#yoga burn review
The Best Yoga for Weight Loss
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Have you ever wondered which type of Yoga is best for weight loss?
There are so many different types to choose from, each with their specific purpose.
Some are focused on restoration and rejuvenation, while others are better-suited to physical therapy and rehab, while still others push you to the limits of your fitness and get you sweating.
If you’re trying to figure out which type of Yoga is best for weight loss, we’ve got the answers for you.
Below, we’ll break down (in very simple terms) the most common types of Yoga, their primary focus, and how they can benefit your body. At the end, we’ll include a round-up of the Yoga types that you can try for real weight loss results.
So let’s dive in and find out!
Which Type of Yoga is Best for Weight Loss? Understanding the Yoga Types
Hatha Yoga is a slower-paced type of Yoga, using basic poses and gentle, relaxing movements. It’s ideal for beginners to Yoga who want to master the simplest forms while getting into the flow and feeling of a great Yoga workout.
Kundalini Yoga combines poses, breath work, and chanting to unlock the “life force energy” moving through your body. It focuses a great deal on the spiritual and mental aspects of your wellness, including meditation and relaxation exercises. The poses are challenging, however, so get ready to sweat!
Ashtanga Yoga follows a specific repeated pattern of poses (called a “sequence”). It follows the same asanas, which flow from one to the other in a specific pattern, and utilizes breath work to keep you focused and pushing hard. It’s one of the most athletic and demanding types of Yoga, perfect for increasing both flexibility and endurance.
Vinyasa Yoga is also commonly known as “flow” Yoga, because the entire Yoga session is a series of breathing techniques that help you to flow gracefully from one pose to the next. It’s great for beginners and advanced Yogis alike, and it incorporates more movement than some of the more relaxing forms of Yoga. However, the pace is slow and steady rather than athletic.
Bikram Yoga takes place in a room heated to high temperatures and with high humidity. It’s intended to encourage A LOT of sweating, which cleanses impurities and toxins from the body. It uses the exact same 26 postures, but can increase cardiovascular fitness significantly.
Yin Yoga is a slower form of Yoga, involving longer holds (starting at 60 seconds, and increasing for up to 5 minutes) for each of the poses. The focus is on improving both circulation and mobility, helping your body to limber up and your muscles and joints to move more easily. It targets your connective tissue specifically, making it excellent for physical therapy and post-surgery rehab.
Iyengar Yoga pays more attention to the exact alignment and precision of each posture, rather than trying to move through a lot of postures. It’s slower than the more athletic forms of Yoga, but can be highly demanding as you try to master and hold each of the poses for prolonged periods. It’s excellent for improving flexibility and mobility.
Power Yoga is a more “modern” form of Yoga, which pushes you through the more dynamic movements of Ashtanga or Vinyasa Yoga at a faster pace. It’s more muscle-oriented, but it can also do wonders for your flexibility. The constant transitioning between poses helps to keep each workout fresh and engaging.
Restorative Yoga follows the same principles as Iyengar Yoga, focusing on proper alignment in each pose and holding the poses for longer periods (up to 20 minutes!). The intention is to help the body relax fully into each posture, improving flexibility in the specific joints and muscles utilized. It’s excellent for increasing muscle suppleness and joint mobility.
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So Which Type of Yoga is Best for Weight Loss? The Answer Is:
The result: better weight loss!
By now, you can probably guess which type of Yoga is best for weight loss
I have a review on the subject that is suitable for you. you can check it here
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healthefitness · 2 years
🔴 YOGA BURN review 2022 -  Program Yoga Burn reviews Zoe -Yoga Burn Challenge
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ana-flor-futuristic · 2 years
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mecontapaula · 2 years
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blue-world-vencerr · 2 years
YOGA BURN REVIEW - Yoga Burn Challenge - Yoga Pregnant
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betteryogalife · 6 months
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sincere-finance7 · 1 year
Yoga Burn Review: Transformative Journey to Wellness | Honest Yoga Burn ...
Ready to transform your life through yoga? Join me on a journey to holistic wellness as I share my honest review of the Yoga Burn program. From finding inner peace to achieving physical strength, this program has been a game-changer! 
 Watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/J4-eMtjbvGw
Plus, explore more about holistic wellness and insightful product reviews on my blog at [https://holistichealthalchemists.com/],  and discover the magic of AI-driven content creation with PictoryAI at https://pictory.ai?ref=rex95
Don't miss out on this incredible journey – hit 'play' and start your path to wellness today!  #YogaBurn #HolisticWellness #Transformation #Mindfulness #SelfCare #YogaJourney
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arshadalvi01 · 1 year
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idontliekmondays · 2 days
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excerpts from lindsay's old classmate
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1.28.13 I have really tried to like Lilith but after two weeks with her I can't. My thinking on it is she hasn't given a reason to like her. It's more like she tries to complain, storm off, be rude, and ignore the rest of us as much as she can. Her special skill is that she can walk anywhere in high heels.
2.05.13 Lilith did not get any roti because she decided to stay in her room the whole day.
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Dance lessons. And a full shot of me in uniform. Thai dancing does not require a lot of movement so it can be done in a pencil skirt. Left side, front to back: Deanna, Me, Donna, Lilith. Right side: Dance teacher, Karen.
2.07.13 (I have mentioned before that Lilith gets motion sick. So today instead of getting in the front seat like she's supposed to she climbed in the back of the songthaew with everyone else. The whole time I'm praying in my head "Don't throw up everywhere, don't throw up everywhere" because she started looking sick about half-way through the trip back. I really do not understand her logic).
Drexler is forcing Lilith to go to yoga or meditation (it's so nice she's paying all this money to go to another country to sit in her room on the computer all day.)
2.08.13 More creepy messages from Lilith's talking horse doodle today. She told us that she gets all these from a tumblr account called Crazy Horse(?). I also don't think she gets what all of them mean, because the horse's first message today was "Pumpkin Jokes.PDF". Really confused on that one. She erased that and had the horse say "Becoming a bounty hunter is not easy but I am here." I can see these two coming from a tumblr account, though they make zero sense to me. She then drew a dog and gave it this dialogue "Timid little girls she never put fairies on the summer gathering place for the Nazi elite." I'm really getting freaked out by some of her messages and was very thankful when Ajan Pranut (our afternoon teacher today) erased them.
2.11.13 Watched Lilith fight with a bee for her cake. She hates insects so she literally flew from her chair to get away from it. Then thought swearing would shoo it away. The bee cared more about the cake.
2.13.13 Originally I was going to say writer but Lilith wants to be a writer (today's creepy horse message was "Bring me all the people and I will make sure they are burning." Don't think I want to see anymore of her work)
When everyone returned we had a review session (except Niko and Lilith because her boyfriend broke up with her today. Most of us had to take a moment to go "You had a boyfriend??").
2.14.13 Last post I said Lilith's boyfriend broke up with her. Today she was excused from half of our midterm because she told Drexler she was up all night. Later, Donna informed me that she had downed a whole bottle of wine to help deal with her feelings. That's definitely healthy (sarcasm).
2.15.13 Drexler informed me he was forcing Lilith and myself to go to Tai Chi today with his wife Barbara.
Lilith stood there most of the time refusing to follow the movements and afterwards said "It wasn't her thing". For those who know Lilith at Coe, I saw her wearing ballet flats today, not heels!!
We complained about Lilith and Donna told us the funny story of how at Multicultural fusion orientation, where every African American freshman was, Lilith announced that she hated black people during her introduction. If you ever wanted a stupid idea, here's one of the dumbest ones ever. She has not been invited back since.
2.18.13 Lilith grossed everyone at her table out by hogging the delicious fried chicken, eating it with her fingers, and dipping her spoon (the only utensil that goes in your mouth besides chopsticks) into the soup. I feel Barbara has caught on to her.
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Some of the people I'm here with. From left to right: Lilith, Niko, our guide/the Dean, Alessa. This temple was at the second ruins. I think it was a temple.
2.20.13 Forgot about going to Tai Chi today so got going a little later than planned. Lilith did not join us this time (my prayers have been answered!!) so she will be forced to go to yoga or something else. Barbara is the type of teacher who believes that if we talk to her we will realize she's just shy, not a bad person. This makes me remember she has a Hitler poster in her single at Coe. I don't think we'll be painting each others toe nails and gossiping about boys any time this lifetime. Or the next.
2.22.13 On the way back from buying detergent I walked past Lilith who made a point of ignoring me. I get the feeling she doesn't want to be friends.
2.28.13 Lilith's creepy horse message of the day was "Is the dance floor calling? No."
Lilith, who's half Laotian and this was her first time visiting Laos, spent her time in her room on her computer. Again I wonder why she came on this trip.
3.03.13 The other skit was... awkward. Lilith was randomly sitting on the ground talking about absinthe and Deanna happily stormed out at the end.
