#yoda doesn't give good advice
supremechancellorrex · 9 months
What are your thoughts on the Jedi’s no attachments rule?
Hello glorytoukraine. My, this is a complicated question but an interesting one. We can approach it a number of way, but let's break it down to core belief, how it is taught and applied, as well as individual needs versus the collective.
The core belief of non-attachment has always been subject to ethical debate. While it is also present in a number of our world religions, it varies between them on its exact meaning quite considerably, so I'm going to purely focus on the Jedi's teachings in it of itself. The idea of being compassionate but detached is not necessarily a wholly bad one. To care, but be aware of the fact that emotions can cloud judgement and get in the way of the best outcome, can be a logical solution especially considering their function was as diplomats in the Republic before the war.
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However, when we see how it's taught, who it's taught to and how it's applied, problems arise.
For one, we see children taken in such as Anakin and Ahsoka who struggle to live the Jedi way of life while at the same time being raised in a Temple they consider their home from a young age. This is a conflict of interest, and these issues are continuously not dealt with with nuance even though the reality is that not everyone can live the life of the Jedi. Ethically, can children as young as toddlers consent to this strict, prohibitive way of life? To not grow up and find love and marry? To not have children? To not to seek out their parents and want to form attachments? They want to be Jedi Knights and Masters, of course they do, but part of that is because it is the only world they know. It is their world. We see Jedi react with horror when their temple is attacked such as the temple bombing case, because it's their home. That's not very detached, nor does it seem to be taken into account much as how that would cloud their vision when making decisions on being Jedi.
Ahsoka: "It's forbidden for a Jedi to form attachments, yet we're supposed to be compassionate."
Furthermore, with Anakin, we see someone whose needs during key developmental stages were not met. Like a number of children, Anakin had behavioural issues and he wasn't the first, however again and again instead of being taught coping strategies tailored to his individual needs, he is told to "let go" and deny himself his wants. This includes his mother, who everyone believes remains a slave on Tatooine, facing a brutal existence, this includes his feelings regarding other loved ones. The doctrine is inflexible, even when feelings are inevitable, and yet the code is repeated as if it is always the plausible solution.
We see this with Dooku, where he bitterly says to Master Yaddle "What choice have I?" in regards to letting go of Qui-Gon Jinn after his death. Ahsoka is left in Anakin's care as a very young mentee, yet his feelings of panic and urgency are not considered a valid reaction by Luminara when Ahsoka and Barriss are missing after the factory explosion on Geonosis. The code is continuously drummed into them as 'the solution' in spite of their individual needs, experiences and personalities.
Anakin: "Something's happening. I'm not the Jedi I should be. I want more. And I know I shouldn't."
We see members of the Jedi who struggle but feel that they have to be Jedi, that they have no choice. Yet, again and again, we see Jedi form attachments despite it being forbidden, even when the code tells them not to because it is inevitable for most sentient beings. The Jedi themselves were attached to the galactic state of the Republic, they couldn't let its despotic state naturally collapse, showing an institutional bias quite at odds with their philosophy. We have also seen times when they as an institution have definitely not been very compassionate. Ultimately, the Jedi don't seem to provide proof they employ their code in a healthy way, and don't seem to have a support network for the reality of divergent individuals beyond a rhetoric and meditation techniques that don't seem to always work. That isn't truly teaching coping mechanisms to children.
So, either way, I... wouldn't trust them with any of my relations.
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antianakin · 4 months
Is it just me or do you get a little exasperated/tired with how everyone seems to let Anakin do whatever he wants and there’s no repercussions?
Like when R2 got lost and Anakin admitted that he never wiped R2’s memories, ignore his mission to blow up Grievous’s spy post to look for him on the off chance he was there. All Obi-Wan seemed to do was sigh and shake his head.
I just wish he got more pushback and punishments instead of everyone letting things slide.
Oh definitely, sometimes. Like I get it, generally, in universe, that most of the time when Anakin does something sort-of stupid that it tends to work out anyway and the Jedi seem to work from a position of "let them learn from their own mistakes rather than punishing them for making a mistake" which is good and I like that. But Anakin so rarely sees any real CONSEQUENCES for his choices, even if it's just natural consequences as opposed to an imposed punishment, that he never seems to ACTUALLY learn anything from said mistakes and instead just continues to believe he was in the right.
With the R2 example, the listening post blows up in the end and he gets R2 back. Some of his men die, but Ahsoka and Rex (who are the only ones he actually cares about of the group he brought in) both live, so while there ARE consequences to his choice, they aren't consequences that matter TO ANAKIN. So what Anakin learns from this mission isn't that he needs to have better security regarding his droid, or that sometimes he needs to let go of the people he cares about in favor of the larger mission, but just that he was RIGHT. He CAN do it all, he CAN save the people he loves AND get the mission done, so why SHOULDN'T he try to have everything he wants and assume it'll just... work out for him.
And from the Jedi's perspective here, the mission is, essentially, a success. There isn't necessarily any good reason for a "punishment" of sorts. Obi-Wan makes it clear he doesn't approve of Anakin's choices regarding R2 and he DID try to order Anakin to do certain things regardless of his feelings, Anakin just didn't follow them and technically Obi-Wan got the result he wanted anyway, so there's very little Obi-Wan can really say or do other than what he already has. In AOTC, Obi-Wan's entire arc is about recognizing that Anakin is an adult now and that the next step in both of their journeys is to learn to let Anakin make his own mistakes and just hope that Obi-Wan has trained him well enough to both avoid particularly catastrophic mistakes and allow him to learn from the mistakes he DOES make so he can continue to be a better Jedi as a result. Obi-Wan has to let go, step back, and LET Anakin make those mistakes and just have faith that he's done enough. We see that continue in TCW, not just with Obi-Wan, but with some of the other Jedi as well, like Mace and Yoda and Plo sometimes. They all KNOW Anakin's doing stupid shit sometimes, they KNOW Anakin struggles with a lot of things, and we do see them coming up to try to talk to him and give him advice more than once, but their philosophy isn't to punish him for struggling, but rather to have faith that he'll make it THROUGH the struggle and do better.
So while I don't necessarily wish he got more punishments in canon, because I do think the Jedi are actually making the right, healthy choice regarding the choices they KNOW ABOUT, I do wish he had more NATURAL consequences for his actions that involve things that are actually meaningful to him.
For example, while this would never have happened for obvious narrative continuity reasons, I wish Padme had actually stuck to her guns about staying broken up/separated during the Clovis arc. I wish that his response to what happened with Clovis had frightened her enough to actually cause the relationship to end because she doesn't honestly know when he'll turn that anger on her.
In an AU version of events, I feel like the Jedi learning about the Tusken massacre might've caused more natural consequences in the sense that the Jedi would suddenly see Anakin VERY differently and lose a lot of that faith they're choosing to have in him by this point because holy shit that is a MASSIVE loss of control that DOES require more of a response than a slap on the wrist. Like they wouldn't necessarily punish him, but they might remove him from the front lines, they might remove Ahsoka as his Padawan (even if it's just temporarily), they might insist that he go to some sort of meditative retreat and see some mind healers until they can be sure that he's stable enough to take up certain duties again. I imagine Ahsoka's view of him might change pretty drastically if she learned about that, especially with how young she is at the time, and maybe she chooses never to return to his tutelage even if she ultimately does forgive him.
And of course none of this even touches how I feel about consequences for his choices from Order 66 and beyond. People more sympathetic to him would probably say that losing three limbs and being forced into the Vader suit and "losing Padme" are all natural consequences and that these are all "enough" for what he's done. But I just... can't agree. But he also manages to get his son's unconditional love and forgiveness. He manages to get OBI-WAN AND YODA'S unconditional love and forgiveness. He manages to be considered SO REDEEMED that he becomes a Force Ghost and CHEATS DEATH just so he can... what? Say goodbye to Luke for a second time or something? As a reward for doing the BARE MINIMUM of being a decent person and just not letting his son get murdered in front of him? Cool, great, give him the "not as big of a jerk as he could've been" award. He manages to get Ahsoka's love and forgiveness for everything he's done as per the Ahsoka show, and even gets almost completely exonerated for his choices by having them get brushed off as "meant to be" or whatever. Rex never seems to get told the truth about him as of current canon so Anakin gets to live with the nice knowledge that Rex presumably died thinking he was a hero.
So, sure, he gets a few consequences for his choices, but he ends up getting nearly everything he wants in the end. The loss of the Jedi doesn't actually matter to him, the loss of the Republic DEFINITELY doesn't matter to him, he can deal with pain, he's still ridiculously powerful, and while he lost Padme he gets Luke. The consequences he gets are almost all entirely meaningless, and he gets more rewards that DO mean something to him for the absolute bare minimum than he gets real consequences for the absolutely horrific atrocities he commits.
This is why I love the Kenobi show so much because that show gave me THREE WHOLE PEOPLE who chose to leave him behind. Reva, obviously, hates him and never actually forgives him for what he's done even though she ultimately has to let go of her anger so she doesn't become him. Leia obviously never meets Anakin and isn't letting go of him because she doesn't want to associate herself with someone like him, but she DOES go through an entire arc where she decides that the only parents she needs are the Organas, and even when Obi-Wan tells her what gifts she's inherited from Anakin and Padme, she clearly intentionally chooses to associate ALL OF THOSE THINGS with Bail and Breha instead because THEY'RE the parents SHE chose. And of course, then there's Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan who feels so guilty still for what Anakin's become and the part he played in it and who tries to apologize for the things he does and doesn't know about, but who ultimately realizes that he never failed Anakin, Anakin failed HIM, and the best thing Obi-Wan can do is walk away and leave Anakin behind for good. Anakin made his choices and nothing Obi-Wan can do will keep him from CONTINUING to make those choices now, so it's better to focus on the people he CAN help and leave Anakin to wallow in his own darkness. There is no forgiveness for Anakin in this show, not once. Obi-Wan's reaction isn't "there's good in him still" but "what good might still be there isn't something he's acting on so it doesn't really matter anymore."
