#you ain’t nothing but a heartache
larz-barz · 1 year
wHaT dOeS mIlO tHiNk Of ThE oNe AnD oNlY ✨cHiP✨
“I love her! She’s really silly!”
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f1inl3ey · 2 years
I want it that way was playing on the radio while I was in the car earlier and yk what popped into my head?
This scene.
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seagreenstardust · 2 years
Who was going to tell me that Taylor Swift was actually writing about bkdk all these years
#no exaggeration she’s got so many bkdk songs#so many#katsuki’s guilt and heartache and struggle#izuku’s grief and forgiveness and literal thirst#she has it all#it’s the yearning right??#it’s the yearning#‘maybe it’s the past screaming from the crypt telling me to punish you for things you never did so I justified it’#‘I scream for whatever it’s worth I love you ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard’#‘I wake up screaming from dreaming someday I’ll watch as you’re leaving and life will lose all its meaning’#‘the more you say the less I know wherever you stray I follow I’m begging for you to take my hand’#‘I’ve been the archer I’ve been the prey who could ever leave me darling but who could stay’#‘hey it’s all me in my head I’m the one who burned us down but it’s not what I meant I’m sorry that I hurt you’#‘you always knew how to push my buttons you gave me everything and nothing this mad mad love makes you come running#‘who you are is not what you did’#‘I’d be smart to walk away but you’re quicksand this slope is treacherous this path is reckless and I like it’#there’s more there’s so many more#lol didn’t realize how much ts sings about screaming but here we are#lover is like Katsuki’s album and red belongs to Izuku#reputation is just bkdk au thirst#and they both made a home in folklore and evermore#bkdk#bakudeku#at this point my bkdk playlist is half ts and I don’t know how I got here#honestly I was ts neutral until i was building that playlist and now things will never be the same
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jackiscool231 · 2 years
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Ah yes not only do I want to support noted bad person jk Rowling I want to do it by thematically aligning myself with the main villains in her story the wizard nazis
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fever-dreamer97 · 3 months
Izuku, on the phone: How am I supposed to distract the crowd until you get here?!
Bakugo: Like I know! Just think of something, you damn nerd!
Izuku: Ugh!
Bakugo, rushes in: Thank God I’m finally here-
Izuku, singing to the crowd: TELL ME WHY!
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— TANGERINE blurb,
him trying to comfort you on a road trip —
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summary. you hate seeing roadkill, it makes you painfully sad. tangerine notices you go quiet on a road trip and tries his best to make the situation better. 567 words
warnings. mentions about road kill. implied fem!reader
inspired by my trip to london the other day when I saw so many dead animals. literally killed me. this is for my sensitive babes, I love you
It wasn’t often you’d be quiet in the car with Tangerine. All the more rare when you blank him completely. 
It was nothing he had done, nothing he had said for you to feel this way. But instead, something far different.
You and Tangerine were driving to another city, the motorway needed as the direct route. You sat in the passenger seat while he drove, forcefully keeping your eyes on the road ahead – doing everything you can not to look out at the window beside you.
It was tough. Your eyes almost always honing in on the roadkill, eyeline focusing on the lost lives of animals curled up on the side of the road.
It got to you. It really upset you. 
And as you try to stop yourself from crying, you unknowingly go quiet — shutting yourself from Tangerine’s presence. 
He noticed. He always does.
His eyes occasionally flick over to you beside him, momentary glances at you when his questions go unanswered.
“Love?” he says, his voice finally reaching you. “Alright?” he asks quickly, gaze darting at you for a brief moment before refocusing on the road — the fast speed stopping him from his usual longing looks.
You snap out of thought, letting go of the fabric on your sweater.
“What’s the matter?” he asks, repeating his question for a number of times you’re not aware of.
“Nothing,” you shake your head, turning away to look down at your hands.
“No, I know that look,” he says, voice soft. “Somethings bothering you, what is it?”
He slows down, the speed of his fancy car decreasing with the traffic up ahead.
You turn to face him, the look on his face all too warm and familiar. 
“I keep,” you pause, trying not to get choked up by the thought. “I keep seeing roadkill and it’s… it’s making me sad,” you admit, speaking coy even though you had no reason to feel that way. He would never judge.
He pauses, eyes flickering over you once he stops — the cars ahead stationary. He looks as though he’s uncertain of what to say, or what you should hear. But nothing comes to mind, no words of comfort filling his brain. Instead, he reaches for your hand, his grip tight as he brings it to his face. He presses a kiss into the back of it, hand held tight to yours as he lets it linger — holding it just under his chin. 
“It’s not nice, is it?” he coos almost, speaking to you gently. 
“No,” you shake your head, bottom lip turning downwards as an almost beg to stop yourself from crying. “It’s so stupid,” you scoff to yourself.
“It ain’t nice at all, darlin’, I know— keep your eyes on me a sec,” he interrupts himself, eyes stern on you to keep you from turning away. 
But it wasn’t just that though. He asked you to keep your focus on him, not because he wanted your attention, but instead, he didn’t want you to see what he’s about to drive past. He was saving you the heartache, stopping you from seeing what’s on the side of the road.
As the traffic begins to slowly dissipate, he’s yet to move your hand from his face. He keeps it tucked under his chin, lips pressed into the back like his goal was to calm and soothe — his other gripped on the wheel.
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miryum · 2 months
"Tactical Village"
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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���Do you recognise any of these men?” Y/n asked a woman who was wearing a ‘Visitor’ tag. 
The woman shook her head, saying, “I was hiding in the bathroom stall so I didn’t see his face. But, I heard him. He was singing along to the track.”