3.11.13 I had to sit by Lilith who dressed herself as a hooker. If my grandma saw the way she was dressed, that would be the first word out of her mouth. She bought some platform high heels that don't have a heel. I will take a creeper picture when I get the chance because they are so outrageous. They look like Lady Gaga shoes as a better description.
3.15.13 One thing I did edit out was how completely disgusting and rude Lilith was today. She actually belched at one of the Vietnamese students. Her behavior ranged from obnoxious to 'I was raised in a cave by monkeys'. The students were very concerned that she wasn't having fun.
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3.18.13 Watched Drexler try to talk to Lilith about some issues that she has been causing but we watched their body language get more and more closed so it was probably not successful.
3.26.13 When you get out of an elevator it is a common prank to push all the other buttons. Instead, I pushed all the buttons on the way up to our floor. Deanna and Donna took it as a joke but you could feel the loathing rolling off Lilith in waves so much it scared the others. I am not sad to say it made me happy to make her angry. I am a terrible person, but she is worse. One story the host students keep talking about often is how when Lilith showed up at her host's house she asked for potato chips. When none were given she asked to be taken to the bar.
3.30.13 Had to sit by Lilith. Again. I'm starting to believe that I am put in charge of her, that Drexler thinks I can handle this responsibility.
We are the first Asia Term to come here. It's all thanks to Lilith who's half Laotian and her dad wanting her to meet his side of the family. That's happening tomorrow. Perhaps getting sick suddenly would be the ideal way to deal with meeting a family of Nazis. This is her first time meeting her dad's family so we are expecting her to hate them immensely and the day to be awkward or they will make her their new leader.
3.31.13 She decided to wear her hooker shirt today to meet her dad's family for the first time. Hope she doesn't regret that later on.
4.04.13 In previous years Asia Term has been there for a week but because Lindsay wanted to meet her relatives our time in Cambodia has been cut down.
4.25.13 Lilith has gotten on everyones last nerve. Including Drexler's. It's a good thing we're coming home in a little bit.
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quinnlarrabee · 1 year
Palo santo 101
Before you click play on the audio recording and blithely ignore the written guide, be sure to review the important science-based charts and insight-rich visuals sprinkled throughout it.
If you’ve ever walked into a party hosted by someone under 40 in Brooklyn, Lisbon, California, Condesa or Roma Norte, or Venice Beach and not smelled palo santo, then you probably had covid. Over the past decade palo santo has become the official scent of good vibes. It is an olfactory assurance for anyone who recognizes the scent that conversation will be limited to polyamory, regional burns, and adaptogen supplements. Despite the fact that no one ever doesn’t want to smell palo santo, it’s important to know when to use it and when to relegate your surroundings to their default odor. This guide will ensure that you know exactly how to make the most of the palo santo you carry in the shoulder bag you purchased at the Sant Jordi flea market in Ibiza during the off-season.
Like most cultural appropriations, no one who burns palo santo knows what it is, where it came from, why they use it, or why it’s even called palo santo. Let’s uncover the facts. 
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Bursera Graveolens is a tree native to the dry tropical forests of South America. Its discovery by white people dates back to 1972 at a now defunct swingers resort in Quito, Ecuador, where a guest from New Jersey named Paulo Santonicola noticed a stick with a burning ember on the end of giving off a fetid, wispy trail of smoke. He pointed at the burning stick and asked the guy holding the cocaine tray, who would now be called a consent educator, “por que?”
“Plaga,” he replied, and gnashed his teeth and made a flapping-wing motion with the hand not holding the cocaine tray. Paulo brought the wood back to his central New Jersey home as a last-ditch effort to ward off the deer that were eating the tomatoes in his garden. He started burning the wood around the clock in the steamy summer of 1972, during which he and his girlfriend hosted dozens of play parties. 
“I didn’t care if people at my parties had a problem with the smell,” recounted Paulo. “Those frickin’ deer were jumping my fence and chewing through wire to eat my tomatoes. When I caught a whiff of that wood down in Quito, I thought, ‘they won’t come near my garden if I burn this shit.’” 
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Mr. Santonicola had achieved some level of notoriety in the adult film industry in the early 1970s, and his parties were well attended by neo-hippies, the disco elite and the first generation of yoga professionals. Over the course of the summer, a pavlovian association formed between the scent of the wood and casual sex, and his friends started asking him for sticks so that they could take the vibe home with them. At the sunset of his porn career, he saw an opportunity not only to rebrand his legacy, distancing himself from grainy adult films with problematic titles, but also to make oceans of cash: import the wood and sell it through his readymade network of yoga instructors under his stage name, Palo Santo. 
