#deepening yoga practice
nativeyoga · 1 year
Dorcas Murunga - Yoga Teacher Shares Her Journey and Impact in Kenya
Listen to podcast for FREE here Dorcas Murunga is a yoga teacher based in Nairobi, Kenya. She is a certified yoga teacher with the Africa Yoga Project and has been an inspiration to her local community. Dorcas is passionate about sharing the transformative power of yoga and has been teaching various styles of yoga, including power yoga, yin yoga, and African yoga. She is dedicated to meeting her…
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yoga-basics · 30 days
12 Complementary Aspects of Yoga and Positive Psychology
Integrating yoga with the principles of positive psychology can significantly enhance your overall well-being and happiness. The fusion of yoga and positive psychology offers a holistic approach to personal development that nurtures both the mind and body. By aligning physical practices with psychological principles, individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, resilience, and…
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xazse · 1 year
Kitty scara Who leers at you and in return you tease him through the duration of your shopping. reader has big boobs btw
If you guys want me to expand on this just ask and I will
Kitty Kuni who can hardly stay patient as you’re both walking through the grocery store doing your weekly visits. He’s insisting that this is oh so boring and he can possibly be spending his time doing something way better, but if you don’t drag him along all he’ll do later is complain that you didn’t get all the things he wanted, so you simply roll your eyes and continue with your shopping.
Scara sticks close to you, he hates places with lots of people, because lots of them mean Men. Men who just can’t seem to take their eyes off your chest, them thinking they’re being so secretive with the way they steal glances when you bend down to look at the quality of a vegetable. Scara won’t lie and say he isn’t leering rather hard too, but he has every right to!
Your outfit isn’t helping this case either, choosing to go with skin tight yoga pants that squeezes the curves of your ass so good, he can see every crevice being pushed on tightly when he gets a good view from behind you.
You continue with your shopping ignoring the gross glance every so often.
While inspecting the grade of a cucumber you move your manicured nails lightly over his ears you rub from the base up to calm him down just a bit, and to remind him it’s only just a bit more shopping then you can both leave. He of course leans In and lets you smooth your hands down the side of his cheek: when he moves to press in and pur you pull your hand away every so gracefully and give him a mischievous quirk of your lips.
Throughout the duration of the shopping when there’s no one around, you’re pressing light kisses to his cheek and every time he tries to deepen them you push him softly and remind him you’re both in public. When there’s a moment of peace again, you turn around and grip his cheeks pinching them In-between your nails, and connect your lips with his, pressing your tongue against the barrier of his teeth and swirling yours with his, it’s not hard to work your poor Kuni up. It’s not surprise when he’s panting open-mouthed while you ravage his mouth just to spot a buggy pulling around your isle before ripping away from the kiss.
Scara just might go Insane if you keep teasing him like this, working his flushed face up every time just to stop last minute, he’s practically rushing you through self-checkout so you can both hurry home.
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theascendedpath · 2 years
Make an attempt to connect with yourself every day. These times desperately call for it. They call for us to deepen our connection to our soul and body. Whether that be meditation, breathwork, yoga, journaling, or creating from the heart. Do whatever activity or practice that brings you back to the deeper parts of yourself, to the aspect of you that is divine, because that's where the true treasures lie. At first, it might seem like nothing is there or nothing is happening, but as the days go by, you'll start to see the gold and beautiful gift that you are. And when you divinely realize what you are, you'll begin to see the same in everything you come across on your path throughout existence.
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talonabraxas · 10 days
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Brahman Sat-Chit-Ananda (Truth-Consciousness-Bliss) Talon Abraxas
At the core of yogic philosophy lies the concept of Brahman—the ultimate reality and the source of all existence. The transcendent goal of yoga is to experience the oneness of Brahman—the ultimate reality, the absolute and eternal truth that underlies the universe and all of existence. Exploring the multifaceted meaning of Brahman provides an opportunity to delve into the deep philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga, contemplate the mysteries of the universe, deepen your spiritual practice, and connect with something greater than yourself.
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What is Brahman?
