#yoga obstacles
silverislander · 1 year
god i forgot how much fucking WORK went into church uniforms, i was just looking them up to remember smth. my family put so much effort into regulation and literally still weren't following half of it, plus our corps as a whole never gave a shit abt it really lmfao
technically today, women in the army can wear pants. i was never allowed to wear pants with my full uniform. always the pencil skirt and the exact regulation colour of pantyhose. i hated those skirts with everything in me
ON THAT NOTE there were exactly two acceptable colours of tights you could wear and they were black and nightshade. to this day i have only ever owned three colours of tights that werent regulation black or nightshade, and they were red (for christmas recitals), white (for summer recitals) and skin tone (for dance performances when required) lmao
new skirts always got taken straight to the one tailor in town who was just as overfamiliar with uniform code as my mom is. they got modified so they would fit well and never be above the knee when sitting down (and honestly she was killer at her job. tysm ms t, i hope you're still in business out there)
buying tunics was a nightmare bc after a certain time they would change the sizing or mysteriously stop making tunics to go under uniform jackets, and you have to either go to the trade to get new ones or order them online, which are equal but different headaches
epaulets and neck pins had to be put back on once your shirt and jacket got washed. i had two pairs of epaulets (senior soldier and brass band) and i never remembered which was which (or to replace either them or the neck pin)
hair has to be above the collar and off the face, and that can mean it's either tied up or it's short enough not to worry about. to this day i'm convinced that's the nail in the coffin that made mom let me cut my hair off, bc the alternative was helping me do a ballet bun every sunday morning and hearing me complain abt said bun and the headache and weird hair bumps it caused all day
NO NAIL POLISH. only clear. if it can be seen from the platform god doesn't love you (joking. you still can't wear any tho)
NO JEWELRY. unless you're straight married then you can wear your ring <3 i wore my key necklace under my uniform every sunday from my senior soldier ceremony right up to the day i left and honestly i don't regret shit, nobody ever knew. that was my one rebellion
and we still weren't regulation! i never wore a hat/bonnet and my shoes were flats with silver buttons on them (instead of plain black heels), my necklace was definitely not allowed if anyone had ever known, and i def wore plain earrings once or twice. wild shit looking back, all that to go play a fucking glorified trumpet and sing for a couple hours a week
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kajmasterclass · 15 days
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nomadman108 · 2 months
The Road Rises Up:  A poem about journeying (Reshared with a note added)
It’s a funny thing, but as soon as I start thinking about resharing older (let’s call them prior posts instead) all sorts of posts come up begging to be next in line. In this case, I’d sat down to write something on a quote I really like: Forget all that and hit the road into exile. FROM A LONG LOST DEEPLY BURIED NOTE-TAKING APP ON MY TABLET But nothing was coming. Then suddenly I remembered:…
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blursy · 1 year
Spiritual Awareness
Spiritual awareness refers to a state of heightened consciousness and sensitivity to the spiritual dimensions of life. It is a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, and an awareness of the presence of a higher power or divine force. This level of awareness transcends the physical world and allows us to connect with something greater than ourselves, often leading to a sense…
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themindfulmanatee · 1 year
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Ganesh, the remover of obstacles https://etsy.me/3Zkg7uX
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ezukll · 5 months
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Chiron in Aries is a placement that can indicate a strong need for personal power and control. With this placement, you may have an aggressive or assertive nature as a consequence of past wounds or struggles you have overcome. You may have a tendency to try too hard, or feel extremely emotional and reactive to obstacles or setbacks. You may also have a strong desire to constantly prove yourself and to be in control or to be the best and the strongest. This placement can also indicate a strong desire to protect and stand up for yourself and others.
* Finding healthy outlets for your anger and emotions, such as an exercise or a hobby.
* Practicing meditation and mindfulness to help let go of your inner anger and frustration.
* Learning to be kind to yourself and to accept yourself and your past without shame or guilt.
* Practicing empathy and compassion for yourself and others to develop forgiveness and release of the past.
* Working on finding healthy self-expression and being vulnerable to express your feelings and emotions.
Taurus Chiron can indicate an inability to let go or move on from past wounds and pain. With this placement, you may have a deep-seated desire for security and safety, and may also have a tendency to struggle with changes and transitions. You may have a tendency to hold on to the past and feel attached to things that have brought you pain, and find it difficult to let go. This can lead to issues such as anxiety, depression, or fear of change or of new things.
* Working on establishing healthy coping mechanisms by identifying your triggers and developing healthier habits.
* Recognizing that you deserve good things and that you have value.
* Working on self-healing techniques by forgiving yourself and others.
* Learning to take care of your own needs and practicing self-love.
* Establishing an understanding and awareness of your triggers and patterns.
* Practicing empathy, compassion, and kindness towards yourself and others.
With Chiron in Gemini, you may have a wound or a trauma that is related to communication or self-expression. You may have difficulty expressing your true thoughts and feelings, or being truly honest and authentic with yourself and others. This can lead to difficulty forming a good and stable sense of identity and can cause issues and tension in your relationships. You may struggle with self-doubt, low self-esteem, and a tendency to overthink.
* Finding healthy methods to get your voice heard, including writing, speaking, and expressing yourself.
* Developing healthy coping mechanisms to work through stress, anxiety, or anger.
* Practicing empathy, compassion, and being vulnerable with yourself and others.
* Learning self-expression and communication skills.
* Finding new ways to be in touch with your inner voice.
Cancer Chiron can indicate a deep wound or trauma related to home, family, and feelings of safety and security. You may have a tendency to feel overwhelmed or anxious when you feel unsafe or uncertain, and you may have difficulty setting boundaries and trusting others. This can lead to issues such as codependency, attachment difficulties, and a tendency to put the needs of others above your own. It can also cause difficulty with expressing your inner feelings and communicating openly.
* Learning healthy ways of expressing your emotions, communicating, and letting go.
* Practicing self-compassion and empathy.
* Being vulnerable and open with yourself and others.
* Practicing meditation or relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga to help lower anxiety and find inner peace.
* Working on establishing healthy boundaries with yourself and others.
* Learning healthy ways to set and enforce boundaries, as well as practicing self-care and self-acceptance.
With Chiron in Leo, you may have a deep wound or trauma related to self-image, confidence, and self-worth. You may have underlying feelings of being inferior or inadequate, and you may struggle with self-care and self-acceptance. You may have difficulty expressing or embracing your inner creativity, strength, and confidence. This can lead to issues such as insecurity, self-doubt, and a tendency to seek external validation and approval.