“Do you remember what he was singing?”
“Oh my gosh, no, Y/n,” Jason couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Don’t do it….” Y/n chuckled along with him. Captain Wayne had assigned a detective to Y/n whenever she interrogated a perp. There had been an… incident. 
Cass didn’t know who gave Y/n a guitar, but the woman was currently torturing a perp with her terrible playing of the instrument, accompanying the sound with loud, off-tune screaming. 
The woman shrugged. “I think it was that song ‘I Want it That Way.’ ” 
Y/n hummed. “Backstreet Boys, I’m familiar.”
“Maybe a little too familiar,” Jason muttered. He thought of all the times Y/n had agonised both the criminals and detectives on duty with their songs.
“Number one,” Y/n ignored Jason, pressing a button for the intercom. “Could you please sing the opening to ‘I Want it That Way?’”
“Really? Uh… okay,” Perp 1 said. “You are… my fire?”
Y/n glanced over to the witness who shook her head. “Number two, keep it going.”
“The one… desire.” Perp 2 squinted to Perp 1, looking for confirmation that this was actually happening. 
“Number three?” Y/n nodded along to the nonexistent beat. 
“Believe… when I say?”
“Number four!” Y/n called out, grinning widely, leaning on the desk.
“I want it that way.”
“TELL ME WHY!” Y/n sang loudly into the microphone. 
“Ain’t nothing but a heartache,” all the suspects chanted along. 
“Ain’t nothing but a mistake…”
“Now number five,” Y/n crooned to the melody.
Perp 5 raised his hand, losing himself in the music. “I never wanna hear you say,”
“WHOO!” Y/n shouted out.
“I want it that way,” everyone finished together.
“Chills! Literal chills!” Y/n shivered, giggling. 
“It was number five,” the woman said. “Number five killed my brother.” 
“Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that,” Jason murmured. “And, Y/n, just so you know, you pressed the ‘speaker’ button. Everyone in the precinct could hear that.” 
“Ohhh… whoops?”
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“Happy Tactical Village Day!” Y/n high-fived Tim on her way in the door. “Happy Tactical Village Day, Cass! Happy Tactical Village Day!”
“L/n, I'm surprised to see you so excited about departmentally mandated training exercises,” Wayne commented. 
“Why, ‘tis the most fun day of the year, my good sir! Something you wouldn't understand, because you're not programmed to feel joy.”
“Yes, but my software is due for an upgrade,” Wayne retorted.
”When you play along with the robot jokes it ruins my enjoyment of them,” Y/n pouted.
“Yes, I am aware.”
“Anyway, Tactical Village Day is awesome!” Y/n continued with her rant. “We get to field test a bunch of cool, new weapons and there's always a fun training situation. Last year's was prison break. It got uber violent. It was like being in an action movie.” Her eyes went wide with excitement.
Y/n was using a piece of her hair to slowly chisel away at a metal bar of a cell.
“Y/n?” Steph called from the other end of the cell. “Cass and I dug a tunnel. Wanna use it?”
“Go on without me,” Y/n said in a deep, gruff voice. “I’ll make due by myself.”
“It's also a good opportunity for us to bond as a unit,” Steph said, reminding them all the true reason of Tactical Village Day.
“Everybody gets into it,” Y/n exclaimed. 
Jason kicked down a door and he and Dick rushed through it, screaming as they stormed the room. 
It turned out to be a supply closet.
“Suffice to say, the sixty-sixth has never had a perfect run,” Dick chuckled and scratched his neck. 
“Yeah, but Y/n has been the finalist for coolest kill two years in a row,” Stephanie said. “Every precinct sends their footage and all the cops vote.”
“It's not that big of a deal,” Y/n waved her away. “All you win is a children's tennis trophy, so…”
“You desperately want that trophy, don't you?” Wayne asked.
“So badly.” Y/n growled. “I will stop at nothing to obtain my prize. I'll shoot all of you in the face if I have to!”
“Go team,” Damian said monotonously. 
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“Okay, so,” Y/n slid into the seat next to Jason’s on the bus ride over. “I’ve figured out my fictional persona for this year’s shooty-shooty rootin-tootie.”
“How the hell do you come up with these names?” Jason muttered, mostly to himself. 
“I am… Gina Thunderhouse. Russian spy, weapons master, and total badass. I even have cool Russian accent.” she said in a bad accent. “Babushka. Moscow. Rasputin.” 
“You know ‘babushka’ means ‘grandma,’ right?”
“Whatever. At least I have a persona, Mr. I’m-not-even-trying-to-be-fun.”
“This training isn’t about fun,” Jason frowned. “It’s about honing our skills to be better officers.”
“We shoot paint at pretend bad guys!” Y/n cried. “How is that not fun?!”
“I’m gonna go talk to Dick,” Jason said, standing up. “You have fun thinking of more Russian words.”
Steph quickly filled Jason’s empty seat, grinning sharply. “Seems like you two are getting cosy!”
“Come on, Brown. Not this again!”
“You gotta admit there’s spark.” 
“How many times do I have to tell you?!” Y/n exclaimed. “He’s like a brother to me.”
“And Leia was like a sister to Luke,” Steph sang out.
“Okay, that’s not fair. Luke didn’t know! No one knew.”
Steph shrugged and let the conversation go, though a smile flitted through her lips. Soon, the sixty-sixth arrived at the building where Tactical Village Day would commence. Walking in the doors, duffel bags full of gear and weapons in hand, Y/n shouted out, “The six-six is in the house!” 
“Six-six!” The rest of the crew echoed.