In Indian philosophy, Brahman is the ultimate reality, the supreme, unchanging, and eternal essence of the universe. The term “Brahman” is derived from Sanskrit, meaning “to swell, expand, grow, enlarge.” Brahman is beyond human comprehension as it is beyond the limitations of time, space, and individual identity. It is considered to be the absolute, formless, and all-pervading cosmic power that is the source and sustainer of all existence. It is described as the essence of truth, consciousness, and bliss that remains unchanged, yet serves as the cause of all changes in existence.
As the supreme reality, it is recognized as the source of all existence in the entire universe. The unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality forms the divine ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond your experience. It is the origin and the end of all things, the very fabric of reality, and the fundamental principle that sustains the cosmos. Every entity and phenomenon in the universe, whether material or spiritual, emanates from this Brahman, exists within it, and ultimately merges into it.
In the Chandogya Upanishad, one of the oldest yogic texts, uses the metaphor of a clay pot to explain the concept of Brahman. Just as clay is used to make many different types, forms and shapes of pots, Brahman is the substrate that manifests in various forms and shapes in the universe. The clay (Brahman) remains constant and unchanging, while the pots (the various forms in the universe) are impermanent and transient.
Nirguna Brahman and Saguna Brahman
Brahman can be conceptualized in two different ways. Nirguna Brahman refers to the formless, attribute less aspect of Brahman, while Saguna Brahman refers to the aspect of Brahman that is imbued with qualities and attributes.
Nirguna Brahman is often associated with the concept of Advaita Vedanta, a philosophical school that emphasizes the non-dual nature of reality, asserting that Brahman is the only true reality and that all distinctions are ultimately illusory. It is pure consciousness, beyond the realm of dualities such as good and bad, right and wrong.
Saguna Brahman is the personal aspect of the supreme cosmic principle that manifests in the world with attributes and qualities. It is often associated with the concept of Bhakti Yoga, a spiritual path that emphasizes devotion to a personal deity or form of the divine. In this aspect, Brahman is seen as taking on various forms and qualities in order to interact with devotees on a more personal level. While Saguna Brahman includes attributes and is perceivable by human senses, it should not be mistaken for a deity in the traditional sense. Instead, it represents a human conception of the Infinite, a way for the human mind to comprehend the incomprehensible.
Both Nirguna and Saguna Brahman are considered valid conceptualizations of the supreme cosmic principle within Indian philosophy, with different schools of thought emphasizing one aspect over the other. The ultimate goal of understanding Brahman is to realize its true nature, which transcends all dualities and distinctions. By contemplating both the formless, attribute less nature of Nirguna Brahman and the personal, manifest aspect of Saguna Brahman, individuals can deepen their understanding of the divine and its role in the universe.
The Connection Between Atman and Brahman
The Atman-Brahman relationship is one of the fundamental tenets of yogic philosophy. Atman, interpreted as the individual soul or self, is seen as the microcosmic reflection of Brahman. According to Vedanta philosophy, Atman is not separate from Brahman, but an extension or manifestation of it. The individual self, or Atman, is often described using the analogy of a drop of water from the ocean – distinct in its individuality yet inherently connected to the vast expanse of the ocean itself.
Advaita Vedanta posits that Atman and Brahman are identical – the personal and universal selves are the same. This non-dualistic perspective, encapsulated in the Mahavakya (great saying) “Tat Tvam Asi” (That Thou Art), suggests that the individual soul is not separate from the Absolute Reality. Instead, it is Brahman itself, cloaked by ignorance or Maya. Realizing this profound oneness, transcending the illusion of duality, leads to Moksha or liberation, an essential goal in the path of yoga.
This non-dualistic concept is eloquently captured in the profound Vedic statement “Aham Brahmasmi,” meaning “I am Brahman.” The individual soul is seen as a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic absolute, suggesting that your true identity is not the transient physical form but the eternal, unchanging Brahman. This realization paves the way to liberation and union with the divine.