And, if we believe that this was a real confrontation that happened, means that Anakin finally got a REAL FUCKING CONSEQUENCE in that show. He spends the ENTIRE SHOW hunting for Obi-Wan and obsessing over Obi-Wan and in the end, not only does he lose to Obi-Wan AGAIN, not only does Obi-Wan NOT get broken down into darkness, but Obi-Wan WALKS AWAY FROM HIM. Again. And this time it's not because Anakin is dying but because Obi-Wan is deciding that Anakin NO LONGER MATTERS TO HIM. Obi-Wan cannot forgive the person Anakin has chosen to become. Obi-Wan isn't going to waste his time and effort on Anakin anymore, he isn't going to waste his LIFE feeling guilty for the choices ANAKIN MADE anymore. He's cutting Anakin out of his life from now on and just... leaving him behind. And of course at the end, Palpatine tells him he's not allowed to hunt for Obi-Wan anymore at all. So Anakin ultimately gets NOTHING THAT HE WANTS in this story, the one thing that seems to mean something to him gets ripped away from him in more than one way, and I LOVE THAT.
I just wish we GOT more of those kinds of stories outside of this one show. Because I get people letting things slide during the clone wars era, most of his mistakes there are comparatively smaller, but uh. Genocide and mass enslavement aren't things that I think ANYONE should let slide and too many people are doing so in canon at this point, which is why I want more stories about the people who DON'T or CAN'T forgive him for what he's done. More Revas, please.
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tonberry-yoda · 7 months
Hi Berry!! Here I am once again for the matchup event (I always love the choices you give me aaa) and I'm very interested in a matchup with a One Piece character as he's becoming my new addiction (I'm currently still on the episode 145, and you can choose anyone, since I love them all until the episode I left off!)!!
Name: Maria.
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces.
Personality: I am shy, intelligent, kind, homely, perfectionist, timid, nerdy, curious, introverted, playful, mature, friendly, listener, sarcastic, talkative, imaginative and creative.
Likes: Animals, watching movies or series, playing video games, listening to music, watching anime and cartoons, reading books (especially a good novel), staying at home, drawing, cooking, writing and talking to my friends.
Dislikes: Mariposa, noisy people, going to parties with loud music and lots of people, introducing myself to a group of strangers, exams, people who want to force contact with me, when they force me to do something I really don't want to do and when a friend He doesn't listen to my advice and then arrives when everything goes wrong.
How I introduce myself: Well, with strangers I'm a completely shy person, and I end up frowning without meaning to. With my friends I'm a very talkative person, I make jokes with them and I'm generally the mother of the group. With my family I am more open, extroverted and talkative, especially with my mother as I don't have much contact with my father as we live in different cities.
Musical taste: I like all types of music, but what I like most is pop music (like Coldplay, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Katy Perry...) and classical music.
My type/what I want: Lately I've been changing a little about what I like. I used to like guys who were a little more closed off, but today I prefer someone who is very open to their feelings and who shows me that they love me! And also always be by my side and give me advice, just like I would with him.
And my love language is physical touch, I really like hugging the person I love despite being embarrassed and giving them lots of kisses!!!
Thank you very much! Please drink water and take care of your health!! Kisses Berry, I love you ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
notes - HI LOVE! When you sent this in, I knew exactly who to pair you with! Super happy to hear you're into one piece, it's such a good anime omg. Thanks for sending this in! I hope you enjoy the matchup and also stay hydrated <3
the character I match you up with is...
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like it fits a ton!
you want a guy who shows you his love, this is your man!
he will stay by your side and not only listen to your advice but also give some to you if you need it
also, he is always got goo goo eyes with you, but he's not so over the top anymore, it's more of a happy medium lol
like of course he loves you to death, but no nosebleeds right when you walk in a room, you know?
he didn't mind that you were shy, and let you open up to him at your own pace and that was surprisingly fast, and he loves how open you are around him
he would cook with you and ADORES your food
he loves that you're such an independent person who knows what she wants and cannot stop smiling at you whenever he sees you omg
y'all would totally have picnic dates and listen to music while cuddling on the grass for sure
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
okay, as always, i love your meta, & your analysis of qui-gon is so on point. in your description of qui & obi-wan's respective purposes in the narrative of TPM as instinct "vs." logic, you noted some of obi's flaws and it got me thinking about how we see those flaws resurface in OWK: too narrowly sticking to the rules (like staying in self-imposed exile), overthinking things, not trusting his feelings. it's just cool to see that thread continue, imo
Well, Obi-Wan isn't perfect :D He can overthink things, be too prudent, sometimes he's impatient, sometimes he's too critical, etc.
But he does his best to overcome these flaws. Characters aren't static, they evolve, they grow. In almost every movie, we see Obi-Wan go through an arc.
In Episode I, Obi-Wan's flaw is underestimating the Guide archetypes on his path (Jar Jar, Anakin), prudently choosing to do things strictly by-the-book, instead.
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By the end of the movie he learns to trust the Guide and takes on some of Qui-Gon's rebelliousness.
In Episode II, we see he trusts the Guide (Dexter Jettster) and doesn't hesitate to voice his concerns to the Council, he even has a good relationship with Anakin (elevator scene)...
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... but recently it's been on the rocks, and the fact that Anakin is overcompensating to impress Padmé doesn't help. Obi-Wan is very critical, but while his concerns are totally justified, he also needs to recognize that he can be arrogant too, sometimes, and what he really needs to work on is learning to trust Anakin.
By the end of the movie, Obi-Wan takes Anakin's advice and congratulates his calls during the Battle of Geonosis, and trusts Anakin's abilities, even giving him a second lightsaber to help him fight Dooku. They're in a good place.
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This next one's just me spitballing, but, I could argue that in Episode III (and to an extent, in Obi-Wan Kenobi) Obi-Wan's one flaw is his love for Anakin. He loves and trusts Anakin so much he's completely blind-sided by the turn.
He tells himself he should've been able to do something, he failed his apprentice... but to be fair to him, in Episode III, Anakin has shut down, he doesn't really ask for help to Obi-Wan or Padmé or Yoda, he bottles it all up and Palpatine takes advantage of it.
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There's nothing Obi-Wan could've done to stop Anakin's decision to join the Dark Side. Obi-Wan did his best, and it was all up to Anakin himself... and Anakin failed. Of course, Obi will blame himself for his Padawan's downfall and horrific acts for years.
But at some point, he needs to come to terms with the fact that Vader is not the boy he trained. He's a killer who'll murder him the first chance he gets. Obi-Wan needs to learn to let go and do his duty as a Jedi, do what he must. And he does.
In the Original Trilogy, this is flipped: Ben’s flaw is his inability to believe Vader can be redeemed.
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That’s not to say he doesn’t hope Vader can be redeemed. To be clear: Obi-Wan never told Luke to kill his own Dad. He says Luke must confront Vader, face him.
He essentially tells Luke: "save him if you can, and I really hope you can… but I don't think it'll work, so be ready to kill him if you must, ‘cause he won’t stop trying to kill you".
To be fair, there's A LOT of context for that line of thinking:
Luke never saw Anakin murdering children or choking his wife, Obi-Wan did.
Luke never had a furious Vader rush him with murderous intent, Obi-Wan did.
Luke never knew the good man Vader once was, Obi-Wan did.
So Ben doesn't think that Anakin is still in there. Hell, Vader outright told him Anakin is gone…
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… but the fact remains: he's wrong. And Ben is wrong. They're proven wrong.
Luke manages to save his father without killing him, because that's how awesome Luke is.
And I don't think anyone is happier about it than Obi-Wan himself.
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The thing of it is… each time Obi-Wan has a flaw, he eventually overcomes it, he learns the lesson. As opposed to Anakin, who unfortunately never quite does, until the very end.
“Anakin’s flaws, like all classic mythological heroes, are the flaws that everybody carries with them. He’s struggling with the issues that everybody struggles with and that allows him to be human. The issue that he’s confronting is that a good Jedi overcomes those flaws and kinda goes above the normal human tragedy that most people have to experience.” - Attack of the Clones, “Story” Featurette, 2002
If interested, I go into more detail on this subject here:
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years
Is it just me and I do apologize for harping on this one scene from Revenge of the Sith…
Why does Yoda’s advice of ‘Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose’ bear somewhat a resemblance to when Aang was attempting to unlock the final chakra which he interpreted as completely letting go of his love for Katara?
And what’s more, unlike Anakin, Aang did let go of Katara whereas the former couldn’t even consider letting go of Padme. Aang ended up getting a nasty shock (literally) from Azula while Anakin was burnt (again literally) when he completely fell to the Dark Side of The Force.
Both of them did exact opposite actions regarding their true love yet both suffered the consequences.
I know I know I harp on that one scene as I said, I do sincerely apologize buts it’s all just so ironic and amazing when you think about it in detail
Well the simple answer is that Star Wars is Iconic(TM) and has influenced a lot of other creators. I do not have any doubts that Mike and Bryan are probably Star Wars fans. (IIRC they did compare Aang's decision with the guru to Luke rushing off half-cocked in Empire.)
Moreover, both stories have a non-zero amount of heavy influence from Buddhist philosophy, and have to reconcile the values of that against Western expectations of what the audience assumes the morals will be. (Big Emotions good! Anger make strong! Celebrate rulebreakers!) So they both wind up tackling the Attachment Problem.
I've already talked before about how Avatar doesn't really come down clearly on the issue and that there are multiple interpretations. Star Wars really only has one correct one, despite what people might (endlessly!) argue: Yes, Attachment Is Bad, but also Attachment Is Not Love.
Anakin did not love Padme the way Aang loved Katara. Because Aang was willing to give her up, to let her go, in order to achieve balance within himself.
Anakin couldn't do that and that's why he fell.
Aang "fell" (AKA died) because Azula was Dangerously Genre Savvy and knew to interrupt the Transformation Sequence before it could complete.
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novelmonger · 1 year
Moments That Bring Me Joy: Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
I'm going through some of my favorite childhood movies and listing all the moments in them that bring me joy. I'm fully aware that many of the stories I loved as a kid are deeply flawed, but I just want to take some time to appreciate what they did well. Just because I'm focusing on the positive doesn't mean I'm unaware of the negative.
Note: I chose the word "joy" deliberately. Not all of the moments that bring me joy bring me (or the characters) happiness. Scenes involving death or pain might not be very fun or cheerful, but I find joy in a good story well told.
This one is a little harder for me to parse, because it came out when I was a teenager, after I'd mostly moved on to other fandoms. I still love it and have watched it many times, but it just has a different feel to all the other ones that I watched incessantly in my preteen years. I think a teenager enjoys movies in a different way than an eight-year-old does.
Love how it begins by throwing us immediately into the middle of a stunning battle!