* Let go of the need to be in control and the need for praise.
* Developing empathy and compassion and building healthy relationships with others.
* Learning self-acceptance and self-love to foster confidence and inner peace.
* Practicing healthy self-expression and taking time to process your emotions.
* Practicing mindfulness to let go of the past and to be present in the moment.
* Practicing self-compassion and treating yourself with kindness.
With a Chiron in Virgo, you may have a deep wound or trauma related to service to others, health, or self-care. You may have an underlying feeling of worthlessness or that you are not good enough, and you may find it difficult to care for yourself or set healthy boundaries. You may also have a tendency to find fault or be overly critical, leading to issues such as anxiety, perfectionism, and a tendency to over-stress and overly-analyze things.
* Practicing self-love and self-care.
* Establishing healthy boundaries and learning to say "NO".
* Learning not to feel so responsible for everyone else.
* Practicing relaxation and mindfulness techniques.
* Cultivating self-compassion and self-acceptance.
* Practicing empathy and compassion towards yourself.
* Developing self-value and self-worth.
* Letting go of the past and your wounds and focusing on healing and growth.
With Chiron in Libra, you may have a deep wound or trauma related to the balance between your needs and the needs of others. You may have difficulty setting boundaries and may tend to be very accommodating and self-sacrificing. You may have a strong sense of justice and fairness, which can lead to issues such as codependency and people-pleasing. You may have difficulty expressing your own needs and taking care of yourself. You may also experience a lot of inner conflict between what you need and what you want, and this can potentially lead to issues such as dissatisfaction and frustration.
* Being more assertive and expressing your needs and boundaries.
* Practicing self-compassion and self-support.
* Learning to understand how you feel without being influenced by others.
* Developing self-value so that you don't depend on others for your self-worth.
* Doing things that make you happy and allow you to express yourself.
* Creating healthy and supportive relationships with others.
* Practicing empathy and compassion towards yourself and others.
With Chiron in Scorpio, you may have a deep wound related to trust, intimacy, or betrayal. You may feel a deep fear of abandonment or rejection, which can lead to a deep resistance to opening up and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. You may also have a deep fear of being hurt and betrayed. This can cause issues such as mistrust, jealousy, possessiveness, and difficulty letting go. Healing a Chiron in Scorpio can involve learning to develop healthy trust and to let go of the past.
* Learning to open up and be vulnerable with yourself and others.
* Practicing trust-building and allowing yourself to accept love and support.
* Learning to let go of the past and accepting your own faults and flaws.
* Practicing healthy communication and conflict resolution.
* Working on developing empathy and understanding towards yourself and others.
* Cultivating compassion and self-compassion.
* Finding healthy ways to express your emotions.
With a Chiron in Sagittarius, you may have a deep wound or trauma related to self-beliefs or a deep need to seek wisdom and knowledge above all else. You may have a feeling of not fitting in or finding your place in the world. You may have a tendency to doubt or second-guess yourself and may also have a lack of direction. This can lead to issues such as feeling like an outsider, having difficulty believing in yourself, or feeling lost in life. Healing a Chiron in Sagittarius can involve working on developing a sense of purpose and self-identity.
* Developing a strong sense of identity and purpose.
* Establishing healthy boundaries with yourself and others.
* Being courageous and ambitious with setting goals or taking risks.
* Practicing self-compassion and self-care.
* Building a healthy self-esteem and self-image.
* Working through any childhood trauma that may be holding you back.
* Developing a strong sense of self-identity and self-worth.
* Learning to feel comfortable being alone and not always feeling a need to be with others or seek out external validation.
With a Chiron in Capricorn, you may have a deep wound or trauma related to your sense of responsibility and duty. You may have a tendency to sacrifice your well-being and needs for others, and you may have a deep need to be seen as competent and reliable. This can lead to issues such as burnout, a lack of work-life balance, and a tendency to blame yourself or take on too much responsibility for others. Healing a Chiron in Capricorn can involve learning to set boundaries and to let go of your need to take things personally and to try to fix everything.
* Finding healthy ways to express your emotions and to express yourself.
* Practicing self-care and self-compassion.
* Developing empathy and understanding for yourself and others.
* Finding a healthy balance in your work and personal life.
* Practicing mindfulness and letting go of the past.
* Cultivating trust in yourself and others.
* Developing a healthy inner self-talk and working on positive thinking.
With a Chiron in Aquarius, you may have a deep wound or trauma related to feeling misunderstood or rejected. You may have issues with forming attachments or feeling like you don't really belong anywhere. You may also have a deep fear of being seen or recognized in public, which can lead to social anxiety or a tendency to isolate. Healing a Chiron in Aquarius can involve working on accepting your quirks and differences, and realizing that you don’t need to be accepted or liked by everyone.
* Practicing self-acceptance and self-love.
* Learning to accept your uniqueness and differences.
* Finding healthy social groups or communities that make you feel welcome and accepted.
* Practicing healthy communication and interpersonal skills.
* Cultivating healthy relationships with those who make you feel understood.
* Finding healthy outlets for expressing your emotions.
* Practicing boundaries and learning to speak up for yourself.
With a Chiron in Pisces, you may have a deep wound or trauma related to your empathy and compassion. You may have a deep empathy and sensitivity towards the suffering of others, which can lead to issues such as codependency, taking on other people's problems or feelings, feeling other people's pain very vividly, and carrying too much of the load alone. Healing a Chiron in Pisces can involve setting healthy boundaries and learning to separate what is yours and yours alone. It can involve not taking on more than you can handle, and instead learning to focus more on yourself and your own needs.
* Practicing healthy self-care and self-love.
* Develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
* Practicing healthy boundaries with yourself and with others.
* Learning to say no to others and to let go of your codependency.
* Becoming more secure within yourself and within who you are.
* Developing a sense of self-responsibility and self-reliance.
* Finding healthy ways to express your emotions and express your inner creativity.
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cosmicpuzzle · 24 days
Which Education🎓📚 is right for you?
Mercury rules your interest and consequently which type of course you would select.
Now you have to see how Mercury is placed. For example if Mercury is conjunct Moon it would have same effect as Mercury in Cancer or Moon opposite Mercury.
Mercury -Sun: It is called Budh Aditya yoga. These people can shine in political science, geology, sociology, medicine and they can be good leaders too. They may prepare for competitive exams.
Mercury-Moon: Some changes or confusion in choice of course. Can study more than one subject but both vastly different from each other. Chemical, hotel management, nutrition, chef, psychology, tarot and intuitive studies.