“Hey! Biz!” Y/n greeted an old friend. “They upgraded you from bystander to perp! That’s great, man. Still gonna blow your brains out though.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything else,” Biz waved back.
“Jason Todd?” A voice spoke from a crowd of detectives and cops. “Is that you?”
“Rose?” Jason’s head whipped towards the voice. “It’s been so long! What’re you doing here?”
“I’m with the seventeenth now,” she explained. “We’re paired with you guys today.” Rose was a tall, slim, blonde girl whom it seemed Jason connected with very well. 
“Wha- what’s going on here?” Y/n shuffled up to them, Steph close behind. 
“Oh, Y/n, this is Rose Wilson.” Rose held out a hand and Y/n firmly shook it. “Rose, this is Y/n L/n. She’s the life of the six-six.” He placed a hand on Y/n’s lower back, pushing her slightly forward. 
“Nice to meet you,” Rose said. 
“Likewise,” Y/n pressed her lips together in a smile. 
“Well, I gotta go,” Rose hugged Jason. “I’ll see you later, though. Great seeing you.”
“You too,” Jason returned the hug. 
Once Rose had left with a wave, Y/n turned to Jason and questioned, “So… who was that?”
“That was Rose,” Jason said as if it was the most obvious thing. “We went on a couple of dates last year.” 
“You did?” Steph asked. Y/n had forgotten she was behind her. Cass joined them, silently backing up her friends.
“Yeah, I liked her, but she was stationed in Metropolis so I didn’t get to see much of her. I guess it just fizzled out.”
“Right,” Y/n gawaffed. “That's the girl you said the lame stuff about. Like ‘she's a good listener’ and shit.” Internally, she felt bad for deriding Rose- she seemed like a nice person- but she couldn’t help but take a rag at Jason.
“I'm sorry, what do you look for in a relationship?” Jason asked snarkily. 
“I don't know,” Y/n shrugged. “Real stuff. Shape of their ass. Sense of dark humour.”
“Of course.” Jason rolled his eyes and stalked away.
“Isn’t it weird that Jason dated that girl?” Y/n scoffed, hands on her hips.
Steph raised her brows, mirroring L/n’s stance. “Why do you care so much?” Her voice rose higher with each word.
“Okay, first of all, your insinuating voice is way too high,” Y/n accused. “It's weird. And second, I don't care. I'm just wondering why he would like her.”
“Whatever you say,” Steph said, voice still high-pitched and she shuddered. “Okay, yeah, I hear it now. I sound like Cat from Sam and Cat.”
“Yes, you do.” Cass agreed. “But, I agree. L/n needs to confront her feelings for Todd and woman up.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and excused herself from the conversation, claiming the need to talk to Tim.
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“Oh, this is so cool!” Y/n squealed, holding a parallel gun. “You can shoot around corners. I love guns.” She sighed and said, “I'm gonna make such a good mom someday.”
Jason shook his head, lips pursing. “Not even gonna touch that.”
“Not even gonna touch that: Title of your sex tape,” Y/n muttered, then chuckled. “Come on, man. At least make me work for it.”
Soon, it was time for the sixty-sixth to run the simulation. The team was standing by the door, waiting to be let in when Y/n slid by on her knees, making a dramatic entrance. “Gina Thunderhouse had arrived.” Her voice was, once again, accented in a bad Russian tone.
“That was majestic,” Tim joked.
“Custom kneepads to help me win coolest kill,” Y/n patted her knees, showing off her kneepads. After an awkward silence, she asked, “What, don't tell me Thunderhouse is the only lady here with a signature move!”
Tim shrugged. “I was bouncing around the idea where when I'm out of ammo, I release my mag and dropkick or chuck it into someone's throat.”
“You know how people hold their guns sideways to look cool?” Dick asked. Y/n nodded and the sarge continued, “It got me thinking. What if you held your gun upside-down?” He demonstrated it, flipping his gun upside down, finger still on trigger.
Before Y/n could respond with how that was an incredibly stupid idea, a loud buzzer sounded and another precinct marched out the door, looking victorious.
“Seventeenth’s done.” Y/n muttered and Stephanie stepped closer to her. “Heads up.”
“Hey. How'd it go?” Jason greeted Rose. 
Rose smiled and replied, “it went well. We had a perfect run! And not to brag, but I think we just set a GCPD course record for time.”
“Definitely a brag,” Y/n huffed quietly. 
“A course record?” Jason’s brows shot up.  “That’s so cool.”
“Thanks.” Rose looked up at him. “I'm psyched. By the way, good luck in there.”
“Thanks,” Jason called after her as she walked away.
“All right, huddle up.” Y/n pulled Jason away by the strap of his vest and into a group huddle. “This is how it's going down.”
“What happened to your accent, Gina?” Steph asked teasingly, knowing full well what was going on.
“Forget that shit.” Y/n frowned. “We're taking this seriously. Okay, on three: Let's break that course record and be the best precinct here! One, two, three!”
The group repeated, “let’s break that course record and… uh…” They all trailed off, mumbling different things as they forgot the words. 
“Yeah, I agree, it was too many words.” Y/n grimaced. “Let’s just do it.”
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“Okay, I've got the details for this simulation.” Dick sat in front of a console, radioing in to everyone’s headsets. “A group of armed men entered an embassy and took hostages.”
“Which embassy?” Y/n couldn't help but ask. She shook her head, reminding herself to stay focused. “Doesn't matter. We’ll just say, Canada. They’re too nice to say no if someone asks to take them hostage. So take out the perps, clear the civilians, rescue the hostages?”
“Affirmative,” Dick confirmed. “This is an active shooter situation. You're cleared for maximum engagement.”