Obi-Wan crash-landing his ship, flying out with a Force leap, then landing in a roll and coming up lightsaber swinging - woohoo, what a move! 8D
I love all the shenanigans and banter with the elevator XD
"Chancellor Palpatine, Sith lords are our specialty."
"Dew it."
Obi-Wan waking up, hanging over Anakin's shoulder and staring down an elevator shaft, then immediately clinging to Anakin ^_^
"Do you have a Plan B?"
"Not to worry. We are still flying half a ship." ... "Another happy landing."
I love the dramatic lighting in the scene where Anakin goes to Yoda for advice about his dreams.
*cradles the last conversation Anakin and Obi-Wan have as friends* The warmth of their interactions is so precious.... :')
I've always thought the people on Utapau look really cool. Also fun that the leader is the same guy who played the Mouth of Sauron!
I looooove the creature Obi-Wan rides on Utapau <3 Its cries are so cool, and it's so colorful and pretty! 8D
"Hello there." "General Kenobi!" Classic.
You know, Obi-Wan has always been a stellar fighter, but this movie really shows him at his prime. It's not just anyone who could face off against someone wielding four lightsabers at once and stand his ground.
"So uncivilized." *tosses blaster away*
That haunting scene where Anakin, waiting in the Jedi Council chamber, looks across the sunset-red expanse towards the room where Padme waits, looking across to him.... One of the most beautiful moments in the whole series.
Darth Vader's march upon the Temple--and all of Order 66, really--is heartbreaking, but cinematically perfect. So dramatic. So striking.
I really like that Anakin sheds a tear after killing the Separatist leaders. He's so far gone already, but there's still that sliver of the man he used to be. That he can still feel pain, even remorse...it's proof that, as Luke will eventually find, there's still some good in him. And as tragic as this movie is, that tear is actually rather reassuring.
The duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin is just stunning. The moves they use, the speed, the implications of what this fight means for both of them.... I still count the Darth Maul fight as my favorite, but this one is just *chef's kiss*
"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!" "I HATE YOU!" "You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."
The juxtaposition of Darth Vader being operated on and Padme giving birth, both of them screaming, in a way both of them dying as a new life begins....
The sheer wonder on Obi-Wan's face when he learns that he might be able to talk to Qui-Gon again.
Padme's dress for her funeral is so pretty, especially with all the little white flowers in her hair.
The movie ending on a shot of the sunset on Tatooine. Beautiful.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
It is 2:17 p.m. in Tunisia and the sunset will occur in about 3 hours or it when the sun is in the movie and that's not very long it's only 11:00 here and decide that begins and that's going to happen shortly.
Other things are happening here and she's noting that there are other movies happening and they tie into it and the other series from Star wars and solo is one of them and it is starting and solo is actually Trump and he has the millennium falcon and it's the one that's from Disney world they're shutting it down off and on he's going to take it but at night and it takes it to the death Star people think he goes in disguise. And that's a very good point. And there's a few other things happening one is
-huge numbers of morlocks are being executed publicly and kill the publicly in the grabbed publicly wherever they are. It's a giant number of them and it's because we moved in new cars and trucks and RVs and boats and tractor trailers and housing and more and these idiots are at it right away it go right at it and try and take it or ruin it and they threaten to ruin it or you give it to them and they're getting their asses handed to them and and we mean it they're getting killed. There's so many getting killed it's not even funny. What's happening globally and it's because they're in the way of people going after Trump and huge groups of them are just sitting there and they're ripping them out and taking them down
-huge numbers of clones are attacking trumpsters from below gigantic numbers idiots are in the way doing nothing, and they're going to lose the money to the trumpsters and bja is going to flee to to Tunisia because he's found out to be doing it on purpose. Is a huge day and so far they have removed half of them that are in the way but waves of them are going to start coming in and still a bunch of them left it's probably 10% of the population at the start of today but it's going to be chopped in half really soon and yeah really fast it does not include the clothes but trumpsters are going to be ripped apart and they're like 2% of that or two and a half and the bja is about 3% or 4% and he's going to be killed off in a big way he's going to be very shocked and appalled and horrified and her friend has been telling him he's saying no and all this stuff and he's a huge a****** he says time to go to school today. And you really need to learn well bja that you're stupid yeah you are a dumb person. So he's laughing cuz he always used to ask for advice to go do something or get them out of the way. They refuses to he's having to do it on purpose. Is more going on but these are huge events the clothes are tearing their crap out of trumpsters and they have to get to him and these people are getting their s*** gripped out of them very fast foreigners too ripping them a new one it's going to be quick maybe an hour or two and it runs out there
-there are several movies beginning in Hera is correct and it's important for the program and he knows that just wants to know which movies. So she's not telling because he's doing that he's just sit and wait, so I didn't do it because I have to Star wars new hope and in moments Star wars The empire strikes back and moments after that Star wars the third movie in the series and then it begins The phantom menace and I thought it was the last Jedi but he says that's the one Luke dies at his and it's not. I remember it now. As before the force awakens. But anyways those begin today and in just a few hours and in the earnest. It's been going on but not things that have been mainstream. And a whole bunch of other Star wars begin solo begins in Italy in the black mountains and then also there are several other Star wars Santa that start and one of them is not Yoda and unit is actually Trump after he's tarkin comes down and enjoys the rebellion for some reason probably because it doesn't have a fleet. Star Trek begins but not with the motion picture we think and our son and daughter say we think it might be with the motion picture but shortly after that is into darkness which might be the third movie and it is the second one is with Brad. The robot from there and Trump does it to him that's why Trump dies and how he dies. And it's important that these movies are beginning the space movies and it's almost a natural forces because they're trying to get to Saturn and the war over the two ships one in Saudi Arabia and one in the Hudson Bay in Canada intensifies greatly and Star wars is a product of that huge wars over there all around the Mediterranean and all around Saudi Arabia it's just going to be a gigantic War that whole desert because of massive war and I'm trying for the commet empire ship too. Is a huge fight it's brewing it's going to get kicked off momentarily and the morlock will be cleared out. It is gigantic what's happening the truth there's a lot of other movies but this is a huge vent today. The other genre and other movies that are beginning and Scarface prelude but serpico is today in New York City and password Miami but now it's mostly New York City it's not Miami there's a huge amount of fighting in New York City and you can see who and you can see that the warlock of being rounded up in the background you can see them getting all the way throughout the whole movie and BG is horrified he's saying what is it fat asses the way in BGA or did it ordered it and wanted the clones to get the money. He thought about it since it's not really stupid but it looks stupid it sounds stupid he said Brian are you stupid you want him to beat everybody including you and be this idiot said no I want him to go down and do the jobs to us so they're hauling us away he was telling me to be quiet so he's saying it in the movie there's a way cuz they're fat asses out of the way and he won't so bG is depressed. He laughed at her son then he said it is like being a woman we're going to have to hang out together said okay cerpico. The last and then he does his investigator look. We'll get along pretty good but he's up there in New York.
-there are other things happening here in punta Gorda there are people being pulled out and people leaving as Hera said, there are 15 that are here and 10 more contemplately leaving with essentials they have it all packed up already all is grab it. And their essentials is getting smaller and their chances of staying or less. And out of the 25 that left about 20 are going to stay out and they're sending movers today and he actually sees a couple when he goes to the store later on. And that would leave 30 and out of the 30 probably about 20 are going to be out of here and meaning that's five have left already and 25 will probably leave temporarily or other but they'll take their essentials that's all of them we anticipate all of them to leave today just trying to remember it as an appointment thank God what a freaking prick. And we're firing him from about 20 jobs and intends on not making any of it , issuing warrants and all of them well issue information.
-there's more and really where is your probably there's 10 meetings you missed last night and we're issuing probably enough for 700 warrants on him himself but as his characters there and 800 warrants as John remillard today and 50 warrants for Trump as a result of not making the meetings because he's involved. And the meetings today are huge and they have to do with the hotels and motels and realty companies those are huge and they're signings if you Misses we definitely release the information to absolve our companies that were taken over from wrongdoing.
-a huge change is occurring here the kicking these idiots out of offices of government agencies and out of the police and more and they're getting small enough to do it and Mac has been attacking bases with the empire fleet and that has prevented Tommy f from loading up his matrix or from getting close with ships and his fleet is withering as well and soon will be out that's right Tommy f will not have a fleet either and he will be doomed. And it's going to be a fight but it's going to be a big one it won't be too long. And along with them leaving the government there will be them leaving positions within companies and local companies too and they can't be stand anymore no one can stand it anymore it's in there trying to make our son miserable and they're all massively miserable every single one of them you can't go anywhere without being hassled all day long you just have to sit there and look at the idiot that doesn't do anything what to say is to do it to us and he's laughing his ass off taking over the world because we don't do anything we want to sit and look at these jackasses laughing and making jokes as they sink into the quicksand. So they are going to kick them out of local companies and local businesses by the way every business including the cobbler and other things that they didn't think they would they're going to get kicked out and they're going to get removed from restaurants and they're going to get pulled out of grocery stores because they don't want them in there with them. They're acting this today from Florida and everywhere and they're going to tell them to find some place to go and there's no place to go and then be going around resting them they're trying to grab us and this is their plan and we know all about it we are enacting a huge rule now if not to help these people with anything and that's the max too what's going on now and it's just a certain words and verbage but we're not going to disclose it here.