Mercury-Mars: Some obstacles in education, breaks and interruptions (dropping classes), engineering (especially related to machines, drawings, plans, civil, electronics), medicine (especially related to surgery), fire and safety engineering,
Mercury-Venus: Sales, marketing, HR, interior designing, makeup courses, all type of fine arts, vocational courses, acting courses.
Mercury-Saturn: Engineering (like construction , petroleum, mining core subjects), structural engineering, drafting, administrative studies.
Mercury-Jupiter: Finance, CPA, CMA, accounting, teaching, law field, journalism, VJ, pilots, aeronautical.
Mercury- Rahu: Chemical, nuclear subjects, cinematography, software courses, digital marketing, share markets, computer hardware, import export, AI, Machine Learning courses.
Mercury-Ketu: Computer coding, electrical engineering, bio technology, astrology, virology, research oriented fields.
For Readings DM
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igotanidea · 10 days
Boss bitch and a princess: JT x reader
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Summary: grumpy and sunshine trope with a little twist :)
The sun shining though the windows were quite surprising, if not shocking, occurrence in Gotham. Most of the citizens were used to constant rain, fog and misery surrounding them from every corner of the place. Therefore, the sight of a nice weather, for once was about to make some people content and energetic, finally getting the motivation to do some work and move on in their lifes.
Y/n was not one of those people.
It seemed like everything she did, was thrive in the October like atmosphere. Not because of the charming cosy autumn mood, but because she was cold and ruthless. She didn't give a damn about sun, butterfly, girly dresses and all that feminine stuff. Which obviously didn't mean she was a tomboy. Things like clothes and makeup just didn't took much space in her mind, she was acing them effortlessly and efficiently.
That was definitely one of her favourite words and most definitely her life motto. Deal with shit, break the obstacles and if you cannot go though the doors, go though a window.
A taskmaster, if you may. A corporate rat. Ambitious, ruthless and unapologetic.
She woke up alone in her bed, just like every morning, immediately starting her routine of a few yoga poses, five minutes of meditation, ten minutes of setting her priorities for the day and getting into the right mindset.
She made herself a healthy breakfast and took a taxi to work.
The second she entered the building, her assistant caught up with her reminding y/n of the daily schedule, meetings, briefings and points on the checklist.
Obviously at the end of the day everything and then some was done. Including reprimanding her subordinates about being lazy and uncompetent.
In a mood she went home.
Opening the door.
"Hi baby." a little hoarse voice came from the kitchen.
"Jason!" she cried out happily, immeditely throwing her bitch boss attitude out the window. "You're back!" in a blink of an eye she was in his arms, kissing all over his face, hugging him and turning into a little ball of fluff, knowing her boyfriend was back.
"Whoa! Easy tiger!" Jason laughed wrapping arms around her waist.
"I was so worried when you weren't here in the morning!" she did not calm down even a notch. "I was thinking that something happened and -"
"I'm almost sure you just went on with your high corporate day and attitude without giving me a second thought, didn't you?" he teased, boping her nose.
"Hey, that's-" she started, his words strking her chords
"True?" he cut her off raising an eyebrow.
"Not fair!"
"But still true?' he pressed further and the roll of her eyes alongside with a pout gave him all the answers he needed. "don't do that or it will stay. would be a shame to waste such a pretty face, princess." he put one finger over her chin and lifter it out so she was forced to look into his eyes.
"You know exactly why I'm blocking it..." she whispered, getting a little nostalgic "I can't--"
"I know, I know. You've said it a million times. Emotions in your line of work are a deathbed." Jason mocked a little, empasising the fact that his beloved girlfriend had a tendency to overreact sometimes.
"It's true! You know it;s true! If any on my employees knew--"
"That you are soft for a guy?"
"That I have feelings!"
"Oh no! Look at you, you;re human and not a robot! How will you live with that?"
"And that's coming from a walking dead." she muttered, crossing arms over her chest and stepping away. "I hate you…"
Not for long though, when he reached for her in a practised move and pressed his lips to her ear.
"No, you don't princess..." his lips ghosted over her temple
"Yes I do...?"
"Really? Do you?" he moved to kiss her neck, softly, but teasingly "Cause the way you shivering right now make me think otherwise."
"I know, I know... you love me so much my little grumpy." the grip on her waist tightened and he pulled her closer. "You've been lonely and that's the reason for the sourpuss mood, isn't it? Let me make it up to you..." another argument making her melt took a form of running hands all over her back, from the shoulders and down to the rear.
"You know what I like..." she responded with a hint of mischief in her voice.
"that I do..." he scooped her in his arms and carried her to the couch.
Half an hour later Y/N was splayed on the couch with the face mask on, hair freshly washed by Jason himself and her legs on his lap, having full control of the remote. In her own belief, this was the greatest torture she could impose on her boyfriend.
Little did she know, that is was his greatest pleasure.
Pampering her in all the million little ways. Using the most mundane, tiniest example of self-care (or rather boyfriend's care) as a way to spend time with her and have multiple excuses to touch and feel her close. Not that he needed excuses, but getting her to agree to this softness was not always easy, given her charcter.
Even that had to be somewhat productive.
But once she did agree?
She would be glued to the spot for hours, letting him please her, comb her hair, apply skin care products on her face and body.
Finally sheding her work attitude.
Becoming his princess once more, cause with him - her deeply hidden, secretive sensitive part was safe.
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intuitively-her · 4 months
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(Knight of pentacles, 6 of wands, 5 of swords rx, Queen of swords rx, Strength rx, 10 of wands, The Lovers rx, The Moon, 8 of swords rx, Judgement)
You're taking your power back and making your dreams come true. This year will be very rewarding for you. You've been putting in endless work, and your spirit guides/ancestors can see this. You will allow yourself to be more vulnerable and ask others for help, especially at work. You're putting your ego to rest and doing what's needed for you. Someone here may start going to therapy. You're finally starting to realize that you don't have to carry life's burdens on your own. You're leaving behind petty issues and distractions that have been holding you back. Self-love is the theme for you this year. Doing less of what you want, and more of what you need. You will spend more time discovering yourself and figuring out what you truly want out of a relationship. This year, you will step into your divine feminine/masculine energy and become a softer version of yourself.