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Palo santo’s ubiquity today grew from its two foundational use cases: repelling pests and masking the odor of too many naked bodies in poorly ventilated New Jersey basements. Palo santo is still used today as a repellent of sorts to ward off bad vibes and people who do not use the word vibe in place of most nouns at the end of a question, such as scene, weather, temperature, culture, menu, rules, culture, law, opinion, suggested attire, relationship status, sexual proclivity, net worth and so on. It is also still used during group sex, but only when the group sex is intentional and/or ceremonial. There are many other ways, however, that you can improve the vibes of the world through the smoke of this wood, which was recently added to IUCN’s Red List of “near threatened” species, making it even more important to burn palo santo as a way of calling attention to its growing scarcity. 
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For a brief, blissful period during the pandemic, the only people who traveled were intrepid hipsters who had already contracted the virus and been instrumental in scaling it to global significance through music festivals, long-distance polycules and global nomadism. Commercial airlines from the spring of 2020 through the summer of 2021 were basically private air travel for people who know to always ask if party buffet chocolate is psycho-active. Air travel today is a much lower vibration experience, and it’s important that assertive restorative steps be taken by conscious travelers to make flying chill again. Hanging a dreamcatcher from the back of the seat in front of you and burning palo santo on the tray table is a great way of making a public flight experience feel more private. Be sure to light your palo santo only after the aircraft reaches cruising altitude, because tray tables must be stowed until then. 
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Other people’s parties
Not everyone with whom you may socialize is aware of how critical palo santo is to creating and maintaining a vibe. Some less experienced hosts try to make do with incense from India, Japan or other countries that have been annexed by Brooklyn or with candles from La Labo, and it may be up to you to rescue the vibe. Back when people consumed alcohol, bringing a nice bottle of wine was a way of showing a host your appreciation, but these days bringing palo santo, immediately lighting it and waving the stick around like Harry Potter on quaaludes is the optimal way of saying thank-you to someone who has invited you into their home.  
While palo santo has not been proven by any form of science to deliver the healing benefits touted by people who sell or use palo santo, be assured that it does all of the things people say it does. Burning palo santo creates smoke, and smoke is pretty to watch and - like cardiovascular exercise - creates a healthy challenge for your lungs. Medical facilities are places where people go to heal, and bringing palo santo to visit a recovering friend is a beautiful contribution to not only their journey back to health but also the recovery of every patient within a twenty to fifty foot radius. 
Conscious uncoupling ceremonies
Modifying your relationship trajectory in a direction that disappoints the person you are with might seem like a low vibe experience, but you can make it a high vibe experience by burning palo santo. While explaining that the rules that you set last week for your ENM pairing have become too confining, burning palo santo will deflect negative reactions and in some cases even seduce your partner into being amenable to a situationship that has absolutely no structure, rules or expectations. This can add to your sexual abundance and also serve as a pillar in your temple of confidence that helps you acquire new lovers at floor parties. If, rather than just undefining the relationship, you are certain there is no future with the person to whom you have exposed particles of burning wood, palo santo will prevent your ex-partner from making an opposing case or lingering too long after you have had uncoupling sex. 
During sex with someone you don’t want to fall in love with you
In a rare moment of cultural relevance, Science has proven that pheromones strengthen the bonds of attraction between two or many more people during sexual activity. Sometimes, though, it is undesirable to strengthen bonds with a sex partner. Sometimes, it is optimal to maintain a totally impartial, unattached, stoic distance between the person who you are inside / is inside of you, given that attraction can lead to unintended expectations. Burning palo santo is an excellent way of muting the potency of pheromones, leveling the olfactory playing field and creating a piney through-line for all the people participating in a sexual experience. 
Any kind of intentional wellness space
Because the smell of palo santo is so potent and distracting, burning it during intentional experiences (e.g. yoga, journaling, meditation, tantra classes, tantric sex, facials or any kind of PRP therapy) compels participants to step up their intention-setting efforts. It forces deep focus and concentration, kind of like how the deafening emo whines of RY X at a RY X concert force you to lean in, cock your head and make that weird squinty-eyed, mouth-agape listening face to be able to hear the unsolicited story of how literally anyone you happen to be standing next to was in an intentional polyamorous relationship with RY X.