-and finally there is no rocket science to this but his treatment is going to change the abusive retarded people are going to be gone shortly at least today probably into tomorrow and they are going to war with the max and usually lose is it going to Tunisia and we're going to Star wars and in a they get killed, several of them die in Star wars permanently Trump is one of them bja is another Tommy f is severely injured from his fall and is a vegetable and what is put in tombs half his brain is gone already the other half goes quickly. Stan appears to die some question because the suit is actually very flame resistant susbestos that's why he has the respirator so he doesn't breathe it in and our son says as fast as you can withstand extreme temperatures not just a fire and the helmets supposed to be very very resistant impregnant with it. You know about it too and the idiots don't so he could go on to different movies but it might be Sherry who's angry with him because he hits their own people or something and the death Star incident with a grand moff tarkin. Several more of them die and permanently and one of them is Lord sorman and he dies and Lord of the rings is going on while Star wars is but that's permanent and he's Trump's race. No Obi-Wan Kenobi comes back there's a whole bunch of people to die in the starkiller incident. It's a huge deal. About 90% of them die or more our son says almost all of them except maybe two or three that you see or four and it's true too most of them are dead most of the way as a matter of fact he thinks that's where Trump dies mostly is organs are put into general grievous armor and that is where it happens cuz you can see him standing there around corky. Some are put into RoboCop yeah like cork he goes right into RoboCop and it looks like Biden is trying to spy. And Brad is one of those tank things. Several of them get put in those robocops and that's where they die they're killed by their own people they're very own people and one of them goes to Japan inside the machine and she rips the brain out and you'll never guess who that is yes it's Jenna who's Ellie who plays the Black widow he's trying to play the Queen okay it might be Sherry he can't figure it out but we can, Sherry is doing other movies but that's Ellie and she rips the brain out and figures out later who it is and it was one of her kids like Brad and really was attacking her cuz he's an idiot kills her kills the guy I mean and he is gone forever she regrets it later and gets mad hey gets mad at her son and she gets hit and hit and then ends up in China and dies. There's more too from from the Star wars episodes there's a whole bunch of people in x-wings that get blown up and there are people wandering around their son harassing him and they're part of the 50 that left and then the 25 tons of them die and their forces end up gone. The Battle of scarif costs a lot of lives is a huge huge battle and they figure tons of stuff out that Tommy f is doing and leaving us our friend here in walling it is telling people on skin horrible they start to war with Tommy f and the warlock fight it and a lot of them die and you see it looks like Lily and her brother but that's not who they are their brothers and sisters upstairs and they burned there's a state top side couldn't stand it anymore since you got to be kidding you like to destroy stuff and here's your chance the smiled and says I guess we're destroying ourselves well it's good to experiment for the frowned and said you got to be kidding me you're getting to us now since I'm not trying to f****** a******. They both start laughing it's always needing help and really they thought that the water would get hot as I can still ocean is huge they died going oh no. There's a couple more things
-the entire program begins for Guantanamo Bay and the warlock get outlawed it is due to their actions on Guantanamo Bay and in prison and the statements and people follow up on it and the military research is it in that mode. That's actually coming up pretty quick too. And it starts probably because of dumb and dumber and their son's money and all this is going on for other rather quickly soon and we think she delivers the agreement possibly tomorrow. But the money gets taken out and Stan was stopping Sherry and she's going what's the problem here he says it's like a disaster anyway you look at it if you take it out it does stuff and you want to risk of them getting it here if you don't take it out someone else might just start using it right away without me getting any money at all and so she says uh-oh and so she's starting to get it and she knows somebody is important it says no it's just taking out of my pocket and put into the containers I didn't treat it with anything or clean it and it wasn't dirty and it was dry and the containers hopefully be dry it's not gone I'm pretty sure it would be cuz I put it and the help they don't break down so she's okay so it's really easy to figure out it was where I was putting in the past last year so the middle kind of and she'll say yes or something it's pretty deep though 4 ft 5 ft movie says wow that sucks it's not 10 miles so she's laughing yeah I have a hard time finding myself this really is underneath the porch so laughing didn't have me put too many in huh. That kicks off the whole process yeah. And a sense is putting the bag cuz they give you different money this is not really since yeah I guess so so they have to be the tellers and it's going to force them to take the bank. It's starting to move a little bit and it will more
-couple more changes taking place very soon. There won't be any more Governor DeSantis because he is going to be killed after he puts the ships up and he's going to do that rather soon much faster than people think and what the worlds will happen very quickly there's a big reason for it and it's turkey inside of he competes or he loses and he's going after saucers and Antarctica and once again he's in the middle of everybody and if he doesn't get out of there he's doomed. Immediately after and he kills a bunch of people he is taken out of commission and he becomes Jason she becomes Michael Myers and they die over and over and over and over until finally they're gone they get burned it's a huge deal because there's still threatening. It just happened. But these are changes coming up real soon more of the worlds could happen than a day or two at any point in The sopranos is going to start today and it's a very violent show and Dan will be out he's going to get killed in his movie Moonraker and Trump will be out and they're going to leave now and not come back for a while and that's going to happen a lot and we needed to we can't get anything with these morons here they have no idea what life's about they're stupid
-a couple other things are changing that only they pulling them out of the government and government positions police judges and pulling them also out of businesses but they're going to be pulled out of this area the entire area and they're going through it shortly and they're trying to find them from all these public jobs including council in positions they found out that they're really stupid and just sitting in their jobs staring at the wall talking to each other on the phone about stupid s*** and they need to be killed there's such assholes about everything and they didn't do it for years they just really not bright and they've been pulling their them out of the houses for a while outside of Charlotte county but now they're doing here everyday lots go to Central Florida. And that's starting to Cool hand Luke and that's his way out to become Grand moff tarkin and that will be later tonight and it's the first escape that's what he's doing he's going out there and he's sitting his own more or less cadre or group there he goes back and then he comes then he gets caught and he goes out there and then he hits them and he's hitting stand and stands the one putting him in prison trying to kill him and at some point he escapes the cycle and doesn't come back here and it really is after Guantanamo Bay and that's starting to heat up and Tommy boy and Utah and the whole thing and there's a giant War up north huge numbers going there now huge and the war on Trump is in the earnest now the cities are fully and broiled and his are getting slaughtered very fast and the numbers are huge he had 70% of the outskirts commercial buildings and now he has about 30 he had 50% of the downtown commercial buildings and now he has about 20% and fully The colony below is destroyed on those it were taken and by this afternoon we think he'll be down to about 10% on both or less and he'll be out shortly and by the way as his stuff's getting taken a bunch of idiots running and get killed and that's almost all of them in all the areas they come from the suburbs and beyond and they're running and they get killed so where is he nowhere it's not in the ships below and people going to check and they're going to take dismantle them they don't want him having them and they don't want them there they didn't fill them in and huge areas okay giant areas will be filled in and the other junk will be taken out I didn't use the stones for fortresses and send it too what do we do with the rocks they can only get harder. It's a momentous time in history and these people need to go wild though and boy they venomous and lame and mean useless too we don't like them at all and putting them out of the Midwest too tons of them are going and forever we're going to publish so we don't lose it there's a couple more items
Thor Freya
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slightlysuspect · 1 year
 All That's Lost
Master Obi-Wan Kenobi learns of Anakin's fate from Master Windu
Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Master you must let me go after him." I insist.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" Master Windu asks.
"Surely he wouldn't try to kill me."
"He is a Sith Lord." I have a hard time accepting this at face value. Even if he was, does that mean he'd try to kill me?
"I just don't think it was a good idea to send him off alone. What if someone else comes along and starts twisting his mind?" I can sense Master Windu losing his patience.
"That's the biggest problem. His mind is twisting itself. We were mistaken. The prophecy of The Chosen One foretold our demise. Darth Vader will ensure the extinction of the Jedi."
"And if that's true, why have we allowed him to live?"
"That was my fault. I underestimated him. Had I been able to kill him, I would've. For now, we've tricked him into leaving us alive. I will handle this, and it would be better if you put your energy into other problems."
"What other problem requires my attention? Master, leaving him in exile to spiral on his own is a mistake! He needs me!" And I need him. I've lost everything to my dedication to the order. I can't lose Anakin too.
"Enough! You want to focus on a problem? How about you contemplate your strategy for removing Orn Free Taa from office?"
"Senator Amidala is in a coma. We can't make a move on the Chancellor without her political influence."
"And what if she doesn't wake?" I don't have any good answers to that question. Padme strongly advised against the Jedi operating against the Chancellor independently. "Undoubtedly losing a political ally like Senator Amidala is a blow." Mace continues. "But we need to move forward with the resources we have."
I can only shake my head. "I don't like it, and quite honestly I'm beginning to feel a little out of my depth. Maybe Master Yoda should confront the Chancellor."
Master Windu sighs. "Master Yoda is unwell. Vader severed his connection to the force.
"What?" I ask incredulously. "How is that even possible?"
Mace Windu gets lost in contemplation. "I don't know." He says. "It's nothing a Sith has ever been able to do before. However, Yoda's 600 year old body is now beginning to fail without his connection to the force."
"He's dying?" I ask. Windu casts a nod.
"Obi-Wan this is a difficult time for the Order. I know your emotions are telling you to go after Anakin, but your presence has never been needed more here. The future seems to have no desire for balance, and would happily see us destroyed. If you abandon us, our demise will become a certainty." I don't appreciate the disasterizing, but begrudgingly I'm forced to admit that I agree. I'm needed here, now more than ever.
"Fine." I say. "But I don't like it."
Windu gives me a somber stare. "Rest assured, neither do I."
"To an end, my time seems to have come." Yoda says. He's gathered the Jedi Council at his deathbed. Despite his incredible age, I never fathomed I would live to see him die. "Listen well my friends," he continues, "very careful, you must be. Only growing, our enemies are."
"Yes." Windu says. "No doubt Vader will start working to gather forces. We must remain vigilant for when he reveals himself."
"So certain are you, that Skywalker is the only evil?" Yoda asks.
"Yoda is right, Master Windu." The soon to be Grandmaster Tera Sinube says. "The exile has been handled for the moment. We can't forget our other, more glaring problems." I still think it would help if I went and looked for him, but no sense in beating a dead horse. However there is one issue I could use Yoda's guidance on.
"Master," I ask Yoda. "What should be done about the Senate?"
"Hmmm," Yoda contemplates, "most careful, you must be. Underestimate them, you cannot." Not overwhelmingly useful advice, but I'll definitely proceed with caution. "My time... at it's end..." I can feel Yoda's life force fading from the room. "May The Force... Be With You..." is the last words Yoda spoke.
The first Jedi Council meeting after Yoda's death is certainly eerie. I look around the room, and consider how much it's changed in just the last month. Mace Windu is once again Master of the Order, while Tera Sinube is the new Grand Master. Then there's Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon, Stass Allie, Shaak Ti, Oppo Rancisis and myself. Including Windu, we're the only ones who were on the council at the end of clone war. A few short weeks later, and we have Coleman Kcaj, Depa Billaba, Jocasta Nu, and the very new Empatajayos Brand, along with Tera Sinube. Hopefully we won't need to elect more new members any time soon.
"The end of the war hasn't gone the way we had hoped," Mace declares in quite the understatement. "but we shouldn't let our shortcomings drag us down."
"Are you suggesting we celebrate as our fellow Council members are slaughtered?" Master Allie asks.