☎️Angel messages: Helpful people, Opportunity, Get more information
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(Knight of wands, Knight of pentacles, Knight of cups, The Magician, 5 of wands, Death rx, 8 of wands rx, 6 of cups)
This year, you'll be living large and taking charge! You're going after what you want. Someone here will start a new job soon. Or you're switching career fields. This is the perfect time. You could be starting a new project, or you're finishing one. Expect a successful outcome from this. Someone here could have an online business, or you could be a content creator. This year will push you out of your comfort zone in so many ways. Someone here will take a solo trip somewhere. I heard "bungee jumping" lol. Someone here will have to do a public speech for a big event, or a performance. You will put yourself out into the dating world again. I see you having fun on dates and not taking anything too seriously. This year is going to make you slow down and live in the moment.
☎️Angel messages: Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before pertaining further. Yoga and exercise are essential to your well-being, peace of mind, and spiritual growth at this time. You have a special bond with animals. Your pets on Earth and in heaven are watched over by angles.
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(Queen of pentacles, 10 of pentacles, Queen of swords, Page of swords, 6 of cups, The Emperor, Ace of swords, 7 of swords, Judgement rx)
This year will be very abundant. There's a lot of big wins in store for you. Someone here is getting a promotion at work. You should play the lottery more often this year. Luck is on your side. Someone here could be getting their own apartment/house. Or you could be redecorating your home. You're finally receiving what you've envisioned and dreamed for. Someone here creates vision boards to help them manifest. You will tend to your inner child a lot more this year. Doing the things that you've always wanted to do. Someone will go to an amusement park. Or you've been wanting to. It would benefit you to reflect on your childhood and do some of the things that you did for fun back then. Arts and crafts? Scrapbooking? You might make a drastic change to your appearance this year. I see someone here changing their style completely. New hair/makeup? This year will teach you to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Be careful not to self-sabotage a good opportunity for yourself. Know that you deserve good things!
☎️Angel messages: Trust, Big & Happy changes, Ask for help from others
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(The Sun, 3 of wands rx, 3 of cups rx, King of wands rx, Ace of swords, 7 of cups rx, The Fool, 2 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, The Star)
This year will be a reality check. It seems like you've been feeling unmotivated, or you're not as productive as you could be. There will be some obstacles and disruptions thrown at you this year. This is all to make you see the bigger picture in situations. For some, you can be naive at times, and this causes you to set impossible expectations for yourself/others. And then when those expectations can't be met, you act like it's the end of the world. That needs to change.🤷🏽‍♀️ You will spend more time alone this year. This is needed for your growth. You'll learn to balance your life and become more adaptable to new ways of being. Heavy on the self-improvement. This year is going to test your faith in many ways. Someone here will start a diet routine or get back into the gym. Someone here could be working on starting a new business. Family business? You will gain more recognition as the year goes on. The more you focus on yourself and mind your business, the more attention you gain from others.
☎️Angel messages: Forgiveness, Reconsider, Communicate clearly, Recovery
💗Please DO NOT repost, copy, or steal my work. Thanks!💗
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arisuworld · 9 months
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So, now we all know how self concept is one of the most important key to manifestation. How you view yourself in relation to the world around you is extremely important and can greatly affect how you manifest. However, persistence is another key to manifestation that often gets overlooked. It is as important as self concept.
Now, I know why it can be hard. At some point of my life, i couldn't persist no matter what. It was hard for me. 3D and circumstances made it hard for me to persist. However, Manifesting in general is very easy but it does require a certain amount of discipline and mental work. It truly gets difficult for most people, when an unfavorable circumstance happens in 3D. Everything seems to be going well but then all of a sudden everything starts falling and you start seeing the opposite of your desires. Then circumstances and everything going on around you, makes you question, doubt yourself and even start spiraling, not knowing what to do. 
Everyone has been in this kind of situation and they don't know what to do. So, now I'm gonna tell you what you should do when you're in this situation, no matter what the circumstances are.
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per·sist  /pərˈsist/ verb
continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure.
Basically, persisting means to continue to dwell in the new assumptions despite the difficulties or obstacles that may come in the way.  
"An assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact" — Neville Goddard
No matter how crazy your assumption sounds, no matter how delusional you sound, if you PERSIST into it, it will harden into fact. The 3D will always conform it in front of your eyes.
People often confuse persistence with consistently. Affirming 24/7 till they pass out or their head hurts which is so wrong. Persisting isn’t affirming, it's knowing that your desire is inevitable. You feel safe and secure knowing THAT CREATION IS FINISHED. The moment you’ve finished your visualisation, affirmations, SATs or have just simply stated that your desire is yours, then your desire has already been completed. Your “job” is to just continue KNOWING that it’s yours, which is basically PERSISTING.
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Persisting means to live in the end, to completely live in your imagination (4D) and to ignore any unfavorable circumstances that the 3D may throw at you. Live in your imagination as it is the ONLY true reality that matters to you. When you see something you don't like in the 3D, turn inwards to your imagination and live within.
1. TAKE A BREAK: The main cause of a spiral is usually a result of seeing something unfavorable in the 3D and becoming overwhelmed. You feel like doing something to change the situation, to make it better somehow. Therefore you panic and try different techniques, methods at a time to fix the circumstances. However doing this will not help you fix anything. It will only manifest the opposite. No, let me ask you something. If you had your desire, would any difficult circumstance trouble you? Would it affect you negatively? No right?. All you're doing is interfering with your manifestations. Instead of trying to make it happen, you just have to let it happen. So, i would recommend you to take a break from ALL manifesting-related things for a few days for a week. Like delete tumblr, instagram, unsubscribe from LOA youtube channels. In this time period, i suggest you to do meditation, yoga nidra and journal out your feelings. Let yourself feel any emotions and vent out whatever’s bothering you. Don’t keep it all bottled up. Let it out for once and all.
2. DON'T SEEK VALIDATION FROM 3D: When you’re truly in the state of KNOWING (you already have your desires), you will be much less likely to spiral. Why? well, as i stated in the first point, we spiral primarily because we experience something unfavorable in the 3D. But when we’re in the state of knowing, we KNOW that the 3D is temporary and that our desires ARE COMING, no matter what, it’s inevitable. No matter what happens, your desires are already yours, is all you need to understand.
3. IMPROVE YOUR SELF CONCEPT: Self concept is the only thing you need to manifest. If your self concept is good then nothing can stop you from getting your desires. Now, after you feel like you’ve taken enough time “off” from manifesting consciously, now you can start easing back in. I recommend you to do a mental diet. It's easy, simple and so effective. All you have to do is be conscious of your thoughts, and flip your negative thoughts to positive. Whenever you get a negative thought related to your manifestation, just flip it around and be like "no, i already have my desire". That's it's, it's that easy.
