having to move out.
8. Do Exercise
Believe it or not, exercises are not only meant for losing weight, in fact, one can also stay positive by doing exercise. This is the most crucial time of your life, you can either use it or waste it. Better you use it because you will never get to stay at home for this much time once the things are normal. Start a regular exercise regime. You do not need any equipment to have a routine. You can practice Yoga, Yin Yoga, Zumba, etc. And if you find a problem in doing all this, you can dance. Dancing also burns calories and helps you stay positive.
9. Practice Meditation
It’s not just this lockdown, but this entire life is unpredictable. You have to be mentally strong to face the challenges that life throws. Wedding planning is already a stressful journey. And, marriage in such times will again put pressure of its own kind. So the best thing you can do these days is – practice meditation. You can practice any kind of meditation, like Mindfulness Meditation, Focus Meditation, Meditation on Thought, and Mantra Meditation. All these meditations are quite easy to do and the results are amazing. Practicing meditation will help you stay calm and peaceful throughout this difficult time. Besides, you would be able to do all the planning related to your wedding without any stress. Also, practicing meditation on a regular basis will strengthen your relationship with your partner to-be.
10. Learn Cooking
Why should you go out for a crash course to learn cooking, instead utilize this time and learn at home! Yes, this is the best time to do whatever you wanted to do. After your wedding you will definitely need to cook for your family. You may think that you can get your food cooked by a maid, of course, you can. But, the food that is cooked by the lady of the house is incomparable. Nothing can beat the taste of that food, because you will put additional ingredients in that – that’s your love and emotions! So, this is the best time to learn the art of cooking. Even your partner will be happy to know this. No matter how modern a man becomes, he always loves to eat homemade food. So, for your love and happy family, spend time cooking. You will never regret learning this beautiful art!
11. Stay Happy
You may be finding it difficult to be happy at home! For many people it is very difficult to stay at home for the whole day that too for so long. It’s okay, even if you are not fond of staying at home, stay at home. It is for your safety and health. And when you know you do not have any choice, then what is the point of feeling sad about it? There is an old saying, “Accept what you cannot change”. This is the perfect time to learn acceptance and patience. Whatever you will learn today will go with you lifelong. Moreover, staying happy will become your nature and you will look very beautiful in your bridal look. Of course, everybody wants to see a happy bride, nobody likes sad or frustrated brides. If you keep getting frustrated or impatient about the situation, you will look frustrated even in your wedding also. Remember that even your makeup artist won’t be able to hide those expressions under makeup. So, it is better that you keep yourself busy in things that give you happiness. You can engage yourself in reading, music, painting, drawing etc. As these activities are stress-busters and you feel happy when you perform any of these activities.
To Conclude…….
So, these are things that you can do during COVID – 19 lockdown and keep yourself busy and engaged. Understand that we are the luckiest of all races so far, because we are in the era of technology. Even when things are not good around us, we are able to manage our lives properly. We are still connected to people virtually, so there is no problem in wedding planning also. You can easily plan your wedding online. You can meet your vendors online over Skype, utilize this time in doing more constructive and positive things. The time spent in learning and doing positive things will never go waste. Be positive and trust that everything will be fine soon!
Stay Home, Stay Safe!
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