Brahman as Sat-cit-ananda (truth-consciousness-bliss)
While Nirguna Brahman is attribute less, it is often described using the attributes Sat (Truth), Chit (Consciousness), and Ananda (Bliss). Sat represents the aspect of Brahman that underlies all existence, the eternal and unchanging reality that transcends the temporal and illusory nature of the world. Cit signifies the pure consciousness that pervades all beings and is the source of all awareness and intelligence. Ananda points to the intrinsic joy and bliss that is inherent in the realization of Brahman, the ultimate goal of spiritual seekers.
These are not attributes in the conventional sense, but pointers to the indescribable nature of the Absolute Reality. Understanding these three attributes helps seekers comprehend the essence of Brahman and its implications for individual spiritual growth and enlightenment. By meditating on these attributes, practitioners aim to transcend the illusion of the material world and experience the ultimate reality of Brahman.
Brahman hidden by Maya (Illusion)
Maya is the cosmic illusion or veil that obscures the true nature of Brahman, causing individuals to become attached to the material world and ignorant of their true spiritual nature. This illusion fosters the misconception of duality, making you believe that you are separate entities existing independently in the physical universe. This false perception, akin to confusing a rope for a snake, results from spiritual ignorance (Avidya).
To overcome Maya and Avidya and realize the true nature of Brahman, one must cultivate self-awareness, spiritual knowledge, and detachment from the transient aspects of existence. By transcending the limitations of the ego and recognizing the unity of all creation, one can experience the divine essence of Brahman within themselves and in all beings. This realization brings liberation (moksha) from the cycle of samsara and leads to ultimate enlightenment and union with Brahman.
Moksha: Liberation from Samsara
Moksha signifies the Atman’s liberation from the cycle of Samsara and the realization of its oneness with Brahman. It is the ultimate goal of yoga, the state of absolute bliss and peace. Moksha is attained when the individual soul sheds its illusion of separateness, incited by Maya, and realizes its true nature, Brahman. This realization is not intellectual but experiential, a state of being where one experiences the truth of the Mahavakya, “Aham Brahmasmi,” meaning “I am Brahman.” Upon achieving Moksha, the individual soul merges with the supreme reality, Brahman, marking the end of the cycle of birth and rebirth. The soul, free from all limitations, resides in eternal bliss and peace.
Yoga practices to experience the oneness of Brahman
To experience the oneness of Brahman, one can engage in various yoga practices that help in transcending the limitations of the individual self and connecting with the universal consciousness. Through these practices, one can quiet the mind, purify the body, and cultivate a deeper awareness of the true nature of reality. Through dedicated practice and devotion, one can awaken the divine spark within and realize their true nature as a manifestation of Brahman. Choose a path that resonates with your inner being and commit yourself fully to the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
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yogadaily · 3 months
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(5 Day Yoga Sacred Heart Meditation Retreat, Frosinone Province, Italy: $745 $852  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
Styles: Hatha Yoga, Tantra Yoga
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Experience Tranquility and Transformation at Our Sacred Heart Meditation Retreat
Imagine arriving at our serene retreat, nestled in the heart of Abruzzi National Park. The air is fragrant with jasmine and roses, and the gentle breeze promises tranquility.
You awaken to the first light of dawn each morning, ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace.
Your day begins with an hour of meditation from 8 to 9, guiding you to a deeper connection with yourself and the universe.
After a light breakfast, you gather with fellow participants for a lecture about the Sacred Heart and deepening your meditation practice.
These sessions provide insights and wisdom, setting the tone for your transformative journey.
Mid-morning combines Hatha yoga and meditation, where the Hridaya approach helps you connect mind, body, and spirit.
The serene surroundings and expert guidance make each movement and breath a step closer to inner peace.
After lunch, the afternoon is yours for rest and integration. Wander through lush meadows, relax by the river stream, or reflect quietly under the shade of ancient olive trees.
This time is essential for processing your experiences and rejuvenating your spirit.
At 4 pm, another meditation session awaits, followed by a brief introduction to a new technique. This is a time for questions and answers, where you can delve deeper into the practices and concepts shared.
You explore methods like the self-inquiry technique by Ramana Maharishi and learn about living with an open heart.