Persistence can be very hard sometimes but it is extremely important in order to manifest your desires! The best thing to do is to remember that you're the god and remind yourself that circumstances do not matter. Always, remain faithful to your new assumptions and don't let outer circumstances rattle you. Circumstances are temporary, they change in seconds. And, You are the god of your reality and everything has to go your way, no matter what! Never give up. Always persist, persist and persist. The 3D will always conform in front of your eyes.
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ros3ybabes · 1 month
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Updated Workouts 🎀
I have been out of the gym for so long. My schedule last semester did not allow it, but when I leave to Colorado in June, I'll be staying somewhere that has its own little gym, and next semester I'll have more access to the university gym as well. I've been doing at home workouts lately! Here's how I structure my workouts throughout the week, and some extra info about my current fitness!
🩷 Monday
Pilates Legs Youtube Workout(s)
🩷 Tuesday
Pilates Abs YouTube Workout(s)
🩷 Wednesday
Morning Yoga YouTube Workout
Pilates Legs/Pilates Glutes YouTube Workout
🩷 Thursday
Full Body Pilates YouTube Workout
🩷 Friday
Full Body Pilates YouTube Workout
🩷 Saturday
Morning Pilates YouTube Workout OR
Morning Yoga YouTube Workout
🩷 Sunday
Wake Up Yoga YouTube Workout
Yoga For Flexibility Workout
So, as you can see, I currently follow YouTube pilates workouts. I will make a list of my favorite workout youtbers on my main blog soon! I prefer low impact workouts at the moment but will switch it up a bit once I am in Colorado.
💕 Some extra stuff for my fitness:
I try to walk 5k to 10k steps a day, whether that be going outside or doing a walking workout in my bedroom
I do all of my workouts in the morning almost right after i get up in the morning. It eliminates obstacles and helps me do something active during the day
I am going to add more stretching into my routine, especially for my legs. I have pretty stiff muscles, and as someone who'd love to be able to do the spilts, I need to start stretching.
I have a foam roller, but it isn't one of the ones with the bumps on it that really helps the muscles, and I'm going to buy one as soon as possible.
I also am going to start using my massage gun on my legs because I've been so sore and again, stiff, and I think it'll be so useful to just use it on my legs at night. It might even help me sleep better.
Sleep!! I have been sleeping 6 to 8 hours a night consistently, and it's so nice. I feel like I can function so much better, and on the days I get closer to 7 hours of sleep, I feel so good when I wake up and can really get to my morning workouts.
I've switched up my diet a bit and eat healthier (in a sustainable way), and it's also helped me with my fitness too! it really makes a difference with what you put in your body! Food is fuel and food is great!
Always open to fitness and health related questions! Please don't forget I am 3 years into my nutrition and dietetics degree, as well as minoring in psyc and exercise science (also have a 2nd major in finance, but that's irrelevant to health). I also research health and fitness topics for fun. I'm not saying I'm the most credible whatsoever, but I do have some idea of what I'm talking about and am always open to questions or even advice you could give me!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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kewpie-aisle · 3 months
𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤
pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x gn!reader
notes: suggestive language, mental stripping, general horniness, yoga poses, workout talk, minors do NOT interact pls
wc: 1.5 words
AN: I saw this artwork by @akiisks and every neuron in my brain said, Bo had to be the next installment in the series. Mm mm mm I love ONE owl themed gym bro. banners by @cafekitsune my hero you like what you see series other parts: Atsumu
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The gym in the early morning hours was always quiet and peaceful. Majority of the MSBY players preferred evening or late night workouts, considering it a cool down for the day. The early morning hours introduced a peace and lull that was necessary for those that start the day with energy to expend. Calming overactive minds and bodies, both gifts held by the outside hitter of the team. 
Bokuto needed the cool down early in the morning, to ease down his energy levels to a “normal person”. That’s what Akaashi has always put in his head since they were younger, unsure what it means but the morning workout is now a routine for the man. As he got older it became an anchor to familiar times which helped him navigate unknown feelings and obstacles; riding through any crashing wave in peace. That peace has recently been shaken up.
Pulling out his headphones, he reaches for the gym door, coming to a halt when the sounds of the room touch his ears. There’s someone else in the gym already. He checks his watch to see it’s 4:30 am. Frustration is what he should feel, with a disturbance in his routine, but he could feel anticipation flush across his face and tickle the tips of his ears with heat. It’s not just someone in there, he had high expectations on who beat him to the gym. With a heavy pull, the door swings wide open and his eyes scan the floor, easily finding the source of the noise. Lo and behold, there you were. 
The new MSBY athletic trainer, who had joined a month ago. Clad in fitted black workout gear, long sleeves compression shirt and shorts covering each dip and curve of muscle and skin. Edge of the shorts seamlessly meeting the start of skin down your thighs and shins, glistening in sweat. Bokuto gulped down a lump in his throat, slammed by waves of uncertainty uprooting his anchored mind. 
With your headphones on, canceling out all noise in the room, you had missed Bokuto entering. You woke up that morning with more energy than usual. Chalking it up to new hire jitters, but that’s not what it was. Surrounded by players with large egos wasn’t new to you, it came with the territory of being an athletic trainer. Hell, even if you’d stayed in personal training, there’s no escaping the egos of gym bros. Everyone lifts more, knows more, trains better than you. With a smaller stature than most, you’d gone your whole life always being underestimated. Working out had always been a safe relief for pent up frustration and anger, letting you maintain a calm for the rest of the day. A godsent gift in your chosen profession. The MSBY Black Jackals’ team reputation was known far and wide in the industry. The most polite and friendliest team, hungry for growth. The “Eternal Rookies”, a moniker agreed upon by journalists and teammates alike in the volleyball world. It had been just the right move for you, but your professionalism had been shaken up from Day 1, when you met the rising star outside hitter, Bokuto Koutaro. 