"Celebration might be a stretch," Mundi says, "but we are making progress."
"Towards what exactly?" Allie asks. A fair question. What is getting better?
"I agree with Master Allie." Master Sinube says. "These are nothing short of somber times, and we must greatly rethink our approach if we want to bring peace to the galaxy."
"The war is over." Madame Jocasta says. "Does the end of the war not mean the beginning of peace?"
"Not necessarily." Master Billaba says. "The end of the war means the Republic is now in sole control of the galaxy, and it remains to be seen if that's a good thing."
"So we should focus our efforts on politics then." Master Brand states. "Personally, I think Own Free Taa is a poor excuse for a Chancellor."
"Welcome to the club." I say.
"Indeed." Windu says. "However removing him is easier said than done."
"Yea but if we just wait around, the situation will only get worse." Brand says.
"Yoda was clear." Windu says. "The Senate is dangerous, and we shouldn't do anything hasty."
"Surely that doesn't mean we're going to do nothing at all?" Brand asks. He reminds me a lot of Anakin.
"Patience, Master Brand." Sinube says. "The force will reveal all in time."
Author's Note
What is an author's note? For me, historically it's been about whatever I just wrote, but at the time I was writing the notes right after I wrote the story. For whatever reason, I didn't do that this time, and am now writing notes from a retrospective angle. And I can positively say that I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but I'm certain that as we journey through, these notes will be about something.
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shadowglens · 4 years
do you have a sense of roughly when sara starts instructing, and what age group she usually works with? also, following up on those food questions from yesterday, would she accept an invitation to eat at someone else's quarters? (I'm just. imagining her teaching little ilar. and wondering if the timelines line up.)
sorry i didn’t answer this sooner ari, i had work and then i had to think about this a bit cause Good Question (and then i started rambling cause that’s what i do apparently).
i imagine she’s probably knighted and instructing during the clone wars, although she often accompanied yoda on his lessons in the years prior to that. she’s probably a bit younger than obi wan. she always preferred working with the younger kids, the true younglings, because they’re more …. naive? inexperienced? open to different things? in need of more guidance? teenagers never sat well with her, they always look a bit too closely and ask too personal questions and she’s always been good with the younger kids anyway. plus yoda tended to instruct the younger kids, so she kind of fell into teaching that age group because of him. 
a lot of the older initiates are being given out as padawans by the clone wars anyway, what with the jedi needing as many soliders as they can get, and sara could never have a padawan. she’s better at spreading herself across multiple students. (and never having a padawan means she never has to open herself up to a close connection with anyone, lets her avoid the pain of potentially losing them like she loses everything else. she’s very self-sabotaging in that regard, avoiding all personal connections without realising she’s doing it).
as for the invitation to eat at someone’s quarters, it …. really depends. she’s not that close to anyone out of choice, subconscious or otherwise, and someone’s quarters is one big unknown. are they going to ask her personal questions, will she be comfortable there, what if she needs to leave? the anxiety around the whole thing is way higher than it needs to be. if she was ever going to share a meal with anyone she’d prefer to do it in the refectory, where the ceilings are high and the entryways are wide and she can sit across from them on a bench and have her personal space. it’s an environment she knows, can control. (if she was very close with the person she’d probably say yes to the invitation, but she’d have to trust them a lot and feel really comfortable around them.)
#oc tag#impossibletruths#ch: sara nev'ii#thanks for indulging me ari#sara's just one big bag of anxiety and fear#a child that never learnt how to socialise or interact or reach out#who was taught to hide and control and let go#who doesn't know what to do with people that aren't five year olds#who's been locked away for her entire life without realising it#it's why yoda takes her on missions with him sometimes - to get her out and surround her with others and remind her what it means to be a pe#*person#(she's good at giving advice - good at controlling a classroom - good at helping a confused or upset child)#(but put her in a social situation with someone who wants to know about /her/ and she just ... freezes)#(doesn't want to share)#(was taught not to share because then people look at her with pity or fear or both and that makes her feel worse)#at her core she never really learnt what it meant to be a functioning human being outside of controlled environments#like her classroom of her quarters or the common areas of the temple#i think eventually she'd probably wean herself off those behaviours but it takes ... A While#she's well into her adult years before she'd willingly go to someones room to eat for example#she might get there eventually though#(also the thought of her teaching little kid ilar is making me soft ....... even tho i have no idea how old he's supposed to be!!)#also also sorry if this is one big incoherent mess ... it's cause sara's one big incoherent mess#of loneliness and fear and a need to keep control of everything around her
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hrtbreakanniversary · 3 years
HONESTY; druig [one]
Tumblr media
summary: this wasn't in the job description.
pairing: mafia!druig x nurse!reader
word count: 3.5k
warnings: blood, language, violence, guns, misogyny, crude remarks, DRUIG
a/n: ty for all the love on the intro! i appreciate you all so very very much. also kro's face claim is bill skarsgard. hope you like it!
Nibbling on her nail, she nervously tapped her foot. Watching through the clear glass for it to drop. For if it didn't, her whole life was be ruined. There was no reason for her to-
Click. Drop.
A dollar not wasted.
With a devious smile, she reached down and grabbed the Fiber One bar. Oh the chocolatey goodness. Sighing, Y/N ripped open the packet right there in front of the vending machine to take a quick bite out of it because she knew her pager would go crazy at any second now.
She felt the gooey goodness of the oats, chocolate, and honey enter her mouth and she couldn't resist but to slowly chew to savor the taste. Opening her mouth to take another bite, the granola bar was pulled out of her hand.
She groaned out, already knowing exactly who the culprit was.
Taking a bite out of her a pound of a treat, Doctor Dane Whitman sent her a wink. He turned away from the female whose hands were propped onto her hips in utter disbelief to continue his way down the long hall. With a huff, Y/N fast walked past all the residents to slip her arm into his, pulling him down to slouch to her level. "You still have that date tomorrow night?"
"Regretfully yes."
"Who is it with again?"
"Some bloke, Kro. I'm meeting him at a bar."
"Kro? In heavens name is that? Where'd you meet a Kro?"
"Where most love stories begin." Her phone yanked from the side pocket of her scrubs," Tinder." After worried advice of Dane wishing her to be careful and to be dressed right for the cold weather, she looked down at the half eaten fiber one in his hands," In exchange for my dinner you just took, say, would you let me assist on your next surgery then?"
"I don't think someone's life is equal to a bar." Dane laughed, removing his arm to wrap around Y/N's shoulder instead. "Not that I'd think you'd kill someone. I know you've got talent but you’re not scheduled with me today nor yesterday nor tomorrow nor ever,” He teased but the shorter girl could only roll her eyes.
"Come on." She pouted," I'd much rather shadow you than Trevor."
"You have to give him more credit."
"He'd have a whole room full of me and one intern and he'd choose the intern over me." Y/N knew what Dane had to say. It's what he'd say each time. Deepening her voice, “ You just have to prove him wrong." Pushing his arm off of her," Yeah, I can't really do that if I can't touch anything."
Dane did feel for the girl. He's known Y/N since she’s moved here two years ago from the small borough of Kensington to Hamsptead. The newly turned 21 year old who had just graduated from nursing school had barely known the hardships of life from her spoiled upbringing. It didn't help she was naturally selected each time due to her last name. Only now she is being neglected her chances because Trevor Moore had moved from the United States and the first person to tell her no. He's not saying that she doesn't deserve to be where she is now because he knew she was so hardworking but the fact that it's best she learns you can not be simply handed things because it is asked for.
Though he did want to punch Trevor. The man is a git.
"Then you know. Prove, prove, prove. Prove that you're more than what he thinks he is."
"Okay, Yoda."
"You think I'm hot and wise?"
"No, you're wrinkly and hairy."
"Ha ha ha." He pulled a face as he held the door open for them to walk into the holding area. Y/N tilted her head," Wait, did you just call Yoda hot?" The wrinkles from her scowl smoothed out, feeling pretty impressed at the annoyed look on his face. The two stood in front of one another in silence as they settled down, other nurses and their CNAs frantically running through the halls. Dane took it in himself to break the pause," Okay, how about this? If Trevor doesn't have anything for you today, I have a surgery you can accompany me on tonight." The operating room nurse assisted on slipping the rest of his blue coat," We're performing an easy bypass surgery."
"Oh, I've done that a million times! I assure you that I can do
"I know." Mask already on, " 7 p.m."
"7 p.m." She repeated, pulling up a thumbs up to Dane who had once again turned her back towards her.
"You're doing it wrong."
The syringe fell the ground after Trevor fought from it. Y/N knew she should've just let it go but she was stubborn and she desperately needed to do what Dane advised. "How'd you even pass medical school if you can't even fill it up correctly?"
Seething teeth, Y/N opened her mouth in protest but she quickly made eye contact with the girl glowering up at them. Her eyes flicking between them from behind her ginger hair. It wasn't hard to tell that she was beginning to feel anxious the second she saw her hands fidget with the string of her purse so Y/N took the step to move behind the curtain so that there was more air to breathe. Whispers could be heard behind before the clacking of heels coming around the curtain signaled that Trevor had finished.
"I was doing it right, you asshole."
"You just call me an asshole?"
"No other person in this room except for you."
Trevor clenched his jaw, disposing of the now contaminated needle. "You're so fucking immature." He grumbled. "You need to how to respect people who are in a higher position than you. Just because you think that you're right doesn't mean you are."
His lips kept moving but it was like there was nothing coming out of his lips because it was all white noise to her.
If anyone was immature, it was him. As she watched him fill up the syringe the same way she did, her mind ran through all the things she did wrong according to him. From the way she checked the blood pressure of the older patients to the way that she assisted someone to the bathroom. Y/N tried her best not to take it to the heart because she heard worse things said about her behind her break and to her face. His comments were just rocks compared to the arrows that have pierced her skin.
Plus through the break room gossip that typically got around, it's pretty obvious that he has this hostile attitude to anybody that doesn't have any balls between their legs.
"If your mind was off what color you should do at your next appointment, you wouldn't be making these small little mistakes."
Curses sat on the end of her tongue, tempted to grab the tray next to her and simply just bonk his head over with it. But sound of the clock turning a hand that signaled that a new hour had dawned before them drifted her attention away from the weasel of a man in front of her.
7 p.m.
"Do we have any more patients scheduled for today?"