Evenings are spent discussing the three pillars of meditation, sending blessings, and understanding consecration from the perspective of Karma Yoga. Each topic is designed to enrich your practice and deepen your spiritual journey.
The retreat offers more than just activities; it provides a sanctuary where you can nurture your soul. You leave feeling renewed, empowered, and ready to embrace life with an open heart.
This is the transformative experience you seek, where every breath brings you closer to your true self.
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blessed1neha · 6 months
The Yamas and Niyamas are ethical and moral guidelines
The Yamas and Niyamas are ethical and moral guidelines outlined in the ancient yogic philosophy of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. They offer principles for living a harmonious and fulfilling life. Here are the benefits associated with practicing the Yamas and Niyamas:
Ahimsa (Non-violence): Practicing ahimsa promotes peace and compassion. It encourages individuals to cultivate kindness towards themselves and others, leading to improved relationships and a more harmonious society.
Satya (Truthfulness): Living truthfully fosters authenticity and integrity. Being honest with oneself and others builds trust and strengthens connections, resulting in healthier relationships and a sense of inner peace.
Asteya (Non-stealing): By practicing asteya, individuals learn contentment and gratitude for what they have. This cultivates a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity, promoting generosity and reducing feelings of envy or lack.
Brahmacharya (Moderation): Brahmacharya encourages balanced living and mindful consumption. By practicing moderation in all aspects of life, individuals conserve energy, maintain focus, and cultivate self-discipline, leading to greater physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Aparigraha (Non-attachment): Aparigraha teaches the art of letting go and releasing attachments to outcomes. By detaching from material possessions, expectations, and desires, individuals experience freedom from stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction, leading to greater contentment and inner peace.
Saucha (Purity/Cleanliness): Practicing saucha involves purifying the body, mind, and environment. This fosters clarity of thought, enhances physical health, and creates a conducive space for spiritual growth and self-discovery.
Santosha (Contentment): Santosha promotes gratitude and acceptance of the present moment. Cultivating contentment regardless of external circumstances leads to greater peace of mind, reduced stress, and an increased sense of fulfillment.
Tapas (Discipline): Tapas involves cultivating self-discipline and perseverance in pursuit of spiritual growth and personal development. By embracing challenges and overcoming obstacles, individuals build resilience, inner strength, and a sense of accomplishment.
Svadhyaya (Self-study): Svadhyaya encourages self-reflection and introspection. By studying sacred texts, exploring personal beliefs, and observing one's thoughts and actions, individuals gain insight into themselves, deepen their understanding of life's mysteries, and foster spiritual evolution.
Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to the Divine): Ishvara Pranidhana involves surrendering to a higher power or divine intelligence. By relinquishing the ego's need for control and trusting in a greater purpose, individuals find peace, guidance, and spiritual connection.
Overall, practicing the Yamas and Niyamas promotes personal growth, ethical behavior, and spiritual development. By aligning one's actions with these principles, individuals cultivate virtues such as compassion, truthfulness, contentment, and self-discipline, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
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oorjayiiyoga · 1 year
Embrace the Harmony Within Yoga- The Soulful Dance of Cells, in Perfect Rhythm with the Breath. In this fast-paced world, finding serenity amidst the chaos is a precious gift. Yoga, the ancient art of mindfulness, offer this precious opportunity.
Check our Yoga Retreat!
Welcome to our yoga retreat! We are thrilled to have you join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Our retreat is designed to provide you with a nourishing and holistic experience, allowing you to reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit in a serene and supportive environment.
Throughout your time with us, you will have the opportunity to deepen your yoga practice, explore various meditation techniques, and cultivate mindfulness. Our experienced and passionate instructors will guide you through yoga sessions tailored to your needs and level of experience, helping you develop strength, flexibility, and inner awareness.
In addition to the yoga and meditation practices, we have curated a schedule that includes workshops and lectures on topics such as yoga philosophy, anatomy, nutrition, art and holistic wellness. These educational sessions aim to enhance your understanding of the yogic lifestyle and provide you with valuable tools for personal growth and well-being.