“‘Maximum engagement?’” Y/n scoffed. “What is this, Jurassic Park: The Ride?” 
Dick didn’t answer, commanding, “Brown and Drake, perimeter security. Brown, make sure he doesn’t fall asleep, but also doesn’t die from caffeine overdose. He only got two and a half hours last night.”
“Got it,” Brown said, yanking Tim’s cup of coffee away from him.
“L/n and Todd, you're the assault team. I'll be in the command centre. Cain, I need you to do surveillance on the places I can’t see.”
“On it.” Cass disappeared into the vents and Dick stared after her, wondering how she didn’t end up as an assassin-for-hire.
“All right, focus up,” Y/n said into the comms. “We got eighteen minutes and forty-one seconds to break this record. No screwing around.”
“Wow, you're really not gonna do a character?” Jason asked, smirking.
“I am playing a character,” Y/n said. “A no-nonsense detective whose only goal is to set this course record. Her name is Y/n L/n. She’s a kid who grew up with an absent father and just wants to prove herself. I don't have time for her full back-story. Sarge, please, let’s start.”
“Okay, guys, and go!” Dick clicked a stopwatch and the team rushed in.
Y/n zipped around a corner, gun drawn. When she didn’t see anyone, she called, “clear!”
She and Jason repeated the actions, peeking around corners and yelling, “clear.”
Y/n turned around a corner and fired two shots at a cop labelled “PERP.”
“Nice,” Jason commented.
Y/n ignored him and said, “okay, only three perps left. We might actually do this.”
Dick’s voice came in through the comms. “L/n, Cain has intel that there’s a hostage in room 409.”
“Copy that.” Y/n inhaled and said, “I love how it always smells like fresh paint here. Reminds me of how often I moved as a child.”
“No talking,” Jason reminded her. “You'll give away our position.”
“Look out!” Y/n was staring over his shoulder. She quickly lifted her gun and fired a shot at someone. 
Jason shielded away from the noise. “That was close.” He inspected Y/n and said, “there's paint in your hair.” He reached up and smoothed the paint away. “Thanks for shooting that guy.”
“My pleasure.” Y/n followed him around the corner and stared at a door marked 409. “The hostages are in there. Intel says there's a couple of heavily-armed perps with them.”
Jason asked, “you want to wait for backup?”
Y/n shook her head. “No time. We only have a minute to win the record.” She sighed and declared, “I'm going in.” At Jason’s scandalised look, she reassured him, smiling. She gently took Jason’s gun from his hands. “Don't worry. I have a plan on how to beat them: Give up.”
“Trust me,” Y/n said. “Or don't.” She shrugged. “I'm doing it anyway.” Jason’s heart dropped, watching her walk cautiously into the room. She announced, hands holding her guns in the air, “GCPD! Don't shoot!” Inside the room were two perps, guarding three hostages. “I'm here to surrender,” Y/n told them. The hostages looked at her as if she was crazy. “Let the hostages go and take me instead,” she said. 
“Not happening.” One of the perps growled. “Drop your weapon!”
”Okay, okay, my fingers are off the triggers.” Y/n agreed, dangling her guns off her fingers. “I'm just gonna slowly put them down in front of me….” She started crouching down. Jason watched, aghast, from the doorway. “I’m slowly putting 'em…” Suddenly, she twisted her fingers around and pulled the triggers, shooting the two perps in the chest.
“Goddamn it!” One of the perps yelled.
“Dick, time!” Y/n shouted into her comm.
“18 minutes, 28 seconds. You broke the record!” Dick cried back.
“Yes! Nice!” Jason ran in and hugged Y/n tightly, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around. She squealed and hugged him back. 
Jason paraded her out of the room and they greeted their teammates to a chorus of cheers, applause, and claps on the back.
“Ah, there she is!” Dick called.
“The record is ours.” Y/n spread her arms.
“I still can't believe your final kill came from Dick’s move.” Tim shook his head, looking disgusted.
“You went upsy-downsies?” Dick gasped. “That's what I call it, because you hold the gun upside-down.”
Y/n sighed. “Yes, Richard, I went upsy-downsies. And none of you shall ever speak of it again.”
“But I want to speak of it,” Jason whined. “You looked really stupid.”
“Alright, let's go.” Dick grinned. “Drinks are on me.”
“Nice! Here we go, six-six!” Y/n held her hand up to Jason for a high-five, face flushed with excitement.
Jason grimaced. “Actually, Rose asked me to dinner, so maybe I can meet up with you guys afterwards?”
Y/n’s face dropped. “Oh. Sure. Yeah. Of course. Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.” Jason nodded and left, giving goodbyes as he walked away.
“What's going on, Gina Thunderhouse?” Cass smirked, sidling up with Steph. 
Y/n muttered, “what do you think Jason sees in Rose?”
“So you do like him!” Steph accused, smiling slyly. 
“I'm just curious!” Y/n tried to defend. “I mean, she's okay-looking and a good cop….” But aren’t I okay-looking and a good cop? “Also, she set the course record, but that's nothing. I broke it, like, 20 minutes later.”
“You want to know why he went out with her and not you?” Cass asked quietly. 
“Yeah.” Y/n swallowed harshly. 
“Because she actually asked him out,” Steph finished.
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Captain Wayne raised a brow, looking down at Y/n’s desk. “You won coolest kill?” He gestured to the small tennis trophy Y/n was staring at. 
“No- not by a long shot.” She chuckled dryly. “But Dick bought it for me ‘cause he felt like I should’ve won. But he’s bias, of course.”
“Of course.” Captain Wayne smiled softly. “Detective, are you alright?”