"Why are you asking me? It's not like you'd be of any help if we did have any." Trevor hummed, signing off the last papers.
"So no?"
"You're really wasti-"
Y/N walked out towards the hallway, knowing she left before Trevor could finish his sentence with an extra skip in her step. It's the fact she hasn't gotten her hands in on a surgery in so long. She couldn't wait to get her hands moving. A wide smile prompted its way onto her face, turning the corner only to catch a large man who fell so stiffly like a building. A warm and wet feeling covered her left hand when she found her balance and caught him on his upper torso, one on his back and other under his arm. When she lifted it up, red had entirely coated her index finger and ring finger.
Behind him stood a beautiful woman. It was hard to not stare, her beauty mark in the perfect place atop her lips. Her hair pinned back but a mess. After her came a man who stood shorter than the two but you could tell he carried himself with much confidence to overpower that fact. If it was hard to not stare at her, it was even harder to not stare at him. His ocean blue eyes pierced through her own Y/E/C eyes.
But she was cut off from her trance when she heard the frantic rush of," Where's Sprite?" come out of one of their mouths.
Just as fast as she exited the hospital room, she backed right back in.
"What? Done messin-" Trevor's eyes grew as big as his head when he caught sight of bleeding man in front of him, " Well, what are you doing? Get him onto the table."
"What the hell do you think I'm doing?" Y/N seethed, setting the man down as gently as she could. That's when she got a formal look at his chiseled face and the grey steak on his hair, along with the gashing cut that had ripped through his two layers of clothes that continuously seeped out blood. Just as fast, she clamped her hands down with a towel she stole from the side to try to slow it down.
"Ikaris!" The young patient from before ran into the room, her hand holding onto her right arm. Y/N worriedly eyed her, "Trevor, can you check on her?". She didn't check to see Trevor had listened, her attention immediately back to who she presumed was Ikaris on the bed. With her other hand, she tried to reach for a retractor but it was slapped away. In shock, Trevor looked down at her with those eyes that had a foul feel that could make anyone else cover away.
"You planned this, didn't you?"
"Don't think I didn't hear your conversation with Whitman."
Unknowingly, the older woman zoned into the conversation at that mention of the familiar last name.
Trevor continued," This is all a ploy to get yourself to prove yourself to me. You taking the bigger role while I take the smaller one.”
"Really? Right now?" Y/N scoffed in disbelief, grabbing the retractor to push back the skin and dropping the towel down to get a better look. She knew it. Everything else in the room disappeared and it was just her and the patient's life in her hands. She saw the vein that was gaping open at her. Luckily it didn't fully cut through. She grabbed a clamp next to hold the vein together. Reaching for the materials needed for the suture but it was too far. "Trevor, can you-", She felt a hot breath breathe down her neck," So how much you pay for this to all happen? Or did Daddy forgive you and decide to give you some money now? Mommy make enough stripper money?"
Trevor's comments never bothered her. They never bothered her because he never brought up her family. Fuck, she had no idea that he knew about that. But like she said, break room gossip got around.
No, not right now. She pleaded to herself. Please not right now.
Her breathing began to get shaky and her hands clasped and unclosed around the tool. More and more blood flowing out the more her mind took over.
"Shame you didn't follow your Mommy. I mean your attitude is something else and can get you in trouble but man, this body. Oh wait, I know what this is for. My attention." Trevor leaned closer," You woman and your need for attention. It's pretty dangerous sometimes. To yourself and everyone around you. That's why you all belong at home behind the counter, making me food for when I get home. Don't know why you have to do a man's work. All you ladies need to do is sit there and look pretty while sucking my-" His airways were cut off as he pulled back by his front collar from someone behind him.
"Now... now... that's no way to talk to a lady. Especially with a child in the room. Your Momma know you speak with a mouth like that?" The other man from earlier tightened his grip, Trevor letting out a strangled cough. He pushed Trevor against the wall, holding him up with one hand," She doesn't look fairly comfortable to me for you to get all up and personal like that." He blew a piece of Trevor's hair away, causing him to frantically blink in fear,"Now I typically do not care what you do with one another but right now, you're going to leave the pretty gal alone because if that man bleeding out right there dies, it won't be because of her but because of you. I don't think I need to tell you what the consequences are if that happens." A hard cold metal poked Trevor on the side and in the corner of her eye, Y/N saw the outline of a gun. If she wasn't freaking out before, she was now. Why did he have a gun? Was he going to kill Trevor?
"Druig, let him go." The beautiful woman spoke up for the first time that moment. Druig didn't budge and closed his hand tighter around the collar, Trevor wheezing out a breath," Sersi, you surprise me. Wouldn't you want men like this to be squashed like a little bug when they act like one?"
With a huff, Druig let go of the red faced man and swiftly tucked the gun back into the slot between his jeans. Trevor collapsed to the floor, searching for air to fill his lungs. "Y-You're crazy. I'm calling the police!" He was out of the room without Sersi being able to say something.
"I'll have a word with you later." Sersi whispered underneath her breath to Druig who couldn't help but have a smug look on his face. But soon the attention was back to Ikaris whose face grew paler and paler.
Y/N just stared, afraid for her next move.
"Well, what are you doing?" Sprite spoke first," Save him!"
But Y/N was still in her own state of mind. Her hands now becoming more and more shaky. "C-Can- Pass me the tweezers, holder, and that thread." At first, Sprite had struggled to find out but it was on one of the blue trays to the side before swiftly handing it to her. Y/N quickly began the suture but she was in shock from what Trevor had said and the fear of whoever these people are in the room with her. Her hands stopped shaking but her breathing became too rapid, making it hard for her to see properly. It didn't help with who she presumed was Sersi had stepped forward to keep a close eye on her. Around the second loop, she felt she was going to faint. Her mouth dry and her eyes heavy.
A cold hand rested on the nape of her neck,"Breathe." Druig curled and leaned down," Breathe with me."
She tensed up. Is he going to pull the trigger on her? "No please. I-"
"I'm not going to hurt you. Just listen to my breathing and follow."
Y/N obeyed in the case he would hurt her and listened to his breathing. Her racing breath began to slow down, following in rhythm with his as they took turns exhaling and inhaling. Druig moved his other hand to wrap around her forearm, his thumb sliding on the skin. When she finally gained her conscience back, it was like magic. Suturing the vein came like the wind, fast and easy.
Trevor hurriedly pulled on his peacoat, not even trying with his scarf. He can just tell HR that he fell sick. They'd understand. Tucking his hands away to make himself appear smaller, his eyes were set on the door. His feet swiftly dragged him. Eyes darting side to side in fear for something to jump. His heart dropped when he stopped by his arm but let out a deep breath when he saw that it was just Dane. "Where's Y/L/N?"
Trevor looked back at the room which caused Dane to turn his head towards before he roughly yanked his arm out of Dane's grip, breaking into a sprint to the exit.
Usually Dane would brush off Trevor's strange behavior but it's the way he had looked like he saw a ghost. Almost like a trance, he began the walk to the room Trevor motioned to, eyeing the puddle of blood near the entrance. "Y/N?" He shoved open the door to see four familiar faces.
Y/N snapped her head back, Druig's hand falling off but his hand on her arm still remained. Now halfway through the stitch on the outer layer of Ikaris’s skin, she cursed Dane for his bad timing. She saw them all turn to look at the new presence in the room. "Please don't hurt him. He's one of our top surgeon. His life is much more valuable than mine. Please, he did nothing wrong.” She pleaded.
"Nurse Y/N, I'll take over from here."
Dane had kicked out everyone else from the room except for Sersei. As she did in the beginning of the night, her nails returned back to her mouth as she nervously bit her thumbnail.
"That's not good for you."
Shit, she didn’t even know he was standing there. Sprite had announced she was going to get a snack from the cafeteria because all of this made her super stressed out. That all she wanted to do was get a vaccine shot and go. Y/N assumed that the older male had followed her but here he was. Although he did help calm her down, she still felt fairly intimidated by the one standing before her. Averting her eyes to the ground, Druig pushed himself off the wall and mocked her crossed arms. Craning his neck down so she could look at him.
"You always let that man talk to you like that?", He didn't wait for an answer," Pretty obvious you do."
"Hey, you don't know me."
"No, I don't. But you're pretty easy to read." His eyes held a glint she's never seen before," Spoiled girl? Always gets what she wants?"
"And what are you? Some boy with anger issues? Pulling out a gun in the middle of the hospital. "Frowning, "You don't know me." She repeated but this time her voice began to falter, " I could care less about what that man has to say about me."
"Hm." Druig looked up into the air as if he was thinking of what to say next," So you don't know how to stand up for yourself. I can see how easy you let people get under your skin. I can how easy you let them step over you. Hell, you're letting me do it right now."
"What's your problem?"
"My problem. My problem is I dislike people like you. I dislike the ones that are so weak." He pointed," People like you irritate the fuck out of me."
"Then why did you defend me?" Y/N laid her hand out, "If you agreed with what he said so much."
"I didn't agree what he said and I didn't defend you. You blanked out and I simply just didn't want my colleague to die because you couldn't handle criticism."
Now she hadn't thought a stranger would care about her in the slightest nor was she hoping for it. But to be plain rude out like that. Another man in for a cursing again and this time there was no child there to prevent her from the nasty words she had to say.
But the sound of a crispy chip cut her off, signaling that somehow on time, Sprite was back. And just like Druig said, she left it at that with no words to defend herself and walked away. Reminding herself that her silence was the best weapon that she had.
Ikaris's chest rose up and down, signaling that he was in fact breathing and the EKG machine was now attached to him, his heart beating at a normal rate.
The two ex-lovers sat besides each other, their shoulders brushing up against up one another. Although there was no time to be feel fiddly. No time to catch up on the last three years they have not seen each other since the dreadful night that they refuse to think about.
Because they knew something. They knew something was coming.
They were already back.
"What are you going to do now?"
"Ikaris has just been shot and I didn't see where it came from. We're suppose to be here to get things done for Sprite's school but I doubt it's safe for her to go anymore. So I haven't really gotten the time to make a plan yet."
Dane knew not to say anything more because he poked at her one more time, he would unleash the temper that he knew she had. A temper that he didn't want to deal with after this tiring day. But he noticed something. More like someone. That someone that would typically be here in anything involved one of her family getting injured.
"Where's Ajak, Sersi?"