Our retreat takes place in a beautiful natural setting, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of nature. You will have the chance to immerse yourself in outdoor activities, such as hiking, nature walks, or simply taking in the peaceful atmosphere. This connection with nature will enhance your overall experience and promote a sense of harmony and tranquility.
At our yoga retreat, you will also have the opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for yoga and holistic living. The bonds and friendships formed during this retreat often become cherished and supportive connections that extend beyond our time together.
We are excited to embark on this transformative journey with you and create a space where you can nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Get ready to experience the healing power of yoga, embrace self-care, and rediscover your inner balance. Welcome to our yoga retreat!
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venusinsilk · 8 months
Journal Prompts - 2024
I wanted to share these journal prompts with you, the tumblr girls. I hope these prompts help you look within yourself.
Journal Prompts:
Root Chakra (Muladhara):
What aspects of my life need more stability and grounding?
How can I strengthen my sense of security and foundation?
What financial goals or intentions do I want to manifest?
In what ways can I create a stronger connection to the earth and nature?
What habits or beliefs no longer serve my sense of stability?
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):
What brings me joy and creativity, and how can I incorporate more of it into my life?
In what areas of my life can I cultivate a healthier sense of pleasure and passion?
How can I better nurture and express my emotions?
What creative projects or hobbies do I want to explore or develop?
What relationships or connections do I want to strengthen or create?
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):
What are my core values and how can I honor them in my daily life?
In what areas can I boost my confidence and self-esteem?
What personal and professional goals do I want to achieve?
How can I embrace and express my personal power more fully?
What activities or practices can help me maintain a healthy sense of self-worth?
Heart Chakra (Anahata):
What relationships do I want to nurture or heal in my life?
How can I cultivate more love and compassion for myself and others?
What acts of kindness or service do I want to incorporate into my routine?
How can I open myself up to receiving and giving love more freely?
In what ways can I bring more harmony and balance into my relationships?
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):
What truths do I need to express more authentically in my life?
In what ways can I improve my communication skills?
What creative pursuits or projects do I want to share with the world?
How can I align my actions with my words more effectively?
What conversations or expressions have been left unsaid that need attention?
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):
What insights or intuitive messages am I receiving that I need to pay attention to?
How can I enhance my connection to my inner wisdom and intuition?
What limiting beliefs or perceptions do I need to release?
How can I cultivate a deeper sense of clarity and insight in my life?
In what ways can I trust my inner guidance more fully?
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):
What spiritual practices or connections do I want to deepen?
How can I cultivate a greater sense of connection to the divine or higher self?
What beliefs or thought patterns no longer align with my spiritual growth?
In what ways can I invite more mindfulness and presence into my daily life?
What experiences or knowledge do I seek to expand my spiritual understanding?
I went to a yoga class a couple weeks ago that focused on setting intentions for 2024. In this class, the instructor shared 1 prompt from each of the Chakras listed with the prompts above. After telling us the prompt, we wrote a quick response. After 7 of these, we were asked to pick one word from each written response.
We wrote down these words and left them visible on our mats. She guided us through a Vinyasa flow for each Chakra, in which we focused on the corresponding word we wrote.
After class, she emailed us more prompts. I'm still journaling through these 2 weeks later. They are very in depth and some of the questions stumped me. It's ok to not have answers right away. I left a blank page and moved on, and I intend to go back and finish more. I've already made small changes to my lifestyle based on answers I wrote. I hope these serve you well!
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yoga-basics · 2 months
Eagle Arms: How to Practice, Benefits, and 9 Pose Variations
Incorporating variations and modifications into your yoga practice can enhance your experience and create variety, inspiration, and depth in your journey on the mat. One effective technique to explore is the Yoga Eagle Arms, which not only serves as a powerful tool for improving flexibility and strength but also but it also promotes focus and balance, helping you find your center amidst the chaos…
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divinatorydoll · 9 months
how mars in capricorn will affect us: 📝
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mars has just moved into the ambitious, intelligent sign of capricorn !! because of it's determined and goal-driven nature, mars finds his exaltation in capricorn; the sign tempers his insatiable passion and channels his zeal into useful results.