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Ancient actually sacred genuinely authentic real cultural events that were not invented by white people to extract money from other white people
Many people who attend Burning Man have begun to explore other intentional gatherings outside of Nevada that don’t involve metallic gold body paint. Some of these gatherings are thousands of years old and are led by people who have trained their entire lives to uphold traditions that have been passed down for generations within their culture. Particularly if a gathering takes place in its country of origin (rather than being exported, diluted and branded, like an ethnic fast food franchise), you may encounter native smells that don’t smell like palo santo. In these cases, it is not only permissible but even advisable to add palo santo to everyone’s experience, which you have probably been very reluctantly allowed to attend. Burning palo santo will communicate to the religious or cultural leaders of the gathering that you are on their level and (despite having never read anything about the gathering other than first few words of the top Google result you saw while standing on the Premier Access line into your Delta flight at JFK / LAX / SFO) have a deep respect for whatever they are chanting in a language that you cannot understand while you record the most intensely sacred moments for the Instagram story that you will post at the appropriate time in your home time zone so that everyone will know that you are an internationally intentionally spiritual person who gets access to authentic cultural events. 
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Despite its countless unproven benefits and its universal appeal within a very small circle, there are certain times when palo santo should not be burned. Palo santo can trigger flashbacks for people who first encountered the scent of it during acid trips. If someone walks into your container, smells the palo santo you’re burning and begins behaving erratically, just ask them to immediately return to their own container, lest they harsh the vibe you’re cultivating. The only other times that do not call for burning palo santo are when you’re alone, and no one else will see you lighting the stick and waving it around the room, bringing it within inches of everyone’s face whether they’ve invited it or not, while making awkwardly long eye contact with them, nothing but the winding trail of smoke in front of your your vulnerable gaze, thus communicating to them that you are a spiritually endowed person and care deeply about them knowing that you are a spiritually endowed person. So, a helpful rule of thumb is this: as with masturbation, you should always and only be burning palo santo when someone is watching, otherwise what’s the point.
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an1tak · 3 months
new schedule! extremely detailed + visual schedules
as I said, an explanation of my new schedules and visual schedules my way, a little bit of my life! hope you like it or give you some ideas to do, god bless you and have a nice day!
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fixed daily schedules
Sleep: 10:00pm to 5:45am ( 7.5 hrs of sleep, 5 sleep cycles.
Exercise: 60 minutes of exercise per day ( either high or low impact.
study: 3 to 4 hours ( depending on the number of subjects.
Hobbies: 3 hours ( life is beautiful doing things you love.
other daily activities: 3 hours.
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Set daily routines:
morning routine
Wake up.
Drink a glass of water.
Put my playlist.
Brush my teeth.
Make the bed.
Wash my face.
Yoga / pilates.
Have breakfast + drink coffee + read something (article, book, etc).
Take a bath.
Get dressed.
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night routine
Review my obligations for the next day.
Drink water.
Brush my teeth.
Put on pajamas.
Read / watch something + yoga / pilates.
Draw / journal.
Play my nightly playlist.
Pray + read the bible.
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study routine
Play my study playlist.
Drink water or coffee.
Make a list of what I am going to study.
Put on the pomodoro.
Take breaks when I need them.
Concentrate on finishing the topics not so much on time.
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Workout soft routine (Yoga + Pilates)
10MIN full body cardio pilates workout // low-impact full body fat burn & tone | LIDIAVMERA
20MIN full body hourglass pilates // tone & slim | LIDIAVMERA
10MIN full body hourglass pilates | 7 DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE - day 6 | LIDIAVMERA
20MIN abs & booty hourglass pilates | 7 DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE - day 5 | LIDIAVMERA
15MIN full body HIT pilates for weight loss | 7 DAY SUMEMR CHALLENGE - day 4 | LIDIAVMERA
15MIN everyday hourglass pilates workout // intermediate level | LIDIAVMERA
10MIN full body gentle pilates workout // strengthen & lengthen // period pilates flow | LIDIAVMERA
20MIN full body pilates workout / DAY 4/7-DAY PILATES CHALLENGE / no equipment | LIDIAVMERA
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20 Min Power Yoga Flow | Full Body Vinyasa Yoga for All Levels
20-Minute Intermediate Power Yoga
20 Min Daily Yoga Flow | Every Day Full Body Yoga For All Levels
20 Min Morning Yoga Flow | Every Day Full Body Yoga For All Levels
30 Min Energising Morning Yoga Flow | Full Body for Yoga All Levels
Yoga To Reduce Stress | 30 Min Slow Flow - Relaxing Stretches + Savasana
20 Minute Evening Yoga + Savasana | Deep Stretch & Relax
20 MIN POWER YOGA FLOW To Feel Energised | Full Body Yoga Workout For Strength + Length
30 Minute Sweaty Power Flow
and a beautiful playlist:
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xoxo ana
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icaroid · 5 months
are you willing to offer the sacrifice class syllabus to the masses?? or at least a book list?? it's just that the topic is v interesting.