"Ajak is dead."
taglist: artaxerxesthegreat
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
oh man, in the suddenly a/b/o verse, does obi-wan and/or anakin have to give, like "welcome to warfare 101 here's how not to die or kill your men" lessons to the temple? is anyone like 'glad you're here, sort of freaked out by how good at war you are, you wanna...unpack that any...?' (is medilia/daan a thing and does obi-wan have to be like 'haha childhood trauma :) :) :) please don't ask questions:) :) :)')
Context: Original Post, Chrono
Oh yeah, absolutely they have to give lessons on tactics and strategy to everyone. They have maybe a year to get ready for it all, with the sabotage they run on the droid factories. Anakin and Obi-Wan being Better At War because of their experiences is a running thing I have in time-travel fics, and it's useful because wow they want to save as many Jedi and clones and civilians as possible, (and the admirals and other natborn non-Jedi officers, I guess), but it's especially fun in this one because everyone expects them to "be omegas about it."
Which is absolute bullshit, obviously, even in-universe, but especially for the two fuckers who know what they're doing.
So what you've got is two genuinely competent individuals who know strategy and tactics, negotiation and logistics, the types of soldiers they've got and the type of technology they'll be using, all of it. They have differing, complementary specialties, and work extraordinarily well as a two-man unit. They are two of the only people in existence that know how to fight a war that's larger than a single system. They understand galactic warfare in a way even Yoda doesn't, because even Yoda wasn't alive when the last one happened. There are a few Legends characters who were (e.g. Master Fay), but few if any of them are actually ready for a war, and it's been a thousand years. They've had time to forget, and I'm sure they've tried.
You know, for trauma reasons.
For Anakin and Obi-Wan, it was yesterday. Hell, they showed up covered in (mostly) someone else's blood. These boys know war, and they know it well. Obi-Wan's got an expert grasp on large-scale strategy and politics, and Anakin is a powerful precision tool for strike team ops. Most jedi are, but again, none of them really know war.
So once they've confirmed that a war is coming, once they know a droid army is being built and a clone army is being trained, then they need people to be ready for it. They can't just share this information with the public--they are unfortunately aware that they have no idea who the Sith Lord is, and they can't tip their hand too early (namely, that they know a lot of the coming twists, like 'there's a fucking Zillo Beast' and 'Dooku's in charge of the enemy' and 'whatever the fuck Ventress has going on' and 'these are the fancy new weapons they're going to premiere, and probably when'), and admitting to the coming war would probably put some kind of power into the hands of whichever Sith is in the Senate!
Anakin: Shouldn't we at least tell the Chancellor? Obi-Wan: He's not your friend here, and since he's not Force-Sensitive... I don't think he'd necessarily believe us, or our experiences. Anakin, bummed out and completely unaware of how narrowly they just dodged a Sith-shaped missile: Oh, right.
ANYWAY yes, they do secretly need to make sure their 'new' friends are ready for war, because if they aren't ready, they're going to die! Probably. And their soldiers are going to die. Definitely.
So many people are going to die if you folks don't take this seriously.
I think it would be interesting if they ran hypothetical battle scenarios against each other, and Anakin regularly wins things with the Weirdest Fucking Tactics because of course he does, while Obi-Wan has very sensible tactics with One Weird Thing that nets him the win just when you think you're about to succeed.
Also a lot of their advice boils down to 'listen to your clone commanders; you might be in charge, but they've spent literally their entire lives learning how to be good at war. The Force is good, but their training isn't there to be dismissed. When in doubt, let them make the plans, and then ask the Force to tell you where the biggest risks and weaknesses are.'
Just. Just trust the clones.
Trust your clones.
Melida/Daan happened but not quite like in the JA books, because the more I hear about the books by that author, the more I realize the issue isn't necessarily Qui-Gon being bad at childcare so much as... the author... being bad at writing childcare...
Obi-Wan definitely still has a lot of trauma about it, it's just a lot less 'Qui-Gon being so astoundingly neglectful that you want to throw him off a bridge, holy shit.'
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i-got-the-feels · 2 years
Thoughts I had while watching Star wars - The last Jedi Episode VIII
1) Okay. Last movie ended with a chaotic hope. I hope this one gives more clarity.
2) What is the deal with British dude and why does he hate Kylo Ren so much?
3) I doubt Ben Solo had killing his parents on agenda when he turned to dark side.
4) to be fair - is he really really belonging dark side or is it snoke's abuse and manipulation that is keeping him there?
5) okay Poe listen to Leia.
6) Damn Finn. It's useless to go after Rey.
7) Listen - I understand people on the side of Resistance will die. But Leia better not be in it.
8) that scene where Ben and Leia sense each other? BEAUTIFUL.
10) Seriously - Luke how many people have to die until you get out of your self-imposed exile?!?!
11) Okay - that scene where Luke and Rey talk about the force in island. Beautiful Cinematography.
12) Luke - dude. Just because an organisation has screwed up policies you dont end it. You attempt to improve it.
13) For starters - you could have tried apologising to the nephew you tried to kill even before you gave him a chance and passed a judgement on.
14) no wonder he went to snoke. He must have felt so alone - like he didn't have anywhere to go.
15) okay I am empathising with him. Not as much as anakin - because the writing was half-baked.
16) What is this connection between Rey and kylo ren?
17) I ship rose and Finn. I hope Finn is into her.
18) seriously poe is a good hearted chaotic dumbass. Gryffindor.
19) I know the tone of the scene doesn't aim to induce thrist but damn kylo ren shirtless is quite distracting and thirst inducing. And his deep ass voice doesn't help.
21) That coordinated fight scene? Cinematography at its best again.
22) I was a dumb ass to think he would leave the dark side. Its okay. I am fine.
23) Is it like men with Skywalker genes will always hurt people they love and who love them?
24) I hope Rey is stronger than Padme.
25) yoda advice to luke is his reference to how he treated Anakin.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hello! I see your requests are closed, but I hope you don't mind if I leave my romantic matchup here! If yes, you can ignore me. Sorry if something is wrong, English is not my first language! :)
Fandom: Jojo Gender: Cis female Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Personality: I'm smart, kind, homebody, perfectionist, shy, nerdy, curious, playful, mature, friendly, listening, sarcastic and creative
Likes: Animals, movies, series, videogame, listen music, anime, cartoons, read any book, stay at home, draw, writing and talk with my friends
Dislikes: Moth, noisy people, go to parties with loud music and lots of people, introduce myself to a group of strangers, exams, people who want to force contact with me, when they make me do something I really don't want to do and when a friend doesn't listen to my advice and then comes when everything goes wrong
How I present myself: Well, with strangers I'm a totally shy person, and I end up frowning unintentionally. With my friends I'm a very talkative person, I make jokes to them and I'm usually the mother of the group. With my family I am more open, extroverted and talkative, especially with my mother as I don't have much contact with my father. In terms of clothes, I really like to wear any black clothes.
Music taste: i like all kinds of music but the kind i love the most is pop music and rock
My type/what I want: Well, I'm a person who likes to give presents for who I like. I've always been attracted to more closed guys, because I love when he's a shell on the outside but inside he's sweet.
I don't know if my request will be read, but I thank you in advance if you have! :)
OMG (dont worry if my requests were closed i did it anyway lmaoooo these are just too fun frfr). (also gurl your english is great <3). You sound so sweet!! I think I have the perfect man for you!!!
the character I chose for you is...
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like he is the perfect closed guy who is hiding a softie
he respects that you're a little quiet
like when you first met, you said nothing and he was just smiling at you
until you got to know each other and always ended up talking
like all the time
late night talks with music in the background? heck yes.
he thinks you're cute frfr
like is totally into you from the beginning, but too nervous to say anything
like you, he doesnt like big parties, so if the rest of your friend group wants to go to a party, you know you have the evening with your lovely bf
both your mom and jotaro's mom would get along
it's amazing when the four of you get together for dinner and your moms are gossiping while you and jotaro are just giggling with each other
he would love to geek out with you about marine bio even if you arent into it and then he would ask what you're into
he's the king of making you blush
he also just loves your style
loves how good you look in black
will let you wear his jacket and hat
will play video games with you (you have to teach him how to play all the time lmao)
you would always go to his house for dates and he would always go to yours
you'll be reading or drawing and he'll just be in your room studying or something
you're the perfect quiet couple that is totally in love with each other!! <333
masterlist rules --- pinned post
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sirikenobi12 · 3 years
Ok this became a whole damn book but please consider bearing with me lol.
I love Anakin Skywalker. He is possibly my favorite character in any story ever, I even relate to him a lot as someone who as bpd. People can make fun and use terms like "stanakin" and "uwukin" mockingly if they want - I AM a stanakin and I'm never gonna be ashamed of wholeheartedly loving my favorite characters. I don't always vibe with the greater Jedi fandom because of their condescending attitude towards Anakin fans - come on people, get excited about your faves and let people get excited about theirs! But I do love the Jedi themselves, all of them. The order, the council, the whole culture.
As an Anakin fan I think it kind of does his story a disservice to view the Jedi as hating him. Are there times when people in his life could have responded better to him? Yeah! No one is perfect. They could have been warmer in TPM and Yoda's advice in ROTS could have been better, and Anakin could have communicated more as an adult. But they undeniably cared about him and he about them. TCW gives us so much wonderful canon content to go on, but even if you look at just the movies though you can see that his relationship with the Jedi is mostly one of respect. Anakin doesn't always agree with the council, but he still respects them and looks up to them. The council recognizes that Anakin is reckless and emotional, but they also recognize that he's a skilled Jedi and general and they give him real responsibility because they trust he can handle it.
The only time not trusting him is ever discussed is in regards to Palpatine, who is he is close friends with. They can trust him as a person and still know it's best to not trust him in regards to this specific mission because it's too personal.
They didn't make him a Jedi Knight and give him a major responsibility as a leader in a galactic war because they hated him and didn't trust him. And this is still just the movies!
In TCW we see him using their first names and they let him which indicates closeness not formality, we see Anakin and Yoda banter and tease each other, we see freaking Mace Windu and Anakin banter! In one of my favorite early arcs of the show, the Holocron Heist/Children of the Force arc, we see Anakin meditating with Yoda, Mace, and ObiWan to find the children. Not another master or member of the council, but Anakin. Same for when Mace, ObiWan, and Anakin use a Jedi mind trick in unison shortly after that. They trust him for all of these things. They give him a padawan because they believe he's ready for it and that he and Ahsoka can learn from each other. Training another Jedi is a huge responsibility and one of the biggest indicators of how capable they view him. They compliment how Ahsoka grows under Anakin's teachings all the time.