“Yeah. Thanks, Captain,” Y/n mumbled. “Can- can I ask you a question?” 
“Sure, L/n.”
Y/n looked up at Wayne. “How’d you know Clark was the one?” she whispered.
Bruce sighed and offered, “come into my office. And bring your trophy.”
Doing as she was told, Y/n followed Bruce into his office. She sat down and Bruce took the trophy from her, placing it on his desk proudly. “When I first got here, Damian told me of your predicament.” When Y/n’s mouth fell open in betrayal, Bruce held up his hand. “I would’ve figured it out either way. I used to be a detective, after all. But what he didn’t know is if Todd liked you back. However, based on months of observation, I’ve noticed, for lack of a better simile, that Todd follows you like a lost puppy. I should know; I acted the same way towards Clark before we started dating.”
“Did you ask him out?” Y/n asked.
Bruce let out a laugh. “God, no. I was too scared. But that’s not an invitation to make the same mistakes I did. I lost a lot of time with Clark because of my anxiety.”
“Duly noted, Captain. Thank you.”
“Anytime, L/n. And good job in the Tactical Village.”
“Thank you, sir.”
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underthetree845 · 11 months
Pocky Game? (have you ever heard of the...)
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Dazai Osamu/Reader (oneshot)
Cws: gn! reader (he calls you "Belladonna" and "Beautiful" but gender is not explicitly stated), ada dazai, flirting, (one) mention of suicide because it's Dazai, mutual pining because I'm such a sucker for it, office love, pocky game, dazai osamu needs a hug, dazai being a (loveable) piece of work
About 1.5k words
Summary: Dazai and Reader play the pocky game in the office of the Armed Detective Agency.
A/n: In case anyone gets confused, the song reference is to I Want It That Way by Backstreet Boys. I can't believe I actually kept that joke in there. Anyways, I've never written for this trope before and I wanted to try, so I ended up with this!
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He’s such a goddamn tease. 
Always has been. 
With those big brown eyes, so deep yet so sharp. Like some cruel joke, the longer you stare the more difficult it gets to look away. 
He knows the way your knees go weak when he brushes his hand along your spine. He knows you nearly can’t stand it when he drops his voice an octave and utters words far too close to your ear for you to comprehend the actual meaning of. Those coffee-colored eyes observe every detail of your reaction, then file it all away in that bewildering mind for god knows what reason. 
So how, you wonder, did you ever end up with those eyes mere centimeters away from your own, the glint in them paired with a mischievous curl of his lips? 
“Y/n-san!~” an all too familiar voice bursts through the office door. The tall man takes long strides up to meet you, sitting down with a plop in his office chair right across from yours. He wheels it out to the side, you hear something shuffling as he slips it into his pocket. 
Kunikida would’ve condemned you for the stoicism you displayed. Finally, when Dazai bumps his seat into yours, you turn to look at him with a long, unfazed sigh. 
“Dazai, I wanted to stay alone in the office during lunch so I could finish up a report, remember?” you remind him, hands still hovering over the keys of your computer. 
“Let’s play a game,” he suggests, equally unfazed as he stares at you with a grin. 
“The answer is no,” you turn back to your screen, just barely missing the start of a pout on his lips. 
“But why?” he leans forward. 
“Dazai,” your tone is hard. 
“Tell me why,” he insists, blinking those stupid brown eyes up at you like some kind of lost puppy. 
“I need to finish this because someone didn’t complete their half of the report for the field job we did yesterday,” you remind him sternly. 
He pauses for a moment before, very quietly, ever so softly, you hear, “Ain’t nothing but a heartache~” 
“Oh,” you loudly scoff, “I think I’m actually going to kill you.” 
Dazai’s mouth quirks into a grin. 
“Ain’t nothing but a mistake,” he continues, that stupidly charming smile growing on his lips. 
“Dazai,” you shove his shoulder, not being able to help the chuckle that slips from your throat. 
“And I never wanna hear you say,” the brunette theatrically sings into an invisible microphone before holding it out to you. You make eye contact and a sigh leaves your lips. 
“...That I want it that way,” you finish sheepishly. Dazai didn’t miss the faint dusting of pink on your cheeks. 
“Ah~” he falls against the back of his chair with a dreamy sigh and a clenched hand over his chest, “my Belladonna is so talented.” 
You almost blushed at the nickname. 
He’s just a flirt, you’ve heard him use that same term with countless others, you remind yourself. 
“Yeah yeah,” you reply. Dazai watches as you lean back in your chair again and cross your arms, but you don’t turn back to your desk. 
“I promise the game won’t take long,” he adds, and you let out a sigh. 
“Fine, one round,”  you hold up a finger and Dazai grins. 
He hums, “Whatever you say, Beautiful,” pushing his chair forward so that the two of you are face to face. Your knees touch and he rests on his elbows. If you both leaned forward just a little more you’d probably- 
“I’m sure it won’t last long, I’ll probably beat you without even breaking a sweat,” the detective says comfortably. 
“As if,” you let out a huff; he has to restrain himself from cooing at the face you make when he gets under your skin. 
“Is that a challenge?” he replies with a raised eyebrow, “You want to win?” 
“Against you? Any day,” you make sharp eye contact and Dazai forces himself to ignore the stir in his chest. 
“Alright then,~” his voice is smooth, his long fingers sliding the box out of his pocket. “Y/n-san, have you ever heard of the pocky game?” Dazai holds the pink box up next to his face, tilts his head to the side, and your heart nearly stops. 
“I- what?” your eyes widen. You can feel blood rush to your cheeks. “You want to play the pocky game… with me?” 
“That is what I’m suggesting,” he gives you a close-eyed smile. 