Hi!! I did look up the old syllabus, I'm not going to put it up in its entirety, but here's a list of the readings that we did:
Lewis Hyde, The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World
Walter Burkert, Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth
Jukka Jouhki, "Orientalism and India"
J. van Baal, "Offering, Sacrifice and Gift" in Numen, Vol. 23, Fasc. 3 http://www.jstor.org/stable/3269590
Alan Morinis, "The Ritual Experience: Pain and the Transformation of Consciousness in Ordeals of Initiation" http://www.jstor.org/stable/639985
Lawrence Babb, "The Food of the Gods in Chhattisgarh…" http://www.jstor.org.remote.slc.edu/stable/pdf/3629382.pdf
Sigmund Freud, Totem and Taboo
C. G. Jung, “Transformation Symbolism in the Mass,” in Baum, Mannheim, Campbell et. al., eds., The Mysteries (Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, vol. 2)
Euripides, The Bacchae (Lattimore translation)
Abraham's "binding of Isaac" Genesis 22:1-19
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex https://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/sophocles/oedipustheking.htm
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter. http://www.planetpublish.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11The_Scarlet_Letter_T.pdf
Victor Rosner, "Fire-Walking the Tribal Way" in Anthropos http://www.jstor.org/stable/40458234
Jean Varenne, Yoga and the Hindu Tradition.
Yael Bentor, "Interiorized Fire Rituals in India and in Tibet" in JAOS http://www.jstor.org/stable/606619
Sati: A Review Article by Werner Menski, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, Vol. 61, No. 1 (1998), pp. 74-81. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3107292
Wendy Doniger and Howard Eilberg-Schwartz, ed., Off With Her Head!: The Denial of Women's Identity in Myth, Religion, and Culture.
Joseph S. Alter, Gandhi's Body: Sex, Diet, and the Politics of Nationalism
Mohandas Gandhi, My Experiments with Truth: Autobiography. http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00litlinks/gandhi/index.html
War poems of Wilfred Owen—see " The Parable of the Young Man and the Old" and "Strange Meeting" http://www.rjgeib.com/thoughts/abraham/abraham.html
Shirley Jackson, "The Lottery"
Kevin Rushby, Children of Kali: Through India in Search of Bandits, the Thug Cult, and the British Raj
Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss, Sacrifice: Its Nature and Functions
Rene Girard, Violence and the Sacred
C. Marvin and D. Ingle, ed., Blood Sacrifice & The Nation
Sakuntala Narasimhan, Sati - Widow Burning in India
there's a focus on India bc that was the professor's area of expertise! hope this is helpful (its gonna b helpful for me in my writing abt jellowpackets lol)
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santmat · 6 months
Kabir The Great Mystic: Spiritual and Ethical Teachings - Spiritual Awakening Radio - Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
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Kabir, the "Rumi" of India, one of the greatest Saints, Poets, and Spiritual Masters in the history of the world! Selections: Says Kabir: "Kal (time, ego, limited mental perception) has entangled people in illusions to such an extent that they have totally forgotten their Real Home." "Meditation will remove all your burdens; meditation upon Ram's [God's] name will become your support." "One after another, many births I took; many paths I followed to escape this relentless cycle. Only when I made my mind still did I obtain the state of lasting repose." "Just as the lotus blooms after getting the light of the sun, in the same way the sufferings of the souls from ages and ages are finished after having darshan [vision] of Sat Purush [True Eternal Being, God]." The Bijak is a key scripture of the Kabir tradition: "Just as a coded document shows the way to a Hidden Treasure, just so this bijak shows the way to realize the soul; it teaches such words to the soul but there is seldom anyone to understand them." "Death enshrouds the whole world, including all the superstitious wise-men. Only those will be freed who find the Path of Love." (Satguru Kabir)
Kabir The Great Mystic: Spiritual and Ethical Teachings - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Play or Download MP3 @
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References, Subjects, and Sources Include: Songs of Kabir culled by Rabindranath Tagore; Sakhis of Kabir (1008 Kabir Vani); The Bijak; Kabir in the Adi Granth; Kabir Parachai; The Story of Ants in a Burning Log -- The mysterious figure of Kabir made his entry into the life of Dharam Das; The Ethical Foundation of Sant Mat -- Ahimsa Values -- The Five Precepts -- Moral Requirements to Qualify For Initiation; Seven Key Practices of Sant Mat Mysticism; Selections from the mystic poetry of Kabir from several sources; Readings from the Anurag Sagar and Baba Kehar Singh's commentary on the Anurag Sagar (Ocean of Love), a spiritual classic of the Sant tradition of India: God is Just Behind Our Eyes at the Third Eye Center; Initiation Into Inner Light and Sound Meditation (Surat Shabd Yoga) and Protection from Above Following the Path of Sants; A Book of Sant Mat Ethics: "1008 Kabir Vani" -- One of the Most Important Books of Kabir, a review of the book followed by selections: the Guru Verification Process; the Kal Niranjan (Negative Power): "This mind is like an intoxicated elephant;" The Repetition of God's Name; Meditation, Prayers of Guru Kabir; and, closing thoughts. (Kabir's name in Arabic means "Great", "Powerful, "Magnificent".)