Anakin loved being a Jedi and he loved the other Jedi. They loved him too. The problem was that he had so much rage and pain and trauma - and yeah, I think the Jedi could have helped more but I also know that to get help you have to open yourself which he couldn't do - and that Palpatine took advantage of it at every opportunity. He manipulated Anakin's insecurity and fears about not belonging or being good enough. He flat out lied to Anakin about the council multiple times (for example telling him they were furious about his rescue mission of Plo Koon when we literally saw that they were not). Palpatine fostered a resentment and divide between them that otherwise would not have been there.
I don't know if Anakin would have remained a Jedi or left to be with Padme openly, but without Palpatine's influence everything would have been different. Without Anakin Palpatine still would have had his plan for destroying the Jedi, but without Palpatine manipulations pushing him off the edge I don't think Anakin would have fallen.
Anakin is still responsible for the choices he made, terrible choices that destroyed himself and everything he ever loved. The Jedi were part of what he loved.
That's why he's such a tragic and wonderful character. He was a hero and a victim and villain. Diminishing his relationship with the Jedi, as a Jedi himself, diminishes that story.
I agree with your point, absolutely (I do disagree on a couple of your examples, but not the point you were trying to make so I'll leave them alone).
I think fandom as a whole could be better to one another, I know for myself I never even ever remotely thought of separating Anakin from the Jedi, I always thought the tragedy of his story was that they were a team/family - it wasn't until I started getting attacked by rabid Anakin fans on ANY post that I labeled as "pro Jedi" (even if Anakin wasn't a part of the post).
I think both sides are becoming needlessly defensive against the other. I do feel like I'm a broken record, but even though I'm pro Jedi Council I still love Anakin Skywalker (it is possible to love both) - he's an amazing character. He's also an amazing Jedi and friend and that's what makes his fall so tragic!! If he killed the Jedi simply because the Jedi were "mean" to him and he never really loved them, well that just robs Anakin of his redemption arc. I 100% agree with you on that point. I feel like SW fandom has bought into this Jedi were bad narrative based on a couple of terrible YouTube videos who did it just for clicks and it's really sad. It's like somehow Palpatine has driven a wedge between fans of Anakin and fans of the Jedi, when we all should be on the same team. We all need to remember:
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mischiefs-hawk · 2 years
Look I have no idea how this would actually work, just blame the force.
Picture this- and warning this is just nuts because Vader/Boba shouldn't be a thing but it is and I love it.
After Boba and Fennec have solidified their position on Tatooine as the people in charge, they come across a man basically in the midst of death in the desert. He's wearing all black and is struggling to breath, Boba of course recognizes his past employer. Its Darth Vader and while Boba has no idea how in the fuck this man is still alive (Djarin had definitely mentioned that Luke said he was dead) Boba isn't going to just let the man die.
While Boba was no fan of the Empire, Vader always treated him with respect (as well as the other clones who survived the War). (And if Boba and Vader had messed around a few times that wasn't why Boba was saving him. Nope not at all).
Anyway they get back to the Palace, get Vader into a bacta tank except this is the first time Boba sees Vader's face. And, while it's scarred to fuck, he looks familiar. Deciding to worry about it later, Boba gets him in the tank and has the healing session start.
Later on, when Vader wakes up, healed and breathing on his own for the first time in decades he is absolutely confused as hell. He has no idea what happened between the second death star and the current moment.
Or why the bacta worked so well on healing him.
Life just sort of goes on, Vader takes on the role of being Boba's muscle because doing anything else (i.e. contacting his son) is just too much right now. And if Boba and he get a little more serious then well, whose gonna say anything?
At some point, Vader vanishes for like a week into the desert and comes back with a new lightsaber- the blade is orange and no one mentions it. While everyone in the palace knows to give the stranger (who isn't going by Vader or Anakin) a wide berth, rumors start going around about Boba's new guard. Maybe he's going by Revan.
Eventually, Djarin comes to visit Boba (and definitely isn't avoiding being Mandalore) and meets Vader-who-he-doesn't-know-is-Vader. They, surprisingly, get on really well. Djarin talks to him about the man he's seeing, Vader going by the name Revan gives him advice. Neither of them realize that the man Djarin is talking about is Vader's own son.
Fast forward a bit more, Vader and Boba are a solid item, Vader is hesitant about anything regarding marriage so Boba isn't gonna bring up the topic. Boba tells Vader that Djarin is coming back because he's going to pick up his son from Skywalker. (Tatooine is the middle point between Mandalore and Yavin fuck off I know that's probably not canon). And Vader is like uhhhh fuck!? Boba thinks its because Vader doesn't want to fight Luke (not in a cowardly way but in a Vader has fought enough battles he doesn't want to start a new one kind of way). Anyway, Djarin shows up, and Vader makes himself scarce. Luke arrives with Grogru and Vader is shielding so hard but its incredibly difficult.
Boba is trying to keep Luke distracted which works up until Grogru pulls a Yoda and just fucking finds Vader. Grogru just stares for a minute before cooing and trying to climb onto Vader's lap. (He either doesn't know this is the same man who stormed the temple, or recognizes Anakin Skywalker as a good person. IDK pick one).
This all results in Vader, sitting on the floor with Grogru in his lap looking up to see Luke whose staring at him, Djarin looking between the two confused as to what's going on and Boba trying to deescalate the situation.
Luke: Why in every Sith hells, do you have a clone of my father, Anakin Skywalker?!
Boba: I don't know what you're talking about, that's Darth Vader.
Luke: They're the same kriffing person, sleemo!
And Luke is angry- oh when he finds out that the man sitting with his adopted son is actually his father who hadn't once contacted him Luke is furious. Furious because he's actually incredibly hurt that Vader didn't contact him. It makes everything they went through on the second Death Star feel like a farce.
Eventually they work their shit out, Anakin gives Djarin the "if you break my son's heart, I will break every bone in your body" talk and it basically ends with Boba and Vader talking.
Boba: So were you ever going to mention you were Luke's Dad or a Jedi?
Vader: -sweats nervously, and has flashbacks to Padme having the same annoyed tone- umm yes?
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pauperworld20 · 2 years
If I die tonight and somehow you mange to find my body. Please burn it, then throw my ashes at Patay Beach Bolinao, check in at Coco's Beach. That's my favorite place. Move on and live happily.
I already have my insurance at sun life so please make sure to use that wisely, if I'm still with Acn you'll also get something, as far as I know.
If you saw that my body is still intact, please donate all organs that are healthy and can be use by other people, I really don't mind. Then please give padme, sky, chewie and yoda to Elen. Also the samsung phone, all our stuff she'll be deciding what to do. Then all my things please burn it all, do not leave a trace. Or sell it, just dont keep it with you so you'll not think of me.
Here are my messages, please relay this to them.
To my minions, I love you all my babies. You're one of the reasons I kept on holding on to this life. Thank you for putting so much joy and unexpected things on my journey, thank you for the advice and moral support y'all have given me. Thank you for the hapiness. I hope you'll do things that can make you happy. And please live life with love and hope in your hearts. I love you always and I'm sorry to leave this way.
To my BFF, hey it's been a rough ending for our friendship, I actually miss gossiping with you and talking about people around us. Being the marites we've been ever since. Though our closeness qnd friendship ended up not that good, I still value you. I hope that you'll be happy with the path you're taking now. You'll be building your family soon, I may not be able to congratulate you but you deserve to be happy. Smile and think positive as always. And never forget where you come from.
To my mentors and workmates, I may not be able to give my message to each one of you but I want you to know that I love you all, Ate CS - thank you for being with me ever since the beginning, I never imagined that I'll be this close to you. Thank you for your sincere love and care for me and the support you've given me. I wish you all the success and happiness in life together with your family, Kuya Rouz. Bea, Divine and Tan - gonna miss you 3. Of all those late night session or after work session, you 3 are the ones who've stayed with me til the end of 2019, even when pandemic came. I love you guys, no matter how hard life is keep fighting and pushing forward. You're such a great friend and I'm gonna miss those sessions. PDO - thank you to all my mentors and team mates from EO, LL, Command Center and PMO team, keep doing great and quality work. To the leadership team, please exert effort on supporting the mental health and engagement of your support teams specially Command Center and PMO.
To BSFGC family, my spiritual friends, thank you for all your prayers and the fellowship we had. May God continue to work with your life and bless you with so much abundance from heaven. Please pray for this generation cause they too weak like I am. Pray for those silent battles happening with their mind and hoping that God will take it all away.
To my family, Ma and Pa. I hope that it all get better, for Jan and Iya. No words can describe how sad I am to leave you like this. But I hope it's not the end for everyone. Ma, thank you for always supporting my decisions in life, thank you for spoiling me and loving me unconditionally. Pa, thank you for all the yumyums and sprite you've bought when Mama doesn't bring me with her cause she brought Jan na. I am sorry for being a hard headed and rebellious child. Pa, I miss our bonding especially when we're in Camarin, did you know that I always think of that. Jan, did you know that you have a lot of potential, you just have to unleash it and show it to other people. You just have to trust yourself and be confident. Just believe in yourself cause you are such a wonderful person. Iya, our baby. We never knew that you'll come. We thank God for having you. Keep on believing that you can be better than who you are now. Take care of our family cause you're the reason why we're all together. You're our talented, not so little baby girl. To my family, whatever we have now I know it can be still fix. Just communicate to each other and express yourselves in the right way.
To my love, thank you for pushing me away. For helping me to overcome my fears. And the pulling the last trigger to be the bravest person living. Thank you for all your love and support. I hope you find happiness and contentment with your life. With the people you love and trust.
To all, I may not be as strong as you think, but I am. Sooner or later I will be. I'll overcome the greatest fear that humankind has - death. It's not the end but the beginning of a new chapter not for me but for all of you. Please value other people's life, do not belittle them, do not push them too faraway and let them astray. Guide them on the right path, guide them, not lead them cause they might lose your footsteps. Walk with them, together. Do not be ahead nor behind them. Make each other feel important so you guys will not think so little of you. Give them inspiration, do not be a stumbling block in every aspect of this life.
"If you find this message, please do not weep. I’m just a particle of space dust you don’t have to keep."
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