“Well, I mean,” you trail off, wanting to curse the softness in your tone. 
“Are you not up for it?” he says sadly, “Bella, you promised me at least one round, remember?” This man is going to hell. 
“Okay,” you sigh, hoping your nervousness doesn’t bleed through your expression, “Just one round.” 
“Of course, one round is all I need.” 
Dazai opens the package and takes a singular strawberry-coated stick out. He holds it like a cigarette between two fingers, you internally roll your eyes when he gives himself the frosted end. 
“Ready?” there’s a glint in his eyes as he hovers the pocky between your faces. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you reply, clenching your hands together in your lap. 
Dazai lets out a chuckle but says nothing more. 
In the next moment, both of your lips are on the pocky, a mere sixteen centimeters apart. 
You make eye contact and Dazai keeps his gaze steady but is unable to help the way his pupils dilate at the closeness. You notice, but shake it off. Probably just a refocus due to proximity. I wonder if my eyes did the same thing.  
You stare back, and with a non-verbal affirmation, the nibbing starts. 
It’s dead quiet in the office, you glance at the clock and exhale in relief when you see that there are still fourteen minutes left in lunch. If anyone were to walk in, you think you might actually jump out the window. 
How did it even come to this? You wonder. The brunette’s persuasive powers would never cease to amaze you. You could never tell if it was his grin, demeanor, the way he walked, or the look in his eyes that got to you. Maybe it was everything. 
On the flip side, Dazai could talk for hours about everything about you. He’d always found you charming, ever since you started working at the agency. He flirted, gave you sweet nicknames, held your hand delicately as he asked you to partake in a double suicide with him. Most others would lose patience after a while and resort to giving him the cold shoulder; disregard him, not that he expected any less. You, on the other hand, for some incomprehensible reason, never stopped looking at him like he might be worth something. You treated his wounds after a rough mission, told him to get home safely, covered for him when he wanted to nap, you even took him to a spicy curry place for his birthday knowing it was his favorite. He found himself craving the warmth you showed, any attention at all. He began to observe. He watched your reactions, tried to press your buttons, everything he could think of that would usually drive people away. Why you seemingly haven’t given up on him yet is something he cannot grasp, but hopes to one day understand. 
Such a man so capable of love yet tainted by the world to walk the tightrope between life and death. 
Eyes like two pools, drowning you, endlessly deep, slowly inching closer and closer. You can feel his breath fanning over your lips, and goosebumps rise on the back of your neck. 
You’re struggling to balance the pocky between your lips now, each of your actions minuscule and calculated. A little bit closer. What if we actually meet in the middle? Almost there. Do I want this? Barely an inch left. Does he want this too? 
The pocky snaps, and in the next moment, you’re left with part of the treat sticking out of your mouth while Dazai pulls back and swallows his half. The ghost of a smile resides in his eyes, you stare for a moment before finishing your half and sputtering out a sentence. 
“W-what was that Dazai?” you question, embarrassment burning on your cheeks. “I thought… I…”  you slowly go silent, barely having the nerve to stare at him as he rises and leads his chair back around to his own desk. 
“Pulling away is an automatic loss,” he replies with a complacent smile, hands resting in his pockets, “I thought you wanted to win, no?” 
You sit there, nothing but dumbfounded as the detective saunters his way out of the office space. “Enjoy finishing your report Belladonna!~” he calls, casting you a glance over his shoulder before the office door shuts behind him. 
You glance at the box of strawberry pocky left on your desk.
Such a goddamn tease. 
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A/n: Thank you for reading! This was my first time writing for him so I hope it was okay. I just wanted to try something simple.
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ramennoodlezzzao3 · 4 months
The outsiders as B99 scenes
Two-bit: listen Pone, it’s okay, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about
Ponyboy: I’m not embarrassed and I didn’t get mugged! Three men tried to mug me but I fought them off, injuring two of them!
Sodapop: Why would you keep this from me? 
Darry: And why would you lie about going to the library?
Dally: Because he couldn’t go! Because he’s injured!
Ponyboy: I wasn’t injured I was lightly stabbed
Darry: I’m sorry…you were STABBED?!
Ponyboy: Lightly Stabbed.
Dally: We called you in because your first contact with Tim was a disaster 
Johnny: Why? Because our “Kill it with kindness” approach backfired and he threatened to kill me?
Dally: Yes! Every single detail of what you just said!
Dally, who just got back from the reformatory: Alright, fill me in, tell me everything I missed
Johnny: won’t take long, only three things happened: Darry chipped his tooth and had a lisp for a week
Ponyboy: Number two, Two-bit and his mom accidentally wore the same outfit one day
Johnny: and Darry banned headphones inside the house due to the Sodapop incident
Dally: What’s the Sodapop Inci-
Steve: Don’t ask
Two-Bit: We’re Dr-dr-driven in a-
Both: CAR!
Dally: Destination: Drug Dealers-
Both: BAR!
Two-Bit: Pass the mic right over to-
Both: PONY
Two-Bit: we forgot Ponyboy….
Dally: but we can’t turn back because we’ve gone too far-ny!
Two-Bit: We have to turn back though, we can’t just leave him-
Two-Bit, standing outside the school: Wait for it…wait for it…9:01, Ponyboy Curtis is officially late for the first time ever. Alright, let’s do this, who’s got theories?
Steve: Uhm…alarm didn’t go off?
Two-Bit: all three alarms? All with battery backup? Come on, who wants to take this seriously!?
Johnny: Oh! He was abducted in his sleep!