the exaltation of a planet is the sign where a planet functions efficiently and faces little struggle. in capricorn, mars deals with few distractions and can patiently endure delays on the journey to achieving what he wants
mars will impact you differently based off the house(s) it transits while moving through capricorn. read more below !!
mars in the 1H: this can be a healing and clarifying time for people struggling with their identity or feeling lost in their sense of self. perhaps if you're looking for more direction, a clearer sense of purpose, or even just a sign that you're on the right path, mars in capricorn will provide it to you !! tune into your inner wisdom and focus on yourself first
mars in the 2H: this is a wonderful time to develop more financial freedom through saving your money and investing in things that grow over time. but there can also be frustration with managing too many new investments. try learning more about big financial commitments before putting too much on your plate at one time
mars in the 3H: you'll find that mars' energy in your 3H can make you much more opinionated and ready to share your thoughts about things. while wisened by experience, mars in capricorn can be inflexible with its perspective. try not to be so readily defensive about your ideas and allow people to have their own viewpoints on things. make an effort to learn from your elders right now as well
mars in the 4H: during this transit, try having a more minimalistic attitude when it comes to your home decor. generally speaking, a planet in capricorn moving into your 4H is great for slimming down on unnecessary domestic possessions. aside from that, carve out some time to organize your living space and figure out your 'priority items'
mars in the 5H: mars moving throughout the 5H always lives up one's sex life, but in capricorn, you may find yourself deepening your relationships with people you have sexual encounters with !! this may be less of a hookup time for you and more of an emotional friends with benefits time !! this is also a helpful transit for detaching yourself from old, limiting traditions and creating new, exciting ones
mars in the 6H: with mars rejoicing in the 6H, it tends to be a lot easier to get along with business partners and authority figures at your workplace. in the house of health and everyday rituals, it'll be important to develop a more solid daily routine that benefits your wellbeing. try out a new low-impact exercise if you can, such as tai chi, yoga, jogging, or swimming !!
mars in the 7H: this a great time for resolving conflict in your intimate relationships. with capricorn as the sign of maturity, mars' movement here will help you handle disagreement patiently and productively. this ingress can also help people become less sensitive to public opinion and more self-reliant !!
mars in the 8H: this is perfect for absolving debt and effectively managing important monetary contracts. inheritance and loan disputes will be easily handled, as well as any confusion surrounding joint bank accounts, taxes, interest rates, and payment plans. this will also be a good time to broaden your understanding of the occult and new ritual practices !!
mars in the 9H: those in collegiate environments will have a much better time completing schoolwork, meeting deadlines, and handling academic pressure. this can be a fulfilling period of cultural exploration and travel. but with mars (frustration) in the 9H, you may have to prepare yourself for some annoyances on your vacations
mars in the 10H: an excellent transit for career building and elevating your professional impact. mars represents business management and competitive work. so while exalted, this can bring you more entrepreneurial opportunities and better status in a saturated business market !! this can also be a fun period of learning more about history, engineering, or athletics !!
mars in the 11H: this is a prosperous time for making business connections with people in your social circles !! working collaboratively with your friends will be highly rewarding, and the fruits of your labor will be long-lasting (♑︎). right now it's good to observe your friends and see which ones are truly protective of you vs. the ones that say they care and won't act on it
mars in the 12H: understanding your dreams is usually much easier during this transit, but mars here can make your dreams more violent or aggressive — try to express your anger in your waking life so it doesn't end up in your dreams when you're trying to rest !! if you've been having any off feelings about someone, mars in capricorn (reality) will confirm these suspicions clearly
book a reading !!
my linktree
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omshantiomyoga · 3 months
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200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India, is beneficial for people aspiring to become yoga masters and consists of 25 days of hard training. This course is registered with the Yoga Alliance, USA, and is specially created for students who are beginning or at an intermediate level. where you can embark on a transformative journey to deepen your yoga practice and gain the skills to become a certified yoga teacher. Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the serene beauty of Rishikesh while honing your knowledge and experience in the ancient art of yoga.