Most guys that looked like that were always wolves in sheep’s clothing, regardless of team reputation. But Bokuto had surprised you in every area, clumsy yet straightforward and honest. Earnest in practice and a trusted leader during games. Strong and smart but humble and kind. And agonizingly good looking. Work days became an every day battle to not ogle the man every second he was in your sight. Coming to the gym in the morning was your refresher, a clean way to start the day to ensure you're energized throughout. But it seems Bokuto also frequented the morning time, so you had been adjusting to come earlier and earlier to try and avoid him. Waking up at 3 am from a particularly delicious dream, was enough reason to head straight to the gym to clear your head. Taking a quick break you glance up to the mirror to ensure proper stance, eyes widening seeing the very devil from your dream getting off the treadmill and preparing for his routine. Head down, completing incline chest rows, your entire backside on display for Bokuto. He had finished his cardio and started his lat exercises, fortunately unfortunately the machine was positioned to maintain the weights area in direct line of sight. He had wanted to power through his routine, crushing on the trainer was a childish distraction and completely unprofessional. Having childlike fun is one thing, but entering frustrated territory was completely unlike him. The heat that sat in his core, rising up, coating his entire torso in a voracious fire with desire he’d never felt before. He hated it. He’s always been in control of all his emotions and desires, but you shook every semblance of proper thought from his head. Failing miserably at keeping a focused mind, he dove into the siren’s song and watched you closely throughout his workout. Wiping down machines, adjusting weights, huffing through his sets, but eyes trained on your body throughout it all. He had watched you wrap up and make your way to the yoga mats for cool down stretches. 
With only a nod of acknowledgement, the two of you hadn’t exchanged any words in the past couple hours of working out. Maintaining distance in balanced routines for the day, a dance playing out in the gym. But the tension was palpable, suffocating in the already stuffy gym air. You watched a bead of sweat drip down his chin into the crevices of his pecs. Wondering if it had traveled down his abs and through the defined v-line you could glimpse every time he raised his arms. You licked your lips in hope for a taste, even if in your imagination. The craving for a taste increased, because you had felt his eyes on you the entire time. Watching every movement, eyeing you from top to bottom and back. You could feel the ghost of his hands running over your body. Leaving behind a tantalizing trail of heat everywhere, yet not placing a single finger on you. As you leaned down into downward dog, Bokuto had stopped to take a water break, eyes washing over your body in haste. A smirk playing on your lips as you feel yourself fall over the edge of your self control. “Bokuto-san, could you help me stretch out my back?” 
The last gulp of water catches in his throat, coughing as he averts his eyes. Finally breathing air back into his lungs he turns his attention to the voice calling for him. Headphones now out, he hears you repeat your question, as if it hadn’t been bouncing around the walls of his mind already. His throat somehow dry despite finishing off his entire bottle, he makes his way over. Watching as you adjust yourself into pigeon pose, left leg fully stretched out and right leg folded out and tucked in. Opening up your hips to stretch, you motioned him to push down on your back. Palms on your back he leaned down on you, folding you completely over, without any resistance. Your chest flush against the mat and arms spread out forward. With a slight push up off you, he stands up to watch over your form. Drinking in the ease of your stretch, mind running with other ways he could be folding you to take him in completely. A jolt running right to his core when he meets your eyes to see a flush on your face, still pressed against the mat as you watch him. 
“Ya like what you see Bokuto-san?” The words slipped out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. The heat of the room, the thrum of your heart in your ears, blood rushing to multiple places at once, has all your senses on high after your workout. Bokuto’s weight against you had set your entire back on fire, engulfing you completely and you ached to feel him over you again. “My form, it looks ok?” You tease as a flush comes across his face. With a lick of your lips, you roll over, legs spread open wide. “Can you help stretch out my front too...I can fold into another position if you’d like?”  The question crashed over Bokuto, anchor ripped out of the ground, untethered and washing away into the depths of the ocean. He closed the distance in a few short steps before pulling you up into him, lips against his in an instant. Tasting you finally, feeling you with his hands, swallowing you completely. His parched throat slowly soothed as he drank you in, the way he needed.
Relentless moans falling out of your lips, echoing in his mind. He looks down at you ruined, but you reach your hands out to wrap around him to bring him closer for more. He closes his eyes to fall right in, a new anchor rooted in your waves pulling him as close to you as possible.
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hearts4youz · 9 months
"The Captains Daughter" Chapter Two
comment if u want to be added to my tag list <3 @abbiesxox A/N: Thank you all sooooo much for reading chapter one, it means a lot!! Heres chapter two. From here on out you can expect like 1-2 chapters of this to come out per week!! i'm so excited to share the rest of this story that has been marinating in my braincells for so long lmao.
Word count: 1.5k
Reader pov: You marched into the training facilities for your first session with the masked Lieutenant. You donned a hoodie and leggings, the training rooms were chilly. You walked into the changing rooms to lock up your bag, although it was highly unlikely someone would steal it, this was a military base after all. Fastening the lock around the small cubby, you took off your hoodie and threw it inside as well. Leaving you in a thin cropped t-shirt. You left the locker room and took in the smell of the training area, it was the size of a warehouse and smelled like your high school gymnasium. There were multiple different areas of the facility. A gym, featuring endless sets of weights, squat racks, benches, etc. There was an enclosed area for weapons practice, boasting many different kinds of guns, knives, and any other device used for bodily harm. The base also boasts, an impressive, multi story agility course with different obstacles at each level. Last but not least, there is a recovery room, mostly used for warmups and cooldowns.
After you took it all in, you spotted Ghost doing squats with a great deal of weight on the bar. He sported a skull print balaclava instead of the mask he wore at yesterday's meeting. He also had on tapered black sweatpants, a fitted t-shirt which hugged his muscles in a very flattering way, and tennis shoes. You walked toward him, stopping short and standing by the weight rack so you didn't interrupt his workout.
You watched as he did rep after rep of squats, face contorting more with each one, you could see his face more now with the absence of eye black he wore yesterday. Sweat dripped off his brow, his eyes squeezed shut as he finished the last rep, the bar made a clattering sound as he rested it back on the hooks of the rack. Wiping his face with his sleeve he turned to you.
"Do you sleep with your eyes open," he says abruptly.
"Your eyes, are they always like that or am I just that impressive," he says smugly
"No- I," You start.
"Save it, lets get started."
He starts walking at a fast pace to another area of the gym, you jog to catch up. Ghost leads you to three boxing style rings.
"lets start with a spar, consider this a pre-test, I wanna see what you are capable of," Ghost gets straight to business.
You gulped, you're not a bad fighter, but he has an unfair advantage. He's at least 6'2, not to mention you just watched him casually squat 600+ pounds for reps. The two of you stepped into the ring, you tried to not let your nervousness show on your face. You weren't going to be able to overpower him, you were going to have to outsmart him, or be faster than him. Lucky for you, you used to be a competitive runner in high school, placing well in state championships for Cross Country and Track yearly. You also practiced Yoga, agility will be your friend in this matchup.
"Ready?" Ghost said.