Two-Bit: That’s what I’m talking about! Super dark, Jonnny, but way more plausible than Stevies idiotic alarm clock theory
Sodapop: I bet he tucked himself into bed too tight and got stuck
Steve: Maybe he fell into a different universe where he’s interesting 
Dally: It’s 9am, why arn’t yall inside the school?
Two-Bit: Pones a few minutes late and we’re all trying to find out why!
Dally: I’d like to play. I’d say he’s in line at the…DX!
Dally: This is fun
Two-Bit: it is fun, but you’re all wrong! He clearly slipped through a subway grade and is having a terrible make out sesh with a mole man!
Ponyboy: *comes running up to the school*
Steve: Ponyboy Michael, we were worried sick, Do you care to explain yourself?!
Ponyboy: I’m only 70 seconds late, don’t worry about it!
Dally: Pony, you will tell us and you will tell us how
Ponyboy while looking down: I was in line at the DX 
Dally: *Claps* HOT DAMN!
Steve: Do you remember what he was singing?
Johnny: I think it was the song “I want it that way”?
Steve: Backstreet Boys, I’m familiar…
Steve: Soc 1, could you please sing the opening to “I Want It That Way”?
Soc 1 who is currently tied to a chair with several other Socs as the gang surrounds them: Really?… okay *clears throat* You are my fire
Johnny: *Shakes head* 
Steve: Soc 2, Keep it goin’
Soc 2: The one desire
Steve: Soc 3
Soc 3: believe when I say
Steve: Soc 4!
Soc 4: I want it that way
Steve: tell me why!
All Socs: Ain’t nothing but a heartache
Steve: tell me why!
All Socs: ain’t nothing but a mistake
Steve: now Soc 5!
Bob: I never wanna hear you say~!
Steve: Yaooo!
All Socs: I want it that way!
Steve: Chills, literal chills!
Johnny: it’s Soc 5, Soc 5 drowned Ponyboy 
Steve: Oh, yeah, I forgot about that part-
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incorrectkismet17 · 5 months
Guy: You remember what he was singing?
Poppy: I think it was that song I want it that way.
Guy: Backstreet Boys I’m familiar, number 1 could you please sing the opening to I want it that way?
Ablaze: Really? Ok. You are my fire.
Guy: Number 2 keep it going.
Boom: The one desire.
Guy: Number 3.
Trickee: Believe when I say.
Guy: Number 4.
Hype: I want it that way.
Guy: Tell me why.
Kismet: Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache
Guy: Tell me why.
Kismet: Ain’t nothing but a mistake
Guy: Now number 5.
Branch: I never wanna hear you say
Guy: Whoo
Kismet: I want it that way.
Guy: Chills literally chills
Poppy: Number 5, number 5 ruined my party
Guy: Oh my gosh, I forgot about that.
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larz-barz · 11 months
ok so y’all know that rlly angsty fic i wrote the other day? the love potion one? ok, so, i showed it to my sister and she didn’t like it cause it didn’t have a happy ending 💀💀💀 like nah bruh full blown angst is the best type of angst like fr💀💀💀
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rpmemes-galore · 3 months
Dorothy : Gifts from the Holy Ghost album … sentence starters
"I was born to break."
"Didn't I fuck you up?"
"Now it's too late to run."
"Stay close to me, baby."
"Not gonna play the fool."
"Watch me run this town."
"Oh, why love a girl like me?"
"Hit me where it hurts, babe."
"Oh, why love a boy like you?"
"We are blood, we are family."
"We believe in the other side."
"Won't you free a human soul?"
"This heart ain’t yours to bleed."
"No, you will never be the same."
"Don't trust a man, I trust myself."
"Whoa, I feel it deep in my bones."
"We can beg for forgiveness later."
"Crazy that you like it, messed up."
"Not gonna be the sad wife, babe."
"Gave you my whole heart to break."
"Yeah, I'm back on top of the world!"
"Heaven said that it wasn't my time."
"Call me an outcast, call me a freak."
"A little too late to right your wrongs."
"Don't let the demons get you down."
"Broke myself of my own worst habit."
"There was a time I was willing to die."
"No one's laying roses on your bones."
"Even when you're there, I'm all alone."
"Don't give a damn what people think."
"One day I’ll be dancing on your grave."
"They said I was dead, but I'm still alive."
"I know the ups and downs are strange."
"You'll be where nothing can brеak you."
"Don't understand how I cheated death."
"You never heal me where it hurts, baby."
"So come on and hit me like a hurricane."
"Can't shut me up, won't bite my tongue."
"Hell on my heels, but I won't back down."
"Blood on my hands, what’s done is done."
"You are more than enough, don't change."
"Take my hand 'cause you know I'm down."
"Even when you cry, you're made of stone."
"'Cause I make you feel tough, remember?"
"You know heartache's nothing new to me."
"I had enough, so I'm making my own way."
"Long is the road outta hell and the misery."
"And I pray with the Devil you rest in peace."
"I was born to break every curse, every chain."
"When love is on your side, it's a bеautiful life."
"They said I was done, then they cut me loose."
"Watch those bullets ricochet straight off of me."
"Better when I'm mad, when I'm out for blood, yeah."
"You wanna build me up with your love? No, I'm good, babe."
"You would've been proud of me. I did everything you asked."
"There was a time I was runnin' through hell, never thought I'd make it out alive."
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craziness2345 · 1 month
( first time ever doing something like this but im planning on starting some one shots so hit me with some requests?)
(Y/N)- you are my fire.. The one desire..believe when I say
( Peter and Kate ) Peter and Kate both grab a hair brush to sing into- I want it that way
(Y/N) -But we are two worlds apart.. can’t reach to your heart.. when you say
(Peter and Kate)- that I want it that way
(Y/N) jumps onto the couch in the common room- tell me why!