Join us for an unforgettable and life-changing experience at Om Shanti Om Yoga Ashram. Sign up for our yoga teacher training
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divinationtools · 7 months
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Mercury in Pisces
Friday 23rd February 2024
Communication takes on a dreamy, intuitive tone as Mercury floats through Pisces. Dive into creative expression and connect with your inner voice. Advice: Listen to subtle messages from your intuition. Activities: Write poetry, explore art, or engage in spiritual practices like meditation or journaling. Allow imagination to guide your conversations.
Yoga: The Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) cultivates introspection and emotional release, aligning with Pisces' introspective nature. Sit with legs extended, hinge at the hips, and reach for your feet or shins. Relax into the stretch, surrendering tension with each exhale. This pose invites clarity of mind and deepens the connection to your inner wisdom amidst Mercury's influence in Pisces.
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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“The mind is everything; what you think you become.” – Buddha
The Buddha: A Spiritual Teacher and the Founder of Buddhism
Buddhist Prayers and Rituals
Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that emphasizes the cultivation of wisdom, compassion, and inner peace through various practices such as meditation and ethical conduct. One of the most important aspects of Buddhist practice is the use of prayers and rituals. These practices are used to cultivate a deeper connection with the teachings of Buddha and to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.
Prayers in Buddhism are often recited in order to invoke the blessings of the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings of Buddha), and the Sangha (the community of practitioners). These prayers may be recited in a traditional language such as Pali or Sanskrit or in the local language. They can also be recited individually or in a group setting.
Rituals in Buddhism are also a common practice. These rituals may include offerings to the Buddha, such as incense, flowers, and food, as well as prostrations, circumambulations, and chanting. These rituals are performed as a way to show respect and gratitude to the Buddha and to invoke his blessings.
In addition to these traditional prayers and rituals, many modern Buddhists also incorporate more contemporary practices into their spiritual life. Some use mindfulness, Qi Gong, yoga or other forms of meditation to deepen their connection with the teachings of Buddha. Others may participate in social or environmental activism as a way to put the principles of Buddhism into action.
Overall, the use of prayers and rituals in Buddhism is an important aspect of the spiritual path. These practices help to connect us to the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha, and to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Bodhidharma and Chan Buddhism (Zen)
Bodhidharma was a monk who is traditionally considered to be the founder of Chan Buddhism, also known as Zen Buddhism. He is said to have been born in India and to have traveled to China during the 5th century CE. He is credited with bringing the teachings of Buddhism to China, and with establishing the first Chan monastery in China.
The teachings of Chan Buddhism, as passed down by Bodhidharma, emphasized meditation and the direct experience of enlightenment, rather than reliance on scriptural study or ritual. The teachings of Bodhidharma and Chan Buddhism would greatly influence the development of Zen Buddhism in Japan and other East Asian countries.
The emphasis on meditation in Chan Buddhism is reflected in the practice of “wall gazing” or “wall contemplation” (Chinese: módao, Japanese: kōan), which is said to have been introduced by Bodhidharma. The practice of wall gazing involves sitting facing a wall for long periods of time, and using that time for deep introspection and contemplation.
The teachings of Chan Buddhism have been passed down through a line of patriarchs, each of whom was considered to be the spiritual heir of Bodhidharma. This line of transmission, which is known as the “mind-to-mind transmission” or “mind-seal transmission,” is considered to be a fundamental aspect of Chan Buddhism.
In summary, Bodhidharma is considered to be the founder of Chan Buddhism, also known as Zen Buddhism. He is credited with bringing Buddhism to China, and with establishing the first Chan monastery in China. His teachings emphasize meditation and the direct experience of enlightenment, and his practice of “wall gazing” or “wall contemplation” continues to be an important aspect of Zen Buddhism today.
Zen Buddha by Talon Abraxas
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nourishandthrive · 1 month
The Benefits of Mindfulness in Everyday Activities
Mindfulness isn't just about meditation or yoga; it's a practice that can be woven into every aspect of our daily lives. By being present and fully engaged in the moment, we can experience numerous physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Here's how mindfulness can enhance everyday activities.