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
A Satsang Without Walls
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mecontapaula · 2 years
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ronastudies · 9 months
omnia vincit aequatio challenge ⚖️✨
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We have all heard that hard work conquers all (omnia vincit labor)–however, a lot of us have also come to learn that (too) hard work burns out. After focussing on therapy and caring for myself, my body, my psyche and hence letting my productivity and labor dwindle for a long time, I am ready to get back into hard work while keeping the care and mental stability up–the goal is balance, equation, aequatio.
Are you ready to not only put your academic work but also yourself first and find your balance?
I came across this productivity challenge by @work-before-glory, got inspired and decided to start my own. If that sounds like something from which you might benefit as well, whether you are starting out on the overworked end looking for more breathers, on the recovering end looking to get back into the game or whether you have already accomplished balance and simply want to keep up this state–feel free to join using the following tag: omnia vincit aequatio challenge
Since I personally find myself at a point in my education and generally in a field that does not require 'studying' for exams and the like, this challenge was created in a way that also allows those with a full-time or part-time job outside of their academic work (such as myself) to participate, along with those whose academic work consisty mostly of reading and writing.
📷 ☕ 🖋️ 🕯️ ✉️ 🏹 📜 🎻  🏛 ♟️ 🧳  🎞️  ⏳
Here are the premises for each day:
One day per week can be taken off, ideally not a work/job day to allow proper rest.
Aim for 30 days, then adjust and expand as needed and possible.
1. academic work Do at least one hour of deep work (very focused academic work, that is) on work/job days, at least two hours on non-work/job days. Reading should not count into this time. 2. nourishment Eat a nourishing breakfast as well as at least one proper (warm) meal per day. 3. movement & fresh air Get some exercise or move your body every day: Do a workout, go for a walk, dance, stretch. (I personally aim to go to the gym two or three times per week, go to a dancing class and yoga class once per week each, and go outside for a walk every day.) 4. literacy Read at least twenty-five pages per day, ideally on top of any reading for academic work. Write at least half a page, ideally aside from such for academic purposes. 5. happiness knickknack Do at least one small thing that makes you really happy: buy or make yourself a nice drink, watch or read something, spend time with someone–whatever makes your heart do a little happy dance. 6. documentation Log your experiences and accomplishments in a post. Review your day before going to bed in a physical notebook on paper with a pen, no screens allowed here: Ask yourself what you did well and what you could have done better, if you feel happy and balances, and what you want for the next day.
📷 ☕ 🖋️ 🕯️ ✉️ 🏹 📜 🎻  🏛 ♟️ 🧳  🎞️  ⏳
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marnz · 9 months
2023 review
an extremely long post re: thoughts on this year
2023 was an extremely weird and fun year of a lot of personal growth! Late last year I had to take leave from work due to some health issues originating from burn out, and going into this year I was extremely nervous about returning to work. I was also determined to do more events and activities this year, which was my ~covid resolution~. And this year turned out to be way different from anything I could have imagined! Not only was returning to work successful, I could quickly tell that the time I took off was instrumental to my health going forward. The skills and perspective shift I practiced and worked on quickly proved themselves to be really important and I felt much better in just about every situation with them on board. I don't want to pretend that this year wasn't difficult--it was, it was stressful and full of a lot of hard work and uncertainty because I did a lot of stuff I had never done before, and tried a lot of new things, and also tried to make some decisions regarding my future. But all of that growth led to some really good things, which I wanted to document.