(Peter and Kate) -leaning against each other they pull the hair brush up against their mouths - Ain’t nothing but a heartache
(Y/N)- tell me why!
(Peter and Kate)- Ain’t nothing but a mistake
(Y/N)- tell me why!
(Peter and Kate) they jump on the couch with you
( all three of you) - I never wanna hear you say I want it that way
Y/N jumps of the couch happily high-fiving Peter and Kate meanwhile Natasha, Wanda and Yelena are standing in the kitchen dumbfounded by what they just witnessed
( Natasha ) she face palms herself - can’t believe we’re dating them
(Wanda ) humming the song to herself - I liked it we all know how y/n gets when they’re with those two- Wanda waves off giggling
(Yelena) rolls her eyes- I’m seriously questioning my choice of dating Kate after this
Bonus scene
( Tony) - oh my god this is the best video thank god for Friday recording this!- he laughs watching it on his tablet
(Peter)- Mr stark! You weren’t suppose to see that!- he groans in embarrassment
( Tony) - sorry kid there’s nothing I haven’t seen in this tower and I may have sent it to MJ- he takes off running after that
( Peter) face red in embarrassment and mortified - noooo!
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https-hargreeves · 11 months
Cha Cha: Number one, sing the opening to the song “I Want It That Way”.
Luther: Really? … Okay - you are my fire~
Hazel: Number two keep it going.
Diego: My one desire
Cha Cha: Number three.
Allison: Believe, when I say,
Klaus: I want it that way!
All: Ain’t nothing but a heartache!!
All: Ain’t nothing but a mistake!
Hazel: Now number fi-ve
Five(passionately): I never wanna hear you say~ I want it that way!
Hazel: Chills. Literally chills.
Cha Cha: It’s number five. Five is the mass Assassin.
Hazel: Oh my gosh I forgot about that!
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Fiesta: So, do you recognize any of these men?
Mabu: I was hiding in the bathroom stall, so I didn’t see his face. But I heard him. He was singing along to the music at the bar.
Fiesta: Do you remember what he was singing?
Mabu: I think it was that song, “I Want It That Way.”
Fiesta: Backstreet Bots, I’m familiar. Okay. (speaking into mic) Number one, could you please sing the opening to "I Want It That Way”?
Troll: Really? Okay. 🎵You are my fire.🎵
Fiesta: Number two, keep it going.
Cyclops: 🎵The one desire.🎵
Fiesta: Number three.
Spell Punk: 🎵Believe, when I say.🎵
Fiesta: Number four!
Arkeyan: 🎵I want it that way.🎵
Fiesta: 🎵Tell me why!🎵
Everyone: 🎶Ain’t nothing but a heartache!🎶
Fiesta: 🎵Tell me why!🎵
Everyone: 🎶Ain’t nothing but a mistake!🎶
Fiesta: 🎵Now number five!🎵
Berserker: 🎵I never want to hear you sayy-🎵
Fiesta: Whoo!
Everyone: 🎶I want it that way!🎶
Fiesta: Ah, chills! Literal chills.
Mabu: (tearing up) It was number five. Number five ate my brother.
Fiesta: By the Ancients, I forgot about that part.
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man--eater · 2 months
from his lips, not words alone pleased her: chapter ten
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Chapter 10: thy stay, not free, absents thee more
“Listen, Daph,” Husk said, his voice as low and rough as stone scraping upon itself. “You gotta understand. Overlords ain’t like regular sinners—regular people. I should know. Used to be one, a long time ago.” I said nothing, swirling the whiskey around in my glass, watching it go round and round, forever circling, trapped, trapped trapped. I took a deep breath, squeezing my eyes shut before opening them to pay attention; Husk deserved no less. “You don’t, uh,” Husk mused, “you don’t look at people the same way anymore. You can’t. Not if you wanna be someone. When you’re hunting for souls, trading for ‘em—you can’t think about the person they’re attached to. You can’t think about their families, their children, their lovers. Can’t think about the whole life that shaped the soul. Cause they’re just a number to you. Just a coin in your pocket—a chip in your stack.” Husk lifted the handle of whiskey he was cradling in his lap, knocking it back and gulping with his eyes closed. He tore the bottle away from his lips like a bandage from a wound, and a dark rivulet of liquor ran down the side of his mouth, staining his fur. “I guess—what I’m tryin’ to say is,” he said, his dark eyes deep and sorrowful and haunted, “love ain’t something easy anymore.” He snorted, shaking his head. “As if it ever was.” Husk took another long drink from the bottle, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “You’re still lookin’ at the numbers, calculating the risks. Asking yourself how much you’re willing to lose if you make a bad bet. The only way the odds are in your favour is if you keep your own secrets and don’t trust nobody.” My fingers clenched, claws pricking into my palms as my eyes stung anew. “So,” Husk sighed, “you hold yourself away. If you try to let yourself love, it’s—it’s a clumsy, childish kinda love. Meagre. Hungry. You want ‘em to love you back, but you won’t let ‘em close enough to ever know you.” He ran his claws over his face and down the back of his head, tail twitching every few seconds. “And when you set something up to fail, it don't hurt as bad when it falls apart.” His eyes stared out towards the city, but he was far away. Husk cleared his throat, soothing it with whiskey. “Cause by the time you reach the end, you’ve already done your grieving,” Husk rasped, his wings drooping. Angel stared at him, mouth slightly ajar, and leaned a little closer to Husk. I wrapped my arms around myself, instinctively shrinking into a smaller target—as if that would spare me from the relentless heartache.
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