"Yes, Simon," you taunted.
hopefully your mention of his name caught him off guard, you ran at him, faking a punch and slipping between his legs, popping up behind him. Your surprise worked, his delayed reaction gave you enough time for you to kick the sensitive area behind his kneecaps. Ghost stumbled forward but caught himself, turning to face you. He threw a punch, you tried to deflect it but he was too strong. Quickly recovering you ran at him again, trying to juke him out by performing another fake move. He must have picked up on your style quick because he stuck his leg out to trip you before you could jet by him. Realizing you lost the upper hand, you tried to stand up before he could pin you. Instead, he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and hauled you up from the ground.
"Round two," he said gruffly
The second time around was worse than the first. You didn't have the element of surprise. He took you down within seconds
"I've seen enough," dissatisfaction present in his eyes.
"I know I did poorly, but to be fair," you tried to justify yourself.
"Do you think fights are fair?" He chastised.
"Let me tell you that none of the men you face in the field will be as gentle as I. Your little trick? Do you think an enemy soldier would even give you time to talk?" He continued, voice becoming more of a yell.
"How did you even get here?" He questioned.
"I'm not a bad shot, for what I lack in strength I make up for in speed and agility too."
Ghost raised a brow
"You've got a lot to work on in terms of hand to hand combat, but lets test your aim," He said.
Feeling more confident for this next test, you followed him over to the shooting range. The two of you entered the room, paper targets on one end, soldiers practicing their aim on another. Ghost picks out a variety of firearms. He hands you a Pistol first.
"Go ahead," he gestures to the targets.
You nodded, drawing a deep breath in and exhaling as you lined yourself up with the target 50 yards away. Inhaling again and holding it this time, you brought the gun up in front of your face, extending your arms and firing 3 shots rapidly. Two hit the center circle, one skimmed the edge between the center and the ring next to it.
You turned back to face Ghost, he only handed you the second weapon, a rifle. You repeated the same process before, this time letting the gun rest in the crook of your neck and holding it against your cheek as you fired three more shots in quick succession. All three hit the center this time.
Ghost handed you an SMG when you turned around. Holding the new gun in the same way as the rifle, one pull of the trigger fired multiple bullets, these were less accurate but still impressive. Clicking the safety on the gun, you handed it back to Ghost, he put away the weapons without a word.
"That's all for today, you are excused Sergeant," he says bluntly.
"Thank you for training me sir," You said, Mock politeness dripping from your tone.
"By the way, don't call me Simon. It's Ghost, or Lieutenant." Ghost grunted and turned to go, leaving you alone in the range. You stood for a moment, replaying the last 45 minutes in your mind. You had hoped to impress him with your marksman skills, but he seemed unimpressed. You needed to decompress, a run would relax you perhaps? You walked towards the locker rooms to change into warmer attire, the weather was cold in late November.
Ghost's pov:
The first day training the Sergeant, Y/N wasn't a total bust. I recalled the events of our session as I changed. She was a decent rifle shot, a terrible fighter though. Her use of my name was alarming, a clever move though. Soap probably told her, they talked through the meeting yesterday. Can't blame em' though, Price sure does love the sound of his own voice.
As I was about to leave the changing rooms, I spotted Y/N leaving the building, it was awfully cold outside to be going out. She had earbuds in, so it wasn't hard to follow her out the door. She lingered in front of the door for a moment, I stayed inside the vestibule leading to the outdoors. She took a breath and started jogging, turning the corner and leaving my sight.
I didn't know she was a runner, she mentioned she was fast after our spar though. Training after hours is quite admirable actually. Maybe she won't be such a letdown for the team after all.
I shuddered at the thought, Remember what happened last time you overestimated a newbies skills. I told myself. I will never let that happen to someone under my command again. Wincing at the memory, I tried to push the thoughts aside, but it comes flooding back to me
"It wasn't your fault Simon," Price
"There was nothing we could do," A doctor
"I'm sorry," Another doctor
Two lives
Gone because I authorized them for the mission
I thought they were ready
I didn't train them hard enough
I treated the two of them as friends, as brothers. I grew attached too quickly. I wasn't as close with them as I am the rest of the squad, fuck I barely knew them.
One week
One week they were here, their first mission they were so giddy, so eager to prove themselves, two boys about to become men. I remember the feeling when I was in their position.
Next, they were gone.
Never again will I let that happen to someone.
Never will I let that happen to Y/N.
For now, I'll pretend I don't care.
She can hate me all she wants, she can think I don't give a shit about her. Better that than her trusting me and me letting her down. For now, I won't care about her. Until she can prove herself worthy, I won't treat her as a friend.
Because I don't want to see a friend come back in a body bag.
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thesoftgirlguide · 26 days
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A Guide to Staying Motivated 🩰𓈒⋆⑅˚₊୨୧
How to Enjoy Your Fitness Journey
I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather so I haven’t been working out as much. Starting a fitness journey can be both exciting and challenging. I hate the idea of taking a long break because I know how easy it is to break that habit. It’s always difficult to go back once my body is getting used to not doing it.
As a girl, you might face unique obstacles, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can stay motivated and enjoy the process. Now, I’ll explore practical tips I use and will be using (when I feel better) to help me stay on track.
╰┈➤ Set Clear Goals
Before you lace up your sneakers, take a moment to define your fitness goals. What do you want to achieve? Is it weight loss? muscle gain? improved endurance? or overall health? Having clear objectives will give you direction. Write down your goals and break them into smaller, achievable steps. Celebrate each milestone along the way to keep your motivation high.
╰┈➤ Find an Activity You Love
Fitness doesn’t have to mean slogging away on a treadmill if that’s not your thing. Explore different activities until you find something you genuinely enjoy. I personally enjoy pilates. Yours could be dancing, swimming, hiking, yoga, or weightlifting. When you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it won’t feel like a chore. Plus, you’ll be more likely to stick with it.
╰┈➤ Create a Support System
Surround yourself with positive influences. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your fitness goals. Join fitness classes, online communities, or find a workout buddy. Having someone to share your journey with can boost motivation and make the process more enjoyable. Encourage each other, celebrate achievements, and lift each other up during setbacks.
╰┈➤ Mix It Up
Variety is the spice of life, and it applies to fitness too. Don’t get stuck in a monotonous routine. Try different workouts, switch up your exercises, and explore new fitness trends. Cross-training not only prevents boredom but also challenges your body in different ways. Attend a dance class one day, lift weights the next, and go for a run on another. Keep things interesting!
╰┈➤ Track Your Progress
Seeing progress is incredibly motivating. Keep a fitness journal or use an app to track your workouts, measurements, and how you feel. Celebrate improvements, whether it’s lifting heavier weights, running a faster mile, or feeling more energized. Progress may be gradual, but every step counts.