Good things:
got my driver's license
started doing yoga, which has been great for stress relief. now at the point where I have started to do it independently instead of relying on a class
got back into knitting and knit my first sweater!
saw several shows this year! and I went to a lot of them with friends
befriended some people at work! I always find it challenging to make the leap from work-friend to friend, but turns out going to concerts with people makes that happen. This is also nice bc a lot of my local friends have moved away due to cost of living
made a lot of training progress with Piper. Walking her is so much easier & enjoyable now, and I think our relationship has gotten even better. This has been a multi year project.
read 63 books this year, 13 more than last year. Audiobooks have been a life saver, and reading didn't feel like a chore the way it did at the end of last year.
returned to work successfully, started working on cool projects at work, and have gotten some recognition for it!
went to europe! on a sort of delayed honeymoon
wrote a couple more short stories and worked on original long term fiction a bunch
spent more time kayaking! and more time outside in general, hiking, walking piper, running, etc
got elected VP of the union and became a shop steward, which has been both very rewarding and very challenging
set clear financial goals that I am making progress towards
started being able to eat eggs again! not sure how this happened but it's been a life saver. thank you, immune system.
survived getting covid 😩
started adderall and oh my god....a game changer.
got better at setting boundaries
next year, I would like to work on:
becoming a morning person! I used to be a morning person and then when I got really depressed I lost that power. I know it's possible for me if I take the right steps. I've already started working on it because i'm a masochist
running. I hear it's so good for stress relief and it is so common in my field, plus it is a more attainable form of outside time than hiking (requires driving long distances, waiting for weekend, etc) or kayaking (seasonal, requires buying kayaks, waiting for weekend). my psych also told me that apparently exercise helps stabilize mood and adhd! two things i could def benefit from. i started running today and uhh we'll see how it goes lol. also, i don't drink, i don't smoke, i don't use substances of any kind, give me that fucking runner's high
driving more. driver's license or no, driving still scares me! i want to get to the point where I feel comfortable driving long distances alone, such as being able to take someone to the airport if the train isn't running
continuing big projects at work. honestly I am still considering law school and these projects will give me the chance to think deeply about whether complex litigation is for me.
writing. to be honest, while I still think about my writing projects almost daily, writing just isn't a priority right now. And that's fine. I want to give myself some space and time. i would not have been able to say this a year ago...
using my phone less! something I've noticed is that my phone sometimes makes me feel pretty agitated or i feel overwhelmed by notifications? and that I am happier and able to focus better if my phone is in the other room. for example, when i take a bath I typically put my phone in another room and then i am able to read for hours. I would like to work on this.
continuing creative hobbies. such as knitting, doing more wood working, learning how to sew, etc. brain feel good...
moving & creating a home. we are moving early in the new year, which I am stressed about, but I'm also really excited because it will be a great new space and the location is really, really good. i want to work on making sure this place is as cozy and happy as possible, and also set it up so we can host guests so loved ones can come visit more easily
continuing to build a wardrobe i am happy with! I think I have written before that a lot of my work clothes make me feel like I'm wearing drag, and I'd like to fix that and also continue to knit myself customized pieces I love. like, a sweater vest to wear with a white button down, etc. gender wise i am just vibing but I like menswear more and I would like to continue exploring that
this year I have spent more time talking with my dad and my partner about the future, and while I am still considering law school everyone, including me, is worried about my health w/r/t that, let alone financial shit. my thoughts on this are...I need to have a solid stress management infrastructure in place to be a happy person, regardless of what I do in the future. Knitting & yoga & taking Piper on very long walks daily, plus having stuff to look forward to (shows), has really helped me this year, so I would like to continue exploring that.
as far as work...well I would like it to dictate my life less. right now I'm working from home (office is being remodeled) and I feel like the most boring person alive because I am just. home all the time. I do find work novel because last year I was doing high stress complex litigation and absolutely falling apart over it and this year I'm so chill while doing the same sort of thing. mainly because I have spent so many hours building stress management processes, working on perfectionism, getting perspective, and i've recovered from burn out. game fucking changer! my workload is way too high really high right now, which I don't love, and I keep being put in extremely challenging situations! but that's okay.
anyway. I don't want to misrepresent my life and claim it was exclusively wins this year...there were some really difficult months. December in particular has been so hard. but I'm really happy that I tried so much new stuff this year and I'm excited for 2024.
sending love to y'all! <3
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