#yoga and religion
yogamatcare · 10 months
Is Yoga a Sin? The Untold Truth
Is yoga a sin? The question has echoed through sanctuaries and yoga studios alike, as individuals grapple with the intersection of spirituality and this ancient practice. Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the mystique surrounding this query and explore the diverse perspectives on whether the act of striking a downward dog or meditating in a lotus position is, in fact, a spiritual…
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nativeyoga · 1 year
Dorcas Murunga - Yoga Teacher Shares Her Journey and Impact in Kenya
Listen to podcast for FREE here Dorcas Murunga is a yoga teacher based in Nairobi, Kenya. She is a certified yoga teacher with the Africa Yoga Project and has been an inspiration to her local community. Dorcas is passionate about sharing the transformative power of yoga and has been teaching various styles of yoga, including power yoga, yin yoga, and African yoga. She is dedicated to meeting her…
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metamorphiacreations · 6 months
Cookie Run Headcanons: Language Edition
because i cant believe i havent put these here yet
🔴red🔴-Native Language(s)
🔵blue🔵-Secondary Language(s)
⚫️black⚫️-Languages they understand, but cant really speak themself
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gnosticinitiation · 2 months
During conscious astral travel, we can be taken to the future to see things, actions, projects or processes that will take place at some undetermined time. These kinds of dreams can also be given based on opposite analogies, numerology, associations, etc. Any prophesy or announcement can especially occur on Wednesdays between 9:00 pm and 3:00 am.
-Samael Aun Weor from his book Dream Yoga
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buddhistmusings · 1 year
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May all beings be happy. May all beings be free. 🙏📿
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divinum-pacis · 3 months
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July 21, 2024: Sanskrit school students perform yoga poses at Dashashwamedh Ghat in Varanasi, India. [Niharika Kulkarni/AFP]
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barbielore · 7 months
While browsing for information on a particular Barbie, I was surprised to see Google recommend appending the word "controversy" to my search. The Barbie in question?
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Breathe With Me Barbie. Breathe With Me Barbie is part of a range of self-care and wellness Barbies and depicts Barbie in a sukhasana pose, promising "5 guided meditations".
Unsure of where the controversy around this could be going, I clicked through. This seemed to be the root of it.
"Each pose is designed to invoke a Hindu deity in the spirit realm. I have seen children get possessed by demons. ... Satan is after the children. He wants to use them and indoctrinate them for his glory. Then, when he is done, he will destroy them. As your kids grow, they will get rebellious, depressed, and many will be suicidal. You won't understand what's happening as a parent. You must remove all toys and clean your children's room of all demonic attachments."
Various websites from Business Insider to The Christian Post to Newsweek cite Christian influencer (or, in the words of Business Insider, micro-influencer) Yasmeen Suri as being the origin of the claim that this doll is an agent of Satanism.
This would not be the first person to associate yoga with Satanism or possession - exorcist Gabriele Amorth also associated the practice of yoga with increased chance of demonic possession.
I can't find a screenshot of this, though, and all links back to the Facebook post are dead. What I did find though is a Patheos satire article dated shortly before the rest of these articles citing "Jasmine Blades" from Christians Against Eastern Religions as the source of the same quote.
Neither Christians Against Eastern Religions or Jasmine Blades are real, of course, hence their inclusion in a clearly marked satire piece. But I don't know where this leaves real Christian influencer Yasmeen Suri and her alleged (re)posting of the same quote picking up steam a week later. I don't know whether she saw the satire post and reposted the quote, to take it down later once she realised, or whether these articles quoting her as the source are misattributions. I'm leaning to the former, but I'm not actually sure.
There's a Truth or Fiction page debunking this, but what it is debunking is a) whether Breathe With Me Barbie depicts the practice of yoga (it depicts meditation, not yoga), b) whether this was a new doll in 2022 (it was not, it was released in 2020), c) whether yoga is synonymous with Hinduism and d) whether Catholicism or Christianity more generally prohibit or warn against the practice of yoga as a matter of doctrine.
For the record, by the way, there are Barbies that are explicitly depicted as practicing yoga, such as I Can Be... Yoga Teacher Barbie.
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Or that appear to depict the practice of yoga on the box art, such as the Made to Move series.
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Or dolls such as this Fitness Barbie who is depicted with various fitness equipment such as weights and a hula hoop, as well as a yoga mat.
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This is - hopefully obviously - parody, but it's worth a moment.
When people insist that describing reality accurately is some kind of bigotry and that you're an istaphobe of some variety, what they're really saying is that they and their beliefs are disconnected from the real world, and they object to the imposition of reality into their fantasy world.
It's the same thing as when Xians call you "mean" or accuse you of "hating god" for pointing out the bible's complete and obvious lack of coherence with reality.
It doesn't matter if they don't like it, if it's true.
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lazyyogi · 2 years
When all the false self-identifications are thrown away, what remains is all-embracing love.
-- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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33-108 · 1 day
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"Yoga says that there is another mind, the pure mind. This pure mind is experienced with the attainment of the ānanda-maya state, through samādhi and the awakening of kundalinī. Samādhi and kundalinī represent a state of being in which normal life events do not alter or affect our behavior, emotions or thoughts, and yet there is harmony in everything that we do. There is no effect from tamas and rajas, but only the experience of sattva. This is the proper aim of human life."
― Niranjanananda Saraswati
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dinumca-blog · 2 months
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sheltiechicago · 8 months
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Guwahati, India
Hindu holy men take part in the International Day of Yoga at Kamakhya temple
Photograph: Anupam Nath/AP
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gnosticinitiation · 3 months
The reason why we exist is to know divinity who is within us.
Our own true nature.
This is very well-known within schools of Yoga, of Hinduism, of Buddhism, of Sufism.
Every religion is about this.
-Chicago Gnosis Dream Yoga Lecture: Where do we dream?
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buddhistmusings · 4 months
Man, this Samsara thing really blows.
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divinum-pacis · 3 months
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June 21, 2024: A Hindu holy man displays yoga skills at the Kamakhya temple in Guwahati, Assam, northeastern India. [Anupam Nath/AP Photo]
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ancientcosmicsecrets · 3 months
The Power of Visualization
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The Power of Visualization: Ancient Techniques for Modern Manifestation
Visualization, creating mental images to manifest desires, has been a cornerstone of human progress and achievement throughout history. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Mayans, were pioneers in harnessing the power of visualization to shape their reality and achieve their aspirations.
The Egyptians, renowned for their monumental architecture and sophisticated culture, utilized visualization techniques in their rituals and daily practices. They believed that by visualizing their gods and the afterlife with intricate detail, they could ensure a prosperous existence and a secure passage to the next world.
Similarly, the Mayans, with their advanced understanding of astronomy and mathematics, employed visualization as a tool for planning and constructing their iconic pyramids and temples. These structures were not only feats of engineering but also tangible manifestations of their cosmic visions and spiritual desires.
Today, we can draw inspiration from these ancient practices to create our dream life. By vividly imagining our goals as already achieved, we engage our subconscious mind, working tirelessly to turn those visions into reality. This technique has been supported by modern research, demonstrating that visualization can significantly impact motivation, performance, and even physical strength.
To incorporate visualization into your life, begin by setting aside a quiet time each day to focus on your goals. Close your eyes and create a detailed mental image of your desired outcome, engaging all your senses. Feel the emotions associated with your success, and believe in the possibility of its realization.
By adopting these ancient techniques, refined by centuries of human experience, you can unlock the power of your mind and steer your life towards the fulfillment of your deepest desires. Visualization is not just a practice of the past; it is a timeless tool that continues to empower individuals to shape their future and manifest their dreams.
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