Improved Focus and Concentration
When we practice mindfulness, we train our brains to stay focused on the task at hand. This leads to:
Better Productivity: By reducing distractions, we can complete tasks more efficiently.
Enhanced Memory: Staying present helps improve our ability to remember details and information.
Tip: Try focusing on your breath or a single task for a set period. Gradually increase this time as you become more comfortable.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Mindfulness helps us manage stress by bringing our attention to the present moment, rather than worrying about the past or future.
Calm Mind: Techniques like mindful breathing can activate the body's relaxation response.
Emotional Regulation: Being present allows us to observe our emotions without judgment, reducing reactivity.
Exercise: Practice deep breathing for a few minutes during stressful moments to bring your focus back to the present.
Enhanced Relationships
Being mindful in our interactions with others can improve communication and strengthen relationships.
Active Listening: Paying full attention to what others are saying can deepen understanding and connection.
Empathy and Compassion: Mindfulness helps us respond with kindness and patience.
Practice: During conversations, focus on listening without planning your response. Notice the other person's words, tone, and body language.
Increased Physical Health
Mindfulness can positively impact our physical well-being by encouraging healthier habits and reducing harmful ones.
Mindful Eating: Paying attention to what and how we eat can lead to healthier food choices and better digestion.
Better Sleep: Mindfulness practices can improve sleep quality by calming the mind before bedtime.
Tip: Try eating one meal a day without distractions, savoring each bite and noting the flavors and textures.
Greater Enjoyment of Life
Mindfulness helps us appreciate the small moments that often go unnoticed in our busy lives.
Simple Pleasures: Savoring everyday activities, like drinking a cup of tea or taking a walk, can bring more joy.
Presence: Being fully engaged in the moment allows us to experience life more fully.
Exercise: Take a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness during routine activities, such as brushing your teeth or washing dishes. Focus on the sensations and movements involved.
Incorporating mindfulness into everyday activities can lead to a more balanced, fulfilling life. By staying present and engaged, we can improve our focus, reduce stress, enhance our relationships, and enjoy better physical health. Start small, and gradually integrate mindfulness into various aspects of your daily routine.
Do you practice mindfulness in your daily life? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! 🌟
How to Create a Mindful Morning Routine
Mindful Breathing Exercises for Relaxation
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yogadaily · 3 months
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(5 Day Yoga Sacred Heart Meditation Retreat, Frosinone Province, Italy: $745 $852  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
Styles: Hatha Yoga, Tantra Yoga
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Experience Tranquility and Transformation at Our Sacred Heart Meditation Retreat
Imagine arriving at our serene retreat, nestled in the heart of Abruzzi National Park. The air is fragrant with jasmine and roses, and the gentle breeze promises tranquility.
You awaken to the first light of dawn each morning, ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace.
Your day begins with an hour of meditation from 8 to 9, guiding you to a deeper connection with yourself and the universe.
After a light breakfast, you gather with fellow participants for a lecture about the Sacred Heart and deepening your meditation practice.
These sessions provide insights and wisdom, setting the tone for your transformative journey.
Mid-morning combines Hatha yoga and meditation, where the Hridaya approach helps you connect mind, body, and spirit.
The serene surroundings and expert guidance make each movement and breath a step closer to inner peace.
After lunch, the afternoon is yours for rest and integration. Wander through lush meadows, relax by the river stream, or reflect quietly under the shade of ancient olive trees.
This time is essential for processing your experiences and rejuvenating your spirit.
At 4 pm, another meditation session awaits, followed by a brief introduction to a new technique. This is a time for questions and answers, where you can delve deeper into the practices and concepts shared.
You explore methods like the self-inquiry technique by Ramana Maharishi and learn about living with an open heart.
Evenings are spent discussing the three pillars of meditation, sending blessings, and understanding consecration from the perspective of Karma Yoga. Each topic is designed to enrich your practice and deepen your spiritual journey.
The retreat offers more than just activities; it provides a sanctuary where you can nurture your soul. You leave feeling renewed, empowered, and ready to embrace life with an open heart.
This is the transformative experience you seek, where every breath brings you closer to your true self.
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