╰┈➤ Reward Yourself
Set up a reward system for achieving your fitness goals. Treat yourself to something special when you hit a milestone. It could be a new workout outfit, a massage, or a guilt-free dessert. Rewards reinforce positive behavior and give you something to look forward to.
╰┈➤ Focus on Non-Scale Victories
While weight loss is a common fitness goal, remember that it’s not the only measure of success. Pay attention to non-scale victories too. Maybe you’re sleeping better, feeling more confident, or noticing improved flexibility. Celebrate these wins—they matter just as much!
╰┈➤ Practice Self-Compassion
We all have off days, and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a workout or indulge in a treat. Show yourself kindness and understanding. Remember that consistency over time matters more than occasional slip-ups. Be your own biggest cheerleader.
╰┈➤ Visualize Your Success
Close your eyes and imagine yourself achieving your fitness goals. Visualize the strong, confident, and healthy version of yourself. This mental rehearsal can boost motivation and keep you focused on the bigger picture.
╰┈➤ Enjoy the Journey
Lastly, remember that fitness is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process, learn from setbacks, and celebrate every step forward. Enjoy the endorphin rush after a workout, relish the feeling of accomplishment, and appreciate the amazing things your body can do.
Stay motivated, stay positive, and keep moving toward your best self. You’ve got this, girl!
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ ˚ ༘
Disclaimer: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness program.
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memoriesndew · 3 months
how to get into your wonyoungism era
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🎀 what is wonyoungism?
The trend is named after the South Korean celebrity Jang Wonyoung. wonyoungism promotes a healthy lifestyle, with themes such as skin care, food, and exercise being central to the movement. exercises such as pilates, yoga, and mobility. healthy eating and dieting. mainly taking care of yourself. if you want to incorporate this aesthetic — the colours of this aesthetic is mainly pastel pink and white but you can find it in other colours
💌 how to embrace wonyoungism
🎀 prioritize your physical and mental health — prioritize your physical and mental health by adopting a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, healthy eating habits, adequate sleep, and stress management strategies. make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and don't be afraid to seek help from friends, family, or professionals when necessary. remember that self-care is critical for overall well-being and resilience when confronted with life's obstacles.
🎀 implement routines — having a routine for everything but having a routine in a few places is good to keep you on track and sets you up for days ahead examples of different routines are reset routines, self-care routines, morning routines, night routines, workout routines and skincare routine — examples of a good morning and night routine are below
morning routine
wake up early: set your alarm for the same time every morning, ideally early enough to give yourself plenty of time before beginning your day.
hydrate: begin your day with a glass of water to help your body rehydrate after a night's sleep.
stretch or exercise: to wake up your body and get your blood flowing, perform a short stretching routine or mild exercise.
breakfast: make and eat a healthy breakfast to nourish your body for the day ahead.
personal care: perform personal hygiene duties like showering, brushing your teeth, and getting dressed.
plan your day: spend a few minutes reviewing your schedule and prioritizing tasks for the day. this can help set the tone and keep you focused.
night routine
wind down: an hour or so before bedtime, begin relaxing activities such as reading, listening to soothing music, or practicing mindfulness or meditation.
unplug: reduce screen time and electronic device exposure at least 30 minutes before bedtime to help your brain prepare for sleep.
reflect: take a few minutes to reflect on your day
prepare for tomorrow: lay out your clothes for the next day, and make any other essential preparations to streamline your morning routine.
relaxation techniques: to assist your body and mind relax before sleeping, try deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.
bedtime routine: set a consistent bedtime
🎀 take care of your skin — taking care of your skin is an important aspect of self-care and general health. here are some simple actions you may include in your skincare routine: research and determine your skin type and which products and habits will work best for you. there's no need for pricey products! In my experience, it's better to start small and not just waste your money on unnecessary skincare products — an example of a minimal skincare routine is below
serum (in my opinion this is optional for me though we all have different skin)
🎀 have an exercise regimen or a means to move your body every day — including daily movement in your routine is essential for sustaining overall health and well-being. just go for something that makes you feel good - I prefer walks and pilates. I advise you not to try and do too much; don't overwhelm yourself. It's better to do something you enjoy so you can keep up with it rather than just stop working out completely because the workout style you choose does not aid your body — so try out different workout styles and choose this can involve
strength training routines
🎀 have a balanced diet — a balanced diet is essential for good health and well-being. consuming a range of nutrient-dense meals such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy fats supplies your body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. a well-balanced diet aids digestion, boosts energy and improves mood and cognition. overall, eating a well-balanced diet can improve both physical and mental health, resulting in a superior quality of life.
🎀 implement habits that aid your goals into your days — incorporating habits that support your goals into your daily routine is an effective strategy to make progress and achieve success. by incorporating behaviours that directly contribute to your goals into your everyday life, you establish a strong foundation for success and personal growth.
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moonhedgegarden · 1 year
✨For black spiritual practitioner here are some tips that can enhance your spiritual journey:
1. Embrace your heritage: Celebrate and honor your ancestral traditions and practices. Incorporate elements from your black culture and heritage into your spiritual path, as they can provide a unique and meaningful perspective.
2. Seek community: Connect with other black spiritual practitioners who share similar beliefs and experiences. Join local or online groups, attend workshops, or participate in cultural events to foster a sense of belonging and support.
3. Educate yourself: Study various spiritual traditions and philosophies to broaden your understanding. Explore African spirituality, such as Ifa, Vodou, or Candomblé, and discover their rich history and teachings. Additionally, you can explore universal spiritual principles that resonate with you.
4. Practice self-care: Engage in self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. This can include meditation, yoga, journaling, spending time in nature, or engaging in creative activities that bring you joy and peace.
5. Listen to your intuition: Trust your inner guidance and intuition as you navigate your spiritual path. Connect with your inner wisdom and cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness to guide you in making decisions and choosing spiritual practices that align with your authentic self.
6. Balance tradition and personal growth: While honoring and respecting ancestral traditions, allow space for personal growth and evolution. Explore new ideas, challenge old beliefs, and adapt your spiritual practices as you continue to learn and grow.
7. Cultivate resilience: Recognize and embrace the resilience that has been ingrained in black culture throughout history. Draw strength from the resilience of your ancestors and use it to overcome challenges and setbacks on your spiritual journey. Embrace your inner power, tap into your spiritual practices, and persevere with determination and courage. Remember, your journey is unique and valuable, and your resilience will help you navigate any obstacles that come your way.
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